Congratulations, Sofia Hoimes!
Congratulations, Sofia Hoimes!
August 2014 A Monthly Newsletter for the Melmark Community Congratulations, Sofia Hoimes! Our Employee of the Month Sofia’s interactions with the individuals in the Vocational department is admirable and a model for others. She consistently demonstrates the Standards of Professionalism with her positive attitude and commitment to the individuals she serves. She frequently expresses how proud she is to be part of the vocational staff and is quick to give credit to her fellow co-workers. Sofia has, on several occasions, commented that she works in the best room and program at Melmark and that she “loves her guys”. In addition, she helps with the Melmark Players on a regular basis and has brought a great deal of support to the program outside of her regular working hours. She is always encouraging and remains positive to help Melmark clients reach their potential. Sofia focuses on our individuals’ strengths to help them succeed on a daily basis. She remains cool, calm and positive under pressure, even when working with challenging individuals and always has a smile on her face. Sofia is often asked to work in other program rooms and always make sure she is appropriately trained. She will ask appropriate questions to make sure she is providing the best care possible. Sofia meets each task assigned to her with a positive attitude. $500 Referral Bonus If you know someone who would make an exceptional member of the Melmark team, please tell them to check out Career Opportunities posted on our website and apply online at: We’re looking for motivated and caring individuals who want to make a difference in the lives of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. An existing Melmark employee will receive $250 when the new hire is here for three months and another $250 when the new hire is here for one year. You can refer new hires all year long! Remember to fill out the employee referral form, found in Human Resources, before the new hire begins at Melmark. Adult Services Job Fair Wednesday, September 24, 2014 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Multi-Purpose Center Help us reach 1,500 Likes! Sofia and colleagues with Maggie and Patrick Please join us in congratulating Sofia on being named our August Employee of the Month! Join staff, parents and friends by ‘liking’ our page at: A Message from Our President Joanne Gillis-Donovan, Ph.D. Someone once said, “Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common. Celebrate it every day.” While the author is unknown, we each should take these words to heart, in reference to our colleagues and especially when it comes to the people entrusted to our care. On Friday, September 26, we will celebrate the diversity of Melmark with our annual Heritage Day Celebration. Flags from each country represented by Melmark staff will be on display in Center Circle. Native dishes will be served, and international artwork will be on display. I hope all staff and clients will attend the planned activities, which are listed in this newsletter, as this event gives us the opportunity to highlight the rich culture at Melmark. While we will be celebrating our differences on this day, it is important to remember that what makes us unique is not limited to our nationality, skin color or native language. We each have different preferences, individual needs and unique ways of dealing with challenges. In this way, like so many others, we share common bonds with those we serve. Only when you look past a person’s differences, can you see the similarities we all share. This month, and all year long, I look forward to celebrating the diversity of Melmark. Melmark Heritage Festival Friday, September 26th Join us and celebrate the diversity that makes Melmark such an amazing place to work and live. Melmark’s Annual International Heritage Day Festival features a parade, in which staff and clients carry flags from their native countries. The festival also includes a complimentary buffet lunch of ethnic foods served by members of Melmark’s Leadership Team, as well as games and activities. Melmark’s Annual Heritage Festival celebrates our staff and clients Annual School Talent Show Students practiced their routines in the weeks leading up to the August 14 Melmark Talent Show. Congratulations to all participants for a wonderful performance! Joey with his staff on stage Dante rides his bike through the audience Ella and Jonah are all smiles The ladies from Classroom 8 rock the stage Riley performs as Mario Classroom 3’s performance has everyone dancing Corey leads Classroom 11 in the production ADVOCACY CORNER With budget season completed, August is when legislators return to their districts or take vacation time. The Pennsylvania Senate and House of Representatives will reconvene on Monday, September 15 at 1 p.m. Our government relations efforts are heavily focused on analyzing several pieces of federal legislation affecting Melmark’s (and other providers’) adult programs, and tracking how they will be implemented by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The most important of these is the “CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) Final Rule” on HCBS (Home and Community Based Settings). Although complex, the rule defines what constitutes a “community” home and day program setting. The spirit of the law is community inclusion and greater freedom of choice for individuals with intellectual disabilities; however, there is some debate about how well it actually provides those things. Providers, parents, and consumers are invited to attend “Public Input meetings” to be held around the state, in which persons can speak for up to five minutes addressing Department of Public Welfare Secretary, Beverly Mackereth and others. Melmark plans to have representation at the Philadelphia meeting, slated for 1 p.m. on Thursday, September 4, at Visions for Equality. Michael Donovan Manager of Operations and Strategic Initiatives In the Garden with Gary Many of you have seen Gary whizzing through the Melmark community on his scooter. A longtime member of the Meadows Country Garden Guild, Gary loves to use his scooter to help transport items to and from the garden. This lightens the load on his co-workers in the guild and gives Gary a meaningful way to help his friends and colleagues. Recently, Gary brought several bunches of freshly cut flowers from the garden back to the workshop. Once there, he worked alongside his peers to strip and bunch the flowers for drying. Shop The Meadows’ Online Store! Gary and Colleen transport flowers from the garden to the workshop Purchase gifts for all occasions at: Free Melmark Shirts Provided to all Staff Melmark is providing all employees with three free Melmark shirts: 1 – Short sleeved t-shirt 1 – Long sleeved t-shirt 1 – Short sleeved polo shirt Shirts were distributed in the gym in August. Staff who have not picked up their shirts may do so at the School Store Monday through Friday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. The School Store is located on the lower level of the school and can be accessed by using the stairwell between the Gym and the Eatery. Anna Krips receives her shirts from Juan Araujo Staff will typically not be required to wear the Melmark shirts but can do so if they would like. We will require all staff to keep their polo shirts in good condition as there may be special events during which we will ask staff to wear the polos. All staff will continue to follow the dress code within their work areas. Additional shirts are available to staff, clients and families at the following prices: Short sleeved t-shirts: $6.00 Long sleeved t-shirts: $10.00 Polo shirts: $15.00 Branden modeling his new shirt Tee’s Southern Secrets Recipe of the Month: Peanut Butter Chocolate Tandy Cake You can’t go wrong with Peanut Butter and Chocolate. In my experience, it’s a combination that satisfies a sweet tooth every time. So this month, I want to share with you my recipe for Peanut Butter Chocolate Tandy Cakes. I made a batch of them last week and was completely sold out the next day. Simple and delicious, and it doesn’t get any better than that. Peanut Butter Chocolate Tandy Cake Directions: Ingredients: 4 Eggs 1 c. Milk 2 c. Flour ¼ tsp. Salt 2 c. Sugar 1 tsp. Vanilla 2 tsp. Baking Powder 2 (7 oz.) Hershey Bars 1 c. Creamy Peanut Butter • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. • Beat eggs until think. • Gradually add sugar; keep beating. • Add milk and vanilla. • Mix dry ingredients in separate bowl and fold into egg mixture by hand only. • Pour onto greased cookie tray and bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes. (The cake does not brown.) • Spread peanut butter on hot cake. Allow to cool. • Melt chocolate bars and spread over peanut butter. • Cut cake into squares immediately and allow chocolate to cool. Look for Tee’s Bakery Cart in your program area on Wednesdays and Thursdays! Melmark Wellness Program We are excited to launch our new Employee Wellness Program. The program is designed to encourage all of our employees to achieve maximum health and wellness. The program will involve multiple components, including educational sessions on a variety of health and wellness topics, weight loss programs and exercise challenges. All Melmark employees are eligible to participate in these programs. Additionally, employees who are enrolled in Melmark’s health insurance and who achieve healthy lifestyle goals as outlined on the Healthy Lifestyle Tracker (available in HR) will receive incentives towards lowering their medical insurance premiums in 2015. All of the wellness goals for the balance of this benefit plan year are outlined in our Healthy Life Style Tracker. Employees who complete these goals will earn “healthy lifestyle points.” At the end of the plan year, employees who are enrolled in our medical plans may be eligible for premium discounts based on the number of healthy lifestyle points they earn. These discounts are in addition to the discount already in place for non-tobacco users. Point Total 250 - 349 points 350 - 449 points 450 points or greater Discount Per Pay $5.00 $7.00 $10.00 Please visit HR for a copy of the Healthy Lifestyle Tracker. Employees who wish to earn healthy lifestyle points will need to provide documentation of achievement for each goal. Details of what documentation is needed, as well as the due date for various documentation, are outlined in the Healthy Lifestyle Tracker. In addition, the completed Healthy Lifestyle Tracker must be submitted to Human Resources on or before 3/30/2015. We are also excited to kick off our first two Employee Wellness Initiatives, both of which are designed to help you achieve your wellness goals: The WalkingWorks® Challenge is a friendly 10 week walking competition that will begin on 9/1/2014 and will conclude on 11/7/2014. To register, go to and click on “Registration Now!” The Losers R Winners Health Improvement Challenge is an 8 week program that encourages employees who are above the CDC’s recommended body weight to lose weight by dropping unhealthy habits and adopting healthy ones. Three weigh-in sessions will occur during the program that begins on 9/22/14 and concludes on 11/14/14. Participants will be eligible for the incentive if they lose 5% of their body weight by the end of the program. Employees who are already within the CDC’s recommended body weight range only need to weigh in any time between 9/22/14 and 11/14/14 to qualify for the incentive. Basic Rules/Recommendations: As with any nutrition and/or exercise program, participants should consult their doctor before beginning, especially for individuals who have a sedentary lifestyle or have a health condition that requires special consideration. The program will run for 8 weeks. Participants should attend an informational/kickoff session during the dates & times below. Employees will need to register by Wednesday, 9/17/14. Date Time 8/25/2014 2:00pm 8/27/2014 2:00pm 8/28/2014 9:30am 8/28/2014 3:30pm Weigh-in sessions will be held on three occasions during the below dates and times, privately in the HR office. (Your weight will remain confidential and will not be shared with team members). Date Time 10/20/14 7:30-4:00pm 9/22/2014 7:30-4:00pm 11/14/2014 7:30-4:00pm Participants must complete the initial, mid-way and final weigh-ins to be eligible for the incentive. Weigh-ins will be conducted using a quality electronic scale in a private area in Human Resources. Participants will receive weekly challenges by e-mail to encourage their weight loss and healthy eating. Participants will receive a certificate upon completion and will be eligible for the incentive if you lose 5% of your body weight and are currently enrolled in Melmark’s medical insurance through IBC. All employees are encouraged to participate. The male & female employee that loses the most weight in this 8 week period will receive a fit-bit! SAFETY ZONE: C. diff Information and Prevention What is Clostridium difficile infection? Clostridium difficile, also known as “C. diff”, is a germ that can cause diarrhea. Most cases of C. diff infection occur in patients taking antibiotics. The most common symptoms of a C. diff infection include: • Watery diarrhea • Fever • Loss of appetite • Nausea, belly pain and tenderness Who is most likely to get C. diff infection? The elderly and people with certain medical problems have the greatest chance of getting C. diff. C. diff spores can live outside the human body for a very long time and may be found on things in the environment such as bed linens, bed rails, bathroom fixtures, and medical equipment. C. diff infection can spread from person-toperson on contaminated equipment and on the hands of care providers and visitors. Can C. diff infection be treated? Yes, there are antibiotics that can be used to treat C. diff. In some severe cases, a person might have to have surgery to remove the infected part of the intestines. This surgery is needed in only 1 or 2 out of every 100 persons with C. diff. What are some of the things that we can do to prevent C. diff infections? To prevent C. diff. infections, direct care providers should: • Clean their hands with soap and water before and after caring for every individual. This can prevent C. diff and other germs from being passed from one individual to another on their hands. Alcohol-based sanitizers have not been proven as effective as soap and water at killing C. diff. • Carefully clean rooms and equipment with an EPA-approved cleaner for C. diff. (i.e. Sani Wipes with bleach) that have been used for patients with C. diff. • Use Contact Precautions to prevent C. diff from spreading to other individuals. Contact Precautions mean: • Whenever possible, individuals with C. diff will have a single room or share a room only with someone else who also has C. diff. • Direct care providers will put on gloves and wear a gown over their clothing while taking care of patients with C. diff. • Visitors may also be asked to wear a gown and gloves. • When leaving the room, direct care providers and visitors should remove their gown and gloves and clean their hands. • Only give individuals antibiotics when it is necessary. • Make sure individuals clean their hands often, especially after using the bathroom and before eating. Can my friends and family get C. diff when they visit a home with an infected individual? C. diff infection usually does not occur in persons who are not taking antibiotics. Visitors are not likely to get C. diff. Still, to make it safer for visitors, they should clean their hands before they enter the home and as they leave the home. 7th Annual 2014 Melmark Annual Conference: Experts in Behavior Analysis This conference is designed for psychologists, behavior analysts and other professionals working with children and adults with developmental disabilities. Content is at the intermediate level. The 7th Annual Melmark Conference is hosted by Melmark and does not have commercial support that may pose any conflict of interest to participants. To register for this conference, visit: Keynote Speakers William H. Ahearn, Ph.D., BCBA-D Director of Research at The New England Center for Children Adjunct Faculty at Western New England University Response Blocking for Stereotypy: A Comprehensive Review of Procedural Variations James Coplan, M.D. Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician, Author and Speaker ASD and Mental Illness: Not Co-Morbidity, but Continuum & Metamorphosis Friday, October 3 2014 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Melmark Multi-Purpose Center 2600 Wayland Road Berwyn, PA 19312 Cost Professionals: $65 Students and Parents: $50 Continuing Education Available APA - 5 CEU ACT 48 - 6 CEU BCBA - 7 CEU NASW - 5 CEU For more information, contact: Jennifer Croner at 610-325-2910 or Staff Reaching 90 Days of employment Employee Name Position PROGRAM AREA Terrie Alexander-Bredell Residential Aide Adult Campus, Residential Rebecca Bennett Residential Aide Adult Campus, Residential Princess Kabakole ABA Counselor Education Karla McLaren Residential Aide Adult Community, Residential Tiarra McLaughlin Residential Aide Adult Community, Residential Mark Mitchell Staff Development Associate Human Resources Sammeria Page ABA Counselor Children’s Residential Carmita Ponce ABA Counselor Education Corie Salter ABA Counselor Education Egertina Taylor Residential Aide Adult Community, Residential Angelica Taylor General Services Facilities Karriemah Williams Residential Aide Adult Campus, Residential Melmark’s Mission and Vision Our Mission The mission of Melmark is to serve children, adults and their families affected by a broad range of intellectual disabilities. We provide evidence-based, educational, vocational, clinical, residential, healthcare and rehabilitative services, personally designed for each individual in a safe environment of warmth, care and respect. Our Vision Melmark’s vision is to continue to advance our clinical systems, becoming a national and international resource center. Melmark’s services will always be high quality, evidence-based best practices, designed and validated by recognized leaders in the field. We will continue to generate and disseminate knowledge through research, publications, presentations and training. We will always be “The Home that Love Built” in all aspects of what we do. nEW hIRES Employee Name Position PROGRAM AREA Sarah Beaston ABA Counselor, Education The Melmark School Mamaka Bility Residential Aide, Adult Engle Destiny Cain ABA Counselor, Education Intern The Melmark School Kelly Cassidy Teacher The Melmark School Mica Church Residential Aide, Adult Widener Henry Davis Residential Aide, Adult Devon Kieona Fairley ABA Counselor, Education The Melmark School Ellen Foster ABA Counselor, Residential Carriage Tiffany Foster ABA Counselor, Education Intern The Melmark School Kaitlynne Gibbs Speech Pathologist Speech Therapy Rebecca Giles-Magee ABA Counselor, Residential Schoemaker Johanna Gordon-Reid Residential Aide, Adult Aston A Gifty Harris Residential Aide, Adult Gallagher Nicole Heckenswiler ABA Counselor, Education The Melmark School Shelby Hennigan Residential Aide, Children Schoemaker Salieu Jalloh Residential Aide, Adult Aston B Tipoh Jardiah Residential Aide, Adult Aston A Melissa Johnson Admin. Assistant, Education The Melmark School Sulaiman Kamara Residential Aide, Adult Widener Tarik Khan Nurse Practitioner Healthcare Jayson Kwon ABA Counselor, Education The Melmark School John Mursay Residential Aide, Children Carriage Rasheedah Noel Residential Aide, Adult Spruce B Kaela Norman ABA Counselor, Education The Melmark School Funnanya Nwani Residential Aide, Adult Thomas Desmond Pessima ABA Counselor, Education The Melmark School Eleni Quinones Licensed Practical Nurse Healthcare Lakieza Richardson Vocational Workshop Assistant Marcus Daria Scarlett ABA Counselor, Residential Schoemaker Tonique Schuler ABA Counselor, Education The Melmark School Banka Sesay ABA Counselor, Residential Sacca Ciapha Sherman Residential Aide, Adult Spruce A Hannah Smith ABA Counselor, Education The Melmark School Rose Tertulien Residential Aide, Children Schoemaker Tara Toscano ABA Counselor, Education The Melmark School Tayursor Zinnah Vocational Workshop Assistant Marcus Save the Date Melmark Traveling Art Show All-Staff Meetings All employees are required to attend one of these important meetings! Meetings will be in the Gym. Tuesday September 30th Wednesday October 1st 9:15 AM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 9:30 PM Display locations and dates: Now through December 31, 2014 Kimmel Center 300 S Broad St, Philadelphia, PA September 2nd – September 26th Artisans Gallery and Café 234 Bridge St, Phoenixville, PA Stop by to check out the beautiful artwork by Melmark students! Joybells to Perform with The Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia In their first ever performance with The Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia, The Joybells of Melmark will perform two free holiday concerts, featuring music specially arranged by Music Director Dirk Brosse. The concert will launch the worldwide release of the joint ensemble’s holiday CD, featuring the music that will be performed live in the Kimmel Center. Free, Live Holiday Concerts Commonwealth Plaza in the Kimmel Center 300 South Broad Street, Philadelphia Sunday, December 7th, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. For more information about this first of its kind performance, please email: or call 610-325-4976.
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