Summer Portfolio 2016


Summer Portfolio 2016
Summer Portfolio 2016
This booklet contains information about training,
development groups and some key provision on offer from
The Pilot Partnership this term.
It is not exhaustive and there are new opportunities that will
become available as the term progresses.
We are a not for profit social enterprise and support our costs
by membership subscriptions and trading in services that offer
excellent value and good quality innovative provision.
Some schools use part of their Pupil Premium to buy
membership. Those wishing to enquire about becoming
members are welcome to contact us.
Non-member schools are very welcome to buy any services
that are not ring-fenced for members.
If there is anything that you would like to attend then please
fill in the forms on the back of the fliers, fax on 0121 675 8698
or give us a ring on 0121 675 8697.
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Contact Louise Edwards
or Gill Sochon
0121 675 8697
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Schedule of HT & Partner Meetings
Partners’ Meetings with HT attendance from designated
9:45-11:45 (includes tour of host school)
1.Colebourne: Stuart Guest
2.Hillstone: Gill Sparrow
Head Teachers’
meetings at The Pump
3. Shirestone: Nadeem Bashir
Venue: TBC
Chair: Charlotte Linforth
1.Gossey Lane : (Ashley Winters)
2.Lea Forest: Hilary Thompson
All Head Teachers
All Head Teachers
3. Our Lady’s: Mary Johnson
Reserve: Hallmoor: Stuart Cameron/ Scott Harper
Venue: Lea Forest
Chair: Jill Saunders
Stakeholder Annual General Meeting- All Members & Partners asked to attend: Wednesday 23.11.2016—10:00
1.The Oval: Joanne Harris
2.Timberley: Maggie Rose
3. Brownmead: Ashley Winters
Reserve: Hillstone: Gill Sparrow
Venue: TBC
Chair: Andy Holding
1.Lea Forest Hilary Thompson
2.Colebourne: Stuart Guest
All Head Teachers
All Head Teachers
3. Gossey Lane: New Head Teacher
Reserve: Shirestone: Nadeem Bashir
Venue: TBC
Chair: Charlotte Linforth
1.Our Lady’s Mary Johnson
2.Hallmoor: Stuart Cameron/Scott Harper
3. The Oval: Joanne Harris
Reserve: Maggie Rose
Venue: TBC
Chair: Jill Saunders
Additional HTs may be asked to attend partners’ meetings from time to time if required e.g. Fund Holding School
Bursars and Business Managers’
An opportunity for School Business Managers, Bursars and
Administrators to network, gain moral support and share
good practice in facing the many challenges of the ever
changing school office! The Group is suitable for both
Maintained Schools and Academies.
The first meeting of the new financial year is to take place
on Thursday 7th July, 2016 from
11.30 a.m.-1.00 p.m. with lunch included.
Agendas will include topical items, requests from
members and feedback from the Birmingham Association of
School Business Management. If you would be interested in
hosting a meeting in the future to share good practice on
procedures such as safeguarding in your school, please
contact Gill Sochon.
Venue: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Dates: Thursday 7th July, Thursday 1st December 2016 and Thursday 30th March 2017
11.30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Cost: TPP members: Free; non-members: £30
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Bursars and Business Managers’
Thursday 7th July, Thursday 1st December, 2016 and
Thursday 30th March, 2017
11.30-1 p.m. (lunch Included)
Please book _________ place(s) for the above Network.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
Cancellation charges apply
Development Group
TPP are pleased to announce the launch of our
brand new Safeguarding Development Group, aimed
at supporting Safeguarding Leads in Secondary,
Primary and Special Schools.
The Group will meet termly with Matt Sparling,
Safeguarding Adviser and Trainer, who will provide
safeguarding updates and CPD at each meeting.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday 3rd May 2016 1.30-4:00pm
Venue: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Date(s): Tuesday 3rd May 2016, Tuesday 22nd November 2016 and Tuesday 7th
February 2017, 1:30-4:00pm
Cost: TPP members: £150; non-members: £300 (for 3 meetings)
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Safeguarding Development Group
Tuesday 3rd May 2016, Tuesday 22nd November 2016 and
Tuesday 7th February 2017, 1:30-4:00pm
Please book _________ place(s) for the above Development Group.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
Early Years Practitioners’
Development Group
This development group is facilitated by Eileen Swan, an
Early Years specialist. It is an opportunity for Early Years
practitioners to network and share good practice and
challenges across the Early Years Foundation Stage. At
£50 per session (£100 for non-members) the cost
represents excellent value to the schools participating in
this quality provision. Suitable for Primary and Special
Next Meeting:Thursday 12th May, 2016, 1.00—3.30 p.m.
This meeting will include a session on moderation
of writing—delegates will be invited to bring
samples of writing along for discussion.
Venue: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Dates: Thursday 12th May, Wednesday 5th October, 2016 and
Tuesday 31st January, 2017 1.00-3.30 p.m.
Cost: TPP members: £150; non-members: £300
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Early Years Practitioners’ Development Group
Thursday 12th May, Wednesday 5th October, 2016 and
Tuesday 31st January, 2017 1.00-3.30 p.m.
Please book _________ place(s) for the above Development Group.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
New years
ICT Development Group
Get help and support implementing the computing
curriculum including practical workshops
3 meetings per year to keep you informed of the
changing world of ICT in schools—suitable for Primary
and Special Schools
Review and update your policies through a friendly,
collaborative network
Share ideas and best practice with other
ICT co-ordinators
Next Meeting:
Friday 10th June 2016, 1:30-4:00 pm
Venue: to be confirmed
Dates: Friday 10th June 2016, Friday 7th October 2016 and Friday 3rd February 2017,
1:30-4:00 pm
Cost: TPP members: £150; non-members: £300 covers whole financial year
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
ICT Development Group
Dates for New Year:
Friday 10th June 2016 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Friday 7th October 2016 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Friday 3rd February 2017 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Please book _________ place(s) for the above Development Group.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
ICT Technical Support Services for
Primary and Special Schools
Troubleshoot and Diagnose Problems
PC / Network Maintenance
Server / PC installations
Server Virtualisation
Network Optimisation
If you would like to discuss your issues or arrange a consultation please
Cost: TPP members: £170 Half Day, Non-TPP Members £245 Half Day.
Some bespoke pricing available dependant on needs.
For places please contact:
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
ICT Technical Support Services
We are enquiring about:
[ ] Regular technical support
[ ] One-off / additional support
Please include any additional queries:
School / organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
Bespoke ICT CPD for
the Primary Curriculum
Computing / ICT Skills Auditing
Tailored Training Programmes
1-to-1 Training / Support
Also suitable for Special School colleagues
If you are interested in discussing possible training opportunities please contact:
Cost: dependant on needs
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Building Computing and ICT Skills
in your Primary or Special School
In your school you may be wondering where to find the training
necessary for your staff.
We at The Pilot Partnership want to help you by providing
quality training in areas you typically find you need to improve.
Please forward requests for any other areas from which you
feel your school would benefit. Examples are:
Training for Computing Leaders
Running a Coding Club
Building Apps for mobile devices
Training for Teaching Staff
Understanding and delivering the Computing Curriculum
Training for Office /Support Staff
Basic ICT skills
Office Applications
Cost: subject to needs
For info please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Building Computing and ICT Skills
in your School
Register your interest in:
Curriculum Leaders Training
Running a Coding Club
Building Apps for mobile devices
Teaching Staff
Understanding and delivering the Computing Curriculum
Support Staff
Basic ICT skills
Office Applications
School / organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
Strategic ICT Support and Guidance
for Primary and Special Schools
Upgrade / Migration and Future Planning
Planning / Implementing the New Primary
Computing Curriculum
Hardware / Software Recommendations
Network Optimisation
If you would like to discuss your issues or arrange a consultation please
Cost: TPP members: £170 Half Day, Non-TPP Members £245 Half Day.
Pricing packages available for bespoke projects.
Please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Strategic ICT Support and Guidance
Please outline your request below:
School / organisation: _______________________
Cancellation charges apply
NQT & RQT 10 Day Training Programme
Autumn Term 2015
14th September: NQT Target Setting, Role of the Mentor, Teachers' Standards, Channels of Support
15th September : Safeguarding & Child Protection, Classroom Management, Behaviour Management
20th October : Working with Parents, Working with Support Staff, Time Management, Work/Life Balance
8th December : Planning, Learning Styles, Creativity in the Curriculum
Spring Term 2016
19th January: Literacy – Visiting Presenter, Ofsted
23rd February : Maths —Visiting Presenter, Statutory Assessments
22nd March : Differentiation & Personalisation, Assessment & Marking
Summer Term 2016
Tuesday 17th May : ICT—Visiting Presenter, Report Writing, Health & Safety, Educational Visits
Tuesday 7th June : EAL—Visiting Presenter, Writing Moderation, Medical Needs
Tuesday 5th July : Subject Leadership, Career Paths
Proposed Dates for School Visits: (Training to finish at 2:00pm on these days and NQTs to then visit
schools from 2:30pm.)
19th January 2016
23rd February 2016
22nd March 2016
Venue: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Date(s): As above
Cost: Individual remaining days can still be booked: TPP members: £100 Non
Members: £200
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
NQT & RQT 10 Day Training Programme
Tuesday 17th May
Tuesday 7th June
Tuesday 5th July
Please book _________ place(s) for the above training day(s). (Please tick
dates required.)
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
New years
Maths Development Group
Suitable for those staff with a responsibility for the leadership of
Maths in Primary Schools and Special Schools.
A termly meeting facilitated by a leading
consultant in Maths, Ian Teffer.
These vibrant and popular sessions include CPD,
leadership development and focus on looking at the
current educational agenda for Primary School Mathematics.
Dates for New Year:
Wednesday 15th June 2016 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Thursday 13th October 2016 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Tuesday 28th February 2017 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Venue: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Date(s): see above
Cost: TPP members: £150; non-members: £300 covers whole financial year
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Maths Development Group
Wednesday 15th June 2016 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Thursday 13th October 2016 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Tuesday 28th February 2017 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Please book _________ place(s) for the above Development Group.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
New years
Literacy Development Group
Suitable for those who have a responsibility to lead in English
and literacy in Primary Schools and Special Schools
A termly meeting facilitated by a leading
consultant in literacy, Stephanie Austwick, from the
Professional Literacy Company. New members welcome!
Dates for New Year:
Tuesday 14th June 2016 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Tuesday 4th October 2016 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Friday 10th February 2017 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Venue: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Dates: as above
Cost: TPP members: £150; non-members: £300 covers whole financial year
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Literacy Development Group
Tuesday 14th June 2016 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Tuesday 4th October 2016 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Friday 10th February 2017 from 1:30-4:00 pm
Please book _________ place(s) for the above Development Group.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
Media Literacy Development Group
This Development Group offers opportunities for Primary and
Special School staff CPD in varieties of media and joint media
based pupil projects, which target areas of the curriculum in an
innovative way
Current Project : ‘Roving Reporters’ - a group
news reel from our group of young journalists
New Project: ‘Radio Pilot’ - Schools in this
group will be able to work with Reel Access to
develop radio plays as we launch our Pilot Radio
channel: ‘Pilot Airwaves’.
Dates for New Year:
Tuesday 21st June 2016 from 2:30-4:00 pm
Tuesday 15th November 2016 from 2:30-4:00 pm
Venue: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Dates: as above
Cost: TPP members: £150; non-members: £300 covers whole financial year
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Media Literacy Development Group
Tuesday 21st June 2016 from 2:30-4:00 pm
Tuesday 15th November 2016 from 2:30-4:00 pm
Tuesday 7th March 2017 from 2:30-4:00 pm
Please book _________ place(s) for the above Development Group.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
Deputy & Assistant Headteacher
Development Group
An opportunity to meet with other Deputy and
Assistant Headteachers to discuss the challenges of
leadership, the current educational agenda and to
gain a bit of moral support!
The Group meets 4 times a year, and sessions
include tours of local schools, with discussion around
individual school challenges and priorities. Agenda
items are suitable for Leaders in both Primary and
Special Schools.
Next Meeting:
Monday 6th June 2016, 1.30-3:30pm
Venue: To be confirmed
Dates: Monday 6th June 2016, 17th October 2016, Monday 5th December 2016 and
Monday 6th March 2017, 1:30-3:30pm
Cost: TPP members: £200; non-members: £400 (for 4 meetings)
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Deputy & Assistant Headteacher
Development Group
Monday 6th June 2016, Monday 17th October 2016,
Monday 5th December 2016 and Monday 6th March 2017, 1:30-3:30pm
Please book _________ place(s) for the above Development Group.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
Development Group
SENCOs and Inclusion Managers are invited to join our SEND
Development Group.
The Group meets 3 times a year and aims to offer discussion
platforms, practice development and CPD for those who attend. Visits
to specialist settings will be undertaken whenever possible.
Participants may be requested to complete some gap tasks.
Next Meeting:
Monday 16th May 2016 9.30-11:00am
This meeting will take place at Hallmoor School, where participants
will have the opportunity to observe English and Maths lessons
for a class of pupils with ASC.
Venue for first meeting only : Hallmoor School, 50 Scholars Gate, Birmingham B33 0DL
Date(s): Monday 16th May 2016, Tuesday 8th November 2016 and Monday 13th
February 2017, 9:30-11:00am
Cost: TPP members: £150; non-members: £300 (for 3 meetings)
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
SEND Development Group
Monday 16th May 2016, Tuesday 8th November 2016 and Monday 13th
February 2017, 9:30-11:00am.
Please book _________ place(s) for the above Development Group.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
Training for Subject Leaders
TPP is provisionally planning to run a training day, during
Summer 2016, and would welcome expressions of interest at
this time. Suitable for Primary and Special Schools.
The training will engage staff in the following elements:
the core purpose of a Subject Leader
self evaluation and reflection
subject monitoring and evaluation
policy development
planning for improvement / writing action plans
resource and budget management
This CPD was last provided in Spring 2012.
Course venue: The Pump
Date(s): To be confirmed
Cost: TPP members: £100; non-members: £200
For expressions of interest please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Training for Subject Leaders
I am interested in receiving a booking form for the above training session.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
Promoting Inclusion
This training session will focus on how to promote positive
relationships within a learning, caring and inclusive school
The session will be led by Lucie Danyi, a highly experienced
SEND Advisory Teacher. Lucie will guide you through the
process of creating a positive and purposeful climate,
characterised by mutual respect and trust. She will also
provide you with practical advice and tips on preparing the
school environment for new pupils, and supporting parents in
the induction process.
Target Audience: Inclusion Managers, SENCOs, Pastoral
Leaders, Senior Learning Mentors
Course venue: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Date(s): Monday 13th June 2016, 1:30-3:00pm
Cost: TPP members: £50; non-members: £100
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Promoting Inclusion
Monday 13th June 2016, 1:30 -3:00pm
Please book _________ place(s) for the above training session.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
Supporting Children
with Autism Spectrum Condition
Come along to an ASC workshop to be inspired on
how to teach children with ASC, and for advice on
how to manage challenging
The session will include practical advice and tips
from Wendy Sullivan, a teacher at Hallmoor School,
who has a wealth of experience on this subject.
The training session will be held in Wendy’s
classroom, to enable participants to observe first
hand, a classroom set up to support pupils with ASC.
Course venue: Hallmoor School, Scholars Gate, Birmingham B33 0DL
Date(s): Monday 18th April 2016, 1:30-3:00pm
Cost: TPP members: £50; non-members: £100
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Supporting Children
with Autism Spectrum Condition
Monday 18th April 2016, 1:30 -3:00pm
Please book _________ place(s) for the above training session.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
Training for Designated
Safeguarding Leads
TPP is delighted to present a one day DSL Training
course, which has been developed in line with the
statutory guidance within, ‘Keeping Children Safe in
Education’ documentation.
Course Presenter: Matt Sparling
Matt is an independent Safeguarding Adviser and
Mentor, with a wealth of knowledge and experience
in this field.
Target Audience: Staff or Governors, at Primary,
Secondary or Special Schools, with responsibility for
Course venue: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Date(s): Tuesday 26th April 2016, 9:00am-5:30pm
Cost: TPP members: £125; non-members: £200
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Training for Designated
Safeguarding Leads
Tuesday 26th April 2016, 9:00am-5:30pm
Please book _________ place(s) for the above training day.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
Training for Lunchtime Supervisors
TPP is provisionally planning to run a two hour training session during
Summer 2016, and would welcome expressions of interest at this time
from Primary or Special Schools.
The training will engage staff in the following elements:
behaviour management
how to talk with children who demonstrate challenging behaviour
during lunchtimes
the importance of play
examples of simple games and activities
successful organisation of games, following the STEP model (space,
time, equipment, people)
This CPD was last provided in Spring 2014.
Course venue: To be confirmed
Date(s): To be confirmed
Cost: TPP members: £25 non-members: £40
For expressions of interest please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Training for Lunchtime Supervisors
I am interested in receiving a booking form for the above training session.
Delegate name and email address for contact:
School /organisation: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
Contact Louise Edwards
or Gill Sochon
0121 675 8697
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Maths for Life
It’s time for the final event of Maths for Life!
Schools in this project will be able to bring along a Year 6
team of able mathematicians to an inter-school challenge
Please ensure you let Pilot Partnership know of your
intention to bring a team in order that you receive your
further instructions for the morning.
Date: Thursday June 23rd a.m.
Venue: Hillstone School
Event venue: Hillstone School
Date(s): June 23rd morning
Cost: TPP members: free if already in this project
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
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Citizenship for Life 2015-2016
(Information only for those already taking part)
This academic year programme is aimed at promoting Citizenship at a
class, whole school and inter-school level.
Expert input is provided and for each participating school the
programme will include:
A termly half day Citizenship lesson for a class of Year 5 or Year 6
pupils. (Dates to be arranged with individual schools)
Termly attendance for up to 6 pupils per class, at a half day interschool ‘Young Citizens Action Group’. Pupils will work on a project
over the course of the year, led by Helen Grundy, Health Education
YCAG dates Monday 30th November 2015, Tuesday 9th February 2016
and Monday 20th June 2016)
YCAG venue: Timberley Academy, Bradley Road, Birmingham B34 7RL
Date: Monday 20th June 2016, 9:30-11:30am
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Science: Physics Partnership
Programme for summer 2016:
Science Fair projects to be given as homework task
over Easter
11th-15th April Science Fair week– judging to take
place for winning teams
Final at King Edward’s Five Ways Tuesday 19th April–
transport arrangements will be communicated
Rocket competition June (exact date tbc) - final at
Timberley Academy
Planning Meeting for Science Leaders of this group
Tuesday 28th June, 2016
Venues: Varied– individual contact will be made
Date(s): as above
Cost: TPP members only—£150 to cover whole academic year
For places please contact:
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Sports Partnership Summer 2016
These summer league events are for members only:
Swimming gala date tbc (host King Edward’s School)
Rounders Wednesday 15th June (host Brownmead
Kwik Cricket Friday 10th June (host Brownmead
Quad Kids Athletics Tuesday 5th July (host Timberley
Suitable for all member schools including Special
Dates: as indicated
Cost: TPP members: free– schools to organise own transport
For places please contact:
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Arts Festival 2016
This year’s festival will again be at
Birmingham Repertory Theatre
Final date to be confirmed– please register interest
In celebration of the Olympics 2016 we shall be
adopting the theme of ‘Hands around the World’
Member schools will be invited to perform an item
linked to that theme.
A full briefing for this event will be an integral part
of the Summer Events briefing on :
Monday 16th May, 2016 at 2pm
Briefing will include final date and rehearsal materials
Venue for Briefing Session: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Date: Briefing session Monday 16th May, 2016
Cost: TPP members: free– schools to organise own transport to festival
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Expression of Interest for Arts Festival
School /organisation: _______________________________ would like to
take part in the annual TPP Arts Fest ‘Hands Around the World’.
We would like to bring ___________________________ pupils (TPP will
confirm actual allowance but will try and accommodate wishes).
Lead contact for this event_______________________________
Contact email:_______________________________
Summer 2016 Events
The following events are free and ring-fenced to member
schools only
Events and Festival briefing 16th May 2:00 p.m.*
Art Competition Deadline 6th June*
Spelling Bee Years 2 & 3 14th June a.m.
Call My Bluff Year 4,5 & 6 14th June p.m.*
Countdown for KS1 21st June a.m.
Countdown for KS2 21st June p.m.
Film Competition Deadline 21st June *
‘24’ G&T Maths competition Y4,5&6 28th June a.m.
Cooperative Count game SEN all age 28th June p.m.*
Arts Festival—final date to be confirmed June/July*
There are also a series of sporting events taking place
*Events suitable for Special Schools
Venue for Briefing: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Date: as above
Cost: TPP members: FREE
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Summer Events 2016
Register of Interest in Events– Please note those interested in any events should
attend the briefing session on 16th May at The Pump where resources and further
information will be distributed
Please tick:
Art Competition _______________
Spelling Bee Years 2 & 3 _______________
Call My Bluff Year 4,5 & 6 _______________
Countdown for KS1 _______________
Countdown for KS2 _______________
Film Competition _______________
‘24’ G&T Maths competition Y4,5&6 _______________
Cooperative Count game SEN all age _______________
Arts Festival _______________
School ____________________
Lead Contact _______________________
Cancellation charges apply
Learning Away
This is a members only provision
Willesley Residential: ‘Lights, Camera, Action’
Scriptwriter visit
Residential Dates
Brownmead Monday 23rd May a.m.
George Morrell
22nd-24th June 2016
Monday 9th May a.m.
George Morrell
8th-10th June 2016
Friday 20th May a.m.
Keith Bloomfield
15th-17th June 2016
Thurs 19th May a.m.
Keith Bloomfield
13th-15th June 2016
Your scriptwriter will contact you prior to their visit.
Next year’s residential offers will be out to members in
the summer term.
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Limited places available
for September 2016
Contact Louise Edwards
or Gill Sochon
0121 675 8697
Read to Reel : Commencing
Autumn 2016
This programme was very successful last year and has been brought back to offer it
to our schools again. It is suitable for Primary and Special Schools.
The programme focuses on engaging children to write via the use of film focusing on the
translation of text to screen via the careful selection of key aspects of the text.
Includes CPD for staff
The children will work with an education film company to make a movie trailer of a
favourite book
Half day script writing with Reel Access for pupils
Gap task- acting / props / costumes
1 Day filming for pupils
Half day professional edit
Half day staff CPD in film making techniques
Screening of trailers at the MAC (does not cover transport)
Copy of finished films
Costs are by how many classes you wish to sign up:
Members: £495 per class; Non Members: £675 per class
Course venue: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Date(s): CPD tba—other dates arranged with schools
Cost: TPP members: £495; non-members: £675
For places please contact:
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Read to Reel : Commencing Autumn 2016
Please book in the following school for this project
School / organisation: _______________________________
Please tick the number of classes in your school that you wish to
purchase the provision for:
1 class ____;
2 classes ____;
3 classes ____;
4 classes ____;
5 classes ____;
6 classes ____;
7 classes ____;
8 classes ____;
9 classes ____;
10 classes ____;
11 classes ____;
12 classes ____;
13 classes ____;
14 classes ____;
15 classes ____;
More classes than above: ______; Member: ______ Non-Member _______
Names of staff attending CPD
Cancellation charges apply
Suitable for Primary and Special Schools
We are pleased to give advanced notice of our fifth cohort of
NQT and RQT places for Induction
Group size is limited and so booking places is advised even if
names are not yet secure.
Themes covered throughout the 10 day programme will include:
NQT Target Setting, Role of the Mentor, Teachers' Standards, Channels of Support
Classroom Management, Behaviour Management
Working with Parents, Working with Support Staff, Time Management, Work/Life
Planning, Learning Styles, Creativity in the Curriculum
Safeguarding and Child Protection, Maths, ICT, EAL and Literacy with visiting
Differentiation & Personalisation, Assessment & Marking
Report Writing, Health & Safety, Educational Visits
Subject Leadership, Career Paths
Visits to partner schools to view alternative settings
Course venue: The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Date(s): 2 days in September followed by one per month
Cost of full programme TPP members: £950; non-members £1000. Alternatively individual dates can
be booked at costs of TPP Members £100; Non-Members £200
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
September 2016-17 provision
Please book _________________places for this provision.
Names if known:
Name of lead person at school: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply
‘Numerical Odyssey’ Commencing
September 2016
The children will journey through time completing a themed Maths challenge half day
session along each part of the voyage. The programme is suitable for Primary and
Special Schools.
Y3-6 Children are the focus of the project. The offer could be to either a single year group or across the
school taking a different year group for each part of the “voyage”.
Where schools are rated “good ”, OFSTED is focusing more and more on Maths being integrated across
the curriculum and this would be one example of such an activity.
The Package Includes:
CPD for staff that links activities in the Numerical Odyssey into the new national
A termly workshop for children with a themed Maths quest- provided by Ian Teffer .
Quests include: Romans (year 3,4 or 5), Egyptians (years 3,4, or 5) , Greeks (years 5
or 6)
Course venue: CPD at The Pump, 286 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33 9SB
Date(s): to be arranged with schools
Cost: TPP members: Cost: TPP members: £375 1 f.e. ; £700 2 f.e. ; £775 3 f.e.;
non-members: £625 1 f.e. ; £850 2 f.e. ; £1200 3 f.e. ;
For places please contact:;
Fax response on reverse: 675 8698 or phone: 675 8697
Numerical Odyssey
September 2016-17 provision
Please book __________________________school onto this provision.
Please tick school size:
1 form entry
2 form entry
3 form entry
Name of lead person at school: _______________________________
Cancellation charges apply