Advertisement price list 2016
Advertisement price list 2016
Advertisement price list no. 28 valid from 1/2016 Advertisement price list 2016 Hülsebrockstraße 2– 8 D-48165 Münster Advertisement price list no. 28 valid from 1/2016 Anzeigenpreisliste Nr. 21 Up-to date news: Development of circulation numbers (IVW) Profile 72,142 figures based on the 2nd quarter of each year 2015 66,992 63,368 54,904 51,791 49,435 46,815 43,304 0 2011 Place of publication: 48165 Münster Average distribution during the 1st half of 2015: 76,023 copies 10.000 2009 Seite 70 2007 Bremstromme demontieren 2005 Seite 12 2003 Valtra T174e Active 2001 Seite 42 1991 ln Kvernelandugh 2500 i-Plo 14,889 Praktisch Schleppertest 1999 Fahrbericht 70,234 Seite 28 2013 20.000 llung: 38,377 30.000 1997 Erste Vorste NIK 40.000 30,226 RTECH NELLE AGRA 50.000 1995 9 - 2015 The monthly circulation figure is more than 70,000. profi readers are • technically minded farmers who are willing and able to invest Case IH 0 • larger-scale farmers who also take on contrac30 m Optu ting work • large-scale contractors • farm machinery dealers and engineers • farm machinery manufacturers and R&D departments This readership makes profi the leading advertising medium in the agricultural machinery industry ESSIO FÜR PROF M AGAZ IN 60.000 23,891 Target groups 9 - 2015 .de www.profi S PLU e-Magazin 70.000 1993 profi is the magazine on agricultural machinery for professional applications. Every month profi publishes in-depth and relevant information for technically minded readers, focusing on detailed test reports on new and used equipment, DIY solutions, repair instructions, workshop tips, and explanations of electronic systems as well as machine servicing tips that save good money. profi always focuses on the practical side of farming. All tests and assessments are carried out in the field, from which we derive valuable tips for owners and operators. Our tests help readers to form an opinion, assist in making machinery buying decisions and provide them with arguments for their negotiations. Farm machinery and nothing else – that’s profi Urteile . . Praktiker. Gebraucht te . Tuning nt . Hobby . Manageme s . Fahrberich . Elektronik ests . Praxistest Schleppert stechnik . Energie . Veredlung Praxistipps Profile Advertisement price list no. 28 valid from 1/2016 Up-to date news: Publisher: Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH Hülsebrockstraße 2– 8 D-48165 Münster Tel: ++ 49 2501/801-0 Telefax: ++ 49 2501/801-85 60 Management board: Hermann Bimberg (Spokesperson) Werner Gehring Trade Media manager: Dr. Peter Wiggers Tel.: ++49 25 01/801-18 00 Editor in chief: Manfred Neunaber Tel: ++ 49 25 01/8 01-0 Product manager: Reinhard Geissel Tel: ++49 2501/801-16 30 Advertising marketing specialist: Jonas Patzelt Tel: ++ 49 2501/801-17 90 Advertising enquiries: Rita Hardenberg Telefon: ++ 49 2501/801-16 90 Timetable 2016 Timetable 2016 Issue no. Publication date (Postal delivery date) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Closing date for advert orders 16.12.2015 20.01.2016 17.02.2016 16.03.2016 20.04.2016 18.05.2016 15.06.2016 20.07.2016 17.08.2016 14.09.2016 19.10.2016 15.11.2016 01.12.2015 05.01.2016 02.02.2016 01.03.2016 05.04.2016 29.04.2016 31.05.2016 05.07.2016 02.08.2016 30.08.2016 04.10.2016 28.10.2016 Advertisement copy deadline 07.12.2015 11.01.2016 08.02.2016 07.03.2016 11.04.2016 06.05.2016 06.06.2016 11.07.2016 08.08.2016 05.09.2016 10.10.2016 04.11.2016 *Submission of print-ready files Internet / Special Products: Stefan Ettmann Tel: ++49 2501/801-17 70 Special prints/ Test seals: Birgit Hüsing Tel: ++49 2501/801-69 61 Advertising sales manager: Gabriele Wittkowski Tel: ++49 2501/801-17 00 Year: 28 Year 2016 Publication: monthly Size of page: 297 mm high/210 mm wide Type area: 270mm wide/190mm wide Column width & no. a)Ad section 46 mm / 4 columns b) Editorial section: 61 mm / 3 columns Advertisement price list no. 28 valid from 1/2016 Up-to date news: FormatNo. of columnsWidth x height in mm AAdvertisement Base price b/w gross 2c/3c euroscale 4c euroscale in Euro in Euro in Euro 1/1 Seite 4 190 x 270 6,723 8,40410,757 3/4 Seite 4 3 190 x 200 142 x 270 5,424 6,7688,664 2/3 Seite 4 2 190 x 178 4,821 6,0167,701 125 x 270 1/2 Seite 4 2 190 x 133 94 x 270 3,616 4,5125,776 1/3 Seite 4 on editorial page1 190 x 88 61 x 270 2,893 3,6104,621 1/3 page 190 x 88 2,411 3,0083,851 1/4 page 4 190 x 66 2 94 x 133 1 46 x 270 1,808 2,2562,888 1/6 page 4 2 190 x 43 94 x 88 1,2051,504 1,925 1/8 page 4 2 1 190 x 32 94 x 66 46 x 133 1/16 page 2 1 94 x 32 46 x 66 452 564722 1/32 page 1 46 x 32 226 282361 4 904 prices and discounts Discounts For advertising within 12 months By insertion 3 ads 6 ads 9 ads 12 ads 18 ads 24 ads 3% 5% 7% 10% 15% 20% By space ½ page ½ page 3 pages 6 pages 9 pages 12 pages 18 pages 3% 5% 10% 15% 17% 20% 22% 1,1281,444 Classified ads(per mm per column) Recruitment adsare not discountable All prices Euroexcl. VAT VAT on small b/w advert prices can be charged at € 7.25 by mm. There is no extra charge for bleeds (all ads on editorial pages). Payment terms: Payment in advance and by direct debit receives 3% discount. Payment within in 14 days of receipt of invoice receives 2% discount. Payment within 30 days of receipt of invoice: full payment. VAT ID no. DE 126 042 224 Base price b/w 2c/3c euroscale 4c euroscale € 4.50 € 5.63 € 7.20 Enquire about private ad rates. Advertisement price list no. 28 valid from 1/2016 Anzeigenpreisliste Nr. 18 Special inserts, technical data, bleed sizes Special inserts Technical data Formats Inserts: A sample of the insert has to be supplied before final acceptance of the order. Maximum 205 x 290 mm format. The closed edge must be parallel to the spine of the magazine. Inserts of up to 26 g are charged at €219 per ‰ (incl. shipping costs, excl. VAT. Please enquire about rates for higher weights and material thicknesses exceeding 3 mm. Printing method: Cover: Sheet-fed offset; inside pages: Web-fed offset Magazine sizes plus 3 mm bleed in addition to trim size. The left and right bleed widths may vary up to 3 mm from magazine format depending on copy thickness. Bound inserts Please enquire about bound inserts in the middle of the magazine. A sample of the insert has to be supplied before final acceptance of the order. Submit the material in untrimmed size and folded to 213 / 222 x 306 mm (incl. 6 m top bleed). Submit magazine circulation number plus 2% spoilage. Depending on magazine thickness, bleeds may vary by up to 3 mm from the magazine format. Prices for bound inserts: 4-page insert € 14,916 6-page insert: € 22,368 8-page insert: € 29,823 Tip-on inserts: Tip-ons (incl. CD ROMs) can be placed on full-page adverts. Tip-on postcards are charged € 125 per ‰ incl. shipping costs. Filled envelopes and flyers are available on request. All prices excl. VAT Please enquire for further insertion products, the shipping address and dates. Inserts are not discountable Binding: Saddle stitched Submission of material: by e-mail to: Advertisement formats and bleeds: File formats: PDF to PDF/X-1a optimized for printing. Please vectorise fonts used in EPS files. Open files can be accepted only on enquiry. 4-colour images in 300 dpi resolution and Composite mode (CMYK). Full page 210 mm (w) and 297 mm (h) plus 3 mm bleed 3/4 page horizontal 210 mm (w) and 222 mm (h) plus 3 mm bleed Advertisement copies/proofs: Proofs must simulate ISO coated_v2. Without advertisement motive we shall accept no responsibility for the accuracy and proper printing quality of the advertisement. No claims shall be accepted if no proofs were submitted. Any costs which arise from extra layout work and image editing shall be charged extra. Production of colour adverts: All colours are based on Euroscale. Special colours are not available. Colours that do not simulate CMYK mode are automatically converted to CMYK using ISOcoated_v2, which may lead to minor colour variations. No claims shall be accepted for such variations. The advert is printed to Fogra Media standards. Any tolerable variations in colour are down to technology and are within the Fogra ISO standard. 2/3 page vertical 135 mm (w) and 297 mm (h) plus 3 mm bleed 2/3 page horizontal 210 mm (w) and 195 mm (h) plus 3 mm bleed Half page vertical 104 mm (w) and 297 mm (h) plus 3 mm bleed Half page horizontal210 mm (w) and 148 mm (h) plus 3 mm bleed 1/3 page vertical 71 mm (w) and 297 mm (h) plus 3 mm bleed 1/3 page horizontal210 mm (w) and 103 mm (h) plus 3 mm bleed Advertisement price list no. 28 valid from 1/2016 eMagazine profi eMagazine – the tablet edition profi subscribers can now also enjoy reading the latest edition on their iPads or Tablet PCs. The tablet version offers the same articles as the print version. In addition, it is packed with extra features such as video clips, photo galleries, audio files and 360° photos. Based on the Adobe DPS standard, the eMagazine uses state-of-the art technology. Farm machinery and nothing else – multimedia on iPad and Tablet PC The tablet edition is available for download one week before the printed version is published. Advertising opportunities Full-page linking advert (up to about 2 MB). The tablet needs to be connected to the internet for the link to operate. €800 Full-page advert featuring animations, photo galleries, video clips(up to about 10 MB). All data are embedded and downloaded simultaneously. €1040 Discounts on the combined printed and tablet versions Discount rates by insertion and space available for the printed copy also apply for your advertising in the eMagazine. eMagazine advertising is not discountable on advertising in the printed copies. We are pleased to answer your questions on advertising in the profi eMagazine and assist in the preparation of your media. Contact Jonas Patzelt, E-Mail: Tel.: +49 (0) 25 01/8 01-17 90 We are happy to provide a trial access for your iPad or Tablet PC at short notice. Technical data Document format: 2048 x 1536 pixels (landscape) Colour space of all elements: sRGB (please generate both vector based and image files in RGB) Videos: max. width 1024 pixels, MP4, H 264 Codec, max. running time: 1 min for videos of more than 15 MB. We offer the option of uploading the videos via a web server where the data can be hosted by us or yourself. Please enquire about further details. Images: Min. resolution is 108 ppi; overlay photo material should be trimmed to the image section to save memory space. Non-interactive elements are trimmed automatically in Folio Builder. Max. Folio file size: 10–15 MB Fonts: Customers are responsible for licensing their fonts used in their digital media. Advertisement price list no. 28 eMagazine / seminars Generating DPS Folios Design your advert in Adobe InDesign (Verion 5.5 or higher). Then create a new Folio in Folio Builder and give it the following name: profi_copy number_campaign name. Add the open InDesign document as an article via Folio Builder. Submit the cleared DPS Folios 1. Select a Folio from the Folio Builder panel. 2. Click ‘Clear’ in the Folio Builder panel menu. 3. Enter a subject and a brief message in ‘E-Mail Adresse’ and click ‘Clear’. Please clear only one Folio at a time. Resolution sizes are 2048 x 1536 pixels (iPad 4) and 1024 x 768 pixels (iPad 2) – no changes need to be made to the size of your proof which can still be 2048 x 1536 pixels. A different size of 1024 x 768 pixels needs to be selected only while generating the Folio. Sample advertisement valid from 1/2016 Up-to date news: profi - your seminar partner The profi seminars and presentations provide the perfect setting in which to present your company and products to your industry. Take the opportunity to attract attention, gain new customers and strengthen existing contacts. As a partner and exhibitor you can • insert your company or brand logo on the homepage or in our newsletters to attract attention in the run-up to the event. • present your individual expertise at the event. • promote your target group relationships at the events. Give a fresh impetus to your market and meet your customers and other leaders in your industry. We will be pleased to offer personal advice. Contact: Jonas Patzelt Tel: 0 25 (0) 25 01/8 01-17 90 E-mail: Advertisement price list no. 28 valid from 1/2016 online Up-to date news: Read breaking news from within the agri industry, plus in-depth and background information on the printed articles at The site also hosts a highly frequented forum of technically minded users, offers advice, features a comprehensive archive of all copies published 1 to date, and video clips of the profi driving impressions and practical 2 tests. Make use of the wide range of innovative advertising opportunities that help to promote your product in multimedia format. 1+2 3 4 1 6 Format (Width x height in pixels) File size Price per thousand hits1 728 x 90 50 kB €30 Skyscraper 120 x 600, 160 x 600 50 kB €39 Hockeystick 728 x 90 + 160 x 600 100 kB €54 300 x 250 50 kB €54 300 x 250 20 MB / max. 5 Min. €60 970 x 90 + 300 x 600 100 kB €90 300 x 600 100 kB €45 Leaderboard Medium Rectangle 4 Wallpaper 6 5 Type of display ad Video 1+2+3 2 profi online display advertising price list 2016 3 2+5 Halfpage Ad Ad Bundle 728 x 90 + 300 x 250 + 160 x 600 Mobile Closing date for orders and advertisement copy deadline Please send the finished files three days prior to publication to: Note the technical specifications as detailed at: Our General Terms of Online Advertising apply: 50 kB €55 1 This price covers Cross Media campaigns and direct booking. Please enquire for further special formats including Native Advertising, Floor-Ad, etc. as well as Targeting options Combined print/online advertising discounts 3 300 x 50 €40 iscount rates by insertion and D space as offered for the printed copy also apply for your banner advertising. Online advertising is not discountable on advertising in the printed copies. Discounts for display and newsletter advertising 50,000 AdImpressions 3% 100,000 AdImpressions 5% 200,000 AdImpressions 7% 300,000 AdImpressions 10 % 500,000 AdImpressions 15 % Contact Don’t hesitate to call and enquire on our advertising options: Stefan Ettmann,, Tel.: ++49 (0) 25 01/8 01-1 770 We will be happy to provide you with a trial access to or a trial subscription to the profi newsletter. Advertisement price list no. 28 valid from 1/2016 online Up-to date news: Advertising in the profi newsletter The newsletter keeps profi readers up to date between two publication dates, giving breaking agricultural machinery news, events, workshop tips and much more. Key statistics on use • 743,018 page views per mont • 38,291 registered users • 141,667 visits per month Average number of visits per month Publication date:: The 15th of each month +/- 3 days. Mailing list: 24,888 addresses Opening rate: 30 %, Stand: 07/2015 160,000 Advertising opportunities(Fixed price per mailing) 140,000 120,000 Format File size Price A Medium Rectangle 300 x 250 50 kB €600 80,000 B Medium Rectangle 180 x 150 50 kB €360 60,000 300 characters – €360 300 characters 90 x 90 50 kB €600 Type of advertising C Text display D Text display & image E Stand-alone newsletter (width x height in pixels) 155,458 140,386 138,973 141,667 100,000 40,000 20,000 0 1st quarter 2012 1st quarter 2013 1st quarter 2014 1st quarter 2015 Send a ‘stand-alone’ newsletter to registered profi users. Titled with the profi logo, the newsletter contains purely customer content. All customer content is identified as advertisement. €6,222 E D 2014 -DV profi Jahres Videos der ests hte und -Praxist cken profi-Fahrberic und Ausdru • über 2 Stunden zum Lesen sgaben 2014 • alle profi-Au A D B INFOProgramm gemäß §14 JuSchG The profi media center is packed with information on the wide range of advertising options available from our special products: Advertisement price list no. 28 valid from 1/2016 family profi – The professional Farm Machinery Magazine Countries UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA profi reader survey (more than one answer was possible) Contractor 19.1% Distribution 12,110 (ABC tested) Farmer 50.9% 54.8% Contact Mark Brazier 00 44 (0)18 23/43 01 01 Format Dealer 10.3% Farmers & Contractors 35.7% Base price b/w gross (€) 2c/3c euroscale in Euros 4c euroscale in Euros Full page 2,957 3,699 4,140 3/4 page 2,219 2,775 3,107 2/3 page 2,050 2,562 2,870 ½ page 1,537 1,921 2,151 Mini page 1,658 2,074 2,323 1/3 page 1,026 1,282 1,435 1/4 page 768 961 1,076 1/6 page 533 666 744 1/8 page 399 499 558 1/16 page 200 251 278 1/32 page 100 125 141 Advertisement price list no. 28 valid from 1/2016 family profi Russia profi Türkiye Sayı: 22 Suvi 2015 Nr.4 . NEATKARĪGI . UNIKĀLI TRAKTORU TESTI . PROFESIONĀLI Braukšanas iespaidi . Lietota tehnika . Pieredze . Padomi . Auto Jūlijs 2015 Temmuz - Ağustos 2015 PROFI EESTI Nr. 4 / SUVI 2015 TARIM MAKİNELERİ ve EKİPMANLARI DERGİSİ profi Greece EESTI TESTID . SÕIDUPROOVID . KOGEMUSED Uus ja kasutatud tehnika . Haakeseadmed . Autod Fiyatı: 6 TL profi Baltics Tehnika ja lisaseadmed Nr. 4 PÕLLUMAJANDUSTEHNIKA AJAKIRI Hind 4.50€ LATVIJA ŽURNĀLS PAR LAUKSAIMNIECĪBAS TEHNIKU Cena: EUR 4,50 Tra k tö r TESTİ s a y fa 1 6 lk 72 MF 5613 Dyna-4 Proovisõit LENDERMÄE TALU: Pilla-palla maavaldused ja mudatee koduni Dosya: Silaj makinesi Hayvancılık ekipmanları Deutz-Fahr Agrotron Kasutatud tehnika6 Cshift Autod Makine yönetimi Solis uz priekšu Pirmie iespaidi 30. lpp. Tek bir düğmeye basarak Sayfa 52 Hasatta yatırım tercihi Sayfa 44 Mısır silajının uzmanları Sayfa 26 New Holland kombainide lipulaev: lk 46 CR10.90 Praktiskais tests Gazell Next – alla 15 000 euro maksev kergveok lk 94 Auto tests Manitou MLT 735-120 teleskooplaadurid lk 50 Krone kombinētās 67. lpp. pļaujmašīnas Jaunais Mitsubishi L200 88. lpp. John Deere 8500i/8600i pašgājējsmalcinātāji 40. lpp. Countries Russia Turkey Estonia, Latvia Greece 10,000 12,000 in each country 12,000 Alican Apa 00 90 (0) 53 22 13 01 93 Karlis Auza 00371 67272224 Giannis Panagos 00 30 (0)2 10/3 23 29 05 Distribution 8,000 Contact Elena Yudina 00 7 (495)781-37-56 In addition, profi articles are reprinted in the following nine countries: Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Austria, Norway, Sweden Advertisement price list no. 28 valid from 1/2016 Media specialist Special Interest office North Matthias Woort im Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH Hülsebrockstraße 2– 8 48165 Münster Phone: ++49/ 25 01/8 01-37 09 Fax: ++49/ 25 01/8 01-37 19 Henri Schwabe Windscheidstraße 26a 04277 Leipzig Phone: ++49/ 3 41/3 38 33 16 Fax: ++49/ 3 41/3 38 16 11 Frank Gloystein im Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH Hülsebrockstraße 2– 8 48165 Münster Phone: ++49/ 25 01/8 01-41 76 Fax: ++49/ 25 01/8 01-37 19 Ulrich Sprenger Laubornstraße 10 56357 Miehlen Phone: ++49/ 67 72/96 91 43 Fax: ++49/ 67 72/96 91 45 Mobile: ++49/ 1 62/9 40 76 16 Yvonne Stein im Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH Hülsebrockstraße 2– 8 48165 Münster Phone: ++49/ 25 01/8 01-37 12 Fax: ++49/ 25 01/8 01-37 19 Mariola Wycisk im Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH Hülsebrockstraße 2– 8 48165 Münster Phone: ++49/ 25 01/8 01-37 10 Fax: ++49/ 25 01/8 01-37 19 Erwin Bücherl Erich-Stegmann-Weg 7 82041 Oberhaching Phone: ++49/ 89/32 42 27 58 Fax: ++49/ 89/32 42 27 59 Thorsten Meyer Oberboihinger Str. 17 / 2 73230 Kirchheim (unter Teck) Phone: ++49/ 70 21/9 56 87 38 Fax: ++49/ 70 21/9 56 87 39 Mobile: ++49/ 1 60/94 80 88 12 Reiner Richter Schloßgasse 3 71272 Renningen Phone: ++49/ 71 59/4 05 97 65 Fax: ++49/ 71 59/4 05 97 64 Mobile: ++49/ 1 51/12 52 41 46 South Agricultural office Central Up-to date news: Ihre Mediaberater Product manager Reinhard Geissel Tel.: ++49 2501/80 1-16 30 Advertising marketing specialist Jonas Patzelt Tel.: ++49 2501/80 1-17 90 Advertising enquiries Rita Hardenberg Tel.: ++49 2501/8 01-16 90 Internet Stefan Ettmann Tel.: ++49 2501/8 01-17 70 Silvia Langer Tel.: ++49 2501/8 01-23 90 Special prints / test seals Birgit Hüsing Tel.: ++49 2501/8 01-69 61 Outside Germany Hartmut Wendt Kesselschmiedstr. 2 85354 Freising Phone: ++49/ 81 61/8 85 29 50 Fax: ++49/ 81 61/8 85 29 59 The Netherlands Dick Wolsink Bruggenweg 7 NL 7004 JH Doetinchem Phone: ++31(0)3 15/29 81 26 Mobile: ++31(0)6 12/35 95 14 France, Spain Eugen Bruder Am Ziegelacker 18 74199 Untergruppenbach Phone: ++49/ 71 30/86 18 Fax: ++49/ 71 30/93 81 Mobile: ++49/ 1 71/7 17 70 89 LV media reminder app Great Britain, Ireland Mark Brazier Tel.: 00 44 (0) 18 23 / 43 01 01 Scandinavia Matthias Woort Switzerland, Austria, Italy Erwin Bücherl/Eugen Bruder General Terms of Business The General Terms of Business apply to all order processing and can be obtained from the publisher or viewed at The app featues media data and reminds you of booked dates.