Nov. 2013 - EAA 485 Pensacola


Nov. 2013 - EAA 485 Pensacola
Meeting Location Ferguson Field (82J)
November 2013
Squawk 485
John McKiernan
Cell - (850) 291-4134
Well the busy month of October is over. There
were several events, two large fly-ins, a Movie
Night and chapter meeting. We’ve had some absolutely gorgeous weather the past several weeks
as we prepare for the Holiday season.
I’d like to wish each of our chapter members, friends and their families a very Happy
The new pilot lounge/meeting room is
nearing completion at Ferguson. It looks
great and I’m looking forward to settling in.
Thank you to all the folks at Ferguson.
We had 40 people attend movie night
which was our largest crowd to date. As always it was a fun evening with some additional glitches put on by the chapter DVD machine.
We conducted our chapter elections...
Well sort of. When I went out with a plea for
a replacement for Mark Watson Michael Hardy responded immediately that if we didn’t
find anyone that he would do it. Well congratulations Michael you’re our new Secretary/Treasurer and thanks for stepping up. We
still are looking for an additional person to be
the Secretary who attends most meetings.
Michael has some conflicts getting to several
of the meetings so it would be nice to have
someone available. If not we will task some-
ember 9
n Airpo
10 AM
Minutes from October 19th Meeting
Meeting called to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome by the President
Sarah Mangrum appreciation letter
SERFI update, need 5 people for lunch help
11am-1pm, Young Eagles 2pm need pilots and
ground crew,
arrival procedures on-line
Treasurer gave financial update, $2100 in the
bank, some outstanding Thatcher bills
Good turn out for movie night
Thatcher update, bottom skin is hard to match,
will probably have to re-do
Election of officers, Mike Hardy elected as new
Secretary/Treasurer, Bob Ermer will remain as
VP, John McKiernan will serve a one year extension as President
Flight review handout, Discussion from a CFI's
perspective - approach turn stalls discussion
John may attend Chapter presidents meeting at
EAA chapter video
one to take minutes at the meetings on a
random basis. There were no formal
nominations for President or Vice President
Robert Ermer was re-elected Vice President because he was out preparing the grill
Pensacola FL
November 2013
charge coordinating our Young Eagle departures and arrivals. It’s imperative that the
YE flights get priority handling. Many of
these families were there for hours waiting
for the Young Eagle flights and following the
flight demonstrations there was a large exodus of aircraft and the taxiway was blocked.
Bob simply stepped out on the taxiway and
held up the traffic allowing us to depart. He
then coordinated throughout the flying with
ground personnel ensuring a smooth flow of
YE flights.
While the Young Eagle registration was
going on our lunch commitment began. It
was a mess at first and it took a while for us
to find items and get setup. Chef Bob turned
and told me “I’m not happy! Not good! Well
we made due and actually served all 120
burgers that they had on hand. We had
about 6 volunteers working during the lunch
none of who got to eat. With about the last
20 burgers on the grill we had a regulator
failure. We were lucky to be able to swap
the regulator off the pancake grill and complete the lunch.
(Continued from page 1)
for lunch. As far as President with no other
nominees I accepted a 1 year extension as
We’re working on a visit to Pensacola
ATC and tower operations sometime in the
winter and I’d like to go visit the Naval Museum again and conduct our meeting and
have lunch there. I need people to conduct
training during our monthly meetings. For
now I’ll be compiling some of the EAA workshop videos in the future to use followed by
a group discussion.
SERFI SERFI had a great turnout of planes
and people. The weather for the entire
event was perfect. Sam and Ann Vess did
a tremendous job as well as all the SERFI
volunteers to make this a very successful
event. Chapter 485 was well represented
with many members. We had a tent setup
at the entrance displaying our new banner
and pre-registered Young Eagle candidates.
Lamar unfortunately couldn’t attend but
Daniel Harrison stepped up and registered
the Young Eagles and later was joined by
Mark Watson to handle the paperwork during the flying. The registration process was
slow and we weren’t getting many registrations. I finally asked ANN if there was any
poster board material or something similar
to use as an additional sign. In the hangar
she showed me some old SERFI posters
which was perfect. We made a handwritten
sign which simply said FREE FLIGHTS AGES 8-17. Well that worked pretty well because starting from 0, we ultimately flew 26
Young the end of the day. Not
bad! I did promise the CAP cadet volunteers Young Eagle flights back home which
we will conduct on a mutually convenient
time. The CAP volunteers do a good job
assisting in parking and other areas and I
think we should reward their dedication.
Capt Boobie McGoun stepped in and took
Here are the volunteers that I can remember from our chapter.
Bruce Newman: SERFI staff
Willie Williams: Volunteer Coordinator
Bob Ermer: Head Chef / Chief bottle washer
Gene Scott: YE Pilot
Spencer Wilson: Lunch, YE Pilot
Sarah Mangrum: Lunch
Bob McGoun: Lunch, YE launch coordinator
Mark Watson: Lunch, YE Ground
Daniel Harrison: YE registration, YE Ground
Jose Martinez: Lunch, “duty wrench”
Michael Hardy: YE Pilot
Dewitt Barker: Forum
Donna Barker: Registration, Princess duties
(Continued on page 3)
Pensacola FL
November 2013
(Continued from page 2)
In addition to our chapter members there
were several people who offered to help us.
Special thanks to Chad James for flying
Young Eagles, Riley Hoggard and several
other pilots for volunteering their aircraft for
YE flights if needed.
I never had time to really look over all the
aircraft that were at SERFI. I did check out a
few and there was a very varied group and
many very pretty aircraft. During the banquet
Sam Vess had some preliminary figures.
SERFI attracted 209 aircraft. Perfect weather makes for good attendance. From
memory, the FlyMart netted $1700 (a record). The gate receipts were about $2600.
Food concession receipts were not available
but were well attended.
The really big news came during the aircraft awards. Mark Watson won the War
birds class with his beautiful Taylorcraft L2.
It was unfortunate that he wasn’t there to accept in person. A few moments later Mark
also won Reserve Grand Champion. Congratulations Mark on your hard work and
showing a very beautiful aircraft.
July 29, 2013 – The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued its decision to
grant ICON Aircraft’s petition for exemption to
allow an increased takeoff weight for ICON’s
A5 amphibious Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) up
to a maximum of 1680 lbs. The exemption
would accommodate, among other safety
features, a Spin-Resistant Airframe (SRA)
which enables the A5 to better avoid loss-ofcontrol scenarios due to stall/spins. The company announced in February of 2012 that the
A5 had been successfully tested to and met
the full FAA Part 23 standard for spin resistance. The FAA exemption will allow the
(Continued on page 4)
Pensacola FL
November 2013
(Continued from page 3)
A very nice RV-8
A5 to become the first conventional production aircraft to meet this rigorous safety
ICON Website
Flying video link
Your $5,000 refundable deposit puts you in
the Q. You only need about $184,000 due
when you take possession maybe in 2017.
They have over 1,000 orders so you’d better
hurry. If I recall correctly I believe the price
originally was 50-60K less. It surely is state
of the art. If you peruse the website it is
loaded with “techno geekness”. Check out
the CAD wing fold demonstration.
Air Cam nicely done.
Other SERFI Photos
Jose’s Pacer
Sunday morning a few aircraft remain
Pensacola FL
November 2013
CX-4 is very slick and you need to stay get
slowed down or you will float on landing.
Dave said when they converted the CX-4 to
a nose gear they were surprised by the drag
caused by the addition of an entry step. He
decided to add a speed brake when the
flaperon system was removed. Some other
differences between the siblings is the canopy tilts instead of slides, dual wing tanks
holding 10 gallons each, a forward entry step
and the addition of aileron trim. They will be
working on a few things and begin some taxi
tests before getting the Airworthiness Certificate. Then it’s wing removal time and off to
Jack Edwards for phase I testing.
The CX-4’s “Big Brother” has arrived. Here is
a picture of Dave Thatcher (right) and Glen
Bradley standing in front of the new tandem
seat CX-5. I had the pleasure of going and
visiting both Dave and Glen together tweaking the CX-5 before the airworthiness inspection. Here is an article from Wednesday November 6th in the Pensacola News Journal.
Do-it-yourself aviation. After leaving Dave’s
shop I was very surprised to receive a call
from the News Journal and asked a few
questions about the chapter build and about
Dave’s design and our reason for building.
The speed brake just aft of the main gear
Dave was very gracious in donating a CX4 canopy, windshield and canopy bows for
our Thatcher product. Thank You very much.
The new plane itself is beautiful painted
with PPG Concept with a Red White and
Blue color scheme The aircraft is powered by
a 85hp Volkswagen engine and with an empty weight of 710 lbs should fly very nicely.
Many of the components are pretty much CX4 albeit “bigger”. For example the leading
edges on the CX-4 are 12”. On the CX-5
they are 17”. You get the picture. The CX-5
was originally constructed with flaperons, but
later removed to simplify building. The aircraft also has an electrically actuated belly
speed brake. In talking with Glen he said the 5
November 2013
Right side console with elevator trim forward
and aileron trim aft.
Chapter CX-4 project
We continue to make progress with our project. We have the top aft skin riveted and
are still wrestling with the lower skin. The F8
lower bulkhead will need to be remade since
it is sitting off the skin about 1/4”. Evidently
when we screwed the bulkhead into the jig it
bowed the 2x4 and when released caused
the gap.
Inside view of top skin riveted along upper
Rudder pedals for and aft
Pensacola FL
November 2013
SERFI Special Award
(Continued from page 6)
Preliminary drilling of top skin to longerons.
As you roam around SERFI you see many great
quality aircraft. There are the vintage and contemporary restored airplanes showing off new
paint and upholstery. There are the experimentals, tube and fabric, wood, metal and plastic. Innovations abound. But behind the scenes are gifted individuals who don’t compromise in their ingenuity. Often they must be sought out far off the
midway in some obscure place. Chapter 485 was
compelled to offer it’s very own special award that
is bestowed upon Al Graham for his determination, cunningness, engineering and literally going
one step beyond. To go maybe where no man
has ever gone before!
Al’s Place
Once the side skins are fitted we will match
drill with 1/8” (# 30) bit and rivet.
Here is the F10 bulkhead that the front spar
of the vertical stab bolts to and behind it the
platform where the horizontal stab will be
bolted, There are a lot of pieces in the tail
section. The half bulkhead is F11 and on its
bottom is the forward attach point for the tail
spring. Obviously precise drilling of the tail
feathers needs to be exact. When the skeleton frame of the HS is assembled we will be
Cold Beer Here!
November 2013
EAA and Local Chapter Sites
2013 Officers and
Committee Chairmen
EAA 485
Lite Blue Angels EAA 105
John McKiernan (850) 291-4134
EAA 1265
EAA 108
Interesting Links:
Old Cars Being Abused
Mike Hardy Vids
Human Powered Helicopter
Vice President: Robert Ermer (850) 417-9277
Sec/Treasurer: Mark Watson (850) 293-4100
Flight Advisor: Harry Herman (850) 857-4353
Thatcher CX4 Yahoo Group
Thatcher Build Site
Aircraft Parts Express
Barnstormers Flight Planning, Charts Airport info, Fuel Prices
Bob McGoun (850) 261-1194
Barin OLF ASOS 251 970-2469
Cliff Hill
Tech Counselor: Doug Francisco (850) 261-1256
Young Eagles: Lamar Childs (850) 602-3319
Normally meetings will be held at
Ferguson Airport (82J) (Uni 122.8)
on the Second Saturday of each
month at 10:00 AM unless otherwise posted.
Please check the Ferguson Resource
Page if flying in.
Anyone interested in general aviation and building or restoring aircraft are welcome.
HWY 98
Aileron Ave
Blue Angel
EAA 485
Fergu 82J
For more info contact:
John McKiernan
850 291-4134
Pensacola FL
November 2013
2013 Events Calendar
November 9th 2013 Chapter Meeting
Tips, Classifieds, Miscellaneous
Dick Lawrence For Sale
New Members and guests
Serfi final
Christmas Party December 15th
Lunch price increase
Naval Museum
Thatcher Update
AOPA Safety Seminar Nov 14th
Members Project Update
New Business from the floor
EAA Chapter video
Harbor Freight Creeper
Harbor Freight rolling stool 20.00/obo
6 Gal plastic gas cans (2)
10.00 ea./obo
Got something to sell!
Place your classified here
Nov. 14 - AOPA/ASI Weather Challenge
Free Safety Seminar, Hagler Auditorium,
Pensacola State College (PSC), Pensacola,
FL - 7pm-9pm -
Lunch: Hamburgers etc.
$ 4 Donation requested
Future Meeting Dates:
December 14th Christmas Party Dec 15th
January 11th
February 8th
Breakfast monthly
 First and Third Saturdays: Breakfast at
Shields (AL55) hosted by Lite Blue Angels 8:30
Nov. 14 - AOPA/ASI Weather Challenge
Free Safety Seminar, Hagler Auditorium,
Pensacola State College (PSC), Pensacola,
FL - 7pm-9pm -
Pensacola FL
For more information
850 473-1225
850 324-5357
850 261-1194
For more information
850 473-1225
850 324-5357
850 261-1194