Sirmooree No. 20 Sept 2014 pdf


Sirmooree No. 20 Sept 2014 pdf
Edition 20
September 2014
¾ SCN Central Committee
¾ Chairman’s Message
¾ Editorial
¾ Notes from the Honorary Secretary
¾ Minutes of the AGM – 14 Jun 2014
¾ SCN Branch Working Committees/Representatives
¾ Nominal Roll of GWS AAWO/ AWOS/SAWOs
¾ List of Sirmoorees Serving in British Embassy
British Gurkhas Nepal (BGN) as at Jun 2014
¾ Welfare Pensioners by AWCs and Regiments as at June 2014
¾ Individual Aids to 2 GR Walas as at 31 May 2014
¾ 2 GR Welfare and Service Pensioners by District & Age Group
¾ British Army Recruiting Selection 2014
¾ GWS Medical Camp
¾ 156 Delhi Day Celebrations, 14 Sep 2013 :
UK Sirmoori Sathies
¾ Tigris/Tamandu Day 2012
- Kathmandu Pokhara
¾ Birthday Message from Acting Col RGR Col J G Robinson 1 July 2014
¾ News from Royal Gurkha Rifles
¾ Gurkha Community in Pokhara (GCP) and Its Achievements
¾ Gurkha Organic Farm & Research Center (GOFARC) in Kavre
¾ Gurkha Memorial Museum Update 16 July ‘12 - May ‘14
¾ Sirmoor Sports News - Badminton, Golf
¾ Gurkha 200 Golf in Nepal 2015
¾ Trailwalker 2014 - THe Gurkha Burhos
¾ Nepalese Runners’ Supremacy in China
¾ Darjeeling Visit
¾ Charile Tanyo Chapplelai (Newspaper cutting on FM Sir John Chapple)
¾ Rotary Club of the Himalayan Gurkhas
¾ Update from the Gurkha Settlement Office (GSO), Kathmandu
Captain Bharatsing Chhetri, Kathmandu
¾ UK Settlement Visa Fees
¾ Journey from Rifleman to Sabhasad - Hon Member of the CA
Honorary Secretary
Captain Tilbahadur Gurung, Kathmandu
¾ 21164860 Cpl Trilok Gurung ex 1/2 GR
¾ List of 2 GR Deceased Members July 2013-June 2014
¾ Obituary
- Capt (QGO) Jit Bahadur Gurung 2/2 GR
- Late Capt Prabhu Thapa
- Late Lt (qGO0 Khadka Pun 1/2 GR
- Late Major Narbu Lama, MBE
- Late Maj (QGO) Sherbahadur Ale IDSM, MVO
- Late Major Kishansing Gurung 2/2 GR
- Late 456945 Captain Santoshkumar Pradhan 2/2 GR
- Late Major Reshambahadur Thapa MBE MM ex 2/2 GR
¾ Sirmoor Durbar 2015 - Message
- Nepali
- English
¾ Photo News
Editor/Property Member
WO1 Passang Wangyel Lama, Kathmandu
Captain Karnabahadur Thapa, Pokhara Branch
Elected Members
Captain Krishnabahadur Rana, Kathmandu
Branch Chairman
Mr Reshambahadur Gurung, Kathmandu
Major Lachhimiparsad Gurung MVO BEM,
Captaim Mekbahadur Gurung, Pokhara
Captain Benbahadur Ale, Pokhara
Major Debiparsad Ghale, Chitwan
Captain Indrabahadur Gurung, Butwal
Major Yambahadur Gurung, Kathmandu
Major Haribahadur Gurung MVO MBE,
After the long awaited elections it took the political leaders more than six
months to form a govt. For 601 seats at the Constituent Assembly (CA) 240
came from direct elections and 335 were appointed on the basis of one CA
member for every 25000 votes won. Remaining 26 said to be appointed
from prominent people from different walks of life have yet to be appointed.
However life goes on unabated despite never ending instability in the country.
I think I should touch on one subject in continuation of what I mentioned
about in last year’s message - corruption. It’s even more rampant now despite
almost daily arrests by Independent Commission for Abuse of Authority
(ICAA) of govt officials including some very high ranking civil servants.
ICAA are doing a commendable job exposing officials through both
electronic and print media after arresting them red handed. A Govt officer
was arrested with one million rupees in his bag minutes after taking it from
a man in Kathmandu only recently. The whole country is at present in a
state of chaos with excessive rains this year. Flooding and land slides in
many parts of the country have rendered thousands of people homeless.
Durbar 2015 is only 7 months away now. Nepal coordinating committee is
doing a marvellous job with Maj Yam Saheb working 24/7, not to ignore
Thomas Saheb with his responsibilities in the UK. The Lal Gate replica is
above the ground and is fast taking shape.
All SCN branches except Palpa branch observed Delhi Day 2013 as usual.
Kathmandu, Pokhara, Butwal and Chitwan branches continue to observe
Tigris/Tamandu Day also. For Malaysian Service Medals consolidated
applications have again been registered with MOD Malaysia through BGN.
There is a good chance that these medals will be presented to recipients in
March 2015. To improve medical provisions Comd BGN as Dir GWS Nepal
is trying to get approval from GWT to include further hospitals approved
for medical claims by ex servicemen in Nepal.
A military tattoo by combined bands of Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Armed
Police Force and the Band of the Bde of Gurkhas took place on 28 Dec
2013 at the Army Physical Training and Sports Centre in Lagankhel,
Kathmandu. All BGN personnel, their dependents and Chairmen of all
Regimental Associations were invited. A reception was held at Hotel
Himalaya later in the evening. G200 (N) Joint Bde Bhela will now be held
in Kathmandu at Nepal Army Officers Club, Sundhara, on 26 Mar 15 with
1500 people attending. RAN will be given 900 seats to allocate to various
regiments, with a pavilion for each. 200 members are expected to come
from UK. The CGS/Col Comdt Brigade of Gurkhas will be attending as
Chief Guest. A combined band made up of Brigade Band, Nepal Army
Band, Nepal Police Band and Nepal Armed Police Band will be providing
live concert.
T4 Redundancy selections were announced on 12 Jun and of approx 995,
all WO and below from across the Army, 210 were selected from the Brigade.
This figure will reduce as soldiers apply to transfer. There will be another
Strategic Security and Defence Review in 2015. Recruit target for 2014 is
200, it was 126 last year. Regional Selection (West) is from 30 Jul – 17
Aug, and from 1-17 Sep in the East. New recruits Attestation Parade is on
3 Jan 15 by GOC Sp Comd, Maj Gen Nitsch. The BGN/GWS Conference
is taking place on 25/26 Sep in Pokhara, Remembrance Sunday British
Embassy Service is on Sun 9 Nov and BGK Remembrance Parade on 11
Nov 14. The Chief of Staff BGN Lt Col Elton Davis QG Signals left on 18
Jul 14, replacement due in post Aug/Sep14.
Welfare Pension has been increased from NRs 5,800 to 7,000 per month
effective from 01 Jul 14 and Winter Allowance from Rs 1,650 to 2,000.
Service pension also went up by 10.3 p.c. wef 1 April 2014. 3rd Residential
Home for old aged WPs to be constructed in Kathmandu is ongoing. Few
new vacancies for both AWOs and AAWOs are coming up as a result of
GWT trustees’ meeting held on 7 May 14. The fourth quarter WP/SP
payments were successfully completed, at the same time two medical camps
were conducted at Tanahun and Taplejung.
The Gurkha Settlement Office in BGN continues to provide assistance to
eligible ex Gurkhas intending to settle in the UK with visa application. The
office will now remain open until March 2016.
Very sadly, we have lost 68 of our dai-bhais this year, 9 more than the last
reporting period. We have lost quite a few British sahebs also. I remember
‘What’ Saheb as a Sano Saheb and Chadke Adjt from Slim Barracks,
Singapore and miss him a lot although I met him last at the Trustees Meeting
in London in 2012 after a lapse of more than 20 years.
You will find more about the Sirmooris living in Nepal as you turn the
pages of the magazine, and I’m sure you will all enjoy reading except for
few pages that contain obituaries of our fellow Sirmooris.
Jai Sirmooree
The monsoon is very late and the prediction of rainfall is very low this year.
This will not only affect Nepal but will affect the whole of South East Asia.
Dear Sirmooris,
Forecast of events of the Sirmoor Durbar 2015 is the main highlight of this
edition however regular features such as Delhi Day, Tigris/Tamandu Day
news and achievement of Lalis and our children over the year are also
included. Please also note the GWS run Medical Camp dates and locations.
I am thankful to all Branch Chairmen and Area Representatives for their
contribution and more importantly to Chairman sahib for doing all the proof
reading and taking care of all press works as in the previous years..
With best wishes, and salaams,
Karnabahadur Thapa
The road widening project around Kathmandu valley (and also in most major
cities of the country) goes on at a snail’s pace but at least it is happening.
For the people of Nepal life goes on as usual; load shedding scenario, the
shortage of drinking water and petroleum products and ever increasing price
rise of essential commodities. Thank God that remittances from our migrant
workers have kept the economy of the country alive and kicking, otherwise
the country would be bankrupt due to constant raid of government coffers
by the politicians and of course the elected members of the new Constituent
Assembly in the pretext of various so called development projects!!
Annual General Meeting – 14 June 2014
The Annual General Meeting for this year was held at British Gurkhas
Pokhara Camp on 14 June 2014. The accommodation for Branch
representatives was arranged at Hotel Gurkha Haven, Pardi, Pokhara. The
meeting was superbly organized by Hon Captain Karnabahadur Thapa,
Branch Chairman Pokhara. We were very pleased to see a large number of
senior Sirmoories (see Minutes – attendance list) from the valley. The
meeting started at 0915 hours and finished at 1300 hours followed by lunch.
The minutes of the meeting can be read in the magazine.
Contents of the Nepal Sirmooree may not be reproduced without prior
permission. Sirmoor Club Nepal holds no responsibility for any complaints
made by customers on the quality of service provided by the advertised
Articles for the year 2015 Nepal Sirmooree are to be submitted to the Editor by
30th June 2015.
The meeting was also a short rehearsal for branch representatives for Sirmoor
Durbar 2015. Major Yambahadur Gurung carried out the briefing of the big
Delhi Day Reunion – 14 September 2014 - the main event of the year for
Sirmoor Club Nepal, Delhi Day, will be celebrated on 14 September (see
forecast of events below) by almost all branches. The grant has increased
from rupees 350 to rupees 500 per person.
Tigris/Tamandu/Neuve Chapelle Day Reunions – Feb/Mar 2015 - Tigris/
Tamandu day reunions will be celebrated in Sirmoor tradition (sports
followed by drinks and messing) by Kathmandu, Pokhara, Butwal and
Chitwan branches in Feb/March 2015. This has now become a regular
event for the SCN. The budget as for the Delhi Day will be allocated as per
the attendance.
Forecast of Events
Annual General Meeting - 13 Jun 2015 Kathmandu
for Sirmoor Club Nepal
SCN Central Committee - Quarterly meetings – Nov 2014, Jan 2015 and
Apr 2015
RAN quarterly meetings - Sep/Oct 2014, Dec 2014, March 2015
Remembrance Sunday
(BGN Kathmandu)
- 11 Nov 2014
Sirmoor Durbar 2015
- 28/29 Mar 2015 Pokhara
G200 Celebrations
- 26 Mar 2015 Kathmandu
SCN Kathmandu Branch - 14 Sep 2014 - Delhi Day
Feb/Mar 2015 - Tigris/Tamandu Day reunion
SCN Pokhara Branch
SCN Chitwan Branch
SCN Butwal Branch
- 14 Sep – 157th Delhi Day celebration
26 Sep 2014 – Sirmoor Badminton Competition
Feb/Mar 2015 - Tigris/Tamandu Day reunion
- 14 Sep 2014 – Delhi Day
Feb/Mar 2015 – Tigris/Tamandu Day reunion
- 14 Sep 2014 – Delhi Day
Feb/Mar 2015 – Tigris/Tamandu Day reunion
SCN Damauli, Lamjung, Syangja, Gorkha, Surkhet, Gulmi, Dharan, Palpa,
Dang, Beni and Darjeeling (India) branches - Delhi Day celebrations on 14
September 2014
Reports and returns from branches
As directed in the AGM 2014, all branches are asked to submit their
attendance list for Sirmoor Durbar 2015 by 14 Sep 2014 to Sirmoor Durbar
Secretary, Hon Captain Karnabahadur Thapa. Most of the changes in
appointments and contact numbers have been updated during the AGM.
Account Audit and Renewal of Club Registration
Financial statement and account status as at 13 June 2014 are shown in the
minutes of the AGM held on 14 June 2014. The account is closed and is
audited for the period ending 16 July 2014 – the audit report will be published
in the magazine. Renewal of club registration will follow shortly. Afternote:
Audited Income and Expenditure Accounts attached at page 23.
Capt Tilbahadur Gurung
Hon Secretary
Here are a few examples that could explain the causes of disease you or
your loved ones may be suffering from:
1. Jealousy - causes oncological diseases, weakens the immune system.
2. Vengefulness - causes insomnia and throat diseases.
3. Inability to find a solution to a situation - causes lung diseases.
4. Lacking moral principals - causes chronic diseases, infections, and skin
5. Being too categorical or unwavering in beliefs - causes diabetes,
migraines, and inflammations.
6. Lying - causes alcoholism, fungal infections, and weakens the immune
7. Aggressiveness - causes gastric ulcers, acid reflux, and warts.
8. Reticence - causes schizophrenia and kidney diseases.
9. Cruelty - causes epilepsy, asthma, and anemia.
10.Seeking conflicts - causes thyroid enlargement.
11.Apathy - causes diabetes.
12.Inconsistency or being fickle - causes infertility.
13.Being rude or insulting - causes diabetes and heart diseases.
14.Anxiety - causes digestive system disorders, heart, and skin diseases.
15.Greed - causes oncological diseases, obesity, and heart diseases.
0900 HOURS ON 14 JUNE 2014
Central Committee:
Captain Bharatsing Chhetri
Captain Tilbahadur Gurung
WO1 Passang Wangyel Lama
Captain Krishnabahadur Rana
WO2 Reshambahadur Gurung
Hon Captain Karnabahadur Thapa
Hon Major Lachhimiparsad Gurung
Captain Mekbahadur Gurung
Captain Benbahadur Ale
Major Debiparsad Ghale
Captain Indrabahadur Gurung
Major Yambahadur Gurung
Hon Major Haribahadur Gurung
Chairman (Kathmandu)
Honorary Secretary (Kathmandu)
Treasurer (Kathmandu)
Elected member/Branch Chairman
Elected Member (Kathmandu)
Editor/Property Member/Branch
Chairman (Pokhara)
Elected Member (Pokhara)
Elected Member (Pokhara)
Elected Member (Pokhara)
Elected Member/Branch Chairman
Elected Member/Branch Chairman
Branch Reps:
Captain Ekbahadur Ale
Captain Ranbahadur Gurung
WO1 Chhabilal Pun
Rfn Bhuwansing Thapa
WO2 Birbahadur Thapa
Sgt Kamalkumar Limbu
Sgt Birendraprasad Limbu
Rfn Mirgalal Thapa
Rfn Lalbahadur Roka
Liutenant Ratnabahadur Gurung
Cpl Kharkabahadur Rana
Captain Khilbahadur Thapa
Sgt Karmasing Gurung
Captain Amber Yonzon
Sgt Bhupendra Sahi
Lt Yambahadur Gurung
Pokhara SCN Members
Major Dilbahadur Gurung
Major Chandrabahadur Pun
Captain Jaibahadur Gurung
Captain Narbahadur Gurung MVO
Captain Dudman Gurung
Captain Indrabahadur Gurung
Lt Jitbahadur Gurung
WO2 Premparsad Gurung
WO2 Kabiraj Gurung
WO2 Dhalbahadur Thapa
CSgt Jagatbahadur Pun
CSgt Rameshbahadur Bhattchan
CSgt Kamal Nepali MBE
Cpl Dilbahadur Gurung
In Attendance from BGP:
Fd Dir GWS – Lt Col G Blewett R Welsh
2IC BGP - Captain Dolbahadur Gurung RGR
Reps from Palpa/Gulmi/Myagdi
(Total 15 SCN branches)
Captain Karnabahadur Thapa, Branch Chairman Pokhara and organizer of
the Sirmoor Annual General Meeting 2014, welcomed all members and
covered all administrative details for the meeting. A minute’s silence was
observed in memory of those sirmoories who had passed away recently.
The meeting was declared opened at 0915 hours by the Chairman, Captain
Bharatsing Chhetri, after he paid respects, on behalf of all those present, by
garlanding (Khada) the miniature replica of the Queen’s Truncheon. The
Chairman then welcomed and thanked all branch chairmen, representatives
and other SCN members from Pokhara for attending the meeting.
Items 1 – Minutes of the last AGM held at Kathmandu on 15 June 2013
There was one outstanding point (Item 1) – replica of Queen’s Truncheon
for SCN branches. The Chairman stated that the matter was under progress
and hopefully by this year’s Delhi Day all branches will be able to proudly
display the QT on 14 Sep.
Advisor Major Haribahadur Gurung inquired why audit report was not shown
in the Nepal Sirmooree magazine 2013. The Chairman explained that the
report was not ready when the magazine went to the press last year but this
year’s audit report would be done in time and would be published in the
Item 2 - Accounts
Pokhara Finance Saving Account - 1
Pokhara Finance Saving Account - 2
Standard Chartered Bank Ktm
Cash in Hand
Supreme Development Bank Ltd
Grant for 2013/14
Grant for 2014/15
June 2013 (NRs)
June 2014 (NRs)
Not yet received
Expenditures for 2013/14 as at 13 June 2014 – Rs 1541,430.45
Balance for the year 2013/14 Rs.551,443.55 (grant received Rs.2092,874.00–
Expenditure as at 13 June 2014 Rs.1541,430.45).
Afternote: Audited Income and Expenditure Account for the period
1 Shrawan 2070 - 32 Asadh 2071 (July 2013/ July 2014) attached at page 23.
Item 3 – Branch Activities
All branch chairmen/their representatives present reported their branch
activities (most of these activities would be included in the forthcoming
Nepal Sirmooree magazine 2014) covering Delhi Day celebrations, annual
Tigris/Tamandu Day reunions, visits etc.
Maj Lachhimiparsad Gurung reported on the Sirmoor Badminton
competition (full details would be given in the magazine); this year’s
competition would be held on 28 Sep 2014.
Item 4 – The Nepal Sirmooree Magazine
Captain Karnabahadur Thapa, the Editor of the Sirmooree magazine, stated
that most of the articles for the magazine have been received; and any
remaining articles should be submitted by 15 Jul 2014. As usual, 1200
copies would be produced and distributed to members via area
representatives and Area Welfare Centres in Nepal. Copies would be sent
to official subscribers, private subscribers and Sirmoor Saathies UK to reach
before the Delhi Day.
Item 5 – Regimental Property
Updated list of regimental property held was produced for members by
Property Member, Captain Karnabahadur Thapa. All valuable items of
Regimental Property had been insured.
Item 6 – Regimental Items on sale
The following regimental items were available:
Present Stock
Regimental Tie
245 (Hon Sec-140, Treasurer-25,
Museum-50, UK Sathi-30)
Regimental Sun Hat
35 (Hon Sec-5, Treasurer-30)
2 GR Plaque
Regimental Red T-shirt
*50 (Hon Sec-47, Treasurer-3)
White T-shirt (old stock)
10 (Treasurer)
**2004 Durbar DVD
38 (Hon Sec)
RAN Khadda
08 (Hon Sec)
*The price of Red T-shirt reduced to 50% (Now at Rs250/- each).
**2004 Durbar DVD would now be available free for members; members
should contact Hon Sec if required.
Item 7 – Vocational Training Update
(2010/11 -38, 2011/12-17, 2012/13-26, 2013/14-15)
All branches were encouraged to use this grant, following correct procedure
for claims as outlined in the 2012 Nepal Sirmooree magazine. Members
should note that as usual proper bills with organizations’/institutions’
heading/logo must be attached to the claim form when submitting for refund.
Item 8 - Transport Hire Update
(2011/12-93, 2012/13-141, 2013/14 - 144)
This facility is being used well and branches should continue following
correct procedure as outlined in the 2012 Nepal Sirmooree magazine when
making claims in future.
Item 9 – RAN Update
PJM Medals. All applications consolidated in Nepal have been registered
with MOD Malaysia with Comd BGN being personally involved in getting
these applications accepted for priority issue by MOD Malaysia. There is a
good chance that these medals will be presented to recipients in March
Medical Provisions in Nepal. To improve medical provisions for ex
servicemen in Nepal. pending outcome of the APPG recommendation to
be accepted by MOD, Comd BGN as Dir GWS Nepal is trying to get
approval from GWT to include further hospitals approved for medical claims.
G200 (N). Joint Bde Bhela will now be held in Kathmandu at Nepal Army
Officers Club, Sundhara, on 26 Mar 15. 1500 people attending of which
RAN will be given 900 seats to allocate to various regiments forming RAN
with a pavilion for each regiment. 200 members are expected to come from
UK. The CGS/Col Comdt Bde of Gurkhas will be attending as Chief Guest.
A combined-band made up of Brigade Band, Nepal Army Band, Nepal Police
Band and Nepal Armed Police Band will be providing live concert.
G200 (UK). There will be many high profile events in UK to mark the 200
year long Gurkha service with Britain. ‘Serving Gurkha on Sagarmatha’
expedition is also being mounted in 2015 as part of the G200 events. For
full details visit GBA Website:
T4 Redundancy. Selections announced on 12 Jun and of approx 995, all
WO and below, from across the Army, approx 210 were selected from the
Brigade. This figure will reduce as soldiers apply to transfer.
Other Info.
There will be another Strategic Security and Defence Review in 2015.
Recruit target for 2014 is 200 (126 last year). Regional Selection (West) is
30 Jul – 17 Aug, and 1-17 Sep in the East.
BGN/GWS Conference: is on 25/26 Sep in Pokhara,
Remembrance Sunday British Embassy Service Sun, 9 Nov and BGK
Remembrance Parade on 11 Nov 14.
New recruits Attestation Parade is on 3 Jan 15 by GOC Sp Comd.
Lt Col Elton Davis QG Signals COS at BGK, leaving on 18 Jul 14, new
replacement due in post Aug/Sep14.
10.3% increase in service pension wef 01 April 2014
Welfare Pension increased from NRs 5,800 to 7,000 per month, effective
from 01 Jul 14 and Winter Allowance from Rs 1,650 to 2,000.
3rd Residential Home for old aged WP to be constructed in Kathmandu is
GWT trustees’ meeting was held on 7 May 14, few new vacancies for both
AWOs and AAWOs coming up.
Fourth quarter WP/SP payments successfully completed, at the same time
two medical camps were conducted at Tanahun and Taplejung.
Gurkha Settlement Office (GSO). Important info as a result of Dep Project
Manager GSO, CI Rumbahdur Gurung’s recent visit to GWACs UK.
(Gurkha Welfare Centre redesignated as Gurkha Welfare Advice Centre).
Ex-Gurkhas who had attended the GSO’s briefing in Nepal were found to
be well prepared to settle down in the UK without much difficulty whereas
those who ignored the GSO’s free services in Nepal were faced with many
difficulties. .
Ex-Gurkhas/widows not yet qualified for Pension Credit (PC) faced a very
harsh life in the UK. Although there was provision of Job Seekers Allowance
(JSA), one needed to keep records of various job applications made and
efforts made to upgrade the language and skills required. Those who are yet
to qualify for Pension Credit (PC) are strongly advised to wait their move
to UK until their PC qualifying age
Difficulty to integrate for ex-Gurkhas/widows with no close relatives in the
UK, social problems like operating an ATM, purchasing at supermarkets,
road crossing and other etiquettes and customs, language being their single
biggest barrier.
Durbar 200.Medal records. Saathis UK had to date identified 1484 names
in the UK. To avoid duplication their list would need to be constantly
compared with that of Nepal. Rough estimate of Sathis travelling to Nepal
for the Durbar was 200-300.
Lal Gate. Work on replica of the Lal Gate was going to start soon. All 2GR
deaths since 1919 would be recorded and space for other Regiments wishing
to commemorate their personnel would also be provided.
Most ex-Gurkhas had a false expectation that one day they may be allowed
to bring their adult children to the UK.
The Budget for the Durbar. The total cost was estimated at £106,500 of
which £40,000 had already been remitted to Nepal.
All Ex-Gurkhas/Widows are advised to go through the GSO before deciding
to settle in the UK and to take sufficient funds with them to sustain
themselves until their benefits are delivered.
Item11 – Gurkha Memorial Museum Update (16 July 2012 – May 2014)
Machine Readable Passports (MRPs). For those who are yet to apply for
ILEs, personal particulars in the MRPs are to be matched with the Army
Records but for those with ILEs already particulars in the MRPs to be
matched with the ILEs in old passports. Airlines may refuse to carry such
persons if there are significant changes.
Item 10 - Reports from 2 GR Trust Meeting
The Chairman and Advisor, Major Yambahadur Gurung, attended the
meeting on 27 Feb 2014. Relevant points discussed are as follows:
Future of the Trust. After Durbar 2015 a new Committee would be formed
and they would steer the way ahead for the trust. This will remain in existence
for at least another 10 years and the future Trustees would decide the future
of the trust taking into account the views of all in the Sirmoor Rifles
Association ‘family’. All were reminded of the need to be careful about the
language used when discussing on this topic.
Saathis UK. Representative from Saathis UK were attending the Trustees
meeting as observer at present but Retired Gurkha Officers working in the
UK would be included in the Board of Trustees in future after they had a
formal committee in the UK. Saathis UK would have an increase of 40%
over 2013’s grant from this year. The increase was necessary to fund separate
Delhi Day Reunions at other places as 40% of the Sathis were not able to
get to the central Delhi Day in Farnborough.
16 Jul 12 - 15 Jul 13
(2012/13, 12 months)
Buy a Brick for the Museum
British Donor Rs. 7,000
2 GR
QOGLR (Annual Grant)
7 GR (Annual Grant)
10 GR
One Lakh Donor x 1
16 Jul 13 – May 14 (10 months)
£100 x 10 One Lakh x 15
Buy a Brick for the Museum x 12
Wives Club, BGP
Rs.15,000/£ 600
QOGLR (Annual Grant) Rs.32,660/£ 100
2GR Trust
£ 500
£ 250
Months (12 months)
Nepali Financial Year
Shrawan (Jul/Aug)
Bhadau (Aug/Sep)
Asoj (Sep/Oct)
Kartik (Oct/Nov)
Mangsir (Nov/Dec)
Poush (Dec/Jan)
Magh (Jan/Feb)
Phagun (Feb/Mar)
Chait (Mar/Apr)
Baisakh (Apr/May)
Jeth (May/Jun)
Asar (Jun/Jul)
Gifted By
Medals awarded to 10330 NK OJAHANG Maj (Retd) RJ Cross on 02/11/2013
THE 1939-1945 STAR
MBE Medal awarded to Hon Maj Kunjalal Mr Prakash Moktan (his son)
Moktan GTR
1. Museum Improvements.
a. Library Moved Downstairs and New Guard Room Built. In early 2014,
we moved the library from the top floor to downstairs next to the
office where there was a less used conference room. We also had to
take out the toilet from the conference room to make room for the
book shelves. The top floor library room was then converted into a
gallery – large windows were taken out and the holes closed while
aluminum ventilation windows were ordered and placed. A guard room
was also built close by so that the night guard was now within view
of the entry gate. The total cost of this alteration was Rs 200,000
(about £1,300). The 2GR contribution of £650 in 2014 assisted us
with 50% of the cost.
b. Top Two Floor Galleries Expansion and Redesign. UK museum expert
Guy Wilson came to Pokhara in Feb 14 for 3 weeks and advised us to
redesign the top two galleries. The display boards were all taken out
and a better gallery was constructed. By Apr 14, we could display
more items and photographs and each regiment had wider areas. In
addition we purchased 5 new flat TV for first floor gallery that displays
history of 2GR, 6GR, 7GR, 10GR and RGR. The TV shows short 5
minute video clips of Gurkha customs (meaning of Queen’s Truncheon
is one), recruiting and so on.
2. Museum News.
a. Infantry Radio Sets. Contact has been made with UK to acquire
Clansman infantry radio sets and still in process.
b. Pocket Diary 2014 (Nepali and English dates). This is no now on sale
in Pokhara at the museum and at Kathmandu through Major Hitman
Gurung, CLO HQ BGN.
c. Regimental Souvenir on Sale. 2GR items on sale.
d. Remembrance Day 2013. It was combined with BGP and held at the
camp because it fell on the day the Maoists declared Bandha (general
close down of transport). About 30 members of British Gurkhas and
Indian Gurkhas attended. Hon Capt Dalbahadur Gurung 1/5GR(FF)
aged 78 who won the Vir Chakra (third to the VC) also attended. (He
died a month ago)
e. Constriction of Replica of the Dehra Dun “Lal” Gate. Construction
started about a month ago. Should be complete by Sep 14. Engravings
will be on marble of those KIA.
3. Contact. E-mail address is and telephone is
061 441762 or 441763. Website
Item 12 - Sirmoor Durbar 2015
Sirmoor Durbar 2015 Message. Maj Yam asked all SCN Branch Chairmen
to read the Durbar Message leaflet that was distributed (also published in
last pages of previous year’s Nepal Sirmooree magazine) and highlighted
the following points:
a. Aim. To celebrate 200th Anniversary of the Regiment, 1815 - 2015.
b. When and Where.
• Mar 27, Friday. ALL Sirmooris report at Hotel Gurkha Haven, Pardi,
Pokhara to register, collect Anniversary medal, sunhat, programme
and bus fare refund. Counters would be open all day. Drinks/eats would
be on sale. Arrivals would be met by Sirmoor Club Nepal Committee
members, past COs and GMs.
• 28 Mar 15, Saturday. Durbar Parade formed into Intake groups with
Band, presentation of Anniversary medal and lunch at BGP. Rough
timings – enter gate by 0830 hrs, about 0900 hrs widows medal
presentation, about 0930 hrs Durbar parade call. Immediately after
parade, walk to Gurkha Memorial Museum for replica of 2GR
Archway (Lal Gate at Dehra Dun) unveiling, followed by lunch.
(Before the meeting, members were given a “walk through/talk
through” briefing by Maj Yam at BGP Gate (Reception), parade ground
and Chautaro (lunch).
• 29 Mar 15, Sunday. Regimental picnic at Pradarshani Bhawan
(Exhibition Hall) above Lakhan Chok, Pokhara. Rough timings – 1100
to 1700 BBQ lunch followed by cultural show and games. 1700 to
1800 Dal/bhat. 1830 to 1930 Beating the Retreat by the Band.
• 30 Mar 15, Monday. Disperse in morning. Interested persons would
play golf at Himalayan Golf Club, Pokhara.
c. Transport Arrangement. Refund would be given to all Sirmooris on Friday
or Saturday entry gate reception for bus fare to/from Pokhara.
d. Accommodation and meals. Provided 3 nights hotel in Pardi area,
Breakfast and dinner. Lunch would be provided at event on Sat and Sun.
e. Dress. Should wear Blazer/Jacket, 2GR tie, large medals but if none,
they should wear what they could.
f. Who Can Attend. Free for yourself (2GR enlisted officer/soldier/widow)
plus 1 (wife) plus one escort if difficult to walk or disabled. If you wish
to bring a guest such as your son/daughter to attend, they have to submit
name and pay in advance so that sufficient food was cooked. Submit
name through Branch Chairmen to Durbar Secretary by 1 Dec 14.
g. Anniversary Medal presentation. At parade by past COs, GMs and Coy
Comd/2ic/SC president and Chairmen.
h. Attendance Figures. By 1 Dec 14, Branch Chairmen were asked to submit
to Durbar Secretary names of those who were likely to attend.
c. Regimental Tie. Orders had been given.
d. Souvenirs. By museum – 2GR plaque, brooch “cap badge cipher” (silver
colour), cap badge and brooch “plumes of POW” (black/red and silver
colour). Samples were shown. Queen’s Truncheon replica was on order
in Kathmandu. Maj Lachhim showed tea mug with historical photo. Cost
was about Rs 400 and was good quality.
e. Replica of Lal Gate. Construction at the Gurkha Memorial Museum had
started. Names of Killed in Action (KIA) from 1937 would be engraved
on a large marble and displayed on the Lal Gate.
f. Nepal Sirmooris List. Names of 2GR capbadged people were being
g. Rules on how much to pay for personal guests. Key committee members
would research.
h. Budget for Day 1 and Day 2. This had been updated.
i. Local Guests List - Key committee members
Item 14 - Any Other Business
BGP 2IC Captain Dolbahadur Gurung briefly informed the meeting about
the effect of current drawdown of the British Army for the Brigade of
Item 15 - Vote of Thanks
The Chairman thanked all those present for attending the meeting. He also
thanked Capt KarnabahadurThapa for his superb effort in organizing the
AGM and also Fd Dir GWS for all his help in prep for our Sirmoor Durbar
2015 and for allowing us the use of the BGP premises for the meeting.
Item 13 - Sirmoor Durbar 2015 Update
Numbers likely to attend. Total attendance could now be 2,000 plus.
a. Medal and ribbon. Die and ribbon on order. Those medals not collected
would be kept in the Gurkha Memorial Museum, Pokhara that could be
claimed at any time against a computer register maintained by the museum
staff. There was a possibility of spare medals available for sale after the
b. Sunhat. May need to order 2,000 since every one who attends would get
one. Ribbon to be ordered separately.
Item 16– Date of Next Meeting
The next AGM will be held on Saturday 13 June 2015 in Kathmandu. There
being no further business the meeting was closed at 1300 hours.
Captain Bharatsing Chhetri
Chairman Sirmoor Club Nepal
Captain Tilbahadur Gurung
Honorary Secretary
(Sirmoor Durbar 2015 Update)
Capt Krishnabahadur Rana 1/2 GR
WO2 Rumbahadur Gurung 2/2 GR
AWO Bheri
Maj (Ret'd) Sovitbahadur Hamal Thakuri MVO ex
AWO Gulmi
Hon Lt (QGO) Deobahadur Rana ex QOGLR
Capt Karnabahadur Thapa 1/2 GR.
Capt Hikmatbahadur Gurung 1/2 GR
Capt Indrabahadur Gurung 1/2 GR
WO1 Chhabilal Pun 2/2 GR
SAWO Kaski
Maj (Ret'd) Chandrabahadur Gurung MVO ex 1RGR
AWO Lamjung
Lt (Ret’d) Senbahadur Gurung ex 6GR
Hon Major Debiprasad Ghale 1/2 GR
Capt Ekbahadur Ale 2/2 GR
AWO Gorkha
Hon Lt (QGO) Tirthabahadur Thapa ex 2RGR
Sgt Kamalkumar Limbu 1/2 GR
Sgt Birendraprasad Limbu 2/2 GR
AWO Syangja
Capt (Ret'd) Pimbahadur Gurung ex GSPS
AWO Tanahun
Hon Lt (QGO) Haribahadur Rana ex 1RGR
AWO Chitwan
Maj (Ret'd) Hem Chandra Rai BEM, MBE ex GSPS
SAWO Butwal
Capt (Ret’d) Jitbahadur Thapa ex 1RGR
SAWO Bagmati
Hon Maj Dalbahadur Limbu MVO ex QGE
AWO Rumjatar
Hon Lt (QGO) Thakursing Gurung ex 2RGR
AWO Diktel
Insp (Ret’d) Shyamkumar Rai ex GCSPF
AWO Bhojpur
WO2 (Ret’d) Barhajit Rai ex 7GR
AAWO Khandbari Sgt (Ret’d) Mangalsing Tamang ex QGS
AWO Tehrathum Hon Lt (QGO) Premkumar Tamang ex QGS
AWO Taplejung
Insp II (Ret’d) Subharaj Thamsuhang ex GCSPF
AWO Phidim
Hon Lt (QGO) Tikaram Rai ex 10GR
Lt Yambahadur Gurung 2 GR
SAWO Dharan
Capt (Ret'd) Purnaparsad Limbu ex 2RGR
Mr Mirgalal Thapa 1/2 GR
AWO Darjeeling
WO2 (Ret’d) Deoprakash Basnet ex 10GR
Mr Lalbahadur Roka 2 GR
AWO Damak
Maj (Ret'd) Gyanbahadur Limbu ex QOGLR
Capt Amber Yonzon 2/2 GR
W01 Passang Wangyel Lama 2/2 GR
Sgt Manbir Budhathoki 2/2 GR
Cpl Netrabahadur Thapa 2/2 GR
Capt Khilbahadur Thapa 2/2 GR
Sgt Karmasing Gurung 2/2 GR
Capt Ranbahadur Gurung 2/2 GR
Sgt Mangal Gurung 2/2 GR
Bhuwansing Thapa 1/2 GR
Mr Kaji Prasad Ale 1/2 GR
Cpl Dalbahadur Thapa 1/2 GR
Sgt Bhupendra Shahi 1/2 GR (AAWO)
Myagdi (Beni)
Mr Manbahadur Pun 2/2 GR
Bheri (Surkhet)
Hon Lt Ratnabahadur Gurung 2/2 GR
Cpl Karkabahadur Pun 2 GR
Maj Madankumar Gurung 1/2 GR
Capt Tejbhadur Gurung 1/2 GR
AS AT 30 JUN 2014
British Embassy
1. WO1
Bikram Ghale G(SPS)
1. Maj
2. Capt
3. 21165009 Cpl
4. 21164992 Rfn
1/2 GR
Hitman Gurung
Kamansing Rana G(SPS)
Shankar Shrestha
Damarbahadur Shrestha
Def Sect until Feb 2014
1/2 GR
2/2 GR
1/2 GR
2/2 GR
Movedet KTM
1. Capt
Dolbahadur Gurung 1 RGR 2/2 GR 2IC BGP
2. 21164171 CSgt Kamalbahadur Nepali MBE 1/2 GR CQMS
3. 21160175 Rfn Dhanbahadur Rana
1/2 GR Sy Gd (Regtl
Bugler) until
31 Dec 2013
Recruiting Cell
1. Capt(QGO)
Bhojraj Gurung
1/2 GR
2. 21160420 Sgt
Hemanta Pun
2/2 GR
3. 21160676 Cpl
Manbahadur Gurung 2/2 GR
4. 21161849 Cpl
5. 21161875 Cpl
6. 21162473 LCpl
7. 21163093 Rfn
8. 21163126 Rfn
9. 21164503 Cpl
Dalbahadur Thapa
Ganbahadur Pun
Rambahadur Basnet
Gopalbahadur Thapa
Hiralal Gurung
Birbahadur Rana
1/2 GR
1/2 GR
2/2 GR
1/2 GR
1/2 GR
1/2 GR
SARO until
31 Mar 2014
SRA - Kaski until
Dec 2014
SRA - Chitwan until
Dec 2014
SRA - Gulmi
SRA - Lamjung
SRA - Surkhet
SRA - Tanahun
SRA - Rupendehi
SRA - Palpa
1. Capt
2. Major
3. Capt
4. 21163127 WO2
Hikmatbahadur Gurung
Krishna Gurung BEM
Rukumbahadur Rana
Shriprasad Tamang
1/2 GR
2/2 GR
2/2 GR
2/2 GR
OIC Residential
Home Kaski
5. Hon Lt (QGO) Haribahadur Rana
2/2 GR AWO Tanahun
6. 21160660 CSgt Thaklal Pun
2/2 GR A/AWO Bagmati
7. 21166234 CSgt Ashokchnadra Kandangwa 1/2 GR A/AWO Darjeeling
8. 21160641 Sgt Uttamparsad Gurung 1/2 GR A/AWO Syangja
9. 21160941 Sgt Lokbahadur Thapa
1/2 GR A/AWO Bheri
10. 21162499 Sgt Bhupendra Shahi
1/2 GR A/AWO Syangja
11. 21165248 Sgt Jiwanprasad Shrestha 1/2 GR A/AWO Kaski
12. 21166733 Sgt Krishnabahadur Gurung 2/2 GR A/AWO Gulmi
1. Lt Col
J B Smart OBE
2 GR
2. Capt
3. Capt
4. 21160344 CSgt
Karnabahadur Thapa
Dudman Gurung
Lilprasad Gurung
1/2 GR
1/2 GR
1/2 GR
KAAA Consultant
until 31 Dec 2013
Trg Offr
Dvr Tech
AS AT 30 JUNE 2014
31 MAY 2014 (11 MONTHS)
Selection dates for this year’s recruiting in Nepal are as published on
Recruiting Website and/or as printed on RI 15 Advertising/Criteria
28 May – 08 Jul 2014
Regional Selection West:
30 Jul – 17 Aug 2014
Regional Selection East:
1 Sep – 17 Sep 2014
Central Selection:
29 Nov – 21 Dec 2014
Attestation Parade:
03 Jan 2015
KAAA BGN funds eight GWS Medical camps per year.
(See more photos in Photo News)
Dates for the medical camps in 2014 are shown below :
1. AWC Khandbari
18 - 20 February 2014
2. AWC Lamjung
25 - 27 March 2014
3. AWC Tanahun
20 - 22 May 2014
4. AWC Taplejung
09 - 11 June 2014
5. AWC Gulmi
19 - 21 August 2014
6. AWC Diktel
08 - 10 September 2014
7. AWC Gorkha
18 - 20 November 2014
8. AWC Phidim
08 - 10 December 2014
Photo highlights of the Medical, Surgical Eye, Dental and Gynaecology
Camps organised by AWC Butwal at Patrol Base Dang, Ghorahi, from 26 –
28 August 2013,with technical support from Nava Jyoti Netralaya,
Kathmandu and a mixed team of doctors and dentists from Kathmandu and
Butwal is shown below.
Breakdown of total patients by pension type and gender :
Type of patients
Ex-servicemen& dependants (Service Pensioner)
Ex-servicemen& dependants (Welfare Pensioner)
Ex-servicemen& dependants (Non Pensioner)
Civilian Patients
Grand Total
By WO1 Passang Wangyel Lama ex 2/2 GR
Delhi Day Reunion celebration 2013 was observed by the Kathmandu
Branch members and the central committee members on 14 September 2013.
This year the Chairman Kathmandu Branch in conjunction with Capt
Yambahadur Burathoki selected Siddhartha Party Palace at Dhobi ghat in
Lalitpur district as party venue.
with old friends and exchange their past and present memories while taking
drinks and foods.
We were also privileged to welcome Capt Kamansing Rana, son of Maj
Jiwanbahadur Rana ex GM 2/2GR, who is at present SO3 G1 MS in BGK.
He was in 2/2GR as a young Rfn/Clk in 1989.
There were no changes to the sequence of events for the day except that we
were able to see some typical Nepali folk dances performed by some
Basically the significance of this event is two fold. First being historically
the most important event of the year all SCN members despite their busy
schedule try to be present at this auspicious day to remember the glorious
past of our forefathers and secondly this is the ideal opportunity to meet up
professional local dancers. It was heartening to watch some of our burhos
taking to the floor with their ladies. Thanks to Capt Yambahadur Burathoki
saheb for arranging the cultural show.
The buffet and tid-bits were excellent. As usual CSgt Pechbahadur Thapa’s
dedication for supervising food items paid off well. Thank you Pech bhai
and looking forward the same next year. Thanks also goes to WO2
Rumbahdur Gurung for putting up the SCN banners on two entrances and
playing part of master of ceremony. Cpl Dipak guruji is also thanked for
taking responsibility of the bar section.
By Captin Hikmatbahadur Gurung ex 1/2GR, Staff Officer Coordination GWS/
Secretary Pokhara Branch SCN
The Pokhara Branch Sirmoor Club Nepal (PBSCN) marked the 156th Delhi
Day with dignity and style, at the Regimental Association Complex, British
Gurkhas Pokhara on Sat 14 Sep 13.
In the midst of a charged atmosphere we just realized it was already 4pm
and were nearing the end of our celebration. We all packed up and said
good bye to each other, thanking our fallen heroes who gave us this
opportunity of meeting at a place every year.
Jai Sirmoori
Amazingly True Quotes
Tears will not come when you miss a person,
it comes when you don’t want to miss a person….just feel it!!!
One of the very true greatest illusions of life is that:
“We always believe there is more time in tomorrow than today”
The heart feels light when someone is in it,
but it feels very heavy when someone leaves it.
A heart dies when it is not able to share its feelings,
but a heart kills itself when another heart doesn’t understand its feelings….
Loving someone doesn’t need a reason,
If you can explain why you love someone it’s called ‘like’.
If you can’t explain it’s simply called ‘LOVE’.
It’s very easy to say you are ‘busy’ when someone needs you but,
It’s very difficult to hear ‘busy’ when you need someone...
Chairman PBSCN Hon Capt
Karnabahadur Thapa ex 1/2GR,
delivering the Delhi Day speech
The celebration commenced with a
‘chhotomitho’ welcome speech by
Karnabahadur Thapa ex 1/2GR at 1030 hrs
which was followed by reading of the
account of the Battle of Delhi by Hon Maj
Dilbahadur Gurung MVO ex 2/2GR, the
most senior Gurkha Major on the day. A
minute’s silence was then observed on a
bugle call and once this was over, Sirmooris
and the guests paid respects to the Nishani
Mai with dignity and great pride. The Field
Director GWS Nepal Lt Col Garry Blewitt
R Welsh, OC BGP Maj James Arney 2RGR
and 2IC BGP Capt Dolbahadur Gurung
1RGR were among the notable guests.
Then at 1200 hours another bugle call “Tato Roti
Kha” signalled the start of the Delhi Day lunch
which was prepared by Master Chef BGP under
the direction of Food Member Pokhara Branch
CSgt Kamalbahadur Nepali MBE ex 1/2GR. The
food was delicious as ever, the beer giving energy
to the drinkers to chat non-stop and it was so
nice to see all enjoying the day with friends,
numbaries and gurujis. Towards the end of the
Hon Maj Dilbdr Grg
day and to the delight of all a cultural show was
reading the account of the
organised which was appreciated by all. Like in
Battle of Delhi
the previous years sponsors played significant roles which helped make the
day a grand success. So in appreciation of their generous support, Chairman
PBSCN thanked them with ‘khadas’.
Senior Sirmooris with GWS and BGP
Hon Maj Dilbdr Gurung MVO garlanding
the Nishani Mai. Holding the Nishani Mai
is VCM PBSCN Hon Capt Dudman Grg ex
At around 1545 hrs Chairman PBSCN Hon Capt Karnabahadur Thapa
thanked all Sirmooris and guests for their notable attendance, sponsors for
their praiseworthy support and his own Committee Members for their
outstanding support which made the 156th Delhi Day a grand success.
The 156th Anniversary of Delhi Day, 2nd Gurkha Rifles Regimental Day,
was celebrated by SCN Butwal Terai West at the Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare
Club, Devinagar, Butwal, on Saturday, 14th September 2013.The programme
commenced at about 1130 hrs and was organized in two phases. Lt Jitman
Pun (79 years old) was the Chief Guest. WO2 Hombahadur Pun, Secretary
and Master of the Ceremony of the day welcomed all the Sirmooris and
outlined the events of the day. After observing a minute’s silence to pay our
tribute and respect to the brave Gurkhas who fought bravely and lost their
lives during the siege of Delhi in 1857 the Chairman and the Chief Guest
paid their respect to the Queen’s Truncheon followed by all ladies and gents.
The MC then invited Captain Bishansing Gurung to read out the Regimental
History. Thus concluded the first phase of the programme after the Chairman
Captain Indrabahadur Gurung thanked all for attending this memorable day
in the history of 2ndGurkhas.
Jai Lali
Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right
person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right
purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody’s power and
is not easy.
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the
rest to God.
“WORRYING does not take away tomorrow’s TROUBLES; it takes away
today’s PEACE.”
A minute’s silence being observed ...
The second phase started at about 1230 hrs. After a few drinks and tit bits
the Vice Chairman, Mr Chhabilal Pun announced that the lunch was ready.
Ladies followed by guests and the rest of the Simooris queued up for the
delicious Gurkha food which I hope everybody enjoyed. The programme
came to the end at about 1545 hrs. All the members of the SCN Butwal
Terai West would like to take this opportunity to express their sincere thanks
to the 2nd Gurkha Trustees and Central Committee SCN for providing
financial support to allow us to hold such a successful event.
Butwal Rep
SCN Butwal Terai West
By Darjeeling Representative
We again celebrated our Delhi Day Reunion at the same place, The Blue
Pine Café, Batasia View Point, Darjeeling, which is situated in the shadow
of the Indian Army War memorial. Unfortunately due to political unrest,
uncertain situation and chakkajam in Darjeeling, we were not able to hold
this Annual Regimental event on 14th September this year, instead we
celebrated it on 2nd October 2013. However, there were more members
than expected including wives, widows and children. Some senior members
did not make it to the reunion because of sickness, old age and prior
engagement and members from Kalimpong, Mirik and Kolkata also were
not able to attend this year whereas others from Siliguri, Kurseong and
Pokhriabong came to attend all the way from their respective places.
The programme started by offering respects to the Queen’s Truncheon
followed by a minute’s silence in memory of our ancestors who gave their
lives during the seize of Delhi in 1857. The senior member Capt.
Rudrabahadur Chhetri 1/2 GR read out the account of Delhi Day.
All members of Sirmoor Club Darjeeling would like to convey their sincere
thanks and gratitude to the Sirmoor Club Nepal and 2 GR Trust for providing
funds to make this event successful.
Our warmest greetings to all Sirmooris.
When to stop making money, and how much is enough (hundred
thousands, million, billion)?
Out of thousand hectares of good farm land, you can consume only three
quarts (of rice) daily; out of a thousand mansions, you only need eight
square meters of space to rest at night.
So, as long as you have enough food and enough money to spend, that is
good enough. You should live happily. Every family has its own problems.
Just do not compare with others for fame and social status and see whose
children are doing better, etc., but challenge others for happiness, health,
enjoyment, quality of life and longevity...
Don’t worry about things that you can’t change because it doesn’t help
and it may spoil your health.
The Branch Chairman Capt Amber Yonzon 2/2 GR gave details of Annual
General Meeting of Sirmoor Club Nepal, held in Kathmandu on 15th June
2013. He again reminded everyone to prepare for the greatest historical
event, 200th Anniversary of the 2nd Goorkhas, the Sirmoor Durbar, being
held from 27th – 29th March next year. He also thanked our representative in
Nepal and Treasurer SCN, WO1 Pasang W Lama and Maj Hitman Gurung
sahib for arranging to send the Nepal Sirmooree magazine to Darjeeling in
time for the Delhi Day.
You have to create your own well-being and find your own place of
happiness. As long as you are in good mood and good health, think about
happy things, do happy things daily and have fun in doing, then you will
pass your time happily every day.
As the drinks session started, members got busy talking and recounting old
stories from Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, the UK, Hong Kong and many
other places. This went on for some time before we had a few rounds of
Tombola and a Raffles draw before the lunch.. Once the lunch was over,
some members expressed their feelings about the celebrations and wished
everyone best wishes. Members from outlying areas started leaving with
others gradually drifting away and thus we came to an end of 156th Delhi
Day Reunion 2013.
With good mood, suitable amount of exercise, always in the sun, variety
of foods, reasonable amount of vitamin and mineral intake, hopefully you
will live another 20 or 30 years of healthy life of pleasure.
One day passes without happiness, you will lose one day.
One day passes with happiness, and then you gain one day.
In good spirit, sickness will cure; in a happy spirit, sickness will cure faster; in
high and happy spirits; sickness will never come.
Above all, learn to cherish the goodness around... and FRIENDS... They
all make you feel young and “wanted”... without them you surely feel
By Sgt Kamal Kumar Limbu 1/2GR
156th Delhi Day was celebrated by the Eastern Region based Sirmooris on
14 September 2013 at the Sainik Bhawan, Dharan – 10. It was attended by
a total of 92 members including wives and children. The Programme started
by taking a group photograph.
It was followed by the main event of the Delhi Day when the Secretary
drew attention of the attendees to observe a minute’s silence in remembrance
of those who had lost their lives in the siege of Delhi in 1857. Then the
Delhi Day Regimental history was read out by Sgt Birendra Prasad Limbu.
After the end of the pooja, refreshment drinks and tit-bits were served. Soon
afterwards delicious traditional Nepali khana was laid out. Ladies were asked
to start first followed by guests and the rest. The Delhi Day function was
very enjoyable with old friends and numbaris chatting with each other about
current and past days.
After khana there was khusiko dance for all who were interested in dohori
and folk songs. At the end of the programme, the Chairman delivered a
short speech highlighting past and current issues of Eastern region based
Sirmooris before finally dispersing, looking forward to meeting again next
year. We all Eastern Region based Sirmooris would like to express our
heartfelt thanks to the Sirmoor Club Nepal Central Committee and 2nd GR
Trust for helping to make this Delhi Day event successful. Our Namaste
and best wishes to all Sirmooris.
Jai Sirmoor Rifles
Amazingly True Quotes
Not all fingers are same in length,
but when they bend all stand equal….
(Life becomes easy when we bend and adjust to all situations)…
Dharan Branch Chairman Yambahadur Rai, paying respects to the Queen’s Truncheon
followed by all members including wives and children.
If silence is meant to be the best for all situations…
then why do we all get so hurt when people don’t talk to us??
We work for making better tomorrow but when tomorrow comes instead
of enjoying it we start thinking for better tomorrow!!! :
Who should be blamed when a leaf falls from a tree ?
Is it the Wind that blew it away? Or
Is it the Tree, that let it go? Or
Is it the leaf itself, which grew tired holding on?
Life unfolds a lot of these subjectivity everyday, it’s upto us to
LEAVE it or LIVE it or LIVE WITH it......!!
21156385 Sgt Chandra Bahadur Limbu ex
1/2 GR paying respects to the Queen’s
Enjoying Nepali khana and drinks
By WO2 HomBahadur Thapa Magr Ex 1/2 GR
BySgt Bhupendra Shahi Ex-1/2 GR
As in the past years, all Gorkha District Sirmooris gathered at our usual
venue at AWC’s premises to celebrate the 156th Delhi Day. The weather
was beautiful and sunny the whole day.
This is my third opportunity to write about the historical and wonderful
gathering of the 156th Anniversary of the Delhi Day which was celebrated
at the AWC Syangja for all the Sirmoories residing in Syangja and Parbat
Districts on 14 September 2013 with great pride and excitement.
The Sirmoori burhos gathered early in the
morning at 6 on the day to prepare and to make
this occasion successful and enjoyable. The
Sirmooris and their families started to arrive
in groups from 09:30 hours. At around 11:00
hours Vice Chairman 21155080 CSgt
Krishnabahadur Gurung ex 2/2 GR drew
attention of all and gave a short brief on the
significance of Delhi Day. Then the oldest
member former SCN Gorkha branch
Chairman Lt(QGO) Dil Bahadur Gurung ex Lt Dilbahadur Gurung offering
phulmala to Nishani Mai
2/2 GR initiated Nishani Mai puja offering
abir, tika and flowers followed by the rest of the Sirmooris and their families.
A group photograph was taken after that.
SCN Gorkha Branch Chairman Capt KhilBahadur Thapa ex 2/2 GR sahib
then read out the Regimental History which was followed by observance
of one minute’s silence in remembrance of all officers and brave soldiers
who sacrificed their lives during the Indian siege of Delhi in 1857.
After the main event of the day, tit-bits and drinks were served before
queueing up for the main course of special pulau, fresh local chicken and
fresh goat meat. This was greatly enjoyed by all Sirmooris and their families.
In the midst of a pleasant party mood, we did not realize that time had run
away so quickly and it was time to say good bye. The events finally came
to an end at about 16:00 hours when all Sirmooris and other attendees left
hoping to meet again at next year’s gathering.
Long live and Jai Sirmoor Rifles!
All the essential preparation for the catering, seating, reception and other
details were planned well ahead in which the AWC staff members were
also involved with their understanding to make the celebration successful
in the beautiful garden of the Welfare Centre which is located in Baad Khola,
Syangja District.
As variety is the spice of life, I conferred with the senior Sirmoories during
their pension collection parade if they would prefer tipan-tapan and main
khana supplied from the catering team. They all supported this idea.
Therefore Pralad Catering Service from Pokhara was approached and Mr
Amul Gurung, the proprietor, kindly agreed to our paltane menu providing
free transportation service all the way from Pokhara.
14th September 2013 was a beautiful day and a total of 52 Sirmoories arrived
at the AWC Syangja by 1130 hrs in the morning. Aftetr usual registration
and ‘check-chak’ the old and bold quickly mingled together talking about
their old days in the paltan in Malaya, Slim Barracks in Singapore, Tuker
Lines in Seria, Brunei, and Hong Kong barracks too. Then at 1200 hrs sharp
the writer of this article, welcomed all the guests with a chhoto mitho speech
followed by some useful information of the 2 GR Sirmoor Club Nepal
forecasts of events and activities. The Chairman, Hon Secretary and all
Members of the Central Committee were thanked for providing the generous
grant and managing the Sirmoor Club Nepal so efficiently.
Then the Delhi Day Regimental History was read out after which a minute’s
silence was observed for all our forefathers who sacrificed their lives during
the Delhi Mutiny of 1857. The senior most Sirmoorie, 21153185 Rfn
Tarakbahadur Ale ex-1/2 GR then paid respects to the Nishani Mai (Queen’s
Truncheon) by garlanding, followed by the rest of the Sirmoories.
Rfn Bhuwansing Thapa
Sgt Bhupendra Sahi ex 1/2GR, Asst AWO Syangja , reading out the Regimental History
Nishani Mai Puja
21153185 Rfn Tarabahadur Ale ex 1/2GR and Sgt Uttampsd Gurung ex 1/2 GR Asst AWO
After the formalities were over, drinks and tipan-tapan were served at 1300
hrs. All the members and their families enjoyed with plenty of ‘gaph-saph’
meeting and greeting each other. Some members even took the effort to
walk some distance to attend this programme. Then at 1330 hrs delicious
lunch prepared by Pralad Catering was served to everyone. Time and tide
waits for no one, as the saying goes, it was already 1500 hrs after everyone
finished their lunch and slowly trickled out of the AWC Syangja main gate,
saying ‘Pheri bhetaula hajur, arko Delhi Day ma’.
Tanahun Branch Sirmoor Club Nepal celebrated 156th Delhi Day on 14 Sep
2013. This year the Delhi Day programme took place in Tamusarkoibo near
the China Bridge on River Madi. Everybody was very happy and excited to
be able to celebrate the Day at this wonderful and convenient place.The
Sirmoories living in Damauli bazaar arranged every thing on the previous
day and early in the morning on 14 Sep started to prepare everything and
was ready at around 1000 hrs. All sirmoories, their wives and children started
arriving around 1030 hrs. Before the start of the programme we took some
bhutuwa, aludam and drinks.then secretary of Sirmoor club tanahu RfnKaji
Prasad Ale drew attention of all members and gave a short brief on the
significance of the day. This year Capt Balaram Rana 2/2 GR was our chief
guest and special guest was AWO Tanahun Hon Lt Hari bahadur Rana. The
oldest Sirmooree, Prabhusing Thapa, was also present. Thapa After a short
welcome speech by Rfn Bhuwansing Thapa 1/2GR a minute’s silence was
observed in order to pay tribute and respect to our brave Gurkhas who had
lost their lives at the seige of Delhi 156 years ago. The Chief Guest Capt
Balaram Saheb then led all the Sirmoories to offer worship with flowers
and abir to the “Nishanimai”. Chairman SCN Tanahun, Sgt Kesharbahadur
Thapa then read out the Delhi Day history highlighting the significance for
observing this occasion every year.
Finally, on behalf of the all the Sirmoories who attended the 156th Delhi
Day celebration from Syangja/Parbat Jillas, we would like to express our
heartfelt thanks to the Chairman Sirmoor Club Nepal, Captain Bharat Saheb
and all Central Committee members and 2 GR Trust UK for providing
generous grant to celebrate the historical Delhi Day in Area Welfare Centre
The AWO Tanahun, Hon Lt, Hari bahadur Saheb also briefed on some
welfare activities for welfare pensioners and rules and regulations for
obtaining ILE and ILR visa for settlement in the UK. It was then time for
group photograph before queueing for the delicious food. We all enjoyed
meeting all Sirmoories as it is the only chance when we can meet and share
our old time kuras with each other once a year. At around 1630hrs members
started thinning out as some needed to travel a long distance on foot, while
those from nearby places stayed on until 1730 hrs. We would like to thank
the 2GR trustees and SCN central committee for providing financial grants
like in the past years. We also would like to the Tamusarkoibo Community
for allowing us to use their beautiful place and look forward to gathering
again at the same place next year.
Jai Sirmoor Rifles 2 GR
Jay Sirmoor club
By Maj (GCO) LB Gurung
Kehi taja khabar from the President SC UK, Lt Gen Sir Peter Duffell
The renamed 2nd Gurkha Rifles Association-UK (SirmoorSathies) celebrated
the 2013 Delhi Day on Sat 14 Sep 13 in great style by paying a unique, filial
affection to the Queen’s Truncheon (Nishani Mai), which certainly provided
a fitting finale to the weekend! We all know that the Queen’s Truncheon, an
invaluable historical piece of ornament was presented to the Regiment by
HM Queen Victoria (1838 – 1901) in recognition of the unparalleled valour,
resilience and loyalty displayed by ourRegiment’s forebears in putting down
the Indian mutiny on 14 September 1857.This year I have asked Hon Capt
Karna Thapa, the editor of the Nepal Sirmoori, to shorten the article but
print more photos so that members can reminisce the day. However, I thought
it appropriate to include Gen Sir Peter Duffell’s (President of Sirmoor Club
UK) short speech in Roman Gurkhali. I am sure this will take most of you
down to memory lane during which time, the written version of lingua franca
was Roman Gurkhali. I am then obliged to thank the Admin Team as well
as make 100% clear the Income/Expenditure details at the end.
L-R Brig Beauchamp, Gen Duffell, FM Lord Bramall
and Maj Bishnu Pun
Namaste fromMajor N D
Wylie Carrick MBE, Hon sec
Here follows Gen Sir Peter Duffell’s speech in Roman Gurkhali. “Field
Marshal Saheb ani sabai Sirmoor Sathiharu, hamro Major Lalbahadur
Saheble aja tapain haru ko bhelama malai bhannu bhayo ki yadi mero kehi
kura haru chha bhane chhoto, mithoma bhanidinu hos bhanera malai hukum
dinu bhayo. Mero tin wata chhoto mitho kuraharu yastai chha. Pahilakura:
Field Marshal Saheb ani sabai Sirmoorie, sathai didi bahini haru lai aja
yahan jamma bhaeko belama Sirmoor Club ko tarpha bata thulo-thulo
Salaam ani Swagat dinnu paryo. Eksaye Chhappnna Salaghi hamro bajeharu
le Delhi ma hamilai sahrai ramro bahadur ko namuna dekhaidinu bhayo.
Statue samma Guard ani Truncheon Party London bich bato ma parade
hunechha.Uimahinama Royal Hospital Chelsea bhanne thaun ma Gorkhali
Tattoo hunechha ani Farnborough ma thulo mela pani hunechha.Pachhi
sabailai tyasko bishayma ajhai khabar dine chha. Kehi sanka chhaina 2015
thulo sal hunchha. MeroTesro Kura –Jai Goorkha ani Jai Lali Paltan!”
Maj L B Gurung, Chairman,
reading the Delhi Day history
Maj Narkaaji Gurung with
H&S brief and budget update
Yo Gorkhali ko bahadurko namuna nabhulnu hos. Dosrokura: Situation –
1815 salma Britain-Nepal ko larain khatam bhayepachhi, hamro paltan,
Sirmoor bhanne thaun ma shurubhayo. Dui saye sal pachhi, 2015 salma
British Pokhara camp ma sabai “2nd Goorkhako pension wallah haru Durbar
ko lagi jamma hunu parchha. Mission – To Celebrate200 years of the Sirmoor
Rifles. Execution –27March2015 ma Pokhara ma jamma garnechha, 28
March 2015 ma Parade ani Khana, 29 March 2015 ma Pokhara Exhibition
Ground ma Bhelaani Nautch-Gana. 31 March ya 1 April 2015 ma Brigade
of Gurkhas, Pokhara Camp ma pani bhela hunechha. Tyas Durbar kolagiaile
planning gardaichha. Hamro irada parade ko lagi sabai lai paltanko topi ani
duisaye barshako paltanko takma sabai pension wallah lai pani banrnechha.
Hamile yahi asa gareka chhaun ki hamro Brigade of Gurkhasko Band sathai
hamro Nishani Mai lai panityas ma samel garaune. Hamro pahilako Colonelin-Chief lai pani bolaune bhaeko chha tara aunusakchha ya sakdaina pachhi
matrai khabar paunechha. Yo Durbar ko lagi hamro Sirmoor Trust le Ek
Lakh pounds jati dine bhaekochha. Mero asha chha, thulo, mitho ani ekdam
ramro Durbar hunechha ra mero arko asha yahi chha ki tapain harule pani
Durbar ko belama chhutti milaera Pokhara janu sakyo bhane hami pheri
tyahan bhetna saknechhaun. Uisalko June mahina ma hamro Royal Gurkha
Rifles Public Duty ko khel pani garnechha ani tyo duty garda Truncheon
Escort Party le hamro Maharani lai Buckingham Palace ma Nishani Mai
laidekahunechha. Tyasko bad Buckingham Palace dekhi hamro Gorkha
Moun Dharan
The PresidentSC UK , Lt Gen Sir Peter
Chairman Maj L B Gurung presenting
phulmala to Nisani Mai
The Nautch
In summary, a total of 622 members including spouses as well as
approximately 10 - 12 UK Sirmoor Club members turned up. Right from
the outset, one could witness the undying camaraderie, ethos and esprit de
corps being reignited with broad, warm smiles, firm handshakes and healthy
bear hugs. Obviously, this would not have been possible without the help of
theselfless, hardworking volunteerparty. Therefore, I wish to extend my
profuse thanks to the followinghonorary volunteers. Maj Nigel Wylie
Carrick, MBE (Hon Sec Sirmoor Club-UK) for securing the presence of
the Queen’s Truncheon along with the escort party in liaison with CO/Adjt
2 RGR, and also for acting as the interface between SirmoorSathies-UK
and Sirmoor Club-UK. Maj Narkaji Gurung, who since 2005 till now has
been standing shoulder-to-shoulder with me in making the D-Day a great
success for 9 years! Likewise, Capt Raju Gurung since a few years back
who never tires of work. As a result, he has been painstakingly liaising 24hours a day with some1, 645 members in updating the Nominal Roll for the
200th Commemorative Medals as well as for the RegimentalBlazers, Badges
and the latest D-Day Backdrop etc, and the list goes on-and-on for him!
Next my heartfelt thanks to the Admin Partycomprising of : Capt Devbabadur
Ghale, Lt Muktijang Gurung, Lt Kusang Gurung, WO2 Rajkumar Gurung,
Csgt Uttar Gurung, Csgt Min Gurung, Sgt Budhi Gurung, Cpl Amrit Thakali,
Cpl Narjang Gurung, Cpl Balaram Gurung, Cpl Mohan Gurung, Cpl
Phattabdr Gurung, Cpl Janga Gurung, LcplBhuwani Gurung BEM,
RfnJagbahadur Thapa, RfnShreeprasad Gurung and RfnPancha Pun. Also
my many thanks to the Area Reps who are: Capt Haribdr Thapa of
Farnborough, WO2 Harka Gurung of Aldershot, Capt Chandrabdr Pun, WO2
Krishna Gurung and Cpl Ram Galami of Reading, Capt Dilip Thapa of
Swindon, Capt Shamahser Gurung of Guildford, Capt Dilip Gurung and
Cpl Kul Thapa of Camberley, Capt Ashok Sen of Basingstoke, Capt Umesh
Pun MVO of Colchester and Cpl Yam Gurung of West London area. Also
my hearty thanks to the in-house Entertainment Team comprising of: Sgt
Dev Gurung, (61255) Cpl GambahadurGurung(Super Gam), (67873) Cpl
Kulbahadur Thapa, (59974) the ever-green LcplBirbahadur Gurung and Cpl
NabinBiswakarma. Finally, our profuse thanks to SerSunar, the proprietor
of Bhetghat Restaurant in Aldershot and the rest of his staff whose foodstuff
including drinks, PA system and Nautch-Gana all included within the
unbeatable price tag of £7.50 per head was simply top-notch!My apologies
if I have inadvertently missed out anybody’s name. Reminder: Please be
reminded that due to a clash in programme with SCUK in 2015, we have
scheduled our Delhi Day celebrations for this year to be on Sat 19 Sep 15
(1030 – 1730 hrs). The Venue we will be booking will be: Samuel Cody
Specialist Sports College, Ballantyne Road, Farnborough,
Hampshire,GU14 8SN, UK.
Jai 2nd Gurkha Rifles Association-UK (SirmoorSathies)
Income & Expenditure Details of 156th Delhi Day Celebrations – Sat 14 Sep 13
· Remaining from last year
· Grant from the Regtl Trust Fund
· Regimental Tie x 53
· Regimental Hat x 19
· Regimental Pin Badge 364 x 0.35p
· Nepal Sirmoori Magazine x 231
· Regimental T-shirt x 1
· Contribution from photographer
· Sponsor from Bhetghat Restaurant
· Entry Fee from SirmoorSathies 564 x £5
· Entry Fee from Sirmoor Club-UK 58 x £10
Total Income
Gurkha Offrs included
· Venue booking
· Advertisement in Everest Times
· Photography of the event
· Flowers for Queen’s Truncheon + decoration
· Music Systrem
· Tents for outside x 2
· Volunteer identification badges
· Entertainment rehearsal
· Drinks for QT escort party + guests
· Postal charge for Nepal Sirmoori Magazine
· Postal charge for Nepal Sirmoori to SCUK subscribers
· Event photo upload to Website
· Food charge by Bhetghat Restaurant 622 x £7.50
Total Expenditure
Tigris and Tamandu Day are another regimental battle honours in the Sirmoor
Rifles history celebrated year after year. Sirmoor Club Nepal as in the past
celebrated this combined historical event on Sat 15th February 2014 in the
vicinity of the Area Welfare Office, Bagmati.
Balance = £835.52 (£7,510.83 Income - £6,675.31 Exp = £835.52)
Kathmandu Sirmooris
The Best News
The boss is finally old enough to retire from the company. On his last
day of work, he ordered a farewell party for himself. The boss wanted
everyone to express their good feeling about him by writing on the
farewell card, so later he could remember how his staff “miss” him.
Most people are writing standard phrases like, ‘Without you, the
company will never be the same,’ ‘We will always remember you,’
Obviously the boss was not satisfied, “I need something from the
bottom of your heart, something really touching, you know. Okay,
John, you have been working with me for the last 20 years. You are
my best staff. I am retiring now. What do you have to say?”
Slowly but firmly, John wrote, “The best news in 20 years.”
Hon Mr. Dilman Pakhrin, ex 2/2 GR, being congratulated for his appointment as
member of the Constituent Assembly Nepal.
This time the attendance compared to previous years roughly went up by
7.15%. This clearly acknowledges the alertness and wide dissemination
ability of our area reps and hope they will take the same level of action in
coming years also.
The Sirmooris on this day witnessed another history made but on political
front. We were honoured to felicitate Mr Dilman Pakhrin, ex 2/2GR SNCO
who was selected as a member of Constituent Assembly from Nepali
Congress at the last elections. The Chairman SCN, Senior Advisor and
Chairman Ktm Branch offered bouquet and khadas to the honorable CA
member who thanked all members present for the felicitation.
It was overcast and so was a perfect day for basketball players to have a
good sweat out before having a chilled beer. Readers can witness the
activities that took place on the ground from pictures attached.
Lastly, all Sirmooris wish to thank SAWO Bagmati for allowing us the use
of the AWC premises and the canteen like in the previous years and hope to
be able to use the same in years to come.
By Capt (Ret’d) Hikmatbahadur Gurung ex 1/2GR
Sirmoor Club Nepal Pokhara Branch Committee Members, Area Reps, some
senior Sirmoorees and their ladies celebrated the 2014 Tigris Day and
Tamandu Day on 23 Feb 14 at BGP. As usual, the most senior Sirmooree
present on the day, Hon Maj Lachhimiparsad Gurung MVO, BEM, read
out the history of Tigris Day and Tamandu Day. This was followed by a
basketball ‘baji’and once the ‘baji’ was over it was time for messing. The
event was attended by twenty eight Sirmoorees and nine wives, and on the
whole it was a huge success.
Jai Sirmoor!!
WO1 Passang W Lama
Players and spectators pose for a group photo prior to the game
News in a
local newspaper
1 JULY 2014
We have had another extremely busy and challenging year. As you are all
aware the operational deployments to Afghanistan have been reduced as a
result of the gradual withdrawal of coalition forces. The Arms Plot move in
August last year saw 1 RGR move to Brunei and 2 RGR return to UK and
it was executed out with normal RGR efficiency.
Our achievements this last year have not been confined to the battlefield.
We have continued to excel in military competitions (such the Army 100 at
Bisley), on courses (such as PSBC at Brecon) and on the sports field. We
have also deployed on numerous overseas exercises, including New Zealand
and Kenya, and some Short Term Training Teams. 2RGR also deployed on
OP PITCHPOLE in support of the flooding in UK.
Tranche 3 of redundancy has gone well as could be expected and we have
just announced the results of Tranche 4. This continues to be a painful period
for those selected but I am reassured that both the Battalions and HQ Brigade
of Gurkhas are doing all they can to help the transition into civilian life. We
must remember that those leaving Regular service will remain important
and valued members of the RGR family. We wish them well as they transition
to their second careers and look forward to hearing their stories at our
It is also important to remember that, however difficult, these redundancies
are essential to bring us back into manning balance and to kick start our
promotion pipeline. I am confident that we will face this challenge with
our customary courage, dignity and determination.
The future remains positive. We are fully manned, branching out into a few
new areas such as HQ ARRC, and we continue to perform to the highest
standards we set ourselves. While there is no prediction of future operations,
I know that quality will be recognized and we are ready for selection for
deployment. We must remain confident in our abilities and our future will
take care of itself.
On our 20th Birthday we can be proud of what we have achieved and the
remarkable way that we have faced and overcome every challenge. Every
member of the Regiment has played his part in enhancing our reputation
over the last 12 months. Whether serving with a Battalion, on ERE or
retired and working in our lines of communication in Nepal, it is our
individual contributions that, together, make us so effective as a Regimental
family and earn us the wider respect of the Army, the Ministry of Defence
and the Governments of both the United Kingdom and Nepal. We have a
great deal to celebrate.
Happy Birthday RGR!
BANANAS -Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. If
you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster. I didn’t know
CHEESE - Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil. It will stay
fresh much longer and not mold!
Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for
eating. Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for
Add a teaspoon of water when frying ground beef. It will help pull the grease
away from the meat while cooking.
Reheat Pizza
Heat up leftover pizza in a nonstick skillet on top of the stove, set heat to
med-low and heat till warm. This keeps the crust crispy-no soggy micro
pizza. Saw this on the cooking channel and it really works.
As Chairman of RGR Regimental Association Nepal Branch it gives me
great pleasure to update readers of this magazine, Nepal Sirmooree, Edition
20, about our Paltan, RGR.
Most of you will be aware that the operational deployments to Afghanistan
have been reduced as a result of the gradual withdrawal of coalition forces.
Both paltans now deserve to be away from OP HERRICKs and give a little
bit of time to be with their families. A big Syabash to both Paltans for their
smooth Arms Plot move, 1 RGR to Brunei and 2 RGR to Shorncliffe, Kent,
UK. It is now time to focus on our Gurkha kaida training, career courses
and sporting activities.
Many of our soldiers from the Regiment and Brigade have been affected
by the recent redundancy. We have all known for some time, since the
Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) in late 2010, that the Army
would be reduced in size to approx 82000 by 1 April 2015 through a
combination of redundancies. Redundancy is never an easy issue and is a
sad occasion. For those who were affected I would like to wish each and
every one of them all the success in their civilian lives.
It is with deep sorrow that I report that Mrs Choli Kumari Darji (Laxmi),
wife of LCpl Kumar Darji 1 RGR, daughter of our Sirmoori Cpl Gyan
bahadur 2/2 GR died in Brunei in a road traffic accident. Her body was
repatriated to Nepal on 05 Jul 2014 for final death rituals. All Sirmooris
and their families wish to convey their deepest condolences to the bereaved
families and pray to the Almighty for the eternal peace of the departed soul.
Promotion. All Sirmooris would like to congratulate our colleagues for
being selected for promotion and also for other achievements. Brigadier J
C Lawrence CBE (Col RGR) on promotion to the rank of Major General is
going to take his new job at the end of this year on completion of his tour in
Afghanistan. Brigadier A J P Bourne OBE has been selected to command
the 7TH Infantry Brigade and HQ East from Dec 2014. Col G M Strickland
DSO MBE after promotion to Brigadier is going to command the 4th Infantry
Brigade and HQ East wef May 2015. Col FM Lawrence OBE has been
selected to be Deputy Commanding General 1st (US) Inf Div on promotion,
Maj CAN Crowe and Maj J C Murray are being promoted to Lt Col. Officer
Cadet Subash Gurung was commissioned as direct entry Officer into RGR
at RMA Sandhurst in Apr 2014. Maj Prembahadur Gurung took over as the
Gurkha Major of 2 RGR and Major Chandrabahadur Pun 1 RGR has been
selected for the post of Gurkha Major of 1 RGR. We all wish them very
best of luck for their appointments and tenure in this very competitive and
challenging time.
Honours and Awards. We also would like to congratulate LCpl Tuljung
Gurung for being awarded Military Cross (MC), Maj D T Pack for MBE,
Sgt Govinda Gurung and Rfn Bikash Gurung for being mentioned in
despatches (MID), Major L M Roberts and LCpl Prakash Pun for the award
of Joint Command Commendation, for bravery during OP HERRICK 17,
and Capt (Retd) Bhoj Raj Gurung (SARO BGP) for being awarded GOC
Sp Command Commendation.
1 RGR. The Commanding Officer Lt Col D J Robinson and the GM Major
Ram bahadur Pun came to Nepal on duty in Nov 2013 and visited the families
of deceased and injured soldiers. Col D J Robinsion Saheb has now handed
over the command to Lt Col Jody Davies MBE Saheb. It was an excellent
news that 1 RGR sent two teams, running and football, to Nepal and both
performed very well. Many congratulations to Major S W M Chandler OC
C Company and his running team for their outstanding performance in 8th
Annapurna 100k and 50K Ultra Trail Race. The Paltan won the Army
Volleyball championship for the second consecutive year held in Apr 2014.
1 RGR also won the Trail walker 2014 which was held in July this year.
Syabash to the Paltan.
2 RGR. The Commanding Officer Lt Col Reedman Saheb and G M Major
Damar bahadur Sahi also came to Nepal on duty trek in Nov 2013 to visit
the families of the deceased and injured soldiers. 2 RGR battle group was
deployed on Exercise ASKARI STORM to Kenya and carried out excellent
exercise. 2 RGR also got opportunity to support the Commonwealth Games
held in Glasgow in Jul 2014. 21170896 Sgt Sanjeev Rai won the Queen’s
Medal Bisley 2014. We all congratulate them on their great achievements.
British Gurkhas Nepal. The recruiting registration has been completed.
The Regional and Central Selection West completed on 18 Aug 14 and
Regional selection East will be completed at the end of Sep 2014. This
year only 200 new recruits will be selected for the British Army. BGN is
carrying out the Welfare of our front line soldiers in a professional and
effective manner. Our soldiers have every confidence for their welfare.
The Gurkha Settlement Office continues to be busy supporting our exservicemen and their eligible dependents wishing to apply for UK settlement
visa. The COS BGN Lt Col Elton Davies R Signals has left and his
replacement, Lt Col V Young RAC, has just been announced and will be in
post from Oct 2014. Lt Col I S Logan RGR has been selected to take over
from Lt Col G Blewitt R Welsh as the Fd Director GWS Nepal and will be
taking over from May 2015.
Jai Sirmooree
By Maj Lachhimiparsad Gurung MVO BEM 2/2 GR
I am sure many of our readers may have heard, seen or read about the ongoing
Gukha Community Pokhara (GCP) activities and updates through emails
and face book. This magazine which reaches all 2 GR Sirmoories in Nepal
and all corners of the world is very popular amongst Sirmoories and so it is
worth jotting down some update for those who have not heard of it and may
be interested to join in and support the Gurkha Abhiyan.
The GCP is non-profit making and non-political with no association with
any other Gurkha organizations. Under the slogan of “Aphnupan Aphnu
Pahichan Sabal Nepal Hamro Abhiyan” GCP was established in 2009 with
the sole aim of uniting all Biritish, Indian and GCSPF Gurkhas and their
dependents to seek our identity and encourage all in collective Gurkha joint
ventures by utilizing our hard earned money, knowledge, qualifications and
experiences gained while serving abroad.
Brief account of institutes under Gurkha Community.
Chairman GCP - Maj Lachhimiparsad Gurung MVO BEM 2/2 GR
Life membership now (2013/14) stands at 800, 100 increased from last
year. All institutes are progressing well and performing their businesses
satisfactorily. This year we managed to name the long awaited Gurkha
Chowk at Chauthe, located along the Kathmandu Pokhara Highway at the
entry/access road leading to New Pokhara airport. A new project, Gurkha
Organic Farm and Research Center (GOFARC), is under construction in
Kavre and we hope to be able to launch it by October 2014.
Gurkha Business Group (GBG). Our major future plan is to buy a plot of
land in Pokhara and build our own Gurkha Bhawan Building with the aim
of all our institutes under one roof. This will save our house rent of about
1.2 lakh per month. For this we are working closely with the Gurkha and
Barah Jewellery Industry. Pokhara. To achieve our aim we are planning to
conduct a door to door campaign (Ghar Dailo Karyakram) asking/requesting
all Gurkhas to invest, not donate, a minimum of 25 thousand rupees each.
The Gurkha Saving and Credit Cooperative
Chairman - Capt (Retd) Indrabahadur Gurung 2/2 GR
During this 2013/14 we have 580 share holders and at present the minimum
share investment is NC 10000 with maximum of 5 lakhs. At present this
cooperative transaction is 24 crore. Since we started this cooperative the
annual bonus given to our share holders is min 11.7 %to max 16.7 %. We
have 46 pensioners who are enjoying the best Gurkha Pension Scheme
interest. All pensioners who wish to transfer their pension to please contact
us. This cooperative also provides door to door service facilities to customers
who wish to withdraw or deposit more than NC 5000.
(2 x shops in New road ), Hong Kong, UK and lastly in Pokhara . In Pokhara
it is a joint investment between Gurkhas and Barah jewellery industries.
Members of the Gukha Community Pokhara are given certain discount when
purchasing any items from them.
Gurkhali Radio 106 Mhz
Chairperson Mrs Shanti Gurung W/O Sgt Dhanbdra Gurung 2 GR
This is being led by Mrs Shanti Gurung who is the 3rd lady to lead the
radio. The founder chairperson was Mrs Sabirti Gurung, wife of Maj Govinda
Gurung, QGSig who was succeeded by Mrs Mina Gurung, wife of Hon Lt
Chattrabahadur Gurung QGSig. Gurkhali Radio needs to compete with 16
other FMs in Pokhara, however, despite some local staffing problem the
radio is now back on its track. It is now run by a very loyal and dedicated
team with a minimum staff. The station was recently visited by BFBS editor
Lisa Davies, Hon Lt Biod Khadka (BFBS Nepal) and Comd BGN Col Sean
Harris sahib. We are trying to coordinate with BFBS to share some of the
Gurkha related issues. Please go to to listen to our
program, 0530 – 2130 hrs NST. Any comments or advice would be most
Committee Members with staff
The Gurkha Saving & Credit Cooperative
Gurkha & Barah Jewellery Industries
Managing Director Mr Hari Dhamala
This is a joint venture with the Barah Jewellery, Barah jewellery is a very
well reputed shop in Dharan in 1996. Barah industry launced bu late Indra
Lamichane with the help of the Gurkhas in Dharan he started his business
with NC 50000. In the last 8 years, it has expanded its business to Kathmandu
Visit to Gurkhali Radio 106 MHz by Comd BGN
Gurkha Sahakari Upbhokta Pasal
Coordinator WO2 Bhimbahadur Gurung ex 1/2 GR
The Grocery shop did not live up to our expectation mainly due to various
reasons however, with the new management/staff in the last 10 months it
has shown a great deal of improvement. We also provide door to door
delivery service to any customer purchasing goods worth more than Rs
Ad hoc Committee – Chairman Maj (Retd) Lachhimiparsad Gurung
This is another Gurkha Collective investment in agriculture. The tentative
budget of the project is 4 crore rupees. We have so far collected 3.15 crore
from 104 investors. The minimum investment is one lakh rupees and the
maximum is 10 lakhs. We still ask our Gurkhas to be part of this Gurkha
venture. To date we have bought a total of 30-5-2-0 ropanis of land and it
has already been registered in the name of the Company. If things go as
planned we hope to be able to launch it by October 2014.
As a matter of interest to you all this farm will be producing nurseries of
orange, lemon, kiwi fruits, kurilo and akhbare khursani for the first 3 years.
After that we hope to be able to sell Suntala and Kiwi fruits for at least 40
years. By next year we hope to sell more than 25000 nurseries. The cost for
preparing 1 nursery will be 35 - 50 rupees but we will be selling them at Rs.
150 each.
Gurkha Uphokta Pasal home delivery van
Finally, I would like to thank the Chairman and editor Sirmoor Magazine
for allocating me this space to write and update about the Gurkha Community
Jai Gurkhas
This is an excellent opportunity for all our Gurkhas and their dependents to
join and be part of it. With your help and our vision and hard work we want
to make it a Gurkha model project. Please contact us if you would like to
join this venture. The land price has already gone up as this project lies
along the Bradiyabas BP highway (future Eastern region fast track). We
expect to get a return from our investment within three years.
Expanding Frosting
When you buy a container of cake frosting from the store, whip it with
your mixer for a few minutes. You can double it in size. You get to frost
more cake/cupcakes with the same amount. You also eat less sugar and
calories per serving.
Reheating refrigerated bread
To warm biscuits, pancakes, or muffins that were refrigerated, place them
in a microwave with a cup of water. The increased moisture will keep the
food moist and help it reheat faster.
A Presentation by the Agriculture
Director Iswari Kamfle of the Gurkha
Organic Farm and Research Center,
16 JULY 12 - MAY 14
By Major (Retd) Yambahadur Gurung
16 Jul 12 - 15 Jul 13
(2012/13, 12 months)
Buy a Brick
British Donor
2 GR
QOGLR (Annual Grant)
7 GR (Annual Grant)
10 GR
One Lakh Donor
16 Jul 13 – May 14 (10 months)
£100 x 10
Rs. 7,000
£ 600
£ 100
£ 500
£ 250
One Lakh - 15
Buy a Brick for the Museum - 12
Wives Club, BGP
Rs.15,000/QOGLR (Annual Grant) Rs.32,660/2GR Trust
Gifted By
Medals awarded to 10330 NK OJAHANG Maj (Retd) RJ Cross on 02/11/2013
THE 1939-1945 STAR
MBE Medal awarded to Hon Maj Kunjalal Mr Prakash Moktan (his son)
Moktan GTR
Months (12 months)
Nepali Financial Year
Shrawan (Jul/Aug)
Bhadau (Aug/Sep)
Asoj (Sep/Oct)
Kartik (Oct/Nov)
Mangsir (Nov/Dec)
Poush (Dec/Jan)
Magh (Jan/Feb)
Phagun (Feb/Mar)
Chait (Mar/Apr)
Baisakh (Apr/May)
Jeth (May/Jun)
Asar (Jun/Jul)
2GR No 2 Dress, Sam Brown Belt, No 6
Dress, 1815 Photo, TV monitor
2GR X-belt, No 1 Dress, Summer Mess kit
6 GR Capt Pim hp, TV screen, uniform
RGR Sgt Dip Parsad Pun CGC
7GR X-belt, No 1 Dress, Kilmarnock
10GR CSM No 2 Dress, Kilmarnock, OG
1. Museum Improvements.
a. Library Moved Downstairs and New Guard Room Built. In early
2014, we moved the library from the top floor to downstairs next to the
office where there was a less used conference room. We also had to take
out the toilet from the old conference room to make room for the book
shelves. The top floor library room was then converted into a gallery –
large windows were taken out and the holes closed while aluminum
ventilation windows were ordered and placed. A guard rest room was
also built on ground floor so that the night guard was now within view of
the entry gate. The total cost of this alteration was Rs 200,000 (about
£1,300). The 2GR contribution of £650 in 2014 assisted us with 50% of
the cost for which we are most grateful.
2. Museum News.
a. Infantry Radio Sets. Contact has been made with UK to acquire
Clansman infantry radio sets and still in process.
b. Pocket Diary 2014 (Nepali and English dates). This is on sale at the
museum and at Kathmandu through Major Hitman Gurung, CLO HQ
c. Regimental Souvenir on Sale. 2GR items on sale at the museum.
d. Remembrance Day 2013. It was combined with BGP and held at the
camp because it fell on the day the Maoists declared Bandha (general
close down of transport). About 30 members of British Gurkhas and
Indian Gurkhas attended. Hon Capt Dalbahadur Gurung 1/5GR(FF) aged
78 who won the Vir Chakra (third to the VC) also attended. (Sadly he
died in early 2014)
e. Constriction of Replica of the Dehra Dun “Lal” Gate. Construction
has started and should be complete by Dec 14. Engravings will be on
marble of those KIA.
3. Contact. E-mail address is and telephone is
061 441762 or 441763. Website
b. Top Two Floor Galleries Expansion and Redesign. UK museum expert
Guy Wilson came to Pokhara in Feb 14 for 3 weeks and advised us to
redesign the top two galleries. The display boards were all taken out and
better galleries were constructed. By Apr 14, we were able to display
more items and photographs and each regiment had wider areas. In
addition we purchased 5 new flat TV for first floor gallery (placed on
each infantry regiment section) that show continuous short video of
Regimental history and tradition.
Maj Lachhimiparsad Gurung MVO BEM 2/2 GR
On the occasion of the 156th Deli Day celebration, as usual annual Sirmoor
Club Nepal badminton competition was organised at the Sirmoor Fitness
Center Golf school, Mustang Chowk, in Pokhara on Sat 21 September
2013. Results :
Men’s Doubles
Winners Mr Nar Gurung (QGE Bhanja and Kumar Gurung ((QGE
Runners Up
Birbahadur Ale (2/2 GR Bhanja and Cpl Dilbahadur
Gurung 2/2 GR)
Veterans’ Doubles
Runners Up
Csgt Ramesh Bhattachan Bhattachan ½ GR and Cpl
Dilbdr Gurung 2/2 GR
Plate Competition
Winners Maj Lachhimiparsad Gurung 2/2 GR & Hon Lt Haribahadur
Rana 2/2 GR)
Winners and other participants with the senior most Sirmoori in Pokhara, Major
Dilbahadur Gurung MVO and prizes
The Nepal Senior Golf Competition 2014 was held at Gokarna Golf Resort
in Kathmandu from 22- 24 March 2014. Played under stroke play format
Maj Lachhimiparsad Gurung managed to win this competition. In the 2 day
36 holes play event he scored a gross of 162 (18 over) while Maj Gen
Victor Rana finished 2nd with a gross score of 170 (26 over).
(First Round losers)
Winners Mr Indralal Gurung (QGE Bhanja) and Jagdich Gurung 6 GR
Runners Up
Kamal Gurung (6 GR Bhanja) and Yambahadur Pun (Engr
Prizes were distributed by Senior Sirmoori present, Maj Dilbahadur Gurung
MVO 2/2 GR, Chairman Kaski District Badminton Association, Sirmoor
Club Nepal Representative Capt Hikmat Gurung 1/2 GR and Chairman
ThE Gurkhas Saving and Credit Cooperative, Capt Indrabahadur Gurung
2/2 GR.
On behalf of all participants I would like to thank you Chairman and Central
Committee Members, Sirmoor Club Nepal for continuously sponsoring and
supporting this event. I hope it will continue in the future.
Maj Lachhimiparsad Gurung with Nepal Senior Amateur Golf winner trophy
1. Introduction
We intend to arrange two golf meetings in Nepal in March 2015 as part of
the Gurkha 200 Bhela and Sirmoor 200 Durbar events. This note sets out
enough detail with a view to attracting all golfers travelling to Nepal or
those already in Nepal to take part in one or both meetings. The precise
details will be finalised and published nearer the time when we know the
numbers who intend to play. To that end would those interested in playing
please fill out the form below and return by email to
2. GBA Golf Meeting - Gokarna Forest Resort Golf Club, Kathmandu
- Thu 26 Mar 15
a. Golf Club. See
b. Format. Stableford (Full Handicap) - Maximum: Men - 24. Ladies 36.
c. Approx Timings (tbc).
(1) Tee Times: 0830-0930.
(2) Lunch/Prizegiving: 1430.
d. Costs (tbc) (Nepalese Rupees – inclusive of taxes).
3. Sirmoor Golf Meeting – Himalayan Golf Course, Pokhara – Mon 30
Mar 15.
a. Golf Club. See
b. Format. Stableford (Full Handicap) – Maximum: Men – 24. Ladies –
c. Approx Timings (tbc).
(1) Tee Times: 0830-0930.
(2) Lunch/Prizegiving: 1430.
d. Costs (tbc) (US Dollars – inclusive of taxes).
[Exchange Rate as at 20/07/14 – 1.00 USD = 0.59 GBP. This will be variable on
the day]
(1) Green Fee: $40 per person (including caddy & hire of clubs)
(2) Curry Lunch: $8 per person.
(3) Prizes: To be decided and cost divided between the number of players.
(Please complete and email this form to
[Exchange Rate as at 20/07/14 – 100.00 NPR = 0.60 GBP. This will be variable
on the day]
(1) Green Fee: NPR 5,000 per person for Overseas Players.
NPR 3,000 per person for Overseas Players staying at the
Gokarna Forest Resort Golf & Country Club
NPR 3,000 per person for Non-member Nepalese Players.
(2) Caddy Fee: NPR 600 per person for 18 holes.
(3) Hire of decent set of clubs: NPR 1,500 for 18 holes.
(4) Curry Lunch: NPR 1,700
(5) Prizes: To be decided and cost divided between the number of players.
Contact Email Address:
Hire of Clubs (*delete as applicable): *Yes/No [If Yes – *Left/Right
Which Golf Meeting (*delete as applicable): *Gokarna, Kathmandu –
and/or – *Himalayan, Pokhara
PFA Forecast on G200 Sirmoor Gulf Forecast in Nepal. I think it would be
useful info if we publish the below swell.
• British Embassy Reception – 25 Mar 15. This will be held in
Kathmandu and will be by invitation only.
• Brigade Bhela in Nepal – 26 Mar 15. A joint event with the Indian
Gurkha Brigade and will be held in Kathmandu. This event will provide
an opportunity for our pensioners in Nepal to celebrate 200 years of
service. It wills also allow us to forge closer links with the Indian Gurkha
• Sirmoor Durbar (2GRRA) in Nepal - 28 to 29 Mar
15. This event is being organised by 2GRRA in Pokhara and will provide
an opportunity for retired Sirmoorees to celebrate the 200th Anniversary.
• 7GRRA Durbar in Nepal – 27 Mar 15. This event is being organised
by 7GRRA in Dharan and will provide an opportunity for retired 7GR
personnel to celebrate the 200th Anniversary.
Moishe the Carpenter, returning home with his week’s wages, was
accosted by an armed robber on a deserted street.
“Take my money,” said Moishe, “but do me a favour: shoot a bullet
through my hat otherwise my wife won’t believe I was robbed.”
The robber obliged. He threw Moishe’s hat into the air and put a bullet
through it.
“Let’s make it look as if I ran into a gang of robbers,” said Moishe,
“otherwise my wife will call me a coward!
Please shoot a number of holes through my coat.”
So the robber shot a number of holes through the carpenter’s coat.
“And now…”
“Sorry,” interrupted the robber. “No more holes. I’m out of bullets.”
“That’s all I wanted to know!” said Moishe. “Now hand me back my
money and some more for the hat and coat that you’ve ruined or I’ll
beat you black and blue!” The robber threw down the money and ran.
Moral of the Story: Its never too late to use our brains to get out of a
difficult situation!!
Thanks, Keep Smiling,
On Sunday 27 July a weary Gurkha Burhos Team crossed the Finish Line
of Trailwalker 2014. For the first time in five consecutive years we had
broken the 24hrs ideal – we did it in 23 hours and 47 minutes! In recent
years we have had to contend with foul weather, but this time it was too hot
- 28º - and very hard work. We could not have done it without our brilliant
Support Team from the GWAC and it was an honour to be a member of an
incredibly determined and dedicated team who kept going when exhausted
and sore.
Gurkha Burhos 14 and Support Team
But we were not the only ones celebrating, and Brigade teams dominated,
with RGR and QGS filling the top five places. The 1RGR team from
Brunei got within minutes of breaking the long-standing record - no mean
feat in the searing heat – and teams as varied as the all-ladies QGS team
and the Gurkha Line Boys (sons of Gurkha Majors) showed how well some
of the Brigade supports this vital fundraising event for our charity – the
Gurkha Welfare Trust.
We were not alone - hundreds of people from all walks of life, of all ages
and of all shapes, struggled through Trailwalker for our benefit. It remains
a humbling experience to meet so many people who know so little of us, yet
do so much for our old soldiers and for Nepal. We commend them to you.
The Gurkha Burhos have raised over £3,000!
To those of you who have supported us, our grateful thanks - and there is
still time for others to show their support. Please go to
gurkhabhuros14 to see the full story.
And thank you all in anticipation, from The Gurkha Burhos
See - you know it makes sense!
(More photos in Photo News)
She wanted to serve her guests mushroom-smothered steak, but she had
no mushrooms and no time to buy them. Her husband suggested, “Why
don’t you go pick some of the mushrooms that are growing wild down by
the stream?
“No, some wild mushrooms are poisonous.”
“Well, I see varmints eating them and they’re OK.”
So she picked a bunch and washed, sliced and sautéed them for her dinner.
Then she went out on the back porch and gave Spot, their dog, a double
handful. Spot ate every bite. All morning long, she watched the dog.
The wild mushrooms hadn’t affected him after a few hours, so she decided
to use them. The meal was a great success. After everyone had finished,
her daughter came in and whispered in her ear, “Mum, Spot is dead.”
Trying to keep her head about her, she left the room as quickly as possible,
called her doctor and told him what had happened. The doctor said, “That’s
bad, but I think we can take care of it. I’ll call for an ambulance and I’ll be
there as quickly as I can. We’ll give everyone enemas and we’ll pump out
their stomachs and everything will be fine. Just keep them calm.” Before
long they started to hear the sirens as the ambulance tore down the road.
The paramedics and the doctor had their suitcases, syringes, and a stomach
pump. One by one, they took each person into the bathroom, gave them
an enema, and pumped out their stomachs.
After the last one was done the doctor came out and said, “Everything will
be okay now,” and with that he left.
The hosts and the guests were all weak and knackered sitting around the
living room when the daughter came in and said to her mum,
“I can’t believe that guy!”
“What guy?”
“You know, that one who ran over Spot, he never even slowed down”.
CSgt Ramesh Bhattachan ex 1/2 GR with Tirtha
Bahadur Tamang and Bed Bahadur Sunuwar
Nepalese Runners from the Tribhuwan Army Club, TirthaTamang and
Bed Sunuwar led and managed by Ramesh Bhattachan, established
their running supremacy in the 2nd Dali City 100K Endurance Race and
the Chinese Sky Running Association 50K Race held on Saturday, 24 May
2014, in the beautiful city of Dali which is located in the Yunan Province of
China. Tirtha and Bed won their respective events in a record time outrunning
other elite runners from China. There were about 600 runners participating
in this prestigious race in the Chinese Ultra Race Calendar. The route started
from an altitude of 1650m rising to a height of 4092m at a distance of 22km,
the highest point in Dali City that overlooks and shadows the beautiful ErHai
lake and continuing up and downhill and finally running through the walking
paths of the roads and western bike track of the ErHai Lake. The race started
exactly at 0800 hrs and had a 24 hour limit. With the professional coaching
and educational instruction given to them, they slowly followed the
lead runner just behind for the first 22k which gradually reached the highest
point after Check Point 2. The weather was beautiful with clear sky but a
bit windy at the top. Slowly after reaching the highest point, Bed Bahadur
led the 50K group and Tirtha Bahadur led the 100K runners. After Check
Point 3, Bed and Tirtha ran competing to themselves leaving other runners
virtually miles apart.
1st -Tirtha Bahadur Tamang - Nepal 11 hrs 58 mins
2nd - Wong Shau Lung - China 13 hrs 05 mins
3rd - Zhao Zi Yu - China 13 hrs 57 mins
1st - Bed Bahadur Sunuwar - Nepal 6 hrs 14 mins
2nd -Wong Shau Lu - China 6 hrs 45 mins
3rd - Chen Jian– China 7 hrs 32 mins
Tirtha Bahadur and Bed Bahadurs’ participation has made the Nepalese
Ultra/Trail Running Flag fly higher as they were the 1st and 2nd position
winners in the 2014 Vibram Hong Kong1 00K Race. These results have
also established their running supremacy in the Chinese soil. The prize
distribution ceremony was held on 25th May 2014 at the main hall at 0900hrs.
Jai Nepal.
Team Manager/Coach 2nd Dali City 100K Endurance Race - 2014
(This is good advice, (translated from Chinese)
Read all,take the advice, and hopefully you will be a happier person !)
Because none of us have many years to live, and we can’t take along
anything when we go, so we don’t have to be too thrifty...
Spend the money that should be spent, enjoy what should be enjoyed,
donate what you are able to donate, but don’t leave all to your children
or grandchildren, for you don’t want them to become parasites who are
waiting for the day you will die!!
Don’t worry about what will happen after we are gone, because when
we return to dust, we will feel nothing about praises or criticisms. The
time to enjoy the worldly life and your hard earned wealth will be over!
By Captain Amber Yonzon BEM 2/2 GR
A sudden meeting with Hon Major Dilbahadur Gurung MVO Saheb, ExGurkha Major 2/2 Gurkha Rifles, on 24th April 2014 in Darjeeling was a
great pleasure. As Chairman of Good Neighbour Service Association
(GONESA) Nepal, he was visiting along with some of the Staff of the
GONESA to gather information regarding the education system of the Govt.
Schools in Darjeeling. Captain Rudrabahadur Chhetri from 1/2 GR and
other ex 2 GR members, Capt Amber Yonzon, Lt Pasang Tamang, WO2 C
N Lama, WO2 Premendra Pradhan, CSgt Mahendra Tamang, CSgt Jhulendra
Gurung, CSgt Dawa Lama, CSgt Chandra Prakash Rai, CSgt Mahendra
Chhetri and Cpl D B Tamang, all from2/2 GR, got an opportunity to spend
some time with him at the Glenarys Darjeeling which brought back a lot of
old memories. Since D B Saheb was on a tight schedule and due to lack of
time we were not able to arrange a proper welcome party for him except
light snacks and Darjeeling Tea. We look forward to meeting him in future
as well.
Don’t worry too much about your children, for children will have their own
destiny and should find their own way. Don’t be your children’s slave. Care
for them, love them, give them gifts but also enjoy your money while you
can. Life should have more to it than working from the cradle to the
Don’t expect too much from your children. Caring children, though caring,
would be too busy with their jobs and commitments to render much help.
Uncaring children may fight over your assets even when you are still
alive, and wish for your early demise so they can inherit your properties
and wealth.
Your children take for granted that they are rightful heirs to your wealth;
but that you have no claims to their money.
50-year old like you, don’t trade in your health for wealth by working
yourself to an early grave anymore... Because your money may not be
able to buy your health...
(Charale Tanyo Chapplelai)
By Major Yambahadur Gurung
Just to update members who have not read the previous article, Rotary Club
is an international organisation that gets together similar minded people
usually professionals who have retired and organise projects. There are over
70 clubs in Nepal mainly in Kathmandu. The Himalayan Gurkhas was
formed in 2003 from amongst retired British Gurkhas officers and soldiers
living mainly in the Maharajgunj area and Budhanilkantha area. Gradually
it spread to take non-military persons as well. Now it has 28 members.
With connections through our military career, we usually take on projects
with partner clubs from UK but we also do a number of projects with
Matching Grants from Rotary International.
3 successful ANM students in the middle with their certificates and the club members.
Newspaper Cutting on FM Sir John Chapple
Some of the projects we have taken on in the last 12 months are shown
1. MG70881 (MG means Matching Grant). Three girls have been trained
at CTEVT centre Dhulikhel as Auxiliary Nurse Midwife. Their 18 months
training ended in August last year. Thereafter, the girls were attached to
Hospitals in Kathmandu for practical lessons. Early this year they were
given Micro Loan training at Bara Bise. Now they have started working in
their own clinics at Ghorthali, Karthali and Chokati villages in
Sindhupalchok District. The project was funded by a German Rotary club
with Matching Grant from Rotary International.
2. MG 79442/79446. The projects aimed to equip 3 schools with computers
in Panchamul valley, Syangja district and one Higher secondary school at
Majhathana, Kaski district. Seven Rtns from District 1040, UK arrived in
Nepal in Nov last year and spent 3 weeks, launching IT suits. The Rotarians
also gave basic IT training to 10 teachers in each school. The project was
funded by a British Rotary club (Harrogate Brigantes) with Matching Grant
from Rotary International.
2. Drinking water project at Dhading. The water from the source which
was about 2 Km away was piped to Hulak village and distributed to locals
through 9 taps. It was funded by the Evans Trust, UK.
3. Micro Loan scheme (MLS) at Panchamul VDC, Syangja. With fund
raised by Rotary club of Harrogate Brigantes, UK, locals of Wards 1, 4 and
5 in Panchamul VDC benefited with small amount of money to start small
business. Chicken, Goat, pigs and buffalo were raised by 52 households.
Sirubari, the tourism model village being in Panchamul VDC, there was no
shortage of meat consumer. Therefore the Micro loan project is going well.
4. Class rooms construction of Matrivumi Primary school at Kaskikot
village, Kaski. Funded by UK club of Ealing, the project was completed in
Nov last year and handed over in March 2014.
Handover of Shree Jethi Kanya project at
Eladi, Rtn (From Left) Siri, Lok, Narayan,
Bhim and Lil
Vice President Rtn Yubaraj cuts ribbon –
new classroom at Kaskikot village, Kaski.
5. Shree Trivuwan High school at Ghanpokhara village, Lamjung.
Funded by the Evans Trust, UK, perimeter wall was built to protect the
school so that the children could learn undisturbed, was completed and
project formally closed in April 2014.
6. Shree Jethi Kanya Primary school, Eladi, Syangja (near Walling).
Funded by Eifion Trust, UK, replaced old roof and furniture. Completed
project was handed over to school management committee in April this
7. Drinking water project, Anpu, Majhathana VDC. – Funded by Eifion
Trust, supply of drinking water was constructed in Anpu village and handed
over to local village committee in June 2014.
UK Rtn Guy Wilson supervises Train the One of the benefactors, a 91 years old lady,
Trainer classes in new IT suit in Shyangja
who unveiled the marble plaque.
8. Drinking water and sanitation, Pahire, Majhathana. A primary school
was short of drinking water and toilet facility. Fund was made available to
overcome this problem. Completed project was handed over to school
management committee in June 2014.
Non MG projects
1. Construction of Class rooms at Dubekul, Khotang district, East
Nepal: Funded by the Evans Trust of UK, the project was completed after
6 months of hard work by the school management committee and handed
over to them in early 2013.
No doubt exists that all women are crazy; it’s only a question of
- W. C. Fields
By Capt Rukumbahadur Rana LO (GSO)
The main aim of this office is to provide assistance with visa applications
for settlement in the UK and to give information about life and living in the
UK so that individuals can make an informed choice. The GSO also liaises
with the Gurkha Settlement Project Team in the UK for the fast-tracking of
National Insurance Numbers (NINO), UKVI and Visa application Centre
where required. It is important to note that the office neither influences nor
makes judgements on the eligibility of applicants. Looking after the
settlement need of our pre 1997 Ex-Gurkhas and their dependants and with
almost 6 years tenure, the service provided by GSO as at 18 July 2014 is as
Total number of visits to GSO
Registered applicants
(incl. dependants)
Visa application forms completed
Visa approved - reported
(applied through GSO)
Visa approved - reported
(not applied through GSO)
NINO Fast Track processed
(wef.19 Aug 10)
Week ending
18 Jul 14
You are also advised that the last date for hand written passport validation
is 24 November 2015.
Advice to potential applicants:
• Contact GSO office before proceeding with document procurements.
• Attend GSO briefing
• Ensure the details in your passport and other necessary documents are
same as recorded in your Lal Book (AF B 108) and or Kindred Roll (FF
290) family details.
• Where possible do not delay your departure to the UK unnecessarily
once ILE is approved.
• People who proceed to UK and face a problem put the blame on GSO for
not advising them.
GSO provides ex-Gurkhas with all the necessary assistance free ! If you
want more information on UK settlement, please get in touch at the following
address :
Gurkha Settlement Office (Kathmandu)
British Gurkhas Nepal
Manbhawan, Lalitpur
Tel: 977-1-5533521 Ext 326, 327 & 329
Fax: 977-1-5547561
In addition to the above the GSO has provided assistance to a large number
of ex Gurkhas in transferring of ILE into new MRP and assisted with
application for returning residents and other issues like family migration
rules and procedures and other unaddressed issues for pre/post 1997 ExGurkhas and their dependants.
The GSO conducts briefings and ex-Gurkhas and their dependants can
participate and put forward any queries they may have. The GSO advises
ex-Gurkhas to attend briefings, check their documents and help with filling
out their visa application forms.
DPMGSO, Insp Rumbahadur Gurung, The GSO Staff with Capt Rambahadur Limbu
Major Krishnabahadur Gurung (BUWO
VC and his wife.
BGN) and Capt Rukumbahadur Gurung
(LOGSO) with a senior Gurkha visitor.
The UK Settlement visa fees effective from 07 April 2014 are revised as
Ex-Serviceman, Spouse, Child under 18 yrs - Rs 150,450 (£885)
Other Dependant Relatives (ODRs)
- Rs 336,940 (£1,982)
Returning Residents
- Rs 49,130 (£289)
Vignette Transfer
- Rs 18,530 (£109)
Visit (Short)
- Rs 14,110 (£83)
From 1 April 2014, VFS Global, Naxal Kathmandu, no longer provides
visa information services to UK visa applicants. For those who wish to
apply direct may visit : for details on how to contact the new
UK visa Customer Contact Centre.
Gurkha Settlement Office (GSO) continues to assist all ex Gurkhas and all
potential ex Gurkha applicants are advised to contact them in BGN,
Kathmandu on : Tel: 977-1-5533521 Ext 326, 327 & 329 or email :
Use your hair conditioner to shave your legs. It’s cheaper than shaving
cream and leaves your legs really smooth. It’s also a great way to use up
the conditioner you bought but didn’t like when you tried it in your hair.
To get rid of pesky fruit flies, take a small glass, fill it ½” with Apple Cider
Vinegar and 2 drops of dish washing liquid; mix well. You will find those
flies drawn to the cup and gone forever!
Get Rid of Ants
Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. They eat it, take it “home”,
can’t digest it so it kills them. It may take a week or so, especially if it rains,
but it works and you don’t have the worry about pets or small children
being harmed! (Give it a try!)
Hon CA Member Mr. Dilman Pakhrin being congratulated
by a gathering of ex 2nd Gurkhas at AWC Bansbari on
15th Feb 2014
Mr Dilman Pakhrin joined the British Army in 1977. After 9 months of
recruit training at THETraining Depot Brigade of Gurkhas (TDBG) he joined
2/2 GR. After 16 years of loyal service to the Crown he retired from the
Army as an SNCO (Sergeant). After retirement he was deeply involved
in social works helping the people of his native district, Dhading.
He was a candidate from Nepali Congress in the general elections for the
Constituent Assembly Nepal on 10 April 2008 when he was narrowly
defeated by the Maoist Party Candidate. In the 2nd constituent Assembly
elections held on 19 Nov 2013, he was not given a ticket to contest from
his constituency for a direct electoral system but was offered a seat for for
the Constituent Assembly as Sabhasad to draft a new constitution of Nepal
through proportional representation system. Now Sabhasad Dilman Pakhrin
represents Dhading District as well as the Ex-servicemen community. He
has a great ambition to play a vital role in the writing of the forth coming
constitution of Nepal for the Ex-servicemen community.
Congratulations to Hon Dilman Pakhrin for his achievement and best of
luck for his tenure as a Lawmaker from all Sirmooris in Nepal, the UK and
around the world.
By Maj Hitman Gurung 2 GR RGR
JULY 2013- JUNE 2014
Date of
Sherbahadur Ale MVO IDSM 29-Oct-13
Date of
431743 Maj (QGO)
443834 Capt (QGO) Parbhu Thapa
482362 Lt (QGO)
Maite Gurung
491361 Capt(QGO)
Jitbahadur Gurung
494959 Lt(QGO)
Khaka Pun
502704 Hon Maj
Kishansing Gurung
21164860 CplTrilokGurung ex 1/2GR
7 21131201 Sgt
Gobiraj Gurung
8 21131345 Rfn
Chandrabhadur Gurung
I am pleased to announce that MrYem Kumar (Trilok) Gurung has been
appointed as Advisor, NRNA, April 2014 – October 2015. He also has held
following appointments in the past:
Siangbahadur Tamang
10 21132383 Rfn
Tekbahadur Pun
11 21132475 Rfn
Kanchha Rai
12 21132939 Rfn
Birbahadur Gurung
Founder President of National Coordination Council (NCC), Hong Kong,
1st Term April 2006 – June 2008
2nd Term June 2008 – May 2011
13 21133425 WO1
Amarbahadur Gurung
14 21133651 Cpl
Samansing Gurung
15 21134766 LCpl
Dhanbahadur Mall
16 21134848 Sgt
Krishnabahadur Thapa
17 21136167 Sgt
Sukbir Gurung
Regional Coordinator, Asia Pacific Region, NRNA: October 2011 – October
18 21137462 Rfn
Maniparsad Thapa
19 21137496 Cpl
Toyabahadur Thapa
20 21138416 CSgt
Narandhoj Mall
Trilok is the Chairman of the Gurkhas Ekta International Group of
Companies which operates the following organisations
21 21140398 LCpl
Yogabahadur Thapa
22 21141219 LCpl
Mekhbahadur Rana
23 21141241 Cpl
Binbahadur Gurung
24 21141262 Cpl
Naran Gurung
25 21142467 Rfn
Abbahadur Gurung
26 21142522 Rfn
Dhanbir Thapa
27 21142996 CSgt
Guptabahadur Thapa
Ekta International Pvt Ltd
Ekta Training and Skills Centre
Gurkhas Ekta International (HK) Limited
Elite Gurkhas Hong Kong Limited
Gurkhas Ekta Security Srvices Limited
Gurkhas Ekta Internacional de Macau Limitada
Congratulations from all Sirmooris.
9 21132380 LCpl
28 21143083 Sgt
Dalbahadur Thapa
29 21143694 Rfn
Jitbahadur Gurung
30 21143707 Rfn
Pirthe Rana
31 21143788 Rfn
Narbahadur Gurung
32 21144616 Cpl
Pahale Bura
33 21144955 Rfn
Balbahadur Rana
34 21145019 Rfn
Jangbahadur Gharti
35 21145613 Rfn
Balbahadur Thakali
36 21147032 Sgt
Aitasing Gurung
37 21147232 WO2
Dhanbahadur Tamang
38 21147251 LCpl
Deobahadur Pun
39 21148105 Rfn
Kalambahadur Gurung
40 21148177 Sgt
Mombahadur Gurung
41 21148190 Rfn
Gagansing Gurung
42 21149156 Rfn
Narbahadur Sahi
43 21149157 Rfn
Dharmaraj Khatri
44 21149554 Rfn
Gamarbahadur Gurung
45 21150389 CSgt
Judhabahadur Mall
46 21150428 Rfn
Jhulbahadur Gharti
47 21150448 CSgt
Rasbahadur Ghale
48 21151804 Rfn
Tilakbahadur Rana
49 21151818 Rfn
Sirdhoj Gurung
50 21152797 Rfn
Sherbahadur Gurung
51 21153013 Rfn
Surbir Thapa
52 21153200 Cpl
Budhilal Tamang
53 21153234 Rfn
Ranbahadur Pun
54 21154095 Cpl
Lalitbahadur Sunwar
55 21155735 Rfn
Birbahadur Gurung
56 21156511 CSgt
Sambahadur Gurung
57 21157287 Rfn
Jhamansing Thapa
58 21157288 Rfn
Khumbahadur Rana
59 21157384 Rfn
Jitbahadur Limbu
60 21157636 Rfn
Jitbahadur Gurung
61 21158053 Cpl
Sukbahadur Gurung
62 21159781 Rfn
63 21160016 WO2
Balbahadur Roka
Narbahadur Gurung
64 21161285 Cpl
Bhuwanbahadur Sherchan
Narbu Lama MBE
Reshambahadur Thapa
Santoshkumar Pradhan
Tashibahadur Tamang
Note: Serials 65 to 68. Because of submission deadline at the press, we are not able to
record all details of these four Officers. Please see their obituaries.
Sirmoor Club UK Member
Edward Hugh Sherrard Dillon (5th Bn 1944-47)
Maj (GCO)
Lawrie Linskey (QM 1st Bn 1978-83)
Richard Tanner (2nd Bn 1958-59)
Narbu Lama MBE (1st Bn 1948-1987)
Derek Edward Auden (1944-47)
William McMillan Scobie (5th Bn 1943-46)
Johnny Kaye (1 Bn)
Details not available
Not up to date list.
Correction: Nepal Sirmooree 2013, Edition 19, under UK Sirmooris, Serial No. 1 - please read Eric
Receiving Gorkha Dakshin Bahu from Late King Birendra
Capt Jit Bahadur Gurung, a man from village Lama Thar Sikles, joined
British Army 2/2 GR on 11 Nov 1958 at the teen age of 17 years. He was
promoted to the rank of Lt (QGO) at the shortest service of 12 years and 5
months and also left army with the same momentum after serving 21 years
and 6 months only ie on 29 May 1980.
Capt Jit Bahadur Gurung later settled in Phoolbari Pokhara -11. The present
Sikles Parche Tamu Samaj was established in his house with his guidance
under the leadership of some one else from the village. He was the king
maker of his Gurung village community. He had a lion share establishing
Ramghat Gumba and was the Treasurer during the construction period of
the existing statues and main building of Gumba. He donated 15 dharni of
copper for the present statue of Buddhaji in the Gumba. He also donated a
milking cow to Lama Gurus during that period.
Capt Jit Bahadur Gurung chose his second career in the field of life stock
business. He started with Poultry Farm in the beginning. He opened the
Fishing industry, Cow and Goat Breeding Farms. Pigs Breeding Farm was
in large scale which was the point of attraction. Later he conducted the
Gandaki Feed Industry for the use of the pet animals. He was awarded
UTKRISTHA KRISHAK SEVA PADAK on 29 December 1989. He was
awarded GORKHA DAKSHIN BAHU by Late King Birendra in Narayanhiti
Royal Palace, also on 29 December ten years later, in 1999.
Capt Jitbahadur Saheb left all of us and paved his way to ‘Swarga’ on 13
June 2014.
May Almighty God Bless his Soul
By Lt Col Kaman Singh Gurung ex IA
Editor: It was a co-incidence that Capt Jit Saheb received both of his medals on
the same day, 29th December Late King Birendra’s birthday.
Pokhara Chairman represented SCN and presented a 2 GR khada, during Arghaun
on 31 Jul 2014.
Late Capt Prabhu Thapa
Born on 3 Feb 1924 Captain Prabhu Thapa (443834) joined the British
Army on 3 Feb 1941. He was commissioned to the rank of Lt on 30 Mar
1955 and having served in India, Malaya, Sngapore and the UK he finally
retired on 21 Jul 1968.
One of the few remaining Gurkhas enlisted before the Indian Independence
Captain Prabhu Saheb died on 30 Jul 2013 at his home in Surkhet. He
leaves behind a wife, three sons and four daughters. He was decorated with
the following:
1939-45 Star
Pacific Star
War Medal
India Independence Medal
GSM W/Clasp Malaya and
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
From L-R: Capt Karnabahadur Thapa, Lt Col Kaman Singh Gurung, Capt Ganesh
Gurung with Siklesh Parche Samaj 2 GR members.
Late Lt (QGO) Khaka Pun 1/2 GR
I report, with great sadness, that 494959 Lt Khaka Pun 1/2GR passed away
on 21 December 2013 at his house in Bhairabtole, Pokhara. He had been
suffering from Kidney failure and had been on dialysis for the last 2 months.
Maj Chandrabahadur Pun MVO ex 2/2 GR kindly represented and laid a
wreath on behalf of all members of the Sirmoor Nepal, UK and Saathies UKl.
Born on 27 April 1939 in Dhawalagiri Anchal, Myagdi Zilla, in the village
of Sikha and enlisted into the British army in 27 Oct 1956. On completion
of recruit training he joined 1/2GR A Company. He finally retired as Lt
(QGO) on 11 August 1978.
Khaka Sahib was a nami officer in 1st Bn and on retirement spent all his life
in samaj sewa.
Founder Chairman Pun Samaj
Chairman Sikha Secondary High School
Chairman Manakamana Boarding School Fulbari, Pokhara
Founder Chairman Bindabashini Higher Secondary School, Pokhara
Founder Chairman Pokhara Nirman Byabasayi Sangh
Khaka sahib was very friendly and was of pleasing personality.
His son 21160945 Cpl Yambahadur Pun ex 1/2GR has taken over his father’s
empire and lives in Nepal. Khaka Sahib’s daughter Rukmaya (Ruku) a
famous volleyball and a basketball player is married to 21161588WO2
Krishna Pun ex 1/2GR and lives in UK.
CSgt Jagat Pun 2 GR
Area Rep SCN Pokhara
I, living in the same area, personally invited him and he kindly attended
Delhi Day on 14 Sep 2013, dressed up in regimental mufti, looking slightly
lean and thin but with full of josh!
Late Major Narbu Lama, MBE
Narbu Lama, who has died in Darjeeling aged 83, was a distinguished soldier
in the 1st Battalion, and one whose obvious ability, innate modesty, charm
and friendliness made him many friends. He was highly regarded by all
who knew him - commanders, peers and friends - throughout his military
service and in later life at his home in Darjeeling.
Narbu was born on 26 February 1930 in Darjeeling and educated at the
Government High School there. In February 1948 he enlisted as a Clerk in
the 2nd Goorkhas and joined the 1st Battalion in Singapore. In 1955 his
sterling qualities earned him the rare transformation from Sergeant Clerk to
General Duties as a platoon sergeant and, later, platoon commander in D
Company on operations in Malaya. He was then nurtured by careful training
until he was commissioned as Lieutenant (GCO) in Hong Kong in December
1957. His progress continued in a variety of roles where he continued to
show his ability and versatility. He was Machine Gun Platoon Commander
and then MTO before being seconded to the Singapore Police Gurkha
Contingent as 2IC. In 1963-64 he commanded several companies in turn:
A Company in Sarawak; HQ Company in Singapore, Sarawak and Hong
Kong; B Company in Hong Kong and Brunei, where he was awarded the
3rd Class of The Most Blessed Order of Stia Negara, Brunei. From 1964 to
1966 he was Paymaster, OC Rear Party and Assistant Training Officer in
Hong Kong.
Karnabahadur Thapa
From 1967, until that unit was disbanded in January 1970, Narbu was 2IC
5 Gurkha Dog Company in Singapore. Then he returned to the 1st Battalion
to command HQ Company. From late 1974 to early 1980 he was Chief
Administrative Officer, British Gurkha Depot Dharan. After that he was
back in the 1st Battalion to command HQ Company for four more years. It
was a remarkable span of jobs to perform with skill and equanimity, and it
was recognised with his well deserved MBE in 1985.
Just prior to that, Narbu was afflicted with a skin disease, triggered by a
combination of drugs given for a minor ailment. It turned his skin white
and required more than two years of treatment in hospital in Aldershot. It
was not until October 1987 that he could be retired to Darjeeling.
Narbu was a member of The Sirmoor Club until he died. Fortunately for
our regimental records, he wrote a short account of his service and some of
his life afterwards in The Sirmooree, Summer 1977, No. 329.
In February 1956 Narbu married Tshering Yangjo who died some years
ago. We send our condolences on their father’s death to their sons Deonam
and Pemba and their daughter Mrs Dalamu Lama.
Major Sudan Dewan, BEM, writes:
Major Narbu Lama was a great inspiration to many generations of Clerks.
Always the consummate gentleman and respected officer: humorous and
sensible, correct and sometimes forthright. He will be fondly remembered
by all, specially the 1st Battalion Clerks, by one of his favourite sayings,
“Fighter first, Writer second!” (i.e. soldier first then a clerk). Major Narbu
had travelled the world but no matter where his work took him, he always
returned to his beloved hometown of Darjeeling!
May his soul rest in peace.
Late Maj (QGO) Sherbahadur Ale IDSM, MVO
Unarguably one of the most decorated and longest living 2nd Gurkhas 431743
MAJ (QGO) SHERBAHADUR ALE IDSM, MVO was born on 8 October
1921. He joined the British Indian Army on 8 Oct 1938 and moved to Malaya
after the Indian Independence in 1947. Maj Sherbahadur Saheb was
commissioned on 2 April 1953. During his 30 years long service he served
in India, Malaya, Burma, Singapore, Hong Kong and the UK finally retiring
on pension on 20 Jan 1968.
Maj Sherbahadur Saheb died on 29 Oct 2013 at the age of 92. He leaves
behind two sons and a daughter.
1939/45 Star
Burma Star
War Medal
India Independence Medal
GSM W/Clasp Malaya
India Service Medal
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Late 486945 Captain Santoshkumar Pradhan 2/2 GR
Late Major Kishansing Gurung 2/2GR
KS, as he was known as, was born in April 1942 and departed for the
Heavenly abode on 2nd April 2014. The son of Major (QGO) and Honorary
Lieutenant (GCO) Hirasing Gurung 2 GR, he enlisted in 1960 into 2 GR,
serving in 2nd Battalion and was later commissioned in 1976. After 30 years
service he retired in 1989 from 28 AEC Sekong, Hong Kong.
He was a founder (Charter) member of the Rotary Club of The Himalayan
Gurkhas and held several appointments during his 11 years service, including
Secretary, Vice President, Director International services, Director
Community services and Director Public Relationship. He regularly went
out with the Rotarians to visit projects in the field and he attended club
meetings held weekly.
We will miss him. He leaves his widow Mankumari, two sons and an adopted
daughter to whom we send our condolences.
Reproduced from The Sirmooree (UK)
Capt Santos was born in Darjeeling on 26 November 1931. He was enlisted
at BGRD Jalpahar, Darjeeling on 26 November 1948 for the Brigade of
Gurkhas (2/2 GR) and served for a total of twenty-eight years with the
Brigade of Gurkhas. For the whole of his army career he was employed on
clerical duties with 2/2 GR in Malaya. Since 1968, when he was
commissioned as a Queen’s Gurkha Officer, he was employed as an
education instructor at 28 Army Education Centre, Hong Kong.
He was awarded:
GSM with Clasp Malaya
GSM 1962 with Clasp Borneo
Clasp MALAY Penisula
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
He served in India, Malaya, Borneo, UK and Hong Kong from 26 November
1948 to 23 February 1977.
He retired from the Brigade of Gurkhas on 24 February 1977 and lived as a
veteran for 39 years 5 months and 23 days. He died a natural death at the
age of 82 years 8 months and 20 days.
He is survived by his wife, a son, daughter-in-law, two daughters, two sonsin-law and six grand children. His son served in 7 GR and two sons-in-law
served in QOGTR and 10 GR and retired as a Capt and WO2.
and Nandaraj’s expertly controlled artillery fire from the nearby gun position
at Batu Lintang. The rest of ‘E’ Company arrived at dawn and I think I was
the first platoon in the killing area where we found eleven dead Indonesians
on the track all killed by Reshambahadur’s opening fire and all shot in the
head. Many more were killed but evacuated but they never tried to get out
those in the immediate killing area. Resham got an MM for that and Nandaraj
an MC.
Late Major Reshambahadur Thapa
I first met up with Reshambahadur in 1964 when I was a Platoon Commander
in Johnny Lawes’s ‘E’ Company based in the old road workers camp at
‘Sungei Tenggang’ on the Kuching – Simanggang road in the 2nd Division
of Sarawak. One stormy day whilst my platoon was patrolling high on the
Kling Kang ridge I got a message from Johnny asking how long it would
take us to get to the road head. The answer was about three hours so
Reshambahadur’s platoon the numerically weak Assault Pioneers some
eighteen strong went off to a place called Batu Lintang.
A strange message had been received from locals that there was to be a
cockfight in the local bazaar to which Indonesian soldiers might come across
the border to attend. Acting on this rather flimsy information the Assault
Pioneer Commander Lieutenant (QGO) NandarajGurung laid out an ambush
on the main cross border track. Just as the light was failing a complete
Indonesian Company of a hundred or so men entered the ambush. Rifleman
Reshambahadur on the Bren Gun opened fire, the action went on all night
with the Indonesians attacking from every side held off by the platoon’s fire
By the time we got to the First Division of Sarawak in 1965 ‘E’ Company
had been reconstituted as Support Company under my command. Resham
was still on the Bren Gun in the Pioneers but now a Lance Corporal. During
a particularly hairy operation we had delayed our withdrawal from ambush
deep inside Indonesia to search for missing members of the company. The
Platoon Commander, myself and Resham were the last out when another
Indonesian attack burst in with Indonesians charging down the slope towards
us. As if on the range Resham calmly adjusted his position and then blasted
off a complete magazine at the by now very close Indonesians. In the ensuing
confusion we rejoined the rest of the company. Resham was mentioned in
despatches for that. The action is loosely depicted in the 2/2GR
commemorative montage painted by David Rowlands in 1986. He was also
the model for the 2/2GR commemorative silver statuette presented by the
officers of the Second Battalion after Confrontation.
In 1967 Resham was one of The Queen’s Truncheon party which was
presented to Her Majesty at Buckingham Palace and that Truncheon Party
features in a stained glass window in The Indian Army room at RMAS.
Later he was commissioned, was appointed MBE and rose to be Gurkha
Major at BGC Pokhara and on retirement became an Area Welfare Officer.
He married twice and was widowed twice; there were no children. Modest,
unassuming and humorous he never changed whatever preferment came
his way. A truly great Gurkha most keenly missed by all who knew him and
especially by those that served with him in ‘E’ and Support Companies 2/
(Brig Bullock was his Company Commander)
By Brigadier CJD Bullock OBE MC
months duty in the Officers Mess, I was sent on six months leave to Nepal.
After my leave I went to report to the British Embassy in Kathmandu as
instructed. They gave me Rs. 25 as travelling allowance to go to Gorakhpur,
India, from where we were sent to Calcurtta by train and then on to Malaya
by ship.
Late 21133688 Rfn Tashibahadur Tamang 2/2 GR
(Rfm Tashi died in meditating state. This photo was taken on the 5th day after his
death, in that position without any support, and unbelievably his face looks fresh.
In Buddhism term this type of death is said to be very auspicious and happens
only to one out of 2000 monks.)
Rfn Tashibahadur Tamang died in Bouddha, Kathmandu, after a long illness
earlier this year. He joined the British Indian Army in Dhanapur, India, on
15 December 1947. He served in 2/2 GR in Ipoh, Malaysia, and worked in
the British Officers Mess as a cook after a short cook training. He was later
transferred to B Coy and, according to his statement, sent to war in Pahang.
On my request I was transferred to B coy. Some months later B coy was
sent to war with the enemy at Pahang. We travelled in three cars with loaded
guns and I was in the third vehicle. On the way our first vehicle got caught
in an enemy ambush. The Bren gun in our second vehicle did not work so I
fired my gun from the third vehicle. We were outnumbered by the enemy so
we rushed to the nearest police station for safety and reported the incident
to the police. I saw some of my friends killed in front of my eyes. On the
way to the police station I fainted and was unconscious for 2/3 hours,
probably due to fatigue and the horrific scenes of my friends being killed in
the ambush. When I regained consciousness I saw that we had reinforcements
in three escort cars with loaded weapons.They took us to the place where
we were ambushed, to find some of our friends dead and some seriously
injured. All their weapons had been taken away by the enemy. After that
incident I served as orderly of Major Ryan for six months until he retired
and returned back to UK.
I, 21133688 Rfn Tashibahadur Tamang joined the British/Indian army, 2/2
GR, in Dhanapur, India on 15 December 1947. There I met Major Ryan
sahib, a BO, and on his advice joined the army as a cook along with 8
others and had a short cook training under Major Ryan of HQ Coy 2/2 GR.
After 2-3 months Major Ryan sahib asked me if he would like to go overseas
or choose to stay on in India. I chose to go overseas with British army. We
were then taken to Bombay by train and from there to Singapore by Jangi
Jahaj (Military Ship). The ship stopped over in Rangoon for two days for
loading/unloading and for refuelling. 10 days later we arrived in Singapore.
From there we were all taken by train to Johore Bahru, Malaya. The HQ
was in Ipoh and I worked there as a Rfn cook in the Officers Mess. After 18
B coy was again sent to fight the enemy in a place called Johore Bahru,
Kota Tinggi, for six months. While there we did not have any contact with
the enemy except one night when one of my friends fired a shot from the
sentry position assuming that enemy was approaching near his arc of fire
but found out the following morning that it was a big buffalo shot dead. B
coy had to pay the cost of the buffalo to the local villagers. After the six
months tour at Kota Tinggi B coy moved to Seremban where I worked as
orderly of Major Shaw. On the 18th day of my duty Major Shaw was killed
in an enemy action at night SO 2nd Lt E. N Forrest took charge of the camp.
I also took over job as his orderly.. Some months later I had to go to Sungei
Patani Training Centre with him. I had my eyes problem so Forest sahib
sent me to a hospital for eyes check up. Before I got a pair of glasses I was
sent on Nepal leave. I was very excited with this news. Forrest sahib gave
me 50 Malayan Dollars and told me to bring a nice Khukuri for him on my
return from leave. I came to Nepal on leave in (Chait/Baishakh) April 1954.
Please read his statement below for further info:
Statement of Rfn Tashibahadur Tamang
Unfortunately towards the end of my leave I became very ill, suffering from
measles. Due to lack of hospital treatment facilities in our village area, I
was sick and in bed for six months. As there were no telephones or any
other communication facilities that time, I was unable to inform the Army
depot in Gorakhpur. After six months when I got better I went to Gorakhpur.
I showed them my pay book and explained to them about my illness. The
hospital staff there suggested me not to go back to my unit and if I did I
would be punished and sentenced to death. While in India I lost both my
pay book and the leave pass. I was very scared and so returned unwillingly
to my village and reverted to my farming life.
Rfn Tashi bahadur Tamang Ex- 2/2GR (21133688)
District: Chautara, Shindhu palchok
(Thum: Palchok) Village: Chhimiyang
Note: Late Tashi’s son, Kiran, approached Maj Pemba Dorje Sherpa ex
GM QOGLR and at present Chairman RAN QOGLR for some financial
help for his ailing father through army welfare sources. Maj Sherpa on
meeting Tashi found out that he was a second Gurkha and so asked me if 2
GR could help in anyway. Tashi passed away before anything could be done
for him. To help towards Tashi’s funeral expenses we gave Kiran a cheque
for Rs. 10,000 which was gratefully accepted. Photo shows Maj Pemba
Dorje Sherpa handing the cheque to Late Tashi’s son Kiran, on behalf of
Sirmoor Club Nepal. BS
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{ ;fy} >LdtLx?nfO{ klg cfˆgf] >Ldfgsf] cfdL{ gDa/ yfxf x'gk' g]5
{ .
• tkfOsf] AolQmut laj/0f sDKo'6/df r]s ul/g]5 To;kl5 tkfO{nfO btf{ gDa/ lbOg]5
eg] pQm gDa/ sf8{ b/af/ cjlwe/ 5ftLdf nufpg' kg]5
{ .
%= kf]zfs -Dress_ s] nufpg] <
;a} eGbf /fd|f] /]lhd]G6n An]h/ jf z'6 ;Fu 2 GR Tie sf] ;fydf 7"nf] tSdf -Medal_
nufpg'xf]nf Tof] ;+ej gePdf 2 GR Tie ;Fu :df6{ ;6{ nufpg] . olb tkfO{ ;Fu 2 GR
Tie gePdf ;f]xL lbg uf]vf{ d]df]l/on Do'lhoddf lsGg ;Sg'xg
' 5
] . dlxnfx?n] eg]
;f/L jf cfˆgf] hftLo e]ife'iff nufpg'xf]nf . Sun Hat k|az
] x'g] u]6df lgz'Ns lat/0f
ul/g]5 .
^= @)!% kl5 klg s'g} b/af/ x'g5
] <
xfdLx? ;a}sf] la:tf/} pd]/ 9Nb}5, a[4 x'b5
} f}, To;}n] csf]{ b/af/ dgfpg / Aoj:yf ldnfpg
;fob} tkfO{ xfd|f] Hofg / pd]/n] klg ;fy gb]nf To;sf/0f csf]{ b/af/sf] cfof]hgf x'g5
] g}
] f] b/af/ dfq geO{ of] cflv/L b/af/ ePsf]n] ;Dk"0f{ dxfg'efjx?nfO{
. 2 GR @)) aif{ k'us
h;l/klg pkl:yt x'g cg'/f]w ub{5f}+ .
&= s] a:g] Aoj:yf tyf oftfoft vr{ lkmtf{ x'G5 <
kf]v/f EofnL aflx/af6 cfpg]x?n] l/kf]6{ u/]kl5 vfg] / a:g]sf] Aoj:yf x'g5
] ;fy} tkfO{sf]
oftfoft vr{ klg lkmtf{ x'g5
] .
*= cGo hfgsf/L <
cGo hfgsf/Lsf] nfuL lgDg clwsf/Lx? ;Fu ;Dks{ ug'xf]nf .
d]h/ ofdaxfb'/ u'?Ë, g]kfn ;+of]hs, (Nepal Co-ordinator)
df]afOn M (*%!) *@$)%
cg/]/] L SofK6]g s0f{axfb'/ yfkf, b/af/ ;]qm]6/L
df]afOn M (*%^) @!@^!
26th August 2013
Broken Glass
Use a wet cotton ball or Q-tip to pick up the small shards of glass you can’t
see easily.
Squirrel Away!
To keep squirrels from eating your plants, sprinkle your plants with cayenne
pepper. The cayenne pepper doesn’t hurt the plant and the squirrels won’t
come near it. (Wonder if this works with rabbits? Sure give it a try)
Flexible vacuum
To get something out of a heat register or under the fridge, add an empty
paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum. It can be bent or
flattened to get in narrow openings.
Measuring Cups
Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill with hot water.
Dump out the hot water, but don’t dry cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as
peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out.
This is a message for all 2nd Gurkha Rifles persons only
1. What is happening? The regiment will celebrate it’s 200 years
anniversary by holding a Sirmoor Durbar at Pokhara on 28 and 29 March
2015 (14 and 15 Chaitra 2071).
a. On 28 March a regimental parade with anniversary medal presentation to all ranks who served with 2 GR followed by lunch
will be held at the British Gurkhas Camp.
b. On 29 March a regimental picnic with cultural show ending with
a Beating of the Retreat will be held at the Pokhara Exhibition
Centre near Prithvi Chowk.
2. When do I report for the Sirmoor Durbar 2015? For those coming
from outside Pokhara, report to the Sirmoor Durbar 2015 reporting
centre on friday 27 march 2015 (13 chaitra 2071) at Hotel Gurkha Haven
in Pardi, Pokhara (Telephone 061 464527/463809). it will be manned
all day from morning til late in the evening. For those living in
Pokhara, they may report direct at the British Gurkhas Camp gate early
in the morning (timing to be confirmed) on 28 March 2015.
3. Who are eligible? Those who served with the 2nd Gurkha Rifles including
school teachers, religious teachers and midwives, their wives/husbands
and widows (no children). those who are disabled or need assistance
may bring one escort.
4. Is there any identification paper that I should bring with me?
a. You must know your army number. Wives and widows must also
know the husband’s army number. Best is if you bring any of the
following: Sirmoor Club Nepal membership card, AWC identity card,
welfare pension identity card or lal book.
b. Your personal details will be checked on computer by a committee
staff to ensure that no other person has entered. then a registration
tag will be given which you must not lose and display on your chest
throughout the durbar.
5. What dress should I wear? Best to wear your regimental blazer or suit
with 2 GR tie. if you don’t have blazer or suit, wear long sleeved shirt or
smart casual shirt and 2 GR tie. if you don’t have any 2 GR tie, you can
buy at the counter on Friday or Saturday or at the Gurkha Memorial
Museum at K.I. Singh Pul at Pokhara now. Also please wear your large
medals if you have been awarded. ladies are asked to wear sari or smart
jatiya dress if possible. Sunhat will be given at the entry gate.
6. Will there be another durbar like this held after 2015? No. We are all
getting old and we cannot organise such a gathering in the future!
Therefore it is not only the 200th anniversary from the year the regiment
was first formed but also the last time we all get together in one place.
So please make an effort to attend this last durbar in 2015.
7. Do I get refunded for the bus travel and accommodation? Yes, your
return bus travel fare will be refunded and you will be allocated a bed
and meals in a hotel in pardi for 3 nights when you report on Friday 27
March 2015 (13 Chaitra 2071).
8. further questions? please contact any of the following officers:
Major Yambahadur Gurung, Nepal coordinator
98510 82405
Hon Capt Karnabahadur Thapa, Durbar Secretary 98560 21261
26th August 2013
Foggy Windshield?
Hate foggy windshields? Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the glove
box of your car. When the windows fog, rub with the eraser! Works better
than a cloth.
Reopening envelopes
If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something
inside, just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two.
Viola! It unseals easily.