Lone Star Corvette Club


Lone Star Corvette Club
Lone Star
Good Friends...Great Cars
Since 1983
Official Newsletter of the Lone Star Corvette Club
July 2012
In This Issue
2012 Officers...............................2
Redline: the President ................2
2nd Gear: the Vice-President......2
Business Meeting Minutes........13
NCM News..................................3
New Members.............................3
Recreational Events............... 4-12
Rec Events 2012 Schedule...........4
Event Coordinators...................13
June Calendar............................19
Next Meeting
July 14
11:30 - 2:00 pm
Fox & Hound
18918 Midway Road
Dallas, TX 75287
(972) 732-0804
Midway Rd, just South of
George Bush Turnpike
Wayne Allen, LSCC Vice-President
Craig Satterfield
LSCC President
After months of planning and long hours of
dedicated work by scores of volunteers, all involved in the Classic 2012 should take great
satisfaction knowing that we not only had a
fantastic time, but also raised thousands of
dollars for Speedway Children’s Charities,
the National Corvette Museum, and Honor
Flight. Thanks again to our volunteers for
giving of their time and effort for these worthy causes.
With summertime here, all of our events are
underway again with trips, races, car shows,
and lots of socializing with our fellow LSCC
members and area clubs. I hope everyone is
taking advantage of these well-planned gatherings. Remember to log in as a member
at the Lone Star Corvette Club website and
check the Event Calendar for events that have
been planned. If you are a new member, do
not hesitate to take part. Just let any of the
coordinators know you want to participate.
Personally, I am looking forward to the Club
trip to Vettes on the Rockies in Colorado and
to cooling off for a while. There is nothing
like driving a Corvette through the mountain passes, twisting and turning, and enjoying every minute of it...especially with “Good
Friends; Great Cars!”
See you down the road!
At the February Club meeting, Joe Hester invited LSCC members to attend a function to collect snack, personal care and sundry items that
would be boxed into “care” packages (see adjacent photo) for some of our overseas troops.
For those who preferred, Joe collected and
transported items brought to our April Club
meeting. As usual, your generosity was evident
and appreciated. Joe sent this message:
Wow! It’s hard to believe that half a year
has already gone by. The Club has attended a lot of fun events and there is still
plenty to do over the next few months. I still
hear comments from people about what a
great event the Classic was.
Speaking of the LSCC Classic, please keep
in mind that this is our Club’s showcase for
the year and we need more involvement
from members. You do not have to come
out to have your car judged but you need to
get involved. It is a great time and you will
have a blast. Robert Shellberg, Classic
2013 Officer, has already started planning
next year’s event. You can bet that it will
be even better than this year’s and that’s
saying a lot.
Also, please don’t forget to get out and
watch the track events. You can try drag
racing and road racing or just stick to the
parking lot and try a slower speed coarse
— Autocross. It is so much fun. This is a
great Club. We do a lot for our charities so
get involved and have some fun in your
I am still looking at locations for future Club
meetings. If you know of a place that can
seat over 100 and serves food on a Saturday morning, please let me know. July’s
Club meeting will be on Saturday, July
14th, at the Fox and Hound at 18918 Midway Road, Dallas, Texas 75287 — (972)
732-0804. Board meets at 9:30 am, Meet
& Greet at 11:30 am, and the Business
Meeting starts at 12:30. A full menu will be
available from the Fox and Hound.
Vice President
Wayne Allen
Karen Pitalo
Competitive Events
Gordon Krause
Recreational Events
Glen Averhoff
Financial Officer
Linda Shellberg
Technical Officer
Bob Young
Linda Walker
Recording Secretary
Laura Satterfield
Newsletter Editor
‘GH’ Hodges
Public Relations Manager
Bob Young
Just a note to thank everyone for participating
in our Pancake Breakfast to collect items for
our Troops in Afghanistan & Kuwait.
Joe Hester
Craig Satterfield
NCM Ambassador
Johnny Downs
Fellow LSCC members,
The contributions are AWESOME and so are
you! Thank you.
2012 Officers
Joe Hester forwarded this photo of the volunteers
at his pancake breakfast project assembling the
boxes to send to our troops.
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 2
Classic Officer 2012-2013
Robert Shellberg
“Way above expectations”
National Corvette
by Johnny Downs
Andy Pilgrim Foundation
As everyone knows, Andy was kind enough
to donate his time to our Classic. His participation definitely helped make our event
successful. In addition to his passion for the
Corvette community and NCM, Andy has
another passion; a mission to educate new
street drivers. He believes education can
raise awareness of the deadly problems associated with distracted driving. Sadly, the
problem of distracted driving continues to
grow at an alarming rate.
It is no secret that driving collisions and
crashes are the number one killer of teenagers. There are over 6,000 traffic deaths and
500,000 serious injuries of 14 – 19 year olds
occurring every year on our roads. The goal
of the Andy Pilgrim Foundation is to help
reduce these horrific statistics.
Andy is available, through his foundation,
to work with concerned groups. He has also
produced a DVD aimed at new drivers and
their parents. For more information see
Andy Pilgrim Foundation.
New Members
Reviewed June 8, 2012
We were traveling through this area with 2
adults and 5 children. My 15 year old daughter is a big car fan in general. I never really
liked Corvettes. After visiting the museum, I
have a whole new appreciation for the car.
The culture surrounding the fan base is just
astonishing. You have to have a respect for
such a following. The brand is like Disney
or Coke. At one point in the museum I was
laughing with my daughter at a trivia thing
they had. I was like, “who would know what
is wrong with these pictures?” A guy walked
up and said “hmm, the bumpers are wrong
on this, the 68 (whatever) didn’t have blah
blah blah... the color is wrong on this, the
67’ (whatever) model was never made in 2
tones..... etc.” Wow, it was like baseball statistic dork heaven. You have to have a lot of respect that inspires people to know this much.
After seeing some of the cars, I have to admit
I now have a desire to own one of these.
Charlie D.
Memphis, TN
As always, for anything NCM please feel
free to contact me, Johnny Downs, 214/3406300, 903/564-3069 or email ediewoww@
NCM Review on TripAdvisor.com
The following review of NCM was posted
on TripAdvisor.com. This speaks to the impact and importance of NCM.
Tony Bradley
Douglas & Betsy Grimes
Robert & Kate Kanuth
William & Wynelle Kleber
Kurt Lassberg
Steven & Verjean Lunenschloss
Sam & Janet Morehouse
Gary & Lynette Wilbanks
Mark & Darryl Mahan
Check the website for updates:
A color pdf version of the Newsletter is
posted on our website and is no longer
mailed. Several years of archived issues
are available as well. Click “Newsletter”
on the homepage to choose your issue.
Friday Night Drags
& Show ‘n Shine
by Bryan Baines
Nine club members came to
the Friday Night Drags event
with their Corvette, and
eleven left the event. Yes,
two people decided to join
our club after talking with
ever LSCC member that arrived. That just shows what
an amazing club we are; full
Continued on page 10...
July Birtyhdays
David T Wade
Linda Prindle
Ronnie Norcross
Gordon Krause
Susan Morgan
Gary Bechtol
Ann Costanzo
Wade Morris
Allen Kaus
Victoria Wilson
Chris Krull
Herbert D Stringer
Susan Littlefield
Bonnie Davis
Sharon Myrah
Kelly Davis
Bill Slocomb
Deborah M Sass
Scott Holdridge
Jan Grissom
Bob Schulz
Don C Davis
Don Bacon
Wayne Allen
Kathy Hacker
Jerry S McWilliams
Gordon R Graves
Sam Castorani
Charlene Snodgrass
Gerald Graham
Keith Pierce
John Thompson
Kathy Bowman
Bill R Waldrop
Dorothy Mimms
Charles M Kaddatz
Jerry Holsworth
Eran X Jones
Vickey Canada
Harry J Kaplun
Char Kyle
Bob Young
Isabella Hass
Bernard D Heer
Sherry Gentry
Susan B Heer
Sue Hauk
Mark D Merchant
Joe D Cumby
Ken Smith
Louis G Hemler
John C Heyer
Walter A Jones
Tom Atchison
Janice York
Steve T Parry
Robert C Goodwin
Ron D Smith
John H Mimms
Laurie Schulz
Wayne R Michaels
Robert D Newton
Owen Lawrence
Maria Kay
Sharon D’Uva
Conley R Goines
James R Bacon
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 3
Glen Averhoff, Coordinator
As summertime has come and the weather is heating up, our
recreational events are slowing down until the weather cools.
The last rec event we have scheduled
until the fall is the Cats and Corvettes
baseball game at LaGrave Field on
Saturday, June 30th. LSCC participants can start arriving at 5 pm with
our Corvettes lining up in the front
row in the parking lot for a Corvette Show. Fort Worth Cats
general manager, Chris Hart, will pick his “Best of Show” at
6:30 pm and the winner will get to
throw out the ceremonial first pitch.
Game time is set for 7:05 pm. To
buy tickets at $12/person for premium seating, use the group password
“LSCC” (case sensitive) and go to:
Cats & Corvettes.
Out of Town Events
Heads up: Eureka Springs Corvette Weekend is coming up
and the signup is now available on the LSCC website. Being
one of the more popular trips for our Club, it offers beautiful scenery, a fuel economy run, a poker run (sponsored by
our Club), a major car show, and also great food and shopping. The key to attending this event is the hotel since there
is typically a waitlist for first-timers. All hotel info is available through LSCC Event Calendar. If you are new to the
event, let me know and I will help you though the process.
For those who reserved a room last year and will not be able
to attend, please contact me so we can transfer the room to
another LSCC member (even if just for this year).
We are planning two departures for Eureka Springs. The
usual route leaves on Thursday, October 4th, and is mostly on
divided highways but also includes the always fun Pig Trail
route. For those who have an extra day and want to experience some additional beauty and curvy roads, we are planning a caravan that will leave on Wednesday, October 3rd, that
will take the Talimina Scenic drive through the Ouachita National Forest in Oklahoma and Arkansas. The group will be
spending the night at Mount Magazine Lodge in Arkansas.
Don’t forget to check the LSCC website for remaining out-oftown club trips of 2012.
Phil Davies, Out of Town Coordinator, pkdavies@verizon.net.
by Phil Davies
By the time the Newsletter comes out, it will be less than 40
days to the cooler weather of
Colorado and LSCC’s trip of
the year. LSCC has over 40
cars heading to Vettes On The
Rockies, one of the major Corvette enthusiast’s annual events. If you are interested in going
with us, check out the reports in the February through June
Newsletters in the Newsletter Archives section of the LSCC
website for general information. You can sign up for our
caravans through LSCC Event Calendar, but you will need
to register at the VOTR website and book your own lodging
reservations. Once I see you on the LSCC signup, I will email
you the details.
Scenes like this await those headed to Vettes on the Rockies.
2012 Re creational Events S che du le
June 30
Ft Worth Cats and Corvettes
LaGrave Field, Ft Worth
Carl Walker
August 4-12
Vettes On The Rockies
Winter Park, CO
Phil Davies
August 24-26
Summers End Corvette Show
Rogers, Arkansas
September 6-8 Mecum Auction - Dallas
Dallas, TX
Craig Satterfield
Wichita Falls, TX
Johnny Downs
Eureka Springs, AR
Phil Davies
October 4-7
Corvettes and Coors
at the Falls
Eureka Springs Corvette
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 4
Trip Coordinator
Hot Rod Power Tour
by Johnny Downs
The Hot Rod Power Tour… What is it? A giant car show?
A parade? A 1,500 mile caravan? Or all of these things? A
five-car LSCC group set out on June 6th to find out. The
cars driven by the “Corvette” people were indicative of
what would be found on the Power Tour:
Dick Huntington
‘10 Cadillac CTS-V Sedan
Glen Averhoff
‘06 Corvette Convertible
Johnny Downs
’57 Chevy BelAir coupe
John Hart
’64 Corvette Convertible
Gary Conaway
’70 Baracuda 440 coupe
We headed for Miami, Oklahoma to intercept the Power
Tour and hopefully connect with LSCC’ers, Markham and
Kara Jones, who had gone up a day earlier. When we picked up our tour credentials at the Buffalo Run Casino in
Miami, Oklahoma, most of the thousands of cars had already arrived from
the previous stop in Madison, Illinois.
We parked with our new tour mates
and began checking out the thousands
of cars.
I won’t go into all of the details, but,
over the next two days, we drove some
great two-lane roads in caravans of
five to hundreds of cars. We waved to
thousands of people watching along
the route. We checked out close to fifty sponsors’ and vendors’ displays and
picked up some nice giveaways. Best of all, we met some
really nice car people.
Some neat facts and observations about the Power Tour:
did not find the Jones’ until Friday at
Covercraft. Just too many cars and
not enough time.
We ended the tour at Quik Trip Park
in Grand Prairie, much too soon for
us. The 2013 Power Tour will start
where it ended this year. All who
went this year plan to roll out of Quik Trip the first of June
next year. Mark your calendar.
Hundreds of photos of the Hot Rod Power Tour, have posted for you viewing pleasure by LSCC members. Click on
their links below, then sit back and enjoy: Markham & Kara
Jones: Power Tour Album 1, and Power Tour on Route 66.
Sam & Terri Karr: Giant Power Tour Album.
The winch truck “Tow Tater” in the background was the inspiration for “Tow Mater” in the Pixar movie “Cars.”
• 1,566.9 miles was the total distance driven in 7 days. The
LSCC group drove just over 500 of those miles.
• 3,000 vehicles were registered when the Power Tour
started in Detroit. By the time we joined in Miami, the
total was well over 4,000.
• 300 vehicles were given assistance by GM Performance’s
“Motor Medic” support vehicle in 2011. They were back
this year helping Power Tour drivers in need of keeping
their cars on the road.
• 4,000 people were fed a free barbeque lunch outside the
facility of Covercraft in Paul’s Valley, Oklahoma. In addition, every participant received a free t-shirt with their
• 100’s of kids were on this tour with their parents, and/
or grandparents. This is great for the automobile hobby.
Despite the fact they were in their bright copper C4, we
As seen in the photos above, the Power Tour attracted all
shapes, sizes, places and ages of cars from North America.
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 5
Terry & Jerry McEachern - 2nd Place, C6 Class
John Main - 3rd Place, C3 Class
Big Cypress Corvette Classic
On June 1st, twelve LSCC Corvettes caravanned to the historic town of Jefferson, Texas, (legendary for its haunted hotels
and ghosts) for the 2012 Big Cypress Corvette Classic. Jefferson was one of the most important shipping ports in Texas
between 1845 and 1872 and once had a population of around 30,000.
Friday night found us on a ‘top-down’ cruise of country roads on our way to a fish fry at a restaurant perched over Caddo
Lake with stunning views of Texas’ only naturally occuring lake. Later, the balcony of the Jefferson Hotel provided a perfect perch from which the Lot Lizards could view Corvette-lined Austin Street below.
After a BBQ lunch on Saturday, the car show ended at 2:00 pm with trophies being awarded to John and Suzanna Main
(3rd in C3 Class) and Terry and Jerry McEachern (2nd in C6 Class). Afterward, we celebrated with hand-dipped ice
cream at Jefferson’s General Store. Thanks to the Sorrells for their hard work in organizing this weekend.
Breakfast at 150 year old
Excelsior Hotel
Austin Street,
Downtown Jefferson
General Store. Notice 3 LSCC
Lizards on the bench.
Parking at the fish fry on Lake Caddo
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 6
LSCC Autocross Results Race #3
May 26, 2012
PAX Time Results
Slaughter, John+
Pritchett, Billy
2003 Z06
Orrick, David
Thornton, Jeff
McManaman, Mike*
McManaman, Kris*
+ Denotes driver bumped up one class for oversized tires
* Denotes non-member driver
2012 Overall Points Standings
as of
May 26, 2012
Total Points
Slaughter, John
Pritchett, Billy
Swan, Gary
Corder, Dennis
Orick, David
Guiette, Mike
Thornton, Jeff
Bowman, Noel
Krause, Gordon
Mackuer, Scott
Phillips, Brian
Pritchett, Nancy
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 7
By Linda Shellberg
A long line of beautiful ‘Vettes: Check. Plenty of sun and
a nice breeze: Check. One blown tire on a trailer: Check.
Yep, all the ingredients for a typically fun and crazy LSCC
car show trip.
The destination was Norman, Oklahoma for the NCCO Car
Show at Marc Heitz Chevrolet. The NCCO folks (NCCO
stands for Non-Club Club of Oklahoma, more about those
nutty guys later) hosted about 150 Corvettes on Saturday,
June 16th, for their 5th annual show benefitting USMC
Toys for Tots. They raised almost $11,000 and managed to
put together a fun day in spite of the heat!
About that blown tire: nothing makes a line of Corvettes
scatter faster than watching a tire on the trailer in front of
them explode and send “gators” flying all over the road. On
Friday evening, the Shellbergs pulled their trailer loaded
with 10 cases of water left over from the Classic to donate to the NCCO show, as well as their ’07 and a canopy.
Karen and Phil Pitalo, Glen and Kerrie Averhoff, and Phil
and Kristina Davies followed. When the tire blew, as Phil
Pitalo put it, “I was in the ditch faster than the trailer was!”
All was well. Phil Davies had the ruined tire off faster than
Tony Stewart’s pit crew. Phil P and Robert had the trailer
up on the ramps. Glen Averhoff pumped the spare tire up
to spec with his handy-dandy air pump and Kristina Davies
directed oncoming traffic to the other side of the road like
a pro. She gave thumbs up to every truck that pulled over
and other signals to those that didn’t (just kidding, Kristina!) In less than 30 minutes, we were on the road again.
Back on the road, everyone made it to Norman in plenty of
Continued on next page.
Lot Lizards are shade dwellers.
Phil D accepting
his trophy
Wayne and Glen staking
our territory.
This is the ‘Early’ group...after a steak dinner and gathered in
Lot Lizard fashion to commiserate the plight of Group 2...
Group 2
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 8
Continued from previous page page...
time to hang out with the group that travelled earlier in the
day and partake of the usual libations and story-telling that
takes place whenever LSCC friends get together.
Marc Heitz Chevy found a trailer tire and had it mounted
by noon on Saturday. By the time the show was over, the
trailer was fixed and ready to go! Much thanks to Lee and
the other great guys at March Heitz Chevy for their outstanding service!
The next morning, everyone was at the show site bright
and early to shine up their cars, set up the LSCC tents and
banner, and get down to serious business: ie, eating, shopping and relaxing. Phil Pitalo was informed by the NCCO
members that he had been elected their Club President for
the Day. The NCCO non-bylaws state that whoever shows
up first at a meeting is the President. Phil was the 1st person to register for the show on Saturday and that made him
President. As such, he and Karen were given the honor of
selecting the President’s Pick award winner. Much bribing
took place, but being an honorable president, Phil excluded
all LSCC cars from his list of possible winners and selected
a gorgeous blue C5.
Three Club members managed to snag some very hard to
come by awards: Steve Allison took 3rd Place in the C3
Class, Mel Thomason won 1st Place in the C4 Class, and
Phil Davies beat out about a bazillion C5’s for 3rd Place in
his class. Congratulations to our winners!
Much too soon, it was time to move the good times on
down the road. Many folks opted to stop for an early dinner
at Babe’s in Sanger, TX. It was there, while outside awaiting
our tables, that the Singing ‘Vette Divas were discovered;
Kristina, Linda, and Karen entertained (?) the crowd by
singing along to some golden oldies
All in all, it was a fun trip with great friends for a worthy
cause. That’s what summertime is for, right?
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 9
Summer Kickoff – Ponca City
by Johhny Downs
On Friday, June 1st, seven LSCC Corvettes were planning to
travel together to Ponca City, Oklahoma. It was just not to
be. Only five ‘Vettes left the Oklahoma Welcome Center as
a group. Of the other couples, one left early with gambling
fever and the other pair ran late. They called to send us on
so I won’t mention that it was Carl and Rebekah Walker.
For those who did not go back to cleaning cars, “Cruisin’
Grand” provided eye candy in the form of about 200 ’72 and
older cars and Corvettes of all years.
All the LSCC folks were at Lake Ponca bright and early Saturday doing final detailing for the show. That done, it was
time to check out the 50 plus Corvettes in the show and
then walk over to the adjacent all-makes show and look at
about 100 cars and trucks of all ages and types.
Everyone enjoyed the camaraderie, making and renewing
Not long after starting out, one car abandoned us so we were
friendships. Soon though, it was award time. Considering it
down to four. When we stopped for lunch at Pop’s on Route
is a judged show and the
66, Willis and Linda Jones,
LSCC cars went through
aka “The Gamblers,” were ...Considering it is a judged show and the
that rain, the results
LSCC cars went through all that rain, the re- all
were amazing. With sevAs we ate lunch, two things sults were amazing. With seven cars we took en cars we took seven
awards, including Club
happened: First, the Walk- seven awards, including Club Participation...
Participation. A list of the
ers caught and passed us
so we did not see them until Ponca City. Second, it rained all
the way to Ponca City. By the way, another car abandoned After the show came our traditional visit to the Rusty Barus in the last stretch. I heard Londa Pontius say something rell for great steaks and Corvette trivia. Londa Pontius,
about shopping as they disappeared into the downpour.
known to the Corvette world as Ms. Merlot, did her best
job ever as trivia master, possibly due to her new assistant,
After checking into the hotel, the car cleaning began.
Marti Martin. Not only was the evening fun but also educaAround 5:00 pm, it was break time as we all accepted the
tional. Some of the trivia prizes included Goop, Goo Gone,
invitation of John and Debi Botts to tour their new “Corand microfiber towels. Our hosts from Ponca City informed
vette Garage”. Cold beer, Corvettes and motorcycles - what
us that those items are sex toys in Oklahoma. What a night!
a treat. The Botts’ handsome building contained seven Corvettes from C1 to C6 with at least one more on the way. The With only 18 members, the Cherokee Strip Corvette Club
‘Vettes were joined by at least as many motorcycles, mostly put on another great event. We will be back. Join us next
Club Participation
Longest Distance
Class Award C6
Class Award C6
Class Award C6
Mayor’s Choice
Best of Show
Lone Star Corvette Club
Marti Martin and Don Bacon
Willis and Linda Jones
Dale and Londa Pontius
Marilyn and Gary Bechtol
Carl and Rebekah Walker
Johnny and Edie Downs
Willis Jones, C6-Class Award
Friday Night Drags, continued from page 3..
of good friends and great cars. There was one other member that showed up in a 2011 v6 Challenger, but I am not counting that. As the heat starts to rise, I think we participated in this event during the perfect time. The weather was perfect.
The car show was simple. All of us were in the same ‘current’ class. The winner was a 2011 v6 Challenger, but I am still
not counting that. I think we spent more time chatting and having a good time than cleaning or worrying about winning.
After the car show was a few ‘slow’ laps around the oval track, followed by the drag racing. This was by far, the most entertaining form of drag racing I have ever seen. Many of the races were determined by bad shifting and slow starts. To put
it in perspective, I am sure most people have encountered some kid with ‘rice burner’ that claims their car is faster than a
Corvette. This event was where they got to prove their point, and it was hilarious to watch them fail so hard.
The Friday Night Drags & Show ‘n Shine takes place every Friday until July 27th, at Texas Motor Sppedway, and it is definitely worth the time. If anyone is interested in going, I would be happy to join you! Please see photos on Page 13.
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 10
Wheels Xtravaganza Car Show
2 LSCC Corvettes Garner 5 Awards
On May 25th–27th, Ken Smith, Lonnie Eichinger, Willis and Linda Jones, and Glen Averhoff represented LSCC at the
Wheels Xtravaganza Car Show sponsored by the Amarillo Area Corvette Club. Ken was returning to display his Black 1969
GTO (The Judge), which was named Best of the Open Car Show Division last year while the Joneses and Glen were entered
in the Corvette portion of the show. After spending Friday afternoon cleaning up the cars at Vintage Autohaus (the show
site), the group joined the host club at their cookout. The host club and Ken provided transportation between the host
hotel and the show site on Friday night and Saturday morning so that the Vettes could stay indoors and out of the weather.
On Saturday, with both open car show and Corvette divisions and member and non-member classes, there were about 80
cars and Corvettes in the show, All the non-member Corvettes were grouped in one class for the Show and Shine awards.
They were also judged for the Best of Show awards. The Jones’won the
award for the longest distance travelled. Glen won a Participant’s Choice
Award for his 2008 red Z06. A red 1959 was the Corvette Class winner.
In the judged portion of the show, the Joneses won Best Paint and Best of
Show (Corvette Division) while Glen won Best Interior. Congratulations
go out to the Joneses on their beautiful silver 2008 coupe and their first
Best of Show win. After the show, friends of the Jones from Albuquerque,
NM joined the group for celebratory margaritas at a nearby Mexican restaurant.
Everyone returned to the Metroplex on Sunday ready to gather a larger
gang to return for next year’s Wheels Xtravaganza when the Jones’ Corvette will be on display. And, as a bonus, that beautiful Silver C6 coupe
will be featured on the official 2013 Wheels Xtravaganza Car Show t-shirts!
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 11
By Martha Kaus
We’ve had four races so far. We usually have just over a dozen cars at each race, which equates to about 10% of the total
turnout at each track. We may be small, but we are fierce!
Kennedale 3/18
Tyler Mancuso (C-3)
King Class
Rich Koehler (Camaro)
Top-Pro Class
Ennis on 3/25: We dropped like flies. I was the only one to make it to the 4th round, but it took so long that I left right
before finals so I could help with the Dallas Auto Show teardown.
Denton 4/22
Kennedale 5/6
Larry Benson (’57)
Allen Kaus (truck)
Jimmy O’Neal (’65)
Glynis O’Neal-Brown (Mustang)
1st Place
1st Place
Electronics Class
Stock Class
Electronics Class
Street Class
We sure would like to see some new faces at the track. You can race anything with doors. At our last race we had 5 Corvettes, 6 Camaros, 1 Chevy truck, and 1 Mustang. Variety actually helps since it assures that we will not be racing each
other in the same class. At the last race, we had at least one car in each of the seven classes.
If you have questions or concerns, call Allen or me at 972-467-0271 or 972-524-7333.
Here is the rest of our racing schedule. See ya at the track! MK
Sept 9 – Sunday
Sept 16 - Sunday
Sept 30 - Sunday
October 14 - Sunday
October 28 - Sunday
Texas Motorplex – Ennis, TX
Gates open at 8:00 am 972-878-2641
Entry $30 Spectator $12
North Star Dragway – Denton, TX
Gates open at 8:00 am 940-482-9998
Entry $25 Spectator $10
Redline Raceway – Caddo Mills, TX
Gates open at 8:00 am
Entry $25 Spectator $10
North Star Dragway – Denton, TX
Gates open at 8:00 am 940-482-9998
Entry $25 Spectator $10
Texas Raceway – Kennedale, TX
Gates open at 9:00 am 817-483-0356
Entry $25 Spectator $10
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 12
2012 Coordinators
Drag Racing
Martha Kaus (972) 524-7333
John Slaughter (972) 636-9227
Out-Of-Town Events
Phil Davies
Open Road Racing
Mike Black
Cruise Nights &
In-Town Car Displays
Linda Walker (81& 571-2880
Craig Satterfield
Robert Shellberg
Phil Pitalo (972) 390-9163
Dallas New Car Show
Allen Kaus (972) 467-0271
Bob Young (972) 467-0271
Membership Desk
Linda Walker (817) 571-2880
Scholarship Committee
Laura Satterfield
Meeting Greeter
Gabe Sorrells
Jim & Cherrie Tubbs
Martha Kaus (972) 524-7333
Club Liaisons
Classic Chevrolet
Craig Satterfield
Business Meeting
by Laura Satterfield
Lone Star Corvette Club
Corvette World
June 9, 2012
Sport conversion. The floor entertained and
passed a motion to accept the new members as
published in the June newsletter.
Linda Shellberg, Financial Officer, reported the
$15,792.05 in Savings;
Craig Satterfield, President, called the business $1,423.00 in the NCM track fund;
meeting of the Lone Star Corvette Club to or- $36,388.09 in the Operating Fund.
der at 12:20 pm. Craig thanked our host, Terry There was a motion to accept the financial reMalone with Corvette World, for the extraor- port which was seconded. The motion passed
dinary BBQ meals and free Corvette World T- without opposition. Linda reminded us that not
shirts. Terry encouraged the members to shop all of the bills from the Classic had been paid,
the over 100 Corvettes in his two showrooms. but she said that we did well on the Classic, esHe then introduced the LSCC officers present: pecially on the live and silent auctions. The live
and silent auctions yielded over $17,000 which
Craig Satterfield, President
goes directly to Club charities The Club elected
Wayne Allen, Vice-President
to augment the auction proceeds by contributKaren Pitalo, Treasurer
ing addional money to raise the amount to an
Linda Walker, Membership Officer
even $20,000. Linda thanked the sponsors and
Glen Averhoff, Recreational Events Officer
the members who supported the event. DurGordon Krause, Competitive Events Officer
ing the live auction, Weldon, the auctioneer,
GH Hodges, Newsletter Editor
had the whimsical idea to auction off a sparkly,
Laura Satterfield, Recording Secretary
Bob Young, Tech Officer/Public Relations Mgr. but otherwise non-descript pencil. That was a
decision that proved successful. Glen Averhoff
Linda Shellberg, Financial Officer
purchased the pencil for $175, symbolizing the
Robert Shellberg, 2013 Classic Officer
generosity of the LSCC members in raising
The Recording Secretary asked for approval of money for our charities.
the May Member’s Business Meeting Minutes
as posted in the newsletter. The minutes were The members sang happy birthday to the June
birthdays and then enjoyed the cake.
approved without discussion.
Craig called on the Membership Officer, Linda Before the meeting closed, Craig asked everyWalker, to report on membership. We have 498 one to provide photos of trophies, winnings,
members with 876 active memberships. She or other events for a display wall that is being
introduced several visitors and new members: provided the Club at Classic Chevrolet. While
The Troster’s grandbaby, Ella; Sam Warhouse, a he was speaking, two people who had just purreturning member with a 2013 Night Race Blue chased a car from Corvette World joined the
Metallic Grand Sport; Frank Tucker, with a Ni- Club. The members applauded the additional
trous-equipped 1973 Sport Coupe; Garret and new members.
Annette, owners of a 2008 Coupe; and Doug The Member’s Business Meeting was closed at
and Betsy Rhimes, who own a 2011 Grand 12:45 pm.
Friday Night Drags & Show ‘n Shine
Story begins on Page 3
Texas Motor Speedway
Tom Snodgrass (214) 341-5065
If you would like to help in
any of the above areas or have
ideas relating to that area,
please contact the designated
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 13
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Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 18
Classified Ads
July Events Calendar
Classified ads are a free service for LSCC
members and are subject to space availability. Ads may not be used for commercial advertising. Ads will run for
three months and may be renewed or
cancelled by contacting the editor.
F Click here for latest calendar E
FOR SALE: 7/12
2013 Brickyard 400 NASCAR tickets
for sale. Paddock section 11, row AA,
seats 9-10. Across from the pits just off
the start finish line under the protection
of the main grandstand at Indianapolis
Motor Speedway. I have had these seats
since 1994 but will not be going this year
or next year. The 2012 tickets are spoken
for. Selling for face value at $187 for the
pair. Call Mike Letry at 817-832-5843 or
email at mletry@juno.com.
FOR SALE: 6/12
1982 C3 Coupe: White exterior, red
& black interior. T-tops, new interior,
rebuilt front and rear suspension. New
brakes and front rotors. New carpet and
new dash. $12,000
Call Wayne...972-746-0076
C5 Torch Red Lloyd Mats w/emblem,
like new, only used for show $100.00
(list $130);
C5 Black Poly EZ-E-Fit Nose Mask &
Mirror Covers $125.00 (List $190);
C5 Torch Red Speed Lingerie Nose Mask
w/clear license cover, new, never used
$500.00 (list $540);
C5 Spiral Gray Speed Lingerie Nose
Mask & Mirror Covers $475.00 (List
C5 Corsa Stainless Steel X-Pipe, new,
never used, still in box $350.00 (List
Call Bob Paton (214) 850-0621
1979 Corvette Stingray T-tops, Auto,
58,400, Red/White leather interior, pw,
garaged, 6 year’s maint records, price
negotiable. Email our79vette@yahoo.
com for pictures or call Chris for more
info, 817-846-5708
2008 Corvette Convertible: Silver,
gray power top, 2-tone black/gray int,
Comp Gray wheels, LS3, 6-sp man, 3LT,
Heads-Up, Memory, Nav, MagRide, Ron
Fellows spoiler, 43K miles. $37,000.
Mustang, OK (OKC Metro)
(405) 376-4834
1995 C4 Mint condition, <14K miles,
Candy Apple Red/Black, Automatic, All
original, garaged and covered, nonsmoker. $15,900.
Call Wayne, (8am–6pm) 972-283-3772
C-6 Bra, Black, GM official. Used only
Gary Gale, (214) 728-5845
Corsa Touring Exhaust System - 14168
for ‘05-’08 C6 Automatic trans, tunnel
mufflers, H-pipe, and over axle pipes all
new, rear muffler and tips are take offs.
Small dent in one of rear mufflers on
inlet side. $900 firm. Lists for $1,400 –
Carl Walker, (817) 825-3651
FOR SALE: 1/12
1971 Corvette Conv, Ontario Orange/
Black int, Black Conv top with Ontario
Orange aux HT, LS5 454CI/365HP,
4-speed, matching numbers, 6,000 miles
on rebuilt engine, PS, PB, AC, tilt/tele,
AM/FM, chambered exhaust, SS luggage
rack, $53,900. Call Joe, 817-355-0407
‘92 Convertible-Red w black interior
and top. 6-speed. Chrome ZR1 wheels.
45,135 miles. $12,500 OBO
Call Dale (817) 507-8605
’87 Coupe– 534 miles on newly rebuilt
engine, new tires and re-painted. Very
nice inside. Asking $9,700 FOB Camdenton, MO or $10,500 in the Georgetown area. (573)-347-2311
06/C6 OE Front & rear fenders and hood
(Black), plus rims.
Call Wayne, 972-283-3772 (8am–6pm)
62 Corvette- Running gear not important for right car. Call 214-803-6173
Lone Star Corvette Club Newsletter - July 2012 - Page 19