metabolism in photosynthetic organisms
metabolism in photosynthetic organisms
Diversity and unifying concepts of metal(loid) metabolism in photosynthetic organisms (X) Unpublished confidential details removed from this website version of the talk (X) modified from: Hendrik Küpper, visit to Třeboň and České Budějovice in April 2013 Variability of metal contents from deficiency to toxicity (I): A decisive factor for biodiversity Plant communities in low metal habitats Mount hood (Oregon, USA), From: ↑ Non-metalliferous alpine meadow Alentejo, Portugal, From: ↑ Non-polluted site in the same region Plant communities in high metal habitats Slate Mountain serpentine barren (North Carolina Carolina, USA) USA), From: US forest service ↑ Natural serpentine barren Sao Domingos mine (Alentejo, Portugal), From: ↑ Antropogenic (mining) polluted site Variability of Metal contents from deficiency to toxicity – a global problem for agriculture and human health Cd pollution in Europe Cd release by Europe into the Northeast Atlantic incl. North Sea Global Zn deficiency Cd map and trend from (European Environment Agency) Zn map From: Alloway BJ. 2001. Zinc the vital micronutrient for healthy, high-value crops. Brussels, Belgium: International Zinc Association. green = moderate zinc deficiency; red = severe zinc deficiency The basis of the relation between metal metabolism and biodiversity: 1) variations of the dose-response principle (X) Cu X As Examples (colour maps) show the growth response of Ceratophyllum demersum Review (scheme): Küpper H, Kroneck PMH (2005) Metal ions Life Sci 2, 31-62 (modified) As: Mishra S, Stärk H-J, Küpper H (2013) Submitted to Environmental Science & Technology; (X): Küpper H, Stärk H-J, Mattusch J (2013) unpublished; Cu: Thomas G, Stärk H-J, Wellenreuther G, Dickinson BC (2013) Submitted to Journal of Experimental Botany Dose-Response for (XXX) in Ceratophyllum demersum (X) the growth data strongly suggest that in contrast to general plants belief ((x)) has an essential role as an ultra-micronutrient in p (X) (X) (X) Küpper H, Stärk H-J, Mattusch J (2013, unpublished data) Effect of (x) deficiency on Ceratophyllum demersum (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) deficiency inhibits respiration, respiration photosynthetic oxygen release and the regulation of nonnon photochemical dissipation of absorbed light energy (NPQ) Küpper H, Stärk H-J, Mattusch J (2013) unpublished data Cr binding to proteins At deficient (x) concentrations, (x) is found in at least 2 soluble proteins and 1 membrane protein The function of these proteins and their change under (x) deficiency is a subject of our current research (X) (X) (X) Küpper H, Stärk H-J, Mattusch J (2013) unpublished (X) Iron – diversity of concentrations in the oceans IIron concentrations t ti att the th surface (top picture) and in 1000m depth (bottom picture) Source: Iron limitation in the marine diazotrophic cyanobacterium Trichodesmium: photosynthetic components remain active... Küpper H, Šetlík I, Seibert S, Prášil O, Šetlikova E, Strittmatter M, Levitan O, Lohscheider J, Adamska I, Berman-Frank I (2008) New Phytologist 179, 784-798 Iron limitation: rescue of photosynthetic components... sacrificing nitrogenase PsaC new PE isoform Küpper H, Šetlík I, Seibert S, Prášil O, Šetlikova E, Strittmatter M, Levitan O, Lohscheider J, Adamska I, Berman-Frank I (2008) New Phytologist 179, 784-798 The basis of the relation between metal metabolism and biodiversity: (2) Trace metal uptake characteristics of plants 14 Shoot dry w weight (g) 12 Hyperaccumulators actively enrich metals in shoots and have an elevated requirement 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 1000 2000 3000 Ni added to the substrate (mg kg-1) Thlaspi goesingense --1 Ni concen ntration (µg g ) 30000 4000 A. lesbiacum Alyssum bertolonii 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Review: Küpper H, Kroneck PMH, 2005, Metal ions Life Sci 2, 31-62 0 1000 2000 3000 Ni added to the substrate (mg kg-1) Ni data: Küpper H, Lombi E, Zhao FJ, Wieshammer G, McGrath SP (2001) J Exp Bot 52 (365), 2291-2300 4000 Heavy metal toxicity induced inhibition of photosynthesis at nanomolar concentrations -Ceratophyllum demersum plants treated with natural or simulated lake water containing only 3 nM Cd2+ and 300 nM Ni2+ already show inhibition - inhibition by Ni+Cd combination treatment much stronger than by the single metals synergistic i ti effect! ff t! Starch accumulation Photosystem 2 activity Andresen E, Opitz J, Thomas G, Stärk H-J, Dienemann H, Jenemann K, Chang C, Küpper H (2013) submitted to New Phytologist Metal deficiency & toxicity-induced damage --> Uptake not sufficiently possible --> Interference with nutrient uptake: competitive or inhibitory --> Malfunction of gene regulation ( e.g. Zn-fingers) --> Genotoxicity --> Lack of active centres leads to direct inhibition of photosynthesis --> Replacement of active centres especially in photosynthesis --> Oxidative stress as a result of a malfunction of photosynthesis and missing active centres in detoxifying enzymes --> Oxidative stress: direct and as a result of a malfunction of photosynthesis --> Inhibition of respiration and other relatively insensitive processes e.g. by binding to thi l groups off enzymes thiol Reviews: Küpper H, H Kroneck PMH (2005) Metal Ions Biol Syst 44 44, ch5 ch5, 97 97-142 142 Küpper H, Kroneck PMH (2007) Metal Ions Life Sci 2, 31-62 Küpper H, Leitenmaier B (2013) Metal Ions Life Sci 11, ch12, 373-394 Andresen E, Küpper H (2013) Metal Ions Life Sci 11, ch13, 395-414 Metal(loid)-dependent differences in sequences of events Copper pp toxicity y at high irradiance >10nM Cu: Damage to the PSII reaction centre decreased photochemical quantum yield (Fv/Fm) • Up-regulation of the dissipation p of excitons as heat (NPQ) • Electron transport (ΦPSII) inhibited in addition to PSIIRC d damage Decrease of Chl during death of cells Arsenic toxicityy >0.5µM As: decrease in photosynthetic pigments decreased light harvesting > 1µM As: decreased exciton transfer from the antenna to the RC up-regulation of thermal exciton it dissipation di i ti (NPQ) >2µM As: Electron transport (ΦPSII) inhibited >5µM As: NPQ inhibition Malfunctioning of photosynthesis leads to generation of ROS in addition to increased inhibitions As: Mishra S, Stärk H-J, Küpper H (2013) Submitted to Environmental Science & Technology Cu: Thomas G, Stärk H-J, Wellenreuther G, Dickinson BC (2013) Submitted to Journal of Experimental Botany Cd-stress in the Zn-/Cd-hyperaccumulator T. caerulescens: Spectral changes of PSII activity parameters Küpper H, Aravind P, Leitenmaier B, Trtilek M, Šetlík I (2007) New Phytol175, 655-74 Why are heavy metal chlorophylls unsuitable for photosynthesis? • shift hift off absorbance/fluorescence b b /fl bands b d --> > lless energy ttransfer f • unstable singlet excited state --> “black holes“ for excitons proteins denature • different structure --> p • do not readily perform charge separation when in reaction centre. lifetim me of singlet o oxygen / % of Mg-Chl a effficiency of sin nglet oxygen production / % of Mg-Chl a lifetime of Ch hl triplet excitted state / % of Mg-Chl a Different central ions cause differences in excitation energy transfer between chlorophyll p y derivatives and singlet g oxygen yg 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 140 120 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Chl a derivatives 2+ Mg 100 80 60 40 20 0 Chl a derivatives 2+ Mg + H (=pheophytin) Chl b derivatives 2+ Cu 2+ Zn + H (=pheophytin) Chl b derivatives 2+ Cu 2+ Zn --> Hms-Chls H Chl h have llower or equall quantum yields of singlet oxygen (1O2) production, but always lower yields of 1O2 quenching compared to Mg Mg-Chl. Chl Phe has the most efficient 1O2 production and least efficient quenching. --> > Hms-Chl Hms Chl formation may indirectly lead to oxidative stress. Küpper H, Dedic R, Svoboda A, Hála J, Kroneck PMH (2002) Biochim Biophys Act 1572, 107-113 Irradiance-dependant physiological diversity: differences in the mechanism of heavy metal toxicity Shade Reaction Formation of metallochlorophylls (i.e. (i e with centre other than Mg2+) in antenna (LHC II) Metallochlorophylls are unsuitable for photosynthesis! Sun reaction Direct damage to the PS II core Küpper H, Küpper F, Spiller M (1998) Photosynthesis Research 58, 125-33 Characteristics of Sun- vs. Shade-reaction 100 shade reaction sun reaction 80 60 40 20 0 Fm : Fv / Fm : % off control t l % off control t l GPOR: % of control Mg-subst.: % of control x10 Küpper H, Šetlík I, Spiller M, Küpper FC, Prášil O (2002) Journal of Phycology 38(3), 429-441 Heavy-metal induced damage: physiological diversity between phyla of algae Brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus: Chl a/c-LHC always accessible to Mg-substitution --> always shade reaction Red alga Antithamnion plumula: p LHCII analogs do not exist, Phycobilisomes contain no Chl --> always sun reaction Küpper H, Šetlík I, Spiller M, Küpper FC, Prášil O (2002) Journal of Phycology 38(3), 429-441 Induced physiological diversity as a tool – Comparison of superoxide production during Cr- and Cu-stress in white and green cells of Euglena gracilis Photosynthesis is much more sensitive, respiration changes later as a secondary effect ff t Increase in superoxide production under heavy metal stress is mainly caused by malfunctioning photosynthesis! Rocchetta I, Küpper H (2009) New Phytologist 182, 405-420 Physiological diversity on the tissue level: General pattern of heavy metal detoxification by compartmentation as observed in most hyperaccumulators epidermis Generally: • Sequestration in least sensitive tissues, e.g. the epidermis instead of the photosynthetically active mesophyll, serves as defence vacuole mesophyll upper lower • Sequestration in the vacuole: plant-specific mechanism (animals+bacteria usually don‘t have such storage vacuoles...) • Active transport processes against the concentration gradient transport proteins involved. 10µM Cd Cd healthy no Cd Cd insect attack EDX: Zn K α line scan and dot map off a T. T caerulescens l l f leaf EDX: Ni K α line scan and dot map off a A. A bertolonii b t l ii leaf l f Zn: Küpper H, Zhao F, McGrath SP (1999) Plant Physiol 119, 305-11, Ni: Küpper H, Lombi E, Zhao FJ, Wieshammer G, McGrath SP (2001) J Exp Bot 52 (365), 2291-2300; defence: Küpper H, Kroneck PMH (2005) MIBS 44 (Sigel et al., eds), chapter 5 Heavy metal detoxification by compartmentation: variations of the pattern as revealed by EDX species-specific in Arabidopsis halleri trichome leaf crossection zinc distribution: 2D map (left), line scan (right) Accumulation A l i off Z Zn mainly in the mesophyll instead of the epidermis, but highest concentrations (up to 1M) in epidermal ti h trichomes ( defence) d f ) Küpper H, Lombi E, Zhao FJ, McGrath SP (2000) Planta 212, 75-84 metal-specific for Al in Camellia sinensis (tea) Accumulation of Al in the cell walls instead of the vacuoles, but again in the epidermis ( defence?) epidermis of leaf crossection: electronoptic image (left), Al distribution (right) Carr HP, Lombi E, Küpper H, McGrath SP, Wong MH (2003) Agronomie 23, 705-10 Speciation of hyperaccumulated metals revealed by EXAFS: Cd in the Cd/Zn-hyperaccumulator T. caerulescens and d Cu C in i the h Cu-hyperaccumulator C h l C h C. helmsii l ii Invasive species in Europe (neophyte from Australia)! Hyperaccumulated metals are stored in weakly bound form form, ii.e. e ideal for defence Cd: Küpper H, Mijovilovich A, Meyer-Klaucke W, Kroneck PMH (2004) Plant Physiology 134 (2), 748-757 Cu: Küpper H, Mijovilovich A, Götz B, Küpper FC, Wolfram Meyer-Klaucke W (2009) Plant Physiol. 151, 702-14 Differences in ligands between hyperaccumulated and nonaccumulated metals: zinc, cadmium and copper i the in h Cu-sensitive C i i Cd/Zn-hyperaccumulator Cd/Z h l T caerulescens T. l zinc cadmium sensitive resistant mature leaves Non-hyperaccumulated metals in hyperaccumulator plants are stored in strongly bound form Cd: Küpper H, Mijovilovich A, Meyer-Klaucke W, Kroneck PMH (2004) Plant Physiology 134 (2), 748-757 Cu: Mijovilovich A, Leitenmaier B, Meyer-Klaucke W, Kroneck PMH, Götz B, Küpper H (2009) Plant Physiology 151, 715-731 Cu toxicity - physiological diversity of stress and detoxification in one population Copper resistant individuals among the otherwise Cu-sensitive Cd/Zn hyperaccumulator T. caerulescens have different Cu-response p of p photosynthesis y Mijovilovich A, Leitenmaier B, Meyer-Klaucke W, Kroneck PMH, Götz B, Küpper H (2009) Plant Physiol 151, 715-731 Fe(III)-Nicotianamine, structure from vonWiren et al. (1999) PlantPhysiol 119 Speciation of copper Cu(II)-oxalate structure from Michalowicz et al. (1979) Inorg Chem 18, 3004-310 in the Cu-sensitive CdZn-hyperaccumulator yp T. caerulescens Analysed by XAS of frozen-hydrated tissues Cu-oxalate (moolooite) Cu(I)-metallothioneins & phytochelatins O S Cu + C Cu O Cu(II)-Nicotianamine Cu(I)-MT EXAFS from Sayers et al. (1993) Eur J Biochem 212, Cu(II)-aquo and Cu(II)-malate 521-528 Cd: Küpper H, Mijovilovich A, Meyer-Klaucke W, Kroneck PMH (2003) Plant Physiology 134 (2), 748-757 Cu: Mijovilovich A, Leitenmaier B, Meyer-Klaucke W, Kroneck PMH, Götz B, Küpper H (2009) Plant Physiology 151, 715-731 Differences between species and on a cellular level: distribution of photosystem II activity parameters during Cd toxicity in the Zn/Cd-hyperaccumulator T. caerulescens Thlaspi caerulescens T. caerulescens Stre essed Acclimatting Acclimated Distribution of Fv/Fm in a plant stressed with Cd2+ Control 20 10 0 20 Cellular Fv/Fm distribution in a control plant 20 C 10 0 20 10 0 20 D A B Stre essed Control 30 T. fendleri: Cd-sensitive T. fendlerinon-accumulator 10 0 E 10 0 20 Stress was applied as 10µM Cd2+ in the nutrient solution that was continuously exchanged for 6 months F 10 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Fv / Fm 0.8 1.0 Küpper H, Aravind P, Leitenmaier B, Trtilek M, Šetlík I (2007) New Phytologist 175, 655-674 Proposed mechanism of emergency defence against heavy metal stress Normal: Sequestration in epidermal storage cells Stressed: additional sequestration in selected mesophyll cells Acclimated: Enhanced sequestration in epidermal storage cells Küpper H, Aravind P, Leitenmaier B, Trtilek M, Šetlík I (2007) New Phytologist 175, 655-674 Physiological diversity on the cellular and subcellular level Cd-transport into protoplasts isolated from the h hyperaccumulator l plant l Thl Thlaspi i caerulescens l In almost all measured cells, a bright cytoplasmatic l i ring i appeared d fifirst after f adding Cd to the medium. A cell that was incubated with Cd over i ht is i completely l t l fill filled d with ith Cd Cd, which hi h night means that the transport into the vacuole took place The transport into the vacuole is the time-limiting step in metal uptake! Leitenmaier B, Küpper H (2011) Plant Cell & Environment 34, 208-219 Cd-transport into protoplasts isolated from the hyperaccumulator plant Thlaspi caerulescens...(II) higher uptake rates in large metal storage cells compared to other cells are caused by higher transporter expression, NOT by differences in cell walls or transpiration stream Leitenmaier B, Küpper H (2011) Plant Cell & Environment 34, 208-219 Mechanisms of Metal transport proteins ∆G= nIonen * R * T * ln (cinside / coutside) + 3F (φoutside-φinside) (R = gas constant, T = temperature, F = Faraday constant, φ = electrochemical potential) Mechanisms of metal uptake in plants: Root uptake and intracellular distribution in plants example: l iron i and d zinc i transport t t in i Brassicaceae B i root uptake intracellular distribution From: Colangelo EP, EP Guerinot ML ML, 2006, 2006 CurrOpinPlantBiol9:322 CurrOpinPlantBiol9:322-330 330 Different transport steps require different transports Root import Root-to-shoot Root to shoot translocation: Xylem Xylem, shoot shoot-to-root to root translocation: phloem Vein unloading Intracellular distribution into and out of target organelles Regulation of ZNT1 transcription analysed by quantitative mRNA in situ hybridisation (QISH) in a non-hyperaccumulating and a hyperaccumulating Thlaspi species 2+ 10 µM Zn Thlaspi caerulescens 2+ 10 µM Zn Thlaspi arvense 2+ 1 µM Zn Thlaspi arvense c(Z ZNT1 mRNA) / c(18s rRNA A) 0.5 04 0.4 0.3 0.2 QISH 0.1 Expression E i off ZNT1 in non-accumulator less than in hyperaccumulator hyperaccumulator, and mostly in response to Zndeficiency spo ngy me sop hyl l phl oem bun dle pal she epi isa ath der d em ma eso lm eta ph epi yll l st der ora ma ge l su cel ls bsi dia epi ry der cel ma ls l gu ard cel ls 0.0 Küpper H, Seib LO, Sivaguru M, Hoekenga OA, Kochian LV (2007) The Plant Journal 50(1), 159-187 Different expression patterns of closely related Zn-specific ZIP transporters as revealed by Quantitative mRNA In Situ Hybridisation Expression of ZNT1 mainly in metabolically active cells, not metal storage cells 10 µM Zn2+ 5000 µM Zn2+ Küpper H, Seib LO, Sivaguru M, Hoekenga OA, Kochian LV, 2007 The Plant Journal 50(1), 159-187 Expression of ZNT5 mainly in metal storage cells judged by its expression pattern in th epidermis the id i th thatt matches t h kknown accumulation patterns for Zn and Ni, ZNT5 may be a key player in hyperaccumulation of Zn Küpper H, Kochian LV (2010) New Phytologist 185, 114-129 Regulation of ZNT5 transcription in young vs. mature leaves of Thlaspi carulescens (Ganges ecotype) analysed by QISH ZNT5 seems to be involved both in unloading Zn from the veins and in sequestering i iit iinto epidermal id l storage cells, ll mostly l iin young lleaves Küpper H, Kochian LV (2010) New Phytologist 185, 114-29 Purification and characterisation of the Zn/Cd transporting P1B type ATPase from the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator T. caerulescens Scheme from: Solioz M, Vulpe C 1996) TIBS21_237-41 TcHMA4 protein is smaller than predicted by cDNA posttranslational processing Maximal pumping activity of TcHMA4 at similar concentrations as e e.g. g ATP7b from humans At higher, but still physiological concentrations: inactivation and/or change of pumping p p g direction Leitenmaier B, Witt A, Witzke A, Stemke A, Meyer-Klaucke W, Kroneck PMH, Küpper H (2011) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Biomembranes) 1808, 2591-2599 Metal-dependent differences in energetics of TcHMA4 Activation energy gy changes g with the concentration and type of the metal to be pumped. Activation energies for TcHMA4 (CPx = P1B ATPase) are similar to other metal ATPases. Leitenmaier B, Witt A, Witzke A, Stemke A, MeyerKlaucke W, Kroneck PMH, Küpper H (2011) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Biomembranes) 1808, 2591-2599 EXAFS-analysis of TcHMA4 at low Cd concentrations, the first ligand shell in this ATPase consists mainly of S ((thiol g groups p from some of the 58 cysteines in the sequence) Barbara Leitenmaier, Annelie Witt, Annabell Witzke, Anastasia Stemke, Wolfram Meyer-Klaucke , Peter M.H. Kroneck, Hendrik Küpper (2011) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Biomembranes) – 1808, 2591-2599 First ligand shell mainly sulfur Summary Low trace metal content in soil uptake High trace metal content in soil excluder indicator hyperacc. excluder indicator hyperacc. low medium medium-high medium high medium high very high requirement medium high effect deficiency no stress costs high gro th growth lo low medium no stress low deficiency & pathogen attack high very er high very er low lo medi m medium Non-metalliferous alpine meadow Mount hood (Oregon, USA), From: high toxicity no stress high very er low lo medi m medium Natural serpentine barren Slate Mountain serpentine barren (North Carolina, USA), From: US S forest f service Reviews: Küpper H, Kroneck PMH (2005) Metal Ions Biol Syst 44, ch5, 97-142; Küpper H, Kroneck PMH (2007) Metal Ions Life Sci 2, 31-62; Küpper H, Leitenmaier B (2013) Metal Ions Life Sci 11, ch12, 373-394; Andresen E, Küpper H (2013) Metal Ions Life Sci 11, ch13, 395-414 Use of Hyperaccumulators for cleaning up soils: Phytoremediation Due to the high bioaccumulation coefficient of hyperaccumulators in contrast to non-hyperaccumulator highbiomass plants, metals are concentrated in a small amount of biomass. Therefore, after burning of the plant the waste consumes far less space than before, or the metal can even be recycled. Plant species Arabidopsis halleri Thlaspi caerulescens (Prayon) Thlaspi caerulescens (S. France) Dichapetalum gelonoides Athyrium yokosense Arenaria patula Sedum alfredii Willow or poplar Upland Rice Max Max. Cd mg/kg DW 100 250 2500 2.1 165 238 180 2.5 40. Biomass t DW/ha 2 5 5 5 2 2 5 20 10 Cd Cd-removal removal g/(ha*year) 200 1250 12500 10 330 476 900 50 400 Data from field experiments of Rufus Chaney (USA), presented on a conference in Hangzhou 2005 Cd and Zn Phytoremediation with Thlaspi caerulescens (Ganges) Robinson BH_et al et Brooks RR (1998) Plant & Soil 203, 47-56 Zhao FJ, Lombi E, McGrath SP(2003) Plant&Soil 249: 37-43 While Cd phytoremediation is efficient with Thlaspi caerulescens, Zn phytoremediation is inefficient due to lower bioaccumulation coefficient and high soil Zn Application of hyperaccumulators for phytomining Vegetation on naturally nickel-rich soil (Serpentine). Such soil is neither usable for agriculture (Ni-concentration far too high) g ) nor for conventional ore mining (Ni-concentration too low). Nickel-hyperaccumulators on such soils enrich the Ni to several percent p of their shoot dry mass. After burning them, the ash contains 10 to 50% Ni, so that it can be used as a „bio-ore“. Phytomining pictures from R. Chaney Such a plant mine can, according to field studies under commercial conditions, yield around 170 kg Ni per hectare and year. At the current (average Jan-July 2012) Ni price off around 1 14 € per kg raw nickel these are about 2400 € per hectare and year. One mining company currently employing phytomining p p p p _p profiles/phytomining/Default.asp p y g p Use of Alyssum species for phytomining soils in Indonesia ...And another one that tested phytomining, but did a bad job Hyperaccumulators as invasive species! •In the late 1990’s Alyssum was introduced to the Illinois Valley at an experimental site by USDA, OSU and Viridian LLC •2002 Viridian Resources LLC planted 9 sites near O’Brien, OR •2005 Alyssum found growing wild and far from planted sites •2009 Alyssum y murale and A. corsicum petitioned p for listing, g, then listed,, as a noxious weed in OR •2009 -2010 Large scale control efforts begin, including planted sites abandoned by Viridian Resources red: planted sites (2002) yellow: escaped sites (2010) Current and former lab members & Collaborators who contribute(d) to our work on metal metabolism Work on heavy metal induced stress Barbara Leitenmaier, Seema Mishra, Elisa Andresen, George Thomas, Iara Rocchetta, Judith Opitz, Birgit Götz, Julie Zedler, Sophie Kroenlein Ivan Šetlík, Š Frithjof Küpper, Martin Spiller, Ondrej Prašil, Eva Šetliková, Š Naila Ferimazova, Roman Dědic, Antonín Svoboda, Jan Hála, Holger Dienemann, Chris Chang Work on metal(loid) uptake and compartmentation Barbara Leitenmaier, Hongyun Peng, Qiyan Wang-Müller, Seema Mishra, Enzo Lombi, Fang-Jie Zhao, Steve P. McGrath, Hans-Joachim Stärk, Jürgen Mattusch, Gerd Wellenreuther, François Malaisse Work on biochemistry and biophysics of metal transport and storage proteins Barbara Leitenmaier, Aravind Parameswaran, Annelie Witt, Seema Mishra, Annabel Witzke, Anastasia Stemke, Mingjie gj Yangg Peter Kroneck, Eva Freisinger, Wolfram Meyer-Klaucke, Wolfram Welte Work on metal(loid) ligands Barbara Leitenmaier, Seema Mishra, Elisa Andresen, George Thomas, Birgit Götz Ana Mijovilovich, Wolfram Meyer-Klaucke, Peter Kroneck, Jürgen Mattusch, Gerd Wellenreuther, Stephan Clemens Work on QISH and metal transporter gene regulation Seema Mishra, Leon V. Kochian, Laura Seib, Mayandi Sivaguru Grant and fellowship agencies who contributed money y to this research All slides of my lectures can be downloaded from my workgroup homepage Department of Biology Workgroups Küpper lab, or directly y