Subdirección de Ciencias de la Atmósfera e Hidrósfera
Subdirección de Ciencias de la Atmósfera e Hidrósfera
Subdirección de Ciencias de la Atmósfera e Hidrósfera “6ta reunión científica del Observatorio HYBAM” (26-30 de Octubre de 2015), Cusco, Perú Critical erosion rates in mountain catchments during extreme El Niño events: from the west central Andes to the Pacific Ocean (Peru) Investigadores: S.B. Morera; Morera Crave, A.; Guyot, J-L.; Desiderio, A.; Grover, O.; Salinas, F.; Gálvez C. and Condom, T. Colaboradores: How do variations in sediment flux depend on extreme El Niño events? Water resource 21.8 % whole country 65% Population Objective Characterize the spatio-temporal variation in SSY dynamics in mountain catchments along the western. Identifying sediment flux influence during the extreme El Niño events (1982-83 and 1997-98). (Armijos et al., 2013; Guyot et al., 1996; Laraque et al., 2009; Morera et al., 2013; Pépin, 2007; Pepin et al., 2013; Restrepo and Kjerfve, 2004; Restrepo et al., 2006; Tarras-Wahlberg and Lane, 2003) 2 Study area and geographic settings - 20 Catchments - Altitude (15 – 6768 masl) - Area (638 -17 000 km2) • Records (1 a 70 años) - River level (C) >> Hourly Gauging (Q) >> 2 day - monthly Suspended sediment (SSC) >>> 4 hours to 10 days Turbidity >> 6 hours * ORE- HYBAM * ESPECIAL PROJECT 3 Methodology Estación Condorcerro 4 Strong spatial gradient in precipitation and runoff Without extreme El Niño events 5 Intra-annual variability and extreme events (1963-2014) Daily variation El Tigre Water discharge Water discharge Seasonal variation 6 Water discharge greater than 1200 m3.s-1 Desborde del río Tumbes inunda más de 7.500 hectáreas Domingo 29 de marzo del 2015 Hydrology characterization (PDF) 7 Suspended Sediment Rating Curve SSY (t/d) Santa Catchment Water discharge (m3/s) 8 RUNOFF AND SPECIFIC SSY SPATIAL VARIATION Without El Niño Specific suspended sediment flux RUNOFF Without El Niño 9 Extreme climate conditions during El Niño (1982-83, 1997-98) Infraestructura Hidráulica/Riego Inundaciones cuenca media. Fuente: Agencia Andina Canal Vía seco. Fuente, Municipalidad de Sullana. Suspended Sediment Rating Curve evolution X segundo a la altura de la de estación S. Cerro Cuenca ChiraChira-Piura 20 toneladas/cu toneladas/cu 2472 ¿Cuanto se transporto durante El Niño 19821982-83 (3367 m3.s-1)? ?? ? 11 Hydrology responds 7 Abbühl et al., 2010. 19 12 EROSION RATES DURING EL NIÑOS EVENTS (82-83, 97-98) Strong influence, which increases from 5 to 60 times SSY average 13 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK First estimation of the SSY variability along the Pacific Peruvian cost. Long-term Q and SSC variability have also been observed in Peru. The water discharge (runoff) gradient ranges from 2.4 to 25.3 l.km2.year-1 and specific SSY ranges from 26 to 1948 The extreme El Niño events (82-83, 97-98) the SSY increase from 3 to 60 times the historic annual average. The extreme El Niño events (82-83, 97-98) control sediment yield in the north of Peru! 14 ¡GRACIAS POR SU ATENCIÓN! S. B. MORERA.