1 - Stusid BANK
1 - Stusid BANK
Annual Report 2009 A limited company with a capital of 100 millions Dinars 32, Rue Hédi Karray, 1082 Tunis B.P.20 - Tunis 1002 Tel.: ( 216 ) 71 232 133 / Telefax : (216 ) 71 753 233 Telex: 13594 TUSID / Swift : TSIDTNTT R.C.: B16641997 / VAT Code : 013026/E/A/M/000 His Excellency Mr. Zine El Abidine BEN ALI President of the Republic of Tunisia The Servant of the Two Holy Mosques His Majesty King Abdallah IBN ABDULAZIZ King of Saudi Arabia Summary Address of Chairman of Board of Directors to Ordinary General Assembly 8 Presentation of STUSID BANK 11 Involvment Forms 12 ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 13 World Economic Situation 14 National Economic Situation 16 STUSID BANK’S ACTIVITY 23 Financial Resources 24 Bank’s Interventions 26 Classification of Commitments 30 Securities Portfolio 31 STUSID BANK’S RESULTS 33 Activity Indicators 34 Stockholders’ Equity and Distribution of Profits 37 Evolution of STUSID BANK’s Results 37 Risk Management and Prudential Ratios 38 DIVERSIFICATION OF STUSID BANK’S ACTIVITY 39 FINANCIAL SITUATION AS OF END DECEMBER 2009 AND 2008 43 Balance Sheets 44 Prudential Standards 45 Off-Balance Sheet Commitments 45 Income Statements 46 Cashflow Statements 48 Auditor’s General Report 49 Auditors’ Special Report 51 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF STUSID BANK GROUP as of 31 December 53 Consolidated Financial Information of STUSID BANK Group 54 Consolidated Balance Sheets 56 Consolidated Off Balance Sheet Commitments 57 Consolidated Income Statements 58 Consolidated cashflow Statements 59 Auditor’s General Report 60 Ordinary General Assembly’s Resolutions 62 Board of Directors Chairman of Board of Directors Dr. Abdulaziz A.AL-NASRULLAH Mr. Abdulaziz Ben Brahim ALAMR Financial advisor of Saoudi General Investment Fund at Ministry of Finance Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mr. Hamad Ben Soulaiman AL NAJACHI General Manager of International Economic Relations, Ministry of Finance Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mr. Mohamed SHEYAA Manager of Insurance Control Arab Saudi Monetary Fund Kingdom of Saudi Arabia M. Mohamed SHEYAA was designated as member of board of Directors as from 22th April 2009 in substitution to M. Mohamed BEN ABADALLAH AL CHEIKH Mr. Saeed Ben Saadi Mohamed AL SIAIRRI Deputy Chief Executive Officer Bank of Ryadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Managing Director Mr. Mohamed Laroussi BOUZIRI M. Mohamed Laroussi BOUZIRI was designated as STUSID BANK’s Managing Director as from 24th March 2010 in substitution to M. Brahim SAADA Mr. Samir MLAOUHIA Tax General Director Ministry of Finance Republic of Tunisia Mr. Messaoud ALAOUI General Manager at Central Bank of Tunisia Republic of Tunisia M. Messaoud ALAOUI was designated as member of board of Directors as from 24th June 2009 in substitution to M. Mohamed BEN ROMDHANE Mr. Tarek ZINE Private Secretary of Minister of Industry, Energy and Small and Medium Business Republic of Tunisia Mr. Mohamed Moez ZOUARI General Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture and Water Ressources Republic of Tunisia M. Mohamed Moez ZOUARI was designated as member of board of Directors as from 29th June 2009 in substitution to M. Mohamed Mouldi HAJ AISSA Address of Chairman of Board of Directors to Ordinary General Assembly In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Magnificent Gentlemen representatives of shareholders, I have the pleasure to present you, in my own name as well as in the name of my colleagues, members of Board of Directors, the fifth annual business report of STUSID BANK since its conversion into a Global Bank on 25th April 2005, together with the financial statements as of 31st December 2009. As you know, the world’s economic situation is experiencing, since fall 2008, a crisis the impacts of which have not yet disappeared despite the forewarnings of a return to growth, which are starting day after day to be felt. Even though such crisis has not directly impacted the Tunisian economy, its indirect effects, in particular the growth regression in partner countries, and subsequently from the decrease in demand originating therefore, have reached certain national economic sectors and, specifically, the exporting sectors. Despite such world economic situation marked by a relative contraction and its repercussions on the national business environment, and despite the desperate competition prevailing on the Tunisian financial place which has never ceased to increasingly arouse, the year 2009 has represented, as for STUDID BANK, a year of reference from the perspective of development of medium and long-term business in this direction that the approvals and the commitments has crossed for the first time since the establishment of the Bank the symbolic bar of 100 Millions of Dinars per annum. In fact, the net approvals relating to the medium and long term business have amounted at end 2009 to 122.2 Millions of Dinars and the commitments to 103.4 Millions of Dinars versus, respectively, 91.8 Millions of Dinars and 69.2 Millions of Dinars at end 2008, which means an increase by 33.1% for approvals and by 49.4 % for commitments. From their side, the disbursements have amounted to 83.8 Millions of Dinars at end 2009 versus 64.2 Millions of Dinars at end 2008, which means an increase by 30.5 %. Simultaneously to the highest improvement of its investment activity, STUSID BANK has multiplied, during the year 2009, its commercial operations so as to increasingly impose itself on the place as a global bank performing all banking operations, thereby bringing the outstanding bills of its short-term business to 127.5 Millions of Dinars versus 106.7 Millions of Dinars at end 2008, which means an increase by 19.5 %. Such business growth, in its two investment and commercial segments falls under a straight line of the growth pace targeted by the year 2011 and which would, on such date, allow the Bank to have, in terms of market share, 2 % of credit market and 1 % of deposit market. And as it was moreover expected, such net growth of Bank’s business has reflected on the balance sheet, the aggregate of which reached 386.2 Millions of Dinars at end 2009 versus 299.5 Millions of Dinars at end 2008, which means an increase by 86,8 Millions of Dinars or by 29 %. The net debts on customers have passed from 203,0 Millions of Dinars at end 2008 to 278,1 Millions of Dinars at end 2009, which means an increase by 75.1 Millions of Dinars or by 37 %. The lion’s share in such increase is imputable to the net growth recorded by the loans to privates. As regards the net shareholdings, the same have recorded an increase by 2.5 Millions of Dinars per annum, thereby passing from 43.4 Millions of Dinars at end 2008 to 45.9 Millions of Dinars at end 2009. The deposits of customers have doubled at end 2009, thereby passing from 75.7 Millions of Dinars at end 2008 to 151.6 Millions of Dinars at end 2009, which means an increase by 75.9 Millions of Dinars. The Bank has closed the financial year 2009 by a profit equal to 11.5 Millions of Dinars versus 10.8 Millions of Dinars at end financial year 2008, which means an increase by 700 Thousands of Dinars or by 6.5 %. Simultaneously to such improvement which has marked its various activities, the Bank has strengthened its financial status. It has allotted for provisions (account not liable to deductions from provisions) an amount of 7.4 Millions of Dinars at end 2009, thereby bringing to 90.5 % the average rate of struck- off assets by provisions and agios reserved, as well as the special rate system reserve which the Ordinary General Assembly has decided to re-deploy on provisions once it will become available, and this without taking into account of real securities and financial guarantees received. Annuel Raport 2009 9 From its side, the rate of struck-off assets has recorded an improvement imputable to the priority which the Bank has never ceased to give to recovery and quality improvement actions for its assets, as far as even such rate has dropped from 9.6 % at end 2008 to 9.3 % at end 2009. (PLATINUM )card for TOP VIP bracket as well as EPARGNE, SALARIO and FUTURE cards, together with CIBT and MASTERCARD for medium bracket) from which we are expecting a genuine backup for the Bank’s business in the near future. In the aggregate, STUSID BANK’s financial indicators meet all prudential and regulatory standards required by monetary authorities. The Bank has also undertaken setting in place a market hall which will allow it not only to develop its activities with other banks but also to better make them cost-effective. Gentlemen representatives of shareholders, Taking into consideration the prevailing economic environment in 2009, these results would have never been possible if there had not been the continuation of Bank’s efforts towards: 1 Modernization of its information system in order to make it comparable to the mostly performing systems existing on the place and thereby providing to the Bank all prerequisites of competitiveness so as to allow it to achieve the targeted objectives 2 Intensification of training and re-training courses on site for employees which, in 2009, reached 13 intra-corporation actions and 86 inter-corporation actions to the benefit of 123 employees. Those are, Gentlemen, the milestones relating to the activities of the Bank for the year 2009 and to the results to which they have led. STUSID BANK will seek, during the forthcoming years, for carrying on its efforts aiming at more increasing its activities through intensification of its presence beside the Tunisian enterprises in their development processes inside and outside the country and their searching for good investment opportunities, and this by offering them a full set of financing tool to repent their specific needs, while ensuring constantly on improving the services provided at the launch of other new products and to further promote the monetics. 5 new branches in Jerba, Kairouan, Gabès, Manouba and M’saken thereby bringing, at end 2009, the number of STUSID BANK branches to 12 branches . I would like to conclude by renewing my thanks to Saudi and Tunisian authorities for their support to the bank and for their continuous encouragement. I would also present my thanks for all the Directors for all their efforts for the achievement of Bank’s objectives, as well as to all the staff for the devotion they are showing in accomplishing their work. 4 Launching new products relating to sectors Thank you for your kind attention. 3 Extension of the network by the opening of of savings, credits and development of monetics through putting on the market specific payment cards to each category of customers The Chairman Of Board Of Directors Dr Abdulaâziz AL-NASRALLAH. Presentation of STUSID BANK Corporate Name STUSID BANK Legal Form Limited Company Nationality Tunisian Registered Office 32, rue Hédi KARRAY – 1082 TUNIS Dr Abdulaziz AL-NASRULLAH Phone (+ 216 ) 71 232 133 Fax (+ 216 ) 71 753 233 Telex 13 594 TUSID SWIFT TSIDTNTT E-mail stusid@gnet.tn Date of Incorporation 30 May 1981, following an agreement signed between theKingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Government of Tunisia Duration 99 years Commerce Register No. B16641997 Tax Identification No. 013026/E/A/M/000 Financial Year From 1 January to 31 December of each calendar year Scope Global Bank – Approval obtained on 25 April 2005 Taxation System Real System Corporate Capital 100 millions of Dinars Capital Distribution Shareholder Amounts in Dinars Kingdom of Saudi Arabia represented by Ministry of Finance 50 000 000 Government of Republic of Tunisia 49 249 900 Tunisian Public Treasury 100 National Retirement and Social Providence Fund (CNRPS) 375 000 Tunisian National Tourism Authority (ONTT ) 125 000 Tunisian State Oil Authority Corporation ( ETAP) 125 000 Tunisair Company 125 000 TOTAL 100 000 000 Annuel Raport 2009 11 Involvment Forms Shareholdings in existing enterprises or those to be created in Tunisia. Granting of long-and medium- term loans Granting of caution moneys or guarantees Financing of investments accompanying the upgrading and corporate privatization programs Partnership mounting between local and foreign investors Investment through own funds in hands Participation in expansion of capital and securities markets Consultancy activities within the fields of engineering, financial restructuring and business management. Financing of corporate operating activities by granting short-term loans compatible with the nature of their activity. Granting housing loans and direct loans to individuals and professionals Mobilization of foreign and domestic resources Annuel Raport 2009 12 01 ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT World Economic Situation National Economic Situation ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 1 World Economic Situation The main synthetic business indicators for the year 2009 show that most world economies have nearly exited from the phase of crisis which has marked the globe since fall 2008. The first signs of easing of the international economic situation have started to appear progressively as from the second quarter 2009 with a neat difference on the level of growth trend from one country to another. For Euro zone, the economic activity has experienced a relative contraction during the last months 2009 as far as, and to the extent that the GDP has only increased by 0.1% during the third quarter of the year, versus a growth by 0.4 % at end third quarter of the year 2009. Such situation is explained by the persistence of the crisis impacts in numerous countries such as Greece and Spain, as well as by the poor performance standards recorded by other economies, and in particular Germany and Italy. Even though the economic analysts agree to say that such situation will have no harmful impact on return to growth in Europe for the year 2010, they do not think less that the situation remains marked with the fragility sign without counting that such return to growth is differently felt from one area to another. On that basis, economic analysts are predicting, for Euro zone in 2010, a modest growth not exceeding in best cases 1 % rate and drawn exclusively by movements on stocks and foreign demand. The relative recovery of the growth trend verified in 2009 has leaned, in general, on numerous short-term factors, the effects of which will cease in 2010, such as backup programs for automotive sector, tax reductions to favour purchase of new houses …etc which have been put in place by numerous countries to support the economic fabric and which have come to their end with end of 2009. From another side, such recovery has leaned on the inflection of the stocking cycle which occurred after a period of a massive de-stocking verified in numerous countries, in particular at the moment of the peak of the crisis. The stock reconstitution policies have actively participated in the growth of GDP in U.S.A, for instance, by 0.7 point of percentage during the third quarter 2009 and 3.4 points of percentage during the fourth quarter. Such effect will slowly disappear by reason of the expected stabilization of stocks in 2010 and then the return towards a suitability policy between production and demand. The year 2009 was marked by a drop never seen before of international trade exchanges. The exchanges of Goods, for example, have regressed by 13 % as compared to 2008. The steadying of trade exchanges has only recovered at the end of the year recording respectively a progress by 4 % and 6 % during the two last quarters of the year 2009. Such steadying is mainly due to the dynamism which marked the economics of emerging 14 markets, in particular Asian countries. For example, the exports of Asian emerging countries have increased by 10 % during the fourth quarter 2009. As regards unemployment, the year 2009 was marked by a deterioration of employment in most industrialized countries. The unemployment rate has then come close to 10 % line in certain countries despite the improvement of the economic situation, as mentioned above, in particular during the third quarter of the year. Specifically, the unemployment rate was about 10 % as of end December 2009 in U.S.A versus 7.4 % as of end December 2008, 10 % also in Euro zone versus 8.2 % in 2008, and 5.1 % in Japan versus 4.3 % one year back. As regards the markets of raw materials, the rates have recorded since 2007 many significant fluctuations with a fast increase as from the second quarter 2009. Such instability is due, at least in part, to the speculation operated on said materials worldwide. On illustrative basis, and at the end of the year 2009, the price of Crude Barrel was U.S.D 77.93 and of American light crude was USD 79.36, which is respectively an increase by 71% and 78 % as compared to the end of the year 2008. The prices of other basic materials have also clearly increased in 2009, thereby achieved such levels judged for certain products as records such as sugar (increase by 138 % as compared to 2008), as well as copper (increase by 153 % as compared to 2008). In early December 2009, the price of gold has reached a record price of USD 1 216 per ounce before returning to USD 1 097 per ounce at the end of the year, thereby recording an increase by 27 % as compared to end 2008. After a relatively long regression period, the consumer prices have rejoined a high trend in main industrialized countries as from November 2009. They have then stabilized at end 2009 around -0.4 % in U.S.A versus 3.8 % at end 2008 and 0.3 % in Euro zone versus 3.3 % at end 2008 and -1.4 % in Japan versus 1.4 % at end 2008. As regards the exchange markets, the Euro closed the year at 1.4326 against the Dollar after having exceeded the ceiling of 1.51 on 25th November of the same year, thereby recording an increase by 2.5 % as compared to end 2008. From its site the exchange rate for the YEN against the Dollar has dropped by 2.5 % between end 2009 and end 2008. Likewise, the indicators of main international stock markets have recorded substantial increases at end 2009 after having dropped to their lowest levels during March 2009. The increases have reached at end 2009, as compared to end 2008, about 19 % for Dow Jones and Nikkei, 22 % for CAC40 and 22 % for Nasdaq. Annuel Raport 2009 15 2 National Economic Situation MAIN INDICATORS During the past five years, the main indications of Tunisian economy- calculated at constant priceshave evolved as hereunder: In % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Growth of GDP 4.0 5.4 6.3 4.6 3.1 Private consumption 4.6 4.9 5.3 5.0 4.0 Consumer’s Price Index 2.9 4.5 3.1 5.0 3.5 Exports of goods and services (*) 14.6 11.3 21.0 20.6 -13.0 Exports (in % of GDP) 49.6 50.8 55.8 61.0 49.9 9.1 15.3 20.3 22.8 -12.5 50.2 53.1 58.0 64.6 53.3 Current deficit (in % of GDP) 1.0 2.1 2.6 4.3 3.0 Investment (*) 4.7 15.3 12.7 14.8 10.6 In % of GDP 22.2 23.4 23.9 24.9 25.9 Share of private investment 57.2 56.8 60.9 62.5 57.6 1 091.1 4 565.3 2 162.4 3 602.2 2 100.0 Saving rate (in % of GNDI) 21.4 22.5 23.1 23.4 23.1 Indebtedness rate (in % of GNDI) 54.6 47.4 43.4 42.6 41.5 Indebtedness (in % of GDP) 58.1 53.7 50.1 47.5 48.2 Debt service (in % of current receipts) 12.7 16.4 11.7 7.8 11.4 Revenue per capita (in Dinars) 3 746.4 4 100.4 4 440.2 4 848.6 5 142.4 Creation of jobs 76 500 76 400 80 200 70 300 57 000 3.2 2.8 2.9 1.1 3.8 Imports of goods and services (*) Imports (in % of GDP) Indirect foreign investments and shareholdings (MD) Budget deficit (in % of GDP) (*): at current prices Such indicators show that – by taking into account the prevailing economic situation during 2009 and which was marked by a contraction and fragility of signs of return to growth in most countries whether the industrialized countries or the emerging countries and, thanks to the numerous reforms undertaken in Tunisia since several years, combined with the punctual measures maintained to support the enterprises affected by the world economic crisis – the results achieved by Tunisian 16 economy have been satisfactory in the aggregate with, in particular a positive growth of GDP and the preservation of the fundamental balances. Sectors Annual Variation (%) 2008 2009 - 0.7 6.0 The main results for the year 2009 present as follows: Agriculture and fishing Manufacturing industries 4.5 -5.9 - Achievement of a positive growth rate by 3.1 % - Growth of global investment by 10.6 % - Maintaining the unemployment rate within the limit of 14.7 % despite the removal of 38 thousand jobs in the sector of manufacturing industries between the second quarter of the year 2008 and the second quarter of the year 2009. - Control of budget deficit which was limited to 3.6% of GDP - Maintaining the annual inflation rate within the limit of 3.5 %. - Maintaining the public debt within the limit of 48.2% - Increase of average annual revenue per capital which has been brought to 5142 Dinars versus 4848 Dinars in 2008. Mining -4.0 -2.4 Energy -2.6 2.6 Building and public works 4.1 2.7 Merchandising services 7.8 5.4 Non – Merchandising services 4.0 3.9 GDP 4.6 3.1 GROWTH As from the second quarter 2009, the growth trend has accelerated, thereby reaching 3.4% during the two last quarters 2009 versus respectively 1.8% and 2.8 % for the first and the second quarters. The growth level for the whole year has then pegged at 3.1 % versus 4.6% in 2008. The evolution of added value at constant prices and by business sector presents as follows: It would be suitable in this context to report the following: - The increase of production of agriculture and fishing sector during the year 2009 at the rate of 6.0% versus a drop by 0.7% during the year 2008. - The regression of production of manufacturing industries sector by 5.9 % versus a growth by 4.5% during the year 2008, and that following the drop of production in the sector of mechanical and electric industries at the rate of 8.9%, in the sectors of Textiles, Garments and Leather at the rate of 15.2%, the exports of which have, from their side recorded a remarkable drop by about 11.6% in 2009 as compared to 2008. - The improvement of growth trend in the sector of non-manufacturing industries which has pegged at 2.4% versus 0.3% in 2008 by reason, in particular, of the evolution of production of Hydrocarbon sector at the rate of 2.3% -The increase of activities connected with Merchandising Services at the rate of 5.4% versus 7.8% in 2008. Annuel Raport 2009 17 INVESTMENTS The year 2009 was characterized by the continuous growth of investments (global and public) which have recorded a growth by 10.6% and 21.7% respectively Evolution of main investment indicators (%) 2008 2009 Growth of total investments 14.8 10.6 Share of total investment in GDP 24.9 25.9 Evolution of public investment 10.2 21.7 Evolution of private investment 17.7 1.7 Share of private investment in total investment 62.5 57.6 7.2 4.3 Share of foreign investment in GDP The following table provides the sectoral distribution of investments achieved in 2009 : unit = MD 2009 Amount Agriculture and fishing 2008 % Amount % 977 7.0 923 7.4 Non- manufacturing industries 3 365 24.3 3 206 25.6 Manufacturing industries 1 355 9.8 1 401 11.2 Non- Administrative services 6 695 48.4 5 840 46.6 Collective Equipment 1 450 10.5 1 150 9.2 13 842 100.0 12 520 100.0 TOTAL Source : Budget Economique 2010 On the other hand, the volume of foreign investments amounted in 2009 to 2 383 Millions of Dinars versus 3 587 Millions of Dinars in 2008. Such decrease is mainly due to the drop (-28%) of investments in energy sector by reason of the decrease in prices of hydrocarbons worldwide. In contrast, foreign investments in manufacturing industries sector have increased by 2.5%, thereby reaching a value of 658 Millions of Dinars in 2009, versus 641 Millions Dinars in 2008, mainly drawn by the investments in sectors of electricity, textiles, mechanics, building materials and plastics. Foreign investments have also allowed in 2009 the creation of about 14 000 new jobs opportunities, of which 12 000 in the sector of Manufacturing Industries 18 FOREIGN TRADE End year 2009 has recorded a remarkable improvement of exports (+23.7%), which allowed to partially make-up the drop already recorded in the beginning of the year and to limit for the whole year 2009, the repression of exports to 17.6% versus a progress by 21.8% in 2008. Annual variation (%) 2008 2009 21.8 -17.6 Agriculture and Agro-Industries 14.2 -14.2 Energy and lubricants 30.0 -35.3 0.4 -8.9 18.3 -3.7 32.7 -17.2 Agriculture and Agro-Industries 26.6 -26.6 Energy and lubricants 63.7 -43.2 0.2 -7.4 14.3 -1.4 6 601.8 6 223.2 78.2 75.8 Exports, of which: Textiles, Garments and Leather Industries Mechanic and Electric Industries Imports, of which: Textiles, Garments and Leather Industries Mechanic and Electric Industries Trade Deficit (MD) Coverage Rate (%) The regression of exports has involved, in particular, the sectors of Mining and Phosphate under the impact of the strong drop of world prices, the sector of Mechanic and Electric Industries by reason of the worldwide recession and then the fall of foreign demand directed toward such sector, the textiles, garments, leather and shoe-making sector by reason of the drop of the revenues and of consumption in most partner countries of the European Union. In return, the imports have recorded a drop almost equivalent (17.2%), in particular the import of equipment, raw materials and semi-finished products. Such regression is mainly generated by the costs of imports following the decrease in prices on the international markets. Annuel Raport 2009 19 EMPLOYMENT Following the example of most countries, the world economic situation prevailing since fall 2008 had a negative impact on employment sector in Tunisia with, and as example, the removal of 38 thousand job opportunities in the sector of Manufacturing Industries during the year 2009. Tunisian authorities have then expedited setting in place various backup measures for the activity of businesses, thereby allowing safeguarding 82 thousand job opportunities. Such measures have, in particular, involved the restructuring of employment programs for better activating, streamlining and simplifying the same, strengthening the promotion of self-employment, giving impetus for the private initiative and supervision of unemployed people, in particular, the graduates of higher education, in being unemployed for a long period. The various sectoral policies, the punctual measures and the unemployment promotion programs being set in place have then allowed to control the unemployment rate by confining the same in 2009 to the limit of 14.7%, which means an increase not exceeding half-point as compared to 2008. PRICES The inflation rate has been limited to 3.5 % at end financial year 2009 versus 5% at end financial year 2008. Such slowdown is mainly due to the increase in prices of foodstuffs at a trend below the one observed during the previous year (3.4% versus 7%) and more particularly the prices of oils, fruits and vegetables, transport and housing. Apart from the Energy prices that increased by 2.9 % versus 13 % a year before and the prices of foodstuffs, the increase in consumer’s price index has pegged at 3.7% at end 2009 versus 3.3% at end 2008. MONETARY AND FINANCIAL BALANCE The evolution of financial system resources and their counterparts has been characterized in 2009 by a slowdown of the trend of aides to Tunisian Economy and of net debts abroad, being 10.5% and 19.3% versus respectively 14% and 24% in 2008 and a growth of net contributions to economy (13.4% versus 1.9%). Such variations have reflected on the monetary mass (M3) which has increased by 12.1% versus 14.4% one year back. The State’s net debts on financial system (6557 Millions of Dinars as of end December 2009) have recorded during the year 2009 an increase by 775 Millions of Dinars versus 108 Millions of Dinars during the year 2008 which is mainly generated by the growth of outstanding bills of Treasury Bonds and Allied at banks (an increase by 468 Millions of Dinars versus a decrease by 297 Millions of Dinars one year back). 20 MONETARY MARKET The demand of cash of deficit banks at a more accelerated trend than the supply of cash surplus banks has led to partial absorption of the overliquidity of the monetary market. Inter-bank transactions have consolidated, thereby passing from 437 Millions of Dinars in average to 685 Millions of Dinars in average. The day-to-day interest rate has fluctuated between 4.05% and 4.8%. The minimum interest rate or saving has been brought from 3.25% at early 2009 to 2.70% in February 2009 following the drop of Central Bank of Tunisia’s master rate, to peg as from April at 2.25%. EXCHANGE MARKET Taking into account the exchange rate in 2009 as compared to 2008, the Tunisian Dinar has recorded a drop by 17.2% in relation with the Japanese Yen, by 8.8% in relation with the US Dollar, by 4.9% in relation with the Moroccan Dirham and by 3.9% in relation with the Euro. Transactions on cash exchange market have dropped in 2009 by 21%, thereby returning to 39497 Millions of Dinars versus 49853 Millions of Dinars one year back. The volume of operations against the Dinar has represented an amount of 15 775 Millions of Dinars in 2009 versus 19 211 Millions of Dinars in 2008, thereby recording a decrease by 3 436 Millions of Dinars or 18%. The operations foreign currencies against foreign currencies have amounted to 23 722 Millions of Dinars in 2009 versus 30 642 Millions of Dinars in 2008, thereby recording a regression by 6 920 Millions of Dinars or 23%. From its side, the transactions on time exchange market have pegged at 4 469 Millions of Dinars in 2009 versus 3 928 Millions of Dinars in 2008, which means a growth by 541 Millions of Dinars or 14%. STOCK EXCHANGE The stock exchange capitalization has passed from 8 301 Millions of Dinars at end December 2008 to 12 227 Millions of Dinars at end December 2009, thereby recording a growth by 47 % and this despite the regression of the share of foreign investments in such capitalization between end 2009 and end 2008, from 27.74% to 21.92%. Likewise, the TUNINDEX index has passed from 2 982.40 as of end 2008 to 4 291.72 as of end 2009, which means an increase by 48%. The positive annual return, which has involved 46 listed securities, has fluctuated between 2.8 % and 380.8%. The number of listed companies in the Stock Exchange in 2009 has reached 52 companies, i.e. 2 more companies than in 2008. The liquidity rate has dropped from 76% as of end December 2008 to 44% as of end December 2009. Annuel Raport 2009 21 STUSID BANK KEY-FIGURES Unit = 103 Dinars 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Balance Sheet 196 886 233 089 299 451 386 239 Customer Deposits 28 512 34 091 75 747 151 584 112 594 119 203 203 057 278 121 7 823 7 693 9 930 11 234 405 663 1 491 2 904 Banking Net Income 11 898 14 091 17 173 20 401 Operating Overheads 4 792 5 571 7 214 8 626 Gross Operating Result 7 106 8 520 9 959 11 775 Net Result 7 740 21405 1 10 807 11 472 ACTIVITY Outstanding Bills on Customers RESULTS Intermediation Margin Commissions STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY 148 771 165 694 172 520 180 011 Stockholders’ Return 5,2 % 12,92 % 6,3 % 6,4 % Assets’ Return 3,9 % 9,23 % 3,6 % 3,0 % Operating Coefficient 40,3 % 39,5 % 42,0 % 42,3 % Commissions / Personnel Costs 12,1 % 16,8 % 30,3 % 49,8 % Solvency Ratio 83 % 84 % 58 % 47 % Liquidity Ratio 304 % 335 % 146 % 124 % Hung Debt Ratio 13,1 % 12,1 % 9,6 % 9,3 % Coverage Ratio of Provision-Hung Debts 67,8 % 81,08 % 65,9 % 90,5 % 117 135 169 193 2 3 7 12 RATIOS REGULATORY RATIOS STAFF AND NETWORK Effectif Nombre d’Agences This result will set at 8 767 KD off- exceptional and non-recurring operations This ratio will set at 5, 3% off- exceptional and non-recurring operations 3 This ratio will set at 3, 8% off- exceptional and non-recurring operations 1 2 22 02 STUSID BANK’S ACTIVITY Financial Resources Bank’s Interventions Classification of Commitments Securities Portfolio STUSID BANK’S ACTIVITY The interventions of STUSID BANK during the year 2009 have reached record levels that had never been achieved before. For example, Medium and Long term activities have recorded in the year 2009 a bright improvement in that the approvals, the commitments and the net outward payments have respectively evolved to 29.7%, 52.2% and 30.6 % exceeding, so clearly the budget. This bright improvement has also affected the Short-term activity by paying out, the outstanding bills of which has increased in 2009 to 21.963 Thousand Dinars or 30.1%, versus 43.543 Thousand Dinars or 148.1% in 2008.` 1 Financial Resources The outstanding bills of STUSID BANK’s financial resources reached 334.4 Millions of Dinars as of 31st December 2009, versus 251.8 Millions of Dinars as of 31st December 2008, thereby recording an increase by 32.8%. Unit = million of Dinars 31/12/2009 31/12/2008 180,0 172,5 2,8 3,5 Customer Deposits 151,6 75,8 TOTAL 334,4 251,8 Stockholders’ Equity Foreign Loans 1- Stockholders’ Equity In addition to corporate capital amounting to 100 Millions of Dinars, the Bank’s reserves have passed from 72.5 Millions of Dinars as of 31/12/2008 to 80 Millions of Dinars as of 31/12/2009, thereby recording an increase by 7.5 Millions of Dinars or 10.3%. Such increase is mainly generated by the amounts appropriated to reserves with the sake of more consolidating the institution’s financial situation. 2 - Long Term Loans The outstanding bills of long term loans contracted by STUSID BANK has regressed, passing from 3,5 Millions of Dinars as of 31/12/2008 to 2,8 Millions of Dinars as of 31/12/2009. Such regression results from the combined effect of normal repayment of such foreign loans and calls for funds on the new foreign facility : 24 Loans 31/12/2009 31/12/2008 MD % MD % World Bank 2,2 78,6 3,2 91,4 AFD [French Development Agency] 0,3 10,7 0,3 8,6 Italian credit facility 0,3 10,7 Total 2,8 100,0 3,5 100,0 3 - Customer Deposits Deposits of customers have amounted as of 31/12/2009 to 151.6 Millions of Dinars, of which 12.1 Millions of Dinars in foreign currencies – versus 75.7 Millions of Dinars as of 31/12/2008, of which 6.4 Millions of Dinars in foreign currencies, thereby recording an increase by 75.9 Millions of Dinars or 100.3 %.The achievement of such strong increase was rendered possible due to the multiplication of the number of branches and the proximity policy devised by the Bank. The major part of such increase is generated, in first level, by sight deposits which have increased by 149.1% and, in second level, by the term deposits which have increased by 56.9% : Unit = Million of Dinars Diposits 2009 2008 Sight Deposits 60,1 Term Deposits Variation 38,3 MD 21,8 % 56,9 77,7 31,2 46,5 149,1 Savings 11,3 4, 5 6,8 151,1 Other Deposits 2,5 1,7 0,8 47,1 151,6 75,7 75,9 100,3 TOTAL Evolution of Customer Deposits Structure of Deposits Annuel Raport 2009 25 2 Bank’s Interventions 1 - Credits to Customers The Bank’s interventions, in terms of approvals, commitments and outward payment, in connection with medium and long-term credits all forms included except commitment by signature, have recorded during the year 2009 a tangible growth : Unit = Million of Dinars 2008 2009 1981 / 2009 Approvals 94,2 122,2 834,9 Commitments 67,9 103,4 759,6 Outward Payments 64,1 83,8 714,8 The distribution by sector of such interventions presents as of end 2009 as follows : 31/12/2009 Approvals Outward Payments MD % MD % MD % - - - - - - Industry 21,8 17,8 31,7 30,7 12,5 14,9 Tourism 1,4 1,2 3,5 3,4 3,5 4,2 Estate 24,1 19,7 12,2 11,8 11,0 13,1 Services 17,5 14,3 4,7 4,5 6,6 7,9 Loans to Privates 57,4 47,0 51,3 49,6 50,1 59,9 122,2 100,0 103,4 100,0 83,7 100,0 Agriculture and Fishing TOTAL 26 Commitments From its side, the distribution by sector of such cumulative interventions presents as of end 2009 as follows : Cumulative 1981 / 2009 Commitments Outward Payments MD % MD % Loan Approvals MD % Agriculture and Fishing 41,5 5,0 41,4 5,5 38,5 5,4 Industry 298,8 35,8 283,7 37,3 259,1 36,2 Tourism 186,3 22,3 179,5 23,6 177,8 24,9 Estate 106,1 12,7 81,0 10,7 78,4 11,0 Services 110,5 13,2 96,0 12,6 86,1 12,0 Loans to Privates 91,7 11,0 78,0 10,3 75,0 10,5 834,9 100,0 759,6 100,0 714,9 100,0 TOTAL 2 - Outstanding Bills of Credits The net outstanding bills for credits to customers have recorded in 2009 a growth by 75.064 Thousand Dinars or 37% passing from 203 057 Thousand Dinars in 2008 to 278 121 Thousand Dinars in 2009. The coverage rate of credits by the deposits thereby has set at 54.5% in 2009 versus 37.3% in 2008. The share of credits granted to privates, individuals and professionals, which represents the main signal for Bank’s opening onto commercial activities (grant of estate credits and consumer credits, all kinds included) has recorded a tangible growth reaching 188.3% to the extent that the outstanding bills to accrue of such credits has passed from 21 337 Thousand Dinars in 2008 to 61 511 Thousand Dinars in 2009. Net Credits to Customers Share of Credits to Privates Annuel Raport 2009 27 The distribution of outstanding bills of credits to privates by nature of credit presents as follows : Unit = Thousand Dinars Nature of Credits 2009 Housing 2008 Variation MD % 49 387 13 886 35 501 255,7 Car Purchase 2 289 927 1 362 146,9 Special Credits 5 384 3 039 2 345 77,2 Coverage of Current Expenditures 4 451 3 485 966 27,7 61 511 21 337 40 174 188,3 TOTAL In addition to outward payment based credits, the Bank’s customers have also access to commitments by signature in forms of endorsements and securities. The aggregate volume of such type of commitments amounted as of end 2009 to 32.6 Millions of Dinars (11,9 Millions of Dinars in form of opening of letters of credit and 20,7 Millions of Dinars in a number other forms) versus 34,7 Millions of Dinars as of end 2008. The distribution by term of net outstanding bills of credits, from its side, presents as follows: Credit Term 28 31/12/2009 31/12/2008 Variation MD % MD % MD % Short Term 94,9 34,1 73,0 35,9 21,9 30,0 Medium and long terms 183,2 65,9 130,1 64,1 53,1 40,8 TOTAL 278,1 100,0 203,1 100,0 75,0 36,9 Likewise, the distribution of short term credits, by nature of credit, presents as of end 2009 as follows : Authorizations (mD) Variation Outstanding Bills (mD) Variation Type of Intervention 2009 2008 mD % 2009 2008 mD % 77 809 52 346 25 463 48,6 92 029 71 950 20 079 27,9 Stock Financing 7 830 7 560 270 3,6 6 280 5 398 882 16,3 Farm Credits 5 245 2 100 3 145 149,8 4 090 1 900 2 190 115,3 Commercial Discount 15 058 7 925 7 133 90,0 22 340 11 804 10 536 89,3 Credit Mobilization/ Abroad 2 304 3 296 - 992 - 30,1 1 770 1 200 570 47,5 Export Pre-Financing 3 547 5 118 - 1 571 - 30,7 3 287 2 330 957 41,1 Mobilization of Administrative Credits 8 223 5 700 2 523 44,3 2 822 1 665 1 157 69,5 Cash Facilities 16 458 6 703 9 755 145,5 29 624 18 074 11 550 63,9 Public Market Financing 4 457 6 650 - 2 193 - 33,0 875 1 976 - 1 101 - 55,7 Foreign Exchange Financing 5 000 6 125 - 1 125 - 18,4 11 278 26 289 - 15 011 - 57,1 Mobilizable Overdraft 9 601 1 053 8 548 811,8 8 355 924 7 431 804,2 86 116 - 30 - 25,9 1 308 390 918 235,4 45 407 34 860 10 547 30,3 32 568 34 756 - 2 188 - 6,3 Opening of Credits 11 888 20 833 - 8 945 - 42,9 Others 20 680 13 923 6 757 48,5 124 597 106 706 17 891 16,8 Withdrawal Credits Credits to Privates Commitments By Signature Total 123 216 87 206 36 010 41,3 Annuel Raport 2009 29 3 Classification of Commitments The rate of hung credits has decreased to 9.33% as of end 2009 versus 9.57% as of end 2008 : Thousand dinars Credits Credits Shareholdings Amount1 Agios Reserved Provisions2 Amount Currents Assets 300.725 7.245 0 47.875 0 1.766 Classed Assets 32.554 4.058 12.499 3.294 209 3.055 class 2 7.227 226 648 1.185 0 1.154 class 3 4.455 156 996 1.109 209 900 class 4 6.306 1.863 1.106 1.000 0 1.001 1.813 9.749 0 0 0 11.303 12.499 51.169 209 4.821 class 5 Overall Total 14.566 333.279 1 taking into account off-balance sheet commitments 2 taking into account the provisions for general banking risks. 30 Agios Reserved Provisions 4 Securities Portfolio The portfolio of STUSID BANK’s shareholdings (committed) has recorded in 2009 an increase by 2.9 Millions of Dinars as compared to 2008, thereby passing to 51.2 Millions of Dinars as of end 2009, versus 48.3 Millions of Dinars as of end 2008. Such increase is due to the bank’s shareholding in the capital of the “Competitivity Cluster of Bizerte” company, the capital increase of the “National Agricultural Bank (BNA)”, and the capital of “SOTACIB” company. The breakdown by sector of the securities portfolio has developed as follows: Millions of Dinars Sectors 31/12/2009 31/12/2008 Amount % Amount % Industry 26,1 51,0 24,1 49,9 Tourism 1,8 3,5 1,8 3,7 Estate 9,6 18,8 9,6 19,9 Services 13,7 26,7 12,8 26,5 Total 51,2 100,0 48,3 100,0 Annuel Raport 2009 31 STUSID BANK’s net shareholdings portfolio, from its part, has set at 45,850 Millions of Dinars as of 31st December 2009 versus 43,400 Millions of Dinars as of 31st December 2008. . Variations of Securities Portfolio during the year 2009 ( in MD) Gross Shareholdings as of 31/12/2008 48,300 New Subscriptions 2,850 Competitivity Cluster of Bizerte” 0,500 Shareholding at the capital increase of the National Agricultural Bank (BNA) 0,350 Shareholding at the capital increase of SOTACIB 2,000 company 0 Decrease in Capital 0 Shareholding’s selling 0 Gross Total as of 31/12/2009 51,150 Provisions as of 31/12/2009 -5,000 Non Paid-Up Shareholdings -0,300 Company LAND CATERING - 0,300 45,850 Total Net Shareholdings as of 31/12/2009 Moreover, STUSID BANK holds a direct interest exceeding 30% of the corporate capital of the four following companies : Company 32 Corporate Capital (TND ) Shareholding Rate SITEX 23 063 300 30,8 % SASEJ 5 000 000 52,5 % SMT 2 500 000 52,6 % TST 500 000 39,9 % 03 STUSID BANK’S RESULTS Activity Indicators Stockholders’ Equity and Distribution of Profits Evolution of STUSID BANK’s Results Risk Management and Prudential Ratios STUSID BANK’S RESULTS 1 Activity indicators 1-Net Banking Income The Net Banking Income has set as of 31st December 2009 to 20.4 Millions of Dinars, thereby showing an increase by 3.2 Millions of Dinars or 18.8% as compared to the preceding year : Unit = Thousand dinars Variation 2009 2008 mD % Banking Operating Incomes 25.270 19.491 5.779 29,6 Interests and Allied Revenues 15.685 11.599 4.107 35,5 418 649 252 - 37,6 - Commissions 2.904 1.491 1.413 94,8 Gains on Commercial and Financial Operations Portfolio 1.886 1.935 49 - 2,5 - Investment Portfolio Revenue 4.377 3.817 560 14,7 Banking Operating Costs (4.869) (2.318) (2.551) 110,1 Net Banking Income 20.401 17.173 3.228 18,8 Placement Incomes Various elements of Net Banking Income have, moreover, developed as follows: · the margin on interests has recorded a growth by 13,1% bringing its share in the formation of Net Banking Income to 55,1%, i.e. a regression by more than 3 points as compared to the share recorded in 2008 (57,8%). Evolution of Net Banking Income 34 Evolution of Interests Margin · Commissions have recorded a growth by 94.8% bringing their share in the formation of Net Banking Income to 14.2% whereas such share was only 8.7% in the preceding year. · Non Banking Income generated by the financial operations and securities portfolio have established at 6,263 Millions of Dinars. Their share in the formation of the Net Banking Proceeds has then reached 30.7%, i.e. a drop by 2.8 points as compared to 2008. Evolution of commissions Structure of Banking Income 2- Overheads Personnel costs and operations expenses have grown by 1 412 Thousand Dinars, passing from 7 214 Thousand Dinars in 2008 to 8 626 Thousand Dinars in 2009. Unit = Thousand Dinars 31/12/2009 31/12/2008 Variation Operating Overheads 2 797 2 296 501 Personnel Costs 5 829 4 918 911 Total 8 626 7 214 1 412 The coverage rate of personnel costs by commissions according has set at 49.8% as of end 2009 versus 30.3% as of end 2008. Following such increase recorded by the overheads costs, the Operating Coefficient has passed in 2009 to 42.3% versus 42.0% in 2008. Annuel Raport 2009 35 Evolution of General Costs Evolution of Operating Coefficient 3- Gross operating Products Evolution of Gross Operating Result In the light of the evolutions recorded by the net banking income and overheads, gross operating result, being taken before provisions and other resumptions, amounted to 11 775 thousand Dinars as of end 2009 versus 9 959 thousand Dinars as of end 2008, thereby recording an increase by 1 816 thousand Dinars or 18.2%. 4- Net result The result reached 11 472 thousand Dinars in 2009 versus 10 807 thousand Dinars in 2008, thereby recording an increase by 665 thousand Dinars or 6.2%. 36 2 Stockholders’ equity and distribution of profits Thousand Dinars 2009 2008 2007 2006 Stockholders’ Equity (Before Distribution) 180 011 172 520 165 694 148 771 Of which Accounting Result 11 472 10 807 21 405 7 740 Profits Distributed 4 000 4 000 4 000 2 500 3 Evolution of STUSID BANK’s results over the past five years Thousand Dinars 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Variation (%) 2009/2008 Banking Operating Income 12 881 13 016 15 622 19 491 25 270 29,6 % Net Banking Income 11 947 11 898 14 091 17 173 20 401 18,8 % Operating Result 7 489 7 740 19 768 * 10 747 11 456 6,6 % Net Result 7 497 7 740 21 405 * 10 807 11 472 6,2 % * Not taking into account the exceptional and non recurrent operations, the result pegged at 8 767 thousand Dinars. And, the operating result pegged at 7 130 thousand Dinars. Annuel Raport 2009 37 4 Risk management and prudential ratios At the end of the calendar year 2009, the aggregate of prudential ratios have been satisfactory : 31/12/2009 Minimum Regulatory Liquidity Ratio 124% 100 % Solvency 47 % 8% Risk Division Ratio *Customers with risks higher or equal, for each of them, to 5% of net stockholders’ equity Debts taken over by the state : 12.133 KD i.e. 6,87% 38 *Customers with risks higher or equal, for each of them to 15% of net stockholders’ equity Nil *Customers or groups with risks exceeding the 25% regulatory limit of net stockholders’ equity Nil 04 DIVERSIFICATION OF STUSID BANK BUSINESS Development of Monetics Development of Operations on International Scale Development of Cash Operations Launching of New Products Opening of Branches Staffing and Training Business Forecasts DIVERSIFICATION OF STUSID BANK BUSINESS 1 Development of monetics The number of CIBT and MASTERCARD type bank cards issued as of end 2009 has reached 3475 cards, which means 2 464 additional cards as compared to end 2008. The number of card-based transactions has been multiplied by 5 in 2009 as compared to 2008, thereby passing from 10 000 operations to 52 000 operations. The number of installed automatic dispenser has reached 12 dispensers as of end 2009 versus 7 dispensers only in 2008, which have been used for carrying out 79 thousand operations in 2009 versus 14 thousand operations in 2008. Likewise, STUSID BANK has gone off into installation of electronic payment terminals (E.P.T), thereby proceeding to the installation of 64 units in 2009. Moreover, STUSID BANK is placing such activity in first level of its concerns for the coming years, in a manner to more improve the services provided to customers and to increasingly secure the operations being processed. 2 Development of Operations on International Scale The number of files processed relating to operations on international scale, all forms included, has passed from 1 015 files in 2008 to 1 668 files in 2009. Thus, the aggregate volume of abroad operations has passed from 191.4 Millions of Dinars in 2008 to 201.7 Millions of Dinars in 2009, which means an increase by 5.4%. 3 Development of Cash Operations The volume of cash flow operations, whether the matter refers to operations of exchange or inter-bank operations in foreign currencies or in Dinars, has sensitively grown at end 2009 as compared to end 2008, thereby making such activity a centre of profit which is actively participating in the formation of the bank’s Net Banking Income. The average outstanding bills of debits on customers expressed in foreign currencies has recorded in 2009 a growth at the rate of 28% as compared to 2008 and that despite the continuous drop of international trade exchanges during the year 2009. It is, moreover, expected for the coming years that the cash flow operations processed by the Bank will be increasingly intensified following the objective set in the matter and the putting in the place by STUSID BANK of one of most modern “Market Hall» which is liable to increase its competitive capabilities in cash flow segment 40 4 5 Launching of New Products STUSID BANK is seeking, since its conversion into a global bank, for being active in all banking services and diversifying its multitude of products being proposed, whether they are intended to private or to enterprises. For that purpose, and beside the products SMS Banking – Phone Banking and e-banking, the Bank has launched the SALARIO card (card for down-payment on salary, the CADO card and the saving’s card. The Bank has also gone off into life- insurance services for its customers benefiting from housing loan. By so doing, STUSID BANK is now proposing all basic banking products and services being proposed by the other banks of the place 6 Opening of Branches In 2009, STUSID BANK has opened five new branches inside the country, in the cities of Gabes, Kairouan, Jerba, Manouba and Msaken, thereby bringing the branch network to 12 branches. Staffing and Training STUSID BANK’s staffing has passed from 193 individuals as of 31/12/2009 versus 169 individuals as of 31/12/2008 : Staff 2009 2008 Ecart Higher Executive Staff 38 37 1 Executive Staff 91 75 16 Control Staff 13 11 2 Employees 28 23 5 Servicing Workers 23 23 0 TOTAL 193 169 24 The supervision rate is thereby pegging at 66.8%. The training actions have involved 123 employees. Annuel Raport 2009 41 7 Business Forecasts The Bank has set for the few coming years the following strategic objectives: On such basis, the bank will see, during the year 2010, in particular, for: 1- Maintaining the quality of portfolio and working for improvement thereof. 2- Development of commercial activity. 3-Intensification of training and re-training courses for employees. 4-Modernization of the Bank and perfection of its management methods. 5-Improvement of Bank’s performers’ standards. -Launch of new products connected with savings and credit; - Promotion of monetics : carrying on the interest given to the development of modern payment means and distribution thereof to customers according to the class to which they belong; - Distribution of its involvement over all sectors and more particularly those which have shown a strong growth potential (estate, trade…etc), as well as strengthening the credit activity intended to SMB, unipersonal corporations and privates; - Support for Tunisian corporations in their internal and external development, by strengthening its presence to their side in their search for better investment opportunities both inside the country and abroad, and providing them complete financing solutions meeting their specified needs. - Development of international service operations and broadening of correspondent network. - Improvement of Bank’s performance standards through adoption of selective policy allowing better control of risks and ensuring a rational processing of the default issue in the repayment thanks to a perfect coordination with the other banks in order to exchange data and seek the best solutions to be implemented to improve the repayment capabilities of defaulting customers. - Improvement of services provided to customers. - Better popularization of banking activities at the public through such well targeted advertising campaigns. - Control of operating coefficient and streamlining of expenditure. - Appropriateness between resources and employment and seeking for balance thereof. - Mobilisation of resources under the best current conditions both on national and international scenes (profiting from the opportunities offered by bilateral agreements concluded with numerous countries for favouring the flow of their goods and services) On another level, the Bank is aiming at developing its market shares so as to achieve 2% of the credit market and 1% of deposit market by the year 2011, which involves increasing the credit outstanding bills by 50% per annum and, practically doubling on a yearly basis the deposits over the period 2009-2011. In such perspective, the Bank has introduced since the year 2008 numerous measures (establishment of new organizational structure, review of composition of internal committees, reinforcement of control structures, intensification of network… etc) which have clearly contributed to make advancing, both on quantitative and qualitative levels, the achievement of such ambitious objectives. During the year 2010, the Bank is intending to carry on its efforts toward the reinforcement of its current operating results being deemed satisfactory, as well as the acceleration of the pattern of achievement of the set objectives and that, through placing the customer in the heart of business and intensification of the interest given to training of staff, in particular in the fields requiring an acute expertise (foreign trade, exchange, international relations) in addition to training of heads of branches, seconds and customer relations officers. 42 05 FINANCIAL SITUATION as of end December 2009 and 2008 Balance Sheets Prudential Standards Off-Balance Sheet Commitments Income Statements Cashflow Statements Auditor’s General Report Auditors’ Special Report FINANCIAL SITUATION as of end December 2009 and 2008 BALANCE SHEETS Comparative as of end December 2009 and 2008 (In Thousands of Tunisian Dinars) ASSETS Dec 09 Dec 08 Cash and Holdings at Central Bank of Tunisia and CCP 12 677 4 359 Credits on Banking Institutions 4 828 3 821 Credits on Customers 278 121 203 057 Commercial Portfolio 21 608 22 946 Investment Portfolio 45 893 43 379 Locked-up Securities 6 450 5 373 Other Assets 16 662 16 516 Total Assets 386 239 299 451 Deposits and Holdings of Banking and financial Institutions 26 208 25 862 Customers Deposits 151 584 75 747 Loans and Special Resources 2 818 3 470 Other Liabilities 25 618 21 852 Total Liabilities 206 228 126 931 Corporate Capital 100 000 100 000 Reserves 68 303 61 219 LIABILITIES STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY Results Carried Forward Financial Year’s Result 236 494 11 472 10 807 11 472 10 807 180 011 172 520 Result to be appropriated in « Special System Reserves » Result in hand Total Stockholders’ Equity Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity 44 386 239 299 451 PRUDENTIAL STANDARDS Regulatory Ratios % Risk Coverage Ratio Liquidity Ratio % required Dec 2009 Dec 2008 Minimum 8% 47 % 58 % Minimum 100% 124 % 146 % OFF-BALANCE SHEETS COMMITMENTS Comparative as of end December 2009 and 2008 (In Thousands of Tunisian Dinars) 2009 2008 TOTAL POTENTIAL LIABILITIES 32 568 34 757 Securities, Endorsements and Other Warranties Granted 16 071 11 491 Documentary Credits 11 888 20 833 Assets Granted with Warranty 4 609 2 433 TOTAL COMMITMENTS GRANTED 6 058 9 817 Financing Commitments Granted 5 811 9 695 247 122 0 0 TOTAL COMMITMENTS ACCEPTED 66 758 63 180 Warranties Accepted 66 758 63 180 Commitments on Securities Warranties Granted Annuel Raport 2009 45 INCOME STATEMENTS Comparative as of end December 2009 and 2008 ( In Thousand of Tunisian Dinars) 2009 2008 Banking Operating Incomes Interests and Allied Revenues 16 103 12 248 Commissions 2 904 1 491 Earnings on Commercial Portfolio and Financial Operations 1 886 1 935 Revenue of Investment Portfolio 4 377 3 817 Total Banking Operating Incomes 25 270 19 491 (4 869) (2 318) Banking Operating Costs Interests Incurred and Allied Costs Total Banking Operating Costs (2 318) NET BANKING INCOME 20 401 17 173 General Operating Costs (2 797) (2 296) Personnel Costs (5 829) (4 918) Appropriation to Provisions and Results of Corrections on Credits 408 152 Appropriation to Provisions and Results of Corrections on Investment Portfolio (24) 1 052 Appropriations to Amortizations and Resorptions (824) (553) Other Operating Incomes 121 138 11 456 10 747 OPERATING RESULT Balances in Earnings/Losses Generated by Other Ordinary Elements 42 80 Corporate Tax (26) (20) FINANCIAL YEAR’S NET RESULT 46 (4 869) 11 472 10 807 This Table allows taking out the following ratios : % In 2009 2008 General Operating Costs/Net Banking Income 13,7 13,4 Personnel Costs/Net Banking Income 28,6 28,6 Operating Coefficient 42,3 42,0 Commissions/Personnel Costs 49,8 30,3 General Operating Incomes/Banking Operating Incomes 11,1 11,8 Personnel Costs/Banking Operating Incomes 23,1 25,2 Total Provisions/Operating Incomes 29,3 22,4 Net Results/Operating Incomes 45,4 55,4 Net Results/Stockholders’ Equity 6,4 6,3 Revenue of Investment Portfolio/Shareholdings Portfolio 8,6 7,9 Annuel Raport 2009 47 CASH FLOW STATEMENTS Comparative as of end December 2008 and 2009 (In Thousands of Tunisian Dinars) 2009 2008 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Banking Operating Incomes Collected 25 889 16 156 Banking Operating Incomes Paid out - 7 869 - 4 554 Deposits/Withdrawals of Other Banking and Financial Institutions - 1 653 17 920 - 65 398 - 83 681 64 431 41 657 1 338 84 - 5 829 - 4 918 6 655 - 4 619 - 26 -20 17 538 -21 975 4 378 3 817 Acquisitions/Assignments on Investment Portfolio - 2 725 3 297 Acquisitions/Assignments on Fixed Assets - 1 776 -1 788 - 123 5 326 - 652 -907 Dividends Paid - 4 000 -4 000 NET CASHFLOW GENERATED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES - 4 652 -4 907 12 763 -21 556 4 742 26 298 17 505 4 742 Loans and Advances/Repayment of Loans and Advances Granted to Customers Deposits/Withdrawals of Customers Deposits Placement Bonds Sums Paid to Personnel and Miscellaneous Creditors Other Cash Flow Generated by Operating Activities Taxes on Profits NET CASHFLOW GENERATED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES Interests and Dividends Collected on Investment Portfolio NET CASHFLOW GENERATED BY INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES FINANCING ACTIVITIES Increase/Decrease in Special Resources NET VARIATION OF LIQUIDITY AND LIQUIDITY EQUIVALENTS DURING FINANCIAL YEAR LIQUIDITY AND LIQUIDITY EQUIVALENTS IN BEGINNING OF FINANCIAL YEAR LIQUIDITY AND LIQUIDITY EQUIVALENTS AS OF END FINANCIAL YEAR 48 AUDITORS' GENERAL REPORT FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER 2009 Honourable Shareholders, In enforcement of the assignment entrusted to us by your esteemed Ordinary General Assembly, we submit you our report on control of financial statements of STUSID BANK as of 31st December 2009, as attached hereto, as well as the verifications and specific information provided for by law and by professional standards. 1 Opinion on financial statements We have audited the financial statements of STUSID BANK which show total assets net of amortizations & provisions amounting to 386 239 KTND and profit result amounting to 11 472 KTND as of 31st December 2009. Such financial statements have been made under the responsibility of the management and administration bodies of the company in accordance with the professional standards applicable in Tunisia. Such responsibility includes design, putting in place and follow-up of an internal control relating to the preparation and the faithful presentation of financial statements not containing such significant abnormalities, whether resulting from frauds or from errors, as well as the determination of reasonable accounting estimates in view of the circumstances. Our responsibility consists in expressing an opinion on such financial statements based on our audit performed in accordance with the professional standards applicable in Tunisia and taking into consideration the prudential standards as well as the terms of reference for audit of accounts, as defined by the circulars of CENTRAL BANK OF TUNISIA. Such standards require from our part to comply with the rules of ethics and to plan and carry out the audit process in order to obtain a reasonable assurance that the financial statements of STUSID BANK as of 31st December 2009, do not contain any significant abnormalities. An audit involves the implementation of such procedures in order to collect probant elements concerning the amounts and the information provided in the financial statements. The choosing of procedures falls under our judgment and so does the assessment of the risk that the financial statements contain such significant abnormalities, whether resulting from frauds or from errors. By proceeding to such risk assessments, we take into account the current internal control within the Bank relating to the preparation and the faithful presentation of financial statements in order to define such appropriate audit procedures in the circumstance, and not with the aim of expressing an opinion on the efficiency of such internal control. An audit also includes the appraisal of the appropriate character of accounting methods maintained and the reasonable character of the accounting estimates made by the management and administration bodies, as well as the appraisal of the thorough presentation of financial Annuel Raport 2009 49 statements. We maintain the actions accomplished within this framework make a reasonable basis for grounding our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements attached hereto are regular and faithfully reflect, in all significant aspects, the financial situation of STUSID BANK as of 31st December 2009, as well as the results of its operations and of its cash-flow for the financial year closed on such date, in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in Tunisia 2 Specific Verifications and Informations We have also proceeded, in accordance with the trade’s standards, to the specific verifications provided for by law. On the basis of such verifications, we have no comments to formulate on the faithfulness and the concordance with the financial statements of the accounting-related information provided in the Board of Director’s management report for the relevant financial year. We have also, within the framework of our audit, proceeded to the examination of internal control procedures relating to the processing of accounting information and to the preparation of financial statements. We report, according to the requirement of Article 3 of Law no 94-117 dated 14th November 1994 as amended by Law No 2005-96 dated 18th October 2005, that our examination has revealed such insufficiencies impacting the reliability of certain accounts of items “Other Assets” and “Other Liabilities” of which in particular the inter-head office, stand-by and outstanding accounts. The effect of such insufficiencies is not of significance which justifies that they should be mentioned on the level of our opinion on the accounts as expressed above. Moreover, and pursuant to the provisions of Article 19 of the Presidential Decree No. 2001-2728 dated 20th November 2001, we have proceeded to the necessary verifications and we have no comments on the compliance of the keeping of accounts in securities issued by the Bank with the current regulations. It is to be noted that the Bank has signed the Terms and Conditions Book provided for by the Minister of Finance’s Order dated 28th August 2006 and submitted it to the Financial Market Commission on 20th May 2008. Made at Tunis on 7th June 2010 The Auditors Mourad GUELLATY Cabinet Mourad Guellaty 50 Kalthoum BOUGUERRA F.M.B.Z. KPMG TUNISIE AUDITOR’S SPECIAL REPORT ON REGULATORY AGREEMENTS effect as from 1st January 2010 is concluded for a one year duration automatically removable with an increase by 5% per annum. 2-Agreements concluded during the previous financial years, the performance of which continued during the financial year 2009 ARTICLES 200 & 475 OF COMMERCIAL COMPANIES ACT AND ARTICLES 29 OF LAW No.2001-65 Agreements concluded with T.S.I relating to FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED the common placement fund “KOUNOUZ” ST 31 DECEMBER 2009 Honourable Shareholders, Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 200 and 475 of Commercial Companies Act and those of Article 29 of Law No. 2001-65 as amended by subsequent texts, we have the pleasure to inform you that the Managing Directors has communicated to us the performance of the agreements and operations contemplated by the above mentioned articles which we will report hereunder. Our responsibility is to ascertain the compliance with the legal procedures for authorization and approval of such agreements or operations. It does not fall to us accordingly to search the possible existence of such agreements or operations but to communicate you, on the basis of the information which has been given to us, their substantial characteristics and terms, without being under the obligation of expressing our opinion on their usefulness and their cogency. It falls to you to appraise the interest connected with the conclusion of such agreements and the performance of such operations for approval thereof. 1-Agreements Concluded During the Financial Year 2009 : Lease Contract with Company “ TSPP” By virtue of a contract concluded on 31st December 2009, STUSID BANK has put at disposal of “Société Tuniso-Saoudienne de Participation et de Placement TSPP” [TunisianSaudi Shareholding and Placement Company] two offices located at the 6th floor of the registered office premises, at 32 Rue Hédi Karray, in consideration of an annual rent of TND 7.300 payable each half year. Such contract taking In 2008, STUSID BANK has concluded the following two agreements with the company “Tuniso-Saoudienne d’Intermédiation (TSI)” [Tunisian – Saudi Intermediation Company] being the manager of KOUNOUZ : - A trustee agreement by virtue of which STUSID BANK ensures the deposit of bonds and funds for the account of KOUNOUZ Common Placement Fund. In return, STUSID BANK receives a remuneration equal to 0.25% inclusive of tax, of net assets of the Common Placement Fund, discounted on a day-to-day basis. - A distributorship agreement by virtue of which STUSID BANK ensures the marketing of KOUNOUZ Common Placement Fund’s shares in its banking network. The remuneration received by STUSID BANK for such function is discounted on a day-to-day basis, being equal to the Bank’s quota in the distributorship’s commission paid by KOUNOUZ Common Placement Fund to TSI. Such quota determined on the basis of 0.35% of KOUNOUZ Common Placement Fund’s net assets multiplied by the quotient of outstanding bills of in-put subscriptions by STUSID BANK (net of redemptions), by the total outstanding bills of input subscriptions (net of redemptions). Agreements Concluded with AL HIFADH- SICAV : STUSID BANK has also concluded two agreements with AL HIFADH SICAV relating to: ·A trustee agreement, by virtue of which STUSID BANK ensures the deposit of bonds and funds invested by said SICAV. In return, it receives a remuneration equal to 0.15% inclusive of tax of SICAV’s net assets, discounted on a day-to-day basis. Annuel Raport 2009 51 ·A distributorship agreement by virtue of which STUSID BANK ensures the marketing of AL HIFADH SICAV within its banking network. The remuneration received by STUSID BANK for such function is discounted on day-to-day basis, being determined on the basis of 0.25 % of AL HIFAD-SICAV’s net assets multiplied by the quotient of outstanding bulls of input subscriptions brought by STUSID BANK (net of redemptions), by the total outstanding bills of subscriptions ( net of redemptions). from the Bank’s takeover of all costs related thereto. The directors’ members of audit committee and of credit executive committee receive a remuneration for their attendance to the meetings of the said committees, being TND 2 063 per person and per meeting. Bank’s obligations toward its executive officers as they appear in the financial statements of financial year ended 31st December 2009, present as follows Lease contract with “TSI” company (In DT) By virtue of a contract concluded on 31 January 2007, STUSID BANK has put at the disposal of the Company Tuniso-Saoudienne d’Intermédiation “TSI” [Tunisian-Saudi Intermediation Company] a set of offices located at 4th floor of registered office premises at 32 Rue Hédi Karray, in consideration of an annual rent of TND 35 765 payable each half- year. Such contract taking effect as from 1st January 2007 is concluded for a one-year duration automatically renewable with an increase by 5% per annum. st lease contract with “TSR” company STUSID BANK has put at the disposal of “Société Tuniso-Saoudienne de Recouvrement “TSR” [TunisianSaudi Recovery Company]” a set of offices located at 3rd floor of STUSID’s registered office premises at 32 Rue Hédi Karray, in consideration of an annual rent of TND 11 573 payable each half -year. Such contract taking effect as from 1st January 2007 is concluded for a one-year duration automatically renewable with an increase by 5% per annum. 3 - bank’s obligations and commitments toward the executive officers: XThe gross monthly remuneration of the Managing Director is set by the Prime Ministry’s orders dated 3/11/2007 and 14/8/2009. The Managing Director benefits from a service car and 52 Directors Members of Committees Managing Director Short-term benefits Financial year’s costs Liabilities as of 31/12/2009 Financial year’s costs Liabilities as of 31/12/2009 62 032 - 63 938 16 500 62 032 - 63 938 16 500 Post-e mployment benefits Other Long-term benefits End of service gratuity Payment in shares TOTAL Moreover and apart from the above mentioned agreements and operations, we have received no notice from your esteemed Board of Directors relating to other operations governed by the provisions of the said articles and our actions did not reveal the existence of such operations. Made at Tunis on 7th June 2010` The Auditors Mourad GUELLATY Kalthoum BOUGUERRA Cabinet Mourad Guellaty F.M.B.Z. KPMG TUNISIE 06 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF STUSID BANK GROUP as of 31 December Consolidated Financial Information of STUSID BANK Group Consolidated Balance Sheets Consolidated Off Balance Sheet Commitments Consolidated Income Statements Consolidated cashlow Statements Auditor’s General Report on Consolidated Accounts for Financial Year Ordinary General Assembly’s Resolutions CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF STUSID BANK GROUP as of 31 December Consolidated Financial Information of STUSID BANK GROUP The consolidated financial information of STUSID BANK Group have been established in accordance with the current laws, corporate accounting system and with Tunisian accounting standards relating to banking institution operations, as well as with corporate financial consolidation. Pursuant to the provisions of Law No.117-2001 dated 6th December 2001, and to Tunisian according standards, corporations eligible to consolidation, being STUSID Bank’s subsidies are listed in the following table : Company Sector Nature Control Percentage STUSID BANK Financial Parent Company 100,00 % 100,00 % Total integration Financial Subsidiary 99,98 % 99,98 % Total integration Financial Subsidiary 99,96 % 99,96 % Total integration Financial Subsidiary 99,99 % 99,99 % Total integration Financial JointVenture 30,00 % 30,00 % Total integration Estate JointVenture 52,55 % 52,55 % Total Integration 52,50 % 52,50 % Total Integration Tuniso-Séoudienne de Recouvrement (TSR) Tuniso-Séoudienne de Participation et de Placement TSPP (SICAR) Tuniso-Séoudienne de Participations et d’Investissement (TSPI) Tuniso-Séoudienne d’intermédiation (TSI) Société de développement et d’aménagement touristique de Tabarka Société d’Aménagement « Sfax Al Jadida » -Immobilière « Al Jadida » (1) -Société d’Etudes et de Suivi (1) Estate Estate Services JointVenture JointVenture JointVenture Interest Consolidation Percentage Method Total Integration Total Integration AL HIFADH – SICAF Financial Subsidiary 100,00 % 100,00 % Total Integration F C P KOUNOUZ Financial Subsidiary 100,00 % 100,00 % Total Integration 23,27 % 23,27 % 30,78 % 30,78 % 39,90 % 39,90 % 25,00 % 25,00 % 28,57% 28,57% 49,57 % 49,57 % 20,00 % 20,00 % 28,56 % 28,56 % Société Immobilière TunisoSéoudienne (SITS) Société Industrielle de Textiles (SITEX ) Tuniso-Séoudienne de Trading (TST) Société d’Investissement du CapBon (SICAB) Soc.« Al Marja » d’élevage et de dév.agricole Commercial Floralia Agricultural Estate Industry Services Agricultural TANKMED Services Société « Al-Kanaouet » Industry JointVenture JointVenture JointVenture JointVenture JointVenture JointVenture JointVenture JointVenture •(1) Such corporations have been consolidated by total integration into « Sfax Al Jadida » company. 54 Equivalence Matching Equivalence Matching Equivalence Matching Equivalence Matching Equivalence Matching Equivalence Matching Equivalence Matching Equivalence Matching P The companies with control percentage exceed 20% and which have not been integrated into corporate group are the following : Company Control Percentage SMVDA « SIDI SAAD » 39,13 % Soc .Tuniso-Européenne de production d’asperges 51,02 % Société agricole « RAHMANIA» 33,30 % Société agricole « AZIZIA » 40,00 % SMVDA « SIDI MANSOUR » 42,25 % Société Tuniso- Américaine de transf. de dattes « TADCO » 41,00 % Société Pépinières de Tunisie (SPT) 49,97 % SMVDA Mlaabi 50,00 % Société de confection « SOMATEC » 33,33 % Pêcheries de Jerba 57,80 % Société « SOTUCOUPE » 25,71 % Société « SODAV » 20,14 % Société « FOODLAND » 25,00 % SMVDA LEZDINE 20,00 % Société « HOTEL DULAC » 25,00 % Société « LA MOQUETTE » 20,00 % Société l’outillage 20,00 % Société « CARPETEX » 20,00 % Société « SIDPA » 20,00 % SMVDA El-Majel 23,59 % CANAL HORIZONS 27,24 % HOTEL NEPTUNIA 22,86 % Annuel Raport 2009 55 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS As of 31st December (In Thousands of Tunisian Dinars) ASSETS Cash and Holdings at Central Bank of Tunisia and CCP Credits on Banking Institutions Dec 08 12 678 4 359 5 382 3 846 Credits on Customers 274 302 200 105 Commercial Portfolio 43 219 31 356 Investment Portfolio 33 159 25 026 Equivalence Matched Securities 32 934 30 755 6 558 5 521 Others Assets 42 834 41 876 Taxes Deferred 14 046 12 193 Total Assets 465 112 355 037 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY Déc 09 Déc 08 Locked-Up Securities Deposits and Holdings of Banking and Financial Institutions 26 208 25 861 139 543 62 823 2 818 3 470 41 837 33 655 210 406 125 809 28 835 16 432 Corporate Capital 100 000 100 000 Consolidated Reserves 108 702 101 752 Customers Deposits Loans and Special Resources Other Liabilities Total Liabilities - Share of Minority Shareholders Consolidated Results Carried Forward Financial Year’s Consolidated Net Result 56 Dec 09 236 494 16 933 10 550 Total Stockholders’ Equity 225 871 212 796 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY 465 112 355 037 CONSOLIDATED OFF BALANCE SHEETS COMMITMENTS As of 31st December ( In Thousands of Tunisian Dinars) 31 Dec 2009 31 Dec 2008 POTENTIAL LIABILITIES Securities, Endorsements and Other Warranties Granted 16 071 11 491 Documentary Credits 11 888 20 833 4 609 2 433 32 568 34 757 5 811 9 695 247 142 6 058 9 837 64 186 60 305 64 186 60 305 Assets Granted with Warranty TOTAL POTENTIAL LIABILITIES COMMITMENTS GRANTED Financing Commitments Granted Commitments on Securities Warranties Granted TOTAL COMMITMENTS GRANTED COMMITMENTS ACCEPTED Financing Commitments Accepted Warranties Accepted Other Commitments Accepted TOTAL COMMITMENTS ACCEPTED Annuel Raport 2009 57 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTS As of 31st December (In Thousands of Tunisian Dinars ) 2009 2008 17 576 15 838 Commissions 2 849 1 521 Earnings on Commercial Portfolio and Financial Operations 2 828 2 302 Revenue of Investment Portfolio 1 022 883 24 275 20 544 Total Banking Operating Costs (4 508) (2 077) Total Banking Operating Costs (4 508) (2 077) NET BANKING INCOME 19 767 18 467 Operating Overheads (6 374) (7 617) Personnel Costs (6 999) (5 257) Appropriation to Provisions and Results of Corrections on Credits 464 504 Appropriation to Provisions and Results of Corrections on Investment Portfolio (24) 1 607 Appropriation to Amortizations and Resorptions (1 541) (724) Other Operating Incomes 11 542 7 027 OPERATING RESULT 16 835 14 007 42 142 (1 385) (1 332) 2 391 (1 647) (950) (620) 16 933 10 550 Banking Operating Incomes Interests and Allied Revenues Total Banking Operating Incomes Banking Operating Costs Interests Incurred and Allied Costs Balances in Earnings / Losses Generated by Other Ordinary Elements Corporate Tax Shareholdings in Consolidated Companies Share of Minority Shareholders FINANCIAL YEAR’S NET RESULT 58 CONSOLIDATED CASHFLOW STATEMENTS As of 31st December ((In Thousands of Tunisian Dinars) 2009 2008 Banking Operating Incomes Collected 34 296 24 850 Banking Operating Incomes Paid out 13 761 8 667 Deposits/Withdrawals of Other Banking and Financial Institutions 12 347 17 920 Loans and Advances/Repayment of Loans and Advances Granted to Customers 76 456 84 178 Deposits/Withdrawals of Customers Deposits 78 277 36 314 532 8 186 Sums Paid to Personnel and Miscellaneous Creditors 4 956 6 419 Other Cash Flow Generated by Operating Activities 6 548 5 922 817 1 306 11 316 23 750 Interests and Dividends Collected on Investment Portfolio 1 410 1 759 Acquisitions/Assignments on Investment Portfolio (9 008) 7 166 Acquisitions/Assignments on Fixed Assets 1 880 1 799 NET CASHFLOW GENERATED BY INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES 9 478 7 126 732 907 4 000 4 000 4 732 4 907 2 894 21 531 4 768 26 299 1 874 4 768 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Placement Bonds Taxes on Profits NET CASHFLOW GENERATED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES FINANCING ACTIVITIES Increase/Decrease in Special Resources Dividends Paid NET CASHFLOW GENERATED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net variation of liquidity and liquidity equivaents during financial year Liquidity and liquidity equivaents in the beginning of the financial year Liquidity and liquidity equivaents at the end of the financial year Annuel Raport 2009 59 AUDITOR'S GENERAL REPORT Financial Year Ended 31st December 2009 Honourable Shareholders, In enforcement of the assignment entrusted to us by your esteemed Ordinary General Assembly, we submit you our report on control of financial statements of STUSID BANK as of 31st December 2009, as attached hereto, as well as the verifications and specific information provided for by law and by professional standards. 1 Opinion on Financial Statements We have audited the consolidated financial statements of STUSID BANK for financial year ended 31st December 2009 which show total assets net of amortizations & provisions amounting to 465 112 KTND and profit result amounting to 16 933 KTND and offbalance sheet commitments amounting to 38 626 KTND. Such financial statements have been made under the responsibility of the management and administration bodies of the company in accordance with the professional standards applicable in Tunisia. Such responsibility includes design, putting in place and follow-up of an internal control relating to the preparation and the faithful presentation 60 of financial statements not containing such significant abnormalities, whether resulting from frauds or from errors, as well as the determination of reasonable accounting estimates in view of the circumstances. Our responsibility consists in expressing an opinion on such financial statements based on our audit performed in accordance with the professional standards applicable in Tunisia and taking into consideration the prudential standards as well as the terms of reference for audit of accounts, as defined by the circular of CENTRAL BANK OF TUNISIA No.3/1993 released on 30th July 1993. Such standards require from our part to comply with the rules of ethics and to plan and carry out the audit process in order to obtain a reasonable assurance that the consolidated financial statements of STUSID BANK, do not contain any significant abnormalities. An audit involves the implementation of such procedures in order to collect probant elements concerning the amounts and the information provided in the financial statements. The choosing of procedures falls under our judgment and so does the assessment of the risk that the financial statements contain such significant abnormalities, whether resulting from frauds or from errors. By proceeding to such risk assessments, we take into account the current internal control within the Bank relating to the preparation and the faithful presentation of financial statements in order to define such appropriate audit procedures in the circumstance, and not with the aim of expressing an opinion on the efficiency of such internal control. An audit also includes the appraisal of the appropriate character of accounting methods maintained and the reasonable character of the accounting estimates made by the management and administration bodies, as well as the appraisal of the thorough presentation of financial statements. We maintain the actions accomplished within this framework make a reasonable basis for grounding our opinion as follows: - The groups SASEJ and SICAB have been consolidated on the basis of their provisional financial statements as indicated in the Notice 5-1. - The equivalence matching has been used in place of total integration for the company FLOR’ALIA the sole financial statements of which have been made up on 30th June 2009. - Certain companies have not been integrated within the consolidation perimeter for various reasons, of which in particular the absence of financial statements or that the relevant company is under liquidation as indicated in the Notice 5-3. In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements attached hereto are regular and faithfully reflect, in all significant aspects, the consolidated financial situation of STUSID BANK as of 31st December 2009, as well as the results of its operations and of its cash-flow for the financial year closed on such date, in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in Tunisia 2 Specific Verifications and Informations We have also proceeded, in accordance with the trade’s standards, to the specific verifications provided for by law. On the basis of such verifications, we have no comments to formulate on the faithfulness and the concordance with the consolidated financial statements of the accounting-related information provided in the Board of Director’s management report for the relevant financial year. Made at Tunis on 29th June 2010 The Auditors Mourad GUELLATY Cabinet Mourad Guellaty Kalthoum BOUGUERRA F.M.B.Z. KPMG TUNISIE Annuel Raport 2009 61 ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY’S RESOLUTIONS First Resolution The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of STUSID BANK, after examination of Board of Directors’ Report on STUSID BANK’s business relating to financial statements as of 31/12/2009, as well as Auditors’ Reports related to individual and consolidated financial statements as of 31/12/2009, hereby approves the Board of Director’s report, as well as the individual and consolidated financial statements as of 31/12/2009, as presented by the Board of Directors.. Such resolution was passed at the unanimity. Second Resolution The Ordinary General Assembly hereby gives full and complete discharge to the directors for their management during the financial year 2009. Such resolution was passed at the unanimity. Third Resolution The Ordinary General Assembly decided to allot the results relating to financial year 2009 as follows: Net Profit Results carried forward from previous financial years First Balance Statutory Reserves 5% (elective)* Second Balance Reserves Third Balance 4 372 789,452 DT Dividends 4 000 000,000 DT Fourth Balance 372 789,452 DT Social Fund 250 000,000 Fifth Balance 122 789,452 DT Results carried forward 122 789,452 Sixth Balance Such resolution was passed at the unanimity. 62 11 472 097,558 DT 236 101,865 DT 11 708 199,423 DT 585 409,971 DT 11 122 789,452 DT 6 750 000,000 DT DT DT 0,000 DT Fourth Resolution Pursuant to the provisions of Article 29 of STUSID BANK’s Articles of Association, the Ordinary General Assembly decides to set the director’s fee for financial year 2009 to TND 6 600 net of tax per director. And pursuant to the provisions of Article 12 of Law No 96-2005, the Ordinary General Assembly decides to grant a gratuity with an equal amount to the members and to the secretary of audit standing committee as wall as to the members and secretary of the credit executive committee. Such resolution was passed at the unanimity. Fifth Resolution Pursuant to the provisions of Article 19 of STUSID BANK’s Articles of Association, the Ordinary General Assembly ratifies the nomination, as Directors of STUSID BANK, of Mr. Mohamed Laaroussi BOUZIRI in replacement of Mr Brahim SAADA as from 24th March 2010, and of Mr. Mohamed Moez ZOUARI in replacement of Mr Mouldi Belhaj AISSA as from 11th May 2010, and that for the remaining period of mandates of their predecessors which will end on the date of holding the Ordinary General Assembly which is to proceed on the accounts of financial year 2009. Sixth Resolution Pursuant to the provisions of Article 40 of STUSID BANK’s Articles of Association, the Ordinary General Assembly decides to nominate the persons hereunder as members of STUSID BANK’s Board of Directors for financial years 2010-2011 and 2012.: - Mr. Abdulaâziz AL-NASRALLAH - Mr. Mohamed Laâroussi BOUZIRI - Mr. Abdulaâziz ALOMAR - Mr. Samir MLAOUHIA - Mr. Saïd ASSAIRRI - Mr. Tarek EZZINE - Mr. Hamed ALNAJACHI - Mr. Messaoud AL ALOUI - Mr. Mohamed ALSHAYE - Mr. Mohamed Moez ZOUARI Such resolution was passed at the unanimity. Seventh Resolution The Ordinary General Assembly confers all powers to the Managing Director or any other person designated by him in order to complete all formalities and procedures provided for by law. Such resolution was passed at the unanimity. Such resolution was passed at the unanimity Annuel Raport 2009 63
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