mental discipline called mental discipline called


mental discipline called mental discipline called
a).- When the Leader (L) playing piece reaches
the opponent’s Temple of the Moon (See rules 10).
b).-When the leader playing piece reaches the
Temple of the Sun of the opponent.
c).- When the triangle occupied by the
Leader(L) playing piece is occupied by one of the
following opponents; Captain (D), Guardian (G),
Attacker (A) or Defender (D) without obstructing the
movements of the other playing pieces either in their
volume, vertex or edges (See rules 12).
Calle Mariano Jiménez 4606,
Colonia Pacífico,
Chihuahua, Chih., México.
CP 31030.
Tel- (+52)(614)433-1021
Tel- (+52)(656)251-5718
Additional information at:
Nota Importante:
Este instructivo de Ajedrez Maya “El Juego de los Dioses“ ha
sido supervisado por la Federación Mexicana de Ajedrez Maya
con la colaboración de la Comunidad Epistémica de México, los
textos y gráficos que lo conforman están protegidos conforme a
la ley.
© 2003-2012 Copyrights. All rights are reserved by law.
® 2003 Ajedrez Maya “El Juego de los Dioses” ® Maya Chess, “The Game of the Gods” is Trade Mark.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Manufacturing under licence
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
a).- When the Leader (L) playing piece reaches
the opponent’s Temple of the Moon (See rules 10).
b).-When the leader playing piece reaches the
Temple of the Sun of the opponent.
c).- When the triangle occupied by the
Leader(L) playing piece is occupied by one of the
following opponents; Captain (D), Guardian (G),
Attacker (A) or Defender (D) without obstructing the
movements of the other playing pieces either in their
volume, vertex or edges (See rules 12).
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Manufacturing under licence
Calle Mariano Jiménez 4606,
Colonia Pacífico,
Chihuahua, Chih., México.
CP 31030.
Tel- (+52)(614)433-1021
Tel- (+52)(656)251-5718
Additional information at:
© 2003 Copyrights. All rights are reserved by law.
® 2003 Ajedrez Maya “El Juego de los Dioses” ® Maya Chess, “The Game of the Gods” is Trade Mark.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
Nota Importante:
Este instructivo de Ajedrez Maya “El Juego de los Dioses“ ha
sido supervisado por la Federación Mexicana de Ajedrez Maya
con la colaboración de la Comunidad Epistémica de México, los
textos y gráficos que lo conforman están protegidos conforme a
la ley.
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
General Characteristics of
Other ways of winning are: arrive with the
leader piece at The Temple of the Moon, reach The
Temple of the Sun or by mean of Mak Chahal (see
Each and every piece that makes up a team (5)
can move throughout the board with the exception of
the area named The Forbidden Zone which can only
be traversed by the Leader piece (L).
With the rule allowing for three moves per turn
a larger variety of options develop during a game.
Maya Chess “The Game of the Gods” is played
on a game board comprised of two equal lateral triangles
that are joined at their bases forming a rhombus. The
game depicts a battle between to opposing Maya Chess
Together with the condition that the playing
pieces not be retired from the board, movement options
on the board increase to more than a 150,000 million in
any three-move turn.
The geometric forms of each piece have a very
specific function: obstruct with their volume (angles,
vertices) the opponent due to their three-dimensional
On the board, two players face each other with
five playing pieces each, four of the pieces protect the
fifth piece called Leader (L). Each side obstructs its
opponents pieces to avoid allowing your opponent to
capture your Leader piece (L) which marks an end to
the game.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
General Characteristics of
Other ways of winning are: arrive with the
leader piece at The Temple of the Moon, reach The
Temple of the Sun or by mean of Mak Chahal (see
Each and every piece that makes up a team (5)
can move throughout the board with the exception of
the area named The Forbidden Zone which can only
be traversed by the Leader piece (L).
With the rule allowing for three moves per turn
a larger variety of options develop during a game.
Maya Chess “The Game of the Gods” is played
on a game board comprised of two equal lateral triangles
that are joined at their bases forming a rhombus. The
game depicts a battle between to opposing Maya Chess
Together with the condition that the playing
pieces not be retired from the board, movement options
on the board increase to more than a 150,000 million in
any three-move turn.
The geometric forms of each piece have a very
specific function: obstruct with their volume (angles,
vertices) the opponent due to their three-dimensional
On the board, two players face each other with
five playing pieces each, four of the pieces protect the
fifth piece called Leader (L). Each side obstructs its
opponents pieces to avoid allowing your opponent to
capture your Leader piece (L) which marks an end to
the game.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
The Leader (L) playing pieces may obstruct
each other but cannot harm each other since their
movement description prevents their rotating over an
opponent. This playing piece slides from one position
to another rather than rotates.
The leader playing piece is the only one that
slides across the game board (See rule 10).
rhombus or trapecius, never slides like the Leader (L)
If either sides playing pieces are prevented
from movement and therefore do not take their required
three move turn, then the side that is motionless loses
through Mak Chahal. (See rules 10 and 11)
If the Leader (L) playing piece has been able
to cross the Forbidden Zone of his opponent and his
movement is obstructed by the opposing Leader (L)
playing piece; he is considered the winner of the game.
(See rule 12 and 14)
K’Atun the final move!
K’Atun signifies for always or eternally. This
expression is used when the opponent is incapable of
escaping a lethal attack from one of the players.
The Captain (C), Guardian (G), Attacker
(A) and Defender (D) pieces, move in the same way,
pivoting on its edge towards the next free space (triangle,
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
The Leader (L) playing pieces may obstruct
each other but cannot harm each other since their
movement description prevents their rotating over an
opponent. This playing piece slides from one position
to another rather than rotates.
The leader playing piece is the only one that
slides across the game board (See rule 10).
There are four forms of K’Atun.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
rhombus or trapecius, never slides like the Leader (L)
If either sides playing pieces are prevented
from movement and therefore do not take their required
three move turn, then the side that is motionless loses
through Mak Chahal. (See rules 10 and 11)
If the Leader (L) playing piece has been able
to cross the Forbidden Zone of his opponent and his
movement is obstructed by the opposing Leader (L)
playing piece; he is considered the winner of the game.
(See rule 12 and 14)
Once touched, a playing piece must be
K’Atun the final move!
K’Atun signifies for always or eternally. This
expression is used when the opponent is incapable of
escaping a lethal attack from one of the players.
The Captain (C), Guardian (G), Attacker
(A) and Defender (D) pieces, move in the same way,
pivoting on its edge towards the next free space (triangle,
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Once touched, a playing piece must be
There are four forms of K’Atun.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
The Rules
The first move is decided upon through courtesy or coin toss. In the subsequent game, the opponent
plays first.
Both players are required to complete three
moves per turn. The variations may be:
a).- choose a playing piece and move it three
b).- choose two playing pieces, move one or
two spaces with one playing piece and move one or two
spaces with the other playing piece, as long as the total
number of movements per turn equals three.
c).- choose three playing pieces, move each
one a total of one space.
No playing piece is ever removed from the
board, the playing pieces function by obstructing an opMaya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
ponents movement and avoiding a possible K’Atun.
No playing piece may end a turn resting on the
Temple of the Moon although they may traverse it.
No playing piece may rest upon a triangle if
access to it is impeded by other playing pieces because
the vertex of an adjoining playing piece prevent entry
into that space.
The playing pieces Captain (C), Guardian
(G), Attacker (D) and Defender (D) may traverse
the entire game board save for ones own Forbidden
No playing piece may leave the confines of the
game board during a game.
The Rules
The first move is decided upon through courtesy or coin toss. In the subsequent game, the opponent
plays first.
Both players are required to complete three
moves per turn. The variations may be:
a).- choose a playing piece and move it three
b).- choose two playing pieces, move one or
two spaces with one playing piece and move one or two
spaces with the other playing piece, as long as the total
number of movements per turn equals three.
c).- choose three playing pieces, move each
one a total of one space.
No playing piece is ever removed from the
board, the playing pieces function by obstructing an opMaya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
5 White Pieces
The Playing Pieces
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
1.- The Pieces
Leader (L)
One of the elements that makes up the strategy
game Maya Chess “The game of the Gods”, are the Captain (C)
10 geometric playing pieces; five of which comprises
each team. One of the basics of the game is to protect
the Leader piece (L). The pieces are as follows:o.
Guardian (G)
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
1.- The Pieces
Captain (C)
Guardian (G)
Attacker (A)
Defender (D)
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
5 White Pieces
Leader (L)
One of the elements that makes up the strategy
game Maya Chess “The game of the Gods”, are the Captain (C)
10 geometric playing pieces; five of which comprises
each team. One of the basics of the game is to protect
the Leader piece (L). The pieces are as follows:o.
Guardian (G)
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Leader (L)
Attacker (A)
The Playing Pieces
ponents movement and avoiding a possible K’Atun.
No playing piece may end a turn resting on the
Temple of the Moon although they may traverse it.
No playing piece may rest upon a triangle if
access to it is impeded by other playing pieces because
the vertex of an adjoining playing piece prevent entry
into that space.
The playing pieces Captain (C), Guardian
(G), Attacker (D) and Defender (D) may traverse
the entire game board save for ones own Forbidden
No playing piece may leave the confines of the
game board during a game.
5 Dark Pieces
5 Dark Pieces
Leader (L)
Captain (C)
Guardian (G)
Attacker (A)
Attacker (A)
Defender (D)
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
The Playing Surface
Fourth Form of the K’Atún:
The Final Move
2.- The Board
4.- If during the course of a turn, three moves,
the playing pieces cannot move for whatever reason,
then the last player unable to complete the three move
turn loses by Mak Chahal.
and 64 are black, each pointing with one
of its vertices towards each others opponent.
The rhombus is divided into 128
small triangles, of these, 64 are white
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
The Playing Surface
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
Fourth Form of the K’Atún:
The Final Move
2.- The Board
and 64 are black, each pointing with one
of its vertices towards each others opponent.
The rhombus is divided into 128
small triangles, of these, 64 are white
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Mak Chahal.The Black playing pieces
are unable to complete
the three moves required
since all the playing pieces Leader (L), Captain
(C), Guardian (G), Attacker (A) and Defender
(D) all find themselves
obstructed from movement by the White playing pieces.
4.- If during the course of a turn, three moves,
the playing pieces cannot move for whatever reason,
then the last player unable to complete the three move
turn loses by Mak Chahal.
The board is in the shape of a rhombus,
formed by two equal lateral triangles joined at there
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Mak Chahal.The Black playing pieces
are unable to complete
the three moves required
since all the playing pieces Leader (L), Captain
(C), Guardian (G), Attacker (A) and Defender
(D) all find themselves
obstructed from movement by the White playing pieces.
The board is in the shape of a rhombus,
formed by two equal lateral triangles joined at there
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Third Form of the K’Atún:
The Final Move
3.- When the triangle occupied by the Leader
(L) playing piece is occupied by one of the following
opponents; Captain (C), Guardian (G), Attacker (A)
or Defender (D) without obstructing the movements of
the other playing pieces either in their volume, vertex
or edges.
The Temples of The Moon
The second move.-
The Temples of The Moon are the two small
triangles located near the center of the rhombus and
can be identified by a circle of different color
for each side.
The Black Attacker (A)
playing piece rotates towards the shaded area leaving its own Defender (D)
playing piece at liberty to
Third Form of the K’Atún:
The Final Move
3.- When the triangle occupied by the Leader
(L) playing piece is occupied by one of the following
opponents; Captain (C), Guardian (G), Attacker (A)
or Defender (D) without obstructing the movements of
the other playing pieces either in their volume, vertex
or edges.
The third move.The Black Defender (D)
playing piece rotates towards
the shaded area capturing the
opponent’s Leader (L) playing piece, accomplish-ing a
28 .
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
The Temples of The Moon
The second move.-
The third move.-
Temple of the Moon
The Black Guardian (G)
playing piece rotates towards the shaded area in
order to open up space for
its Defender (D) playing
3.- The Temples of The Moon
The Temples of The Moon are the two small
triangles located near the center of the rhombus and
can be identified by a circle of different color
for each side.
The Black Attacker (A)
playing piece rotates towards the shaded area leaving its own Defender (D)
playing piece at liberty to
The first move.-
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Temple of the Moon
The first move.The Black Guardian (G)
playing piece rotates towards the shaded area in
order to open up space for
its Defender (D) playing
3.- The Temples of The Moon
The Black Defender (D)
playing piece rotates towards
the shaded area capturing the
opponent’s Leader (L) playing piece, accomplish-ing a
28 .
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Temples of The Sun
Second form of the K’Atún move:
The Final Move
When the Leader (L) playing piece reaches
the Temple of the Sun of the opponents.
4.- Temples of The Sun
The Temples of The Sun are located at the opposing points of the rhombus and are identified in the
same way as those of the Temple of The Moon,
by a circle of different color for each side..
The second move.The White Leader (L) playing
piece advances being only one
move away from the opponents
Temple of the Sun.
Temple of the Sun
The First Move.The White playing pieces obstruct the path of the Black
Leader (L) playing piece
in an optional move since
the White Leader (L)
playing piece is only
two moves away from
the opponents Temple
The third move.The White Leader (L)
playing piece reaches its
objective, the Temple of
the Sun, accomplishing a
Temple of the Sun
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Temples of The Sun
Second form of the K’Atún move:
The Final Move
When the Leader (L) playing piece reaches
the Temple of the Sun of the opponents.
4.- Temples of The Sun
The Temples of The Sun are located at the opposing points of the rhombus and are identified in the
same way as those of the Temple of The Moon, by
a circle of different color for each side..
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
The second move.The White Leader (L) playing piece
advances being only one move
away from the opponents Temple
of the Sun.
Temple of the Sun
The First Move.The White playing pieces obstruct the path of the Black
Leader (L) playing piece
in an optional move since
the White Leader (L)
playing piece is only
two moves away from
the opponents Temple
The third move.-
Temple of the Sun
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
The White Leader (L)
playing piece reaches its
objective, the Temple of
the Sun, accomplishing a
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
The Forbidden Zones
In Search of K’Atún;
The Final Move !
The K’Atun move can occur in four different
The second move.-
The third move.The Black Leader (L)
playing piece moves
towards the opponents Temple of
the Moon (shaded) accomplishing a
Forbidden Zone
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
The Forbidden Zones
In Search of K’Atún;
The Final Move !
The K’Atun move can occur in four different
The second move.The Black leader (L)
playing piece moves
toward the next
shaded triangle,
one move away
from the Temple
of the Moon.
The Black Leader (L)
playing piece moves
towards the opponents Temple of
the Moon (shaded) accomplishing a
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Forbidden Zone
The third move.-
5.- The Forbidden Zones
The Forbidden Zones comprise the area from
the opposing vertices to the triple unbroken lines The
Forbidden Zones can only be traversed by the Leader
playing piece (L) or by the opponents playing pieces
when in enemy territory. An opponent may
not traverse his own Forbidden Zone
save with a Leader piece
When the Leader (L) playing piece reaches
the opponent’s Temple of the Moon.
First form of the K’Atún move:
The Final Move
The First Move.
The Black Defender (D) playing piece moves
toward the shaded area in
order to permit access
to the Temple of the
Moon by the Black
Leader (L) playing piece.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Forbidden Zone
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
The Black leader (L)
playing piece moves
toward the next
shaded triangle,
one move away
from the Temple
of the Moon.
5.- The Forbidden Zones
The Forbidden Zones comprise the area from
the opposing vertices to the triple unbroken lines The
Forbidden Zones can only be traversed by the Leader
playing piece (L) or by the opponents playing pieces
when in enemy territory. An opponent may
not traverse his own Forbidden Zone
save with a Leader piece
When the Leader (L) playing piece reaches
the opponent’s Temple of the Moon.
First form of the K’Atún move:
The Final Move
The First Move.
The Black Defender (D) playing piece moves
toward the shaded area in
order to permit access
to the Temple of the
Moon by the Black
Leader (L) playing piece.
Forbidden Zone
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
In Search of K’Atún;
The Leader Playing Piece
The Leader (L)
The Leader (L) is the most important playing
piece in the game since it’s capture is the basis of the
game; if any of the opponents playing pieces occupies
the same triangle as the Leader (L) during a turn then
there’s is the victory.
Leader (L)
You can also lose if the Leader piece (L) is able
to reach your opponents Temple of The Sun, Temple
of The Moon or by means of Mak Chahal.
It’s Shape
In the Maya language, the expression K’Atún
signifies for always or eternally and this expression is
spoken when your opponent has no possibility of escaping a lethal attack.
Example 1 of K’Atún Move:
The Final Move
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
The Leader (L)
The Leader (L) is the most important playing
piece in the game since it’s capture is the basis of the
game; if any of the opponents playing pieces occupies
the same triangle as the Leader (L) during a turn then
there’s is the victory.
Leader (L)
You can also lose if the Leader piece (L) is able
to reach your opponents Temple of The Sun, Temple
of The Moon or by means of Mak Chahal.
It’s Shape
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
The Final Move !
In Search of K’Atún;
In the Maya language, the expression K’Atún
signifies for always or eternally and this expression is
spoken when your opponent has no possibility of escaping a lethal attack.
Example 1 of K’Atún Move:
The Final Move
In this example, the Black Attacker (A) playing piece takes advantage of the spaces left open by the
White playing pieces and, on the third move, traps the
White Leader (L) playing piece finalizing the game.
The Leader (L) is identified by its cylindrical
shaped base with (or without) a pyramid shape resting
upon it.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
In Search of K’Atún;
The Leader Playing Piece
In Search of K’Atún;
In this example, the Black Attacker (A) playing piece takes advantage of the spaces left open by the
White playing pieces and, on the third move, traps the
White Leader (L) playing piece finalizing the game.
The Leader (L) is identified by its cylindrical
shaped base with (or without) a pyramid shape resting
upon it.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
The Final Move !
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Initial Position
The illustration bellow
shows the initial positions of all the playing
pieces on the board.
At the beginning
of the game, the Leader pieces (L)
are placed at the opposing ends of
the rhombus.
They each occupy a
triangle nearest the player and
identified with a circle upon it.
Black.- Occupies the
number 1 triangle, line letter
p as demonstrated in the layout
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Initial Position
The illustration bellow
shows the initial positions of all the playing
pieces on the board.
It’s Placement
They each occupy a
triangle nearest the player and
identified with a circle upon it.
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
White.- Occupies the
number 1 triangle, line letter
a as demonstrated in the layout
Black.- Occupies the
number 1 triangle, line letter
p as demonstrated in the layout
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
At the beginning
of the game, the Leader pieces (L)
are placed at the opposing ends of
the rhombus.
White Pieces
Black Pieces
=La1 // Leader
= Lp1
Captain =Cd5 // Captain = Cm3
Guardian =Gd4 // Guardian = Gm4
Attacker =Ad2,3E // Attacker = Am5W,6
Defender = Dd6N // Defender = Dm2S
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
White.- Occupies the
number 1 triangle, line letter
a as demonstrated in the layout
White Pieces
Black Pieces
Leader = La1 // Leader
= Lp1
Captain = Cd5 // Captain = Cm3
Guardian=Gd4 // Guardian = Gm4
Attacker =Ad2,3E // Attacker= Am5W,6
Defender =Dd6N // Defender= Dm2S
It’s Placement
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
The Leader (L) Movements
The Leader (L) is the only piece that slides
freely throughout the board, the other 4 pieces must
rotate over a leading edge.
The Leader (L) can penetrate his own Forbidden Zone while the other four playing pieces cannot.
The Leader (L) always slides across the board
on it’s one plane while the other four must rotate from
one adjacent plane to the next. (pivoting from one plane
to the next adjacent plane)
1. -Defensive. - The strategy of the Leader (L)
is defensive in nature, since it should never be trapped
by its opponent which would cause the immediate loss
of the game.
• It is recommended that the Leader (L) remain
close to the Guardian (G). It would be preferable to
remove the Leader (L) from its forbidden zone as early
as the opportunity presents itself, and in the company
of its defenders open up a flank or space in the central
area of the game board that would permit movement
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
with less risk.
• It may occur that the Leader (L) is the only
playing piece available to obstruct the forward movement of the opposing Leader (L) targeting either the
Temple of the Moon or the Temple of the Sun (rule
2.-Offensive.-The offensive strategy of the
Leader (L) is to move its defending playing pieces the
Captain (C), Guardian
(G), Attacker (A), and Defender (D) to obstruct their
opponents in their attempt
to reach the Temple of the
Moon or the Temple of
the Sun, that is to say, not
to try to trap the opponents
Leader (L) but rather to
reach their secondary objective, the temples.
The Leader (L) Movements
The Leader (L) Movements
The Leader (L) is the only piece that slides
freely throughout the board, the other 4 pieces must
rotate over a leading edge.
The Leader (L) can penetrate his own Forbidden Zone while the other four playing pieces cannot.
The Leader (L) always slides across the board
on it’s one plane while the other four must rotate from
one adjacent plane to the next. (pivoting from one plane
to the next adjacent plane)
1. -Defensive. - The strategy of the Leader (L)
is defensive in nature, since it should never be trapped
by its opponent which would cause the immediate loss
of the game.
• It is recommended that the Leader (L) remain
close to the Guardian (G). It would be preferable to
remove the Leader (L) from its forbidden zone as early
as the opportunity presents itself, and in the company
of its defenders open up a flank or space in the central
area of the game board that would permit movement
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
with less risk.
• It may occur that the Leader (L) is the only
playing piece available to obstruct the forward movement of the opposing Leader (L) targeting either the
Temple of the Moon or the Temple of the Sun (rule
2.-Offensive.-The offensive strategy of the
Leader (L) is to move its defending playing pieces the
Captain (C), Guardian
(G), Attacker (A), and Defender (D) to obstruct their
opponents in their attempt
to reach the Temple of the
Moon or the Temple of
the Sun, that is to say, not
to try to trap the opponents
Leader (L) but rather to
reach their secondary objective, the temples.
The Leader (L) Movements
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
It’s Movement
The Defender (D) moves in the same way as
the Captain (C) and Attacker (A), pivoting on its edge
towards the next free triangle.
of accessing via either flank the opposing Leader (L)
and thereby win the game. In a defense strategy maintaining control over your own mid field is essential.
Precautions: Unless
the Defender (D) has ample
space to move, avoid the game
board orders since it can
be nullified easily under
those conditions.
2.Offensive. -The
offensive play that can be used
with the Defender (D) is to place
it in the opponents mid field so that
it can move with ease laterally to obstruct an opponent.
Offensive suggestion: None, unless the opponents Leader (L) is alone and vulnerable.
As shown bellow, this piece can
come to rest in two different
1. -Defensive. -The
Defender (D) does justice to its
name since its movement across
the board is rapid and the area
that it covers is so great that
it acts as a wall, practically unreachable by its opponents.
• Place the Defender (D) in its opponents mid
field (in front of the Temple of the Moon) in the beginning of a game, taking into consideration the possibility
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
It’s Movement
The Defender (D) moves in the same way as
the Captain (C) and Attacker (A), pivoting on its edge
towards the next free triangle.
of accessing via either flank the opposing Leader (L)
and thereby win the game. In a defense strategy maintaining control over your own mid field is essential.
Precautions: Unless
the Defender (D) has ample
space to move, avoid the game
board orders since it can
be nullified easily under
those conditions.
2.Offensive. -The
offensive play that can be used
with the Defender (D) is to place
it in the opponents mid field so that
it can move with ease laterally to obstruct an opponent.
Offensive suggestion: None, unless the opponents Leader (L) is alone and vulnerable.
As shown bellow, this piece can
come to rest in two different
1. -Defensive. -The
Defender (D) does justice to its
name since its movement across
the board is rapid and the area
that it covers is so great that
it acts as a wall, practically unreachable by its opponents.
• Place the Defender (D) in its opponents mid
field (in front of the Temple of the Moon) in the beginning of a game, taking into consideration the possibility
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Captain (C)
It’s Position
The positions of the Defender
(D) playing pieces at the start of the game
are as shown below.
The Captain (C) and the Leader (L) are the
only playing pieces that can easily pass through the
openings left by the larger playing pieces.
White.- Occupies the numbers
6 triangle, line letter d with its major
vertex oriented northward (N).
Black.- Occupies the numbers
2 triangle, line letter m with its major
vertex oriented southward (S).
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
Captain (C)
It’s Position
The positions of the Defender
(D) playing pieces at the start of the game
are as shown below.
The Captain (C) and the Leader (L) are the
only playing pieces that can easily pass through the
openings left by the larger playing pieces.
White.- Occupies the numbers
6 triangle, line letter d with its major
vertex oriented northward (N).
Black.- Occupies the numbers
2 triangle, line letter m with its major
vertex oriented southward (S).
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
It’s form is advantageous in defending The
Temple of the Moon. The Captain pieces (C) movements are slow by comparison to the larger pieces.
The Captain Shape
The Captain (C) shape is that of a tetrahedron.
It has four identical sides, each plane is an equal lateral
triangle. It is a pyramid.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Captain (C)
Captain (C)
It’s form is advantageous in defending The
Temple of the Moon. The Captain pieces (C) movements are slow by comparison to the larger pieces.
The Captain Shape
The Captain (C) shape is that of a tetrahedron.
It has four identical sides, each plane is an equal lateral
triangle. It is a pyramid.
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
It’s Position
Defender (D)
The positions of the Captain
playing pieces (C) at the start of the
game are as shown below.
The Defender (D) playing piece is by far the
largest playing piece and this presents certain strategic
advantages: for example, this piece covers the greatest
area and, as a result, is the fastest moving piece on the
It’s Shape
White.- Occupies the number 5 triangle, line letter d.
Black.- Occupies the number 3 triangle, line letter m.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
It’s Position
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
Defender (D)
The positions of the Captain
playing pieces (C) at the start of the
game are as shown below.
The Defender (D) playing piece is by far the
largest playing piece and this presents certain strategic
advantages: for example, this piece covers the greatest
area and, as a result, is the fastest moving piece on the
It’s Shape
White.- Occupies the number 5 triangle, line letter d.
Black.- Occupies the number 3 triangle, line letter m.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
The Defender (D) is a Octahedron, meaning
eight sided, four sides are trapeziums and four are triangles.
Its volume is composed of two octahedrons and
two pyramids or the merging of two heptahedrons.
Defender (D)
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
The Defender (D) is a Octahedron, meaning
eight sided, four sides are trapeziums and four are triangles.
Its volume is composed of two octahedrons and
two pyramids or the merging of two heptahedrons.
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Defender (D)
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
It’s Movement
It’s Movement
The Attacker (A) moves in the same way as
the Captain (C) and Guardian (G), pivoting on its edge
towards the next free triangle.
As shown bellow, this piece can come to rest
in three different positions.
1. -Defensive. -The Attacker (A)
can protect its Leader (L) from its
opponents and can be a decisive factor in an option to capture the opposing
Leader (L). In relation to its defensive
functions the following is
• Place the Attacker (A) in its own
mid field (between the Forbidden
Zone and the Temple of the Moon)
in the beginning of the game, while you
determine your opponents strategy.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
• Use the Captain (C) as support
on either flank (always in mid field).
• The Attacker (A) is the
ideal choice to obstruct the opponents Defender (D) when it intends
to clear the way for its Leader (L)
to reach the Temple of the Moon.
Precautions: Avoid the edges
of the game board in areas saturated with players where
your piece can easily be nullified.
2. - Offensive. - The Attacker (A), because
on its close reach to be Defender (D), can chase the
Leader (L) to its mid field.
Offensive suggestion: Do not move your Attacker (A) much beyond mid field unless the field is
open and you have the support of the Captain (C) in
any attempt to capture the opposing Leader (L)
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
It’s Movement
The Attacker (A) moves in the same way as
the Captain (C) and Guardian (G), pivoting on its edge
towards the next free triangle.
As shown bellow, this piece can come to rest
in three different positions.
1. -Defensive. -The Attacker (A)
can protect its Leader (L) from its
opponents and can be a decisive factor in an option to capture the opposing
Leader (L). In relation to its defensive
functions the following is
• Place the Attacker (A) in its own
mid field (between the Forbidden
Zone and the Temple of the Moon)
in the beginning of the game, while you
determine your opponents strategy.
• Use the Captain (C) as support on either
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
The movement of the Captain (C) is done by
pivoting from one plane (facet) over its edge to the next
adjacent plane. This movement is similar in all playing
pieces except for the Leader (L).
1. -Defensive- The Captain (C), has at its
disposal a large number of defensive options such as:
• Protect the Temple of the Moon, placing
itself in any of the triangles that surround it.
• Pressure the opposing Leader (L) so that the
Attacker (A) or Defender (D) could capture it.
Precautions: Prevent the opposing Defender
(D) from obstruction since this would limit advancement. The Defender (D) playing pieces are difficult to
evade due to their size.
2. - Offensive. - The offensive capacity of
the Captain (C) is limited to applying pressure to the
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
opposing Leader (L), since it is rather simple for their
opposing pieces to obstruct its movement, in particular
the Defender (D) which once isolated from the rest of
the playing pieces, Guardian (G) and Defender (D),
present little danger to the other side.
Offensive suggestions: In the case that an
offensive is mounted, make sure that you can capture
the opposing Leader (L) using the Attacker (A) (as an
example) or you run the
risk of isolating the Captain (C) placing it at the
mercy of its opponents.
The movement of the Captain playing piece
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
It’s Movement
flank (always in mid field).
• The Attacker (A) is the ideal
choice to obstruct the opponents Defender (D) when it intends to clear
the way for its Leader (L) to reach
the Temple of the Moon.
Precautions: Avoid the
edges of the game board in areas saturated with players where your piece can easily be nullified.
2. - Offensive. - The Attacker (A), because
on its close reach to be Defender (D), can chase the
Leader (L) to its mid field.
Offensive suggestion: Do not move your Attacker (A) much beyond mid field unless the field is
open and you have the support of the Captain (C) in
any attempt to capture the opposing Leader (L)
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
The movement of the Captain (C) is done by
pivoting from one plane (facet) over its edge to the next
adjacent plane. This movement is similar in all playing
pieces except for the Leader (L).
1. -Defensive- The Captain (C), has at its
disposal a large number of defensive options such as:
• Protect the Temple of the Moon, placing
itself in any of the triangles that surround it.
• Pressure the opposing Leader (L) so that the
Attacker (A) or Defender (D) could capture it.
Precautions: Prevent the opposing Defender
(D) from obstruction since this would limit advancement. The Defender (D) playing pieces are difficult to
evade due to their size.
2. - Offensive. - The offensive capacity of
the Captain (C) is limited to applying pressure to the
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
opposing Leader (L), since it is rather simple for their
opposing pieces to obstruct its movement, in particular
the Defender (D) which once isolated from the rest of
the playing pieces, Guardian (G) and Defender (D),
present little danger to the other side.
Offensive suggestions: In the case that an
offensive is mounted, make sure that you can capture
the opposing Leader (L) using the Attacker (A) (as an
example) or you run the
risk of isolating the Captain (C) placing it at the
mercy of its opponents.
The movement of the Captain playing piece
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
The Guardian (G)
Because of the Guardian (G) size and movement ease, it has the characteristic of protecting the
Leader (L) by obstructing the movement of the opponents.
The Guardian (G) has the shape of an octahedron, two quadrangular pyramids united at their bases,
with equal lateral triangular planes or facets.
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
The Guardian (G) has the shape of an octahedron, two quadrangular pyramids united at their bases,
with equal lateral triangular planes or facets.
White.- Occupies the numbers 2 and 3 triangles, line letter d
with its major vertex oriented eastward.(E)
The positions of the Attacker
(A) playing pieces at the start of the
game are as shown below.
Cuadrangular Pyramid
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
It’s Position
Black.-:Occupies the numbers 5 and 6 triangles, line letter m
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Because of the Guardian (G) size and movement ease, it has the characteristic of protecting the
Leader (L) by obstructing the movement of the opponents.
The Guardian (G)
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
White.- Occupies the numbers 2 and 3 triangles, line letter d
with its major vertex oriented eastward.(E)
Cuadrangular Pyramid
The positions of the Attacker
(A) playing pieces at the start of the
game are as shown below.
Black.-:Occupies the numbers 5 and 6 triangles, line letter m
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
It’s Position
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Attacker (A)
It’s Position
Attacker (A)
The Attacker (A) playing piece can go into
narrow spaces with it’s major vertex similar to that of
the Captain (C).
The positions of the Guardian playing pieces (G) at the start of
the game are as shown below.
White.- Occupies the number 4 triangle, line letter d.
It’s Shape
The Attacker (A) playing piece has the shape
of a heptahedron, part tetrahedron and part octahedron,
three of its facets are rhombus and the other four are
equal lateral triangles.
Black.- Occupies the number 4 triangle, line letter m.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Attacker (A)
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
It’s Position
Attacker (A)
The Attacker (A) playing piece can go into
narrow spaces with it’s major vertex similar to that of
the Captain (C).
The positions of the Guardian playing pieces (G) at the start of
the game are as shown below.
White.- Occupies the number 4 triangle, line letter d.
It’s Shape
The Attacker (A) playing piece has the shape
of a heptahedron, part tetrahedron and part octahedron,
three of its facets are rhombus and the other four are
equal lateral triangles.
Black.- Occupies the number 4 triangle, line letter m.
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Attacker (A)
It’s Movement
The Guardian (G) moves in the same way as
the Captain (C), pivoting on its edge towards the next
free triangle.
(C), try to prevent the opponents Defender (D) from
obstructing your path since having done so will severely
limit your movement. The Defender (D)s are difficult
to evade due to their size.
The playing piece designated Attacker is
identifies with the letter A.
Attacker (A)
The Attacker (A) playing piece can be positioned in three different ways:
2.- The Attacker (A) playing
piece resting on a rhombus,
its orientation determined by
its major vertex, in this case,
its vertex pointing Eastward
1. Defensive. The main mission of the Guardian (G) is to protect the Leader (L). The following is
• Maintain close proximity between the Guardian (G) and the Leader (L) because in a defensive
strategy it will be necessary to remove the Leader (L)
from its Forbidden Zone.
• Select a flank (always protecting the Leader
(L)). In the case that pressure is being applied, seek the
support of additional playing pieces without leaving the
Temple of the Sun vulnerable.
Precautions: As in the case of the Captain
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Attacker (A) move-
1.- The Attacker (A)
playing piece resting on
a triangle (with its vertex
pointing upward), its position is Zenith (Z).
3.- The Attacker (A) playing
piece resting over a triangle,
its orientation as determined
by its major vertex, pointing
Eastward (E).
Movements of the Guardian (G)
Attacker (A) movements
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Attacker (A) movements
Attacker (A)
It’s Movement
The Guardian (G) moves in the same way as
the Captain (C), pivoting on its edge towards the next
free triangle.
(C), try to prevent the opponents Defender (D) from
obstructing your path since having done so will severely
limit your movement. The Defender (D)s are difficult
to evade due to their size.
The playing piece designated Attacker is
identifies with the letter A.
Attacker (A)
The Attacker (A) playing piece can be positioned in three different ways:
2.- The Attacker (A) playing
piece resting on a rhombus,
its orientation determined by
its major vertex, in this case,
its vertex pointing Eastward
1. Defensive. The main mission of the Guardian (G) is to protect the Leader (L). The following is
• Maintain close proximity between the Guardian (G) and the Leader (L) because in a defensive
strategy it will be necessary to remove the Leader (L)
from its Forbidden Zone.
Attacker (A) move-
1.- The Attacker (A)
playing piece resting on
a triangle (with its vertex
pointing upward), its position is Zenith (Z).
• Select a flank (always protecting the Leader
(L)). In the case that pressure is being applied, seek the
support of additional playing pieces without leaving the
Temple of the Sun vulnerable.
Precautions: As in the case of the Captain
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods ”
3.- The Attacker (A) playing
piece resting over a triangle,
its orientation as determined
by its major vertex, pointing
Eastward (E).
Movements of the Guardian (G)
Attacker (A) movements
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Copyright ©2001-2012 Comunidad Epistémica de México
Attacker (A) movements
Maya Chess® “The Game of the Gods”