instruction manual
instruction manual
INSTRUCTION MANUAL & REFERENCE GUIDE EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST The exploded views and parts lists for the Serpent F110 are presented in the Reference Guide section in the back of this manual. The exploded views show all the parts of a particular assembly step along with the Serpent part number. The parts lists indicate the part number andname of each part for easy reference when ordering. INTRODUCTION Serpent created a highly competitive electric 1/10th scale F1 car with the F110, which like all our previous cars, has been designed to win straight from the box. Featuring a number of truly innovative features such as a link-type rear support, which combines with the alu tube and a central shockaborber, to control the movement and grip of of the rear end. With top quality materials throughout, the F110 should see you in the winners circle in no time. In fact everything associated with this car is of the highest quality, from the packaging and supplied manuals, right through to the product and race support. INSTRUCTIONS Serpent’s long tradition of excellence extends to the instruction manuals, and this instruction manual is no exception. The easy-to-follow layout is richly illustrated with 3D-rendered full-color images to make your building experience quick and easy. Following the instructions will result in a well-built, high-performance race-car that will soon be able to unleash its full potential at the racetrack. Instructions, how to use The kit includes bags, with bagnumbers, which refer to the same step in the manual. Open only the indicated bag(s) per step and finish that part of the assembly. Remaining parts will be needed lateron in the assembly process. SETUP In certain assembly steps you need to make basic adjustments, which will give you a good initial setup for your Serpent F110. Fine-tuning the initial setup is an essential part of building a high-performance racecar like your F110. Customer service Serpent has made a strong effort to make this manual as complete and clear as possible. Additional info may be published in our website: www.serpent. com or you may ask your dealer or the Serpent distributor for advice, or email Serpent direct: info@ The Serpent Facebook, Twitter and Youtube pages give additional means of support and communications. Safety Read and take note of the ‘Read this First section’ before proceeding to assemble the car-kit. This carkit is intended for persons aged 16 or older. Read this first! - This is a highly technical hobby product, intended to be used in a safe racing environment. This car is capable of speeds in excess of 80 km/h or 50mph. Please follow these guidelines when building and operating this model. - Parental guidance is required when the builder/user of this car is under 16. - Follow the building instructions. If in doubt, contact your dealer or importer. - Be sure to use the proper tools when assembling the car. Always exercise caution when using electric tools, knives and other sharp objects. - Be careful when using liquids like lubrication oil, fuel or glue. Do not swallow. - Follow the manufacturer’s instruction in case you experience irritation after using the product. - Be careful when operating the car. Stay away from any rotating parts such as wheels, gears and transmission. Stay away from motor, engine and exhaust pipe system or speedo during and immediately after use, as these parts may be very hot. We advise to use protective hand cloves. - Only operate this car in a safe environment, like a special racing track or a closed parking lot. Avoid using this car on public roads, crowded places or near infants. - Before operating this car, always check the mechanical status of the car. Also check that the transmitter and receiver frequencies correspond and are not used by any other racer at the same time. Check that the batteries of the transmitter and receiver- are fully charged. - After use, always check all the mechanics of the car. We advise to clean the car immediately after use, and inspect the parts for wear or fractures. Replace when necessary. Do not use water, methanol, thinner or other solvents to clean the car. - Empty the fuel tank (depending on model) if needed and disconnect the receiver battery. - Store the car in a dry and heated place to avoid corrosion of metal parts. - Avoid using this car in wet conditions as the water will cause corrosion on the metal parts and bearings and these parts will cease to function properly. If driven in the wet, ensure that all the electric equipment is waterproofed and after use, that all moving parts are dried immediately. USING THE MANUAL Each step contains a variety of numbers, lines, and symbols. The numbers represent the order in which the parts should be assembled. The lines and symbols are described below. 1 Step number; the order in which you should assemble the indicated parts Length after assembly Assembly path of one item into another Group of items (within lines) should be assembled first Direction the item should be moved Glue one item to another Press/Insert one item into another Connect one item to another Gap between two items Apply transmission grease (Grey), threadlock* (Blue), CA glue* (Red) or silicone grease (Orange). (*Items not included.) SECTION A: ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS A 1 KIT A CA Glue To prevent the risk of the carbon fibre splitting in the event of a crash you should apply CA Glue around the chassis’ edge and the power pod plate external and internal edge as shown in red below. 2 Nylock Nut M3 Low Alu 1 Bag 1 4mm Ride Height spacer (rubber tyres). 2 Page Page 6 7 M3x14 A A 3 4 4.1 4.3 Nylock nut M3 NOT INCLUDED 3x6x0.5 NOTE: It is needed to remove the servo holes of the bottom part of the servo before going onto the step 4.4. 4.4 Nylock nut M3 Use the following servo saver insert with this brand of servos: 3x6x0.5 23 - Sanwa / KO / JR 24 - Hitec 25 - Futaba (default) 4.2 1 M3x6 3x7x7 NOT INCLUDED M3x6 M3x16 M3x6 Page 8 M3x16 Page 9 2 A 5.1 5 A 20 mm 6 Bag 2 5.2 4 Assemble the pivot-ball in the inner hole of the steeringblock as default setup. 5 3 M3x3 2 M3x6 1 Steeringblock assembly detail view 1 Page 10 M3x6 2 Page 11 10.5 mm 7.1 A 7 7.2 13 mm Trackrod M3x23 15 mm 8 Trackrod M3x26 M3x8 7.3 A Nylock nut M3 Detail view 4 Approx. 30 mm 5 3 6 M3x6 M2.2x6 7 M3x10 1 M3x10 Page 12 2 1 Page 13 Do not fully tighten these screws yet; fully tighten in step A12 2 A A 9 10 Bag 3 M3x6 2 M3x6 Nylock nut M3 M3x6 M3x6 3x6x0.5 M3x5 M3x6 M3x6 M3x6 3 3x6x6 M3x16 Page 14 M3x16 Page 15 1 M3x6 A A 11 12 2 M2x6 Adjust movement and play with these screws M2x6 1 2 3x5x2 1 3x5x2 M3x5 M3x6 M3x6 Page Page 16 17 Tighten these screws after assembling the links (see step 8) Configuration for 2S Standard Lipo A 13A Configuration for 2S Shorty Lipo A 13B Bag 4 M2.5X5 M3x6 M3x6 M2.5X5 M3x8 M3x6 M3x6 M3x6 M3x6 M2.5X5 M2.5X5 M3x8 Page 18 M3x6 M3x6 Note: see also pages 25-27 Page 19 M2.5X5 Note: see also pages 25-27 M2.5X5 M3x6 A A 14 15 M3x6 3 15.1 1 Fill the tube with heavy silicon oil (15000 cst) 3 M3x10 2 M3x10 2 15.2 M3x6 2 1 Detail view side spring 1 Page Page 20 21 A A Note Spring washer orientation. 16 17 2 Note insert orientation. Assemble as basic setup for rubber tyres 0/20 insert. 1/4x3/8 Flanged 1/4x3/8 3 M3X3 Bag HOW TO ADJUST THE BALL-DIFF: In order to tighten or loosen the ball-diff, you should follow the next two steps: Push a pin or a Allen tool through the Diff Hub slot into the hole of the adjusting nut Page 22 1 Spur gear is NOT INCLUDED in the kit. Assemble the proper Spur for your set-up. 2 2 6.5x8x0.25 1 1/4x3/8 1/4x3/8 5 1/4x3/8 Flanged Turn clockwise to tighten or anticlockwise to loosen the ball diff 1 Page 23 6.5x8x0.25 A A M3X6 2 18 Electronics position with standard 2S Lipo Tip: Use double sided tape to mount the ESC and RX to the sideplates. 19A M3X5 M2.5X8 M3X6 3 M3X6 NOT INCLUDED Note position of the shock ball joint (basic setup) NOT INCLUDED 4 NOT INCLUDED NOT INCLUDED 1 M3X10 Page Page 24 25 Note: When using a 2S Standard Lipo the ESC and Receiver-RX are installed on the sideplates as shown. (Page 26 shows Shorty Lipo set-up). Electronics position with Shorty 2S Lipo A Tip: Use double sided tape to mount the ESC and RX to the chassisplate. 19B Note: When using a Shorty 2S Lipo install ESC and RX as shown. (Page 25 shows Standard 2S Lipo setup). NOT INCLUDED A Electronics configuration for using 2S STANDARD Lipo Batteries 19C NOT INCLUDED Electronics configuration for using 2S SHORT Lipo Batteries NOT INCLUDED M3X10 Page Page 26 27 A RCM SHOCK ASSEMBLY 20.1 20 Bag 6 Check the default set-up sheet for the correct piston to use Use some Locktite to fix the nut Use some silicone oil during assembly 2 20.4 1 Page 28 20.7 20.3 2.5x6x0.5 Use some silicone oil during assembly 20.5 20.8 Close the top of the shock 21 Nut M2.5 Assemble the top of the shock. This will press the membrane into the shocktop Insert the o-ring inside the nut Fill the shock body with the supplied shock absorber oil. Slowly move the shockrod up and down to let the airbubles escape. 20.2 A 20.6 Remove the top of the shock 20.10 20.9 Measure fully extended 10.5 mm Assemble the spring and spring-cup (align correctly) to complete the shock Page 29 A A 22 23 M2X4 4 M2X4 M2X4 M3X6 M2X4 2 M3X3 M3X6 3 1 M4X14 Page 30 M3X8 Page 31 Pinion is NOT INCLUDED in the kit. Assemble the proper pinion for your set-up A 24 SECTION B: REFERENCE GUIDE Body, wheels and tyres are NOT included M3x4 Nylock Nut M4 5x8x0.3 5x8x0.1 Page 32 5x10x4 Nylock nut M4 FRONT ASSEMBLY B 1 411295 411253 401057 411295 110415 411288 110108 110108 411072 110122 411286 110402 110402 110415 110415 411207 411206 902138 411202 See parts list 110448 411307 110410 411207 411291 411072 411259 411074 110410 110116 110161 110402 411283 411312 411199 411207 411308 411163 411305 110132 110129 411201 411206 See parts list 110108 110122 411201 411296 411300 411192 110402 110447 411200 110161 411199 411310 411283 110410 110428 411199 110402 411207 110154 411289 411303 411284 110156 110122 110184 110410 411206 411282 110161 110161 110157 110132 411192 110122 110166 411199 110100 Page 34 110122 110132 Page 35 110402 110108 411304 411286 411202 411310 411253 110137 110108 411285 See parts list 411187 411060 411297 110154 411253 110116 110108 411143 110122 411074 110108 411231 411042 1650 110415 401582 411048 411299 110428 2 110124 411063 REAR ASSEMBLY B 411253 110122 110104 110122 B BALL DIFF ASSEMBLY 411309 3 411186 411075 411069 110182 411007 4 See parts list 160105 FINAL ASSEMBLY B 411186 411294 411290 110108 1650 411251 411075 110116 411249 411306 110136 411166 411197 110128 411287 411298 411070 110122 411293 110116 SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY 411070 411301 160111 110124 110122 160107 411302 6442 160110 160105 160106 110437 909405 110438 160104 160108 Page 36 110424 160111 See parts list 160111 160111 160102 Page 37 110423 110403 1315 110138 B 5 F110 PARTS LIST 410060 Serpent F110 1/10 2wd 1886 1888 411311 Decal Serpent black/white 1/10 (2) Decal Serpent chrome 1/10 (2) Decal b/w F110 (2) Decals FRONT SUSPENSION Page 38 401057 401582 411042 411048 411060 411063 411143 411163 411187 411206 411207 411231 411231 411253 411283 411288 411293 411294 411295 411296 411297 411298 411299 411300 411305 902138 Trackrod M3x26mm (2) Servo-saver 1/10 with inserts 23-24-25 Pivot ball front suspension (2) Adjust nut for front suspension Kingpin (2) Pivot ball threaded upper arm (2) Stop nut m3 low (10) Snapring 2.3mm (10) Pivotball with shaft (2) Balljoint 4.5 (4) Balljoint 4.5 short (2) Steering blocks L+R S100 Steering blocks L+R S100 Pivotball uni 4.5mm (4) Suspension arm L+R carbon F110 Servomount F110 Front bumper F110 Front wing F110 (big+small) Front arm connector L+R F110 Front bulkhead F110 Front arm extensions lw L+R F110 Bodypost front F110 (2) Wheelaxle front F110 (2) Trackrod M3x36 (2) Front rideheight shim set F110 (6) Trackrod M3x23 (2) Optional 401130 411106 411218 411219 411220 Trackrod M3x26mm alu (2) Kingpin TiN Front spring 22lbs S120L (2) Front spring 18lbs S120L (2) Front spring 26lbs S120L (2) B 6 CENTRAL ASSEMBLY 1650 Steel balls 5.8mm (4) 411007Antenna 411070 Body mount rear (2) 411192 Side-link S120L (2) 411197 Center shock mount alu 411199 Pivot ball S120L (5) 411200 Pod pivot support S120L 411201 Standoff alu S120L (2) 411202 Spring retainer S120L (4) 411207 Balljoint 4.5 short (2) 411249 Shockbracket lower carbon S100 411253 Pivotball uni 4.5mm (4) 411259 Tube set S120L 411282 Chassis carbon F110 411286 Bodypost plate L+R carbon F110 411287 Top plate carbon F110 411291 Top plate post F110 (2) 411308 Batterymount F110 (2) 411310 Side electronics mount L+R carbon F110 Optional 411208 Side spring 4.5lbs S120L (2) 411209 Side spring 5.0lbs S120L (2) 411210 Side spring 5.5lbs S120L (2) 411211 Side spring 6.0lbs S120L (2) 411212 Side spring 6.5lbs S120L (2) 411213 Side spring 7.0lbs S120L (2) REAR ASSEMBLY 411072 411284 411285 411303 411304 411307 411312 411309 411289 Optional 411292 Bearing holder-set (9x2) Lower pod plate carbon F110 Top pod plate carbon F110 Pod bulkhead left F110 Pod bulkhead right F110 Rear pod support plate carbon F110 Rear wing F110 white Rear axle F110 Wheelhub left F110 411069 411166 411186 411251 411290 411301 411302 411306 Optional 411107 Differential balls steel 1/8” (12) Diff spring washer (4) Diff washer S120L (2) Rear axle cone S100/120 Diffhub F110 Diffhub insert F110 Diffhub lock pin F110 (2) Diff adjust nut F110 6442 160102 160104 160105 160106 160107 160108 O-ring adj.nut (10) Shock RCM shaft short (2) Shock RCM body alu (2) Shock RCM bottom (2) Shock RCM top nut (2) Shock RCM membrame (4) Shock RCM bushings (8) Rear wing F110 black DIFFERENTIAL Diff balls. 1/8 ceramic (12) SHOCK ABSORBERS Page 39 160110 160111 160121 160122 909405 Optional 160109 160115 160117 160118 160119 160120 160297 160298 160299 160300 160301 160302 Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock RCM bottom O-ring (8) RCM parts frame nylon short (14) top RCM shock (2) balljoint short on-road (2) adj nut alu +o-ring (4) 411040 411070 411286 411298 Body adjust nut (4) Body mount rear (2) Bodypost plate L+R carbon F110 Bodypost front F110 (2) 1315 411074 411075 Ballbearing 5x10x4 (2) Ball bearing flanged 1/4x3/8x1/8 (2) Ball bearing 1/4x3/8x1/8 (2) 120004 120005 120006 Spur gear 64P / 90T Spur gear 64P / 92T Spur gear 64P / 96T Shock RCM bushing machined (8) Shock RCM shaft short tin coated (2) Shock piston RCM machined 1-hole (4) Shock piston RCM machined 2-hole (4) Shock piston RCM machined 3-hole (4) Shock piston RCM machined 4-hole (4) Spring grey short (2.6/14.8) TC (2) Spring black short (2.9/16.5) TC (2) Spring green short (3.5/19.9) TC (2) Spring white L23 (2.3/13) (2) Spring yellow L23 (2.8/16) (2) Spring orange L23 (3.4/19.5) (2) BODYMOUNT BEARINGS Spurgears / Pinions B 7 120111 Motor-pinion 120112 Motor-pinion 120113 Motor-pinion 120114 Motor-pinion 120115 Motor-pinion 120116 Motor-pinion 120117 Motor-pinion 120118 Motor-pinion 120119 Motor-pinion 120120 Motor-pinion 120121 Motor-pinion 120122 Motor-pinion 120123 Motor-pinion 120124 Motor-pinion 120125 Motor-pinion 120126 Motor-pinion 120127 Motor-pinion 120128 Motor-pinion 120129 Motor-pinion Hardware Page 40 110101 110102 110103 110104 110105 110106 110107 110108 110109 110110 110111 110112 110113 110114 alu alu alu alu alu alu alu alu alu alu alu alu alu alu alu alu alu alu alu hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P 64P / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 24T 25T 26T 27T 28T 29T 30T 31T 32T 33T 34T 35T 36T 37T 38T 39T 40T 41T 42T Screw allen countersunk m4x8 (10) Screw allen countersunk m4x10 (10) Screw allen countersunk m4x16 (10) Screw allen countersunk M3x8 (10) Screw allen countersunk m4x12 (10) Screw allen flanged roundhead m5x12 (10) Screw allen cilinderhead m3x16 (10) Screw allen roundhead m3x6 (10) Screw allen roundhead m3x10 (10) Screw allen roundhead m3x16 (10) Screw allen roundhead m3x14 (10) Screw allen roundhead m3x12 (10) Screw allen roundhead m4x8 (10) Setscrew allen m3x8 (10) 110115 110116 110117 110118 110119 110120 110121 110122 110123 110124 110125 110126 110127 110128 110129 110130 110131 110132 110133 110134 110135 110136 110137 110138 110139 110140 110141 110142 110143 110144 110145 110146 110147 110148 110149 110150 Setscrew allen m3x4 (10) Setscrew allen m3x3 (10) Setscrew allen m3x12 (10) Setscrew allen m4x4 (10) Setscrew allen m4x6 (10) Setscrew allen m4x10 (10) Setscrew allen m5x6 (10) Screw allen countersunk m3x6 (10) Screw philips roundhead 3.5x13 (10) Screw allen roundhead m3x8 (10) Screw allen countersunk m3x20 (10) Screw allen countersunk m2.5x12 (10) Screw allen countersunk m3x12 (10) Screw allen roundhead m3x5 (10) Screw allen cilinderhead m3x10 (10) Screw allen roundhead m2.5x6 (10) Screw allen roundhead m2.5x10 (10) Screw allen countersunk m3x16 (10) Screw philipshead countersunk 2.5x8 wide (10) Screw philipshead countersunk 2.5x10 wide (10) Screw allen countersunk M2.5x10 (10) Screw allen countersunk M2.5x8 (10) Setscrew allen M3x6 (10) Screw allen countersunk M4x14 (10) Screw allen countersunk M3x40 (10) Screw allen roundhead M3x20 (10) Screw allen roundhead M3x22 (10) Screw allen roundhead M3x25 (10) Screw allen roundhead M4x18 (10) Screw allen roundhead M3x18 (10) Screw allen roundhead flanged M3x12 (10) Screw allen roundhead flanged M3x16 (10) Screw ph roundhead M2.5x5 (10) Setscrew allen M5x4 (10) Screw allen countersink M2x10 (10) Screw M6x12 nylon black (2) B 8 Page 41 110151 110152 110153 110154 110155 110156 110157 110158 110159 110160 110161 110162 110163 110164 110165 110166 110167 110168 110169 110170 110171 110172 110173 110174 110175 110176 110177 110178 110179 110180 110181 110182 110183 110184 110200 110201 Screw allen cilinderhead M4x10 (10) Screw allen cilinderhead M3x8 (10) Screw allen roundhead M2.3x4(10) Setscrew allen M3x10 (10) Setscrew allen M3x5 (10) Screw allen countersunk M2.2x6 (10) Screw allen countersunk M3x5 (10) Screw allen countersunk M3x15 (10) Screw allen countersunk M3x18 (10) Screw allen cilinderhead M2.2x12 (10) Screw allen cilinderhead M2x6 (10) Setscrew allen M3x2.5 (10) Setscrew allen M3x2 (10) Screw allen roundhead M3x4 (10) Screw allen cilinderhead M2x5 (10) Screw allen countersunk M2.5x5 (10) Screw allen roundhead flanged M3x18 (10) Screw allen roundhead flanged M3.5x10 (10) Screw allen roundhead flanged M4x10 (10) Screw allen roundhead flanged M3x28 (10) Screw ph roundhead widethread 2.5x6 (10) Screw allen roundhead flanged M3X6 (10) Screw ph countersunk widethread 2.5x12 (10) Screw allen countersunk M4x6 (10) Screw allen cilinderhead M3x40 (10) Screw allen cilinderhead M3x18 (10) Screw allen roundhead M4x12 (10) Screw allen cilinderhead M3x14 (10) Screw allen roundhead M2.5x8 (10) Setscrew allen M5x10 (10) Screw M5x10 + Nut nylon black (4+4) Screw allen roundhead M2x4 (10) Screw allen countersunk M3x10 Screw allen countersunk M3x14 (10) Pin 2.5x8 (10) Pin 3x12 (10) 110202 110203 110204 110205 110206 110207 110208 110209 110210 110211 110212 110213 110214 110215 110216 110217 110218 110219 110300 110301 110302 110303 110304 110305 110306 110307 110400 110401 110402 110403 110404 110405 110406 110407 110408 110409 Pin 5x5 (10) Pin 3x14 (10) Pin 3x20 (10) Pin 3x22 (10) Pin 2.5x22 (10) Pin 2.5x12 (10) Pin nra 2x9.8 (4) Pin nra 2x18 (4) Pin 3x13 (10) Pin 2.5x13 (10) Pin 2.5x17 (10) Pin 2.5x10 (10) Pin 3x15 (10) Pin 2x12 (10) Pin 2.5x15 (10) Pin 2x9 (10) Pin 3x10 (10) Pin 2x14 (10) E-clip 2.3 (10) E-clip 3.2 (10) E-clip 4.0 (10) E-clip 5.0 (10) E-clip 7.0 (10) Seger clip 12x1.0 (10) E-clip 6.0 (10) E-clip 9.0 (10) Shim 6.0x10x0.2(10) Shim3.2x7x0.5 (10) Nut nylock M3 (10) Nut nylock M4 (10) Shim 6x8x0.3 (10) Nut nylock M4 flanged (10) Nut nylock M2.2 (10) Nut M3 (10) Shim 3X5X0.3 (10) Shim 3X5X1 (10) B 9 Page 42 110410 110411 110412 110413 110414 110415 110416 110417 110418 110419 110420 110421 110422 110423 110424 110425 110426 110427 110428 110429 110431 110432 110433 110434 110435 110436 110437 110438 110439 110440 110441 110442 110443 110444 110445 110446 Shim 3X5X2 (10) Shim 3X5X4 (10) Shim 3.5X8X1 (10) Shim 3.5X12X0.2 (10) Shim 3X6X0.1 (10) Shim 3X6X0.5 (10) Shim 3X6X0.8 (10) Shim 3X6X3 (10) Shim 4X8X0.1 (10) Shim 4X9.5X1 (10) Shim 4X9.5X2(10) Shim 4X9.5X4(10) Shim 4X10X0.3 (10) Shim 5X8X0.1 (10) Shim 5X8X0.3 (10) Shim 5X10X0.3 (10) Shim 5X10X0.5 (10) Shim 5X15X0.3 (10) Shim 6.5X8X0.25 (10) Shim 6X11.75X0.2 (10) Shim 8X11X0.1 (10) Shim 8X11X0.2 (10) Shim 12X15X0.25 (10) Shim 12X18X0.3 (10) Shim 13X16X0.2 (10) Shim 3x5x3 (10) Nut M2.5 (10) Shim 2.5x6x0.5 (10) Shim 3x7.5x1 (10) Shim 2.5x5x0.4 (10) Nut nylock M3 flanged (10) Shim 4x8x0.6 (10) Shim 5x15x0.2 (10) Nut M4 nylon (10) Shim 4x10x0.2 (10) Shim 5x15x0.2 (10) 110447 110448 Shim 3x7x7 (10) Shim 3x6x6 (10) 1891 1892 1893 1895 1896 1897 1898 1998 190156 190157 190158 190159 190160 190161 190172 190173 190174 190175 190176 190208 190188 190189 190190 190191 190192 190192 190193 190194 190195 190196 190197 190198 Serpent medium promo decal 20x12.5 (2) Serpent windowshop decal 20x12.5 (2 sided) Serpent decal XL (30x60cm) Shopping-bag Serpent orange Cap Serpent orange-black Towel Serpent large Lanyard Serpent orange Cap serpent black-orange Polo shirt Serpent black-orange (S) Polo shirt Serpent black-orange (M) Polo shirt Serpent black-orange (L) Polo shirt Serpent black-orange (XL) Polo shirt Serpent black-orange (XXL) Polo shirt Serpent black-orange (XXXL) Winter jacket Serpent black-orange hooded (M) Winter jacket Serpent black-orange hooded (L) Winter jacket Serpent black-orange hooded (XL) Winter jacket Serpent black-orange hooded (2XL) Winter jacket Serpent black-orange hooded (3XL) Winter jacket Serpent black-orange hooded (4XL) T-shirt Serpent Splash orange (S) T-shirt Serpent Splash orange (M) T-shirt Serpent Splash orange (L) T-shirt Serpent Splash orange (XL) T-shirt Serpent Splash orange (XXL) T-shirt Serpent Splash orange (XXXL) T-shirt Serpent Splash black (S) T-shirt Serpent Splash black (M) T-shirt Serpent Splash black (L) T-shirt Serpent Splash black (XL) T-shirt Serpent Splash black (XXL) T-shirt Serpent Splash black (XXXL) Merchandising B 10 190201 190202 190203 190204 190205 190206 190207 Hoody Hoody Hoody Hoody Hoody Hoody Hoody sweater sweater sweater sweater sweater sweater sweater 190500 190501 190502 190504 190506 190507 190509 190510 190511 190512 190513 190514 190515 190516 190517 190518 190519 190520 190521 190522 190523 190524 190525 190526 190527 190528 Pit-caddy Tool-bag Carry-bag medium. 3 drawers Ballcup tool Toolset FOR ONROAD (17pcs) with Tools bag Toolset FOR EP (16pcs) with Tools bag Allen allen wrench 1.5 x 120mm Allen wrench 2.0 x 120mm Allen wrench 2.5 x 120mm Allen wrench 3.0 x 120mm Ball driver hex wrench 2.0 x 120mm Ball driver hex wrench 2.5 x 120mm Ball driver hex wrench 3.0 x 120mm Tool tip allen wrench 1.5 x 120mm Tool tip allen wrench 2.0 x 120mm Tool tip allen wrench 2.5 x 120mm Tool tip allen wrench 3.0 x 120mm Tool tip ball driver hex wrench 2.0 x 120mm Tool tip ball driver hex wrench 2.5 x 120mm Tool tip ball driver hex wrench 3.0 x 120mm Turnbuckle wrench 3mm Turnbuckle wrench 4mm Turnbuckle wrench 5mm Flat head screwdriver 3.0 x 150mm Flat head screwdriver 4.0 x 150mm Phillips screwdriver 2.0 x 45mm Pit equipment Page 43 Serpent Serpent Serpent Serpent Serpent Serpent Serpent black-zip black-zip black-zip black-zip black-zip black-zip black-zip (S) (M) (L) (XL) (2XL) (3XL) (4XL) 190529 190530 190531 190532 190533 190534 190535 190536 190537 190538 Phillips screwdriver 3.5 x 120mm Phillips screwdriver 5.8 x 120mm Nut driver 5.0 x 100mm Nut driver 5.5 x 100mm Nut driver 7.0 x 100mm Reamer with end cap for lexan body Exhaust spring / caster clip remover Wrench-glowplug / clutchnut - 10mm long Flywheel wrench tool wheelnut 1/8 off road Flywheel wrench -
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