exhibit "c" - The Grassmueck Group
exhibit "c" - The Grassmueck Group
EXHIBIT "C" July 5, 2007 Michael A. Grassmueck Michael A. Grassmueck, Inc. P.O. Box 5248 Portland, OR 97208-5248 Subject: Inventory of Global Online Dear Michael, Thank you for using the James G. Murphy Company to prepare an inventory of Global Online. In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the subject property and have prepared an ’inventory fist along with photos. Enolosed, is an itemized inventory list. Photos of the inventory will follow in a few days. Possession-of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication or reliance: 1.Any person, fm~a, or corporation, relying on this report are doing so at their own risk, and neither the James G. Murphy Company Inc., nor its officers, employees, or agents assume responsibility for anyone’s relianee on the attached inventory report. 2. It may not be Used for any purpose by an:~ person other than the party to whom it is addressed without written consent of the James G. Murphy Co. 3. Neither all nor any part of the contents of fftis report shall be disseminated to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media without the prior written consent and approval of the James G. Murphy Co. If you should have any questions please don’t hesitate to call me at 800-426-3008. JAMES G. MURPHY CO., INC. Tim Murphy President TM/knr Enelosures Main Office: 18226- 68th Ave. N.E., Kenmore, WA, 98028, Phone: (425) d86-:1246 Fax: (4263 483-8247 ir~o@murphyauction.corn, wvcw.rau~phyauctlon.com Ozegort Off-ice: 105 McNm-y" Estates Drive North, Kehzer, Oregon, 97303, Phone: (503) 463-4444, Fm<: (503) 463-1554- 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description, AIRPORT Bay 1 367 General Power Products APP6000 generators 1 Cardboard tubs.of miscellaneous household goods items 2 Cardboard tubs of 4th of July d~cor 2 Cardboard tubs of childrens toys 6 Ca~rdboard tubs of household goods ddcor 1 Pallet of Shakefit Massage (approx. 14) 1 Cardboard tub of misc.clothing 1 Cardboard tub of-misc, picture frames Bay 2 Pallet of (20) boxes of glass vases (12 vases per box) Pallet of (50) boxes of misc. glassware (48 pieces per box) Pallet of (20) boxes of misc. glassware (12 per box) Pallet of (24) boxes of misc. glassware ¯ ¯ (12 per box) Pallet of (26) boxes of misc. glassware (12 per box) Pallet of (24) boxes of misc. glassware (24 per box) Pallet of (20) boxes of misc. glassware (12 per box) Pallet of (15) boxes of misc. glassware (24 per box) Page 1 07/05/07- GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Pallet of (39) boxes of misc. glassware (24 per box) Pallet of (18) boxes of misc. glassware (24 per box) Pallet of (30) boxes of misc. glassware (12 per box) Pallet of (20) boxes of misc. glassware (12 per box) Pallet of (17) boxes of misc. glassware (12 per box) .1 Pallet of (14) boxes of misc. glassware (6 per box) Pallet of (16) boxes of misc. glassware (24 per box) Pallet of (12) boxes of misc. glassware (6 per box) Pallet of (20) boxes of misc. glassware (72 per box) Pallet of (18) boxes of misc. glassware (6 per box) Pallet of (42) boxes of misc. glassware (12 per box) 1 Pallet of assorted boxes of glassware 1 Pallet of (58) boxes of Yahtzee (2 per box); plus (25) boxes of toys. 1 Pallet of mortar 1 Pallet of (48) boxes of 12x12 tiles 1 Pallet of (31) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) Pallet of (28) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) Page2 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Pallet of (38) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) Pallet of (38) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) Pallet of (26) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) Pallet of (38) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) Pallet of (38) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) Pallet of (27) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) Pallet of (29) boxes of Gemme blood pressure monitors (48 per box) Pallet of (33) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) - (1) box missing 2 dvd players Pallet of (39) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) Pallet of (29) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) Pallet of (29) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) Pallet o1’ (5) boxes of Gemme Shakefit.Massage (1 per box) Pallet of (6) boxes of Gemme Shakefit Massage (1 per box) Pallet of (6) boxes of Gemme Shakefit Massage (1 per box) Pallet of (6) boxes of Gemme Shakefit Massage (1 per box) Pallet of (6) boxes of Gemme Shakefit Massage (1 per box) Page 3 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Pallet of (6) boxes of Gemme Shakefit Massage (1 per box) Pallet of (7) boxes of Gemme Shakefit Massage (1 per box) Pallet of (12) boxes of Gemme Shakefit Massage (1 per box) Pallet of (116) boxes of Craig karaoke cd’s (6 per box) Pallet of (34) boxes of Craig karaoke cd’s (24 per box). Pallet of (31) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) Pallets of Stanley Bostitch factory reconditioned air compressor combo kit CAP2040P w/2" brad nailer & 25’ hose (8 per pallet) Pallet of (30) boxes of Gemme blood pressure monitors (48 per box) Pallet of (32) boxes of Gemme blood pressure monitors (48 Per box) Bay 3 1 Pallet Of (20) boxes of toys/games (12 per box) 1 Pallet of (41) boxes of toys/games (4 per box) 1 Pallet of (38) boxes of toys/games (3 per box) 1 Pallet of (36) boxes of ~oys/games (3 per box) 1 Pallet of (32) boxes of toys/games (3 per box) 1 Pallet of (57) boxes of toys/games (2 per box) 1 Pallet of (36) boxes of toys/games (2 per box) 1 Pallet of (36) boxes of toys/games (2 per box) 1 Pallet of (33) boxes of toys/games (4 per box) Page 4 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Pallet of (19) boxes of toys/games (2 per box) 1 Pallet of (60) boxes of toys/games (4 per box) 1 Pallet of (27) boxes of toys/games (3 per box) 1 . Pallet of (9) boxes of toys/games (3 per box) 1 Pallet of (19) boxes of toys/games (4 per box) 1 Pallet of (55) boxes of toys/games (2 per box) 1 Pallet of (33) boxes of toys/games (2 per box) 1 Pallet of (33) boxes of toys/games (4 per box) 1 Pallet of (64) boxes of toys/games (3 per box) 1 Pallet of. (86) boxes of toys/games (6 per box) 1 Pallet of (71) boxes of toys/games (6 per box) 1 Pallet of (46) boxes of toys/gam, es (6 per box) 1 Pallet of (54) boxes of toys/games (4.per box) 1 Pallet of 32 boxes of toys/games (4 per.box) 1 Pallet of (90) boxes of toys/games (4 per box) 1 Pallet of (6) boxes of toyslhousehold goods 1 Pallet of (14) boxes of Gemme Shakefit Massage 1 Pallet of (7) boxes of Gemme Shakefit Massage 1 Pallet of (12) boxes of Gemme Shakefit Massage 1 Pallet of (12) boxes of Gemme Shakef’r~ Massage 17 Mini-Chopper gasoline scooters 17 Mini Crotch Rocket scooters 21 Pallets of Stanley Bostitch factory reconditioned compressor combo kit CAP2040P w/2" brad nailer (8 per pallet) - missing 9 boxes Page 5 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Pallet of (16) boxes of Stanley 2-piece screw ddver sets (24 per box) Pallet of (88) boxes of misc. electronic accessodes Bay 4 1 Pallet of (8) boxes of misc. household goods 1 Pallet of (8) boxes of toyslgames 1 (4) boxes of General Power Products APP6000 generators 1 Pallet of misc. shelves 1 Pallet of- approx. (85) Spectrum TMX1103 phones .1 Pallet of misc. goods including: Olympia cameras, picture frames & electronic accessories 1 Cardboard tub of violins w/case .2 Pallets of misc. household goods 1 Pallet of (96) boxes of shoes 1 Pallet of (40) boxes of misc. electronic accessodes 1 Pallet of (16) boxes of Stanley utility knives 1 Pallet of (31) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) 5 Cardboard tubs of misc. household goods 1 Cardboard tub of purses 1 Pallet of (34) boxes of Gemme dvd players 1 Pallet of misc. clothes 2 Pallets of bedding 1 Cardboard tub of misc. dvd’s & cd’s o Page 6 GLOBAL ONLINE 07105/07 Prepared by James G, Murphy inc. Description 1 Pallet of boxes of jewelry t Pallet of (50) boxes of misc. small tools 1 L.B. White Premier 350DF portable heater on wheels 1 Yamaha golf cart 1 Jet 5,500 Ib .pallet jack 2 Hand trucks 1 Baker BSC35 electric forklift, 4-stage, side shift 9 Tubs of misc. wire/cable 1 Misc. audio/video equipment on (3) shelving units "against the back wall 2 Behdnger Eurolive B1520 high power, 2-way, PA loud speakers 2 Chauvet Omega 1 DMX-155 lights 1 Chauvet Gobomix light 2 Eliminator mushroom lights AudioNideo Equipment 2 Sony DXC-537 video cameras w/electronic view finders - Fujinon 14X lens, & tripod on casters Sony DXC-537 video camera on tripod w/Cannon 15X lense Samsung security system w/21’ flat screen ~- monitor w/(4) weather resistant cameras 1 Behdnger Europower PMX3000 sound board 1 Compaq Presario w/e-machine monitor & HP Desk Jet D2345 printer Behringer Eurorack UTS2442FX-Pro sound board Page 7 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc, Description 1 Videotek VSN-60 1 Videotek TSM-60 I Sony UVW-1800 video cassette recorder 1 Ampex CVR-60 video cassette player 1 Echolab DV-7 3 Sony monitors 1 Cisco Systems Catalyst 3500 1 Linksys RV016 1 Tricaster 1 Best Power uninterruptible power system 1 7’ server rack 1 "t 9" flat panel monitor 1 Toshiba dvd player 2 AKG UHF SR40 Ultra High frequency stationary receivers 2 AKG UHF PT40 pocket transmitters 1 AKAI 42" flat panel HDMI monitor 1 Insignia dvd/vhs combo player 4 American DJ Par-38BL stage lights w/10’ stage light mounts 3 Berkley Colortram 108-300 stage lights 1 Sony teleprompter 1 Pulsar splitter 3 Smith Victor Q60 video lighting units 1 Furman M-8L power conditioner Page 8 0~0~07.. GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inco Description 1 Washburn 6 stdng acoustic guitar 1 Arbor 4 stdng electric bass 1 Fender Stratocaster electric guitar 1 Arbor electdc guitar 2 Behdnger VX2496 Ultra Voice digital high performance voice processors Behringer Ultra Gain Pro MIC2200 high precision tube mic/live pre-amp 2 Behringer Virtualizer Pro DSP224P high performance, 24 bit multi engine effects processors w/full MIDI controls Behringer Power Play Pro-8 HA8000 8-channel head phones distribution amplifier 1 Tascam MX-24 equalizer 1 Behringer PX1000 multi-functional 48 point balanced patch bay 3 Neutrik 48 point patch bays t Alesis 8 track professional digital audio recorder 1 HP Pavilion A14 38 NCPU 2 Westinghouse 19" flat panel monitors 1 Tascam DM-24, 24-bit, 96 khz digital mixer 1 Furman M-8L power conditioner 1 Line 6 Pod Pro guitar & live sound recorder 1 Orbit 90 90 1 Proteuseus FX 1 Roliand M-OC1 sound expantion 1 Behdnger Ultra Patch 48 point patch bay Page 9 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc, Description Behringer Eurorack PRO RX1602 professional 16 input low noise line mixer 1 JLC 3x8 MIDI switcher 1 Sony STR-D 675 digital audio/video control center 1 Tascam D-20 MK22 1 Apex dvd player 1 Phillips CDR 70 audio compact disc recorder 1 Sony MDS-JS320 mini disk deck 1 Group of head phones & cables on wall 1 Roland A-33 MIDI keyboard controller w/pedals 2 MXL 990 & MXL 991 condenser microphones w/case included Audio-Technica AT2020 cardioid condenser microphone 1 CAD 4 piece drum mic touring pack 1 AKG C3000 condenser microphone 6 Microphones w/carry cases I Apex 435 Gold Diaphram condenser microphone w/Shure Popper stopper 1 M-Audio Keystation 49 9 Microphone stands 1 Go Video dvd/vcr recorder 1 KRK Systems 7 speaker surround sound system 1 ARK WRT-5288C dual channel rechargeable wireless mic system 1 DYMO Letratag tag maker Page 10 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 2 Westinghouse 19" flat panel monitors 1 Furhman M-8L power conditioner 1 ESE Blackburst generator 1 Data Video DAC-10 1 DVD/Analog bi-directional converter I TechElectronics Dub Master RS 4X6 1 Go Video dvd/vcr recorder 1 Onkyo TX-SR503 audio visual receiver 1 Behringer Eurrack UB80Z 1 APC 650 backup battery 1 Sony UVW-1800 video cassette recorder 1 Kramer VS-601 6Xl vertical internal imatrix switcher 1 Onkyo 5 speaker surround sound system 1 Leather love seat 1 Leather sofa 2 32" step warehouse ladders on casters Door #4 Row I 7 2’ shelves, misc. dvd/vhs 1 Approx. (20) 1’ shelves w/toys, cd’s, Santa Claus’s, trading cards & jewelry Row 2 20 2’ shelves of approx. (60) boxes of misc. womens clothing Page 11 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Row 3 4 2’ shelves of approx. (115) mens dress shirts 1 Approx. (22) Dynex external cd-rw drives 1 Approx. (8) grandfather clocks in box Row 4 10 4’ shelving units filled 2 high w/misc, mens & womens jackets Row 5 9 4’ shelving units filled w/misc, jeans, pants, hats & shirts Row 6 2.5 4’ shelving units filled w/womens dresses Row 7 4 2’ shelves filled wlsweaters Floor 1 Life Fitness 8500HR exercise bike 1 Healthometer physicians beam scale t3 Pallets of misc. household goods & toys 1 2’ warehouse ladder 1 Approx. (30) boxes of misc. dvd & vhs 7 7x1’ shelving units 34 7x2’ shelving units 11 8x1’ shelving units Page 12 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Z STREET Conex #1 Pallet #1 1 Horizon fitness 1 Generic cot 1 Skill Play Japanese casino game 1 Advantage Time Camo zip closed rifle gun case 1 Generic square number lock camo rifle case 1 Coleman Grill LXE 1 Martin complete bow package 1 Deluxe ball rebounder 1 Magellan 30" rolling duffle bag 1 Mongoose Dirt Grinder kids 4 wheeler 1 Genedc 4’x6’ soccer rebounder Pallet #2 1 Rim Slammer Flex Goal for basketball hoop 2 Spalding basketball hoops 2 Max Performance exercise machines 1 Ab Doer ab machine .1 Generic bun & thigh doer Pallet #3 2 Outdoor gourmet barbecues Pallet #4 Genedc logo gym bag - Texas Long Horn Page 13 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Ion treadmill dashboard 1 Generic exercise equipment 2 New Bright Dodge Ram RC vehicle I Timber Creek king size air mattress t Generic ab toner 1 ATV accessories - camo hand protector 1 Brinkmann Gourmet electric smoker and gdll 1 Intex queen size air mattress 3 Yamaha Little Tikes mini 4-wheelers 1 Genedc skateboard t World Golf Ultra Cruiser golf cart 1 Kiwi Camp dry heavy duty repellent spray 1 Rex Air areation system, 10 gallon w/jumper cables ¯ Pallet #5 1 Altus body ball 1 Pain Killer XLR8 kids bike seat 1 Ion water bottle 1 Generic bumper set for trampoline 1 Monster rocket game 1 Outdoor Sportsman sling shot 1 Wodd Industries skateboard assembly kit 2 Magellan Outdoors 20’x10’ tents 1 Magellan Outdoors 17’xl 1’ tent 1 Everlast camo punching bag Page14 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Descriptio~ 2 Wilson tennis ball holders 1 St. Pierre horse shoe set 1 Tournament Choice horse shoe set 2 Genedc air mattresses 8 Genedc skateboards 1 Generic American flag cooler bag 1 Generic duffle bag, hard bottom 1 Exercise Fitness electronic treadmill head board 1 Fat Cat 500 Clay Tech poker set 1 Junior Raptor kids mini quad 1 Fast Fill full size camping air bed 1 Sterling pool stick 1 Generic pole set 1 Deluxe high back seat 1 Wilson tennis racket Pallet #6 2 Lifetime inground 48" basketball.hoops 1 New Balance 6100 recumbent exercise bike 2 Lifetime 44" impact backboard basketball hoops 2 Lifetime portable 54" basketball hoops Pallet #7 1 Outdoor Gourmet barbecue 1 Yamaha Junior Raptor mini quad 1 Red Fitness XL seat exerciser Page 15 GLOBAL ONLINE 07/05107 Prepared by James G, Murphy Inc. Description 1 Street Surfing skateboard 1 Igloo Max Cold cooler 2 Academy Sport & Outdoor barbecues 1 Pacific adult mountain bike 1 Wild Game 6.5 gallon photo cell Pallet #8 1 Cap 160 Ib barbell set 2 Olympic exercise benches I Pro Form 100 Ib select a weight w/stand I Jump Zone 14’ trampoline enclosure I Everlast boxing stand I BBK two man ladder stand Pallet #9 1 Huffy bike 1 Generic Triumph home 1 Everlast boxing bag ! Polaris 700 Twin Sportsman kids 4-wheeler Pallet #10 1 Tex Sport hammock stand 1 Apex olympic bench 1 Marcy personal trainer - box 1 of 3 ¯ 1 Marcy personal trainer - box 2 of 3 1 Weekend 12’×12’ outdoor instant canopy 1 Mangoose Dirt Grinder mini 4-wheeler Page 16 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Pallet #11 1 Generic pool table 1 Tournament Choice air hockey table 1 Lifetime portable basketball system 1 Pro Performance 100 Ib select a weight w/stand 2 Max Strength 5 pc. weight stack plates 1 Generic different pieces for basketball hoop 1 University Equipment VRR station 1 Genedc smoker Misc. Items Not on Pallets 1 Outdoor Gourmet barbecue square grill 1 Outdoor Gourmet barbecue circular grill 1 Hondo Original barbecue circular gdll 1 Char Broil barbecue Conex #2 Pallets #1 -#24 Domestic boxes Pallet #25 Ebay box #’s: 4353;4488;4348;4489 Pallet #26 Ebay box #’s: 4485;4479;4483;4478 Pallet #27 Ebay box #’s: 4354;4491 Pallet #28 Paget7 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Ebay box #’s:4357;4364;4363;4365 Pal let #?.9 Ebay box #’s:4417;4484;4358;4418;4419;4355 Pallet #30 Ebay box #’s:4492;4490;4352;4362;4486;4356 Pallet #31 Ebay box #’s:4487;4482;4347;4481 4 Individual Shoe Boxes Not On Pallets 1 Size 9W 1 Size 6.5W 1 Size 6.5 w 1 Size 7W Conex #3 Pallet #1 1 Genedc workbench I Reliance transfer switch kit 1 Generic plastic water fall Pallet #2 1 Adirondack chair 1 Generic box of misc. tools 1 Genedc generator 1 Generic animal trap 1 Genedc portable folding hammock Page !8 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Pallet #3 Box of misc. tools & household goods Pallet #4 1 Wet set pool ladder 1 Electra Lite weed eater 1 Sand-N-Sun 18’x4’ Easy Set pool 4 Generic hoses 4 Sand-N-Sun 8’x2’x6" pools 1 Sand-N-Sun 12’x3’ pool 1 Intex Deluxe pooll maintenance kit 1 Intex KrystaI-Clear 110-120 volt filter pump Pallet #5 1 Northern Industrial 10 ton hydraulic log splitter 1 Haul Master 2 wheeled self dumping wheel barrow Generic cement mixer Pallet #8 7 Haler compact refrigerators 1 Generic fold up tent Pallet #9 1 Vortex Powered mini 4-wheeler for kids 1 Sports Craft treadmill 1 Wesco treadmill 1 Icon hot cross buns 1 Generic glider Page19 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Pallet ~f’! 0 42 Genedc Lady Step’s Pallet #t 5 5 Generic kitchen chairs Pallet #16 Various exercise equipment Pallet #20 1 Generic treadmill 1 Generic cabinet w/(2) drawers Pallet #21 -4 Boxes of Gener~icpicture frames 1 Box of Generic clocks Miscellaneous 1 Cardboard tub of misc. household goods 1 Cardboard tube of luggage Conex #4 44 Cardboard tubs of misc. domestic goods including: pilows, sheets, towels, door mats, comforters, etc. Cortex #5 Cardboard tubs of misc. domestic goods including: blankets, comforters, towels, rugs, sheets & pillows Conex #6 44 Cardboard tubs of domestic goods including: desk, lamps, floor lamps, bedding, pillows, bath accessories & household d~cor Page 20 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Conex #7 Cardboard tubs of domestics & misc. including: bedding, bath accessories & pillows 14 Misc. pallets of boxes containing: misc. bedding & bath accessories Conex #8 44 Misc. domestic goods including: bath accessories, quilts, towels & sheets Cortex #9 Pallet #1 3 Generic televisions Pallet #2 2 Generic televisions Pallet #3 Box of generic oven mitts Pallet #4 Box of genedc domestics Pallet #5 3 Boxes of generic oven mitts 1 Box of generic rugs Pallet #6 Bedding Pallet #7 Rugs & oven mitts Pallet #8 Rugs Page 21 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Pallet #9 Bedding Pallet #t0 Rugs Pallet #12 Rugs Pallet #13 Rugs Pallet #14 Rugs Pallet #15 38 Balloon Time heliur~ balloon kit 2 Generic picture frames 2 Generic helium tanks Pallet #16 7 Sun-N-Sand 14’x3’6" pools 1 Sun-N-Sand 14’x3-I/2’ pool 1 Generic pool table 1 Intex ladder for pool 1 Generic ladder/net combo kit Pallet #17 1 Shoes, snow boots & roller blades Pallet #18 18 Luggage bags on wheels Page 22 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Pallet #t 9 Tools Pallet #20 Box of domestics Pallet #21 t5 Home speakers Pallet #22 1/2 box of domestics & 1/2 box of electronics Conex #10 Pallet #1 Boxes-of domestics Pallet #2 Domestics Pallet #3 Domestics Pallet#4 Bedding Pallet #5 Home speakers Pallet #6 A/R 221071238 - tools Pallet #7 Tools Page 23 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Descril~tion Pallet #8 A/R 22071239 Box 8 of 11 Pallet #9 AR 221071239 - bedding, box 22 of 32 Pallet #t 0 AR 221071239 31-32 - bedding Pallet #11 AR 221071239 20-32 - bedding Pallet #I 2 AR 2210712139 27-32 - bedding. Pallet #t3 AR 221071239 26-32 - bedding Pallet #14 Bedding Pallet #15 AR 221071239 23-32 - bedding Pallet #16 AR 221071239 19-32 - bedding Pallet #17 AR 221071239 32-32 - bedding Pallet #18 AR 221071239 36-38 - bedding Pallet #t 9 AR 221071239 29 Of 32 - bedding Page24 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Pallet #20 AR 221071239 24 of.32 - bedding Pallet #2t AR 221071239 28 of 32 - bedding Conex #’11 22 Pallets of high end bedding Conex #12 22 Pallets of high end bedding Conex #13 44 Cardboard tubs of misc. domestic goods including: bedding, bath accessories, lamps, towels, rugs & sheetsConex #14-#16 44 Cardboard tubs of misc. domestic goods including: bath accessories, bedding, childrens toys & clothing Conex Boxes 16 48’ of conex boxes (1-6 located in front; 7-16 located in back) Inside Building Business in a Box ROW A AI 4636, 4633, 4646, 5099, 4603, 4616, 5156, 4670 A2 Page 25 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 4150,4829,4828,4826,3922,3773,3788,3803, 3804 A3 4217,6055,3622,3641,3642,4223,4224,3805, 4231 4851,4855,4845,4848,464114870,4898,4839, 5114,4637,4635,5111,5113,4846,5112,5011, 4918,4867,4639 A5 4202,6098,4782,6813,4135,6714,3636,6732, .6816,3912,4800,6817,3976 A6 3799,3812,4199,4823,4189,3959,3954,6711, 3955 A7 4640,4849,5060,5069,4861,4638,4834,4830, 4791,4843,4871,4858,4847,4833,4634,4769, 4629,4844,4983,4862,4984 A8 6815, 3944, 3943,4780, 4930 4112, 3931, 3883, 3935,3936,4198,3934,6731,4787,6099 A9 4.190, 4748, 4783, 4111, 4100, 4t61, 3967, 3966, 3969 4860, 4865, 4621, 4792, 4793, 4831,4768, 4620, 4788, 5254, 5093, 5158, 5157, 5255, 5094, 5223 Page 26 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description All 4678, 4118, 4117, 4679, 4813, 4812, 4115, 4122, 4166, 4131, 4149, 4173, 3881, 3937, 4164 A12 4272,3885,3913,6739,4750,3949,4163,3948, 3968 ROW B Bt 4856,4756,4761,4985,4754,6722,6726,6720, 4832,4613,6785,6702,6701 B2 4138,3971,4200,3972,3626~3973,~119,3974, 3939 B3 4207,3889,392!,3956,4220,3851,3919,3953, 3644 B4 4859,6707, 4799,4677, 6806,4773,4894, 4749, 4807,4820, 4842,4667, 4774,4785,4764, 4815, 4806,6706 B5 4171,3563,4280,3771,4120,3772,4212,4155, 3782 4114,3924,4172,3841,3787,3853,4803,3918, 3603 B7 Page 27 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 4795, 4896, 4837, 4628, 4797, 4857, 4868, 4893, 4895, 4627, 5063, 4887, 4869, 5059, 5091, 5092 B8 4209,4237,4142,3843,421t,3781,4214,3558, 4665 B9 ~3826,3837,3840,3764,3739,3745,3746,3811, 3766,3808,6805,3569,3741 B10 4838,4840,4841,4850,4897,4798,4630,4632, 4631,5160,5161,5162,5097,5096,5095 Btt 3801, 3793, 3603, 3790, 3779, 3791, 3778, 4776, 4755, 3227 Bt2 3847, 3608, 3564, 3864, 3464, 3845, 4165, 4154, 3844 ROW C C1 4810, 6774, 4747, 4601, 6776, 4597, 4600, 6736, 4331, 5t48, 4338, 4336, 6704, 6708 C2 6841, 6803, 3926, 3877, 6725, 3888, 3856, 3887, 6724, 3643 03 4113, 3923, 4130, 4187, 4274, 3802, 3965, 3963, 5054 Page 28 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description C4 4759,6700,4626,5077,6780,4337,4625,5098, 6773,4335,4595,4594,4602 C5 4213,4208,4145,4196,4191,4168,4170,4183, 4176 C6 4661,4185,4197,4140,4139,4160,4162,4174, 6712 07 5058,4452,6064,4819,478i,4752,4177,6734, 4758,4366,6735,6729. 08 4663,3566,3567,4801,3935,3571,3836,3816, 4664,3807,3573,3572,3825,3565,3605 C9 4666, 3842, 3800, 3815, 3839, 3609, 3838, 3774, 3602, 3776 C10 5057, 4811, 5159, 6733, 4765, 6728, 6737, 4751, 6721, 4742, 4740 3560, 6715, 6791, 3848, 3498, 3428, 3246, 3518, 3244, 35t4, 3520, 3224, 3239, 3241, 3221 C12 3623,4619,4650,3849,4822,4767,6802,3775, 3614, 3574, 3463, 4101, 3832 Page 29 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description ROW D DI 4802,4821,4127,6727,4807,6809,4825,6738, 4824,4741,4219 D2 3978,3961,3884,4105,3464,4106,3962,3880, 3970 D3 3814,3553,4753,3534,4281,3540,3977,3592, 3537 D4 4805,4125,4297,4110,4394,3940,4599,3928, 3929,4598,4668,4137,3916,4333 D5 1 4132,3536,3886,3544,6796,3542,4104,4103, 3495 D6 6790,3554,4146,3487,4194,6792,3488,3525, 3489 D7 4766~4175,4789,3915,4334,4743,4181,4596, 6801~4182 D8 3273,3271,3245,3268,3270,3370,4107,4282, 3496,3501 D9 3521, 3594, 3515, 3555, 3373, 3441, 3522, 3442 Page 30 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. ¯ Description D10 6800,4169,6798,6719,3914,3385,4794,4772, 4763,3556,4796 3378,6799,3600,6703,4157,3527,3446,3546, 3485 D12 3414, 3553,4167, 3551, 3516, 3552,3445, 6797, 3549 ROWE El 6096,6097,6052,3431,4676,3475,3369,4675, 3219,3372,3413,3412,3218 E2 .6058,4590,4608,4607,6794,3535,3491,.3770, 3769 E3 4651,4325,4591,6795,6716,3541,3492,3529, 3530 E4 6778,3425,3411,3363,4786,4329,3415,3360, 6807,3469,3467,3365,6723,6771,3497,3457, 4669,4762,4775,4814 E5 3382,3377,3371,3458,4121,3524,3368,3361, 3379,3434 E6 3356,3500,3443,3447,4617,3531,3532,3545, 3494 Page 31 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G, Murphy/no. Description E7 4384, 3269, 3225, 6830, 6812, 3249, 2221, 6810, 4330, 3243,6814, 3481,4286, 6777,6779,4660, 3238 E8 6057,3852,6059,4326,3439,3588,3435,3438, 4323,3440,3375,3504 E9 3456,3542,3597,3528,3596,3539,4321,4618, 6713 EIO 4623,4790,3380,3449,3419,4624,3267,3509, 3230,4622,3272,4137,3229,4273,4136,4377 Ell 4327,6717,6056,2804,3478,3480,3477,3424, 3479,3595,3374 E12 4315,4652,3507,3462,6793,3547,3538,3548, 3550 ROW F F1 3526, 3493, 3503, 3517, 3432, 3490,3470 F2 3025, 3026,3029,2406,3028,3043,2585,2407, 2931,2409, 3042, 6071, 3044,3041 F3 3082,3083,3158,3073,3075,2702,6073,2127, 3036,4524,4283 Page 32 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description F4 3280, 3589, 3457, 3234, 3429, 3486, 3427, 3468, 3279, 3430, 3474, 3376 F5 3084,2706,2703,2901,2748,2749,2903,2921, 2900,2902 F6 4523,2130,2134,4557,6066,2132,68tl,4784, 4760,2128,4238,3023,2402,3022 F7 3247,335~,3252,3484,3358, 3381,3436,3483, 3593,3433,3482,3591 F8 2904,2751,2752,2701,2750,3778,3080,3079, 3077,3211 F9 2586,2131,2887,2617,2884,2888,2403,2626, 2615,4324,4328,2619,2604,2614,4777 FIO 3450,3222,3220,3223,3232,3233,3231,3405, 2066,3384,3274,3030,3387,3367 Ftl 2620,2122,2123,2125,2124,2627,2605,2603, 2616,2597,2596,2600,4317,2599,2612 F12 234!,1629,2339,4592,4593,2119,2628,2632, 2347,2629,2736,2635,2633,4778 Page 33 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description ROW G Gt 5007,3821,3857,3624,4995,3768,3767,3831, 3794,3562,3559,3833,3806 G2 4459,4290,4560,2126,3960,4467,3002,2304, 5008,4262,3027,2410,3031,3177 2699,2698,2707,2711,3159,2435,3155,2704, 3085,3169 G4 4877,4986,4604,5884,5048,3834,3850,3777, 3601,3810,3568,3780,3783 G5 3081,3076,3212,3156,3174,3171,3t75,3192, 3194,3209 G6 4605,3958,2705,2697,3157,3172,3168,3162, 2700,3164 G7 5050,49i9,4920;6781,5047,3581,4287,3627, 3628,4232,3582,4225,3611,4234 ¯ G8 3180,2432,2434,4158,3204,2387,6784,2386, 3006,2235,3005,3004,4562,2234,3003 G9 3207, 3208, 3167, 2723, 3161, 3173, 2710, 3163, 4610, 6818, 6783 Page 34 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy/nc. Description GIO 5150,4606,5151,4673,4922,5044,3997,6788, 4300,4261,4407,3827,3795,3996,4374,4466, 4472,4376,4470,3784,3796,4409 Gtl 4252, 4241,4411, 4372, 4256, 3170,2712, 3180, 2716,2717,3166 G12 2796,2896,2893,2895,3165,2714,4275,4240, 2665,2663 G13 6782,4390,3986,4469,4267,4308,4228,4383, 4611,4230,4229,4259,5152,5090,4222 G14 4609,4343,4345,2678,2672,3203,4263,4408,° 2718,4346,3186,3176,3237,2668,3152 Gt5 6772, 4674,4614, 5010,4243, 2880, 2662, 3198, 3199, 3197, 3160 ROW H HI 4817,3983,3995,4378,4296,4818,4753,4779, 3984, 3982, 3786, 3981, 3824, 3503, 3638, 3792, 5154,5155,3813,4863,5100 H2 2405,3024,2404,2671,2890,2889,2667,2670, 2668,2580,2077,2393,4258,4475,2579 Page 35 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description H3 16t6,2581,2067,2078,2079,2080,4216,4391, 2567, 5043, 2394,1617,4102,2309, 2391 H4 3629, 3561, 3465, 4671, 3830, 3829, 6789, 4647, 3854, 3828, 6787, 6786, 3809, 5376 H5 2634, 2578, 2577, 4266, 2737, 2343, 4128, 2417, 3039, 2926, 2747, 2746, 2924, 2925, 2923 H6 5085, 2388, 2392, 5003, 6775, 5055, 4414, 4294, 2129, 2420, 2346, 2345, 4304, 3047, 2424 H7 4853, 3621, 3619, 3818, 3625, 4649, 4269, 4278, 4255, 4268, 3737, 4299, 4295, 4260, 4271, 3640, 4373, 4392, 4218, 4288, 5089 H8 2708, 2713, 2431,. 2709, 4498, 2894, 2892, 2891, 2729, 2724 H9 2728, 3214, 2730, 2731, 3072, 3206, 2696, 2920, 4502, 2899 H’I0 4876, 4880, 4116, 4279, 4371, 4386, 5062, 5051, 4471, 4302 H11 3046, 2413, 2412, 4506, 4518, 4529, 2411, 2418, 3045, 4744, 3038, 2419, 3403, 4531, 4507 Page 36 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Ht2 4462,1742,4505,1740,4501,1389,4494,1457, 1744 H13 5149,4395,3957,’5053,4339,4370,5147,4398, 4397,5083,50253,4369,4396 H14 2584,2602,3037,2595,2598,2601,1467,1463, 1464,1749,1819,1821, t820,1366,1745,1388, 1387 H15 1360,1361,2665,1459,1743,2607,1362,1365, 1363,1364,6065,1456,1741 ROW I I1 4235,4306,4227,4298,4292,4412,4152,4265, 4251,4250,4249,4473,4253,4264,4406,4254 12 4854,4612,4852,3150,3149,3071,3151,2680, 2994,4648,2229,2684 13 2922,3074,4133,2430,4468,3153,2583,211t, 3154,4917,2120,2110,2102 14 4277,3990,4301,4344,2805,4410,4342,4257, 4210,3979,4387,4375,4511,4508,4416,4379, 4881~5088,5052,4476 Page 37 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Descri’~tion 15 4289,2227,2231,4108,3875,4456,2996,2051, 0596, 2681, 0218,2487, 6092, 2479,2482 16 4921,1633, 2117, 4809, 4745, 2336, 4123, 4413, 1635, 5046, 1623, 2104, 2106~ 2t03,1624 17 4994,4990,4126,4549,4520,3950,6061,,4561, 3952,3951,4178,4988,4400,4180 18 2478,2485,1768,0788,1406,1461,0752,1769, 1416,3938,1414,1413,1575,1411,1412 19 2049,2055,2050,3878,2477,2052,1425,2053, 1770,0787,1415,1801,1799,’1802,1804 110 4864,4878,4463,6042,6043,4992,4872,6041, 4512,3879,4449,4550,4510,4548,4873,4866, 4517,4509,4405,4527,4186,4450,4522 Ilt 2510, 2508,2489,2472, 2475,2486,2473, 2491, 2480,2471,2490,2481,2470,2488,2476 !12 2682,1834,1587,2509,0272,2516,2497,0220, 2511, 1824, 2506, 2515, 2450, 2507, 2449 1t3 4477,6072,4875,4401,4403,6032,4314,4402, 4455,4530,4415,4582, 6033,6044,6062 Page 38 GLOBAL ONLINE 07/05/07 Prepared by James G. Murph~ Inc. Description 114 1766,2501,2503,2502,2500,1823,2048,2496~ 2499,2498,1835,2466,2467,2469,2468 i15 5078,2100,4497,5045,2389,2228,2683,4496, 2220,2741,2230,2101,2099,2350 116 4584,4991,6088,4586,4987,4874,4993,4574, 6080,6079,4464,4585,6077,6709,4552,6089, 4576,4564,4465,6087,6078,4399,4404 !17 -2086,5049,5404,2589,2096,2225,2222,4493, 2587,2588,2679,2223,2098,1627,1626 118 2740, 2226, 4500, 2351, 4808, 2344,2224,4499, 2743,2590,2742,2738,2349,1628,1625 !19 4993,4587,4989,4310,6082,5086,4565,4583, 4368,5087,4580,4588,4385 120 2593, 2081, 2083, 3216,2084, 2592,2594,2335, 2107,2105,2097,2591,2113,2115,2114 12t 2972,6060,5153,4672,2109,1634,2215,3182, 2082,2334,2085,3185,4381,4244 122 6047,4579,6037,4615,6048,6046,6036,4915, 4916,6035,6034,6095,4879,4526 Page 39 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 123 3181,3202,4662,2108,2212,2213,2217,2069, 2069, 2216,2232,6040, 3247 124 2361,2359,4495,2360,2214,2695,500~,5002, 3210,4114,2789 125 6086,5101,60705,6084,4313,4312,6038, 6063,4309,6051,6090,4513,4525 126 2787,2788,2365,2786,2759,2763,6808,4389, 2673,6039,4246 127 2721,2720,3193,3190,4516,4521,2744,2797, .2745,2715,3196 128 6085,6070,4519,4460,4454,4453,6068,4563, 4746,5056,4555,4457,4556,6075,4311,6094, 6074,6093,4322,4376,6045,6076,4475 129 3195,3200,5004,4913,5006,2800,2803,2802, 2801,2799,2798 130 3191,3189,2756,2762,2764,2760,5009,2722, 2882,2356 ROW J 3 Cardboard tubs of bedding 1 Pallet ofmisc, household goods Page 40 07105/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Pallet of kitchen appliances 3 Cardboard tubs of foam mattress padding 1 Pallet of kitchen appliances & luggage 1 Cardboard tub of misc. pillows t Pallet of misc. childrens toys 4 Pallets of Business in a Box: (5556, 5341, 5340, 5342, 5563, 5561, 5564, 5562, 5338, 5336, 5337, 5339, 5331, 5328, 5560, 5558, 5559, 5557 1 Pallet of misc. office supplies 1 Cardboard tub 2 Pallets of misc. sporting goods Pallet of (2) mini-gas powwered dirt bikes 1 Pallet of approx. (10) refers ROW K 3 Pallets of household appliances 15 Pallets of misc. household goods 1 Pallet of (7) gaslelectric bikes - off-road 1 Pallet of misc. household goods including KENMORE humidifiers (2), Santa d6cor 1 Pallet of misc. household fumiture 1 Pallet of misc. household furniture & appliances 1 Pallet of (7) mini refers 1 Pallet w/boxes of CRAFTSMAN tools 1 Cardboard tub of bedding & bath supplies 1 Cardboard tub of roller blades, wheels & ramps Page 41 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Miscellaneous on Floor 2 JET 6,000 Ib jacks 1 Pallet of misc. tools including: air compressors & portable table saw 1 Pallet of Brinkmann barbecue & yard mower 1 Cardboard tub of exercise equipment 1 Cardboard tub of toys 1 Cardboard tub 1 Pallet of Stanley tool box 1 Pallet of misc. automotive tools 1 Pallet of Stanley work centers 1 Cardboard tub of Stanley work-centers 1 Pallet of misc. tools 2 Cardboard tub of bib’s 1 12’ fiberglass step ladder 1 Pallet of Haier mini refers (approx 8) 1 Pallet of Hitachi 50" fiat screen television 1 Pallet of (7) Gemme exercise machines 1 Pallet of sporting goods 1 Pallet of A/C 1 Pallet of Kenmore appliances 4 Pallets of Haler refrigerators 1 Pallet of appliances 1 Pallet of (2) laundry pedestals 1 Reddy heater, portable, kerosene heater Page 42 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by Jafnes G. Murphy Inc. Description Back Room 1 Group of misc. RC cars on shelving, units Group of misc. car stereo & electronic products on shelves 1 CP 3 hp, 21 gallon air compressor 2 Boxes of misc. car stereo equipment 1 Haier 42" plasma monitor 2 Pallets of misc. RC cars t CLARK TM20 Hart electric forklift, 3 stage, side shift 1 Advance 265LX electric warehouse floor cleaner 1 Craftsman gas powered pressurewasher 1 Viper rollaway tool box 1 Makita portable table saw End Caps 1 Approx. (8) bikes, 3 refers, 1 pedal car 1 Approx. (10) bikes, 1 pedal car Side Room 1 JVC 32" television 1 HITACHI 50" television 1 SAMSUNG 50" television Shelving 62 Sections of 8’x4’ industrial shelving Miscellaneous Outside Ford beverage truck Page 43 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy/nc. Description 16 I Uprights Approx. (25) cross pieces 48 yard dumpster RECOVERED PROPERTY FROM POLICE DEPT Located at Union Street in Bay 2.2 2 Yellow Bee model airplanes 1 Condor remote control airplane w/remote 1 Yellow Bee remote control airplane w/remote 1 Spring Maid queen ~ize comforter in plastic zipper case (blue) Spring Maid queen, size comforter in plastic zipper case (red/gold) 1 Bedrest bed cushion (sandstone) 1 Designer’s World t.v. game in box (Tiger Games). 1 Health-O-Meter body fat monitoring scale in box 1 Disney Pink Princess folding chair in plastic package 1 Hasbro Baby Alive in box 1 V-Tech V Smile 80-61220 learning system 1 Chicago Solar Shed 93244 light in box 1 Fisher Price H0795 cradle swing in box 1 Fisher Price Classic Chrome Harley Davidson power wheel 1 Case of (6) pictures (16x20) 1 Coleman queen size air mattress ¯ Page 44 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Addico aquarius water cooler 1 Simmons double size Beautyrest express bed 2 Sears checkerboard cases w/individually wrapped glasses 1 BeI-Air Lighting bath light 1 Aluminum camp chair 1 Fisher Price shout Elmo 4 Accent lamps 1 Casablanca bed canopy 1 I~eli-On Cool Misthumidifier 3 Corelle sets of’(16) dishes 1 Corelle set of (20) piece dishes 1 Magellan air mattress & pump t Box of (18) misc. size pictures 1 Aurora paper shredder ! Matchbox Mummy’s gold adv. set .3 HD Designs tower table lamps 1 Disney Princess girls 16" bike 1 Huffy bicycle 1 Casio electronic keyboard 1 Etch Air wallpaper for windows 2 Boxes of misc. cd’s (approx. 320) 1 Box containing misc. plates, cups & silverware 2 Hot Wheels Gorilla Attack race car sets Page 45 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Fisher Price Shake "N" Go Speedway race car set 1 Marvel Spiderman scooter 1 Home Trends wall sconce set 1 lnvirascape relaxation fountain 1 Hasbro Easy Bake oven 1 Nick Jr. Dora the Explorer 3 wheel scooter 1 Fisher Price Learning booster seat 1 Tyco Shell Shocker remote control game 1 Health-O-Meter weight loss kit 1 Corell Living Wear 42 piece set of dishes 1 Sands~Jn radio controlled car - Aqua Land Cruiser t Stanley mitre box w/saw 1 Stanley key hole saw 1 Storehouse tool box organizer 1 Stanley 50 piece socket set combo 1 Chicago 4" wet diamond tile saw 1 Rechargeable flashlight w/adapter Craftsman electric start generator, 6300 watts 1 Stanley electric staple/nail gun Joe’s Outdoors rechargeable spotlight Stanley electdc staple/nail gun 1 McCulloch heavy duty steam cleaner 1 Stanley tool box w/new tools ’1 Storehouse mobile tool box w/new tools Page 46 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Description 1 Chicago 1" rotary hammer 1 Cen-Tec 12" digital caliper 1 Knee Kicker carpet installer 1 Drill Doctor ddll bit sharpener Weatherproof security cameras (3 color/2 black & white) Best Chairs rocker recliner Located at: Union Street Building1 Row I (Top to Bottom) 1 Pallet of approx. (122) Fast Abs 1 Pallet of approx. (t4) boxes of Made E-Z books 1 Pallet of exercise and game equipment 1 Pallet of household goods 1 Pallet of exercise equipment 1 Pallet of luggage plus misc. household goods 1 Pallet of misc. d6cor & Craftsman tools 1 Pallet of approx. (87) 12x12 ceramic floor tiles 1 Pallet of shop rags 1 Cardboard tub of misc. Fisher Price kids toys 8 Cardboard tubs of luggage 1 Cardboard tub of kitchen supplies & Xmas d6cor 1 Cardboard tub of Xmas supplies 1 Cardboard tub of outdoor recreation supplies Page 47 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc, Description Row 2 10 Cardboard tubs of household good supplies 1 Electric. kids motor bike 3 Cardboard tubs of childrens toys 2 Pallets of bed linens 1 cardboard tub of kitchen appliances 1 Chicago parts washer 1 Pallet of snow board boot & binding parts 1 Central Hydraulics 2-1/2 ton floor jack 2 US General 2-1/2 ton floor jacks 1 2 gallon, 1.5 hp air compressor 1 Cardboard tub of approx.. (t, 152) wiper swipers 1 Craftsman gas weed wacker 1 Cardboard tub of outdoor picnic supplies 1 Pallet of misc. electronic supplies 1 Cardboard tub of misc. clothes 1 Pallet of poly-fill 3 Pallet of childrens clothes 1 Cardboard tub of shoes 2 Kids gas powered motor bikes 1 Campbell Hausfeld air compressor Row 3 2 Pallets of printers 10 Cardboard tubs of bedding Page 48 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 2 Pallets of household goods 1 Cardboard tub of misc. clothes 1 Pallet of bedding 1 Cardboard tub of home maintenance equipment 1 Cardboard tub of rugs 1 Cardboard tub of household decor, 1 Outdoor patio set 1 5 piece dining set w/cushions 1 Pallet of microwaves & coffee tables I Pallet of indoor furniture 1 Cardboard tub of office chairs 1 Wood bar 1 Pallet of wood chairs 1 5 piece granite bar set 1 Bar table Row 4 1 11 Craftsman roll away tool box Kenmore a/c units 1 Cardboard tub of kitchen appliances 4 Kenmore dehumidifiers 2 Kenmore Hepa air cleaners 2 Kenmore microwave/hood combo’s 1 Cardboard tub of household appliances 60 Haier refers Page49 GLOBAL ONLINE 07/05/07 Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Haler portable electronic washer 6 Laundry pedestals 3 Kenmore gas gdlls t. Kenmore dishwasher 1 Pallet of household appliances 1 Cardboard tub of dishware 2 Kenmore microwaves 2 Craftsman grass catchers 1 Craftsman pressure washer 1 Wood chest Cardboard tubs of bedding supplies Row 5 10 Cardboard tub of household good supplies 4 Cardboard tubs of childrens toys 2 18’x4’ Easy Set pools 1 Cardboard tub of childrens purses 8 Pallet of approx. (40) balloon Time 2 Pallets of household good supplies t5 14’x3-1/2’ Simple Set pools Row 6 28 Cardboard tub of childrens toys 2 Cardboard tubs of rugs 2 Cardboard tubs of household good supplies 6 Pallet of childrens toys Page 50 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 3 Pallet of Balloon Time (approx. 50) 2 Cardboard tubs of bedding Row 7 11 Cardboard tubs of bedding Cardboard tubs of rugs 2 Cardboard tubs of household good supplies Row 8 Cardboard tubs of household good supplies 3 Cardboard tubs of bedding t Cardboard tub of Xmas supplies 1 Cardboard tub of Halloween supplies 1 Cardboard tub oi’ childrens toys 1 Giant Jack-O-Lantern Misc. Around Warehouse 1 Kenmore a/c unit t Haler refrigerator 3 Jet 6,000 lbs of pallet jackets 1 APP 6000 generator 1. Craftsman bottom box 15 1 Folding tables t2’ fiberglass ladder Shelving 4O Sections of 4’x15’ industrial shelving Page 51 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Forklifts Clark ,rM15S hrt electric forklift w/3 stage mast, side shift Crown 30RCTT hrt electdc forklift w/3 stage mast, side shift. TCM FGt 5 (FVG15N15) pneumatic tire forklift w/side shift, propane TCM FG25 (FG20N6) pneumatic tire forklift w/side shift, gasoline Building 2.2 ¯ Row 1A Business in a box = 107 Row 2B Business in a box = 43 Row 3 37 Boxes of personal body massages 1 Pro Jump 15’ trampoline 2 Portable garages 4 Cardboard tubs of chitdrens toys 1 Cardboard tub of bedding 5 14’ & 3.5’ Simple Set pools t Cardboard tub of household tools 4 Weed wackers 1 Panasonic SIS microwave 2 C.E. pressure washers 1 45 watt solar panel kit Page 52 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Cardboard tubs of household items Row 4 Pallet of misc. tools including: 3693, 3686, 3687, 3688, 3694, 3692, 3695, 3689 1 8’ * 2.5’ Simple Set pool 7 14x3.5’ Simple Set pools 5 Haler mini refrigerators 2 Cardboard tubs of misc. household d~cor 1 Pallet of: 3900, 3901, 3998, 3899, 3896, 3897 1 Pallet of: 3895, 3894, 3893, 3892, 3890, 3891 2 Pallets of 14x3.5’ Pool Plus supplies 1 Pallet of 14x3.5’ pools 1 Pallet of plastic purses 2 Kenmore microwave/hood combo’s 4 Pallets of household goods 1 High dinette set 1 Pallet of clocks, candles & ornaments 1 Pallet of childrens toys 1 Pallet of baby seats, outdoor canopy, tool box & a/c unit 1 Golden Tee Clubhouse Ed. Arcade machine 1 Pallet of misc. home speakers 1 Barbecue Pro 1 Cardboard tub of misc. luggage & bags Page 53 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Cardboard tub including C.E: miter saw, sand blaster, hand truck, arc welder, mig welder, CP compressor & more tools Row 5 1 C-3:15 bib 1 C-4:15 bib 1 C-6:2 bib 1 C-7:I5 bib 1 C-8:14 bib 1 C-10:35 bib 1 C-11:15 bib 1 C-12:15 bib 1 C-14:35 bib 1 C-15:I5 bib 1 C-16:15 bib 1 C-18:35 bib 1 C-19:15 bib 1 C-20:15 bib Row 6 1 D-1: 13 bib 1 D-2:9 bib t D-3:9 bib 1 D-4:30 bib 1 D-5:17 bib 1 D-6:13 bib Page 54 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 D-7:9 bib 1 D-8:9 bib 1 D-9:21 bib 1 D-10:22 bib 1 D-1t: 9 bib 1 D-12:9 bib 1 D-13:1 bib 1 D-14:10 bib 1 D-15:9 bib 1 D-16:9 bib 1 D-17:0 bib 1 D-t8:9 bib 1 D-19:9 bib 1 D-20:9 bib t D-21:0 bib 1 D-22:9 bib 1 D-23:9 bib 1 D-24:9 bib 1 D-25:0 bib 1 D-26:14 bib 1 D-27:9 bib 1 D-28:9 bib Row 7 3 Cardboard tubs of misc. household goods Page 55 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Pallet of misc. outdoor recreation equipment 1 Cardboard tub of womens hair products & (7) humidifiers 1 Pallet of 14x13.5’ pool & supplies 1 Cardboard tub of household d~cor items 1 Cardboard tub of household appliances 1 Pallet of approx. (22) 30 liter step trash bins 1 Pallet of approx. (18) 24", 30 Ib Kraft paper rolls 1 Pallet of (9) shrink wrap rolls Shelving in 2.2 34 Sections of 15’x4’ industrial shelving Misc. on Floor 10 Empty cardboard, tubs 2 Cardboard tubs of misc. household goods 1 Cardboard tub of appro×. (17) childrens gym lockers 1 Cardboard tub of misc. drapes & window shades 1 Cardboard tub of misc. outdoor furniture accessories Pallet of misc. bib: 5183, 5186, 5181, 5185, 5182, plus C.E. 14" cutoff saw, Craftsman 18" chain saw, C.P. 1-3/4 hp air compressor, aluminum loading ramps 1 Pallet of misc. childrens toys 1 Cardboard tub of (8) humidifiers & misc. household goods Vestil Mfg. corp. SWA-48-12-PMO electdc pallet shrinkwrap machine, 4,000 Ib cap., 120 volt Page 56 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy/nc. Description 1 6-1/2’ warehouse ladder 1 U.S. General 1,200 Ib cap. aluminum loading ramps 1 XRTX VKR-1 fitness machine 1 Pallet of misc. household items & clothes 1 12 gallon shop vac Room 2.1 3 2’ shelf of misc. rugs 8 2’ shelf of misc. shoes & boots 18 2’ shelf of clothes 17 2’ shelf of household d~cor ,tO 2! shelf of baby/toddler toys 12 2’ shelf of pet supplies 20 2’ shelf of misc. furniture 20 2’ shelf of misc. sporting goods 15 2’ shelf of misc. luggage 15 2’ shelf of holiday decorations 15 2’ shelf of garden patio 20 2’ shelf of hardware/automotive 20 2’ shelf of electronics & games 13 2’ shelf of bathroom d~cor 7 2’ shelf of women’s accessories 9 2’ shelf of household appliances 7 2’ shelf of kitchen appliances 14 2’ shelf of kitchen ware Page 57 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 18 2’ shelf of home d~cor 17 2’ shelf of stationary & art supplies 6 Kenmore dehumidifiers 3 Haler mini refrigerators Kenmore 30" range hood Misc. Floor Items 2 Cardboard tubs of childrens toys 3 Cardboard tubs of household d~cor 1 Cardboard tub of sporting goods 1 Cardboard tub of bedding Misc. Tools on Benches 1 Dewalt reciprocating saw 1 Fluke T5-600 electrical tester 5 Rigid 9.6 volt pivoting screw drivers 2 18 volt cordless drills 1 Craftsman digital multimeter 4 Dymo Letratag portable label printers .Computers 2 Compaq Presario 2 Dell 19" fiat screen monitors Dell Dimension 1100 cpu’s 15" fiat screen monitor 19" fiat screen monitor Page 58 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Misc. Around 2.1 Ohaus ES50L 20"xi6’ electronic scales w/digital readouts 8 30"×48" S/S tables 2 96"x30" S/S tables 2 32" warehouse step ladders 3 JET 6,000 lb. max pallet jacks 1 Hand truck 15 Shopping carts w/misc, contents 1 Pallet of: 8117, 8122, 8121, 8112, 8109, 8114, 8113, 8120, 8115, 8116, 8118 t Cardboard tub of rugs & household ddcor 1 Cardboard tub of blinds & window shades Back Room 2.1 39 2’ shelving of misc. bedding 6 2’ shelving of misc. rugs 1 2’ shelving of misc. rack of clothes 1 Danby Designer portable dishwasher 1 Office chair On Floor in 2,t 1 Bostitch 2 hp air compressor 3 2,000 Ibs floor jacks Cortex 1 1 Cardboard tub of misc. bedding 2 Cardboard tubs of misc. childrens toys Page 59 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Cardboard tub of household good 2 Pallets of approx. (i 8) boxes of Dickies work boots (6 pairs per box) Pallet of approx. (16) boxes of Rocky shoes/boots (6 pairs per box) 1 Pallet of approx. (84) pairs of misc. shoes 2 Cardboard tubs of misc. clothes 1 Pallet of approx. (30) boxes of misc. shoes (6 pairs per box) Pallet of approx. (24) boxes of misc. Dickies shoes/boots (6 pairs per box) Pallet of approx. (15) boxes of Rocky shoes/boots (6 pairs per box) Pallet of (8) Stanley-Bostitch factory reconditioned used compressor combo kit, CAP2040P w/2" brad nailer & 25’ hose 1 Cardboard tub of misc. household goods 1 Cardboard tub of misc. childrens toys 1 Central Hydraulic 2 ton pallet jack 2 Central Pneumatic 21 gallon air compressors 1 Craftsman 21" lawn mower 1 CP 2 hp, 4 gallon air compressor Conex 2 Cardboard tub of Stanley mobile work center Pallet of Haler refer, per pallet: 8, 7, 10 Cardboard tubs of childrens toys Page 60 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Cardboard tub of misc. tools including: (3) air compressors, (3) chain saws, (6) weed eaters, drain cleaner 2 Cardboard tubs of Stanley work centers, air compressor & misc. tools 2 Cardboard tubs of tools including: welder, (2) sand blasters, chain saws, chop saw & air compressor 2 Cardboard tubs of bedding 2 Pallets of approx. (16) boxes of misc. clothing 1 Pallet of approx. (20) boxes of misc. clothes 1 Pallet of (20+) boxes of misc. childrens toys 1 C.E. break hammer, 115 volt, w/cart 1 Cement mixer 1 Electric drain snake 2 Cardboard tubs of misc. tools including: welders, hedge trimmers, scroll saw, lights mobile work centers, chain saw Cardboard tub of misc. tooling including: Craftsman 200 mph blower, 7" variable sanderlpolish, lights, air compressor & other Pallet of misc. kids gas/electric motor bikes Conex 3 13 Cardboard tubs of misc. Christmas items 6 Cardboard tubs of household items 2 Cardboard tubs of misc. tools including: lights, chop saw, air compressor, service cart, barbecue, 6" sander, router table, bush saw & water pump Page 61 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Cardboard tub of: C.P. 21 gallon, 3 hp air compressor, (4) spray guns, Pittsburgh compact bender, floor jack & hydraulic ram Cardboard tub of 8" drill press, (2) 2 hp compressors, appliance hand truck, rolling work seat, right angle drill & (2) bandsaws 4 Bedding conex 4 19 Pallets of Haler mini fddge’s (12-16 per pallet) Conex 5 5 Cardboard tubs of misc. toys 4 Cardboard tubs of misc. household items Conex 6 Pallet of Husquarna 7.0 hp lawn mower & accessodes Cardboard tub of misc. tools including: cordless weed wacker, multi-purpose wire, fillers, 18" gas chain saw 1 Pallet of misc. shelves, metal, black 1 Cardboard tub of garden items including: 18" chain saw, air hoses, blower.attachments & floor lights Pallet of misc. items including: tool box & water cooler Pallet including: a/c, quick clamp work table & 5 piece bar set 1 Pallet of kitchen appliances & Craftsman tool box 2 Pallet of (12) Haler refers Pallet of appliances Page 62 07/05107 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Pallet of Craftsman loader Conex 7 Pallet including: hand box, shelving units & Kenmore water cooler Pallet including: Craftsman grass catcher & Kenmore water cooler Pallet of Crafts grass catcher, Sears a/c unit & Kenmore microwave/hood combo I Cardboard tub of household goods 1 Cardboard tub of misc. tools & appliances 1 Pallet of (3) lawn mowers 1 Pallet of Sears lawn/garden equipment 1 Palletof (2-) microwaves/appliances 2 Cardboard tubs of tools/appliances 1 Pallet of tow behind spreader 1 Pallet of (4) pedestals & water cooler 1 Jet 6,000 Ib pallet jack Cortex 8 4 Pallets of towels & bath accessories 8 Pallets of bedding 4 Pallets fo mens suits 1 Pallet of misc. rugs. I Toys 1 Household accessories Conex 9 2 Pallets w/lights Page 63 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 15 1 Pallets of misc. items Pallet w/toys & misc. items Pallet w/lamps Conex 10 8 Pallets of misc. toys 1 Pallet of misc. tools 4 Pallets of misc. bedding. 1 Pallet of misc. shelving 1 Pallet of misc. curtains/blinds 2 Pallets of misc. carpets I Pallet of misc. baby goods 1 Pallet of misc. rugs & tools Outside Forklift dump bin Conex ’1’1 12 Cardboard tubs of misc. Xmas decorations Outside Building 2.2 Approx. (27) pallets of pools & pool accessories Contents of Left Gooseneck Trailer 13 Bikes 1 Jet 6,000 Ib pallet jack 1 Cardboard tub of bedding 3 Cardboard tubs of misc. household goods 2 Pallets of Campbell Hausfeld air compressor & welders Page 64 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Pallet of tires, Stanley staple nail guns 1 Cardboard tub of childrens toys 1 Pallet of Stanley tool boxes, chop saw & chain saw Pallet of (25) boxes of toys Contents of Right Gooseneck Trailer 1 Jet 6,00QIb pallet jack 1 Pallet of white swipers 2 Cardboard tubs of household goods 1 Pallet of Craftsman t0" portable table saw, rollaway tool box, 16" tilt arm skill saw 1 Pallet of tools 1 Pallet of Kenmore-humidifiers 2 Cardboard tubs of house d~cor 1 Cardboard tub of kids toys & house d~cor 1 Cardboard tubs of tools, (2) Craftsman chain saws, weed eater & weed wacker 1 Cardboard tub of bedding 1 Cardboard tub of kids toys .1 Cardboard tub of luggage 1 14’ trampoline MAINTENANCE ROOM Maintenance Room CPU AMD 64 Athlon X2 processor w/HANNS G flat screen monitor .Ddll Master 18 volt cordless combo pack Page 65 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 3 7’x4’ shelving units w/misc, tools including C.E. 2 chop saws, C.M. belt sander, C.E. 220 volt tig/arc welders 4 Craftsman 18" chain saws, gas powered, 40CC 6 Central Pneumatic staple guns, air powered 1 Central Machinery 16 spd floor drill press 1 2-1/2"x1-1/2’ hydraulic scissor table cart, max. cap. 1,000 lbs., max-height 34-1/2" 1 Chicago Electdc 90 amp flux wire welder 3 Central Pneumatic 21 gallon air compressors 3 Central Pneumatic twin tank 5 gallon, 2 hp air compressors 2 Chicago~ Electric dual migwelder 151 1 Central Machinery Micro Mill/Drill Machine, 1/5 hp motor Jump N’ Start portable rechargeable power station & air compressor 1 Chicago Electric 230 volt spot welder t Central Machinery 8" bench grinder/buffer, 3,600 rpm 1 Chicago Electric 3.5 gallon parts washer 2 7’x4’ shelving units w/misc, tools & parts 1 Central Pneumatic air hammer w/chisels 2 Central Pneumatic air compressors, roll away, 2 hp, 8 gallon Central Pneumatic Pancake air compressor, 2 hp, 4 gallon 2 Hydraulic floor jacks, 3 ton capacity Page 66 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description I Chicago Electric.70 amp arc welder 1 Cen-Tech digital clamp meter t Craftsman 205 mph garden glower 1 Chicago Electdc 1300 psi high pressure washer t Central Pneumatic 12 volt high volume air compressor Chicago Electdc vibratory tumbler systems Chicago Electric heavy duty 12 volt electdc portable wench 1 Chicago Electdc 1.5 hp, 7" tile saw 2 Chicago Electdc electdc drain cleaners, 1/3 hp 1 Central Machinery tall machine stand;-500 Ib-max weight Craftsman biowedvac, 32cc, 2 cycle gas powered engine Cardboard tub of tools including: air compressors, welders, water pumps, polisher/sanders, chop saws, hydraulic jack 1 Chicago Electdc 1/2" compact right angle drill 1 40 Ib sand blaster w/9’ hose 1 Jet 6,000 lb pallet jack 1 Chicago Electdc 1" SDS rotary hammer 1 Craftsman 32cc brush wacker gas trimmer 1 Central Machinery 6" belt & 9" disc sander 1 Pallet of (8) misc. metal tool centers I Chicago Electric powder coating system 1 Central Machinery variable speed mini lathe Page67 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Central Machinery horizontal/vertical metal cutting band saw 1 2-1/2’x1-1/4’ multi purpose service cart 1 Poulan gas powered chain saw, 33cc engine 2 Central Machinery 2" clear water pumps w/5.5 hp overhead valve engines 1 Central Machinery 8" bench grinder 1 Craftsman 2 drawer tool chest 2 2-1/6’x2’ dollies 7 Auto Tint welding masks t Central Machinery 1 ton chain hoist 2 Chicago Electric 93765 video inspection systems 1 8’ work bench filled w/misc, hand tools 1 I6’ work bench filled w/misc, hand tools 1 Chicago Electric 5,000 lb winch 1 Central Pneumatic nail gun 1 Central Machinery 3 ton chain hoist Storage Room 1 1 Pallet of bib: 4690, 4691 1 Cardboard tub of misc. tools 1 Pallet of misc. tools including: mig welder & air compressors 1 Pallet w/(5) boxes of solar panels 1 Pallet of Roto Til Page 68 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James Go Murphy Inc. Description Pallet of misc. tools including: sand blaster, steam cleaner & aluminum folding rollers 1 Pallet of misc. household goods 1 Pallet of misc. lawn mowers 1 Pallet of misc. tools w/routing table & welding cart 1 Pallet of misc. tools including: racing jack, a/c manifold gauge set & other car items 1 Cardboard tub of misc. hydraulic car jacks t Pallet of misc. tools including lawn mower & sand blaster 1 Pallet of misc. air compressors 1 Pallet w/band saw 1 Pallet w/misc. Craftsman tools/bench 1 Pallet w/misc, tools including: 21 gallon C.P. air compressor, hand truck & Pepsi cups Pallet of misc. tools including: (2) Craftsman 10" compound miter saws & Craftsman chain saw 1 Pallet of barbecue & other misc. 1 Pallet of misc. Craftsman t2" planer & (2) tool chests 1 Pallet of misc. hydraulic, electdc generators 1 Cardboard tubs of (7) air compressors 1 Pallet of misc. household goods 1 Cardboard tub of pressure washer & misc. air compressors 1 Pallet of table saw & hydraulic jack 1 Cardboard tub of misc. tools including air compressors, tumbler system & mig welder Page 69 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Pallet of air compressors & Chicago Electdc electric generators t 11 1 Pallet of misc. Craftsman power tools Pallet of misc. Chicago Electdc welders Pallet of misc. tools including: Chicago Electdc ¯ mig welder, Craftsman scroll saw & bike rack Pallet of misc. Campbell Hausfeld tools including: pressure washer & soap sprayer Central Pneumatic Steel Blaster cabinet & floor model 1 Pallet of misc. tool storage chests t Pallet of misc. hydraulic jacks, air welder & steam cleaner Pallet of misc. air compressors Pallet of misc. tools including: Craftsman electdc blowerlvac, horizontal/vertical metal cutting board saw, trifold aluminum ramp Pallet of misc. tools including: Central Machinery jack stand, Chicago Electdc compound miter saw & hydraulic jack Cardboard tub of misc. tools including: Chicago Electric wet/dry vac, McCulloch steam cleaner & air compressors Cardboard tub of garden equipment including: weed wacker, gas trimmer, 2 in 1 tdmmedblower, gas weed wacker 1 Pallet of Craftsman tool storage 2 Pallets of 2 ton engine hoists 1 Pallet of misc. tools including C.E. gate opener & garden tools Pallet of cement mixers Page 70 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Descdption I Pallet of misc. tools 1 Pallet of misc. garden tools including lawn mower, Craftsman weed wacker Pallet of misc. tools including: reinforced 50’ air hose & reel, C.E. electric chain saw sharpener Pallet of misc. items including: (2) 14 piece cookware & lawn mower Pallet of misc. items including: 50’ reinforced hose & Craftsman chain saw Cardboard tub of misc. items including hydraulic jack Pallet of misc. items including Kenmore barbecue & lawn mower Pallet of misc. items including: spray wagon abrasive blast media .Pallet of misc. items including Craftsman rollaway tool storage & Kenmore microwave/hood combo t Electdc drain cleaner, 1/3 hp 1 Cardboard tub of misc. items including hand truck 2 ton engine hoist Storage Room 2 Floor Misc. Pallet of Craftsman weed wacker, gas trimmer & metal shelving units Pallet of C.M router w/fulloice table, C.P. 21 gallon air compressor t Pallet of Craftsman 14" chain saw (electric) 1 Pallet of convertible Jet pump Page 71 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Pallet of Craftsman weed wacker, gas trimmer 1 Pallet of Craftsman gas blower/vac 1 Pallet of Craftsman 2DWR workbench 1 Pallet of Craftsman r011 away tool storage 1 Pallet of Craftsman 2500 psi/2.0GPM hydrofoam cleaning system 1 Pallet of Craftsman grass catcher 1 Pallet of Craftsman grass catcher 1 Pallet of Craftsman roll away tool storage 1 Pallet of Craftsman halogen work lights 1 Pallet w/box of misc. Stanley screw drivers 1 Pallet of Chicago Electric 90 amp flux wire welder w/other misc. tools 1 Pallet or" Craftsman mulching lawn mower 1 Pallet of Central Hydraulics 2 ton floor jack 1 Pallet of Roush Racing 3-1/2 ton hydraulic floor jack 1 WeedEater 4.75 hp lawn mower 1 Craftsman 6.5 hp lawn mower 4 Appliance trucks 1 3-1/2’x2’ horizontal hand truck 1 Central Machinery 20" production drill press 1 Chicago Electric 3"x2.1" belt sander (hand held) w/bag 1 Roush Racing 3-1/2 ton floor jack 2 Craftsman roll away tool storage units Page 72 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Cardboard tub of misc. household goods 1 Craftsman 3400 psi, 4.0 gpm, 11 hp pressure washer 1 US General 2 ton floor jack 4 Central Pneumatic air compressors, 2 hp, 8 gallon 10 ¯ Central Pneumatic air compressors, 3 hp, 21 gallon 8 Central Pneumatic twin tank air compressors, 2 hp, 5 gallon Pallet of (2) Craftsman 10" table saws & (2) tool storage units Pallet of Craftsman 6.0 hp shop vac, C.M. variable speed 12" bandsaw 2 Chicago Electric dual. mig welders 4 Chicago Electric Flux Wire welders, 90 amp 2 Chicago Electric 110 amp mig/flux welders 1 Cook & grill 1 Auto rewind hose reel w/50’ hose 1 Central Hydraulic pipe bender 5 Chicago Electric Mig 100 welders w/thermal overload 1 Central Machinery hydraulic log splitter 1 Pallet of Stanley work centers 1 Pallet of approx. (8) 3-1/2 ton floor jacks & (1) lawn mower Cardboard tub of approx. (8) misc. air compressors Page 73 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Pallet of approx. (10) misc. air compressors 1 Pallet of approx. (26) Campbell Hausfeld air compressors Pallet of misc. tools including: storage box & table saw 1 Cardboard tub of misc. household appliances t Chicago Electric tile saw 1 Pallet of misc. tools including: roll away storage unit, misc. furniture & portable table saw Pallet of Craftsman project center & Craftsman 10" table saw w/storage cabinet 1 Cardboard tub of approx. (2) C.P. compressors 2 43" flammable liquid storage cabinets 1 Cardboard tub of misc. tools 1 Sand blast cabinet 1 Cardboard tub of (2) Craftsman pressure washers & (2) Campbell Hausfeld pressure washers 2 Pallets of approx. (6) Campbell Hausfeld pressure washers 1 Pallet of Stanley work centers 3 Brinkman 6430 heavy duty gas gdlls 3 Heavy duty metal storage boxes 1 2 ton hydraulic engine hoists 1 Lawn mower 1 Appliance hand truck 1 Central Pneumatic 29 gallon, 4 hp, 115 psi air compressor Page 74 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Pallet of cement mixers 1 Pallet of Craftsman tool boxes 1 Pallet of Chicago Electric tile saw 1 Cardboard tub of weed wackers 2 Pallets of air compressors 3 Pallets of misc. tools Office 1 132" L-shaped reception desk 1 HP Pavilion A1250N cpu w/19" EnVision fiat panel monitor HP Office Jet 6310 all in one print/fax/copier/ photo/scanner 1 Sharp SIS microwave 3 Haler refers 1 E Machines cpu w/19" View Sonic monitor 1 HP PSC 1315 all in one printer/scanner/copier 4 Leather office chairs 4 6’ wood office desks 3 Book cabinets 1 Nortel Norstar phone system w/approx. (19) phones 3 Book cabinets w/misc, office supplies 1 Unicorn 16 port switch 2 HP Office Jet 5610V all in one printer/copied fax/scanner 11 Leather office chairs Page 75 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 2 19" monitors 2 HP Desk Jet 5340 all in one printer/scanner/ copier 4 4’ office desks 1 Hoover Wind Tunnel vacuum 1 Appliance hand truck 1 HP 17" flat panel monitor 4 Royal Alpha 8000ML cash management systems 3 DELL 19" flat panel monitors 1 Samsung 17" .2 Flat panel 19" monitors 1 View Sonic t7" flat panel monitor 1 HP Desk Jet F335 all in one printer/scanner/ copier 4 66" metal work desks 1 U-shaped office cubical/desk 1 Hanns-G 19" flat panel monitor CROSS STREET FROM UNION BUILDING .1 Cardboard tub of misc. household appliances Misc. Compressors & Tools Misc. Tools 1 Pallet of (8) Campbell Hausfeld pressure washers 1 Misc. hand tools 1 Cardboard tub of misc. air compressors & tools 1 Misc. hand trucks, weed eaters & pneumatic tools Page 76 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Cardboard tub of household goods 1 Pallet of (3) APP 6000 generators, blast cabinet & air compressor Cardboard tub of misc. air compressors, winches, chain saw & floor jacks Pallet of.approx. (7) Stanley Bostitch reconditioned air compressor combo kit, Cap 2040P w/2" brad nailer Cardboard tub of (2) compressores, pump & blast cabinet Pallet of approx. (14) Campbell Haufeld pressure washers Pallet of approx. (12) Campbell Hausfeld air compressors Pallet of 7" Chicago Electdc tile saw, (3) air compressors & chipper/shredder 1 Cardboard tub of misc. garden attachments 1 Pallet of Stanley work centers 9 Misc. hand tools 1 Pallet of misc. Craftsman tools 2 Bar stools 1 Pallet of (3) air compressors 1 Pallet of (2) air compressors & blast cabinet 1 Pallet of Craftsman top & bottom box 1 Pallet of Campbell Hausfeld air compressors & cordless inflators/work light Pallet of Craftsman table saw & storage cabinet & Kenmore a/c unit Pallet of household goods & appliances Page 77 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc~ Description 1 Craftsman sliding compound miter saw 1 Pallet of misc. fumiture 6 Cardboard tubs of misc. shop tools 4 C.E: break hammers w/cases 1 Pallet of (3) air compressors, chop saws, welder & pump Pallet of (3) air compressors~ sand blaster & hydraulic jack t CHLER 7 hp tiller 1 CharBroiler SIS barbecue 1 Portable SIS sink 1 Pallet of (6) air compressors 1 Pallet of misc. pumps, welders & tile saw 6 Cardboard tubs of shop tools 1 Pallet of (25+) weed eaters 1 Pallet of garden accessories 2 Hand trucks 2 Appliance hand trucks , 1 Approx. (30) 15’ industrial shelving uprights 1 Pallet of (t8) Campbell Hausfeld air compressors 1 Cardboard tub of misc. tools & (2) appliance hand trucks 1 Pallet of (4) C.P. 21 gallon air compressors 1 Pallet of approx. (30) Campbell Hausfeld air compressors Pallet of misc. household goods & toys Page 78 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Rolling Stock & Trailers 2007 CB 34’ gooseneck T/A flatbed trailer w/12,000 lb. winch, Vin:4JUGF312171V026434 2007 Snake River 32’ gooseneck T/A flatbed trailer w/12,000 Ib winch, Vin:5PTGF312871004065 2007 Cargolite 16’ enclosed cargo trailer, swing doors, side door,. Vin:46YCP121861077535 3 2007 Starlite Cargo 28’ T/A enclosed cargo trailers, ramp door, side door, Vin’s:46YCP242671079569; 46YCP242471079411 ;46YCP242871079573 2006 Haulmark 18’ T/A enclosed cargo trailer, swing doors, side door, Vin:16HPB14246U046577 ~2 2007 CB 38’ goose neck T/A enclosed trailers w/lift gates, Vin’s:4JUGF372U7N026371; 4JUGF372X7N026374 2 2007 CB 38’ gooseneck T/A enclosed trailers, Vin’s:4JUGF37267N026373; 4JUGF37287N026373 2003 Dodge 3500 HDSLT, Cummings Turbo diesel, dually, 6 spd, p/w, p/I, c/c, a/c, cd, Vin:3DTMU48C03G781782 2000 Ford F350 Super Duty, V8 diesel, dually, 6 spd, p/I, p/w, c/c, cd, Vin: 1FTWW33F2YE050691 1989 International $1600, diesel, w/23’ van box, Vin: 1 HTJUZRKXKH675069 1989 Ford F350, diesel, wll 1’ van box, Vin:2FDKF37M6KCB06655 Jet 6,000 Ib pallet jack (located in CB trailers) Page 79 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Fontaine FGWTT-1-50 3-axle lowboy trailer, Vin: 1A1G43406D1535730 We were unable to locate the following three items. However, we do have the titles for them: 1 2005 Mirage trailer, Vin:5M3BE242951014224 1 2005 Wstr. trailer, Vin:5KJJABCK55PN92202 1 1988 Ford truck, Vin:l FDNFTOK9JVA14557 Located at: L-Street 2 Handy 80"x40" air lift tables Chicago Electric break hammer w/carts & accessories 1 Coifing chain hoist 2 Jet 1 ton chain trolleys 2 Mongoose CX 24V 340 electric bikes 1 Cardboard tub of misc. tools 6 12 ¯ Cardboard tubs of bedding Cardboard tubs of household goods 1 Portable basketball hoop 1 Pallet of misc. afc units 5 Pallet of misc. refrigerators 1 Cardboard tub of luggage 1 Cardboard tub of household d~cor 1 Pallet of household cleaning supplies 2 Cardboard tubs of misc. clothes Page 80 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 2 Pallet of toys 1 Premier air hockey table 1 Pallet of household d~cor 1 Cardboard tub of misc. purses 3 Mini gas powered choppers 1 Chicago Electric compound slide miter saw w/laser 1 Pallet w/misc, womens hair care 1 Nordic Trac SL720 2 Pallets of misc. cd, dvd & vhs Business in a Box - C Section 5825, 5923! 5924, 5947, 5926, 5925, 5951, 5950, 5946, 5899, 5949, 7082, 5897, 7086, 7087, 7083, 5818, 7084, 5820, 5821, 5817, 7085, 5819, 7088 Business in a Box - D Section 5800,5801,5893,701!,7012,5798,5799,7013, 7096, 5701, 7091, 7094, 7093,7092, 7095, 5824, 5823,7090;5898,5822,5952,6985,5953,7007, 5797,5705,5890,5921,5796,7008,6986 Businessin a Box-E Section 7076,5812,5815,7080,6981,7078,5813,7077, 6982,6984,6983,7079,708t,5814,5816,4458 1 Pallet of misc. furniture 2 Pallets of misc. exercise equipment 4 Appliance hand trucks Page 81 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Descril~tion Transceli TI500ESS 7’x3-1/2’ electronic shipping scale w/digital readout 4 4’x2-1/2’ SIS tables 1 Cardboard tub of childrens toys 1 Cardboard but of garden hoses 1 Pallet of misc. battery chargers 2 Cardboard tubs of misc. household appliances 4 Folding tables 8 Pallet of misc. clothes 1 Pallet of approx. (22) boxes of misc. shoes 1 Pallet of (8) Stanley Bostitch factory reconditioned compressor combo kit, CAP2020 w12" brad nailer Pallet of misc. bedding/bath supplies Pallet of approx. (24) boxes of Gemme dvd players (4 per box) 1 7’ warehouse ladder 2 Push carts 3 Cardboard tubs of bedding 2 Pallets of misc. household appliances 3 Electric scooters 3 Jet 6,000 lb. pallet jacks I Pallet of misc. outdoor equipment 1 Ion Ion-49E eliptical trainer 1 Pallet of misc. exercise equipment 2 Haier chest freezers Page 82 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description 1 Spalding 54" basketball hoop 1 Box of (2) 30" bar stools lO Shopping carts 1 Toshiba TDP-T9 projector w/case 29 8’x4’ sections of industrial shelving 70 7’x4’ shelving units 1 Crown 30RCTT 3 stage HRT SIS electric forklift TCM FG1517C SIS pneumatic tire forklift, propane Upstairs Office Misc. boxes of clothes Upstairs Over Hang 2 Folding tables 1 Tiger Electronics dvd/projector combo 1 Misc. car/home stereo equipment in bottom shelves 2 Campbell Hausfeld 6.5 hp, 60 gallon air compressors (note: hard wired in building) 5 7’x4’ shelving units Outside 1 Western Star semi truck, OR Lic:YAFC283 1 1992 Great Dane 7911TJWNL 48’ trailer, Vin: 1GRAA9629W13088137 2000 Trailmobile Trailer Corp. 53’ trailer, Vin: 1PT01BAH849004219 48’conex box Page 83 07/05/07 GLOBAL ONLINE Prepared by James G. Murphy Inc. Description Business in a Box in Maintenance Shop 68’35, 6833, 6834, 6840, 6844, 6838,6845, 6846, 6921 6920,4698, 4697,4689,4699, 6847, 6849, 47t2 4707,4705, 4704,6870,6869,4717,4711, 4706 4694,4710, 4716,4713, 4714,4708, 4720, 4718 4695,4938, 4723,4722;4721,~4934,4727, 4954 4725,4724, 4729,4737,4929,4927,4939, 4739 4738,4923, 4926,4924,4928,4931,4930, 4958 4957,4960, 4961,4972,4932,4933,4953, 4956 4955,4956 Shelving 27 8’x4’ sections of industrial shelving Page 84
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