Skaltek Mini Pac Pure


Skaltek Mini Pac Pure
Skaltek AB, DeltaPark ­– Kungsvägen 10, 196 30 Kungsängen, Sweden, Tel +46 8-584 505 00 Fax +46 8-584 505 50,
The Optimal Package?
PI 21.01
Skaltek Mini Pac Pure
1. Skaltek Mini Pac was developed and introduced in 1986. Mini Pac was developed
according to the motto “Better and Less
Costly” – a package which can provide maximum Customer Service with minimal use of
resources. A package which is Economical
and Ecological.
2. The first Skaltek Mini Pac coiling machines were a further development of the
highly successful carton packing machines
(Skaltek Coil Pac). Based on the coiling
principle it was necessary to put a PE-strap
around each coil to maintain the coil until
it had been packed in shrink film. With the
development of the horizontal dual-head
coiling machines in 1999 it was possible to
eliminate the PE strap band and cut packaging costs with another 25%.
4. When the cable has been used, there is
only minimal waste. The PE-film can be re3. Mini Pac is designed with the main focus cycled.
on the end-user – the electrical contractor.
The shrink film protects the cable from dirt 5. The inside diameter of the coil is 150 mm,
and water and makes it easy to see the color which makes it easy to pull out the cable.
of the cable and how much cable is left in The slight twist in the cable makes it easier
the package. The cable is pulled from the to pull the cable through conduits, as the
center of the coil, keeping the cable pack- friction inside the conduit is reduced.
aged until all cable is used.
6. Several coils can be placed on top of each
other and all strands (colors) can be pulled
through the center of the coils.
7. Several coils can be carried and dispensed out of a low cost bucket. If the contractor wishes to remove the twist, a simple
turntable can be applied to the bottom of the
bucket – as the cable is pulled out from the
center, the bucket starts to turn and the twist
is eliminated.
8. The shrink film can be printed with company logotype, cable type, barcode, and
even instructions for use.
9. The cost of packaging material is very
low – approximately EUR/USD 0,02 to 0,05
per coil (depending on print, etc.), which is
only about 10–20% of the cost of a carton or
1–5% of a plastic spool.
PI 21.01
Skaltek Mini Pac Pure
The Optimal Package?
The picture above shows a Mini Pac coil
with printed shrink film. The shrink film
makes the package solid and easy to handle. The color of the cable is clearly visible.
Shrink Film Specifications:
Each Mini Pac Coil is packed in clear, preprinted PE-film.
• Film material: Low Density Polyethylene,
• Melt Index: 1
• Film thickness: 0,05 – 0,08 mm
(depending on cable type and coil
• Shrink ratio: Width 40% / Length 60%
• Printed top film width:
Coil Diameter + 2 x Coil Width
• Unprinted bottom film width:
Mini Pac 240: 300 mm
Mini Pac 260: 320 mm (12½”)
• Shrink film roll diameter: 300 mm (12”)
• Approximately two rolls of film are needed
per 8 hour shift
Please Note!
The shrink film quality is essential to the
machine reliability and the final coil quality.
Cable Types:
Mini Pac 240 & 260 is suitable for single
conductor cables from 0,5 mm2 up to 6
mm2 Cu (AWG 18, 16, 14, 12, 10).
It is also possible to coil lamp cord, Cat
5 (fire alarm, thermostat, burglar alarm
cables, etc) and other cable types within a
diameter (or width) range of approximately
2 – 5 mm.
Normal length per coil in Mini Pac 240 is
100 m. In Mini Pac 260: 500 ft (150 m).
Cable diameters up to about 3,5 mm can
be coiled in 200 m lengths. Diameters
around approx. 5 mm must be coiled in
less than 100 m lengths.
Please Note! Each coiling application must
be analysed and calculated by Skaltek.
(The picture shows cables in real size.)
It is essential to pull the cable from the After the product has been used, the waste
center and to keep the packaging material is absolutely minimal and the film can be
on the coil until all cable has been used. recycled or burned.
The packaging material protects the cable
from dust, dirt and moisture at the construction site and eliminates tangling and
snagging of cables when pulling through
Skaltek AB, DeltaPark ­– Kungsvägen 10, 196 30 Kungsängen, Sweden, Tel +46 8-584 505 00 Fax +46 8-584 505 50,
Coil Packing Line
Basic Vision – Customer Need
PURE – Simplicity – Can it be made Simpler?
Since 1974 Skaltek has continuously been
searching for the Optimal Package and focus
has been Quality Security Packing Lines with
Optimal Customer Value – Future Value.
In 1999 we prepared for a new millennium.
Based on previous Success and experience
worldwide we asked ourselves “Can the
package and the machine be made even
High goals with focus on InLine packing
demands Optimal Reliability. Pure Simplicity leads to elimination of All unnecessary
components. We know from experience: “If
it can go wrong it will…! Only the part that
does not exist will Never Break. This Basic
Vision motivated us to Think Different and
be Innovative. MP240Pure is made with
Confidence, Joy and Love. And our Customers love it!
Main Advantages – Customer Value
• The Skaltek Mini Pac Pure package was
made possible because of a revolutionary invention that eliminated the previous
strap band around the coil.
• The whole Strapping Unit or extra equipment to hold the coil together was eliminated. Simplicity – Nothing can go wrong…!
• Dual horizontal Coiling Heads with new
Invention for Catch and Cut technique reduced the stopping time between the coiling sequences to Zero.
• The Pure technique increased constant
line speed with a smaller accumulator:
lower and constant tension in the cable,
which is important for sensitive signal cables and small copper area (0,75 mm²).
PI 21.10
Skaltek Mini Pac 240 Pure
• The entire packing line is compact and
saves floor space. The equipment does
not require any special foundation. It is
quick and easy to install and take into production.
• Each machine unit has its own intelligence,
with an individual PLC. All units communicate via MPI connection. All machine are
supervised from the Colour Touch Screen
Panel on the Coiler.
Result – Reward – Return of Investment
Customer Value creates Confidence and
loyal Customers – Skaltek has been greatly
rewarded: Customers in 57 Countries have,
step by step, replaced previous lines with
Skaltek PURE.
Many Coil Packing lines are operating direct-
ly in tandem with Extrusion lines, 24 hours
a day.
Since the introduction of Mini Pac Pure in
1999, the packing line has been continuously improved in small steps, based on the
experiences from many demanding applications. “We know that we don´t have the
cheapest machines on the market to buy.
But probably the most profitable to own? We
believe in Quality. We invest in the Futura.”
A New Generation Big Pac 400 Pure is introduced at Wire 2010 in Germany.
Reference – Product History
Mini Pac Pure was introduced at Interwire
1999 in Atlanta and has been a huge success, with more than 100 packing lines of
the New Generation delivered worldwide.
PI 21.10
Skaltek Mini Pac 240 Pure
Coil Packing Line
Basic Product Information
The Mini Pac Pure packaging line includes
automatic shrink film equipment, automatic
stacking of coils on pallets with automatic
feeding of empty pallets from a pallet magazine. A semi-automatic stretch film unit
makes it possible to supply pallets directly to
distribution from the packing line. The line
also includes options for perforation of the
shrink film, label printing and strapping of
several coils.
The Coil Packing Line Skaltek Mini Pac 240
Pure is primarily developed for high output
capacity of single conductor volume cables,
such as 1,5 – 2,5 – 4 mm2 normally packed
in 100 meter lengths (Min. 0,75 mm2).
Depending on cable type, diameter (or
width), it is also possible to pack other cables
in lengths up to 200 m for the smaller sizes
and 50 m for larger sizes. The approximate
range of cables is 2 – 5 mm in diameter.
Skaltek Mini Pac 240 Pure is designed with
in-line extruder production in mind. This requires the best possible reliability and therefore MP240 Pure is designed with careful attention to simplicity in each detail. It is most
common to run the Mini Pac line with flyer
pay-off. It is also possible to use basket or
driven pay-off.
Mini Pac 240 Pure is built for pallet size
800 x 1200 mm. The coil dimensions are:
• Coil diameter 240 mm (O.D.)
• Core diameter 150 mm (I.D.)
• Coil width
20 – 120 mm
1. Skaltek FL12 Twin, Flyer Pay-off
• Sound and dust insulated for good working environment
• Cable end indicator activating the Cable
• Designed for quick reel changes – short
stand-still time of the line
4. Provision for Printer and Label Applicator 8. Skaltek CS240, Coil Stacker
• We can provide for integration of a stan- • Stacks a pre-set number of Mini Pac coils
dard printer & label applicator
onto the pallet
5. Perforating unit, “The Shark” (option)
9. Skaltek SP, Stretch Packer
• Automatically perforates the shrink film in • Semi-automatic stretch wrapping of full
the coil center, diameter 100 mm
2. Skaltek MP240 Pure, Coil Packer
6. Multi Packer (option)
• Coils exact cable lengths, ±0,1%
• Straps 2–5 Mini Pac coils into one packing
• Continuous quality test of the cable
• Sorts out faulty cable automatically
• A turning unit for dual strap bands can be
• Feeds the coils into the shrink film equipadded
ment automatically
7. Skaltek PM8, Pallet Magazine
3. Shrink Film Equipment, SW4 & SO4
• Automatically feeds empty pallets into the
• Automatically shrinks PE-film around the
Coil Stacker
• Holds up to 10 Euro-pallets
MP240 Pure
10. Skaltek KT, Chain Conveyor
• Transports the pallets from the Coil Stacker to the Stretch Packer and then to the
Roller Conveyor
11. Roller Conveyor
• Accumulates one stretch wrapped pallet,
ready for distribution
Skaltek AB, DeltaPark ­– Kungsvägen 10, 196 30 Kungsängen, Sweden, Tel +46 8-584 505 00 Fax +46 8-584 505 50,
Coil Packing Line
Basic Vision – Customer Need
PURE – Simplicity – Can it be made Simpler?
Since 1974 Skaltek has continuously been
searching for the Optimal Package and focus
has been Quality Security Packing Lines with
Optimal Customer Value – Future Value.
In 1999 we prepared for a new millennium.
Based on previous Success and experience
worldwide we asked ourselves “Can the
package and the machine be made even
High goals with focus on InLine packing
demands Optimal Reliability. Pure Simplicity leads to elimination of All unnecessary
components. We know from experience: “If
it can go wrong it will…! Only the part that
does not exist will Never Break. This Basic
Vision motivated us to Think Different and
be Innovative. MP260Pure is made with
Confidence, Joy and Love. And our Customers love it!
Main Advantages – Customer Value
• The Skaltek Mini Pac Pure package was
made possible because of a revolutionary invention that eliminated the previous
strap band around the coil.
• The whole Strapping Unit or extra equipment to hold the coil together was eliminated. Simplicity – Nothing can go wrong…!
• Dual horizontal Coiling Heads with new
PI 21.20
Skaltek Mini Pac 260 Pure
• Each machine unit has its own intelligence,
with an individual PLC. All units communicate via MPI connection. All machine are
supervised from the Colour Touch Screen
Panel on the Coiler.
Invention for Catch and Cut technique reduced the stopping time between the coiling sequences to Zero.
• The Pure technique increased constant
line speed with a smaller accumulator:
lower and constant tension in the cable,
which is important for sensitive signal cables and small copper area (0,75 mm²).
• The entire packing line is compact and
saves floor space. The equipment does
not require any special foundation. It is
quick and easy to install and take into production.
Result – Reward – Return of Investment
Customer Value creates Confidence and
loyal Customers – Skaltek has been greatly
rewarded: Customers in 57 Countries have,
step by step, replaced previous lines with
Skaltek PURE.
Many Coil Packing lines are operating directly in tandem with Extrusion lines, 24 hours
a day.
Since the introduction of Mini Pac Pure in
1999, the packing line has been continuously improved in small steps, based on the
experiences from many demanding applications. “We know that we don´t have the
cheapest machines on the market to buy.
But probably the most profitable to own? We
believe in Quality. We invest in the Futura.”
A New Generation Big Pac 400 Pure is introduced at Wire 2010 in Germany.
Reference – Product History
Mini Pac Pure was introduced at Interwire
1999 in Atlanta and has been a huge success, with more than 100 packing lines of
the New Generation delivered worldwide.
PI 21.20
Skaltek Mini Pac 260 Pure
Coil Packing Line
Basic Product Information
The Mini Pac Pure packaging line includes
automatic shrink film equipment, automatic
stacking of coils on pallets with automatic
feeding of empty pallets from a pallet magazine. A semi-automatic stretch film unit
makes it possible to supply pallets directly to
distribution from the packing line. The line
also includes options for perforation of the
shrink film, label printing and strapping of
several coils.
The Coil Packing Line Skaltek Mini Pac 260
Pure is primarily developed for high output
capacity of solid and flexible single conductor volume cables, such as AWG 10, 12, and
14, packed in 250 or 500 ft lengths (75 or
150 m).
It is also possible to pack data and security
cables, for example 2x22 AWG and 4x18
AWG.The approximate range of cables is
2 – 5 mm in diameter.
Skaltek Mini Pac 260 Pure is designed with
in-line extruder production in mind. This requires the best possible reliability and therefore MP260 Pure is designed with careful attention to simplicity in each detail. It is most
common to run the Mini Pac line with flyer
pay-off. It is also possible to use basket or
driven pay-off.
Mini Pac 260 Pure is built for pallet size
43” x 43” (1092 x 1092 mm).
The coil dimensions are:
• Coil diameter 260 mm/10.2” (O.D.)
• Core diameter 150 mm/6” (I.D.)
• Coil width
20 – 120 mm/0.8”–4.7”
1. Skaltek FL12 Twin, Flyer Pay-off
• Sound and dust insulated for good working environment
• Cable end indicator activating the Cable
• Designed for quick reel changes – short
stand-still time of the line
3. Shrink Film Equipment, SW4 & SO4
7. Skaltek CS260, Coil Stacker
• Automatically shrinks PE-film around the • Stacks a pre-set number of Mini Pac coils
onto the pallet
2. Skaltek MP260 Pure, Coil Packer
• Coils exact cable lengths, ±0,1%
• Continuous quality test of the cable
• Sorts out faulty cable automatically
• Feeds the coils into the shrink film equipment automatically
5. Perforating unit, “The Shark” (option)
9. Skaltek KT, Chain Conveyor
• Automatically perforates the shrink film in • Transports the pallets from the Coil Stackthe coil center, diameter 100 mm
er to the Stretch Packer and then to the
Roller Conveyor
6. Skaltek PM, Pallet Magazine
• Automatically feeds empty pallets into the 10. Roller Conveyor
Coil Stacker
• Accumulates one stretch wrapped pallet,
• Holds up to 10 pallets
ready for distribution
4. Provision for Printer and Label Applicator 8. Skaltek SP, Stretch Packer
• We can provide for integration of a stan- • Semi-automatic stretch wrapping of full
dard printer & label applicator
MP260 Pure