8.1 - Association for Language Learning
8.1 - Association for Language Learning
A creative space Steven Fawkes steven.fawkes@gmx.com Pre-starter Fold and tear off a strip (c 1cm.) from the long side of your paper And put the strip to one side Starter Divide your paper into 4 boxes Use one box for Questions Use one box for Statements Use one box for Negative statements Use one box for any Other sort of sentence Avec une pomme je veux étonner Paris ! Paul Cézanne Your apple starter You have 50 seconds Write as many sentences about Apples as you can – in any of the category boxes Useful bits of language Creating language does not need to wait until the end of a sequence Strategy for recalling these ‘tools’ for ‘spontaneous’ use Language use is a creative act: we transform thoughts into language that can be heard or seen. Aspects of Creativity Creative teachers / creative learners? Some principles: Audience - Productive language, performance Ambience and error Stimulus and modelling Receptive language, Authentic texts, contexts Parameters – Apples Opportunity, time Calvin and Hobbes I went on e-bay and I bought ... A piece of string an Aston Martin A George Osborne mask 500 bottles of champagne Buying I an ice cream in Boulogne want my learners to be flexible and confident to keep going Implication Highly structured objective-driven learning activities can help Learners need more than that Sometimes we need less structured, more spontaneous, challenging, risky, (but supported) opportunities The creation or something new is not accomplished by the intellect alone but by the play instinct. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves. CG Jung Language is not predictable Learners need more than vocabulary and scripts In playful context and supportive environment - Put them on the spot What if ….? Photos removed Change context Make New from Known You don’t HAVE to know a lot You do have to think about an audience http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngRq82c8Baw&feature=fvst Say hello Ask someone’s name Tell someone your name Ask the way to the toilet Wish happy birthday Ask the time Say what you like Say where you live Say you have 2 bikes Say thank you and you’re welcome Ask someone’s age Say ‘Just a moment, please’ Count to 10 Etc. Recycling .. what you know into different format / context Creative activity is part of language learning and use Making links between contexts (Apples) Personal response ‘Topic language’ e.g. personal questions ASDAN Short Course Making it up Create an Information Page about a fictional character – from a book, film, game or programme you know, or from your own imagination - with captions, headings, questions and answers or other text about the character Learners creating video to .. Show what they have learnt and understood Show what they can produce Use language for a real purpose in mixed skill combinations Transfer language between contexts Organize their thinking and solve problems Modelling Show them what you mean Using an authentic resource What for ..? Not always comprehension or translation Listening to improve speaking High School Musical http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMo1Qi5E4WU Pronunciation Intonation Join in chorus Chorus Se provi a volare ……. ti accorgi che qualche stella sta lì per noi e sfiorandole sei più libero Se provi a volare ti_accorgi che qualche stella sta lì per noi e sfior-an-do-le sei più libero Getting ready to perform = learning Memorising Practising Refining Evaluating Making mistakes, improving Words, spelling? Pronunciation, flow Adding ideas Listening to each other Doing it again Random http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aETAPlXAT-w Random things to say: Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds? KS3 write prose using an increasingly wide range of grammar and vocabulary, write creatively to express their own ideas and opinions …. Survey: 10 random things about yourself? i love anime i suck my thumb still (im 15) i dance in the mirror i think im oh kay at ddr i have big feet my name starts with a j my mom just called me a pig i like to eat regular food with chop sticks i just counted down how many more of these i have to do i have healthy hair http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080607 044253AA8NKVM 5 Random Things About Yourself + 1 Nice Thing About Another Yelper i have a small sock monkey collection I make my bed EVERY morning I have never eaten a banana in my life. I have a black belt in Sudoku. http://www.yelp.com/topic/chicago-5-random-things-about-yourself1-nice-thing-about-another-yelper A motivating idea creates Need to know a piece of language Use of the language Opportunity to observe the language Opportunity to extend the language Availability of the language for recycling (differentiation by expert) Make a phrase … http://somerandomwords.com Languages : Purpose of study The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. Le matin Do a mime in response to the changing text: Je me lève et puis je me lave la figure lentement Je me lève et puis je me lave la figure rapidement Je me lève et puis je me lave les dents rapidement Je me douche et puis je me lave les dents rapidement Je me douche et je me lave la figure rapidement Je me douche et je me lave les dents rapidement DIY Now you’ve seen the structure – make some up What else ..? Personalised content My Summer Holiday by Steven Fawkes aged quite a lot What ARE they talking about? developing and justifying points of view in speech and writing, with increased spontaneity, independence and accuracy. ? Drama strategy (ASDAN) How did this scene come about? Who are these people? What brought them together? How did this scene happen? Work out the back story to the scene and write the story to explain how the scene came about. It should also provide opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJZDZn6uMqU Pfeifen des Windes 1 Es ragt ins Meer der Runenstein, 2 Da sitz’ ich mit meinen Träumen. 3 Es pfeift der Wind, die Möwen schrein, 4 Die Wellen, die wandern und schäumen. 5 Ich habe geliebt manch schönes Kind 6 Und manchen guten Gesellen– 7 Wo sind sie hin? Es pfeift der Wind, 8 Es schäumen und wandern die Wellen. Goethe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5jSBK0FfUQ Work with a poem Sounds : rhymes phonemes and graphemes Letter frequency Onomatopeia Mood Guided reading Prepare to perform (part or whole) Parts of speech (nouns) Repetitions Meaning KS3 Pupils should be taught to: use and manipulate a variety of key grammatical structures and patterns, including voices and moods, as appropriate Make a voiceover Recipes: www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8oArrotPr8 www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE50VzCkVLk &NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qqUjb DSzKM Kramp kitchen Personalised content Stimulating content Content as them / activity that stimulates us as well Context of Dream My dream See? Hear? Happen? Interesting content Everything fits a naked body except a little pair of shoes my Uncle George ‘Our it’ content is the World and everything in Headlines (in English) Noun in plural Adjective Verb ending with -ing Adverb Chancellor promises to reduce tax on …. Simon Cowell says that all Americans are … Paperazzi snap Justin Bieber … I prefer my meat cooked … Evaluate your contributions Improve them … In the style of a Red Top, a serious newspaper, a gossip magazine DIY Key things The little piece of paper The little bit of time Speculating, predicting, thinking Activating what you already know Handout To be available from www.ALL-languages.org.uk Or direct from Steven.fawkes@gmx.com