Janiuay Campus Annual Procurement Plan 2016
Janiuay Campus Annual Procurement Plan 2016
(West Vbayas State UniverisityJaniuay Campus) Annual procurement plan for Fy 2016 Prau.em.nt Pros..m/ProjaA rNFR^rrnt,crun€ (v^flous ftEP ! PROGM (BESFF ch Prcurem.nt Actlvlty Edlmd.d r||lqFt {PnP) Totrr ti re co V!dr6 Rsp.i. .hd C.ndr.dkr of i I. td E I DEFINITION A homogenoous group of aclivities necessar for the performance ot a major purpose for whbh a governm€nt agency is established, for the basic marntenance of 2. PRoJECT (BESF)- special agery undertakjng6 which are to be canisd out wilhin a defni€ time frame and lvh|*t are intended to result in some pre-determined measure of goods 3. PMO/End t sor - Unit a6 proponent of program or project 4. Mod€ ot Procuromant - Competitive Bidding and Anemalive Methods includingt selectivo bidding, direcl contactng, repeat o.der, shoppng, ano 5. Schadule tor Each Procuemeot Acdvlty - Major procurement aclivities (advertising/pos:ting; submission and receapvopening of bids; award of 6. Sourca of Funds - Whether GoP, Foreign Assisted or Special purpose Fund 7. Estlmated Budget - Agency approved ostimate of project/program costs 8. Remarks - bnef descripton of program or project ce'tifi.d Breakdown inio mooe and co for trackjng purposesi allign6d with budget documenb Any remerk that will help GPPB tack programs and prolecc6 cd'K _a__-_ FiANCIS ALVIN O, CBAN,MPA Eudg€toffcer (Wsst Visayas State UniverisityJaniuay Campus) Annual Procur€ment Plan for FY 2016 &b.d!L Procunm.nl Eogram/Prol.ct lor Elch Pro.ur.mnt Acltutly E3llmrl.d Budqct (PhP, MOOE ru.r. o rnd rubiqnt Erp.nrs 15,0@,00 Pru|gmr oa Fu.l, CIl a tubrtc.d Po06hdn oa F$1, ol & Lub.h.rd | ,to,000 00 Rermrk6 DEFINITION . PROGRAiI (BESFF A homogeneous group of activities necegsery for tho parformeoce of a mejor purpose for whith a govommedt agency is eslablished, for the basac maintenance ot the egencys adminisbatvo oporations or for he provisions ot stafi support to the agerlcts admhi6tralivo operelions or for lhe provisions of statr support to th6 ag€nry'3 line funcliorE, 1 2. PROJECT (BESFF Spacial agerrcy undertakingE which ar6 to be camed out within a dofinite tim6 fiame and whic-h arc intendcd to resuli in some pre-d€terminod moesure of goods and servicos. 3. PMOrEr l t laa - Unit as proponcnt Programs and projecb should be allignod with budget documenb, and especialt thos€ posted at tho Philceps. of program or projrct 4. Mod. ot Procu..m.nt - Competilive Bidding end Altemelive Methods including: 6eloclivo bidding, dirlct confactng, rep€at order, shopping, and negotated procu.emer{. 5. Sarradub ioa Each Proqrrrmait Actvlty - Mejor procur€ment ac,h/itie6 (advertisingy'postinOi Bubmbsion and recoipuopcning of bids; aw€rd of conbact contract sionang). 6. Sourcr ot Furdt - Whothcr GoP, Forcign Assistod or Spcciel Pupo66 Fund 7. E dmaH Budeat - Agency approved eslihato ot lnoiecL/program cosb Brgakdown into mooe and co tor tacking purpos€s; alligned with budgst documents 8. R.m.*r - bri€f doscription ol program or proj€c{ Any remark that willhelp GPPB track programs and projecb cenified Frecl *'.....-..- FNANCII AIVIN O, CHAN,MPA Bodtet officer (west visayas state univerisity-Janiuay campus) Annuar procurement pran for Fy 2016 rrocutemcnr Fros.nni6iccAdJPGr 3d o B/iE- subror.r of Oo.Mls atd. I xo0eor^t Edhn rd/po 3d Ouarr.. l PRocRAm (BESF)-A homogenoous group of actjviti.s nec€ssar tor lhe perforr":t"t:|l:11", or""s6 for whbh a govemm.r{ ag.ncy F .rtabjashed, ror th€ basic maint€nam. of 2' PRoJEcr (BESFF special agency undertaking6 whi:h are to bo ceniod out within a dofnite rime lrame ancl which ere intgnded to in sohe pre-d€termined me-ure of goods 3. PlrorEnd Ulaa - Unn as proponent of p.ogram or proj€ci r;tt totd d Btdgf,r tPnF) MooE CO P@llM.it of V..is l{.dk t RernarrF Programs and projecls ModG ot Pro'{'jrem6nt - cornpelitive Bidding and Altemative M€thods including: seleclive bidding, direct confactjng, r.pcat order, shopping, dnd '' Schcdulo iot Erch Prca{renont acdvlty _ Major Proclrcmont S actvitios laavertringpostng; submission and recoipuopening of bids; awarct ot 6. Soorco ot Fund! - Whethor Gop, Foreign Assisted or Special purDose Fund 7. E30mabd Budget - Ag6ncy approved e6timat6 ot p.oject/program costs 8. Remarlr - brief description of program or prolect cstjfled clrcct -,*ffi":;;--= 8udg.t Otficer Breakdown il(o mooe and co for tracking purposes; alligned with budgct documonts Any rem ark that will help GPPB track programs and projecls (west visayas state univerisity-Janiuay campus) Annuar procurcment ptan for Fy 20.r6 P'oc','en.'ri-E6;.de-ffi Odrr Por.ny pr.d _ P|roi|(, & tqurFmni _----EE-uj.- TOTAI Enh.t "tu" !*,o Brdd,n I Toi.l i d 8ud9.t {PhP) t/K,oE co I l.PRoGiAM(BEsFFAhomogeneousgrouPofactiitiesnecessarforlheperfo.."*:."|'}[;}*'"s€for\0hichegovernmentag€ncyFestabIi.hed'forfheb6sicmaintenaeo'be 2'PRoJEcT(8EsFFspecia|agenc'UndertakingEwt!icharetobecarliedol1withinadefnitetimeframeandwhjcherei;t€ndedtoreJ.rttinsomepr 3. pMOrEnd Us6, _ Unit as propon€nt of program or projecl Mode ot Procu'ement - competlive Bidding and Altemative Mothods including: s€lective bidding, direct contracting, r6p6al order, shopping, and 5' Sch'dulo tor Each Proco'ement ActMty Major Procurement acli\/ities (advenising/postingt submission and receipuopening of bids; award of 6. Sosrcc ot Fundi - Whether cop, Foreign As€isted or Spocial purpose Fund Z. E3thabd Budget _ Agency approved estimate of projec?program costs Remark8 Programs ' Breakdowh into mooe and co for tracking purposes; alligned with budget documents 8. Remart! - brief descriptjon ofprogram or proJect c.nrf€d ----T Any remerk that will help GPPB back programs and prol6ccs ?rect '<LL\r----\ o. cttet,vpe - rltlctlLvtti Sodter Oticer (West Visayas State UniverisityJaniuay Campus) Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2016 Preurm.nt xE Proet ntProl.cl M',PorottmEi | otft. ol rh. ch Procut.rn nt Acllvny 94S!!!gq Enlrot.d Budg.t lord t ooE lPhP) DEFINITION bic maintenance oI purpose for which a govemment agency is establishod, for the PROGRAII (BESFF A homogeneous group ot ac,th/ities necessar for lhe performance ot a meior to result in some predetermined measure ofgoods intended and which are time lrame within a definite be canied out are to (BESFF undertakngs which Speciatagency 2. PROJECT 3. PMO/End User - Unit as Proponent of program or project a. Mod6 ot p,ocurcmanl - Competitive Bidding and Alternatve Methods including: selective bidding, direc{ confaciing, repeat order, shopping. and of bids; award of S. Schodulo tor Each procurement A6dylty - Major procurement ac'tivities (advertising/posling; submission and receipuopening 6. Soorce of Fundt - Whether GoP, Foreign Assisted or Special Purpos€ Fund 7. Elfmabd Budget - Agency approved estimate of projeci./program costs I. 8. Remarks - brief descriptjon of program or project co A@dBi o..n 6f lNtru<lLo d V.ris ll-bindt RfiFrk3 Programa and proj€cb Br€akdown into mooe and co for backing purpos€s; aHigned wih budget documentE Ary remark bat wll help GPPB track proorams and prqects (West Vbayas State Univeri3ityJaniuay Campu3) Annual Procur€ment ptan for Fy 2016 P.curom. ProgEm/P.oj.ct Ellmrh tobl DEFINITION PROGRAIi,I (BESFF A hornog€n€ous g.oup of aclivities nec€€sary fo( the p€rfonmnce ote m4or p{rrpo€e lor vfiich a g.,v€mirlent ag€ncy is 2. PROJECT IBESFF Sp€cials0errcy urderlakngs whi{*r are to tre canied out within a delinite tifi€ fiame ard $iriil are intend€d to r€ult in Eome pre3. PilorEnd U..r - Unil aB Fopo.l€d of program or p.d!d t. 4. Moda ol Procuroincnt - ComP.iiti!€ gidding and Alt€rnative Molhods incldingr 6€l€di!€ tidding, dirccl conteling, r€p€t order, sttopftrE, and 5. Schedub ior Each Procurqient Acdvlty - MaFr procur€ment activitie6 (ad!€dbir€r'poding; sutmi63ioo and rccsipuop€nirE of ttds; av/ad of 6, Sourc. ol Fund! - Wh€th€r GoP, Foreign fusbted o. Sp€ciai Purpco Fund 7. Edm.tcd Budgct " A€ency approvd e6timat6 of prc*rcUprooiam cods aldg.t Cna IOOE @ Programs and prqecls should b€ allign€d with budget BrG€kdown into moo€ and co fd tr.ddng purpc€3; rlligr|€d wift hrdgEt docurn nt3 8. R.rn.rk! - brict d€6cridbn of progtam or p.oj6cl p.oitct8 ,**"L*"]]**')J"------ Hp rdn!* th€t wi|1 GPPB L8ck proOt.em8 and Any (West Visayas State UniverbityJaniuay Campus)Annual procur€ment plan for Fy 20i6 Prcor.m.nt ProgrrD,P.ol.cl Edul. lo. Erch Procur.n Offie ofrh. 0..n ol E Totrr Lnrudbi tlm{.d aidld (PnP, MooE CO P@uM.R ol V.nds Oli€ sorct soiT sof{s DEFINITION I ' PRoGMM (BESFF A homogeneous group of acljvit€s necessary for he performance of a major pupose for which a govemment agency R€ma|ts is 2. PROJECT (BESFF Special agency undertakings which are to bo cani€d out wilfiin e definite time trame and which are intended to resu[ n some 3. PMOlE.rd us.r - Unit es proponent of program or proj€ct 4. Modo ot Procuaahent - Comp6titive Bidding and Altemative Methods ircluding: s€loctive bidding, direc{ confadng, ropeet ordor, shopping, and !. &hedub fof Each P,ocuacmeot AclMttf - Major procwBment aclivitios (advedising/posting; submission and roceipuopening of bids; award of 6. Sourca of Furd! - Wh€ther coP, Foreign Assisted or Special purpose Fund 7. EstnaH BudCat ' Agencl approvcd estimde of projecuprogram costs Programs and projocts should be alligned winh budget Ereakdown into mooe and co for tracking purpos€s; alligned wiE! budget documents 8. Renarka - brief description of prooram or projec.t Any remark that will help GPPB track programs and c.frrtred cF .<r ----+-.... c;;;;\-rMNcl aLvrN o. Bodget Offcel projecb (West Visayas State UniverFityJaniuay Campus) Annual Procurament Plan for FY 2016 Prdur.mln Edlmn Prcgr.m/Prcl.cl To!.t d ar|dgd (PhP) MOOE CO P@BMI oav.no6 |cT EquiB IOTE 90rcr siT soHs l. DEFTNITION Remarka PROGRAM (BESFF A honogeneous group of actjvfies necessary for the performanc€ of a major purpos€ for which a govemmert ag€ncy i5 PROJECT (BESFF Special agency undertakings which are to be canied out within a d€finito lime frame and whic*r are antended to result in some PlrlorEnd U3er - Unit as proponent of program or project Mod€ ot Procuromdrt - Compelitive Bidding and Altemative Methods including: seleclive bidding, direct confacling, repeat order, shopping, and Schadulr ior Each Procuremant Acdvtty - Major procurement actjvitjes (advertising/po6ting; submission and r6caipuopening of bids; awatd of Programs and projecG should be alligned witr budget 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Soorco ot Furd! - Whether GoP, Foreign Assisted or Special Purpo6e Fund 7. Eadmabd Budg€t - Agerrcy approv6d edimate of projcc'Uprogram costs Br6akdo$fi into moo6 and co fortacking purposos; sllignod wih budoet documcnb 8. Roma*3- bdet descriplion of program or project Any romark that will heh GPPB back programs and projccrs (West Visayas State UniverisityJaniuay Campus) Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2016 Pre!.sdl Prog.rm/ProJ.cl E dmn.d trudg.r (PhP, Tot ofne ol rh. D€n ot l ilooE hntrtb. @ FiE06turn oav.rcG Oth€ s|cr sor R-@h, Et(!o.io e T6ihiN 155 OEFINTNON l. PROGRAM GESFF A tEmog€{l€o$ Oroup of etivitb3 nocGsary ior tl|€ p€fbnnenc€ of a major purpc.Ior nhich e go/€rnmont ag€ncy b 2' PRqIECT (BESFF Sp€<ral ag€ncy und.rtakingE whi:h arc to bo cani€iJ od within a tirno frarne ard wt ch are int€ndod to r*ult in $me 3. PMOrEnd Uaar - Unit es propoh€nt ot program or projocl 4. l|od. ot Procur.mcnt - comp€liti\,,e Bklding end Albrnativg Motho& irdrrding: €d€crive bidding, dir€c{ contEctjng, r€p€eft ord€r, shopping, and 5' Schadub for E*h Ptocu.cncnt Acthrlttr - Ma.io. procur.rn€it ,cliviti* (edwrthingy'po€'ting; submissirr end r@ipvop€ning of bk,3; av€rd of C. Sosrc. ot Fulxl! - Whsthor GoP, For€ign Asebbd o. Spocbl Purpc€ Fund 7. E3tm.t d Bude.t - Agoncy approwd 6sitnl.t3 of proj€ct/prognm co6ts 6nib pG 0& 6 R€rrl.rka Progra.ns and proje{E 3hodd bo alligncd wih tudgct Br€kdown into rnooo and co b. t'acking porpcss; alligrFd with buclggt cbcumants l. Renarkr - brbf d€scrFlbn of program o. pfoj€cl cc.tirEd cT.t ._--T]<* ILVIN O, CHAN,MPA Bld8er Offcer FRANCIS Any rormrk thet will holp GPPB t'ack programs and
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