The Presidential Exhaust - Lake of the Ozarks Corvette Club
The Presidential Exhaust - Lake of the Ozarks Corvette Club
2015 PRESIDENT Don Wormsley 573.372.5272 VICE PRESIDENT Craig Beach 816.695.9690 SECRETARY Peggy Sturn 630.533.1915 TREASURER Marlin Hammond 660.287.2456 CLUB PHOTOGRAPHER Sue Matula 573.552.8493 GOOD WILL AMBASSADORS Nancy Beach 573.372.3166 INTERCLUB COMMUNICATIONS Sue Rosenthal 573.372.3980 NCM AMBASSADOR Don Sturn 630.544.0122 NEWSLETTER CO-EDITORS Connie & Steve Swanson 847.204.0115 PUBLIC RELATIONS Rick Horsman 573.746.0212 WEBMASTER Bob Matula 573.552.8493 April Vette Waves April 2015 ~ Volume No. 15 ~ Issue No. 4 LOCC Meeting ~ April 12 ~ Osage National Golf Club 400 County Road 54-52 ~ Lake Ozark, MO ~ 11:30 a.m. The Presidential Exhaust Great turnout at Ruthie D's for our March meeting. A special Thank You to Gary Markus, Craig Beach, Don Sturn, and Eric Rosenthal for the great information they shared (after the meeting) for getting our Corvettes ready for car shows. Craig Beach suggested that a committee be formed, by at least Don Wormsley, President three members, to help volunteers arrange various day trips so we can get out and enjoy driving our Corvettes. These trips can be a day trip or a drive for just two hours with club members to any place of interest. I hope we can get volunteers to help set this up. Driving your Corvettes is the fun of owning one. There are lots of places to experience the great handling and acceleration of America's Sports Car. You can enter any of the organized activities such as, Auto Cross, Road Courses, or Road Rally. A trip to a Drag Strip or paved oval track can be a super experience where you can get on the throttle in a safe manner. Whether it be a track experience or a short or long road trip, let's get out there and have some fun! We have had three members step up and volunteer to become Committee Chairmen for Road Trips. The members are: Denny Pennington, Bill Kaimann, and Fred Mueller. They will be looking to each of you, our members, to come up with cruise ideas that our club members would enjoy. If you have an idea, and will lead a trip, please let one of the standing committee members know. They will provide planning advice, coordination and serve as the communicators to the club. I believe we can all look forward to some enjoyable cruises this year. Here is their contact information: Denny Pennington email: Fred Mueller email: Bill Kaimann email: Thank You, Craig Beach BACK-up INTERCLUB COMMUNICATIONS Shearon Koby 314.791.0729 BACK-up SECRETARY Linda Markus 573.434.1102 … to contact Don Wormsley if you plan to attend the April 12th LOCC meeting at Osage National Golf Resort. Contact Don at: BACK-up TREASURER Pat Pick 573.286.2770 573-372-5272 Home Phone 573-286-8010 Cell BACK-up WEBMASTER Jack Rice 573.348.5637 BACK-up NCM Ambassador Denny Pennington 515.250.3700 BACK-up PUBLIC Relations Jim Allen 573.434.1613 Thank You ON THE INSIDE Presidential Exhaust … Page 1 Secretary’s Report …… Page 2 Char Wehmeyer Memorial Pages 3 LOCC Birthday ………………. Event Pictures ……………….. 2014 Meeting Schedule …….. Calendar …………………….... Pages 4-5 Pages 6-7 Page 8 Page 9 April 2015 ~ Volume No. 15 ~ Issue No. 4 LOCC Secretary Report LOCC Secretary Report - continued Ruthie D’s ~ March 8th, 2015 Craig Beach announced, in honor of a member no longer with us, that today would have been Marty Klaus’ birthday. The Lake of the Ozarks Corvette Club’s March meeting was held on March 8, 2015, at Ruthie D’s in Lake Ozark. President Don Wormsley opened the meeting at 1pm and addressed some items that had come up at the last meeting: Officer reports: Vice President, Craig Beach: Membership is now at 201 members. Craig reported that Mike Craig is going into the hospital tomorrow for heart surgery in St. Louis. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. -It was suggested that a memorial page be created in the original club scrapbook for members who have passed away. Don knew of two, Steve Graves and Marty Klaus, and asked if anyone knew of any others. He also requested a volunteer to help set up the page. -The start time of the monthly lunch meeting has moved earlier and earlier over the years from the original 1pm start time, which Don was told is difficult for some members who attend church to arrive on time. As such, for the rest of the year, lunch will be scheduled from 12:301:30, with the meeting starting immediately after. -After the Hot Summer Nights discussion last month, Don found out exactly what we get for the $250 Hot Summer Nights sponsorship and reported on the different levels of sponsorship and the level of recognition for each. The highest level is Platinum at $2,500 a year; we are at the Bronze level, of which there are 14 sponsors at $250. What we get is a club Corvette pictured on the banner/ logo and our club listed as a Bronze level sponsor on the program, posters and rack cards. He felt that was appropriate compared to the amount paid by higher levels. -President Wormsley announced the following new scholarship policy: In February of each year, after approval by the members, The LOCC will provide a scholarship award of $500 per student to two students each of the Lake Career & Technical Center, Camdenton and the Eldon Career Center, to further their education through a college or advanced technical school only in the field of automotive technology or automotive collision repair. No awards will be provided for studies in other courses. The funds will be paid to the schools and will be held in their scholarship fund until the student provides their school with a first semester grade card showing a passing grade. Then the funds will be paid to the student's college/ technical school. The schools must provide the LOCC treasurer with confirmation that these terms were met for each student. In the event a student does not comply with these terms, the school will return the funds not used to the LOCC. He further announced that two $500 scholarships will be offered this year to the two technical schools following the new policy. -New member Shawn Nilges introduced himself and his girlfriend Angela Silverman. Visiting potential new member Larry Biron and his fiancée Sherry Nielson were introduced. The microphone was then passed for member/ Corvette introductions and March birthdays and anniversaries. Webmaster Bob Matula: The website is up to date and is available on your cell phones and mobile devices. Bob asked that those getting new cars to please send him a photo or Sue can take a picture to go on the website. Treasurer, Marlin Hammond: Beginning bank balance 2/01/15 Deposits Disbursements Ending bank balance 2/28/15 $5,134.74 953.00 941.85 $5,145.89 Marlin commented that the scholarships and insurance payments will be coming out of what might appear to be a healthy balance. Secretary Peggy Sturn: We have 33 Corvettes in the parking lot and 71 people here today. NCM Ambassador, Don Sturn: Don announced that 20 NCM Corvette raffle tickets were sold. There are 11 Corvettes signed up for Bowling Green, June 3-6. A block of 20 rooms will be held at Town Place Suites until May 1st. We will use the track the first day in the morning. Don learned that the high speed lap is driven by a professional driver in their vehicle, in which you would be the passenger. Everyone has signed up for the touring lap, which will be done in groups of five. We have room for more. We are looking into doing a cruise to and tour of Mammoth Cave after the track time on Thursday. Plant and museum tours will be Friday. All our Bloomington Gold Package participant information has been forwarded to them. You should have received your shirts by now; they are very nice…and should be! Don received word that The Lodge is filled at Eureka Springs. There is other lodging available nearby if anyone else wants to go. Peggy spent time going through the club Corvette survey, looking up the exact color names by year/model in the Corvette “bible” but wasn’t able to determine all, especially the reds. Don has the current most up-to-date list available for anyone to check their entry for correctness. Other Business: - Gary Markus reported that 33 people have signed up for the Hot Springs weekend, leaving April 16th returning on Sunday, the 19th. He has made dinner reservations for everyone all three nights at restaurants in the area. Most are staying at the Embassy Suites. Gary learned that Corvette Nation will be filming all that weekend at Hot Springs and will be on the Velocity Channel. -Gary also announced that he has asked three club members who seem to always win at car shows to go over what judges look for. Craig Beach, Eric Rosenthal and Don Sturn will speak for 5 minutes each in the parking lot after the meeting today. Continued on page 3 April 2015 ~ Volume No. 15 ~ Issue No. 4 Page 2 Secretary’s Report—continued -Craig Beach reminded everyone that the Route 66 trip from Lebanon to Cuba, MO is on April 25th. Several people who expressed interest in going have not paid their $22 for the lunch and tour at Bob’s Gasoline Alley. He and Nancy recently traveled the route to make sure the roads are still open. Will leave that morning from Orscheln’s parking lot at 8:15 sharp. -There will be 700-1000 Corvettes at the Texas Speedway show in May. They are doing a very nice job with their events. Had 28 people signed up, but may have a couple drop out. Will stay at the Marriott by the Speedway. The event is still open. . -The trip to Slidell, LA for the ExtraVetteGanza is on Oct 17. Taking a couple days to get down there. Friday is the banquet of homemade Cajun food which is fantastic. Don’t know if host hotel still has rooms, but there are other hotels available. Let Craig know if you want to go. -Craig Beach proposed setting up a standing committee with at least three people responsible for setting up a day trip once a month, such as going someplace for lunch and/or to see a sight. Those on the committee would reach out to members to get someone to lead that month’s trip; doesn’t have to be fancy or a large group. If interested in being on the committee, see Craig or Don Wormsley. -St. Patrick’s Day Parade is next Saturday. Let Don Wormsley know if you are going; 16 people have signed up so far. Meeting at the Tomahawk Inn at noon; have to be lined up by 12:30. Decorate the cars and bring lots of candy. -The Columbia Corvette show is March 28th. It has been moved to Ashland this year. -Magic Dragon is May 1-3. -Don Wormsley reported the Cardinals game was the 2nd most popular event on the survey. Wednesday, May 6th has been set up for the Cardinals game. Need at least 20 people. They will line us up outside the stadium and we will do a lap around the outfield before going in for the game. Tickets for dugout deck seating are $15. The 50/50 pot of $88 went to lucky winner Bill Dotson. There were groans of protest when new 2015 Z06 owner Linda Markus won the 2nd drawing for the NCM April raffle ticket! President Wormsley thanked Ruthie D’s for the good food and great view! The meeting was adjourned at 1:47pm. Respectfully submitted, Peggy Sturn, Secretary Shawn Nilges and Angela Simmermon Welcome aboard to the Lake Ozark Corvette Club. Great article about the LOCC in the Westside Star on March 18, 2015. Thank you Craig Beach for providing the clip for the newsletter. With Deepest Sympathy Charlett Ann Wehmeyer May 4, 1943—March 31, 2015 Words cannot express everyone’s shock and sadness at the loss of Char. She was simply the best. We cannot think of her without a smile on our faces or joy in our hearts. She brought such happiness to a world where it is so often lacking. Our world is sadder today for her loss but we are richer to have shared the warmth of her presence and the gift of her friendship. Prayers for Char, for you Ron, and your family. You will be missed dear friend. R.I.P. From your Lake Ozark Corvette Club Friends... LOCC Address: LOCC ~ P.O. Box 1223 ~ Laurie, MO 65038 Page 3 The month of April is an important time for the Lake Ozark Corvette Club as it will be celebrating its 15th Birthday! The Lake Ozark Corvette Club was born January 10, 1999 and held it's first organized meeting on April 9, 2000. Founders of the Club were Parker and Mary Bell Darr and Larry Lembach. The Club is essentially a hobbyist club and as it has grown over the years, the challenge has been to stay true to its original purpose and goal of enjoying the camaraderie of other Corvette owners and to drive our cars and enjoy them on the road. We continue to have a membership which is focused on staying true to these goals and the intent is to continue that tradition. The Club actively attends and participates in community events. Numerous members of the club attend a number of car shows and events in the surrounding region as well. Scholarships were established and continue to be granted to students from local technology schools that are going on to advanced training and education in the automotive field. Contact information for the Club may be found on the LOCC website at: A brief history, starting off with the 2015 officers, is listed below and on following pages. 2015 LOCC Officers include: President: Don Wormsley ~ Vice President: Craig Beach ~ Secretary: Peggy Sturn, Back-up Secretary: Linda Markus ~ Treasurer: Marlin Hammond, Back-up Treasurer; Pat Pick ~ Public Relations: Rick Horsman, Back-up Public Relations: Jim Allen ~ Newsletter: Connie & Steve Swanson ~ NCM Ambassador: Don Sturn, Back-up NCM Ambassador: Denny Pennington ~ Webmaster: Bob Matula, Back-up Webmaster: Jack Rice ~ Goodwill Ambassador: Nancy Beach ~ Interclub Communications: Sue Rosenthal, Back-up Interclub Communications: Shearon Koby ~ Club Photographer: Sue Matula 2014 LOCC Officers include: President: Gary Cooper ~ Vice President: Don Wormsley ~ Secretary: Sue Rosenthal, Back-up Secretary: Peggy Sturn ~ Treasurer: Marlin Hammond, Back-up Treasurer; Pat Pick ~ Public Relations: Fred Mueller ~ Newsletter: Connie & Steve Swanson ~ NCM Ambassador: Denny Pennington ~ Webmaster: Jack Rice ~ Goodwill Ambassadors: Craig & Nancy Beach. 2013 LOCC Officers include: President: Don Sturn ~ Vice President: Gary Cooper ~ Co-Secretaries: Sue Rosenthal and Peggy Sturn ~ CoTreasurers: Marlin Hammond and Pat Pick ~ Newsletter: Connie & Steve Swanson ~ NCM Ambassador: Denny Pennington ~ Public Relations: Fred Mueller ~ Webmaster: Jack Rice ~ Goodwill Ambassadors: Craig & Nancy Beach. 2012 LOCC Officers include: President: Bill Dotson ~ Vice President: Don Sturn ~ Co-Secretaries: Jane Cooper and Sue Rosenthal ~ CoTreasurers: Gary Bachman and Marlin Hammond ~ Newsletter: Connie & Steve Swanson ~ NCM Ambassador: Denny Pennington ~ Co-Scrapbook Editors: Pam Dotson and Sue Matula ~ Public Relations: Ron Long ~ Webmaster: Gary Hollander 2011 LOCC Officers include: President: Craig Beach ~ Vice President: Bill Dotson ~ Co-Secretaries: Jane Cooper and Sue Rosenthal ~ CoTreasurers: Gary Bachman and Jeannie Sheets ~ Newsletter: Connie & Steve Swanson ~ NCM Ambassador: Denny Pennington ~ Scrapbook Editor: Donna Field ~ Public Relations: Larry Salsman ~ Webmaster: Gary Hollander 2010 LOCC Officers include: President: Craig Beach ~ Vice President: Bill Dotson ~ Co-Secretaries: Jane Cooper and Sue Rosenthal ~ CoTreasurers: Gary Bachman and Jeannie Sheets ~ Newsletter: Connie & Steve Swanson ~ NCM Ambassador: Gary Hollander ~ Asst. Ambassador: Steve Rukavina ~ Scrapbook Editor: Donna Field ~ Public Relations: Larry Salsman April 2015 ~ Volume No. 15 ~ Issue No. 4 Page 4 Continued 2009 LOCC Officers include: President: Gary Cooper ~ Pres. Elect: Craig Beach ~ 1st Vice President: Dennis Marschman ~ V. Pres. Elect: Mary Bell Darr ~ Secretary: Debbie Marschman ~ Treasurer: Craig Beach ~ Co Treasurer: Gary Bachman ~ Ambassador: Clark Fickle ~ Asst. Ambassador: Steve Rukavina ~ Scrapbook: Donna Field ~ Waves Editor: Parker Darr ~ Asst. Editor: Mary Bell Darr ~ Public Ralations: Debbie Faulconer/Gary Hollander 2008 LOCC Officers include: President: Gary Cooper ~ Pres. Elect: Gary Hollander ~ Vice President: Rod Wright ~ Vice President Elect: Mary Bell Darr ~ Co-Secretaries: Debbie Marschman and Jane Cooper ~ Treasurer: Craig Beach ~ Co Treasurer: Gary Bachman ~ Ambassadors: Carrol Lawton and Clark Fickle ~ Asst. Ambassador: Steve Rukavina ~ Scrapbook: Eric Rosenthal ~ Waves Editor: Parker Darr ~ Asst. Editor: Mary Bell Darr ~ Public Ralations: Debbie Faulconer 2007 LOCC Officers include: President: Bob Carroll ~ Pres. Elect: Gary Cooper ~ Vice President: Debbie Cunningham ~ 2nd Vice President: Mary Bell Darr ~ Co-Secretaries: Debbie Nickless and Peg Klaus ~ Treasurer: Tim Tyrcha/Craig Beach ~ Asst. Treasurer: Krista Shackleford ~ Ambassador: Denny Pennington ~ Asst. Ambassador: Steve Rukavina ~ Scrapbook: Eric Rosenthal ~ Waves Editor: Krista Shackleford 2006 LOCC Officers include: President: Denny Pennington ~ Pres. Elect: Steve Rukavina ~ Vice President: Darin Shackleford ~ 2nd Vice President: Bob Carroll ~ Co-Secretaries: Debbie Nickless and Peg Klaus ~ Treasurer: Tim Tyrcha ~ Asst. Treasurer: Krista Shackleford ~ Ambassadors: Bob Swengrosh and Denny Pennington ~ Asst. Ambassador: Steve Rukavina ~ Scrapbook: Darin Shackleford ~ Waves Editor: Krista Shackleford 2005 LOCC Officers include: President: Denny Pennington ~ Vice President Elect: Rudy Willingham ~ Secretary: Debbie Rose Hill ~ Treasurer: Debbie Rose Hill ~ Ambassador: Bob Swengrosh ~ Waves Editor: Pam Stephan ~ Asst. Editor: Krista Shackleford ~ Public Relations: Parker Darr 2004 LOCC Officers include: President: Rudy Willingham ~ Vice President Elect: Clark Fickle/Denny Pennington ~ Secretary: Debbie Rose Hill ~ Treasurer: Debbie Rose Hill ~ Ambassador: Bob Swengrosh ~ Waves Editor: Pam Stephan ~ Asst. Editor: Krista Shackleford ~ Public Relations: Parker Darr 2003 LOCC Officers include: President: Rudy Willingham ~ Vice President Elect: Clark Fickle ~ Secretary: Debbie Rose Hill ~ Treasurer: Debbie Rose Hill ~ Ambassador: Bob Swengrosh ~ Waves Editor: Pam Stephan ~ Public Relations: Pam Stephan/Parker Darr 2002 LOCC Officers include: President: Rudy Willingham ~ Vice President: Bob Swengrosh/Clark Fickle ~ Secretary: Debbie Rose Hill ~ Treasurer: Debbie Rose Hill ~ Ambassador: Bob Swengrosh ~ Waves Editor: Bob Swengrosh/Pam Stephan ~ Membership: Pam Stephan 2001 LOCC Officers include: President: Parker Darr ~ Vice President: Larry Lembach ~ Secretary: Mary Darr ~ Co-Treasurers: Parker Darr/ Larry Lembach ~ Waves Editor: Parker Darr 2000 LOCC Officers include: President: Parker Darr ~ Vice President: Larry Lembach ~ Secretary: Mary Darr ~ Co-Treasurers: Parker Darr/ Larry Lembach ~ Waves Editor: Parker Darr ~ Asst. Editor: Larry Lembach ~ Public Relations: Mary Darr, Parker Darr, and Larry Lembach HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAKE OZARK CORVETTE CLUB April 2015 ~ Volume No. 15 ~ Issue No. 4 Page 5 Ruthie D’s— March 8, 2015 The LOCC March meeting was held at Ruthie D’s. It was a great day and fantastic turn out. After the meeting, Craig Beach, Gary Markus, Eric Rosenthal and Don Sturn shared their information for getting our Corvettes ready for upcoming car shows— helpful hints as to what judges look for when showing our cars. Thanks guys! The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 12th and will be held at Osage National Golf Resort—400 Osage Hills Road—Lake Ozark, MO. Please note the change in meeting time: Lunch will be from 12:30 to 1:30 with the meeting starting immediately afterwards. If you haven’t contacted Don Wormsley with your RSVP, you can reach him at: See you on the 12th! Lucky 50/50 winner, Bill Dotson. Congratulations Bill and Pam! So good to see you J.C… and you too Denny. Let’s Get Ready For A FunPacked Corvette Summer! See page 8 For Upcoming Events. Vette Waves is a monthly publication for the Lake Ozark Corvette Club. As Co Editors, our main objective is to present updated information to its members regarding club events and activities. We encourage your input—especially if you have a special Corvette memory you would like to share. Please contact us at: The Lake Ozark Corvette Club is an active club with amazing people and beautiful Corvettes! Get involved. You’ll be glad you did! Connie & Steve Swanson Co Editors LOCC Vette Waves LOCC Website: Page 6 2015 St. Patrick’s Day Parade The St. Patrick’s Day parade was held Saturday, March 14th and a great day it was! As Sue Rosenthal said, “The parade was awesome! Spectators lined the road from the Tomahawk Motel to the end of the Bagnell strip. The crowd was virtually a solid line from beginning to end, enjoying our 24 Corvettes. Ran out of candy way too soon.” Thanks Sue for your update on the parade. Now take a look at these St. Patrick’s Day beauties… love you guys! Pictures courtesy of Sue Matula and Sue Rosenthal Congratulations… Gary and Linda Markus on your brand new 2015 Z06! A poem, not by Henry Gibson... Roses are Red Your new Z06 is Blue. Congrats are in order For the both of you! LOCC Website: Page 7 We still have rooms available for our annual trip to the Museum on June 3-6th. We will be staying at the TownePlace Suites by Marriott in Bowling Green. Listed below is the 2015 schedule for LOCC meetings and luncheons. Our plans include driving on the new Motorsports Track as well as a tour of the plant with the new C7 production line and a visit to the Museum. We will also have lunch and a tour of a cave (what else?) at Manmmoth Cave National Park. Please let me know at: if you would like to go. Jan. 11 Feb. 8 March 8 April 12 May 3 June 14 July 12 Aug. 9 Sept. 13 Oct. 11 Nov. 8 Dec. 5 City Grill ~ Osage Beach Golden Rock Winery ~ Camdenton Ruthie D's ~ Lake Ozark Osage National Golf Club ~ Lake Ozark Ozark Yacht Club ~ Lake Ozark Sedalia Country Club ~ Sedalia Smith’s Restaurant ~ Bolivar Jake’s Steak & Fish ~ Osage Beach Sycamore Creek Golf Club ~ Osage Beach Dowd’s Catfish & BBQ ~ Lebanon Indian Rock Golf Club ~ Gravois Mills Tan-Tar-A Evening Christmas Party Lunch 12:30 to 1:30 pm Meeting immediately afterwards NCM Ambassador: Don Sturn Congratulations to Linda Markus, in spite of the groans of protest, for winning the 2nd drawing for the NCM April raffle ticket—even though you are now the proud owner of a brand new 2015! Good luck to you. As of this issue of Vette Waves, the Lake Ozark Corvette Club has 201 members! Save the Date Apr. 16-18, 2015 Apr. 23, 2015 Apr. 25, 2015 May 1-3, 2015 May 3, 2015 May 6, 2015 May 8, 2015 May 15-17, 2015 May 29-31, 2015 June 3-5, 2015 June 11-13, 2015 June 25-27, 2015 July 23, 2015 July 23-25, 2015 Aug. 1, 2015 Sept. 12, 2015 Sept. 12, 2015 Oct. 1-3, 2015 Oct. 17, 2015 17th Annual Hot Springs Corvette Weekend—Hot Springs, AR NCM/Michelin Bash—Bowling Green, KY Route 66 Trip from Lebanon to Cuba, MO Magic Dragon Street Nationals—Lake Ozark, MO Hendrick Chevrolet Corvette Show—Merridan, KS Springfield Cardinals Baseball Game—Springfield, MO The Capital City Corvette Classic—Jefferson City, MO 26th Annual Lone Star Corvette Classic—Ft. Worth, TX Corvettes Cruisin Galveston—Galveston, TX LOCC Trip to Bowling Green—NCM—Bowling Green, KY Corvette Adventures—Wisconsin Dells, WI Bloomington Gold Indianapolis Corvette USA—Indianapolis Motor Speedway Lake Ozark Lions Benefit Car Show—School of Osage HS—Kaiser, MO Karl’s Chevrolet Corvette Trip—Ankeny, IA Hannibal Corvette Car Show—Hannibal, MO Fall Follies Car Show—Laurie, MO Corvettes on the River Charity Event—Paducah, KY 24th Eureka Springs Corvette Weekend—Eureka Springs, AR Extra Vette Ganza 24th Annual Corvette Show—Slidell, LA Events will be added to the list as they become available. You can also check upcoming events on the LOCC website at: National Corvette Museum Website / Page 8 April 2015 SUN MON TUE Mexicali Blues Park ‘N Shine April 16th* July 2nd WED 1 May 7th June 4th August 6th Sept. 3rd Oct. 1st (weather permitting) 7 3 SAT 4 Shearon Koby Mack Propst * April’s date coincides with the Dogwood Festival 6 2 FRI Good Friday All Park ‘N Shines are held the 1st Thursday of the month. 5 THU 8 9Happy Birthday 10 11 LOCC 15 Years Melody Spanos 12 13 Joyce Allen Dave Stoddard 14 Betty Bollmeier Helen Gross 15 LOCC Mtg. Osage National Golf Club 11:30 am Bob Pullen 16 17 17th Annual Hot Springs Corvette Weekend Pete Spanos 19 18 20 Karen Wilson 21 22 23 24 25 Route 66 Road Trip Lebanon to Cuba Don Gerardy Betty Goble 26 27 Cindy Leigh 28 Krista Shackleford 29 30 Camille Furay Janell Jones Sunday, May 3rd ~ Ozark Yacht Club 500 Yacht Club Landing ~ Lake Ozark, MO 11:30 am Social ~ Lunch @ noon ~ Meeting around 1:00 pm Happy Birthday to all LOCC Members! Page 9
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