Nov/Dec 2007


Nov/Dec 2007
Ar ts Council of Placer County
Ar ts Newsmagazine & Calendar of Events N ove m b e r / D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 7
A Painting a Day
Extraordinary Artists
Chorus Hits
High Notes
New Director
Finds Mentors
Volume 13, Number 6
Painting-A-Day Phenomena Hits Placer County
by John McCreadie
Performance Chorus Attains New Stature
by Carol René Guild
Distinctive Art From Extraordinary People
by Janis Dice
Chana High School art teacher illustrates
successful ways to sell art on the Internet
The Sierra Community Chorus credits directorial focus,
focused auditions and volunteers for sell out crowds
Adults with developmental disabilities challenge
limitations and find inspiration in area art centers
12 Promising Director Finds Mentors
by Persia Woolley
Sierra foothills resident gets support from local
experts as he looks to direct mainstream movies
Placer Camera Club President Mike Schumacher
took home the best-of-show award at the 2007
Gold Country Fair with this photo captured near
Highway 88 in Hope Valley, CA. It was taken
following an early snowfall in 2006 and has not
been digitally altered. A Foresthill-resident and
retiree, Schumacher is a “serious amateur photographer.” Visit to see more of his
eye-catching cameral work or visit for more information about this awardwinning club.
7 Poets Speak
“What Would I Give You” by Elizabeth “Ibby” Dupre
14 The Score
Symphony Musician Brings Community Spirit and Devotion
by Ronald D. Greenwood, M.D.
16 Arts News
News from around Placer County
20 Arts Calendar
Galleries, Music, Dance, Museums, Events, Festivals, Film,
Theatre, Classes, Arts for Children and Calls to Artists
38 End Paper
Building Community with Art and Signs for the Ages
by Virginia Dains
About the Cover
Sacramento-artist David Lobenberg created the governor’s Christmas
card for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver in 2004, and
now he wields his brush for the cover of Perspectives’ holiday edition.
Entitled ‘Old Fashioned Christmas,’ Lobenberg students also will use
this image in his annual Holiday Watercolor Workshop Nov. 11. They
also will receive tips on how to turn their watercolor paintings into
personalized greeting cards. Information about the class or any of
Lobenberg’s fine artwork can be found at
November/December 2007
About the Artist
As an established figurative and landscape artist who creates both
fine art and commercial art, David Lobenberg’s style blends dynamic
impressionism with dramatic color palettes and kinetic brushwork.
The Sacramento resident brings a master’s degree in fine art from
UCLA, which he earned in 1971, to his work as a part-time professor
at Sacramento City College and to his many watercolor and acrylic
painting workshops. He also specializes in pen with ink wash. He can
be reached at (916) 737-2311.
If I Were a Rich Man . . .
ave you ever been asked what you would
do if you won the lottery? Statistically speaking, it’s unlikely to happen to me. Yet, I can
think of so many good things to do with such
a windfall. I don’t imagine my priorities would
change. Today, children, family and community are at the heart of all my decisions – both
personal and professional. So if I were to win
the lottery, I’d like to travel and learn more
about the world’s people and places.
As we enter the season of thanks and giving I count my blessings as so many of us
do this time of year. How fortunate I am to
work with so many creative people, to live in
a beautiful and bountiful geography, to have
wise elder and vibrant young family members
and friends. My life is rich with opportunity to
do good work, to work with good people, to
love well and be kind to others. As you read
this, think about the abundance of your own
life and the many ways in which you can and
do contribute. Thank you for the good things
you give to our world.
Match Maker – Make Me a Match
As our back-cover ad proclaims – it’s a new
era here at PlacerArts. We’ve developed two
new marketing tools for artists and arts organizations, and they are both accessible online at With the new arts registry, visual and performing artists of any discipline can
profile their products and services, creating an
audio and visual portfolio (photos, sound or
video clips) for public consumption.
We also launched a new online arts calendar. This aligns with the arts calendar printed
bimonthly in Perspectives. Now groups and
individuals will post their events and attractions online. Calendar items posted via are immediately accessible to
the public. As well, the calendar is connected
to other local, state and national outlets, which
will increase the visibility of upcoming arts
and cultural events, and attractions in Placer
Both the arts
registry and arts
calendar provide
easy steps for
anyone to self-register. Artists and
organizations are
encouraged to go
online and register
right away. We’re
already experiencing increased
online “traffic”
So if your calendar items are not
already there, just
Click & List!
We’re promoting use of both the
arts registry and
the arts calendar to
the greater public,
including developers seeking artists
for public art projects, and individuals and companies
searching for the
right artist – perhaps for their daughter’s wedding reception
or a corporate function. We’re encouraging
new connections through this virtual marketplace. Think of it as an online dating service
– matching artists to patrons.
Sunrise, Sunset
Swiftly Fly the Years . . . . My first born,
Sarah, the little girl I carried, found her prince.
Immediate family and a few friends happily
witnessed the recent nuptial. It was a wonderful day on the continuum of life and just one
more thing for which I am thankful.
For all the seasons – happy holidays!
Perspectives — Angela Juliano Tahti
Executive Director
November/December 2007
Perspectives, a bi-monthly publication of PlacerArts, provides:
a forum for communication between artists, arts and culture
organizations and the public; promotes public access and participation to residents and visitors; and increases public awareness
and advocacy for arts, culture and humanities of the region.
Mission Statement
PlacerArts is the Arts Council of Placer County
a nonprofit, public benefit agency and
Catalyst for the Arts and Humanities.
Executive Committee
Susan Dupre, Chair, Christian Valley
Priscilla N. Richter, Secretary, District 3 Loomis
Anu Vuorikoski, Treasurer, Auburn
Board of Trustees
Rick Brown, Trustee At Large
Susan Giles, Trustee At Large, Loomis
David Imgrund, Trustee At Large, Auburn
John Johnson, Trustee At Large, Roseville
Claudette Mitchel-Weismantel, District 4, Elverta
Marie Seward, Trustee At Large, Roseville
Joan Stockbridge, Trustee At Large, Auburn
Jan White, Trustee at Large, Newcastle
Barbara Wauters, Trustee At Large, Auburn
Vacant, District 1, Granite Bay
Vacant, District 2, Lincoln/Rocklin
Vacant, District 5, East Slope
Advisory Team
Dave Breninger, Chair Emeritus
Dick Cushman, Resource Development
April Maynard, Chair Emeritus
Valerie Anderson, Finance Consultant
Norma Brink, Accountant
Program Team
Angela Tahti, Executive Director
Judi Nicholson, Arts Administrator, Roseville
Karen Killebrew, Program Specialist
Shawn Silver, Program Specialist
Rosie Stilwell, Program Specialist
Editor: John McCreadie, Editor
Design/Production: Blue Cat Studio, Inc.
Printer: Auburn Printers, Inc.
Publisher: Angela Tahti, Arts Council of Placer County
Publication and distribution of Perspectives is made possible
with support from the County of Placer, the California Arts
Council State-Local Partnership and the City of Roseville Arts
Partnership Programs., the Auburn, Colfax, Foresthill, Lincoln,
Loomis, Rocklin and Roseville Chambers of Commerce, the
North Lake Tahoe Resort Association, the Placer County
Visitors Council, and Placer Valley Tourism.
Perspectives, published six times a year, is sent to members
and distributed via the public library system countywide and
regionally. Copies are available at PlacerArts offices in Auburn
and Roseville as well as at the California Welcome Center
Auburn. Opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views
of public partners, the Arts Council of Placer County Board
of Trustees or the city of Roseville Cultural Arts Committee,
or their, staff, advertisers, or contributors. Letters, suggestions,
and story ideas are welcomed. Calendar items, along with
photographs, may be sent to Perspectives electronically
via: Deadline for the
January/February 2008 issue: November 15, 2007.
808 Lincoln Way
Auburn, CA 95603-4807
Phone (530) 885-5670
Fax (530) 885-0348
November/December 2007
Contributing Writers
John McCreadie (‘Painting A Day Phenomena Hits Placer County,’
pg. 5) is a writer, professional journalist, and editor for Perspectives.
He contributes to area publications, writes for high-technology
companies, and designs landscape plans.
Janis Dice (‘Distinctive Art From Extraordinary People,’ pg. 8) is
a photojournalist who also writes for Gold Country Media newspapers, including the Auburn Journal, Prosper magazine and
Comstock’s Business magazine.
Carol René Guild (‘Performance Chorus Attains New Stature,’ pg.
10) is a contributing writer for several local publications, including
Inside Roseville Magazine, Folsom/El Dorado Hills Style, Roseville/
Granite Bay Style and Luxury Living.
Persia Woolley (‘Promising Director Finds Mentors,’ pg. 12) is an
author of non-fiction books and historical novels who lives in
Sonoma County. She is working on several new historical novels.
Ronald D. Greenwood, M.D. (‘Symphony Musician Brings
Community Spirit and Devotion,’ pg. 14) is a regular contributor
to Perspectives covering classical music. He serves on the Auburn
Symphony Board of Directors, now in his fifth year, and was a past
president. He is a pediatrician in private practice in Roseville and a
classical music enthusiast with an extensive music collection.
All of Perspectives’ contributing writers can be reached by e-mail at
More than 20 participants joined advisors
from PlacerArts for the
Technical Assistance
Workshop at the Sierra
College Gateway campus in Roseville to learn
about the new online
arts registry and arts
calendar. (From front to
back) Cathy Cline, S.E.W.
Smith and Tom Ferron
post their artist profiles
online via
More workshops will be
scheduled early
next year.
Painting-A-Day Phenomena
Hits Placer County
Chana High School art teacher illustrates successful ways to sell art on the Internet
by John McCreadie
ant an original, colorful country oil painting by Willard, Missouri-artist Connie Tom?
Click. Interested in a portrait from Italian artist Helen Del Guidice? Click. How about a
painting entitled “Lunch Sack” by artist Darren
Maurer from Sioux City, Iowa? Double click.
These are just some of the daily paintings done dirt-cheap readily available on the
Internet, which everyday captures the interests
of hundreds of art collectors everywhere. In
fact, these postcard-sized paintings – produced
by artists the world over – continue to grow in
popularity and create a new market for inexpensive, accessible and original works of art.
Google the key words ‘Painting-A-Day’ and a
slew of websites, blogspots and eBay auctions
fill your computer screen.
Major news publications have taken
notice, too, with dozens of published articles
on the topic, including ones from the New
York Times, USA Today and even the local
Sacramento Bee. These articles feed the frenzy
as they highlight the fact that daily paintings
are bringing low-cost artwork to the masses
– typically ranging in price from $100 to $300.
And now thanks to the disciplined daily
effort of local artist Craig Stephens, the
Painting-A-Day phenomenon has landed squarely in the Placer County region.
Stephens, a highly regarded art instructor at
Chana High School in Auburn for the past 12
years, began his daily quest to produce his
typical 7-inch by 6-inch miniature masterpieces
on Aug. 15, 2006. He’s been putting paint to
Masonite fiberboard everyday since.
“There are some good painters out there
doing daily painting, but most aren’t doing it
everyday,” says the 44-year-old Stephens. “I
decided if I was going to do it, I have to do it
And do it he has,
only taking off vacation time with his
family – wife, Janae
and 16-year-old son,
Clint. He does extra
paintings in the
weeks leading up to
holiday time so he
can continue posting his art on a daily
Like many daily
painters, Stephens
puts a digital image
of his work on his
blog, where he provides background
entries – similar to a
diary – on the subject of the day (craigstephens.blogspot.
com). Stephens says
all his paintings are
done from life, and run the gamut from selfportraits to donuts to a single roll of electrical
tape. He paints flowers, footwear and peppers.
When he painted a single gardening glove,
his wife said it would never sell. It sold, along
with an image of a tape dispenser.
“You never know what people will be interested in,” he says. “I did a self portrait, and
someone other than my mother bought it.”
That painting went to a woman in New Jersey
who collects portraits. A subculture of art lovers now exists that collect the postcard-sized
art pieces, says Stephens, who grew up in
Weimar in the upper foothills east of Auburn.
He also posts his art on the eBay auction
website, and if they don’t sell, makes them
Perspectives Long-time Chana
High School art
instructor Craig
Stephens in a selfportrait he sells on
the Internet. He
has been called
the “iron man” of
the Painting-A-Day
November/December 2007
available for $80 on his website. His regular
clients receive a daily dose of his art through
e-mails. With close to 100 visitors a day,
Stephens estimates he’s sold about two-thirds
of his work over the course of a year. To date,
his highest selling piece sold for $156 on the
online auction site. While his key motivation is
not financial, he admits “it’s a real rush when
someone bids your work up on eBay.”
The Art of Discipline
Richmond, VA-artist Duane Keiser,
the originator of
the Painting-A-Day
movement, captures a self-portrait
in a mirror ball
that is a reflection
of the artist and
his art.
So just what does motivate Stephens to commit two to four hours each day for this
endeavor? His answer is multifaceted. First, it’s
fun. Stephens’ interest in art began at a young
age with Marvel comic books, a passion that
continues today. He’s produced his own comic
strips and enjoys sketching comic illustrations,
which he displays on another website he created called
Before embarking on a teaching career,
Stephens supported himself by painting billboards and later, vehicle lettering, including
boat identification numbers. He also enjoys
doing murals, both commercial and residential.
While art is his profession, he confesses: “It’s
really not a job.”
Still, another motivator is his desire to
improve as an artist. “I feel like I have gotten
better,” he says, after doing a Painting-A-Day
for 15 months, or about 450 paintings. But
his key motivation comes from the focus and
discipline of repetition, or as he puts it: “The
harmony of repetition.”
It’s the same drive that
fuels his other obsession
– Shotokan karate. He is
an accomplished black
belt, where the psychological aspects of the art,
known as kokoro or attitude, encourage virtues
such as perseverance. Also,
intense training sessions
involve repetition to learn
new techniques.
Ironically, it was during one of those training sessions in Southern
California that he met
Duane Keiser, father of
the Painting-A-Day movement. Keiser, a Richmond,
November/December 2007
Virginia artist, was his sparring partner when
they learned they shared more than just a passion for karate.
“I call Craig the iron man of Painting-ADay,” says Keiser, referring to Stephens’ dedication to doing a painting each and everyday.
But it was Keiser who introduced the idea to
Keiser created the concept in 2002 and saw
it flourish in 2004 once he began his blog.
Subsequent media coverage raised awareness
of his daily painting regime and his website
soon found momentum. He permitted other
artists to emulate the idea, which he acknowledges helped his own success. He, too, credits
his karate training for the endurance to paint
“It’s like a daily meditation,” says Keiser.
“It’s something you put high up on your priority list of things to do each day.”
Stephens agrees. “It’s nice to slip away from
the rest of life for awhile. The time just flies
by and I feel refreshed.”
So, interested in a self-portrait of an artist
who’s discovered a new discipline? Click.
Susan Dupre, an Auburn resident and executive committee chair for PlacerArts, lost her
mother, Elizabeth, earlier this year. While going through her things, Susan came across
this poem – written by her mother several years ago – in a Christmas card to her brother,
Dan. It was a mother’s gift to a son back then and it’s our gift to you now.
What Would I Give You?
by Elizabeth “Ibby” Dupre
A secret mantra to
ward off danger and
boredom and
crummy feelings
A scarlet tuxedo and
ermine cape for
roaming the moors
A joyful dolphin to
carry you over the waves
About the Poet
Elizabeth “Ibby” Dupre died April 24, 2007 after
weaving and sharing her magic for 85 years. Dupre
graduated from Oberlin College in Ohio with a major
in English and a love for performing in college theatre. She went on to teach pre-school children and
raise six children of her own. At the age of 63, she
returned to school to obtain a masters degree. Dupre
was a voracious reader and a lifelong disciplined
writer. She kept regular journals, wrote poetry, and
would memorize and recite the verse of others with
an unbridled passion for the art.
A sack with an
inexhaustable supply
of marvelous munchies
Dusky rose glasses to
see the world in its
gentlest, kindest light
Millions of toys – frisbies,
tops, silly putty, bubbles,
kaleidoscopes, slinkies, etc.
A Christmas memory
A letter from Suzi
of tinsel and sleigh
– your girlfriend –
bells and venochka and
personally delivered
the Twelve Days of Christmas
Beaches at night –
A Tigger-type canine
surf, sand and stars
companion to frolic
with and whistle to
A big gruff lion to
take care of you and give
A magic mushroom
you gold and good advice
to make you small
when you need
enough to inspect a
dragon fly’s knee and
giant enough to see
The wish that some
whole patterns in
place or time on
the universe
this odyssey you
discover what a
A leather and very teensy
truly marvelous
set of backgammon,
person you are.
checkers and chess and a
fascinating book that
And love never ends
Perspectives November/December 2007
Performance Chorus Reaches New Stature
by Carol René Guild
a wonderful expression of joie
When the 70 singers that
Music Director
Lorin Miller (top)
leads the Sierra
Community Chorus
to new heights
with the help of
many talented
individuals, including Diana Murray
Tudsbury, instrumentalist manager
and chorus accompanist.
comprise the Sierra Community
Chorus come together under the
direction of Lorin Miller, brilliance
ensues. “Lorin Miller has transformed this chorus,” says Anne
Sterling, publicity manager and choir
member for the performance choral
group that is seeing skyrocketing
attendance as it reaches new heights
in harmony.
“We have a very diverse group
of people that love to sing,” says
Sterling. “We also sold out all of our
concerts last season.”
In August, the chorus began preparing for its Candlelight Concert
series held each year in December
and once again, it will be Miller’s
time to shine. Apparently, it’s also
giving concertgoers something to
sing about.
“We’ve developed quite a following of people so we have no
problem filling seats,” says the 47year-old Miller, who joined the choir
as its director in 2004. To accommodate sell-out assemblies, more
performances have been added
this year. “That is the telling part
of all of this – the size of the audience,” says Diana Murray Tudsbury,
instrumentalist manager and chorus
accompanist. “They continue to come back.”
The seven performances of this season’s
series, entitled ‘The Many Moods of Christmas,’
take place Dec. 7 - 9 at Del Oro High School
in Loomis and Dec. 13 - 16 at the Dietrich
Theatre on the Sierra College campus. The
two-hour long concerts will include holiday
music ranging from familiar traditional pieces
to classical selections the entire family will
Musical offerings will include everything
from a medley of Winter Wonderland to a
unique arrangement of Do you Hear What I
November/December 2007
Hear?, says Miller. A contemporary classical
piece – O Magnum Mysterium by composer
Morten Lauridsen – will also be performed. “It’s
a beautiful, beautiful thing,” says Miller with
adoration. “We’ve also got a great arrangement
of O Holy Night with our orchestra.”
The Christmas performances follow two
successful benefit concerts at Roseville’s 3,000seat Adventure Christian Church in October.
For those, the chorus combined singers from
Auburn Grace Church and Adventure Christian
Church, along with others in the area, to put
on the performance ‘Gift of the Heart.’ All
proceeds benefited two local charities – The
Gathering Inn, an ecumenical non-profit organization that offers a faith-based response to
homelessness in south Placer County, and
Acres of Hope, a spiritually-based shelter for
homeless women with children.
Stringent Auditions
It’s not surprising that the Sierra College campus is one of the chorus’ regular venues. The
Sierra Community Chorus is actually a class
at the Rocklin campus that was started by
past-director Fred Weber. Today, Weber is the
department chair for the music department at
Sierra College.
It’s an evening class that is attractive to students, working adults and older adults alike.
It is a self-managed program that is funded,
in part, by a grant from the Osher Lifelong
Learning Institute, but also generates income
through ticket sales and sponsor advertising,
says publicity manager Sterling. According
to Miller, the class “perpetuates learning” for
people who want to continue their education without the pressure of credits or grades.
Still, formal auditions, which are held twice a
year before the start of school in January and
August, come with some anxiety.
“Lorin is selective,” says Sterling. “We have
a lot of people who show up for auditions,
(but) Lorin doesn’t take everyone.” Almost all
the current singers are local to Placer County,
including talent from Roseville, Granite Bay,
Rocklin and Auburn.
The Sierra Community Chorus credits directorial focus,
formal auditions and volunteers for its sellout crowds
The Sierra
Community Chorus
is a class at the
Sierra College
Rocklin campus. The chorus
will perform its
‘Many Moods of
Christmas’ family
show during seven
performances in
But it’s the stringent way in which auditions are managed that has helped the chorus
excel. “I would say the majority of the chorus
now is made up of adults about 40 to 65 years
of age who have a history of singing in their
past,” says Miller. “They were music majors, or
they sang in college, or they sang in a church
choir. But they all have a love of music.”
“Our audition process is simple,” continues
Miller. “We are looking for people who have
a good ear, love music, and will work hard
because there is a lot of music you have to
Auditions under Miller’s tutelage include
singing musical scales and My Country, ‘Tis of
Thee. He also requires them to sing parts of
music they likely have not seen before to get
a feel for their music-reading ability. For those
who can’t read music, Miller suggests taking a class. “This choir moves so fast, (those
who can’t read music) will find it frustrating,”
he says. “We’re looking for people who have
a love of singing and who know a little bit
about reading music.”
Aside from the strong commitment made by
this diverse group of singers, there are many
others who help to make these stellar performances possible. “We have a council that
administers the funds – volunteers who help
do all the legwork to produce the shows,”
says Miller.” Those tasks include lighting,
sound and facility liaisons, along with scheduling, marketing and public relations. Volunteers
also help coordinate hiring paid accompanists
and instrumentalists.
“I think what is really important is the chorus is mostly made up of volunteers,” says
instrumentalist manager Murray Tudsbury.
“They put in countless hours to make sure
all the details are covered and the shows are
of a very high quality. The concerts happen
because of these wonderful people.”
Miller adds, “This is a great community. Our
goal is to really keep (this kind of) music alive
in Placer County.”
With the talent and dedication of this group,
along with the following they have cultivated,
The Sierra Community Chorus is an accomplished and revered performance choral group
that continues to build on its foundation of
strong directorial leadership, attracting key talent and benefiting from dedicated volunteers.
And that is something we all can sing about.
Perspectives November/December 2007
Distinctive Art From Extraordinary People
by Janis Dice
he walls hold an array
of completed works: some
Artist Patsy
Aronson uses
beads and paint to
turn a dried gourd
into an attractive
framed and displaying ribbons awarded at the Gold
Country Fair; others simply
tacked up with pushpins.
Fingers sift through tubs of
broken tiles at one workstation; paint-stained digits
labor to capture an image at
the easel; circles whip into a
tornado of colorful curves at
a side table. The aromas of
pencil shavings, chalk dust,
saturated paper and freshpopped corn – the morning
snack – blend into the animated atmosphere.
It’s a typical day at Southside Auburn,
where adults with developmental disabilities
discover and cultivate their artistic talents.
One of several art-related programs in Placer
County that serve people with developmental
disabilities Southside is a learning center that
focuses on unleashing potential in people
whose lives teem with challenging limitations.
Opened seven years ago as an extension
of the non-profit Sacramento Southside Art
Center, Auburn’s Artistic Growth division offers
instruction in painting, drawing, sculpting,
print making, ceramics, beadwork, mosaics
and textile arts to about 40 students per week.
Some of the work reflects their ingenuous perceptions; others demonstrate a more complex
view of the world, using exaggerated shapes,
striking color combinations and intricate patterns to communicate visually.
“It’s called ‘outsider art,’ which is a term
used to describe art done in a non-classical,
untrained way,” explains Ron Peat, Southside
Auburn’s art director. “It’s kind of like folk art
in that regard.”
The medium chosen and topics depicted
are as personal as the artists’ life experiences.
Peat’s job is to guide the students to hidden
paths of expression, sometimes using magazines to spark ideas for subject matter.
November/December 2007
“We’re self-activated, trying to get the students to do as much as they can on their
own,” he says. “Then I nudge them a little,
saying what do you think might make this better, to get them to push the media as far as
they can. They are the same as any other artist; always doing the best they can.”
An artist with two Masters Degrees in fine
arts, Peat personally produces ceramic vessels decorated with acrylic paints. His time
with the Southside students often inspires new
takes on his own creations: “They juxtapose
things you wouldn’t think of doing, and that
can help you in your own work: It might
cause you to rethink your approach or to
work with materials in a different way.”
The students’ products are on display and
available for purchase at their on-site gallery
in North Auburn, plus in the Southside Art
Center’s New Visions Gallery in Sacramento.
Their exhibits are in such varied venues as
the La Bou café in Auburn, Sutter Auburn
Faith Hospital and the Old State Theater in
Downtown Auburn.
On Nov. 30-Dec. 1, their handiwork will be
shown at Semas Ranch at 10940 Mt. Vernon
Road in Auburn. That exposure may lead to
more sales as, “people often see something
at an exhibit in an outside location and then
come to the center to buy more,” Peat notes.
Extraordinary Artistic Capabilities
That’s also true of work done by adults with
developmental disabilities at the seven-yearold Studio 700 in Roseville. The only art program within the Placer Advocacy Resources
and Choices Foundation – PlacerARC, for short
– the Studio arts center exhibits students’ work
in banks, cafes – anywhere they can find willing patrons. Their holiday season on-site show
is set for Nov. 8-9 at 700 Douglas Blvd. in
“What surprises people most are the student’s artistic capabilities, regardless of their
disabilities,” says Sandy Morris, program director for Studio 700.
Adults with developmental disabilities challenge
limitations and find inspiration in area art centers
In addition to visual arts, Studio 700 also
offers classes in performing arts, staging at
least two productions annually. The students
handle every aspect of the show; from lighting, costuming and painting the scenery to acting.
“In that program, the students have to learn
to cooperate as a team,” says Morris. “That’s a
big step for people who are used to working
Whether expressing themselves on canvas
or on stage, the students are pursuing individual penchants. “There is no common thread in
the students’ work,” Morris suggests, “except
that they all have a passion for art: They don’t
stay in the program long if they don’t. It’s not
therapy and it’s not experiential. It’s like any
student going to class; they have to be ready
to work hard.”
As at Southside, the ratio of instructors to
students at Studio 700 is one to six, with all of
the mentors required to be professional artists.
Morris reports she has teachers coming all the
way from Foresthill and Colfax to work with
the students in Roseville.
“Seeing people grow and accomplish things
they never had an opportunity to learn before
is a wonderful thing,” she says, “and it’s
incredibly rewarding.”
That’s old news to Jennifer Lile, a former
special education teacher She started working
in Placer School for Adults’ programs for people with developmental disabilities more than
a decade ago, and now is
the teacher coordinator for
its Thursday night Artability
“I had been doing community resource education
for a long time, including
coordinating horsemanship
classes, dinner dances and
field trips for the students.
But my background is art,
so I wanted to use that
experience to add arts to
their learning opportunities.”
Although socialization
is not the goal in any of
these arts programs, “the
students’ opportunities for
self-expression, team-building and the time spent with
their peers enhances their
self esteem,” Lile explains. “A lot of my students have developed talents they didn’t realize they had.”
Just as any arts organization nurtures and
promotes the work of its members, these
courses buoy the spirits of the artisans and
make them part of a larger community.
“It’s important that everyone be supported
in the arts,” Lile says. “And it’s most important
to look beneath the surface. You just might be
surprised at what you find.”
Perspectives Colorful wall murals
welcome visitors to
Southside Auburn
Art Center and
Gallery (above).
Mosaic-tile trivets
showcase just one
of many handcrafted items on
sale at the location
November/December 2007
Promising Director Finds Mentors
by Persia Woolley
hile it’s been a year
since he premiered his first
Foothills resident
Ryan Humphries
finds lots of local
support as he
embarks on a journey to become a
mainstream movie
full-length feature film at the
Crest Theatre in Sacramento,
director, producer, writer
and soundtrack composer
Ryan Humphries remains
focused on the project as
he prepares to distribute the
film, entitled ‘Sounds,’ on
DVD. At the same time, he’s
working on his next film
project, grabbing all that
he’s learned and chasing his
dream to become a mainstream movie director.
And the longtime foothills resident is getting lots
of help and encouragement along the way.
Local writer Ron Montana (‘The Sailmaker’),
who saw an early version of Humphries’
debut effort, considers his work very promising. Herb Lightman, a past professor at UCLA
who’s mentored many promising film students
over the years, including two young directors
– George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, has also
taken an interest in Humphries’ work.
“His advice has been very insightful,” says
the 25-year-old Humphries. “He reminded me
to observe life to help build my characters and
to draw from life experiences.”
Before retiring to the Lake Tahoe area after
a 50-year career in the film industry, Lightman
was editor of American Cinematographer
magazine and was highly connected in
Hollywood circles. “He has a history with
some very famous people,” says Humphries.
During a filmed interview with Humphries,
which will be part of the bonus material on
the ‘Sounds’ DVD, Lightman shares advice
he got from his mentor – Alfred Hitchcock.
“Good films and great films are made on a
desk, not on a set,” says Lightman, quoting the
legendary director. “(Hitchcock) pre-planned
everything down to the nth-degree.”
It’s advice Humphries has taken to heart as
he wraps up one project and begins work on
November/December 2007
his next film. “That’s been my biggest learning
experience making ‘Sounds,’” says Humphries.
“I wish I had done more pre-production
Montana, an Auburn resident and a highly successful writer, also sees potential in
Humphries work. He viewed an early rough
cut of the film before the dialogue or the
score were added. “It was the visuals that
caught my attention,” Montana says. “Young
Humphries has a fine eye for everything
from how he frames shots to the editing of
sequences and all-out special effects. It is a
native talent which could take him far in filmmaking.”
Like many budding filmmakers, Humphries
was forever videotaping family and friends
since he was 10-years-old. He was lucky
enough to have state-of-the-art equipment
when he attended Bear River High School
near Lake of the Pines, where he convinced
school administrators to incorporate video into
the curriculum. He also introduced the school
to doing a video yearbook ¬– a practice that
continues today.
After graduating in 2000, Humphries headed
to Los Angeles where he landed an internship that led to a spot as production assistant
on the film set of ‘The Mesmerist’ and allowed
him to hang out on the sets of ‘X-Files,’
‘Minority Report’ and ‘X-Men II.’
Ryan Humphries (left) gets filmmaking advice from
retired American Cinematographer Editor Herb
Lightman as they walk the shoreline at Lake Tahoe.
Sierra foothills resident gets support from local
experts as he looks to direct mainstream movies
When asked what he learned from his three
years in Hollywood, Humphries quickly
replies: “That it was time to get out and go
make my own film. Everyone in the industry says, ‘Show me what you can do,’ but no
one’s there to help you do it. So I decided to
come home and make a movie.”
Making ‘Sounds’
For Humphries, his first film project was an
effort born solely from a passion for filmmaking. It was produced locally and filmed in portions of Auburn, Grass Valley, Sacramento and
Washington, D.C. It’s a sci-fi comedic spoof
following the antics of two bumbling FBI
agents investigating mysterious occurrences
surrounding four young adults on a weekend
retreat. He carefully wrote a script to fit a
rock-bottom budget – at about $50,000 – but
made the finished work appear polished and
professional. It was his first script.
“I accidentally wrote a script that worked,”
says Humphries with a chuckle. “I wrote it to
work on film and I wrote it knowing I didn’t
have any money.”
Despite the tiny budget, the film used many
mainstream techniques and special effects.
“Saying it was a massive project doesn’t capture the magnitude and monumental effort of
the project,” says Producer Marian Ridolfi, who
works with the Auburn-based Sierra Traveling
Actors and provided performers for the film.
Shooting began in November 2004 with 33
straight days of bone-chilling cold, daily crises
and frantic readjustments to handle unexpected contingencies. Fortunately, Humphries had
landed an experienced cinematographer, Gary
Tomsic, an engineer at KCRA in Sacramento.
Some 70 percent of the exteriors were shot
on the 10 acres around the house where
Humphries grew up. That private-property
location offered simplified logistics by reducing the need to move people and equipment
around, and also reduced costs associated with
permits and other logistics needed when film
crews go on location.
The film premiered to a throng of investors, actors, crew, friends, and a few press
attendees at the Crest Theatre on Dec. 15,
2006, nearly three years after the project was
conceived. “(The film) is like nothing else
out there,” says Humphries, emphasizing it’s
a great “escape” movie. “I wanted to make
something that was entertaining.”
Now the film is going into DVD distribution
with the help of another local expert. Robert
Lenney of Newcastle is a veteran in the field
and is exploring a variety of distribution alternatives. The film is being packaged for DVD
with bonus materials, including the interview
with Lightman. It is expected to be available
early in 2008 and more information can be
found at
Humphries is already writing his next movie
script. “I like sci-fi comedy, and have some
further ideas to explore in that genre,” he
says. “And I’ll definitely do it here in northern California, now that I know I can find
the people and talent.” He nods confidently.
“Leaving Hollywood when I did was the best
decision I could have made.”
Perspectives New Director Ryan
Humphries (left)
received storytelling advice and
from local author
Ron Montana.
November/December 2007
by Ronald D. Greenwood, MD
hile she is just one of
70 wonderful musicians in the
Sue Dings, an original member of the
Auburn Symphony,
still contributes as
a musician and
community volunteer for the arts in
Placer County.
Auburn Symphony orchestra,
Sue Dings stands out. She
occupies the first chair of the
second violin section and has
been a devoted member of the
orchestra since its inception in
1987. But the Auburn resident
stands out for more than just
her love of classical music.
She also brings a spirit of volunteerism to the community,
especially in the arts sector.
She is a long-time member of many worthy organizations, including the
American Association of
University Women, Soroptimist
International of Auburn, and a trustee for
the Auburn Placer Performing Arts Center
(APPAC), helping with the restoration and conversion of the Old State Theatre into a state-ofthe-art concert hall. She also serves as chair of
the annual Auburn Bluegrass Festival, which
also benefits the APPAC. Dings sits on the
governing boards of Area 4 Agency on Aging
and the Placer County Older Adult Advisory
Commission, the Auburn Arts Commission and
the Art Walk Committee. And, in her spare
time, the energetic Dings directs the Chancel
Choir of Pioneer United
Methodist Church. Not surprisingly, she has
been honored for her steadfast and exhaustive
community work by PlacerArts.
But to regular symphony concertgoers,
Dings is probably best known for her work
with the violin. She is a wonderful musician
and a loyal member of the Auburn Symphony.
She was present when the Auburn Symphony
was created three decades ago and has continued to watch it grow.
“The Auburn Symphony has made steady
progress due to the dedication of musicians,
volunteers and good leadership,” says Dings.
“In the early days, musicians came early to
November/December 2007
set up the stage for rehearsals and concerts.
Now, we are fortunate to have a stage crew,
an office staff with an executive director and
a well-organized board of directors to manage
the business of the Auburn Symphony, plus a
symphony league to assist as needed.”
Love of the Classics
Dings grew up in Hollywood and Long
Beach, California. Unlike many youngsters, she
pursued her parent’s love for classical music
early on, listening to classical records and
Saturday broadcasts of the Metropolitan Opera.
She especially adored the sounds of the viola.
While recuperating from an appendectomy,
Dings’ parents introduced her to the smaller,
more manageable violin, which she enjoyed
learning during her recovery. “The first piece
I played by ear was the ‘Three Little Fiddies,’”
she says. Music was always part of her family growing up as her older sister played the
cello. In high school, Dings practiced the viola
and played in chamber music groups. She
later graduated from University of the Pacific
with dual degrees – a bachelor of arts and a
bachelor of music.
Her first job was as a music therapist at
DeWitt State Hospital in Auburn, where she
worked for five years. It was there she met
Bob Dings, a bioanalyst and chief of the
medical laboratory. It turned out he also
loved music and was an accomplished flutist.
The two played with the DeWitt Dance Band
while dating, destined to make beautiful music
together. They married and had two children,
Karen and Robert.
As the children were growing up, Dings
took a position as the director of a co-op
nursery school and a coordinator of volunteer activities for family care residents. This
eventually led to the establishment of the
Volunteer Center of Placer County, where she
was executive director for 17 years. Today, her
children are on their own: Karen is a speech
therapist in West Sacramento, and Robert a
Symphony Musician Brings Community
Spirit and Devotion
towboat engineer residing in Wisconsin. Over
the years, her husband took cello lessons so
the couple could play chamber music together
and with friends. Both were charter members
of the Auburn Symphony.
For Dings, her love of the symphony, and
its leadership, has never waned. “The Auburn
Symphony is very fortunate to have (Director)
Michael Goodwin,” she says. “He serves us
well as a teacher, musician and coach who
inspires us to do our best.”
Sue Dings – violinist, supporter of the
Auburn Symphony and the arts in Placer
County – we salute you! You are a genuine
bright light and a nurturing spirit for the entire
Music Director Ben
Dominitz leads
Chamber Music
Alive! in a holiday
concert in Rocklin
Dec. 2. , entitled
‘The Special
Holiday Baroque
Concert with the
Virtuosi Chamber
Season Five for
Chamber Music Alive!
Could chamber music in Placer County draw
patrons? Could it lure international musicians?
Could it bring innovations in musical style? The
answer to all these questions is yes and with
gusto! Rocklin’s Chamber Music Alive! (CMA)
entered its fifth season attracting capacity
crowds and earning rave reviews.
The Oct. 7 opening concert presented music
of Haydn, Brahms and Chopin with performances by Music Director Ben Dominitz and an
impressive list of guest artists. One of these, pianist Adam Nieman, presented the U.S. premier
of the chamber version of Concerto for Piano
and String Quintet, No. 1 in E minor, Op.11 by
Chopin. Greenwich News stated: “Remember the
name, Adam Nieman. You will see it emblazened
in lights.” No arguments here as he is clearly one
of the foremost interpreters of Chopin.
The fifth gala concert awaits you on Dec. 2.
“The Special Holiday Baroque Concert with the
Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra” will be conducted
by Dominitz, performed by Dominitz and guests,
and presents Handel: Concerto Grosso in
B flat Major, Op.6, no.7; Boccherini: G Major
Cello Concerto; and Vivaldi: The Four Seasons.
Dominitz promises the Vivaldi “will be a fresh
interpretation of an old favorite.” This chamber
orchestra is a departure from pure chamber
music to a small orchestra. Jason Uyeyama, a
frequent participant, is concertmaster for the
In addition to Dominitz’s skills as solo violinist
and chamber musician, he studied conducting
with Leonard Slatkin and has conducted throughout California and elsewhere in the last few
years. His virtuosic talents with the violin bring
great wealth to his interpretations as conductor.
You are encouraged not to miss this spectacular event at the Dietrich Theatre on the Sierra
College campus in Rocklin. For details, visit or call (916) 789-2920.
Perspectives November/December 2007
(From left) Cindy
Shelton, Gayle
RappaportWeiland, Maureen
Higelin and Donna
Lunardin enjoy
the preview party
in advance of the
26th annual KVIE
Art Auction in Sept.
Many Tuned In and Bid
The three-day KVIE Art Auction for 2007 took
place in mid-September with the goal of raising $150,000 to help the publicly supported
station with its mission to educate, enlighten
and inspire diverse audiences with quality
television programming and related services.
“The preliminary projections are that we will
meet or come close to our goal,” says Gayle
Rappaport-Weiland at press time, who served
as a special collection artist during the program. Her donated ‘Source of Inspiration’
watercolor painting sold for $1,600. The number of bids per each art piece was up overall,
reports Sheryl Brown, marketing communications manager for the event. The 26th annual
program offered artwork spanning a variety
of genres, all donated by emerging and established artists. Many of artists involved view
the event as old home week, says RappaportWeiland. Local artists David Lobenberg and
Gloria Burt juried the artwork this year.
premier exhibit, entitled “Art and Illusion.” The
inaugural exhibition – which includes work by
such internationally acclaimed artists as Andy
Warhol, Charles Bell and Masaaki Sato – will
be selected from the contemporary collection
of the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
and is being made available to the community
through funding provided by that foundation. “We are so excited for the opportunity to
return to the business of bringing art to our
community,” says Beth Rohlfes, curator and
project manager for the new space. “Everyone
will find something to enjoy in this spectacular
first exhibit.” The Blue Line Gallery, which will
be the new digs for Roseville Arts!, represents
a Herculean investment of donor monies, and
hours of volunteer and staff time since conception of the idea in 2002. Its 5,000 squarefeet of floor space will provide flexible options
for exhibitions, educational tours, workshops,
a children’s gallery, poetry reading and more.
For details, visit or call (916) 7834117.
Weidner Architectural Signage of Sacramento fabricates the Blue Line Gallery sign, which was installed
in October. The highly anticipated gallery will open its
doors Feb. 2.
Blue Line Grand Opening
It’s finally happening. The Blue Line Gallery
will open its doors to the public in grand style
Saturday, Feb. 2. Visitors will be able to enjoy
their first glimpse of this long-awaited gallery
between12 noon and 8 p.m. and revel in its
November/December 2007
Keeping Art in Our Future
Roseville area schools and children will benefit from a recently established partnership
between Roseville Arts! and retail giant Target.
Initially, Target is providing a grant to help
fund school children involvement in the first
art exhibit at Roseville Arts’ Blue Line Gallery,
scheduled to open its doors early next year in
downtown Roseville. “This grant goes a long
way to providing a fun, yet educational experience for our area kids,” says Roseville Arts
Executive Director Barbara Dolder. The grant
will help pay for gallery visits led by professional artists and family days at the gallery.
Additionally, it will provide reference tools for
teachers to help students understand how art
relates to other subjects taught in schools and
hands-on art projects related to the gallery’s
inaugural exhibit. The initial exhibition, which
opens to the public in Feb., is entitled “Art
& Illusion: Selections from the Frederick R.
Weisman Art Foundation.” Weisman, a successful businessman, is well known for his extensive art collection, philanthropic values and
passion for the arts. The exhibit is designed to
help Roseville Arts! accomplish its major goal
to “keep art in our future” by providing area
youth with a gratifying museum experience.
his directorial debut in the Oakmont High
School production of Steel Magnolias. And
while Del Oro High School in Loomis – with
its youthful three-year-old drama department
– received a noteworthy 10 Elly nominations,
the school only secured one award. That went
to Asia Sanchez for supporting actress in The
Foreigner. The Take Note Troupe production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream won a
family of Elly’s for costume design (LaRee
Florence and Emmett Florence) and leading
adult actress (Aurora Florence) in the Young
People’s Play category. Leslie Boles also won
for costume design for her work in the Grapes
of Wrath produced by the Center for the Arts
Elly Award Winners
Consider it the Tony Awards with a regional
flare. The Crest Theater in Sacramento hosted
the 2007 Elly Awards, a program organized by
the Sacramento Area Regional Theatre Alliance
(SARTA) to honor theatre performances in
Sacramento and surrounding areas. Many local
performing arts groups and schools were nominated for Elly awards, named after Eleanor
McClatchy of the McClatchy news organization
and a longtime patron of performing arts. The
awards recognize outstanding achievements in
student theatre productions.
Roseville’s Magic Circle Theatre won an
award for leading actor in a comedy (James
Wheatley) for its Driving Miss Daisy production and leading child actor (Devin Jewett)
in Julius Caesar. Oakmont High School in
Roseville took two Elly’s for supporting
roles (Nick Adorno and Amy Stevens) in its
acclaimed A Chorus Line production. David
Garrison, profiled in the May/June 2007 edition of Perspectives, took home an Elly for
in Grass Valley.
Judges for the annual Elly Awards standout for
their volunteerism and commitment by attending between 15 and 50 shows in their assigned
categories each year, often traveling hundreds
of miles to theatres within a 70-mile radius of
downtown Sacramento. All share a passion for
the performing arts and a promise to remain
objective. If you are interested in judging performances, visit or call (916) 4438229.
Troupe’s production
of ‘A Midsummer
Night’s Dream’
received several
Elly nominations
and took home the
coveted awards
for costume design
and leading adult
actress in the
Young People’s Play
Charitable Rollover Ends This Year
The deadline is approaching for the IRA
Perspectives November/December 2007
Charitable Rollover, which sunsets on Dec.
31. The IRA Charitable Rollover permits taxpayers (age 70 and older) to make donations
directly to charitable organizations from their
IRAs without counting them as part of their
adjusted gross income and, consequently,
without paying taxes on them. The IRA rollover, though limited in its scope, has already
led Americans to make millions of dollars in
new charitable donations from their IRAs. The
National Committee on Planned Giving reports
that over the past year and a half more than
$80 million in contributions have been made
to nonprofits as a result of the IRA rollover
legislation. For more information, call the
Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)
at (916) 201-7569.
Two Micro-grants Awarded
Sometimes it’s the little things that make
all the difference. The Placer Community
Foundation – with its mission of encouraging philanthropy for the betterment of communities in our region – bestowed two $1,000
micro-grants in support of two separate
Auburn area organizations. The Library Garden
Theatre Summer Series received its grant to
help fund new sound equipment as it enters
its 20th anniversary year. Under the auspices
of PlacerArts since Jan, 2001, the free-to-thepublic Summer Series exposes audiences to
an ever-changing variety of music from jazz,
blues, salsa, reggae, country western, choral, big band and cajun. The foundation also
granted $1,000 in support of the PlacerArts’
14th Annual Art Studios Tour, which takes
place Nov. 9 - 11.The combined assets of the
Foundation and its supporting organization are
now close to $5 million.
Camera Clubs Snaps-up Awards
The 2007 Gold Country Fair’s Showcase of
Photography competition was picture-perfect for Placer Camera Club members. Judges
awarded the top honor – Best of Show – to
the Club President Mike Schumacher. (See the
winning photo on Page 2 of this edition of
November/December 2007
Perspectives). Club members took home 10 out
of 30 place awards along with nine Honorable
Mention awards. The Placer Camera Club
helps local photographers improve their traditional and digital camera skills. In addition
to learning techniques from guest speakers,
members enjoy sharing tips. Members also
share images at meetings four times a year
when a guest judge is invited to evaluate the
photos in front of the group. The judge’s comments provide valuable feedback and help
members develop their composition skills.
Interested in joining? Visit placercameraclub.
org or call (530) 305-4546.
Bridging Divides Through Art
A unique ensemble of musicians from around
the world came together earlier this year for
concerts in Chicago, Washington D.C. and
Casablanca, Morocco to show art can unite.
HAMSA Fest 2007 in Chicago, which for three
years running has showcased international
dance, art, and cuisine, introduced a crosscultural element like no other to link “cultures
in conflict through the arts.” Artists featured
at the concerts included American pianist
and harmonica legend, Howard Levy, Persian
guitarist Shahin Shahida, Afghan vocalist and
instrumentalist Humayun Khan, Persian instrumentalist Farshid Soltanshahi, Israeli singer
Avishai Cohen, Lebanese vocalist Christine
Atallah, American Jewish tenor Alberto
Mizrahi, and Moroccan singer Haj Youness,
who is Muslim. The goal, say show organizers, was to “examine and challenge beliefs
about personal and cultural identity.” By the
way, the word “Hamsa” comes from the root
word for the number five in Arabic, similar
to “Hamesh” in Hebrew. It refers to the digits
on the hand, often referred to as the “Hamsa
Hand” and is considered to bring good luck
and well being the world over.
New Budget Brings Arts Funding
Now that the California State Legislature
finally passed the state’s fiscal year 2007-08
budget in August, the $109 million appropria-
tion for arts education in schools has been
locked down. “The Legislature has recognized
the arts as core curriculum for all our children, and these funds are crucial to providing music and arts programs in our public
schools,” says California Arts Advocates (CAA)
President Brad Erickson in a written statement.
However, Erickson goes on to express “disappointment” that general funding for the arts
“remains stalled at a mere $5.8 million.” This
puts California near the bottom of the pack for
per-capita investment in arts among all states
and means funding for the California Arts
Council will remain flat this year. Still, the CAA
pledged its commitment to working with legislators and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
to “achieve meaningful support” for future arts
funding. “Our minimum goal,” says Erickson,
“is (to secure) the national median of arts
investment – one dollar per person (statewide).” That would provide in the neighborhood of $37 million to the CAA’s increased
funding effort, which would represent a 15
percent increase from current levels.
County Disbursements Benefits Arts
The Placer County Board of Supervisors
recently allocated “revenue sharing” disbursements in support of local organizations including several in the arts and education sector.
$1,250 went to a golf tournament that benefits
the Roseville High School District Scholarship
Fund; the Auburn Chamber of Commerce’s
Community Festival and Auburn Placer
Performing Art Center’s Bluegrass Fest each
received $500; the Del Oro High School Band
Spectacular received $350; and $250 went to
both the Placer Theater Ballet’s “Nutcracker”
presentation and the Loomis Basin Education
10 Years of ‘Nutcracker’
For 10 years running, the nonprofit Placer
Theatre Ballet has brought the classic
‘Nutcracker’ ballet production to Placer County
audiences. Its popularity continues to grow
due to the theatrical quality of the produc-
tion, professional performances and frequent
appearances by guest artists of national and
international acclaim. More than 110 cast
members make up the production and some
of them will be in attendance at this year’s
Nutcracker Victorian Tea Party in the historic
Powers Mansion Inn on Dec. 1. In addition to
meeting Nutcracker characters and dancers,
patrons will be treated to high tea service in
classic style prior to the matinee performance.
Additional performances include Nov. 30 and
Dec. 1 - 9. For more information, visit or call (916) 630-7820.
Native American
Nisenan artist Alan
Wallace incorporates
native-American dialect
and his great-grandmother’s teaching into his
paintings. Folks can see
for themselves during
the holiday season as the
local artist’s works go on
exhibit Nov. 3 - Jan. 11
at the Maidu Interpretive Center in Roseville.
Wallace works through diverse art mediums,
including jewelry, paintings and mixed media
to communicate his ideas and thoughts on the
natural world. His great-grandmother, Lizzie
Enos, fueled his focus on nature as a youngster and, along with his sister, spent countless hours outdoors with Enos, learning about
the natural world and working with native
plants in the region. When asked about the
importance of connecting the Nisenan language to his works, Wallace explains that the
words forced him to ascribe a certain meaning
and verbal context to the works. “The whole
idea of language,” he says, “is the concept of
expressing ideas, thoughts and messages in a
certain perspective or viewpoint.” For Wallace,
art represents a means of critically analyzing the world and utilizing reasoning skills in
interpreting a worldview, much like his greatgrandmother taught him in childhood.
Perspectives Nisenan artist Alan
Wallace’s diverse
artwork will be
on display at the
Maidu Interpretive
Center Nov. 3 Jan. 11.
November/December 2007
The Auburn Old Town Gallery is an artists’ cooperative. It features the
works of 60 local artists who explore a wide range of media. Visitors
can buy original artwork directly from the artists. Hours are from 10
a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday
and Saturday. Located at 218 Washington St. in historic Old Town
Auburn. For details, visit or call (530)
Nov. 20 - Dec. 24: ‘It’s A Date, 2008’ featuring the artwork of local
artists on 2008 calendars, including a Victorian Homes calendar
with 12 local homes in pen and ink, and watercolor by Auburn
artist Nancy Holtz.
The Backroom Gallery featuring the works by Joan Charson and Joyce
Williams, located in the Chocolate Shoppe and Gift Emporium at 823
Lincoln Way in Auburn. For details, call (530) 885-4822.
‘Lincoln House’ is one of 12 area homes depicted in the pen and
ink with watercolor calendar by Auburn artist Nancy Holtz.
NEW LISTING: Nicholson Blown Glass in Auburn. A nationally recognized glass-blowing studio located north of Auburn off of Highway
49. Call for appointment. At 5555 Bell Rd. For details, call (530) 8231631 or visit
Art Can Heal presents art in a variety of media chosen for its healing
qualities. Work by area artists and students from local schools. Sutter
Auburn Faith Hospital Hallway Galleries at11815 Education Dr. in
Auburn. For details, e-mail or call (530) 3898504.
Through Jan. 11: Marker Paintings by Barbara Coe Ferreira in
the Chapel Gallery; Mixed Works by Linda Baugh graces the Art Can
Heal Gallery; Feather Paintings by Mae Gee on exhibit in the Garden
Through Nov. 24: “Flights of Fantasy” Art Exhibit at the Lincoln Arts
Gallery. Assembled by artist Jane Lares and the Lincoln Arts gallery
committee, the exhibit represents the artwork of more than 20 Lincoln
Arts members, including ceramic, clay and paintings. Artist reception:
Nov. 16 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For details, call (916) 645-9713.
Umpqua Art Gallery in Downtown Lincoln.With new shows every two
months, the Umpqua Bank of Lincoln has teamed with the Placer Arts
League to showcase the work of local artists at the bank in a gallery
setting. For details, call (916) 645-8714.
Bella Fine Arts and Gifts in Newcastle features the exciting works of
many local artists: paintings, ceramics, jewelry, sculptures, glass and
wood works, specialty items and gifts. In downtown Newcastle at 455
Main Street, #7. For details, call (916) 663-9790. Open Tues. thru Sat.
11 a.m. to 7 p.m, and Sun. to 4 pm (thru Dec 16 only).
Carpe Vino Art Gallery. Enjoy a glass of wine at this wine bar and
award-winning restaurant while you admire the works of artists Keith
Sutter, Robert Copple, Michael Godard, Alan Ross and Clark Stoeckly.
In Old Town Auburn at 1568 Lincoln Way. For details, visit or call (530) 823-0320.
J. Randall Smith Studio Gallery. Features new works of sculptor
J. Randall Smith, metal sculptor Jennifer Johnson, blown glass by
Nicholson Glass. Located at1130 High St. in Auburn. For details, visit or call (916) 289-7133.
Latitudes Galleries. Well-known local and regional artists showing
work in rotating exhibits in historic Old Town Auburn. Latitudes
Restaurant at 130 Maple St. For details, call (530) 885-1121.
Sunset Oaks Framing and Gallery featuring Larry Brenden’s limited
edition Distinctive Natural Landscape Photographs and other artists’
works. At Fiddler Green Plaza at 1273 Grass Valley Hwy. For details,
call (530) 885-4858.
The ARTS Building at 808 Lincoln Way in Auburn showcases a wide
variety of art exhibitions. It’s also the home office for PlacerArts and
the Auburn Symphony. For details about current or upcoming exhibitions, visit or call (530) 885-5670.
Through Dec. 5: Autumn Art Studios Tour Preview Show. Preview
the works of the 72 Placer County artists participating in the 14th
Annual Autumn Art Studios Tour.
November/December 2007
Click & List! online at
Send Us Your Listings and Photos
Perspectives welcomes your calendar listings and publishes them free-of-charge. Providing information digitally
through PlacerArts’ Online Calendar at
– in advance of our deadlines – is the most convenient
and effective way to get information to us. It also will
make your information available to other publications and
online-calendar listings throughout Placer County. Include
high-resolution photos (of at least 300 dpi) to provide
additional exposure for your activity, event or class, and
possibly, a published home for your artwork. Photos are
used at the discretion of the editor. Please include background information about the photo, including the names
of people or the art piece.
Please be aware that Perspectives does not verify information submitted for calendar listings and suggests readers verify listing dates and times in advance through the
information provided in each listing item. Those who submit information for ongoing calendar listings are responsible for providing updates or changes to their listings,
which can be done easily online.
Deadlines for submitting calendar information or for
updating a current listing for upcoming editions are as follows: For the Jan/Feb 2008 edition, submissions must be
received no later than Nov. 15, 2007; For the Mar/Apr
edition, submissions are due no later than Jan. 15, 2008.
Nov. 8: Meet The Artists Night at Bella Fine Arts and Gifts. A
monthly even to meet local and regional artists of the month
while viewing their works and enjoying light refreshments from 6
p.m. to 8 p.m.
Cutting-edge Exhibits at Ridley Gallery on the Sierra College Campus.
located in the Learning Resource Center in Room 102 at the Sierra
College Rocklin Campus at 5000 Rocklin Rd. For details, visit or call (916) 789-2873.
Through Nov. 16: ‘Two from the Faculty’ exhibits the work of Sierra
College art instructors Marty Gessler and James Albertson.
Through Dec: ‘The Colors of Mya Louw’ Art Exibit at the 2237
Gallery. See the fanciful and colorful art of Mya Louw, an award-winning artist with a studio in Granite Bay. Her work can be found in
private and corporate collections in the U.S., Holland, Switzerland,
Australia, New Zealand, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Visit from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. daily (closed weekends) at 2237 Douglas Blvd. in Roseville.
For details, call (916) 772 2402 or visit
404 Gallery at Vernon Street in Downtown Roseville. The 404 Gallery
offers a wide variety of new original paintings, prints, ceramics and
sculptures from local and regional artists with selected art work for
resale. The ‘404’ features different invitational artists each month.
Tues.- Fri. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. or by appointment. The ‘404’ offers a
Third Saturday Reception from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Art classes also
offered. For details, call (916) 784-9898.
studio & galler y
107 sacramento st., old town auburn • (530) 823-1965
Click & List! online at
Placer Valley Third Saturday Art Tour. Free art viewing and Open
House every third Saturday of the month, 6:30 - 9 p.m., in participating Roseville galleries: 404 Gallery, 404 Vernon St. (916) 784-9898;
2237 Gallery, 2237 Douglas Blvd. (916) 782-2909; Artists of Timber
Creek, Sun City Roseville Art Room, Del Webb Blvd., (916) 771-4257;
Perspectives November/December 2007
the Sacramento Cultural Arts Center. At 6520 44th Street #308 in
Sacramento. For details, call (916) 456-5080.
Nov. 17: What Happened at El Mozote? A Conversation with Claudia
Bernardi and New Yorker journalist Mark Danner. Free at 2 p.m.
at the Guild Theater.
Dec. 1: War and Social Injustice in Central America. A Panel
Discussion moderated by Xóchitl Arellano.
Dec. 7: Fundraiser for Walls of Hope. Features special live music by
Lichi Fuentes. $25 at 40 Acres Art Gallery.
The Chroma Gallery at 10030 Fair Oaks Blvd. in Fair Oaks Village
provides monthly shows of unique artists. Join in the fun each second
Saturday for an evening reception. For details, visit thechromagallery.
com or call (916) 966-6020.
Nov. 8 - Dec. 2: The “Significance of Place” Art Exhibit featuring
Artist Jackie Carroll. This show highlights river, foothill and vineyard views in the Sacramento area and scenes from California
redwoods and beaches. Artist reception: Nov. 10 from 5 p.m. to 9
Dec. 8: “Small Enough for Santa’s Sack” Art Exhibit of miniature
paintings. Part of the Second Saturday reception from 5 p.m. to 9
p.m. in Fair Oaks. The Chroma Gallery will offer a range of oneof-a-kind original paintings, photography, sculpture, wearable art
and ornaments in all sizes and price ranges during Dec.
Dutch-born artist Mya Louw in her studio. See her work at The
2237 Gallery in Roseville through Dec.
Beyond Point B, 151 N. Sunrise Ave, Ste 1303, (916) 787-9909 x 3;
Borders Books, Galleria, 1173 Galleria Blvd. (916) 788-1580; Borders
Books, 2030 Douglas Blvd., (916) 784-1088; Comfort Zone, 426
Folsom Rd., (916) 773-2444; Cordia, 5161 Foothills Blvd., (916) 7783330; La Provence, 110 Diamond Creek Pl., (916) 789-2002; Maidu
Interpretive Center, 1960 Johnson Ranch Dr. (916) 774-5934; Mike
Martin Photography, 508 Vernon St., Historic Downtown, (916) 2238361; Roseville Arts!, 311 Vernon St. (916) 783-4117. Call galleries to
confirm times or visit
The Total of One Gallery showcases art, sculpture, and mixed media
that represent the finest in casual living. Located at 2029 Opportunity
Dr. #4. For details, call (916) 797-8707.
Sacramento Region
Viewpoint Photographic Art Center in Sacramento. Located at 551
Sequoia Pacific Blvd. For details, visit or call
(916) 441-2341.
Through Nov. 3: Evolution: Passion & Transformation. An exhibition
of photographs by Huntington Witherill.
Nov. 9 - Dec. 15: ‘Imagining Life and Death’ Exhibit. A photo
project by Randy Snook in which subjects are engaged in different forms of dialogue and interaction in an attempt to facilitate
a search for answers to questions regarding the meaning of life,
the existence of God and whether there is life after death. Artist
reception Nov. 10 from 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
The Crocker’ Art Museum collection includes works from Europe,
North America, and Asia, dating from the 15th century to the present. The museum also offers special exhibitions, lectures, educational
programs, workshops, concerts, and events. For a complete list of
activities for all ages call (916) 264-5423 or visit crockerartmuseum.
org. 216 O St., Sacramento. Here are some of the upcoming activities
and exhibitions:
At Crocker: European Painting from the Collection, European
Galleries. Introduces museum visitors to the subjects and styles
represented by our European collection; includes a small selection
of decorative arts rarely seen on display.
At Crocker: Early California Painting Collection. Demonstrates the
artistic vitality of Northern California through the 1870s.
New Artworks Gallery at 10239 Fair Oaks Blvd. in Fair Oaks. Gallery
hours are Wed-Sun from 11 a.m. -5 p.m. or by appointment. For
details, visit or call (916) 962-7362.
Through Nov. 4: “A Study in Color” features works by Mary Louise
Mock and Ted Sanders.
Nov. 7 - Dec. 2: Who’s New @ New Artworks. An exhibition of its
newest members with an amazing array of works in oil, acrylic,
watercolor, pen & ink, mixed media and photography.
Dec. 5 - Jan.6: Deck The Walls. It’s an all member exhibit in true
holiday fashion.
Sierra Nevada Region
The 40 Acres Art Gallery and Cultural Center is a non-profit arts
organization dedicated to exposing and educating the Oak Park and
greater Sacramento community to a broad range of visual art forms
by presenting museum-level exhibitions. Admission is free. Hours
Tues. - Fri. from 12 - 6 p.m .; Sat.10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Located at 3428
3rd Ave. in Sacramento. For details, visit or call
(916) 456-5080.
Through Dec. 30: ‘Silence was Hostile and Almost Perfect’ Exhibit by
Claudia Bernardi.
Nov. 3: Dance! Learn about Central America through dance with
Nov. 29 - Dec. 31: Holiday Arts, Crafts and Gift Show at the Truckee
Gallery. More than 25 local artists and craft makers will participate in
this holiday gift shop. At 10950 Industrial Way, Suite B102. For details,
call (530) 550-7797 or visit
November/December 2007
NEW LISTING: The Carmel Gallery in historic downtown Truckee
features the works of local artists Elizabeth and Olof Carmel, who
specialize in fine art landscape photography with an emphasis on
scenes of Lake Tahoe and the Sierra. The gallery also showcases fine
art prints from Europe, Latin America, Alaska, the Pacific Coast and
the desert Southwest. At 10035 Church Street. Open from 11 a.m. to
5 p.m., excluding Tues. and Wed. (by appointment only). For details,
visit or call (530) 582-0557.
Center for the Arts Gallery in Grass Valley. Located at 314 W. Main St.
in downtown. For details, call (530) 274-8384.
Dec. 14 - 16: winterDance - A Celebration of the Season at the
Center for the Arts. A family holiday celebration showcasing
dance, music and art. The “winterArt” exhibit will offer artwork
Click & List! online at
and ornaments for purchase. Refreshments will be served. Friday
& Saturday at 7 p.m., Saturday & Sunday at 2 p.m. Price: $12-$15.
At 314 W. Main St. in Grass Valley. For details, call (530) 274-8384
(x14) or visit
Nov. 3 - 4: Banner Mountain Artisans Sale in Nevada City. Five local
home shows featuring 24 artists. Admission is free. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
each day. For details, visit
JB Photographic Gallery. Fine art photographs by Jim “JB” Budny,
specializing in classic black & white images and Tahoe winter scenes.
Downtown Tahoe City at the “Y.” For details, call (530) 546-8450.
Julie Baker Fine Art at 307 Spring St. in Nevada City. For details, visit or call (530) 265-9ART (9278).
Keoki Flagg Gallery of Fine Arts. Features limited edition fine art
photography from acclaimed photographer Keoki Flagg. Original
glass and hand-painted ceramics exclusive to the gallery. The Village
at Squaw Valley and at 419-3 North Lake Blvd. in Tahoe City. For
details, call (530) 583-1419.
Lake of the Sky Gallery. Landscape and fine art photography by
Richard Francis Topper and designer jewelry by Michou. Located at
521 North Lake Blvd. In Tahoe City. For details, call (530) 583-2722.
Lakeside Gallery & Gifts. Original art, prints, watercolors, jewelry, art
supplies, framing and art classes. Located at 8636 North Lake Blvd. in
Kings Beach. For details, call (530) 546-3135.
MacKenzie’s Gallery of American Style. Located at Broadstone
Marketplace at 2766 East Bidwell St. #600 in Folsom. For details, visit or call (916) 984-5511.
Pogan Gallery. Original paintings of Lake Tahoe and the Sierra by the
nation’s top landscape painters. Located at 6921 North Lake Blvd. in
Tahoe Vista. For details, call (530) 546-7846.
Potter’s Wheel. Fine-quality crafts by regional artists specializing in
pottery, woodworking and watercolors. Located at 8331 North Lake
Blvd. in Kings Beach. For details, call (530) 546-8400.
Vista Gallery in Tahoe Vista provides original contemporary art in a
variety of media including fine art photography, printmaking, mixedmedia, ceramics, stain-glass and metal art, plus a vintage photograph
collection of more than 2,000 images. Tues.-Sat. 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
at 7081 North Lake Blvd. For details, visit or call
(530) 546-7794.
Through Dec. 29: ‘Change the Seasons, Change Your Mind’ at the
Vista Gallery. New art celebrating nature and the change of the
seasons by more than 30 artists in a variety of media, including
fine art photography, mixed-media, printmaking, ceramics and
f you value and appreciate this county’s creative
and vibrant arts community, the Placer Community
Foundation can help you ensure a lasting legacy of
support for this region’s artists and arts organizations.
With a gift of cash, appreciated stock, or other assets,
you have options. You can establish a fund to benefit
the arts in your families name or contribute to an
endowment fund of pooled gifts in which the principal
is held in perpetuity and invested. Grants to artists and
nonprofit arts organizations are made from the
earnings, allowing the principal to grow. Through a
permanent, continuous effort to build endowment, the
arts are assured stability and security—forever.
Help support creative minds. Future master artists of
Placer County are waiting to be discovered!
Vrooman Woodcarving & Wildlife Gallery. Original wildlife woodcarvings, paintings, sculptures, and photography featuring national
and local artists. Located at 10115 Donner Pass Rd. in Truckee. For
details, call (530) 587-8104.
Watercolors by Jan Foss. Watercolor gallery and studio featuring
soft landscapes and colorful florals. Studio visitors can sign up for
a watercolor class. 120 Country Club Drive, #21, Incline Village. For
details, call (775) 833-1144.
Music & Dance
Nov. 30, Dec. 1 - 9: Placer Theatre Ballet Presents ‘Nutcracker.’ The
Click & List! online at
Perspectives November/December 2007
and violinist Ben Dominitz as soloists. Dominitz also will conduct.
The performance will include Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. At Sierra
College’s Dietrich Theatre in Rocklin. For details, visit or call (916) 789-2920.
Dec. 13-16: The Sierra Community Chorus presents ‘The Many Moods
of Christmas.’ Under the direction of Lorin Miller and accompanied
by Diana Murray Tudsbury, the Sierra Community Chorus presents
its popular Candlelight Concert series at the Dietrich Theatre on the
Sierra College campus in Rocklin. Tickets: $16-$24. For details, visit or call (916) 786-2609.
Swing Dance Classes with Chris & Emma of ‘In The Swing of Things.’
Beginning classes for teens and adults are held on weekday evenings.
For details, visit or call (916) 660-9255.
Magic Circle Theatre in Roseville. Two charming theatres in downtown Roseville at 241 and 421 Vernon St. Contact the theatre for show
times and location. Tickets range from $15 to $30. For details, visit or call (916) 782-1777.
“California Glow” acrylic painting (48” x 48”) by landscape artist
Mya Louw. Visit
company celebrates its 10th anniversary and productions of the popular holiday season ballet with seven performances at the Placer High
School Theatre in Auburn. $10-$17. Meet the characters and dancers
at the Nutcracker Victorian Tea Party at the Power Mansion Inn on
Dec. 1 before the matinee performance. For details, visit or call (916) 630-7820.
Barbershop Harmony for Men. The Nevada Placer Sierranaders (members of the men’s Barbershop Harmony Society) are directed by Roger
Perkins. The group meets every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at Burback Hall
in DeWitt Center, Auburn. For details, call (530) 823-0339.
The Sierra Gold Chorus rehearses each Mon. at 7 p.m. at Burback
Hall at 11577 E Ave. in Auburn. Women of all ages are invited to
come and sing with the group. For details, e-mail or call (530) 478-0130.
Nov: Holiday song rehearsals going on now. All women who enjoy
singing are invited to join the Christmas Chorus.
Swing Dance Classes with Chris & Emma of ‘In The Swing of Things.’
Beginning classes for teens and adults are held on weekday evenings.
For details, visit or call (916) 660-9255.
Dec 7-9: The Sierra Community Chorus presents ‘The Many Moods
of Christmas.’ Under the direction of Lorin Miller and accompanied
by Diana Murray Tudsbury, the Sierra Community Chorus presents its
popular Candlelight Concert series at Del Oro High School in Loomis.
Tickets: $16-$24. For details, visit or call (916) 7862609.
Dec. 15: Del Oro High School Dance Show. Celebrate the new dance
program watching students performing tap, jazz, African and salsa
dance styles. Shows are at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Price: $5-$6. At 3301
Taylor Road in Loomis. For details, call (916) 652-7243 (x1625) or visit
The Northern California Dance Conservatory (NCDC) in Roseville
celebrates dance as an art form as students – from beginners to professionals – receive the highest level of instruction from experienced
professionals, who also are skilled educators. For details: email info@ or call (916) 791-2061.
Music Classes for Infants and Toddlers in Roseville. Whiz Kids Music
classes help students develop pitch and rhythm skills and capitalize
on this critical period in developing the music aptitude of a child. For
details, visit or call (916) 765-9119.
Sacramento Area
Nov. 8: James Taylor at ARCO Arena in Sacramento. For details, visit
Nov. 27: Van Halen at ARCO Arena in Sacramento. For details, visit
Mondavi Center Presents. World-class performances of music, dance,
and drama; also, well-known speakers’ presentations and concerts
for children. On the UC Davis campus. For a complete schedule of
events, visit or call (530) 752-1915.
Swing Dance Classes with Chris & Emma in Sacramento. Beginning
classes for teens and adults are held on weekday evenings. For
details, visit or call (916) 660-9255.
Sierra Nevada Region
Nov. 4: Spyro Gyra at the Jackson Rancheria Hotel and Casino in
Jackson. For details, visit
Nov. 10: Dionne Warwick at Cache Creek Casino Resort in Brooks.
For details, visit
Nov. 17: Sierra Nevada Winds Orchestra’s Memorial Concert for
Richard Goodrich. Under the direction William “Bill” Hill, a program of contemporary and classical music will honor Goodrich, a
horn player with the orchestra who died in July. Paul Trethewey,
saxophone soloist, is featured on Tango by Albéniz. Highlights
include Fanfare for a Festival by Malcolm Arnold, Lads of Wamphray
by Percy Grainger, Shoutin’ Liza Trombone by Henry Fillmore.
Donations: $5-$8. 8 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church at 3101
Colusa Hwy. in Yuba City. For details, call (530) 269-0395.
Nov. 18: Jewel on Solo Acoustic at Jackson Rancheria Hotel and
Casino in Jackson. For details, visit
Dec. 2: Chamber Music Alive! Presents ‘The Special Holiday Baroque
Concert.’ The chamber orchestra will feature cellist Eric Gaenslen
Dec 6: Musiq Soulchild at Jackson Rancheria Hotel and Casino in
November/December 2007
Click & List! online at
Jackson. For details, visit
Dec. 14: Four Tops at Cache Creek Casino in Brooks. For details, visit
Nov/Dec: Center for the Performing Arts in Grass Valley. A variety of
great performances at 314 W. Main St. For details, call (530) 274-8384
(x14). Also see listing under ‘Events and Festivals.’
Nov. 10: Singer/Songwriter Eliza Gilkyson. $25.
Nov. 11: Ozzie Kotani & Stephen Inglis - Hawaiian Slack-key Guitarists. $18
Nov. 23-25: Saul Rayo: The Music of Neil Young. $20
Dec. 8: Dance Concert with Roy Rogers & the Delta Rhythm Kings.
Nov.22, Dec. 25 & Dec. 31: A Very Festive Season at the Groveland
Hotel. The holidays start with Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. Enjoy Christmas dinner in the Victorian Room. On New Year’s
Eve, put on the Ritz with live music, dancing, party favors and champagne. Just outside of Yosimite National Park at 18767 Main Street in
Groveland, CA. For details, visit or call (800) 273-3314.
Second Saturday Swing Out in Grass Valley. Every second Saturday of
the month brings a beginning East-Coast Swing dance lesson from
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and a DJ swing dance from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. $6
Lessons/$10 Dance only. This is an all ages, smoke-free, alcohol-free
event. Singles are welcome and no prior dance experience is necessary. Presented by The Foothills Swing Dance Society, a nonprofit
corporation. For details, visit or call (916)
InnerRhythms Dance in Truckee. Classes offered each week in a variety of dance disciplines, including ballet, hip-hop, jazz and modern
dance for ages 7-70. MiniRhythms for mini-dancers ages 18 months
– 6 years. At Training Centre at 12219 Business Park Drive, Suite 3.
For details, visit or call (530) 550-8464.
Placer County Museum
Exhibits represent the chronological history of Placer County,
from the Pleistocene era to contemporary times. Also houses the
Pate Native American Collection of over 400 items. Docents offer
free walking tours of Old Town Auburn Saturdays, 10 a.m. Placer
County Courthouse, 101 Maple Street. (530) 889-6500.
Bernhard Museum Complex
If you’re interested in
improving arts education
for kids…you’ll need a
Built in 1851 as an inn called Travelers Rest. The house, one of
the oldest wooden structures in Placer County, was added in
1868. Now restored, it is furnished with late Victorian pieces. The
complex also includes an 1874 winery, one of the state’s first, a
vineyard, and a reconstructed carriage barn. Docent tours, permanent and seasonal exhibitions. 291 Auburn-Folsom Road. (530)
Gold Country Museum
Chronicles the rich history of gold mining in the region. Exhibits
include gold panning demonstrations, a walk through a mine
shaft, an operational stamp mill model, and displays depicting the
lifestyle of Gold Rush residents. Gold Country Fairgrounds at1273
High Street. (530) 889-6500.
Dutch Flat
The Arts License Plate, designed by renowned California
artist Wayne Thiebaud, is the first plate in the nation solely designed to benefit the Arts. Your purchase of the Arts
plate helps fund arts education and local art programming in schools and communities throughout California.
Order your plate today by calling
(800) 201-6201 or visit
Click & List! online at
Claudia Bernardi’s “Que Mala Suerte, Nina” or “What a Bad Luck
Girl” fresco on paper (30”x48”). Visit
Golden Drift Museum
The colorful history of the “Golden Triangle” -- Dutch Flat, Gold
Run, Alta/Towle -- is shown in exhibits depicting boom days of
hydraulic mining, the rise of the county’s timber industry, the
coming of the transcontinental railroad, and the growth of communities. Tour the town and all its historic buildings. 32820 Main
Street. (530) 889-6500.
Foresthill Divide Museum
Displays portraying the history of the Foresthill and Iowa Hill
Divides include a model of the Foresthill Logging Company, firefighting equipment, depictions of life during the Gold Rush and
of early modes of transportation. 24601 Harrison Street. (530) 8896500.
Perspectives November/December 2007
A multimedia, interactive online museum presenting the rich history, culture, and natural history of the Sierra Nevada. A project
of Sierra College students, faculty, and staff. Visit SierraNevadaVir
Rocklin History Museum
Houses a history timeline, Whitney family items, Indian artifacts,
quarry tools and display, Ruben Ruhkala paintings, a Rocklin
Jubilee display, and Rocklin’s Centennial quilt. The small Victorian
home that houses the museum is typical of many early 1900’s
Rocklin homes. 3895 Rocklin Rd. (916) 624-2355.
Roseville Telephone Co. Museum
Exhibits detail the history of telephone communications and of
Roseville Telephone Company. Displays include old-style switchboards and telephones; models range to present day.106 Vernon
St. (916) 786-1621.
Maidu Interpretive Center
Offers frequent tours of ancient Southern Maidu village site featuring over 300 bedrock mortars, petroglyphs and evidence of thousands of years of Maidu occupation. Exhibits, nature trail tours,
family weekend programs, campfires, “old ways” classes, camps,
and more. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 1960 Johnson
Ranch Dr. (916) 774-5934.
Carnegie Museum
A central exhibit area houses changing shows. One wing features
a scale model of the local Southern Pacific Railroad yards and
the Pacific Fruit Express icing facilities; another features changing Roseville history. A small but quite complete Roseville reference and research library is open by appointment. Open Monday
Sierra College art instructor James Albertson will display his work
at the college’s Ridley Gallery in Rocklin through Nov. 16. The
exhibit is entitled “2 From the Faculty.”
Griffith Quarry Museum
Founded in 1864, the quarry was major supplier of granite for
many California buildings, including the State Capitol. Exhibits
reflect the history of the region’s granite industry. Three miles
of nature trails offer views of old quarry sites. Taylor and Rock
Spring Rds. (916) 663-1837. Tours (530) 889-6500.
Sierra Nevada Virtual Museum
Support for the Arts
Resources, grants, publications,
funded projects, partnerships
A Great Nation Deserves Great Art
November/December 2007
Click & List! online at
- Friday, 12 - 4 p.m. or by appointment. 557 Lincoln St. (916)
Sacramento Area
Aerospace Museum of California
Emphasizes education and aerospace science while displaying the
proud heritage of aviation and aerospace activities in California’s
capital region, including contributions to space travel. Located at
3200 Freedom Park Dr. at McClellan Park. Call (916) 643-3192 or
Sierra Nevada Region
Gatekeepers Cabin Museum
Houses artifacts of Lake Tahoe history, including paneled history
displays, illustrated pioneer stories, hundreds of historical items,
and a research library. One wing contains the Marion Steinbach
Indian Basket Museum, filled with a collection of more than
800 rare baskets from 85 tribes, collections of Indian dolls, and
Southwestern pottery. 130 West Lake Blvd., Tahoe City. (530) 5831762.
The Watson Cabin Living Museum
An outstanding, preserved, turn-of-the-century log cabin, built in
1908 by Robert Montgomery Watson, Tahoe City’s first Constable.
560 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City.(530) 583-1762.
Emigrant Trail Museum
Located in Donner Memorial State Park, this museum focuses on
the theme of the Donner Party. A 26-minute movie on the Donner
Party is shown on the hour. Exhibits portray the lives and arts of
the Washoe Indians, early explorers, the building of the railroad
through the Sierra Nevada, and Truckee’s the early days. 12593
Donner Pass Rd., Truckee. (530) 582-7892.
Events & Festivals
Nov. 2: Auburn Library NOON Programs . Sid Stoffels presents ‘Lewis
and Clark: Then and Now.’ A reenactment of the historic expedition.
Free from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. At the Auburn Library Beecher Room at
350 Nevada St. For details, call (530) 886-4500.
Through Dec. 5: Autumn Art Studios Tour Preview Show. Preview the
works of the 72 Placer County artists participating in the 14th Annual
Autumn Art Studios Tour. Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Saturday from 10
a.m. - 5 p.m. At The Arts Building Gallery at 808 Lincoln Way in
Auburn. For details, call (530) 885-2787, or visit
Art, Verse and Vines
Nov. 9 -11: PlacerArts’ 14th Annual Autumn Art Studios Tour. People
come from all over Northern California for this self-guided tour. Enjoy
the fall colors as you travel through parts of Placer County to view
unique paintings, pastels, photography, ceramics, jewelry, sculpture
and fiber arts. For details, visit or call (530) 885-5670
Nov. 9 -11: 13th Annual Cowpoke Fall Gathering of Cowboy Poets &
Musicians. This South Placer Heritage Foundation sponsored event
brings Cowboy Poetry and all its wholesome honesty, humor and
love of the land. All the proceeds help fund renovation of the Blue
Goose Fruit Shed. For details, visit or call (916)
Nov. 9 -11: The Placer County Fall Winery Tour is a terrific opportuni-
Click & List! online at
Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Gary Snyder will present ‘poetry and
prose’ at the Center for the Arts in Grass Valley Nov. 29 to benefit
the Yuba Watershed Institute and the South Yuba River Citizens
Perspectives November/December 2007
forms. The annual shopping event provides unique gifts with a large
variety of beautiful glass art. At 5433 Willowynd Court in Rocklin. For
details, call (866) 748-4725.
Dec. 6-8: Christmas Nativity Exhibit in Granite Bay. The Second
Annual Christmas Nativity Exhibit runs each day from noon to 9 p.m.
Experience the wonder of Christ’s birth depicted in 500 nativities from
around the world. Musical performances. Free at The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints at 6460 Cavitt-Stallman Road. For details,
call (916) 788-7488 or e-mail
Events, campfires, camps, exhibits, and shows for children and families at Maidu Interpretive Center. The center, at 1960 Johnson Ranch
Dr., is open Tues. -Sat., 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Resident discounts offered for
many events. For details, call (916) 774-5934 or visit
Nov. 3 - Jan. 11: Nisenan-Maidu artist Alan Wallace will exhibit
selections of his diverse art mediums, including a series of acrylic
paintings of oak trees and woodlands that use Nisenan words
and their English translations to describe the pieces. Opening
Reception: Nov. 3 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Every Third Saturday Art Tour. Join the Downtown Library each
month as new local artisits are highlighted. Free from 5:30 p.m. - 8:30
p.m. At the Public Library at 225 Taylor Street in Roseville. For details,
call (916) 774-5221 or visit
Nov. 17: Local Artists Joan Sexton and Tom Laffey
Sacramento Region
Nov. 23 - 25: Crocker Holiday Art & Craft Festival in Sacramento.
Eighty regional artists and craftspeople will offer their unique gift
items at the Scottish Rite Center at 6151 H St. $3 - $5 on Fri. from 1
p.m. - 8 p.m.; Sat. and Sun. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Crocker Art Museum
and the Creative Arts League present the event. For details, visit or call (916) 264-5423.
Sacramento artist David Lobenberg’s Tombow/waterbrush sketch
entitled “Jazzy Hand Contour.”
ty to explore the myriad of winemaking styles in the region and stock
up on the region’s best for the holidays. The tour provides unique
access to private wineries and imbibing conversation with winemakers and grape growers. For details, call (530) 889-2855.
Nov. 23 - Dec. 16: Nicholson Blown Glass Holiday Open Studio Tour.
Glass blowing demonstrations and sales Fridays and Saturdays from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sundays from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. or by appointment.
Free at 5555 Bell Rd. For details, call (530) 823-1631 or visit
The Poets Club of Lincoln Open Mic. Every second Sunday a guest
poet reads before the microphone is open to all poets interested
in reading up to three poems. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Salt Mine in
Linclon at the corner of Highway 96 and Sixth St.
Nov. 23 - Dec 23 (weekend’s only): The 11th Annual Holiday Art Studio
Open House at the Glass Hearts/Artitude Studio. Give the gift of
fine art by local artists Barbara A. Kee, Linda Lim-Hoschler, Candise
Dzwoniarek, Rena Call, Candy Armstrong, Terese Butler, Jamie
Boudreau, Gabriella O’Neil and others representing many different art
November/December 2007
Dec. 1: 47th Annual Crocker Ball. Sacramento’s premier black-tie
gala moves offsite this year due to construction at the Crocker Art
Museum. The Crocker Ball will kick off the holiday season at the
Aerospace Museum of California. The unique venue inspired this
year’s theme: ‘Fly me to the Moon!’ combining mid-century elegance
with contemporary glamour to benefit the Crocker Art Museum. $500
per person. Begins at 6 p.m. For details, visit
ball or call (916) 808-7843.
Sierra Nevada Region
Nov. 29: An Evening of Poetry with Gary Snyder in Grass Valley. The
Yuba Watershed Institute presents “Peaks, Fires & Spirits of Love and
Loss” with the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet at the Center for the Arts at
314 W. Main St. in downtown. $35. For details, call (530) 271-700 or
Nov/Dec: Center for the Performing Arts in Grass Valley. A variety
of great performances at 314 W. Main St. For details, call (530)
274-8384 (x14).
Nov. 17-18: Jugglers Extraordinaire: The Raspyni Brothers.
Nov. 24: Comedy Improv Competition at the Off Center Stage.
Dec. 14-16: Winter Dance - A Celebration of the Season.
Dec. 20-Jan.1: Improver’s Nation Presents Holiday Comedy Improv
Festival at the Off Center Stage.
Dec. 8: Colfax Holiday Festival. Enjoy the famous Soroptomist Soup
Kitchen, the holiday “Lights” parade, and arts and craft vendors. Free
from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. in historic Downtown Colfax at Main and Grass
Valley Streets. For details, call (530) 346-8888 or visit
Dec. 14-16: Winter Dance - A Celebration of the Season at the Center
for the Arts in Grass Valley. A family holiday celebration showcas-
Click & List! online at
ing dance, music and art. The ‘winterArt’ exhibit will offer artwork
and ornaments for purchase. Refreshments will be served. Friday &
Saturday at 7 p.m., Saturday & Sunday at 2 p.m. Price: $12-$15. At
314 W. Main St. For details, call (530) 274-8384 (x14) or visit
Trips & Conferences
Dec. 7 Registration Deadline: The Nutcracker at the Sacramento Ballet
on Dec. 22. Enjoy this classic ballet with the Sacramento Philharmonic
Orchestra. Depart Saugststad Park in Roseville at 10:45 a.m. Enjoy a
no-host lunch in Old Sacramento and return at 5:45 p.m. $78-$87.
Sponsored by Roseville Arts! For details, call (916) 783-4117 or visit
Dec. 26 - 30: Walking with Dinosaurs – The Live Experience. Based
on the award-winning BBC Television Series, this show features
fifteen roaring, snarling, awe-inspiring life-size dinosaurs. With a
“paleontologist” as your guide, you will be taken on an amazing journey through the era of the Dinosaurs learning about the rise of the
huge creatures. HP Pavilion in San Jose. For details: (408) 998-TIXS.
Feb. 1 Registration Deadline: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling
Bee at Sacramento’s Community Center Theater on March 13. See the
Tony Award-winning musical comedy. Depart Roseville at 10:45 a.m.
Enjoy a no-host lunch in Old Sacramento and return at 5:45 p.m. $83$91. Sponsored by Roseville Arts! For details, call (916) 783-4117 or
May 1 Registration Deadline: Phantom of the Opera at Sacramento’s
Community Center Theater on June 12. Take in Andrew Lloyd
Reprints of historic photos in sepiatone
make an attractive display
The Nevada Rock Art Foundation is a non-profit organization based
in Reno that actively promotes the protection and public awareness
of rock art in Nevada and surrounding areas. Its mission includes
promoting public awareness and appreciation of Nevada rock art and
other heritage resources. The group organizes several archaeology
awareness and historic reservation site tours each month. For details,
visit or call (775) 323-6723.
We stock images of
American River
Hwy. 40
Clipper Gap
Click & List! online at
Webber’s beloved musical. Depart Roseville at 10:45 a.m. Enjoy a
no-host lunch in Old Sacramento and return at 5:45 p.m. $81-$89.
Sponsored by Roseville Arts! For details, call (916) 783-4117 or visit
PoganArt Workshops and Group Trips. Since 1993, PoganArt has
offered watercolor and oil painting workshops in the Lake Tahoe
region and beyond. In 1997, we began taking our outdoor painting
workshops to exotic places in the US and abroad. Our instructors are
nationally recognized artists. All our workshops are held on location
in some of the most breathtaking settings in the world. For details,
visit or call (775) 746-9856.
History As Decor
Prints available from 8x10 to mural size,
framed or unframed, for home or office.
Prices start at $14 for an 8x10
Contact Donna Howell, representative for
Heritage Graphics, at 530-885-2891
Rick Nicholson (pictured), along with his wife, Janet, will open their
studio doors this holiday season for public glass-blowing tours on
weekends beginning Nov. 23.
The Silver Screen Classic Movie Series. Shown at 2 and 7 p.m.
Presented by Auburn Library in library’s Beecher Room at 350 Nevada
St., Auburn. Suggested donation: $4 seniors, $5 general admission.
For details, visit or call (530) 878-7938.
Nov. 3: The Farmer’s Daughter with Loretta Young and Joseph
Dec. 1: The Court Jester with Danny Kaye, Basil Rathbone, Angela
Old State Theatre: Independent, Art, Limited Release and Foreign
Films. Lots of legroom provides a comfortable, intimate film-viewing
atmosphere, featuring two screens, special family nights and discount
days. Open nightly in Downtown Auburn at 985 Lincoln Way. For
schedule and times, call (530) 888-7936.
Regal Cinemas’ Independent Film Series. Wednesdays & Thursdays, 2
Perspectives November/December 2007
Sacramento Area
NEW LISTING: Sacramento Theatre Company presents public performances of classical and modern plays in two performance spaces: the
300 seat Mainstage Theatre and the 85 seat Stage Two. Sacramento
Theatre Company’s season runs Oct.through Apr. and consists of six
productions. For details, visit or call (888) 4-STC-TIX.
Through Nov. 11: Of Mice and Men (Mainstage)
Nov. 7-Dec. 2: Virgo, Hebrew Rising (Stage Two)
Nov. 28-Dec. 23: A Christmas Carol (Mainstage)
The Chroma Gallery in Fair Oaks features the plein-air works of
artist Jackie Carroll in a show entitled “The Significance of Place”
through Nov. This oil painting is called “Point Lobos Vista.”
p.m. & 7:30 p.m. at Auburn Stadium 10, 500 Nevada St. For details,
call (530) 745-0160.
Nov. 23 - Dec. 31: ‘The Courtship of Mr. and Mrs. Kringle.’ A sentimental and uplifting two-person play set in one of Santa’s most trying
Christmases in the Depression, features real-life husband and wife
theatre team of Jenifer J.K. Smith and Motherlode founder Stuart E.W.
Smith. At various locations throughout Placer County (undetermined
at press time). For details, e-mail
them might confuse a jazz legend named Duke with
Nov. 1-10: ‘Metamorphoses’ by Mary Zimmerman at Woodcreek High
School. Based on Ovid’s transformation myths, this play subtly mixes
the ancient stories of pathos and tragedy with contemporary language, humor, and thought, all enacted in and around a large pool
of water in the center of the stage. Price: $6-8 From: 7:30 p.m. - 9:30
p.m. At the Performing Arts Bldg., at 2551 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. For
details, call (916) 771-6565 (x4228) or e-mail
Magic Circle Theatre in Roseville. Two charming theatres in downtown Roseville at 241 and 421 Vernon St. Contact the theatre for
specific show times and location. Tickets range from $8 to $23. For
details, visit or call (916) 782-1777.
Nov. 16 - Dec. 22: Night Club (Tower Theatre)
Jan. 11 - Feb. 23: Sound of Music (Roseville Theatre)
Jan. 4-26: The Apprentice Offering of 2008. Now in its 12th year, the
Offering is the premiere showcase for teen playwrights from Placer
County. $6-$9. From: 8 p.m.- 10:30 p.m. At J.B. Gale Little Theatre at
1 Tiger Way in Roseville. For details, call (916) 782-3753 (x3807).
November/December 2007
Kids don’t get enough art these days. Not in their schools.
Not in their communities. So you can see why some of
A piano player. A composer. An orchestra leader.
Duke Ellington reigned over a land called Jazz.
royalty named duke. But art transforms lives. In fact, the
more art kids get, the more knowledgeable they become
in math and science. And the more likely they’ll become
well-rounded, finger-snapping members of society, daddy-o.
For Ten Simple Ways to get more art in kids’ lives, visit
m e r i c A n s
o r
h e
r T s
o r g
Image donated by Corbis-Bettmann. TM 2006 Estate of Mercer K . Ellington by CMG Worldwide
Music & More Arts Academy and Theatre. The academy offers instruction in voice, instruments and acting for all ages, along with family
entertainment through its productions. Theatre rental also is available.
DeWitt Theatre at 11596 D Ave. For details, visit or
call (530) 885-0594.
Click & List! online at
Sept.: Music Circus Summer Season 2007 in Sacramento. There is
something miraculous about Music Circus! No barrier separates you
from the story as it unfolds. The music surround you. The dancing is
more energetic and the romance more intimate. Call for show times
at the Wells Fargo Pavilion. For details, call (916) 557-1999 or visit
Through Sept. 2: 1776
Sierra Nevada Region
Foothill Theatre Company in Nevada City. This professional theatre
ensemble produces a variety of outstanding plays – from classic to
contemporary, originals as well as old favorites, comedies and dramas. The Nevada Theatre at 410 Broad St. For details and tickets, visit or call (530) 265-8587.
Nov. 1 - 11: New Voices of the West
Nov. 15 - Dec. 30: It’s a Wonderful Life
Classes and Workshops
NEW LISTING: Art Classes with Everett Jensen. All skill levels welcome. Learning to See – Drawing class for beginners and those who
want to transform their existing skills and visual ability in B&W
and/or colored pencils. Composition/ The Series – Drawing class
for beginners and advanced students who desire to learn structured
principles to make their work more visually powerful. Painting in Oils
– Learn to paint in oils, including portraiture, with a simple process
that will give students great results with great efficiency. For details,
call (530) 887-8704.
NEW LISTING: Fuse Glass and Glass slumping with Diane Wood. For
beginning and advance students on Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 9
p.m. The Arts Building at 808 Lincoln Way. For details, call (530)
Pet Portraits and Nature Illustrations. Art instructor Ann Ranlett also
creates pet portraits that captures the qualities that make individual
pets special and unique. She offers two styles: Realistic ink on
scratchboard or mixed media; or whimsical and colorful watercolor
paintings with “petzazz.” For details, visit or call (916)
Nov. 9 - 11: Annual Autumn Art Studios Tour in Newcastle with two
other ‘Gold Hill’ artists – Judy Dawson and Arry Murphy-Frank.
Watercolor classes with Sandy Delehanty at The Arts Building at 808
Lincoln Way in Auburn. For details, visit or call
(916) 652-4624.
Piano lessons at Jerelen Bartone Piano Studio. All ages. Lessons on
fine pianos. Studio near I-80/Foresthill Exit. For details, call (530) 8868490.
Pastel Classes with Reif Erickson. Landscape painting classes weekly
on Tues. night 6 - 8:30 p.m., Thurs. afternoon 3 - 5:30 p.m. and
Friday morning 9 - 11:30 a.m. $25 at home studio at 1436 Lowe Lane.
For details, call (530) 887-9565.
Painting Critique Circle with Reif Erickson. Open to the public on
each second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. Bring 1-2 pastels, oils
or watercolors. $10 and free for Reif’s students at home studio at 1436
Lowe Lane. For details, call (530) 887-9565.
Painting Classes with Gayle Rappaport-Weiland. For details, visit or call (530) 885-8461. (916) 705-8414 916-435-4096
Nov. 1: Focus Flowers, Stems & Leaves Watercolor. Rocklin (916)
Nov. 9 - 11: Autumn Art Studios Tour at Finn Hall. Daily.
Nov. 17: Let’s Paint a Tree Sampler. Sierra College 1 - 5 p.m.
Nov. 27: Watercolor Processes & Possibilities. Sac (916) 971-3713
Click & List! online at
David Lobenberg captures the the fall season in this watercolor.
The Sacramento-based artist teaches a range of painting and
sketching classes. Visit
Dec. 4: Watercolor Workshop for Beginners. Auburn (530) 885-8461
Handbuilding in Clay with Gerda Francesca. Beginning and advanced
students. At the Old Library Art Studio at 175 Almond St. For details,
call (530) 887-8216.
CLAYart Classes with L. Luis Ortiz. The Arts Building at 808 Lincoln
Way. For details, call (530) 885-2787.
Music, voice, dance, and drama classes at Music & More Arts Academy
& Theatre. For details, call (530) 885-0594 or visit
Barbershop-style four-part harmony. For women of any age or singing experience. Sierra Gold Chorus (member of Sweet Adelines, Int.).
Directed by Barb Tincher. Mondays, 7 p.m., Bill Burback Hall at
DeWitt Center at 11577 E Ave. For details, call (530) 885-4202.
Improve Photography Skills with the Placer Camera Club. Meetings
vary to include picture-taking techniques, photo processing, guest
speakers and photo evaluations/competitions. Members also gather
for photo shoots. Meets the 3rd Tuesday of most months at 7 p.m. in
the Beecher room of Auburn’s Placer County Library at 350 Nevada
St. No meetings in July and August. For details, call (530) 367-4505.
Music & More Arts Academy and Theatre. The academy offers instruction in voice, instruments and acting for all ages, along with family
entertainment through its productions. Theatre rental also is available.
DeWitt Theatre at 11596 D Ave. For details, visit or
call (530) 885-0594.
Poetry Class with Sue Clark. Thursdays 3 - 4:30 p.m. Anyone can join
anytime. Beginning poets are welcome. Class fees: 10 weeks - $62.
Location: Lincoln Arts. For details, call (916) 434-9226.
Beginning China Painting with Andrea Simeral-Boyer. Classes limited
to six students, adults only. For details, call Lincoln Arts at (916) 6459713.
Art & Clay Classes with C. Kerley Pflueger. All levels welcome.
Continuing four-week sessions. Handbuilding and wheel techniques
for the creation of 3-dimensional forms. At artist studio: 350 Big Ben
Rd. For details, call (916) 645-3173.
Perspectives November/December 2007
Lincoln Arts classes for
children and adults. For
details, call (916) 6459713.
Two-day Plein Air
Painting Workshops with
Victoria Brooks. Class
size limited to seven. 9
a.m. – 4 p.m., starting at
Brooks’s Loomis studio.
Painting at nearby scenic
areas. Fee: $175 (equipment and supplies not
provided). To register,
call (916) 7681751.
Auburn resident and part-time Sierra
College art instructor Marty Gessler will
exhibit his work at the college’s Ridley
Gallery in Rocklin through Nov. 16.
Private Music Lessons
at McLaughlin Studios.
Teaching the art of
music- making and performance. Two dozen
instruments taught in private lessons. Also, classes in chamber orchestra,
clarinet choir, flute choir,
brass ensemble, music
exploration, intermediate rock, advanced rock,
adult rock, and jazz. At
3415 Swetzer Rd. For
details, call (916) 6526377 or visit
Nov. 13: Jewelry Making
Class at Bella Fine Arts
and Gifts. Learn how to
make a bracelet with a Christmas theme. In downtown Newcastle at
455 Main Street #7 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For details, call (916 ) 6639790.
Creative Sewing Classes at The Tin Thimble. Felting, Fashion,
Knitting, Crocheting, Introductory Sewing, Quilting and More!
Weekday & Weekend classes. At 595 Taylor Rd. on the corner of Old
State Hwy in Newcastle. For details, visit or call
(916) 663-2134.
Beginning East Coast Swing with the Foothills Swing Dance Society.
Dance lesson 7 – 8 p.m.; DJ’d swing dance 8 – 11 p.m. All ages, alcohol-free. Every 4th Saturday at the Portuguese Hall, 920 Taylor For
details, call (530) 887-8117 or e-mail
Piano School with Music Exchange’s Keyboard Kollege. Accepting
new students ages 6 to adult. Newcastle Town Center. For details, call
(916) 624-2733.
Watercolor and Drawing Classes with Barbara Roth. All ages. Students
learn skills needed to successfully paint in watercolor. Lessons structured to meet students’ individual needs. For details, call (916) 6247572.
Sierra College Community Education. Day, evening, and weekend
classes. Sierra College at 5000 Rocklin Rd. For details, visit sccommed.
org or call (916) 781-0590.
City of Rocklin Community Education. A variety of cultural arts classes for children and adults. For details, call (916) 632-4100.
NEW LISTING: Watercolor/Watermedia classes by Patricia Abraham.
Part of the Roseville Parks & Recreation at Maidu Community Center.
All classes are 8 weeks. Must register in Dec. For details, call (916)
Jan. 8: Beginner-Intermediate level begins from 9 a.m. to noon.
Jan. 8: Intermediate-Advanced level begins from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Jan. 9: All-level Wednesday Eve class begins from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Travel Journaling: Sketching, Drawing & Painting with Donna Naes.
Document your journeys regardless of where you travel in watercolors, pen, ink and acrylic. Roseville. For details, call (916) 622-6315.
Learn How to Draw in Six Easy Steps with David Lobenberg. Learn
position, shape, and value as part of Lobenberg’s six skill-set notes.
Neophytes can learn to draw and those with some ability can
improve, Lobenberg says. Fee of $125, including breakfast nibbles
and lunch. For details, call (916) 737-2311 or visit davidlobenberg.
Maidu Interpretive Center. Classes, events, and nature programs for
children, adults, and families. For details and to register, contact
Maidu Interpretive Center at 1960 Johnson Ranch Dr. For details, call
(916) 774-5934.
Roseville Parks & Recreation Cultural Arts Classes. For details, call
(916) 774-5950 or visit
Sacramento Area
Nov. 27: Watercolor Processes and Possibilities. Open new doors to
traditional watercolors with the use of alternative media to stretch
creativity and skills. No previous experience required. This workshop
will get the beginner started and give the advanced painter new
information. $100. From 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Sacramento Fine Arts
Center. For details, call (916) 971-3713.
Watercolor Painting with David Lobenberg. Studio located at 741 48th
St. in Sacramento. For details, visit or call (916)
Nov. 11: Third Annual Holiday Watercolor Workshop (Lobenberg).
NEW LISTING: Fuse Glass, Glass Slumping and Glass Tile Bars with
Diane Wood. Sierra College Community Education. For details, visit or call (530) 878-8774.
The City of Rocklin Theater & Arts program. Finn Hall. $10 resident
discount. For details, visit or call (916) 625-5200.
Watercolor Classes with Gayle Rappaport Weiland. Sierra College,
Community Education. See ‘Auburn ‘ listing. For details, call (916)
November/December 2007
For more information visit
the California Arts Council
Click & List! online at
At the LaProvence Restaurant in Sacramento. Includes tips on how
to turn completed watercolor paintings into personalized greeting
cards. $125.
Impressionist Oil & Introduction to Plein Air Painting with Victoria
Brooks. “Alla Prima” or “all at once” is the direct approach Brooks
teaches to create fresh spontaneous oil paintings. All levels of painters are accepted. Continuing six-week sessions available at the
Sacramento Fine Arts Center on Tuesday afternoons. For details, visit or call (916) 768-1751.
One Stroke Painting with certified instructor Sharleen Snow. For project
and technique class schedule and sign up information, call (916) 5081458 or e-mail
Color Intensive and Landscape Workshops at the School of Light and
Color. Classes include: beginning workshops, pastel landscape, photography & digital imaging, basic drawing, pastel, watercolor, and art
classes for youth.10030 Fair Oaks Blvd., Fair Oaks. For details, call
(916) 966-7517 or
Sierra Nevada Region
Family Art Instruction at Big Bend Visitor Center. Explore nature and
history through art using simple and inexpensive techniques from
instructor Barbara Hoffmann. Call for current class listings. For details,
call (530) 389-8718.
Watercolor Classes with Jerianne Van Dijk, five-week courses in beginning, intermediate, and challenge class; also some weekend workshops and plein air days. Grass Valley. For details, call (530) 271-0676
or visit
Printmaking with Linda Byrne. Adult classes in woodcut and relief,
non-toxic printmaking, and monotype and collagraph. Basic color
The Roseville Chamber of Commerce recently unveiled its brickwall mural entitled “La Rosa.” The 16-foot high mural took a year
to complete and will be on display at the chamber office. The
artists are (left to right) Joanne Liston, who is holding the original
sketch, Rosemary Ward and Sherell Taylor.
theory for artists. Private studio in Nevada City. Maximum five students per class. For details, call (530) 470-0929.
PoganArt Workshops and Group Trips. Since 1993, PoganArt has
offered watercolor and oil painting workshops in the Lake Tahoe
region and beyond. In 1997, we began taking our outdoor painting
workshops to exotic places in the US and abroad. Our instructors are
nationally recognized artists. All our workshops are held on location
in some of the most breathtaking settings in the world. For details,
visit or call (775) 746-9856.
Watercolors by Jan Foss. Watercolor gallery and studio featuring soft
landscapes and colorful florals. Sign up for a class at 120 Country
Club Drive, #21, Incline Village. For details, call (775) 833-1144.
Arts for Children
Art for Preschoolers at Creative Endeavors. Ages 20 months - 5 years.
Fun, age-appropriate, hands-on classes. At 638 Lincoln Way, Ste.
150A. For details, e-mail or call (530) 3553465.
CLAYart Classes with L. Luis Ortiz. Students explore hand-building
Click & List! online at
Perspectives November/December 2007
through advanced. At Music Exchange’s Keyboard Kollege at 477
Main St. For details, call (916) 663-9020 or visit MusicExhangeOnline.
Beginning Watercolor Workshops with Gayle Rappaport-Weiland. At
Rocklin Parks & Recreation. For details, call (916) 625-5200.
City of Rocklin Community Education. A variety of cultural arts classes available for children. For details, call (916) 632-4100.
Children Activities at Maidu Interpretive Center in Roseville. Make
friends with nature and other kids. Have fun for a day or a week
while exploring the natural world. Activities include nature investigations, activities and crafts. Knowledgeable leaders, new information
and skills, and a fun, safe environment create special memories for
children. The Maidu Interpretive Center is at 1960 Johnson Ranch Dr.
For details, visit or call (916) 774-5934.
Landscape artist Mya Louw’s “California Vista” (36”x 48”) acrylic
painting. She is an award-winning artist who has lived, studied and
worked in South Africa, Europe and the U.S.
techniques for the creation of three-dimensional ceramic forms. The
Arts Building at 808 Lincoln Way. For details, call (530) 885-2787.
Introductory Swing Dance for Teens. Class starts with basic steps of
Lindy Hop. 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. The Courthouse Athletic Club at 1121
Maidu Dr. For details, call (530) 906-2048.
Magic Circle Theatre in Roseville. Two charming theatres in downtown Roseville at 241 and 421 Vernon St. Contact the theatre for
specific show times and location. Tickets range from $8 to $23. For
details, visit or call (916) 782-1777.
Nov. 2 - 10: Our Town (Tower Theatre)
Nov. 15 - Dec. 7: If Your Goat Faints, Can You Still Get Eggnog?
Music Classes for Infants and Toddlers in Roseville. Whiz Kids Music
classes help students develop pitch and rhythm skills and capitalize
on this critical period in developing the music aptitude of a child. For
details, visit or call (916) 765-9119.
Music & More Arts Academy: music, voice, dance and drama classes.
Classes for all ages in most instruments taught by master teachers. For
details, visit or call (530) 885-0594.
Roseville Parks & Recreation Cultural Arts Classes for Children. For
details, visit or call (916) 774-5242.
Musikgarten Classes. Age newborn through 7 years. Continuing
10-week sessions are available. Scholarships available. Keyboard
Konnection at 1515 Grass Valley Hwy. For details, call (530) 745-0248.
NEW LISTING: Sacramento Theatre Company’s ‘The Ensemble for Kids
and Teens!’ Classes offer a unique creative experience in an exciting
and stimulating theatre environment. Our instructors are professionals with years of experience teaching theatre arts to young people.
Small class sizes provide a comfortable setting where students receive
personal attention. $225 per session. At 1419 H St. in Sacramento. For
details, e-mail or call (916) 446-7501
Jan. 12 - Mar. 15: Creative Dramatics Acting Classes (grades 1st-3rd)
Jan. 12 - Mar. 1: Awakening Acting Classes (grades 4th-6th)
Jan. 14 -Mar. 4: Awakening Acting Classes II (grades 7th – 9th)
Piano Lessons. Group piano classes (ages 6 - adult) and guitar (ages
8 - adult). Keyboard Konnection at 1515 Grass Valley Highway. For
details, call (530) 745-0248.
After School Art Classes for Children/Youth. Held at Lincoln Arts at
580 Sixth St. For details, call (916) 645-9713.
Art & Clay Classes for Children with C. Kerley Pflueger. Continuing
four-week sessions for students to explore several art projects from
watercolors to clay. Hand-building techniques for the creation of
three-dimensional ceramic art forms. Artist’s studio at 350 Big Ben Rd.
For details, call (916) 645-3173.
Loomis/Granite Bay
Art and Music Programs for all Ages at Children’s Creative Art Center.
6210 Douglas Blvd. in Granite Bay. For details, visit ChildrensCreative or call (916) 791-6407.
Private Music Lessons at McLaughlin Studios. Teaching the art of
music making and performance. Two dozen instruments taught in
private lessons. The studio also offers classes in chamber orchestra,
clarinet choir, flute choir, brass ensemble, music exploration (ages 3
– 5), intermediate rock, advanced rock, adult rock, and jazz. Located
att 3415 Swetzer Rd. For details, visit or call
(916) 652-6377.
Piano lessons. Children and adults, ages 6 and up for beginners
November/December 2007
Sierra Nevada Region
InnerRhythms Dance in Truckee. Classes offered each week in a variety of dance disciplines, including ballet, hip-hop, jazz and modern
dance for ages 7-70. MiniRhythms for mini-dancers ages 18 months
– 6 years. At Training Centre at 12219 Business Park Drive, Suite 3.
For details, visit or call (530) 550-8464.
Call to Artists
Nov. 12 & Nov. 17: Theatrical Auditions. The Center for the Arts will
hold general auditions for its spring 2008 production. The play under
consideration is “The Philadelphia Story.” Performance dates: Apr 17 May 10. At the Off Center Stage at 315 Richardson St. For details, call
(530) 274-8384 (x14) or visit
Dec. 1 & Dec. 31 Deadlines: The Auburn Arts Contest, where all
entries win awards and get exposure in the book “Auburn’s Creative
People: 2008,” wants arts submissions in poetry, essays and short
stories, fiction and non-fiction writings, drawings and paintings,
Click & List! online at
sculptures, photography, music, culinary arts, performing arts The
first deadline is Dec. 1; and a late fee of $10 is charged for entries
received between Dec. 1 and Dec. 31. Submission fees are from $15
- $50, depending on age and artistic experience. The age groups are
12 and under, 13 to 19, 20 to 64, and 65 and over. The contest area
includes the Highway I-80 corridor from Roseville to Dutch Flat, in
addition to Cool, Foresthill, Lake of the Pines and Lincoln.
Jan. 31 Deadline: Roseville Arts! 8th annual “Art in the Garden” Home
Tour in May 2008. Approximately 25 artists will be chosen by a juror
to display and sell their work for the one-day event in one of five
gardens. Both two- and three-dimensional works are desired. Garden
related subjects are recommended. Membership in Roseville Arts
required. For details and applications, e-mail or
call (916) 759-3902.
Feb. 1 Deadline: Feats of Clay celebrates its 21st year as one of the
nation’s most prestigious and unique ceramic contests held for four
weeks in the oldest terra-cotta factory in operation in the U.S. For
details, visit or call (916) 645-9713.
NEW LISTING: Use the PlacerArts’ Online Calendar to promote artrelated classes, events, performances, artist calls, gallery listings and
conferences. It allows users to post events once and have them
appear on hundreds of websites and publications throughout the
county, including consideration for publication in Perspectives. For
details, visit or call (530) 885-5670 (x112).
NEW LISTING: Art Teachers Wanted: The City of Roseville Parks and
Recreation Department in partnership with the Roseville City School
District is seeking class instructors for a new after school enrichment
program at Cirby and Woodbridge elementary schools. Curriculum
to include – but not limited to – visual arts, performing arts, music,
dance, athletics, science, health, nutrition and safety. For details, call
(916) 774-5135 or e-mail
Artists sought for PlacerArts’ new online database ‘Regional Art
Registry.’ It provides a complete listing of visual and performing artists, and organizations, segmented by medium or type of performance
art. The registry is designed to connect patrons, businesses and event
coordinators directly with artists for potential exhibitions and sales,
performances and special events. Registration is free. For details, visit or call (530) 885-5670.
Roseville Arts’ Member Directory of Artists. Join this new online
Directory of Artists that provides a high-quality look with easy navigation. It can link to an artists own website and can be updated quarterly. Must be a member of Roseville Arts! to participate. $30 annual
fee. Deadlines for requests are Dec. 31, March 31, June 30 and Sept.
30. For details, visit or call (916) 783-4117.
New Artworks Gallery in Fair Oaks seeks 2-D and 3-D artists. Obtain
an application online at, by calling (916)
962-7362 or by visiting the gallery at 10239 Fair Oaks Blvd.
‘Art Matters’ in Rocklin. A visual arts group for artists in Rocklin and
surrounding communities. For details, call (916) 300-0794.
Potential Public Art Projects in Roseville seeks artists. For details, visit or call (916) 780-2787.
‘All About Art’ community-access television program seeks invitations to profile artists of “any and all mediums.” The Truckee-based
program is expanding its airing to other locations. Host Nina Ski has
produced more than 200 such shows in six years. For details or to be
added to the profile list, call (530) 587-2650.
Call to Theater Techs for the non-profit Placer Community Theater is
looking for talented artistic people interested in volunteering to work
on live stage productions as stage manager, prop master/mistress,
stagehand, costumer, and lighting/sound technician. For details, visit or call (530) 886-8569.
Click & List! online at
Glass Hearts/Artitude Studio will present its 11th Annual Holiday
Art Studio Open House on weekends beginning Nov. 23 featuring
many art forms. Pictured is glass artwork created by artists Linda
Lim-Hoschler and Barbara A. Kee called “Black on Fire.”
Exhibit at Latitudes Restaurant. Artists are invited to submit inquiries
for the 2007 exhibit calendar Great exposure in a historic Auburn
Victorian at East-West Galleries at 130 Maple Street. For details, call
(530) 885-5670.
The Artisan Gallery in Fair Oaks invites artists to submit proposals for
month-long displays beginning with the Second Saturday Art Walk.
For details, call (916) 648-0260.
2237 Gallery in Roseville is accepting portfolios for review. All artists
are eligible. For details, e-mail
Auburn Concert Band seeks muscians. Rehearsals are September
through mid-May. Meets each Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Health for All
at 4065 Grass Valley Hwy., #206. All instruments needed. For details,
visit or call (530) 888-1801.
The Foothill Farmers’ Market Association seeks crafters and artisans to
vend their original works at any of 16 seasonal weekly farmers’ markets around Placer County. For details, call (530) 823-6183.
Call for singers for the Sierra Gold Chorus, a member of Sweet
Adelines, Int. Learn to sing barbershop-style, four-part harmony.
Women of all ages welcome. Directed by Barb Tincher. Rehearsals on
Mon. at 7 p.m. Burback Hall at DeWitt Center in Auburn. For details,
call (916) 663-2105.
The Arts Marketing Institute (AMI), a program of the California Arts
Council, seeks to motivate and sustain individual and group actions
for the arts to make the arts a part of everyday life for individuals and
all the diverse California communities. For details, visit
Perspectives November/December 2007
PlacerArts would like to thank our new and renewed
individual and business members; patrons and affiliates — and our private and public partners for their
continued support.
New & Renewed
Individual and Families
Martin & Laura Almanzan
Jane Amick
Linda Atoms
Carol Bailey
Diane Barkey
Erna Barnickol
Mary Barrett
Susan Barry
Sue Barthelow
Joyce Beeman
Katherine Beggs
Marjorie Blodgett
Carol Boyd
Ken & Sandy Campbell
Emile & Pam Carriere
Kathy Chillemi
Diane Clark
Charles & Mary Clayton
Joann Cochran
Barbara & Jugo Covich
Tobin Covich
Kathleen Curtis
George & Pamela
Monroe & Betty De Jarnette
Dawn Deyo
Marlys Donohue
Jim Drennan
Mario Ferrante
Rita Forman
James Gamble
Suzanne Green
Rosemary Griffin
Bonnie Grimm
Elaine Hollows
Kristy Howard
Liz Howard
Donna Howell
Paulette Janca
Everett Jensen
Marla Jensen
Barbara Jicha
David Johnson
Ronald & Gretchen Jurek
David & Andrea Kelly
Tad & Diane Kitada
Douglas Klein
Greta Lehto
Loraine Markey
Eileen McDavid
Miccie & James Mcnee
Binns & Michele Melander
Fusae Miyamoto
Tommie Moller
Margaret Moore
Elinor Mulloy
Gerald & Anne Nash
Carol Newland
Robert & Gayle Nolasco
Randi Olson
Marian O’Neill
Skip Outman
Traci Owens
Geneva Parker
Polly Parks
Dorothy Pasztor
Janet Patten
Eric Peach
Mary Perolio
Wayne Peyton
Patricia Platt
Lee Porter
Mary Preston
Kathryn Randall
Sandra Rascon
June Reeves
Hazel Reimche
Marilyn Rose
Barbara Roth
Kathleen Ryan
Lori Shively
Christopher Spurrell
Richard Stultz
Alliene Thym
Peggy Tibbs
Elias & Dorothy Tuma
Douglas & Nancy Van Howd
Doris Viera
Joan & Warren Walker
Karin & Heinz Weiser
Mary Whitney
Dorothy Young
November/December 2007
New & Renewed
Peter & Norma Brink
Eldon Cotton
Bob & Veda Eckard
Rodney Haack
Mike & Cynthis Posehn
Bharati & Roopal Shah
New & Renewed
Auburn Rotary Community
Placer Community Foundation
New & Renewed
Laughing Fish Studios
Auburn Needleworks
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Avant Garden
Williams + Paddon Architects
& Planners
Maki Heating & Air
Conditioning, Inc.
Bella Fine Arts and Gifts
Sierra Moon Goldsmiths
New & Renewed
Americans for the Arts
Arts For The Schools
Auburn Branch American
Association of University
Auburn Community Concert
Auburn Placer Performing
Arts Center
Auburn Symphony
California Arts Advocates
California Assembly of Local
Arts Agencies
Metropolitan Arts Partnership
Musictalk, Inc.
Nevada-Placer County
North Tahoe Arts
Placer Arts League
Placer Ballet Theatre
Placer Camera Club
Placer Community Theater
Placer County Visitors Council
Placer Valley Tourism
Reconciliation Singers Voices
for Peace
Roseville Arts!
Sierra Business Council
Sierra Community Chorus
Sierra County Arts Council
Sierra Foothills UnitarianUniversalists
Sierra Nevada Arts Alliance
Singing Tree Press
Windows Art Project
Public Partnerships
California Arts Council
California Department of
City of Auburn - Auburn Arts
City of Lincoln
City of Rocklin
City of Roseville - Roseville
Cultural Arts Committee
County of Placer
Metropolitan Arts Partnership
National Endowment for the
Placer County Office of
Placer County Water Agency
Placer Union High School
Western Placer Unified
School District
Click & List! online at
A r t s N ew s m a g a z i n e & C a l e n d a r o f E ve n t s
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Perspectives is distributed throughout Placer County, parts of Nevada and Sacramento counties, and beyond through chambers of commerce, parks and recreation departments, the library system, arts and culture centers, new resident
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Resort Association, and Placer Valley Tourism and to Arts Council of Placer
County members and subscribers. Readership is estimated at 15,000 per issue.
Circulation and readership increases by approximately 70% (to 25,500) for the
full color Studios Tour special edition. Readers cover the demographic spectrum
of Placer County residents from the communities of Auburn, Colfax, Foresthill,
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Building Community with Art
and a Sign for the Ages
by Virginia Dains
o a tile artist, every bare
wall of concrete is a potential canvas. One slab of concrete in particular clutched
my attention as a ceramic
sculptor and tile artist living
on the outskirts of Auburn.
The eight-foot long, doublesided slab sits on a massive
rock base and some 30 years
The old sign for ago, announced the entrance to the Bureau of
the American River Reclamation’s Auburn Dam Overlook. More
Canyon Overlook recently, it has supported only peeling paint
sorely needed a while offering little in the way of information.
makeover. Overlook Park, however, has many visitors
who could benefit from an informative sign
– and much more. The Auburn Recreation
District manages the property under an agreement with
the Bureau of
It is the western portal
to Auburn’s
famous 100mile endurance races
on foot and
horseback. It
hosts many
festivals, has
a skatepark,
and is a wellused trailhead
for American
River Canyon
For all these
reasons, I
A fish eating a fish is just one of hundreds of ceramic fish knew the
tiles created by community members during free public sign needed a
workshops that began in 2006. facelift to better reflect the
November/December 2007
spirit of the community where it is found.
With the backing of the Auburn Recreation
District staff, I took my idea to the Bureau of
Reclamation. The sign would be recreated as
a community-built public art project – ceramic
fish tiles swirling around a title guiding visitors
to the American River Canyon Overlook. The
Bureau had other ideas – actually 80 pages of
rules – on what a sign should look like.
When a good idea gets me in a headlock,
I’m not easily dissuaded. I incorporated as
many of the official sign manual’s requirements into the design as made sense. For
instance, the speed limit on adjacent Pacific
Avenue is 35 miles per hour, so the sign’s
lower case letters needed to be a minimum of
four-inches high for visibility. The mandated
Egyptian 505 BT font was no problem, nor
was formulating a blue glaze and matching
grout that approximated the agency standard
for ultramarine blue.
But still the design went through several
iterations. At one point, it was beginning to
look like official government letterhead rather
than a signpost to someplace where one
might consider recreating. The turning point
in these discussions came when I pointed out
that the existing sign was out of compliance
with the Bureau’s own guidelines. Checkmate.
The people of Auburn could make this right.
Four months later at the conclusion of routine
archeological and environmental reviews, the
project was approved.
We held the first of three Make-A-Fish public art workshops at the Auburn Community
Festival during October 2006. With slabs of
clay, templates of clipart fish, and the simplest of tools (a popsicle stick and a wooden
skewer), hundreds of creative hands made
more than 700 ceramic fish tiles over the next
four months. With the help of artists Stephanie
Boggs of Colfax and Michelle Mahan of
Roseville, I glazed, fired, and arranged the
community-built tiles into a mosaic of fishes
and letters. It was addictive, like a puzzle you
can’t put down. I found it helps if you hum.
This fish here, that fish there. No, no! THOSE
fishes here, THIS fish there.
When the layout was complete, the tiles
were face-mounted with industrial-grade sticky
plastic sheeting, lifted and then fixed into
place with thin-set mortar onto four sheets of
tile-backing board. The signs were grouted in
my upstairs studio, taped securely to portable
tables, and transported in the back of my pickup truck to Overlook Park.
The on-site installation took two days.
The huge number of passersby giving us the
“thumbs-up” and shouts of “Looks Great!” kept
our feet 10-feet off the ground despite the hot
and heavy work.
My greatest reward came at the unveiling
and dedication of the sign on June 10, 2007.
This day fell nearly exactly one year from the
day that image of a tiled sign snuck around
the corner of my imagination and stuck firmly
in my head. A cadre of Brownies from Troop
5622 of Roseville ripped the paper veil off the
sign to the cheers of our community artists
and supporters. People then reached for the
sign and ran their hands over it feeling the
textures, looking for their fish, and reveling in
the work of others, as I had been reveling in
their work for the previous days and months.
Yes, it was a truly fine reward.
This project has given me much more than
a public canvas for my mosaic tile work. It
has given me a greater appreciation for community and people’s desire and need to be
a part of something bigger and more lasting
than any one individual. Their simple and singular works of art, once a wad of clay, have
become a connection to this place and to
each other. I am lifted by the energy of many
hands through this work and am sure to have
received far more than I have given in return.
Virginia Dains attended college on an art scholarship but found her way into
a 25-year career as a plant ecologist. Over the years, she continued to pursue
art on her personal time, experimenting with serigraph prints, pen and ink,
watercolor and batik. Her graphic artwork has been published in scientific
journals and agriculture publications. In 2002, she inherited the basic components of a small pottery studio and focused her creative efforts in ceramics.
Her current work includes sculpture and tile with themes from nature.
The American River Canyon Overlook community-built public art project can be seen at
855 Pacific Ave. in Auburn, located behind
the Gold Country Fairgrounds. The park is
open dawn to dusk and provides picnic facilities, restrooms and, of course, an expansive
canyon view. The sign contains 720 ceramic
fishes, uncountable bubbles, and at least one
mermaid. If you go, look for the Bob Marley
fish, the peace fish, the love fish, the Mae
West fish, the lilyfish, the fish with a purse, the
fish named Genesis, and the fish-eating fish—a
few of my many favorites. While we only
broke one fish in the course of this project,
to that special artist, whoever you are, I am
deeply and sincerely sorry.
Perspectives November/December 2007
808 Lincoln Way / Auburn CA 95603-4807
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U. S. Postage
Auburn, CA
Permit #150