the most powerful the most successful in NorthWest
the most powerful the most successful in NorthWest
Top100 the most powerful the most successful in NorthWest Macedonia 2012 2 100 Top 2 0 1 2 Publisher: Economic Chamber of NorthWest Macedonia Dimitrie Cupovski 13, 1000 Skopje R.Macedonija Phone: +389 2 3239 252 e-mail: Project Director Fatmir Bytyqi Project Assistents: Fatima Bejtullai Vela Milaim Ameti Design Ilir Halimi Print FokusPrint, Skopje Publication 2012 CIP - Cataloging in Publication National and University Library „St. Kliment Ohridski“ in Skopje 658(497.75)(083.824) TOP 100 the most powerful, the most successful in NorthWest Macedonia : 2012. - Skopje : Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia, 2012. - 31 p. : ilustr. ; 30 sm ISBN 978-608-65479-1-2 а) Enterprises – North-West Macedonia - Catalogues COBISS.MK-ID 92802570 3 4 5 Power, Success, Employment Content of the Catalogue - Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia pages - Introductory speech by the President of Chamber - Introductory speech by the Minister of Economy 6 7 9 - Introductory speech by the Director of the Central Registry 10-11 - Economy of Republic of Macedonia 13-15 - List of companies participant in the Catalogue and their activity 17-21 - Adverisement 22-25 - List of companies by category - power (Annual Turnover) 27-29 - Analysis of Annual Turnover (Power) 30 - Advertisement 31-37 - List of category-Success (Net Profit) 39-41 - Analysis of the Net Profit (Success) 41 - Advertisement 42-49 - List of category-Employment (Number of Employees) 51-53 - Analysis of the Number of Employees (employment) - Advertisement - TOP 10 most successful companies for the year 2011 53 54-58 59 6 About us In the light of expansion, development and promotion of private business in our region, was reasonable and appropriate that economic potential to organize in an union form. Today in civilized and economically advanced world, exist various forms of business organizations, from economic associations to the Chamber of Commerce, industrial and commercial.With an initiative of a group of entrepreneurs in February 2005 was founded Economic Chamber of North – West Macedonia, and in June was officially registered. Our economic potential should be organized in such a form. From this union will be able to benefit all enterprises in the form of affirmation that want to join us. Should be noted that the organization of this subject is positive for this part of Macedonia. ECNWM has to serve for the preservation of economic values, to represent the business of North-West Macedonia worthy at home and abroad, should be included on other structures in the country and outside, to provide relevant information about domestic and foreign markets and to link our business with European businesses, United States and beyond. Here we should mention another reason for the necessity of establishment of this entity. We are witness of the 2001 conflict in Macedonia. Since the conflict of 2001 till today, the North – West part of Macedonia suffers from a bad image and climate, in the inner circle as well as external ones. In Macedonia, unfortunately there is no significant foreign investment, while in the North – West part of the country is even more than vulnerable situation in terms of investment and establishment of joint investment in the form of joint venture‘s. ECNWM has to serve and try to change the negative image of this region of the country and to prepare legal information space and investment potential. In a word, the business of these sides with ECNWM has an address which hopes to be fruitful for all. Principles of organization of ECNWM will be territorial and professional, we will have regional councils in the regions and other factions according to their occupations and more specialized activities. The largest number of businesses in North-West Macedonia are medium and small. Among the most significant activities are: 1. Construction and engineering 2. Commerce from all areas 3. Manufacturer of furniture, doors and windows 4. Producers of dairy products, cheese, 5. Manufacturer of meat 6. Manufacturer of metal products 7. Manufacturer of flour and bread 8. Tourism 9. Transportation 10. Poultry farms and other poultry, egg production 11. Manufacturer of construction materials, etc.. All these businesses follow contemporary standards of quality as HASAP, ISO etc.. 7 Dear, VISION ECNWM organization intends to become a leader in representing the interests of businesses and creating of appropriate environment for development. MISSION ECNWM makes organizing, promoting and protecting the business interests at home and abroad, alongside the challenges of global competition. Values and principles of the ECNWM - Transparency - Partnership - Durability - Equal access A few years ago, announcing the establishment of the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia, we defined clearly our objectives. One of our goals was to become a bridge between businesses in order to ensure economic relations in a serious way, with a proper and reliable level. Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia has continued its work towards its vision of „representing the interests of businesses and the creation of an enabling environment for development“. I think visionary program and values that accompanied our work, firstly our commitment, positive energy and mutual respect were the key factors of success, but we also have much to do. In your hands you have the second edition of the catalog „TOP 100“, which the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia will try to bring in front of you every year. This year, we have analyzed the 100 most successful Albanian companies based on three criteria: annual turnover, profit and number of employees for 2011. „TOP 100“, whichv is being realized for the second time in the Republic of Macedonia, is the promotion of Albanian most powerful companies in the domestic market. In this time of crisis, difficulty to achieve financial assets is the main problem of our companies, which during the year 2011 are faced with low demand, both in the domestic as well as foreign market. However, they have managed to achieve about 530 million euro turnover in total, and most of them have managed to hold positions among the 100 best from last year. Therefore, I congratulate on behalf of ECNWM and in my personal name for success, professionalism and dedication, 100 Albanian most successful companies, who showed enviable results in 2011, and I hope will continue like this in the future. Menderes Kuchi President of the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia 8 9 Respected, This opportunity presents great pleasure for me as a Minister of Economy, to extend most sincere congratulations and to address special acknowledgement for the success achieved by the business subjects, and notice the fact that it become part of this exceptionally significant edition “100 LARGEST ALBANIAN COMPANIES IN MACEDONIA”, issued by the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia. This edition, that this year is issued for the second time, is of enormous significance because presents sublimate of the growth and development of the Albanian companies in Macedonia and their positioning on the market. The significance is even larger given the fact that in the group of 100 largest are included companies from different sectors that presented growth and successful results according the uncontested market principles and their profit, turnover and number of employed persons pursuant the official data in the Central Register of Republic of Macedonia. Under conditions of economic crisis and increasing uncertainty on the world markets, to endure on the market is genuine success, and the success is even bigger as these companies were working successfully and reached growth and development. Through their business activities they successfully tested their new business ideas on the market and in such manner created new possibilities for positive results and what is most significant, contributed for opening of new working positions. The Ministry of Economy has clear determination towards constant open dialogue with the business community, whereupon through partnership relation and exchange of ideas will be created additional conditions for further growth and for more successful overcoming of the challenges that the companies face on the terrain. Numerous laws, strategic and program documents, decisions and solutions delivered by the Ministry of Economy accrued from this continuous dialogue into direction of amortization of the consequences of the economic crisis on the global markets, in the public known as package of anti-crisis measures. During the past period, we as Government zealously work on creation of favorable and stabile ambience for leading business with purpose of mitigation of the con- sequences caused by the crisis. Into that direction, we have stabile course of the Denar and continuous reforms that in great measure contribute for long-term planning of the future business plans and the corresponding distribution of the resources. Into direction of additional strengthening and securing access to fresh capital, through the European Investment Bank, we obtained credits with favorable interest rate in total value of 100 million Euros. The Ministry of Economy, in cooperation with the business sector, enables also technical assistance for easier application for funds from the CIP program, and through which the companies have access to 460 million Euros. I would like also to mention the funds from the regional project “Platform for development of companies and innovations”, in the amount of 145 million Euros aimed for investments in innovations, investments for start of new business for companies with high potential for growth and support of regulatory reforms. Creation of stabile conditions for leading business and development of the companies remains top priority of the Government of Republic of Macedonia. As Minister of Economy, for me top priorities will remain the development of the real sector through increase of the innovation, development of the entrepreneurship and strengthening of the competitiveness and with that, our companies will also strengthen their positions on the foreign markets. Minister of Economy Valon Saraqini Dear, I am honored to continue the successful cooperation between the Central register of the Republic of Macedonia and the Chamber of Commerce of Northwest Macedonia this year as well, whereupon providing the financial data from the register of the annual accounts we provided a clear position of the trade in the Republic of Macedonia. I am particularly proud of the fact that the year 2012 is successful in many terms for the Central register. Celebrating the jubilee of 10 years of institutional operating, we just confirm our business gravity in our work up to date. In this occasion, I want to note that during cooperation with the Ministry of finance, in the frames of the Central register, we introduced a new register - Register of debentures, where the applicants can electronically conduct all registrations in the Register. With the introduction of this Register as a means of more efficient recovery of the debts between the companies, we expect increasing the legal reliability of the creditors, whereupon they can ensure the charge of their claims. In the frames of the announcement of this year’s third edition, please let me express my sincere pleasure and to congratulation the most successful, those with their own success counted in the top 100 and represent an incentive and a motivation for a successful future entrepreneurship. In order to strengthen the trade competitiveness and to keep the companies’ competitive edge as well, the Central register will continue issuing this edition, providing prompt, correct and relevant information. Sincerely, Central Register of the RM Director, Vancho Kostadinovski Director, Vancho Kostadinovski information is the power! 10 11 12 R ep u b l ic o f M acedonia World ranked in 43 palce Economic Freedom Region ranked in 21 place Economy in Macedonia During the year 2011 macroeconomic movements were at a good level almost if we compare whith macroeconomic who was surrounding countries and the euro area. According to data of State Statistical Office, published from annual accounts of economic entities as well as from other sources, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2011 was 461.730 million denars in relation to 2010 with nominal growth of 6,4%. The real rate of increase of the GDP compared to 2010 is 2.8%. Final consumption in 2011 compared to 2010 has nominaly increased to 5.2%, and in GDP’s structure is participating with 92.4%. Even in 2011 we have a deficit in the trade balance with 2.316.442 thousand U.S. dollars or import coverage by export was 63.7%. The level of unemployment remains almost the same, at the end of 2011 was 31.2 % Neto average salary at the end of 2011 was 21.415 den, while the gross salary in the same period was 31.338 denars. Inflation in 2011 was 3.9%. Investments have increased nominally to 13.9% by 2010, investment in basic tools are 94.537 million denars. The structure of investments in basic tools is: with 62.2% participating construction, 33.6% technology (cars) and equipment and other investments 4.4%. 13 Paragraph for Macedonia Name: Republic of Macedonia Signs: MK Currency: 1 Denar (MKD) Currency and Exchange: €1= MKD 61.5 The total area of the Republic of Macedonia is 25.333 km2. The country lies at the geographic coordinates 41 50 N, 22 00 E which 24.856 km2 of this area are land and 477 km2 water.Boundary of the Republic of Macedonia is 25.333 km and there is no coast. Macedonia‘s climate is similar to the Mediterranean with dry an hot summers and cold winters with huge snowfalls. Much of the landscape is rough terrain, except Vardar and around the large lakes. The lowest point of the contour is located along the Vardar River (50m) and the highest at an altitude of 2,764 meters at a place called Maja Korab. Economic facts Population: 2.1 million GDP (PPP): High rate unemployment, lack: 31.7% Inflation: 3.9% Public debt: 24.6% of GDP 14 Economic indicators for Macedonia GDP (%) In recent years, Macedonia has had steady growth of gross domestic product (GDP) with the exception of 2009, where due to the economic crisis, the Macedonian economy is reduced, even then, when the others had double drop, the drop level of gross domestic product (GDB) in Macedonia was only 0.9%, which was the smallest decline in Europe. Export in years (US $ bn) Exports are also hesitating because of crisis and this year they are expected to exceed the record year of 2011. Foreign direct investment was also significantly lower in the past two years, but in 2011 and this year, they have increased significantly, signaling new positive cycle. Moreover, Macedonia has a very stable macroeconomic policy with low rates of inflation and stable currency, low labor costs and more stable estimates of credit. Inflation FDI in years (US $ m) Low inflation average 2% per year over the last 10 years 2007: 2.3%; 2008: 8.3%; 2009: -0.8%; 2010: 1.6%; 2011: 3.9% Currency Macedonian Denar associated with DM / € For the past 15 years (€ 1 = MKD 61.3) Bruto avarrage salary in 2011 € 497 per month Credit assessments Standard & Poor’s: BB Fitch: BB+ Budget deficit and state debt Sourse: Central Bank of Macedonia Deficiti buxhetor, 2011: 2.6 % e GDP Borxhi i shetit, Q2.2012: 29 % e GDP 15 Fiscal benefits 10% Personal Income Tax & Corporate 0% tax on undistributed profits Double tax treaties with many European countries 0% tax for operation in the Technological Industrial Development Zones Real estate taxes between 2% - 4% ` VAT at 18% and 5% on special items FTAs (Free Trade Agreement) with the EU, EFTA, CEFTA countries; Turkey and Ukraine; providing access to over 650 million consumers Macedonia offers some of the lowest taxes in Europe. Current tax regime provides: - 10% corporate tax & personal income tax (among the lowest in Europe); Opportunities for investing in Technological Industrial Development Zones TIDZ-s - 0% tax on undistributed profits; - 0% tax for operation in industrial and technological development zones; - Real estate tax are currently set to 2% - 4% and Taxes rates Tax TIDZs -18% VAT, 5% on specific items. Out of TIDZs Corporate Tax 0% For the first 10 years Personal Income 0% For the first 10 years 10% 0% 18% VAT Tax on Property Exise tax 10% Macedonia has also signed double tax treaties with many European countries and free trade agreements with the EU, EFTA, CEFTA, Turkey and Ukraine, providing free access to over 650 million consumers. Corporate income tax, personal income tax and general rates of VAT for a number of countries in 0.1% - 0.2% 0.1% - 0.2% 0% 5% - 62% the region, Macedonia offers lower tax rates in all categories. The law currently provides industrial export oriented incentives and investors, such as: PRODUCTS Custom Fees TIDZs Out of TIDZs Raw materials 0% Up to 15% Equipment 0% 5% - 20% Sourse : Invest Macedonia & Central Bank of Macedonia Investors in the technological industrial development zones have the right to be exempted from corporate tax for the first 10 years. Investors are exempt from paying value added tax-VAT and customs duties on goods, raw materials, equipment and machines. 16 List of companies participants in the catalog and their activity Nr. 1 2 Name VEZE SHARRI SOPOT 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 GOLEC TRANS LECKER UKA KOMERC GUDALAT EKOSHAR CASEIFICIO CESARINA SENTIS AG HIT 73 KOKRA E ARTE ZHITO INTEGRAL PEKON UNIKONDOR UNIVERZAL PAKET 16 17 ARBERIA DESIGN SAHEM HROMOS 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BAS TUTI FRUTI DIPLAST MONDI BURDEM PLASTIK VARDAR DOLOMIT ISENI KOMPANI DIGIPS GETOAR POFIKS RENOVA KORAB MERMER ING LULI KARTEL DEMIR IMPEKS S PESPA & ALBANIJA ALUMIN BAJER METALEKS 32 33 17 Activity Cultivation of poultry Removing decorative rock and stone for construction, limestone, raw gypsum, chalk and shale Extraction of gravel and sand, clay and kaolin Processing and preserving of poultry meat Production of animal and poultry meat Production of fruit and vegetable juice Processing of milk and cheese production Processing of milk and cheese production Processing of milk and cheese production Processing of milk and cheese production Production of mill products Production of bread, fresh sweets (cookies, cakes) and biscuits Production of bread, fresh sweets (cookies, cakes) and biscuits Manufacture of other building carpentry and floors Production of wavy paper and paperboard, containers of paper Printing of newspapers Retail trade of metal products, paints and glass in specialized stores Production of packaging plastic packages Manufacture of building products from plastic Manufacture of other plastic products Manufacture of fire resistant products Manufacture of beton products for construction Manufacture of gypsum products for construction Production of finished concrete measure Manufacture of plaster Manufacture of plaster Cutting and processing of stone Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Manufacturing of metal constructions and their parts Manufacture of doors and windows of metal, metal structure Manufacture of other fabricated metal products Manufacture of other fabricated metal products Manufacture of other fabricated metal products 18 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 PRODUKCIJA PERSPEKTIVA FRIGOTEHNIKA 2000 FRIHOTEHNKIKA BEI FRIGOBOKS AGRO PARTNER INTER MOBEL INTER FANTAZIJA MOLIKA MONDI KOMPANI FATINA HELGA KOMPANI AK INVEST EURO PROEKT ZSF KOM IMPEKSEL 2 MODING TRIM & LUM HULUSI KOMERC URBAN PLAN CONSTRUCTION INSTALACIJA MAKSIT ROFIKS PERPARIMI GIPS IMOBILIJA DESIGN ZBUKURIMI BIS OIL MEGA AUTOPARTS AKTIFF EURO AKTIVA GEMAK TRADE ALMA M AMANOS NEZIRI KOMERC EURO MEDIA LIAL AS OIL M1 Manufacturing of electrical equipment Manufacture of other general purpose machinery Manufacture of other general purpose machinery Manufacturing of other specialized machinery Manufacturing of furniture Manufacturing of furniture Manufacturing of furniture Manufacturing of furniture Manufacturing of furniture Manufacturing of furniture Manufacturing of furniture Construction of residential and nonresidential buildings Construction of residential and nonresidential buildings Construction of residential and nonresidential buildings Construction of residential and nonresidential buildings Construction of residential and nonresidential buildings Construction of residential and nonresidential buildings Construction of roads and highways Building objects and low construction Electrical instalation services Plastering Plastering Placing the tiles on the floor and walls Other work for the final construction Other specialized construction activities Wholesale of vehicle parts and accessories Wholesale of parts and accessories for motor vehicles Mediation in trade of fuels, metals and industrial chemicals Mediation in trade of woods, timber and construction material Mediation in trade of food, beverages and tobacco Wholesale of sugar, chocolate and sugar confectionery Non-specialized wholesale with food, drinks and tobacco Wholesale of clothing and footwear Wholesale of electrical household appliances Wholesale of electrical household appliances Wholesale trade with solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and similar products 19 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 GODING PETROL Wholesale trade with solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and similar products UNIVERZAL KOMERC Wholesale of chemical products AID ASKO KOMERC Wholesale trade of garbages BAUKOP Non-specialized wholesale BEN TRADE Non-specialized wholesale DAUTI KOMERC Non-specialized wholesale IZVOR Non-specialized wholesale POLOG KOMPANI Non-specialized wholesale SELMAN TURIZAM Non-specialized wholesale AGROKOMERC AGE Retail trade in non-specialized stores, mostly food, beverages and tobacco ADRIJUS Retail trade in non-specialized stores, mostly food, beverages and tobacco GETRO Retail trade in non-specialized stores, mostly food, beverages and tobacco DASH KOMERC Retail trade in non-specialized stores, mostly food, beverages and tobacco DERVENT PROMET Retail trade in non-specialized stores, mostly food, beverages and tobacco INTER IMPEKS Retail trade in non-specialized stores, mostly food, beverages and tobacco JUS MB Retail trade in non-specialized stores, mostly food, beverages and tobacco MUSLI MARKET Retail trade in non-specialized stores, mostly food, beverages and tobacco PRINCE ENTERPRISE Retail trade in non-specialized stores, mostly food, beverages and tobacco TRI TRGOVCA Retail trade in non-specialized stores, mostly food, beverages and tobacco FRUKT IMPORT Retail trade in non-specialized stores, mostly food, beverages and tobacco GRAFIX TRADE Wholesale in non-specialized stores DRILON TRADE Wholesale in non-specialized stores EURO BETON MIX Wholesale in non-specialized stores INTERPROMET Wholesale in non-specialized stores S B V KOMAPNI Wholesale in non-specialized stores FENIKS 93 Wholesale in non-specialized stores BANEKS KOMPANI Retail trade of fruits and vegetables in specialized stores GREEN PRODUCT Retail trade of fruits and vegetables in specialized stores VILAN ASS Retail trade of meat and meat products in specialized stores 20 99 100 101 102 103 112 NURO KOMERC MUNEVERE AGROPOLOG BUNAR PETROL EMKA KOMERC - MK KOMERC MOTO PETROL NEPTUN S PETROL SEDUM BRACA PETROL STUDJESA PETROL HIT OIL DE JURE AKVA TERM ENGINERRING ARB KOMERC 113 BESJANI 114 VITAMIN AGA 115 ELEGANT KOMPANI 116 LAMI FORM 117 NABIZI 118 119 TEMPOMAK INTERNATIONAL GENC KOMERC 120 SHARTEKS M 121 PALLMA TRADE 122 FRIGOSAN 123 MEBEL LAÇKA 124 TOP TRADE 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 Retail trade of meat and meat products in specialized stores Food retail trade in specialized shops Retail trade of fuel and motor oil in specialized shops Retail trade of fuel and motor oil in specialized shops Retail trade of fuel and motor oil in specialized shops Retail trade of fuel and motor oil in specialized shops Retail trade of fuel and motor oil in specialized shops Retail trade of fuel and motor oil in specialized shops Retail trade of fuel and motor oil in specialized shops Retail trade of fuel and motor oil in specialized shops Retail trade of fuel and motor oil in specialized shops Retail trade of textiles in specialized stores Retail trade of metal products, paints and glass in specialized stores Retail trade of metal products, paints and glass in specialized stores Retail trade of metal products, paints and glass in specialized stores Retail trade of metal products, paints and glass in specialized stores Retail trade of metal products, paints and glass in specialized stores Retail trade of metal products, paints and glass in specialized stores Retail trade of metal products, paints and glass in specialized stores Retail trade of metal products, paints and glass in specialized stores Retail trade of metal products, paints and glass in specialized stores Retail trade of metal products, paints and glass in specialized stores Retail trade with electrical household appliances in specialized stores Retail trade with electrical household appliances in specialized stores Retail trade of furniture, lighting equipment and other household items in specialized stores Retail trade of furniture, lighting equipment and other household items in specialized stores 21 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 MEDINA TEKS MEGA TRANS HARBIN TEKS BASHKIM TOURS FERT ATOMIK DURMO TOURS EURO TURIST NASIR TURIZAM HABIB TURIZAM ALIJA KOMERC BULA TRANS KOMERC VISA AS DAUTI TRANSPORTSHPED EL TRANS JAJA EKSPRES NES KOMERC SHPETIM KOMERC LOGOS A KOHA PRODUCTION ALSAT M TV ERA EDUSOFT ALBSIG INSIG MAKEDONIJA UNIJA FINANSISKA UFS MOTIVI PLUS KORP PROJEKT SEKURITAS M EKOLOG BTC BUSINESS CENTER ADRIALAB BANJAT E DIBRËS CAPA FLORENS START AS 2000 Retail trade with clothing in specialized stores Other retail trade outside the stores, stalls and markets Urban and suburban road transport Urban and suburban road transport Another road transport Another road transport Another road transport Another road transport Road transport of goods Road transport of goods Road transport of goods Road transport of goods Road transport of goods Road transport of goods Road transport of goods Road transport of goods Publication of books Publication of newspapers Activities of television and broadcasting Activities of television and broadcasting IT programming Non-life insurance Non-life insurance Other auxiliary activities in financial services, except insurance and pension funds Legal issues Engineering and related technical consulting Private protection services Combined administrative and office services Activity for call centers Activities of speciality medical practice Activities of speciality medical practice Activities of speciality medical practice Other personal service activities 22 23 24 Vardar Dolomit Aplant for dolomite material was built in 1965/65 as part of Silika Enterprise in Gostivar. In July 2003, Turkish Haznedar Refrakter Sanayii acquired 100 percent share of former Silika Dolomit, now Vardar Dolomit dooel Gostivar. Upon the acquisition,the new owner invested additional resources in streamlining and restarting the production. Vardar Dolomit produces sinter dolomite, sinter dolomite tiles and masses. The annual production capacity of sinter and formed products is 70,000 tonnes and 20,000 tonnes respectively. Dolomit sintering is made in two shaft furnaces at temperatures as 25 high as cca. 2000oC. Tile forming is made on three powerful hydro presses by renowned producers, which ensure thrust necessary for maximum density of product. Vardar Dolomit products are intended for working coatings in metallurgical aggregates in both ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. The company is export-oriented and 99 percent of its products are sold in markets in: Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Egypt, Israel and other European countries. Vardar Dolomit holds QMS Certificates under ISO 9001:2008 and EMS Certificates under ISO 14001:2004. The company employs 84 people for all required profiles, the highest-level professionals in their fields. The Executive Director of the company is Mr. Abdulai Remzi, Bachelor of Technology, who worked for former Silika for 14 years and has occupied this position since the restart of the plant. B l d. I l i n d e n 4 7 , 1 / 2 1 0 0 0 Sko p j e Te l / Fa x + + 3 8 9 2 3 1 1 4 8 6 2 Te l : + + 3 8 9 2 3 1 1 8 8 2 5 Fa c to r y a d d re s s : S t r. J N A 3 1 8 , P O B ox 2 1 0 G o s t i va r Te l : + + 3 8 9 4 2 2 1 9 0 3 0 e - m a i l : va rd a rd o l o m i t @ t - h o m e. m k Fa x + + 3 8 9 4 2 2 4 2 5 0 7 26 Power (Annual Turnover) 27 Name Annual turnover City MKD RANKING 2011 2010 2009 1 GEMAK 2,803,061,237 Skopje - 1 1 1 2 EURO AKTIVA 2,300,813,909 Skopje ↑ 2 3 2 3 EURO MEDIA 2,056,429,057 Skopje ↑ 3 4 4 4 DAUTI KOMERC 1,860,881,016 Skopje ↑ 4 5 5 5 ALMA M 1,683,499,449 Skopje ↓ 5 2 3 6 JUS MB 858,176,810 Skopje ↑ 6 7 7 7 ADRIJUS 780,089,674 Skopje ↓ 7 6 6 8 BAS TUTI FRUTI 707,240,705 Skopje - 8 8 9 9 VARDAR DOLOMIT 613,995,087 Gostivar ↑ 9 - - 10 KOKRA E ARTE 608,876,085 Tetovo ↑ 10 25 78 11 PRINCE ENTERPRISE 588,149,821 Skopje ↑ 11 20 63 12 BUNAR PETROL 514,048,816 Gostivar ↓ 12 9 8 13 FRUKT IMPORT 488,509,712 Skopje ↑ 13 15 36 14 POFIKS 449,818,882 Tetovo ↓ 14 13 16 15 SELMAN TURIZAM 395,248,663 Kumanovo ↑ 15 16 39 16 EKOLOG 372,929,722 Tetovo ↑ 16 46 - 17 UNIVERZAL KOMERC 328,275,938 Skopje ↓ 17 14 15 18 ALBSIG 316,587,828 Skopje ↑ 18 - - 19 BESJANI 308,017,557 Struga ↑ 19 - - 20 DAUTI TRANSPORT- 301,239,620 Skopje ↑ 20 33 33 SHPED 21 VEZE SHARRI 273,017,833 Tetovo ↓ 21 18 26 22 HIT OIL 264,683,883 Tetovo ↑ 22 34 18 23 RENOVA 261,779,455 Tetovo ↓ 23 12 12 24 IMPEKSEL 2 260,454,525 Gostivar ↑ 24 31 29 25 PALLMA TRADE 255,987,416 Tetovo ↓ 25 11 13 26 IZVOR 250,852,929 Skopje ↑ 26 - - 27 EURO BETON MIX 250,711,756 Tetovo ↑ 27 67 64 28 DERVENT PROMET 238,767,256 Skopje ↑ 28 30 28 29 HIT 73 219,087,932 Tetovo - 29 29 27 30 S B V KOMPANI 217,356,809 Skopje ↑ 30 35 49 31 DASH KOMERC 209,269,725 Debar ↓ 31 23 25 32 AGROPOLOG 206,596,638 Tetovo ↓ 32 24 24 33 GOLEC TRANS 204,946,423 Tetovo ↓ 33 21 32 28 34 MK KOMERC - EMKA 203,072,486 Tetovo ↓ 34 26 11 PETROL 35 GETRO 201,542,222 Gostivar ↑ 35 36 NABIZI 200,746,375 Struga ↓ 36 17 21 37 SENTIS AG 197,403,604 Tetovo ↑ 37 38 54 38 INSIG MAKEDONIJA 196,985,851 Skopje ↓ 38 22 20 39 AKVA TERM INZHEN- 187,180,304 Gostivar ↑ 39 - - JERING 40 AKTIFF 184,348,971 Skopje ↓ 40 37 38 41 ALIJA KOMERC 183,021,368 Kumanovo ↓ 41 32 22 42 ZHITO INTEGRAL 180,184,305 Skopje ↑ 42 44 40 43 BASHKIM TURS 179,551,961 Tetovo ↑ 43 - - 44 AK INVEST 176,782,387 Tetovo ↑ 44 - - 45 ELEGANT KOMPANI 175,743,866 Tetovo ↓ 45 19 17 46 HULUSI KOMERC 175,023,882 Kumanovo ↑ 46 48 51 47 MOTIVI 169,236,814 Skopje ↑ 47 - - 48 EKOSHAR 168,812,880 Tetovo ↓ 48 39 47 49 STUDJESA PETROL 154,871,554 Tetovo ↑ 49 58 37 50 ALSAT M 154,048,607 Skopje ↓ 50 49 31 51 AID ASKO KOMERC 148,057,633 Tetovo ↑ 51 - - 52 GUDALAT 146,871,314 Gostivar ↓ 52 10 10 53 AGRO PARTNER 146,193,912 Mavrovo - 53 53 - 54 AGROKOMERC AGE 145,404,799 Skopje ↑ 54 87 - 55 MODING 140,673,262 Tetovo - 55 55 19 56 BURDEM PLASTIK 134,994,061 Skopje ↓ 56 47 56 57 MEBEL LACHKA 134,887,868 Struga ↑ 57 - - 58 MOLIKA 134,050,096 Tetovo ↓ 58 28 41 59 UKA KOMERC 133,906,212 Skopje ↓ 59 41 - 60 DEN TREJD 133,281,536 Skopje ↓ 60 54 55 61 ZSF KOMERC 131,550,992 Skopje ↑ 61 - - 62 ING LULI 128,538,247 Struga ↓ 62 59 59 63 BIS OIL 125,111,644 Skopje ↓ 63 43 45 64 INSTALACIJA 119,399,755 Kichevo ↑ 64 - - 65 GODING PETROL 116,172,258 Tetovo ↓ 65 50 45 66 PEKON 110,501,154 Tetovo ↑ 66 86 61 67 FRIGOTEKNIKA BEI 107,979,938 Tetovo ↓ 67 56 59 29 68 VILAN ASS 101,663,055 Skopje ↓ 68 42 34 69 NEPTUN 94,371,685 Tetovo ↓ 69 68 52 70 BANEKS KOMPANI 93,272,142 Skopje ↓ 70 27 - 71 INTER IMPEKS 92,818,622 Gostivar - 71 71 80 72 SEDUM BRACHA PET- 92,107,175 Shkup ↓ 72 66 84 ROL 73 EURO TURIST 91,812,977 Tetovo ↓ 73 64 67 74 ARB KOMERC 91,459,192 Tetovo ↓ 74 36 14 75 FENIKS 93 91,457,951 Kumanovo ↑ 75 78 - 76 LIAL 89,428,901 Tetovo ↓ 76 65 74 77 MOTO PETROL 87,264,622 Tetovo ↓ 77 57 35 78 NES KOMERC 85,401,412 Tetovo ↓ 78 69 69 79 POLOG KOMPANI 81,031,087 Gostivar ↑ 79 - - 80 HELLGA KOMERC 79,354,006 Tetovo ↓ 80 70 66 81 UNIJA FINANSISKA - 76,805,717 Skopje ↓ 81 62 57 UFS 82 LECKER 738,95,582 Tetovo ↓ 82 77 - 83 DURMO TURS 73,340,894 Gostivar ↑ 83 - - 84 MOTIVI PLUS 71,979,084 Skopje ↑ 84 - - 85 TRI TRGOVCA 71,518,925 Skopje ↓ 85 61 72 86 FRIGOTEHNIKA BEI 68,070,772 Tetovo ↑ 86 - - 87 BULA TRANS KOMERC 67,330,610 Tetovo ↑ 87 - - 88 ADRIALAB 65,390,053 Skopje ↑ 88 - - 89 GREEN PRODUCT 64,579,424 Tetovo ↓ 89 84 62 90 UNIKONDOR 62,586,443 Kumanovo ↑ 90 98 73 91 ZBUKURIMI 62,469,733 Tetovo ↑ 91 92 - 92 EURO PROEKT 60,745,474 Tetovo ↓ 92 40 43 93 MEGA AUTOPARTS 60,595,191 Skopje ↓ 93 90 90 94 NEZIRI KOMERC 60,577,274 Skopje ↓ 94 81 68 95 NASIR TURIZAM 59,456,677 Gostivar ↑ 95 - - 96 VISA ASS 58,974,606 Kumanovo ↑ 96 - - 97 MUNEVERE 58,279,802 Tetovo ↑ 97 - - 98 FERT ATOMIK 57,857,291 Tetovo ↓ 98 82 53 99 GRAFIX TRADE 57,613,623 Gostivar ↑ 99 - - 100 MUSLI MARKET 56,973,250 Kumanovo ↓ 100 95 99 30 Analyse for total turnover From last year‘s data from the Central Register, Economic Chamber of North - West Macedonia (ЕCNWM) has conducted some research and calculations for the power of TOP 100 best Albanian companies in North - West region of Macedonia. ECNWM has data on more than 250 economic entities which are owned by Albanians and from this list of companies have been chosen the most powerful from several categories as follows: Power (Annual Turnover), Success (Net Profit) and Employment. The Economic Chamber has decided to take this data because had assessed that these companies are the biggest in the territory where ECNWM operates. Top 100 companies according to the Central Registry have realized € 475,727,928 or 3% of total Turnover €16,4 billion, which is the total turnover of all companies or 73.118 active companies that are actively operating in Macedonia . Based on data that we have, we can conclude that the active Albanian economic entities supposed to be 12,000 companies and participate with 23% in the total turnover in Macedonian economy. And 10 entities themselves participate in the total turnover with 1.5%. Economic entities which have turnover over € 2,000,000 (MKD123000000) are 64 entities, with annual turnover bigger than € 5,000,000 (MKD 307500000) are 20 entities, bigger than € 9,000,000 (MKD 553500000) annual turnover are 9 entities, and 5 entities have annual turnover bigger € 27,000,000 (MKD 1660500000) Fifteen companies whith the biggest annual turnover (Currency MKD) 31 HISTORY AND ACTIVITIES Gemak Trade is privately owned trade company, founded in 1991. The initial activities were trading, import, distri¬bution of electrical appliances and consumer goods, excise goods, including the duty free business in the period from 1991 to 1994. During that period, Gemak established own sales network of prestige stores in the city of Skopje. Nowadays, Gemak Trade stands as one of the biggest distribution companies in Macedonia for alcohol spirits, tobacco products, wireless communications and construction business. Also, it is the exclusive distributor of some of the most famous world brands: - DIAGEO (Johnnie Walker, Smirnoff, Baileys, J&B etc) - Imperial Tobacco (all brands from Tutunski Kombinat Skopje -WEST, DAVIDOFF, BOSS, RODEO). - Fantinel- Italian wines and spirits - Tsantali- spirits - One (mobile communication) In 2001 Gemak opened a sister company in Pristina- Gekos, which is dealing with distribution of the same brands distributed in Macedonia. Starting from last year, Gekos expanded its portfolio with fiscal devices and communication services (electronic top ups) holding licence for the whole territory of Kosovo. Currently, Gemak Trade has highly motivated workforce, 60 employed in Skopje and 84 in Pristina respectively. Regular internal seminars, provide further education and motivation to the workforce. As one of the biggest distribution company in Macedonia and Kosovo, Gemak owns its own office space, storage space and fleet of vehicles being used in the daily distribution of the products. Finally, Gemak Trade has proved as the best distribution company, by winning the prestige award from DIAGEO for the best distributor in 2001 and 2009. Also, the Observer (London) in 2001 had an article about Gemak Trade, as well as the New York Times, in August 2002. It is rated among the top 100 companies in both countries according to its turnover and profitability. ORGANIZATION AND GOALS Gemak is a centrally managed organization; its only owner is Mr. Enver Maliqi. The responsibilities are further, delegated to the General Director for export and import, the Financial Director, the Commercial Director for tobacco products, the Commercial Director for alcohol beverages and the Marketing Director. It is said that this kind of responsibility delegation, can be the most effective for the achievement of the company goals. As corporate goals for the next period, Gemak Trade has set the following: - Become the largest import, distribution and sales company for luxury excise goods in Macedonia and in the region; - Maintain contact and cooperation with its customers; - To set and maintain loyal competition on the market; - Maintain the financial stability and liquidity of the company. Company data Gemak Trade dooel Address: DTC Mavrovka , Lamela A/3, Skopje Tel/ fax: +389 2 3137 500 Web: e-mail: 32 33 TRADITA QË VAZHDON Традиција која продолжува TRADITION CONVERT IN CONTINUITY Rr. V.Smilevski bato p.n. Zona Industriale 1200 Tetovë Tel.+389 44 35 14 90 Fax.+389 44 35 14 91 -Shitje e të gjitha materialeve ndërtimore; -Ndërtimi i ulët dhe i lart; -Shërbime transportuese; -Ekskluziv në lëmin e produkteve të Argjilës. ; e-mail: -Продажба на сите -Градежни материали -Ниска и викока градба -Транспортни услуги -Екслузивен во областа на глинени прозиводи -Sale of all construction materials; -Low and high construction; -Transporting services; -Franchise of clay’s products. 34 Dauti Commerce-Skopje is an affirmed private company in the region and beyond. The company‘s beginnings were in the village ofBojane 20 years ago, and today the company operates in four states with over 500 employees. We aim to ensure consistency and improvement of business performance and to maintain the position reached in Macedonia , Kosovo , Montenegro and Albania . Our innovations in the spectrum of logistics allow us the distribution of new brands with high quality, which also gain consumer confidence. Our achieved results so far and the confidence that we have from our costumers globally, makes our competitive position stronger in the popular markets in the region and beyond, as the company which is capable of quick adaptation surrounded with different types of conditions in the business environment. As we mentioned before Dauti Commerce is a private company with this organizational structure: a) The Central Depo Dauti Commerce “Import-Export” in Maxhari Skopje (imports and distributes internationally known brands to more organized networks for the sale of products like depos, chain markets, mini markets and so forth. b) “Microdistribution” - selling ambulatory (this sector makes the distribution of products to smaller premises in a commercial context of 25 regions). c) Dauti Commerce “Cash & Carry”: • • • • Skopje Çair Tetovo Struga 35 (These centers supply the domestic market to our known shops of small-medium size) d) “Dauti Markets Group „- over 1800 (mini-costumers) which respectively make the sale of our goods. e) “Dauti Markets „- chains of personal markets. • • • • Gazibaba - (101) Hekurana - (102) Tetovo I - (103) Tetovo II - (104) f) “Dauti Mini Markets „- chains of personal mini markets • Blace - (201) Beside the activities in Macedonia Dauti Commerce is very active aboard with distributive centers that are listed below: • • • Dauti Commerce ‚Ferizaj „- Kosovo Dauti Commerce „Podgorica“ - Montenegro Dauti Commerce „Tirana“ – Albania All these distributive centers show a growing success, stability and continuous development. The company has modern computer equipment for dynamic and quality activities. Basic motto of our company is rapid distribution of goods to our customers, which is enabled with excellent organization and coordination of sales and the sector of logistics, as well as the transport, which is a very important part of the Dauti Commerce logistics: • • • • • Trucks on 7t (12) Trucks over 3.5t (29) Vans up to 3.5t (85) Commercial pickups (30) Light Vehicles (45) As a reference for further exposed the company’s license with “HACCAP standard” in the ongoing plan for the company are the following certifications and standards: “ISO 2001” and “Halal Certification”. Guidelines for future development of Dauti Commerce are clearly defined in the company’s long-term policies. In the future, we will try to raise the communication with the public and consumers in order to manage common solutions. Trust, Tradition, Security…. 36 37 38 Success (Net Profit) 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Name Profit MKD City GEMAK TRADE POFIKS ALMA M UNIVERZAL KOMERC ADRIJUS EURO AKTIVA VARDAR DOLOMIT KOKRA E ARTË BAS TUTI FRUTI GOLEC TRANS EURO MEDIA PRINCE ENTERPRISE UNIONI FINANCIAR AK INVEST BASHKIM TOURS HULUSI KOMERC DERVENT PROMET MEBEL LAÇKA ING LULI RENOVA BURDEM PLASTIK MOLIKA DAUTI KOMERC INSIG MAKEDONIJA SENTIS AG IZVOR ZSF KOM EKOSHAR BUNAR PETROL FERT ATOMIK S B V KOMPANI NABIZI BULA TRANS KOMERC GREEN PRODUCT AKTIFF SELMAN TURIZAM IMPEKSEL 2 DIGIPS AS OIL M1 AGROKOMERC AGE SOPOT MONDI KOMPANI BAUKOP 153,362,294 113,103,311 105,216,139 80,574,389 67,646,737 65,221,279 53,644,275 51,736,051 51,160,212 49,618,658 48,255,479 46,401,736 36,781,681 35,895,141 34,037,412 30,170,894 29,911,391 27,264,841 25,693,102 25,634,159 25,463,685 24,384,556 20,375,155 19,303,893 18,959,381 18,401,866 18,244,237 17,224,678 16,571,538 16,369,181 16,290,003 16,035,252 15,812,254 15,318,630 14,969,137 14,762,407 14,016,329 13,094,399 12,093,064 11,787,410 11,153,860 11,138,082 10,931,443 Skopje Tetovo Skopje Skopje Skopje Skopje Skopje Tetovo Skopje Tetovo Skopje Skopje Skopje Tetovo Tetovo Kumanovo Skopje Struga Struga Tetovo Skopje Tetovo Skopje Skopje Tetovo Skopje Skopje Tetovo Gostivar Tetovo Skopje Struga Tetovo Tetovo Skopje Kumanovo Gostivar Debar Skopje Skopje Skopje Tetovo Skopje RANKING 2011 ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2010 2 6 5 10 3 7 1 84 4 34 11 42 45 51 8 28 25 40 12 38 35 17 43 19 16 79 27 22 56 55 54 31 2009 3 5 2 7 11 8 4 48 1 10 58 42 26 3 34 27 14 39 13 18 55 45 32 38 89 29 17 40 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 AID ASKO KOMERC GETRO HIT OIL START AS 2000 DAUTI TRANSPORTSHPED GETOAR INTER FANTAZIJA MUNEVERE TEMPOMAK INTERNATIONAL BESJANI S. PETROL AGRO PARTNER LOGOS A HARBIN TEKS LIAL BIS OIL ARB KOMERC VITAMIN AGA JUS MB NURO KOMERC EL TRANS ISENI KOMPANI URBAN PLAN CONSTRUC- 10,903,852 10,354,690 10,022,158 9,961,151 9,525,298 9,255,455 9,222,419 8,994,242 8,706,819 8,548,386 8,516,637 8,422,031 8,250,499 8,190,137 7,883,269 7,866,133 7,320,771 7,295,421 7,227,471 7,028,667 6,839,175 6,636,765 6,545,942 Tetovo Gostivar Tetovo Skopje Skopje Skopje Tetovo Tetovo Gostivar Struga Gostivar Mavrovo Skopje Skopje Tetovo Skopje Tetovo Gostivar Skopje Tetovo Gostivar Kichevo Tetovo ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 TION ARBERIA DESIGN UNIKONDOR TOP TRADE MK KOMERC - EMKA PETROL ZHITO INTEGRAL GENC KOMERC GIPS IMOBILIA DESIGN EURO BETON MIX KOHA PRODUCTION DASH KOMERC LAMI FORM BANEKS KOMPANI AMANOS MUSLI MARKET PRODUKCIJA PERSPEKTIVA ALIJA KOMERC MOTIVI PLUS FRIGOTEHNIKA 2000 NES KOMERC UNIVERZAL PAKET FRIGOSAN 6,487,260 6,459,252 6,457,260 5,879,099 5,731,909 5,727,898 5,506,028 5,184,394 5,066,975 4,900,035 4,856,377 4,843,994 4,794,028 4,463,890 4,343,187 4,214,032 4,204,573 4,170,581 4,163,978 4,124,967 4,052,774 Tetovo Kumanovo Skopje Tetovo Skopje Struga Skopje Tetovo Skopje Debar Kumanovo Skopje Skopje Kumanovo Skopje Kumanovo Skopje Tetovo Tetovo Skopje Gostivar - - ↑ ↑ ↑ 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 86 68 58 87 78 37 64 32 48 24 9 63 - 67 44 75 49 19 35 78 23 54 - ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 53 72 61 66 67 33 21 82 - 74 98 88 43 25 59 83 - 41 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 VEZE SHARRI ZBUKURIMI BEN TRADE NEZIRI KOMERC MODING DRILON TRADE ADRIA SPORT ALBSIG ELEGANT KOMPANI JAJA EKSPRES ADRIALAB FRIGOBOKS FRUKT IMPORT 4,003,378 4,002,930 3,954,373 3,946,768 3,915,582 3,906,369 3,883,743 3,870,773 3,856,803 3,848,131 3,814,552 3,794,467 3,753,526 Tetovo Tetovo Skopje Skopje Tetovo Struga Tetovo Skopje Tetovo Ohrid Skopje Tetovo Skopje ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 20 88 41 91 36 16 70 46 31 52 Analyse for net profit Analyse for net profit A significant portion represents net profit category. Top 100 companies realize total net profit of MKD 1,853,730,895 or € 30,141,956, the average of net profit for these companies is MKD 18,537,709 or € 301,420. From TOP 100 biggest companies , 25 of them have realized net profit over € 300,000 , 10 entities have realized net profit over € 800,00 and 6 entities of them have realized net profit over € 1,000,000 (expressed in equivalent currencye in denar-MKD) MKD counter value in euro is calculated with middle course devisor €1=61.5den. Fifteen entities whith biggest net profit ( Currency MKD) 42 43 AGJENCIA PËR PËRKRAHJEN E NDËRMARRJEVE – TETOVË АГЕНЦИЈА ЗА ПОДДРШКА НА ПРЕТПРИЈАТИЈА – ТЕТОВО ENTERPRISE SUPPORT AGENCY -TETOVO Ju ofron shërbime: Ви нуди услуги: Offer the services: • Informata dhe këshilla afariste • Konsulencë afariste • Biznes plane • Projekte dhe programe investive • Trajnime afariste (fillestare dhe të avancuara) • Panaire dhe misione tregtare • Hulumtime dhe analiza ekonomike • Aplikacione për IPA fondet • Деловни информации и совети • Деловно консултатнтсво • Бизнис планови • Инвестициони проекти и програми • Деловни обуки (основни и напредни) • Саеми и трговски мисии • Истражувања и економски анализи • Апликации за ИПА фондови • Business advice and information • Business consultancy • Business planning • Investment projects and programes • Business training (basic nad advanced) • Fairs and trade mission • Research and economic analyses • Aplication for IPA funds UDHËRRËFYES I JUAJ PËR BIZNES TË SUKSESHËM ВАШ ПАТОКAЗ ЗА УСПЕШЕН БИЗНИС YOUR SIGNPOST TO SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS ESA TETOVO Ilindeska nn, (Blok 87), 1200 Tetovo Tel./fax: ++389 (0) 44 350 960 email: ; 44 SH.N.T.SH „ MODING“- Tetovë Rr. „Ilindenska“ p.Nr Tel: ++389 44 333 281 faks: ++389 44 350 283 e-mail: The name MODING represents 20 years of experience, professionalism and continuous modernization and a leading place among business circles in the last 20 years. Evidence for this are the numerous certificates and awards, while the continuous standardization is proved with the ISO standards quality certificate representing the main orientation of the company in order to satisfy costumer needs and offering comprehensive solutions. Today MODING is one of the few companies in the country, which enjoy great trust as specialists in construction and design of large public buildings especially public institutions, and modern residential and commercial buildings. The main activities of the Company as a group are: Moding Investment - private investment company with the construction of modern apartments and commercial buildings Moding design - mainly architecture and design Modign Trade - Retail and whole sale od construction works One of the main missions is also part of the ISO standardization for quality is to invest in the employees and young recruits through trainings and creating a working environment that is our slogan: We build the future 45 46 FRUKT IMPORT SH.P.K Str. Industrial Zone, Saraj, Skopje Phone: 02/2057-599, 075/216-335 E-mail: FRUKT IMPORT is the trade association, private, established in 1992, as an association with Limited Liability (SH.P.K). Main activity of this association is the import and distribution of food products and hygiene kits. They made food packaging: 4.5 kg sugar, 900g sugar, 800g sugar, bean 900g, rice 4kg, rice 900g and rice 450g. At the beginning they made the distribution of food from local factories, but in last time attempts to imports from abroad. Distributes sugar which is imported from factory Studen AGRANA from Bosnia and articles from Lublanska MLEKARNA of Slovenia, Kondisa of Bosnia, Pehar fluids from Serbia and Tango fluids from Kosovo. The company NPK ADRIJUS was established in July 1992, initially as a family business with two employees, who deal with the importation of bananas from Greece and Turkey. Over the years, the company manages to evolve and expand its activity starting with importing of more different kind of south fruits and several kinds of frozen meat. The company is located in 3 locations, including: the main office and depot in Saraj, second warehouse in Gostivar and auxiliary warehouse in the village Lloke, employing about 50 people. Over recent years the company has become the leader in the importation and distribution of bananas and some other species of south fruits, as well as all types of meat, including chicken products, beef, cow and fish. The company is the exclusive importer of several brands such as Bonita Chikita, Sadia, Perdix, Doux, Aurora, Perdigall Wiesnhof, Polskamp, Valastro and others. In the following years there is a strategy which envisaged development of import and as well as in distribution of more global brands. The company Adrijus is located in v. Krushopek in the Saraj municipality - Skopje and in the industrial zone Saraj. Contact: Tel / fax: 2056-107, Mob: 075-416-773 Email: 47 48 PROFESSIONALLY AND WITH PLEASURE WE UNDERSTAND YOUR NEED FOR QUALITY BANKING SERVICE WE KNOW THAT YOU DESERVE BETTER AND WE CONTINUE TO ADVANCE RELENTLESSELY EVERY DAY WE CARE FOR YOU AND HELP YOU TO DO ALL THE OBLIGATIONS IN ONE PLACE, QUICKLY AND SIMPLY Hotel New Star 49 Experience the Finest Hotel New Star has been exquisitely designed to provide remarkable guest rooms, fully technically equiped halls for seminars and conferences, and 3 exceptionally designed halls with capacities of 150, 300 and 600 guests for weddings and other events. Hotel New Star Ul. 2 Br. 160, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia Tel: 00 389 2 2600 333 / 00 389 2 2656 626 Fax: 00 389 2 2601 601 Email: 50 Employment (Number of employees) 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Name Number of MOTIVI EURO MEDIA DAUTI KOMERC ALMA M INSTALACIJA EKOLOG ALBSIG ALSAT M EURO AKTIVA VARDAR DOLOMIT PRINCE ENTERPRISE ZHITO INTEGRAL GEMAK TRADE GETRO IZVOR HULUSI KOMERC START AS 2000 IMPEKSEL 2 BAS TUTI FRUTI PALLMA TRADE UKA KOMERC DAUTI TRANSPORTSHPED VEZE SHARRI MOLIKA GUDALAT INSIG MAKEDONIJA AK INVEST AKTIFF RENOVA FATINA HIT 73 INTER MOBEL PESPA & ALBANIJA ALUMIN POFIKS BTC BIZNIS CENTAR DEBARSKI BANJI CAPA MEBEL LACHKA BURDEM PLASTIK UNIVERZAL KOMERC ADRIJUS employees 660 188 180 160 156 132 120 105 94 91 85 83 77 75 68 63 63 52 51 49 43 42 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 36 35 35 33 32 32 31 30 29 28 28 City Skopje Skopje Skopje Skopje Kichevo Tetovo Skopje Skopje Skopje Skopje Skopje Skopje Skopje Gostivar Skopje Kumanovo Kumanovo Gostivar Skopje Tetovo Skopje Skopje Tetovo Tetovo Gostivar Skopje Tetovo Skopje Tetovo Gostivar Tetovo Tetovo Gostivar Tetovo Skopje Debar Struga Skopje Skopje Skopje RANKING 2011 ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2010 2009 1 6 2 4 3 5 19 10 8 15 9 20 11 13 12 24 22 21 7 16 71 17 14 48 18 23 30 32 26 64 40 53 2 7 1 17 3 5 43 14 6 26 20 51 10 21 31 23 4 13 45 12 11 97 15 27 22 34 24 77 30 75 52 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 BUNAR PETROL DASH KOMERC ADRIALAB PEKON INTERPROMET SAHEM HROMOS NASIR TURIZAM EDUSOFT BASHKIM TOURS S B V KOMPANI MONDI KOMPANI INTER FANTAZIJA BIS OIL MODING FRUKT IMPORT KORP PROJEKT DIGIPS DE JURE METALEKS MAKSIT SENTIS AG EKOSHAR KORAB MERMER TRIM & LUM NABIZI HABIB TURIZAM CASEIFICIO CESARINA FLORENS FRIGOTEHNIKA 2000 NES KOMERC PERPARIMI GOLEC TRANS EL TRANS DEMIR IMPEKS S SEKURITAS M EURO PROEKT MEDINA TEKS - MEGA TRANS DIPLAST MONDI UNIJA FINANSISKA - UFS AGROKOMERC AGE AGRO PARTNER NEZIRI KOMERC 28 28 28 28 28 27 26 26 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 Gostivar Debar Skopje Tetovo Tetovo Gostivar Gostivar Skopje Tetovo Skopje Tetovo Tetovo Skopje Tetovo Skopje Kumanovo Debar Gostivar Tetovo Tetovo Tetovo Tetovo Gostivar Struga Struga Gostivar Gostivar Tetovo Tetovo Tetovo Kichevo Tetovo Gostivar Kumanovo Tetovo Tetovo Gostivar Debar Skopje Skopje Mavrovo Skopje ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 34 46 35 31 28 67 39 91 65 44 38 47 89 81 29 37 25 98 56 66 76 45 63 90 27 50 49 33 61 41 52 80 51 29 38 35 28 16 71 47 54 33 19 62 25 69 39 66 59 58 41 65 67 70 76 32 52 89 36 53 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 FRIGOTEHNIKA BEI KARTEL URBAN PLAN CONTSTRUCTION BEN TRADE BAJER SHARTEKS M BULA TRANS KOMERC UNIKONDOR SHPETIM KOMERC SELMAN TURIZAM SOPOT LIAL ROFIKS TV ERA ING LULI S PETROL MUSLI MARKET AGROPOLOG 19 19 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 Tetovo Gostivar Tetovo Skopje Kumanovo Tetovo Tetovo Kumanovo Gostivar Kumanovo Skopje Tetovo Tetovo Skopje Struga Gostivar Kumanovo Tetovo ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 94 78 57 74 96 68 42 95 59 86 60 88 93 46 55 83 82 78 44 Analyse for employment Obviously very important part of national economy is employment too. TOP 100 biggest entities in North -West region that have employed 0.93% of the total number of all employees in private sector in the country or 4534 employees, total employees in private sector are 487,437. But we should take in view of, that in many sectors there are also seasonal workers and they are in most of cases not registered. According to that, we can say that 12,000 albanian companies employe approximately 20% of private sector employees in Macedonia Fifteen entities that have the biggest number of employees 54 55 What are the „National Business Weeks“? National Business Weeks is an initiative of the Kosovo Business Alliance and its sister organizations in Albania, Kosovo, Preshevo, Bujanovac, Montenegro and Macedonia, which aims to increase the awareness of the population to consume quality domestic goods and not imported from foreign countries. These activities are starting from 17 February 2012 (Independence of the Republic of Kosovo) till 28 November 2012 (100th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Albania): • • • • • • • • • 14-15 March 2012, Tirana: National Business Weeks 04 April 2012, Prishtina: International Business Forum 17 April 2012, Prishtina: Roundtable on “100 years of the Albanian State” 19 April 2012, Skopje: Fair “Promoting domestic products and foreign investment” 20 April 2012, Skopje: Economic Forum “100 years in the spirit of national economic cooperation” 30 June 2012, Ulcinj: Fair “National business Weeks 2012 Ulcinj” 17 September 2012, Prishtina: Conference “10 years of the Kosovo Business Alliance” 20-24 September 2012, Tirana: Agrobusiness Fair 2012 31 October 2012, the Preshevo Valley: Fair “National Business Weeks” 56 as stability Your trust in the team of Stopanska bank has become a tradition that makes us proud. As a part of the NBG Group, we are in constant traction of the development trends in the world and we introduce innovative products and services for you and your business. It would be our great pleasure for this partnership to continue. 24 hour INFO CENTER: (02) 3100 109 STOPANSKA BANKA AD - SKOPJE member of NBG group On your side 57 Stopanska banka AD - Skopje as the leading bank in Macedonia has a long fruitful tradition on the market as the innovator and leader in banking products and services. The fact that Stopanska banka cooperates with every family, every second company, has disbursed every third housing loan and every third credit card is a supporting proof of the devotion that the Bank has towards its clients and the market. 66 years after its founding Stopanska banka has: • Strong capital base constantly available to the profitable projects of the business community and the creditworthy retail clients • Highest market share in retail loans and deposits due to the diversified portfolio of products and many added values • The widest branch network with 68 locations and a sophisticated service model that is client focused and entails dedicated branch employees per client segment. Also the Bank opened 3 business centers that are devoted entirely to the cooperation with corporate clients and facilitate them when selecting a banking product, portfolio or services • Introduced alternative services of ATMs as of November 2010 - bill payments, fund transfers, mini statements and mobile phone top-up. The Bank continues to develop additional alternative channels in order to become more available to its clients • The leading role in the country at promoting responsible corporate governance principles The success of Stopanska banka AD - Skopje, as member of the international financial group NBG-National Bank of Greece, is a result of the application of the highest international standards of good corporate governance and prudent banking operations, the monitoring of technological trends, the determination to be as close to the needs of its clients as possible through widespread network of Sub-branches in combination with easily accessible distribution channels, as well as through complete dedication of the employees of the Bank. The tradition, experience and knowledge, accompanied with the created confidence, represent all the more reasons for Stopanska banka AD - Skopje to be accepted from clients and international institutions as sound, dynamic and innovative bank, recognizable by its modern banking products and its modern branches. With its activity, Stopanska banka AD - Skopje thrives to directly contribute to the development of the society and the domestic economy, through its support provided for the citizens and the Macedonian companies in the domestic and international markets, and through its firm determination to consistently comply with the principles of corporate social responsibility in the domain of human and workers rights, ecological standards and the fight against corruption. The awards that Stopanska banka receives annually from renown institutions such as Euromoney, Finance Central Europe, Deutsche Bank and so on are the fruit of the hard work and dedication of our employees for which we are both proud and grateful. It would be our great pleasure for this partnership to continue. 24 hour INFO CENTER: (02) 3100 109 STOPANSKA BANKA AD - SKOPJE member of NBG group On your side 58 TOP 10 most sucessfull Albanian companies based on three categories – turnover, net – profit and employment. 59 Nr Name of Company Rank Rank Rank Net Turnover Profit/ Point Employment /Point /Point Total Points 1. Alma M 5/96 3/98 4/97 291 2. Gemak 1/100 1/100 13/88 289 3. Euro Aktiva 2/99 6/95 9/92 286 4. Vardar Dollomit 9/92 7/94 10/91 277 5. Dauti Komerc 4/97 23/78 3/98 273 6. Prince Enterprise 11/90 12/89 11/90 269 7. Bas Tuti Fruti 8/93 9/92 19/82 267 8. Pofix 14/87 2/99 34/67 253 9. Adrijus 7/94 5/96 40/61 251 26/75 26/75 15/86 236 10. Izvor Methodology of ranking or selection of TOP 10 In each category is applied scoring system, to the first company in the ranking of any of the categories are given 100 points, to the second 99 and so follows. The scores are collected from the three categories and after that we made the selection . This ranking method is used by most international renowned institutions. Top 100 2012