IMPORTANT DATES Robison Elementary March 27, 2015
IMPORTANT DATES Robison Elementary March 27, 2015
Robison Elementary IMPORTANT DATES MARCH 30 STAAR Writing (4th) Day 1 No Visitors, Please 31 STAAR Writing (4th) Day 2 STAAR Reading (5th) No Visitors, Please APRIL 2 PK/PPCD Egg Hunt 4th & 5th Grade Growth & Development Course 5th Talent Show Practice @ 4:30 pm Personal Messages due for yearbook Field Day T-shirt Orders Due (K-2) 3 HOLIDAY—Good Friday 7 Report Cards Pictures (Kinder Graduation & 5th grade group picture) Field Day (2nd grade) @ 9:00-11:45 Willie’s Night 8 Field Day (1st grade) @ 9:00-11:45 9 Field Day (Kindergarten) @ 9:0011:45 Kinder & Pre-K Registration for 20152016 (9:30-11:30 & 1:00-3:00) District Choral Festival (7 pm @ Berry Center) 10 Garden Day (Kindergarten) Box Tops Due Due to Field Days, Kindergarten & 2nd grade will eat their lunch immediately afterwards. Only sack lunches will be available from the cafeteria for these grade levels on their assigned Field Day. March 27, 2015 FIELD DAY T-SHIRTS If you are interested in purchasing a 2015 Field Day t-shirt for your child, please complete the order form that was sent home today with your child. Please help us to manage this very large order by using SEPARATE order forms and payment for each child. Each teacher has chosen the color of the shirt for her class, so it is important to keep the orders separate for that reason as well. Parents are also welcome to order shirts. All shirts are $10. Purchasing a shirt is completely optional. Students are welcome to wear a t-shirt that matches their class color on Field Day. Please return all order forms as soon as possible to guarantee your child will receive a t-shirt. Thank you! STAFF APRRECIATION At this time of year, we like to honor and appreciate our staff for their hard work and dedication that they give to our students. The administrative team provides 4 special days, and our awesome PTO provides a special day to recognize our staff. We typically provide lunch or snacks on these days. The days we have chosen to do this are each Monday beginning March 27 through April 27. On each of those days, we also have drawings for door prizes. If anyone is interested in providing door prizes, we would greatly appreciate this. Ideas include, but are not limited to: beach towels, gift cards, candles, or anything you think our teachers would like. Thank you! KINDERGARTEN & PRE-K REGISTRATION FOR 2015-2016 Mark your calendars, and please help pass the word, that pre-registration for kindergarten and pre-k will be Thursday, April 9 (@ 9:30-11:30 am and 1:00-3:00 pm). If you have a child that will be coming to kindergarten next year, please register them early, as this helps us to plan for staffing early, rather than having to add a teacher just before school starts. Registration information needed: Proof of residency (Current lease/closing papers, current utility bill, i.e. water, electricity or gas) Photo id of parent Birth certificate Current Shot record Pre-kindergartners have to be 4 by September 1, 2015 Kindergarteners have to be 5 on or before September 1, 2015 Students currently registered in Pre-K are automatically enrolled in Kindergarten. We are pre-enrolling students in April for Pre-K that have a military connection, have ever been in foster care or English is their second language. Any child that will qualify for Pre-K due to an economic disadvantage will be registered in August. The date is forthcoming based on the 84th Texas Legislature decision as to when school will start this 15/16 school year. HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT The Human Growth and Development curriculum will be presented to the fourth and fifth grade students on Thursday, April 2, 2015. Permission slips were sent home with students today and must be completed and returned by Monday, March 30, 2015. If you have any questions, please contact Joyce Rountree at 281-213-1704. TEACHER REQUESTS FOR 2015-2016 As we plan for next year, please know that careful consideration will be given to each student’s placement. Your child’s current teachers and the assistant principals will work together using their knowledge of your child’s learning style, personality, and academic strengths or concerns to make the best classroom assignment for next year. If you have information about your child that you feel needs to be strongly considered, please email both assistant principals AND courtney.nespeca@cfisd no later than Friday, April 24. Information that is considered to be helpful includes information about your child’s learning style and/or personality, as well as your concerns with meeting their academic, emotional or social needs. Please refrain from asking for your child to be assigned to a particular teacher, as staffing decisions are still in progress. Please trust that we know our staff well, so the information described above is what helps us to match your child in the best way possible. If there are specific qualities in a teacher that have proven to be successful for your child, please include that information as well. We take this responsibility very seriously, and we appreciate your trust in our judgment. Teacher assignments will be mailed in August, prior to our Meet the Teacher event. PTO NEWS BOX TOPS Congratulations to Mrs. Hamann’s homeroom for being our February Box Tops top collector! Keep clipping! Our next Box Tops collection day will be April 10th. VOLUNTEERS FOR 2015-2016 We are already starting to plan for next year’s volunteer base. If you are interested in taking on a leadership role with volunteering, or if you are considering a PTO Board position, please contact Karen Finke Look for more information soon about specific Board position openings. STAAR TESTING DAYS We will be administering STAAR tests on the following days. Visitors will not be allowed at Robison on these testing days. This includes both lunch visitors and visitors to the instructional areas. Thank you for your understanding. Monday, March 30: 4th Grade Writing Tuesday, March 31: 4th Grade Writing and 5th Grade Reading Monday, April 20: 5th Grade Math Tuesday, April 21: 3rd & 4th Grade Math Wednesday, April 22: 3rd & 4th Grade Reading and 5th Grade Science UPCOMING VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Please remember to log in your volunteer hours! We will have a breakfast May 22 honoring our volunteers with 100 or more volunteer hours. If your name tag says volunteer across the top, then your hours are logged in automatically for you. If you help from home, you can log in the hours by visiting and accessing your account or creating one if needed. A book is donated to the library in your honor if you volunteer 100 or more hours. We have a deadline of April 1 to determine hours volunteered so we have time to order the books. Thank you all for your dedication to our school and our students. ROBISON YEARBOOK PERSONAL MESSAGE $5.00 each Place a SHORT personalized message in the Robison yearbook to congratulate a student on an achievement or just to say how much you care! It is also a great way to thank a teacher. Grandparents and family friends can also purchase a personal message. Buy yours today! DEAD LINE APRIL 2, 2015 THIS WILL BE THE LAST CHANCE TO DO A PERSONAL MESSAGE! Compose your message and print it legibly on the line provided and we will type it up for you. Message should MUST be able to fit in a box approximately 2 ½ by 1 ¼ inches. Keep in mind, longer messages means smaller print. Keep in mind these spaces go fast and space is limited. Stephaine Key (281) 732-6431 or Amanda McCumber (713) 906-7338 Robison…Where all students will reach their full potential! Please continue reading to see additional information ROBISON ELEMENTARY FIELD DAY T-SHIRT ORDER FORM Purchasing a shirt is optional. All shirts are $10. ONE ORDER FORM PER CHILD Adults are welcome to purchase shirts as well. Color chosen by homeroom teacher. Please return order forms by: Thursday, April 2 (K-2) Friday, April 10 (3-5) Student’s Name: _______________________ Homeroom: __________________________ Size Child Small Size 6-8 Child Medium Size 10-12 Child Large Size 14-16 Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Adult X Large Adult 2X Large Adult 3X Large Quantity Please make your checks payable to: Grade: _______ Cost Each $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 Total GRAND TOTAL Robison Elementary (PLEASE DO NOT COMBINE PAYMENT FOR SEPARATE ORDER FORMS.) CASH CHECK #_______ I will pay at the time of delivery. A reminder will be sent the week prior and shirt(s) will be delivered when payment is received. April 2015 Physical Activity Daily Movement Calendar SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 Flex and Hold Get in a muscle man position and flex your muscles as hard as you can. Don’t forget to breathe! 2 Tree Time Stand on your tip toes and reach high to the sky. Here comes the wind! How far can you sway your branches without falling over? 3 7 Side Line Jumps Stand with your feet together. Draw a pretend line with your finger on the floor beside one of your shoes. Jump side to side over your line 50 times. 14 One Leg Cross Jumps Review the jumps from yesterday. Do the same thing as yesterday but only use one leg. After 30 seconds, switch legs. 8 Hula Hoop Pretend you have a hula hoop around your waist, and hula hoop for 100 consecutive rotations. 15 Upper Body Twist Stand with feet apart. Twist upper body as far as you can to the right and hold. Now twist to the left and hold. 9 Lunges Stand with feet together. Step 1 foot forward. Bend both knees until the back knee touches the ground. Straighten knees and feet together. Other leg. 16 Shoulder Stretch Reach the right arm up and back behind back, and left arm under and up behind back. Attempt to meet your fingers together. 10 Flexible Alphabet Can you make your body look like these letters in the alphabet? (Call out letters or teachers can). (ex. T, F, A, D, L) Can you make the letters that spell your name? 17 3..2..1 Blast Off!! Begin in a tuck position (feet together, knees bent, touch floor) On “Blast Off”, jump as high as you can. Reach for the sky. Tuck again to repeat 10 times. 24 High Knee Punch Run in place with high knees. At the same time punch arms straight up to the ceiling alternating right and left. DIRECTIONS: For each daily activity, execute the movement for 1 minute or the indicated number of repetitions. 5 6 Line Jumps Stand with your feet together. Draw a pretend line on the floor with your finger in front of your toes. Jump forward and back over your line 50 times. 12 13 Cross Jumps Stand with feet together. Jump forward, back, side, side to make the pattern of a plus on the ground. Repeat for 1 minute. 19 20 Huggers Open arms out to the side. Give yourself a big hug. Open and repeat quickly for 1 minute. For best results: Keep elbows slightly bent. 21 Shakers Jog lightly in place while at the same time, hang arms by your side and wiggle like a loosey goosey. 22 Flamingo Stand Place arms out in a T, stand on 1 foot while the other foot raises up to touch the inside of the opposite knee. Switch legs. 23 Quadriceps Stand on left leg, and bend right knee, raise right foot up behind you. Grab your right ankle with your right hand. Switch legs. 26 27 Basketball Jumps Pretend to shoot a basketball. Bend knees and prepare to shoot. Jump as high as you can and make your shot. Repeat. 28 Football Drill 29 Feet Switches Jump and switch feet, placing a different foot in front each time you land. 30 Wide Tire Run Run in place with your legs apart as if stepping inside large tires. Run as fast as you can in place with your knees bent. Turn right and face the next wall (keep running), turn right again, and again until back to front. FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 Holiday 11 18 25 April 2015 Family Fitness Daily Movement Calendar SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY DAILY CHALLENGE: CFISD would like to challenge all families to incorporate more movement into their daily routine for a healthier lifestyle. For each daily activity, try to move consistently without stopping for at least 15 minutes. If you move for 20 minutes, GREAT! If you move for 30 minutes, EVEN BETTER! If you move for 60 minutes, AWESOME!!! 5 Abdominals 10 sit-ups 10 leg lifts 10 bicycle crunches 10 regular crunches Repeat! 12 Triceps Sit on the floor, bend knees, feet flat on the floor. Lean back on hands. Bend elbows and lean back as far as you can. Push back up to sitting. To make it harder, straighten legs out in front. 19 Triathlon Swim- lay on belly, kick arms and legs. 30 seconds Bike- bicycle crunches 30 seconds Run- stand up and run in place 30 seconds. Repeat. 26 Feet Switches Jump and switch feet, placing a different foot in front each time you land. How many can you do in 1 minute? WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 Race Have a race at the park with your family today. 2 Tape It Side Put a piece of tape on the ground on the side of 1 foot jump side to side quick as you can for 30 seconds. Repeat 10 times. 9 Partner Get a partner and practice playing catch with a ball. Throw it high and low to make it more difficult. 3 Holiday Get outside and get moving! 4 Hula Hoop Hula hoop for 100 consecutive rotations. Do it 10 different times. Take a break if you need to. Don’t have a hula hoop? Pretend hula hoop! 11 Criss Cross Jacks Jumping jacks that cross 1 leg in front of the other as the legs come together and raising the opposite arm in the air. Open legs apart and switch to other leg and arm 6 Jumping Lunges Lunge forward with one leg in front, jump and switch legs in the air landing in a lunge with the other leg in front. Try 20 in a row. Always land with bent knees. 13 Burpees Feet together, arms up. Squat down, touch ground, jump back into pushup position, jump back in, stand up and jump up in the air. Try doing 10 in a row without stopping. 7 High Knee Punch Run in place with high knees. At the same time punch arms straight up to the ceiling alternating right and left. 8 Standing Abs Stand with legs apart, toes slightly turned out, knees bent. Lean side to side attempting to touch your elbow to your knee. Keep your body upright. 14 Planks In and Out Hold a plank position (push-up position). Jump both feet in close to hands at the same time. Jump back out. Try doing 20 in a row without stopping. Repeat. 16 Family Game Play a family game of kick ball in your yard or at the park. 17 Side Lunges Stand with legs apart. Lunge to the right side and touch the ground with left hand. Lunge to the left and touch the ground with right hand. Try 20 in a row. 18 Power Jacks Like jumping jacks, but jump out into a squat and then jump back in. Do as many as you can in 1 minute. 20 Tag Play your favorite tag game with some friends or family members after school. 21 Side Plank Hold In the plank position (push-up position), take one hand off the floor and turn to the side. Balance as long as you can. Switch. 15 Kick Walk Hold arms out in front of your body. Keeping legs straight, begin to step and kick attempting to touch your foot to your hands. Try to do it for 50 feet. Then stop turn around and repeat. 22 Wide Tire Run Run in place with your legs wide as if attempting to step inside a tire each time. Try to run for 30 seconds. Don’t stop. 23 Wall Sits Place back on the wall while keeping your knees at 90 degrees. Have a contest for who can stay in the position the longest. 24 High Knee Punch Run in place with high knees. At the same time, punch arms straight up to the ceiling alternating right and left. 25 Stretch Day Take turns with friends, each person leading a stretch for a different muscle. How many stretches can you come up with? 27 Basketball 28 Soccer Play a 3 vs. 3 game of soccer or practice your dribbling skills by running the ball from one end to the other. 29 Water Bottle Biceps 30 Aerobics Play a game of 3 vs. 3 basketball, or pretend to shoot a basketball for 20 consecutive jumps. Bend knees and prepare to shoot. With an adult or family member use water bottles to exercise your biceps (upper arms). No water bottles? Use soup cans. Do an aerobic activity of your choice for at least 15 minutes. Try not to stop! Get your heart rate up! Aerobics can be running, dancing biking, skating, jumping rope... 10 One Legged Marathon Have a contest with your family to see who can stand on 1 leg for the longest time. Do it again, but this time with your eyes closed. SATURDAY So, grab a family member or a friend and GET MOVING TODAY! Abril de 2015 Calendario del Movimiento Diario para el Bienestar Físico de la Familia SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY DESAFÍO DIARIO: A CFISD le gustaría desafiar a todas las familias a incorporar más movimiento en su rutina diaria para un estilo de vida más saludable. En cada actividad diaria, traten de moverse consistentemente sin detenerse por lo menos 15 minutos. Si se mueven por 20 minutos, ¡FANTÁSTICO! Si se mueven por 30 minutos, ¡MUCHO MEJOR! Si se mueven por 60 minutos, ¡INCREÍBLE! 1 Carreras 2 Saltar de lado 3 Hoy hagan una carrera en el parque con la familia. Pegar dos trozos de cinta en el piso dejando un pie de distancia entre ellos. Saltar de lado a lado tan rápido como puedan en 30 seg. Repitan. Feriado ¡Salgan a hacer un poco de ejercicio! 5 Abdominales 6 Saltar pateando 7 Rodilla en alto 8 Abdominales de pie 9 Pareja 10 Maratón con un 10 sentadillas 10 elevaciones de pierna 10 bicicletas (echados) 10 abdominales normales ¡Repitan! Saltar con una pierna hacia adelante y cambiar de pierna en el aire, aterrizando con la otra pierna hacia adelante. Hacer 20 seguidas. Siempre aterricen con las rodillas dobladas. Corran en su sitio levantando las rodillas. Al mismo tiempo levanten los brazos como golpeando hacia arriba alternando izquierda y derecha. Busquen una pareja y practiquen lanzar y atrapar una pelota. Láncenla alto y bajo para hacerlo más difícil. pie Hagan un concurso en familia para ver quién puede quedarse parado en un pie por más tiempo. Háganlo de nuevo pero esta vez con los ojos cerrados. 12 Tríceps 13 Burpees 14 Lagartijas adentro 16 Juego familiar 17 Inclinarse de 18 Saltos de tijera poderosos Siéntense doblando las rodillas, los pies sobre el piso. Recuéstense para atrás sobre las manos. Doblen los codos y estírense hacia atrás todo lo que puedan. Vuelvan a sentarse. Para hacerlo más difícil, estiren las piernas. 19 Triatlón Nadar: echados sobre la barriga, muevan brazos y piernas. 30 seg. Bici: echados sobre la espalda muevan las piernas, 30 seg. Correr: párense y corran en su sitio durante 30 segundos. Pies juntos, brazos en alto. Agáchense, toquen el piso, vuelvan a pararse, den un salto en el aire. Vuelvan a la primera posición. Hagan esta seguidilla 10 veces sin detenerse. y afuera Posición para hacer lagartijas (o planchas). Salten doblando las rodillas hacia adelante. Vuelvan a la posición original. Traten de hacer esto 20 veces sin detenerse. Repitan. 21 Lagartija de lado En la posición de lagartija (o plancha) levanten una mano del piso y pónganse de lado. Mantengan el equilibrio todo lo que puedan. Cambien de lado. Párense con las piernas separadas, las puntas de los pies un poco hacia afuera, rodillas dobladas. Inclínense hacia los lados tratando de tocar las rodillas con los codos. Mantengan el cuerpo derecho. 15 Caminar pateando Estiren los brazos hacia adelante. Manteniendo las piernas derechas empiecen a caminar y a patear intentando tocarse las manos con los pies. Traten de hacerlo por 50 pies de distancia. Deténganse, dense vuelta y repitan. 22 Carrera de ruedas Corran en el sitio con las piernas bien abiertas como intentando pisar dentro de una rueda. Traten de correr por 30 segundos sin parar. Practiquen un juego en familia de patear la pelota en el jardín de la casa o en el parque. lado Párense, piernas separadas. Inclínense a la derecha y toquen el piso con la mano izquierda. Luego a la izquierda tocando con la mano derecha. 20 veces seguidas. 24 Rodilla en alto Corran en su sitio levantando las rodillas. Al mismo tiempo levanten los brazos como golpeando hacia arriba alternando izquierda y derecha. Igual que los saltos de tijera, pero tienen que agacharse y luego volver a pararse. Hagan todos los que puedan en 1 minuto. 26 Cambios de pies 27 Baloncesto 28 Fútbol 29 Bíceps con botella 30 Aeróbicos Salten cruzando los pies, poniendo adelante un pie diferente cada vez. ¿Cuántas veces lo pueden hacer en un minuto? Jueguen baloncesto 3 contra 3 o hagan como si lanzaran una canasta 20 veces seguidas. Doblen las rodillas y prepárense para lanzar. Salten todo lo alto que puedan y lancen. Repitan. Jueguen un partido de fútbol de 3 contra 3 o practiquen el dribleado corriendo con la pelota de un extremo a otro. Con un adulto o miembro de la familia, usen botellas de agua para ejercitar los bíceps (brazos). Si no hay Hagan cualquier actividad aeróbica durante 20 min. ¡No paren! ¡Suban su ritmo cardíaco! Los aeróbicos son actividades como correr, ir en bicicleta, saltar la cuerda, patinar. 20 Jugar a perseguirse Jueguen su juego favorito de perseguirse con sus amigos o su familia después de la escuela. botellas de agua, usen latas de sopa. 23 Sentadillas de pared Espalda contra la pared, rodillas dobladas en ángulo de 90°. Vean quién puede mantener la posición por más tiempo. 4 Aro de hula-hula Hagan girar el aro de hulahula por 100 rotaciones consecutivas. Háganlo en diez horas diferentes. Descansen si lo necesitan. ¿No tienen un aro de hula-hula? ¡Usen uno imaginario! 11 Saltos de tijera Salten con una pierna delante de la otra levantando el brazo opuesto. Abran las piernas y cambien al otro brazo y la otra pierna. 25 Día para estirarse En turnos, cada uno enseña un estiramiento para un músculo distinto. ¿Cuántos estiramientos hicieron? Así que agarren hoy a un familiar o a un amigo y ¡PÓNGANSE EN MOVIMIENTO! Family Carnival & Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4 2:00-6:00 PM Hop on in and join us for a fun-filled day the whole family will enjoy! Easter Egg Hunts (Babies-Fifth Grade) Rock Climbing Wall Bounce Houses & Slides Petting Zoo Carnival Games Free Food Dunk Tank Music This activity is not related to or sponsored by the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District. Shalom Cypress invites you to join the Jewish Community Passover Seder Saturday evening April 4th at 5:30pm Join us right here in Cypress for a familyfriendly traditional Jewish Passover seder and pot luck meal. Contact us for more information: THIS ACTIVITY IS NOT RELATED TO OR SPONSORED BY THE CYPRESS-FAIRBANKS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT