july 2015


july 2015
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China Intercontinental Press
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july 2015
that’s Shanghai
《城市漫步》上海版 英文月刊
主管单位 : 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室
Supervised by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China
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July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
That’s Shanghai has been audited by ABC.
Publisher’s statement: July 2015
print run: 60,000
Editor's Note
In a place like China, change is a constant. The country is undergoing relentless transformation. Our
very own city is ever-evolving – restaurants close,
new bars open, buildings are built in the span of a
few months and, just as quickly, torn down to make
space for the new. Nothing, you soon find out living in
Shanghai, is permanent.
Change is the topic of our cover story this month. On
page 58, Dr. Jonathan Chatwin revisits the I Ching,
known in English as the Book of Changes – China’s
oldest philosophical text – and attempts to explore
its influence on modern Chinese society. In the spirit
of Gonzo journalism, our Beijing’s colleague Oscar
Holland tries to stick to and act by its teachings for a
whole 24 hours, while That's Beijing editor-in-chief
Steve George and our city editor Erik Crouch pay a
visit to local fortune-tellers in both the capital and
Shanghai – with varying degrees of success.
On page 15, Erik and Tongfei Zhang follow the lives
of the city’s blind, and talk to them about the many
changes – again – that have reformed being visually
impaired in the PRC.
In the Lifestyle section, I’ve profiled some of the most
stylish ladies in Shanghai (p28) – women who are
signposts for the evolution of fashion in our bustling
On page 46, Andrew Chin talks to Linkin Park about
being the world’s ‘biggest rock band’, and then to a
whole bunch of other bands playing gigs in Shanghai
this month. Thought summer was a slow season for
artsy stuff? Think again. The Arts section is pretty
packed full with events, theater performances and
shows set to keep you busy and cultured for the
whole of July.
As for our mouth-watering Eat&Drink section,
Betty Richardson tracks down the best kept-secret
omakase sushi restaurants across town on page 70
and chats with Jamie Barys of Untour on page 81
about her latest project and Shanghai’s best street
Speaking of top-eats: the voting site for our upcoming
Food&Drink Awards is up and running, and waiting
for all of you to cast your votes and pick the city’s best
restaurants, bars, clubs, whisky bars, cafes, brunches,
business lunches (I could go on forever, there are just
too many choices). Go to vote.thatsmags.com now
and get voting.
Until next time,
Marianna Cerini,
Bon Jovi
For more than three decades, Jon Bon Jovi and his loyal Jersey crew
have truly “seen a million and faces rocked them all.” However,
Mainland China is one land they have yet to conquest; a situation
that gets rectified on September 14 when they bring their world
tour to the Mercedes Benz Arena. Be a part of history and sing
along to their numerous anthems from ‘Living on a Prayer’ to ‘It’s
My Life.’ Tickets are available on Damai and Smart Ticket in the
RMB480/680/980/1,480/2,580 range but we will be giving away a
pair of tickets on our WeChat. For details and your chance to win, add
Thats_Shanghai or scan the QR code.// Sep 14, 8pm, RMB480-2,580. Mercedes-Benz
Arena, 1200 Shibo Da Dao, by Yaohua Lu 世博大道1200号, 近耀华路 (400 610 3721, en.damai.cn)
RMB250 Sherpas voucher p12, UME tickets p44,
tickets to twenty one
pilots p45, Linkin Park
p47, OK Go p48, Braids
p49, Fifi Rong p49,
Future Gaze p49, Laura
Fygi p49, Encore Live
p50, Echoes of Eternity
p52, 4.48 Psychosis p56,
Luxury Chinese tea
ceremony for six p68,
Summer on Smash tickets p86, Martin Eyerer
tickets p86, Riviera
10th Year Anniversary
Pool Party tickets p87,
DJ Paypal tickets p87,
Kotelett & Zadak tickets
p87, Jonathan Kite tickets
p94, Matt Davis tickets
p95, Shanghai memories
lunch voucher for two
for Yi Café’s p98
Linkin Park
Dubbed by Kerrang as “the biggest rock band on the planet,”
California’s Linkin Park has certainly found a home on the
Mainland. They’re coming back for a third time packing stadiums across five cities including Hongkou Stadium on July
22. Although they’re currently working on a new record set
for a 2016 release, the band will surely play plenty ofblazing
tracks from last summer’s The Hunting Party and immortal
hits like ‘In the End’ from early classics like Hybrid Theory.
Stay tuned to www.thatsmags.com/shanghai for how to win
tickets to the show.// July 22, 8pm, RMB200-1,800. Hongkou Football Stadium, 444 Dong Jiangwan Lu, by Sichuan
Bei Lu 东江湾路444号, 近四川北路 (4008 101 887, www.228.com.cn)
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Hourly updates on news, current affairs
and general weirdness from around
Shanghai and China.
15 SS Kiangya
Shanghai’s most infamous – and
deadly – shipwreck.
16 Sightless citizens
Dancing, Taobao-ing and taking
selfies while blind in Shanghai.
20 Mapping China
Sometimes, it’s best to let the
cartographers take the wheel.
26 Beachwear edit
Forget the bikini body nonsense
and get yourself into our top-pick
28 Ladies in style
Meet (and copy) some of Shanghai’s
best dressed ladies.
38 Eating Korea
We go beyond fried chicken and
beer to charter South Korea’s varied
53 Old Dogs
No singer, no problem: Goushen
refuses to break up.
54 The next generation
Tian Hui continues the Mei Langfang
line of Peking opera greats.
56 Mental Break
The Shanghai Dramatic Theatre gets
inside Sarah Kane’s head.
70 Itadakimasu!
The city’s finest omakase sushi
74 New restaurants
Lobsters, burgers, foie gras bonbons,
Indonesian and Italian.
81 The street life
Shanghai street food queen Jamie
Barys shares five all-time favorites.
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
The wrap
Divining our path
We put our trust in the I Ching, China’s know-all, tell-some spiritual classic.
Take a look at the quirky results of
BEAN Shanghai's photo scavenger
“They’re the least safe place in
the world! They’re everywhere,
but they don’t help – they
are covered by bikes and
-Zhang Zhenyu, a blind piano tuner, on the state of
Shanghai’s “mang dao,” the concrete bumps on the
sidewalk meant to help the city’s blind. p16
july 4-5
july 9-11
All month
KTGA Tribal Fest
Jonathan Kite
Shanghai Memories
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
July 22
linkin park
hongkou football stadium
what's on
in July
july 30
real madrid vs ac Milan
shanghai stadium
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
july 30-31
echoes of eternity
shanghai grand
july 9-11
jonathan kite
the pearl
july 3 fri
JUly 9 thurs
Fusion p86
Yuyintang p49
JUly 17 fri
dj krush
JUly 17-18 fri-sat
matt davis
MAO Livehouse p87
The Camel p95
july 26 sun
encore live
july 28 Tues
twenty one
The Mixing Room p50
QSW Culture Center p45
july 30-aug 2 thurssun
china joy
Shanghai New International
Expo Centre p96
july 31 fri
ok go
QSW Culture Center p48
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
tales of the city
BY erik crouch
n the middle of last month,
a peculiar thing happened
– Shanghai, a city normally
made of concrete, asphalt and
steel, was abruptly made of
Rainfall in some areas
passed 200 millimeters (7.8
inches), turning some particularly unlucky roads into veritable canals. The rains wrought
havoc on infrastructure – roads,
sidewalks and parks combined
to form lakes, and public busses
heaved through flooded streets
like arks (albeit with pairs of
animals replaced by groups of
Shanghainese ayis).
This is hardly the first time
that our fair city has delved
into the murky depths. While
June’s floods were nothing to
scoff at (something that’s hard
to do through a snorkel, anyways) they were mere puddles
compared to the perfect storm
that hit Shanghai in October,
2013, when two typhoons and
an unexpectedly high tide in the
Huangpu conspired to drown
the city. Several metro stations
were flooded, busses became
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
The Great
Shanghai submerged
trapped in the middle of streets
and large buildings – including
some universities – were so inundated that firefighters had to
come by and pump them out.
The situation was not as dire
last month – the main takeaways
were thousands upon thousands
of 'floodporn' pictures floating
about on WeChat moments,
skyrocketing umbrella sales and
how we all practiced saying “
落汤鸡” (“luòtāngjī,” or “like a
chicken in soup,” the Chinese
version of “looks like a drowned
Shanghai wasn’t the only
place affected, either. In Jiangsu
Province, the cities of Nanjing,
Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou
were all hit by torrential rainfall
and flooding, with Suzhou seeing waters as deep as 70 centimeters (27 inches) on city streets.
According to scientists,
these recent floods may just be
the first of many. A number of
studies have placed Shanghai
among the world’s most vulnerable cities for potential flooding.
Some say the metropolis could
be hit by a severe typhoon (or
multiple typhoons, as in 2013);
others say that climate change
and rising sea temperatures will
see the Huangpu become less of
a river and more of an estuary,
consuming chunks of the city in
the process.
What they all agree on,
unfortunately enough, is that
June’s floods were hardly a one-
off event. Last month’s waters
were caused by nothing more
than some slightly-heavier-thanusual rains in the city’s regular
Plum Rain season, and weren’t
coupled by any massive tides
or typhoons – if they had been,
perhaps you’d be reading this
through the fuzzy lens of a diving mask.
But hope is not lost! While
the challenges may seem daunting, perhaps some good ol’
Chinese ingenuity will save us
from our watery fates – the rain
had barely hit the ground last
month before some clever photoshoppers made a mock-up of
“Didi Da Chuan,” the boat-based
answer to popular cab app “Didi
Da Che.” There may be flooding,
but at least there will be apps.
The buzz
Edited by Erik Crouch / city@urbanatomy.com
snap city
Keke, millionaire K9
This month's winner is...
It’s easy enough to find examples
of wealth and excess in today’s
China – a pink Lamborghini
here, a plastic surgery vacation
to Korea there – but it’s typically
restrained to the homo sapiens
out there.
That’s not the case with
Keke, the (sigh…) celebrity dog
owned by Wang Sicong, son of
Wang Jianlin, one of China’s richest men.
“I have new watches! I’m
supposed to have four watches,
because I have four legs, but that
seems too tuhao,” said Keke’s
personal Weibo account (presumably written by Wang, but
maybe this dog just really has its
act together). “I kept it down to
two. Do you have one?”
The watches in question
were, of course, gold Apple
Watches, worth a combined
RMB250,000. Pictures of Keke
flaunting her new goods went
viral online – the dog is followed
by more than 800,000 people on
Weibo – and were predictably
poorly received by China’s online commenters. “The world is
without hope,” one said.
Keke – “Queen of Tuhao
Dogs” – has, on occasion, also
drunk Fiji water from her bowl.
Tuhao or not, we eagerly
await the results of Keke’s fitness tracker, to see how many
steps this pampered pooch takes
each day.
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Every month, we choose one excellent
(read: funny) image from Instagram
users who have tagged #thatsshanghai.
Winners get an RMB250 Sherpa's voucher.
“If you can’t reach your
bellybutton, find someone to
help you!”
The brilliant words of one slightly-pudgy internet user, who entered
last month’s viral “Touch your Bellybutton Challenge.” The challenge,
which spread like a weird wildfire on Weibo, saw China’s online
commenters attempting to touch their own bellybuttons by reaching ‘round their backs, to show off their slim figures. But, as this one
man deftly determined (well, somewhat deftly; he does have two left
hands) there are ways to bend the rules.
Cockroaches: dirty, gross marauding bugs that can survive
an apocalypse. Pretty much the
only good thing about those
buggers is that they are, on the
whole, pretty unintelligent – but
not anymore. Researchers at
Shanghai Jiaotong University
have unveiled new, improved
cockroaches, equipped with
mind-control chips enabling scientists to control the bugs. Using
the implants, scientists can send
the bugs down obstacle courses
and direct their every move.
Now if only they’ll control all
of those dirty critters to march
directly into the ocean.
RMB1.5 million
That’s the value of a slightly misprinted 100-yuan note, recently
sold at auction by a Chongqing
man. A man surnamed Zheng
reportedly found the bill three
years ago, and thought it was a
fun little object to hold on to – it
was only when he heard that
another man had sold a similarly botched bill for more than
RMB1 million that he realized he
had something seriously valuable. Zheng walked into a local
auction house with 100 kuai,
and walked out with quite a bit
more. Let this be a warning to
us all – the difference between
being a millionaire or not could
be as small as a little whisker accidentally printed on Mao’s chin.
buzz » CITY
Lookin’ good
Culture quiz
According to a recent survey, 10 percent of Mainland Chinese are
“completely satisfied” with their looks – the highest rate in all of Asia.
Taiwan came in at seven percent, Hong Kong at just three and poor
Japan sported a measly two percent of people at peace with their appearance. The survey asked 270,000 people aged 15 and older to rate
their own looks. China came in first in Asia, but was hardly #1 in the
world – that belongs to Mexico, where a staggering 29 percent of the
population thinks they look great.
Foreigners: China Daily is very disappointed in you. According to a recent study picked up by the paper, most laowai know what pandas are
(good job, you!) but have difficulty with other aspects of Chinese culture and history that the Daily considers “fundamental.” Easy cultural
touchstones include the story of Mulan (thank you, Disney), yin/yang
and “What is Spring Festival?” The more difficult items to identify
included Li Bai (“The Immortal Poet”) and “The Theory of Harmony
between Nature and Man,” which sounds like a toughie. If you think
you’re up to the task, check out our culture quiz at thatsmags.com
(search “quiz”). Here’s a hint: the first answer is “Panda.”
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www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Back to Core Values
Prof Yu Mingyang of Antai College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University talks
about shifting mindsets in the Internet Economy
rofessor Yu Mingyang is a pioneer researcher in the relationship between branding and the public relations in China. A recipient of the “Award for Top 10 consultants of China” in 1997, and “Award for Top
10 advertising specialists of China” in 2003, Yu is an expert in the field of business and marketing. He
has also served as a branding consultant for major companies such as Microsoft (China), DELIXI China and
Chang’an Auto. We sat down with Prof Yu to gain his perspective on the Internet economy.
How has the Internet changed
the world of business?
The Internet has led to a major
revolution in all parts of our
lives. In terms of marketing and
business management, there are
three major changes: A) It has
eliminated information asymmetry. Few businesses could
survive on that in the future, and
information will become even
more transparent; B) It grants
the possibility of cross-over. It’s
the Internet way of thinking:
there are no boundaries on what
you can do as long as you meet
the demands of a niche market;
C) It directs our business patterns to focus on the user experience. Though all markets have
yet to reach that level, it’s an
irreversible trend.
The idea of Product DNA is essential in branding. How does
that apply to the products
within the Internet economy?
Currently, one of the most important aspects of marketing,
considering the highly transparent nature of things like Internet
search results, is to highlight
the core value of a product. In
the past, it was difficult to be
certain about market targeting,
because we did not have infor-
China Wisdom
Global Vision
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
mation about how customers
approached or shared a product.
Now, we have so much information about customers’ behavior
that we can be as precise as
possible. That’s the foundation
of 'Product DNA.' We can be less
vague when considering what
to do, and it is possible for products to be perfectly adapted to
customers’ needs.
Is the Internet economy more
of a buyer’s or seller’s market?
Both the buyer and the seller
face a certain amount of confusion. For buyers, there are too
many sellers to choose from,
thus leading to the creation of
jobs such as “professional buyer”
and merchandizer. For sellers,
there is difficulty in knowing what is best to sell. That’s
why we emphasize creating a
'Product DNA' and understanding your product’s core value.
If you study Alibaba’s history,
you can see that they started
as a B2B platform (businessto-business), which attracted
limited clients. Then, CEO Jack
Ma launched their most successful C2C platform (consumer-toconsumer), Taobao. The problem, however, is to control the
quality of products sold online.
As a consequence, Ma built a
B2C platform (business-to-consumer), Tmall. To complete their
operations, Alibaba launched
Aliyun for online data storage
and Alipay as a means of payment. The whole system gradually transformed Alibaba from a
B2B to a C2B company. Based on
the huge amount of data it collected, Alibaba serves as a perfect example of a company that
now understands its customers
and has their loyalty – so do the
other two companies in China’s
Big Three: Baidu and Tencent.
What is the situation of trademarks in China?
The situation has improved
lately, as many are now seeking
creativity and innovation. In this
sense, Taobao is facing serious
challenges if it does not improve
in terms of its business credibility. Its currently huge market
share would suffer if reputations could not be enhanced. As
German economist Max Weber
once pointed out, regulations
should work in favor of building
a prosperous and healthy system
for businesses.
How competitive are Chinese
products in the global market?
At present, businesses in China
are in a transition period. The
focus is gradually shifting from
a low-cost, labor-intensive way
of production, into a model that
is driven by creativity and innovation. However, there is still
large room for improvement.
Some TMT (Technology, Media
& Telecommunications) companies are rather competitive, yet
we still lack creativity. A number
of domestic smart phone makers, for example, have improved
some of the iPhone’s functions,
but their products cannot be
deemed as fully original. Auto
makers in Japan can be a role
model in this case – they tend
to adopt proven, sophisticated
methods and skills and make
it better. It’s the reason why
American and German vehicles
often feature more advanced
functions, yet Japanese cars still
broke into the US market in the
1970s and remain competitive
in the world today.
But if the transition does not go
well, we may end up in an awkward situation called the ‘Middle
Income Trap.’ That is, we are
losing the advantage of low-cost
labor as a developing country,
before we’ve grown the ability
to produce creative value like a
developed country.
history » CITY
The Sinking
of the SS Kiangya
BY Erik Crouch
ast month’s disaster on the Yangtze
was China’s worst boating accident in
more than 60 years – since the sinking of the SS Kiangya just outside Shanghai,
which claimed more victims than the Titanic.
The Kiangya (in modern Romanization,
“Jiangya”) set sail for Ningbo on December 3,
1948. The steamship was filled to the brim
with both registered passengers and, as was
common at the time, even more stowaways.
While the boat was officially capable of holding just 1,186 people, the manifest listed
2,150. And there were surely more who
weren’t listed at all – based on some estimates, there were over 4,000 people aboard.
The Kiangya was just 50 miles from
Shanghai, near the mouth of the Huangpu
River, when disaster struck. Passengers
heard a loud explosion in the ship’s stern –
one later described it as a “clap of thunder,
followed by a violent shaking in the hull.”
The ship lost power immediately, knocking
out lights and vital communications equipment. Within ten minutes, the stern was
completely submerged in the water, and the
rest of the ship sank quickly.
Unable to send a distress signal, the
Kiangya’s catastrophe went unnoticed for
hours. By the time the first rescuers arrived,
it was too late for many – only about 700
people survived.
To this day, it is unclear exactly what
sank the Kiangya. Originally, some credited
an accidental explosion of the ship’s boiler,
but later investigations found that the boiler
room was largely intact. Many historians
believe that the ship was hit by a mine left
behind in the Huangpu by the Imperial
Japanese Navy, but that is hardly a universally-accepted theory: some investigations from
the time of sinking say that the hull exploded
outward, as if the explosion came from within the ship itself.
Being in the midst of China’s Civil War,
Communist forces blamed the Kuomintang
for the explosion, the Kuomintang blamed
the Communists and everybody blamed
Japan. Many modern historians contend
that the story of the SS Kiangya is simply too
blurred by history to ever know exactly what
Amazingly, the sinking of the Kiangya
didn’t mark the end for the ship. Its hull
was pulled from the ocean eight years later
in 1956, a process that took more than five
months. When it was finally on shore, the
impressive workers at the Jiangnan Shipyard
were able to reassemble the ship and – despite having been blown up, sunk and left
to rot for nearly a decade – the Kiangya was
once again sailing the seas by 1959, where
it served as a ferry between Shanghai and
Wuhan. The Kiangya – renamed the “SS East
Is Red #8” in 1966 – continued to operate
until 1983.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Sightless in Shan
Blind lives in a modern Chinese megacity
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
feature » CITY
Words by Erik Crouch, Interviews by Tongfei Zhang
Photos by Nicky Almasy and Gez Sarvari
here are 17 pianos in Zhang Zhenyu’s
office, with no room for an 18th.
They are lined up back to back and
side to side, each in various states of assembly – some
look ready to be rolled out on stage, while others have
their strings, hammers and metallic guts cracked open on
display. Zhang moves from piano to piano, hitting a key,
hearing a note and pulling out a wood-handled wrench
that he deftly locks into one of 200 small metal pins to
adjust the tone.
For the inexperienced, the process is daunting – each
piano is a rat’s nest of small, easily confused bits, let alone
the training required to spot a good note from one that is
ever-so-slightly flat.
“A piano has more than a thousand parts, and each
one can cause unwanted noise if it’s loose,” Zhang says.
But the 37-year-old knows exactly which pin to turn,
and how to turn it. That’s because he has been carefully
trained for his job as a piano tuner, one of the few professions traditionally open to China’s blind.
Blind since birth, chances had always been high for
Zhang to become a music tuner or a masseur, the two
established paths for China’s sightless citizens. Working
for a massage parlor is by far the most common option
– in 2013 alone, more than 25,000 people, all sightless
to varying degrees, were trained as blind masseurs and
In his office, Zhang sits at a newly-tuned piano and
readies his hands. He knows how to do quite a bit more
than just tune the instrument – after studying music at
the Shanghai School for the Blind, he learned to play
piano, bass and flute. As his fingers descend on the keys,
music fills the room – Zhang, however, is merely testing
the piano to make sure everything is in working order.
He doesn’t play for more than ten seconds before his
phone rings. He whips an old, button-laden mobile from
his pocket.
“Wei?” It’s someone calling about his Taobao shop.
Zhang reaches into his other pocket and pulls out a
sleek, modern smartphone. With each tap of the screen, a
digital voice narrates what is under his finger. He touches
the orange Taobao icon, and the phone declares “Taobao!”
He clicks again, opening the app. He taps higher on the
screen – “Kan kan wo de Taobao dian” the phone says
(“View my Taobao shop”) – and Zhang clicks once more.
At least, that’s what we think the phone says. Tired of
waiting the time of a normal voice narration, Zhang has
changed his phone to read aloud at four times the usual
speed. It sounds like a cassette player on the fritz, a sound
recording set to “ludicrous speed.” It’s unimaginably, incomprehensibly fast – yet Zhang just clicks along, navigating his Taobao shop seemingly as easily as anyone would
if they were able to see the icons themselves.
In addition to tuning pianos, Zhang also sells the instruments, and his services, online. Using Taobao’s chat
app, Ali Wangwang, he bargains with customers, makes
deals and sorts out shipping using voice messages. When
a customer replies with a text, the message is automatically read aloud (at light speed).
There are more than 17 million visually impaired
people in China and, thanks to technological advancements and social change, they are more involved and active in the nation than ever before. But this progress has
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Nobody understands
us like other visually
impaired people.
been hard won – in the past, many attempts
to integrate the blind into society, however
well intentioned, have fallen short.
In the 1960s and 70s, for instance,
Chinese linguists were recruited to develop
a better system for translating the language
into braille. They eventually decided on a
two-cell system that represents phonetics
and tones, similar to pinyin. But for many,
the system never lived up to its potential
– some vital school texts have never been
translated into braille, and the Ministry of
Education did not begin offering a braille/
electronically-assisted Gaokao college entrance exam until just last year.
Without the braille Gaokao, China’s blind
have long been cut out from the world of
higher education, save for the few universities specifically designed for the nation’s
handicapped. And for those who lost their
sight later in life, a lack of adult-education
programs teaching braille has meant that
they’ve been largely on their own.
Similar hopes – and disappointments
– surround the “mang dao” (blind paths),
the raised concrete bumps in sidewalks and
subway stations that the blind can use to
navigate. Cities like Shanghai, Beijing and
Guangzhou installed countless miles of such
paths. Ignored by most sighted city-dwellers,
the mang dao are meant to serve an important purpose: straight lines for a normal
path, circles for turns or stops – theoretically,
it would allow a blind man or woman to
navigate the city unassisted.
But today, the mang dao are a nightmare.
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
According to Zhang, “They’re the least safe
place in the world! They’re everywhere, but
they don’t help – they are covered by bikes
and scooters. We walk along the edge of the
road instead. It’s dangerous, but not as dangerous as the mang dao.”
If any readers doubt Zhang, we encourage them to do an experiment. It’s easy
enough to find a sidewalk featuring the mang
dao; next time you’re on one, simply close
your eyes, feel the bumps beneath your feet
and begin your journey. See how far you can
get before bumping into a street food cart,
moped or open manhole. (That’s Shanghai
is not responsible for any injuries that may
ut while previous attempts
at bringing Shanghai’s blind
into the fold may not have
been the panaceas that they
were hoped to be, there are
still many reasons for the
city’s sightless to be optimistic.
“The difference between now and the
past is huge. I’ve been blind for 38 years now,
and the social atmosphere has never been
so good,” says Gu Fengfang, a middle-aged
blind woman. While she talks, her fingers are
flying through a mesh of thick blue thread,
spinning a knitting needle as a pair of socks
takes shape.
Gu went blind abruptly when she was 22
years old – “I was farming in a field. I looked
up, and all of the sudden, I couldn’t see anything.”
For years after losing her sight, Gu was
cautious, even afraid, of going outdoors by
herself. Shanghai’s streets and sidewalks can
be an aggressive, pushing, shoving swarm.
“I thought it would be impossible. I thought
going out alone was never going to happen
to me.”
But two years ago, Shanghai-native Xu
Ying started the Chang Jiong program, a community organization for the city’s blind. The
group meets a few times a week at various
locations throughout Shanghai and holds
social events, classes, dance programs and
more. Xu advertised the program on the
radio – reliably used by many of the city’s
older blind residents – and Chang Jiong has
become a hit.
When we meet Gu, she is knitting away
in a classroom along with a dozen other men
and women, mostly middle-aged, who are
working on arts and crafts.
Today’s class project is to draw the Gate
of Heavenly Peace, which is sketched on the
whiteboard for students to copy. It looks like
a typical adult class; save for the extra assistants floating around, helping answer questions like, “What color paint is this?”
One man folds his paper into eighths,
creases it, and unfolds it again, to keep track
of where he is painting. Another keeps his
nose just barely above the paper, where he
is able to make out the lines that his marker
is making on the sheet. As they paint, the
classmates chat amongst themselves – for
many, these are the only other blind people
they know.
Learn Braille
Chinese two-cell braille has been
used in the Mainland since the
1970s. There are also different
braille systems used in Taiwan,
Hong Kong and even an older
Mainland version – it’s hard to keep
The system doesn’t try to represent characters – that would be a lot
of dots – but instead breaks Chinese
down into syllabilic groups. For example, “Shanghai” is one set of dots
for the “sh-“ sound, another for the
“-ang” sound, one for “h-” and one
for “-ai.”
Technically speaking, each set
of dots should also be followed by
another dot, marking the tone in
Mandarin. This certainly helps get
past Mandarin’s many homophones,
but it is often dropped in practice.
There are a lot of quirks within
Chinese braille – too many to enumerate here – including abbreviations, changes in grammar (due to
dropping certain sentence particles)
and numerous ways to get around
the homophone problem.
feature » CITY
But that doesn’t mean we
can’t give you a quick feel for how
Chinese two-cell braille works in action. Check it out:
Shanghai (上海)
Beijing (北京)
Nanjing (南京)
Me (我)
You (你)
He is in Hong Kong
“Ever since I began meeting other blind people in this organization, I’ve started to go into the city again,” says Gu. “Nobody understands us like other visually impaired people.”
Before the Chang Jiong program, and others like it, it would have
been hard to say that there was a “blind community” in Shanghai.
There were certainly blind people, but they lived in an archipelago
of apartments throughout the city, unaware of the others’ existence.
Many lost their sight later in life – that meant they didn’t grow up
with access to blind schools, likely didn’t read braille and may have
never even met another blind person.
But thanks to programs like Chang Jiong, the city’s blind have gotten the confidence to explore the city once more – and, fortunately,
Shanghai was ready for them.
“Life has never been so easy for us,” says Dai Zhaorong, a Chang
Jiong program attendee, “especially the metros. I never get lost because metro staff are so helpful.”
The mang dao may be a mess, but there are other options. The
subway, specifically, has been a godsend – metro staffers are specifically trained to help visually-impaired subway goers, and the extra
effort doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Metro workers will meet me at the entrance to a station and lead
me all the way to the train,” says Dai. “They also inform the staff at my
destination about which train I’m in, and when the train stops, there
are staff waiting to pick me up.”
That’s not to say there aren’t glitches: “Once, I was waiting at a
bus stop – the bus came, and I asked the driver what number it was,”
Dai says. “He shouted, ‘Can’t you see!?’ I told him ‘No!’”
The occasional confused bus driver aside, navigating the city’s
public transit system is quite a bit simpler than getting by on
Shanghai’s streets.
We meet up with several Chang Jiong attendees a few weeks after
their arts and crafts class. This time, they are in a park nestled within
a Yangpu District apartment complex, where they are going to learn
how to dance.
The path from the subway station to the park was treacherous –
only a few hundred meters, but a route pockmarked with potholes,
a bridge under construction and a what can only be described as an
intentionally-difficult system of railings along the sidewalks, blocking
all but the most observant of pedestrians from finding an easy place
to cross the street.
Nevertheless, Dai, Gu and a few other Chang Jiong program members have made it to the small apartment park. And now that they’ve
arrived, they are here to do exactly what millions of other middleaged Chinese citizens do every day – dance to Xiao Pingguo ('Little
Apple,' the massive Chinese pop hit from 2014).
The familiar notes float from a small boom box one dancer has
crammed in his pocket and – white cane in one hand, another dancer’s shoulder in the other – the group begins to jam.
“It’s not easy for blind people to dance,” Dai says. “We learn each
move by feeling and touching one another’s movements.”
Dai leads the group along to the tune – they march, they twirl,
they bow. Dai explains each move in intricate detail, and the other
dancers do their best to follow along. They could give any other group
of middle-aged Chinese park dancers a run for their money – they’re
so good, in fact, that this group has performed dances for local community groups.
Today, Shanghai’s blind are modern, active members of their
local communities. Zhang Zhenyu, like millions of other Chinese entrepreneurs, has found a niche market on Taobao and is never more
than an arm’s reach from his cellphone, courting new buyers. Dai and
Gu travel the city’s public transit, meeting up with their friends and
dancing to pop songs in parks. In other words, their daily lives aren’t
too different from the millions of other people living in Shanghai.
As if to prove that fact, before we leave the Chang Jiong arts and
crafts program, several of the attendees pull us aside – they want selfies. The photos might not be much value to them, but they can send
the pics to friends and family.
We pose while a dozen phones excitedly shout at super-speed:
“Pai zhaopian!” (Taking a photo!). Things haven’t always been this
good for Shanghai’s blind but, with a smartphone in one hand and a
white cane in the other, they’ve embraced all that the modern city has
to offer.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
maps » CITY
This literally-translated map of the Shanghai subway is not a particularly helpful navigation tool – just try telling someone
that you want to “Take the Upon-Sea dirt iron from
Basket Bridge to Glorious Virtue Road,” and see
what happens. That would be a completely
insane way of saying that you want to “Take
the Shanghai subway from Tilanqiao to
Jiashan Lu.”
Thanks to this map, you’ll
be thinking about the “real”
(read: awkwardly
translated) names
of the city’s
stations – and
probably getting quite lost.
on maps
on maps
The world is a complicated place – sometimes
it’s nice to take a step back and let some graph-
ics do the talking. Here, we’ve assembled a con-
cise cartographic compendium to help put
China in perspective.
By Erik Crouch
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
ARTS « feature
On the map above, the east is red – and it’s
also very, very crowded. The red part of that
map, from roughly Heihe in Heilongjiang
Province to Tengchong, Yunnan Province, is
only 43 percent of China’s landmass – but
it holds a staggering 94 percent of its total
population, or about 1.3 billion people.
That means the gray area (i.e. most of the
country) holds just six percent of the nation’s
people, or about 84 million. Much of China’s
west has a population density as low as 0
– 48 people per square kilometer. Compare
that to Shanghai, with more than 3,800 people/km2.
But it’s not just China that has a lopsided
population – it’s the world. The map below,
which circulated widely online last year,
shows an oblong circle covering China, India,
Japan, Indonesia and Southeast Asia – and
there are more people living inside that circle
than outside it.
In other words, those folks who live
outside of Asia wouldn’t know “crowded” if
it pushed them onto the subway along with
10,000 other commuters.
If you’re reading this in Shanghai, then there’s a good chance
that there is a small heap of one-yuan coins jingling around
in your pocket – if you’re in Beijing, then it’s more than likely
you’ve got a wallet overflowing with bills of RMB1 and lower.
That’s because, since 1992, the Central Bank of China has
been testing out a program to swap out the nation’s smallest
denominations of money for coins – but only in certain areas,
for now. Shanghai, Zhejiang, Shenzhen, Jiangsu and Liaoning
(red on the map) were the first areas to make the switch to
coins, and they are still the areas heaviest in coins today.
The blue areas (i.e. most of China) still primarily use bills
for even the smallest denominations. One main reason that
the bill/coin divide persists to this day is that bills last much
longer in some areas of the country than others. The humid,
rainy Southeast and Liaodong Peninsula wreak havoc on
paper money much more than the dryer inland provinces.
Also, Nanjing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Shenyang (in Liaoning
Province) are home to some of the nation’s biggest currency
mints, which certainly didn’t hurt their chances of being chosen for Operation Kill Bill (not the real name).
But, bill carriers, don’t lament! In sticking with paper,
you are part of a proud tradition; the first paper money on
earth was printed in China in the Yuan Dynasty, which ruled
the nation from 1271 to 1368. So those bills may be a bit tattered, and they may take up too much wallet space, but they
are part of history. And that’s something to be proud of, one
disintegrating five-mao bill at a time.
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
maps » CITY
This map from 2010 shows China’s plans for a decade of
high-speed rail construction. The nation went from having
no high-speed rail system at all in the early 2000s to having
the longest high-speed network in the world in less than 15
years. This map, drawn just as China’s rail boom was hitting
a fever pitch, shows the (sometimes too imaginative) dreams
that the next decade would hold.
While many of the planned routes on this map were
constructed – or are planned to be – there are a few that
were quickly realized to be impractical or impossible. The
map’s blue line connecting Shanghai and Hangzhou was a
proposed maglev line, which would have shortened the commute between the two cities to just 27 minutes, traveling at
epic speeds of 450 km/h (280 mph). When a high-speed rail
connected the two cities in 2010, however, the maglev lost its
appeal – the trip had already been shortened from 78 to 45
minutes, and that was fast enough for the tens of thousands
of riders who make the trip each day.
Also on this map is the “Taiwan Straight Tunnel Project,”
a 150-kilometer (93-mile) long tunnel that would connect
Fujian and Taiwan. The proposed tunnel would be three
times longer than the Channel Tunnel connecting France with
the United Kingdom. With great ideas come great technical
difficulties, however, and the project has faced staggering
costs, unsolved engineering problems and quite a few political issues. Despite being approved by the government, the
tunnel seems to be on hold – for now.
While this 2010 map did miss the mark on a few points,
it is an incredible reminder of the scope of China’s highspeed system – and the nation’s willingness to undertake
absolutely massive engineering feats. Last year alone, the
country opened up lines connecting Taiyuan with Xi’an,
Hangzhou with Changsha, Lanzhou with Urumqi, Nanning
with Guangzhou and more.
By the end of the decade, we can hope to ride those rails
even further – and faster – than ever before.
For the last several Spring Festival holidays,
Baidu has created “heat maps,” tracking the
journeys made by the tens of millions of
workers traveling from the nation’s cities to
their home provinces. And travel they certainly do, en masse.
This year, the 40-day travel season saw
some 3.6 billion trips made throughout the
country. And it wasn’t limited to just people
living in the Mainland – overseas Chinese
from Singapore, Malaysia, Korea and as far
away as the United States came to join in the
fun as well.
The biggest travel hubs are Shanghai and
Beijing, followed by Shenzhen, Guangzhou
and Dongguan. Hardly any Chinese towns, no
matter how small, remain untouched by the
massive, heaving crowds moving throughout
the country each Chinese New Year.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Miss Lu, founder of Atelier Miss Lu
Tell us about Atelier Miss Lu. How did
you start it?
I started Atelier Miss Lu out of my own
need for clothes that could suit my aesthetic – I like to think of myself as the brand’s
first customer. I used to work in a very
serious environment – my background is
in finance – but I was never really a suit
person. So I started designing garments I
actually felt good wearing – professional,
but with a twist. Soon enough, friends
began asking if they could borrow them,
then if I could make and sell my designs.
The idea for Atelier Miss Lu kicked off from
there. I opened my first shop two and half
years ago at the crossing of Fuxing Lu and
Wulumuqi, then another on Wuyuan Lu a
few months later.
What’s a typical Atelier Miss Lu piece?
A classic cocktail dress with some playful
details. I particularly like to emphasize the
back – many of my designs are backless. I
love the idea of a dress offering flexibility
to the woman who wears it: formal if worn
with a jacket, breathtaking on its own. I’m
really into the whole ‘surprise effect.’
How would you describe your style?
Feminine, modern and chic, with a bit of
teasing and a lot of attitude involved.
What’s fashion for you?
Something timeless. I never follow trends
– I think a real fashion piece never gets old.
Fashion is something you could wear in 20
years’ time and still look fabulous in.
The one fashion item you’d be never
caught wearing is…
Harem pants. You could hide two watermelons in that weird silhouette, they look
so silly!
Besides yourself, who is the Miss Lu
An independent, well-educated woman
with a clear social identity. Someone who
knows what she wants, and who she is.
What’s the one thing you can’t live without?
Food! I am a huge foodie. And my daily
habits: reading, walking my dogs, cycling
around the former French Concession. I
like small, simple pleasures.
// Atelier Miss Lu, 79 Wuyuan Lu, by Wulumuqi Lu 五元路79
号, 近乌鲁木齐路
Gez Sarvari
style radar
LIFE & style
Made in China
Wacky Tops
Over the past year, street style has exploded as a genre of
fashion imagery. From easy throw-on garments to the rise of
sportswear, comfort has come to the forefront of the fashion
industry, both on and off the catwalk.
In Shanghai, boyfriend and girlfriend Chris O’Brien
and Deanna Wong have paid homage to the trend with COB
Originals, a straight-up clothing brand for men and women.
They craft jumpers and tees that are playful and laid-back –
great for half-dressed, half-asleep chic.
Weaving together Chinese motifs (like bamboo patterns,
characters and fireworks) with Western logos and graphics, each
piece is comfortable but stylish, and suitable for: hanging out at
6am, a Friday night gig and – if you never find time to properly
dress or undress – sleeping. Some of our favorite items? The
‘Frankie Says’ and ‘Don’t give a 事’ tees. If you like your tops to
make a statement, check out this label. Tees and sweaters fall
in the RMB100-350 range (free shipping within the Chinese
// Studio (by appointment only): Building 3, 764 Changle Lu, by Fumin Lu 长乐路764号, 3
号楼, 近富民路 (185 0160 4370, www.coboriginals.com). Check them out at KTGA’s Vintage
Tribal Fest on July 4-5 (see p93)
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Edited by Marianna Cerini & Tongfei Zhang / lifestyle@urbanatomy.com
A Marvel-lous Collection
Fashion’s sense of humor
can be both baffling and
delightful. Just look at
Beijing-based designer
Zhang Chi’s latest capsule
collection of super cool
Marvel-inspired tees.
Featuring bold and ultraloud designs spanning
Captain America and the
Incredible Hulk, these
limited edition garbs
just scream ‘comic cool’
(that’s a thing, don’t you
know?). You might not be
a superhero, but now you
can look like one. Thank
you, fashion. T-shirts from
Coin cool
In a city like Shanghai, where one-kuai
coins are more common than Family
Marts and most people stash them
like a kid would do with candy, a
coin holder isn’t passé, it’s a lifesaver – and maybe the first accessory all of us should purchase
as soon as we arrive here. This
one from Marimekko is perfect
for the job. Joyful, attentiongrabbing and super hip,
it’ll make piling up your
coins an almost pleasurable activity. Almost.
// Available at Marimekko
in the IAPM Mall (www.
// Available at D2C and NPC stores
across the city, as well as on
Under the Lens
Vogue Italia
“People have this
misconception that [the
Chinese] have replicated
what we think is the
Western world, but the
Chinese fashion industry is
awakening to its own identity
Proving that China is now firmly on the radar of fashion makers worldwide, the Italian edition of the style bible came out with a June issue
dedicated entirely to the PRC. Articles spanned Chinese cinema, the key
women shaping the superpower's cultural landscape and the shifting
tastes among well-moneyed Chinese. Four stunning covers were shot to
present 'The China Issue,' featuring supermodels Feifei Sun, Yuan Bochao,
Ju Xiaowen and Taiwanese Fernanda Ly, Gia Tang and Jing Wen.
// Fashion photographer
Chen Man, talking about
her work and China’s fashion industry to the website
Business of Fashion. The visionary has become known
for her digitally mastered
images, which capture
the quickly modernizing
China and its evolving
ideas about beauty, luxury,
consumption and culture
in a fusion of Eastern and
Western elements.
Later this year, Man is set
to unveil her first solo exhibition in China, showcasing
her work alongside traditional Chinese paintings
at the Imperial Ancestral
Temple in Beijing’s
Forbidden City.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
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by Marianna Cerini
Wear less, it’s hot
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
fashion » LIFE & STYLE
For Him
Warriors of Radness
> shop.projectaegis.com
> www.asos.com
Orlebar Brown
> www.lanecrawford.com
> www.hm.com
> www.hm.com
For Her
> www.zara.cn
> www.minirine.com
> www.shop.adidas.cn
> www.zara.cn
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
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July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
feature » LIFE & STYLE
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www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
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July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
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feature » LIFE & STYLE
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July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
luxury » LIFE & STYLE
A Sino-British party
BA celebrates British style in Shanghai
hat China has a soft spot for the United Kingdom is a wellknown fact. Over the last few years, the PRC has seen the rise
of a voracious appetite for British culture, seen as a status
symbol of wealth and success. It can be anything from watching a
British TV period drama to being a member of a whiskey club, but the
thirst for Britishness is growing by the year. The UK has taken notice.
Last month, the country made a significant step toward granting full
access to Chinese travelers, with a newly launched program (only
valid for applicants through Belgium for now) that, from July 1, will
allow Chinese visitors to apply and pay for their UK and Belgium visas with a single form.
The new policy is set to increase the number of Chinese people
visiting the UK, and it’s perfect coincidence that it overlaps with
the 10th anniversary of British Airways (BA)’s flight services from
Shanghai to London.
The airline will no doubt play a pivotal role in bridging the two
countries and fostering the development and growth of China-UK
To mark its decade-long service to Shanghai market, BA hosted
a grand celebration at the Langham Xintiandi last month. Held as a
typically-British garden party, the event starred the award-winning
singer Katherine Jenkins OBE and featured a performance from vocal
group Jack Pack and a fashion show by Fenwick of Bond Street.
“We are very proud to be celebrating 10 years of flights between
Shanghai and London and showing off some of the renowned British
style,” said Keith Williams, British Airways’ executive chairman. “Our vision is to become the airline of choice for Chinese customers traveling
to Britain and Europe, and Shanghai plays an integral part in this plan.
We look forward to many more years of flights to this great city.” MC
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
edited by Marianna Cerini
Adidas Women
If, like us, you love how sportswear and athleisure have become the fashion world’s darling trends, news that Adidas
just opened a female-specific store stocked with the brand’s
latest workout offerings is set to make your day. Located in
Super Brand Mall, the shop sells everything from trendy gym
clothes and badass accessories to ultra-light shoes for running, training or playing tennis. The super covetable high-end
line ‘Adidas by Stella McCartney,’ created in collaboration with
the British designer, is also available here, as is the Adidas
StellaSport series, designed for younger girls. To show you
how to get into the workout action, weekly ATF (Adidas
Training Formula) summer body-shaping classes are held in
store, with Pilates and dance sessions provided to keep you fit
through the summer. Follow “adidasGirls” on WeChat to learn
more. TFZ
// Unit1106, 1/F, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu 正大广场1楼
1106商铺, 陆家嘴西路168号, 近陆家嘴环路
Located in the Hongqiao area, Takashimaya Mall might not
exactly be a particularly convenient shopping destination
for many. However, the department store is home to some
rather interesting shops and brands – Celia B anyone? –
and, as of last month, Covetry, a multi-brand boutique
carrying original designs aplenty. A classy interior of
wooden floors, concrete gray walls and fixtures provides
the backdrop for a diverse range of fashion labels that are
culled tastefully from across the globe. Local, indie design
is the main focus here, and most brands on stock are either China-based or hailing from Asia. The selection spans
the structured fashion of Arete, feminine pieces by Emily
Keller and Aly&Rachelle, inspirational jewelry from Éclat,
La Jewelry, Momo’s March and NoBeing, luxurious bags
by Mozaik, neat outerwear by Oba and statement eyewear
from The Owner. Definitely worth a visit.
// 1438 Hongqiao Lu, Level 4-48, by Hongbaoshi Lu 虹桥路1438号, 近红宝石路
As tastes evolve and a philosophy of ‘less is more’ seems to have taken
over a growing number of well-off Chinese, smart money is being placed
on a more discerning way of buying clothes, with bespoke garments rapidly becoming the most coveted pieces. Enter Rojo Clothing. A bespoke
tailoring brand established by Irish designer Ronan Kent, the company
does made-to-order suits, coming straight to your home or office to
do so. Gents can choose between three styles – Essential (RMB1,000),
Corporate (RMB1,700) both made from 100 percent wool, and Executive
(RMB2,800), made from 100 percent cashmere – and
make unlimited additions to their two-piece, from hand
sewn initials to inner pockets and original lining. Besides
the suits, shirts, ties and handkerchiefs are also available
– all rigorously customized and handcrafted. Discreet
guys looking for clothes that meet their fit, lifestyle and
individuality should check this out.
// rojoclothing.wix.com/rojoclothing
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
anna uvarova
Rojo Clothing
G-Star RAW
For a fast-fashion brand,
G-Star RAW is pretty great:
their RAW for the Oceans
project, a collaboration that
takes plastic bottles from the
world’s oceans and transforms
them into innovative denim
and apparel, has been going
strong since it first launched
in 2014. In partnership with
Bionic Yarn, Pharrell Williams
(who curates the entire line),
the Vortex Project and Parley
for the Oceans, they have
gathered roughly 10 tons of
said bottles in order to create
a new denim range that looks
and feels very very cool. The
collection is now in its third
installment, and is thoroughly
rad. It features distressed
jeans and jackets, shorts and
shirts in a vibrant indigo
hue or sporting prints of the
project’s mascot, ‘Otto’ the
octopus. Get your hands on it
now. TFZ
// 344 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Madang Lu 淮
海中路344号, 近马当路 (6312 9329)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Home eclectic home
African-inspired décor in the former French Concession
By Marianna Cerini, Photos by Nicky Almasy
Before moving to Shanghai, the couple was in Johannesburg for seven years, which explains the house’s somewhat African theme. An eclectic mix of African
fabrics, motifs and decorative items blends with lots of greeneries and a few, well-edited Chinese furnishings. Bagares and Martin painted the zebra-patterned wall in the living room – and all the other vibrantly tinted walls in the flat – themselves.
anadian Edward Bagares and American Michael Martin have been teaching at international
schools around the world for the last two decades. They arrived in Shanghai five years ago,
looking for a place they could call home – somewhere spacious enough to fit the many objects collected in their lifetimes abroad.
Their high-rise flat on Huashan Lu, a few minutes away from the leafy streets of the former
French Concession, proved to be just it.
A roomy apartment granting an almost 360-degree view of the city’s skyline, the home is a
tasteful showcase of plants, organic textures, rich colors and exotic patterns; a quaint nest conjuring up images of the many places – South Africa and Egypt, in particular – the couple has lived in.
The view needs no explanations, really. On a clear day, Pudong’s futuristic skyline can be spotted in the distance.
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Martin and Bagares.
interiors » LIFE & STYLE
Keen to inject some real character into their home, the couple painted each wall in different hues. “We
have a very similar style,” says Martin, “and we always purchase things keeping in mind they’ll have to
travel with us. So we are very intentional in the way we approach decorating.”
“We have a penchant for plants,” says Bagares. “Greens and a bit of paint are some of the easiest and
cheapest ways to liven up and transform a space.” Beautiful pots of flowers and shrubs are indeed main
fixtures of the space, evoking the feel of the South African veld.
The master bedroom shows close attention to detail in the sourcing of unusual objects and
cushions and the delicate Egyptian artwork that adorns the wall above the bed.
Bold colors and decor are balanced with subtle, quiet details
throughout the space. The resulting vibe is both dynamic and
Both Bagares and Martin admit to being avid hoarders of art and trinkets. African
art, in particular, is one of the couple’s favorite aesthetic expressions.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Eating South Korea
A culinary journey through our neighbor’s delectable offerings
By Erin Singleton
A spread of Jeju black pig and classic Korean side dishes
A Korean institution, fried
chicken is crisp, juicy and, in
some cases, so chili-drenched
you’ll be at risk of hallucinating.
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
hink of Korean food, and the first things that’ll come to mind are
probably kimchi, bibimbap, BBQ and fried chicken. Don’t get us
wrong, we’re all for them. But that’s not the only top-notch grub
that can be found in South Korea.
A trip to Seoul and the honeymoon destination Jeju Island reveals
plenty of other, equally enticing culinary treats.
Besides its beaches, natural geological features and volcanic landscape, Jeju Island, in the Korea Strait, is also known for its seafood and
black pork. The Jeju Black Pig, or heuk-doe-ji, is a breed of domestic pig
that is a popular item on the menus of most BBQ restaurants, as its thick
skin and layers of fat make it especially well-suited for the Korean style of
Crispy and flavorsome, the dish is the perfect star of a meal chock full
of spicy pickled vegetables. Wash it down with soju, or Korean rice wine,
and keep stuffing your belly full of meat.
Seafood, of course, is the other main ingredient of the island’s local
cuisine. In the urban areas, nearly every street is lined with restaurants
sporting giant tanks right outside their front door. Each one overflows
with flounder, abalone and octopus trying to escape their inevitable fate.
Jeon is one of the best ways to enjoy the daily catch. A pan-fried savory
travel » LIFE & STYLE
pancake stuffed with mussels, clams, cuttlefish and spring onions, it
is greasy, salty and incredibly moreish – a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.
A hot stone pot with crab, abalone, clams and shrimp is also a
delectable, lush affair of flavors of the sea, the seafood so fresh one
can actually smell the breeze of the ocean while eating it.
If a carb-load is what you’re craving, any of the many chicken
and beer restaurants dotting the island will get your fix just right.
The blissfully sinful combo can be found at pretty much any street
corner, with stalls, holes-in-the-walls and more sizeable venues
serving up hops and deep fried deliciousness tossed in a sticky,
sweet and spicy sauce. A Korean institution, the chicken is crisp,
juicy and, in some cases, so chili-drenched you’ll be at risk of hallucinating. It has been fried not just once, but at least twice, as a result
of which it shows a thin, crackly and almost transparent skin. Never
greasy, always delicious, it’s one of the messiest things you’ll ever
eat – always served with a box of tissues and a bin for bones – so
addictively good the finger-licking becomes almost an essential component of the meal.
Back to urban Seoul, things only get better. The food scene here
is a lot more diverse, with many neighborhoods boasting their own
distinct dishes or specialties. Picking just some of them is a truly hard
feat. We recommend eating your way through as many as you can.
Myeongdong, Seoul’s incredible shopping district, the city’s
countless markets and the artsy Insadong neighborhood are all good
places to start. Here you can feast on spicy sausages and meatballs,
French fries, hot dogs and mile-high cones of soft serve. The staples
of Korean “fast food” are of course on offer too: gimbap (aka Korean
sushi), bibimbap (hot stone pots full of rice, veggies and raw egg),
omelets stuffed with fried rice, deep fried pork covered in a gravy and
yukgaejang, a spicy soup made with shredded beef, eggs, scallions
and noodles.
Erin browsing stalls on one of Myeongdong's food streets, in Seoul
A must-try is tteokbokki, glutinous tubular rice cakes usually
swimming in in gochujang, a red chili pepper sauce. The so-called
fries of Korea – ubiquitous and eaten standing up – they make the
perfect snack on the go.
Particularly delicious is also the hoddeok, a yeasty pancake with
a variety of fillings such as sugar, cinnamon and nuts and pressed on
a hot oily griddle until flat and crunchy on the outside and perfectly
gooey hot on the inside. It smells so good it takes a lot of willpower
not to immediately take a huge bite, but be careful, because the inside
is like molten lava for a solid five minutes.
Hongdae, the club district where you’ll find lots of young people
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Changdeokgung Palace, Seoul
Jeju seafood
Seoul's Noryangjin Fish Market
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
and some more great food, is where you’ll want to go for some more
barbecuing. Opt for one of the many hole-in-the-wall-type BBQ places,
grab a few friends, order up some soju, throw some pork (samgyeopsal) or beef (sogogi) on the grill in the center of the table and dig in.
The meat is fresh, the kimchi is spicy and the techno is blaring from
neighboring dance halls. You wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
When your liver recovers from the night out in Hongdae, give it
a little bit more to suffer from by visiting a makgeolli house, which
is basically the Korean version of a pub. A milky, fizzy rice wine once
considered a farmer’s drink, the liquor is currently undergoing a
hipster revival, and many outlets around Seoul have started selling it.
Admittedly quite pungent, the spirit comes also in flavors like apple or
chestnut – try them all and order some pancakes to nibble on.
Of course, no visit to Seoul would be complete without a dinner of
raw seafood at Noryangjin Fish Market. A foodie’s paradise, the market
boasts more than 700 stalls selling freshly caught fish, shellfish, squid
and plenty of less-identifiable undersea treats. Sannakji (live octopus)
should be on the list of things to try, although only for those with an
adventurous palate: served fresh, the octopus’s sesame oil-coated
tentacles are still wriggling around in between your chompers as you
try to slurp them down without choking. If that doesn’t sound appealing, you can always buy some fresh sashimi from any vendor and have
them slice it up right in front of you. If you prefer your seafood cooked,
take your purchases to one of the restaurants around the edge of the
market: they’ll prepare your food and you can eat it at one of the tables provided.
One word of advice: in between a food stall and a visit to a local
joint, make sure to buy a new pair of pants in one of the many markets.
The pair you wore into Korea definitely won’t fit when you leave.
travel » LIFE & STYLE
Burn off those calories
Hike the Seongsan Ilchulbong
The Seongsan crater on the Southeast side of Jeju Island is a beautiful
area for hiking. Once you arrive, it is about a thirty-minute walk up
some stone stairs to its rim. On a clear day, you can stand on the rim
and see the whole crater basin, which resembles a tropical rain forest. After hiking back down, walk down another few flights of stone
stairs to the ocean, where you can see the famous haenyeo, or women
divers, in action. This group of women have been free diving to collect
abalone and octopus for generations, and many of them are still going
strong at over 70 years old.
Walking Around Seogwipo
Seogwipo, the city on the southern side of Jeju Island, has several
great areas for walking. One of them is the Seogwipo Artist Walk
that starts at Lee Jung Seop Park and weaves through the city’s backstreets. There are also several waterfalls, including Jeongbang Falls,
which flows right into the ocean. After visiting, you can walk along
the harbor to a second waterfall, Cheonjiyeon Falls, nestled back in a
beautiful park.
Walking through the Bukchon Village Seoul (from palace to palace)
One of the best walking trails in Seoul is between two of the famous palaces on the northern side of the city. After exploring the
Gyeongbokgung Palace in the morning, walk east towards the
Bukchon Village, an old settlement tucked away in the hills boasting some beautifully preserved old-style roofs. There are alleys
and hidden areas all through the neighborhood to explore and take
pictures. Towards sunset, head further east still to the beautiful
Changdeokgung Palace to round out the day.
Namsan Park
Namsan Park in the middle of downtown Seoul is one of the most
iconic areas to hike in the city. On top of the hill is the Namsan Tower,
which offers unparalleled views of the capital. You have the option
to take a cable car up the hill, but if you want to make room for your
next street food snack, we suggest hiking up. If you’re not too worn
out from the uphill hike, back on flat ground is another small cultural
village called the Namsangol Hanok Village, a popular destination on
a sunny day to spot people in traditional Korean dresses taking their
wedding photos.
// Erin Singleton is a food blogger. Check more of her food writing at shanghaispice.wordpress.com
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Portrait Of China
Kafka, 22
I am a big
fan. And I love
punk. The
Clash are my
favorite band.
I can even
play some of
their songs a
I’d love to
sing professionally one
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
spa&hotel » LIFE & STYLE
Green Massage
f all the body parts that need tending, the last you’d expect to
be treated to a thorough massage is the hip. Yet that’s exactly
what Green Massage Han Dynasty Therapy focuses on – and
oh boy, does it feel good.
Specifically designed to nurse those suffering from an excessively
sedentary office life, the treatment was recently introduced into the
spa’s menu. It is performed by male therapists only, as it requires a lot
more strength that normal massages.
After getting changed in the spa’s pristine dressing room (you can
also take a little bath if you want) the masseuse takes you to a peaceful room where soft music and even softer beds will get you right into
relaxation mode.
The entire treatment is based on pressing acupoints around the
hip to unlock energy levels. Our therapist was forceful yet never excessively so, and explained that the buttock acts as an important pivot
of energy circulation connecting the upper and lower body. Unlocking
the Lalu qingdao
the meridians around the hip, he said, effectively improves such
circulation, while preventing edema and varicose veins. He then proceeded to press on specific points from our legs to the feet, gradually
relieving us of aches we didn’t even know we had.
To finish the treatment, hot stones wrapped in an herbal pouch
(so as to make their heat bearable) are applied beneath the back
for 20 minutes to heal lumbar muscle strain. You aren’t supposed to
shower for about three to four hours after the treatment, as blood
vessels are wide open, but you won’t feel the need to: sipping a complimentary white fungus soup served at the end of the therapy, we
felt filled up with energy, and eager to make our relief last for as long
as we could. TFZ
// First trial price: RMB298/60 mins (original price: RMB398/60 mins). Buy 10 get four free. Valid
till July 10. 58 Taicang Lu, by Ji’nan Lu 太仓路58号, 近济南路 (5386 0222)
or a summer weekend away from Shanghai,
head to Qingdao and stay at the Lalu Hotel.
A stunning seaside hotel surrounded by the
ocean on three sides, the property has been conceived
to reflect the secluded philosophy of Confucianism.
This translates into a design that’s both minimalist
and Zen in each and every element, from the furniture to the plants and even the food. The mastermind
behind it is Australian star architect Kerry Hill, who
has strived – rather successfully – to recreate the
oriental concept of “unity of man and nature” using
four natural materials: log, granite, glass, and metal.
The end result is a building that seems to be born out
of nature.
Stepping into the lobby, guests will hear graceful
music played by ancient instruments, while a stroll
through any hallway will reveal beautiful lacquerwares, calligraphy and paintings. Rooms – all of which
feature a 180 degrees ocean view – come equipped
with the Analects of Confucius; a sign that the philosophy of the ancient Chinese sage really is taken
seriously here.
Besides the stunning architecture and gorgeous
guestrooms, the hotel is also worth a visit for its spa
center, which is divided into an outdoor and indoor
area. While the former includes the reception, sauna,
beauty salon, treatment rooms, a fitness center, yoga
pavilion and an ecological ornamental pond, the latter
features an infinity pool, hot spring, tanning area and
rock plate impact area. For quality and surroundings,
the facility is easily comparable to Taiwan’s Asahi
Onsen, Izu Peninsula Rehai hot springs.
// 277 Jiu Long Shan Lu, Qingdao 青岛市经济技术开发区九龙山路277号
(532 83166666, qd.thelalu.com/)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Coming to a theater near you
Made in Shanghai
The Monk
CTRL Sound Academy
It’s Chinese blockbuster season
with a slew of domestic productions taking
over the big screens for the next few weeks.
One of the most anticipated is this martial
arts action epic based on Xu Haofeng’s
best-selling novel, A Monk Comes Down the
Mountain. Farewell My Concubine’s Chen
Kaige directs a star-studded cast headlined
by two-time Hong Kong Film Awards Best
Actor winner Aaron Kwok. The film follows
an exiled monk who encounters a kung fu
master possessing a powerful book detailing the lost art of the ‘Ape Strike’ technique.
When word gets out of its existence, the
monk must protect the book and his new
master from a number of antagonists.
Shaun the Sheep Movie
As one of the bass lords on the Rankadank label, Q-Kraft has rocked most of Shanghai’s top
underground clubs. He’s now ready to spread his knowledge to the next generation of beatmakers with the opening of CTRL Sound Academy.
“What I want the academy to do is teach the basics,” the Brit explains. “When you’re learning, the worst thing is not being sure of yourself. Sometimes it’s not necessarily your fault that
something isn’t working, but you get so caught up in it that you wind up working weeks on
one bit. I hope the courses will give people good fundamentals so they can practice and learn
faster on their own.”
The ten-week course on DJing, producing and scratching will be taught by Shanghai
staples like DJ Caution (Come Correct, Love Bang), Conrank (Rankadank) and Mau Mau (Yo
Banfa). Classes are also offered in Chinese and given by domestic stalwarts like two-time DMC
China champion HBD, Misloop (Rankdank) and Dexter (Darkmatter).
“There are shortcuts you can take to make your beat sound better,” Q-Kraft explains. “The
lecturers have developed techniques over a long time that they can pass onto our students.”
Students in the DJing course will start on vinyl decks, learning often-ignored basics like
beat matching, before moving onto more modern methods like using Serato digital DJ decks.
The end-of-term assignment is to produce your own mixtape through Ableton, which naturally segues into the production course. Students will have free use of CTRL Studios outside
of class time to fine-tune their craft.
// For more information or to enroll visit www.ctrsondacademy.com. Classes are available for RMB500 per session or RMB5,000
for ten-week course at CTRL Studios, No. 2, 700 Wuyi Lu, by Kaixuan Lu, 武夷路700弄2号, 近凯旋路 (135 6498 3193, info@
Since debuting in the Academy
Award-winning short A Close Shave, Shaun
the Sheep has delighted fans in 180 countries with his popular titular TV show. The
Wallace and Gromit spin-off is now in the
spotlight again for his debut film. The unusually sharp Shaun finds himself in trouble
after his shenanigans cause his farmer to
get lost in the city where he suffers a bout of
amnesia. Now, Shaun and his flock must venture from the farm, evade animal control and
try to jog up the memories of their farmer,
who has become a world-famous stylist.
The family-friendly hit has already grossed
nearly USD60 million worldwide and will be
released in North America in August.
We give away a pair of tickets for the UME
International Cineplex in Xintiandi every
week. Simply e-mail win@urbanatomy.
com with the subject ‘UME’ for your
chance to win.
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Hao… bu Hao
Bu Hao
Is there nothing that Doremon can’t do? The
chubby “cat-type robot's" latest film Stand By
Me Doraemon was the first Japanese movie to
be released in China in nearly three years. It
follows a recent speech by Xi Jinping stressing the importance of cultural exchange between the nations. Fans agree, with the film
topping the box office last month.
Reality TV fever has swept the country with
series like Running Man adapted into hit
films. That may change as the SAPPRFT has
announced new regulations limiting satellite broadcasters to one reality series, most
likely per year. Shows must be “close to the
masses, with no exaggeration and no mixing
the spurious with the genuine.” Tough luck,
We Are in Love.
Edited by Andrew Chin & Zoey Zha / arts@urbanatomy.com
twenty one pilots
The Beatles, Tomorrow
Quite a few charttopping acts are invading Shanghai over
the next few months
including this genrebending indie-pop
duo. Over four albums,
twenty one pilots have
crafted an eclectic
sound, mixing melodic
piano, frenzied rapping and booming
drums. Released in May, Blurryface was their first US number-one record. They’ll be making their Shanghai debut at QSW Culture Center
on July 28. Other stars visiting Shanghai include Imagine Dragons
(Aug 19), Maroon 5 (Sep 12), Bon Jovi (Sep 14), Robbie Williams (Sep
20) and Muse (Sep 21). We will be giving away a pair of tickets to
these shows on our WeChat. For your chance to win,
add Thats_Shanghai or scan the QR code .
// July 28, 8pm, RMB180-230. QSW Culture Center, 179 Yichang Lu, by
Jiangning Lu 宜昌路179号, 近江宁路 (400 610 3721, en.damai.cn)
What’s New
Singaporean author Kevin
Kwan rocketed to fame with
his best-selling debut Crazy
Rich Asians. The searing satire
of the lifestyles of the rich and
famous makes its way to the
Mainland in the sequel China
Rich Girlfriend. Expect a romp
through the country’s most
exclusive clubs and an insider’s
look at what it’s like to be gloriously, crazily China-rich.
Few Mainland movies have been as
polarizing as Guo Jingming’s hugely
successful Tiny Times series. The saga
of four girls trying to have it all (and
succeeding) comes to a conclusion
on July 9 when part four comes out.
Expect fabulous fashion and puzzling plot twists. Love it or hate it,
Tiny Times 4 will make a boatload of
There is a growing number of bassment producers in the country,
and few have risen up the ranks
like 3asic. After several releases on
labels like Rankadank, he’s striking out on his own with his Project
Sync label. His latest disc This
Album Made My Friends Bassick is
a mix of booming trap and ethereal
future bass. Available at 3asic.bandcamp.com.
Xintiandi is shaping up to be the place for big summertime shows devoted to legends, with Van Gogh Alive continuing until August. Across
the street, Lafayette Arts Center hosts a celebration of all things
Beatles. This travelling exhibition features original photos, neverbefore-displayed vinyl, more than 250 original news reports on the
group and several items owned by the Fab Four, on loan from private
collectors. There will also be an artistic reproduction of Abbey Road,
allowing you and your friends to recreate the iconic album cover.
// July 3-Oct 7, 10am-8pm, RMB40-180. Lafayette Arts & Design Center, 323 Fuxing Lu, by Madang
Lu 复兴中路323号, 近襄阳南路 (www.gewara.com)
MISA 2015
The sixth edition of the Music in the Summer Air classical festival
takes over the new Shanghai Symphony Orchestra (SSO) Hall from
July 4-18. Once again, China Philharmonic Orchestra’s Yu Long and
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s Charles Dutoit have crafted an eclectic lineup with live concerts scoring 2001: A Space Odyssey and The
Matrix. Living legends like minimal music pioneer Steve Reich and
“the world’s most controversial organist” Cameron Carpenter will
collaborate with the SSO at the venue’s Concert Hall. Other acts like
the Berliner Philharmonic Brass and Paco Peña will perform intimate
shows at the Chamber Hall.
// July 4-18, 7.30pm, RMB50-580 (per show). Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Hall, 1380 Fuxing
Zhong Lu, by Baoqing Lu 复兴中路1380号, 近宝庆路 (400 821 0522, www.misa.org.cn)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
The Biggest Rock Band
in the World?
On the hunt with Linkin Park
BY Andrew Chin
lready movie stars like Lost in
Thailand’s Huang Bo and American
Dreams in China’s Huang Xiaoming
have Weibo’d their excitement. As the
group’s guitarist and vocalist Mike Shinoda
explains, the love is mutual.
“Our Chinese fans have been so wonderful and loyal,” he gushes. “It’s really exceptional, because we haven’t toured there as
much as we would like to. For some places,
fans kind of forget about you if you don’t
play there. In China, it’s kind of the opposite.
We’re very grateful and excited about coming.”
It will be the third time that Linkin Park
has played Shanghai. Their 2007 show set a
pre-sales record by selling more than 8,000
tickets on the first day. Turntablist Joe Hahn
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
In regards to performing, the 39-year-old
version of myself would crush the 23-yearold version of myself.
recalls being told that their 2009 show “was
the biggest show for a rock band in China.”
Since they last came to these shores, the
group has released the electronic-tinged
Living Things and last summer’s The Hunting
Party. Frontman Chester Bennington attributes the latter disc’s sound to Shinoda’s
desire “to write heavy hard rock songs.”
“We wrote together more as a band,”
Bennington adds. “There were more sessions
with multiple guys than usual. Typically, we
work more like a hip hop production crew in
the studio and behave more like a traditional
band during post-production.”
Bassist Dave Farrell attributes that
desire to exploring different facets of their
sound as key to the group’s longevity.
“We’re all very different people compared to when we started as a band, but all
of us are still sincerely excited about the potential of making new music,” he says. “That
moment when someone brings in something
feature » ARTS
With over 60 million records sold and five
consecutive chart-topping albums, Linkin Park
lives up to Kerrang’s lofty claim that they are the
biggest rock band in the world right now. That
rabid fanbase extends to Mainland China, where
Prince William’s favorite group will be embarking
on a five-city stadium tour that stops off at
Hongkou Football Stadium on July 22.
new to the studio that makes the hair stand
up on your arms still happens. It’s why being
in a band is cool in the first place.”
After years of record label rejection,
Linkin Park shot to fame with their debut
album Hybrid Theory. Hits like ‘In the End’
and ‘One Step Closer’ showcased the group’s
thoughtful take on nu-metal and were
buoyed by Bennington’s soaring vocals and
Shinoda’s rhymes.
Over the years, the group has evolved
into model rock stars, inspiring younger acts
like Evanescence while working with artists
that have inspired them like Korn, Metallica
and Jay-Z.
They’ve won two Grammys but arguably
their most treasured accolade is the Global
Leadership Award they received from the UN
Foundation for their Music for Relief organization.
Currently celebrating its 10-year anniversary, Music For Relief has raised over
USD7 million for victims of disasters, including those affected by the 2004 Indian
Ocean tsunami and the 2008 Wenchuan
Earthquake. A dollar from each ticket sold
will be directly donated to the organization.
“Music for Relief started from a place of
wanting to mobilize the music community
and help in different areas,” Farrell explains.
“There’s power in numbers, and our goal
is to figure out ways to be a louder voice.
Whether it means raising money for relief
efforts in disaster areas or gathering interest
in issues about the environment, it’s about
letting those in charge know that the generation coming up cares.”
It’s not the only milestone for the band
this year. Although Shinoda promises that a
new album will be released in 2016, many
of the group’s fans are focusing on the 15th
year anniversary of Hybrid Theory.
While the group is demure about any
upcoming celebrations, Bennington marvels
at the group’s journey. He cracks, “the thing
that’s changed the most is probably my hair,”
but assures us the current iteration of the
group is the best yet.
“In terms of creativity and drive, we’re
much more focused and have a very clear understanding of how the band works,” he says.
“In regards to performing, the 39-year-old
version of myself would crush the 23-yearold version. I’m happy the older we get, the
easier it gets and the better we get at it.”
That moment when
someone brings
in something new
to the studio that
makes the hair stand
up on your arms still
happens. It’s why
being in a band is
cool in the first place.
// July 22, 8pm, RMB200-1,800. Hongkou Football Stadium, 444
Dong Jiangwan Lu, by Sichuan Bei Lu 东江湾路444号, 近四川
北路. (4008 101 887, www.228.com.cn)
We’re giving away a pair of Linkin Park
tickets on WeChat. For your chance to
win, add Thats_Shanghai or scan the QR
code below.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Portrait of the artist as a creative agency
BY Andrew Chin
In a post-MTV world, going
viral is more powerful
than topping the charts.
Few bands have rocked
this new paradigm like
OK Go. While they have
released four albums of
acclaimed indie-rock, their
eye-popping music videos
have more than 100 million
YouTube views. Big brands
like Chevy have tapped
into their online popularity
for quirky ad campaigns,
allowing the independent
group to chase their
creative whims unfettered.
here are no real lines between
formats in how creativity bubbles out of you,” frontman
Damian Kulash explains. “We chase music,
we chase videos, we chase the live shows. It
feels all the same to us.”
Forged in the fertile Chicago underground of the late 1990s, OK Go always stood
out. While tipping his hat to artier peers
like The Sea and the Cake and Lonesome
Organist, Kulash admits, “our stuff was always much poppier than that. All the nerdy
rock boys would roll their eyes at us and
all their girlfriends would really love it. We
were a bit more of Cheap Trick’s version of
Adding to their mystique was their commitment to visuals. Although they made
USD60 for early gigs, they spent USD300
making four-color silk-screened posters to
decorate the stage.
“People started to recognize our name
from that,” Kulash notes. “You realize these
art projects are fun and good because a band
needs to have its whole other universe. You
might as well chase any creative ideas you
have even if some of them aren’t strictly
Several years into their career, the band’s
break came by accident. A homemade video
of the quartet dancing a choreographed
routine in their backyard to ‘A Million Ways’
became an online hit, despite being only emailed to their friends. The follow-up, ‘Here
It Goes Again,’ saw the group do another
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
intricate routine while riding treadmills. The
Grammy Award-winning music video catapulted the group to fame, with more than 20
million YouTube views to date.
The initial feeling
was, ‘wow, it’s finally
happening.’ Then we
realized people will
know us as those
treadmill guys for the
rest of time.
“The initial feeling was, ‘wow, it’s finally
happening,’” Kulash recalls. “Then we realized people will know us as those treadmill
guys for the rest of time. We had to make a
pretty quick decision. Do you run from it or
embrace it as something we do? We doubled
down on it.”
Imaginative music videos have since
been the group’s calling card. They constructed a Rube Goldberg machine for ‘This
Too Shall Pass,’ danced with dogs in ‘White
Knuckles’ and created a colorful smorgasbord literally smeared on the screen for
Brands have noticed, including domestic furniture chain Red Star Macalline. The
group sent three weeks in Shanghai filming
a commercial set to ‘I Won’t Let You Down,’
that had them literally walking on the ceiling.
“Pretty much everyone’s goal is to have
creative autonomy, but it’s challenging,”
Kulash admits. “I don’t really want to be running a business, but this way, it’s all clear
from the get go. You guys want to get a million eyeballs and we want to have complete
creative control.”
That free spirit has seeped into their music. Last year’s Hungry Ghost saw the group
moving towards a more electronic direction,
which Kulash admits was a surprise.
“The last two albums have been more
about chasing the feeling within you and seeing if you can get to it,” he explains, noting he
writes as many songs on synthesizers as he
does on guitar.
Their Mainland fans will get to enjoy
the group in the flesh when they bring their
inaugural China tour to QSW Culture Center
on July 31. Always innovative, the group has
begun to introduce Q&A sessions with the
audiences from the stage during shows.
“We get a lot of Star Wars questions,”
Kulash admits. “We have very nerdy fans.”
// July 31, 8.30-10pm, RMB340-380. QSW Culture Center, 179
Yichang Lu, by Jiangning Lu 宜昌路179号, 近江宁路
We have a pair of tickets to
OK Go to give away. For your
chance to win, add Thats_
Shanghai on WeChat or scan
the QR code.
music » ARTS
New shades of blue
BY Andrew Chin
fter releasing two critically acclaimed albums, indietronica act
Braids decided to change their songwriting and recording process for their latest
disc, Deep in the Iris.
“It was super important for us to change
up our environment to create a completely
separate feeling,” explains front woman
Raphaelle Standell-Preston.
“We went from a little box with no windows in the dead of winter in Montreal to
great expanse, intense heat, burning heat
and total isolation in Arizona. On Flourish
// Perish, we spent a lot of time tinkering in
front of the computer and on midi controllers. At the end of recording, we vowed to
play together on whatever we recorded next.
We discovered that raw energy on Deep in
the Iris.”
While driving to the desert, the group
was inspired listening to Joni Mitchell’s Blue.
Standell-Preston praises the legendary singer-songwriter for “how raw she is and how
she just lays everything out honestly.”
That influence is especially prominent in
their latest single, ‘Miniskirt.’ Dubbed by critics as a modern feminist anthem, the song
decries slut-shaming, an issue that came
to prominence after a
Toronto police constable suggested, “women
should avoid dressing
like sluts in order to not
be victimized.”
“Seeing how people
have responded to it has
been really rewarding
and assuring,” Standell-Preston says. “A lot
of people have thanked us for writing it and
giving a voice to these issues. It’s resonated
really strongly, more than anything we’ve
done in the past.”
Dubbed by critics as
a modern feminist
anthem, ‘Miniskirt’
decries slut-shaming.
As the last song written for the disc,
Standell-Preston imagines ‘Miniskirt’ “foreshadowing a more raw and direct writing
style” for Braids.
“As we play it live we’ve learned how to
Gigs to See
// July 24, 8.30pm-late, RMB150-220. QSW Culture Center, 179
Yichang Lu, by Jiangning Lu 宜昌路179号, 近江宁路
// July 9, 9pm-late, RMB80. Yuyintang, 851 Kaixuan Lu, by
Yan’an Xi Lu 凯旋路851号,近延安西路
We have a pair of tickets to give away.
Simply e-mail win@urbanatomy.com
with the subject ‘Braids’ by July 8 for your
chance to win.
Laura Fygi
Fifi Rong
The Beijing-born chanteuse has been making
waves in her new London home. She’s already worked with trip hop icon Tricky while
releasing standout discs like last year’s Next
Pursuit. She returns to her motherland after
touring the country last year with AM444.
We have a pair of tickets to give away. Simply
e-mail win@urbanatomy.com with the
subject ‘Fifi Rong’ by July 22 for your chance
to win.
inject even more energy and intensity into
it,” she adds. “That’s been very inspiring for
future songs we want to write.”
The prolific group is already eyeing recording sessions in the summer but will first
play Yuyintang on July 9.
“The live show is kind of explosive,”
Standell-Preston promises. “It is dynamic
and powerful, yet intimate at the same time.
It has been a long time coming to get this
kind of sound.”
Future Gaze
In a nice change of pace, Shanghai actually
says hello to a new local band. The all-star
group features former Tom and Katie singer
Sharon Q, Nonplus of Color drummer Daniel
Nagels and Acid Pony Club’s Clement Pony.
They make their grand debut at Yuyintang
with support from Nonplus of Color, Dirty
Fingers and Little Monster. We have a pair of
tickets to give away. For your chance to win,
simply e-mail win@urbanatomy.com with
the subject ‘Future Gaze’ by July 15.
While she started out as a member of the
Dutch disco group Centerfold, Fygi has
amassed a large following thanks to her jazzinspired tunes. She’s become a Shanghai favorite with frequent high profile gigs including a July 25 date at Shanghai City Theatre.
An all-star band of the city’s jazz standouts
will back her up. We have a pair of tickets
to give away. For your chance to win, simply
e-mail win@urbanatomy.com with the subject ‘Laura Fygi’ by July 22.
// July 25, 8pm, RMB80-880. Shanghai City Theatre, 4889
Dushi Lu, by Mingdu Lu 都市路4889号, 近名都路 (400 610 3721,
// July 17, 10pm, RMB60. Yuyintang, 851 Kaixuan Lu, by Yan’an Xi
Lu 凯旋路851号, 近延安西路.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Encore Live
Spreading the gospel of music
BY Andrew Chin
or 15 years, Ruby Hsiao has been a patron to the city’s music scene as owner of The
Melting Pot. However, she’s eyeing bigger stages with her new Encore Live series of tribute concerts.
“Every show has to have a story,” she explains. “We will provide detailed information about
each topic and are trying to reach out to an older local audience.”
The series sprang out of last year’s successful concerts honoring James Brown and
Whitney Houston at the Sennheiser Shanghai Concert Hall. It kicks off again on July 26 with a
Hip Hop Timeline show at The Mixing Room.
“We want to build up a monthly Sunday evening concert series there,” Hsiao says. “On
Monday, you have to work and Saturday, you already have a hangover.”
Popular soul duo Denise & Smokey are producing the show, which will chronologically explore the development of hip hop starting from the 1960s.
Smokey expresses excitement that he can “rock some Adidas, break out the baggy pants
and the Karl Kani suit I still own.” Taking a break from auditioning potential performers, he
notes, “what we’re trying to do with Encore Live is showcase new talent as well.”
“The whole mission of Encore Live is to make local people more aware of musical of all
genres from an international perspective,” adds musical partner Denise Mininfield. “We’re giving them a story to educate and entertain.”
The two got a taste of the power of the series when they tore the roof at last year’s Tribute
to James Brown concert.
Our mission is to make local people more
aware of music of all genres from an
international perspective. We’re giving them a
story to educate and entertain.
Mininfield laughs about having to twist Smokey’s
arm to perform, while he admits, “I was on stage the
whole time playing guitar and watching all them cats
sing. When it was my turn, I guess it all channeled
through me.”
The tribute concerts were
such a success that the prestigious venue plans to host seasonal
Encore Live shows. The next one
will be a Tribute to Stevie Wonder
on November 20.
“The Sennheiser Shanghai Concert Hall has such a
classical tradition and they thought this was the right
type of pop music to add to the venue,” Hsiao explains.
“Personally, I’m very excited because we are the first
group to be accepted to build a regular pop show.”
Already, Encore Live has scheduled an Elvis
Presley Memorial Concert at The Mixing Room on
August 16. Plans are underway for tribute concerts
to artists (Sade, Michael Jackson) and genre timeline
shows (blues, jazz, Latin, goth).
“What I want is for us to do three or four shows
a year that are professionally taped,” Hsiao says. “We
want to have a product to reach out to big international companies. When they see these musicians doing a
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
serious and good show, they will want to link with
Encore Live.”
Those involved have already reaped the benefits. Smokey & Denise agree that the series attracts
“more locals,” compared to their recurring gigs at
venues like The Apartment and the Cotton Club.
“It’s also given me an opportunity to meet a lot
of different talented artists,” Smokey adds. “We’re
already talking about doing some projects together. It’s just a matter of finding time to do it.”
With up to 20 musicians participating in each
show, Hsiao envisions Encore Live as a platform
for these artists to get their names heard.
“All these musicians have no problems finding gigs and festivals,” she notes. “But there’s no
identity. The music is great, but people don’t even
know their names.”
// July 26, 7.30-8.30pm, RMB180-280 (presale), RMB220-320 or
RMB2,000 for suite for six with food. The Mixing Room, Mercedes-Benz
Arena, 1200 Shibo Dadao, by Yaohua Lu 世博大道1200号, 近耀华路
We’re giving away a pair of tickets
on our WeChat. For your chance to
win, add Thats_Shanghai or scan
the QR code.
music » ARTS
ns th
he life cycle of a Shanghai band is
short. It’s a reality that Goushen guitarist Lao Bi knows all too well.
“We feel like the oldest band in
Shanghai,” he sighs. “Why can’t bands keep
going past the one or two year mark? Look at
how many staples Beijing has.”
The hard rocking quartet arose from the
ashes of heavy metal group Androsace and
thrash-rockers Bigong Bijing, debuting at the
2012 Rocksgiving show with a Black Sabbath
Releases like KTV 666 and last year’s
sterling Dio Cane showcased their chops, incorporating elements of heavy metal, punk,
grunge and blues-driven hard rock in one
rocking package.
“I don’t know if our tolerance went up or
we stopped drinking so much, but we actually starting getting more work done and got
more interesting,” Lao Bi explains.
However, if any band had an excuse to
have their Last Waltz moment, it’s Goushen.
Last year, frontwoman Lenz left to complete
her Master’s degree in Australia. Rather than
throw in the towel, the group has rebounded
with a new singer Teresa Ren, whom they
discovered at Live Bar.
“People are going to make comparisons but it’s like two different bands,” Lao
says. “We should almost change the band
name, but fuck it – not doing it.”
After a few trial shows, Ren will be fully
in the spotlight at Goushen’s July 3 show at
Yuyintang. They’ll be releasing their new EP,
Not Easy to Roll which Lao describes as “perfect for driving in the summer time.”
“This one harkens back to that 1970s
Thin Lizzy-Queen kind of feel,” he adds. “It’s
something that showcases Teresa and if you
liked the band before, this is a good opportunity to get your toes wet with a new singer.”
While he harbors no illusions of rock
stardom, Lao hopes the band gets recognized
more on a national level.
“We enjoy what we’re doing and touring
China is so cheap and easy,” he explains. “All
you have to do is hop on a train with your
guitar. We could do a different circuit for the
next five to ten years and we might break
The show kicks off a busy summer for
the group who will also perform an EP release show in Beijing.
“Let’s do it now,” Lao says. “Because goddammit, our bassist is leaving in August to
do her Master’s.”
// July 3, 9-11.30pm, RMB40. Yuyintang, 851 Kaixuan Lu, by
Yan’an Xi Lu 凯旋路851号, 近延安西路 (goushen.bandcamp.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Echoes of Eternity
Patrick De Bana updates Tang Dynasty romance
BY Zoey Zha
hen the name Patrick de Bana appears on one side of an equation,
it’s easy to work out the other
side: Love. The German-Nigerian choreographer made his name in Shanghai with a series of successful ballet productions like last
year’s star-studded Baiser Vole.
Always upfront in revealing love as his
inspiration, de Bana takes inspiration from
the Chinese poem Song of Everlasting Sorrow,
which details the legendary and tragic Tang
Dynasty romance of Emperor Ming and Lady
“I was drawn by the name of this book
the moment I laid my eyes on it,” he explains.
“I know that people in China talk about the
emperors all the time, but I speak for Lady
Yang. To me, it was Lady Yang who made
Emperor Ming famous. With her at his side,
the Emperor was not just any emperor
among hundreds of others in history.”
The story is divided into two parts. It
begins when Emperor Ming meets the gorgeous Lady Yang and falls in love with her.
While content with the happiness of love,
Emperor Ming loses his focus as the ruler of
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
If we take away the crown and jewels, they
were a man and a woman first, before
everything else.
the regime – perfect timing for traitors and
When turmoil forces the royal family to
escape the palace, critics blame Lady Yang.
With those around her demanding her death,
she complies by hanging herself.
“The strongest part for me is the ability
of Lady Yang to sacrifice herself for love,” de
Bana says. “This is one of the most beautiful
actions a human can do. As I see it, she went
straight up to heaven.”
With a story that combines love, drama
and history, de Bana admits that he began
planning the adaption while rehearsing Jane
Eyre in 2012.
Co-produced by the Shanghai Grand
Theatre and Shanghai Ballet, Echoes of
Eternity is a modern interpretation of the
story that demonstrates the poetry of love.
To get better understanding of the piece,
the troupe traveled to Xi’an, the capital of
China during the Tang Dynasty. They also
visited Maweipo, where Lady Yang committed suicide.
While showing no hesitation in praising love, the choreographer is humble and
respectful when talking about his take on of
this part of history.
“I learned that there are several adaptations of this story,” he says. “As a foreign
guest, the last thing I want to do is another
revival show. But if we take away the crown
and jewels, they were a man and a woman
first, before everything.”
Shanghai Ballet principles Chen Yan and
Wu Husheng are taking on the roles of Lady
Yang and Emperor Ming respectively. De
Bana recounts several discussions with Chen
dance » ARTS
about channeling the tragic circumstances
that her character faces.
“At a point, she looked at me and said
that there must be hope somewhere,” he recalls. “I told her that she is good to go.”
While this story illustrates the dancer’s
determination to find a ray of light in such a
sad tale, tragedy struck the production when
stage designer Pak Jaya Ibrahim passed away.
De Bana pledges to honor his friend with
Echoes of Eternity. Knowing the show will be
Ibrahim’s final work, he promises that “we’ll
do him proud.”
The contemporary ballet debuts at
Shanghai Grand Theatre on July 30-31 and
will travel north to Beijing for late August
// July 30-31, 7.30pm, RMB160-680. Shanghai Grand Theatre,
300 Renmin Dadao, by Huangpi Bei Lu 人民大道300号上海大
剧院,近黄陂北路 (400 821 3624, www.smartshanghai.com/
We’re giving away a pair
of tickets to Echoes of
Eternity on our WeChat.
For your chance to win,
add Thats_Shanghai or
scan the QR code.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Tian Hui
The next generation of Peking Opera
BY Zoey Zha
he Shanghai Peking Opera celebrates its 60th anniversary
with a series of shows at Yifu
Theatre from August 4-9. One of the
young stars who will perform is Tian
Hui. The Harbin-born 28-year-old is
the latest star 'dan' in the Mei Lanfang
line, trained by the legend's son Mei
Baojiu, son of the legendary Mei
Lanfang. Already an award winner,
Tian discusses bringing the art into
the next generation.
Peking opera is our cultural
On getting into Peking Opera…
I was in kindergarten when my father decided to send me to the
Peking Opera Club. I give him all the credit. Yangbanxi was like pop
songs to his generation. He’s a very zealous fan. Not one missing
gong or drumbeat passes his ears. He could recite a score faster and
more precise than I can.
On training under Master Mei Baojiu…
My teacher introduced me to him when I was still an undergrad.
He’s really helped with my singing skills and the way I dress on
stage. Besides that, he has to make sure if you are a person of good
On whether Peking Opera is being marginalized…
There was a competition launched specifically for Yue Opera
in Shanghai and I was stunned by its popularity. Peking Opera is
certainly marginalized in comparison. As much as we are reluctant
to admit, it’s unlikely that it will regain its peak moment. But we
are making our best efforts to carry forward the essence of this art
form. Shanghai Peking Opera launched a five-year Project Youth
Runway program in 2011 and I was among the selected young artists. Now we are approaching the last year of the program and it’s
been an honor and a challenge to be a part of it.
On modernizing Peking Opera…
Master Mei Lanfang said that once could move as many steps as
you can, but the heart shall remain at peace. Peking opera is our cultural legacy, but we are facing crowds with different backgrounds.
To me, we should keep the status quo by welcoming different art
forms and adjusting our performance to suit the trend. But this
doesn’t mean adding pop songs. Classics are classics. What we could
do is enrich each character while performing for different crowds.
// August 4-9, 7.15pm, RMB40-80. Shanghai Yifu Theatre. 701 Fuzhou Lu, by Yunnan Zhong Lu
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
theater » ARTS
Culture Clash
Intercultural Performance Studio
BY Andrew Chin
ince opening in 1945, the Shanghai
Theatre Academy has graduated
such luminaries as Li Bingbing, Fan
Bingbing and contemporary artist Cai
Guo-qiang. Now a few foreign students in
its International Bachelor’s programs are
eager to leave their own mark through the
Intercultural Performance Studio.
“The best way to learn in an intercultural
environment is to create theories and discussions that allow everybody to participate as
much as possible,” explains co-founder Alex
The British actor starred in productions
by Urban Aphrodite and East West Theatre,
but has found his own artistic path with
last year’s Queen Mab. Created with fellow
students Wang Jiannan and Swati Simha, the
show mixed the story of Romeo &
Juliet with movements from jingju
opera for an international retelling
of Tang Xianzu’s Peony Pavilion.
The follow-up show Blind
interpreted the Indian mythical
epic Mahabharata and featured an
international cast complemented
by a Ghanaian drummer. Both productions packed the campus’ small
theater, allowing IPS to “link the
student community with the professional community.”
Regular workshops on topics
ranging from African dance to the
Theater of the Oppressed have built a community that Gomar expects to live on after
he moves to Paris in September to attend the
International School of Corporeal Mime.
“Shanghai needs this,” he says. “We tend
to divide the theatrical community between
the international and national sectors. These
were not linking at all, but we’re seeing connections being made. People are talking after
our workshops and getting to know each
With a goal of presenting four shows a
year, IPS has already caught the eye of the
Minsheng Art Museum. They’ll be presenting
the Gomar-penned one-man show On Top of
the World on July 17.
“How can you have an intercultural one
man show?” Gomar asks rhetorically. “I was
intrigued by the use of subtitles and thought
about embedding them into the performance.”
The show follows Englishman Henry
Norman as he hurtles through his own brain,
watching “the unravelling of the post-war
experiment, partially due to government
policies from Thatcher onward.”
We tend to divide
the theatrical
community between
the international and
national sectors,
but we’re seeing
connections being
// July 17, 2,30pm and 7.30pm, pay what you want. Minsheng
Art Museum, Bldg F, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu, by Kaixuan Lu 淮海西路
570号F座, 近凯旋路
// Follow Intercultural Performance Studio on WeChat at IPSShanghai
Shows to See
2015 ARTistry on Ice
Five years ago, celebrated ice skating pair
Zhao Hongbo and Shen Xue captured the
country’s first ever Olympic skating gold.
While they retired shortly after, the pioneers
started China’s first international annual
figure skating gala. It’s back again with a
star-studded show featuring superstars like
Javier Fernández, Stéphane Lambiel, Johnny
Weir, Adelina Sotnikova and more.
// July 11, 7.30-9.30pm, RMB180-1,280. Shanghai Oriental Sports
Center, 701 Yaoti Lu, by Linpu Lu 耀体路701号, 近林浦路 (400
610 3721, en.damai.cn)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia has
adapted three stories by Eric Carle including
Little Cloud and The Mixed-Up Chameleon.
The performance mixes black light theatre,
original music and moving images for a captivating family-friendly show.
// July 24-26, 7.30pm (10.30am and 2.30pm shows on
weekends), RMB80-480. Shanghai Children Art Theatre, 800
Miaojiang Lu, by Xizang Nan Lu 苗江路800号, 近西藏南路 (400
610 3721, en.damai.cn)
The Montreal company specializes in unique
productions that mix equestrian and performing arts with cutting-edge technology
and special effects. Over four million have
seen their shows since they began touring
in 2003.
// July 11-26, 7.30pm (with 2.30pm weekend matinees),
RMB280-1,880. White Big Top (equestrian park within Shanghai
Expo Park), Shibo Dadao, by Zhoujiadu Lu 世博大道世博公园,
近周家渡路 (400 610 3721, en.damai.cn)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
s the final work by avant-garde
British playwright Sarah Kane,
4.48 Psychosis depicts a depressed
woman devastated by a broken relationship. Many have related the show to Kane
herself, considering it a personal account of
a talented artist struggling with a nervous
The show debuted in 2000 to great acclaim, with The Times noting its “language is
unparalleled.” It’s being adapted to Mandarin
for a production at Shanghai Dramatic Arts
Center from July 23 to August 9.
In his second collaboration with the
theater’s troupe, American director Dmitry
Troyanovsky has adapted the modern classic. He stresses his belief that it would be “a
mistake to interpret Kane’s text as a straightforward suicide note or nothing but a clinical
record of a pained mind.”
“A few years ago, I saw a French production in which a very famous actress stood
still, and for about an hour and a half solemnly recited every line,” he adds. “I hated
it. Where was Kane’s gallows humor? Where
was her irony? Even in her bleakest plays,
she maintains a mischievous awareness of
life’s tragicomedy.”
Actress Tian Shui agrees. While Xu
Manman has been cast in the upcoming
proudction’s leading role, it was Tian who
was the first actress to perform the show in
“When I read the script, I simply did not
understand what this woman was trying to
deliver. There was no sense you could make
out of it,” she recalls. “But the more you read,
the words will get to you. As she wrote, death
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
st a
la Zoey Zh
Sarah Kane’s
is never her wish. This play calls
for hope, not devastation.”
It was Shanghai Theatre
Academy senior professor Xiong
Yuanwei who first brought 4.48
Psychosis to Shanghai audiences
in a 2006 show. It was his attempt to inspire audiences to
care for people who suffer from
With no reference to look to, Tian and
her two co-stars started rehearsal in the
“stupidest, yet most effective way.” They recited the entire script word by word until it
was imprinted into their bones.
“Xiong is the type of director who offers
you the ultimate freedom as long as you can
revive the character on stage,” she explains,
joking it was her hectic nature that got her
the role.
Despite concerns that such a heavy topic
would challenge conservative local audiences, Tian was pleased with the response.
She admits spotting people leaving their
seats during uncomfortable scenes but still
remembers a conversation with a 12-yearold boy who saw the show.
“I was surprised that his grandmother
took him to the show, but I was impressed by
his response,” she recalls. “He said he understood the show because he recognized the
madness and fury. It was the same reaction
he had when his parents forced him to go to
classes. It dawned on me that depression is
an epidemic, regardless of age.”
After impressing Shanghai crowds with
his debut The King Stag, Troyanovsky chose
to revive 4.48 Psychosis as his Shanghai
comeback due to freedom and space it grants
to him as a director.
Written as a three-person show, the
director has added a fourth cast member allowing him to explore the idea of symmetry
and doubles.
“Actors who work on a Kane play have to
be very versatile and brave, physically agile
and emotionally open,” he explains. “It can’t
just be about some strange hysterical young
woman from Europe. It has to be about them,
their lives and obsessions.”
Once again, Troyanovsky is working with
stage designer Zane Philstrom allowing them
to take full advantage of the “void” in this
“We’re trying to get away from the idea
that the set has to be some kind of clinical
setting,” he explains. “In fact, Sarah Kane
didn’t leave a single stage direction or description. So the visual world of the play is
totally open to interpretation.”
// July 23-Aug 9, 7.30pm, RMB50-180. Shanghai Dramatic Arts
Center, 288 Anfu Lu, by Wukang Lu 安福路288号上海话剧艺
术中心,近武康路 (400 821 3624, www.smartshanghai.com/
smartticket) Show has English subtitles.
We have a pair of tickets to give away.
Simply e-mail win@urbanatomy.com
with the subject ‘Psychosis 4.48’ by July
15 for your chance to win.
film » ARTS
The World Underground
Riding through China’s rising indie scene
BY Andrew Chin, photos by John Yingling
wo summers ago, China’s indie godfathers P.K.14 went on
a triumphant 31-date national tour to celebrate their fifth
album, 1984, their first in five years. American underground
music documentarian John Yingling tagged along to film the first episode of his ambitious The World Underground series.
The Wisconsin native is taking his passion to the global stage.
Armed with “a shitty Canon ELPH,” Yingling moved to Chicago in
2007 to indulge in his long-nurtured love for the Windy City’s music
scene. He filmed and photographed hundreds of shows for his Gonzo Chicago blog,
eventually being named Best Music Scene
Documentarian by The Chicago Reader in
2012. A year later, he did the same thing in
Missoula, Montana.
The idea of covering the Mainland was
born out of conversations with indie duo
Handsome Furs who “wouldn’t stop gushing
about” their 2010 five-city tour of China.
At the time, he was aware of Hedgehog,
P.K.14 and Carsick Cars – three of only a
handful of China groups to have played in
America. He credits Josh Feloa’s Pangbianr
blog for being a thorough primer and eventually linking him up with Genjing Records’
founder Nevin Domar who suggested he join
the P.K.14 tour.
“Jumping on tour with them opened up so much more to me
than I ever could have imagined. They tour in a van, something most
Chinese bands don’t do, but also pick their openers,” Yingling says before praising standout sets by local acts like Meikadeer in Guangzhou,
Color Hunter in Changsha, The Maples in Chongqing and Chengdu’s
HiPerson and Stolen.
“I knew there were scenes in these cities, but I never would have
seen what I did had I not gone on tour with P.K.14.”
For one month, he traveled with the iconic group from Zhuhai to
Chengdu to Wuhan, peeking into the local scenes and filming performances including AV Okubo playing in an art-riddled parking garage.
Yingling spent another month in Beijing, where he had his “mind
blown” seeing White + and Residence A, interviewed leading figures
like Nova Heart’s Helen Feng and was given fly-on-the-wall access
to film Carsick Cars, Hedgehog and SUBS jamming at their rehearsal
“There were so many great non-musical moments,” he adds. “The
number of times someone pointed me to a venue because I gave them
a ‘guitar strum’ motion was pretty hilarious. A guy in Changsha let me
jump on his motorcycle during rush hour when I was jammed up before the P.K.14 show. An old man and his wife fed me fruit for an hour,
after nearly zero sleep on an awfully long train
ride. There are too many to count. I enjoyed myself in nearly every situation in China.”
He recommends the experience for anyone
and mentions asking everyone he interviewed
what they wanted foreigners to know about
their country.
“Their resounding answer was you need to
come and visit. Step on the soil and see it with
your own eyes,” he says. “Yang Haisong said that
everyone has a different version of what China
is, and I would agree.”
With his intimate insight on vibrant underground scenes across America, Yingling brings a
unique viewpoint on the Mainland indie scene.
He notes: “There’s a lack of example to follow here as DIY isn’t a huge thing, because there
are only a handful of veteran acts out there,” but is positive for its
future. “The Internet’s growth is going to be a catalyst. It’s wide open
now and I can’t wait to watch what happens.”
The World Underground aims to tap into that possibility. While
available online for free viewing, paid subscribers can access footage
of live recording sessions.
Yingling aspires for the website to be a global resource with
detailed contact information on bands and bookers in each place he
“The idea is to connect the global community and someday have
this be a self-sufficient endeavor,” he says. “Let’s create an underground without borders.”
The idea is to connect
the global community
and someday have
this be a selfsufficient endeavor.
Let’s create an
underground without
// Watch the film at www.theworldunderground.com
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Dr. Jonathan Chatwin
The Times
They Are a’ Changing
The Enduring Influence of the I C h i n g
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◉ In the Cultivation of the Tao, one must start with small matters.
The I Ching has its roots in the culture of
the ancient Shang dynasty, which ruled China
between the 16th and 11th centuries BC. In the
court of the Shang, a complex system of divination was developed, in which turtle undershells
and ox scapulae (shoulder blades) were inscribed
with questions pertinent to the state. Topics for
these questions ranged from the weather or the
emperor’s health, to matters of warfare and the
potential longevity of the dynasty. Extreme heat
was then applied to the bones to produce a cracking which could be ‘read’ by the diviner.
Evidence of this process only came to light in
the late nineteenth century, and its discovery is
the stalks of the yarrow plant, forming patterns
to which the I Ching would be the key. The fall
of the yarrow stalks (in the modern age, multiple
tosses of a coin are used as a substitute) related
to one of 64 hexagrams or gua, each made up of
six either broken or unbroken lines, which are the
organizational principle of the I Ching.
The basic method of actually consulting the
I Ching is relatively straightforward. One poses
a question, and then, using the stalk or coin
method, arrives at a hexagram pattern. One
then looks this pattern up, much as one would
a dictionary or encyclopedia entry. It is here,
however, that the reader’s real work begins. Each
attributed to Wang Yirong, then Chancellor of
the Imperial Academy. In one – likely apocryphal
– version of the story, Wang, having contracted
malaria, sent out for the ‘dragon bones’ traditionally prescribed in Chinese medicine to treat the
illness. Upon inspecting the bones more closely,
he noticed faint inscriptions, which he recognized
as an ancient version of the Chinese script. Wang
then apparently set about buying up these dragon
bones in order to subject them to further study.
Unfortunately, however, history intervened in
his enquiries; in 1900, Wang was commissioned
to lead a squadron of Boxer rebels in Beijing
and, when the foreign troops finally arrived in
the capital in August to break the siege of the
Legation Quarter, he committed suicide rather
than face humiliation at their hands. His early
archiving of the oracle bones, though, led to the
first book of bone rubbings appearing in 1903,
and the eventual identification of the village
of Xiaotun, near the ancient Shang capital of
Anyang in Henan Province, as the source of the
bones. Around 200,000 fragments have now been
discovered, forming the oldest extant body of
written Chinese and providing detailed insight
into a dynasty once assumed to be mythical.
The divinatory system of the I Ching descends
directly from that of the oracle bones. The Zhou,
who overthrew the Shang in the 11th century,
kept alive the culture of divination, but somewhat secularized and codified the process. Where
the Shang had used heated turtle shells or cattle
bones, the Zhou established a method of casting
entry is named individually, and accompanied
by a judgment which the reader must interpret;
these judgments are best seen as provocations to
reflection, rather than straightforward answers.
For example, this morning I posed a question
to the I Ching regarding a writing project I’m
intending to embark upon: "Is this a good time
to begin?" I asked. I tossed a coin three times,
scoring 2 for heads and 3 for tails. This gives you
a result between six and nine, which dictates
the first line of your hexagram. You repeat this
process until you have six lines – your hexagram.
For this question, I ended up with Hexagram
38 – Kui or ‘Opposition.’ The short judgment for
this is as follows:
In small matters,
This is
Not a clear thumbs up, but encouraging
enough. Then, one moves on to a short, poetic commentary, which expands on the judgment. The last lines from the commentary on
Hexagram 38 run:
The Myriad Things
Are in Opposition
But their enterprise
Is still of the same kind.
All of these elliptical observations are provocations to reflect, rather than answers in themselves; “The I Ching triggers lateral thinking,”
John Minford observes,“ and offers the reader a
way out of habitual, stale patterns of thought.”
Any interpretation, however, is complicated by
the fact that, over the centuries, these relatively
edly against haste and cerebral superficiality.”
short poetic judgments have been added to by
commentators, both Chinese and Western. The I
Ching is best seen as a palimpsest, with layers of
meaning built up over centuries. The most venerable of these commentaries are known as the ‘Ten
Wings,’ which have become an intrinsic part of
the work as it is known today; however, countless
other commentaries exist and have influenced, to
a greater or lesser degree, modern Chinese and
Western editions of the text. Ultimately, there is
no one definitive I Ching; it is a work which has
continually shifted and altered over the centuries.
It is, as the Chinese are fond of saying, “not so
much a book, as a spirit.”
In 2002, Penguin approached the sinologist
and translator John Minford with the suggestion
of producing a new English translation of the I
Ching. Minford had worked with David Hawkes –
perhaps the most revered translator of Chinese of
the last century – on the Penguin edition of The
Story of the Stone, and had recently completed
a new translation of Sun-Tzu’s The Art of War.
For many years, the most widely consulted
Western version of the I Ching had been Richard
Willhelm’s German translation, which was translated into English by Cary Baynes in 1950 and
formed the basis for many subsequent editions.
Minford embarked on his translation with the
aim of avoiding the psychoanalytic overtones
of the 1950 translation (which was heavily influenced by Carl Jung, who wrote the foreword,
and with whom both Willhelm and Cary Baynes
were friends) and presenting a more Sino-centric
version of the text: ”I wanted above all to trans-
The text has, Minford observes, much to offer the Western reader. In Eastern Asia, modern readers continue to see it ”as a source of
indigenous wisdom applicable to many real-life
situations, including holistic health, political,
environmental, social and ethical issues, and
harmonious lifestyle in general." Minford cites
a Chinese business professor in Hong Kong who
bases his theory of ‘Chinese Leadership Wisdom’
on the teachings of the I Ching. Minford sees
no reason why its influence and employment
should be limited to the East: ”It is, after all, a
text that is based on universal human values,
not on any particular creed.” Minford’s ambition
to produce a ‘helpful and kind’ English edition
of the I Ching has influenced his approach to
incorporating the multitudinous commentaries;
though predominantly Chinese, those he includes
tend towards the practical and straightforward.
In the case of my own consultation, the commentary is conservatively encouraging – though
cautions helpfully against overweening ambition:
“In the Cultivation of the Tao, one must start
with small matters. Every line in this hexagram
except the first is in a ‘wrong’ place. But progress
is still possible – in small matters. Opposition
may be healed and surmounted.”
Even in John Minford’s wonderfully human
and helpful translation, this is a book that requires the reader to work, and to think, and to
stop: lofty demands in an era of instant gratification. Therein lies its power and significance,
however; it pertains to a realm of knowledge
beyond the reach of Google’s algorithms. For the
mit a Chinese Book of Wisdom,” says Minford.
Minford’s translation took 12 years – he describes the work as ”exhausting, testing and
humbling” – and the finished text has recently
been published, to much acclaim, by Penguin.
The challenge of producing a new version of the
I Ching was, Minford comments, essentially spiritual: “There were, of course, scholarly, textual
and linguistic difficulties, but all along I have
found that this project was, above all, testing me
spiritually. The book itself acted as a litmus test
for the translation process, cautioning me repeat-
knowledge and understanding it has the power
to unlock is intrinsic to the individual consulting the I Ching.
”If there is total sincerity in the process of
consultation, book and reader come together,”
Minford says.” They are one. The book is you,
the reader. It is your reading of it. No more, no
less. It is what you find in yourself, in order to
understand it. It is what you make of it. In that
sense, you are the book.” ◆
Dr. Jonathan Chatwin is
the author of Anywhere
Out of the World: The Work
of Bruce Chatwin. He is a
regular contributor to the
Asian Review of Books.
◉ The I Ching triggers lateral thinking, and offers the reader a way
out of habitual, stale patterns of thought.
The I Ching
Using 3 Coins
How to Conusult
Take three coins with clear ‘heads’ and ‘tails’ sides
[Note: The 56 hexagrams are made up only of yin and yang lines. If your
hexagram contains ‘changing’ lines (see top right) then simply treat the lines as
regular yin or yang lines, for now. Changing lines represent new possibilities and
depth that are explained in more detail within the I Ching]
complete the process
to flip the coins another five times to
your hexagram from the bottom. You will need
Write down which line has emerged, beginning
3 tails
1 tails, 2 heads
2 tails, 1 head
3 tails
changing Yin
one of the following four: a yin, a yang, a changing yin or a changing yang
Relevant guidance can be found within.
identify which of the 56 hexagrams has formed.
Consult your copy of the I Ching to
Flip all three coins to determine the nature of your hexagram’s first line. It will be
Andingmen, Beijing
Dongzhimen, Beijing
I am due to visit Shanghai, a city
My train departs in just 45 minutes’
laden with temptation, vice and places
time. Should I take the subway or find
in which I could easily become lost
a taxi? Focusing my mind on the ques-
(physically and morally). There can
tion, as instructed, I tap the screen six
be no better time to seek spiritual
times to form hexagram number 25,
Innocence (The Unexpected). Ride the
But cracked turtle shells, coins and
wave to make progress but allow oth-
yarrow stalks are too antiquated for
ers to benefit also. That sounds
my purposes. I head over to today’s
distinctly like public transport.
equivalent of the mystics’ lair (the
But there is a changing ‘yang’ line
App Store) and download ‘Pocket I
that can be corrected to improve my
Ching.’ The app is designed in pleas-
situation: This is not the time to push
ing shades of yellow and is completely
ahead blindly – wait. Uncertain wheth-
randomized, just like the ancient
er I Ching understands the urgency of
instruments of chance.
the situation, I ignore the latter advice
and arrive via subway with 10 minutes
to spare.
On a train outside Nanjing
The Bund, Shanghai
I feel the nagging call of nature.
After enjoying a perfectly pleasant
Unfortunately, the woman next to me
dinner with an old friend from London,
is stretched out and fast asleep. My
it’s time to decide where our night
need to urinate is pressing, but maybe
will continue. I can barely contain my
I'm being selfish. What if this is her
shock as hexagram number 6, Conflict,
only chance to rest before some
is revealed. You feel you are in the
gruelling encounter?
right but face conflict. Avoid confronta-
I am presented with hexagram
number 26, Darkening of the Light.
Better to suffer than to compromise
We’ve been friends for over 15
your principles. Keep fixed on your
years and have never come to blows.
ultimate goal. This leaves me con-
There must surely be some alterna-
fused. My principles tell me that I
tive interpretation (because frankly,
could probably wait, but my ultimate
should we descend into street
goal lies in the bathroom. I try again.
fighting, I would almost certainly
Number 4, Youthful Folly. You have
lose). It must be a metaphor. To the
asked the same question too often to
Boxing Cat Brewery.
deserve further comment. The oracle
answers correctly the first time only.
I’ll wait.
tion even if you win, enmity will be
Fumin Lu, Shanghai
Exact location unknown
The I Ching leads us to Diva. It’s one
I am accosted by a prostitute in the
of those ‘order table service and look
street. Her aggressive marketing
Hungover and disoriented, I am struck
like you’re having the worst night
strategy centers around grabbing my
by a dilemma that has plagued hu-
of your life’ kind of clubs. Confucius
crotch and insisting that I want a
mankind since the time of Socrates:
would be horrified. I am becom-
good time. I don't. Taking refuge in a
club sandwich or chicken panini?
ing drunk and a scantily-clad male
nearby bar, I peer through the window
Number 47, Oppression (Exhaustion).
dancer is standing on the bar gyrating
and see her waiting for me outside.
Your energy is weak and your words
uncomfortably close to my face. My
Somewhat ironically, I Ching
will be wasted. The first part is cer-
friend suggests some tequila shots.
presents number 57, The Gentle. A
tainly true. But what of the second?
With the earlier warnings of conflict, I
changing fourth line provides guid-
I am unsure how to proceed. Perhaps
am hesitant.
ance: Uncertainty passes. Act deci-
the app’s all-seeing ‘info’ tab can
sively now and you will have no regrets.
reveal more.
Number 26, Taming Power of the
Starbucks Madang Lu,
Great. You are now ready to embark
Reassured, I wait for an approaching
on a major project. Marshall your re-
taxi and run out.
If the answer you receive makes no
sense, the I Ching may be answering
sources and begin. It’s a haughty way
Confidently deflecting the young
to describe my situation but the mes-
lady’s gropes, I jump into the cab. She
sage is clear. I marshall the pinks in
attempts to join me but I act decisively
to the other matter I’d been pondering
my wallet. “Fuwuyuan!”
and slam the door shut.
while choosing my sandwich: is
another question in the back of your
mind. So maybe ‘wasted words’ refers
journalism a really, really terrible
career choice?
That's Shanghai towers
FORMER French Concession,
Editor-in-Chief of That’s Shanghai,
Marianna Cerini, has allowed me to
It’s daily existential crisis time. Thus far,
use her office for the day. A USB stick
I have used I Ching to guide relatively
protrudes from a computer below the
inconsequential choices. But it’s time
desk. As I test her chair’s swivel with
to 'think big' before the 24 hours are
boyish abandon, I accidentally hit the
up. What am I doing in China? Should
device with my foot, causing it to
I return home?
snap. Should I risk her characteristically fiery wrath or see if she mistakenly blames herself for the mishap?
Number 59, Dispersion (The
Number 24, Return (The Turning
Point). The old ways are being discarded; the new is coming into view.
You have missed the moment to change
Dissolving). Your personal strength
direction. Best to wait for the next
and rapport with others will enable you
to dissolve conflict quickly. I own up
Then I find the app’s following
via WeChat. It transpires that impor-
disclaimer: If you are a novice you may
tant documents and photos are among
misunderstand some of the answers.
the lost files. She doesn't respond to
Do not rely only on the I Ching when
my apology and I take this as a sign
making serious decisions. Too late.
of silent fury.
Your destiny
fortune t
A trip
s magliar through hi
something pecu
epresenting in
nifying glass.
h and Man (r
ar when you’re
drive in the ye
r humble
might occur.”
When we got
featured on ou
a car accident
rstly, fortunes
were al
of confidence,
we learned tw
ven out cheapl
left with a bit
er walle
and the
precious things
a slightly light
ts, the indexes
r down from hi
come the char
of caution and
rgain our telle
found out that
g. We should av
ghai, by contra
00, to a more re
y rich.
– and not
starting price
to be rich. Filth
still getting a
rrible match”
we were going
(yes, we were
rooster – “a ho
ure to cost a
able RMB200
out our career
e expecting th
e learned we w
santly surpris
well suited
bit suckered).
), but were plea
face shape is
will im
as mid-aftern
going to die.
) and our ears
, the center of
B50 each. It w
didn’t specify
to “a
It was 10am
ore precisel
ation neces. A wizened m
Temple. Or, m
bes (no explan
from the
things mystic
od – we don’t
ross the street
s took our palm
ere looking go
parking lot ac
ard and glasse
ry). Things w
with a white be
nd for wom
yway – when th
r men, right ha
like roosters an
– left hand fo
reading. Th
and began the
mention of th
r forehead. No
plary, as is ou
probably al
rs congregate.
is time, but he
ned. Sam
e’ve been war
knows that w
Instead of a w
any impendin
r accidents an
es, we were m
d compl
off Polo leathe
reer success an
irt and knockdoom – just ca
fedora, dress sh
hand, he begi
all around.
os, until
bag. Hand in
sheets or gizm
than you,” he
are no charts,
a series
is particular
teller extends
considering th
end when our
ed out and face
ai team is six
red cards, fann
That’s Shangh
red, and are
k three, as orde
And you will
smart. Clever.
we picked wel
“You are very
if you picked
career. Lots of
ve charged you
use this
making us
ys, “but beca
anghai.” He’s
rtune,” he sa
lines are exem
ain, our palm
blush. Once ag
another three
, that will be
one is so good
irty yuan.”
hundred and th
resee that.
been able to fo
If only we had
t suc will have grea
ver. And you
ery smart. Cle
◉ You are v reer. Lots of apartments in
cess in your c
Crouch a
BY Erik
E. Weber
by Sarah
, Images
Gourmet Gossip
Two of Shanghai’s favorite restaurants,
Scarpetta and Coquille, are getting a new
high-profile chef – Jason Oakley, formerly of
the Mandarin Oriental’s Fifty8o Grill. Oakley,
who has also been made a partner at the two
restaurants, will be officially starting his tenure on the first of August.
SH Supperclub’s Camden Hauge has just
opened the doors to her new restaurant,
Egg, at 12 Xiangyang Bei Lu. Currently in soft
opening, Egg is open for breakfast and lunch
until 6pm with a menu of dishes such as avocado toast and sweet potato okonomiyaki.
They also let you add an additional egg on
any dish for RMB10!
Kerry Hotel Pudong has launched a unique
outdoor bar concept, The PATIO, where people get to enjoy summery barbecue in a cozy
and relaxed environment while enjoying
award-winning draft beers and a lot of other
sumptuous treats.
Oreno, a new French and Italian inspired
Japanese export has just opened its doors in
Xintiandi. Hugely popular in Japan, Oreno’s
concept revolves around cooking ‘Michelin
quality food for the masses.’ Look out for our
review in next month’s issue.
Meanwhile, Bund 5 has just gotten yet another new restaurant – the Taiwanese-run
high end Japanese yakiniku (barbecue) joint,
Kanpai Classic. Expect a menu of premium
imported Australian steak, steak and more
Jing Republic, the cookery school and
boutique design shop chain has opened
their first formal restaurant, JR Recipe,
in Madison’s former spot on Fenyang Lu.
Helmed by chef Barry Lee, the menu focuses
on accessible feel-good dishes such as pulled
pork French fries and bone marrow with red
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Chinese Tea Cuisine
WIN! A traditional tea ceremony for six
// Room 401, Hong Kong Plaza, 282
Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Huangpi Nan Lu. 淮
海中路282号香港广场北座401, 近黄陂
南路. Nearest metro: Huangpi Nan Lu,
10 mins. Open daily, 11.30am-10.30pm.
(6352 7609)
Beautifully designed Chinese Tea Cuisine on
Huaihai Zhong Lu is part restaurant, part
traditional teahouse. In addition to serving
food, they have several in-house tea ceremony
masters instructed in the time-old ways of
Tibetan tea culture that can be reserved when
booking one of the many elegant private
rooms. The food menu might be fusion, but
when it comes to tea, this place sticks rigidly
to the traditional with a huge menu of some
of China’s most famous brews, prepared with
utmost rigor and dedication.
Fancy a cuppa? They’re offering That’s Shanghai readers
a chance to win an afternoon
tea ceremony for six people
(plus sweets and desserts),
where you’ll sample some of
their rarest brews, including a yellow tea (天
台黄茶) from Zhejiang province, which typically costs RMB26,000 per kilogram.
Scan our Wechat and stay tuned for the WIN
announcement coming soon.
We Eat It So You Don’t Have To
Shanghai’s spiciest dish
Shanghai isn’t known
for spicy food, but you
can certainly find it in
specialty restaurants like
Lotus Hubei Restaurant
on Changning Lu. They
have a dish so spicy that
just a handful of people
have ever finished it: 辣得
跳 (la de tiao/spicy bullfrog). If, by some miracle,
you can finish one plate
in an hour, they’ll give it
to you for free and write
your name on their wall.
With five variations of chili, this dish was doubtlessly the spiciest thing we’ve ever tried, and
between four people (including a spice-lover from Sichuan) we still couldn’t finish it. On par
with swallowing molten lava, we’re certainly never doing this challenge again. But if you reckon you’re hard enough, tell the fuwuyuan: “我要点挑战版的'辣得跳'”(wo yao dian tiao zhan
ban de la de tiao).
// Lotus Restaurant, 641 Changning Lu, by Huayang Lu 长宁路641号,近华阳路. Nearest metro: Zhongshan Park, 10 mins. Open
daily, 11am-2pm, 5-10pm. Local cards accepted. (5238 2919)
Edited by Betty Richardson & Tongfei Zhang / dining@urbanatomy.com
Breaking Bites
Grill on 56
Lunchtime steakhouse classics
A good choice for business lunches in
Lujiazui, eating at the Grand Hyatt’s
Grill on 56 at the top of the Jinmao
Tower is like being at a steakhouse in
the clouds. You literally can’t beat it in
terms of views, with floor-to-ceiling
360-degree views of both sides of the
Huangpu river. It’s also pretty hard to
beat in terms of bang for buck. During lunch times, they offer appetizers (including fresh crab cakes, Caesar salad and lobster bisque) for
RMB30 on top of the price of your entrée. Add appetizer and dessert
for RMB50. Mains-wise this place sticks to feel-good classics – flat iron
steak (RMB150), 200g salmon steak (RMB150) and 150g Australian
tenderloin (RMB200). Definitely try the burger, with a deliciously juicy
patty stuffed with kimchi topped with braised pulled pork.
2015 Food and Drink awards
Your chance to vote for Shanghai’s
Listen up, fellow foodies: The 2015 That’s Shanghai Food and Drink
Awards are here, and it’s time for you to make your voices heard!
Where is Shanghai’s superior Thai restaurant? Who makes the finest cocktails? Which spot deserves to win favorite new restaurant?
Their fate is literally in your hands. Our online voting site is live, so
log on and have your say. Winners will be announced at our exclusive
awards ceremony on August 13. Vote now at vote.thatsmags.com.
// Grand Hyatt, Jin Mao Tower, 56/F, 88 Shiji Dadao, by Yincheng Lu 世纪大道88号, 金茂大厦, 近银
城路. Open daily. Nearest metro: Lujiazui, 10 mins. (5049 1234)
German export makes Lujiazui debut
Vapiano, an Italian restaurant chain hailing from Germany recently
joined in with its China debut. Far from your regular trattoria,
Vapiano eschews waiters for a buffet à la minuit system; you take a
card and line up in front of the cooking station you desire, tell the chef
what you fancy and watch him cook. Start with piatto di antipasti
(RMB88/four people) or beef Carpaccio (RMB68), and move onto
handmade pastas and pizzas like campanelle di scampi (RMB68),
fusilli Bolognese (RMB58) or spicy pizza Toscana (RMB68). Expect
long queues during rush hour
– we lined up for around 10
minutes waiting for the chef
to cook it. Fresh food is always
worth waiting for, though.
// 24-26 Fucheng Lu, by Mingshang Lu 富
城路24-26号, 近名商路 Nearest metro:
Lujiazui, 10 mins. (5077 7718)
New late night menu
There aren’t many good options for more filling late-night Western
fare other than Mr & Mrs Bund, but Husk on Fengxian Lu, just a block
or two away from the Nanjing Xi Lu metro, is changing all that with
their yummy late-night feast. Offerings start at RMB28 for small
plates and desserts, such as the garlic fried pork ribs (RMB28) or
the sinfully cheesy clam and crab gratin (RMB32), lightly citrusy
lemon poached prawns with lettuce, chili mayonnaise and pita
(RMB38) or beer-battered fried New Zealand mussels with lemon
aioli (RMB26/46). All ripe to be
washed down with stiff cocktails from Husk’s special ‘Martini
// Late night menu served 10.30am-1.30am.
218 Fengxian Lu, by Nanhui Lu 奉贤路218号, 近
南汇路. Nearest metro: Nanjing Xi Lu, 5 mins.
Open daily, 11am-2pm, 5pm-2am. Local and
international cards accepted. (6243 0832)
nom nom number
Value of China’s yogurt industry
Here’s a fun fact: China is the world’s largest consumer of yogurt,
outstripping Brazil, Japan, France and even the USA. However, here
in China the most popular kind of yogurt is a drink, rather than the
thicker type eaten with a spoon. The yogurt industry in China has
seen explosive growth in recent years, from RMB33.3 billion in 2010
to RMB63.4 billion in 2014. By 2019, it’s projected to be a whopping
RMB112 billion, defying earlier predictions that Chinese people,
many of whom are lactose intolerant, would never consider dairy as a
part of their daily diet.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
By Betty Richardson
Shanghai’s best omakase sushi restaurants
Reserve one day in advance (since the fish
is ordered from Japan according to bookings). Don’t speak Chinese? Ask a friend to
book for you and specify that the diners will
be non-Chinese speakers. You are paying a
premium at these places, and they aim to be
Don’t be afraid to confirm the price per
person when booking. Menus are subject to
change according to the daily catch.
What is ‘omakase?’
Japanese for “I’ll leave it up to you,” omakase
sushi is chef’s choice – walk in, sit down and
prepare to be taken on a culinary journey by
your itamae (sushi chef). There’s no particular set menu, as dishes depend on the day’s
best catches from the fish markets of Japan –
delictable morsels which are then flown over
to Shanghai.
Thanks to its close proximity to Japan, like
Hong Kong, Shanghai benefits from excellent
omakase sushi restaurants, serving exquisite
cuts of fish and seafood. Sadly, the planet’s
depleted oceans make for an increasing scarcity of this quality fish – so anticipate paying upwards of RMB800 per person. On the
plus side, service at all these establishments
is attentive, even elegant at the very best.
Furthermore, these omakase sets can stretch
into hours – we guarantee you’ll leave feeling full.
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
There are usually no menus, but you may
be asked which particular price set you’d
prefer: a smaller set (with fewer premium
ingredients), a standard or a chef’s special
(large and/or with extra premium ingredients).
-Before starting, your itamae will ask if
there’s anything you don’t eat. Don’t be
shy – they want you to enjoy the experience
Non-Chinese/Japanese speakers: English
is limited at many of these places, but no
menus means there’s little need for talking.
Go in expecting to pay the minimum price
listed, plus extra for alcoholic drinks.
-Expect 10+ small courses of sashimi, nigirizushi (sushi with rice underneath) and
perhaps grilled wagyu beef, plus dessert.
Arriving hungry is essential.
Nigiri-zushi are OK to eat with your fingers;
eat sashimi and everything else with chopsticks.
Gari (ginger) is eaten as a palate cleanser
inbetween courses, not with the sushi.
Don’t dip the rice part of your nigiri-zushi
into the soy sauce; dip the fish part, and dip
it sparingly.
feature » EAT/DRINK
Yizheng (鮨正)
One of our favorite sushi omakase spots in Shanghai, Yizheng is
hidden in plain sight in a commercial building; step inside and
be transported straight to Japan in this birch wood paneled, warren-like restaurant. With just eight seats at the main bar, Yizheng
serves sets from RMB688-RMB1288. Best value is RMB888,
which includes a large sashimi platter, copious sushi courses and
premium grilled wagyu beef, too.
Price: RMB888+ per person
Who’s going: well-heeled locals and Japanese expats
Good for: dates, small groups, impress guests
// Metrobank Plaza, 1160 Yan’an Xi Lu, by Panyu Lu 延安西路1160号, 近番禺路. Nearest
metro: Yan’an Xi Lu, 15 mins. Open daily, 11.30am-2pm, 5-10pm. Local and international
cards accepted. (6271 7810)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Arguably the best omakase (and most expensive)
experience in Shanghai, the ingredients are of impeccable quality and are second to none. The bounciest,
freshest ikura (salmon roe) we’ve tried anywhere
in Shanghai. Dishes here are exquisitely plated and
imaginative, the meticulously made sushi served (literally) in the palm of Aoki-san’s hand.
Set in what feels like a residential apartment in
Jing’an, eating here is like being let in on a big secret
about just how good sushi can get in Shanghai.
Price: RMB1,280 - RMB1,580 (Lunch: RMB680-980)
Who’s going: sushi lovers, local and expats
Good for: impressing guests
// Lane 632, No.45-47 Yan’an Zhong Lu, by Maoming Lu 延安中路632弄45
-47号, 近茂名路. Nearest metro: Huangpi Nan Lu, 10 mins. Open daily,
12-2pm, 5.30-10pm. Local and international cards accepted. (5281 1107)
Sushi Teru (鮨直輝)
Sushi Teru might be new on the scene, but it’s already
making waves among Shanghai’s sushi aficionados.
Itamae Kevin was the former head chef of esteemed
sushi house Maison Asano before branching off on his
own venture here.
Having spent the greater part of his life studying
the culinary art in Japan, itamae Kevin has a penchant
for blowtorching fattier cuts of fish to smoky perfection, often prominently accenting them with yuzu,
citrus, wasabi and fresh green onion. Standout dishes
are the scored octopus, steamed crab with vinegar jelly,
giant shrimp – we could go on; everything here is a cut
above the rest.
Elegantly spacious interiors set Sushi Teru apart,
making it suitable for formal occasions when nothing
but the best will do, making the 35-minute taxi ride to
this Gubei spot well-worth the effort.
Price: RMB12,00 per person
Who’s going: Japanese and locals gourmands
Good for: special occasions, impress guests, sushi
// 1838 Gubei Lu, by Wuzhong Lu (entrance through parking lot, look for
a white sign saying ‘鮨直輝.’ 古北路1838号奥特莱斯一层北侧,近吴中路.
Nearest metro: Songyuan Lu, 15 mins. Open Mon-Sat, 6-11pm. Local and
international cards accepted. (5473 0595)
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
feature » EAT/DRINK
Tatsumi (龙海寿司)
Serving primarily a menu of sushi and sashimi
courses (as opposed to various cooked dishes)
Tatsumi is the best value omakase place in
Shanghai for sushi lovers. Its convenient location
means you needn’t trek into Hongqiao or Gubei for
the omakase experience. Our favorite from here is
the extra marbled wagyu sashimi wrapped around
umami-rich uni, but just about everything else is
good, and excellent value for money.
Price: RMB850 per person
Who’s going: local sushi lovers
Good for: sushi only, sashimi, small groups, dates
// 207 Mengzi Lu, by Liyuan Lu 蒙自路207号近丽园路. Nearest metro:
Madang Lu, 8 mins. Open Mon-Sat, 6-10.30pm. Local and international
cards accepted. (6230 0226)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
new restaurants
Maison Asano
Our resident food blogger
samples high-end sushi
By Shanghai Girl
Maison Asano Price: Omakase set RMB888/RMB1,380
(+10% service charge)
Will return: Yes
don’t eat as much sushi as I would like in
Shanghai, primarily because the quality just isn’t there. The few good places
are expensive, and Maison Asano is one of
them. All their fish is flown in from Japan –
the cost is high, the price is high. So just once
in a while, I empty my wallet and fill my belly
with some really expensive fish.
Personally, I like to sit at the bar ignoring my dinner companions, and watch Chef
Liam prepare the food he is going to feed me.
However, if you’re more social and actually
want to talk to your friends, there are normal
tables and a private room available.
Below I've picked out my top nine dishes
from my most recent meal here, and when
Ankimo (monkfish liver) mousse
Nagasaki akami (lean Bluefin tuna)
Hokkaido kinmedai (alfonsino/
golden eyed snapper)
booking I usually have just one request that I
put in ahead of time – while some people like
to have a balanced mix of sushi, sashimi and
other cooked dishes, I ask for mainly raw fish
(sashimi and sushi). Luckily, chef Liam was
happy to oblige... liver) mousse
Kyushu otoro (Bluefin fatty tuna belly)
with marinated melon My favorite piece of
the meal – the marinated melon elevates
the fatty tuna flavor to a new dimension.
5 Hokkaido shiro ebi (white shrimp)
Hokkaido aka uni (red sea urchin)
// 318-2 Julu Lu, by Maoming Lu 巨鹿路318号-2,近茂名南路. Nearest metro: Shanxi Nan Lu, 15 mins. Open Tue-Sun, 5.30-10.30pm.
Local and international cards accepted. (6216 2019)
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Kohada (gizzard shad)
otoro (Bluefin fatty tuna belly)
6 Kyushu
This delicious cut just melts on the tongue.
Wagyu uni don (beef and sea urchin rice
bowl) The most bomb combination. The
Wagyu beef is slightly torched and topped
with sea urchin — incredible.
Hidden Indonesian gem on Nanjing Xi Lu
By Tongfei Zhang
The place
Tucked away on an underground floor opposite Nanjing Xi Lu’s fake
market, Bumbu is a low-key Indonesian restaurant opened by a father
and daughter duo bringing authentic and affordable Indonesian fare
to Shanghai.
Despite their quaint backstory, the inside feels remarkably contemporary – no tacky grass mats or tropical mirage posters here. It’s
also proving reasonably popular thus far, with area locals becoming
regular customers.
The food
Start with perkedel jagung (corn cakes, RMB25/four pieces) and
find fresh corn kernels, celery and shallots coated in special ‘bumbu’
spicy batter. Deep-fried to golden, the palm-sized cakes are good
enough without dipping them in the spicy, umami-rich soy dressing
(although, by all means, go right ahead).
We weren’t initially taken in by the idea of the sop buntut (ox-tail
soup, RMB58) with secret sauce, but we have to admit that we were
pretty impressed. Simmered for six hours, the clear but rich broth
sees ox-tail bones coated with tender meat. It is hearty, savory and utterly hard to resist.
A number of curry dishes can be found on menu as well, such as
the classic rendang stew (beef cubes with coconut, RMB78/180g)
and gulai kambing (stewed lamb in curry and coconut milk, RMB68).
The bebek penyet (deep-fried duck, RMB78) was a bit dry, but the
nasi goreng (Indonesian fried rice, RMB58) is a must-order and good
for sharing. 2/3
The vibe
Being inside what feels like an office building, this isn’t the most enticing place to dine. But with their attentive, welcoming service, we
can tell the owners are trying to create a warm Indonesian atmosphere as best they can.
We like the customer care they delivered, and saw smiles on
guests’ faces as they took off. 0.5/1
Value for money
A measure of Bumbu’s authenticity derives from a culinary team hailing from Indonesia, making dishes as they would back home without
befalling the dreaded fate of ‘localization.’ Considering the prime
location on Nanjing Xi Lu, Bumbu is relatively affordable, and office
workers will no doubt appreciate the dozen or so lunch sets priced
from RMB40. 0.5/1
Total verdict: 3/5
Price: RMB100 per person
Who’s going: expats, office workers and business people
Good for: business lunch, casual dinner
// B1/F, 555 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Chengdu Bei Lu 南京西路555号, B1楼, 近成都北路. Nearest metro:
People’s Square, 15 mins. Open daily 10am-10pm. Local cards accepted. (6222 7693)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
new restaurants
Pho Zen
New Vietnamese spot off Yongkang Lu steals the show
Value for money
BY Betty Richardson
The place
Ok, we give up. It seems impossible for pho
restaurants in Shanghai to make Vietnam’s
signature dish like they do in its home country; the broth doesn’t have that complex, star
anise-laden flavor, and there are never enough
fresh herbs. With that said, Pho Zen is by and
large the best we’ve tried in the city.
The food
The pho broth is more boldly flavored than
other pho places we’ve tried, with a heavy
oniony taste thanks to a generous topping of
deep-fried garlic and a separate serving of
raw onions, mint, Thai basil, chili, lime and
cilantro added at your discretion.
For RMB40, the rare beef pho is very
good – rich, tasty and filling while still being profoundly light. The raw slices of beef
(which cook in the hot broth) were a delicious, luxurious-feeling touch; a far cry from
the sad, tasteless over-cooked beef slices
we’ve had at other pho joints.
Initially we thought the accompanying
hot chilies weren’t spicy enough (we were
very wrong on that one, by the way) and following a request for chili sauce, the manager
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
came back with a bottle of Sriracha. Sriracha
(the bottled, Huy Fong Foods kind) is technically Vietnamese, and Westerners love
Sriracha – everyone wins.
Skip the shrimp summer rolls (RMB32)
– they’re always a bit on the bland side anyways – and go for the minced pork lettuce
wraps (RMB28) instead. Gingery, garlicky
and topped with shredded herbs, these
were yummy but could have done with a
squeeze of lime or chili dipping sauce (luckily, the Sriracha stepped in as substitute).
Also great were the sweet potato fries
(RMB28), which we dipped in (you guessed
it) Sriracha. 2/3
The vibe
Strategically positioned 20 meters off
Yongkang Lu, this tiny, low-key spot has the
vibe of a Southeast Asian backpacker cafe,
helped along by the occasional trance anthem on the sound system.
Pho Zen offers a peaceful respite from
the bustle of Yongkang, with seating both
inside and out on the street. However, tables
are sparse, and there aren’t proper bathrooms, either. 0.5/1
Everything we tried was fresh, generously
portioned, and served quickly. One can easily
eat here for under RMB60, since the pho is
filling enough for a meal. Come here before
(or after) drinks on Yongkang Lu or for the
RMB40 lunch set. 1/1
Price: RMB40+
Who’s going: expat overflow from Yongkang Lu
Good for: cheap eats, pho, Vietnamese food
// 89 Jiashan Lu, by Yongkang Lu 嘉善路89号,近永康路.
Nearest metro: Shaanxi Nan Lu, 10 mins. Open daily, 11.30am–
late. Cash only, no reservations.
new restaurants » EAT/DRINK
Classic Italian food by the Bund
BY Tongfei Zhang
The place
Neighbor to the century-old Peace Hotel
and steps away from the Bund, Velluto is a
chic high-end Italian restaurant hidden in
historic Bund 66, led by Venetian chef Bardi
The food
We tried the five-course wine dinner menu
(RMB498/person with wine pairing) and
started with whisked Venetian-style cod
on soft corn meal (paired with a light
Italian Prosecco). An unconventionalsounding dish, but we bet you’ll fall for it
once you take a bite. As an echo to the restaurant name - which literally translates as
“velvet,” the tender cod is beaten into a delicate and creamy velvet-like filiform, sitting
as a ball in a center of maize.
Following the black ink spaghetti with
baby squids, the main course is served
with two options of crusted sea bass fillet
pairing Chardonnay, or Angus tenderloin
in red wine sauce pairing Chianti Classico.
The sauce is a bit heavy for the portion we
tried, but we loved the tender and subtle
texture of the beef which goes well with
light and fruity Chianti - a classic pairing
that’s hard to beat. 2/3
The vibe
Dim and modern, this spot exudes a vintage
charm that is equally perfect for a romantic
candle-lit dinner or a wedding anniversary
celebration. Two sizable Renaissance-style
private rooms with projectors are prepared
for business lunches/dinners. If only there
were an outdoor al fresco spot overlooking
the bustling commercial street below – that
would have been perfect. 0.5/1
Value for money
The RMB498 seasonal wine dinner
saves the time and trouble of pairing wines
with each course. That said, this cellar-like
restaurant does have a good enough deal
of quality wines
available by the
bottle, and far
be it from us to
discourage some
experimentation. Overall,
Velluto represents good value
for Bund-side
dinners, and especially for wine
lovers. 0.5/1
Total verdict: 3/5
Price: RMB498 per person for dinner
Who’s going: business people, expats
Good for: dates, special occasions, wine
// 3/F, Bund 66, 66 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu 南京东路66号3楼Bund66外滩五席, 近
中山东一路. Nearest metro: Nanjing Dong Lu, 10
mins. 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-10.30pm. Local cards
accepted. (6192 0265)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
new restaurants
Prée Ice Cream Lounge
The place
Tucked away in a Xintiandi alley next to Va
Bene, Prée is a slick little joint dressed in
black and white marble with brushed gold
accents. Truth be told it looks like it could
be an extension to Kris Jenner’s fancy
monochrome house in Keeping Up with
the Kardashians.
It might be chic inside, but using the term
‘lounge’ to describe it seems a little egregious. When you say ‘ice cream lounge,’ I
envision large, comfy armchairs, couches,
maybe even beanbags and shagpile rugs.
In Prée’s sense of the word, it’s a smallish
room with a counter and six bar stools. So
before anyone gets excited thinking they’ll
be lounging around whilst eating sundaes,
‘ice cream bar’ is a more accurate description of this place.
The food
Naturally the menu here involves ice cream,
but this ain’t no fish-you-a-scoop-out-thefreezer deal, nor is it quite like the liquid nitrogen churned ice cream that’s become trendy
these days.
In fact, Prée is using a PacoJet, a high
tech Swiss-made kitchen device which, in
the manufacturer’s words: “enables chefs to
‘micro-puree’ fresh, deep-frozen foods into
ultra-light mousses, ice creams and sorbets.
Intense flavours, natural colours and vital
nutrients are captured in individual, ready-toserve portions.”
And the result is delicious. With a texture
that’s more akin to soft serve than conventional scooped balls, the fundamental flavors
of the ice cream are rich, satisfying and truly
But here’s the kicker, it’s expensive as hell.
Cheapest is ‘three bean vanilla’ (using
Madagascan, Mexican and Tahitian vanilla
beans) at RMB42 for a 100ml tub. Other classics are ‘the master chocolate’ (RMB58, below) and ‘Uji matcha with genmai’ (RMB42).
Unconventional ‘innovation’ flavors are
geared towards the more adventurous, including ‘goat milk with manuka honey,’ ‘peppercorn and pistachio’, ‘lemongrass and
ginger.’ Out of sheer curiosity we tried Prée’s
most expensive at RMB88: ‘black truffle’
God damn it was good – salty, sweet and
with a pronounced truffle kick that *almost*
justifies paying 14 US dollars for a small tub of
ice cream.
Other flavors on the menu can be paired
with alcohol, namely ‘England black ale’
(RMB58, below) and ‘bourbon with roasted
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
cherries’ (below, RMB68), which was also
very tasty since they poured a whole shot of
Maker’s Mark on it.
We would have tried more flavors, but literally ran out of money because Prée does not
accept credit cards and is cash only. 2.5/3
The vibe
It’s not busy here thanks to its discreet location, and exclusive prices. Annoyingly, there’s
little in the way of information and/or explanation of Prées methods in the shop which
would probably go some way in justifying
those sky high prices.
There’s not even so much as a company
Wechat to scan, and while the servers are
pleasant, none were forthcoming about the ice
cream process or the overall experience. 0/1
Value for money
Goes without saying you’re not coming
here for good value. But with that said the ingredients here are premium and the ice cream
is made to order, so if you’re after just a little
taste of luxury, Prée’s creamy indulgences ultimately hit the spot. 0.5.1
Price: RMB42+
Who’s going: Xintiandi strollers
Good for: Sweet treats, ice cream, little indulgences
// No.15, Xintiandi, Lane 181, Taicang Lu, by Madang Lu 新天地
太仓路181弄15号, 近马当路 Nearest Metro: Huangpi Nan Lu, 10
mins. Open daily: Mon-Fri 12-10pm, Sat-Sun 11am-11pm. Cash
only for now.
The Bull & Claw
Surf and turf and craft beer
BY Betty Richardson
The place
A few blocks north of Nanjing Xi Lu, The
Bull & Claw specializes in just three things:
steak, lobsters and craft beers. It is a cheeky
homage to cult favorite London restaurant
Burger and Lobster, which sells just burgers,
lobsters and lobster rolls all for the same
A similar concept is in place with the
food here, but the restaurant has a slightly
more retro American diner feel to it. Set in
a big, open space with distressed wooden
floorboards and enormous sofa-like armchairs, this new opening feels like the closest one can get to a gastropub in Shanghai,
which doesn’t surprise us since the folks
from The Camel Bar are behind it.
The food
Bull & Claw’s menu is short, sweet and woefully inappropriate for vegetarians – all eight
dishes contain lobster, beefsteak, or both. We
went for the whole Nova
Scotia Lobster with salad and salted chunky
French fries, which
at 650g is great
value for
Might as
well go for a
whole, since
the smaller
Caesar salad
and Lobster sandwich only contain
half a crustacean and are
both RMB148.
Steaks (Australian imported) are good
value for their size, starting at RMB148 for
the premium burger. Said burger was a
highlight of the meal, consisting of a hefty
beef and pork patty on a bed of arugula,
pickles and baby tomatoes, topped with deliciously melted English red Leicester cheese,
grilled home-cured bacon and a dollop of
Lebanese garlic sauce.
The Bull & Claw combination
(RMB348) was another highlight; a huge
250g hunk of grilled veal
fillet with peppercorn
or red wine sauce,
next to a half
lobster. You can
choose to have
your lobster grilled, steamed, or
our favorite, Thermidor (mixed
with a cream, brandy, mushroom and cheese sauce then
grilled). If you’re really hungry, however, try the tomahawk steak (RMB980),
frankly gargantuan
and enough for
three people,
although it could
have used a few
more minutes
resting time.
We’ll be surprised if you have
room for dessert after
that lot, but if so, go
for the chocolate
malt sea salt ice
cream (three
flavors for RMB58).The iced hazelnut soufflé was nice, but a
bit pricey at RMB88. 2/3
The vibe
Relaxed but still formal
enough to eat steak and
lobster in, The Bull & Claw
has an appealing atmosphere
during both day and night, particularly when the front windows
are opened to create an impromptu
Service is usually a letdown at new restaurants, but no chance of that here under
General Manager Qiqi’s watch. Bilingual,
smiley and informative, Qiqi often balances
the enormous plates of food from kitchen to
table herself (in heels, we might add). 1/1
Value for money
Prices here are below average for lobster
and steak in Shanghai, particularly given
the big portions. It ain’t single pedigree M9
wagyu, but it’s satisfyingly juicy, and Brit
Chef Hardeep Somal actually listens when
you say you want it done medium-rare. Plus,
all dishes come with a side salad and basket
of those chunky, whole-potato French fries.
The place is still in soft opening, but if they
manage to keep the consistency going and
the meat quality worth the price, the Bull &
Claw should be onto a winner. 1/1
Price: RMB248-400 per person
Who’s going: healthy mix of young expats,
families and locals
Good for: steak, lobster, cocktails, beer, boy’s
night, weekend brunch
// 466 Xikang Lu, by Kangding Lu 西康路466号,近康定
路. Nearest metro: Changping Lu, 5 mins. Open Mon-Fri
5pm-late, Sat-Sun 11am-late (last orders 11pm). Local and
international cards accepted. (6266 6819)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
new restaurants
Exquisite little Japanese-run French bistro
By Betty Richardson
The place
What a pleasure it is to find a
new restaurant worth telling
everyone about. Very newly
opened Racines is just that, an
excellent little French bistro in
the former French Concession,
tucked away in a discreet lane
house behind a white wooden
front door.
A French bistro in this part
of town: sounds like a familiar
story, right? Except this one’s
The food
got a twist that will divide
opinion amongst conservative appreciators of
French bistro cooking: it’s
run by a Japanese chef.
Ishibashi Kenji, who
previously headed up La
Queue de Chiot, now makes
Racines (French for ‘roots’)
his culinary home. And like La
Queue, Racines is a boutique
restaurant with just 20 seats.
We started off with four plump Tia Marra
oysters (RMB45/each) alongside warm
bread rolls and a rich meaty pâté studded
with oat granola. A welcome freebie, but
we can imagine if you ordered the pâté de
campagne (RMB100) this would be quite
rich. Next up two bonbon de foie gras
(RMB130). Each crispy roast potato sphere
holds a center of molten foie gras, accented
by a luxuriously bold jus of vinegar, fig and
physalis. Chef Kenji showed an experimental flavor pairing with perfectly crisp, justfatty-enough duck breast and lemongrasshued sauce, complimented by wilted baby
greens and millimeter-thin raw mushroom
stem discs (RMB165). The overall sensation was decadent without overpowering
the appetite.
Finally a hefty beef bavette for
RMB200, with grilled gnocchi, red wine and
onion reduction atop creamed potatoes. For
this price we were expecting chewy lean
meat, but were delighted by the tender, perfectly rested flank steak. It’s a clever move:
this more unusual cut of meat commands a
lower price than your average filet mignon
or rib eye, while still representing a good
balance of fattiness (if you know how to
cook it right). 2.5/3
The vibe
Value for money
Set in a lane house, Racines feels like
you’re eating in a chic friend’s apartment.
The waiters are attentive and serve with
care, but since this place is very recently
opened, they’re still a little shaky on recommending and/or describing dishes off
the menu.
On our rainy, Monday night visit the
place was not busy, so anticipate having it
more or less to yourself if you go at a similar time. 1/1
Food this good wouldn’t be amiss at a fivestar hotel or Michelin-starred restaurant, so
for around RMB300+ per person, Racines
offers excellent value.
Overall, Racines is a very serious and yet
low-key addition to the French bistro gems
in Shanghai, and one we’ll be returning to
post-haste. 1/1
Price: RMB300+ per person
Who’s going: Japanese and local gourmands
Good for: Romantic dates, French food, wine, small groups
// 41 Guangyuan Lu, by Yuqing Lu 广元路41号, 靠近余庆路. Nearest metro: Shanghai
Library, 10 mins. Open Mon-Sat, 6-11pm. Cash only (June 2015), card machine coming soon.
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
on the grill » EAT/DRINK
Shanghai's best Street eats
Jamie Barys, Shanghai’s street food queen on her new guide book, Glutton Guides
by Jamie Barys
Jamie Barys is co-founder of Untour Shanghai, an urban adventure tourism company specializing
in street food tours. She and business partner Kyle Long are releasing Glutton Guides, a travel
book series focusing on the best local eats in cities around the world, starting with Shanghai.
Glutton Guides
hat is Glutton Guides? It’s a travel book
written as a guide to finding the best
food in a city. Kyle, my business partner, and I travel to eat. We find it frustrating
when you’re trying to plan your trip and you
have 20 different tabs open, so many competing voices on what’s the best food to eat in that
particular place. What’s the best xiaolongbao
in Shanghai? The best roast duck in Hong Kong?
The best ramen in Tokyo?
We wanted to create something that wasn’t crowdsourced, that wasn’t comprehensive – a resource
that says, “here’s the best places to go; eat here and
you’ll have a good time on your trip.”
We started with the Glutton Guide Shanghai,
which is launching this month. It covers everything from Chinese food: street food, noodle
joints, regional Chinese food. But instead of having every Sichuan restaurant, we have just two
of the best. Instead of every xiaolongbao place, we
just have a couple.
Glutton Guide’s Top Five Street Food Picks
1. Jianbing
2. A Niang Mian (阿娘面)
The street food I eat most often, jianbing has
fueled me through more than eight years of
empty refrigerator emergencies, hangovers
and on-the-go lunch breaks. Unlike most vendors, the Wulumuqi Lu lady stays open until
2pm, cementing her place as my favorite jianbing seller in town.
When hairy crab season rolls around, I head
here and order their signature xiefen mian,
with bright orange roe and sweet crab meat
served with fresh noodles in a rich broth
made of yellow croaker spine. The rest of
the year, the huangyu mian is also a winner.
// 328 Wulumuqi Lu, by Fuxing Lu. 乌鲁木齐路328号,近复兴
路 RMB4/each.
// 36 Sinan Lu, by Nanchang Lu 思南路36号,近南昌路
RMB39 for crab noodles, RMB22 for yellow croaker noodles.
3. A Da Congyoubing (阿大葱油饼)
This guy is my all-time favorite street food
vendor and totally worth the wait, which
sometimes reaches two hours at peak times.
He makes everything by hand, and never cuts
corners, elevating these crispy scallion oil
pancakes to an edible art form. Best visited between meal times when the wait is shorter.
// Lane 159, back door of No. 2 Maoming Lu, by Nanchang Lu 茂名
南路159弄2号后门, 近南昌路. RMB5/each
4. Da Hu Chun (大壶春)
5. Wei Xiang Zhai (味香斋)
I love Yang’s Fried Dumplings as much as the
next guy, but Da Hu Chun’s misshapen buns
have a special place in my heart. They are fried
seam-face up so they can fit in even more juice
– yes please!
Wei Xiang Zhai has been slinging sesame-peanut noodles for decades, ladling out hundreds of bowls a day from
the first floor of an historic French Concession building.
Most of the diners can be found slurping on the majiang mian with a side of beef curry broth soup.
// 71 Yunnan Nan Lu, by Jinling Dong Lu 云南南路71号,近金陵
东路. RMB6/each.
The above is just a tiny selection of the
street food treasure trove that is Glutton
Guide Shanghai. Download the e-book
for the full experience. For updates,
see the Glutton Guides website: www.
// 14 Yandang Lu, by Huaihai Lu. 雁荡路14号近淮海中路. Hours: 6.15am-9pm.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
new bars
Sad times for the former Hollywood
gang: double closures for their two
Shanghai clubs, Just on the Bund and
Their loss is Lola’s gain, however. The
popular alternative electro club has just
opened up in Hollywood’s former 46
Yueyang Lu location, after being forced
out of their Surpass Court spot following
noise complaints from angry neighbors.
Shanghai seems to be undergoing a deluge of new bars, particularly wine bars:
Somm Wine Gallery at 284 Anfu Lu
(specializing in wine by the glass served
via Enomatic machines), Le Verre à Vin
at 1221 Changle Lu, and Sommelier 598
at 105 Chengdu Nan Lu.
On Wukang Lu, Starling’s former mixologist Daniel An has opened his first solo
venture, the happily-named Taste Buds
Cocktail Palace. Drink prices are on the
steeper side, ranging from RMB78-125,
but thankfully deliver on flavor.
On Donghu Lu, a brand new branch of
Shanghai Brewery is now open, situated right next to hip club Le Baron. With
an eclectic, art deco, faintly steampunkish decor inside, this sizeable new brewery and bar also has a menu of food and
an awesome outside terrace.
Whisper Whisky
& Cigar Club
Average whisky bar on Hunan Lu
By Marianna Cerini
hisper Whisky is an oak-and-leather lounge that outwardly manifests
sophistication, stocked with cigars
and about 100 whiskies so far, with many more
on the way. But where it succeeds in appearance, it falls a bit short in substance.
For starters, our bartender tried to explain that Whisper’s old-fashioned was special
because of its particular whisky and bitters.
Spoiler alert: the whisky is Maker’s Mark – a
fine bourbon, just no rara avis – and the bitters
is Angostura, which is what everyone uses. (To
the bar’s credit, the drink is very good.) There
are also only four whisky cocktails on offer,
with none of them being that staple of whisky
bars, the Sazerac. (No absinthes in sight, sadly.)
And the menu, for some dreary reason, lists
Dewar’s and Famous Grouse – two blended
scotches – among the single malts under
“Island District.” Eek. We’re nit-picking, obviously, but this just doesn’t look good for an establishment seeking a higher class of clientele.
We will say, though, that Whisper Whisky
has good stuff: four Campbeltowns, including
the oily and spicy Glen Scotia 16 (RMB120),
Price: RMB200 per person
Who’s going: Japanese expats and drunken
Chinese girls
Good for: whisky, quiet drinks, cigars
One-hour wine delivery app makes
Shanghai debut
By Betty Richardson
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
// 123 Hunan Lu, by Wukang Lu 湖南路123号, 近武康路. Nearest
metro: Shanghai Library, 10 mins. Local cards accepted. Open
daily 7pm-2am. (6212 1058)
Three on the Bund’s newest restaurant,
POP American brasserie has just
opened up an excellent lounge and terrace (below), complete with chic 50s
diner decor and Malibu-esque palm
trees. Our new go-to spot for after dinner drinks on the Bund.
some nice
(a 15-year-old
for RMB130)
and a fine collection of American
bourbons and
Japanese single
malts (including
a bottle of Mars
Amber that goes
for RMB80,000).
Glasses are imported from Japan, as is the
water used to make the hard-carved ice. Again,
it all looks and sounds good. Whisky drinkers
might indeed find something they like; they
just shouldn’t expect to learn anything new.
s many Europeans
and Americans know,
wine – particularly
French – is over-priced in
Shanghai. In some restuarants, the cheapest plonk can
command hundreds of RMB,
and the supermarkets aren’t
much better.
Enter BottlesXO, a
Shanghai-based wine app
sourcing a curated list of vino
from boutique wineries in
Europe, offering delivery at
prices from RMB95. How do
they do this? By only sourcing from smaller vineyards,
eschewing the big-name,
big-price brands for traditional family run enterprises
Not only do
BottlesXO sell the wine, they
also deliver it straight to your
table (or desk, or picnic or
rooftop BBQ) anywhere in
Shanghai at drinking temperature in under an hour.
We tested it by ordering an
RMB95 Ca’ di Alte Italian
Pinot Grigio from the app,
downloaded via the Apple
True to their promise,
the wine arrived – chilled
and with six glasses – in 45
minutes via an English speak-
ing courier. Flavor-wise, our
testers were astonished that
this bottle came in at under
RMB100, describing it as
smooth, well-rounded and
subtly minerally, perfect for
casual, easy drinking.
The seasonal selection of
wines changes depending on
the best vintages BottlesXO’s
Europe-based experts source,
but always includes a range of
entry, and mid-range wines,
plus a very decent Italian prosecco for RMB125.
Download the BottlesXO
app from the App Store. Cash
on delivery, and PayPal accepted.
//www.bottlesxo.com(bottlesXO invites
registered members to complimentary
tastings. Download the app for more.
Come for the terrace, stay for the drinks
BY Erik Crouch
66 Shanghai bar & restaurant
ocated just off the Bund with a list of interesting cocktails and a terrace that
puts others to shame, Shen has us worried – it should be far more crowded,
and quite a bit more expensive, than it actually is.
Firstly, that terrace. The long, L-shaped al fresco space provides outstanding
views of the city. On our visit, it was lively but not overflowing – enough people to
show a definite interest in the place without requiring us to fight for a space. Inside,
a lounge with couches and a handful of tables await – but, as long as the weather is
good and the seats available, Shen is all about the terrace.
The drink menu comprises classics and more eccentric options in the RMB6888 range. Particularly noteworthy is the ‘ancient smoky secret’ (RMB88), a mix of
smoky whisky, vermouth blanc, Campari and Chinese bitters. It’s served under a glass
jar – when removed, the drink billows smoke onto the table. The taste is rich and
strong, helped along by a stick of cinnamon in the glass and a star anise trapped in a
large sphere of ice.
Also worth a try is the Zen (RMB88), saffron infused vodka, Mandarine, simple
syrup, orange bitters and cranberry juice – fruity and boozy with tangy sweetness.
Shen also boasts a hearty food menu, with samplings like scallops with asparagus
(RMB128), shrimp avocado crisp rolls (RMB48) and Sichuan chicken (RMB48).
Good cocktails, tantalizing snacks, wallet-friendly prices and a view to end all
views – we recommend getting to Shen quickly, before its cover is blown and it becomes decidedly more difficult to snag a seat.
striking scene on Laowai jie, this newly
furnished, heavy-metal-themed restaurant is inspired by Route 66 (hence the
name) – the “mother road” of America.
The inspiration from Route 66 can be seen
all around this popular watering hole, particularly the striking Harley Davidson motorcycle
parked outside. Come nightfall, 66 transforms
into a haven for country music lovers – but after
10pm, it’s time for metal to take to the stage as
it turns into a live bar, with local and foreign
singers alike performing till late.
On a wall stacked with nine LCD screens,
live sports or videos of extreme sporting events
are played all day long, providing a fun and
warm ambiance for everyone who comes in.
Stella Artois
// No.12, Lane 3338 Hongmei
Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 虹梅路
3338号, 老外街12号, 近延安
西路 (5472 8366)
// 7 Yanan Dong Lu, 7/F, by Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu 延安东路7号7楼, 近中山东一路. Nearest metro: Yuyuan, 15 mins.
Open daily, 5pm-2am. (6316 9119)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Corona Sunset Party
@ Liquor Factory, May 15
the rumpshaker
Fine music for your nightlife diet
BY Andrew Chin
It’s a mad, mad summer with parties galore from allday ragers to visits from Japanese hip hop pioneers and
rising European EDM masters. For more options, check
out our Weekly Party Planner every Thursday at www.
The Loft
Bar Rouge teams up with the Yeti crew to travel through time to
1979 New York, a heady time when socialite David Mancuso was
throwing the first underground dance parties attracting luminaries
like Jean-Michel Basquiat during the height of their infamy. Allan
Marshall and Yeti-B pay tribute to that era, spinning a vibrant disco
house mix.
Wearing hip
huggers and a
Warholian get
up are highly
// July 3, 10pm,
RMB100. Bar Rouge,
7/F, 18 Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Nanjing
Dong Lu 中山东一路
(6339 1199)
The young Dutch duo has been a force to reckon with in progressive
house over the last few years thanks to Beatport chart topping hits
like ‘Let Me Feel.’ They’ve toured the world with Nicky Romero and
Nervo, while remixing the likes of Adele, Calvin Harris and Maroon 5.
This year is looking even bigger with their track ‘Follow Me’ chosen
as the anthem for the 2015 Ultra Music Festival.
// July 3, 10.30pm-late, RMB100-150. Fusion, 5/F, Bldg 6, South Block, 123 Xingye Lu, by Madang
Lu 兴业路123号6号楼5楼, 近马当路 (400 610 3721, en.damai.cn)
Martin Eyerer
JULY 4&11
Summer on Shanghai
1LoveShanghai is dead. Long live SHFT. The party crew kicks off their summer party series with
an all-day rager on July 4 at the Bund Beach with
rising hip-hop stars Busy Gang and too many
local DJ standouts to name. A week later, they’ll
be moving from the sand and onto the gorgeous
outdoor patio of Salmos Lounge in Jing’an. The
Absolut Vodka assisted party features a stellar
lineup featuring one-time That’s cover-boy DJ
Cavia. We have pairs of tickets to give away to
each party. For your chance to win, simply email win@urbanatomy.com with the subject
‘Summer on Smash’ and the party date you want
to attend.
// July 4, 2pm-midnight, RMB120. The Bund Beach, 421 Waima Lu, by
Maojiayuan Lu 外马路421号, 近毛家园路
// July 11, 3pm-late, RMB80. Salmos Lounge, 6/F, No. 1818, 1788
Square, Nanjing Xi Lu, by Huashan Lu 南京西路1818号1788广场6
楼, 近华山路
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Footprints Sessions presents the
Berlin-based tech house pioneer.
After opening up Riverside Studios
in his new hometown, the Kling
Klong label boss is focusing on the
music with his brand new album,
Struktur. His world tour stops off at
Arkham, where he slayed the crowd
last September. We have a pair of tickets to give away. Simply e-mail win@urbanatomy.
com with the subject ‘Martin Eyerer’ by July 8 for your chance to win.
// July 10, 10pm-late, RMB70-100. Arkham, 1 Wulumuqi Lu, by Hengshan Lu 乌鲁木齐路1号, 近衡山路 (6211 6317)
Electric East
It’s a special edition of the recurring
Rankadank party with label boss
Conrank bringing his national tour
to DADA. Labelmates Zean, Misloop
and Q-Kraft (see pg42) will be
joined by Koro Style. The Parisian
producer is known for gritty
basslines and wild rhythms that
have made a Slit Jockey favorite. Not
to be missed for bass lovers.
// July 10, 10pm-late, free entry. DADA, 115 Xingfu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115号,近法华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
DJ Krush
A legend in Tokyo’s
electronic music
scene, DJ Krush
has crafted an experimental sound
equally indebted to
hip hop and ambient. He’s equally
comfortable working
with rap heavyweights like Mos Def, as he is with jazz-fusion trumpeter Toshinori
// July 17, 10pm-late, RMB150-180. MAO Livehouse, 3/F, 308 Chongqing Nan Lu, by Jianguo
Zhong Lu 重庆南路308号3楼, 近建国中路 (6445 0086)
Riviera 10 Year Anniversary Pool Party
It was a decade ago when Stepane de Montgros and Benoit Thebaut
had a dream of bringing Shanghai its first pool party. Now their
Riviera Events has expanded, spreading splashy fun across the nation. However, they’re taking it back to where it all started with an
outdoor pool party atop the seventh floor terrace of the JW Marriott
Tomorrow Square residences. We have a pair of tickets to give away.
Simply e-mail win@urbanatomy.com with the subject ‘Riviera’ by
July 8 for your chance to win.
// July 11, 1-8pm, RMB200 (with one glass of Taittinger champagne). JW Marriott Tomorrow
Square, 399 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Huangpi Bei Lu 南京西路399号, 近黄陂北路
Funky Soul Story
Kadwell and DJazz take over Unico for a musical journey to the heart
of America when Motown ruled supreme. They’ll be playing nothing
but crowd-pleasing hits from the likes of Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder,
The Supremes and The
Jackson 5 that will leave
you dancing in the street.
It’s not just a retro night,
with the two DJs putting
an original and energetic
spin on classic material.
// July 17, 10pm-late, free entry.
Unico, 2/F, 3 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu,
by Guangdong Lu 中山东一路外滩3
DJ Paypal
号2楼, 近广东路 (5308 5399)
Sub-Culture presents a member of the Teklife crew that has been
pushing the limits in juke and footwork. DJ Paypal flips obscure
disco tracks into energetic bangers on his Buy Now EP. While intense
on record, the intensity shoots up in his frenzied live shows. Support
from Swimful, Damacha, Aivilox and Howell. We have a pair of tickets to give away. Simply e-mail win@urbanatomy.com with the
subject ‘DJ Paypal’ by July 15 for your chance to win.
// July 17, 10pm-late, RMB60. The Shelter, 5 Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu 永福路5号, 近复兴西路
(6437 0400) Lola, 46 Yueyang Lu, by Dongping Lu 岳阳路46号, 近东平路
Kotelett & Zadak
The mysterious Berlin based duo have been bubbling under the surface, harnessing a sound that is difficult to describe but so easy to
dance to. They’ve found a fan in Alex Flatner who released a EP by the
duo on his label. However, it’s live where they shine, with a reputation
of playing sets that can last up to eight hours. Alecs Marta and Frank
Costello support. We have a pair of tickets to give away. Simply e-mail
win@urbanatomy.com with the subject ‘Kotelett & Zadak’ by July 22
for your chance to win.
// July 24, 11pm-late, RMB100 with one drink (free entry for girls before 2am and for guys before
1am). Lola, 岳阳路46号, 近东平路 (138 1814 6773, reservations@eastern-side.com)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Hunting season
BEAN Shanghai’s annual scavenger hunt
by Erik Crouch
Find a matching couple
Pose with strangers fighting over a bill
High five the avocado lady
Dance to “Little Apple” with strangers
Play cards with old men
Help a construction worker
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Find man with a man-bun
Hug a flag person in the metro
ast month, you could have been forgiven for thinking that
some of the city’s more charitable residents had lost their
minds. That’s because they were participating in BEAN
Shanghai’s annual scavenger hunt, which included challenges
such as “Break Dance in the Subway” and “Pose with Strangers
Fighting over a Bill.”
Participants photographed themselves doing a wide variety of funky, quasi-socially acceptable acts over the four-hour
scavenger hunt on June 7 and, fortunately, it was all for a good
cause. These folks weren’t out breaking social norms for kicks:
the group raised more than RMB12,000 in entry fees and raffle
tickets, all of which went to The Renewal Center, a homeless
shelter in Shanghai that gives people sustainable paths out of
The scavenger hunt may have passed, but BEAN Shanghai
always has something else up its sleeve. The organization hosts
events every weekend; check out shanghai.beanonline.org for
feature» COMMUNITY
Comically-translated menu item
Pose in an empty stadium
Dance with ayis in the park
Ride a Sherpa’s scooter
Take a photo with a farm animal
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
tiger father
Reservations required
How I ended up being the planner-in-chief
by Trevor Marshallsea
f you’re an expat living with your family
in China, chances are you won’t be affected by this column. In fact, you’re probably not reading it at all, are you? This could
make me feel silly, only I’m a late-40s dad in
a house full of females – putting out words
knowing they’ll be listened to by no one really isn’t a problem. By now it’s actually reassuringly familiar. Or, when they are heard,
it’s a rare phenomenon best summed up by
a T-shirt I saw recently: “If a man speaks in
a forest and there’s no woman there to hear
him, is he still wrong?”
OK, that’s a somewhat cheeky, if not
acutely jaundiced, grumpy old man view
of the world. But I only say it because I’m
secure in the knowledge of one undisputed
fact: my wife will be one of the people not
reading this column.
That’s because she, like many expats,
won’t be found in China this time of year.
Yes, it’s holiday season – the time of year
when expats flee China like mad bats from a
cave and recharge their minds (and lungs).
This has, of course, meant another round
of that unhappiest of duties of the stay-athome spouse: planning holidays.
I know people who actually like doing
this – wading through the Internet, checking
out flights, hotels and places to go. For me,
it’s like making my way through a minefield.
Blindfolded. On a pogo stick.
Funnily enough, all photos of all hotel
rooms look just fantastic. And roomy? You
could just about swing a cat.
When you have kids, gone are the days
when you could just show up, look around
and find some digs for the night. When it’s
a month-long jaunt through many different
locations – this year it’s Italy and Croatia –
things have to be planned with a meticulous
eye for detail which leaves nothing to chance
and which I, without any exaggeration, simply don’t possess.
The risk is that you could end up like this
friend of mine. No, he wasn’t me, but he was
a sports reporter like me and yes, all clichés
from Oscar Madison in The Odd Couple apply. This friend took his wife and kids to
Ukraine for a wedding.
That’s not where the story ends. This
was before Ukraine’s travel advice rating was
changed to “war-torn and life-threatening”
from merely “really bloody awful.” Where
my friend erred was in forgetting to book a
In a modern parenting horror story, they
got into town late at night, found everything
closed, and had to loiter outside for several
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
hours until businesses opened again. At least
their two boys took some delight in being
able to stay up all night and play a hastilydefined game of “let’s pretend we’re hobos.”
In Husbandland, there’s just no coming back from that. But then there was the
case of another friend, a Frenchman called
Francois, who was clearly imbued with an
Planning a trip feels
like making my way
through a minefield.
Blindfolded. On a
pogo stick.
appropriate, foreign-legion level of valor. He
took his wife and two toddlers from Beijing
to the Philippines and on purpose, in full
control of his mind, deliberately didn’t book
anything. And his plan was to take two flights
and two boats rides to a tiny, remote island
featuring just one 12-hut resort!
We, the husbands, watched as you would
watch Steve McQueen riding his motorbike
towards the border in The Great Escape
– with awe and hope, but with a chilling
certainty that it would all go horribly wrong.
Sure enough, brave Francois ended up tangled in barbed wire. There was no room at
the inn. They slept in a tent on the beach for
two days. A long silence fell over the land.
It might just be men. Maybe we’re still
continuing a tradition started by that most
hapless of fathers, Joseph, who decided on a
quick trip to Bethlehem with an already la-
boring wife – on donkeyback – without booking anything. I’ve always wondered why the
Bible never says anything about how much
grief he got from Mary. Maybe it’s because
Bibles can’t have expletives in them.
So I’ve been up to my ears in bookings,
itineraries, terms and conditions and balancing family needs. You always think, or hope,
it will possibly turn out alright, but these
modern kids can surprise you.
Last summer we took a fascinating tour
of ancient sites in Greece. By the third museum, our eight-year-old Evie had the routine down pat: walk in; find a chair; sit there
looking like Clinically Depressed Smurf until
the rest of her family emerges; go collect the
ice cream.
Three years ago we toured the US southwest. We saw the fascinating Bryce Canyon
and Monument Valley, then with Clark W.
Griswold-style enthusiasm I announced that
we were off to see the big one, that wonder
of the world called the Grand Canyon.
“Uuugh!” the kids moaned. “Not another
So, knowing that you can’t please all of
the people all of the time, after a while you
just have to stop angsting, book your tickets
and be damned. It will, probably, all be OK.
But at least since we’re driving through
several places, my wife and kids will only
have to put up with these cheap, flea-ridden
two-star hellholes I’m booking for one night
at a time.
// Trevor Marshallsea was a foreign correspondent in Beijing
in the 1990s and returned a decade later. This time around he
stays at home to grow the kids. Read more of his domestic
adventures at www.thetigerfather.com
health » COMMUNITY
vision loss
Staying healthy with diabetes
by Dr. Sheng Hui
cular complications are one of the most common, and often
neglected, effects of diabetes. They can cause vision loss and
eventually lead to blindness. Patients with diabetes should
make sure they are getting their eyes checked regularly.
Which diabetes patients are at risk for vision issues?
• People who have had diabetes for a long time
• Insulin-dependent people with diabetes
• Pregnant patients diagnosed with gestational diabetic mellitus
• People with diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia at the same
• Patients with diabetes who smoke or take oral contraceptive pills
• Diabetes patients who have poorly controlled blood sugar levels
What complications can result from diabetes?
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common ocular complication of diabetes. Diabetic microangiopathy can lead to retinal microaneurysms,
edema, hemorrhages, neovascularization and retinal detachment,
resulting in vision loss and finally blindness.
In middle-aged and elderly patients with diabetes, cataracts are
common and develop quickly. Cataracts in juvenile patients with diabetes usually develop rapidly and vision may be completely cloudy
within a few days.
Diabetic microangiopathy can lead to neovascularization. The
fibrovascular membrane on the surface of the cornea and the iridocorneal angle causes angle closure, intraocular pressure rise, severe
eye pain and headache. The optic nerve gradually atrophies which
results in visual field contraction and eventually blindness.
Abnormal ocular surface sensitivity, decreased tear production
and delayed corneal re-epithelialization in patients with diabetes can
also lead to dry eye syndrome.
Diabetes patients with fluctuating blood glucose levels can develop myopia if the blood glucose rises sharply. If blood glucose reduces
or drops sharply, the patient can develop emmetropia or need to return to prescription glasses.
Diabetes can lead to eyelid and ocular motor nerve paralysis and
ischemic optic neuropathy. Patients with diabetes may be exposed
to ptosis, limited eye movement, double vision, dizziness, vision loss
and visual field defects. Once diagnosed, recovery may take several
Many diabetes patients have had the disease for years before
their initial diagnosis, while some only find themselves diagnosed because of medical issues pertaining to the eye. In this case, the ocular
complications can be preventable with early diagnosis and a timely
treatment plan. To help prevent ocular complications, patients with
diabetes should have their eyes checked frequently.
// Dr. Sheng Hui is an ophthalmologist at Shanghai United Family Hospital and Clinics.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Pick of six art exhibitions
Work, Rest
and Play:
from the
1960s to today
July 12-Aug 23.
Minsheng Art
Museum, Bldg F,
570 Huaihai Xi Lu,
by Kaixuan Lu 淮海
西路570号F座, 近凯
旋路 (6282 8729)
Andy Warhol + Mimmo Rotella: You Are Art!
南京东路353号悦荟Mosaic4楼 (www.gewara.com)
Christy Lee Rogers: The Eternal
July 4-Aug 18. Art Labor Gallery, Bldg 4, 570 Yongjia Lu, by
Yueyang Lu 永嘉路570号4号楼, 近岳阳路 (3460 5331)
Solo Show
July 10-Aug 31.
Magda Danysz
Lu, by Pingliang Lu
临青路188号, 近平
凉路 (5513 9599)
Li Hui: Instant Insanity
Sol LeWitt and Lu Daode: Qiuzhuang Project
Until Aug 16. Arario Gallery, 1-2, 320 Tianping Lu, by
Hengshan Lu 天平路320弄1-2号, 近衡山路 (5424 9220)
Until Aug 2. Aurora Museum, 99 Fucheng Lu, by Huayuanshiqiao Lu
富城路99号, 近花园石桥路 (5840 8899)
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
JULY 3-5
Deal: The COOK Unlimited Dining
Flash Sale
The Kerry Hotel Pudong steakhouse
is offering a huge one-day only deal.
Pick up RMB350 pairs of lunch vouchers (valued at RMB574) and RMB390
pairs of dinner vouchers (valued at
RMB662) all day-long at the hotel or
through Dianping. Maximum of 10
vouchers per person.
RMB350, 6am-midnight. The COOK,
Kerry Hotel Pudong, 1388 Huamu Lu,
by Fangdian Lu 花木路1388号, 近芳甸
路 (6169 8886, fbreservations.khpu@
Theater: Dora’s Pirate Adventure in
The adventurous Dora travels to
Treasure Island is search of the ultimate pirate party. She must travel
through Dance Mountain and Silly
Singing Bridge in this interactive live
show that mixes entertainment and
education. English language versions
on Friday and Saturday at 3.30pm, as
well as Sunday on 10.30am.
RMB80-480, 3.30pm and 7.30 pm
(10.30am shows on the weekend).
Shanghai Children Art Theatre, 800
Miaojiang Lu, by Xizang Nan Lu 苗江
路800号, 近西藏南路 (400 610 3721,
Gigs: Alec Haavik Friction Five
The popular saxophonist leads his
quintet through a night of cosmic
jazz. Xiongguangzhang Trio opens
Free entry, 9.30pm-late. JZ Club, 46
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46
号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
Party: Canada Day Ladies Night
Zapata’s is toasting Canada with a
special ladies night. They’re serving
up Fireball Cinnamon whiskey specials all night with anyone rocking
that red maple leaf getting a complementary shot before 9.30pm.
Free entry, 6pm-late. Zapata’s, 5
Hengshan Lu, by Dongping Lu 衡山路5
号, 近东平路 (6474 6166)
JULY 1-3
Sports: Manchester United Soccer
BISS hosts this three-day camp developed by Manchester United. Kids
aged 6-17 will learn how to play
footie the Man U way, working on
their technique while developing
their communication skills. Camp is
open to all students.
RMB3,890, 8am-5pm. BISS Pudong,
600 Cambridge Forest New Town, 2729
Hunan Gong Lu, by Xiukang Lu 沪南
公路2729弄康桥半岛600号, 近秀康
路 (5812 7455, china.manutdsoccerschools.com)
Gigs: The Lawrence Ku Trio
The guitarist and his elegant trio
perform tracks from their recently
released debut album Pictures.
Xiongguang zhang Trio opens.
Free entry, 9.30pm-late. JZ Club, 46
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46
号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
Party: Press Play
DJ James Lealand joins residents
DJais and AA for a night of deep and
tech house.
Free entry, 10pm-late. DADA, 115
Xingfu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115
号,近法华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
JULY 4-5
Kick the Gong Around Vintage
Tribal Fest
Best known for their colorful celebrations to things like the Rocco Age that
attract the city’s hottest like the pictured co-founder of Basement 6, Kick
the Gon Around are at it again with this vintage festival. Inspired by colorful
tribes across the globe like the Roma, Maori, gaucho and more, they will
create an immersive environment celebrating cultural diversity at this grand
bazaar. Over 100 vendors will offer a variety of vintage goods, artisanal
foods and lifestyle goods created by local designers. As always, they’ve
lined up an eclectic line-up of performers including gypsy folk group The
Horde, West African drummer Jamal and African dance performers Tchalebi
Star Line will entertain the crowd throughout the week. There will also be
free activities like yoga sessions, cinema screenings and craft workshops.
Summergate Spirits of Independence have organized a gypsy bar serving up
cocktails and a special wine tasting for VIPs.
// July 4-5, noon-10pm (Sat) noon-8pm (Sun), RMB50 (RMB30 for students). Da
Tong Mill, 158 Julu Lu, by Ruijin Yi Lu 巨鹿路158号,近瑞金一路 (www.kickthegongaround.com)
Gigs: Amin
The indie-pop chanteuse plays a
hometown show.
Center, 179 Yichang Lu, by Jiangning
Lu 宜昌路179号, 近江宁路
Gigs: Red Groove Project
Enjoy a bombastic night with
the 10-piece funk standouts. Li
Xiaochuan Quartet opens.
Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46号, 近永
福路 (6431 0269)
Party: Alex Metric
Arkham presents the London-based
DJ/producer known for forwardthinking electro-rock. He’s produced
the likes of Snow Patrol and Robbie
Williams, while remixing stars like
Beastie Boys and Gorillaz. His 2011
hit ‘Open Your Eyes’ made him a solo
star in his own right. R3, PCJ and Max
Shen support.
RMB60, 10pm-late. Arkham, 1
Wulumuqi Lu, by Hengshan Lu 乌鲁木
齐路1号, 近衡山路 (6211 6317)
Party: Charp
Lola’s back and one of their favorite
residents headlines with support
from Ivan Babero and Alecs Marta.
RMB100 with one drink (free entry for
girls before 2am and for guys before
1am), 11pm-late. Lola, 46 Yueyang Lu,
by Dongping Lu 岳阳路46号, 近东平路
Party: Lose Your Face
Misloop joins residents Beardslap
and Jode for a night of bass-driven
jackin house.
Free entry, 10pm-late. Lune, 218 Xinle
Lu, by Donghu Lu 新乐路218号, 近东湖
路 (139 0197 4330)
Party: Love Bang
Heatwolves and Caution plays everything from hip hop to house in this
ever-popular monthly party. They’ll
also be releasing their new, limited
edition T-shirt.
Free entry, 10pm-late. DADA, 115
Xingfu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115
号, 近法华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
Concert: FT Island
The South Korean pop rockers
topped the charts with their 2007
debut Cheerful Sensibility and have
been riding high since, amassing a
large fanbase across Asia including
Shanghai International Gym Center,
777 Wuyi Lu, by Neihuan Gaojia Lu
武夷路777号, 近内环高架路 (400 610
3721, en.damai.cn)
Fan Meeting: Ahn Jaehyeon
The South Korean heartthrob had his
first leading role as a vampire doctor
in this year’s Blood. He’ll be bringing
his First Date tour to Shanghai before
starring in the upcoming Chinese romantic comedy, Wedding Bible.
Theatre, 4889 Dushi Lu, by Mingdu Lu
BBQ: Paulaner @ Expo
Enjoy a sumptuous feast featuring a
hearty 300 gram portion of roasted
pig and 150 grams of prime rib.
Wash it down with three varieties
of Paulaner drafts from the on-site
microbrewery. There will also be an
all-you-can-eat buffet of tasty starters and salads, as well as activities
to keep the kids busy. Reservations
RMB238 (free entry for children under
Expo, 555 Shi Bo Dadao, by Guozhan
Lu 世博大道555号3楼, 近国展路 (2206
0555, www.bln-restaurants.com)
Exhibition: Purple Dream Wedding
Recently awarded by Weekend on the
Go as the ‘Best Wedding Venue’ at
their Best Travel Destination Awards,
Jumeirah Himalayas hosts their
‘Purple Dream’ wedding show at
their rooftop Infinity Garden wedding
venue and indoor grand ballroom.
RMBTBA, 1.30-3.30pm. Jumeirah
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Himalayas Hotel Shanghai, 1108
Meihua Lu, by Fangdian Lu 梅花路1108
号, 近芳甸路 (3858 0371, cindy.tao@
Party: PRA Pool Party, Round 1
Party crew Post Rebel Age makes a
splashy introduction taking over the
outdoor pool at the Ambassy Club
Pudong. Enjoy a dip while grooving
to the sounds of some of the city’s
top DJs.
RMB180-220, 1.30pm-late. Ambassy
Club Pudong, 588 Hongfeng Lu,by
Mingyue Lu 红枫路588号, 近明月路
(400 821 3624, smartshanghai.com/
Gigs: Limousine
The hometown rockers are riding the
wave of the release of their debut
album Hit the Throttle. They’ll be
supported by Tang Trio and Dirty
RMB40, 10pm-late. Yuyintang, 851
Kaixuan Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 凯旋路851
号, 近延安西路 (5237 8662)
Gigs: Low
For more than 20 years, the
Minnesota based trio has crafted
sparse and gritty indie-rock. They’ve
toured with Radiohead and released
records on Sub Pop. Their latest disc
The Invisible Way shows they’re still
going strong.
RMB180-220, 8-11pm. QSW Culture
Center, 179 Yichang Lu, by Jiangning
Lu 宜昌路179号, 近江宁路
Party: Siesta Loca
China’s queen of drum and bass is
celebrating her birthday in trademark
over-the-top style. Siesta teams up
with long-time Sweatshop comrade
Dave Owen for a classic all-vinyl d’n’b
set, as part of a massive party featuring eight DJs and two MCs.
RMB50 (RMB30 before midnight),
10pm-late. The Shelter, 5 Yongfu Lu,
by Fuxing Xi Lu 永福路5号, 近复兴西路
(6437 0400)
Gigs: Melody Fall
Hot Pot Music presents the 14-city
China tour of this young Italian
group to support their latest disc,
The Shape of Pop-Punk to Come.
Hometown heroes En Route supports.
3/F, 308 Chongqing Nan Lu, by Jianguo
Zhong Lu 重庆南路308号3楼, 近建国中
路 (6445 0086)
Gigs: The Herdsmen
The enchanting Yunnan group features lead singer Qin Rong and her
Russian friends. The music is a mix of
the their different ethnicities.
Town, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu, by Hongqiao
Lu 淮海西路570号红坊艺术文化社区A2101室, 近虹桥路
Party: 4th of July Toga Party
Celebrate America’s Independence
Day by tapping into your inner fratboy. Don a toga and enjoy free-flow
drinks for RMB150 and BBQ dishes
starting at RMB25.
Free entry, 5-10pm. Boxing Cat
Brewery, 82 Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu
复兴西路82号, 近永福路 (6431 2091)
Party: 4th of July Pub Crawl
The Pub Crawl Shanghai crew celebrates everything red, white and blue
for their annual 4th of July bash. Get
in the American spirit while rolling
through three bars and one club.
Gatsby, 488 Dagu Lu, by Shimen Yi Lu
大沽路488号, 近石门一路 (www.pubcrawlshanghai.com)
Party: 4th of July Block Party
Celebrate America at Zapata’s massive block party. There’s tailgate
BBQ goodness and plenty of drink
Free entry, 7pm-late. Zapata’s, 5
Hengshan Lu, by Dongping Lu 衡山路5
号, 近东平路 (6474 6166)
Party: Bubba’s July 4 Bash
The South Bund branch of Bubba’s
throws a July 4 bash complete with
cold beverages and treats from the
likes of Tito’s Vodka, Ruijin Cajun,
New York Style Pizza, Steak and
Oyster Bar, Strictly Cookies and
Bubba’s. Rock Suey will perform live
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
RMB100, 10.30pm-late. MYST, 1123
Yanan Zhong Lu, by Fumin Lu 延安中
路1123号, 近富民路 (400 610 3721,
Party: Synth Crush
All hail the synth. Illsee, Velvet Robot
and Ludvic Orlando pay tribute to the
instrument exploring all the genres it
inspired like industrial, cyber techno,
robotic Italo and more.
Free entry, 10pm-late. DADA, 115
Xingfu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115
号, 近法华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
Party: Vamos
Craft says goodbye to longtime
Shanghai resident Ben Thriller with
a big dance party playing everything
from Afrobeat to new wave.
Free entry, 10pm-late. Craft, Donghu
Hotel South Wing, 7 Donghu Lu, by
Huaihai Xi Lu 东湖路7号东湖宾馆西
翼, 近淮海西路 (182 2105 2859, citizen1974@hotmail.com)
JULY 9-11
Jonathan Kite
China’s favorite Ukrainian chef makes a three-day stand at the Pearl. As the
hilarious and salacious Oleg, Kite often steals the show in the hot comedy
2 Broke Girls, which is one of the most popular foreign shows on Mainland
streaming sites. He’s also guest starred in hit shows like Wizards of Waverly
Place and Raising Hope. A man of many talents, he’ll be showing off his
stand-up chops.Expect to hear hilarious insights on life as a Hollywood star,
as well as uproarious stories of when we was trying to achieve that status.
Kite’s also renowned as a master impressionists with over 100 stars in his
arsenal. Expect to hear his take on the likes of Tom Hanks, Seth Rogen, Liam
Neeson and more.
// July 9-11, 9pm, RMB250-300. The Pearl, 471 Zhapu Lu, by Wujin Lu 乍浦路471
号, 近武进路 (400 610 3721, en.damai.cn)
We’re giving away a pair of tickets to the show on
WeChat. For your chance to win, add ‘Thats_Shanghai’
or scan the QR code.
at this family-friend party.
Free entry, 11am-10pm. Bubba’s on the
Beach, Cool Docks 2, Section 4, 653
Waima Lu, by Wangjiamatou Lu 外码
路653号老码头四库, 近王家码头路 (180
1771 0577, www.bubbasasia.com)
Hsiao and Max Shen. VJ Keefer takes
care of the dazzling visuals.
RMB40, 10pm-late. Arkham, 1
Wulumuqi Lu, by Hengshan Lu 乌鲁木
齐路1号, 近衡山路 (6211 6317)
Party: Acid Test 3.0
The Daft Idea crew take over Arkham
to stimulate the auditory nerve with
all night acid music. Controlling the
music is DJ @pple, DJ Akira, DJ Nivad
Party: Aly & Fila
The Egyptian trance duo has been
championed by Armin Van Buuren,
Paul Van Dyk and DJ Tiësto. In addition to building up an electronic
music scene at home, they’ve rocked
clubs around the world.
JULY 4-5
Market: JP Yukata Natsu Matsuri
This Japanese bazaar offers homemade crafts, green products, household items, clothes and other goodies. Guests are encouraged to dress
in their finest yukata clothing. Stage
performances, dance shows and live
music will add to the festivities.
Free entry, 11am-9pm. Yueda 889 Mall,
889 Wanhangdu Lu, by Changshou
Lu 万航渡路889号, 近长寿路 (www.
Opening: yeh!
With more than 30 stores across
North America, the self-serve frozen
yogurt chain is setting up its first
shop in China. They’re throwing an
opening morning rave featuring
Shanghai’s finest DJs, complemented
by Zumba and yoga sessions. Space is
limited, so reserve.
Free entry, 10am-noon. Yeh, 1/F,
Crystal Galleria, 68 Yuyuan Lu, by
Changde Lu 愚园路68号, 近常德路
(5169 3378 ext. 802, yehyogurt.com)
Gigs: Jasmine and Her Jazz Men
Jasmine Chen leads her ace group
through a night that mixes Chinese
and Western jazz.
Free entry, 9.30pm-late. JZ Club, 46
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46
号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
Gigs: The Machinery of Other
The standout Shanghai metal band
releases their latest EP with friends
Chaos Mind and Blood Raven supporting.
RMB50, 9pm-late. Yuyintang, 851
Kaixuan Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 凯旋路851
号, 近延安西路 (5237 8662)
Gigs: Morbid Goats
The young grunge trio has been
making waves lately in the Beijing
rock underground.
RMB50, 8pm. Yuyintang, 851 Kaixuan
Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 凯旋路851号, 近延
安西路 (5237 8662)
Party: Space Out!
Sub-culture boss Howell takes
over the Space Out! listening
party. This edition features Global
Communications’ 1994 disc, 76:14,
which marks the point when ambient
music began to be swept alongside
rave culture.
Free entry, 3-5pm. On Stage, A2-101,
Red Town, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu, by
Hongqiao Lu 淮海西路570号红坊艺术文
化社区A2-101室, 近虹桥路
Concert: Alan Gilbert & New York
One of America’s leading orchestras
performs a program that includes
classics by Gershwin, Sousa and
Brohn. Violinist Joshua Bell guests.
RMB50-580, 7.30pm. Shanghai Poly
Theatre, 159 Baiyin Lu, by Yumin Nan
Lu 白银路159号, 近裕民南路 (400 610
3721, en.damai.cn)
JULY 6-7
Gigs: Joey and the Poly Phonics
Shanghainese singer and pianist Joey
Lu leads her group through a unique
take of traditional jazz standards.
Free entry, 9.30pm-late, free entry. JZ
Club, 46 Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复
兴西路46号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
Film: Stalker
Digital artist Kim Laughton curates
this month’s Sub-Cinema and it kicks
off with the Andrei Tarkovsky classic.
Also in store is Life of Pi (July 14),
Funeral Parade of Roses (July 21) and
Scene by the Sea (July 28). Screenings
start at 9pm.
Free entry, 8pm-late. DADA, 115 Xingfu
Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115号, 近法
华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
Party: Bollywood Night
SD Events takes over Bar Rouge for
another of their fine Bollywood
themed parties. The famed Delhi DJ
Dee will spin beats and there will be
plenty of exotic performances to go
with the vibrant beats.
RMB100, 9pm-late. Bar Rouge, 7/F, 18
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Nanjing
Dong Lu 中山东一路18号7楼, 近南京东
路 (6339 1199)
JULY 17-18
Matt Davis
Born in Alabama, Davis has risen to national prominence thanks to his dark
yet poignant brand of comedy. Dave Attell praises him as “funny, filthy,
dirty but smart funny, filthy, dirty.” After slaying crowds last year in his
Shanghai debut, he’s back again.
How was your first Shanghai experience?
It was a blast. It confirmed my suspicion that it’s impossible to be the only
person outside at any given time at any location. I had a cigarette on a
rooftop at 3 in the morning, when I realized there was a guy staring at me
from a pane-less window. If I were to open a business here, it would be a
model of an empty street. For an outrageous sum of money, you could just
stand there alone for 10 minutes.
Did any experiences make your act?
Definitely. There’s one bit about me not realizing the barista at Starbucks
was speaking English to me. I had ordered through a buddy and the guy
behind the counter was asking me for a “one kuai coin.” My brain just
couldn’t make the shift back to English to realize it. It solidified to me that a
second language is out of the cards. I need to focus on recognizing English
How has life been since those shows?
It’s busy, which is a good thing. I’m currently working on a project called A
World in Jest. I’m trying to tour around the world for over a year, hitting as
many countries and cities as I can, to create a new hour of stand up based
around that experience. It’s made possible by the worldwide community
of comedians and comedy fans. I’ll be updating WorldinJest.com along the
How can people help out?
The primary goal is to make more and more connections, especially
with people that can offer information or assistance in putting together
shows in places with smaller scenes. After Shanghai, I’ll be continuing to
Southeast Asia before landing in India to visit some comedians there.
// July 17-18, 8.30pm (Fri), 8pm and 10pm (Sat), RMB170-200. The Camel, 1
Yueyang Lu, by Dongping Lu 岳阳路1号, 近东平路 (137 6176 4438, 247tickets.
JULY 10, 17, 24
& 31
Exhibition: Dream Home Experience
Dragon TV’s home deco reality show
takes over Plaza889 every Saturday
starting July 10. Peruse 12 display
rooms that highlight the careful craft
of the show’s designers and decorators, while gaining inspiration for a
home makeover.
RMB25-90, 10am. Yueda 889 Square,
889 Wanhangdu Lu, by Changshou
Lu 万航渡路889号, 近长寿路 (400 610
3721, en.damai.cn)
JULY 10-11
Gigs: JU/NY + Matthew Sayersz
Expect a funky night as the Kuala
Lumpur based duo JU/NY teams
up with electric vocalist Matthew
Sayersz. Savana opens.
Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46号, 近永
福路 (6431 0269)
JULY 10-12
Free entry, 10pm-late. DADA, 115
Xingfu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115
号, 近法华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
Travel: Baiji Rafting & Hiking
Head out of the city with the Dragon
Adventures crew and explore the
Baiji Mountains in Anhui Province.
Catch some sunshine and indulge
in fun activities like waterfall hopping, white water rafting, hiking and
RMB980-1,180, 7.30pm. Depart from
Jing’an Temple, 1686 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Huashan Lu 南京西路1686号, 近华山路
(400 637 2466, www.dragonadventureschina.com)
JULY 10&25
Party: Stankonia
The Hit It crew returns to DADA. DJ
Kin J spins funk, hip hop, breaks and
Gigs: The Life Journey
Party: Miki Disconot
We’re giving away a pair of tickets to the show
on WeChat. For your chance to win, add ‘Thats_
Shanghai’ or scan the QR code.
Concert: 2015 International FingerStyle Guitar Festival
Guitar virtuosos Jacques Stotzem,
Claus Boesser Ferrari, Justin King,
Trace Bundy, Huang Jiawei and
Kanaho take part in this Asian tour
celebrating fingerstyle fretwork.
RMB380 VIP tickets includes chance
to take a photo and get an autograph
Signed to Modern Sky, the Beijing
indie group is touring the nation to
celebrate their fine new disc, B-Side.
RMB80-100, 8.30-10.30pm. MAO
Livehouse, 3/F, 308 Chongqing Nan Lu,
by Jianguo Zhong Lu 重庆南路308号3
楼, 近建国中路 (6445 0086)
with the artists.
RMB200-300, 8-11.30pm. MAO
Livehouse, 3/F, 308 Chongqing Nan Lu,
by Jianguo Zhong Lu 重庆南路308号3
楼, 近建国中路 (6445 0086)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
The Lola favorite is joined by Javi
Kolero and Frank Costello for a night
of house. He headlines again on July
25 with support from Mau Mau and
Alecs Marta.
RMB100 with one drink (free entry for
girls before 2am and for guys before
1am), 11pm-late. Lola, 46 Yueyang Lu,
by Dongping Lu 岳阳路46号, 近东平路
Concert: Sodagreen
The Taiwanese indie-pop stars
bring their latest stadium show to
RMB180-1,080, 7.30-11pm. Hongkou
Football Stadium, 444 Dong Jiangwan
Lu, by Sichuan Bei Lu 东江湾路444号,
Concert: Transition
The three-piece Bristol group have
harnessed their Asian-influenced
sound by spending three years living
and performing in Taiwan. Their first
Mandarin song, ‘Sorry My Chinese
Isn’t So Good’ is a modern anthem
with over one million YouTube views.
RMB80-150, 7.30pm. Shanghai Poly
Theatre, 159 Baiyin Lu, by Yumin Nan
Lu 白银路159号, 近裕民南路 (400 610
3721, en.damai.cn)
Concert: Riana Anthony
The Japanese cellist has been winning awards since she was 10 years
old. Now based in Honolulu, she’s a
frequent guest performer with top
RMB120-300, 7.45pm. Shanghai
Oriental Arts Center, 425 Dingxiang Lu,
by Yingchun Lu 丁香路425号, 近迎春路
(400 610 3721, en.damai.cn)
Tour: Mystic Huangpu for Early Birds
Architect Fanny Hoffmann-Loss leads
this Shanghai Flaneur walk exploring
the unique morning activities across
the Huangpu River, while dipping
into the history and future developments of the area, with stops in the
Bund, Lujiazui and a healthy breakfast on the Cool Docks.
RMB300 (RMB250 for additional person, RMB180 for students), 7-10am.
Meet at Astor Hose Hotel, 15 Huangpu
Lu, by Dongdaming Lu 黄浦路15
号, 近东大名路 (138 1892 2040, publicwalks@shanghai-flaneur.com)
Party: Discosmic Adventure
Go on a journey to the cosmic regions of disco at the recently renovated LOgO and its brand new sound
Free entry, 10pm-late. LOgO, 298
Xingfu Lu, by Pingwu Lu 幸福路298号,
Party: Markus Homm
In a wild and eclectic career, the
Nurenberg-based DJ and producer
has moved from techno to deep and
tech house, always in search for the
perfect groove. Mau Mau and Alecs
Marta supports.
RMB100 with one drink (free entry for
girls before 2am and for guys before
1am), 11pm-late. Lola, 46 Yueyang Lu,
by Dongping Lu 岳阳路46号, 近东平路
Party: The Minimalist
Will A and NMLSS are back from doing the UK summer festival circuit
and will be spinning minimal techno,
acid and house.
Free entry, 10pm-late. DADA, 115
Xingfu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115
号,近法华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
Party: La Boum
Celebrate French national day at Mr.
& Mrs. Bund. They’re throwing the
always fun La Boum party with DJ
Zohan and DJ Catchoumi spinning
retro disco classics. Dress code: blue,
white and red.
RMB100 (free entry before midnight),
11pm-late. Mr & Mrs Bund, 6/F Bund
18, Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Nanjing
Dong Lu 中山东一路外滩18号6楼, 近南
京东路 (6323 9898)
JULY 11&25
Market: Andaz Weekend Market
Andaz Xintiandi hosts this bi-weekly
community marketplace featuring
more than 20 different vendors offering goods from gourmet snacks
to jewelry. Treats from the barbecue
and drinks will be available throughout.
Free entry, 11am-4pm. Andaz
Xintiandi, 88 Songshan Lu, by Taicang
Lu 嵩山路88号, 近太仓路 (amelia@ameliasmarketplace.com)
Gigs: J3 Trio
The elegant trio is one of Shanghai’s
top bands.
Free entry, 9.30pm-late. JZ Club, 46
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46
号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
Charity: Bean Networking Night
Find out about volunteer opportunities while mingling with some like
minded socially conscious folks at
Bean’s monthly networking night.
Free entry, 7.30-10pm. Bocado, 2/F, 47
Yongfu Lu by Fuxing Xi Lu, 永福路47号
2楼, 近复兴西路 (shanghai.beanonline.
JULY 13-14
JULY 30-Aug 2
China Joy 2015
It’s that time of year when cosplay fever takes over Shanghai. Asia’s largest electronic entertainment expo returns to take over the Shanghai New
International Expo Center. However, it’s the famed Cosplay Carnival that
attracts a large crowd and plenty of pictures. This year will be especially
intriguing as organizers will attempt to limit the number of scantily-clad
attendees, shifting attention to the numerous new computer games and
related products that will make their debut at the exhibition. For more,
check out our photo essay of last year’s China Joy at www.thatsmags.com/
// July 30-Aug 2, 9am-5pm, RMBTBA. Shanghai New International Expo Centre,
Hall E1, 2345 Longyang Lu, by Fangdian Lu 龙阳路2345号E1栋, 近芳甸路 (en.
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Gigs: Li Xioachuan Quintet
The composer and trumpet
player graduated from Shanghai
Conservatory of Music and completed his Masters at the University
of Texas, where he became the first
Asian to win the American National
trumpet competition, Jazz Group
Free entry, 9.30pm-late. JZ Club, 46
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46
号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
Market: The Night Market
DADA hosts the city’s longest running pop-up monthly market featuring independent vendors offering
everything from jewelry to craft
goods to food.
Free entry, 8-11pm. DADA, 115 Xingfu
Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115号,近法
华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
JULY 15-20
Travel: SHOKAY Qinghai Expedition
The Shanghai-based social enterprise crafts fashionable items from
yak down. They will travel to their
Qinghai base for a look at their operations, while offering workshops
on journalistic photography and yarn
spinning. Sleep in a yurt with Tibetan
nomads and explore the lush countryside of the northwestern province
in this one-of-a-kind trip.
RMB10,000. For more information, call
5279 8523 or contact info@shokay.
Film: Girl Rising
Green Drinks screens this documentary that follows nine marginalized
girls and women as they struggle
with hardships from child slavery to
arranged marriages.
RMB70 (RMB50 pre-registration),
7-9pm. New Haworth Space, 32/F,
Tower 1, Jing An Kerry Center, 1515
Nanjing Xi Lu, by Tongren Lu 南京西路
1515号嘉里中心1号楼32层, 近铜仁路
Workshop: How to make the most
of WeChat
JING Digital General Manager Aaron
Chang, BysoftChina CEO Cyril Drouin
and Roberto & Co CEO Amiran
Roberto will share practical tips on
how to maximize the ubiquitous social media app as entrepreneurs.
RMB80, 8-10.30am. Sprout Lifestyle,
388 Shaanxi Nan Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu 陕
西南路388号, 近复兴西路 (6280 1731,
Gigs: Toby Mak/Mark Fitzgibbon
Two of Shanghai’s jazz fixtures team
up for what promises to be an exciting night. Tim Dai Trio opens.
Free entry, 9.30pm-late. JZ Club, 46
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46
号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
JULY 16-17
Theater: Pearl Island
The crème de la crème of Shanghai’s
professional burlesque cabaret
scene stars in this exotic show. The
Shanghai School of Burlesque will
make an appearance and there will
also be fire performances, as well as
song and dance.
RMB150-200, 9pm-late. The Pearl, 471
Zhapu Lu, by Wujin Lu 乍浦路471号,
近武进路 (smartshanghai.com/smartticket)
Concert: Charles Dutoit, Yundi and
National Youth Orchestra of USA
This concert spotlights the dream
team of London Royal Philharmonic
artistic director Dutoit, star Chinese
pianist Yundi and the Carnegie Hall
established youth orchestra.
RMB180-1,080, 7.30pm. Shanghai
Oriental Art Centre, 425 Dingxiang Lu,
by Yingchun Lu 丁香路425号, 近迎春路
(400 610 3721, en.damai.cn)
Party: Aeroplane
Sacco and friends play North
American indie rock, British postpunk, Aussie new wave and more.
Free entry, 10pm-late. DADA, 115
Xingfu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115
号, 近法华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
Party: Ivan Barbero
The Lola favorite gets his turn in
the spotlight with support from Javi
Kalero and Frank Costello.
RMB100 with one drink (free entry for
girls before 2am and for guys before
1am), 11pm-late. Lola, 46 Yueyang Lu,
by Dongping Lu 岳阳路46号, 近东平路
Party: The Same As It Ever Was
Santo Chino goes eight hours unearthing rare disco, funk, rock and
African gems.
Free entry, 10pm-late. DADA, 115
Xingfu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115
号, 近法华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
Party: Tokimonsta
Lauded by tastemakers from BBC
to Dazed and Confused, the Los
Angeles native has crafted a unique
take on indie electronic dance. She
mixes her classical upbringing with a
progressive style that made her the
first female signee to Flying Lotus’
Brainfeeder label.
RMB100, 10pm-late. Arkham, 1
Wulumuqi Lu, by Hengshan Lu 乌鲁木
齐路1号, 近衡山路 (6211 6317)
Concert: Jolin Tsai
The Taiwanese dance-pop star brings
her Play tour to the Mercedes-Benz
Arena, 1200 Shibo Dadao, by Yaohua
Lu 世博大道1200号, 近耀华路 (400 610
3721, en.damai.cn)
Gigs: Slap
The veteran folk-rock group makes
groovy music with traditional
Chinese instruments.
RMB100, 9.30pm-late. Yuyintang, 851
Kaixuan Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 凯旋路851
号, 近延安西路 (5237 8662)
Gigs: Techmak
Toby Mak bring his always interesting electronic fusion group to JZ
Club, with a special guest joining in.
Savana opens and a jam session ends
the night.
Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46号, 近永
福路 (6431 0269)
Party: Julian Ganzer
The ambitious Berlin-based artist has
produced renowned artists like DJ
Hell and Moby while rocking crowds
around the world with a sound that
mixes Detroit techno, modern house
and experimental electronic. Javi
Kalero and Alecs Marta supports.
RMB100 with one drink (free entry for
girls before 2am and for guys before
1am), 11pm-late. Lola, 46 Yueyang Lu,
limited and it’s first come, first serve.
Free entry, 9-11pm. The Grumpy Pig,
65-4 Maoming Bei Lu, by Yan’an Lu
茂名北路65号, 近延安路 (6217 3355,
JULY 21-22
Real Madrid vs AC Milan
After setting attendance records last year for a soccer game in America,
the pre-season football competition comes to three cities in China. For the
finale, AC Milan faces off against Real Madrid. Last year, the Spanish squad
became the first team to achieve the La Décima, winning ten European
cups, as well as the 2014 UEFA Champions League. The star-studded squad
boasts current icons like Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bale. They’ll have to
overcome the historically great Italian team that features the always dangerous Jérémy Ménez, who scored 16 goals last season.
// July 30, 7.30pm, RMB399-2,999. Shanghai Stadium, 1111 Caoxi Bei Lu, by
Ciyun Lu 漕溪北路1111号, 近慈云路 (400 610 3721, en.damai.cn)
by Dongping Lu 岳阳路46号, 近东平路
Party: Stash Pub Crawl
Rock your sexiest mustache and party
with Pub Crawl Shanghai as they go
on an epic journey across three bars
and one club. Free shots and drink
deals throughout the night.
Gatsby, 488 Dagu Lu, by Shimen Yi Lu
大沽路488号, 近石门一路 (www.pubcrawlshanghai.com)
Party: Popasuda
DJ Skinny Brown curates the city’s
premier tropical bass party, spinning
Indian bass, reggae, dancehall and
other sounds tearing up clubs across
the third world.
Free entry, 10pm-late. DADA, 115
Xingfu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115
号, 近法华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
Tour: Back on the Bund – A Walk
Down Memory Lane
Shanghai Flaneur hosts author Peter
Hibbard who returns to the neighborhood he memorialized in his
book, The Bund: China Faces West.
He’ll share memories, reflections
and his experiences of the area that
he first encountered when he first
visited in 1986.
RMB300 (RMB250 for additional
guests, RMB180 for students), 4-7pm.
Meet at Astor House Hotel, 15
Huangpu Lu, by Dongdaming Lu 黄浦
路15号, 近东大名路 (138 1892 2040,
Gigs: Damian Erskine Trio
The Portland-based bassist brings his
group through Shanghai.
Free entry, 9.30pm-late. JZ Club, 46
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46
号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
Gigs: Jade Lee Quintet
The Guangdong-born singer trained
under acclaimed British jazz singer
Tina May. She’s gone on to become
a staple in Shanghai’s scene with her
top-notch vocals and charming stage
Free entry, 9.30pm-late. JZ Club, 46
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46
号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
Lecture: Peter Hibbard – Musings on
Shanghai and Yorkshire
The author leads this RAS Lecture
exploring the connections between
West Yorkshire and Shanghai. Learn
about figures like James Hudson
Taylor who founded the China Inland
Mission and Shanghai Photographic
Society founder Reverend C. E.
RMB100 (RMB70 for RAS members),
7-9pm. Radisson Plaza Xing Guo Hotel,
78 Xingguo Lu, by Huashan Lu 兴国路
Film: Paris is Burning
The Grumpy Pig and P.I.G. China
Pigpen Cinema celebrates the 25th
anniversary of the influential documentary that explores New York’s
trangsgender community. Space is
Gigs: Teresa Lee
The enchanting singer does doubleduty at JZ Club, performing on
Tuesday with the Teresa Lee Project
and on Wednesday backed up by the
Mad Jazzers. Al Gorden Trio opens
on July 22.
Free entry, 9.30pm-late. JZ Club, 46
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46
号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
Gigs: Studio 188
One of Shanghai’s top party bands
brings their rousing show to
the comfy confines of JZ Club. Li
Xiaochuan Quartet opens.
Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46号, 近永
福路 (6431 0269)
Gigs: Pokemon Dad
The Shenzhen based band is full of
members who are veterans of different indie scenes across America.
Together, they’ve crafted an enchanting sound inspired by their new
home. They’ll be passing through
Shanghai as part of a tour to support
their new disc, Casual Males.
RMBTBA, 8pm. On Stage, A2-101, Red
Town, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu, by Hongqiao
Lu 淮海西路570号红坊艺术文化社区A2101室, 近虹桥路
Party: Lady Chann Shanghai
Heavy presents the UK’s top
dancehall queen. The BBC and The
Guardian have praised the lyrical
murderer who has worked with top
names like Congo Natty, Beenie Man
and the South Rakkas Crew. Blood
Dunza, Groove Thief, Far East Lion
and Lao Bang support.
RMB60, 10pm-late. The Shelter, 5
Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu 永福路5号,
近复兴西路 (6437 0400)
Party; Shin Nishimura
Arkham presents the Plus Tokyo
figurehead for a homecoming of
sorts. Shin kickstarted his career with
his first worldwide mix CD Live in
Shanghai and has become a global
techno favorite with famous fans like
John Digiweed and Ken Ishii.
RMBTBA, 10pm-late. Arkham, 1
Wulumuqi Lu, by Hengshan Lu 乌鲁木
齐路1号, 近衡山路 (6211 6317)
JULY 24-26
Travel: Tantou Island Beach
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Roll with Dragon Adventures to
the quiet beach island of Tantou
for swimming, sunning and beach
RMB980-1,080, 7pm. Depart from the
Camel, 1 Yueyang Lu, by Dongping Lu
岳阳路1号, 近东平路 (400 637 2466,
Party: Mau Mau
Lola toasts the city’s underground
DJs with this lineup that also includes
Frank Costello and Javi Kalero.
RMB100 with one drink (free entry for
girls before 2am and for guys before
1am), 11pm-late. Lola, 46 Yueyang Lu,
by Dongping Lu 岳阳路46号, 近东平路
Gigs: Razorlight
The London group rode the wave of
the early 2000s post-punk revival to
the top of the UK charts with hits like
‘America.’ After some line-up changes, they’re back and ready to make
their Mainland China debut.
RMBTBA, 9pm-late. QSW Culture
Center, 179 Yichang Lu, by Jiangning
Lu 宜昌路179号, 近江宁路
Gigs: RTM
Damien Banzigou leads his fusion
group that mixes electronics and
music from Mauritius. Li Xiaochuan
Quartet opens and a jam session
ends the night.
RMB50, 9.30pm-late, RMB50. JZ Club,
46 Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路
46号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
Party: Chaki Zulu
S.T.D. presents the Tokyo DJ and producer for a night of banging beats.
RMBTBA, 10pm-late. Arkham, 1
Wulumuqi Lu, by Hengshan Lu 乌鲁木
齐路1号, 近衡山路 (6211 6317)
JULY 25-26
Theater: Jogos de Letras
The award-winning Almada dance
troupe presents this charming familyfriendly show. Chaos ensues when
an accident at a letter-making factory
forces the performers to figure out
which letter comes next. They’ll provide hints allowing children to take
part. The show is in Portuguese with
Chinese subtitles.
RMB120-420, 2pm (7.15pm on
Saturday). Shanghai Oriental Art
Center, 425 Dingxiang Lu, by Yingchun
Lu 丁香路425号, 近迎春路 (400 610
3721, en.damai.cn)
Market: QPQ Weekend Farmers
Crystal Galleria hosts this monthly
market featuring fresh local produce,
sustainable vendors and fun ecofriendly activities. There will be green
workshops like tutorials on how to
make DIY wooden shelves and how
to grow your own veggies.
Free entry, 11am-5pm. Crystal Galleria,
68 Yuyuan Lu, by Changde Lu 愚园路68
号, 近常德路
Gigs: Oleg Roschin Quintet
The Israeli pianist has become a staple in Shanghai’s jazz scene.
Free entry, 9.30pm-late, free entry. JZ
Club, 46 Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复
兴西路46号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
Gigs: Uncle Hu
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
high from the release of last year’s
standout concept album, Daze.
RMB80-100, 9-11pm. MAO Livehouse,
3/F, 308 Chongqing Nan Lu, by Jianguo
Zhong Lu 重庆南路308号3楼, 近建国中
路 (6445 0086)
All month
Shanghai Memories in the 1970s
and 1980s
Yi Café gets nostalgic, transforming their Chinese cooking station into a
celebration of 1970s and 1980s Shanghai. Guests can enjoy such traditional
Shanghainese dishes like bean curd tossed with straw mushroom, red
dates, enoki and wood fungus, sweet and sour mock ribs, ‘Shanghainese’
style pork ham and stir-fried rice cake with sliced pork. Street food items
like fried radish and salty vegetable buns will be offered, complemented
by drinks like cocoa-powder Mairujin, Lekoufu and Shanghai-branded coffee and tea. Decorations like tin tea containers, wooden abacus, leather
suitcases and enamel Thermos bottles will add to the ambience. The staff
will be dressed in the old-Shanghai style serving ice-lollies and other retro
items. There will also be a 3D painting showcasing how an old Shanghai
lane looked, for guests to take pictures. The themed lunch and dinner is
available everyday until end August.
// Until Aug 31, 11.30am-2.30pm (weekdays), RMB118; 12am-3pm, RMB358
(weekends); 5.30-10pm, RMB318 (daily), all plus 15 per cent. Yi Café, Pudong
Shangri-La, East Shanghai, Level 2, Grand Tower, 33 Fu Cheng Lu, by Yincheng
Dong Lu 富城路33号浦东香格里拉紫金楼二层, 近银城东路 (2828 6888)
We’re giving away a lunch voucher for two on
WeChat. For your chance to win, add ‘Thats_
Shanghai’ or scan the QR code.
Formed in Chengdu, the rising lo-fi
indie-pop group brings their national
tour to Yuyintang in celebration of
their debut release, When Memories
RMB50, 9pm. Yuyintang, 851 Kaixuan
Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 凯旋路851号, 近延
安西路 (5237 8662)
an elderly couple who go on a journey through their memories when
one is struck by Alzheimer’s.
RMB50-380, 7.30pm, RMB50-380.
Shanghai Grand Theatre – Lyric
Theatre, 300 Renmin Da Dao, by
Huangpi Bei Lu 人民大道300号, 近黄陂
北路 (400 610 3721, en.damai.cn)
Gigs: BBC Trio
The veteran jazz group has delighted
crowds for over 30 years with their
mix of bossa nova, swing and mainstream jazz.
Free entry, 9.30pm-late. JZ Club, 46
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46
号, 近永福路 (6431 0269)
Concert: Daisuke Minamizawa &
Billy McLaughlin Guitar Concert
Two new age acoustic guitar gods
team up for some fantastic fretwork.
RMB60-80, 7.30pm. Shanghai Daning
Theatre, 1222 Pingxingguan Lu, by
Lingshi Lu 平型关路1222号, 近灵石路
(400 610 3721, en.damai.cn)
Theater: Andre and Dorine
Kulunka Teatro brings back their
award-winning mask theatre production to Shanghai. The show follows
Gigs: The Push
Last year’s Chinese Music Media
Awards winner for Best New Band
is comprised of veteran musicians.
Often referred to as China’s Pink
Floyd, the psychedelic rocker is riding
Theater: Moi, Le Petit Prince
William Yip directs this whimsical
musical adaptation of The Little
RMB180-250(weekdays)andRMB200380 (weekends), 7.30-9.30pm. ET
Space, 33 Yanan Dong Lu, by Xizang
Lu 延安东路433号, 近西藏路 (www.
Concert: Aoi Teshima
The Fukuoka songstress has amassed
a large fanbase singing songs for
hit animated films like Tales from
Earthsea and video games like Fragile
Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon.
RMB300 VIP tickets include chance to
meet and take photos with the artist.
RMB150-220, 7-9pm. MAO Livehouse,
3/F, 308 Chongqing Nan Lu, by Jianguo
Zhong Lu 重庆南路308号3楼, 近建国中
路 (6445 0086)
AUG 1-2
Theater: James and the Giant Peach
The Roald Dahl classic comes alive
as a musical, reliving James’ epic adventure from an orphanage to New
York City with his new gigantic insect
RMB180-480, 2.30pm (7.30pm on
Sat and 2.30pm on Sun). Shanghai
Children’s Theatre, Shanghai Children
Art Theatre, 800 Miaojiang Lu, by
Xizang Nan Lu 苗江路800号, 近西藏南
路 (247tickets.cn)
TV: True Detective viewing party
Time is a flat circle. That’s what the
first season of this pulpy hit told us.
However, it’s a brand new adventure
featuring a complete different cast
that includes stars Collin Ferrell,
Vince Vaughn and Rachel McAdams.
New episodes will be screened at
Arcade in HD on their big screens,
complete with surround sound.
Free entry, 10pm-late. Arcade, 2/F, 57
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路57
号2楼, 近永福路 (5404 7118)
Grand Kempinski
Hotel Shanghai
Launched Charity
Auction Series
“Discover the Charm of
Hotels” charity auction
series was formally launched
by Grand Hotels Media
in collaboration with 90
top hotels and the Smiles
Foundation in Shanghai on
the afternoon of May 18,
2015. Following the grand
launch ceremony, Grand
Kempinski Hotel Shanghai, a
leading name in the upscale
hospitality industry, showed
onlookers the journey and
history of the hotel.
2015 Marriott Associate Appreciation
Week at Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan
On May 18, Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan commenced 2015
Marriott Association Week to thank all the staff for their diligent
work and effort over the past year. During the appreciation week,
staff had an enjoyable time, participating in activities and winning
generous prizes. In addition, the hotel management served
exquisitely prepared daily theme meals of Western, Cantonese,
Sichuan, Shanghainese, Thai and Indian cuisines for all the
employees in the staff canteen.
Le Méridien Hotels and Resorts Global
Master Barista HUB Training Shanghai
On May 7, Le Méridien Hotels and Resorts announced that the Le
Méridien Global Master Barista advance training program would
be inaugurated in Shanghai. As a unique global program to Le
Méridien, Master Barista aims to bring traditional European coffee
culture to all Le Méridien destinations around the world, forging
an exclusive social experience and offering guests an insight to
local tastes through this two-day training experience.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Sourced from underground
chambers of the Fiji Islands, FIJI
Water promises the quality of
natural mineral water, with a
soft taste and high electrolyte
profile. People can also enjoy it
as an ingredient in treatments
like a facial spa.
Former Miss Brazil and international supermodel
Ariane Colombo visited STCC on June 1, tutoring
members to build up confidence and discover
their inner beauty.
The Asian Star Fashion Eyewear Exhibition gave a summertime glasses show
at Jiuguang outdoor square from Jun 3 to 15, displaying brands from Japan,
Korea and Hong Kong.
100 July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Team World defeated Team
Shanghai at 6-4 at Hockey
Night, which was held at
Feiyang Skating Center in
Shanghai on June 21.
Celebrating the Global Day of Discovery 2015 on June 11,
Renaissance Shanghai Pudong Hotel invited guests to discover
the benefits of Tai Chi with their Tai Chi Master in the hotel’s roof
garden, and presented special tea-themed cocktails.
Mr. Peter Clarke, General Manager of Pudong Shangri-La, East
Shanghai (left) and Ms Grace Zhu, Director of Housekeeping
(second right), together with handicapped trainees made new
soaps by using hotel’s recycled soaps on the World Environment
Day event.
On May 28, Hollywood actress Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh, worldrenowned Malaysian fashion designer Datuk Jimmy Choo and
British supermodel Georgia May Jagger welcomed British Airways’
inaugural flights to Malaysia with a Cinderella-inspired photoshoot
in Kuala Lumpur.
As the exclusive hotel sponsor, the Grand Hyatt Shanghai recently
welcomed famous Hong Kong actor Mr. Aaron Kwok at the press
conference for his upcoming film “Miss Partner”.
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
With already four Shanghai campuses located at
People’s Square, Xujiahui, Gubei and Pudong, EIC
Group unveiled a new campus in Yangpu District with
an opening on May 29.
Hotel Equatorial Shanghai held a grand charity event, A Special Love to
A Special You, on May 18. Doctor Shi Derong, Chairman of the Special
Care Foundation, and famed conductor Mr. Cao Peng shared their
touching stories about these special children.
Inspired by the shape of Chinese Yuanbao, the Royal Dutch is a highquality cast-iron pan produced by one of the most advanced factories
for cast-iron in the Netherlands
On May 26, the world’s top jewelry brands gave a
presentation in IFC Mall, showcasing an exquisite, elegant
lifestyle with high quality goods aimed at discerning
On May 28, iapm held an exhibition for the world of
luxury wristwatches, creating a relaxing shopping
atmosphere for the customers.
102 July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Mr. John O’shea, General Manager of The Langham, Shanghai,
Xintiandi, attended the Langham’s 150th birthday celebration on June
The Blue Book of China’s Fashion Industry 2014 – 2015 was
released by the CEIBS-Jing’an International Fashion Industry
Research Centre during the CEIBS’ 7th Prestige Brands Forum 2015.
A new Spanish-style tapas & wine bar, El Piso, held its grand
opening earlier this summer.
Mr. John O’Shea, General Manager of The Langham, Shanghai,
Xintiandi took photo with Ms. Jessica Alba, a renowned American
actress, model and businesswoman on May 22.
On June 11, MayAir China held a press conference at Shanghai
Westin Hotel titled “Breath healthily, with a new clean world.”
Martin Bloom (Chairman of MayAir Group), Koh Tat Seng
(Executive Director of MayAir Group), Ding Ming Dak (Director
of MayAir China) and Daisy Lei (MayAir Air Purifier Department
Manager) were all in attendance.
Hotel Equatorial Shanghai co-founded a graduation project
showcase with the School of Fashion Design, Shanghai Institute of
Visual Art on May 25
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
AE kitchen One of the most popular brunch
place! Especially the Pancake, French toast,
Omelets! Bakery is available everyday! 1) 491
Yuyuan Lu (62413233) 2) 1632-5 Huaihai(m)
Lu (31235633) 1) 愚园路 491 号 2) 淮海中路
1632-5 号 .
Beef & Liberty A burger restaurant offering
hand-made , premium hamburgers made
from grass-fed, Australian Certified Angus
beef that is ground in-house, twice a day.
Suite 111, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing
West Lu, by Xikang Lu Daily 11am to 11pm
南京西路 1376 号上海商城 111 单元,近西康路
Nan Lu Daily 10am-10pm (6315 2070) 12)
Unit N1-12, N2-11, Jing’an Kerry Centre, 1551
Nanjing Xi Lu, by Tongren Lu Sun-Thurs 8am11pm; Fri-Sat 8-12am (6139 8297) 1) 南京西
路 1376 号上海商城 112 室 , 近西康路 2) 淮海中
路 1028 号嘉华中心 4 楼 , 近东湖路 3) 陆家嘴西
路 168 号正大广场 1 楼 , 近陆家嘴环路 4) 虹桥路
1 号港汇广场 1 楼 , 近华山路 5) 西藏南路 228 号
6 楼 , 近桃源路 6) 世纪大道 100 号环球金融中心
2 楼 , 近陆家嘴环路 7) 延安西路 2088 号虹桥嘉顿
广场一层 , 近伊犁路 8) 红枫路 331 号 , 近碧云路
9) 花木路 1378 号浦东嘉里城 1 楼 , 近芳甸路 10)
太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 18 号楼 02 单元 11) 淮
海中路 300 号 K11 艺术中心 4 楼 402, 近黄陂南
路 12) 南京西路 1551 号静安嘉里中心 N1-12,
N2-11 单元 , 近铜仁路
Hooters Great food, great beverages, and
pretty HOOTERS Girls. -This is HOOTERS! 1)
1/F, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu, by
Fucheng Lu (5049 0199) 2) 1/F, 1498 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Wulumuqi Nan Lu (6437 9811)
3) 3/F, L’Avenue, 99 Xianxia Lu, by Zunyi Lu
(6212 0296) 4) 201, China View Building
No.1,East Worker's Stadium Lu,Chaoyang
District,Beijing (010 6585 8787) 5) 1F, Lippo
Tower, No.62 North Kehua Lu,Chengdu (028
6281 8877) 1) 陆家嘴西路 168 号正大广场一层 ,
近富城路 2) 淮海中路 1498 号 1 号楼一层 , 近乌鲁
木齐南路 3) 仙霞路 99 号尚嘉中心三层 , 近遵义路
4) 北京市朝阳区工人体育场东路,中国红街 1 号楼
201 5) 成都市武侯区科华北路 62 号力宝大厦一层
POP A generous and playful all-day dining
American Brasserie with spectacular Bund
views. Opening daily 11am-1am. 7/F, 3
Zhong Shan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu
(6321 0909) pop@on-the-bund.com www.
threeonthebund.com 中山东一路 3 号 7 楼 , 近
Bistro Burger Bistro Burger serves 100
percent Australian beef patties with special
spices and fresh ingredients and milkshakes
made with New Zealand ice cream. The
bistro also functions as a bar where a wide
selection of beers and cocktail concoctions
can be best enjoyed. 1/F, 291 Fumin Lu, by
Changle Lu (6170 1315) Mon-Sat: 11-12am;
Sun: 11-10pm www.bistroburger.com.cn 富民
路 219 号 1 楼 , 近长乐路
Blue Frog 1) Lower Level, Unit 12, 131
Tianyaoqiao Lu, by Xingeng Lu (3368 6117)
Daily 10am-late www.bluefrog.com.cn 2) 30,
Lane 3338 Hongmei Lu, by Hongxu Lu (5422
5119) Daily 10am-late www.bluefrog.com.
cn/ 3) Green Sports & Leisure Center, R3633 Biyun Lu, by Yunshan Lu (5030 6426)
Daily 10am-late 4) 6/F Daning Life Hub,
1918 Gonghe Xin Lu, by Daning Lu (6631
3920) Daily 10am-late 5) B109, 100 Century
Avenue, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (6877 8668)
Daily 9-2am www.bluefrog.com.cn 1) 天钥
桥路 131 号地下一层 12 室 , 近辛耕路 2) 虹梅路
3338 弄虹梅步行休闲街 30 号 , 近虹许路 3) 浦东
金桥 , 碧云路 633 号 -3,近云山路 4) 共和新路
1918 号大宁国际商业广场 6 楼 , 近大宁路 5) 世纪
大道 100 号 B109 室 , 近陆家嘴环路
Element Fresh Chain of restaurants and
one of the longest running with quality
ingredients and good service. One of the
mainstays in Shanghai. 1) Rm.112, Shanghai
Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu
(6279 8682) Mon-Thurs: 7am-11pm; Fri-Sat:
7-12am Sun 7am-11pm 2) 4/F, 1028 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Donghu Lu (5403 8865) MonThus: 8am-11pm; Fri-Sat: 8-12am; Sun 8am11pm 3) 1/F Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui
Xi Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (5047 2060) MonThurs: 9am-10.30pm; Fri 9am-11pm SatSun: 8am-10.30pm 4) 1/F, Grand Gateway,
1 Hongqiao Lu, by Huashan Lu (6407 5992)
Mon-Thurs: 7am-11pm; Fri-Sat: 7-12am; Sun
7am-11pm 5) 6/F, 228 Xizang Nan Lu, by
Taoyuan Lu (6334 3598) Daily 7am-10.30pm
6) 2/F, Shanghai World Financial Center,
100 Shiji Da Dao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (6877
4001) Daily 10am-10pm 7) 1/F, 2088 Yanan Xi
Lu, by Yili Lu (6083 7436) Mon-Thurs: 9am10.30pm; Fri 9am-11pm; Sat 8am-11pm; Sun
8am-10.30pm 8) Green City, 331 Hongfeng
Lu, by Biyun Lu (3382 1700) Mon-Fri: 9am10.30pm; Sat: 8am-11pm; Sun 8am-10.30pm
9) 1/F 1378 Huamu Lu, by Fangdian Lu (2022
2537) Mon-Thurs: 9am-10.30pm; Fri 9am11pm; Sat 8am-11pm; Sun 8am-10.30pm 10)
unit 2, building 18, north block xintiandi,
181 taicang Lu Sun-Thurs 8am-12pm; Fri-Sat
8am-2am (6326 0950) 11) Shop 402, 4/F, K11
Art Mall, 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Huangpi
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Shanghai Slims One of the more reasonably
priced steakhouses around town, Chef
Adam Levin ages his meat beautifully. Also
serves up lobster mac&cheese and other
haute takes on American grub. 10-12, Sinan
Mansion, 523 Fuxing Zhong Lu, by Sinan Lu
(6426 0162) Daily 11.30am-10pm info@daibiao.com 复兴中路 523 弄思南公馆 10-12 号 ,
Baker & Spice Excellent fresh-baked pastries
and spot-on baguettes. Brought to you from
the makers of Wagas. 1) 1/F, 195 Anfu Lu,
by Wulumuqi Lu (5404 2733) Daily 7am8.30pm. 2) Unit 118, 1/F, Shanghai Centre,
1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu (6289
8875) 1) 安福路 195 号 1 楼,近乌鲁木齐路 2) 南
京西路 1376 号上海商城 1 楼 118 单元 , 近西康路
glo London Bakery Cafe Freshly-baked
bread, croissants, pastries, cakes and
scones plus fresh juices & roasted coffee.
1/F, 1 Wulumuqi Nan Lu, by Dongping Lu
(6466 6565) Daily 7am-10pm shanghai@
glolondon.com www.glolondon.com 乌鲁木
齐南路 1 号 1 楼 , 近东平路
Gourmet High class sweets and other baked
goodies. Pudong Shangri-La Hotel, Level 1,
Tower 2, 33 Fu Cheng Lu, by Yincheng Dong
Lu (5888 2957) Daily 8am-8pm 富城路 33 号香
格里拉酒店 2 号楼 1 楼 , 近银城东路
Sunflour Bakery & Café (Anfu) Not only
has excellent baked goods but also serves
good breakfast and lunch options. 322 Anfu
Lu, by Wukang Lu (6473 7757) 7am-10pm
sunflour@sunflour.com.cn www.sunfour.
com.cn 安福路 322 号 , 近武康路
Brioche Doree Offering great baguettes,
breads and savory meals, this French chain is
a good option for those looking for a quick
bistro fix. 1) 7 Donghu Lu, by Huaihai Zhong
Lu (6472 8977) 2) 98 Yanping Lu, by Xinzha
Lu (6272 1008) 1) 东湖路 7 号 , 近淮海中路 2) 延
平路 98 号 , 近新闸路
Citizen Café & Bar Charming Euro-style
cafe offering fine coffees, teas, cocktails as
well as sandwiches and pastas. First floor is
smoky, but the terrace is lovely on a nice day.
222 JinXian Lu, by Shanxi Nan Lu (6258 1620)
Daily 11-12.30am www.citizenshanghai.com/
进贤路 222 号 , 近陕西南路
Coffee Tree With a light and airy European
look, the cozy spot offers an array of fresh
and homemade items including salads,
sandwiches, quiche, pasta, and cakes using
the finest ingredients. Ferguson Lane, 376
Wukang Lu, by Tai’an Lu (6466 0361) MonSun 9am-10pm www.coffeetreecafe.com.cn
武康路 376 号 , 近泰安路
Gloria Jean’s Coffees An Australian owned
global specialty coffee shop with over 1,000
coffee houses worldwide, who runs its
own coffee university and is dedicated in
handcrafting each drink to perfection. 1)
106, 138 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Pu’an Lu (3330
1599)2)1/F, 506 Shangcheng Lu, by Pudong
Nan Lu (5011 5232) 3)1/F, 68 Yincheng
Zhong Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (5091 7926) 1)
Man Ho Chinese Restaurant The
signature Chinese restaurant offers
traditional Cantonese dishes with selections
of Shanghai favorites. Five elegant private
rooms commanding great lake views offer
a perfect venue for both private parties and
business. Open for lunch and dinner. 15
Jinqiao Lu, by Zuijiao Lu (6036 8866) 金桥路
15 号 , 近嘴角路
淮海中路 138 号无限度广场 106 室 , 近普安路 2)
商城路 506 号新梅联合广场 1 楼 123-B 单元 , 近
浦东南路 3)银城中路 68 号时代金融中心 1 楼 ,
Lapis Cafe Unique rooftop glasshouse with
an amazing afternoon tea set and affordable
menu selections. 6/F, 818 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Shimen Yi Lu (3203 1377) Daily 11am - 6pm
南京西路 818 号 6 楼 , 近石门一路
Le Crème Milano Offering real Italian
handmade artisan gelato in Shanghai since
2008, you can see the sweet treats being
made daily at their open factory on Shaanxi
Lu, or enjoy their products in their other
eight branches in town. 1) 434 Shaanxi Nan
Lu, by Yongjia Lu (6433 5208) 2) 173 Fumin
Lu, by Julu Lu (5403 3918) 3) Huangjin
Chengdao Pedestrian entrance, by Gubei Lu
(3255 0371) www.lecrememilano.com 1) 陕
西南路 434 号 , 近永嘉路 2) 富民路 173 号 , 近巨
鹿路 3) 黄金城道步行街口 , 近古北路
Marks & Spencer Café 1) 2/F, 98 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Liulin Lu (6191 3322) 2) 4/F,
863 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Taixing Lu (6217 8866)
10am-10pm 1) 淮海中路 98 号 2 楼 , 近柳林路 2)
南京西路 863 号 4 楼 , 近泰兴路
Pacific Coffee Inspired from the coffee
culture from Seattle, Pacific Coffee serves
great Italian espresso based coffee in
generous American sizes, cakes and other
great offers in a welcoming ambience. 1)
Rm102, 1/F Lansheng Building, 208 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Xizang Nan Lu (3315 3296)
2) Rm211-212, 2/F, 300 Nanjing Dong Lu,
by Henan Zhong Lu (6045 2218) 3) 1/F, 618
Xujiahui Lu, by Ruijin Er Lu (6093 2219) 4) 1/
F Thumb Plaza, No.11 Lane 199 Fangdian
Lu, by Dingxiang Lu (6892 0007) 5) 1F-A, 367
Pucheng Lu, by Qixin Lu (5062 3701) www.
pacificcoffee.com 1) 淮海中路 2-8 号蘭生大厦
1 楼 02 室 2) 南京东路 300 号名人购物中心 2 楼
211-212 室 3) 徐家汇路 618 号 1 楼 , 近瑞金二路
4) 芳甸路 199 弄大拇指广场 11 号 1 楼 , 近丁香路
5)浦城路 367 号 1F-A, 近启新路
Wagas 1) 1168 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Jiangning
Lu (5292 5228) 7am-10pm 2) 199 Fangdian
Lu, by Dingxiang Lu (5033 6277) 7am-10pm
3) Rm108 Maxdo Center, 86 Xianxia Lu,
by Hami Lu (5208 1978) 7am-10pm 4) 300
Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Madang Lu (6335
3739) 7am-10:30pm 5) 288 Jiujiang Lu, by
Henan Zhong Lu (3366 5026) Mon-Fri: 7am8pm; Sat-Sun: 9:30am-6pm 6) Shop 201,
169 Wujiang Lu, by Nanjing Xi Lu (6267
0339) 8am-10:30pm 7) 283 Jianguo Xi Lu, by
Jiashan Lu (5466 8312) 7am-8pm 8) G104,
999 Pudong Nan Lu, by Zhangyang Lu (5134
1075) 7am-9:30pm 9) 1/F, 1233 Lujiazui
Huan Lu, by Dongchuan Lu (5879 4235)
Mon-Fri: 7am-6pm; Closed on Sat&Sun 10)
1/F, 265Jiaozhou Lu, by Xinzha Lu (6272
0353) 7am-11pm 11) L102, 1/F Channel One,
155 Changshou Lu, by Shanxi Bei Lu (3131
5008) Mon-Sun: 7am-11pm 1) 南京西路 1168
号 , 近江宁路 2) 芳甸路 199 弄大拇指广场 31 号 ,
近丁香路 3) 仙霞路 86 号万都商城 108 室 , 近哈密
路 4) 淮海中路 300 号香港新世界广场 , 近马当路
5) 九江路 288 号 , 近河南中路 6) 吴江路 169 号
201 商铺 , 近南京西路 7) 建国西路 283 号 , 近嘉
善路 8) 浦东南路 999 号新梅联合大厦 104 号 , 近
张杨路 9) 陆家嘴环路 1233 号汇亚大厦 1 楼 , 近东
川路 10) 胶州路 265 号 1 楼 , 近新闸路 11) 长寿路
155 号调频壹广场 1 楼 L102, 近陕西北路
Whisk Choco Cafe While best known for its
sumptuous chocolate desserts, Whisk also
does a brisk business with risottos, pastas,
panini and pizza. 1250 Huaihai Zhong Lu,
by Huating Lu (5404 7770) Daily 10.30am11.30pm www.whisk.com.cn 淮海中路 1250
号 , 近华亭路
VUE Dining This restaurant is designed
to create marvelous dining experience in privacy with one of the city’s best skyline views.
Featuring authentic handmade dim sum and
Cantonese cuisine, it is an ideal venue for
family celebrations and friends’ gatherings.
31/F, West Tower, Hyatt on the Bund, 199
Huangpu Lu, by Wuchang Lu (639312346330) Lunch: Mon-Fri 11.30am-2.30pm;
Sat&Sun: 11.30am-3.30pm; Dinner: Daily
5.30pm-10.30pm www.hyattonthebund.
com 黄浦路 199 号 , 上海外滩茂悦大酒店西楼 31
层 , 近武昌路
Qimin Organic Hotpot Marketplace
This Taiwanese hotpot restaurant's
motto is to provide customers with the
experience of "From Farm to Table". Qimin
is focused on providing organic and fresh
local produce, which includes organic vegetables from the restaurant's own farm.
Customers can select their choice of broth
and order from a variety of meats, organic
vegetables, and seafood. 1) 7/F, Takashimaya
Department Store, 1438 Hongqiao Lu, by
Manao Lu (6295 2117) 2) (NEW) 4/F, Reel Department Store, 1601 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Changde Lu (6258 8777) Daily 10.30am11pm 1) 虹桥路 1438 号高岛屋百货 7 楼 , 近玛瑙
路 2) 南京西路 1601 号芮欧百货 4 楼 , 近常德路
Mahota Kitchen The farm-to-city store of
Mahota Farm serves hotpot using freshly
harvest safe ingredients and offers a range
of fresh produce direct from the farm. 1/F,
M-Town, 680 Huaihai Xi Lu, by Hongqiao Lu
(5267 9988) www.themahota.com 淮海西路
680 号新淮海坊一层泰生天地 , 近虹桥路
Di Shui Dong 1) 2/F, 56 Maoming Nan Lu, by
Changle Lu (6253 2689) 2) 5 Dongping Lu,
by Hengshan Lu (6415 9448) 3) Unit 22, 300
Guyang Lu, by Yili Nan Lu (5175 3067) 1) 茂名
南路 56 号 2 楼 , 近长乐路 2) 东平路 5 号 , 近衡山
路 3) 古羊路 300 号 -22,近伊犁南路
Gu Yi 87 Fumin Lu, by Julu Lu (6249 5628)
Daily 11am-2pm; 5.30pm-10.30pm 富民路 87
号 , 近巨鹿路
Hunan House A very pretty Hunan
restaurant by Cotton (of Cotton’s) located in
a converted Concession villa. No.2, Lane49,
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Wulumuqi Lu (3461 1377)
Mon-Fri: 4.30pm-11.30pm; Sat-Sun 11am11.30pm www.cottonshunanhouse.com 复兴
西路 49 弄 2 号 , 近乌鲁木齐路
1221 A consistent contender for our
Readers’ Choice Best Shanghainese Award.
This tucked-away restaurant has a die-hard
laowai following. 1221 Yan’an Xi Lu, by
Panyu Lu (6213 6585, 6213 2441) Daily 11am2pm; 5-11pm 延安西路 1221 号 , 近番禺路
The Crystal Garden Bathed in natural light,
the Crystal Garden is a Chinese restaurant
offering the very best of authentic Chinese
cuisines. Enjoy the variety of provincial
cuisines on offer plus high-quality seafood
straight from the tank. The restaurant's
garden-style setting and professional,
friendly team makes The Crystal Garden
a popular venue for intimate wedding
banquets and private partities. 5/F, The
Westin Bund Center Shanghai, 88 Henan
Zhong Lu, by Guangdong Lu (6103 5048)
Lunch: 11am–2.30pm (Mon-Fri), 11am–
2pm(Saturday & Sunday, Dim Sum buffet);
Dinner: 5.30pm-10.30pm (Daily). 河南中路 88
号上海威斯汀大饭店 5 楼,近广东路
金鹰国际购物中心 7 楼 , 近南京西路 7)南京西路
699 号东方有线大厦 2-5 楼 , 近吴江路 31 号 8)
兴业路 123 弄新天地南里商场 2 楼 , 近马当路 9)
长宁路 999 号 4 楼 , 近汇川路 10)外马路 579 号
2 号楼 4 楼 , 近新码头街 11)陆家嘴西路 168 号
正大广场 9 楼 , 近东方明珠 12)滨江大道 2727 号
东方滨江大酒店 7 楼 , 近东方明珠 13)浦东南路
500 号国家开发银行 4 楼 , 近陆家嘴东路 14)张
杨路 3611 弄金桥国际商业广场 6 座 2 层 , 近金桥
路 15)佳木斯路 777 号小南国花园酒店 4 楼 , 近
营口路 16)虹梅路 3337 号 , 近延安西路 17)中
山东二路 565 号 A 栋 , 近东门路
Taiwan meets Spain, and everybody
Shanghai Uncle Perfect for a big group,
with large tables and red decor, it’s a fancy
setting for a lively dinner. 1) 211 Tianyaoqiao
Lu, by Nandan Lu (6464 6430) Lunch: 11am2pm Dinner: 5.30pm-10.30pm 2) Bund
Center, 222 Yan’an Dong Lu, by Jiangxi
Zhong Lu (6339 1977) Daily 11am-2.30pm;
5-10.30pm 1) 天钥桥路 211 号 , 近南丹路 2) 延安
东路 222 号外滩中心 , 近江西中路
Whampoa Club This Bund institution
specializes in modern reinterpretations
of Shanghai classics. Great view, fancy
eats. 5/F, 3 on the Bund, 3 Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu (6321 3737)
Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm www.
threeonthebund.com/ 中山东一路 3 号 , 外滩三
号 5 楼 , 近广东路
Ye Shanghai An ostensibly sleek and shiny
restaurant specializing in modern Shanghaicuisine. They also offer a pretty decent
weekend dim sum. 338 Huangpi Nan Lu,
by Taicang Lu (6311 2323) Daily 11.30am2.30pm; 5.30-10.30pm yss@elite-concepts.
com 黄陂南路 338 号 , 近太仓路
Yongfoo Elite Impress guests with this
utterly regal affair. It’s got a beautiful
garden, classical decor and a beautiful bar.
Also sports one of the fuzziest walls in the
city. 200 Yongfu Lu, by Hunan Lu (5466
2727) Daily 11.30am-10.30pm; bar open till
midnight www.yongfooelite.com 永福路 200
The Chinoise Story A unique restaurant
featuring radically fused cooking styles.
Lovely space. Expect classic Chinese dishes
served in individual portions rather than
family style. Cathay Building, Jin Jiang Hotel,
59 Maoming Nan Lu, by Changle Lu (6445
1717) 11am-2.30pm; 6-10.30pm 茂名南路 59
号锦江饭店北楼底层 , 近长乐路
Dragon Phoenix Looking over the Pudong
skyline and fabulous Huangpu River, this
distinguished piece of Shanghai history
was the finest Chinese restaurant in town
when the hotel opened, and it remains an
exquisite dining destination to this day.
Enjoy Shanghainese and regional Chinese
delicacies in the ornate dining room or
one of our four decadent private rooms. 8/
F, Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing Dong
Lu, by Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu ( 6138 6880 )
Lunch: Daily 11.30am-2.30pm; Dinner: Daily
5.30-10pm, www.fairmont.com/peacehotel
号 , 近湖南路
Pin Chuan 1) 47 Taojiang Lu, by Wulumuqi
Nan Lu (6437 9361) Daily 11am-2pm; 5-11pm
2) 5/F Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Shanxi Bei Lu (6288 8897) Daily 10.30am10pm 3) Unit 312B, 3/F, L’Avenue Shanghai,
99 Xianxia Lu, by Zunyi Lu (400 820 7706,
delivery: 6209 6209) Mon–Sun: 11am-10pm
4) Daily 11am-10pm S801-1B, Level 8, Jiu
Guang Department Store, 1618 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Jingan Temple (4008207706) 1) 桃江
路 47 号 , 近乌鲁木齐南路 2) 南京西路 1266 号恒
隆广场 5 楼 , 近陕西北路 3) 仙霞路 99 号上海尚
嘉中心 3 楼 312B, 近遵义路 4) 南京西路久光百货
1618 号 8 层 S801-1B, 近静安寺
南京东路 20 号上海和平饭店 8 楼 , 近中山东一路
Hai Pai The neighborhood restaurant in
Xintiandi provides delicate Shanghainese
cuisine with a modern flavor. Created by
Executive Chef Jacqueline Qiu and Chef de
Cuisine Johnny Xiang, the menu features
delicious home style cooking using fresh local products and carefully sourced specialty
ingredients from around the country. 1/F,
Andaz Shanghai, 88 Songshan Lu, by Taicang
Lu(2310 1700) Breakfast: Daily 6.30-10.30am;
Lunch: Daily 11.30am-2.30pm; Dinner: Daily
5.30-10.30pm 嵩山路 88 号上海安达仕酒店 1 楼,
Shanghai Min A Shanghainese restaurant
grown up from a local dining venue to a
national phenomenon, Shanghai Min has
dedicated in local cuisine for 26 years and
is known for authentic Shanghai flavor and
excellent food quality. 1)Room 304, 3/F, CITIC
PLAZA, 1350, Sichuan Bei Lu, by Wujin Lu 2)
L225, 2/F, Kerry Parkside, 1378 Huamu Lu,
by Jinxiu Lu 3) 2/F, Enterprise Square, 228,
Meiyuan Lu,by Gonghe Lu 4)3/F, Building
8, 1968, Gonghexin Lu, by Daning Lu 5)
588, Dalian Road, by Zhoujiazui Lu 6) 7/F,
Shanghai Golden Eagle Square, 278,Shaanxi
Bei Lu, by Nanjing Xi Lu 7) 2-5/F, Shanghai
Oriental Centre, 699 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Wujiang Lu 8) 2/F, South Block Plaza, 123
Xingye Lu, by Madang Lu 9) 4/F, 999 Changning Lu, by Huichuan Lu 10) 4/F, Wharf 2,
579 Waima Lu, by Zhuxingmatou Jie 11) 9/
F, 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu 12)
7/F, 2727 Binjiang Dadao, Oriental Riverside
Hotel, by Oriental Pearl Tower 13) 4/F, 500
Pudong Nan Lu, by Lujiazui Dong Lu 14) 2/
F, Building 6, 3611 Zhangyang Lu, Jinqiao
International Commercial Plaza, by Jinqiao
Lu 15) 4/F, 777 Jiamusi Lu, WH Ming Hotel,
by Yingkou Lu 16) 3337 Hongmei Lu, by
Yan’an Xi Lu 17)Building A, 565 Zhongshan
Dong Er Lu, by Dongmen Lu (400 820 9777)
1)四川北路 1350 号第三层 304 单元 , 近武进路
2)花木路 1378 号浦东嘉里城 2 楼 L225, 近锦绣
路 3)梅园路 228 号企业广场 2 楼 , 近共和路 4)
共和新路 1968 号大宁国际 8 座 3 楼 , 近大宁路 5)
大连路 588 号 , 近周家嘴路 6)陕西北路 278 号
Sichuan Citizen The people who brought
you Citizen Cafe and Bar have gone native
with this Sichuan eatery. Here you’ll find
all the classics amply spiced and served
in bamboo-clad dining room. 30 Donghu
Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu (5404 1235) Daily
11am-10.30pm 东湖路 30 号 , 近淮海中路
Sichuan Spice Rooted in traditional Chinese
food culture, Sichuan Spice offers a pleasant
and memorable dining experience featuring
innovative Sichuan cuisines served in an
elegant vibe. Sichuan master chef brings
authentic Sichuan flavors with local
ingredients at its best. 3/F, InterContinental
Shanghai Puxi, 500 Hengfeng Lu, by Tianmu
Xi Lu (5253 9999 – 6358, www.intercontinental.com) Mon-Fri 11.30am-2.30pm; 5.3010pm 上海浦西洲际酒店 3 楼 , 恒丰路 500 号 , 近
The owners of HowFun are sharing their love for paella with Shanghai!
Originally established in Taipei, the restaurant aims to combine zesty fun-filled
Spanish food with traditional Taiwanese
flavors. Located at the Shanghai Centre,
the vibrant and colorful atmosphere
blends perfectly with a rich menu full of
Spanish-inspired cuisine.
We started off with three of the chef’s
favorite tapas, all distinct and toothsome.
The traditional Spanish fried calamari with
tartar sauce (RMB64) which was juicy,
flavorful and crisp. The potato omelet
with aioli (RMB42) and garlic shrimp with
chorizo (RMB69) offered a fresh and innovative take on the traditional Spanish
Next up were three paellas – the restaurant’s most in-demand dish. The Thai
chili chicken paella by Ms. A (small RMB68/
medium RMB132/large RMB269) is perfect
for paella and Thai lovers alike. The HowFun
paella with chorizo (RMB128/RMB248/RMB498), is one of the most popular dishes for
seafood lovers.
We incorporated two different HowFun signature cocktails. For the boozier set,
we tried the Rosemanthus Lady of Shanghai (RMB68) and the Don’t Make Any Trouble
(RMB68), both specialty gin cocktails. The Passion 4 Fun (RMB46) and Pinky Lady
(RMB46) are also available as non-alcoholic options.
Traditional paella dishes are nice for the more conservative set, but for those willing to experiment, the black rice paella with calamari (RMB76/RMB138/RMB269) is a
tasty, interesting choice. Lastly, the local favorite, rice pudding (RMB26) arrived, accompanied with a chocolate crisp topping, a signature twist.
HowFun is a good choice for those looking to combine traditional Taiwanese
dishes and Western favorites. It’s the perfect place to enjoy a meal with friends in a
fun environment. English-speaking manager George is on-hand every day to help you
choose the best paella dish for your liking.
//HowFun, Unit 200B, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu, 南京西路1376号上海商城西峰.
Open 11am-11pm.
Din Tai Fung Taiwanese chain restaurant
that offers delicious Chinese snack foods,
especially their xiaolongbaos are to die for 1)
Unit 24, 3/F, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui
Xi Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (5047 8883) Daily
10am-10pm www.dintaifungsh.com.cn 2)
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Unit 318, 3/F, Shanghai World Financial
Center, 100 Shiji Da Dao, by Lujiazui Huan
Lu (6877 6886) Daily 10-1am 3) 5/F Grand
Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Lu, by Huashan Lu
(3469 1383) Daily 11am- 2.45pm; 5-11pm
4) 168 Fangbang Zhong Lu, by Zhoujin Lu
(6334 1008) Daily 9am-10pm 5) 3/F, MIXC,
701Fuchun Lu, by Jiangjin Lu, Hangzhou
Daily 9am-10pm 6) South Block Plaza, 2/
F, Lane 123 Xingye Lu, by Madang Lu (6385
8378) Daily 10-1am 7) 1/F, Shanghai Center,
1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu (6289
9182) Daily 10am-10pm 8) 1/F,Buliding F,
268 Min’andong Lu, by Shengmo Bei Lu,
Jiangdong District, Ningbo Daily 11am-10pm
Urban Soup Kitchen In case the name didn’t
clue you in, soup is the order of the day
here. They offer a vast variety of gourmet
style sandwiches and salads too.Delivery
available. 1) 280 Madang Lu, by Zizhong
Lu (5382 2978) Daily 10.30am-10pm 2)
17 Nanquan Bei Lu, by Laoshan Lu (3331
1861) 11am-10pm 2) 17 Nanquan Bei Lu, by
Laoshan Lu (3331 1861) 3) 280 Madang Lu,
by Zizhong Lu (5382 2978) 1) 马当路 280 号 ,
近自忠路 2) 南泉北路 17 号 , 近崂山路 2) 南泉北
路 17 号 , 近崂山路 3) 马当路 280 号 , 近自忠路
1) 陆家嘴西路 168 号正大广场 3 楼 24 单元 , 近陆
家嘴环路 2) 世纪大道 100 号上海环球金融中心 3
楼 317 单元 , 近陆家嘴环路 3) 虹桥路 1 号港汇恒
隆广场 5 楼 503, 近华山路 4) 方浜中路 168 号 , 近
昼锦路 5) 杭州市富春路 701 号 3 楼 , 近江锦路 6)
新天地南里广场 2 楼 , 兴业路 123 弄 , 近马当路 7)
南京西路 1376 号上海商城 1 楼 , 近西康路 8) 宁波
市江东区民安东路 268 号 F 座 1 楼 , 近盛莫北路
Charmant Taiwanese food in a faux
Provence-style dining room. Decor aside, the
food is pretty good and served until the wee
hours to boot. 1418 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Fuxing Xi Lu (6431 8107) Daily 11-4am 淮海中
路 1418 号 , 近复兴西路
B REAL Pho Real's little sister serving fast
food variation. Boasting a mini and warm
environment,B Real has a relaxed and cozy
ambiance which provides Vietnamese fusion
sandwiches, summer rolls and stewed beef
broth. Free delivery within 3 km from B Real.
185 Fumin Lu, by Changle Lu Daily 11am9pm (3419 0220) www.phorealgroup.cn 富
民路 185 号 , 近长乐路
Fine Dining
Lapis Yun Specializing in Yunnan cuisine,
Lapis Yun boasts an exotic Yunnan bamboo
forest ambiance, which is set to provide you
a whole new experience on Yunnan cuisine
6/F, 818 Nanjing Xi Lu by Shimen Yi Lu (3203
1377) Daily 11am - 11pm 南京西路 818 号 6 楼 ,
Jade on 36 Restaurant This stunning
restaurant makes traditional French fare a
bit more lighthearted. Excellent wine list,
beautiful views and a sumptuous weekend
brunch. 36/F Grand Tower, Pudong ShangriLa, 33 Fucheng Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (6882
3636) Sunday:11:30am-3pm, Sunday brunch:
RMB788+15% service charge per person,
11.30am-3pm, www.shang-rewards.com/
aspx/RestaurantBarJade36.aspx 富城路 33 号
Lost Heaven 1) 17 Yan’an Dong Lu, by
Sichuan Nan Lu (6330 0967) 2) 38 Gaoyou Lu,
by Fuxing Xi Lu (6433 5126) Daily 11.30am2pm, 5.30-10.30pm 1) 延安东路 17 号 , 近四川
8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo Bombana An extension
of the three Michelin Star venue (by the
same name) in Hong Kong, a fantastic
fine dining fare that will leave you both
comforted and breathless. 6-7/F, 169
Yuanmingyuan Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu (6087
2890) 圆明园路 169 号 6-7 楼 , 近北京东路
Jing’an Restaurant The PuLi’s acclaimed
Executive Chef Michael Wilson presents a
seasonal and changing international menu
南路 2) 高邮路 38 号 , 近复兴西路
with subtle elements of Asian influence.
That-logo box201506.indd
1 Enjoy home-style
PM delivers old favourites in brand
Southern Barbarian
Yunnew guises, placing an emphasis on local
nan classics like crossing-the-bridge noodles
ingredients and fusion texture from the East
and fried goat cheese with one of the city’s
and West. Open for breakfast, lunch, dinner
best beer selections. 2/F, Ju’Roshine Life Arts
and Sunday brunch. 1 Changde Lu, by Yan’an
Space, 169 Jinxian Lu, byMaoming Nan Lu
Xi Lu (2216 6988, taste@jinganrestaurant.
(5157 5510) Daily 11am-2pm; 5pm-11pm
com, www.jinganrestaurant.com) 上海璞丽酒
www.southernbarbarian.com.cn 进贤路 169
号 2 楼 , 近茂名南路
Deli Shops
路 2 号外滩华尔道夫酒店 1 楼,近广东路
Sir Elly’s Restaurant & Bar Dine on fine
modern European cuisine while overlooking
the Huangpu River. Expert cocktails offered
at both the circular bar and the expansive
14th floor terrace. 13/F The Peninsula
Shanghai, 32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by
Nanjing Dong Lu (2327 6756) Lunch daily 122.30pm; Dinner Sun-Thurs: 6-10.30pm; Fri-Sat
6-11pm www.peninsula.com/Shanghai/en/
Dining/Sir_Ellys_Restaurant/default.aspx 中山
店 , 常德路 1 号 , 近延安西路
M on the Bund This Bund pioneer serves up
impeccable service and a menu peppered
with Continental, Aussie and Moroccan
inspiration. Try the pavlova for dessert. 7/F,
No.5 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong
Lu (6350 9988) Mon-Fri: 11.30am-2.30pm;
6.15-10.30pm; Sat-Sun: 11.30am-3pm; 6.1510.30pm reservations@m-onthebund.com
www.m-onthebund.com 中山东一路外滩 5 号
近长乐路 2) 虹梅路 3911 号 , 近延安西路
Chelsea & Co. A contemporary take on a
Euro Bistro Bar concept offering a refreshing
and reinvigorated new choice, using only
the finest fresh, imported and seasonal
ingredients and products. 1 Yueyang Lu, by
Fenyang Lu 11am-1am 岳阳路 1 号 , 近汾阳路
Franck Classy yet casual, and perhaps a
touch overpriced, owner Franck is obsessed
with quality and it shows. As authentic a
bistro as you’ll find in Shanghai. Ferguson
Lane, 376 Wukang Lu, by Tai’an Lu (2167
6767) Le Petit Franck: Daily 11 am-1am;
Franck Bistrot: Daily 6pm-1am (last order:
11pm) www.franck.com.cn 武康路 376 号 , 近
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
18 号 6 楼 , 近南京东路
Vue Restaurant Enjoy classic European fare
with one of the city’s best skyline views. 30/
F Hyatt on the Bund, 199 Huangpu Lu, by
Wuchang Lu (6393 1234-6328) Daily 6-11pm
黄浦路 199 号 , 上海外滩茂悦大酒店西楼 30 楼 ,
Paulaner Brauhaus Enjoy Bavarian food (and
more importantly, beer) in a warm, wellpopulated atmosphere. 1) House19-20,
North Block Xintiandi, Lane181 Taicang Lu,
by Madang Lu (6320 3935) Daily: 11am-2am
www.bln.com.cn 2) 2967 Lujiazui Xi Lu, by
Binjiang Da Dao (6888 3935) Sun-Thu: 11am1am; Fri-Sat: 11am-2am 3) 150 Fenyang Lu,
by Yueyang Lu (6474 5700) 3) Mon & Tue:
11am–11.30 pm; Wed & Thurs: 11am-12am;
Fri: 11am-1.30am; Sat: 10am-1.30am; Sun:
10am-11.30pm 4) 3/F, 555 Shibo Da Dao, by
Guozhan Lu (2206 0555) Sun-Thurs: 11am10pm; Fri-Sat: 11am-12am hellauer@bln.
com.cn 1) 太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 19-20 号楼 ,
近汾阳路 2) 南京西路 1601 号芮欧百货 1 楼 D 座 ,
Le Saleya Old timer offers simple, homestyle French cuisine. The draw is the quaint
garden , which is almost always full in nice
weather. 570 Changle Lu, by Xiangyang
Bei Lu (5403 6957) Daily 11.30am-2.30pm;
6.30pm-10.30pm www.saleya.com.con 长乐
路 570 号 , 近襄阳北路
近马当路 2) 陆家嘴西路 2967 号 , 近滨江大道 3)
汾阳路 150 号 , 近岳阳路 4) 世博大道 555 号 3 楼 ,
Drei Kronen 1308 brewery One of the
world’s oldest breweries located in North
Bund brings up German beer into Shanghai
with a unique brewery house restaurant and
exquisite Bavarian and international dishes.
1929 Art Space Building, 687 Dongdaming
Lu, by Xinjian Lu (5521 5355) Sun-Thurs
11.30am-midnight, Fri-Sat 11.30am-Late
(opening at the end of May) 东大名路 687 号
1929 艺术空间 , 近新建路
路 22 号 2 楼 , 近新永安路 (6318 0057)
Azul Tapas & Lounge Perched on top of
Ferguson Lane's new eight-story building,
Chef Eduardo Vargas' tapas restaurant offers
a number of delicious original Mediterranean and South American dishes. Every
weekend, enjoy the view from the terrace
while discovering or rediscovering the most
popular brunch in town. 8/F, Ferguson Lane,
378 Wukang Lu, by Taian Lu (5405 2252) 武康
Roosevelt Sky Restaurant Ultimate
Panoramic Views of Pudong and Bund;
International and Asian Fine Dining.
Executive Lunch: RMB138/two-course-set.
8/F, The House of Roosevelt, 27 Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu (2322 0800)
info@27bund.com, www.27bund.com 中山东
一路(外滩)27 号罗斯福公馆 8 楼 , 近北京东路
Oceans Dining in a romantic and
contemporary setting, an extensive array of
selected premium products from the sea. A
distinct and innovative gourmet experience
to satisfy the most discerning of tastes,
Ocean fully realizes the art of cooking.
Lobby floor, Banyan Tree Shanghai On The
Bund, 19 Haiping Lu, by Gongping Lu (2509
1188) Lunch 11.30am – 2.30pm; Dinner 5.30–
9.30pm. banyantree.com 海平路 19 号悦榕庄 1
Mr. & Mrs. Bund Molecular madman Paul
Pairet takes a more laissez-faire approach
with this modern French eatery. Expect
straightforward food and a great wine list.
6/F Bund 18, Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by
Nanjing Dong Lu (6323 9898) Dinner: MonSun 5.30-10.30pm (last order); late night:
Thurs-Sat 11pm-2am (last order); no lunch
available. www.mmbund.com 中山东一路外滩
Jean Georges Jean Georges first signature
restaurant outside of New York and a classy
one at that. Bringing us his signature French
cuisine, with an Asian twist, this is one topnot restaurant, not to be missed. 4/F, 3
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu
(6321 7733) Mon-Sun 11:30am-2:30pm,
Dinner Mon-Sun 5:30-11pm, Brunch SatSun, 11:30am-3pm, Bar Mon-Sun, 11:30-1
jgreservation@on-the-bund.com www.jeangeorges.com/ 中山东一路 3 号 4 楼,近广东路
La Creperie A charming Brittany-style
crêperie. A cup of dry cider and a savory gallette make a great Sunday brunch. Try their
set lunch; RMB78 gets you a main, dessert
and drink. 1) 1 Taojiang Lu, by Fenyang Lu
(5465 9055) Daily 10.30am-late 2) UnitD, 1/F,
Réel, 1601 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Jingan Park (3253
7978) www.lacreperie.com.cn1) 桃江路 1 号 ,
NAPA Wine Bar & Kitchen Bringing the
best in creative European cuisine from Chef
Martin Bentzen together with one of the
widest selections of fine wines in China at
the prestigious South Bund 22. Lunch TuesSun: 12pm–3pm; Dinner Mon-Sun: 6pm11pm. 2/F, South Bund 22, 22 Zhongshan
Dong Er Lu, by Xin Yong'an Lu 南外滩中山东二
路 1438 号 4 楼 , 近红宝石路
Mardi Gras Japanese owned, but they do
French cuisine by the books. Don’t miss the
single malts and cocktails in their upstairs
lounge, or the chocolate torte in the garden.
Block1, Lane 372 Xingguo Lu, by Huaihai
Zhong Lu (6280 7598) Daily 11am-2:30pm,
5-11:30pm 兴国路 372 弄 1 号 , 近淮海中路
Nougatine Nougatine is a smart, upscale
bistro that delivers Jean Georges’ signature
cuisine in more relaxed surroundings. The
stylish space is anchored by a dramatic
carved stone bar, which offers an extensive
drink selection and creative cocktails. The
premium value menu features comforting
bistro fare such as gourmet salads and the
classic JG burger. 4/F, 3 Zhongshan Dong
Yi Lu by Guangdong Lu (6321 7733) Daily
6-11pm. 中山东一路 3 号 4 楼 , 近广东路
Café Montmartre This historic family-owned
bistro offers authentic French cuisine in
town since 2001, serving traditional French
fare, an array of Brittany-style crêpes, and a
good selection of imported meat and sweet
treats. The signature hand-made dishes like
foie gras, indulgent chocolate fondant are
not to be missed! 1) 68 Wulumuqi Zhong
Lu, by Changle Lu (51589377) Daily 11am10.30pm 2) 3911 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi
Lu (54047658) Daily 11am-10.30pm www.
café-montmartre.com/ 1) 乌鲁木齐中路 68 号 ,
7 楼 , 近广东路
Green & Safe With an organic farm in
Kunshan, this organic store provides
daily delivered vegetables and a variety of
local and imported organic goods, such
as organic extra virgin olive oil, white
and red balsamic vinegar, organic pasta,
muesli and more. 30% off on all breads
after 7pm everyday in Dongping branch.
1) 6 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu 5465
1288, 1/F: 8am-10pm; 2/F: 6pm-12am 2) 2)
4/F, 1438 Hongqiao Lu, by Hongbaoshi Lu
10am–9.30pm 1) 东平路 6 号 , 近衡山路 2) 虹桥
206A, 近西康路
Pelham’s Celebrated Chef Jean-Philippe
Dupas presents modern French cuisine
with a brand new menu, highlighted a
mix of premium, local ingredients with
contemporary flair. 1/F, Waldorf Astoria
Shanghai on the Bund, 2 Zhongshan Dong
Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu (6322 9988) Lunch
Mon-Fri: 11.30am-2pm; Dinner daily 6-10pm
www.waldorfastoriashanghai.com 中山东一
东一路 32 号上海半岛酒店 13 楼 , 近南京东路
Bellagio 1) 101 Shuicheng Nan Lu, by
Hongqiao Lu (6270 6865, 6270 6866) Daily
11-4am 2) 111 Xikang Lu, by Nanjing Xi Lu
(6247 2666) Daily 11-12am 3) 138 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Pu’an Lu (6375 6696) Daily 114am 4) 68 Taicang Lu, by Songshan Lu (6386
5701) Daily 11am-10pm 5) 778 Huangjin
Cheng Dao, by Gubei Nan Lu (6278 0722)
Daily 11-4am 1) 水城南路 101 号 , 近虹桥路 2)
西康路 111 号 , 近南京西路 3) 淮海中路 138 号 ,
近普安路 4) 太仓路 68 号 , 近嵩山路 5) 黄金城道
778 号 , 近古北南路
Daily 11am-late 南京西路 1376 号上海商城
楼 , 近公平路
Maison Camus Lounge Offering a casual
and chic dining experience, Maison Camus
Lounge offers a premium value menu that
features comforting bistro lunch, afternoon
tea and chic dining. With an extensive drink
selection and fine crafted cocktails, the
stylish lounge and terrace which is located
in Shanghai center offers a panoramic street
view of the busy Nanjing Xi Lu. Unit 206A,
1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu (6289-8298)
路 378 号 8 楼 , 近泰安路
Greek Taverna 1) Thumb Plaza, Unit
41, 199 Fangdian Lu, Century Park, by
Dingxiang Lu (5033 7500) Daily 8.30am
until late www.greektaverna.cn 2) Villa 1,
3911 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Lu (6262 5011)
Daily 10am until late 3) 1 Yueyang Lu, by
Dongping Lu (6431 7751) Daily 10am-late 1)
芳甸路 199 号 , 大拇指广场 41 铺 , 近丁香路 2) 红
梅路 3911 号 1 号 , 近延安路 3) 岳阳路 1 号 , 近东
J Pasta & Steak specializes in Italian
wheaten food and imported beef. RMB228
speical menu for two. 258 Yunnan Zhong Lu,
by Hankou Lu (139 186 65855) 云南中路 258
Dolce Vita Prime, pricey Italian food in
the French Concession. 291 Fumin Lu, by
Changle Lu (6170 1318) Daily 12-2:30pm;
6pm-12am (10.30pm last order) 富民路 291
号 , 近长乐路
号 , 近汉口路
Kebabs On the Grille Indian eatery
specializing in grilled fare and situated
in the picturesque environs of the Cool
Docks. 1) The Cool Docks, 505 Zhongshan
Nan Lu, by Fuxing Dong Lu (6152 6567)
Daily 11am-10.30pm kebabsonthegrille@
gmail.com www.kebabsonthegrille.
com/ 2) Unit103, 227 Huangpi Bei Lu,
inside Peoples Square (3315 0132) Daily
11am-10pm kebabsonthegrille@gmail.
com www.kebabsonthegrille.com 3) Unit
A4 Green Sports Center, 633 Biyun Lu,
by Yunshan Lu (5030 2005) Daily 11am10pm kebabsonthegrill@gmail.com www.
kebabsonthegrille.com 1) 中山南路 505 号 , 近
复兴东路 2) 黄陂北路 227 号 103 室 , 人民广场中
区广场内 3) 碧云路 633 号碧云体育休闲中心 A4,
Masala Indian cuisine at reasonable prices
served in a warm, hospitable atmosphere.
8 Jinan Lu, by Taicang Lu (6384 6838) Daily
11.30am-2pm; 5.30-10.30pm 济南路 8 号 , 近太
Tandoor Shanghai’s first, and arguably one
of the best, Indian eateries features dance
performances, first-class service,great classic
curries and tasty tandoori meats. Jin Jiang
Hotel, 59 Maoming Nan Lu, by Changle Lu
(6472 5494, 6258 2582) Daily 11.30am-2pm;
5.30- 10.30pm www.tandoorchina.cn 茂名南
Jade on 36 Business Lunch
Good value lunch in Pudong ShangriLa
Goodfellas 7 Yan’an Dong Lu, by Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu (6323 2188) Daily lunch,
11.30am-2.30pm, dinner, 5.30pm-12am 延安
东路 7 号 , 近中山东一路
Gaia This vibrant restaurant guarantees
all diners a delightful dining experience in
a casual and fun asmosphere by serving
contemporary Italian classics. L6-605, 613,
L7-703 iapm mall, 999 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Shaanxi Nan Lu (5466 1699) 淮海中路 999 号
环贸广场 L6-605, 613, L7-703, 近陕西南路
路 59 号锦江饭店 , 近长乐路
Punjabi Wide range of Indian dishes,
from Northern to Southern India, also
caters and hosts parties to give you a
great time 1) 5F, 627 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Sinan Lu (6472 5464) Daily 11am-11.30pm
china@shanghaipunjabi.com www.
shanghaipunjabi.com 2) 12-20 Shuicheng Lu,
by Hongqiao Lu (6278 8626) Daily 11.30am11.30pm. china@shanghaipunjabi.com 3)
1099 Meihua Lu, by Fangdian Lu (6075 1970)
Daily 11.30am-11.30pm 1) 淮海中路 627-635
号 5 楼 , 近思南路 2) 水城路 12-20 号 , 近虹桥路
3) 梅花路 1099 号博览会广场 , 近芳甸路
Vedas A consistent winner of Readers
Choice Awards, Vedas offers countless classic
Indian dishes and a classy environment. 3/
F, 83 Changshu Lu, by Julu Lu (6445 8100)
Daily 11.30am-2pm; 6-10.30pm info@
vedascuisine.com www.vedascuisine.com 常
熟路 83 号 3 楼 , 近巨鹿路
Bella Napoli Ristorante e Pizzeria With a
neighborhood ambience, the restaurant
offers Southern Italian food made with high
quality ingredients. Enjoy the home made
pastas and authentic Neapolitan pizza. 1)
73 Nanhui Lu, by Beijing Xi Lu (5289 0806)
Daily 11am-3pm; www.bellanapoli-sh.com 2)
No.4, Lane 946 Changle Lu, by Wulumuqi Lu
(6248 8985) Daily 11.30am-3pm; 5.30-11pm
1) 南汇路 73 号 , 近北京西路 2) 长乐路 946 弄 4
号 , 近乌鲁木齐路
Bacco Italian Restaurant Pizzeria Following
original ingredients and recipes hailing from
Italy, this cozy Italian restaurant features
fresh Australian beef, various homdmade
pastas and pizzas, tagliatelle bolognese,
spaghetti carbonara and a lot more. 374
Dagu Lu, by Chengdu Bei Lu (6340 1386)
www.baccoitaliano.com 大沽路 374 号 , 近成都
Casalingo Delicious, fresh, and authentic
Italian dishes prepared by the Italian
Executive Chef and his team. Casalingo
features an open kitchen with pizza oven, a
sumptuous antipasto counter and a gelato
coffee bar. Open for lunch and dinner. 15
Jinqiao Lu, by Zuijiao Lu (6036 8838) 金桥路
15 号 , 近嘴角路
Da Marco 1) 1/F, Golden Bridge Garden,
103 Dong Zhu’anbang Lu, by Jiangsu Lu (6210
4495) Daily 12-11pm www.damarco.com.cn/
2) Grand Gateway Square, 1/F, 1 Hongqiao
Lu, by Huashan Lu (6447 7577) Daily 10am11pm 3) 350 Yushan Lu, by Taolin Lu (5860
8170) Daily 12-11pm 1) 东渚安浜路 103 号 1 楼 ,
近江苏路 2) 虹桥路 1 号 , 港汇广场 1651 楼 , 近华
山路 3) 羽山路 350 号 , 近桃林路
Danieli’s Italian Restaurant Upscale Italian
with comfortable, elegant dishes. Classic
dining room and lovely desserts. The Hongta
Hotel, 39/F, 889 Dongfang Lu, by Weifang
Lu (5050 4567) Mon-Fri 11.30am–2pm; Sun:
11.30am–2.30pm; Mon-Sun: 6–10.30pm
东方路 889 号 39 楼 , 近潍坊路
Gemma The GEMMA PIZZERIA (3356 5118)
on the first floor focuses on making the best
pizza in town, accompanied by antipasti,
cold cuts and homemade gelato to be enjoy
with quality wines, cocktails and lounge
music. GEMMA OSTERIA (3356 8118) on
the second floor acts as a high quality
traditional restaurant with fresh homemade
pastas, grilled meats and unique seafood
recipes. 20 Donghu Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu
东湖路 20 号,近华淮海中路
Isola bar + grill A chic and trendy Italian
restaurant located in IFC mall sporting an
opulent interiors and terrace overlooking a
breathtaking view of the Huangpu River. 4/F,
IFC, 8 Shiji Da Dao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (5012
1277) 11.30am-10.30pm reservations@
isolashanghai.com, www.gaiagroup.com.hk/
isola-shanghai 世纪大道 8 号 , 国金中心 IFC 商
场 4 楼 L4-17, 近陆家嘴环路
Isola Bella 1) Restaurant Huaihai Rd. 2/
F, No.41, Lane 816 Huaihai Lu, by Guotai
Cinema (5467 0170) 2) Isola Bella Barbeque
Restaurant 6/F, Gold World Commercial
Building, 988 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Shaanxi
Nan Lu (5424 3531) 3) 630 Huashan Lu, by
Shanghai Theater Academy (6248 3613) 4)
3222 Longteng Dadao, by Dong’an Lu (136
7156 9780) 1) 淮海中路 816 弄 41 号 2 楼 2)淮
海中路 988 号 黄金世界商厦 6 楼,近陕西南路
3)华山路 630 号,近上海戏剧学院 4) 龙腾大道
3222 号 , 近东安路
Think five-star spots are out of your price range? Not anymore! Jade on 36
Restaurant at Pudong Shangri-La, East Shanghai has unveiled a new dining opportunity,
offering a great value European fusion lunch set for business diners on weekdays.
On sunny days, this exclusive, modern restaurant provides a clear panoramic view
of the fabulous Pudong skyline and century-old architecture of the Bund across the
Huangpu River. It’s a space that begs you to leave a day’s work behind and pamper
yourself in cozy ambiance with colleagues and friends.
Starting at a modest RMB108 per person, options range from one- to three-course
sets. We opted for the three-course set (RMB168) and were impressed by the sizable
portions. The refreshing tomato jelly topped with fresh burrata is superb for summer,
while the egg mollet surrounded by a sautéed shrimps is a light, great start to the
An array of options are available for the main, notably the pork chop with penne
in tomato and mustard sauce, and the lamb stew with a mix of peas and carrots, served
with paprika espuma (add an extra RMB30). The excellent Jade on 36 beef and foie gras
burger (add an extra RMB48) comes along with truffle-flavored French fries. With rich
layers of onions, tomatoes and herbs, these plates won’t let you leave hungry.
As for desserts, the molten chocolate cake proved to be our favorite. Boasting 70
percent dark chocolate served along with homemade vanilla ice cream, the flowing
chocolate is so rich that it definitely gets on the list of our favorite cakes in town. TFZ
// 11.30am-1.30pm, Monday-Friday. Prices subject to 15 percent service charge. 33
Fucheng Lu, by Mingshang Lu 富城路33号, 近名商路 (6882 8888 ext. 6888)
Il Bambino With a real taste of Italy and
using top food ingredients, this restaurant
provides a warm and nice ambience that is
perfect for parties and friends’ meetings.
903 Julu Lu, by Changshu Lu (6445 3656)
Daily 10am-4am. 巨鹿路 903 号 , 近常熟路
La Strada Brought to you by Craig Willis
(of Wagas), this trendy 10-table pizzeria
offers thin crust pizza and simple selection
of antipasti and salads. 1F, 195 Anfu Lu, by
Wulumuqi Lu (5404 0100) Daily 11am-11pm
info@mrwillis.com.cn 2) 225 Xikang Lu, by
Beijing Lu (6266 7909) 安福路 195 号 1 楼 , 近
乌鲁木齐路 2) 西康路 225 号,近北京路
Mercato This newly opened coastal Italian
restaurant offers vibrant cuisine, stylishly
rustic décor, and breathtaking Bund views.
The menu created by three Michelin Star
Chef Jean Georges Vongerichten, features
amazing light-as-air pizzas, house made
pastas, and the freshest seafood, graced
with the true flavor of Italy. 6/F, 3 Zhong
Shan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu (6321
9922) 5.30pm-1am 中山东一路外滩 3 号 6 楼 ,
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
PastaMania PastaMania is about making
great tasting Italian food conveniently
at affordable prices. From features like
Edicola to Alimentari, coupled with Italian
inspired decoration designs, this restaurant
will captivates the interest of most the
discerning dinerwww.pastamania.com.cn 1)
Unit25, 3/F, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui
Xi Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (5019 0081) 10am10pm 2) Unit13A, B&C, 4/F, Metro City Mall,
1111 Zhaojiabang Lu, by Caoxi Bei Lu (5419
9358) 10am-10pm 1) 陆家嘴西路 168 号正大广
场 3 楼 25 室 , 近陆家嘴环路 2) 肇嘉浜路 1111 号
美罗城 4-13A,13B&13C, 近漕溪北路
Porta Nova With traditional Italian food
and pizzas made in the wood oven, Porta
Nova uses imported high quality ingredients
and provides a corner of traditional Italian
atmosphere. Daily 11.30am-11pm. No.40,
Lane 3338 Hongmei Lu, by Hongxu Lu 虹梅路
3338 弄 40 号 , 近虹许路 (6465 7788)
Seve Sit in the heart of former French
Concession just few steps away from
Shanghai Theater Academy, the homey
restaurant with 70 seats inside and two
outdoor alfresco balconies is designed in a
modern and simply elegant style, providing
a comfortable and cozy ambiance for all.
600 Huashan Lu,by Zhenning Lu MonSun 11.30am-11pm (6249 3638, www.
seveshanghai.com) 华山路 600 号上海戏剧学院
内 , 近镇宁路
Prego is offering a weekly ‘Martini Aperitivo'
where Aperitivo lovers get to enjoy free-flow
signature Martini cocktails every Thursday
night, accompanied by a light Italian
antipasto buffet. 6.30-8pm. 2/F, The Westin
Bund Center Shanghai, 88 Henan Zhong Lu,
by Guangdong Lu (6103 5048) 河南中路 88 号
Kappo Yu A beautiful high-end alternative
to its sister restaurant, Sushi Oyama. There
is only one daily menu of 10 courses that
will set you back RMB690. Expect beautiful
food and excellent service for the price. 33
Wuxing Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu (6466 7855)
Daily 6-10.30pm 吴兴路 33 号 , 近淮海中路
西洲际酒店 2 楼 , 恒丰路 500 号 , 近天目西路
Koyama Though the menu is
extensive,Koyama’s conservative flavours
and passable fare do not justify its premium
prices. Unit 6, 3/F, South Block, Lane 123
Xingye Lu, by Madang Lu (5382 1125) Daily
11.30am-2.30pm; 5.30pm-12am 兴业路 123 弄
新天地南里广场 6 号 3 楼 , 近马当路
Miyabi Japanese Restaurant & Sky Bar
Nested on the 37th floor boasting a
stunning night view of the Bund and
Lujiazui area, Miyabi Japanese restaurant
sees open teppanyaki stations and exquisite
Japanese cuisines in a friendly and relaxed
atmosphere. A guest DJ plays live lounge
music every night from Tuesday to Saturday,
making Miyabi a perfect choice to enjoy the
night over a cocktail or a Japanese whisky.
37/F, Sheraton Shanghai Hongkou Hotel, 59
Siping Lu,by Hailun Lu (2601 0088, sheraton.
com/shanghaihongkou) 5.30-10.30pm 四平路
59 号虹口喜来登酒店 37 楼 , 近海伦路
上海威斯汀大饭店 2 楼,近广东路
太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 7 号楼 , 近马当路
Chin-Agiku Specializing in traditional
Japanese charcoal grill, various seafood and
daily imported top grade sashimi and sushi,
Chin-Agiku is a well established international cuisine restaurant providing healthy
Japanese and Thai fusion food in a luxury
and contemporary dining atmosphere. LG183, IFC, 8 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu
(3381 7878) 世纪大道 8 号国金中心 LG1-83, 近
DOZO A transplant from Taipei that specializes in izakaya cuisine. Wheelock Plaza 2/
F, 17171Nanjing Xi Lu, by Huashan Lu (3127
8558) Noon: 12-2.30pm; Dinner Sun-Thurs:
6pm-1.30am; Fri-Sat: 6pm-2.30am service.
sh@dozoizakaya.com www.dozoizakaya.com
南京西路 1717 号 , 近华山路
Haiku by Hatsune A perennial Readers’
Choice Award winner. This wildly popular
restaurant is best known for it’s Cali-style
sushi. 28B Taojiang Lu, by Hengshan Lu
(6445 0021) Sun-Thu 11.30am-2pm, 5.30pm10pm; Fri-Sat 11.30am-2pm; 5.30-11pm
Wifi available, RMB250/person via Sherpas
delivery. info@haikushanghai.com www.
haikushanghai.com 桃江路 28 号乙 , 近衡山路
Gintei Teppanyaki Sushi All you can eat
hibachi-style cooking and boatloads of
reasonably-priced sushi. One of the better
teppanyaki joints in town. 75 Nanhui Lu,
by Beijing Xi Lu (6218 1932) Daily 11.30am2pm, 5.30-10.30pm. 南汇路 75 号 , 近北京西路
Kagen Teppanyaki Haiku by Hatsune’s
upmarket teppanyaki concept. Choice cuts
of meat and fresh fish prepared at your
table. 28D Taojiang Lu, by Hengshan Lu (6433
3232) Daily 6-11.30pm; Sat-Sun: 11.30am3pm 桃江路 28 号丁 , 近衡山路
Kagura Japanese cuisine with a bit of
Thai, Korean, and Vietnam cuisine. Lunch
set starts at RMB40. 390 Shanxi Nan Lu,
by Fuxing Zhong Lu (5171 9539) Daily
11.30am–2pm; 5–11.30pm 陕西南路 390 号 ,
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Takumi Robata & Sake Skilled Robatayaki
chefs from Japan grill seasonal fish, meat and
vegetables over an open coal fire, serving
authentic Japanese sake-cuisine pairings.
Wifi available. 1) L4-22, ifc mall, 8 Shiji
Dadao, by Yincheng Zhong Lu Daily 11.30am2.30pm, 5.30-10pm (5011 1677) 2) N3-14,
Jingan Kerry Centre, 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Anyi Lu Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10pm
(6259 5177) 1) 世纪大道 8 号国金中心 4 楼 , 近银
城中路 2)南京西路 1515 号静安嘉里中心北区 3
楼 , 近安义路
Sushi Hisago Chef from Tokyo uses fishes
from Nagasaki to serve authentic Edomae
sushi. No.1, Lane 372 Xingguo Lu, by Huaihai
Zhong Lu (6280 7598) Daily 6pm-12am 兴国
路 372 弄 1 号 , 近淮海中路
Sushi’O With American flavor infused into
traditional Japanese sushi, Sushi’O offers
26 different rolls and heart-warming winter
udon noodles, seafood soups and more hot
dishes. 21 Yongkang Lu, by Jiashan Lu (150
0082 0420, 400-820-2160, www.sushi-o.com
) 永康路 21 号 , 近嘉善路
Sushi Oyama An exquisite little restaurant
slicing up some of Shanghai’s best Sushi. A
prix fixe menu changes nightly according to
availability and freshness. 2/F, 20 Donghu
Lu, by Huaihai Lu (5404 7705) Mon-Sat: 5.3010.30pm 东湖路 20 号 2 楼 , 近淮海路
Sutekiya A Japanese restaurant infused with
Western and Japanese Teppanyaki, Sutekiya
provides delicate steaks and a wide variety
of fresh seafood. 3/F, Jiadun Plaza, 2088
Yan’an Xi Lu, by Yili Lu (6029 0518) 5.30-11pm
延安西路 2088 号嘉顿广场 3 楼,近伊犁路
Ooedo Japanese Restaurant Serving
authentic and high quality Japanese cuisine
since 1994, Ooedo serves an extensive à la
carte menu and “all-you-can-eat” buffet at
RMB268 per person for dinner and RMB248
per person for lunch. Drinks included, wifi
available. lunch: 11.30am-2pm (last order:
1.45pm); dinner: 5.30-10pm (last order:
9.30pm) 1) 30 Donghu Lu, by Huaihai Zhong
Lu (5403 5877) 2)Room104E, Lujiazui Investment Tower, 366 Pudian Lu, by Dongfang Lu
(6841 6377) 3) 501-502,150 Zunyi Lu 1) 东湖
路 30 号 , 近淮海中路 2) 浦电路 366 号陆家嘴投
资大厦裙楼 104E, 近东方路 3) 遵义路 150 号 5 楼
Roosevelt Ichiban Modern Izakaya offers
contemporary Japanese cuisines and a
variety of Japanese drinks. With unique Art
& Jazz music at Whiskey Lounge, it provides
a Ginza Style indoor & outdoor dining experience. Free wi-fi,Valet parking.6pm-2am.
1/F, The House of Roosevelt, 27 Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu (2322 0800)
info@27bund.com, www.27bund.com 中山东
一路(外滩)27 号罗斯福公馆 1 楼 , 近北京东路
[ 瑠 RYU] Designed by HK designer Alan
Chan and the father of Japanese Light
God Mr.Kawamura, RYU, meaning jewels,
is located on the Bund 5 which presents
a unique type of Cuisine du Japon - a
sumptuous infusion of Japanese and French
cuisine. Monday to Sunday lunch set from
RMB98. 3/F, 5 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by
Guangdong Lu (6333 7633) 中山东一路 5 号外
UMINOSACHI Refined Teppanyaki. Chains
around the country offering all-you-can-eat
classics. Promotion: RMB168/per person:
Everyday starting at 8.30pm. 1) 2890 Yan’an
Xi Lu, by Zhonghuan Lu (6262 5777) 2) 169
Xinle Lu, by Donghu Lu (5403 0303) 3) Rm
428, 333 Tianyaoqiao Lu, by Xietu Lu (6426
3300) 4) 123 Nanyang Lu, by Xikang Lu (6279
3777) 5) Rm401, 8 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Xizang Nan Lu (6319 0178) 6) Rm511, 5001
Dushi Lu, by Mincheng Lu (6480 2588) 7) Bld
20, Jinjihu Da Dao, Suzhou (0512-62622708)
8) 1/F, Bld 5, No.1912 Baijiahu zone, 1680
Longdong Da Dao, Jiangning district,
Nanjing (025 8713 9141) 1) 延安西路 2890 号 ,
近中环路 2) 新乐路 169 号 , 近东湖路 3) 天钥桥路
333 号腾飞大厦 428 室 , 近斜土路 4) 南阳路 123
号 , 近西康路 5) 淮海中路 8 号兰生大厦 401 室 ,
近西藏南路 6) 都市路 5001 号仲盛世界商城 511
室 , 近闵城路 7) 苏州工业园区金鸡湖大道李公堤三
期 20 号楼 8) 南京市江宁区双龙大道 1680 号百家
湖 1912 街区 5 号楼一层
CHI-Q Latest project by Three on the
Bund. With culinary concept developed by
Marja and Jean-Georges Vongerichten, it
is a gourmet’s embrace of the strong and
long-lasting Korean BBQ culture in the
intent of bringing it to a new international
dimension. 2/F, 3 Zhong Shan Dong Yi Lu, by
Guangdong Lu (6321 6622) Dinner: Monday
- Sunday 6:00pm-10:30pm 中山东一路 3 号 2
楼 , 近广东路
滩 5 号 3 楼 , 近广东路
TSUBASA A fusion of traditional & modern
offerings featuring a TeppanyakiIsland and
a sake bar matched with creative sushi rolls
and traditional Japanese food like sashimi,
udon noodles, tempura, grilled fish and an
array of set menus. 2/F, Pullman Shanghai
South, 1 Pubei Lu, by Liuzhou Lu (2426 8888)
浦北路 1 号上海中星铂尔曼大酒店 2 楼,近柳州路
Sakitori Japanese Restaurant The newly
renovated Japanese restaurant with four
private dining rooms is where guests get to
indulge themselves in authentic Japanese
cuisine complemented with a variety of
sake. Chef Hideki Kamata with over 22
years of culinary experience is well versed
in traditional Kaiseki cuisine, Teppanyaki
and Sushi. 2/F, JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai
Changfeng Park, 158 Daduhe Lu, by Guangfu
Xi Lu (2215 6250) 上海新发展亚太 JW 万豪酒店
2 楼,大渡河路 158 号 , 近光复西路
路 291 号 01 套房 A2-2, 近长乐路
KOI KOI will light up your senses by sizzling
Teppanyaki , fresh Sashimi, Sushi, BBQ and
Sake. Reasonable-priced business lunch sets
also available. 2/F, InterContinental Shanghai
Puxi, 500 Hengfeng Lu, by Tianmu Xi Lu (5253
9999-6326, www.intercontinental.com)
Mon-Fri 11.30am-2.30pm; 5.30-10pm 上海浦
Tavola This hip new Italian restaurant offers
great service at a beautiful location. Located
in a quiet area just minutes from the Lujiazui
metro station, Tavola has a wonderful view
right on the Huangpu river. Food is prepared
in an open kitchen right before you. 2500
Binjiang Dadao, by Dongyuan Lu (2022
8288) Mon-Fri: 11.30am-2.30pm; 6-10.30pm;
Sat-Sun: 11.30am-3pm, 6-10.30pm www.
tavola.cn 滨江大道 2500 号,近东园路
Va Bene Enjoy everything from classic
standards to creative cuisine in this Xintiandi
stalwart. Va Bene Shanghai has set a new
trend for Italian fine dining using quality
Italian ingredients with authentic Italian
culinary tradition. Block 7, 181 Taicang Lu,
by Madang Lu (6311 2211) Daily, 12-3pm,
6-10.30pm info@vabeneshanghai.com,
Readers’ Choice Awards for their great tacos
and bar full of artisan tequilas. Suite01, A22, 291Fumin Lu, by Changle Lu (6170 1310)
Daily 11-11pm www.cantineagave.com 富民
Latin American
Latina Latina pulls out all the stops with
their endless portions of gaucho-style grilled
meats. It’s easily one of the best Brazilian
churrascarias in town. 1) 2/F, La Villa, 165
Lujiazui Huan Lu, by Lujiazui Dong Lu (3383
0577) 11am-11.30pm 2) 166 Grand Gateway,
1 Hongqiao Lu, by Zhaojiabang Lu (6447
2260) Mon-Fri 11am-11pm; Sat-Sun 11-12am
3) 1/F, 633 Biyun Lu, by Lan’an Lu (5030
6672) 11am-11.45pm 4) Unit101-201, Block5,
Lane123 Xingye Lu, by Madang Lu (6320
3566) Daily 10-2am 5) B1-B2, 2002 Shiji Da
Dao, by Yingchun Lu (6854 5484) 11am-9pm
6) Latina Center 66 Wuxi, 1/F, 139 Renmin
Cantina Agave Voted “Best New Restaurant”
and “Restaurant of the Year” in our 2009
Chala Tapas & Bar Bringing a taste of
South and central America, Chala combines
excitement of Latin American cuisine
with a modern and urban flavor. Join for
tapas complimented by traditional Pisco
cocktails. 4B, 1/F, 291 Fumin Lu, by Changle
Lu (6076 1925, Annwang@chalatapasbar.
com) 富民路 291 号 1 楼 4B, 近长乐路
Unico by Mauro Colagreco The largest tapas
lounge in Asia is reflecting the trendiest
part of Latin contemporary culture with
unique cocktail creations, stunning interior
design, special music compilations, and
exquisite selections of tapas by Chef Mauro
Colagreco. Located at Three on the Bund,
the prestigious address in Shanghai, UNICO
is committed to enlarge the Latin culture,
while inviting people to feel and share
passions within the space. Here, discover a
new experience in Shanghai nightlife, where
food and feelings naturally merged. 2/F, 3
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu
(5308 5399) Mon-Fri 6pm-2am; Sat-Sun 6pmlate. www.unico.cn.com 中山东一路 3 号外滩三
号 2 楼 , 近广东路
Mexican & TexMex
Hacienda A fun Mexican eatery adjoining
Zapatas catering to Shanghai’s love of all
things Mexican. Serving up favorites and
a few surprises. They’ve got a party menu
that’s perfect for birthdays and celebrations,
starting at RMB150/person. Daily 5pm - very
late. 5 Heng Shan Lu, by Dong Ping Lu (6433
4104) 东平路 5 号,近衡山路
Maya Voted “Best Latin American Cuisine”
in our 2009 & 2010 Readers’ Choice Awards,
Maya was arguably the first restaurant in
Shanghai to start doing Mexican right.
Grand Plaza Club House 2/F, 568 Julu Lu, bu
Shanxi Nan Lu (6289 6889) Daily 5pm-12am;
kitchen closes 10.30pm (Sun 9.30pm); bar
food until 11pm 巨鹿路 568 号 , 近陕西南路
Mexico Lindo Cantina & Grill The colorful
Mexican and Tex-Mex restaurant has
updated its menu for the colorful season,
featuring spicy chili, jalapeno poppers,
green chicken enchiladas, tacos and more,
accompanied with over 40 different types
of margaritas. Bookings for parties & other
catering are accepted. 1) Unit 39, Laowaijie,
Lane3338 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (6465
9336) Daily 11am-12am 2) Unit104, No.8,
Lane 569 Yunle Lu, by Lianyou Lu (5484
6562) 10am-10pm. www.mexicolindo.com.
cn 1) 虹梅路 3338 弄 39 号老外街 , 近延安西路 2)
运乐路 569 弄 8 号 104 单元 , 近联友路
Pistolera Pistolera is an experience like
no other. With original recipes, a great
atmosphere and friendly staff, it is truly
a Mexican Cantina. 1) 855 Biyun Lu, by
Huangyang Lu (5030 4228) 2) 3307-2
Hongmei Lu, by Huaguang Lu (6221 6392) 1)
碧云路 855 号 , 近黄杨路 2) 虹梅路 3307-2 号 ,
Middle Eastern
1001 Nights Here, some of the city’s best
Middle Eastern cuisine is served in a fun,
festive atmosphere. Come for the kebabs,
stay for the belly dancers. 4 Hengshan Lu, by
Wulumuqi Nan Lu (6473 1178, 6473 8289)
Daily 11-2am 衡山路 4 号 , 近乌鲁木齐南路
Habibi Shisha Bar & Cafe New opened
on Yongkang Lu, the restaurant provides
authentic Middle Easten food in a nice and
relaxing environment. 131 Yongkang Lu, by
Xiangyang Nan Lu (6472 0210) 永康路 131 号 ,
Id Kah Muslim Restaurant Specializing in
authentic muslim cuisine, the restaurant
sees beef and lamb flown in daily from the
prairie of Inner Mongolia to ensure the
freshness. Opening 24 hours a day. 665
Changping Lu, by Changde Lu (6299 7887)
昌平路 665 号 , 近常德路
Blue Marlin Bar & Restaurant Blue Marlin
Bar & Restaurant offers an exceptional
environment for all with live music at night,
great food and drinks, and an ambiance
making you want to come back again
and again. The food is a global cuisine
with great flavors from all over the world.
1) No.689 Lantian Rd. Green City Jinqiao
Pudong10.30–2am www.bluemarlin.cn 2)
No.17/199 Fangdian Rd.Thumb Plaza Pudong
(6886 7376) Daily 10.30–2am 1) 浦东金桥碧云
国际社区蓝天路 689 号 2) 浦东新区芳甸路 199 弄
17 号大拇指广场
Café LIANG & mezzanine The two-level
CAFE LIANG & mezzanine treats diners with
multiple dining options and cuisines. The
buffet style concept on the first level features
a “tick box” menu card for main courses
integrated with buffet for appetizers and
desserts, while the mezzanine level serves
contemporary Japanese-inspired cuisine. Jing
An Shangri-La, West Shanghai, 1218 Yan'an
Zhong Lu, by Tong Ren Road (2203 8889,
www.jinganshangdining.com) 静安香格里拉大
酒店,延安中路 1218 号,近铜仁路
Ginger by the Park The latest branch
of Ginger continues to offer a mix of
international dishes in a vintage three-storey
building. With a bistro on the first floor and
al fresco terrace on the second, guests get
to enjoy the picturesque view of the well
manicured park from cozy dining rooms.
91 Xingguo Lu, by Hunan Lu Mon-Sat: 8am11pm; Sun: 8am-10pm. (3406 0599, info@
gingerfoods.com, www.gingerfoods.com )
兴国路 91 号 , 近湖南路
Green Kitchen Using the freshest seasonal
food and vegetables coming directly from
its organic farm, Green Kitchen provides a
homey atmosphere in the most authentic
taste. 6 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu (5465
9135) Mon-Fri 5:30-11pm, Sat-Sun 11am4pm, 5:30-11pm) 东平路 6 号 , 近衡山路
Greyhound Café was the first fashion café
in Bangkok offering the fashion, service and
food concept - 'Thai with a twist' as a casual
dining experience. With various outlets
between Hong Kong, Beijing and now
Shanghai - Greyhound Café is the modern
take on fusion cuisine. 11am-midnight. 503,
IAPM, 999 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Shaanxi Nan
Lu (5466 6105, www.greyhoundcafe.com.hk)
淮海中路 999 号 IAPM mall 503 商铺 , 近陕西南路
Morton’s Steak and Seafood Grille The
world’s first Oyster Bar and Seafood Grille
by Morton's focuses on presenting the
city’s finest seafood dining experience with
premium seafood flown in fresh daily. L4403, iapm Mall, 999 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Shaanxi Nan Lu (6067 7888) 淮海中路 999 号
iapm 环贸广场 , 近陕西南路
Mr Willis An inviting kitchen-dining room
offers straightforward homey mains and
lovely starters. Served family style. Expect
a small seasonal menu that is market and
whim driven. 3/F, 195 Anfu Lu, by Wulumuqi
Zhong Lu (5404 0200) Mon-Fri 11am-2pm
5pm-12am, Sat-Sun 11am- 12am 安福路 195
号 3 楼 , 近乌鲁木齐中路
Pudong City Bistro An all-day-dining restaurant featuring interactive show kitchens and
live cooking stations for breakfast, lunch,
dinner buffet, complimented by an extensive
a la carte menu. 15 Jinqiao Lu, by Zuijiao Lu
(6036 8855) 金桥路 15 号 , 近嘴角路
Sasha’s Steeped in history, this hugely
popular bar is located in a 1920’s mansion
that formerly housed the famous Soong
sisters and boasts one of Shanghai’s largest
and favorite alfresco terraces. Huge beer
list, diverse food offering and 24 wines by
the glass. 11 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu
daily 11am – 2am (6474 6628) 东平路 11 号,
the first Chinese restaurant that sees various
teas mixed into dishes, T Modern Chinese
restaurant creates a serious of tea menus using natual tea ingredients and seasonal food
materials, providing a light and pleasant
tea-in-food experience and healthy dining
concepts to all. RMB365 speical menu for
two. Rm401, Hongkong Plaza, 282 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Huangpi Nan Lu (15900629276)
www.kervanchina.com 淮海中路 282 号香港广
Green & Safe
Healthy checks all the way
场北座 401 室 , 近黄陂南路
Table No. 1 by Jason Atherton Former
Gordon Ramsay lieutenant and chef of the
Michelin star-studded Maze restaurant set
up his own venture in the first floor of the
Waterhouse Hotel. Expect creative, excellent
Euro-style cuisine with local sensibility. A
stellar experience. 1-3 Maojiayuan Lu, by
Zhongshan Nan Lu (6080 2918) Daily, 11am2.30pm, 5pm-10.30pm www.tableno-1.com/
毛家园路 1-3 号 , 近中山南路
Nepali Kitchen Still the friendliest service
this side of Kathmandu. Enjoy authentic
food delivered with the necessary spicy
punch in a pleasant atmosphere. 4 Lane
819 Julu Lu, by Fumin Lu (5404 6281) Mon
6-11pm, Tues-Sun 11am-2pm, 6-11pm 巨鹿路
819 弄 4 号 , 近富民路
California Pizza Kitchen Straight from
America’s shopping mall to Shangers. This
chain-restaurant has all the classic pizza,
pasta and salad favorites, plus some more
Asian oriented offerings. 1) 2/F, Bldg. 3,
Lane 507, Sinan Mansions, Fuxing Zhong Lu,
by Sinan Lu (5465 4800) Daily 11am-11pm
www.cpk.com.cn/home_en.html 2) Rm.
L231, 2/F, Kerry Parkside, 1378 Huamu Lu, by
Fangdian Lu (5036 1177) Daily 10am-10pm
cpkchina@hotmail.com 1) 复兴中路 507 弄思
南公馆 3 号 2 楼 , 近思南路 2) 花木路 1378 号浦
东嘉里城 2 楼 L231 室 , 近芳甸路
New York Style Pizza 1) 336 Hongfeng Lu,
by Biyun Lu (3872 6606) Daily 12-10.30pm
2) No.23-4, Lane 248 Taikang Lu, by Sinan
Lu (5466 0969) Daily 12-10.30pm 3) B/F,
Email Fashion Plaza, 1699 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Huashan Lu (3214 0024) Daily 12-10.30pm 4)
Rm150, 1118 Pudong Nan Lu, by Zhangyang
Lu (3868 2738) Daily 12-10pm 5) L116, Kerry
Parkside, 1378 Huamu Lu, by Fangdian
Lu (2022 2198) Daily 12-10pm 6) Rm106,
warehouse4, 653 Waima Lu, by Wangjia
Matou Lu (3376 8308) Daily 12-9.30pm 7)
Rm108, 59 Shuicheng Nan Lu, by Yan’an Xi
Lu (5239 7368) Daily 12-9.30pm 8) 8) Rm104,
Building6, 569 Yunle Lu, by Jingfeng Lu (3490
5177) 1) 红枫路 336 号 , 近碧云路 2) 泰康路 248
弄 23-4 号 , 近思南路 3) 南京西路 1699 号,近华
山路 4) 浦东南路 1118 号 150 室 , 近张杨路 5) 花
木路 1378 号浦东嘉里城 L116 店 , 近芳甸路 , 6)
外马路 653 号 4 库 106 室 , 近王家码头路 7) 水城
南路 59 号 108 室 , 近延安西路 8) 运乐路 569 弄
6 号 104, 近金丰路
Pizza Express 1) 380 Huangpi Nan Lu, by
Xingye Lu (5383 3999) Sun-Thurs: 11.30am11pm; Fri & Sat: 11am-11pm info@
pizzamarzano.cn www.pizzamarzano.cn 2)
Suite 107, Shanghai Center,1376 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Xikang Lu (6289 8733) Daily 11am11pm info@pizzamarzano.cn 3) No.1, Unit
111, 570 Yong Jia Lu, by Yue Yang Lu (6467
8898) Sun-Thurs: 12-11pm; Fri&Sat: 11am11pm info@pizzamarzano.cn 4) 507B/C, 5/F
Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Lu, by Huashan
Lu (6447 8880) Daily 10am-10pm info@
pizzamarzano.cn 5) Unit 403, 4/F, K11 Art
Mall, 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Huangpi Nan
Lu 1) 黄陂南路 380 号 , 近兴业路 2) 南京西路
1376 号上海商城西峰 107 号 , 近西康路 3) 永嘉
路 570 号 111 单元 1 号楼 , 近岳阳路 4) 虹桥路 1
号港汇广场 5 层 507B/C, 近华山路 5)淮海中路
300 号 K11 购物艺术中心 403 号铺 , 近黄陂南路
It’s no longer news that you can
find organic and healthy foods at
Green & Safe, but how do they do it?
We talked to the people behind the
brand to find out how this farm-totable company gets it done.
It all starts at Yuen Foong Yu
Farm, where Green & Safe gets most
of its ingredients. Farmers fertilize
their crops with natural, organic composts consisting of sawdust, flour and
rice bran, among others.
This organic farm is fully aware
of the importance of following the
seasons and maintaining sustainability. They are proud of banning
pesticides in their farming, saying it is
their responsibility to the community.
Equipping a team of experts to its
farm in Kunshan, Yuen Foong Yu sets
a high standard for its organic farm.
Next stop: the organic store!
Following the one basic principle of
using natural organic ingredients only,
the store follows strict procedures for selecting imported seasonings and groceries
which are all hand picked by Green & Safe’s well-trained staffs. Meanwhile, the store
provides a wide spectrum of international gourmet, from traditional Chinese food to
European or Japanese flavors, and the pleasant tastes might refresh your expectation
of organic food.
Consumers are welcomed to pick from organic rice, organic vegetables, dry
goods, spices, freshly baked bread, and more. All fruits on the shelves are seasonal and
freshly delivered to the store everyday. Green & Safe is confident that it can be a onestop-shop for all your organic, healthy needs.
Green & Safe also excels in customer service. They have replaced the typical frozen
food racks with a knowledgeable staff, expert at helping customers pick out the perfect
groceries for any meal.
The warm staff and vibrant selection make shopping at Green & Safe the city’s
most friendly and healthy choice.
The Spot Bar & Restaurant Attractive terrace and pleasantly refreshing interior with
an international menu, televised sports and
affordable drinks. 331 Tongren Lu, by Beijing
Xi Lu (6247 3579) Sun-Thurs 11-2am; Fri-Sat
11-3am 铜仁路 331 号 , 近北京西路
Shook! Restaurant & Rooftop Terrace
Matthew Ona serves up creative international
cuisine with beautiful views and the biggest
Terrace on the Bund. 5-6/F, The Swatch Art
Peace Hotel (Bund 19), 23 Nanjing Dong Lu,
by Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu (2329 8522) Daily
11.30am-2.30pm; 6-11pm www.shookrestaurantshanghai.com 南京东路 23 号上海斯沃琪和
平饭店艺术中心 5-6 楼,近中山东一路
La Cocina by Lapis Lazuli Spanish restaurant
& bar with authentic Spanish dishes and the
full Spanish pinchos bar. 9 DongPing Lu, by
HengShan Lu (6473 1021) Daily 11am - 2am
东平路 9 号 , 近衡山路
Las Tapas Typical Spanish tapas served in a
pleasant, if slightly predictable atmosphere.
1) C6, Building 59, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu, by
Kaixuan Lu (6415 9567) 2) 259 Hongfeng Lu,
by Biyun Lu (3382 1686) 3) House33, Laowai
jie, 3338 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu. Daily
11-12am www.las-tapas.cn 4) Building 32,
Sinan Mansion, 45 Sinan Lu, by Fuxing
Zhong Lu (6426 0660) 1) 淮海西路 570 号红坊
59 幢 C6, 近凯旋路 2) 红枫路 259 号 , 近碧云路 3)
虹梅路 3338 弄老外街 33 号 , 近延安西路 4) 思南
路 45 号思南公馆 32 幢 , 近复兴中路
T Modern Chinese Tea Cuisine As
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
马当路 330 号,近新天地 4) 桃江路 7-1,近汾阳
路 5) 虹梅路 3899 号,近延安西路 6) 长乐路 611
号,近东湖路 7) 愚园路 907 号,近江苏路 8) 淡水
路 230 号,近自忠路 9) 芳甸路 1088 号喜马拉雅
中心 B1,近梅花路
City Super Shanghai Offers a one-stop
shopping for both groceries and prepared
foods from around the world. LG 2, Shanghai
IFC Mall, 8 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan
Lu (5012 0998) Daily: 10am-10pm www.
citysuper.com. 世纪大道 8 号国金中心商场地下 2
楼 , 近陆家嘴环路
HowFun is a team that creates a funloving atmosphere, with dishes exhibit the
creativity and innovation of chefs as well
as various modern and traditional takes
on paella. Daily 11am-11pm (10.30pm last
order).Room 200B, 2/F, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu,
by Xikang Lu (6289 8232) 南京西路 1376 号上
海商城西峰 200B, 近西康路
Feidan 1) 153 Anfu Lu, by Wulumuqi
Lu (5403 6991) Daily 8am-10pm. 2) 283
Jianguo Xi Lu, by Jiashan Lu (6473 3194)
Daily 9am-10pm. 3) 332 Jinyan Lu, inside
Shanghai Lujiazui Center Palace (5059 3723)
Daily 9.30am–10pm. 4) 382-1 Dagu Lu, by
Chengdu Bei Lu (6340 0547) Daily 9.30am10pm 1) 安福路 153 号 , 近乌鲁木齐路 2) 建国西
路 283 号 , 近嘉善路 3) 锦延路 332 号 , 陆家嘴中
央公寓 4) 大沽路 382-1 号 , 近成都北路
FIELDS China A premier online grocery
store based in Shanghai who provides
healthy and safe options for all your grocery
needs, including vegetables, fruits, meat
& poultry, fish & seafood, dairies, bakeries
and personal care products. Seasonal
produce and ready-to-serve dishes are also
available. With same day delivery on orders
in Shanghai, FIELDS makes it convenient
and affordable for you to have healthy and
safe organic, imported food items in China.
400-021-0339, www.fieldschina.com, cs@
El Patio Set in a lovely villa Chef Franki offers
fun modern and traditional Spanish dishes.
Terraces abound, wine mark-ups don’t. 110
Fengyang Lu, by Fuxing Zhong Lu (6437
5839) Sun-Thu: 11am-1am, Fri-Sat: 11am2am www.elpatio.com.cn 汾阳路 110 号 , 近复
el Willy 5/F, 22 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, by
Xin Yong’an Lu (5404 5757) 中山东二路 22 号 5
楼 , 近新永安路
Gran Bodega Gran Bodega serves famous
Spanish wines and authentic tapas. Don’t
miss their grilled goose liver with apple and
black paella. 1/F, Royalton hotel, 789 Wuyi
Lu, by Zhongshan Xi Lu (5206 0719, 5206
8000-5115) Daily 11am-2.30pm 6-11pm
武夷路 789 号 1 楼 , 近中山西路
Pirata, tapas kitchen and bar Come and
enjoy the authentic yet creative tapas. 136
Xinle Lu, by Xiangyang Bei Lu (5404 2327) 新
乐路 136 号 , 近襄阳北路
Speciality Food
Amphora As a chain of specialty stores that
brings healthy food from Greece and the
Mediterranean world, the Amphora stands
for the “Best from Greece” and provides
authentic, premium and healthy products
to customers in China. 1) 409 Shanxi Bei Lu,
by Beijing Xi Lu (5213 9066) 2) 434-1 Shaanxi
Nan Lu, by Yongjia Lu (6431 0145) 3) 330
Madang Lu, by Xintiandi (5382 0237) 4) 7-1
Taojiang Lu, by Fenyang Lu (3460 5181) 5)
3899 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (6262
0519) 6) 611 Changle Lu, by Donghu Lu (3461
2161) 7) 907 Yuyuan Lu, by Jiangsu Lu (3256
9610) 8) 230 Danshui Lu, by Zizhong Lu (3330
1509) 9) 151&148a, B1, Himalaya Center,
Fangdian Lu, by Meihua Lu 1) 陕西北路 409
号,近北京西路 2) 陕西南路 434-1,近永嘉路 3)
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Ruth’s Chris Steak House Located in a
restored historic building on Shanghai’s
famous Bund waterfront, the fine dining
steakhouse hailing from the New Orleans
presents the finest custom-aged Australian
Wagyu beef which is served “sizzling”
hot. Further complemented by friendly
services and an inviting atmosphere, it’s a
perfect location for business dinners and
family gatherings. 4/F, Five on the Bund, 20
Guangdong Lu, by Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu
(6071 4567) 外滩 5 号 4 楼 , 广东路 20 号 , 近中
The 1515 WEST, Chophouse & Bar In The
1515 WEST CHOPHOUSE & BAR, an appetite
for premium Australian beef, Americansized desserts, signature drinks and a classic
bar awaits you. Jing An Shangri-La, West
Shanghai, 1218 Yan'an Zhong Lu, by Tong
Ren Road (2203 8889, www.jinganshangdining.com) 静安香格里拉大酒店,延安中路 1218
Roosevelt Prime Steakhouse Thick, juicy
prime steaks from a custom stone oven. AllAmerican beef. Enjoy martins and California
wines on the backlit bar. Frequented by the
Shanghai elite and those with expensive
tastes. 160 Taiyuan Lu, by Yongjia Lu (6433
8240) Sun-Thurs: 5-10pm; Fri-Sat: 5-11pm rps@
rooseveltsteakhouse.com www.rooseveltsteakhouse.com 太原路 160 号 , 近永嘉路
茂君悦大酒店 56 楼 , 近东泰路
江大道北段 E 座 , 近丰和路
四川中路 33 号 , 近延安东路
国金中心 IFC 商场 4 楼 , 近陆家嘴环路
The Grill With a central grill, rotisserie and a
large built-in marble displaying the freshest
seafood, it is a contemporary and colorful
venue for guests in search of the freshest
seafood and succulent prime grade meats
grilled right in front of them in the open
kitchen. 56/F Jin Mao Tower, Grand Hyatt
Shanghai, 88 Shiji Dadao, by Dongtai Lu
(5047 1234) Lunch: Daily 11.30am-2.30pm;
Dinner: Daily 5.30-10.30pm 世纪大道 88 号金
La Verbena Combining authentic Spanish
cuisine in a romantic style, La Verbena
which oversees the Huangpu River is a sleek
and relaxing spot glittering with a unique
Latin flavor. Block E, 2967 Lujiazui Xi Lu, by
Fenghe Lu (5878 9837) 陆家嘴西路 2967 号滨
La Pedrera Spanish Restaurant Enjoy a glass
of pre or after dinner cocktail in the cozy
long bar at La Pedrera Spanish restaurant.
Located by the Bund, La Pedrera provides
classic Spanish cuisine with an impressive
list of wines. 33 Sichuan Zhong Lu, by Yan'an
Dong Lu (6136 0206) Mon-Fri 11:30am-2pm
5:30pm-10:30pm Sat-Sun 11:30am-10:30pm
grain-fed prime aged Australian beef, fresh
seafood and spectacular desserts served in
generous portions. 1) 4/F, IFC Mall, 8 Shiji
Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (6075 8888) SunThurs 11.30am-10pm; Fri-Sat 11.30am-11pm
www.mortons.com/shanghai 1) 世纪大道 8 号 ,
Green & Safe With an organic farm in
Kunshan, this organic store provides daily
delivered vegetables and a variety of local
and imported organic goods, such as
organic extra virgin olive oil, white and red
balsamic vinegar, organic pasta, muesli and
more. 1) 6 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu
5465 1288, 1/F: 8am-10pm; 2/F: 6.30pm12am 2) 2) 4/F, 1438 Hongqiao Lu, by
Hongbaoshi Lu 10am–9.30pm 3) 4/F, 1601
Nanjing Xi Lu (6258 8777) 1) 东平路 6 号 , 近衡
山路 2) 虹桥路 1438 号 4 楼 , 近红宝石路 3) 南京
西路 1601 号 4 楼 B 区
Mahota Kitchen The farm-to-city store
carries fresh traceable farm produce from
Mahota Farm in Chongming island to be
brought home or be enjoyed in the hot pot
restaurant. Taste the difference in quality
as the produce are harvested and delivered
to the store within 24 hours. 1) 10-1F, MTown, 1580 Kaixuan Lu, by Huaihai Xi Lu
(5267 9988) 2) B1-101/102, 660 Dapu Lu,
by Longhua Dong Lu (5318 8111, www.
themahota.com ) 1) 凯旋路 1580 号新淮海坊 ,
The MEET The Kerry Hotel’s meat mecca, make
sure you take a peek into their meat locker to
see your dinner up close and personal. 1388
Huamu Lu, by Fangdian Lu (6169 8888) 5.3010pm 花木路 1388 号 , 近芳甸路
Lan’an Lu (400 880 7729, 6209 6209) MonSun: 11am-11pm. 5) 4/F IFC, 8 Shiji Dadao,
by Yincheng Zhong Lu (400 880 7729, 6209
6209) enquiry@simplythai-sh.com www.
simplythai-sh.com Mon-Sun: 11am-10pm 6)
Unit 312A, 3/F, L’Avenue Shanghai, 99 Xianxia
Lu, by Zunyi Lu (400 880 7729, delivery: 6209
6209, enquiry@simplythegroup.com , www.
simplythai-sh.com) Mon-Sun: 11am-10pm
7) Level 8, S801-1A, Jiu Guang Department
Store, 1618 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Jingan Temple
8) Level 4, N4-11, Shanghai Kerry Centre,
1515 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Tongren Lu 9) Ciros
Plaza, Level 3, 312-314 388 Nanjing Xi
Lu,by Huangpi Bei Lu 10) 4/F, L4101-4105,
Global Harbor, 3300 Zhongshan Bei Lu, by
Jinshajiang Lu Mon-Sun 11am-10pm. 11) 6/F,
Rm612, Grand Gateway Plaza66, 1 Hongqiao
Lu, by Huashan Lu Mon-Sun 11am-10pm 12)
5/F, Rm503, Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Xikang Lu Mon-Sun 11am-10pm 1) 东平路 5
号 C 座 , 近岳阳路 2) 马当路 159 号 , 近兴业路 3)
虹梅路 3338 弄老外街 28 号 , 近延安中路 4) 蓝天
路 600 号碧云休闲体育中心 A6, 近蓝桉路 5) 世纪
大道 8 号上海国金中心四层 , 近银城中路 6) 仙霞路
99 号上海尚嘉中心 3 层 312A 单元 , 近遵义路 7)
南京西路 1618 号久光百货 8 楼 S801-1A, 近静
安寺 8) 南京西路 1515 号静安嘉里中心 4 楼 N411 , 近铜仁路 9) 南京西路 388 号仙乐斯广场 3 楼
312-314 0) 中山北路 3300 号环球港 4 楼 , 近金
沙江路 11) 港汇广场 6 楼 612, 虹桥路 1 号 , 近华
山路 12) 南京西路 1266 号恒隆广场 5 楼 503, 近
Thai Gallery Thai Gallery Those well-versed
in Thai food will admire the authenticity of
these dishes. Creative art covers the walls.
127-1 Datian Lu, by Beijing Xi Lu (6217 9797)
Daily 11am-3pm; 5.30pm-12am 大田路 127-1
号 , 近北京西路
Thai Loft Express Quick, easy and well
priced Thai food. If you don’t want Thai,
you can also order Vietnamese. 105B, Kerry
centre lobby, 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Tongren
Lu (159 2161 6618) Daily 11am-9.30pm 南京
西路 1515 号嘉里中心大堂 105B, 近铜仁路
Urban Thai Tiny Thai restaurant with
excellent steamed sea bass and authentic
curries. Their Thai iced tea is the best in
town. 938 Changle Lu, by Wulumuqi Lu (3250
3863) Daily 11;30am-11pm urban-thai.com/
长乐路 938 号,近乌鲁木齐路
B REAL Refer to “Delivery” for more
PHOCO Set in a pretty lane house, the
enormous outdoor courtyard is the spot’s
most attractive attribute, which is graced
with bamboo gardens and features mainly
Vietnamese dishes and western fusion
cuisine including steaks and pasta. No.1,
Lane 920 Changle Lu, by Wulumuqi Lu (5289
6275) 长乐路 920 弄 1 号 , 近乌鲁木齐路
Pho Season With 20-years experience in
South-East Asian cooking, theirFrenchborn-South Asian chef has all the SouthEast Asianspecialties– Vietnamese ‘Pho’,
Cambodian ‘Loc Lac’ and Thai ‘Pad Thai’. 427
Dagu Lu, by Chengdu Bei Lu (6327 3778)
Daily 11am-11pm 大沽路 427 号 , 近成都北路
近淮海西路 2) 打浦路 660 号 B1-101/102, 近龙
Coconut Paradise Housed in an elegant
French house with two floors, a garden
and a separate bar annex. 1) 38 Fumin Lu,
by Yan’an Zhong Lu (6248 1998) 2) 2/F, 378
Wukang Lu, by Hunan Lu (5424 5886) Daily
Char Grill Located inside of the Hotel
That-logo box201506.indd
2015.6.17 12:29:54 PM
11.30am-2pm; 5.30-10.30pm
coconutparaIndigo, this beautiful steakhouse serves up
dise38@gmail.com www.lostheaven.com.cn/
a lovely view and lots of haute meat. 29-31/
main.html 1) 富民路 38 号 , 近延安中路 2) 武康
F, Hotel Indigo, 585 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu,
路 378 号 2 楼 , 近湖南路
by Dongmen Lu (3302 9995) Daily, Dining
Room, 6-10.30pm Bar, 6pm-late www.charLapis Thai 1) 285 Hunan Lu, by Gaoyou
thebund.com 中山东二路 585 号 29-31 楼 , 近
Lu (5466 3026) Daily 11.30am-2.30pm;
6-10pm 2) 3/F, No.19, Lane 199 Fangdian
Pho Real Some of Shanghai’s finest pho and
Lu, by Dingxiang Lu (5033 9223) Daily
Bánh mì, with high-quality ingredients and
JW’s California Grill Located on the 40th
11.30am- 2.30pm; 6-10pm 3) No.14, Lane
a young, hip environment. 1) 166 Fumin Lu,
floor above Shanghai's stunning skyline,
by Changle Lu (5403 8110) Mon-Fri: 11am
the relaxed and classy setting offers refined
Daily 11.30am-2.30pm; 6-10pm 4) L109, 1376
-2 pm, 5.30pm -10pm; weekends: 11am
lifestyle dining with seasonal, market fresh
-10pm 2) 1465 Fuxing Zhong Lu by Huaihai
cuisine using premium products cooked
Daily 11.00am-Late 1) 湖南路 285 号 , 近高邮路
Zhong Lu (6437 2222) Mon-Fri: 11am -2 pm,
to perfection. Discover sophisticated chef2) 芳甸路 199 弄 19 号 3 楼 , 大拇指广场 , 近丁香
5.30pm -10pm; weekends: 11am -10pm 3)
crafted cuisine in the main area or enjoy
路 3) 泰康路 248 弄 14 号 , 近瑞金二路 4) 南京西
Kerry Centre Store, Kerry Centre SB1-12, 1515
exclusivity in the private room among
路 1376 号 109 室 , 近西康路
Nanjing Xi Lu, by Changde Lu (6299 1827)
friends or business partners. 40/F, JW
Daily 11am-10pm 4) 1-L206, The Place, 100
Marriott Hotel Shanghai Tomorrow Square,
Simply thai 1) 5C Dongping Lu, by
Zunyi Lu, by Tianshan Lu 11am-10pm (5291
399 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Huangpi Nan Lu (5359
Yueyang Lu (400 880 7729, 6209 6209) Sun0907) www.phorealgroup.cn 1) 富民路 166 号 ,
4969, www.jwmarriottshanghai.com) 上海明
Thurs:11am-11pm;Fri & Sat: 11am-midnight
近长乐路 2) 复兴中路 1465 号 , 近淮海中路 3) 南
天广场 JW 万豪酒店 40 楼,南京西路 399 号,近
2) 159 Madang Lu, by Xingye Lu (400 880
京西路 1515 号嘉里中心 SB1-12, 近常德路 4) 虹
7729, 6209 6209) Mon-Sun: 11am-midnight
桥南丰城南区 1 期 -L206, 遵义路 100 号 , 近天山
3) No.28 Laowai Jie, lane 3338 Hongmei Lu
Morton’s the Steakhouse The first Morton’s
(400 880 7729, 6209 6209) Sun-Thurs: 11amin Chinese mainland specializes in classic,
11pm; Fri & Sat: 11am-midnight 4) A6 Green
hearty American cuisine including the
Sports & Leisure Center, 600 Lantian Lu, by
Pho Store Owned by an Australian
Vietnamese, the Pho Store offers Vietnamese street-flavor phos in a cozy and trendy
environment. 118 Xikang Lu, by Nanyang
Lu daily 11am-10pm (6215 5534) 西康路 118
号 , 近南阳路
Avenue Joffre BAR Started by cocktail master
Munenori Harada, formerly of el Coctel,
this 1920’s Shanghai-style bar mixes highquality cocktails in a relaxed and refined
environment. Specializes in gin with over
20 types from all over the world. Daily 7pm3am 1/F,Unit 5, 570 Yongjia Lu, by Yueyang
Lu (6029 9725) 永嘉路 570 号 5 号楼 1 楼 , 近岳
Barbarossa Restaurant & Lounge Stand
by the lake inside People’s Park, the threestory Barbarossa restaurant and lounge
offers an array of fine food, cocktails, shisha,
tapas and live entertainment in an exotic
ambience. 231 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Huangpi Bei
Lu (6318 0220) Restaurant: 11am-11pm; Bar:
5pm-2am. www.Barbarossa.com.cn 南京西路
142 号 , 近南京西路
Jenny’s Blue Bar Second home to hordes of
blokes who regularly stop by for a drink or
a home-made snack. A free foosball table,
classic rock and a big screen showing ESPN
and Star Sports channels. 7 Donghu Lu, by
Huaihai Zhong Lu (6415 7019) Daily 1pm2am jennysbar@hotmail.com www.jennyshanghai.com 东湖路 7 号 , 近淮海中路 142 号 ,
I Love Shanghai With a solid events lineup,
stiff drinks and a fiercely loyal crowd of
regulars, ILS is one of the city’s best come
as you are watering holes. 2-3F, 1788 Xinzha
Lu, by Jiaozhou Lu (5228 6899) Daily 5pm4am iloveshanghailounge@gmail.com 新闸
路 1788 号 2-3 楼 , 近胶州路
Kaiba Belgian Beer Bar 739 Dingxi Lu by
Yan’an Xi Lu (6280 5688) Sun-Thurs 4pm12am; Fri-Sat 4pm-2am marketing@kaibabeerbar.com 定西路 739 号 , 近延安西路
La Cocina A spanish restaurant with a
authentic pinchos bar at first floor.La Cocina
serves Pinchos,Tapas,Sangria, Cocktail and
wines. 9 DongPing Lu, by HengShan Lu (6473
1021) Daily 11am - 2am 东平路 9 号 , 近衡山路
231 号 , 近黄陂北路
The Bubblelandia Journey
Bin 74 A slick, cozy, glass-encased wine
bar+shop in the heart of the French Concession. 74 Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu (6431
0258) Daily 2pm-1am www.cosmogroup.cn
复兴西路 74 号 , 近永福路
Bounty Rhumerie A French-owned, piratethemed rum bar that is surprisingly low in
cheese and high in atmosphere. You can
get just about any type of rum cocktail ever
conceived by man and then a few more. 47
Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu (137 6451 0616)
Daily 6pm-late www.bountybar.cn ning@
bountybar.cn 永福路 47 号 , 近复兴西路
CHAR bar Classy cocktails and sophisticated setting, best known for its exquisite
270-degree views over The Bund and
Pudong skyline. 30/F, Hotel Indigo Shanghai
on the Bund, 585 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, by
Dongmen Lu (3302 9995) Daily 4:30pm-late,
www.char-thebund.com 中山东二路 585 号英
迪格酒店 30 楼 , 近东门路
Constellation Bar A quiet bar with lowkey 30’s ambiance. Known for its unique
cocktails and ice-making technique, this
is the perfect place for lovers and friends’
get-together. 1) 1-2/F, 33 Yongjia Lu, by
Maoming Nan Lu (5465 5993) Daily 7pm2am www.seiza-bar.com.cn 2) 86 Xinle Lu,
by Xiangyang Bei Lu (5404 0970) Daily 7pm2am 3) 251Huangpi Bei Lu, by Jiangyin Lu
(5375 2712) Mon-Sun: 7pm-2am 1) 永嘉路 33
号 1-2 楼 , 近茂名南路 2) 新乐路 86 号 , 近襄阳北
路 3) 黄陂北路 251 号 , 近江阴路
Cotton’s A charming bar with Jazz played
in the garden, you can “smell” relaxed
ambiance in the air. 1) 132 Anting Lu, by
Jianguo Xi Lu (6433 7995) Mon-Fri: 4pm2am; Sat-Sun: 11:30am-2am 2) 294 Xinhua
Lu, by Panyu Lu (6282 6897) Mon-Fri: 4pm2am; Sat-Sun: 11:30am-2am 1) 安亭路 132 号 ,
近建国西路 2) 新华路 294 号 , 近番禺路
De Refter A cozy Belgian style Brasserie
boasting more than 50 Belgian beers,
De Refter offers an intimate, friendly and
relaxed atmosphere mixed with a classy
crowd equaling the perfect spot for enjoying
the evening with friends, colleagues or a
good book. 181 Jinxian Lu, by Maoming Nan
Lu (3230 2595) www.derefter.com 进贤路 181
号 , 近茂名南路
El Cóctel From virtuoso Spanish chef Willy
Trullas Moreno comes this super swank
cocktail lounge. Expect specialty drinks
mixed with surgical precision. Reservations
recommended. 2/F, 47Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing
Xi Lu (6433 6511) Daily 5pm-3am www.
elwilly.com.cn 永福路 47 号 2 楼 , 近复兴西路
Judy’s One of Shanghai’s oldest watering
holes and a Readers’ Choice Hall of Famer,
this institution is perpetually packed with
rowdy punters to the wee hours. 142
Tongren Lu, by Nanjing Xi Lu (6289 3715)
Daily 11am-late www.judysco.com.cn 铜仁路
142 号 , 近南京西路
Malabar A cozyand exquisite Spanish tapas
bar with nice food in a good value. Try
the Spanish beer and wines plus excellent
pinchos and tapas. 1081 Wuding Lu, by
Jiaozhou Lu (5237 3085) Mon 17:00-01:00
Tue 12:00-01:00 Wed 12:00-01:00 Thu 12:0001:00 Fri 12:00-02:00 Sat 12:00-02:00 Sun
12:00-01:00 武定路 1081 号 , 近胶州路
Roosevelt Sky Bar Enjoy rooftop bar with
the best view on the Bund and heated
glass atrium. 9 /F, The House of Roosevelt,
27 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Beijing
Dong Lu(2322 0800) info@27bund.com,
www.27bund.com 中山东一路(外滩)27 号罗
斯福公馆 9 楼 , 近北京东路
Shiva Lounge Owned by a yoga instruc-tor,
Shiva Lounge is decked out in batiks, candles
and many handed Hindu gods. Room 102,
47 Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu (6433 5330)
Sun-Thu10pm-2.00am, Fri- Sat 10pm-5am 永
福路 47 号 102 室 , 近复兴西路
The Apartment The boho decor, quirky
furniture, classy rooftop terrace and
expertly mixed cocktails just might fool
you into thinking you’re at the loft party of
a SoHo socialite. Not to be missed. 3/F, 47
Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu (6437 9478) SunThurs: 11am-2am; Fri-Sat: 11am-3am www.
theapartment-shanghai.com 永福路 47 号 3
楼 , 近复兴西路
The story is based on the classic fairy tale "Alice in
Wonderland”, but set in the modern society: Mr. B, an
ordinary person just like you and me, has an always busy
everyday life, filled with stresses enhanced by the abuse
of smart phones, tablet PCs and other gadgets that draw
the convenience closer to us, but push the reality far
apart from us. After another long day, Mr. B finds himself
transported as if by magic in a special, colorful, happy place
called Bubblelandia. The “inhabitants” of Bubblelandia seahorses, dragon fish, starfish, mermaids, clown fish and
others - will carry Mr. B along his adventurous journey in
this underwater mystery world where fantasy becomes
Produced by Brinum-X Entertainment, the special effects
partner of Cirque du Soleil, it combines drama, mime,
dance, puppetry, juggling, contortionist, sand art and
magic, with various stage automations adopting the
latest laser technologies, snow cannons, soap bubble
tornadoes, theatrical fog, gigantic smoke rings, smokefilled soap bubble machines and optical illusions. To
imagine suddenly millions of bubbles of all shapes and
colors, along with the foam of waves and other surprises
swallow and transport you into the universe of joy and
freedom, to touch the giant jellyfish or
the huge whale that appears next to
you, the extremely visual content brings
the high interactivity and audience
participation, without any age limit.
The BREW Try one of their six home-brewed
beers and you’ll never go back to bottles
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
of Qingdao again. Warm wood interior,
right on the edge of Century Park. The Kerry
Hotel, 1388 Huamu Lu, by Fangdian Lu (6169
8888) Daily 11am–2am www.shangri-la.com
花木路 1388 号 , 近芳甸路
The Chalet Not exactly a loveshack but a
good example of how to build a bar in a
box. 385 Yongjia Lu, by Taiyuan Lu (3401
0958) Daily 3pm-3am chaletsh@gmail.com 永
嘉路 385 号 , 近太原路
Zapata’s Classic “Spring Break” party bar,
where anything goes…bartop dancing,
tequila girls, TOP 40, you name it. 5
Hengshan Lu, by Dongping Lu (6474 6166,
6433 4104) Daily 5pm-late www.zapatasshanghai.com 衡山路 5 号 , 近东平路
Bar Rouge The go-to spot for Shanghai’s
glitterati, this chic lounge offers expertly
mixed cocktails, the latest electro beats and
one of the best views on the Bund. 7/F, 18
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Nanjing Dong Lu
(6339 1199) Sun-Wed: 6pm-3am; Thu-Sat:
6pm-late www.bar-rouge-shanghai.com 中山
东一路 18 号 7 楼 , 近南京东路
6234) 2-10pm 上海豫园万丽酒店 , 河南南路 159
号 , 近福佑路
Cin Cin The mezzanine level of the Fairmont
offers luxury wines and cigars plus a variety
of areas to relax in. Choose from their
cocktail bar, refined wine cellar or their
warm cigar lounge. 1/F, Fairmont Peace
Hotel, 20 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu (6138 6889) Daily 6pm-2am
www.fairmont.com/peacehotel 南京东路 20
号 1 楼和平饭店 , 近中山东一路
Cloud 9 Located on Level 87 of Jin Mao
Tower, this sky lounge has magnificent
views of the entire city, where guests can
enjoy a wide collection of creative cocktails,
champagnes and Asian Tapas. The floorto-ceiling glassed double-height section
also holds a hide-away mezzanine bar. 87/F
Grand Hyatt, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Shiji Dadao,
by Dongtai Lu (5049 1234) Mon-Fri 5pm1am; Sat-Sun 2pm-1am 世纪大道 88 号金茂大
厦 87 楼 , 近东泰路
The Compass Bar This unique bar offers an
extensive collection of marine memorabilia
to celebrates Shanghai’s maritime history,
also check out the open-air promenade. The
Peninsula Hotel 1/F, 32 Zhongshan Dong Yi
Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu (2327 6737) Daily:
11am-2am www.peninsula.com 中山东一路
32 号上海半岛酒店一层 , 近北京东路
Jade on 36 Bar Breathtaking views, creative
cocktails and stunning interior design make
this a must-see venue. Sunday Brunch:
RMB 788 + 15% service charge per person,
effective 28th October 2012. 36/F Grand
Tower, Pudong Shangri-la, 33 Fucheng Lu,
by Lujiazui Xi Lu (6882 3636) 5.30pm-1am
(weekends until 2am) fbreservation.sipu@
shangri-la.com https://www.shang-rewards.
com/aspx/RestaurantBarJade36Bar.aspx 富城
路 33 号香格里拉大酒店紫金楼 36 楼 , 近陆家嘴西
M1NT Winner of 2009 Readers’ Choice
Award for “Club of the Year”.Join the posh
and the poser alike in this quasi exclusive
nightclub, where a chic dining room offering
up superb Asian inspired fusion and grilled
fare are a;sp available. 24/F, 318 Fuzhou Lu,
by Hankou Lu (6391 2811) Lunch: Mon-Fri
11:30am-2:30pm; Dinner: Mon-Sat 6-11pm;
Club: Wed-Sat 9:30pm-late bookings@
m1ntglobal.com www.m1ntglobal.com 福州
路 318 号高腾大厦 24 层 , 近汉口路
Muse at Park 97 Art deco lounge
overlooking Fuxing Park hoping to develop
ameaningful relationship with expatriate
wallets. Live jazz and a nice balcony. 2/F, 2
Gaolan Lu, by Sinan Lu (5383 2328) Daily
9pm-4am www.museshanghai.cn 皋兰路 2 号
2 楼 , 近思南路
MYST Daily 9:30pm-late 1123 Yanan Zhong
Lu, by Fumin Lu (64379999) 延安中路 1123 号 ,
THE 7th FLOOR 7F, No.8 Huaihai Zhong Lu,
by Liulin Lu (6307 9999) 淮海中路 8 号 7 楼,近
Hotel Bars
Andaz Lounge Specialises in its unique
Kir Royale and other cocktails from Andaz
hotels around the world, it offers a full
range of tea, coffee, cocktails and mocktails
as well. 1/F, Andaz Shanghai, 88 Songshan
Lu, by Taicang Lu (2310 1710) 7am-11pm 嵩
山路 88 号 1 楼 , 近太仓路
Banyan Tree Located on the rooftop of
Banyan Tree Shanghai on the Bund, TOPS
is the first open rooftop bar with full
180°unobstructed view in Shanghai, offering
a breathtaking panorama spanning across
the Bund. 19 Gongping Lu, by Haiping Lu
(2509 1188) Tue-Sun, 2.30pm-1am 公平路 19
号 , 近海平路
Chatters Bar Designed in a red and elegant
chic design, Chatters Bar on the second floor
of this new MetroPolo Classiq boutique
hotel which locates off Bund offers coffees,
afternoon tea, cocktails and wines, and
naughty nibbles. 2/F, Jinjiang Metropolo
Classiq, 98 Nanjing Dong Lu (6321 1666,
www.JJMPH.com) daily 10am-10pm 南京东路
98 号锦江都城南京东路外滩经典酒店 2 楼 , 近四川
Cigar and Dim Sum Executive Chef Peter
prepares daily fresh baked, steamed and
deep fried lobster Dim Sum platter for
your taste buds. Finish it with an excellent
cigar Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2.
Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel, 159
He’nan Nan Lu, by Fuyou Lu (2321 8888-
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
JW Lounge Bar Popular with high-flyers,
this lofty lounge boasts panoramic city
views and offers an extensive champagne
list, either by the glass or the by bottle. Live
music six days a week. 40/F, JW Marriott,
399 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Huangpi Bei Lu
(5359 4969-6864) Daily 5.30pm-2am www.
jwmarriottshanghai.com 南京西路 399 号 JW
万豪酒店 40 楼 , 近黄陂北路
Long Bar Offering a good selection of
cocktails, deluxe oysters and premium
cigars, legendary Long Bar remains to be a
part of the Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the
Bund after architectural restoration. Lobby,
2 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu
(6322 9988) Mon-Sat 4pm-1am; Sun 2pm1am 中山东一路 2 号外滩华尔道夫酒店大堂 , 近广
Panorama Bar A cool timeless bar perched
on the top floor of the hotel with panoramic
windows providing stunning view of the
city. The bar specializes in classic cocktails
and wines. 33/F, JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai
Changfeng Park, 158 Daduhe Lu, by Guangfu
Xi Lu (2215 6281) 上海新发展亚太 JW 万豪酒店
33 楼,大渡河路 158 号 , 近光复西路
new sound. Every Tuesday to Saturday from
8.30pm onwards, join Kelly, the runnerup winner of the popular TV Show “SUPER
DIVA”, who’ll stimulate your senses with her
soulful tunes spanning a variety of genres.
25/F, Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park
Hotel, 1018 Changning Lu, by Kaixuan Lu
(6115 8888) benjamin.zheng@renaissancehotels.com 长宁路 1018 号 25 楼 , 近凯旋路
The Shelter This former bomb shelter is
THE place for alternative electronic music
in Shanghai. Low/no cover and good drinks
prices make this an indie haven. 5 Yongfu
Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu (6437 0400) Wed-Sat
9pm-late thesheltershanghai@gmail.com 永
福路 5 号 , 近复兴西路
Yu Yin Tang Warehouse music space run
by the Yu Yin Tang collective, filled with
a motley crüe of rock aficionados at the
forefront of shanghai’s burgeoning hardcore
scene. 851 Kaixuan Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (5237
8662) Tue-Sun: 8pm-2am; closed on Mon.
durn1976@gmail.com www.yuyintang.org 凯
旋路 851 号 , 近延安西路
Sports Bars
Big Bamboo A sports bar offering an
expanded food menu, with entertainment
including pool tables and flat screen televisions. Big Bamboo pulls large crowds for
events like the World Cup and Superbowl.
1) Hong Mei Entertainment Street, No. 20,
Lane 3338 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (6405
8720) Daily: 11am-late www.bigbamboo.
cn 2) 132 Nanyang Lu, by Tongren Lu (6256
2265) Daily: 2pm-4am celine@truelegend.
asia 3) 381 Hongfeng Lu, by Biyun Lu (5030
1779) Sun-Thu: 11am-2am; Fri-Sat: 11am3am celine@truelegend.asia 1) 虹梅路 3338
298 号 , 近平武路
Mao Livehouse Shanghai Formerly WTF
Club, this mid-sized performance space has
nowbeen taken over by the local rockers
at Soma Records, who promise plenty
of live music madness, with the backing
of the Japanese investors behind the
successful MAO Livehouse in Beijing. 3/F,
308 Chongqing Nan Lu, by Jianguo Zhong Lu
(6445 0086) Open for events only www.maomusic.com 重庆南路 308 号 3 楼 , 近建国中路
Koala Bar Friendly local bar with big screen
televisions, a pool table and loads of drink/
food specials. Caters to the clientele coming
from the nearby Jiaotong University. 280
Huaihai Xi Lu, by Panyu Lu (5258 8779, 138
1880 3478) 11am-2am 淮海西路 280 号 , 近番
The Camel Bar The screens, hot-blooded
crowd and happy hour specials make this
a fun place to meet and watch a game. 1)
1 Yueyang Lu, by Dongping Lu (6437 9446)
Daily 10am-2am www.camelsportsbar.com 2)
116 Weifang Xi Lu, by Pudong Nan Lu (5879
5892) Daily 10am-2am 1) 岳阳路 1 号 , 近东平
路 2) 潍坊西路 116 号 , 近浦东南路
TShanghai Brewery Microbrewery
restaurant and sports bar with the chef
from Michelin two-Star restaurant. Great
hand-crafted beer (6 styles), tasty food with
international flavors and live sports on big
screens. Try brew master's winter special –
golden, malty, slightly sweet French/Belgian
season brewed with oats and five different
malts, Slovenian hops, black pepper and
coriander seeds for a full flavored winter
beer.1) 15 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan
Lu (3461 0717) Daily: 10am-2am www.
shanghaibrewery.com 2) 21C, Hongmei
Entertainment Street, 3338 Hongmei Lu, by
Yan’an Xi Lu (6406 5919) Sun-Thu: 10am 2am; Fri-Sat 10am-3am 1) 东平路 15 号 , 近衡
山路 2) 虹梅路 3338 号 , 虹梅休闲街 21C, 近延安
Brick Restaurant and Wine Lounge Quaint,
cozy, comfortable and cool, Brick also offers
a jazz scene. Get a table by the piano, tuck
into some Mediterranean-style cuisine. 30
Sinan Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu (6093 2005)
Daily 11-2am brickwangyan@163.com 思南路
LOgO 298 Xingfu Lu, by Pingwu Lu 幸福路
1318 号 B1 层 , 近东园路
兴中路 519-521 号思南公馆 26A, 近思南路 2) 复
兴西路 82 号 , 近永福路
The Ritz Bar Shanghai's most popular
live music bar offers great classic martini & malt whisky cocktails & happy hour
specials while you enjoy live music from
Australian smooth jazz soul singer Ron
Kingston performing songs from Sade,
Michael Buble, Adele, Stevie Wonder
& more: Tuesdays to Saturdays 7-11pm. 2F
Portman Ritz-Carlton Hotel, 1376 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Xikang Lu (6279 8888). Bar is open 7
nights per week from 5.30pm. 上海波特曼丽
思卡尔顿酒店 2 楼 , 南京西路 1376 号 , 近西康
一路(外滩)27 号罗斯福公馆 2 楼 , 近北京东路
HoF A popular wine bar that provides super
tasty chocolate and cakes for afternoon
tea, featuring chocolate velvet cakes,
death by chocolate, etc. A variety of wines
and cocktails are provided at night. B1/
F, DBS Building, 1318 Lujiazui Huan Lu, by
Dongyuan Lu (5010 0800) Mon-Sat: 3pm10pm www.houseofflour.com 陆家嘴环路
Boxing Cat Brewery 1) Unit 26A, Sinan
Mansions, 519-521 Fuxing Zhong Lu, by
Sinan Lu (6426 0360) Mon-Fri: 5pm-2am; SatSun: 10am-2am info@boxingcatbrewery.com
www.boxingcatbrewery.com 2) 82 Fuxing Xi
Lu, by Yongfu Lu (6431 2091) Mon-Thu: 5pm2am; Fri: 3pm-2am; Sat-Sun: 11am-2am 1) 复
Wine Bars
Roosevelt Wine Cellar The Largest Wine
Cellar in Town with over 4,000 labels. Every
Wednesday is Winesday 6.30-8pm. The
House of Roosevelt, 2/F, 27 Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu (2322 0800)
info@27bund.com, www.27bund.com 中山东
弄虹梅休闲街 20 号 , 近延安西路 2) 南阳路 132
号 , 近铜仁路 3) 红枫路 381 号 , 近碧云路
Live Music
JZ Club Shanghai’s true jazz scene has finally
arrived. Check it out and dig the vibe. 46
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu (6431 0269) Daily
7pm-2am www.jzclub.cn 复兴西路 46 号 , 近永
9999) 24/7, 11-2am 黄陂南路 333 号 1 楼 , 近太
30 号 , 近淮海中路
Burdigala Bordeaux Wine Bistrot In
partnership with the CIVB and initiated by
private investor Franck Boudot, the Burdigala
Bordeaux wine Bistrot offers some fifty
châteaux and brands reflecting the whole
Bordeaux range: red, dry, sweet, rosé and
Crémant de Bordeaux wines. 550 Wuding Lu,
by Shaanxi Bei Lu (6217 0377) 11am - 1pm
info@theburdigala.com ww.theburdigala.
com 武定路 550 号 , 近陕西北路
Dr Wine This sumptuous wine bar has
bottles from RMB118 (a French Cab Sauv) to
RMB45,000 for a 1982 Chateau Lafite. Don’t
worry if the selection overwhelms you,
someone will be there to hold your hand.
177 Fumin Lu, by Julu Lu (5403 5717) Sun-Sat
5pm-2am info@lebistrodudrwine.com 富民路
177 号 , 近巨鹿路
L’Aveue A classy and trendy wine bistro in
Xintiandi offering a selection of home-made
tapas, dips, pizza, sharing plates and wines
in a comfortable and warm atmosphere. 1/
F, 333 Huangpi Nan Lu, by Taicang Lu (6301
Garden Books SHANGHAI CENTER, F1/1376
Nanjing Road (W), (EAST SUITE)Sells
imported books, newspapers, magazines
and other foreign publications. www.
bookzines.com chochobook@yahoo.com.
cn 325 Changle Lu, by Shaanxi Lu (5404
8728) 长乐路 325 号 , 近陕西路
Life & style
ANNABEL LEE SHANGHAI is a Shanghaibased luxury home and fashion accessories
brand that reflects beautiful Chinese
tradition and culture. It boasts sophisticated
modern Chinese design in the form of the
finest Chinese silk, cashmere and jewelry.
Silk pouches with delicate embroidery,
intricately-woven cashmere shawls made
of the highest-quality cashmere from Inner
Mongolia, breath-taking jewelry made of
beautiful gemstones, all of which make
perfect gifts! 1) No. 1, Lane 8, Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Fuzhou Lu (6445-8218)
10am-10pm 2) Unit 3, House 3, North Block
Xintiandi, 181 Taicang Lu,by Huangpi Nan Lu
(6320 0045) 10am-10pm 1) 中山东一路 8 弄 1
号,近福州路 2) 太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 3 号楼
3 单元,近黄陂南路
Josie Chen Range Created and designed by
Shanghai-based jewelry designer Joanne
Swift, the label Josie Chen sees a range of
covetable necklaces, earrings, headbands
and bracelets with a touch of edgy yet
feminine. 382 Jianguo Xi Lu, by Yueyang Lu
(5466 5321) 建国西路 382 号 , 近岳阳路
Shanghai Tang 1) No.15 North Block,181
Taicang Lu, by Madang Lu (6384 1601) MonSun 10.30am-11pm 2) Shop E, Jinjiang Hotel,
59 Maoming Nan Lu, by Changle Lu (5466
3006) Mon-Sun 10am-10pm 3) ShangriLa Pudong Lobby Level, 33 Fucheng Lu,
by Mingshang Lu (5877 6632) Mon-Sun
10am-10pm 4) 1/F, 333 Huangpi Nan Lu, by
Taicang Lu (6384 1601) Mon-Sun 10.30am11pm 5) L1C, Level 1 the Peninsula Hotel,
32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Nanjing Dong
Lu (6329 6255) Mon-Sun 10.30am-11pm 6)
L221, Citic Square, 1168 Nan Jing Xi Lu, by
Jiangning Lu (5212 2162) Mon-Sun 10.30am11pm 1) 太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 15 号 , 近马当
路 2) 茂名南路 59 号锦江饭店 E 店铺 , 近长乐路 3)
富城路 33 号浦东香格里拉大酒店一楼 , 近名商路
4) 黄陂南路 333 号新天地 1 层 , 近太仓路 5) 中山
东一路 32 号半岛酒店 1 层 L1C 铺 , 近南京东路 6)
南京西路 1168 号中信泰富广场 2 层 221 单元 , 近
Furniture &
Casa pagoda is an exciting brand for home
furnishings and accessories inspired by
European design and the industrial revolution. The collection offers a contemporary
take on the classics, mixing materials
creating signature pieces and paying respect
to the tradition of craftsmanship by creating
pieces which are distinctive and timeless. 1)
(NEW) Casa Pagoda Pudong Store: L209A
Kerry Parkside, 1378 Huamu Lu, by Fangdian
Lu ( 5082 0528) 2) Casa Pagoda Flagship
Store: 13-17 Taikang Lu, by Sinan Lu (6466
7521) 3) 136 Taikang Lu, by Sinan Lu (6466
8198) 1) 浦东嘉里城 L209A, 花木路 1378 号 , 近
芳甸路 2) 泰康路 13-17 号 , 近思南路 3) 泰康路
136 号 , 近思南路
Kava Kava creates modern, colorful and
functional Chinese furniture for every
household. Choose from our extensive
collection or customize your own. Free
delivery in Shanghai. 1) 639 Honggu Lu, by
Shuicheng Lu (6270 9798) 9.30am-6pm 2)
810 Julu Lu, by Changshu Lu (6214 8313)
11am-7pm. 1) 虹古路 639 号 , 近水城路 2) 巨鹿
路 810 号 , 近常熟路
Paddy Field 1) Warehouse, 1/F, Building C,
1568 Huqingping Gong Lu, by Xiewei Lu
(5976 9331) 2) 105 Hunan Lu, by Huaihai
Zhong Lu (6437 5567) 1) 沪青平公路 1568 号圣
堡艺术园区 C 栋 1 楼 , 近谢卫路 2) 湖南路 105 号 ,
Platane Platane combines traditional savoir
faire, worldwide design home wares in a
distinctive simplicity and elegance. Discover
its own range of handmade ceramic and
porcelain as well as imported brands like
Zoeppritze, Bertozzi, Charvet, La Rochere,
LSA. www.platane.cn 1)439 Wukang lu by
Huaihai Zhong lu (6433 6387); 2)156Taikang
lu by Sinan lu (6466 2495). 1) 武康路 439 号
(6433 6387)2)泰康路 156 号(6466 2495)
Plaza 66 上海恒隆广场
15/F, Tower 2, Plaza 66, No.1266 West
Nanjing Road, Jing'an District 上海市静安区南
京西路 1266 号恒隆广场二座 15 层
Eco City 上海 1788 国际中心
9/F, Eco City, No.1788 West Nanjing Road,
Jing'an District 上海市静安区南京西路 1788 号
1788 国际中心 9 层
Shanghai Centre 上海商城
5/F, West Office Tower Shanghai Centre,
No.1376 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an District
上海市静安区南京西路 1376 号上海商城西峰 5 层
968 号嘉地中心 11 层
The Tower 上海锦江向阳大厦
14/F, Jinjiang Xiangyang Tower, No.993 West
Nanjing Road, Jing’an District 上海市静安区南
京西路 993 号 14 层
ICC 上海环贸广场
7/F, One ICC, Shanghai ICC, No.999 Middle
Huaihai Road, Xuhui District 上海市徐汇区淮海
中路 999 号上海环贸广场 7 层
CCIG International Plaza 上海中金国际广场
12/F, Building A, CCIG Int’l Plaza, No.331
North Caoxi Road, Xuhui District 上海市徐汇区
漕溪北路 331 号中金国际广场 A 座 12 层
Huaihai Plaza 上海淮海国际广场 28/F, Huaihai
Plaza, No.1045 Middle Huihai Road, Xuhui
District 上海市徐汇区淮海中路 1045 号淮海国际
广场 28 层
Grand Gateway 上海港汇广场 48/F, Grand
Gateway, No.1 Hongqiao Road, Xuhui
District 上海市徐汇区虹桥路 1 号港汇广场 48 层
国际大厦 22 层
Harbour One 上海东方海港国际大厦中心
16/F, Harbour One, No.1080 Dong Da Ming
Road, Hongkou District 上海市虹口区东大名路
1080 号东方海港国际大厦 16 层
Homes-Up.com provides a wide selection
of creative home deco accessories, home
textiles, small storages, etc. All products are
Homes-Up exclusive design, imported from
all over the world. Experience an innovative
decoration concept in Shanghai. Shop
online at www.homes-up.com. 1) Taikang
showroom, 126 Taikang Lu, by Sinan Lu
(6301 0190) Daily 10am-10pm. 2) Changshun
showroom, 38-1 Changshun Lu, by Anshun
Lu (5213 0312) Mon-Fri 2-6pm 1) 泰康路 126
570 号 3 号 332 室 , 近岳阳路
mind & body
Peter salon With a range of professional
hairstylists from around the word, Peter
Salon offers top quality services in haircut,
perm, base color, nail and makeups. 80
Wulumuqi Zhong Lu, by Anfu Lu 10am-10pm
(5419 6757) 乌鲁木齐中路 80 号 , 近安福路
Toni and Guy Celebrating 51 years of
fashion,hair and heritage, Toni and Guy is
an international brand offering the best and
creative hairstyle to suit each client. 1) East
Tower 209, ShanghaiCentre, 1376 Nanjing
Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu 2) 1380 Dingxiang Lu,
by Yingchun Lu (5843 3830) 3) Unit F1A-06,
B2, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu, by
Lujiazui Huan Lu (5047 2298) 4) 4/F, River
Wing, Pudong shangri-La, 33 Fucheng Lu, by
Mingshang Lu (2828 6691) 1) 南京西路 1376
222 号企业天地一号楼 15 层
号 2 楼 , 近永嘉路
Lily’s Antiques Specializing in high
quality and genuine Chinese antiques, Lily’s
Antiques offers 100 percent wood furniture
and home decor for the modern home.
Tailor-made furniture can be ordered on
request and free shipping is provided within
Jinqiao area. 1037 Biyun Lu, by Huangyang
Lu (5019 1199) showroomsh@lilysantiques.
com; www.lilysantiques.com 碧云路 1037 号 ,
外滩中心 18 层
Raffles City 上海来福士广场
51/F, Raffles City, No.268 Middle Xizang
Road, Huangpu District 上海市黄浦区西藏中路
268 号来福士广场 51 层
Jin Mao Tower 上海金茂大厦
31/F, Jin Mao Tower, No.88 Shiji Avenue,
Pudong, Lujiazui 上海市浦东新区世纪大道 88 号
金茂大厦 31 层
Aurora Plaza 上海震旦国际大楼
11/F, Aurora Plaza, No.99 Fucheng Road,
Pudong, Lujiazui 上海市浦东新区富城路 99 号震
旦国际大楼 11 层
BEA Finance Tower 上海东亚银行金融大厦中心
15/F, BEA Finance Tower, No.66 Hua Yuan Shi
Qiao Road, Pudong, Lujiazui 上海市浦东新区花
园石桥路 66 号东亚银行金融大厦 15 层
Mirage.M Hairdressing & Makeover
A well-trained team from London and
Singapore specialize in European and Asian
haircut & colour, an expert on blonde hair
that uses exclusively professional Wella &
Organics products. Unit 101, block 11, Cool
Docks, 505 Zhongshan Nan Lu, by Xin matou
jie ( 6152 5762) www.miragemhairmakeup.
com 中山南路 505 弄老码头 11 号楼 101 室 , 近
Bund Centre 上海外滩中心
18/F, Bund Centre, No.222 East Yan’an Road,
Huangpu District 上海市黄浦区延安东路 222 号
中路 283 号香港广场 26 层
Jasmine Nail Spa Located in former French
Concession, Jasmine Nail Spa provides
excellent services in a cozy and elegant
ambience. 1) 31 AnFu Lu, by ChangShu Lu
(5403 4381) 11am-9.30pm 2) 275-1 Anfu Lu,
by Wukang Lu (6471 3095) 1) 安福路 31 号 , 近
Hong Kong Plaza 上海香港广场
26/F, Hong Kong Plaza, No.283 Middle Huai
Hai Road, Huangpu District 上海市黄浦区淮海
路 819 弄 6 号 , 近富民路 3) 石门一路 70 号,近
Le Salon Boasting an international team
with more than 15 years’ experience, LE
SALON with a unique French style is the
expert in hair color & blond highlights and
international brand offering. Welcome to a
unique experience dedicated to your hair
and beauty. Unit332, Bld3, Surpass Court, 570
Yongjia Lu, by Yueyang Lu (6074 0365) 永嘉路
Regus Serviced Office 雷格斯服务式办公室
• Flexible office leases from 1 day to 1 year
• Quick and easy to set up for 1-200 people
• Prices from RMB180 per month
• Find more on Regus.cn
• Tel: 400 120 1207
One Corporate Avenue 上海企业天地中心
15/F, One Corporate Avenue, No.222 Hubin
Road, Huangpu District 上海市黄浦区湖滨路
Helen Nail Spa A long-time favorite among
locals and expats alike, Helen Nail Spa
is much more than a nail spa; they have
a variety of pampering treatments and
excellent waxing services. 1) 120 Nanchang
Lu, by Yandang Lu (5383 8957) Daily 10am10pm 2) No 6, Lane 819 Julu Lu, by Fumin Lu
(5403 7802) 3) 70 Shimen yi Lu, by Dagu Lu
(6333 7535). 1) 南昌路 120 号 , 近雁荡路 2) 巨鹿
常熟路 2) 安福路 275 弄 1 号 , 近武康路
号 , 近思南路 2) 长顺路 38-1 号 , 近安顺路
LE REXO - Exclusive High-End western &
Chinese style furniture, LE REXO’s pieces are
100 percent made-to-order, custom-made
and hand-crafted from precious woods like
elm, rosewood, ebony, sandalwood etc.
Upholstered pieces like armchairs and sofas
made in a variety of sumptuous fabrics and
leathers are also available. In addition, LE
REXO offers interior design & decoration
services for professionals and individuals.
2/F, No.20, Lane 383, Xiangyang Nan Lu, by
Yongjia Lu (5213 0016) Tue-Sat, 12.30-6pm,
www.lerexo.com 樂蕊歐,襄阳南路 383 弄 20
1515 号静安嘉里中心 E3-04, 近常德路 2) 南京西
路 1601 号芮欧百货 B1-120, 近常德路 3) 花木路
1378 号嘉里城 B1-31B, 近芳甸路
Garden Square 上海嘉地广场 [New]
11/F, Garden Square, No.968 West Beijing
Road, Jing’an District 上海市静安区北京西路
Zhabei Centro 上海恒汇国际大厦
22/F, Zhabei Centro, No.568 Hengfeng Road,
Zhabei District 上海市闸北区恒丰路 568 号恒汇
Essie Nail Salon Providing superior nail
services and hands & feet spa using high
quality products, essie nail is a leading
luxurious nail salon in town with licensed
technicians and highly trained staff. 1) E3-04
Kerry Center, 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Changde
Lu (5273 7627) 2) B1-120 Reel Mall, 1601
Nanjing Xi Lu, by Changde Lu (6271 7772) 3)
B1-31B Kerry Parkside, 1378 Huamu Lu, by
Fangdian Lu. Daily 10am-10pm 1) 南京西路
Diva Life Nail & Beauty Lounge Just three
minutes’ walk from the trendy “Tianzifang”,
down a quiet lane in the middle of the hustle
and bustle of the French Concession, Diva
Life is a wonderful location to while away a
couple of hours treating yourself a massage,
facial, waxing, manicure or pedicure. The
American and Taiwanese owners strictly
follows Swiss clean hygiene standard and
have imported Dermalogica, OPI and Calgel
products to ensure you the best quality
services with affordable prices. English
speaking staff here will help you organize all
kinds of spa parties for big and small divas.
266 Ruijin Er Lu, by Taikang Lu (5465 7291)
10am-10pm www.mydivalife.com/Home/
Index.aspx 瑞金二路 266 号 , 近泰康路
号上海商城东峰 209 室 , 近西康路 2) 丁香路 1380
号 , 近迎春路 3) 陆家嘴西路 168 号正大广场地下
二层 F1A-06 室 , 近陆家嘴环路 4) 富城路 33 号浦
东香格里拉 4 楼 , 近名商路
Health Services
American Medical Center The American
Medical Center (AMC) was founded with
the mission to bring the highest American
standards of healthcare to Shanghai.
AMC provides comprehensive orthopedic
care for all bone, joint, and soft tissue
injuries, as well as internal medicine,
preventive medicine, pain management, and
medical imaging services. AMC’s renowned
physicians have treated US presidents
and professional athletes and bring their
expertise to help patients in Shanghai. MonFri, 9am-6pm. 888 Tianlin Lu, by Lianhua Lu
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
(6485 7333) http://www.amc-shanghai.com.
田林路 888 弄 1 号东楼 , 近莲花路
Bioscor Shanghai Clinic With over 10 years'
experience, Bioscor's team of international
docors and skin specialists are committed to
provide you with the best level of service for
all your cosmetic needs such as Botox, Filler,
Pixel, Cutera, Ulthera, Microdermabrasion,
Chemical Peel, Vein Therapy and Cosmetic
Sugerys. 1) No.5, Lane89 Xingguo Lu, by
Hunan Lu (6431 8899) 9am-6pm info@
bioscor.com.cn www.bioscor.com.cn. 2) 2/F,
Zhongrong Jasper Tower, 8 Yincheng Zhong
Lu, by Pudong Nan Lu (6859 0020) 1) 兴国路
89 弄 5 号 , 近湖南路 2) 银城中路 8 号中融碧玉蓝
天大厦 , 近浦东南路
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics 1) 211
Chengjiaqiao Zhi Lu, by Hongmei Lu (6461
6550) Mon- Fri: 9am-6pm; Sat: 10am-3pm
2) 14/F, An Ji Plaza, 760 Xizang Nan Lu, by
Jian’guo Xin Lu (5101 9262) Mon-Wed & Fri:
9am- 6pm; Thu: 9am-8pm; Sat: 10am-3pm 3)
6/F, Four Seasons Hotel, 500 Weihai Lu, by
Shimen Yi Lu (5101 9262) Tue & Thu 10am8pm; Wed-Fri: 10am-6pm; Sat: 10am-7pm 4)
Rm1303 Jin Ying Bld. (B), 1518 Minsheng Lu,
by Hanxiao Lu (6162 0361) Mon- Fri: 9am6pm; Sat: 10am-3pm pudong@bodyandsoul.
com.cn www.tcm-shanghai.com 1) 程家桥支
路 211 号 , 近虹梅路 2) 西藏南路 760 号安基大厦
14 楼 5 室 , 近建国新路 3) 威海路 500 号四季酒店
6 楼 , 近石门一路 4) 民生路 1518 号金鹰大厦 B 座
1303 室 , 近含笑路
Global HealthCare Medical & Dental Center
– Puxi Suite 303, Eco City 1788Nanjing Xi Lu,
by Wulumuqi Bei Lu (5298 6339, 5298 0593)
南京西路 1788 号 1788 国际中心 303 室 , 近乌鲁
Global HealthCare Medical & Dental
Center – Pudong Shop 212, Shanghai World
Financial Center, 100 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui
Huan Lu (6877 5093, 6877 5993 ) 世纪大道 100
号上海环球金融中心商场 212 室 , 近陆家嘴环路
IMCC Founded in 1993, International Medical Care Center of Shanghai General Hospital
was the first join-venture medical facility in
town, providing medical treatments, health
care and physical examinations by professional medical team and nurses who have
a good command of foreign languages.
1) 585 Jiulong Lu, by Wujin Lu (6324 3852)
2) 650 Xin Songjiang Lu, by Jiasong Nan Lu
(3779 8630) www.firsthospital.cn 1) 九龙路
585 号 , 近武进路 2) 松江区新松江路 650 号 , 近嘉
Shanghai Aier Eye Hospital Shanghai
Aier Eye Hospital, which was founded by
the largest chain ophthalmology center
in China, is a first-rate, comprehensive
ophthalmic medical center and hospital
that provides excellent English service for
expats. 1286Hongqiao Lu, by Songyuan Lu
(3251 9930) Mon-Sun: 8.30am-5.30pm ipsc@
aier021.com en.aier021.com/ 虹桥路 1286 号 ,
Massage & Spa
Chi Spa CHI, the Spa at Shangri-La, offers
massages and treatments that are based
on authentic natural healing methods
found in the traditional well-being practices
shared by many Asian cultures. 6/F, Tower
2, Pudong Shangri-La, 33 Fucheng Lu, by
Mingshang Lu (5877 1503) 10-12am www.
shangri-la.com/en/corporate/chi 富城路 33 号
上海浦东香格里拉大酒店二座 6 楼 , 近名商路
Chuan Spa This world-class spa located
within the new Langham Hotel specializes in
traditional Chinese treatments. Designed for
contemplation and inspiration, rediscover
your inner self with an escape to a spa
treatment in any of the four luxurious
therapy rooms. 3/F, The Langham, Yangtze
Boutique, 740 Hankou Lu, by Xizang Zhong
Lu (6080 0722) 10am-10.30pm tlsha.info@
chuanspa.com www.chuanspa.com/en/
Shanghai/上海人民广场朗廷扬子精品酒店 3 楼 ,
汉口路 740 号 , 近西藏中路
Dragonfly 1) 2/F, 559 Nanchang Lu, by
Shaanxi Nan Lu (5456 1318) 2) 206Xinle Lu,
by Fumin Lu (5403 9982) Daily 10-2am 3)
2/F, 218 Xinle Lu, by Fumin Lu (6327 1193)
Daily 11-2am 4) L119, 1378 Huamu Lu, by
Fangdian Lu (6469 7258) 11-12am 5) Villa
5, 3911 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (6242
4328) Daily 9-2am 6) 193 Jiaozhou Lu, by
Xinzha Lu (5213 5778) Daily 10-2am 7) LG247 IFC, 8 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu
(6878 5008) 8) 616 Biyun Lu, by Yunshan
Lu (5835 2118) 9) SB1-05B, B1 South Retail,
Jingan Kerry Centre, 1218 Yan'an Zhong Lu,
by Changde Lu (6266 0018) 1) 南昌路 559 号 2
楼 , 近陕西南路 2) 新乐路 206 号 , 近富民路 3) 新
乐路 218 号 2 楼 , 近富民路 4) 花木路 1378 号浦
东嘉里城 L119 单元 , 近芳甸路 5) 虹梅路 3911 号
5 号别墅 , 近延安西路 6) 胶州路 193 号 , 近新闸路
7) 世纪大道 8 号国金中心 LG2-47, 近陆家嘴环路
8) 碧云路 616 号 , 近云山路 9) 延安中路 1218 号
静安嘉里中心商场南区地下一楼 SB1-05B (25 号
商铺 ), 近常德路
Green Massage 1) 58 Taicang Lu, by
Jinan Lu (5386 0222) Daily 10.30-2am 2)
88 Xingeng Lu, by Tianyao Qiao Lu (6468
7076) 11.30-1am 3) Rm304, 3/F SWFC, 100
Shiji Dadao, by Dongtai Lu (6877 8188)
10.30-12am 4) Rm 202 Shanghai Centre,
1376Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu (6289 7776)
10.30-12am 5) Rm305, 3/F K11 Art Mall, 300
Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Huangpi Nan Lu (6385
8800; www.greenmassage.com.cn) 10.3012.30am 6) 5) 68 Taicang Lu, by Shunchang
Lu (6384 1356) 10.30-2am 1) 太仓路 58 号 , 近
济南路 2) 辛耕路 88 号 , 近天钥桥路 3) 上海环球
金融中心 3 楼 304 室 , 世纪大道 100 号 , 近东泰
路 4) 南京西路 1376 号上海商城西峰 202 室,近
西康路 5) 淮海中路 300 号 K11 购物艺术中心 3 楼
305 室 , 近黄陂南路 6) 太仓路 68 号 , 近顺昌路
Shanghai East International Medical Center
has been providing quality 24-hour care to
the international community since 2003.
The teams of highly-respected multinational
doctors provide a wide range of services for
multinational corporations, international
schools, consulates, hotels, and families
from all over the world. Mon– Fri 9am –
8pm, Sat-Sun 9am – 6pm. 150 Jimo Lu, by
Pudong Dadao (5879 9999/150-0019-0899,
care@seimc.com.cn) www.seimc.com.cn 即
墨路 150 号 , 近浦东大道
Shanghai United Family Hospital and
Clinics 1) 1139 Xianxia Lu, by Qingxi Lu (2216
3900, 2216 3999) Mon-Sat: 8.30am-5.30pm
2) Shanghai Racquet Club, Lane 555 Jinfeng
Lu, by Baole Lu Mon-Sat 9am-5pm 3) 1/F,
area A & B, 525 Hongfeng Lu, by Mingyue Lu
(5030 9907) Mon-Sat: 8.30am-5.30pm 4) 8
Quankou Lu, by Linquan Lu Mon-Sat: 8am5.30pm www.ufh.com.cn 1) 仙霞路 1139 号 ,
近青溪路 2) 金丰路 555 弄上海网球俱乐部内 , 近
保乐路 3) 红枫路 525 号 A&B 区 1 楼 , 近明月路
4) 泉口路 8 号 , 近林泉路
Sunray Clinic The first international
medical facility in Shanghai dedicated to
personalized professional care for children.
From Traditional to Western medicines,
children to adults, preventative medicine to
rehabilitation, it’s here to serve and protect
the most precious asset of all your family.
Mon-Fri 8.30am-6pm, Sat-Sun 9am-6pm 1)
Gubei: 85 Yili Nan Lu, by Guyang Lu (5477
6480) 2)Xuhui:No.1, Lane 718 Yongjia Lu, by
Hengshan Lu (3469 1700) 3)Pudong: Room
101, No.58 Changliu Lu, by Dingxiang Lu
(6868 0119) 1) 伊犁南路 85 号 , 近古羊路 2) 永
嘉路 718 弄 1 号 , 近衡山路 3) 浦东长柳路 58 号
101 室 , 近丁香路
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Neil massage Founded in 2006, Neil massage offers exclusive Chinese massages highlighting professional male massages.
English service available. 10am-4am. (3255
6831, 13788920568) 891 Fahuazhen Lu, by
Yan’an Xi Lu 法华镇路 891 号心满益足养生会馆 ,
Royal Orchid Thai Massage Traditional Thai
Massage offered by Thai therapists, the
store is recognized by Royal Thai ConsulateGeneral. 1) 216 Jinxian Lu, by Shaanxi Nan Lu
(6267 0235) 2) 1029 Meihua Lu, by Fangdian
Lu (6184 8680) 1) 进贤路 216 号,近陕西南路 2)
梅花路 1029 号 , 近芳甸路
Talise Spa located in Jumeirah Himalayas
Shanghai, it is an oasis of Oriental healing
combining traditional wellbeing wisdom.
With the latest international high-tech
products and spa luxuries, Talise Spa offers
a wide range of facials and Talise massages.
Guests of Talise Spa also get access to
the hotel’s 24-hour fitness centre, indoor
swimming pool, etc. Advanced reservation
is required. 1108 Mei Hua Lu, by Fangdian
Lu (3858 8888 ext. 7200, jhhspa@jumeirah.
com) 10.30am-10.30pm 梅花路 1108 号,近芳
The Peninsula Spa Escape from the hustle
city life and enjoy massages, facials or
make-up applications, it is the first spa in
公寓 6 号裙楼 3 楼近镇宁路
Shanghai Redleaf International Women and
Infants Center; Shanghai Redleaf International Women's Hospital 1209 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Donghu Lu 8am-5pm, 24/7
(6196 3333) marketing@redleafhospital.com
www.redleafhosptial.com 淮海中路 1209 号 ,
Shirley Massage Shirley massage has more
than a decade of professional pampering
know-how and is renowned for its
professional services. There are currently
nine branches in Shanghai. 1) 84 Ziyun Xi
Lu, by Loushanguan Lu (3255 1382) 102am 2) 28 Xingeng Lu, by Wanping Nan Lu
(6468 7321) 10-2am 3) 935 Xinzha Lu, by
Taixing Lu (6208 9589) 4) 75 Shuicheng Nan
Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (6208 7032) 5) 4F, No.
3211 HongMei Lu (City shop) (3468 8306,
6405 1676) 6) 2/F,17 Shuicheng Nan Lu, by
Ronghua Dong Dao (6209 5849, 6270 2506)
7) 2/F Goldren Bridge Mansion, 2077 Yan’an
Xi Lu, by Zunyi Nan Lu (6270 2682) 8) 68
Taicang Lu, by Shunchang Lu (6387 0090) 9)
2F, Wujin Century Mansion, No.291, Fumin
Lu, close to Changle Lu (6136 9517) www.
shylxl.com 1) 紫云西路 84 号 , 近娄山关路 2) 辛
VIP Maternity&GYN Center This is a
reputable chain of hotel-style VIP Maternity
& GYN Centres delivering premium Obstetric
and Gynaecological (“OB/GYN”) services.
There services include prenatal examinations,
examinations, genetic consulting, general
examinations, minor operatio VIP13-15/F,
1961 Huashan Lu, by Changle Lu (6407 0399,
5288 9999) Daily 8am-10pm www.upmg.us 华
耕路 28 号 , 近宛平南路 3) 新闸路 935 号 , 近泰兴
路 4) 水城南路 75 号 , 近延安西路 5) 虹梅路 3211
号 4F 城市超市楼上 6) 水城南路 17 号万科广场东
南 2 楼 , 近荣华东道 7) 延安西路 2077 号金桥大厦
2 楼 , 近遵义南路 8) 太仓路 68 号 , 近顺昌路 9) 富
民路 291 号悟锦世纪大楼 2 楼 , 近长乐路
Yu Massage Step into a tranquil dynastic
setting when you cross the threshold of
this spa, adorned in antique Chinesestyle decorations. Matching the decor, the
services are primarily Chinese, offering
Chinese massage, aroma oil massage
and foot massage. 1) 366 Wuyuan Lu, by
Wukang Lu (5403 9931) 11-1:30am 2) 199
Huangpi Bei Lu, by Renmin Dadao 10am1:30am (6315 2915) www.yumassage.cn 1)
五原路 366 号 , 近武康路 2) 黄陂北路 199 号,近
V2 V2 Day Spa creates ultimate spa pamper
integrated with traditional Chinese and
European therapies, aiming to encourage
beauty, wellness, relaxation and intimacy, be
it experienced alone or with your loved one.
Andaz Xintiandi, 88 Songshan Lu, by Taicang
Lu. Daily 10am-11pm (6314 0802) 嵩山路 88
号安达仕酒店 , 近太仓路
Waldorf Astoria Spa The Waldorf Astoria
Spa offers an international elixir of luxury
spa experiences delivered by a team of
highly skilled therapists. Each experience
is enhanced by purest exquisite products
selected from around the globe, sending
you on a journey of enlightenment. 3/F, 2
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu
(6322 9988-3620) Daily10am-10pm 中山东一
路 2 号外滩华尔道夫酒店 3 楼 , 近广东路
Health Service
Shanghai Redleaf International Women
and Infants Center; Shanghai Redleaf International Women's Hospital 1209 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Donghu Lu 8am-5pm, 24/7
(6196 3333) marketing@redleafhospital.com
www.redleafhosptial.com 淮海中路 1209 号 ,
Shanghai offering award-winning Biologique
Recherche skincare treatments and facial
products. 3/F, The Peninsula Shanghai, 32
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu
(2327 6599), Mon-Fri 11am – 12am; Sat-Sun
10am – 12am; treatment reservation begins
at 10am. 中山东一路 32 号,上海半岛酒店 3 楼,
American-Sino OB/GYN/Pediatrics Services
ASOG was founded in 2003. We provide a
comprehensive array of on-site services for
women and children by certified specialists
from overseas and China. Our facilities
located in the city center are comfortable
and equipped with state-of-the-art
technology. We are committed to providing
quality, compassionate, and personalized
healthcare with international standards.
Our medical staffs are bilingual in English
and Chinese.Opening Hours Monday-Friday
9:00--20:00 Saturday-Sunday9:00--17:00
Vaccination for children is not available after
5pm Direct billing with over 30 international
insurance companies 1) Inpatient: 14/F,
Complex Building Huashan Hospital, 12
Wulumuqi Zhong Lu, by Changle Lu (6249
3246, 5288 7240) 2) Outpatient: 3/F, Block
6, Clove Apartment, 800 Huashan Lu, by
Zhenning Lu (6210 2299) Mon-Fri 9am-8pm,
Sat- Sun 9am-5pm 1) 乌鲁木齐中路 12 号华山医
院综合楼 14 楼 , 近长乐路 . 2) 华山路 800 弄丁香
山路 1961 号贵宾楼 13-15 层 , 近长乐路
Karma Life Yoga This large newly renovated
high-end studio in Pudong offers a diverse
range of styles and classes, including
Ashtanga, Anusara, Hot yoga, soft Yin
and Basics. The teachers are top notch
and international, with world-renowned
visiting guest teachers offering workshops
and teacher trainings. Classrooms are
spacious and bright, and changing areas
are clean and stylish. Classes taught in both
Chinese and English. 1) 160 Pucheng Lu, by
Shangcheng Lu (5882 4388, 150 0003 0588)
Daily 9am-10pm info@karmayoga.com.cn
www.karmayoga.com.cn 2) 2nd floor, No.
758 South Xizang Lu 1) 浦城路 160 号 , 近商城
路 2) 西藏南路 758 号 2 楼
The Pure Yoga Shanghai flagship studio is
located at iapm mall on 999 Huaihai Middle
Road, in the heart of Shanghai’s shopping
district. Pure is Asia’s leading lifestyle brand
and is proud to extend its foothold in
Shanghai after Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei
and New York. Pure Yoga brings to our city
its yoga and fitness expertise, a team of
passionate and internationally recognized
instructors, plus exciting workshops and
teacher training conducted by renowned
yoga masters. L6-615, iapm mall, 999 huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Shaanxi Nan Lu 淮海中路 999 号
环贸 iapm 商场 L6-615, 近陕西南路
Y+ Yoga Centre Whether you are looking
to develop your spiritual wellbeing, body
toning or just socialise with the hip young
crowd, Y + Yoga Centre will have the right
class for you. 1) 2/F, Bldg2, 299Fuxing Xi Lu,
by Huashan Lu (6433 4330) Daily 6.45am
- 8.45pm info@yplus.com.cn www.yplus.
com.cn 2) 3/F, 308 Anfu Lu, by Wukang Lu
(6437 2121) info@yplus.com.cn 3) 2/F, 202
Hubin Lu, by Shunchang Lu (6340 6161) Daily
7.30am-8.45pm info@yplus.com.cn 1) 复兴西
路 299 号 2 号楼 2 楼 , 近华山路 2) 安福路 308 号
3 楼 , 近武康路 3) 湖滨路 202 号 2 楼 , 近顺昌路
Body Concept Pilates Studio Focusing
on Pilates and GYROTONIC:emoji:
exercise methods as well as rehabilitation
services through Pilates trained professional
physiotherapists, Body Concept Pilates
studio holds a variety of classes for every
fitness level from reformer, mat Pilates, to
studio/rehab Pilates, GYROKINESIS:emoji:
and GYROTONIC:emoji:. Join a group class
or a personalized one on one session and
enjoy the fun and challenging experience. 1)
Rm508, 3211 Hongmei Lu, by Huaguang Lu
(3468 1328, www.bodyconceptpilates.com)
2) 5/F, Yunhai Garden, 118 Qinghai Lu, by
Weihai Lu (6218 6236, www.bodyconceptpilates.com) 1) 虹梅路 3211 号 508-9 室 , 近华
光路 2) 青海路 118 号云海苑 5 楼 , 近威海路
Bodyworks Pilates Studio Bodyworks
pilates, physiotherapy, corrective and
functional exercise studio. Unit A/B, 12/F,
Joy Tower, 9 Zhenning Lu, by Zhaohua Dong
Lu (5238 5750, richard@bodyworksasia.cn)
7am-9pm 镇宁路 9 号 , 近昭化东路
The Orange Room Wellness Center
Equipped with the latest V2 max reformers,
stability chairs, ladder barrels and more,
the Orange Room Wellness Center
provides group and private classes on
yoga, equipment-based Pilates and mats
Pilates, which are trained by internationally
certified and trained multi-lingual instructors
and wellness specialists. 7B, St. Laurent
Building, No.201, Lane 3215 Hongmei Lu, by
Chengjiaqiao Zhi Lu (6406 3642) 虹梅路 3215
弄 201 号圣伦兰商务楼 7 楼 B 室 , 近程家桥支路
shanghai.de/ 上海德国学校 1) 高光路 350 号 , 近
诸光路 2) 巨峰路 1100 号 , 近金高路
Dulwich College International School
266 Lan’an Lu, by Mingyue Lu (5899 9910)
Admissions@dulwich-shanghai.cn http://
www.dulwich-shanghai.cn 上海德威英国国际
学校 , 蓝桉路 266 号 , 近明月路
Lycée Francais de Shanghai 1) No.30,
Lane 399 Zhuguang Lu, by Gaoguang Lu
(3976 0555) 2) Bldg D, 1555 Jufeng Lu, by
Shenjiang Lu (6897 6589) 上海法语学校 , 1) 诸
光路 399 弄 30 号 , 近高光路 2) 巨峰路 1555 号 D
楼 , 近申江路
Rainbow Bridge International School 2381
Hongqiao Lu, by Hongjing Lu (6268 9773)
http://www.rbischina.org 虹桥国际学校 , 虹桥
Concordia International School Shanghai
999 Mingyue Lu, by Yunshan Lu (5899 0380)
admissions@ciss.com.cn http://www.ciss.
com.cn 上海协和国际学校 , 明月路 999 号 , 近云
Shanghai American School 1) 1600 Lingbai
Gong Lu, by Chaoyang Lu (6221 1445) 2) 258
Jinfeng Lu, by Beiqing Gong Lu (6221 1445)
Deutsche Schule Shanghai 1) 350
Gaoguang Lu, by Zhuguang Lu (3976 0555)
2) 1100 Jufeng Lu, by Jingao Lu (6897 5508)
info@dsshanghai.org.cn http://www.ds-
路 2381 号 , 近虹井路
上海美国学校 , 1) 凌白公路 1600 号 , 近朝阳路 2)
金丰路 258 号 , 近北青公路
Shanghai Singapore International School
1) 301 Zhujian Lu, by Lianyou Lu (6221 9288)
2) 1455 Huajing Lu, by Lao Humin Lu (6496
5550) 上海新加坡国际学校 , 1) 朱建路 301 号 ,
近联友路 2) 华泾路 1455 号 , 近老沪闵路
dedicated to preparing childern through
the ages of 3 to 18 for there future and the
21st century 555 Lianmin Lu, by Huqingping
Highway (6976 6388, 136 6189 8631, 6976
6969) admission@wiss.cn http://www.wiss.cn
Shanghai United International School 1)
999 Hongquan Lu, by Jinhui Lu (3431 0090)
2) 248 Hongsong Dong Lu, by Yaohong
Lu (5175 3030) 3) 48 Xueye Lu, by Yuntai
Lu (5886 9990) 4) 185 Longming Lu, by
Baochun Lu (5417 8143) 5) 55 Wanyuan Lu,
by Tianlin Lu (6480 9986) 上海协和双语学校 ,
上海西华国际学校 , 联民路 555 号 , 近沪青平公路
Wellington College International
Shanghai1500 Yaolong Lu, by Yaoti Lu 5185
3866, www.wellington-shanghai.cn info@
wellington-shanghai.cn) 耀龙路 1500 号 , 近耀
1) 荣华西道 18 号 , 近古羊路 2) 东绣路 1433 号 ,
近杨高南路 3) 水城路 11 号 , 近虹桥路 4) 花木路
1817 号 , 近柳杉路
1) 虹泉路 999 号 , 近金汇路 2) 红松东路 248 号 ,
近姚虹路 3) 雪野路 48 号 , 近云台路 4) 龙茗路
185 号 , 近报春路 5) 万源路 55 号 , 近田林路
The British International School 1) 111
Jinguang Lu, Huacao Town, by Baole Lu (5226
3211) 2) 600 Cambridge Forest New Town,
2729 Hunan Gong Lu, by Xiukang Lu (5812
7455) 上海英国学校浦西校区 , 1) 华漕镇金光路
111 号 , 近保乐路 2) 沪南公路 2729 弄康桥半岛
600 号 , 近秀康路
Western International School of Shanghai
The Western International School of
Shanghai (WISS) is an IB world school
Yew Chung International School of
Shanghai 1) 18 Ronghua Xi Dao, by Guyang
Lu (6219 5910) 2) 1433 Dongxiu Lu, by Yanggao Nan Lu (5045 6475) 3) 11 Shuicheng Lu,
by Hongqiao Lu (6242 3243) 4) 1817 Huamu
Lu, by Liushan Lu (5033 1900) 耀中国际学校 ,
YK Pao school This is a school offering a
bilingual programme integrating Chinese
students with international cultures. It
was founded in memory of businessman,
statesman and philanthropist Sir Yue-Kong
Pao, and prides itself in involving students
community service as No.20, Lane1251,
Wudingxi Lu, by Jiangsu Lu (6167 1999)
contactus@ykpaoschool.cn http://www.
ykpaoschool.cn/ 包玉刚实验学校 , 武定西路
1251 弄 20 号 , 近江苏路
BY JULY 31,2015
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Ascott Huai Hai Road Shanghai
Ascott Huai Hai Road Shanghai is located
in the most prestigious commercial area
of Shanghai. It is just a short walk from
the famous Xintiandi, the city’s premier
lifestyle and entertainment hub with a
myriad of restaurants, cafés, bars and
No 282 Huaihai Road Central, Luwan
District, Shanghai 200021, China
Reservations Telephone
400 820 1028 (local toll-free)
(86-512) 6763 1020
Reservations Facsimile
(86-512) 6763 1022
GDS Chain Code UZ
Email enquiry.china@the-ascott.com
Ascott Raffles City Chengdu
No. 3, Section 4, South Renmin Road,
Wuhou District, Chengdu 610041, China
Post code: 610041
Telephone: (86-28) 6268 2888
Facsimile: (86-28) 6268 2889
GDS Code: AZ
Reservations Telephone: 400 820 1028
(China toll-free) ; (86-512) 6763 1021
Email: enquiry.china@the-ascott.com
Central Residences II
sits on the Huashan Lu,offers 2 to
4 bedrooms and penthouse service
apartments, with sizes ranging from
approximately 135 square meters to 580
square meters. With warm colors, subtle
textures and spacious floor plans creating
a feeling of cozy simplicity, this luxurious
development brings quality to life at every
turn. The five star health club provides
indoor swimming pool, tennis and squash
courts, sauna and jacuzzi facilities for
your rejuvenation, while the 24 hour oncall security service and full-time concierge
ensure you privacy and peace of mind. For
details, please call leasing department at
6226 6633 or inquiry@kerryprops.com.cn
Citadines Shanghai Biyun
Address: Lane 450 Hongfeng Road, Jinqiao
Export Processing Zone, Pudong, Shanghai
201206, China
Reservations Telephone 400 820 1028
(local toll-free)
(86-512) 6763 1020
Reservations Facsimile (86-512) 6763
Telephone (86-21) 3860 2288
Facsimile (86-21) 3860 2000
GDS Chain Code UZ
Email enquiry.china@the-ascott.com
Website: www.citadines.com
Citadines Shanghai Jinqiao
Address: 55 Beijing Xi Road, Huangpu
District, Shanghai 200003, China
Reservations Telephone 400 820 1028
(local toll-free)
(86-512) 6763 1020
Reservations Facsimile (86-512) 6763
Telephone (86-21) 2308 6666
Facsimile (86-21) 2308 6688
GDS Chain Code UZ
Email enquiry.china@the-ascott.com
Website: www.citadines.com
Fraser Suites Top Glory
New Year with Fraser Suites Top Glory
Shanghai. Joy preferential in Christmas
& New Year and …some fun! From 20th
Dec 2013 to 9th Feb 2014, when staying
2 Bedroom Premier Suite, you can have
complimentary daily breakfast and free
internet access, welcome hamper and
usage of club house facilities, RMB1,988
net @ Fraser Suites Top Glory Shanghai.
Tel: 6378 8888 Email: sales.fsshanghai@
Add: No.1, Lane 600 Central Yincheng
Road, Lujiazui, Pudong New District,
ifc residence 国金汇
8 Century Avenue (near Huayuanshiqiao
世纪大道 8 号,近花园石桥路
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Fraser Residence Shanghai
Situated on the Puxi side, Fraser Residence
Shanghai is just a block from Huaihai Road
and XinTianDi, Shanghai's bustling hub
for business, shopping and entertainment.
Fraser Residence Shanghai features 324
Gold-Standard, contemporary apartments
and excellent facilities. Each room installed
air purification , water filer and soft water
system. All that remains the same is its
prime location and award-winning Fraser
98 Shouning Road, Shanghai, 200021 P. R.
Reservation Hotline/ Toll Free: 800 820
Email: sales.frshanghai@frasershospitality.
Website: www.frasershospitality.com
Lanson Place Jinlin Tiandi Serviced
Lanson Place Jinlin Tiandi luxury serviced
apartments overlook the fashionable and
historic Xintiandi entertainment area
as well as the tranquil lake beyond. The
serviced apartments are in generous
three bedroom layouts with contemporary
furnishings, well equipped bathrooms and
kitchens. On property is an indoor heated
swimming pool and exercise room for
exclusive use of our residences guests.
No. 3, Lane 168 Xingye Road, HuangPu
District,Shanghai 200020, China
Tel: (86) 21 2306 1888
Email: enquiry.lpjt@lansonplace.com
Lanson Place Jin Qiao Residences
Lanson Place Jin Qiao Residences is in
the vibrant Pudong New District. The
one- and two-bedroom homes are close
to expatriate communities, international
schools and European supermarkets. With
each residence furnished in a comfortable
residential style, with a fully, fitted kitchen,
an entertainment centre and high speed
internet connections. Right next to the
property is a landscaped garden over
10,000sqm and a complex of shopping,
restaurants and recreational facilities.
No.18, Lane 399 Zao Zhuang Road,
Pudong New District, Shanghai 200136,
Tel: (86) 21 5013 3592
Fax: (86) 21 5013 9441
Email: enquiry.lpjq@lansonplace.com
103 Zhu An Bang (E)Road Shanghai, China
Hotline: 021-6210-0296
Oakwood Residence Shanghai
The newly opened Oakwood Residence
Shanghai is located in Wuning Road,
amidst a mixed use development housing a
shopping mall and an office tower.
The 112 well appointed studio, 1, 2 and
3 bedroom apartments are ideal for both
short and long term stays. Contemporary
furniture, comprehensive entertainment
system with LCD TV , DVD player and
stereo system, in-room safe, fully equipped
kitchen with electric stove, refrigerator,
toaster, coffeemaker, microwave oven,
complete set of crockery, cutlery and
cooking utensils, and a washing machine
and dryer in every apartment, are just
some of the things to make your stay
more comfortable.
Adress:103 Wuning Road,Putuo District
Shanghai 200063 China
Tel (86-21) 6183 0830
Fax (86-21) 6183 0888
E-mail: resshanghai@oakwoodasia.com
Website: www.oakwoodasia.com
Office at Kerry Parkside
An elegant and grade-A office tower, Office
at Kerry Parkside situated in Pudong’s
most unique location, directly connected
to Shanghai’s transportation network and
conveniently close to Pudong International
Airport. The 43-floor, 92,000m2 office
tower features spectacular views of
Century Park.
No.1155 Fangdian Lu, Pudong, by Huamu
Lu, Metro Line 7 Huamu Lu Station Tel:
5033 2777
Savills Residence Hongqiao
Our International team of Interior
Designers have provided a timeless and
stylish backdrop for your home. Fully
furnished and equipped One, Two and
Three Bedroom apartments include all the
following features:
• Gas hob, microwave and dishwasher
• Conventional full size oven
• Washing Machine and Tumble Dryer
• Customized climate control with under
floor heating
• Home entertainment system incorporating satellite multi-channel TV, DVD and
sound system
• High speed internet throughout
Our two bedroom apartment interiors
offer the perfect balance of elegance and
sophistication, with large family dining
space.( 2 bedroom size: 136 sqm, Rental
from RMB 26000-31000)
The three bedroom apartments are
perfect for the family with well-appointed
living and dining space. Plenty of storage
well designed bedrooms with study and
relaxation areas and master en-suite
bathrooms are just some of the details
that make these apartments so special.
(3 bedroom size: 160/173 sqm, Rental
from RMB 31000-41000)
Savills Residence Century Park
Set within a private and secure residential community,Savills Residence Century Park offers 65 exquisitely designed, fully furnished serviced apartments with a variety of different layouts that range from one &twobedroom apartments to three-bedroom penthouses, many with their own terrace or private gardens.
CALL US FOR MORE INFORMATION:(8621)51976688 info@savillsresidence.com
No.1703, Lane 1883, Huamu Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai,
201303, PRC
Serviced residences at Kerry Parkside
Kerry Parkside prides itself in providing
residents with all the comforts of home,
in every one of our 182 fully furnished
premium serviced apartments over 28
floors. Choose from spacious and efficient
1-bedroom to 4-bedroom penthouse units
to suit your particular lifestyle needs. The
Premier Penthouse units come with their
own spacious rooftop terraces. Lease
terms are flexible, marking the Residences
at Kerry Parkside an ideal choice for
both short and long-term stays. No.1398
Huamu Lu, Pudong, by Fangdian Lu,
Metro Line 7 Huamu Lu Station Tel:5033
8167 , kpenquiry@kerrycityprops.com.cn
Shops at Kerry Parkside
Kerry Parkside Shops has 45,000 m2
of retail and leisure space, out of a fully
integrated development of 330, 000
m2. The shopping centre offers a largescale premium supermarket, a myriad
of casual and fine dining choices, top
international fashion brands, personal
and beauty services, toys and children’s
wear and many more, amounting to
well over a hundred shops all working
together to become the newest and most
desired community hub. 10am-10pm.
Pudong> No.1378 Huamu Lu, Pudong,
by Fangdian Lu, Metro Line 7 Huamu Lu
Station Tel:5033 8155 www.kerryparkside.
com http://weibo.com/kerryparkside
Stanford Residences Jing An
Block 3, Lane 1999 Xin Zha Road, Jing An
District, Shanghai 上海静安区新闸路 1999
Tel: 021-80236288
email: info@stanford-residences.com
Sun & Associates is an interior design firm
that specializes in high-level residential and
office interior design, luxury villas, hotel
clubs and apartments. Design services
include interior planning, decoration,
art consultation, purchasing and project
Tel: (8621) 61171419 Fax: (8621)
Email: thomassundesign@sina.com
Web: www.syydesign.com
Sunrise Property offers honest, reliable
service for people looking to buy or rent
real estate in Shanghai. Specialising
in the former French concession and
Luwan district, our team brings years of
experience to finding the right property for
you. Call Xiaoli on 1302 012 6166 or visit
us in one of our two locations, Jiashan Rd
504 (cnr Jianguo Rd) or Yongjia Rd 282 (cnr
Xiangyang Rd).
THE ONE is located in the business
center of Shanghai’s Jing’an District, five
minutes’ walk from the upscale shops
and metro station on Nanjing Xi Lu and
a short taxi ride to Pudong’s business
district, Xintiandi, the Bund, the French
Concession, making it accessible to
almost anywhere else in the center of
Shanghai.It offers 244 spacious guest
suites and private residences, which,
ranging between 62-600 square meters,
are among the largest in the city. From
Kempinski's proudly traditional flair to
breathtaking Shanghai skyline view, plus
our state-of-the-art in-room facilities and
technologies, we provide a harmonious
balance between work and family life .601
Fengyang Lu by West Nanjin Lu,Jing'an
District(61571688) http://www.kempinski.com 静安区凤阳路 601 号,近南京西路
Reservation Hotline: +86 21 61571688
Website: www.kempinski.com
classifieds index
A-YI services
Shanghai MD maid service
Shanghai MD services is an advanced
household service provider, offers
professional and reliable Ayi/Filipino
and driver to expatriate families.
Service include: onetime cleaning, fulltime and part-time domestic helper,
baby-sitter, tutor, airport pickup and
(delighting your life in shanghai)
Email: md-amanda@foxmail.com
Mobile: 13564880039 amanda
Business center
Regus Business Centre
Premium Business Centre
21 in Shanghai, 70+ in Greater China
Tel: +86 400 120 1205
Regus is the world’s largest provider of
workplace solutions, with products and
services ranging from fully equipped
offices to professional meeting rooms,
business lounges and the world’s largest
network of video communication studios.
Servcorp is the industry-leading,
technologically advanced provider of
the most professional, flexible and
cost-effective serviced office and
virtual office solutions. Tel: +86 400
656 0166 www.servcorp.com.cn
Kerry Center
Level 29 Shanghai Kerry Centre
1515 Nanjing West Road
Jing An District, Shanghai 200040
Close to Jing’An station (Line 2,7)
嘉里中心 29 楼
南京西路 1515 号
靠近静安寺地铁站(2 号线)
Servcorp At the Bund
5th Floor Somekh Building, Bund
149 Yuanmingyuan Road
Huangpu District Shanghai 200002
Close to People Square Station (Line 1,2,8)
圆明园路 149 号
外滩哈密大楼 5 楼
靠近人民广场地铁站(1 号线)
Citigroup Tower
Level 23, Citigroup Tower
33 Huayuanshiqiao Road
Pudong, Shanghai 200120
Close to Lujiazui Station (Line 2)
花旗集团大厦 23 楼
花园石桥路 33 号
靠近陆家嘴地铁站(2 号线)
CATERING services
Cable Services
Harris Corporate Solutions Ltd
Shanghai | Beijing | Guangzhou | Hong Kong
Established since 1972
Shanghai Business Center 第一商务中心
CBD, Grade A Building, Serviced Office
Lujiazui, Huaihai Road, West Nanjing
Road, Hongqiao, Xujiahui
Free Service, Impartial Assessment, Best
Call Green To Viewing:189 1732 8282
The Executive Centre – International
Finance Center
Level 8 & 36, Tower 2, International
Finance Center
No.8 Century Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai
(Lujiazui Station, Line 2)
上海市浦东新区世纪大道8号, 上海国金中心
二期8楼/ 36楼(地铁二号线陆家嘴站)
The Executive Centre – CITIC Square
Level 35, CITIC Square
No.1168 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an
District, Shanghai
(West Nanjing Road Station, Line 2)
上海市静安区南京西路1168号, 中信泰富广
场35楼 (地铁二号线南京西路站)
The Executive Centre – Xintiandi
Level 5, Xintiandi
No.159 Madang Road, Huangpu District,
(South Huangpi Road Station, Line 1)
上海市黄埔区马当路159号, 新天地5楼
The Executive Centre – The Center
Level 20, The Center
No.989 Changle Road, Xuhui District,
Shanghai (Changshu Road Station, Line 1)
上海市徐汇区长乐路989号, 世纪商贸广场
20楼 (地铁一号线常熟路站)
The Executive Centre - Chong Hing
Finance Center
Level 12, Chong Hing Finance Center
No.288 West Nanjing Road, Huangpu
District, Shanghai
(People Square Station, Line 1)
上海市黄浦区南京西路288号, 创兴金融中
心12楼 (地铁一号线人民广场站)
Tinvest Group- boutique serviced office
( Former French concession)
6433 5707 or 18317070380
9F/10F,Dramatic Art Center 288 Anfu
Rd,Xuhui District,Shanghai
Close to Changshu station (Line 1&7),
Close to Shanghai library station (line 10)
#297,Wuyuan Rd
Close to Changshu station (Line 1&7),
Close to Shanghai library station (line 10)
Car rental services
Professional service, save time &
Tel: + 86 21 5447 8361
+ 86 21 5447 8362
Fax: +86 21 5447 8369
Email: info@risingsh.com
Web: http://www.risingsh.com
Shanghai Yichuan Bicycle Rental
We provide you with high quality brand
bikes and bicycle delivery service. Free
advice and free map will be given to you
HOT!!! shanghai bicycle tour available.
we invite Yu Chun, a director of one
international accounting firm to share
her view on bank fraud.
Tel: 400-820-2803
Free, 2:00-3:30pm. 10F, Towel 2, No.
2230, Zhongshan Road West, close to
Yi Shan Road Station(Line3, 4, 9)
Gourmet Traveler
Gourmet traveler caters much more
than just food. With absolute attention
to detail we ensure a personalized
gourmet experience from planning right
through to your special occasion. It’s
what we do
Tel: 5477 9702
or contact Albert on 159 0175 7070
Email: info@gourmettraveler.com.cn
地址 : 红松东路 699 号名都城二期会所 .
邮编 :2011003
WFOE & Rep. Office Set Up
Accounting & Tax Compliance
Payroll, HR & Visa Solutions
Hong Kong & Offshore Company Registration
Hong Kong & China Bank Account Opening
Serving all your business needs for investing in
China. Call us for a free consultation.
Tel: (86)21-6289 8813
Mobile: 189-643-41625
Email: info.sh@harriscorps.com.cn
Super IPTV Congratulations on Super
IPTV 10th Anniversary! We offer 150+
English live TV Channels in Shanghai,
Now only RMB 2200(Original price RMB
2500). Once you confirm Super IPTV
purchase, just send your home address
and mobile to us, we will install it soon.
Our excellent Super IPTV is one of the
best ways to get your favorite channels
including Sky Sports,Super Sports,Seta
World,Discovery,Nat Geo,Disney...
Website: www.superiptv.com
Shopping: www.shop.superiptv.com
Wechat ID: superiptv (add us and live
Email: superiptv@superiptv.com
Mobile: 139 1811 9990 or 133 716
Suite 904, OOCL Plaza, 841 Yan An Zhong
Jing-An District, Shanghai, PRC.
上海市静安区延安中路 841 号东方海外大厦 904 室
Room 2302, E-Tower, No.12 Guanghua Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing, PRC.
北京市朝阳区光华路 12 号数码 01 大厦 2302 室
Room D-E, 11/F., Yueyun Building,3 Zhongshan
2nd Road, Guangzhou, PRC.
广州市中山二路 3 号 ( 东山口 ) 粤运大厦 11 楼 D-E
Hong Kong:
7/F., Hong Kong Trade Centre, 161-167 Des
Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.
香港德辅道中 161-167 号香港贸易中心 7 楼
Hutong School
With 8 years' experience, Hutong
School provides Mandarin courses for
everyone eager to learn Chinese. We
offer standard daily Chinese classes
as well as tailor-made courses for
companies and individuals. We offer
private or group classes, at all levels,
whenever (weekdays or at weekends)
and wherever (at our school, your office
or home).
Tel: (21) 3428 0099
Web: www.hutong-school.com/chinesecourse-in-beijing-shanghai
Email: info@hutongschool.com
76 Wuyuan Lu, House 16, 2F, near
Wulumuqi Lu, Xuhui District, Shanghai
In today’s world, it is easier than
ever to reach across boundaries. The
global environment offers infinite
opportunities—but only to those who
have the right skills. Berlitz helps
individuals and businesses, government
and non-profit organizations develop the
language, cross-cultural and leadership
skills necessary for success.
Pudong, Shanghai Language Center
23/F, Shanghai Stock Exchange Building
(N), 528 Pudong South Road, Shanghai
上海浦东南路 528 号上海证券大厦北塔 23
Tel: 021-6881 0588
Puxi, Shanghai Language Center
35/F, Ciro’s Plaza, 388 Nanjing West
Road, Shanghai
上海南京西路 388 号仙乐斯广场 35 楼
Tel: 021-6334 6262
Gubei Language Center
2D, St. Laurent Building, 3215-201 Alley,
Hongmei Road, Shanghai
上海虹梅路 3215 弄 201 号 圣伦兰商务大楼
Tel: 021-5430 7565
WEB: http://www.berlitz.com.cn/
24M²Large Bedroom For Rent
13th Floor, view, 20GB Broadband,
En-Suite Toilet, IPTV Over 120 International Channels. Steps to North Xizang Rd.
Station, Line 8. 3 Stops Away From People
Square. Rent: 3000 Per Month. Mobile:
Email: gongdouglas@aliyun.com
出租主卧,靠近西藏北路地铁站(8 号线)
Educational Services
1: we offer business registration in
shanghai ( including Free trade zone)
2: Rental housing service: Gubei area,
Jinqiao area, lujiazui area (according to
your budget we will find the best place
for you ).
3: Provide Z/F/L visa, notarized
marriage certificate, notarized birth
certificate /residence permit, Lawyer
4: Trading business: import and export
(including company credit checking
5: Provide factory land rental and
investment business in china
For details pls :
E Mail:opportunityguide@126.com
Web: www.opportunityguidesh.com
Tel: 021-60499118
J&K Investment Consulting Co., Ltd.
WOFE, JV & Rep. Office Set Up.
Visa, Work Permit, Residence Permit.
Tax & Accounting Advisory.
Payroll & HR Solutions.
Trade Mark Registration.
HK & Overseas Company.
Tel: 51179353; 51179360.
Mandarin House Chinese Schools
International quality accredited Chinese
language programs. Whether at your office, home, or our conveniently-located
schools; learn practical and modern
Chinese with experienced teachers. Effective courses include: Conversational
Chinese, Written Chinese, Business
Chinese, HSK Preparation and tailormade Private Tutoring to meet your
specific needs. Mandarin House is an
official registered HSK testing center
as well. Call us or visit our school and
see why more than 20,000 people have
chosen Mandarin House for learning
People's Square
12F, 650 Han Kou Rd
黄浦区汉口路 650 号亚洲大厦 12 楼
Room538, 321 Hong gu Rd
长宁区虹古路 321 号 538 室
8F, 88 North Cao Xi Rd
徐家汇漕溪北路 88 号圣爱广场 801 室
Pudong Lujiazui
11F, 1088 South Pu Dong Rd 浦东新区浦东南路 1088 号中融大厦 11071109 室
TEL:400 633 5538
AIA CFO Forum on Dec 15
This is the 14th CFO Forum AIA (the
Association of International Accountant) has held in Shanghai. This time
Mandarin School
• Step by step
• Blurt Out Idiomatic Chinese
• Speak out your fluent Chinese with
the magic rhythm!
Mandarin School
Full-Time Course
We promise you can speak mandarin
fluently only just in 8 weeks!
May: 4th May (Mon)-26th Jun (Fri) 9:0015:10 (6 class hours)
40RMB~/class hour
60 days for Step by Step Chinese
A miracle of Chinese learning achievements!
We are tailor making the STEP BY STEP
courses for your situation in China like
transportation, shopping, accommodation, oversea travel or any other real
personal needs.
Huaihai Road Campus
No.28 Gaolan Road(Near By Ruijin 2
Tel: 021-5306 7271
Zhongshan Park Campus
Address: Block A, 13F, No.121, Jiangsu
Tel: 6241-8767
i Mandarin
“Ting Bu Dong” is Long gone!
Shanghai Centre Campus
Rm720, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang
南京西路 1376 号上海商城西峰 720 室 , 近
www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
Tel:021- 3222 1028
Xintiandi Campus
Suite1708, 333 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Huangpi Nan Lu
淮海中路 333 号瑞安广场 1708 室 , 近黄陂
Tel:021-3308 0508
Zhongyin Campus
Suite2312, 200 Yincheng Zhong Lu, by
Shiji Dadao
银城中路 200 号中银大厦 2312 室 , 近世纪
Tel:021-5037 2711
Jinqiao Campus
1779 Yunshan, by Biyun Lu
云山路 1779 号 , 近碧云路
Tel:021-6105 9572
Yuandong Campus
Rm1916, Bldg B, 317 Xianxia Lu, by
Gubei Lu 仙霞路 317 号远东国际广场 B 座
1916 室 , 近古北路
Tel:021-5239 2807
Hongqiao Campus
RmC207, Shang-Mi Ra Commercial
Centre, 2633 Yan’an Xi Lu, by Shuicheng Nan Lu
延安西路 2633 号美丽华商务中心 C207 室 ,
Tel:021-3223 1046
Voice of Mandarin
Voice Of Mandarin was established in
2003 and offers a range of courses that
include group classes, private 1-on1 lessons, business Chinese ,survival
Chinese and HSK preparation options
for all Chinese levels.
P.s.Our teacher are all kind and
patient,So don’t hesitate to join us!
Pop Address: Room 1803, No. 1065,
Zhao Jia Bang Rd, Xuhui District,
Shanghai (near Metro City) 200030
Tel:021-64871815 Email:info@
Mandarin City
Mandarin City is dedicated to providing
high quality and professional Chinese
courses for foreigners. It has a good
reputation for achieving results through
excellent teaching and considerate service!
Mandarin City also can sent teachers to
your office or home for your convenience!
Address: No.40, Lane 56 Yandang Road
(Close to Middle Huaihai Road)
Tel: 8621 5306-2960, 8621 5306-0968
E-mail: info@mandarincity.cn
The candidate:
• Confident teacher ideally with experience
teaching both adults and children
• Will be trained on the Seatton curriculum
• Will be responsible for delivering Seatton
Etiquette and Style classes
• Salary negotiable depending on experience
• Both full-time and part-time positions
Please email CV and business photograph
to Catherine Wang
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Youmandarin always has the right course
for you!
Whatever your objectives - personal
training, corporate training, cultural
acclimation, providing your children
with an opportunity for a head start, or
even just fine-tuning your accent- our
customized training system ensures
that all your needs can be met in a
timely fashion. Quality assurance is our
foremost concern.
Jing’an Campus: Suite 1405A,Shanghai
International Group Mansion , 511 Weihai
Website: www.youmandarin.com.
of the EUROMOVERS and IAM) - From
one box to full containers, let us carry
the load for you! Available Moving
Solutions: international Door to Door
Moving, Local Moving, Groupage
Service to US, Europe, Asia and
Australia, Home Search, Corporate
Relocation Package, Storage and more.
Call us for an obligation-free estimate
and find out what we have to offer.
Tel: +86 (0)21 3255 3762
E-mail: china@beyond-relo.com
Website: www.beyond-relo.com
Health Services
5C No.28 Lane 18 Hongqiao Rd.
(Appointment Only)
Tel:021-3424 1989
虹桥路 18 弄 28 号 5C
Metro: Jing'an Temple, 3 mins walk
Hours: Daily, 9am-9pm
Email: mandarinnow@hotmail.com
Tel : +86 021- 32576066
15821733291 / 13916157494
Add : Room 904, No 83 Wanhangdu Rd
(near West Beijing Rd), Shanghai
地址 : 上海市静安区万航渡路 83 号 904 室
Recruiting for British Teachers
SEATTON is the number-one etiquette
training brand in China, teaching clients
western style and culture. This year
Seatton opens a Club House in Shanghai
dedicated to offering clients luxury cultural
Moving + Shipping
is an expert in international, domestic,
local household goods and office
moving, storage and full relocation
We have been servicing the chinese
mainland since 1980, which makes us
one of the most experienced moving
companies. Call today and get an
obligation FREE quotation from our
multilingual expat staff.
Tel: (021) 6258-2244
Fax: (021) 6258-4242
Email: shanghai@aemovers.com.hk
Website: www.aemovers.com.hk
Rm 1904, Hui Yin Plaza (South
Building), 2088 Huashan Lu
Tel:021-6448 0882
华山路 2088 号汇银广场南楼 1904 室
Mandarin Now
This centrally located Mandarin education
center focuses on practical Chinese with a
focus on real-world situations and realistic
usage. Students can apply what they learn
in class to their life and work from the very
first lesson. They teach in Chinese, using
English only when absolutely necessary.
They measure progress and use the results
to provide feedback to students and test
students’ knowledge at regular milestones
and compare this with hours spent in class
and the teaching methods used. This allows
students to benchmark their progress and
also allows us to identify learning points
that may need increased focus.
Shanghai International MBA
A two-year Part-time MBA designed for
multinational managers
Classes are taught in English by
international professors on average 4
consecutive days per month
Tel: +86 (21) 65980610
E-mail: adm@simba-tongji.com
Web: www.simba-tongji.com
Room A309,Sino-French Center, Tongji
University,1239 Siping Road, Shanghai
200092, China
同济大学上海国际 MBA, 中国上海四平路
1239 号同济大学中法中心 A309 室
Please call me at 13818927285 for
more information.
Panda Language Institute
Expert Teaching and Competitively
With 10 years of teaching experience,
4 campuses and over 5000 satisfied
graduates, the Panda Language
Institute is the only source you need
for effective Mandarin Chinese instruction, English intruction or Chinese
cultural training, whether for business
or personal enrichment.
Panda Jing’an Campus: Suite 311-315,
3F, Tower 3, Donghai Plaza, 28 East
Yuyuan Rd. 愚園東路 28 號,東海廣場 3
號樓 311-315
Panda Pudong Campus: Suite B, 14F,
Regal Tower, 15 Xiangcheng Rd. 向城路
15 號,錦城大廈 14B
Panda Hongqiao Campus: Suite E, 26F,
Ziyun Mansion, near 299 Ziyun Rd. 中山
西路 800 弄 55 號,紫雲大廈 26E
School in Japan: Suite F, Hayami
Building, 1-5-3, Machikuzuha, Hirakatashi, Oosaka, Japan. 日本校 :日本國大阪
府枚方市町楠葉 1 丁目 5-3 速水大廈,3 樓
Free Phone: 4008203587
Beijing / 3+1bedrooms hutong
3+1 Bedrooms meets the needs of
the most meticulous guest: complete
immersion in traditional Beijing
coupled with first class comfort only
found in a modern-day metropolis
17 Zhanwang Hutong, Jiugulou Dajie,
Dongcheng district, +86 10 6404 7030
Tianjin / 3+1 bedrooms minyuan
Minyuan 33 is a boutique hotel that
combines the storied legacy of Tianjin
with the finest modern conveniences.
To understand Minyuan 33’s history, we
must go back to the days when Tianjin
was a bustling port city situated at a
nexus of important mairtime and rail
trade routes. Strict restrictions on
European trade began to ease after
China suffered military setbacks, and
in the last century of the Qing Dynasty
(1644-1911), zones were approved for
foreign trade.
31-33 Changde Rd. Wudadao Heping
District +86 2331 1626
professional Door to Door international,
domestic, local household goods and
office moving services, as well as
warehousing and record management.
Tel: 2306 8047/ 2306 8049
Fax: 2320 1950
Email: hhg.china@dhl.com
Contact: Joanna Hu
Excel World Wide Moving & Storage
International/ Domestic/Local/Office
Removal Storage
Tel: 3462 8040
Email: info@excelrelo.com
Website: www.excelrelo.com
Hanna Relocation –Hanna keeps it safe.
International/ Domestic/Local Move
Storage Service
Office Move
M:138 1742 2742 Menicus
Tel:6475 2726 F:5479 6362
Website: www.hannapack.com
Mina Massage
We serve authentic and professional
massage to all people who want to
have a good memory in Shanghai.
Foot Massage, Full Body Oil Massage,
Romantic Massage, and other good
and relaxing services. English speaking
massagist comes to your place within
30 minutes (Taxi fee charged by your
158 0032 2162
VIP Romantic Massage
(139 1664 3647)
feel tired?
We have good massage services. Come
to your place. Let me know your needs.
We give you a surprise.
Add: 328 Nanjing East Road, near
Radisson Hotel & JW Marriot.
Also available in Suzhou and Hangzhou
Hi, guys! My name is seven! I am a nice
girl come to your hotel or home. I’m
gorgeous and great body shape. I’m tall
and slim not fat.
“Simplify and Convenience Service”
OTTO Packing & Transport Co., Ltd
Office move experts, over 300 office
relocations annually, each project over
300 headcounts.
We provide professional International,
domestic and local household goods
relocation service and office move.
As well as warehousing and records
managements service.
OTTO has headquartered office in
Beijing, branch office in Shanghai and
Tel: 8621-54246872,
Mob: 13801604452
Email: eason.luo@ottochina.com
Hotline: 4008101279
International & Domestic Moves
Air Conditioned Storage
Pet Relocations
Vehicle Handling
+86 21 5459-2017
enquiry relosmart.asia
reloSMART was built with one aim,
to offer SMART moving solutions. We
believe that moving house is simple,
not rocket science. Our Asian experience paired with European efficiency
makes us the smartest choice in the
& local removals specialists for
personal effects, fairs & exhibition and
office removals.
Room.4001-4006, Raffles City (office
tower) No.268 Xi Zang Zhong Road.
Contact: Eric Chen 13661810964
Seven Seas Worldwide
We ship your stuff worldwide. It’s
Baggage Worldwide: Price from
International MoveCube Relocation:
Price from CNY6999
Get instant price online at www.
24/7 multilingual hotline 400 181
Zikko Group (core members of IAM)
was found in 1996 and specialize
in international relocation service
, domestic / local removal, office
removal and stoarge service.
Call us to get free survey and quotation.
Choose Zikko, Enjoy your move!
Tel: 86-21-63811583 / 400-681-1583
Email: info@zikko.com
Web service: www.zikko.com
Cesna Executive Search
-Shanghai, New York, Seoul
-Talent Recruitment
(+86) 21 2215 7433
GGBOX Storage is self-storage,
delivered to your door! We deliver a
sturdy 7m3 storage module to your
address, you fill it, then we take it away
for storage in our secure warehouse.
When you need it again, you can access
your module by appointment, or we
deliver it back to your address. We
are cheaper and more convenient than
traditional self-storage. Please call
4006 252 559 for more information, or
visit us at www.ggboxstorage.com
Are you moving house? Have too much
stuff ? Need more space to store your
personal items or for your growing
MINISTORAGE is an expert in self
storage and offers clean, secure and
flexible storage units ranging from
1m² to 50m² (larger upon request).
The units are climate controlled and
ideal to store your rarely used items,
furniture, equipment and more.
Contact us now for more information!
Tel: 021 6045 6838
Email: info@minicc.com
Website: www.minicc.com
Address: Building 1, No. 33 Jinji Road
上海浦东新区金吉路 33 弄 1 号楼
StorHub Self Storage
StorHub is Singapore’s first, largest
and friendliest self-storage operator,
and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
CapitaLand Group. StorHub is now
proud to have extended its experience
and brand to China through our
facilities in Shanghai.
StorHub offers individuals and businesses a range of reliable and secure
storage solutions to resolve storage
challenges at home or in the office,
provides cost effective and flexible
storage solutions to our customers with
clean and secure self-storage units with
24/7 access.
Tel: 400 821 3150
Web: www.storhub.cn
Address: 3F, No. 1581 ChangYang Rd.,
YangPu District, Shanghai
上海市杨浦区长阳路 1581 号 3 楼
YouYou Space Self Storage
Need help solving your storage
problems in China? YouYou Space self
is your best choice. All storage units are
clean and accessible 24/7 at our secure
location equipped with 50 surveillance
cameras and an electronically controlled access system, ensuring your
belongings stay safe and protecting
your privacy.
Hotline: 400-680-1716
E-mail: youyouspace@live.cn
Web: http://www.youyouselfspace.com
Address: 1F, East Tower, 800 East
GuoShun Rd.,YangPu District,Shanghai
上海市杨浦区国顺东路 800 号东楼 1 楼
Travel Services
Homay travel
Homay Travel, a legally registered travel
service corporation, customer oriented
We arrange talor-make travel plans
in South East Asia, and private tours
in China according to clients' requirement, and also book worldwide flights
and hotels.Some of our travel packages
on our website. For more inquiry,feel
free to contact us. Any suggestions or
feedback are very welcome.
Our professional and bilingual
travel consultants have many years of
experience in designing travel programs
customized to your interests.
Please tell us your travel plans and
requirements, we will make all the
arrangements down to the last detail,
and try our best to arrange nice
holidays for you.
9/F, 88 Fengyang Rd.,by middle Xizang
Rd.. 上海市黄浦区凤阳路 88 号(近西藏中
路),9 楼
Silk Road Travel Management Ltd.
Silk Road Travel is a pioneer in organizing Silk Road tours and other classic
routes in China. Founded in 1997,
we are specialized in tailor making
travel packages that allow travellers
to truly experience the local cultures
and explore the amazing heritages.
Whether you are a small group of 2-9
persons or a corporate group, our
professional staff will tailor make the
tour programme based on your needs.
Email: travel@the-silk-road.com
Expats Holidays
Expats Holidays is a top proficient
travel agency in China which caters
not only to the Chinese locals but
especially for expats living in China.
Our team is composed of people highly
knowledgeable and experienced with
the travel industry. They all speak
English professionally and are devoted
to providing a high level of service.
If you have your own ideas and preferences to planning a trip, we are able to
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www.thatsmags.com / July 2015
walks the walk
Could a Middle East loss be a Middle Kingdom gain?
Former England international goalkeeper, Ian Walker played for Tottenham Hotspur, Leicester City and
Bolton Wanderers. In 2012 he moved to China to become goalkeeper coach of Shanghai Shenhua, before
crossing the city divide to join Shanghai SIPG in 2014. Follow him on Twitter and Weibo @IanWalks1.
t was not a good month for FIFA, the world
governing body of football (and alleged
international bribery racket). Fourteen of the
organization's chief executives were arrested
and, with US authorities using the RICO act to
investigate wire fraud, racketeering and money
laundering, president Sepp Blatter was forced to
offer his resignation.
Every cloud of noxious corruption has a
silver lining though, and in this case it could just
belong to China. In the wake of the scandal, and
while many nations were backing away from
the foul stench FIFA was giving off, the Middle
Kingdom was cozying up to the federation, with
Xinhua saying that the nation will “steadily
enhance collaboration with FIFA and carry out its
national soccer rejuvenation plan.”
There is a good chance that China's support
of FIFA now is an attempt to lay the groundwork
for a future hosting of the World Cup, and it
may come sooner than even they envisioned
when they first started making overtures. With
evidence mounting of a ‘brown paper envelope
stuffed with banknotes’ culture in FIFA, Swiss authorities say they have opened a second criminal
investigation into FIFA's operations pertaining to
the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bids.
And while commentators believe it is too late
to switch Russia 2018, there
is big talk of Qatar 2022
– with its moving of the
tournament to the winter
months to fight the heat and
accusations of using slave
labor to build its stadiums
(not to mention the bribery,
of course) – is in grave
danger of being stripped of its
hosting rights, leaving those
new arenas nothing but white
elephants in the desert sand.
If there is a re-vote for the
2022 tournament, the chief contestants will likely
be Qatar's original rivals, the United States and
AFC members Australia, Japan and South Korea.
But it is understood China is more than keen to
throw its hat into the ring.
Chinese president Xi Jinping (pictured, inset)
is known to be a big football fan. In February, he
ordered the State Council General Office to announce plans to develop “a management system
with Chinese characteristics,” an intriguing
proposition that promises to completely revamp
and upgrade the coaching infrastructure of the
country at grassroots levels.
To see the Chinese national team one day win
the World Cup is the “ardent wish of the whole
July 2015 / www.thatsmags.com
Every cloud of
noxious corruption
has a silver lining,
and in this case it
could just belong to
nation,” the government has announced. Hosting
it would presumably be considered an honorific
step on that path to planetary domination. And
with the host nation having emerged victorious
on six occasions, there is that to consider, too
(although that might be a long ball too far at this
As for infrastructure, China has already got
a lot of good stadiums, and cannot be accused of
dragging its feet when it comes to building more…
of anything. And as we saw from the Olympics,
they can certainly get the big extravaganza right.
All that is left is seven years for the country to
devise its own replacement for the vuvuzela.
Sun July 5, 19.45 vs Shanghai Shenxin
Wed July 8, TBC vs Guangzhou R&F (FA Cup)
Thu July 16, 19.45 vs Tianjin Teda
// Shanghai Stadium, 1111 Caoxi Bei Lu, by
Tianyaoqiao Lu 漕溪北路 1111 号 , 近天钥桥路 .
Nearest metro: Shanghai Indoor Stadium on Lines 1
& 4.
Sat July 4, 19.45 vs Guangzhou R&F
Wed July 15, 19.45 vs Beijing Guoan
Mon July 27, 19.45 vs Henan Jianye
// Hongkou Stadium, 444 Dong Jiangwan Lu, by
Sichuan Bei Lu 东江湾路 444 号 , 近四川北路 . Nearest
metro: Hongkou Football Stadium on Lines 3 & 8.
Fri July 10, 19.45 vs Guizhou Renhe
Sat July 18, 19.45 vs Shijiazhuang Yongchang
// Yuanshen Stadium, 655 Yuanshen Lu, by
Zhangyang Lu 源深路 655 号 近张杨路 . Nearest
metro: Yuanshen Stadium on Line 6.