Corporate presentation
Corporate presentation
Investor Relations Corporate presentation August 2012 Brazilian Telecommunications Market Oi: Profile, Footprint and Strategy Operational and Financial Results Attachments 1 BRAZIL SNAPSHOT Income Classes Land Area 2005 • 8.5 Mn Km2 (80% of the size of Europe) Population • 191 Mn inhabitants (5th largest) • 57 Mn households (84% urban) 2011 Income* A/B 15% 22% R$ 2,907 C 34% 54% R$ 1,450 51% 24% R$ 792 6th largest economy in the world • GDP: US$ 2.5 Trillion (2011) • Currency – US$ 1.00 = R$ 1.88 (Dec/11) D/E Strong expansion in GDP per capita combined with record low unemployment rate have resulted in a significant shift in income classes * Average income per household Source: PNAD, O Observador – OPSOS2011, IBGE 2 BRAZIL’S IMPORTANCE IN THE WORLD ECONOMY GROWS AND TELECOM IS KEY TO FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY Where we were Where we are GDP, current prices, trillions of US$, 2007 GDP, current prices, trillions of US$, 2011 14 USA 4.4 Japan 15.1 USA China 7 5.9 China 3.5 Japan Germany 3.3 Germany 3.6 England 2.8 France 2.8 France 2.6 Brazil 2.5 England 2.5 Italy 2.1 Spain 1.4 Italy 2.2 Canada 1.4 Russia 1.9 Brazil 1.4 India 1.8 3 THERE IS POTENTIAL TO INCREASE PENETRATION AND INTEGRATION OF TELECOM SERVICES IN BRAZIL Dec/11 Fixed voice penetration Lines/homes Mobile penetration Lines/ population 77% 125% 70% 88% 121% 106% 100% Broadband penetration Accesses/ homes 30% 137% Pay TV penetration Subscribers/ homes 23% 42% 48% 75% 82% Source: Anatel, Pyramid 87% 61% 4 BRAZILIAN TELECOM SECTOR EVOLUTION 1998 PREPRIVATIZATION • State – owned monopoly • Lack of Investments • Low quality of services • Huge pent-up demand • Incipient Internet 2003 2008 2012 POSTPRIVATIZATION FOCUS ON COMPETITION CURRENT SCENARIO • Multiple players • Focus on universal competition and quality of services • Expansion of fixed and mobile services • GSM Launch • Broadband start-up • Consolidation • Mature fixed; mobile and broadband as growth drivers • Convergence in early stages • Launch of 3G (2008) • Expansion of Pay-TV (Cable TV and DTH) • Tough competition • Mature Mobile services: multiple chip is a market trend (on net-calls) • Pay-TV and broadband as growth drivers • 3G services is a reality • Convergent Players 5 BRAZILIAN TELECOM INDUSTRY MATURE LOCAL FIXED VOICE • Accesses losses (FMS in accesses) • Lower traffic per terminal (FMS in traffic) • More competitive market in high-end and SME (new entrants) CONTINUED EXPANSIONS IN THE MOBILE DATA MARKET WITH STRONG COMPETITION Brazilian Market (Jun/12) Access (million) Fixed Broadband Pay TV 15 Wireline 18 43 • Market evolution, mainly in the pre-paid (naked sim-card) market based in the multiple chip trend • ARPU for the industry has been reduced • Different business models 256 BROADBAND AND PAY TV WITH STRONG GROWTH • Fierce competition in areas that concentrate high-end clients • Continuous expansion and falling ARPU • Penetration: • Fixed Broadband: 31% of households • Pay TV: 25% of households Mobile CAGR (03-11): Broadband: 39% Mobile: 23% Wireline: 1% Pay-TV: 17% Source: ANATEL, Teleco and Team analysis; FMS - Fixed to Mobile 6 Substitution; SME - Small & Medium Enterprises BRAZILIAN TELECOM INDUSTRY: MOBILE MARKET MOBILE MARKET* (MILLION) 242.2 202.9 174.0 150.6 44.1 256.1 46.9 35.8 30.4 27.9 122.7 2008 143.6 2009 167.1 2010 Pre-paid Includes 3G (mini-modem and data package) Source: Teleco, Anatel and Team analysis 198.2 209.2 2011 Jun/12 • Naked sim-cards continues as a national trend • Penetration rate reached 130% in Jun.12 • Multiple chip is a market trend (on net-calls) • Pre-Paid: represents 82% of the total access Post-paid 7 BRAZILIAN TELECOM INDUSTRY: BROADBAND MARKET Fixed Broadband BROADBAND MARKET (MILLION) 30.1 24.3 12.2 19.8 7.9 16.0 12.1 • Broadband: Strong growth in accesses • Fixed broadband penetration: 31% of households (18.0 MM access) • ADSL corresponded to 64% of total fixed broadband accesses and 43% of the total (fixed + mobile) in Dec/11. 6.0 Mobile Broadband 4.6 2.1 10.0 11.4 2008 2009 13.8 2010 Fixed Broadband 17.9 16.4 2011 Mar/12 • Mobile broadband becomes an alternative for broadband access • 84% growth in the last 12 months • 51% of total mobile broadband in jun/12 were 3G (mini-modem) users Mobile Broadband 1) Mobile broadband includes 3G (mini-modem) and M2M Source: Teleco, Anatel and Team analysis 8 BRAZILIAN TELECOM INDUSTRY: PAY-TV PAY-TV MARKET (MILLION) 14.5 12.7 0.2 Pay TV 0.2 9.8 8.4 7.5 0.3 0.4 2.8 4.5 3.8 4.3 5.0 5.5 2008 2009 2010 2011 6.3 0.4 2.1 Cable *Others: MMDS and UHF Source: Teleco, Anatel and Team analysis DTH 7.0 5.9 • Pay-TV: Strong growth in accesses • Penetration: 25% • DTH represents for 83% of net additions in the 2Q12 • Pay-TV: More growth opportunities in classes C and D due to lower households penetration Jun/12 Others* 9 COMPETITION: MAIN TELECOM GROUPS IN BRAZIL Economic Group Vehicle Service Clients mkt share Revenue mkt share Fixed 43% Mobile 19% Fixed Broadband 30% Pay TV 3% Fixed 25% Mobile 30% Fixed Broadband 21% Pay TV 5% Embratel Fixed* 20% Claro Mobile 25% Net/Embratel Fixed Broadband 29% Net/Embratel Pay TV 54% Tim ~Pure Mobile Mobile 27% 14% Nextel Pure Mobile Mobile - 4% Sky Pure Pay TV Pay TV 31% 5% Fixed* 7% Fixed Broadband 11% Pay TV 2% Fixed* 5% Mobile - Fully Integrated Telefônica Telmex / AMX GVT Others Integrated ~Pure Fixed Fixed Broadband 9% Pay TV 5% Jun/12 22% 26% 24% 3% 2% *information based on Mar/12 Source: Teleco 10 Brazilian Telecommunications Market Oi: Profile, Footprint and Strategy Operational and Financial Results Attachments 11 CORPORATE SIMPLIFICATION • 3 listed companies • 7 share classes • Complex capital structure • 1 listed company • 2 share classes • Capital structure improvement TNL • • TNLP3 TNLP4 TMAR • • • TMAR3 TMAR5 TMAR6 BRT • • BRTO3 BRTO4 COMMON PREFERRED TmarPart 56.4% TmarPart - Direct controllers 12.1% Direct controllers 39.1% Free-float 31.5% Free-float 60.9% OI S.A. • • OIBR3 OIBR4 12 CURRENT OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE PT 12.1% AG Tel 19.3% LF Tel 19.3% FATL 11.5% BNDES 13.1% Previ 9.7% Funcef 7.5% Petros 7.5% 100% Telemar Participações (TmarPart) 17.7% Oi S.A. (OIBR) OI S.A. (Bovespa: OIBR4/OIBR3 & NYSE:OIBR / OIBR.C) Shares** Capital Mn shares Other TmarPart FreeFloat Controlling* % % % ON 514,757,934 56.4 12.1 31.5 PN 1,125,269,709 0.0 39.1 60.9 Total 1,640,027,643 17.7 30.6 51.7 100% Telemar Norte Leste *Includes minorities stakes of,PT, AG, LF, FATL, BNDES and Pension Funds ** ex-treasury Listed company 13 Competitive differentials Broad Infrastructure Lidership in covergence • 4,505 municipalities covered by fixed network • 178 thousand of Km of Optic Fibers • Oi has 6 thousand cellular towers connected to its Fiber • Oi covers ~80% of Brazilian households • 10 years of experience in convergence: in Brazil, Oi pioneered convergent Telecom offers that changed the market Proven Execution Capacity • Anticipation of universalization targets in 2001 • Launch of Oi Mobile in region 1, being the fourth entrant, reaching leadership in market share after 3 years • Reaches 20% market share in the city of SP in 2 years • Integration with BrT done in around 1 year, capturing more than R$1 billion in synergies 14 BROAD INFRASTRUCTURE GLOBAL NATIONAL 23,000 Km 155,000 Km Globenet submarine cables interconnecting the Americas National backbone Largest coverage area in Brazil REGIONAL • Present in all Brazilian states and +5,500 municipalities • 30,000 km of LOCAL Largest public WiFi network in Brazil Over 4,500 sites covered by satellite metropolitan rings One of the largest and most diversified Telecom networks in the world Source: Oi, Anatel, Atlas Brasileiro de Telecomunicações 2011; Teleco; press 15 UNIQUE POSITION HARD TO BE REPLICATED NATIONWIDE PRESENCE + FULL BUNDLE • Unique last mile capillarity to meet growing demand in Brazilian social mobility • Company in the best position to take advantage on governmental digital inclusion programs Only company able to offer bundles across the entire country* * Except SP B2C • North and Northeast regions grew 14% and 15% in past 3 years (Brazil grew 10%): Oi has a leadership position in the regions that grow the most 16 CHANGE IN APPROACH FROM PRODUCT TO SEGMENT PRODUCT Fixed Voice Broad band SEGMENTS Mobile Pay TV RESIDENTIAL PERSONAL MOBILITY CORPORATE AND BUSINESS Leverage largest residential customer base in Brazil Increase competitiveness to attend fair share of the market Maintain leadership position in the segment and enter new markets (SP & IT) 17 CHANGE IN APPROACH FROM PRODUCT TO SEGMENT SEGMENTS RESIDENTIAL PERSONAL MOBILITY CORPORATE AND BUSINESS Residential RGU’s Personal Mobility RGU’s Business / Corporate RGU’s (Million) (Million) (Million) 43.3 18.4 17.8 18.0 0.4 3.8 0.4 4.4 0.5 4.8 14.2 13.0 12.7 2010 2011 Jun/12 Pay TV Fixed broadband Fixed line 37.5 4.9 32.6 2010 Pre-Paid 5.3 38.0 2011 45.2 5.8 7.4 7.8 8.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 5.0 5.1 5.2 2010 2011 Jun/12 39.4 Jun/12 Post-paid Pay TV Fixed broadband Fixed line 18 WE HAVE A STRATEGY FOCUSED IN SEVEN KEY INICIATIVES PERSONAL MOBILITY RESIDENTIAL •1 Leverage the largest residential base in Brazil •2 Grow presence in prepaid and leverage differentials 1a • Consolidate leadership position in fixed broadband •3 Capture fair share of high-end post-paid customers 1b • Complete Residential Bundle with TV offer •4 Capture measure data growth CORPORATE AND BUSINESS •5 Regain historical presence in SME •6 Make Oi relevant player in SP corporate •7 Position Oi as important ICT provider 1c • Maintain leadership in convergence Structural Enablers • Reinforce the organization • Improve network capacity and coverage • Aggressively expand channel expansion • Improve service quality in customer service and field service operations Source: Pyramid, IDC 19 Aggressive Commercial activity Residential Mobility • Convergent offering of unlimited fixed and mobile pre-paid services (unlimited calls from ‘Oi Fixo’ and ‘Oi Cartão’ for just R$ 29.90 per month) • ‘Oi Smartphone’ plans: Integrated and unlimited voice, internet, SMS and Oi WiFi services, and aggressive discounts for smartphones • ‘Oi Internet Total’: access anywhere via fixed and 3G network and wi-fi. Already represents 10% of high speed broadband sales; • Subsidized mini-modem for new ‘Oi Velox 3G’ clients • ‘Oi TV Mais HD Package’, with 78 paid channels for R$ 39.90/month (in the first 3 months). Most appealing entry-level package with HD of the market • Unlimited calls to any Oi and local ‘Oi Fixo’ for 30 days for just R$14.90 New offerings and plans for residential and mobility clients leverage quarterly sales 20 The reduction of TRADITIONAL TELECOM FRONTIERS, BRINGS OPPORTUNITIES AND Oi is ALREADY CAPTURING THEM Internet Over the top IT Telecom (2012) (2012) (2011) (2011) FEMTOCELL LTE (2012) Media FIBRA IPTV Financial services (2012) (2009) (2012) (2011) 21 Brazilian Telecommunications Market Oi: Profile, Footprint and Strategy Operational and Financial Results Attachments 22 REVENUE GENERATING UNITS (RGUS) 2Q12 x 1Q12 TOTAL REVENUE GENERATING UNITS – RGUS (THOUSAND) 69.693 64,083 827 7,355 37,496 771 7,848 43,263 65,939 825 7,783 39,260 70,826 Residential 72,334 757 8,112 729 8,370 44,106 45,198 The wireline client base decreased at a slower pace while broadband and pay TV accelerated, resulting in growth of the base and reverting the downward trend. Personal Mobility Acceleration of post-paid growth and focus on greater profitability of the pre-paid base 18,404 17,810 18,072 17,850 18,037 2010 2011 Jun/11 Mar/12 Jun/12 Residential Personal Mobility Business / Corporate Business / Corporate Maintenance of growth pace within the segment Others 23 Residential CLIENT BASE 2Q12 x 1Q12 RESIDENTIAL - RGUs (THOUSAND) Convergence 18,404 17,810 18,072 17,850 18,037 402 351 358 396 487 4,412 4,128 4,614 4,806 3,841 Through bundled solutions, the Company remains focused on increasing the residential base with more than one product. The total residences with more than one Oi product/service grew 2.7 pp, totaling 6,529 thousand and representing more than 50% of total households Sales Channels and Portfolio 14,161 2010 13,046 2011 Fixed Line 13,585 Jun/11 12,841 Mar/12 Fixed broadband 12,744 Jun/12 In line with the strategy of strengthening the channels, growth of Oi-owned stores and franchises, as well as the change in the commission system for partners, contributed to the result. Pay TV 24 Personal mobile CLIENT BASE 2Q12 x 1Q12 PERSONAL MOBILITY - RGUs (THOUSAND) 43,263 37,496 5,285 39,260 45,198 5,570 5,791 38,536 39,407 4,823 4,891 32,605 44,106 Post-paid 37,978 34,437 The sales performance of post-paid plans stems from the addition of more benefits to the offers and the strengthening of sales channels, which started in 3Q11 and advanced in 2012. These are already bearing fruits. We highlight that in the first half of 2012 Oi was the market leader in terms of post-paid net additions in Brazil. Pre-paid 2010 2011 Pre-paid Jun/11 Mar/12 Post-paid Jun/12 The new plan structure brings a clearer communication for the consumer and is part of a more aggressive position in the prepaid market to leverage sales and revenue. 25 Business / corporate CLIENT BASE 2Q12 x 1Q12 BUSINESS / CORPORATE - RGUs (THOUSAND) 7,848 7,783 2,242 2,280 523 513 7,355 1,806 512 Business 8,112 8,370 2,385 2,596 535 526 • Mobile line sales grew 36% • Mobile data activation grew 54% • Investment in training the teams and new regional offices • Increase sales consultants specialized in Oi’s entire service portfolio to 4,300 people Corporate 5,037 5,083 4,989 5,192 5,249 2010 2011 Jun/11 Mar/12 Jun/12 Fixed line Broadband Mobile • Fixed data grew 5% • Mobility grew 10% • Expansion of the IT and Communications product portfolio • The beginning of the execution of a specific plan for SP market • The redesign of the client service model 26 CONSOLIDATED NET REVENUE 2Q12 x 1Q12 CONSOLIDATED NET REVEUES* (R$ MILLION) 29,479 890 8,620 8,021 More complete pay TV and broadband offers help build the wireline clients’ loyalty through bundles, reflecting directly on ARPU improvement and, as consequence, reversal of the historical downward trend for Residencial revenues. 27,907 746 8,470 Personal Mobility 8,190 7,077 6,802 6,909 155 2,111 2,106 2,429 145 2,070 2,229 2,466 1Q12 2Q12 11,949 10,501 197 2,122 2,089 2,669 2010 2011 2Q11 Residential Residential Personal Mobility Business / Corporate The performance were manly due to the upturn revenues from SMS and 3G services and outgoing calls, thanks to growth of the client base, partially offset by lower network usage, due to decline in MTR. Other Services * The pro-forma results amount to the old TNL data as if the takeovers had occurred on January 1, 2011 27 CONSOLIDATED EBITDA 2Q12 x 1Q12 CONSOLIDATED EBITDA* (R$ MILLION) The performance basically results from the combination of three factors: • Accelerated RGUs growth in all business segments • Net Revenue growth, driven by the reversal of the historical downward trend in the residential segment • Stable costs and expenses, which remained at an appropriate level for the Company’s moment within the strategic plan. 10,295 8,766 2,476 2,012 2,141 2010 2011 2Q11 1Q12 2Q12 34.9% 31.4% 35.0% 29.6% 31.0% These results are in line with Oi’s long-term strategy, announced at Oi Investor Day. EBITDA Margin * The pro-forma results amount to the old TNL data as if the takeovers had occurred on January 1, 2011 28 Net Income NET INCOME (R$ MILLION) Following the approval of the corporate reorganization on February 27th, 2012, the shareholders of TNL, Coari and TMAR became shareholders of Oi S.A., as TNL and Coari were 374 extinguished and TMAR became a wholly-owned 346 subsidiary of Oi S.A. Therefore, the numbers presented herein represent Oi S.A. (the remaining Company and new name of Brasil Telecom S.A.) at the end of June 2012. However, in order to make for 64 easier understanding, we are presenting the consolidated pro-forma results for the first quarter of 2Q11 1Q12 2Q12 2012 and fourth quarter of 2011, equivalent to the former TNL’s figures, with the exception of Net Income, as if the mergers had taken place on January Net income as the basis for payment of dividends. Oi S.A. now includes all of shareholders of the group 1st, 2011. 29 Capex 2Q12 x 1Q12 CAPEX (R$ MILLION) Network and 4G Capex grew 25% vs. 1Q12 mainly due to the expansion of the broadband network and 3G coverage and the acquisition of the 4G license 4,959 783 286 3,090 616 226 3,890 2,248 2010 Network 2011 1,042 1,091 136 52 855 183 99 809 2Q11 1Q12 IT Services 1,360 431 67 862 2Q12 Others 30 indebtedness GROSS DEBT (R$ MILLION) NET DEBT (R$ MILLION) 32,845 29,920 7,667 29,719 4,579 24,979 3,979 31,737 3,240 23,535 5,087 22,253 2010 25,140 2011 Long Term 18,711 28,866 28,497 Mar/12 Jun/12 16,326 16,207 2011 Jun/11 17,472 19,892 Jun/11 2010 Mar/12 Jun/12 Short Term 31 Debt Pro forma TOTAL DEBT PROFILE (After hedge) Interest GROSS DEBT AMORTIZATION (R$ billion) Currency 31,737 1,764 3,007 3,564 Foreign, 1.8% CDI, Others, 42% 42% BRL, 98.2% TJLP, 16% Gross Debt 2012 2013 2014 2,269 2015 4,180 16,953 2016 2017 onwards FUNDING SOURCES (R$ billion) Balanced debt profile, with average term and cost of 5.1 years and 103.5% of CDI, respectively, and post-hedge foreign exchange exposure of 1.8% 31,737 1,026 10,175 8,185 1,575 2,275 6,052 4,502 Gross Borrowing Bonds Debt Costs and Hedge Debentures Asia Europe/ National CommerAsia Develop- Cial Banks 32 ment Bank Guidance & Dividend Policies Dividend Policy Guidance (R$ billion) PARAMETERS 2012 2015 Revenue Generating Units (RGU) million 74.9 106.8 Residential 19.8 25.7 Personal Mobility 45.8 67.8 Business/Corporate 9.3 13.3 Net Revenue - R$ billion 28.9 38.6 EBITDA – R$ billion 8.8 12.8 Capex – R$ billion 6.0 6.0 Net Debt – R$ billion 24.9 28.4 2012-2015: TOTAL AMOUNT OF R$ 8 BI R$3 Bln already paid (May and August/12) 3 2012 2 2 2013E 2014E 1 2015E Covenants • Net Debt /EBITDA: 3.0x • Net debt includes payment of dividends of the fiscal year • EBITDA registered in the year prior to the year of dividend payment Thanks to these results, the company reaffirms its confidence and reiterates the guidance and dividend policies announced at the Investors Day 33 Brazilian Telecommunications Market Oi: Profile, Footprint and Strategy Operational and Financial Results Attachments 34 BROAD INFRASTRUCTURE SIGNIFICANTLY SUPERIOR TO THE COMPETITION Municipalities Covered by Fixed Network by Operator Thousands of Km of Optic Fibers by Operator Oi has 6 thousand cellular 7x towers connected to its Fiber 3x 4,505 5x 168 Oi covers ~80% of Brazilian households 124 51 34 644 134 Telefônica América Móvil 118 GVT América Telefônica Móvil GVT 35 FIXED INCOME: BONDS AND RATINGS BONDS ~R$ 9.1 billion in the international capital market Issue Feb/12 Sep/11 Sep/10 Apr/09 Dec/10 Maturity Feb/22 Sep/16 Oct/20 Apr/19 Dec/17 Amount (R$ Mn) US$1,500 BRL 1,100 US$ 1,787 US$142 EUR 750 Coupon (% annual) 5.75% 9.75% 5.50% 9.50% 5.12% Yield (% annual) - issued 5.75% 9.875% 5.50% 9.625% 5.33% Yield (% annual) - current 5.28% 8.43% 5.00% 5.29% 4.26% RATINGS Oi´s soundness is reflected in the ratings awarded by the world’s leading risk assessment agencies Agency Global Scale Local Foreign Currency Currency Domestic Scale Fitch BBB BBB AAA(bra) Moody’s Baa2 Baa2 Aaabr S&P BBB- BBB- brAAA 36 Financials Operational MAIN HIGHLIGHTS Oi S.A. Pro-Forma 2Q12 1Q12 2Q11 2011 2010 Revenue Generating Unit (‘000) 72,334 70,826 65,939 69,680 63,956 Residential (‘000) 18,037 17,850 18,072 17,796 18,277 Personal Mobility(‘000) 45,198 44,106 39,260 43,264 37,757 Business / Corporate(‘000) 8,370 8,112 7,783 7,848 7,094 729 757 825 771 827 Net Revenue (R$ million) 6,909 6,802 7,077 27,907 29,479 EBITDA (R$ million) 2,141 2,012 2,476 8.766 10,295 EBITDA margin (%) 31.0% 29.6% 35.0% 31.4% 34.9% Net Debt (R$ million) 23,535 17,472 16,207 16,326 18,711 Available Cash (R$ million) 8,202 15,373 8,772 13,393 11,209 Capex (R$ million) 1,360 1,091 1,042 4,959 3,090 Others (‘000) 37 Oi’s shareholders ON % extreasury PN % extreasury TOTAL % extreasury Telemar Participações 290,549,788 56.4% - - 290,549,788 17.7% Portugal Telecom 36,367,992 7.1% 218,668,046 19.4% 255,036,038 15.6% Andrade Gutierrez - - 76,090,214 6.8% 76,090,214 4.6% La Fonte - - 76,090,366 6.8% 76,090,366 4.6% 20,072,379 3.9% 38,582,008 3.4% 58,654,387 3.6% Petros 204,547 0.04% 2,096,861 0.2% 2,301,408 0.1% Funcef 471,434 0.1% 4,345,650 0.4% 4,817,084 0.3% BNDES 4,952,568 1.0% 24,163,249 2.1% 29,115,817 1.8% Outros 162,139,226 31.5% 685,233,315 60.9% 847,372,541 51.7% TOTAL (ex-treasury) 514,757,934 100% 1,125,269,709 100% 1,640,027,643 100% Treasury 84,250,695 72,808,066 157,058,761 TOTAL 599,008,629 1,198,077,775 1,797,086,404 Oi S.A. Previ 38 Portugal telecom ownership structure in OI 35% Portugal Telecom 12.1% AG 19.3% 35% Fundação Atlântico 11.5% LF 19.3% BNDES / Pension Funds 37.8% 100% 15.6% Telemar Participações 17.7% Oi S.A. PT economic interest in Oi Through AG 2.8% Through LF 2.8% Through TmarPart 2.1% Direct in Oi 15.6% Total 23.3% 39 AG ownership structure in OI Portugal Telecom 12.1% AG 19.3% Fundação Atlântico 11.5% LF 19.3% BNDES / Pension Funds 37.8% 100% 4.6% Telemar Participações 17.7% Oi S.A. AG economic interest in Oi Through TmarPart 3.4% Direct in Oi 4.6% Total 8.1% 40 LF ownership structure in OI Portugal Telecom 12.1% AG 19.3% Fundação Atlântico 11.5% LF 19.3% BNDES / Pension Funds 37.8% 100% Telemar Participações 17.7% Oi S.A. 4.6% LF economic interest in Oi Through TmarPart 3.4% Direct in Oi 4.6% Total 8.1% 41 BNDES ownership structure in OI Portugal Telecom 12.1% AG 19.3% LF 19.3% Fundação Atlântico 11.5% BNDES 13.1% Previ 9.7% Funcef 7.5% Petros 7.5% 100% 1.8% Telemar Participações 17.7% Oi S.A. BNDES economic interest in Oi Through TmarPart 2.3% Direct in Oi 1.8% Total 4.1% 42 Previ ownership structure in OI Portugal Telecom 12.1% AG 19.3% LF 19.3% Fundação Atlântico 11.5% BNDES 13.1% Previ 9.7% Petros 7.5% Funcef 7.5% 100% 3.6% Telemar Participações Previ economic interest in Oi Through TmarPart 1.7% Direct in Oi 3.6% Total 5.3% 17.7% Oi S.A. 43 Petros ownership structure in OI Portugal Telecom 12.1% AG 19.3% LF 19.3% Fundação Atlântico 11.5% BNDES 13.1% Previ 9.7% Petros 7.5% Funcef 7.5% 100% 0.1% Telemar Participações Petros economic interest in Oi Through TmarPart 1.3% Direct in Oi 0.1% Total 1.5% 17.7% Oi S.A. 44 funcef ownership structure in OI Portugal Telecom 12.1% AG 19.3% LF 19.3% Fundação Atlântico 11.5% BNDES 13.1% Previ 9.7% Petros 7.5% Funcef 7.5% 100% 0.3% Telemar Participações Funcef economic interest in Oi Through TmarPart 1.3% Direct in Oi 0.3% Total 1.6% 17.7% Oi S.A. 45 CORPORATE STRUCTURE – shareholders rights BOARD MEMBERS DIVIDENDS • • All shares and ADR OIBR.C: right to receive a minimum 25% of adjusted annual net income Preferred Shares and ADR OIBR: minimum of 6% of Capital divided by the total number of shares or 3% of Shareholders’ Equity divided by the total number of shares, whichever higher • • FISCAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS TAG ALONG • • Common shares have a tag along right of 80% of the value paid upon acquisition of control under existing Corporate Law The Preferred shares do not have tag along rights • VOTING RIGHTS • • Common shares have full rights to vote at shareholder meetings Preferred shares have right to vote only under specific circumstances (a) Minority shareholders (15% or more of the voting shares) have the right to appoint one board member (out of 17) Preferred shareholders (10% or more of the total capital) have the right to appoint one board member (out of 17) 3 to 5 members, appointed by: • Controlling Shareholder (Telemar Participações) – 3 members • Minority Shareholders (10% or more of the voting shares) – 1 members • Preferred Shareholders – 1 member REDEMPTION RIGHTS • Shareholders have the right to redeem under certain special circumstances (b) (a) Approval of management service agreements with foreign entities related to the controlling shareholders; issuance of a new class or increase of an existing class of preferred shares and/or change in the advantages and benefits of preferred shares or in the conditions for their redemption; full right to vote if the Company does not pay dividends for three consecutive years. (b) Issuance by the Company of a new class or increase of an existing class of preferred shares; change in preference right of shares or in the conditions for their redemption; reduction on statutory dividend; merger or spin-off of the company; participation of the Company in a group of 46 companies; change in corporate purpose INVESTOR RELATIONS IR Contacts This presentation contains forward-looking statements. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about our beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements and involve inherent risks and uncertainties. These statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections, and therefore you should not place undue reliance on them. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and we undertake no obligation to update publicly any of them in light of new information or future Bayard Gontijo 55 21 3131-2972 Marcelo Ferreira 55 21 3131-1314 Cristiano Grangeiro 55 21 3131-1629 Patricia Frajhof 55 21 3131-1315 Matheus Guimarães 55 21 3131-2871 Michelle Costa 55 21 3131-2918 Leonardo Mantuano 55 21 3131-1316 events. Address: R. Humberto de Campos, 425 – 7º andar Leblon Rio de Janeiro - RJ Visit our website: Twitter: 47
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