Shahid minto - Summit Magazine
Shahid minto - Summit Magazine
Publisher’s Profile Federal procurement ombudsman – an office making a difference An interview with Shahid Minto by Kevin McGuinness 6 Summit September/October 2010 The Office of the Federal Procurement Ombudsman was created following the implementation of the Federal Accountability Act. Shahid Minto was appointed as the first such ombudsman in May 2008, after serving 28 years with the Auditor General of Canada, followed by service as the first Chief Risk Officer in Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC). With this experience, a law degree and a CA qualification, his credentials would be difficult to match. Sadly, from the perspective of those who are committed to enhancing professionalism in Canadian government procurement, Minto retired in July 2010. Until a new ombudsman is appointed, Deputy Procurement Ombudsman Oriana Trombetti is in charge of the office. When I bumped into him at this year’s annual Purchasing Management Association of Canada conference he agreed to an interview. U nder the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act, the Federal Procurement Ombudsman is required to review procurement practice at federal departments to assess their fairness, openness and transparency and to recommend improvements to those practices; review complaints respecting the award of any contract below the Agreement on Internal Trade threshold amount; review complaints respecting the administration of a contract for the acquisition of materiel or services; and finally, ensure the availability of an alternative dispute resolution process. Minto pulls his various responsibilities together in one theme: “Improving communication and strengthening an ethical environment would strengthen Canadians’ confidence in federal procurement. Our business model is less about just following the rules and much more about doing the right thing. Procurement decisions should always take ethical considerations into account. The real question is not just what minimum actions government officials must take to meet a narrowly defined policy or legal requirement, but how those actions ensure that the principles of fairness, openness and transparency are upheld.” The ombudsman’s mandate includes all phases in the procurement life cycle, from defining the requirements or specifications, through developing a procurement strategy, soliciting and evaluating proposals, the award of the contract, its administration, and its closing out. Globally, the basic objective of the office is to strengthen Canadians’ confidence in federal procurement. “Parliament gave the office a clear and focused mandate,” Minto observes. The overall approach under Minto’s administration has been to build trust and confidence among all the stakeholders in public procurement. Doing so, is a two-way street, and as a result of this process of dialogue the process has been much smoother going than some might have expected when his office came into being. In the view of many observers, this is very much attributable to the man and his approach. He notes that, “The feedback we have received from all stakeholders confirms that our dedicated staff is professional, knowledgeable in procurement and impartial; the recommendations we make are reasonable, well thought out, affordable and practical. Informal inquiries indicate that stakeholders have found our interventions to be very helpful and significant actions have already been taken on recommendations we have made to departments and agencies.” We turned our discussion to the difficulties encountered in creating a new government entity. He explains that it was literally necessary to build it from scratch. “When I began, it was just me and a summer student. Now the office has a fulltime staff of 24 professionals. Yet, it remains nimble.” Minto considers the process of creating and shaping the ombudsman’s office during its early days to be one of the things that he is most proud of. He points out that his office is now consulted by other countries, who are interested in improving the accountability and transparency of their own procurement systems. Reaching this point was far from easy. The office came into being in the shadow of the Gomery inquiry. Despite the media criticism focused on federal procurement at that time, Minto points out that the vast majority of people engaged in public procurement in the federal government are hard working, dedicated public servants, who must often carry a heavy file load. He feels that the media focuses too much on isolated scandals. This constant criticism undermines morale and the confidence of Canadians in public procurement. Low morale was a serious problem he discovered while setting up the ombudsman’s office. “Many of federal procurement people were reeling,” he observed, “yet at the same time we found a system that has a lot of highly competent professionals and solid achievements of which it should be proud.” He sees problems with the federal procurement process as largely the inevitable result of volume, inadequate training and too many rules. “The federal government spends about $14 billion annually on good and services under 340,000 contracts. The sheer number of contracts makes disputes inevitable. It is in everybody’s interest to resolve disputes quickly and preserve the working relationship.” Minto and his team have chosen to implement a business model that focuses on a collaborative approach to ensure September/October 2010 Summit 7 efficient and timely resolution of issues between the governcontracts, and other details of the solicitation, evaluation ment and suppliers. and contract award process. We went on to discuss how “Our commitment has been to be part of the solution. We many of these problems stem from the plethora of rules that seek resolution of individual concerns to the satisfaction of all surround the public procurement process. involved; and to make balanced and useful recommendations Minto had this to say: “I think that the time that it takes to strengthen the fairness, openness and transparency of govto carry out a procurement project is one area where there ernment procurement. We follow a collegial and cooperative is great room for improvement. Both the public service and approach with suppliers, departments and agencies, as well as suppliers find it frustrating. The procurement process should parliamentarians who of course play the ultimate oversight role.” support the delivery of government services. However, in This approach has paid dividends in terms of voluntary practice, it often tends to become an impediment to efficient compliance. “Deputy ministers in all departments have proservice delivery. This forces managers to try to work around vided us with key contacts in their organizations, and we have the system rather than within it. Suppliers complain about developed good working relationships with them. Our collegial the complexity and the length of the process.” approach to procurement disputes has been very well received, Nevertheless, he observes, a proper process is essential. and the results are impressive. Most of the complaints brought He refers to a passage from the Bellamy Report on Toronto’s to us have been resolved without our resorting to detailed computer leasing inquiry: “It is widely recognized that pubinvestigations, saving time and effort on the part of both suplic officials have a greater responsibility to uphold ethical pliers and government officials.” standards to protect the public interest. …“In surveying the He is happy with the contributions that his office has literature and research on procurement, it quickly becomes made to federal procurement, and (while recognizing that evident that a primary focus of professional attention is on improvements can still be made) is generally very supportive policies, procedures, directives, guidelines, techniques, best of the efforts of the public servants involved in the procurepractices, etc. However, procurement is about more than the ment process: technical components. Almost universally, experts offered “Our public service does a lot of things really well. We the view that ethics-related values and principles are the don’t give them enough credit for the positive contribution essential foundation of public sector procurement in leading that they make to Canadian life.” jurisdictions.” Encouraged by parliamentarians to pursue a broad Another recurring problem that the ombudsman has agenda, the ombudsman has intervened successfully in a wide noted has been one of incomplete file documentation. Poor range of procurement areas, with file keeping contravenes the the result that the ombudsman’s requirements of the Treasury “Our public service does a lot of things office has quickly developed a Board Contracting Policy, the reputation as a benchmark entity North American Free Trade really well. We don’t give them enough in the procurement field. The Agreement and departmental credit for the positive contribution that timeliness of their efforts has operations manuals. Minto helped the office develop crednotes that “These impede the they make to Canadian life.” – Shahid Minto ibility both within government transparency of the federal govand with suppliers. He requires ernment procurement processes. all queries to be responded to In some cases, lack of documenwithin 24 hours, and within 48 hours after that there must tation has resulted in unfavourable consequences in both be a substantial response. The goal is to get matters resolved tribunals and courts when government decisions were chalwithin a 10 to 12 day time-frame. lenged. In fact, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Further credibility has been built through a proactive has held that ‘maintenance of complete documentation for approach. Minto explains: “Our office continues to deliver each procurement is essential to preserving the integrity and on its promise to maintain an active outreach program. We transparency of the procurement system’.” made presentations on the activities of our office to suppliers Although poor file keeping may be the result of work priand public servants across the country on more than 30 occaorities and volume, Minto observes that “It has been evident sions. We also hosted international delegations from Kenya, to us during our work, a poorly documented file results in a China and the Ukraine.” totally unnecessary but significantly increased workload for While much has been done, much more work remains. both the procurement officials and those involved in overOver Minto’s tenure, the office has received a steadily growsight functions.” ing number of inquiries from suppliers. Not all are comMinto suggests that proper file administration should be plaints. The majority of inquiries are only questions about made a performance objective in annual job performance procurement-related issues. Initially, many suppliers inquired evaluations, with appropriate recognition or consequences regarding the award of a contract. Now, many suppliers are for success or failure to achieve results. bringing more complex issues to the ombudsman’s attention, Another recurring problem he identifies relates to poor relating to questions of fairness, openness and transparency communication between the government and the supplier in the procurement process. For example, they are asking community. “We were repeatedly told by supplier associaquestions about the suitability of time-lines for bidding for tions, and even some Members of Parliament, that the gov- 8 Summit September/October 2010 ernment does a lot of consultation where public servants are hearing but not listening. Furthermore, we were informed by individual suppliers of many instances of misunderstandings and miscommunication during their dealings with procurement officials. There is a cost to both parties when there is poor communication and a lack of respect, real or perceived, intended or unintended. In many of the complaints made to the office by suppliers, the government’s first response has been denial of either the existence of a problem or any responsibility for it. While we understand the need to minimize legal liability, unnecessary denial leads to delays, unnecessary costs and a breakdown of trust between the government and its suppliers. Just as procurement officers expect to be treated with respect, suppliers too are mature partners in the supply management team and should be treated with the same respect.” Poor communications negatively affect relations between the government and its suppliers. Insufficient attention to communication increases the stress on the procurement process. Both supplier and government staff aggravation could be avoided by better communications between the government and the supplier community. Our discussion turned to where Minto sees the office heading in the immediate future. One area of interest is with respect to the use of the various electronic tools that have been incorporated into federal procurement over the last few years, such as PS Online. These have been adopted in the hope of enhancing efficiency. He sees it as prudent to evaluate their success, not just to hunt for possible problems, but more to see how the process can be further strengthened. Another area which merits some further review is construction, particularly with the large investment in infrastructure over the past year. Recent work in improving the design of government contracts may be responsible for the relatively low number of complaints relating to these projects. He suggests that it would be a good idea to check into why things have worked so well – to identify the good practices that have worked, so that they can be exported to other areas. Retirement will allow Minto the opportunity to pursue a lot of interests that have been on the back-burner for some time. And, of course, there is the benefit of being able to spend more time with his family, “particularly the grand kids.” However, it seems unlikely that he will be able to retire completely: “My career in the public service has provided me with an opportunity to interact with Canadians from all parts of the country and to understand and appreciate the great multilingual and multicultural society we live in. My career has allowed me to visit more of the country than most Canadians ever see. Working in government has given me a tremendous insight into the real workings of government. I have a real interest in putting back something into the system, particularly in working with developing countries.” Kevin McGuinness recently retired from the Ontario Attorney General Office. In addition to his legal work he is a noted author and has co-authored several books on procurement and leadership with Stephen Bauld, publisher of Summit magazine. September/October 2010 Summit 9