1035 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 701 OCEAN STREET, qTHFLOOR, SANTA CRUZ, C A 95060 (831) 454-2580 FAX: (831) 454-2131 TDD: (831) 454-2123 TOM BURNS, PLANNING DIRECTOR March 24,2008 AGENDA DATE: April 29,2008 Board of Supervisors County of Santa Cruz 701 Ocean Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 SUBJECT: APN(S): 087-321-04,0506 Application: 07-0480 Public hearing to consider a proposal to rezone APNS 087-321-04, 087-321-05 and 087-321-06 from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Members of the Board: On September 4, 2007, the County Planning Department accepted this application for rezoning to Timber Production. This is a proposal to rezone three parcel(s), totaling approximately 20.6 acres, from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) designation. The uses on the property consist of vacant rural acreage. Background This project qualifies for a rezoning under California Government Code Section 51 113. This section allows a property owner to petition the County to rezone land to the TP zone district. The requirements for this type of rezoning are listed in Government Code section 51 113(c)’. The County may not place any additional requirements on this petition to rezone the property to TP. County Code Section 13.10.375(c) - “Zoning to the TP District” - implements Government Code Section 51113 and specifies the six criteria which must be met in order to rezone to TP. In accordance with County Code Section 13.10.375(c), the project meets the following six criteria for rezoning to Timber Production: ‘ (c) On or before March 1, 1977, the board or council by ordinance shall adopt a list of criteria required to be met by parcels being considered ’ for zoning as timberland production under this section. The criteria shall not impose any requirements in addition to those listed in this subdivision and in subdivision (d). The following shall be included in the criteria: (1) A map shall be prepared showing the legal description or the assessor’s parcel number of the property desired to be zoned. (2) A plan for forest management shall be prepared or approved as to content, for the property by a registered professional forester. The plan shall provide for the eventual harvest of timber within a reasonable period of time, as determined by the preparer of the plan. (3) (A) The parcel shall currently meet the timber stocking standards as set forth in Section 4561 of the Public Resources Code and the forest practice rules adopted by the State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection for the district in which the parcel is located, or the owner shall sign an agreement with the board or council to meet those stocking standards and forest practice rules by the fifth anniversary of the signing of the agreement. If the parcel is subsequently zoned as timberland production under subdivision (a) failure to meet the stocking standards and forest practice rules within this time period provides the board or council with a ground for rezoning of the parcel pursuant to Section 51121. (B) Upon the fifth anniversary of the signing of an agreement, the board shall determine whether the parcel meets the timber stocking standards in effect on the date that the agreement was signed. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4 (commencing with Section 51130), if the parcel fails to meet the timber stocking standards, the board or council shall immediately rezone the parcel and specify a new zone for the parcel, which is in conformance with the county general plan and whose primary use is other than timberland. (4) The parcel shall be timberland, as defined in subdivision (t) of Section 51 104. (5) The parcel shall be in compliance with the compatible use ordinance adopted by the board or council pursuant to Section 51111. (d) The criteria required by subdivision (c) may also include any or all of the following: (1) The land area concerned shall be in the ownership of one person, as defined in Section 38106 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and shall be comprised of single or contiguous parcels of a certain number of acres, not to exceed 80 acres. (2) The land shall be of a certain site quality class or higher under Section 434 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, except that the parcel shall not be required to be of the two highest site quality classes. 1036 (1) A map has been submitted with the legal description or Assessor’s parcel number(s) of the property to be rezoned. (2) A Timber Management Plan, prepared by a registered professional forester, has been submitted for the property (Exhibit E of Attachment 5). (3) The parcel(s) currently meet the timber stocking standards as set forth in Section 4561 of the Public Resources Code and the Forest Practice Rules for the district in which the parcel is located (see Exhibit E of Attachment 5). (4) The parcel(s) are timberland, as the parcels are capable of producing a minimum of 15 cubic feet of timber per acre annually. (5) The uses on the parcel are in compliance with the Timber Production Zone uses set forth in Section 13.10.372. (6) The land area to be rezoned is in the ownership of one person, as defined in Section 38106 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and is comprised of at least five acres in area. This project qualifies for a statutory exemption (Attachment 2) in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the County Environmental Review Guidelines (Article 17, Section 1703). Planning Commission Review On March 12, 2008, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the application for a rezoning. Following the public hearing the Commission adopted a resolution recommending approval of the rezoning (Attachment 4). Conclusion and Recommendation All of the criteria have been met for rezoning the three subject parcel(s) to the Timber Production zoning designation. All required findings can be made to approve this application and the rezoning is consistent with the General Plan policies and land use designations. It is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that your Board take the following actions: 1. Adopt the attached Ordinance Amending County Code Chapter 13.10 to change the zoning on APN(S) 087-321-04, 087-321-05 & 087-321-06 from the Special Use zone district to the Timber Production zone district; and 2. Certify the CEQA Exemption. RECOMMENDED: Tom w n s Planning Director County Administrative Officer Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ordinance Amending Chapter 13.10 of the County Code Notice of Exemption from CEQA APN Map Planning Commission Resolution No. 18-08 Planning Commiss ion Staff Report Planning Commission Minutes for March 12, 2008 Paul A. Sr. & Charlene S. Landie, 2068 Walnut Grove Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128 Joseph Culver, 318 Avalon Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 1037 AT ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY CODE CHANGING FROM ONE ZONE DISTRICT TO ANOTHER The Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Cruz ordains as follows: SECTION I The Board of Supervisors finds that the public convenience,necessity and general welfare require the amendment of the County Zoning Regulations to implement the policies of the County General Plan and Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan regarding the timber resource property located on the east side of Highway 9, approximately .25 miles south of the intersection with Quigg Way; finds that the zoning to be established herein is consistent with all elements of the Santa Cruz County General Plan and the Santa Cruz County Code, as modified by the Big Creek decision; and finds and certifies that the project is subject to a statutory exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act. SECTION I1 The Board of Supervisorshereby adopts the Zoning Plan Amendment as described in Section 111, and adopts the findings in support thereof without modification as set forth below: 1. The proposed zone district will allow a density of development and types of uses which are consistent with the objectives and land use designations of the adopted General Plan; and 2. The proposed zone district is appropriate for the level of utilities and community services available to the land; and 3. The character of development in the area where the land is located has changed or is changing to such a degree that the public interest will be better served by a different zone district; and 4. The property meets the requirements of Government Code section 5 1113 or 5 1113.5 and County Code Section 13.10.375(c). 1038 SECTION I11 Chapter 13.10 - Zoning Regulations of the Santa Cruz County Code is hereby amended by amending Section 13.10.2 10 - Zoning Plan to change the following properties from the existing zone district to the new zone district as follows: Assessor's Parcel Number Existing Zone District New Zone District 087-32 1-04,05,06 Special Use (SU) TP SECTION IV This ordinance shall take effect on the 3 1st day after the date of final passage. day of PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS of the County of Santa Cruz by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 2008, by the Board of Supervisors SUPERVISORS SUPERVISORS SUPERVISORS SUPERVISORS Chairman of the Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: As\si'stant County Counsel Exhibit: Rezoning Map DISTRIBUTION: County Counsel Planning Assessor County GIS 1039 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT NOTICE OF EXEMPTION The Santa Cruz County Planning Department has reviewed the project described below and has determined that it is exempt from the provisions of CEQA as specified in Sections 15061 - 15332 of CEQA for the reason($ which have been specified in this document. Application Number: 07-0480 Assessor Parcel Number: 086-32 1-04,05,06 Project Location: Property located on the east side of Highway 9, approximately .25 miles south of the intersection with Quigg Way. Project Description: Rezone three parcels from the Special Use (SU) zone districts to the Timber Production .(TP) zone district. Person or Agency Proposing Project: Paul A. Sr. and Charlene S. Landie, Co-trustees Contact Phone Number: (831) 359-5989 A. B. - c. - D* X The proposed activity is not a project under CEQA Guidelines Section 15378. The proposed activity is not subject to CEQA as specified under CEQA Guidelines Section 15060 (c). Ministerial Proiect involving only the use of fixed standards or objective measurements without personal judgment. Statutorv Exemption other than a Ministerial Project (CEQA Guidelines Section 15260 to 15285). [Section 17031 In addition, none of the conditions described in Section 15300.2 apply to this project. I c /< I Maria Porcid Perez,kr&xt Planner t Date: G ATTACHMENT BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1041 RESOLUTION NO. 18-08 On the motion of COInmiSSiOner Aramburu duly seconded by Commissioner S h e p h e r d the following Resolution is adopted: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION SENDING RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a public hearing on Application No. 07-0480, involving property located on the east side of Highway 9, approximately .25 miles south of the intersection with Quigg Way, and the Planning Commission has considered the proposed rezoning, all testimony and evidence received at the public hearing, and the attached staff report. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the attached ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance by changing property from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production zone district. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission makes findings on the proposed rezoning as contained in the Report to the Planning Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the County of Santa Cruz, State of California, this 1 2 t h day of March ,2008 . by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: COMMISSIONERS Bremner, Aramburu, Dann, Gonzal ez, and S h e p h e r d COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS 4 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ 1042 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 701 OCEAN STREET - qTHFLOOR, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 (831) 454-2580 FAX: (831) 454-2131 TDD: (831) 454-2123 TOM BURNS, PLANNING DIRECTOR February 11,2008 Planning Commission County of Santa Cruz 701 Ocean Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Agenda Date: March 12,2008 APN: 087-321-04,05,06 Application: 07-0480 Item#: 24 Time: After 9 AM Subject: A public hearing to consider a proposal to rezone three parcels from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Members of the Commission: On September 4,2007, the County Planning Department accepted this application for a rezoning to Timber Production (TP). This is a proposal to rezone three parcels totaling 20.6 acres from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) designation. The uses on the property consist of vacant rural acreage. Background This project qualifies for a rezoning under California Government Code Section 5 1113. This section allows a property owner to petition the County to rezone land to the TP zone. The requirements for this type of rezoning are listed in Government Code section 5 1113(c)’. The County may not place any additional requirements on this petition to rezone the property to TP. County Code Section 13.10.375(c)- “Zoning to the TP District” implements Government Code section 5 1113 and specifies the six criteria which must be met in order to rezone to TP. ’ c) On or before March 1, 1977, the board or council by ordinance shall adopt a list of criteria required to be met by parcels being considered for zoning as timberland production under this section. The criteria shall not impose any requirements in addition to those listed in this subdivision and in subdivision (d). The following shall be included in the criteria: (1) A map shall be prepared showing the legal description or the assessor’s parcel number of the property desired to be zoned. (2) A plan for forest management shall be prepared or approved as to content, for the property by a registered professional forester. The plan shall provide for the eventual harvest of timber within a reasonable period of time, as determined by the preparer of the plan. (3) (A) The parcel shall currently meet the timber stocking standards as set forth in Section 4561 of the Public Resources Code and the forest practice rules adopted by the State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection for the district in which the parcel is located, or the owner shall sign an agreement with the board or council to meet those stocking standards and forest practice rules by the fifth anniversary of the signing of the agreement. If the parcel is subsequently zoned as timberland production under subdivision (a), failure to meet the stocking standards and forest practice rules within this time period provides the board or council with a ground for rezoning of the parcel pursuant to Section 5 1 121. (B) Upon the fifth anniversary of the signing of an agreement, the board shall determine whether the parcel meets the timber stocking standards in effect on the date that the agreement was signed. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4 (commencing with Section 5 1130), if the parcel fails to meet the timber stocking standards, the board or council shall immediately rezone the parcel and specify a new zone for the parcel, which is in conformance with the county general plan and whose primary use is other than timberland. (4) The parcel shall be timberland, as defined in subdivision (f) of Section 51 104. ( 5 ) The parcel shall be in compliance with the compatible use ordinance adopted by the board or council pursuant to Section 5 1 1 1 1. (d) The criteria required by subdivision (c) may also include any or all of the following: (1) The land area concerned shall be in the ownership of one person, as defined in Section 38106 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and shall be comprised of single or contiguous parcels of a certain number of acres, not to exceed 80 acres. (2) The land shall be a certain site quality class or higher under Section 434 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, except that the parcel shall not be required to be of the two highest site quality classes. ’ Page 2 1043 In accordance with County Code Section 13.10.375(c), the project meets the following six criteria for rezoning to Timber Production: 1. A map has been submitted with the legal description or assessor’s parcel number of the property to be rezoned. 2. A Timber Management Plan, undated, prepared by a registered professional forester has been submitted for the property (Exhibit E). 3. The parcel currently meets the timber stocking standards as set forth in Section 4561 of the Public Resources Code and the Forest Practice Rules for the district in which the parcel is located (see Exhibit E). 4. The parcel is timberland, as the entire parcel is capable of producing a minimum of 15 cubic feet of timber per acre annually and is almost entirely located within a mapped Timber Resource area. 5. The uses on the parcel are in compliance with the Timber Production Zone uses set forth in Section 13.10.372. 6. The land area to be rezoned is in the ownership of one person, as defmed in Section 38106 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and is comprised of at least five acres in area. This project qualifies for a statutory exemption (Exhibit D) in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the County Environmental Review Guidelines (Article 17, Section 1703). Conclusion All of the criteria have been met for rezoning this parcel to the Timber Production zoning designation. All required fmdings can be made to approve this application and the rezoning is consistent with the General Plan policies and land use designations. Recommendation Staff recommends that your Commission adopt the attached Resolution (Exhibit A), sending a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for approval of Application No. 07-0480 based on the attached fmdings (Exhibit B). EXHIBITS A. B. C. D. E. Planning Commission Resolution, with Ordinance/ Findings APNMap Location, Current Zoning and General Plan Designation Maps Notice of Exemption from CEQA Timber Management Plan by Joseph Culver, dated August 7,2007. Maria Porcila Perez Project Planner BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1044 RESOLUTION NO. On the motion of Commissioner duly seconded by Commissioner the following Resolution is adopted: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION SENDING RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a public hearing on Application No. 07-0480; involving property located on the east side of Highway 9, approximately .25 miles south of the intersection with Quigg Way, and the Planning Commission has considered the proposed rezoning, all testimony and evidence received at the public hearing, and the attached staff report. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the attached ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance by changing property from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production zone district. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission makes findings on the proposed rezoning as contained in the Report to the Planning Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the County of Santa Cruz, State of California, this day of ,2007, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS Chairperson ATTEST: MARK DEMING, Secretary A 1045 ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY CODE CHANGING FROM ONE ZONE DISTRICT TO ANOTHER The Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Cruz ordains as follows: SECTION I The Board of Supervisors finds that the public convenience, necessity and general welfare require the amendment of the County Zoning Regulations to implement the policies of the County General Plan and Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan regarding the timber resource property located on the east side of Highway 9, approximately .25 miles south of the intersection with Quigg Way; finds that the zoning to be established herein is consistent with all elements of the Santa Cruz County General Plan and the Santa Cruz County Code, as modified by the Big Creek decision; and finds and certifies that the project is subject to a statutory exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act. SECTION I1 The Board of Supervisors hereby adopts the Zoning Plan Amendment as described in Section 111, and adopts the findings in support thereof without modification as set forth below: 1. The proposed zone district will allow a density of development and types of uses which are consistent with the objectives and land use designations of the adopted General Plan; and 2. The proposed zone district is appropriate for the level of utilities and community services available to the land; and 3. The character of development in the area where the land is located has changed or is changing to such a degree that the public interest will be better served by a different zone district; and 4. The property meets the requirements of Government Code section 5 1113 or 5 1113.5 and County Code Section 13.10.375(c). SECTION I11 P A 1046 AT Chapter 13.10 - Zoning Regulations of the Santa Cruz County Code is hereby amended by amending Section 13.10.210 - Zoning Plan to change the following properties from the existing zone district to the new zone district as follows: Assessor's Parcel Number Existing Zone District New Zone District 087-32 1-04,05,06 Special Use (SU) TP SECTION IV This ordinance shall take effect on the 3 1'' day after the date of final passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS day of of the County of Santa Cruz by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 2007, by the Board of Supervisors SUPERVISORS SUPERVISORS SUPERVISORS SUPERVISORS Chairman of the Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Exhibit: Rezoning Map DISTRIBUTION: County Counsel Planning Assessor county GIS I ai + 0 /' Location Map --- 4,500 / / LEGEND 1-1 6,000 A Feet N APN: 087-321-06 I IAPN: 087-321-05 I I APN: 087-321-04 11Assessors Parcels Streets State Highways W E S Map created by County of Santa Cruz Planning Department August 2007 I Fe LEGEND 1-1 111-1 I N APN: 087-321-06 APN: 087-321-05 E W APN: 087-321-04 I Assessors Parcels - Streets State Highways RESIDENTIAL-SINGLE FAMILY SPECIAL USE TIMBER PRODUCTION S Map created by Countyof Santa Cruz L/""' - , ts Planning Department fd \ or * 1 g LEGEND N APN: 087-321-06 111-1 I APN: 087-321-05 I Assessors Parcels - State Highways -..4 Residential-Mountain \ E APN: 087-321-04 -Streets P. W Residential-Rural S Map created by County of Santa Cruz Planning Department Fe 1051 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT NOTICE OF EXEMPTION The Santa Cruz County Planning Department has reviewed the project described below and has determined that it is exempt from the provisions of CEQA as specified in Sections 15061 - 15332 of CEQA for the reason($ which have been specified in this document. Application Number: 07-0480 Assessor Parcel Number: 086-32 1-04,05,06 Project Location: Property located on the east side of Highway 9, approximately .25 miles south of the intersection with Quigg Way. Project Description: Rezone three parcels from the Special Use (SU) zone districts to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Person or Agency Proposing Project: Paul A. Sr. and Charlene S. Landie, Co-trustees Contact Phone Number: (831) 359-5989 A* B* - c*D. x The proposed activity is not a project under CEQA Guidelines Section 15378. The proposed activity is not subject to CEQA as specified under CEQA Guidelines Section 15060 (c). Ministerial Project involving only the use of fixed standards or objective measurements without personal judgment. Statutow Exemption other than a Ministerial Project (CEQA Guidelines Section 15260 to 15285). [Section 17031 In addition, none of the conditions described in Section 15300.2 apply to this project. ~~ ~~ Date: Maria Porcila Perez, Project Planner T 1052 Timber Management Plan Lands of Lanoie Highway 9 Boulder Creek APN# 087-321-04,05,06 Portion of Section I Township 9 South Range 3 West Mount Diablo Base & Meridian Report Prepared By Joseph Culver, Consulting Forester August 7,2007 1053 AT ENT Timber Management Plan, Lands of Lanoie Prepared by: Joseph Culver, Consulting Forester PREFACE In July 2007, Joseph Culver, Consulting Forester, was commissioned by Paul Lanoie to prepare a Timber Management Plan for APN#'s 087-321-04, 087-321-05 and 087-32106. The county assessor lists the parcels totaling 20.6 acres in size. Mr. Lanoie would like to rezone the parcels to Timber Production and the TMP will be part of an application packet submitted to the County of Santa Cruz. The management plan incorporates field work, information from a previous timber harvest plan, and currently available resource data. GENERAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The parcel is located approximately four miles north of Boulder Creek near the eastern side of Highway 9. The parcels are located within the San Lorenzo River Watershed. The parcels generally slope to the southwest and are bisected by two separate valleys that trend to the southwest. Elevation ranges from 640 feet in the southwest to 940 feet in the southeast corner. The legal description of the parcels is Township 9 South, Range 3 West, portion of section I.Timber site classification throughout the forested portions of the parcels is site 111. The property is underlain by the Ben Lomond-Catelli-Sur complex. These soils are deep and well drained, with sandy loam surface soils of about 7-19" in thickness. Weathered sandstone is found at 37-46". Permeability is moderately rapid, and effective rooting depth is 20-40". Runoff is rapid to very rapid, and the erosion hazard is high to very high. The Natural Resource Conservation Service describes these soils as well suited to timber production. Approximately 12.6 acres of the property is comprised of coniferous forest. This forest contains primarily second growth redwoods and scattered Douglas-fir as the dominant overstory species. Lesser amounts of tanoak and pacific madrone are interspersed within the coniferous forest, primarily as intermediate canopy trees. Understory species include tanoak seedlings, ceanothus, hedge nettle and sword fern. The remaining eight acres of the property contains hardwood forests. This forest type is located on the ridge separating the two coniferous stands and along the eastern portion of the property. Primary species in the hardwood forest include coastal live oak, tanoak and madrone. 1 August 7,2007 5 Prepared by: Joseph Culver, Consulting Forester I 054 TIMBER HARVEST HISTORY The old-growth redwood logging in the Santa Cruz area, including this property, occurred approximately II O years ago. As was common throughout the area, this clear-cut logging was often followed by fire, usually intentionally set to burn bark and slash. Fire scars on the old-growth stumps are evidence of this fire activity. Under the ownership of Mr. Lanoie the property was next harvested in 1997. This selective harvest appears to have removed approximately 45-50% of the larger second growth trees. MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND GOALS Once the property is rezoned, Mr. Lanoie will continue to manage the forest land for high quality forest products, while enhancing the related values of aesthetics and wildlife. As the property has not been harvested for 10 years the next selective harvest should occur within the next five to ten years. Although State law allows for a harvest every 10 years, due to the small size of the timbered area it is recommended that the cutting cycle be maintained at a 15-20 year interval to maximize the volume removed in each cycle and to minimize neighborhood impacts. Future harvests should focus on the following objectives: 1. Prescribe and implement a forest improvement program to improve stocking, increase tree vigor and maximize growth. 2. Maintain a healthy and vigorous forest of well-spaced trees growing at the highest rates feasible considering the other values of the forest. 3. Maintain a high degree of aesthetic consideration during all aspects of forest management. 4. Maintain and improve wildlife habitat where possible as part of continuing forest management. RECOMMENDED LOGGING SYSTEM The recommended logging system for this property is to use ground based logging equipment such as tractors and log skidders. Much of the road and trail system is in place from the previous harvest. PRESENT AND FUTURE STAND CONDITIONS In July of 2007 an 8% timber inventory was conducted on the property to determine conifer volume per acre, species composition, basal area,' stocking levels and stand growth. Based on the stand data gathered from the inventory, the 12.6 acres of conifer forest have the following approximate stand conditions:* 2 August 7,2007 Timber Management Plan, Lands of Lanoie Prepared by: Joseph Culver, Consulting Forester 1055 95% second growth redwood 5% Douglas fir 145 square feet per acre 23,460 board feet 295,700 board feet Species Composition Basal Area Gross Vo Iume/acre Gross Overall property volume The volume per acre and overall property volume stated previously are gross volumes. In general, the net volume will be about 8% less due to fire scar, rot and other minor defects in the standing timber. The overall net conifer volume on the property is approximately 272,000 board feet. Increment boring data gathered during the timber inventory combined with general tree growth rates in the Santa Cruz Mountains indicate that the conifer component of the forest is growing at an approximate rate of 2.8% per year. This rate is about average for managed site 111 timberland in the Santa Cruz Mountains. A growth rate of 2.8% per year equates to an annual increase in the conifer component of the forest of 8,280 board feet over the entire property. Converting this figure to cubic feet gives a current growth rate of 690 cubic feet over the entire property, or 33 cubic feet per acre per year. This exceeds the required average of I 5 cubic feet per acre per year to classify a property as timberland. *Limitation: This data is based on a field sample and an extrapolated growth rate for the previous ten years. This data should only be used as a guide for management purposes, and should not be extended or taken out of context for other purposes. OTHER PROPERTY USES A permanent (year round use) gravel road travels through the property. There are no structures on any of the parcels. CONCLUSION The property is well suited for timber management into the future. The property has been selectively managed for second growth timber in the past and the forest resource is currently healthy and experiencing a growth rate consistent with managed forests. Mr. Lanoie has indicated that he wants to manage the timber resource and stand conditions warrant a harvest in the near future. TIMBER STOCKING: To rezone a property to the “Timber Production” zoning a property must meet the timber stocking standards set forth in Section 4561 of the Public Resources Code. Section 4561 states in part that “The average residual basal area, measured in stems one inch or larger in diameter... . areas which the registered professional forester has determined are site I I classification or lower, the minimum average residual basal area shall be 50 square feet per acre. Rock outcroppings and other areas not normally bearing timber shall not be considered as requiring stocking.” 3 E Timber Management Plan, Lands of Lanoie Prepared by: Joseph Culver, Consulting Forester 1056 The average residual basal area in the timbered portions of the property is 145 square feet and therefore meets the stocking standards. TIMBERLAND: To rezone a property to the “Timber Production” zoning a property must meet the definition of timberland. Section 51104 of the California Code states that “Timberland means privately owned land.. . ...capable of growing an average annual volume of wood fiber of at least 15 cubic feet per acre.” The property proposed for rezoning is capable of growing an annual average volume of wood fiber of 33 cubic feet per acre and therefore meets the definition of timberland. COMPATIBLE USE: Existing infrastructure on the property does not significantly detract from the use of the property for, or inhibit, growing and harvesting timber. Timber Management Plan Prepared By: Date fessional Forester #2674 4 August 7,2007 EX E ATTACHMENT LANDS OF LANOIE 5 1057 PLAN AREA MAP SANTA CRUZ COUNTY T9S, R3WySEC. ly MDB&M LEGEND PROPERTY BOUNDARY CONIFEROUS FOREST PERMANENT ROAD SEASONAL ROAD SCALE: I INCH = 350 FEET CONTOUR INTERVAL = 40 FEET WATERCOURSE 5 Timber Management flan, Lands of Lanoie Prepared by: Joseph Culver, Consulting Forester E 04'7716 " c- .*.. .,. 1625 The Alameda, #512 Jose, CA 95126 - San , -. .. : .:t .I., 8.* l., 10 Mr. and M r s , Paul A. ,1 Lanoia 17700 Highway 9 Boulder Creek,CA 95006 ,, ,.. I.& * I a '1 I l'fl11 .4 V.4l.U.4llL& C O W DERATION, rcccipt i : i .; PAUL A . LANOIE, SR,# as SPACE ADOVE THIS LINE POR I\ECORDER'S USE- of which it hcrcl,y rcktiorlctlpJ. his sole and separate property < LANoIB, SR, and CHARLENE S , LANOIE, as co-trustees of the LANOIE FAMIbY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 'lcrch! Sl(.\hTtS) I O PAUL A. followihg dtrcdhtd teal ptopttty in iht : 1058 047716 1 JOHN Na POPE, JRi -, , Coiinl! ot S a i t a cruz C i t y of Boulder Creek ,Sldt ol C l l i l O t h i b : -: :. 2 1 I - I : .. ;- ! ' 2 SEE EXHb lit\" a t t a c h e d hereto and made a part hereof. ; ' 1 APN 808'7-151-022 .. . .-- I ... . . .I#.. .....I.......,...I I E I .' -..-_ .* BOOK 4025 FACE 9 - 728 e 1059 .............. BEING a part of the lands in Section One, Township 9 South, Range 3 West, M , D , D . 6, M,, desuribed in Deed recorded in Volume 1822,. Page 321, Official Records of Santa Cruz County and mom particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING a t a 314 inch iron pipe a t the Northeast corner of eaid lands from which a ' W ' on a 30 inch Redwood tree bears South 8G040'West 79.3 feet distant1 thence from said place of beginning along the Eastern boundary of said lands South 0 ° 4 2 ' 4 0 " East 630.00 feet to a 3 x 3 inch Redwood stake1 thence leaving s a i d bouiidary West 1060,OG feet to a station; thence North 59°01110" East 1221.18 f e e t t o tho place of beginning. TOGETIIER WITl1.a Right of Way from the Western houndary of the * above described garceL of land Westerly to S t a t e tlightray 9, n . Ex .- ......... E i r c 1 .,.. j..w . * II . . . ,,.I L 8. -. .. ).,,, .:: ,.. JOHN N POPE, JR 1 6 2 5 The Alameda, #512 San Jose, CA 9Sl.26 .an, (e* *,*lf.#.N J (0 1 MrSb Paul A b Lanoie, 17700 Highway 9 Boulder Cre&, CA 95006 Mr, and J , SEE EXH, " A " a t t a c h e d h e r e t o and made a part hereof. 1 .. TACHMENT i I061 V BEING a part of t h e lands in Section One, Township 9 South, Range described i n Deed recorded i n Volume 1822, Page 321, 3 West, M,b,B. 6 O f f i c i a l Records of Santa Cruz County and more particularly bounded arid described a s follows t BEGXNNING a t a one and one-half inch i r o n pipe 011 t h e Northern boundary of s a i d lands a t t h e Southeast corner of "Ramona Woods' Tract 29 filed i n Volume 26 of I-taps, Page 29, Santa Cruz County Records; thence from said place of beginning along the Northern boundary Sduth 89'39 ' 4 0 " East 12C1.20 feet to a 3/4 inch iron p i p e at the Northeast corner of said s a i d p o i n t being the most Northerly corner of the property conveyed to Virginia E, tanoio, a martried woman by document recorded January 1 9 , 1972 as Instrument No, 31401 thence South 59°01'10" West along the Northwesterly lihe of said V i r g i n i a E, Lanoie land a distance of 1221,18 feet to a station on the south boundary of s a i d lands which bears West L060,06 feet from the Southeast corner of s a i d l a n d s , said point being t h Southwest cornor of t h e plsoperty conveyed to said V i r g i n i a E, Lanoiet thence North 1 8 O 3 6 ' 4 5 " West 671'14 feet; to the point of beginning. 4 lL . v ,.- 1 4 5 t .L.*:l*.& JOHN r POPE,. JR. N e 1.0 " i U ~ L > ! ~ : Ou t -*IC 11CO1DfD VLlk 9 0 c -,.. ,..... N, POPE, JR. 1625 %!he Alameda, 11512 San Jose, CA 95126 JOHN .*, ... *;:,;, c -. .. I Tr ,I &"-I ::x-: b e.. '. (-1.. *.I $ l b * l . t b q I g Mr and Mrs. Paul A , L a n o i a Sr 17700 Highway 9 Boulder Creek,(% 95006 !., I .:, .I11 . -- -:!E -.-!&- J SEE EXtl, " A" attached h e r e t o and made a part hereof. 4: f 2 APN #087-151-24 , BOOK ......-..........*.........- r- 40% ?ACP4 1 os3 v he lands i n Section O n e , Township .9.South, Range 3 West, M , D . B , b M . , described i n Deed recorded i n Volume 1822, Page 321 Official necords of Eanta Cruz County and more p a r t i c u l a r l y bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING a t a one and one-half inch iron p i p e on the Northern boundary of s a i d lands at: the Southeast corner of 'Ramona \foods' Tract 2 9 , f i l e d in Volume 26 of Maps, Page 29, Santa Cruz County Records; thence from said place o€ boginning South 3 7 ° 2 2 1 2 0 " W e s t ' 8 0 0 . 3 6 feet to a station on the Eastern Boundary o€ State ftiqhway 9, from which an iron rod bears East 21.78 feet distant; thence East along the South boundary o f s a i d lands t o a p o i n t which bears West: 1060,06 f e e t from the Southeast corner of said lands s a i d p o i n t being t h e Southwest: corne of the lands conveyed t o Virginia E, Lanoic a married woman, by document recorded January 19, 1972 Instrument No. 3140 and the most Souther ly corner of t h e lands conveyed to Paul A , Lanoie Sr,, by document recorded January 19, J 9 7 2 as Instrument: No, 31411 thence North 1 8 O 3 6 ' 4 5 k!est along the Westerly line of said property conveyed t.o Paul A , Iaioie il rnarried man, a distance of 671,14 feet to the point of beginning, i w 2 I D s? X d L E - Santa Cruz County Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 ATTACHMENT 1065 Planning Commission Minutes- 3/ 12/08 Proceedings of the Santa Cruz County Planning Commission Volume 2008, Number 4 March 12'h, 2008 Location: Board of Supervisors, County Government Center, 701 Ocean Street, Room 525, Santa Cruz, C A 95060 Action Summary Minutes Voting Key Commissioners: Bremner, Vice Chair Aramburu, Dam, Chair Gonzalez, and Shepherd Alternate Commissioners:Hancock, Holbert, Danna, Guth, and Britton Commissionerspresent were Bremner, Vice Chair Aramburu, Dann, Chair Gonzalez, and Shepherd. Consent Items 6. Approval of minutes To approve the minutes of the February 27,2008 Planning Commission meeting as submitted by the Planning Department. Approved minutes. Commissioner Aramburu made the motion and Commissioner Bremner seconded. Voice vote carried 3-0 with ayesfrom Bremner, Arum bum, and Dann. Commissioner Gonzales abstained and Commissioner Shepherd was absentfor the vote. Scheduled Items Items 7-36. The Commission approved staff recommendations and passed resolutions recommending approval of each of these items to the Board of Supervisors, with amendments, and directed staff to review Geographical Information System aerial photos before taking these applications to the Board. CommissionerArumburu made the motion and Commissioner Shepherd seconded. Voice vote carried 5-0, with ayesfrom Bremner, Aramburu, Dann, Gonzalez, and Shepherd. 7. 07-0106* 121 Chase Mill Road APN: 087-053-21 Proposal to rezone a parcel from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a Rezoning. Property located on the south side of Chase Mill Road (12 1 Chase Mill Road) about 500 feet south of the intersection with Waterman Gap Loop. Owner/Applicant: Hen Troung eta1 Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 + \ Email: yliil I O(~co.santr? GeJ 8. 07-0321* No Situs APN: 110-271-05 6 4TTACMMENT Santa Cruz County Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 6 1066 Proposal to rezone a parcel from the Commercial Agriculture (CA) zone district to Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located 3 miles northeast of Aromas, approximately 1.5 miles north of Highway 129 (across the river from Granite Rock quarry). Owner/Applicants: Peter E. Pulis Trustee ETAL Supervisorial District: 4 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: plnl 1O( 9. 07-0360* 5888 Fern Flat Road APNs: 105-421-24 Proposal to rezone a parcel from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located at the end of a private road extending .2 mile from the intersection with Fern Flat Road, at 5888 Fern Flat Road, and about .3 mile south of the intersection of Fern Flat Road and Aptos View Road. Owner/Applicants: Dennis & Celma Farley Supervisorial District: 2 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-5321 Email: plnl 1O(G! 10. 07-0366* No Situs APN: 089-011-64 Proposal to rezone a parcel from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the west side of Deer Creek Heights Road at about .25 miles from the intersection of Deer Creek Road and Deer Creek Heights Road. Owner/Applicant: Kevin Jarvis Hamilton Trustee Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: pln 11O($ 11. 07-0408* 17660 Kings Creek Road, Boulder Creek APN: 085-092-05 Proposal to rezone a parcel from the Special Use (SU) district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the east side of Kings Creek Road, about 1.8 miles north of the intersection with Highway 9 (17660 Kings Creek Road). Owner/Applicants: Boy Scouts of America, Mt. Diablo Council Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: plnl 1O( 12. 07-0409* 1300 Bloom Grade Road, Boulder Creek APN: 086-141-09 Proposal to rezone a parcel from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the north side of Bloom Grade, about 1/2 miles northwest of the intersection with West Hilton. Owner/Applicant: Peter A. & Katherine Ann Eisenhart Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: pln 11O($co. 13. 07-0417* No Situs APN: 089-111-39 Proposal to rezone a parcel from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the west side of Hopkms Gulch Road approximately 0.3 miles north of the intersection with Bear Creek Road. Owner/Applicant: Lester T. & Mildred M. Holmes Trustees ETAL Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-5321 Email: plnl 1O($ Santa Cruz County Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 14. 07-0423* No Situs APN: 097-171-09 Proposal to rezone a parcel from Special Use(SU) zone district to Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the east side of Soquel San Jose Road, about 8.5 miles north from Soquel Drive. Owner/Applicant: Dennis & Candy Pelphrey Supervisorial District: 1 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: plnl 1O( 15. 07-0428* 24650 Glenwood Drive, Los Gatos APNs: 093-023-10 & 093-112-18 Proposal to rezone two parcels from the Special Use (SU) zone district to Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning . Properties located on the East side of Glenwood Drive about 350 feet North of the intersection with Creek Drive (24650 Glenwood Drive). Owner/Applicants: Paul J. & Susan A. Burrowes Trustees Supervisorial District: 1 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-5321 Email: plnl 16. 17260 Old Ranch Road, Los Gatos 07-0436* APNs: 096-341-58, -59, 096-351-71,74, & -75 Proposal to rezone five parcels from the Special Use (SU) zone district to Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the east side of Old Ranch Road (17260 Old Ranch Road) about two miles south from Hutchenson Road. Owner/Applicant: Jim Galbo Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: plnl 1O( 17. 07-0461* 3381 Allred Lane, Soquel APN: 103-241-07 Proposal to rezone a parcel from the Special Use (SU) zone district to Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the south end of Allred Lane, approximately 3000 feet east of the intersection with Soquel San Jose Road. Owner: Peter B. Hubback Applicant: Roy Webster Supervisorial District: 1 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: phi1 1O@; 18. 07-0462* 748 Rider Road, Watsonville APNs: 107-081-20, & -23 Proposal to rezone two parcels from the Agriculture Open Space (A-0) zone to the Timber Production (TP) zone. Requires a rezoning. Properties located on the south side of Rider Road, approximately 1500 feet west of the intersection with Eureka Canyon Road. Owner/Applicants: Terry T. Richards Trustees ETAL Supervisorial District: 2 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: plnl 1O( 19. APNs: 086-141-06, & -08 07-0465* 1440 Bloom Grade Road, Boulder Creek Proposal to rezone two parcels from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property is located on the north side of Bloom Grade Road, approximately 830 feet from the intersection with Pond View Drive (1440 Bloom Grade Road). Owner/Applicants: David L. & Wendy M. Peterson Supervisorial District: 5 kC3 \ L;L>: Santa Cruz County Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: plnl 1O($ 1068 20. APNs: 089-361-03, -07, & -11 615 Whalebone Gulch Road, Boulder Creek 07-0466* Proposal to rezone three parcels from the Residential Agriculture (RA) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a Rezoning. Properties located on the west side of Whalebone Gulch Road, approximately .5 miles northwest of the intersection with Bear Creek Road. Owner/Applicant: Michael Mosko Trustee Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: plnl 1O@, 21. 07-0467* No Situs APNs: 089-361-01, -12, -14, -15, & -16 Proposal to rezone six parcels from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Properties located on the west side of Whalebone Gulch Road, approximately .5 miles northwest of the intersection with Beer Creek Road. Owner/Applicant: Robert J. Mosko Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-5321 Email: plnl 1O( 22. 07-0473* No Situs APN: 095-181-14 Proposal to rezone a parcel from the Special Use (SU) zone district to Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the west side of Tucker Road, about 1/2 mile from Sugarloaf Road. Owner/Appkant: Henry E. Raab Trustee Supervisorial District: 1 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: phi 11O@!co 23. 07-0475* 1518 Tindall Ranch Road, Watsonville APN: 106-081-21 & 106-141-34 Proposal to rezone two parcels from the Special Use (SU) zone district and Residential Agriculture (RA) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the east side of Eureka Canyon Road, approximately a mile north of the intersection with Rider Road. Owner: Susan Leilani Hosking Successor Trustees ETAL Applicant: David Van Lennep Supervisorial District: 2 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-5321 Email: plnl 1O(Er), 24. 07-0480" No Situs APNs: 087-321-04, -05, & -06 Proposal to rezone three parcels from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Properties located on the east side of Highway 9, approximately 0.25 mile south of the intersection with Quigg Way. Owner: Paul A. Lanoie, Sr. and Charlene S. Lanoie Co-Trustees Applicant: Joseph Culver Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-5321 Email: plnl 1O( Santa Cruz County Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 MENT 25. 07-048 1* No Situs APN: 101-071-07 Proposal to rezone one parcel from the Agriculture (A) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the east side of Happy Valley Road, approximately 314 of a mile northeast of the intersection with Branciforte Drive. Owner: Maura Brown Applicant: Joseph Culver 1069 Supervisorial District: 1 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-5321 Email: pln 11O(ico.santa-ciuz.ea .us 26. 07-0482* No Situs APNs: 087-054-01, & -03 Proposal to rezone two parcels from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the east side of Highway 9, approximately 600 feet north of the intersection with Sylvan Way. Owner: Elsie M. Beninato Trustee Applicant: Joseph Culver Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email : pln 11O(d;co.sarit a-cmz .ca .us 27. 07-0483* 180 Daffodil Lane, Davenport APN: 057-171-08 Proposal to rezone one parcel from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located at the intersection of Whitehouse Creek Road and Daffodil Lane, approximately 3.5 miles east of the intersection with Hwy 1. Owner: Glenda Andino Applicant: Joseph Culver Supervisorial District: 3 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email : pln 110(@,co. 28. 07-0493* No Situs APN: 100-121-09 Proposal to rezone one parcel from the Agriculture (A) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located at the end of an unnamed right of way that intersects Branciforte Road on the east side approximately 502 feet north of the intersection of Branciforte with Bernita Road. Owner/Applicant: Lloyd C. & Marion L. Fowler Trustees Supervisorial District: 1 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: plnl1 29. 07-0495* 16305 Two Bar Road, Boulder Creek APN: 089-051-11 Proposal to rezone one parcel from the Residential Agriculture (RA) zone district to Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the northwest side of Two Bar Road about 1/2 mile northeast of the intersection with Bar King Road. Owner/Applicant: Robert D. & Terry L. Johnson Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-5321 Email: plnl 1O~), 30. 07-0496* 5950 Fern Flat Road, Aptos APN: 105-421-35 Proposal to rezone one parcel from the Residential Agriculture - Open Space (RA-0) and Special Use (SU) zone districts to the Timber Production - Open Space (TP-0) zone district. Requires a rezoning. 6 Santa Cruz County Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 MENT 6 Property located on the east side of Fern Flat Road, approximately 3.5 miles northeast of the intersection with Trout Gulch Road. 'I 070 Owner/Applicant: Jeffrey & Diane Centoni, eta1 Supervisorial District: 2 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-5321 ca.m Email: plii 11O(i?>eo.santa-cruz. 31. 07-0498* 630 Whalebone Gulch Road, Boulder Creek APNs: 089-071-54, & -58 Proposal to rezone two parcels from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located at the end of Whalebone Gulch Road, approximately .5 mile northwest of the intersections with Bear Creek Road. Owner: Janos J. & Virginia Varkonyi Applicant: Dave Mosier Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: plnl I O($ 32. 07-0500" No Situs APN: 040-052-10 Proposal to rezone one parcel from the Residential Agncultural (RA) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the south east side of the intersection of Porter Gulch Road and Oak Ridge Road. Owner/Applicant: Lawrence E. Martin Supervisorial District: 2 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-5321 Email: 33. 07-0501* No Situs APN: 089-081-38 Proposal to rezone one parcel from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the south side of Doeg Road, about 1/4 mile west from Hopkins Gulch Rd. Owner/Applicants: J. Kevin & Shannon Greene Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: phi 1 1O(ic> 34. 07-0505* 2511 Vine Hill Road, Scotts Valley APN: 093-401-04 Proposal to rezone one parcel from the Special Use (SU) zone district to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the west side of Vine Hill Road, approximately 400 feet from the intersection with Highway 17. Owner/Applicant: Juan Martinez Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: ATTACHMENT Santa Cruz County Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 10'71 35. 07-0506* 121 Whalebone Gulch Road, Boulder Creek APNs: 089-361-02 & 089-491-02 Proposal to rezone one parcel from the Special Use (SU) Zone district and one parcel from the Residential Agriculture (RA) Zone District to the Timber Production (TP) Zone District. Requires a rezoning. Properties located on the South and Southwest side of Whalebone Gulch Road (1 2 1 Whalebone Gulch Road and no situs), running Northwest of the intersection with Bear Creek Road and at about two thirds of a mile Northeast of the intersection with Bear Creek Road. Owner/Applicant: Joseph A. & Frances C. Mosko Supervisorial District: 5 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: plnl 1O( 36. 07-O$Ot?* No Situs APN: 106-251-01 Proposal to rezone one parcel from the Special Use (SU) and Residential Agriculture (RA) zone districts to the Timber Production (TP) zone district. Requires a rezoning. Property located on the south side of Eureka Canyon Road, at the intersection with Buzzard Lagoon Road. Owner/Applicant: James Michael Elliott ETAL Supervisorial District: 2 Project Planner: Porcila Perez, 454-532 1 Email: plnl 1O(