ENGR 2311: Engineering Statics Fall 2015


ENGR 2311: Engineering Statics Fall 2015
NJ Austin
Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics:
Statics (13th edition)
ISBN-10 0-13-291554-5
ISBN-13 978-0-13-291554-0
No Blackboard. Ever.
Course Web
MWF 8:00–8:50AM
LSC 161
Office Hours
(LSC 014)
MWF 9:00AM–10:00AM
MWF 11:00AM–12:00PM
Available at other times
by appointment
Course Supplies
Scientific calculator, quadrille-ruled engineering paper
ENGR 2311: Engineering Statics Course Objectives
There are many purposes for an engineering statics class, most of
which have very little to do with the actual physics. First, then,
the physics: You will be learning that objects in equilibrium have
no unbalanced forces or torques (That's it. Really.). Secondly,
and in no particular order, you will also be:
• Gaining familiarity with working numerically:
Accuracy, precision, and units. If you think this isn't
important, then I expect to see your names in the
newspaper as the engineers responsible when the next
interplanetary probe crashes uselessly into Mars because
the U.S. design team could not tell the difference
between English units and the internationally accepted SI
units used by the European engineering team.
• Learning to use your tools: You probably have a
sophisticated graphing calculator. While we won’t
necessarily be using those graphing functions much (if at
all), the calculator can also be used to quickly perform
some of the more tedious tasks (I.e., solving systems of
linear equations) that occur with predictable regularity in
this (and most other engineering) courses.
• Mastering the problem solving process: You will be
solving problems. It’s crucial to know how to use your
tools, but even more important to recognize that the
calculator is not solving the problem, you are. You will
never, in your professional career, see an actual statics
problem exactly like the ones you solve this semester.
But you will, every single day of your professional life,
have real problems to solve.
• Getting used to an alarming lack of partial credit:
Every problem has an answer. Occasionally, a problem
may have more than one acceptable answer or maybe a
range of possible values. But there's going to be a
number at the end of every problem. And as clichéd as
it may be, you don't get half fired if only half your bridge
collapses. The judge isn't going to cut the punitive
damages award in half because your defective product
only severed one of the plaintiff's arms. You need to get
used to getting the right number at the end of the
problem. And frankly, a zero on a homework problem is
a lot less consequential than a multi-million dollar product
liability judgement.
• Making it through to the next round: Engineering
Statics has traditionally been used as a make-or-break
course for beginning engineering students. While I don't
agree with making a course overly difficult intentionally,
just trying to make people fail, you need to keep this in
Fall 2015
mind: It does not get any easier than this. Whatever
particular branch of engineering you choose, any class
you pick at random from the catalog of any College of
Engineering at any university will be harder than this one.
I promise.
You should attend lecture because it's the right thing to do. You
should also plan to attend every lecture because there will be
something to hand in every time. I will not be delivering much in
the way of traditional lecture; you should expect to be working
problems actively during the majority of class time. You should
always bring your textbook, calculator, paper, and pencil.
You will be allowed to earn 10% of your course grade through inclass participation. Participation will consist of presenting, both
individually and with partners, example problem solutions. You
will be expected to clearly demonstrate your solutions to the class
in a brief, but complete fashion. You should expect to present one
problem to the class per week,. You will be allowed to co-present
with a partner if you choose, up to (but not more than) five times.
Homework problems are listed on the course calendar. You are
responsible for knowing which problems are assigned, and when
they are due. I recommend completing as many of the problems
as possible. One problem will be collected for grading each
lecture. You may continue to submit problems to be graded until
you have reached the maximum. Once you have reached the
maximum, you should keep doing problems, but you cannot earn
any extra credit points by submitting them to be graded.
Homework problems must be set up neatly and completely. You
should work on either green engineering paper or blank, unruled
paper. Notebook paper is not acceptable, and regular graph paper
is not a good choice either. Your homework submission should
include a neat sketch (use a ruler for straight lines), completely
and clearly labeled. The problem must be set up symbolically
using the same set of variables as you labeled on your sketch.
You must include enough mathematical detail to demonstrate that
you have actually solved the problem. Finally, the numeric
answer should be clearly visible, accurately labeled, and include
the appropriate units. If necessary, I will invoke point penalties
for neatness and/or format problems. Submitting work which has
been transcribed from a Solutions Manual is prohibited, and
will be treated as seriously as any other infraction of academic
FALL 2015
Homework must be submitted at the beginning of the lecture
period when it is due. No homework papers will be accepted at
the end of the period, and no late homework will be accepted for
any reason. If you miss one, just keep working and get the next
one handed in on time. There are more than 30 homework
problems on the calendar, so you should have ample opportunity
to earn maximum points. You may submit more than one problem
per lecture period, but you may not submit more than four
problems per chapter.
There will be a quiz every Friday. There may also be random
quizzes on random days. If you complete more than 10 quizzes,
only the highest 10 scores will be counted toward your grade. No
make up quizzes will be given. If you miss a quiz, you should
consider any quizzes beyond Quiz 10 as make ups.
The exams will each cover two chapters from the text. There is
no comprehensive final exam (Exam 5 will take place during the
final exam time slot, but will cover only the final two chapters).
Exams will be closed book, and you will be allowed to use a
calculator. They will consist of problems similar (but not
identical) to those solved in class or collected as homework.
You are expected to keep all graded material and keep track of
your own point progress over the course of the semester. I will be
happy to correct any bookkeeping errors, but you must be able to
document the error with the original graded work. You will be
given your point total and grade average after each exam. If you
need to know your grade at any time, please e–mail me, and I will
promptly send you your current point total. Points may be earned
in the following ways:
30 problems @ 8 points each
240 points
Participation 10 problems @ 10 points each 100 points
10 quizzes @ 16 points each
160 points
5 exams @ 100 points each
500 points
Semester grades
will be assigned
using the
following scale:
There is no extra
credit available.
There is no extra
credit available. I
tell you three
times, and what I
tell you three
times is true:
There is no extra
Course Web
This course does not use Blackboard. Ever. All course
information, current calendars, review material, homework, quiz
and test solutions are posted on the course web, located at:
Personal Electronic Devices
Mobile device use is strictly prohibited during lecture. You are
not permitted to use any device capable of internet connection as
a calculator during quizzes or exams. Texting, browsing, and
posting to social media are both rude and disruptive, and are not
acceptable during class time. If your telephone rings during an
exam, you will be required to submit your exam and leave the
room immediately. Please be respectful and considerate of your
fellow students. No exceptions to this policy will be made for any
reason whatsoever.
Academic Integrity
The University of Central Arkansas affirms its commitment to
academic integrity and expects all members of the university
community to accept shared responsibility for maintaining
academic integrity. Students in this course are subject to the
provisions of the university's Academic Integrity Policy, approved
by the Board of Trustees as Board Policy No. 709 on February 10,
2010, and published in the Student Handbook. Penalties for
academic misconduct in this course may include a failing grade
on an assignment, a failing grade in the course, or any other
course-related sanction the instructor determines to be
appropriate. Continued enrollment in this course affirms a
student's acceptance of this university policy.
Collaboration is very strongly encouraged on everything except
exams and quizzes (and you may even be allowed to consult each
other occasionally on quizzes). Any collaboration on exams is
strictly prohibited, and will result in, at the minimum, a course
grade of F, and referral to the Dean of Students for further
disciplinary action. Submitting work which has been transcribed
from a Solutions Manual is also prohibited, and will be treated
as seriously as any other infraction of academic integrity.
It is also a matter of academic and personal integrity to take
responsibility for withdrawing yourself from this course, if the
situation requires it. The last day for unrestricted withdrawal with
a W is 10/30/15. The final date for withdrawal with a grade of
WP or WF is 11/30/15.
Student Evaluations
Student evaluations of a course and its professor are a crucial
element in helping faculty achieve excellence in the classroom
and the institution in demonstrating that students are gaining
knowledge. Students may evaluate courses they are taking
starting on the Monday of the last week of instruction (11/30/15)
through the end of finals week by logging in to myUCA and
clicking on the Evals button on the top right.
Building Emergency Plan
An Emergency Procedures Summary (EPS) for the building in
which this class is held will be discussed during the first week of
this course. EPS documents for most buildings on campus are
available at http://uca.edu/mysafety/bep/. Every student
should be familiar with emergency procedures for any campus
building in which he or she spends time for classes or other
Title IX Disclosure
If a student discloses an act of sexual harassment, discrimination,
assault, or other sexual misconduct to a faculty member (as it
relates to "student-on-student" or "employee-on-student"), the
faculty member cannot maintain complete confidentiality and is
required to report the act and may be required to reveal the names
of the parties involved. Any allegations made by a student may or
may not trigger an investigation. Each situation differs and the
obligation to conduct an investigation will depend on those
specific set of circumstances The determination to conduct an
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FALL 2015
investigation will be made by the Title IX Coordinator. For
further information, please visit: http://uca.edu/titleix.
*Disclosure of sexual misconduct by a third party who is not a
student and/or employee is also required if the misconduct occurs
when the third party is a participant in a university-sponsored
program, event, or activity.
Course Calendar
Syllabus, Course Policies
Chapter 1: General Principles
Aug 17–21
Aug 24–28
Ch 2.1-2.4: Vector Operations
Due: 1.(4, 8, 12) (16, 20)
Ch 2.5-2.9: Cartesian Vectors
Due: 2.24, 48, 56
Quiz 01
Ch 3.1-3.2: Free Body Diagrams
Due: 2.76, 108, 136
Aug 31–Sep 04
Ch 3.3 Coplanar Force Systems
Due: 3.20, 24, 32
Quiz 02
Ch 3.4: 3d Force Systems
Due: 3.44, 48, 56
Exam 01: Chapters 02 and 03
Due: 3.60, 64, 76
Sep 07–11
Labor Day Holiday: No Class
Ch 4.1-4.3: Moment of a Force
Due: 4.4, 8, 16
Sep 14–18
Ch 4.6-4.7: Moment of a Couple
Due: 4.68, 80, 96
Ch 4.8-4.9: Distributed Loads
Due: 4.100, 108, 128
Sep 21–25
Ch 5.3-5.4: 2- and 3-Force Members
Due: 5.12, 24, 32
Ch 5.5-5.6: Equations of
Due: 5.40, 52, 56
Sep 28–Oct 02
Exam 02: Chapters 04 and 05
Due: 5.80
Ch 6.1-6.2: Method of Joints
Due: 6.8, 12, 16
Oct 05–09
Ch 6.5: Space Trusses
Due: 6.52, 60
Ch 6.6: Frames and Machines
Due: Any multiple of 4, 6.64-116
Oct 12–16
Ch 7.2: Shear & Moment Diagrams
Due: 7.44, 52, 60
Ch 7.3: Distributed Loads
Due: 7.72, 84, 90
Oct 19–23
Exam 03: Chapters 06 and 07
Due: 7.116, 120
Ch 8.1-8.2: Dry Friction
Due: Any multiple of 4, 8.8-56
Oct 26–30
Ch 8.3-8.4: Wedges & Screws
Due: 8.64, 68, 80
Ch 8.5-8.7: Belts & Bearings
Due: 8.92, 104
Nov 02–06
Ch 9.1: Center of Mass/Gravity
Due: 8.128, 132
Ch 9.2-9.3: Pappus & Guldinus
Due: 9.16, 28, 48
Nov 09–13
Ch 9.5: Fluid Pressure
Due: 9.100, 112
Exam 04: Chapters 08 and 09
Due: 9.120, 124
Nov 16–20
Ch 10.3, 10.4: Radius of Gyration
Due: 10.28, 44, 48
Ch 10.5-10.6: Product of Inertia
Due: 10.60, 68, 80 (81)
Nov 23–27
Ch 11.1-11.13: Virtual Work
Due: 11.8, 16
Thanksgiving Holiday: No
Thanksgiving Holiday: No
Nov 30–Dec 04
Ch 11.4-11.5: Conservative Forces
Due: 11.24, 32
Quiz 13
Ch 11.6-11.7: Potential Energy
Due: 11.36, 44
Study Day: No Class
Dec 07–11
Quiz 03
Ch 4.4-4.5: Principle of Moments
Due: 4.36, 48, 60
Quiz 04
Ch 5.1-5.2: Free Body Diagrams
Due: 4.140, 152, 160
Quiz 05
Ch 5.7: Statical Determinacy
Due: 5.60, 68, 76
Quiz 06
Ch 6.3-6.4: Method of Sections
Due: 6.28, 36, 48
Quiz 07
Ch 7.1: Internal Loadings
Due: 7.4, 12, 24
Quiz 08
Ch 7.4: Cables
Due: 7.96, 104, 112
Fall Break: No Class
Quiz 09
Ch 8.8: Rolling Resistance
Due: 8.108, 116
Quiz 10
Ch 9.4: Distributed Loading
Due: 9.52, 64, 80
Quiz 11
Ch 10.1-10.2: Moments of Inertia
Due: 10.8, 12, 20
Quiz 12
Ch 10.7-10.8: Mohr’s Circle
Due: 10.92, 96, 100
Exam 05: Chapters 10 and 11
8:00AM – 10:00AM
Assignments, point distributions, grading scales, and course policies should be regarded as flexible and subject to substitution or change at
the discretion of the instructor. Please refer to the 2014-15 Student Handbook for additional university policies. The University of Central
Arkansas adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need an accommodation under this act due to a
disability, contact the UCA Office of Disability Services at 501.450.3135.
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