Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks
Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks
Coast-to-Coast Locations 1-888-WAINBEE w a i n b e e . c o m HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO/MISSISSAUGA BRANCH 5789 Coopers Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario Phone: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) / (905) 568-1700 Hose & Fittings direct line: (905) 568-3489 E-mail corporate: marketing@wainbee.com Canada L4Z 3S6 After hours phone: (416) 334-6364 Fax: (905) 568-0083 E-mail branch: toronto@wainbee.com MONTRÉAL/POINTE CLAIRE VANCOUVER/RICHMOND CHICOUTIMI/SAGUENAY EDMONTON 215 boul. Brunswick, Pointe Claire, Québec H9R 4R7 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (514) 697-8810 Fax: (514) 697-3070 E-mail: montreal@wainbee.com CALGARY 938 - 55th Avenue NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6Y4 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (403) 236-1133 Fax: (403) 279-9367 E-mail: calgary@wainbee.com 135, rue Des Routiers, Chicoutimi, Québec G7H 5B1 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (418) 698-4884 Fax: (418) 698-4909 E-mail: chicoutimi@wainbee.com HALIFAX/DARTMOUTH KITCHENER 10 Thornhill Drive #9, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 1S1 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (902) 468-1787 Fax: (902) 468-3225 E-mail: dartmouth@wainbee.com 65 Trillium Park Place #14, Kitchener Ontario N2E 1X1 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (519) 748-5391 Fax: (519) 748-4893 E-mail: kitchener@wainbee.com SEPT-ÎLES (Wainbee SHCN Inc.) PRINCE GEORGE 453 rue Noël, Sept-îles, Québec G4R 1M1 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (418) 962-4949 Fax: (418) 968-5749 E-mail: septiles@wainbee.com Pneumatic quick picks 5500 Continental Way Prince George, BC V2N 5S5 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (250) 564-3230 Fax: (250) 562-7987 E-mail: princegeorge@wainbee.com 2231 Vauxhall Place, Richmond, British Columbia V6V 1Z5 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (604) 278-4288 Fax: (604) 278-3490 After Hours Phone: (604) 278-4290 E-mail: vancouver@wainbee.com 10336-59th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 1E6 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (780) 434-9528 Fax: (780) 437-7931 E-mail: edmonton@wainbee.com SASKATOON 3111 Millar Ave, Unit 20, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 6N3 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (306) 652-1433 Fax: (306) 652-1436 E-mail: saskatoon@wainbee.com FRL’s Actuators QUÉBEC 950 avenue St-Jean-Baptiste, Québec Québec G2E 5E9 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (418) 683-1956 Fax: (418) 688-9885 E-mail: quebec@wainbee.com Clamps Hoses WINNIPEG 1393 Border Street #4, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0N1 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (204) 632-4558 Fax: (204) 694-5494 E-mail: winnipeg@wainbee.com Coast-to-Coast Locations Valves Filtramax Inc. , a Wainbee affiliate, provides cost-effective, single source liquid and air filtration solutions by combining the strength of worls-class suppliers with its own technical and supply chain experience. Fittings PQP-EAST-2011-5H Gauges 1-888- WAI N B EE wainbe e.c om To our valued Customers: Over the years, Wainbee has evaluated, selected and inventoried the most reliable products from world-class manufacturers to become one of North America’s most complete source for automation solutions based on pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical and electronic technologies. This edition of Quick Picks features selected pneumatic items designated with a which we stock and can ship to you the same day or next day delivery. These items are just a small selection from the tens of thousands of items that we can supply. The Pneumatic Quick Picks is one of the services provided by Wainbee to get you: • The rights products, • at the lowest cost, and • with a minimal amount of effort on your part. If you are looking for a pneumatic product that is not in this book or would like to learn more about other products groups, our systems capabilities or our procurement cost reduction programs, please contact our knowledgeable staff at Wainbee branch nearest you by calling 1-888-WAINBEE. Our multi-techonology expertise brings SMART SOLUTIONS to many industries Wainbee Engineered Systems • Hydraulic power units • Aircraft testing systems • Pressure testing systems Why limit your horizon by dealing with a company restricted to only one or two automation technologies? When you partner with Wainbee, you benefit from our coast-to-coast expertise in: We hope that this Pneumatic Quick Picks catalogue serves you well. • Hydraulics • Pneumatics • Electromechanical motion • Electronic controls • Assembly tools • Machining solutions • Filtration Sincerely, The result? To get the latest news on automation and motion control products and services, visit our website at www.wainbee.com. THE WAINBEE TEAM You get “smart solutions” that integrate these technologies to provide you with the best automation and motion control solutions for your requirements and will improve your productivity (and profits) while reducing training and maintenance costs. What can we help you do smarter? Table of Contents Air Valves & Accessories Parker/Schrader Bellows B Series Inline & Manifold Air Valves & Accessories........................................................ 1 - 3 Mechanical Valves: 3-Way Spool ..................................................................................... 4 - 5 Mechanical Valves: 4-Way Spool ..................................................................................... 6 - 7 Pneumatic Lever Valves ........................................................................................................ 8 Global FRL - Filters................................................................................................................ 9 Global FRL - Regulators .......................................................................................................10 Global FRL - Lubricators.......................................................................................................11 Global FRL - Filter / Regulator "Piggybacks".........................................................................12 Global FRL - Popular Combinations ............................................................................. 13 - 15 Global FRL - Accessories ............................................................................................. 16 - 19 Air Line Accessories..................................................................................................... 20 - 23 Cylinders Valves Fittings Accessories Clippard Stainless Steel Cylinders and Mounting Accessories ................................................. 23 - 24 Miniature 2-Way Brass Control Valves ................................................................................ 26 Miniature 3-Way Brass Control Valves ......................................................................... 26 - 28 Miniature 4-Way Brass Control Valves ................................................................................ 29 More Miniature Control Valves..................................................................................... 30 - 31 Miniature Valve Actuators ........................................................................................... 31 - 32 Heavy Duty Limit Valves & Accessories .............................................................................. 33 Miniature Brass Fittings................................................................................................. 33 - 34 Miniature Adaptor Fittings and Hose............................................................................. 34 - 35 Miniature Mufflers, Manifolds .............................................................................................. 35 Fittings, Couplings How to Order LF3000 .......................................................................................................... 36 Parker, Legris Fittings, Valves, Tubing & Accessories................................................................................ 36 Tube to tube, Bulkhead Connector, Threaded Fittings ........................................................ 37 Threaded Fittings .................................................................................................................38 Brass Body Push-In Tube Fittings................................................................................. 39 - 40 Brass Fittings ............................................................................................................... 41 - 42 Pneumatic Quick Couplings - Industrial Interchange .......................................................... 43 Couplings & Clamps 2-Ear Clamps & Hose Clamps ............................................................................................ 44 Oetiker Hose & Tubing Oil, Ball Valves Parker, Foster, Wainbee Blow Guns............................................................................................................................ 45 Push-Lok Hose & Push-Lok 82 Series, Male / Female NPTF Pipe Fittings......................... 46 Hose, Hose Assemblies, Tubing.......................................................................................... 47 Pneumatic Oil / Ball Valves.................................................................................................. 48 Table of Contents Gauges Pressure Gauges ................................................................................................................ 49 Wainbee Manual Clamps Pneumatic Clamps............................................................................................................... 50 DE-STA-CO Manual Clamps ............................................................................................................51 - 53 Quick Figures, Formulas Quick NPT Thread Reference.............................................................................................. 54 Conversion Factors...............................................................................................................54 Fluid Power Formulas ..........................................................................................................55 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) "B" Series Valves: Inline or Manifold Mount 3 & 4-Way, 2 & 3-Position Solenoid Operating pressure: vacuum to 145 PSIG (vacuum to 10 bar) Single Solenoid 4-Way, 2-Position Inline 4 Part No. 2 #14 #12 5 1 3 Port Size (NPT) 3 Pin Connector CV (ANSI) Voltage Other Voltages Available from Stock B310BB553C ¹⁄₈" 0.75 120 B511BB553C ¹⁄v" 1.4 120 B512BB553C ³⁄₈" 1.4 120 2.7 120 5.9 120 7.0 120 B612BB553A ³⁄₈" B713BB553A ¹⁄₂" B814BB553A ³⁄₄" Single Solenoid, 2-Position, Air Return, Internal Pilot, Inline or Manifold Mount, 15mm, 3-pin, DIN 43650C Double Solenoid Part No. 4-Way, 2-Position Inline 4 2 #14 1 3 Pin Connector CV (ANSI) Voltage Other Voltages Available from Stock b320bb553C ¹⁄₈" 0.75 120 b522bb553C ³⁄₈" 1.4 120 b622bb553A ³⁄₈" 2.7 120 5.9 120 7.0 120 b723bb553A #12 5 Port Size (NPT) b824bb553A 3 ¹⁄₂" ³⁄₄" Double Solenoid, 2-Position, Internal Pilot, Inline or Manifold Mount, 15mm, 3-pin, DIN 43650C Double Solenoid 4-Way, 3-Position, APB, Inline Part No. APB 4 2 #14 #12 5 1 3 Operator/Function Style 5 Port Size (NPT) 3 Pin Connector CV (ANSI) Voltage Other Voltages Available from Stock b350bb553C ¹⁄₈" 0.60 120 b552bb553C ³⁄₈" 1.1 120 b652bb553A ³⁄₈" 2.1 120 B753BB553A ¹⁄₂" 5.7 120 B854BB553A ³⁄₄" 7.0 120 Double Solenoid, 3-Position, Internal Pilot, Inline or Manifold Mount, 15mm 3-pin, DIN 43650C Other Centre Conditions are available from stock Modification (APB = All Ports Blocked; CE = Centre Exhaust; PC = Pressure Centre) Single Solenoid 3-Way, 2-Position, NC Inline Part No. 2 #12 #10 3 Port Size (NPT) 3 Pin Connector CV (ANSI) Voltage Other Voltages Available from Stock B3G0BB553C ¹⁄₈" 0.75 120 B5G2BB553C ³⁄₈" 1.4 120 1 Other voltages available in stock: 24VAC, 240 VAC, 12VDC, 24VDC Quick link to : Table of Contents 1 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) "B" Series Valves: Inline or Manifold mount 3-Way & 4-Way, 2 & 3-Position Pilot Operating pressure: vacuum to 145 PSIG (vacuum to 10 bar) Single Remote Pilot 4-Way, 2-Position Inline 4 Part No. 2 #14 #12 5 1 3 Port Size (NPT) Pilot Port CV (ANSI) B330000XXC ¹⁄₈" M5 0.75 B532000XXC ³⁄₈" ¹⁄₈" 1.4 B632000XXA ³⁄₈" ¹⁄₈" 2.7 B733000XXA ¹⁄₂" ¹⁄₈" 5.9 B834000XXA ³⁄₄" ¹⁄₈" 7.0 Single Remote Pilot, 2-Position, Air Return, Internal Pilot, Inline or Manifold Mount. Double Remote Pilot 4-Way, 2-Position Inline 4 Part No. 2 #14 #12 5 1 3 Port Size (NPT) Pilot Port CV (ANSI) B340000XXC ¹⁄₈" M5 0.75 B542000XXC ³⁄₈" ¹⁄₈" 1.4 B642000XXA ³⁄₈" ¹⁄₈" 2.7 B743000XXA ¹⁄₂" ¹⁄₈" 5.9 B844000XXA ³⁄₄" ¹⁄₈" 7.0 Double Remote Pilot, 2-Position, Air Return, Internal Pilot, Inline or Manifold Mount. Single Remote Pilot 3-Way, 2-Position, normally closed Inline, convertible to normally open 2 #12 #10 3 1 Part No. Port Size (NPT) Pilot Port CV (ANSI) B3K0000XXC ¹⁄₈" M5 0.75 B5K2000XXC ³⁄₈" ¹⁄₈" 1.4 B6X2000XXA ³⁄₈" ¹⁄₈" 2.7 B7X3000XXA ¹⁄₂" ¹⁄₈" 5.9 B8X4000XXA ³⁄₄" ¹⁄₈" 7.0 Single Remote Pilot, 2-Position, Air Return, Internal Pilot, Inline or Manifold Mount. Double Remote Pilot 4-Way, 3-Position, APB Inline Model Number APB 4 2 #14 #12 5 1 3 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks Port Size (NPT) Pilot Port CV (ANSI) B380000XXC ¹⁄₈" M5 0.60 B582000XXC ³⁄₈" ¹⁄₈" 1.1 B682000XXA ³⁄₈" ¹⁄₈" 2.1 B783000XXA ¹⁄₂" ¹⁄₈" 5.7 B884000XXA ³⁄₄" ¹⁄₈" 6.6 Double Remote Pilot, 3-Position, Air Return, Internal Pilot, Inline or Manifold Mount. Other Centre Conditions are available from stock Modification (APB = All Ports Blocked; CE = Centre Exhaust; PC = Pressure Centre) 2 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) "B" Series Valves Female Electrical Connectors Field DIN Connectors DIN 43650C Part No. Type Color Cable Gland Circuit & Voltage Contacts KC136000B7 FORM C 8MM Black PG7 No Circuit Circuit 1 KC136V54T7 FORM C 8MM Transparent PG7 24V Varistor and LED Circuit 2 KC136V55T7 FORM C 8MM Transparent PG7 115V Varistor and LED Circuit 2 circuit 1 circuit 2 15mm 3-Pin DIN 43650C to 1/2" Conduit 47mm 25.4mm Description PS2998P 1/2" NPTF Conduit – Unlighted with 3' (1m) Leads 20AWG Wire * 16mm 1 Connector 3 2 (Use with Enclosure "5") 1 * Ground spade offset by 0.2mm toward pin 1. 8mm ➤ ➤ 1 0 Note: Rated up to 250VAC or VDC; 6 Amps IP65 rated when properly installed. Solenoid Kits Suits: B3, B5, B6, B7, B8 Enclosure "5" 15mm 3-Pin Male Voltage PS2982B42P 24VAC PS2982B45P 12VDC PS2982B49P 24VDC PS2982B53P 120VAC PS2982B57P 240VAC 3 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Mechanical Valves: 3-Way Spool Valves Directair 2 Series (¹⁄₈" NPT) & Directair 4 Series (¹⁄₄" NPT) Vacuum to 150 PSI ¹⁄₈" - 0.20 Cv ¹⁄₄" - 0.83 Cv Button Operated 41441 1000 52441 1000 Button Operated 41493 1000 52443 1000 1/8 npt, Button Operated, Spring Return 1/4 npt, Button Operated, Spring Return #12 #12 Operator Operator End End 1/8 npt, Button Operated, Manual Return 1/4 npt, Button Operated, Manual Return 22 1 41441 1000 41493 1000 Spring Return Operated pulled last – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is blocked. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Actuated Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Exhaust port 3 is blocked. Operated pushed last – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Exhaust port 3 is blocked. Treadle Operated #12 Operator End Pedal Operated 1/4 npt, Treadle Operated, Detented 2 33 52443 1000 52441 1000 Spring Return Normal Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is blocked. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. 52493 1000 1 #10#10 Operator Operator End End 52471 1000 1/4 npt, Pedal Operated, Spring Return #10 Operator End 3 1 Treadle Toe pressed last – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is blocked. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Pedal Normal Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is blocked. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Heel pressed last – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Exhaust port 3 is blocked. Actuated Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Exhaust port 3 is blocked. ! ! CAUTION: This valve shall not be used to actuate a punch press. Do not use this valve on punch presses or press brakes. Note: For conversion factors see page 54 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 4 CAUTION: This valve shall not be used to actuate a punch press. Do not use this valve on punch presses or press brakes. = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Mechanical Valves: 3-Way Spool Valves Directair 2 Series (¹⁄₈" NPT) & Directair 4 Series (¹⁄₄" NPT) Vacuum to 150 PSI ¹⁄₈" - 0.20 Cv ¹⁄₄" - 0.83 Cv Roller/One-Way Tripper Operated Lever/Hand Operated 41421 1000 1/8 npt, Roller Operated, Spring Return 41471 1000 1/8 npt, Hand Lever Operated, Spring Return 41431 1000 1/8 npt, One-Way Tripper, Spring Return 52481 1000 1/4 npt, Lever Operated, Spring Return 52421 1000 1/4 npt, Delrin Roller Operated, Spring Return #12 Operator End 2 #10 Operator End 3 1 2 #12 Operator End #10 Operator End 3 1 52421 1000 41421 1000 52481 1000 41471 1000 41431 1000 Spring Return Roller Normal Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is blocked. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Normal Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is blocked. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Actuated Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Exhaust port 3 is blocked. Actuated Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Exhaust port 3 is blocked. Toggle/Lever Operated Lever Operated - 3-Position 41481 1000 1/8 npt, Toggle Operated, Detented 52483 1000 1/4 npt, Lever Operated, Manual Return 2 #12 Operator End 52383 1000 #10 Operator End 3 3 2 2 #12 Operator End #10 Operator End 1 1 #12 Operator End 1/4 npt, Lever Operated, 3-Position Detented, All Ports Blocked #10 Operator End 3 1 41481 1000 52483 1000 Manual Return Lever Operated pushed last (toward body) – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is blocked. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Operated pushed last (toward body) – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is blocked. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Operated pulled last (away from body) – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Exhaust port 3 is blocked. Operated pulled last (away from body) – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Exhaust port 3 is blocked. Center Position – All ports blocked. Panel Mounting Kit No. 52083 8004 .20 Dia. Available for panel mounting direct pipe ported, lever operated "Directair 4" Series valves only. Kit includes a flange and two screws. 1.75 Note: For conversion factors see page 54 5 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Mechanical Valves: 4-Way Spool Valves Directair 2 Series (¹⁄₈" NPT) & Directair 4 Series (¹⁄₄" NPT) Vacuum to 150 PSI ¹⁄₈" - 0.20 Cv ¹⁄₄" - 0.83 Cv Button Operated Button Operated 41041 1000 1/8 npt, Button Operated, Spring Return 41093 1000 1/8 npt, Button Operated, Manual Return 52041 1000 1/4 npt, Button Operated, Spring Return 52043 1000 1/4 npt, Button Operated, Manual Return 4 #14 Operator End 2 5 #12 Operator End 4 #14 Operator End 3 2 1 4 #14 Operator End 3 5 1 2 5 #12 Operator End #12 Operator End 3 1 41041 1000 41093 1000 52041 1000 52043 1000 Spring Return Manual Return Normal Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Outlet port 4 is connected to Exhaust port 5. Operated pulled last – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Outlet port 4 is connected to Exhaust port 5. Actuated Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 4. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Operated pushed last – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 4. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Pedal & Treadle Operated Roller Operated 52071 1000 1/4 npt, Pedal Operated, Spring Return 41021 1000 1/8 npt, Roller operated, Spring Return 52093 1000 1/4 npt, Treadle Operated, Detented 52021 1000 1/4 npt, Delrin Roller operated, Spring Return 4 2 #14 Operator End 5 4 #14 Operator End #12 Operator End 5 3 1 4 #12 Operator End 3 1 2 #14 Operator End 5 2 #12 Operator End 3 #14 Operator End 52093 1000 2 5 3 #14 Operator End 2 5 1 4 4 #12 Operator End 3 1 #12 Operator End 1 52071 1000 41021 1000 52021 1000 Treadle Roller Toe pressed last – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Outlet port 4 is connected to Exhaust port 5. Normal Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Outlet port 4 is connected to Exhaust port 5. Heel pressed last – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 4. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Actuated Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 4. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. ! CAUTION: This valve shall not be used to actuate a punch press. Do not use this valve on punch presses or press brakes. Note: For conversion factors see page 54 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 6 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Mechanical Valves: 4-Way Spool Valves Directair 2 Series (¹⁄₈" NPT) & Directair 4 Series (¹⁄₄" NPT) Vacuum to 150 PSI ¹⁄₈" - 0.20 Cv ¹⁄₄" - 0.83 Cv Lever/Hand Operated Lever Operated 41071 1000 1/8 npt, Hand Lever Operated, Spring Return 41081 1000 1/8 npt, Detented Toggle, Spring Return 52081 1000 1/4 npt, Lever Operated, Spring Return 52083 1000 1/4 npt, Lever Operated, Manual Return 4 #14 Operator End 2 5 4 #14 Operator End #12 Operator End 2 5 3 1 3 1 2 #12 Operator End #12 Operator End #10 Operator End 52083 1000 3 1 52081 1000 41081 1000 41071 1000 Spring Return Manual Return Normal Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Outlet port 4 is connected to Exhaust port 5. Operated pushed last (toward body) – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Outlet port 4 is connected to Exhaust port 5. Actuated Position – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 4. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Operated pulled last (away from body) – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 4. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Lever Operated, 3-Position Lever, Operated Spring Centered Type 1, Closed Center Spool 52181 1000 #14 Operator End Lever Operated, 3-Position 4 2 5 Lever, Operated Detented Type 1, Closed Center Spool 52183 1000 #14 Operator End #12 Operator End 4 2 5 3 #12 Operator End 3 1 1 Spring Centered, 3-Position Detented, 3-Position Lever Pulled (away from body) – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 4. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Lever Pulled (away from body) – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 4. Outlet port 2 is connected to Exhaust port 3. Lever Pushed (toward body) – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Outlet port 4 is connected to Exhaust port 5. Lever Pushed (toward body) – Pressure at Inlet port 1 is connected to Outlet port 2. Outlet port 4 is connected to Exhaust port 5. Centered Position – Type 1: All ports blocked. Centered Position – Type 1: All ports blocked. Other Center Positions are available from stock Other Center Positions are available from stock Type 2: Pressure center Type 2: Pressure center Type 3: Exhaust center Type 3: Exhaust center Note: For conversion factors see page 54 7 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Pneumatic Lever Valves 4-Way, 4-Way, 4-Port, 4-Port, 3-Position 3-Position PL / VL Series Valves Flow Ratings (Cv) (PL) Standard Side Port PL25 VL25 (VL) PL37 VL37 PL50 Application These are 4-Way, 3-Position, rotary disc, direct-operated air valves. Air pressure from the inlet port is confined beneath the disc making the seal tighten as the pressure increases, yet friction between the lapped surfaces is so low that only 15 lb. of force is required to move the lever at 100 PSI line pressure. Valves are detented. Operating handles may be installed in any of four positions. VL50 Cv Port Size 2.5 ¹⁄₄" NPT 3.0 ³⁄₈" NPT 6.2 ¹⁄₂" NPT Operating Pressure Range 0 to 150 PSIG (0 to 1035 kPa) Operating Temperature 18° to 200°F (-8° to 93°C) Lubrication Filtered and lubricated air recommended for maximum valve life and minimum maintenance. 3-Position HV Series Valves 4-Way, 4-Way, 4-Port, 4-Port, 3-Position Flow Ratings (Cv) CW N CCW C2 C1 IN EXH Part Number Cv Port Size HVN4200-8 0.5 ¹⁄₄" NPT HVN4400-10 1.4 ³⁄₈" NPT HVN4400-15 1.5 ¹⁄₂" NPT Operating Pressure Range: 0 to 150 PSIG (0 to 1035 kPa) Features Operating Temperature: 32° to 166°F (0° to 60°C) • Compact and simple design • 4-Way, 3-Position • Rotary disc, direct-operated valves • Side porting • Detent action, smooth lever actuation • General pneumatic applications Lubrication Filtered and lubricated air recommended for maximum valve life and minimum maintenance. Materials Cover - Zinc Body - Aluminum Seals - Polyurethane 42 Series Valves 4-Way, 5-Port, 3-Position 4 #14 Operator End 2 Lever Valve - Inline #12 Operator End Single Pressure 5 1 3 APB 4 #14 Operator End 2 #12 Operator End 5 1 3 CE (Perpendicular shown) Type Port 422CR013W 422CR023W 1.3 3-Pos APB ¹⁄₄" NPT ³⁄₈" NPT 422CR014W 422CR024W 1.3 3-Pos CE ¹⁄₄" NPT ³⁄₈" NPT Operating pressure vacuum to 150 PSI (710 mm Hg to 1035 kPa) Operating temperature: 0° to 140°F (-18°C to 60°C) Features • 3-position parallel • 2-position parallel or perpendicular • 2-position foot pedal Note: For conversion factors see page 54 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks Cv 8 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Global Air Preparation System: Filters Mini Particulate Filter - P31 • Integral 1/4" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options also available to order • High efficiency 5 micron element as standard • Excellent water removal efficiency • Robust but lightweight aluminum construction • One hand operation for easy element cartridge removal • Positive bayonet latch to ensure correct & safe fitting Symbols 1 2 1 Manual drain Port size Description 2 Auto drain Order Code Flow - dm3/s (scfm) Max. - bar (psig) Height - mm (inches) Width - mm (inches) 1/4" NPT Poly bowl - Manual drain P31FA92EGMN 12 (25) 10 (150) 116.3 (4.58) 40 (1.58) Depth - mm (inches) 42.7 (1.68) 1/4" NPT Poly bowl - Pulse drain P31FA92EGBN 12 (25) 10 (150) 116.3 (4.58) 40 (1.58) 42.7 (1.68) 1/4" NPT Metal bowl - Manual drain P31FA92EMMN 12 (25) 17 (250) 116.3 (4.58) 40 (1.58) 42.7 (1.68) 1/4" NPT Metal bowl - Pulse drain P31FA92EMBN 12 (25) 17 (250) 116.3 (4.58) 40 (1.58) 42.7 (1.68) Compact Particulate Filter - P32 Symbols 1 2 1 Manual drain Port size Description • Integral 1/4", 3/8" or 1/2" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options also available to order. • High efficiency 5 micron element as standard • Excellent water removal efficiency • Robust but lightweight aluminum construction • Positive bayonet latch to ensure correct & safe fitting 2 Auto drain Order Code Flow - dm3/s (scfm) Max. - bar (psig) Height - mm (inches) Width - mm (inches) 1/4" NPT Poly bowl - Manual drain P32FA92EGMN 18 (38) 10 (150) 188 (7.4) 60 (2.36) Depth - mm (inches) 60 (2.36) 1/4" NPT Poly bowl - Auto drain P32FA92EGAN 18 (38) 10 (150) 182 (7.2) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/4" NPT Metal bowl - Manual drain P32FA92ESMN 18 (38) 17 (250) 188 (7.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/4" NPT Metal bowl - Auto drain P32FA92ESAN 18 (38) 17 (250) 182 (7.2) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 3/8" NPT Poly bowl - Manual drain P32FA93EGMN 30 (64) 10 (150) 188 (7.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 3/8" NPT Poly bowl - Auto drain P32FA93EGAN 30 (64) 10 (150) 182 (7.2) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 3/8" NPT Metal bowl - Manual drain P32FA93ESMN 30 (64) 17 (250) 188 (7.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 3/8" NPT Metal bowl - Auto drain P32FA93ESAN 30 (64) 17 (250) 182 (7.2) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" NPT Poly bowl - Manual drain P32FA94EGMN 38 (80) 10 (150) 188 (7.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" NPT Poly bowl - Auto drain P32FA94EGAN 38 (80) 10 (150) 182 (7.2) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" NPT Metal bowl - Manual drain P32FA94ESMN 38 (80) 17 (250) 188 (7.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" NPT Metal bowl - Auto drain P32FA94ESAN 38 (80) 17 (250) 182 (7.2) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) Standard Particulate Filter - P33 Symbols 1 2 Manual drain Port size Description 1 • Integral 1/2" or 3/4" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options also available to order. • High efficiency 5 micron element as standard • Excellent water removal efficiency • Robust but lightweight aluminum construction • Positive bayonet latch to ensure correct & safe fitting 2 Auto drain Order Code Flow - dm3/s (scfm) Max. - bar (psig) Height - mm (inches) Width - mm (inches) 1/2" NPT Poly bowl - Manual drain P33FA94EGMN 40 (85) 10 (150) 213 (8.4) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 1/2" NPT Poly bowl - Auto drain P33FA94EGAN 40 (85) 10 (150) 207 (8.2) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 1/2" NPT Metal bowl - Manual drain P33FA94ESMN 40 (85) 17 (250) 213 (8.4) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 1/2" NPT Metal bowl - Auto drain P33FA94ESAN 40 (85) 17 (250) 207 (8.2) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 3/4" NPT Poly bowl - Manual drain P33FA96EGMN 48 (102) 10 (150) 213 (8.4) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 3/4" NPT Poly bowl - Auto drain P33FA96EGAN 48 (102) 10 (150) 207 (8.2) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 3/4" NPT Metal bowl - Manual drain P33FA96ESMN 48 (102) 17 (250) 213 (8.4) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 3/4" NPT Metal bowl - Auto drain P33FA96ESAN 48 (102) 17 (250) 207 (8.2) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 9 Depth - mm (inches) Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Global Air Preparation System: Regulators Mini Regulator - P31 • • • • • • • Port size NPT Symbols for Regulators on this page Integral 1/4" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options also available to order Robust but lightweight aluminum construction Secondary Pressure: 0-8 bar (0-125 PSIG) Other ranges available to order: 0-2 bar (0-30 PSIG) , 0-4 bar (0-60 PSIG) Secondary aspiration plus balanced poppet provides quick response and accurate pressure regulation. Relieving & Non-relieving types Non-rising knob Description Order Code Flow dm3/s (scfm) Max. bar (psig) Height mm (in) Width mm (in) Depth mm (in) 1/4" 8 bar (125 psig) relieving P31RA92BNNP 30 (64) 20 (300) 100.1 (3.94) 40 (1.58) 40 (1.58) 1/4" 8 bar (125 psig) relieving + gauge P31RA92BN5P 30 (64) 20 (300) 100.1 (3.94) 40 (1.58) 64.3 (2.53) 3 1 Self relieving regulator with gauge • • • • • • Mini Common - P1 - Regulator - P31 • • • • • • P1 P2 Port size NPT 1/4" P2 P2 P2 • • Port size NPT Manifold style regulator with line pressure on both sides. Pressure output is at front or rear. Integral 1/4" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options also available to order Robust construction Secondary Pressure: 0-8 bar (0-125 PSIG) Other ranges available to order: 0-2 bar (0-30 PSIG) , 0-4 bar (0-60 PSIG) Secondary aspiration plus balanced poppet provides quick response and accurate pressure regulation Relieving & Non-relieving types Non-rising knob Description Order Code Flow dm3/s (scfm) Max. bar (psig) Height mm (in) Width mm (in) Depth mm (in) 8 bar (125 psig) relieving P31HA92BNNP 18 (38) 20 (300) 100.1 (3.94) 40 (1.58) 40 (1.58) Description Order Code 1/4" 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving P32RA92BNNP • • Port size NPT Order Code Flow dm3/s (scfm) Max. bar (psig) Height mm (in) Width mm (in) Depth mm (in) 1/2" 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving P33RA94BNNP 100 (212) 20 (300) 149 (5.9) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 1/2" 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving + Gauge P33RA94BNGP 100 (212) 20 (300) 149 (5.9) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 3/4" 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving P33RA96BNNP 100 (212) 20 (300) 149 (5.9) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 3/4" 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving + Gauge P33RA96BNGP 100 (212) 20 (300) 149 (5.9) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks Height mm (in) Width mm (in) Depth mm (in) 41 (81) 20 (300) 136 (5.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving + Gauge P32RA92BNGP 41 (81) 20 (300) 136 (5.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving P32RA93BNNP 65 (138) 20 (300) 136 (5.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 3/8" 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving + Gauge P32RA93BNGP 65 (138) 20 (300) 136 (5.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving P32RA94BNNP 67 (142) 20 (300) 136 (5.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving + Gauge P32RA94BNGP 67 (142) 20 (300) 136 (5.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) Compact Common P1 Regulator - P32 • • • Integral 1/2" or 3/4" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options also available to order Robust but lightweight aluminum construction Secondary Pressure: 0-8 bar (0-125 PSIG) Other ranges available to order: 0-2 bar (0-30 PSIG) , 0-4 bar (0-60 PSIG) Secondary aspiration plus balanced poppet provides quick response and accurate pressure regulation Relieving & Non-relieving types Non-rising knob Description Max. bar (psig) 1/4" Standard Regulator - P33 • Flow dm3/s (scfm) 3/8" • • • • • Non relieving regulator Integral 1/4", 3/8" or 1/2" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options available to order. Robust but lightweight aluminum construction Secondary Pressure: 0-8 bar (0-125 PSIG) Other ranges available to order: 0-2 bar (0-30 PSIG) , 0-4 bar (0-60 PSIG) Secondary aspiration plus balanced poppet provides quick response and accurate pressure regulation Relieving & Non-relieving types Non-rising knob • • 2 Compact Regulator - P32 • • 1 2 • • • P1 P2 Port size NPT 10 P2 Description P2 Manifold style regulator with line pressure on both sides. Pressure output is at front or rear. Integral 1/4", 3/8" or 1/2" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options available to order. Robust construction Secondary Pressure: 0-8 bar (0-125 PSIG) Other ranges available to order: 0-2 bar (0-30 PSIG) , 0-4 bar (0-60 PSIG) Secondary aspiration plus balanced poppet provides quick response and accurate pressure regulation Relieving & Non-relieving types Non-rising knob P2 Order Code Flow dm3/s (scfm) Max. bar (psig) Height mm (in) Width mm (in) Depth mm (in) 1/4" 8 bar (125 psig) relieving P32HA92BNNP 28 (59) 20 (300) 136 (5.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 3/8" 8 bar (125 psig) relieving P32HA93BNNP 28 (59) 20 (300) 136 (5.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" 8 bar (125 psig) relieving P32HA94BNNP 28 (59) 20 (300) 136 (5.4) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Global Air Preparation System: Lubricators Mini Lubricator - P31 Symbols 1 • Integral 1/4" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options also available to order. • Robust but lightweight aluminum construction • Proportional oil delivery over a wide range of air flows • Finger tip rachet control for precise oil drip rate adjustment 2 Lubricator with drain Order Code Flow - dm3/s (scfm) Max. - bar (psig) Height - mm (inches) Width - mm (inches) 1/4" NPT Port size Poly bowl - No drain Description P31LA92LGNN 13 (28) 10 (150) 147.5 (5.80) 40 (1.58) Depth - mm (inches) 42.7 (1.68) 1/4" NPT Metal bowl - No drain P31LA92LMNN 13 (28) 17 (250) 147.5 (5.80) 40 (1.58) 42.7 (1.68) Compact Lubricator - P32 Symbols 1 • Integral 1/4", 3/8" or 1/2" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options also available to order. • Robust but lightweight aluminum construction • Proportional oil delivery over a wide range of air flows • Finger tip rachet control for precise oil drip rate adjustment • Fill from top under system pressure 2 Lubricator with drain Port size Order Code Flow - dm3/s (scfm) Max. - bar (psig) Height - mm (inches) Width - mm (inches) Depth - mm (inches) Poly bowl - No drain Metal bowl - No drain P32LA92LGNN P32LA92LSNN 18 (38) 18 (38) 10 (150) 17 (250) 211 (8.30) 211 (8.30) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 3/8" NPT Poly bowl - No drain P32LA93LGNN 32 (68) 10 (150) 211 (8.30) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 3/8" NPT Metal bowl - No drain P32LA93LSNN 32 (68) 17 (250) 211 (8.30) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" NPT Poly bowl - No drain P32LA94LGNN 47 (100) 10 (150) 211 (8.30) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" NPT Metal bowl - No drain P32LA94LSNN 47 (100) 17 (250) 211 (8.30) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/4" NPT 1/4" NPT Description Standard Lubricator - P33 Symbols 1 • Integral 1/2" or 3/4" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options available to order. • Robust but lightweight aluminum construction • Proportional oil delivery over a wide range of air flows • Finger tip rachet control for precise oil drip rate adjustment • Fill from top under system pressure 2 Lubricator with drain Order Code Flow - dm3/s (scfm) Max. - bar (psig) Height - mm (inches) Width - mm (inches) 1/2" NPT Port size Poly bowl - No drain Description P33LA94LGNN 48 (102) 10 (150) 234 (9.21) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 1/2" NPT Metal bowl - No drain P33LA94LSNN 48 (102) 17 (250) 234 (9.21) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 3/4" NPT Poly bowl - No drain P33LA96LGNN 68 (144) 10 (150) 234 (9.21) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 3/4" NPT Metal bowl - No drain P33LA96LSNN 68 (144) 17 (250) 234 (9.21) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 11 Depth - mm (inches) Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Global Air Preparation System: Filter/Regulator "Piggybacks" Mini Filter/Regulator - P31 Symbols 1 Port size • • • 2 • • • • • Description Integral 1/4" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options also available to order. High efficiency 5 micron element as standard Excellent water removal efficiency Robust but lightweight aluminum construction Positive bayonet latch to ensure correct & safe fitting Secondary Pressure: 0-8 bar (0-125 PSIG) Other ranges available to order: 0-2 bar (0-30 PSIG) , 0-4 bar (0-60 PSIG) Secondary aspiration plus balanced poppet provides quick response and accurate pressure regulation Order Code Flow - dm3/s (scfm) Max. - bar (psig) Height - mm (inches) Width - mm (inches) Depth - mm (inches) 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving 1/4" NPT Poly bowl - Manual drain P31EA92EGMBN5P 14 (30) 10 (150) 164.1 (6.46) 40 (1.58) 64 (2.53) 1/4" NPT 1/4" NPT 1/4" NPT Poly bowl - Pulse drain Metal bowl - Manual drain Metal bowl - Pulse drain P31EA92EGBBN5P P31EA92EMMBN5P P31EA92EMBBN5P 14 (30) 14 (30) 14 (30) 10 (150) 17 (250) 17 (250) 164.1 (6.46) 164.1 (6.46) 164.1 (6.46) 40 (1.58) 40 (1.58) 40 (1.58) 64 (2.53) 64 (2.53) 64 (2.53) Compact Filter/Regulator - P32 Symbols 1 Port size • • • 2 • • • • • Description 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving Integral 1/4", 3/8" or 1/2" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options also available to order. High efficiency 5 micron element as standard Excellent water removal efficiency Robust but lightweight aluminum construction Positive bayonet latch to ensure correct & safe fitting Secondary Pressure: 0-8 bar (0-125 PSIG) Other ranges available to order: 0-2 bar (0-30 PSIG) , 0-4 bar (0-60 PSIG) Secondary aspiration plus balanced poppet provides quick response and accurate pressure regulation Order Code Flow - dm3/s (scfm) Max. - bar (psig) Height - mm (inches) Width - mm (inches) Depth - mm (inches) 1/4" NPT 1/4" NPT Poly bowl - Manual drain Poly bowl - Auto drain P32EA92EGMBNGP P32EA92EGABNGP 42 (89) 42 (89) 10 (150) 10 (150) 254 (10.0) 248 (9.76) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/4" NPT Metal bowl - Manual drain P32EA92ESMBNGP 42 (89) 17 (250) 245 (9.66) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/4" NPT Metal bowl - Auto drain P32EA92ESABNGP 42 (89) 17 (250) 254 (10.0) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 3/8" NPT Poly bowl - Manual drain P32EA93EGMBNGP 58 (123) 10 (150) 254 (10.0) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 3/8" NPT Poly bowl - Auto drain P32EA93EGABNGP 58 (123) 10 (150) 248 (9.76) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 3/8" NPT Metal bowl - Manual drain P32EA93ESMBNGP 58 (123) 17 (250) 245 (9.66) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 3/8" NPT Metal bowl - Auto drain P32EA93ESABNGP 58 (123) 17 (250) 254 (10.0) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" NPT Poly bowl - Manual drain P32EA94EGMBNGP 64 (136) 10 (150) 245 (9.66) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" NPT Poly bowl - Auto drain P32EA94EGABNGP 64 (136) 10 (150) 248 (9.76) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" NPT Metal bowl - Manual drain P32EA94ESMBNGP 64 (136) 17 (250) 245 (9.66) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 1/2" NPT Metal bowl - Auto drain P32EA94ESABNGP 64 (136) 17 (250) 254 (10.0) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) Standard Filter/Regulator - P33 Symbols 1 Port size Description 8 bar (125 psig) Relieving • • • 2 • • • • • Integral 1/2" or 3/4" NPT ports. BSPP & BSPT options also available to order. High efficiency 5 micron element as standard Excellent water removal efficiency Robust but lightweight aluminum construction Positive bayonet latch to ensure correct & safe fitting Secondary Pressure: 0-8 bar (0-125 PSIG) Other ranges available to order: 0-2 bar (0-30 PSIG) , 0-4 bar (0-60 PSIG) Secondary aspiration plus balanced poppet provides quick response and accurate pressure regulation Order Code Flow - dm3/s (scfm) Max. - bar (psig) Height - mm (inches) Width - mm (inches) Depth - mm (inches) 1/2" NPT Poly bowl - Manual drain P33EA94EGMBNGP 90 (191) 10 (150) 291 (11.44) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 1/2" NPT Poly bowl - Auto drain P33EA94EGABNGP 90 (191) 10 (150) 285 (11.22) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 1/2" NPT Metal bowl - Manual drain P33EA94ESMBNGP 90 (191) 17 (250) 282 (11.0) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 1/2" NPT Metal bowl - Auto drain P33EA94ESABNGP 90 (191) 17 (250) 291 (11.44) 73 (2.9) 108 (4.27) 3/4" NPT Poly bowl - Manual drain P33EA96EGMBNGP 98 (208) 10 (150) 282 (11.0) 73 (2.9) 108 (4.27) 3/4" NPT Poly bowl - Auto drain P33EA96EGABNGP 98 (208) 10 (150) 285 (11.22) 73 (2.9) 108 (4.27) 3/4" NPT Metal bowl - Manual drain P33EA96ESMBNGP 98 (208) 17 (250) 291 (11.44) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) 3/4" NPT Metal bowl - Auto drain P33EA96ESABNGP 98 (208) 17 (250) 282 (11.0) 73 (2.9) 73 (2.9) Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 12 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Global Air Preparation System: Popular Combinations - P31 Series Filter + Regulator + Lubricator Combinations + Poly bowl 5 micron element, 8 bar (116 psig) Regulator + Gauge and Wall Mounting Brackets Inlet pressure 10 bar (145 psig), Secondary pressure 6.3 bar (91.3 psig), 1 bar (14.5 psig) pressure drop. Port size 1/4" NPT Flow dm³/s (scfm) 13 27 Manual Drain Weight Pulse Drain Weight P31CB92GEMN5LNW 0.46 kg (1.01 lbs) P31CB92GEBN5LNW 0.46 kg (1.01 lbs) Filter/Regulator + Lubricator Combinations + Poly bowl 5 micron element, 8 bar (116 psig) Regulator + Gauge and Wall Mounting Brackets Inlet pressure 10 bar (145 psig), Secondary pressure 6.3 bar (91.3 psig), 1 bar (14.5 psig) pressure drop. Port size 1/4" NPT Flow dm³/s (scfm) 14 28 Manual Drain Weight Pulse Drain Weight P31CA92GEMN5LNW 0.35 kg (0.77 lbs) P31CA92GEBN5LNW 0.35 kg (0.77 lbs) 13 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Global Air Preparation System: Popular Combinations - P32 Series Filter + Regulator + Lubricator Combinations + Poly bowl 5 micron element, 8 bar (116 psig) Regulator + Gauge and Wall Mounting Brackets Inlet pressure 10 bar (145 psig), Secondary pressure 6.3 bar (91.3 psig), 1 bar (14.5 psig) pressure drop. Port size Flow dm³/s Manual Drain Weight Pulse Drain Weight (scfm) 1/4" NPT 20 42 P32CB92GEMNGLNW 1.29 kg (2.84 lbs) P32CB92GEANGLNW 1.29 kg (2.84 lbs) 3/8" NPT 32 68 P32CB93GEMNGLNW 1.29 kg (2.84 lbs) P32CB93GEANGLNW 1.29 kg (2.84 lbs) 1/2" NPT 40 85 P32CB94GEMNGLNW 1.29 kg (2.84 lbs) P32CB94GEANGLNW 1.29 kg (2.84 lbs) Filter/Regulator + Lubricator Combinations + Poly bowl 5 micron element, 8 bar (116 psig) Regulator + Gauge and Wall Mounting Brackets Inlet pressure 10 bar (145 psig), Secondary pressure 6.3 bar (91.3 psig), 1 bar (14.5 psig) pressure drop. Port size Flow dm³/s Manual Drain Weight Pulse Drain Weight (scfm) 1/4" NPT 22 45 P32CA92GEMNGLNW 1.03 kg (2.27 lbs) P32CA92GEANGLNW 1.03 kg (2.27 lbs) 3/8" NPT 33 70 P32CA93GEMNGLNW 1.03 kg (2.27 lbs) P32CA93GEANGLNW 1.03 kg (2.27 lbs) 1/2" NPT 43 90 P32CA94GEMNGLNW 1.03 kg (2.27 lbs) P32CA94GEANGLNW 1.03 kg (2.27 lbs) Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 14 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Global Air Preparation System: Popular Combinations - P33 Series Filter + Regulator + Lubricator Combinations + Poly bowl 5 micron element, 8 bar (116 psig) Regulator + Gauge and Wall Mounting Brackets Inlet pressure 10 bar (145 psig), Secondary pressure 6.3 bar (91.3 psig), 1 bar (14.5 psig) pressure drop. Port size Flow dm³/s Manual Drain Weight Pulse Drain Weight 1.84 kg (4.06 lbs) 1.84 kg (4.06 lbs) (scfm) 1/4" NPT 43 90 P33CB94GEMNGLNW 1.84 kg (4.06 lbs) P33CB94GEANGLNW 3/4" NPT 52 110 P33CB96GEMNGLNW 1.84 kg (4.06 lbs) P33CB96GEANGLNW Filter/Regulator + Lubricator Combinations + Poly bowl 5 micron element, 8 bar (116 psig) Regulator + Gauge and Wall Mounting Brackets Inlet pressure 10 bar (145 psig), Secondary pressure 6.3 bar (91.3 psig), 1 bar (14.5 psig) pressure drop. Port size Flow Manual Drain Weight Pulse Drain Weight 110 P33CA94GEMNGLNW 1.51 kg (3.33 lbs) P33CA94GEANGLNW 1.51 kg (3.33 lbs) 150 P33CA96GEMNGLNW 1.51 kg (3.33 lbs) P33CA96GEANGLNW 1.51 kg (3.33 lbs) dm³/s (scfm) 1/4" NPT 52 3/4" NPT 71 15 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Global Air Preparation System: P31, P32, P33 Series Safety Lockout Valves • The Safety Lockout valve is a manually operated, slide-type, 2-position, 3-way valve. In the closed position, downstream • air pressure is exhausted to atmosphere. • The valve slide can be locked in the closed position with a customer supplied padlock. • The Safety Lockout valves conform to OSHA #29 CFR part 1910 – control of hazardous energy source (lockout / tagout). • Left to right flow — orange slide • Right to left — yellow slide Ordering Information Model type P31 P32 P33 Specifications Port size 1/4" 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 1/2" Thread type NPT NPT NPT NPT NPT Flow dm³/s (scfm) 47.2 (100) 66.5 (141) 101.9 (216) 128.4 (272) 136.9 (290) Safety Lockout Valve Flow from left to right P31VA92LSAN P32VA92LSAN P32VA93LSAN P32VA94LSAN P33VA94LSAN Safety Lockout Valve Flow from right to left P31VA92LSBN P32VA92LSBN P32VA93LSBN P32VA94LSBN P33VA94LSBN 3/4" NPT 141.6 (300) P33VA96LSAN P33VA96LSBN For thread type: P31: Operating temperature -10°C to 65.5°C (14°F to 150°F) P32/P33: -25°C to 65.5°C (-13°F to 150°F) Max. supply pressure 10 bar (150 psig) Port size BSPP / BSPT / NPT Weight P31: 0.30 kg (0.66 lbs) 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 P32: 0.34 kg (0.74 lbs) P33: 0.41 kg (0.90 lbs) BBPP 1 BSPT 2 NPT 3 Modular Ball Valves Manifold Blocks The Modular Ball Valves provide shut off line pressure with a non-sticking 90O turn handle to prevent unauthorised adjustment. When the inlet pressure is turned off the downstream air pressure vents through the exhaust port. The padlock slide may be assembled on either side. It is recommended that this is assembled after mounting. • Available in 1/4" or 3/4" threaded inlet / outlet ports • Two additional top and bottom auxilliary ports standard • Can be mounted anywhere in the FRL system • Includes one pipe plug Note: This padlokc slide is a permanent assembly and may not be removed later. Ordering Information Model type P31 P32 P33 Port size 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" For thread type: Ordering Information Thread type NPT NPT NPT NPT Flow dm³/s (scfm) 20 (42.4) 90 (190.7) 122 (258.5) 265 (561.5) Safety Lockout Valve Flow from left to right P31VA92LBNN P32VA93LBNN P32VA94LBNN P33VA94LBNN NPT 320 (678) P33VA96LBNN Model type P31 P32 P33 In/Out Port szie 1/4" 1/2" 3/8" For thread type: BBPP 1 BSPT 2 NPT 3 Auxilliary port size top 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" Auxilliary port size bottom 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" Thread type Part Number NPT NPT NPT P31MA92022N P32MA94024N P33MA96024N BBPP 1 BSPT 2 NPT 3 Specifications Specifications Operating temperature -20°C to 80°C (-4°F to 176°F) Max. supply pressure Operating temperature 17 bar (250 psig) Port size NPT 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 Weight P31: 0.19 kh (0.41 lbs) P32: 0.47 kg (1.00 lbs) P33: 0.80 kg (1.70 lbs) Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks -14°C to 65.5°C (-40°F to 150°F) Max. supply pressure Weight 16 27.07 bar (300 psig) P31: 0.19 kg (0.26 lbs) P33: 0.34 kg (0.42 lbs) = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Global Air Preparation System - Accessories P31 Series Accessories Descriptions Part Number C-Bracket (Fits to filter and lubricator body) P31KA00MW T-Bracket w/Body Connector P31KA00MT Body Connector P31KA00CB Port Block Kit - 1/8 NPT P31KA91CP Port Block Kit - 1/4 NPT P31KA92CP Port Block Kit - 3/8 NPT P31KA93CP Port Block Kit - G 1/8 P31KA11CP Port Block Kit - G 1/4 P31KA12CP Port Block Kit - G 3/8 P31KA13CP Port Block Kit w/T-Bracket - 1/8 NPT P31KA91CN Port Block Kit w/T-Bracket - 1/4 NPT P31KA92CN Port Block Kit w/T-Bracket - 3/8 NPT P31KA93CN Port Block Kit w/T-Bracket - G 1/8 BSPP P31KA11CN Port Block Kit w/T-Bracket - G 1/4 BSPP P31KA12CN Port Block Kit w/T-Bracket - G 3/8 BSPP P31KA12CN Angle Bracket (Fits to regulator and filter/regulator body) P31KA00MR Note: BSPT port block kits also available P32 & P33 Series Accessories Descriptions P32 Part Number P33 Part Number T-Bracket w/Body Connector P32KA00MT P32KA00MT Body Connector P32KA00CB P32KA00CB Port Block Kit - 1/4 NPT P32KA92CP P32KA92CP Port Block Kit - 3/8 NPT P32KA93CP P32KA93CP Port Block Kit - 1/2 NPT P32KA94CP P32KA94CP Port Block Kit - 3/4 NPT P32KA96CP P32KA96CP Port Block Kit - G 1/4 BSPP P32KA12CP P32KA12CP Port Block Kit - G 3/8 BSPP P32KA13CP P32KA13CP Port Block Kit - G 1/2 BSPP P32KA14CP P32KA14CP Port Block Kit - G 3/4 BSPP P32KA16CP P32KA16CP Angle Bracket (Fits to regulators and filter/regulator bonnet) P32KA00MR P33KA00MR L-Bracket (Fits to filter and lubricator body) P32KA00ML P33KA00ML T-Bracket (Fits to body connector or port block) P32KA00MB P32KA00MB 17 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Global Air Preparation System - Kits Description Series Part Number Panel Mount Nut (Plastic) P31 P31KA00MP P32 P32KA00MP P33 P33KA00MP P31 P31KA00MM P32 P32KA00MM P33 P33KA00MM P31 P31KA00ESE P32 P32KA00ESE P33 P33KA00ESE P31 P31KA00ES9 P32 P32KA00ES9 P33 P33KA00ES9 P31 P31KA00ESC P32 P32KA00ESC P33 P33KA00ESC P31 P31KA00ESA P32 P32KA00ESA P33 P33KA00ESA Panel Mount Nut (Aluminum) 5µ Element Kit 1µ Element Kit 0.01µ Element Kit Adsorber Element Kit Auto Drain Kit P32 / P33 P32KA00DA Differential Pressure Indicator Kit P32 /P33 P32KA00RQ Fill Plug Kit P31 P31KA00PL P32 / P33 P32KA00PL P31 / P32 / P33 P32KA00PG Drip Control Assembly Kit P31 P31KA00BGM P32 P32KA00BGM P33 P33KA00BGM Plastic Bowl w/Bowl Guard & Pulse Drain P31 P31KA00BGB Plastic Bowl w/Bowl Guard & Auto Drain P32 P32KA00BGA P33 P33KA00BGA P31 P31KA00BMM P32 P32KA00BMM P33 P33KA00BMM P31 P31KA02CY P32 / P33 P32KA04CY Plastic Bowl w/Bowl Guard & Manual Drain Metal Bowl w/o Sight Gauge & Manual Drain Body Connector O-ring (Spares kit, pack of 4) Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 18 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Global Air Preparation System - Kits Description Metal Bowl w/o Sigh Gauge & Pulse Drain Series P31 Part Number P31KA00BMB Metal Bowl w/o Sight Gauge & Auto Drain P32 P33 P32KA00BMA P33KA00BMA Metal Bowl w/Sight Gauge & Manual Drain P32 P33 P32KA00BSM P33KA00BSM Metal Bowl w/Sight Gauge & Auto Drain P32 P33 P32KA00BSA P33KA00BSA Lubricator - Plastic Bowl w/Bowl Guard No Drain P31 P32 P33 P31KA00BGN P32KA00BGN P33KA00BGN Regulator - Relieving Repair Kit P31 P32 P33 P31KA00RB P32KA00RB P33KA00RB Regulator - Non Relieving Repair Kit P31 P32 P33 P31KA00RC P32KA00RC P33KA00RC Regulator - Main Adjusting Spring 0-2 bar (0-30 psig) Kit P31 P32 P33 P31KA00PR P32KA00PR P33KA00PR Regulator - Main Adjusting Spring 0-4.1 bar (0-60 psig) Kit P31 P32 P33 P31KA00PS P32KA00PS P33KA00PS Regulator - Main Adjusting Spring 0-8.6 bar (0-125 psig) Kit P31 P32 P33 P31KA00PT P32KA00PT P33KA00PT Regulator - Main Adjusting Spring 0-17 bar (0-250 psig) Kit P32 P33 P32KA00PV P33KA00PV Square Flush Mounting Gauge Kit 0-4 bar 0-10 bar 0-60 psig 0-150 psig P31 K4511SCR04B K4511SCR11B K4511SCR060 K4511SCR150 1-1/4" Round Gauge 0-60 psig / 0-4.1 bar 1/8" 0-160 psig / 0-10 bar 1/8" P31 K4513N18060 K4513N18160 40mm Round Gauge 0-30 psig / 0-2 bar 1/8" 0-60 psig / 0-4.1 bar 1/8" 0-160 psig / 0-10 bar 1/8" P31 K4515N18030 K4515N18060 K4515N18160 50mm Round Gauge 0-30 psig / 0-2 bar 1/4" 0-60 psig / 0-4.1 bar 1/4" 0-160 psig / 0-10 bar 1/4" 0-300 psig / 0-20 bar 1/4" P32 / P33 K4520N14030 K4520N14060 K4520N14160 K4520N14300 19 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Air Line Accessories LV Series Valves Operating Pressure Range 0 to 300 PSIG (0 to 2068 kPa) Port size inlet & outlet (port 1 & 2) Operating Temperature Range (Ambient) 32°F to 175°F (0 to 80°C) 12 3 2 1 10 Port size exhaust (port 3) Part No. 3/8 3/4 LV3N6B 1/2 3/4 LV4N6B 3/4 3/4 LV6N6B 3/4 1-1/4 LV6NAB 1 1-1/4 LV8NAB 1-1/4 1-1/4 LVANAB Silencers sold separately Micrometer Flow Control Valves "337" Series 1/8" to 3" Port "337" Series ¹⁄₈" to ¾" Ports The "337" Series flow control valves are manufactured with a fine tapered needle providing precise flow control, even at low flow rates. The perimeter of the adjustment knob features numerical micrometer position markings providing a visual indication of the setting. Once the desired flow is selected, a set screw can be tightened to maintain the setting. These valves are available with NPTF ports in 1/8", 1/4", 3/8", 1/2" and 3/4" sizes. This series is recommended for pneumatic service. Component Materials Body Material: Brass Needle: Stainless steel Check Seal: Urethane Needle Seals: Buna N (Viton optional) Port Size Model Knob: Aluminum Spring: Stainless steel Retainer: Zinc-plated steel Set Screw: Steel Valve Specifications Maximum Operating Pressure 250 PSI (1725 kPa) Cracking pressure for return check poppet – 1 to 2 PSIG (7 to 14 kPa) Flow (SCFM†) Adj. Free Flow ¹⁄₈" NPT 00337 1000 15 32 ¹⁄₄" NPT 00337 1001 28 75 ³⁄₈" NPT 00337 1002 59 139 ¹⁄₂" NPT 00337 1003 126 183 ³⁄₄" NPT 00337 1004 140 327 Operating Temperature Standard: 0° to 180°F (-18° to 82°C) Extended temperature: 0° to 300°F (-18° to 150°C) (consult factory) * Ambient temperatures below freezing require moisture-free air. Ambient temperatures below freezing and above 180°F require lubricants especially selected for suitability at these temperatures. Pneumatic valves should be used with filtered and lubricated air. † At 100 PSIG (690 kPa) inlet pressure with full pressure drop. Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 20 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Air Line Accessories Needle Valves "338" Series 1/8" to 3/4" Port The "338" Series needle valves bi-directionally meter the flow of air through the valve. This series features a fine tapered needle providing precise flow of air in both directions. Numerical micrometer position markings are stamped on the perimeter of the adjustment knob which provide a visual indication of the setting. Once the desired flow is selected, a set screw can be tightened to maintain the setting. These valves are available with NPTF ports in 1/8", 1/4", 3/8", 1/2" and 3/4" sizes. This series is recommended for pneumatic service. Component Materials Body Material: Brass Internal Components: Stainless steel Seals: Nitrile (Viton® optional) Port Size Valve Specifications Maximum Operating Pressure 250 PSIG (1725 kPa) Model Flow† (SCFM) ¹⁄₈" NPT 00338 1100 15 ¹⁄₄" NPT 00338 1101 28 ³⁄₈" NPT 00338 1102 59 Operating Temperature Standard: 0° to 180°F (-18° to 82°C) ¹⁄₂" NPT 00338 1103 126 Extended Temperature: 0° to 300°F (-18° to 150°C) optional ³⁄₄" NPT 00338 1104 140 * Ambient temperatures below freezing require moisture-free air. Ambient temperatures below freezing and above 180°F require lubricants especially selected for suitability at these temperatures. Pneumatic valves should be used with filtered and lubricated air. † At 100 PSIG (690 kPa) inlet pressure with full pressure drop. Needle Valves "339" Series 1/8" to 3/4" Port "339" Series check valves allow free flow in one direction and provide positive checked (zero flow) in the reverse direction. These valves are available with NPTF ports in 1/8", 1/4", 3/8", 1/2" and 3/4" sizes. This series is recommended for pneumatic service. Port Size Model Flow† (SCFM) ¹⁄₈" NPT 00339 3000 35 ¹⁄₄" NPT 00339 3001 75 ³⁄₈" NPT 00339 3002 143 ¹⁄₂" NPT 00339 3003 162 ³⁄₄" NPT 00339 3004 323 Valve Specifications Maximum Operating Pressure 250 PSIG (1725 kPa) Cracking pressure: 1 to 2 PSIG (7 to 14 kPa) Operating Temperature Standard: 0° to 180°F (-18° to 80°C) Extended Temperature: 0° to 300°F (-18° to 150°C) † At 100 PSIG (690 kPa) inlet pressure with full pressure drop. Component Materials Body Material: Brass Internal Components: Brass / Stainless steel / Zinc-plated steel Seals: U rethane (standard), Viton® (optional) 21 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Air Line Accessories BSL Series - Sintered Bronze Muffler/Filters Muffler/filters effectively reduce air exhaust noises to an industry accepted level with minimum flow restriction. They protect valves, impact wrenches, screwdrivers and other air tools by preventing dirt and other foreign matter from entering the system. Non-corrosive, they can be cleaned with many common solvents. Maximum Operating Pressure: 250 PSIG (1725 kPa) – air Operating Temperature: 0° to 300°F (-18° to 150° C) Pipe Thread Model Number ¹⁄₈" NPT BSL-N1 ¹⁄₄" NPT BSL-N2 ³⁄₈" NPT BSL-N3 ¹⁄₂" NPT BSL-N4 Breather Vents These low silhouette versions of the muffler/filter are useful where space is a problem and/or to prevent contamination. Use for vacuum relief or pressure equalization in gear boxes, oil tanks, reservoirs, etc. Non-corrosive. Maximum Operating Pressure: 250 PSIG (1725 kPa) – air Operating Temperature: Pipe Thread 0° to 300°F (-18° to 150° C) NOTE: Breather vents should not be used as exhaust mufflers. * Ambient temperatures below freezing require moisture-free air. Ambient temperatures below freezing and above 180°F require lubricants especially selected for suitability at these temperatures. Pneumatic valves should be used with filtered and lubricated air. Model Number ¹⁄₈" NPT BSLM-N1 ¹⁄₄" NPT BSLM-N2 ³⁄₈" NPT BSLM-N3 ¹⁄₂" NPT BSLM-N4 ES Series Sillencer This silencer is designed to give superior performance in noise control with a minimum effect on air efficiency. "Trimline" design allows location in the tightest places without extra plumbing and fittings. Fits directly into the exhaust port of more than 90% of present commercial valves. Slotted body permits rapid discharge of air without undesirable back pressure. Unique nylon screen element resists dirt buildup or clogging. A D Maximum Operating Pressure: 250 PSIG (1725 kPa) – air Operating Temperature: NPT Pipe Thread 0° to 300°F (-18° to 150° C) Model Number Dimensions (inch) ¹⁄₈" NPT ES12MC ¹⁄₄" NPT ES25MC 2.41 0.97 129 ³⁄₈" NPT ES37MC 3.06 1.38 219 ¹⁄₂" NPT ES50MC 3.19 1.38 549 ³⁄₄" NPT ES75MC 4.69 1.62 893 1" NPT ES100MC 4.69 1.62 1013 1¹⁄₄" NPT ES125MC 5.69 – 1486 1¹⁄₂" NPT ES150MC 5.69 – 1580 Note: For conversion factors see page 54 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 22 D 0.68 Flow SCFM @ 100 PSIG (700 kPa) inlet A 2.31 115 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Air Line Accessories Shuttle Valves 3/8" Ports ¹⁄₈"1/8" toto³⁄₈" Ports 1 Shuttle valves determine a single pneumatic output from two separate inputs. If pressure is applied to both ports simultaneously, the valve will select the port with the high pressure. 2 3 Valve Specifications Maximum Operatering Pressure: 200 PSIG Maximum (1725 kPa) 3 PSIG (20 kPa) Minimum: Differential pressure Component Materials Operating Temperature: 0° to 160°F* (-18° to 70°C) Body Material: Aluminum Internal Components: Aluminum Seals: Nitrile * Ambient temperatures below freezing require moisture-free air. Ambient temperatures below freezing and above 180°F require lubricants especially selected for suitability at these temperatures. Pneumatic valves should be used with filtered and lubricated air. Port Size Model Number Flow (Cv) ¹⁄₈" NPT N164 1001 0.32 ¹⁄₄" NPT N164 2003 1.65 ³⁄₈" NPT N164 3003 2.02 "OR" Series – ¹⁄₈" thru ³⁄₄" Ports "OR" Series - 1/8" thru 3/4" Ports Quick Exhaust & Shuttle Valves (in) Quick exhaust valves provide rapid exhaust of control air when placed between control valve and actuator. They can also be used as shuttle valves. Diaphragm materials are available in urethane, Nitrile, fluorocarbon, and PTFE to meet a wide variety of operating conditions. 1 2 3 (exhaust) Valve Specifications (cylinder) Operating Pressure (Air) Component Materials Maximum:150 PSIG (1000 kPa) Body Material: Die cast aluminum Seals: Nitrile with urethane Diaphragm: Standard – Urethane Optional – V iton®, Teflon®, or Nitrile (depending on size) Operating Temperature: Urethane: 0° to 180°F* (-18° to 80°C) Viton®: 0°F to 400°F(-18° to 200°C) Teflon®: 0°F to 500°F(-18° to 260°C) Minimum:3 PSIG (20 kPa) Standard Urethane Diaphragm Note: This valve can be used as 1. Quick exhaust valve 2. Shuttle valve 3. Positive seal check valve Flow Port NPT 1 Please consult Wainbee (1-888-924-6233) for application information. 2 3 * Ambient temperatures below freezing require moisture-free air. Ambient temperatures below freezing and above 180°F require lubricants especially selected for suitability at these temperatures. Pneumatic valves should be used with filtered and lubricated air. Model Number NPTF OR12B ¹⁄₈" ¹⁄₈" 70 ¹⁄₈" ¹⁄₄" 70 OR12NB ¹⁄₄" ¹⁄₄" 90 OR25B ¹⁄₄" ³⁄₈" 150 OR25NB ³⁄₈" ³⁄₈" 240 OR25PB OR37B ¹⁄₈" ¹⁄₄" (SCFM†) ³⁄₈" ³⁄₈" ³⁄₈" 240 ¹⁄₂" ¹⁄₂" ¹⁄₂" 450 OR50B ³⁄₄" ³⁄₄" ³⁄₄" 550 OR75B † At 100 PSIG (690 kPa) inlet pressure with full pressure drop. Note: For conversion factors see page 54 23 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Stainless Steel Cylinders The following page contain only a small sampling of the vast number of items available from the full clippard product line. Please call 1-888-WAINBEE if you don't see what you need, or request your full colour CLIPPARD catalogue. NUMBERING SYSTEM Stroke In inches & fractions of an inch – – – Mounting Type Rod Type Bore Options S - Stud D - Double Ended Rod 05 - 5/16" B - Bumpers U - Universal R - Rotating Rod 08 - 1/2" V - Fluorocarbon Seals C - Clevis N - Non-rotating Rod 10 - 5/8" C - Cushions (both ends) F - Front Block H - Hollow Rod 12 - 3/4" M- Magnetic Piston for Position Sensors E - End Stud 14 - 7/8" T - Trunnion 17 - 1-1/16" Cylinder Type 20 - 1-1/4" D - Double Acting 24 - 1-1/2" S - Single Acting 28 - 1-3/4" R - Reverse Acting 32 - 2" F - Front Spring Bias 40 - 2-1/2" B - Back Spring Bias 48 - 3" Cylinders Mounting Accessories F - Cushion Front End (only) R - Cushion Rear End (only) W - Rod Wiper S - Side Ported H - Heavy Spring P - Rotated Ports N - No Threads Not all combinations are available - call 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) FACTORS FOR QUICK FORCE CALCULATION BORE SIZE ⁵⁄₁₆" ¹⁄₂" ⁵⁄₈" ³⁄₄" ⁷⁄₈" 1¹⁄₁₆" 1¹⁄₄" 1¹⁄₂" 1³⁄₄" 2" 2¹⁄₂" 3" FORCE FACTOR (extend) 0.07 0.19 0.31 0.44 0.60 0.88 1.20 1.70 2.40 3.10 4.90 7.0 STANDARD* SPRING FORCES (lbs.) FORCE FACTOR (retract) 0.06 0.16 0.28 0.39 0.55 0.80 1.09 1.55 2.20 2.90 4.59 6.56 BORE ⁵⁄₁₆" ¹⁄₂" ⁵⁄₈" ³⁄₄" ⁷⁄₈" 1¹⁄₁₆" 1¹⁄₄" 1¹⁄₂" 1³⁄₄" 2" 2¹⁄₂" * Heavy spring forces available. Example: ³⁄₄" bore cylinder at 100 PSIG: Force to extend: 0.44 x 100 = 44 lb. Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks AT REST 0.5 0.9 1.3 3.0 3.0 2.0 4.5 4.5 11.0 15.0 15.0 24 COMPRESSED 1 2 4 6 6 7 10 10 24 30 30 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Clippard Stainless Steel Cylinders NOTE: Wainbee has selected these cylinder items as stock due to current market conditions, but we reserve the right to discontinue individual models based upon future market demands. Non-Magnetic Piston Inventory Product Number Description Stroke Availability from Stock SDR-05-STROKE 5/16” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, double acting ¹₂" 1" 1¹₂" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" SSR-05-STROKE 5/16” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, single acting UDR-05-STROKE 5/16” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, double acting USR-05-STROKE 5/16” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, single spring retract acting SDR-08-STROKE 1/2” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, double acting SSN-08-STROKE 1/2” bore, stud mount, non-rotating rod, single acting SSR-08-STROKE 1/2” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, single acting USR-08-STROKE 1/2” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, single spring retract acting UDR-08-STROKE 1/2” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, double acting UDR-10-STROKE 5/8” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, double acting SDR-12-STROKE 3/4” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, double acting SRR-12-STROKE 3/4” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, single acting SSN-12-STROKE 3/4” bore, stud mount, non-rotating rod, single acting SSR-12-STROKE 3/4” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, single acting UDR-12-STROKE 3/4” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, double acting USR-12-STROKE 3/4” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, single spring retract acting SDR-17-STROKE 1-1/16” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, double acting SRR-17-STROKE 1-1/16” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, single acting SSN-17-STROKE 1-1/16” bore, stud mount, non-rotating rod, single acting SSR-17-STROKE 1-1/16” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, single acting UDR-17-STROKE 1-1/16” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, double acting URR-17-STROKE 1-1/16” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, single spring extend acting USR-17-STROKE 1-1/6” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, single spring retract acting SDR-20-STROKE 1-1/4” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, double acting SSN-20-STROKE 1-1/4” bore, stud mount, non-rotating rod, single acting SSR-20-STROKE 1-1/4” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, single acting UDR-20-STROKE 1-1/4” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, double acting URR-20-STROKE 1-1/4” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, single spring extend acting CDR-24-STROKE 1-1/2” bore, clevis mount, non-rotating rod, double acting CSR-24-STROKE 1-1/2” bore, clevis mount, rotating rod, double acting SDR-24-STROKE 1-1/2” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, double acting SSR-24-STROKE 1-1/2” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, single acting SDR-32-STROKE 2” bore, stud mount, rotating rod, double acting UDR-32-STROKE 2” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, double acting UDR-40-STROKE 3” bore, universal mount, rotating rod, double acting Part Number Description Part Number Description CB-0595 clevis mtg bracket, 5/16” bore N07-20 7/16-20 hex nut CB-0895 clevis mtg bracket, 1/2” & 5/8” bore N08-20 1/2-20 hex nut CB-1795 clevis mtg bracket, 3/4” & 1-1/16” bore N10-18 5/8-18 hex nut CB-2095 clevis mtg bracket, 1-1/4” bore N12-16 3/4-16 hex nut CB-2495 clevis mtg bracket, 1-1/2” bore N22-12 1-3/8-12 hex nut CB-3295 clevis mtg bracket, 2” & 2-1/2” bore RC-0581 rod clevis assembly, 5/16” bore FB-0592 foot mtg bracket, 5/16” bore RC-0881 rod clevis assembly, 1/2” & 5/8” bore FB-0891 foot mtg bracket, 1/2” & 5/8” bore RC-1281 rod clevis assembly, 3/4” bore FB-1291 foot mtg bracket, 3/4” bore RC-1781 rod clevis assembly, 1-1/6” bore FB-1791 foot mtg bracket, 3/4”, 7/8” & 1-1/16” bore RC-2081 rod clevis assembly, 1-1/4” bore FB-2491 foot mtg bracket, 1-1/4” & 1-1/2” bore RC-2481 rod clevis assembly, 1-1/2” bore FB-3291 foot mtg bracket, 2” & 2-1/2” bore RC-3281 rod clevis assembly, 1-3/4”, 2” & 2-1/2” bore Mounting Accessories 25 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Miniature 2-Way Brass Control Valves MAV-2 Part No. MAV-2P MJV-2 MTV-2 TV-2S Description Normally closed 2-way miniature poppet valve #10-32 Normally closed 2-way miniature poppet valve, ¹⁄₈" NPT inlet Normally closed 2-way Minimatic® J-Series poppet valve, ¹⁄₈" NPT Two position Poppet valve, #10-32, NP brass toggle Two position Spool valve, #10-32, NP brass toggle Medium air, water, or oil air, water, or oil air, water, or oil air, water, or oil air, water, or oil Stem Travel 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 50° 60° Input Pressure 300 PSIG max. 300 PSIG max. 300 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. 150 max. Air Flow @50 PSIG - 4.0 SCFM @100 PSIG - 6.8 SCFM @50 PSIG - 4.0 SCFM @100 PSIG - 6.8 SCFM 50 PSIG - 14 SCFM @ @100 PSIG - 25 SCFM @50 PSIG - 4.0 SCFM; @100 PSIG - 7.3 SCFM @50 PSIG - 4.5 SCFM; @100 PSIG - 8.0 SCFM Force for Full Stem Travel 24 oz. nominal 24 oz. nominal 38 oz. nominal 12 oz. nominal 12 oz. nominal Mounting 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished Ports Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Inlet 1/8" Outlet - 10-32 Inlet 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Temp. Range 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F Miniature 3-Way Brass Control Valves MAV-3 Part No. MAV-3R Description Normally closed 3-way poppet valve, #10-32 Normally closed 3-way poppet valve, #10-32 with rotatable inlet Medium air air Stem Travel 1/8" 1/8" Input Pressure 300 PSIG max. 300 PSIG max. Air Flow @50 PSIG - 4.0 SCFM @100 PSIG - 6.8 SCFM @50 PSIG - 4.0 SCFM @100 PSIG - 6.8 SCFM Force for Full Stem Travel 24 oz. nominal 24 oz. nominal Mounting 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished Ports Inlet - 10-32, Outlet - 10-32 Inlet 10-32, Outlet - 10-32 Temp. Range 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F Note: For conversion factors see page 54 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 26 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Miniature 3-Way Brass Control Valves MAVO-3 Part No. MJV-3 MJV-3C MJVO-3 MJVO-3C Description Normally open 3-way spool valve, #10-32 Normally closed 3-way poppet valve, 1/8" NPT Normally closed 3-way poppet cartridge valve Normally open 3-way spool valve 1/8" NPT Normally open 3-way poppet cartridge valve Medium air air air air air Stem Travel 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" Input Pressure 150 PSIG max. 300 PSIG max. 300 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. 300 PSIG max. Air Flow @50 PSIG - 6 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 10 SCFM @50 PSIG - 14 SCFM @100 PSIG - 25 SCFM @50 PSIG - 11 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 22 SCFM @50 PSIG - 14 SCFM @100 PSIG - 25 SCFM @50 PSIG - 11 SCFM @100 PSIG - 22 SCFM Force for Full Stem Travel 32 oz. nominal 38 oz. nominal 32 oz. nominal 32 oz. nominal 32 oz. nominal Mounting 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished Inserts into 5/8" bore (06.25 ± 0.001") 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished Inserts into 5/8" bore (06.25 ± 0.001") Ports Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Temp. Range 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F MTV-3 Part No. Inlet 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT 32° to 230°F MTV-3P 32° to 230°F MJTV-3 32° to 230°F MLV-3 TV-3S, TV-3SF Description 3-way, two position poppet valve, #10-32 NP brass toggle 3-way, two position poppet valve, 1/8" NPT NP brass toggle 3-way, two position poppet valve, 1/8" NPT Normally closed miniature limit valve 3-way, two position spool valve TV-3S: NP steel toggle TV-3SF: Plastic toggle Medium air, water, or oil air, water, or oil air, water, or oil air air Stem Travel 50° 50° 50° 1/8" 60° Input Pressure 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. 300 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max 150 PSIG max. Air Flow @50 PSIG - 4 SCFM @100 PSIG - 7 SCFM @50 PSIG - 4.0 SCFM @100 PSIG - 6.8 SCFM @50 PSIG - 14 SCFM @100 PSIG - 25 SCFM @50 PSIG - 4 SCFM @100 PSIG - 7 SCFM @50 PSIG - 4.5 SCFM @100 PSIG - 8.0 SCFM Force for Full Stem Travel 16 oz. nominal 16 oz. nominal 16 oz. nominal 48 oz. nominal 12 oz. nominal Mounting 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished Dual #20 holes or 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwasher furnish 5/32-32 thread; nut and 1 lockwashers furnished Ports Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 10-32 Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Temp. Range 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F Note: For conversion factors see page 54 27 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Miniature 3-Way Brass Control Valves SLV-3 Part No. FTV-3 FTV-3P FV-3 FV-3P Description 3-way, two position sleeve valve 3-way spool toggle actuated two position valve, #10-32 3-way spool toggle actuated two position valve, 1/8" NPT 3-way spool plunger actuated spring return valve, #10-32 3-way spool plunger actuated spring return valve, 1/8" NPT Medium air air air air air Stem Travel 1/8" 60° 60° 1/8" 1/8" Input Pressure 150 PSIG max. Vacuum to 150 PSIG max. Vacuum to 150 PSIG max. Vacuum to 150 PSIG max. Vacuum to 150 PSIG max. Air Flow @50 PSIG - 6.5 SCFM @100 PSIG - 11.8 SCFM 50 PSIG - 6 SCFM @ @100 PSIG - 10 SCFM @50 PSIG - 6.5 SCFM @100 PSIG - 10.5 SCFM @50 PSIG - 6 SCFM @100 PSIG - 10 SCFM @50 PSIG - 6.5 SCFM @100 PSIG - 10.5 SCFM Force for Full Stem Travel Force to actuate: approx. 2.5 lbs. 16 oz. nominal 16 oz. nominal 4-1/2 lb. nominal 4-1/2 lb. nominal Mounting Inline or direct fitting 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished Ports Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Exhaust - 10-32 Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT, Exhaust - 1/8" NPT Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Exhaust - 10-32 Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Exhaust - 1/8" NPT Temp. Range 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F Miniature 4-Way Brass Control Valves MAV-4 Part No. MAV-4D MJV-4 MTV-4, MTV-4F MTV-5 Description 4-way, two position spool valve, spring return, #10-32 4-way, two position spool valve, double acting, #10-32 4-way, two position spool valve, spring return, 1/8" NPT 4-way, two position spool valve MTV-4: NP Steel toggle MTV-4F: Plastic toggle 2 Position Fully-Ported spool valve NP steel toggle Medium air air air air air Stem Travel 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 60° 60° Input Pressure 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. Air Flow @50 PSIG - 5.0 SCFM @100 PSIG - 8.5 SCFM @50 PSIG - 5.0 SCFM @100 PSIG - 8.5 SCFM @50 PSIG - 8 SCFM @100 PSIG - 14 SCFM @50 PSIG - 6 SCFM @100 PSIG - 10 SCFM @50 PSIG - 6 SCFM @100 PSIG - 10 SCFM Force for Full Stem Travel 38 oz. nominal 12 oz. nominal 38 oz. nominal 12 oz. nominal 16 oz. nominal Mounting 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished. 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished. 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished. 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished. 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished Ports Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Inlet 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Exhaust - 10-32 Temp. Range 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F Note: For conversion factors see page 54 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 28 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Miniature 4-Way Brass Toggle Valves MJTV-4 Part No. MJTV-5 TV-4D TV-4DP TV-4MP Description 4-way, two position spool valve steel toggle 4-way, two position fully ported spool valve steel toggle 4-way, three position toggle valve detented, #10-32 4-way, three position toggle valve 1/8" NPT, detented 4-way, three position toggle valve, 1/8" NPT momentary Medium air air air air air Arc of Travel 60° 60° 35° 35° 35° Input Pressure 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. Air Flow @50 PSIG - 6.5 SCFM @100 PSIG - 10.5 SCFM @50 PSIG - 6.5 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 10.5 SCFM @50 PSIG - 4.5 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 7.5 SCFM @50 PSIG - 4.5 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 7.5 SCFM @50 PSIG - 4.5 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 7.5 SCFM Force for Full Stem Travel 12 oz. nominal 16 oz. nominal 8 oz. nominal 8 oz. nominal 8 oz. nominal Mounting 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished. 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32 8-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 5/8-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 5/8-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished Ports Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Inlet - #10-32 Outlet - #10-32 Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Temp. Range 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F Miniature 4-Way Stem Valves FV-4D Part No. FV-4DP FV-4P FV-5 FV-5P Description 4-way, two position double plunger valve #10-32 4-way, two position double plunger valve 1/8" NPT 4-way spool plunger actuated spring return valve 1/8" NPT 4-way spool plunger actuated spring return fully ported valve, #10-32 4-way spool plunger actuated spring return fully ported valve, 1/8" NPT Medium air air air air, oil air, oil Stem Travel 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" Input Pressure 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. Air Flow @50 PSIG - 6 SCFM @100 PSIG - 10 SCFM @50 PSIG - 6.5 SCFM @100 PSIG - 10 SCFM 50 PSIG - 6.5 SCFM @ @100 PSIG - 10 SCFM @50 PSIG - 6 SCFM @100 PSIG - 10 SCFM @50 PSIG - 6.5 SCFM @100 PSIG - 10.5 SCFM Force for Full Stem Travel 1-1/2 lb. nominal 1-1/2 lb. nominal 4-1/2 lb. nominal 4-1/2 lb. nominal 4-1/2 lb. nominal Mounting 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished Ports Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Exhaust - 10-32 Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Exhaust - 1/8" NPT Temp. Range 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F Note: For conversion factors see page 54 29 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Miniature Control Valves Flow Control Valves Shuttle Valves JFC-2A Part No. JFC-2B Description J-Series Shuttle Valve Medium air, water, or oil Pressure to shift 1 PSIG Input Pressure 300 PSIG max Air Flow @50 PSIG - 30 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 50 SCFM Inlet: 1/8" NPT male & 10-32 female Outlet: 1/8" NPT female Mounting Direct or inline Ports 1/8" NPT 32° to 230°F Temp. Range 32° to 230°F Description 1/8" NPT control Valves, Knurled Knob, Meter out 1/8" NPT control Valves, Knurled Knob, Meter in Medium air, water, oil air, water, oil Input Pressure 150 PSIG max 150 PSIG max Air Flow 11 SCFM @ 100 PSIG 11 SCFM @ 100 PSIG Mounting Direct Direct Ports Inlet: 1/8" NPT female Outlet: 1/8" NPT male & 10-32 female 32° to 230°F Temp. Range Needle Valves Pulse Valves MNV-4K Part No. JSV-2PFF Part No. PV-1 Check Valves PV-1P MCV-1 MCV-1AB Description Adjustable control 3° needle valves, #10-32 Miniature Pulse Valve 3-way N.O., #10-32 Miniature Pulse Valve 3-way N.O., 1/8" NPT Miniature brass poppet type check valve Miniature Brass poppet type check valve Medium air, water, or oil air air air or hydraulic air or hydraulic Cracks at approx. 1/2 PSIG Cracks at approx. 1/2 PSIG Pressure to open - - Input Pressure 300 PSIG max. Air Flow @100 PSIG - 0-5 SCFM Mounting Direct 1/8" NPT thread; nut furnished Ports Inlet - 10-32, Outlet - 10-32 Construction Brass body; stainless steel needle; Buna-N seal Exhaust Operation Flow restriction in both directions Flow direction Temp. Range 40 to 150 PSIG max. 300 PSIG max. 300 PSIG max. @50 PSIG - 6.5 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 11.5 SCFM @50 PSIG - 6.5 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 11.5 SCFM 1/8" NPT thread; nut furnished Direct or inline Direct or inline Inlet - 10-32 female & 1/8" male, Outlet - 10-32 female Inlet & Outlet - Combinations 10-32 female and 1/8" NPT male Inlet - 10-32 male Outlet - 10-32 female Inlet - 10-32 female Outlet - 10-32 male Body - brass, Seals Buna-N rubber, Spring - stainless steel, Poppet - Delrin® Body - brass, Seals Buna-N rubber, Spring - stainless steel, Poppet - Delrin® Body - brass, Seals Buna-N, Spring - stainless steel Body - brass, Seals Buna-N, Spring - stainless steel To atmosphere through hole To atmosphere through hole onverts a continuous C supply of inlet air into a pulse of approximately 100 milliseconds Converts a continuous supply of inlet air into a pulse of approximately 100 milliseconds Permits flow in one direction only Permits flow in one direction only Arrow on valve body indicates direction of flow Arrow on valve body indicates direction of flow 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 40 to 150 PSIG max. 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F Note: For conversion factors see page 54 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 30 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Miniature Control Valves Check Valves Pressure Regulators MCV-2 Part No. MJCV-1 MAR-1 Piston Valve MAR-1P MAR-1C Description Miniature check valve "duckbill" type Miniature poppet valve type check valve Adjustable self-relieving pressure regulator Adjustable self-relieving pressure regulator Plunger type pressure regulator Medium air air or hydraulic air air air Pressure to open Crack: 1 PSIG Fully Open: 2.5 PSIG Cracks at approx. 1/2 PSIG Fully Open: 2.5 PSIG Input Pressure 100 PSIG max. 300 PSIG max. Input: 300 PSIG max. Regulating pressure: 0-100 PSIG Input: 300 PSIG max. Regulating pressure: 0-100 PSIG Input: 300 PSIG max. Regulating pressure: 0-100 PSIG Air Flow @50 PSIG - 1 SCFM @50 PSIG - 20 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 36 SCFM @50 PSIG - 3 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 5 SCFM @50 PSIG - 3 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 5 SCFM @50 PSIG - 3 SCFM, @100 PSIG - 5 SCFM Mounting Direct or inline Direct or inline 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished 15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished Ports Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 1/8" NPT Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Inlet - 1/8" NPT Outlet - 10-32 Inlet - 10-32 Outlet - 10-32 Flow direction Arrow on valve body indicates direction of flow Arrow on valve body indicates direction of flow Temp. Range 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F 32° to 230°F Miniature Valves Actuators 11925 Part No. 12296 11916-1 11916-2 Description Roller cam follower actuator Roller, double-pivoted one way cam follower actuator Round solid brass ⁵⁄₈" dia. push button, 1/8" stem Round solid brass ⁵⁄₈" dia. push button, 3/16" stem Construction/ Use Stainless steel with nylon roller Stainless steel with nylon roller ounts directly on valve stem M for manual operation of valve; prevents overtravel of valve stem by providing a positive stop Mounts directly on valve stem for manual operation of valve; prevents overtravel of valve stem by providing a positive stop Temperature 32° to 230° F 32° to 230° F 32° to 230° F 32° to 230° F Mounting 31/64" dia. mounting hole fits 15/32-32 threaded mounting section of valve bodies 31/64" dia. mounting hole fits 15/32-32 threaded mounting section of valve bodies 1/8" dia. mounting hole fits valve stems; locks in place by set screw (Allen wrench furnished) 3/16" dia. mounting hole fits valve stems; locks in place by set screw (Allen wrench furnished) Operation Mounts to valve body, actuates valve when mechanically depressed; valve spring provides return Mounts to valve body, actuates valve when depressed by activating cam or linear travel device in one direction only; no actuation on return travel Note: Individually packaged or bulk quanities available Note: For conversion factors see page 54 31 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Miniature Valves Actuators MPA-3 MPA-3P Part No. MPA-5 MPA-5P MPA-7 MBA-1 MPA-10 MVA-10 Description Single acting spring return miniature air pilot actuator Single acting spring return miniature air pilot actuator Single acting spring return miniature air pilot actuator Ball cam actuator permits the valves and electrical switch to be operated by mechanical movement depressing the ball from any direction Single acting pilot, spring return actuator Single acting, spring vacuum actuator Mounting 15/32-32 female thread to mount to Clippard miniature valves and components 15/32-32 female thread to mount to Clippard miniature valves and components 15/32-32 female thread to mount to Clippard miniature valves and components 15/32-32 female to mount to Clippard miniature valves and electric switch 15/32-32 female thread to mount to Clippard Minimatic valves & components 15/32-32 female thread to mount to Clippard Minimatic valves & components Temp. Range 32° to 230° F 32° to 230° F 32° to 230° F 32° to 230° F Ports (MPA-3) #10-32; (MPA-3P) 1/8" NPT (MPA-5) #10-32; (MPA-5P) 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT Force Factor 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.2 Input Pressure 250 PSIG max. 250 PSIG max. 250 PSIG max. 150 PSIG max. Bore Size 0.375" 0.625" 0.825" 1.250" dia. Construction Body - Brass Springs - stainless steel Seals - Buna-N rubber Piston - Delrin® Body - brass Springs - stainless steel Seals - Buna-N rubber Piston - Delrin® Body - aluminum and brass Springs - stainless steel Seals - Buna-N rubber Piston - Delrin® Operation Body - brass Ball - stainless steel retained in housing Body - aluminum and brass Springs - stainless steel Seals - Buna-N rubber Piston - Delrin® 30 in. Hg vacuum Body - aluminum and brass Springs - stainless steel Seals - Buna-N rubber Piston - Delrin® Will actuate valve while depressed from any (360°) direction Electric Switch - ES-1 Single Pole, Double Throw Snap-Action Electrical Switch mounting holes for #6 screw 0.656 0.406 COMMON 1 0.125 stroke 1.937 NORMALLY OPEN NORMALLY CLOSED 0.250 0.468 0.562 0.906 1.562 Part No. : ES-1 0.687 0.781 15/32-32 thd. Stem Travel:1/8" Rating A.C.: 120 volts - 15 amps 240 volts - 15amps 480 volts - 15 amps Rating D.C.: 125 volts - 0.5 amps 250 volts - 0.25 amps Mounting: #15/32-32 thread; nut and lockwashers furnished, also two 0.140" dia. mounting holes in body Approvals: UL and CE Note: For conversion factors see page 54 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 32 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Miniature Brass Fittings Heavy Duty Limit Valves & Accessories LVA-2 LVA-3 LVAO-2 LVAO-3 11752-1 2-way poppet normally closed heavy duty air limit valve 3-way poppet normally closed heavy duty air limit valve .250 hex. 2-way poppet normally open heavy duty air limit valve 11752-2 10-32 to 1/16" ID Hose Fitting .437 .052 dia.-thru .250 hex. 11752-3 #10-32 thd. 10-32 to 1/8" ID Hose Fitting .109 dia.-thru .500 .156 10-32 thd. .250 hex. 1/8 I.D. hose barb 11755 10-32 Screw Plug #10-32 thd. Adjustable roller arm for Clippard heavy duty air limit valves Arm: Aluminum base with steel extendable arm Roller: Hardened steel Adjustment: 1.0 to 3.5 in. Temperature Range: 32° to 230°F Mounting: Slotted mounting clamp tightens onto limit valve with 5/32" hex wrench; may be positioned on limit valve shaft in any direction within a 360° circle. .156 .250 hex. .281 11999 AR-M .125 1/16 I.D. hose barb Roller actuator arm for Clippard heavy duty air limit valves #10-32 thd. 1/8 I.D. hose barb .090 dia.-thru Arm: Aluminum Roller: Hardened steel Temperature Range: 32° to 230°F Mounting: S lotted mounting clamp tightens onto limit valve with 5/32" hex wrench; may be positioned on limit valve shaft in any direction within a 360° circle. AR-L .156 .656 3-way poppet normally open heavy duty air limit valve Medium: Air Stem Travel: Actuator arm may move 50° in either direction Input Pressure: 300 PSIG max. Air Flow: @ 50 PSIG - 10 SCFM @ 100 PSIG - 19 SCFM Torque to Actuate: 3 in./lbs. Actuation Range: 0-23° Off, 23-50° On, Maximum travel 50° Temperature Range: 32° to 230° F Mounting: F our 13/64" dia. mounting holes provided in valve body for use with #10 screw, or for tapping 1/4-20 by customer. Ports: Inlet - 1/8-27 NPT, Outlet - 1/8-27 NPT, Exhaust - 1/8-27 NPT for convenience in porting away exhaust air or attaching muffler; it should not be restricted; exhaust port is not used on 2-ways. AR-K 10-32 to 1/8" ID Hose Fitting 10-32 Male Connector .250 hex. Adjustable rod actuator .156 .187 .156 for Clippard heavy duty air limit valves Arm: Steel 1/8” rod 13 inches long retained by screw clamp; the rod may be shortened and/or bent to desired shape. Mounting: S lotted aluminum mounting clamp may be positioned on limit valve shaft in any direction within a 360° circle. Temperature Range: 32° to 230°F .090 dia.-thru #10-32 thd. typ. Note: For conversion factors see page 54 33 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock Miniature Adaptor Fittings & Hose Miniature Brass Fittings 15002-1 15004 Adjustable "L" Fitting 10-32 Female Hex Coupling .250 hex. .468 .187 .312 hex. (All others available for Quick Ship) .343 .156 .500 .187 #10-32 thd. typ. .375 15002-2 #10-32 thd.-thru 2CPF "L" Fitting .250 15002-3 #10-32 thd. 1CJF "T" Fitting .250 .187 #10-32 thd. #10-32 thd. 4CQF "X" Fitting .156 #10-32 thd.-thru #10-32 thd.-typ #10-32 thd. Adjustable "T" Fitting .468 .187 .156 .625 .312 #10-32 thd. typ. .375 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks .562 .187 .250 .312 hex. 1/16-27 NPT 1/4" NPT to 10-32 Female Bushing .562 hex. .593 15002-6 NPT to 10-32 Female Bushing .312 hex. .156 15002-4 .375 sq. 1/8-27 NPT .468 .593 #10-32 thd.-thru .156 .156 #10-32 thd.-typ. .375 sq. .531 7/16 hex. .593 .375 sq. 10-32 Female Hex Coupling Note: For conversion factors see page 54 34 1/4-18 NPT = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Miniature Adaptor Fittings & Hose 4CQN Miniature Fittings / mufflers / manifold 15070 1/4" NPT to 1/8" Female Bushing #10-32 Muffler #10-32 thd. .562 .187 .562 hex. .312 dia. .156 .312 hex. .812 15010 Nickel plated brass body sintered, stainless steel muffler, 100 micron 1/4-18 NPT 1/8-27 NPT 15080 10-32 Extension Fitting Muffler 1/8-27 NPT .312 hex. .781 .156 .250 .562 hex. .437 #10-32 thd. typ. Solid brass body, stainless steel insert, 100 micron. .093 dia.-thru URH1-0804-X-X 0035-2 Polyurethane Hose 1/8" ID Screw Plug #10-32 thd. .125 dia. .250 dia. Colors available: Solid: black, brown, white, gray, orange Translucent: clear, blue, green red, yellow .125 Stainless steel screw plug Sold by foot, 50 ft or 500 ft rolls depending on colour E.g. URH1-0804-RDT-050 RDT = Red Translucent 050 = 50 ft roll URH1-0402-X-X MAN-12 12-Port Manifold clearance hole for #10 screw #10-32 thd.-typ. Polyurethane Hose 1/16" ID 1/8-27 NPT .625 dia. .187 .125 dia. 3/32 hex. .500 .500 .500 .625 .562 hex. 2 7/8 .062 dia. Machined from solid brass hex stock Colors available: Solid: black, brown, white, gray, orange Translucent: clear, blue, green red, yellow Sold by foot, 50 ft or 500 ft rolls depending on colour E.g. URH1-0402-RDT-050 RDT = Red Translucent 050 = 50 ft roll 35 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Fittings How to Order LF3000 Designation Tube Outside Diameter (O.D.) Imperial Thread Connection Metric Imperial Metric Additional Codes Type Description Style Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description Code 3000 3008 3009 3014 3018 3036 3049 3101 3102 3103 3104 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3112 3113 3114 3116 3118 3120 3121 3122 3126 3129 3131 3132 3133 3136 3139 3140 3142 3143 3144 3146 3148 3149 3156 3158 3159 3166 3168 3169 3171 3175 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3188 3192 3193 3198 3199 3304 3305 3306 3310 3315 3330 Disconnection Tool Female Branch Tee Female Elbow-Imperial Straight Female Connector-Imperial Banjo Female Bulkhead Connector-Imperial Twin Banjo Male Connector Union Elbow Male Run Tee-Imperial Tee Union Cross Male Branch Tee Male Elbow Caps-manual release button Double Y Male 45 Degree Male Elbow Straight Female Connector-Metric Bulkhead Union Banjo Double Male Union Male Standpipe-Inch Barbed Connector Plug Extended Male Elbow Male Standpipe-Metric Double Y Male 45 Degree Male Elbow Female Bulkhead Connector-Metric Bulkhead Elbow Y Connector Plug-in Y Expander Double Y Connector Mixed Bulkhead Connector Y Male-Imperial Twin Banjo Plug-in Bulkhead Connector Y Male-Metric Oscillating Compact Elbow Reducer Plug-in Multiple Y Extended Male Elbow Male Straight Connector Male Straight Connector 45 Degree Plug-in Elbow Male Straight Connector Plug-in Elbow Plug-in Run Tee Extended Plug-in Elbow Plug-in Tee Female Elbow-Metric Male Run Tee-Metric Male Branch Tee Male Elbow Multiple Tee Accessories Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Banjo Bulkhead Connector Fittings Banjo Threaded Fittings Tube to Tube Threaded Fittings Tube to Tube Tube to Tube Manifold Connections Threaded Threaded Fittings Accessories Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Bulkhead Connector Fittings Banjo Plug-in Accessories Threaded Fittings Plug-in Accessories Plug-in Accessories Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Bulkhead Connector Fittings Bulkhead Connector Fittings Tube to Tube Plug-in Accessories Plug-in Accessories Tube to Tube Bulkhead Connector Fittings Threaded Fittings Banjo Bulkhead Connector Fittings Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Plug-in Accessories Plug-in Accessories Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Plug-in Fittings Threaded Fittings Plug-in Fittings Plug-in Fittings Plug-in Fittings Plug-in Fittings Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Threaded Fittings Manifold Connections Manifold Connections Manifold Connections Manifold Connections Manifold Connections Accessories 53 4 55 56 8 60 62 1/8" tube 5/32" tube 3/16" tube 1/4" tube 5/16" tube 3/8" tube 1/2" tube 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 3mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 8mm 10mm 12mm 14mm 16mm 8 11 14 18 22 1/16" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/4" NPT 3/8" NPT 1/2" NPT 10 13 17 21 1/8" BSP 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 20 10/32 UNFthread 9 19 55 M3 Thread M5 Thread M7 Thread Monobloc manifold c/w threaded or LF3000 ports Double Multiple Tee Manifold c/w LF3000 Push to Connect ports-Metric Manifold c/w LF3000 Push to Connect ports-Imperial Caps-manual release button Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks Description Part Number Identification LF For example Male Straight Connector 1/4" tube x 1/4"NPT Designation Tube Outside Diameter Thread Connection 3155 56 14 Fittings, Valves, Tubing & Accessories For Industrial & Transportation Applications LF3000 - composite push-to-connect fittings Composite fitting for pneumatic applications Function Valves - flow regulators for pneumatic application Compact, user-friendly and meet today's industrial needs perfectly LF3200 - nickel plated brass push-to-connect fittings Suitable for compressed air. The fitting is designed to perform in harsh or abusive environments LF3600 - nickel plated brass with viton seal push-to-connect fittings Maybe used with all liquid and gaseous fluids. All materials, seals and plating can come in contact with food LF3800 - stainless steel push-to-connect fittings Offers excellent resistance to aggressive environments and fluids LF3800 - stainless steel push-to-connect fittings Offers excellent resistance to aggressive environments and fluids C900 - safety coupler Used for any application where safety, durability and performance are demanded DOT - composite push-to-connect fittings Meets all applicable requirements of DOT FMVSS §571.106 specifications Blowguns - standard, versatile, safety Wide range of interchangeable nozzles. Progressive trigger action Brass Pipe Fittings Offers the maximum number of direct fitting alternatives with the minimum number of components Silencers Complete range of silencers Threaded Plugs - brass, stainless steel Large and diversified offering Tubing - nylon, polyurethane Comprehensive range suitable for most applications Ball Valves - brass, stainless steel Provides a reliable means of opening and closing fluid systems Axial Valves Compact, high performance and straightforward reliable installation 36 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Fittings Tube to Tube Fittings 3106 ØD in 1/8 5/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 ØD mm 6 10 12 3102 3106 union - fractional inch and metric tube to tube ØD1 in 1/8 1/4 3/8 3/8 ØD1 mm 4 6 6 8 12 Part No. 3106 53 00 3106 04 00 3106 56 00 3106 08 00 3106 60 00 3106 62 00 Part No. 3106 06 00 3106 10 00 3106 12 00 3102 union elbow - fractional inch and metric tube to tube ØD in 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 ØD mm 4 6 8 10 unequal union - fractional inch and metric tube to tube Part No. 3106 53 56 3106 56 08 3106 60 56 3106 60 62 Part No. 3106 04 06 3016 06 08 3016 06 10 3016 08 10 3016 12 14 unequal union elbow - fractional inch and metric tube to tube ØD1 in 1/8 Part No. 3102 53 00 3102 56 00 3102 60 00 3102 62 00 Part No. 3102 04 00 3102 06 00 3102 08 00 3102 10 00 ØD2 in 1/4 5/16 1/4 1/2 ØD2 mm 6 8 10 10 14 ØD2 in 1/4 3104 tee - fractional inch and metric tube to tube ØD in 1/8 5/32 1/4 3/8 1/2 ØD mm 6 8 10 12 3140 Part No. 3102 53 56 3104 Part No. 3104 53 00 3104 04 00 3104 56 00 3104 60 00 3104 62 00 Part No. 3104 06 00 3104 08 00 3104 10 00 3104 14 00 unequal tee - fractional in and metric tube to tube ØD1 in ØD2 in Part No. 5/32 1/4 3104 04 56 1/4 1/8 3104 56 53 1/4 5/32 3104 56 04 1/4 3/8 3104 56 60 1/2 1/4 3104 62 56 1/2 3/8 3104 62 60 ØD1 mm ØD2 mm Part No. 6 4 3104 06 04 "Y" - fractional inch and metric tube to tube ØD in Part No. 5/32 3140 04 00 1/4 3140 56 00 5/16 3140 08 00 3/8 3140 60 00 ØD mm Part No. 4 3140 04 00 6 3140 06 00 8 3140 08 00 Threaded Fittings Bulkhead Connector Fittings 3014 3116 straight female connector - fractional inch tube to NPT ØD in 1/8 1/8 5/32 5/32 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 3109 3109 NPT 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 3/8 3/8 Part No. 3014 53 11 3014 53 14 3014 04 11 3014 04 14 3014 56 11 3014 56 14 3014 60 11 3014 60 14 3014 60 18 3014 62 18 ØD in 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 ØD mm 4 6 8 10 12 3036 male elbow - fractional inch tube to NPT or UNF ØD in 5/32 5/32 5/16 5/16 5/16 NPT 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 3/8 Part No. 3109 04 11 3109 04 14 3109 08 11 3109 08 14 3109 08 18 3156 BSPT R1/8 R1/4 R1/8 R1/4 R1/8 R1/4 Part No. 3109 04 10 3109 04 13 3109 06 10 3109 06 13 3109 08 10 3109 08 13 Part No. 3116 56 00 3116 08 00 3116 60 00 3116 62 00 Part No. 3116 04 00 3116 06 00 3116 08 00 3116 10 00 3116 12 00 female bulkhead connector - fractional inch tube to NPT ØD1 in 1/8 5/32 1/4 1/4 male elbow - metric tube to male BSPT ØD mm 4 4 6 6 8 8 union - fractional inch and metric tube to tube ØD2 in 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 Part No. 3036 53 11 3036 04 11 3036 56 11 3036 56 14 plug-in bulkhead union connector - fractional inch tube to tube ØD1 in 1/4 3/8 Part No. 3156 56 00 3156 60 00 Note: Other combinations available. Please see "How to Order" Legris Fittings - page 36 and contact Wainbee Customer Service at 1-888-924-6233 for stock availability. 37 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Threaded Fittings 3113 3108 45° male elbow - metric tube to male BSPT 3171 3181 male connector - fractional inch and metric tube to UNF or M7 male connector - tube to NPT or BSPT ØD mm BSPT Part No. ØD in UNF/M7 Part No. ØD IN NPT Part No. 6 R1/8 3113 06 10 1/8 10-32 3171 53 20 1/8 1/8 3175 53 11 8 R1/8 3113 08 10 5/32 10-32 3171 04 20 1/8 1/4 3175 53 14 8 R3/8 3113 08 17 1/4 10-32 3171 56 20 5/32 1/8 3175 04 11 12 R1/4 3113 12 13 1/4 M7 3181 56 55 5/32 1/4 3175 04 14 3/16 1/8 3175 55 11 3/16 1/4 3175 55 14 1/4 1/8 3175 56 11 1/4 1/4 3175 56 14 1/4 3/8 3175 56 18 5/16 1/8 3175 08 11 5/16 1/4 3175 08 14 5/16 3/8 3175 08 18 3/8 1/8 3175 60 11 3/8 1/4 3175 60 14 3/8 3/8 3175 60 18 3/8 1/2 3175 60 22 1/2 1/4 3175 62 14 1/2 3/8 3175 62 18 1/2 1/2 3175 62 22 ØD mm BSPT Part No. 4 R1/8 3175 04 10 4 R1/4 3175 04 13 6 R1/8 3175 06 10 6 R1/4 3175 06 13 6 R3/8 3175 06 17 6 R1/2 3175 06 21 8 R1/8 3175 08 10 8 R1/4 3175 08 13 8 R3/8 3175 08 17 8 R1/2 3175 08 21 10 R1/4 3175 10 13 10 R3/8 3175 10 17 12 R3/8 3175 12 17 male branch tee - tube to NPT 3103 male run tee - fractional inch tube to tube to male NPT ØD in NPT Part No. ØD in NPT Part No. 1/8 1/8 3108 53 11 5/32 1/8 3103 04 11 5/32 1/8 3108 04 11 1/4 1/8 3103 56 11 5/32 1/4 3108 04 14 1/4 1/4 3103 56 14 1/4 1/8 3108 56 11 5/16 1/4 3103 08 14 1/4 1/4 3108 56 14 3/8 1/4 3103 60 14 1/4 3/8 3108 56 18 3/8 3/8 3103 60 18 5/16 1/8 3108 08 11 5/16 1/4 3108 08 14 3/8 1/8 3108 60 11 3/8 1/4 3108 60 14 ØD in NPT Part No. 3/8 3/8 3108 60 18 1/4 1/8 3148 56 11 3/8 1/2 3108 60 22 1/4 1/4 3148 56 14 1/2 1/4 3108 62 14 3/8 1/4 3148 60 14 1/2 1/2 3108 62 22 3148 "Y" male - tube to NPT Plug-in Accessories 3166 3175 reducer - fractional inch and metric 3126 plug - fractional inch and metric ØD in ØD2 in Part No. ØD in Part No. 1/8 5/32 3166 53 04 1/8 3126 53 00 1/8 1/4 3166 53 56 5/32 3126 04 00 5/32 1/4 3166 04 56 3/16 3126 55 00 1/4 5/16 3166 56 08 1/4 3126 56 00 1/4 3/8 3166 56 60 5/16 3126 08 00 3/8 1/2 3166 60 62 3/8 3126 60 00 ØD1 mm ØD2mm Part No. 1/2 3126 62 00 4 6 3166 04 06 ØD mm Part No. 4 8 3166 04 08 4 3126 04 00 4 10 3166 04 10 6 3126 06 00 6 8 3166 06 08 8 3126 08 00 6 10 3166 06 10 10 3126 10 00 6 14 3166 06 14 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 38 Note: Other combinations available. Please see "How to Order" Legris Fittings on page 36 and contact Wainbee Customer Service 1-888-924-6233 or salesinfo@wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Brass Body Push-in Tube Fittings 62PLPBH Bulkhead Union (brass) Tube size (in.) W68PLP Male Connector (brass) Part No. 1/8 62PLPBH-2 5/32 62PLPBH-5/32 1/4 62PLPBH-4 5/16 62PLPBH-5 3/8 62PLPBH-6 1/2 62PLPBH-8 66PLP Female Connector (brass) Tube size (in.) 1/8 Pipe thread (NPTF) 1/8 3/16 1/8 66PLP-3-2 5/32 1/8 66PLP-5/32-2 5/32 1/4 66PLP-5/32-4 1/4 1/8 66PLP-4-2 1/4 1/4 66PLP-4-4 5/16 1/8 66PLP-5-2 5/16 1/4 66PLP-5-4 3/8 1/4 66PLP-6-4 3/8 3/8 66PLP-6-6 Part No. 66PLP-2-2 Tube size (in.) 1/8 Pipe thread (NPTF) 1/16 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 3/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/32 1/16 5/32 1/8 5/32 1/4 1/4 1/16 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/8 5/16 1/8 5/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/8 3/8 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/32 1/4-28 Part No. W68PLP-2-1 W68PLP-2-2 W68PLP-2-4 W68PLP-3-2 W68PLP-3-4 W68PLP-5/32-1 W68PLP-5/32-2 W68PLP-5/32-4 W68PLP-4-1 W68PLP-4-2 W68PLP-4-4 W68PLP-4-6 W68PLP-5-2 W68PLP-5-4 W68PLP-5-6 W68PLP-6-2 W68PLP-6-4 W68PLP-6-6 W68PLP-6-8 W68PLP-8-4 W68PLP-8-6 W68PLP-8-8 68PLP-5/32-4LT* * SAE-LT Threads 66PLPBH Female Bulkhead (brass) Tube size (in.) 5/32 Pipe thread (NPTF) 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 68PLP Male Connector 10-32 (brass) Tube size (in.) 1/8 Part No. 66PLPBH-5/32-4 66PLPBH-4-4 66PLPBH-6-6 66PLPBH-8-6 62PLP Union (brass) Tube size (in.) 1/8 5/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks Part No. 62PLP-2 62PLP-5/32 62PLP-4 62PLP-5 62PLP-6 62PLP-8 39 Thread size 10-32 5/32 10-32 1/4 10-32 Part No. 68PLP-2-0 68PLP-5/32-0 68PLP-4-0 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Brass Body Push-in Tube Fittings W169PLP Male Elbow Swivel (brass) Tube size (in.) 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 3/16 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 Pipe thread (NPTF) 1/16 1/8 10-32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/8 1/4 10-32 1/16 1/8 1/4 3/8 10-32 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/4 3/8 1/2 164PLP Union Tee (brass) Tube size (in.) Part No. W169PLP-2-1 W169PLP-2-2 169PLP-2-0* W169PLP-2-4 W169PLP-3-2 W169PLP-5/32-1 W169PLP-5/32-2 W169PLP-5/32-4 169PLP-5/32-0* W169PLP-4-1 W169PLP-4-2 W169PLP-4-4 W169PLP-4-6 169PLP-4-0* W169PLP-5-2 W169PLP-5-4 W169PLP-6-2 W169PLP-6-4 W169PLP-6-6 W169PLP-6-8 W169PLP-8-4 W169PLP-8-6 W169PLP-8-8 Tube size (in.) 1/8 3/16 5/32 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 165PLP Union Elbow (brass) Tube size (in.) 1/8 5/32 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 Part No. W169PLPNS Male Elbow 90° (brass) Tube size (in.) 1/8 5/32 5/32 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/32 Pipe thread (NPTF) 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/4-28 Part No. Part No. W172PLP-2-2 W172PLP-3-2 W172PLP-5/32-2 W172PLP-4-2 W172PLP-4-4 W172PLP-4-6 W172PLP-5-2 W172PLP-5-4 W172PLP-6-4 W172PLP-6-6 W172PLP-8-4 W172PLP-8-6 W172PLP-8-8 Pipe thread (NPTF) 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 Part No. W171PLP-2-2 W171PLP-5/32-2 W171PLP-4-2 W171PLP-4-4 W171PLP-4-6 W171PLP-5-2 W171PLP-5-4 W171PLP-6-4 W171PLP-6-6 W171PLP-8-6 W171PLP-8-8 639PLP Plug W169PLPNS-2-2 W169PLPNS5/32-2 W169PLPNS5/32-4 W169PLPNS-4-2 W169PLPNS-4-4 W169PLPNS-5-2 W169PLPNS-5-4 W169PLPNS-6-4 W169PLPNS-6-6 W169PLPNS-6-8 W169PLPNS-8-6 W169PLPNS-8-6 169PLPNS532-4LT* Tube size (in.) 1/8 5/32 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 * SAE-LT Threads Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks Pipe thread (NPTF) 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 W171PLP Male Run Tee Swivel (brass) 165PLP-2 165PLP-5/32 165PLP-3 165PLP-4 165PLP-5 165PLP-6 165PLP-8 1/8 5/32 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 164PLP-2 164PLP-3 164PLP-5/32 164PLP-4 164PLP-5 164PLP-6 164PLP-8 W172PLP Male Branch Tee Swivel (brass) * 10-32 seal is neoprene Tube size (in.) Part No. 1/8 3/16 5/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 40 Part No. 639PLP-2 639PLP-5/32 639PLP-3 639PLP-4 639PLP-5 639PLP-6 639PLP-8 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Brass Fittings 215PN Close Nipple Pipe thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 207P Coupling Part No. 215PN-2 215PN-4 215PN-6 215PN-8 215PN-12 216P Hex Nipple Pipe Thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 Pipe Thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 220P Slotted-Head Plug C-Hex Part No. 9/16 3/4 7/8 1-1/16 1-3/8 207P-2 207P-4 207P-6 207P-8 207P-12 208P Reducer Coupling C-Hex Part No. 7/16 9/16 11/16 7/8 1-1/16 216P-2 216P-4 216P-6 216P-8 216P-12 216P Hex Nipple Reducer Pipe NPT 1/4 x 1/8 3/8 x 1/8 3/8 x 1/4 1/2 x 1/4 1/2 x 3/8 3/4 x 1/2 C-Hex Part No. 1/4 x 1/8 3/8 x 1/4 1/2 x 1/4 1/2 x 3/8 3/4 x 3/8 3/4 x 1/2 3/4 7/8 1-1/16 1-1/16 1-3/8 1-3/8 208P-4-2 208P-6-4 208P-8-4 208P-8-6 208P-12-6 208P-12-8 222P Adapter Part No. 216P-4-2 216P-6-2 216P-6-4 216P-8-4 216P-8-6 216P-12-8 215PNL Long Nipple Pipe thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 Pipe Thread NPT Part No. 215PNL-2-15 215PNL-4-15 215PNL-6-15 215PNL-8-15 215PNL-2-20 215PNL-4-20 215PNL-6-20 215PNL-8-20 215PNL-2-25 215PNL-4-25 215PNL-6-25 215PNL-8-25 215PNL-2-30 215PNL-4-30 215PNL-6-30 215PNL-8-30 215PNL-2-35 215PNL-4-35 215PNL-6-35 215PNL-8-35 Pipe Thread NPT C-Hex Part No. 1/8 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/8 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 3/8 1/2 x 1/4 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 1/2 3/4 x 3/8 3/4 x 1/2 3/4 x 3/4 9/16 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1-1/16 1-1/16 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 222P-2-2 222P-4-2 222P-4-4 222P-6-2 222P-6-4 222P-6-6 222P-8-4 222P-8-6 222P-8-8 222P-12-6 222P-12-8 222P-12-12 Pipe Thread NPT C-Hex Part No. 1/8 x 1/4 1/8 x 3/8 1/4 x 3/8 1/8 x 1/2 1/4 x 1/2 3/8 x 1/2 1/8 x 3/4 1/4 x 3/4 3/8 x 3/4 1/2 x 3/4 1/2 x 1 3/4 x 1 9/16 11/16 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 209P-4-2 209P-6-2 209P-6-4 209P-8-2 209P-8-4 209P-8-6 209P-12-2 209P-12-4 209P-12-6 209P-12-8 209P-16-8 209P-16-12 Part No. 220P-2 220P-4 220P-6 219P Countersunk Hex-Head Plug Pipe thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 C Hex 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 9/16 Part No. 219P-2 219P-4 219P-6 219P-8 219P-12 218P Hex-Head Plug Pipe thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 C Hex 7/16 9/16 11/16 7/8 1-1/16 Part No. 218P-2 218P-4 218P-6 218P-8 218P-12 C Hex 9/16 11/16 13/16 1-1/16 1-1/4 Part No. 213P-2 213P-4 213P-6 213P-8 213P-12 213P Cap Pipe thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 209P Bushing 210P Lock Nut Pipe NPSL 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 Quick link to : Table of Contents Pipe thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 C Hex 11/16 7/8 1 1-1/8 41 Part No. 210P-2 210P-4 210P-6 210P-8 1204P Male Elbow Pipe thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 Part No. 1204P-2 1204P-4 1204P-6 1204P-8 1200P-2200P 90° Union Elbow Pipe thread NPT 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 Part No. 1200P-2-2 2200P-2-2 1200P-4-4 2200P-4-4 1200P-6-6 2200P-6-6 2200P-8-8 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Brass Fittings 1202P-2202P 90° Street Elbow Female Pipe thread (NPT) 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 Male Pipe Thread (NPT) 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/8 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 Part No. 1202P-2-2 2202P-2-2 2202PA-2-2* 2202P-4-2 1202P-4-4 2202P-4-4 2202PA-4-4* 2202P-4-6 1202P-6-4 1202P-6-6 2202P-6-6 2202PA-6-6* * Meets SAE Dimensions 2214P 45° Street Elbow Pipe thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 Part No. 2214P-2-2 2214P-4-4 2214P-6-6 2214P-8-8 2201P 45° Female Elbow Pipe thread NPT 1/8 Part No. 2201P-2-2 2205P Cross Pipe thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 Part No. 2205P-2 2205P-4 2205P-6 2205P-8 2205P-12 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/4 Pipe thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 Part No. 2224P-2 2224P-4 2224P-6 2224P-8 2224P-12 2225P Street Tee Pipe thread NPT 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 Part No. 2225P-2 2225P-4 2225P-6 2225P-8 2225P-12 129HB 90° Elbow Hose Barb to Male Pipe Hose I.D. (in) 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/4 Pipe thread (NPT) 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/4 3/8 1/4 Part No. 129HB-4-2 129HB-4-4 129HB-5-2 129HB-5-4 129HB-6-2 129HB-6-4 129HB-6-6 129HB-8-4 129HB-8-6 129HB-12-12 139HB 45° Elbow Hose Barb to Male Pipe Hose I.D. (in) 1/4 1/4 3/8 Pipe thread (NPT) 1/8 1/4 1/4 Part No. 139HB-4-2 139HB-4-4 139HB-6-4 122HBL Hose Mender 1203P-2203P Union Tee Pipe thread NPT 2224P Male Branch Tee Part No. 1203P-2 2203P-2 1203P-4 2203P-4 2203P-6 1203P-8 2203P-8 2203P-12 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks Hose size Part No. 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 122HB-3 122HBL-4 122HBL-5 122HBL-6 122HBL-8 42 125HB/125HBL Coupler Hose Barb to Male Pipe Hose I.D. (in) 1/8 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 1 1 Pipe (NPT) Part No. 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/8 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 125HB-2-2 125HB-3-2 125HB-3-4 125HBL-4-2 125HBL-4-4 125HBL-4-6 125HBL-5-2 125HBL-5-4 125HBL-5-6 125HBL-6-2 125HBL-6-4 125HBL-6-6 125HBL-6-8 125HBL-8-4 125HBL-8-6 125HBL-8-8 125HBL-8-12 125HBL-10-6 125HBL-10-8 125HBL-10-12 125HBL-12-8 125HBL-12-12 125HBL-16-12 125HBL-16-16 126HB Coupler Hose Barb to Female Pipe Hose I.D. (in) 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 Pipe thread (NPT) 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 Part No. 126HBL-4-2 126HBL-4-4 126HBL-5-4 126HBL-6-2 126HBL-6-4 126HBL-6-6 126HBL-8-6 126HBL-8-8 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Pneumatic Quick Coupling - Industrial Interchange Female Pipe Thread Body Size (inch) Part No. Brass Part No. Steel Male Pipe Thread Part No. Stainles Steel (303) Thread Size NPFT Body Size (inch) Part No. Brass Part No. Steel Part No. Stainles Steel (303) Thread Size NPFT 1/4 – H1C – 1/8-27 1/4 – H0C – 1/8-27 1/4 BH3C H3C SH3C 1/4-18 1/4 BH2C H2C SH2C 1/4-18 1/4 – H3C-E SH3C-E 3/8-18 1/4 – H2C-E SH2C-E 3/8-18 3/8 – H1E – 1/4-18 3/8 – H00E – 1/8-27 3/8 BH3E H3E – 3/8-18 3/8 BH2E H0E – 1/4-18 3/8 – H3E-F – 1/2-14 3/8 – H2E – 3/8-18 1/2 – H1F – 3/8-18 3/8 1/2 BH3F H3F – 1/2-14 1/2 – H0F – 3/8-18 1/2 – H3F-G – 3/4-14 1/2 BH2F H2F – 1/2-14 3/4 – H3G-F – 1/2-14 1/2 – H2F-G – 3/4-14 3/4 – H3G – 3/4-14 3/4 – H2G-F – 1/2-14 3/4 – H3G-J – 1-11 1/2 3/4 BH2G H2G – 3/4-14 3/4 – H2G-J – 1-11 1/2 Standard Hose Barb Body Size (inch) Part No. Brass Part No. Steel 1/2-14 Push-Lok Hose Barb* Part No. Stainles Steel (303) Body Size (inch) Thread Size Hose I.D. 1/4 – H8C – 1/4 1/4 – – SH8C 1/4 1/4 – H8C-D – 5/16 1/4 – H9C SH9C 3/8 3/8 – H5E – 3/8 3/8 – H6E – 1/2 1/2 – H4F – 3/8 1/2 – H5F – 1/2 1/2 – H5F-G – 3/4 3/4 – H5G-F – 1/2 3/4 BH5G H5G – 3/4 3/4 – H5G-J – 1 Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks H2E-F Part No. Brass Part No. Steel Thread Size Hose I.D. 1/4 BH8CP H8CP 1/4 1/4 – H9CP 3/8 3/8 – H4EP 1/4 3/8 – H5EP 3/8 3/8 – H6EP 1/2 1/2 – H4FP 3/8 1/2 – H5FP 1/2 1/2 – H6FP 5/8 * Push-Lok hose barb are designed for use with Parker Push-Lok hose and do not require clamps. 46 Quick link to : Table of Contents = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Pneumatic Quick Coupling - Industrial Interchange Couplers - Female Pipe Thread Body Size (inch) Part No. Brass Part No. Steel Part No. Stainles Steel (303) Couplers - Male Pipe Thread Thread Size NPFT Body Size (inch) Part No. Brass Part No. Steel Part No. Stainles Steel (303) Thread Size NPFT 1/4 B23A – – 1/8-27 1/4 B22A – – 1/8-27 1/4 B23 – S23 1/4-18 1/4 B22 – S22 1/4-18 1/4 B23E – – 3/8-18 1/4 B22E – – 3/8-18 3/8 – 25C – 1/4-18 3/8 – 24C – 1/4-18 3/8 B25 25 – 3/8-18 3/8 B24 24 – 3/8-18 3/8 – 25F – 1/2-14 3/8 – 24F – 1/2-14 1/2 – 17E – 3/8-18 1/2 – 16E – 3/8-18 1/2 B17 17 – 1/2-14 1/2 B16 16 – 1/2-14 1/2 – 17G – 3/4-14 1/2 – 16G – 3/4-14 Couplers - Standard Hose Barb Body Size (inch) Part No. Brass Part No. Steel Couplers - Push-Lok Hose Barb* Body Size (inch) Hose I.D. Part No. Brass Part No. Steel Hose I.D. 1/4 B20-3B – 1/4 1/4 B20-3BP – 1/4 1/4 B20-4B – 5/16 1/4 B20-4BP – 3/8 1/4 B20-5B – 3/8 3/8 – 24-5BP 3/8 3/8 – 24-5B 3/8 1/2 – 16-5BP 3/8 3/8 – 24-6B 1/2 1/2 – 16-6BP 1/2 1/2 – 16-5B 3/8 1/2 – 16-6B 1/2 1/2 – 16-7B 3/4 Quick link to : Table of Contents * Push-Lok hose barb are designed for use with Parker Push-Lok hose and do not require clamps. 46-A Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Hose Clamps 2-Ear Clamps • robust, durable one-piece design offers positive, tamper resistant seal • for air and fluid media lines • one-piece design offers quick and easy installation • smooth edges prevent damage to hose Hose OD Part No. Hose OD Part No. 5/32" 10100000 13/16" 10100029 11/64" 10100001 7/8" 10100030 3/16" 10100002 15/16" 10100032 1/4" 10100004 1" 10100034 5/16" 10100008 1-1/16" 10100035 3/8" 10100011 1-1/8" 10100037 1/2" 9/16" 10100016 10100019 1-5/16" 1-7/8" 10100041 10100043 19/32" 10100022 1/1/2" 10100045 5/8" 10100024 1-5/8"" 10100047 3/4" 10100027 1-3/4 10100049 Hose Clamps 178 Constant Tension Clamp Part No. HS Worm Gear Clamp 178 Constant Tension Clamp • self-tensioning spring reacts to thermal cycle diameter changes to maintain a strong uniform seal to prevent leakage • its precise tongue-in-groove (stepless) design provides a smooth inner band circumference with no steps or gaps which guarantees a 360° uninterrupted seal • slim, light weight, strong, all stainless steel • conform with: SAE J1508 type SSPC, TMC RP332 type SSPC • rounded edged bandsteel prevents damage to hose • multiple diameter settings • 178 constant tension Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 17800120 Diameter Range (inches) Min - Max .688 - .938 17800121 .188 -1.000 17800122 .875 - 1.125 17800123 HS Worm Gear Clamp Re-usable sealing clamp for air, gas and liquid conveying systems. May be tightened by wrench or screwdriver. Part No. Hose OD Range Minimum Hose OD Range Maximum Nominal Hose OD MH-4 7/32" 5/8" 1/4" 1.000 - 1.188 MH-6 3/8" 4/8" 3/8" 17800124 1.063 - 1.250 12600374 9/16" 15/16" 1/2" 17800125 1.188 - 1.438 12600375 9/16" 1-1/16" 5/8" 17800126 1.375 - 1.563 17800127 1.500 - 1.750 12600377 11/16" 1-1/2" 1" 17800128 1.688 - 1.938 12600379 1-1/8" 2-1/16" 1-1/2" 17800129 1.875 - 2.125 12600381 1-11/16" 2-5/8" 2" 17800130 1.938 - 2.375 12600383 2-1/8" 3" 2-1/2" 17800131 2.125 - 2.563 17800132 2.313 - 2.750 17800133 2.520 - 2.953 17800134 2.750 - 3.125 17800135 2.938 - 3.313 17800136 3.125 - 3.500 17800137 3.313 - 3.750 17800138 3.500 - 3.938 17800139 3.688 - 4.125 17800140 3.875 - 4.313 17800141 4.125 - 4.500 17800142 4.313 - 4.688 17800143 4.500 - 4.938 17800144 4.688 - 5.125 17800145 4.875 - 5.313 17800146 5.063 - 5.500 44 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Blow Guns Lever Operated Handy-Air ™ Blow Guns • Inlet pressure: 150 PSIG maximum • Temperature: 32° - 180°F • Flow: Safety tip - 19.8CFM@100 PSIG; Standard tip - 9.3 CFM@100 PSIG • Body: diecast zinc • Seal: Buna-N • Inlet: 1/4" FPT Part No. BG2L-30STP Pressed safety tip BG2L-30STT Threaded safety tip Safety Blow Guns BG Series • Easy to control variable flow pistol grip trigger. • Nozzles available that meet OSHA requirements. • Lightweight ergonomic design. • Bodies are constructed of impact resistant plastic. • Rated pressure: 175 psi • Temperature range: to 120°F • Inlet port: 1/4" NPTF O.S.H.A. Certification — All safety blow guns conform to the requirements of Compressed Air Standards as currently described in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Standards, paragraph 1910.242, when pressurized at the inlet to a maximum of 100 PSIG. Conform to current O.S.H.A. Directive No. 100-1. Brass Nozzle Blow Guns Contoured lever or button control both provide a natural, comfortable grip even when used with gloves. Finger guard and hang-up hook for finger protection and quick safe storage. Die cast zinc body, painted finish. Part. No. Nozzle Meets OSHA Requirements BG441-NBL Extended No Part. No. Nozzle Meets OSHA Requirements BG442-SBL Extended Yes Part. No. Nozzle Meets OSHA Requirements BG443-NBL ¹⁄₈" Female NPT No Part. No. Nozzle Meets OSHA Requirements BG444-SBL Short Yes Lever Operated Part No. 00475 0010 Inlet Port SCFM Rating* 1/4" 20 Button Operated Part No. 00470 0010 Inlet Port SCFM Rating* 1/4" 20 * Based on 100 PSIG inlet pressure Quick link to : Table of Contents 45 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Push-Lok Hose & Push-Lok 82 Series - JIC 801 Push-Lok Hose Plus Multipurpose Available Cover Colors: Application: Pneumatic, petroleum base hydraulic fluid, lubricating oils and antifreeze solutions. Diesel fuel - approved only when coupled with HY Series fittings. Inner Tube: Synthetic rubber Reinforcement: One fiber braid Cover: Synthetic rubber, MSHA accepted # Hg Hose I.D. Hose O.D. Working Pressure Part No. Minimum Bend Radius Weight inches of Hg kPa 0,13 28 95 inch mm inch mm psi MPa inch mm lbs/ft kg/m 801-4 ¹⁄₄ 6,3 0.50 12,7 350 2,4 2-1/2 65 0.09 801-6 ³⁄₈ 10 0.63 15,9 350 2,4 3 75 0.11 0,16 28 95 Temperature Range: 801-8 ¹⁄₂ 12,5 0.78 19,8 300 2,1 5 125 0.18 0,27 28 95 Air: +158°F (+70°C) Water: +185°F (+85°C) Oil: -40°F to 257°F (-40°C to +125°C) 801-10 ⁵⁄₈ 16 0.91 23,0 300 2,1 6 150 0.19 0,28 15 51 801-12 ³⁄₄ 19 1.03 26,2 300 2,1 7 180 0.24 0,36 15 51 801-16 1 25 1.28 32,6 200 1,4 10 250 0.37 0,55 15 51 Fittings: 82 Series, HY Series 30182 Push-on Hose Barb to Male Pipe 30282 Push-on Hose Barb to Female Pipe Thread NPTF Hose inch inch ¹⁄₄ x 18 ³⁄₈ x 18 ¹₂ x 14 ¹⁄₄ ³₈ ¹⁄₂ Part No. # 30282-4-4B 30282-6-6B Thread NPTF Hose inch inch 30182-2-4B ¹⁄₈ x 27 ¹⁄₄ 30182-2-6B ¹⁄₈ x 27 ³₈ 30182-4-4B ¹⁄₄ x 18 ¹⁄₄ 30182-4-6B ¹⁄₄ x 18 ³₈ 30182-4-8B ¹⁄₄ x 18 ¹⁄₂ 30182-6-4B ³⁄₈ x 18 ¹⁄₄ 30182-6-6B 30682-4-4 1/4 7/6x20 1/4 ³⁄₈ x 18 ³⁄₈ 30682-5-4 5/16 1/2x20 1/4 30182-6-8B ¹⁄₈ x 18 ¹⁄₂ 30682-5-6 5/8 1/2x20 3/8 30682-6-4 3/8 9/16x18 1/4 30682-6-6 3/8 9/16x18 3/8 30682-6-8 3/8 9/16x18 1/2 30682-8-6 1/2 3/4x16 3/8 Part No. 30282-8-8B "B" suffix denotes Brass fitting. Some items are also available in Stainless Steel. 30682 Female JIC 37° - Swivel Part No. Thread Hose I.D. inch inch 30182-8-4B ¹⁄₂ x 14 ¹⁄₄ 30182-8-6B ¹⁄₂ x 14 ³⁄₈ 30182-8-8B ¹⁄₂ x 14 ¹⁄₂ 30182-8-10B ¹⁄₂ x 14 ⁵⁄₈ 30682-8-8 1/2 3/4x16 1/2 ¹⁄₂ x 14 ³⁄₄ 30682-10-8 5/8 7/8x14 1/2 30182-12-8B ³⁄₄ x 14 ¹⁄₂ 30682-10-10 5/8 7/8x14 5/8 30182-12-10B ³⁄₄ x 14 ⁵⁄₈ 30682-12-12 3/4 1-1/16x12 3/4 30682-16-16 1 1-5/16x12 1 30182-12-12B ³⁄₄ x 14 ³⁄₄ 30182-8-12B B = Brass. Also available in stainless steel. Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 46 Quick link to : Table of Contents = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Hose Assemblies / Polyethelyne Tubing Parflex Non Marking Fast-Stor Assemblies Part Number Includes swivel male and rigid male end Red Rubber Hose Hose O.D. inch Hose I.D. inch Working Length ft. Coil I.D. in. Max Working Pressure PSI at 73°F End Fittings AUFS-64-TBLU-010 3/8 1/4 10 1-1/4 125 1/4" NPT AUFS-64-TBLU-015 3/8 1/4 15 1-1/4 125 1/4" NPT AUFS-64-TBLU-020 3/8 1/4 20 1-1/4 125 1/4" NPT AUFS-64-TBLU-025 3/8 1/4 25 1-1/4 125 1/4" NPT AUFS-86-TBLU-010 1/2 3/8 10 2-1/2 85 3/8" NPT AUFS-86-TBLU-020 1/2 3/8 20 2-1/2 85 3/8" NPT Cover: Reinforcement: Tube: Applications: Smooth red abrasion and weather resistant EPDM synthetic rubber. Multiple layers of synthetic yarn. Synthetic oil mist resistant EPDM synthetic rubber. Air, water, agricultual spray solutions, and other dilute chemicals. Excellent resistant to heat and weathering. -40°C to 100°C (-40°F to 212°F). Hose I.D. (inch) Hose O.D. (inch) 7092-25200 1/4" 0.500" 200 7092-31200 5/16" 0.594" 200 Part Number PVC Clear Hose THORO-BRAID FDA / NSF SERIES 7583 Polyethylene Tubing 7092-38200 3/8" 0.656" 200 7092-50200 1/2" 0.813" 200 7092-75200 3/4" 1.109" 200 7092-100200 1" 1.406" 200 Nylon braid, non-toxic grade (food & beverage grade). Temperature rating: -4° C to +65°C (+25°F to 150°F) PartNo. Hose O.D. (inch) Hose I.D. (inch) Max psi 7583-187 3/16" 0.375" 250 7583-250 1/4" 0.451" 7583-312 5/16" 7583-381 3/8" 7583-500 7583-625 Part No. Hose O.D. (inch) Hose I.D. (inch) Max psi 7583-750 3/4" 1.020" 150 250 7583-1000 1" 0.302" 125 0.522" 250 7583-1250 1-1/4" 1.672" 100 0.598" 225 7583-1500 1-1/2" 1.931" 100 1/2" 0.740" 200 7583-2000 2" 2.480" 75 5/8" 0.875" 200 Series E: Instrument Grade- FDA compliant Series EB: Ultraviolet Light Resistant Temperature Rating: -62ºC to 66ºC (-80ºF to 150ºF ) Chemically resistant and flexible Available in black as well as other colours NSF-51 and NSF-61 compliant black polyethylene tubing is also available and is denoted with the letters “NSF” in the part number Part No. EXAMPLE: Part No. E-43-Y-0500 corresponding descriptions: 43 – 1/4" OD Y – yellow 0500 – 500' long Max psi E-43-X-XXXX EB-43-XXXX E-53-X-XXXX EB-53-XXXX E-64-X-XXXX EB-64-XXXX E-86-X-XXXX EB-86-XXXX E-108-X-XXXX EB-108-XXXX Options Size O.D. (inch) Size I.D. (inch) Thickness (inch) various* black various* black various* black various* black various* black 1/4 0.170 0.04 Pressure at 73°F 120 5/16 0.187 0.062 145 3/8 0.250 0.062 125 1/2 0.375 0.062 90 5/8 0.500 0.062 70 * Please contact customer service (1-888-924-6233) for available stock colours. Quick link to : Table of Contents 47 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Pneumatic Oil / Ball Valves Pneumatic Oil for Air Tools & Pneumatic Equipment Wainbee oil is specifically formulated and contains additives to improve performance and life of all industrial air tools and pneumatic equipment, e.g. air line lubricators, air cylinders, air valves, air motors, and air hoists. Part No. Litres Container ALE1L 1 Plastic bottle ALE4L 4 Plastic bottle ALE10L 10 Plastic pail ALE205L 205 Metal drum Specifications SAE 5W Viscosity 100-104 CS Flashpoint 196°C Viscosity Index 96 Food Grade Pneumatic Lubricant FOOD GRADE Pneumatic Lubricant for air cylinders, air valves, air motors, air hoists, air tools. Directions: Use in all manufacturers air line or automatic feed lubricators. For use in food plants: do not add directly to the food. Contains: Mineral white oil. Meets U.S. FDA regulations. USP, NF and Canadian criteria. Certified by Star K as Kosher and Pareve. Wainbee No. ALE3095 Litres Container 10 Litres Plastic bottle Ball Valves. 250 PSIG, female ports Part No. Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks Pipe Threaded (NPT) CV XV500P-4 or 2BVL - 2004B ¹⁄₄ 4.0 XV500P-6 or 2BVL - 2006B ³⁄₈ 5.8 XV500P-8 or 2BVL - 2008B ¹⁄₂ 12.0 XV500P-12 or 2BVL - 2012B ³⁄₄ 35.0 XV500P-16 or 2BVL - 2016B 1 54.0 XV500P-20 or 2BVL - 2020B 1¹⁄₄ 57.0 XV500P-24 or 2BVL - 2024B 1¹⁄₂ 92.0 XV500P-32 or 2BVL - 2032B 2 224.0 48 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Pressure Gauges Premium Carbon Steel Dry Gauges Part No. GS-011.5030HGCSBA18 GS-011.5030CSBA18 GS-011.5060CSBA18 GS-011.5100CSBA18 GS-011.5160CSBA18 GS-012.0030HGCSBA14 GS-012.0030CSBA14 GS-012.0060CSBA14 GS-012.0100CSBA14 GS-012.0160CSBA14 Dial Size 1.5” 1.5” 1.5” 1.5” 1.5” 2.0” 2.0” 2.0” 2.0” 2.0” Pressure Range Vacuum 0-30”Hg 0-30PSI 0-60PSI 0-100PSI 0-160PSI Vacuum 0-30”Hg 0-30PSI 0-60PSI 0-100PSI 0-160PSI Case Material Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Port Size 1/8NPT 1/8NPT 1/8NPT 1/8NPT 1/8NPT 1/4NPT 1/4NPT 1/4NPT 1/4NPT 1/4NPT Port Position Back Back Back Back Back Back Back Back Back Back Part No. GS-011.5030HGCSBO14 GS-011.5030CSBO18 GS-011.5060CSBO18 GS-011.5100CSBO18 GS-011.5160CSBO18 GS-012.0030HGCSBO14 GS-012.0030CSBO14 GS-012.0060CSBO14 GS-012.0100CSBO14 GS-012.0160CSBO14 Dial Size 1.5" 1.5" 1.5” 1.5” 1.5” 2.0” 2.0” 2.0” 2.0” 2.0” Pressure Range Vacuum 0-30”Hg 0-30PSI 0-60PSI 0-100PSI 0-160PSI Vacuum 0-30”Hg 0-30PSI 0-60PSI 0-100PSI 0-160PSI Case Material Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Black Carbon Steel Port Size 1/8NPT 1/8NPT 1/8NPT 1/8NPT 1/8NPT 1/4NPT 1/4NPT 1/4NPT 1/4NPT 1/4NPT Port Position Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Pressure Range Case Material Port Size Port Position Stainless Steel Liquid Filled Gauges Part No. Dial Size GS-012.5030HGSSBA14 2.5" Vacuum 0-30”Hg Stainless Steel 1/4NPT Back GS-012.5160SSBA14 2.5: 0-160PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT Back GS-012.51500SSBA14 2.5” 0-1500PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT Back GS-012.53000SSBA14 2.5” 0-3000PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT Back GS-012.55000SSBA14 2.5” 0-5000PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT Back GS-012.510000SSBA14 2.5” 0-10000PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT Back GS-012.5030HGSSBA14PM 2.5” Vacuum 0-30”Hg Stainless Steel 1/4NPT GS-012.5160SSBA14PM 2.5” 0-160PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT GS-012.51500SSBA14PM 2.5” 0-1500PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT GS-012.53000SSBA14PM 2.5” 0-3000PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT GS-012.55000SSBA14PM 2.5” 0-5000PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT GS-012.510000SSBA14PM 2.5” 0-10000PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT PANEL MOUNT ‘U’ BRACKET & BACK PORT Part No. Dial Size Pressure Range Case Material Port Size Port Position GS-012.5030HGSSBO14 2.5” Vacuum 0-30”Hg Stainless Steel 1/4NPT Bottom GS-012.5160SSBO14 2.5” 0-160PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT Bottom GS-012.51500SSBO14 2.5” 0-1500PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT Bottom GS-012.53000SSBO14 2.5” 0-3000PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT Bottom GS-012.55000SSBO14 2.5” 0-5000PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT Bottom GS-012.510000SSBO14 2.5” 0-10000PSI Stainless Steel 1/4NPT Bottom 49 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Pneumatic Clamps Swing Cylinders Hold Down Clamps Hold Down Clamps Hold Down Clamps Series Clamping Force at 87 PSI Series Holding Capacity Bar Opens Model No. Holding Capacity Bar Opens Model No. Holding Capacity Bar Opens 8000/8100 25 lb. 802 200 lb. 102° 8021 390 lb. 90° 817-S 450 lb. 95° 8400 68 lb. 812 150 lb. 90° 8200/8300 89 lb. Straight Line Clamps Model No. Holding Capacity 8071 450 lb. 90° 817-U 375 lb. 95° 700 lb. 90° 827-S 700 lb. 88° 827-U 600 lb. 88° 868 4000 lb. 91° 807 375 - 500 lb. 103° 8101 810-U 600 - 750 lb. 99° 846 750 lb. 97° 847-S 1000 lb. 96° 847-U 800 lb. 96° 858 4000 lb. 96° Straight Line Clamps Toggle Lock Clamps Toggle Lock Clamps Plunger Travel Model No. Holding Capacity Plunger Travel Model No. Holding Capacity Bar Opens 8031 2000 lb. 0.75" 803 600 lb. 0.75" 840 1500 lb. 100° 816 200 lb. 0.44" 860 3000 lb. 180° 830 2500 lb. 1.25" 890 5000 lb. 180° 850 16000 lb. 2.00" 1000 10000 lb. 180° Series Max Exerting Arm Force Opening (at 80PSI) 863 1600 lb. 130° 864 1600 lb. 121° 893 1600 lb. 118° 894 1600 lb. 118° Low Profile Clamps Model No. Exertinf Force 800 850 - 7500 lb. 800-E 650 - 1200 lb. 1200 750 - 1600 lb. 1200-E 550 - 1200 lb. Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks Wainbee carries complete line of DE-STA-CO clamps. Please call us at 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) for more models and series of DE-STA-CO workholding solutions. 50 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Manual Clamps Hold Down Clamps Hold Down Clamps Hold Down Clamps Hold Down Clamps Series Holding Handle Bar Capacity Moves Opens Series Holding Handle Bar Capacity Moves Opens Model Holding Handle Bar Capacity Moves Opens Model Holding Handle Bar Capacity Moves Opens 201 100 lb. 55° 100° 207 57° 99° 229 516 750 lb. 66° 122° 202 200 lb. 65° 105° 375 500 lb. 210 600 750 lb. 58° 105° 518 500 lb. 75° 90° 548 2500 lb. 129° 199° 578 4000 lb. 129° 199° 588 6000 lb. 129° 199° Hold Down Clamps Hold Down Clamps 1000 lb. 180° 115° Hold Down Clamps Hold Down Clamps Series Holding Handle Bar Capacity Moves Opens Series Holding Handle Bar Capacity Moves Opens Model Holding Handle Bar No. Capacity Moves Opens Series Holding Handle Bar Capacity Moves Opens 247 1000 lb. 67° 120° 317 60° 185° 557 2500 lb. 64° 192° 205 90° 1200 lb. 72° 140° 527 1000 lb. 65° 195° 558 2500 lb. 64° 192° 60 - 75 lb. 80° 267 375 400 lb. 560 2500 lb. 64° 192° 206 100 lb. 90° 90° 568 4000 lb. 64° 192° 215 200 - 250 78° lb. 87° 225 500 - 600 70° lb. 92° Hold Down Clamps Series Holding Capacity Handle Moves Bar Opens 213 60° 90° 150 lb. 217 200 - 250 lb. 61° 91° 227 500 - 600 lb. 56° 91° 235 750 - 850 lb. 70° 92° 237 750 - 850 lb. 59° 93° 245 1000 lb. 74° 105° 528 1000 lb. 177° 180° 533 1000 lb. 90° 120° Wainbee carries complete line of DE-STA-CO clamps. Please call us at 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) for more models and series of DE-STA-CO workholding solutions. 51 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Manual Clamps Hold Down Toggle Locking Clamps Series Holding Handle Bar Capacity Moves Opens Hold Down Toggle Locking Clamps Pull Action Latch Clamps Pull Action Latch Clamps Model Holding Handle Bar No. Capacity Moves Opens Model No. Holding Capacity Drawing Movement Model No. Holding Capacity Drawing Movement 305 150 lb. 175° 92° 515 800 lb. 77° 86° 301 375 lb. 4.00" 324 500 lb. 1.53" 307 350 lb. 175° 92° 515-B 800 lb. 77° 86° 311 1200 lb. 3.38" 334 1000 lb. 2.04" 309 750 lb. 160° 88° 323 360 lb. 1.81" 344 2000 lb. 2.46" 331 1200 lb. 1.75" 374 4000 lb. 1.75" 341 2000 lb. 2.50" Pull Action Latch Clamps Pull Action Latch Clamps Squeeze Action Clamps Squeeze Action Clamps Model No. Holding Capacity Drawing Movement Model No. Holding Capacity Drawing Movement Model No. Holding Capacity Model No. Holding Capacity 375 4000 lb. 3.50" 330 200 lb. 2.31" 325 800 lb. 462 700 lb. 375-B 4000 lb. 3.50" 351 375 lb. 4.00" 345 800 lb. 463 700 lb. 385 7500 lb. 2.19" 371 750 lb. 5.38" 385-L 7500 lb. 2.19" 381 1000 lb. 6.13" Squeeze Action Clamps Squeeze Action Clamps Straight Line Action Clamps Straight Line Action Clamps Model No. Holding Capacity Model No. Holding Capacity Model No. Holding Capacity Plunger Travel Model No. Holding Capacity Plunger Travel 424 200 lb. 468 700 lb. 601 100 lb. 0.63" 602 200 lb. 0.75" 424-2 200 lb. 462 700 lb. 601-O 100 lb. 0.63" 604 300 lb. 1.50" 441 350 lb. 482 1200 lb. 601-M 100 lb. 0.63" 624 700 lb. 2.63" 441-2 350 lb. 491 850 lb. 6004 450 lb. 1.50" Wainbee carries complete line of DE-STA-CO clamps. Please call us at 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) for more models and series of DE-STA-CO workholding solutions. Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks 52 = Wainbee stock (All others available for Quick Ship) Manual Clamps Straight Line Clamps Straight Line Clamps Straight Line Clamps Model No. Holding Capacity Plunger Travel Model No. Holding Capacity Plunger Travel Model No. 606 450 lb. 1.57" 615 300 lb. 0.97" 607 800 lb. 1.63" 620 600 lb. Plunger Travel Series Holding Capacity Plunger Travel 6015-M 550 lb. 0.70" 670 2400 lb. 2.25" 1.11" 603 600 lb. 1.25" 675 2400 lb. 1.10" 605 300 lb. 1.25" 690 5000 lb. 3.00" 695 5000 lb. 1.50" 607-SQ 800 lb. 1.63" 630 2500 lb. 2.00" 608 850 lb. 1.63" 640 7500 lb. 4.00" 650 16000 lb. 3.00" 609 300 lb. 1.25" 610 800 lb. 1.63" 618 800 lb. 1.63" Hold Down Clamps Hold Down Clamps Holding Capacity Straight Line Clamps Pull Action Latch Clamps Pull Action Latch Clamps Model No. Holding Capacity Bar Opens Model No. Holding Handle Bar Capacity Moves Opens Model No. Holding Capacity Drawing Movement Model No. Holding Capacity Drawing Movement 207-LR 500 lb. 100° 225-UR 500 lb. 70° 92° 331-R 720 lb. 1.75" 351-R 4.33" 4.00" 207-UR 375 lb. 100° 235-UR 750 lb. 70° 92° 341-R 2000 lb. 2.50" 371-R 5.59" 5.38" 210-SR 750 lb. 103° 210-UR 600 lb. 103° Pull Action Latch Clamps Straight Line Clamps Model No. Holding Capacity Drawing Movement Model No. Holding Capacity Plunger Travel 375-R 4000 lb. 3.50" 6015-MR 560 lb. 0.70" 385-R 7500 lb. 2.19" 603-R 600 lb. 1.25" 630-R 2500 lb. 2.00" Wainbee carries complete line of DE-STA-CO clamps. Please call us at 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) for more models and series of DE-STA-CO workholding solutions. 53 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com "Quick" Figures, Formulas and Conversion Factors "Quick" NPT Thread Reference ¹⁄₈” NPT ¹⁄₄” NPT ³⁄₈” NPT ¹⁄₂” NPT ³⁄₄” NPT 1” NPT “Quick” Cylinder Sizing: 1. Find the Area of the Cylinder: Area (A) = Diameter (Bore)² x 0.7854 (Constant) 2. Fill in available information: F=PxA F = Force (lb) P = Pressure (PSI) A = Area (in²) - from above “Quick” Valve Sizing: Valves are sized from Cv Values (Capacity Co-efficient) Cv = Cylinder Area (in2) x Cylinder Stroke (inches) x Compression Factor (Table 1) x ‘A’ Constant (Table 1) Stroke Time (sec.) x 28.8 Table 1 Table 2 Compression Factors and “A” Constants Inlet Pressure (PSIG) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Compression Factor (cf) 1.6 2.3 3.0 3.7 4.4 5.1 5.7 6.4 7.1 7.8 8.5 9.2 9.9 10.6 11.2 11.9 12.6 13.3 14.0 14.7 Cylinder Areas for Standard Bore-Size Cylinders "A" Constants for Various Pressure Drops* 5 PSI 10 PSI 2 PSI ΔP ΔP ΔP 0.155 0.129 0.113 0.097 0.091 0.084 0.079 0.075 0.071 0.068 0.065 0.062 0.060 0.058 0.056 0.055 0.054 0.052 0.051 0.050 0.102 0.083 0.072 0.064 0.059 0.054 0.050 0.048 0.045 0.043 0.041 0.039 0.038 0.037 0.036 0.035 0.034 0.033 0.032 0.031 0.066 0.055 0.048 0.043 0.040 0.037 0.035 0.033 0.031 0.030 0.029 0.028 0.027 0.026 0.026 0.025 0.024 0.024 0.023 Bore Size Bore Size Cylinder Area (in2) 3/4" 0.44 4" 12.57 1" 0.79 4-1/2" 15.90 1-1/8" 0.99 5" 19.64 1-1/4" 1.23 6" 28.27 1-1/2" 1.77 7" 38.48 1-3/4" 2.41 8" 50.27 2" 3.14 10" 78.54 2-1/2" 4.91 12" 113.10 3-1/4" 8.30 14" 153.94 3-3/8" 10.32 Conversion Factors 1 inch = 25.4 mm 1 bar = 14.5 PSI 1” Hg = 25.4 mm Hg 1 lb (f) = 4.44 N 1 Kg = 2.2 lb * Note: Use “A” constant at 5 PSI ΔP for most applications. On very critical applications, use “A” at 2 PSI ΔP. You will find in many cases, a 10 PSI ΔP is acceptable and can save money and mounting space. Wainbee Pneumatic Quick Picks Cylinder Area (in2) °C = 5/9 (°F-32) 54 Fluid Power Formulas Pressure P= F ;F=PxA A Mechanical Horsepower P = pressure (PSI) F = force (lb.) A = area (in2) Piston Area (cylinder) Ap = 0.7854 ( Dp )2 Ar = rod area Dr = rod diameter 231 V= H = HP x 2,547 v = piston rod speed (in/min) Q = flow (gpm) A = area (in2) V x CR 28.8 t Q= Q = flow (gpm) v = rod speed (in/min) A = area (in2) [note: either Ap or Ae] Q = flow (ft3/min.) V = cylinder volume(in3) CR = compression ratio t = stroke time (seconds) Compresssion Ratio V = velocity (ft/sec) GPM = gallons per minute A = area (in²) Pg + Pa CR = CR = compression ratio Pg = gauge pressure (PSIG) Pa = atmospheric pressure (PSIA) Pa Air Motor Speed GPM = gallons per minute V = viscosity (SSU) D = inside diameter of pipe (in) RPM Torque = 1728 Q Disp RPM = air motor speed Q = flow (cfm) Disp = motor displacement (in3/rev) Flow Coefficient (Cv) T=Fxd T = torque (lb.-in.) F = force (lb.) d = distance (in.) Cv = Q 22.48 Motor Torque T = P x Disp 2π Q x 231 Disp ΔP x (Po + Pa) Cv = flow coefficient Q = SCFM G = specific gravity of flowing medium (G = 1 for air) Tabs = absolute temperature (460+ °F) ΔP = pressure drop (PSI) static to static pressure Po = outlet pressure = (inlet press - ΔP) Pa = atmospheric pressure Pneumatic Cylinder Rod Speed RPM = motor shaft speed (rpm) Q = flow (gpm) Disp = motor displacement (in3/rev) V = S x 60 V = cylinder rod speed (in./min.) S = stroke (in.) t = stroke time (seconds) t Work W=dxF √ Tabs x G T = motor torque (lb.-in.) P = pressure (PSI) Disp = motor displacement (in3/rev) Motor Shaft Speed RPM = H = heat (btu/hour) HP = hydraulic horsepower Flow Pressure Drop in Pipes ΔP/ft = GPM x V (SSU) 18,300 x (D)4 HP = motor horsepower s = speed (rpm) T = torque (lb.-in.) Heat Pipe Flow 0.3208 x GPM A sxT 63,025 HP = Flow (cylinder) vxA HP = hydraulic horsepower Q = flow (gpm) P = pressure (psi) Motor Horsepower Piston Rod Speed (cylinder) Q= v = velocity (in/min) HP = P x Q x 0.000583 Ae = effective area Ap = piston area Ar = rod area V = volume (in3) A = area (in2) [note: either Ap or Ae] S = stroke (in.) v = Q x 231 A HP = mechanical horsepower F = force (lb) Hydraulic Horsepower Volume (cylinder) V=AxS Fxv 396,000 HP = Effective Area (cylinder) Ae = Ap - Ar HP = mechanical horsepower d = distance (ft.) F = force (lb.) t = time (seconds) Mechanical Horsepower Ap = piston area Dp = piston diameter Rod Area (cylinder) Ar = 0.7854 ( Dr )2 dxF 550 t HP = Hydraulic Tank Cooling W = work (ft.-lb.) d = distance (ft.) F = force (lb.) Hp = 0.001 x Aw x ΔT Hp = cooling power (HP) A w = wetted area (ft2) ΔT = oil temp – ambient air temp Power (ft.-lb./sec) P= dxF t d = distance (ft.) F = force (lb.) t = time (seconds) P = power (ft.-lb/sec) 55 Toll-Free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) www.wainbee.com Index Symbols 3-Way Spool Valves Button Operated 4 Lever/Hand Operated 5 Lever Operated 3-Position 5 Pedal Operated 4 Roller/One-Way Tripper Operated 5 Toggle/Lever Operated 5 Treadle Operated 4 4-Way Spool Valves Button Operated 6 Lever/Hand Operated 7 Lever Operated 7 Lever Operated 3-Position 7 Pedal & Treadle Operated 6 Roller Operated 6 42 Series Valves 8 A Adaptor Miniature Adaptor Fittings & Hose 34–35 Air Line Accessories Breather Vents 22 EM Series - Sintered Bronze Muffler/Filters 22 ES Series Silencer 22 LV Series Valves 20 Micrometer Flow Control Valves 20 Needle Valves 338 Series 21 Needle Valves 339 Series 21 Quick Exhaust & Shuttle Valves 23 Shuttle Valves 23 B Ball Valves - 250 PSIG, female Ports 48 Blow Guns BG Series Blow Guns 45 Safety Blow Guns 45 Lever Operated Handy-Air Blow Guns 45 Brass Body Push-in Tube Fittings 39–40 Bulkhead Union 62PLPBH 39 Female Bulkhead 66PLPBH 39 Female Connector 66PLP 39 Male Branch Tee Swivel W172PLP 40 Male Connector 10-32 68PLP 39 Male Connector W68PLP 39 Male Elbow 90° W169PLPNS 40 Male Elbow Swivel W169PLP 40 Male Run Tee Swivel W171PLP 40 Plug 639PLP 40 Union 62PLP 39 Union Elbow 165PLP 40 Union Tee 164PLP 40 Brass Fittings 41–42 122HBL Hose Mender 42 125H/125HBL Coupler Hose Barb to Male Pipe 42 126HB Coupler Hose Barb to Female Pipe 42 129HB 90° Elbow Hose Barb to Male Pipe 42 139HB 45° Elbow Hose Barb to Male Pipe 42 208P Reducer Coupling 41 209P Bushing 41 210 Lock Nut 41 213 Cap 41 215PN Close Nipple 41 215PNL Long Nipple 41 216P Hex Nipple 41 216P Hex Nipple Reducer 41 217P Coupling 41 218 Hex-Head Plug 41 219 Countersunk Hex-Head Plug 41 220P Slotted-Head Plug 41 222P Adapter 41 1200P-2200P 90° Union Elbow 41 1202P-2202P 90° Street Elbow 42 1203P-2203P Union Tee 42 1204 Male Elbow 41 2201P 45° Female Elbow 42 2205P Cross 42 2214P 45° Street Elbow 42 2224 Male Branch Tee 42 2225P Street Tee 42 Miniature Brass Fittings 33–34 Breather Vents 22 "B" Series Valves Female Electrical Connectors 3 Solenoid Kits 3 "B" Series Valves: Inline or Manifold Mount 1, 1–2 Button Operated Mechanical 3-Way Spool Valves 4 C Check Valves 30, 31 Clamps, Manual Hold Down Manual Clamps 51–53, 53 Hold Down Toggle Locking Clamps 52 Pull Action Latch Clamps 52, 53 Squeeze Action Latch Clamps 52 Straight Line Action Latch Clamps 52 Straight Line Clamps 53 Clamps, Pneumatic Hold Down Pneumatic Clamps 50 Low Profile Pneumatic Clamps 50 Straight Line Pneumatic Clamps 50 Swing Cylinders 50 Toggle Lock Pneumatic Clamps 50 Control Valves Miniature Control Valves 30–31 D Directair 2 Series & Directair 4 Series 4–7 Double Remote Pilot 2 Double Solenoid 1 Index E Electric Switch - ES-1 32 EM Series - Sintered Bronze Muffler/Filters 22 ES Series Sillencer 22 F Fittings Brass Body Push-in Tube Fittings 39–40 Brass Fittings 41–42 Miniature Adaptor Fittings & Hose 34–35 Miniature Brass Fittings 33–34 Threaded Fittings - Legris 37–38 Tube to Tube Fittings - Legris 37 Fittings - Legris 36–38 How to Order LF3000 36 Flow Control Valves 30 Fluid Power Formulas 55 G Gauges Pressure Gauges 49 Global Air Preparation System 9–19 Global Air Preparation System - Accessories 17 Global Air Preparation System: Filter/Regulator "Piggybacks" 12 Global Air Preparation System: Filters 9 Global Air Preparation System - Kits 18–19 Global Air Preparation System: Lubricators 11 Global Air Preparation System: P31, P32, P33 Series Manifold Blocks 16 Modular Ball Valves 16 Safety Lockout Valves 16 Global Air Preparation System: Popular Combinations - P31 Series 13 Global Air Preparation System: Popular Combinations - P32 Series 14 Global Air Preparation System: Popular Combinations - P33 Series 15 Global Air Preparation System: Regulators 10 H Heavy Duty Limit Valves & Accessories 33 Hose Assemblies / Polyethelyne Tubing Parflex Non-marking Fast-Stor Assemblies 47 Plyethylene Tubing 47 PVC Clear Hose 47 Red Rubber Hose 47 Hose Clamps 2-Ear Clamps 44 178 Constant Tension Clamps 44 HS Worm Gear Clamps 44 Hose & Tubing Polyethylene Tubing 47 PVC Clear Hose 47 Red Rubber Hose 47 HV Series Valves 8 I Industrial Interchange Pneumatic Quick Couplings 43 L Legris Bulkhead Connector Fittings 37 Legris Plug-in accessories 38 Legris Threaded fittings 38 Legris Threaded Fittings 37 Legris Tube to Tube Fittings 37 LV Series Valves 20 M Manifold Blocks - Global FRL 16 Manual Clamps 51–53 Mechanical Valves: 3-Way Spool Valves 4–5 Mechanical Valves: 4-Way Spool Valves 6–7 Micrometer Flow Control Valves 20 Miniature 2-Way Brass Control Valves 26 Miniature 3-Way Brass Control Valves 26–28 Miniature 4-Way Brass Control Valves 28 Miniature 4-Way Brass Toggle Valves 29 Miniature 4-Way Stem Valves 29 Miniature Adaptor Fittings & Hose 34–35 Miniature Brass Fittings 33–34 Miniature Control Valves 30–31 Check Valves 30, 31 Flow Control valves 30 Needle Valves 30 Piston Valve 31 Pressure Regulators 31 Pulse Valves 30 Shuttle Valves 30 Miniature Fittings / mufflers / manifold 12-Port Manifold 35 Muffler 35 Screw Plug 35 Miniature Valves Actuators 31–32 Modular Ball Valves - Global FRL 16 N Needle Valves 21, 30 O Oil Pneumatic Oil for Air Tools & Pneumatic Equipment 48 Index P T Parflex Non Marking Fast-Stor Assemblies 47 Pedal Operated Mechanical 3-Way Spool Valves 4 Piston Valve 31 PL / VL Series Valves 8 Pneumatic Clamps 50 Pneumatic Lever Valves 42 Series Valves 8 HV Series Valves 8 PL/VL Series Valves 8 Pneumatic Oil 48 Pneumatic Quick Coupling - Industrial Interchange 43 Female Pipe Thread 43 Male Pipe Thread 43 Push-Lok Hose Barb 43 Standard Hose Barb 43 Polyethylene Tubing 47 Pressure Gauges Carbon Steel Dry Gauges 49 Stainless Steel Liquid Filled Gauges 49 Pressure Regulators 31 Pulse Valves 30 Push-Lok Hose & Push-Lok 82 Series - JIC 801 Push-Lok Hose 46 30182 Push-on Hose Barb to Male Pipe 46 30282 Push-on Hose Barb to Female Pipe 46 PVC Clear Hose 47 Treadle Operated Mechanical 3-Way Spool Valves 4 Q Quick Exhaust & Shuttle Valves 23 Quick Figures and Formulas 54 Quick NPT Thread Reference 54 Quick Valve Sizing 54 R Red Rubber Hose 47 S Safety Blow Guns 45 Safety Lockout Valves - Global FRL 16 Shuttle Valves 23, 30 Single Remote Pilot 2 Single Solenoid 1 Spool Valves Mechanical 3-Way 4–5 Mechanical 4-Way 6–7 Stainless Steel Cylinders - Clippard 24–25 V Valves 42 Series: 4-Way, 5-Port, 3-Position 8 "B" Series 3 "B" Series: Inline or Manifold Mount 1 Control Valves 30–31 Heavy Duty Limit Valves & Accessories 33 HV Series: 4-Way, 4-Ports, 3-Position 8 LV Series 20 Mechanical 3-Way Spool Valves 4–5 Mechanical 4-Way Spool Valves 6–7 Micrometer Flow Control Valves 20 Miniature 2-Way Brass Control Valves 26 Miniature 3-Way Brass Control Valves 26–27 Miniature 4-Way Brass Control Valves 28 Miniature 4-Way Brass Toggle Valves 29 Miniature 4-Way Stem Valves 29 Needle Valves - 338 Series 21 Needle Valves - 339 Series 21 PL/VL Series: 4-Way, 4-Port, 3-Position 8 Pneumatic Lever Valves 8 Quick Exhaust & Shuttle Valves 23 Shuttle 23 Valves Actuators Miniature Valve Actuators 31–32 To our valued Customers: Over the years, Wainbee has evaluated, selected and inventoried the most reliable products from world-class manufacturers to become one of North America’s most complete source for automation solutions based on pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical and electronic technologies. This edition of Quick Picks features selected pneumatic items designated with a which we stock and can ship to you the same day or next day delivery. These items are just a small selection from the tens of thousands of items that we can supply. The Pneumatic Quick Picks is one of the services provided by Wainbee to get you: • The rights products, • at the lowest cost, and • with a minimal amount of effort on your part. If you are looking for a pneumatic product that is not in this book or would like to learn more about other products groups, our systems capabilities or our procurement cost reduction programs, please contact our knowledgeable staff at Wainbee branch nearest you by calling 1-888-WAINBEE. Our multi-techonology expertise brings SMART SOLUTIONS to many industries Wainbee Engineered Systems • Hydraulic power units • Aircraft testing systems • Pressure testing systems Why limit your horizon by dealing with a company restricted to only one or two automation technologies? When you partner with Wainbee, you benefit from our coast-to-coast expertise in: We hope that this Pneumatic Quick Picks catalogue serves you well. • Hydraulics • Pneumatics • Electromechanical motion • Electronic controls • Assembly tools • Machining solutions • Filtration Sincerely, The result? To get the latest news on automation and motion control products and services, visit our website at www.wainbee.com. THE WAINBEE TEAM You get “smart solutions” that integrate these technologies to provide you with the best automation and motion control solutions for your requirements and will improve your productivity (and profits) while reducing training and maintenance costs. What can we help you do smarter? Coast-to-Coast Locations 1-888-WAINBEE w a i n b e e . c o m HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO/MISSISSAUGA BRANCH 5789 Coopers Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario Phone: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) / (905) 568-1700 Hose & Fittings direct line: (905) 568-3489 E-mail corporate: marketing@wainbee.com Canada L4Z 3S6 After hours phone: (416) 334-6364 Fax: (905) 568-0083 E-mail branch: toronto@wainbee.com MONTRÉAL/POINTE CLAIRE VANCOUVER/RICHMOND CHICOUTIMI/SAGUENAY EDMONTON 215 boul. Brunswick, Pointe Claire, Québec H9R 4R7 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (514) 697-8810 Fax: (514) 697-3070 E-mail: montreal@wainbee.com CALGARY 938 - 55th Avenue NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6Y4 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (403) 236-1133 Fax: (403) 279-9367 E-mail: calgary@wainbee.com 135, rue Des Routiers, Chicoutimi, Québec G7H 5B1 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (418) 698-4884 Fax: (418) 698-4909 E-mail: chicoutimi@wainbee.com HALIFAX/DARTMOUTH KITCHENER 10 Thornhill Drive #9, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 1S1 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (902) 468-1787 Fax: (902) 468-3225 E-mail: dartmouth@wainbee.com 65 Trillium Park Place #14, Kitchener Ontario N2E 1X1 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (519) 748-5391 Fax: (519) 748-4893 E-mail: kitchener@wainbee.com SEPT-ÎLES (Wainbee SHCN Inc.) PRINCE GEORGE 453 rue Noël, Sept-îles, Québec G4R 1M1 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (418) 962-4949 Fax: (418) 968-5749 E-mail: septiles@wainbee.com Pneumatic quick picks 5500 Continental Way Prince George, BC V2N 5S5 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (250) 564-3230 Fax: (250) 562-7987 E-mail: princegeorge@wainbee.com 2231 Vauxhall Place, Richmond, British Columbia V6V 1Z5 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (604) 278-4288 Fax: (604) 278-3490 After Hours Phone: (604) 278-4290 E-mail: vancouver@wainbee.com 10336-59th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 1E6 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (780) 434-9528 Fax: (780) 437-7931 E-mail: edmonton@wainbee.com SASKATOON 3111 Millar Ave, Unit 20, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 6N3 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (306) 652-1433 Fax: (306) 652-1436 E-mail: saskatoon@wainbee.com FRL’s Actuators QUÉBEC 950 avenue St-Jean-Baptiste, Québec Québec G2E 5E9 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (418) 683-1956 Fax: (418) 688-9885 E-mail: quebec@wainbee.com Clamps Hoses WINNIPEG 1393 Border Street #4, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0N1 Toll-free: 1-888-WAINBEE (924-6233) Phone: (204) 632-4558 Fax: (204) 694-5494 E-mail: winnipeg@wainbee.com Coast-to-Coast Locations Valves Filtramax Inc. , a Wainbee affiliate, provides cost-effective, single source liquid and air filtration solutions by combining the strength of worls-class suppliers with its own technical and supply chain experience. Fittings PQP-EAST-2011-5H Gauges 1-888- WAI N B EE wainbe e.c om
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