Hyundai - Howard Keys
Transcription 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Mon-Fri EST Charlotte, NC Fernley, NV Mississauga, ONT, CAN HY12-P Box(25) .75 each Bag(5) .90 each HY14-P Box(25) .80 each Bag(5) .95 each SAME DAY SHIPPING 1-800-524-9199 NO HY15-P Box(25) .90 each Bag(5) 1.05 each 2010 Application Listings Enclosed MINIMUM ORDERS HANDLING CHARGES HY16-P HY17-P Box(25) 1.00 each Bag(5) 1.15 each Box(25) 1.00 each Bag(5) 1.15 each Att: Parts Manager HYUNDAI VOL 11 Toll Free Fax: 1-877-509-6248 Tel: 1-800-524-9199 HYUNDAI 2006-2010ALL ACCENT AZERA ALL METAL Code Series Open Quantity 5 per bag HY16-P 1.00 each 1.15 each T1-T1000 HY14 .40 each .50 each HY14-P .80 each .95 each R0001-R1000 HY13 .55 each .65 each HY13-P .85 each 1.00 each 2006-2010ALL G0001-G2500 S1-S1000 HIGH SECURITY TRANSPONDER HY20-PT * $12.95 each HY12 .55 each .65 each HY12-P .75 each .90 each TRANSPONDER HY021-PT *** $14.95 each 2007-2010ALL T1-T2500 HY17-P 1.00 each 1.15 each 2006ALL T1-T1000 HY17-P 1.00 each 1.15 each 1996-2005ALL T1-T1000 HY14 .40 each .50 each HY14-P .80 each .95 each 1992-1995ALL T1-T1000 HY6 .60 each .70 each HY6-P .95 each 1.10 each HY15-P .90 each 1.05 each 2007-2008ALL M0001-M2500 1990-1994ALL X1001-X2000 HY5 .45 each .55 each HY5-P .50 each .65 each 1986-1989ALL X1-X1000 HY2 .35 each .45 each HY2-P .50 each .65 each GENESIS COUPE (with proximity fob) 2010ALL M0001-M2500 DEALER FOB ** GENESIS COUPE (without proximity fob) 2010ALL M0001-M2500 TRANSPONDER HYN14RT14 ** CALL FOR AVAILABILITY OR DEALER FOB GENESIS 4 DOOR (with proximity fob) 2009-2010ALL J1-2500 DEALER FOB * GENESIS 4 DOOR (without proximity fob) 2009-2010ALL J1-2500 HIGH SECURITY TRANSPONDER HY20-PT * $12.95 each PONY 1985-1987ALL H0001-H5143 SANTE FE SCOUPE SONATA DC3 .40 each .50 each 2007-2010ALL M0001-M2500 DC3-P .80 each .95 each HY15-P .90 each 1.05 each 2001-2006ALL S1-S1000 HY12 .55 each .65 each HY12-P .75 each .90 each 1991-1994ALL X1001-X2000 HY5 .45 each .55 each HY5-P .50 each .65 each 2006-2010ALL F0001-F2500 HY15-P .90 each 1.05 each 1995-2006ALL S1-S1000 HY12-P .75 each .90 each 1989-1994ALL HY12 .55 each .65 each Y1001-Y2000 HY4 .45 each .55 each HY4-P .50 each .65 each TIBURONUSA 1996-2005ALL T1-T1000 HY14 .40 each .50 each HY14-P .80 each .95 each TIBURONCAN 2002-2005ALL T1-T1000 TUCSON 2005-2010ALL V1-V1200 VERACRUZ (with proximity fob) 2008-2009ALL M0001-M2500 TRANSPONDER HY022-PT **** $14.95 each HY14 VERACRUZ 2007-2010ALL M0001-M2500 (without proximity fob) *SERVICE KEY LXP90-P **SERVICE KEY HY15-P ***SERVICE KEY HY12-(P) ****SERVICE KEY HY14-(P) Howard Keys Full Box 25 per box 1995-1999ALL XG300, XG350 CAN 2001-2005ALL EXCEL Part # 2000-2005ALL S1-S1000 ENTOURAGE Part # PLASTIC HEAD Open Quantity 10 per bag V1-V1200 XG300, XG350 USA 2001-2005ALL ELANTRA Full Box 50 per box .40 each .50 each HY14-P .80 each .95 each .90 each 1.05 each DEALER FOB HY15-P Prices subject to change. Terms of Sale: Net F.O.B. Warehouse We believe the above applications are accurate. However, due to possible production changes we can not guarantee them. If you have any questions, please call our office. It’s easy to set up an account. All we need is your name and’s that simple. SAME DAY SHIPPING 1-800-524-9199 NO MINIMUM ORDERS HANDLING CHARGES HY4 HY5-P Box(50) .45 each Bag(10) .55 each Box(25) .50 each Bag(5) .65 each HY6 Box(50) .60 each Bag(10) .70 each HY6-P Box(25) .95 each Bag(5) 1.10 each Toll Free Fax: 1-877-509-6248 HY2-P Box(25) .50 each Bag(5) .65 each HY5 HY4-P Box(50) .45 each Bag(10) .55 each Box(25) .50 each Bag(5) .65 each HY2 Box(50) .35 each Bag(10) .45 each Tel: 1-800-524-9199 DC3-P Box(25) .80 each Bag(5) .95 each HY12 Box(50) .55 each Bag(10) .65 each Howard Keys DC3 Box(50) .40 each Bag(10) .50 each HY13-P HY15-P HY14-P $14.95 each CANADIAN ONLY HY021-PT MASTER WITH TRANSPONDER $12.95 each CANADIAN ONLY HY20-PT Box(25) 1.00 each Bag(5) 1.15 each MASTER WITH TRANSPONDER SPECIAL HIGH SECURITY KEY CUTTING EQUIPMENT REQUIRED MASTER WITH TRANSPONDER HY17-P Box(25) 1.00 each Bag(5) 1.15 each Box(50) .40 each Bag(10) .50 each HY16-P Box(25) .90 each Bag(5) 1.05 each Box(25) .80 each Bag(5) .95 each HY14 Box(25) .85 each Bag(5) 1.00 each HY022-PT $14.95 each © 2011 Color Scheme & Layout by Howard Keys Toll Free Fax: 1-877-509-6248 HY13 Box(50) .55 each Bag(10) .65 each Howard Keys Tel: 1-800-524-9199 HY12-P Box(25) .75 each Bag(5) .90 each
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