1992 - Watertown Free Public Library
1992 - Watertown Free Public Library
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I WAT:ERTOW HIGH SCHOOL N tJ AL WATERTOWN, 1 MA ADMINISTRATION A C U L T Dr. Sally Dias Superintendent of Schools Robert Ford Assistant to Headma ter 11 1992 Left to Ri ht It Row Dorothy !Vfandel Katherine Vigneau Anth ny Ma troiannt 1eorgc Bu kley 12 Frank McDona ld ancy Pipito Michael McDermott Linda Picceri Charle~ Vento John Barbati Thom:is McG overn Patrick Trani 2nd Row Lawrence Sullivan Mary Laverne Wright-Miner David Sheehan Bryna Leeder Carole Halloran Pamela McCourt Ruth Harutunian Joanna Honig Thomas Neylon Paul Dchlncy James Traver'i Martin Finn Karen Trenholm Jrd Ro"' TA'FF Mark Petricone Thomas Wittenhagen Jane Rost Bruce Novak Christine Farnsworth Patricia Stayn Kathleen Thompson Eli1.abe1h Whall John Hayward Diane Bemis Marie Hannon Ann Marie Connors Janet Manning Carla Scuzzarella 4th Row Geno Gemmato Michael Harrington Michae l Portentoso Barbara Williams Donna Gorian David Campbell Linda Dudley Elizabeth Clark Sharon Lichtman Roberta Best Margaret Hayes Frank Rizzo Jame Barry Jack Gardiner Donald Sweeney 1l Hagop Ajoian Georgina Al-Aweel William James Anastasiades Roberto Antonellis Robert Antonellis 18 Hasmig V. Balian Jack Bardakjian Christopher Jame Barry Jason Mike Barter Michael James Burton Jared Anthony Bianchi Kristin Boschetto Paul Robert Bourque Rosalba Quiroga Bravo Erin Noel Buonomo Laura Marie Burnett Emiliano Caloiero Mark J. Campbell andro alidonn 19 Tara Canty 20 Sarah Jane Cazabon Joseph Chiodo Stephen Vincent Ciccarelli Tatit Cinar Julie Ann Corkery Kimberly Starr Dicker Jennifer Marie DiDonato Linda Jean DiGiacomandrea Clementina Dimonda 21 ·in ent Peter Di. 'apoli Linda Eliseo 22 Darrell Charles Fo sitt Elpis M. Foudoulakis Sihia Maria Fusco Mia Galeotalanza Susan Hallacoglu Lorien Hard Stephen Craig Hunt 23 Luis Raymond lturriaga 24 Maximo Felipe lturriaga Michelle Elizabeth Joyal Natasha B. Kahn Katherine Agnes KeUy Kevin P. Kelly Alex Ara Keomurjian Michele M. Keough aureen Bridget Lawn Megan Jean Lessard Daniel Knighten Katherine Kokoros Shane Paul Lamagna Kimberly Ann Largey Rene Tiffany Lessard Michael Li 25 Raymon Li Nicole Marie Mahoney 26 tobert Leu4er Marra Samantha Septina Martinez Paul Andre Martocchia Da n 1. McCormaclt Raffi Edward Merjik Jenine Nicole Micco Katherine Marie Munroe Traci Ann Napolitano Jeffrey James Nicoloro Jason Lawrence O'Connell Patricia Ann 0 Connell Kelly Lee Odette 27 Christo her Haik Ohannessian Fouzia Omar Karen Lynn O'Reilly Keith Michael Parent Irene P ikarakis heila Anne Reynold Richard Rocci Da na Rodrigues 28 Roupen Sarkissian John A. Savini Lucy Schiuoni Kimberley Seacrist Peter Sisan Brandon Stahl Elaine Stefanis 29 30 trato tratakia herri Sullhan Frank Talarico Sarkis Tashjian Mark Taslakian Ara Tchaprazian Tamar Tirinkian Julia Torres Raphael Toutoundjian Pauline Tsolas Lisanne Desiri Vandongen 32 ~-- ' ' ___ I GOL 38 FRO T ROW (I -R) Paul Mc •ffrcy. Eric Now1k1 (C'apl.). M1k~ Manov1on . Mike Wnlsh Mancutn ( apt.), Ryan Glc wn, Roch 1!.oss1. OCCER FRONT ROW (l-R) En• Allen, "n1huny "lkn, ,..;1A11< O'H<1nncu1an,Sh11tcGI Bouror Tchaprullln, Mu ltumaga (Capt.I Ara Tchapra111n Lu11 llurriaga ( apl ~Mina. Scott Han1en, ElllOI Shay. Coach Z1pm1 T OW (L-R) Ari gennetian, Brandon Stahl, Rob Marra (Capt.). Kristen DeAngelis (Capt.), Rene Lessard (Capt.), Ben Porter (Capt.), Sue Fowler. BACK ROW; Kate Porter, Ray Li. James McMullin. BriJea- Boudreau . Tricia Dalo, Judy Boudreau, Katie O' Dette, Juan Flores, Coach Sullivan. I BOY IN OOR TR CK 44 BOYS BASKETBALL f·RONI ROW (1 - R) Miran Nshaniun, Marcus cAn clis, Mike Z ildgian , Steve Cic arclli ( a pt), T o m unnOll) (Capt). .'ean Fitzgera l (< pl), Liam onnolly. BACK ROW . Cuach Fitzgera ld, Coach Da id1 a n, Mike Ra mond, Ryan fileason, Angelo Kapatcnakis, Mtkc Nocera, Brian Griffen, I lead Coac h orrigan . 47 FRONT ROW (L-R) MIKE MANCUSO, ANTHONY DIESO, (CAPT.) MIKE FARRELL, (CAPT.) MARK CAMPBELL, (CAPT.) RICH ROCCI, (CAPT.) JAMIE VENEZIA, DAVE CARUSO, TODD GLIDDEN, GREG GARABEDIAN, JACK BARDARKJIAN SECOND ROW (L-R) COACH DEVANEY, MARTY CARLOW, COACH, TOM JOHNSON, MIKE PALMER. JOE GALLAGHER, HUGH MURPHY, RON TIMPERIO, RICH LEWIS, BRIAN DONOVAN, GREG CONNORS, JASON DOUCETTE, BOB MCDADE, (MGR.) SHELLY EVANS, (MGR.) KATIE SILVER, HEAD OACH, PAUL CEDORCHUK. HOCKEY 1 ROW Cl -R) Jessic.1 M;ircus, Hc;1thcr lynch. lcanne Boudreau, K<1ren O'Reilly (Capt.). Coach • E.lent l\ndriol;1t<1s. Antonella M1cdlin1, Judy B iudcau . SECOND ROW ; Kendra Mcdvillc, ny Roger , Penny ta1rbJin , Kelly Bru~tu\, D1.:bbic Mi~s;1I, JcssicJ I 1cn. Bl\ K ROW ; Katelyn d cy, Kn ten f>eAn cl1 • hri tine Mo nihan. Kate Porter GIRL BASKETBALL FRONT ROW (L-R) Rene Lessard, Maureen Lawn (Capt), Patty Grady (capt), Angela Marchesano (Capt), Kim Boyd. BACK ROW; Meg Sullivan, Kerry Lessard, Maurin O'Grady, Li z Gaspar, Mary Stavropolus, Julie Fahey, Karen Azua, Coach Vento. 53 FRO'IT ROW (l T R)· Katelyn Femia. Katte elly. l\im Bo)d, Megan Les ·a rd, Tara Lenaghan BACK RO\\ Christine Burns, Maurin O'Grady, Allison Le.,.. is, Kerr} Lessard, Susan fow ler. Katie Silver, Jessica Le~n. Ta,.;ha Moore. Diana Caracino Hockey Cheerleaders Front Row (L-R); Colleen Donovan (capt.). Kelly King (capt.), Jen Rossi (capt.). Allison Lewis (cap J Middle Row; Jessica Gavell, Julie Corkery, Jeanine Macintyre, Potoula Andritsakis. Coach Hoffrn n Back Row; Kristie Arria, Angela Carbone, Maria Cottone, Mia Galeotalanza, Jessica Mo,quera BasketbaJ, Cheerleaders Front Row (L-R); Anna Lisa DellaChiesa, Jen Bruzzese, Linda Eliseo (capt.), Karen Fogert) I 1.-.ipl ). L a Chalmers. Jen Curley, Coach Daugherty. Back Row - Deanna Eliseo, Darlene Jigarjian, icole lacon Andrea Ba rry, Rebecca King, Laurie Messina. I Cheerleader.. ow (L-R): Kim Seacrist, Karen Fogerty (capt.). Linda Eliseo (capt.), Katie Kelly, Tricia O'Conddle Row: Jen Baker, An n Lisa DellaChiesa , Jen Brunese. Sabrina Deluca, Lisa Chhlmers. ,.._,.. .. " ..... Danielle Distefano, Carol Akerbcrg. Jaime Seacrist, Andrea Barry. Nicole laconelli h erleaders 1 ow. Maureen Callera (capt.) Lorna Susi (capt) Second Row: Kristie Arria, Keri Barter, Anna 1oppa, Tina Dimonda. Jackie McGurl + Tanya Minassian Third Row: Juana Galvao, Marion dian. Carol Silver. Serda Chitchian. Gina u + Coa h Hoffman orton, Nirva Derbekyan, Arie Zargarian, Michelle FRO TROW (I TOR): Danny Hannon. can fitzgerald. foe Chiodo, Mrkc Mike Mancuso BACL ROW IL TOR): An1hon; Dile o, Todd Strangio, hri Frie Nowicki, Frank McManu , Nick Ti1an oa h 8;1rba11. S8 ••Iii GIRLS TENNIS (l TOR) Patty Grady, Angela arbone, Tina DiMonda. BACK ROW ( O.rncll, Anna DcllaCioppa Back Row (l -R). Coach Cedrone, Elliot Sha}. Ryan Glidden, Poly eno I i1holl1mo • Hrnir \lira Front Row - Ray Li. rmcn Meschian. Mike F.1rrell , 'tnc h11 lcr. Tom onnoll . fit.. D< h rl 62 ia1 ck Back Row (1.-R)- ( oach Sullivan, Jeff Milkr, i\nlon1u Puleo, Rich Connolly. Anthony Gentile, MJlt WJdc, a Keith I yttle, ( oach Ra henbuq,(, ( nach Smith. Middle Row - Sh.1wn I lubcr, I I ugh Murphy, Paul McC.111 c Raymond, Mall Lngl.ind, M.1t1 l>cAngcl1s hont Row - Ari Gcnnc11,1n, D.1vc Bcradinelli, Brandon Stahl, Ben Rob Marra 66 CL \ .'' OFFICER L TOR Patricia O'Connell. \'ice-President . 11(hael Farrell, Pre,ide nt ; Angel f rche n , Trea urer, and Maureen Lawn, 'ecrelal). STLDE 'T COU CIL F RO T RO\\ IL TO R )·Jennifer R ·i, Peter Airasian, Patricia Grady, Susan ov.ler, Leah tanzelli. le· ·ica Gaveli, Katie Kelly BACK ROW : Kim Dicker, J. Frgholini. Peter Tenaglia, Katie O'Dette. Holly Holmberg, Colleen Donovan, Karen Fogerty EXECUTIVE OMMITTEE ( L TO R): Brandon Stahl. Joanne Casella, rin Buonomo, Cind) Darn HARVARD MODEL CO GRES FRONT ROW (L TO R): Maria Cottone, Ani Maserejian, Tahnil S Iak Sarah Cazabon, Patricia O'Connell. Christine Manavian. BACK RO\\ Hayward, A.J . Figliolini, James McMullin. Brandon Stahl. Grant \'ii.'lund Breakstone. WORD PAINTER R)· Susanna 11:.atsman, Rena Abdul-Me siah, Alis Marachelian, Samantha ci-Rubi . Ml ING FROM PICTURE: Ani Maserejian, Paula Laand Thomas Lee. Al-Aweel, Hasmig ARMENIAN CLUB FRONT ROW (L TO R) : Sevan Cinar, Hasmig Balian, Alis Marachelian. Ani Maserejian, Alis Taghnanelian, Hermine Mnatsakanian, Rita Halwajian. BACK ROW: Alex Shaginian, Kevork Kazanjian, Assadour Akilian, Vatch Keusseyan, Razmig Almayan, Hagop Ajoian, Georgina Al-Aweel, Emma Sahakian. Stephanie Yessayan . ACAD EM IC DECATHALON FRONT ROW (L TO R) : Kevin Robbins, Rita Halwadjian, Alis Marachelian . Diana Caracino, Lisa Chalmers. Teca Galvao, Ani MasereJian. B o\Ck. ROW: Flora Keumurian , Chris Keath , A.J. Figliolini, Natasha Kahn, Bri.rn O'Reilly, Jennifer Rossi, Christine Ma nav1an, Elaine Stefani . IDS LEADERSHIP FRO TROW (L TOR) A.J Figliolm1, Ben Brcabtonc. Rachel Mount Kathrine Munro.: B CK ROW. Natasha Kahn. James Mc Mullin. 'arah ( bon. orey S Oll CREW F O'\IT RO\\ (L TOR): S. Olivieri, J. Balzer, E Sahakian. T Sakakeeny, M . DellaCioppa, P Andntsa( ttone R. Les ard, A. KeomurJian. BACK ROW: ki , \1. Galeolatanza, G Al-Av.eel, J McMullin. E. Stefanis. A.J. Figliolini. S. Fowl r S . Cazabon, B. Stahl, K Fogerty, . Carbone. B. Breakstone, N. Kahn. DA CE TH EATER FRONT ROW (L TO R): K. Arria, J. Mosquera. J Mclnt)re. C Jigarjian. P. O'Connell, K. Seacrist. K. Kelly, A DellaChiesa. J Baker. BACK ROW· M Smith. T. Karras, N . laconelli. K. King. S Eliseo, A. Zargarian, Dcrbekyan, H. Holmberg, J. Orpin. R Ben Br k.stone, James lcMullin MIDDLE ROW: B lzer. Julie oe B r\C K ROW: orey cott. arah Cazabon. ADVISORY COMMITIEE (L to R): Cindy Darnell and Nella Young YEARBOOK STAFF (L to R): Stephanie Marqus, Kim Dicker, Maureen Lawn, Kim cacmt, Angela Marchesano, Katie Kelly, and Patrick Trani-Yearbook Advisor IET\ T hnit Sa ..ik eny, Rita Lola iell,1, e ngda M :m.hc~an • f)J.v 1d Be r• Brundon tahl S teven F O\~ ler , tephn \1 D I L t Rl ~dot re. 1r PRO D 11 Glc:a~on. fa me kl\I ull in, Bill TIO AL HONOR SO I ETY I RO"IT ROW lL TOR) T Sakakeeny. B Anastasiades, G . Garabedian DLE ROW T . Galvao, Cazabon, R. Colafella, Hard, 1- . Foudalak Stefanis, Marchesano. P O'Connell, A. Carbone, M. Cottone, K. Fogt:r\ B.ilian . BACK ROW · \1 Doherty, A .J. Figliohni. C. Darnell, T . DiMond DellaCioppa. ' Kahn. T Connolly, M. Lessard. B. Stahl, S. Fowler, J. Sa\1 Berardin.:lh. D. Sellers, S Yessayan. COSMETOLOGY ( L to R ): Maria Daghlian, Ms. Farnsworth, Lorraine Talarico. Kristen'K ul Irene Psikarakis. OW ll to RI: J. Bardakian. J. Bianchi, T. Cinar. MIDDLE ROW: •11,r11.~wo1rth. J. Byers, D. Church. J Venc1ia, C. Barry, R. Sarkisian, S. R. Antonellis, . Antonelli~. BACK ROW: A. Scott, H. Ajoyan, F. Chiodo, M. Zildjian. R. Bertrand. E. Calicrco. A. Keomurjian, C. M Yuzlek JAZZ BAND FRONT ROW ( L to R): Grant Viklund, A.J . Figllolini, Armen Mcs1.:hian, Steven Fowler, John Maroudas. Raffi Toutoundjian . BACK ROW : Matthew Wade, Tom House, Mike Manavian, Jeff Painter, Joanna Gentile. Antonella ~1ca lini , Flora Keumurian, Mike Neel , Stephen Lalooses, Juan Flores. BIOLOGY CLLB FRONT ROW (L TO R) : . Katsman. L. Hard. M. Farrell, K. Kelly. Moynihan, C. Evans, J . Curley, E. Andriolatos, N Ayanian . BACK RO W: Kandilian. J. Painter, M. Helsmortcl, J. Miller. G. Mo srnan, A.J . Figli olini. M. Manavian. R. Toutounjian, S. Hunt, T. Glidden , D Berardinelli, Mr Buckley B Stahl. F 0 PEER LEADERSHIP T RO\I, (LI R)· J B.:i l Fiedler- \dv1 or, P 1ra "an. D. Egli, K M~Grath, C Ackerberg. A Micalizzi , J Baker, S Patel, R. Abdul-Mes~iah. T Connolly, S GleH01 1an, D. DiStcphano, K DeAngelis. J CurlC), J Boudreau, E. Andriolato, L Manzclli, D aracino, J Rossi. S . Deluca, K. Purrim, T Pat okostas,> Carbone K Fo erty. R Lc:.sard, f Cottone, J 'a•in1, K D1Stephano. BACK ROW· B. O'R1elly. L Hard , C Donovan. E. Gaspar, S Savini, T . Gcswcll , M Joya hrunez, f La n, Marqu • I Farrell. K. Did.er, A larchc,ano, K Boyd, K. Donahue, K. Flores, T Lenaghan. T. Torchio, J Bruzzese, J. McGurl. T Glidden S.A.D.D. Dushlru K Guthro. J Rossi, K. Un>worth, J. Boudreau. J Fahey, S . Fowler, S. Evans, L. Chalmers, A. DellaCbiesa. L. Manzelli, S Colton-Mawlia. B Orpin. O'Rtill¥ M. anavian. MIDDLE ROWc M. Bedrossian. J. Curley. C Manavtan, K. Purrini , B. Paulson, J . Boudreau, E. Andriolatos. K. King, D Caracino, J. Rossi, T. Ges,.ell, C bone, E Buonomo. J Casella, T. Di..\.tonda. C. Donovan. H . Holmberg, S. Patel, M. Galeolatanza, P. Andriolakis, R. Halwajian. A. Marachelian. BACK ROW: AJ . Figliolim Kcumer11an, S. Fitzgerald L Eliseo, R Almayan. B. Chari, B. Stahl. M Zildjian, S. Fowler, R. Rocci, S . Ciccarelh. C . Darnell, T. Connolly, M. Farrell, A. Marcbe ano, K. Dieter. Marqus, M. Deane, A. Lewis. K. O'Dctte, J. Allegro, K. Silver. R. Colafella, A Maserjian. OFFICERS: President-M Farrell, Vice-Presidents-A. Carbone, L. Chalmers, K. Die Secretary- T. Connolly, Treasurer-8 Stahl. R DRAMA CLUB TROW (L TOR): J. Peterson, J. LeB!anc, N. Young J . Rossi, . Duschku, E. Pet row, K. Smith, J . Balnr, J . Berney. MIDDLE ROW: F. Keumurian, ithotomos, C colt. J. Boudreau, R. Mounts-Quirk, B. Paulson. J. Boudreau. T . Lee, G. Vicklund, B. Porter, A.J. Figliolini, J . Myers. S. Oliveri, M. Kane, ell\ BACK ROW: C. Campbell, T.J. Huse, C. Keath, M. eel, S. Cazabon. B. Breakstone, . Kahn. J. Ryan, M. Farrell. A. Keomurjian . S. Gleason, S o;, K. Large . J. We ley. \. TRl-1-11-Y TROW (L TO RJ A Carbone, K. Fogerty, E Buonomo. J . Casella . 2nd ROW : R . H alwa djian . J . Boudreau, J Gentile. A DellaCh1esa, R . Lessard, P O'Connell. I\. Dicker, 3rJ1an, P Grady. A Marchesano, S. Marqus, M. Deane. 3rd ROW : Ms Kazarosian , B. Paul son, J . Boudreau , K Boyle, S Colton-Matsalia. D. Caracino. K Purrmi , a 1vian, L. Chalmers, L. Manzelli, R. Colafella, L. Wesley. K. DiStephano, A . Marachelian, A. MasereJian. S . Fowler. J Thoma s, A Micalizzi, E ndnolato'. ascimento 4th W J Curley K. DeAngelis, E. Sahakian, M Cottone, M . Galeolatanza, A . DellaCioppa, P Andritsakis, E Foudalakis. T Galvao, M. J oyal. T D1Monda. C Darnell, A. UrJ1an. T Connolly, M. ZildJtan, M. Farrell. S . Fowler. L. Eliseo, M. Lawn. K. Boyd, J . Micco, J . Torre~ . A Lew" , C Donovan. J . Blanchard ROW 1l to Rl: like Mana •ian, JoannJ Genule, Chn,tine r.igon 'usa n Mcfarl in. Lutoya La Guerre, Christine Connolly. Na ncy Reardon MI DOLE ROW: Juan Flore£, rah i.ham,.. Shanno (<>lton- atulia. Z1nat Nii strzadeh. Renee Jones. Pag Wheaton, Flora Kem urian, Shannon McFlhincy. Nate Dushku, Tracy Fwd, Jessica Russi, Jen rr • Fnc Ga>pcr, Gr.mt '1klund. kft Painter, Ben Porter. Tom Hou,e, Sarah Cazabon, Mike Neel , Tricia Dalo. James McMullin, Rachel MuunuM ers. BA . K RO\\. Ton Qu1rk, Dorb G ton!!ua , Katie O'Dette, \bb\ B'lcon. Sarnira H3nnuv>h \11SSING FROM PICTURE MichJcl Beattie. James Castanmo, Penny Fairbairn, Amanda Finn, Rebe a King. l ure le in • Don P1 catelli, Jaduc McDonald. l1"1 Sah·ucc1, John McDonough. Ra ffi Toutoundjian. IRISH CLUB FRONT ROW {L TOR) Mike Manavian, Corey Scott. Danny Hannon. Brian O'Rei lly, Mike Farrell, Marie Deane, Julie Fahey. Kim Dicker, Rene Lessa Karen Fogerty, Althea MacDonald . BACK ROW : Mike Bedrossian, Eric Nowicki. Razmik Almayan, Joe Gallagher, Sean Fitzgerald, Ryan Gleasot;1, To Conn lly, tevcn Fowler, Linda Elt eo. Allison Lewis, Ma unn O'Grady, Counney Eva ns, Christine Moynihan . Front Row: Patrick Trani (Yearbook Advi ·or) Back Row L-R: Stephanie Marqu , Kimberly Dicker, Maureen Lawn, Kimberley Seacrist, Angela Marchesano and Katie Kelly Maureen La wn Sports Editor Kimberley Seacri t Copy Editor Katie Kelly Co Editor 9 Putting On The Ritz 17 18 22 82 31 32 Dinner Theater Once Upon A Mattress! NATIONAL HONOR CUM LAUDE ck Row (L-R); Cynthia Darnell, Clementina Dimonda, John Maroudas, Sarah Cazabon. David Beradinclli, Lorien Hard, Brandon Stahl. Steven Fowle r, ne Stefanis, Stephanie Yessayan. Angela Marchesano, Megan Lessard, Antony Figliolini, John Savini , William Anastasiades, Natasha Kahn . Middle Row; na Dellacioppa, Karen Fogerty, Maria Cottone, Angela Carbone, Lorena Wesley. Karen O'Reilly, Kathy Munroe. Tricia O'Connell, Elpis Foudoula Kis. Colafella. Hasmig Balian, Teca Galvao. Front Row; Tom Connolly, David Sellers. Michael Doherty, Greg Garabedian . 91 Cum Laude Back Row (L-R); John Maroudas, Sarah Cazabon, David Beradinelli, Lorien Hard. Bra ndon Stahl. Steven Fowler, Elaine Stefan is, Stephanie Yessaya n. Angela Marchesano, Megan Les. ard. Anthony Figliolini. Front Row; Tricia O'Connell, El pis Foudoula Kis, Rita Colafella, Hasmig Ba lian, Tahnit Sakakeeny. AW tRfl'> f:H"/l/f,'VC l'ROCR.tM. WAlfRllJW 11/(,'JI .'tr/IOOI -11 ~u t 1'>91 I. Medi.; 1dc ur the Year 2 The I11112 Amcru.:;1n Classical League aml the ' uonal Jun1ur Cla '":al I eague Ccrt1ficatc of ltunorablc Merit for the Natiunal I.at in l: • m1nat1on Magn,1 Cum I uude Alis Marachel1an Sil•er Ma•ima Cum Laude Richard Ro•>• 3 Foreign Language Department Pr11c for Out landing firth Year Student ol F rcnch , Italian and Spanish french , Elaine Stefan" llali.;n, C'lcmcntina D1Mond.; ' panish, Tahnit Sakakeeny 4 American A ociation of Teacher> of French C ompct1t1on Top Score> for Watertown High School Top Score: Marguerite Ohanne '1Jn B Top score in each level. Level I - Rani Eldred Level 2 - Anna Portnoy Level J - Nirva Derbekyan Level 4 - Kristen DeAngeli> 5. American Association of Teachers of Span1>h and Portuguese Top >Core for Watertown High School Advanced Level, Christine Manav1an Level 2, N icolelle Allen Level 3. Julie Coe Level 3, Christina Aragon 6. Armenian Club Award Trophy Alis Marachelian 7. Massachusetts Boys State Award Presented by American Legion Post #99 Sean Fitzgerald Joseph Gallagher 8. Excellence in Business Studies Katherine Munroe Jenine Micco Excellence in Accounting Studies David Sellers Excellence in Computer Studies Antonella Micalizzi 9. I OS Scholarship Natasha Kahn Rachel Mounts-Quirk 10 Library Intern of 1992 Kimberly Boyd 11 Mary Carlene Mosca Award To the senior who has received Special Education services and who has made the most improvement in the area of Life Skills Joel Peterson 12. Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute Medal for an outstanding math and science student Jennifer Curley 13. Tri-Hi-Y Scholarships Erin Buonomo Karen Fogerty 14. Drama Cup Alex Keomurjian Sarah Cazabon Katherine Kelly 15. Word Painter Literary Magazine Award Editor and Assistant Editors Paula Laguerre 93 Ani Maserejian 93 Samantha Cerusici-Rubik 94 Thomas Lee 95 Alis Marachelian 93 Rena Abdul-Messih 94 Susanna Katsman 94 16. Writers of the Month Award> Susan Fowler 93 Corey Scoll 93 Susanna Katsman 94 Nia Nas1mento 93 Julie Coe 94 Steven Casella 95 17. Thomas Blake ward : School Organ1zat1on contnbu11nj! most to chool Spirit SADD President : Michael Farrell IR. Out landing Achievement in fathcmati.: hr a Freshman 11 b~ . . 1111 chievcmenl 1n Mathematics for a Junior Chalmers 11 [)cAngelis ·ng chicvement in Mathematics for a Senior ~ Yessayan nee 111 Photography Award . 11 Hard Bose hello Tbomas Cannalonga Art Award cl Dobert) n Street Spa Art Scholarship 1.•Ml!Ucl Doherty L C Santoro Art Scholarship cl Doherty trtown Art Association Award el Doherty a rtown Female Athlete (underclass) Fahe) own '"ale Athlete (underclass) Fitzgerald a rtown Female Scholar/Athlete (underclass) · en DcAngelis 1 own Male Scholar/ Athlete (underclass) ph Gallagher rt0\>11 Female Outstanding Senior Athlete t 1cia Grady wo Male Outstanding Senior Athlete el Farrell cl E. Avtges Scholarship el Farrell Track and Field Officials Association Scholar.ship d Berardinelli master Awards h Chioda (olafella 1a Darnell entma DiMonda ~ Fogerty Galvao cle Keough ele Lessard d Li me Ye!»ayan rt m Memory of Stella Malkasian Boy to an mg Foreign language Senior in French, Italian n15h reach, David Sellers Clementina DiMonda Linda Eliseo Michael Farrell Steven Fowler Patricia Grady Michelle Joyal Alex Keomurjian Rene Lessard Stephanie Marques Patricia O'Connell Karen O'Reilly Lorena Wesley Michael Zildjian 39. Watertown Woman's Club Scholarship Georgina Al-Aweel Elpis Foudoulakis Julia Torres 40. John Black Award Industrial Arts Department Anthony Antonellis 41 . Erald Sawyer Scholarship Lowell School PTO Elaine Stefanis 42. Cunniff School Scholarship Award Angela Marchesano 43. Kenneth Colman Memorial Scholarship Julia Torres 44. Kenny Melanson Scholarship Award Grant Viklund 45. Myer Neiburg Award Tahnit Sakakeeny 46. Francis X. Mooney Scholarship (Former Principal of the West Junior High School) Angela Marchesano 47. Jay Lenaghan Memorial Scholarship David Berardinelli 48. Julie Lynn Aylaian Memorial Scholarship Dawna Rodrigues Stephanie Yessayan 49. John J. Carver Humanitarian Memorial Award Patricia O'Connell 50. Hagopian Art and Music Award Michael Doherty 51. Jack Hahn Music Awards Sarah Cazabon Grant Viklund 52. Sons of Italy - Academic Achievement Awards Stephen Ciccarelli Anna DellaCioppa John Savini 53. Frank Jameson Award In academic excellence to an Armenian student Michael Zildjian 54. L.T.X. Corporation Scholarship Thomas Connolly 55. Joseph Malley Scholarship Maureen Lawn 56. National School Choral Award Kimberly Ann Largey 57 . Major Mark L. Ohanian, D.M .D. Memorial Award David Berardinelli 58. Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Boston Scientific Sarah Cazabon 59. Outstanding Student - Social Studies Freshman James Castanino Outstanding Student - Social Studies Sophomore Deborah Missal Outstanding Student - Social Studies Junior Lisa Chalmers Outstanding Student - Social Studies Seniors Brandon Stahl 60. Outstanding Citi7enship Award - Social Studies Freshman Brian Lally Outstanding Citizenship Award - Social Studies Sophomore Michael Raymond Outstanding Citizenship Award - Social Studies Junior • uz nn k arth' Ouhtandon ~ 1t1zen .hop "ard • s,,dal Studoe mor I>.i-.d Bcranlondh I> I. J hn Pho lip Sou'a "ard Rach.id fount>-Quirl. 62. cademo. E"ellcnce Awanh • freshman : Ni.:,1lctte ,\lien, J.lmc Ca,tanino, Pen lope Fairbairn, Sh;innon M.:Elhincy, Anna P irt no). J ''icn R 1 B ' t1phom,,, · Julie Coe, Sam..inta (eru,c1°Rub1I., nncmarie Fogerty, amirn Hannou,h , facqueline McDonald , Deborah ~i.sal, O.:bra Penta C Junior. Diana aracino. Li halmer.. Jennifer Curl y. Kri ten DcAngelis. Jennifer Ro i 63 P.T U. .:holar>htp 1chard Ro.:<1 Emma Sahalr.ian 64 \\.at rto" n Lodge of Ell.s T. Henry Davis cholarship Anthon) J Figholini 65 . Waterto"n Lodge of Elks Waterto111n De ervong Student Brandon tahl 66 . Watcrto"n Lodge of Elks Lt Paul ulhvan Award Ha.mtg Bahan 67 Margaret Bainbridge Memorial Scholarship Award Tahnit akakeeny 65 . Watertown Rotary Club Scholarship nna DcllaCioppa Angela Marchesano David Sellers 69. Watertown Rotary Club Midshipman Steven B. Everett Scholarship Michael Farrell 70. Watertown Rotary Scholarship Georgina Al-Aweel 71. Watertown Rotary Club Guest Speaker Award Todd Glidden Ale~ Keomurjian Katherine Kelly 72. Wilham Laughrea Scholarship Cynthia Darnell 73 Rut L Small - Special Education Teacher Award To th Seniors who have received support services and who are going on to higher education Anthony Antonellis Patricia Grady 74 Academic Decathlon Team Medal for most valuable contribution a ward Anthony J . Figliolini 75. Academic Decathlon certificate of commendation Kevin Robbins Christopher Keath Alis Marachelian Flora Keumurian Rita Halwadjian atasha Kahn Anthony Allen Christine Manavian Matthew Wade Ano Maserejian Christopher James Jennifer Rossi Diana Caracino Lauren Tomaselli Maria Giglio Lisa Chalmers Elaine Stefanos Brian O'Reilly Teca Galvao 76 P.T.S 0 Scholarship Katherine Kelly Brandon Stahl 77. George J Munhall Award To the senior "ho has received Special Education Service and ha.< made the most improvement in the area of Work Skill Michele Keough 78 Massachusetts Foreign Language A sociat1on Student Award For excellence in Fren~h. Spam h, ltaliJn, Armenian and Latin hcnch K ren I ogcrty Span1 h teven I owler I h ir W1lh"m Ana ta 1~d rmcn1an (ircg Pap1111 n 79 M• achu tt I orctgn I n~Ull l udcr•hip A "a rd Patricia O'(onncll l!O ESL Aide Award Tanya anij!lia Samanta Ccru,ici-Rubtk 81. Excellence in ESL Ale~ Shagiman Fouzia Omar 82. Book Award Harvard, L1 a C h.ilmers Bo. ton Univer ity. Jeanne Boudreau ( chool of Educallon) , Columbia, Jennifer Ro 1 William>, Kri•ten DcAngeli Cornell, Shannon Colton-Matsalia Smith. Ani Ma;ereJian Suffolk, Christopher James Amherst, Diana Caractno Princeton, Jennifer Curley Wellesley, Lauren Tomaselli 83 Participant in 1991 - 92 Art - All State Lauren Tomaselli 84. Outstanding Senior Foods Student Vincent DiNapoli 85. Most Improved Cirl/Boy Laura Burnett William Macintyre 86 Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Award for a sophomore student who has demonstrated 'tron~ leadership. (The winner will attend a Leadership Seminar ' days at Boston University in June) AnneMarie Fogerty 87 . American Association of Teachers of Italian/ Scores for Watertown High School ltalian 4: Angela Carbone Italian 3: Guiseppina Carbone Italian 2: Anthony J . Figliolini 88. Sons of Italy Award for Excellence in Italian Italian 5: Clementina DiMonda Italian 4: Angela Carbone Italian 3: Jennifer Baker Italian 3: Maria Giglio Italian 2: James Castanmo Italian 2: Samanta Cerusic1-Rub1k 89. Invitation to participate in National Merit S.: Program Benjamin Breakstone 90. Kiwanis Club of Watertown Scholarship Todd Glidden Kimberley Seacrist 91. Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholar;hip Anthony J. Figliolini 92. National Honor Society Certificate of Merit Karen Fogerty Anthony J . Figliolini 93. Raider Times Awards Thomas Lee, 95 Julie Balzer. 94 Heather Lynch, 94 Benjamin Breakstone, 93 Jennifer Blanchard, 93 Sarah Cazabon , 92 94 Raider Times Scholarship A"ard Tahnit Sakakeeny Natasha Kahn 95. John P. Degnan cholar hip A.,.ard (former principal of the Coolidge chool) David Berardinelli 96 Helen Ray Parker cholar-;hip tcphanic Yc scyan 97 A. R P A"'ard Karen O'Reilly 98. Patrick Ford Memorial "ard {For E~cellence in cadcm1 · . I ntel"chola Uc and lnvoh·emcnt wllh the \\atcrt "n Bo ' nd Club) Thoma. J ,1nnoll 9'1. W111c:r1own Historical ociety .\ward Outstanding Achievement in Social Studies Anthony Figllolini 100. t\rsenal Mall Scholarship Mi.:h.icl Farrell IOI. rsenal Mall Teen Board ngela Carbone 102. A.:hievement in English Award Freshman: Anna Portnoy Sophomore: Julie Coe Junior: Lisa Chalmers Senior· Elpis Foudoulakis 103 :!1st Century Book Award for most improved in the field of English Freshman : Karen Epsom Sophomore: Gina Carbone Junior· Andrew Wallace enior Shana Lamagna 104. Outstanding Senior Thesis Award Cynthia Darnell Outstanding Senior Thesis Award Patricia O'Connell Outstanding Senior Thesis Award David Sellers 105 . Harvard Model Congress Award Outstanding Achievement: Benjamin Breakstone Participation: Sarah Cazabon Maria Cottone Anthony J . Figliolini atasha Kahn Christine Manavian Ani Maserejian James McMullin Patricia O'Connell Tahnit Sakakeeny Grant Viklund 106. James F. Adams Memorial Citizenship Award Michele Keough Shane Gleason 107. Drama Award atasha Kahn 108. Watertown High Alumni Janet Perez 109 Balzer Family Scholarship Alex Keomurjian 110. Fabio Mastantuono Scholarship David Sellers 11 I. Purity Supreme Scholarship Sarah Cazabon 112. Purity Supreme Awards Hagop Ajoian Christopher Barry Roberto Antonellis Sandro Calidonna Joanne Casella 113. Glen Mastrangelo Memorial Scholarship Michael Farrell 114 Watertown High School Awards Doris Gastonguay Stephen Hunt Michelle Joyal Melissa Krevy Kristen Kulahlian tcphanie Marqus James McMullin Kelly O ' Dette 115 Boston Sea Rovers Achievement Award Brandon Stahl 116. New England Institute of Technology Technical Book Award Jason O'Connell 117 Chamber of Commerce New England Fuel Institute David Sellers 118 Watertown Mall Angela Marchesano 119 Mary Ann McDonald Barry Award Shane Gleason QUET , 0~ 11 Parent Messages We wi:.h you . uccess and great achievement. Love Mom, Dad. Madathia, and Gary. Mike Nocera. h.l\lking good at the hoop. Good luck forever. Love Mom :.ind Dad. Darrell Fo.:-.itt, You've made Best or luc U' prnud! Good lud.:! Love Mom. Eric, and John. from the Grad) family. ino. you did a great job at the high school. Good luck at college. Love Mom, Dad. John. Dawn, Steph, and Bri. Tamar Tirinkian, you made it. good luck. Love 1a and Dnd. Raffi Merjik, I am sure that you will make us proud! Love Mom . i ole fa honey. good luck. We kno"' you will be a succe ·s at whatever you choose. Love Mom and Dad. Karen O'Reilly. we wish you happiness, love. and success. Mom, Dad, and Cindie. Julia. e are real proud of you. Good luck at Lasell. Love Ma, Dad, Chrissy, Silver, and Kafta . . Kim Di ker, we love you. You've made us proud . Love Dad, Morn, Tom, and Krista. K;.iren F: Our favorite 18-Year-Old. keep your wits about you. Love Mom and Dad. 1ichellc Joyal, Y.e love you. Good luck at college next year. Love Mom, Dad, and Dave. 't phen. congratulations and a job well do e. Good luck. Love Mom and Dad. Ja. on Capello, y,.e're so proud of you. Good luck in college. Love Mom and Dad. You're the greatest, Ari. We're with you all the way. Watch out world! Family. Pvfark, no more on the driver was wrong. Congrats. Keep jeeping. Love Howie, etc. ~tephanie, good luck, Love ya, Dad and Mom. Tiffany, we wish you happiness and success. Love Morn, Corey, and Brett. Doris. thanks for the melodies! Dad. Mum, and Kristin. II Rachael Quirk, we are proud of you and we love you! Pops, Morn, Mandy, and Jo. David Caruso, to a great son. May you be happy, healthy, and wealthy. Love Mum and Dad. Steven Martis. we love you. Good luck next year. Love, your family. Lucy Schiavoni. congratulations! You made it! Love Mum, Dad. Keryn, and Ricky. Angela Marchesano. we love you. We are very proud of you! Love Mom, Dad, and John. Stephen. congratulations! We are proud of you! We enjoyed your years at W. H .S .. Good luck in the future! Love Mom. Dad. P.J .. Kristin, and David . Class 112 or 1992: Thanks for 4 exciting years. especially for Turkey Day !99/!Good luck to you all. Mr. and Mrs. Chick. n Buonomo, From your first day I our la. l day of school we have ) d haring in all your mileWe wi h you well as you emn college life and success in all r • endeavors. With much love, and Dad Melissa. remember how silly you and Tiffany USED TO BE?! Keep your sense of humor and wonderful smile forever! We're proud of you! Love Mom, Josh, Buffy, and Max. Kristin J. Boschetto. You have been one of the biggest joys of my life! Our favorite Who's Who Student (3 years). You have made us all so very proud. We give you all our love and support. Love Mom and Russ. MICHAEL ZILDJIAN . . WE AREALLEXTREMLEYPROUD OF YOU! WE KNOW YOU'LL BE SUCCESSFUL AT SCHOOL & IN WHATEVER FIELD YOU CHOOSE. PLAY FULL OUT! WE LOVE YOU LOTS, DAD, MOM, MARK, DIANNA. ARMEN, MAIRIG & PEPPER TOO! TODD GLIDDEN, THERE ARE GREAT THINGS OUT THERE FOR YOU AND ITS WITHIN YOUR POWER TO MAKE THEM HAPPEN. YOUR MANY STRENGTHS CAN TAKE YOU AS FAR AS YOU WANT TO GO. FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS! WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU! LOVE, MOM & RYAN. wna Rodrigues, Congratula11ons! I love you, Mom. Francc:J Ames 113 GR DUAT ON Stephanie "\es ayan Valedi 'tor) Speech Graduating from high school signifies the transition from hildhood, a period when the routine of everyday life is set for u , to adulthood, a time of responsibility and decisionmaking. Being an adult means that we can make changes in the world that we live in. Thus, hope for a better future lies 10 he h.inds of our generation. We have the ability to make 1 nificant difference. .. h recent riot. in Los Angeles and the crimes that have e n ommitted due to intolerance around the country and t orld show that one of the major problems facing us is p ejud1ce. Thi ~ is a problem that has to be dealt with refull) and immediately and it has to start with us. II of u have experienced some form of prejudice in our dcl ltves. hether it be racial, ethnic, religious, or ed on gender or differences in opinion. As mbrose ·r ~ defines it, prejudice is "a vagrant opinion without hie means of support." People are inclined to be intolerother ' and ideas that contrast with themselves and •th their beliefs They tend to be unaccepting of those who re different than or unfamiliar to them. As Charles Caleb It n wrote, "We hate some persons because we do not O\\ them~ and we will not know them because we hate Prejudice is simply ignorance. Educating ourselves doesn't only involve classrooms and textbooks. It also includes opening up our minds. As Helen Keller once wrote, ··The highest result of education 1s tolerance." And as Charles F. Kettering said, "When there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier." Our Class of 1992 will go on to college or to work. Hopefully. we will take to the classroom or to the workplace all that we have learned in Watertown High School, along with the conviction that we can make a difference by being more open-minded and accepting of the world's differences. Onl) in this manner will we achieve true success. We should begin attempts to bring people closer together, in order to crea•e a more harmonious existence for people in the future. We have the power and the ability to break down the barrier. that separate society into many isolated groups. Society, like our class, is not characterized by homogeneity, and it never hould be. Each individual is unique, and her or his distinguishing qualities should be tolerated and accepted with an open mind. Only then can unity and peace among people be achieved. As John F. Kennedy once said, "If we cannot end our differences, at least we can help make the w rid safe for diver ity." Good luck in achieving thi and other per onal goals. Dias HeadlJla)tl!t { H1..1nungton 1ch ;l adm1n1straton, reacben, par- and numerous clanroom proJe n m mfdtcd m man "'ays commun1 hn_g clearly and ai.; ept ng and tural and personal differences Events "AoC ba"e enjoyed sui.;b as lnlc:rnat1one Pu un on the Rnz Dance display the talent and ;pirit 1ru.1 comes ut uf It pa en c and good ,.1 f di the members of the 'W atcrtown High S.:hool tudcnts we have dcvclorcd rclauo~ hips not only Vwlth eai:h other but also r ea hen nd residents of the town By havm~ •hared with each other we will ha. we ~ e earned from thc:sc rclauonships to our future endeavo~ on from lugh ""hoof to the ~orld of ork. m1htary or po<t·>ccon<Liry o wha omes 115 the m t al thlS bme We rrught feel all alone as we pa e our future Jives. Per ps ""e might feel i.;onfu.sed and unsure e eouJ .. I ucc m the real orld like the succc<.• .. e have known at ert wn H b \lo di we be able to stand up to the challenges or the orld ,.. 1 believe I 'I.be a er to lbcsc qu~ ns l!. a defintte ._yes~ Hanng learned lo un<Jcmand and re•pcct each other ·differences. we will apply these k.ills to the pursuit nf nur goals nd to reaching out to others We must always remember that we I requ1re the ass1Stance of thers ai many times 1n the years tn come. 'We will be ukcd to aid others as well Anhur "1 hl"'inger. Jr m The Drsun1t1ng of Amenca ReflectJ ru .n a Al.ultJcalrural S<x:~ty points out that, MThe genius of America he in 1ts capacity to forge a Single nation fr m people• or r<:markably diverse racial. religious. and cthm n 11> It ha! done so becat.ISC democratic principles provide both the pb1losophical bond umon and pracucal experience 10 civic participation ·~We have formed this union at atert n High. We mUJt no"' apply what we ha'< learned and expenenccd to what we may encounter 1n the future H""ever thlS may not always be easy. Sadly. Scblesmger adds, Racism has been the great na1iDnal trdgedy In recent !Jmes white America has t last begun to confront the rarum "' deeply and ·hamcfully inbred in nut history:• I believe that the abolishment of raci<m h"' seen many set backs. Due to economic tn5tab11ty. the Amencan people once again search desperately for scapegnats and a way out of poveny Violence and cbans have once again raised thclT inonstroll5 heads and now plague tM pecpk of Los Angel.., Bcoton and many other cornmuniues natton wide We mwt be '""Y or the erils of racmn and dtSCnminauon B~ Calling back on the strong uppon and balance that we have encountered at Watenown High. I believe that we will wcceed young adulu, "" nee<! to begin by examintng ourselves We nee<! to confront what flUd, to be changed n UJ Then. we need lo work cooperatively to achieve our goals. We will learn n<tt to be afrud f those who are different from us. We will learn not to be afraid or change that will enhance the quality of life for all By keeping an open mind we will r<move the bhnders or pre1ud1ce. Collecttvely aod indivu:lually we will all look for 10l1,1t1on. 1n The Razors Edge, W Somerset Maugham writes. "Men and women are not only lheimclv.,. they are also the region in which they were born. the city apartment or farm m bich bey learned to walk, the games they played a• children. the old wwes' 1ar .. lhey ov~bcard the food tMy ale, lhc S<:hools they attended. the sports they followed the poam they re.ad and the God thev believed 1n." I feel that this quote capture the ess.:nce that m W ten.own However, nug m our fam1har nucleu , through our own growth pr we need to ap1n out from the center which to"' i Watertown High School and to r glll7e other ccnten Our ltv.,. will be enriched and ennobled by <r<mmg both phy"cal nd mental boundanes as 'Mt reach for our membership in the world commun11y l la. s of 199:! entered this high s red little freshmen and have J.S dt.lt who are a little more wi e. a t le mL•C mature, and a little more confin for the future ahead. Thi~ 1992 Ann 1 will carry u through the good times id \,q1 hopefully bring back many wone ful and unforgetable memories that we ha e e perien..:ed through our four years at \\atertown High School. This Annual illustrates many long hours of hard work unselfishly put forth by this year's yearbook staff and our advisor Mr. Patrick Trani. Many sincere thanks go out to l\ifr Tram because without his help and guidance thi. book would have never been publi hed. To the yearbook staff, Angela Marchesano, Katie Kelly, Kim Dicker, Maureen Lawn. Stephanie Marqus. and Kim Seacrist, thank you for your tireless efforts to make this book such a success. Your hard work has paid off To the Cla of 1992, may all your future goals and dreams become a reality and may happiness stay with you throughout your entire life. The best of luck to each of you. SENIOR DIRECTORY ADVrERTISEMENTS 123 SENIOR DIREC Hag p "Circa Jack BardakJian 43 Brandley Rood Hi-Y 3, 4 "G d tuck to the class of 1992.' Laura Burnett 14 Green treet Softball I, 2, 3; IDS I (1eorgina 26 C re) B.i: etball Chri topher Barry "Beave" 22 Sycamore Street Football I, 2. 3. 4 "Becau e "U" Deserve What Every Individual Should Ever Receive-Light, Regular, Dr). Clog. Jimmy, Benado. Fat Mike. and Breath , How's your head'!" H pper .. 21 De ler \enuc er _, J: IDS "(.1oodne . armed with power i' corrupted, and pure lov "'11houl power is dctro ed." - Reinhold 1cbuhr Bill •Bu ter" :!.>3 r enal Street F otball I. 2, 3, 4; National Honor Societ 3, 4; E c utive Committee I. :! Anthon) ntoneJli.-, 7 Edenfi Id \'enue er Jason Barter 15 Partridge Street Georg Becker 15 Lyons Street Dave Berardinelli 65 Prentiss Street Varsity Football I. 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Track Captain 2, 3, 4; Cum Laude 3, 4; Class President 2, 3 "Kill em all, Let God sort em out." Jared A. Bianchi "Jerry'' 132 Winsor Avenue 't uri encio a h Street ··1 ro ·, Therefore I a m." ~ Lon l ver ano )f" 0 Oakley Road 'A frien d i one who walks 1n when others .ilk out.' ' Dennis Avila 303 North Beacon Street "It's all a big blur." orayr Ayanyan 25 Bates Road East Hasmig V. Balian "Led/Harley'' 180 Common Street Softball I, 2; Math Team I. 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Cum Laude 3, 4; Armenian Club 3, 4, SADD 2, 4; Math Advisory Board 4 "Eat my brain with your so-ca lled standards, Who says that I aint right? Break away from your common fashion, See through your blurry sight ... Life's for my own, to live my own way ... -Metallica 124 Kristin Boschetto "Kris, The Boss" 20 Gil bert Street Peer Leadership I; IDS 3, 4 " Is it all just wasted time?" -Skid Row Paul Borque 75 Rutland Street Hockey 1, 2; Baseball "Either you like it or you don't like it. Learn to love it because it's the best thing going today." -Ric Flair Kim Boyd "Booga, Snooga" 160 Waverley Avenue Field Hockey Co-Captain 2, 3. 4; Basketball I, 2, 3, 4; Softball I, 2, 3, 4; Peer Leadership 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4 Rosalba Bravo "Rosie" 63 Carey Avenue Erin N . Buonomo 72 Winsor A venue Field Hockey I. 2; Tennis l. 2. 3, 4: Indoor Track 2; Crew 3; SADD 4; Executive Committee 4; Secretary /Treasurer Tri- Monica Burrow 456 Belmont Street Mike Burton " Burton" I 02 Channing Road Sandro Calidonna 16 Perry Street Emiliano Caloiero 150 Spruce Street Football I, 2, 3; 4 Mark Campbell 492 Main Street Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4-Captain "Love all-Trust a few." Tara Canty I 19 Boyd Street Jason Capello I 09 Rutland Street Amie Capone "Aim" 16 Willow Park Softball I "Goals determine thoughts, and determine life." t~ou Angela Carbone "Ang" I 04 Harnden A venue Tennis Captain 4; Peer Leadership; H ey Cheerleading 4; Rec. Secretary of tional Honor Society 3, 4; Vice Presi Tri-Hi-Y 4; Vice President SADD 4: Task Force 4; Teen Board 4; Drama "We have tomorrow bright before u Ii flame." -Langston Hughes Paola Cardona "Lorena, Lea" 16 Stanley A venue Peer Leadership 2; ESL Aide 4: In and Outdoor Track I "I wish the best of luck to the cla, 1992." James Carlson I 05 Jen en Road baft Julie Corkery 28 Gleason Street Maria Cottone 10 Jensen Road visible and mute; and because it is invisible and mute, its memoried glances and its murmurs are infinitely precious. We are tomorrows past." -Mary Webb Vincent DiNapoli enan Street dership 2; Executive Committee 3; SADD 4; Prom Committee 3; id 3. 4: Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Co-Vice nt Tri-Hi-Y 4 luck to the class of 1992. We've great years. May the road to the meet you with success." Maria Daghlian 89 Lowell A venue "Dude" 97 Arlington Street Cosmetology "It's time to ramble on." -Led Zeppelin 87 Common Street ••1J:ii11'ii..n h Jane Cazabon u·· awin Street I.'.!, 3. 4; Chorus I, 3; Drama I, 2, 3, ider Times 2, 4; News Editor 4; ThesSociety 3, 4; President 4; IDS I, 2, 3, eade rship Committee 4; National I c.r Society 3, 4; Cum Laude 3, 4 I \\e shadows have offended, Think but ~· nd all is mended-That you have but I 'red here While these visions did apr. .\nd this weak and idle theme, No e yielding but a dream, Gentles, do not • rehend. lf you pardon, we will mend." 1Ui1m Shakespeare 1 , no" I d"empleton Parkway ball I. 2, 3, 4; Football I, 2; BasketI I. 2, 3; Track 4; The Birds Nest 4 ve Ciccarelli Chic" 2 Boylston Street tball I, 2, 3, 4; Basketball I, 2, 3, 4 ~ tain); Gridiron Club 1, 2, 3, 4; SADD equality of a person's life is in direct portion to their commitment to excelce, regardless of their chosen field of eavor." -Vincent T. Lambardi Cynthia Darnell "Cindy, Cin" 17 Gilbert Street Academic Decathlon 2; Tennis 2, 3, 4; School Committee Advisory 4; Executive Committee 4; Prom Committee 3; Tri-Hiy 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4 "In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only our knowledge and wisdom that separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you." -Janet Jackson Marie Deane 58 Emerson Road Anna Dellacioppa 28 King Street Peter Delmedico 13 Churchill Street Jennifer DiDonato I 0 Berkeley Street Linda DiG iacomandrea ketball I, 2. 3, 4 (Captain); National or Society 3. 4 Kim DiStefano 11 Jefferson Avenue Ralph Djinivis 30 Concord Road Michael Doherty 81 Hovey Street Linda Eliseo 78 Charles River Road Michael S. Farrell "Mike" 67 Union Street Football I, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); lee Hockey l, 2, 3., 4 (Captain); Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Biology Club I, 2, 3, 4; Peer Leadership 3; Class President 4; SADD I, 4; Word Painter 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Governor's Alliance Against Drugs and Alcohol 4 Kimberly Dicker "Kimba. Dicker" 194 Waverley Avenue Cheerleading 1; Field Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3; Track l; Student Council I, 2, 3, 4; Peer Leadership 2; Yearbook Staff 4; Governor's Alliance Against Drugs and Alcohol 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; SADD 4 (Vice-President) "There's never perfect circumstances, you just do your best and take your chances, and somewhere in the back of your head, you know when it's time to take that step." -Dave Plenn 36 Olcott Street arion Road Albert DiScssa Clementina DiMonda "Tina, Wcena, Doodles" 39 York Avenue Tennis 2, 3 (Tri-Captain 4); Executive Committee 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Cheerleading 4; SADD 4 ..The past is only the present become in- "And remember it was all started by a mouse." -Walt Disney Anthony Figliolini "A. J., Age" 216 Common Street Student Council President 4, Member I, 2, 3; Academic Decathlon Captain 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Basketball I, 2; Track 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; Raider Times 3, 4; Jazz Band 3, 4; Drama Crew 4 "The show must go on." Karen E. Fogerty 54 Prospect Street Hockey Cheerleading 2; Football Cheerleading 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Basketball Cheerleading 3, 4 (Captain); Peer Leadership 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4 (President); Student Council 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4 "I've loved, l've laughed and cried, I've had my fill, my share of losing and now as tears subside, I find it all so amusing." Paul Anka Darrell Fossitt 32 Howard Street Elpis Foudoulakis "Margaret"' 125 10. Ht hland enuc ational H nor iet) 3, 4 'I l "" uld turn back time." - her Tri-Hi- ' ~: n fo"ler 5-1 Barnard venue Ba e b II I; Tennis I, 2, 3, 4 ( uptain); J at" nal Honor Socid.) J -l: Tr.tck 4: Ja z Band 3. 4; SADD 4: Tri-Hi- 4 e all fight the ame fight. we are all in th e same war. wear all in the same revolution-you JU t ha~e to knn\\ hat )OU re fighting for." t hris Fuller 2 Church t eel Fu' o orth Beacon Street G leotalanza ilham Street S DD 4: Hoc e) Cheerleading 4: Soccer I 2. : Peer Leader!>h1p I. 2. 3; Tri-Hi-Y "In thL orld you either lead. folio\\, or t out f th a;!" Teca Galv o 1o White A\enue Greg Garabedian ., Puntan Road er hip J; Yearbool\ J; Bird's Ne t 4 "Be e cellent to each other." Softball I, 2; Tri-Hi V 3 4 .. Be the be t that you can be. Patrki Grady "Patty.. 20 Puritan Road Field Hockey I, 2, 3, 4 ( Capt::un ); Basketball I, 2, 3, 4 ( aptain); Track I; Tennis 2, 3. 4 (Captain); Student Council 2, 3, 4; Corre ponding S rctary J; Vice-President 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4 "Where willingness i great, difficulties can't be great." Nata ha Kahn "Tashi, Dave" 166 Maplewood Street Drama I. 2, 3, 4: IDS I, 2. 3, 4; I .eader 4; National Honor ociety 3, 4; Thcs Society 3, 4 (Vice-President 4); Ra Time 2, 3. 4 (Editor 4); Academic ·cathlon Team 3, 4 (Co-Captain 4): 3. 4; Harvard Model Congres~ 4; Morr Announcements 3 "If I can't dance at your revolution. d invite me.'' -Emma Goldman George Gregori · •·q I I" t> ton Street "Ha.~ging a round with friends and having fun. Lorien Hard 74 Edenfield Avenue National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Peer Leadership 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3; BioJogy Club 4: SADD 4 "Cause the best is yet to come." -Def Leppard Stephen Hunt "Sleeve" 115 Westminster Avenue "She will be mine, oh yes, she will be mine.'' 1. Garber ::! I P1erm nt Street Tenni· 1: Trac 2 '"Live ho"' )OU want and do it right." D ns Marie Gastonguay e. Doe), Q.S." 60 Copeland Street Trac 1; Marching Band I, 2 3. 4: Conert Band 1, 2 3. 4: Drum Major 4 "Miss a beat, you lose the rhythm, and nothing fall into place." -Yan Halen 'il James Gavell 467 ain Street Ari Gennetian 98 Lovell Road Shane Gleasen "The Doctor" 48 Fi chburg Street Ba ketball I; Baseball 1, 2, 3, Drama 4; Peer Leader hip 2; Soccer 2, 4 Todd Glidden 9 Mangano Court Hockey I. 2. 3, 4; Tennis 2, 4; Peer Lead- 126 Lui It rriaga 87 Lowell A venue Soccer I, 2. 3, 4 (Captain) "How many pancakes can you fit in a dog house? I don't know but do snakes have armpits? Lui and Kathy forever." Max lturriaga "Max" 87 Lowell Avenue Soccer 1. 2, 3, 4 (Captain) Tiffany Jackson "Tiff' 11 Sunset Road Softball 2, 4; Soccer Cheerleading 3 Brenda Jigarjian 36 Rosedale Road Field Hockey I, 2, 3, 4 Robin Johnson 39 Boyd Street IDS; Public Speaking Seminar Michelle Joyal "Mitch, B.B." 43 Pearl Street Field Hocke I, 2; Peer Leadership 2; Arjuna Karunaratna 483 Main Street Mher Kazazian "My hair, Sam, Sambo" 88 Edgecliff Road "Live life to the fullest.'' Katherine Kelly "Katie" 209 Warren Street Kevin Kelly "Kev" 7 Brandley Road Drama Rocco Kelly 59 Lowell A venue Alex Keomurjian ''Turtle" 29 Parker Street Drama I, 2, 3, 4; Class Executive Co tee 3; Rowing 3; Thespian Society 3, "I'm too sexy for my car." Michele Keough 54 Spruce Street Softball I; Tennis 2; Tri-Hi-Y Hockey Manager I, 2 "We have no right to ask when comes, 'Why did this happen to less we ask the same question for that comes our way." 3: a so me? ever Yatche Keusseyan 53 Elton A venue "You must respect yourself to be r~s ed by others." Theresa King "T.K." 41 Stearns Road Field Hockey I, 2 "With the fearful strain that 1s on me and day, if I did not lau h I should nighten Butner Road rtoa. Oregon 97005 Raymond Li 142 Fayette Street Tennis 2; Cross Country 4; Track 4 Kenneth Macinnis 36 Purvis Street Krevy th" Bellevue Road 111, 2, 4: Field Hockey 1; Marching I, 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3 t lies behind us, and what lies before re small matters, compared to what within us." n Kulahlian School Street -k 1; Cosmetology hough we've shared many memories the past, we saved the best for last!" ne Lamagna ck Man" Phillips Street ball 1, 2, 3 J drive I'll navigate." -Jeff Spicoly "Jerly Ann Largey imie, Mik'' 1elendy A venue na I, 4; Colorguard 3; Chorus 3, 4 Puritan Road Hockey 2. 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2. 3, 4 tain); Track I, 3; Class Secretary I, 2, Sports Editor-Yearbook Bill Macintyre "Billy Mac" 20 Appleton Street Football "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink." Jennifer Madden 20 Fitchburg Street Nikolas Maglione "Nick~' 31 Oliver Street Nicole Marie Mahoney "'Beena'' 250 Main Street Field Hockey I, 2 "No matter what it is," if you set your mind to it you can get it~Blue Monte Carlo SS Vroom beep beep." ~ Angela Jennifer Marchesano "Ang" 118 Madison Avenue Class Treasurer 1, 2, 3, 4; Field Hockey 1. 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Yearbook Business Editor 4; Cum Laude 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4~ SA DD 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Peer Leadership 2; Track 1; Math Team 1 "The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving." -0.W. Holmes orth Beacon Street Hockey I, 2; Softball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Cap' Tri-Hi-Y 3; National Honor Society Corresponding Secretary); Cum Lau'4 not where you are today that counts, where you're headed." John Maroudas "Backdoor, Conditional, Maroudamania" 31 Highland Avenue Jazz Band; Cum Laude, Guitarist for the local Rock Band-Virtual Reality "Visualize your dream, record it in the present tense, put it into a permanent form, if you persist in your efforts, you can achieve a dream come true. Maybe. " arding Avenue tbaJI 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, ptain); Outdoor Track I, 4; Tri-Hi-Y I, 2, 3, 4; Peer Leadership 2· AthCommittee 4 ' we stand, divided we fall." Stephanie Marqus "Steph" 54 Piermont Street Field Hockey 1. 2, 3, 4; Peer Leadership 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; SADD 4; Yearbook 4; Homeroom Representative I, 2, 3, 4 "People rarely succeed at anything unless they have fun doing it." Rob Marra 37 Chester Street Cross Country 3, 4 (Captain); Basketball I; Track I ''I live by one phrase: moe money. moe money, rnoe money." Samantha Septima Martinez ''Sammi" 52A Robert Ford Road Field Hockey I, 2, 3, 4; Basketball l, 2; Tennis 2; Track I, 3, 4; Peer Leadership 3; Homeroom Representative I, 2, 3, 4 "Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice." Steven Martis "Marty" 33 Woodleigh Road Basketball 2, 3; Baseball 2; Football 2, 3, 4; Bird's Nest 2, 3, 4 "I may be sober tomorrow, but you'll be ugly for the rest of your life." Paul-Andre Martocchia 15 Fayette Street Dawn McCormack 15 Porter Street Kelly McElroy 3 Belknap Terrace James McMullin 21 ayette Street Band I, 2. 3; Chorus 2; Drama 1, 3, 4; Harvard Model Congress 4; Jazz Band 1. 3; AD-HOC 3; Cross Country 4; Art Advisory Board 2, 3~ Ski Club I. 2. 3, 4; C rew 2. 3 Gregory Melanson 24 Longfellow Road Raphael Mendez 6 Douglas Street Raffi Merjik "Raff' 20 Ralph A. Piterri Terrace Soccer, Basketball; VolleybaJI "The three grand essentials to happiness in life are something to do, someone to love and something to .hope for." -Jo eph Addison Armen Meschian "Hammer" 24 Patten Street #A-I Local Rock Band; Jazz Band "Excuse me while J kiss the sk:." Jenine Micco "Nino" 185 Spruce Street 127 DD 4; Tri - H1 - 't B rd 4 , 4. tt nd n R - R \;ha I Mount -Quirk " Ra h 7 Ph1hp Da n.:h R 1d h ru I. , ~ . 4; onc e rt / 1.tr hing B.1nd I, -· . 4, Dram:i I, 2. 3, 4, ID . I. -· 3, 4; rid I grip!" hri Ohannc i.tn 47 row~ rd lrcct So \.:Cr 3, 4; Dance tor 4; Tenni 4 rmcnian tub l, Fou11a Omar Jarian 7 F t Bo} I ton 7 I add Pl.t e "Beaut) j, power: harlc Reade .1 'mile is ib sword.'' - Keit h Parent 40 fo rto n S treet Footba ll 2, 3, 4; Baseba ll I , 2. 3, 4 "Don' t do today what you can put off till tomorro-w : don ' t do tomorrow what you ca n put off till the next day." tr ct Vinod Patel I 2 ummer Street mall frie a nd I. 2, , 4 n 1a O'Connell ADD 4, "fozi" Karen ' Rdll) "K , Kno ·k Out" 6 lyde Roa d Field H ockey I . ?.; Indoor Track I, ?., 3, 4 ( a pt ai n); Outdoor Track I, 2, J, 4 (Captain): Tn- H i-Y 3. 4; National Honor ~ oci c ty 3, 4 'lt Rkhard Rocc1 "Rich" 122 Gr.mt Avenue llockey 3, 4; football 4; Raider T1 4 "Party on Wayne." Janet Perez •·J uani ta-Wahnola" 76 Ph il ip Durch Road Watertown Public Library (Work) .. Sile nce descends as I wa lk astray /God pica eep me t ra ight just one more day/ time.' .ire bad I hurt wh a t ca n I do/ I just need some time a lone with you." -W a rrior S oul Joel Peterso n "Pete" 21 Lake Ave nue Spring Musica l 3, 4 .. Life goes on." Dawna Rodrigues 51 ra1rfield Street Softball I: Tri-H1-Y 3 "Hold fa l to your dream • for 1f d ·die. then life i like a broken winged that cannot ny ." Jeffrey D. Ryan "Ruthless" 47 Pierce Road Baseball 2, 3; Drama 4 "Just because the school year's ove1 doesn ' t mean my party's arc over. Tap -Jeffrey "Ruthless" Ryan Emma Sahakian 193 Orchard Sueet Track I; Tennis 2; Peer Leadershir SADD 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Ma th Team Tahnit Sakakeeny 21 Bennett Street Crew I. 2, 3, 4; Horseback Riding 1, ' 4; Raider Times 2, 3; Edi tor in Ch ic National Honor Society 3, 4 (Vic Pr dent) "In the sun that is young o nce only, let me play and be golden in the mere his means." - Dylan Thomas Christopher SanSoucie 94 Lowell A venue Basketball I, 2, 3 Roupen Sarkissian 18 Irma Avenue "Have Another Dude!" n ta" ( pitol Str et tudent ouncil : Vice P re ident 2, 3, 4; football Cheerleading 2. 3. 4; Tri-Hi- Y 3, tional Honor Society 3, 4; um Laud , 4; Hugh O' Brien Youth Le a der~hip 2; Pr~idential Cla room 3; H a rvard fodel Cong ress 4; Dram a 3 .. The credit belo ngs to the ma n who is ac ually in the a re na . . who, a t wo r t, if he f ii , at lea fail while daring g reatly, o hi place hall never be with those cold timid souls who know neither vict ry n r defeat." -The d re Roosevelt no Kelly O'Dctte I 00 Pica ant treet Softball I, 2 J, 4; B ketb II I ; Peer Lea der hip 3; Homeroom Re prc c nt· ive I , 2. 3 128 Benjam in Po rte r 26 Phillip treet Outdoor Track 3, 4 (Captain); Cross Country 4 (Captain); Indoor Track 4; Band 3, 4; Drama 4 "Sometimes high. sometimes low, easy come. easy go." -Kip Winger Irene Psikarakis "Sika " 37 Capitol Street Executive Committee I: Cosmetology 3. 4 "Be your own man. follow your own guide, follow your own rule ." -Heavy D She il a Reynolds 66 Boylston Street Field Hockey I. 2; Track I. 2 George Sarris 6 Angela Lane John Savini "Johnny" 58 Prentiss Street Football I, 2. 3, 4; Track 2. 3, 4; E ec Committee I. 2 "Pain is temporary; pride i for~er. Lucy Schiavoni .. Chia Pet" 6 G rcen Street Drama I, 2; ID I, 2. 3, 4 "Don't worry. be happ !" Andre R. Scott 36 ash trcct 1 4; Tri-Hi- Mark Taslakian 4; Band I. 2, 3, 4; Jazz Band I, 3, 4; Dramafest 3. 4; tDS I. 2. 3, 4 23 Lloyd Road Football 1; Weightlifting. "To V .S. the good times we had and will have. Good times in auto with the village idiot." "ERA goes both ways." Ara Tchaprazian "Butt" 185 Edenfield Avenue Soccer I, 2, 3, 4 way ride." Tamar Tirinkian "Tomato" 52 Chauncey Street "You say tomato, I say tomato." -Nicole Mahoney Sisan ol Pete" echwood A venue Hockey I . 2, 3 Julia Torres "Julita Goyabean" 90 Nichols A venue Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; SADD Treasurer 4; Homeroom Representative 2, 3, 4; Drama l, 2; Prom Committee 3; Mt. Auburn Hospital Volunteer 1, 2, 3, 4; IDS 4 "Hold fast to your dreams, for if dreams die. then life is like a broken winged bird that cannot fly." -Langston Hughes s Soghomonian orth Beacon Street ne Stefanis artlett Street thalon Team 3, 4; Crew 3, 4; IDS 4 to Stratakias laka" Clyde Road et ball I; Golf Team 2, 3 ou don't like the way I drive call 328-8848!" Raphael Toutounjian .. Raffman" 161 Winsor Avenue Concert/Marching Band I, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 4; Cross Country Track 2; Biology Club 2, 3, 4; Ad Hoc Club 3; Chess Club 3 Lorena Wesley 170 Warren Street Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; SA DD 2, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Homeroom Representative 2 Stephanie A. Yessayan ..Steph" 286 Belmont Street Softball l, 2; Math Team Captain l, 2, 3, 4; SADD 2, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Armenian Club 3. 4; Cum Laude 3, 4; Mt. Auburn Hospital Volunteer 2, 3, 4 ; Math Advisory Committee 4 "Still waters run deep." Kathleen A. Yorke "Kat" 33 Union Street "To Lui, the love of my life, I love you and hope we stay together forever. To my friends, I love you guys and I'll miss ya. Keep in touch." Michael Zildjian "Zildj" 14 Adams Avenue Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football I. 2; Tri-HiY 4 Pauline Tsolas "G reeksta '' 212 Warren Street Crew; Softball "If you can dream it you can achieve it." Lisanne Vandongen .··----~5 HaJI Avenue Jamie Venezia "Vado" 35 Lovell Road Hockey 1, 2, 3. 4 (Captain); Football 2. 3. 4; Baseball I, 2, 3 .. Head for the mountains and clogg." Corinne Vigna ..Cori" 17 Bradford Road "I really can't think of a quote so-Goodbye." Grant Viklund "G-Man" 46 Royal Street District Band I, 4; Theater Lighting 2. 3. 4; Tech I, 2, 3, 4; Marching Band I, 2, 3 1:!9 TEL. (617) 491-0122 MASTER UC. #8911 JOSEPH A. DeMELLA Fine Italian Food Coe ails 821 Mt. Auburn St Watertown , Mass 02172 876-400 I BUS . '76-4875 PLUMBING & HEATING INDUSTRIAL• COMMERCIAL• RESIDENTIAL Paul F. Diliberto John G. D1hberto MASTER LIC . #8911 48 PORTER ROAD CAMBRIDGE, MA 02140 Compliments of: n n C_j SEMICONDUCTOR " PRODUCTS UNITRDDE CHARLES RIVER SAAB 570 ARSENAL STREET WATERTOWN, MA 02172 (617) 923-9230 130 580 Pleasant Street Watertown, Massachusetts 02172 Telephone: 617-926-0404 HARRY MOUMDJIAN Auto Truck Service PENTA AUTO BODY, INC. A~. JAub, !Tm;~ Cf/Jlwlaaie JAub ~ 2•5-J A•LINGT•N STtlllEIET MA 02172 WATERTOWN WOltl( f817t •2e-e212 BEEPER 16171 958-9003 Congratulations!!! WATERTOWN POLICE ASSOCIATION D.B.A. PERFECTION BODY & FENDER REPAIR - PAINTING Frame Straightening - Auto & Truck Service 463 PLEASANT ST. WATERTOWN, MA MIKE PENTA, PRESIDENT 24 HOUR TOW LINE TEL. 617-923-1528 TEL. 923-9016 FAA: 617-923-7713 SEMINARA MOTORS 694 Mt. Auburn St. Watertown, MA 02172 Jeep lrt"t) ANTHONY (TONY) SEMINARA Bus. Phone 924-5801 President TELEPHONE : 617-924-1113 CHARLESBANK GARAGE Complete Automotive Repair & Towing 247-R Pleasant Street Watertown, MA 02172 (617) 926-8133 Ca tminL £. cNa tdonL (617) 924 -4 700 Jt. 373 MAIN STREET WATERTOWN . MASS. C-2172 FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1935 Congratulations To The Class Of 1992 WATERTOWN ELKS 1513 ''Elks Give So That Others May Live" DONALD J. MacDONALD & SON DONALD J MacDONALD JR Director 270 MAIN STREET WATERTOWN , MA 02172 131 St~Jl MARKET WE SPECIALIZE IN CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS, PARTY PLAITERS, FRUIT BOWLS, FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS, AND SPECIAL CUTS PREPARED AT YOUR REQU EST STAR MARKET CO. 535 TRAPELO ROAD BELMONT, MA 02178 617 489-6540 " • Randall A. Plante Franchise Owner 859 Main Street Waltham, MA 02154 • ·617-893-8641 You're Going To Make a Hit!! ·~Congratulations to the class of '92! From Your Friends at The Watertown Sun & The News Tribune Harte-Hanks Co$munity Newspapers "Doing The Right Things Right ... all The Time." ";::.::::.. · ' · Eil EQUIPMENT RENT Al WE'VE GOT MORE OF WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR! 68 WATERTOWN STREET CLARK TOMASSIAN WATERTOWN, MA 02272 --. -. --,_._, ........ - .. ~ : -- .. Watertown Chamber of Commerce & ~ 0 HOPE TSACOYEANES lox 45. 75 Main St .. Watertown . MA 02172 (117) 921-1017 AA RENT Al CENTER 5 Lexington Stree1 Waverly Sq., Belmont EQUIPMENT RENTAL CO. 101 North Beacon Street Watertown 484-1554 923-8905 GIRAGOSIAN FUNERAL HOME 576 Mt. Auburn Street Watertown, Massachusetts 02172 Telephone 924-0606 133 Congratulations.You've just earned the first major credential of your life. BafBank® Member FDIC R.F MCBRIDE INSURANCE AGENCY 16 1 7 1 1>24 1 27e 24 Church Street Watertown, MA 02172 617 924 6680 WATERTOWN • WAL THAM • MEO~ORO • MELROSE BARRETT INSURANCE AGENCY KNIGHTS OF COLL l\IBL S Watertown Council #I 5'i 111 WatertO\\n ' trcct Watertown 146 Main Street Watertown 923-9607 Estab. 1927 Ncwh, Rcnov..1tcd l olumbi <ln R1)11rn i-'nr Rentals Of Graduati1)Jl, Parties, Sho\\cr-... \\ cdding-. . rte. Cal I Anb ( r ildca 9 2J-OX5fl Good Luck Graduates! Compliments Of R.J. CAPPADONA INSURANCE AGENCY FRANK AND MARY COMMON STREET SPA 25 Summer Street Watertown, MA 02172 923-4515 95 Common Street Watertown, MA TEL 924.13240 PHONE 924-0090 ~()it~ C:adte7</L CLOTHING CO., INC. MEN S FASHIONS JOHN AIRASIAN PRESIDENT SERVICE IS OL1R MOST l~~PORTANT PRODUCT 76 COOLIDGE HILL AD WATERTOWN, MASS 02172 RICHARD S SAMOURIAN 24 HR SERVICE Ancient Order of Hibernians 151 Watertown St. Watertown, MA Function Hall Available For Weddings and Banquets 924-9692 Bingo Every Tuesday Night Door Open 6:00 p.m. Early Bird 7:00 p.m. P 0 BOX 150 WATERTOWN. MASS 02172 Good Luck Class Of 1992. WATERTOWN FIREFIGHTERS LOCAL 1347 I.A.F.F. AFL-CIO Congratulatoins And Best Wishes From Sons of Italy Lodge Piave Fiume #1036 WATERTOWN, MA COOMBS MOTOR COMPANY SALES AND SERVICE TEL. PAUL Plllg ~~ · )772 ·· THE TOPS CLEANERS PllOFESSIONAL DllY CL.E.ANEll " PAST SEii.ViCE AT NO EXTU CHAllGE ' •9' COMMON STlE!T BELMONT. MASS. 021n WM. " BIU." PJ.JCE MANZELLI OIL CO. C.OMPLE TE H01'.~C CO 1 >" 0R T 66 GALEN ST REET WATERT O WN, MASS . BUS TEL 924·7650 f'AX 924·5545 13& 2B<l onc.-.A<>aSHlEET \l\AATE~TQ l\/N THOMAS P MANZELLI 1s111 g:?a se •3 "ASS 021"°'2 Carpet Co. 1nc. CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 1992 STEPHEN MESSINA CLASS OF 1967 LYNDA MESSINA CLASS OF 1968 KEN SEACRIST FINE JEWELERS SANTISI & BOVE, INC. . 333 Washington St. Suite 418 ~· Boston. Massachusetts 02108 ·,, 523-1131 Congratulations PEQUOSSETTE AERIE #1928 FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES MUNROE AUTO BODY, INC. 66 School Street Watertown, MA 02172 Hank Agahigian T RA v EL by !Bdty FOSTER 'S FLOWERS Personalized Service For All Occasions 617-484-0230 (617) 923-9333 5 Williston Road Belmont, MA 02178 'Doh.t:ity, [Jnc. LINDA DOHERTY 639 MT AUBURN STREET President WATERTOWN. MASS 02172 KEY TO BABY PICTURES I. Hagop Ajoyan 2. Georgina Awecl 3. Lori A versa no 4. Kris Boschetto 5. Kim Boyd 6. Erin Buonomo 7. Tara Canty 8. Amie Capone 9. Joanne Cassela I 0. Sarah Ca1abon 11. Steve Ciccarelli 12. Tom Connolly 13. Julie Corkery 14. ( indy Darnell 15. Anna DellaCiuppa 16. Kim Dicker 17. Jcnnircr DiDonato 18. I. Inda Digiacoma nd rca 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 15. 36. Tina Dimonda Karen Fogerty Steve Fowler Doris Gastonguay Brenda Jigarjian Patricia Grady George Gregoris Luis lturriaga Michelle Joyal Tiffany Jackson Natasha Kahn Katie Kelly Michele Keough Vatche Kessayan Melissa Krcvy Shane Lamagna Kim Largey Maureen Lawn 37. 38. 39 . 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46 . 4 7. 48 . 49. 50. 51 52 Megan Lessard Rene Lessard Jennifer Madden Angela Marchesano Stephanie Marqus Rachael Mounts-Quirk Katherine Munroe Michael Nocera Tricia O'connell Kelly Odette Janet Perez Dawna Rodrigues Emma Sahakian Kimberley Seacrist TamJ.r Tirinkian Michael Zildjian 924-3666 9.24·961.2 923-0400 ......... .--·- .. COOLIDGE HARDWARE, INC. " • no ' '111'!!' BAKERY & DELICATESSEN -WE CAN KEEP YOU IN A SWEET MOOD" FINE PASTRIES & SPECIALTY CAKES ·CAL.ZONES PLATIERS p - PARTY • Coolidge Hardw,ue Inc. i -~C-w-.ng .....- ~ ___,...... _..._. -~~......_..., . _.......... .,.,.. .U06AIQI~ .__ ,.. ..,. .• .,,.__ · ~=·:==----~· -..c-c-........ COOiJDGf IWIDWAllE INC 741 MT AUBURN ST WATERlt>WN, MA 02172 TEL (617)923-3484 -a/Vatertown Arena 924-6122 _..,_ ,, _,,_,_ 11111~~ Pizza Roma kate Sho WATERTOWN, MASS. SKATE SHARPENlliG "RAIDER PRIDE" PARAMOUNT PLACE ~KATE RENTALS * .:AW. A. ASTASI Best Of Luck To The Class Of '92! JOHN J. NAPOLITANO Photographer • Videographer "For All Occasions" 110 Ellison Park Waltham, MA 02154 (617) 899-5780 140 212 WAVERLY AVE., WATERTOWN, MA. 924-9595 BURLINGTON STUDIO 99 Cambridge Street . Burlington, MA 01803 272-4700 Official Yearbook Photographer Weddings & Family II