What is a ŚKUP card? - Śląska Karta Usług Publicznych
What is a ŚKUP card? - Śląska Karta Usług Publicznych
ONE CARD Order the Card from home 1st August 2016 Many possibilities! www.kartaskup.pl What is a ŚKUP card? TABLE OF CONTENTS: > Types of cards and the way they differ 4 > How to obtain the card? 6 > Charging the card 7 >S ervice points 8 > PIN, login, password and grouping account 10 > The Card in urban transport 12 > Readers 14 > Electronic tickets 15 > How to use the ŚKUP card in a vehicle 16 > Electronic tickets price lists 21 > ŚKUP Card for a child 25 > Complaints 25 > Other services 26 > Addresses 27 Silesian Card of Public Services is the common project of twenty-one municipalities belonging to Katowice agglomeration and to KZK GOP. The card has many functions. It is used as an urban transport ticket. It can be used to pay for parking space, in libraries, sport and culture institutions and in city halls. ŚKUP may also be an electronic signature carrier. Municipal Transport Union of the Upper Silesian Industrial District, urban transport provider in Katowice agglomeration, is the leader of the project. Consisting of twenty nine municipalities, the Union organizes transport for them, also enabling the transport service with the neighbouring cities. The range of KZK GOP services cover the area of 1,8 thousand square kilometres, inhabited by almost 2 million people. In the cities that take part in the project, ŚKUP is fully available, whereas as far as urban transport is concerned, the card is valid in all vehicles providing services on behalf of KZK GOP. 2 There are 21 cities taking part in the project GLIWICE KNURÓW PYSKOWICE CZELADŹ KATOWICE WOJKOWICE SIEMIANOWICE ŚL. TYCHY PIEKARY ŚL. CHORZÓW ŚWIĘTOCHŁOWICE RADZIONKÓW BYTOM RUDA ŚL. ZABRZE FINANCING The project was co-funded with the European Regional Development Fund, within Regional Operational Programme of the Śląskie Voivodeship for 2007-20013. The costs of building and maintenance of the system are as follows: BĘDZIN MYSŁOWICE IMIELIN SOSNOWIEC JAWORZNO DĄBROWA GÓRNICZA > 149,3 million PLN – the cost of implementing the system, covered by the European financing; > 82,5 million PLN – the grant from the Regional Operational Programme of Śląskie Voivodeship; >1 90 million PLN – total costs of the project (implementation + maintenance for 65 months). 3 Types of cards and differences between them Users have two types of cards to choose from: > personalized card (with the user’s ID data), > standard card (for the bearer). PERSONALIZED CARD Includes the owner’s ID data. There are the name, the surname and the picture of the owner printed on it. In order to receive it, one needs to apply for it (in Customer Service Centre, Passenger Service Centre or via Passenger Portal – www.kartaskup.pl). It will be possible to code the rights for the price reductions, thanks to which, during the ticket control, one will not have to have the documents confirming this rights. When paying by the card with the use of electronic wallet, where the discount is coded, the reduced price ticket fee will be charged. Periodic tickets for the bearer may be coded only on the personalized ŚKUP card. Personalized ŚKUP car is issued free of charge. People applying for it in Customer Service Centres will not pay for anything. If the application is sent via Passenger Portal, the system will ask to perform so called initiation fee of 20 PLN. The money will be placed on the card account. The user will be able to use it, e.g. in order to buy a ticket or to pay with electronic wallet. » PHOTO » Card number ŚLĄSK K A RT /RO IĄCA Obsłu IEKA USŁUG ga S M (+48 42 Klienta 24 PUBLICZN YCH h: ) 291 04 05 O: NA D » Name and surname WAŻ Jan Now 10/ 19 ak » Validity date 44 114 0 000 4 1029 0 000 00 02 533 9 ŚLĄSK K A RT /RO IĄCA Obsłu IEKA USŁUG ga S M (+48 42 Klienta 24 PUBLICZN YCH h: ) 291 04 05 O: NA D WAŻ 10/ 19 ak Now Jan Does not include personal data. One cannot code holder named tickets there. It is issued with no extra formalities in all outlets servicing ŚKUP (Customer Service 44 114 800 charging points). Centres, Passenger Service Centres, ticket vending machines, STANDARD CARD 0 000 1029 0 000 00 02 When the standard card is issued, the refundable deposit of 20 PLN is charged.5339 If a user would like to resign from the standard card, they may return it in Customer Service Centre. The condition to receive the deposit back is to present the proof of purchasing the card. ŚLĄS K Obs A KART łu A (+48 ga Klie USŁUG nta PUB 42) 2 LICZ 91 0 24h: NYC 4 05 H 44 1 140 WAŻ N MIE AD O: SIĄC 10/ /RO K 19 000 1029 0000 0002 5339 » Card number » Validity date 5 How to issue the a card COLLECT STANDARD CARD n Choose: – Customer Service Centre (POK) – Passenger Service Centre (POP) – Stationary Charging Machine (ŚKUP ticket vending machine) – ŚKUP charging sale outlet (800 outlets in Kolporter and Ruch chains) Buy standard ŚKUP card – the costs of deposit is 20 PLN. IMPORTANT! Please keep the confirmation of the purchase (receipt). It will be needed in case of blocking the card or returning it (on the basis of the receipt the deposit will be returned). The card may be charged with cash or one may buy and code there a season ticket, however, only for the bearer. The card is ready to be used. APPLY FOR PERSONALIZED CADR n PERSONALLY IN POK n VIA INTERNET Choose Customer Service Centre or Passenger Service Centre (except for Bytom) Enter Passenger Portal www.kartaskup.pl and choose the option “I want a card” Fill in the application form- it is necessary to give some personal data. A photo has to be attached to the application. It should be in the ID format. It cannot show all the body, it cannot be a group (common) photo. Photo can be scanned on site, e.g. from a personal ID, or taken on the spot without extra payments. Choose Customer Service Centre where you would like to collect the card. The application form is free when given in POK or POP. The system will ask for the initial fee – 20 PLN. Money will be transferred to the card account. You will receive the application confirmation. The card applied for during the workdays, from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. is ready to be collected after 1.00 p.m. next working day. The card ordered on Saturday, Sunday and holidays may be collected after 1.00 p.m. on the second working day (e.g. when ordered on Saturday it may be collected on Tuesday). Collect the card in the chosen Customer Service Centre. You need to have your ID with you. Only on that basis will the POK worker give you the personalized card. There is no payment for obtaining first personalized ŚKUP card. On your card account there is the amount paid when applying for the card. ATTENTION! If the application form is filled in on behalf of a third party or you would like to collect the card on their behalf, you should carry the proxy document signed by that party. The form of the proxy document – the attachment no 1 to the Card Regulations. 6 You have your own personalized ŚKUP card. “In order to apply for the card via Passenger Portal it is necessary to give PESEL number. People who do not have such number (e.g. foreigners) may apply for the personalized ŚKUP card personally in POK or POP (Customer Service Centres and Passenger Service Centres). When a foreigner applies for the card, the following data will be needed: the type of ID, the number of the document (e.g. of a passport) and citizenship” Where to charge the card Before the first use, the card ought to be charged with the chosen amount or the season ticket should be coded there. CHARGING THE CARD Charging the card means paying the chosen amount to the account of the card (electronic wallet). One may pay by it for the following: > parking, > using urban transport, > buying season ticket, in Customer Service Centres, Passenger Service Centres, ŚKUP ticket vending machines, 800 ŚKUP charging points.. Such means may be also used to pay for other notions in the outlets servicing ŚKUP (POK, POP, ticket vending machines, charging points) and in the institutions that accept ŚKUP card payments. Attention! The ŚKUP card cannot be used for payment on the Passenger Portal. ŚKUP card may be charged with cash or a payment card in Customer Service Centres, Passenger Service Centres or via Passenger Portal with the use of standard or express bank transfer. There are the following transaction limits on the ŚKUP card: >d aily transaction limit – 500 PLN; >m aximum balance of the means available in the electronic wallet – 500 PLN; >m aximum level of all the charges in a calendar year – 10 000 PLN. 7 CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRES (POK) is the network of forty centres, prepared by mBank to fully service ŚKUP system. The points are situated in places convenient for the users, such as city centres, shopping centres, so that accessing them is as easy as possible. POKs are also the places to place claims concerning the functioning of the ŚKUP system (that is all technical problems occurring when using the card or the system). In the Customer Service centre (POK) one may: > place the application for the PERSONALIZED ŚKUP card, > receive the PERSONALIZED ŚKUP card, > receive standard ŚKUP card, > code the price reduction (relief ), > return the card, > block the card, > unblock the card, > charge the card, > buy electronic season ticket, > place the claim CONCERNING THE ŚKUP CARD, > receive the information concerning the functioning of the Silesian Card of Public Services, > generate the billing, > return the electronic season ticket (only before its activating). 8 In PASSENGER SERVICE CENTRES one may receive the information concerning KZK GOP urban transport functioning and place claims, notions and complaints. The points run KZK GOP ticket sale. One may buy there all types of single, monthly, quarterly tickets, tickets for few days and the supplementary ones. In Passenger Service Centre (POP) one may: > receive standard ŚKUP card, > block the card, > charge the card, > buy electronic season ticket, > buy all types of paper tickets available in the KZK GOP tariff, > place complaint (claim) concerning urban transport functioning, > receive complete information on urban transport functioning, > receive information concerning the functioning of Silesian Card of Public Services, > place claims, notions and complaints concerning urban transport, additional charges etc., > pay due additional charges, > code the price reduction, > generate the billing, > return the electronic season ticket (only before its activating), > a pply for the personalized card (except for Bytom). machines Distribution Points Passengers may use 800 distribution points situated in the whole agglomeration, where one may code the ticket on the card or receive the standard card. Distribution points are situated in shops and kiosks. They are marked with large ŚKUP logo. The network of the ŚKUP stationary charging machines (SAD) consists of 109 machines, operating round the clock and servicing the ŚKUP card. They also enable buying paper tickets. In all ŚKUP vending machines one may receive standard card and manage one’s card account: change PIN, charge ŚKUP card account, check and update its state (e.g. after buying the ticket through the Passenger Portal). The machine allows the access to the information, concerning the type and the validity period of the coded tickets and services, enables to check the level of financial means and the granted rights. In the machine one may also verify the list of the recently performed operations in the electronic wallet. The machines accept payment by cash (bank notes and coins) and by payment cards. The transactions may be realized by both standard cards and by the proximity cards. Ticket vending machines accept bank notes from 10 PLN to 100 PLN (10 PLN, 20 PLN, 50 PLN, 100 PLN) and the coins from 10 gr (10 gr, 20 gr, 50 gr, 1 PLN, 2 PLN, 5 PLN). MasterCard and Visa debit and credit cards are accepted, including the Visa payWave and Mastercard payPass, used for proximity transactions. The machines display the announcements in four languages: Polish, English, German and Russian. Operating the device is very simple – the machines are equipped with the touch screens and the number of active buttons is limited to the minimum. 9 PIN, login, password Each user, when receiving the card (both personalized and standard one), codes their own PIN and the password. That data ought to be remembered, as it is needed to service the card. Both PIN and the password may be changed by the user (e.g. via Passenger Portal – kartaskup.pl). A password to the card is necessary in order to log in on the Passenger Portal. The password must consist of the sequence of digits (from six to eight). When logging in the Passenger Portal for the first time, one ought to give the card number (sixteen digits placed in front of the card, over the surname or the writing “ŚKUP card for the bearer” ) and the password given when receiving the card. After logging in, the user will have the access to the card account – they may buy season ticket, pay money on the card account, change the password or PIN or change the login into their own. 10 ATTENTION – if during logging in, invalid password is given, the account will be blocked for some specific time. After the time, given in the notice, has passed one may try to log in again. If the user is unable to remind themselves the correct password, they should visit Passenger Service Centre or Customer Service Centre where they can receive the new password (in case of the standard card one ought to carry the proof of purchasing). The card PIN is used to confirm the transactions of electronic wallet. If we want to pay more than 50 PLN with the ŚKUP card (e.g. when buying the ticket in a ticket vending machine), the transaction has to be confirmed with the PIN. The amount lower than 50 PLN will be charged with no additional formalities. PIN has to consist of four various digits. PIN may be unblocked in Passenger Service centre or in Customer Service Centre. ATTENTION! In case new password or login is needed and the user does not remember the previous one, it is necessary to visit Customer Service Centre where such operation can be performed. LOGIN in other words it is the user’s ID. In case of logging into ŚKUP Passenger Portal it is 16-digit card number. After logging in, a passenger has the possibility to change the login into different one (shorter), with the help of the “Change the login” option. One may still log into one’s own account with the use of the card number or the given login. GROUPING ACCOUNT If a user manages several cards, they may set up the grouping account. Thanks to that, in a simple way, one may control greater number of cards without the necessity to log into the system for several times. In order to create the grouping account, one needs to log into the account of their card. On the screen “card details” there will be available the option “create grouping account”. The necessary condition to create the grouping account is giving email address, where the activation link will be sent. Until the link is activated the grouping account is invalid. One ought to remember that each card is assigned only to one grouping account. When creating own grouping account one should give: the grouping account ID (login) and the password. Both login and the password may consist of digits and letters – the sequence may have from 6 to 30 characters. When the grouping account has been created, one may add to it the next cards, giving them individual description and manage the details of each of them (coding the tickets on them, charge the account etc.). Logging into Passenger Portal may be performed on each of the cards individually (through entering the login and the password) – then the user will have the access to one of the cards only – or to the grouping account (then the login and the password to the grouping account has to be entered). In such case the person logged in will have the access to all the cards assigned to the given grouping account. The minimal amount assigned to the given grouping account – one. In case the password for the grouping account has been forgotten, it may be recovered by clicking on the announcement “I have forgotten the password to the grouping account” – the system will ask for the login and email address assigned to the given grouping account. The link allowing for recovering the password, will be sent there. 11 The card in urban transport Thanks to the card implementation, the urban transport passengers are offered cheaper tickets – both seasonal and single ones. The card also enables implementing new tariff, in which the ticket price depends on the travelled distance. ŚKUP is a proximity card. In order to use it, one needs to hold it against the reader. In case of the ŚKUP card, it is OBLIGATORY to hold it against the reader every time one enters the vehicle. According to the Tariff, in order to grant the right to travel, one has to meet two conditions – to have the ticket and to register the travel through holding the card against the reader when entering the vehicle. In order to use the ŚKUP advantages fully when travelling by urban transport means, it is worth always using the card twice – when entering and when leaving the vehicle. This is so called “check-in – check-out” model. When one uses a season ticket, regular use of the card when one enters and leaves the vehicle allows to buy the next ticket with the 5% discount. 12 In case of the payment for a single travel, not holding the card against the reader when entering the vehicle is understood as not punching the ticket. When paying for a single ticket with the use of the electronic wallet (distance tariff), one ought to remember that at the entrance the system charges the fare for until the end of the route. In order to receive the refund for the unused ticket, one needs to hold the card against the reader when leaving the vehicle. Then the unused amount will be returned on the card account. Electronic tickets are zone-timed; like the paper tickets, they allow to change the vehicle within the set period of time (15, 30 and 60 minutes). In order to use the ticket this way, one needs to hold the card against the reader when leaving the vehicle. If a passenger does not do so, the system will read the ticket as used in the previous vehicle and at the entrance of another vehicle a new ticket will be used. Double use of the card is so important, because it will enable KZK GOP to optimize urban transport network. Basing on the data collected from the readers, the ŚKUP system will create reports which will help to create timetables that take into consideration the demand on the specific parts of the transport network. Activating the ticket bought via the Internet Passengers who buy a tickets via Passenger Portal, should hold the card against the reader twice during their first travel. The first holding saves the ticket on the card. On the reader there will display the information: “Doładowanie zrealizowane” (Charging realized). Only the second holding will use (activate) the given ticket. When the card is used later, it is enough to hold the card against the reader once only, when entering the vehicle. The same rule is also followed when charging electronic wallet. First holding of the Card against the reader after the money transfer to the Card account via Passenger Portal results in coding the money on the card – confirmed with the displayed information: “Doładowanie zrealizowane” (Charging realized). Another holding of the card against the reader results in deducting the appropriate amount from the card account. Buying the ticket via Passenger Portal should be performed in due advance before it is used. The suggested time is 3 hours before the planned first use of the ticket. The time is needed to process the information of the bought ticket in the IT system so that when the card is held against the reader, the ticket is coded on it. 13 Card readers In the vehicles there are two types of readers installed. In each bus and tram at the first door there is dual reader installed, which serves to read the card and to punch paper tickets. At other doors of the vehicle there are installed the readers that are used only to read the card. These are the only ones to perform the operations involved when choosing a specific ticket or receive the information concerning the state of the card. Dual reader – serves to punch paper tickets and to read the card in the checkin check-out model. One cannot use this reader to perform any operations connected with e.g. choosing a specific ticket from among the ones coded on the card or with buying greater number of tickets for a single travel. Such reader is used only to perform automatic operations programmed in the system – BILETY BILETY one may hold the card against it without performing any other operations. If a passenger would like to make another choice (e.g. choose a specific ticket from among the ones coded on the card, pay for the journey in zone-time tariff directly from the electronic wallet etc.) they may do so with the use of other readers (single-system, “flat” ) that are installed in the vehicle. Single system readers – those are other readers that are installed in the vehicles. One may use them to perform operations connected with choosing a specific ticket from among their greater number coded on the card, choose a single, zone-time ticket, buy a ticket in the distance tariff (in case there is no owned ticket discount coded on the card). One may also check the state of the card there. » The description of example screens p 18 PLACE THE CARD TO THE BOX BELOW BILETY BILETY Dual reader 14 Mono-system reader Electronic tickets SINGLE TICKETS SEASON TICKETS In case of season tickets, one should buy the chosen ticket, which will be coded on the card. The tickets may be bought in Customer Service Centres, Passenger Service Centres, stationary charging machines and via Internet (Passenger Portal – kartaskup.pl). It is enough to charge the card account with the chosen amount and when entering the vehicle to hold it against the reader. Distance tariff is always set as default. TWO TARIFFS Passengers may choose from two tariffs: distance tariff and zone-time tariff. DISTANCE TARIFF is default. In order to pay for the distance ticket, one needs to hold the card against the reader and the system will charge the amount covering the remaining distance of the whole route. When leaving the vehicle, one should hold the card against the reader again, then the system will return the unused amount. In this tariff, the fares are charged depending on the covered distance. The prices are lower than the currently cheapest zone-time tickets. Electronic ZONE-TIME tariff acts according to the same rules, as current paper tickets. There are three types of tickets available (for one, two or three and more cities) which are also time tickets (15, 30 and 60 minutes). What is important, all electronic zone-time tickets are cheaper than their paper counterparts. On the personalized cards one may also code the right for the reliefs, thanks to which one does not have to carry any other documents during the ticket control. If the passenger does not want to code their rights on the card, they will have to, as it is now, show the ticket inspector the documents allowing the relief during the ticket control. When entering the vehicle, the passenger is obliged to hold the card against the reader. Holding the card against the reader when leaving the vehicle is not obligatory. However, regular holding of the card against the reader both when entering and leaving the vehicle allows to buy the next periodic ticket with the 5 percent discount. In the electronic system there will be available all TYPES OF SEASON TICKETS supplemented with the new – more economic option. In the ŚKUP system one may use season tickets with the travel limit, which are the cheaper version of the season tickets. This is the solution profitable for those who use the urban transport less often – when travelling less often, they have the possibility to buy cheaper season ticket. People who travel a lot will be able to buy the chosen ticket without the limits, which will be cheaper from its paper version!. The novelty in the electronic tariff are the tickets with the holder named, 24- and 48- hour tickets and 5-, 7-, and 14- day tickets. Passengers who choose season tickets for the bearer, may also use cheaper versions with the travel limit. 15 How to use the ŚKUP card in a vehicle? ŚKUP card users may choose from a wide range of electronic tickets. New tariff enables more flexible adjustment of the given ticket to individual needs. Thanks to that, one may pay less for urban transport! Below, we are explaining how to use the card. First, one needs to apply for the card in the Customer Service Centre or via www.kartaskup.pl website. The system performs every operation in appropriate order, repeated every time ŚKUP card is held against the reader. Each time, after the card is held against the reader, the following operations take place: Verifying if there is active periodic ticket coded on the card (if yes, the travel will be automatically registered). Verifying if there is coded, not II yet activated periodic ticket on the card (in case of greater number of periodic tickets the system will activate the one which has been bought first). Verifying if there is unused III zone-time ticket there (in case of greater number of tickets the system will activate the one which has been bought first). If there are no tickets on the IV card, the system checks the account. In such case, the card account will be automatically charged according to the distance tariff (if there is price reduction coded on the card, the system will charge the amount appropriate for the reduced price ticket. If there is no coded price reduction on the account, the system charges the amount appropriate for the normal ticket). If there are neither tickets nor V financial means on the card, the display will show the following I 16 message: “Niewystarczająca kwota” (Insufficient amount!) If a card user would like to choose the option different than the automatic processes described above, the choice ought to be made directly on the reader, as described on the following pages. PURCHASE FORM THE E-WALLET Payment for single travels may be charged directly from the card account (with no need to buy tickets earlier). Main screen icons Top left button – buying the ticket in the zone-time tariff Top right button – used to choose the reduced price ticket in the distance tariff, to buy greater number of tickets in this tariff KZK-GOP Brynów W. Pola 31/07/2015 14:50 Bottom left button – the button used to choose the tickets coded on the card Bottom right button – the button used to gain information written on the card Distance tariff It is default tariff. If there are no coded tickets on the card, one needs to hold the card against the reader and the system will charge the amount covering the remaining distance of the whole route (according to the point III described above). One needs to remember that in order to pay only for the distance one has travelled, when leaving the vehicle, one should hold the card against the reader again (then the system will return the difference between the ticket price for the remaining part of the route and the actually covered distance). Reduced price ticket in the distance tariff – if the appropriate relief has been coded on the card, the system will automatically charge the amount of the reduced price ticket. If the relief is not coded, the system will charge the price of a normal ticket. In such case, wanting to buy the reduced price ticket, one Subordinate screen icons Top left button – used to browse through the tickets coded on the card Top right button – used to confirm the choice EN EXAMPLE OF A SCREEN Wybrano 0 24H-NBO 0 W użyciu Ilość: 0 Bottom left button – used to increase the number of tickets Bottom right button – used to return to the main screen ought to choose the proper option on the reader: > Press top right button before holding the card against the reader > Hold the card against the reader. > With the help of the top left button choose the relief (U50 reduced price ticket, U100 free ticket), > With the bottom left button choose the number of the tickets (the default setting is 0), > Confirm the choice with the top right button > Finally, hold the card against the reader again. The chosen ticket has been validated. If one wants to buy several tickets in the distance tariff, one ought to perform the operation described above. When buying tickets in the distance tariff from the electronic wallet, there is no possibility to buy another one after automatic checkin has been performed. 17 PURCHASE FORM THE E-WALLET ZONE-TIME TARIFF – ticket may be bought earlier (like the season ticket). Then, when entering the vehicle, one needs to hold the card against the reader and the system will automatically activate it. Zone -time ticket may also be bought directly from the electronic wallet. Then, BEFORE holding the card against the reader, the proper option should be chosen on the reader. In order to buy zone-time ticket with the help of the reader, before holding the card against the reader, one should: > press top left button (the symbol of a ticket with a plus) and hold the card against the reader – on the display there will appear the symbol of a ticket, > with the help of the same button one may change the type of the ticket (on the screen there will appear the symbol of two arrows); there will appear, one by one, all types of tickets (3m/1h_N, 1m/15min_N, >3m/1h_U, 1m/15min_U, 2m/30min_N, 2m/30min_U, 1m/15min_ Bagaż, 2m/30min_Bagaż, 3m/1h/Bagaż where “bagaż” means “luggage” ), > when the name of the chosen ticket appears on the screen, if needed, one may, with the help of the bottom left button (the symbol of a plus) increase the number of the tickets (the default setting is 1), > finally, accept the choice with the top right button (the symbol of a tick). The last step is to hold the card against the reader. Attention! Buying zone-time ticket in the reader means automatic validation of the chosen ticket (or tickets, in case more of them has been bought). When performing the operations described above, at the same time one may buy various types of the tickets (e.g. standard one and reduced price tickets). The choice is to be made before the card is held against the reader again. Electronic zone-time tickets allow to change the vehicle within the set period of time (15, 30 and 60 minutes). In order to use the ticket this way, one needs to hold the card against the reader when leaving the vehicle. If a passenger does not do so, the system will read the ticket as used in the previous vehicle and at the entrance of another vehicle a new ticket will be used. If the card is held against the reader when leaving the first vehicle, in the system the information concerning the time available for the journey will be coded. Attention! As in the case of paper tickets, the time for using the ticket is calculated from the time of first reading of the card (together with the time of awaiting for another vehicle). Forcing leave: the possibility to resign from the travel Before the vehicle leaves the stop, a passenger may resign from the journey, which offers the possibility to cancel the payment in the distance tariff or no deducting the journey from the owned 18 limit. It is enough to press the card against the reader again. On the screen there will be displayed the question “Force leave?”. One should press the answer “yes” and press the card against the reader again. SEASON TICKETS OR ZONE-TIME TICKETS CODED ON THE CARD The user has the periodic or zone-time ticket coded on the card If there is one season or zone-time ticket coded on the card, using the card is very simple. It is enough to hold it against any ŚKUP reader and repeat this procedure every time one enters the vehicle (according to the point I described above). Holding the card against the reader is very important, because the ticket is considered valid only after is it registered every time one enters a bus or a tram. The readers are placed at every door in a vehicle. There are more season or zone-time tickets coded on the card > If there are more tickets coded on the card, but at least one of them has determined validity date (that has already taken place), it is also enough to press the card against the reader. > In the situation when a passenger would like to validate the ticket bought as the first one, it is also enough to hold the card against the reader. The system is programmed in such a way so as to activate the tickets according to the date they were coded on the card (according to the point II and III described on the page 11). If there are more periodic tickets coded on the card, which validity periods start from the first use, or various zone-time tickets (e.g. for 1 city/15 min or 2 cities/30 min), and a passenger would like to choose the ticket other than the one bought first, one should use the proper option to point which of the tickets is to be activated. Activating the ticket chosen from among those coded on the card should be done as described below. > Before the card is used one should press bottom left button. > Then the card should be held against the reader – the screen showing the types of tickets will be displayed. > The tickets are looked through with top left button. > After the name of the chosen ticket has appeared on the screen, one should confirm their choice with top right button. > Finally, the card should be held against the reader again. The chosen ticket has been validated. The operations described above may only be performed with the use of “flat” readers that are placed next to the second and following doors of the vehicle. Dual reader (placed next to the first door) is to be used to punch paper tickets and to read the ŚKUP card in the “check-in-check-out” model (to register entering and leaving) performing no other. 19 In case of periodic tickets, when the card is held against the reader every time, one may receive additional bonuses. If, during the period of the ticket validity, leaving the vehicle was registered in 95% cases, then when buying a new ticket (after the first one has expired and for the period no longer than the previous one), a passenger will receive a 5% discount. Using a discount is not obligatory and offers the possibility to use it only with the next purchase. It is profitable in the situation when, after using a 30-day ticket, a passenger buys for example a 24-hour ticket. They may use the discount at once, or when they decide to buy another 30-day ticket. In case when a passenger owns coded ticket and despite that they would like to use the distance tariff, they should: > Press top right button before holding the card against the reader. > Hold the card against the reader. > With the bottom left button choose the number of the tickets (the default setting is 0). > Confirm the choice with the top right button. > Hold the card against the reader again. The chosen ticket (or tickets) has been activated. Coding the reliefs On the personalized ŚKUP card there may be coded the owned relief. Thanks to that, people owning the right to travel with reduced price tickets do not need to show any additional documents during the ticket control. In case of payment for single journeys in the distance tariff, if there is relief coded on the card, the system charges the amount appropriate for the reduced price ticket. If there is no relief coded on the card, the system charges the amount appropriate for the standard ticket (in such case, when one wants to buy a reduced price ticket, they need to choose correct option on the reader). How to code the relief on the card? In order to code the owned relief, one needs to go to chosen Customer Service Centre or Passenger Service Centre. There one needs to show the document authorizing the relief (e.g. Student ID, schools ID, pensioner ID etc.) to the worker. The worker will code the relief on the card on such basis. The period of the relief validity is determined by the owned document. If the time of the relief validity is finished, and one is still authorized to have it, one should code it again (e.g. in case of pupils for the period of the next school year). 20 Ticket price list Charges for single tickets and for electronic short- term tickets Promotion charges for single tickets in the distance tariff for passengers using electronic wallet available on the ŚKUP card (it is necessary to register both entering and leaving the vehicle) – in force from 1st August 2016 to 31st December 2016. Distance in kilometres Up to 1,0 km Over 1,0 km to 2,0 km Over 2,0 km to 5,0 km Over 5,0 km to 9,0 km Over 9,0 km to 14,0 km Over 14,0 km to 20,0 km Over 20,0 km Ticket price for transporting people Standard Reduced fare Ticket price for transporting luggage 2,20 zł 2,80 zł *3,10 zł *3,70 zł 4,20 zł *4,40 zł *4,60 zł 1,10 zł 1,40 zł *1,55 zł *1,85 zł 2,10 zł *2,20 zł *2,30 zł 2,20 zł 2,80 zł *3,10 zł *3,70 zł 4,20 zł *4,40 zł *4,60 zł *NEW, LOWER PRICES Due to the provisions of §8 par. 4 of the Tariff in case a passenger paying for the travel by electronic wallet does not register their leaving the vehicle, there will be charged the fee for the transport for until the end of the given route. Electronic short- term / single tickets in the zone-time tariff (it is necessary to register both entering and leaving the vehicle) coded on the ŚKUP card or bought by electronic wallet in the card reader, promotion prices. ZONE Ticket price for transporting people Standard Reduced fare Ticket price for transporting luggage 1. Within one city (municipality) or for 15 minutes after ticket validation (with the possibility of transfers between vehicles/ means of transport) 3,10 zł 1,55 zł 2,80 zł 2. In two adjacent cities (municipalities)or for 30 minutes after ticket validation (with possibility of transfers between vehicles/ means of transport) 3,70 zł 1,85 zł 3,00 zł 3. In three or more cities (municipalities) or for one hour since ticket validation (with possibility of transfers between vehicles/ means of transport) 4,60 zł 2,30 zł 3,20 zł Due to the provisions of §8 par. 4 of the Tariff in case a passenger paying for the travel by electronic wallet according to the zone- time tariff does not register their leaving the vehicle, when they change the vehicle, the ticket is considered invalid. 21 Electronic medium-term and long-term tickets coded on the Silesian Card of Public Services Electronic medium- and long- term tickets with the holder’s name coded on the personalized ŚKUP card (both entering and leaving the vehicle registered) – promotion charges Electronic season tickets with holder’s name for passengers using personalized ŚKUP card with no journey limit Symbol 24h Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 24 hours 48h Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 48 hours A-5 Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 5 days A-7 Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 7 days A - 14 Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 14 days SM/AT SC/AT SM 22 Valid for Travelling with all lines of one selected city (municipality). Valid for buses and trams, for 30 days Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 30 days Travelling only with either bus or tram lines in one selected city (municipality), valid for 30 days Standard Reduced fare No journey limit 16 zł 8 zł No journey limit 26 zł 13 zł No journey limit 42 zł 21 zł No journey limit 48 zł 24 zł No journey limit 85 zł 42,50 zł No journey limit 122 zł 61 zł No journey limit 144 zł 72 zł No journey limit 104 zł 52 zł Electronic season tickets with holder’s name for passengers using personalized ŚKUP card with journey limit Standard Reduced fare no more than 5 journeys 13 zł 6,50 zł no more than 9 journeys 23 zł 11,50 zł no more than 16 journeys 39 zł 19,50 zł no more than 20 journeys 44 zł 22 zł no more than 40 journeys 79 zł 39,50 zł no more than 66 journeys 114 zł 57 zł no more than 80 journeys 132 zł 66 zł no more than 66 journeys 96 zł 48 zł SC WSC SM/AT SC/AT Travelling only with bus or tram lines in two or more cities (municipalities), valid for 30 days Valid for all lines in two or more cities (communities) for the two months of holidays (July and August). Bimonthly ticket valid for buses and trams No journey limit 126 zł No journey limit 250 zł Travelling with all lines of one selected city (municipality). Valid for buses and trams, for 90 days Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 90 days 63 zł 125 zł No journey limit 310 zł 155 zł No journey limit 358 zł 179 zł no more than 80 journeys 114 zł 57 zł no more than 170 journeys 230 zł 115 zł no more than 220 journeys 286 zł 143 zł no more than 266 journeys 328 zł 164 zł Electronic special tickets available on the Silesian Card of Public Services Electronic 30-day ticket for school pupils/ students with holder’s name, available on personalized ŚKUP card (both entering and leaving the vehicle registered) – promotion charges Symbol TS/AT Valid for Commuting from place of residence to school (place of education) and back, valid from Monday to Friday and in case studies take place on Saturday, also valid on Saturday. Ticket is valid for consecutive 30 days from September to June. The ticket is available only for day time students (primary schools, grammar schools, vocational schools, secondary schools) and children at the age of five and six, subject of compulsory one year pre-school preparation (on the basis of a certificate issued by kindergarten/school). It is valid for buses and trams, with unlimited number of the journeys. Price 48 zł 23 2. Electronic medium- term or long- term tickets for the bearer coded on the standard ŚKUP card (both entering and leaving the vehicle registered) – promotion charges Electronic season tickets for the bearer for passengers using standard ŚKUP card with no journey limit Symbol 24 Valid for 24h Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 24 hours 48h Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 48 hours A-5 Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 5 days A-7 Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 7 days A - 14 Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 14 days SC/AT Travelling with all lines of two or more selected cities (municipalities). Valid for buses and trams, for 30 days Standard Reduced fare No journey limit 17 zł 8,50 zł No journey limit 27 zł 13,50 zł No journey limit 43 zł 21,50 zł No journey limit 49 zł 24,50 zł No journey limit 86 zł 43 zł No journey limit 168 zł 84 zł Electronic season tickets for the bearer, for passengers using standard ŚKUP card with journey limit Standard Reduced fare no more than 5 journeys 14 zł 7 zł no more than 9 journeys 24 zł 12 zł no more than 16 journeys 40 zł 20 zł no more than 20 journeys 45 zł 22,50 zł no more than 40 journeys 80 zł 40 zł no more than 80 journeys 156 zł 78 zł How to obtain personalized card for a child? Children over 13 years of age have the possibility to apply for the ŚKUP card and obtain it themselves. The application for the card for the children below 13 is placed by their parents (guardians). The application may be filled on the Passenger Portal or in the Customer Service Centres (POK). The card is collected in POK. When applying and obtaining the Card in POK, one needs to show the child’s ID, that is a passport, ID or other document confirming the relations to the child, such as the birth document, or the decision of the court to establish the guardianship. Where to place the complaint concerning the ŚKUP card? The complaint concerning the activity of the ŚKUP card should be divided into three basic groups: > Complaints concerning the device itself, e.g. damaged or broken card, readers or devices „do not read” the card. Such complaints may be placed only on Customer Service Centres. > Complaints concerning the account status of electronic wallet. Such complaints may be placed only on Customer Service Centres. > Complaints concerning IT system work, e.g. problems connected with activating the tickets, unread ticket bought on the Portal, incorrectly charged fee for the journey, uncalcu- lated discount. Such complaints may be placed via Passenger Portal or Passenger Service Centres. Complaints concerning financial operations (e.g. purchasing the ticket) should be attached with the copies (scans) of money transfer confirmations or transaction confirmations. The complaints may be placed in person or through the trustee who will show the proxy document in accordance with the form one may find in the attachment to the ŚKUP Card Regulations. Complaints may be viewed on the Passenger Portal. 25 Apart from transport function, ŚKUP card may be used to pay for other public services. Parking In five agglomeration cities there are paid parking zones covered with the ŚKUP project. ŚKUP parking meters are in Bytom, Chorzów, Katowice, Tychy and Zabrze. The payment procedure in the ŚKUP parking meters is simple. A user chooses the time of parking, then chooses the form of payment (cash or ŚKUP card) and types licence number of the vehicle. Parking ticket should be placed inside the vehicle, behind the windshield in a way so as to enable its reading from the outside. Attention: In case of money transfer performed via Passenger Portal, in order to pay by ŚKUP Card (Electronic Money) for parking services, before payment is performed in parking meter, one ought to go to POK or POP or SAD machine or one of 800 sale outlets so that information about transfer via the Portal is spread in the system before the transaction. Services in city halls ŚKUP cards may be used to pay by in all city halls that take part in the project. One may pay by it for: estate tax, vehicle excise duty, market fee, cemetery fee, tax for owning a dog. Each city hall has prepared their own list of services covered with the system. 26 Library services The chain of city libraries are local culture institutions meeting the education, information and culture needs of the city inhabitants. One may also use library services offer with the ŚKUP card. Depending on the unit, one may use the card to pay for the penalties for keeping the library books too long, for lost books, for copying services, printouts. Culture services ŚKUP card enables payments in culture institutions in twenty one agglomeration cities. Depending on the unit, one may pay by the card for: entry tickets, guidebook, postcards, topic related classes. The project has been supported by many region units. Recreation and sports services Aqua park, swimming pools, ice rinks, tennis courts, and sports halls are only some of the sport objects where one may pay by the ŚKUP card. Depending on the unit, one may pay by the card for: entry tickets, renting places in sports objects, rehabilitation programs, retting sport equipment, ski grinding. The list of Customer Service Centres (POK) LP. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. ADDRESS CITY BĘDZIN BYTOM BYTOM BYTOM CHORZÓW CHORZÓW CZELADŹ DĄBROWA GÓRNICZA DĄBROWA GÓRNICZA GLIWICE GLIWICE GLIWICE IMIELIN JAWORZNO JAWORZNO KATOWICE KATOWICE KATOWICE KATOWICE KATOWICE KNURÓW MYSŁOWICE MYSŁOWICE PIEKARY ŚLĄSKIE PYSKOWICE RADZIONKÓW RUDA ŚLĄSKA RUDA ŚLĄSKA SIEMIANOWICE ŚLĄSKIE SOSNOWIEC SOSNOWIEC SOSNOWIEC SOSNOWIEC ŚWIĘTOCHŁOWICE TYCHY TYCHY WOJKOWICE ZABRZE ZABRZE ZABRZE ul. Piłsudskiego 8 ul. Nickla 121 pl. Tadeusza Kościuszki 1 (Centrum Agora) Rynek 22 ul. 16 Lipca 33 ul. 11 Listopada 42 ul. Będzińska 80 ul. 3 Maja 16 ul. Adamieckiego 11a / 1 ul. Czapli 24 ul. Pod Murami 4 ul. Zwycięstwa 4 ul. Dunikowskiego 8 ul. Grunwaldzka 59 (Galeria Galena) ul. Grunwaldzka 237 ul. Staromiejska 14 ul. Przemysłowa 3 ul. Wojciecha 3 ul. Bażantów 2 (CH Bażantowo) ul. Kościuszki 23 ul. Kosmonautów 18 ul. Katowicka 75 ul. Grunwaldzka 2A ul. Śląska 1 ul. Wojska Polskiego 17 ul. Knosały 61 a ul. 1 Maja 370 ul. Planty Kowalskiego 1 ul. Powstańców 22 ul. Staszica 8B ul. 1 Maja 6 ul. Koszalińska 1a ul. Modrzejowska 22 ul. Bytomska/Chorzowska ul. Konfederatów Barskich 19 al. Dąbrowskiego 87 ul. Sobieskiego 365 ul. Plutonowego Szkubacza 1 ul. Chopina 28 ul. Wolności/Św. Barbary The list of Passenger Service Centres (POP) LP. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. CITY ADDRESS OPENING HOURS KATOWICE KATOWICE KATOWICE SOSNOWIEC GLIWICE BYTOM CHORZÓW pl. W. Szewczyka 2 (dworzec kolejowy) ul. Pocztowa 10 ul. Barbary 21a (siedziba Biura KZK GOP) ul. Warszawska 3/17 (podziemny pasaż przy dworcu) pl. Piastów 2 pl. M. Wolskiego (dworzec autobusowy) Rynek 8/1 Mon-Fri od 8 do 18; Sat od 9 do 15 Mon-Fri od 8 do 18; Sat od 9 do 14 Mon-Fri od 7 do 15; Mon-Fri od 8 do 18; Sat od 9 do 14 Mon-Fri od 8 do 18; Sat od 9 do 14 Mon-Fri od 8 do 18; Sat od 9 do 14 Mon-Fri od 8 do 18; Sat od 9 do 14 27 ul. Barbary 21a, 40-053 Katowice Free helpline: 800 16 30 30 www.kartaskup.pl One Card – Many possibilities! Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Śląskiego – realna odpowiedź na realne potrzeby Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Śląskiego na lata 2007-2013.