Silver Lake Leader - The McLeod County Chronicle


Silver Lake Leader - The McLeod County Chronicle
Single copy
Vol. 112 No. 6 • Thursday, January 24, 2013 • Silver Lake, MN 55381
City gets state variance
for Grove Avenue project
By Alyssa Schauer
Staff Writer
At its regular meeting Monday evening, Silver Lake City
Council heard an update about
the Grove Avenue reconstruction project, and found out a
variance was approved by the
state with no changes to the
City Clerk Kerry Venier said
the city applied for a variance
regarding the corner of Gehlen
Drive and County State Aid
Highway (CSAH 2).
He said the northbound lane
of CSAH 2 around the corner
was “too sharp” for semi
trucks and trailers according to
state aid standards, and the options were to either apply for a
variance or possibly buy that
corner property and remove
the house.
“The variance was approved, and we will just have
to remove a couple of trees on
that corner. Also, the stop sign
for the southbound traffic will
come out,” Venier said.
“What is the reason to take
the stop sign out?” Councilor
Eric Nelson asked.
“It’s a state aid standard.
The traffic on that road doesn’t
warrant a stop sign,” Venier
Venier also updated City
Council about the parking situation for Grove Avenue.
The plans call for parking
on the west side of Grove Avenue only from Highway 7 to
Main Street, and to keep up
with state aid standards, parking will be banned on both
sides of CSAH 2 (Grove Avenue) from the centerline of
Main Street 235 feet north.
City Council passed a resolution approving these parking
specifications to go in effect
when construction on Grove
Avenue begins.
Venier also told City Council that the city is in the
process of obtaining 10 easements and two temporary
“The temporary easements
are construction easements
and the 10 other easements are
permanent,” Venier said.
Final plans for the reconstruction project will be presented at the February council
“We turned the project over
to the county to get their review, and then it will be ready
for our final approval, and we
can then get bids,” Venier said.
Nelson asked about the start
date on the construction, and
voiced his concern regarding
the school traffic.
“We will set a start date
once the bids are received and
picked. We will try to coordinate construction around the
school as much as we can.
“The tough part will be in
the fall, trying to get the project done when school is back
in session,” Venier said.
Venier said after the February meeting and City Council’s final review of the
project, bids will be sent, and
after bids are received, a public hearing will be held to review costs and assessments.
“I’m not sure if the assessments will be certified at that
public hearing or after the
project is done. I’ll find out for
sure,” Venier said.
In other matters, City Council:
• Reviewed the public safety
report and heard a meeting regarding school lockdowns and
emergency plans was held at
Lakeside Elementary.
Nelson, the public safety liaison, Police Chief Forrest
Henriksen and Mayor Bruce
Bebo all attended the meeting,
and said it was very “good and
• Heard new officer John
Reigstad completed the field
training process, and has been
working on his own.
Henriksen reported that he
and Reigstad attended the Silver Lake Business Expo and
City Council
Turn to page 3
Archery ministry to begin Sunday
Members and friends of
Grace Bible Church in Silver
Lake will be starting another
session of an archery ministry
called Centershot.
Centershot is a Bible-based
archery ministry that consists
of a 45-minute Bible study and
45 minutes of archery instruction one day a week for eight
The activity is open for
those ages 7 through adult. In-
Bean bag
tourney set;
go to pool
dividuals need not be a member of the church to participate
in the program.
The church provides the
bows and arrows, which are
used during the training sessions in the church basement
shooting range.
This has proven to be a fun
activity for a parent and a child
to do together. Participants pay
a nominal fee to help cover the
cost of the study book.
The next session of Centershot will begin Sunday, Jan.
27, from 1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.
Those interested in finding out
more are encouraged to contact the church office at 320327-2352, or visit www.
Grace Bible Church is located in Silver Lake at 300
Cleveland St., next to the city
water tower.
Expo smiles
A very smiley crowd showed
up for the annual Silver Lake
Business Expo last Saturday at
the auditorium. Guests perused
vendor booths, enjoyed some
food, and even stayed for the
Phoenix Drumline entertainment and other seminars.
Above, Molly and Brent Posusta pose for a quick family
photo with daughter Kinley. To
the right, Payton ZumHofe
flashes a big smile as she
shows off her American flag,
compliments of the Silver Lake
American Legion. Over 25 vendors were present, and the day
also was filled with demonstrations and seminars from local
volunteers and the local fire
and police departments. For
more Expo photos, see inside
this week’s Leader.
Hospice provides end-of-life service
By Lori Copler
Staff Writer
hen Julia
Pavlish’s health
began seriously
failing, at the age of 91, she
just wanted to be home — in
the simple rural Lester Prairie
home where she and her husband had raised their three
Her daughter, Diane Zellmann, said her mother was
taken to a hospital in early
January 2012, suffering from
an upper respiratory infection
and congestive heart failure.
Doctors told the family that
Julia “wouldn’t make it
through the weekend,” recalled Diane Zellmann.
While her mother had suffered a natural decline in her
health as she aged, she had
continued to live on her own,
helped by Zellmann, who
lived right next door. Zellmann also is a home health
“I visited her every day,”
said Zellmann. “We were always very close.”
And Julia just wanted to be
in that home as her life came
to a close, and Zellmann
wanted to make that wish a
The Silver Lake Civic Association is hosting a bean bag
tournament this Saturday, Jan.
26 at 11 a.m. at the Silver Lake
The cost is $25 per team,
and teams can sign up at the
Silver Lake Liquor store and
Kaz’s Station.
Food and beverages will be
served, and proceeds from the
tournament will go to the Silver Lake Parks and Pool organization.
Feb. 19
Save the date! The Glencoe-Silver Lake Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter
is hosting a “Barnyard Day”
on Tuesday, Feb. 19.
The barnyard will be located at the GSL High School
in Ag Room 341 from 9 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Come join us to see the
cows, horses, chickens, sheep,
and much more!
Silver Lake Leader photos
by Alyssa Schauer
Silver Lake Leader photo by Lori Copler
Diane Zellmann of rural Lester Prairie, shown above
with photographs of her mother, Julia Pavlish, is
extremely grateful for the help ConnectCare, now
known as Allina Health Home Care Services, gave
her mother and family as Pavlish came to the end
of her life. ConnectCare provided about six weeks
of hospice care before Pavlish died in February
Blizzard Blast
set for Friday
Allina Health Home
Care Services (formerly
known as ConnectCare)
will have its 7th-annual
Blizzard Blast charity event
Friday, Jan. 25, from 5 p.m.
to 11:30 p.m., at the Glencoe City Center.
As in the past, the event
will include dinner, live
and silent auctions, raffles,
wine tasting and live entertainment featuring Blurred
Tickets are $30 per person and include dinner, the
dance and a chance at a
grand prize drawing of
$500. Second prize is $200
and third prize is $100. You
do not need to be present to
Tickets can be bought in
Glencoe at Glencoe Regional Health Services
(GRHS), the Glencoe
Chamber of Commerce,
Coborn’s and CareConnection Thrift Shop; and in
Hutchinson at Hutchinson
Health Care, Cash Wise
Foods, and the Allina
Health Home Care Services office.
For more information,
call Allina Health at 1-800454-8616, or visit
All proceeds from the
event benefit local hospice
Fortunately, Zellmann said,
she is good friends with Lona
Oltmann, the patient care coordinator for what was then
called ConnectCare, a hospice program for the dying.
Blizzard Blast
Turn to page 2
Page 2 — Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 24, 2013
“Biggest LOSERS”Challenge UPDATE
Weight Loss Percentage for January 22, 2013:
Upcoming Events
By Jake Yurek
Ma dobry weekendem
Mit dobry vikend
Wednesday night — Lows -6 to 0; partly cloudy.
Thursday — Highs 7-15; lows -6 to 0; clouds/snow
Friday — Highs 2-8; lows -14 to -8; partly cloudy.
Saturday — Highs 10-16; lows 3-9; partly cloudy.
Sunday — Highs 20-30; partly to mostly cloudy.
Weather Quiz: What is the coldest temperature recorded
in Minnesota, United States and world?
Answer to last week’s question: Thin rainbows on both
sides of the sun (typically on very cold days for us) are
called sun dogs. This phenomenon occurs when tiny ice
particles reflect sunlight in a way just like water droplets
of a summer rainbow to create the tiny rainbows we see.
The light is reflected and the colors of the spectrum are displayed. They occur all over the world in any conditions,
but we generally see them the most here in winter.
The Silver Lake Sportsmen’s Club will hold its monthly
meeting Thursday, Jan. 26, at 7 p.m., at the sanctuary.
Blood drive set Jan. 29
The Silver Lake Bloodmobile is set for Tuesday, Jan.
29, from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Due to Hurricane Sandy, blood
is in short supply and greatly needed. Volunteers will be
calling to set up an appointment or call Margaret Benz at
320-327-2249 to make an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome.
SL KCs free-throw
contest set Jan. 27
The Singing Friends Chorus will start rehearsals for the
spring concert season on Tuesday, Jan. 29. The Singing
Friends are a 30-voice, fun-loving, all-ages soprano, alto,
tenor and bass choir based in Norwood Young America
(NYA). Tenors and basses are especially sought this season. No auditions are required to sing with the group. If
you are interested in singing, attend an open rehearsal on
Tuesday, Jan. 29, or Feb. 4, at 7:30 p.m., at All Saints
Lutheran Church in NYA. For more information, call director Karen de Boer at 320-864-2742.
Republican women to meet
The McLeod County Republican Women will meet Saturday, Feb. 2, at 10:30 a.m., at the VFW Post 906, located
on First Avenue SW in Hutchinson. State Rep. Dean Urdahl will be the speaker. The public is invited to hear him
speak and ask questions. For any questions, please call
Maureen Krumrey at 320-864-4162.
Top Individual Weight Losses:
1) 13.2 lbs. 2) 12.2 lbs. 3) 11.8 lbs.
* Percent of weight loss per team is the competitive number used.
Panther Field House
Good Luck to our teams! Watch for weekly results to be posted.
presented by the Panther Field House and the McLeod County Chronicle
Congratulations to
our 2013 Silver Lake
Expo Winners
Chanhassen Dinner
Theater Tickets
After-Prom group to meet
The Glencoe-Silver Lake After-Prom committee for parents of GSL juniors will meet Sunday, Jan. 27, at 6 p.m.,
at the McLeod County North Complex on Hennepin Avenue in Glencoe. The North Complex also houses county
offices of the auditor and drivers license bureau. Call
Nicole at 320-864-1601 for information. The goal of the
group is to provide a safe night out for GSL’s juniors and
ners progressing through
local, district and state competitions. International champions are announced by the KC
based on scores from the statelevel competitions.
All boys and girls 10 to 14
years old are eligible to participate and will compete in their
respective age divisions.
Last year, more than
344,000 sharpshooters participated in over 4,700 local
For more information,
please call Ray Bandas at 320327-3115.
The Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging®, Inc. will
be teaching an introductory class on Medicare. If you are
getting ready to turn 65, new to Medicare or just want information about your benefits, this class is for you. The
class will be held at the Hutchinson Senior Center, 1005
Hwy. 15 S, Suite 15, Hutchinson, on Feb. 20 at 1 p.m. For
more details and to reserve a seat, contact Ashley Ronglien
at 1-800-333-2433, extension 82024.
Shari Schultz
and Judy Sellnow
Silver Lake Leader
6 mo. Subscription
mother, needed a break or had
errands to run, a volunteer
would come in to sit with
And Chuck Thiel, of the
local old-time band Chuck
Thiel and the Jolly Ramblers,
came and played his concertina for Julia.
Julia had worked for the
Alice Haney Nursing Home
for several years, where she
met Thiel, who came to play
for the residents.
And even when the ConnectCare staff was not at the
home, Zellmann was welcome
to call at any time to get advice or other help. And the
staff often called Zellmann
“just to see how I was doing.”
The doctors’ original prediction that Julia would live
only a few days proved to be
false; she lasted several weeks
after coming home from the
“She actually rallied for a
couple of weeks,” said Zell-
Brian Kimber
and Ron Pulkrabek
Thank you to all who stopped
by our booth at the expo!
Silver Lake Leader
104B Lake Ave., PO Box 343,
Silver Lake, MN 55381
Lions note
Expo toy
train winner
The Silver Lake Lions held
a drawing for a wooden toy
train, constructed by Ron
Makovsky, at the Silver Lake
Business Expo on Saturday.
Mary Ann Mallak of Silver
Lake won the drawing.
Business & Professional Directory
Blizzard Blast Continued from page 1
Zellmann told Oltmann
about her mother’s wish to
come home, “but I said, ‘how
am I going to be able to do
this? How can I take care of
That is when Oltmann suggested ConnectCare.
ConnectCare, which recently was assumed by Allina
Health Home Care Services,
helped provide Zellmann with
the equipment she needed for
her mother, including a hospital bed, and a lot of emotional
and physical support.
Zellmann said she had no
clue about hospice, and was
overwhelmed by how much
the program did for her
mother and herself.
“They had skilled nurses
come in and an RN managed
all her medications,” said
Zellmann. “We had wonderful
home health aides who did all
of her personal care.”
When Zellmann, who quit
her job to take care of her
Total Weight Loss: 438.22 lbs.
Singing Friends rehearsals
Intro to Medicare is offered
Remember: I make the forecast, not the weather!
The Silver Lake Knights of
Columbus Mother Cabrini
Council No. 1841 is sponsoring a free-throw contest for
boys and girls ages 10-14 as of
Jan. 1, 2013.
The contest will be held
Sunday, Jan. 27, at 1:30 p.m.,
at Lakeside Elementary
School in Silver Lake.
Entrants may compete in
only one local competition.
Parents must sign an authorization form verifying birthdate.
The Knights of Columbus
Free Throw Championship is
sponsored annually, with win-
Sportsmen’s Club to meet
We’ll remain cold this week, but the coldest of the cold
should be out of the area by the time you read this. Temperatures will slowly migrate back up a bit as we move
through the middle part of the week as the coldest pool of
air is ushered off to our north and east.
A weak storm will enter the picture Thursday and increase the chances of a few flakes of snow. There won’t be
much moisture to work with, but the most recent model
runs are bringing the storm closer to us, so that could mean
a few snow showers as it goes by.
Behind the system, temperatures will fall off again, having a tough time getting out of the single digits for highs
The computers are all over the place after that, though,
with some bringing in warmer weather for the weekend
and some hanging onto the cold. I’m thinking we’ll improve slightly Saturday with perhaps a run into the 20s
Sunday ahead of a warm surge of air.
A storm could be brewing for the middle of next week,
but I don’t trust the weekend forecast at this point, so I’ll
Fair warning: there is another pool of cold air as cold as
the one we just got rid of building in northern Canada trying to inch its way towards us late next week. Hopefully,
warmer weather prevails!
Have a great week!
21) Weapons of Mass
22) Sweet 60’s
23) Stride Rights
24) Slim Gyms
25) Waddle In Walk Out
26) Hot Tamales
27) Wannabe’s
28) Pretty Girls
29) No Flab Just Fab
30) Bicks Babes
31) Whoosh
32) Flab-U-Less-4
33) Misfitters
34) WII Not Fit
35) Muffin Tops
36) Bod Squad
37) Rehab 4 Fatties
38) Slim Credibles
39) Bust a Gut Buds
40) Thy Fat Be Gone
mann. In fact, she got well
enough to chat with Thiel during his visits.
ConnectCare provided service for the remaining six
weeks of Julia’s life.
“They were wonderful,”
said Zellmann. “Toward the
end, they got be like family. I
can’t say enough good things
about them.”
Zellmann said she would
recommend the hospice program to any “family that has a
member that is failing or terminal. I think hospice is a
wonderful program.”
Allina Health Home Care
Services, Hutchinson/Glencoe
branch, serves residents in
McLeod, Meeker, Renville,
Carver, Wright and Sibley
Those who would like more
information can call the
Hutchinson office at 320-2345031 or 1-800-454-8616, or
visit its website at
Putting you in
touch with the
right business.
115 Olsen Blv
d., Cokato
320-286-5695 or
Gerry’s Vision
Shoppe, Inc.
“Your Complete
Optical Store”
ith In-House La
Call for Appoin
1234 Greeley
Tire Service
*Paul G. Eklof
, O.D.
*Katie N. Tanc
abel, O.D.
Kid’s Glasses $
Evening and Sa
appts. availa
The Business and Professional
Directory is provided each week
for quick reference to businesses
and professionals in the Silver
Lake area — their locations,
phone numbers and
office hours.
Call the Silver Lake Leader
(320-327-2216) or
McLeod County Chronicle
offices for details on how you can
be included in this directory.
Check out
our website:
, Glencoe
719 Chandler
(320) 8 -3
• 5” Seamless
• 6” Seam
free guarante
(lifetime clog
Weather Corner
1) Slimsons
2) Got Fat?
3) Slimpossibles
4) Goodbye Love Handles 11.80%
5) Polo’s Muffin Tops
6) Less than Yesterday 10.40%
7) That’s not sweat
that’s my fat crying
8) The Committee
9) Losin on a Prayer
10) Junk in the Trunk
11) Melt Aways
12) Excess Baggage
13) Heartrate Beaters
14) Perfection in Progress 6.19%
15) Scrubs
16) Chunky Monkey
17) Gym Class Hero’s
18) The Munchies
19) Slimmetts
20) We Be Back
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Silver Lake Leader
Established Dec. 20, 1901 by W.O. Merrill
Postmaster send address changes to:
Silver Lake Leader,
P.O. Box 343, 104B Lake Ave., Silver Lake, MN 55381
Phone 320-327-2216 FAX 320-327-2530
Hours: Mon. 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Tues. 8 a.m.-Noon,
Wed. Closed, Thurs. 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Fri. Closed.
Published Every Thursday at Silver Lake, MN 55381.
Periodicals paid at Silver Lake, MN.
Subscription Rates: McLeod County and Cokato, MN
– $30.00 per year. Elsewhere in MN – $34.00 per year.
Outside of state – $38.00.
Bill and Joyce Ramige, Publishers;
Rich Glennie, Editor; Brenda Fogarty,
Sales; Alyssa Schauer, Staff Writer/Office.
The Silver Lake Leader welcomes letters from readers expressing their
opinions. All letters, however, must be
signed. Private thanks, solicitations
and potentially libelous letters will not
be published. We reserve the right to
edit any letter.
A guest column is also available to any
writer who would like to present an
opinion in a more expanded format. If
interested, contact the editor,
The editorial staff of the Silver Lake
Leader strives to present the news in a
fair and accurate manner. We appreciate errors being brought to our attention. Please bring any grievances
against the Silver Lake Leader to the
attention of the editor. Should differences continue, readers are encouraged to take their grievances to the
Minnesota News Council, an organization dedicated to protecting the public from press inaccuracy and
unfairness. The News Council can be
contacted at 12 South Sixth St., Suite
940, Minneapolis, MN 55402, or
(612) 341-9357.
Press Freedom
Freedom of the press is guaranteed
under the First Amendment to the U.S.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech, or
the press…”
Ben Franklin wrote in the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1731: “If printers were
determined not to print anything till
they were sure it would offend nobody
there would be very little printed.”
Deadline for news and advertising
in the Silver Lake Leader is noon,
Tuesday. Deadline for advertising in
The Galaxy is noon Wednesday.
Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 24, 2013 — Page 3
Agri Business seminar
set Jan. 31 at Winery
Down Memory Lane
Compiled by Margaret Benz
50 YEARS AGO - JAN. 24, 1963 — The
weather this month has been well below zero
and windy.
The Silver Lake Fire Department made two
runs in the past week. Last Thursday, it was
called to the Ray Jerabek farm to extinguish a
chimney fire, and on Wednesday of this week it
responded to a call to quell a chimney fire at the
Ed Dotal farm.
The hatching season at the Silver Lake Hatchery and Breeding Farm is in full swing with the
first hatch on Feb. 5. The first 150 customers
will be entitled to a free gift valued at $6.95.
The Farmer’s Produce is giving a $5 discount
on bookings taken now for Smith-Douglas fertilizers.
Pete Lewandowski has his 80-acre farm, 45
acres under plow, fair buildings, and electricity,
for sale or rent. Louis & Leo Witucki have their
92-acre farm, 75 acres under plow, for sale at
$300 per acre.
Mrs. Anna (Vasko) Ardolf, 75, died Tuesday
afternoon, Jan. 8, at the Valley View Nursing
Home at Jordan. Funeral services were held on
Saturday, Jan. 12, at the Church of St. Wenceslaus, New Prague.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius (Rose Zajicek) Gulbransen will observe their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house on Sunday, Jan.
27, at the Odd Fellow Hall in Hutchinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Ondracek will observe
their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Jan.
27, with an open house at the Silver Hi Drive
25 YEARS AGO - JAN. 28, 1988 — The
Silver Lake High School Sports Boosters Club
will be hosting a girls’ basketball parent and fan
appreciation night on Monday, Feb. 1. The Lady
Lakeites are undefeated and will play their last
home game of the season on Monday, Feb 1.
Mike Stifter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Stifter,
and Dan Hingst, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Hingst, have been selected to represent Silver
Lake High School for the National Honor Society Scholarship Program.
The KC Free Throw Contest for boys and
girls ages 11-14 will be held on Saturday, Jan.
30, at the Silver Lake High School gym.
Rev. Fr. Andrew Wojciak, 83, passed away on
Monday, Jan. 18, at St. Mary’s Rehabilitation
Center, Minneapolis. Funeral services were held
on Thursday, Jan. 21, from the Church of Holy
Cross, Minneapolis.
Arnold Zrust, 80, passed away on Friday, Jan.
22, at the Burns Manor Nursing Home,
Hutchinson. Funeral services were held on Sunday, Jan. 24, from the Czech Brethren Presbyterian Church.
City Council Continued from page 1
that fatal vision goggles were
used to show the effects of alcohol on vision and judgement
at certain impairment levels.
• Heard two individuals were
arrested for DWIs this month.
Henriksen gave an update for
December, saying the state of
Minnesota reported over 2,500
DWIs in December alone.
• Conducted a six-month review for Henriksen and approved a motion to retain him
with a step increase.
• Reviewed the public works
report to find the alarm dialer
at the Silver Edge lift station
needs to be replaced.
Council approved the replacement of the dialer with an
upgrade at a cost of $699.
Johnson reported that Electronic Servicing in Silver Lake
will assist with installing the
• Discussed a letter received
from Maguire Iron Inc. regard-
ing the paint job of the water
Maguire Iron Inc. was hired
to adjust and install insulation
in the riser pipe of the water
tower, and fire damage occurred during installation.
In the letter, Richard Kemmis of Maguire Iron Inc. said
they intend to come back in the
spring to touch up the exterior
paint where it was damaged
from the fire.
Kemmis noted that the
touchup of paint was “due to
the age of the existing paint,
not be a perfect match,” and so
he offered to discount the complete exterior painting of the
tank by $4,000.
The total cost to completely
paint the water storage tank is
Council discussed this option, and before making a decision, asked Venier to contact
Maguire Iron to “clear up some
verbage in the contract” regarding fuel surcharges and
other disclaimers.
• Heard the planning commision met and is in the process
of reviewing the city’s comprehensive plan.
Councilor Carol Roquette reported that the commission will
work on the plan over the next
few months and will present
recommendations when completed.
• Approved a one-day liquor
on-sale permit for the Silver
Lake American Legion for Feb.
• Approved the one-day
gambling application for the
Silver Lake Fire Department
relief for Feb. 26.
• Approved the site agreement with Lutheran Social
Services for use of the auditorium for senior dining.
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This favorite section contains excellent local stories
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Reach out to the strong agricultural areas of
Renville, McLeod, Sibley & Carver Counties.
Delivered to more than 18,900 homes in 21 communities.
“Ag Scene” will be inserted in the March 2 Renville
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320-864-5518 Fax 320-864-5510
Ask for Karin Ramige Cornwell,
Sue Keenan,
Brenda Fogarty, or
Ashley Reetz,, 507-964-5547.
Final Deadline is Thurs., Feb. 14
Check our Web site to see last year’s edition,, click on Special Sections.
Delivered to
the entire
Advertiser &
Renville County
Shopper areas
• Arlington
• Bird Island
• Brownton
• Danube
• Gaylord
• Glencoe
• Green Isle
• Hamburg
• Hector
• Hutchinson
• Lake Lillian
• Lester Prairie
• Norwood
• Olivia
• Plato
• Renville
• Sacred Heart
• Silver Lake
• Stewart
• Winsted
• Young
75 YEARS AGO - JAN. 29, 1938 — The annual meeting of the Silver Lake Community
Creamery Company will be held in Silver Lake
on Tuesday, Feb. 1, at the village hall when
stockholders will name a board of directors for
the ensuing year. Members of the creamery
board whose terms expire are Joe Chap, Fred
Drahos and Frank Schultz. Holdover members
of the board are Edward Wraspir, Stanley Drahos, H.A. Nuwash and Art Hudec.
A Nickel Carnival, sponsored by the Silver
Lake Knights of Columbus, will be held on
Sunday, Jan. 30, in the club rooms at the St.
Joseph Church. There will be games of chance,
entertainment and refreshments. A high grade
rocking chair will be given away to the holder
of the lucky ticket. A coaster wagon will be
given away free to the child holding the lucky
Fire completely destroyed the farm home of
Will Vorlicek on the former Joe Witucki farm in
Hale Township on Monday forenoon. The fire
is thought to have started from the chimney. The
Silver Lake Fire Department rushed to the scene
of the fire, but had to confine efforts to saving
nearby buildings as the house was a mass of
flames when the truck arrived. The family is
making their home temporarily at the Art Vorlciek home until other arrangements are made.
It is not known whether a new house will be rebuilt on the place. The Silver Lake Legion, at a
special meeting on Monday evening, decided to
give as much help as possible to the Vorlicek
family. A request is made to the people of Silver
Lake and community to give as much as they
are able in the line of food, clothing, bedding,
household and cash. The Legion will see to it
that all donations are properly taken care of.
There are eight children, the youngest 2 years
old, besides the parents.
Mrs. Anna Navratil, 85, died on Saturday,
Jan. 22, at her home near Swan Lake. Funeral
services were held on Monday at the St. Joseph
2110 9th St. E. • Glencoe
Phoenix Drumline headlined the entertainment for
the annual Silver Lake
Business Expo. The expo
was held at the auditorium, and over 35 members of the drumline were
present with their instruments. The group performed
selections. They will be
participating in a district
Hutchinson High School,
set for Sunday, Feb. 17.
or Gaylord 507-237-2330
Plumbing & Heating
Drumline fun
Contact the Hutchinson Area
Chamber of Commerce and
Tourism at 320-587-5252 or email
The brochure with registration information can be found
Silver Lake Leader photos
by Alyssa Schauer
By Nathan Winter
Extension educator
The 2013 Agri Business
Seminar will be held at the
Crow River Winery east of
Hutchinson on Thursday, Jan.
31, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This year, the seminar offers
a variety of educational topics
for farmers and agricultural
professionals. The Agri Business Seminar is hosted by the
Committee and the Glencoe
Chamber of Commerce with financial help from area sponsors.
Presenters include:
• Jack Uldrich: “Foresight
20/20: A Futurist Explores the
Trends Transforming Tomorrow’s Agriculture.”
Uldrich is a renowned global
futurist and author of 11 books
regarding forecasting, technology and business. Uldrich also
is the founder and “chief unlearning officer” of The School
of Unlearning — an international leadership, change management and technology
consultancy dedicated to helping businesses, governments,
and non-profit organizations
prepare for and profit from periods of profound transformation.
• Bob Krogman/Marty Bonnell: “SPCC Compliance and
Secondary Containment.”
Krogman, executive director
for Minnesota Petroleum Marketers Association, and Bonnell, civil engineer with Brams
Engineering LLC.
Both Krogman and Bonnell
bring several years of experience in their fields and working
with Minnesota farmers. Together they will discuss SPCC
rules and compliance as well as
Secondary Containment options for local farmers with
varying sizes of farming operations.
• Justin Remus: “The Old,
New, and Future of Precision
Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
• Central Air Conditioning
• Air Duct Cleaning
• Service Work
Page 4 — Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 24, 2013
Visit from Mom, got things done
Silver Lake Leader photos
by Alyssa Schauer
Beer goggles
Last week at the Silver
Lake Business Expo, the
local fire and police deparments hosted seminars
for the public. The Silver
Lake Fire Department displayed its turnout gear
and equipment. Above,
fireman Kyle Wawrzyniak
tests the thermal heat
reader on Kathy Simondet
and Rhonda Kaczmarek.
To the left, Simondet gives
a go at the “fatal vision”
goggles provided by the
Silver Lake Police Department. The goggles show
what vision would be at
different alcohol levels.
Eleanore A. Kucera, 87, of Silver Lake
A Mass of Christian Burial
for Eleanore A. Kucera, 87, of
Silver Lake, was held Tuesday, Jan. 22, at Holy Family
Catholic Church in Silver
Lake. The
Rev. Paul
was the celebrant.
M r s .
Kucera died
S a t u r d a y,
2013, at St.
Mary’s Care
Center in Eleanore
Pallbearers were Robert
Davidson, Jon Davidson,
Kucera, Derek Kucera and
Wade Kucera. Interment was
in Holy Family Cemetery in
Silver Lake.
Eleanore A. Yurek was born
May 2, 1926, in Silver Lake,
to Louis and Jenny Pawlak
Yurek. She attended school
through the eighth grade.
On June 8, 1948, Leonard J.
Kucera and Eleanore A. Yurek
were joined in holy marriage
at St. Adalbert Catholic
Church in Silver Lake. God
blessed their marriage with
three children.
The Kuceras engaged in
dairy farming for many years
on his family’s homestead.
Mrs. Kucera enjoyed baking, gardening, canning, making homemade soup and
raising ducks and geese.
She was a faithful member
of Holy Family Catholic
Church in Silver Lake and also
belonged to Rosary Society
and CCW.
Survivors include her loving
children, Kenny Kucera and
Gerald (Luanne) Kucera, all of
Silver Lake, and Donna (Gregory) Davidson of Winsted;
nine grandchildren, Michelle,
Derek and Wade Kucera, Father Jeremy, Stephen (Catherine) and Brent (Rachel)
Kucera and Rob (Stephanie)
Davidson, Jonathan Davidson
and friend Cory and Jennifer
(Rick) Stenberg; eight grandchildren, Victoria, Owen,
Matthew, Ethan, Caidence,
Leah, Nolan and Nathan; and
other relatives and friends.
Preceding her in death were
her husband, Leonard; her parents, Louis and Jenny Yurek;
and brothers, Ed and Florian
The Maresh Funeral Home
in Silver Lake served the family. Online condolences may
be made at
Donald F. Navratil, 80, of Silver Lake
A memorial Mass for Donald F. Navratil, 80, of Silver
Lake, was held Monday, Jan.
21, at Holy Family Catholic
Church in Silver Lake. The
Rev. Paul
M r .
died Thursday, Jan. 17,
2013, at his
pallbearers Donald
were Larry Navratil
Ardolf, Randy Hlavka, George
Lhotka, Roger Lhotka, Virgil
Vacek, Cory Fouquette, Ray
Bandas Jr. and Larry Lhotka.
Mr. Navratil was born Nov.
25, 1932, in Silver Lake, to
Frank and Amilia (Svoboda)
He honorably served his
country in the U.S. Army,
serving in the Korean Conflict.
On Oct. 10, 1959, Mr.
Navratil and Christel Wallat
were joined in holy marriage
at St. Mary’s Cathedral in
Fargo, N.D. God blessed their
marriage with a son.
Mr. Navratil was employed
as a production laborer for 3M
for 35 years.
He was a member of Holy
Family Catholic Church in Silver Lake and also volunteered
at both the school and church.
Mr. Navratil was a lifelong
member of American Legion
Post 141 in Silver Lake.
Survivors include his wife
of 53 years, Christel Navratil
of Silver Lake; a son, Thomas
Lee Navratil of Vancouver,
Wash.; brothers, Alvin (Bernice) Navratil of Minnetonka
and Milton (Caroline) Navratil
of Silver Lake; a sister-in-law,
Margo (Marvin) Iszler of
Fargo, N.D.; and many other
relatives and friends.
The Maresh Funeral Home
in Silver Lake served the family. Online condolences may
be made at www.mareshfu
So my tree is finally out of
the apartment!
Last Thursday, after procrastinating over cleaning my
place before my mom’s threeday visit, I thought I should
get my laundry picked up, the
dishes done, the garbage out,
and, of course, my Christmas
tree down and to the shrub
It was a harder chore than I
thought. I ended up putting on
my good ol’ leather gardening
gloves — stained with pine
sap and tearing at the seams —
in order to remove the two
strings of Christmas lights and
remaining ornaments.
After watching boughs
break off and needles upon
needles pile up on the red
fleece blanket I fashioned into
a tree skirt, I decided it would
be easier if I took my tree outside in pieces.
So I ended up breaking off
every branch and stuffing the
boughs in a heavy-duty trash
bag, and I took the bare,
knobby tree trunk to Grandma
Alice’s woodpile on the farm.
After that adventure, and a
few loads of laundry and a
good Pine Sol scrub to the
floors, my apartment was finally ready to welcome Mom.
She is employed at HTI in
Eau Claire, and she visits
about every other month to do
some work at the plant in
There’s nothing like having
your mom around for a few
The last couple of mornings
I’ve awoken to my green tea
pot whistling and the bustling
noises of Mom closing cabinet
doors and finding pots and
pans. The sizzling sound of the
frying pan and the smell of
eggs lured me out of bed and
into the kitchen, where Mom
had a steaming plate of scrambled eggs with black forest
The Travel Section
By Alyssa Schauer
ham, cherry tomatoes, baby
spinach and black beans waiting for me.
And on Sunday, as I spent
an hour or three cleaning out
my closet, Mom kept me company as she prepared her
homemade chicken wild rice
soup, which she was so kind to
leave a cup for me in the refrigerator for Monday’s lunch.
Having three brothers and
Dad of course didn’t leave
much girl time for Mom and
me at home.
The TV was usually busy
with football or Dad’s “Rockford Files” series, and our
spring, summer and fall afternoons were often spent playing football, baseball, cutting
and stacking wood, or cleaning out the garage.
So naturally, when she visits
now, the days are filled with
shopping, “girl talk,” and
watching sappy chick flicks
with a box of Kleenex nearby.
I look forward to her stay
every quarter.
It’s nice to have the company and, of course, a few
days of hot breakfast waiting
for you isn’t half bad either.
I’m learning that no matter
how old I get, I’ll always need
my mom and dad — not only
to finish my pile of dishes, or
to help me get my taxes done,
or to fix the muffler on my
Jeep, but to be there to just listen and give advice when I
need it.
It’s funny how those awkward teenage years, when I
was embarrassed by anything
my Mom and Dad said and
did, have grown into years of
me hoping to be just like them
some day — smart, unselfish,
hardworking and always, always, always giving.
I have big shoes to fill, and
I welcome the challenge.
Larry G. Anderson, State Farm Agent
806 10th Street, Suite 102
Glencoe, MN 55336
(320) 864-5515
Valentine’s Day
Advertising Section
In the Feb. 6 McLeod County Chronicle and the Feb. 10
Glencoe Advertiser, as well as online at, there will be a special
full color page that will be promoting Valentine’s Day
gifts or dining specials. This would be a great
opportunity for all the local businesses to advertise their
Valentine’s events and/or specials on this page to let
everyone see how much our area has to offer.
We have a special offer Full Color
for less than black and white!
Call us and let our staff help your sales warm your heart!
Deadline for advertising is February 4, 2013.
ECFE’s parent-child classes begin
Early Childhood Family Education’s
classes are starting the week of
Jan. 28 through Feb. 1.
If you have been thinking
about coming to a parent-child
class with your infant, toddler,
or preschool-aged child, there
is still time to register.
ECFE classes are a great
place to meet other families
with children close in age to
your children. There also is an
opportunity to spend one-onone time with your special little
one without the distractions of
Each week there are group
activities, songs, books, finger
plays, art, and time to play.
Give your child the gift of your
full attention and time!
To see classes offered, refer
to the Community Education
catalog available at The Chronicle office, ECFE, the Panther
Field house, or online at, click on
For questions or class availability, call ECFE at 320-8642681.
716 E. 10th St., Glencoe • 320-864-5518
Ask for Sue Keenan,
Brenda Fogarty,
Karin Ramige Cornwell, or
Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 24, 2013 — Page 5
GSL Panther
Ober tops
at GSL for
By Lee Ostrom
Sports Editor
larissa Ober scored
22 points, hauled
down 15 rebounds
and blocked five shots in Glencoe-Silver Lake’s basketball
assignment at New LondonSpicer last Tuesday — a 73-59
win for NLS, whose Taylor
Thunstedt, a junior guard, tallied 50 points.
Despite her team’s loss,
Ober’s night was something
special, too.
With her fifth board, the 6foot-1 senior became GSL’s
all-time leader for most rebounds in a career, passing
Carolyn Busse’s previous list
topper. Busse had 842 in her
career; with another 15 in last
Friday’s 53-36 setback at
Orono, Ober has 868.
That is with at least 12
games still to play, assuming
she stays healthy.
“She takes a lot of pride in
her rebounding,” says GSL
head coach — and dad —
Cullen Ober. “The main thing
is, she moves. She goes and
gets that ball.”
Ober will graduate being her
school’s all-time leader in rebounds and blocked shots. Currently, she has 300 blocked
shots, which are 162 more than
anyone else.
Wait! There could be more.
Ober’s 1,263 career points
rank second to Brittany Thiesfeld’s 1,446 on GSL’s list of
all-time scoring leaders. If the
future South Dakota State University Jackrabbit averages
15.3 points per game in GSL’s
next 12 games she will move to
the top of the list.
She also is sixth on GSL’s
all-time steals list, with 203
(leader Busse graduated with
December Watertown-May.. W,80-63
11 Bl. Jefferson.....L,64-57
13....Hutchinson .........W,65-64
15....New Ulm.............W,77-67 Waconia...........L,91-69
21....Rocori .................W,67-60
........GSL tourney:
28....vs. Spectrum ......W,86-36
29....vs. HF Catholic ...W,72-59
321), and 10th in made 3-point
field goals (Amanda Kinzler’s
315 top that list). Ober has 47.
GSL’s 10 top rebounders:
05....Jordan .................L,66-55 Dassel-Cok.....W,74-60
11 Mound-Wtka. ...L,86-78
12....NYA Central........W,66-46
15....N.London-Sp. ......L,65-63
18....Orono ..................L,79-64 Faribault ..........L,67-64 Litchfield ..........L,58-40 Hutchinson............7:30 Annandale.............7:30
Clarissa Ober* .................868
Carolyn Busse.................842
Donna Dose .....................694
Jalissa Huepenbecker ....661
Brittany Thiesfeld ...........641
Robyn Ruschmeier .........634
Megan Mickolichek .........602
Jamie Mickolichek ..........595
Angie Wigern...................520
Hali Haukos .....................514
01....HF Catholic ...............7:30
08....Dassel-Cokato ..........7:30
09....Mound-Wtka. ............7:30
11 Sibley East............7:30 N.London-Sp. .......7:30
19....Litchfield ...................7:30
22....Delano ......................7:30
26....Annandale ................7:30
— Current GSL junior Steph
Klockmann has 450 rebounds
to date in her career.
— As a result of last week’s
two losses, GSL’s records
dipped to 5-9 overall and 1-4 in
the Wright County Conference.
Section 5(AA) Tourney
07....1st Round
GSL boys drop 3
After winning the championship game of their booster
club’s holiday tournament, the
GSL Panthers stood 6-2 for the
2012 part of their schedule.
Robb DeCorsey’s boys were 50 on their home court.
But so far, things have not
gone as well in 2013.
Last Tuesday at home, the
Panthers dropped a Wright
County Conference tussle with
New London-Spicer. The
Wildcats, trailing 63-55, scored
the game’s last 10 points to pull
out a 65-63 victory.
Facing another WCC foe last
Friday at home, the Panthers
fell to Orono, 79-64.
The next night, GSL lost 6764 in overtime at Faribault.
Suddenly, GSL is 8-7 overall, with a 6-3 record at home
and a 1-4 mark in their league,
— Senior guard Ethan Maass
scored the 1,000th point of his
GSL career last Tuesday.
November St.Peter............L,69-48 Jordan .............L,69-35
December Belle Plaine .....L,58-54
11 ....New Prague.........L,59-45 Annandale .......L,55-42
20....Mayer Lutheran ..W,46-37
28....vs. Luverne.........W,39-26
January New Ulm.........W,51-29
11 Mound-Wtka...W,75-62
12....NYA Central........W,73-64 N.Londn-Sp. ....L,73-59 Orono ..............L,53-36
22....Litchfield ..............L,41-29
29....Annandale ................7:30
Silver Lake Leader photo by Rich Glennie
GSL senior Trent Draeger goes to his left
hand against New London-Spicer. Action
is Jan. 15 in Glencoe. HF Catholic...........7:30
05....Spectrum ..................7:30 Dassel-Cokato ......7:30
09....Mound-Wtka. ............6:00
12....N.London-Sp. ...........7:30
15....Waconia....................7:30 Litchfield ...............7:30 Delano ..................7:30
Section 2(AAA) Tourney
26....1st Round
Section 2(AAA) Tourney
02....2nd Round
Hartwig, Clouse
claim LCWM titles
Silver Lake Leader photo by Lee Ostrom
9.25 on floor exercise
Glencoe-Silver Lake’s gymnasts had a busy weekend,
scoring 113 points at a home dual Friday with Waconia
and a season-high 118.9 for their invitational Saturday.
Among highlights, sophomore Ashley Petersen (pictured here) received a personal-best 9.25 for her floor
exercise routine Saturday. Teammate Becca Ebbers
scored her season-best all-around (31.75) Friday.
By Kevin Simonson
Special to The Leader
Because of match count issues, the GSL/LP wrestlers
were not at full strength when
they headed south to Lake
Crystal for the inaugural Lake
Crystal Welcome Memorial Invitational (LCWM). The Panthers, who have been filling all
14 weights recently, only had
11 competitors for last Saturday’s meet.
Missing from the lineup
were regulars Jacob Jewett,
Aaron Donnay, Brandon
Richter, Nate Tesch and Ray
Eberhard. Others were missing
due to potential 9th-grade section and 9th-grade state meet
matches. A wrestler can compete in only 36 matches before
the section dual meet tournament.
Of the 11 wrestlers competing in the LCWM tourney,
seven of them placed with
three advancing to the finals.
Wrestling in the finals were
Mitchell Hartwig (145) and
Dalton Clouse (195). Winning
titles were Hartwig and Clouse.
The championship match at
145 was a dream matchup between two highly ranked
wrestlers. Tanner Trembley
from LCWM had not experienced defeat since he lost two
matches in Glencoe on Dec.
15, 2011. His two losses that
night were to Mitchell Hartwig
from GSL/LP, 8-5, and Sam
Brancale from Eden Prairie, 53. Brancale ended up winning
the AAA state title at 126 while
Trembley went on to win the
Class A 132-pound state title.
This championship match
was 0-0 after one period with
Trembley winning the flip for
choice in the second. He chose
the down position and is
known for being a scrambler.
But Hartwig was able to put
him on his back for a two-point
nearfall. After injury time,
Trembley earned an escape, but
Hartwig quickly scored a takedown to lead 4-1 going into the
third period. Hartwig was
given an escape late in the third
to win this classic match 5-1.
Hartwig advanced to the finals with a pin in the quarterfinals and a 4-0 decision in the
Clouse wrestled a total of
1:27 to earn his championship.
After a first-round bye, he won
by fall in the semifinals in :41;
and in the finals, he pinned
John Wittman from Chaska/
Chanhassen in :46.
Finishing second for the Panthers was Michael Donnay.
After receiving a bye in the
quarterfinals, he faced Louie
Sanders from LCWM. Sanders
was ranked No. 2 in the state at
120 in Class A.
After giving up the initial
takedown early in the match,
Donnay scored a reversal and
two-point nearfall to lead 4-2
after the first period. Sanders
scored an escape to start the
second period and a quick takedown to lead 5-4. But he was
unable to hold down Donnay,
who earned a quick escape and
his own takedown to lead 7-5
after two. Donnay scored an escape in the third to win 8-5. In
the finals he dropped a 4-2 decision to the top seed Isaac
Loosbrock from Chaska/Chanhassen. Loosbrock scored a
takedown in the first and a reversal in the second. Donnay
scored a two-point nearfall in
the second prior to Loosbrock’s
reversal. Neither wrestler
scored in the third.
Finishing in fourth place was
John Williams (170) and taking
fifth place honors was Dylan
Melchert (138). Williams was
2-2 on the day and both losses
were by two points each with
his opponent scoring a takedown in the closing seconds.
Melchert picked up his first
ever varsity win in the fifth
place match with a pin.
Sixth place finishers were
Chris Lemke (285) and Kyle
Polzin (132).
Not placing were Alex
Mielke (126), Nick Jenkins
(152), Martin Lezama (160)
and Colton Lueders (182).
Thursday night, GSL/LP
wrestles Mound-Westonka for
parents night and alumni night.
Team totals from LCWM:
1.Lake Crystal Welcome
Memorial 214.5; 2.Windom
Area/Mountain Lake
201; 3.Chaska/Chanhassen
4.Austin 142; 5.Montevideo 127.5; 6.Benilde St.
Margaret 113.5.
7.Glencoe Silver Lake/LP
111.5; 8.Madelia/Truman/
Martin Luther 96.5;
75.5; 10.Northwood- Kenesett 58.
December Becker Inv. ................... Northfield Inv................ WM triangular .............. St. Peter.......................
January Litchfield ......................
11 ....Dassel-Cokato .................
18....Waconia ...............L,113.0
19....GSL Invite .........6th,118.9
24....Delano ......................6:00 Northfield Inv.......10:30
01....Mound-Wtka. ............6:00 NL-Spicer..............6:00
Section 2(A) Meet Watertown.............TBA
01....GSL-Don Hall Inv. .......4th
08 Andover Inv. ...........2nd Litch: vs.DC....W,42-30
........vs. Litchfield .......W,53-14 Richfield Inv. ....2nd,2-1 Hutch: vs.NLS ...L,66-9
........vs.Ann/ML .............L,60-8
03....GSL: Waconia ....W,42-30
........vs.Hutchinson......L,52-23 Ogilvie Inv ...............1st WM .................L,36-28
........vs.LeS-Hend. ....W,60-12
10....GSL: Delano .......W,63-11 Zim Invite.. ..............1st LCWM Invite ...........6th
22....St.Peter ..............W,44-31
24....GSL 2D (with MoundWtka., Hutch) ....................6:00 N.Prague 2D.........5:00 HLWW...................6:30
01....WCC. at Delano........3:30 MW Invite..............5:00 DC Invite.............10:00
Section 2(AA) Tourney
14....Teams, 1st rounds ....TBA
22-23..Indys, at Waconia ..TBA
Page 6 — Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 24, 2013
Kitchen Delights
& Other Things
Apple Almond Chicken Salad
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional)
Homemade mayo:
2 large eggs
1 large egg yolk
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/3 cup olive oil
2/3 cup vegetable oil
Chicken salad:
1 cup slivered blanched almonds
2 whole boneless chicken breasts, cooked and
1 green apple, cored, peeled, and diced
2 stalks celery, diced
1 green onion, thinly sliced
1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped
2 tablespoons parsley, finely chopped
1/2 to 2/4 cup homemade mayo, to taste
Salt and pepper, to taste
To make the mayo, combine eggs, yolk, salt,
pepper, mustard, and lemon juice in a blender
or food processor. Add oil about 2 tablespoons
at a time and blend between additions. Refrigerate while you prepare chicken salad. To make
the salad, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place almonds in one layer and toast until fragrant and
golden, about 8 minutes. Let cool for about 5
minutes. In a large bowl, toss together chicken,
apple, celery, green onion, red onion, and parsley. Add mayo to taste, starting with about 1/2
cup until you reach your desired consistency.
Add salt and pepper to taste. Tip: store leftover
mayo in air tight container for a week.
Southern Pecan Praline Cake
1 box butter pecan cake mix
1 tub coconut pecan frosting
4 eggs
3/4 cup oil
1 cup water
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9x13-inch
baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.
In a medium bowl, combine cake mix, frosting,
eggs, oil and water. After mix is combined, stir
in 1/2 cup chopped pecans. Pour batter into
greased baking dish and bake for about 40 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in the middle
comes out clean. In a small pot over medium
heat, melt 2 tablespoons butter. Pour in can of
sweetened condensed milk with the melted butter and stir. Continue to stir until heated thoroughly, then add 1/2 cup chopped pecans. Stir
again, then take off heat. Pour sauce over individual slices of cake. Note: You can also make
this in a bundt pan. Bake for about 50 minutes.
Spicy Honey Chicken
8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 teaspoons chili powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon coriander
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon chipotle chili powder
1/2 cup honey
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Combine the rub spices in a bowl and mix well.
Use kitchen shears to trim off any excess fat
from the chicken pieces. Pat dry. Drizzle oil
over chicken and rub with your hands to lightly
coat all pieces. Then toss chicken with spice rub
to coat all sides well. Grill chicken for 3 to 5
minutes on each side, until cooked through.
While chicken is cooking, warm honey in the
microwave so it’s not thick. Add the vinegar and
combine well. Reserve 2 tablespoons of the
honey glaze for later, after the chicken has
cooked to pour on right before serving. Take the
rest of the glaze mix and brush on both sides of
the chicken in the final moments of grilling.
Church News
300 Cleveland Ave.,
Silver Lake
Dr. Tom Rakow, Pastor
Sat., Jan. 26 — Men’s Bible
study, 7 a.m.; women’s Bible
study, 9 a.m.
Sun., Jan. 27 — “First Light”
radio broadcast on KARP 106.9
FM, 7:30 a.m.; pre-service prayer
time, 9:15 a.m.; worship service,
9:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 10:35
a.m.; open shooting for Centershot graduates, 11:45 a.m.; new
session of Centershot Archery
Ministry begins, 1 p.m.
Wed., Jan. 30 — Confirmation
class, 6 p.m.; prayer time/puppet
practice, 7 p.m.
Sat., Feb. 2 — Men’s Bible
study, 7 a.m.
Sun., Feb. 3 — “First Light”
radio broadcast on KARP 106.9
FM, 7:30 a.m.; fellowship and refreshment time, 9 a.m.; pre-service prayer time, 9:15 a.m.;
worship service, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 10:35 a.m.; open
shooting for Centershot graduates,
11:45 a.m.; Centershot Archery
Ministry, 1 p.m.
Dial-A-Bible Story, 320-3272843.
108 W. Main St.,
Silver Lake
Fax 320-327-6562
E-mail: faithfriends
Mark Ford, Pastor
Carol Chmielewski, CLP
Office hours: Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. and Sundays
from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Sun., Jan. 27 — Annual meeting with potluck to follow, 10 a.m.
Wed., Jan. 30 — Light supper,
5:30 p.m.; WOW classes, 6 p.m.;
adult Bible study, 6 p.m.; choir
practice, 7 p.m.
700 W. Main St.,
Silver Lake
Anthony Stubeda, Pastor
Fri., Jan. 25 — Mass, 8 a.m.;
Pro-Life prayer service at St. Pius
X, 7 p.m.
Sat., Jan. 26 — Reconciliation,
5:30 p.m.; Mass, 6:30 p.m.
Sun., Jan. 27 — Mass, 8 a.m.
and 8 p.m.; Catholicism series at
Holy Family, 4 p.m.
Tues., Jan. 29 — Mass, 8 a.m.;
adoration, 8:30 a.m.-10 p.m.;
quilting, 9 a.m.; Parish Administrative Council, 6:30 p.m.
Wed., Jan. 30 — Mass at
Cokato Manor, 10 a.m.; firstthrough sixth-grade religious education classes, 5:30 p.m.; Mass,
6:30 p.m.; seventh- through 11thgrade religious education classes,
7:15 p.m.
Thurs., Jan. 31 — Mass at
Cedar Crest, 10:30 a.m.
950 School Rd. S.W.
E-mail: infor@
Jim Hall, Pastor
Sun., Jan. 27 — Worship, 9:30
a.m. and 6 p.m.
770 School Rd.,
Kenneth Rand,
Branch President
Sun., Jan. 27 — Sunday school,
10:50 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; priesthood, relief society and primary,
11:40 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
20924 State Hwy. 7 W.
E-mail: assembly@
Dr. Lee Allison, pastor
Sun., Jan. 27 — Worship, 8:30
a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Wed., Jan. 30 — Family night
activities, 6:30 p.m.
31 Fourth Ave. S.W.,
Sun., Jan. 27 — Sunday school,
9 a.m.; worship, 10:15 a.m.
1014 Knight Ave.,
Anthony Stubeda, Pastor
Thurs., Jan. 24 — No long-term
care Mass; APC meeting at Holy
Family, Silver Lake, 7 p.m.
Fri., Jan. 25 — Morning
prayer, 8 a.m.; Mass, 8:20 a.m.;
staff meeting, 10 a.m.; Spanish
Mass, 5:30 p.m.; pro-life service,
7 p.m.
Sat., Jan. 26 — Reconciliation,
4 p.m.; Mass, 5 p.m.
Sun., Jan. 27 — Start Catholics
Schools Week (CSW); CSW
parish Mass, 9:30 a.m.; CSW
Catholic United Financial turkey
and ham dinner, 10:30 a.m.-2
p.m.; Spanish Mass, 11:30 a.m.;
no Spanish religious education
classes; baptisms, 3 p.m.; Catholicism series at Holy Family, 4 p.m.;
Mass at Holy Family, Silver Lake,
8 p.m.
Mon., Jan. 28 — No Mass;
HandS committee, parish library,
6:30 p.m.; CUF meeting, 7:30
Tues., Jan. 29 — Morning
prayer, 7 a.m.; Mass, 7:20 a.m.; no
junior choir practice; PAC meeting, 8 p.m.
Wed., Jan. 30 — St. Pius
X/Holy Trinity Mass at Winsted, 9
a.m.; evening prayer, 5:40 p.m.;
Mass, 6 p.m.; kindergarten
through sixth-grade religious education classes, 7 p.m.-8 p.m.; seventh- through 11th-grade religious
education classes, 7 p.m.-8:15
p.m.; confirmation candidate, parent meeting, Holy Family, Silver
Lake, 7 p.m.
1215 Roberts Rd. S.W.
Rick Stapleton,
Senior pastor
Adam Krumrie,
worship pastor
Tait Hoglund,
Student ministries
Thurs., Jan. 24 — Senior high
free lunch, 11 a.m.; worship team,
6 p.m.
Sun., Jan. 27 — Worship, 9
a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; Sunday
school for all ages, 9 a.m.; volunteer appreciation dinner, 11:45
a.m.; Shalom’s Strategy and annual meeting, 1:15 p.m.; Griefshare, 2 p.m.
Mon., Jan. 28 — Women’s discipleship, 6:30 p.m.
Tues., Jan. 29 — Women’s discipleship, 9 a.m.
Wed., Jan. 30 — Release time,
9 a.m.; AWANA, 6:30 p.m.; middle school youth group, 6:30 p.m.;
senior high youth group, 7:30
Thurs., Jan. 31 — Senior high
free lunch, 11 a.m.; worship team,
6 p.m.
77 Lincoln Ave.,
Lester Prairie
Bethany Nelson, pastor
Sun., Jan. 27 — Worship, 9
a.m.; coffee and fellowship, 10
a.m.; Sunday school, 10:15 a.m.
Wed., Jan. 30 — Office hours,
3 p.m.; confirmation, 7 p.m.;
choir, 7 p.m.
County Board hires consultant
to examine recycling program
By Lori Copler
Staff Writer
The McLeod County Board
of Commissioners on Tuesday
approved a not-to-exceed figure of $50,000 to have a consultant review the county’s
recycling program.
According to Commissioner
Paul Wright, the consultant,
SAIC, will study different options, including one-sort or
two-sort recycling programs,
and the equipment that may be
needed at the county’s Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)
to accommodate a different recycling program.
Currently, the county offers
a free, five-sort recycling program to residents in the community.
But recently, the city of
Glencoe has been considering
a contract with Waste Management for a one-sort program,
which has caused issues with
the county’s program.
It was reported Tuesday that
the city of Winsted also is interested in a one-sort program,
and has begun discussions
with the county about a potential change in the county program.
Wright said the county has
used a five-sort system because it helps reduce the contamination between different
products that are recycled by
keeping them separated at the
source, rather than having all
of the recycled material taken
in bulk and mixed to a facility,
and then separating.
“There is no single-sort that
is as good as five-sort,” said
“Our contamination rate
will go up,” if the county goes
to one- or two-sort, said Commissioner Sheldon Nies.
But city officials in Glencoe
and others contend that recycling will increase if people do
not have to pre-sort the material.
seeks area
for spring
The Crow River Area Youth
Orchestra is seeking area musicians for its second semester.
There are two opportunities for
The Symphonic Orchestra is
for string students and adults
who feel comfortable reading
at a more advanced level —
end of Suzuki Book 3 on up
and band students from an
eighth-grade level on up.
Instruments desired for this
group are violins, violas, cellos, string basses, flutes, clarinets,
saxophones, trumpets, French
horns, trombones, baritones,
tuba and percussion. The
group is directed by Michael
The Varsity Strings ensemble is for string students and
adults who feel comfortable
reading at a late beginning to
early intermediate level —
Suzuki books 1 through 3.
Instruments desired include
violins, violas, cellos and
string bass. This group is directed by Rhonda Johnson.
Both groups will meet on
Sunday afternoons at Hutchinson Middle School. The Varsity Strings will meet from 4
p.m. to 5 p.m. in the choir
room and the Symphonic Orchestra will meet from 3:30
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the band
The first rehearsal for both
will be Feb. 3. The concert is
set for April 21.
For more information or to
register, call Sherri Brigden at
visit Those interested will be able to listen to
the pieces selected for the concert on the website.
The Crow River Youth Orchestra can also be found on
Silver Lake
Wright said he prefers an
outside consultant look at the
recycling program because a
change may require a significant investment in equipment,
or even a building expansion,
at MRF.
“We may have to put a lot of
money into the facility,” said
Wright. “And we want to
make sure we do it right.”
Wright also said that the
study and any resulting equipment or facility changes will
be paid for through solid waste
funds, and not from the general levy.
In related business, Commissioner Kermit Terlinden
asked about adding additional
recycling bins in Glencoe, perhaps in one of the courthouse
parking lots or at some countyowned land at the west edge of
the city.
Terlinden said city of Glencoe officials had shown county
officials photos of the overflowing recycling bin at the
current site, located near the
railroad on the east side of
Terlinden said the overflowing bins were proof that people
are trying to recycle.
Nies said the MRF committee has been discussing that
issue, and agreed to add an-
other day a week to pick up
cardboard at the site, which
seems to be the biggest issue.
Nies also said that the current Glencoe drop-off site
needs to be relocated because
it is partially located on railroad property, and because
there has been at least one accident there.
In other business, the
County Board:
• Held an hour-long closed
session to hear an appeal of a
disciplinary action that had
been taken against an employee.
After the meeting reopened, Nies said a statement
will be made about the matter
after the appeals process is
fully gone through.
• Agreed to buy a Caterpillar
front-end loader at the state
contract price of $188,164,
which Highway Maintenance
Superintendent Elvis Voigt
said will replace two older
loaders. The two older loaders
will be sold on sealed bids.
• Purchased two Dodge Durangos and two Ford Police Interceptor utility vehicles for
the sheriff’s department at a
total cost of just over $105,500
for the four vehicles.
• Approved the annual committee appointments.
Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 24, 2013 — Page 7
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Work Wanted
HANDYMAN: Will do remodeling of
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cleaning of basements/garages.
Call (320) 848-2722 or (320) 5831278.
When is the game?
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at the meeting?
How is the team doing?
Who is the Student
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Find the answers
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Need transportation for your next
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Page 8 — Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 24, 2013
People News
Bayerl honored on dean’s list
Mitchell Bayerl of Silver Lake was among honors on
the University of Wisconsin-Madison fall dean’s list for
2012. Bayerl is in the College of Engineering.
Wawrzyniak among honors
Marc Wawrzyniak of Silver Lake was among several
area students announced to the 2012 fall semester dean’s
list at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Other local students include Katelin Goebel of Brownton; Bethanie Borg
of Cokato; Zachary Kaiser of Dassel; Adam Broderius,
Kaylee Kruschke and Jorrin Pautz, all of Glencoe; Allysa
Lund and Amanda Palubeskie, both of Hutchinson; and
Jared Gailey, Mikayla Karels and Abby Schlueter, all of
Daughter born to McCalleys
Silver Lake Leader photo by Rich Glennie
Stephanie Welch, left, as Glauce, and Mariah GuldemannChiarillo as Medea square off in one of the scenes of Glencoe-Silver Lake’s one-act play “Medea,” set to be
performed on Saturday at Jordan in the subsection com-
petition. But before that happens, the cast will perform a
free showing at 7 p.m., Thursday (tonight), in the high
school auditorium. At the far right is Stephanie Chastek,
a member of Medea’s chorus.
‘Medea’ is GSL’s one-act play;
free performance set Jan. 24
The dates and times for
Glencoe-Silver Lake High
School’s one-act play have
been set.
Director Patrick Hiltner and
his cast and crew will present
the play “Medea” by Nelly E.
Cuellar-Garcia, based on the
play by Euripides, at a public
performance at 7 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 24. This performance
is open and free to the public.
On Saturday, Jan. 26, Jordan
High School will host the subsection one-act play competition. There will be six schools
competing, with GSL performing at 1:30 p.m.
The play is the classic Greek
drama set in ancient Greek
times. Deaf to the warnings of
her nurse and chorus, griefstricken Medea seeks solace in
destroying Jason, her unfaith-
ful husband.
This is a condensed adaptation of the classic tragedy that
explores Medea’s disjointed
psyche within the context of
ancient Greek values.
The cast members include
Mariah Guldemann-Chiarillo
as Medea; John Seipel as
Jason; Amber Drong as the
nurse; Ben Rockswold as
Aegeus; Stephanie Welch as
Glauce; Stephanie Chastek,
Kayla Williams-Schwarze,
Sloan Becker and Lili Mallak
as Medea’s chorus; Samantha
Iverson, Jennifer Jacques,
Rachel Bonderman and Leah
Peterson as the Greek chrous;
and Richard Wilson and
Quinten Proehl as the soldiers.
Eric Steffel is running the
lights and sound
GSL Knowledge Bowl teams all earn
medals; JV squad wins at Dawson-Boyd
In the third meet for Glencoe-Silver Lake High School
teams since the beginning of
January (and the fifth meet for
junior high students), GSL’s
Knowledge Bowl teams traveled to Dawson for an invitational on Saturday.
GSL teams at all levels
earned medals.
“When 12 to 15 schools attend an invitational, this is a
relatively unusual accomplishment, and this is the third time
(out of four three-level meets)
this year that we have had this
level of success,” said GSL
coach Vicky Harris. “With a
rare weekend break coming up
next weekend, this was exciting for us.”
Harris said the varsity competition included 20 teams
from 12 schools, and Willmar
won with a score of 106, while
Hutchinson took second with
105. GSL’s top team lagged
behind the top two, but placed
third with 94.5 points.
GSL’s second team tied
New London-Spicer for fourth
with 91 points.
While GSL had the highest
score in Room 1 two times, the
Panthers could not accumulate
enough points to move up in
the standings. GSL 1 included
Joe Fehrenbach, Ethan Bass,
Mark Broderius and Chandler
GSL 2 competed for the
whole meet in Room 2, and
had one high score of 16, but
otherwise suffered the same
problem as GSL 1 – it just didn’t have enough oomph to
move up farther, Harris said.
This team included Lindsey
Becker, Kyle Beck, Oakley
Clark, Patrick Fehrenbach and
Jacob Wawrzyniak.
The junior varsity meet had
13 teams from nine schools.
GSL’s only team started in
Room 2, but earned 20 points
in the first oral round. It
moved into first place where it
stayed for the rest of the meet.
GSL’s final score was 94.5
points. ACGC was second
with 89, while Willmar Community Christian ended in
third with 73 points.
The GSL team members
were Cody Wendorff, Cedric
Winter, Mitch Beneke and
Maddie Kuehn.
GSL had three teams in the
22-team junior high competition. Thirteen schools were
GSL’s first team started in
Room 2, dropped briefly to
Room 3 in the third round, and
came back up to Room 2. In
the final rounds the team
earned 22 and 14 points and
got just high enough to earn
third place, Harris said.
The junior high meet was
won by Willmar with 120, and
Ortonville took second with
106. GSL 1 finished with
108.5. This team included
Maggie Petersen, Rachel Reichow, Dini Schweikert and
Katie Twiss.
GSL 3 started lower in
Room 4, but by round three,
the team was competing well
in Room 1. In fact, GSL 3 won
Room 1 in round 3, 17-16-14.
Round four wasn’t as kind,
and GSL 3 lost 15-13-9.
GSL 3 ended the meet in
fourth place, still an excellent
placing, with 106 points, Harris said. The team members
were Jenna Lokensgard, Lindsay Wedin, Jake Fehrenbach
and Theresa Siers.
GSL 2 started in Room 5
and during the rest of the meet
competed in Rooms 2 and 3.
GSL 2 finished in ninth place
with 94 points, still in the top
half of the meet. The team was
Connor Heuer, Cora Kuras,
Marisa Luchsinger, Jake Vasek
and Jack Gepson.
Next weekend there are no
Knowledge Bowl meets in the
region, but on the first Saturday in February, GSL will be
traveling to Little Falls for the
“Lucky Lindy Invitational.”
Harris said both students
and coaches enjoy the Little
Falls meet because there is excellent competition from other
parts of the state, often including Brainerd, Moorhead, and
many good teams from the
metro area.
Also coaching the GSL
Knowledge Bowl teams with
Harris is Clare Nolan.
Matt and Melissa McCalley of Lester Prairie are proud
to announce the birth of their daughter, Maria Sofia, on
Jan. 7, 2013. Maria weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and was
19-1/2 inches in length. She is welcomed home by three
sisters. Grandparents are Brenda and Frank Scandin of
Mayer, Mary Thurston of Lakeville and Dick McCalley of
Girl born to Glencoe couple
Amber Thomes and Scotty Matlock, both of Glencoe,
are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Kendall
Elizabeth Matlock, on Jan. 8, 2013. Kendall weighed 6
pounds, 12 ounces, and was 20 inches long. She is welcomed home by siblings Wyatt and Kiersten Matlock.
Grandparents are Rick and Susan Thomes of Silver Lake,
Lydia and Terry Binion of Anna, Texas, and Ronald and
Sara Matlock of Forrest City, Ark.
Jan. 28-Feb. 1
Silver Lake
Senior Nutrition Site
Monday — Hamburger, ovenbrowned potatoes, corn, bun with
margarine, escalloped apples, lowfat milk.
Tuesday — Chicken ala king,
peas, carrots, fruit salad, rice,
cookie, low-fat milk.
Wednesday — Italian meat
sauce, spaghetti noodles, lettuce
with dressing, mixed vegetables,
garlic bread with margarine, ice
cream, low-fat milk.
Thursday — Pork loin, whole
parslied pottaoes, carrots, dinner
roll with margarine, poke cake, lowfat milk.
Friday — Not available.
GSL Schools
Elementary/Jr. High/Sr. High
Monday — Breakfast pizza or
Kix Berry cereal and yogurt, apple
juice cup, low-fat milk. (Breakfast
burrito at junior high and high
Tuesday — Pancake on a stick
or Cheerios and apple-cinnamon
muffin, diced peaches, low-fat milk.
Wednesday — Egg and cheese
omelet or reduced-sugar Coco
Puffs cereal and string cheese,
apple wedges, low-fat milk. (Breakfast pizza at junior high and senior
Thursday — Breakfast pizza or
reduced-sugar Fruit Loops cereal
and blueberry muffin, orange juice
cup, low-fat milk. (Egg and cheese
omelet at junior high and high
Friday — Pancakes with syrup
or reduced-sugar Cinnamon Toast
Crunch cereal and yogurt, diced
pears, low-fat milk. (French toast
sticks with syrup at junior high and
high school).
Helen Baker/Lakeside Lunch
Monday — Hot dog on a wholegrain bun, fun lunch, seasoned
green beans, celery sticks, apple
wedges, pineapple tidbits.
Tuesday — Beefy nachos with
fiesta rice, chef salad, bread stick,
refried beans, jicama sticks with
dressing, petite banana, chilled applesauce.
Wednesday — Italian meat
sauce, whole-grain rotini pasta,
bread stick, tuna salad sandwich
on whole-grain bread, seasoned
carrots, marinated cucumbers and
tomatoes, kiwi wedge, chilled
Thursday — Breaded chicken
patty on a whole-grain bun, ham
and cheese on a whole grain bun,
seasoned carrots, caesar romaine
salad with dressing, orange
wedges, chilled pears.
Friday — Not available.
High School Lunch
Monday — Oven-baked turkey
corn dog, baked beans, baked
tator tots, confetti coleslaw, baby
carrots with dressing, orange
wedges, pineapple tidbits.
Tuesday — Mexican bar with
beefy nachos or beef tacos, brown
rice, refried beans, sweet corn
salad, celery sticks with dressing,
petite banana, chilled applesauce.
Wednesday — Breaded chicken
parmesan over whole-grain noodles, seasoned peas, broccoli
salad with raisins, baby carrots
with dressing, kiwi wedges, chilled
Thursday — Roast chicken in
gravy, stuffing, corn bread, mashed
potatoes, kidney bean salad, cucumber slices with dressing, cranberry sauce, chilled pears.
Friday — Not available.
E-mail us at:
Special Advertising Section
In the Feb. 10 Glencoe Advertiser and Feb. 13 McLeod County
Chronicle, as well as online at, we will be
featuring information about the upcoming Glencoe Business Expo
on Feb. 16 & 17. We will be featuring the
schedule of expo activities for that weekend.
We will be offering a special marketing package:
Full color ads for less than black & white!
Annually, the event attracts around 2,000 people.
Make sure your business is getting its message out, call today!
Advertising deadline is February 6.
One-bedroom apartments available now
At Orchard Estates, friends and neighbors are just down the hall,
716 E. 10th St., Glencoe • 320-864-5518
ready when you are for a card game or coffee break. Join us!
Ask for Sue Keenan,
Brenda Fogarty,
Karin Ramige Cornwell,
Call 320-864-7798 or 1-888-526-4242, ext 7798 or visit
GRHS0522-A (1/13)