April 10, 2016 - Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic Church
April 10, 2016 - Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic Church
THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER • APRIL 10TH, 2016 Saint Catherine of Siena C A T H O L I C C H U R C H 3 6 4 2 N O R T H R I D G E R O A D • W I C H I TA , K A N S A S 6 7 2 0 5 s a i n t c a t h e r i n e w i c h i t a . c o m Vol. 08 • No. 20 Welcome to Saint Catherine of Siena Parish If you wish to join our Parish family, please stop by the parish office during the week to fill out a white registration card and stewardship volunteer form. If you have any questions, please call Clista in the office at 425-0595. Welcome! The Prayer Before Mass Come Holy Spirit, quiet my heart and my head, as I gather with my family, friends and neighbors to celebrate Mass. Quiet the thoughts and distractions that will keep me from worship. Open my mouth in prayer and song. Open my ears to hear God’s Word. Open my eyes to the mystery of the Eucharist. Open my heart to receive Jesus with love. May I go forth strengthened to take the Mass into my life this week. Amen. Parish Information PARISH OFFICE Hours ............................................... Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Phone ..................................................................................... 316-425-0595 Fax .......................................................................................... 316-425-0685 PARISH STAFF Pastor Rev. Daniel J. Spexarth ...................................................... 316-425-0595 E-mail ..................................... fatherdan@saintcatherinewichita.com Medical Emergency Phone ............................................. 316-617-9310 Parochial Vicar Rev. P. J. Voegeli ................................................................ 316-425-0595 E-mail ........................................ fatherpj@saintcatherinewichita.com Secretary Clista Pfannenstiel .............................................................. 316-425-0595 Email ............................................... clista@saintcatherinewichita.com Building and Technology Tim Schmidt…………………………………………316-425-0595 Email…………………...….tschmidt@saintcatherinewichita.com PSR Director Jill Rump................................................................................316-249-2116 Email ................................................... psr@saintcatherinewichita.com Music Director Sara High ............................................ shigh@saintcatherinewichita.com Bulletin (deadline to submit Monday @ noon) Linda Wallace ................................ bulletin@saintcatherinewichita.com SCHOOL OFFICE Phone ..................................................................................... 316-719-2917 Fax .......................................................................................... 316-719-2930 SCHOOL STAFF Principal Betty Hunt………………………bhunt@saintcatherinewichita.com School Secretary Emily Brown ………………….ebrown@saintcatherinewichita.com PRAYER REQUESTS Email ........................................prayerchain@saintcatherinewichita.com REGULAR MASS TIMES Weekends .......................................................... Saturday (vigil) 5:30 pm Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am Weekdays ...................................................... Monday & Friday 5:30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday 7:30 am School Masses (public welcome) Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00 am (when school is in session) CONFESSIONS Weekends ......................................... Saturday afternoons from 4-5pm. Weekdays ..................................30 minutes before each weekday Mass ELECTRONIC GIVING! We have an electronic option for making regular offerings. You can now set up your donations on our website or, stop by the church office for more info. Go to: www.saintcatherinewichita.com to set up your electronic donation by following the onscreen instructions. OUR NEXT STEP FORWARD APPEAL STATUS TOTAL PLEDGED TO DATE: $8,881,672.69 TOTAL GIVEN TO DATE: $6,493,937.52 TOTAL GIVEN THIS MONTH: $11,245.18 STEWARDSHIP Weekly Offering …....………………………….…... $53,512.64 Easter Offering ……………………...……………… $2,372.00 March On-line ……………………..…….………… $29,959.00 Disciples...Growing in Faith Together Expecting a new baby? You are invited to receive a special pre-natal blessing from Father Dan. A white rose dedicated to you will be placed by the statue of Mary as a symbol that the entire parish is praying for you and your baby. The blessings are given at 6:00 pm on the first Monday of every month. Following the blessing there is a Baptismal Preparation Class to help you prepare for the most important day in your child’s life. Please call the Parish Office to register. Parish School of Religion PSR Contact: Jill Rump 316-249-2116 E-mail: psr@saintcatherinewichita.com Class: Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:30pm The Parish School of Religion is available to all children, kindergarten through eighth grade during the school year. Rite of Christian Initiation RCIA Contact: Shawn Gerleman 617-6579 RCIC Contact: Sally Graham 722-1172 If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, or is curious about the Church, please call Shawn at 617-6579. “Once One Chooses to be a Disciple of Christ, Stewardship is not an Option” Follow me! Jesus' words to Peter in today's Gospel speak directly to us as we seed the Kingdom of God. "Do you love me? Feed my lambs. Tend my sheep." Through Baptism we become members of the Church and begin to learn and understand our obligations as members. Discipleship consists of following in the footsteps of the teacher. In Holy Scripture we find the path our discipleship must take and see the many gifts of God as resources to 'feed the lambs' and 'tend the sheep.' Our stewardship of these gifts gives honor, glory and blessing to the Most High. May we recognize the Lord in 2 our blessings and jump out of our boat to greet him! This Week in our Parish Attention! SHARING CHRIST CONTINUES TODAY, APRIL 10TH FROM 6-8PM Any adults who were not confirmed as teenagers are invited to join the 2016 Confirmation Class at the Cathedral on: APRIL SHOWERS BRING SPRINGTIME FLOWERS! Sisters of Siena Meeting - Monday, April 11, at 7pm Please join the Sisters of Siena for our monthly meeting THIS MONDAY!! Margie Sanders will be demonstrating some simple floral arranging basics. We will have a drawing and 2 lucky ladies will be able to take away some beautiful arrangements she will put together. All women of the parish are invited to attend! Parish Dinner April 27th at 6:30pm A MANDATORY Meeting will be THIS WEEK, THURSDAY, April 14th at 6:30pm here, at St. Catherine. * Please bring your Baptismal Certificate. Call the Parish Office (425-0595) to register before Wednesday, April 13th. ST CATHERINE OF SIENA ROSARY MAKERS The Rosary Group Meeting is Next Wednesday, April 20th at 7pm in the Church lobby. You’re Invited What: Adult Appreciation Dinner When: Saturday, April 30 7:00 pm Where: St. Catherine Parish Gym Please sign up after Mass April 16, 17, 23, 24 BE A PART OF OUR FIRST EVER WELLNESS FAIR! We are in need of health care professionals, safety workers, wellness professionals, nutrition experts, fitness professionals and other interested people who would be willing to staff a table at our Wellness Fair. Please come share your expertise with our students grades K-7. We want to showcase Parish members so we are giving you first chance before we reach out to other professionals. Date: Friday, September 30th, 2016 Time: 12:00pm-3:00pm This is an opportunity to get your wellness message out to all the school students and their families. For more information contact: vcharters@saintcatherinewichita.com or celson@saintcatherinewichita.com 3 Sponsorships available Liturgical Minister Weekend Schedule Liturgical Minister Week Day Schedule Monday, April 11th, at 7:30 AM Lector Stephanie Hug Altar Servers CJ Richards Eucharistic Minister Tim Schmidt Monday, April 11th, at 5:30 PM Lector Gary Sauber Altar Servers Claire Jordan Eucharistic Minister Cheryl Robertson Tuesday, April 12th, at 7:30 AM Lector Ves Temaat Altar Servers CJ Richards Eucharistic Minister Ron Longar *9am Altar Servers: Quade Harris Wednesday, April 13th, at 7:30 AM Lector Ron Youngers Altar Servers CJ Richards Eucharistic Minister Krystle Pauly Thursday, April 14th, at 7:30 AM Lector Karen Gomez Altar Servers CJ Richards Eucharistic Ministers Joann Temaat *9am Altar Servers: Destiny Hoy Friday, April 15th, at 7:30 AM Lector Elisabeth Sims Altar Servers CJ Richards Eucharistic Minister Kurtis Dugan April 16-17, 2016 ATTENTION LITURGICAL WEEKEND MINISTERS! Please sign in at the back of church before ministering at Mass. Thank you! Caleb Clupny Eucharistic Ministers 5:30p MH Karen Stein MC Marianne Misko CH Jim Morgan JC Glen Misko JH Nancy Jenkins 7:30a MH George Saghbene MC Bruce Spidle CH Christy Hillard JC Janice Yaeger JH Mary Ann Spidle 9:00a MH Jenny Martinez MC Chris Suellentrop CH Betty McKenzie JC Dan McKenzie JH Denise Daugherty 11:00a MH Veronica Johnston MC Tony Hain CH Tom Monk JC Renee Pack JH Linda Hain Lectors 5:30p Emily Brown 7:30a Barbara Berry 9:00a Erin Weissinger 11:00a Leslie Schrandt Offertory Gifts 5:30p Bill/Kelley McVey family 9:00a Adam Pfannenstiel family 11:00a Bill/Pam Miller family Hospitality 7:30a Brian/Deanne Almond family Michelle Orton family 9:00a Bernice Droste Adam/Clista Pfannenstiel Steve/Christin Elson family 11:00a Gene/Barbara Kearn Luke/Ashley Robben Cindy Paolucci Nursery 9:00a Cara Burroughs Rachael Hudnall Austin Pavlacka Caleb Clupny Jacob Feuerborn Caleb Clupny Caleb Clupny Gabe Hartwell Caleb Clupny Friday, April 15th, at 5:30 PM Lector Jolene Lorg Altar Servers Solana Tejeda Eucharistic Ministers Marianne Misko * As Assigned MASS INTENTIONS - WEEK OF APRIL 11-17, 2016 Monday Tuesday 7:30 am 5:30 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am Wednesday 7:30 am 7:30 am Thursday 9:00 am 7:30 am Friday 5:30 pm Saturday 5:30 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am Sunday 11:00am † Roger Robben † Maurice J. Pfeifer † David Martin Intention of Rita Mae Buehne † Lawrence Blasi † Bill and Kathryn Patry † Lea Nell Moos † Lillian Herrman Intention of Rebecca Laird † Captain Christopher Norgren For the People † Bernie Schumacher † Ron Norgren Altar Servers 5:30p Solana Tejeda Keira Ronsick Katrina Nguyen 7:30a * As Assigned * As Assigned 9:00a Jarodd Williams Jake Williams Jadonn Williams 11:00a * As Assigned Logan Klaus * As Assigned Cantor / Musician 5:30p Kelly Benoit Chris Dean 9:00a Sara High Brenda Rust 11:00a Choir Kim Stecklein Ushers 5:30p Jim Costello Andrew Gardens Nick Haase Paul Pfeifer 7:30a Doren Rhoades Kevin Peterson Jim Graves Josh Vogel 9:00a Darren Pracht Monte Pelz Jude Oxler Tim Loveless 11:00a As Assigned Preschool 9:00a Elaine Klincik Melissa Knoeber Julie Hampel MASS READINGS - WEEK OF APRIL 11-17, 2016 Monday Acts 6:8-15/Psalms 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30/ John 6:22-29 Tuesday Acts 7:51--8:1a/Psalms 31:3-4, 6-8, 17, 21/John 6:30-35 Wednesday Acts 8:1b-8/Psalms 66:1-7/John 6:35-40 4 Thursday Acts 8:26-40/Psalms 66:8-9, 16-17, 20/John 6:44-51 Friday Acts 9:1-20/Psalms 117:1-2/John 6:52-59 Saturday Acts 9:31-42/Psalms 116:12-17/John 6:60-69 Sunday Acts 13:14, 43-52/Psalms 100:1-3, 5/ Revelation 7:9, 14b-17/John 10:27-30 COLLEGE CARE PACKAGES We will once again be sending care packages for those students of our parish who are attending college to help them succeed during finals. If you have a son or daughter currently attending college, please e-mail his or her name and mailing info to Connie Belden at cmbelden87@gmail.com. Names need to be received by Monday, April 18th. Even if you sent your child’s name last semester, it needs to be sent again for this semester’s mailings. If you would like to make a donation towards the care packages or have any questions please contact Connie at the e-mail above or Kami Terwilliger at sktwig@cox.net. Thank you! “STEWARDSHIP IS OUR BLUEPRINT” CONFERENCE Saturday, April 16th at the Church of the Magdalen and/or Sunday, April 17th at Our Lady of Lourdes, Pittsburg. This is open to EVERYONE in the Diocese! We began this Stewardship journey for the Diocese 30 years ago, and we celebrate it this year! Registration is on-line. Keynote speakers include Bishop Carl Kemme and Luis Soto (Catholic Leadership Institute). For info and on-line registration, PLEASE COME and ENJOY: catholicdioceseofwichita.org/upcoming-conferences. Reflection CATHOLIC KIDZ CAMP! AHOY CAMPERS! CATHOLIC KIDZ CAMP REGISTRATION BEGINS THIS WEEKEND! This summer, kids ages 4 through 5th grade can set sail with St. Patrick on an exciting adventure to Ireland to learn about the Holy Trinity during Catholic Kidz Camp 2016! CKC will be held June 13th -17th from 9 am - 12:15 pm. Please stop by the table in the gathering space after masses this weekend for registration information for both campers AND volunteers. You can also visit the parish website at: www.stcatherinewichita.com/catholic-kidz-camp for a link to the ONLINE REGISTRATION form and other important camp information. Please note that space is limited and camp may fill prior to the deadline of April 22nd. Join us for a week of fun-filled faith formation! ANNUAL PARISH GOLF TOURNAMENT May 21st, at the Rolling Hills Country Club Shotgun start at 2:00 $100 per person, includes golf, cart, beverages, dinner and a chance to win many prizes Signups will begin after church Masses soon! Questions can be directed to: Curtis @ 316-573-5434 Jared @ jreich53@hotmail.com "Jesus said to him the third time, 'Simon, son of John, do you love me?'" Three times, Simon Peter had denied Jesus. Now, three times, the risen Christ gives Peter the opportunity to announce his love. Although Peter was "distressed" by the Lord's repeated question, ultimately this Sponsored by The Men’s Club must have been a healing moment in Peter's life. He finally had the opportunity to assure Jesus that he loved him, thereby making up for his earlier failure and weakness on the night EUCHARISTIC ADORATION of the Crucifixion. SUNDAYS 5PM THROUGH WEDNESDAYS 7AM Jesus' death on the cross SECOND ADORERS needed: sufficed to forgive us of our Tuesday: 1-2am, 2-3am, 4-5pm sins. But his resurrection assures Wednesday: Midnight-1am, 3-4am, 4-5am us that there is new life on the other side of our sinfulness. The wonderful thing about being a “second adorer” is that you are sharing your hour in case you need to travel or miss occasionally. Just as Jesus had the power to conquer death, so too through his grace we have the power to conquer our sins. We can live a resurrected life, we can have a “There is no doubt that a flood of graces will descend upon new beginning, just as Peter did that day at the Sea of Tiberius your family and the world if more souls would become when he pledged his faith anew. docile pupils of adoration.” This pledge of faith, it's interesting to note, also came with a — St. Pope John XXIII kind of commission. Each time that Peter told the Lord he loved him, Jesus responded with a command: "Feed my lambs," "Tend my sheep," and "Feed my sheep." Of course, we know that Jesus had already established Peter as the "rock" on which he built his church, as the first pope. Now, Jesus was emphasizing the connection between loving him -- the Good Shepherd -- and loving his people, his flock, his church. Peter's love for Christ was meant to be manifested in his love and care for the church, as is the case with every pope. But it's also true for every Christian. We are called not just to relish the gift of forgiveness and the grace of new life in Christ, but Schedule your hour with the Eucharist! to take the next step of loving and serving those around us. To find out more info, call Mary Jane Wooten at 729-6777 5 St. Catherine Youth News Around the Diocese FREE YOUTH EVENT AT NEWMAN UNIVERSITY THIS Saturday, April 16th, Newman University is proud to host the internationally acclaimed Catholic singer/songwriter Ike Ndolo for a 7pm concert. Ike was the musician for both the rally and Mass at the 2015 March for Life. We encourage you to bring blankets or lawn chairs. Vendors will be on hand offering a variety of food and soft drinks. This is a free event that Newman is hosting for any and all youth/parishioners who would like to hear God’s message in a great atmosphere through wonderful music. For more info, contact Pam Polley at 942-4291 ext. 2163. We appreciate your RSVP to estimate how many will attend. NEWMAN UNIVERSITY PRO-LIFE GROUP - JETS FOR LIFE PSR CLASSES CONTINUE THIS WEDNESDAY - 6:30-7:30PM ACTS 29 The High School Group meets this week, April 12th! TOTUS TUUS 2016! TODAY! The 4th annual Quilt Bingo! Proceeds: A Better Choice. When: April 10th, doors open at 12 and bingo starts at 12:45 pm Where: Dugan Conference Center, Newman University, 3100 McCormick / Wichita Cost: $5 card: general public / $3 card: Newman Students Prizes: 14 handmade quilts VATICAN EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES EXHIBIT The Vatican International Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit is coming to St. Francis of Assisi. It consists of 126 Eucharistic Miracles illustrated on 150 panels. The exhibit will be on display April 10 through the 20th in Clare Hall basement and will be open: *TODAY, April 10th = 8am-6pm *April 11th thru 15th = open every eve 6-9pm, during the day for classes, groups or individuals by appt. *April 16th = 9am-9pm *April 17th = 8am-6pm *April 18th-20th = every eve 6-9pm, during the day by appt. The exhibit is open by appt during the week day for classrooms, large groups or individuals to tour, call 722-4404. Don't miss out! "I've seen miracles happen at the exhibit, lives are changed!", said Earl Markley, guardian of the exhibit. The exhibit will be at SEAS parish April 23- May 11th. CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS FOR 2016-17 SCHOOL YEAR Tryouts for Bishop Carroll cheerleading for the 2016-17 school year will be held Friday, April 15th at 4:00pm in the BCCHS Activities Complex gym. Mandatory Clinics will be April 11-14th, 6-7am in BCCHS Activities Complex gym. All forms can be accessed on the Bishop Carroll website: www.bcchs.org/athletics/cheer.php. Please contact Becky Eck @ lilred88m@hotmail.com with any questions. SPRING FLING CRAFT AND VENDOR FAIR Saturday, April 16th from 9am to 3pm The St. Anthony’s CYM in Garden Plain is hosting the 4th Annual Spring Fling Craft and Vendor Fair on Saturday, April 16th from 9am-3pm at the Parish Hall. There are many crafters and vendors with something for everyone! Admission is just $1 which go towards the CYM’s upcoming Steubenville Conference trip! The Knights of Columbus Squires will be selling great food all day. Coming to St. Catherine’s from June 26 - July 1 Grade School Program - (1st - 6th) Mon - Fri, 9am-3pm Middle/High School Program - Sun-Thurs, 7:30pm-9:45pm Watch the bulletin for more details and sign up dates! Spaces are limited! DINNER FOR TWO Thank you to all the parishioners who have generously cooked dinners for our priests! They are very grateful as this is a big help to them. We are once again in need of volunteers to prepare and deliver dinner to the priests on Thursday evenings at 5pm. It's a wonderful way to say "thanks" to our priests who do so much for us. Call Geri Loehr at 722-4693 to sign up. BIRTHLINE TRAINING RESPECT LIFE & SOCIAL JUSTICE ANNOUNCEMENT Next session - April 17, at 2pm at the Spiritual Life Center Hope Lives is a new ministry for women who have experienced an abortion. Hope Lives will begin with a Bible Study called “Forgiven and Set Free”. If you’ve had an abortion, you are not alone in your experience. If you are interested in participating in the Bible Study, call 269-3935 or email toombsb@catholicdioceseofwichita.org or come on April 17 to the Spiritual Life Center. MIDWEST WINEFEST TO SUPPORT GUADALUPE CLINIC The 21st annual Midwest Winefest Grand Tasting will be held on the evening of Sat., April 23rd at Century II. Proceeds support Guadalupe Health Foundation. The Grand Tasting is a casual, fun event where you enjoy great food, friends and good wine on one amazing evening, all for a $60 ticket. Tickets are on sale now. Volunteer opportunities are available, and those willing to work a 60-90 minute shift at the Grand Tasting for half-priced tickets. Contact Sara/Tony Marlow, 440-3061. In April, Birthline will begin a training session for new volunteers. ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI CATHOLIC PRESCHOOL Birthline is open 6 days a week and requires many volunteers to Do you have a 3 or 4 year old who is ready for Preschool? Want the staff all of those hours. Birthline is a crisis pregnancy center that opportunity to observe our Preschool Classes? St. Francis of Assisi reaches out to thousands of young women faced with a problem Catholic Preschool will host a Shadow Event on Wed., April 20, pregnancy. Birthline’s primary function is providing an alternative to from 8:30 to 10am. If you are interested in attending, please call the abortion. Birthline has begun its 45th year of operation. No one at School Office (722-5171). Enrollment forms now being accepted Birthline has paid a salary. Perhaps God is calling you to this for our 3 and 4 year old Preschool Classes. Forms available in the apostolate. Info: call Bernadette at 838-5609 or Diane at 683-6402. 6 Office, or download from the website stfrancsiwichita.com. Minihan & Sons, Inc. Reuben G. Loyd, REALTOR® General Contractors Commercial, Residential Experience the Excellence Cell: (316) 806-1241 REALTY EXECUTIVES CENTER www.reubenloyd.com rloyd3@cox.net 316-755-1622 St. Catherine of Siena Parishioner Member of St. Catherine’s 7817 W. 37th No Wichita, KS 67205 Parishioner Body, Frame & Paint Light Mechanical Cars for Sale 729-8963 camp_s@sbcglobal.net Deb & Steve Camp, Owners Members St. Catherine’s Marti Vo, Broker Boyce Soward Certified Public Accountant Whether considering purchasing or selling a home or commercial property, Call Marti! 2759 N. Tyler Rd., Wichita, KS 67205 Off: (316) 425-0403 Fax (316) 425-0395 Cell: (316) 640-8091 boyce@boycesowardcpa.com Cell: (316) 807-6935 • Office: (316) 425-1880 Email: martivo@aol.com Roofing-Windows-Siding A Reliable General Contractor Seniors Discount! (316)-361-2787 garywilbertroofing.com garywilbertroofing@cox.net Armstrong Plumbing Private Wealth Management Less Stress | More Enjoyment 7540 W. Northwind St #300• 942-9535 NAngie Tejeda, MBA, RFC© 316.721-5191 • www.angietejeda.com Specializing in Hot Water Heaters starting at $895 & Garbage Disposals starting at $175 Pre-Retirement/Retirement & Women’s Retirement Needs All securities through Money Concepts Corp. Member FINRA/SIPC. License # 1427 801 WEST DOUGLAS WICHITA 316-265-9629 Commercial or Residential BellsAbbeyFlooring.com Primary Care Associates A Friendly Neighborhood Environment for Your Medical Needs 316-684-2851 • www.cpa-wichita.com 7111 East 21st Street, Wichita, KS 67206 WINDOWS - SIDING ROOFING - REMODELING RODNEY LAGALY, Parishioner Call 316.685.1700 JERRY R. FORSHEE PLUMBING 832-9373 BONDED - LICENSED - INSURED INSTALLATION - SERVICE - REPAIR KITCHEN & BATHROOM REMODELING Build a bundle. Save a bundle. www.AllSeasonsConstruction.com Curtis Weninger 316-722-8380 Independent Assisted Living 316-550-6343 1400 S. 183d St. W. Goddard, KS 67052 PremierPumpKS.com www.DoveEstatesKansas.com Parish Member of St. Catherine of Siena Jim Morgan 316.308-6670 visionhomes@pixius.net Tony Brand •Shawn Ketzner Ann Allaire Vision Custom Homes Member - WABA State Farm Agent 13303 W. Maple, Ste. 103 Wichita, KS 67235 (316) 721-5769 jim@insurewichita.net 1203025 Bundle auto, home and life for big State Farm® discounts. So let me show you how State Farm can help protect all the things that matter most - for a lot less than you think. GET TO A BETTER STATE.® CALL ME TODAY. State Farm, Bloomington, IL Margaret Anne Detmer, D.D.S. 8404 W. 13th St. Ste 200 N.W. Centre, Wichita, KS 67212 Telephone (316) 721-8100 100 Fax (316) 721-8707 Family Dentistry Contact James Bradley to place an ad today! JBradley@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2655 316-773-0303 For ad info. call James Bradley at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. Catherine of Siena, Wichita B 4C 02-0838 “We truly enjoyed the buying & selling of our homes this time and it is due to Paula and her hard work.” Tara & John Murphy St. Catherine of Siena Parishioners Cell (316) 706-6566 pclouse@weigand.com Maximum Outdoor Equipment & Service Kevin Cline OD • Amy Goertz OD 316-832-0088 12111 W. Maple, Ste. 125 www.wichitavisioncare.com 943-0201 • 1002 So. West St. SCOTT & JULIE STREMEL Orth Roofing SEAS PARISHIONERS www.stremelandassociates.com 2872 N. Ridge Rd. • Wichita Bus: 722-6182 Cell: 518-9083 MIDLAND INSURANCE GROUP INC. GARY L. SOMMERHAUSER PAUL ISEMAN • RYAN BINA Wichita ReRoofing Specialists In Business Since 1987 Business • Home • Auto • Life Brett Orth • 316-721-9961 416 S Market St. • Wichita, KS (316) 943-1166 Parishioner 316-665-7120 For All Your Electrical Needs! Serving Wichita Since 1968 Mattoast Painting and Ann Klein Realtor Studio Cell: 316.990.5566 Office: 316.722.6182 681-3011 ® Matthew J Habiger Fax: 316.722.3457 Owner 2872 N. Ridge Road, Suite 112 316-285-0760 Wichita, Kansas Wichita, KS 67205 aklein@weigand.com mattoast101@hotmail.com Holy Trinity CHRIS A POST Catholic Books & Gifts, Inc. 8651 W. Central, Wichita, KS 67212 (316) 722-9493 • Fax (316) 722-8055 Hours: M.-F. 10-6, Sat. 10-5 CHRIS A POST AGENCY 2121 N TYLER RD, STE 111 WICHITA, KS 67212-4916 Office: 316-729-9890 Email: cpost@amfam.com Misha A. Anderson, OD Linda Seiwert, REALTOR® • Siding • Roofing • Guttering • Windows 8918 W. 21st • 351-5713 12111 W. Maple • 440-2838 Same Owner as Holy Trinity 3607 North Ridge Road Wichita, KS 67205 tel 316 721 2701 fax 316 721 8612 www.grenevisiongroup.com Family Practice Optometry Surgical Comanagement Contact Lenses Current Member of St. Catherine of Siena PenFed Realty • 3531 N. Ridge Road, Wichita, KS 67205 lindaseiwert@penfedrealty.com • www.LindaSeiwert.com Cell 316 648-9306 • 316 721-9271 316-686-8200 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, L.L.C. OPEN SUNDAYS COCHRAN MARCH-JUNE & SEPTEMBER-DECEMBER “Landscaping with a Plan” MORTUARY & CREMATORY SKINCARE 1411 N. Broadway • Wichita, Kansas 67214 316-262-4422 • www.cochranmortuary.com Contact Renee Pack • 316-518-8385 www.rpack.myrandf.com 11200 W. Kellogg • 722-7516 www.bradynursery.com Wichita’s Catholic Owned Funeral Home Bill Mull Agencies Byron J. Nordhus, D.D.S. 721-6730 Allstate Insurance All Company No Dental Insurance? No Problem! View our membership plan at www.nordhusdentistry.com 10011 W 21st St No #107 100 Wichita, KS 67205 The Real Estate Professionals Phone Pho 316.773.9864 Cell 316.259.3550 ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA PARISHIONER Email billmull@allstate.com 24-Hour Customer Service 10300 W. Central Wichita, KS 67212 COLBY REYNOLDS ® REALTOR Office: 316-722-1400 Cell: 316-558-2292 kansashomebuyer@gmail.com www.underhillreynolds.com DeGraffenreid ECK & ECK MACHINE CO., INC. Chiropractic, PA 4606 West Harry 316-942-5924 Paul and Bettie Eck Dr. Aaron DeGraffenreid SEAS Parishioner www.degraffchiro.com 9095 W. Central Just west of Tyler on Central www.kofc.org St. Catherine of Siena Parishioners 721-4546 4041 N. MAIZE RD . SUITE 200 CALL 316.722.4662 GREG ANDERSON 2330 S. Mead P.O. Box 17361 264-1524 Cell 393-6390 Wichita, Kansas 67213 Wildcat Agri Services Automotive Repair & Towing 412 W. Main St. Valley Center, KS 67147 Ph: (316) 755-0309 M: (316) 765-4401 Brendan McGettigan President Parishioner www.averyautomotiverepair.com Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-6pm We offer secure real time data backup & restore! RON HELTEN, DVM New clients welcome 10% discount on 1st visit 942-1002 6630 W. Central heltenveterinaryclinic.com New York Style Pizza Chicago Pan Pizza SALADS • SUBS • DESSERTS dine in, delivery, or carryout Data Recovery, Crashed Hard Drives, Flash Drives and More... HELTEN VETERINARY CLINIC Complete Auto Repair Since 1962 Call (316) 944-4448 for details info@datback.com • www.datback.com • 2938 E Douglas Ave, Wichita, KS 67214 SPEXARTH P L U M B I N G I N C Pioneer Premium Seed & Treatments, Crop Insurance, Agronomy Services, Field Days, Seed Wheat, Seed Delivery, and Personal Service New Construction • Remodel• Repair Mike McGinn 316-772-7171 Tye Engel 316-217-6253 Mark Spexarth • Colwich, KS 316-796-1175 License #5064 Oxler Family Dentistry Jude A. Oxler, D.D.S. • George P. Oxler, D.D.S. St. Catherine of Siena Parishioners 900 N. Tyler Road, Suite 2 • Wichita, KS 67212 722-2596 Investment in your retirement. 4425 West Zoo Blvd., Suite 5 • Wichita, KS 67212 Carl Maughan, Parishioner Leann E Smith, AAMS® Financial Advisor 1104 E Douglas Ave. Wichita, KS 67214 316-831-9818 www.edwardjones.com (316) 264-2023 • Fuel • Lubricants • Chemicals • Diesel Exhaust Fluid www.HampelOil.com Member SIPC 3727 S. West St. • Wichita, KS 67217 • (800) 530-5848 Sprinkler Installation & Service • Irrigation Design • Backflow Testing • Winterization • Startups, Sod & Seeding Free Estimate • Residential & Commercial Kirk Richards, Parish Member kirkapex@yahoo.com • www.apexlawnirrigation.com Office: 316.721.7844 • Fax: 316.721.7863 For ad info. call James Bradley at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. Catherine of Siena, Wichita A 4C 02-0838
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