Virology Introduction Structure , Genome and Classification of viruses Replication of viruses Diagnostic: Methods for Detection and Identification of viruses Bacteriophages Plant viruses and viral diseases in plants Animal viruses RNA silencing as an antiviral defence in host Suppression of RNA silencing by virus Control of viral diseases (chemotherapy, transgenic plants,…) 1 References Internet: ICTV (International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses) Virology Cours Book: Plant Virology (Matthews 1991) Journal: Journal of General Virology Virology Journal of Virology Advance in virus research 2 History of Virology Robert Koch (1843-1910) In 1892, Dmitri Iwanowski, a Russian botanist, presented a paper to the St. Petersburg Academy of Science which showed that extracts from diseased tobacco plants could transmit disease to other plants after passage through ceramic filters fine enough to retain the smallest known bacteria. This is generally recognised as the beginning of Virology. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) Dmitri Iwanowski (1864-1920) In 1898, Martinus Beijerinick confirmed and extended Iwanowski's results on tobacco mosaic virus & was the first to develop the modern idea of the virus, which he referred to as contagium vivum fluidum ('soluble living germ'). Also in 1898, Freidrich Loeffler & Paul Frosch showed that a similar agent was responsible for footand-mouth disease in cattle. Thus these new agents caused disease in animals as well as plants. Freidrich Loeffler (1852-1915) Martinus Beijerinick (1851-1931) Frederick Twort (in 1915) and Felix d'Herelle (in 1917) were the first to recognize viruses which infect bacteria. 3 Symptom of viruses Typically, virus infections of plants might result in effects such as growth retardation, Stunting, mosaic patterning on the leaves, yellowing, necrosis, wilting… Hyperplasia: excessive cell division Hypertrophy: excessive cell growth Roguse Ring spot Plum Pox Virus 4 Introduction to Virology Virus; Virion : Morphology: Icosahedral, bacilli form, Rod shape, filamentous Protein + Nucleic acid Protein; polymers of CP (coat protein = subunit) 2130 copies of CP=Capsid of TMV 10 million TMV=1% of Tobacco cell (do not grow or undergo division, lack of apparatus necessary for the generation of metabolic energy or for protein and nucleic acid synthesis) Obligate intracellular parasite (They are absolutely dependent on the host cell) They cause alteration in host cell metabolites Diseases: HIV, Influenza, Mosaic and stunting in plant 5 Genome of Viruses DNA or RNA, single-stranded (ss) or double-stranded (ds), linear or circular dsDNA ssDNA dsRNA +ssRNA -ssRNA Virus genomes range in size from 3,500 nucleotides to approximately 280 kilobase pairs 6 Terminal Structures P 5’ 3’ OH CAP Poly A VPg (viral protein linked genome tRNA like structure 5’phosphate 3’ OH 7 Positive-sense RNA genomes Purified (+)sense vRNA is directly infectious when applied to susceptible host cells in the absence of any virus proteins There is an untranslated region (UTR) at the 5' end of the genome which does not encode any proteins & a shorter UTR at the 3' end. These regions are functionally important in virus replication & are thus conserved in spite of the pressure to reduce genome size. Terminal Structures: Both ends of (+)stranded eukaryotic virus genomes are often modified, the 5' end by a small, covalently attached protein or a methylated nucleotide 'cap' structure & the 3' end by polyadenylation. These signals allow vRNA to be recognised by host cells & to function as mRNA. + 5’ Ribosome Proteins 8 Negative-sense RNA genomes are not infectious as purified RNA. This is because such virus particles all contain a virus-specific polymerase. The first event when the virus genome enters the cell is that the (-) sense genome is copied by the polymerase, forming either (+)sense transcripts which are used directly as mRNA, or a double-stranded molecule known either as the replicative intermediate (RI) or replicative form (RF), which serves as a template for further rounds of mRNA synthesis. Therefore, since purified negative-sense genomes cannot be directly translated & are not replicated in the absence of the virus polymerase, these genomes are inherently non-infectious. _ 5’ RdRP + 5’ Ribosome Proteines Ambisense Genome Organization: Some RNA viruses are not strictly 'negative-sense' but ambisense, since they are part ()sense & part (+)sense: Ribosome Ribosome 9 Segmented & Multipartite Virus Genomes Segmented virus genomes are those which are divided into two or more physically separate molecules of nucleic acid, all of which are then packaged into a single virus particle. Multipartite genomes are those which are segmented and where each genome segment is packaged into a separate virus particle. These discrete particles are structurally similar and may contain the same component proteins, but often differ in size depending on the length of the genome segment packaged. Family: Segments: Geminivirus (group III) (single-stranded DNA) Bipartite Comovirus (single-stranded RNA) Bipartite Furovirus (single-stranded RNA) Bipartite Tobravirus (single-stranded RNA) Bipartite Partitiviridae (double-stranded RNA) Bipartite Bromoviridae (single-stranded RNA) Tripartite Hordeivirus (single-stranded RNA) Tripartite 10 Open Reading Frames on viral genome P0 (29KDa) 5’ RdRp ORF0 ORF2 ORF3 ORF5 VPg ORF1 ORF4 CP RT ORF3 ORF5 Subgenomique RNA 5’ ORF4 MP Nomenclature: Polerovirus: PLRV (Potato Leaf roll Virus) 11 Gene Expression Strategies in viruses Max proteins by Min genome Cucumovirus +ssRNA Geminiviridae (ssDNA), bipartite Begomovirus monocistronic mRNAs RNA 1 120K RNA 2 Polymerase 2a RNA 3 MP CP NIa Nib 1- Leaky Scan CP 2- subgenomic RNA BC1/MP AC1/Rep 3- Segmented genome 2b AC2 DNA A 4- Frame shift 5- Read through DNA B Potyvirus +ssRNA PVY 6- polyprotein P1 HcPro P3 6K1 C1 6K2 CP VPg PolyA ... 35K P0 (29KDa) 5’ VPg BV1 CMV 52K 50 71K (RNA binding/ATPase) 49K (Vpg/Pro) 58K 30K RdRp ORF0 ORF2 ORF1 ORF3 ORF5 ORF4 CP RT ORF3 ORF5 Subgenomique RNA 5’ ORF4 +ssRNA Polerovirus: PLRV MP 12 Function of viral proteins Structural proteins: coat protein (CP) Capsid: protect the fragile nucleic acid genome from: Physical damage: mechanical forces Chemical damage: Chemical and UV irradiation (from sunlight) leading to chemical modification. Enzymatic damage: Nucleases derived from dead or leaky cells or deliberately secreted by vertebrates as defence against infection. Furthermore, the outer surface of the virus is responsible for recognition of the host cell. Initially, this takes the form of binding of a specific virus-attachment protein to a cellular receptor molecule. However, the capsid also has a role to play in initiating infection by delivering the genome from its protective shell in a form in which it can interact with the host cell. 13 Non Structural proteins: Enzymes: Proteinase Polymerases: RdRP, DdRP, RT Helicase Replicase (polymerase + Helicase) Other proteins: Movement protein (MP) Transmission protein VPg Protein recognizing host cell (glicoprotein) Suppressor of RNA silencing 14 Replication of Viruses 1) َAttachment: specific binding of a viral attachment protein Initiation phase: •attachment •penetration •uncoating (v.a.p.) to a cellular receptor glycoproteins or glycolipids Replication phase: •DNA synthesis •RNA synthesis •protein synthesis Release phase: •assembly •maturation •exit from cell The expression (or absence) of receptors on the surface of cells largely determines the TROPISM of most viruses, i.e. the type of cell in which they are able to replicate - important factor in pathogenesis. 2) penetration : unlike attachment, viral penetration is an energy-dependent process, i.e. the cell must be metabolically active for this to occur. three mechanisms may be involved: translocation of the entire virion across the cell membrane endocytosis of the virus into intracellular vacuoles; eventually into the cytoplasm. fusion of the viral envelope with the cell membrane. requires the presence of a viral fusion protein in the virus envelope, e.g. influenza haemagglutinin; retrovirus envelope glycoprotein. 3) uncoating : a general term for the events which occur after penetration, in which the capsid is removed and the virus genome exposed, usually in the form of a nucleoprotein complex. Retrovirus cores are highly ordered nucleoprotein complexes which contain, in addition to the diploid RNA genome, the reverse transcriptase enzyme responsible for converting the viral RNA genome into the DNA PROVIRUS. 15 Replication of Viruses (+SSRNA) Replication site: Viroplasme 16 17 MATURATION The stage of the life-cycle at which the virus becomes infectious. Usually involves structural changes in the particle, often resulting from specific cleavage of capsid proteins to form the mature products, which frequently leads to a conformational change in the capsid, or the condensation of nucleoproteins with the genome. For some viruses, assembly and maturation are inseparable, whereas for others, maturation may occur after the virus particle has left the cell. 18 For viruses which replicate in the cytoplasm )Picornaviruses( the genome is simply released into the cell, but for viruses which replicate in the nucleus ) Herpesviruses( the genome, often with associated nucleoproteins, must be transported through the nuclear membrane. This is achieved by interactions of the nucleoproteins (or capsid) with the cytoskeleton. At the nuclear pores, the capsid is stripped off, and the genome passes into the nucleus. +ssRNA -ssRNA dsRNA: (segmented genome: Reoviridae) by viral RdRP, formation of – sense which serves as template for the synthesis of +strand dsDNA: In Nucleus: cellular DdRP II In cytoplasm: viral DdRP dsDNA with RNA intermediate: (Badnavirus, Calimovirus) RT +ssDNA: (parvovirus) in nucleus, formation of – sence which serves as template for the synthesis of +strand, rolling cyrcle 19 Viroids are small (200-400nt), circular RNA molecules with a rod-like secondary structure which possess no capsid or envelope which are associated with certain plant diseases. Their replication strategy like that of viruses. Replication does not depend on the presence of a helper virus. No proteins are made. - they are obligate intracellular parasites. 20-25 different viroids have been identified, e.g. potato spindle tuber viroid and coconut cadang cadang viroid. Virusoids (Satellite Viruses) are viroid-like molecules, somewhat larger than viroids (e.g. approximately 1000nt) which are dependent on the presence of helper virus to encapsidate, they are packaged into virus capsids as passengers. Sattelite Nucleic Acids are nucleic acids that do not code coat protein and are not able to multiply therefore they depend on a helper virus for replication. This helper virus also encapsidates them. Prions consist of a single type of protein molecule with no nucleic acid component. Confusion arises from the fact that the prion protein & the gene which encodes it are also found in normal 'uninfected' cells. These agents are associated with diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, scrapie in sheep & bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle. 20 Detection of Viruses 1- Physical methods: Electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography 2- Chemical methods: overall composition of viruses & the nature of the nucleic acid and the construction of the particle 3- Molecular Methods: For Protein: Serological methods ELISA and Western blot For Nucleic acid: PCR and Hybridization (Northern blot and southern blot) 21 Serology; Based on utilization of antibody Western blot Variable part (Bind antigene) antigene specific Light chain: Fab: antigene-bindidng fragment ELISA Heavy chain: FC: Crystalisable fragment Constant part Animal specific Antibody (IgG): Polyclonal and Monoclonal X Specific polyclonal antibody for virus X Y Y YY Y serum Polyclonal: Different antibodies products of different B cells against different epitopes B cells Epitopes: MKTFLIFVLLAMAMKIATAARELNPSNKELQSPQQSFSYQQQPFPQQPY PQQPYPSQQPYPSQQPFPTPQQQFPEQSQQPFTQPQQPTPIQPQQPFPQ QPQQPQQPFPQPQQPFPWQPQQPFPQTQQSFPLQPQQ 22 Monoclonal Antibody Production Antigen is injected into a mouse to stimulate production of antibodies. Cancer cell, often a B cell derived from a tumor Antibody Lymphocytes from spleen طحال Screen for hybrid cell that produces specific antibodies and clone to produce unlimited quantities of monoclonal antibody. Selection on HAT medium (hypoxanithine) Myeloma cells Fuse lymphocytes with myeloma cells to produce antibody producing hybrid cells. 23 Serology: 1. precipitation test and Agar Diffusion Precipitation lines 2. ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbant Assay) More sensitive Rapid Commercial kits 24 Y 3 YY Health YY YY YY 4 YY 2 YY Infected Indirect Direct Y 1 Ab-alkalin phosphatase substrate (phosphate) Y Y DAS TAS Double Ab Sandwich Triple Ab Sandwich Different types of ELISA Y Specific Ab Virus Immuno Blot (DIBA) 25 3. Western Blot Protein Extraction Gel electrophoresis (PAGE) Transfer on membrane Western blot (revelation by antibody) Enzyme: Peroxidase Substrate: Luminol + H2O2 H I H I H I Y Gel Acrylamid membrane Immuno Blot Autoradiogarphy (film) 26 Detection of Nucleic acid: 1. PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction: Amplification of a DNA segment Denaturation: Denature Template DNA 94ºC Annealing: Anneal Primers (Forward & Reverse Oligonucleotides) 40-60ºC Extention: Extend new strand of DNA (DNA polymerase, DNTPs) 72ºC 27 PCR Electrophoresis H I Gel Agarose (Ethidium Bromide) 30-40 Cycles 94ºC 10sec 50ºC 30sec 72ºC 45sec 28 RNA viruses DNA viruses PCR RT RNA cDNA PCR Reverse Transcription: Template RNA Reverse primer dNTPs Reverse Transcriptase 37-50 ºC 1h30 29 2. Hybridization (Nucleic acid): Northern Blot (RNA) Southern blot (DNA) RNA or DNA Extraction Gel electrophoresis (Agarose) denaturizing (Temprature and Formamid) Transfer on membrane Prehybridization Hybridization with probe (RNA or DNA) 5’ 5’ Template linear DNA with a promotor (T3 or T7) Template DNA RNA polymerase (T3 or T7) Primer Mix rNTPs –UTP PNK (poly nucleotide Kinase) UTP (32P) radioactive ATP (32P) radioactive 37ºC 1h30 37ºC 1h30 30 Northern or Southern Blot H I H I H I Prehybridization probe hybridization Gel Agarose Autoradiogarphy (film) membrane H Infected 31 Localization of virus in tissue Preparation of tissue (section) ELISA with fluorescent antibody Observation by microscope 32
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