lubelskie - Syntea SA
lubelskie - Syntea SA
LUBELSKIE REGION BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2ND edition 2014 LOCATION Oslo Stockholm Helsinki Moscow Vilnius Minsk Dublin London Berlin Prague Paris Vienna distances to selected cities in poland: gdansk – 504 km cracow – 273 km lodz – 308 km poznan – 458 km warsaw – 161 km wroclaw – 514 km Madrid Kiev Budapest Rome Stanbul Athens distances to selected cities: B la s U kr a in e athens – 1477 km berlin – 643 km budapest – 487 km dublin – 1958 km helsinki – 1003 km kiev – 565 km london – 1568 km madrid – 2348 km minsk – 448 km moscow – 1110 km oslo – 1214 km paris – 1464 km prague – 585 km stanbul – 1238 km stockholm – 943 km vienna – 560 km vilnius – 424 km e ru Dear Readers I am pleased to present this second edition of the Lubelskie Region Business Directory. You will find here information about the most active companies of our region, grouped into several leading sectors of our economy, including: agriculture and food industry, construction, engineering and metal processing industry, chemical industry, logistics, wood processing and furniture industry, as well as ITC and electronics and business associations. I believe that our Directory will become another effective and useful tool for finding new business partners in our region and thus will contribute to the development of successful international business cooperation with the Lublin Region companies. Marshal of Lubelskie Voivodeship Krzysztof Hetman Marshal Oce of Lubelskie Voivodeship Department of Economy and Innovation Investors and Exporters Assistance Centre ul. Stefczyka 3 20-151 Lublin Poland, Graphic design by Lena Wójcik PPU Multigraf s.c. Printed by PPU Multigraf s.c. ul. Bielicka 76C 85-135 Bydgoszcz Poland ISSN 2300-5483 The systemic project “The Network of Investors and Exporters’ Service Centres (COIE)” is co-nanced from the European Regional Development Fund, Innovative Economy Operational Programme, 2007–2013. THE MAIN SECTORS OF THE ECONOMY IN THE LUBELSKIE REGION 1. agricultural and food processing ................................15 2. electrical, electronic and information technology trade, telecommunications ..................... 53 3. construction and construction materials, power engineering.............................................................75 4. transport and logistics, automotive industry .........107 5. timber industry, furniture, paper industry ................121 6. pharmaceutical products, chemicals, plastics..........131 7. machines and equipment ................................................143 8. metal industry ..................................................................165 9. textiles, shoes ...................................................................185 10. services.............................................................................. 201 11. business associations, business related institutions ...................................... 249 12. others .................................................................................257 list of companies 4 idea sp z. o.o. ......................................................................... 251 adecco poland sp. z o.o. ......................................................... 203 agencja „raki” robert pływacz ............................................ 204 agencja rozwoju lokalnego sp. z o.o. ................................. 205 agpol sp. z o.o. ......................................................................... 206 agram s.a. ................................................................................... 17 agro-poli sp. z o.o. ................................................................... 133 akpol adam kuś ....................................................................... 134 aliplast sp. z o.o. ........................................................................ 77 almatur ośrodek wypoczynkowy lucjan bukryj ............ 259 ambra s.a. ................................................................................... 18 andalusia sp. z o.o. .................................................................... 19 antara it systems ..................................................................... 55 aqua east sp. z o.o. .................................................................... 20 ardossale artur ujazdowski ................................................. 78 arkona laboratorium farmakologii stomatologicznej grzegorz kalbarczyk ............................................................. 135 art-bruk monika chołody ................................................... 207 art & deco pożarowski waldemar ..................................... 208 as-babuni sp. z o.o. ..................................................................... 21 asko ............................................................................................. 79 assa sp. z o.o. ............................................................................ 209 asseco business solutions s.a. ........................................... 260 atut sp. z o.o. ............................................................................. 261 auto-nadwozia bednarczyk sp.j. .......................................... 109 avant fabryka porcelitu ...................................................... 262 awk instalacje sp. z o.o. sp.k. ................................................... 80 beiks bik machulski sp.j. .......................................................... 56 bialcon ...................................................................................... 187 bialcon club ............................................................................ 210 bim sp. z o.o. .............................................................................. 123 bitstream sp. z o.o. ..................................................................... 57 biuro doradcze plus andrzej pryzowicz ........................... 110 biuro podróży i turystyki „almatur-lublin” sp. z o.o. .... 263 biznesklasa paweł durka ....................................................... 211 black red white s.a. ................................................................ 124 bocian sp.j. tadeusz bocian anna boniszewska-bocian ... 188 bracia mrozik sp. z o.o. ........................................................... 125 brad hr services ..................................................................... 212 carmen sp.j. aneta zdyb wojciech kitajewski ..................... 264 carsystem-wschód phup ....................................................... 111 cegielnia cekobud s.c. wacław piętal, wojciech piętal ..... 81 centrum ochrony pracy i biznesu „consultrix” .............. 167 chłodnia-mors sp. z o.o. ........................................................... 22 comarch sa ................................................................................ 58 comernet sp. z o.o. ................................................................... 213 consultor sp. z o.o. .................................................................. 214 cukierenka u walentynki ........................................................ 23 dakro sp z o.o. .......................................................................... 215 damiko sc ................................................................................... 59 danelczyk marek danelczyk & władysław danelczyk s.j. .................................................... 112 delta-technika sp. z o.o. .......................................................... 145 dg-inwest daniel gawryczuk .............................................. 265 dotmedia tomasz czelej spółka jawna .............................. 266 drogmost lubelski sp. z o.o. .................................................... 82 drukarnia embe press s. bezdek, m. mamczarz sp.j. .......... 267 dwór sanna ............................................................................. 216 east metalworking cluster ................................................. 252 east studio sp. z o.o. ............................................................... 268 echo-son sa ............................................................................ 269 eco-energia sp. z o.o. ................................................................. 83 efactor sp z o.o. ........................................................................ 60 eko owoc sp. z o.o. .................................................................... 24 eko-efekt sp. z o.o. .................................................................. 270 eko-sanit d. grzybowski sp.j. ................................................... 84 elektromontaż - lublin sp. z o.o. ............................................ 85 energoserwis s.a. lublin ....................................................... 86 europa s.a. ................................................................................ 217 f.p.h.u. krawpak .......................................................................... 26 fabryka cukierków pszczółka sp. z o.o. ................................. 25 fabryka kabli elpar sp. z o.o. ................................................... 61 fabryka łożysk tocznych - kraśnik s.a ................................ 146 fabryka samochodów honker sp. z o.o. ............................... 113 fhu „wojtol” leszek wojtowicz ............................................ 189 firma sławex zbigniew sławiński ....................................... 168 fundacja rozwoju lubelszczyzny ........................................ 253 giełda eventów elzbieta fijołek .......................................... 218 gis-expert sp. z o.o. ................................................................... 62 glass factory „marta 2” ltd .................................................. 271 gościniec magnat .................................................................... 219 gricard-polska sp. z o.o. ........................................................ 136 grupa hoteli wam sp. z o.o. ................................................... 220 guest company sp z o.o. ......................................................... 190 gumet ......................................................................................... 114 hairdressing salons akademia wizerunku ....................... 221 hanyang polska sp. z o.o. ........................................................ 137 herbar sp. z o.o. .......................................................................... 27 hotel - restauracja jedlina .................................................. 222 hotel carskie koszary ........................................................... 223 hotel królewski ..................................................................... 224 hotel pałac cieleśnica .......................................................... 225 hotel restauracja browar lwów ....................................... 226 hotel senator*** ...................................................................... 227 hulanicki bednarek sp. z o.o. ................................................... 87 infinite sp. z o.o. ........................................................................ 63 instal-lublin sp. z o.o. .............................................................. 88 intrograf lublin s.a. ............................................................ 229 inwent piotr zolkowski ......................................................... 89 jatech rafał lachowski .......................................................... 64 jmp gospodarstwo ogrodnicze maria i jaroslaw ptaszek ........................................................ 28 kalgrup sp. z o.o. ....................................................................... 29 kancelaria doradztwa podatkowego grażyna gawryczuk ................................................................ 272 kartonex spółka z o.o. ........................................................... 126 kdm dariusz mazur ............................................................... 230 komandor lublin s.a. ............................................................. 127 korporacja budownictwa i nieruchomości graden sp. z o.o. ........................................................................ 90 krystian pph ............................................................................ 147 krystian sp. z o.o. ...................................................................... 65 kul creative sp. z o.o. .............................................................. 273 laboratorium badań materiałowych „lab test” sp. z o.o. ................................................................... 169 linguaton sc a.a.m. janiszewscy .......................................... 274 lubella sp. z o.o. sp. k. ............................................................... 30 lubelska wytwórnia dźwigów osobowych lift service s.a. ........................................................................ 148 lubelski ośrodek doradztwa rolniczego w końskowoli ............................................................................ 31 lubelski węgiel bogdanka s.a. ............................................. 276 lubelskie fabryki wag fawag s.a. ......................................... 149 lubelskie przedsiębiorstwo energetyki cieplnej sa ....... 275 lublin chamber of commerce ............................................ 254 lublin consultance centre sp. z o.o. ................................... 277 lublin music theatre ............................................................. 278 lublin wholesale market jsc ................................................ 32 lubsad sp. z o.o. .......................................................................... 33 lubsta sp. z o.o. ......................................................................... 170 luxmed medical center sp. z o.o. .......................................... 231 łuksja sp. z o.o. .......................................................................... 191 maik agencja reklamowa janusz babicz barbara tynecka-babicz sp.j. ................................................. 279 małopolska hodowla roślin sp. z o.o. ................................. 34 materne-polska sp. z o.o. ......................................................... 35 medical center orto-optymist ............................................ 232 mega sp. z o.o. ........................................................................... 150 megatem ec-lublin sp. z o.o. ................................................... 233 merpol sp.j. ............................................................................... 138 meva fashion s.a. .................................................................... 192 mirpol sp. z o.o. ........................................................................ 139 modesta limited joint-stock partnership limited liability company ...................................................................... 91 mostostal puławy s.a. ............................................................ 92 mtm nowum sp z o.o. ............................................................... 93 multi frigo sp. z o.o. ................................................................. 151 musi lublin spółka z o.o. ...................................................... 280 na rogatce hotel ................................................................... 234 nadbużański kompleks wypoczynkowy ............................. 235 nipplex sp. z o.o. ....................................................................... 193 nota-precision engineering company ................................ 152 obst s.a. ..................................................................................... 36 odlewnia żeliwa lublin sp. z o.o. .......................................... 171 okna termiczne sp. z o.o. ......................................................... 94 okręgowa spółdzielnia mleczarska w krasnymstawie .... 37 osko–plast s. c. m. ostrzyżek, z. kostyra ........................... 172 p.h. krautex ................................................................................. 38 p.w. structum sp. z o.o. .............................................................. 66 paiz konsulting sp. z o.o. ....................................................... 236 partner chem mariusz majka ............................................... 140 piekarnia pieczywa, bułek i pity do kebabów, gyrosów i shawermy .............................................................. 281 polbioeco sp. z o.o. ................................................................... 39 pol-mak s.a. pasta company ................................................... 40 polset 2 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp. k. .............................................................................................. 41 pol-skone sp. z o.o. ................................................................... 95 pphu karol ewa brodawka .................................................... 42 ppuh rapid spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością ... 96 pracownia reklamy adam syrtów ....................................... 282 pracownia usługowa ochrony środowiska kalmat – marian kaliszuk ..................................................... 237 production trade & service company „malinex” ryszard malinowski ............................................................... 173 produkcja mebli meblotap sp. z o.o. ..................................... 128 profesjonal sp. z o.o. ............................................................... 43 protekt nieruchomości adam mirecki ............................... 238 proxim ......................................................................................... 97 prozap sp. z o.o. ......................................................................... 98 przedsiębiorstwo concept stal b&s lejman spółka jawna ........................................................................... 153 przedsiębiorstwo produkcyjno-handlowe janex jan ciupak, leszek ciupak sp.j. ................................................. 44 przedsiębiorstwo produkcyjno-handlowe „kapica market” florian kapica ........................................... 194 przedsiębiorstwo wielobranżowe ludmiła ...................... 45 przystanek kawęczynek resort, dorota kicyk ................. 239 pumar ......................................................................................... 99 pw vikking kts sp. z o.o. .......................................................... 100 quaral ........................................................................................ 67 rabarbar .................................................................................. 195 „rapa” s. międlar w. i i. szymańscy sp.j. ................................. 154 recykling-lublin sp z o.o. ...................................................... 101 road laboratory dyrekcja inwestycji miejskich sp z o.o. ...................................................................................... 102 robert sajnaj – lutur ............................................................. 115 roztocze rst ............................................................................ 174 rusztowania chrzanowski roman chrzawnowski ......... 240 salve polska sp. z o.o. .............................................................. 196 sigma s.a. .................................................................................. 155 sipma s.a. ................................................................................... 156 skinpol sp. z o.o. ....................................................................... 129 solet sp. z o.o. ............................................................................ 68 spart sp. z o.o. ........................................................................... 103 „spomasz” bełżyce s.a. ............................................................ 157 spółdzielnia mleczarska bieluch w chełmie .................... 46 spółka inżynierów sim sp. z o.o. ............................................. 69 „stanchem” spj. przedsiębiorstwo chemiczne d. krawczyk i z. mączka .......................................................... 175 stella pack s.a. ........................................................................ 283 sukces sp z o.o. ......................................................................... 241 symbio polska s.a. ..................................................................... 47 syntea sa .................................................................................. 242 szkoły „paderewski” w lublinie / paderewski schools of lublin ................................................................................. 284 „tabal” jan kidaj mieczysław daniel spółka jawna ........... 176 targi lublin s.a. ...................................................................... 243 technologiczny markiz sp. z o.o. .......................................... 228 techzut sp. z o.o. ....................................................................... 141 telecomworld ......................................................................... 70 tezet s.a. .................................................................................. 244 the john paul ii catholic university of lublin (kul) ....... 285 the machinery and valve repair and overhaul company masz-zap ltd ............................................................................ 158 three-star hotel dwór choiny ........................................... 245 tig-spaw usługi montersko-spawalnicze sprycha artur .......................................................................... 177 transpol rudnik & pawliszuk sp.j. ........................................ 116 ultra-med sp. z o.o. ................................................................. 286 uni-masz h.m. juszczuk sp.j. .................................................... 159 university of life sciences in lublin ................................... 48 uslugi przewozowe autokar hetman .................................. 117 vena art sp. z o.o. ..................................................................... 287 verano ryszard miazga ......................................................... 288 warbo s.a. ................................................................................. 178 webchili sp. z o.o. ....................................................................... 71 wikpol sp. z o.o. ....................................................................... 160 wolco sp. z o.o. ......................................................................... 179 „wsk-tomaszów lubelski” sp. z o.o. ....................................... 180 współpraca spółka z o.o. ...................................................... 161 wyroby metalowe świerszcz ................................................ 104 wyrób i sprzedaż wafli henryk buda .................................. 49 wyspa wisla ............................................................................ 289 z.p.h.u hydrotech j. gutowski ................................................ 162 z.p.h.u. rydwan tadeusz osiak ................................................. 118 zakład budownictwa liniowego telbial sp. z o.o. .............. 72 zakład fizjoterapii i masażu bio-relax ............................. 246 zakład mleczarski sp. z o.o. w łaszczowie ........................... 50 zakład obróbki metali „komech” .......................................... 181 zakład obróbki plastycznej sp. z o.o. ................................... 182 zakład produkcji tkanin sp. z o.o. ......................................... 197 zakład przemysłu dziewiarskiego mtl marciniak sp.j. .... 198 zakład usługowo produkcyjny frez s.c. a.w. pośpiech .... 183 zakład wyrobów betonowych wojciech trykacz ............. 105 zpup energozam sp. z o.o. ......................................................... 73 zrzeszenie producentów zbóż „agro” w telatynie ......... 290 AGRAM S.A. ul. mełgiewska 104 20-234 lublin +48 81 445 25 15 +48 81 445 25 20 Date of establishment of the company: 2008.10.31 Number of employees: 178 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): AGRAM SA is a leading quick-frozen fruit and vegetables producer and exporter in Poland. Offered products/services: Frozen fruit: strawberry, raspberry, red & blackcurrant, sour cherries • Frozen vegetables: cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, carrot, parsley, celery, leek • Frozen fruit and vegetables mixes in retail and industrial packages • Frozen fruit, vegetables and fruit and vegetables mixes packed under ‘AGRAM’ brand. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Major markets: the EU, the USA, Russia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Countries from which the products are imported: Spain, Ukraine, Germany. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: (HACCP, BRC, ISO 22000:2005, IFS); Kosher certification issued for some products; Certificate of USA - Kosher Supervision of America. Wanted business partners: Searching for customers of our quick-frozen fruit and vegetables such as retail networks and general wholesalers. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING Agram S.A. is one of the biggest fruit and vegetables processing companies in Poland. Our factories are located in the eastern part of Poland, on the land devoid of industrial facilities and the most heavily used transport roads, in the fertile soils of the Lublin region, where our farmers collect the raw materials for our two cold stores located in Lublin and Motycz. All production processes are supervised by the well-qualified agronomists, technologists and quality controllers to meet our customers’ requirements. Agram S.A. works in accordance with certified quality systems: ISO22000 and HACCP and certified BRC and IFS standards. Our products are supplied to both domestic and international customers from the EU and outside Europe. We are able to process and store up to 30 thousand tons of frozen fruit and vegetables. Our factories are well-equipped with advanced freezing tunnels and accompanying equipment including laser and optical sorters as well as a precise packaging machine dedicated to packing fruit, vegetables and mixes in bags ranging in weight from 350g up to 2.5 kg. 17 AMBRA S.A. ul. puławska 336 02-819 warszawa production plant wola duża 45 23-400 biłgoraj +48 84 686 98 02 +48 84 686 98 08 mr. tadeusz tyszko export sales director +48 84 686 98 78 The Ambra Group is a leading producer, importer and distributor of wines in Central and Eastern Europe. It is present on the Polish, Slovak, Czech and Romanian markets. The main sources of revenue include the AMBRA Group’s brands of sparkling wines, vermouths and alcohol free beverages for children. The most famous ones include Dorato, Cin&Cin, Fresco, El Sol and Piccolo, which are leaders in their respective market segments. Nearly 40% of the revenue is made up by the growing amount of wines imported from the most renowned manufacturers from France, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Chile and Australia. Over two thirds of the revenue is earned in Poland. The share of the Czech Republic and Slovakia is approximately 15%. The Romanian market constitutes a similar share (i.e. 15%) in the sales of the AMBRA Group. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING ms. marzena matwis export specialist +48 84 686 98 04 18 Date of establishment of the company: 1989 Number of employees: 410 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer, importer and distributor. Offered products/services: Sparkling wines, table wines, vermouths, cocktails, aromatized wines, cider and non-alcoholic beverages. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Armenia, Austria, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom. Countries from which the products are imported: The EU countries, Chile, Argentina, Australia, the United States, Georgia, Mexico, Japan. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: ISO 22000:2005, HACCP, IFS, BRC, Tesco, McDonald’s. Wanted business partners: Producers and importers of alcoholic beverages: table wines, sparkling wines, vermouths, cocktails, aromatized wines, cider and non-alcoholic beverages. Producers and exporters of brandy, whisky, vodka, liquor, cognac, calvados, grappa, tequila, rum, sake. ANDALUSIA SP. Z O.O. okszowska 14 22-100 chełm +48 82 590 81 35 +48 82 590 81 34 mr. dmytro petushynskyy development director +48 519 301 831 ms. oksana mironiuk product manager +48 513 091 491 Date of establishment of the company: 31.01.2007 Number of employees: 15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer. Offered products/services: Zeolite, zoological and gardening products. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus. Countries from which the products are imported: Ukraine. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Golden medal of the Poznan International Trade Fair; Grand Prix awarded at the 8th International Zoological Trade Fair 2009; Product of the Year at the 7th Gardening Fair ‘Eden’ in Lublin 2011. Wanted business partners: We are looking for partners to distribute our zoological and gardening products, animal feed as well as the consumers of the natural zeolite who work in such sectors as: fertilizers, gardening, feedstuffs, construction, water purification. Other information: We can also provide logistics and customs services. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING Andalusia Sp. z o.o. offers a natural zeolite and its products. Possessing our own open-pit mine we are competitive in terms of accessibility to the mine and the prices. We cooperate with many companies in Poland and the EU. We have been supplying them with our raw material for several years. Our offer includes products for gardening, well-known as ‘Zakarpacki Zeolit’ (Transcarpathian zeolite), which has already positioned itself in the market and among regular customers. We also produce cat-litters ‘Present for Cat’. For many of our customers we pack products from our raw material in their packages under their brand logo. Our zeolite can be used in such industries as: agriculture and gardening, animal feed industry, construction, water and wastewater treatment, production of plastic, paper, rubber, etc. 19 AQUA EAST SP. Z O.O. ul. niepodległości 2 22-110 ruda-huta +48 82 568 62 65 +48 82 568 62 66 ms. joanna boguń chairman of the board +48 603 470 700 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING mr. sylwester weremczuk sales manager +48 501 447 159 20 Aqua East Sp. z o.o. is a leading supplier of the first and only spring water distributed in 3, 1.5, 0.5 and 0.25-litre bottles, manufactured bearing in mind future mothers, breastfeeding women, infants and children. This crystal clear drop of life of original purity and taste is drawn from the pristine region of Polesie, situated at the frontier of Chełmski Landscape Park and Poleski Landscape Park in Poland. BABY ZDRÓJ is a low sodium water of low mineral content. It does not contain any substances deemed to be harmful, even in minute quantities. Owing to its composition, BABY ZDRÓJ is ideal to prepare meals for infants from the medical point of view. Date of establishment of the company: 2004 Number of employees: 24 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Spring water for future mothers, breastfeeding women and for children from their infancy. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, the United Kingdom, Kuwait, Qatar, Hungary. Countries from which the products are imported: Austria. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: HACCP, positive opinion of The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Consumer Laurel – Discovery of the Year 2011, DSK. Wanted business partners: Food and water distributors. AS-BABUNI SP. Z O.O. Date of establishment of the company: 1992 Number of employees: 100 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Company producing noodles, pasta, groats and grits, pet noodles and wafers. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Great Britain. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: BEST IN POLAND 2007 and 2011, QUALITY OF THE YEAR 2010 and 2012. Wanted business partners: Distributors. ul. różana 37 21-025 niemce +48 81 756 43 43 +48 81 756 43 44 mr. paweł piątek sales director +48 81 756 43 43 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING As-Babuni Company was set up in 1992 by three founders acting in their capacities as stakeholders. Since 1995 the Company has been producing noodles, pasta and spaghetti. At its inception, the company employed 15 staff members, and it has successfully developed and increased the employment up to 100 staff members. We produce a huge selection of noodles, pasta and spaghetti with 18 product varieties. We are also the producer of groats, grits and pet noodles. In 2010, the company erected its new production facilities and an office building within the framework of a project co-financed by the European funds. The new machinery and equipment, acquired thanks to the project, will serve us to produce our new products – wafers and flat bread. The company’s products are distributed and sold in the country and abroad. The products have been awarded with a number of prizes in Poland and abroad. The latest awards, which are the most precious and rewarding for us, include the prizes won in the national consumer competitions: THE BEST IN POLAND 2011 and THE QUALITY OF THE YEAR 2010/2012. The prizes and awards prove that the quality and our products' image are the most important concern for us. Since the company’s inception, our motto has been and will continue to be ‘the high quality of products for an average price’. The aforementioned undertakings have improved the company’s competitiveness in the domestic market so that we can enjoy a high-ranked position among the top ten noodle producers in Poland. You are warmly welcomed to cooperate with us. 21 CHŁODNIA-MORS SP. Z O.O. ul. kilińskiego 83 22-400 zamość +48 84 638 97 25 +48 84 638 56 04 +48 84 638 13 76 mr. jan świst chairman of the board +48 84 638 97 25 CHŁODNIA-MORS Sp. z o.o. in Zamość is a producer of deep frozen fruit (strawberry, currant, raspberry, cherry) and vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, leek, pumpkin). Our essential advantage stems from ecological raw materials destined for production. The company contracts and purchases from agricultural producers. We provide deliveries of our raw materials keeping the highest quality standards and we have a special system of contracts and supervision. The company also offers cold storage services and it meets sanitary standards to freeze, store and trade meat. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING mr. marek osypowicz sales and services manager +48 81 638 97 13 22 Date of establishment of the company: 1994 Number of employees: 84 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Deep frozen fruit and vegetables; cold storage service. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Hungary. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: HACCP system implemented in 2003. Wanted business partners: Recipients of fruit and vegetables sector. CUKIERENKA U WALENTYNKI ul. górna 58a 21-500 biała podlaska +48 517 162 160 ms. walentyna jakoniuk owner, pastry chef champion +48 517 162 160 ms. aleksandra jakoniuk manager +48 512 575 823 Date of establishment of the company: 2009 Number of employees: 3 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Production and sale of cakes, layer cakes, cookies. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: HACCP, GMP, GHP. Wanted business partners: Individual customers, companies, hotels and restaurants. Other information: Our cakes are not just beautiful – they’re famously delicious! They contain no preservatives and colouring substances. The taste of home! AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING Cukierenka u Walentynki is a family - owned company which was founded as a result of long-term interest in the confectionery industry, which later became a passion of the founder Walentyna Jakoniuk. Our company is a modern confectionery plant specializing in the production of high-quality cakes, layer cakes, cookies. We have a modern agreeable building satisfying all European standards, equipped with the first-class modern bakery equipment. Our products are made according to own recipes of the business owner - Walentyna Jakoniuk. The taste and the look of the cakes need to meet the individual requirements of our customers. You won’t see products offered by our small cake shop at the exhibition because they are only baked if placed as individual orders, which guarantees freshness of our products. 23 EKO OWOC SP. Z O.O. godziszów pierwszy 330 23-302 godziszów +48 501 278 226 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING mr. kamil zugaj general director +48 501 278 226 24 The Group of Producers EKO OWOC Sp. z o.o. has specialized in production and processing of high quality berries and stone fruit since 2004. We specialize in strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants and chokeberries, apples, pears and vegetables. We offer fresh and frozen fruit. We also provide products for industry purposes, purees, crumbles. Our group has 82 experienced producers of berries holding Global Gap certificates. The main warehouse is located in Godziszów in Eastern Poland. The production and storage area is BRC and HACCP certified. Due to the flexibility of our company as well as the experience of employees and the quality of our products we easily meet our customers' needs. Date of establishment of the company: 2004 Number of employees: 10–50 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer, processing company. Offered products/services: Fresh and frozen berries, stone fruit and vegetables. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Hungary, Slovakia, Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Lativia. Countries from which the products are imported: None. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: GLOBAL Gap, HACCP, BRC. Wanted business partners: Wholesalers, retailers, trade companies, processing companies. FABRYKA CUKIERKÓW PSZCZÓŁKA SP. Z O.O. ul. krochmalna 13i 20-401 lublin +48 81 463 22 02 +48 81 463 23 58 mr. marcin dobrowolski deputy export manager +48 81 463 22 02 ms. anna gawlikowska export sales specialist +48 81 463 22 02 Date of establishment of the company: 16th November 2010 Number of employees: 113 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer. Offered products/services: Caramels, filled and hard, all kinds of fillings and flavours and caramels covered with chocolate. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Russia, Lithuania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Azerbaijan, the United States. Countries from which the products are imported: Turkey. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: ISO 22000:2005, ISO 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: We are looking for partners for long-term cooperation. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING We have been manufacturing caramels for 60 years (since 1952). Having a lot of experience in this respect, we have been able to work out a unique recipe that combines tradition with the customers’ expectations, which tends to change all the time. Our offer includes as many as over 30 types of caramels, both filled and hard ones, with all kinds of fillings and flavours. Now we start new products: Coffee Amo Choco nuts (nuts in chocolate), Choco Cranberries (cranberries in chocolate) Choco Raisins (raisins in chocolate) and Super P. We have successfully cooperated with a great number of wholesale firms from all over Poland and abroad. Our advantages are a reasonable price, high quality and varied and colourful packaging, which catches customers’ attention. The quality of our products is confirmed by the integrated quality system ISO and HACCP. We are proud of our company because we keep our promises to our customers. We are able to meet your requirements concerning orders both in terms of quantity and quality. 25 F.P.H.U. KRAWPAK ul. rogóźno kolonia 29 22-600 tomaszów lubelski woj. lubelskie +48 84 664 40 62 +48 501 393 697 +48 84 664 40 62 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING ms. aleksandra krawczyk manager +48 725 206 611 26 F.P.H.U. KRAWPAK is a dynamically developing company established in 1990. Throughout the years, the company has been a witness to an increase in the awareness and the importance of a healthy diet, especially among the young generation of consumers. Therefore, the company extended its offer in order to promote a healthy lifestyle. The company deals with customizing, packing and selling loose food products such as rice, buckwheat, peas, potato starch, jellies, puddings and others. F.P.H.U. KRAWPAK specializes in the production of a wide range of cookies (biscuits, wafers etc.) Date of establishment of the company: 1990 Number of employees: 60 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer, distributor. Offered products/services: Food packaging, production of cookies (biscuits, wafers). Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Italy, Germany, France, the USA, Belgium, Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia, Ireland, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Greece, Lithuania, the United Kingdom. Countries from which the products are imported: Greece, Italy, Spain, Vietnam, China, Pakistan. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Products’ certificates. Wanted business partners: Customers of our products. HERBAR SP. Z O.O. oddział i milejów ul. partyzancka 11 21-020 milejów +48 81 757 23 14 +48 81 757 23 14 ext 26 mr. paweł baryła sales director +48 81 757 23 14 ms. anna ściborska manager +48 668 451 988 Date of establishment of the company: 1995 Number of employees: 11 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer and distributor of herbs and birch juice. Offered products/services: Purchase, processing and selling of herbs. Production of birch juice. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Eastern and Western Europe. Countries from which the products are imported: Eastern and Western Europe (herbs and birch juice). Wanted business partners: The company is looking for suppliers of a wide range of herbal materials and birch juice. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING Herbar is a family-run company established in 1995. The company is located in Milejów, which is situated in the Lublin Region, in the close neighbourhood of the picturesque River Wieprz. The core business of the company is herbalism. Herbar cultivates, buys and distributes herbs used for both medicinal and culinary purposes. Several years ago the company broadened its offer with the natural birch juice, which has become the company’s flagship product. It is available in several flavour variations. Herbar is currently one of the leading producers of this beverage in Poland. The company seeks to follow the leading tendencies and requirements of the herbal materials market, and to meet our customers’ individual needs. 27 JMP GOSPODARSTWO OGRODNICZE MARIA I JAROSLAW PTASZEK ul. zielona 48 08-540 stężyca +48 81 888 95 85 +48 81 888 95 63 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING mr. wojciech wegrzynek sales manager +48 512 948 623 28 JMP Flowers is the European leader in growing quality flowers. The company was established in 1977. Family traditions in flower growing go back over half a century. Owing to many years of experience, stable investment programme and continuous perfection of cultivation techniques, our flowers are identified among our clients by the highest quality, outstanding durability and unique beauty. We offer a wide range of different varieties of flowers – about 60 varieties of roses, 40 varieties of anthurium and several dozen of pot orchids, including many novelties. Our roses remain fresh for about 2 weeks, anthurium from 3 to 5 weeks and potted flowers – orchids may be continuously enjoyed 6 months a year or even more. Our greenhouses are ranked among the most modern ones all over the world. It provides the best quality of our flowers and makes them available to our customers throughout the year, even in the winter, which is considered a great advantage. Date of establishment of the company: 1977 Number of employees: 237 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Rose, anthurium and orchids grower. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Austria, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Germany. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: In 2007, the flowers produced by the JMP Flowers were awarded several medals (3 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze) at the Zentralverband Gartenbau exhibition in Munich. In 2008, Marek Sawicki, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development awarded Maria and Jarosław Ptaszek horticulture farm with the ‘Model Gardener 2008’ title. Wanted business partners: Floral industry wholesalers. KALGRUP SP. Z O.O. steniatyn-kolonia 31 22-650 łaszczów +48 84 661 17 21 +48 84 661 17 25 mr. edward harbuz sales director +48 667 986 680 ms. anna grabczuk administration assistant +48 884 002 774 Date of establishment of the company: 1st April 2008 Number of employees: 20 Type of activity (producer/distributor): Wholesale of fruit and vegetables. Offered products/services: Onions, carrots, apples, cauliflowers, broccoli, cabbage. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Italy, the UK, Russia, the Czech Republic. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Globalgap, Tesco. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING Kalgrup is a group producing vegetables and fruit. We have been on the market since 2008. Kalgrup means 40 shareholders and 1000 hectares of farmland. We export vegetables and fruit to the UK, Norway, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Russia. We specialize in the production of cauliflowers, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, parsley and onion. We have a refrigerator for 7500 tons of products and a rapid cooling chamber, where 17 tons of cauliflower (needed to load one lorry) are cooled in only 2 hours. Our motto is the highest quality of service and reliability in the implementation of orders, so that we build up trust with our customers. We have been certified by GLOBALGAP and TESCO. 29 LUBELLA SP. Z O.O. SP. K. wrotkowska 1 str. 20-469 lublin poland +48 81 744 50 01 +48 81 744 22 55 ms. edyta knuta communications specialist +48 81 744 22 33 Lubella is the pasta market leader in Poland and a highly esteemed producer of grain products such as flour, groats, breakfast cereals, cornflakes, salty sticks, sauces and dishes. Lubella has belonged to Maspex Wadowice Group, one of the largest companies in the food industry in Central and Eastern Europe since 2003. Our company combines experience, long tradition and carefully selected recipes with the potential of modern, advanced technology. We have been strengthening our position in the market and developing our knowledge of grain processing for over 130 years. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING mr. leszek kaszuba director of b2b department +48 81 749 92 06 30 Date of establishment of the company: 1881 Number of employees: Over 300 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Pasta, flour, breakfast cereals, cornflakes, groats, salty sticks, sauces, dishes. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Worldwide. Countries from which the products are imported: Worldwide. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: International Food Standard. Wanted business partners: B2B partners – buyers of our products and raw materials suppliers. LUBELSKI OŚRODEK DORADZTWA ROLNICZEGO W KOŃSKOWOLI ul. pożowska 8 24-130 końskowola +48 81 889 06 54 +48 81 889 06 53 mr. antoni skrabucha ceo +48 81 889 06 54 Date of establishment of the company: 1956 Number of employees: 375 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Advisory services in the field of agriculture and rural development. Offered products/services: Benefits from expertise and support provided by our advisors in the following areas: economic and technological advisory services for plant and animal production, ecological farming and environmental agricultural programs, popularization of cross-compliance, solutions, applications for the EU subsidies and domestic aid for your initiatives and other activities, trainings vital for agricultural farm management, analysis of agricultural produce markets and means of production, preparation of business plans as well as economic and financial analysis, organization of producer groups, popularization of agro-tourism and rural tourism, integration and activation of inhabitants in the rural areas, raising the level of farmers’ qualifications. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: ISO 9001: 2008. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING The Lubelskie Agricultural Advisory Centre in Końskowola has been operating in Lublin Province for more than 55 years. We support farmers and inhabitants of rural areas in continuous improvement of their living standards providing advisory services in agricultural production, environmental protection, economics, entrepreneurship and extra- agricultural activity. The centre in Końskowola operates didactic and implementation facilities in the form of the Innovation and Training Centre (including a hotel and lecture rooms) as well as facilities with rich gardening and agricultural traditions, i.e. a field and an experimental orchard, apiaries, a bio-resource garden and a decorative recreational garden. It also offers favourable conditions for conducting comprehensive educational activities. 31 LUBLIN WHOLESALE MARKET JSC elizówka 65 21-003 ciecierzyn +48 81 756 39 30 +48 81 756 39 31 mr. dr ryszard nowak president +48 81 756 39 30 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING mr. adam rychliczek vice-president +48 81 756 39 30 32 Lublin Wholesale Market JSC is the largest wholesale – trade centre in South-Eastern Poland and the EU’s most easterly retail market. Our package includes a complete range of fruit and vegetables and a variety of cut and potted flowers. Customers will also find a plenitude of regional products such as: excellent meats (also cured meats), dairy products and many other food products. This broad range of products is supplemented by fish, horticultural appliances, packaging and other goods. One part of the company is the Foreign Trade and Promotion Centre, responsible for handling domestic trade, imports and exports. Lublin Wholesale Market JSC is a leading and recognised business name. In 2012, the company was awarded the LUBELSKIE Brand as a token of quality, innovation and environmental care. Date of establishment of the company: 18th July 1995 Number of employees: 39 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Fresh fruit (apples, pears…) and vegetables, groceries, instant coffee, sweets, sugar, sunflower and rape oil, meat (pork, chicken and beef), food additives. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Moldavia, Sweden, Korea, China. Countries from which the products are imported: Belgium. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Thanks to the advanced structure and the integrated food safety management system, compliant with ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 22 000:2005 norms, customers can choose from products protected by the world’s latest food-trade standards. Lublin Wholesale Market JSC is a leading and recognised business name. In 2012, the company was awarded the LUBELSKIE Brand as a token of quality, innovation and environmental care. Wanted business partners: Food importers. Other information: Our region is perceived as an agricultural area for crops, vegetables, fruit and grains. Our wholesale market focuses on local producers. Due to the fact, we can offer you the best deals and prices. In addition, we have a few years of experience in international trading. LUBSAD SP. Z O.O. motycz 325a 21-030 motycz +48 81 469 18 29 +48 81 469 18 30 ms. aleksandra mrowińska member of the board +48 604 270 379 Date of establishment of the company: 14th March 2007 Number of employees: 14 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Apples – CN 08081080, cherries – CN 08092005, cloudy apple juice – CN 20097199. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Slovakia, Russia, Britain, France, the Netherlands. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: GLOBALGAP, ‘Lubelskie’ Brand. Wanted business partners: We are looking for partners who can recognize the quality of the cloudy apple juice and are able to position the product. We are interested in the following markets: HORECA customers – hotels and restaurants. B2B customers – beverage wholesalers. FMCG customers – shops. Other information: “If you’re interested in health, you should go for a non-clarified apple juice.” AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING LUBSAD is located in the Lublin Province – one of the most ecologically clean areas of the European Union. Over 90 farmers - fruit growers have shares in the company. We offer the following fruit: strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, cherries, blueberries, plums, pears and apples. We offer fresh fruit with a guarantee of quality and continuity of supply. We have a large warehouse with facilities and refrigerated chambers. Fruit is stored in controlled temperature. Our modern line for sorting apples with water unloading guarantees excellent fruit quality in terms of sorting by colour, size and weight. In 2011 we introduced a new product. It is the perfect cloudy apple juice. It is natural fresh juice, squeezed from the selected varieties of apples. Its production takes place without the enzymatic treatment, clarification and filtration. Thus, this type of juice contains large amounts of bioactive components. Juices are available in glass bottles with a capacity of 0.30 litre, 0.70 litre and in bags and cartons (5 litres and 3 litres). We are planning to launch a new project involving freezing of fruit such as cherries, raspberries and strawberries. 33 MAŁOPOLSKA HODOWLA ROŚLIN SP. Z O.O. ul. kilińskiego 80 22-400 zamość +48 84 638 68 72 +48 84 639 20 92 ms. agnieszka dudek manager +48 696 022 832 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING mr. jerzy krzysiak manager +48 608 525 195 34 Małopolska Hodowla Roślin Sp. z o.o. is one of the biggest breeding and seminal companies in Poland. It was founded in 1872. The company offers a wide range of seeds such as seeds of corn, grass, legume, fodder beet and others. It cooperates with various organisations from all over the world. The company has its branches in Kraków, Kobierzyce and Zamość. The department in Zamość specializes in the production of mixed pasture and lawn grass seeds which are adapted to different habitat conditions and usage types. The seeds mainly come from farmers’ own cultivation. We can also boast of widely known Arabian horses bred in the stud farm in Białka, which belongs to the branch in Zamość. Date of establishment of the company: 1872 Number of employees: 140 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer/distributor. Offered products/services: Seeds used in agriculture. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, the UE, Ukraine, Turkey. Countries from which the products are imported: The UE, New Zeland, Australia. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: ISTA (International Rules for Seed Testing). Wanted business partners: Agriculture company, seeds company, farmers. MATERNE-POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Taking into account our activity on the local fruit preserve market, we rely not only on the comprehensive knowledge and extensive experience of our experts, but even more importantly, on our passion for fruit... Among our products you will find a wide range of confitures under Materne’s brand as well as fruit preserves sold under private labels of our distributors. We also produce frozen fruit for the food industry and retailers. łopatki 37a 24-160 wąwolnica poland +48 81 882 63 11 +48 81 882 53 66 ms. magdalena piasecka management board assistant +48 81 882 63 11 Date of establishment of the company: 1992 Number of employees: 224 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Confitures under Materne’s brand & under private labels of distributors, jams, marmalades, frozen fruit (IQF, puree, fruit for decoration), fruit fillings for bakery and dairy products. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Europe. Countries from which the products are imported: Worldwide. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: IFS, BRC, BIO, Gazele Biznesu 2013. Wanted business partners: Connected to our business activities. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING Materne-Polska Sp. z.o.o. is a part of French Andros Company – the European fruit market leader. Andros comprises of factories which excel in the following markets: fruit preserves (jams, confitures, juices and mousses), pastries and confectionery, frozen cakes and ice-cream as well as fresh dairy products. 35 OBST S.A. ul. jagiellońska 64 22-100 chełm +48 82 563 12 99 +48 82 565 13 75 mr. robert koszuta chairman of the board +48 82 563 12 99 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING ms. anna mężyńska sales manager +48 82 563 12 99 36 OBST S.A. is one of the leading Polish producers of breakfast cereals (flakes and shaped cereal products) as well as crisp bread. As the only company in the world, Obst S.A. produces extruded Bread Chips – slices of directly expanded crisp wheat bread. The company’s mission is to manufacture the highest quality breakfast food products made of natural and top-class ingredients and, best of all, at competitive prices. OBST branded products are marketed through all available distribution channels: the retail, wholesale and modern ones. The company also sells its products under various private labels and packaging to the catering industry both in Poland and abroad. Date of establishment of the company: 1997 Number of employees: 70 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Breakfast cereals (cornflakes, whole grain wheat flakes and bran flakes, shaped cereal products like balls, shells and rings, bran sticks) muesli, crisp bread, bread chips. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Lithuania, Hungary, Croatia, Ghana, Libya, Israel. Countries from which the products are imported: The Netherlands, Germany (raw materials). Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: HACCP. Wanted business partners: Distributors, wholesalers, retail chains. OKRĘGOWA SPÓŁDZIELNIA MLECZARSKA W KRASNYMSTAWIE ul. borowa 4 22-300 krasnystaw +48 82 576 28 61 +48 82 576 28 60 mr. krzysztof bortacki sales and marketing manager +48 82 576 28 61 ext 489 mr. tomasz szewczak deputy sales and marketing manager +48 82 576 28 61 ext 403 better and ensure their highest quality. The production is automated: modern machines and computers take care of processing milk into final products, which are later sold. Owing to it, OSM Krasnystaw is one of the top ten cooperatives in the country in terms of production and the quality of its products. Date of establishment of the company: 1913 Number of employees: 567 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Creams, kefirs, buttermilk, cheese, desserts, cottage cheese, yoghurts, milk, milk powder. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: the United Kingdom. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: HACCP certificate, awarded with: ‘Tytuł Lidera Galanterii Mlecznej 2012’ (the title of the leader in selling milk products), ‘Za Najwyższą Jakość 2012’ (for the best quality of 22% cream Gosposia), ‘Za Wysoką Jakość 2012’ (for the good quality of vanilla cream cheese with strawberries SERUŚ), ‘Statuetka Związku Pracodawców, Eksporterów i Importerów Produktów Mlecznych / Prezesa Agencji Rynku Rolnego 2012’ (a statuette awarded by the Union of Employers, Exporters and Importers of Milk Products and Agricultural Market Agency for the results in export), 2011 Medal for the first place (for butter ‘EKSTRA’) awarded by the Association of Milk Producers at the 15th National Assessment of Butter and Fat Products, Statuetka Krajowego Związku Spółdzielni Mleczarskich ‘Za Najwyższą Jakość’ (a statuette awarded by the National Association of Dairy Cooperatives for the best quality of yoghurt ‘Naturalny wapń + probiotyk Calpro’ / natural calcium+ probiotic/), Superbrands Created in Poland 2012/2013. Wanted business partners: Wholesalers offering milk products. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING Krasnystaw OSM is a modern company which cooperates with more than a hundred distributors of dairy products from all over Poland. Its tradition reaches the beginning of the previous century – it was set up in 1913. The beginnings of the cooperative were humble – more than 40 farmers delivered milk. All of the production appliances were hand-driven. Even World War II did not stop the cooperative from its production activity. In 1957 the Regional Dairy Cooperative in Zażółkwia, near Krasnystaw, was brought into being. Next years brought investments in the new production buildings. Purchasing centres were created. The act of building a modern powdered-milk factory (1974) turned out to be a very important step. Ten years later, a new production factory, which specialized in making liquid milk, butter and cheese curds, was commissioned. Thanks to the purchase of modern production lines, the years 1994–1996 initiated huge processing changes. Krasnystaw brand was becoming more and more popular. The end of 1990s marked a period of dynamic development of the company. Contracts with wholesalers and retail networks made the products of Krasnystaw known all over the world. In 2003, the company merged with OSM (Dairy Cooperative) in Lublin and in 2004 – with Zamojska OSM. Today OSM Krasnystaw is a company which collects milk from more than ten thousand suppliers from all districts of Lubelskie voivodeship. It employs about a thousand people, processes 160 million litres of milk and, at the same time, dynamically increases its income. The biggest producer of dairy industry, OSM Krasnystaw has been constantly investing in its development. It has introduced modern solutions and technologies, which are supposed to make the products 37 P.H. KRAUTEX poperczyn 67 22-335 żółkiewka +48 82 577 30 92 +48 82 577 30 48 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING mr. grzegorz pioś sales manager +48 82 577 30 92 mr. bogusław domański owner +48 506 131 217 38 Krautex has been operating on the domestic and international markets in the field of processing, production and trade in medicinal herbs and spices since 1992. Our average annual sales volume is over 3.000 tons a year. Our flagship products include: Thymus vulgaris (common thyme) – with annual production of 1500 t, Lemon balm, Peppermint, Valerian root, Chamomile and Roman Chamomile. Our advantages are: - location in the center of herbs growing area - drying facilities with capacity of 50t per 24 hours - we carry on cultivation contracts, which increases safety of our supply chain - computer aided production management system - storage capacity reaching 2500 Euro pallets - our laboratory checks concerning pesticides residue levels (GC), microbiology and physical properties - certified HACCP system - steam sterilization system which increases microbiological safety of our products (including powders sterilization) - processing lines made of stainless steel and equipped with metal detectors Date of establishment of the company: 1992 Number of employees: 40 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Herbs and spices for food and medicinal usage. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: The EU, the USA, Russia, Ukraine, Nigeria, Brazil. Countries from which the products are imported: Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: HACCP certificate. Wanted business partners: Wholesalers of herbs and spices, extracting companies, producers of packed herbs and spices. POLBIOECO SP. Z O.O. ul. handlowa 8 20-387 lublin +48 12 356 52 85 mr. mariusz dadej president +48 601 095 804 Date of establishment of the company: 25.09.2006 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer and distributor. Offered products/services: Products. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Italy, the Czech Republic, Germany. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Certification of organic food. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING We are pleased to present PolBioEco, which is certified by AgroBioTest number PL-EKO-07-13901 (13). Thanks to our innovative ideas we will be able to adapt our offer to meet market requirements and to meet our customers’ expectations. We keep looking for modern solutions, because our customers’ satisfaction is our top priority and the best motivation to work. Expanding our offer with new ecological products, we will introduce a wide assortment of goods to please the most demanding customers. We only cooperate with trustworthy and reliable producers of ecological products. We are distributors and representatives of Alinor – the producer of high quality rice drinks or rice milks called Vitariz and soya drinks called Soydream. We have been developing for you. Owing to our partnerships with healthy food experts and dietitians, we have elaborated consistent and modern goods identity system taking care not only about the quality but also the taste of our products. We are working hard to improve our image in order to cope with new challenges and expectations. Our priority is a stable pricing policy. We have efficient Trade Department and professional Logistics Department. Our employees will always stay close by, ready to give you advice and to offer professional service. 39 POL-MAK S.A. PASTA COMPANY ludwin kol. 58 (street) ludwin (city) 21-075 (zip code) +48 81 757 00 90 +48 81 757 03 30 mr. dominik polak vice-president member of the supervisory board +48 817 570 330 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING ms. dagmara wolańska marketing director +48 531 763 867 40 POL-MAK S.A. Pasta Company was established in 1995. Our constant development allowed us to become one of the greatest homemade noodles producers in Poland. We provide work for over 80 highly-qualified employees who verify and care for the nutritional and hygienic value of our products as well as our consumers' satisfaction. POL-MAK S.A. Pasta Company combines experience, know-how, modern technology and traditional recipes. Thus, we offer a wide range of products, adjusted to the preferences of various groups of customers. We have created a line of traditional noodles, which includes 13 different shapes of pasta. The traditional noodles are produced from dough (4 eggs per 1 kg of flour) on the basis of homestyle recipes, which gives our pasta the unique flavour and original texture. We also offer the most nutritional and healthiest wholegrain 100% durum pasta in the most popular shapes. The portfolio of our products includes a tailor-made offer for the customers who are active, creative in the kitchen and those who care most about the flavour. It is 100% durum pasta in modern packaging. The unique texture of the noodles gives the remarkable flavour. We also offer the line of pressed noodles, egg noodles for kids and private labels. POL-MAK S.A. Pasta Company has received numerous awards confirming high quality of our products. To find out more about us and the lines of our products, visit our homepages:,, w Date of establishment bliishm shment of tth the he comp ccompany: ompan any: POL-MAK S.A. Pasta Company was established in 1995. Number of employees: We provide work for over 80 highly-qualified employees. Type of business activity (producer/distributor): POL-MAK S.A. Pasta Company is a producer. However, we also distribute Italian pasta under two our brand names. Offered products/services: We offer a wide range of pasta: traditional egg noodles– 13 different shapes of pasta, whole grain 100% durum pasta –the most popular shapes, egg noodles for kids, 100% durum pasta (the unique texture of noodles gives the remarkable flavour), the line of pressed noodles, other private labels pasta. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: We sell our products to Germany, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Great Britain and the USA. Countries from which the products are imported: Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: We cooperate with Italian pasta producers. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001 since 2009, numerous local and national prizes. Wanted business partners: Distributors, retailers, wholesalers, stores. Other information: POL-MAK S.A. Pasta Company is the beneficiary of the EU programs. POLSET 2 SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ SP. K. ul. hrubieszowska 37 22-100 chełm +48 82 564 27 71 +48 82 562 03 85 mr. kamil krawczynski chairman +48 501 475 926 mr. marek królikowski vice-chairman +48 785 757 706 Date of establishment of the company: 08.02.2013 Number of employees: 15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Importer and distributor. Offered products/services: Rapeseed, safflower, millet, flaxseed, mustard seeds, sunflower, corn, buckwheat, rapeseed and linseed oil cake. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Belgium, France, Holland. Countries from which the products are imported: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Ukraine. Wanted business partners: Producers and exporters of grains, seeds and cereals for consumption and industrial usage, oilseeds, etc. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING Polset 2 is a leading and innovative enterprise in the agri-food industry. The main activity of the company is all year round purchasing and selling grains, seeds and cereals for consumption and industrial usage, oilseeds, etc. The company’s strategy contains the progressive development, modern quality management, introduction of innovative solutions, customer logistics service and high quality products. Moreover, we pay great attention to the quality of the offered products and that is why we repeatedly submit them to numerous cleaning processes. The company’s goal is to increase a range of products and focus marketing efforts to expand sales, increase market share in the domestic market, the EU and in Eastern Europe. So we are constantly looking for new solutions and quickly respond to the changing market and our customers' needs. Our products include top quality raw materials from reliable suppliers such as: rapeseed, safflower, millet, flaxseed, mustard seeds, sunflower, corn, buckwheat, rapeseed and linseed oil cake. We are currently looking for reliable business partners and hope that our experience in this field can fulfil all your expectations. 41 PPHU KAROL EWA BRODAWKA strzakły 55 21-560 międzyrzec podlaski +48 83 373 10 17 +48 83 371 10 38 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING mr. paweł szczygielski export manager +48 506 481 669 42 The main company business activities include cutting, punching pork meat and poultry, producing charcuterie products such as sausages, smoke meats, delicatessen products, offal and poultry products. The monthly production quantity reaches up to 1 thousand tons. Modern technology combined with traditional charcuterie recipes can allow us to produce the highest quality products. We produce smoked meats, sausages, offals and the delicatessen products. Carefully selected raw materials and perfect workmanship of products contribute to achieving market success. Apart from sales and manufacturing of products we sell pork and poultry elements. In order to meet the quality requirements and satisfy health standards for the countries within the European Community, we have implemented the production system of safe food – HACCP. Date of establishment of the company: 1998 Number of employees: 200 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: We produce smoked meats, sausages, offals and the delicatessen products. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: The European Union countries, Africa, eastern markets as well as Asia. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Certificates – ‘Nasze Dobre Lubelskie 2011’, Prizes – Polagra ‘Przebój Wędliniarski Roku 2011’; ranked 2. Wanted business partners: Meat wholesalers, markets, butcher shops. PROFESJONAL SP. Z O.O. adamów 8d/1 22-442 adamów poland +48 84 618 77 41 +48 84 618 77 40 ms. agata podolak-mazurek marketing manager +48 84 618 77 41 Date of establishment of the company: 1992 Number of employees: 100 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: IQF fruit & IQF organic fruit (strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, red currants, sour cherries, elderberries, rhubarbs, blueberries, blackberries). Countries in which the company’s products are sold: the EU countries, North & South America, Australia, Africa. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: HACCP, ISO 22000, Kosher Certificate, Organic Certificate. Wanted business partners: Wholesale buyers of frozen fruit. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING Profesjonal is a Limited Liability Company which has been offering its products since 1992. It produces frozen as well as chilled and pureed fruit. The company produces about 2000 tons of raspberry, which is our basic range of fruit production, including raspberry extra (95% whole raspberries) and raspberry crumble. The next biggest fruit in size is strawberry, produced in the amount of 1000 tons a year. Moreover, the company produces frozen blackcurrants and redcurrants in different classes as well as sour cherries, blueberries and berries. Occasionally, we produce frozen cranberries, rowanberries, elderberries, kiwi fruit and mixed fruit for selected consumers. Overall, the company produces 6000 tons of fruit, most of which is aimed at very demanding foreign consumers. The company boasts about the implemented and certified HACCP system, ISO 22000, kosher and organic certificates. 43 PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO-HANDLOWE JANEX JAN CIUPAK, LESZEK CIUPAK SP.J. ul. bohaterów porytowego wzgórza 31 23-300 janów lubelski +48 15 872 50 87 +48 15 872 37 23 ms. anna jakubiec main office +48 15 872 50 87 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING mr. rafał moskal sales manager +48 15 872 50 87 44 Date of establishment of the company: 30th April 1993 Number of employees: 48 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Cereals/groats: Buckwheat, barley, corn grits, millet, couscous, rice, peas, beans, poppy and cereal flakes: rice, oats, barley. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy. Countries from which the products are imported: Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia (buckwheat, peas). Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: ‘Lubelskie’ certificate, HACCP certificate, ‘Polski Producent Żywności’ awards 2007 and 2008. Wanted business partners: Distributors and big retailers. Other information: Numerous awards, certificates, nominations and references. PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO WIELOBRANŻOWE LUDMIŁA ul. ks. j. popiełuszki 1 23-210 kraśnik +48 81 826 14 58 +48 81 826 14 58 ms. żaneta wieczorek promotions manager +48 504 34 64 31 Date of establishment of the company: 1984 Number of employees: 25 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer and distributor of ready-made food meals. Offered products/services: We offer a wide range of ready-made food meals, for example: dumplings, pancakes, homemade gnocchi, fish, many types of meals with roast potatoes, beetroots, browned carrots etc. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: The United Kingdom, Greece. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: The winner of the regional contest ‘DOBRE BO KRAŚNICKIE’. Wanted business partners: Companies which are interested in distributing, wholesaleing or retailing ready-made meals. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING ’Ludmila‘ has been a market leader since 1984 even though we have specialized in the food sector for 15 years. Our core business activity is the production of ready-made food meals. We focus on the distribution of our products across companies, shops, offices, wholesalers in Poland and the EU countries. We created an innovative method of fast preparation of meals. We specialize in the preparation of dishes for vending machines. We ensure the constant development of our company by providing it with modern production technologies. 45 SPÓŁDZIELNIA MLECZARSKA BIELUCH W CHEŁMIE ul. chemiczna 4 22-100 chełm +48 825 654 093 +48 825 650 914 mr. kazimierz gromadzki sales and marketing manager +48 509 351 099 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING ms. joanna skibińska trade marketing manager +48 509 351 125 46 Chełm is a land of legends. This is the only place in Europe and the second in the world which is rich in the Old Chalk Mines. It is the home of the benevolent spirit – Bieluch whose presence is also noticeable in the Bieluch Dairy Cooperative. The Bieluch Diary Cooperative is a well-known company which specializes in the production of diary products. What is more impressive, the company has existed for about 85 years! That is why, SM BIELUCH has been developing and focusing on the implementation of advanced technology. Additionally, the company improves the quality of diary products to satisfy customers’ needs. Every year, the products of SM BIELUCH are tested by the experts. One of the most recognized and precious products is a type of cream cheese ‘Bieluch’ which has gained more than 40 prestigious prizes so far. Moreover, we are also proud of our products with low fat content. Due to their nutritional value, they are recommended by the Obesity Treatment Centre. To take care of our clients, we use the system of health quality protection – HACCP and BRC Global Standard for Food Safety. Date of establishment of the company: 1929 Number of employees: 250 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Cream cheese, yoghurt, kefir, butter, fresh milk, curd cheese, cream, milk powder. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Great Britain, Italy. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: BRC Global Standard for Food Safety. Wanted business partners: Wholesalers offering milk products. SYMBIO POLSKA S.A. ul. polna 40 00-635 warszawa ul. zawieprzycka 8m 20-228 lublin +48 81 756 46 00 +48 81 756 46 01 ms. joanna masznicz secretary/assisstant +48 81 756 46 00 ms. katarzyna zając export specialist +48 81 756 46 25 Date of establishment of the company: 1998 Number of employees: 26 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer/distributor. Offered products/services: Organic food, including: frozen fruit and vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices and drinks, jams and fruit preserves, vegetable preserves, bran, cereal flakes, muesli, cookies, dried fruit, flour and bread mixes, pasta, groats, rice, legumes etc. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: France, the USA, the UK, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Poland, Korea, Lithuania, Italy, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Austria. Countries from which the products are imported: The Netherlands, Hungary. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Certificate issued by Ekogwarancja. Wanted business partners: Contractors interested in purchasing and supplying organic food. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING SYMBIO Polska S. A. is the largest producer in Poland specializing exclusively in organic food production. Basing on its 15-year experience, the company produces and distributes food products certified for their organic origin. SYMBIO purchases organic fruit, vegetables, and cereals from Polish organic farmers. The produce purchased during the season is used for the production of frozen, concentrated, mashed or freezedried semi-finished products mainly for export, but also for the production of SYMBIO-branded retail products for domestic and international sales. The company offers over 150 products under SYMBIO brand, mainly fruit and vegetable juices and drinks, jams and fruit preserves, vegetable preserves, bran, cereal flakes, muesli, cookies, dried fruit, flour and bread mixes, pasta, groats, rice, legumes etc. 47 UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES IN LUBLIN ul. akademicka 13 20-950 lublin +48 81 445 66 22 +48 81 533 35 49 sekretariat.uczelni@ AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING ms. iwona niezgoda innovation and technology transfer center specialist 48 The University of Life Sciences in Lublin is a multi-profile higher education institution, integrating a wide range of agricultural, biological, veterinary, technical and socio-economic sciences. The academic traditions of our university date back to 1944 – the university boasts a long educational tradition, modern scientific base, well-equipped laboratories, and, above all, great scientists. The mission of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin is to contribute to the society through the pursuit of education, learning, and research in three key areas for a man. They are: • techniques, technologies and organization of food production; • development and environmental protection of human life; • health, healthy lifestyle. The university offers first-, second-, and third- cycle studies and postgraduate courses. New degree courses are created to meet the needs of the current job market in Poland. Students participate in obligatory and elective internships in various agricultural and food processing companies at home and abroad. The university is ready for cooperation in this respect with companies and institutions. Scientific research is conducted in laboratories as well as at experimental farms and plants in different geographical parts of the Lublin voivodship, providing valuable contribution to the development of agricultural and veterinary sciences. Each faculty has its own business offer. List of faculties: • AGROBIOENGINEERING •VETERINARY MEDICINE • BIOLOGY AND ANIMAL BREEDING • HORTICULTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • PRODUCTION ENGINEERING • FOOD SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY • AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES IN ZAMOŚĆ The Central Laboratory of Agriecology has unique, high quality research facilities. There, the nutritive and pro-health values of food are tested together with the contamination with mycotoxins, pesticides, heavy metals, nitrates and nitrites. Moreover, the staff deal with the evaluation of biofuels and workplace and natural environment assessment including water and sewage analyses. Moreover, professional laboratory equipment is available for scientific research. We encourage you to cooperate with the University of Life Sciences in Lublin! Date of establishment of the company: 1955 Number of employees: 1700 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): State university. Offered products/services: Education and research services. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Cooperation with the economic is sector our priority – it can be confirmed by the certificate and 2nd place awarded in the ‘Innovative University’ ranking in the Lublin area (February 2012). Wanted business partners: Companies of such sectors as: food economy, environmental protection, pharmaceutical companies, land rehabilitation and others. Other information: Contact to the Office of Innovation and Technology Transfer ul. Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, room 467, 81 445 62 51, 81 445 62 50, e-mail: WYRÓB I SPRZEDAŻ WAFLI HENRYK BUDA żuków drugi 7 23-110 krzczonów +48 81 566 44 01 mr. jan rafałowski consultant/adviser +48 519 778 407 Date of establishment of the company: 1983 Number of employees: 3 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Dry and filled wafers. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: HACCP, Lubelskie Brand – 2008, ‘Polish Food Producer’ – 2009, awarded during the 5th. Traditional Products Days, ‘Polish Tastes’ – 2009, awarded during the 9th edition of the Polish competition ‘Our Culinary Heritage – Tastes of the Regions’ – 2009. Wanted business partners: Importers and distributors of high quality wafers. Other information: A family-run company producing and offering food products of the highest health and taste value. AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING This family-run company was founded in 1980 and it is located in Żuków, in Lublin province – in the heart of Krzczonowski Landscape Park and the Royal Forest Sanctuary. Our firm has been recognized and appreciated by the clients as a producer of delicious dry and filled wafers, which are made according to very old recipes, while observing the highest ecological standards. Our production process includes all phases ‘from sowing to ready-made wafers’. The flour we the flour we use for production comes from the old and very rare Polish types of wheat like: Salwa, Liryka and Grana – containing a minimal dose of gluten. Thanks ks to that, our wafers are so delicious, crunchy and nd crispy. They are also very healthy – with no content of preservatives means. We deliver our wafers to distributors, chain stores, es, food stores and confectionery producers and we are re ready cooperation forms.. ad dy for all possible p p 49 ZAKŁAD MLECZARSKI SP. Z O.O. W ŁASZCZOWIE ul. przemysłowa 1 22-650 łaszczów +48 84 661 15 91 +48 84 661 15 94 ms. aleksandra żarska marketing assistant +48 84 661 15 91 wew. 17 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING mr. edwin osuch marketing assistant +48 84 661 15 91 wew. 18 50 Zakład Mleczarski Sp. z o.o. in Łaszczów is located on the outskirts of Roztocze, in a geographical region called ‘Grzeda Sokalska’ and buys milk from ecologically clean areas of: Lubelskie, Podkarpackie and Świętokrzyskie voivodeships. Milk processing establishment in Łaszczów was founded on 1 July 1999 and it is a subsidiary of the PHZ SM LACPOL Warszawa (Foreign Trade Co. Dairy Cooperative LACPOL Warsaw). The aims set by the Management Board and the staff members are the production and sale of products, meeting requirements and expectations of demanding customers with particular emphasis on food safety and improving the quality of manufactured products, simultaneously respecting the principles of environmental protection. To achieve these objectives, many investments significantly improving the technical and technological conditions of the business have been realised. Date of establishment of the company: 01.07.1999 Number of employees: 80 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Skimmed-milk powder, milk powder, whey powder, sweetened condensed milk, butter, ripened cheese, mozzarella, analogue cheese, fat mix. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: The EU countries, Armenia, Albania, Morocco, Moldova, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Syria. Countries from which the products are imported: We do not import. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: ISO 22 000. Wanted business partners: Retail chains, wholesale partners. ANTARA IT SYSTEMS dobrzanskiego 1 20-262 lublin +48 500 600 081 mr. adrian matylewicz ceo +48 500 600 081 Date of establishment of the company: 2011 Number of employees: 3 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Web applications, desktop software, website design, E-commerce systems, CRM systems, Online reservation systems, Mobile applications development. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Spain. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Certifications of competence: Windows Server Based Systems, Web Object Oriented Programming, PRINCE2 Foundation, SharePoint Server, Maintaining and administering e-learning platforms. Wanted business partners: Financial, Industrial, Educational, Medical. ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS ANTARA produces efficient systems supporting business processes. Our priorities are usability and cost effectiveness of our solutions. Services we provide are implemented with the use of the world’s best solutions in terms of functionality and ergonomics. In this way, we can build apps and websites which are easy to use. ANTARA products and services are distinguished by high profitability and functionality, as evidenced by the short-term return on investment. ANTARA has been a member of Microsoft BizSpark Startup program since 2013. As a result of it, we support our clients with the most comprehensive and secure IT solutions. Furthermore, our company is a member of many prestigious technology companies: 55 ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS BEIKS BIK MACHULSKI SP.J. 56 pogodna 3 23-204 kraśnik +48 81 825 97 22 +48 81 826 20 53 ms. katarzyna wójtowicz foreign trade manager +48 514 601 045 mr. włodzimierz salecki international sales +48 818 259 722 Our company is an authorized dealer for the biggest producers of video equipment in the world. Since 1999 we have been Panasonic dealers, since 2000 JVC and Canon dealers, and since 2001 Sony dealers in consumer, professional and broadcast range of products. Later, we became the sole distributor in Poland for a Japanese company called GrassValley, a commonly known producer of software and hardware for NLE production, the exclusive distributor of professional camera support systems for Australian company Miller and an official distributor of lighting equipment by Ianiro, an Italian maker of professional studio and on-camera lighting. We also offer products by such companies as Audio-Technica, Cambo, Edirol, Fujinon, Kata, Manfrotto, Reinhardt, Røde, Rycote, Sachtler, Sennheiser, SoundDevices, Yoga and many others. We have offered such Polish products as: LED lights, stabilization systems and sliders since 2013. All of them are known in Poland for their outstanding quality. Date of establishment of the company: 1997 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Our company is an authorized dealer for the biggest producers of video equipment in the world. We are Panasonic, Sony and Canon dealers in consumer, professional and broadcast range of products. We also offer products made in Poland such as LED lights, stabilization systems and sliders. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Italy, the UK, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Italy, the UK, Holland. Wanted business partners: Partners from pro-video and audio market. Dealers all over the world. TV stations, event shooters, freelancers. BITSTREAM SP. Z O.O. mełgiewska 7/9 +48 81 743 86 43 +48 81 442 02 98 ms. anna bator sales and marketing manager +48 607 803 629 Date of establishment of the company: 20.10.2006 Number of employees: 20 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Industrial switches, converters, telecommunications testers, optical multiplexers, electrical multiplexers, measurement and control units. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: France, Germany, Holland, Denmark. Wanted business partners: Distributors of telecommunications devices, security systems, CCTV, industrial automation integrators. ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS BITSTREAM is a Polish manufacturer of professional equipment for data, voice and video communication networks (PDH, ISDN, SDH, Ethernet, CWDM, DWDM), security systems, industrial automation and others. Our main groups of products are: optical and electrical multiplexers, telecom testers, optical converters/regenerators, interface converters, ethernet switches, modems, central measurement and control units and SFP, SFP+, XFP, GPON transceivers. As one of the largest manufacturers of equipment for data communication networks in Poland, we offer stable solutions, technical support and service. Our greatest clients are telecommunications and energetics, army, public and administration services as well as ISP, integrators, IT services and companies from the industrial automation. 57 ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMARCH SA 58 ul. rusałka 17a / wesoła 9 20-103 lublin +48 81 538 34 00 comarch headquarters al. jana pawła ii 39a 31-864 kraków +48 12 646 10 00 +48 12 646 11 00 contact/worldwide-offices/ Comarch helps clients to achieve greater profitability and to advance in their specific sectors with a wide range of highest quality innovative products, solutions and services. Comarch has gained vast experience in key sectors (telecommunications, finance, banking and insurance, services, public administration, industry, health, as well as in the small and medium-sized enterprises sector) through projects carried out for the largest Polish and international brands. Date of establishment of the company: 1993 Number of employees: 4223 first-class professionals (computer programmers, computer scientists and economists), graduates from the best Polish and foreign universities. Type of business activity (producer/distributor):Comarch is a manufacturer and integrator of IT solutions. Offered products/services: Solutions for managing marketing activities, for document and process management, for managing employee motivation to support the sales and distribution, a platform for rapid and secure exchange of electronic data, IT services offered to all sectors contributing to economy (data center, Integration & Outsourcing, IT networks). Mobile and web applications for banking, insurance and capital markets. Core systems for banking, insurance and capital markets. We provide complete BSS/OSS solutions for telecom operators including M2M, cloud, billing and network management. We specialize in ERP business management systems, information security, CRM systems and sales support, electronic communications, and business intelligence. We provide services to many business models from the traditional and wireless MVNOs. We offer outsourcing services and consulting. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: 40 subsidiaries and associates, 60 locations, 45 cities, 20 countries, 4 continents. Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Panama, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, the USA and others. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: High ranking IT analyst ratings: DiS, Gartner, IDC, Truffle 100. Member of: ISACA, (ISC)², Open Group, SWIFT, ALFI, ISACA, TeleManagement Forum, ETIS, The International Factors Group (IFG), UPnP Forum, GENIVI Alliance, Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA). Certificates: (PN-EN ISO 9001:2009), (PN-ISO/IEC 27001:2007), (PN-EN ISO 14001:2005), Occupational Health and Safety (Polish standard), Management System – Internal Compliance Program in conformity with the PN-N-19001:2006 standard. We would like to introduce DAMIKO S.C, operating on the IT market since 2004. We provide advanced, flexible technological solutions and world-leading IT software. Our work is based on: poland 8b +48 81 463 54 66 +48 22 489 42 66 +48 81 444 64 19 +48 22 489 42 67 ms. dagmara szczęśniak managing director +48 669 993 998 • IT infrastructure management realized due to the comprehensive implementation of IT solutions • protecting IT systems – providing data security and protection • running a Helpdesk, a Servicedesk and remote administration • implementing IT solutions for medicine • providing proprietary solutions (e.g. Web-based and mobile applications) • conducting IT training courses DAMIKO’s excellent team specializes in the field of systems for managing IT infrastructures and data security and protection. Our experience and the quality of the services we provide have been confirmed by references and certificates obtained from companies such as Symantec, VMware, Microsoft, Intel and others. Welcome to the fascinating world of the state-of-the-art IT technologies… mr. mirosław szczęśniak technical director +48 603 993 998 Date of establishment of the company: 2007 Number of employees: 20 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Service Provider, Support and Implementation Services. Offered products/services: IT Infrastructure Management Services, Business Process Development, Web-based and Mobile Applications, Consulting Services, Remote Services, Mobile Solutions. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Slovakia, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Great Britain, the USA. Wanted business partners: Companies in need of IT development and facilitation solutions. Other information: Damiko also implements medical systems for management of health care institutions. ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS DAMIKO SC 59 EFACTOR SP Z O.O. ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS ul. dobrzańskiego 1, lok.i.3 20-262 lublin 22 211 88 55 60 mr. adam szprot marketing & sales director +48 505 444 779 eFactor is a company, which was created with passion. We are a team of people who can transform visions and ideas into products. We don’t know the phrase ‘it can’t be done’ - instead, we are more likely to ask ‘how it can be done’, and then we just make it happen. Using skills and experiences of our team members in the field of game design, e-learning, managing and working in the creativitydriven environment, we design and create projects, often considered impossible. Our passion is to be innovative, which drives us to make things, not to talk about making things. Actually eFactor created a unique system ( which develops human competencies. The system is based on the best experiences of the Assessment / Development Center. We are the first and the only users of electronic methods of simulation. We rely on internationally recognized competency profiles concerning management, sales, entrepreneurship and soft skills. Date of establishment of the company: 2012 Number of employees: 12-15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Game-based learning, Online assessment/development center, dedicated services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Germany, Great Britain. Other information: eFactor team consists of incredible people with clear and smart project vision who can approach any customer. ELPAR Cable Factory has been a leading producer of a wide range of cables and conductors since 1989. In addition to the cables and wires used in power distribution, Elpar company offers: signal, telecommunications, control, mining, automotive, halogen-free as well as installation cables. Elpar company products represent high quality confirmed by the results of tests conducted in well-known research laboratories in Poland and abroad. The company is constantly expanding its product range through a wide range of sales and the modernization of the machine park. Elpar Cables Factory operates on the international markets in: Lithuania, Slovakia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Hungary, Ukraine and Sweden. The company has received numerous awards and distinctions and has a quality management system that complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. Elpar company focuses on meeting customers’ needs and expectations. Elpar is open to all kinds of cooperation. ul. laskowska 1 21-200 parczew +48 83 355 03 38 +48 83 355 18 88 mr. wiesław czarnacki chairman of the board +48 83 355 03 38 mr. przemysław malicki sales director +48 83 355 03 38 Date of establishment of the company: 1989 Number of employees: 254 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer of wires and cables. Offered products/services: telecommunications, signal, control, mining, automotive, halogen-free, installation cables. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Lithuania, Slovakia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Hungary, Ukraine, Sweden. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Italy. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: BBJ-SEP certificates, CNBOP Fire Safety Certificate, Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG certificate, ISO 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: Customers and suppliers of raw material. ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS FABRYKA KABLI ELPAR SP. Z O.O. 61 ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS GIS-EXPERT SP. Z O.O. 62 ul. vetterów 1 20-277 lublin +48 81 440 81 21 +48 81 440 81 22 mr. łukasz prażmo chairman of the board +48 602 297 106 mr. sławomir kępa vice-chairman of the board +48 600 466 536 GIS-EXPERT offers solutions based on GIS (Geographic Information System) technologies which can be used as supporting tools in decision making processes in public, social and commercial sectors. Our services are tailored to the needs of clients coming both from commercial and non-commercial sectors and representing such areas as: public administration, environment monitoring and protection, tourism, land use planning, geomarketing etc. The services we provide include technical support as well as professional advice and training concerning preparation, implementation and operation of the developed or existing Geographic Information Systems and their components. Date of establishment of the company: 2009 Number of employees: 9 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): The company develops its own IT applications tailored to the customers’ needs as well as acts as a distributor of products offered by ESRI - the world leader in Geographic Information Systems solutions. Offered products/services: • Development and implementation of dedicated GIS based software solutions supporting the space management processes • Research and analyses with the use of GIS tools • Audits and pre-and-post-evaluation reports on local and regional space information systems • Specialized training and consulting services in the area of GIS solutions. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Belarus, Ukraine. Countries from which the products are imported: The USA (indirectly, by developing and implementing applications based on software produced in the USA). Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Not applicable. Wanted business partners: • Entities engaged in preparation of planning and strategic documents (e.g. local and regional self-governments) • Entities operating in the field of geodesy and cartography with the knowledge of GIS solutions • Software developers. Other information: Not applicable. Infinite – established in 2002, is a leading producer and distributor of IT solutions for business integration. The company’s core activity is software development, including: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Sales Force Automation (SFA) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Infinite products are designed to optimize transactions among enterprises by automating trading relationships, which enables to gain the competitive edge and reduce operational costs. An extensive range of Infinite services has been already successfully delivered to more than 5 000 customers – small, medium and large enterprises, both locally and internationally. projektowa 1 20-209 lublin +48 81 745 55 52 +48 81 748 54 05 mr. paweł ogorzałek director of sales and business development +48 502 004 075 Date of establishment of the company: 2002 Number of employees: 180 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer and distributor. Offered products/services: IT solutions for B2B integration including: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Sales Force Automation (SFA), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Technical Support. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Infinite products are sold in the following countries: Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia, Germany, Spain, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Turkey and Morocco. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO/IEC 27001:2005, ‘Gazela Biznesu’ Title awarded in three consecutive years (2013, 2012, 2011), National Champion of European Business Awards 2013/2014. Wanted business partners: Our target group are producers, distributors and retailers representing various industries. We also seek partners supporting the sales of company’s products and services on the basis of the reseller business model. Other information: Infinite products are tailored to the needs of FMCG sector as well as automotive industry, logistics, electrical industry, DIY and heavy industry. ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFINITE SP. Z O.O. 63 ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS JATECH RAFAŁ LACHOWSKI 64 ul. wojciechowska 9 20-704 lublin poland +48 533 916 289 +48 81 446 55 10 mr. rafał lachowski owner +48 533 916 289 Jatech Company was established on 2 November 2011 and it is a spin-off of a company founded in 1995. It mainly focuses on construction and manufacturing of ceiling lighting. Our mission is to manufacture, develop and promote lighting systems based on the latest advancements in the LED technology. In our products we use both SMD (Surface Mounted Device) and COB (Chip On Board) lighting diodes. Our flagship products are LED COB2, ceiling lights equipped with cutting edge electronic microwave motion sensors. So far hundreds of residential buildings in major Polish cities have been supplied with this type of lights. Date of establishment of the company: 02.11.2011 Number of employees: 7 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Lighting fixtures equipped with LED Chip On Board light source and a microwave motion sensor. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Wanted business partners: Distributors. KRYSTIAN Sp. z o.o. is a rapidly developing team of experts in the lighting sector. Over 25-year experience, in cooperating with scientific research institutes keeps us at the cutting edge of development and innovation. As the leader in state-of-the-art technologies, we have been adopting LED-based solutions for our SlimLED light fixtures, where the sources of illumination are integrated into the lampholders. SlimLED fixtures are Polish in every respect, which ensures their quality and durability. They are distinguished by their high quality, with manufacturing processes based on modern assembly lines. SlimLED fixtures meet the EU requirements, ensuring that SlimLED denotes safety for both health and the environment. 20-418 lublin nowy świat 42 +48 81 744 32 21 +48 81 744 32 21 mr. maciej diufer project manager +48 502 722 655 ms. anna piech finance director +48 505 087 067 Date of establishment of the company: 1988 Number of employees: 3 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor (directly from the manufacturer KRYSTIAN PPH). Offered products/services: SlimLED light fixtures and lighting systems based on LED technology. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Slovakia, England, the Czech Republic, Romania, Denmark. Countries from which the products are imported: Korea (LED). Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Certificate of Community Design Registration No. 001708363-0001, Hygiene Certificate HK/B/0079/01/2014. Wanted business partners: Purchasers of LED lighting systems and LED light fixtures. ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS KRYSTIAN SP. Z O.O. 65 ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS P.W. STRUCTUM SP. Z O.O. 66 niepodległości 30/59 20-246 lublin +48 81 463 75 55 +48 22 257 88 35 mr. zdzisław szczepaniak cio +48 81 444 28 28 mr. marek szczepaniak coo +48 22 100 14 99 Structum is a change leader in advanced technologies. With over 24 years of experience, Structum company offers a wide range of innovative solutions which help its clients to achieve their business goals and enhance their competitiveness. The company has been growing continuously since 1990. As a knowledge-based company, Structum offers the valuable know-how. Structum develops and provides innovative technical solutions in many branches, including IT, civil engineering and construction materials. Structum develops its own software product InfoBiz Server - which helps companies to run their business entirely in the network environment. Date of establishment of the company: 1990 Number of employees: 8 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer, distributor, consulting. Offered products/services: Civil engineering, IT services, software, construction materials. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Latvia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Spain, the USA. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: PN-EN ISO 9001. Wanted business partners: Producers and exporters of geotextiles and/or innovative construction materials. QUARAL łucka kolonia 83f +48 506 790 030 mr. sebastian marciniak owner +48 506 790 030 Date of establishment of the company: 2008 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Computer graphics 2D/3D / Creation of advertising banners / websites / multimedia presentations / logotypes / corporate identity. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Wanted business partners: Advertising agencies, interactive agencies, graphics studios. ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS QUARAL is a graphics studio which deals with projects that allow its clients to build their image. We create advertising banners, websites, logotypes, corporate identity, multimedia presentations, prints. We specialize in computer graphics, which is one of the most important elements of promotion and company identity in the world. 67 SOLET SP. Z O.O. ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS al. wincentego witosa 16 +48 81 441 09 29 +48 81 444 39 53 68 mr. marcin wójcicki business intelligence director +48 601 701 811 ms. magdalena adamczyk-goleń marketing manager +48 667 330 883 Solet is a company specializing in constructing Business Intelligence expert systems. The company’s operational activities involve a full range of implementation and consulting services, facilitating the process of effective and efficient data exploration, correct interpretation and practical application of informational resources which are located in the enterprise and its surrounding. The basis of Solet’s is experienced and highly qualified team of experts acknowledged by the market for over 15 years. Solet’s Business Intelligence solutions facilitate the broadly understood concept of performance management in business. The premise is the possibility of an integrated analytical platform to be available to a wide spectrum of users, from investors, owners and board members to operational level employees. Solet expert solutions strive for maximum flexibility while maintaining the functionality of standard modules in every area of company’s activity. Date of establishment of the company: 30.11.2009 Number of employees: 15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer and distributor. Offered products/services: Business Intelligence Expert Systems, Big Data Controlling Models. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: PISO 9001:2008, Certificate of Business Credibility 2012. SIM engineering company is a designer and manufacturer of professional digital voice recorders designed to record phone conversations held on PSTN, IP, and GSM networks as well as radio communications together with complete signal analysis. The devices have been designed in such a way that they can work as stand-alone units as well as in dedicated, corporate, multi-modular systems. The outstanding reliability of our solutions guarantee the integrity of the recordings and the quality of the recordings is verified by independent phonoscopy experts identifying the speakers, making it possible for our devices to meet strict security requirements, saving and storing of data along with their proven accuracy. SIM is also a producer of DOMATIQ. Automation system DOMATIQ has been developed as a universal tool for providing the householder with comfort as well as monitoring and optimising the costs of energy and utility consumption. Our products offer virtually unlimited possibilities for managing electrical appliances, heating systems, air conditioning, ventilation, and lighting. stefczyka 34 20-151 lublin poland +48 81 718 78 50 +48 81 718 78 09 mr. krzysztof muciek ceo +48 81 718 78 50 mr. paweł piotrowicz sales and marketing director +48 81 718 78 60 Date of establishment of the company: 1992 Number of employees: 52 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer of call recording systems, Building Automation System (BAS) and BMS. Offered products/services: Complex solutions within the telecommunications and IT domains, we are a manufacturer of tactical solutions for call logging on almost all types of lines (analogue, digital, IP), we are a constructor and a manufacturer of BMS and BEMS systems. Our system DOMATIQ is advanced solution for intelligent building automation. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Israel, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Romania, Georgia, the USA, Holland, Thailand, Bulgaria, Turkey, Spain. Countries from which the products are imported: Korea (LED). Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: • 4th October 2013, the company received a certificate of engineers, confirming the assignment of company code of NATO (the NATO Commercial and Government Entity Code) • ‘Market Leader of Innovation 2013’ - Quality, Creativity, Effectiveness' (Official contest ‘Legal Newspaper’) • The title ‘Leader of Innovation and Regional Development - 2011’ in the category of: Innovative product, DOMATIQ. National Leaders of Innovation and Development. • European Medal 2000 of the Committee for European Integration and Business Centre Club. Award - winning products and services are of a standard not differing from the European level. (Motto of the project: Polish man in the world) • Certificate of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 No Q & R_095 • The certificate of approval Nr721/2000 issued on 24-07-2000 by the Ministry of Communications RP Computer System for Multichannel Recording of Telephone Conversations and Radio ‘COMPREC™’ CCT - 2 to record conversations in public PSTN on the links • ‘Certificate of Mining’ – allowing for use in Mining Plant for SNR COMPREC™ • Certificate of Authorization - Authorized Master Distributor of Alcatel Poland SA • Certified Expert in the field of Communications Systems ALCATEL. Wanted business partners: Former Russian republics, France, Algeria, Morocco, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Panama, Uruguay, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Italy. ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPÓŁKA INŻYNIERÓW SIM SP. Z O.O. 69 ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMWORLD 70 ul. turystyczna 38 20-207 lublin +48 81 445 80 00 +48 81 445 80 00 w. 62 mr waldemar kępa co-owner +48 519 536 737 Telecomworld company was established in 2008 to provide distribution networks, telecommunications and CCTV solutions. Since the beginning Telecomworld has been the exclusive distributor of Mobifren – Korean Bluetooth products for the Polish market. The company is a regional distributor of cabling systems – Cobinet, Excel Networking, Simon and telecommunications servers – Slican, LG Ericsson, Panasonic. We have become a distributor of Netgear - company offering innovative networking products since 2013. We provide professional support in choosing the most appropriate solutions for our customers. Date of establishment of the company: 2008 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Cooper structured and fibre optic cabling systems, cabling system accessories, telecommunications servers, CCTV products, Bluetooth products, network accessories. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: South Korea (Bluetooth car kits and Bluetooth earphones). Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ‘Lublin Business Eagle 2011, IF Product Design Award 2009’. Wanted business partners: Manufacturers or distributors of cabling systems, CCTV, Bluetooth and network products. Other information: Our websites:,, WEBCHILI SP. Z O.O. al. wincentego witosa 16 +48 81 441 09 29 +48 81 444 39 53 mr. maciej grottel operations director +48 691 965 503 ms. katarzyna borkowska quality control specialist +48 730 731 002 Date of establishment of the company: 09.12.2009 Number of employees: 14 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer and distributor. Offered products/services: Internet Aplications: Workflow and Business Process management, Integration Platforms, B2B, Transport management, Knowledge management. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008. ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS WebChili is a software house company specialized in delivering high-quality Internet applications for business and public institutions. Owning to innovative technologies, extensive know-how and many years’ experience, we are able to offer reliable products in the following fields: workflow and business process automation systems, integration platforms, document and knowledge management applications and enterprise portals. On demand, we are ready to develop customized solutions. We provide comprehensive services related to the implementation and maintenance of advanced IT systems. WebChili’s team of experts uses advanced tools and Internet technologies to handle even the most particular and demanding market requirements. 71 ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS ZAKŁAD BUDOWNICTWA LINIOWEGO TELBIAL SP. Z O.O. 72 ul. brzeska 134 21-500 biała podlaska +48 83 342 22 44 +48 83 342 22 44 mr. waldemar lasiecki owner +48 603 130 726 Telbial provides comprehensive services in design and manufacturing of fibre optic cables and cable lines using innovative construction methods. The company performs directional drilling under roads, rivers, railways and areas with a high density of underground infrastructure. Telbial also deals with the construction of modern Internet access network Fibre to the Home. Technologies used by Telbial have been developing in line with market expectations. They are effective, safe for people and the environment. The achievements of the company have been possible due to the experienced, well-trained personnel and innovations in the approach to the telecommunications industry. Telbial deals with water pipes, sewage, gas and energy networks’ builders and providers. Date of establishment of the company: 1987 Number of employees: 23 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Comprehensive services in the design and construction of fibre optic and cable lines. Trenchless techniques. Offered products/services: Directional drilling under roads, rivers, railways and areas with a high density of underground infrastructure. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia. Countries from which the products are imported: The United States (vehicles, machinery, equipment). Wanted business partners: Customers and suppliers of our products from Europe. ZPUP Energozam Sp. z o.o. runs business in several industries. The company started with energy sector 20 years ago. Today Energozam conducts the accredited laboratory of electronic meters and meters’ workshop. We work with foreign producers and also provide meters to the Polish power companies. The significant area of our business activity is the OPEL dealership. Energozam has got two authorized dealerships: in Zamość and in Lublin, dealing with the sales of new and used cars and providing after sales service. The other business areas Energozam deals with are: mobile telephony and fuel. Energozam is the authorized partner of PLUS mobile network and the owner of petrol station BLISKA – the brand which belongs to ORLEN oil company. ul. zagłoby 5 22-400 zamość +48 84 530 70 00 +48 84 530 70 99 mr. marek tęcza chairman of the board +48 84 530 70 00 Date of establishment of the company: 01.06.1993 Number of employees: 77 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: OPEL dealership, PLUS mobile telephony network, BLISKA petrol station, energy meters. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025. Wanted business partners: The EU energy business sector. ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRADE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS ZPUP ENERGOZAM SP. Z O.O. 73 ALIPLAST SP. Z O.O. wacława moritza 3 +48 81 745 50 30 +48 81 745 50 31 ms. ewa ciołek marketing manager +48 81 745 57 80 Date of establishment of the company: 2002 Number of employees: 160 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Aluminium system for windows, doors, sliding elements, curtain walls, roof systems. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lativa, Lithuania. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008, QUALIDECO PL-001, QUALICOAT. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING Aliplast is one of the European market leaders in the development, marketing and distribution of high quality aluminium systems for windows, doors, sliding elements, curtain walls, winter gardens and roof systems. Aliplast is an aluminium systems company significantly investing in firms located in France, China, Egypt and in the United Kingdom. Alipast strives to achieve an increase in comfort and architectural value of a building by providing high-quality aluminium systems. This involves the co-operation of our research & development, marketing and distribution departments. We offer effective tailor-made solutions to create positive relationship with our customers and partners during the construction process. 77 ARDOSSALE ARTUR UJAZDOWSKI wólka gołębska 1 24-100 puławy +48 792 683 686 www.sufitypodwieszane. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING mr. artur ujazdowski owner +48 792 683 686 78 ARDOSSALE company assembles and sells modular, panelled, overhead ceilings and the ceiling systems of the following type: ARMSTRONG, OWA, AMF THERMATEX, TBS and others. We have been working with ceilings since 2004. We offer the best market prices at the highest standard of workmanship. We focus on new, challenging ideas and solutions. The experience gained will enable us to realize any request you submit. We operate all over the country and we look forward to suggestions. We provide interior designs of houses, shops and public buildings prepared by architects and their projects. Date of establishment of the company: 2009-11-02 Number of employees: 1 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Products/services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, the UE. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: We do not have. Wanted business partners: Investors, partners for cooperation – ceilings. Other information: Ceiling systems ASKO ul. metalurgiczna 17g 20-234 lublin 81 745 89 45 81 745 89 47 mr. zbigniew kolaczek owner +48 501 02 17 34 mr. artur siwek owner The company is in the process of expanding manufacturing with a broad line of PVC and PMMA films with UV protection used for broad spectrum of applications. Date of establishment of the company: 1993 Number of employees: 45–55 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer. Offered products/services: PCV panels, PVC Soffit, PVC film, PMMA film. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Romania, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria. Countries from which the products are imported: Spain, Germany, Belgium, Italy. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001, Forbes 2012, Forbes 2014, ‘Gepard Businesu’ award 2011, ‘Golden Coin 2011’ and others. Wanted business partners: We are seeking partners who are interested in our innovative products which can add significant value to your current portfolio. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING ASKO has been associated with the construction materials industry since 1993. We started out as a wholesaler of construction products, specifically distributing and installing siding products imported from the U.S. in the region. In 1997, we began to import PCV panels from Greece. After the 8-year development period in Poland, the company was determined to take a strategic step forward and open a manufacturing facility and launch the ASKO line of PCV panels. In 2009, the product line was expanded to include the U.S siding on soffits as part of our production scheme. The broad line of soffit products satisfied a specific market niche. ASKO products are sold not only in Poland but also internationally. 79 AWK INSTALACJE SP. Z O.O. SP.K. ul. piaskowa 23 20-413 lublin +48 81 745 42 54 +48 81 745 42 53 CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING mr. adam olechowski director +48 81 745 42 54 80 ms. marzena stańczak technical specialist +48 81 745 42 54 AWK Instalacje was founded in 2013 as a result of extracting Building Department from main company. We employs dependable management and experienced engineers with required qualifications. AWK Instalacje specializes in installing the HVAC systems, specifically air conditioning, ventilation, heating and control systems in all technologies available in a wide variety of objects. The company offers a comprehensive service, including delivery, installation and activation of systems and employees training. AWK Instalacje offers a wide range of air-conditioning and ventilation units as well as materials of companies such as Aermec, Clivet, Daikin, MDV, Mitsubishi, Samsung, Smay, Systemair, Trox, Tywent, VBW, VTS and others. We guarantee high quality and efficient service. Date of establishment of the company: 30.04.2013 Number of employees: 27 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Comprehensive service including delivery, installation and maintenance of HVAC systems, specifically air conditioning, ventilation, heating and control systems in all technologies available in a wide variety of objects. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: 2013 Daikin Authorization Certificate; 2014 Samsung Authorization Certificate. Wanted business partners: Construction and installation companies, developers and investors. CEGIELNIA CEKOBUD S.C. WACŁAW PIĘTAL, WOJCIECH PIĘTAL słodków pierwszy 173 23-206 stróża +48 781 782 377 +48 695 223 336 +48 81 821 02 30 mr. piotr nakonieczny export manager +48 695 223 336 mr. piotr piętal manager +48 781 782 377 Date of establishment of the company: 5th May 1992 Number of employees: 20 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer, manufacturer. Offered products/services: The genuine handmade brick. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Austria. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: CE certificates. Wanted business partners: Individual clients, executive companies and markets, warehouses. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING At present Cekobud s.c. is the biggest producer of brick in the region. Its tradition dates back to the forties of the previous century. Thanks to our longstanding experience and well matched personnel we guarantee the highest quality of our products. We produce handmade bricks of loessic clay up to 15% porosity, which prevents the so-called ‘sweating of walls’. Moreover, in the winter the walls built of this type of brick keep warmth in the rooms, whereas in the summer they keep a pleasant chill in the building. The bricks we produce are approved by 10, 15 and 50th class certificates and are fully frost resistant. 81 CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING DROGMOST LUBELSKI SP. Z O.O. 82 office design office ul. wrotkowska 1b 20-469 lublin wykonawstwo ul. zaciszna 16 20-415 lublin +48 81 744 00 70 +48 81 743 94 00 +48 81 744 13 26 +48 81 744 00 70 ms. anna leniak-tomczyk member of management board design engineer +48 692 488 330 mr. grzegorz zieliński design engineer +48 81 744 00 70 DrogMost Lubelski Sp. z o.o. offers: DESIGNS OF: • bridges, overpasses, footbridges, retaining walls, culverts •roads, streets, pavements, bicycle lanes and squares • traffic management, both permanent and during roadworks • sanitary, telecom and electrical systems, installations and devices ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES: • data sheets • environmental impact reports • post-implementation analyses • water management statement requirements TECHNICAL INSPECTIONS of engineering structures: • OWNER’S REPRESENTATIVE SERVICES • Scientific and technological EXPERT REPORTS• REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION of bridges, overpasses, footbridges, culverts • MAINTENANCE of bridges, overpasses, footbridges, retaining walls • COMPREHENSIVE marking of roadworks Date of establishment of the company: 1988 Number of employees: 21 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Design of roads and bridges; environmental design, environmental impact statement (EIS), environmental impact assessment (EIA); design of water, sewage and gas systems, ventilation; engineering supervision in accordance with FIDIC procedures; technical expertise, consulting engineering; repair of bridges, reconstruction of bridges, maintenance of bridges; complex road signage. Offered products/services: Project of roads and bridges, water, sewage and gas systems, ventilation; environmental impact reports; technological expert reports; bridges and culverts. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, the EU countries. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: Investors, contractors, customers from technology and design sectors, partners offering civil engineering services; implementation of foreign investments in Poland; construction companies. ECO-ENERGIA SP. Z O.O. ul. wojciechowska 7 20-704 lublin +48 81 444 64 94 mr. henryk palak ceo +48 502 134 080 mr. rafał dryś business development +48 81 444 64 94 Date of establishment of the company: 1st September 2009 Type of activity (producer/distributor): Distribution, planning, advisory, service, turnkey projects Offered products/services: Eco-energia company is engaged in the complex process of construction and implementation of photovoltaic systems, small wind turbines and hybrid systems. We provide complete systems for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources as well as individual components. Services that we offer: selecting a suitable land, obtaining necessary permits, system design, financial analysis, detailed planning, acquiring a suitable project, assistance with financing, construction of the PV plant, monitoring and maintenance. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, China (products – pv modules, solar inverters, charge controllers, pv mounting systems, solar cables, connectors, batteries, etc.). Wanted business partners: We are looking for suppliers of components, devices and complete photovoltaic systems. We would like to establish cooperation with companies interested in investments in photovoltaics in Poland. We need a professional support for planning of photovoltaic power plants. Moreover, we are generally interested in cutting-edge technologies and efficient solutions for pv systems. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING Eco-Energia Sp. z o.o. has been operating on the Lubelskie voivodship market of the renewable energy sources since 2009. Projects related to the acquisition of electricity from the Sun are the core business of our company. Eco-energia is engaged in the complex process of construction and implementation of photovoltaic systems. We provide turnkey solar power projects of various sizes and types. We collaborate with the Technical University of Lublin. We have got contacts with many ‘key players’ in the RES industry. We are a member of Lublin RES Energy Cluster. We regularly upgrade our skills through participation in RES training sessions, conferences, trade fairs and thematic exhibitions in Poland and Europe. Our competitive advantage is the fact that we are the first company in the Lublin Region specializing in photovoltaics. 83 EKO-SANIT D. GRZYBOWSKI SP.J. ul. piaskowa 23 20-413 lublin +48 81 744 12 41 +48 81 744 12 42 CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING mr. dariusz grzybowski owner +48 81 744 12 41 ext 21 84 mr. arkadiusz turczyn sales and technical specialist +48 81 744 12 41 ext 24 Eko-Sanit was founded in 1996 with the aim of supplying the air conditioning market with condensing units and chillers. In the following years, the Service Department was created and the company expanded its activities to the installation of HVAC systems. In 2006, a warehouse was opened in the company’s new headquarters at 23 Piaskowa Street in Lublin, Poland, supplying air-conditioning and ventilation materials, whereas in the years 2009 and 2011 the company’s new Branch Offices were set up in Rzeszów and Warsaw. Currently, Eko-Sanit is a wellestablished company in the south-eastern part of Poland offering a wide variety of air conditioning and ventilation units and materials as well as thorough servicing and delivery of consumables. Date of establishment of the company: 28th November 1996 Number of employees: 25 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Sale of air conditioning units, VRV, VRF, DVM systems, chillers, condensing units, close control units. Sale of ventilation units: ventilators, AHUs, ducts and ventilation accessories. We offer the maintenance of air-conditioning and ventilation installation units. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems Certificate; 2009, 2012: Regional Business Leader; 2011: Gold Certificate of Regional Business Leader; 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013: ‘Gazele Biznesu’ award; Certificate issued by the National Refrigeration Forum of Employers’ Association. Wanted business partners: Suppliers of round fittings for ventilation, suppliers of ventilators and air conditioning equipment. Other information: We offer short delivery, high discounts and favourable payment terms. ELEKTROMONTAŻ-LUBLIN SP. Z O.O. ul. diamentowa 1 20-447 lublin +48 81 728 62 00 +48 81 728 62 02 sekretariat@elektro mr. janusz ropa chairman of the board +48 81 728 62 01 mr. marek palonka +48 722 202 135 Date of establishment of the company: 1953 Number of employees: 241 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Production and services. Offered products/services: Prefabricated container transformer substations in concrete and metal housing, MV and LV cable joints, MV and LV switchgears, electrical rail lines, forming of metal sheets, design services and electrical installations. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine, Libya, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Germany. Countries from which the products are imported: Denmark, Germany. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Certificates: ISO 9001:2008; ISO 14001:2004; PN-N-18001:2004, Certificates of conformity: NR 007/2010; NR 004/2009; NR 003/2009; NR 002/2008; Selected awards: Gold Medal of Poznan International Fair for the STLmb substation, Gold Medal of Bydgoszcz International Fair for the STLmb-3 substation, Gold Badge of Minister of Physical Planning and Construction, Gold Medal of Poznan International Fair for the STLm-4, 8/2, 6b substation, medal of the President of SEP (Electricians of Poland Society) for the STLmb-3 substation, ‘Reliable Partner’ certificate, Gold Medal of Bydgoszcz International Fair for the STLmb substation with automated segmental location of faults in MV cable networks, medal of Katowice International Fair for the STLmb-8 substation, Gold Medal of Lublin International Fair for MV cable joint in concrete housing. Wanted business partners: Power plants, industrial plants, contractors, investors. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING ELEKTROMONTAŻ-LUBLIN has been a specialist in design, manufacturing and installing MV and LV electrical equipment as well as complex electrical works at home and abroad for more than 60 years. The company’s offer includes: container transformer substations in concrete and metal housing, including unusual and special substations up to 35 kV and 10 MVA, MV cable joints in concrete housing, MV and LV switchgears, containers and construction elements, main rail lines, control and measuring equipment, signal and microprocessor-based security-control systems. The company also provides a large spectrum of works including: comprehensive modernization of HV and LV power stations for general and power industries, MV and LV power lines and overhead cables, installing structural and guaranteed networks, CCTV systems, measurement systems, control systems, signalling and control-measurement equipment, lightning arrester installations, fire and safety installations. 85 ENERGOSERWIS S.A. LUBLIN CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING 20-210 lublin ul. tokarska 6 +48 81 461 32 50 +48 81 461 32 51 www.energoserwis. biuro@energoserwis. 86 mr. paweł fornal technical manager +48 81 461 32 50 Energoserwis S.A. has been providing power engineering services since 1991. The main customers of the company are professional, industrial and municipal heat and power plants and heat plants. The company specializes in providing supplies and services in the following sectors: • complete units for heat and power plants and heat plants as turnkey projects, • water and steam boilers, • coal, RDF and biomass fired boilers, • boiler components • water treatment plants (demineralisation plants) • technological and industrial installations • specialized services in scope of welding and heat treatment • laboratory testing The services and supplies the company provides are based on its own technical documentation or the documentation provided by the client. The company is based in Lublin, where headquarters and main production facilities were built. The company also has a workshop in Rzeszów. Date of establishment of the company: 1991 Number of employees: 134 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Coal, RDF and biomass fired steam and water boilers and water treatment plants for power plants, industrial and municipal heat and power plants and heat plants. Complete units for heat and power plants and heat plants as turnkey projects. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: EN ISO 9001:2008, EN ISO 14001:2004, PN-N-18001:2004, PED Directive; Forbes Diamond. Wanted business partners: Power plants, industrial and municipal heat and power plants and heat plants interested in construction of new sources of heat and power, modernization, upgrading and repair of existing facilities. HULANICKI BEDNAREK SP. Z O.O. wyszyńskiego 2b 22-100 chełm +48 82 564 07 11 +48 82 545 24 83 mr. grzegorz jamróz marketing director +48 608 294 288 Date of establishment of the company: 1982 Number of employees: 168 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Major manufacturer of high quality electrical power equipment and power distribution systems. Offered products/services: Low voltage up to 6300A and medium voltage up to 24kV switchgear systems and power cubicals, busbars. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Canada, France, Sweden, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Austria. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Finland, France. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001; AQAP 2110:2009; All products were certified in the Electrotechnical Institute in Warsaw. Wanted business partners: companies which make electrical fittings, IT companies and metal branch. Other information: Modern TRUMPF machine park of sheet processing. Advanced powder painting line. Professional machines for processing of cooper busbars. 3D CNC miling plotter. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING Hulanicki Bednarek sp. z o.o. was established in 1982. Since then, the company has been developing very fast, which allowed it to become one of the top producers of the energy distribution systems in Poland. Thanks to qualified and experienced staff and immense professional involvement, we offer the highest quality products fully designed by us to our customers. We specialize in the production of: systems for energy switching and distribution in nn networks • systems for reactive power compensation • power supply systems for industry, power engineering and power industry, shopping and services centers, multifamily buildings. • controlgear assemblies • metallic enclosures for low-voltage modular switchgear and controlgear assemblies certified by the Institute of Electric Power Engineering in Warsaw no. DN/022.2012 • external wall panels • metal-free products from best quality material: furniture, shelves. Using our developed machinery we provide all kinds of services related to sheet metal processing and metal folding, flat punching and flat folding, CNC milling, laser engraving, welding as well as powder painting. For our clients we ensure transport, warranty and 24h service. Cooperation with you and your company can get great satisfaction. 87 INSTAL-LUBLIN SP. Z O.O. ul. lucyny herc 9 20-328 lublin +48 81 744 19 74 +48 81 744 16 07 CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING mr. robert protyński chairman of the board +48 81 744 19 74 88 mr. andrzej marciniewicz vice-chairman of the board / cto +48 81 744 19 74 Instal-Lublin is one of the largest installation companies in Poland, specializing in services related to the implementation of work in industrial, residential and public facilities. The scope of our services includes the design and assembly of ventilation, air conditioning, heating, technological and sanitary systems. INSTAL-LUBLIN specializes in services related to the implementation of work in all kinds of facilities: 1. industrial facilities • power plants/energy • cement plants • sugar factories • other production facilities 2. commercial facilities and office blocks 3. utility infrastructure 4. sewage treatment plants. We have our own production facility, offering ventilation products and steel structures, with the production capacity of 7 000 m2 of rectangular ducts per month. Date of establishment of the company: 1951 Number of employees: 208 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Industrial installation company. Offered products/services: Design and assembly of ventilation, air conditioning, heating, technological, industrial and sanitary systems for industry, energetics, in office blocks, commercial and public facilities. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Gold Medal: ‘Merits for Construction Industry’ - 2011. Wanted business partners: Implementation of foreign investments in Poland. INWENT PIOTR ZOLKOWSKI abramowice prywatne 172 20-388 lublin poland +48 81 469 16 10 +48 81 469 16 11 +48 81 469 16 12 mr. mariusz zolkowski sales manager +48 81 469 16 10 Date of establishment of the company: 01-01-1989 Number of employees: About 40 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Air handling units with automatic and monitoring system. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Not applicable. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Certificates: ISO 9001:2009, ISO 14001:2005, PZH, CE. Wanted business partners: Public and private investors, distributors of products, designers, architects, installers. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING INWENT has been operating on the market since 1980. Thanks to gained experience and cooperation with customers it creates solutions with a view to comfortable and energy-saving buildings. INWENT has developed an innovative air handling unit which means a true breakthrough in ventilation technology. Thanks to modern solutions, it meets the requirements of the highest energy saving classes. The AHU is designed to be used in various ventilation and air conditioning systems, and is produced according to customer’s individual needs. We offer an air handling unit for public and private investors who want to improve the quality of internal air or provide effective ventilation in large volume buildings. This unit will reduce costs of operation and consumption of electric energy in the structure due to highly efficient recuperation section and automation. In contrast to commonly used solutions, we offer a device with high efficiency, a wide range of air efficiency, which is easy to operate and the application on which will bring measurable economic benefits for the user. 89 KORPORACJA BUDOWNICTWA I NIERUCHOMOŚCI GRADEN SP. Z O.O. ul. dolna 3-go maja 3 +48 81 534 38 05 +48 81 534 38 05 Our main activity is constructing and selling blocks of flats and other buildings, including commercial properties. We also lease offices and rent apartments in Lublin city centre. Property managment is our third branch. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING ms. danuta czerw assistant +48 81 534 38 05 90 Date of establishment of the company: December 1996 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: New apartments, flats, service and commercial rooms. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Distinction in the competition under the name ‘House 2009’ for ‘Crystal Brick’, Certificate of business credibility granted by Dun & Bradstreet Poland in 2009. Wanted business partners: Material industry. MODESTA LIMITED JOINT-STOCK PARTNERSHIP LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ul. parysa 70 20-712 lublin +48 81 526 91 30 +48 81 527 90 76 ms. anna włosek project quotation manager +48 81 526 91 52 mr. gennadiy batrakov chief engineer +48 81 526 91 30 Date of establishment of the company: 23.08.1996 Number of employees: 12 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer, distributor, wholesaler. Offered products/services: Fire-resistant doors; burglar-proof doors; aluminium windows, doors and facades; garage and industrial doors, automated garage door opening systems. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Ukraine, France, Moldova. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Italy. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: All technical approvals and certificates required in the field of construction and executive projects. Wanted business partners: We are open to cooperate and look for reliable construction companies interested in high-quality joinery at a reasonable price. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING MODESTA S.K.A. provides advanced technical solutions for special purpose steel doors, aluminium and glass constructions as well as garage and industrial doors. We deliver products of highest quality due to cooperating with the best producers of glass and aluminium sections in Europe. Our production is adjusted to current market demand and we guarantee professional and comprehensive customer service, timely delivery and a professional consulting service in the field of joinery. 91 CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING MOSTOSTAL PUŁAWY S.A. 92 budowlanych 5 24-110 puławy +48 81 473 12 40 +48 81 473 12 41 +48 81 473 12 44 www.mostostal-pulawy. info@mostostal-pulawy. Mostostal Pulawy S.A. provides the following services: • the production and installation of steel structures, including alloy and the acid-proof ones, • the assembly of technological installations, machinery and devices in plants of numerous branches of industry, • the construction and start-up of environmental protection installation, • designing steel structures and technological installations, mr. jerzy świeca vice-president marketing and production director +48 694 482 471 mr. jarosław muciek export contract manager +48 694 489 • the production and assembly of special piping, including those subject to technical acceptance of UDT (Office of Technical Inspection, Warsaw), • general production and assembly of specialized elements of road infrastructure, civil engineering, sports facilities, chemical, petrochemical, energy and food industries as well as environmental protection. • the construction, repair and maintenance of bridge elements, Date of establishment of the company: 1964 Number of employees: 1200 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Steel Constructions. Mechanical Installation Services for Power and Chemical Industries. Offered products/services: General Contractor, Construction and Assembly Services, Welding Services, Crane Services, Export Services, Anti-corrosion services, Non-destructive Tests Laboratory, Office Design, Technical Equipment. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Europe. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: • Certificate of Quality Management System as per PN-EN ISO 9001:2008 issued by TÜV NORD CERT, Certificate of Quality Management System as per AQAP 2110:2009 issued by the Institute of the Quality and Management System (ZSJZ) • Certificate of Environment Management System as per PN-EN ISO 14001:2004 issued by TÜV NORD CERT • Certificate of Health and Safety Management System as per BS OHSAS 18001:2004 issued by TÜV NORD CERT, Certificate of Health and Safety Management System as per PN-N 18001:2004 issued by TÜV NORD CERT, Certificate of Health and Safety Management System as per SHE Checklist Constructors SCC 200/5.1 issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) • Certificate of Factory Production Control as per PN-EN 1090-1:2010 issued by UDT CERT. • ‘The Pearl of the Polish Economy 2013’ • ‘Well-Perceived Company 2011’ • ‘The Ambassador of the Province of Lublin 2011’ • ‘Forbes’ Diamonds 2011’ • ‘Forbes’ & e-diamonds 2011’ • ‘The Pearl of the Polish Economy 2010’ • ‘Ambassador of Polish Economy 2010’ • ‘European Medal 2010’ • ‘Business Gazelles 2009’ • ‘Forbes’ Diamonds 2010 award’ • ‘special award – The Company of the Year 2009’ • ‘The Pearl of the Polish Economy 2009’ • ‘Firma na Medal 2009’ • ‘Ambassador of Polish Economy 2009’ • ‘Steel Construction- Realization of the Year 2008’ • ‘The Prominent Exporter of the Year 2008’ • ‘Business Gazelles 2007’. Wanted business partners: EPC/ General Constructors from energy, chemical and environmental sectors. Other information: MTM NOWUM SP. Z O.O. ul. krężnicka 135b 20-518 lublin +48 81 750 98 40 +48 81 750 98 42 mr. marek komsta manager +48 81 750 98 40 /33 mr. tomasz komsta manager +48 81 750 98 40/32 Date of establishment of the company: 08.11.2002 Number of employees: 96 Offered products/services: Building and construction services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 38345-2: 2007, ISO 14001:2005, ISO 9001:2009. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING MTM NOWUM offers services in the field of manufacturing of internal and underground water, sewage, gas network and heating systems. We have highly qualified staff and a number of certificates for industrial welding. As the only company in the Lubelskie Voivodship we have such high competencies which allow us to build a high-pressure gas supply system. We have a large amount of our own equipment – cranes, excavators, pipelayers, HDD drilling machines. We always closely follow the development of technological innovations and adjust the level of expertise and the quality of service to the highest European standards. 93 OKNA TERMICZNE SP. Z O.O. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING ul. kolejowa 47 23-200 kraśnik +48 81 825 17 47 +48 81 471 49 16 94 ms. agnieszka dobrowolska sales representative +48 81 471 49 11 ms. barbara laskowska sales representative +48 81 471 49 15 Okna Termiczne Sp. z o.o. is a Polish company which in manufacturing and selling PVC windows and doors which combine exceptional aesthetics with functionality. Why should you choose our products? We offer: - the highest quality at the most reasonable price, - outstanding customer service, - products manufactured from branded profiles, - stability and precision of construction, - a full range of designs, colours, styling and glazing options, - variety of window shapes, - choosing profile fittings (glass, stained glass, PVC panels) with ease. Qualified staff always takes care of the quality of products in order to meet customers’ requirements. Our employees constantly improve products and work on new concepts. We are a flexible, growing company which is not afraid of new challenges and innovative solutions. Date of establishment of the company: 12th December 2012 Number of employees: 50 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer of PVC windows and doors. Offered products/services: PVC windows and doors, sliding windows and doors, stained glass doors and others. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Germany, Italy. Wanted business partners: Germany, Italy, Austria, Belgium. POL-SKONE SP. Z O.O. lucyny herc 8 +48 81 744 30 12 +48 81 744 24 89 ms. magdalena klisowska ms. agata paździor sales specialist - export department +48 81 744 30 12 int. 263, 205 ms. magdalena sak sales specialist - export department +48 81 744 30 12 int. 217 Date of establishment of the company: 01.06.1990 Number of employees: over 900 Type of activity: producer/distributor: Producer. Offered products/services: Interior doors and door leaves (painted, coated, veneered and laminated); technical doors (noise reduction and fire resistant), exterior doors, wooden windows, frames, door and floor architraves and shutters. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Holland, France, Italy, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Norway, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Countries from which the products are imported: Italy, the Czech Republic. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: PN EN ISO 9001:2009, FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Certificate, ‘Green Brand’, Golden Certificate of ‘FAIR PLAY Enterprise’, Polish promotional emblem ‘Teraz Polska’. Other information: For more information, please visit our website CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING POL-SKONE has got three modern and fully computerized production plants in Lublin, Biłgoraj and Niemce and employs over 900 highly qualified workers. The company’s products are made entirely on site from the best-quality wood originating only from the Polish forests. It is the major objective of POL-SKONE to manufacture the highest quality products meeting the expectations of its customers and maintaining the opinion of a reliable partner. In the year 2000, the company was awarded the Quality Assurance System Certificate compliant with the ISO 9001 standards from the Rheinisch-Westfälischer TÜV e.V. and in the year 2010 the company was awarded a positive opinion after the audit testing its compliance with PN EN ISO 9001:2009 standard. 95 PPUH RAPID SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ ul. prosta 7 21-500 biała podlaska +48 83 343 26 91 +48 83 343 26 91 CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING mr. grzegorz pilipiuk logistics manager +48 83 343 26 91 96 PPUH RAPID is one of the fastest growing construction companies in the region. We have great experience as a general contractor in public buildings as well as industrial one with an emphasis on modern and ecological energy sources. The main activity of RAPID company includes heating and sanitary services. The majority of projects are services using modern ecological solutions based on alternative sources of energy and heat and modernization of district heating systems. Date of establishment of the company: 1988 Number of employees: 33 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Heating and sanitary services. Mechanical installation services for power and chemical industries. Offered products/services: Renewable energy sources, solar energy systems, photovoltaics,boilers, heat pumps, biomass, wind turbines. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: Solar collectors, PV systems, construction, water supply and sewerage services, installation and sanitation. PROXIM ul. lucyny herc 52 20-328 lublin poland +48 81 745 88 21 +48 81 745 53 93 mr. kamil sternik sales manager +48 692 441 229 mr. daniel plewka general manager +48 692 441 247 Date of establishment of the company: 1992 Number of employees: 70 Type of activity: producer/distributor: Producer of fiberglass mesh, distributor of building foils. Offered products/services: Fiberglass mesh, mesh strips for corners, building foils, roofing membranes. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Germany, Belgium, the UK, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia. Countries from which the products are imported: the Czech Republic, Germany, China. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: 9001. Wanted business partners: Customers for fiberglass mesh products. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING Our company is the first new producer of fiberglass mesh products in Poland. It is located in Eastern Poland and specializes in construction materials. We also offer all types of building films/foils tailored to specific applications (from basement to roof). Our brand name products (EUROWEK) offer many types of roofing membranes. The company focuses on the main market – fiberglass mesh. Our flagship products are – Eurowek PREMIUM 145g, Eurowek LUX 165g – High European quality mesh for ETICS systems, Eurowek Interior 110g mesh size 10x10 for internal wall plastering. 97 PROZAP SP. Z O.O. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING al. tysiąclecia państwa polskiego 13 +48 81 473 16 00 +48 81 886 10 36 98 mr. marek zatroski president & ceo +48 81 473 16 00 mr. bartosz koletka marketing team manager +48 81 473 16 15 PROZAP is a multi-discipline, specialty engineering company, participating actively in the development of Polish chemical industry sector for 40 years. Owing to a continuous increase of competence, employing state-of-the-art design techniques as well as a bold strategy of growth, the activities of the company on the Polish market are as intense as those overseas. PROZAP has documented experience in designing new and revamping of existing industrial plants producing fertilizers and other chemicals, e.g. ammonia, urea, AdBlue, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, sulphuric and nitric acids, melamine, caprolactam, toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and many others. The company specializes in technical solutions for control and abatement of the emission of dusts and ammonia from fertilizer plants, SO2 from power station flue gases (innovative, wet, ammonia process) or NOx from nitric acid plants. PROZAP offers a full scope of comprehensive services: from a concept, through feasibility studies, technology selection and transfer to design, procurement, start-up, commissioning, supervision, personnel training and as-build documentation. The company is experienced in project execution as a PMC and EPC, turn-key contractor. The company employs 110 professionals with average experience of over 10 years. Date of establishment of the company: The company started in 1970 as the Desing and Engineering Department of Zakłady Azotowe ‘Puławy’. In 1988, the Design and Engineering Department was transformed into PROZAP Sp. z o.o. Number of employees: 110 employees. Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Mechanical instalation services for power and chemical industries. Offered products/services: The basic scope of the company’s activities is related to designing and revamping of chemical plants, general and municipal construction, managing procurement and acting as an EPC concractor. PROZAP services cover a complete investment life cycle: from an idea, through designs and engineering to supplies and plant erection, extending ever futher to management and supervision over start-up and as-built documentation, according to individual requirements of each customer. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, the USA, Ukraine, France, South Korea, Italy, Russia, the Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: PN-EN ISO 9001; PN-EN ISO 14001; PN-N 18001 Certificate • Certificate of Technical Competence issued by the Polish Chamber of Construction Designing (since 1995) • titles of ‘The Best Design Company’, ‘The Best Designer and Manager in 1990-2010’, awarded by the Chamber of Construction Designing • ‘Business Fair Play’ certificate (since 2004) • ‘Modernization of the Year 2011’ award for the modernization and capacity increase of the Ureal Plant in Z.A. Puławy, Poland acc. To Basic Design by Urea Casale • Modernization of the Year 2012 prize for the Flue-gas Desulphurization Plant in the Power Plant of Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A. Wanted business partners: Chemical & fertilizer industries. PUMAR ul. warszawska 3a 08-500 ryki +48 81 865 67 00 +48 81 86 56 471 mr. tadeusz pudło co-owner +48 667 997 001 mr. marcin pudło co-owner +48 667 997 002 Date of establishment of the company: 1991 Number of employees: 87 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Aluminium and PVC windows, doors, facades. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Finlad, Sweden, Norway, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Austria. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001, EN 14351-1 certificate. Wanted business partners: Distributors, retail chains, wholesale partners. Other information: Our flagship products are energy efficient, space-saving and no-threshold sliding doors – ultimate solution for passive houses. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING Pumar Windows is a manufacturer of Schüco PVC & Auprof aluminium windows and doors. We are mid sized business, therefore we are able to meet most sophisticated customers requirements. Working closely with the customers', we determine the best solution according to energy saving, sound reduction or design requirements. We have been working hard since year 1991 to build an enviable and well-deserved reputation - thanks to our no compromise on product quality and customer satisfaction policy. Pumar Windows have proven track record of projects delivered to many EU countries. We manage our own delivery fleet. Therefore, we are able to meet the most challenging deadlines. 99 PW VIKKING KTS SP. Z O.O. aleja solidarności 4 21-500 biała podlaska +48 83 342 26 11 +48 83 342 67 81 CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING mr. tadeusz konaszuk chairman of the board +48 601 896 991 100 ms. kamila mikiciuk management board assistant +48 506 365 228 VIKKING KTS has been implementing its mission, which is the production of the highest quality composite doors for many years. We produce unique stained glass units dedicated to our door in our own Stained Glass Studio. Composite doors VIKKING are distinguished due to excellent parameters of protection against heat loss. They are resistant to burglary and extreme climatic conditions. The used technologies and components provide the highest quality for generations. It can be proved by our 25 - year warranty on the technical efficiency of composite slabs. The quality of all products is confirmed by European certificates and their own technical solutions which are subject to international patent protection. Date of establishment of the company: 10-06-1991 Number of employees: 30 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Composite entrance doors. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Norway, Lithuania, France, Belarus, Russia, Slovakia, Germany, Ukraine. Wanted business partners: Importers, dealers specializing in trading door woodworking. RECYKLING-LUBLIN SP Z O.O. ul ceramiczna 24 20-150 lublin +48 81 452 91 22 +48 81 452 91 23 mr. marcin przychodzeń chairman of the board +48 81 452 91 27 mr. paweł nastaj technical director +48 792 57 57 67 Date of establishment of the company: 2007 Number of employees: 5 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Soil stabilization with cement, lime, and fly ash. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: Company specialized in road construction. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING Soil stabilization is the process of thoroughly mixing the ground with the optimum moisture content and a hydraulic binder to obtain the strength required parameters. Using stabilization technology we can receive substructure: supporting, essential and improved substrate. WE REALIZE: • stabilization with cement, • stabilization with lime, •stabilization of fly ash, • stabilization with: Silment, Teramix, Lipidur, Tefra, • chemical stabilization with EN1 STABILIZATION IN PLACE (IN SITU ) The advantage of stabilization in place is that it allows to reduce the cost of transporting the mineral material. The stabilization is done using selfpropelled mixing machines and spreading binders by specific laboratory prescriptions. This process consists of the following steps: - developing recipes and methods of construction stability, - dispensing an appropriate amount of binder, - mixing all the components of the process, - alignment and final compaction using graders and rollers. 101 ROAD LABORATORY DYREKCJA INWESTYCJI MIEJSKICH SP Z O.O. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING ul narutowicza 56a 20-016 lublin +48 81 452 91 27 +48 81 452 91 50 102 mr. marcin przychodzeń chairman of the board +48 81 452 91 27 mr. paweł nastaj technical director +48 792 57 57 67 ASPHALT AND BITUMEN TESTING Road Laboratory Dyrekcja Inwestycji Miejskich Sp. z o.o. is currently in the position to do some of the most specialized asphalt testing in Europe including MMA and SMA evaluation (in the laboratory and on site) and Gyratory compaction. We offer a full range of Marshall control testing and asphalt designs including evaluation of properties such as durability, rutting and fatigue. SOIL AND GRAVEL TESTING We offer our clients numerous soil and gravel tests which include the following: CBR; road indicators; geotechnical tests and reports; permeability; collapse potential; foundation investigations to Polish and European standards; CONCRETE TESTING Our state-of-the-art concrete laboratory can offer our clients results where human error is minimized. This include fully automated concrete presses; automated temperature control curing baths, electronically controlled humidity and a temperature regulated laboratory. With the most modern equipment and highly trained and experienced staff in this specialized field, Road Laboratory DIM Sp. z o.o. offers the following services: greenfield investigations; forensic testing including site damage and failure investigations; quarry assessment; routine site testing; aggregate analysis; site sampling Date of establishment of the company: 2004 Number of employees: 8 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Road laboratory. Offered products/services: TESTING: asphalt, bitumen, soil, gravel and concentrate. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: Company specialized in road construction and construction services. SPART SP. Z O.O. sławacinek stary 146 21-500 biała podlaska +48 83 343 13 09 +48 83 343 13 09 mr. krzysztof marczuk chairman of the board +48 83 343 13 09 ms. agnieszka buczyło vice-chairman of the board +48 83 343 13 09 Date of establishment of the company: 11th April 2013 Number of employees: 12 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Structures for solar collectors and photovoltaic cells, steel structures, supporting structures for refrigeration, railings, stainless steel railings. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Wanted business partners: Construction companies, factories, developers. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING We offer: • production of steel, stainless steel and aluminium constructions • production and installation of support structures for solar panels and photovoltaic cells, supporting structures of chimneys and cooling equipment. • Construction of halls, gates, fences, railings, solid fuel boilers, railings and other details and structures for individual orders. 103 WYROBY METALOWE ŚWIERSZCZ skrobów kolonia 104 21-100 lubartów +48 81 855 30 03 +48 81 855 30 03 CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING ms. magdalena świerszcz owner +48 81 855 30 03 104 mr. stanisław parafiniuk co-owner +48 605 837 930 We provide services tailored to the individual needs of our customers from the creation of projects to their execution. High qualifications of our expertly selected staff makes working with us a pleasure and a wide circle of satisfied customers continues to grow. Thanks to our experience, we are able to undertake the most demanding challenges and the youth and freshness of mind make cooperation with us very fruitful. As part of our business, we provide you with comprehensive services: Design: • construction projects that comply with current regulations and Construction Law • implementation projects: foundations, structure, casing • industry projects Implementation: • warehouses, stock-production halls, with social offices • commercial-service buildings • mushroom-growing cellars • fruit and vegetables storehouses • carrying freezers and cold stores • steel shelters, painted steel structures, dip galvanized steel structures • steel sheds, painted steel constructions, hot dip galvanized steel constructions Assembly: • assembly of steel constructions • installation of sandwich panels, metal sheets Date of establishment of the company: 2004 Number of employees: 18 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Steel construction. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. ZAKŁAD WYROBÓW BETONOWYCH WOJCIECH TRYKACZ łucka 139 21-100 lubartów +48 81 854 51 76 +48 81 854 51 76 mr. wojciech trykacz owner +48 81 854 51 76 mr. ryszard zięba owner's assistant +48 81 854 51 76 Date of establishment of the company: 1968 Number of employees: 50 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Concrete precast, stone elements: tiles, slabs, cut to size stones. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, France, the United Kingdom. Countries from which the products are imported: China, India, Italy, Spain. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ‘Złoty Lampart’ award, technical approval Cobrti ‘instal’ no. AT/200102-1069-01, ISO9001:2008, technical approval IBDiM nr AT/2009-03-2461 and AT/2009-03-2458. Wanted business partners: Stone suppliers, highly demanding stone service customers. Other information: The family-run company. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, POWER ENGINEERING Zakład Wyrobów Betonowych Wojciech Trykacz is the private family-run company founded in 1968 by Edward Trykacz. Currently it is run by his son Wojciech Trykacz. The company has developed into the one of resilent concrete precast plants in South - Eastern Poland. We are a manufacturer of elements for sewage systems and concrete road elements. For many years, Zakład Wyrobów Betonowych Wojciech Trykacz has also been specialising in complex architectural realizations from natural stone. The company has all necessary experience and sufficient knowledge of technical aspects to create the final outcome of natural stone work. 105 AUTO-NADWOZIA BEDNARCZYK SP.J. wojcieszyn 50c 24-200 bełżyce +48 81 516 23 53 +48 81 516 10 50 mr. bartłomiej bednarczyk production manager +48 81 516 23 53 Date of establishment of the company: 1999 Number of employees: 20 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Truck and trailer body building. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, France, Lithuania, Germany, the Netherlands, Ukraine. Countries from which the products are imported: Italy, Germany, the Czech Rebublic. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: The Ec type approval certificate for complete vehicle. Wanted business partners: Transport companies, dealers, vehicles. TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS, AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY We have been a manufacturer of chassis for vans and trucks of all makes and trailers up to 18 tons since 1999. We have many years’ experience in manufacturing bodies and trailers. We have obtained THE EC TYPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE for such vehicle brands as: IVECO, MAN, DAF, MERCEDES-BENZ. We work with many companies both at home and abroad. To design our bodies and trailers we use the TrailerWin, CraneWin, SolidEdge programs. We are an authorized technical supervisor. Furthermore, we have our own transport for chassis and bodies to be carried before and after the completion of the assembly. Our motto is ‘quality-built vehicles, meeting deadlines and competitive prices’. 109 BIURO DORADCZE PLUS ANDRZEJ PRYZOWICZ ul. nowy świat 32 20-418 lublin +48 507 055 275 +48 81 744 14 46 andrzej.pryzowicz@plus TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS, AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY mr. andrzej pryzowicz owner +48 507 055 275 110 ‘Biuro Doradcze PLUS Andrzej Pryzowicz’ company has been operating in business consulting and implementation of modern technologies since 2006. In 2011, the company started to produce modern LPG injectors - WGs, which are a product of Polish technology. Thanks to the innovative method of gas dosing, the injectors are very small, light and fast. Their extraordinary construction allows very precise and repeatable LPG dosing for internal combustion engines. Date of establishment of the company: 2006.04.14 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Production and service. Offered products/services: WGs Injectors – LPG injectors. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008, UNECE Regulation 67, approval number E8 67R-01 6164. Wanted business partners: Distributors. CARSYSTEM-WSCHÓD PHUP al. niepodległości 7b 23-210 kraśnik +48 81 825 44 96 +48 81 825 44 92 mr. piotr sarna business development +48 603 671 722 mr. zbigniew olejarz sales director +48 603 799 946 Date of establishment of the company: 09/1991 Number of employees: 30 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Car refinish products and industrial coatings. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Serbia, Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Moldova, Germany. Countries from which the products are imported: Italy, South Korea, Spain, China, Taiwan. Wanted business partners: Distributors from all over the world are welcome. TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS, AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY CARSYSTEM-WSCHOD is one of the largest Polish distribution companies specializing in car refinish products and industrial coatings. We always work closely with our customers to provide them not only with the best quality products at the best price but also with the best customer service experience possible. Not only do we sell our products, but also help to create sales strategies for our clients. We grow only due to our fast growing distributors. CARSYSYSTEM-WSCHOD offers a wide variety of goods from typical car refinish products like putties, clearcoats and primers to more complex like paint mixing systems. We sell products not only from well known major brands like Cromax (DuPont), 3M, Sunmight and Roberlo, but also from smaller but welldeveloped companies like Walcom and IVAT. We have been working very hard to develop our own line of products for the last 23 years. At the moment we have two succesful private labels: REDCAR (for car refinish products) and DDCARS (for car refinish products and for body shop tools). We also create private labels for our distributors. Our marketing department helps them establish proper brand identity and build a line of car refinish products that will succeed in their specific market. 111 Danelczyk ul. piasecka 16 21-040 świdnik poland +48 81 469 77 00 +48 81 469 77 14 TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS, AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY ms. agnieszka bogdańska president’s assistant +48 81 469 77 13 112 DANELCZYK MAREK DANELCZYK & WŁADYSŁAW DANELCZYK S.J. Danelczyk company is an authorized Volkswagen dealership specializing in sales of Volkswagen automobiles as well as original VW acessories and original VW parts. We offer professional services carrying out periodic car inspections, warranty repairs as well as post warranty repairs. Our facility employs exceptionally qualified sales staff and service staff, whose knowledge and skills are based on years of experience in the automotive industry and regularly conducted training in the full range of Volkswagen guidelines for repairs. Thanks to close cooperation with the manufacturer, Danelczyk company guarantees the highest quality of service and the service station equipment which meets the strictest standards for Volkswagen worldwide. We also operate as an independent Audi dealership. We offer sales, services and original parts for this car brand. Date of establishment of the company: 15th, July 1992 Number of employees: 67 employees. Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Sales of Volkswagen automobiles, original VW acessories and original VW parts, professional car repairs. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, South Africa, Spain. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO CERTIFICATION 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: In petrol, automotive and commercial industries. FABRYKA SAMOCHODÓW HONKER SP. Z O.O. 9 frezerów str. 20-952 lublin poland (formerly 7-9 mełgiewska str. 20-952 lublin) +48 81 749 32 09 +48 81 749 32 76 mr. cezary jakubowski marketing and sales specialist +48 509 974 334 Date of establishment of the company: Current company – since August 2011, factory - since 1951 Number of employees: 150 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Commercial vehicles (GVW by 3,5 t and 4,6t) – Honker Cargo Buses for 19 and 22 passengers – Honker Bus; Off-road vehicles 4WD (GVW by 3,5 t) – Honker 4x4. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Azerbaijan, Morocco. Countries from which the products are imported: Korea (gear boxes, transfer cases), Turkey (brake systems), Ukraine (seats). Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001, AQAP 2110. Wanted business partners: Car importers and distributors. Companies willing to establish an assembly plant. TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS, AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY 1. Production of commercial vehicles HONKER CARGO (GVW by 3,5t and 4,6t) of various body versions: cab-chassis, drop-side truck, container, vans, kombi, etc. 2. Production of buses for 19 and 22 passengers. 3. Production of off-road vehicles HONKER 4x4 (GVW by 3,5t) for mining industry, geological investigations, energetics, forestry, agriculture, public safety agencies, municipal services, etc. 4. Technical services: pressing, KTL coating, painting (spraying), thermally shaped, metal and plastic components, etc. 113 GUMET ul. kolejowa 12 23-200 krasnik poland +48 81 825 32 41 +48 81 825 22 31 mr. pawel iracki +48 501 619 858 The company deals with manufacturing of rubber and rubber-metal products according to customers’ requirements. It offers seals, gaskets, dampers, printing dies for cardboards, Braille embossing tools, etc. We cooperate with the automotive industry, machinery, industrial fittings industries. We have our own toolroom to produce vulcanizing moulds and physico-chemical laboratory to test rubber blends. We also offer manufacturing of seals and gaskets with the use of Seal-Jet technology and steel balls (for bearings and other applications). TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS, AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY mr. tomasz bednarczyk general manager +48 509 852 967 114 Date of establishment of the company: 1985 Number of employees: 55 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Rubber and metal rubber parts, gaskets, seals, dampers, etc. steel balls printing dies for cardboards, Braille embossing tools. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, France, Monaco, Ukraine. Countries from which the products are imported: Italy, Germany. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001, ISO 14001. Wanted business partners: Manufacturing cooperation in the following sectors: automotive, machinery, printing industries. ROBERT SAJNAJ – LUTUR ul. fabryczna 15/11 20-301 lublin +48 81 746 19 85 +48 81 746 19 20 mr. robert sajnaj owner +48 602 122 066 ms. dorota mamińska office worker +48 81 746 19 85 Date of establishment of the company: 1999 Number of employees: 20 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Service provider. Offered products/services: International coach transport, tour operator. Buses for 19 and 22 passengers – Honker Bus; Off-road vehicles 4WD (GVW by 3,5 t) – Honker 4x4. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: The European Union (EU), Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: EURO 5, EURO 6 (coaches). Wanted business partners: Travel agencies, tour operators. TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS, AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY We are one of the largest and most modern passenger transport and travel companies in Lublin, which was up in 1999. LUTUR’S main activities are: - international coach transport (throughout Europe) - coach hire, - organization of tourist events, - organization of school trips and youth holiday camps. We provide services to travel agencies from Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, France. LUTUR is authorized to conduct transport and travel activity, having the EU licence for providing international passenger transport. LUTUR’S fleet includes new luxury coaches (2011-2014) Setra, Mercedes, Irizar and VDL with 48-61 seats. We guarantee the reliability of our fleet and the professionalism and availability of our staff. 115 TRANSPOL RUDNIK & PAWLISZUK SP.J. wschodnia 27 22-100 chełm +48 82 565 22 79 +48 82 565 22 79 mr. jerzy pawliszuk director +48 82 565 22 79 TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS, AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY mr. daniel rudnik freight forwarder +48 82 565 22 79 116 Transpol terminal offers reloading services for goods transported by rail in broad gauge wagons from Ukraine to Poland. It is situated on the East-West transport corridor near the border crossing point in Dorohusk. We offer reloading services for various types of goods: these transported in loose bulk form as well as thick liquids and contruction materials. We have the ability to reload agricultural products, biomass, wood, coal, aggregate, molasses and steel. We specialize in reloading biomass and agricultural products. We use covered hall which meets all quality, phytosanitary and veterinary requirements during the process of reloading. We also reload steel and constructions. Besides freight handling, we offer customs storage services at our open customs bounded area. Date of establishment of the company: 1993 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Cargo handling terminal. Offered products/services: Reloading of cargo transported by rail from Ukraine and storage services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Ukraina, Moldova, Belarus, Russia. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Authorized phytosanitary and veterinary entity at agricultural product service. Wanted business partners: Importers, producers, logistics operators and distributors. USLUGI PRZEWOZOWE AUTOKAR HETMAN ul. hetmanska 12/49 20-553 lublin poland +48 602 657 549 +48 81 526 37 20 mr. jacek zamojski assistant +48 664 037 045 mr. józef zamojski owner +48 602 657 549 Date of establishment of the company: year 1991 Number of employees: 3 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Service. Offered products/services: Passenger transport/ travel. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: All over Europe. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Licence for passenger transport. Wanted business partners: Travel agencies, PR departments of companies, schools. TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS, AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Uslugi Przewozowe Autokar ‘Hetman’ rents coaches on demand with the driver(s) to various kinds of clients and for different types of trips. We have gained great experience since the establishment of the company in 1991. Our coaches have been to almost every country in Europe. Uslugi Przewozowe Autokar is a small, family business. Therefore, we maintain close but professional relationships with our customers. We check our coaches before and after every trip to keep a full level of maintenance and so that they can be neat and clean for our passengers. These are ****coaches with passenger capacity of 49 and 50, air-conditioned and with adjustable seats. We always make sure that our passengers stay safe and comfortable. We believe each and every customer is important Uslugi Przewozowe Autokar welcomes you to try their services. 117 Z.P.H.U. RYDWAN TADEUSZ OSIAK stary bazanów 3 08-500 ryki +48 81 865 35 91 +48 601 412 970 +48 81 865 35 91 mr. tadeusz osiak owner +48 601 412 970 TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS, AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY mr. jerzy janisze +48 81 865 35 91 118 Date of establishment of the company: 1st February 1998 Number of employees: 25 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer. Offered products/services: Tarpaulins, trailers, trailer service. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Germany, the Czech Republic, France, Sweden, Finland. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Slovakia, Finland. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Polish approval, EURO approval. BIM SP. Z O.O. ul. nadstawna 12a 23-400 biłgoraj +48 84 688 10 55 +48 84 688 10 60 mrs. anna traczykiewicz export specialist +48 84 688 10 55 ms. oksana dudek export specialist +48 84 688 10 60 Date of establishment of the company: 24th May 2005 Number of employees: 40 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Exporter, distributor. Offered products/services: A wide variety of furniture products: home furniture, bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, upholstered furniture, individual projects, non-standard orders etc. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Malta, Greece, the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Canada, Libya, Israel, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia. Countries from which the products are imported: n/a Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: 2nd prize in the category of export in M.S.P. ‘DĄB’ competition in 2010, prizes in ‘Diament Meblarstwa’ competition (promoters: Sp. z o.o. and Sp. z o.o. publishing), ‘Diament Meblarstwa’ in 2009 in the office chair category (for PILOT chair), ‘Diament Meblarstwa’ in 2009 for the living room furniture (for JAVA collection), ‘Diament Meblarstwa’ in 2010 for the living room furniture (classic collection). Wanted business partners: Distributors, wholesalers, retail chains, retail shops. Other information: n/a TIMBER INDUSTRY, FURNITURE, PAPER INDUSTRY BIM has started its export activity in cooperation with the leading Polish furniture manufacturers in Europe: BLACK RED WHITE and NOWY STYL. Today our offer includes furniture from such companies as: FORTE, MEBIN, SZYNAKA, VOX, TARANKO, UNIMEBEL, CAYA DESIGN, DĄB GDYNIA and others. Growing trade and our extensive experience in sales contributed to diversification and expansion of our export business in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa. The standard of our B2B relationships is flexible adjustment of the offer to contractor’s expectations. With the scale of the turnover we have achieved as furniture manufacturers, we can offer you products at factory prices. We let you realize individual projects and non-standard orders. We hope that our furniture will arise your interest. 123 BLACK RED WHITE S.A. ul. krzeszowska 63 23-400 biłgoraj +48 84 685 02 02 TIMBER INDUSTRY, FURNITURE, PAPER INDUSTRY mr. marek tujaka domestic and export sales coordinator +48 84 685 07 96 124 Black Red White is a leading Polish producer and distributor of furniture and home furnishing articles. For over 20 years, the company has been offering the widest range of home furnishings on the Polish market – high quality room and kitchen furniture, upholstered furniture, chairs and tables. Its products are distinguished by functionality, modern technological solutions as well as attractive and varied design. The furniture on offer is complemented by a wide selection of home accessories – textiles, lightning, decorations, carpets and articles essential in every bathroom, kitchen, dressing room and dining room. Black Red White’s retail sales is realized by means of a developed sales network – the companyowned stores and hundreds of business partners - both in Poland and all over the world. Date of establishment of the company: 1991 Number of employees: Over 11 thousand people work in the Group’s subsidiary and cooperating companies. Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer and distributor. Offered products/services: A wide variety of furniture and home furnishings e.g. home furniture, kitchens, bedrooms, dining room furniture, upholstered furniture and mattresses. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Black Red White products are sold in over 40 countries all over the world such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries, Great Britain, Ireland, the USA and Canada. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: PN ISO 14001:2005 and PN ISO 9001:2009 for the main production company BRW Sp. z o.o. A number of prestigious awards, i.g.: - ‘Created in Poland Superbrands 2013/2014’, - titles awarded by the magazine Furniture Plus: ‘Product of the Year 2014’ for Strzałka collection, ‘Product of the Year 2013’ for Venom and Caps collections, ‘Product of the Year 2012’ for Raflo and Lemonade collections, - ‘Good Design 2014’ for HiHOT collection and 38th Elysee Avenue Kitchen, ‘Good Design 2013’ for Numlock collection, - ‘Consumer Quality Leader 2013’ in two categories: ‘Furniture’ and ‘Kitchen Furniture’ - ‘Diamond of the Furniture Industry 2012’ for Raflo collection. Wanted business partners: Wholesalers, retail chains. Other information: The Black Red White Group consists of BLACK RED WHITE S.A. and 22 subsidiary production, trade and service companies, including 11 foreign companies based in Ukraine, Belarus, Slovakia, Hungary, Russia as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina. The production activity for Black Red White is carried out in 21 factories located both in Poland and abroad. BRACIA MROZIK SP. Z O.O. ul. lwowska 31 22-650 łaszczów (pow. tomaszów lubelski) +48 84 66 11 468 +48 84 66 11 068 ms. paulina mrozik manager +48 691 965 528 mr. łukasz mrozik sales director +48 601 353 598 Date of establishment of the company: 1996 Number of employees: ~250 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer, manufacturer. Offered products/services: Manufacturer of natural veneers (regular offer includes beech, oak, alder, ash wood veneers), wooden pellets and edge bandings. The company offers sliced veneer faces and custom cutting from the provided materials. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: All over the world. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland, Germany, France, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary - wood. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Certificate number FSC RA-CW-003648 and RA-COC-003648; license number FSC C003593, Certificate number FAO IPPC ISPM 15:2009 1254-BDZ-369/13/2014, license number PL-06 167 HT, ‘Gazele Biznesu’ award, ‘Rzetelna Firma’ (a reliable company). Wanted business partners: Veneer purchasers, raw material suppliers. TIMBER INDUSTRY, FURNITURE, PAPER INDUSTRY BRACIA MROZIK company is the biggest Polish manufacturer of natural veneers. The company was established in 1996. It was founded by three brothers: Janusz, Bogdan and Witold Mrozik. From a small enterprise which initially employed 10 people, the company has developed to a position of the major tycoon in Europe. The company is still owned by the Mrozik family and the owners, who have great knowledge and experience in veneer production, still manage it. The company has its production plant in Łaszczów (Tomaszów Lubelski Poviat). Continuous production of the company includes beech, alder, oak and ash veneers of thickness from 0.6 mm to 2.5 mm. The company manufactures veneers from own materials as well as provides services in slicing customers’ raw materials. Products are also available in the form of layons (edge-glued) and edgebandings. We produce pellets (diameter 6 mm) from waste material generated in veneer production. 125 KARTONEX SPÓŁKA Z O.O. ul. leśna 4b 22-300 krasnystaw +48 82 576 28 22 +48 82 576 28 22 TIMBER INDUSTRY, FURNITURE, PAPER INDUSTRY mr. zygmunt kapuścik chairman +48 82 576 28 22 126 Kartonex Spolka z o.o. started operating in the paper industry in 1958. We produce packagings from corrugated paper and paper bags, even for the food industry. We have business partners in Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Denmark and Slovakia and are very interested in acquiring new contacts and clients from different markets and countries. Our advantages are: good quality, flexibility and qualified staff. Our production is set up in order to meet individual expectations of our customers and ensure quick execution times. Our partners’ satisfaction is one of our primary goals and it helps us to develop and stay in a competitive market place. Date of establishment of the company: 1958 Number of employees: 103 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Cardboard boxes, sacks from paper. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Slovakia, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia. Countries from which the products are imported: Bosnia, Germany, Lithuania, Austria. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: PN-EN ISO 9001:2009. Wanted business partners: Buyers of sacks or boxes; suppliers of paper and cardboard \ corrugated paper. KOMANDOR LUBLIN S.A. ul. zemborzycka 57b 20-445 lublin +48 81 441 84 05 +48 81 441 84 05 ext 24 mr. łukasz flak marketing manager +48 606 387 664 Date of establishment of the company: 2000 Number of employees: 28 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Sliding wardrobes, tailor-made furniture, furniture for hotels and office, movable partition walls. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Great Britain. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2000, ‘Lubelski Orzeł Biznesu’ award, ‘Quality Leader 2013’ Award of consumers. Wanted business partners: Authorized dealers of Komandor Lublin S.A (e.g. owners of furniture shops), designers, developers, hotels. TIMBER INDUSTRY, FURNITURE, PAPER INDUSTRY Komandor company is a leading world-wide producer of sliding door systems. Our company was the first of its kind to introduce and promote complete interior design solutions with sliding door systems. During 20 years of experience we have developed production lines and prefabrication plants, and we have introduced new products onto the market. The offer of our company is extremely broad. We are mainly known for the production of cabinets with sliding doors. We are also the contractors of furniture for offices, hotels, schools, institutions and a wide range of free-standing furniture. Confronting the expectations of the hotel market, Komandor company prepared a wide offer of comprehensive furniture for hotels, guest houses and holiday homes. Taking into consideration your unique demands, our qualified designers can prepare tailored projects and create a distinctive style of your interior. Apart from our standard hotel collections, we realize individual arrangements at the customer’s request. Years of experience in the worldwide furniture industry have given Komandor the opportunity to expand its production to office furnishings. Komandor can help you increase the prestige of your company with an attractive sliding door system, modern work desks and laptop stands, bookcases, file cabinets, conference tables, reception areas and canteen furniture. Our new product is a movable partition walls system. It is the most technologically advanced product which is especially useful for public facilities, e.g. hotels, offices, business centres, conference halls and lecture halls. The Polish system of movable partition walls is a product recommended for entities who need to divide space in a short time. Thanks to our constant investment in machinery, the factory is able to create furniture which refers to different styles and needs. 127 PRODUKCJA MEBLI MEBLOTAP SP. Z O.O. ul. rampa brzeska 5 22-100 chełm +48 82 564 22 16 +48 82 564 21 50 TIMBER INDUSTRY, FURNITURE, PAPER INDUSTRY mr. marceli jasiński marketing and sales specialist +48 784 605 505 128 Our company deals with the sale of chinaware and supplementary accessories for the interior furnishing. We also offer room and kitchen furniture, chairs, tables as well as upholstered furniture in various styles in 2013. We started our own production of furniture. It is a line of modern furniture with original design and usage. We use the best materials and upholstery fabrics of renowned domestic and foreign manufactures to produce our furniture. We make furniture for large retail chains, hotels as well as custom made furniture for individual customers. In addition, we offer upholstery services and woodworking. Date of establishment of the company: 27th November 2012 Number of employees: 9 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer and distributor. Offered products/services: Production and sale of furniture. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, England. Wanted business partners: Companies from furniture industry. SKINPOL SP. Z O.O. Skinpol Sp. z o.o. is active on the Polish market in the furniture and interior design sector. We own several shops and we are also a wholesaler. In addition, we sell hand-formed wall bricks for individual customers as well as for projects in Poland (we are an exclusive distributor of a Belgian producer Nelissen and a Dutch producer Caprice). ul. urzędowska 51 20-727 lublin +48 81 745 96 30 +48 81 748 08 16 Date of establishment of the company: 1995 Number of employees: 40 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Furniture and interior decoration and hand-formed wall bricks. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Ukraine, Belgium. Countries from which the products are imported: Europe, Asia (furniture, decorations, hand-formed wall bricks). Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: ‘Gazele Biznesu’ award 2008. Wanted business partners: Producers of furniture (wood, MDF), upholstery, producers of lighting, decorative items for interior design. TIMBER INDUSTRY, FURNITURE, PAPER INDUSTRY ms. krystyna barańska chairman of the board +48 601 459 500 129 AGRO-POLI SP. Z O.O. ul. brzozowa 4 stróża kolonia 23-206 stróża k/kraśnika +48 81 884 55 57 +48 81 821 03 61 mr. jerzy kasjaniuk chairman of the board +48 81 884 55 57 mr. adam nieściór sales manager +48 81 884 55 57 Date of establishment of the company: 1996 Number of employees: 44 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer and distributor. Offered products/services: Polypropylene yarn and sacks. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Belarus, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Ukraine. Countries from which the products are imported: Vietnam. Wanted business partners: AGRO-POLI looks for partners interested in its offer. PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, CHEMICALS, PLASTICS AGRO-POLI Sp. z o.o. produces polypropylene yarn of high, normal and medium tenacity from 330 dtex up to 5550 dtex. The products meet the EU technical standards. The function tests confirm numerous advantages of polypropylene yarn such as: • high resistance to breaking, • wide choice of colours, depending on the customer’s needs, • resistance to mould and harmful impact of water, • easiness of further processing, • high resistance to attrition, • chemical resistance to acids’ and alkalis’ influence. AGRO-POLI also offers polypropylene sacks in standard and non-standard sizes, with PE lining and also with two-coloured prints. The sizes and colours of sacks are tailored to the customer’s requirements. Moreover, the company offers sacks which are approved to come into contact with food. 133 AKPOL ADAM KUŚ ul. młyńska 19 23-200 kraśnik poland production plant: rzeczyca ziemiańska 206/5 trzydnik duży poland, 23-230 +48 505 879 064 +48 605 578 045 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, CHEMICALS, PLASTICS mr. rafał topolski marketing and sales department +48 505 879 064 134 AKPOL company was established in 2005 on the grounds of the decision No. 7645-1/20/2005. We have been dealing with reclycling of plastics since the very beginning. The waste plastics we collect are processed directly in our plant under the supervision of complex monitoring. This guarantees that each stage of production is under a strict quality control. The qualified and experienced staff take care of the highest quality of regranulates we produce. We have new and innovative equipment for recycling. Our monthly capacity is 1 500 tons of granules. The waste material is collected from all over the European Union. We guarantee permanent cooperation with regard to purchases of waste material. We issue KPO, DPO, DPR documents. mr. adam kuś president +48 605 578 045 Date of establishment of the company: 2005-10-20 Number of employees: 10-50 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer of regranulates/ PURCHASE OF WASTE PLASTICS. Offered products/services: 1. High density polyethylene (hd pe) granules. 2. Polypropylene granules (pp). 3. Purchase of waste plastics. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Belarus, Lithuania. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland, Lithuania. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Certificate of Engineering by the Institute of Polymer Materials and Dyes. Wanted business partners: 1. We are looking for companies selling sorted waste plastics with our own transport. 2. We want to sell our products to companies which produce plastic pipes, pots, boxes etc. Other information: We are looking for suppliers from Europe and Asia. We are interested in a permanent year-round cooperation. ARKONA LABORATORIUM FARMAKOLOGII STOMATOLOGICZNEJ GRZEGORZ KALBARCZYK nasutów 99c 21-025 niemce +48 81 470 57 00 +48 81 463 54 63 mr. mariusz niczyporuk mba sales and marketing director +48 81 470 57 00 ms. agnieszka kaliniak jd, llm western export manager +48 664 407 299 Date of establishment of the company: 1995 Number of employees: 35 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Dental restorative materials. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Russia, the United Kingdom, the USA, Turkey, Spain, Belarus, Germany, Slovakia, Ireland, Romania, India, Italy, Belgium, South Africa. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008; ISO 13485:2003; Directive 93/42/EEC; Grand Prix CEDE Poznan 2011; member of the Polish Scientific-Technical Society. Wanted business partners: We are actively seeking new importers of our well-established medical devices on new foreign markets. Other information: ARKONA is the precursor on the Polish market in the fissure sealing campaign for children; since 2007 ARKONA is the initiator, organizer and sole sponsor of the Best Dental Student competition in Poland; ARKONA is the sponsor of Pro Muza – foundation of creative activities for children and youth. PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, CHEMICALS, PLASTICS ARKONA researches, develops and brings to market advanced solutions and techniques for use by dental surgeons throughout the world. We have been operating for 19 years. Being a manufacturer, we produce composite materials for fillings and tooth restorations. Our products are made in close cooperation with top-notch dentists and excellent Polish chemists. We have our own production plant and a laboratory, the distribution network and five permanent representative offices in the European Union and Asia. We offer the highest international quality at very attractive prices. Our products are used by doctors from dozens of countries around the world. In our work we use the latest achievements of global science and create genuine technological solutions. We have developed a number of medical and pharmaceutical patents. 135 GRICARD-POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. garbarska 16 20-340 lublin +48 81 441 54 52 +48 81 441 54 52 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, CHEMICALS, PLASTICS mr. paweł drączkowski sales representative +48 607 856 046 Gricard - Poland was established in 2005. Our goal is to create products for professionals who deal with professional cleaning. Based on many years of experience in the industry and several years of tests on the premises, we have produced a range of products under the brand name - GRITE. GRITE is a product of modern formula - its composition and technical parameters are chosen in such a way that the user feels more comfortable. GRITE is a range of products which constantly improves its quality. GRITE articles are effective and prepared to meet individual needs. Our customers are: schools, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, banks, cleaning companies. We supply the cleaning products such as: • professional chemicals, • dispensers and consumables (soap, toilet paper, paper towels), • cleaning equipment (machines, vacuum cleaners, cleaning carts, mops). Date of establishment of the company: 2005-07-06 Number of employees: 17 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Cleaning products under the band name: GRITE. 136 HANYANG POLSKA SP. Z O.O. chemiczna 1 21-040 świdnik +48 81 468 49 88 +48 81 468 49 91 mr. tomasz pudło supply planner +48 604 175 990 mr. jacek tarnowski r&d engineer +48 662 071 564 Date of establishment of the company: 2001 Number of employees: 150 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer. Offered products/services: Furniture parts, electronic components, household goods, painting articles. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, the EU countries, the USA, China. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: EN ISO 9001: 2009, IKEA certificates; ISQS and IWAY. Wanted business partners: Automotive, electronic industry companies. Other information: Our competitive advantage is high technical knowledge regarding difficult injection processes and flexibility and availability during new project developments. PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, CHEMICALS, PLASTICS Hanyang Polska Sp. z o.o. is a manufacturer of injection moulded plastic components located in Świdnik. Our company was established in 2001 on the basis of the existing injection moulding factory. We have experience in engineering and injection moulding of plastic furniture, electronic components and household goods, gardening and painting articles for the local and foreign markets. We design, develop and supervise all stages of plastic products coming into being – from concept, through toolmaking up to the final product. Our biggest task is commitment to provide our customers with high quality functional products, manufactured at optimal costs. 137 MERPOL SP.J. dluga 5 +48 81 466 73 55 +48 81 466 73 55 mr. ryszard kula owner +48 501 432 874 Our company is a manufacturer of high-quality coolant antifreeze fluid for heating and cooling systems. Our fluids have additives to protect against corrosion, cavitation, high temperature and other adverse factors occurring in the systems. Our products are produced on organic basis and are safe for users. Typical applications of our fluids are: central heating system, heat pumps, vacuum solar collectors, air conditioning, ice water, sprinkler systems. PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, CHEMICALS, PLASTICS mr. paweł warowny sales manager +48 502 725 371 138 Date of establishment of the company: 1998 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Coolant anti-freeze fluids for refrigeration, heat transfer installations, solar collectors, heat pumps. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Wanted business partners: We are looking for buyers & distributors all over the world. MIRPOL SP. Z O.O. strzyżewice 165a 23-107 strzyżewice +48 81 566 69 28 +48 81 566 69 28 www. mr. mirosław łopucki chairman of the board +48 606 752 070 Date of establishment of the company: 2th October 2009 Number of employees: 2 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor, international shipping provider. Offered products/services: Product based on humic acids (humac argo, humac natur afm). Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Slovakia. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Sale Authorizing Certificates, Ecological Certification Of Offered Products. Wanted business partners: Distributors and retail networks selling materials for agricultural and ecological production. Other information: Exclusive distributor of humac brand in Poland. PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, CHEMICALS, PLASTICS MIRPOL company cooperates with growers and breeders mostly in the field of agricultural production all over Poland. The company is an exclusive distributor of products based on humic acids, distributed under the brand HUMAC. Certificates issued for HUMAC products allow for their application in organic farming. The other activities of the company include domestic and foreign trade in agricultural commodities and fertilizers. Transportation is carried out by our own means of transport. The company also performs the shipment of parcels by international transport. 139 PARTNER CHEM MARIUSZ MAJKA ul. składowa 23 20-305 lublin poland +48 81 463 46 28 +48 81 463 46 85 mr. mariusz majka commercial director +48 601 590 205 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, CHEMICALS, PLASTICS mr. marcin maruszak sales & brand manager +48 81 463 46 58 140 PARTNER CHEM Co. is a leading private company, specialized in supplying quality products. It is divided into 3 main departments eg. chemical distribution, wine distribution and coffee distribution. The first department specializes in chemical raw materials supplying for different branches of industry eg. water treatment, agriculture, food processing, glassware industry etc. ( The Second department called MAGIA del VINO is used to import and distribute Italian quality wines ( Most of wines we import are well recognized all over the world and won lots of international prizes which are a proof of their the highest quality. The third department imports and distributes top Italian coffee under the brand BRAVI CAFFE on Polish, Ukrainian and Russian markets ( Date of establishment of the company: 2006 Number of employees: 3 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Plastic resins eg. HDPE, LDPE, PP • Water treatment chemicals: manganese ore • Food additives: vitamin C, citric acid, sodium citrate etc. • pharmaceutical and cosmetic raw materials: glycerin, lanolin, SLES etc • industrial chemicals for agriculture, tanning companies, glassware factories, lubricants etc. • Italian wines IGT, DOC, DOCG • Italian coffee BRAVI CAFFE. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: The Czech Republic, Ukraine, Slovakia, Holland, Italy, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Austria, Serbia, Romania. Countries from which the products are imported: Brazil, Turkey, Gabon, China, Korea, Australia, Italy, Slovakia. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Quality Management System according to the standard: ISO 9001:2000 HACCP. Wanted business partners: Chemical representative on the EU and international markets •Business supporters on foreign markets • Potential customers researchers • Chemical and plastic resins distributors on international markets • Distributors of wine and coffee, retailers. TECHZUT SP. Z O.O. We are proud to present to you Techzut which is a trustworthy partner in the injection moulding and plastic processing branch. Techzut was established in 2006. We have delivered effective and efficient solutions to our costumers for over 7 years. We produce plastic components using moulds either designed and made by us or delivered by the customers. We use plastic materials such as PS polystyrene, PE polyethylene, PP polypropylene and ABS. If you are looking for a reliable business partner, please contact us. ul. cisowa 9 20-703 lublin +48 81 525 80 16 +48 81 525 80 16 ext 40 mr. stefan ziółkowski chairman of the board +48 81 525 80 16 Date of establishment of the company: 1st June 2006 Number of employees: 15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Plastic processing plant. Offered products/services: Plastic products for various types of branches e.g. medical, electronics, agricultural, heating industries. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Germany and the Netherlands. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Newsweek 2012 Family Company, State Labour Inspection 2012 - ‘Safe Company’. Wanted business partners: We are looking for partners who would like us to produce plastic spare components or other elements made from various types of plastic. PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, CHEMICALS, PLASTICS ms. willemina oyudo cmo +48 81 525 80 16 141 DELTA-TECHNIKA SP. Z O.O. ul. zemborzycka 112g 20-445 lublin +48 81 444 41 41 +48 81 444 42 22 mr. marcin goluch board president +48 81 444 41 41 mrs. katarzyna kasperek logistics specialist +48 81 444 41 41 Date of establishment of the company: 1st october 1996 Number of employees: 41 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): (producer/distributor). Offered products/services: Compressors, welding machines, valves, cylinders, pneumatic components. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, the UK, Ukraine, Italy. Countries from which the products are imported: Italy, Germany, China. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008, ‘Gazele Biznesu’ award (2007, 2008, 2009). MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT Delta-Technika was established in October 1996. The company is engaged in wholesale and retail trade, services and post warranty service. We deal with numerous companies in Poland and abroad. We sell machines such as compressors, dryers, welding machines but we are also engaged in manufacturing pneumatic cylinders according to ISO 6431, ISO 6432 and ISO 21287. Our offer includes pneumatic equipment such as: valves, tubes, fittings, couplers, filters. Our sales representatives operate throughout the whole country but also we have sales offices and shops in Lublin, Warsaw and Poznań. 145 FABRYKA ŁOŻYSK TOCZNYCH - KRAŚNIK S.A ul. fabryczna 6 23-210 kraśnik +48 81 825 71 01 +48 81 825 76 66 MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT ms. katarzyna dżugaj export sales manager +48 81 825 73 35 146 Fabryka Łożysk Tocznych – Kraśnik S.A. (Rolling Bearings Factory) is the largest rolling bearings manufacturer in Poland. The production program includes deep groove ball bearings, self-aligning, angular single and double row, single-and double-direction thrust ball bearings. In addition, we manufacture taper roller bearings single and multi-row, cylindrical roller bearings and bearings designed according to special customers’ design requirements, especially for the automotive industry. Fabryka Łożysk Tocznych – Kraśnik S.A. is the only Polish manufacturer of the large size bearings with diameters up to 2050mm. There are more than 1500 bearing types in our range of production. Apart from bearings, FŁT-Kraśnik S.A. can also offer: forgings and stampings made by hot forming using forging press AMP-70, machined rings, precise high speed grinding spindles, roller guides and tools. Date of establishment of the company: 1938 Number of employees: 2100 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer. Offered products/services: Bearings. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Italy, France, Hungary, Sweden, the USA, Holland, Belgium, Austria, the Arab United Emirates, the United Kingdom. Countries from which the products are imported: Russia, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Austria, Germany. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO/TS 16949, ISO 14001, ISO 9001. Wanted business partners: Trading companies, manufacturers using bearings to produce their products. KRYSTIAN PPH ul. nowy świat 42 20-418 lublin +48 81 744 32 21 +48 81 744 32 21 mr. marek zawada sales manager +48 512 287 677 ms. alina zenkovich marketing manager +48 510 228 246 Date of establishment of the company: 1st January 1989 Number of employees: 22 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer of machines for paper industry, new technologies. Offered products/services: Machinery for confectioning hygienic papers, for the market of manufacturers of toilet paper and paper towels; CNC machining, laser cutting. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, France, Slovakia, Belarus. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany. Certificates, iso, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008, Golden Medal PIF-2008; ‘Regional Leader of Innovation and Development’ – 2010 and 2012. Wanted business partners: Purchasers of the special machinery for paper industry; consumers of metal processing and laser cutting services. MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT The core business activity of KRYSTIAN PPH is manufacturing machinery for confectioning hygienic paper for the market of manufacturers of toilet paper and paper towels in Poland and abroad. We offer such machines as: winding machines, saws, core making machines, packaging tables, band labelling machines and others. We have our own design department. We design new machines taking into account individual needs of our clients. We implement innovative technologies and solutions for the paper industry and broaden the range of our products. We also offer machined steel parts as well as parts made of stainless steel and non-ferrous metals using CNC machining centres. KRYSTIAN PPH also provides the service of laser cutting. 147 LUBELSKA WYTWÓRNIA DŹWIGÓW OSOBOWYCH LIFT SERVICE S.A. ul. roztocze 6 20-722 lublin +48 81 528 95 00 +48 81 528 95 70 mr. włodzimierz smolarz sales and marketing director +48 81 528 95 00 Lubelska Wytwórnia Dźwigów Osobowych, Lift Service S.A. was incorporated in 1991, based on Installation Cooperative operating since 1975. The headquarters of the company are located in Lublin. There is also a factory, employing over 160 people, which produces several hundred lifts a year, destined for the Polish and foreign market. Investments carried out in 2007–2009, involving the modernization of the production hall and the purchase of modern and innovative machinery, enabled the implementation of new production technologies and new products that meet our customers’ expectations. MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT mr. adam korszon sales specialist +48 80 528 95 36 148 Date of establishment of the company: 1991 Number of employees: 161 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer. Offered products/services: Passenger and goods lifts with hydraulic or electric drive, lift shafts of self-supporting structure, lift control units, assemblies and components for various type of lifts. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Lithuania, Ukraine, Italy, Germany. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Italy. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: ISO 9001:2008 certificate, PN-N 18001:2004 certificate, ISO 14001:2004 certificate, Diploma at the 2nd International Lifts Exhibition 2012 (Kielce, Poland) for the cabin door drive SDK-2, ‘Lubelski Orzeł Biznesu’ award – 2010 and 2012, ‘Fair Play Company’ award 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, Economic Prize of the Lublin Voivodeship 2005 in the category ‘Product and Technology Invention’. Wanted business partners: Lift industry customers for LIFT SERVICE S.A.’s products. Other information: LIFT SERVICE S.A. is a Polish leading manufacturer of lifts. The company’s output is over 600 units per year. LUBELSKIE FABRYKI WAG FAWAG S.A. Lubelskie Fabryki Wag FAWAG S.A. is a company with 135 years of tradition. It is one of the oldest companies manufacturing scales in Europe. Our offer includes a wide range of modern electronic scales, which are often parts of more complex computer systems and which can be used in a great number of economic branches (trade, industry, services, transport). The company manufactures scales for industrial orders. Our own indicators, terminals, and software applications are able to satisfy the industrial requirements of many customers. ul. łęczyńska 58 20-954 lublin +48 81 745 06 39 +48 81 745 06 41 mr. józef sidor chairman of the board +48 81 746 10 41 ext 102 Date of establishment of the company: 1996 Number of employees: 47 Type of activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer of scales. Offered products/services: Scales. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: France, Lithuania. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: ISO 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: Partners for cooperation. MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT mr. tomasz zarzyka member of the board/ production and trade director +48 81 746 10 41 ext 105 149 M A S Z Y N Y D L A PRZEMYSŁU SPOŻYWCZEGO ul. przemysłowa 52 24-200 bełżyce +48 81 516 20 03 +48 81 517 22 63 mr. adam kos sales manager +48 517 104 799 ms. joanna bartnik export manager for russia, ukraine and belarus +48 502 508 275 MEGA SP. Z O.O. We are a machine manufacturer for food processing industry. What we offer are not only single machines but complete solutions, provided after analyzing customers’ needs. We have our own designing and R&D departments. Owing to that we are flexible and can offer custom-made solutions including lines’ integration. As an expert in food processing technology we’ve had the opportunity to deliver solutions to customers based in 12 countries on 3 continents, which is the best recommendation for the quality of our products. Main fields: • complete food processing lines, • washing fruit and vegetables, • technological transport, • sorting, calibration, • automated weighing and dosing, • wastewater treatment, • stainless steel constructions. MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT Services: lines’ integration, machine design, welding, laser cutting 150 Date of establishment of the company: 1996 Number of employees: 80 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Complete processing food lines. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Sweden, Finland, the Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Chile. Countries from which the products are imported: Switzerland, Italy, Germany, England. Certificates, iso, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001. Wanted business partners: Distributors, cooperation partners. MULTI FRIGO SP. Z O.O. 20-836 lublin +48 81 444 10 76 +48 81 444 10 71 mr. piotr adamczuk director +48 501 276 108 mr. arkadiusz karwowski sales manager +48 501 276 109 Date of establishment of the company: 1990 Number of employees: 20 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Design, development, consulting, services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Russia, Greece, Italy. Countries from which the products are imported: Holland, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey. Certificates, iso, prizes, etc.: ‘Fair Play’, ‘Business Gazelle’ ‘The Regional Business Leader’. Wanted business partners: Restaurants, hotels, hospitals, gastronomic machines producers. Other information: Project technology. MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT Multi Frigo has been on the market for twenty four years. We provide complex services from designing bars, hotels and restaurants to equipping professional hospital and army kitchens. Our market position and business contacts with the producers from all over the world help us to meet the requirments of individual clients. We always try to meet the needs of even the most demanding customers by offering them a wide range of products. We service their equipment, provide transport and installation. Our specialists take care of training and presentation of new products. What is more, our company is the promoter and organizer of the Food Service Equipment Trade Fair Gastro Shop, which is the most popular event for HoReCa sector in Eastern Poland and Europe. 151 NOTA-PRECISION ENGINEERING COMPANY inzynierska 8l 20-484 lublin poland +48 81 444 11 25 +48 81 441 73 96 mr. stanislaw szymczyk president +48 501 152 272 MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT ms. magdalena bartminska-ziarek product manager +48 501 661 222 152 NOTA Precision Engineering Company is a private company. It has maintained its position in the market for diamond drawing tools for many years. The company’s core activity is manufacturing superhard materials tools. NOTA offers the following products and services: 1. Diamond and CBN wheels. 2. Cutters and other PCD and PCBN tools. 3. Diamond grain and diamond micropowders. 4. Diamond pastes, titanium carbide, boron nitride grains and calibres, enamel. 5. PCD, PDC, PCBN cutting inserts. 6. Diamond dressers. 7. Diamond dies for drawing wires including: carbon steel, stainless steel, copper, bronze, brass, aluminum, nickel and silver; diamond dies of various geometries, in which the working part may be made of natural diamond, synthetic diamond monocrystalline and polycrystalline synthetic diamond. 8. Repair and services of diamond wire drawing dies. We are interested in the companies which use superhard tools: diamond inserts, diamond and CBN wheels, grinding cutters, and other diamond and CBN tools, manufacturers of machinery (machine tools for working with ultrasonic superhard materials and laser machine for drilling holes in the superhard materials). Date of establishment of the company: 14.03.1988 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Diamond, CBN and TC tools, such as dies, wheels, inserts, plates, drills, etc. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Germany, Austria, Slovenia. Countries from which the products are imported: China, Ukraina. PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO CONCEPT STAL B&S LEJMAN SPÓŁKA JAWNA ul. okszowska 71 22-100 chełm +48 82 564 00 66 +48 82 564 30 65 mr. michał lejman investment director +48 509 166 532 mr. ryszard sobczyk director +48 502 817 877 Date of establishment of the company: 30.09.1997 Number of employees: 32 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Roll-forming and cutting metal sheet. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Romania. Countries from which the products are imported: Japan, Germany, China. Wanted business partners: Germany, Russia, Kazahstan, Azerbejan. MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT Concept Stal is a company with over 20 years of experience in manufacturing roll-forming and cutting metal sheet. The company focuses on improving and modernizing of the production lines, with an emphasis on fully automated production processes, high performance and reliability of machines and, above all, on the high quality of products obtained in the process of profiling. Concept Stal integrates and utilizes only the highest quality components and manufacturing techniques – this strict quality control policy at all stages is the attribute of our machines, software design as well as assembling and technical drawing. In order to satisfy our customers, our main goal is to maintain best quality products at reasonable price. 153 „RAPA” S. MIĘDLAR W. I I. SZYMAŃSCY SP.J. ul. ceramiczna 9 20-149 lublin +48 81 742 53 11 to 15 +48 81 742 53 10 ms. dorota tybulczuk marketing & international contacts specialist +48 81 742 53 11 MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT mr. tomasz tupaj advertising & marketing specialist +48 81 742 53 14 154 The manufacturer of refrigerators, refrigerated counters, refrigerated modules designed to be installed in series lines, counter cash bases, confectionery display cases and bakery shelving. These units are designed for small and middle-sized shops, restaurants, coffee shops, petrol stations and also for big stores. They are designed for internal or external cooling installation. Together with efficient management and well qualified staff we offer modern, energy efficient products to satisfy customers. As we care about the environment, we only use the refrigerant gases that are safe for the ozone layer. The high quality of our products is confirmed by the Polish Safety Certification Mark, sign B and CE, issued by the Polish Centre for Testing and Certification in Warsaw and the Certificate of Health Quality, issued by the National Institute of Hygiene. Date of establishment of the company: 1996 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Refrigeration devices and bakery shelving. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania. Wanted business partners: Dealers, distributors. SIGMA S.A. ul. barak 6 21-002 jastków (k. lublina) +48 81 502 33 33 +48 81 502 25 53 ms. małgorzata pawlik-karyba product promotion and quality control director +48 81 502 33 37 Date of establishment of the company: 17th May 1996 Number of employees: 164 Type of activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Air ventilators, belt conveyors, underwall chain conveyors, dust collectors, sorting lines, wind turbines. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Russia, Argentina, Romania, Vietnam, Ukraine, Colombia. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: The Ambassador of Lublin Province, Certificate ‘Reliable Company’ (2011, 2012), Certificate of Innovation (2010, 2011), nomination to the award ‘The Reputation of the Year 2012’, Certificate ‘Recommended Product’, special award of ‘Innovative Entrepreneur of the Lublin Province 2012’, Laureate of ‘Innovative Entrepreneur of the Lublin Province 2011’, certificate ‘Recommended Product’, Diploma PAN (2004–2008, 2010, 2009), KLON 2007, the award for winning the fourth competition ‘Gepardy Biznesu’, ‘Gazele Biznesu’ (2005,2006,2009), Distinction in the competition ‘Firma Europejska’. Wanted business partners: Representatives of SIGMA S.A. products. MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT The main objective of the company SIGMA S.A. is ‘SYSTEMATIC IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW SOLUTIONS’ for the design and production of machines, equipment and comprehensive technology for the mining or waste industry and energetics. A very wide range of our machines such as air-ventilators, belt conveyors, underwall chain conveyors, dust collectors, allows us to offer complex technological systems for: headings, conducting mining operations and ancillary services. Our products are tested in the technical and scientific research units. Mining machinery and equipment manufactured by SIGMA S.A. is used in Russia, Argentina, Romania, Vietnam, Ukraine, Colombia and all coal mines in Poland. We are a recognized and respected partner on the market. We work with a lot of global companies such as: CATERPILLAR, SANDVIK, KOPEX, FAMUR. 155 SIPMA S.A. ul. budowlana 26 20-469 lublin +48 81 441 43 25 +48 81 744 09 64 ms. iwona jaremek sales representative +48 81 441 43 69 MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT ms. angelina bejgrowicz sales representative +48 81 441 41 14 156 SIPMA S.A. is a solid company built on a sustainable development basis which uses the latest technologies and management methods. Our innovatory production technologies and agricultural machines change the image of Polish agriculture and create new farming production trends. The customer care policy has become an imperative in our business, based on high quality products, reliable services and a comprehensive access to original spare parts. As a result of our long-standing operation, we have created unique production and service possibilities for individual and group customers. Our products successfully compete with those made by other producers. Date of establishment of the company: 11.07.1989 Number of employees: 369 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Agricultural machinery: disc mowers, rakes, cultivating aggregates, round balers, bale wrapping machines, self loading and staking trailers, front loaders, bale shredders, square balers, slurry tankers, fertilizer distributors, manure spreaders, grain crushers, agricultural trailers, power take-off (PTO) shafts, wide angle PTO shafts, original spare parts. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, France, Italy, Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Romania, Belarus, Algeria, Turkey, the Republic of Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, Latvia, Croatia, Macedonia, Tunisia. Countries from which the products are imported: Italy – hydraulic components, Austria – metallurgical materials, the United Kingdom – electrotechnical materials, Germany – chains, Slovakia – tyres, Denmark – electrotechnical materials, the Czech Republic – chains, Spain – special tools, Austria – industrial chemistry, Switzerland – connecting elements. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: Customers for the agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery distributors – especially to the emerging markets. „SPOMASZ” BEŁŻYCE S.A. The producer of such machines and equipment for the food industry as: plate and tubular pasteurizers for heat treatment in the flow, plate and tubular heaters and coolers, homogenizers, degassers, multiprocessors for the production of ketchup, colloidal mills, melting machines, ball mills for chocolate, CIP washing station equipment, belt and screw conveyors, single and multi-jacket tanks for processing and storing liquid products, plate and tubular heat exchangers for heating. ul. fabryczna 2 24-220 bełżyce +48 81 517 22 81-85 +48 81 517 22 86 mr. jan nagrodzki commercial director +48 81 517 43 04 Date of establishment of the company: 1971 Number of employees: 172 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Machines and devices for food processing industry, food processing and industrial heat exchangers, stainless steel treatment. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, France, the UK, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey, Mexico, Egypt, Dubai, Saudi Arabia. Countries from which the products are imported: Sweden – rubber sealing elements, Italy, Germany – valves, Italy – hydraulic components. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: The EC compliance certificate for pressure equipment manufacturing, The Certificate of compliance with technical regulations on safety of machines and devices for the Russian market. Wanted business partners: Dairy products, fruit and vegetables processing plants, breweries, manufacturers of chocolate and confectioners, other companies which use stainless steel devices. Other information: We can also manufacture different kinds of devices or parts from stainless steel as cooperator on the basis of technical documentation of the orderer. MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT mr. andrzej karczmarczyk marketing manager +48 81 517 43 34 157 THE MACHINERY AND VALVE REPAIR AND OVERHAUL COMPANY MASZ-ZAP LTD. al. tysiąclecia państwa polskiego 13 24-110 puławy +48 81 473 12 00 +48 81 473 12 01 MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT mr. sławomir zdrodowski manager / technical & commercial department +48 81 473 12 00 (30) 158 We offer complete overhauls: • rotary, piston, screw compressors, • power turbines and small capacity industrial turbines, • single – and multi-stage rotary pumps, plunger pumps, multi-piston pumps, • industrial fittings up to DN 1000, including RIG acceptance test: – hydraulic tests up to 60 MPa, – air test up to 45 MPa including inspection and setting of safety valves. Additionally, we offer: • reclamation of parts using the following methods: – spray metallization – wire thermal spray, – composite coating to protect parts, – machining (turning, milling, boring,grinding). • alignment of machines using laser equipment. • balancing of rotary parts on stationary balancers, weight range from 1 kg to 2000 kg. • balancing of rotary units in their own bearings. • vibration diagnostics of a machine’s dynamic state. • penetration testing. • water jet cutting, laser cutting. Date of establishment of the company: 01.07.1993 Number of employees: 157 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Repair and reclamation of machines and valves. Offered products/services: We offer complete overhauls of the following equipment: rotary compressors, piston compressors, screw compressors, power turbines and small capacity industrial turbines, single- and multi-stage rotary pumps, plunger pumps, multi-piston pumps, fans and ventilators, centrifuges and decanters, industrial fittings up to DN 1000, including acceptance at a RIG (hydraulic test up to 60 MPa, air test up to 45 MPa including inspection and setting of safety valves). Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom. Countries from which the products are imported: The United Kingdom, Germany, Austria. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: The quality of our services is guaranteed by the implementation and maintenance of the Integrated Management System in accordance with the Standards, BS EN ISO 9001, ISO 14001, PN-N-18001, confirmed by Certificates awarded by Det Norske Veritas for the entire scope of our services. Wanted business partners: No restrictions. UNI-MASZ H.M. JUSZCZUK SP.J. ul. chmielowa 6 21-002 jastków panieńszczyzna +48 81 471 49 19 +48 81 471 49 59 mr. bartosz juszczuk +48 81 471 49 19 ms. ludmiła michajłowa-czuluk secretary Date of establishment of the company: 1996 Number of employees: ~ 30 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Food processing mashines manufacturer. Offered products/services: Manufacturing of fruit and vegetable processing machines. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland and the EU countries, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Egypt. Countries from which the products are imported: the European Union. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001. Wanted business partners: Companies which process fruit and vegetables. MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT UNI-MASZ H.M. Juszczuk has been a company since 1996. It designs and produces vegetable and food processing machines. Our customers are mainly coolers and food processing industries where these kinds of machines are used for technological processes. We specialize in manufacturing of: washing machines: flotation washing machines for fruit, leafy vegetables, mushrooms; drum washing machines; brush washing machines; vibration systems for transport, dewatering, sorting according to thickness, length, even distribution of product, inspection, glazing, grading; conveyors and transmitters: swan neck conveyors, elevators (screw conveyor), apron/ lamellar conveyors with ‘turn’ parts, transport screws, conveyors with a rest, roll conveyors, net conveyors; inspection and cleaning systems; process belt systems; screw and belt blanchers; dosing systems for frozen products; drum mixing machines; drum sorting machines; fan separators: hydration system for pallets with mushrooms (champions vacuum chamber for pallets); slicers for champions; leaf stalks removing machines for frozen fruit and fresh cherries; hydraulic hoppers; machines for mincing frozen fruit and vegetables, dosing machines for bags and boxes; machines for cabbage, packing units for tea and herbs, wastewater pre-cleaning using filters, technological tables. All the machines are made only on order and they comply with HACCP standards. 159 WIKPOL SP. Z O.O. konopnica 208b 21-030 motycz near lublin +48 81 503 23 30 +48 81 503 23 30 mr. zbigniew kominek president of the board +48 81 503 23 30 MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT mr. zbigniew warchocki president of the board +48 81 503 23 30 160 We pride ourselves on being able to deliver comprehensive end-to-end services. We focus on challenging and non-standard applications and solutions requiring broad expertise in engineering, and also use state-of-the-art advances in technology. In our applications we always strive to deploy the most suitable technological solutions. We follow the latest technological trends and development directions. We specialize in manufacturing: • palletizing, de-palletizing and bulk-packaging systems based on industrial robots, • packaging systems, • industrial scales. We achieve our objectives via: • efficient implementation of new technologies, • delivering comprehensive solutions, • recruiting engineering professionals with extensive expertise in technology, • business integrity. Date of establishment of the company: 1991 Number of employees: 57 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Wikpol Sp. z o.o. is an engineering company providing automation services to support manufacturing processes. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Ukraine, Germany. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Having implemented and maintained ISO9001-2008, certified by TÜV Nord, we guarantee compliance with the highest standards at each stage of production. Wanted business partners: We are looking for manufacturers from various industries who want to optimize, automate and/or robotize their production lines. WSPÓŁPRACA SPÓŁKA Z O.O. Współpraca Sp. Z o.o. is a producer of hydraulic lifting equipment for workshops and factories. We mainly produce hydraulic cranes with manual hydraulic power and hydraulic floor jacks. Współpraca also produces special lifting devices if ordered. We sell our products mainly in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and the Czech Republic. Współpraca is ready to start cooperation manufacturing some of its products or others, particularly the ones related to hydraulic lifting devices. ul. gospodarcza 34 20-211 lublin +48 81 746 13 16 +48 81 444 31 04 mr. andrzej bogdanowicz president +48 693 480 206 Date of establishment of the company: 1944 Number of employees: 40 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Lifting equipment with hydraulic power, workshop presses, workshop cranes, special cranes and devices if ordered. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Germany, Holland, the Czech Republic. Wanted business partners: We are open to cooperate with other companies. Other information: We are looking for new partners to expand into new areas. MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT mr. andrzej skałecki vice-president +48 692 473 437 161 Z.P.H.U HYDROTECH J. GUTOWSKI janowska 7c 20-509 lublin +48 81 534 24 65 market@hydrotech. MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT mr. rafał gutowski sales director +48 81 534 24 65 162 The company offers a complex range of production, planning, repairs and modernization of hydraulic drive units. We have been cooperating with leading manufactures of hydraulic components and units for many years. We provide professional help when choosing exchangeable parts for hydraulic drive devices. We specialize in choosing the replacements for non-standard pumps, valves and other hydraulic elements. lt’s our pleasure to offer support and advice on working out and creating new hydraulic drive devices. Our professionalism and passion enable us to give objective and thorough opinions about customer’s technical problems. Date of establishment of the company: 1996 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer, distributor. Offered products/services: Hydraulic power feeders, cylinders, Conduits, coupling elements, quick couplings, pumps, hydraulic motors, hydraulic dividers, valves, filters, manometres. CENTRUM OCHRONY PRACY I BIZNESU „CONSULTRIX” ul. frezerów 3 lublin +48 81 747 33 23 +48 81 444 07 93 mr. przemysław delmanowicz owner +48 81 747 33 23 Date of establishment of the company: 1989 Number of employees: 15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Personal protection. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Ukraine. Countries from which the products are imported: Italy, Denmark, Sweden. Other information: The company provides services in the field of labour law in Poland. METAL INDUSTRY Centre for Labour and Business Protection CONSULTRIX was founded in 1989 as a training centre in the field of Work Safety and Hygiene. The company’s rapid development resulted in fast creation of new departments: • 1990 – Work Environment Laboratory; • 1994 – Trading and Marketing Office. Another important section of CONSULTRIX is a team of technical advisors and work and hygiene inspectors dedicated to help our customers all over the country in keeping their work safety. Consultrix is an importer of the best safety PPE Personal Protecting Equipment. Today, Centre for Labour and Business Protection CONSULTRIX is one of the most stable and trustworthy Polish companies specializing in work safety and hygiene. With over 20 years of experience, we are proud to assist top companies to gain success in Poland. 167 FIRMA SŁAWEX ZBIGNIEW SŁAWIŃSKI ul. łaszczowiecka 14 22-600 tomaszów lubelski +48 84 664 40 54 +48 84 665 85 29 +48 84 664 44 77 SŁAWEX Zbigniew Sławiński Company was estabilished in 1983 and since then it has produced an essential range of the best quality and the low cost steel products. Sławex company offers high quality frames for the garden furniture, central heating boilers, transport trolleys, etc. Sławex company also offers a wide range of constructions materials. METAL INDUSTRY ms. magdalena sławińska marketing manager +48 696 097 166 168 Date of establishment of the company: 1983 Number of employees: 250 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer, distributor. Offered products/services: Frames for garden furniture (table legs, bench legs, armchair legs, etc.), garden furniture(beer sets, wide range of folding tables, chairs, armchairs etc.), transport trolleys, wheel-barrows, central heating boilers, other steel products. The company offers a wide range of construction materials. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Lithuania, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Holland, Sweden. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ‘Gazele Biznesu’ award, product certificates. Wanted business partners: Metal industry. Other information: Member of Polskie Składy Budowlane Group, owner of 2 Mrówka Markets in Tomaszów Lubelski and Hrubieszów. LABORATORIUM BADAŃ MATERIAŁOWYCH „LAB TEST” SP. Z O.O. ul. frezerów 13 20-209 lublin +48 81 749 10 39 +48 81 749 10 42 mr. jarosław prożogo vice-chairman of the board +48 81 749 10 33 Date of establishment of the company: 03.2002 Number of employees: 20 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Highly specialized laboratory tests of metals and solid fuels. Offered products/services: Metallographic tests of steel, cast iron and welded joints, strength tests, hardness tests; chemical and physico-chemical tests in the field of: research on chemical composition, chemical designation of steel and cast iron by atomic emission spectrometry; determination of the carbon content in steel and cast iron products by coulometric method; the tests of corrosion resistance of paint coatings and electroplating; coal and biomass laboratory tests. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Accreditation Certificate of Testing Laboratory No. 490, issued by the Polish Centre for Accreditation. This certificate confirms that the Laboratory complies with the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standards. We are a member of the Polish Laboratories Club ‘POLLAB’ which has more than 500 members from all over Poland. Wanted business partners: Factory metal for example: forges, cast iron foundries, aluminum foundries, automotive factories, power plants, producers of biomass, coal distributors. METAL INDUSTRY Materials Testing Laboratory ‘LAB TEST’ Sp. z o.o. in Lublin continues long tradition of research activities of the Central Laboratory in Truck Factory in Lublin, founded in 1955. We provide laboratory services based on the described and implemented the Quality Management System which complies with PN-EN ISO/IEC-17025: 2005 standards. Highly qualified staff we employ in conjunction with modern laboratory equipment provide our customers with excellent results required for such certificates as ISO, TÜV, CE, Q. We have been constantly expanding our knowledge and confronting our competence with the Polish Laboratories Club ‘POLLAB’ which has more than 500 members from all over the country. We are proud to declare that we are considered highly competent in Poland. 169 LUBSTA SP. Z O.O. ul. magnoliowa 2 20-143 lublin +48 81 748 75 56 +48 81 748 75 56 METAL INDUSTRY mr. arkadiusz jach trade director +48 728 835 922 170 LUBSTA Sp. z o.o. produces steel structures of various uses and offers services in repairing steel products and in processing steel. In spite of the fact that the history of LUBSTA is short, our products are used in Poland and in Western Europe. A wide range of our products are also sold to Scandinavian countries. There they win a significant recognition thanks to their unquestionable quality and competitive prices. Services offered by LUBSTA do not end with producing items. We assure quality tests of our products performed according to Polish and European norms, prepared at the request of a client. We also make measuring reports and protocols of testing welds (any method), design products and offer assembly services. Date of establishment of the company: 16th December 2008 Number of employees: 12 Type of activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer of steel structures. Offered products/services: Steel structures for industries. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Denmark, Norway, Slovakia. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: PN-EN ISO 9001-2009. Wanted business partners: Partners in the sphere of manufacturing steel structures for industry and establishing dealership relations. ODLEWNIA ŻELIWA LUBLIN SP. Z O.O. ul. frezerów 13 20-209 lublin +48 81 749 27 11 +48 81 749 27 99 mr. tomasz krauze sales director +48 81 749 16 54 Date of establishment of the company: 2002 Number of employees: 180 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Castings made of grey cast iron and nodular cast iron. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: EN ISO 9001:2008, ISO/TS 16949:2009, Certificate for pressure devices AD 2000 Merkblatt WO/TRD100, Certificate for Quality Ensuring Producer System acc. 97/23/WE. Wanted business partners: The foundry is interested in establishing cooperation with foreign production companies. METAL INDUSTRY Odlewnia Żeliwa Lublin Sp. z o.o. ( Cast Iron Foundry Lublin LLC.) is a manufacturer of high quality castings made of grey and nodular cast iron in grades: – Grey cast iron: EN-GJL-200, EN-GJL-250 and EN-GJL-300 acc. PN-EN 1561 – Nodular cast iron: EN-GJS-400-15, EN-GJS-500-7, EN-GJS-600-3 acc. PN-EN 1563 The production process consists of two automatic moulding lines and hand moulding. The main assortment produced in the foundry includes: steering wheel housings, flywheel housings, oil sumps, supports, hubs, discs and brake drums, engine covers, hydraulic valves, manholes and other castings for the engineering industry, the automotive industry, the agricultural industry, the water supply system branch, the heat engineering and mining industries. 171 OSKO–PLAST S. C. M. OSTRZYŻEK, Z. KOSTYRA stara dąbia 9 08-500 ryki +48 81 865 61 15 METAL INDUSTRY ms. magdalena ostrzyżek office worker +48 668 263 616 172 Osko–Plast specializes in the metalwork industry. The company is a family business. In Osko – Plast, the most valuable asset is a man – both the client and the employee. We offer: 1) Metalforming presses. We have presses from 16T to 100 T pressure, guillotines, etc. 2) Conventional and CNC machines. 3) Co2 and argonshield welding. 4) Point welding Our company mainly specializes in making metal elements and mechanisms such as: – combine harvester sieves; – step plates; – concaves; – sprayer parts (e.g. hand winches – 80 and 120 kg capacity); – ladder fitting (hinges and accessories); – combines and other agricultural machinery parts; – sliding gates and top sliding doors hardware; – various brackets; – others. All of products are covered by a warranty. Date of establishment of the company: 1998 Number of employees: 17 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Combine harvester sieves, sprayer and combine parts, ladder fitting, sliding gates hardware, CAD/CAM design. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Sweden, Hungary. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: IBMER No EC/001/08. Wanted business partners: Manufacturers using our products in their production. PRODUCTION TRADE & SERVICE COMPANY„MALINEX” RYSZARD MALINOWSKI stadionowa 21 street 21-010 łęczna poland +48 81 462 31 35 +48 81 462 35 82 +48 81 462 31 35 +48 81 462 35 82 mr. ryszard malinowski owner +48 508 119 915 mr. grzegorz bugała sales director +48 605 267 994 Date of establishment of the company: 28th December 1991 Number of employees: 8 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Production, distribution, transport. Offered products/services: Tools for rotary drilling, extraction tools, pneumatic fittings, parts and tools for electrical engineering, quick connectors for industry, hand tools, milling, CNC turning, drilling, TIG/MIG, mag welding. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Mining Institute Certificate, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, ISO/TS 16949 Golden Certificate, ‘Rzetelna Firma’ certificate. Wanted business partners: Partners from the mining and electric industries. METAL INDUSTRY Malinex company has been operating in the market since 1991. Over twenty years of expertise, mainly in distributing mining tools and instruments for hard coal mines, mines of non-ferrous metal ores as well as quarries, ranks the company on the leading position among the companies with similar business profiles. Our products, tools and devices are used in coal and non-ferrous metal mines, in quarries, building enterprises, cement mills, steelworks as well as in forestry and highway engineering. Fast development of our company within the last few years allows us to offer competitive prices and the highest standard of services. We have certifications for all the offered products granted by the Mining Institute. Currently we are working on the implementation of ISO system which will allow us to cooperate with companies from other countries. We would like to invite you to visit our website, where you will able to find our products. If you are interested in cooperation or need more information, please contact us. We are open to new ideas and cooperation offers in many areas. 173 ROZTOCZE RST ul. zamojska 42a 22-600 tomaszów lubelski +48 84 664 35 01 +48 84 664 74 78 mr. piotr umiński head of export department +48 661 719 533 METAL INDUSTRY mr. andrzej śmiałko export specialist +48 883 331 444 174 The company has been operating in Poland and Europe since 1991. – Owner – Mr. Roman Rak – Employment – over 360 workers – well qualified staff with many years of experience – Company area – 10 000 m2 – Turnover in 2012 exceeded 10 million € Production profile: special locking systems, locks, hinges, screw clamps, gaskets, industrial accessories. Machine park: bending machines, CNC milling machines, CNC lathes, injection moulding machines for plastics, injection machines for zinc alloy, two laser cutters, turret punching. The company implemented the quality certification of ISO 9001:2008 in 2006. Technological support we provide to our business partners allows them to gain market advantage and build their brand products based on technological leadership and quality not only in Poland but globally. Date of establishment of the company: 1991 Number of employees: 360 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Locks, hinges, locking systems, screw clamps, accessories for energy, machine, telecommunications, HVAC and automotive industry. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Belgium, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, France, Hungary, Great Britain, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Slovenia. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Denmark, China. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Implemented and certified ISO 9001:2008, awards: ‘Regional Leader of Innovation and Development’; 2011 Gold Certificate of Reliability; ‘Business Gazelle’ 2009 (Business Pulse); ‘Business Gazelle’ 2007; ‘Innovative Entrepreneur of the Lublin Province in 2010’; award from the magazine Prestige ‘Reputation of the Year’. Wanted business partners: Producers of: metal cabinets, machinery, electrical cabinets, transformer substations, trucks, buses, cabinets for telecommunications, air conditioners. „STANCHEM” SPJ. PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO CHEMICZNE D. KRAWCZYK I Z. MĄCZKA 'Stanchem’ spj. company was established in 1997 as a leading supplier of metals, master alloys, ferroalloys for metallurgy and the automotive industry. The significant part of our activity is distribution of chemical raw materials for refractory, abrasive, metallurgical, building and other applications. Our technical background, which comprises large warehouses, office areas, laboratory as well as own bonded warehouses, gives the opportunity to meet the special requirements of all customers. Our company tries to win their confidence by delivering high quality goods confirmed by Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008. ul. k. olszewskiego 12 20-481 lublin poland +48 81 718 64 00 +48 81 718 64 05 ms. zana ziółkowska-maruszak commercial director +48 81 718 64 50 Date of establishment of the company: 01.08.1997 Number of employees: 96 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Non-ferrous metals, ferro-alloys, chemical raw materials for various branches of industry. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Over 30 countries, mainly in the European Union, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia. Countries from which the products are imported: Worldwide. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.:ISO 9001:2008, AEO, HACCP, prizes awarded by Forbes and D&B. Wanted business partners: Reliable producers and distributors. METAL INDUSTRY ms. anna krecka-boruszak manager of foreign trade department +48 81 71 8 64 51 175 R ul. energetyków 14 20-468 lublin +48 603 302 020 +48 81 749 01 28 METAL INDUSTRY mr. karol daniel head of number plates department +48 603 302 020 176 „TABAL” JAN KIDAJ MIECZYSŁAW DANIEL SPÓŁKA JAWNA TABAL provides complex treatment of aluminum and stainless steel. We conduct wholesale trade of non-ferrous metals, highly alloyed steel, perforated metal sheets, stainless and acid-resistant steel as well as structural plastics. Our construction department designs solutions that can be implemented in the construction of machines, devices and complete technological lines. In 2009, we expanded our business activities by manufacturing complex fencing systems under the brand of TABAL TECHFENCE. We offer a complete range of fencing panels solutions. We have our own powder paint shop in Poland. We offer water cutting and machining of colour metals and construction plastics to our contractors. Our department TABAL PLATES produces number plates, embossed and engraved plates. Date of establishment of the company: 1990 Number of employees: 70 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer and distributor. Offered products/services: Fencing systems; trade of non-ferrous metals, stainless steel, plastics; construction of machines, technological lines, embossing systems. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Bulgaria, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Ukraine. Countries from which the products are imported: The Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: The Laureate of the First National Polish-American Contest of the Entrepreneurship Club – ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’. In 1998 it was the laureate of the National Contest ‘Reliable Partner’, ‘The Best Private Company in Lubelszczyzna’ in 1999 and received ‘The European Medal’ for registration plates and aluminium fabrication, ‘Economic Prize of the Lublin Area 2003’. The company holds certificates for producing number plates (issued by the Motor Transport Institute). Wanted business partners: Manufacturing companies; machine building companies; stainless steel, non-ferrous metals; retailers and wholesalers, hospitals. TIG-SPAW USŁUGI MONTERSKO-SPAWALNICZE SPRYCHA ARTUR grudź 43 21-426 wola mysłowska +48 516 042 177 mr. artur sprycha owner +48 516 042 177 Date of establishment of the company: 2007.04.04 Number of employees: 50 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Welding, assembling services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: European countries. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Welding Certifications TUV, VCA, SCC, HOT WORK LICENCE, OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY CARD. Wanted business partners: From Europe. METAL INDUSTRY My company has been in business since 2007. It is a family-run company with extensive experience in stainless steel and carbon steel installation of technological lines. We cooperate with the representatives of various industries. Our business scope includes: food and beverage industry. We also make orders for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical industries as well as environmental protection, in particular sewage treatment plants and water treatment plants. No matter where we work, we always maintain the highest standards. Feel free to cooperate with us. 177 WARBO S.A. metalurgiczna 13b 20-234 lublin +48 81 452 92 92 +48 81 452 92 93 METAL INDUSTRY mr. dawid wojnarski marketing manager +48 81 452 92 92 178 We are a tool shop with many years’ experience in manufacturing of forming tools and providing metalworking services. We specialize in designing dies and manufacturing of the following tools: • stamping dies (progressive, transfer), • forging dies, • injection moulds for plastic and rubber processing and aluminum die casting, • jigs and checking fixtures, • tools and short series of sheet metal prototypes. We also provide the following services: • repairs and modifications of tools and dies, • machining services: CNC milling, Spark and Wire EDM, grinding, drilling, welding, etc. We offer our services ensuring professional skills, on-time delivery and competitive prices. Date of establishment of the company: 1990 Number of employees: 60 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Forming tools: stamping dies, injection moulds and forging dies. Tools regeneration. Machining services: CNC milling, Spark and Wire EDM, grinding, drilling, etc. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Wanted business partners: Stamping shops, injection moulders and other producers from automotive, machines and equipment, household appliances and electrical industries. WOLCO SP. Z O.O. WOLCO Sp. z o.o. is a Polish producer of fine steel, copper and brass wires within the diameters range of Ø 0,15 ÷ Ø 1,00 mm. We also coat wires with such metals as: copper, zinc, thin, nickel, silver. Our products might be used for: • collated nails (copper coated wires) • electrical discharge machining – EDM (brass wire) • light industry (nickel coated wires, copper wires) • printing and bookbinding (zinc coated wires) • wicker or reed mats (zinc coated wires) • jewellery making (silver coated wires) We employ specialists who manufacture and test our wires. Thanks to our professionalism and extensive experience, we have earned the trust of our domestic and international customers. Sp. z o.o. ul. związkowa 23 20-148 lublin +48 81 747 69 33 +48 81 747 72 02 mr. grzegorz wolski commercial proxy +48 81 747 69 33 mr. grzegorz tołpyho trade department manager +48 662 046 617 Date of establishment of the company: 1992 Number of employees: 43 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Copper coated wire for manufacturing collated nails; brass wire for electro-drilling (EDM); fine steel wire, galvanized coated for various uses. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Greece. Countries from which the products are imported: Spain, Germany, the Czech Republic. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008; ISO 14001:2004; Gold Medal with Honours IWIS 2008 Warsaw; Diploma of the Minister Science and Higher Education (MNiSW); Gold Medal in Brussels ‘Eureka Competition’, Belgium 2008; distinction in ‘Economic Competition’ award of The Mayor of Lublin City 2012 in category Innovation. Wanted business partners: We are looking for producers and sellers who need fine wires as raw or sales material. METAL INDUSTRY mr. paweł lewko sales representative +48 512 531 942 179 „WSK-TOMASZÓW LUBELSKI” SP. Z O.O. łaszczowiecka 1 22-600 tomaszów lubelski +48 84 664 24 21 +48 84 664 36 25 METAL INDUSTRY mr. marek harbuz chairman of the board/ managing director +48 882 150 000 +48 84 664 24 21 ext. 204 mr. piotr czapla sales manager +48 602 517 502 +48 664 24 21 ext. 244 180 WSK TL Sp. z o.o. specializes in manufacturing of complex and precise parts (for example screws, bolts, pins, nuts etc.) mainly for aviation, but also for automotive, machine and food industries. In our production we use: – machining (machine cutting on CNC modern machines: turning, milling, drilling etc.), – metal forming, – cold forming, – assembling, – heat treatment. Our company is an approved supplier for international aviation corporations. We sell to AgustaWestland, UTC, PZL Świdnik, WSK Rzeszów and other well-known companies. We have certified Quality Management System acc. to. AS9100 rev. C international standard (aviation industry) and ISO9001. We are a member of ‘Aviation Valley’ Association and most of our products are directly dedicated to aviation as parts for helicopters, aircrafts and engines. We have own Technical Team and Tooling Deptartament. Date of establishment of the company: 1969 Number of employees: 176 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer/Producer. Offered products/services: Precise machine cutting on CNC machines – products for aviation. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Italy. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001, AS/EN 9100; NATO Commercial and Government Entity Code NCAGE 1652H. Wanted business partners: Branch investors, customers. ZAKŁAD OBRÓBKI METALI „KOMECH” We manufacture metal parts from normal steel, stainless steel and aluminum, for the needs of machine, food, car and aviation industry. We are equipped with modern machines CNC (laser cutting, plasma cutting (HD source), bending press machines, vertical machine centers, CNC lathes and pipe bending machines) that have 0.002 mm accuracy. al. warszawska 125 20-824 lublin poland +48 81 533 36 82 +48 81 7423566 mr. edward kostrubiec owner +48 608 465 933 Date of establishment of the company: 1980 Number of employees: 50 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Metal parts production. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Great Britain. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: IOS 9001:2001, exporter of the year, ‘Solidna Firma’ award. Wanted business partners: Cooperation in manufacturing of metal parts-potential buyers (according to their bluerprints). METAL INDUSTRY mr. grzegorz borek director +48 502 362 221 181 ZAKŁAD OBRÓBKI PLASTYCZNEJ SP. Z O.O. ul. kuźnicza 13 21-045 świdnik poland +48 81 751 50 09 +48 81 468 09 11 METAL INDUSTRY ms. anna bartosik marketing and commercial specialist +48 81 751 50 09 182 Forging Plant (Z.O.P.) was established on April 1st, 2000 and it is a subsidiary of the WSK PZL-Świdnik S.A.(AgustaWestland Group). Having almost 60year experience, ZOP is able to offer high quality forgings, which are successfully applied not only in aviation industry but also in the production of energy, shipbuilding, the mechanical industry and special military vehicles not only in Poland but also in many countries abroad eg.: France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Great Britain, the USA. We have implemented the Quality Management System AS/EN 9100. We manufacture high-quality forgings made of AL, Cu, Fe, Ti alloys. Date of establishment of the company: April 1, 2000 Number of employees: 39 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Design and manufacturing of forging parts. Offered products/services: Making high-quality forgings for aviation, energy, shipbuilding, the mechanical industry, made of alloy AL, Cu, Fe, Ti alloys. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Italy, Great Britain, the USA. Countries from which the products are imported: France, Great Britain, Belgium. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: EN/AS 9100. Wanted business partners: Partners interested in forgings. ZAKŁAD USŁUGOWO PRODUKCYJNY FREZ S.C. A.W. POŚPIECH ul. kolejowa 1 08-500 ryki +48 81 865 30 60 +48 81 865 30 60 mr. waldemar pośpiech president +48 601 235 716 mr. marcin pośpiech product manager +48 512 083 170 Date of establishment of the company: 1991 Number of employees: 15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer, seller. Offered products/services: All types of products manufactured from steel, balustrades, handrail, stairs and other products for modern buildings, steel. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Wanted business partners: Investors. METAL INDUSTRY FREZ S.C. registered office is located at 1 Kolejowa street in Ryki and was founded in 1991. We are a family-run business which allows us to exchange information quickly and efficiently and enables us to manage our team. With the extensive and modern machinery that we posess (High Performance Turning Center, Folding Machines…) we can offer the highest quality services such as: yielding, treating of metal, turing, welding. We also produce balustrades, handrail, stairs of stainless steel and other products for modern buildings. Moreover, we started selling steel in 2008, which constitutes another branch of our business. 183 BIALCON ul. celników polskich 14 21-500 biała podlaska +48 83 344 34 51 +48 83 344 34 52 mr. jakub chwesiuk head of marketing departament +48 601 316 633 Date of establishment of the company: 1992 Number of employees: 250 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer and distributor. Offered products/services: Clothes, jewellery and accessories such as shoes, bags, scarves. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Finland, Sweden, France, Germany, the USA, Romania, Lithuania. Countries from which the products are imported: Italy, France. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2000; ‘Transparent Company’ certificate, 2010 certificate ‘Pearl Polish Product of the Year’ in the category of company, ‘Retail Marketing’ certificate in the category – ‘The Best Store’. Wanted business partners: The company welcomes cooperation with fashion agents and distributors abroad. TEXTILES, SHOES Bialcon is a Polish-based company established in 1992 by Barbara Chwesiuk. The headquarters of the company is located in Biała Podlaska and the entire production process is held exclusively in Poland. Currently, Bialcon is one of the leading garment manufacturers in Poland, with an online shop, a network of 60 shops in Poland, 15 outlet stores, and a circle of customers abroad. The company employs nearly 250 people whose passion and commitment assure originality, great attention to detail and the highest quality of products. Bialcon’s collections come up to women’s expectations who value quality and appreciate a skilful fusion of elegance with the latest designs. 187 BOCIAN SP.J. TADEUSZ BOCIAN ANNA BONISZEWSKA-BOCIAN nowy świat 38 20-419 lublin +48 81 534 90 51 +48 81 534 90 51 ex. 120 mr. tadeusz bocian owner +48 81 534 90 51 TEXTILES, SHOES ms. izabela kato import/export manager +48 81 534 90 51 ex. 102 188 We are wholesalers of buttons, buckles and other cloth accessories. We have a network of haberdashery and craft and hobby shops. We have over twenty years of experience in importing and selling. We distribute buttons, ribbons, felt, wool, yarn, jewellery components and many materials and tools for craft and hobby. We deliver our goods to many educational institutions, shops, garment manufacturers. You can check our products by visiting our company, located in Lublin, not far away from the Polish eastern border. We are looking for wholesalers and shop owners from the haberdashery and craft and hobby sector as well as garment manufacturers who appreciate good quality and good price. Date of establishment of the company: 1992 Number of employees: 18 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Buttons and cloth accessories, haberdashery, trimmings, craft and hobby: felt, wool, yarn, beads and jewellery components, accessories for tailors and haberdashery shops. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Ukraine. Countries from which the products are imported: Italy, Germany, Austria, Spain, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Thailand, Taiwan. Wanted business partners: Wholesalers, haberdashery shop owners, garment manufacturers. Other information: Wholesaler of buttons and cloth accessories, owners of a network of haberdashery and craft and hobby shops. FHU „WOJTOL” LESZEK WOJTOWICZ okulickiego 59 street tomaszow lubelski +48 605 059 166 +48 84 665 00 97 mr. leszek wojtowicz owner +48 605 059 166 Date of establishment of the company: 1994 Number of employees: 2 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Buying calf hides directly from Polish suppliers. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, Italy, India, Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Wanted business partners: Tanneries. Other information: Tanneries processing high-quality leather calf or cattle leather. TEXTILES, SHOES Estaldished in 1999 Wojtol Company specializes in: • buying/ selling high quality raw cow hides from the local farmers, • separating and exporting cow hides to the European and Asian markets. Raw cow hides are stored in a traditional way. Hides are salted twice (10–14 days salting cycles), separated and stretch dried to lie flat. The whole process is done by qualified workers. We offer: • salted baby calf hides in 3–4 kg, 4–6 kg and 6–8 kg weight ranges, • salted cattle hides in 28–35 kg and 36+ weight ranges. 189 GUEST COMPANY SP Z O.O. ul. skromna 3 20-701 lublin +48 81 746 64 26 +48 81 746 68 18 www.guestcompany. ms. joanna jóźwiak account manager +48 81 746 64 26 Our production plant has a surface area of 6000 sq.m. The tailoring departments are fitted with the equipment for cutting out and sewing the items of clothing characterized by a particularly high quality. We use high powered steam presses with efficient steam output. We can turn out approx. 300000 items per season. Therefore, we can offer our services to customers who require continuous and professional cooperation. TEXTILES, SHOES mr. alfred marzęda chairman of the board +48 81 746 64 26 190 Date of establishment of the company: 5th March 1992 Number of employees: 328 Type of activity (producer/distributor): Women’s clothing manufacturer. Offered products/services: Produces the following items: jackets, coats, ‘shortie’ overcoats, skirts, trousers, blouses, dresses. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Our main clients are the major Italian textile firms of worldwide reputation: Max Mara, Marina Rinaldi, Marella. Countries from which the products are imported: Italy – textiles and accessories. Wanted business partners: Major companies that want to contract our production. Other information: 3 production places – Lublin, Łęczna, Stoczek Łukowski. ŁUKSJA SP. Z O.O. Łuksja is a Manufacturer of exclusive women’s outerwear for European markets and a subcontractor to the leading global brands like Marc Aurel MaxMara, Burberry and others. ul. staropijarska 3 21-400 łuków +48 25 798 30 21 +48 25 798 22 75 sekretariat@luksja. ms. zofia żuk general director +48 25 798 30 21 Date of establishment of the company: From 30th March 1950 until October 2009 the status of cooperatives; from 1st November 2009 the status of the company. Number of employees: 237 Type of activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer of exclusive women’s clothing. Offered products/services: Toll processing. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Russia. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: ‘Company with a Heart’, ‘A green Card for a Safe Work Leader’, ‘Laurels of the Podlasie Region’ in the category: ‘Company of the Year’ 2005, ISO 9001-2008, Crystal Globe Leader of Export, ‘Reliable Employer’, European medal. Wanted business partners: The companies commissioning sewing lady’s clothing. Other information: We have a modern machine park. TEXTILES, SHOES mr. daniel bojanek creative director +48 25 798 30 21 191 MEVA FASHION S.A. ul. krzeszowska 62 23-400 biłgoraj +48 84 688 11 01 +48 84 686 09 21 TEXTILES, SHOES mr. przemysław pstrusiński ceo +48 602 470 170 mr. piotr jagodziński sales manager +48 695 735 943 192 Meva Fashion JSC is a company based in Poland, established in 1961. We are a producer and a distrtibutor of women’s lingerie (nightdresses, pijamas, chemises, panties etc.), blouses, dresses but also fabrics under the trade name Vistex®. Our collections satisfy the needs of women who value quality and want to feel sexy and exceptionally feminine. We sell our products under the following brand names: Mewa, Visti, Lookat, Bradley. The company runs two flagship shops, an Internet shop. Besides, we supply our products to over 2000 shops and warehouses in the country. The whole process of manufacturing is held in Poland. We export to many European countries, mostly to France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Slovakia and the Czech Republic but also to Russia and Ukraine. We are looking forward to cooperating with companies which look for a distributor in Poland. Date of establishment of the company: 1961 Number of employees: 70 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer and distributor. Offered products/services: Manufacturer of fabrics and exclusive women’s lingerie. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, France, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Sweden, the UK. Countries from which the products are imported: China - yarn. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Admission to the elite Business Gazelle Club of the most rapidly growing companies, Polish Product Certificate in category Company of the Year 2009, 3 Gold medals from the International Poznań Trade Fair, ‘Safe for Children’ certificate, ‘Marka Lubelskie’ certificate for quality, innovative and ecological products. Wanted business partners: We welcome cooperation with companies which would like to contract our products, agents and distributors. Other information: Meva Fashion participates in the main fashion shows in Poland (e.g. Miss Exotica International, The Look of The Year). NIPPLEX SP. Z O.O. czerśl 4 21-400 łuków +48 25 798 00 06 (07) wew. 28 mr. paweł bogusz co-owner +48 25 798 00 06 mr. michał bogusz co-owner +48 25 798 00 06 Date of establishment of the company: 1994 Number of employees: 100 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Lingerie. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Romania, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, South Korea. Countries from which the products are imported: We imported materials from Italy, France, Greece, Spain. Wanted business partners: We welcome cooperation with foreign distributors. TEXTILES, SHOES Nipplex was founded in 1994 and it is one of the leading producers of bras in Poland. We specialize in the production of woman lingerie and we offer brassieres, briefs, strings and corselets in a wide range of sizes and colours. Thanks to the highly qualified personnel and modern technology, we produce high quality products, which are widely recognized by many customers. Our wares are made of the best kind of fibres from reputed manufactures of knitted materials, embroideries and haberdasheries from Italy, Spain, Austria, France and Poland. Our designers keep up to date with the latest trends in the underwear fashion in order to make women beautiful, modern and charming with their sensuality, at the same time giving them a sense of comfort, convenience and elegance. We make every effort to make our underwear the source of satisfaction for our customers and we put our heart and soul into its preparation. 193 PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO-HANDLOWE „KAPICA MARKET” FLORIAN KAPICA ul. kościuszki 15 23-400 biłgoraj +48 84 686 15 16 +48 84 688 00 40 TEXTILES, SHOES mr. florian kapica owner +48 84 686 15 16 +48 501 137 110 194 Our experience has been built on premium manufacturing, up-to-date technical solutions and a skilled team. We are proud to say we have been cooperating with Vistula Group (owner of Vistula brand), Leithäuser (owner of Benvenuto / Purple Label), Oscar Jacobson. Our production facilities are equipped with up-todate sewing machines of renowned manufacturers such as JUKI, BROTHER, DURKOPP-ADLER, BEISLER. We own the automated textile spreading and cutting system, pocket setter sewing systems, sewing units for flap and welt pocket openings, automatic pressing units. Our technical solutions and qualified workers allow us to manufacture a wide range of men’s trousers, from simple classical lines to sophisticated business style designs. Date of establishment of the company: 1989 Number of employees: ~ 80 Type of activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer. Offered products/services: Men’s trousers: quality suit trousers; business-style five-pocket trousers; chinos style trousers, smart trousers. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Germany. Wanted business partners: Strong brands looking for reliable subcontractors and/or long-term business relationships. Other information: We have been cooperating with renowned brands such as: Vistula, Benvenuto / Purple Label, Oscar Jacobson. We are equipped with up-to-date technical solutions and have a skilled team, providing premium quality. RABARBAR ul. celników polskich 14 21-500 biała podlaska +48 83 344 34 51 +48 83 344 34 52 mr. jakub chwesiuk head of marketing department +48 601 316 633 Date of establishment of the company: 2010 Number of employees: 250 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer and distributor. Offered products/services: Clothes, jewellery, and accessories such as shoes, bags, scarves. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Finland, Sweden, France, Germany, the USA, Romania, Lithuania. Wanted business partners: The company welcomes cooperation with fashion agents and foreign distributors. TEXTILES, SHOES Rabarbar is a brand of Bialcon established in 2010 by its current CEO and the Head of Design Department, Barbara Chwesiuk. Rabarbar has its flagship stores in major Polish cities. Its clothes are also distributed via the Internet as well as by some agents abroad. The production process is held exclusively in Poland and is distinguished due to its originality of design, great attention to detail and the use of traditional techniques. Rabarbar collections satisfy the needs of self-confident fashionable women who like to mix conventions and styles. The brand’s colourful collections are known for the craftsmanship of design, folk elements, handmade accessories and embellishments. Rabarbar is also committed to the issues of ecology, preserving local traditions and fair trade rules. 195 SALVE POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. bursaki 16c 20-150 lublin +48 81 442 05 40 +48 81 442 05 41 biuro@salvepolska. TEXTILES, SHOES ms. joanna kosiarski chairman of the board +48 81 442 05 40 196 We are a leather company with 14 years of experience offering our products on the domestic and foreign markets. We specialize in the production of small goods and advertising items made of highest quality, natural leather. The whole production process takes place in our company, in Poland. Our customers can choose from a wide range of classical, facing leather as well as the embossed and lacquered types. Every season, our offer consists of new colours and designs. Regular customers in Poland and all over the world appreciate high quality of Salve Polska products as well as professional service which is always provided on time. Competitive prices and original designs make us an attractive business partner. Handmade products, carefully selected accessories and a possibility to create a product based on individual customer ideas guarantee long term satisfaction with our products. We invite you to cooperate with SALVE POLSKA. Date of establishment of the company: 2000 Number of employees: 15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Small, leather goods such as wallets, phones cases, card holders, belts, cosmetic bags, calendar covers, key rings, personal organizers, conference folders and many others. We also make models according to individual customer orders. Short series available. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Germany, Switzerland. Countries from which the products are imported: All our goods are fully made in Poland. We import only the highest quality leather from Italy. Wanted business partners: Advertising agencies, brands looking for reliable subcontractors and/or long-term business relationships. Other information: Additionally, at customer’s request, we mark products with a chosen logo (embossing on leather or laser engraving on metal ferrules and decorative plaques). All our products are packed in suitable packaging – carton boxes and cotton bags. ZAKŁAD PRODUKCJI TKANIN SP. Z O.O. ul. wesoła 3 21-220 siemień +48 83 354 73 47 +48 83 354 70 47 mr. krzysztof komarek marketing specialist +48 605 109 783 ms. katarzyna jaworska office worker +48 83 354 73 47 Date of establishment of the company: 1996 Number of employees: 38 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Upholstery fabrics, mattress fabrics, knitted mattress fabrics. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Russia, Estonia, Germany, Latvia. Countries from which the products are imported: Sources of production (yarn)- Italy, Romania,Turkey, India. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Hygienic certificate. Wanted business partners: Furniture production companies. TEXTILES, SHOES ZPT Siemien was founded in 1996. Our plant produces upholstery fabrics, mattress fabrics and knitted mattress fabrics. Products are made of cotton, polyester and acrylic. The production is based on the innovative technology with the use of modern machines and the permanent co-operation with the Textile Research Institute. Projects are created by our own designers. Currently, we have 650 patterns and each of them can be produced in the rich scale of colours. We guarantee the repeatability of colours and patterns. We possess appropriate quality certificates and give two-year guarantee on the fabrics. 197 ZAKŁAD PRZEMYSŁU DZIEWIARSKIEGO MTL MARCINIAK SP.J. ul. długa 2 20-346 lublin +48 81 443 17 01 +48 81 443 17 02 ms. magdalena marciniak assistant +48 510 230 392 TEXTILES, SHOES ms. liliana marciniak co-owner +48 502 503 688 198 MTL company has been specializing in the production of knitwear, mainly sweaters since 1990. Our production facility is equipped with flat-knitting CMS machines by STOLL with E-5, E-7, E-10 needles. We produce fully fashionable fabrics as well as seamless products in the knit & wear technology using CMS 5.2 machines. We have our own design propositions. Moreover, we may produce sweaters according to designs provided by the client. There is an exclusive possibility to contract certain models. Our company produces tens of thousands of products each year. The whole production process is held exclusively in Poland. Date of establishment of the company: 1990 Number of employees: 50 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Knitwear. Wanted business partners: Wholesalers. ADECCO POLAND SP. Z O.O. ul. peowiaków 10/1 20-007 lublin +48 81 532 33 66 +48 81 531 87 10 mr. grzegorz banach branch manager +48 81 532 33 66 ms. beata bąk recruitment specialist +48 723 193 100 Date of establishment of the company: We have been present in Poland since 1994 (the branch in Lublin – since 2004). Number of employees: The branch in Lublin has 8 employees. For our customers, we employ more than 300 temporary workers. Type of activity (producer/distributor): Adecco is the world’s leading provider of HR solutions. Offered products/services: The company offers foreign solutions with regard to: · Recruitment and selection of permanent staff, · Recruitment of temporary staff, · Outsourcing of functions in the field of personnel management, · Direct search for key professionals, managers and executives (Direct & Executive Search), · Support of staff through the office located at the customer’s premises (On-site Management), · International Recruitment, · The review and evaluation of candidates (Assessment Center), · Assessment of the employees, determining the potential and direction of development (Development Center), · Outplacement program, · Advice on human resources, · Management and coordination with other personnel providers (Master Vendoring), · Testing the employee prior the employment on a permanent basis (Try & Hire), · Manual and online testing. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: In 2010, 2011 and 2012 Adecco Poland took the first place in the ‘Book of Lists’ ranking of Warsaw Business Journal magazine in terms of Selection & Recruitment. In 2010 and 2011 Adecco Poland took the first place also in terms of Executive Search Services. In 2011 and 2012, Adecco Poland was awarded the title ‘Pearl of Polish Economy’ in the ranking of Polish companies prepared by an economic magazine Polish Market in cooperation with the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Science in the category ‘Big Pearls’. In 2005 and 2006, Adecco Poland received ‘Gazele Biznesu’ award, thus joining the club of the most dynamically developing companies in Poland. We also received a gold emblem called ‘Laur Klienta’ in 2005, 2006 and 2007 in the category of Human Resources, awarded by the clients. Wanted business partners: We want to cooperate with new investors in Lublin in the recruitment and selection of permanent staff and recruitment of temporary staff as well as with other companies seeking employees in the province of Lublin. SERVICES We have opened over 50 temporary and permanent employment offices and on-site facilities. Our local representatives operate close to our large clients, in nearly 30 cities on the territory of our country. Thanks to this expansion, the employers and potential employees have an easy access to our services. To meet our customers’ expectations, we offer a full range of services and the best practices. We always look for an individual approach to each client because we treat human resources as the greatest good of the company. We offer help and advice in the field of Human Resources and we guarantee that we will execute any order. 203 AGENCJA „RAKI” ROBERT PŁYWACZ ul. inżynierska 3 20-486 lublin +48 607 263 419 +48 81 745 77 55 SERVICES mr. robert pływacz owner +48 607 263 419 204 The company’s offer is addressed to modern businesses who care both about their employees and partners. Own technical facilities and experienced staff provide efficient preparation and conduct of each event. We put special emphasis on the attractions for the little ones. These include: pneumatic attractions (inflatable slides, castles, dry pools, playgrounds) or mechanical ones such as: Eurobungy, trampolines, carousel floor, electric cars, rodeo bull, a wide range of animation activities (painting faces, bambonada, klockolandia (related to bricks), colourful parachutes, gypsum figurines, etc.) and the organization of interesting fictional playgrounds. Theme events are one of our proposals for the organization of interesting and fun events, picnics or meetings with contractors. Interesting scenarios, an unconventional approach to each topic, professional organization and operation of each event are the elements that distinguish the company. Date of establishment of the company: 1996 Number of employees: 5 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Services. Offered products/services: Organization and operation of stage events, promotion and advertising. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. AGENCJA ROZWOJU LOKALNEGO SP. Z O.O. rynek 7 20-111 lublin +48 82 576 17 29 +48 82 576 17 29 ms. dorota sawa-niećko president of the board +48 512 304 381 mr. jakub podgórski junior training specialist +48 82 576 17 29 Date of establishment of the company: 22.11.2002 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Organization of study visits, trips, trainings, conferences. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Europe, the USA, Canada. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001, ‘Rzetelna Firma’ and ‘Złoty Certyfikat Rzetelności’ certificates. Wanted business partners: Exhibitors, visitors, event agencies, tour oprators. SERVICES Agencja Rozwoju Lokalnego Sp. z o.o. (EN: Local Development Agency LLC) is a training and consulting company which was set up in 2002. Recently, the core business of the company is the organization of study visits and trainings in various European countries, the United States and Canada. The company has an extensive experience in comprehensive organization of conferences, study visits in Poland and abroad and organizing visits of foreign individual business partners and journalists. We have executed contracts associated with the preparation and service of professional internships for young people for several years. 205 AGPOL SP. Z O.O. energetyków 24 20-468 lublin +48 81 441 86 71 +48 81 441 83 12 +48 81 448 08 47 We help the customers with any customs formalities. We prepare the export/import/transit documents. We represent the company before the Customs Office, The State of Phytosanitary Inspection and The State of Veterinary Inspection. We provide bail before the Customs Office. We consult customs matters with the Customs Office. We invite to our offices in Lublin, Chełm, Dorohusk and Korczowa. mr. jakub marcyniuk president +48 609 445 004 SERVICES ms. jolanta sykuła customs agent +48 81 441 86 71 206 Date of establishment of the company: 2007 Number of employees: 9 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Services. Offered products/services: Customs Services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: The European Union, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Turkey. Countries from which the products are imported: The European Union, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Turkey. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Authorized Economic Operator (AEO). Wanted business partners: Exporters/importers/transit companies. Other information: Customs export-import documentation, clients representation before the Customs Office. ART-BRUK MONIKA CHOŁODY miłocin 40a 24-150 nałęczów +48 501 512 817 +48 81 533 20 03 mr. piotr chołody director +48 501 512 817 ms. ewelina skiba manager +48 514 173 233 Date of establishment of the company: 14.08.2006 Number of employees: 19 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Service provider. Offered products/services: Construction services (specialized in cobblestone). Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO: 9001: 2008. SERVICES Art-bruk is a company which is involved in a variety of construction works ranging from laying cobblestone, road works, deconstruction, electric works, debris transport to sanitary works. Long experience, professional tools and machines and an individual approach to every project are the standards we employ in our activities. The company also offers professional advice and helps our customers to design and apply practical solutions. Art-bruk specializes in cobblestone laying. We offer a range of quality materials in numerous colours and styles as well as refurbishment accessories. Our company cooperates with leading manufactures and market leaders in our region (Lublin, Puławy, Świdnik). Our staff are highly qualified and experienced. We own specialist equipment. Art-bruk is fully committed to any project we undertake. Our motto is a professional approach to what we do. Art-bruk is also involved in executing the EU co-funded projects. In 2013 we implemented two projects and received funding within the Lublin Voivodship Regional Operation Programme 2007–2013. They were both aimed at increasing competitiveness in the business area we operate as well as broadening the scope of our services. 207 ART & DECO POŻAROWSKI WALDEMAR ul. 11 listopada 21 21-400 łuków +48 693 060 925 interiors: gardens: artdeco.ogrody@gmail. com mr. waldemar pożarowski manager +48 607 373 322 ART & DECO creates interior and garden designs. The professional team designs and implements interior project designs for demanding investors who appreciate originally designed solutions, pay attention to aesthetics of form and high quality detail. We prepare office design offers, projects in the field of landscape architecture related to the shaping of human living space with the use of vegetation, water and architectural elements, including many factors giving special character to the surrounding landscape. SERVICES mr. kamil brzozowski sales manager +48 693 060 925 208 Date of establishment of the company: 1998 Number of employees: 6 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor of building materials. Offered products/services: INTERIOR DESIGN: a set of flat, dimensioned and described design, specification of the price and quantity of materials, projections of selected walls, niches and platforms with the axes of sanitary facilities, location and possible radiator heating zones, plan floors and plinths with a list of materials, 3D visualizations. GARDEN DESIGN: conceptual garden designs, projects of greenery around companies and institutions, catalogue and care method for the proposed vegetation. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Europe. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Certificates confirming authorized sale of building, hydraulic and electric industry products. Wanted business partners: Businesses and individual recipients of materials and services related to interior and gardens finishing. Other information: ART & DECO creates the surrounding area which should be perfectly composed, so that each day we can function, work or relax, have a sense cohesion of the composition, everything must be not only functional but should also trigger higher emotions, a sense of aesthetics and beauty. ASSA SP. Z O.O. ASSA Sp. z o.o. is a young company but employs professional staff with extensive experience in foreign trade. We work professionally, quickly and offer competitive prices. We offer customised services (EX-1,IM,C.TIR,T1,CME, Certicate of origin), storage, bonded storage, sorting, repacking, labelling services. ul. hutnicza 3 22-100 chełm +48 82 564 33 21 +48 82 564 33 21 mrs. marzena sawa customs agent +48 605 053 311 Date of establishment of the company: 2012 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Services related to foreign trade: Customs Agency, shipping, customs warehouse. Offered products/services: Advice and customs services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Worldwide. Countries from which the products are imported: Worldwide. Wanted business partners: We are interested in cooperation with importers, exporters and shipping companies. SERVICES mrs. ilona kazimierczak forwarder +48 601 169 886 209 BIALCON CLUB ul. celników polskich 14 21-500 biała podlaska +48 691 659 007 +48 83 344 34 52 SERVICES ms. anna baraniuk head waiter +48 691 659 007 210 Bialcon Club is a perfect place to organize a party, a conference, a training course or a wedding reception. Situated in Biała Podlaska, the place lies in a very convenient distance from the National Road No. 2, which is a part of the European highway E30. The Club building has a large banqueting hall of approximately 250 square metres and accommodates up to 120 people. There is also an additional conference hall which accommodates 60 people and can be converted into another banqueting hall. Bialcon Club adjusts its catering services to the occasion and guests’ individual needs, which guarantees success during a meeting, a conference or a reception. Date of establishment of the company: 2010 Number of employees: 3 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Service provider. Offered products/services: We provide catering services, organize meetings, conferences, training courses, wedding receptions and other celebrations. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Certificate of the Polish Bartenders Association. Wanted business partners: Business and private customers who wish to organize a meeting, conference, a wedding reception or another celebration. BIZNESKLASA PAWEŁ DURKA krokusowa 5/24 24-320 poniatowa +48 516 636 339 mr. paweł durka owner +48 516 636 339 Date of establishment of the company: 01.10.2007 Number of employees: 1 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Advertising materials (clothes, tools, printing materials etc.), marketing services (events, website creation, Internet advertising, hosting). Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland, Holland, Hungary, Germany, China. Wanted business partners: Providers and recipients of promotional materials. SERVICES The company has been in the B2B segment since 2007. It offers all kinds of advertising materials – from small gadgets (pens, key rings, lanyards, t-shirts, mugs, hats, small tools, flashlights, umbrellas etc.) to professional tools and exclusive gifts (leather goods, clothing, stationery sets, electronics). We also organize trainings, integration meetings and thematic conferences (with musicals, hostesses and other attractions). We also provide services and advertising (Internet advertising, leaflets, brochures, catalogues, business cards, calendars, websites, hostesses etc.). We invite you to cooperate with both the suppliers as well as customers. 211 BRAD HR SERVICES okopowa 20 ap. 3 20-022 lublin +48 81 460 28 41 +48 81 460 28 41 ms. barbara szymuś executive and direct marketing manager +48 693 953 659 SERVICES mr. konrad konefał managing director +48 888 082 266 212 Brad HR Services is a group of experts in accountancy, payroll systems and recruitment. We provide full accountancy, personnel and payroll management services. We specialize in outsourcing of HR administration. We support start-up companies in the process of entering the local market. We help to choose the form of taxation, take over all duties related to accountancy, organization and maintenance. We also specialize in recruitment. We provide the best candidates with regard to specific needs of each client and position. We have successfully placed specialists and managers in production, FMCG and IT sectors. We use direct search methods in order to reach and encourage the best employees to change their workplace. Our mission is to provide the highest quality services and support tools for both small companies and big corporations. Date of establishment of the company: 31.08.2012 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Service provider. Offered products/services: Recruitment, Executive Search, Direct Search, Assessment, Outplacement, HR Administration, Accounting Service, Personnel and Payroll Services, Personal Data Administration. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Ukraine. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Wanted business partners: Small, medium and large businesses, manufacturing and services. COMERNET SP. Z O.O. Date of establishment of the company: 2000 Number of employees: 21 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Job-printing. Certyfikaty, ISO, nagrody: ISO 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: Publishing house, advertising agency. ul. ceramiczna 24 +48 81 452 91 21 +48 81 452 91 23 ms. dorota przychodzeń chairman of the board +48 81 452 91 22 mr. marcin przychodzeń managing director +48 81 452 91 21 SERVICES Comernet printing house was founded in 2000 in Lublin. We provide a wide range of printing services. We focus our business on job-printing. Highly specialized staff are available to our customers. We advise what materials should be used and how to place an order. Thanks to our experienced crew and modern printing machines, we guarantee the high quality at an affordable price. The trust we are endowed by our customers is a proof of the highest integrity and perfection. We deliver technologically advanced printing products offering competitive prices. 213 CONSULTOR SP. Z O.O. ul. droga męczenników majdanka 74 20-325 lublin +48 81 745 41 91 +48 81 745 41 92 mr. grzegorz jaroszek chairman of the management board/ owner +48 512 375 427 SERVICES ms. magdalena kozak management board assistant +48 509 897 890 214 CONSULTOR Sp. z o.o. is a training-advisory company continuously in business since 1988. Consultor has strongly positioned itself on the local and national job market in the fields of training activity, job placement services and the personnel consultancy. The company operates in the entire country. It has got 16 regional offices in Poland. Consultor owns registered Private Institution of Lifelong Learning and Employment Agency in Poland and abroad. The company also implemented the ISO 9001 quality management system. The mission of our company is to counteract unemployment amongst Polish citizens and to support companies in creating the optimal personnel policy. We implement our goals due to trainings for the unemployed, the employed, the ones at risk of losing a job and those socially excluded, which are financed from the European funds. Our practical trainings are confirmed by certificates, consistent with MEN regulations and based on interactive learning methods. Moreover, we organize commercial trainings. Consultor conducts trainings for companies which enable them to upgrade employees’ skills. These programmes are aimed at companies which are interested in acquiring new skills or qualifications by their employees and institutions ordering tailored trainings for their employees. Our company provides the following services which support the entire process of formal education: competency and the ‘learning for life’ strategy (Lifelong Learning). Date of establishment of the company: 1988 Number of employees: We employ 70 employees across the country. Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer/Services. Offered products/services: Services: the trainings and certification of competencies, the trainings financed from the European Union founds, commercial trainings, personnel consultancy, employment agency (employment consulting, HR consultancy, job placement service). Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: We are looking for new partnership opportunities across Europe to develop co-operation in the field of education. DAKRO SP. Z O.O. Dakro Sp. z o.o. is a well-known company in our region. We started up in 1992. At first we specialized in installing towbars like Westphalia, Auto-Hak Słupsk, Steinhof, Galia, Bosal, Brink (Thule) but now we can help you with turbochargers, trailers, off-road accessories, roofracks etc. If you have any problem with your car, we will try to help you. Our mission is to provide full service to clients. Each of them is treated in a special way. We spend as much time as it is needed to give them the best advice and explain any unknown thing about our products. ul. nałęczowska 73 20-701 lublin +48 509 491 530 +48 81 721 52 17 mr. krzysztof kasperek director +48 509 170 800 Date of establishment of the company: June 2009 Number of employees: 5 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Towbars, off-road accessories, railers, roofracks. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. SERVICES mr. adam bielinski turbo supervisor +48 570 570 525 215 DWÓR SANNA wierzchowiska drugie 163 23-310 modliborzyce +48 15 871 61 53 +48 606 112 473 +48 15 871 61 53 SERVICES ms. paulina widz manager +48 696 031 312 216 The Sanna Manor is a luxury building located in a historical park in the picturesque town of Wierzchowiska Drugie – (Modliborzyce commune, about 58 km from Lublin, 80 km from Zamość and 100 km from Rzeszów). There are fish ponds – ideal for angling enthusiasts in the park and the areas around the Manor feature more than 3.5km of walking paths, ideal for people who enjoy Nordic Walking. The Manor dates back to the second half of the 19th century. The present shape of the building was given by its last owners – the Świda family in 1922. Currently, the Manor offers 13 comfortable, spacious, airconditioned rooms. The facility also has a conference and banqueting hall, equipped with wireless Internet access, air conditioning, high class conference and audio-video equipment. The hall gives an opportunity to arrange both small meetings or banquets as well as conferences and trainings for as much as 110 people. Admirers of original flavours are welcome to visit our exquisite restaurant, offering a rich menu and an extraordinary atmosphere, which guarantees relaxation in comfortable environment. The adjacent restaurant complex is famous in the area for delicacies of excellent old Polish and European cuisine. The mastery of the chef, excellent manner of serving dishes and particular aura of this place will make even the most demanding guests develop a taste for regional culinary delicacies. Date of establishment of the company: 2011 Number of employees: 15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Hotel services/restaurant services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ‘Laur konserwatorski 2012’ award, ‘Złoty standard w obsłudze klienta’ award, 2nd place in a competition ‘Hotel z Pomysłem 2012’, 1st place in a competition ‘Hotel z Pomysłem 2013 ‘Najlepszy Hotel Poza Miastem’. EUROPA S.A. krakowskie przedmieście 29 20-002 lublin +48 81 535 03 03 +48 81 535 03 04 ms. marta adamiak chief executive officer +48 81 535 03 00 ms. aleksandra smyk-kotlarz head of marketing department +48 81 535 03 34 Date of establishment of the company: 28th June 2001 Number of employees: 40 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Hotel services. Offered products/services: Accommodation, dining and conference services. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: European medal for the best service, Certificate of Safety, ‘Simply The Best’ award. Wanted business partners: Tour operators, travel agencies, businessmen, investors. SERVICES The four-star Europa Hotel is located in the very centre of Lublin. It is one of the most luxurious hotels in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. The hotel is an excellent haven both for those who travel on business and for those interested in sightseeing in the city and beyond. The hotel offers to its guests comfortable rooms, conference halls and European cuisine. The Europa Hotel has 73 comfortably furnished rooms and 2 exclusive presidential suites. The facilities available in the hotel include: • restaurant, • aperitif bar, • Bohema Club, • 2 presidential suites, • car park, • sales department, • safe, • facilities for the disabled, • SPA, The hotel organizes conferences, catering, banquets and other events. 217 GIEŁDA EVENTÓW ELZBIETA FIJOŁEK zana 11a 20-601 lublin +48 510 911 975 ms. elżbieta fijołek founder +48 510 911 975 SERVICES ms. magdalena klaja marketing specialist +48 504 046 703 218 Giełda Eventów ( is a service which promotes valuable local events and partners supporting them. There are sponsors – companies and institutions that actively participate in various local and national initiatives. Due to support they stand out from other entities and care about their current and potential customers in a special way – helping them and building relationships. The participants of the service are people aged 20–40, active, looking for information about interesting novelties, events and businesses. We assist in events sponsoring while promoting sponsors’ brands during regular meetings of local businesses. Date of establishment of the company: 7.05.2012 Number of employees: 2 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Services. Offered products/services: Business associations, marketing, sponsoring, events’ web portal, advertising. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Wanted business partners: All kinds of businesses. GOŚCINIEC MAGNAT kalinowice 187 22-400 zamość +48 84 616 70 20 +48 846 16 70 20 mr. józef demendecki owner +48 790 899 779 ms. iwona łagowska director +48 512 344 630 Date of establishment of the company: 1999 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Services. Offered products/services: Hotel/restaurant/events/catering services, training and conferences, guided tours, wedding receptions. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: None /Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: None/Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Regional Chamber of Commerce in Lublin award as ‘Provincial Leader of the Best Dish’. Wanted business partners: Travel agencies, event organizers, businesses and individuals interested in organizing accommodation, training, conferences and wedding receptions. Other information: Located on the road No. 17 from Warsaw to Lvov (Ukraine), BUS parking. SERVICES Goścniec Magnat is a perfect place to organize a party, a conference, a training or a wedding or to rest in one of our rooms after the event. This unique place near Zamość, in the heart of the picturesque region of Roztocze, ensures a comfortable stay. We have 8 banqueting rooms and a guest house, a hotel, and another family-friendly guest house is 25 km away. We have the opportunity to receive up to 300 people. A large area surrounding Gościniec Magnat provides space to park 200 cars or buses. Our guests can spend their free time taking part in guided tours, a barbecue, fireplace events and any other events according to their needs. We invite you to taste our delicious regional cuisine and take advantage of a wide range of our services. Each guest is welcome. 219 GRUPA HOTELI WAM SP. Z O.O. hotel huzar in lublin ul. spadochroniarzy 9 20-043 lublin +48 81 533 05 36 +48 81 533 05 36 SERVICES mr. michał gontarczyk hotel manager +48 81 533 05 36 220 The Huzar*** Hotel offers a wide range of hotel and conference services, which makes it stands out from other Lublin hotels. The hotel has 128 rooms. We offer bright, spacious rooms and modern conference and training facilities. Each room has satellite TV, free high-speed Internet connection and a fixed telephone line. You will feel at home thanks to coffee and tea making facilities in the rooms. The hotel has the restaurant serving various kinds of food. Our hotel in Lublin is located in a quiet area of the city centre with easy access to all tourist attractions. The hotel is located about 15 km from the new Lublin Airport. Date of establishment of the company: 1982 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): ***Hotel. Offered products/services: Accommodation, Food&Beverages. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Wanted business partners: Travel agencies, hotels. HAIRDRESSING SALONS AKADEMIA WIZERUNKU ul. zana 32b 20-601 lublin ch plaza ul. lipowa 13 20-024 lublin galeria venus ul. wyszyńskiego 17 20-040 świdnik +48 519 194 804 ms. anna tworek manager Date of establishment of the company: 1996.04.02 Number of employees: 15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Hairdressing and cosmetics services. Offered products/services: Woman’s and man’s haircut, styling hair, perm, hair care, hair treatment, coloring hair, makeup, manicure, pedicure, henna, facials and many more. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Certificates: ‘Kérastase salon 2014’ and ‘Salon Expert 2014 L’Oreal Professionnel’. Wanted business partners: Individual clients. Other information: We have got 4 salons: 2 in Lublin, Świdnik and Puławy. SERVICES Hairdressing salons ‘Akademia Wizerunku’ are a part of a prestigious group of salons working with L’Oréal Professionel brand. It is here where professionalism, attention to customers’ needs and the highest quality of service blend. Hair stylists work only with professional cosmetics and ensure that the hair from the scalp to the ends is properly manicured and well cared for. Akademia Wizerunku has the prestigious ‘Kérastase salon’ certificate and the title ‘Salon Expert’ released by L’Oreal Professionnel – awarded annually to the top class salons in Poland. In Akademia Wizerunku you can use the following hairdressing services: woman’s and man’s haircut, styling hair, perm, hair care, hair treatment, colouring and also such cosmetic services as: makeup, manicure, pedicure, henna, facials and many more. 221 HOTEL - RESTAURACJA JEDLINA motycz 331 21-030 motycz +48 81 503 19 19 +48 81 503 10 12 mr. konrad jedlina owner/director +48 601 273 025 SERVICES mr. darek jedlina president +48 601 272 625 222 The Jedlina Hotel is an intimate, family-run hotel surrounded by landscaped garden. It enjoys a quiet, hilltop location in the village of Motycz, 8 kilometres from Lublin. The Jedlina Hotel offers spacious and functional accommodation and a restaurant which serves traditional Polish and European cuisine. At the end of a busy day, you can enjoy your favourite drink in the cosy atmosphere of the bar or in the summertime go outside and relax on the terrace. Free private parking, free Wi-Fi and free continental breakfast are all at your disposal at the Jedlina Hotel. The whole area is monitored and protected 24/7. With meeting and function rooms as well as a wide range of recreational activities, the hotel is also a great place to organize meetings, training programmes and social events. Date of establishment of the company: 1998 r. Number of employees: 5 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Services. Offered products/services: Accommodation and gastronomy. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: No limits. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: 3-Star hotel. Wanted business partners: No limits. HOTEL CARSKIE KOSZARY Date of establishment of the company: August 2010 Number of employees: 12 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Hotel industry. Offered products/services: Accommodation and restaurant services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: All. Wanted business partners: Travel agencies, hotel websites. ul. koszary 11 22-400 zamość +48 84 530 39 12 +48 84 530 39 13 mr. stanisław borodziuk marketing & pr specialist +48 604 491 016 SERVICES ‘Carskie Koszary’ Hotel is a new 3-star hotel in Zamość situated among old trees/nature monuments/ in the historic building of the former tsarist barracks. We offer 50 accommodation places in the comfortable and stylish interior of ‘Carskie Koszary’ Hotel. Modern and elegantly decorated rooms with en-suite bathrooms, satellite TV, telephones and Internet access. Holiday stays, business meetings, training seminars, banquets, integration parties, wedding receptions and many others can be organized at the hotel. ‘Carskie Koszary’ Restaurant offers traditional Polish cuisine enriched with dishes from Russian and Ukrainian cuisine. In the summer, guests are also catered for in the restaurant garden. The service is provided in Polish, English and Russian. 223 HOTEL KRÓLEWSKI ul. turystyczna 14 23-300 janów lubelski +48 15 872 49 99 +48 15 872 49 98 www.hotelkrolewski. biuro@hotelkrolewski. SERVICES mr. łukasz flis director +48 694 432 882 224 The Królewski Hotel in Janów Lubelski provides a restaurant and hotel services. We organize all types of meetings, namely: business meetings, weddings, banquets, symposia, conferences, professional trainings, active leisure. We are situated near a lake in a beautiful place of Lasy Janowskie landscaped park. The hotel is a recognizable trade mark in Poland. Our professional attitude towards our guests guarantees a delightful stay in the hotel and success in business. We offer: – 23 luxury rooms – 2 banqueting halls – one boardroom with professional audio-visual equipment for business meetings – a stylish luxury restaurant serving traditional Polish dishes. Date of establishment of the company: 2008 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Services. Offered products/services: Hotel services, restaurant services, organization of holiday, business meetings, active recreation. HOTEL PAŁAC CIELEŚNICA cieleśnica 22 21-504 rokitno +48 887 777 667 +48 83 344 34 52 ms. aleksandra żylik marketing specialist +48 601 316 916 Date of establishment of the company: 2013 Number of employees: 8 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Provider of hotel and catering services. Offered products/services: The hotel offers accommodation and catering services; organizes meetings, conferences, training courses, wedding receptions and other celebrations. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: services available to customers from all over the world. Wanted business partners: All businesses and private customers who wish to relax, organize a meeting, a wedding reception or another celebration are welcomed. Other information: A four-star hotel with a restaurant, spa services, conference rooms, a cinema room and many other attractions; situated in a magnificent green area with gardens and a historic scenic park with a pond. SERVICES Cielesnica Palace is a classical palace built in 1835 and recently renovated to be opened as a hotel and a restaurant. Surrounded by a scenic park with a pond, the hotel can accommodate up to 30 guests offering 10 comfortable rooms. Hotel guests can benefit from different forms of relaxation and entertainment such as: taking advantage of Relaxation Zone with a steam bath, a private cinema room, and a club room with a library. Additionally, our hotel restaurant provides enough space to organize conferences, business meetings, celebrations and wedding receptions for up to 80 guests. The hotel is situated in close proximity to Janów Podlaski and numerous other tourist attractions of the picturesque Podlasie Region. The location amongst the beauties of nature and away from hustle and bustle of the city life guarantees a comfortable stay in tranquil and scenic environment. 225 HOTEL RESTAURACJA BROWAR LWÓW SERVICES ul. bronowicka 2 20-301 lublin +48 81 745 57 09 +48 81 745 57 09 226 The intimate hotel located on the outskirts of Lublin (15 minute walk from the city centre). The building is located next to the park and the river. The hotel is conveniently located – only a few minutes from the bus station and the railway station. We have 34 en-suite rooms equipped with full bathroom facilities, with access to wireless Internet, satellite TV and free monitored car park. The restaurant ‘Lion Brewery’ boasts of extremely atmospheric location for connoisseurs of sophisticated taste of the amber beverage. This unique place offers unique products – unpasteurized, freshly brewed beer in four flavours. Unforgettable freshness, a taste of saturated distinct aroma of noble hops and bitterness make our beers unique. The original atmosphere of ‘Lion Brewery’ is enhanced by the unique taste sensations which stimulate appetite. Then, you can only try a great variety of aromatic Polish and Ukrainian dishes. Date of establishment of the company: 2005 Number of employees: 15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Hotel, restaurant. Offered products/services: Accommodation, restaurant, beer. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. HOTEL SENATOR*** rynek solny 4 22-400 zamość +48 84 638 99 90 +48 84 638 76 13 ms. aleksandra paszt owner +48 84 638 99 90 ms. agnieszka mogielnicka-pachla director +48 84 638 99 90 Date of establishment of the company: 2001 Number of employees: 12 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Hotel accommodation services; restaurant; catering; conferences; tourist Information; services for the group of tourists; wedding receptions; company events. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Worldwide services. Wanted business partners: Travel agencies and booking sites worldwide. Other information: 23 rooms, including 56 beds, traditional restaurant serving Polish cuisine, 2 conference rooms, free WI-FI, credit card payment, free car park & secure car park, facilities for disabled, pet friendly. SERVICES We are pleased to invite you to the Senator Hotel, a true pearl among all other hotels in Zamość – ‘The Pearl of the Renaissance’. Our period styled hotel is located in historical buildings dating back to the sixteenth century. It is situated in the heart of the Old Town; adjacent to one of the most beautiful 16th century European squares. Elegant rooms and suites, award winning cuisine, hospitable atmosphere and friendly staff all combine to ensure you have a highly enjoyable and memorable stay. We offer you charming, stylish and comfortably furnished rooms, refined to the smallest detail, perfect for both work and rest. Staying at the Senator Hotel you are sure to find your space where, after a long day, you will relax in soft candlelight, accompanied by music, delicious meals and excellent wines from all over the world. 227 TECHNOLOGICZNY MARKIZ SP. Z O.O. dobrzańskiego 1 20-262 lublin +48 81 440 88 66 +48 81 759 24 28 SERVICES ms. aleksandra gańska incubator coordinator +48 81 440 88 66 228 Technology Incubator is a place which creates convenient atmosphere for the development and implementation of innovative business ideas. Our offer is addressed to companies from the information technology, telecommunications, ICT, biotechnology, optoelectronics and environmental protection sectors. We help new businesses, providing rental of the office space on favorable terms, the use of free advice as well as training and conference rooms and free trainings. We also provide Virtual Office services, rental of open space and trainings and conference rooms. Date of establishment of the company: 29.07.2011 Number of employees: 9 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Technology Incubator in Lublin works in the field of science and business. Offered products/services: Technology Incubator provides assistance to companies assumed as novice traders. This help includes: preferential rental terms for those renting office space along with appropriate infrastructure, access to expertly furnished rooms, mentoring, technical assistance in law, marketing, finance and accounting, access to training and meeting rooms. Moreover, all entrepreneurs have access to a virtual office that is able to register their own company at Technology Incubator. It also provides a wide range of other services for businesses and individuals eg.: access to open space areas within the service ‘Coworking’ and ‘Microoffice’. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: We work with organizations to facilitate business on the territory of Ukraine and Belarus. Countries from which the products are imported: Technology Incubator in Lublin cooperates with foreign partners in the framework of cross-border and international projects, which provides the exchange of good practices and experiences related to services. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: Science and Technology Parks, Incubators, Clusters, NGOs working in the field of science and businesses interested in working in the provinces of Lublin in order to create international and cross-border projects. INTROGRAF LUBLIN S.A. ul. vetterów 22 20-277 lublin +48 81 464 21 00 +48 81 464 21 01 ms. emilia samardakiewicz marketing specialist +48 81 464 21 23 ms. joanna malec key account manager +48 81 464 21 99 Date of establishment of the company: 1997 Number of employees: 205 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer. Offered products/services: Printed folding cartons and leaflets for pharmaceutical, cosmetics and FMGC industries. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Finland. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Slovenia, Finland, the Czech Republic. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 15378:2007, ISO 9001:2008, FSC®, GMP. Wanted business partners: Companies that operate in pharmaceutical, cosmetics and FMGC industries. SERVICES Intrograf Lublin S.A. was established in 1997. Our core business is production of solid cardboard boxes and leaflets for companies that operate in pharmaceutical, cosmetics and FMCG industries. We are specialists in embossing Braille. Currently we emboss Braille on more than 60 folding cartons for more than 20 pharmaceutical companies Intrograf Lublin is a fast growing company. In 2014 we opened our new factory in Special Economic Zone in Lublin. We also increased employment form 162 employees in 2013 up to 205 employees in April 2014. Our company offers high quality products. That is why in 2004 we introduced ISO 9001 Quality Control System. In May 2011 we obtained ISO 15378 with GMP – a special certificate for the production of medical assortment. We also have FSC® certificate. 229 KDM DARIUSZ MAZUR ul. kolejowa 16 05-816 michałowice poland +48 22 499 46 80 +48 22 499 46 81 mr. dariusz mazur owner +48 603 300 610 SERVICES mr. klaudiusz rosiński service manager +48 609 120 657 230 The company KDM Dariusz Mazur was founded 15 years ago. Primarily we focused on the introduction of new technologies and machines in the field of geotechnical and water engineering and deep foundations. We are a dealar of European and world manufacturers of machines and equipment: • vibro hammers • excavator mounted vibro hammers • hydraulic pressing • piling and drilling rigs with tools • hydraulic hammers • multi – purpose drilling rigs • high – pressure pumps • mixers and batching plants for cement slurries • drilling equipment Our activities include: • sale of brand new machinery and equipment • sale of used equipment • rental of a wide range of equipment • service of specialized equipment • technical support on equipment and technology • subcontracting services Date of establishment of the company: 1999.01.04 Number of employees: 20 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Sale, rental and service of specialized equipment for geotechnical and water engineering and deep foundations. Vibro hammers, excavator mounted vibro hammers, hydraulic pressing machines piling and drilling rigs with accessories, hydraulic hammers, multi - purpose drilling rigs, high - pressure pumps, mixers and batching plants for cement slurries, drilling tools. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Europe. Countries from which the products are imported: The Netherlands, England, Japan, Italy, Turkey. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001 Company in process of obtaining a certificate Wanted business partners: Companies providing products that may extend our offer in the above field of activity. LUXMED MEDICAL CENTER SP. Z O.O. radziwiłłowska 5 street 20-080 lublin +48 81 532 37 11 +48 81 536 16 87 mr. mirosław jakubczak chairman +48 81 532 37 11 Date of establishment of the company: 1992 Number of employees: 997 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Medical Centre. Offered products/services: Specialist clinics, laboratory tests, X-ray labs, ultrasonography, endoscopy, occupational medicine, rehabilitation, prophylactic vaccinations, stomatology. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: PN-EN ISO 9001:2009. Wanted business partners: Individuals, companies, medical equipment suppliers. SERVICES Luxmed Medical Centre is a leading company in the Lublin province providing a wide range of medical services such as: specialist clinics, stomatology, laboratory testing, ultrasonography, X-ray, rehabilitation, endoscopy and surgical procedures. Our facilities also offer services concerning occupational medicine, travel and sport. CM Luxmed addresses its services to individual patients as well as to companies in form of subscriptions for medical care. Patients are provided with innovative tools, such as: receiving test results and on-line registration. Currently, the company has facilities in Lublin, Chełm, Kraśnik, Krasnystaw, Biłgoraj and Zamość. 231 MEDICAL CENTER ORTO-OPTYMIST jana sawy 9 lokal 2 +48 669 223 292 +48 81 473 25 20 SERVICES ms. aneta hernas manager 232 The Medical Center ORTHO-OPTIMIST has provided medical care in the field of orthodontics, dentistry, orthopedics, rehabilitation and sports medicine since 24th September 2011. Center staff are a team of active people familiar with specific medical care for active people. We constantly cooperate with leading specialists from different disciplines, which provides optimal effects of our preventive measures and treatments. The Centre focuses on raising workers’ skills and education. We began training activities in 2012. Date of establishment of the company: 2011 Number of employees: 20 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Medical services, dental services. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008. Wanted business partners: Insurance company. MEGATEM EC-LUBLIN SP. Z O.O. ul. mełgiewska 7-9 20-952 lublin poland +48 81 461 37 59 +48 81 461 37 99 ms. monika kuziora ceo assistant +48 81 461 37 59 Date of establishment of the company: 2001 Number of employees: 150 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer of electricity and heat for the city of Lublin. Offered products/services: Thermal energy, electric power. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Certificates: ISO 9001:2008; ISO14001:2004; ‘Fair Play’. ‘Skrzydła Biznesu’ 2010 awards, ‘Gazela Biznesu’ award, ‘Certyfikat Wierzytelności Biznesowej’; ‘Diamenty Forbes 2012’. Prizes: The Economic Prize of President of City Lublin 2013 in category ‘Green Economy’. Wanted business partners: Recipients of thermal energy, fuel suppliers. Other information: Board of Directors: Mr Tadeusz Karczmarczyk – President of the Board Mr Aleksander Kostkowski – Vice-president of the Board. SERVICES Megatem EC – Lublin Sp. z o.o. is the first private heat and power station in Poland. In recent years, the company has been modernized and now it meets all the European Union requirements. Megatem uses combined heat and power (CHP) technology to simultaneously generate electricity and useful heat. Megatem ensures 33% of the thermal energy demand for the city of Lublin. The company pays attention to the importance of environmental protection and uses the modern system for reducing pollution caused by exhaust gas stream. 233 NA ROGATCE HOTEL ul. sielankowa 1 20-802 lublin +48 81 536 00 70 +48 81 536 00 70 ms. iwona zaręba receptionist +48 691 604 641 SERVICES ms. renata mondzelewska receptionist +48 691 604 641 234 Na Rogatce Hotel is situated in Sławinek – a district of Lublin, close to the exit route to Warsaw. It offers 28 rooms, conference rooms, parking space, two dining rooms. The rooms are equipped with a private bathroom with a shower cabin, air conditioning, satellite TV, free Wi-Fi and a workdesk. The restaurant at the hotel serves old Polish and international dishes. Guests can also visit the hotel bar. The conference room can accommodate up to 36 people arranged in theatrical style. Facilities available at the hotel include: • separate rooms and a dining room for smoking, • monitored unguarded parking space, • garage (about 5 cars), • baggage room, • free Wi-Fi, • safe. The hotel organizes conferences, catering, banquets, and other events. Date of establishment of the company: 2004 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Services, provider. Offered products/services: Accommodation, dining, conference service, catering, organization of meetings and celebrations. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: All the countries. Wanted business partners: Tour operators, travel agencies, businessmen, private customers. **** NADBUŻAŃSKI KOMPLEKS WYPOCZYNKOWY The guest house ‘Wschodnia BANIA’ is located in the area of a picturesque landscape park ‘Podlaski Przełom Bugu’ in Eastern Poland, near Zalesie and Terespol. It is in Dobryń Duży 80, neighbouring two sanctuaries: ‘Szwajcaria Podlaska’ and ‘Czapli Stóg’. ‘Wschodnia BANIA’ is adapted to provide active rest, for schools and integration groups up to 30 people. The guest house ‘Wschodnia BANIA’ offers: • a swimming pool & jacuzzi, • a sauna – ‘bania’, • quads, • a barbecue. sadowa 14 21-500 biała podlaska +48 83 342 68 05 +48 83 342 68 06 mr. leszek gawryczuk director +48 692 490 651 +48 83 342 68 05 Date of establishment of the company: 10th November 2011 Number of employees: 5 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Hotel services. Offered products/services: Training / swimming pool / jacuzzi / sauna. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Wanted business partners: Individual clients. SERVICES mr. daniel gawryczuk general manager +48 604 420 347 +48 83 342 68 05 235 PAIZ KONSULTING SP. Z O.O. boczna lubomelskiej st. 20-070 lublin +48 81 533 51 48 +48 81 534 51 59 +48 81 533 51 48 mr. artur mazurek ceo +48 81 533 51 48 +48 81 534 51 59 SERVICES ms. katarzyna mitrut vice-president +48 81 533 51 48 +48 81 534 51 59 236 PAIZ Konsulting Sp. z o.o. has been providing training and consulting services for medium and large enterprises for almost 20 years. To this day almost 10.000 employees from over 900 companies from all over Poland and other European countries have participated in its open trainings and seminars. PAIZ trainers and consultants have designed and delivered custom-made solutions to employees of over 100 companies in the following subject areas: interpersonal skills, sales and customer care, telemarketing, managerial skills, negotiation skills, human resources management and development, time management, train the trainer, quality management. PAIZ is a partner and sole representative in Poland of the international training company WILSON LEARNING, operating in 31 countries worldwide. PAIZ is also a partner and sole representative of the international training company Barnes and Conti in Poland. According to 2000 research by the independent research center DATA GROUP, PAIZ was listed 17 among the most recommended by clients training companies in Poland. In 2002 and 2003 PAIZ received ‘Top Quality Training Deliverer’ awards. Date of establishment of the company: 6.17.1997 Number of employees: 7 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Trainings, consulting services, the EU funded project management. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: In the process of ISO certification, Selling Power top 20 Sales Training Companies, Training Industry 2013 Top Workforce Development Providers, Training Industry 2013, Top Sales Training Providers, Training Industry 2013 Top Leadership Training Providers. Wanted business partners: Medium and large enterprises. Other information: Exclusive representative of Wilson Learning Worldwide in Poland (products, philosophy, licensed trainers, master trainers). Exclusive representative of Barnes & Conti in Poland (products, philosophy, licensed trainers). Commercial and the UE financed programmes. PRACOWNIA USŁUGOWA OCHRONY ŚRODOWISKA KALMAT – MARIAN KALISZUK ul. kruczkowskiego 4 21-500 biała podlaska +48 83 343 60 28 +48 83 343 60 28 mr. marian kaliszuk studio manager +48 601 059 037 +48 83 343 60 28 mr. bartosz kaliszuk measurement specialist +48 504 290 537 Date of establishment of the company: 4th July 1991 Number of employees: 2 Type of activity (producer/distributor): Services. Offered products/services: Drafting and completing of documents required for environmental decision to be obtained, development case studies documents, measure of pollution, accredited services, others. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Polish Accreditation Centre Certificate AB 1291. Wanted business partners: Distributors of products. Recipients of the services from the environmental protection industry, investors. SERVICES Our offer includes: • Documentation required to obtain permission in terms of environmental protection; • Application documentation for obtaining integrated permits; • Application documentation for obtaining permits for emitting dusts and gases into the air; • Documentation needed to get a permit for producing dangerous waste and other type of waste; • Documentation essential for obtaining a decision that authorizes managing of dangerous waste program; • Case studies documentation: • Environment affection report for existing and planned investment undertakings; • Water law statements for getting underground and surface waters; • Waste managing programs; • Overview of environmental installations. 237 PROTEKT NIERUCHOMOŚCI ADAM MIRECKI ul. lipowa 11/2 20-020 lublin +48 81 528 08 27 +48 81 534 46 06 +48 81 528 08 27 Protekt Real Estate Company has been offering specialized and professional services related to selling, renting and leasing property as well as property valuation since 2001. We specialize in commercial real estate and efficiently contribute to the success of our clients. mr. rafał kosieradzki real estate specialist +48 606 101 169 SERVICES mr. grzegorz chwiejczak real estate specialist +48 600 072 806 238 Date of establishment of the company: 2001 Number of employees: 5 Type of activity (producer/distributor): Real Estate Agency. Offered products/services: Advisory, Management, Realtor. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: Recommendations from Polish and international companies. Wanted business partners: Real Estate Investors. PRZYSTANEK KAWĘCZYNEK RESORT, DOROTA KICYK kawęczynek 35 22-470 zwierzyniec +48 781 781 111 mr. mirosław kicyk owner +48 781 781 111 Date of establishment of the company: 1 April 1995 Number of employees: 13 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Catering and food services, hotel services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Wanted business partners: Tourist agencies. SERVICES Przystanek Kawęczynek Resort is located in Kawęczynek, region of Western Roztocze, about 25 km from Zamość. Vast green area of recreational use and comforting quietness are resort’s key assets; perfect conditions for active leisure: walking or biking trips, or a chaise ride. There are also a minizoo, a playground and a special spot designated for campfires. Our facilities include: • restaurant, • hotel: 1, 2, 3, 4 – person rooms (bathroom, TV set and free Wi-Fi Internet access available in each room), • spacious air-conditioned 200-person wedding party hall or conference hall: with a dancing floor, a slide projector, a screen and the sound system, • parking area. The premises are supplied with surveillance camera system. We offer our guests complex food and room service and professional organisation of events for various occasions: • business meetings and conferences, • christening and wedding parties. 239 R USZTOWANIA Chrzanowski al. tysiąclecia państwa polskiego 13 24-110 puławy +48 81 473 13 33 +48 81 473 13 33 biuro@rusztowania www.rusztowania RUSZTOWANIA CHRZANOWSKI ROMAN CHRZAWNOWSKI Assembly, dismantling and renting of scaffolds for the building industry, renovations, power industry. SERVICES mr. roman chrzanowski owner +48 604 483 150 mr. konrad chrzanowski manager +48 661 988 360 240 Date of establishment of the company: 3rd June 1997 Number of employees: 30 Type of activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Assembly, dismantling and renting of scaffolds. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Finland, Austria. Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: ISO 9001:2008, B5 OHSAS 18001:2007. Wanted business partners: Customers interested in the construction of scaffolding. SUKCES SP Z O.O. chemiczna 5c +48 82 565 36 24 +48 82 562 11 13 ms. ewelina bajkiewicz-ufnal secretary +48 603 309 972 ms. ilona kazimierczak air & sea freight forwarder +48 601 169 886 Date of establishment of the company: 2001 Number of employees: 50 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Customs Agency, Shipping Company. Offered products/services: Customs services, warehousing services, shipping services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Ukraine. Countries from which the products are imported: Worldwide. SERVICES SUKCES Sp. z o.o. is a logistics company offering comprehensive services for businesses and individuals engaged in foreign commodities turnover. The result of many years of experience is the widely developed range of logistics services we offer, consisting in sea freight, road freight, air freight, customs services and warehousing of goods. The professionalism of our employees is a guarantee of the highest service quality. By maintaining high standards of customer service we place emphasis on individual approach to a customer, fostering relations based on partnership and reliable access to current information on shipments that we consolidate for Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. We can offer: • storage and warehousing of commodities traded with foreign countries and goods for distribution in the internal market, • sorting, repacking, palletizing, labelling services and consolidation of merchandised goods, • organization of maritime, air and road freight (both domestic and international), • access to a wide variety of railway traction, • our big advantage is the location – small distance to the border between Poland and Ukraine. 241 SYNTEA SA ul. wojciechowska 9a iii piętro 20-704 lublin +48 81 45 21 400 +48 81 45 21 401 mr. bartosz sobotka business development director +48 797 597 909 Syntea SA has been operating in the field of education for over 10 years. Competence and the delivery system including training courses, certification, apprenticeships, internships, practical placements and employment exchange activities allow us to guide our customers, i.e. natural persons, companies, institutions and organisations through the entire education process, starting from analyzing predispositions, delivering training courses, providing career advisory services, organizing vocational practice to finding a job. The system developed by Syntea is compliant with the idea of occupational mobility of employees and adapted to the most crucial directions of the European Union and the global education policy. SERVICES During our activity we have already acquired over 65 mln PLN for implementing local, national and international education projects, trained over 45 000 individuals and issued over 50 000 certificates. Syntea Education Partners includes over 100 public and commercial entities operating in the field of education, advisory services and labour markets in Poland and abroad, especially in East-Central Europe. 242 Date of establishment of the company: 2003 Number of employees: 59 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer/service. Offered products/services: The trainings and certification of competences, interships and placements, employment consulting. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Gerogia. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Ireland, Canada, the USA, France, India, (exams, manulas, licences). Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Microsoft Silver Learning Partner, CDN Comarch Training Partner, Authorized Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Partner Cisco Select Certified Partner, Prometric Examination Center Pearson VUE Examination Center, Certiport Certified Examination Center, Authorized Training Center IATA, Member of Polska Izba Firm Szkoleniowych, Member of the Association of Employment. The quality of services provided by the company is confirmed by ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System certificate. Wanted business partners: Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hunagry, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, Albania, Azerbejian, Turkey. TARGI LUBLIN S.A. dworcowa 11 +48 81 458 15 11 +48 81 532 92 95 mrs. krystyna węclewicz-grajek Chairman of the Board +48 81 458 15 11 Date of establishment of the company: 1999 Number of employees: 35 Offered products/services: Economic, promotion, trade fairs, exhibitions, congresses, branch conferences, other events. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Ukraine, Lithuania, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Recommendation of the Polish Chamber of Fair Industry. Wanted business partners: Exhibitors, visitors, event agencies. SERVICES Targi Lublin S.A. (Trade Fair Lublin JSC) is the only trade fair centre in Eastern Poland. Our fair complex is the best place to carry out fairs, exhibitions, congresses, branch conferences, sports events and other events. The company systematically broadens the scope of fair & exhibition services. Thematic scopes of our fairs and exhibitions include: construction, automotive industry, farming and agriculture, gardening, energetics. Targi Lublin S.A. is a reliable partner for initiating any business and cultural activity. 243 TEZET S.A. ul. puławska 38 20-822 lublin +48 81 740 50 10 +48 81 740 50 11 ms. diana marzęda office manager +48 81 740 50 10 SERVICES ms. renata żarnowska-kobiałka spedition manager +48 81 740 50 02 244 We are a direct importer and one of the largest LPG suppliers in Poland. We have offered professional and comprehensive services in wholesale, deliveries to LPG stations, heating and process systems, distribution of cylinders and professional service for 25 years. We operate a handling terminal, a modern accredited laboratory, our own fleet of road tankers, a professional logistics base. We have implemented the quality management system ISO 9001:2000. We have been awarded the European AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) Certificate which confirms our reliability in the eyes of potential partners worldwide. We rank 500 among largest companies in Poland and 10 largest companies in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. Date of establishment of the company: 1988 Number of employees: 145 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Wholesale of LPG, deliveries to LPG stations, deliveries to heating and process systems, distribution of gas-containing cylinders, technical service. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Commonwealth of Independent States. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008, AEO. Wanted business partners: Suppliers and recipients of liquid gas. THREE-STAR HOTEL DWÓR CHOINY kazimierzówka 11a 21-040 świdnik +48 81 751 55 53 +48 81 751 55 54 ms. bożena choina owner +48 508 107 240 Date of establishment of the company: 2011 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Services. Offered products/services: Hotel services, restaurant services, catering services. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Second place in the competition: V Edycja Konkursu Kulinarnego ‘Myśliwskie Smaki Lubelszczyzny’. SERVICES The three-star Dwór Choiny hotel is located in Kazimierzowka, just 10 km away from the centre of Lublin, right on the route to Zamość. Our hotel has 13 rooms decorated and furnished to a high standard, all with bathrooms, Wi-Fi and TV. Our offer includes the organization of wedding receptions, parties, banquets and special events. We have a large restaurant and a dance hall. We can also offer a special design chamber for meetings and conferences. We invite you to our hotel restaurant, where you can taste the wonderful dishes of Polish and European cuisine. We hope that you will enjoy your stay here. 245 ZAKŁAD FIZJOTERAPII I MASAŻU BIO-RELAX ul. zielona 28a 24-100 puławy +48 81 886 39 02 +48 81 886 10 23 ms. jolanta potapska director/owner +48 81 886 39 02 The company offers the following medical services: rehabilitation (physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, kinesiotherapy, kinesiology taping etc.), rehabilitation at home, rehabilitation for infants, children, teenagers; neurology, orthopedics, psychology, speech therapy, sensory integration, occupational medicine. We work using the most modern and innovative equipment. Our employes are very highly qualified. We have signed a contract with the National Health Fund. ms. magdalena mikusek medical manager +48 81 886 39 02 SERVICES ms. agata potapska-skwara director +48 81 886 39 02 246 Date of establishment of the company: 1991 Number of employees: 104 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distribution: medical services. Offered products/services: Rehabilitation, neurology, orthopedics, psychology, speech therapy, sensory integration, occupational medicine. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Not applicable. Countries from which the products are imported: The Commonwealth of Independent States. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001, Certificates: Friendly Medical Centre, Reliable Company. Awards: President of Town Puławy – ‘Sybilla’ and the title of ‘Businessman of the Year’, award: ‘Business good choice’ from Lewiatan Polska, award ‘Icebreaker 2012 and 2013’, award from the Marshal of ‘Lubelskie voivodeship’. Wanted business partners: Medical Centre, Medical Academy. Other information: Bio-Relax is a registered trademark. 4 IDEA SP Z. O.O. hutnicza street 3 20-218 lublin +48 515 082 723 mr. suprowicz tomasz chief executive officer +48 515 082 723 ms. agata jakuszko training specialist +48 514 654 891 Date of establishment of the company: 4 th June 2013 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Both. Offered products/services: Marketing management, counselling, human resources managment. recruitment, legal advice (in particular legal aspects of computing, copyright law, protection of personal data). Advice on obtaining support from the EU funds and project management, start up business development strategies, business trainings (personal development, management skills and sales training), language courses, opinion polls. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Wanted business partners: Partners interested in cooperation concerning a broad spectrum of our interests who would like to invest in Poland. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS, BUSINESS RELATED INSTITUTIONS The 4 Idea was created to reflect the enhanced emphasis placed on the innovation aspect of the provincial economic agenda. We specialize in business counselling, recruitment, trainings, law, the EU grants. We provide electronic solutions dedicated to supporting the development process in an active way. We also provide business tools and solutions in the following areas: • marketing management • counselling • human resources managment • recruitment • legal advice (in particular legal aspects of computing, copyright law, protection of personal data) • advice on obtaining support from the EU funds and project management • start up business development strategies • business training (personal development, management skills and sales training) • language courses 251 EAST METALWORKING CLUSTER szewska 4 20-086 lublin poland +48 81 532 13 39 +48 81 532 13 39 BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS, BUSINESS RELATED INSTITUTIONS mr. eugeniusz suski chairman of the board +48 81 532 13 39 252 mr. tomasz biedacha cluster manager +48 512 477 236 East Metalworking Cluster is a group of almost 70 enterprises from metal industry, operating in East Poland. The coordinator of the cluster is the Regional Club of Technology and Rationalization in Lublin – association improving the competitiveness of the regional economy. Companies operating in the cluster provide such services as: sheet cutting, sheet bending, steel hardening, welding, machining: turning, drilling, milling, grinding, locksmiths, heat treatment, corrosion protection, machinery repairs of food and chemical industry, regeneration of engine blocks, plastic processing, quality tests. Companies also offer such products as: locks, padlocks, door accessories, pavilions, fences, heat exchangers, steel tanks, tooling and machine-tools, brackets for LED/LCD, videowalls and videostands, screens enclosures and kiosks, steel constructions, design and construction of halls, bulk mill products, small metal parts for mining, diamond point tools, oxide cutting tools, boilers. Date of establishment of the company: 2009 Number of employees: 4 in the office, about 2000 in companies Type of activity: (producer/distributor): Cluster Offered products/services: Innovation support, b2b cooperation. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Europe, Worldwide. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland, Europe, Worldwide. Wanted business partners: Companies seeking high-quality metal products. FUNDACJA ROZWOJU LUBELSZCZYZNY lubartowska 74a, i p. +48 81 710 19 00 +48 81 710 19 01 ms. olga pliszczyńska international cooperation officer +48 81 710 19 20 o.pliszczynska@fundacja. ms. elżbieta sterna-chrzan member of international cooperation unit Date of establishment of the company: 1990 Number of employees: 91 Offered products/services: Preparation of grant applications, local development strategies, feasibility studies, business plans, village recovery plans, presumptions for plans to supply heat, electricity and gas fuels, financial and economic analyses, counseling within the scope of financing of an economic activity or planning of the controlling system, vocational trainings, training and consultancy in management of human resources, organization of forums, seminars and conferences. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: PN EN ISO 9001:2009, registered as Employment Agency, certified participant in the Reliable Company Program, awards: ‘Leader of Regional Innovation and Development 2011’, ‘Lublin Business Eagle 2010’, ‘Dator Laboris – Labour Donor 2009’, ‘Innovative Organization 2009’. Wanted business partners: Local governments, NGO’s, SME’s. Other information: Foundation for Lubelskie Development is a coordinator of the Lublin Eco-Energy Cluster. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS, BUSINESS RELATED INSTITUTIONS Foundation for Lubelskie Development is a selffunding ‘non-profit’ organization founded in March 1990, operating in the whole Lubelskie Region (10 branches). It focuses on all the funds either from grants, subsidies or financial orders obtainable from the EU. It carries out many services and supplies ‘know-how’ to the population of the region. We are one of the oldest regional development agencies in Poland and Eastern European countries. Almost 20 years of our activity provides valuable experience to clients and a partners. This is confirmed by many certificates. We offer a wide range of advisory services and educational trainings to various target groups: entrepreneurs, people starting economic activity, working people, the unemployed, especially concerning programmes and structural funds targeted at SME’s. 253 LUBLIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ul. dobrzańskiego 3 20-262 lublin +48 81 440 87 00 mr. marcin tatara president +48 602 843 467 BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS, BUSINESS RELATED INSTITUTIONS mr. dariusz jedlina vice-president +48 601 27 26 25 Lublin Chamber of Commerce is the business support organization, established in 1929. Our members are the companies representing almost all sectors located in Lubelskie region. The aim of our organization is to support the business locally, help to develop the international relations of our members and to provide the consultancy and the practical support to their international trade and investment activities. Our main markets and partners are located mainly in Northern Africa (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia), Turkey, the Middle East, India, Sri Lanka and China. We also work with many EU countries. Nowadays we are focused on African market as the attractive partner for our members. Recently we participate together with our members in many business missions in Africa and Asia to help them to secure their activities in these markets by establishing the strong relations with local chambers and the government institutions. Our target is also to promote Lubelskie region as the friendly area for foreign investors and the global trade partners. We provide the services to the international companies interested in establishing their investments or departments in Lubelskie region. We work very closely with the local authorities and help them to accomplish the strategy of Lublin promotion and business development. We are also specialized in export support, especially in transport, finance and logistics. Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Business support. Wanted business partners: The world of business. 254 ALMATUR OŚRODEK WYPOCZYNKOWY LUCJAN BUKRYJ Our resort Almatur offers 150 boarding places at bungalows and rooms in the hostel to our guests. It is situated near clean guarded beaches. There are tennis and volleyball courts, a table tennis room and a canteen. You are able to rent a bike and climb our climbing wall here. The holiday camp Almatur is located in a small beautiful town – Janow Lubelski ul. turystyczna 10 e 23-300 janów lubelski +48 15 872 38 20 +48 533 32 37 OTHERS mr. lucjan bukryj owner +48 81 533 54 55 Date of establishment of the company: 1996 Number of employees: 4 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Resort/camp. 259 ASSECO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS S.A. ul. konrada wallenroda 4c 20-607 lublin +48 81 535 30 00 +48 81 535 30 05 OTHERS mr. łukasz potrzyszcz international business development director +48 603 803 015 lukasz.potrzyszcz@ 260 We devise systems for business. Asseco Business Solutions develops modern management systems for companies by providing complete solutions tailored to the size of the enterprise, its specific manner of operation and the industry. We offer the mobile SFA solutions, ERP and HRM systems, factoring programs, commercial data exchange platforms and SME software. For many years, our systems have successfully supported the operation of tens of thousands of domestic and foreign companies. We are a part of the international Asseco Capital Group, a European market leader in proprietary software. The Group is a constellation of enterprises engaged in the advancement of information technology and is present in over 30 countries around the world. Since 2007, we have been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Date of establishment of the company: 2007 (Asseco Business Solutions S.A.). Our brands have over 15 years of experience on the markets. Number of employees: 580 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Mobile solutions (SFA) for the management of mobile workforce in the field, ERP systems for the support of business processes in medium-sized and large enterprises, HRM applications for handling operations in HR and payroll, Factoring solutions for a comprehensive handling of factoring transactions, Commercial Data Exchange Platforms (between the producers and commercial partners), SME software intended for the management of SMEs. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Our systems were implemented in such countries as: Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Asseco Business Solutions and its offering of mobile applications were included in the prestigious report ‘Vendor Panorama for Retail Execution and Monitoring in Consumer Goods 2013’ by Gartner, the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company. Technologies related to retail execution have come sharply into focus, as consumer goods manufacturers seek to improve activities and promotions at the store level. Gartner evaluated 19 vendors in a maturing space that offer significant competitive advantage. Wanted business partners: We are looking for partners in the area of the SFA mobile solutions. We wish to share the idea of our newest mobile touch platform with companies that want to incorporate our system in their portfolio. We offer a strong support in each phase of our relationship. ATUT SP. Z O.O. ul. wiktora ziółkowskiego 26 20-834 lublin ul. bolesława prusa 8 20-064 lublin +48 81 740 33 45 +48 81 740 33 45 mr. krzysztof pawłowski president +48 81 740 33 45 Date of establishment of the company: 1987 Number of employees: 10 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Laboratory and measuring equipment for air control and measurement of industrial gases. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, France, the United Kingdom, the United States of America. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008, ‘Socially Responsible Company’ awarded by Mayor of Lublin. OTHERS Atut Sp. z o.o. was established in 1987. The first years of the company commercial activity were distribution and service of hardware and environmental data management software. In the next years, it evolved to distribution and service of specialized laboratory and measuring equipment for control and measurement of components contaminating human natural environment. The main field of our activity is distribution and maintenance of air quality monitoring (AQM) and continuous emissions monitoring (CEM)/process control systems. We have been cooperating with Opsis AB – a leading global provider of the systems for over 10 years. We are also a general distributor of flue gas analyzers, biogas analyzers and portable personal protection gas monitors. Our aim has always been to provide high quality of offered services which resulted in ISO 9001:2008 certificate acquisition. 261 AVANT FABRYKA PORCELITU ul. spacerowa 5 24-220 niedrzwica kościelna +48 81 511 65 50 +48 81 511 65 72 OTHERS ms. ewa tokarz account executive +48 81 511 65 50 262 During twenty years of our activity we have done much to make AVANT a market leader in ceramics advertising, creating new trends and providing customers with the highest quality products. AVANT factory is more than 6000 sq. m. of production and warehouse halls with modern machinery and experienced staff. As the only company in Poland, we offer ceramics manufacturing. An additional part of the offer is defined as the economy series, which means imported products. AVANT factory is able to manufacture new mug shapes as a special order. The offer is consistently adapted to customers’ needs and it is created with particular attention to the quality and safety. Production capacity at 15.000 units daily guarantees prompt deliveries. Date of establishment of the company: 1994 Number of employees: 49 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Ceramic mugs, mugs with advertising imprints, other ceramic goods. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: France, Germany, Norway, Lithuania. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany: raw materials, the Czech Republic: raw materials. Wanted business partners: Distributors. BIURO PODRÓŻY I TURYSTYKI „ALMATUR-LUBLIN” SP. Z O.O. Travel Agency ‘Almatur Lublin’ is a well-known tour operator in the entire Lublin region. Our main range of operation includes selling travel offers and services targeted at groups of children and the youth. Our offer includes holiday camps in many places in Poland, Slovakia and Greece. We organize package holiday tours for adults and students. In addition, we book airplane tickets. ul. langiewicza 10 20-034 lublin +48 81 533 54 55 +48 81 533 32 37 ms. anna litkowiec tourism specialist +48 81 533 54 55 Date of establishment of the company: 1992 Number of employees: 5 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Group travel organizer. Offered products/services: Travels. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Greece. Countries from which the products are imported: Slovakia, Ukraine, Greece. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Signal Iduna certificate. Wanted business partners: Travel agencies in Europe. OTHERS mr. marcin mierzwa tourism specialist +48 81 533 54 55 263 CARMEN SP.J. ANETA ZDYB WOJCIECH KITAJEWSKI choiny 7 20-816 lublin +48 81 742 94 41 +48 81 742 94 41 ms. aneta zdyb owner +48 506 087 621 OTHERS mr. wojciech kitajewski owner +48 503 081 621 264 Carmen is a producer of haberdashery and funeral accessories. The company recommends: • Coffin inside fittings (variety of designs and colours) • Laces of satin • Metal and plastic handles, bolts, washers and crosses • Wood ornaments • Bags for corpses • Proper attire for the service at funeral homes • Rosaries, prayer books, candles • Wooden and metal urns • Women’s and men’s clothing for the deceased • Obituaries, letters In our ‘New Studio-Creation of Coffin’ we offer interesting and exclusive designs. We realize individual and unusual orders. Sewing tailor-made on clothes. Welcome to our online store www.carmen. We are open for any kind of cooperation. Date of establishment of the company: 15.07.1995 Number of employees: 60 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Products. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, England, Holland, Germany, Romania, Russia. Countries from which the products are imported: Slovakia. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: We do not have. Wanted business partners: Partners to cooperate with. DG-INWEST DANIEL GAWRYCZUK sadowa 14 21-500 biała podlaska +48 83 342 68 05 +48 83 342 68 05 mr. leszek gawryczuk director +48 692 490 651 +48 83 342 68 05 mr. daniel gawryczuk general manager +48 604 420 347 +48 83 342 68 05 Date of establishment of the company: 1st July 1999 Number of employees: 21 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Business consulting. Offered products/services: Leasing, credit, investment, insurance. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Germany, England. Countries from which the products are imported: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Germany, England. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO - 9001 certificate. Wanted business partners: Customers who start companies in Poland. OTHERS DG-INWEST is the largest financial broker in Poland. We have been operating in the financial market for almost 20 years! In our company you will find a wide offer of 65 financial institutions. Every customer is treated individually, with the utmost care, so that we can provide him or her with the best deal from a full basket of financial products! We offer services to businesses as well as individual customers. In our company you will find not only leasing, credits, factoring, but also a professional accounting office licensed by the Minister of Finance. Customers who decide to use our services do not have to submit any documents. They only specify their needs and we provide them without any additional costs. 265 DOTMEDIA TOMASZ CZELEJ SPÓŁKA JAWNA przemysłowa 21 23-200 kraśnik +48 81 825 10 20 +48 81 825 30 03 ms. aneta żołopa sales specialist +48 693 550 170 OTHERS ms. katarzyna dudek sales specialist +48 691 210 650 266 We use traditional solvent technology to print on plastic foil, banners, paper, blockouts etc. Solvent prints are very resistant to atmospheric conditions, such as rain, wind and UV light, which makes them useful both in interior and exterior advertising. Being attentive to our clients’ needs we work round the clock, completing the order they give us with great care to detail. We always strive to provide the best quality and maximum satisfaction to our customers. Give us a call to discuss your print requirements – we will advise you on your options and choices prior to the production process. Date of establishment of the company: 2005 Number of employees: 15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Installation at heights, rent aerial platforms, car wrapping, shop front decals, lightboxes, display systems, floor stickers, wall stickers, banners, citylights, signs. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001. Wanted business partners: Advertising agencies, printing houses, large format printing, individual clients. DRUKARNIA EMBE PRESS S. BEZDEK, M. MAMCZARZ SP.J. tokarska 9 20-210 lublin poland +48 81 710 17 00 +48 81 710 17 01 mr. hubert warda customer service office +48 601 809 943 mr. grzegorz zając customer service office +48 601 801 223 Date of establishment of the company: 15 FEBRUARY 1989 Number of employees: 115 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Flexography and offset printing of packaging materials on paper, plastics and aluminium, for direct and indirect contact with food and other products. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Germany, Denmark, Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia. Countries from which the products are imported: Materials and inks: Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, France. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, BRC IOP, DPG, Prizes: Fair Play, ‘Gazele Biznesu’, Rzetelna Firma – Złoty Certyfikat Rzetelności (‘Reliable Company’ certificate). Wanted business partners: Beverages, food, cosmetics producers. Other information: We are a producer of labels (self adhesive, wrap around, shrink sleeve) – packaging for food and cosmetics industry. We also offer many kinds of flexo and offset printing. OTHERS DRUKARNIA EMBE PRESS is one of the few companies with 25 years of experience in the printing business. Thanks to our state-of-the-art equipment we can offer a wide range of printing services using flexo and offset printing technologies. The use of cutting edge technology and modern machines allows us to maintain a solid market position not only in Poland but also in other European countries. We use our expertise in flexography to produce labels and packaging materials. Our offset printing equipment is used to produce a wide range of highest quality labels, business forms and calendars. We work in our own, professional DTP studio and fully equipped CTP lab, which gives us full control over the entire production process.The quality and safety of our products is guaranteed by lots of certificates. Our mission is the constant growth and maintenance of impeccable corporate image. As a reliable provider of printing services, our company has obtained access to various regional and national EU financing programs, which we put to a good use. 267 EAST STUDIO SP. Z O.O. ul. sławinkowska 124 20-810 lublin +48 81 466 70 80 +48 81 466 70 81 mr. maciej rzączyński ceo, producer +48 512 007 123 OTHERS ms. agata żarkowska office manager & executive assistant +48 512 003 289 268 East Studio Sp. z o.o. is a film production company present on the Polish and international media market. The main fields of activities of East Studio are: commercials, corporation films equal to feature films, documentaries, music videos and animations. We cover the whole process of production from working on ideas (with creative departments and writers) through the whole shooting process to the final cuts, colouring, postproduction effects etc. We employ the best professionals for our projects. They come from a wide range of disciplines connected with film and visual arts. Our passion is the film – its visual aspects and storytelling. Date of establishment of the company: 12th March 2010 Number of employees: 3 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer of commercials and feature films. Offered products/services: Commercials, promotional films, corporation videos, music videos, animations and others. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Sweden. Wanted business partners: Media houses, advertising agencies, film studios, producers. ECHO-SON SA ECHO-SON Sp. z o.o. – is a European manufacturer of ultrasound Colour Doppler Ultrasound Scanners SPINEL II, EPIDOT SC (General, Abdominal, Ob/ Gin, Urology etc.). ALBIT Duplex Doppler (2.5–12 MHz) for such medical applications as: Proctology, Regional Anaesthesia, Vascular Access, Colorectal, Musculoskeletal-MSK, etc. PINIT – bladder volume measurement (PVR, urodynamics) device. Ophthalmology scanner PIROP – A+P mode 12 MHz and pachymeter 20MHz. The company Echo-Son SA was founded in 1993 in Poland. It was granted ISO-13485 (ISO-9001) and CE certification in 2002. krancowa 5 24-100 pulawy poland +48 81 886 36 13 +48 81 886 83 10 mr. zbigniew wozniak ceo +48 81 886 36 13 Date of establishment of the company: 1993 Number of employees: 35 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer. Offered products/services: Ultrasound scanners. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: The EU, the Middle and the Far East. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: CE, ISO 13485, a lot of domestic prizes. Wanted business partners: Dealers, distributors. OTHERS ms. wioleta szostak export assistant +48 81 886 36 13 269 EKO-EFEKT SP. Z O.O. ul. bolesława prusa 8 20-064 lublin +48 81 747 43 53 +48 81 747 43 53 OTHERS mr. krzysztof pawłowski president +48 81 747 43 53 270 EKO-EFEKT Sp. z o.o. was established in 1991. From the beginning, our main goal has always been to provide our customers with the highest quality products and services. We supply the highest quality laboratory equipment and measuring instruments used to control air pollution. Direct and long-lasting cooperation with manufacturers and customers provides us with the information required to continue developing highquality services. We provide original accessories and spare parts for the offered equipment, calibration, trainings and demonstrations of the offered products. We support environmentally friendly investment and innovation projects in the field of environmental protection, technology and engineering. Date of establishment of the company: 1991 Number of employees: 6 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Laboratory filtration materials, humidity metres, measuring instruments for personal worker protection e.g. gas detectors, personal dust meters, industrial dust measurement devices. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Signatory of the Code of Ethics for Chartered Accountants. GLASS FACTORY „MARTA 2” LTD 64 jagiellońska street 22-100 chełm +48 82 563 24 16 +48 82 545 10 30 ms. katarzyna ożóg assistant of the board +48 82 563 24 16 Date of establishment of the company: 15.10.1996 Number of employees: 249 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Glassware production. Offered products/services: Handmade glassware such as: vases, bowls, tumblers, wine glasses, candleholders, etc. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, RSA, Ukraine. Wanted business partners: Importers of glassware from all over the world, Polish distributors. OTHERS Glass Factory ‘Marta 2’ was established in 1996 with the use of private capital. We focus on producing high quality goods from sodium glass using a handshaping method. Having great experience, we have created a few thousands patterns of glassware. We can also produce own customers’ designs on request. We invite to cooperate with us. Our online catalogue is a place where potential customers can find the best items we manufacture. These are: vases, bowls, wine glasses, tumblers, fruit bowls, carafes, candlesticks, beer mugs, jugs and also a lot of glassware for florists. We dispatch our goods to many countries especially in Europe. We would like to give our potential customers a new look on glass market, where our priorities are the highest care of manufacturing and high quality handicrafts made by our glassblowers. The aim of Marta 2 Factory is customers’ satisfaction. 271 KANCELARIA DORADZTWA PODATKOWEGO GRAŻYNA GAWRYCZUK ul. sadowa 14 biała podlaska 21-500 +48 83 342 27 28 +48 83 342 27 28 mr. leszek gawryczuk director +48 692 490 651 +48 83 342 68 05 OTHERS mr. daniel gawryczuk general manager +48 604 420 347 +48 83 342 68 05 272 We have been trusted by more than 300 customers! We have been providing tax advisory services and helping our clients with managing tax laws since 1994. We represent taxpayers in Inland Revenue, Chambers of Fiscal Control, Administrative Courts, Social Security and CSO. Keeping tax records is treated as an element of financial consulting. We run offices throughout the whole country. If we do not have an office in your town we manage your financial settlement via the Internet, so you have an online access to the documents you send, your accounts, income taxes and VAT return. We specialize in setting up and running Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and other CIS originated companies in Poland. We cooperate with the best lawyers, accountants and auditors. We are always involved in achieving the best results for our clients. Date of establishment of the company: 10th December 1994 Number of employees: 16 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Accountancy. Offered products/services: Accounting / Tax Consultans. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Germany, England. Countries from which the products are imported: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Germany, England. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001 certificate. Wanted business partners: Customers who start companies in Poland. KUL CREATIVE SP. Z O.O. al. racławickie 14 20-950 lublin poland +48 500 656 733 +48 81 445 41 90 mr. paweł potakowski chairman of the board +48 500 656 733 international relations office +48 81 445 41 06 Date of establishment of the company: 2014 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Knowledge transfer. Offered products/services: Education, research and transfer of knowledge, project development services to large companies, SMEs and the local community. Wanted business partners: companies looking for knowledge-based and innovative, technological, social, legal and economic solutions. OTHERS Drawing from the potential, the history and experience of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), the company offers a wide range of services on scientific research and development. KUL has been one of the most important centers of the Catholic thought and has affected the shape of the Polish science and culture, gaining wide recognition both in Poland and abroad since 1918. KUL is now one of the fastest developing universities in Poland. KUL Creative constitutes a response to the current needs of the business, which expects a high level of service and increased flexibility from the scientific community. Our priority is to satisfy customers by meeting their demands and providing them with the best quality of service. We provide consulting and training services for private and public sectors. The company specializes in facilitating the processes of knowledge transfer from science and research institutes to enterprises. 273 LINGUATON SC A.A.M. JANISZEWSCY ul. paśnikowskiego 4a 20-707 lublin +48 81 527 88 17 +48 81 534 08 99 +48 81 527 88 17 ms. aneta janiszewska director +48 81 527 88 17 OTHERS mr. marek lewandowski course coordinator +48 81 527 88 17 274 Established over 20 years ago, Linguaton is faithful to its slogan: “If you know why, we know how”. The school enjoys a reputation of excellence in teaching and in creating a unique environment where English is taught during unorthodox classes and during events that promote the culture of the English speaking world and a sense of togetherness. The courses of English offered on all levels to 6+ young learners, students, and adults range from General English and exam-oriented courses to English for Specific Purposes (for lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, entrepreneurs, and future translators/interpreters). All students have access to e-linguaton, a state-ofthe-art e-learning platform which provides a wealth of additional resources as well as a detailed register of the coursework. Linguaton is a recognised local brand. Date of establishment of the company: September 1992 Number of employees: 20 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Education. Offered products/services: Conducting courses of English as a Foreign Language, English for Specific Purposes, and administering international examinations. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: N/A. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ETS Authorised Examination Centre. LUBELSKIE PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO ENERGETYKI CIEPLNEJ SA puławska 28 20-822 lublin +48 81 741 00 72 +48 81 740 60 32 ms. teresa stępniak-romanek strategy and marketing manager +48 602 418 381 Date of establishment of the company: 1964 Number of employees: 400 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): LPEC, District Heating Company is located in Lublin, it provides utilities, industry and city inhabitants with heat and sanitary hot water. Offered products/services: District heating [pol. Ciepło Systemowe]. In addition to the distribution of heat, the company also offers comprehensive heating-related and transportation services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Certificates – ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, PN-N 18001:2004. Awards: ‘Voivodship Business Leader’, ‘Gazela Biznesu’ and ‘Teraz Polska’ Polish Promotional Emblem for District Heating distributed by LPEC. Wanted business partners: Property developers. Other information: Company’s Bodies: LPEC SA in Lublin is fully owned by the City of Lublin. Board of Directors: Mr Mirosław Taras – President of the Board: Mr Lech Kliza – Vice-President of the Board. OTHERS LPEC SA (District Heating) is one of the largest distributors of heat in Poland. The company’s core activity concentrates on the distribution of heat to residential and commercial areas as well as public utility facilities. We also provide Lublin inhabitants with a fully operative municipal heat distribution network. LPEC ensures the supply of over 60% of the demand for heat in Lublin, supplying thermal power to over 1400 clients. They include large housing cooperatives and condominiums, enterprises, institutions, commercial facilities, schools, churches, and individuals. In addition to distributing heat, the company also offers comprehensive heatingrelated and transportation services. LPEC purchases thermal power from two Lublin-based CHP plants and distributes it to the final consumers by means of its own distribution network. 275 LUBELSKI WĘGIEL BOGDANKA S.A. bogdanka 21-013 puchaczów +48 81 462 51 00 +48 81 462 51 91 e-mail: bogdanka@ mr. andrzej cisło trade director +48 605 600 202 Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. is one of the hard coal leading manufactures in Poland. The company has achieved its leading position in this sector as a result of obtained financial results, efficiency in the hard coal output as well as its investment plans. The energetic coal sold by the company is mainly used for the generation of electric and thermal energy as well as for cement production. Our customers are mainly the industrial companies, first of all those acting in the power industry and situated in East and Northern Poland. OTHERS mr. mariusz hamerski pr specialist +48 81 462 55 44 276 Date of establishment of the company: 1975 Number of employees: 4768 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer, distributor. Offered products/services: Hard coal. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and ISO 18001. Wanted business partners: Industrial companies, Coal distributors. LUBLIN CONSULTANCE CENTRE SP. Z O.O. ul. dobrzańskiego 3 20-262 lublin +48 81 440 87 00 mr. marcin tatara commercial proxy +48 602 843 467 Date of establishment of the company: 2009 Number of employees: 10 Offered products/services: Solutions for business training and development, implementation project (commercial and co-financed by the EU), business counsulting services (especially-trade, transport. logistics, energy). The main trade and energy consultancy projects LCC is involved in focus on delivering natural resources such as: coal, oil, gas, biomass and phosphates used in energy, heat and chemical production. We work in energy investment consultancy and finance solutions that are required to support these global trade and investment activities. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Today our main trading projects are located in Odessa Port, Lublin, Mumbai, London, Colombo, Istanbul, Cairo, Alexandria, Warsaw, Dammam and Oslo. LCC experts helped many Western clients enter the Eastern European markets. We also supplied services to Russian, Turkish, Middle East and Asian companies preparing detailed research concerning Polish and the EU market for them. We cooperate with many investment banks, funds and logistics associations in Europe, Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. Through this, we entered into global advanced trade and investment projects. Wanted business partners: We are open for cooperation with customers from around the world. Other information: Our aim is to actively support the development of entrepreneurship and innovation in the Lubelskie region through training, business consultancy, including soliciting funds and management of the projects co-financed by the European Union. Our mission is not only solicitation of funds for our clients but also comprehensive business consulting services and implementation of various projects. Beneficiaries of our services are enterprises and institutions representing such sectors as: energy, construction industry, IT, environmental protection, heavy industry, medical and health care, logistics, transportation, agricultural sector, tourism and recreation, trade and services, fresh produce, telecommunications, financial and consulting sector. OTHERS Lublin Consulting Centre Sp. z o.o. (LCC) is the name used by our energy investment and trade consultancy company located in Eastern Poland – Lublin, near the Ukrainian and Belarusian border. The company was established in 2009 to provide professional solutions for business training and development. LCC’s cooperation with the foreign investors has enhanced the promotion of the Lubelskie Voivodeship as an attractive place to locate strategic investments. Currently we co-operate with 10 huge international entities providing them comprehensive consulting services. In our portfolio there are over 40 investment projects. LCC was originally established by a group of trade, transport and logistics specialists involved in many international projects. 277 LUBLIN MUSIC THEATRE grenadierów 13 20-331 lublin +48 81 532 76 13 +48 81 534 41 58 mr. krzysztof kutarski director +48 81 532 76 13 mr. piotr wijatkowski artistic director +48 81 532 76 13 Lublin Music Theatre is a reputable cultural institution of Lublin founded in 1957. Its repertoire contains a lot of different kinds of stage genres: operas, musicals, operettas, ballets, concerts and musical staging of fairy tales for younger audience. The Theatre combines tradition with novelty, so almost every kind of audience finds here something valuable and joyful. The important part of our activity focuses on cooperation with Polish and foreign artistic institutions and individuals. Besides rich artistic content, the house and the people of the theatre create special ambience, which infects the people from the world politics or culture. Therefore, visiting Lublin Music Theatre is always a pleasure and of benefit to art and the public sphere. OTHERS mr. paweł majsiej specialist fundraising coordinator +48 81 532 20 25 278 Date of establishment of the company: 1957 Number of employees: 170 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Theatrical plays, concerts. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Ukraine. Wanted business partners: Partners and sponsors of all kinds. MAIK AGENCJA REKLAMOWA JANUSZ BABICZ BARBARA TYNECKA-BABICZ SP.J. Maik Agencja Reklamowa, Janusz Babicz, Barbara Tynecka-Babicz Sp. J. was established in 1995. At present it provides a range of marketing and advertising services, including planning and conducting promotional campaigns, media and printing services as well as preparing press performances and radio and television spots. Moreover, the company specializes in creating the corporate identity systems and the production and the assembly of advertisements. Maik also has a modern printing house, thanks to which it offers the best quality prints on stiff and elastic materials as well as the solvent printing. ul. inżynierska 8p 20-484 lublin +48 81 748 78 00 +48 81 745 15 10 ms. kinga tynecka sales manager +48 81 748 78 13 mr. tomasz szmit head of the project realization and assembly department +48 81 746 00 40 Date of establishment of the company: 1995 Number of employees: 43 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: Large-format printing, advertising services, promotional campaigns, billboards. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Implementation of ISO 14001/EMAS. OTHERS AGENCJA REKLAMOWA 279 MUSI LUBLIN SPÓŁKA Z O.O. ul. magnoliowa 2 20-143 lublin +48 81 747 48 02 +48 81 747 71 14 OTHERS mr. jan jarmołowicz president of the board +48 81 747 48 02 280 MUSI LUBLIN designs, manufactures and trades orthopaedic rehabilitation equipment as well as provides non-industrial services. Our modern Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Supplies Centre offers comprehensive customer service covering manufacturing, selection, repair and purchase of orthopaedic rehabilitation equipment. ORTHOPAEDIC WORKSHOP – produces artificial arms and legs made from modern elements provided by reputable companies as well as devices, orthotics, plaster casts immobilizing one joint, orthopaedic corsets and braces, orthopaedic footwear and insoles. Our products are of high quality materials. TRADE – we have a network of Specialist Medical Supplies Stores in the province and the city of Lublin. We sell medical devices, including orthopaedic products, aids and rehabilitation equipment. SERVICES – we provide include: – protection of people and property, – cleaning of offices, halls, etc. The high quality of our products and customer service is guaranteed by the Quality Management System functioning since 2003. The System has been undergoing continuous improvement in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001-2008. Date of establishment of the company: 1950 Number of employees: 102 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer, distributor. Offered products/services: Designing, manufacturing and sale of orthopaedic goods and rehabilitation equipment, rendering non-industrial services. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Lithuania. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: certificates: ISO 9001-2008, ‘Marka Lubelskie’, awards: ‘Firma Na Medal’, ‘Lubelski Orzeł Biznesu’, ‘Nagroda Gospodarcza Prezydenta Miasta Lublina’ (awarded by the City Mayor of Lublin). Wanted business partners: Manufacturers and distributors of orthopaedic and rehabilitation goods. PIEKARNIA PIECZYWA, BUŁEK I PITY DO KEBABÓW, GYROSÓW I SHAWERMY We are pleased to present the offer of ‘Kebab and Gyro Bakery’. Bread from our bakery is an essential component for any kind of a gyro sandwich, kebab, falafel, etc. The product is traditionally baked with no preservatives. The bread is for everyone who wants to eat healthy food. We ensure the highest quality of our Arabic bread. Our bakery combines modern technology with traditional baking methods. Our bread is baked using only natural ingredients, without preservatives and additives. It is possible to store and freeze it for a long time. We invite you to cooperate with us. ul. smyczkowa 4/229 20-844 lublin zakład produkcyjny: ul. kalinowszczyzna 26 20-209 lublin +48 513 066 339 ms. sylwia skrzypek-ahmed owner +48 508 246 841 Date of establishment of the company: 1st February 2009 Number of employees: 3 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Production of bread, bakery. Offered products/services: Arabic bread, kebab, gyro bakery. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Poland. Wanted business partners: Bars and restaurants owners. OTHERS mr. hisham ahmed owner +48 513 066 339 281 PRACOWNIA REKLAMY ADAM SYRTÓW ul. rolnicza 18 22-600 tomaszów lubelski poland +48 509 633 950 +48 84 664 17 79 +48 84 665 82 72 ms. aleksandra szuwarska marketing manager +48 506 037 235 OTHERS mr. adrian łoś office manager / graphics designer +48 501 741 001 282 Pracownia Reklamy Adam Syrtów is an advertising studio and a large format printing house which dates back to 1986. Our years of experience and adapting to the changing market requirements allowed us to create a comprehensive offer (‘from idea to effect’), which will satisfy even the most demanding customers. Our advantage is a wide range of machines, the speed of execution of orders and passion for finding unconventional solutions. We offer: printing of billboards, banners, meshes, films, UV printing, outdoor and indoor advertising production (coffers, backlit LED 3D letters etc.) car wrapping, production of billboards, renting billboards, wrapping the billboards, searching locations for billboards and much, much more. We invite you to cooperate with us! Date of establishment of the company: 1986 Number of employees: 30 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer. Offered products/services: printing of billboards, banners, meshes, films, UV printing, outdoor and indoor advertising production (coffers, backlit LED 3D letters etc.) car wrapping, production of billboards. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Europe. Wanted business partners: Advertising agencies, big printing houses, distributors, suppliers, companies in need of outdoor and indoor advertising and large format printing. STELLA PACK S.A Stella Pack S.A. is a leading producer and distributor of garbage bags and non-chemical cleaning products, offering its own brands in all the market segments and a private label of commercial networks. Our history covers 20 years of experience linked to the production and distribution of the highest quality products and building the market of our brands. ul. krańcowa 67 21-100 lubartów +48 81 852 67 00 +48 81 852 67 05 ms. magdalena symbor key account manager +48 81 852 67 60 Date of establishment of the company: 2000 Number of employees: 639 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Producer and distributor. Offered products/services: Garbage bags, kitchen foils, baking papers and roasting films, lunch and freeze bags, gloves, microfibre products, household clothes and sponges. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Romania, Croatia, Georgia, Greece, Canada, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: SGS and ecology certificates, ISO 9001:2008, D&B Business Credibility Certificate, ‘Business Gazelle’, ‘Product of the Year,’ ‘Customer’s Choice’. Wanted business partners: Distributors of Stella Pack’s products. OTHERS ms. julia bogusz key account manager +48 81 852 67 53 283 SZKOŁY „PADEREWSKI” W LUBLINIE /PADEREWSKI SCHOOLS OF LUBLIN 20-853 lublin ul. symfoniczna 1 +48 81 740 75 43 +48 81 441 99 36 liceum@paderewski. ms. katarzyna kijek admissions coordinator +48 663 123 113 ‘PADEREWSKI Schools’ are located in modern and fully equipped buildings with a car park and the security. The Schools have multimedia facilities (including three computer labs, a school computer network, audio-video equipment etc.), modern laboratories and a library with books and manuals in English and other European languages. We employ highly qualified teachers, providing excellent conditions for children to learn. We carry modern curricula, both Polish and international (MYP and IB-DP), adjusted to the requirements of modern times. OTHERS ms. danuta bednarczyk secretary +48 663 123 101 284 Date of establishment of the company: 1993 Number of employees: ~100 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Educational establishments (schools). Offered products/services: Primary School, Lower-Secondary school, Secondary School. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: IB World School, UNESCO associated school. THE JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF LUBLIN (KUL) The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin is now one of the fastest developing universities in Poland. Extensive scientific research whose profile is determined by the humanistic traditions of the university is conducted here. Over 1200 excellent professionals constitute research and teaching staff of the University, whose broad knowledge and excellent methods combine passion for research and transfer of knowledge. Many of them are internationally famous scientists. al. racławickie 14 20-950 lublin poland +48 81 445 41 06 +48 81 445 41 90 international relations office +48 81 445 41 06 Date of establishment of the company: 1918 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): University. Offered products/services: Education, research and transfer of knowledge, project development services to large companies, SMEs and the local community. Wanted business partners: Companies looking for knowledge and innovative solutions, in technological, social, legal and economic fields. Other information: University offers first-cycle (BA) second-cycle (MA) and third-cycle (doctoral) programmes in Polish and English at the Faculties of: Theology; Law, Canon Law and Administration; Philosophy; Humanities; Social Sciences; Biotechnology and Environment Sciences; Mathematics, IT and Landscape Architecture as well as at the College of Interdisciplinary Individual Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences and off-campus faculties. OTHERS mr. paweł potakowski rector’s proxy for commercialization of knowledge +48 500 656 733 285 ULTRA-MED SP. Z O.O. j. kossaka 49 20-358 lublin poland +48 81 743 90 94 +48 81 743 90 94 w. 31 OTHERS mr. aleksander borecki managing director +48 501 504 504 286 Ultra-Med Company which was founded in 1994 as an authorized distributor of 3M’s medical materials has been strictly connected with Lublin. Nowadays we offer medical equipment and supplies, rehabilitation materials and nationwide service of medical machinery. In terms of products, we focus on selling supports/orthoses, surgical instruments, power instruments, endoscopy instruments and custom packs. We can also offer sterilizers, sterilization materials, surgical dressings, anatomic models and medical simulators. Our main clients are hospitals and clinics but also doctors and patients. We have our sales representatives in Warszawa, Poznań, Gdańsk and Katowice. Moreover, we run four stores with rehabilitation and orthopaedic materials. Our knowledge and a wide range of renowned companies products, allow us to offer highest quality service and satisfactory cooperation. Date of establishment of the company: 1994 Number of employees: 20 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Surgical instruments, supports/orthoses, power instruments, medical machinery service. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland. Countries from which the products are imported: Germany, the USA. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: ISO 9001, ISO 13485, CE 518529, CE 0197, CE 1253. Wanted business partners: Medical products manufacturers. VENA ART SP. Z O.O. ul. diamentowa 2 20-447 lublin +48 81 441 57 70 +48 81 441 57 77 ms. anna szczytowska chairman of the board +48 600 894 907 Date of establishment of the company: 1998 Number of employees: 23 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Distributor. Offered products/services: Tactical marketing, marketing consultancy, strategic planning, creation (creative development), organising production (TV, radio, printed materials), media (planning, buying, management of public relations, graphics design, video production (production house), ICT production. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Ukraine, the EU. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: The best Polish advertising agency in 2003, 2006, and 2009 according to Media i Marketing Polska ranking. Wanted business partners: We are looking for companies which are interested in non-standard projects. Other information: Vena Art’s core business includes video production and non-standard projects involving a variety of tools. OTHERS Vena Art’s core business includes video production and non-standard projects involving a variety of tools. Vena Art has been operating as a credible and stable brand among advertising agencies since 1998. It has been regularly listed and highly venerated in the Polish nationwide rankings of advertising agencies (3 times ranked as the best non-chain agency in Poland in 2003, 2006, and 2009 in the ranking according to Media and Marketing Polska). Since its foundation, Vena Art has been creating and implementing innovative marketing trends. It is a pioneer of the tactical marketing concept in Poland. Tactical marketing is a set of non- standard actions combined with the selection and full integration of the most efficient tools (ALT, BLT, and PR, online and offline) aiming at the achievement of goals set forth by the client. Vena Art emphasizes the importance of ‘visual communication’. It runs its own production house. The agency works with Polish clients nationwide, including E.Leclerc, Jula, Asseco Busines Solutions, Pol-Skone, Eurocash, Nordic Development, GTS, Kontekst HR, Ministry of National Defence and many others. 287 VERANO RYSZARD MIAZGA 7a vetterów street 20-277 lublin poland +48 81 440 83 30 +44 203 29 00 665 +48 81 440 83 33 mr. wojciech śledź export sales director +48 533 009 415 mr. bartosz stasiak eu business development director +48 7826 45 43 45 Have you ever expected that some of the most ECOfriendly and energy efficient trench and convecting heating and cooling units may be manufactured in Central Europe? We are a family-run business, located in Poland and recently through very extensive R&D program and dynamic expansion into domestic market we developed the whole range of energy efficient products which local specifiers, engineers and construction end-users are really proud of. From now on, there will be Verano’s trench, wallmounted, and free – standing convector heating and cooling units available in your country, whilst you should no longer compromise attractive product price with energy efficiency or silent fan powered units with architectural design of your office or conference room. Our trench heaters are custom made exactly to the nearest millimetre, including a variety of elegant grids that will also cover corners and angle options. OTHERS mr. henadzi kurhun sales representative +375 292 802 371 288 Date of establishment of the company: 1978 Number of employees: 44 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Manufacturer. Offered products/services: Elegant ECO-innovative trench, wall-mounted, free-standing convector heaters and cooling units. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, the UK, Germany, Italy, Latvia and Estonia. Certificates, ISO, prizes, etc.: Wanted business partners: Wholesalers, designers, architects, installers. WYSPA WISLA rekreacyjna 1 08-540 stezyca +48 81 460 89 98 mr. artur kozak event manager +48 530 900 538 Date of establishment of the company: 2013 Number of employees: 15 Type of business activity (producer/distributor): Business and recreational centre. Offered products/services: Organization of business meetings, conferences, seminars, events. Wanted business partners: General business environment. OTHERS We would like to welcome you and your guests to a unique place Wyspa Wisła (WW) which serves as a business and recreational centre. This modern facility is an ideal place for organizing business meetings, conferences and seminars. We offer three fully equipped, professional conference rooms available for the participants as well as the beautiful amphitheatre which is able to accommodate up to three thousand guests and is often used as an outstanding place not only to host concerts but also for speeches and business lectures. Our facilities provide an amazing experience for both the speaker and the audience. At our venue, modern architecture harmonizes perfectly with the natural landscape. WW is situated only 90 km from central Warsaw and is placed on 30 hectares of stunning grounds in the valley of the River Vistula – providing conditions that even the most discerning guests will appreciate. We are looking forward to seeing you at Wyspa Wisła. 289 ZRZESZENIE PRODUCENTÓW ZBÓŻ „AGRO” W TELATYNIE ul. jana pawła ii 11 22-652 telatyn +48 84 661 31 26 +48 84 661 39 33 OTHERS mr. jacek korytko chairman of the board +48 606 244 003 290 Zrzeszenie Producentów Zbóż ‘AGRO’ in Telatyn is at present a group of 35 farm producers. The company operates on the market of cereal and focuses on buying cereal, which comes directly from farmers. Thanks to cooperation with trading companies, ZPZ ‘Agro’ may boast of the best quality of cereal in Poland, which significantly increases the company and farmers importance and prestige. Moreover, the group supplies farmers with means of agricultural production. Finally, the group organises many different kinds of meetings and courses, which are made to exchange experience and improve personal skills. Date of establishment of the company: 2000 Number of employees: 6 Type of activity (producer/distributor): Group of agricultural producers. Offered products/services: Cereal plants: wheat, barley. Countries in which the company’s products are sold: Poland (sale of produce). Countries from which the products are imported: Poland (purchase of agricultural inputs). Certificates, ISO, prizes etc.: ROLNIK LUBELSZCZYZNY 2012 / GRUPA PRODUCENTÓW ROLNYCH (awarded distinction: Farmer of the Lublin Region / classified as an agri-producer group). Wanted business partners: Companies active in food processing.