August 2007 - Pontchartrain Yacht Club


August 2007 - Pontchartrain Yacht Club
Volume 40 Issue 8
August 2007
Commodore’s Corner
“Pontchartrain is probably the best example of getting a design-build program put together, agreeing
on what they were doing and getting it up and going”.
Ron Richards, GYA Vice Commodore – Times Picayune 7/8/07
July 2007 - What an amazing
month! Not only did we take possession of our beautiful new clubhouse just in time for a July 4 party,
but we hosted two [2] major regattas, almost back-to-back!
The Chart August 2007
We should all feel proud! Thanks to
our architects Mike Piazza and
Lynn Mitchell, the New Building
Committee, John Cramer, Bill
Dietrich, Joe Huffman and Ian
Prosser for a job well done. Thanks
to the many volunteer members,
whose efforts helped bridge the
financial gap between the clubhouse
we wanted and what we could actually afford, becoming a reality.
Thanks to Janie Eshleman and
Janet Miller-Schmidt co-chairs for
the 5-day “Ida Lewis” regatta.
Thanks to the many volunteers,
from the “Dorm Diva’s” to the
“Food Diva’s” and all the volunteer
support on and off the water. A
tremendous amount of organization
went into the planning and hosting
for no less than 70 ‘teenage girls
arriving with an entourage of
judges, coaches and US Sailing
officials. Hosting this prestigious
National event was indeed an
honor, but we could not have done
Last but not least - “Junior Liptons” chaired by [who else?] Janie
Co-PRO’s David Bolyard and
Gene Wanless, Registrar Pat
Ross, Scoring Controller Julie
Bolyard, Head Judge Karen
Reisch and Race Committee members Jenny and Cecelia O’Hara;
all the course boats Steve & Caron
Choate, Rob Doolittle, Billy Ross,
Larry Ruthven, David Bolyard
Jr. and respective crews; Yard
“dogs” Hew Hamilton and Huey
Kliebert, the “Burger Babes”
Barbie, Leigh, Jamie, Peggy and
Pat Brinks. The usual well oiled
“Regatta Machine” just swung into
action once again to put on another
amazingly successful regatta.
To top it all, our new Junior
Lipton team achieved a solid
5th place overall. In fact, they
came in 2nd [18 boats] at the
previous weekend’s Capdevielle event in Mobile! So,
watch out for these young guys
in 2008.
As we make ourselves at home
in this our 3rd clubhouse in 40
years, let’s also consider the
difficulties and challenges
faced by many of our fellow
sailors along the Gulf Coast
who struggle with not only
rebuilding yacht clubs but also
their homes.
We are really fortunate but
also, we are really, really first!
Yours aye
From the Vice- Commodore - Jane Eshleman
The first order of business is to express my appreciation and admiration to all of you who worked so hard for
six consecutive days to make the U.S. Junior Women’s Doublehanded Championship (Ida Lewis) a success.
I don’t think the club has ever put on an event of this magnitude for so many days, but in true PYC form, you
all “just showed up” to make it happen! You are all champions to me! Please let me know if I’ve forgotten
anyone, because we plan to do something special for all of you!
Barbie & Uwe Adler, Food & Beverage/
Roy & Colleen Hollyfield, Race Committee/Food & Beverage
Pat Ross, Program/Registration
Rebecca Barclay-Choate, Program
Sharon House, Food & Beverage
Billy Ross, Club One-Design Chair/Race
Joy Berndsen, Dorm Diva
Bridget & Tom Jarvis, Club Social Chair/
Jamie Sieverding, Food & Beverage
SnoAnn Jones, Race Committee
Vaughan & Stefani Sollberger, Club
Membership Chair/Power Boats/Food &
Beverage/Dorm Diva
David & Julie Bolyard, Boat Yard/Medical
D.J. Bolyard, Boat Yard
Pat Brinks, Food & Beverage Co-Chair
Steven & Caron Choate/Race Committee/Dorm Diva
John Cramer, Race Committee
Phyllis & Susan Danielson, Dorm Divas
Anne David, Dorm Diva
Marshall & Nick David, Boat Yard/
Awards Dinner
Gail Ledet, Food & Beverage/Dorm Diva
Joel & Mary Lindsey, Club House
&Grounds Chair/Food & Beverage/Dorm
Janet Miller-Schmidt & Gene Finnell,
Event Co-Chair/Housing
Mark Oswald, Boat Yard
Leigh Wanless, Food & Beverage CoChair/Registered Nurse
Bill Evans, Boats
Barry Pierce/Race Committee
Cleve Fair, Race Committee
Erin Powell, Housing
Peggy Gele, Boats/Dorm Diva
Tom & Cindy Quinlan, Race Committee/
Spectator Boats/Dorm Diva
Bob Reedy, Boat Yard
Karen Reisch, USSA Judge
Hew Hamilton, Charter Boats & Yard
Brent Roberts, Physical Plant
Megan Hamilton, Dorm Diva
Ashley/Ryan/Collin Ross, Boat Yard,/
Awards Dinner
Terri Hamilton, Club Race Chair/T-shirts/
Eric Traill, Club Staff
Kelvin Troughton, Commodore/Race
Janie Eshleman, Event Co-Chair
Betsy Green, Food & Beverage
Bev Toebben, Transportation Co-Chair/
Dorm Diva
Jenny O’Hara, Race Committee/ Food &
Beverage/Dorm Diva
Stacie Palazzo, Club Manager
Jack Gilbert, Food & Beverage
Celeste & Gary Thorson, Transportation
Chair/Race Committee/Housing
Debbie Ross/Dorm Diva
Dottie Williams, Food & Beverage/Dorm
Stewart Williams, Race Committee
Suzana Williams, Club Junior Chair/
Event Photographer/Dorm Diva
Jonathan Wilson, Club Staff
Emily Winchell, Food & Beverage
Chuck & Nancy Wyllie, Cash Management/Food & Beverage
Georgia & Larry Young, Transportation
I would also like to offer my sincere thanks to Ian, Joe, John, Bill, the Rodicks, and all of the volunteers on the
building committee who have worked tirelessly to have the club opened for this event, and who managed to
continue working during the six days of chaos! Our hats are off to you!
Finally – congratulations to Shan Kirk, who was just elected as a national director of the United States Optimist Dinghy Association (USODA); and happy birthday to the Flying Scot, which turns 50 this year!
Janie Eshleman
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From the Vice Commodore - cont.
And from one of the national chairs, a
note of congratulations to all!
Janie and Janet and PYC
I want to thank both of you for
the tremendous effort you
put forward in hosting this
event. It was wonderful and the
girls truly had a great time. Several of them told me how much
they actually liked staying in the
cabins because they were all together and could just hang out.
Believe me when I tell you that
no event of this magnitude goes
on without a few hitches. After
seeing first hand what your local
situation is, I am astounded at
what you accomplished for this
championship. No other club
has ever done what you did with
such enthusiasm and support,
after such devastation. You and
your group of volunteers should
feel very proud of your club.
Personally, it was a pleasure for
me to get to know both of you
over the past year and I'm sure
our paths will cross
again. Thank you for hosting me
and running such a great
event. I hope you are relaxing
Carolen Amarante
US SAILING National Chair
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FYI - Legislation which could affect YOU
For 34 years the federal Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) has exempted
discharges from recreational boats from
the Clean Water Act permit system. Regretfully, a recent court ruling cancelled
this permit exemption. EPA is required
by the court decision to develop and implement by September 30, 2008 a national permit system for ALL vessels in
the United States for a variety of normal
operational discharges.
Fortunately, the Recreational Boating Act
of 2007 (H.R. 2550) has been introduced
by Representatives Gene Taylor (D-Miss)
and Candice Miller (R-Mich) which
would protect recreational boats from
being swept into this unnecessary and
expensive permitting system.
It is critically important that H.R. 2550 be
passed and your support is essential.
Please contact your Congressman and
Senators TODAY and ask that they cosponsor or support H.R. 2550.
If the permit system becomes a reality,
Page 4
you will be required to pay for a state
permit for each of your boats. EPA will
be monitoring your deck runoff, grey
water, bilge water, engine cooling water,
and the use of copper bottom paints.
The original lawsuit that led to this court
decision sought to address ballast water
discharges from large ocean-going ships,
which can introduce damaging aquatic
invasive species into U.S. waters. Keeping our waterways clean and preventing
the spread of invasive species is of utmost importance to the future of boating.
But taking a complex permitting system
designed for industrial dischargers and
applying it to recreational boats will not
yield significant environmental benefits
and it will come at a very high cost. Requiring recreational boaters to purchase a
permit would not prevent the spread of
invasive species.
Please ask your elected federal representatives to support H.R. 2550. It is common-sense legislation. As you send your
emails to your Members of Congress,
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please copy BoatUS . We’d also
like to ask you to send a copy of your
correspondence to the EPA, so they can
see how this will affect citizens. However, please know that if you choose to
send it to EPA, it will become a part of
the public record. EPA’s email is , and your email
needs to have a subject line with Docket
ID No. OW-2007-0483.
Thank you for your help.
Margaret Podlich
BoatUS Government Affairs
703-461-2864 or 703-461-2878 x8363
Membership - K. Vaughan Sollberger Jr
Our latest membership applications were
accepted by the board of directors include:
Douglas and Michele Seal of Folsom
Frank Tardo of Mandeville
Amalie Danielson of Mandeville
John and Angie Bell of Mandeville
Bill and Sara Taber of Mandeville
J.C. and Ruth Evans of Mandeville
Dr. Sue and Joe Leblanc of Hammond
Wolfgang Teller of Metairie
James and Charlotte Carrere of Mandeville
Patrick Ruiz of Mandeville
ing Junior Member
Our Membership Committee has been
very busy with membership duties:
Chuck Wyllie, Phyllis Danielson, Bob
Lipscomb, Tom Jarvis and Tom Quinlan and we are all thankful to have their
help. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact any one of us.
John and Jacqueline Cummins of Lacombe
Ben and Tanja Lyons of Mandeville
Stacie Wyllie of Mandeville
Bill and Marsha Lane of Baton Rouge
Ken Weise of Slidell
Current Applications for Non-Resident
Whitney and Patrick Banks of Baton
Chris Morency of Slidell
Dale and Nancy Phillips of Abita Springs
Current Applications for
Junior Membership:
Current Applications for Resident Membership:
Patrick Siener – Return-
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The Chart Ads
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Chart Ads
In boating there‘s a “right of way”
In dentistry there’s a “right way”
Dr. Michelle LeBlanc
Page 7 - Suzana Williams
Wow! Summer Sail
Camp is almost over. I
would like to take a little
space in this CHART to
thank everyone who has
helped make it a success:
and cheer
our sailors on,
they need
your support!
First and foremost are our
AWESOME team of
counselors Daniel Ramsey, Ashley Howard, Eva
Conner, Ashley Ross,
Ryan Ross and Jacob
Lindley, you guys are the
best, sail camp could not
happen without your dedication and PATIENCE!!!
Special thanks to Ross
Kirk, our counselor’s
helper who is always willing to go the extra mile to
make sure the kids are
having a great time.
Thanks to the PYC staff, Johnathan
Wilson, Brent Roberts and Stacie Palazzo.
Thanks to Commodore Troughton,
Stewart Williams, Vaughan Sollberger, Bill Ross and Max Albert, who are
always available to help with broken
dinghies, power boats or anything that
may be needed.
And again, it takes a lot of parental involvement to make this all happen, so all parents, pat
yourselves on the back for your commitment to
this program!
Vaughan, Dennis, Billy, Howard, Kelvin, and
Stewart a BIG thanks for keeping our powerboats in running order!
This month our juniors will be traveling out of
town to participate at regattas in Gulfport
(Galloway) and Long Beach (inter club).
Lastly I
like to
Liptons a
this year.
I have
seen so
together enjoying our club.
There was something for everyone, on and off the water. PYC
continues the tradition of putting
on a great event.
As Leigh Wanless says
See you on the water
In September we have Back to School Regatta,
which is always a big event. Fell free to drop
Our Junior Program is also progressing
and growing. Coaches Max Albert,
Stewart Williams and Chris Morenci are
doing a terrific job of running this program and getting our kids excited about
sailing and racing. The program is being
refined, and, as with any program its
gone thru some growing pains….but we
have help and guidance.
Thanks to Shan Kirk for all his expert
advice, and for his help in getting our
Optis rigged correctly.
Thanks to Stewart Williams for taking
the time to put together a curriculum that
the kids enjoy and look forward to.
Thanks to Chris for all his patience with
the little Harbor Mice.
Page 8 - Bill Ross
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who helped with School’s
Out, Ida Lewis, and Jr. Liptons Regattas. It took a lot of people on and
off the water to make these races a
success. Janie has mentioned everyone individually in her article, I
thanks you also, we could not do it
without your help and support.
Thank you to the PYC staff for going above and beyond their duties
in helping us put together another
great series of events!
Our Jr. Lipton team practiced went
Mobile Yacht Club to practice for Jr.
Liptons, finishing 2nd out of 18
boats. Thanks to Brian
and Ann David along
with Dan Ramsay, who
helped our team prepare.
Congratulations to all teams who
sailed and we hope to see more
Jr. Liptons were held
ay PYC July 21-22.
Our team finished 5th
out of 15 well trained
teams, and it was fun
to watch them sail so
teams participate next year.
Sailing for PYC in Jr. Liptons
were , Ross Kirk, Collin, Ryan
and Ashley Ross, Wesley
Howden, Patrick (and Mason
Sheen on stand by).
PYC Junior sailing program
is moving forward with a lot
of future potential. Keep it
going guys.
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More Photos on our website
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More Club Contacts
Kelvin Troughton -
1501 Lakeshore Drive
P.O. Box 633
Mandeville, LA 70470
Phone: 985-626-3192
Administrative Manager: Stacie Palazzo
Emailing and email list
Jane Eshleman -
Georgia Young
Jay Conner -
Webmaster & The Chart
House & Grounds
Suzana Williams
Joel Lindsey -
Victoria Class
Bridget Jarvis -
Hew Hamilton
Suzana Williams -
One Design
Just Show Up!
Bill Ross -
K. Vaughan Sollberger
We’re on the WEB
Terri Hamilton -
JP1 Schedule
August Wednesdays & Sundays
JP2 Schedule
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Prince of Wales Regatta
August 18 & 19
PYC Friday Twilight Series
Skippers Meeting 6pm
Race starts at 7pm