CC4WDC June 2016 Mag Email


CC4WDC June 2016 Mag Email
Celebrating 40 Years
Forty Fabulous Years!
Full report page 13
June 2016
Issue No 411
Club meetings are held on the SECOND
THURSDAY of each month at the Tuggerah Public
School Assembly Hall, Old Pacific Highway,
Tuggerah, at 8 pm. Members are invited to bring
their friends to the club meetings and outings.
Shane Brodbeck 0409 488 027
Vice President:
Craig Green 0408 436 727
Secretary and Public Officer
Scott Sheldon 4393 6385
Assistant Secretary:
Judy Reeds 4390 7030
Max Gear 4342 8226
Magazine Editor
Faye Goodman 0423 008 628
Trip Master
Neale Simpson
Public Relations:
Peter Chilvers 0449 175 671
Assistant Treasurer:
Jo Kelly 4340 2900
Quarter Master
Andrew Carlin 4324 8097
Cherrie Pandich 4328 1309
DTU Officer
Shane Tapscott 0408 026 430
Raffle Co-Ordinator
Joyce Hollins 4392 3878
Supper Co-ordinator
Committee meetings are held on the SECOND
MONDAY after the general meeting. Venue
shown in up coming events calendar. All
members welcome.
Any information or articles of interest are
welcomed by the editor and can be emailed to Please ensure that your
articles and trip reports are sent to the editor as
soon as possible so they can appear in the next
magazine. The cut off date for production is the
last Friday of each month.
CC4wd Club
PO Box 4354
Glenn McCreadie
CLUB PHONE NO: 0457 983 505
The Central Coast Four Wheel Drive Club is a
member of the Four Wheel Drive NSW & ACT
Club delegates are: Peter Wade and Ralph
ISSUE NO 411 June 2016
Yvonne McDonald 4359 1772
The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily
those of the club.
Lease Manager
Cover Photos courtesy of
Paul Kelly 0408 433 790
Glenn McCreadie, Jo Kellyy
What an honour it is to be able to write the presidents report this month. I was one of the hundred or so lucky
people who were able to attend the clubs 40th anniversary at Riverwood Downs. I had the most amazing time and it
was really rewarding to see so many people, both new and long term and even past members all joining together
socially during happy hour prior to and during the main dinner and dance. Such a lot of people came in fancy dress
for the occasion and some of the costumes were really fantastic. The dance was so much fun even for someone like
me with three left feet, I had a blast and it was nice to see such a sense of unity that hasn’t always been so
prevalent in recent times. I think its important to thank every single person who turned up. Thank you for making
the effort. Thank you for taking the time to organise your own accommodation and turning up in numbers to make
the event such a success. Thank you to those who went that extra bit and dressed up. Its was your 40th anniversary
and you made it a great night. Thank You.
Of course it would be very rude not to thank those who helped organise the night, Chilly for liaising with Riverwood
Downs, Max and Jo for managing the funding, Joyce and her merry helpers for doing happy hour and Dot Boy Rod
Phelps for his efforts with the firewood. Sorry if I have forgotten anybody but thanks to all.
On the 17th of September we have an opportunity to show national parks and others how serious we are about
living up to our logo “ Respecting The Great Outdoors”. This has been our slogan, our motto and how we like to see
ourselves. On September 17th we have an opportunity to join in with National Parks and other Hunter region clubs
to help out with a working bee to repair and clear Slippery Rock road in the Watagans. This club used to be the
major driving force in the Hunter Region and we far out numbered our other member cubs to these type of events.
Building a strong relationship with Parks and Forestry is something I personally feel strongly about and it would be
great to see us turn up in numbers as a club who is serious about backing up what we claim, Respecting The Great
Outdoors. In next months magazine we will have more details but I would like to see this as a weekend event, we
could camp in the Watagans for a weekend and turn this into a social event as well as a working bee. Please see if
you can spare some time to join in.
I have been approached by a few members asking how Stumpy is going. He tells me he's going ok and is on the path
of recovery so don’t stress, he will return.
Well that’s enough babble from me but please remember “ Don take life too seriously because you will never get
out of it alive”.
Vice President Greeny.
What a wonderful event we had to celebrate 40 years of this fantastic club “makes me a very proud old club member”! Full
report is on page 13.
With our AGM approaching in just a couple of months, my term as editor is coming to a close and we will be looking for a new
editor. It’s a really enjoyable job and gives you the opportunity for quite a bit of creativity whilst performing an important
role and having your say in the running of the club. You don’t need any special qualifications, just reasonable computer skills,
the ability to proof-read and edit the contributions you receive and be able to devote around 10-15 hours of your time each
month. I have produced the magazine using Microsoft Publisher, which comes with most versions of Microsoft office.
I will also be happy to help the new editor with their first couple of magazines and provide any assistance you might need
throughout the year. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to catch up for a chat about what is involved.
At this point I would also like to thank Jackie Cobbold (despite her protestations that she didn’t want to be publicly thanked)
for printing the DTU certificates and booklets for me this year. Thanks Jack!
Faye Goodman
Central Coast Four Wheel Drive Club Inc.
General Meeting
Thursday May 12th, 2016
Held at:
Tuggerah Primary School, Tuggerah
Meeting Opened: 8:03 pm by Vice President, Craig Green
As per the Attendance Book
Paul Fisher, Gary Hutchinson, Adrian Newman, Helen & John Smyth, Jackie Cobbold Glenn McCreadie, Clarissa Bright, Cathy & Steve Thomas, Dave Heather &
Lisa Brown, Cheryl Newton
As per attendance book
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting of Thursday, 14th April, 2016 were tabled.
“That the minutes of the previous General meeting as printed in the
monthly magazine be accepted.”
Moved: Tony Clark
Brian Ick CAR-
Business Arising from Previous Meeting
Speakers - please use the microphone as there have been complaints about not being able to clearly
hear you at the back of the meeting room.
Also can the rabble at the back please keep the noise down during the meeting for the same reason.
“Allow Alan Kerle to audit our books. “
Moved: Bev Fort
Peter Glendinning
President’s Report:
See general business.
Correspondence Inward
Inward - post
Bank statement and Merchant tax invoice from NAB
Changes to our NAB term deposit terms and conditions
Aust National 4WD Insurance renewal Arthur J Gallagher
Receipt for mailbox renewal from Australia Post
Sydney 4WD Adventure Show booth space invitation
Penrith & South Coast Caravan, Camping & Holiday Expo booth space invitation
Promotional letter from Careflight
Invoice for hire of school hall from Tuggerah Primary School
Quotation for Sat Phone rental from Karera in Tuggerah
Inward – email
1. New member enquiries, including one regarding a companion dog
2. Member change of email address
3. Thank you certificate from Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation
4. April Newsletter Port Macquarie 4WD Club
5. 40th Anniversary dinner payments Lots of members
6. NSW/ACT 4WD Assoc
a. 4WD Now Issue #4,
b. Agenda for May meeting including an extract from the constitution,
c. Memorandum of Understanding with a training provider,
Camp Quality day update,
draft MOU with NPWS
Interclub bowling night 25th June at Campbelltown City Bowl
April minutes of meeting
Hunter Region 4WD Council
Central Coast 4WD Caravan Camping & Boat Show booking notice from Grimmo Promotions
Request to update records on Community Directory Wyong Council
Convict Trail Project newsletter – they will receive $200K compensation from Coal & Allied as a
result of the recent Mt Thorley Warkworth mine extension approval as this extension will mine across
part of the Wallaby Scrub Road. They are also looking for a person or organization with Management and Marketing skills for a part time position.
8. Reply from the Convict Trail Project about reconnecting with this Club
9. AMSA Search & Rescue – 406 Beacon registration update required
10. Advertisers
11. 4WD wheel carrier advert
Powerful 4x4
Responses to membership renewal enquiries
Lots of internal emails about the 40th Anniversary
Email to Hunter Region secretary outlining the Club’s response to three motions to be tabled at
the May Quarterly meeting for the Association
Email to Convict Trail Project about the Club reconnecting with them.
Email to the Association regarding companion animals
Motion: “That the Inwards and Outwards Correspondence as presented be accepted
and dealt with.”
Shane Tapscott Seconded:
Scott Good CARRIED
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Max tabled the Treasurer’s report.
“That the Treasurer’s Report as presented be accepted.”
Paul Kelly Seconded:
Neale Simpson CARRIED
Max responded to a question from the floor from last meeting that the We-Leas-er fee increased from
$1650 to $1825 for the year – an increase of 10%
Treasurer Max then presented the bills for payment and requested that they be approved for
“That all bills for payment as presented be paid”
Paul Kelly
Neale Simpson
Assistant Secretary Judy requested the meeting’s endorsement of the following applicants for
membership to the Club: Paul & Shelley Barron, Adam Moody & Cassandra Curry
Judy Reeds
Seconded: Y vonne M cDonald CARRIED
Driver Training Unit:
Stage 1 – plenty of positions open 19th June
Stage 2 – plenty of positions open July 16th & 17th
Stage 2 certificates were presented to: Nil
Warm jackets, rain jackets & vests. If you need a particular size let Cherrie know.
Black letter banners have arrived!! Cherrie introduced our new merchandising officer Alan Kerle as
Cherrie will be away travelling. However, Alan will be away for Sep/Oct as well so the call was made
to the “models” to help out
Delegates Report:
Last committee meeting held: 2nd May, 2016 at 1 Dan Place, Gorokan
Business Arising:
40th Anniversary shirt. Normal logo with 40th Anniversary 2016 on same side no additional cost.
Members preferred same side as logo. Please let Cherrie know by end of June and we will order in
Chilly chasing up outstanding advertising revenue.
There is a dangerous tree at the lease that will need addressing.
Proxy voting procedure – VP Craig answered a few questions from the floor regarding this. The
constitution does not really provide a clear process for this. This is to save the confusion that occurred at the 2015 AGM.
We incurred a 10% increase in WeLeas-er annual lease fee
40th Anniversary finalised happy hour, dinner and dance timing. Joyce Hollins will arrange nibblies for
happy hour but can some members please help Joyce. Please talk to her
AGM coming up and quite a few Committee members are not looking at renewing so please consider
nominating for a position
Discussed Committee’s responses to the three resolutions to be tabled at the next Assoc. meeting.
Next committee meeting to be held on M onday 23 rd May, 2016 at Community Care Centre, Henry Wheeler Drive, Gosford
General Business:
Ralph talked to registration body about the 60 day per year licencing. At this stage it is only for
vintage cars and maybe next year it will extend to modified vehicles.
EPIRB registration. If a member is to use the Club’s EPIRB they will need to contact President Shane
in order to have the registration of the unit transferred to the Trip Leader’s vehicle and contact
A few email addresses needing to be checked.
Campfire cookbook issued by the Club 15 years ago. We are looking at renewing this for the 40 th so
if anyone has a good recipe please send it to Judy.
Hoping to have a paid email service and storage that meets the Club’s needs sorted by next
Committee meeting.
Bob Montgomery shared an experience regarding a portable gas cooker that went up in flames when
they ignited it. The gas valve failed and the gas flame engulfed the entire unit meaning you couldn’t
turn it off. Very dangerous incident when this happened on the back door of the vehicle. The ACCC
website lists names of suppliers that had a recall as a result of this.
Mingara 4WD show – the members present were in favour of getting a site again but we will need
someone to offer to organise the stand and the raffle.
Slippery Rock Rd 17 Sept working bee – we need an organiser and volunteers
We would like to run a chainsaw course as NPWS requires us to be certified to operate one during a
working bee. Potentially could be run through Getabout but likely to be a fee charged. Will raise with
the Assoc
Toukley Denture Clinic (Jim & Jenny Christopherson) donated $195. Thankyou!!
Dress up for the 40th. Please jump in and turn-up in Australian Colonial / Country dress.
Trip Master:
30th July is the date for the Xmas in July. Tripmaster Neale is going to organise
this but cannot be there for a full week before so he will need volunteers to help out. As this is only 5
weeks after the 40th the Xmas in July dinner will not be catered for by the Club so it will be a bring
your own meal. The Club will though sponsor some games and a few other activities. Please talk to
We need more trips! Please think about it putting one – day trips are good
Trip reports:
Newnes – Luke
Kanangra Boyd – Alan
Camp Quality – 18 vehicles with 7 from CC4WDC.
Piston-broke Trophy:
Pissed & Broken Cup:
Up Coming Trips
Upcoming Events
The trophy has acquired a Jeep badge! George volunteered himself
but he doesn’t want to talk about it!! With some peer pressure it
turned out to be a very expensive “heart & lung surgery”. Ouch!!
Lisa Good at Yerranderrie for a solid performance with the wine.
As per the calendar
As per the calendar
Items For Sale
GQ parts – Trevor Banks
MQ Triton parts – Trip leader Neale has seen the light and is getting a Prado so he has some
spares to get rid off!!
Camper trailer for sale – see the magazine!
Sue Maginnity’s Prado 120 is still for sale
Fun Fines:
No badges
Brian Ick for his wedding anniversary
The Wallaces for losing the entire wheel arch flare without anyone knowing about it (initially)
Bev for some unknown concoction at Newnes
Lachy for not wearing his new 4WD shorts enough!
A huge drill bit set, bottle of wine, something to read to teach all those Nissan drivers how to
drive, and a 4WD cleaning kit.
Meeting Closed
9:25 pm
Next General meeting will be held on Thursday, 9 th June 2016.
The minutes of this meeting were recorded by: Scott Sheldon, Secretary
Meeting Chairman
Vice President Craig Green
From the Archives
Editor’s note– This trip report from 2001 showcases the proud traditions of
our DTU, which continues up to today. Gary and Wendy Williams were also
editors of the magazine for a number of years.
Troy Bennett
Young George
Cook, receiving
the Piston-Broke
trophy after his
faithful Troopy
“heart and lung
Lisa Good was somewhat reticent when it came to explaining
the circumstances that led to her receiving the PFO cup.
The DTU team is always on the lookout for new blood
Do you have 4 Wheel Driving Skills and Experience?
Desire to share that with fellow club members?
Want to know more?
Contact Shane Tapscott, DTU Officer
Our club 40th Anniversary celebrations were a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the
comradeship, community spirit and common interests that we all share.
TC and I arrived late on Friday afternoon to find campfires already burning and a couple of
informal happy hours already taking place. A significant crowd had already arrived, some
bringing their vans, camper trailers and tents and some taking the opportunity to enjoy some
luxury in an onsite cabin. Some of us had booked for dinner in the restaurant whilst others
enjoyed their meals around the fire to the backdrop of a full moon on what was quite a crisp
Saturday was a sparkling clear day and as more revellers arrived, it became quite a challenge
to make it to the amenities block for a shower—there was so much socialising that it took
some people an hour to walk the length of the campground! The more energetic of the
group set off for a bushwalk and others played Boche and Finska on the lawns.
By 3 pm Joycie and her band of willing helpers had produced one of the most magnificent
happy hour selections I had ever seen and the group began to gather for one of our great
traditions. It was particularly pleasing to see the interactions between the “old” and the
“new” members as they swapped yarns about the tracks they had travelled and the tracks
they planned to travel in the future.
As darkness fell the group gradually slipped away—to emerge again as their chosen
character for the evening.
Riverwood Downs “Woolshed” had been decorated beautifully for the evening and
the array of characters that arrived was truly amazing. The Governor and his lady
were there, along with a number of ladies and wenches ranging from respectable
settlers to milkmaids and some busty barmaids. Matthew Flinders and Admiral
Simpson had made rare trips inland and a gambler had come straight in from the
goldfields (or was he really a bushranger?) There were bushmen in their drizabones,
jackeroos and jillaroos. Even an escaped convict had the audacity to show his face!
Captain Thunderbolt had come down from his hideout in the Barringtons for the
evening. To the awe of the crowd, Lord Montgomery and the Lady Porteous, along
with their maid, had travelled all the way from the Mother Country for the event and
some of the local squatters were there in their Sunday best.
A delicious buffet was served as the main meal, before the Bushfire Bush Band got
underway. What a great band! Their expert instruction, combined with their lively music
soon had us all up and dancing and even mastering (most) of the steps! We danced jigs,
waltzes, the barn dance, quadrilles, “stripped” the willow, danced the “drongo” and I
personally had the most fun I’d had in ages. Looking at the smiles and laughter around
the room I’d suggest that most would agree wholeheartedly with me!
A traditional cake cutting ceremony saw our longest standing and newest members in
attendance jointly cut our anniversary cake, then it was dessert all round.
The night finished with some comical bush poetry and traditional songs. I think most of us
were “danced out” by 11 pm although a few stayers enjoyed a late night campfire.
The vibe around the camp on Sunday morning was truly joyous with everyone I met saying
“what a great night.” Sadly all good things must come to an end –even a 40th bash so we said
our goodbyes and reluctantly headed home.
I’d like to thank all those who were involved in making this event such a huge success— in
particular Peter “Chilly” Chilvers, Shane “Stumpy” Brodbeck and Joyce Hollins for all your
hard work.
We, 1
And, 2
both being members of the above club hereby nominate,
as a candidate for the position of
___________________________ FOR THE 2016/17 CLUB YEAR
hereby declare that I have been a member of the club for a minimum of 12
months since last joining and hereby consent to be nominated for the above office.
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————CENTRAL COAST FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INCORPORATED
We, 1
And, 2
both being members of the above club hereby nominate,
as a candidate for the position of
___________________________ FOR THE 2016/17 CLUB YEAR
hereby declare that I have been a member of the club for a minimum of 12
months since last joining and hereby consent to be nominated for the above office.
Some photos from the
Newnes History Adventure
Sat 23rd - Mon 25th April, 2016
General Club Meetings 8 .00pm, Tuggerah Primary School, Old Pacific Highway Tuggerah
Committee Meetings
7.30pm at 1 Dan Close, Gorokan
Committee Meetings
7.30pm at Henry Wheeler Place Gosford
Coming Events Guide
Trip Leader
9 June 2016
General Club Meeting
Lostock Dam
8 pm Tuggerah Public School
4359 1772
No Limit
12 June 2016
Secretary – Scott
4393 6385
Ken and Yvonne
18-19 June 2016
Fire and Honey Girls Weekend
Bev Fort
0410 139 786
19 June 2016
DTU Stage 1 Cooranbong
Shane Tapscott
0408 026 430
20 June 2016
Committee Meeting
General Club Meeting
16 July 2016
DTU Stage 2 – We-Leaser
7.30 p.m. 1 Dan
Close, Gorokan
8 pm Tuggerah Public School
0408 026 430
No Limit
14 July 2016
Secretary – Scott
4393 6385
Secretary – Scott
4393 6385
Shane Tapscott
25 July 2016
Committee Meeting
Secretary – Scott
4393 6385
No limit
30-31 July 2016
Xmas in July
Neale Simpson
7.30 p.m. Henry
Wheeler Place,
0404 843 445
11 August 2016
General Club Meeting
11th Annual Australian 4WD
DTU Stage 1 Cooranbong
8 pm Tuggerah Public School
0414 246 607
No Limit
19-22 August
21 August 2016
Secretary- Scott
4393 6385
Bruce “Wombat” Close
Shane Tapscott
0408 026 430
22 August 2016
Committee Meeting
Secretary - Scott
4393 6385
7.30 p.m. 1 Dan
Close, Gorokan
No Limit
27 August 2016
(app 6-7 wks)
Anne Beadell Plus
Trevor & Sheryl
0408 293 045 S
0408 435 571 T
17 September
Slippery Rock Road Working
Brock Smith
0439 036 077
No Limit
16-20 November
Dunns Swamp & Western
John and Helen Smyth
4362 2383
0468 856 655
28 December
2016-8 January
Victoria High Country
Bob Montgomery
0403 800 959
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
For any trip rated C or higher, you must have first completed DTU Stage one . If you haven't, it will be up
to the trip leader’s discretion.
Contact: Trip Master - Neale Simpson:
You must personally book in.
2. If you book in early you must confirm that you still intend going no later
than two weeks before the trip. If you do not confirm your position will be
3. If you are unable to attend please notify the trip leader as soon as
possible so that someone else has the opportunity to fill the position.
4. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to contact the trip leader the night before the
trip. This will enable you to confirm your attendance, and also check that the
trip hasn’t been affected by weather conditions.
5. Trips can only be booked once they have been published in the Club
Magazine. A sign in sheet will be available at each monthly meeting.
A. This class of trip is considered to be extremely difficult. Participants will
have to be experienced at travelling over difficult terrain. An amount of
winching and/or towing will almost definitely be required. Participants will
be required to bring along basic recovery equipment. The trip leader will
have the right to reject a request to go from someone who is considered
under experienced.
B. This class of trip is considered to be a moderate to difficult trip. An
amount of winching and/or towing will almost certainly be required. Under
extreme weather conditions, this trip could develop into a class A trip.
C. This class of trip is considered to be a moderate trip. Various sections of
this trip will require cautious driving in order to negotiate your way. In most
circumstances winching and/or towing will not be necessary
D. This class of trip is considered to be a relatively easy trip. In is unlikely
that any winching and/or towing will be required
E. This class of trip is considered to be very easy. Little or not four wheel
driving will be required and these trips usually consist of easy to reach base
camps, scenic tours, social events, etc.
TO ENGAGE LOW RANGE. These classifications codes are A GUIDE ONLY.
The code designated to a trip can change from the time of designation to
the actual time of the trip. Although every attempt is made to ensure that an
accurate class is given to each trip, members should be sure for themselves
that they are capable of handling the type of trip they have chosen. If in
doubt consult the trip leader, and they will advise you whether you and your
vehicle are suitable.
Convoy Procedure
For the benefit of new members and as a reminder to old members, Convoy Procedure
on any Club outing, is outlined as follows:
The trip leader should remind all drivers that convoy procedure should be followed,
before moving off.
Trip leaders will ensure that the group on the outing is self-sufficient and should only call
on outside bodies for assistance with recovery as a last resort.
No driver will drive in a manner, or at a speed, that could endanger himself or any other
person or vehicle.
In hazardous areas it is the responsibility of the following driver to ensure that the
previous vehicle has passed through the hazard before proceeding.
It is the responsibility of all drivers to maintain (visual) contact with the following vehicle.
This becomes mandatory at intersections. Do not leave the intersection until the
following vehicle has acknowledged (lights or radio) the change in direction.
Persons leaving the convoy must notify the Trip Leader and, if possible, give details of
their intentions.
On trips including two or more vehicles each vehicle will remain in a designated position
in the convoy and not over-take the vehicle in front unless the driver of that vehicle
slows down and signals the over-taking vehicle to pass.
It is the responsibility of the Trip Leader to ensure that the drivers of all vehicles in the
convoy are aware of any deviations in the route.
No driver will park, or drive in the reverse direction to the hazard of other vehicles.
If a driver is trying to contact the rest of the group (other than by radio), he will flash his
All gates must be left in the manner they are found and is the responsibility of Tail-end
Charlie. The Trip Leader will ensure that Tail-end-Charlie is aware of the state of each
When any form of recovery is in progress, all those not directly involved in the rescue
operations must keep well clear and at a safe distance (parents are particularly asked
to keep their children safely away).
The use of radio transmitters DOES NOT replace convoy procedure.
Lostock Dam and Barrington
Tops National Park
Sunday 12th June 2016 [June long weekend] Start Time 0930hrs.
We-Leas-er [club lease]
Trip Class
D 50% tar 50% gravel
No limit
Trip Leaders
Ken Yvonne Mc Donald 4359 1772
Food, drinks and chairs [Lunch and afternoon tea]
This is an easy 4/5 hour trip where we will be travelling to Lostock Dam .The Dam is located approx. 40k
West of Dungog.
We will have lunch at the Dam and then we will head back to the lease via Eccleston, Salisbury, and
Bendobla and then cross country through the Barrington Tops National Park and into the top end of
Chichester State Forest.
We hope to be back at the lease in time for Happy Hour.
Come along and have a nice relaxing day out.
Fire and Honey Girls Weekend
Big Yengo 18th June 2016
Trip Leader:
Bev Fort, 0410 139 786.
18th-19thth June.
Vehicle Limit:
D, E (no caravans).
Minimum Requirement:
Stage 1, or at trip leaders discretion.
9am at Wollombi, cnr Yengo Ck Rd and Paynes Crossing Rd.
Camp ovens, Bag of Wood, Recovery gear, drinking water, food etc.
Enough for at least 250kms. Nearest is Cessnock or Kulnura.
$16 per person NPWS fee (non refundable).
Yes, by popular demand it’s on again!
So get your car, pack food, camp ovens, hot water bottle, bedding, raspberry juice and your choice of tent or
camper trailer to have another weekend of giggles and fun.
Hopefully the weather will remain fine so that we can do a little gentle 4WDriving around the picturesque
Yengo Loop.
This event was a great success last year and is a gentle and safe opportunity to hone your camping and 4WDriving in convoy skills.
It would be great if we could repeat our communal camp-oven meal again as it was such a success last year.
With this in mind, it would be good to have volunteers to oversee the procurement of nibblies, meats, vegies,
If you are going to attend please let me know ASAP so that I can ensure we get exclusive booking into the
same site as last year. Final numbers by 13th June.
Remember that the NPWS fee is non-refundable
Xmas in July
Neale Simpson 0404 843 445
Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st July
Casuarina Camping area, Watagan Forest Road, Olney State Forest,
E— (although there are optional day drives ranging from D to C class)
None—just turn up, set up your camp and sign on!
Food and drink, camp oven if you have one and lights to decorate
your campsite
Yes its on again! Our annual mid-winter gathering in the Watagans to feast on roast dinners and warm
ourselves by the roaring campfire. This year will see a return to the traditional “bring your own” camp
oven and ingredients.
There will be a number of optional day trips running on Saturday around the Watagans, lots of party
games, food and fun.
Neale will be needing assistance to gather wood and set up for the evening, so please contact him if you
can help—whether it’s a little or a lot.
11th Australian
Annual 4WD
19th-22nd August, 2016
Barmera, South Australia, 2 hours East of Adelaide and 2 hours
West of Mildura. There is a website available if you would like
more information.
Bruce “Wombat” Close 0414 246 607 or
When visiting We-Leaser, please remember to take your
rubbish home, be respectful of your fellow campers and our
neighbours by ensuring there is no noise after 11 p.m. and
please remember not to feed the wildlife.
If you have any issues at We-Leaser, please call Paul Kelly,
Lease Manager 0408 433 790
Anne Beadell Plus+
Trip leader:
Trevor & Sheryl Whittington
Phone no:
S - 0408293045 T - 0408435571
27th August, 2016 (approx. 6 to 7 weeks)
8 vehicles
This trip starts at Coober Pedy SA and traverses the 1338km of the Anne Beadell Hwy to Laverton WA. We
visit Carnegie station WA on the Gunbarrel Hwy to appreciate the cattle muster in the north. It includes the
West & East McDonald Ranges, Kings Canyon, Uluru and Alice Springs area NT. The route home is via the
Plenty Hwy to Boulia through the meteorite crater areas and the Min Min lights QLD. We then head south
via the Diamantina NP to Birdsville, travel over Big Red and out to Eyre Creek. We are hoping the tracks will
be open to visit the Coongie Lakes before finishing the trip at Cameron’s Corner via Innaminka.
The total return distance from central coast is approximately 8000km. Participants require a thoroughly
prepared vehicle, good fuel and sustenance management due to the isolation of some sections of this trip.
Expression of interest welcome including those who may only wish to participate in sections of the trip.
Dunns swamp &
Date: November 16 - 20 (Wednesday to Sunday), 2016
Trip Leaders: John and Helen Smyth
Class: C-D
Vehicle Limit: 10
Meeting Time/Place: 1.00 pm at Rylstone [Recreation Ground opposite Rylstone Hotel]
Information: This is designed as a camping trip, due to the fact that we will not have immediate
vehicle access to our camping area at Dunn’s Swamp.
BUT, if you wish to bring a caravan or camper-van, please let us know, as these may be set up away
from the water.
Cost: The camping fee is $5 per adult and $3 per child, per night..
Activities include bushwalking, swimming and kayaking in/on the beautiful water reservoir (on the
Cudgegong River), rock climbing, Finska, fishing (fishing licence required) and a half day excursion
to Ferntree Gully.
The return journey, on the Sunday, takes us into the north-western corner of Wollemi National Park,
for the 4WD part of the trip (only 20km), on a rarely traversed track, over Nullo Mountain, via private
roads at each end. A scenic drive through the Widden valley brings us back on to the Cox’s Gap road,
then via Denman for the trip home. [The trip officially ends at Denman, at approximately 5pm]
N.B. If you bring your caravan, you will be unable to return via this road.
What to Bring: Camping gear, drinking water, shower (if desired), kayaks (if possible), sturdy walking shoes, swimming togs. [Pit toilets are provided]
N.B: The return trip will change if it rains, as the track is available in fine weather only.
## Those who have only the weekend available may wish to join us at Dunn’s Swamp on the Friday
** We plan to be away from home from May to early
November so our mobile phone may not be within range
if you ring. Please try again later.
Contact: John & Helen Smyth, on
Ph. 4362 2383 [Mob. 0468 856 655]
Stage One
Dates for 2016— all sessions start at 8 a.m. and run until approximately 4 pm
Sunday 19 June
Sunday August 21
Sunday October 16
Where: Cooranbong Community Centre, 614 Freeman’s Drive, Cooranbong.
What to bring: Food and drink for the day, a pen, basic recovery gear and a readiness for
What to expect:
Stage One training is an introductory course to 4WD. The day is split into two parts,
initially at the community centre and involves theory, starting with the basic mechanics and safety knowledge of a 4x4.
Morning Tea break allows the trainers to work with each participant and their vehicle,
locating and identifying the necessary safety equipment in their truck.
The next session outlines driving techniques over various terrains and an introduction
to club protocols.
After lunch we move into a practical training session allowing you to practice your skills
in a safe, supervised area. This session will cover the essential safety technique of a
stall start recovery, followed by practice in picking a line in assents, descents and
basic rock steps.
Stage Two
Dates for 2016—sessions start Saturday 8 am, with additional opportunities on Sunday
Saturday 16 July
Saturday 17 September
Saturday 19 November
Where: Club Lease ‘We-Leaser’ Dungog.
What to bring: Food and drink for the two days, however, dinner is provided on the
Saturday night. Vehicle checklist from Stage One training and recovery gear.
Recovery Gear: Front and Rear recovery points, snatch strap, bridle or tree protector,
dampener and rated shackles.
Please note, that a trainer will accompany you during the practice drive and there must be a
seat available in your vehicle.
What to expect:
Stage Two training is a full day of practical exercises completed as a team to expand on the
knowledge gained in Stage One training.
We further investigate aspects of vehicle maintenance, practising pre-trip inspections and
completing a tyre change.
After morning tea, we revise the stall start recovery and simulate simple snatch strap recovery techniques- this is where you finally get to use all that wonderful gear you’ve
brought along.
In the afternoon we head out the back gate and put our training into practice. Taking the
back tracks through the State Forests we complete rutted and rocky tracks and simple
water crossings.
Prior to dinner, we complete a simple revision assessment as a group.
Upon completion of Stage Two, you will be prepared to undertake the NSW and ACT 4WD Association Accreditation certificate, a nationally recognised qualification.
Five years ago this club had a very successful trip into the Victoria High Country, 20 trucks spent 2 weeks base
camped in the Wonnangatta Valley.
This year is the clubs 40th anniversary and to celebrate I’d like to do a similar trip, so I’m proposing a base camp at
Talbotville for 12 days.
All Club Members Invited – No Limit
Talbotville is a large camp area on a river and is centrally located and offers numerous options for day/overnight
trips to some of the High Country’s most spectacular scenery and iconic tracks, Blue Rag, Billy Goats, and Wonnangatta Valley etc.
Talbotville is easily accessible by a 2wd gravel road for those who wish to tow in caravans, and Dargo is 33 kilometres away for fuel and basic supplies.
Requirements: Your trucks cooling system and brakes need to be 100%, a suspension lift is recommended but
not essential, good All Terrain Tyres are a minimum, also recovery points front and rear and basic recovery gear.
As for yourself, pack for remote area camping.
Trip Class: C
At the moment I’m looking for “expressions of interest” from members who could lead a trip and EOI from
attendees. A trip pack will be available later in the year which will give more detail as to requirements and
Any Questions call me, leave a message I will get back to you.
Bob Montgomery 0403 800 959
Happy hour in the Crooked River, Talbotville
Lic. No MVRL39537
PH 4365 5822 3/202 The Entrance
Rd, Erina
– Beachcomber Elite – Off Road Camper Trailer, Australian Made with a 5 Year Warranty (2.5
years warranty left) Registered until October 2016.
Purchased Oct 2013 – this camper trailer is a premium Off-road product including gusseted 2000mm one piece Duragal drawbar, heavy duty axle, 7 leaf greaseable shackle suspension, electric brakes and handbrake, AL-KO off road
hitch, stone guard, fully articulated off-road hitch and rear recovery point.
Quality amenities including 12v power, a Super Deluxe stainless steel gas kitchen with sink, electric water pump, built
in steps, 65 litre water tank, Australian Dynaproofed canvas – 15oz on roof and 12oz on walls, quality Queen size
inner spring mattress, lockable tool box, plus many more.
Additions: Thermal skin/fly, annex gazebo combo, annex floor, fridge slide, steel pole carrier, gas brackets.
Contact: Roger 0416 298 323
Off Road Systems Aluminium drawers for sale.
They measure 520mm wide, 800mm deep and 200mm high. They are
quite sturdy with heavy duty runners and may be stacked or sat side by
side. Asking $200 for both. New they are over $400 each.
Contact Alan 0417182403. Pick up at Killarney Vale.
Contact Ralph Teeson
4353 9249
$ 14,900 ono
Home-made Drawers
Contact Sue Maginnity
0407 200 708
Joel Pooley
Caitlin Deaves
Tayla Gall
Maurice Good
Benjamin Harmer
Cameron Torpy
Aiden Kelly
Addyson Harmer
Eric Hampson
Savannah Roper
Club clothing is a great way to promote our club and show your support for responsible
4WDriving and the clothing is good value.
Wet Weather light-weight Jacket (with Embroidered Club Logo)
Jacket (polar fleece with emblem)
Green sleeveless vest (polar fleece with emblem)
Club Shirt (with Embroidered Club Logo)
Long Sleeve Bisley Shirt (with Embroidered Club Logo)
Optional Extra (with first Name only)
Extra name plate badges (new style)
Baseball Caps (with Embroidered Club Logo)
Floppy Hats (like Cricket hats with Embroidered Club Logo)
Beanies (with Embroidered Club Logo)
Scarves (with Embroidered Club Logo)
Stubby Holders (with Logo)
Club Stickers
CC4WD Club Windscreen Stickers
CC4WD Club Windscreen Stickers
CC4WD Club Windscreen Stickers
Our windscreen stickers are made by one of our club members, Chris
Newbold and donated to the club. Thank you Chris!
Contact: Cherrie Pandich on 4328 1309
Click here to visit our club website
The website is a great resource with information about our club as well as club
magazines, up coming trips, past trips, FAQ’s and memorabilia. If you have anything you
would like to contribute please email
The club member’s forum is an opportunity to engage with other club members. It is
always a great place to seek answers to your questions, whether they be technical, travel
related or you are just looking for a great campground.
Click here to go to our forum then click “register”
Complete your details
Once accepted you can join in on the conversations or start up your own topic.
Our Club Facebook page now has close to 600 followers and is a great place to view
recent club trips videos, photos, tips, information about state forests and national
parks. Just search on Facebook for Central Coast 4wd club and “Like” our page.
The Four Wheel Drive NSW & ACT Association has its own website with information
about the association and its current activities
Click here to go to
Find the “login” option on the left of the page
Register your details
Once verified by our club you will have access to the members area