Take a New Look! - Christian Liberty Press
Take a New Look! - Christian Liberty Press
Introduction Take a New Look! Contents hristian Liberty is now offering One-Stop Shopping for all your homeschool needs. In our newly designed catalog, we now offer everything from a K–12 homeschool academy to curriculum kits and à la carte products to achievement testing and curriculum recommendation service. Ordering Information.................2 C This catalog is divided into three basic sections—each identified by a particular color: Homeschool Academy—CLASS This section applies to our K–12 homeschool academy: CLASS. If you are looking for a nationally-recognized school that offers a complete curriculum and accredited diploma but still want the flexibility of teaching your child at home, then this option is for you. Homeschool Products This section offers prepackaged curriculum kits, as well as individual courses and products from preschool to 12th grade. If you prefer to operate independently and are simply looking for materials to build your own curriculum, then check here. Homeschool Services This section offers a number of services designed to help your student excel, including achievement testing and curriculum recommendation service. Ordering Once you have decided what works best for you, simply place your enrollment/order via any of the following methods: Online Homeschool academy (CLASS) enrollments, products, and services can all be purchased through our website at www.shopchristianliberty.com. Once there, simply use the Categories column on the left side of the page to find what you need. Mail An order form packet has been included in the center of this catalog. This packet includes an enrollment application and order forms for the products and services* that we carry. The forms are color-coded to match each section, so you can easily determine which ones to use. Because each section is handled by a different department, use the mailing address located on the applicable application/order form. * 2 CLASS Program.........................6 What is CLASS?......................................6 Curriculum by Grade Level.......................8 Individual Products.................. 16 Preschool............................................... 17 Kindergarten.......................................... 18 First through Eighth Grade ....................20 High School Curriculum Kits..................36 High School Courses ............................37 Biographies ...........................................50 Novels ...................................................52 Educational Resources..........................55 Marriage & Family ..................................56 Educational Games ...............................58 Services ....................................60 Index .........................................62 Order Forms...........Insert A1–A16 Contact Us! Online www.christianliberty.com Orders www.shopchristianliberty.com Phone Once you have determined what you need from us, call our tollfree number (800) 348–0899 or (847) 385-2029 and follow the prompts. Make sure you have all necessary information, including your charge card number, ready when you contact us. Email custserv@christianliberty.com Fax Fill out the applicable color-coded application/order forms located in the center of this catalog to tell us what you need.* Then simply fax them to us. Since each section is handled by a different department, check the application/order form for specific details on which fax number to use. Mail 502 West Euclid Avenue Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004–5402 Some of the services are online based and, as such, can only be ordered through our website. Phone (800) 348–0899 or (847) 385-2029 Our Customer Service hours are M–F from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT (Orders: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT). Offices are closed for major holidays and the last two weeks of December. Customer Service and Orders—call (800) 348-0899 or (847) 385-2029 ! e m o c l e W Dear Home School Family, Thank you for your interest in Christian Liberty. Whether you are searching for a homeschool academy (where your student is actually enrolled in a school with you as the teacher), or are just looking for products and services to fulfill your independent homeschool needs, we have what works. Since our foundation in 1968, Christian Liberty has partnered with families to train disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ. Our mission is to support parents with excellent educational products and services that will enable their children to serve God in every aspect of their lives. This mission is founded on three core beliefs: • Jesus Christ is the source of all wisdom and knowledge; • God has entrusted parents with the responsibility to train and educate their children; and • Children are to be given an education that is in agreement with God’s Word. Our ministry, like many others, had humble beginnings. We began operating out of our church basement, providing Christcentered materials to a few families who were concerned with the quality of public education. As word got out, we began to grow in many ways: we added more products and services, and even began publishing our own materials—the basement could no longer hold us! We have served tens of thousands of families around the world from our offices in Illinois. As you look through this catalog, remember that the products and services you see were selected through over forty-five years of experience. Our mission has not changed, and the testimonials of families over the years prove that it works. Let us partner with you. If you have any questions, please ask our customer service team. They are here to help make your home school a success. For His Glory, Pastor Calvin Lindstrom Church of Christian Liberty Christian Liberty Headquarters, Arlington Heights, Illinois www.christianliberty.com 3 From a single book to a complete program… We can help you successfully CLASS Homeschool Plans Do you want the support of a nationally recognized academy? O ur accredited, traditional, Christian K-12 homeschool academy— Christian Liberty Academy School System (CLASS)—includes everything you need for a Christian education you can count on. CLASS is a flexible, affordable partnership between you and our academy. CLASS selects the best homeschooling materials from a variety of publishers— we do not lock you into a standard, one publisher curriculum. Many subjects have several options from which to choose—we can even assign a course from a different grade level, if it is the best option for your student. CLASS partners with you in the grading of the coursework; we also keep academic records and issue diplomas. Our CLASS Administration Plan allows you a full year to complete a grade level, while you set your own schedule. CLASS even allows you to purchase additional time, if needed. Do you want expert assistance in selecting curriculum, but want to remain more independent and flexible? Our Family Administration Plan gives you the same curriculum as our CLASS Administration Plan, except you remain independent. You are not enrolled in our homeschool academy, and you keep your own records. See Page 6 We take the guesswork out of homeschooling. You won’t need to wonder whether your students have what they need! 4 Customer Service and Orders—call (800) 348-0899 or (847) 385-2029 From a single book to a complete program… homeschool your child! Christian Liberty Press Services Do you want to build your own curriculum? Do you simply want to use our special services? Christian Liberty Press Offers you the flexibility to choose your own curriculum! W e offer preschool through 12th grade course materials and supplements, including teacher’s manuals, answer keys, test materials, readers, family and teacher helps, and more. Do you want a curriculum kit? We have curriculum kits for each grade level (from preschool to 12th grade). Each kit contains all of the materials you need at one low price, including tests and teacher materials. M any of the materials and services that are included in a CLASS enrollment are available to independent homeschoolers on an à la carte basis, including: • Achievement Testing • Curriculum Recommendation Service •See Page 60 Contact Us For more information or to contact our Customer Service Department: Online www.christianliberty.com Orders www.shopchristianliberty.com Email custserv@christianliberty.com Phone (800) 348–0899 or (847) 385-2029 Sample Grade 6 Curriculum See Page 16 www.christianliberty.com Mail 502 West Euclid Avenue Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004–5402 Our Customer Service hours are M–F from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT (Orders: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT). Offices are closed for major holidays and the last two weeks of December. 5 Introduction What is CLASS? CLASS (Christian Liberty Academy School System) is an accredited, traditional, Christian K-12 homeschool academy that provides everything you need to homeschool successfully. It is a flexible, affordable partnership between you and our academy. We stand behind you with over 45 years of experience in curriculum selection, recordkeeping, and administration. Partnership – Together is better! You teach; we administrate. When you enroll your student, we will provide you with a California Achievement Test. We use the results of this test, along with your course preferences, to help us set up your student’s curriculum. We use a variety of the best publishers to assemble everything you will need for your student’s grade level, including: • Textbooks and/or Workbooks • Answer Keys and/or Teacher’s Manuals • Tests and/or Quizzes • Course Instructions for each course CLASS • Other helpful tools, such as our CLASS Lesson Planner We also partner with you as we each do some of the grading. CLASS produces official report cards, transcripts, and, eventually, diplomas when your student successfully completes eighth and/or twelfth grades—all from our nationally recognized academy. We take the guesswork out of homeschooling. Why wonder whether your students have what they need? Flexible – After all, it is your home school! In the CLASS Administration Plan you can select from various course alternatives. Plus, we give you up to one full year (four quarters) to submit the work for grading. You decide when to submit work to us, as there are no deadlines other than your end date. You set your own pace. Whether you decide to accelerate through a grade level, work at a more normal pace, or take a full year, it is up to you. You can even purchase extension quarters if you need more than one year to complete the grade level. The Family Administration Plan is even more flexible. You keep your own records, since you do not submit any work to us. We stand behind you. In either plan, if you find that a course is too easy or too difficult, we can make curriculum changes—even after you receive your books! Affordable CLASS is a not-for-profit ministry. We strive to keep our prices as low as possible. We offer payment plans (on request) for those who are struggling financially. You can even earn a $50 tuition voucher, good toward your next enrollment, for each new family you refer to CLASS. Our low prices include everything you need to complete the grade level. 6 Customer Service—call (800) 348-0899 and press 1 Benefits CLASS Offers Godly Education and Academic Excellence Godly Education Our curriculum is selected based on the truth that God is the Creator of all things, and He is Lord over all that He has made. Family, church, government, law, philosophy, science, education—all these are under His absolute sovereignty. There is no fact that exists without reference to God Almighty, who says, Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. —Pro v. 22:6 NKJ V And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the door posts of your house and on your gates. —Deut. 6:6-9 NKJV CLASS We see from Scripture that the God who is sovereign over education has commanded Christian parents to raise up children to know Him, love Him, and follow Him in every area of life. In short, God requires that His children be given a distinctively Christian education. Every subject is to be studied with the purpose of discovering the God-given meaning contained in it, bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, thus renewing the mind and developing a comprehensive and consistent worldview. For over 45 years, CLASS has provided Christian parents with quality, affordable educational products and services that enable them to obey this scriptural mandate. Your children deserve the best you can provide. Give them the priceless gift of a godly education. Train them up with CLASS! Academic Excellence Your children’s education should not only be Christian in philosophy and content, but also academically superior. The accredited CLASS program offers academic excellence for homeschoolers who are serious about success. Students who complete our K–12 program are well-prepared for the world of work or post-secondary studies. The CLASS curriculum demands diligent work and attention to detail, emphasizing traditional math and creation-based science, as well as reading, writing, and grammar. To see the textbooks used by CLASS, visit us at our website. www.christianliberty.com 7 Curriculum by Grade Level ALL GRADE LEVELS Tuition includes all standard curriculum materials: • Curriculum suited to your child based upon pretest results (we may even assign courses outside your student’s grade level) • Curriculum adjustments available if you need them, even after you have your materials • Alternative publishers available for many subjects • All standard textbooks and workbooks • Course instructions • Answer keys or teacher’s manuals • Tests, where appropriate • Achievement or placement testing • CLASS Lesson Planner (one per family, per year) • Grading of materials in partnership with you (CLASS Plan only) CLASS • Report cards and official transcripts issued from Christian Liberty Academy (CLASS Plan only) Parent Helps Sample First Grade Kindergarten / Advanced Kindergarten** Bible Reading Phonics Penmanship Mathematics Science Social Studies/History Art First Grade Second Grade Bible Reading Phonics Penmanship Spelling Mathematics Science History Art Bible Reading Phonics Penmanship Spelling Grammar Mathematics Science History CLASS Administration Plan $3651 $6551 Family Administration Plan $3401= $4951= ** Our Standard Kindergarten program is designed to teach four and five-year-olds beginning reading, writing, and math. Our kindergarten curriculum also includes science, history, and Bible. Our Advanced Kindergarten program is designed for students who can read full sentences, count to 100, and complete single-digit addition and subtraction problems. It is designed for parents who have an advanced student but would prefer not to enroll their child in first grade. Either program will prepare your child for first grade. 8 1 Tuition per grade level includes all standard curriculum materials. Electives may be extra. = Family Administration Plan does not include grading, report cards, transcripts, or recordkeeping services. Customer Service—call (800) 348-0899 and press 1 Curriculum by Grade Level Sample Fourth Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Bible Bible Bible Reading Reading Reading Penmanship Penmanship Spelling Spelling Spelling Grammar Grammar Grammar Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Science Science Science Geography History History History CLASS CLASS Administration Plan $6551 Family Administration Plan $4951= Sample Seventh Grade Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Bible Bible Bible Reading Literature Literature Spelling Book Reports Book Reports Grammar Spelling Spelling Mathematics Grammar Grammar Science Mathematics Mathematics Geography Science Science History History Civics Elective Available U.S. Constitution Elective Available CLASS Administration Plan $6551 Family Administration Plan $4951= www.christianliberty.com 9 High School High School Choice CLASS takes flexibility to the next level—with High School Choice. You may choose the high school courses your student will take! The chart below displays the subject areas in which high school students will study with CLASS. You can quickly see, for example, that a student will earn four credits in Theological Studies. High School Choice means that you can choose from our available courses to satisfy those four credits. The same is true for all the other major subject areas. You even have three open credits from any subject area you select. The idea is to let you structure your student’s high school career to meet the academic goals you set. College-bound students should find out early what courses their chosen college will require—then simply use High School Choice to make it happen! For details, visit www.homeschools.org. CLASS Sample Tenth Grade 9th 10th Theological Studies (1 Cr.) Theological Studies (1 Cr.) Theological Studies (1 Cr.) Theological Studies (1 Cr.) English (1 Cr., including .5 Cr. Grammar) English (1 Cr., including .5 Cr. Grammar) English (1 Cr.) English (1 Cr., including .5 Cr. Research Paper) Science (1 Cr.) Science (1 Cr. Biology) Math (1 Cr. Algebra 1) Math (1 Cr.) Heritage Studies (1 Cr.) Heritage Studies (1 Cr.) Heritage Studies (2 Cr., including 1 Cr. Economics and 1 Cr. Government) Heritage Studies (1 Cr.) Courses of your choice (1 Cr.) Courses of your choice (2 Cr.) P.E., Art, & Music P.E., Art, & Music P.E., Art, & Music P.E., Art, & Music 11th 12th CLASS Administration Plan $7602 Family Administration Plan $5902= 2 Tuition per grade level. Includes all standard curriculum materials. Some curriculum choices may involve additional fees. See the CLASS High School Choice Options sheet for credits, prerequisites, and fees. = 10 Family Administration Plan does not include grading, report cards, transcripts, or recordkeeping services. Customer Service—call (800) 348-0899 and press 1 High School Selecting Courses As long as you satisfy just a few basic requirements, like algebra and biology for example, you can select the courses you want in each subject area for your student from our extensive list. These courses represent a variety of popular publishers, so they will often include your favorites. CLASS requires 20 credits for graduation. Naturally, if your goals dictate, you may take more than 20 credits. You may choose courses for some, or all, of your student’s credit slots. If you prefer, CLASS will be happy to select any or all courses for you based on achievement test results, transcripts, and our 45+ years of experience. To see our available courses, refer to the Enrollment and Order Forms Packet (Insert pages A3–A10) or go to our website. If High School Choice is what you have been looking for, you can enroll online while you are there. High School Matriculation Students who intend to transfer into our full-time CLASS high school program must meet the minimum entrance requirements listed below. To enter 10th grade: 4.0 earned credits1, which include • One earned credit of English • Two earned credits of English • One earned credit of math • One earned credit of science CLASS To enter 11th grade: 7.5 earned credits1, which include • One earned credit of history To enter 12th grade: 12.5 earned credits1, which include • Three earned credits of English • One earned credit of math • One earned credit of science • One earned credit of history • One earned credit of Bible/theology/religion2 • GPA of 2.0 out of 4.0 (“C” or better) 1 One earned credit implies a full year or two full semesters of work. 2 Transfer students who lack this requirement may be assigned an additional Bible credit in the 12th grade, provided the assignment does not exceed the 7.5 credit limit for the grade level. All transfer students must also show an appropriate level on one of our entrance tests to enter the requested grade level, and must complete a minimum of twenty (20) credits to graduate. We do not accept credits for physical education, health, and driver’s education. Transfer students applying for grade levels for which they do not qualify will be notified by the Curriculum Department. www.christianliberty.com 11 High School High School Graduation Requirements (for a ninth grader entering CLASS) 1. Four credits of Theological Studies 2. Four credits of English (must include one credit of grammar and a .5 credit senior research paper) 3. Five credits of heritage studies (must include one credit of government and one credit of economics) 4. Two credits of science (must include one credit of biology) 5. Two credits of math (must include one credit of Algebra I or higher level algebra course) 6. Three additional credits selected from any of our available courses 7. Four years of art, music, and physical education (academic credit not awarded) High School Course Load and Credits High school students must carry a load of no less than 4 and no more than 7.5 credits per year. A minimum of twenty credits is required to graduate from CLASS. High school seniors must complete a minimum of one school year with CLASS (four credits) to graduate. CLASS From our Families… For more information and testimonials about CLASS, visit www.homeschools.org. This was our first year homeschooling and it was a huge adjustment. Now that we are nearing the end of it I can honestly say that your program has been a true blessing. Our daughters have already started asking when we can order their books and start back to school. Thank You so much for a God-centered program that has rekindled our daughters’ desire to learn. This was our first year of homeschooling and we didn’t know where to start. You took our hands and led us through this first year. The books are wonderful. Although our girls tell us the work is harder than public school, we let them know what a blessing it is to be learning more. Thank you, Christian Liberty Academy, for helping us have the confidence to do what the Lord has led us to do in the education of our children. Mr. & Mrs. F. Ohio Mr. & Mrs. M. Tennessee 12 Customer Service—call (800) 348-0899 and press 1 Enrollment How to Enroll You may enroll online, by fax, or by mail. Online Visit us at www.shopchristianliberty.com and click on CLASS Plan or Family Plan. Choose the grade level that you want, fill in the student and course information, and add it to your shopping cart. Achievement testing, evaluation, and all materials are included with the grade level, so there is no reason to order them separately. To enroll another student, simply select the correct category and repeat the process. Fax Complete the enrollment application, found in the forms packet, and fax it to Christian Liberty Academy at (847) 259–1297 (enrollment applications only). Do not fax reduced images. Faxed enrollments must be paid by Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. Mail Complete the enrollment application, found in the forms packet, and mail it with the tuition fee to Christian Liberty Academy in an envelope marked “Enrollment.” You may pay by check, money order, or by Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. Payment by check or money order must be made in U.S. funds, drawn on a U.S. bank, and made out to Christian Liberty Academy. CLASS Submit the entire tuition fee with your enrollment application. However, if you are enrolling in the CLASS Plan and are under a financial hardship, contact our Customer Service Department at (800) 348–0899, or email us at custserv@homeschools.org for information about our time payment policy. Family Plan tuition must be paid in full when you enroll. Enrollment Considerations Accreditation CLASS is accredited by the National Association of Private Schools (www.napsaccreditation.com). NAPS is a consortium of Christian educators and private school administrators from across the United States and Canada. The Association is dedicated to recognizing and improving the spiritual and educational quality of private and Christian schools. Keep in mind that accreditation never guarantees that academic credits will be accepted by another institution. Some schools may require additional information regarding academic achievement. Bible Materials CLASS students come from various religious and denominational backgrounds. We recognize these differences and respect the spiritual authority of parents. We use Bible materials that seek to develop and strengthen an active loyalty to, and basic understanding of, the Christian faith. Parents have found our Bible materials to be very helpful in building strong and harmonious families. www.christianliberty.com 13 Enrollment English Fluency CLASS materials are in the English language. We require that the individual initiating any communications with CLASS concerning a particular student be the parent or legal guardian. Therefore, parents not sufficiently fluent in English to communicate with CLASS or to instruct, supervise, and evaluate their student, must appoint someone knowledgeable in English to provide the academic and administrative oversight required by CLASS policies. Such a person must be a responsible adult, chosen by the parent or legal guardian, with a completed Authorization Form on file with CLASS. Please contact CLASS before moving forward with your enrollment if you have any questions concerning this requirement. Lesson Plans Each family has its own schedule and style; therefore, we encourage each family to develop their own lesson plan. We provide help in developing your own individual lesson plans. Our CLASS Handbook and CLASS Lesson Planner provide guidance for organizing your school day and year according to your discretion. The Course Instruction Sheet provided for each subject gives work requirements for that subject to help in your lesson plan development. Math Help CLASS CLASS provides email math help lines for junior high and high school students, and our own online multimedia algebra tutorial. Records Ninth grade or lower: We do not require records from the previous school. However, at your request, we can ask the previous school for your student’s records. Tenth through twelfth grade: We will automatically send for the academic records of students who enroll under the CLASS Plan or the Family Plan. CLASS must receive high school transcripts, either from the previous school or from independent homeschooling parents, before we can assemble a student’s curriculum. These transcripts must include both the final grade and the academic credit awarded for each course. Report cards are not an acceptable substitute for transcripts. Special Status CLASS does not offer special needs curricula or modify curricula to accommodate specific learning disabilities. However, many families have found our flexibility to be an important factor in helping their children. At your request, and based on placement/achievement test scores, academic background, and parent information, a student may be placed in CLASS as a special status student. A special status student is one who qualifies to enter CLASS at three grade levels or more below the desired grade level. Special status students will be awarded a certificate of completion instead of a diploma. At the parent’s request, however, CLASS will reevaluate a special status student for possible promotion into a grade level that will put the student on track to earn a diploma. Families with a special status student often make use of available extension quarters to complete a grade level. Some families with special needs students may prefer to use the Family Plan or just order course materials and remain completely independent. Tuition Discounts Tuition vouchers ($50 each) may be earned by referring new families to CLASS. See our website or contact us for further details. 14 Customer Service—call (800) 348-0899 and press 1 Quality Are CLASS Graduates Accepted by the Best Schools? CL ASS graduates have been accepted by the institutions listed below, and by many other colleges and universities. To see a more extensive list , visit www.homeschools.org/colleges. Texas A&M The Citadel The King’s College Trinity Christian College University of Alabama University of Alaska University of Arkansas University of Arizona University of California University of Colorado University of Delaware University of Illinois University of Michigan University of New York University of Tennessee University of Wisconsin U.S. Air Force Academy U.S. Naval Academy Vanderbilt University Virginia Polytechnic Wheaton College Whitefield College Yale University www.christianliberty.com CLASS Amherst College Baylor University Biola University Bob Jones University Brown University Calvin College Christian Heritage College Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College Dordt College Duke University Fordham University George Mason University Geneva College Grove City College Harvard University Hillsdale College Liberty University Louisiana State University New York University Northwestern University Notre Dame University Ohio State University Oxford University Patrick Henry College Pensacola Christian College Pennsylvania State University Pepperdine University Princeton University Purdue University Rutgers University San Diego Christian College Stanford University Taylor University 15 Choose your own Curriculum About Christian Liberty Press Christian Liberty Press Introduction O 16 ver thirty years ago, Christian Liberty Press was created as the publishing division of the nationally recognized Christian Liberty Academy School System to provide school materials for our own home education and Christian school programs. Since then, we have expanded the reach of our ministry to deliver excellent educational products at a great value to home schools and Christian schools across the United States and throughout the world. We are dedicated to finding, evaluating, and producing curriculum materials that are rooted in the Word of God and express a biblical worldview. As one of the educational ministries of the Church of Christian Liberty located in Arlington Heights, Illinois, we are in touch with the needs of Christian families and Christian schools. We strive to assist families as they educate their children for the glory of God and provide materials that will assist all ages in their growth in grace. We are confident that you will find that our curriculum kits, materials, and services will aid you in the education of your students. We look forward to helping you provide your students with a Christ-centered curriculum that will prepare them for service within His kingdom. You will also find additional products and services— especially our online testing services and ebooks—at www.shopchristianliberty.com; so feel free to look there if you do not find all that you need in this catalog. CLASS Lesson Planner The CLASS Lesson Planner thoroughly equips busy parents with practical help in managing their home and school. It includes suggestions for developing lesson plans, organizational techniques, and forms that permit the homeschooler to be more efficient in school administration and the creation of permanent records. A copy of this planner is included in each curriculum kit. (Christian Liberty Press) Book, 112 pgs................................ CLP89920$10.50 CLP Books : C hristian Liberty Press offers several of its titles in PDF and/or ePub formats. If you are looking for digital versions of our products, visit our website and check out the selection. New titles are being added regularly, so if you cannot find a product now, check back later. Just visit www.shopchristianliberty.com and click on eBooks. PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Preschool Preschool Workbooks T he Christian Liberty Preschool program introduces students to the letters of the alphabet and the counting numbers, 0 through 10. Students will also learn about colors, shapes, size, matching, opposites, patterns, and other basic skills. This program provides preschool students with an excellent foundation for the Christian Liberty Press Adventures in Phonics program. Christian Liberty Preschool Activity Book The Christian Liberty Preschool Activity Book includes colorful illustrations that will help students comprehend each lesson. Each unit covers activities for one week. By the end of this thirty-week course, students will be able to write each letter in the alphabet, pronounce short vowel sounds, count up to ten, and much more. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 303 pgs..... CLP09500$24.50 Teacher’s Guide............CLP09501$8.50 Bible Bible Nuggets from A to Z Filled with powerful Bible stories, detailed illustrations, memory verses, and fun activities, this book is sure to delight preschoolers and parents alike. Students can reinforce their knowledge of the stories through fun crafts that utilize preschool appropriate skills such as cutting, pasting, and tracing. Bible Nuggets seeks to help place the truth of God’s Word deeply in the hearts and minds of young students so that they may better learn to love and obey God. (Christian Liberty Press) Textbook, 80 pgs..........CLP19600$10.50 Activity Book .................CLP19602$10.50 My ABC Bible Verses Christian Liberty Preschool Drill Book The Christian Liberty Preschool Drill Book includes exercises that will reinforce what students are learning in the Christian Liberty Preschool Activity Book. This supplemental workbook offers students extra practice in basic handwriting skills, forming the letters of the alphabet, writing the counting numbers, and working on colors and shapes. (Christian Liberty Press) Drill Book, 57 pgs........ CLP09504$9.50 Text, 64 pgs................. CRS13300$17.99 Catechism First Catechism This tried and true method of question and answer instruction enables young children to learn basic Christian teachings. It is a very useful tool to help children begin with the milk of the Word. This is a good supplement to an existing Bible program. (Great Commission Publications) Booklet, 38 pgs........... GCP10000$2.00 More than ever, children need to be exposed to uplifting literature that can help them to develop into compassionate and caring servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. The book Nathan’s Story was written with this goal in mind. This book includes a group of helpful teaching suggestions and is recommended for children ages 3-7. (Great Light Publications) Text, 48 pgs................. GLP24100$7.99 Mathematics MathHouse Games These cards help parents focus on playing games with their children—special games designed to demonstrate mathematical concepts to children as they play. It may take a few rounds of play, but playing Carlito C. Caterpillar’s MathHouse Games makes kids’ play count! (c3pla) Preschool Readers (8 pages each) (See page 59 for details.) The Christian Liberty Preschool Readers are five readers that teach students to read one or two simple words on a page. These colorful and beautifully illustrated booklets encourage young children to recognize short vowel words; each booklet highlights one of the Game........................ CCC50000$23.95 Preschool Curriculum Kit five vowels—a, e, i, o, and u. (Christian Liberty Press) My Cat and the Hat Ed Wakes Up Kit Likes to Sit My Dog Goes for a Jog The Sun and the Rain KITPS...................................$115.78 Set of Five Readers..........CLPKITRP$21.74 Bible Trottino’s Tale This colorful book provides younger children with a morally uplifting story based upon the adventures of a rabbit named Trottino. Detailed teaching suggestions are included at the end of the book, which provide instructions regarding how to bring out the biblical principles contained in the story. This is a good book for parents to read to children ages four to six. (Christian Liberty Press) PS Bible Nuggets from A to Z and Activity Book My ABC Bible Verses Preschool Workbooks Activity Book Teacher’s Guide Drill Book Readers Five Preschool Readers Trottino’s Tale Christian Liberty Press life. (Crossway) Nathan’s Story is based upon a timeless message that was given by the prophet Nathan to King David. This beautifully illustrated hardbound volume will not only entertain youngsters, but will teach them about the importance of respecting the property of others. It will also warn children of the dangers that are associated with greed, coveting, and selfishness. Readers Hiding God’s Word in Little Hearts Susan Hunt’s hardbound book provides a colorful, story-filled way for even the youngest child to take God’s Word to heart— and learn the alphabet, too! My ABC Bible Verses is perfect as a read-to book for your children or grandchildren, and great for use in churches, Christian schools, home schools, or Bible clubs. It can also be easily adapted for family devotions with young children (3-to 7-year-olds). These verses are the building blocks of the soul—the building blocks that can lead to eternal Nathan’s Story Support Materials CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) Text, 38 pgs................. CLP29600$12.50 www.christianliberty.com 17 Kindergarten Bible Bible Treasures Genesis to Ruth K Bible Treasures: Genesis to Ruth is a Bible storybook containing stories, memory verses, questions, and catechism memorization to help students understand God’s wonderful plan of redemption. At the end of each week, students will be able to actively participate in fun crafts and activities that will help them review and remember their lessons. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 251 pgs......CLP19605$23.25 Catechism First Catechism This tried and true method of question and answer instruction enables young children to learn basic Christian teachings. It is a very useful tool to help children begin with the milk of the Word. This is a good supplement to an existing Bible program. (Great Commission Publications) Booklet, 38 pgs........... GCP10000$2.00 Big Truths for Little Kids Author Susan Hunt has written this well-illustrated, hardcover book to help parents teach their children to live for God. This book is divided into thirty-six lessons that teach basic truths of the Christian faith. Each lesson includes a few questions and answers from the First Catechism (also found on this page) about a particular topic, an engaging short story illustrating the truth being taught, and some discussion questions. This book is perfect for a weekly Bible lesson and could be used for family devotions with young children. (Crossway) Text, 160 pgs............... CRS13305$19.99 Reading and Phonics Adventures in Phonics, Level A Third Edition This course begins a formal study of phonics—starting with short vowel sounds and logically progressing through consonants, long vowels, and beyond. It uses drill, repetition, and writing activities to ensure comprehension. It is designed to work with our kindergarten phonics readers, where students are prompted to begin reading once the phonics concepts for a given title have been studied. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 216 pgs..... CLP28810 $13.75 Teacher’s Manual......... CLP28811 $9.50 Flashcards & Charts....... CLP29814$5.25 Kindergarten Phonics Readers It Is Fun to Read, Pals and Pets, A Time at Home, It Is a Joy to Learn These four readers are designed to complement Adventures in Phonics Level A. The first two readers emphasize single-syllable short vowel words. Simple consonant blends are introduced on a regular basis throughout the series. Each reader is filled with Christhonoring stories that are one to three pages in length. All four readers are normally sold as a set. (Christian Liberty Press) 4 Readers.......................CLPKITPR$18.90 Phonics Sounds & Teaching Tips CD This lecture provides phonics instructors with guidance in the correct pronunciation of each vowel and consonant sound. It also includes special tips for teaching beginning readers. This lecture can be used to supplement any phonics program. (Christian Liberty Press) Christian Liberty Press Audio CD.................... CLP29809$8.50 Tiptoes Kindergarten Curriculum Kit (KITK $210.60) Kit includes all texts, workbooks, and support materials unless otherwise noted. Bible World Studies Bible Treasures: Genesis to Ruth Little Pilgrims in God’s World Catechism Math-Phonics Skills First Catechism Hearts and Hands or Mathematics Big Truths for Little Kids (add $16.19) Reading and Phonics Adventures in Phonics: Level A Kindergarten Phonics Readers Christian Liberty Nature Reader: Book K Phonics Sounds CD Handwriting In the Beginning 18 This basic reader reinforces the sounds taught in the phonics program, gives phonics-based practice in reading, and introduces new phonics rules. Simple comprehension questions and activities are included throughout the book. (A Beka) Text, 126 pgs............... ABK20110$12.95 Stepping Stones Liberty Mathematics: Level K This basic reader focuses on stories about children and animals. It reinforces previously learned phonics sounds and introduces new ones. Simple thought questions and activities are included throughout the book. (A Beka) Science The World God Made Art Celebrating Art Support Materials Training Children in Godliness CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) Text, 126 pgs............... ABK20115$12.95 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Choose your own Curriculum Christian Liberty Nature Reader, Book K Math-Phonics Skills This colorful reader will introduce the student to God’s marvelous creation and reinforce phonics principles. The student will also learn beginning vocabulary skills as he is exposed to new words. Students who have completed a kindergarten phonics program should be able to read this four-color book with minimal help. (Christian Liberty Press) Art Hearts and Hands Celebrating Art Second Edition Kindergarten students will develop basic art skills as they complete this workbook. Each action-filled lesson presents arts/ crafts activities that include complete instructions for the teacher. (Christian Liberty Press) Hearts and Hands is a drill book intended to develop your student’s skills in letters and numbers, phonics and math, and handwriting and hand-eye coordination. The title of this book comes from an old proverb that says, “Hands to work—Hearts to God.” Hearts and Hands will help your child develop reading, writing, and math skills. Reader, 60 pgs............ CLP29900$5.25 (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 103 pgs..... CLP99500$8.50 Child Training Workbook, 124 pgs..... CLP29806$13.75 Handwriting In the Beginning Liberty Mathematics, Level K This math workbook introduces students to primary mathematics concepts. Topics covered include counting from 0–100, addition and subtraction facts from 1–10, counting on a line, basic shapes and colors, comparison of sizes, telling Workbook, 60 pgs....... CLP39905$9.50 time and counting money, basic measurement, and Writing Pad ................ CLP30002$2.25 Teacher’s Guide .......... CLP30001$2.25 Training Children in Godliness Second Edition Mathematics This is the first of two books devoted to manuscript style handwriting. Students use a modified version of the Palmer method to learn both capital and lower-case letters. Supplemental handwriting pads are available that contain lines one inch in height. (Christian Liberty Press) This book provides parents and other adults with a course on training children in Christian pose of values. The primary pur this book is to sharpen the skills and understanding of those individuals who have a burden to guide youngsters in the path of righteousness. (Christian Liberty Press) Book, 142 pgs............. CLP99605 place value. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 233 pgs......CLP59500$12.75 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP59501$7.50 Flashcards....................CLP59905$4.25 MathHouse Games Little Pilgrims in God’s World This world studies course will help kindergarten students learn who they are in Christ and what their roles are in the family, the church, society, and the world. They will learn what it means to be created in God’s own image, how He provides for His children, and that He is preparing for them a new world called heaven. This colorful textbook offers questions, activities, vocabulary, and Bible memory work at the end of each lesson. The supplemental Activity Book and teacher’s manual provide most of the support materials and ideas needed to complete all the “Activity” and “Something Else to Do” sections in the textbook. (Christian Liberty Press) These cards help parents focus on playing games with their children— special games designed to demonstrate mathematical concepts to children as they play. It may take a few rounds of play, but playing Carlito C. Caterpillar’s MathHouse Games makes kids’ play count! (c3pla) (See page 59 for details.) Game........................ CCC50000$23.95 Science The World God Made This science text gives students a simple overview of the basic elements of science from a Christian perspective. Topics such as Text, 160 pgs............... CLP79905$19.00 nature, weather, seasons, perTeacher’s Manual......... CLP79906$7.50 sonal health, and animals are Activity Book ............... CLP79908$18.00 presented in this beautifully illusComplete Set................ SETLPGW$40.05 trated four-color text. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 92 pgs........CLP69500$11.75 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP69501$8.50 www.christianliberty.com $9.50 Little Pilgrims in God’s World I bought the set (book, teacher’s manual, activity book) for my 6 year old son, and he LOVES it! At first I thought it would be a bit over his head, but it isn’t. He remembers what he is learning, and also enjoys the projects. It is designed to be used twice a week, but my son asks for it so often that we have been using it more frequently. Thanks CLP! Christian Liberty Press World Studies K —CLP Customer 19 First Grade Bible Reading and Phonics Bible Treasures Adventures in Phonics, Level B 1 Samuel to Malachi 1 This Bible storybook is the second in a three-part Bible series covering the entire Bible. It is well illustrated, containing stories, questions, and Bible verse and catechism (using First Catechism) memorization activities. The goal is to help students understand God’s wonderful plan of redemption. The book is divided into 36 weekly units, with five lessons per unit. (Christian Liberty Press) Second Edition This course continues the formal study of phonics and covers topics such as blends, digraphs, diphthongs, silent letters, and more. It also introduces syllables, apostrophes, synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. Drill, repetition, and writing activities are used to ensure comprehension. (Christian Liberty Press) Bible Alive–New Testament Set 2 Jesus the Child—Jesus the Healer— Jesus the Teacher Jesus came to the world to save His people from their sins. These three readers teach young children different aspects of Christ’s life in an engaging manner, from His birth, life, death, and resurrection. Each 24-page Workbook, 230 pgs...... CLP28815$13.75 book is well illustrated and colorful—yet without any Workbook, 272 pgs...... CLP19610$23.25 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP28816$9.50 pictures of Jesus—and is understandable to most first graders. Children will love to read these books over and over again. (Christian Focus) Christian Liberty Nature Reader, Book 1 Catechism This colorful reader will introduce the student to God’s marvelous creation and reinforce phonics principles. The student will also learn beginning vocabulary skills as he is exposed to new words. (Christian Liberty Press) First Catechism This tried and true method of question and answer instruction enables young children to learn basic Christian teachings. It is a very useful tool to help children begin with the milk of the Word. This is a good supplement to an existing Bible program. (Great Commission Publications) Reader, 163 pgs...........CLP29950 3 Readers........................CFKITB2$10.77 Tiptoes This basic reader reinforces the sounds taught in the phonics program, gives phonics-based practice in reading, and introduces new phonics rules. Simple comprehension questions and activities are included throughout the book. (A Beka) $9.50 Text, 126 pgs............... ABK20110$12.95 Booklet, 38 pgs........... GCP10000$2.00 Stepping Stones This basic reader focuses on stories about children and animals. It reinforces previously learned phonics sounds and introduces new ones. Simple thought questions and activities are included throughout the book. (A Beka) Bible Alive–New Testament Set 1 Christian Liberty Press Jesus the Miracle Worker—Jesus the Storyteller—Jesus the Saviour These three readers teach young children different aspects of Christ’s life in an engaging manner. Each 24-page book is well illustrated and colorful—and is understandable to most first graders. (Christian Focus) Text, 126 pgs............... ABK20115$12.95 Kind and Brave 3 Readers........................CFKITB1$10.77 This reader is a collection of stories taken from America’s past and includes both animal fables and true-to-life stories. Basic comprehension questions are included throughout the book. (A Beka) First Grade Curriculum Kit (KIT1 $209.22) Kit includes all texts, workbooks, and support materials unless otherwise noted. Bible Mathematics (choose one) Bible Treasures: I Samuel to Malachi Liberty Mathematics: Level A or Reading Adventures in Phonics: Level B Christian Liberty Nature Reader: Book 1 Bible Alive–New Testament Set 2 Meeting New Friends Noah Webster’s Reading Handbook Language Arts Building Spelling Skills: Book 1 Writing with Diligence History Text, 125 pgs...............ABK20130$12.95 MCP Mathematics: Level A (add $13.90) Science Strong and True Our Father’s World This reader is a collection of character-building patriotic stories and poems. Basic comprehension questions are included throughout the book. (A Beka) Art Appreciating Art Support Materials CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) Text, 125 pgs............... ABK20135$12.95 History for Little Pilgrims 20 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Choose your own Curriculum Meeting New Friends Writing with Diligence Second Edition This is the second of two books devoted to manuscript style This reader provides short stohandwriting. Students use a ries for children who need to modified version of the Palmer expand their understanding of method to further develop both phonics through reading. Phocapital and lower-case letters. nics charts and vocabulary drills They also begin writing words are included with this colorful and simple sentences. Supplemental handwriting text. (Christian Liberty Press) pads are available that contain lines one inch in Text, 185 pgs................ CLP29610$11.75 height. (Christian Liberty Press) Noah Webster’s Reading Handbook This historic text has been updated. The blends and words in this reader are arranged to correlate with the sequence in which the special phonics sounds are taught. This reader is an invaluable teaching tool for children who need extra practice in the application of phonics rules. (Christian Liberty Press) Arithmetic 1 Arithmetic 1 is a colorful workbook, presenting math concepts in an orderly manner. It builds on prior learning and includes consistent year-long review. Concepts include counting, writing and reading numbers, place value, addition and subtraction, money, graphs, measurement, time, temperature, and fractions. (A Beka) Workbook, 342 pgs..... ABK50210$18.10 Workbook, 76 pgs........CLP39910$9.50 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP50211$4.25 Writing Pad ................ CLP30002$2.25 Tests............................ CLP50212$4.25 Teacher’s Guide .......... CLP30001$2.25 1 Modern Curriculum Press Mathematics, Level A (2005 Edition) History History for Little Pilgrims MCP Mathematics uses a traditional drill and practice format with predictable, easy-to-use lessons. This text is adaptable to fit your schedule and needs. Level A covers numbers 0-10, addition and subtraction facts (in stages) up to 2-digit problems, place value through 200, money and time, geometry, measurement, fractions, and graphing. (Modern Curriculum Press) Students will be presented with a biblical overview of world and American history. They will learn about Creation Text, 138 pgs................ CLP29515$10.50 and the nations, the history of God’s kingdom, early explorers Phonics Is Fun, Level 1 and cultures, the discovery of the Americas, and the This course begins a formal growth and development of the United States. NumerWorkbook, 298 pgs.... MCP56315$19.97 study of phonics—starting with ous illustrations, maps, and chapter questions help Teacher’s Edition......... MCP56316$36.97 letter recognition and consonant ensure student comprehension. Geography lessons sounds, and then progressing are also included. A coloring book is available for supMathHouse through short and long vowel plemental use. (Christian Liberty Press) Games sounds, blends, digraphs, and These cards help parmore. Drill, repetition, and writing Text, 122 pgs............... CLP79900$12.75 ents focus on playing activities are used to ensure comprehension. (Modern Teacher’s Manual..........CLP79901$7.50 games with their chilCurriculum Press) Coloring Book.............. CLP79904$5.25 dren—special games Workbook, 160 pgs....MCP26305$6.00 designed to demonTeacher’s Edition.........MCP26306$7.00 strate mathematical concepts to children as they play. It may take a few rounds of play, but playing Carlito Appreciating Art C. Caterpillar’s MathHouse Games makes kids’ play This workbook provides handscount! (c3pla) on arts and crafts activities Building Spelling (See page 59 for details.) for first graders. Each project Skills, Book 1 can be completed with simple Game........................ CCC50000$23.95 Second Edition household items. Instructions The spelling concepts preare provided with each of the lessented in this workbook instruct sons. (Christian Liberty Press) children how to spell words with short and long vowel sounds, Workbook, 85 pgs........CLP99510$8.50 Our Father’s World double consonants, special This science text covers such blends, digraphs oo and or, diphthongs, word endtopics as plants, insects, aniings, prefixes, suffixes, and compound words. (Chrismals, creation science, and tian Liberty Press) Liberty Mathematics, basic health. Each topic is pre Level A Workbook, 127 pgs...... CLP39615$10.50 sented with full-color illustrations, This math workbook is designed hands-on activities, vocabulary Answer Key.................. CLP39616$5.25 to give first grade students an drills, and comprehension quesintroduction to primary mathetions. (Christian Liberty Press) matics concepts. Topics covered Workbook, 102 pgs...... CLP69510$12.75 include addition and subtraction Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP69511$8.50 facts from 1–18, two-digit addition Tests............................ CLP69512$5.25 and subtraction, fractions, calendars, time and money, measurement, and sets. (Christian Liberty Press) Art Language Arts Mathematics Christian Liberty Press Science Workbook, 250 pgs...... CLP59510$17.00 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP59511$7.50 Tests............................ CLP59512$5.25 Drill Book...................... CLP59514$11.75 www.christianliberty.com 21 Second Grade Bible Bible Treasures Adventures in Phonics: Level C New Testament 2 This course is the third book in the Bible Treasures series. It is well illustrated, containing stories, questions, and Bible verse and catechism (using First Catechism) memorization activities. The goal is to help students understand God’s wonderful plan of redemption. The book is divided into 36 weekly units, with five lessons per unit. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 312 pgs.......CLP19615$23.25 A Sure Foundation: Essential Bible Truths for Children This Bible study workbook helps young children grasp basic Christian doctrines. Students are presented with a key catechism question in each lesson and are guided into specific Bible readings, comprehension exercises, and questions that relate to the catechism topic. Projects and vocabulary drills are also incorporated into each lesson. (Great Light Publications) Workbook, 232 pgs...... GLP14115$14.95 Second Edition This workbook is the third and final course in the formal study of phonics. It reviews sounds, blends, digraphs, and diphthongs. It also covers prefixes and suffixes, plurals, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, apostrophe usage, syllables, and pronunciation. (Christian Liberty Press)—Available May 2016 Booklet, 38 pgs........... GCP10000$2.00 Text, 90 pgs..................CLP29525$10.50 Paths of Gold First Edition (Available while supplies last): Workbook, 188 pgs......CLP29820$12.75 Teacher’s Manual..........CLP29821$9.50 This reader is a collection of stories taken from America’s past. Thought questions are included at the end of most stories. (A Beka) Beautiful Stories for Children This reader is designed to increase the reading and vocabulary skills of students who have already mastered the fundamentals of phonics. Poetry selections are also included in this text, as well as numerous full-color illustrations. (Christian Liberty Press) Christian Liberty Nature Reader, Book 2 First Catechism This tried and true method of question and answer instruction enables young children to learn basic Christian teachings. It is a very useful tool to help children begin with the milk of the Word. This is a good supplement to an existing Bible program. (Great Commission Publications) This well-illustrated hardbound book provides youngsters with exciting and morally uplifting reading material. To help this classic story come alive for students, detailed teaching suggestions are included that outline arts and crafts activities that are correlated to the story. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 188 pgs......CLP28820$13.75 Teacher’s Manual..........CLP28821$9.50 Reader, 183 pgs...........CLP29620$11.75 Catechism Christian Liberty Press The Robinson Crusoe Reader Reading and Phonics Text, 123 pgs...............ABK20140$12.95 Silver Sails This reader is a collection of stories taken from America’s past. Thought questions are included at the end of select stories. (A Beka) Text, 123 pgs...............ABK20145$12.95 Language Arts Building Spelling Skills, Book 2 This supplemental reader teaches youngsters about interesting small creatures. Illustrations beautifully velop and complement each de lesson from nature. Helpful review questions are also provided in the text. (Christian Liberty Press) Second Edition The spelling concepts presented in this workbook instruct children how to spell words with short and long vowel sounds, consonant blends, y and w words, words Text, 149 pgs............... CLP29960$9.50 with hard and soft c and g, modified vowels with r, synAnswer Key..................CLP29961$3.25 onyms and antonyms, homonyms, and words ending in le. (Christian Liberty Press) Second Grade Curriculum Kit (KIT2 $210.55) Workbook, 133 pgs......CLP39625$10.50 Answer Key..................CLP39626$5.25 Kit includes all texts, workbooks, and support materials unless otherwise noted. Bible History Bible Treasures: New Testament Our Nation Under God Reading and Phonics Mathematics (choose one) Adventures in Phonics: Level C Beautiful Stories for Children Christian Liberty Nature Reader: Book 2 The Robinson Crusoe Reader Liberty Mathematics: Level B Language Arts God’s Wonderful Works Building Spelling Skills: Book 2 Writing with Prayer Choose one Grammar course: English 2: Writing & Grammar or MCP Mathematics: Level B (add $24.47) Science Support Materials CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) English 2: Writing and Grammar Second Edition This course is an introduction to basic grammar and writing concepts. The workbook is divided into sixteen chapters that alternate between grammar and writing instruction, each of which concludes with a review section. (Bob Jones) Workbook, 340 pgs......BJU42320$26.94 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP42321$6.50 or Language 2 (deduct $6.70) 22 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Choose your own Curriculum Language 2 Third Edition This colorful workbook reinforces what students have learned in first grade. They will go on to master basic punctuation of sentences; working with compound words, rhyming words, antonyms, synonyms, and singular possessive words; forming plurals of words; and using words correctly in sentences. (A Beka) Workbook, 183 pgs.... ABK40220$17.50 Answer Key.................. CLP40221$8.50 Arithmetic 2 Arithmetic 2 covers such topics as counting, place value, addition and subtraction, money, time, graphs, simple geometry, multiplication and division, and Roman numerals. Story problems are used to provide practice in using skills and facts learned and are based on concrete situations. (A Beka) Workbook, 346 pgs.....ABK50220$18.10 Teacher’s Manual..........CLP50221$4.25 Tests............................CLP50222$4.25 Modern Curriculum Press Mathematics, Level B Writing with Prayer After a review of manuscript style handwriting, this course begins to teach students cursive writing. A modified version of the ZanerBloser style is used as students learn to form lower- and uppercase letters. Supplemental handwriting pads are available that contain lines one-half inch in height. (Christian Liberty Press) (2005 Edition) Modern Curriculum Press Mathematics uses a traditional drill and practice format with predictable, easy-to-use lessons. This series reinforces basic math skills with extensive practice that will help students learn and retain the new concepts while preparing a wide range of ability levels for Workbook, 91 pgs........CLP39920$9.50 success on standardized tests. Level B covers basic Writing Pad ................ CLP30006$2.25 facts through 18, time and money, addition and subTeacher’s Guide .......... CLP30001$2.25 traction of three-digit numbers, geometry and fractions, measurement, and multiplication and division through 5. (Modern Curriculum Press) History Our Nation Under God Science God’s Wonderful Works The Creation in Six Days Second grade students will delight to study creation based upon the six-day account Workbook, 154 pgs..... CLP79920$11.75 described in the book of Gen Teacher’s Manual..........CLP79921$6.50 esis. Students learn about what Tests........................... CLP79922$4.25 God made during each of the days of creation. In fullcolor format, students explore the creation of the physical world, energy, plants, heavenly bodies, animals, and human beings. This workbook is truly unique and includes helpful review questions and many hands-on Liberty Mathematics, Level B activities. (Christian Liberty Press) Mathematics Liberty Mathematics: Level B provides students with an excellent course based on learning basic math facts. It begins by reviewing addition and subtraction facts through 18 and then progressively exposes the student to addition and subtraction of two-, three-, and four-digit numbers; and multiplication and division facts 0–5. Time and money, measurement and geometry, fraction and tally, chart and graph, and balanced equation exercises are also presented. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 140 pgs......CLP69525$12.75 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP69526$8.50 Tests............................CLP69527$5.25 I have had a chance to look through the grade 2 and K curricula. I am so happy with what I see! After researching and researching other curricula we settled on CLP. Their materials are all solid biblically based. My son loved looking through the science book and also seeing what he would be learning in history. The teacher’s manuals are very helpful in planning out the lessons and not over– whelming at all… Academically I’ve researched each subject and it seems to me CLP has picked the best of the best. —CLP Customer 2 Christian Liberty Press This U.S. history text covers the history of our nation in a more expanded fashion. Students learn about the great events of American history from a traditional conservative perspective. Comprehension questions and map work activities are included in this colorful history book. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 314 pgs....MCP56325$19.97 Teacher’s Edition......... MCP56326$36.97 Looking forward to this year! Workbook, 284 pgs......CLP59520$17.00 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP59521$7.50 Tests............................CLP59522$5.25 www.christianliberty.com 23 Third Grade Bible Studying God’s Word, Book D This Bible study workbook provides children with a thorough understanding of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Numerous exercises and projects related to the teachings of Christ are set forth in a compelling manner. (Christian Liberty Press) History Stories for Children Third Edition This well-illustrated reader exposes children to a wide variety of wholesome stories based upon famous historical events and personalities. Students sharpen their reading skills while they learn about Alexander the Great, King David, and many others. (Christian Liberty Press) —Available May 2016 Crossroads This reader is a collection of stories taken from America’s past. Thought questions are included at the end of most stories. (A Beka) Text, 126 pgs ..............ABK20155$12.95 Workbook, 139 pgs...... CLP19535$11.75 Text, 259 pgs................CLP29735$14.75 Language Arts Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP19536$5.25 Building Spelling Teacher’s Manual..........CLP29736$4.25 3 Tests............................CLP29737$4.25 Student Exercises...........CLP29738$4.25 Catechism First Catechism This tried and true method of question and answer instruction enables young children to learn basic Christian teachings. It is a very useful tool to help children begin with the milk of the Word. This is a good supplement to an existing Bible program. (Great Commission Publications) Booklet, 38 pgs........... GCP10000$2.00 Reading Christian Liberty Nature Reader, Book 3 Christian Liberty Press This beautifully illustrated reader exposes young students to the daily routine of various animals. Review questions are provided in the text to help instructors evaluate the comprehension level of each reader. (Christian Liberty Press) Skills, Book 3 Second Edition The spelling concepts presented in this workbook instruct children how to spell words with beginning consonant sounds, consonant blends, consonant digraphs, vowel digraphs, diphthongs ou and ow; words with ar and or; word endings; words with er, ir, and ur; and diphthongs oi and oy. Vocabulary exercises are also included. (Christian Liberty Press) Second Edition (Available while supplies last): Text, 196 pgs................CLP29635$11.75 Teacher’s Manual..........CLP29636$4.25 The Story of the Wright Brothers and Their Sister Few stories rival the fascinating and exciting adventures of the Wright brothers, both prior to and during their early days of flight. This illustrated reader contains a wonderful story that features the special relationship between the Wright brothers and their sister. (Christian Liberty Press) Reader, 147 pgs.......... CLP29640$9.50 Footprints This reader is a collection of stories taken from America’s past. Thought questions are included at the end of select stories. (A Beka) Text, 154 pgs................CLP29955$9.50 Answer Key..................CLP29956$3.25 Text, 124 pgs ..............ABK20150$12.95 Workbook, 131 pgs......CLP39635$10.50 Answer Key..................CLP39636$5.25 English 3: Writing and Grammar Second Edition Grammar and writing are combined to teach students both the mechanics and the use of English. Chapters range from learning about sentences and the parts of speech to writing letters, stories, essays, book reports, and research papers. (Bob Jones) Workbook, 362 pgs......BJU42330$26.94 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP42331$8.50 Tests............................ CLP42335$5.25 Language 3 Fourth Edition Third Grade Curriculum Kit (KIT3 $230.74) Kit includes all texts, workbooks, and support materials unless otherwise noted. Bible History Studying God’s Word Book D American Pioneers and Patriots Reading Mathematics Christian Liberty Nature Reader: Book 3 History Stories for Children The Story of the Wright Brothers and Their Sister MCP Mathematics: Level C Language Arts Building Spelling Skills: Book 3 Writing with Grace Choose one Grammar course: English 3: Writing & Grammar Science Exploring God’s Creation Support Materials How to Successfully Teach Reading CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) This workbook provides an excellent variety of practice exercises for third grade students. They will develop abilities in thinking and expressing their thoughts correctly in both spoken and written English. Capitalization, punctuation, correct sentences, proper word usage, antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, and recognizing nouns and verbs are emphasized. Dictionary skills and creative writing skills are also developed. (A Beka) Workbook, 207 pgs.....ABK40230$17.50 Answer Key.................. CLP40231$7.50 Tests ............................CLP40232$5.25 or Language 3 (deduct $9.40) 24 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Choose your own Curriculum Modern Curriculum Press Mathematics, Level C Writing with Grace Using a slightly modified version of the Zaner-Bloser style, this workbook continues development of cursive writing. Emphasis is on difficult lower-case letters and capital letter formation. Supplemental handwriting pads are available that contain lines one-half inch in height. (Christian Liberty Press) (2005 Edition) This course provides students with an excellent course of study dealing with traditional mathematics concepts. It begins by reviewing facts regarding addition, subtraction, and place value; then it presents topics such as time, measurement, fractions, geometry, and graphing, as well Workbook, 60 pgs........CLP39930$9.50 as multiplication and division facts through 9 and an Writing Pad ................ CLP30006$2.25 introduction to decimals. A number of word problem Teacher’s Guide .......... CLP30001$2.25 sets are included. Chapter tests are included in the workbook. (Modern Curriculum Press) History American Pioneers and Patriots Second Edition This four-color hardcover history text provides students with a unique study of early American history and culture. They will be exposed to more than political and military events from our nation’s past. They will learn about life in America through the fictional accounts of typical pioneer families in the New World. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 308 pgs....MCP56335$19.97 Teacher’s Edition......... MCP56336$36.97 Science Exploring God’s Creation This colorful science text helps students enjoy the study of God’s world by teaching them more advanced scientific concepts. Students will study the environment, matter, energy, plants, and animals, often utilizing hands-on experiments. An Text, 165 pgs................CLP79835$21.00 answer key is also provided at the back of the workAnswer Key..................CLP79836$4.25 book. (Christian Liberty Press) Tests............................CLP79837$4.25 Workbook, 124 pgs......CLP69520$12.75 Tests............................CLP69522$4.25 Mathematics Arithmetic 3 Workbook, 328 pgs.... ABK50430$18.10 Teacher’s Edition..........ABK50431$28.95 Tests.......................... ABK50434$6.25 Test Key ..................... ABK50435$11.00 Teaching Tools How to Successfully Teach Reading Many parent educators realize that there is more to the art of reading than simply learning the phonics sounds. This booklet will equip instructors to take their students to a higher level of fluency and comprehension. If your student’s reading ability could use some improvement, this booklet will provide you with practical guidance so that you can help. (Christian Liberty Press) Booklet, 27 pgs.............CLP29825$5.25 www.christianliberty.com I have waited all summer to save up for this kit. I am so pleased to have a complete set of materials this year. My children have jumped in and gotten to work with no problem. I’m thrilled with the Christcentered themes in all of the materials. I don’t have to worry about pulling something related to Common Core from the internet. 3 Thanks CLP! —CLP Customer Christian Liberty Press Extensive work is provided within this course in multiplication and division; story problems up to four steps; Roman numerals; averaging numbers; standard measures; equations; and adding, subtracting, and reducing fractions. The workbook includes an abundance of review problems, as well as supplemental exercises. (A Beka) All You Need and Budget Friendly 25 Fourth Grade Bible Studying God’s Word, Book E This course is the first in a series of four workbooks that take a chronological approach to the study of the Bible. This particular volume covers Genesis through Ruth in forty-two lessons. The text contains exercises, three in-book tests, and map activities, as well as Bible book outlines and chronological charts. (Christian Liberty Press) Children of the Covered Wagon Young children will love to read this historically accurate and personal account of pioneers heading west on the Oregon Trail during the mid1800s. This timeless adventure also features numerous illustrations, large print, and helpful maps. (Christian Liberty Press) 4 Finding a New Land Finding a New Land is a colorful, well-illustrated reader that teaches young readers about the exploration and settlement of the New World through a series of delightful and informative stories and poems. Children will learn about the people and events of colonial America and the struggle for American independence. Throughout the book, they will be introduced to such famous people as Christopher Columbus, Jonathan Edwards, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Betsy Ross. (Christian Liberty Press) This reader is a collection of stories taken from America’s past. Thought questions are included at the end of most stories. (A Beka) Text, 240 pgs .............. ABK20170$17.25 Book, 266 pgs............. CLP29840$13.75 Answer Key ................. CLP20171$1.25 Workbook, 207 pgs...... CLP19540$11.75 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP19541$5.25 Reading Liberty Tree Christian Liberty Nature Reader, Book 4 This fascinating text provides supplemental reading for students interested in learning more about tions animals. Numerous illustra and helpful chapter comprehension questions are included with this reader. (Christian Liberty Press) Flags Unfurled This reader is a collection of stories taken from America’s past. Thought questions are included at the end of most stories. (A Beka) Text, 231 pgs .............. ABK20175$17.25 Answer Key ................. CLP20176$1.25 Text, 198 pgs............... CLP29965$9.50 Answer Key................. CLP29966$4.25 Stories of the Pilgrims Language Arts Building Spelling Skills, Book 4 Second Edition This revised and updated reader provides a delightful and intriguing account of the adventures of the Pilgrims. This full-color book brings history alive so students can experience the day-to-day lifestyle of our Pilgrim fathers. (Christian Liberty Press) Second Edition The spelling concepts presented in this workbook instruct children how to spell words with suffixes -tion and -ion, silent e words, word endings, computer terms, Text, 268 pgs............... CLP29645$14.75 the three sounds of wh and ch, consonant digraphs Text, 230 pgs................CLP29745$11.75 with f and ph, prefixes, compound words, irregular Answer Key................. CLP29646$4.25 Answer Key..................CLP29746$4.25 spellings, terms of time and measurement, and use of Tests........................... CLP29647$4.25 the apostrophe. (Christian Liberty Press) Christian Liberty Press Workbook, 122 pgs..... CLP39645$10.50 Answer Key................. CLP39646$5.25 English 4: Writing and Grammar Second Edition Fourth Grade Curriculum Kit (KIT4 $248.88) Kit includes all texts, workbooks, and support materials unless otherwise noted. Bible History Studying God’s Word Book E A Child’s Story of America Reading Mathematics (choose one) Finding a New Land Children of the Covered Wagon Christian Liberty Nature Reader: Book 4 Stories of the Pilgrims MCP Mathematics: Level D Language Arts Understanding God’s World Building Spelling Skills: Book 4 Writing with Power Choose one Grammar course: English 4: Writing & Grammar or Math 5/4 (add $35.92) Science This workbook covers the grammatical study of sentences, nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, phrases, clauses, and reference skills. Students will also learn to use the five-step writing process to write personal narratives, friendly letters with instructions, compare–contrast essays, book reviews, tall tales, business letters, haiku, acrostic poems, and research reports. (Bob Jones) Workbook, 369 pgs......BJU42340$26.94 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP42341$8.50 Tests............................CLP42345$5.25 Support Materials CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) or God’s Gift of Language A (deduct $7.37) 26 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Choose your own Curriculum God’s Gift of Language A Modern Curriculum Press Mathematics, Level D Third Edition This course exposes the student to such topics as sentence writing, writing letters and book reports, using a dictionary and encyclopedia, and recognizing and using various parts of speech. Sentence diagramming is introduced in this course. (A Beka) Workbook, 276 pgs.... ABK40345$17.75 Answer Key..................CLP40346$9.50 Tests............................CLP40347$5.25 Writing with Power Using a slightly modified version of the Zaner-Bloser style, this workbook continues development of cursive writing. Emphasis is on difficult lower-case letters and capital letter formation. Brief descriptions of well-known home-educated individuals are included. Supplemental handwriting pads are available that contain lines one-half inch in height. (Christian Liberty Press) (2005 Edition) This course provides students with an excellent course of study dealing with traditional mathematics concepts. It begins by reviewing facts regarding addition and subtraction and then presents topics such as multiplication of whole numbers, division by a one-digit number and by whole numbers, and working with decimals and fractions. The student is also introduced to measurement, graphing, probability, and geometry. A number of word problem sets are included. Chapter tests are included in the workbook. (Modern Curriculum Press) Workbook, 346 pgs....MCP56345$19.97 Teacher’s Edition.........MCP56346$36.97 Math 5/4 History Second Edition Homeschool Kit............. SAXKIT54$96.85 Health Health Quest (Windows ONLY) This health course provides an engaging presentation of the fundamentals of healthful living. Topics covered Text, 204 pgs................CLP79945$12.75 include physical wellness, Answer Key..................CLP79946$4.25 mental health, nutrition, and Tests............................CLP79947$4.25 stewardship. Students will learn to identify healthy lifestyles and how to set reasonable health goals. Two interactive CD–ROMs include quizzes/tests. It uses Switched-On Schoolhouse software. (Alpha-Omega) Mathematics Arithmetic 4 The four basic processes are taught and reviewed in this course, as well as multiplying and dividing by two-digit numbers, estimation, square measures, writing decimals as fractions, and simple geometry. A major emphasis is working with proper and improper fractions—adding, subtracting, multiplying, and finding the least common denominator. (A Beka) Fourth Edition This science text teaches students how to recognize plants, observe matter, interpret weather, study birds, and identify rock formations. Students will also study plant germination, oceanography, and astrono my. Comprehension questions are included throughout this colorful text. (A Beka) Text, 237 pgs...............ABK60240$22.90 Answer Key..................CLP60241$6.50 Tests............................CLP60242$4.25 The Best Curriculum Ever Windows System Requirements: • 1.4GHz processor or better (2GHz recommended) • 2GB RAM (4GB recommended) • 3GB free hard drive space (10GB recommended) • 1024x768 resolution monitor, 16 bit color • CD-ROM drive • Internet Explorer 7 or higher • Windows 7 or 8, Vista-SP2, or XP-SP3 SEE WEBSITE FOR FULL DETAILS CD–ROM................... AOP93525$56.95 Workbook, 350 pgs.... ABK50440$18.10 Teacher’s Edition..........ABK50441$28.95 Tests .......................... ABK50444$6.25 Test Key ..................... ABK50445$11.00 As a Christian mother, I feel good knowing that I am using a Christcentered curriculum. This Grade 4 Curriculum kit is excellent, complete & affordable. I am so pleased with this kit and my students (my sons) are so happy… When my son saw his Spelling book, his eyes lit up and he said, “Mommy can we start with Spelling right away?” How can I say no; so we have started our new school program in August. The CLASS Lesson Planner is a plus. 4 Christian Liberty Press Students are given a comprehensive overview of U.S. history from Columbus to the present. Review questions are included throughout, as well as helpful maps. (Christian Liberty Press) Understanding God’s World Third Edition This course uses an incremental approach to teach whole number concepts and computation; arithmetic algorithms, geometry, and measurement; elapsed time; Workbook, 59 pgs........CLP39940$9.50 fractions, decimals, and perWriting Pad ................ CLP30006$2.25 cents; powers and roots; estimation, patterns, and sequences; congruency and similarity; and statistics Teacher’s Guide .......... CLP30001$2.25 and probability. The homeschool kit includes a student textbook, tests and worksheets book, and a solutions manual. (Saxon) A Child’s Story of America Science —CLP Customer www.christianliberty.com 27 Fifth Grade Bible Huguenot Garden Jed Smith Studying God’s Word, Book F This course continues the chronological approach begun in Studying God’s Word Book E. It covers 1 Samuel through Malachi in forty-two lessons. The text contains exercises, three in-book tests, and map activities, as well as Bible book outlines and chronological charts. (Christian Liberty Press) Trailblazer of the West The trailblazer known as Jedediah Smith was a daring explorer, a skilled trapper, and a dedicated Christian frontiersman. As a young man, he dared to live his God-given dreams and, as a result, blazed a trail of achievement and honor throughout much of the West. Best of all, his story and Christian testimony are as amazing as they are true. (Christian Liberty Press) Huguenot Garden is a children’s story of the daily and adventurous episodes in the lives of Renée and Albret Martineau, young twin sisters in a seventeenth-century, French Protestant family. The story aims to portray the ideas and historical details common to Huguenot life in La Rochelle, France, 1685, a tragic year whose final quarter brought the full wrath of Louis XIV. (Canon Press) Book, 128 pgs............... CP21900$12.00 Book, 121 pgs............. CLP29865$9.50 Workbook, 226 pgs...... CLP19550$11.75 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP19551$5.25 Pinocchio’s Quest Reading Christian Liberty Nature Reader, Book 5 5 Young readers will be both challenged and entertained as they read this action-packed book about a wooden boy who longs to become human. As Pinocchio searches for eternal life, he eventually discovers the miracle of the new birth. This unique version of the Pinocchio story has a rich balance of humor, biblical truth, and suspense. (Christian Liberty Press) This colorful reader picks up where Finding a New Land leaves off. Covering historical events such as America’s westward expansion, it also introduces influential people such as Davy Crockett, Clara Barton, and Booker T. Washington. Scattered throughout are amusing folk tales and poetry. (Christian Liberty Press) Christian Liberty Press Building Spelling Skills, Book 5 Second Edition The concepts presented in this book expose students to a broad range of spelling themes that cover several practical subjects. The first six units help students learn to spell the names of major countries and cities Book, 210 pgs............. CLP29650$12.50 around the world, including U.S. states and capitals. Later units in this book cover words that are often used Coloring Book.............. CLP29654$3.25 in the fields of law, economics, science, theology, art, Text, 148 pgs................CLP29975$9.50 (Coloring Book not included in kit) health, agriculture, music, government, and business. Answer Key..................CLP29976$5.25 (Christian Liberty Press) This supplemental reader teaches students about the wonders of the human body. They learn about how and why God created the systems of sight, hearing, breathing, touching, and thinking. Each concept is beautifully illustrated, and each lesson contains helpful comprehension questions. (Christian Liberty Press) Building a New Nation Text, 268 pgs................CLP29750$14.75 Teacher’s Manual..........CLP29751$4.25 Tests............................CLP29752$4.25 Student Exercises...........CLP29754$4.25 Of America I Fourth Edition This reader is a collection of stories and poems taken from America’s past. Comprehension and thought questions are included at the end of each story. (A Beka) Text, 263 pgs.............. ABK20480$17.75 Answer Key..................CLP20481$4.25 Tests........................... CLP20482$4.25 Fifth Grade Curriculum Kit (KIT5 $271.22) Kit includes all texts, workbooks, and support materials unless otherwise noted. Bible History Studying God’s Word Book F Exploring American History Reading Geography Christian Liberty Nature Reader: Book 5 Building a New Nation Jed Smith: Trailblazer of the West Pinoccchio’s Quest (Book Only) Maps, Globes, Graphs: Level E Workbook, 126 pgs......CLP39655$10.50 Answer Key..................CLP39656$5.25 English 5: Writing and Grammar Second Edition This workbook covers the grammatical study of sentences, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and reference skills. Students will also learn to use the five-step writing process to write compare-contrast essays, persuasive business letters, diamantes, sense poems, personal narratives, book reviews, research reports, and more. (Bob Jones) Workbook, 380 pgs.....BJU42350$26.94 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP42351 $8.50 Tests............................CLP42355 $5.25 Mathematics (choose one) MCP Mathematics: Level E or Language Arts Math 6/5 (add $35.92) Building Spelling Skills: Book 5 Choose one Grammar course: English 5: Writing & Grammar Science Investigating God’s World or God’s Gift of Language B (deduct $7.37) 28 Language Arts Support Materials CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Choose your own Curriculum God’s Gift of Language B Third Edition Mathematics Arithmetic 5 This course continues the study of the parts of speech, capitalization, word choice, punctuation, and sentence diagramming. It expands the student’s exposure to writing by having him write different types of letters, outlines, and book reports. The student is also taught how to use a dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia. (A Beka) Concepts covered within this course include whole numbers, fractions, decimals, measurement, algebraic equations, basic geometric problems, and more. Key features in this workbook are information boxes, extensive practice of math concepts, and daily word problems. (A Beka) Workbook, 315 pgs.... ABK40350$17.75 Answer Key..................CLP40351$9.50 Tests............................CLP40352$5.25 Workbook, 396 pgs.... ABK50450$18.10 Teacher’s Edition..........ABK50451$28.95 Tests.......................... ABK50454$6.25 Test Key...................... ABK50455$11.00 History Exploring American History Second Edition Modern Curriculum Press Mathematics, Level E (2005 Edition) This course provides students with an excellent course of study dealing with traditional mathematics concepts. Problem-solving strategies, critical thinking, estimation, and mental math are routinely stressed throughout this course. It begins by reviewing facts regarding number and place value and then moves into addition, subtraction, and multiplication of whole numbers; and division by one and two digit numbers. The student will also work with fractions, decimals, ratios, percentages, measurement, geometry, polygons, graphs, statistics, Text, 266 pgs................CLP79650$13.75 and probability. A number of word problem sets are Teacher’s Manual..........CLP79651$5.25 included. Chapter tests are included in the workbook. Tests............................CLP79652$4.25 (Modern Curriculum Press) This text is for students interested in the impact of America’s influential founders. We have sought to include the influence of the Christian faith on the events and people of America’s past. Numerous illustrations, maps, and articles are included. Students will learn about American history from the early Viking explorers to the 2008 presidential election. (Christian Liberty Press) Geography This course focuses on the United States, past and present, while teaching students how to use a variety of maps, charts, and graphs. Students will learn how to interpret atlases and road maps; contour, elevation, historical, and special purpose maps; and globes. Students will also learn how to understand different types of graphs and charts. (Steck-Vaughn) Workbook, 96 pgs......... SV78355$35.07 Answer Key..................CLP78356$4.25 Workbook, 367 pgs....MCP56355$19.97 Teacher’s Edition.........MCP56356$36.97 Math 6/5 Third Edition This course builds upon Math 5/4. Using an incremental approach, the course teaches order of operations, geometry and measurement, integers, divisibility concepts, ratios, statistics and probability, prime and composite numbers, patterns and sequences, and powers and roots. It uses word problems to teach mathematical tools and techniques to students. The homeschool kit includes a student textbook, tests and worksheets book, and a solutions manual. (Saxon) Homeschool Kit............. SAXKIT65$96.85 Health Quest (Windows ONLY) This health course provides an engaging presentation of the fundamentals of healthful living. Topics covered include physical wellness, mental health, nutrition, and stewardship. Students will learn to identify healthy lifestyles and how to set reasonable health goals. Two interactive CD–ROMs include quizzes/tests. It uses Switched-On Schoolhouse software. (Alpha-Omega) Windows System Requirements: • 1.4GHz processor or better (2GHz recommended) • 2GB RAM (4GB recommended) • 3GB free hard drive space (10GB recommended) • 1024x768 resolution monitor, 16 bit color • CD-ROM drive • Internet Explorer 7 or higher • Windows 7 or 8, Vista-SP2, or XP-SP3 SEE WEBSITE FOR FULL DETAILS CD–ROM................... AOP93525$56.95 5 Science Investigating God’s World Fourth Edition This colorfully illustrated science text presents important concepts regarding God’s marvelous creation. Students learn more about light, earth science, zoology, minerals, creation science principles, and other topics. (A Beka) Text, 322 pgs...............ABK60350$22.90 Answer Key..................CLP60351$6.50 Tests............................CLP60352$4.25 Economics Striker Jones Elementary Economics for Elementary Detectives Kids learn basic economics as they solve ten entertaining mysteries alongside lovable boy detective Striker Jones. Without using economic jargon, the book teaches kids economic concepts like incentives, risk, goods vs. services, trade-offs, and more. Use the book on its own, or draw out the economics more explicitly with the accompanying lesson plans and vocabulary found in the Striker Jones Teacher’s Companion. (CreateSpace) Christian Liberty Press Maps, Globes, Graphs, Level E Health Text, 98 pgs..................CRE70110$6.99 Teacher’s Companion ... CRE70111 $13.95 www.christianliberty.com 29 Sixth Grade Bible The Life of George Washington The Story of Inventions Studying God’s Word, Book G The third book in the Studying God’s Word chronology series, this course examines the four Gospels and provides a chronological overview of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The workbook contains exercises, four in-book tests, timeline charts, and background outlines on the Gospels. (Christian Liberty Press) Second Edition This reader provides students with the opportunity to learn about great inventors and inventions from the 1620s to the 1990s. Comprehension questions at the end of each chapter and illustra tions throughout help the reader grasp the many details regarding important inventions that have changed the way people live. (Christian Liberty Press) Mary L. Williamson gives a unique glimpse into the spiritual life and career of the first President of the United States. Little known and often overlooked aspects of Washington’s faith are featured throughout this well-documented book. (Christian Liberty Press) Book, 120 pgs..............CLP29870$9.50 Text, 280 pgs................CLP29765$11.75 Language Arts Answer Key..................CLP29766$4.25 Workbook, 212 pgs...... CLP19565$11.75 Tests............................CLP29767$4.25 Building Spelling Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP19566$5.25 Skills, Book 6 Of America II Fourth Edition Reading This reader is a collection of stories taken from America’s past. Comprehension and thought questions are included at the end of each story. (A Beka) Discovering New Worlds Through Literature 6 This book is a colorful anthology of literature that will expand the literary knowledge and vocabulary of the reader. It introduces new and classic authors through character-building and life-enriching prose and poetry. This book takes the reader on a literary ride around the world. It travels back and forth through time to discover new worlds—or to rediscover familiar, old ones. (Christian Liberty Press) Text, 307 pgs ............. ABK20285$17.75 Answer Key .................CLP20286$4.25 Iron Scouts of the Confederacy Second Edition Students who study this workbook will be better prepared to spell words that have difficult sounds or difficult endings. This book also provides instruction in key Latin and Greek prefixes. Later units in the book teach students how to discriminate between synonyms and how to change accents. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 127 pgs......CLP39665$10.50 Answer Key..................CLP39666$5.25 English 6: Writing and Grammar Second Edition Students will enjoy reading this Civil Second Edition War novel about two teenagers who Text, 230 pgs................CLP29755$14.75 lived and fought for Southern indeAnswer Key..................CLP29756$5.25 pendence. This book is perfect for Tests............................CLP29757$5.25 those older students who need Student Exercises...........CLP29758$5.25 supplemental reading material that is highly interesting Christian Liberty Press This workbook covers the grammatical study of sentences, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions, as well as providand action-packed. (Christian Liberty Press) ing practice in reference skills. Students will also learn Book, 176 pgs...............CLP29775$9.50 to write personal narratives, newspaper editorials, instructions, research reports, historical fiction, compare-contrast essays, limericks, free verse, and cover letters. (Bob Jones) Sixth Grade Curriculum Kit (KIT6 $293.49) Workbook, 388 pgs.....BJU42360$26.94 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP42361 $8.50 Tests............................CLP42365 $5.25 God’s Gift of Language C Kit includes all texts, workbooks, and support materials unless otherwise noted. Bible Geography Studying God’s Word Book G Maps, Globes, Graphs: Level F Reading Mathematics (choose one) Discovering New Worlds Through Literature The Story of Inventions Iron Scouts of the Confederacy The Life of George Washington MCP Mathematics: Level F Language Arts Observing God’s World Building Spelling Skills: Book 6 Choose one Grammar course: English 6: Writing and Grammar Math 7/6 (add $45.73) Science Art Line Upon Line or God’s Gift of Language C (deduct $7.37) History or Support Materials CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) Third Edition This course continues the student’s review of the parts of speech, capitalization, and punctuation, as well as the use of sentence diagramming. It also furthers study of the writing process by teaching the student about different types of sentences and the process of writing a research report. A student writer’s handbook is featured at the back of the workbook. (A Beka) Workbook, 300 pgs.... ABK40360$17.75 Answer Key.................. CLP40361$9.50 Tests............................CLP40362$5.25 Story of the Middle Ages 30 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Choose your own Curriculum History Science Math 7/6 Story of the Middle Ages Students will gain a solid overview of Old World history as they study this hardcover text. This book opens with the collapse of the Roman Empire and the rise of Christianity in Europe. It then covers the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the early era of exploration. Readers discover why so many of the religious beliefs and cultural values of Medieval Europe were later transplanted to the Americas. This book includes chapter questions, vocabulary drills, and maps. (Christian Liberty Press) Text, 128 pgs................CLP79960$22.25 Answer Key..................CLP79961$6.50 Tests............................CLP79962$5.25 Geography Maps, Globes, Graphs, Level F This course focuses on world geography while teaching students how to use a variety of maps, charts, and graphs. Students will learn how to interpret atlases and road maps; contour, elevation, historical, and special purpose maps; and globes. Students will also learn how to understand different types of graphs and charts. (Steck-Vaughn) Workbook, 96 pgs......... SV78365$35.07 Answer Key..................CLP78366$4.25 Mathematics Arithmetic 6 Workbook, 412 pgs.... ABK50460$18.10 Teacher’s Edition..........ABK50461$28.95 Tests.......................... ABK50464$6.25 Test Key...................... ABK50465$11.00 This text reinforces basic mathematics skills and prepares the student for upper-level algebra and geometry. Students work with exponents, square roots, ratios, fractions, mixed numbers, percentages, and signed numbers. The homeschool kit includes a student textbook, tests and worksheets book, and a solutions manual. (Saxon) Homeschool Kit............. SAXKIT76$107.75 Modern Curriculum Press Mathematics, Level F Fourth Edition This general science text presents students with the scientific concepts that they need to suc cessfully prepare for junior-high level science. Some of the topics covered include the universe, space travel, trees, matter, physics, simple machines, and energy. Full-color graphics bring the subject matter to life. (A Beka) Text, 348 pgs.............. ABK60460$22.90 Answer Key..................CLP60461$6.50 Tests............................CLP60462$4.25 (2005 Edition) This course deals with traditional mathematics concepts. Problem-solving strategies, critical thinking, estimation, and mental math are routinely stressed throughout. It begins by reviewing and expanding upon topics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. It also includes topics such as measurement, geometry, area and volume, ratio and percent, graphs and probability, exponents, and integers. A number of word problem sets are included. Chapter tests are included in the workbook. (Modern Curriculum Press) Workbook, 367 pgs....MCP56365$19.97 Teacher’s Edition.........MCP56366$36.97 Economics Striker Jones and the Midnight Archer Someone is firing arrows in the dead of night. Two campers hide a mysterious past. Is it a friend or foe who sabotages the dance decorations? These are just a few of the mysteries facing Striker Jones when he and his friends go to summer camp! Join Striker, Bill, Sheila, and Amy as they face water balloon wars, sports and arts competitions, talent shows, and ten new, exciting mysteries. And as always, learn some economics along the way! (CreateSpace) 6 Text, 124 pgs................CRE70112$6.99 Teacher’s Companion....CRE70113$13.48 Health Health Quest (Windows ONLY) This health course provides an engaging presentation of the fundamentals of healthful living. Topics covered include physical wellness, mental health, nutrition, and stewardship. Students will learn to identify healthy lifestyles and how to set reasonable health goals. Two interactive CD–ROMs include quizzes/tests. It uses Switched-On Schoolhouse software. (Alpha-Omega) Windows System Requirements: • 1.4GHz processor or better (2GHz recommended) • 2GB RAM (4GB recommended) • 3GB free hard drive space (10GB recommended) • 1024x768 resolution monitor, 16 bit color • CD-ROM drive • Internet Explorer 7 or higher • Windows 7 or 8, Vista-SP2, or XP-SP3 SEE WEBSITE FOR FULL DETAILS CD–ROM................... AOP93525$56.95 www.christianliberty.com Art Line Upon Line An Incremental Approach to Drawing Most children love to draw pictures. This drawing program will teach beginners how to draw simple objects. Step-by-step instructions guide students into hands-on drawing projects designed to equip young artists with foundational skills and concepts. (Christian Liberty Press) Text, 50 pgs................. CLP99560$8.50 Christian Liberty Press This course emphasizes problem solving, percents, basic geometry, measures, fractions, decimals, proportions, beginning algebra, prime and composite numbers, and graphs and statistics. It also includes practical arithmetic, such as banking, budgeting, and purchasing electricity. (A Beka) Observing God’s World Fourth Edition 31 Seventh Grade Bible Reading Journey Through the Bible, Book 1 Pentateuch and Historical Books The Journey Through the Bible series helps students encounter the biblical text firsthand. This textbook guides the students through the Pentateuch and historical books of the Old Testament and helps them to understand and apply what they read to their lives. (Christian Liberty Press) John Bunyan Of People Fourth Edition This reader features stories and poems by well-known writers such as Louisa May Alcott, John Bunyan, Daniel Defoe, Charles Dickens, and Victor Hugo. The stories emphasize character, family life, and heroes. Most conclude with comprehension exercises and a brief biographical sketch of the author. (A Beka) Text, 375 pgs.............. ABK20290$29.80 Text, 128 pgs................ CLP19635$14.75 Answer Key..................CLP20291$4.25 Workbook.................... CLP19638$11.75 Tests........................... CLP20292$3.25 Answer Key.................. CLP19636$4.25 Tests............................ CLP19637$5.25 Mr. Pipes and the British Hymn Makers Studying God’s Word, Book H Early teens who love adventure and the Christian faith will enjoy reading As the final volume in the Studying this fictional account of two young God’s Word series, this course Americans, Annie and Drew, who covers the Acts of the Apostles. It are on vacation in England. These contains lesson and review quesyoung people wind up learning a tions, occasional map exercises, great deal about famous British hymn writers as they four in-book self-tests, and supare befriended by an elderly gentleman called Mr. plemental exercises. (Christian Liberty Press) Pipes. They also learn about the value of traditional Workbook, 195 pgs...... CLP19570$11.75 worship and praise. (Christian Liberty Press) 7 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP19571$5.25 Catechism Christian Liberty Press In this biography, the author, William Deal, provides a compelling overview of the life of the famous English writer and preacher who penned The Pilgrim’s Progress. Readers will gain a great deal of insight into the personal life of this courageous servant of Christ. (Christian Liberty Press) Book, 152 pgs..............CLP29595$9.50 Hunting for Whales Few people living in the twentyfirst century understand why men risked their lives and endured long periods of loneliness simply to hunt for whales. Readers of this book will grow to appreciate the daring exploits of whalemen, and learn what it must have been like to face a monstrous creature armed only with an iron spear and courage. Hunting for Whales is not only a story of adventure and hardship on the high seas, but also a tale of friendship, love, and God’s redeeming grace. (Great Light Publications) Book, 139 pgs..............GLP24105$7.99 Language Arts The Life of J.E.B. Stuart The Heidelberg Catechism A Study Guide 32 Book, 242 pgs..............CLP29760$12.75 The Tinker of Bedford The Heidelberg Catechism is one of the finest creeds of the Reformation period. A faithful teacher of millions, it has stood the test of time and is still, today, one of the best tools available for learning what it means to be a Christian. This study guide to the Catechism, written by G. I. Williamson, includes 129 questions and answers, along with clear exposition and questions for review, further study, and discussion. (Presbyterian & Reformed) Mary L. Williamson reveals the fascinating life and times of Confederate cavalry commander General “Jeb” Stuart. Readers will be delighted as they follow the daring exploits of this great military leader and Christian gentleman. Robert E. Lee called Stuart his “eyes and ears.” You will call him a courageous warrior and a man of honor as you move through this action-packed biography. (Christian Liberty Press) Building Spelling Skills, Book 7 Second Edition This book concentrates on how to handle words with various types of prefixes and suffixes. Helpful rules are set before the student, as well as information on how to handle variations to these rules. Vocabulary development is a secondary goal of this book, as well. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 130 pgs......CLP39675$10.50 Book, 134 pgs..............CLP29910$9.50 Answer Key.................. CLP39676$5.25 Text, 256 pgs............. P&RCCL275$12.99 Applications of Grammar, Book 1 Seventh Grade Curriculum Kit (KIT7 $352.56) Kit includes all texts, workbooks, and support materials unless otherwise noted. Bible (choose one) History (choose one) Journey Through the Bible: Book 1 World Studies or or Studying God’s Word Book H (deduct $17.10) History of the World (deduct $25.36) Reading Mathematics (choose one) Of People Mr. Pipes & the British Hymn Makers John Bunyan: The Tinker of Bedford The Life of J.E.B. Stuart Math 7/6 Language Arts Science: Order and Design Building Spelling Skills: Book 7 Applications of Grammar, Book 1 Support Materials or Math 8/7 Science This book lays a foundation for effective communication with the English language. The student will learn the ba sics of English grammar, including the definition and usage of the eight parts of speech. In addition, the student will examine how these are to be properly used in phrases, clauses, and sentences. Correct sentence structure, diagramming, pronoun usage, and forming good paragraphs are also emphasized. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 262 pgs...... CLP49615$17.00 Answer Key.................. CLP49616$9.50 Tests............................ CLP49617$6.50 How to Study CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Choose your own Curriculum Grammar and Composition I Grammar and Composition I Includes clear explanations of traditional grammar, diagramming, research skills, and an indepth study of the eight parts of speech. The text has a convenient handbook of all grammar rules learned that year at the end of the book. (A Beka) Text, 316 pgs............... ABK40170$19.30 Teacher Key................. ABK40171$27.00 Quizzes/Tests.............. ABK40172$6.75 Test Key....................... ABK40173$10.75 Creative Writing The Exciting World of Creative Writing This workbook is an excellent foundation for developing creative writing skills. Topics covered include the tools needed for writing, review of sentence structures, poetry styles and techniques, writing dialogue, outlining a story, writing powerful beginnings and endings, rewriting and proofreading, manuscript preparation and critiques, copy rights, getting published, and a Christian philosophy of writing. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 138 pgs...... CLP49910 $10.50 Tests............................ CLP49912$4.25 History World Studies Third Edition Text, 398 pgs................BJU72365$57.78 Answer Key..................CLP72366$7.50 Tests............................CLP72367$3.25 Fifth Edition This course provides an encyclopedic progression of historical topics from ancient biblical and Egyptian days to the early twenty-first century, with special emphasis on European political, military, and religious history. (A Beka) Text, 444 pgs..............ABK70395$28.60 Answer Key..................CLP70396$6.50 Tests............................CLP70397$5.25 Mathematics Math 7/6 Fourth Edition This text reinforces basic mathematics skills and prepares the student for upper-level algebra and geometry. Students work with exponents, square roots, ratios, fractions, mixed numbers, percentages, and signed numbers. The homeschool kit includes a student textbook, tests and worksheets book, and a solutions manual. (Saxon) Homeschool Kit............. SAXKIT76$107.75 Math 8/7 Third Edition This pre-algebra course emphasizes the concepts and skills necessary for success in upper-level mathematics. It teaches scientific notation; statistics, ratios, and probability; simplifying and balancing equations; factoring algebraic expressions; slope-intercept form; graphing linear inequalities; and much more. The homeschool kit includes a student textbook, tests and worksheets book, and a solutions manual. (Saxon) Homeschool Kit............. SAXKIT87$107.75 • CD-ROM drive • Internet Explorer 7 or higher • Windows 7 or 8, Vista-SP2, or XP-SP3 SEE WEBSITE FOR FULL DETAILS CD–ROM................... AOP93525$56.95 Science Science: Order and Design This colorful science text covers topics such as plants; the human body (interrelated systems and living a healthy life); creation and science; classification; mammals; birds; fish, reptiles, and amphibians; insects and other arthropods; cells and other microscopics; forestry; and ecology. Activities and experiments enhance student understanding. (A Beka) Text, 482 pgs...............ABK60370$31.90 Answer Key..................CLP60371$6.50 Tests............................CLP60372$4.25 Exploring Creation with General Science Second Edition Exploring Creation with General Science might be a student’s first systematic study of the scientific method, analyzing and interpreting experiments, simple machines, archaeology, geology, the fossil record, the nature and origin of life, and the anatomy and physiology of the human body. The hands-on experiments found in the text use household items. Hardcover. (Apologia) Text, 485 pgs.............. AEM69210$68.00 Solutions and Tests...... AEM69211$22.00 Student Support How to Study Second Edition Health Health Quest (Windows ONLY) This health course provides an engaging presentation of the fundamentals of healthful living. Topics covered include physical wellness, mental health, nutrition, and stewardship. Students will learn to identify healthy lifestyles and how to set reasonable health goals. Two interactive CD–ROMs include quizzes/tests. It uses Switched-On Schoolhouse software. (Alpha-Omega) Windows System Requirements: • 1.4GHz processor or better (2GHz recommended) • 2GB RAM (4GB recommended) • 3GB free hard drive space (10GB recommended) • 1024x768 resolution monitor, 16 bit color www.christianliberty.com 7 In simple, straightforward language, this book explains how you can learn to study. The book cuts across all subjects in the curriculum, selects the basic skills, and visually shows how each skill is acquired. It is useful for both teachers and students in grades 7–12. (Christian Liberty Press) Book, 117 pgs............... CLP89815$8.50 For Foreign Language options, see pages 41-42; Christian Liberty Press World Studies is rewritten and updated to provide a fresh look at the civilizations of the world through the lens of a Christian worldview. This edition begins with a brief review of history from Creation to the coming of Christ and progresses in a chronological journey around the world. It covers studying the ebb and flow of empires, cultures, Christianity, and world religions, concluding with an examination of the trends of the emerging twenty-first century. The text uses a thematic, cultural approach and illustrates the influence of geography on culture. The themes and topics covered in the text provide students with a framework for understanding world history. (Bob Jones) History of the World Home Economics page 48 33 Eighth Grade Bible Catechism Journey Through the Bible, Book 2 The Westminster Shorter Catechism for Study Classes Wisdom and Prophetic Books The strength of the Journey Through the Bible series lies in its ability to have students encounter the biblical text firsthand through manageable daily readings. This course is designed for an entire school year and is divided into four units of 40 lessons each. This course guides students through the wisdom and prophetic books of the Old Testament. (Christian Liberty Press) Text, 153 pgs................CLP19640$14.75 Workbook....................CLP19643$11.75 Answer Key.................. CLP19641$4.25 Tests............................ CLP19642$5.25 The Life of Christ Second Edition This text by author and pastor G. I. Williamson is a clear, helpful exposition of each question in the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Each lesson includes questions for review or discussion. This is a good study for young people in junior high and high school and is appropriate for use by churches, schools, and families. Formerly published as a two-volume set, Rev. Williamson’s classic material has been combined into one book. (Presbyterian and Reformed) Text, 371 pgs................ P&R17185$15.99 Reading The author, James Stalker, provides students with a complete survey of the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Chapter questions and vocabulary drills are also provided, as well as maps and illustrations. (Christian Liberty Press) 8 Fourth Edition This book provides a thematic study of classic literature. Most reading selections include comprehension questions. The stories and poetry are primarily written by English and American Text, 94 pgs.................. CLP19590$11.75 authors, including Frost, Whittier, Longfellow, Wesley, Answer Key.................. CLP19591$4.25 Kipling, and O. Henry. Additional literary information, which is covered in the tests, is provided in the sepaTests............................ CLP19592$3.25 rate supplementary lessons booklet. (A Beka) Ephesians A Study Manual This course provides a section by section study of the book of Ephesians, with thought questions for reflection and discussion. (Presbyterian & Reformed) Christian Liberty Press Of Places Text, 339 pgs...............ABK20295$29.80 Answer Key..................CLP20296$6.50 Tests............................CLP20297$4.25 Supplemental Lessons....CLP20298$3.25 Text, 108 pgs................ P&R17115$9.99 Martin Luther The Great Reformer The life of Martin Luther is a stirring tale of God’s grace. Few men have influenced the Christian church more than Luther. This readable biography by J. A. Morrison provides an honest account of the accomplishments of this remarkable man of God. It contains maps and several illustrations. (Christian Liberty Press) Book, 122 pgs..............CLP29915$9.50 The Life of General Stonewall Jackson This biography by Mary L. Williamson provides readers with a lively account of the exploits of Thomas Jackson, both prior to and during the War Between the States. Individuals who read this text will learn why Stonewall Jackson was respected and honored by Americans in both the North and the South. (Christian Liberty Press) Book, 122 pgs..............CLP29940$9.50 Home Economics page 48 This novel by Sir H. Rider Haggard, first published in 1904, is a classic tale of love and chivalry, unfolding amidst the touching story of two English knights who are in love with the same maiden. The devotion of these men is tested as they are thrust into epic Crusader battles. (Christian Liberty Press) Bible (choose one) Civics Journey Through the Bible: Book 2 The Land of Fair Play or Constitution Of Places Mr. Pipes & Psalms & Hymns of the Reformation The Brethren: A Tale of the Crusades Martin Luther: The Great Reformer Book, 240 pgs..............CLP29770$12.75 The Brethren Eighth Grade Curriculum Kit (KIT8 $356.67) Reading This novel is the second book in the Mr. Pipes series, providing teens with an engaging study of the historical backgrounds of several hymns from the Reformation era. Annie and Drew continue their adventures with Mr. Pipes as they retrace the steps of some of the great hymn writers of the sixteenth century. (Christian Liberty Press) For Foreign Language options, see pages 41-42; Kit includes all texts, workbooks, and support materials unless otherwise noted. The Life of Christ (deduct $15.08) Mr. Pipes & Psalms and Hymns of the Reformation Foundation for Freedom Mathematics (choose one) Algebra 1/2 or Math 8/7 (deduct $11.56) Language Arts Science Building Spelling Skills Book 8 Applications of Grammar, Book 2 Support Materials Science: Earth and Space CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) A Tale of the Crusades Book, 347 pgs............. CLP29885 $13.50 Shadow of the Piper When a disturbed teenager arrives at the Pittsburgh Rescue Mission, things are turned upside down for a young evangelist. The deranged girl lures Jesse Berry across the country, only to slip away after they reach their destination. Hamlin, Montana, is not the quaint mining town it appears to be. Something sinister moves below the surface—the youth are at risk—and someone there wants Jesse dead. (Hope Springs Media) Book, 352 pgs............HSM27271$14.95 34 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Choose your own Curriculum Language Arts Building Spelling Skills, Book 8 Second Edition Students who study this book will be taught many of the most important root words from foundational languages such as Latin, French, Greek, Spanish, American Indian, and Dutch. This book also teaches about vocabulary words from ancient and modern poetry, English literature, and world literature. (Christian Liberty Press) Civics Mathematics The Land of Fair Play Algebra 1/2 American Civics from a Christian Perspective— Third Edition Third Edition This U.S. civics text provides students with detailed information regarding how our local, state, and federal govern ments work. The primary emphasis of the text is providing young people with the knowledge they need to intelligently exercise their citizenship responsibilities. (Christian Liberty Press) This pre-algebra course is a transition from arithmetic to algebra. It covers such topics as evaluation of algebraic expressions, simplification of algebraic expressions, and the solution of linear equations with one unknown. It also includes geometric concepts and topics. The homeschool kit includes a hardbound textbook, test booklet, answer key, and solutions manual. (Saxon) Workbook, 132 pgs......CLP39685$10.50 Text, 181 pgs................CLP79895$11.75 Homeschool Kit............. SAXKIT05$120.60 Answer Key..................CLP39686$5.25 Answer Key..................CLP79896$5.25 Applications of Tests............................CLP79897$4.25 Math 8/7 Grammar, Book 2 Third Edition This book continues to lay a foundation for the student’s effective communication skills. The student will review the basics of English grammar, focusing on parts of speech; using phrases and clauses properly; diagramming key words, phrases, and clauses; writing and diagramming sentences; and clarifying agreement in sentences. The final unit covers good composition. (Christian Liberty Press) Land of Fair Play I love that everything is explained where you can understand it. —CLP Customer Workbook, 256 pgs...... CLP49625$17.00 Answer Key.................. CLP49626$9.50 Constitution Tests............................ CLP49627$6.50 Grammar and Composition II Text, 386 pgs...............ABK40180$19.30 Teacher Key................. ABK40181$27.00 Quizzes/Tests.............. ABK40182$6.75 Test Key....................... ABK40183$10.75 Creative Writing The Exciting World of Creative Writing This excellent creative writing skills workbook covers: the tools needed for writing, review of sentence structures, poetry styles and techniques, writing dialogue, outlining a story, writing powerful beginnings and endings, rewriting and proofreading, manuscript preparation and critiques, copyrights, getting published, and a Christian philosophy of writing. (Christian Liberty Press) Workbook, 138 pgs...... CLP49910 $10.50 Tests............................ CLP49912$4.25 A Study of the United States Constitution The Constitution is the foundation of the American system of government, and this book presents it as such. This course begins by exploring the historical background of the Constitution. It then examines the Constitution in detail; and, finally, it addresses the fundamental principles of the Constitution. Substantial references to historical documents and Supreme Court decisions are included within this full-color text. (Christian Liberty Press) Homeschool Kit............. SAXKIT87$107.75 Science Science: Earth and Space This course investigates the fields of geology, oceanography, meteorology, astronomy, and environmental science. It is written from a Christian point of view with the understanding that God both created and sustains the universe. The text seeks to help students understand what it means for mankind to have dominion over and take proper care of the environment as Workbook, 328 pgs......CLP79975$26.25 good stewards of Creation. (A Beka) Teacher’s Manual..........CLP79976$6.50 Tests........................... CLP79977$6.50 The Federalist The Federalist is the fundamental commentary on the United States Constitution. Originally written as a series of essays by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of the ratification of the Constitution, it is key to understanding the Founders’ original intent. This edition, edited by George W. Carey and James McClellan, includes a reader’s guide, a glossary, and several additional key documents. It also includes the Constitution and Amendments with marginal cross-references to pertinent references in The Federalist. (Liberty Fund) Text, 565 pgs.................. LF79180$14.50 www.christianliberty.com 8 Text, 439 pgs...............ABK60380$31.90 Answer Key..................CLP60381$4.25 Tests............................CLP60382$4.25 Exploring Creation with Physical Science Second Edition This course provides a detailed introduction to numerous physical science topics, including: air, atmosphere, water, the hydrosphere, earth and the lithosphere, weather, the physics of motion, forces in creation, waves and sound, light, and astrophysics (gravity, the solar system, radiation, stars, and galaxies). Seventh grade mathematics is a prerequisite for this course. Hardcover. (Apologia) Christian Liberty Press Grammar and Composition II Includes a clear explanation of traditional grammar, diagramming, research skills, and an in depth study of the parts of speech. It also provides substantial instruction on composition. The text has a convenient handbook of all grammar rules learned that year at the end of the book. (A Beka) Foundation for Freedom: This pre-algebra course emphasizes the concepts and skills necessary for success in upper-level mathematics. It teaches scientific notation; statistics, ratios, and probability; simplifying and balancing equations; factoring algebraic expressions; slope-intercept form; graphing linear inequalities; and much more. The homeschool kit includes a student textbook, tests and worksheets book, and a solutions manual. (Saxon) Text, 498 pgs..............AEM69220$68.00 Solutions and Tests...... AEM69221$22.00 35 High School Curriculum Kits Ninth Grade Curriculum Kit KIT9...........................$362.48 Bible Journey Through the Bible: Book 3 (p. 37) Literature Themes in Literature (p. 38) Mr. Pipes Comes to America (p. 53) David Livingstone (p. 51) Pearl Maiden (p. 54) Language Arts Applications of Grammar, Book 3 (p. 40) History Streams of Civilization, Vol. 1 (p. 43) Economics Free Enterprise Economics (p. 42) Mathematics (choose Algebra 1 (p. 45) one) Grades 9–12 Tenth Grade Curriculum Kit KIT10.......................... $250.77 Bible (choose one) The Kingdom of God (p.37) (previously in 9th grade kit) or The Ministry of Christ (add $16.52) (p. 37) Literature World Literature (p. 38) The Odyssey (p. 39) The Pilgrim’s Progress (p. 39) Lysbeth: A Tale of the Dutch (p. 54) Language Arts Applications of Grammar, Book 4 (p. 40) History Streams of Civilization, Vol. 2 (p. 43) Economics In the Shadow of Plenty (p. 42) or Algebra 1/2 (deduct $7.74) (p. 35) Science Science: Matter & Energy (p. 46) Support Materials Mathematics (choose one) E–Z Business Math (p. 45) or Algebra 1 (add $97.16) (p. 45) or CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) Algebra 2 (add $93.79) (p. 45) Science Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity (p. 46) Support Materials Choosing Your Career (p. 55) CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) Kits include all texts, workbooks, and support materials unless otherwise noted. HS Eleventh Grade Curriculum Kit KIT11A....................... $285.89 KIT12.......................... $294.45 Bible (choose Christian Doctrine (choose one) The Ministry of Christ (p. 37) (previously in 10th grade kit) Christian Liberty Press Twelfth Grade Curriculum Kit or or The Book of Job Unfolded (deduct $27.90) (p. 37) Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism, & Arminianism (deduct $9.68) (p. 37) Literature American Literature (p. 38) Moby-Dick (p. 38) The Scarlet Letter (p. 38) George B. McClellan (p. 50) Language Arts Applications of Grammar, Book 5 (p. 40) History United States History (p. 43) The Mayflower Pilgrims (p. 43) Government American Government (p. 44) Economics Art Literature English Literature (p. 38) Gulliver’s Travels (p. 38) The Screwtape Letters (p. 39) Spurgeon: Heir of the Puritans (p.51) Language Arts Applications of Grammar, Book 6 (p. 40) Writing a Research Paper (p. 40) History Church History in Plain Language (p. 43) Science Lift Up Your Eyes on High (p. 46) Honest Money (p. 42) Government Art and the Bible (p. 49) Economics Support Materials God and Government (p. 44) Economics: Work and Prosperity (p. 42) CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) Music The Gift of Music (p. 49) Support Materials CLASS Lesson Planner (p. 16) 36 one) Manual of Christian Doctrine (p. 37) (previously in 11th grade kit) PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Grades 9–12 Bible Journey Through the Bible: Book 3 New Testament The strength of the Journey Through the Bible series lies in its ability to have students encounter the biblical text firsthand through manageable daily readings. This course is designed for an entire school year and is divided into four units of 40 lessons each. This course guides students through the New Testament. (Christian Liberty Press) Grade: 9th Text ............................CLP19645$14.75 Workbook....................CLP19648$11.75 Answer Key..................CLP19646$4.25 Tests............................ CLP19647$5.25 The Kingdom of God This text by Francis Breisch, Jr., provides high school students with a thorough Old Testament survey course. Each of the books of the Old Testament is analyzed in detail, and students are provided with thought-provoking comprehension questions and map work. (Christian Schools International) Grades: 9th–10th Text, 243 pgs................ CSI12955$14.65 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP12956$6.50 Tests............................ CLP12957$5.25 This hardcover text by Francis Breisch, Jr., provides high school students with a thorough study of Christ’s ministry and the work of the apostles. It begins with a historical overview of the people, culture, and geography of the land at the time of Christ and then covers the entire New Testament. It includes review questions for each chapter. (Christian Schools International) Grades: 9th–11th Text, 431 pgs................ CSI12960$27.75 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP12961$11.75 Tests............................ CLP12962$5.25 The Book of Job Unfolded This commentary takes a thorough look at the fascinating life of Job. The author, William Henry Green, taught at Princeton Seminary from 1850 to 1900. Comprehension questions and a helpful outline are included. This book is appropriate for both high school students and adults. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 11th–Adult $10.50 Text, 132 pgs................ CLP19595 Answer Key.................. CLP19596$3.25 Christian Doctrine Manual of Christian Doctrine Second Edition More than ever, teenagers need to be grounded in a systematic understanding of Scripture. This classic text, by Louis Berkhof, has been carefully updated to enable modern readers to comprehend and apply its teachings. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 11th–12th $17.00 Text, 168 pgs................CLP10090 Answer Key..................CLP10091$6.50 Tests............................CLP10092$4.25 Calvinism, HyperCalvinism, and Arminianism This study traces the historic roots of the true teachings of John Calvin and contrasts them with the numerous erroneous assumptions of modern times. Students will be challenged to comprehend the significance of the Reformed faith in light of the actual teachings of Holy Scripture. Readers will also be given a greater appreciation for how Calvinism has helped to shape Western culture. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 11th–Adult Workbook, 137 pgs...... CLP19695 $12.75 Answer Key.................. CLP19696$4.25 Every Thought Captive High school students who need a practical course on how to share and defend their Christian faith will find this text particularly helpful. Richard L. Pratt, Jr., has written this excellent course for students who find it difficult to talk with people who are skeptical about the Christian faith. (Presbyterian and Reformed) Grade: 12th Text, 142 pgs................ P&R17110$9.99 The Sovereignty of God “Who is regulating affairs on this earth today – God, or the Devil?” This is the opening question of The Sovereignty of God by Arthur W. Pink (1886-1952). The great strength of this book is that Mr. Pink deals with some of the difficult issues related to God’s sovereignty not by turning to philosophy, history, or merely the ideas of men, but by a careful examination of Scripture. This is a God-glorifying and Scripture-exalting book. (Baker) Grades: 9th–12th Book, 269 pgs............. BKR80089$14.99 The Attributes of God This course provides a systematic study of the attributes of God from a Reformed perspective. In this study, the author explains God’s uniqueness, decrees, knowledge, foreknowledge, supremacy, sovereignty, immutability, holiness, power, faithfulness, goodness, grace, mercy, love, and wrath. The study also includes a consideration of the appropriate human response, given an understanding of God’s attributes. (Baker) Grades: 9th–12th Book, 123 pgs.............. BKR12190$11.99 Institutes of Biblical Law This hardbound text by Rousas J. Rushdoony virtually birthed the “Christian Reconstruction” movement. This classic book takes a comprehensive look at the Ten Commandments, and the case law that complements them, to give the reader a solid understanding of how broad the application of God’s Law is to modern society. (Ross House) HS Christian Liberty Press The Ministry of Christ Bible Grades: 11th–Adult Book, 890 pgs............ ROS80087$32.98 www.christianliberty.com 37 Literature Grades 9–12 Literature Themes in Literature Fourth Edition This course seeks to build good character qualities in students while increasing their enjoyment of good literature. Each unit is based on a theme, such as courage, faith, joy, justice, and humility. Discussion questions are included for many of the selections. Additional literary information, which is covered in the tests, is provided in the separate supplemental lessons booklet. (A Beka) Grade: 9th Text, 383 pgs...............ABK20215$29.80 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP20216$7.50 Tests............................ CLP20217$5.25 Supplemental Lessons.... CLP20218$3.25 World Literature Fourth Edition This literature text is filled with a fine variety of literary classics. Written with a Christian perspective, this text contains several fullcolor pictures of famous art masterpieces in an effort to enhance the student’s appreciation of the fine arts. (A Beka) HS Grade: 10th Text, 542 pgs.............. ABK20325$33.05 Teacher’s Manual..........CLP20326$6.50 Tests............................CLP20327$5.25 Christian Liberty Press American Literature Second Edition This textbook presents students with important American literature from colonial through modern times. It gives examples of a variety of literary forms. The text is well illustrated and includes biographical information about each author and comprehension questions. (Bob Jones) Grade: 11th Text, 732 pgs................BJU22330$56.67 Teacher’s Manual..........CLP22331$8.50 Tests............................CLP22332$5.25 English Literature Moby-Dick Fourth Edition This American masterpiece by Herman Melville is considered one of the greatest sea stories ever written. Moby-Dick tells an engaging tale of vengeance and obsession and their effect on man. (Bantam) A Beka Book has skillfully blended the best English prose and poetry selections in this text in an effort to present students with excellent reading material. Important English literature personalities such as Donne, Shakespeare, Milton, Wordsworth, and Lewis are featured in this text. (A Beka) Grade: 12th Text, 533 pgs.............. ABK20460$37.00 Teacher’s Manual..........CLP20461$7.50 Tests........................... CLP20462$5.25 Classics C hristian Liberty Press has begun offering some of the works of classic literature discussed within Invitation to the Classics. Most are not written from an expressly Christian point of view, but all have had an important influence on our culture and speak to the realities of our lives. Invitation to the Classics This is a great resource for those who are doing a study of the Great Books. Editors Louisa Cowan and Os Guinness have gathered over 50 essays by Christian literary scholars about selected classic works of Western literature. This book does not include pieces of classic literature but is an excellent introduction and guide for Christian students who wish to study the classics. (Baker) Grades: 9th–Adult Text, 384 pgs............... BKR22190$24.99 The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne’s classic novel, The Scarlet Letter, has become an American favorite since it was first published in 1850. This “tale of human frailty and sorrow” set in early New England shows the effect of sin on three people—Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth—and deals skillfully with such issues as guilt and redemption, hypocrisy and shame. (Bantam) Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 670 pgs.............BDD23701$4.95 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an epic American novel by Mark Twain. Set along the Mississippi River and written in the vernacular of the day, Twain explores life in America prior to the Civil War. Although controversial for its use of racial stereotypes, Twain uses the adventures of Huck and his companion, the escaped slave Jim, to satirize slavery and the society that supported it. (Bantam) Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 305 pgs.............BDD23702$5.95 Great Expectations Charles Dickens provides readers with a good introduction to Victorian England in this wonderful book. Great Expectations goes beyond a description of Victorian England and addresses enduring issues that we face today. (Bantam) Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 522 pgs.............BDD23703$4.95 Gulliver’s Travels and Other Writings This collection contains several of Jonathan Swift’s major works, including the well-known and popular Gulliver’s Travels. Swift, an Anglican minister, was able to effectively use satire to point out the foibles of human nature. Although originally written in the early 18th century, Swift’s writings still have the power to challenge readers today. (Bantam) Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 642 pgs.............BDD23704$4.95 Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 247 pgs.............BDD23700$3.95 38 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Grades 9–12 Literature The Iliad The Screwtape Letters King Lear The Iliad reveals the final events of the Trojan War, including the siege of Troy. W.H.D. Rouse has produced one of the best English translations of Homer’s epic poem. “Dr. Rouse’s admirable … Iliad has the same qualities of a swift moving novel in which language is essentially that of the present day.… This is certainly the version for those who want to know what Homer is about”—The London Times Literary Supplement. (Signet Classics) The Screwtape Letters has become one of C. S. Lewis’s most popular works. Lewis writes about the battle between good and evil, using the device of a series of letters between tempters Wormwood and his mentor Screwtape about how best to cause the fall of an ordinary young man. While of interest to all, it will have particular interest to Christian readers. (HarperSanFrancisco) King Lear is a tragedy by William Shakespeare and is considered one of his greatest works. This edition is part of the Folger Shakespeare Library. It includes full explanatory notes, sceneby-scene plot summaries, and an introductory essay on Shakespeare’s life and work. (Washington Square Press) Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 307 pgs.............SGP25690$6.95 The Odyssey The Odyssey is a classic of long standing, composed by Homer in the eighth century B.C. It tells the story of Odysseus as he struggles through many fantastic adventures to return to his wife and home after the end of the Trojan War. (Signet Classics) Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 304 pgs............ SGP25685$5.95 The Pilgrim’s Progress Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 209 pgs...............HC29195$14.99 Don Quixote Don Quixote is considered the first modern novel. This epic story of Don Quixote and his faithful squire Sancho Panza is a satire of the chivalry code that was outdated by the 17th century. (Signet Classics) Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 1050 pgs.......... SGP25680$9.95 Confessions by Saint Augustine Augustine of Hippo was the son of a pagan father and a Christian mother. During his early years, he was torn between conflicting faiths and worldviews. In his forties he wrote Confessions, in which he recounts how he renounced his unorthodox ideas and sinful lifestyle to become a staunch advocate of Christianity. His Confessions also addresses fundamental issues of Christian doctrine. (Penguin Classics) Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 324 pgs.............DVP25790$5.50 Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 352 pgs.............SGP25675$10.00 The Portrait of a Lady Pride and Prejudice The most popular of Henry James’s longer novels, The Portrait of a Lady examines the differences between Europe and America in this story about a young American woman who moves to England. James explores the clash between independence and responsibility as he tells the story of the heroine’s life in Europe. (Dover) Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 477 pgs............. DVP25795$5.00 Pride and Prejudice is the second published novel by Jane Austen. It deals with such matters as marriage, moral rightness, education, and the role of women in aristocratic English society during the beginning of the 19th century. (Penguin Classics) Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 435 pages.........SGP25805$8.00 www.christianliberty.com Grade 9 CLP Curriculum Kit This total package is amazing with the books and teachers manuals. It makes homeschooling children easy and peaceful! I will and do recommend CLP to all those who ask about which way to go with Christian homeschooling! —CLP Customer HS Christian Liberty Press This classic allegory by John Bunyan is one of the most cherished and influential books in the English language. The Pilgrim’s Progress tells the tale of a pilgrim’s journey, with its many trials and temptations, to the Celestial City. Although originally written in the 17th century, it remains one of the most widely read books today. (Dover) Grades: 9th–Adult Text, 316 pgs..............WSP25800$5.99 39 Language Arts Applications of Grammar, Book 6 Grammar Applications of Grammar, Book 3 This workbook teaches students how to make the transition from practicing grammar rules to the actual process of writing. Students learn the mechanics of good writing, how to write dynamic sentences and short stories, and how to write with a colorful and appealing style. A short journalism unit is also provided. (Christian Liberty Press) Grade: 9th $17.00 Workbook, 317 pgs......CLP49635 Answer Key..................CLP49636$9.50 Tests............................CLP49637$6.50 Applications of Grammar, Book 4 This workbook begins by teaching good writing skills and then helps the student apply those skills in writing an essay, term paper, and article of opinion. A review of the basic principles of grammar is included with an emphasis on writing good sentences. (Christian Liberty Press) Christian Liberty Press HS 40 Grades 9–12 Grade: 10th Workbook, 276 pgs......CLP49645 $17.00 Teacher’s Manual..........CLP49646$9.50 Tests............................CLP49647$6.50 Applications of Grammar, Book 5 Advanced principles of grammar and creative writing, as well as spelling rules, are emphasized in this workbook. Creative writing activities include writing paragraphs, expository writing drills, and preparing a research paper. (Christian Liberty Press) Grade: 11th $12.75 Workbook, 127 pgs......CLP49650 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP49651$9.50 Tests............................CLP49652$6.50 Students who complete this workbook will learn how to successfully complete complex composition projects. This book also provides instruction to increase vocabulary and spelling skills. Additional material is included on the proper use of grammar in the process of writing. (Christian Liberty Press) Grade: 12th $17.00 Workbook, 211 pgs.......CLP49660 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP49661$9.50 Tests............................CLP49662$6.50 Grammar and Composition III 5th ed. Grammar and Composition III includes a clear explanation of traditional grammar, diagramming, research skills, and an in-depth study of the parts of speech. It also provides substantial instruction on composition. The text has a convenient handbook of all grammar rules learned that year at the end of the book. (A Beka) Grade: 9th Text, 433 pgs...............ABK40190$19.30 Teacher Key................. ABK40191$27.00 Quizzes/Tests.............. ABK40192$6.75 Test Key....................... ABK40193$10.75 Grammar and Composition IV 4th ed. Grammar and Composition IV includes a clear explanation of traditional grammar, diagramming, research skills, and an in-depth study of the parts of speech. The text has a convenient handbook of all grammar rules learned that year at the end of the book. (A Beka) Grade: 10th Text, 424 pgs............... ABK40195$19.30 Teacher Key................. ABK40196$27.00 Quizzes/Tests.............. ABK40197$6.75 Test Key....................... ABK40198$10.75 Writing Writing a Research Paper Writing a Research Paper presents a step-by-step guide on how high school students ought to approach the research and writing process. This booklet is designed to guide them through this process—from selecting a topic all the way to publishing the final draft. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 9th–12th Text, 73 pgs..................CLP49990 $6.50 Jensen’s Format Writing This course emphasizes the technical aspects of how to construct good paragraphs, essays, and research papers. The assignments in the book include writing seven kinds of paragraphs and seven kinds of essays, as well as a research paper. (Wordsmiths) Grades: 9th–12th Text, 160 pgs............. WDS49145$25.00 Speech Sound Speech Making a speech need not mean sweaty palms and a cracking voice. From platform presence to persuasion, this one-semester course teaches your high school students to communicate with confidence. Chapters include how to choose topics, assess audiences, research speech subjects, organize speeches, and improve delivery. (Bob Jones) Grades: 10th–12th Workbook, 340 pgs......BJU42300$38.61 Answer Key.................. CLP42301$4.25 Tests............................CLP42304$4.25 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Grades 9–12 French Foreign Language German Spanish Living Language French (French I) Living Language German (German I) Living Language Spanish (Spanish I) Essential Edition Essential Edition Essential Edition The Essential package is a unique, truly multimedia introduction to French that uses the Living Language Method™ to teach you to speak a new language, not just memorize vocabulary words. It consists of the following: The Essential package is a unique, truly multimedia introduction to German that uses the Living Language Method™ to teach you to speak a new language, not just memorize vocabulary words. It consists of the following: The Essential package is a unique, truly multimedia introduction to Spanish that uses the Living Language Method™ to teach you to speak a new language, not just memorize vocabulary words. It consists of the following: • 1 Book: 10 lessons, additional review exercises and dialogues, two quizzes, an extensive glossary, and a grammar summary—plus a bonus notebook. • 1 Book: 10 lessons, additional review exercises and dialogues, two quizzes, an extensive glossary, and a grammar summary—plus a bonus notebook. • 1 Book: 10 lessons, additional review exercises and dialogues, two quizzes, an extensive glossary, and a grammar summary—plus a bonus notebook. • 3 Audio CDs: Vocabulary, dialogues, audio exercises, and more—listen while using the books or use for review on the go. • 3 Audio CDs: Vocabulary, dialogues, audio exercises, and more—listen while using the books or use for review on the go. • 3 Audio CDs: Vocabulary, dialogues, audio exercises, and more—listen while using the books or use for review on the go. • Free Online Learning: Flashcards, games, and interactive quizzes for each lesson. (Random House) • Free Online Learning: Flashcards, games, and interactive quizzes for each lesson. (Random House) • Free Online Learning: Flashcards, games, and interactive quizzes for each lesson. (Random House) Grades: 7th–12th Complete Set................. RH93415$22.99 Grades: 7th–12th Complete Set.................RH93420$22.99 Grades: 7th–12th Complete Set................ RH93400$22.99 NOTE: The Complete Edition also includes the Essential Edition materials. Living Language German (German I & II) Living Language Spanish (Spanish I & II) Complete Edition Complete Edition Complete Edition Complete French is a unique, multimedia program that takes a beginner to an advanced level in one convenient package. Complete German is a unique, multimedia program that takes a beginner to an advanced level in one convenient package. Complete Spanish is a unique, multimedia program that takes a beginner to an advanced level in one convenient package. At the core of Complete French is the Living Language Method™. This method teaches the whole language, so that a student can express himself, not just recite memorized words or scripts. It consists of the following: At the core of Complete German is the Living Language Method™. This method teaches the whole language, so that a student can express himself, not just recite memorized words or scripts. It consists of the following: At the core of Complete Spanish is the Living Language Method™. This method teaches the whole language, so that a student can express himself, not just recite memorized words or scripts. It consists of the following: • 3 Books: 46 lessons, additional review exercises, culture notes, an extensive glossary, and a grammar summary—plus a bonus notebook. • 3 Books: 46 lessons, additional review exercises, culture notes, an extensive glossary, and a grammar summary—plus a bonus notebook. • 3 Books: 46 lessons, additional review exercises, culture notes, an extensive glossary, and a grammar summary—plus a bonus notebook. • 9 Audio CDs: Vocabulary, dialogues, audio exercises, and more—listen while using the books or use for review on the go. • 9 Audio CDs: Vocabulary, dialogues, audio exercises, and more—listen while using the books or use for review on the go. • 9 Audio CDs: Vocabulary, dialogues, audio exercises, and more—listen while using the books or use for review on the go. • Free Online Learning: Flashcards, games, and interactive quizzes for each lesson. (Random House) • Free Online Learning: Flashcards, games, and interactive quizzes for each lesson. (Random House) • Free Online Learning: Flashcards, games, and interactive quizzes for each lesson. (Random House) Grades: 7th–12th Complete Set................. RH93417$49.99 Grades: 7th–12th Complete Set.................RH93425$49.99 Grades: 7th–12th Complete Set.................RH93405$49.99 HS Christian Liberty Press Living Language French (French I & II) (Cont’d)… www.christianliberty.com 41 Foreign Language–Economics–Geography Latin Grades 9–12 Economics: Work and Prosperity Economics Third Edition Latin in the Christian Trivium: Volume 1 Free Enterprise Economics in America This is equivalent to a Latin 1 course and consists of 16 chapters. The course includes a textbook, teacher’s guide with an instructor’s resource CD-ROM, an activity book, and a study sheets and drill sheets book. Students will learn a Latin vocabulary of 334 words, study the formation of the Roman alphabet, study parts of speech, be introduced to Roman history and culture, translate simple Bible verses, and read a story of a Roman centurion and his family. (XL Group) Written from a biblical point of view by retired economics professor Tom Rose, this book explains the free enterprise system that made America great. It provides readers with key concepts about the system of voluntary exchange and the moral foundations of the American system. (American Enterprise Publications) Grades: 7th–12th Text, 124 pgs..................XL99380$34.95 Teacher’s Guide.............. XL99381$36.95 Study Sheets & Drills........XL99382$19.95 Activity Book...................XL99383$16.95 Latin in the Christian Trivium: Volume 2 Christian Liberty Press HS This is equivalent to a Latin 2 course and consists of 18 chapters. The course includes a textbook, teacher’s guide with an instructor’s resource CD-ROM, an activity book, and a study sheets and drill sheets book. Students will learn an additional Latin vocabulary of 410 words, study parts of speech, examine aspects of Roman history and culture, translate Scripture passages, and read a story of a Roman centurion and his family. A Latin/English glossary is included at the back of the textbook. (XL Group) Grades: 8th–12th Text, 182 pgs..................XL99385$42.95 Teacher’s Guide..............XL99386$52.95 Study Sheets & Drills........XL99387$19.50 Activity Book...................XL99388$16.95 Grade: 9th Text, 64 pgs..................AEP78130$7.95 Tests............................ CLP78132$3.25 Biblical Economics in Comics Grades: 9th–12th Book, 116 pgs.................VL89529$12.00 In the Shadow of Plenty This book will provide teenagers with biblical answers for the tough problems posed by poverty and the modern welfare state. The author, Dr. George Grant, has written over twenty books on theology, history, and poverty. (Christian Liberty Press) 42 $9.50 Geography Third Edition Cultural Geography is a survey of geographic principles. It begins with a discussion of what geography is and then looks at the earth as a whole—how God made it and how man subdues it through both industries and societies. It then turns to a regional examination of the earth, highlighting notable features, people, and events. (Bob Jones) Grades: 9th–12th Text, 624 pgs................BJU72350$57.78 Teacher’s Edition...........BJU72351$71.94 Tests............................BJU72352$15.83 Test Key........................BJU72354$11.39 World History Streams of Civilization, Vol. 1 This hardcover world history text provides a comprehensive overview of ancient history from Creation through the 1620s from a Christian perspective. Extensive vocabulary questions and suggested projects are listed throughout the text. This illustrated text contains numerous maps. (Christian Liberty Press) Honest Money This book will provide students with biblical principles regarding money and banking. Important issues such as inflation and deficit spending are covered with clarity and skill. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 11th–Adult Text, 160 pgs................ CLP79125 Grade: 12th Text, 249 pgs...............ABK70295$26.80 Answer Key..................CLP70296$7.50 Tests............................CLP70297$5.25 Cultural Geography This supplemental economics text, written and illustrated by Vic Lockman, is a study of free enterprise economics from a Christian viewpoint. This book uses a comic format to teach complex principles of economics. (Vic Lockman) Grades: 10th–Adult Text, 147 pgs................ CLP79135 High school students need a solid overview of economic theory before they graduate. This book, written from a Christian perspective, is such a course. The author, Russell Kirk, provides students with a biblical view of work, wealth, and stewardship. He also contrasts the blessings of a free market economy with the communist system. (A Beka) $9.50 Grade: 9th Text, 410 pgs................CLP79555 $28.50 Teacher’s Guide............CLP79551$7.50 Tests............................CLP79557$5.25 (while supplies last) PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Grades 9–12 History How Should We Then Live? World History Streams of Civilization, Vol. One Third Edition This expanded and updated full-color world history text provides a comprehensive overview of ancient history from Creation through the 1620s. Written from a Christian perspective, this new hardcover edition contains vocabulary terms, comprehension questions, and suggested projects. Streams of Civilization Volume One contains many colorful images and maps, as well as additional sidebars. (Christian Liberty Press) Grade: 9th $35.95 Text, 465 pgs................CLP79655 Teacher’s Manual..........CLP79656$10.75 Tests............................CLP79657$5.25 Although written over forty years ago, this well-illustrated book by Francis Schaeffer has stood the test of time. Dr. Schaeffer examines the reasons for the state of Western culture. He evaluates Western history and culture from ancient Rome to the 1970s and presents the Christian ethic as the only viable alternative to today’s decline. This book has become the benchmark for Christian worldview thinking today. (Crossway) Grades: 10th–Adult Text, 288 pgs............... CRS93385$15.99 United States History United States History Streams of Civilization, Vol. 2 Fourth Edition This text provides a comprehensive overview of modern world history (1600s–2005) from a Christian per spective. Each chapter includes a timeline, listing of key terms, recommended projects, and comprehension ques tions. It is a well-illustrated hardcover text containing numerous high quality maps. (Christian Liberty Press) This text uncovers the exciting story of our nation with an informative and thoughtprovoking survey of American history. Within a biblical worldview, the student will gain an understanding of the forces, issues, events, and people who have shaped the history of our great land. (Bob Jones) Grades: 11th–12th Text, 658 pgs................BJU72390$57.78 Answer Key..................CLP72391$11.75 Tests............................CLP72392$9.50 Study Guide..................CLP72394$1.25 The Mayflower Pilgrims Streams of Civilization Historical Charts This timeline provides students with an excellent overview of the key personalities who have shaped history from ancient times to the present day. It includes the categories of church history, general history, intellectual history, and the arts/sciences—all from a Christian perspective. Charts are labeled in chronological order so students can research the time period in which they are interested. The colorful charts are printed on heavy-duty paper to ensure durability. (Christian Liberty Press) This supplemental reader by Edmund J. Carpenter tells the story of the establishment of the Plymouth colony. Students will understand the true motivations and struggles of the Pilgrims as they read this book. It contains several pictures and illustrations. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 9th–12th Book, 117 pgs.............. CLP29995 $9.50 Church History in Plain Language Fourth Edition Students who need to grasp the lessons of church history will find this text helpful. Written by respected scholar Bruce L. Shelley, this book covers each century of church history in a balanced manner. This book starts with the apostolic era and continues through to the end of the twentieth century. (Thomas Nelson) Grades: 9th–12th Text, 520 pgs................. TN79195$34.99 The Church in History This course covers the broad scope of church history, beginning with the birth of the New Testament Church. It then examines the Church during the Middle Ages, during and after the Reformation, and finally how it has progressed into the New World (up until the late twentieth century). (Christian Schools International) Grades: 9th–12th Text, 412 pgs................CSI72990$30.00 Answer Key..................CLP72991$4.25 HS Fox’s Book of Martyrs Written originally by John Foxe and later expanded, it tells the dramatic, true stories of men, women, and children who, in the face of indescribable persecution, gave their lives for the sake of Christ. Covering the broad sweep of church history from the early church to the beginning of American foreign missions in the early 1800s, Fox’s Book of Martyrs continues to inspire and strengthen countless Christians with a vision of faith that, both in life and in death, commits itself utterly to the Lord of Life. (Zondervan) Grades: 9th–12th Text, 370 pgs..............ZON74700$15.99 Christian Liberty Press Grade: 10th Text, 438 pgs................CLP79560 $28.50 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP79561$7.50 Tests............................CLP79562$5.25 Grades: 9th–12th Timeline Charts.............CLP79550 Church History $22.25 www.christianliberty.com 43 Government–Constitution American Government American Government Third Edition A conservative, Christian perspective makes this government course unique. At the core of the text is a fascinating study of the Constitution, the government it established, and the rights and privileges it guarantees the American people. After studying the Constitution and the national government, students learn about federalism and government at the state and local levels. The text concludes with a chapter on the opportunities and responsibilities of American citizens to get involved in their unique political system. This is an excellent review of the concepts found in The Land of Fair Play and Foundation for Freedom. (A Beka) Grades: 9th–12th Text, 290 pgs...............ABK70375$25.30 Answer Key.................. CLP70376$8.50 Tests............................CLP70377$5.25 God and Government: A Biblical, Historical, and Constitutional Perspective Christian Liberty Press HS 44 Over thirty years ago, Gary DeMar wrote the three-part God and Government series. Relying on clear historical and biblical research, Mr. DeMar demonstrated how America had been great and how she could be great again. God and Government has recently been extensively revised. It is now published in an almost 800-page, hardcover book. With a fresh new look, more images, an extensive subject and Scripture index, and an updated bibliography, God and Government is ready to prepare a whole new generation to take on the political and religious battles confronting Christians today. (American Vision) Grades: 10th–Adult Text, 786 pgs................. AV71725$39.95 Democracy in America This classic by Alexis de Tocqueville has been one of the most influential texts ever written on America. Tocqueville’s study of American culture during his travels in America in 1831 provides readers with an insightful treatment of the developing system of American society and governance. This volume also includes Tocqueville’s writings on his travels into the “wilderness” beyond the settlements of America, and a brief chronology of his life. (Penguin Classics) Grades: 11th–Adult Text, 935 pgs...............SGP25695$14.00 Judicial Supremacy The Supreme Court on Trial In Judicial Supremacy, former Congressman Dornan points out that the framers of the Constitution looked to the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances to forestall or remedy abuses by any one or more of the three branches of government. The limited notion of judicial review envisioned by the framers has become instead a regime of judicial supremacy in major respects. However, Congress possesses the power to restore a proper balance with respect to the judiciary. This book is a pioneering work in recognizing this problem and merits serious study by supporters, as well as opponents, of the prevailing judicial supremacy. (Plymouth Rock Foundation) Grades: 11th–Adult Text, 108 pgs................PRF80096$5.00 Law and Liberty All law is based upon morality, and morality is itself based upon religion. Therefore, when the religion of a people is weakened, so also is its morality undermined. The result is a progressive collapse of law and order, and the breakdown of society. In this concise volume, R.J. Rushdoony expounds on the central themes of the application of biblical law to every area of life. This book is a great starting point to understanding Rushdoony’s larger expositions on biblical law. (Ross House) Grades: 10th–12th Text, 212 pgs............... ROS79120$9.00 Grades 9–12 U.S. Constitution Foundation for Freedom: A Study of the United States Constitution The Constitution is the foundation of the American system of government, and this book presents it as such. This course begins by exploring the historical background of the Constitution. It then examines the Constitution in detail; and, finally, it addresses the fundamental principles of the Constitution. Substantial references to historical documents and Supreme Court decisions are included within this full-color text. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 8th–12th Workbook, 328 pgs......CLP79975 $26.25 Teacher’s Manual..........CLP79976$6.50 Tests........................... CLP79977$6.50 Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens In this revised and expanded edition of Constitutional Law, Michael Farris takes his readers from the Constitutional Convention and the meaning of original intent to an in-depth analysis of pivotal Supreme Court decisions. He also explains how judicial tyranny is eroding our liberties. This hardcover edition is perfect for any homeschool high school government course and is a must-read for adults concerned about the future of our country. (Home School Legal Defense Association) Grades: 11th–Adult Text, 579 pgs............... HSL79290$50.00 The Federalist The Federalist is the fundamental commentary on the United States Constitution and is key to understanding the Founders’ original intent. This edition includes a reader’s guide, a glossary, and additional key documents. It also includes the Constitution of the United States and Amendments with cross-references to pertinent citations in The Federalist. (Liberty Fund) Grades: 8th–Adult Text, 565 pgs.................. LF79180$14.50 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Grades 9–12 Saxon Mathematics Series T he Saxon series utilizes the incremental approach to teaching mathematics. Each homeschool kit includes a hardbound textbook, test booklet, answer key, and solutions manual. Algebra 1 Third Edition This course covers the standard topics of first-year algebra. It includes such things as arithmetic of and evaluation of expressions involving signed numbers, exponents and roots, polynomials and rational expressions, the Pythagorean theorem, and algebraic proofs. It also covers geometric concepts, including such topics as computing the areas and perimeters of irregularlyshaped regions, and the surface areas of solids. Math Calculus Geometry This book covers the material usually found in Advanced Placement calculus courses. It includes frequent references to such disciplines as physics, chemistry, engineering, and business. Third Edition Grade: 12th Homeschool Kit............... SAXKITC$132.75 Additional Math Courses Working With Numbers Refresher This mathematics workbook is perfect for junior or senior high students who need a course that thoroughly reviews general math principles. The tests and answer key are in the teacher’s guide. (Steck-Vaughn) Algebra 2 E-Z Business Math Third Edition This course is divided into three sections: mathematics skills related to business that are then applied to business practices and forms; mathematics related to personal finance; and, finally, mathematics related to retailing, purchasing, management, and finance. (Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.) This book completes instruction in basic algebra skills. It covers the topics of traditional second-year algebra courses and includes a significant amount of geometry instruction. The book covers such topics as roots of quadratic equations, logarithms, exponential equations, radicals, and writing geometry proof outlines. Grade: 10th Homeschool Kit............. SAXKITA2$125.45 Grades: 10th–12th Text, 383 pgs............... BES58505$16.99 Tests............................CLP58507$4.25 Advanced Mathematics Second Edition This course combines advanced algebra, geometry, trigonometry, discrete mathematics, and mathematical analysis into one integrated book. A thorough study of Euclidian geometry is included in the course. This course will prepare students for college entrance exams such as the ACT and the SAT. Grades: 10th–12th Text, 660 pgs................BJU52395$53.89 Teacher’s Edition...........BJU52396$69.72 Parent/Teacher Guide...CLP52399$7.50 Tests............................CLP52397$5.25 Mathematics Is God Silent? Most people do not believe that mathematics can be taught from a biblical perspective. However, James Nickel, an experienced mathematics teacher, provides a distinctive, biblical approach to mathematics in this book. It is ideal for upperlevel students and adults who are interested in learning about the relationship between mathematics and Christianity. Discussion questions are included after each chapter. (Ross House Books) HS Grade: 12th–Adult Book, 409 pgs............ ROS53890$23.95 Christian Liberty Press Grade: 9th Homeschool Kit............. SAXKITA1$129.20 Grades: 8th–12th Workbook, 240 pgs....... SV58385$18.10 Teacher’s Guide............. SV58386$10.95 This text provides a balanced study of proofs, theorems, and real-life applications of geometry. The text presents concepts in a stepby-step process with plenty of helpful examples. The teacher’s edition includes the student pages, presentation notes, and answers to all questions and proofs. The parent/teacher guide provides crucial directions on how to use this course in a home education setting. (Bob Jones) Grade: 11th Homeschool Kit............ SAXKITAM$131.55 www.christianliberty.com 45 Science Grades 9–12 a day-school setting, rather than a homeschool setting, but most of the experiments and activities can still be done at home. The teacher’s guide will equip instructors to lead their students through the various experiments that are featured in the student laboratory manual. (Christian Liberty Press) Science Science: Matter and Energy This text teaches fundamental properties and behavior of matter and energy with a focus on their chemical and physical interactions; includes application to familiar processes and devices. It also provides a basic introduction to the mathematical aspects of science, laying a firm foundation for future studies in chemistry, physics, and other fields. (A Beka) Grade: 9th Text, 417 pgs...............ABK60285$34.35 Answer Key..................CLP60286$7.50 Tests............................CLP60287$7.50 Second Edition Christian Liberty Press 46 Chemistry Third Edition This colorful science text provides students with a comprehensive course of study in the field of chemistry. The text contains numerous in-book teaching/ learning aids and has special exercises for more advanced students. (Bob Jones) Grade: 11th Text, 562 pgs................BJU62490$64.17 Teacher’s Edition........... BJU62491$87.50 Tests............................BJU62492$15.83 Test Key........................BJU62494$11.39 Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity HS Grades: 10th–12th Lab Manual, 180 pgs.... CLP68915 $10.50 Teacher’s Guide............ CLP68916$7.50 Originally developed by the Creation Research Society, this classic text is now available in an updated and full-color edition. This hardbound text contains helpful questions and a thorough presentation of biological concepts. Beautiful photographs and illustrations complement the text material, which is scientifically accurate and true to six-day/young earth creationism. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 10th–12th Text, 420 pgs................ CLP68910 $40.00 Teacher’s Manual.......... CLP68911$10.50 Tests............................ CLP68912$6.50 Biology Laboratory Set Lift Up Your Eyes on High This astronomy text, written from a Christian perspective, helps high school students unlock the mysteries and wonders of the stars. Helpful review questions and suggested essays are also provided in the text. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 9th–12th Text, 124 pgs................CLP69595 $18.00 Teacher’s Manual..........CLP69596$10.50 Tests............................CLP69597$5.25 Physics: The Foundational Science 2nd ed. Physics: The Foundational Science makes physics understandable and provides thorough and detailed explanations with a touch of humor, which helps students grasp the most perplexing questions. Wherever possible, the principles of physics are illustrated by everyday experience and practical devices. Students are shown how the many kinds of technology— from the camera to the car—actually function. Numerous illustrative problems are solved in detail. This textbook can play an important role in showing students the harmony between scientific knowledge and Christian belief. The text is firmly grounded on the view that we live in a God-created world governed by laws discoverable by reverent scientific inquiry. Interspersed throughout the text are biographies of great physicists who were also Bible-believing Christians. (A Beka) Grade: 12th Text, 466 pgs...............ABK60295$48.10 Solution Key.................ABK60296$67.35 Tests...........................ABK60297$7.75 Test Key.......................ABK60299$11.50 Fossils That Speak Out The author shows how anthropological discoveries support creation rather than evolution. Clear and cleverly illustrated, this book is easily understandable to laypersons of highschool age or older. (Presbyterian & Reformed) Grades: 9th–Adult Text, 119 pgs................ P&R67110$10.99 Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity This set consists of a spiral-bound student laboratory manual and a spiral-bound teacher’s guide. It will provide biology students with a wide variety of hands-on experiments that will enhance their study of Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity. This laboratory manual is designed for Dear Friends at CLP: We received our copy of the new biology book today and can only say WOW! It is a gorgeous textbook—really well done, with fantastic photography. The coverage of all topics, including the creation-evolution debate, is professionally handled. The whole book looks extremely thorough—can’t wait to start teaching! Congratulations again on a job exceptionally well done. —CLP Customer PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Grades 9–12 Apologia Science Apologia Science Exploring Creation with Biology Exploring Creation with Physics Second Edition Second Edition Second Edition Exploring Creation with General Science might be a student’s first systematic study of the scientific method, analyzing and interpreting experiments, simple machines, archaeology, geology, the fossil record, the nature and origin of life, and the anatomy and physiology of the human body. The hands-on experiments found in the text use household items. Hardcover. (Apologia) This course provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general biology with heavy emphasis on the vocabulary of biology. Topics include the scientific method; the five kingdoms (monera, protista, fungi, animalia, and plantae); taxonomy; microscopy; biochemistry; cellular biology; and genetics. Hardcover. (Apologia) Exploring Creation with Physics is a general physics course covering motion in one and two dimensions with an emphasis on vectors, applications of Newton’s laws, gravity, energy and work, periodic motion, momentum, waves, optics, magnetism, electrostatics, electrodynamics, and circuits. Algebra 1, geometry, and basic trigonometry functions are prerequisites for this course. Hardcover. (Apologia) Exploring Creation with General Science Grades: 7th–8th Text, 485 pgs.............. AEM69210$68.00 Solutions and Tests...... AEM69211$22.00 Exploring Creation with Physical Science Grades: 9th–12th Text, 594 pgs..............AEM69230$68.00 Solutions and Tests...... AEM69231$22.00 Exploring Creation with Chemistry Grades: 11th–12th Text, 601 pgs..............AEM69250$68.00 Solutions and Tests......AEM69251$22.00 The Human Body Second Edition This course provides a detailed introduction to numerous physical science topics, including: air, atmosphere, water, the hydrosphere, earth and the lithosphere, weather, the physics of motion, forces in creation, waves and sound, light, and astrophysics (gravity, the solar system, radiation, stars, and galaxies). Seventh grade mathematics is a prerequisite for this course. Hardcover. (Apologia) Originally published in 1995 and now in a new third edition, this beginning high school chemistry course discusses measurement and significant figures; the chemistry of energy, heat, and temperature; states of matter and chemical equations; stoichiometry; atomic and molecular structure; acid/base reactions; the chemistry of solutions; the gas laws; thermodynamics; kinetics; chemical equilibrium; and redox reactions. Algebra 1 is a prerequisite for this course. Hardcover. (Apologia) The Human Body is Apologia’s advanced biology course. It studies the detailed anatomy and physiology of the eleven organ systems of the human body (skin and bones, skeletal muscle, central nervous, peripheral nervous, endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems). Biology and chemistry are prerequisites for this course. Hardcover. (Apologia) Grades: 8th–9th Text, 498 pgs..............AEM69220$68.00 Solutions and Tests...... AEM69221$22.00 Grades: 10th–12th Text, 650 pgs..............AEM69245$68.00 Solutions and Tests......AEM69246$22.00 Second Edition www.christianliberty.com Grades: 11th–12th Text, 601 pgs..............AEM69265$68.00 Solutions and Tests......AEM69266$22.00 HS Christian Liberty Press Third Edition 47 Vocational Arts Vocational Grades 9–12 Home Economics Exploring the History of Medicine Family & Consumer Science Set This fascinating book by John Hudson Tiner reveals the history behind the most significant medical advances from ancient to modern times. Students are provided with a healthy dose of facts, mini-biographies, and vintage illustrations. Chapter tests are included. (Master Books) This home economics course covers a variety of issues that can be helpful to any student. The course consists of ten workbooks, a teacher’s guide, and a supplemental text on nutrition. This one-year course includes such topics as housekeeping, cooking, clothing, decorating, finances, childcare, and relationships. (Alpha-Omega) Grades: 7th–10th Text, 165 pgs................ MB69130$14.99 Grades: 7th–12th Complete Set..............AOP93500$69.95 Computer Education Christian Liberty Press HS 48 Business Computer Information Systems Wood Technology & Processes In this course, the student will study basic carpentry. It includes a review of the tools and techniques used in carpentry, as well as a thorough overview of the processes that are used on lumber today. Hardcover text. (Glencoe) Grades: 9th–12th Text, 645 pgs..............GDM95115$67.28 Student Workbook......GDM95119$24.00 The Best Choice for Our Family A note from one of our homeschool academy families: I am a Parent & Teacher. We are so grateful for CLASS. The Lord directed our steps right at your “door” four years ago, and we are so pleased that we had all the support we needed to start homeschooling our daughter. It was the best choice for our family! For every question we asked, you had an answer. And it was the perfect one! This course explores the software applications and information technologies that most people are likely to use in business situations. Students will learn computer terminology, hardware, software, and operating and information systems that relate to the business environment. We appreciated the quality and the high standards that CLASS offers and requires. Students will focus on learning the standard applications of word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and graphical presentation packages. Skills in personal and interpersonal communications, as well as communication technologies, will also be studied. (Alpha-Omega) —CLASS Family Bucharest, Romania May the Lord bless you all. Course requires a computer with CD-ROM and a web browser with the Adobe Flash plugin. Keyboarding skills highly recommended. Grades: 10th–12th Complete Set.............. AOP93700$62.96 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Grades 9–12 Art & Music Art Music Christian Liberty Music Line Upon Line The Gift of Music An Incremental Approach to Drawing Still Waters Jane Stuart Smith, an opera singer associated with L’Abri Fellowship, looks at the lives of the great composers in Western music and shows how their music was shaped by their beliefs. Suggestions for further reading and listening are provided at the end of each chapter. (Crossway) by Pianist Mike Sherman Most children love to draw pictures. This drawing program will teach beginners how to draw simple objects. Step-bystep instructions guide students into handson drawing projects designed to equip young artists with foundational skills and concepts. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 6th–12th Text, 50 pgs................. CLP99560 Grades: 10th–12th Book, 317 pgs.............. CRS93380$21.99 $8.50 Art and the Bible Francis Schaeffer gives an introduction to a Christian philosophy of art. After tracing the arts in the Bible, Schaeffer provides principles and guidelines for a Christian approach. (InterVarsity Press) Grades: 9th–12th Book, 63 pgs..................IV90090$8.00 This illustrated book by Dr. H. R. Rookmaaker, noted Christian art historian and associate of Francis Schaeffer, shows how modern art reflects the decline of Western culture. In so doing he provides a history of modern art from a Christian perspective and a challenge to develop Christian art. (Crossway) Grades: 12th–Adult Book, 256 pgs............. CRS93390$24.00 (59 minutes) Audio CD.................... CLP02500$3.25 Praise Guitar Made Easy Learning to Play Guitar for the Glory of God This workbook by guitarist Steve Turley is perfect for any teenager or adult who wants to learn how to play the guitar for the glory of God. Students learn how to play over thirty worship songs on the guitar in just twelve weeks. This course assumes that the guitar is brand new to the student. (Fretboard Fellowship) Grades: 9th–Adult Workbook, 84 pgs.......FFM99280$19.95 Praise and Worship Guitar Advancing Guitar Skills for the Glory of God This workbook by guitarist Steve Turley provides students who have already gained the basic skills of guitar with a more advanced level of instruction. Students learn forty-nine hymns and choruses while they sharpen their technical and transposition skills. (Fretboard Fellowship) Grades: 10th–Adult Workbook, 91 pgs.......FFM99285$24.95 www.christianliberty.com Liberty Choir These music CDs feature songs sung by the Christian Liberty Academy choir under the direction of Jennifer Whiting and Anne Walton. Enjoy the voices of these young people as they glorify God in song. Freedom of Melody (41 minutes) Audio CD.................... CLP02505$3.25 Rejoice and Sing Out His Praises (35 minutes) Audio CD.................... CLP02506$3.25 For more music resources, see our website at: http://www.shopchristianliberty.com/music HS Christian Liberty Press Modern Art and the Death of a Culture This audio CD contains seventeen piano numbers that focus upon the great hymns of the faith. Classic selections include hymns such as “How Great Thou Art,” “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” and “Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross.” (Christian Liberty Press) 49 Biographies American History Reformation Era The Life of General Stonewall Jackson Jed Smith Trailblazer of the West The trailblazer known as Jedediah Smith was a daring explorer, a skilled trapper, and a dedicated Christian frontiersman. As a young man, he dared to live his Godgiven dreams, and, as a result, blazed a trail of achievement and honor throughout much of the West. Best of all, his story and Christian testimony are as amazing as they are true. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 5th–7th Book, 121 pgs............. CLP29865 Grades: 6th–9th Book, 122 pgs..............CLP29940 $9.50 George B. McClellan Mary L. Williamson gives a unique glimpse into the spiritual life and career of the first President of the United States. Little known and often overlooked aspects of Washington’s faith are featured throughout this welldocumented book. (Christian Liberty Press) Christian Liberty Press This biography by Mary L. Williamson provides readers with a lively account of the exploits of Thomas Jackson, both prior to and during the War Between the States. Individuals who read this text will learn why Stonewall Jackson was respected and honored by Americans in both the North and the South. (Christian Liberty Press) $9.50 The Life of George Washington Grades: 6th–9th Book, 120 pgs..............CLP29870 $9.50 The Life of J.E.B. Stuart Mary L. Williamson reveals the fascinating life and times of Confederate cavalry commander General “Jeb” Stuart. Readers will be delighted as they follow the daring exploits of this great military leader and Christian gentleman. Robert E. Lee called Stuart his “eyes and ears.” You will call him a courageous warrior and a man of honor as you move through this action-packed biography. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 6th–9th Book, 134 pgs..............CLP29910 50 John Bunyan The Tinker of Bedford In this biography, the author, William Deal, provides a compelling overview of the life of the famous English writer and preacher who penned The Pilgrim’s Progress. Readers will gain a great deal of insight into the personal life of this courageous servant of Christ. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 6th–9th Book, 152 pgs..............CLP29595 $9.50 Martin Luther The Great Reformer The Disposable Patriot This biography presents a unique analysis of the life of Civil War General McClellan. Readers will gain valuable insight into the virtue and patriotism of this military legend and gain a comprehensive understanding of why historians have consistently undervalued his accomplishments. (Christian Liberty Press) The life of Martin Luther is a stirring tale of God’s grace. Few men have influenced the Christian church more than Luther. This readable biography by J.A. Morrison provides an honest account of the accomplishments of this remarkable man of God. It contains maps and several illustrations. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 9th–12th Book, 211 pgs...............CLP29585 Grades: 7th–12th Book, 122 pgs..............CLP29915 $8.00 Robert E. Lee, The Christian Second Edition This biography by William J. Johnstone reveals the true source of Lee’s personal integrity and greatness—his faith in Christ. Lee’s military career, Civil War exploits, and postwar accomplishments are covered in great detail. Important facts concerning Lee’s personal life are also included. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 224 pgs............ CLP29985 $11.75 $9.50 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 $9.50 Biographies Missionaries Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce David Livingstone Man of Prayer and Action The life of David Livingstone clearly testifies to the fact that God can change the direction of history through the life of just one soul. Well over one hundred years have passed since this famous missionary to Africa departed this earth. Read this inspiring biography to learn why Livingstone’s work has had such a lasting legacy. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 9th–12th Book, 129 pgs..............CLP29590$9.50 Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 76 pgs............... CRS23380$7.99 Jonathan Edwards A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought Christian Leaders Spurgeon Heir of the Puritans Jonathan Edwards has had a lasting impact on the church in North America, and beyond. In Jonathan Edwards, Stephen J. Nichols summarizes the major themes in Edwards’s thought and provides readers with an overview of Edwards’s life, writings on revival and church life, works of theology and philosophy, and sermons. This biographical approach is a good place to begin. (Presbyterian and Reformed) Grades: 9th–12th Book, 247 pgs............. P&R27105$14.99 $9.50 www.christianliberty.com Review of: The Life of George Washington What a fascinating gentleman. This resource is very well written with lots of information to share about this President. Highly recommend as a standalone, or to compliment any other work in your studies on the life of George Washington. Fantastic :) —Maree J. Christian Liberty Press Charles Haddon Spurgeon was surely one of God’s choicest gifts to His church in Britain, and indeed throughout the world. From the day of his conversion as a lad of sixteen until the day of his death, he had a single eye to the glory of God. Molded by the Puritans and standing in their noble tradition, he lived for God in the pulpit, in the study, in the home, and in the ministries he founded. This biography by Ernest W. Bacon inspires us to walk in this great heritage. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 9th–12th Book, 184 pgs............. CLP29920 In 1807, the slave trade was abolished throughout the British Empire. John Piper’s biographical sketch reveals how William Wilberforce was instrumental in ending this evil of trafficking in slaves. This is more, however, than simply a political biography of a great man—it is a story about the Christian faith that motivated Wilberforce’s long fight against slavery. (Crossway Books) Five Stars—Fantastic! 51 Novels Iron Scouts of the Confederacy Novels In Freedom’s Cause Students will enjoy reading this Civil War novel about two teenagers who lived and fought for Southern independence. This book is perfect for those older students who need supplemental reading material that is highly interesting and action-packed. (Christian Liberty Press) Teenage and adult readers will enjoy reading this historical novel about the struggle of the Scottish people for independence from English domination. The author, G. A. Henty, does a great job in presenting the lives of the famous Scottish leaders, William Wallace and Robert Bruce. Be prepared for action as you read this novel. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 5th–7th Book, 176 pgs...............CLP29775 Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 310 pgs............. CLP29680 Second Edition Children of the Covered Wagon Young children will love to read this historically accurate and personal account of pioneers heading west on the Oregon Trail during the mid-1800s. This timeless adventure story also features numerous illustrations, large print, and helpful maps. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 4th–6th Book, 266 pgs............. CLP29840 $13.75 Huguenot Garden Christian Liberty Press Huguenot Garden is a children’s story of the daily and adventurous episodes in the lives of Renée and Albret Martineau, young twin sisters in a seventeenth-century, French Protestant family. The story aims to portray the ideas and historical details common to Huguenot life in La Rochelle, France, 1685, a tragic year whose final quarter brought the full wrath of Louis XIV. (Canon Press) 52 $9.50 Hunting for Whales The Canaan Creed Few people living in the twenty-first century understand why men risked their lives and endured long periods of loneliness simply to hunt for whales. Readers of this book will grow to appreciate the daring exploits of whalemen, and learn what it must have been like to face a monstrous creature armed only with an iron spear and courage. Murder in Maine, wolves in Wyoming, and a fugitive—one life-changing summer for wolf biologist Anna O’Neil. She needs answers. Who shot her father and why? Then the arrival of a mysterious document forces Anna to examine her own beliefs and gives her the key to restoring a divided community. But, first, she must find the courage to confront a hidden evil and catch her father’s killer. (Hope Springs Media) Hunting for Whales is not only a story of adventure and hardship on the high seas, but also a tale of friendship, love, and God’s redeeming grace. (Great Light Publications) Grades: 4th–6th Book, 128 pgs............... CP21900$12.00 Grades: 7th–Adult Book, 139 pgs..............GLP24105$7.99 Pinocchio’s Quest The Life and Legacy of Saint Patrick Young readers will be both challenged and entertained as they read this action-packed book about a wooden boy who longs to become human. As Pinocchio searches for eternal life, he eventually discovers the miracle of the new birth. This unique version of the Pinocchio story has a rich balance of humor, biblical truth, and suspense. (Christian Liberty Press) Grade: 5th Book, 210 pgs............. CLP29650 $12.50 $12.75 Over sixteen hundred years ago, God raised up a man named Patrick to take the gospel of Christ to the people of Ireland. Seldom in church history has any missionary been blessed with a more fruitful ministry. The preaching of Patrick was used by the Lord to transform many of the Irish people from idol-worshipping pagans into servants of the one true God of Scripture. (Great Light Publications) Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 140 pgs.............. GLP24110$7.99 Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 327 pgs............HSM27270 $14.95 An Eye for Glory Author Karl Bacon accurately portrays the life of the common soldier during America’s most devastating war—the Civil War. Based on the real-life experiences of the men of the 14th Connecticut Infantry, he describes the life and tribulations of a Christian soldier, Michael Palmer. Fighting in several battles and seriously wounded, he survives the war. But the war takes its toll on his soul. With the help of his loving wife, Palmer eventually gains reconciliation and forgiveness for his wartime actions. (Zondervan) Grades: 9th–Adult Book, 364 pgs........... ZON29971$16.99 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Novels Shadow of the Piper When a disturbed teenager arrives at the Pittsburgh Rescue Mission, things are turned upside down for a young evangelist. The deranged girl lures Jesse Berry across the country, only to slip away after they reach their destination. Hamlin, Montana, is not the quaint mining town it appears to be. Something sinister moves below the surface—the youth are at risk—and someone there wants Jesse dead. (Hope Springs Media) Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 352 pgs............HSM27271$14.95 Douglas Bond Novels Mr. Pipes and the British Hymn Makers The Accidental Voyage Two young Americans are befriended by an elderly gentleman (Mr. Pipes) while on summer vacation in England. As he teaches them about famous British hymn writers and their hymns, they learn the value of traditional worship and praise—and they begin to see their own need for Christ’s salvation. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 7th–10th Book, 242 pgs..............CLP29760 $12.75 Mr. Pipes & Psalms and Hymns of the Reformation $12.75 Grades: 7th–10th Four Books..........................KITMP$46.12 In this third novel of the Mr. Pipes series, Annie and Drew continue their adventures when Mr. Pipes decides to visit them for Christmas. As they learn about great hymn writers and poets from American history, they get trapped by a snowstorm that threatens their holiday plans. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 7th–10th Book, 194 pgs..............CLP29780 $12.75 The Betrayal The Betrayal is another one of Douglas Bond’s great novels. Set during the time of the Reformation, it is written from the perspective of an opponent of John Calvin. This fast-paced novel tells the story of Calvin during his years in Renaissance France and Reformation Switzerland, and shows the power of the grace of God to save sinners. (Presbyterian and Reformed) Grade: 9th–Adult Book: 383 pages..........P&R27115$14.99 www.christianliberty.com Christian Liberty Press This series by Douglas Bond, an English teacher at a Christian high school in Washington State, teaches young people about the great hymns of the Christian faith. Each book in this series is a fictional adventure of two American teens, accompanied by an elderly English gentleman called Mr. Pipes, who along the way discover the value of hymns from a specific region or period of time. Buy all four books in the Mr. Pipes series for one low price. Prepare yourself for a journey back into Roman-occupied Britain as you read the amazing story of centurion Rusticus and his unlikely companion, Calum—a Celt with an unpredictable manner and unwavering convictions. Their tale comes to light with the discovery of an ancient Roman manuscript. The story itself reveals a world of deceit, cruelty, and revenge; but through it all can be seen the grace of God. (Presbyterian and Reformed) Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 234 pgs..............P&R27110$11.99 Mr. Pipes Comes to America Complete Mr. Pipes Collection Grades: 7th–10th Book, 257 pgs............. P&R27100$12.99 Hostage Lands In this sequel, two young Americans (Annie and Drew) travel through Europe with Mr. Pipes and learn about several great hymns of the Reformation era and their writers. During their trip they must find ways to elude an unknown person who is following them. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 7th–10th Book, 240 pgs..............CLP29770 In this last book in the Mr. Pipes series, Mr. Pipes takes his American friends on a final trip to Europe, and together they discover the hymns of the early centuries. During their adventurous journey, Mr. Pipes introduces Annie and Drew to sixteen hymns from the early church. They learn about such early hymnists as Ambrose of Milan, Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Francis of Assisi, and St. Patrick. (Presbyterian and Reformed) 53 Novels H. Rider Haggard Series Complete Haggard Collection Best known as the author of King Solomon’s Mines, H. Rider Haggard was a prolific writer of adventure tales. Christian Liberty Press now carries seven of his historical fiction and African adventure titles. Now you can get all seven Haggard titles at one low price. Grades: 8th–Adult Seven books....................... KITH3$74.21 Pearl Maiden Christian Liberty Press Centennial Edition This wonderful tale of faith tells the story of Miriam, a young Christian woman living in the Roman Empire during the first century, and Marcus, the Roman officer who desired to win her hand. Miriam’s faith is continually strengthened as she faces hardships and fiery trials. The historic events portrayed in Pearl Maiden culminate in the Roman siege and destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in a.d. 70. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 371 pgs..............CLP29685 The Brethren A Tale of the Crusades This novel by Sir H. Rider Haggard, first published in 1904, is a classic tale of love and chivalry, unfolding amidst the touching story of two English knights who are in love with the same maiden. The devotion of these men is tested as they are thrust into epic Crusader battles. (Christian Liberty Press) Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 347 pgs............. CLP29885 54 $13.50 Lysbeth Queen Sheba’s Ring A Tale of the Dutch Centennial Edition Teenage and adult readers will be inspired by this historical novel about a Dutch woman who is caught up in the terrors of the Spanish Inquisition during the 1500s. This heart-rending story written by H. Rider Haggard in 1901 continues to remind readers of the value of religious liberty. (Christian Liberty Press) This is a classic adventure tale about three Englishmen, from very different backgrounds, who decide to travel to the remote African interior in order to help an embattled monarch who claims to be a descendant of the Queen of Sheba. During their epic mission, these men encounter far more danger and hardships than they thought possible. They also prove the value of courage, friendship, and kind providence. (Great Light Publications) Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 443 pgs............. CLP29880 $13.50 King Solomon’s Mines 125th Anniversary Edition This timeless adventure story centers on three Englishmen who journey into the African interior in the late 19th century in the hopes of finding a lost relative. In the process of their travels, however, these men end up in the middle of a tribal civil war. Before they complete their mission, they become treasure hunters in the mysterious mines of King Solomon. Little wonder why this novel is one of the best selling books of all time! (Great Light Publications) Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 250 pgs..............GLP24170$9.99 Fair Margaret Centennial Edition This novel tells the inspiring story of a beautiful English maiden named Margaret, who faces hardship during the Spanish Inquisition of the late 1400s. As Margaret and her family struggle to stay together in peace, they soon find themselves in the midst of a series of perilous adventures. The drama that unfolds clearly displays the uncommon courage of ordinary people who chose to stand against the tyrants of their age. (Great Light Publications) Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 300 pgs..............GLP24190$10.99 The Lady of Blossholme Centennial Edition Here is a tale of steadfast love and perseverance in the face of tyranny. It tells the inspiring story of an English woman living during the reign of King Henry VIII. She is forced to endure treachery and hardships from a wayward abbot bent on pursuing his own selfish ambitions. As the lady and her family face a series of perilous adventures, they are forced to make a number of difficult choices. In the end, they find the God-given courage, love, and mercy they need to overcome the challenges put in their path. (Great Light Publications) Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 318 pgs..............GLP24160$9.99 Grades: 8th–Adult Book, 320 pgs..............GLP24180$10.99 $13.50 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Educational Resources Teaching Tools Christian Education Student Support CLASS Lesson Planner How to Study IndoctriNation Second Edition The CLASS Lesson Planner thoroughly equips busy parents with practical help in managing their home and school. It includes suggestions for developing lesson plans, organizational techniques, and forms that permit the homeschooler to be more efficient in school administration and the creation of permanent records. A copy of this planner is included in each curriculum kit. (Christian Liberty Press) In simple, straightforward language, this book explains how you can learn to study. The book cuts across all subjects in the curriculum, selects the basic skills, and visually shows how each skill is acquired. It is useful for both teachers and students in grades 7–12. (Christian Liberty Press) In this award-winning DVD, filmmaker Colin Gunn and family travel across America in an old yellow school bus exploring the origins and social impact of public school education. The IndoctriNation companion book is filled with research and commentary that would not fit on the DVD. See how public schools are actively at work to alter your child’s moral values, worldview, and religious beliefs. Explore the biblical principles regarding education—and who is ultimately responsible for our children’s future. (Gunn Productions) Book, 112 pgs.............. CLP89920 $10.50 A Family Guide to Narnia Book, 208 pgs............. CRS23390$14.99 How to Successfully Teach Reading Many parent educators realize that there is more to the art of reading than simply learning the phonics sounds. This booklet will equip instructors to take their students to a higher level of fluency and comprehension. If your student’s reading ability could use some improvement, this booklet will provide you with practical guidance so that you can help. (Christian Liberty Press) $8.50 Choosing Your Career High school students will find this book full of practical guidance in making godly career choices. There is an excellent chapter called “Decision Making,” which follows a discussion on a personal inventory evaluation. This book is also helpful to parents. (Presbyterian and Reformed) DVD.............................GP89105$19.95 Book, 376 pgs...............GP89106$14.99 Book & DVD set..............GP89107$34.90 Book, 106 pgs............. P&R87100$9.99 Growing Up Christian Young people who grow up in the church often leave by the time they finish college. Karl Gaustein, longtime Christian school teacher and principal, has written Growing Up Christian to help address this problem. Teenagers will learn to beware of potential dangers and how to avoid such pitfalls. This is a good book for both teenagers and their parents. (Presbyterian and Reformed) Book, 235 pgs..............P&R87105$14.99 Christian Liberty Press This book by author and syndicated radio host Christin Ditchfield is a simple and practical companion to The Chronicles of Narnia series by C. S. Lewis. It includes a summary of each book in the series, as well as a brief review of the biblical principles and parallels found within each chapter. (Crossway) Book, 117 pgs............... CLP89815 Booklet, 27 pgs.............CLP29825$5.25 www.christianliberty.com 55 Marriage & Family Family Life Christian Living in the Home Many families are struggling today because they lack proper direction from the Holy Scriptures. In this text, Dr. Jay Adams provides Christians with solid biblical advice regarding how to establish a Christ-honoring household. (Presbyterian and Reformed) Book, 143 pgs............. P&R77185$10.99 This booklet ought to be available to every family. J. C. Ryle does an excellent job of expounding on the practical principles of God’s Word, which need to be followed by parents wishing to train up their children in the way they should go. (Old Paths Gospel Press) Booklet, 38 pgs...........OPG80010$3.95 Christian Liberty Press Reforming Marriage Fathers and Sons: Hold Fast is a continuation of Douglas Bond’s earlier book Stand Fast. This series is an effort to help fathers prepare their sons for leadership in their homes and churches. Hold Fast is arranged like Stand Fast, with Scripture reading, discussion questions, and Bible memory with each chapter. This book focuses on preparing young men to be servant leaders as they confront today’s culture. (Presbyterian and Reformed) Godly marriages proceed from obedient hearts and offer up to God a sweet aroma. If your marriage is spiritually flat, then this fine book by Douglas Wilson will help you move forward biblically. (Canon Press) Book, 285 pgs..............P&R87125$14.99 Family Life Skills The Duties of Parents This text will equip teenagers to understand the biblical roles of children, parents, in-laws, and caregivers, while dealing with the special challenges confronting families in the twenty-first century. This is written with students in eleventh and twelfth grades in mind. (Bob Jones) Book, 324 pgs..............BJU82390$51.39 Training Children in Godliness Fathers and Sons: Stand Fast Second Edition Fathers, are you looking for a way to prepare your sons for leadership in their homes and churches? Would you like to find a way to do so effectively? You should then consider this book by Douglas Bond, author of the Mr. Pipes series and several other books. It is designed for fathers to work with the young men in their family. Each chapter includes Scripture reading, discussion questions, Bible memory, and other useful tools for dads and sons to use together. Rather than encouraging lectures by fathers, its purpose is to facilitate dialogue between dads and their sons as they discuss the serious issues of life. This book is appropriate for young men in high school and older. (Presbyterian and Reformed) Book, 331 pgs..............P&R87120$14.99 56 Fathers and Sons: Hold Fast This book provides parents and other adults with a course on training children in Christian values. The primary pur pose of this book is to sharpen the skills and understanding of those individuals who have a burden to guide youngsters in the path of righteousness. (Christian Liberty Press) Book, 142 pgs............. CLP99605 $9.50 Book, 144 pgs............... CP91925$15.00 What the Bible Says About Child Training Noted author and educator Richard Fugate provides parents with a wealth of biblically sound instruction on the subject of child training. (Foundation for Biblical Research) Book, 330 pgs..............FBR89522$14.95 Spiritual Growth First Catechism This tried and true method of question and answer instruction enables young children to learn basic Christian teachings. It is a very useful tool to help children begin with the milk of the Word. This is a good supplement to an existing Bible program. (Great Commission Publications) Booklet, 38 pgs........... GCP10000$2.00 Memory Work Notebook This spiral-bound study program by Paul G. Settle is an excellent supplement to a child’s Bible course. It provides a program whereby children from age three through the twelfth grade can memorize Bible passages and the catechism according to grade levels. The mem ory selections enable children to understand the systematic truth of the Bible. (Great Commission Publications) Book, 114 pgs..............GCP10010$9.99 PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Marriage & Family Always Ready As our culture becomes increasingly antagonistic to biblical Christianity, God’s people need to be ready to defend the faith. This book, a compilation of several of Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen’s published works on Christian apologetics, is packed with practical directions for both high school students and adults on how to proclaim the lordship of Christ humbly and effectively. (Covenant Media Foundation) Book, 289 pgs.............CMF11790$17.95 The Heidelberg Catechism Faith & Courage A Study Guide This clearly written devotional commentary by pastor and former missionary Dr. Derek Carlsen provides a thorough analysis of the book of Acts from a conservative Reformed perspective. Readers will clearly see how relevant the Scriptures are to Christian living today. (Christian Liberty Press) The Heidelberg Catechism is one of the finest creeds of the Reformation period. A faithful teacher of millions, it has stood the test of time and is still, today, one of the best tools available for learning what it means to be a Christian. This study guide to the Catechism, written by G. I. Williamson, includes 129 questions and answers, along with clear exposition and questions for review, further study, and discussion. (Presbyterian & Reformed) Commentary on Acts Book, 536 pgs..............CLP80091$9.50 Text, 256 pgs............. P&RCCL275$12.99 The Shorter Catechism with Scripture Proofs This teaching tool using questions and answers provides a road map for the Bible. The Westminster Assembly, meeting in London in 1647, formulated one of the most succinct summaries of evangelical Christianity. Intended as an introduction to the Christian faith, it has exerted a lasting influence in Britain and America for over 350 years. This can be used to supplement an existing Bible curriculum for teenagers. (Banner of Truth) Booklet, 32 pgs............ BNR13670$1.35 Second Edition This text by author and pastor G. I. Williamson is a clear, helpful exposition of each question in the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Each lesson includes questions for review or discussion. This is a good study for young people in junior high and high school and is appropriate for use by churches, schools, and families. Formerly published as a two-volume set, Rev. Williamson’s classic material has been combined into one book. (Presbyterian and Reformed) Text, 371 pgs................ P&R17185$15.99 Susan Hunt has written this well-illustrated, hardcover book to help parents teach their children to live for God. The book is divided into thirty-six lessons that teach basic truths of the Christian faith. Each lesson includes a few questions and answers from the First Catechism about a particular topic, an engaging short story illustrating the truth being taught, and a small number of discussion questions. This book is perfect for a weekly Bible lesson and could be used for family devotions with young children. (Crossway) Family Worship Hymnal Text, 160 pgs............... CRS13305$19.99 Hymnal, 223 pgs......... CLP89905 The Westminster Standards Training Hearts, Teaching Minds This book contains the text of the Westminster Confession of Faith, Westminster Larger Confession, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism as adopted by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church in America. Collectively known as the Westminster Standards, they were originally written by the Westminster Assembly in 1647 to represent the church polity and doctrine of the English and Scottish Reformation. The version found in this book reflects the minor American revisions of 1789. (Great Commission Publications) This spiral-bound hymnal is designed to equip parents with the tools they need to revive the critical exercise of family worship. A large selection of classic Christian hymns is linked with Scripture reading selections and helpful articles on family worship. Turn off the television and pick up this helpful worship aid. (Christian Liberty Press) $12.75 This is an excellent book for family devotions. It is based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism, providing six short lessons on each question. It explains the catechism in simple language and includes key Scripture readings to reinforce the main points of each catechism question and answer. It takes only a few minutes each day, allowing time for discussion and memorization review. (Presbyterian and Reformed) Book, 349 pgs.............. P&R87115$14.99 Christian Liberty Press The Westminster Shorter Catechism for Study Classes Big Truths for Little Kids Family Worship Text, 82 pgs................GCP80098$4.99 www.christianliberty.com 57 Educational Games Games SomeBody™ Apples to Apples® Bible Edition Apples To Apples®: Bible Edition is a great game for the entire family! It’s as easy as “comparing apples to apples”... just open the box, deal the cards, and you’re ready to play! Each round is filled with surprising and outrageous comparisons from a wide range of people, places, things, and events from the Bible and church history. Fast moving and refreshing, Apples To Apples® is perfect for any get together with family and friends! Learn while you are having fun. (Cactus Game Design) It’s easy to understand why SomebodyTM is so popular. Young children play it as a puzzle, carefully placing body parts on the body boards and taking them off again and again. Older children learn names, functions, and locations as they play. With five different games included, all ages will learn and grow with this game for years to come. SomebodyTM has received rave reviews from homes to classrooms. (Aristoplay) For 2 to 4 players, ages 6 to 10 Game..........................ARP89004$29.99 Where in the World? USA Edition The Where in the World brand and famous game play has extended to a new USA edition. Filled with up-to-date facts, players will learn thirteen unique features of each U.S. state. Featured facts include: admission date, rank in size, population, capitals, attractions, and more. The USA Edition also includes a new level of play for larger groups and classrooms. (Aristoplay) For 1-6 players or teams, ages 8 and up Game..........................ARP89008$29.99 Great Fun! Christian Liberty Press For 4-10 players, ages 8 and up Game........................ CGD85400$29.99 58 Where in the World? Herd Your Horses® Loaded with facts, adventures, and beauty, this popular, award-winning game allows players to experience life as a ranch hand or as a member of a wild herd as they move along an adventurefilled game board. Included is a deck of beautifully designed horse cards, each with the name, breed, color, markings, and biography of a fictional horse. Included is a solitaire game for solo play. (Aristoplay) For 1 to 4 players, ages 8 and up Game.......................... ARP89001$25.00 Review of: SomeBody: The Human Anatomy Game When Where in the World was introduced sixteen years ago, it launched the trend in geography games. Today, this game remains the most comprehensive world geography game that families and classrooms love! The game has been updated to include the latest facts about every country in the world, including capitals, major imports and exports, languages, and religions. With six games in one, it’s possible for players of all abilities to play together, providing challenge and a world of fun for everyone. (Aristoplay) Played with the family (ages 8 to 65). Everyone had fun and learnt something. Great fun way to learn about the body. For 2 to 6 players, ages 8 and up Game..........................ARP89005$30.00 —Antoinette, Ireland PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 2 Inspiration Standing Firm for Liberty… The inspiring story of Christian Liberty and its role in Christian education MathAnimals™ MathAnimalsTM is an exciting game that teaches and reinforces addition, subtraction, and multiplication skills for children of all ages. With the roll of a die, players race around the colorful game board trying to land their playing piece on the animal that represents the highest number. Then they either add, subtract, or multiply the number on the die with the number they have landed on. The winner is the first to have the grand total reach the “goal,” a number that is set at the beginning of each new game. With more than six variations of game play, MathAnimalsTM will continue to stimulate learning and grow with your child for years to come. (Aristoplay) For 2 to 4 players, ages 5 and up, best for 1st to 5th grades Game..........................ARP89002$22.99 MathHouse Games The set contains: • 30 double-sided, full color, illustrated cards • 40 games (two games to demonstrate each step) • Related information explaining each step to parents Each 8” x 4” card is printed on heavy card stock, with protective coating. (c3pla) Ages 3-6 Game........................ CCC50000$23.95 B y God’s grace, the Church of Christian Liberty and its various educational outreaches have had a significant impact upon the field of Christian education and homeschooling for nearly fifty years. This book tells the inspiring story of the development and growth of Christian Liberty ministries, with a particular focus upon the life and legacy of the founding pastor and superintendent of schools, Rev. Paul Lindstrom. A must read for anyone who has been touched by the ministry of Christian Liberty. Grades: 8th–Adult Book.......................... CLP 86906 www.christianliberty.com Christian Liberty Press These cards help parents focus on playing games with their children—special games designed to demonstrate mathematical concepts to children as they play. If you focus on the game play, your child will end up learning new math skills. It may take a few rounds of play, but playing Carlito C. Caterpillar’s Mathhouse Games makes kids’ play count! $15.00 59 Services Independent Testing Service What do the results mean? M Grade equivalent scores represent the grade level (year and month separated by a decimal point) of a student’s ability when compared to the median average score of other students at the same academic level. In response, Christian Liberty has developed its own testing service that will provide you with the results you need, but without the hassle of finding a proctor “authorized” to administer the exam.* We offer two different tests, both of which can be completed on your schedule in your own home. Scores outside the student’s actual grade do not necessarily mean the student should be moved to another grade level. For example, if a 5th grader scored a 7.5, this does not mean he is ready for the 7th grade. Rather, it means that the student understands some of the concepts that the average 7th grader knows, and is advanced compared to his peers. any home educators use a testing service for any of three reasons: to determine an appropriate grade level curriculum, to evaluate their child’s progress, or to fulfill a state or local school requirement. Unfortunately, many services require an official to supervise the test-taking process. Homeschool Services * Some states may require a proctor in order to accept your results. Stanine scores are used mostly by test evaluators for calculation and statistics purposes. Derived from the term “standard of nine,” the results are based on mean averages and standard deviations. In general terms, scores of 1–3 indicate below average achievement, 4–6 are average, and 7–9 are above average. California Achievement Test (CAT) T his nationally recognized achievement test is the preferred exam for students enrolling into our academy or using our Curriculum Recommendation Service. The results are determined by comparing your child’s scores to a standardized group of same-grade-level students to determine if your child is below, at, or above grade when compared to his peers. Christian Liberty uses the 1970 edition of the test. It is available for students entering grades 2–12 and can be taken online or in the traditional paper format: Online The online version is taken on your computer and must be purchased directly from our website. Results are available immediately upon completion. Paper The paper version is mailed to you. Once completed, the test is returned to Christian Liberty for scoring. The results are then mailed to you. There are five different levels of the CAT, each of which is designed for a specific range of grade levels: Level 1 – Entering Grade 2 Level 2 – Entering Grade 3 Level 3 – Entering Grades 4–6 Level 4 – Entering Grades 7–9 Level 5 – Entering Grades 10–12 60 Percentile scores represent a ranking of the student within a norm group. For example, a score of 73 means that the student did better than approximately 73% of all students in the group. It does not refer to the number of questions answered correctly. Each test level provides scores for the following seven subject areas in three categories.** Test results are reported in grade equivalent, stanine, and percentile formats. Reading Mathematics Language Vocabulary Computation Mechanics Comprehension Concepts and Problems Usage and Structure Spelling **Students taking the level 1 CAT (for entering grade 2) are also tested for auding (listening comprehension of spoken language). TestPoint™ Placement Test T his placement test is designed to inform parents if their student has all the skills necessary for the grade level entering. Although available for grades K–12, this test is generally best suited for early grade levels where students have not been exposed to a formal, full-range curriculum and no benchmark exists for determining whether they are academically ready for the intended grade level. The TestPoint™ placement test is only available in an online format and can only be ordered through our website. Results are available immediately upon completion. The test provides scores for the following three subject areas. Test results are reported in grade equivalent and percentile formats. PHONE ORDERS—call (800) 348-0899 and press 3 Services Reading Mathematics Language Notes 1. Although a number of Christian schools use TestPoint™, the test is not nationally recognized. So, if you need results for state or local school requirements, then we recommend you use the California Achievement Test. 2. Once a student has completed a formal, full-range curriculum, then the TestPoint™ test is no longer the best option. For this reason, TestPoint™ is not an option for students re-enrolling in our academy. 3. While a curriculum recommendation can be purchased with the TestPoint™ test, it is generally not recommended. Families who wish to use the Curriculum Recommendation Service are encouraged to take the California Achievement Test in conjunction with that service. A chievement tests are used to determine the general skill or knowledge level attained by a student (compared to his peers), regardless of grade level placement. Their purpose is to evaluate what a student has learned over a period of time. Placement tests, on the other hand, are used to help find out whether a student has sufficient knowledge to enter a particular grade level. In practical terms, the achievement test is a better fit for most students, as it will indicate a student’s skill level—both above and below—a normed group of students at the grade level tested. Because the placement test only determines whether a student has the skills necessary to enter the grade level being tested, it will not indicate whether your student is “above” grade level in any subject area. Therefore, the California Achievement Test is our preferred test for both independent homeschool families and those enrolled in the CLASS homeschool academy. Why the 1970 edition of the CAT? C hristian Liberty continues to use the 1970 edition of the California Achievement Test for two reasons: 1. This nationally-normed test was created prior to the academic decline that has occurred over the last several decades. It is our professional opinion that the more recent versions of achievement tests have been simplified to reflect this decline, and as such, cannot be used to accurately determine an appropriate level of course assignment. 2. To the best of our knowledge, there is no distributor of achievement test materials that will allow a student to take the latest edition test without a government-licensed proctor, and that test administrator must be approved before the test will be shipped. We believe that forcing families to submit to this process places an unnecessary burden on them—especially since the requirement has no direct bearing on the ability of a student to properly take the test. S tudents who are enrolled in the CLASS homeschool academy may use their Independent Testing Service scores as part of their enrollment process if: 1. the test taken was appropriate for the grade level entering; and 2. the test was taken within six months of enrollment. If your testing service results are accepted, you will receive a discount in your enrollment tuition equal to the cost of the test. Curriculum Recommendation Service I f you have had little or no experience developing a curriculum for your student, or if your student falls outside the “norm” in one or more academic areas, you will benefit from using our Curriculum Recommendation Service. Offered in conjunction with our Independent Testing Service,* this service will provide you with a subject-by-subject listing of all recommended curriculum materials for the grade level tested. Materials listed through this service are limited to those used by Christian Liberty. * The Curriculum Recommendation Service should only be used when taking the California Achievement Test (online or paper). The TestPoint™ Placement Test is not recommended for this service. If you are planning to enroll in our full-service academy, then the Curriculum Recommendation Service is not needed. Appropriate course selection is included in the enrollment process. Homeschool Services Achievement Test versus Placement Test CLASS Homeschool Academy Acceptance California Achievement Test (Online Version) I was skeptical at first of taking the CAT Test online. We had done other testing and thought we’d give this a try. We did it last year for the first time and it was fast, easy and our favorite part was getting the results back immediately. We didn’t have any issues whatsoever. www.christianliberty.com —CLP Customer 61 Index Index Building Spelling Skills: Book 4 26 Building Spelling Skills: Book 6 30 Academic Records 14 Building Spelling Skills: Book 7 32 Accidental Voyage, The 53 Building Spelling Skills: Book 8 35 Accreditation: CLASS 13 Achievement Testing. See also Curriculum Recommendation Service California Achievement Test 60 CLASS Homeschool Academy Acceptance of 61 Colleges and Universities Accepting Graduates: CLASS 15 Exploring Creation with General Science 33, 47 Confessions by Saint Augustine 39 Exploring Creation with Physical Science 35, 47 Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens 44 Course Load and Credits: High School 12 Credits Needed to Graduate 11 Crossroads 24 Exploring Creation with Physics 47 Exploring God’s Creation 25 Exploring the History of Medicine 48 Eye for Glory, An 52 Business Computer Information Systems 48 Cultural Geography 42 Cumulative Records. See Academic Records E-Z Business Math 45 C Curriculum Adjustments 6, 8 F Calculus 45 Curriculum Kits California Achievement Test 6 Explanation of Results 60 Online 60 Included in CLASS Enrollment 6, 8 Paper 60 TestPoint Placement Test 60 INDEX Building Spelling Skills: Book 3 24 Building Spelling Skills: Book 5 28 A Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism, & Arminianism 37 Adventures in Phonics: Level A 18 Canaan Creed, The 52 Adventures in Phonics: Level B 20 CAT. See California Achievement Test Adventures in Phonics: Level C 22 Celebrating Art 19 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The 38 Certificate of Completion 14 Algebra 1 45 Preschool 17 Fair Margaret 54 Kindergarten 18 Faith & Courage 57 First Grade 20 Family Administration Plan 6. See also CLASS Second Grade 22 Why the 1970 Edition? 61 Advanced Mathematics 45 Academic Records Requirement 14 Third Grade 24 Tuition 8–10 Fourth Grade 26 Fifth Grade 28 Family & Consumer Science Set 48 Sixth Grade 30 Family Guide to Narnia, A 55 Seventh Grade 32 Family Life Skills 56 Eighth Grade 34 Chemistry 46 Family Worship Hymnal 57 Ninth Grade 36 Algebra 1/2 35 Children of the Covered Wagon 26, 52 Tenth Grade 36 Fathers and Sons: Hold Fast 56 Algebra 2 45 Child’s Story of America, A 27 Eleventh Grade 36 Always Ready 57 Choosing Your Career 55 Twelfth Grade 36 Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce 51 Christian Liberty Academy School System. See CLASS Curriculum Recommendation Service 61. See also Achievement Testing American Government 44 American Literature 38 Christian Liberty Nature Readers. See Nature Readers D American Pioneers and Patriots 25 Christian Liberty Preschool. See Preschool David Livingstone 51 Fossils That Speak Out 46 Apples to Apples Bible Edition (Game) 58 Christian Living in the Home 56 Democracy in America 44 Foundation for Freedom 35, 44 Applications of Grammar, Book 1 32 Church History in Plain Language 43 Fox’s Book of Martyrs 43 Applications of Grammar, Book 2 35 Church in History, The 43 Diploma Requirements. See Graduation Requirements Applications of Grammar, Book 3 40 CLASS Discovering New Worlds Through Literature 30 Free Enterprise Economics in America 42 Fathers and Sons: Stand Fast 56 Federalist, The 35, 44 Finding a New Land 26 First Catechism 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 56 Flags Unfurled 26 Footprints 24 Freedom of Melody 49 Academic Excellence 7 Don Quixote 39 Academic Records Requests 14 Duties of Parents, The 56 Applications of Grammar, Book 6 40 Acceptance of Independent Testing Service Scores 61 Games. See Educational Games Appreciating Art 21 Accreditation 13 E Arithmetic 1 21 Affordability of 6 eBooks 16 George B. McClellan 50 Arithmetic 2 23 Colleges and Universities Accepting Graduates 15 Economics: Work and Prosperity 42 Gift of Music, The 49 Educational Games God and Government 44 Applications of Grammar, Book 4 40 Applications of Grammar, Book 5 40 Arithmetic 3 25 G Geometry 45 Definition of 6 Apples to Apples Bible Edition 58 God’s Gift of Language A 27 English Fluency Requirements 14 Herd Your Horses 58 Made for Trade 58 God’s Gift of Language B 28 Enrolling into 13–14 Arithmetic 6 31 Flexibility of 6 MathAnimals 59 Art and the Bible 49 Godly Education 7 MathHouse Games 59 Attributes of God, The 37 Graduation Requirements 12 SomeBody 58 High School Choice 10–12 Where in the World? 58 High School Math Help 14 Where in the World? USA Edition 58 Arithmetic 4 27 Arithmetic 5 29 B Beautiful Stories for Children 22 Betrayal, The 53 Bible Alive - New Testament Set 1 20 Bible Alive - New Testament Set 2 20 English 2: Writing and Grammar 22 Grammar and Composition IV 40 English 3: Writing and Grammar 24 Great Expectations 38 Partnership with 6 English 4: Writing and Grammar 26 Growing Up Christian 55 English 5: Writing and Grammar 28 Gulliver’s Travels and Other Writings 38 H Special Needs 14 Subjects Covered by Grade Level 8–10 English Fluency Requirements: CLASS 14 Bible Treasures: New Testament 22 Transferring into High School 11 English Literature 38 Tuition 8–10 Enrolling: CLASS 13–14 Tuition Discounts 6, 14 Ephesians: A Study Manual 34 CLASS Administration Plan 6. See also CLASS Academic Records Requirement 14 Tuition 8–10 Brethren, The 54 CLASS Homeschool Academy. See CLASS Building a New Nation 28 CLASS Lesson Planner 8, 16, 55 Building Spelling Skills: Book 1 21 Grammar and Composition II 35 Matriculation Requirements 11 Bible Treasures: Genesis to Ruth 18 Book of Job Unfolded, The 37 Grammar and Composition I 33 Grammar and Composition III 40 Bible Treasures: 1 Samuel to Malachi 20 Biology Laboratory Set 46 Graduation Requirements: CLASS 12 Materials Included in Curriculum 8 English 6: Writing and Grammar 30 Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity 46 God’s Wonderful Works 23 Ed Wakes Up 17 Sample High School Credit Distribution 10 Big Truths for Little Kids 18, 57 God’s Gift of Language C 30 Lesson Plan Development 14 Bible Nuggets from A to Z 17 Biblical Economics in Comics 42 62 Building Spelling Skills: Book 2 22 Every Thought Captive 37 Exciting World of Creative Writing, The 33, 35 Exploring American History 29 Exploring Creation with Biology 47 Exploring Creation with Chemistry 47 Haggard Collection, Complete 54 Health Quest 27, 29, 31, 33 Hearts and Hands 19 Heidelberg Catechism, The: A Study Guide 32, 57 Herd Your Horses (Game) 58 High School Colleges and Universities Accepting Graduates 15 Course Load and Credits 12 Customer Service and Orders—call (800) 348-0899 or (847) 385-2029 Index Graduation Requirements 12 Latin in the Christian Trivium: Volume 2 42 Nathan’s Story 17 Stepping Stones 18, 20 Math Help: CLASS 14 Law and Liberty 44 National Association of Private Schools 13 Still Waters 49 Matriculation Requirements 11 Lesson Plan Development: CLASS 14 Nature Reader: Book 1 20 Stories of the Pilgrims 26 Liberty Choir 49 Nature Reader: Book 2 22 Story of Inventions, The 30 Liberty Mathematics: Level A 21 Nature Reader: Book 3 24 Story of the Middle Ages 31 Liberty Mathematics: Level B 23 Nature Reader: Book 4 26 Liberty Mathematics: Level K 19 Nature Reader: Book 5 28 Story of the Wright Brothers and Their Sister, The 24 Liberty Tree 26 Nature Reader: Book K 19 Life and Legacy of Saint Patrick, The 52 Noah Webster’s Reading Handbook 21 Streams of Civilization, Vol. 1 43 O Striker Jones and the Midnight Archer 31 Selecting Courses 11 High School Choice 10–12 History for Little Pilgrims 21 History of the World 33 History Stories for Children 24 Homeschool Academy. See CLASS Honest Money 42 Hostage Lands 53 Life of Christ, The 34 How Should We Then Live? 43 Life of General Stonewall Jackson, The 34, 50 How to Study 33, 55 Life of George Washington, The 30, 50 How to Successfully Teach Reading 25, 55 Odyssey, The 39 Life of J.E.B. Stuart, The 32, 50 Huguenot Garden 28, 52 Of America I 28 Lift Up Your Eyes on High 46 Human Body, The 47 Of America II 30 Line Upon Line 31, 49 Hunting for Whales 32, 52 Of People 32 Little Pilgrims in God’s World 19 Of Places 34 I Living Language French: Complete Ed. 41 Our Father’s World 21 Living Language French: Essential Ed. 41 Iliad, The 39 Our Nation Under God 23 Living Language German: Complete Ed. 41 Independent Testing Service 60. See also Achievement Testing Living Language German: Essential Ed. 41 P Living Language Spanish: Complete Ed. 41 Pals and Pets 18 Living Language Spanish: Essential Ed. 41 Paths of Gold 22 Lysbeth 34, 54 Pearl Maiden 54 IndoctriNation 55 In Freedom’s Cause 52 Institutes of Biblical Law 37 In the Beginning 19 In the Shadow of Plenty 42 Investigating God’s World 29 Iron Scouts of the Confederacy 30, 52 It Is a Joy to Learn 18 It Is Fun to Read 18 J Jed Smith 28, 50 Jensen’s Format Writing 40 Jesus the Child 20 Phonics Is Fun: Level 1 21 M Phonics Sounds & Teaching Tips CD 18 Manual of Christian Doctrine 37 Physics: The Foundational Science 46 Maps, Globes, Graphs: Level E 29 Pilgrim’s Progress, The 39 Maps, Globes, Graphs: Level F 31 Pinocchio’s Quest 28, 52 Martin Luther 34, 50 Portrait of a Lady, The 39 Math 5/4 27 Praise and Worship Guitar 49 Math 6/5 29 Praise Guitar Made Easy 49 Math 7/6 31, 33 Preschool Activity Book 17 Math 8/7 33, 35 Preschool Drill Book 17 MathAnimals (Game) 59 Preschool Readers 17 Mathematics: Is God Silent? 45 Pride and Prejudice 39 Math Help: CLASS High School 14 Streams of Civilization, Vol. 2 43 Striker Jones Elementary Economics for Elementary Detectives 29 Strong and True 20 A Sure Foundation: Essential Bible Truths for Children 22 Studying God’s Word Book D 24 Studying God’s Word Book E 26 Studying God’s Word Book F 28 Studying God’s Word Book G 30 Studying God’s Word Book H 32 Sun and the Rain, The 17 T TestPoint Placement Test 60 Themes in Literature 38 Time at Home, A 18 Tiptoes 18, 20 Training Children in Godliness 19, 56 Training Hearts, Teaching Minds 57 Transfer Students: CLASS 11 Trottino’s Tale 17 Tuition: CLASS 8–10 Tuition Discounts: CLASS 6, 14 U Understanding God’s World 27 MathHouse Games (Game) 17, 19, 21, 59 Q United States History 43 Matriculation Requirements 11 Queen Sheba’s Ring 54 V MCP Mathematics: Level A 21 R Vouchers. See Tuition Discounts MCP Mathematics: Level B 23 Records. See Academic Records Reforming Marriage 56 W MCP Mathematics: Level C 25 MCP Mathematics: Level D 27 Rejoice and Sing Out His Praises 49 Westminster Shorter Catechism for Study Classes, The 34, 57 MCP Mathematics: Level E 29 Robert E. Lee, The Christian 50 Westminster Standards, The 57 MCP Mathematics: Level F 31 Robinson Crusoe Reader, The 22 What the Bible Says About Child Training 56 Meeting New Friends 21 S Where in the World? (Game) 58 Memory Work Notebook 56 Ministry of Christ, The 37 Scarlet Letter, The 38 Wood Technology & Processes 48 Moby-Dick 38 Science: Earth and Space 35 Working With Numbers: Refresher 45 Modern Art and the Death of a Culture 49 Science: Matter and Energy 46 World God Made, The 19 Modern Curriculum Press. See MCP Science: Order and Design 33 World Literature 38 King Lear 39 Mr. Pipes and the British Hymn Makers 32, 53 Screwtape Letters, The 39 World Studies 33 King Solomon’s Mines 54 Shadow of the Piper 34, 53 Mr. Pipes Collection, Complete 53 Writing a Research Paper 40 Kit Likes to Sit 17 Mr. Pipes Comes to America 53 Shorter Catechism with Scripture Proofs, The 57 Writing with Diligence 21 L Mr. Pipes & Psalms and Hymns of the Reformation 34, 53 Silver Sails 22 Lady of Blossholme, The 54 My ABC Bible Verses 17 Sound Speech 40 Land of Fair Play, The 35 My Cat and the Hat 17 Sovereignty of God, The 37 Language 2 23 My Dog Goes for a Jog 17 Special Needs: CLASS 14 N Spurgeon 51 Jesus the Healer 20 Jesus the Miracle Worker 20 Jesus the Saviour 20 Jesus the Storyteller 20 Jesus the Teacher 20 John Bunyan 32, 50 Jonathan Edwards 51 Journey Through the Bible: Book 1 32 Journey Through the Bible: Book 2 34 Journey Through the Bible: Book 3 37 Judicial Supremacy 44 K Kind and Brave 20 Kindergarten Phonics Readers 18 Kingdom of God, The 37 Language 3 24 Latin in the Christian Trivium: Volume 1 42 Mayflower Pilgrims, The 43 SomeBody (Game) 58 INDEX Invitation to the Classics 38 Observing God’s World 31 Streams of Civilization Historical Charts 43 Where in the World? USA Edition (Game) 58 Writing with Grace 25 Writing with Power 27 Writing with Prayer 23 Standing Firm for Liberty 59 www.christianliberty.com 63 CHRISTIAN LIBERTY 502 West Euclid Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60004–5402 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Bolingbrook, IL Permit No. 374 NEW for 2016: High School History Text, Streams of Civilization Volume One Updated and Expanded PLUS: Third Edition Adventures in Phonics, Level C Second Edition PLUS: History Stories for Children Third Edition Coming in 2017: Volume Two Third Edition For more details, visit www.christianliberty.com Christian Liberty Your partner in training disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE TABLE OF CONTENTS Like the catalog, this order form packet is divided into three color-coded sections: Instructions for Use Ordering and Contact Information CLASS enrollment application and course choice options related to our homeschool academy Order form for curriculum kits, books, and products Order form for Christian Liberty independent testing and recommendation services A2 A2 CLASS Enrollment Application If you are purchasing from more than one section, you must fill out each applicable order form* (e.g., you cannot combine products and services on the same form) because each type of order is processed by a different department. You may, however, include multiple order forms in the same envelope when mailing. * The CLASS homeschool academy application includes specific book and/or publisher requests, as well as testing service options. These are part of the enrollment process; you do not need to order them separately. A3 Cancellation Policy Payment Information A3 A6 Placement/Achievement Test Options Shipping A6 A6 High School Choice Options A7 Product Order Form A11 Ordering Methods Sales Tax A12 A12 Shipping Returns A12 A12 Price Changes A12 Testing Service Order Form A13 Testing Service Ordering Methods A14 A14 Payment Information Shipping A14 A14 Returns A14 Summary of Cancellation and Return Policies A15 ORDERING Once you have decided what works best for you, simply place your enrollment/order via any of the following methods: Online Our academy, products, and services can all be accessed through our website at www.shopchristianliberty.com. Once there, simply use the Categories column on the left side of the page. Phone Once you have determined what you need from us, call our toll-free number (800) 348–0899 and follow the prompts. Make sure you have all necessary information, including your charge card number, ready when you contact us. Mail This packet includes an enrollment application and order forms for the products and services* that we carry. The forms are color-coded to match each section of the catalog, so you can easily determine which ones to use. Because each section is handled by a different department, use the mailing address located on the applicable application/order form. Fax Fill out the applicable color-coded application/order forms located in the center of this catalog to tell us what you need.* Then simply fax them to us. Since each section is handled by a different department, check the application/order form for specific details on which fax number to use. * Some of the services are online based and, as such, can only be ordered through our website. CONTACT US Online www.christianliberty.com Phone (800) 348–0899 Orders www.shopchristianliberty.com Mail Email custserv@christianliberty.com Christian Liberty 502 West Euclid Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60004-5402 Customer Service hours are M–F from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT (Orders: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT). Offices are closed for major holidays and the last two weeks of December. A2 CHRISTIAN LIBERTY ACADEMY SCHOOL SYSTEM 502 West Euclid Avenue, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004-5402 PHONE : (800) 348-0899 ~ EMAIL : custserv@homeschools.org ~ WEBSITE : www.homeschools.org A MINISTRY OF THE CHURCH OF CHRISTIAN LIBERTY SINCE 1968 ENROLLMENT APPLICATION (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) FAMILY ACCOUNT INFORMATION If your family has been enrolled previously, check this box q and write your Family ID here: PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN SPOUSE q Mr. q Mrs. q Miss First First MI MI MAILING ADDRESS (If you have a P.O. Box, please include a street address in the Shipping Address) / APT # ADDRESS Last (if different) SHIPPING ADDRESS (if different) To be used for: q Pretest (if needed) ADDRESS CITY CITY ZIP q Curriculum STATE COUNTRY COUNTRY PHONE PHONE EMAIL ATTN q Both / APT # ADDRESS ADDRESS STATE Last ZIP I agree to all terms and conditions outlined on this application. Please process and ship my students’ curricula. Parent/Legal Guardian Signature X Date CANCELLATION / REFUND POLICY (This information can also be found at www.homeschools.org/enrolling) If you choose to cancel after enrolling with Christian Liberty, please call Customer Service promptly. If you have already submitted the completed placement/achievement test, your call will prevent further processing steps that would decrease your refund. When you call, be sure to record the date and the name of the Customer Service representative with whom you spoke. This call is important, but it does not cancel your enrollment. A signed letter from the family or cancellation form (mailed or faxed) is required before any cancellation is considered official. If CLASS does not receive this written documentation, the cancellation will not proceed and no refund will be sent. CLASS Plan and Family Plan customers have thirty (30) days from the main curriculum shipping date [sixty (60) days for foreign shipments] to cancel from our program and request a tuition refund. If you decide to cancel after you have received your curriculum, call Customer Service and request a Cancellation Kit. Do not return any materials to CLASS before you receive the Cancellation Kit. This kit contains a Cancellation Letter/Refund Materials Authorization that, when completed and returned to us, serves as your official cancellation letter. This kit also includes a Returned Materials shipping label that must be affixed to the outside of the package or envelope you return. You will be charged for any course materials not returned, so return all unused curriculum materials to CLASS. If a book has been damaged or has any writing in it, even just a student’s name, it is considered used and should not be returned. Christian Liberty is the final arbiter of whether a course item is considered used. Returned materials that are considered by CLASS to be used will not be sent back to the family. The CLASS Handbook, lesson planner, and book report lists, if any, are yours to keep. Your tuition refund for each student canceled will be based on the schedule below. The amounts shown, plus the cost of any used or unreturned materials and any account balance, will be subtracted from your original tuition payment. This refund schedule is subject to change without notice. Amount Deducted From Refund Grades K – 1 Grades 2 – 12 If you cancel… Prior to CLASS sending the placement/achievement test Prior to curriculum development After curriculum has been developed but not shipped Within thirty (30) days after shipping date Sixty (60) days for foreign shipments – $10 – $30 – $20 1, 2 – $35 More than thirty (30) days past shipping date 1 NA – $10 1, 2 2 Shipping costs are not refundable 3 NO REFUND 3 – $50 – $70 3 NO REFUND In addition to the cost of any used and unreturned materials NOTE: Required pretests must be completed and returned within ninety (90) days from the date sent. Failure to do so may result in the enrollment being canceled by CLASS without refund. If CLASS cancels your enrollment, any amount remaining in your account after the deductions noted above may be used toward another enrollment within twelve (12) months of the cancellation date. If you do not intend to cancel, please return your completed pretest to us promptly, or contact us stating the reason for your delay. If the pretest is not required, the enrollment will be processed after ninety (90) days as if the pretest were never requested. You may also enroll online at www.shopchristianliberty.com if you use your VISA, MasterCard, or Discover card. ENR 00176 – 2/4/16 A3 If faxing, print Parent/Legal Guardian STUDENT 1 First PLEASE ENROLL MY STUDENT IN: MI Last STUDENT 2 PLEASE ENROLL MY STUDENT IN: q CLASS ADMINISTRATION PLAN (INCLUDES GRADING, REPORT CARDS, AND TRANSCRIPTS) q FAMILY ADMINISTRATION PLAN (DOES NOT INCLUDE GRADING AND RECORDKEEPING) q CLASS ADMINISTRATION PLAN (INCLUDES GRADING, REPORT CARDS, AND TRANSCRIPTS) q FAMILY ADMINISTRATION PLAN (DOES NOT INCLUDE GRADING AND RECORDKEEPING) STUDENT LEGAL NAME STUDENT LEGAL NAME FIRST MID q M GENDER LAST FIRST q F DATE OF BIRTH (MONTH /DAY/YEAR) / / q 3 q 4 q 5 q 6 q 7 q 8 q K q ADV K q 1 q 2 q 9 q10 q 11 q 12 PLACEMENT/ACHIEVEMENT TEST OPTION (SEE PAGE A6 FOR DETAILS) REQ UIRED FO R NEW AND RE-ENTERING STUDENTS G RADES 2 (GRADES 2 – 12) q CAT PAPER q (GRADES 2 – 12) ENROLLING IN GRADE LEVEL (SELECT ONE) q 3 q 4 q 5 q 6 q 7 q 8 CAT ONLINE AGE TH CLASS FOR PREVIOUS GRADE LEVEL) TH GRADE STUDENTS (GRADES 2 – 12) CAT PAPER q (GRADES 2 – 12) – 12 TESTPOINT™ ONLINE (GRADES K – 12) TH PREVIOUS SCHOOL INFORMATION (REQUIRED ONLY FOR 10 –12 ENROLLED IN CLASS FOR PREVIOUS GRADE LEVEL) SCHOOL NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY CITY COUNTRY FAX STATE ZIP PHONE COURSE CHOICES (IF ANY) THEOLOGICAL STUDIES THEOLOGICAL STUDIES ENGLISH ENGLISH SCIENCE SCIENCE MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS HERITAGE STUDIES HERITAGE STUDIES – SUBJECT TO OUR 7.5 CREDIT LIMIT 1 2 2 3 3 GRADE STUDENTS NOT COUNTRY ADDITIONAL COURSES CHOICES WILL BE ASSIGNED IN THE ORDER LISTED 1 TH FAX COURSE CHOICES (IF ANY) ADDITIONAL COURSES CHOICES WILL BE ASSIGNED IN THE ORDER LISTED q HIGH SCHOOL (9 – 12) STUDENTS NOT SCHOOL NAME ZIP q K q ADV K q 1 q 2 q 9 q10 q 11 q 12 COMMENTS (INCLUDE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES ; USE ADDITIONAL PAPER IF NEEDED ) HIGH SCHOOL (9 – 12) STUDENTS PHONE / REQ UIRED FO R NEW AND RE-ENTERING STUDENTS G RADES 2 q TESTPOINT™ ONLINE (GRADES K – 12) PREVIOUS SCHOOL INFORMATION (REQUIRED ONLY FOR 10 –12 STATE / PLACEMENT/ACHIEVEMENT TEST OPTION (SEE PAGE A6 FOR DETAILS) – 12 COMMENTS (INCLUDE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES ; USE ADDITIONAL PAPER IF NEEDED ) ENROLLED IN LAST q F STUDENT ID (RE-ENROLLING STUDENTS ONLY) ENROLLING IN GRADE LEVEL (SELECT ONE) CAT ONLINE q M DATE OF BIRTH (MONTH /DAY/YEAR) AGE STUDENT ID (RE-ENROLLING STUDENTS ONLY) q MID GENDER – SUBJECT TO OUR 7.5 CREDIT LIMIT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (K – 8) STUDENTS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (K – 8) STUDENTS FOR A LIST OF OPTIONS, GO TO WWW .HOMESCHOOLS.ORG /VIEW CURRICULUM . FOR A LIST OF OPTIONS, GO TO WWW .HOMESCHOOLS.ORG /VIEW CURRICULUM . LIST ANY COURSE CHOICES HERE. LIST ANY COURSE CHOICES HERE. 1 1 2 2 3 3 Questions? Contact us at (800) 348–0899, press 1, or at custserv@christianliberty.com. A4 ENR 00176 – 2/4/16 PRINT Parent/Legal Guardian (AS WRITTEN ON PAGE A3) REQUIRED First MI Last SHIPPING COST CALCULATION TABLE FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE SHIPPING POLICY ON PAGE A6 COST PER STUDENT SHIP TO NUMBER OF STUDENTS TOTAL SHIPPING **CHARGES** CONTINENTAL U.S. ADDRESSES Basic (ship via UPS or USPS to physical addresses) $10 X = P.O. Boxes and Priority First-Class Mail requests $20 X = $20 X = ALASKA, HAWAII, U.S. TERRITORIES, APO, AND FPO ADDRESSES Priority First-Class Mail only FOREIGN ADDRESSES Actual costs will be quoted prior to shipment PAYMENT INFORMATION STUDENT 1 Tuition $ Course Charges (list sum total, if any) $ STUDENT 2 Tuition $ Course Charges (list sum total, if any) $ Tuition $ Course Charges (list sum total, if any) $ ADDITIONAL STUDENTS (list sum total) STUDENT ENROLLMENT SUBTOTAL NOTE: STUDENT ENROLLMENT SUBTOTAL (from previous column) $ SHIPPING CHARGES (see table above) + $ TUITION CREDIT (if any) – $ Remember to enclose any tuition vouchers PROMOTION CREDIT (if any) – $ Promotion Code TOTAL COST $ $ Payment will be applied first to any delinquent balance, then to current enrollment costs. Make checks payable to: Christian Liberty Academy METHOD OF PAYMENT q Check q Money Order Account Number q VISA / Authorized Signature of Cardholder (REQUIRED) / q MasterCard / q Discover Exp. Date (REQUIRED) / month year X Mail this entire application with payment and any other enrollment correspondence to: Attn: Enrollments, Christian Liberty Academy School System, 502 West Euclid Avenue, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004-5402 If you are paying by charge card, you may fax your enrollment to (847) 259-1297. You may also enroll online at www.shopchristianliberty.com if you use your VISA, MasterCard, or Discover card. ENR 00176 – 2/4/16 A5 PAYMENT INFORMATION We accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover cards. We also accept checks and money orders in U.S. funds drawn on U.S. banks, and Canada Post Money Orders in U.S. funds. We reserve the right to hold any order paid by personal check or money order for 15 business days before processing the order. There is a $30.00 charge for returned checks. All checks and money orders must be made payable to CHRISTIAN LIBERTY ACADEMY. PLACEMENT/ACHIEVEMENT TEST OPTIONS (This information can also be found at www.homeschools.org/enrolling) New and Re-entering* Students All new and re-entering students being enrolled in grades two through twelve (CLASS does not require testing prior to the second grade) are required to take a placement/achievement test prior to curriculum development. This test is used for assigning appropriate curriculum materials. Select from the following three options: CAT ONLINE ACHIEVEMENT TEST For those who need an achievement test for state or other legal requirements, CLASS offers this exclusive, online version of the California Achievement Test (1970 edition). This test is nearly identical to the paper-based version offered below. The online CAT is available for grades two through twelve. High-speed Internet access is required. CAT PAPER ACHIEVEMENT TEST If you do not have Internet access, CLASS offers a paper-based version of the California Achievement Test (1970 edition). Note: Processing of the paper CAT may result in up to two weeks additional time before your curriculum can be shipped. The paper CAT is available for grades two through twelve. TESTPOINT™ ONLINE PLACEMENT TEST TestPoint™ is an online, grade-level-specific placement test that has been designed for and used by Christian schools around the nation. It will accurately confirm that your student is ready for the grade level you have selected. TestPoint™ is available for grades kindergarten through twelve; Internet access is required. * Re-entering students are those who were not enrolled in CLASS for their previous grade level. Re-Enrolling Students nd th Re-enrolling 2 –12 grade students are not required to be tested prior to curriculum development. If the CAT Online option is not selected, a paperbased version of the California Achievement Test will be included with your curriculum materials. The TestPoint™ test is not available for re-enrolling students. Whichever CAT you select, it may be completed at your convenience. PRETESTING If you want your student to be pretested prior to curriculum development, select the desired California Achievement Test and write “Pretest Requested” in the Comments section. We will not develop your curriculum until the pretest is completed and returned. Kindergarten and First Grade Students CLASS does not require pretesting for kindergarten and first grade. However, the online TestPoint™ exam is available upon request (the California Achievement Test is not available until second grade). If pretesting is desired, we will not develop your curriculum until the test is completed and processed. There is no pretest available for re-enrolling kindergarten and first grade students. Independent Testing Service Users If your student has used our Independent Testing Service within the past six months, write “Used Testing Service” in the Comments section and include a copy of the results with your enrollment application. If the test is appropriate for the grade level being entered, we will use those scores for our requirements and deduct the cost of the test from your tuition. Other Achievement Test Users If you have suitable test results that you would like to use in lieu of our standard pretest, write “Achievement Test Enclosed” in the Comments section. CLASS only accepts the following three tests: the California Achievement Test (CAT), the California Test of Basic Skills (CTBS), and the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS). Your test must be appropriate for the grade level being entered, have been completed within the last six months, and include the grade equivalent scores for all reading, mathematics, and language categories. We will notify you if the test we receive cannot be used. SHIPPING (This information can also be found at www.homeschools.org/enrolling) Use the following information to determine which line to use in the Shipping Cost Calculation Table. Shipping costs shown are estimates based upon the exact shipping amounts for most orders (to pay exact shipping, please use the online enrollment form at www.shopchristianliberty.com). Method of shipping will be determined by destination as noted. Shipping charges include insurance to cover any lost or damaged orders. CONTINENTAL U.S. The cost to ship to a physical address within the continental U.S. (via UPS or USPS—at our discretion**) is $10 per student. All Post Office Box addresses will be shipped via Priority First-Class Mail at a cost of $20 per student. If you have a physical address but wish to use Priority First-Class Mail, you may choose this method if you submit an extra $10 with each student’s enrollment. Please clearly identify such payments as applying to Priority Mail. ALASKA, HAWAII, U.S. TERRITORIES, APO, AND FPO ADDRESSES The cost for all curriculum shipments is $20 per student. Materials are sent by Priority First-Class Mail. FOREIGN ADDRESSES Due to the high cost of shipping books and materials, foreign missionaries and others who have a home base (home office, sponsoring agency, etc.) in the continental U.S. should send us their home base address, contact person, and telephone number upon enrollment. Shipment to that address by a major carrier is $10 per student ($20 if Priority First-Class Mail is either requested or required—see above). You must arrange final shipment to your foreign address with your home base. If CLASS must ship directly to your foreign address, we will communicate with you about your options and obtain your approval for the extra expense prior to shipping the materials. You will have sixty (60) days from the billing date to pay these charges. Enrollments placed through our website will be charged exact shipping at the time the application is sent. ** Christian Liberty will ship packages via UPS or USPS at our discretion, depending on weight and destination. A carrier used for one mailing does not guarantee that the same carrier will be used for subsequent shipments. Questions? Contact us at (800) 348–0899, press 1, or at custserv@christianliberty.com. A6 ENR 00176 – 2/4/16 CLASS ENROLLMENT HIGH SCHOOL CHOICE OPTIONS While you may choose all of your student’s courses throughout high school, you are not required to do so. If you are unsure about which course to pick in a particular grade level or area of study, allow CLASS to select it for you. Our experienced staff will make sure your student is assigned all subjects necessary to obtain a diploma. Students must have a minimum of twenty credits in key subject areas in order to graduate through CLASS. Use the following list to ensure you are meeting our graduation requirements as you make your selections.* Theological Studies 4.0 credits English 4.0 credits (including 1.0 credit of grammar and 0.5 credit research paper) Mathematics 2.0 credits (including 1.0 credit of Algebra 1 or higher level algebra) Science 2.0 credits (including 1.0 credit of biology) Heritage Studies 5.0 credits (including 1.0 credit of government and 1.0 credit of economics) Additional Courses 3.0 credits minimum (student may select from any available courses) Art, Music, and Phys. Ed. No academic credit awarded (subjects assigned each year; requirements are set by family) * Students transferring into CLASS at tenth grade or higher may be eligible to waive some Theological Studies and/or Heritage Studies credits, as long as their credit total still meets the twenty credit minimum. For details, see pages 11–12 in the catalog or go to “High School Graduation Requirements” on our website at www.homeschools.org. Listed below are the available courses offered under High School Choice. Each includes the following information: • course number • amount of academic credit awarded for successful completion • course title • additional course charges (if applicable) • publisher of the primary text • any prerequisites or other limitations (if applicable) For more details and most current information, visit our website at www.homeschools.org and select “Tailored Curriculum.” Course availability and details are subject to change without notice. ENGLISH THEOLOGICAL STUDIES Course # Course Name Publisher Credit Charge Comments ADVANCED THEOLOGY 19695 Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism, and Arminianism 17110 Every Thought Captive Christian Liberty Press Presbyterian and Reformed 1.0 1.0 ----- Prerequisite: Basic Bible knowledge Prerequisite: Basic Bible knowledge BIBLE 19595 19645 12958 12953 19590 13960 10010 Christian Liberty Press Christian Liberty Press Christian Schools International Christian Schools International Christian Liberty Press Christian Schools International various 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 --------------- Grades 11–12 only ------Grades 11–12 only Grades 11–12 only Family chooses materials CHURCH HISTORY 72990 The Church in History Christian Schools International 1.0 --- --- THEOLOGY 12190 10090 12200 The Attributes of God Manual of Christian Doctrine The Sovereignty of God Baker Book House Christian Liberty Press Baker Book House 1.0 1.0 1.0 ------- Prerequisite: Basic Bible knowledge Prerequisite: Basic Bible knowledge Prerequisite: Basic Bible knowledge REMEDIAL 17115 19635 19640 19570 Ephesians: A Study Manual Journey Through the Bible: Book 1 Journey Through the Bible: Book 2 Studying God’s Word: Book H Presbyterian and Reformed Christian Liberty Press Christian Liberty Press Christian Liberty Press 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 --------- Grades 9–10 only Grades 9–10 only Grades 9–10 only Grades 9–10 only 0.5 --- Prerequisite: A high school level world literature course 0.5 1 The Book of Job Unfolded Journey Through the Bible: Book 3 The Kingdom of God, 1st half (Genesis to Kings) The Kingdom of God, 2nd half (Kings to Malachi) The Life of Christ The Ministry of Christ (NT Survey) Independent Bible Course AMERICAN LITERATURE 22330 American Literature Bob Jones University Press Plus two book reports (choose two) 23702 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (by Mark Twain) 23701 Moby-Dick (by Herman Melville) 25795 The Portrait of a Lady (by Henry James) 23700 The Scarlet Letter (by Nathaniel Hawthorne) 99980 Distance Learning Online: American Literature Bob Jones University Press COMPOSITION 49995 Writing a Research Paper: Senior Project 49990 Writing a Research Paper: Sophomore Project Christian Liberty Press Christian Liberty Press 0.5 0.25 ----- Grades 10–12 only • Request course from CLASS, but purchase from Bob Jones • Prerequisite: Literature course that teaches literary terms and devices Grade 12 only Grades 10–11 only – continued on next page – 1 Distance Learning Online (DLO) courses are purchased directly from Bob Jones separate from your CLASS enrollment. All course requirements are determined by Bob Jones. Upon course completion, you must send CLASS a report of your final grade to receive academic credit. 00215 – 2/4/16 A7 Course # Course Name CREATIVE WRITING 49910 The Exciting World of Creative Writing 49145 Jensen’s Format Writing 41110 Success in Writing Publisher Christian Liberty Press Wordsmiths Addison-Wesley Publishing ------- OK for grades 7–8 Grades 10–12 only --- 0.5 --- Grades 11–12 only • Prerequisite: A high school level world literature course A Beka Book Publishers 0.5 --- Grades 9–11 only GRAMMAR 9 49635 Applications of Grammar 3 40190 Grammar and Composition 3 49130 Jensen’s Grammar Christian Liberty Press A Beka Book Publishers Wordsmiths 0.5 0.5 0.5 ------- Grades 9–11 only Grades 9–11 only Grades 9–11 only GRAMMAR 10 49645 Applications of Grammar 4 40195 Grammar and Composition 4 Christian Liberty Press A Beka Book Publishers 0.5 0.5 ----- ----- GRAMMAR 11 49650 Applications of Grammar 5 Christian Liberty Press 0.5 --- --- GRAMMAR 12 49660 Applications of Grammar 6 Christian Liberty Press 0.5 --- --- SPEECH 42300 Bob Jones University Press 0.5 $40 --- 0.5 --- --- GENERAL LITERATURE 20215 Themes in Literature Plus two book reports (choose two) 29685 Pearl Maiden (by H. Rider Haggard) 29885 The Brethren (by H. Rider Haggard) 29680 In Freedom’s Cause (by G.A. Henty) ENGLISH Comments 0.5 1.0 0.5 ENGLISH LITERATURE 20460 English Literature: Classics for Christians A Beka Book Publishers Plus two book reports (choose two) 23703 Great Expectations (by Charles Dickens) 23704 Gulliver’s Travels and Other Writings (by Jonathan Swift) 25795 The Portrait of a Lady (by Henry James) 25805 Pride and Prejudice (by Jane Austen) 29195 The Screwtape Letters (by C.S. Lewis) Sound Speech WORLD LITERATURE 20325 World Literature A Beka Book Publishers Plus two book reports (choose two) 25680 Don Quixote (by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra) 25800 King Lear (by William Shakespeare) 25685 The Odyssey (by Homer) 25790 The Pilgrim’s Progress (by John Bunyan) MATHEMATICS Credit Charge REMEDIAL GRAMMAR 49625 Applications of Grammar 2 40180 Grammar and Composition 2 Christian Liberty Press A Beka Book Publishers 0.5 0.5 ----- Grades 9–10 only Grades 9–10 only REMEDIAL LITERATURE 20300 Of Places A Beka Book Publishers 0.5 --- Grades 9–10 only Plus two assigned book reports ADVANCED MATH 59290 Saxon Advanced Mathematics Saxon Publishers, Inc. 1.0 $100 Prerequisite: “B” (or better) in Saxon Algebra 2, or “B” (or better) in both another algebra 2 course and geometry ALGEBRA 1 50490 Algebra 1 99982 Distance Learning Online: Algebra 1 A Beka Book Publishers Bob Jones University Press 1.0 1.0 --- Saxon Publishers, Inc. 1.0 --- --Request course from CLASS, but purchase from Bob Jones --- Bob Jones University Press 1.0 2 Saxon Publishers, Inc. 1.0 $110 59380 Saxon Algebra 1 ALGEBRA 2 1 99983 Distance Learning Online: Algebra 2 59385 Saxon Algebra 2 2 Request course from CLASS, but purchase from Bob Jones • Prerequisite: Saxon Algebra 1 or other algebra 1 course plus geometry Prerequisite: “B” (or better) in Saxon Algebra 1, or “B” (or better) in both another algebra 1 course and geometry – continued on next page – 1 2 A8 Recommended for college entrance Distance Learning Online (DLO) courses are purchased directly from Bob Jones separate from your CLASS enrollment. All course requirements are determined by Bob Jones. Upon course completion, you must send CLASS a report of your final grade to receive academic credit. 00215 – 2/4/16 MATHEMATICS Course # Course Name SCIENCE Credit Charge Comments BUSINESS MATH 58505 E-Z Business Math Barron’s Educational Series 1.0 --- CALCULUS 59195 Saxon Publishers, Inc. 1.0 $100 Bob Jones University Press 1.0 2 Bob Jones University Press A Beka Book Publishers 1.0 1.0 $85 $90 PRE-ALGEBRA 59375 Saxon Algebra ½ Saxon Publishers, Inc. 1.0 --- Grades 9–11 only REMEDIAL 59365 58395 58385 Saxon Publishers, Inc. Steck-Vaughn Company Steck-Vaughn Company 1.0 1.0 1.0 ------- Grades 9–11 only --Grades 9–11 only ASTRONOMY 69595 Lift Up Your Eyes on High Christian Liberty Press 1.0 --- --- BIOLOGY 68910 60390 69230 Christian Liberty Press A Beka Book Publishers Apologia Educational Ministries 1.0 1.0 1.0 ------- ------- Bob Jones University Press A Beka Book Publishers Bob Jones University Press 1.0 1.0 1.0 $100 $100 Saxon Calculus GEOMETRY 1 99984 Distance Learning Online: Geometry 52395 50200 Geometry Plane Geometry SaxonMath Homeschool 8/7 with Prealgebra Working with Numbers: Algebra Working with Numbers: Refresher Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity Biology: God’s Living Creation Exploring Creation with Biology CHEMISTRY 1 62490 Chemistry 3rd edition 60495 Chemistry: Precision and Design 99985 Distance Learning Online: Chemistry 69245 Exploring Creation with Chemistry 2 --Prerequisite: “B” (or better) in both Algebra 2 and Trigonometry, or “B” (or better) in Saxon Advanced Mathematics Request course from CLASS, but purchase from Bob Jones • Prerequisite: Algebra 1 Prerequisite: “B” (or better) in Algebra 1 Prerequisite: “B” (or better) in Algebra 1 Prerequisite: Algebra 1 Prerequisite: Algebra 1 Request course from CLASS, but purchase from Bob Jones • Prerequisite: Algebra 1 Prerequisite: Algebra 1 Apologia Educational Ministries 1.0 $80 GENERAL SCIENCE 60380 Science: Earth and Space A Beka Book Publishers 1.0 --- HUMAN ANATOMY 69265 The Human Body Apologia Educational Ministries 1.0 $95 PHYSICAL SCIENCE 69220 Exploring Creation with Physical Science 60285 Science: Matter and Energy Apologia Educational Ministries A Beka Book Publishers 1.0 1.0 ----- PHYSICS 69250 Exploring Creation with Physics Apologia Educational Ministries 1.0 $80 Physics: The Foundational Science A Beka Book Publishers 1.0 $80 Bob Jones University Press 2.0 2 A Beka Book Publishers Bob Jones University Press Bob Jones University Press 1.0 1.0 1.0 ------- Grades 10–12 only • Request course from CLASS, but purchase from Bob Jones One-year course ----- ECONOMICS 70295 Economics: Work and Prosperity 79125 Honest Money 79135 In the Shadow of Plenty A Beka Book Publishers Christian Liberty Press Christian Liberty Press 1.0 0.5 0.5 ------- ------- GEOGRAPHY 72350 Cultural Geography, 1st half 72355 Cultural Geography, 2nd half Bob Jones University Press Bob Jones University Press 1.0 1.0 $80 $25 60295 AMERICAN HISTORY 99981 Distance Learning Online: United States History HERITAGE STUDIES Publisher 70380 72393 72395 Heritage of Freedom 3rd edition United States History, 1st half United States History, 2nd half Grades 9–10 only Prerequisites: Biology and chemistry Grades 9–11 only Grades 9–11 only Prerequisite: Chemistry and Saxon Algebra 2 (or equivalent) Prerequisite: Algebra 1 and geometry, or Saxon Algebra 2 --Prerequisite: Cultural Geography, 1st half – continued on next page – 1 2 Recommended for college entrance Distance Learning Online (DLO) courses are purchased directly from Bob Jones separate from your CLASS enrollment. All course requirements are determined by Bob Jones. Upon course completion, you must send CLASS a report of your final grade to receive academic credit. 00215 – 2/4/16 A9 HERITAGE STUDIES Course # GOVERNMENT 70375 American Government 79290 Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens 71740 God and Government, Part 1 71745 God and Government, Part 2 71750 God and Government, Part 3 79120 Law and Liberty 79975 Foundation for Freedom: A Study of the United States Constitution Comments --$50 ----------- OTHER HISTORY 72990 The Church in History 69130 Exploring the History of Medicine Christian Schools International Master Books 1.0 0.5 ----- ----- WORLD HISTORY 79555 Streams of Civilization, Volume 1 79560 Streams of Civilization, Volume 2 Christian Liberty Press Christian Liberty Press 1.0 1.0 ----- ----- REMEDIAL 70395 79895 History of the World in Christian Perspective The Land of Fair Play A Beka Book Publishers Christian Liberty Press 1.0 1.0 ----- Grades 9–10 only Grades 9–11 only FRENCH 99988 Distance Learning Online: French 1 Bob Jones University Press 1.0 2 99989 Distance Learning Online: French 2 Bob Jones University Press 1.0 2 93415 Living Language French: Essential Edition (French 1) 4 Living Language French: Complete Edition (French 2) 4 Random House, Inc. 1.0 $30 Request course from CLASS, but purchase from Bob Jones • OK for grade 8 Request course from CLASS, but purchase from Bob Jones • Prerequisite: French 1 OK for grades 7–8 Random House, Inc. 1.0 $70 OK for grade 8 • Prerequisite: French 1 Living Language German: Essential Edition (German 1) 4 Living Language German: Complete Edition (German 2) 4 Random House, Inc. 1.0 $30 OK for grades 7–8 Random House, Inc. 1.0 $70 OK for grade 8 • Prerequisite: German 1 LATIN 99380 99385 Latin in the Christian Trivium, Vol. 1 (Latin 1) Latin in the Christian Trivium, Vol. 2 (Latin 2) XL Group XL Group 1.0 1.0 $75 $85 --Prerequisite: Latin 1 SPANISH 99986 Distance Learning Online: Spanish 1 Bob Jones University Press 1.0 2 99987 Distance Learning Online: Spanish 2 Bob Jones University Press 1.0 2 93400 Living Language Spanish: Essential Edition (Spanish 1) 4 Living Language Spanish: Complete Edition (Spanish 2) 4 Random House, Inc. 1.0 $30 Request course from CLASS, but purchase from Bob Jones • OK for grade 8 Request course from CLASS, but purchase from Bob Jones • Prerequisite: Spanish 1 OK for grades 7–8 Random House, Inc. 1.0 $70 OK for grade 8 • Prerequisite: Spanish 1 COMPUTER LITERACY 93700 Business Computer Information Systems 3, 4 Alpha Omega Publications 1.0 $65 --- WOODWORKING 95115 Wood Technology and Processes Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 1.0 $85 --- FAMILY LIFE 77185 Christian Living in the Home Presbyterian and Reformed 0.5 --- --- FOSSILS AND CREATION 67110 Fossils That Speak Out Presbyterian and Reformed 0.5 --- --- HOME ECONOMICS 93500 Home Economics Alpha Omega Publications 1.0 $50 1 FOREIGN LANGUAGE Credit Charge 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 GERMAN 93420 93425 93405 VOCATIONAL Publisher A Beka Book Publishers Home School Legal Defense American Vision American Vision American Vision Ross House Books Christian Liberty Press 93417 PERSONAL Course Name --Grades 11–12 only ------Grades 10–12 only --- OK for grade 8 For more details and most current information, visit our website at www.homeschools.org and select “Tailored Curriculum.” Course availability and details are subject to change without notice. 1 2 3 4 A10 Recommended for college entrance Distance Learning Online (DLO) courses are purchased directly from Bob Jones separate from your CLASS enrollment. All course requirements are determined by Bob Jones. Upon course completion, you must send CLASS a report of your final grade to receive academic credit. Course requires a computer with CD-ROM and a web browser with the Adobe Flash plugin. Keyboarding skills highly recommended. Once opened, materials are not returnable unless defective. 00215 – 2/4/16 CHRISTIAN LIBERTY PRESS 502 West Euclid Avenue, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004-5402 PHONE : (800) 348-0899 ~ EMAIL : custserv@christianliberty.com ~ WEBSITE : www. shopchristianliberty.com A MINISTRY OF THE CHURCH OF CHRISTIAN LIBERTY SINCE 1984 PRODUCT ORDER FORM (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) ORDERED BY q Mr. q Mrs. q Miss MAILING ADDRESS SHIPPING ADDRESS (if different) / APT # ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY CITY STATE ZIP STATE COUNTRY PHONE PHONE EMAIL ATTN ITEM # ZIP TITLE OR DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1 2 3 4 5 6 Christian Liberty Press COUNTRY QTY / APT # ADDRESS 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 –$ PROMO CODE METHOD OF PAYMENT q Check SUBTOTAL q Money Order q VISA Account Number Exp. Date (REQUIRED) month q MasterCard / / year Authorized Signature of Cardholder (REQUIRED) / q Discover / ILLINOIS RESIDENTS MUST ADD 10% SALES TAX SHIPPING CHARGES (SEE PAGE A12 FOR DETAILS) Make checks payable to: Christian Liberty Press X TOTAL CLP 00218 – 2/4/16 A11 If you have any questions, call CLP Customer Service before placing your order. It is important that you include your contact information—especially a phone number—should we need to speak to you about your order. ORDERING You may place your order by any of the following methods: Mail Christian Liberty Press 502 W Euclid Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60004–5402 Online www.shopchristianliberty.com Phone (800) 348–0899 and press 2 (M–F from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT) Fax (847) 259–2941. Be sure to clearly print all information so we can contact you easily, if necessary. This fax line is for charge card orders only. We will not respond to general correspondence or questions sent through this fax line. For any customer service related questions, call (800) 348–0899 and press 2. PAYMENT INFORMATION We accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover cards. We also accept checks and money orders in U.S. funds drawn on U.S. banks, and Canada Post Money Orders in U.S. funds. We reserve the right to hold any order paid by personal check or money order for 15 business days before processing the order. There is a $30.00 charge for returned checks. All checks and money orders must be made payable to CHRISTIAN LIBERTY PRESS. PROMO CODE Christian Liberty Press If you have a promotion code, write it on the Promo Code line. Then enter the amount to be deducted from your order prior to calculating your subtotal. SALES TAX Illinois residents are required to pay 10.00% sales tax. SHIPPING Shipping costs shown below are estimates based upon the exact shipping amounts for most orders [to pay exact shipping, order online at www.shopchristianliberty.com or call Customer Service at (800) 348–0899, press 2]. Method of shipping will be determined by destination as noted. Shipping charges include insurance to cover any lost or damaged orders. If shipping costs are more than the estimated amount, you may be contacted to pay the difference. Christian Liberty may decide to hold such orders until the balance is paid. Remember to include any apartment, unit, or suite numbers. If this information is not provided, it may result in additional charges to you or non-delivery by the carrier. CONTINENTAL U.S., APO, AND FPO ADDRESSES Include 15% of your order subtotal ($9.00 minimum) with your purchase to cover shipping charges. Orders for all physical addresses within the continental U.S. will be sent via UPS or USPS—at our discretion.* Orders for all APO, FPO, and continental U.S. Post Office Box addresses will be sent via Priority First-Class Mail. For express shipping, or if you wish to use a specific shipping method, you will need to order online or call Customer Service. ALASKA, HAWAII, AND U.S. TERRITORIES Include 30% of your order subtotal ($15.00 minimum) with your purchase to cover shipping charges. Materials are normally sent by Priority First-Class Mail. FOREIGN ADDRESSES Due to the high cost of shipping books and materials, we recommend that foreign missionaries and others who have a home base (home office, sponsoring agency, etc.) in the continental U.S. should use their home base address (include contact person and telephone number) when placing their order. Shipment to that address by a major carrier is stated above. Note: you must arrange final shipment to your foreign address with your home base. If Christian Liberty must ship directly to your foreign address, include 25% of your order subtotal plus $25.00 USD with your purchase to cover shipping charges. Because foreign shipment charges vary widely, this estimated amount is often far below the actual shipping cost. In such cases, you will be contacted to pay the additional amount (your order may be held until the balance is paid). Orders placed through our website will be charged exact shipping at the time the order is made. All import taxes and special surcharges levied by the customer’s country are the responsibility of the customer. * Christian Liberty will ship packages via UPS or USPS at our discretion, depending on weight and destination. A carrier used for one mailing does not guarantee that the same carrier will be used for subsequent shipments. RETURNS All returns require authorization from CLP Customer Service and must be made within 30 days of shipment. They are subject to a 10% restocking charge. Returned items must be in new, unused, and resalable condition. Software, DVDs, and CDs must be returned unopened. The postage cost for returning any non-defective item(s) is the responsibility of the customer. No credit will be issued for returns received without authorization or that are not in perfect condition, at our sole discretion. Any items returned without authorization will not be returned to you. Refunds are not available for ebook products. Damaged Shipments If your order is damaged, contact Customer Service within 30 days of shipment for replacement instructions. PRICE CHANGES Every attempt is made to keep the prices in the catalog as accurate as possible. However, price increases by third-party vendors or an occasional error may require us to adjust the pricing on some of our products. Therefore, prices are subject to change without notice. For the most up-to-date pricing, go to www.shopchristianliberty.com or contact Customer Service. A12 CLP 00218 – 2/4/16 CHRISTIAN LIBERTY PRESS 502 West Euclid Avenue, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004-5402 PHONE : (800) 348-0899 ~ EMAIL : custserv@christianliberty.com ~ WEBSITE : www. shopchristianliberty.com A MINISTRY OF THE CHURCH OF CHRISTIAN LIBERTY SINCE 1984 TESTING SERVICE ORDER FORM (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) ORDERED BY q Mr. q Mrs. q Miss MAILING ADDRESS SHIPPING ADDRESS (if different) / APT # ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY CITY STATE ZIP STATE COUNTRY COUNTRY PHONE PHONE EMAIL ATTN ! / APT # ADDRESS ZIP THIS ORDER FORM MAY ONLY BE USED TO PURCHASE THE CALIFORNIA ACHIEVEMENT TEST SERVICE (PAPER VERSION) AND THE CURRICULUM RECOMMENDATION SERVICE. ALL OTHER SERVICES MUST BE ORDERED THROUGH OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.SHOPCHRISTIANLIBERTY.COM. IF YOU ARE ENROLLING YOUR CHILD INTO THE CLASS HOMESCHOOL ACADEMY, DO NOT USE THIS FORM. TEST SELECTION APPEARS ON THE ENROLLMENT APPLICATION (SEE PAGE A4) AND IS INCLUDED IN THE TUITION PRICE. TESTING SERVICE (PAPER VERSION) CHECK BOX TO ADD CURRICULUM CIRCLE GRADE LEVEL ENTERING NOT CURRENT GRADE * COST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $25.00 q ADD $18.00 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $25.00 q ADD $18.00 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $25.00 q ADD $18.00 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $25.00 q ADD $18.00 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $25.00 q ADD $18.00 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $25.00 q ADD $18.00 STUDENT NAME (FIRST, LAST) RECOMMENDATION TOTAL PRICE –$ PROMO CODE * SEE PAGE A14 FOR DETAILS METHOD OF PAYMENT q Check q Money Order q VISA Account Number Exp. Date (REQUIRED) month q MasterCard / / year Authorized Signature of Cardholder (REQUIRED) / SUBTOTAL q Discover / SALES TAX NONE SHIPPING CHARGES (SEE PAGE A14 FOR DETAILS) Make checks payable to: Christian Liberty Press TOTAL X Note: It often takes up to two weeks to grade and return a student’s test results. CLP 00230 – 2/4/16 A13 If you have any questions, call CLP Customer Service before placing your order. It is important that you include your contact information—especially a phone number—should we need to speak to you about your order. TESTING SERVICE This order form is for the paper version of the California Achievement Test (CAT) and for the Curriculum Recommendation Service only. California Achievement Test (CAT) The California Achievement Test is designed to be used for the grade level entering. Therefore, you should select the grade level your student is entering when determining which test to take. If, however, you have just started a grade level (within 5 months or less) and want to test your student, select the current grade level. If you are unsure which grade level you should list on this form, contact our Customer Service Department. Curriculum Recommendation This service provides a subject-by-subject listing of recommended curriculum materials for the grade level tested. Materials listed are limited to those used by Christian Liberty. The recommendation is based on the results of the California Achievement Test. ORDERING You may place your order by any of the following methods: Mail Christian Liberty Press 502 W Euclid Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60004–5402 Online www.shopchristianliberty.com/testing-service (for both paper or online versions) Phone (800) 348–0899 and press 3 (M–F from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT) Fax (847) 259–2941. Be sure to clearly print all information so we can contact you easily, if necessary. This fax line is for charge card orders only. We will not respond to general correspondence or questions sent through this fax line. For any customer service related questions, call (800) 348–0899 and press 3. PAYMENT INFORMATION We accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover cards. We also accept checks and money orders in U.S. funds drawn on U.S. banks, and Canada Post Money Orders in U.S. funds. We reserve the right to hold any order paid by personal check or money order for 15 business days before processing the order. There is a $30.00 charge for returned checks. All checks and money orders must be made payable to CHRISTIAN LIBERTY PRESS. PROMO CODE If you have a promotion code, write it on the Promo Code line. Then enter the amount to be deducted from your order prior to calculating your subtotal. SHIPPING Shipping costs shown below are for the paper version of the California Achievement Test only, and are estimates based upon the exact shipping amounts for most orders [to pay exact shipping, order online at www.shopchristianliberty.com or call Customer Service at (800) 348–0899, press 3]. Shipping charges include insurance to cover any lost or damaged orders. If shipping costs are more than the estimated amount, you may be contacted to pay the difference. Christian Liberty may decide to hold such orders until the balance is paid. Remember to include any apartment, unit, or suite numbers. If this information is not provided, it may result in additional charges to you or non-delivery by the carrier. CONTINENTAL U.S., APO, AND FPO ADDRESSES Include $4.00 for the first test (and $2.00 for each additional test) with your purchase to cover shipping charges. Orders for all destinations within the continental U.S., as well as APO and FPO addresses, are sent via Priority First-Class Mail. For express shipping, or if you wish to use another shipping method, you will need to order online or call Customer Service. ALASKA, HAWAII, AND U.S. TERRITORIES Include $5.00 for the first test (and $2.00 for each additional test) with your purchase to cover shipping charges. Materials are normally sent by Priority First-Class Mail. FOREIGN ADDRESSES Include $30.00 USD with your purchase as an initial payment on the shipping charges. Because foreign shipment charges vary widely, this estimated amount is often far below the actual shipping cost. In such cases, you will be contacted to pay the additional amount (your order may be held until the balance is paid). Online ordering will provide you with exact shipping charges. All import taxes and special surcharges levied by the customer’s country are the responsibility of the customer. RETURNS A 60% refund will be granted for the paper version of the California Achievement Test (CAT) only if the unused testing service materials are returned to Christian Liberty within 60 days of shipment. Mail your materials to Christian Liberty Press, Attn: Testing Service, with a note requesting a refund. The Curriculum Recommendation Service is subject to a full refund only if the cancellation occurs prior to development. Once the curriculum recommendation has been performed, no refund is possible. Damaged Shipments If your order is damaged, contact Customer Service within 30 days of shipment for replacement instructions. A14 CLP 00230 – 2/4/16 CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICIES CLASS HOMESCHOOL ACADEMY CANCELLATION / REFUND POLICY If you choose to cancel after enrolling with Christian Liberty, please call Customer Service promptly. If you have already submitted the completed placement/achievement test, your call will prevent further processing steps that would decrease your refund. When you call, be sure to record the date and the name of the Customer Service representative with whom you spoke. This call is important, but it does not cancel your enrollment. A signed letter from the family or cancellation form (mailed or faxed) is required before any cancellation is considered official. If CLASS does not receive this written documentation, the cancellation will not proceed and no refund will be sent. CLASS Plan and Family Plan customers have thirty (30) days from the main curriculum shipping date [sixty (60) days for foreign shipments] to cancel from our program and request a tuition refund. If you decide to cancel after you have received your curriculum, call Customer Service and request a Cancellation Kit. Do not return any materials to CLASS before you receive the Cancellation Kit. This kit contains a Cancellation Letter/Refund Materials Authorization that, when completed and returned to us, serves as your official cancellation letter. This kit also includes a Returned Materials shipping label that must be affixed to the outside of the package or envelope you return. You will be charged for any course materials not returned, so return all unused curriculum materials to CLASS. If a book has been damaged or has any writing in it, even just a student’s name, it is considered used and should not be returned. Christian Liberty is the final arbiter of whether a course item is considered used. Returned materials that are considered by CLASS to be used cannot be sent back to the family. The CLASS Handbook, lesson planner, and book report lists, if any, are yours to keep. Your tuition refund for each student canceled will be based on the schedule below. The amounts shown, plus the cost of any used or unreturned materials and any account balance, will be subtracted from your original tuition payment. This refund schedule is subject to change without notice. Amount Deducted From Refund Grades K – 1 Grades 2 – 12 If you cancel… Prior to CLASS sending the placement/achievement test NA – $10 Prior to curriculum development – $10 – $30 After curriculum has been developed but not shipped – $20 – $50 1, 2 – $35 Within thirty (30) days after shipping date 1, 2 More than thirty (30) days past shipping date 1 Sixty (60) days for foreign shipments 2 Shipping costs are not refundable 3 NO REFUND 3 – $70 3 NO REFUND In addition to the cost of any used and unreturned materials NOTE: Required pretests must be completed and returned within ninety (90) days from the date sent. Failure to do so may result in the enrollment being canceled by CLASS without refund. If Christian Liberty cancels your enrollment, any amount remaining in your account after the deductions noted above may be used toward another enrollment within twelve (12) months of the cancellation date. If you do not intend to cancel, please return your completed pretest to us promptly, or contact us stating the reason for your delay. If the pretest is not required, the enrollment will be processed after ninety (90) days as if the pretest were never requested. PRODUCT RETURNS Damaged Shipments CL Press All returns require authorization from CLP Customer Service and must be made within 30 days of shipment. They are subject to a 10% restocking charge. Returned items must be in new, unused, and resalable condition. Software, DVDs, and CDs must be returned unopened. The postage cost for returning any non-defective item(s) is the responsibility of the customer. No credit will be issued for returns received without authorization or that are not in perfect condition, at our sole discretion. Any items returned without authorization will not be returned to you. Refunds are not available for ebook products. If your order is damaged, contact Customer Service within 30 days of shipment for replacement instructions. SERVICES RETURNS A 60% refund will be granted for the paper version of the California Achievement Test (CAT) only if the unused testing service materials are returned to Christian Liberty within 60 days of shipment. Mail your materials to Christian Liberty Press, Attn: Testing Service, with a note requesting a refund. The Curriculum Recommendation Service is subject to a full refund only if the cancellation occurs prior to development. Once the curriculum recommendation has been performed, no refund is possible. Damaged Shipments If your order is damaged, contact Customer Service within 30 days of shipment for replacement instructions. CONTACT US Online www.christianliberty.com Phone (800) 348–0899 Orders www.shopchristianliberty.com Mail Email custserv@christianliberty.com Christian Liberty 502 West Euclid Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60004-5402 Customer Service hours are M–F from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT (Orders: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT). Offices are closed for major holidays and the last two weeks of December. A15 Christian Liberty From a single book to a complete program…Discover how we can help you C hristian Liberty Academy School System (CLASS)—Our accredited, traditional, Christian K-12 homeschool academy, includes everything you need for an excellent Christian education. CLASS is a flexible, affordable partnership between you and our academy. CLASS selects the best homeschooling materials from a variety of publishers. We do not lock you into a standard, one publisher curriculum; many subjects have several options from which to choose. We can even assign a course from a different grade level if it is the best option for your student. CLASS partners with you in the grading of course work, and it keeps academic records and issues diplomas. While our full-service CLASS Administration Plan program allows a full year to complete a grade level, you set your own schedule. CLASS permits you to purchase additional time to finish the required coursework, if needed. Our Family Administration Plan gives you the same curriculum as our CLASS Administration Plan, except you remain independent. You keep your own records and issue your own diplomas. Since Family Plan students are not actually enrolled in our academy, you have total control once the curriculum arrives. Individual Courses are available so students can earn credit and receive transcripts for a single course or several courses in lieu of a full grade level. They can be used to supplement a home schooling program or make up for missing credits. C hristian Liberty Press provides excellent educational products and services to independent home educators and Christian schools around the world. We are dedicated to finding, evaluating, and producing curriculum materials that are rooted in the Word of God and express a biblical worldview. We strive to equip families as they educate their children for the glory of God, and provide materials that will assist all ages in their spiritual growth. We are confident you will find that our curriculum materials and services will aid you in the education of your students. We look forward to helping you provide a Christ-centered curriculum that will prepare your students for service within His kingdom. Independent Educational Services • Online achievement testing • Paper achievement testing • Grade placement testing • Course recommendations Individual Books & Products • Preschool - 12th grade curriculum materials • Biographies and novels • Teaching tools • Educational games • Spiritual growth • Marriage and family Curriculum Kits • Complete curriculum for preschool - 12th grade • Course options at most grade levels • Lesson planner to help with organization