Love Your Shoes
Love Your Shoes
Handcrafted Fashion & Comfort Footwear Love Your Shoes WINTER 2015 Catalogue About NAOT Naot Footwear is an International Success Story. Founded in 1942, as a small shoe factory on a Kibbutz in Northern Israel making simple work shoes and sandals, the business has grown to become a world leading manufacturer of comfort based shoes, with Naot products being exported to major markets around the world. Naot offers a unique combination of comfort, quality and style. Our footwear features a unique anatomical footpad, made of natural substances of the highest quality, from Europe’s finest manufacturers – cork, latex (natural rubber.) The footpad is a “negative” print of the foot, just like the footprint we leave when walking in the sand. It is flexible, soft, shock absorbent, supports the heel and alleviates tiredness and pain. For those who need to wear their orthotics at all times, most of the NAOT styles feature a removable innersole, allowing for the easy use of custom made orthotics. However, in many instances people find they do not need their orthotics when wearing Naot shoes and sandals, as the footbed provides the necessary support, and much greater comfort than a hard orthotic. Table Of Contents ACCESSORIES Page 4 WOMENS RANGE Supreme Collection (NEW) Timeless Collection Page 5 MENS RANGE Floral Collection Executive Collection Page 6 Edelina, Magnolia, Primrose Page 6 Origin Collection Page 7 Page 7 Scandinavian Collection TRANS-SEASONAL RANGE Naot Footwear is highly durable thanks to the use of materials of the highest quality and our strict quality control. The materials have been specially developed and adapted to withstand the conditions of varying climates and environments around the world. The upper is made of fine natural Italian leather that breathes and keeps the foot fresh. The sole is constructed of high-quality rubber, polyurethane and latex that retain flexibility and are highly resistant to erosion. Harore, Kawaka, Kirei, Kukamo, Kumara, Matai, Melia, Motu, Rahina, Reka, Rongo, Toatoa ADDITIONAL INFO Each year our seasonal ranges feature a rich variety of shoes, boots, clogs and sandals for men and women. Our colourful footwear range is designed in line with the latest world fashion trends. Naot shoes and sandals come in a variety of Collections, each of which is designed on a different “last”, therefore catering for all foot shapes as well as heel height and style preferences. Each season features a new range of fun colours and interesting textures and designs, keeping the Naot collection fresh and exciting! FASHION RANGE FOOTBED GUIDE WOMENS Collection Adriatic, Nautilus Page 16 Cabaret, Dorith, Norel, Sitar, Sophia, Yolanda ACTIVE LIFESTYLE RANGE MENS Collection Page 8/9 Page 10 Page 16 Canyon, Gamla, Golan, Lappland Page 17 Page 18/19 NAOT SIZE CHART Page 20 CONTACT US Page 20 Baccio, Oro, Vistoso Tres Jolie Collection (NEW) Page 10 Delilah, Ella, Isabella Aura Collection CAN’T FIND WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR? Page 12/13 Fantasma, Kedma, Lako, Mist, Mistral, Sirocco, Tide, Viento Page 2 Page 15 Colin, Fiord, Nills, Sydney Shell Collection Prima Bella Collection Page 15 Energy Aga, Claudia, Eveline, Grandbi, Malta, Matilda, Pisac, Scotland Koru Collection Page 15 Chief, Director, Moment, Pilot, Stock Caribou, Lynx Scandinavian Collection Page 14 Day, Sky, Weekend Alto, Chord, Conga, Mambo, Mandolin, Mariachi, Motif, Piccolo Wildlife Collection Page 14 Latest, Unique CLASSIC COMFORT RANGE Allegro Collection FASHION RANGE (continued) Check out our website for further information Comfort never... EDELINA | Page 6 Looked so good! L Na ove ot Accessories Love Your Shoes HARORE | Page 8 NAOT INNERSOLES Available for Mens: Origin, Walker, Scandinavian and Executive Collections and the following Womens Collections: Allegro, Aura, Cosmopolitan, Floral, Koru, Prima Bella, Scandinavian, Shell, Tres Jolie, Vineyard and Wildlife. MATAI | Page 9 NAOT DEAD SEA FOOT CREAM NAOT BAMBOO SOCKS Available in packs of 12 Black, Grey and White. Available in packs of 6 in HAWAII | Page 14 - Sizes Available 36-39 | 40-43 | 44-47 Page 4 accessories KEDMA | Page 12 Allegro Collection Love Your Shoes WIDE WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN Removable Innersole CONGA | Page 5 ALTO 35109 CHORD 35041 CONGA 35097 NEW MAMBO BLACK COMBO BLACK MADRAS BERRY RED COMBO INK COMBO • BLUE SLATE BLACK COMBO FISHNET BLACK COMBO • RUMBA COMBO ROOTS BROWN • CINNAMON COMBO METALLIC BLACK COMBO NEW MINE BROWN COMBO • RUMBA NEW 35011 BLACK BROWN COMBO ROOTS BROWN COMBO NEW NEW VOLCANIC RED COMBO MANDOLIN 35082 MARIACHI BLACK COMBO BLACK MADRAS TIN GREY POPPY COMBO FROST GREY COMBO • VOLCANIC RED COMBO • 35081 MOTIF 35005 BLACK MADRAS NEW 35113 BLACK GOLDEN MOCHA POPPY • ROOTS BROWN PICCOLO HASH TOFFEE • NEW TERRACOTTA MERLOT VOLCANIC RED CLASSIC COMFORT range Page 5 Floral Collection MEDIUM WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN EDELINA 75003 MAGNOLIA 75002 Love Your Shoes Removable Innersole PRIMROSE Sizes up to 43 74229 BLACK COMBO BERRY RED COMBO BLACK COMBO INK COMBO BLACK COMBO MINE BROWN COMBO • RUMBA COMBO • INK COMBO • MEDIUM TO WIDE WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN CARIBOU Wildlife Collection 30002 BLACK RAVEN LYNX NEW Removable Innersole 30003 BLACK COMBO MULBERRY • NEW OAK COMBO SADDLE BROWN NEW ROOTS BROWN COMBO • NEW ADRIATIC | Page 7 Page 6 CLASSIC COMFORT range WIDE WIDTH Shell • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN ADRIATIC Removable Innersole 25043 Scandinavian Collection Love Your Shoes MEDIUM WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN AGA 63060 GRANDBI BUFFALO ROOTS BROWN COMBO • MERLOT SHIRAZ COMBO SHIRAZ COMBO • POPPY RUMBA COMBO INK GREY • TIN GREY COMBO SHIRAZ WINE PISAC BLACK MADRAS • BLACK SHIRAZ COMBO BUFFALO SADDLE BROWN COMBO • ROOTS BROWN TIN GREY 63061 NEW MATILDA CINNAMON SEAL BROWN OAK COMBO • 25011 63202 BLACK COMBO INK COMBO BLACK COMBO Sizes up to 43 BLACK MATTE BLACK COMBO NAUTILUS MALTA BLACK COMBO BLACK COMBO NEW 60412 Removable Innersole SCOTLAND NEW SADDLE BROWN • 60010 CLAUDIA NEW 60411 63049 NEW TIN GREY COMBO EVELINE 63068 BLACK MADRAS BLACK MADRAS • BERRY RED COMBO INK POPPY BLACK COMBO RUMBA • TIN GREY INK COMBO WALNUT WALNUT LUGGAGE BROWN COMBO • CLASSIC COMFORT range Page 7 Koru Collection Love Your Shoes MEDIUM WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN KIREI Sizes up to 43 BLACK BLUE COMBO 11042 NEW HARORE Removable Innersole 11117 KAWAKA 11098 BLACK GREY COMBO BLACK COMBO GREY COMBO METALLIC BLUE COMBO • MINE BROWN COMBO • NEW LUGGAGE BROWN COMBO VOLCANIC RED COMBO ROOTS BROWN COMBO NEW POPPY COMBO TIN GREY COMBO RUMBA GREY COMBO • SHINY BLACK COMBO STARDUST COMBO NEW VOLCANIC RED COMBO NEW BLACK PEARL COMBO BLUE VELVET COMBO MERLOT WINE COMBO PORCINI SHIITAKE COMBO STERLING GREY COMBO MOTU MELIA 11002 ROOTS BROWN COMBO • Sizes up to 43 BLACK COMBO BLACK COMBO LUGGAGE BROWN COMBO • LUGGAGE BROWN COMBO POLAR SEA COMBO TEAL COMBO • POPPY TERRACOTTA NEW SHIRAZ COMBO WALNUT COMBO Page 8 RAHINA BERRY RED COMBO BLACK COMBO MOTU | Page 8 11116 ACTIVE LIFESTYLE range VINTAGE BEIGE COMBO 11038 NEW Koru Collection Love Your Shoes MEDIUM WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN KUKAMO 11114 KUMARA 11450 MATAI Sizes up to 43 BLACK GREY COMBO BLACK METALLIC COMBO NEW BLACK MADRAS MINE BROWN COMBO POPPY TERRACOTTA NEW LUGGAGE BROWN RUMBA ROSE COMBO • WHITE DUSTY SILVER • NEW ORANGE • Removable Innersole 11410 STARDUST POPPY NEW VOLCANIC RED BLACK COMBO BLACK PEARL HASH RUMBA WINE COMBO REKA 11100 BLACK COMBO COLONIAL BEIGE COMBO • NEW RONGO 11061 TOATOA BLACK COMBO BLACK COMBO FISHNET BLACK COMBO MINE BROWN COMBO GREY COMBO LUGGAGE BROWN COMBO POPPY RUMBA COMBO SHIRAZ COMBO POPPY ORANGE COMBO • VOLCANIC RED COMBO • 11092 NEW RONGO | Page 9 ACTIVE LIFESTYLE range Page 9 NARROW TO MEDIUM WIDTH Prima Bella Love Your Shoes NARROW TO MEDIUM WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN Tres Jolie • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN Removable Innersole Removable Innersole ORO BACCIO 14037 ISABELLA BEET RED PATENT BEET RED COMBO • BLACK MADRAS BLACK PATENT COMBO FROST GREY • NAVY COMBO 34006 14032 BERRY RED COMBO • BLACK COMBO LUGGAGE BROWN COMBO VISTOSO 14038 ELLA DELILAH BLACK MADRAS BLACK COMBO LUGGAGE BROWN LUGGAGE BROWN • VOLCANIC RED COMBO • VOLCANIC RED • VOLCANIC RED ISABELLA Page 10 Page 10 34003 BLACK MADRAS FASHION RANGE 34005 m o C n t for r e ev g o s d e k loo ELLA | Page 10 ! d oo Aura Collection Love Your Shoes MEDIUM WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN Removable Innersole SIROCCO | Page 12 FANTASMA 26025 KEDMA 26010 BEET RED PATENT NEW BLACK COMBO BLACK CRINKLE PATENT NEW FROST GREY COMBO • FISHNET BLACK COMBO ROSE COMBO MINE BROWN (REMOVABLE BOW) MISTRAL 26021 BLACK COMBO FROST GREY COMBO NAVY PATENT • NEW ROSE NEW SIROCCO 26027 BLACK COMBO NEW BLACK GREY COMBO • POPPY COMBO • LUGGAGE BROWN COMBO TAN BROWN COMBO SADDLE BROWN COMBO VOLCANIC RED COMBO Page 12 FASHION RANGE Aura Collection (Continued) Love Your Shoes MEDIUM WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN TIDE| Page 13 LAKO 26011 MIST BLACK MADRAS BLACK METALLIC COMBO LUGGAGE BROWN • COLONIAL BEIGE COMBO • Removable Innersole KEDMA | Page 12 26015 VOLCANIC RED TIDE 26022 VIENTO BLACK COMBO BLACK MADRAS LUGGAGE BROWN COMBO LUGGAGE BROWN RUMBA COMBO • SADDLE BROWN • 26016 NEW NEW TIN GREY FASHION RANGE Page 13 Timeless Collection Love Your Shoes NARROW TO MEDIUM WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN DAY 92007 SKY 92002 WEEKEND 92004 BLACK RAVEN BLACK COMBO • BLACK COMBO • MINE BROWN • ROOTS BROWN COMBO DOTTY GREY COMBO POPPY LATEST | Page 14 MEDIUM WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN Supreme Collection LATEST 44105 UNIQUE 44104 BERRY RED COMBO • BLACK COMBO BLACK GLOSS COMBO SADDLE BROWN COMBO • LUGGAGE BROWN COMBO VOLCANIC RED COMBO Page 14 FASHION RANGE Executive Collection Love Your Shoes MEDIUM WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN CHIEF 80024 BLACK COMBO BLACK VELVET COMBO • NEW DIRECTOR MOMENT 80016 PILOT BLACK BLACK RAVEN BROWN COMBO WALNUT • LUGGAGE BROWN LUGGAGE BROWN • BROWN COMBO 80023 BLACK COMBO SADDLE BROWN • NEW Removable Innersole 80017 STOCK 80012 BLACK RAVEN • NEW LUGGAGE BROWN MEDIUM WIDTH Origin • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN ENERGY Removable Innersole 88006 Scandinavian Collection MEDIUM WIDTH • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN COLIN 69910 FIORD 62721 NILLS BLACK COMBO BLACK COMBO BLACK MATTE BLACK MATTE • CHOCOLATE COMBO • CAROB COMBO BUFFALO • BUFFALO 62705 Removable Innersole SYDNEY 62703 BUFFALO • SADDLE BROWN COMBO • MENS RANGE Page 15 Trans-seasonal Collection Love Your Shoes womens • DENOTES COLOUR SHOWN CABARET Sizes up to 43 35091 (REMOVABLE INNERSOLE) DORITH 04710 NOREL Sizes up to 43 63003 CANYON (REMOVABLE INNERSOLE) BLACK CRINKLE PATENT BLACK MADRAS BLACK MATTE MINE BROWN COMBO • PEARL PATENT • BLUE SLATE • WALNUT • POPPY ORANGE COMBO WHITE LUGGAGE BROWN SITAR Sizes up to 43 35090 (REMOVABLE INNERSOLE) SOPHIA BLACK COMBO 04441 YOLANDA Sizes up to 43 63064 PURPLE COMBO • AQUA COMBO LUGGAGE BROWN • SKY BLUE COMBO FISHNET BLACK COMBO • WHITE GOLAN (REMOVABLE INNERSOLE) BLACK MADRAS BUFFALO • POPPY COMBO TRANS-SEASONAL RANGE GAMLA 84010 (REMOVABLE INNERSOLE) WALNUT • 84015 (REMOVABLE INNERSOLE) STARDUST COMBO Page 16 62111 (REMOVABLE INNERSOLE) BLACK RAVEN BLACK METALLIC COMBO mens LAPPLAND (REMOVABLE INNERSOLE) BLACK MATTE BUFFALO • 69601 Need more information - check out our website About |News | Newsletter Signup |Technical Information | Product Care | FAQs | Testimonials | Contact |Sitemap | Home Home Summer Winter Womens Mens New Arrivals Accessories Catalogues Love Your Shoes Welcome to NAOT Australia Find a Shoe / Style Newsletter signup Handcrafted and Fashion Footwear Enter a product name or description. Email Address * GO! Browse our latest range. Find a Retail Store To find your closest NAOT retailer click Store Finder >> like us on facebook share your naot style on instagram want more lifestyle images? visit naot on pinterest Name Subscribe keep up with the latest naot news via twitter stay tuned to naot videos & tv ads via youtube “These boots are made for walking...” Naot footwear australia @Naotfootwearaus Naot footwear australia @Naotfootwearaus naot australia Womens Footbed Guide Love Your Shoes Technical Information: Naot Footwear is handcrafted from fine Italian leathers. Each footbed is made of natural materials, that are shock resistant, and absorb perspiration. ALLEGRO UNIT - pg.5 AURA UNIT - pg.12 & 13 FLORAL UNIT - pg.6 KORU UNIT - pg.8 & 9 • Wider fitting with splayed heel for increased stability. (Work) (Removable Innersole) • Narrow to medium fitting, flat light weight unit with improved grip, excellent cushioning and flexibility and a slight heel. (Dress, Work) (Removable Innersole) • Medium fitting, slight raised heel and steel shank for total comfort and increased support. (Travel) (Removable Innersole) • Medium fitting, active wear unit with flat light weight Polyurethane sole for added shock absorption. (Travel, Everyday) (Removable Innersole) PRIMA BELLA UNIT - pg.10 SCANDINAVIAN UNIT- pg.7 SHELL UNIT - pg.7 SUPREME UNIT - pg.14 • Narrow to medium fitting, light weight unit with inner shank and heel support, made of Polyurethane for extra cushioning. (Corporate) (Removable Innersole) • Medium fitting, light weight, Polyurethane sole for added shock absorption, flexibility and cushioning (Travel, Everyday) (Removable Innersole) • Wide fitting, light weight rocker sole, excellent cushioning, very durable and slip resistant. (Casual, Everyday) (Removable Innersole) • Medium fitting, improved grip, excellent cushioning with a medium heel. (Dress, Corporate) They are designed and created to support the anatomical structure of the foot, and to encourage correct and natural posture. All soles are constructed of high quality rubber, polyurethane and latex that retain flexibility and are highly resistant to erosion. *Each unit individually indicated if fitted with Removable Innersoles. Removable Innersole Page 18 TECHNICAL GUIDE Womens Footbed Guide Love Your Shoes (Continued) TIMELESS UNIT - pg.14 TRES JOLIE UNIT - pg.10 WILDLIFE UNIT- pg.6 • Narrow to medium fitting wedge, light weight unit made of Polyurethane for extra cushioning and shock absorption. (Dress) • Narrow to medium fitting wedge, light weight unit with heel support, made of Polyurethane for extra cushioning. (Dress) (Removable Innersole) • Medium to wide fitting, improved grip, excellent cushioning and flexibility for added support and comfort. (Comfort, Work) (Removable Innersole) Mens Footbed Guide (refer to page 15) MENS - EXECUTIVE MENS - ORIGIN MENS - SCANDINAVIAN • Airport friendly, light weight unit that offers durability and shock absorption. (Work, Travel, Everyday) (Removable Innersole) • Light weight flexible unit, with increased shock absorption and durability. (Comfort, Work) (Removable Innersole) • Light weight, Polyurethane sole for durability and increased shock absorption. (Comfort, Work) (Removable Innersole) TECHNICAL GUIDE PILOT Page 15 CARIBOU | Page 6 Page 19 THE NAOT AUSTRALIA TEAM (left to right): Top - DALIT, DEBRA, ZOE, DEBBIE Bottom - LIZZIE, SIMON, INNA NAOT Fashion and Comfort Footwear Imported by Ausbrass Marketing Pty Ltd. ACN 065 476 280 / ABN 26 672 927 401 Love Your Shoes PO BOX 154, CAULFIELD SOUTH VIC 3162 T: +61 3 9532 1644 F: +61 3 9532 0006 E: W: NAOT 35 36 37 38 39 Mens Womens AUS 4 5 6 7 8 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9 10 11 12 All womens shoes are available in sizes 35 to 42, except where indicated individually on particular styles that will be available up to size 43. Please note: Colours may vary slightly from the images shown due to the use of natural materials. Availability of styles and colours is subject to change without notice. Lizzie Parkes 2014 NAOT SIZE & COLOUR GUIDE