November 29, 2012 - McGill University
November 29, 2012 - McGill University
Journal des étudiant-e-s en droit de l’université McGill McGill Law’s Weekly Student Newspaper Special Issue - Anthony Maher 2 9 n o v e m b r e 2 0 1 2 | N o v e m b e r 2 9 th 2 0 1 2 Journal des étudiant-e-s e n d r o i t d e l ’u n i v e r s i t é M c G i l l M c G i l l L a w ’s W e e k l y S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r Special Issue - Anthony Maher 2 9 n o v e m b r e 2 0 1 2 | N o v e m b e r 2 9 th 2 0 1 2 QUID NOVI 3661 Peel Street Montréal, Québec H2A 1X1 WHAT’S INSIDE? QUEL EST LE CONTENU? EDITORS IN CHIEF Jérémy Boulanger-Bonnelly Aaron Fergie LAYOUT EDITORS Xiaocai Fu Kai Shan He Gabriel Rochette éDITO THANk YOU FROm THE mAHER FAmILY mAHER FAmILY SUppORT FUNDRAISER ANTHONY mAHER: A SHORT bIOgRApHY mESSAgE FROm jESSICA WALSH mESSAgE FROm jOHN SImpSON mESSAgE FROm THE TRANSSYmpHONICS mESSAgE FROm THE LSA 3 4 4 5 7 8 9 10 ASSOCIATE REVIEWERS Katherine Abarca Eliza Cohen Kai Shan He Charlotte-Anne Malischewski Audrey Mayrand Lana McCrea Angèle Périllat-Amédée Dan Snyder Anne-Sophie Villeneuve Susanne Wladysiuk STAFF WRITERS Ludovic Bourdages David Groves Michael Shortt Derek Zeisman WANT TO TALK? TU VEUX T’EXPRIMER? Envoyez vos commentaires ou articles avant jeudi 17h à l’adresse : basera sa décision sur la politique de rédaction. Toute contribution doit indiquer le nom de l’auteur, son année d’étude ainsi qu’un titre pour l’article. L’article ne sera publiée qu’à la discrétion du comité de rédaction, qui Contributions should preferably be submitted as a .doc attachment (and not, for instance, a “.docx.”). The Quid Novi is published weekly by the students of the Faculty of Law at McGill University. Production is made possible through the direct support of students. All contents copyright 2012 Quid Novi. Les opinions exprimées sont propres aux auteurs et ne réflètent pas nécessairement celles de l’équipe du Quid Novi. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views of the McGill Law Students’ Association or of McGill University. éDITO Co-Editor in Chief AARON FERGIE petits miracles As many of you know already, Anthony Maher, one of our 1L’s had a tragic accident on Monday, November 12th: he was hit by a car walking home from school and has since undergone several operations and been under intensive care. Heureusement, dès l’accident nous avons vu des signes d’amélioration extraordinaire, et chaque jour il y a de petits miracles. J’aimerai partager avec vous un de ceux-ci, duquel j’ai appris pendant ma visite avec sa famille, et qui est maintenant ancré dans mon esprit : After a discussion with the Doctor about Anthony’s condition, the conversation turned to the Anthony they all knew and loved. We were told that, earlier in the day, his family had had the rare chance to visit Anthony. This visit had been truly hope-inspiring, for Anthony had just pulled through a series of operations and was showing signs of stability. On top of that, something miraculous had occurred, although perhaps not so exceptional if you knew Anthony. He spoke. His mother was unable to discern the words, yet his aunt and sister heard them clearly enough: “Are you okay...?” Ce numéro du Quid est le récipient à différents messages. Vous trouverez ci dedans non seulement les souhaites pour Anthony, mais aussi comment vous pouvez contribuez à sa guérison rapide. Merci et bonne lecture! A QN • 21 JANVIER 2010 • 3 QN • NOVEMBER 29 2012 • 3 MAHER THANK YOU FAMILY We would just like to express our sincere gratitude to all of Anthony's friends and classmates at McGill Law who have helped and supported us during this very difficult time. We cannot thank you all enough. We ask you all to keep praying and sending positive energy his way. MAHER FAMILY SUPPORT FUNDRAISER Hey Everyone! For those of you who don't know, Anthony has been in a tragic accident and was hit by a car on Monday, November 12th while walking home from the McGill Facutly of Law in Montreal. He was in critical condition, yet although he appears to have overcome the brunt of it, his situation still requires full-time intensive care at the Montreal General Hospital. He still has a very long road ahead of him and will remain in the hospital for quite some time, recovering and undergoing rehabilitation for 6 months to 1 year. His family has taken time off from work and has relocated to Montreal for the next year to give constant support to Anthony through this very challenging time. We are fundraising to help the Maher family to offset the many unexpected costs of this extended care, such as transportation, food and living as well as costs associated with specialized medical needs Anthony will need in the upcoming months. A bank account has been set up for the family, so you can email a donation anytime to: Please go through your online banking account and set up the security questions as " What's his first name?" and the security answer: "Anthony'. Or make a direct wire transfer: I-BAN CODE : CC0010007638658595 SWIFT CODE : CIBCCATT BANK ADDRESS : CIBC 8-10 ROWAN ST. ST. JOHN'S NL 709-576-8777 THE ACCOUNT # : 8658595 TRANSIT/BRANCH : 00763 BANK/ INSTITUTION: 010 Also some people were asking about donating their AIRMILES. If you wish to contribute in this way, an account number has been set up: 8503 222 1427 So please spread the word and tell your friends, family and co-workers and come down to show your support. Every cent counts and will help Anthony and his family through this difficult time. In the meantime, please keep Anthony and his family in your thoughts and prayers and send lots of positive energy their way. Thank you all for your great support thus far, and let’s all come together to show this family the support they deserve! 4 • 29 NOVEMBRE 2012 • QN ANTHONY MAHER: A SHORT BIOGRAPHY A resident of Shea Heights, Anthony attended Holy Heart of Mary High School completing the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program and achieving a final grade ranking in the top 8% of IB Diploma recipients worldwide for 2007. He was one of only 20 recipients from across Canada to be awarded the TD Canada Trust Scholarship for Community Leadership from 20072011, received the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation provincial award, and was awarded the University of Ottawa Merit, Mobility and Entrance Scholarships. In the fall of 2007, Anthony began his undergraduate degree at the University of Ottawa and a full-time, year-long position as a page at the House of Commons on Parliament Hill. In September 2008, Anthony received a position as a Proceedings and Verification Officer for the Parliament of Canada. He continuedworking in this full-time position while completing a full university course load. In addition, Anthony was able to make time to volunteer at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa as the Green Team Director. From May to August 2009, Anthony worked as a Public Affairs Intern for the Embassy of Canada in Washington, DC and represented the Canadian Embassy at Congressional hearings. In June 2009, Anthony began to volunteer at the Environmental Network Youth Caucus as a CoChair, which he continued to do so for several years. From September 2009 to December 2009, Anthony was awarded the Fulbright Canada Killam Fellowship. He completed this Fellowship at the Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington in Seattle. There, he excelled and achieved an academic mention on the Dean’s list. QN • NOVEMBER 29 2012 • 5 C O N T I N U E D F R O M P R E V I O U S PA G E Fluent in English, French and Spanish,Anthony started working at the Association for New Canadians in St. John’s, providing support to recent immigrants and refugees in the summer of 2010. In June 2011, Anthony graduated from the University of Ottawa and was granted the degree of Honours Bachelor of Social Sciences in International Studies and Modern Languages with an academic mention (Summa cum Laude). Anthony then returned home and began work at the Rooms Corporation of Newfoundland and Labrador as an Archivist Analyst. This same year, Anthony was chosen as a finalist for the Royal Rhodes Scholarship in Newfoundland and Labrador and was also awarded the Eastern Health of Newfoundland and Labrador Scholarship. From September 2011 to June 2012, Anthony attended the University of Oxford where he read for a Master of Science in Global Governance and Diplomacy. He accomplished this Masters degree with a Grade of Distinction in his core courses. While at Oxford, Anthony volunteered with the University of Oxford Global Health Group as well as the University of Oxford Human Welfare Conference. In April 2012, Anthony was awarded the McGill University Class of 1964 Entrance Scholarship and several months later, in July of 2012, Anthony received the Law Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador Law School Scholarship. In August of 2012, Anthony began a dual law degree (Bachelor of Civil Law/Bachelor of Laws) at McGill University Faculty of Law. In this short time period, Anthony was chosen to be an editor for the McGill Journal of Law and Health and his thesis dissertation is in the process of being published. His expected graduation date from McGill Law was for the fall of 2015. Anthony is truly an amazing guy who is full of life, love and brilliance. He is unique, humble, compassionate and extraordinarily intelligent. Anthony is an amazing son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and dear friend to many, and is so fun to be around. His laugh and jubilant presence is unforgettable and he has the biggest and most cheerful smile that lights up any room. His accomplishments to date are inspiring and energizing and, above all this, his drive and determination prove that he is a fighter. 6 • 29 NOVEMBRE 2012 • QN Law II JESSICA WALSH MESSAGE FROM JESSICA WALSH Anthony, The moment I knew you were coming to law school here I was so relieved to have a buddy and thrilled that I would get to share this experience with you. When you deferred for a year to go study at Oxford (I suppose that's a good reason…), I was a tad disappointed we wouldn't get to endure first year together, but excited for your incredible grad school opportunity. Having you around the Faculty this fall was so nice. Right before I heard about your accident I was visiting with my family and had just told them how much I was appreciating having you around at school. It was special to have you as a soundboard this semester, and it was fun getting to work together on the MJLH online board. I was so impressed by your enthusiasm and interesting contributions, and I know other students agree that you were a stellar addition to that team. All this to say, you are extremely missed at the Faculty right now. You're truly a bright light and we are all rooting for you during your recovery because this community is way better with you in it. Much love to you and your family, Jessica Walsh QN •NOVEMBER 29 2012 • 7 Law I JOHN SIMPSON MESSAGE FROM JOHN SIMPSON Dear Students and Professors of McGill Faculty of Law, Je suis très heureux que le Quid a décidé de publier un numéro sur Anthony Maher. His unfortunate accident has shown the incredible solidarity and sense of community that this Faculty has. Over 760$ has been raised from student donations alone, which will be delivered to Anthony's family next week. In addition, both the LSA and the Faculty have contributed cards and donations of their own. I have never felt so proud to be a part of a Faculty before now. Les sentiments et le soutien qu'on a reçus pour Anthony sont phénoménaux, et cela démontre clairement le caractère et l'intégrité de la Faculté. Upcoming exams seem insignificant in comparison with Anthony's situation. Stay strong, Anthony, and know that you are in our thoughts. John Simpson B.C.L./LL.B. Candidate Student Member Faculty Council 8 • 29 NOVEMBRE2012 • QN Law III SCOTT HORNE MESSAGE FROM THE TRANSSYMPHONICS As the lead tenor for the Transsymphonics (the Faculty's choir), I was delighted to have Anthony in our section this semester. His beautiful voice graced the choir's music as much as his cheerful personality enlivened our rehearsals. He mastered even difficult chromatic parts quickly and exhibited a musician's sensitivity to artistic performance. Anthony scrupulously attended the weekly rehearsals, so I was surprised when he missed the last one before our upcoming recital. Later I learned the horrific reason for his absence. By way of expressing our love and support, the Transsymphonics are dedicating to Anthony the first song on the programme for our recital at the coffeehouse on Thursday, November 29. We wish him a prompt and successful recovery, and we look forward to his return to the Faculty. QN • NOVEMBER 29 2012 • 9 22 November 2012 Dear Maher Family, We are writing to you on behalf of all of the students in the Faculty of Law at McGill University. We are very sorry to hear ĂďŽƵƚŶƚŚŽŶLJ͛ƐƵŶĨŽƌƚƵŶĂƚĞĂĐĐŝĚĞŶƚ͘ We know that this must be a difficult time for you and our thoughts go out to your entire family during these difficult times. Anthony has made a mark since he has started at McGill. We all consider him a thoughtful, intelligent and highly valued member of our Faculty. We hope that you have everything that you need in this trying time, and please feel free to reach out to us if there is anything you need help with. We are here to answer any questions or queries that you have. We are thinking of you and wish Anthony good health and a speedy recovery. Sincerely, dŚĞDĐ'ŝůů>Ăǁ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ͛ƐƐŽĐŝĂƚŝŽŶ LAW STUDENTS¶ ASSOCIATION Faculty of Law, McGill University 3644 Peel Street, Montreal, QC, Canada, H3A1W9 T: 514 398-6966 F: 514 398-2179 10 • 13 NOVEMBRE 2012 • QN ASSOCIATION DES ÉTUDIANT(E)S EN DROIT Faculté de Droit, Université McGill 3644 rue Peel, Montréal (Québec) Canada, H3A 1W9 T: 514 398-6966 F: 514 398-2179 QN • NOVEMBER 13 2012 • 11