newsletter - Choteau Schools


newsletter - Choteau Schools
Web site:
Vol. 16, No. 1
August/September 2016
Choteau Schools will provide a safe, optimal learning environment, offering all students a well-rounded education.
New school term starts Aug. 31
Chuck Gameon
We are all looking forward
to a productive partnership with
the community and families
of Choteau as we start another
school year.
This partnership is our way
of helping our students achieve
their highest potential. As partners we share the responsibility
for our children’s success and
want you to know we will do our
very best to carry out our responsibilities. It truly does take a village to raise the next generation
and your positive influence and
involvement is truly appreciated.
We are all blessed to live in such
a wonderful community!
It has been a busy summer on
the school campus. You probably
noticed the construction around
the football field this summer as
RC Scott Enterprises was busy
during June constructing the new
all-weather track. The rubberized
coating will be applied during
the first part of August. The allweather track was a gift by an
anonymous donor to our district
and is greatly appreciated!
Please feel free to use the track
for walking or jogging as you
pursue your fitness goals. The
new track also has lights so you
can use the facility after the sun
New all-weather track
goes down or before it comes up.
If you would like a code for the
lights, please stop by the high
school office.
The new track definitely
changes the look around the football field with the addition of the
fence around the perimeter. All
spectators for our football games
must stay outside of the fence.
As the school year progresses,
you will notice advertising signs
on the fence around the track.
Advertising signs on the fence
are for sale to support the upkeep
on the all-weather track. You
can purchase a sign for $250 per
year. If you are interested, please
contact the high school office.
Photo courtesy Choteau Acantha
Contractors have been busy at the Choteau High School campus this summer, installing a
new, all-weather track. The concrete has been curing and the rubberized coating is slated
to be applied starting on Aug. 8. A new perimeter fence has been put up around the track.
school day
to start earlier
Choteau Elementary School
will start the school day at 8:20
a.m. this year. The reason for
the change is to accommodate
more time during lunch for
students in grades 4-6.
We are required to have
1,080 instructional hours per
school year and each day must
be made of up the appropriate
number of minutes to achieve
the mandate.
We will be flexible during
the first quarter of the school
year in terms of tardies as everyone adjusts to the 8:20 a.m.
start time.
Choteau Public
will convene
for the 2016-17
school year
on Wednesday,
Aug. 31.
Plan to attend K-12 open house Sept. 7
David Jamison
7-12 Principal
It’s the most wonderful time
of the year! No, not Christmas,
even better — “Back to School”!
This is
why I
an educator:
I loved
school as
a kid, and
that love
left me.
Anticipating the annual resurgence of
students flooding the hallways
that first morning makes me
smile. Parents long for the return
Published by Choteau Public Schools, a public school
system, governed by an
elected Board of Trustees
and an administrative team.
Mission statement of Choteau Public Schools: To provide a safe, optimal learning
environment, offering all
students a well-rounded
Elementary School Office:
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4
p.m., 406-466-5364.
High School Office: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., 406-466-5303.
Mailing address: 204 7th
Ave. NW, Choteau, MT
of school. And Choteau students,
I’m sure, are chomping at the bit
to be back. And why not? We get
to learn: practice composition,
factor polynomials, dissect fetal
pigs. I could get crazy here.
This fall marks the beginning
of my 17th year as an educator,
my third as a principal. I started
out as an English and German
teacher. (Wenn ihr wollt, könnten
wir zusammen unser Deutsch
einbisschen üben.) The years
have brought me many experiences and wonderful memories.
Most recently I was the K-12
principal and activities director
in Chester at CJI School. My
kids will be moving into grades
4, 6, 8 and 10 this fall. My family
and I have been anticipating the
beginning of our new adventure
in Choteau since last spring after
I was hired. Please forgive me if
I have to ask your name a couple
of times. Certain talents I have;
however, remembering names is
not among them.
We are looking forward to
a great year at school. Lots of
learning and many new experiences are in store. I want everyone to know that you can always
call me in the office or come and
see me if you have questions or
concerns about things regarding
school. I’m looking forward to
getting to know the students,
faculty and staff and community
members in Choteau.
Here are a few things in brief
to keep in mind as the school year
•Aug. 12 marks the first day of
practice for all fall Montana High
School Association-sanctioned
high school sports. Make sure
your student athletes have their
physical forms to turn in before
they practice. Additionally, there
is an MHSA student and parent
concussion form to go over
together with your athlete.
•ImPACT pre-concussion
baseline testing is Aug. 18 at the
high school for all students in
grades 7, 9 and 11, and for any
students who have not taken it
yet or are new to our district. You
may call the office to schedule a
time. A consent form, available
in the office, must be signed by
a parent before the test can be
administered. The test is taken
on-line on a school computer.
•Back-to-School night is
Wednesday, Sept. 7.
•Homecoming is early this
year, the week of Sept. 12-16.
•Be aware that your students’
participation fees must be paid
before the first competition for
them to play. Payment arrangements can be made by calling
me, David Jamison, in the office,
Booster Club welcomes members
The Choteau Booster Club will meet Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. at John
Henry’s restaurant. Booster Club meets on the second Monday of
each month at 7 p.m. at John Henry’s. Community members, Bulldog fans, and parents are invited to join the Booster Club and help
support Choteau school extracurricular activities.
No school
Labor Day,
Sept. 5
•New student registration is
Tuesday, Aug. 16, and Wednesday, Aug. 17. Please contact the
office at 466-5303 to make an
•Just a few notes about our
dress code. Clothing should be
appropriate for the learning environment. Nothing advertising
or depicting drugs, tobacco or
alcohol is allowed. As a matter
of respect, hats are not worn
in the building during school.
Dew rags and hair scarves are
considered hats with respect to
the dress code. A more detailed
description of the dress code is in
our handbook including descriptions of appropriate and modest
clothing. I recommend that you
go over it with your students on
the first day of school. There are
important things to keep in mind
when shopping for school. Please
call me with any questions or
concerns about the dress code.
CHS welcomes
new teachers,
Mrs. Carissa Jenkins is the
new chemistry teacher at the high
school. She is a recent graduate
of Montana State UniversityBillings with a master’s degree,
and she and her husband will be
joining the community.
Mrs. Shawna Jamison has
agreed to replace Mrs. Facklam
as the high school Title I paraprofessional. Mrs. Jamison is new to
the community and is the wife of
our new high school principal,
David Jamison.
Mrs. Callee Peebles is again
joining the junior high staff as a
Title I paraprofessional. You may
know Mrs. Peebles as our high
school track coach, which she
will continue to do in the future.
Welcome to all of our new
CES ready to welcome back pupils
Chuck Gameon
K-6 Principal
Welcome back! I hope it was
a fun summer for you and your
children this year. We are getting
ready for the start of school on
Wednesd a y ,
Aug. 31.
Te a c h ers are
in their
preparing for
year. Enjoy the last few weeks
of summer and I look forward to
seeing everyone on the first day
of school!
The elementary school office
will be open starting Aug. 15
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday. If you need a
school supply list, please stop
by and see Mrs. Shepherd in the
■ Register
If you have a child who will
be starting kindergarten this year,
please stop by the elementary office before the first day of school.
Please be sure to register your
child with Mrs. Shepherd in the
elementary office. Bring a birth
certificate and immunization records with you when registering
your child.
■ Back-to-School
Night Sept. 7
To keep you abreast of your
child’s academic program,
Choteau Elementary, Junior
High and High School will
have “Back to School Night” on
Wednesday, Sept. 7. Mr. Gameon
and Mr. Jamison will be presenting to all parents at 5 p.m. in the
auditorium. The school district
will host a free barbecue dinner
for all families immediately
following this presentation. The
barbecue dinner will be served
outside on the lawn in front of
the school.
Classroom presentations at
the elementary, junior high and
high school will start at 6:15 p.m.
During this time, the classroom
teachers will explain individual
classroom expectations. The
classroom presentations will
be at the following times in the
elementary school: 6:15 to 6:45
p.m.; 6:55 to 7:25 p.m.; and 7:35
to 8:05 p.m.
We hope that all parents will
attend our Back to School Night.
Your children can be on the playground or in the cafeteria with
supervision while you are attending the classroom presentations.
If you have any questions, please
contact the school at 466-5364 or
email Principal Chuck Gameon
■ Volunteers
always welcome
Choteau Elementary School
is always looking for individuals to volunteer their time in
the school. You can volunteer
in individual classrooms (with
your child) or in any room in
the school. If you are unable to
help during the school day, we
understand and encourage you
to be involved in other ways.
The America Reads Program
will get started in October and
we will be looking for Reading
Buddies to participate in this
program. If you are interested
in volunteering, please contact
your child’s teacher or Chuck
Gameon at 466-5364.
please sign and return the bottom portion of the last page to
school with your child. If you
have any questions concerning
the handbook, please stop by
and visit with Mr. Gameon in
the elementary office.
garten, Ms. Hanson and Ms.
Rowley; 1st grade, Mrs. Ekegren
and Mrs. Salmond; 2nd grade,
Mrs. McCollom; 3rd grade, Mrs.
Stubblefield; 4th grade, Mrs.
Christensen; 5th grade, Mrs. Jorden; sixth grade, Ms. Crawford.
■ Meet
■ Preschool
our CES
teaching staff
The elementary school is welcoming back Ms. Grace Hanson
as a kindergarten teacher. She
previously taught first grade in
the elementary school for one
year before moving to Conrad
to teach kindergarten.
Ms. Brynn Rowley will also
be joining our staff as the other
kindergarten teacher. Ms. Rowley recently graduated from the
University of Montana and she
comes to Choteau from her home
town of Polson.
Mrs. Cali Salmond is moving
from the junior high to first grade.
Mrs. Salmond did her student
teaching in first grade and is
looking forward to teaching the
youngsters of our school again.
The room assignments for
teachers this year are: kinder-
screening set
for Sept. 29
Big Sky Special Needs Cooperative in conjunction with
Choteau Elementary School
will offer a preschool screening
on Thursday, Sept. 29, in the
elementary gym. All children
ages 0-5 are encouraged to attend the screening. Please call
Julie Shepherd at the elementary
office, 466-5364, to schedule an
appointment for the screening.
■ Fall
photos Oct. 7
Life Touch will be here on Friday, Oct. 7, for the fall portraits.
More information concerning the
pictures will be coming home
with your child closer to picture
Montana law prohibits the
use of all forms of tobacco
on school property.
■ Parents: read
CES handbook
with students
Your child will bring home a
new handbook for the 2016-17
school year. Please be sure to
read the handbook with your
child. Once you have done this,
Role modeling healthy
behavior helps our students
be tobacco free.
Enjoy Choteau’s breakfast & lunch programs
Choteau Public Schools
serves breakfast and hot lunch
each day for students and faculty. Kara Garrett returns for her
fourth year as the head cook, and
her kitchen crew includes assistant cooks Shandra Lohf and
Shaun Worden and lunchroom
assistant Meade McCormick.
School meal prices at Choteau
Public Schools for the 2016-17
school year are:
•Breakfast — Students in K-12, $1.75;
adults, $2.
•Lunch — Students in K-6, $2.25;
students in 7-12,
$2.50; adults, $3.50.
•Extra milk, $.40 per carton.
Parents are asked to pay in advance. A notice will be sent home
when the child has
reached a negative
balance. A student
will be allowed to
charge up to $10 for
breakfast or lunch.
Those who
wish to participate
in the breakfast program could
also be eligible for free and
reduced-price meals. The form
for this eligibility is the same as
the lunch program; only one form
is required for both programs.
Criteria for free and reducedprice meals are published on this
Applications will be sent
home the first day of school or
parents/guardians may pick up
the applications at either school
office starting Aug. 15.
Free and Reduced-Price Meals
Choteau Public Schools announces the 2016-17 policy for the Free and Reduced-Price School Meals for students whose schools
participate in the U.S. Department of Agriculture National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. The complete
policy is on file in the central office and may be reviewed by any interested party.
Your children may qualify for free or reduced-price meals if your household income falls at or below the limits on this chart.
Federal Eligibility Income Chart for School Year 2016-17
Free/Reduced Price School Meals Income Guidelines
a Month
Every Two
For each additional family member
Application forms will be sent to each home with a letter to parents or guardians. To apply for free or reduced-price meals, parents or
guardians must fill out the application and return it to the school. Applications may be submitted at any time during the year. Households
will be notified of eligibility determination. At any time during the school year, program officials may verify an application. Households
dissatisfied with the ruling of the officials have the right to a fair hearing. This may be done by calling or writing to: Choteau Public
Schools Superintendent Chuck Gameon, 204 7th Ave. NW, Choteau, MT 59422, 406-466-5303.
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA,
its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating
based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity
conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape,
American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard
of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program
information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online
at: and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the
letter all of the information requested in the form.
To request a copy of the complaint form, call (566) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) Mail: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue S.W., Washington, D.C. 202509410; or (2) Fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) Email:
USDA is an equal opportunity provider.
CPS Newsletter going paperless
With declining enrollment causing budget reductions at Choteau Public Schools,
administrators are doing everything they can to reduce operating costs. One way to
save on paper and postage is to begin providing the monthly school newsletter as a
digital document (a .PDF) that can be sent via a mass email to all of our students and
parents. Community members who don’t have children in school can also sign up to
receive the e-edition of the newsletter.
We are planning to make the transition to the paperless newsletter in January.
Between then and now, we are requesting parents, students and community members
to tell us whether you want to receive the newsletter via email or in print through the
regular USPS mail. You can call the CHS office at 466-5303 or the CES office at 4665364 to let us know what option you want or you can email your option and contact
information to as soon as possible.
You can also fill out this form and send it to the CHS office or drop it off at the
elementary or high school office:
q I want to receive the school newsletter via email. This is my contact information:
Email address:____________________________________________
q I want to receive the school newsletter via regular mail. This is my contact
Mailing address:___________________________________________
School Food Service Quality Statement
Feeding our students high quality meals that are nutritious and delicious is our top priority.
Choteau Public Schools menus are built to support the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
and use recipes that taste great and are lower in fat, saturated fat, trans fats, cholesterol and
sodium and provide whole grains, fruits, vegetables and age-appropriate portions.
We analyze our recipes for nutrient content and food components into nutrient-standard
or food-based menu planning that comply with child nutrition guidelines for the National
School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. Our Balanced Choices Meal Program is a guidance
system to assist students in making the most nutritious parameters and is highlighted in the
serving line.
Your child may be eligible
for free health insurance.
The Healthy Montana Kids (HMK) Plan offers low-cost or free health
coverage for children up to age 19. Benefis Teton Medical Center staff
can help you determine whether your family is eligible for this program
and help you sign up. Please call Carla May at BTMC at 466-6003 or
email her at Carla will be happy to explain the
HMK benefits to you and help you fill out an application.
If your family (including adults and children) earns anywhere
from $41,580 for two members up to $106,728 for eight members,
please call. Montana Healthy Kids Program may be able to help pay
for your child’s healthcare.
Learn more about the Healthy Montana Kids
insurance program at
Choteau campus
is tobacco free
No student, staff member, school
visitor or person/group using or renting
school property is permitted to smoke, dip
or chew tobacco on school property. This
includes any building, facility, or vehicle
owned, leased, rented or charted by the
district; school grounds, athletic grounds,
or parking lots; or any school-sponsored
event off campus. In addition, no student
is permitted to possess a tobacco product.
This tobacco-free policy is in effect 24/7.
An exception exists when tobacco is used
as part of approved classroom instruction
or an American Indian cultural activity.
School accepting
sub applications
Applications to substitute teach in the
Choteau Schools are now being accepted.
Those interested should call the high
school office, 466-5303, for an application form. Those who have substituted
for Choteau Schools in the past do NOT
need to reapply, but school administrators
would appreciate a call from returning
substitutes confirming their interest to
continue substituting this coming school
Check out Parent
Resource Center
When entering Choteau Elementary
School, you will notice our “parent resource center.” This center offers many
books that may be helpful in raising your
child. These books vary on topic and the
latest books added are on nutrition. Please
take a moment and go through the resource
center and feel free to check out any book
to take home and read.
Weapons prohibited
on school property
Please understand that students are
NOT to bring weapons onto school
property. There are potentially serious
consequences, including expulsion, for
those who ignore this regulation. Please
explain to your children the seriousness of
bringing any weapon onto school property.
Thank you.
Call Choteau Elementary School at 466-5364 with questions or to pick up a supply list.
Plastic supply box, 2 boxes crayons, 6 glue sticks, 12 Ticonderoga-brand #2 pencils, water bottle,
book bag, 1 box sandwich size Ziploc bags, 3 boxes facial tissue, PE shoes, 1 pack non-lined
note cards, headphones (can buy at school), 1 bottle hand sanitizer, 12 black Expo markers (can
buy at school, 2 containers Clorox wipes.
Plastic supply box, 2 boxes crayons, 6 glue sticks, 12 Ticonderoga-brand #2 pencils, water bottle,
book bag, 1 box sandwich size Ziploc bags, 3 boxes facial tissue, PE shoes, 1 pack non-lined
note cards, headphones (can buy at school), 1 bottle hand sanitizer, 12 black Expo markers (can
buy at school, 2 containers Clorox wipes.
2 boxes crayons, scissors, 6-plus glue sticks, 12-plus #2 yellow pre-sharpened pencils, water
bottle, 2 Pink Pearl (Papermate) erasers, book bag, Ziploc quart or gallon slider bags, 1 box
colored pencils, 2 boxes facial tissue, PE shoes, headphones (can buy at school), 1 composition
book, 8 black Expo markers (can buy at school), 1 package Clorox Wipes.
2 boxes crayons, scissors, 6-plus glue sticks, 12-plus #2 yellow pre-sharpened pencils, water
bottle, 2 Pink Pearl (Papermate) erasers, book bag, Ziploc quart or gallon slider bags, 1 box
colored pencils, 2 boxes facial tissue, PE shoes, headphones (can buy at school), 1 composition
book, 8 black Expo markers (can buy at school), 1 package Clorox Wipes.
Supply box, crayons, scissors, 3 glue sticks, 20 Ticonderoga-brand #2 pencils, 2 red pencils,
closable water bottle, 2 Pink Pearl (Papermate) erasers, book bag, markers, colored pencils, 3
boxes facial tissue, PE shoes, headphones (can buy at school), 8 Black Expo markers (can buy
at school), 2 containers Clorox wipes.
Supply box, crayons, Fiskar-brand scissors, 1 package glue sticks, 3 packages of #2 Ticonderogabrand pencils, water bottle, book bag, sturdy inches/centimeters ruler, 2 100-page notebooks, 1
red plastic two-pocket folder with three clasps, markers, 1 box facial tissue, PE shoes, 3 packages
small index cards, 2 Mead composition notebooks, 8 black Expo markers (can buy at school) 2
packages Clorox wipes, headphones (can buy at school), 1 package erasable tabs, 1 package
study note tabs, 1 zipper binder pouch.
Supply box, crayons, scissors, 4 or 6 glue sticks, 5 large packages #2 pencils, 2 red pencils,
water bottle, 1 large eraser, book bag, markers, colored pencils, basic calculator, assignment
book (buy at school), a box facial tissue, PE shoes, 2 highlighters, small lined index cards, 4
black Expo markers (can buy at school), 1 package Clorox Wipes, headphones (can buy at
school),1 blue or black erasable pen (optional).
Scissors, 6 glue sticks, 36 #2 pencils (no mechanical, please), 2 red pencils, water bottle with closable lid,
1 large eraser and 4 packages pencil-top erasers, book bag, 5 plain color two-pocket folders, markers, 3
packages wide-ruled, loose-leaf, 3-hole punched paper, colored pencils, basic calculator, assignment book
(can buy at school), 1 box facial tissue, PE shoes, 6 pink, green or yellow highlighters, 2 lined note cards, 5
composition notebooks, 12 black Expo markers (can buy at school), 1 package Clorox Wipes, headphones
(can buy at school), 1 artifacts bag.
Supply box, scissors, glue sticks, 12 #2 pencils, water bottle, erasers, book bag, ruler with inches and
centimeters, 2-pocket folders (red, green, yellow, blue), markers, loose-leaf paper, Ziploc bags, protractor,
colored pencils, basic calculator, assignment book (can buy at school), 2 boxes facial tissue, PE shoes,
yellow, pink, green highlighters, 1 package note cards, 1 composition notebook, 2 fine-tipped black Expo
markers (can buy at school), 1 package Clorox Wipes, headphones (can buy at school).
Please Support Your Local Merchants!
School supplies are available at Choteau Drug and Rex’s Market.
for riding
1. Follow the directions
given by the driver.
2. Abide by school rules.
3. Leave no garbage in the
4. Keep arms and head
inside windows.
5. Have the driver’s permission to open windows.
6. Be quiet at railroad
7. Students may not board
or depart at a stop other
than their own unless requested by the parents.
8. No eating or drinking
on the bus is allowed
without permission from
the bus driver.
9. Throwing items of any
type is prohibited inside
the bus.
10. Use emergency door for
11. Sit in your seat at all
times on the bus.
The bus driver will have the
responsibility to maintain
orderly conduct on school
buses and will report misbehavior to the principal.
and HS
Junior high and high
school student schedules
and locker assignments
can be picked up in the
CHS office starting Aug.
CPS Administration, Faculty & Staff
Chairman Brodie Gollehon
Vice Chairman Mark Salmond
Trustee Jolene Bowers
Trustee Mark Henderson
Trustee Jerry Stott
Trustee Lane Yeager
Trustee Pat Field
Superintendent/K-6 Principal
Chuck Gameon
7-12 Principal David Jamison
Business Manager Patty Mellinger
Bus Contractor Gary Passmore
Grace Hanson, KA
Brynn Rowley, KB
Wendy Ekegren, 1A
Cali Salmond, 1B
Christina McCollom, 2nd
Jaime Stubblefield, 3rd
Rachel Christensen, 4th
Elizabeth Jorden, 5th
Karen Crawford, 6th
John Shepherd, P.E./health
Jeanette McCormick, K-6 music
Lorran Depner, 5-6 band
Shelly Johnson, K-12 counselor
Becky Rappold, preschool/
special education
Brook Durocher, accelerated
learning coordinator/library
Jami Gameon, RTI/reading/art
Shelly Johnson, K-12 counselor
Rachael Newmiller, science
Carissa Jenkins, science
Lisette Langdorf, English
Carden Moore, English
Laura Halverson, 7-8 reading
Jeanette McCormick, Spanish
Bill Durocher, social studies
Steve French, social studies/P.E.
Julie Gibson, special education
Ann Funk, math
Craig Tucker, math
Tami Krone, FCS and 7th-grade science
Lorran Depner, 7-12 music
Jami Gameon, K-12 art
Brook Durocher, K-12 library
Mark McCormick, industrial arts
Milford Wearley, agriculture education
Robb Wearley, technology coordinator
Larry Sattler, maintenance
Bryan Haviland, head custodian
Whitney Brown, custodian
Whit Foster, custodian
Kara Garrett, head cook
Shandra Lohf, assistant cook
Shaun Worden, assistant cook
Meade McCormick, lunchroom assistant
Julie Shepherd, administrative assistant
Tammy Hindoien, district secretary
Michaela Zwerneman, CHS secretary
Mary Smith, CES Title I
Jerri Morris, CES Title I
Shawna Jamison, CHS Title I
Callee Peebles, CJHS Title I
Lori Alzheimer, aide
Crystal Carlson, aide
Clint Buck, aide
Jill Smith, aide
Marribeth Foster, aide
Margi Corey, data entry/aide
Sarah Feldmann, speech therapist
Jaim McPherson, speech aide
Deann Bush, psychologist
Lou Giles, behavior specialist
Teton County Health Dept. - school nurse
Russ Moorhouse, activity bus driver
Randy Gramm, activity bus driver
Amanda Walker, Altacare
Julie Dalrymple, Altacare
Bev Yeager, Altacare
Jenna Moore, Altacare
School Bus News
Buses will run approximately on the same time schedules as last year. Children are
expected to be at their bus stop at least five to 10 minutes before the posted time on the
schedule. Tentative bus route schedules will be mailed to each family. If you do not receive
a tentative schedule and your children ride a bus, please contact Clerk Patty Mellinger at
466-5303. Also if you are new to the district and need
to be added to one of our bus routes, please call the
school at 466-5303.
LOADING & UNLOADING: For safety reasons,
private vehicles dropping off or picking up children
should be cognizant that the marked area along
Seventh Avenue Northwest is designated for school
buses only to unload and load children.
when it is loading or unloading children is a violation of the law. This continues to be an issue every
year. Bus drivers are legally bound to report passing violations to local law enforcement
agencies. Please, for the safety of all the children, do not pass a school bus that is stopped
or preparing to stop. School buses are to put on their amber flashing lights before making
a stop, followed by flashing red lights. When the red lights are flashing, you are required
to stop in your lane of traffic. Thank you for your care, understanding and cooperation.
Pay woods classes
registration fees
Students registered for woods classes
must pay a fee for materials. This fee must
be paid before the start of school and will
help cover the cost of the project your child
will complete.
The fees are as follows: Junior High
Woods, $10; Beginning Woods, $70; and
Advanced Woods, $50.
If your child chooses a project that requires
more materials, you will be billed the difference between the fee and the final cost.
Please contact the high school office,
466-5303, to find out whether your student
has a class that requires a fee.
Emergency Procedures
Choteau School District
All Parents and/or Guardians of Choteau Public School Students
FROM: Chuck Gameon, Superintendent of Schools
Emergency Procedures for School District No. 1
School District No. 1 is constantly striving to develop emergency procedures designed to minimize danger
to anyone occupying its school should an emergency occur. Our main objective is to attend to the health
and welfare of your child/children in the event of an emergency to see that he/she gets home safely by
walking, bus, or by transportation provided by parents.
It is impossible to foresee all the potential emergencies, but we have researched the most effective way
to use our resources to respond immediately to those emergencies that cannot be avoided. Any disaster
will disrupt the “normal” way of doing things. It will cause inconvenience to all of us. The responsibilities
are shared by school personnel and you as parents.
SCHOOL HE/SHE ATTENDS. In the rare event of an emergency affecting the school your child attends
that prohibits re-entry to the building (such as a broken gas line, a fire, or a sudden loss of utilities in bad
weather), students and staff will be evacuated immediately to an alternate site.
We ask you to follow this procedure if you hear RUMORS of any school emergency:
1. Turn on your radio. We will keep the media accurately informed of any emergency.
2. Please do not telephone the school. We have limited phone lines. These MUST be used to respond
to the emergency.
3. Please do not come to the school unless requested to pick up your child at school.
Any emergency involving your child’s school may mean emergency vehicles and disaster workers must
be able to get to the building.
School Messenger will also be utilized in the event of an emergency. School Messenger will contact you
with a text message, a phone call, or an email informing you of the appropriate actions needed in the
event of an emergency.
If “School” must be evacuated during regular school hours, the primary alternative site that your child
would be taken to and cared for is at: Choteau Baptist Church, 211 Second N.W.; phone: 466-2902
Stay tuned to KSEN-AM (1150) and KMON-AM (560) radio stations for updated, accurate reports and
information provided by the school district administration about when and where to pick up your child.
Emergency Management Plan
Student immunization requirements
Under the Montana Immunization Law,
children may not attend (enroll in) school unless the school receives adequate documentation of immunization and the appropriate
schedule for: diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus,
polio, measles, rubella, mumps and varicella
(chickenpox) vaccines. Students can exempt
for medical reasons (written medical proof
required) or for religious beliefs (completion
of state release forms required).
Please call the Teton County Public Health
Nurse at 466-2562 or the school district
at 466-5303 or 466-5364 if you have any
questions. The chart below has some helpful
guides for current immunization requirements.
3 doses, and
At least 1 dose after the 4th
4 doses, and
One dose must be given
after the 4th birthday
1 dose
Prior to entering the 7th
grade, a pupil must receive a
dose of Tdap. This schedule
applies to pupils who have
completed the prior 4 doses
listed above.
2 doses
Dose 1 on or after the 1st
birthday and dose 2 prior to
kindergarten entry (1st grade
in schools without K).
2 doses
Documentation from a physician of chickenpox illness
can be accepted in lieu of
the vaccine or lab-confirmed
CJHS, HS charging participation fees
Last school year the Board of Trustees approved a participation fee for all extracurricular/co-curricular activities with the exception of band/pep band. Students must pay
$25 per activity with a cap of $50 per family per year. Junior high students must pay $15
per activity with a cap of $30 per family per year. All activities fees must be paid before a
student will be allowed to participate in an activity.
All families that qualify for free and reduced-cost lunch will not have to pay any participation fees. Scholarships will be available for students and families to apply for if the
participation fees are a hardship. Students will also have the opportunity to work concessions
for an event to pay for their participation fees if the scholarship money is unavailable.
Help Sponsor New Track
Choteau Public Schools is now selling advertising
sponsorships to raise money for future maintenance
of the new all-weather track on the CHS campus. You
can help keep this new track in good shape for future
students and community members by advertising your
business or family on a double-side sign that will be
displayed on the new track perimeter fence. The cost
of an annual sign contract is $250.
Call Superintendent Chuck Gameon, 466-5303,
to reserve your sign space this fall.
Update email,
contact information
Parents, please provide the school with
your current email address. Also, if you
have had any changes in your current
phone numbers, place of work, address,
or emergency contact persons, please let
the office know so we can properly update our records and contact information
regarding your children. You may call the
elementary office at 466-5364 or the high
school office at 466-5303. Thank you.
‘15-‘16 yearbooks
available this fall
The 2015-16 elementary and junior
high yearbooks will be in on Aug. 15.
If you’ve pre-ordered, stop by the elementary office and pick yours up. If
you haven’t ordered one, there will be
some for sale in the elementary and high
school offices. Yearbooks are $30 each.
Consider joining
PIKE group at CES
PIKE or Parents Involved in Kids’
Education is the Choteau elementary
and junior high parent volunteer/booster
club. The club meets regularly during the
school year, usually in the evening at the
school cafeteria. The group plans fundraisers and projects to benefit students.
All parents, grandparents, friends and
community members are welcome to join.
Please call Julie Shepherd at 466-5364
with any questions.
meds policy
Just a reminder, Choteau Schools has
a Board policy that addresses dispensing
medication to students. Please ask for a
copy at either of the school offices. A
portion of the policy is described below:
Medication will be brought to the appropriate office by a responsible adult.
Medication will be properly packaged
with original pharmacy labels.
Medication will be accompanied by an
authorization signed by the prescribing
physician or dentist as well by the parent/
Your cooperation is appreciated in
order to ensure the safety of your children
who are in need of prescription medications.
Athletes: 2 forms needed
All Choteau High School and junior high athletes must have a
sports physical before being allowed to practice. The sports physical
form must be completed and signed by both the student athlete and
the parent/guardian. Forms are available at the high school office
and from most local medical providers. After the provider signs the
form as well, students should turn them in at the high school office.
State law also requires student athletes and their parents or guardians to sign a “concussion statement” form. The CHS office mailed
those forms out to all student athletes, and that form must also be
signed and turned in before students will be allowed to practice.
The form is also available at the high school office.
■ CHS Volleyball
CHS spikers start Aug. 12
Volleyball will begin with two-a-day practices on
Friday, Aug. 12. The practices will be from 7 a.m. to
9:30 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Head coach
Ann Funk will be assisted by Carla May. The first
competition is a tip-off tournament in Choteau Aug. 26-27. Coach
Funk can be reached at the school at 466-5303 or at home at 4662229. Coach May can be reached at home at 466-2688.
2016 Schedule
Fri., Aug. 12 .................. Practice starts .................................7 a.m.
Fri., Aug. 26...............Choteau Invitational................................. TBA
Sat., Aug. 27..............Choteau Invitational................................. TBA
Thurs., Sept. 1............. Rocky Boy/home...........4:15/5:45/7:30 p.m.
Thurs., Sept. 8.............. Cut Bank/away............4:15/5:45/7:30 p.m.
Fri., Sept. 9..................... Conrad/away..............4:15/5:45/7:30 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 10............... Townsend/home................4/5:30/7:15 p.m.
Thurs., Sept. 15.......Shelby (Homecoming).......4:15/5:45/7:30 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 17.............. Whitehall Tourney..................................TBA
Thurs., Sept. 22............. Fairfield/home.............4:15/5:45/7:30 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 24................... Havre/away..... 11 a.m./12:30 p.m./2 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 24............... Rocky Boy/away................4:30/6/7:30 p.m.
Sat., Oct. 1................ Manhattan Tourney.................................TBA
Tues., Oct. 4.................. Fairfield/away.............4:15/5:45/7:30 p.m.
Sat., Oct. 8...................Townsend/away....... 10 a.m./11 a.m./1 p.m.
Fri., Oct. 14..................... Shelby/away..............4:15/5:45/7:30 p.m.
Sat., Oct. 15....................Havre/home....................2:30/4/5:30 p.m.
Wed., Oct. 19................ Cut Bank/home............4:15/5:45/7:30 p.m.
Thurs., Oct. 20................Conrad/home..............4:15/5:45/7:30 p.m.
Fri., Oct. 28................. District at Fairfield..................................TBA
Sat., Oct. 29 .............. District at Fairfield..................................TBA
Thurs., Nov. 3............Divisional at Shelby.................................TBA
Fri., Nov. 4.................Divisional at Shelby.................................TBA
Sat., Nov. 5................Divisional at Shelby.................................TBA
Thurs., Nov. 10........... State at Bozeman..................................TBA
Fri., Nov. 11................ State at Bozeman..................................TBA
Sat., Nov. 12............... State at Bozeman..................................TBA
■ Junior high football
Junior high football (for students in grades six to eight) will
begin on Monday, Aug. 29, at 4:30 p.m. with an initial meeting and
gear checkout at the Choteau Elementary School gym. For more
information, contact Coach Mark Larson at 868-3992 and leave a
message or text. Craig Parsons returns as the assistant coach.
Scheduled games are: Sept. 10, Browning Jamboree, 9 a.m.;
Sept. 17, home v. Shelby, 10 a.m.; Sept. 24, home v. Cut Bank, 10
a.m.; Sept. 30, home v. Conrad, 3 p.m.; Oct. 8, at Browning, 10
a.m.; Oct. 11, home v. Fairfield, 4:30 p.m.
■ CHS Football
Football practice starts Aug. 12
Choteau High School football will begin with two-a-day practices
on Friday, Aug. 12. The practices will be from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Head coach Lucas Gunderson
will be assisted by Craig Tucker, Lee Perkins
and Dan Yeager.
Remember, all participants must have a
physical before they can participate. Physical
forms can be picked up at the high school office
during business hours. Equipment will be distributed on Thursday, Aug. 11, from 5-7 p.m. upstairs in the football
equipment room. Following, there will be a parents meeting in the
high school gym at 7 p.m.
Coach Gunderson can be reached at home at 466-3307 or on his
cell phone at 788-6001.
2016 Schedule
Fri., Aug. 12...................Practice begins............................... 7 a.m.
Fri., Sept. 2.................. Manhattan/home.............................. 7 p.m.
Fri., Sept. 9................... Townsend/away.............................. 7 p.m.
Fri., Sept. 16........... Boulder (Homecoming)......................... 7 p.m.
Fri., Sept. 23..................Cut Bank/away............................... 7 p.m.
Fri., Sept. 30................... Conrad/home................................ 7 p.m.
Fri., Oct. 7........................Shelby/away................................. 7 p.m.
Fri., Oct. 14...................Rocky Boy/away.............................. 7 p.m.
Thurs., Oct. 21................Fairfield/home................................ 7 p.m.
Sat., Oct. 29...............First round playoffs............................... TBA
Sat., Nov. 5......................Quarterfinals.................................... TBA
Sat., Nov. 12......................Semifinals...................................... TBA
Sat., Nov. 19.............. State championship.............................. TBA
Tues., Sept. 6................Cut Bank/away.......................... 4:30 p.m.
Mon., Sept. 12................Fairfield/away................................ 4 p.m.
Mon., Sept. 19................ Boulder/away................................ 4 p.m.
Mon., Sept. 26...............Cut Bank/home.......................... 4:30 p.m.
Mon., Oct. 3.................... Conrad/away............................ 4:30 p.m.
Mon., Oct. 10.................. Shelby/home............................ 4:30 p.m.
Mon., Oct. 17................ Browning/home.......................... 4:30 p.m.
Coaches still needed ...
Choteau Public Schools are still looking for qualified
applicants to fill four assistant coaching positions:
one each for high school girls basketball, high school
wrestling, junior high girls basketball and junior high
wrestling. If you’re interested, please call the high
school office at 466-5303.
■ Junior high girls basketball
Girls basketball for sixth- through eighth-grade students will start
on Monday, Aug. 29, at 4 p.m. in the CES gym and a practice schedule
will be handed out after the first practice. Girls may participate in
tennis and basketball as practices will be arranged to accommodate
both sports. For more information, contact Coach John Shepherd at
590-2000 or at
Scheduled games are: Sept. 17, home v. Conrad and De La
Salle, 9 a.m.; Sept. 24, home v. Shelby, Browning C and Boarding
Dorm, 9 a.m.; Oct. 1, at Cut Bank v. Browning B and Cut Bank, 9
a.m.; Oct. 8 at Browning v. Browning A and Fairfield, 9 a.m.; Oct.
15, eighth-grade tourney at Fairfield and seventh-grade tourney at
Shelby, time TBA.
■ Junior high tennis
Choteau junior high tennis, open to girls entering grades five
through eight this fall, will begin with a rules and participation
meeting on Aug. 10 at 5:30 p.m., at the school tennis courts. All
girls interested in playing tennis and their parent or guardian must
Coach Lisa Scott will discuss the schedule, expectations, rules
and goals for this season. All participants are required to have a
physical examination before participation and should bring their
signed physical form to the meeting. Physical forms may be picked
up at the high school office or at any doctor’s office. Practice will
start on Aug. 15 at 9 a.m. at the school tennis courts and will end
at 10:45 a.m. The team will practice in the mornings until school
starts and then move to the regular 3:45 to 5:30 p.m. time.
Girls will need to wear proper clothing: tennis shoes, shorts, tshirt/tank top, pony tail holders/barrettes (if their hair gets in their
eyes). Girls must bring filled water bottles to practice, since potable
running water is not available at the courts. Girls who have rackets
should bring them though the school does have a few rackets available for players who do not have their own.
“We are going to have a fun and exciting season, and I am looking forward to seeing our team from last year and all the girls who
are joining us this year,” Scott said.
Girls or parents who have any questions should call Scott at
799-8295 or email her at
Matches set so far are: Sept. 12 at home v. Conrad, Sept. 19 at
Fairfield and Sept. 26 home v. Cut Bank. All times to be announced.
More matches will be scheduled after school starts.
Report student absences
Choteau Schools must comply with the Missing Children’s Act,
which was enacted to help prevent a child from coming up missing. Any time a student is absent from school, the parent is asked to
notify the school by 9:30 a.m. (elementary, 466-5364; junior high
and high school, 466-5303). A note must be sent to the school with
your child upon his/her return to school stating the reason for the
absence. If a note is not sent, your child will receive an unexcused
absence until such time as a note is brought in explaining the absence. If parents don’t notify the school, school staff will call them.
Parents are asked to cooperate; cooperation is the key to having a
successful program.
Elementary PE shoe drive
Choteau Elementary School physical education teacher John
Shepherd is conducting a shoe drive for the coming school year.
Please donate any tennis-type shoes that can be used for physical education. Shoes may be new or used and should be in good
condition. Students in need will use these shoes during P.E. until
they obtain their own or until school is out. The shoes will then be
returned and used again the next year.
Student activity tickets required
An all-season student activity ticket is $50. An all-season adult
activity ticket is $100 and a family of four or more can purchase
an all-season activity ticket for $200. Admission to a single event
is $5 for a student and $7 for an adult.
Activity tickets are good for all junior high and high school
activities. Please hang on to your activity tickets and carry them
with you as you will be required to show your ticket to be allowed
into an event or pay the gate admission price.
65+ activity tickets free
Choteau High School is again providing free activity tickets
for senior citizens 65 and older. Senior citizens are encouraged to
come in and get their free activity ticket, which entitles them to free
attendance to all home extracurricular activities. (This ticket does
not provide admission to tournaments.)
Canine inspections of school property
Choteau School District #1 conducts periodic canine inspections
on school property. We may hold inspections before, during or after
school hours and they will be “unannounced.” Please explain to your
children the negative consequences of bringing contraband (firearms/
weapons, alcohol and drugs) onto school property. Thank you for
your help and cooperation in making our schools a safer learning
Catastrophic insurance plan
Choteau Schools has a catastrophic insurance plan to cover students
during the school day. All parents/guardians are to note this is
not a health insurance policy. It is a supplemental accident insurance policy only. Families are encouraged to carry separate health
insurance for all family members to include school-aged children.
This insurance is not intended to be a family health insurance plan.
Under this catastrophic plan additional coverage may be purchased
by individual families if so desired. If you have any questions, please
call the high school office at 466-5303.
Release of directory information
Throughout the school year, the District may release directory information regarding students, limited to: student’s name, address, telephone
listing, photograph, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of
attendance, grade level, enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate;
full-time or part-time), participation in officially recognized activities and
sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, degrees, honors and
awards received, most recent educational agency or institution attended.
Any parent(s)/guardian(s) or eligible student may prohibit the release
of any or all of the above information by delivering written objection to
the building principal within thirty (30) days of the date of this notice. No
directory information will be released within this time period unless the
parent(s)/guardian(s) or eligible student are specifically informed otherwise.
Notice of Release of Directory
Information to Military Recruiters
The federal No Child Left Behind Act and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2002 require high schools to provide to military recruiters,
upon request, access to secondary school students’ directory information.
In accordance with those Acts, military recruiters are entitled to receive
the name, address, and telephone listing of students.
If you do not wish the Choteau School District to release your child’s
name, address, and phone number, please stop by the high school office to
fill out the proper form.
This notice must be filed each year.
Choteau Schools Belief Statements
1. Learning is a lifelong process full of successes and failures, which
involves taking risks and making mistakes.
2. All students can learn. They learn in different ways and at different
rates and the use of a variety of instructional approaches is essential to
enhance student learning.
3. The school is responsible to offer a well-rounded education for the
whole child.
4. High expectations of the teachers, staff, parents and students
influence student achievement.
5. Schools must provide a safe environment where everyone is treated
with dignity and respect.
6. The school, parents, students and community share responsibility
to work together for optimal educational success.
204 7TH AVE. NW
Asbestos Management Plan
Chapter I / Title I Notice
On Oct. 22, 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed into law the Asbestos
Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHER Public Law 99-519). The law
required the EPA to develop regulations, which provide a comprehensive
framework for addressing asbestos problems in public and private elementary and secondary schools. On Oct. 30, 1987, EPA published the Asbestos
Containing Materials in Schools Rule (40 CFR Part 763 Subpart E). This
new law required all public and private elementary and secondary schools
to inspect for friable and non-friable asbestos and to develop asbestos
management plans that address hazards in school buildings. Inspections had
to be completed so management plans could be developed and submitted
to each state governor’s designee by Oct. 12, 1988. Our Inspection Report
and Management Plan provides compliance with that requirement and
forms a base from which to direct future asbestos-related activities. The
Montana School Boards Association conducted the inspections of all our
buildings and developed our management plan. Based on the findings of
their inspection, which was conducted in 1988, a comprehensive management plan was drafted. This plan details the response actions the district
will be taking regarding asbestos-containing materials found in our buildings. This plan, which has been updated every three years, is available for
inspection during regular working hours at the high school office located
at 204 Seventh Ave. N.W., Choteau.
Choteau Schools receives federal funds for Title I programs that are
part of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 designed to provide tutorial
assistance to students in the areas of math and language arts. You have the
right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your
child’s classroom teacher(s). If you request this information, the district or
school will provide you with the following as soon as possible:
A. if the teacher has met state licensing requirements for the grade level
and subjects in which the teacher is providing instruction;
B. if state licensing requirements have been waived for the teacher on a
temporary basis;
C. the type of college degree major of the teacher and the field of discipline
for any graduate degree or certificate; and
D. if your child is receiving Title I services from paraprofessionals and
if so, his/her qualifications.
If you would like to request this information, please contact Choteau
Elementary School Principal Chuck Gameon, 406-466-5364, or Grades
7-12 Principal David Jamison at 406-466-5303.
Special Education & 504 Services
Choteau Public Schools provides all types of Special Education and
504 Services (resource room, self-contained speech therapy, home-bound
and psychological services). By state and federal mandate, services will
be provided for all handicapping conditions of students between the ages
of 3 and 18, inclusive. If you have any questions, please contact Choteau
Elementary Principal Chuck Gameon at 406-466-5364 or Grades 7-12
Principal David Jamison at 406-466-5303.
Equal Education/Employment
Opportunity Policy
As required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1971, Title
VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Section 594 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973, the Choteau School District #1 is committed to a program of
equal opportunity for education employment, and participation in school
activities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, marital status, age,
handicap or national origin.