o::Y - West Linn - Wilsonville School District
o::Y - West Linn - Wilsonville School District
BEFORE THE LA}ID USE BOARD OF APPEALS o::Y$, "${Lal'!$C OF THE STATE OF OREGON INGLE ) ) FAIIOW ) Petitionerg ) ROB SCHNEIDER, WENDY and ROB Vr) CLACKAMAS COI.'NTY, Respondent, ) ) ). I NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPEAL r. Notice is hereby gven that paitioners intend to appeal tbat land usc decision of Respondent,s entitled *FINAL ORDER: Casefile No.2044612-D (S & H Logging)", a design review app,roval, which becane final on Febnrary 7,2012' II. petitioners, ROB SCHNEIDER , WENDY INGLE and ROB FALLOW are representcd b,,: John W. Shonk*iler, P.C. Attomey at Law 13425 S\M 72nd Ave. Tigar4 ORn223 Telephone: (503) 624{1917, Fur 684-8971 Respondenf CLACI(AMAS CO{.JNTY, has as its mailing addr€ss and telephone nunber: Clackamas County 2051 KaenRdOrcgon City, OR n045 I - NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPEAL JoHN w. SHoNKWILE& P.cATTORNEYATI.^AW 13425 SW 72ND AYE. TICARD, ORWN3 Telepbore: $Ar62+0917 Telephone: (503) 655-858 t Respondent's CountyAttorney has as his mailing addr€ss and telephone number: Steven L. Madkour Clackamas CountY Counsel 2051 IGen Rd. Oregon City, OR 97A45 Telephone: (503) 655-858 I IIL Applicant S & H Iogging" was represented in thE Proceeding below by: Eric L lr,Iartin Attomeyatlaw Stoel Rives 900 SW 5thAve, stE26A0 Portlan4 OR972M Telephone: (503) 29+9593 other persons mailed written notice of the land use decision by Clackamas County, as indicated by its record. in this mater include the partias tist€d in the attached Exhibit'A-' NOTICE: Anlrone designated in puagraph I I I of this Notice who desires to participarc as a party in this case before the Iand Use Board of Appeals mtrst file with the Board a Motion to l;ntervene in this proceed as required by OAR66l-1G050. DArED,ht'lgt, or € ,2412. w. sHoNKwrLE& P.C. ohn W. Shonkwiler, 2. NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPEAL JOTIN W. SHONKWILER, P.C. ATTORNEY AT LAW 13425 SW 72ND AVE. TTGARD, OR97223 Telephonc: (503) 6244917 rrhrnits_--:-* ir;rse :' ubv- / ..tf *9- -" CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certifi that on the date set forth below I mailed a copy of th9 above HEARINGS the addrcss oFFICER FINAL ORDER by first class mail to the followingparticipants at shown: S&HLosgiogCo.,lnc Duane Loretta & CascY StrouPe 2O2W SW Stafford Road Tualatin OR 97062 " Wendy Ingle Rob Schneider 4B4Halcyon Road Tualatin OR 97062 Lary & Paula Berd & H Logging Will Gehr S 2Cf:00 SW Stafford Road 2123 SW Pattulo WaY West Linn OR 97068 Tualatin OR 97062 Stafford-Tualatin ValleY CPO TracieTolbqt 196l SWMossyBrae West Linn OR 97062 2400 SW Borland Road West Linn OR 97068 Pat Stafford Hamlet Sally Quimby Erik P Eselius & Kathe Thurston West Linn OR 97068 1801S S Skylands Circle Lakc Oswego OR 97434 Erica & Corey Yraguen 21534 SW St James Pl West Linn OR 97068 Amanda Curdv 19225 SW 466 Ave Tualatin oR 97062 ClaireGalant 19515 SW48frAve Tualatin OR 97062 Michael Hellberg 1675 Dodge Way West Linn OR 97068 Roberta Helditt-Wiehardt 2200 SW Borland Road West Linn OR 97068 Gina & Spencer Kinman 19870 SW Staftrd Road West Linn OR 97068 Selinda Bird Smith 2261 SW Mossy Brae Road We.st Linn OR 97068 Michael Bancroft l00l SW Schaeffer Road West Linn OR 97068 Molly Ellis Michael Jaffee 21469 Waterford PI West Linn OR 97068 t67l SE Shadow \Yood Dr 410 S Bergis Road Lake Oswego OR 97034 ZA44f-I2.D HO CERTIFICATE OF MAIUNG Page NorurgNhang EngOnn Tur Bhoga 19940 SW Stafford West Linn OR 97068 Rob Fallow 91 Foothills Road Lake Oswego OR 97034 3-..ci"9 Robert & Athella Starke 375I SW Halcyon Tualatin OR 97062 Tracy Thompson 19670 SW Bolds Way West Linn OR 97068 Dardee Layne 4620 SW Saum Way Tualatin OR 97062 Steve Cook 18451 SW Stafford JerryTolbert PO Box 2054 LakeOswego OR 97035 JulieWilson Marlise Hofuan 1792 SW Greenway Circle West Linn OR 97062 Lakc Oswego OR 97062 11020 SW Wishram Ct TinlatinOR 97062 MryBaumgardner 26363 SW Mouotain Road West Linn OR 97068 GIen & Rose Ek 1925 SW Ek Road Leslie Johnson 726 SW Ashdown Circle West Linn OR 97068 West Linn OR 97068 Savy Soeun 1994 Stafford Road West Linn OR 97068 Doug & Stephanie Fala 19837 Johnson Road West Linn OR 97068 Molly Hcuuley 1097 Eppaly Way Weqt Linn OR 97068 Rebecca Dernorest 2961 SwTurnerRoad West Linn OR 97068 Lisa Griffiths Joanne Desky 1943 Sunburst Terrace West Ltum OR 97068 2317 College View Dr West Linn OR 97068 Carey Russell 4545 SW Joshua St Tualatin AR 97A62 RondaAtwood 4765 SW Saum Way Tualatin OR 97062 Stephanie Stewart 4730 SW Joshua St Ellett Tualatin OR 97A62 ZNAG Iz-D HO CERTIFICATE OF MAILING 23579 SW Elderberry Lane West Linn OR 97068 Fred Ciccotelli 449 SW Alderwood Dr West Linn OR 97068 Jane Richardson X$A SW EldefterrYLate West Unn OR 97068 Piene Burthey 2130 SW Pattulo Way West Linn OR 97068 James Douglas Gless F Chean 19940 SW Stafford Road West Linn OR 97068 Tim Woodley West Lino/Wilsonville School Dist 2255 Srff Borland Road Tualatin OR 97062 Diantha Knott 2303 SW Borland Road West Linn OR 97068 BettyRqnolds Dave Rayrrond 2055 SW Mossy Brae Road West Lirm OR 97068 Julie Carr 1065 Snidow Drive West Lirm OR 97068 JanetRuyan I 16l S Woodbine Road West Lim OR 97068 252U1SSI Petes Mountain Road West Linn OR 97068 ' Lara Miller 29iH SW 35h Dr Wilsonville OR 97070 Laura R Wild 5465 SW Prosp€rityPark Road Tualatin OR 97062 Leonard Schaber 19919 SW Schaber Lane Tualatin oR 97062 Lola Skates zMU SW Mountain Road West Linn OR 97068 Vicki Eristrran 1827 Sylvan Way West Linn OR 97068 JuliaHemry 22990 SW Mountain Road West Linn OR 97068 WhitneyHinkle 20750 SW Johnson Road West Linn OR 97068 Ron Berrett 2OIOO SW Johnson Road West Linn OR 97068 GeoffSovde 3910 Poseidon Court West Linn OR 97068 Ivana Tence 19445 SW Taposa Place Tualatin OR 97068 WendyMiller Ben Papa 3719 SW Halcyon Road Tualatin OR 97M2 2224Parlatiew Court West Linn OR 97068 zo446-12.D HO CERTIFICATE OF MAILINC rxriihii P;; -A-:-;- -ar' Judy Large 1726 SW GreenwaY Circle West Linn OR 97068 Richard Wiehrdt 2200 SW Borland Road Wat Linn OR 97068 Eric Martin Stoel Rives 900 SW Fifth Avq Suite 2600 Walter Gamble PE 1706 SW GrecnwaYDrive West Linn OR 97068 Portland OR 97204 Mike Miller 21626 S Wisteria We.st Linn OR 97068 Garv Mear 2914 SE 1746 Ave Portland OR 97236 Heidi Talb€rt 19722 Bellerrue WaY West Linn OR 97068 Dan & Margie SPorrer 3671 SW HalcYon Road Tualatin OR 97062 Huon Pen 2204NE 90th AveN Vancouver WA 98664 Sokharo Choy 74 New Chastain Place Gresham OR 97030 Danette & Todd Lords 743 Victoria Place West Linn OR 97068 Kristen & Scott Corwin 21575 SW Saint James Place West Linn OR 97068 Wendy Ingle 4029 SW Halcyon Road Tualatin OR 97062 KhetrNhlv &Han Sam 8709 NE 1406 Ave Vancouver WA 98682 Heather Anderson Ed wild 5465 SW Prosperity Park Road Tualatin OR 97062 4850 SW SavinWaY Tualatin OR 97062 West Linn OR 97068 Steven Delugach Gail Kernpler 1756 SW GreenwaY Circle West Linn OR 97068 John Jeglum Te11tl Boggs Sarah Kusyk 1600 W Sunset Drive 19651SW Bolds WaY West Linn OR 97068 Tom Kelly 402 SW Ashdown Circle West Linn OR 97068 7M4&12.D HO CERTIFTCATE OF MAILING 8678 SW Martinazzi Ct Tualatin OR 97062 i-,..iiri,ri Pase 5 cib_ Casey J BeattY An&ew F & Patricia McCulla 2152 SW Ek Road West Linn OR 97068 West Linn OR 97068 Glen Hager enitaDerrY r$r/aY 1950 SW Pattulo zl3}70Waterford Place West Linn OR 97068 2195 SW Pattulo WaY West Linn OR 97068 JoseNuncz Mark Arnot 2727 SW Mossy Brae West Lirur OR 97068 Daniel L Smith 226I SWMossyBraeRoad West Linn OR 97068 n* Robert Smem 2100 SW Borland Road West Linn OR 97068 G Howard 1900 ValleyViery Drive West Linn OR 97068 Kate Hoots 19535 SW Ecotopia West Linn OR 97068 Nicole Ulwelling John Ludlow Ly Chituan 17783 SWDodson Drive Sherrryood OR 97140 29173 SW Courtside Drive Wilsonville OR 97070 City ofTualatin Aquilla Hurd-Ravich 18800 SW Martinazi Ave Tualatin OR 97062 Sharon Feinblatt 4600 SW Trail Road Tuatatin OR 97062 Robert Perry 601 SW Ashdown Circle West Linn OR 97068 Brent Ricks 1803 Shadow Wood Dr West Linn OR 97068 Mary Katheleen Hoff 14584 Pfeifer Way Lake Oswego OR 97035 2N446.12.D HO CERTIFICATE OF MAILING Vicbria Place West Linn OR 97068 625 Herb Zachow 21012 SW Meadow WaY Tualatin OR 97062 Dave & Carol Petersen 4485 SW Trail Road Tualatin OR 97062 Belinda Ek 1780 SW GreenwaY Circle West Linn OR 97068 Rob Schneider Wanker's CountrY Store 1995 SW Stafford Road West Linn OR 97068 Molly Ellis 410 Bergis Road Lake Oswego OR 97034 iiitibii -A Q -ct Q -.- Fege.- - Ma* Arnot JeffGrannum 16797 SE l30h Ave Clackamas, OR 97015 2727 SW Mossy Brae Rd West Litrn, OR 97068 AlainaKuehn 2]82A SW Ribera Ln Spencer & Gina Kiman 19870 SW Stafford Rd West Lintr" OR 97068 \{/sst I inn, OR 97068 Erika & Darin Vincent 2285 Braadon Pl Westl,inru OR 97068 David Sexton l74l SW Crreenway Circle West Linn, OR 97068 Jan Hart Weihmann 21560 SW Ribera Ln West Lin4 OR 97068 Michael Kuehn 735 Sw 2otn PI, ste 350 Portland OR 97205 Gail Kempler 1756 SW Greenway Circle West lirm, OR 97068 Annette ONeilI 4061 SW BorlandRd Tualatin, OR97M2 David & Candace Burch 21105 S WisteriaRd WestLinn, OR 97068 Jeffiey Hoffinan 1792 SW Cneenway Circle West Linn, OR 97068 T[alatiu Riverkeepers Steve & Analese Forster 11675 SW Hazelbrook Rd 8l5l Tualatin" Ox-97O62 SW Ashdown Circle West Linn, OR 97068 Kathy & Brad DeSpain 653 Victoria Place West Lirtn,.OR 97068 Anita Derry 2195 SW Pattuo Way West Linn, OR 97068 Molly EIIis 410 S Bergis Rd Lake Oswego, OR 97034 PeterMellon 333 Ashdovm Circle West Linn OR 97068 Ann Cutler 144 Tualatin Loop West Linn OR 97068 The original of this decision has been filed with the Planning Divisiorl Clackamas County Departnent o f Transportation and Development. DATED this 7 dayof February,2Al3 >A^da. HO CERTIFICATE OF MAILING )- fWlat4 \- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, JOHN W. SHONKWILER, hereby c€rtify tbd I served a foregoing tnrc copy of the enclosed N0TICE OF INTENT TO AppEAL by first class mail and by placing into the Stat6 Mail, with postage prspai{ h figar4 unitd Orcgon this 28th day of Febnrary, 2012, upon thc partiedattomey of recod to their last knorvn addrwses: Clackamas County 2051 l(acn Rd Oregon City, OR nWs Steven L. Madkou Clackamas CountY Cormsel 2051 IG€nRd" Oregon City, OR nMs Attomey for Respondent Clackamas Couty Eric L. Martin Attomey at law SioeiRives 900 SW 5th Ave, ste 2600 Portlan4 Al<.97204 Attorney forAPPlicant and all the persons listed in Exhibit *A" attached to the Notice of Intent to Ap'peal. W. Shonkwiler, OSB No. 75337 CERTIFICATE OF FILING I. JOHN W. SHONKWILE& hereby certify that the original of this NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPEAL, together with one copy, was filed by hand delivery with the Land Use I . CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Board of Appeals, Public utility commission Building 550 Capitol sheetNE, Salern" oR 97310 on this 28th daY of FebrrrarY,z0lz' W. SHONKWILE& P.C. ronn w. Snonhpil6 oSB No. 75337 2 - CERTIFICATE OF SERVTCE
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