A DAILY READING OF 366 SAINTS FROM THE ORTHODOX TRADITION CHAPTER PAGE Introduction 4 Orthodox Canonization Of Saints 7 Patriarchates Of The Orthodox Church 10 Ecumenical Patriarch 12 Orthodox Pascha (Easter) Dates 15 Icons In Orthodoxy 16 Incorrupt Relics 34 Glossary 44 Atlas 65 January Saints 83 February Saints 135 March Saints 177 2 CHAPTER PAGE April Saints 224 May Saints 282 June Saints 355 July Saints 405 August Saints 480 September Saints 523 October Saints 575 November Saints 617 December Saints 688 Sources For The Saint Of The Day 740 A PUBLICATION OF THE NORTH AMERICAN EXARCHATE OF THE ORDER OF SAINT EUGENE OF TREBIZOND 3 The objective of this book is for each Knight of the Order to have a daily saints reading to give each Knight encouragement in their own daily life. The example of these saints, many of whom gave their life for their faith, is one which we should emulate. We do not need to give up our wealth or move to the desert and live in a cave, but we do need to follow these saints example of loving God and living in his Holy Will. We have also added a number of short chapters that will, hopefully, answer many questions that the reader may have. When the inspiration of an Orthodox Saint of the Day e-mail to the Knights of the Order first materialized, there were a number of concepts that were considered. Most were discarded, but a set of guidelines were developed to standardize the daily post. First, the saint must be Orthodox. Until the Great Schism in 1054, the Roman and Orthodox branches of the Christian Church shared the same saints. After 1054, the Orthodox Church began to recognized people within its sphere of influence as s a i n t s . I have attempted to include in these saints postings: 4 Those saints who were recognized by one of the post-schism Patriarchs Those pre-schism saints who were from the geographical areas of the world that would encompass the Orthodox regions I did not always follow my guidelines, as I also included many of the early church fathers who set the church on the course that it has followed for the last 2,000 years. I also included some saints who are reconized by the Orthodox Church that are well known, such as Saint January (April 21) and Saint George the Dragon Slayer (April 23) and Saint Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney (August 6). Second, I attempted to find saints who were not well known. Third, I attempted to include Saints who were ordinary people until the Power of the Holy Spirit took control of their lives and they became a human vessel of God’s Holy work. The compiling of the daily postings into a booklet form was the inspiration of the Count of Kyzikos, Sir Robert Cowan G.C.E.Tr., who has spent hundreds of hours assuring that the daily postings were in an acceptable format for this booklet. Sir Robert also compiled the glossary and atlas, which required many more hours of research. The review for accuracy of the articles in this booklet was conducted by the Count of Thyatira, Sir Paul Fanning C.E.Tr., who kept me from making monumental mistakes. I personally would like to thank Sir Robert and Sir Paul for their many hours of devotion to this project. 5 The compiling of the Daily Saints was at times challenging. It was also a 14 month labor of spiritual gratification. I hope you enjoy the following as much as I have enjoyed compiling this book of Orthodox Saints. 6 The Orthodox Church does not follow any official procedure for the "recognition" of saints. Initially the Church accepted as saints those who had suffered martyrdom for Christ. The saints are saints thanks to the grace of God, and they do not need official ecclesiastical recognition. The Christian people, reading their lives and witnessing their performance of miracles, accept and honor them as saints. Saint John Chrysostom, persecuted and exiled by the civil and ecclesiastical authorities, was accepted as a saint of the Church by popular acclaim. Saint Basil the Great was accepted immediately after his death as a saint of the Church by the people. Recently, in order to avoid abuses, the Ecumenical Patriarchate has issued special encyclical letters (tomoi) in which the Holy Synod "recognizes" or accepts the popular feelings about a saint. Through the work of the Holy Trinity all Christians could be called saints; especially in the early Church as long as they were baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity, they received the Seal of the Spirit in Chrismation and frequently participated in the Eucharist. In the same spirit Saint Paul, when writing to the churches he had visited, calls all the faithful "saints." Writing to the Ephesians, he addresses "the saints who live in Ephesus" (Eph. 1: 1); writing to the Corinthians he uses the same expressions (2 Cor. 1: 11). Saint Basil, commenting on this point, writes that Paul refers to all those who are united with God, who is the Being, the Life and the Truth (Against Eunomius, II, 7 19). Furthermore, Saint Paul writes to the Colossians that God has reconciled men by Christ's death, "so that He may present you before Himself holy, without blemish and innocent in His sight" (Col 1: 22). In our society, however, who can be addressed as a saint? Who are those men and women and children who may be called saints by the Church today? Many Orthodox theologians classify the saints in seven categories: 1. The Apostles, who were the first ones to spread the message of the Incarnation of the Word of God and of salvation through Christ. 2. The Prophets, because they predicted and prophesied the coming of the Messiah. 3. The Martyrs, for sacrificing their lives and fearlessly confessing Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of mankind. 4. The Fathers and Hierarchs of the Church, who excelled in explaining and in defending, by word and deed, the Christian faith. 5. The Monastics, who lived in the desert and dedicated themselves to spiritual exercise (askesis), reaching, as far as possible, perfection in Christ. 6. The Just, those who lived in the world, leading exemplary lives as clergy or laity with their families, becoming examples for imitation in society. 8 7. The Wonderworkers, those who were able to perform miracles while alive or at their gravesite. Any one of the nine Patriarchs in the Orthodox Church can declare a saint. It is for that reason that a person may be declared a saint by the Serbian Patriarch and the same person is not recognized as a saint by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. However, this division is slowly fading even before the Ecumenical Patriarch suggested that all saints, regardless of who created the saint, be recognized by all in the Orthodox faith. 9 The ancient Patriarchates (in order of importance): The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, chief of the Orthodox Church of Constantinople and the Spiritual Leader of Greek and Eastern Orthodoxy. The Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa and the chief of the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria. The Patriarch of Antioch and the head of the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch and All the East in the Near East. The Patriarch of Jerusalem and the chief of the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem and Holy Zion in Israel, Palestine, Jordan and All Arabia. The five junior Patriarchates created after the consolidation of the Pentarchy, in chronological order of their recognition as Patriarchates by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople: The Patriarch of All Bulgaria and the chief of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Bulgaria, recognized as a Patriarchate in 927. 10 The Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia and the chief of the Georgian Orthodox Church in Georgia, recognized as a Catholicate (Patriarchate) in 1008. The Serbian Patriarch and the chief of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Serbia (and the former Yugoslavia), recognized as a Patriarchate in 1375. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and the chief of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia, recognized as a Patriarchate in 1589. The Patriarch of All Romania and the chief of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Romania, recognized as a Patriarchate in 1925. 11 The Ecumenical Patriarch is the Archbishop of Constantinople–New Rome and ranks as primus inter pares (first among equals) in the Orthodox Communion. Patriarch Bartholomew I currently holds this position, the 271st person to hold this position. This article will speak to the position of the office, not to the person holding the office. The Ecumenical Patriarch has been historically known as the Greek Patriarch of Constantinople, as distinct from the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople and the Crusader Latin Patriarch of Constantinople. Historically, within the five ecumenical sees of Pentarchy, the patriarch is regarded as the successor of Saint Andrew, the Apostle. The Turkish government recognizes him as the spiritual leader of the Greek minority in Turkey, and refer to him as the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of the Phanar. The Patriarch was subject to the authority of the Ottoman Empire after the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, until the declaration of Turkish Republic in 1923. The Patriarch of Constantinople has been designated the Ecumenical Patriarch since the sixth century. The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople is first in honor among all Eastern Orthodox bishops, presides in person - or through a delegate over any council of Orthodox primates and/or bishops in which he takes part and serves as primary spokesman for the Orthodox 12 communion, especially in ecumenical contacts with other Christian denominations. He has no direct jurisdiction over the other patriarchs or the other autocephalous Orthodox churches, but he, alone among his fellow-primates, enjoys the right of convening extraordinary synods consisting of them and/or their delegates to deal with ad hoc situations and has also convened well-attended Pan-Orthodox Synods in the last forty years. He also has an influence over the other Patriarchs. In addition to being the spiritual leader of 300 million Orthodox Christians worldwide, he is the direct administrative superior of dioceses and archdioceses serving millions of Greek, Ukrainian, Rusyn and Albanian believers in North and South America, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand, Hong Kong, Korea, Southeast Asia and parts of modern Greece which, for historical reasons, do not fall under the jurisdiction of another Patriarch. He should not be confused with the Latin Patriarch of Constantinople, an office that is now extinct, and created after the Latin capture of Constantinople in 1204, during the Fourth Crusade. That office became effectively redundant after the city was recaptured by the Byzantine Greeks, half a century later. He is also known, outside Orthodoxy, as the Greek Patriarch of Constantinople. His official title is "His All-Holiness the Archbishop of Constantinople New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch." 13 Seal of Bartholomew I Saint Andrew, First Patriarch Current Patriarch Emblem found atop the front Throne room inside the entrance of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Patriarchate of Constantinople The Gospel is enthroned on the dais; the Patriarch sits on the lower throne in front. 14 2013 - Easter Sunday - May 5th 2014 - Easter Sunday - April 20th (same date as the Latin Church) 2015 - Easter Sunday - April 12th 2016 - Easter Sunday - May 1st 2017 - Easter Sunday - April 16th (same date as the Latin Church) 2018 - Easter Sunday - April 8th 2019 - Easter Sunday - April 28th 2020 - Easter Sunday - April 19th 2021 - Easter Sunday - May 2nd 2022 - Easter Sunday - April 24th 2023 - Easter Sunday - April 16th 2024 - Easter Sunday - May 5th Χριστὸς ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν, θανάτῳ θάνατον πατήσας, καὶ τοῖς ἐν τοῖς μνήμασι ζωὴν χαρισάμενος. Christ is risen from the dead, Trampling down death by death, And upon those in the tombs Bestowing life! 15 ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE “TREBIZONDA” A Publication Of The Order Of Saint Eugene Of Trebizond (By Dr. Russell R. Fritz, Edited by Marilyn Findley K.S.C.) A number of years ago, I was visiting Sacramento, California when Sir Paul Fanning C.E.Tr, one of our Knights who was living in the area, took me to a Serbian Orthodox Church that was in the final stages of interior painting. It was most beautiful. Until that time, I had not given much thought to the use of icons. Being raised a Baptist, and being a minister in The Salvation Army, iconography had never been a part of my life. When I arrived home, the Exarch for Greece and Cyprus, the Baron Sir Tonis Breidel~Hadjidemeetriou, G.C.E.Tr. had sent me a wonderful icon on wood of Saint Eugene that he had painted. This started a personal journey to discover iconography; to understand and embrace this mystery. The first thing that I found was that there are thousands of books written on the subject, everything from general histories to definitive construction of icons. The second thing I found is that there is no one authority on icons. The third thing I found is that there is only one rule to follow, not a set of inflexible rules like in Western Heraldry. There are general guidelines that most artists follow, guidelines that have been in practice for hundreds of years. 16 It would be impossible to impart all information on icons in a short article like this, so I will just cover the basics, and hopefully it will inspire you to further your education in this subject. The word icon, which derives from the Greek word “Eikon” (), is a religious work of art in Orthodox Christianity and Catholicism. The term is used in a number of contexts and means an “image or representation of something or someone of greater significance,”i but in the more restricted sense in which it is understood, it means a sacred image representing Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints and angels, as well as narrative scenes from the Old and the New Testament. Orthodox tradition teaches that iconography began on the day Jesus Christ pressed a cloth to His face and imprinted His divine-human image on the cloth. Tradition also says that Luke the Evangelist painted icons during his ministery. The book The Life of the Virgin Mary, The Theotokos by the Holy Apostle Convent in Buena Vista, Colorado, which is thought of as the most accurate and extensive tome on the Theotokos ever published, tells us that there are known Lukan icons ascribed to his hand. They are: The Blessed Virgin of Megaspilaon on Morea, Peloponnese, Greece Kykkou Icon of Cypress Theotokos of Mt. Soumela of Trebezond Panagia of the Akathist, Monastery of Dionysiou, Mt. Athos There are 6 classes of icons:ii Icons of Christ Pantokrator - He who rules over everything Icons of the Theotokos – God Bearer – Mother of God Feast Day Icons – Festal Icons Icons of Angels Icons and Lives of Saints Special Icons – events in Jesus’ life, Churches, Spiritual History 17 Today icons are used particularly among Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Coptic and Byzantine Catholic Churches. Christianity originated as a movement within Judaism, a religion that traditionally did not tolerate figurative religious art. This could explain the reason that for the first centuries of its existence, the new Christian religion, probably affected by its Jewish roots and the Second Commandment “Thou shall not make unto thee any graven images,” objected to figurative sacred art and to any representation of the Deity. The first Christian images appeared around the 2nd century in the catacombs, especially in Rome, where painters with the extended use of new and old familiar pagan symbols tried to clarify the abstract notions of the new religion, to protect and conceal the new ideas from their persecutors and to spread the basic principles of Christianity.iii In other words, the main aim was to distinguish the spiritual Christian religion from idolatry. During the first centuries, Christians used art as a means to aid in the promotion of religion, in that they incorporated various and distinct elements from a number of sources:iv The gracefulness and clarity of composition was borrowed from Hellenic art The hierarchical placement of figures and symmetry of design was from Roman art The dynamic movement and energy of the represented characters were based on Syrian art The large almond-shaped eyes, the long thin noses and small mouths were in turn borrowed from the Egyptian funeral portraits. 18 After the adoption of Christianity as the only official religion in the Byzantine Empire in the 4th century, the possibility was created for the development and spread of a pure Christian art which would become the official and dominant art of the Empire. Therefore, for the first time, Christians were free to express their faith openly without any fear of persecution by the state. As a result, Christian art began to change not only in quality and sophistication, but also in its nature. Gradually, the distinction from the Greek-Roman Classic tradition begins. The three dimensional perceptive, the self-sufficient existence, the interest in the figure itself and its symmetrical and natural connections with the surroundings are no longer the first priority. The figure becomes two dimensional, frontal, flat and static. Byzantine Icon painters were more interested in exhibiting in every possible way the spiritual and divine nature than depicting and glorifying the human aspect of the flesh. As a result, they no longer emphasized the precise depiction of the natural characteristics of the figure or the idealization of nature, but rather the face and especially the eyes that reflect the spirituality of the figures that are stylized in a manner that emphasized their holiness rather than their humanity, the permanent and stable value of the person and the unchangeable and complete essence of its existence. Byzantine art becomes a type of expressionist art that shows the inner spiritual life of the depicted figure and immaterializes its existence without denying the nature itself. Christianity teaches that the Divine God became human “flesh” in the form of Jesus Christ, making it possible to create depictions of the human form of the Son of God and not defy the Second Commandment. Byzantine iconography developed rigorously and the basic compositional schemes became well established, resulting in 19 an increase in the representations of holy figures and holy events. Yet, suspicions of traditionalists who inflexibly obeyed the second commandment and feared that any deviation from it would lead to heresy or idol worship arose. These fears were partially justified, since not only the illiterate believers but also the churchmen themselves could not understand how the Trinity of God as the One and only God, and the divine and human nature of Christ could be reconciled. In the 726, a theological debate involving both the Byzantine state and church, known as Iconoclasm, began. The Emperor Leo III and a group of overzealous traditionalists arguing that misinterpretation and misuse of religious images usually leads to heresy barred the production and use of figural images and began a systematic destruction of holy images in the Empire. The iconoclastic debate which spanned roughly a century, during the years 726-787 and 815843, centered on the appropriate use of Orthodox icons in religious veneration and the precise relationship between the sacred personage and its image. The fear that the believer misdirected their veneration towards the image rather than directing that veneration to the holy person represented in the image lay at the heart of the controversy. Old Testament prohibitions against worshipping graven images provided one of the most powerful arguments for the Byzantine iconoclasts. The iconodules (the defenders of Orthodox Icons), who opposed to iconoclasts, attempted to prove that icons were not worshipped but venerated and that such veneration was not idolatry. They based their defense of Orthodox Icons on the Doctrine of the Incarnation and on the dogma of the two natures of Christ. St. John of Damascus and St. Theodore Studites wrote extensive treatises explaining the 20 reasons for and the importance of Orthodox Icon veneration. St. John of Damascus argued that “it is not divine beauty that is given form and shape, but the human form that is rendered by the painter’s brush. Therefore, if the Son of God became man and appeared in man’s nature, why should his image not be made?”v St. Theodore Studites, in turn, defended the Orthodox Icons on the basis of the ideas of identity and necessity: “Man himself is created by God after the image and likeness of God; therefore, there is something divine in the art of making images…as perfect man, Christ not only can but also must be represented and worshipped in images…let this be denied and Christ’s economy of the salvation is destroyed.”vi The iconoclasts wanted a religion freed from all contact with what is material, for they thought that what is spiritual must be non-material, but failed to fully take into account the Incarnation and fell into a kind of dualism. If we allow no place for Christ’s humanity or his body, we betray the Incarnation and forget that our body and soul must be saved and transfigured. The Empress Irene suspended the iconoclastic persecutions in 780 AD. Seven years later, the seventh Ecumenical Synod of Nice reaffirmed the veneration of the Orthodox Icons: “We salute the form of the venerable and life-giving Cross and the holy relics of the Saints, and we receive, salute, and kiss the holy and venerable icons…These holy and venerable icons we honor and salute and venerate…..To these Icons should be given salutation and honorable reverence, not indeed the true worship of faith, which pertains to the divine nature…To these also shall be offered incense and lights, in honor of them, according to the ancient pious custom…For the honor which is paid to the icon passes on to that 21 which the icon represents, and he who reveres in it the person who is represented.” In 815 AD, Leo the Armenian renewed attacks on the Orthodox Icons. However, the iconoclasts were defeated for good in 843 during the reign of the Empress Theodora; the day of their defeat is celebrated every year on the first Sunday after Lent as the Triumph of Orthodoxy. This iconoclastic controversy had a profound effect on the production of Byzantine Icons after their reintroduction in 843. After the triumph of Orthodox Icons, iconography developed at an unprecedented rate and changes shaped by this controversy included the evolution of distinct portrait images, the growing popularity of certain subjects such as Christ’s Resurrection from the depths of hell and the Virgin Mary. By the end of the 10th century the majority of iconographic practices had been firmly established and exported to other Orthodox countries (Bulgaria, Serbia and later, Russia) where they were further developed and elaborated on. Icons have been described as “windows into heaven” and as “making the invisible visible.” Even though somber events may be depicted, there is an underlying mood of confidence, joy, and sometimes a playful humor. The holy figures are shown in a blessed state, suffused with golden light. They project an intense psychological presence, and may seem to return your gaze, or even to initiate the scrutiny. Icons are not painted. They are written. And the finished icon is called a book by iconographers. In my research, I have concluded that there are three types of icon painters: 22 Traditionalist: those artists who use ancient methods of writing an icon (using a wood board, covered with white natural gesso, mixed from animal skin glue, chalk dust, and marble dust, with egg tempera base [juice of one egg yolk plus 2 tablespoons dry white wine], made fresh and natural ground paint, and who look at the Icon as a divinely inspired “window into heaven.” A traditionalist artist at work Betsy Porter, San Francisco Contemporary: those artists who look on the finished book as a divinely inspired “window into heaven,” but use modern painting materials and methods to write their book. A contemporary artist at work Ioannis Petrakis, Elounda, Crete Commercial Painters: those artists who paint Icons for profit. 23 In this article, we will discuss the more traditional art form, knowing that the only difference between the traditionalist and the contemporary is the medium used. All Icons, whether they are Byzantine, Russian, Greek, Georgian and Serbian, are filled with symbolism designed to convey information about the person or event depicted. For this reason, icons tend to follow a prescribed methodology for how a particular person should be depicted, including hair style, body position, clothing, and background details. Icon writing, in general, is not an opportunity for artistic expression, though each iconographer brings a vision to the piece. It is far more common for an icon to be copied from an older model, though with the recognition of a new saint in the church, a new icon must be created.vii In iconography, a number of artistic traditions and conventions apply. The underlying drawing is geometrically structured and proportioned. Color areas are clearly defined. Figures are elongated, eyes large and shadowed, eyebrows arched, noses long and straight, mouths closed, hands gracefully stylized. The forehead (seat of the intellect) and the collar bone (gateway to the heart) are emphasized. Both eyes and at least one ear must be visible to enable the holy figure to see and hear the viewer. Out of respect for the commandment against graven images, Orthodox icons avoid strongly three-dimensional effects, but the complex cubist-like highlights hint at spiritual dimensions. Perspective is flattened or even inversed. The image is illustrative as well as representational, floating on a sea of philosophy, theology, and mathematics. 24 Folds in the garments converge and spiral into power points; hair curls and waves with the saint’s energies; and increasingly bright layers of highlights symbolize levels of consciousness. Light comes primarily from within the figure. Linear perspective, which was introduced in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth centuries, is constructed with great geometric precision. This is illustrated in the wall painting of the Annunciation by Fra. Angelico that is in the cloister of San Marco in Florence. Here even the architectural details are used to create this type of space. The space that is created lends to the figures a peaceful and harmonious sense of "presence,” yet the environment that they stand in are closed. The vanishing point is situated at the small window which drawn the attention of the viewer into the picture. The viewer must "enter into" the picture in order to witness the beauty of the event. Inverse or Byzantine perspective is frequently but not exclusively used in the painting of icons. With this form of perspective the viewer 25 is the point of view of the objects in the icon and experiences multiple point of perspective. The intent of using this form of perspective is to allow the viewer a window into the Kingdom of God and to bring them into relationship with the Almighty. In choosing to not use the illusion of linear space nor of external light and shadow and by placing the point of perspective on the viewer the Divine spills out and over the confines of the frame and rushes out to embrace the heart of man. This form of perspective is very different from the perspective found in Western European art and challenges the cultures way of seeing art. As I indicated above, there is only one rule for icon writing: an individual signature is never permitted to appear on the front of the icon. Occasionally, a writer will put his name on the reverse, but this is not common. More often, a number is placed on the reverse or on the wrapping enclosure of the icon. 26 However, I have compiled guidelines that most Icon writers follow. Below are a few of the more common guidelines: There is a specific order to writing the icon: from the most general space (background) to the most specific (the face). The gold comes first because it is the background, the "atmosphere" of heaven in which the saint dwells. It is just applied on the background areas and is not under the colors or painted areas. It represents the space of heaven and situates the figure. Characters in the icon are highlighted based upon their importance in comparison to other characters within the icon. Heads on icons are rarely done in profile. When they are, they are awkwardly drawn and the profile indicates that the character is less significant and perhaps even spiteful. True function and realism in architecture are also suspended in the icon. Natural proportions are completely ignored, and doors and windows are often represented without taking into consideration realistic measurements. Mary is identified by her three 8-pointed "stars of perfection," one on each shoulder and one above her forehead. The Eastern Orthodox depiction of Mary the Theotokos is different from that of the Roman Catholic one. The Theotokos is in a deep red almost brown colored robe with the three eight-pointed stars, not the blue and white traditional colors found in Western art and religious imagery. Teachers and prophets hold books and scrolls. Saints and angels hold other symbolic objects that help us identify them. Archangels carry a slender spear and often a translucent globe or disc. These are like an orb and scepter, indicating the angel's 27 high status. The spear is also a hiking stick, to show that the angel is on a journey. Although the spear is too delicate to function well as a weapon, it does evoke the angelic calling to defend the universe against evil. The translucent globe or disc comes from ancient times, when a royal messenger would carry a metal disc emblazoned with the recognizable symbol of his king. Since saints and angels serve God, various emblems or reminders of God may be used. Sometimes the face of Christ appears in the globe. Warrior saints also carry spears - again too slender to do much physical damage, but an emblem of their battle against evil. All major persons appearing in an icon are identified by name, or in the case of Mary and Jesus, by abbreviations of their names. The name is usually inscribed on the background near the person's head, but may appear in a margin. In addition, the person may be holding a scroll or a book. The usual color for lettering is bright red or dark red on a light background. Martyrs are usually shown with a red outer garment and most often holding crosses. Many of the martyrs found in Orthodox icons with be seen holding a red three barred cross symbolizing their martyrdom Historically, beautiful icons and religious art were made in numerous other forms and mediums, including mosaics, fresco painting, hot wax encaustic painting, back-painted glass, embroidery, stone carving, wood carving, precious metals (sometimes set with jewels), ceramics, illuminated manuscripts, woodcuts, tapestry weaving, enameling on copper and silver, stained glass, ironwork, lace, and more. 28 More recently, artists have made icons and sacred art in such mediums as oil paint on canvas, acrylic paint, batik, beads, sequins, felt, appliqué, quilting, collage, photography, and cold wax encaustic painting, whatever art materials and methods they are accustomed to use. Most of the writers approach an icon in an attitude of reverence and prayer. RULES AND PRAYERS FOR ICONOGRAPHERS (From Byzantine Iconography) Rules Before starting work, make the sign of the Cross; pray in silence and pardon your enemies. Work with care on every detail of your icon, as if you were working in front of the Lord Himself. During work, pray in order to strengthen yourself physically and spiritually; avoid all useless words, and keep silence. Pray in particular to the Saint whose face you are painting. Keep your mind from distractions, and the Saint will be close to you. When you choose a color, stretch out your hands interiorly to the Lord and ask His Counsel. Do not be jealous of your neighbor’s work; their success is your success also. When your icon is finished, thank God that His Mercy granted you the grace to paint the Holy Images. Have your new icon blessed by putting it on the Holy Table of your parish church. Be the first to pray before it, before giving it to others. Never forget: the joy of spreading icons throughout the world. 29 the joy of the work of icon writing. the joy of giving the saint the possibility to shine through his/her icon. the joy of being in union with the Saint whose face you are revealing. A Prayer From Mt. Athos For Consecrating An Iconographer: “Thou Who hast so admirably imprinted Thy features on the cloth sent to King Abgar of Edessa, and hast so wonderfully inspired Luke Thy Evangelist: Enlighten my soul and that of Thy servant; Guide his hand that he may reproduce Thy features, those of the Holy Virgin and of all Thy saints, for the glory and peace of Thy Holy Church. Spare him from temptations and diabolical imaginations in the name of Thy Mother, St. Luke, and all the saints. Amen.” A Prayer From Mt. Athos Before Beginning An Icon: “O Divine Lord of all that exists, Thou hast illumined the Apostle and Evangelist Luke with Thy Holy Spirit, thereby enabling him to represent Thy most Holy Mother, the One who held Thee in her arms and said: The Grace of Him Who has been born of me is spread through the world! spirit. Enlighten and direct my soul, my heart and my Guide the hands of Thine unworthy servant so that I may worthily and perfectly portray Thine icon, that of Thy Mother, and all the Saints, for the glory, joy and adornment of Thy Holy Church. Forgive my sins and the sins of those who will venerate these icons and who, kneeling devoutly before them, give homage to those they represent. Protect them from all evil and instruct them with good counsel. This I ask through the intercession of Thy most Holy Mother, the Apostle Luke, and all the saints. Amen.” 30 A Prayer From Mt. Athos After Completing an Icon: “Thou, Thyself, O Lord, art the fulfillment and completion of all good things. Fill my soul with joy and gladness, for Thou alone art the Lover of mankind. Let Thy grace sanctify and dwell within this icon, that it may edify and inspire those who gaze upon it and venerate it; that in glorifying the one depicted, they may be repentant of their sins and strengthened against every attack of the adversary. Through the prayers of the Theotokos, the holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke, and all the Saints, O Savior, save us! Amen.” To secure a truly authentic icon written in the traditional school, there are many Monasteries who specialize in true works of art. There are many Orthodox Christians who approach writing an icon with the same devotion and exactness as the writers of centuries past. Just assure yourself that the icon you are receiving is not one from commercial painters. It is far worse when everything is correct in the physical, bodily sense, but the saint appears as an ordinary man, as if he had been photographed, completely devoid of the spiritual. When this is the case, the depiction cannot be considered an icon. Sometimes much attention is spent on making the icon beautiful. If this is not detrimental to the spirituality of the icon, it is good, but if the beauty distracts our vision to such an extent that we forget what is most important, that one must save one's soul, must raise one's soul to the heights of Heaven, the beauty of the depiction is already detrimental. It may be very beautiful, but it is not an icon. An icon is an image which leads us to a holy, God-pleasing person, or raises us up to Heaven, or evokes a feeling of repentance, of prayer, a feeling that one must bow down before this image. The value of an icon lies in the fact that, when we approach it, we want to pray before it with reverence. If the image elicits this feeling, it is an icon. 31 Thus, we see that an icon must indeed depict that which we see with our eyes, preserving the characteristics of the body's form, for in this world the soul acts through the body. Yet at the same time it must point towards the inner, spiritual essence. The task of the iconographer is precisely to render, as far as possible and to as great an extent as possible, those spiritual qualities whereby the person depicted acquired the Kingdom of Heaven, whereby he won an imperishable crown from the Lord, for the Church's true significance is the salvation of man's soul. Today, I have a number of icons. The Icon of Saint Eugene I received from the Exarch of Greece we use at the North American Investitures of new Knights. I have two in my study that remind me of the spiritual road that I travel each day. Both are Theotokos. One is a contemporary icon from an Orthodox Monastery that was written for me by one of the brothers. The other is a 16th century Russian Black Madonna that is silver framed. It has been a long trek from my Baptist up-bringing to my appreciation of icons, and I have enjoyed every step along this path!! i Rev. Dr. Steven Bingham, Early Christian Attitudes Toward Images, Orthodox Research Institute, 2004 ii Leonid Ouspensky, Theology of the Icon", St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1978 iii Ernst Kitzinger, The Cult of Images in the Age before Iconoclasm, Dumbarton Oaks, 1954 Valaimir Lossky with Leonid Ouspensky, The Meaning of Icons, by, SVS Press, iv 1999. v Concerning the Veneration of Icons, Internet search, Russian Orthodox Church of the Nativity vi Robin Cormack, Writing in Gold, Byzantine Society and its Icons, 1985, George Philip, London vii Patricia Karlin-Hayter, The Oxford History of Byzantium, Oxford, 2002. 32 ICONS OF SAINT EUGENE OF TREBIZOND 33 The body of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, found to be incorrupt by the Catholic Church. (b. January 7, 1844 – d. April 16, 1879). Over the past few months while I have been compiling the Saint of the Day for the Knights of the Order, I have had many questions and comments sent me. One of the most recurring comments is the finding of a saint’s buried body incorruptible. I have been asked how this can happen, as it is outside of the normal decaying processes. 34 Quite frankly, I did not have an answer, so I just ignored attempting answer that question. The easy answer would be to indicate that we need to place our faith in God. If He wanted a saint to be incorruptible after their death, then it was left in God’s hands. After all, who are we to explain the mysteries of God? I understood that the people asking the question were believers, and all from North America. In North America, we do not have much of a tradition that incorporates local saints in our daily worship. Except for a very few American saints, all of our saints are from Europe and only one that I am aware of from our local saints have been found incorruptible. Without this history of incorruptible saints, it is easy to understand the questions of even strong believers. We in North America have been taught that science is the answer to life, and the mysteries of God have been replaced by science in our daily lives. In October, I read a newspaper article of shoes washing up on the beaches of Washington State. What was interesting was that the foot was still in the shoes. Speculation was that they were from the Japanese Tsunami, but there were recorded cases of feet washing ashore in shoes years before Fukushima. The article went on to explain how this could happen. In the ocean, particularly in oxygenstarved environments, is the build-up of adipocere around a body. Adipocere is a waxy substance, often found in soap. It builds up in bodies that are exposed to bacteria, but not to air. The anaerobic bacteria process the fat tissue and create adipocere. Adipocere, also known as corpse, grave or mortuary wax, as it is a wax-like organic substance formed by the anaerobic bacterial hydrolysis of fat in tissue, such as body fat in corpses. In its 35 formation, putrefaction is replaced by a permanent firm cast of fatty tissues, internal organs and the face. Depending on whether it was formed from white or brown body fat, adipocere is grayish white or tan in color. The transformation of fats into adipocere occurs best in the absence of oxygen in a hot and humid environment, such as in wet ground or mud at the bottom of a lake or a sealed casket, and it can occur with both embalmed and untreated bodies. Adipocere formation begins within a month of death, and in the absence of air it can persist for centuries. Adipocerous formation preserved the left hemisphere of the brain of a 13th-century infant such that sulci, gyri, and even Nissl bodies in the motor cortex could be distinguished in the 20th century. An exposed, infested body or a body in a warm environment is unlikely to form deposits of adipocere. Corpses of women, infants and overweight persons are particularly prone to adipocere transformation because they contain more body fat. In forensic science, the utility of adipocere formation to estimate the postmortem interval is limited because the speed of the process is temperature-dependent. It is accelerated by warmth, but temperature extremes impede it. So what apparently happened was that the saint was placed in an airtight body wrap or placed in a sealed coffin that allowed the formation of adipocere which in turn allowed the body shape and facial features to be covered by adipocere. When the curious unearthed the body of the saint, they saw what to them was a wellpreserved body. To the Orthodox Church, incorruptibility continues to be an important element for the process of glorification. An important distinction is 36 made between natural mummification and what is believed to be supernatural incorruptibility. There are a great number of Orthodox saints whose bodies have been found to be incorrupt and are in much veneration among the faithful. These include: Anthony, John, and Eustathios Saint Alexander of Svir — the incorrupt relics of the saint were removed from the Svir Monastery by the Bolsheviks on December 20, 1918 after several unsuccessful attempts to confiscate them. Finally, the holy relics were sent to Petrograd's Military Medical Academy. There they remained for nearly eighty years. A second uncovering of St Alexander's relics took place in December 1997, before their return to the Svir Monastery. Saint Dmitry of Rostov Saint Job of Pochayiv Saint John the Russian Saint John (Maximovich) of San Francisco and Shanghai, WonderWorker - He was the Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America in San Francisco. His incorrupt relics are in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia Cathedral of the Mother of God (Theotokos) "Joy of All Who Sorrow" since his death in 1966 and was placed in a special crypt in the cathedral. He was canonized in 1994. While he was a ROCOR (Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia) Archbishop, the Russian and Serbian churches have all accepted him, and even today you can enter Greek and Antiochian churches and see his icon displayed. He was and still is a very popular American saint and theologian, much loved and venerated, much quoted and much considered an active wonder-worker. Saint Ioasaph of Belgorod — In 1918 the Bolsheviks removed Saint Ioasaph's relics from his shrine in the cathedral of the Holy Trinity at Belgorod, and for some seventy years their whereabouts remained unknown. In 1927 the cathedral itself was demolished. In 37 the late 1980s the relics were discovered in Leningrad's Museum of Religion and Atheism, and on 16 September 1991 they were solemnly returned to the new Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Lord in Belgorod, in the presence of Patriarch Alexy II. Saint Nectarios of Aegina Saint Parascheva of the Balkans Saint Seraphim of Sarov Saint Spyridon Dionysios of Zakynthos Gerasimus of Kefalonia Saint Zosima Saint Elizabeth NOTABLE ORTHODOX AND ROMAN SAINTS WHO’S BODY REMAINEDS INCORRUPTIBLE Saint Agatha Saint Agnes of Montepulciano Saint Albert the Great Saint Alphege of Canterbury Saint Alphonse Mary of Liguori Saint Andrew Bobola Saint Angela Merici Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria Saint Antoninus Saint Benedict the Moor Saint Benezet Saint Bernadette Soubirous Saint Bernardine of Siena Saint Camillus de Lellis Saint Catherine Labouré Saint Catherine of Bologna 38 Saint Catherine of Genoa Saint Catherine de Ricci Saint Catherine of Siena Saint Charbel Makhluf Saint Charles Borromeo Saint Cecilia Saint Clare of Assisi Saint Clare of Montefalco Saint Coloman Saint Cuthbert Saint Diego of Alcalá Saint Dominic Savio Saint Edmund Rich of Canterbury Saint Edward the Confessor Saint Etheldreda Saint Eustochia Calafato Saint Frances of Rome Saint Francis de Sales The body of Saint Clare of Assisi 39 Saint Francis Xavier Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini Saint George Preca Saint Germaine Cousin Saint Guthlac Saint Annibale Maria di Francia Saint Herculanus of Piegaro Saint Hugh of Lincoln Saint Idesbald Blessed Imelda Lambertini Saint Isidore the Farmer Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Saint John-Mary-Baptist Vianney Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac Saint Joaquina de Vedruna Saint John Bosco 40 The body of Saint John Mary Vianney Saint John Neumann Saint John of God Saint John of the Cross Saint John Southworth Saint Josaphat Saint Julie Billiart Saint Louis Bertrand Saint Louise de Marillac Saint Luigi Orione Saint Lucy Filippini Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Blessed Mafalda of Portugal Saint Margaret of Cortona Venerable Mary of Jesus of Ágreda Venerable María de León Bello y Delgado Saint Maria Goretti Saint Martin de Porres Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzi Blessed Mary of the Divine Heart[7] Saint Narcisa de Jesús Saint Nicholas of Tolentino Saint Pacifico of San Severino Saint Paula Frassinetti Saint Pascal Baylon Saint Peregrine Laziosi Saint Philip Neri Saint Pierre Julien Eymard 41 Saint Pio of Pietrelcina Saint Rafael Guízar Valencia Saint Rita of Cascia Saint Romuald Saint Rose of Lima Saint Rose of Viterbo Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne Saint Silvan Saint Sperandia Saint Stanislaus Kostka Saint Teresa of Ávila Saint Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart (Anna Maria Redi) Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Saint Ubald of Gubbio Saint Veronica Giuliani Saint Vincent de Paul Saint Vincent Pallotti The body of Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina 42 Saint Virginia Centurione Saint Waltheof Saint Werburgh Saint Withburga Saint Wunibald Saint Zita The body of Saint Virginia Centurione Remember what Saint Paul said in his book to the Hebrews. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” So I give you a deep theological concept: ‘If God wanted a Saint’s body to be Incorruptible, He would make the Saint Incorruptible. All we need is Faith in God’s Divine Plan.’ 43 ANTIMENSION - The antimension, (from the Greek: "instead of the table;" in Slavonic: antimins), is among the most important furnishings of the altar in Orthodox Christian liturgical traditions. It is a rectangular piece of cloth, of either linen or silk, typically decorated with representations of the entombment of Christ, the four Evangelists, and scriptural passages related to the Eucharist. A small relic of a martyr is sewn into it. The Eucharist cannot be celebrated without an antimension. The antimension is placed in the center of the altar table and is unfolded only during the Divine Liturgy, before the Anaphora. At the end of the Liturgy, the antimension is folded in thirds, and then in thirds again, so that when it is unfolded the creases form a cross. When folded, the antimension sits in the center of another slightly larger cloth, the eileton (Slavonic: Ilitón) which is then folded around it in the same manner (3 x 3), encasing it completely. A flattened natural sponge is also kept inside the antimension, which is used to collect any crumbs which might fall onto the Holy Table. When the antimension and eiliton are folded, the Gospel Book is laid on top of them. The antimension must be consecrated and signed by a bishop. The antimension and the chrism are the means by which a bishop indicates his permission for priests under his omophorion to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and Holy Mysteries in his absence, being in effect the church’s license to conduct divine services. If a bishop were to withdraw his permission to serve the Mysteries, he would do so by taking back the antimension and chrism from the priest. Whenever a bishop visits a church or monastery under his omophorion, he will enter the altar and inspect the antimension to be sure that it has been properly cared for, and that it is in fact the one that he issued. Only a bishop, priest, or 44 deacon is allowed to touch an antimension. Since the antimension is a consecrated object, they must be vested when they do so—the deacon should be fully vested, and the priest vested in at least stole (epitrachelion) and cuffs (epimanikia). The antimension is a substitute for the altar table. A priest may celebrate the Eucharist on the antimension even if the altar table is not properly consecrated. In emergencies, when an altar table is not available, the antimension serves a very important pastoral need by enabling the use of unconsecrated tables for divine services outside of churches or chapels. Formerly if the priest celebrated at a consecrated altar, the sacred elements were placed only on the eileton. However, in current practice the priest always uses the antimension, even on a consecrated altar that has relics sealed in it. At the Divine Liturgy, during the Litanies (Ektenias) that precede the Great Entrance the eiliton is opened fully and the antimension is opened three-quarters of the way, leaving the top portion folded. Then, during the Litany of the Catechumens, when the deacon says, "That He (God) may reveal unto them (the catechumens) the Gospel of righteousness," the priest unfolds the last portion of the antimension, revealing the mystery of Christ's death and resurrection. After the Entrance, the chalice and diskos are placed on the antimension and the Gifts (bread and wine) are consecrated. The antimension remains unfolded until after all have received Holy Communion and the chalice and diskos are returned to the Table of oblation (Prothesis). The deacon (or, if there is no deacon, the priest) must very carefully inspect the antimension to be sure there are no crumbs left on it. Then, it is folded, followed by folding the eiliton, and after which the Gospel Book placed on top of it. APOSTLES - Disciples of Christ, accompanying Him in His public service, and later spreading faith throughout the world. 45 ARCH - extreme; most fully embodying the qualities of the kind (e.g. archconservative). ARCHHERISIARCH - one who originates or is the chief proponent of a heresy or heretical movement. ARCHIMANDRITE - the title Archimandrite, primarily used in the Eastern Orthodox and the Eastern Catholic churches, originally referred to a superior abbot whom a bishop appointed to supervise several ‘ordinary’ abbots (each styled hegumenos) and monasteries, or to the abbot of some especially great and important monastery. The title is also used as one purely of honor, with no connection to any actual monastery, and is bestowed on clergy as a mark of respect or gratitude for service to the Church. This particular sign of respect is only given to those priests who have taken vows of celibacy, that is monks; distinguished married clergy may receive the title of archpriest. ARCHDEACON - an archdeacon is a senior clergy position in Anglicanism, Chaldean Catholic, Syrian Malabar Nasrani, and some other Christian denominations, above that of most clergy and below a bishop. In the High Middle Ages it was the most senior diocesan position below a bishop. An archdeacon is often responsible for administration within an subdivision of the diocese. archdeaconry, which is the principal The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church has defined an archdeacon as, “A cleric having a defined administrative authority delegated to him by the bishop in the whole or part of the diocese.” The office has often been described metaphorically as that of oculus episcopi, the bishop’s eye. 46 ARIANISM - Arianism is the theological teaching attributed to Arius (250-336), a Christian presbyter in Alexandria, Egypt, concerning the relationship of God the Father to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Arius asserted that the Son of God was a subordinate entity to God the Father. Deemed a heretic by the Ecumenical First Council of Nicaea of 325, Arius was later exonerated in 335 at the regional First Synod of Tyre, and then, after his death, pronounced a heretic again at the Ecumenical First Council of Constantinople of 381. The Roman Emperors Constantius II (337-361) and Valens (364-378) were Arians or Semi-Arians. ASCETICISM - from the Greek: “exercise” or “training”. Describes a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from worldly pleasures, often with the aim of pursuing religious and spiritual goals. AUTOCEPHALY – Autocephaly ((/ˌɔːtəˈsɛfəli/; from Greek: αὐτοκεφαλία, meaning self-headed)) is the status of a hierarchical Christian church whose head bishop does not report to any higher-ranking bishop (used especially in Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches). When an ecumenical council or a high-ranking bishop, such as a patriarch or other primate, releases an ecclesiastical province from the authority of that bishop while the newly independent church remains in full communion with the hierarchy to which it then ceases to belong, the council or primate is granting autocephaly. For example, the Cypriot Orthodox Church was granted autocephaly by the Canon VIII Council of Ephesus and is ruled by the Archbishop of Cyprus, who is not subject to any higher ecclesiastical authority, although his church remains in full communion with the other Eastern Orthodox churches. The question of who can grant autocephaly is a controversial issue; notably, the Orthodox Church in America was granted autocephaly by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1970, but 47 was not recognized by most patriarchates. The Russian Church claims that its own autocephaly allows it the right to grant autocephaly to its constituent parts, whereas Constantinople claims that, "in its capacity as the 'mother church' and 'first among equals'", the right to grant autocephaly belongs solely to an ecumenical council. One step short of autocephaly is "autonomy". A church that is autonomous has its highest-ranking bishop, such as an archbishop or metropolitan, appointed by the patriarch of the mother church, but is self-governing in all other respects. Kephale (κεφαλή) means "head" in Greek, whereas nomos (νόμος) means "law"; hence, autocephalous (αὐτοκέφαλος) denotes self-headed, or a head unto itself, and autonomous denotes "self-legislated", or a law unto itself. CATHOLICOS - plural Catholicoi, is a title used for the head of certain churches in some Eastern Christian traditions, primarily in the Autocephaly Georgian Orthodox Church. The title implies autocephaly and in some cases is borne by the designated head of an autonomous church, in which case the holder might have other titles such as Patriarch. In other cases a catholicos heads a particular church and is subject to a patriarch or other church head. CENOBITIC (COENOBITIC) - the monastic tradition that emphases regulated community life, that is, in which the monks live together under a set of rules established by the ruling abbot. It is the opposite of eremitic. CLEROS - choir. Picture in your mind a floor plan of an Orthodox Church. It is laid out in the form of a cross. The door is on the south side and the round nave at the top is where the Altar is located. The right arm is again rounded, and that is where the clergy often sit. The left arm of the cross is also rounded and that is where the choir sits. 48 CONFESSORS - To the Russian Orthodox, this is a saint who did indeed suffer and/or was tortured for their faith, but not a martyr’s death. One other definition would be one who confessed the faith at all times in their life and ministry, and may have only suffered due to the ascetic life. There’s also the other definition of one who does not fill any other category, such as an “apostle” or martyr. CHRISMATION - At one’s baptism, the rite of Chrismation follows directly after the baptism. Chrism, the Holy Oil, is placed upon the newly baptized believer as it indicates the sealing of that individual by the Holy Spirit to God and Christ. Some converts may only be Chrismated and not baptized, depending on which Orthodox authority one may be under. (The reason is the “one baptism” statement of the creed.) DORMITION - The Dormition of the Mother of God (Greek: Κοίμησις Θεοτόκου, Koímēsis Theotokos often anglicized as Kimisis, Slavic: Успение Пресвятия Богородици, Uspenie Presvetia Bogoroditsi) is a Great Feast of the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches which commemorates the "falling asleep" or death of Mary, the mother of Jesus (literally translated as God-bearer), and her bodily resurrection before being taken up into heaven. It is celebrated on August 15 (August 28, N.S. for those following the Julian Calendar) as the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. The Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the Dormition not on a fixed date, but on the Sunday nearest August 15. EPISCOPAL - a bishop, an overseer in the Christian Church. 49 EQUAL-TO-THE-APOSTLES - are saints who, like the Apostles, labored to turn countries and peoples to Christ. Equal-to-the-Apostles are also called more frequently an “Isa-apostle.” St. Helen, the mother of Saint Constantine the Great is an example of one. EPITRACHELION - The Epitrachil (or, "Epitrachelion") (from the Greek ἐπιτραχήλιον "around the neck"; often called simply a stole in casual English-language usage) is the liturgical vestment worn by priests and bishops of the Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Churches as the symbol of their priesthood, corresponding to the Western stole. EREMITIC - a recluse, especially a religious recluse. Monks living in isolation as hermits. EUCHARIST - also called Holy Communion, the Sacrament of the Altar, the Blessed Sacrament, the Lord’s Supper, and other names, is a Christian sacrament or ordinance. FOOLS-FOR-CHRIST - taking on the appearance of madness and suffering defamation from those around them, exposed human vices, brought those in power to their senses, comforted the suffering. GREAT SCHEMA - Monks whose abbots feel they have reached a high level of spiritual excellence reach the final stage, call the Great Schema. The tonsure of a Schemamonk or Schemanun follows the same format as the Stavrophore, and he makes the same vows and is tonsured in the same manner. But in addition to all the garments worn by the Stavrophore, he is given the analavos which is the article of monastic vesture emblematic of the Great Schema. For this reason, the analavos itself is sometimes itself called the “Great Schema”. It drapes over the shoulders and hangs down in front and in 50 back, with the front portion somewhat longer, and is embroidered with the instruments of the Passion and the Trisagion. The Greek form does not have a hood, the Slavic form has a hood and lappels on the shoulders, so that the garment forms a large cross covering the monk’s shoulders, chest, and back. Another piece added is the Polystavrion (“Many Crosses”), which consists of a cord with a number of small crosses plaited into it. The polystavrion forms a yoke around the monk and serves to hold the analavos in place, and reminds the monastic that he is bound to Christ and that his arms are no longer fit for worldly activities, but that he must labor only for the Kingdom of Heaven. Among the Greeks, the mantle is added at this stage. The paramandyas of the Megaloschemos is larger than that of the Stavrophore, and if he wears the klobuk, it is of a distinctive thimble shape, called a koukoulion, the veil of which is usually embroidered with crosses. The Schemamonk also shall remain some days in vigil in the church. On the eighth day after Tonsure, there is a special service for the “Removal of the Koukoulion”. In some monastic traditions the Great Schema is never given or is only given to monks and nuns on their death bed, while in other, e.g., the cenobitic monasteries on Mount Athos, it is common to tonsure a monastic into the Great Schema only 3 years after commencing the monastic life. In Russian and some other traditions, when a bearer of some monastic title acquires the Great Schema, his title incorporates the word “schema”. called For example, a hieromonk of Great Schema is hieroschemamonk, archimandrite becomes archimandrite, hegumen - schema-hegumen, etc. schema- In the Russian Orthodox Tradition, in such cases the part “schema” is commonly truncated to “sche”. 51 HAGIOGRAPHY - refers to the biographies of saints and ecclesiastical leaders. The term hagiology, the study of hagiography, is also current in English, although less common. HIERARCHAL SAINTS - patriarchs, metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, attaining sainthood by tireless care of their flock, guarding Orthodoxy from heresy and schisms. HEIRODEACON - sometimes translated “deacon-monk”, in Eastern Othodox Christianity is a monk who has been ordained a deacon. The term literally translates as “sacred servant (of God)”, in accordance with early Byzantine usage of the adjective “sacred” to describe things monastic. Normally, to be eligible for ordination to the diaconate, a man must be either married or he must be tonsured a monk. If he has his bishop’s permission, he may delay his marriage until after being ordained a deacon. He may also delay his ordination to the priesthood until after he marries, since after priestly ordination he would not be permitted to marry. In the Church heirachy, a hierodeacon or a secular (i.e. non-monastic) deacon is of lower rank than a hieromonk (a priest-monk) or a secular priest. Within their own ranks, hierodeacons are assigned order of precedence according to the date of their ordination. Archdeacon or Protodeacon. Ranking above Hierodeacon is an In some countries, married clergy are referred to as “white clergy” while monastic clergy are called “black clergy” because monks should always wear black clothing but married clergy in many parts of the world typically wear white (or gray or colored) cassocks and rasons. HEIROMARTYR - a martyr (one who dies for his beliefs in God) who was a bishop or priest. Analogously, a monk who is a priest is known as a heiromonk. 52 HEIROMONK - also called a Priestmonk, is a monk who is also a priest in the Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholicism. A hieromonk can be either a monk who has been ordained to the priesthood or a priest who has received monastic tonsure. When a married priest's wife dies, it is not uncommon for him to become a monk, since the Church forbids clergy to enter into a second marriage after ordination. Ordination to the priesthood is the exception rather than the rule for monastics, as a monastery will usually only have as many hieromonks and hierodeacons as it needs to perform the daily services. In the church hierarchy, a hieromonk is of higher dignity than a hierodeacon, just as a secular (i.e., married) priest is of higher dignity than a deacon. Within their own ranks, hieromonks are assigned order of precedence according to the date of their ordination. Ranking above Hieromonk is a Hegumen and an Archimandrite. HEXAEMERON - refers either to the genre of theological treatise that describes God's work on the six days of creation or to the six days of creation themselves. Most often these theological works take the form of commentaries on Genesis. As a genre, hexameral literature was popular in the early church and medieval periods. HOLY MYSTERIES - the holy mysteries or sacraments in the Orthodox Church are vessels of the mystical participation in divine grace of mankind. In a general sense, the Orthodox Church considers everything which is in and of the Church as sacramental or mystical. Generally, the Church recognized and counts eight (though sometimes more) mysteries: Baptism, Chrismation, Eucharist, Confession, Holy Unction, Marriage, Ordination and Martyrdom. 53 HOLY UNCTION - provides both physical and spiritual healing with holy oil blessed by the Holy Spirit. It is most commonly celebrated during Holy Week on Holy Wednesday evening, but private services are also common. Everyone in the parish in good ecclesiastical standing may be anointed with the holy oil for the healing of spiritual and bodily ills. As this is one of the sacraments of the Orthodox Church it may be administered only to Orthodox Christians. The oil carries God’s grace both to renew the body and to cleanse the spirit. The service follows the apostolic tradition mentioned in the New Testament: “...let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith will save the sick man and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven (James 5:14-15). Holy Unction is a mystery of great comfort to the faithful. It provides uplifting and asks for patience to accept the will of God whatever the physical outcome. ICONOSTASIS - In Eastern Christianity an iconostasis (plural: iconostases) is a wall of icons and religious paintings, separating the nave from the sanctuary in a church. Iconostasis also refers to a portable icon stand that can be placed anywhere within a church. The iconostasis evolved from the Byzantine templon, a process complete by the fifteenth century. A direct comparison for the function of the main iconostasis can be made to the layout of the great Temple in Jerusalem. That Temple was designed with three parts. The holiest and inner-most portion was that where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. This portion, the Holy of Holies, was separated from the second larger part of the building's interior by a curtain, the "veil of the temple". Only priests were allowed to enter the Holy of Holies. The third part was the entrance court. This architectural tradition for the two main parts can be seen carried forward in Christian churches and 54 is still most demonstratively present in Eastern Orthodox churches where the iconostatsis divides the altar, the Holy of Holies containing the concecrated Eucharist – the manifestation of the New Covenant, from the larger portion of the church accessible to the faithful. In the Eastern Orthodox tradition only men can enter the altar portion behind the iconostasis. The word comes from the Greek εἰκονοστάσι(ον) (eikonostási(-on), still in common use in Greece and Cyprus), which means "icon stand". IGUMEN - the title for the head of a monastery, similar to abbot. The head of a convent of nuns is called igumenia or ihumenia. The term means “The one who is in charge,” or “the leader” in Greek. igumen is not necessarily a member of the clergy. An In the Slavic tradition, the title of Igumen also serves as a title for a priest-monk in between Heiromonk and Archimandrite. The Greeks use the term Hegumenos. It also may be spelled Hegumeos, Igumen for the Russians, Serbs and Bulgarians, and Ihumen in the Ukraine. KAZZANOE - an area where business is conducted. Today it means a way of locating someone on the web. KOLYVIA - Koliva is boiled wheat which is used liturgically in the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. This ritual food most likely was used even before Christianity since the ingredients used have symbolic value relating to the Greek pantheon, though not to Christian iconography. In the Eastern Churches, koliva is blessed during the memorial Divine Liturgy performed at various intervals after a death; at funerals and during the mnemosyna, i.e. the Orthodox Memorial services. It may also be used on the first Friday of the Great Lent, at slavas, or at mnemosyna in the Christmas meal. In 55 some countries, though not in Greece, it is consumed on non-religious occasions as well. LAVRA - In Orthodox Christianity and certain other Eastern Christian communities, Lavra or Laura is the type of monastery consisting of a cluster of cells or caves for hermits, with a church and sometimes a refectory at the center; the term in Greek initially meant a narrow lane or an alley in a city. MARTYRS - those, who among saints constitute the majority, went through suffering and death in Christ’s name, for the true faith or for refusing to serve idols. METROPOLITAN - in Christian churches with episcopal polity, the rank of metropolitan bishop, or simply metropolitan, pertains to the diocesan bishop or archbishop (then more precisely called metropolitan archbishop) of a metropolis; that is, the chief city of a historical Roman province, ecclesiastical province, or regional capital. MOLIEBEN - (also called a moeben, service of intercession, or service of supplication) is a supplication prayer service in honor of either our Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, or a particular saint or martyr. It is a Slavic service, but closely related to the Paraklesis service. A molieben in usually served by an ordained priest, but a layman can also do a molieben, although in a modified form. MONASTIC HABIT - the same throughout the Eastern Church (with certain slight regional variations), and it is the same for both monks and nuns. Each successive grade is given a portion of the habit, the full habit being worn only by those in the highest grade, known for 56 that reason as the “Great Schema”, or “Great Habit”. One is free to enter any monastery of one’s choice; but after being accepted by the abbot (or abbess) and making vows, one may not move from place to place without the blessing of one’s ecclesiastical superior. One becomes a monk or nun by being tonsured, a rite which only a priest can perform. This is typically done by the abbot. The priest tonsuring a monk or nun must himself be tonsured into the same or greater degree of monasticism that he is tonsuring into. In other words, only a hieromonk who has been tonsured into the Great Schema may himself tonsure a Schemamonk. A bishop, however, may tonsure into any rank, regardless of his own; also, on rare occasion, a bishop will allow a priest to tonsure a monk or nun into any rank. NOVICE - literally “one under obedience” - Those wishing to join a monastery begin their lives as novices. After coming to the monastery and living as a guest for not less than three days, the abbot or abbess may bless the candidate to become a novice. There is no formal ceremony for the clothing of a novice, he or she simply receives permission to wear the clothing of a novice. In the Eastern monastic tradition, novices may or may not dress in the black inner cassock and wear the soft monastic hat (Skufia), depending on the tradition of the local community, and in accordance to the abbot’s directives. In some communities, the novice also wears the leather belt. Monks are given a prayer rope and instructed in the use of the Jesus Prayer. If a novice chooses to leave during the period of the novitiate, no penalty is incurred. He may also be asked to leave at any time if his behavior does not conform to the monastic life, or if the superior discerns that he is not called to monasticism. When the abbot or abbess deems the novice ready, he is asked if he wishes to join the monastery. Some, out of humility, will choose to remain 57 novices all their lives. Every stage of the monastic life must be entered into voluntarily. OBLAST - a type of administrative division in Slavic countries, including some countries of the former Soviet Union. The word “oblast” is a loanword in English, but it is nevertheless often translated as “Area”, “zone”, “province”, or “region”. OMOPHORION - the distinctive vestment of bishops of the Eastern Church corresponding to the pallium of the Western Church but made in two forms and worn in one form or the other by all bishops during the celebration of liturgical offices. Originally of wool, it is a band of brocade decorated with four crosses and an eight-pointed star and is worn about the neck and shoulders. PASCHA - also called Easter, is the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord. Pascha is a transliteration of the Greek word, which is itself a transliteration of the Hebrew pesach, both words meaning Passover. (A majority of English-speaking Orthodox prefer the word 'Pascha over Easter') Pascha normally falls either one or five weeks later than the feast as observed by Christians who follow the Gregorian calendar. However, occasionally the two observances coincide, and on occasion they can be four weeks apart. The reason for the difference is that, though the two calendars use the same underlying formula to determine the festival, they compute from different starting points. The older Julian calendar's solar calendar is 13 days behind the Gregorian's and its lunar calendar is four to five days behind the Gregorian's. See the Pascha dates listed elsewhere in this book. PASSION-BEARERS - those who died at the hands of murderers and bandits, a term used throughout the Orthodox Church 58 PATERIKON - Patericon or paterikon (Greek: πατερικόν), a short form for πατερικόν βιβλίον ("father's book", usually Lives of the Fathers in English), is a genre of Byzantine literature of religious character, which were collections of sayings of saints, martyrs and hierarchs, and tales about them. PHELONION - is a liturgical vestment worn by a priest of the Eastern Christian tradition. It is worn over the priest’s other vestments and is equivalent to the chasuble of Western Christianity. PRESBYTER - elder or priest in Christian usage. In the New Testament refers to a leader in local Christian congregations. PROPHETS - persons who receive the gift of foresight from God, relating to the world of His Providence. PROTOMARTYR - is the first Christian martyr in a country or among a particular group, such as a religious order. Similarly, the phrase the Protomartyr (with no other qualification of country or region) can mean Saint Stephen, the first martyr of the Christian church or Saint Thecia, the first female martyr of the Christian church. RASSOPHORE - literally ‘robe-bearer’. If the novice continues on to become a monk, he is clothed in the first degree of monasticism at a service at which he receives the tonsure. Although there are no formal vows at this point, the candidate is normally required to affirm his commitment to persevere in the monastic life. The abbot will then perform the tonsure, cutting a small amount of hair from four spots on the head, forming a cross. He is then given the outer cassock (Greek: Rasson, Exorasson, or Mandorrason; Church Slavonic: Riassa), an 59 outer robe with wide sleeves, from which the name of Rassophore is derived. He is also given a kamilavkion, a cylindrical brimless hat, which is covered with a veil called an epanokamelavkion. (These are separate items in the Greek tradition; in the Russian tradition the two are stitched together and collectively called a klobuk.) If he has not previously received it, a leather belt is fastened around his waist. His habit is usually black, signifying that he is now dead to the world, and he receives a new name. Although the Rassophore does not make formal vows, he is still morally obligated to continue in the monastic estate for the rest of his life. Some will remain Rassophores permanently without going on to the high degrees. RUSYN - Rusyns, also known as Carpatho-Rusyns or Ruthenes also sometimes referred to as Carpatho-Russians or Rusnaks, are a primarily diasporic ethnic group who speak an Eastern Slavic language, known as Rusyn. Carpatho-Rusyns descend from a minority of Ruthenians who did not adopt the use of the ethnonym "Ukrainian" in the early twentieth century. The use of the term Rusyn was prohibited by some governments, as seen after 1945 in Soviet Transcarpathia, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. Today, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Serbia and Croatia officially recognize contemporary Rusyns (or Ruthenes) as an ethnic minority. In 2007, Carpatho-Rusyns were recognized as a separate ethnicity in Ukraine by the Zakarpattia Regional Council, and in 2012 the Rusyn language gained official regional status in certain areas of the province. Most contemporary self-identified ethnic Rusyns live outside of Ukraine. 10.2 million people are of Rusyn origin. SKETE - is a monastic community in Eastern Christianity that allows relative isolation for monks, but also allows for communal services and the safety of shared resources and protection. It is one of three 60 early monastic orders along with eremitic and coenobitic that became popular during the early formation of the Christian Church. Skete communities usually consist of a number of small cells or caves that act as the living quarters with a centralized church or chapel. These communities are thought of as a bridge between strict hermetic lifestyles and communal lifestyles since it was a blend of the two. These communities were a direct response to the ascetic lifestyle that early Christians aspired to live. SOTERIOLOGY - is the study of religious doctrines of salvation. Salvation theory occupies a place of special significance and importance in many religions. In the academic field of religious studies, soteriology is understood by scholars as representing a key theme in a number of different religions and is often studied in a comparative context; that is, comparing various ideas about what salvation is and how it is obtained. STAVROPHORE - literally “Cross-bearer” is the next level for Eastern monastics and takes place some years after the first tonsure when the abbot feels the monk has reached an appropriate level of discipline, dedication, and humility. This degree is also known as the Little Schema, and is thought of as a “betrothal” to the Great Schema. At this stage, the monk makes formal vows of stability of place, chastity, obedience and poverty. Then he is tonsured and clothed in the habit, which in addition to that worn by the Rassophore, includes the paramandyas, a piece of square cloth worn on the back, embroidered with the instruments of the Passion, and connected by ties to a wooden cross worn over the heart. The paramandyas represents the yoke of Christ. Because of this addition he is now call Stavrophore, or Cross-bearer. He is also given a wooden hand cross (or “profession cross”) which he should keep in his icon corner, and a 61 beeswax candle, symbolic of monastic vigilance the sacrificing of himself for God. He will be buried holding the cross, and the candle will be burned at his funeral. In the Slavic practice, the Stavrophore also wears the monastic mantle, which symbolizes 40 days of the Lord’s fasting on the Mountain of Temptation. The rasson worn by the Stavrophore is more ample than that worn by the Rassophore. After the ceremony, the newly-tonsured Stavophore will remain in vigil in the church for five days, refraining from all work, except spiritual reading. The abbot increases the Stavrophore monk’s prayer rule, allows a more strict personal ascetic practice, and give the monk more responsibility. STIKHERAS - another general title referring to a composed hymn written in verses. Such hymns occur throughout Orthodox worship, e.g.: they are inserted at the places appointed by the Typikon during the chanting of "Lord, I call" (Psalms 141, 142, 130 and 117) at Vespers. They are usually associated with Psalmody. The word in the Greek and Russian prayer books is spelled “Sticheras.” When written in Greek letters, the “K” is actually a “C.” STYLITE - one who lives on a pillar or large rock. SYNAXARIAN - is a term relating to compilations, lectionaries, and indexes that have had differing definitions over the centuries. Today, in the Orthodox Church, the Synaxarion is an abridged collection of the “Lives of the Saints,” intended for reading in public worship and to nourish the personal prayer life of the faithful. THEOTOKOS - is the Greek title of Mary, the mother of Jesus used especially in the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern Catholic Churches. Its literal English translations include "God62 bearer", "Birth-Giver of God" and "the one who gives birth to God." Less literal translations include "Mother of God. The ancient use of this term is emphasized in Churches of the Syriac Tradition who have been using this title in their ancient liturgies for centuries. The Anaphora of Mari and Addai (3rd Century) and the Liturgy of St. James the Just (60). Roman Catholics and Anglicans use the title "Mother of God" more often than "Theotokos." The Council of Ephesus decreed in 431 that Mary is Theotokos because her son Jesus is both God and man: one Divine Person with two natures (Divine and human). TONSURE - Tonsure refers to the practice of cutting or shaving some or all of the hair on the scalp, as a sign of religious devotion or humility. The term originates from the Latin word tonsūra (to clip, or cut) and referred to a specific practice in Monistic vows. Current usage more generally refers to cutting or shaving for monks, devotees, or mystics of any religion as a symbol of their renunciation of worldly fashion and esteem. Tonsure also refers to the secular practice of shaving all or part of the scalp to show support or sympathy, or to designate mourning.. TRAPEZA - In a monastery a trapeza is the dining hall where monks and pilgrims gather for food and conversation (although monks don’t usually talk during meals). TROPARIA - A troparion in Byzantine music and in the religious music of Eastern Orthodox Christianity is a short hymn of one stanza, or one of a series of stanzas. The word probably derives from a diminutive of the Greek tropos (“something repeated”, “manner”, “fashion”). The early troparion was also called sticheron (probably from stichos, “verse”); but currently the two terms are treated separately, with different melodies used for each. 63 TYPIKON - The Typicon (or Typikon); plural Typica is a liturgical book which contains instructions about the order of the Eastern Orthodox office and variable hymns of the Divine Liturgy. UNMERCENARIES - had the gift of healing and used it without compensation. VENERABLE - coming to resemble the Lord - saints attaining glory in monastic toil. VERST - A verst (Russian: верста, versta) is an obsolete Russian unit of length. It is defined as being 500 sazhen long, which makes a verst equal to 1.0668 kilometers, 0.6629 miles or 3,500 feet). INSIDE AN ORTHORDOX CHURCH 64 AEGINA - is one of the Saronic Islands of Greece in the Saronic Gulf, 17 miles (27 km) from Athens. AKHALTSIKHE - is a small city in Georgia's southwestern region (mkhare) of Samtskhe-Javakheti. It is situated on the both banks of a small river Potskhovi, which separates the city to the old city in the north and new in the south. The name of the city translates from Georgian as "new fortress." ALEXANDRIA - is the second largest city and the second largest metropolitan area in Egypt after Greater Cairo extending about 32 km (20 mi) along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the north central part of the country. ANATOLIA - also known as Asia Minor. ANCYRN - modern day Ankara, Turkey in the province of Galatia. ANTIOCH - an ancient city on the eastern side of the Orontes River in Turkey. Its’ ruins lie near Ankara, Turkey. APAMEA - on the right bank of the Orontes River in Syria, was a treasure city and stud depot of the Seleucid kings, and was the capital of Apamene. ASIA MINOR - a peninsula also called Anatolia, comprises most of the Asian part of Turkey. Most people there speak Turkish. The seas 65 surrounding Asia Minor are the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. ATHENS - is the capital and largest city of Greece. ATHOS - see Mount Athos. BITHYNIA - was an ancient region kingdom and Roman province in the northwest of Asia Minor, adjoining the Propontis the Thracian Bosporus and the Euxine (today Black Sea). It also includes the city of Constantinople. BREST - is a city in Belarus at the border with Poland opposite the city of Terespol, where the Bug River and Mukhavets rivers meet. It is the capital city of the Brest oblast. CAESAREA - is a town in Israel located mid-way between Tel Aviv and Haifa (45 km), on the Israeli coastal plain near the city of Hadera. GANGRA - or Çankırı is the capital city of Çankırı Province, in Turkey, about 140 km (87 mi) northeast of Ankara. CAPPADOCIA - is a historical region in Central Anatolia, largely in Nevşehir Province, in Turkey. CARTHAGE - is a suburb of Tunis, Tunisia and was the center of the Carthaginian Empire in antiquity. CETINJE - is a city and old royal capital of Montenegro. CHERNIGOV - a historic city in northern Ukraine. 66 CHIOS - is the fifth largest of the Greek islands, situated in the Aegean Sea, 7 kilometers (4.3 mi) off the Anatolian coast. CILICIA - was the south coastal region of Asia Minor, south of the central Anatolian plateau. It existed as a political entity from Hittite times into the Byzantine Empire. Cilicia extends inland from the southeastern coast of modern Turkey, due north and northeast of the island of Cyprus. CRETE - is the largest and most populous of the Greek islands, the fifth-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and one of the thirteen administrative regions of Greece. Located in Southern Greece. CYPRUS - is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. One half is ruled by Turkey. CYRRHUS - a city in ancient Syria. CYZICUS - was an ancient town of Mysia in Anatolia in the current Balıkesir Province of Turkey. It was located on the shoreward side of the present Kapıdağ Peninsula (the classical Arctonnesus), a tombolo which is said to have originally been an island in the Sea of Marmara only to be connected to the mainland in historic times either by artificial means or an earthquake. Also known as Kyzikos. DAMASCUS - is the capital and the second largest city of Syria after Aleppo. Located in southwestern Syria. It is the longest continued (oldest) settled city in the world, starting in the 15th century BC. 67 DAVIT-GAREJI WILDERNESS - located in the Kakheti region of Eastern Georgia. DECAPOLIS - The Decapolis ("Ten Cities"; Greek: deka, ten; polis, city) was a group of ten cities on the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire in Jordan and Syria. DREPANUM (HELENOPOLIS) - was an ancient Roman and Byzantine town in Bithynia, Asia Minor, on the southern side of the Gulf of Astacus. It has been identified with the modern village of Hersek, in the district of Altınova, Yalova Province. It is traditionally considered as the birthplace of Saint Helen, the mother of the Emperor Saint Constantine the Great. EDESSA - is the historical name of an ancient town in upper Mesopotamia (modern-day Turkey), re-founded on an ancient site by Seleucus I Nicator. EPHESUS - Ephesus was an ancient Greek city on the coast of Ionia, three kilometers southwest of present-day Selçuk in İzmir Province, Turkey. EPIRUS - is a geographical and historical region in southeastern Europe, shared between Greece and Albania. It lies between the Pindus Mountains and the Ionian Sea, stretching from the Bay of Vlorë in the north to the Ambracian Gulf in the south. It is currently divided between the region of Epirus in northwestern Greece and the counties of Gjirokastër, Vlorë, and Berat in southern Albania. FILIATRA - Filiatra is situated near the Ionian Sea coast in western Messenia. 68 GALICH - is a town in Kostroma Oblast, Russia. GAREJI - is a rock-hewn Georgian Orthodox monastery complex located in the Kakheti region of Eastern Georgia, on the half-desert slopes of Mount Gareja, some 60–70 km southeast of Georgia's capital Tbilisi. The complex includes hundreds of cells, churches, chapels, refectories and living quarters hollowed out of the rock face. GAUL - was a region of Western Europe during the Iron Age and Roman era, encompassing present day France, Luxembourg and Belgium, most of Switzerland, Northern Italy, as well as the parts of the Netherlands and Germany on the west bank of the Rhine. HELLESPONT - The Dardanelles, formerly known as Hellespont, is a narrow strait in northwestern Turkey connecting the Aegean Sea to the Sea of Marmara. It is one of the Turkish Straits, along with its counterpart, the Bosphorus. HERACLEA - an ancient Greek city in Thracian Macedonia, to the south of the Struma River. HERMOPOLIS - is the site of ancient Khmun, and is located near the modern Egyptian town of El Ashmunein in Al Minya governorate. HIMYARITIA - a kingdom in southern Yemen. IBERIA - is a peninsula located in the extreme south-west of Europe and includes the modern-day sovereign states of Spain, Portugal, Andorra, and part of France, as well as the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar. 69 ICONIUM - or Konya is a city in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. IMERETI - is a region in Georgia situated along the middle and upper reaches of the Rioni River. IOANNINA - often called Jannena within Greece, is the capital and largest city of Epirus, an administrative region in north-western Greece. ISAURIA - Isauria in ancient geography is a rugged isolated district in the interior of South Asia Minor, of very different extent at different periods, but generally covering what is now the district of Bozkir and its surroundings in the Konya province of Turkey, or the core of the Taurus Mountains. KAKHETI - a region formed in the 1990's in eastern Georgia from the historical province of Kakheti and the small, mountainous province of Tusheti. KARTLI - is a historical region in central-to-eastern Georgia traversed by the river Mtkvari (Kura), on which Georgia's capital, Tbilisi, is situated. KARYES - is a settlement in Mount Athos. It is the seat of the clerical and secular administration of the Athonite monastic state. KASHIN - is a town and the administrative center of Kashinsky District of Tver Oblast, Russia, located around a rural agricultural area on the Kashinka River (Volga's tributary) 204 kilometers (127 mi) from Moscow and 25 kilometers (16 mi) from Kalyazin. 70 KAZAN - Kazan lies at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka Rivers in European Russia. KIEV - is the capital and the largest city of Ukraine, located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper River. KLARJETI - was a province of ancient and medieval Georgia which is now part of the Artvin Province. KOSTROMA - is a historic city and the administrative center of Kostroma Oblast, Russia. A part of the Golden Ring of Russian towns, it is located at the confluence of the Volga and Kostroma Rivers. KRONSTADT - is a municipal town in Kronshtadtsky District of the federal city of St. Petersburg, Russia, located on Kotlin Island, 30 kilometers (19 mi) west of St. Petersburg proper near the head of the Gulf of Finland. KURST - is a city and the administrative center of Kursk Oblast Russia, located at the confluence of the Kur, Tuskar, and Seym Rivers. LAMPSAKOS - was an ancient Greek city strategically located on the eastern side of the Hellespont in the northern Troad. An inhabitant of Lampsacus was called a Lampsacene. The name has been transmitted in the nearby modern town of Lapseki. LOTHARINGIA - was a medieval successor kingdom of the Carolingian Empire, comprising the Low Countries, the western Rhineland, the 71 lands today on the border between France and Germany, and what is now western Switzerland. LYCIA - was a geopolitical region in Anatolia in what are now the provinces of Antalya and Muğla on the southern coast of Turkey, and Burdur Province inland. MESOPOTAMIA - is a name for the area of the Tigris–Euphrates river system, corresponding to modern-day Iraq, the northeastern section of Syria and to a much lesser extent southeastern Turkey, smaller parts of southwestern Iran and Kuwait. MESSINIA - the southwestern part of the Peloponnese, Greece. MITYLENE - is a town and a former municipality on the island of Lesbos, North Aegean, Greece. MONZA - is a city and commune on the River Lambro, a tributary of the Po in the Lombardy region of Italy, about 15 kilometres (9 miles) north-northeast of Milan. MONTENEGRO - is a country in Southeastern Europe. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the south-west and is bordered by Croatia to the west, Bosnia and Herzegovina to the northwest, Serbia to the northeast, Kosovo to the east and Albania to the south-east. MOUNT ATHOS - is a mountain and peninsula in northern Greece. It is a World Heritage Site and autonomous polity in the Hellenic Republic. Mount Athos is home to 20 Stavropegial (self-ruled) Eastern Orthodox monasteries under the direct jurisdiction 72 of the Patriarch of Constantinople. Today Greeks commonly refer to Mount Athos as the "Holy Mountain." MUKHRANI - is a historical lowland district in eastern Georgia, currently within the borders of Mtskheta-Mtianeti region, north of the town of Mtskheta. It lies within the historical borders of Kartli, bounded by the river Mtkvari (Kura), and its two affluents: Ksani and Aragvi. MUROM - is a historical city in Vladimir Oblast, Russia, which sprawls along the left bank of the Oka River. MYRA - is an ancient town in Lycia, where the small town of Kale (Demre) is situated today in present day Antalya Province of Turkey. It was located on the river Myros (Demre Çay), in the fertile alluvial plain between Alaca Dağ, the Massikytos range and the Aegean Sea. NAJRAN - formerly known as Aba al-Saʻud, is a city in southwestern Saudi Arabia near the border with Yemen. NARNI - is an ancient hill town and commune of Umbria, in central Italy. NICAEA - (Nicea in modern English) is a Hellenic city in northwestern Anatolia. NICOMEDIA - an ancient city in northern Turkey close to Constantinople. NINEVEH - was an ancient Assyrian city on the eastern bank of the Tigris River, and capital of the Neo-Assyrian Empire 73 NINOTSMINDA - is a town and a rayon (district) located in Georgia's southern district of Samtskhe-Javakheti. NOVGOROD - was a large medieval Russian state which stretched from the Baltic Sea to the northern Ural Mountains between the 12th and 15th centuries, which included the city of Novgorod and the Lake Ladoga regions. NYSSA - town of Cappadocia. It is located near to the modern town of Harmandal Ortak district, Aksaray province, in south-central Turkey. OBNORA - is a river in Vologda and Yaroslavl Oblasts of Russia. It is a right tributary of the Kostroma River. OCHRID - is a city in the Republic of Macedonia and the seat of Ochrid Municipality. PAPHLAGONIA - was an ancient area on the Black Sea coast of north central Anatolia, situated between Bithynia to the west and Pontus to the east, and separated from Phrygia (later, Galatia) by a prolongation to the east of the Bithynian Olympus. According to Strabo, the river Parthenius formed the western limit of the region, and it was bounded on the east by the Halys River. PAMPHYLIA - Was the region in the south of Asia Minor, between Lycia and Cilicia, extending from the Mediterranean to Mount Taurus (modern day Antalya province, Turkey). Located next to Cappadocia. PEKING - is the capital of the People's Republic of China and one of the most populous cities in the world. Located in northern China. 74 PELOPONNESE - is a large peninsula and geographic region in southern Greece. It is separated from the northern part of the country by the Gulf of Corinth. PELUSIUM - an important city in the eastern extremes of Egypt's Nile Delta, 30 km to the southeast of the modern Port Said. PERM - is a city and the administrative center of Perm Krai, Russia, located on the banks of the Kama River in the European part of Russia near the Ural Mountains. PENTAPOLIS - is a geographic and/or institutional grouping of five cities located on the eastern coast of present day Italy. POLTAVA - is a city located on the Vorskla River in central Ukraine. PONTUS - is a historical Greek designation for a region on the southern coast of the Black Sea, located in modern-day northeastern Anatolia Turkey. PHRYGIA - was a kingdom in the west central part of Anatolia, in what is now Turkey, centered on the Sakarya River. PRINCE’S ISLANDS - The Prince Islands, are a chain of nine islands off the coast of Istanbul (Constantinople) Turkey, in the Sea of Marmara. The islands also constitute the Adalar (literally Islands) district of Istanbul Province. 75 PSKOV - is a city and the administrative center of Pskov Oblast, Russia, located about 20 kilometers (12 mi) east from the Estonian border, on the Velikaya River. RYAZAN - is a city and the administrative center of Ryazan Oblast, Russia, located on the Oka River 196 kilometers (122 mi) southeast of Moscow. SALONICA – is a port city in northeastern Greece on an inlet of the Aegean Sea; second largest city of Greece. SEBASTIA - is a Palestinian village of over 4,500 inhabitants, located in the Nablus Governorate of the West Bank some 12 kilometers northwest of the city of Nablus. SIDE - is an ancient Greek city on the southern Mediterranean coast of Turkey, a resort town and one of the best-known classical sites in the country. It lies near Manavgat and the village of Selimiye, 75 km from Antalya) in the province of Antalya. SILISTRA - is a port city in the far northeast of Bulgaria, lying on the southern bank of the lower Danube at the country's border with Romania. SMOLENSK - is a city and the administrative center of Smolensk Oblast, Russia, located on the Dnieper River, 360 kilometers (220 mi) west-southwest of Moscow. SMYRNA - was an ancient city located at a central and strategic point on the Aegean coast of Anatolia. 76 SUZDAL - is a town and the administrative center of Suzdalsky District in Vladimir Oblast, Russia, located on the Kamenka River, 26 kilometers (16 mi) from the city of Vladimir. SYNNADA - was an ancient town of Phrygia Salutaris in Asia Minor. Its site is now occupied by the modern Turkish town of Şuhut, in Afyonkarahisar Province. TABENNISI - north of Thebes is considered the first coenobitic monastery. It was a community founded by Pachomius on an island of the Nile in Upper Egypt. TAGASTE - is a municipality in Algeria. It is the capital of Souk Ahras Province TAO - was a province of ancient and medieval Georgia, which is now part of the Artvin Province. TARSUS - is a historic city in south-central Turkey, 20 km inland from the Mediterranean Sea. It was the Apostle Paul’s hometown. THEBAID - The Thebaid or Thebais is the region of ancient Egypt containing the thirteen southernmost nomes (a subnational administrative division of ancient Egypt) of Upper Egypt, from Abydos to Aswan. It acquired its name from its proximity to the ancient Egyptian capital of Thebes. THEBES - is a city in Boeotia, central Greece. THESSALONIKI - (Thessalonica) the capital of the geographic region of Greek Macedonia. It is in the northeastern part of Greece. 77 THRACE - is a historical and geographic area in southeast Europe, centered on the modern borders of Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey. As a geographical concept, Thrace designates a region bounded by the Balkan Mountains on the north, Rhodope Mountains and the Aegean Sea on the south, and by the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara on the east. The areas it comprises are southeastern Bulgaria (Northern Thrace), northeastern Greece (Western Thrace), and the European part of Turkey (Eastern Thrace). The biggest part of Thrace is part of present-day Bulgaria. In Turkey, it is also called Rumelia. THYATIRA - The city was known as "Pelopia,” but it was named Thyateira (Θυάτειρα) by king Seleucus I Nicator in 290 BC. He was at war with Lysimachus when he learned that his wife had given birth to a daughter. According to Stephanus of Byzantium, he called this city "thuateira" from Greek "θυγατήρ", "θυγατέρα" (thugater, thugatera), meaning "daughter," although it is likely that it is an older, Lydian name. In classical times, Thyatira stood on the border between Lydia and Mysia. It was famous for its dyeing and was a center of the indigo trade. Among the ancient ruins of the city, inscriptions have been found relating to the guild of dyers in the city. More guilds are known in Thyatira than any other contemporary city in the Roman province of Asia (inscriptions mention the following: wool-workers, linen-workers, makers of outer garments, dyers, leather-workers, tanners, potters, bakers, slave-dealers, and bronze-smiths). In early Christian times, Thyatira was home to a significant Christian church, mentioned as one of the seven Churches in Book of Revelation. Revelation, a woman named Jezebel (who According to called herself a prophetess) taught and seduced the Christians of Thyatira to commit sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols. 78 TOMBOLO - (from the Italian tombolo, derived from the Latin tumulus, meaning 'mound,' and sometimes translated as ayre Old Norse eyrr, meaning 'gravel beach'), is a deposition land form in which an island is attached to the mainland by a narrow piece of land such as a spit or bar. Once attached, the island is then known as a tied island. TREBIZOND - The Empire of Trebizond was one of three Byzantine Greek successor states of the Byzantine Empire, along with the Empire of Nicea and the Despotate of Epirus. Located at far northeastern corner of Anatolia, it was the longest surviving of the Byzantine successor states. After the Emperor John IV death in 1459, his brother David Megas Komnenos came to power and misused the alliances that John IV had forged with the Ottoman Empire. David corresponded with various European powers for help against the Ottomans, speaking of wild schemes that included the conquest of Jerusalem. Mehmed II eventually heard of these intrigues, and was further provoked to action by David's demand that Mehmed remit the tribute imposed on his brother. Mehmed's response came in the summer of 1461. He led a sizable army from Bursa, first to Sinope, whose emir quickly surrendered, then south across Armenia to neutralize Uzun Hasan. Having isolated Trebizond, Mehmed quickly swept down upon it before the inhabitants knew he was coming, and placed it under siege. The city held out for a month before David surrendered on August 15, 1461. With the fall of Trebizond, the last remnant of the Byzantine Empire, and thus also of the Roman Empire from which the Byzantine Empire sprang, was extinguished. TRIKKALA - is a city in northwestern Thessaly, Greece, in the Peloponesse. 79 TRNOVO - is a town and municipality in the city of East Sarajevo, Bosnia. TROAD - The Troad is the historical name of the Biga peninsula in the northwestern part of Anatolia Turkey. This region now is part of the Çanakkale province of Turkey. Bounded by the Dardanelles to the northwest, by the Aegean Sea to the west and separated from the rest of Anatolia by the massif that forms Mount Ida. TVER - is a city and the administrative center of Tver Oblast, Russia. Located north of Moscow, Tver was formerly the capital of a powerful medieval state and a model provincial town in the Russian Empire. UGLICH - is a historic town in Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia, which stands on the Volga River. UMBRIA - is a region of historic and modern central Italy. URBNISI - is a village in Georgia’s Shida Kartli region, in the district of Kareli. VALAAM - is an archipelago in the northern portion of Lake Ladoga, lying within the Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation. VERKOLA - a village in northern Russia. VOLISSOS - is the largest village in the northwest part of Chios, Aegean Islands, Greece. The village is built in amphitheatrically style on a hill and on top of it there is a Byzantine castle built in the medieval times. The castle has a trapezoid shape with six circular towers. 80 WALES - is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain bordered by England to its east and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west. ZARZMA - The Zarzma monastery is nested in the forested river valley of Kvabliani in the Adigeni municipality, 30 km west of the city of Akhaltsikhe. It is the complex of a series of buildings dominated by a domed church and a belfry, one of the largest in Georgia. ZHABYN - a village located between modern day Tula and Bryansk in the Russian Federation. ZVENIGOROD - a town in the Moscow oblast. 81 82 83 TODAY IS JANUARY 1 Saint Basil The Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadoci FEAST DAY Saint Basil the Great was born about the end of the year 329 in Caesarea of Cappadocia, to a family renowned for their learning and holiness. His parents' names were Basil and Emily. His mother Emily (commemorated July 19) and his grandmother Macrina (Jan. 14) are Saints of the Church, together with all his brothers and sisters: Macrina, his elder sister (July 19), Gregory of Nyssa (Jan. to), Peter of Sebastia (Jan. 9), and Naucratius. Basil studied in Constantinople under the sophist Libanius, then in Athens, where also he formed a friendship with the young Gregory, a fellow Cappadocian, later called "the Theologian." Through the good influence of his sister Macrina (see July 19), he chose to embrace the ascetical life, abandoning his worldly career. He visited the monks in Egypt, in Palestine, in Syria, and in Mesopotamia, and upon returning to Caesarea, he departed to a hermitage on the Iris River in Pontus, not far from Annesi, where his mother and his sister Macrina were already treading the path of the ascetical life; here he also wrote his ascetical homilies. About the year 370, when the bishop of his country reposed, he was elected to succeed to his throne and was entrusted with the Church of Christ, which he tended for eight years, living in voluntary poverty and strict asceticism, having no other care than to defend holy Orthodoxy as a worthy successor of the Apostles. The Emperor Valens, and Modestus, the Eparch of the East, who were of one mind with the Arians, tried with threats of exile and of torments to bend the saint to 84 their own confession, because he was the bastion of Orthodoxy in all Cappadocia, and preserved it from heresy when Arianism was at its strongest. But he set all their malice at naught, and in his willingness to give himself up to every suffering for the sake of the Faith, showed himself to be a martyr by volition. Modestus, amazed at Basil's fearlessness in his presence, said that no one had ever so spoken to him. "Perhaps," answered the saint, "you have never met a bishop before." The Emperor Valens himself was almost won over by Basil's dignity and wisdom. When Valens' son fell gravely sick, he asked Saint Basil to pray for him. The saint promised that his son would be restored if Valens agreed to have him baptized by the Orthodox; Valens agreed, Basil prayed, and the son was restored. But afterwards the Emperor had him baptized by Arians, and the child died soon after. Later, Valens, persuaded by his counsellors, decided to send the saint into exile because he would not accept the Arians into communion; but his pen broke when he was signing the edict of banishment. He tried a second time and a third, but the same thing happened, so that the Emperor was filled with dread, and tore up the document, and Basil was not banished. The truly great Basil, spent with extreme ascetical practices and continual labors, at the helm of the church, departed to the Lord on the 1st of January, in 379, at the age of forty-nine. His writings are replete with wisdom and erudition, and rich are these gifts he set forth the doctrines concerning the mysteries both of the creation (see his Hexaemeron) and of the Holy Trinity (see On the Holy Spirit). Because of the majesty and keenness of his eloquence, he is honored as "the revealer of heavenly things" and "the Great." 85 TODAY IS JANUARY 2 Saint Seraphim The Wonderworker Of Sarov FEAST DAY Saint Seraphim was born in the town of Kursk in 1759. From tender childhood he was under the protection of the most holy Mother of God, who, when he was nine years old, appeared to him in a vision, and through her icon of Kursk, healed him from a grave sickness from which he had not been expected to recover. At the age of nineteen he entered the monastery of Sarov, where he amazed all with his obedience, his lofty asceticism, and his great humility. In 1780 the Saint was stricken with a sickness which he manfully endured for three years, until our Lady the Theotokos healed him, appearing to him with the Apostles Peter and John. He was tonsured a monk in 1786, being named for the holy Hieromartyr Seraphim, Bishop of Phanarion (Dec. 4), and was ordained deacon a year later. In his unquenchable love for God, he continually added labors to labors, increasing in virtue and prayer with titan strides. Once, during the Divine Liturgy of Holy and Great Thursday, he was counted worthy of a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who appeared encompassed by the heavenly hosts. After this dread vision, he gave himself over to greater labors. In 1794, Saint Seraphim took up the solitary life in a cell in the forest. This period of extreme asceticism lasted some fifteen years, until 1810. It was at this time that he took upon himself one of the greatest feats of his life. 86 Assailed with despondency and a storm of contrary thoughts raised by the enemy of our salvation, the saint passed a thousand nights on a rock, continuing in prayer until God gave him complete victory over the enemy. On another occasion, he was assaulted by robbers, who broke his chest and his head with their blows, leaving him almost dead. Here again, he began to recover after an appearance of the most holy Theotokos, who came to him with the Apostles Peter and John, and pointing to Saint Seraphim, uttered those awesome words, "This is one of my kind." In 1810, at the age of fifty, weakened with his more than human struggles, Saint Seraphim returned to the monastery for the third part of his ascetical labours, in which he lived as a recluse until 1825. For the first five years of his reclusion, he spoke to no one at all, and little is known of this period. After five years, he began receiving visitors little by little, giving counsel and consolation to ailing souls. In 1825, the most holy Theotokos appeared to the Saint and revealed to him that it was pleasing to God that he fully end his seclusion; from this time the number of people who came to see him grew daily. It was also at the command of the holy Virgin that he undertook the spiritual direction of the Diveyevo Convent. He healed bodily ailments, foretold things to come, brought hardened sinners to repentance, and saw clearly the secrets of the heart of those who came to him. Through his utter humility and childlike simplicity, his unrivalled ascetical travails, and his angel-like love for God, he ascended to the holiness and greatness of the ancient God-bearing Fathers and became like Anthony for Egypt, the physician for the whole Russian land. In all, the most holy Theotokos appeared to him twelve times in his life. The last was on Annunciation, 1831, to announce to him that he would soon, enter into his rest. She appeared to him accompanied by twelve virgins-martyrs and monastic saints; with Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Theologian. With a body 87 ailing and broken from innumerable hardships, and an unspotted soul shining with the light of Heaven, the Saint lived less than two years after this, falling asleep in peace on January 2, 1833, chanting Paschal hymns. On the night of his repose, the righteous Philaret of the Glinsk Hermitage beheld his soul ascending to Heaven in light. Because of the universal testimony to the singular holiness of his life, and the seas of miracles that he performed both in life and after death, his veneration quickly spread beyond the boundaries of the Russian Empire to every corner of the earth. TODAY IS JANUARY 3 Saint Gordios the Martyr of Caesarea FEAST DAY The Martyr Gordios who was from Caesarea of Cappadocia, was a centurion by rank. Unable to bear the impiety of the heathen, he withdrew to the wilderness to purify himself through prayer and fasting. After he perceived that his ascetical training had prepared him sufficiently, he came down from the mountains when a certain pagan festival was held in Caesarea, attended by all, and presented himself before the multitude. Although the spectacles of the festival continued, no one paid them any heed, but all eyes were turned upon him. From his sojourn in the mountains, his look was wild, his beard was long, his raiment squalid, his body like a skeleton; yet a certain grace shone round about him. He was recognized, and a loud shout 88 and tumult was made as his fellow Christians rejoiced, and the enemies of the truth cried out for his death. He boldly professed his faith before the Governor, and after torments was beheaded, in the reign of Licinius in the year 314. Saint Basil the Great delivered a homily on Saint Gordios, mentioning that some of those in his audience had been present at the saint's martyrdom. TODAY IS JANUARY 4 Synaxis of the Holy Seventy Apostles FEAST DAY After choosing the Twelve, Christ the Lord selected seventy lesser apostles and sent them out to preach, as the holy Evangelist Luke writes: “After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also; and sent them two and two before His face.” The Twelve generally remained at Christ’s side, serving as witnesses to His life; but the Seventy preceded Him in every place He visited. We do not know the names of all the original Seventy, for, as Saint John the Evangelist tells us, the time came when many of His disciples went back, and walked no more with Him. Then said Jesus unto the Twelve, “Will ye also go away?” As the Lord’s Passion approached, the number of His disciples decreased further: hardly any of the Seventy remained, and one of the Twelve betrayed Him. After the Resurrection Matthias was numbered with the Twelve, while the ranks of the Seventy were 89 gradually filled with men newly converted to piety by the Twelve Apostles and Saint Paul, who was called by heaven to preside (with Saint Peter) over the apostolic choir. TODAY IS JANUARY 5 SAINT THEOPEMPTOS FEAST DAY Saint Theopemptos teaches us how we must be champions if we win eternal glory, not this temporary world. Saint Theopemptos was bishop during the reign of Emperor Diocletian where on January 23, 303 signed a decree merciless persecution against Christians. Saint Theopemptos first confessed Christ Crucified to Diocletian. Of course, immediately after he knew what awaited him. And indeed, underwent a series of cruel tortures, which were simultaneously accompanied by miracles. He was first put in a lit stove to burn, but miraculously came out alive and unharmed. Then they put out an eye, and soon after, required him to drink deadly poisons. Because, however, he was saved by the Grace of God, he was harmless. To assure his death, he was decapitated. 90 TODAY IS JANUARY 6 The Theophany Of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ FEAST DAY About the beginning of our Lord's thirtieth year, John the Forerunner, who was some six months older than Our Savior according to the flesh, and had lived in the wilderness since his childhood, received a command from God and came into the parts of the Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance unto the remission of sins. Then our Savior also came from Galilee to the Jordan, and sought and received baptism though He was the Master and John was but a servant. Whereupon, there came to pass those marvelous deeds, great and beyond nature: the Heavens were opened, the Spirit descended in the form of a dove upon Him that was being baptized and the voice was heard from the Heavens hearing witness that this was the beloved Son of God, now baptized as a man (Matt. 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:1-22). From these events the Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ and the great mystery of the Trinity were demonstrated. It is also from this that the present feast is called "Theophany," that is, the divine manifestation, God's appearance among men. On this venerable day the sacred mystery of Christian baptism was inaugurated; henceforth also began the saving preaching of the Kingdom of the Heavens. 91 TODAY IS JANUARY 7 Saint Brannock of Braunton FEAST DAY St. Brannock lived in the sixth century, and tutored the children of the Welsh ruler Brychan. He went with King Brychan on a pilgrimage to venerate the tombs of the Apostles. On the way home, he stopped in Brittany and remained there several years where he healed the sick and did many more miracles. Eventually, the saint returned to Wales and settled at Braunton, where he built a church. His holy relics are said to rest beneath the altar of the Braunton church. TODAY IS JANUARY 8 Saint Emilian the Confessor, Bishop of Cyzicus FEAST DAY 92 Saint Emilian was a zealous defender of the holy icons during the reign of Emperor Leo the Armenian. He suffered torture and martyrdom on August 8th in the year 820. TODAY IS JANUARY 9 Saint Domnica of Constantinople FEAST DAY Saint Domnica came from Carthage to Constantinople in the time of the holy Emperor Theodosius the Great. She was baptized by Patriarch Nectarius and entered a women’s monastery. Through strict and prolonged ascetic efforts, she attained high spiritual perfection. The saint healed the sick, demonstrated power over the natural elements, and predicted the future. By her miracles, she moved inhabitants of the capital towards concerns about life eternal and the soul. Adorned by virtues, the saint departed this life a spotless virgin in her old age. 93 TODAY IS JANUARY10 Saint Gregory the Bishop of Nyssa FEAST DAY Saint Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, was a younger brother of St Basil the Great (January 1). His birth and upbringing came at a time when the Arian disputes were at their height. Having received an excellent education, he was at one time a teacher of rhetoric. In the year 372, he was consecrated by St. Basil the Great as bishop of the city of Nyssa in Cappadocia. St. Gregory was an ardent advocate for Orthodoxy, and he fought against the Arian heresy with his brother St. Basil. Gregory was persecuted by the Arians, by whom he was falsely accused of improper use of church property, and thereby deprived of his see and sent to Ancyra. In the following year St. Gregory was again deposed in absentia by a council of Arian bishops, but he continued to encourage his flock in Orthodoxy, wandering about from place to place. After the death of the emperor Valens (378), St. Gregory was restored to his cathedral and was joyously received by his flock. In the year 381 St. Gregory was one of the chief figures of the Second Ecumenical Council, convened at Constantinople against the heresy of Macedonius, who incorrectly taught about the Holy Spirit. At this Council, on the initiative of St. Gregory, the Nicean Symbol of Faith (the Creed) was completed. In the year 383, St. Gregory of Nyssa participated in a Council at Constantinople, where he preached a sermon on the divinity of the Son and the Holy Spirit. In 386, he was again at Constantinople, and he was asked to speak the 94 funeral oration in memory of the empress Placilla. Again in 394 St. Gregory was present in Constantinople at a local Council, convened to resolve church matters in Arabia. St. Gregory of Nyssa was a fiery defender of Orthodox dogmas and a zealous teacher of his flock, a kind and compassionate father to his spiritual children, and their intercessor before the courts. He was distinguished by his magnanimity, patience and love of peace. Having reached old age, St. Gregory of Nyssa died soon after the Council of Constantinople. Together with his great contemporaries, Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian, St. Gregory of Nyssa had a significant influence on the Church life of his time. St. Gregory left behind many remarkable works of dogmatic character, as well as sermons and discourses. He has been called "the Father of Fathers." TODAY IS JANUARY 11 Saint Theodosius the Great FEAST DAY Saint Theodosius the Great lived during the fifth-sixth centuries, and was the founder of cenobitic monasticism. He was born in Cappadocia of pious parents. Endowed with a splendid voice, he zealously toiled at church reading and singing. St. Theodosius prayed fervently that the Lord would guide him on the way to salvation. In his 95 early years he visited the Holy Land and met with St. Simeon the Stylite (September 1), who blessed him and predicted future pastoral service for him. Yearning for the solitary life, Saint Theodosius settled in Palestine into a desolate cave, in which, according to Tradition, the three Magi had spent the night, having come to worship the Savior after His Nativity. He lived there for thirty years in great abstinence and unceasing prayer. People flocked to the ascetic, wishing to live under his guidance. When the cave could no longer hold all the monks, St. Theodosius prayed that the Lord Himself would indicate a place for the monks. Taking a censer with cold charcoal and incense, the monk started walking into the desert. At a certain spot the charcoal ignited by itself and the incense smoke began to rise. Here the monk established the first cenobitic monastery, or lavra (meaning "broad" or "populous"). Soon the Lavra of St. Theodosius became renowned, and up to 700 monks gathered at it. According to the final testament of St. Theodosius, the lavra rendered service to neighbor, giving aid to the poor and providing shelter for wanderers. St. Theodosius was extremely compassionate. Once, when there was a famine in Palestine and a multitude of people gathered at the monastery, the monk gave orders to allow everyone into the monastery enclosure. His disciples were annoyed, knowing that the monastery did not have the means to feed all those who had come. But when they went into the bakery, they saw that through the prayers of the abbot, it was filled with bread. This miracle was repeated every time St. Theodosius wanted to help the destitute. At the monastery, St. Theodosius built a home for taking in strangers, separate infirmaries for monks and laymen, and also a shelter for the dying. Seeing that people from various lands gathered at the lavra, the saint arranged for services in the various languages: Greek, Georgian and Armenian. All gathered to receive the Holy Mysteries in the large church, where divine services were chanted in Greek. 96 During the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius (491-518) there arose the heresy of Eutychius and Severus, which recognized neither the sacraments nor the clergy. The emperor accepted the false teaching, and the Orthodox began to suffer persecution. St. Theodosius stood firmly in defense of Orthodoxy and wrote a letter to the emperor on behalf of the monks, in which they denounced him and refuted the heresy with the teachings of the Ecumenical Councils. He affirmed moreover, that the desert-dwellers and monks would firmly support the Orthodox teaching. The emperor showed restraint for a short while, but then he renewed his persecution of the Orthodox. The holy Elder then showed great zeal for the truth. Leaving the monastery, he came to Jerusalem and in the church, he stood at the high place and cried out for all to hear: "Whoever does not honor the four Ecumenical Councils, let him be anathema!" For this bold deed the monk was sent to prison, but soon returned after the death of the emperor. St. Theodosius accomplished many healings and other miracles during his life, coming to the aid of the needy. Through his prayers he once destroyed the locusts devastating the fields in Palestine. Also by his intercession, soldiers were saved from death, and he also saved those perishing in shipwrecks and those lost in the desert. Once, the saint gave orders to strike the semandron (a piece of wood hit with a mallet), so that the brethren would gather at prayer. He told them, "The wrath of God draws near the East." After several days it became known that a strong earthquake had destroyed the city of Antioch at the very hour when the saint had summoned the brethren to prayer. Before his death, St. Theodosius summoned to him three beloved bishops and revealed to them that he would soon depart to the Lord. After three days, he died at the age of 105. The saint's body was buried with reverence in the cave in which he lived at the beginning of his ascetic deeds. 97 TODAY IS JANUARY 12 Saint Eupraxia the Elder FEAST DAY Saint Eupraxia the Elder was the mother of St. Eupraxia, maiden of Tabennisi (July 25). She was the wife of the pious senator Antigonus, who was related to the emperor Theodosius the Great (379-395). Following the birth of their daughter, the couple decided to live from that time forward as brother and sister. They distributed alms to the poor, hoping to inherit the heavenly Kingdom. After she was widowed, St. Eupraxia devoted herself completely to the service of the Lord. After visiting several monastic establishments and bestowing liberal alms, she came to the Tabennisi monastery in Egypt, where the abbess was the nun Theodula, known for her strict rule. Deeply moved by the pure way of monastic life, St. Eupraxia came often to this monastery and always brought her eight-year-old daughter with her. The virtues and prayers of her parents bestowed a particular grace of God upon the child, who desired to dedicate herself to God. To her mother's great joy, the abbess Theodula kept the younger Eupraxia at the convent and blessed her to receive monastic tonsure. St. Eupraxia the elder continued her works of charity, and increased her fasting and prayer. Abbess Theodula, possessing the gift of clairvoyance, told her of her impending end. Learning of her imminent death, Eupraxia gave thanks to the Lord for His great mercy towards her. She bid farewell to the sisters of the convent and to her daughter. She left her 98 with these parting words: "Love the Lord Jesus Christ, and respect the sisters. Never dare to think that they are below you and should serve you. Be poor in your thoughts in order to profit by spiritual treasures. Also remember your father and me, and pray for the salvation of our souls." After three days the saint surrendered her soul to the Lord (+ 393) and was buried at the monastery, where her daughter continued her ascetic struggles. TODAY IS JANUARY 13 Saint Maximus Kavsokalyvites FEAST DAY Saint Maximus Kavsokalyvites was educated at the church of the Most Holy Theotokos at Lampsakos. At seventeen years of age he left his parental home, became a monk, and passed his obedience under Elder Mark, the finest spiritual instructor in Macedonia. After the death of his teacher, the saint pursued asceticism under the guidance of several desert Fathers of extremely strict life. Arriving in Constantinople, St. Maximus was constantly at the Blachernae church of the Most Holy Theotokos, as though he had taken up his abode at the entrance. From his youth, St. Maximus had a great love for the Mother of God. He persistently entreated Her to grant him the gift of unceasing mental prayer. One day, as he was venerating her icon, he 99 felt a warmth and a flame enter his heart from the icon. It did not burn him, but he felt a certain sweetness and contrition within. From that time, his heart began to repeat the Jesus Prayer of itself. In this way, the Virgin Theotokos fulfilled his request. St. Maximus fulfilled his obedience in the Lavra of St. Athanasius on Mt. Athos. In order to conceal his ascetic deeds of fasting and prayer, and to avoid celebrity, he behaved like a fool. One day, he had a vision of the Mother of God, who told him to ascend the mountain. On the summit of the Holy Mountain, he prayed for three days and nights. Again, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to him surrounded by angels, and holding Her divine Son in Her arms. Prostrating himself, the saint heard the All-Holy Virgin speak to him, "Receive the gift against demons... and settle at the foot of Athos, for this is the will of My Son." She told him that he would ascend the heights of virtue, and become a teacher and guide for many. Then, since he had not eaten for several days, a heavenly bread was given to him. As soon as he put it in his mouth, he was surrounded by divine light, and he saw the Mother of God ascending into Heaven. St. Maximus told his vision to a certain Elder living by the church of the holy Prophet Elias at Carmel. He was skeptical, but the saint turned his disbelief to good. He pretended to be slightly crazy in order to conceal his prodigious ascetic deeds, privations, his hardship and solitude. St. Maximus did not live in a permanent abode, but wandered from place to place like a lunatic. Whenever he moved, he would burn his hut down. Therefore, he was called "Kavsokalyvites," or "Hut Burner." Those on the Holy Mountain, knowing of the extreme deprivations and sorrows of St. Maximus, for a long time regarded him with contempt, even though he had attained the height and perfection of spiritual life. When St. Gregory of Sinai (August 8) arrived on Athos, he encountered the holy fool. After speaking to him, he began to call him an earthly angel. St. Gregory persuaded St. Maximus to stop behaving like a fool and to 100 live in one place so that others might benefit from his spiritual experience. Heeding the words of St. Gregory and the advice of other Elders, St. Maximus selected a permanent dwelling in a cave near the renowned Elder Isaiah. Knowing of his gift of clairvoyance, the Byzantine Emperors John Paleologos (1341-1376) and John Kantakouzenos (1341-1355) visited him and were surprised by the fulfillment of his predictions. Theophanes, the igumen of Vatopedi monastery, wrote about St. Maximus: "I invoke God as my witness, that I myself saw several of his miracles. Once, for instance, I saw him travel through the air from one place to another. I listened as he made a prediction concerning me, that first I would be an igumen, and then Metropolitan of Ochrid. He even revealed to me how I would suffer for the Church." St. Maximus abandoned his solitude only just before his death, and settled near the Lavra of St. Athanasius, where he surrendered his soul to the Lord at 95 years of age (+ 1354). After his death, as in life, St. Maximus was glorified by many miracles. TODAY IS JANUARY 14 Saint Nino, Equal of the Apostles and Enlightener of Georgia FEAST DAY The virgin Nino of Cappadocia was a relative of Great-martyr George and the only daughter of a widely respected and honorable couple. 101 Her father was a Roman army chief by the name of Zabulon, and her mother, Sosana, was the sister of Patriarch Juvenal of Jerusalem. When Nino reached the age of twelve, her parents sold all their possessions and moved to Jerusalem. Soon after, Nino’s father was tonsured a monk. He bid farewell to his family and went to labor in the wilderness of the Jordan. After Sosana had been separated from her husband, Patriarch Juvenal ordained her a deaconess. She left Nino in the care of an old woman, Sara Niaphor, who raised her in the Christian Faith and related to her the stories of Christ’s life and His suffering on earth. It was from Sara that Nino learned how Christ’s Robe had arrived in Georgia, a country of pagans. Soon Nino began to pray fervently to the Theotokos, asking for her blessing to travel to Georgia and be made worthy to venerate the Sacred Robe that she had woven for her beloved Son. The Most Holy Virgin heard her prayers and appeared to Nino in a dream, saying, “Go to the country that was assigned to me by lot and preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will send down His grace upon you, and I will be your protector.” But the blessed Nino was overwhelmed at the thought of such a great responsibility and answered, “How can I, a fragile woman, perform such a momentous task, and how can I believe that this vision is real?” In response, the Most Holy Theotokos presented her with a cross of grapevines and proclaimed, “Receive this cross as a shield against visible and invisible enemies!” When she awoke, Nino was holding the cross in her hands. She dampened it with tears of rejoicing and tied it securely with strands of her own hair. (According to another source, the Theotokos bound the grapevine cross with strands of her own hair.) Nino related the vision to her uncle, Patriarch Juvenal, and revealed to him her desire to preach the Gospel in Georgia. Juvenal led her in front of the Royal Doors, laid his hands on her, and prayed, “O Lord, God of Eternity, I beseech Thee on behalf of my orphaned niece. Grant that, according to Thy will, she 102 may go to preach and proclaim Thy Holy Resurrection. O Christ God, be Thou to her a guide, a refuge, and a spiritual father. And as Thou didst enlighten the Apostles and all those who feared Thy name, do Thou also enlighten her with the wisdom to proclaim Thy glad tidings.” When Nino arrived in Rome, she met and baptized the princess Rhipsimia and her nurse, Gaiana. At that time the Roman emperor was Diocletian, a ruler infamous for persecuting Christians. Diocletian fell in love with Rhipsimia and resolved to marry her, but Sts. Nino, Rhipsimia, Gaiana, and fifty other virgins escaped to Armenia. The furious Diocletian ordered his soldiers to follow them and sent a messenger to Tiridates, the Armenian king, to put him on guard. King Tiridates located the women and, following Diocletian’s example, was charmed by Rhipsimia’s beauty and resolved to marry her. But St. Rhipsimia would not consent to marry, and in his rage the king had her tortured to death with Gaiana and the fifty other virgins. St. Nino, however, was being prepared for a different, greater task, and she succeeded in escaping King Tiridates’ persecutions by hiding among some rose bushes. When she finally arrived in Georgia, St. Nino was greeted by a group of Mtskhetan shepherds near Lake Paravani, and she received a blessing from God to preach to the pagans of this region. With the help of her acquaintances, St. Nino soon reached the city of Urbnisi. She remained there a month, then traveled to Mtskheta with a group of Georgians who were making a pilgrimage to venerate the pagan idol Armazi. There she watched with great sadness as the Georgian people trembled before the idols. She was exceedingly sorrowful and prayed to the Lord, “O Lord, send down Thy mercy upon this nation …that all nations may glorify Thee alone, the One True God, through Thy Son, Jesus Christ.” Suddenly a violent wind began to blow and hail fell from the sky, shattering the pagan statues. The terrified worshipers fled, scattering across the city. St. Nino made her home beneath a bramble bush in the garden of 103 the king, with the family of the royal gardener. The gardener and his wife were childless, but through St. Nino’s prayers, God granted them a child. The couple rejoiced, declared Christ to be the True God, and became disciples of St. Nino. Wherever St. Nino went, those who heard her preach converted to the Christian Faith in great numbers. St. Nino even healed the terminally ill Queen Nana after she declared Christ to be the True God. King Mirian, a pagan, was not at all pleased with the great impression St. Nino’s preaching had made on the Georgian nation. One day while he was out hunting, he resolved to kill all those who followed Christ. According to his scheme, even his wife, Queen Nana, would face death for failing to renounce the Christian Faith. But in the midst of the hunt, it suddenly became very dark. All alone, King Mirian became afraid and prayed in vain for the help of the pagan gods. When his prayers went unanswered, he finally lost hope and, miraculously, turned to Christ: “God of Nino, illumine this night for me and guide my footsteps, and I will declare Thy Holy Name. I will erect a cross and venerate it, and I will construct for Thee a temple. I vow to be obedient to Nino and to the Faith of the Roman people!” Suddenly the night was transfigured, the sun shone radiantly, and King Mirian gave great thanks to the Creator. When he returned to the city, he immediately informed St. Nino of his decision. As a result of the unceasing labors of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nino, Georgia was established as a nation solidly rooted in the Christian Faith. St. Nino reposed in the village of Bodbe in eastern Georgia and, according to her will, she was buried in the place where she took her last breath. King Mirian later erected a church in honor of St. George over her grave. 104 TODAY IS JANUARY 15 Saint John the Hut-Dweller FEAST DAY Saint John the Hut-Dweller was the son of rich and illustrious parents, and was born in Constantinople the early fifth century. He received a fine education, and he mastered rhetoric and philosophy by the age of twelve. He also loved to read spiritual books. Perceiving the vanity of worldly life, he chose the path that was narrow and extremely difficult. Filled with longing to enter a monastery, he confided his intention to a passing monk. John made him promise to come back for him when he returned from his pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and take him to his monastery. He asked his parents for a Gospel so that he might study the words of Christ. John's parents hired a calligrapher to copy the text, and had the volume bound in a golden cover studded with gems. John read the Gospel constantly, delighting in the Savior's words. The monk kept his promise to come back for John, and they went secretly to Bithynia. At the monastery of the "Unsleeping" (Akoimitoi), he received monastic tonsure. The young monk began his ascetical unceasing labors with prayer, perseverance at zeal, humble work. astonishing obedience, After six 105 the strict years, he brethren with abstinence, began to his and undergo temptations. He remembered his parents, how much they loved him, and what sorrow he caused them. He regretted leaving them, and was filled with a burning desire to see them again. St. John explained his situation to the igumen St. Marcellus and he asked to be released from the monastery. He begged the igumen for his blessing and prayers to return home. He bid farewell to the brethren, hoping that by their prayers and with the help of God, he would both see his parents and overcome the snares of the devil. The igumen then blessed him for his journey. St. John returned to Constantinople, not to resume his former life of luxury, but dressed as a beggar, and unknown to anyone. He settled in a corner by the gates of his parents' home. His father noticed the "pauper," and began to send him food from his table, for the sake of Christ. John lived in a small hut for three years, oppressed and insulted by the servants, enduring cold and frost, unceasingly conversing with the Lord and the holy angels. Before his death, the Lord appeared to the monk in a vision, revealing that the end of his sorrows was approaching, and that in three days he would be taken into the Heavenly Kingdom. Therefore, he asked the steward to give his mother a message to come to him, for he had something to say to her. At first, she did not wish to go, but she was curious to know what this beggar had to say to her. Then he sent her another message, saying that he would die in three days. John thanked her for the charity he had received, and told her that God would reward her for it. He then made her promise to bury him beneath his hut, dressed in his rags. Only then did the saint give her his Gospel, which he always carried with him, saying, "May this console you in this life, and guide you to the next life." She showed the Gospel to her husband, saying that it was similar to the one they had given their son. He realized that it was, in fact, the very Gospel they had commissioned for John. They went back to the gates, intending to ask the pauper where he got the Gospel, and if he knew anything about their son. 106 Unable to restrain himself any longer, he admitted that he was their child. With tears of joy they embraced him, weeping because he had endured privation for so long at the very gates of his parental home. The saint died in the mid-fifth century, when he was not quite twentyfive years old. On the place of his burial the parents built a church, and beside it a hostel for strangers. When they died, they were buried in the church they had built. In the twelfth century the head of the saint was taken by Crusaders to Besançon (in France), and other relics of the saint were taken to Rome. TODAY IS JANUARY 16 Veneration of Apostle Peter's Precious Chains FEAST DAY Herod Agrippa, the grandson of Herod the Great and king of the Jews, grew wroth against the Church of Christ, and slew James, the brother of John the Evangelist. Seeing that this pleased the Jews, he took Peter also into custody and locked him up in prison, intending to keep him there until after the feast of the Passover, so that he could win the favor of the people by presenting him to them as a victim. But the Apostle was saved when he was miraculously set free by an Angel (Acts 12:1-19). The chains wherewith the Apostle was bound received from his most sacred body the grace of sanctification and healing, 107 which is bestowed upon the faithful who draw nigh with faith. That such sacred treasures work wonders and many healings is witnessed by the divine Scripture, where it speaks concerning Paul, saying that the Christians in Ephesus had such reverence for him, that his handkerchiefs and aprons, taken up with much reverence, healed the sick of their maladies: "So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them" (Acts 19:12). But not only the Apostles' clothing (which certainly touched the bodies of the sick), but even their shadow alone performed healings. On beholding this, people put their sick on stretchers and beds and brought them out into the streets that, when Peter passed by, his shadow "might overshadow some of them"(Acts 5:15). From this the Orthodox Catholic Church has learned to show reverence and piety not only to the relics of their bodies, but also in the clothing of God's Saints. TODAY IS JANUARY 17 Saint Anthony the Great FEAST DAY Saint Anthony the Great is known as the Father of monasticism, and the long ascetical sermon in The Life of St. Anthony by St. Athanasius (Sections 16-34), could be called the first monastic Rule. He was born 108 in Egypt in the village of Coma, near the desert of the Thebaid, in the year 251. His parents were pious Christians of illustrious lineage. Anthony was a serious child and was respectful and obedient to his parents. He loved to attend church services, and he listened to the Holy Scripture so attentively, that he remembered what he heard all his life. When St. Anthony was about twenty years old, he lost his parents, but he was responsible for the care of his younger sister. Going to church about six months later, the youth reflected on how the faithful, in the Acts of the Apostles (4:35), sold their possessions and gave the proceeds to the Apostles for the needy. Then he entered the church and heard the Gospel passage where Christ speaks to the rich young man: "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come follow Me" (Mt.19:21). Anthony felt that these words applied to him. Therefore, he sold the property that he received after the death of his parents, then distributed the money to the poor, and left his sister in the care of pious virgins in a convent. Leaving his parental home, St. Anthony began his ascetical life in a hut not far from his village. By working with his hands, he was able to earn his livelihood and also alms for the poor. Sometimes, the holy youth also visited other ascetics living in the area, and from each he sought direction and benefit. He turned to one particular ascetic for guidance in the spiritual life. In this period of his life St. Anthony endured terrible temptations from the devil. The Enemy of the race of man troubled the young ascetic with thoughts of his former life, doubts about his chosen path, concern for his sister, and he tempted Anthony with lewd thoughts and carnal feelings. But the saint extinguished that fire by meditating on Christ and by thinking of eternal punishment, thereby overcoming the devil. Realizing that the devil would undoubtedly attack him in another manner, St. Anthony prayed and intensified his efforts. Anthony prayed that the Lord would show him 109 the path of salvation. And he was granted a vision. The ascetic beheld a man, who by turns alternately finished a prayer, and then began to work. This was an angel, which the Lord had sent to instruct His chosen one. St. Anthony tried to accustom himself to a stricter way of life. He partook of food only after sunset, he spent all night praying until dawn. Soon he slept only every third day. But the devil would not cease his tricks, and trying to scare the monk, he appeared under the guise of monstrous phantoms. The saint however protected himself with the Life-Creating Cross. Finally the Enemy appeared to him in the guise of a frightful looking black child, and hypocritically declaring himself beaten, he thought he could tempt the saint into vanity and pride. The saint, however, vanquished the Enemy with prayer. For even greater solitude, St. Anthony moved farther away from the village, into a graveyard. He asked a friend to bring him a little bread on designated days, then shut himself in a tomb. Then the devils pounced upon the saint intending to kill him, and inflicted terrible wounds upon him. By the providence of the Lord, Anthony's friend arrived the next day to bring him his food. Seeing him lying on the ground as if dead, he took him back to the village. They thought the saint was dead and prepared for his burial. At midnight, St. Anthony regained consciousness and told his friend to carry him back to the tombs. St. Anthony's staunchness was greater than the wiles of the Enemy. Taking the form of ferocious beasts, the devils tried to force the saint to leave that place, but he defeated them by trusting in the Lord. Looking up, the saint saw the roof opening, as it were, and a ray of light coming down toward him. The demons disappeared and he cried out, "Where have You been, O Merciful Jesus? Why didn't You appear from the very beginning to end my pain?" The Lord replied, "I was here, Anthony, but wanted to see your struggle. Now, since you have not yielded, I shall always help you and make your name known throughout all the world." After this vision St. Anthony was healed of 110 his wounds and felt stronger than before. He was then thirty-five years of age. Having gained spiritual experience in his struggle with the devil, St. Anthony considered going into the Thebaid desert to serve the Lord. He asked the Elder (to whom he had turned for guidance at the beginning of his monastic journey) to go into the desert with him. The Elder, while blessing him in the then as yet unheard of exploit of being a hermit, decided not to accompany him because of his age. St. Anthony went into the desert alone. The devil tried to hinder him, by placing a large silver disc in his path, then gold, but the saint ignored it and passed by. He found an abandoned fort on the other side of the river and settled there, barricading the entrance with stones. His faithful friend brought him bread twice a year, and there was water inside the fort. St. Anthony spent twenty years in complete isolation and constant struggle with the demons, and he finally achieved perfect calm. The saint's friends removed the stones from the entrance, and they went to St. Anthony and besought him to take them under his guidance. Soon St. Anthony's cell was surrounded by several monasteries, and the saint acted as a father and guide to their inhabitants, giving spiritual instruction to all who came into the desert seeking salvation. He increased the zeal of those who were already monks, and inspired others with a love for the ascetical life. He told them to strive to please the Lord, and not to become faint-hearted in their labors. He also urged them not to fear demonic assaults, but to repel the Enemy by the power of the LifeCreating Cross of the Lord. In the year 311 there was a fierce persecution against Christians, in the reign of the emperor Maximian. Wishing to suffer with the holy martyrs, St. Anthony left the desert and went to Alexandria. He openly ministered to those in prison, he was present at the trial and interrogations of the confessors, and accompanying the martyrs to the place of execution. It pleased the Lord to preserve him, however, for the benefit of Christians. At the 111 close of the persecution, the saint returned to the desert and continued his exploits. The Lord granted the saint the gift of wonderworking, casting out demons and healing the sick by the power of his prayer. The great crowds of people coming to him disrupted his solitude, and he went off still farther, into the inner desert where he settled atop a high elevation. But the brethren of the monasteries sought him out and asked him to visit their communities. Another time St. Anthony left the desert and arrived in Alexandria to defend the Orthodox Faith against the Manichaean and Arian heresies. Knowing that the name of St. Anthony was venerated by all the Church, the Arians said that he adhered to their heretical teaching. But St. Anthony publicly denounced Arianism in front of everyone and in the presence of the bishop. During his brief stay at Alexandria, he converted a great multitude of pagans to Christ. People from all walks of life loved the saint and sought his advice. Pagan philosophers once came to Abba Anthony intending to mock him for his lack of education, but by his words he reduced them to silence. Emperor Constantine the Great (May 21) and his sons wrote to St. Anthony and asked him for a reply. He praised the emperor for his belief in Christ, and advised him to remember the future judgment, and to know that Christ is the true King. St. Anthony spent eighty-five years in the solitary desert. Shortly before his death, he told the brethren that soon he would be taken from them. He instructed them to preserve the Orthodox Faith in its purity, to avoid any association with heretics, and not to be negligent in their monastic struggles. "Strive to be united first with the Lord, and then with the saints, so that after death they may receive you as familiar friends into the everlasting dwellings." The saint instructed two of his disciples, who had attended him in the final fifteen years of his life, to bury him in the desert and not in Alexandria. He left one of his monastic mantles to St. Athanasius of Alexandria (January 18), and the other to St. 112 Serapion of Thmuis (March 21). St. Anthony died peacefully in the year 356, at age 105, and he was buried in the desert by his disciples. TODAY IS JANUARY 18 Saint Ephraim the Lesser FEAST DAY Ephraim the Lesser, is the great 11th-century writer, translator, philosopher, and defender of the Georgian Church. His work Reminiscences and other sources, however, provide us with the means to speculate about the major periods of his life and labors. In 1027, when King Bagrat IV (1027–1072) ascended the Georgian throne, many noblemen of the Tao region in southern Georgia relocated to Greece. Among them was the honorable Vache, son of Karichi, whom scholars believe was Ephraim’s father. After receiving a Greek education in Constantinople, Ephraim settled in the Black Mountains near Antioch and began his labors there. His achievements in Georgian theological and philosophical writing are immeasurable. The number of his works is almost one hundred, and the subjects cover nearly every branch of theological inquiry. Ephraim even developed his own theory of translation, which later formed the foundation for written composition in the Georgian language. His theory consists of three essential points: 1. A composition must be 113 translated from the original, that is, from the language in which it was first written. 2. The translation must carry the same literal meaning as the original, but accuracy in this regard must not violate the nature of the language into which the text is being translated. 3. A section of commentary that examines all relevant historical, grammatical, and literary issues should be included with the translated text. Ephraim translated five of the works of St. Dionysius the Areopagite, The Ascetic Rules of St. Basil the Great, the writings of St. Ephraim the Syrian, commentaries on the Epistles and Psalms, and many other important patristic writings. Among Ephraim the Lessor’s original works, his most significant is An Explanation of the Reasons for the Conversion of Georgia, a compilation of existing essays and his own commentaries on the nation’s conversion. In the second half of the 11th century, the monks of Antioch and the Black Mountains began to deny the independence of the Georgian Church. Among other claims, they argued that none of the Apostles had preached the Christian Faith in Georgia. It became necessary to prove that the Georgian Church was indeed autocephalous, and members of the nation’s elite accordingly called upon Ephraim to settle this issue. Ephraim studied many patristic writings in the original Greek, gathered the ancient sources, and succeeded in fully securing the independent existence of the Georgian Church. St. Ephraim wrote the following about the Apostles’ preaching: “Know that from the time the Apostles were preaching, according to the Prophet David: Their voice was heard through all the earth, and their words resounded in every village.” In Georgia, Andrew the First-called preached the Gospel in Avazgia (now Abkhazeti), and from there he journeyed to Ossetia (now Shida Kartli). Bartholomew also preached in Georgia, in the Kartli region.” St. Ephraim never left the Black Mountains. In 1091 he was enthroned as the abbot of Kastana Monastery (The precise location of Kastana is unknown, but according to modern archaeologists, it was probably in 114 the Black Mountains. Our holy father Ephraim reposed in the Lord around the year 1101. He is included in a list of the departed compiled by the Council of Ruisi-Urbnisi in 1103, and the year of his death has been approximated from the information given in this source. Saint Ephraim was canonized by the Orthodox Church of Georgia because of his God-pleasing life and the many commendable works he performed on behalf of the Church and his nation. TODAY IS JANUARY 19 Saint Mark, Bishop of Ephesus FEAST DAY The great teacher and invincible defender of the One, Holy, Orthodox, and Apostolic Church, Saint Mark, was the offspring and scion of the imperial city, Constantinople. Reared by most pious parents, and instructed in secular and spiritual wisdom, he became preeminent in both. Saint Mark lived as an ascetic on the Prince's Islands and later in the monastery of Saint George Magana in Constantinople. He passed through all the degrees of the priesthood, and was finally advanced to the dignity of Archbishop and the lofty throne of the Metropolis of Ephesus. At the insistence of Emperor John Paleologos, the Saint was sent to the council of the Latin’s in Florence, to unite the churches that had been divided for so many years. He astounded 115 the papal teachers with the divine wisdom of his words, and was the only one who did not sign the blasphemous decree of that false council. Because of this, the Holy Church of Christ has ever honored this great man as a benefactor, teacher, sole defender, and invincible champion of the Apostolic Confession. He reposed in 1443. TODAY IS JANUARY 20 Holy Martyrs Saints Inna, Pinna and Rimma FEAST DAY The Holy Martyrs Inna, Pinna and Rimma were Slavs from northern Scythia (modern-day Bulgaria). They were disciples of the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called in the first century and preached the Gospel of Christ and baptized many of those who sought the True Faith. The women traveled with St. Andrew on many of his missions. In present-day Kiev, they all stood on a hill and planted a cross, prophesying that one day there would be a flowering of Christianity in that city. Learning they were Christians, the local prince had them seized and demanded that they offer sacrifice to the idols. However, the women refused to denounce Christ. It was wintertime, and the rivers were so frozen that not only people but horses with carts could travel across the ice. The prince ordered that the women be tied to logs. They were gradually lowered into the freezing water, and when the ice reached their necks, they offered their blessed souls to the Lord. The Cathedral of St. Andrew in Kiev, Ukraine, was built on the same spot where the holy martyrs stood with St. Andrew. 116 TODAY IS JANUARY 21 The Holy Martyr Saint Eugene of Trebizond FEAST DAY The Holy Martyrs Eugene, Candidus, Valerian and Aquila suffered for their faith in Christ during the reign of Diocletian (284-305) and Maximian (305-311), under the regimental commander Lycius. Valerian, Candidus and Aquila had hidden themselves in the hills near Trebizond, preferring life among the wild beasts to living with the pagans. They were soon found, however, and brought to Trebizond. For their bold and steadfast confession of faith in Christ the holy martyrs were whipped with ox thongs, scraped with iron claws, then were burned with fire. Several days later St. Eugene was also arrested, and subjected to the same tortures. Later, they poured vinegar laced with salt into his wounds. After these torments, they threw the four martyrs into a red-hot oven. When they emerged from it unharmed, they were beheaded, receiving their incorruptible crowns from God. Saint Eugene became the Patron Saint of Trebizond during the Byzantine era (orderofsteugene.com). 117 TODAY IS JANUARY 22 Saint Macarius of Zhabyn FEAST DAY Saint Macarius of Zhabyn, Wonderworker of Belev, was born in the year 1539. In his early years he was tonsured with the name Onuphrius, and in the year 1585 he founded Zhabyn's Monastery of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple near the River Oka, not far from the city of Belev. In 1615 the monastery was completely destroyed by Polish soldiers under the command of Lisovski. Returning to the charred remains, the monk began to restore the monastery. He again gathered the brethren, and in place of the wooden church a stone church was built in honor of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, with a bell-tower at the gates. The saint spent his life in austere monastic struggles, suffering cold, heat, hunger and thirst, as the monastery accounts relate. He often went deep into the forest, where he prayed to God in solitude. Once, when he was following a path in the forest, he heard a faint moaning. He looked around and saw a weary Polish man reclining against a tree trunk, with his sabre beside him. He had strayed from his regiment and had become lost in the forest. In a barely audible voice this enemy, who might have been one of the destroyers of the monastery, asked for a drink of water. Love and sympathy surged up within the monk. With a prayer to the Lord, he plunged his staff into the ground. At once, a fresh spring of water gushed forth, and he gave the dying 118 man a drink. When both the external and internal life of the monastery had been restored, St. Onuphrius withdrew from the general monastic life, and having entrusted the guidance of the brethren to one of his disciples, he took the schema with the name Macarius. For the place of his solitude, he chose a spot along the upper tributary of the River Zhabynka. About one verst separated the mouth of the tributary and the banks of the River Oka. The ascetical struggles of St. Macarius were concealed not only from the world, but also from his beloved brethren. He died in 1623 at the age of eighty-four, at the hour when the roosters start to crow. He was buried opposite the gates of the monastery on January 22, the commemoration of St. Timothy, where a church was later built and named for him. The Iconographic Originals has preserved a description of St. Macarius in his last years: he had gray hair with a small beard, and over his monastic riassa he wore the schema. Veneration of St. Macarius was established at the end of the seventeenth century, or the beginning of the eighteenth. According to Tradition, his relics remained uncovered, but by 1721 they were interred in a crypt. In the eighteenth century the monastery became deserted. The memory of his deeds and miracles was so completely forgotten, that when the incorrupt relics of the monastery's founder were uncovered during the construction of the church of St. Nicholas in 1816, a general panikhida was served over them. The restoration of the liturgical commemoration of St. Macarius of Belev is credited to Igumen Jonah, who was born on January 22 (the Feast of St. Macarius), and who began his own monastic journey at the Optina monastery not far from the Zhabyn monastery. In 1875 Igumen Jonah became head of the Zhabyn monastery. His request to re-establish the Feast of St. Macarius was strengthened by the petition of the people of Belev, who through the centuries had preserved their faith in the saint. On January 22, 1888, the annual commemoration of St. Macarius of Zhabyn was resumed. In 1889, a church dedicated to St. 119 Macarius was built at his tomb. Igumen Jonah, who lived at the monastery and actually participated in the construction, decided that in addition to the building project, the holy relics of St. Macarius would also be uncovered. When everything was on the point of readiness, St. Macarius appeared to the participants and sternly warned them that they should not proceed with their intention, or they would be punished. The memory of this appearance was reverently preserved among the monks of the monastery. TODAY IS JANUARY 23 The Holy Saint Hieromartyr Clement Bishop of Ancyra FEAST DAY Saint Hieromartyr Clement, who was from Ancyra in Galatia, was the son of an unbelieving father, but a believing mother whose name was Sophia. At first he lived as a monk, later he became the bishop of his city. He suffered so many things in confession of the Faith in Christ, that the time of his sufferings and struggles stretched out over a period of twenty-eight years. Finally he and Saint Agathangelus (who was from Rome) were beheaded together during the reign of Diocletian and Maximian, in the year 296. 120 TODAY IS JANUARY 24 Saint Xenia the Fool for Christ of St. Petersburg FEAST DAY Our righteous Mother Xenia of St. Petersburg was born about the year 1730. She was married to a Colonel named Andrew; when she was twenty-six years old her husband died suddenly, having been drinking with his friends. Left a childless widow, Xenia gave away all that she had and vanished from St. Petersburg for eight years; it is believed that she spent this time in a hermitage, learning the spiritual life. When she returned to Saint Petersburg, she wore her husband’s military clothing, and would answer only to the name Andrew, that is, the name of her late husband. She took up the life of a homeless wanderer, and was abused by many as insane; she bore this with great patience, crucifying the carnal mind through the mockery she endured, and praying for her husband’s soul. She was given great gifts of prayer and prophecy, and often foretold things to come; in 1796 she foretold the death of Empress Catherine II. Having lived forty-five years after her husband’s death, she reposed in peace at the age of seventy one, about the year 1800. Her grave became such a source of miracles, and so many came to take soil from it as a blessing, that it was often necessary to replace the soil; when a stone slab was placed over her grave, this too disappeared over time, piece by piece. Saint Xenia is especially invoked for help in finding employment, lodging, or a spouse. 121 The Gravestone of St. Xenia The only record of "vital statistics" that has been left to us concerning Blessed Xenia is the epitaph on her gravestone: In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Here rests the body of the servant of God, Xenia Grigorievna, Wife of the imperial chorister, Colonel Andrei Theodorovich Petrov. Widowed at the age of 26, a pilgrim for 45 years. She lived a total of 71 years. She was known by the name Andrei Theodorovich. May whoever knew me pray for my soul that his own may be saved. Amen. Blessed St. Xenia was a "fool-for-Christ," who, for 45 years, wandered around the streets of St. Petersburg, Russia. For the first 26 years of her life, Xenia had lived quite comfortably. However, after her husband suddenly died, the Holy Spirit led her to give away all her possessions to the poor. She put on her dead husband’s clothes and called herself by his name, saying that Xenia had died. Homeless, she 122 lived in the streets all year round for 45 years, owning only the ragged clothes on her back. The Holy Spirit also led her to give away her mind and her heart to God. By giving everything away, she became rich in humility, simplicity, self-denial, kindness, and deep and profound love for all. By pretending to be insane, she showed how insane the world and its values are. By denying herself the comforts of a home, a bed, decent clothes, food, and the appearance of being "normal," she helps us to examine what really is important in life, and what really is "normal." By her self-denial, Blessed St. Xenia daily died to her old self and daily lived only for God. She trusted totally that God would provide for her, as He provides for the birds. During the day she wandered the streets, dressed in rags, enduring heat and cold, snow and rain, mocked by people. At night she went out into the fields and prayed all night, and at other times she spent the night at the Smolensk Cemetery. It was at this cemetery that she helped the workmen build the Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God (photo below), by secretly carrying bricks up the scaffold during the night. One night the workmen hid to find out who was helping them, and discovered that it was "Crazy Xenia." Whenever someone gave her alms, she immediately gave it to the poor. As the years passed, the Holy Spirit filled Xenia with greater riches, and she became increasingly blessed. After a while, some people started to notice that "crazy Xenia" wasn’t so crazy after all, but was an instrument of 123 divine grace, to whom had been given deep spiritual powers: she could see into people’s hearts and into the past and future, and appeared to people in visions. Anyone whom she touched was blessed. Because she gave up living for herself, she was able to live for others, helping those in need. She especially helped families, children and marriages, as she continues to do today. After she fell asleep in the Lord, around 1803, she continued to help those who asked for her assistance. Throughout the 19th century, tens of thousands of people came every year to her grave, and countless miracles occurred. In 1902 a chapel was built over her grave in the Smolensk Cemetery, located on the western end of Vasiliev Island in St. Petersburg. This chapel has now been reconstructed (photo below), again welcoming the pilgrims who come there every day, and the miracles continue to occur. For 200 years people have been turning to the Blessed one, and she has been helping them. Her great spiritual power and her deep love for people transcend the grave and are manifested daily. One of the most popular of God’s "chosen ones," her canonization in 1988 was official recognition of what the faithful had long witnessed and experienced. 124 TODAY IS JANUARY 25 Saint Gregory the Theologian FEAST DAY Saint Gregory the Theologian (329-390) was born in 329 AD in Arianzo, town of Cappadocia, by Gregory, Bishop of Nazianzus and Nonnus. He has two brothers: the Caesarea and known for piety of Gorgon sister. Nazianzus In, taught elementary education, while the average in Caesarea, where he meets a classmate Basil. Then go near famous teachers of rhetoric in Palestine and Alexandria, and finally at the University of Athens. The study lasted 13 years (from 17 to 30 years). Following his studies in Athens Gregory returns to his homeland he was offered seat yet overwhelming Professor. There, his father, Bishop Nazianzus, the ordained presbyter. But St. Gregory prefers the quiet of anachoritiriou at Sea, close to his friend Kingdom for more exercise in spiritual life. Afterwards, however, from warm entreaties of his own, he returns home and enters active service of the Church. At 43 years old, God lifted the episcopal office. Headquarters was the site of Gennadios which never poimane due Martian inhabitants. But death comes to hurt his soul, with successive deaths of relatives. First his brother Caesarea after his sister mermaid, after his father and finally his mother Nonnus. After these tribulations, the divine Providence brings him to Constantinople (378), which defends amazing how Orthodoxy and critical hits Arians, who had flooded Istanbul. situation was very difficult. 125 All the temples of Constantinople was in the hands of the heretics. But the Saint did not despair. Converts a room in the house that hosted a church and gives a symbolic name. Calls the church Agia Anastasia sample that believed in the resurrection of the Orthodox Faith. Races are dangerous. Heretics Uploaded over the roofs of the houses throw stones, so the Saint Gregory tested much. In the church of St. Anastasia utters the famous five theological reasons that gave him the title of fair Theologian. After this match, Theodosius the Great highlights the Patriarch of Constantinople (381). The Second Ecumenical Council recognized him as President. But a portion of the bishops antipolitefetai for trivial reasons. Then Gregory, disgusted, says the resignation, in leaving his native Arianzo peace and ends with his life, in 390. Much is left of his writings. Of particular interest are the 408 philosophical poems about 18,000 verses. They are among the largest spirit of Christianity and of the greatest athletes of the Orthodox faith. His skull is kept in the Monastery of Vatopedi on Mount Athos. TODAY IS JANUARY 26 Saint Xenophon FEAST DAY This Saint, a wealthy nobleman of Constantinople, was filled with piety toward God. He had two sons, Arcadius and John, whom he sent 126 to Beirut to study law. But they were shipwrecked during their voyage; barely saved, they forsook all things and departed for Palestine. Saint Xenophon and his wife Mary, ignorant of what had happened, went in search of their sons. On finding them in Jerusalem, dressed in the habit of monks, they also took up the monastic life. During Saint Xenophon life in Jerusalem, he became a great healer and did many miracles. And thus, having completed their lives in holiness, they departed for the Lord about the beginning of the sixth century. Saint Xenophon and his sons reposed at Saint Sabbas Monastery, and Mary at the Monastery of Saint Theodosius. TODAY IS JANUARY 27 Saint Peter, Archbishop of Voronezh FEAST DAY Archbishop Peter was born on February 18, 1878, On graduating from the Kazan Theological Academy, in 1902, he served as a teacher in the Oryol theological seminary. In December, 1917 Vladyka was arrested for the first time by the Tver Cheka and imprisoned as a hostage. In May, 1921, Vladyka was arrested for "arousing religious fanaticism." During an outbreak of typhus, Vladyka fell ill and was transferred to the hospital of the Trinity skete, where he lay for 14 days. "I do not want to live any longer. The Lord is calling me to 127 Himself." And he wrote this several times. As he was writing "not" for the last time, his hand fell, and he died. It was January 27. TODAY IS JANUARY 28 Saint Isaac the Syrian, Bishop of Ninevah FEAST DAY Saint Isaac the Syrian, Bishop of Ninevah, lived during the sixth century. He and his brother entered the monastery of Mar Matthew near Ninevah and received the monastic tonsure. His learning, virtue, and ascetic manner of life attracted the notice of the brethren, and they proposed that he head the monastery. St. Issac did not want this burden, preferring a life of silence, so he left the monastery to live alone in the desert. His brother urged him more than once to return to the monastery, but he would not agree. However, when the fame of St. Isaac's holy life had spread, he was made Bishop of Ninevah. Seeing the crude manners and disobedience of the inhabitants of the city, the saint felt that it was beyond his ability to guide them, and moreover, he yearned for solitude. Once, two Christians came to him, asking him to settle a dispute. One man acknowledged that he owed money to the other, but asked for a short extension. The lender threatened to bring his debtor to court to force him to pay. St. Isaac, 128 citing the Gospel, asked him to be merciful and give the debtor more time to pay. The man said, "Leave your Gospel out of this!" St. Isaac replied, "If you will not submit to Lord's commandments in the Gospel, then what remains for me to do here?" After only five months as bishop, St. Isaac resigned his office and went into the mountains to live with the hermits. Later, he went to the monastery of Rabban Shabur, where he lived until his death, attaining a high degree of spiritual perfection. From the early eighth century until the beginning of the eighteenth century, nothing was known about St. Isaac of Syria in Europe except for his name and works. Only in 1719 was a biography of the saint published at Rome, compiled by an anonymous Arab author. In 1896, more information on St. Isaac came to light. The learned French soteriologist Abbot Chabot published some eighth century works on Syrian history by Iezudena, bishop of Barsa, where the account of St. Isaac the Syrian was found. TODAY IS JANUARY 29 Martyr Saint Ashot Curapalati King of of Artanuji FEAST DAY In the year 786, St. Ashot, the son of Adarnerse, ascended the throne of Kartli. From the very beginning of his reign he fought fiercely for 129 the reunification of Georgia. His first step was to take advantage of the Arab Muslims’ weariness and banish them from Tbilisi. Three years passed and, under the leadership of a new ruler, the reinvigorated Muslims began to hunt for Ashot. The king was forced to flee after he delayed taking action against them. The enemy had again conquered Tbilisi. Ashot was compelled to leave Kartli, and he departed for Byzantium with his family and small army. The refugees journeyed as far as Javakheti in southern Georgia and stopped near Lake Paravani for a rest. But while they were sleeping, a Saracen army assailed their camp. The king’s army was doomed, but “God helped Ashot Kuropalates and his scant army. He bestowed power upon them, and they defeated an enemy that greatly outnumbered them.” The king was deeply moved by God’s miraculous intervention and decided that, rather than journeying on to Byzantium as he had intended, he would remain in the region of Shavshet-Klarjeti. At that time southern Georgia was suffering great calamities. A cholera epidemic intensified the struggles of a people devastated by a ruthless enemy. Very few had survived, but that powerless and wearied remnant gladly received Ashot Kuropalates as their new leader, and the king began to restore the region at once. Ashot Kuropalates restored Artanuji Castle, which had originally been built by King Vakhtang Gorgasali and later ravaged by the Arab general Marwan “the Deaf.” Ashot founded a city nearby and proclaimed it the residence of the Bagrationi royal family of Klarjeti. He also constructed a church in honor of Sts. Peter and Paul. As it is written, “God granted Ashot Kuropalates great strength and many victories.” The region of Klarjeti took on a new life, and through the efforts of St. Grigol of Khandzta and his companions, the former wasteland was transformed into a borough bustling with churches, monasteries, and schools. Georgian noblemen soon began traveling to Klarjeti to forge their nation’s future with King Ashot and the other God-fearing 130 leaders. Ashot Kuropalates was not only a leader who campaigned vigorously for the unification of Georgia—he was truly a godly-minded man. With great honor and joy he was the host of Fr. Grigol of Khandzta, a “heavenly man and an earthly angel.” Fr. Grigol blessed Ashot’s kingdom and his inheritance. Upon those who labored at Khandzta Monastery, Ashot Kuropalates bestowed the best lands, including Shatberdi, to serve as rural estates, which would supply food for the monastery. His children, Adarnerse, Bagrat, and Guaram, would later contribute much of their own fortune to the revival of the monasteries in the Klarjeti Wilderness. (Udabno in Georgian. Translated as “wilderness,” these deserted places where hermits made their abodes often attracted monks and pious laymen as the fame of these holy men spread. Over the centuries, with the foundation of numerous monasteries, these deserts became veritable cities and only retained the name “wilderness” in a figurative sense.) But after some time the usually virtuous King Ashot fell in love with a certain woman. He forgot his honor, his achievements, and his loyalty to God and the nation and took her to Artanuji Castle, an estate that had been built for the queen. St. Grigol, however, heard about the king’s adulterous relationship and became exceedingly sorrowful. He confronted the king about his behavior, and the desperate Ashot promised to leave the woman, but he could not bring himself to fulfill his promise. So Fr. Grigol took her to Mere Monastery and turned her over to the abbess, Mother Pebronia, without telling Ashot. Upon hearing what had happened, King Ashot pleaded with Mother Pebronia to return the woman, but the abbess refused. At long last Ashot bowed his head to the nun and repented, saying, “Blessed is the man who is no longer alive to this world.” The king rediscovered his love for God and his country, and he prepared to return to Kartli. But his plans were foiled when a certain Muslim warrior named Khalil invaded, conquering the lands of Kartli, Hereti, and Kvemo Kartli. 131 Ashot sent his men to assemble an army, but before the troops had been gathered, the Saracens attacked and forced them to flee. The king then traveled to Nigali Gorge with the intent of enlarging his army. Some of the draftees turned out to be traitors, and when the king discovered the betrayal, it was already too late. He hid in a church, but the godless men found him and stabbed him to death in the sanctuary. “They murdered him on the altar, as though slaughtering a sacrificial lamb, and his blood remains there to this day,” writes Sumbat, the son of Davit, in his book Lives of the Bagrationis. Thus the first Bagrationi king, “a believer, upon whom the inheritance of the Georgian people was established,” was also a martyr. The Georgians took revenge on the murderers of their beloved king. When the people of Doliskana heard that Ashot had been killed, they pursued his murderers and killed them near the Chorokhi River. Venerable Grigol and the Georgian people wept bitterly over the loss of their king and hope. St. Ashot’s holy relics were buried in the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul that he himself had built. TODAY IS JANUARY 30 Blessed Saint Peter, the King of Bulgaria FEAST DAY Saint Peter, King of Bulgaria, was the son of the militant Bulgarian prince Simeon. St. Peter was distinguished for his Christian piety, and he often turned to St John of Rila, asking his prayers, spiritual 132 guidance and advice. King Peter concluded peace with Byzantium on terms advantageous for Bulgaria. He also gained recognition from the Patriarch of Constantinople for the autonomy of the Bulgarian Church, and the affirmation of a Patriarchal throne in Bulgaria, benefiting all the Bulgarian Church. St. Peter aided in the successful extirpation of the Bogomil heresy in his lands. He was martyred in the year 967 for his belief in St. John of Rila, at fifty-six years of age. TODAY IS JANUARY 31 Saint Theodota in Egypt FEAST DAY St. Theodota was the thirteen-year-old daughter of St. Athanasia. She and her two sisters were arrested with their mother because they were Christians. St. Theoctiste was fifteen, and St. Eudoxia was eleven. Sts. Cyrus and John hastened to the prison to help them, for they were concerned that the women might renounce Christ when faced with torture. Sts. Cyrus and John gave them courage to endure what lay before them. Learning of this, the ruler of the city arrested Sts. Cyrus and John, and seeing their steadfast and fearless confession of faith in Christ, he brought Athanasia and her daughters to witness their torture. The tyrant did not refrain from any form of torture against the holy martyrs. The women were not frightened by the sufferings of Sts. Cyrus and John, but courageously continued to 133 confess Christ. They were flogged and then beheaded, receiving their crowns of martyrdom. INSIDE AN ORTHORDOX CHURCH 134 135 TODAY IS FEBRUARY 1 Martyr Saint Tryphon FEAST DAY The Martyr Tryphon was born in Phrygia, one of the districts of Asia Minor, in the village of Lampsacus. From his early years the Lord granted him the power to cast out demons and to heal various maladies. He once saved the inhabitants of his native city from starvation. St. Tryphon, by the power of his prayer, turned back a plague of locusts that were devouring the grain and devastating the fields. St. Tryphon gained particular fame by casting out an evil spirit from the daughter of the Roman emperor Gordian (238-244). Helping everyone in distress, he asked only one thing from them: faith in Jesus Christ, by Whose grace he healed them. When the emperor Decius (249-251) assumed the imperial throne, he began a fierce persecution of Christians. Someone reported to the commander Aquilinus that St. Tryphon was boldly preaching faith in Christ, and that he led many to Baptism. The saint was arrested and subjected to interrogation, during which he fearlessly confessed his faith. He was subjected to harsh tortures: they beat him with clubs, raked his body with iron hooks, they scorched his flesh with fire, and led him through the city, after iron nails were hammered into his feet. St. Tryphon bravely endured all the torments without complaint. Finally, he was condemned to beheading with a sword. The holy martyr prayed before his execution, thanking God for strengthening him in his sufferings. He also asked the Lord to bless those who should call upon his name 136 for help. Just as the soldiers raised the sword over the head of the holy martyr, he surrendered his soul into the hands of God. This event occurred in the city of Nicea in the year 250. Christians wrapped the holy body of the martyr in a clean shroud and wanted to bury him in the city of Nicea, where he suffered, but St. Tryphon in a vision commanded them to take his body to his native land to the village of Lampsada. Later on, the relics of St. Tryphon were transferred to Constantinople, and then to Rome. In Russia, St. Tryphon is regarded as the patron saint of birds. There is a story that when Tsar Ivan the Terrible was out hunting, his falconer carelessly allowed the Tsar's favorite falcon to fly away. The Tsar ordered the falconer Tryphon Patrikeiev to find the bird within three days, or else he would be put to death. Tryphon searched all through the forest, but without luck. On the third day, exhausted by long searching, he returned to Moscow to the place called Marinaya Grove. Overcome with weariness, he lay down to rest, fervently praying to his patron saint, the Martyr Tryphon, for help. In a dream he saw a youth on a white horse, holding the Tsar's falcon on his hand. The youth said, "Take the lost bird, go to the Tsar and do not grieve." When he awakened, the falconer actually spotted the falcon on a pine tree. He took it to the Tsar and told him about the miraculous help he received from the holy Martyr Tryphon. Grateful to St. Tryphon for saving his life, Tryphon Patrikeiev built a chapel on the spot where the saint appeared. Later on, he also built a church dedicated to the holy Martyr Tryphon in Moscow. The holy martyr is greatly venerated in the Russian Orthodox Church as the heavenly protector of Moscow. Many Russian icons depict the saint holding a falcon on his arm. 137 TODAY IS FEBRUARY 2 Holy Martyr Saint Jordan of Trebizond FEAST DAY Slain by the sword at Constantinople in 1650 Saint Jordan was born in Trebizond. He worked as a coppersmith in Constantinople. The Saint was once spending some time with some Turks of the same trade. One of the Turks made fun of Saint Nicholas. Jordan responded by making fun of the prophet Muhammad. The next day he was told that the Turks had decreed death to anyone who mocked their prophet. Jordan took refuge in the house of a Turkish friend but his friend later gave him up as he feared the Turkish authorities. At his trial the Turkish judge tried to convince Jordan to convert to Islam to save his life. Jordan confessed Christ without any fear and welcomed the death sentence with joy. He was allowed to return to his workshop to pay off any debts. He distributed his remaining assets to churches, monasteries and orphans. St. Jordan was beheaded on the 2nd of February 1650. 138 TODAY IS FEBRUARY 3 Saint Prince Roman of Uglich FEAST DAY The Holy Right-Believing Roman, son of Prince Vladimir and Princess Photina of Uglich, and nephew of St. Basil (Basilko) of Rostov (March 4), was born on October 1, 1235. Upon the death of his father (in 1248) and his older brother Andrew (in 1261), St. Roman, at the age of twenty-six, took upon himself the governance of Uglich and became a father to his subjects. He established a poor-house and took in the destitute, who came to him from everywhere. In the principality he built fifteen more churches. St. Roman was present every day at the divine services, and he often conversed with pious monks. After the death of his wife in 1280, he devoted himself entirely too ascetic exploits of fasting, prayer and works of righteousness. The holy prince died peacefully on February 3, 1285 and was buried in the Church of the Transfiguration in Uglich. In 1486, the relics of St. Roman were found to be incorrupt and were transferred into the new cathedral Church of the Transfiguration. In the year 1595 with the blessing of Patriarch Job in consequence of the fame concerning miracles the relics were witnessed to by the Metropolitan (later Patriarch) St. Hermogenes (February 17), and St. Roman was numbered among the saints. In 1609, the holy relics were burned along with the church during an invasion by the Poles. 139 TODAY IS FEBRUARY 4 Saint Isidore of Pelusium FEAST DAY Saint Isidore of Pelusium lived during the fourth-fifth centuries. He was a native of Alexandria, and was raised among pious Christians. He was a relative of Theophilus, Archbishop of Alexandria, and of his successor, St. Cyril (January 18). While still a youth he quit the world and withdrew to Egypt to Mount Pelusium, which became the site of his monastic efforts. St. Isidore's spiritual wisdom and strict asceticism, combined with his broad learning and innate knowledge of the human soul, enabled him to win the respect and love of his fellow monks in a short time. They chose him as their head and had him ordained a priest. Following the example of St. John Chrysostom, whom he had managed to see and hear during a trip to Constantinople, St. Isidore devoted himself primarily to Christian preaching, that "practical wisdom" which, in his own words, is both "the foundation of the edifice and the edifice itself", while logic is "its embellishment, and contemplation its crown." He was a teacher and a willingly provided counsel for anyone who turned to him for spiritual encouragement, whether it was a simple man, a dignitary, a bishop, the Patriarch of Alexandria, or even the emperor. He left behind about 10,000 letters, of which 2,090 have survived. A large portion of these letters reveal profound theological thought and contain morally edifying interpretations of Holy Scripture. St. Photius (February 6) 140 calls Isidore a model of priestly and ascetical life, and also a master of style. St. Isidore's love for St. John Chrysostom resulted in his support of St. John when he was persecuted by the empress Eudoxia and Archbishop Theophilus. After the death of St. John, St. Isidore persuaded Theophilus' successor St. Cyril to inscribe the name of St. John Chrysostom into the Church diptychs as a confessor. Through the initiative of St. Isidore the Third Ecumenical Council was Isidore the Third Ecumenical Council was convened at Ephesus (431), at which the false teaching of Nestorius concerning the person of Jesus Christ was condemned. St. Isidore lived into old age and died around the year 436. The Church historian Evagrius (sixth century) writes of St. Isidore, "his life seemed to everyone the life of an angel upon the earth." Another historian, Nicephorus Callistus (ninth century), praises St. Isidore thus, "He was a vital and inspired pillar of monastic rules and divine vision, and as such he presented a very lofty image of most fervent example and spiritual teaching." TODAY IS FEBRUARY 5 Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov FEAST DAY Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, was born in the seventeenth century at the beginning of the decade of the thirties in 141 Podolsk governance. He was descended from a noble family, the Polonitsky-Uglitskys. His parents were the priest Nikita and Maria. The saint was taught Christian piety in his parents' home, and this piety remained with him throughout his life. From childhood he was distinguished by a fervent love for God and zeal for the Church. The innate abilities of the youth came to light in the Kiev Brotherhood school at Kiev's Theophany monastery. The Kiev Brotherhood Theophany school was the chief center in the struggle of Orthodoxy against the assaults of Catholic clergy, particularly the Jesuits. St. Theodosius grew to spiritual maturity near the relics of Sts. Anthony and Theodosius and other God-pleasers of the Kiev Caves, and he tried to imitate their holy life as much as he could. He devoted all his free time to prayer, meditation on God, and the reading of Holy Scripture. Upon receiving his education, the future hierarch received monastic tonsure at the Kiev Caves Lavra with the name Theodosius, in honor of St. Theodosius of the Caves (May 3). Metropolitan Dionysius (Balaban) of Kiev made him archdeacon of Kiev's cathedral of Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia) , and then appointed him steward of the episcopal household. Soon he left Kiev and went to the distant Krupitsky monastery near Baturino (in the Chernigov diocese), which was famed for its strict monastic life. There he was ordained to the holy priesthood, but remained there only a short time. In 1662, St. Theodosius was appointed Igumen of the Korsun monastery in Kiev diocese, and in the year 1664 he was made head of the ancient KievVydubitsky monastery. This monastery had fallen into the hands of the Uniates and Poles at the beginning of the seventeenth century and was in complete ruin. Thanks to the energy and initiative of St. Theodosius, the Vydubitsky Mikhailovsk monastery was quickly restored. He was particularly concerned with the order of church services. He formed an excellent choir, which was famed not only in Little Russia, but also in Moscow. St. Theodosius sent his singers to 142 Moscow in 1685 to instruct their choirs in Kievan chant. As a strict ascetic himself, St. Theodosius was concerned with the spiritual growth of his monks. He founded a small skete on the island of Mikhailovschina, not far from the monastery, for brethren wishing to live in solitude. He appointed the hieromonk Job (Opalinsky), one of the most zealous monks of his monastery, to organize and administer the skete. When Archbishop Lazar became locum tenens of Kiev's Metropolitan See in 1689, he appointed St. Theodosius as his vicar in Kiev, while he remained at Chernigov. In his capacity as vicar of the locum tenens of the Kiev Metropolitan See, St. Theodosius had an active role in many churchly events. In 1685 he participated with the right of a decisive vote in the election of Bishop Gideon (Chetverinsky) as Metropolitan of Kiev, and he was sent to Moscow with news of this event with Igumen Jerome (Dubin) of Pereyaslavl . In Moscow, both representatives were received with honor and esteem. Indeed, the result of this delegation was the reuniting of the Kiev Metropolitan See with the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1688 St. Theodosius was appointed monastery, replacing the archimandrite deceased of Chernigov's Archimandrite Eletsy Joannicius (Golyatovsky). In appointing St. Theodosius, Archbishop Lazar told him to spare no effort in placing the Eletsy monastery in good order. This monastery had not yet been set aright after the expulsion of the Jesuits and Dominicans, and it was in great disorder. Through the efforts of St. Theodosius, in his two or three years as igumen, the monastery's revenues and properties increased, the church of the Dormition was repaired, and the Elets Icon (February 5) was enshrined there. Because of his poor health, Archbishop Lazar wished to see St. Theodosius consecrated to the episcopate, seeing in the saint a worthy successor to himself. On September 11, 1692 the election of St. Theodosius as Archbishop of Chernigov was confirmed, and he was consecrated in the Dormition cathdral of the Moscow 143 Kremlin two days later. Little information regarding St. Theodosius's administration of the Chernigov diocese has been preserved. The saint worked incessantly to raise the level of true Christian piety in his flock. He also focused on maintaining old monasteries, and founding new communities. At the very beginning of his episcopate, the Pecheniksk women's monastery was established with his blessing, and he himself consecrated the monastery church in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. In 1694, a skete was founded near Liubech. The same year, at the Domnitsky men's monastery, the saint consecrated a temple in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. In the summer of 1695, he consecrated a majestic temple in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, on the summit of Boldino Hill, near the ancient monastery of St. Elias. Under St. Theodosius there was a special enthusiasm for and strengthening of monasticism in the Chernigov diocese. The saint also devoted much attention to the clergy, and he tried to choose worthy candidates for the priesthood. He also encouraged the pastoral education of the Chernigov clergy. He invited learned monks from Kiev, among whom was St. John (Maximovitch), the future Metropolitan of Tobolsk (June 10), and also a helper and successor of St. Theodosius in organizing the Chernigov clergy school. Strict uprightness in regard to clergy and flock, deep compassion, concern and Christian love of peace were distinguishing features in the activity of St. Theodosius. Not only did the Orthodox turn to him for help and advice, but even persons of other confessions. St. Theodosius did not remain with his Chernigov flock very long. Sensing the approach of death, he summoned the administrator of the Briansk Svensk monastery, St. John (Maximovitch), and appointed him Archimandrite of the Chernigov Elets monastery. St. Theodosius died on February 5, 1696, and was buried in Chernigov's Sts. Boris and Gleb cathedral church, in a special crypt near the right cleros. 144 His successor St. John (Maximovitch), who was healed of a grievous illness by St. Theodosius, later placed a stone plaque over his grave with a poetic inscription in gratitude for the saint's help. The special grace which St. Theodosius attained is shown by his ascetic life and his assistance to all who turn to him in prayer. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 6 Saint Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople FEAST DAY As for the thrice-blessed Photius, the great and most resplendent Father and teacher of the Church, the Confessor of the Faith and Equal to the Apostles, he lived during the years of the emperors Michael (the son of Theophilus), Basil the Macedonian, and Leo his son. He was the son of pious parents, Sergius and Irene, who suffered for the Faith under the Iconoclast Emperor Theophilus; he was also a nephew of Saint Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople. He was born in Constantinople, where he excelled in the foremost imperial ministries, while ever practicing a virtuous and godly life. An upright and honorable man of singular learning and erudition, he was raised to the apostolic, ecumenical, and patriarchal throne of Constantinople in the year 857. The many struggles that this thrice-blessed one undertook for the Orthodox Faith against the Manichaeans, the Iconoclasts, and other heretics, and the attacks and assaults that he endured from 145 Nicholas I, the haughty and ambitious Pope of Rome, and the great persecutions and distresses he suffered, are beyond number. Contending against the Latin error of the filioque, that is, the doctrine that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son, he demonstrated clearly with his Mystagogy on the Holy Spirit how the filioque destroys the unity and equality of the Trinity. He has left us many theological writings, panegyric homilies, and epistles, including one to Boris, the Sovereign of Bulgaria, in which he set forth for him the history and teachings of the Seven Ecumenical Councils. Having tended the Church of Christ in holiness and in an evangelical manner, and with fervent zeal having rooted out all the tares of every alien teaching, he departed to the Lord in the Monastery of the Armenians on February 6, 891. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 7 Holy Father Saint Parthenius Bishop of Lampsacus FEAST DAY He was an illiterate fisherman, but always listened carefully to the readings of Holy Scripture in church, and strove to put their teaching into practice. Whatever he earned from his trade he gave to the poor, 146 keeping back nothing for himself. His charity became so well-known that Philetus, Bishop of Melitopolis, ordained him to the priesthood, charging him to travel throughout the diocese visiting Christians. Parthenius fulfilled his mission admirably, and his many miracles and healings — even raising the dead to life — showed that divine favor rested on him. Ascalus, Metropolitan of Cyzicus, made him Bishop of Lampsacus, at that time an almost completely pagan city. By virtue of his preaching, prayer and fasting, St. Parthenius in time converted the whole city to Christ. Miracles of healing poured forth from the holy bishop so reliably (according to the Synaxarion) the city's doctors became superfluous. Demons took flight at the Saint's approach. Once, when he commanded a demon to depart from a poor man, the spirit begged him, 'Give me a place to live, even swine!' 'No,' the bishop replied, 'But you may come and dwell in me!' The demon fled, crying as though burned, 'How can I enter God's house? Great is the power of the Christians!' Once Parthenius visited Heraclea in Thrace, whose Bishop Hypatian was extremely ill. The Saint revealed to the bishop that avarice was the true cause of his ailment. 'Give to the poor the goods that you are withholding from them, and you will recover.' The Metropolitan had himself carried to the church on a stretcher and publicly gave all his possessions to the poor. Three days later he was completely cured. On leaving the city, Parthenius told the Metropolitan that his own death was near and, soon after returning to Lampsacus, reposed in peace. 147 TODAY IS FEBRUARY 8 Saint Theodore the Commander & Great Martyr FEAST DAY The Holy Martyr Theodore was from Euchaita of Galatia and dwelt in Heraclea of Pontus. He was a renowned Commander and General in the military, and the report came to the Emperor Licinius that he was a Christian and abominated the idols. Licinius therefore sent certain men to him from Nicomedia, to honor him and ask him to appear before him. Through them, however, Saint Theodore sent back a message that it was necessary for various reasons, that Licinius come to Heraclea. Licinius, seeing in this a hope of turning Saint Theodore away from Christ did as was asked of him. When the Emperor came to Heraclea, Saint Theodore met him with honor, and the Emperor in turn gave Theodore his hand, believing that through him he would be able to draw the Christians to the worship of his idols. Seated upon his throne in the midst of the people, he publicly bade Theodore offer sacrifice to the gods. But Theodore asked that the emperor entrust him with the most venerable of his gods, those of gold and silver, that he might take them home and himself attend upon them that evening, promising that the following day he would honor them in public. The Emperor, filled with joy at these tidings, gave command that Theodore's request be fulfilled. When the Saint had taken the idols home, he broke them in pieces and distributed the gold and silver to the poor by night. The next day a centurion named 148 Maxentius told Licinius that he had seen a pauper pass by carrying the head of Artemis. Saint Theodore, far from repenting of this, confessed Christ boldly. Licinius, in an uncontainable fury, had the Saint put to many torments, then crucified. While upon the cross, the holy Martyr was further tormented -- his privy parts were cut off, he was shot with arrows, his eyes were put out, and he was left on the cross to die. The next day Licinius sent men to take his corpse and cast it into the sea; but they found the Saint alive and perfectly whole. Through this, many believed in Christ. Seeing his own men turning to Christ, and the city in an uproar, Licinius had Theodore beheaded. The Saint's holy relics were returned to his ancestral home on June 8. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 9 Bishop Saint Pagkratios Tayromenias FEAST DAY The Holy Martyr Bishop Saint Pagkratios Tayromenias came from Antioch and lived in the years of the Apostles. Young still, visited with his parents Jerusalem. After the death of his parents, what Pagratios wanted to devote himself wholeheartedly to Christ and to the spreading of the Gospel. How, though, would be that, with such fortune were inherited from his parents? The solution found in the 149 words of the Lord: "ει θέλεις τέλειος είναι, υπάγε πώλησαν σου τα υπάρχοντα και δός πτωχοίς, και έξεις θησαυρόν εν ουρανώ, και δεύρο ακολούθει μοι" δηλ. i" i.e. "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and re-assigned to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. And come follow me." Indeed, Pagratios freed the slaves, all remaining wealth he distributed to poor, and free from any biotic care, dedicated homself to spreading the Gospel. Followed by the Apostle Peter at Antioch, he was appointed Bishop of Tayromenioy in Sicily. As this he was a perfect pastor, teaching and ministering to with love and virtue of the flock. Attracted by the preaching of the crowd of people in the light of divine knowledge, and yet this ruler of Boniface. Also he has founded Pro-target in this town and Church. However, the Jews and the pagans, watching with envy the Evangelical work of Pankration, killed him, while he prayed for them. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 10 Miracle of Saint Haralambos - Miracle at Filiatra FEAST DAY (Auto translated from Greek) Those were the dark years of the German occupation. The German headquarters, in Tripoli, learned about a sabotage, the rebels who attempted to close Filiatra and decided to punish them hard partisan. The general order sent from the headquarters of Tripoli to the German 150 Commander Filiatron Kounster and he in his turn, announced to the officers and soldiers. According to the order the next day at 6 in the morning the Germans killed some notables of Filiatra, one thousand five hundred men sent them prisoners in Germany, and subsequently burned all the houses in the city. Archimandrite Theodore Kotsakis, Filiatrinos, who served in the Tripoli Temple, learned it, and fell into deep grief. How to save his homeland from the terrible evil? He got a Greek who knew German and was directed to the office of general. From the hallway could be heard shouting, swearing, upset. They understood that the atmosphere was electrifying. A Greek woman, who was there, advised them to leave as soon as possible to avoid them and execute them on the spot. Not fit most any human power. The pious preacher then immediately alerted all Filiatrinous who lived in Tripoli, pray wholeheartedly to Saint Charalambos himself overnight with embonate vigilant prayer. So did also the inhabitants of Filiatra, who saw the extraordinary concern nocturnal movements of Germans and understand how a great evil omen. Not disregard the agonizing prayers the loving protector and patron Saint Charalambos the most. At night, while sleeping soundly, the German commander, was presented in front of the bed as solemn Orthodox Liturgy with His priestly vestments and white long beard. The venerable Elder said with hilarity, “Listen, my child, the orders received, not the execution. The city protects me.” Saint soon disappeared and Kounster, he woke briefly worried from the curious visitor thought he was dreaming and fell off the other side to sleep. But after a while, again presented the Saint in his sleep and says, “What did I tell you to do. Not to execute the order, and I will take care not to be punished.” Woke up again, sit up in bed for a while, went something to think about, but stopped. Nurtured as was Kounster with sterile spirit of Protestantism, that does not honor the saints and did not believe in miracles, and hardened by the godless spirit of Nazism, did not decide to obey the 151 saint. Also knew well that did not fit disobedience to the orders of his superiors. He slept again, when for the third time the venerable priest appeared and wanted to convince him, assuring him of his safety, “I told you not to be afraid for your life. I would not care and you will be punished. It will keep you and all your soldiers, and go back to your homes without anyone to get you anything.” He had not yet bent the German Commander of Filiatra and Saint did not stop trying to rescue his flock. Horrible dreams shook the rest of German night. Oimoges heard lamentations and tortured by humans. Skiachtera ghosts reached him, like female figures, grieving and give him curses for the slaughter of their children. And even saw black clouds coming out of the room and go up and shaded the sun and darkened the whole camp of the Germans. The soldiers and horrified over the fear made the sign of the cross. And we all ran behind the olive trees to hide. Kounster stood trembling and confused. He remembered that he had left behind family. The feeling of humanity awakened briefly in and began to contemplate: Why are wars, people being killed and left athaftoi, like dogs, why burn houses and estates and in a moment destroyed the labors and sweats a whole life? Pondered for a while and again prevailed in the spirit of fascism, “I said I would burn the town and will burn!” His head felt heavy and dizzy from the interrupted sleep and terrible dreams. He closed his eyes to sleep again, when she appeared for the fourth time St. Charalambos and says urgently and insistently, “Watch out! The city will not be burned and the inhabitants will be arrested. Are innocent. Do you hear?” Sprang up confused. He believe anymore that someone saint, patron of Filiatra, trying to thwart their plan barbaric. With hands trembling, grabbed the phone and called the Siratigeio in Tripoli. With timid voice began to report to the General Governor of Peloponnese nightmarish night, and spent the odd intervention of the saint. He was going to put the voices, that definitely needs to be executed the order, again hum and 152 haw. What had happened? The evening was presented by the saint and the General Commander of Tripoli, exactly as described and the Officer of Filiatra and given the same instruction. Finally relented and forth amazing coincidence dream and ordered, “Written. Inhibit the destruction of the city. Come immediately before me tomorrow noon.” The city of Filiatra saved. The joy that filled the hearts of all, as announced the cancellation of resolute destruction, not described. Hugged each other and solemnly poured on the streets, market squares. The German Commander Filiatron called morning two priests and told them their plans and rescue operation of the Holy Priest. Asked to learn, saints protected their city and to the accompaniment of priests and two other soldiers, took the turn all the churches of Filiatra. Started by Saint John, Saint Nicholas, Saint Athanasius and eventually went to the Church of Our Lady. Kounster sought to recognize the saint who spoke repeatedly in his sleep. When he entered the temple and saw the Virgin Mary at a shrine, and the icon of St. Charalambous, he was wholly overwhelmed. He recognized the venerable nocturnal visitor and was embarrassed about his infidelity, and his repeatedly stubborn refusals. He understood that the Orthodox faith is alive and that the saints are not just decorative icons. He covered his face in his hands and said some prayers in his own language. With ecstasy and holy shiver attendees priests and laity observed the scene, and when he finished his prayer, said with emotion of the vision of Saint Charalambos, and its many wonders. When it was learned throughout the city in pansostiko this miracle of Saint Charalambos rushed everyone to worship the great protector and singing praises of thanks. All day the bells struck festive and proclaimed the grand Filiatra joy, and for several days multitudes of Christians from the surrounding villages and neighboring cities flocked to venerate the miraculous Martyr. Agios Charalambos kept his promises to the German commandant of Filiatra. Both he and all 153 the men of the garrison, when the war ended, they returned to their homes without harm. Kounster found again in the warm family nest with his wife and his children. The shocking incident but impressions of St. Charalambous, could not be forgotten. Two years later his family decided to come to Filiatra for the feast of Saint Charalambos. On the eve he saw him again in his dream and told him to make the trip, because the residents of Filiatra will accept it with great joy. Arrived a little late on February 11, that is a day after the solemn celebration of his memory. When the Filiatrinoe saw him, welcomed him and were excited to honor him and to celebrate the day. They sang in church official thanksgiving and continued the celebration with feasting and plays. And for many years after, the feast day of St. Charalambos the former commandant of Filiatra were mostly there to pray with them and thank Filiatrinous with the patrons, who saved them from the hand fire, massacres and concentration camps; not one of the evils of war and especially by the dangerous plague of infidelity. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 11 Blaise the Holy Martyr of Sebastia FEAST DAY Saint Blaise was Bishop of Sebastia. Divine grace, through which he healed the diseases of men and beasts, and especially of infants, 154 made his name famous. He contested for the Faith under Licinius in the year 316. Saint Blaise is invoked for the healing of throat ailments. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 12 Saint Anthony the Patriarch of Constantinople FEAST DAY Saint Anthony, Patriarch of Constantinople, was a native of Asia, but lived in Constantinople from his youth. He was born around 829 of rich and pious parents. After the death of his mother, he entered a monastery at the age of twelve, where following the example of the igumen, he spent his nights in prayer and led a strict monastic life. With the passage of time, and against his will, he was ordained to the holy priesthood. Later, at the insistence of the Patriarch, he was made an igumen. Serving in this rank, he tonsured his own father into monasticism. St. Anthony was distinguished by his mercy, by his love and concern for the destitute, and he provided generous help to them. Elevated to the Patriarchal throne at Constantinople in 893, St. Anthony intensified his care for the destitute, and especially for their spiritual condition. With the assistance of the emperor Leo the Wise, Patriarch Anthony did much good for the Church, and encouraged piety in the people. He also built a monastery over the relics of St. Kallia (February 12). Despite being stooped over with age, he went around all the churches, fulfilling the command of the Savior to be the 155 servant of all the brethren. In the year 895, advanced in age, St. Anthony went peacefully to the Lord. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 13 Saint Zoe FEAST DAY Saint Zoe remained on an island for six years in solitude, and then she gave up her soul to God. Her death was reported by the sailor who brought her food.. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 14 Saint Abraham, Bishop of Charres FEAST DAY 156 Saint Abraham, Bishop of Charres, lived during the mid-fourth and early fifth centuries, and was born in the city of Cyrrhus. In his youth he entered a monastery. Later he became a hermit in Lebanon, a place where many pagans lived. St. Abraham suffered much vexation from the pagans, who wanted to expel him from their area. He once saw tax-collectors beating those who were unable to pay. Moved to pity, he paid the taxes for them, and those people later accepted Christ. The Christian inhabitants of this village built a church and they fervently besought St. Abraham to accept the priesthood and become their pastor. The monk fulfilled their wish. Having encouraged his flock in the faith, he left them another priest in place of himself , and he again retired to a monastery. Petitions for prayer were sent to the saint and when he prayed for the petitions, they were always answered. For his deep piety he was made bishop of Charres; his pastor’s the saint constantly taught by his God-pleasing life. From the time of his accepting of the priesthood, he never used cooked food. The emperor Theodosius the Younger wanted to meet the bishop and made him an invitation. After he arrived in Constantinople, St. Abraham soon died. His remains were solemnly transferred to the city of Charres and there given over to burial. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 15 Saint Eusebius the Hermit FEAST DAY 157 Saint Eusebius the Hermit lived in the fourth century and lived in asceticism on a mountain near the village of Asicha in Syria. He led a very strict life under the open sky, patiently enduring the summer heat and winter cold. He wore skins for clothing, and nourished himself on the pods of peas and beans. Though he was elderly and infirm, he ate only fifteen figs during the Great Forty day Fast. When many people began to flock to St. Eusebius as he was able to heal the sick, he went to a nearby monastery, built a small enclosure at the monastery walls and lived in it until his death. St. Eusebius died at the age of ninety, sometime after the year 400. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 16 Saint Maruthas Bishop of Tagrith FEAST DAY Saint Maruthas was Bishop of Tagrith (Martyropolis), a city which he founded between the Byzantine Empire and Persia. He was famed for his knowledge and his piety, he wrote about the martyrs, and he suffered for his faith in Christ under the Persian emperor Sapor. He also left behind other works in the Syrian language, among which the most famous are: "Commentary on the Gospel," "Verses of Maruthas," "Liturgy of Maruthas" and "The 73 Canons of the Ecumenical Council at Nicea" (325) with an account of the acts of the Council. In the year 381 St. Maruthas participated in the Second Ecumenical Council at Constantinople, convened against the heresy of Macedonius. In 383, he attended the Council of Antioch against the Messalians. During the 158 years 403-404 St. Maruthas set off to Constantinople to plead with the emperor Arcadius to protect Persian Christians. He was twice sent by the emperor Theodosius the Younger to the Shah Izdegerd to secure the peace between the Empire and Persia. In the year 414 St. Maruthas, having done his duty as envoy to the court of Izdegerd. When asked by what right he had to make such a request of the Shah, the saint placed his staff on the floor where it became a snake, persuading the Shah to a favorable disposition towards Christians. The saint assisted greatly in the freedom of Christians in Persia. He rebuilt Christian churches razed during the persecution by the Persian ruler Sapor. He also located relics of saints who had suffered martyrdom and transferred them to Martyropolis. He died there in 422. The relics of St. Maruthas were later transferred to Egypt and placed in a skete monastery of the Mother of God. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 17 Great Martyr Saint Theodore the Tyro FEAST DAY The Greek Tyron means "conscript." This holy Martyr of Christ came from Pontus and was a conscript into the Roman legionary during Maximian's persecution (~303). Though he had been a Christian since childhood, he kept his faith secret while in the army. While his cohort was stationed near a town called Euchaita, he learned that the people there were being terrorized by a dragon which lived in the neighboring 159 forest. He set off to face the dragon, praying to God that the outcome of the contest would be a sign to him of whether the time had come to offer himself for martyrdom. He found the fire-spitting monster and, arming himself with the sign of the Cross, drove his spear through its head and killed it. His success convinced him that, having vanquished this fleshly dragon, he was ready to vanquish the spiritual dragon, the Devil. When the commander of his camp next ordered a sacrifice to the gods, Theodore boldly refused, saying "I am a Christian!" Further, he encouraged the other Christians in his company to do the same. That night he went to a nearby pagan temple of Rhea, mother of the gods, and burned it down. He was seen by the caretaker of the temple and was brought unresisting to the governor Publius. Theodore was thrown into a solitary dungeon cell; there he refused bread and water, saying that Christ had promised him food from heaven. He spent his time there chanting hymns with the angels, so that the guards were convinced that other Christians had somehow joined him in his cell. When all argument, cajolery, bribery and threat had failed to turn the soldier from Christ, the governor resorted to torture, subjecting the Saint to terrible mutilations; but when Theodore endured them calmly and resolutely, the governor began to fear that his example would encourage other Christians, and ordered that he be burned. Taken to the stake, the Martyr walked freely into the flames, where he gave back his soul to God. When his body was ransomed and taken from the ashes by a pious Christian, it was found to be untouched. A church was built in Euchaita in honor of the Martyr; many pilgrims came there for the healing of soul and body. In 361, the Emperor Julian the Apostate ordered the Prefect of Constantinople to have all foods in the marketplaces sprinkled with blood of animals sacrificed to the pagan gods during the first week of Lent, so that Christians would be unable to escape contact with idolatry. But St. Theodore appeared in a vision to Patriarch Eudoxius (360-364), warned him of 160 the plan and told him to instruct his flock not to buy any food in the marketplace, but to eat kolyva made from boiled wheat grains. So, through the saint's intervention, the people were preserved from the stain of idolatry. Ever since, the Church has commemorated the miracle on the first Saturday of Great Lent. Since that time kolyva has come to be offered also in honor of the saints and in memory of the departed. The whole grain represents the body, sown corruptible, which will be raised incorruptible (2 Cor. 15:37); it is usually sweetened with honey to signify the delights of Paradise. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 18 Saint Agapitus the Confessor Bishop of Synnada in Phrygia FEAST DAY Saint Agapitus was born of Christian parents in Cappadocia during the reign of the emperors Diocletian (284-305) and Maximian (284-305). From his youth he yearned for the monastic life and so he entered a monastery, where he struggled in fasting, prayer, and service to all the brethren of the monastery. The Lord granted St. Agapitus the gift of wonderworking. The emperor, Licinius (311-324), learned that St. Agapitus was endowed with great physical strength, and he commanded the saint to be conscripted into military service against his wishes. During the persecution against the Christians initiated by Licinius, St. Agapitus was wounded by a spear, but remained alive. After the death of the emperor Licinius, he obtained his freedom from 161 military service in the following manner: The holy Emperor Constantine the Great (306-337) heard that St. Agapitus had healed people by his prayers. The emperor sent him a sick servant, who also received healing. The emperor wanted to reward St. Agapitus, who instead asked only that he be permitted to resign from military service and return to his monastery. Permission was granted, and he joyfully returned to the monastery. Soon after this, the Bishop of Sinaus in Bithynia summoned St. Agapitus and ordained him to the holy priesthood. After the death of the bishop, St. Agapitus was unanimously chosen by the clergy and all the people to the See of Sinaus. The new hierarch wisely governed his flock, guiding it in the Orthodox faith and virtuous life. Through his prayers, numerous miracles occurred. The saint died in peace. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 19 Our Venerable Mother Saint Philothea of Athens FEAST DAY "This bright star of compassion arose in the dark days of the Turkish occupation to shed God's mercy upon the oppressed people of Athens and to guide many endangered souls onto the path of righteousness." (Synaxarion). She was born in 1528 to the prominent Venizelou family, miraculously answering her mother's prayer of many years. Though 162 even in childhood she showed a love for ascesis and prayer, she was much sought-after as a wealthy heiress, and was married at the age of twelve to a rough, violent man. She endured his ill-treatment nobly, and prayed daily for his conversion. After three years, the brutal husband died, and Philothea gave herself entirely to a life of prayer and fasting, living like a hermitess though still in her parents' house. When her parents died ten years later, she used her entire fortune to found a convent. Its design had been given her in a vision by the Apostle Andrew, and it was dedicated to him. Alongside the monastery, she founded a hospital, a hospice for the poor, and schools where boys and girls could receive a Christian education, something obviously not provided by the Turkish rulers. As soon as the monastery was begun, she took monastic vows under the name of Philothea, and she, her own maidservants, and many young women of the city, became the first nuns there. Philothea continued in her boundless compassion for the poor and infirm, which she visited and tended. She was so free in her almsgiving that more than once the monastery was left without food or other necessities of life, and the sisters began to complain about her. But each time, large donations appeared unexpectedly and saved the community from starvation. Philothea offered asylum and refuge to Christian slave women who had fled their masters to preserve their faith and chastity. This angered the Turks, who surrounded the monastery, seized Philothea, and brought her before the judge. She was told to deny Christ or die, and when she refused was sentenced to death; but some influential Athenian Greeks were able to intervene on her behalf and to obtain her release. Immediately upon her release she redoubled her prayers, her apostolic labors and her works of mercy, and was soon granted the gift of working miracles and healings. So many disciples came to join her that she established a second monastery. Her growing influence aroused the hatred of some of the Turks, who broke into the 163 monastery one night and beat her violently, leaving her half-dead. She bore the effects of her injuries patiently, and after a short time gave back her soul to God in 1589. Twenty years after her repose, a beautiful scent began to issue from her tomb. Her precious relics, venerated at the Cathedral in Athens, remain incorrupt to this day. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 20 Saint Leo the Bishop of Catania in Sicily FEAST DAY Saint Leo was bishop of the city of Catania, in Sicily. He was famed for his benevolence and charity, and his Christian love for the poor and the vagrant. The Lord granted him the gifts of healing various illnesses, and working miracles. When St. Leo was Bishop of Catania, there was a certain sorcerer named Heliodorus, who impressed people with his fake miracles. This fellow was originally a Christian, but then he rejected Christ and became a servant of the devil. St. Leo often urged Heliodorus to repent of his wicked deeds and return to God, but in vain. Once, Heliodorus impudently entered the church where the bishop was serving, and tried to create a disturbance, sowing confusion and temptation by his sorcery. Seeing the people beset by devils under the sorcerer’s spell, St. Leo realized that the time for gentle persuasion had passed. He calmly emerged from the altar and, tying his omophorion around the magician's neck, he led him out of the church into the city square. There he forced Heliodorus to admit to all his wicked deeds. He commanded that a fire be lit, and 164 jumped into the fire with the sorcerer. Thus they stood in the fire until Heliodorus got burnt. St. Leo, by the power of God, remained unharmed. This miracle brought St. Leo great renown during his lifetime. When he died, a woman with an issue of blood received healing at his grave. The body of the saint was placed in a church of the holy Martyr Lucy, which he himself had built. Later on, his relics were transferred into the church of St. Martin the Merciful, Bishop of Tours. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 21 Saint Eustathius, Archbishop of Antioch FEAST DAY Saint Eustathius, Archbishop of Antioch (323-331) was born in Side, Pamphylia in 324. He was Bishop of Beroea (modern Aleppo), and enjoyed the love and esteem of the people, and at the request of his flock he was elevated by the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council (325) to the See of Antioch. St. Eustathius was a learned theologian, and was also distinguished by his broad knowledge in secular sciences. When the heresy of Arius began to spread in the East (Arianism denied the consubstantiality of the Son of God with the Father), St. Eustathius struggled zealously for the purity of the Orthodox Faith through his words and his writings. The First Ecumenical Council was convened in the year 325 by the holy God165 crowned Emperor Constantine the Great (306-337). The first to preside over this Council was St. Eustathius. The Council condemned the heretical teachings of Arius and incorporated the Orthodox confession into the Symbol of Faith (the Nicene Creed). But the mad Arius, as St. Eustathius called him, refused to renounce his errors. He and those who shared his opinion were excommunicated from the Church by the Council. Among the bishops who signed the Nicene Symbol of Faith were some who sympathized with the heresy of Arius, but signed the Acts of the Council through fear of excommunication. After the Council, his enemies plotted against St. Eustathius. With great cunning they gained his consent to convene a local Council at Antioch. Having bribed a certain profligate woman, they persuaded her to appear at the Council with an infant at her breast, and falsely declare that St. Eustathius was the father of the infant. The Arians declared St. Eustathius deposed, violating the Apostolic Rule that accusations against the clergy must be substantiated by two witnesses. Without a trial he was sent off into exile in Thrace. But the lie was soon unmasked: the woman repented after falling grievously ill. She summoned the clergy, and in the presence of many people, she confessed her sin. St. Constantine the Great died around this time, and his son Constantius (337-361), who shared the heretical views of Arius and favored the Arian bishops, succeeded his father on the throne. Even in exile, St. Eustathius struggled for Orthodoxy with the same zeal. He died in exile, in the city of Philippi or Trajanopolis, in the year 337. Convened in the year 381 at Constantinople, the Second Ecumenical Council confirmed the Orthodox Symbol of Faith, which St. Eustathius had so vigorously defended. The Arian heresy was once again anathematized. In the year 482 the relics of St. Eustathius were reverently transferred from Philippi to Antioch, to the great joy of the Antioch people, who had not ceased to honor and love their patriarch. St. Eustathius was esteemed by the great hierarchs of 166 the fourth century, Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, Athanasius of Alexandria, Epiphanius of Cyprus, Anastasius of Sinai, and Jerome of Stridonia. The renowned church historian Bishop Theodoret of Cyrrhus calls St. Eustathius a pillar of the Church and a man of piety, of equal stature with St. Athanasius of Alexandria and the other bishops at the forefront of the struggle for Orthodoxy. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 22 Saint Athanasius the Confessor of Constantinople FEAST DAY Saint Athanasius the Confessor was born in Constantinople of rich and pious parents. From his childhood he dreamed of devoting himself entirely to God, and having reached maturity, he settled in one of the Nicomedia monasteries, called the Pavlopetrios (i.e., in the names of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul), and became a monk there. The loftiness of his ascetic life became known at the imperial court. He healed the sick that would seek him out, and prayed for farmers crops. During the reign of the iconoclast emperor Leo the Armenian (813-820), St. Athanasius was subjected to torture for venerating icons, and then underwent exile, grief and suffering. Confessing the Orthodox Faith until the very end of his life, St. Athanasius died peacefully in the year 821. 167 TODAY IS FEBRUARY 23 Hieromartyr Saint Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna FEAST DAY He was born at Ephesus around the year 70. St. Irenaeus of Lyons, his disciple, says that St. Polycarp was 'a disciple of the Apostles and acquainted with those who had seen the Lord.' His parents died as martyrs, and he was given into the care of a devout lady named Callista. As a child, the Saint was so eager to follow the commandments of Christ that he repeatedly emptied his fostermother's pantry to feed the poor. Since her supplies were always miraculously renewed, Callista changed his name from Pancratius to Polykarpos, meaning 'Much fruit.' When grown, Polycarp became a disciple of St. John the Theologian, and in time became Bishop of Smyrna; it is told that the messages to the Church at Smyrna in the Book of Revelation are addressed to St. Polycarp and his flock. He knew St. Ignatius of Antioch personally, and some of their correspondence is preserved. Polycarp led his Church in holiness for more than fifty years, and became known throughout the Christian world as a true shepherd and standard-bearer of the Faith. About the year 154 he traveled to Rome and consulted with Pope Anacletus on the defense of the Faith. Not long after he returned to Smyrna, a fierce persecution was unleashed against Christians in Asia Minor; along with many others, St. Polycarp was arrested, having predicted his imminent martyrdom. (The account of his martyrdom that follows 168 is based on eyewitness accounts gathered immediately after his death.) On the evening of Holy Friday, soldiers burst into the farmhouse where he was staying. The Bishop welcomed them cheerfully, and ordered that a meal be prepared for them. He was granted some time to pray, and for two hours stood commemorating everyone that he had known and praying for the Church throughout the world. His captors sorrowed that they had come to take such a venerable man, and reluctantly took him to the Proconsul. When urged to deny Christ and save his life, the aged Saint replied, 'For eighty-six years I have been his servant, and he has wronged me in nothing; how can I blaspheme my King and Savior?' Told that he would die by fire if he did not apostatize, Polycarp replied 'You threaten me with a fire that burns for a short time and then goes out, while you know nothing of the fire of the judgment to come and of the everlasting torment awaiting the wicked. Why wait any longer? Do what you will!' Placed on the pyre, Polycarp lifted his eyes heavenward and gave thanks to God for finding him worthy to share with the holy Martyrs of the cup of Christ. When he had said his Amen, the executioners lit the fire. The eyewitnesses write that the fire sprang up around him like a curtain, and that he stood in its midst glowing like gold and sending forth a delightful scent of incense. Seeing that the fire was not harming him, the executioners stabbed him with a sword. His blood flowed so copiously that it put out the fire, and he gave back his soul to God. His relics were burned by the persecutors, but Christians rescued a few fragments of bone, which were venerated for many generations on the anniversary of his repose. 169 TODAY IS FEBRUARY 24 Saint Erasmus of the Kievan Caves FEAST DAY Saint Simon, Bishop of Vladimir, wrote about him to his friend St. Polycarp: "At the Caves was Erasmus the black-robed. He acquired a legacy of fame because he used everything he possessed for the adornment of the monastery church. He donated many icons, which even now may be seen over the altar. The saint experienced great temptations after he had given away his wealth. The Evil One began to suggest to him that he should have given the money to the poor, rather than spend it on the beautification of the church. St. Erasmus did not understand such thoughts, so he fell into despondency and began to live in a careless manner. Because of his former virtue the gracious and merciful God saved him. He sent him a grievous illness, and the monk lay near death. In this sickness Erasmus lay for seven days, unable to see or speak, and hardly breathing. On the eighth day the brethren came to him and, seeing the difficulty of his approaching death, said, "Woe to the soul of this brother, for he lived in idleness and in sin. Now his soul beholds something and tarries, not having the strength to leave the body." Erasmus suddenly got up, as though he had not been ill, and said to the monks, "Fathers and brethren! It is true that I am a sinner, and have not repented, as you said. Today, however, our monastic fathers Anthony and Theodosius have appeared to me, and said: 'We have prayed for you, and the Lord has 170 given you time for repentance.' Then I saw the All-Pure Mother of God with Christ in Her arms, and She said to me, 'Erasmus, since you adorned My Church with icons, I will also adorn you and exalt you in the Kingdom of my Son! Arise, repent, take the angelic schema, and on the third day you will be taken from this life.'” Having said this, Erasmus began to confess his sins before all without shame, then went to church and was clothed in the schema, and on the third day he died.” St. Erasmus was buried in the Near Caves. His memory is also celebrated on September 28 and on the second Sunday of Great Lent. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 25 Saint Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople FEAST DAY Saint Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople was of illustrious lineage. He was born and raised in Constantinople, where he received a fine education. He was rapidly promoted at the court of the emperor Constantine VI Porphyrogenitos (780-797) and Constantine's mother, the holy Empress Irene, and the saint attained the rank of senator. During these times the Church was agitated by the turmoil of the Iconoclast disturbances. The holy Patriarch Paul although he had formerly supported Iconoclasm, later repented and resigned his 171 office. He withdrew to a monastery, where he took the schema. When the holy Empress Irene and her son the emperor came to him, St. Paul told them that the most worthy successor to him would be St. Tarasius (who at this time was still a layman). Tarasius refused for a long time, not considering himself worthy of such high office, but he then gave in to the common accord on the condition, that an Ecumenical Council be convened to address the Iconoclast heresy. Proceeding through all the clerical ranks in a short while, St. Tarasius was elevated to the patriarchal throne in the year 784. In the year 787 the Seventh Ecumenical Council was convened in the city of Nicea, with Patriarch Tarasius presiding, and 367 bishops attending. The veneration of holy icons was confirmed at the council. Those bishops who repented of their iconoclasm, were again received by the Church. St. Tarasius wisely governed the Church for twenty-two years. He led a strict ascetic life. He spent all his money on God-pleasing ends, feeding and giving comfort to the aged, to the impoverished, to widows and orphans, and on Holy Pascha he set out a meal for them, and he served them himself. The holy Patriarch fearlessly denounced the emperor Constantine Porphyrigenitos when he slandered his spouse, the empress Maria, the granddaughter of St. Philaretos the Merciful, so that he could send Maria to a monastery, thus freeing him to marry his own kinswoman. St. Tarasius resolutely refused to dissolve the marriage of the emperor, for which the saint fell into disgrace. Soon, however, Constantine was deposed by his own mother, the Empress Irene. St. Tarasius died in the year 806. Before his death, devils examined his life from the time of his youth, and they tried to get the saint to admit to sins that he had not committed. "I am innocent of that of which you accuse me," replied the saint, "and you falsely slander me. You have no power over me at all." Mourned by the Church, the saint was buried in a monastery he built on the Bosphorus. Many miracles took place at his tomb. 172 TODAY IS FEBRUARY 26 Saint Sebastian FEAST DAY The Holy Martyr Sebastian died by the sword under Nero (54-68). He was the companion of the holy Martyrs Photina and Christodoulus. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 27 Saint Asclepius FEAST DAY Saint Asclepius was a Syrian ascetic, and lived during the fifth century. Theodoret of Cyrrhus speaks of them. St. Asclepius led an ascetic life of temperance in his native village and was not hindered by constant association with many people. Up until the end of his life, the ascetic did not leave his hermitage, but spoke to visitors through 173 a small aperture in the wall, cut at an angle so that no one was able to see him. He never kindled a fire or lit a lamp. Many people were healed of sickness by standing by his dwelling and praying to the Virgin for recovery. He had many imitators and followers. One of them was St. James, who secluded himself in a small dwelling near the village of Nimuza. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 28 Saint Kyra FEAST DAY Saint Kyra lived during the fourth century in the city of Veria (or Berea) in Syria. Her parents were illustrious and rich, but she left home and departed the city when she had reached maturity. Having cleared off a small plot of land, the holy virgin sealed up the entrance to her refuge with rocks and clay, leaving only a narrow opening through which food was passed to her. The little hut had no roof, and so she was exposed to the elements. On her body she wore heavy iron chains and patiently endured hunger. During a three year period, she ate food only once every forty days. Her former servants came to her, wanting to join her ascetic life. The saint put them in a separate hut next to her own enclosure and spoke to them through a window, exhorting them to deeds of prayer and fasting. The life of the holy ascetic Kyra was described by Bishop Theodoret of Cyrrhus in his 174 RELIGIOSA HISTORIA. Out of respect for his hierarchical dignity, the holy virgin allowed him into her dwelling. Theodoret conversed with her and persuaded her to remove the heavy chains they wore under their clothing. Kyra, who was weak in body, was always stooped under their weight and was unable to sit upright. Once he left, however, she resumed wearing the chains. So she lived in asceticism for forty years. She disturbed her solitude twice, the first time to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to pray at the Sepulcher of the Lord. During her journey (which took twenty days) she ate no food until she had prayed at the Holy Places. On the way back, she also went without eating. The second time, she journeyed to the grave of the Protomartyr Thekla at Seleucia, Isauria. The two times she left her dwelling, people were healed from sickness when they touched her ragged clothing. St. Kyra died in about the year 450. Her ascetical life equaled that of the great male ascetics of the desert, and she received the same crown of victory from Christ the Savior. TODAY IS FEBRUARY 29 Saint John~Barsanuphius FEAST DAY Our Holy Father St. Barsanuphius was born a pagan in the Holy Land. As a young man he saw the truth of Christ, was baptized at the age of eighteen and immediately became a monk, given the name of John. Such was his reputation for virtue that in time he became Archbishop of Damascus. But, spurning worldly distinction and desiring only a 175 solitary life of prayer, he secretly left Damascus and travelled to the Nitrian desert. He entered a monastery as the monk Barsanuphius, telling no one of his past. He joyfully accepted the obedience of water-carrier for the monastery, and lived out his life in humility, becoming a model of monastic life for his brethren. Only at his death was it revealed to the monks that their humble and obedient brother Barsanuphius had been an Archbishop. He reposed in peace in 457. Saint John~Barsanuphius Feast day is on February 29. But it is celebrated on February 28 except in those years where there is a 29th day. INSIDE AN ORTHORDOX CHURCH 176 177 TODAY IS MARCH 1 Martyr Saint Antonina of Nicea, in Bithynia FEAST DAY The Holy Martyr Saint Antonina suffered at Nicea during a persecution under the emperor Maximian (284-305). After fierce tortures, St. Antonina was thrown into prison, but Maximian could not force the saint to renounce Christ and offer sacrifice to idols. Angels of God appeared to the holy martyr and the executioners took fright. Even when they placed her on a red-hot metal bed, St. Antonina remained unharmed, by the power of God. Finally, after long torture they sewed the saint into a sack, filled it with rocks and sank it in a lake. The angels of God lifted her body from the waters and floated her to the dry lakeside. Her tortures were so furious that she was delivered from a drowning death, they cut open the sack and beheaded her on the spot. Thus Saint Antonina’s soul was lifted into heaven by the angles of Christ. 178 TODAY IS MARCH 2 Saint Arsenius, Bishop of Tver, FEAST DAY Saint Arsenius, Bishop of Tver, was born at Tver, and in his early years received monastic tonsure in the Kievan Caves monastery. Even among the monks of this ancient monastery, distinguished for their piety, Arsenius was noted for his saintly life as well as for his strictness in keeping his monastic vows, his knowledge of the Church typikon, his study of Holy Scripture, and his love for work. Whole serving God as a Monk, he was able to teal the sick that traveled to the Kiev Caves. It is said that over 550 people were healed by the prayers of St. Arsenius. Under Metropolitan Cyprian of Kiev (13801382) he served as archdeacon, and when the Metropolitan was absent, he governed the administration of the Kiev metropolitanate. On July 3, 1390 he went with Metropolitan Cyprian to Tver, where at the request of Prince Micjae of Tver, a Council of Russian and Greek hierarchs had been convened to pass judgment upon Bishop Euthymius of Tver. The prince and the bishop were involved in a lengthy dispute, and many of the people of Tver made serious accusations against the bishop. After unsuccessful attempts to restore peace to the Tver church, Metropolitan Cyprian deposed Euthymius as bishop and sent him off to Moscow to the Chudov monastery. St. Arsenius was appointed to the Tver cathedral, but he was both troubled and afraid to accept this position, in view of the great enmity and spite in that place. Upon the return of Metropolitan 179 Cyprian and archdeacon Arsenius to Moscow, the Prince sent his nobles to the Metropolitan with a petition to consecrate Arsenius as Bishop of Tver. This time Arsenius also refused. In the words of the chronicle for the year 1390 "even at the Metropolitan's entreaty, Archdeacon Arsenius would not go to Tver." After threatening Arsenius with suspension, the Metropolitan and the Prince finally got him to agree to accept episcopal consecration, which took place on August 15, 1390. Among the bishops taking part in the laying on of hands was St. Stephen, Bishop of Perm (April 26). Bishop Arsenius, as a man of great prayer and peacemaker, was able to end much of the discord in the Tver principality. During his episcopacy, from 1390 to 1409, cathedrals were built and consecrated in honor of the Archangel Michael at Staritsa and Mikulina, and the Savior- Transfiguration cathedral was restored with the construction of a cathedral belltower. The saint founded the Zheltikov monastery on the river Tmaka near Tver, where a church was built in honor of Sts. Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev Caves (1394), and a stone Dormition cathedral. Desiring that the monks of this new monastery would always be edified by the asceticism of the Fathers of the Caves, St. Arsenius gave orders to compile a list from the Kiev Caves Paterikon, using the most ancient manuscripts of this precious memorial of Russian literature. This compilation was known as the Arseniev Redaction. The saint died on March 2, 1409, and was buried in the Zheltikov monastery of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, which he founded. In 1483 his relics were found incorrupt and were placed in the monastery cathedral. In the same year hieromonk Theodosius composed a Life and a Canon in honor of the holy bishop. In 1512, a man named Kovonich was healed of smallpox while praying at Saint Arsenius grave. At a Council of 1547 St Arsenius' commemoration was established throughout all the Church. 180 TODAY IS MARCH 3 Saint Theodore of the Boiled Wheat FEAST DAY Today we remember the miracle of St. Theodore and the boiled wheat. Fifty years after the death of St. Theodore, the emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363), wanting to commit an outrage upon the Christians, commanded the city-commander of Constantinople during the first week of Great Lent to sprinkle all the food provisions in the marketplaces with the blood offered to idols. St. Theodore appeared in a dream to Archbishop Eudoxius, ordering him to inform all the Christians that no one should buy anything at the marketplaces for one week, but rather to eat cooked wheat with honey (kolyva). Those who defied Archbishop Eudoxius demand died within 2 days of eating the defiled food. 181 TODAY IS MARCH 4 Saint Gerasimus the Righteous of Jordan FEAST DAY This Saint, who was from Lycia in Asia Minor, lived there for many years as a hermit, and then went to Palestine. There he built the great Lavra by the Jordan River, where a lion served him with great obedience and devotion. One day the lion came looking for Gerasimus that he might feed him, but his disciples took the lion to the place where they had buried the Saint shortly before. The lion fell at the Saint's grave and, after roaring with grief, died at that very place. Saint Gerasimus reposed in 475. TODAY IS MARCH 5 Saint Irais (Rhais) of Antinoe in Egypt FEAST DAY St. Irais was an Egyptian martyr. She was put to death at Antinoe, Egypt during the persecutions of Christians by the Emperor Diocletian in the early fourth century. When Christians would ask repentance 182 and seek petitions from the Holy Mother at her burial site, their prayers were answered. answered. Prayers for healing of sickness were also Her grave became a pilgrim destination for those who needed Gods help. TODAY IS MARCH 6 42 Martyrs of Amorion in Phrygia FEAST DAY These Martyrs, men of high rank in the Byzantine Army, were taken captive when the city of Amorion in Phrygia fell to the Moslem Arabs in 838, during the reign of Theophilus the Iconoclast. Among them were Aetius and Melissenus, the generals; Theodore, the chief of the imperial ceremonial bodyguard; Craterus, the eunuch; Callistus, Constantine, Bassoes, and Theophilius, who were military officials; and certain others who held important positions. Because of their experience in war and their virtue, the Moslems did not slay them, but tried by all means to convert them to Islam and have them to fight in their own campaigns. They kept the holy Martyrs shut up in a dark dungeon in the city of Samarra in Syria, threatening and abusing them, making promises of glorious rank and magnificent riches, keeping them in hunger, oppression, and darkness, not for a few weeks, or a few months, but for seven full years. Finally, unable to break the courage and faith of their captives, they beheaded them in the year 845. 183 TODAY IS MARCH 7 Venerable Saint Paul the Simple FEAST DAY Saint Paul the Simple of Egypt also lived in the fourth century and was called the Simple for his simplicity of heart and gentleness. He had been married, but when he discovered his wife's infidelity, he left her and went into the desert to St. Anthony the Great (January 17). Paul was already 60 years old, and at first St. Anthony would not accept Paul, saying that he was unfit for the harshness of the hermit's life. Paul stood outside the cell of the ascetic for three days, saying that he would sooner die than go from there. Then St. Anthony took Paul into his cell, and tested his endurance and humility by hard work, severe fasting, with nightly vigils, constant singing of Psalms and prostrations. Finally, St. Anthony decided to settle Paul into a separate cell. During the many years of ascetic exploits the Lord granted St. Paul both discernment, and the power to cast out demons. When they brought a possessed youth to St. Anthony, he guided the afflicted one to St. Paul saying, "I cannot help the boy, for I have not received power over the Prince of the demons. Paul the Simple, however, does have this gift." St. Paul expelled the demon by his simplicity and humility. After living for many years, performing numerous miracles, he departed to the Lord. He is mentioned by St. John, the Abbot of Sinai (Ladder 24:30): "The thrice-blessed Paul the 184 Simple was a clear example for us, for he was the rule and type of blessed simplicity." TODAY IS MARCH 8 Saint Lazarus of Murom FEAST DAY St. Lazarus of Murom was a Greek, born at Constantinople. In his native city he became a monk at the High-Mount monastery under the Elder Athanasius Diskotes, builder of many monasteries. Eight years later, Lazarus was under the guidance of Bishop Basil of Caesarea. In the year 1343 Bishop Basil, wanting to encourage the Russian Church, sent St. Lazarus as a noted iconographer together with monks and gifts to St. Basil, Archbishop of Novgorod (February 10, October 4, June 3). St. Lazarus made a copy of Novgorod's Icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (August 15) for the Caesarea diocese, and compiled an account of Novgorod churches and monasteries. Meeting the monk, the Novgorod hierarch bowed to the ground to his guest and blessed him to remain in a monastery he built. For ten years St. Lazarus faithfully served St. Basil, and in 1352 upon the death of the holy archpastor, he "dressed the holy body in the prepared clothing and shed many tears." Grieved that he had been deprived of both his guides (Previously, the saint had received letters informing him of the death of Bishop Basil), St. Lazarus considered returning to his native 185 land. However, in a dream the Novgorod hierarch appeared to him and directed him "to go northward towards the sea, to Mucha Island in Lake Onega" (Murom Island in Lake Onega). In a short time his first guide, Bishop Basil of Caesarea, commanded him in a dream to go to that same place and found a monastery. The Chronicles say that at this time the Novgorodians were making their first attempts to convert the peoples of the White Sea coastal region to Christianity. But St. Lazarus was not able to get to this island at once. For a long time, the owner of the island, the Novgorod merchant Ivan, would not permit him. The monk prayed fervently to the Most Holy Theotokos and to St. John the Forerunner, and he wept at the grave of St. Basil. And the owner's resistance was removed. St. Basil once appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to bestow the island "to our friend Lazarus", so that the Mother of God might be honored there. St. Lazarus arrived alone at the blessed spot. He set up a cross, a hut, and a chapel. Soon the Lopari and Chud natives living on the island heard about him, and he endured much suffering from them. They burned down his hut and did what damage they could. They beat him, chased him from the island, and pursued him in order to kill him. But God and the Queen of Heaven guarded the saint. At the site of the burned hut the icon of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos again appeared to St. Lazarus, miraculously undamaged by the fire. It was with this icon that they had blessed him when he became a monk, and from it was heard a commanding Voice: "The faithless people shall become faithful, and there will be one Church and one flock of Christ. Establish upon this place a church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos." Another time the saint saw how this place was blessed by "a Woman of majesty, radiant with golden hue, and resplendant men who made reverence to Her." Soon the eldest of the Lopari came to the monk and begged him to heal a child born blind: "... then we shall depart from the island, as your servants have been commanded." 186 St. Lazarus perceived that this was an angel, and he gave thanks unto the Lord. He healed the blind child after praying and sprinkling him with holy water. Then, the "bad people" quit the island, and the father of the healed child later became a monk, and all his sons were baptized. From that time, people started coming to the saint from faraway places. monasticism. He Even baptized his fellow them, and countrymen tonsured came to them into him from Constantinople, the holy Monks Eleazar, Eumenius and Nazarius (June 4), future founders of the Monastery of the Forerunner in the Olonetsk region. Visiting Novgorod, St. Lazarus received from Bishop Moses (1352-1360) his blessing for the construction of a monastery, together with an antimension and some church vessels. A church was built in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, the first in all the coastal region; also a church of the Resurrection of Lazarus, and even a wooden church of St. John the Forerunner together with a trapeza. The Murom Dormition monastery was built up and strengthened by its zealous head St. Lazarus until his old age. The time of his death was revealed to him in a vision by his faithful protector, St. Basil of Novgorod. Having chosen a worthy successor, the Athonite Elder Theodosius, and after receiving the Holy Life-Creating Mysteries and blessing everyone, St. Lazarus departed to the Lord on March 8, 1391 at the age of 105 years. They buried him in a chapel beside the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Life of St Lazarus’s was written by the Elder Theodosius from the words of the monk himself. TODAY IS MARCH 9 Saint Caesarius FEAST DAY 187 He was the brother of St. Gregory the Theologian and, like his brother, was a theological writer. In his works he gave an answer to the question: How long did Adam and Eve spend in Paradise before the Fall? Various writers had given estimates ranging from six hours to three days. Saint Caesarius wrote that our first parents' time in Paradise was forty days; and that for this reason Christ fasted for forty days in the wilderness, being tempted by the Devil. "For, while the old Adam was not able to withstand the devil's temptation in the abundance of Paradise, the New Adam withstood him as a true knight in hunger and thirst in the wilderness." He was sought out for his wisdom and knowledge of the scripture, but spoke to the common man in a way that all understood. TODAY IS MARCH 10 Saint John of Khakhuli the Oqropiri, Also called Chrysostom FEAST DAY 188 In the second half of the 10th century King Davit Kuropalates founded Khakhuli Monastery in the historical region of Tao, at the gorge of the Khakhuli River, where it joins the Tortumi River. Once famed for its holiness and academic activity, today Khakhuli Monastery is a Turkish possession and has become a tourist site. Nevertheless, the Georgian nation continues to be illumined by its grace and the radiance of the Georgian faithful who labored there. Some sources claim that St. John was first consecrated bishop of Bolnisi and later transferred to the Khakhuli diocese. It is generally agreed, however, that he left Khakhuli around the year 1019 and traveled to Mt. Athos with Arsen of Ninotsminda and John Grdzelisdze. While laboring on Mt. Athos, St. John faithfully assisted St. Ekvtime of the Holy Mountain, and these spiritual brothers became close friends. The countless good works he performed from the bishop’s throne, the title “Chrysostom,” and the many important writings accredited to him attest to the piety, healing of the sick, wisdom, and patriotism of St. John of Khakhuli. It is written in The Life of Giorgi of the Holy Mountain that St. John reposed on Mt. Athos. TODAY IS MARCH 11 Saint Sophronius the Patriarch of Jerusalem FEAST DAY Saint Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, was born in Damascus around 560. From his youth he was distinguished for his piety and his 189 love for classical studies. He was especially proficient in philosophy, and so he was known as Sophronius the Wise. The future hierarch, however, sought the true philosophy of monasticism, and conversations with the desert-dwellers. He arrived in Jerusalem at the monastery of St. Theodosius, and there he became close with the hieromonk John Moschus, becoming his spiritual son and submitting himself to him in obedience. They visited several monasteries, writing down the lives and spiritual wisdom of the ascetics they met. From these notes emerged their renowned book, the LEIMONARION or SPIRITUAL MEADOW, which was highly esteemed at the Seventh Ecumenical Council. To save themselves from the devastating incursions of the Persians, Sts. John and Sophronius left Palestine and went to Antioch, and from there they went to Egypt. In Egypt, St. Sophronius became seriously ill. During this time he decided to become a monk and was tonsured by St. John Moschus. After St. Sophronius recovered his health, they both decided to remain in Alexandria. There they were received by the holy Patriarch John the Merciful (November 12), to whom they rendered great aid in the struggle against the Monophysite heresy. At Alexandria St. Sophronius had an affliction of the eyes, and he turned with prayer and faith to the holy Unmercenaries Cyrus and John, and he received healing in a church named for them. In gratitude, St. Sophronius then wrote the Lives of these holy Unmercenaries. When the barbarians began to threaten Alexandria, Patriarch John, accompanied by Sts. Sophronius and John Moschus, set out for Constantinople, but he died along the way. Sts. John Moschus and Sophronius then set out for Constantinople, but he died along the way. Sts. John Moschus and Sophronius then set out for Rome with eighteen other monks. St. John Moschus died at Rome. His body was taken to Jerusalem by St. Sophronius and buried at the monastery of St. Theodosius. In the year 628, Patriarch Zacharias of Jerusalem (609-633) returned from his 190 captivity in Persia. After his death, the patriarchal throne was occupied for two years by St. Modestus (December 18). After the death of St. Modestus, St. Sophronius was chosen Patriarch. St. Sophronius toiled much for the welfare of the Jerusalem Church as its primate (634-644). Toward the end of his life, St. Sophronius and his flock lived through a two year siege of Jerusalem by the Moslems. Worn down by hunger, the Christians finally agreed to open the city gates, on the condition that the enemy spare the holy places. But this condition was not fulfilled, and St. Sophronius died in grief over the desecration of the Christian holy places. Written works by Patriarch Sophronius have come down to us in the area of dogmatics, and likewise his “Excursus on the Liturgy,” the Life of St. Mary of Egypt (April 1), and also about 950 troparia and stikheras from Pascha to the Ascension. While still a hieromonk, St. Sophronius reviewed and made corrections to the Rule of the monastery of St. Sava the Sanctified. TODAY IS MARCH 12 Saint Nicholas (Planas), Priest in Athens FEAST DAY St. Nicholas was a simple parish priest in Athens, humble, poor, and barely literate. He was born on Naxos in 1851 to moderately prosperous parents; but when his father died, his mother was reduced to near-poverty, and moved the family to Athens. St Nicholas married 191 at the age of seventeen, but his wife died after a short time, leaving him with one son. He served the Divine Liturgy daily, never missing a day for fifty years, despite illness, storms, and war. His liturgies unfailingly lasted for several hours, mostly due to the hundreds of commemorations that he included. The faithful would give him sheets of paper containing names to be commemorated; he would carry all the sheets with him in bulging satchels. A few of his spiritual children made it their task to go through the papers secretly and discard the oldest and most worn, so that the commemorations would not increase without limit. In his conversation, the Saint had a simple and childlike (his detractors would say childish) manner, and he was widely despised by more sophisticated laymen, priests and hierarchs, never being appointed to any but the smallest and poorest parishes. Many, however, discerned his holiness, and a large synodia of spiritual children slowly gathered around him. Once, a very young altar boy ran out from the altar while Fr. Nicholas was serving and, trembling with fear, cried to his mother, 'Mama, Father Nicholas is floating in the air!' His mother, trying to comfort him, said 'Don't be afraid, all priests do that when they serve the Liturgy.' St. Nicholas was often in difficulties with the hierarchy because he continued to keep the feasts according to the Old Calendar after the Church in Greece had adopted the New Calendar. Nonetheless, he never broke communion with the national church (nor they with him): his humility left no room for Church politics. He was later proclaimed a Saint, both by the official 'New Calendar' Church of Greece and their 'Old Calendar' opposition. Like St. John Maximovich, his holiness has transcended the canonical disputes that bedevil the Church. He reposed in peace in 1932. 192 TODAY IS MARCH 13 Saint Christina Martyr of Persia FEAST DAY The Holy Martyr St. Christina of Persia was a slave girl, her mistress being the wife of the leading wine merchant in in what is today Yazd. She was scourged to death for confessing her faith in Christ, during the fourth century. Her mistress was also a follower of Christ, but St. Christina kept her secret to her death. St. Christina’s body was left in the desert to rot, but her former mistress and a small number of other followers in Christ secretly placed her in a grave that was used by the local believers for Christian meetings. Many people were healed from sickness while praying at her gravesite. TODAY IS MARCH 14 Venerable Saint Benedict of Nursia FEAST DAY Saint Benedict, founder of Western monasticism, was born in the Italian city of Nursia in the year 480. When he was fourteen years of 193 age, the saint’s parents sent him to Rome to study. Unsettled by the immorality around him, he decided to devote himself to a different sort of life. At first St. Benedict settled near the church of the holy Apostle Peter in the village of Effedum, but news of his ascetic life compelled him to go farther into the mountains. There he encountered the hermit Romanus, who tonsured him into monasticism and directed him to live in a remote cave at Subiaco. From time to time, the hermit would bring him food. For three years the saint waged a harsh struggle with temptations and conquered them. People soon began to gather to him, thirsting to live under his guidance. The number of disciples grew so much, that the saint divided them into twelve communities. Each community was comprised of twelve monks and was a separate skete. The saint gave each skete an igumen from among his experienced disciples, and only the novice monks remained with St. Benedict for instruction. The strict monastic Rule St. Benedict established for the monks was not accepted by everyone, and more than once he was criticized and abused by dissenters. Finally he settled in Campagna and on Mount Cassino he founded the Monte Cassino monastery, which for a long time was a center of theological education for the Western Church. The monastery possessed a remarkable library. St. Benedict wrote his Rule, based on the experience of life of the Eastern desert-dwellers and the precepts of St. John Cassian the Roman (February 29). The Rule of St. Benedict dominated Western monasticism for centuries (by the year 1595 it had appeared in more than 100 editions). The Rule prescribed the renunciation of personal possessions, as well as unconditional obedience, and constant work. It was considered the duty of older monks to teach the younger and to copy ancient manuscripts. This helped to preserve many memorable writings from the first centuries of Christianity. Every new monk was required to live as a novice for a year, to learn the monastic Rule and to become 194 acclimated to monastic life. Every deed required a blessing. The head of this cenobitic monastery is the igumen. He discerns, teaches, and explains. The igumen solicits the advice of the older, experienced brethren, but he makes the final decisions. Keeping the monastic Rule was strictly binding for everyone and was regarded as an important step on the way to perfection. St. Benedict was granted by the Lord the gift of foresight and wonderworking. He healed many by his prayers. The monk foretold the day of his death in 547. The main source for his Life is the second Dialogue of St. Gregory. St. Benedict’s sister, St. Scholastica, also became famous for her strict ascetic life and was numbered among the saints. TODAY IS MARCH 15 Holy Martyr Saint Nicander FEAST DAY The Holy Martyr Nicander suffered in Egypt under the emperor Diocletian. He was a physician and during a time of persecution he visited Christians in prison. He assisted them, brought them food, and buried the dead. Once, he came to the place where the bodies of the martyrs were thrown to be eaten by wild beasts. Fearing to bury them by day, he waited for night and buried the bodies under cover of darkness. They discovered St. Nicander and subjected him to terrible tortures: they skinned him alive and then beheaded him in 302. 195 TODAY IS MARCH 16 Our Holy Father Saint Christodoulos, Wonderworker of Patmos FEAST DAY Our Holy Father Saint Christodoulos, Wonderworker of Patmos, was from the region of Nicaea, and was named John by his parents Theodore and Anna. He took up the monastic life at an early age, and was renamed Christodoulos ('Slave of Christ'). After going far in the ascetical life, he was given permission by the Emperor Alexis I (10811118) to establish a church and monastery on the island of Patmos, dedicated to St. John the Evangelist. Both the church and the monastery stand and continue in use to this day. When Patmos was attacked by the Arabs, he and his disciples fled to Euboea, where he reposed. The Saint's disciples brought his relics back to his own monastery, where they continue to work miracles by healing the sick and answered request by prayer. 196 TODAY IS MARCH 17 Saint Alexios, Man of God FEAST DAY The rare title, "Man of God," was bestowed on St. Alexios for the manner in which he gave himself over to Jesus Christ, forsaking a bride even at the altar in order to fulfill to the letter the admonition read to him while he was contemplating enlistment in the service of the Lord. He kept his true identity a secret for an entire lifetime rather than run the risk of betraying the Master through his own emotions and there is no telling how much mental anguish he suffered in silence for the sake of his commitment. When he felt the call he answered with a hesitation for which he judged himself too harshly and which he bore in mute secrecy. Alexios was born in 380 in the eternal city of Rome during the reign of Theodosios the Great and was raised in a royal household by his parents, Ephemios and Aglaia, who discerned a predilection for the Church in their son, a religious fervor they could not share and which they sought to discourage for fear they would lose him. They lost no time in arranging for his marriage and in impressing upon him the debt he owed to his parents, for which he should respect their wishes in all things. He had reluctantly suppressed the call he felt to the Lord's service and had agreed to the marriage when he had a vision one day of St. Paul, who said he should answer the call to God at all costs, reading to him the passage in Matthew which says: "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me." The bewildered Alexios was torn between his 197 sense of duty to his parents and that urging to serve the Lord, and swayed between both, at long last deciding to go through with what he had promised his family. The feeling that he should go the other way gnawed at him even as he stood at the altar, and when the ceremony had been completed he looked upon the Cross of Jesus and without a word walked away from his bride, family and friends to do what he had to do. He stepped into the anonymity of a Syrian monastery where for the next eighteen years he assumed another identity, and never looked back at Rome. Having made a choice they had opposed, he suspected his parents had disinherited him and that his bride had had the marriage annulled, but this was not the case. As a matter of fact, the bride had gone to live with his parents in the fond hope that Alexios would someday return, and the parents spared no expense in trying to locate their son, but after eighteen years with no word from him they presumed him to be dead. In his eighteen years in the monastery, Alexios was transformed into a respected holy man whose solemn dedication to Jesus was the subject of many discussions among not only the monks but the community which he served. Unlike other monks, he was a man of few words and left the preaching and sermonizing to other brother monks while he concentrated on writing on many issues concerning the faith. He was also known as the Monk who Prayed, and many of the surrounding villagers took to him their prayer request that they claimed were answered after Saint Alexios prayed for an answer. The vision that he had had many years before of St. Paul still haunted him and he had a burning desire to go to Tarsus, Paul's birthplace. He boarded a boat bound for the short trip up the coast, but while at sea a violent storm arose and blew the vessel miles off course also leaving her a derelict at the mercy of the wind and tides. They were finally picked up by a ship bound for Rome and Alexios found himself back in the city of his birth. Nostalgia seized him and he went to the family estate, primarily 198 to get a glimpse of his folks, but when they failed to recognize him he felt compelled to remain and was given the task of spiritual counselor, not only to the estate, but to the neighboring families as well. The abandoned bride was still living with the parents and she also failed to recognize him, for which he was grateful, for he found contentment in being able to serve the Lord while not revealing his true identity, which he considered would be a disservice to the Savior after all the years of anonymity. He went about his duties with grace acquired and enjoyed the respect of families for miles around. When he felt death drawing near, Alexios wrote a letter to his family in which he expressed his love for them, which he could not do in life. The letter was read posthumously not only by his family but by the bishop of Rome, who had him interred in the chapel of St. Peter's. He died for Christ on 17 March 440, after thirty-four years of celibacy and anonymity. TODAY IS MARCH 18 Saint Cyril the Archbishop of Jerusalem FEAST DAY Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem, was born in Jerusalem in the year 315 and was raised in strict Christian piety. Upon reaching the age of maturity, he became a monk, and in the year 346 he became a presbyter. In the year 350, upon the death of Archbishop Maximus, he succeeded him on the episcopal throne of Jerusalem. As Patriarch of Jerusalem, St. Cyril zealously fought against the heresies of Arius and 199 Macedonius. In so doing, he aroused the animosity of the Arian bishops, who sought to have him deposed and banished from Jerusalem. There was a miraculous portent in 351 at Jerusalem: at the third hour of the day on the Feast of Pentecost, the Holy Cross appeared in the heavens, shining with a radiant light. It stretched from Golgotha above the Mount of Olives. St. Cyril reported this portent to the Arian emperor Constantius (351-363), hoping to convert him to Orthodoxy. The heretic Acacius, deposed by the Council of Sardica, was formerly the Metropolitan of Caesarea, and he collaborated with the emperor to have St. Cyril removed. An intense famine struck Jerusalem, and St. Cyril expended all his wealth in charity. But since the famine did not abate, the saint pawned church utensils, and used the money to buy wheat for the starving. The saint’s enemies spread a scandalous rumor that they had seen a woman in the city dancing around in clerical garb. Taking advantage of this rumor, the heretics forcibly expelled the saint. The saint found shelter with Bishop Silvanus in Tarsus. After this, a local Council at Seleucia, at which there were about 150 bishops, and among them St. Cyril. The heretical Metropolitan Acacius did not want to allow him to take a seat, but the Council would not consent to this. Acacius stormed out of the Council, and before the emperor and the Arian patriarch Eudoxius, he denounced both the Council and St. Cyril. The emperor had the saint imprisoned. When the emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363) ascended the throne he repealed all the antiOrthodox decrees of Constantius, seemingly out of piety. St. Cyril returned to his own flock. But after a certain while, when Julian had become secure upon the throne, he openly apostasized and renounced Christ. He permitted the Jews to start rebuilding the Temple of Jerusalem that had been destroyed by the Romans, and he even provided them part of the funds for the building from the state treasury. St. Cyril predicted that the words of the Savior about the 200 destruction of the Temple down to its very stones (Luke. 21:6) would undoubtedly transpire, and the blasphemous intent of Julian would come to naught. Soon there was such a powerful earthquake, that even the solidly set foundation of the ancient Temple of Solomon shifted in its place, and what had been rebuilt fell down and shattered into dust. When the Jews resumed construction, a fire came down from the heavens and destroyed the tools of the workmen. Great terror seized everyone. On the following night, the Sign of the Cross appeared on the clothing of the Jews, which they could not remove by any means. After this heavenly confirmation of St. Cyril’s prediction, they banished him again, and the bishop’s throne was occupied by St. Cyriacus. But St. Cyriacus soon suffered a martyr’s death (October 28). After the emperor Julian perished in 363, St. Cyril returned to his See, but during the reign of the emperor Valens (364-378) he was exiled for a third time. It was only under the holy emperor St Theodosius the Great (379-395) that he finally returned to his archpastoral activity. In 381 St. Cyril participated in the Second Ecumenical Council, which condemned the heresy of Macedonius and affirmed the Nicea-Constantinople Symbol of Faith (Creed). St. Cyril’s works include twenty-three Instructions (Eighteen are Catechetical, intended for those preparing for Baptism, and five are for the newlybaptized) and two discourses on Gospel themes: “On the Paralytic,” and “Concerning the Transformation of Water into Wine at Cana.” At the heart of the Catechetical Instructions is a detailed explanation of the Symbol of Faith. The saint suggests that a Christian should inscribe the Symbol of Faith upon “the tablets of the heart.” “The articles of the Faith,” St. Cyril teaches, “were not written through human cleverness, but they contain everything that is most important in all the Scriptures, in a single teaching of faith. Just as the mustard seed contains all its plethora of branches within its small kernel, so also does the Faith in its several declarations combine all the pious 201 teachings of the Old and the New Testaments.” St. Cyril, a great ascetic and a champion of Orthodoxy, died in the year 386. TODAY IS MARCH 19 Saint Innocent of Komel FEAST DAY Saint Innocent of Komel and Vologda was born at Moscow, and was descended from the Moscow princely family of Okhlyabinin. He became a monk in the monastery of St. Cyril of White Lake (June 9), and was put under the guidance of St. Nilus of Sora (May 7). Sts. Innocent and Nilus wandered through the East visiting Palestine, Constantinople, and spent several years at the monasteries of Mt. Athos. Having returned to Rus, the saints did not return to their original St. Cyril of White Lake monastery, but to solitary cells for monastic seclusion. Out of love for wilderness-life they then withdrew into the impassable forest at the River Sora, some fifteen versts from the monastery. Here they set up a cross, dug a well, and built separate cells, after the manner of the skete monasteries. A church was built on a marshy spot, and there the hermits led strict lives. Foreseeing his own demise, St. Nilus sent St. Innocent to the River Nurma and predicted to him: “God is sending you there, and yours shall be a cenobitic monastery; after my death, my wilderness monastery will remain as it was during my life, with the brothers 202 living separately each in his own cell.” Upon the death of St. Nilus, his holy disciple withdrew into the Vologda hinterland and in 1491 he built a cell at the River Eda, which flows into the River Nurma. In a short while disciples began to gather to him. Following the final command of his teacher, St. Innocent did not seek any donations for it. St. Innocent labored for thirty years at building his monastery. He left behind an instruction for the brethren, based on the works of the holy Fathers, particularly the writings of St. Nilus of Sora. St Innocent bade them first of all to avoid wrangling and disputes and asked them to preserve love for Christ and spiritual peace. The saint forbade young and beardless monks to be accepted and tonsured at his monastery, and he forbade women to enter the monastery. A monk who left the monastery lost his right to a cell, and if he returned, then he could occupy it only with the consent of the igumen and the brethren. The monk asked that a future church be consecrated in the name of St. John the Forerunner, and Baptizer of the Lord, in commemoration of the Third Finding of his Venerable Head, because St. John is a patron for all monks and wilderness dwellers (later, the monastery was called Transfiguration after its chief temple). St. Innocent died on March 19, 1521 at 80 years of age. In accordance with his last wish, he was buried in a corner of the monastery near a marsh. A stone was placed on his grave inscribed with the year, month and day of his repose. When a monk became ill, he would pray at the gravesite and was healed. No monk was ever sick for more than one day, and when the monks reached the age of 80, they died of old age. 203 TODAY IS MARCH 20 Saint Photini, the Samaritan Woman FEAST DAY St. Photini lived in first century Palestine. She was the Samaritan woman who Christ visited at the well asking her for water. It was she who accepted the “living water” offered her by Christ Himself after repenting from her many sins (John. 4:5-42). She went and told her townspeople that she had met the Christ. For this, she is sometimes recognized as the first to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. She converted her five sisters (Sts. Anatole, Photo, Photis, Paraskeve, and Kyriake) and her two sons (Victor and Joses). They all became tireless evangelists for Christ. The apostles of Christ baptized her and gave her the name of Photini which means “the enlightened one.” She is remembered by the Church as a Holy Martyr and Equal to the Apostles. After Sts. Peter and Paul were martyred, St. Photini and her family left their homeland of Sychar, in Samaria, to travel to Carthage to proclaim the Gospel of Christ there. Reports of this reached Nero, and he commanded that the Christians be brought to him at Rome. The Lord Himself appeared to the confessors and said, “Fear not, for I am with you. Nero, and all who serve him, will be vanquished.” The Lord said to Victor, “From this day forward, your name will be Photinus, because through you, many will be enlightened and will believe in Me.” The Lord then told the Christians to strengthen and encourage Joses to persevere until the end. All these things, and even future events, were revealed to St. Photini. She left Carthage in the company of several Christians and joined the confessors in Rome. 204 At Rome, Emperor Nero ordered the saints to be brought before him, and he asked them whether they truly believed in Christ. All the confessors refused to renounce the Savior. The emperor then gave orders to smash the martyrs’ finger joints. During the torture, the confessors felt no pain, and their hands remained unharmed. Nero ordered that St. Joses be blinded and locked up in prison, and St. Photini and her five sisters, Anatola, Phota, Photis, Paraskeva and Kyriake, were sent to the imperial court under the supervision of Nero’s daughter, Domnina. St. Photini converted Domnina and her servants to Christ. She also converted a sorcerer, who had brought her poisoned food that was meant to kill her. Three years passed, and Nero sent to the prison for one of his servants, who had been locked up. The messengers reported to him that St. Joses, who had been blinded, had completely recovered, and that people were visiting him to hear him preaching. Indeed, the whole prison had been transformed into a bright and fragrant place where God was glorified. Nero then gave orders to crucify the saints, and to beat their naked bodies with straps. On the fourth day, the emperor sent servants to see whether the martyrs were still alive. Approaching the place of the tortures, the servants fell blind. An angel of the Lord freed the martyrs from their crosses and healed them. The saints took pity on the blinded servants, and restored their sight by their prayers to the Lord. Those who were healed came to believe in Christ and were soon baptized. In a rage, Nero gave orders to flay the skin from St. Photini and to throw her down a well. Joses had his legs cut off, then had their skin flayed off and they were thrown to dogs. The sisters of St. Photini also suffered terrible torments. Nero gave orders to cut off their breasts and to flay their skin. St. Photini was removed from the well and locked up in prison for twenty days. After this, Nero had St. Photini brought to him and asked if she would now relent and offer sacrifice to the idols. St. Photini spat in his face, and laughing at him, said, “O 205 most impious of the blind, you profligate and stupid man! Do you think me so deluded that I would consent to renounce my Lord Christ and instead offer sacrifice to idols as blind as you?” Hearing such words, Nero gave orders to throw St. Photini down a well, where she surrendered her soul to God in the year 66. TODAY IS MARCH 21 Saint Serapion FEAST DAY Serapion lived in Egypt in the fourth century. Those were exciting times for the Church and for St. Serapion. As a young man, he received an impressive education in Christian theology and secular subjects. For a while, he directed the famous Christian school that taught the faith in Alexandria. Then Serapion went out into the desert and became a monk. He met the famous hermit, St. Anthony of Egypt. Serapion tried very hard to learn from and imitate him. When he died, Anthony left Serapion one of his cloaks, which he treasured for the rest of his life. Serapion became bishop of Thmuis, a city in lower Egypt. He went to a very important meeting of bishops in Sardica in 347. Serapion proved to be a very brave bishop. He loved the truths of the faith and tried to protect them from those who wanted to change Christian beliefs. He worked with St. Athanasius, another brave bishop. Both were outstanding for their courage. They combated false teachings or heresies with their homilies and with their writings. Most 206 of St. Serapion's writings were lost. They were letters full of instruction about the faith and an explanation of the Psalms. His most important work, called the "Euchologion," was lost for hundreds of years. It was found and published at the end of the nineteenth century. Serapion died around the year 370 TODAY IS MARCH 22 Venerable Saint Isaac, the Founder of the Dalmatian Monastery at Constantinople FEAST DAY St. Isaac lived during the fourth century, received monastic tonsure and pursued ascetic labors in the desert. During the reign of the emperor Valens, a zealous adherent of the Arian heresy, there was a persecution of the Orthodox, and churches were closed and destroyed. Hearing of the persecution, St. Isaac left the wilderness and went to Constantinople to console and encourage the Orthodox, and to fight against the heretics. At that time, barbarian Goths along the River Danube were making war against the Empire. They seized Thrace and advanced toward Constantinople. When the emperor Valens was leaving the capital with his soldiers, St. Isaac cried out, “Emperor, unlock the churches of the Orthodox, and then the Lord will aid you!” But the emperor, disdaining the words of the monk, confidently continued on his way. The saint repeated his request and prophecy three times. The angry emperor ordered St. Isaac to be 207 thrown into a deep ravine, filled with thorns and mud, from which it was impossible to escape. St. Isaac remained alive by Gods help, and he emerged, overtook the emperor and said, “You wanted to destroy me, but three angels pulled me from the mire. Hear me, open up the churches for the Orthodox and you shall defeat the enemy. If, however, you do not heed me, then you shall not return. You will be captured and burned alive.” The emperor was astonished at the saints boldness and ordered his attendants Saturninus and Victor to take the monk and hold him in prison until his return. St. Isaac’s prophecy was soon fulfilled. The Goths defeated and pursued the Greek army. The emperor and his Arian generals took refuge in a barn filled with straw, and the attackers set it afire. After receiving news of the emperor’s death, they released St. Isaac and honored him as a prophet. Then the holy Emperor Theodosius the Great (379-395) came to the throne. On the advice of Saturninus and Victor, he summoned the Elder, treating him with great respect. Obeying his instructions, he banished the Arians from Constantinople and restored the churches to the Orthodox. St. Isaac wanted to return to his desert, but Saturninus and Victor begged him not to leave the city, but to remain and protect it by his prayers. Saturninus built a monastery for the saint in Constantinople, where monks gathered around him. St. Isaac was the monasterys igumen and spiritual guide. He also nourished laypeople, and helped many of the poor and suffering. When he had reached an advanced age, St. Isaac made St. Dalmatus (August 3) igumen. The monastery was later named for Dalmatus. St. Isaac died in the year 383. TODAY IS MARCH 23 Saint Basil the Virgin-Martyr of Mangazea FEAST DAY 208 St. Basil was born in 1587 in the very old town of Yaroslavl. Yaroslavl was an important port on the Volga River. Basil’s father, Theodore, was a poor merchant and his family often had very little food. Even when he was a very small boy, St. Basil used to go to the church every time he could. He loved God’s house and he wanted to be there more than any place else. In those days, when a boy was twelve years old, he could become an apprentice. An apprentice is someone who works for a company without pay just to learn the business. The boss pays the boy’s father a certain amount and then gives the boy food and a place to live. Because Basil’s family was very poor, he agreed to become an apprentice. The Saint became an apprentice for a merchant in the Siberian town of Mangazeya. Siberia was a very dangerous place, full of wild animals, warlike native tribes and lawless men. The journey to Mangazeya was long, difficult and full of danger. When St. Basil arrived there safely, he hurried to the church to give thanks to God for His protection on the road. Then the boy went to the merchant’s office where he was given the job of clerk. St. Basil was a very good and careful worker. Soon he was given a more responsible job in the company. Unfortunately, at that time Siberia was a frontier area, and there were almost no women there. Because of this, some men who had bestial passions used to commit homosexual acts with young men and boys. St. Basil’s boss was one of those perverse men. Soon after St Basil had arrived in Mangazeya, the boss tried to entice the youth into homosexual relations. He tried flattery, he offered Basil money and finally, he tried threats and 209 punishments. St. Basil only continued to fast and pray and ask God to help him remain pure. The boss began to hate Basil. He was angry that the boy would not submit to his evil lust, and he hated Basil’s prayerful, religious life. He especially hated Basil for his meek and humble personality. But no matter how much he persecuted and mistreated the innocent lad, St. Basil continued to faithfully and honestly perform all his duties and responsibilities. Finally, the persecutions and slanders reached a terrible point. During the Paschal Matins, thieves robbed the merchandise house in which Basil worked. The boss, discovering the theft, went to the governor and reported the theft. But then a terrible deed occurred: the merchant hated Basil so much and the evil in him was so strong that he formally accused the innocent youth of being the robber. Thus, on the day of Christ’s Bright Pascha, when the Holy Church calls all people to peace and love, this innocent, God-fearing boy was betrayed by a false witness, just as Christ had been betrayed by false witnesses. The governor did not even investigate the charges. He sent officers to arrest St. Basil and drag him right out of the church. The governor and Basil’s boss began to torture the boy in order to force a confession from him. In spite of all the fierce tortures, the blessed one would only reply meekly, “I am innocent”. The pain from the tortures became so unbearable that the youth fainted, but when he came to, he again quietly repeated, “I am innocent”. The meek, humble, Christ-like endurance and peaceful reply of the young saint enraged the evil merchant even more. Finally, he flew into a demonic rage and struck the innocent virgin in the head with a heavy chain of keys. St. Basil fell to the floor, sighed heavily and gave up his pure soul into the hands of the Lord, on the day of Christ’s Radiant Pascha, 1600. He was thirteen years old. In order to hide this foul crime, the Governor, Mr. Pushkin, and the passion crazed merchant placed the body of the Holy Martyr into a rough coffin and lowered it into a nearby marsh, 210 weighted down with stones. Rumors of the brutal murder circulated around the town of Mangazeya almost immediately after the incident, but God chose to conceal the sacred relics of His Saint for fifty-two years. In 1652, during the tenure of the military governor Ignaty Stepanovich Korsakov, God willed to reveal the glory of His Holy Virgin Martyr. In that year, many wondrous events began to occur in the area around Mangazeya. Many pious people had dreams in which a beardless youth appeared to them and many ill people were healed by this holy boy. A strange light was seen over the marsh and unseen voices were heard chanting nearby. Then, the coffin of this saint rose slowly to the top of the mud. A pious archer, Steven Shiryaev, noticed the coffin, but did nothing about it. St. Basil appeared to him in a dream and told him to open the coffin. The whole story of St. Basil’s martyrdom became known. The coffin was brought out of the swamp and opened. Inside, they found the sacred relics of the saint, whole and incorrupt. A chapel was built over the relics and many people received healings through the prayers of the young Martyr. TODAY IS MARCH 24 Martyr Saint Stephen of Kazan FEAST DAY The Holy Martyr Stephen of Kazan was a Tatar. For more than twenty years, he suffered from a weakness of the legs. After the capture of 211 Kazan by Ivan the Terrible (1552), he believed in Christ and received healing. The saint was baptized by Archpriest Menignus of the Moscow cathedral, who had brought a letter from Metropolitan Macarius to the Russian army. After the Russian army withdrew from Kazan, the Tatars chopped the martyr Stephen into pieces, scattered his body and plundered his house, because he remained faithful to Christ. TODAY IS MARCH 25 Hieromartyr Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow FEAST DAY Born in 1865, he was tonsured a monk in 1891, and consecrated a Bishop in 1891. From 1900, he was Bishop of Alaska, with oversight of the Church throughout North America. In America, he consecrated the first Orthodox monastery on the continent and worked tirelessly to unite all ethnic groups as one flock. In 1907 he was made Bishop of Yaroslavl and returned to Russia. In 1917, he was elected to be the first Patriarch of Moscow since the abolition of the Patriarchate by Tsar Peter the Great more than 200 years before. Almost immediately, the Russian Church was plunged into new and terrible persecution as an atheist and totalitarian government seized control. Patriarch Tikhon always sought not to quarrel with the Communist government, but his refusal to deny his faith or his Church marked him in their eyes as an enemy. In 1925 he died under mysterious circumstances, and is 212 generally thought to have been murdered by the Soviets. He is commemorated as a Martyr. TODAY IS MARCH 26 Saint Maxima FEAST DAY St. Maxima and her priest-husband, St. Montanus, lived in Singidunum (present-day Belgrade in Serbia) in the fourth century during the time of Emperor Diocletian’s persecution of Christians. The Emperor’s deputy, Galerius, issued an edict requiring Christians to offer sacrifices to the idols. The pious couple refused, and continued to conduct their lives according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They traveled to Sirmium (west of Belgrade) in order to distance themselves from the seat of power. However, in the year 304, they were seized by Roman soldiers and brought to stand trial before Governor Probus. As they stood before the governor on a bridge overlooking the Sava River, the captives were given the choice of sacrifice to the idols or death. St. Montanus showed great heroism and explained that if he were to sacrifice to the idols, it would be tantamount to rejecting Jesus Christ as God and Lord of heaven and earth, and he refused to comply. Frustrated and intending to take advantage of her “weaker” sex, Probus tried to persuade St. Maxima 213 to deny Christ. Much to the surprise of the crowd, her fidelity and apostolic courage proved to be as great, if not greater, than her husband’s. St. Maxima defended her faith so convincingly and with such eloquent zeal that Probus cut the trial short, fearing mass conversions to Christianity. Sts. Maxima and Montanus were beheaded by the sword, and their remains were thrown into the Sava River. The faithful, and those converted by the zeal of the holy couple, willingly endangered their lives in order to rescue the bodies and heads of the martyrs from the river. The relics were transported to Rome and interred in the Catacombs of St. Priscilla on the Salarian Way where they remained for 1,500 years. In 1804, certain tombs in the Catacombs of St. Priscilla were opened. The many relics that were discovered were presented to various Roman Catholic churches and to notable families in Rome. St. Maxima’s relics were found to be in a remarkable state of preservation. They were ultimately presented to the influential Sinibaldi family, and for over a hundred years, her relics were venerated at the altar of their private chapel in Rome. In 1927, the Sinibaldi family presented St. Maxima’s relics to the Poor Clares of San Lorenzo Monastery in Rome who, in turn, presented them to the Poor Clares Monastery in Chicago, Illinois, where they remained for forty years. For the next few decades, St. Maxima’s relics were transported from one monastery or priest to another, including Father Joseph Louro, a Roman Catholic missionary in South America. After Father Louro’s death, St. Maxima’s relics found a permanent home with the Byzantine Poor Clares in North Royalton, Ohio. Wherever her relics journeyed, veneration of St. Maxima grew because of the boundless miracles that occurred through her intercessions. It was, however, the impact of her life that most impressed the faithful. The visible presence of a priest’s wife who, in a time of confusion and darkness, confronted evil with selfless courage and willingly gave her life confessing Christ has inspired 214 countless people to live their Christian faith without counting the cost. TODAY IS MARCH 27 Saint Gregory Palamas FEAST DAY St. Gregory Palamas (1296-1359), Archbishop of Thessaloniki, was the defender of the Hesychasts [Greek: ἡσυχασμός, hesychasmos, from ἡσυχία, hesychia, "stillness, rest, quiet, silence" is an eremitic tradition of prayer in the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Churches of Byzantine Rite practised (Gk: ἡσυχάζω, hesychazo: "to keep stillness") by the Hesychast (Gr. Ἡσυχαστής, hesychastes)]. He upheld the doctrine that the human body played an important part in prayer, and he argued that the Hesychasts did indeed experience the Divine and Uncreated Light of Tabor [In Eastern Orthodox theology, the Tabor Light (also Light of Tabor, Tabor's Light, Taboric Light; Greek: Φῶς του Θαβώρ, also as Ἄκτιστον Φῶς, Uncreated Light, Θεῖον Φῶς, Divine Light; Russian: Фаворский свет) is the light revealed on Mount Tabor at the Transfiguration of Jesus, identified with the light seen by Paul at his conversion]. To explain how this was possible, St. Gregory developed the distinction between the essence and the energies of God. He set Hesychasm on a firm dogmatic basis, by integrating it into Orthodox theology, and by showing how the Hesychast vision of Divine Light in no way 215 undermined the doctrine that God can not be comprehended. His teachings were confirmed by the local councils held in Constantinople in 1341 and 1351. St. Gregory began by reaffirming the Biblical doctrine of man and of the Incarnation; i.e. the whole man, united in body and soul, was created in the image of God, and Christ, by taking a human body at the Incarnation, has 'made the flesh an inexhaustible source of sanctification'. The Hesychasts, so he argued, in placing emphasis on the body's part in prayer, are not guilty of a gross materialism but are simply remaining faithful to the Biblical doctrine of man as a unity. Christ took human flesh and saved the whole man; therefore it is the whole man that prays to God. How is it possible for man to know God and, at the same time, affirm that God is by nature unknowable? St. Gregory answered this question by quoting St. Basil the Great who said "We know our God from His energies, but we do not claim that we can draw near to His essence. For His energies come down to us, but His essence remains unapproachable". St. Gregory added "God is not a nature, for He is above all beings.... No single thing of all that is created has or ever will have even the slightest communion with the supreme nature, or nearness to it". Even though God's essence may be remote from us, He has revealed Himself through His energies (or grace). These energies do not exist apart from God, but are God Himself in His action and revelation to the world. It is through these energies that God enters into a direct and immediate relationship with us. When we say that the saints are 'deified' by the grace of God, we mean that they have a direct experience of God Himself through his energies (or grace), not in His essence. The vision of Light that Hesychasts receive is the same Light that surrounded Christ on Mount Tabor. It is a true vision of God in His divine energies. Because his teaching was profound eternal truths which were Divinely Inspired, he is revered as a saint of Orthodoxy. 216 TODAY IS MARCH 28 Venerable Saint John, Bishop of Manglisi FEAST DAY Saint John (Saakadze) of Manglisi was born in 1668 and spiritually nurtured in the Davit-Gareji Wilderness. Outstanding in virtue, John was quickly ordained a hieromonk, and soon after consecrated bishop of Manglisi. In 1724 St. John left Davit-Gareji for Derbend, Dagestan, where he constructed a wooden church and began to preach Christianity among the local people. He labored there with eleven other pious believers. St. John’s humble life and the miracles he performed attracted the attention of the Muslim Dagestanis, and even the government took notice of his tireless evangelical activity. Throughout his life, he was able to heal the sick, cast out daemons and his intercessory prayers were always answered. At that time the Georgian King Vakhtang VI (1703-1724) and Tsar Peter the Great of Russia were corresponding regularly about the evangelization of the Caspian seacoast. Both kings recognized the importance of St. John’s activity in regard to this matter, and they generously contributed to his efforts. With their help, St. John built one church in honor of the Nativity of the Theotokos and another in honor of Great-martyr Catherine. In 1737 John left his disciples in Dagestan and journeyed to Astrakhan, near the place where the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. There he constructed a church in honor of St. John the Evangelist, which was converted into a monastery in 1746. Archimandrite Herman, one of St. John’s 217 disciples, was elevated as abbot of this monastery. While in Astrakhan, St. John discovered that many ethnic Georgians were passing through the city of Kizliar in Ossetia, but they did not have a church in which to celebrate the divine services. So he traveled to Kizliar and, with help from his kinsmen, built a church and opened a preparatory school for clergy nearby. On March 28, 1751, St. John reposed in Kizliar at the age of eighty. He was buried in the church that he himself had constructed. Later, by order of King Teimuraz II (1744-1761), the myrrh-streaming relics of St. John were translated to Tbilisi and buried in Sioni Cathedral, in front of the Manglisi Icon of the Mother of God. TODAY IS MARCH 29 Hieromartyr Saint Mark the Bishop of Arethusa FEAST DAY Hieromartyr [In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, a hieromartyr is is one who suffers torture or is a martyr (one who dies for his beliefs) who was a bishop or priest] Mark, Bishop of Arethusa, suffered for his faith in Christ under the emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363). By order of the emperor Constantine, St. Mark had once destroyed a pagan temple and built a Christian church. When Julian came to the throne, he persecuted Christians and tried to restore paganism. Some 218 citizens of Arethusa renounced Christianity and became pagans. Then St. Mark’s enemies decided to take revenge on him. The old bishop hid himself from the persecutors at first, but then gave himself up when he learned that the pagans had tortured many people in their search for him. The holy Elder was led through the city and given over to torture. They tore out his hair, slashed his body, dragged him along the street, dumped him in a swamp, tied him up, and cut him with knives. The pagans demanded that the holy bishop pay them a large sum of money to rebuild the pagan temple, and he refused to do so. The persecutors invented several new torments: they squeezed the Elder in a foot-press, and they cut off his ears with linen cords. Finally, they smeared the holy martyr’s body with honey and grease, then hung him up in a basket in the hot mid-day sun to be eaten by bees, wasps, and hornets. St. Mark did not seem to notice the pain, and this irritated the tormentor all the more. The pagans kept lowering the price he had to pay for their temple, but St. Mark refused to give them a single coin. Admiring him for his courage and endurance, the pagans stopped asking him for money and set him free. When he returned to his loggings, he was healed of any marks of the torture he had endured and from that day on he was able to heal all those who were brought to him from their sickness. Many of his tormenters turned to Christ after hearing his talks. 219 TODAY IS MARCH 30 Saint John Climacus of Sinai FEAST DAY St. John Climacus of Sinai accepted the ascetical life from the age of about sixteen and was tonsured as a monk three or four years later. Then, at the age of 35, he isolated himself from the world and lived as a hermit for 40 years at a monastery church called Thola, about 10 kilometres from the Mount Sinai monastery. While living an ascetical life he is reported to have received the gift of tears and the grace of continual prayer. Fellow monks in large numbers began to seek him out for spiritual guidance. When criticized for making a mockery of his hermitage by entertaining so many people there, he decided to keep total silence. After a year or so of this, those who had criticized him pleaded with him to resume guiding others. Experienced both in the solitary life of the hermit and in the communal life of cenobitic [Cenobitic (or coenobitic) monasticism is a monastic tradition that stresses community life] monasticism, he was appointed Abbot of the Monastery at Mount Sinai (built at the site of the burning bush where Moses spoke to God). The day he was made Abbot of Sinai, the Prophet Moses was seen giving commands to those who served at the table. St. John wrote a book containing thirty homilies. Each homily deals with one virtue, and progressing from those that deal with holy and righteous praxis [activity] unto those that deal with theoria [divine vision], they raise a man up as though by means of steps unto 220 the height of Heaven; thus the book is called "The Ladder of Divine Ascent", and the saint is known as "Climacus". "The Ladder of Divine Ascent" is so God-inspired that this book greatly esteemed in the Orthodox Christian Church that its author, St. John Climacus, is celebrated twice a year - on 30th March (the day of his repose), and the Fourth Sunday of the Great Lent. Each monastic community of the Orthodox Church reads "The Ladder of Divine Ascent" during each day of the Great Lent, in their common dining hall (or refectory) during the daily meal. This is a period of strict fasting, struggle, prostration and extensive prayers; when only one meal is eaten in the day and after 3 pm, and water is only consumed during 3-6pm. The book, by means of thirty steps (or logoi), calls us to the spiritual life; it inspires, instructs, speeds the reader towards the "things on high", and pointsout the dangers and pitfalls. Each step describes the origin of a certain virtue or passion and the path it can take us. The Ladder does not offer us a formula to accomplish salvation, for "the life you have is hidden with Christ in God" (Col. 3:3), but: "Let us try to learn Divine truth more by toil and sweat than by mere word, for at the time of our departure it is not words but deeds that will have to be shown" (Step 26:36 in St. John Climacus book). Saint John reposed in 603, at eighty years of age. TODAY IS MARCH 31 Saint Jonah the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia FEAST DAY 221 Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow and Wonderworker of All Russia, was born in the city of Galich into a pious Christian family. The father of the future saint was named Theodore. The youth received monastic tonsure in one of the Galich monasteries when he was only twelve years old. From there, he transferred to the Moscow Simonov monastery, where he fulfilled various obedience’s for many years. Once, St. Photius, Metropolitan of Moscow, visited the Simonov monastery. After the Molieben, he blessed the archimandrite and brethren, and also wished to bless those monks who were fulfilling their obediences in the monastery. When he came to the bakery, he saw St. Jonah sleeping, exhausted from his work. The fingers of the saint’s right hand were positioned in a gesture of blessing. St Photius said not to wake him. He blessed the sleeping monk and predicted to those present that this monk would be a great hierarch of the Russian Church, and would guide many on the way to salvation. The prediction of St. Photius was fulfilled. Several years later, St. Jonah was made Bishop of Ryazan and Murom. St. Photius died in 1431. Five years after his death, St. Jonah was chosen Metropolitan of All Russia for his virtuous and holy life. The newly-elected Metropolitan journeyed to Constantinople in order to be confirmed as Metropolitan by Patriarch Joseph II. Shortly before this the nefarious Isidore, a Bulgarian, had already been established as Metropolitan by Joseph II. Spending a short time at Kiev and Moscow, Isidore journeyed to the Council of Florence (1438), where he embraced Catholicism. A Council of Russian hierarchs and clergy deposed Metropolitan Isidore, and he was compelled to flee secretly to Rome (where he died in 1462). St. Jonah was unanimously chosen Metropolitan of All Russia. He was 222 consecrated by Russian hierarchs in Moscow, with the blessing of Patriarch Gregory III of Constantinople. This was the first time that Russian bishops consecrated their own Metropolitan. St. Jonah became Metropolitan on December 15, 1448. With archpastoral zeal he led his flock to virtue and piety, spreading the Orthodox Faith by word and by deed. Despite his lofty position, he continued with his monastic struggles as before. In 1451 the Tatars unexpectedly advanced on Moscow; they burned the surrounding area and prepared for an assault on the city. Metropolitan Jonah led a procession along the walls of the city, tearfully entreating God to save the city and the people. Seeing the dying monk Anthony of the Chudov monastery, who was noted for his virtuous life, St. Jonah said, “My son and brother Anthony! Pray to the Merciful God and the All-Pure Mother of God for the deliverance of the city and for all Orthodox Christians.” The humble Anthony replied, “Great hierarch! We give thanks to God and to His All-Pure Mother. She has heard your prayer and has prayed to Her Son. The city and all Orthodox Christians will be saved through your prayers. The enemy will soon take flight. The Lord has ordained that I alone am to be killed by the enemy.” Just as the Elder said this, an enemy arrow struck him. The prediction of Elder Anthony was made on July 2, on the Feast of the Placing of the Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos. Confusion broke out among the Tatars, and they fled in fear and terror. In his courtyard, St. Jonah built a church in honor of the Placing of the Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos, to commemorate the deliverance of Moscow from the enemy. St. Jonah reposed in the year 1461, and miraculous healings began to take place at his grave. In 1472 the incorrupt relics of Metropolitan Jonah were uncovered and placed in the Dormition Cathedral of the Kremlin (the Transfer of the holy Relics is celebrated May 27). A Council of the Russian Church in 1547 established the commemoration of St. Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow. 223 224 TODAY IS APRIL 1 Martyr Saint Abraham of Bulgaria FEAST DAY The Holy Martyr St. Abraham the Bulgar, Vladimir Wonderworker, lived during the thirteenth century, and was descended from the Kamska Bulgars and brought up as a Moslem. He was good and kindly towards the destitute, and when the Lord enlightened him with the light of reason, he accepted Christianity. In the city of Bolgara, on the lower stretches of the Volga, St. Abraham began to preach to his fellow countrymen about the true God. They seized him and tried to force him to renounce Christ, but the saint remained firm in his confession. They tortured the martyr fiercely and for a long while, but he endured everything with unshakable patience. On April 1, 1229 they quartered the holy Martyr Abraham, and then cut off his venerable head. Russian Christians living in the city buried the saint’s body in the Christian cemetery. On March 6, 1230, the relics of St. Abraham were transferred by the Great Prince St. George Vsevolodovich of Vladimir to the Dormition cathedral of the Knyaginin (Princess) monastery. Worshipers at his reliquary were healed by calling upon his name in faithful prayer. His memory began to be celebrated from that time. TODAY IS APRIL 2 Saint George Matskevereli of Georgia FEAST DAY 225 St. George of Atsquri lived at the end of the 9th and the beginning of the 10th centuries. A member of the aristocratic and pious Shuartqeli family, St. George was raised and educated in the environs of Georgia’s renowned Opiza Monastery in Klarjeti. Four years after the death of the great feudal lord George Chorchaneli, St. George succeeded him as ruler of the Samtskhe region. At that time a bitter conflict arose over who was the rightful heir to Chorchaneli’s inheritance, of which St. George prayed to go for victory that was granted to him. While serving as the chief political leader of Samtskhe, St. George also directed the region’s spiritual life, wisely administering the ancient Atsquri diocese for many years. According to tradition, the diocese of Atsquri was founded by the holy Apostle Andrew the First-called, who left there the “Not-Made-By-Hands” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (known as the Atsquri Icon of the Mother of God) as an offering to the Georgian Church. Though his literary works have not been preserved, St. George is also commemorated as a great writer of the Church. A few biographical details about St. George of Atsquri have been preserved in the writings of the famous 10th-century Georgian hagiographers George Merchule and Basil of Zarzma.In his book The Life of St. Grigol of Khandzta, St. George Merchule notes that St. George of Atsquri made some of the most significant contributions to the biographical writings on St. Grigol of Khandzta. St. George of Atsquri was a close companion of St. Serapion of Zarzma. He was present at his burial and contributed much to the hagiographical writings on his life and works. 226 TODAY IS APRIL 3 Saint Nicetas the Confessor FEAST DAY Our Holy Father (824) St. Nicetas the Confessor was born in Caesarea of Bithynia. His widowed father became a monk, leaving Nicetas to the care of his grandmother. Nicetas himself, when he was grown, entered a monastery in Midikion, on the Sea of Marmara. After seven years of monastic life he was ordained hieromonk [Hieromonk (Greek: Ἱερομόναχος, Ieromonachos; Slavonic: Ieromonakh, Romanian: Ieromonah), also called a Priestmonk, is a monk who is also a priest in the Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholicism.] by Patriarch Tarasios. When Nikephoros, the abbot of the monastery, died, the brethren chose Nicetas as their new abbot. When Leo the Armenian became Emperor, he revived the iconoclast heresy, even though it had been put down under the Empress Irene and condemned by an Ecumenical Council. The Emperor deposed and exiled the holy Patriarch Nicephoros, putting a heretic in his place. Nicetas, because he was known for his holiness and steadfast reverence for the holy icons, was imprisoned and tortured, but did not waver in his defense of Orthodoxy. Nicetas was taken from prison to prison, torture to torture, and exiled twice, until at last Leo the Armenian died and the Orthodox Emperor Michael came to the throne and freed all those imprisoned for Orthodoxy. Once freed, Nicetas retired to a secluded hermitage near Constantinople, where he passed the remainder of his life in prayer and thanksgiving. When he died, his body was taken back to his monastery; during the journey, many of the sick who touched his holy body were healed. 227 TODAY IS APRIL 4 Saint Nicetas of Pojani and Serres FEAST DAY The holy New Martyr St. Nicetas was a Slav from Albania, but we know nothing of his family or his early life. He lived on Mt. Athos in the Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon, then lived in the Skete of St. Anne. Burning with a desire for martyrdom, he decided to travel to Serres. He arrived on March 30, 1808 (Great and Holy Monday) and stopped at a local monastery. In speaking to the igumen, he revealed that he was a hieromonk from Mt. Athos. At midnight, the igumen was making his customary rounds of the monastery when he saw someone standing in the moonlight praying on the church porch. As he came closer, he could see that it was Father Nicetas, who revealed his intention to shed his blood for Christ. After speaking with the saint for a while, the igumen continued his rounds and left Fr. Nicetas to pray. In the morning, Fr. Nicetas received Communion from the Presanctified Gifts, then went to a mosque outside the city. There he debated religion with a Moslem teacher and his disciples. St. Nicetas approached one of them, noticing that he was lame. The saint asked the man why he did not seek healing from his infirmity. The man said that it was impossible for him to be cured, since he had been born this way. The monk replied that the man could be cured easily, if he would agree to obey him. The afflicted man looked at him with amazement and asked, “How must I obey you?” “Believe in Jesus Christ as the one true God. If you are baptized, I promise you that you 228 will be healthy and no trace of your lameness will remain.” The man said nothing, but went to his teacher to report what the monk had said to him. The teacher questioned St. Nicetas about where he had come from, and what he had said to his disciple. Fearlessly, the warrior of Christ told him he was from Albania and had come to preach Christianity. Feeling pity for the lame man, he had advised him to believe in Christ so that he might receive his bodily health and the Kingdom of Heaven after death. The teacher sent word to the mayor that a monk had come to their city and was speaking against their religion. St. Nicetas was locked up in prison for the night, and the next day he was interrogated by Moslem religious leaders. Since they could not defeat him with reason, they tortured him and hanged him in the evening of Great and Holy Saturday in 1808. He was left hanging until Bright Tuesday, when Christians were given permission to take his body and bury it. Pilgrims who even today pray at his gravesite are healed of body sickness. 229 TODAY IS APRIL 5 Saint Mark of Trache FEAST DAY Our Holy Father Mark of Trache (270~400) is also called 'Mark the Athenian' because he was born in Athens. When his parents died, he pondered the transience of all earthly things, gave his goods to the poor, and embarked on a plank in the sea, asking God to lead him wherever He desired. By God's providence, Mark was cast up on the shores of Libya, where he settled as a hermit on a mountain called Trache. (Some say it was in Ethiopia, but this seems less likely.) There he lived for ninety-five years, healing the sick and praying for the poor. Saint Serapion visited him before his death and recorded his life. Serapion asked Mark if there were any Christians whose faith was so great that they could say to a mountain 'Get up and cast yourself into the sea,' and it would be so. Immediately the mountain on which they stood began to move like a wave, but Mark raised his hand and stilled it. On his deathbed, St. Mark prayed for the salvation of all men and gave up his soul to God. Saint Serapion saw an angel carrying Mark's soul, and a hand extended from heaven to receive it. Saint Mark was about 130 years old when he reposed. 230 TODAY IS APRIL 6 Saint Eutychius FEAST DAY St. Eutychius, patriarch of Constantinople (582) was born to devout and noble parents in Phrygia. Though his father was a prominent officer, he entered monastic life when young, and became abbot of a monastery in Amasea at the age of thirty. In 553 he was sent to the Fifth Ecumenical Council as the representative of the Metropolitan of Amasea. At the Council, he was one of those who argued, successfully, that heretics could be anathematized after their deaths. The most prominent case in point was Origen, the brilliant Christian philosopher who had written that all will eventually be saved. Eutychius' position thus earned him the enmity of the Origenists, who still made up an influential group in the Church. Saint Eutychius became a trusted confidante of the Emperor Justinian, and when Menas, Patriarch of Constantinople, reposed, Eutychius was chosen to replace him. Eutychius ruled in peace for twelve years, but was then cast into controversy when he boldly opposed one of the most hard-to-pronounce heresies in the history of the Church: Aphthartodocetism, the belief that Christ, before his resurrection, possessed an incorruptible body, not subject to hunger, thirst or pain (though the scriptures plainly speak of Christ being weary, hungry, thirsty, weeping). The Emperor Justinian for a time fell into this variant of the Monophysite heresy, and exiled Eutychius to his monastery for twelve years. During these years Eutychius showed 231 himself to be a wonder-worker, healing many of their diseases through his prayers. Justinian repented shortly before his death, and his successor, Justin II, called Eutychius back to the Patriarchal throne, where he served the Church in peace until his repose at the age of seventy. TODAY IS APRIL 7 Saint George the Confessor Bishop of Mitylene FEAST DAY Saint George, Metropolitan of Mytilene, from his youth he led a monastic life, and was especially accomplished in the virtue of humility. In the reign of Leo the Isaurian (716-741) the saint underwent persecution from the iconoclasts and became a Confessor. During the reign of the emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitos (780797) St. George was elevated to the archbishopal cathedral of the city of Mytilene on the island of Lesbos. His life was radiant with prudence and purity and resembled the life of angels. He possessed a gift of wonderworking, cast out unclean spirits and healed incurable diseases. The saint distinguished himself by his compassion, and he helped all the needy. In 815, during the reign of the iconoclast Leo the Armenian (813-820), the holy Archpastor was banished and sent to Cherson, where he died after the year 820. At the hour of his death a bright star shone in the heavens over the city of Mytilene. 232 TODAY IS APRIL 8 Saint Herodion FEAST DAY Holy Apostles St. Herodion is mentioned in the Epistles of St. Paul. Herodion was a kinsmen of St. Paul: “Greet Herodion, who is a relative of mine” (Romans 16:11). After many sufferings for the Gospel, he worked with the Apostle Peter in Rome, and was beheaded with him. His body was secretly carried to Cenchreae, a village about 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) southeast of Corinth, where he was buried in a clandestine cave. When Christians from around the area visited the cave to pray, their prayers were always answered. TODAY IS APRIL 9 Monkmartyr Saint Bademus of Persia FEAST DAY Monk Martyr Archimandrite Bademus (Vadim) was born in the fourth century in the Persian city of Bithlapata, and was descended from a 233 rich and illustrious family. In his youth, he was enlightened with the Christian teaching. The saint gave away all his wealth to the poor and withdrew into the wilderness, where he founded a monastery. He would go up on a mountain for solitary prayer, and once was permitted to behold the Glory of God. During this period the Persian emperor Sapor (310-381) began to persecute Christians. They arrested St. Bademus and his seven disciples, and tortured them in prison, hoping that they would renounce Christ and worship the sun and fire. But St. Bademus and his disciples held firmly to the Christian Faith. The confessors spent four months in jail. All this time St. Bademus was a spiritual leader and support for the Christians living in Persia. One of the associates of the emperor Sapor, Nirsanes, was a Christian and suffered imprisonment for this. He did not hold up under torture and denied Christ, promising to fulfill whatever the emperor commanded. Sapor demanded that Nirsanes personally cut off the head of St. Bademus. For this he was promised a reprieve and great rewards. Nirsanes was not able to overcome his fear of new tortures, and he agreed to follow the path of betrayal walked by Judas. When they brought St. Bademus to him, he took the sword and turned toward him, but overcome by conscience, he trembled and stood petrified. St. Bademus said to him, “Has your wickedness now reached this point, Nirsanes, that you should not only renounce God, but also murder His servants? Woe to you, accursed one! What will you do on that day when you stand before the Dread Judgment Seat? What answer will you give to God? I am prepared to die for Christ, but I don’t want to receive death at your hands.” Nirsanes struck with the sword, but his hands shook, and he could not behead the saint immediately, and the fire-worshippers began to call him a coward. The holy martyr Bademus stood motionless, enduring many terrible blows, until the murderer succeeded in cutting off his head. The just punishment for his misdeeds were not slow in overtaking the hapless 234 fellow. Tormented by his conscience, he did away with himself the next day, throwing himself on a sword. After the death of the emperor Sapor, the seven disciples of St. Bademus were released from prison. TODAY IS APRIL 10 Saint Gregory, Patriarch of Constantinople FEAST DAY Hieromartyr Gregory, Patriarch of Constantinople (1821) was born on the Peloponnese, and became Archbishop of Smyrna in 1785. He served at a time when revolutionary feeling and activity was increasing among the Greek people, and witnessed the cruel retribution that the Ottoman Turks visited on any evidence of rebellion among their subject people. Patriarch Gregory V of Constantinople shortly before his execution, as depicted by Nikiphoros Lytras. Once in Smyrna, seeing that an action he had taken was causing discord in his dioceses, he came down from the hierarchical throne during a service, prostrated himself before the faithful and asked their forgiveness. He was elected Patriarch of Constantinople in 1797. Under the Turkokratia, the Patriarch was not only the head of the 235 Greek churches but the secular ruler of the Greek people, bound by oath to respect the authority of the Sultan. This, combined with Gregory's personal experience of the treatment of Greek rebels, made him a staunch opponent of revolutionary activity among his people. Still, when revolutionaries on the Peloponnese declared Greek independence from Turkey on March 25, 1821, Turkish retribution was harsh: On Pascha, April 10, after serving the Paschal Liturgy, the aged Patriarch was arrested by the Turkish authorities. He was tortured in an effort to have him reveal the names of those heading the revolution, then was offered his freedom if he would convert to Islam. Gregory answered, 'You ask in vain: the Patriarch of Christians dies a Christian.' He (along with other clergy and hierarchs) was hanged as a traitor on the gate of the patriarchal compound. An eyewitness, a British clergyman visiting Constantinople, wrote: 'His body, attenuated by abstinence and emaciated by age, had not sufficient weight to cause immediate death. He continued for a long time in pain which no friendly hand dared abridge, and the darkness of night came on before his final convulsions were over.' His body was left hanging for three days, then sold by the Turkish authorities to a Jewish mob, who mutilated the body, then weighted it about the neck with a stone and threw it into the sea. Despite this, the body was found floating at sea by a Greek merchant ship captain. When the body was identified as that of the martyred Patriarch, it was secretly taken to Odessa, where Orthodox Church leaders took it under their care. Tsar Alexander I ordered a state funeral for the holy hierarch, which was celebrated on June 17 1821 in Odessa. Painting by Peter von Hess depicting the casting of the corpse of Patriarch Gregory V of Constantinople into the Bosphorus 236 In 1871 the relics were returned to Greece by Tsar Alexander III. They were incorrupt, though fifty years had passed since his death. Saint Gregory was officially glorified in 1921. His relics may be venerated at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Athens. TODAY IS APRIL 11 Saint Barsanuphius the Bishop of Tver FEAST DAY Saint Barsanuphius of Tver was born in the year 1495, and was from Serpukhov. He was named John in Baptism, and he was taught to read and write. While still a youth, he was captured by the Crimean Tatars. Accepting this as the Lord’s will, he meekly submitted to his masters, and dutifully accomplished the work they assigned him to do. After three years, John’s father ransomed him. He then went to Moscow and became a monk in the Andronikov Monastery, where he received the monastic name Barsanuphius. Devoting himself to the ascetical life, he became proficient in virtue and piety. In 1544, he was appointed as igumen of the Pesnosha Monastery. Later, he went to Kazan and founded a monastery dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Lord. While in Kazan, Archimandrite Barsanuphius was able to help St. Gurias in spreading Christianity among the Moslems and pagans. His knowledge of the Tatar language proved to be very useful in this work. 237 In 1567, Saint Barsanuphius was consecrated Bishop of Tver. He healed many sick people with his knowledge of medicine, but he also healed those suffering from infirmities of the soul. When the Godpleaser reached old age, he returned to Kazan and to the Transfiguration Monastery which he founded. There he received the Great Schema, and he died at the monastery in 1576. The holy relics of Saint Barsanuphius were uncovered on October 4, 1596. They were placed in shrines in a side chapel of the church at the orders of Patriarch Job. On June 20, 1630 their grace-filled relics were transferred from the Transfiguration Monastery to the Cathedral of the Annunciation. Today, people who pray at his relic site are often healed. INSIDE AN ORTHORDOX CHURCH 238 TODAY IS APRIL 12 Venerable Saint Anthusa the Virginigumen of Constantinople FEAST DAY Saint Anthusa of Constantinople was the daughter of the Iconoclast emperor Constantine Copronymos (741-775) and his first wife. She and her brother, the future emperor Leo the Khazar (775-780), were twins born on January 25, 750. The empress suffered very much with their birth. Constantine Copronymos summoned Abbess Anthusa of Mantinea from prison and entreated her prayers. The abbess predicted the birth of the twins and their fate, and the daughter was named in her honor. When she grew up, the emperor began to urge her to marry. But from her youth St. Anthusa yearned for monasticism and would not agree to his suggestions. After the death of her father, she used all her personal property to help the poor and the orphaned. The devout empress Irene (780-802), wife of Leo the Khazar, regarded St. Anthusa with love and esteem and invited her to be a co-regent. St. Anthusa, however, did not desire worldly honors. Being at court, she wore clothes befitting her position as an emperor’s daughter, but underneath her finery she wore a hair-shirt. St. Anthusa was tonsured by the holy Patriarch Tarasius (784-806). She founded at Constantinople the Omonia monastery, known for its strict rule. St. Anthusa was herself an example of humility. She did hard work, she cleaned the church and carried water. She never sat at table during meals, but instead served the sisters. She saw to it that no one left 239 the monastery without a special need. She was known for her prayers, and the people from the Empire would visit her at Omonia to seek her blessings, healings and asking her to petition God on their behalf. Her prayers were always answered for those who sought in humbleness, but those bringing gifts or money to influence Saint Anthusa were turned away. The humble and gentle ascetic lived to the age of fifty-two, and died peacefully in 801. TODAY IS APRIL 13 Womanmartyr Saint Thomais of Alexandria FEAST DAY The Holy martyr St. Thomais was born into a Christian family in the city of Alexandria. She was raised in piety, and loved to read spiritual books. When she was fifteen, the girl married a fisherman, who was also a Christian. The young couple lived in the house of her husband’s family, where St. Thomais was loved for her mild and gentle disposition, and for other good traits. St. Thomais’ father-in-law, at the prompting of the devil, was captivated by her beauty. One night, when his son went out fishing, he attempted to lead his daughter-in-law into sin. Horrified, St. Thomais admonished the senseless old man, reminding him of the Last Judgment and the penalty for sin. Infuriated by her steadfastness, he seized a sword and threatened to cut off her head. St. Thomais answered resolutely, “Even if you cut me to pieces, 240 I shall not stray from the commandments of the Lord.” Overcome with passion, the old man cut St. Thomais in two with the sword. The saint received the crown of martyrdom in the year 476. Divine punishment overtook the murderer. He became blind and could not find the door in order to escape. In the morning, the companions of the saint’s husband came to the door. They saw the body of the saint, and the blind old man covered with blood. The murderer confessed his evil deed and asked to be taken to the judge for punishment. He was beheaded for his crime. At this time, St. Daniel of Skete happened to be in Alexandria. He told the monks of the Oktodekadian monastery (at the eighteenth mile on the road leading west from Alexandria) to bring the body of the martyr to the monastery and bury her in the cemetery with the departed fathers. Some of the monks were scandalized because he wanted to bury a woman’s body with the monks. St. Daniel replied, “She is a mother to me and to you, because she died for her chastity.” After the funeral St Daniel returned to skete. Soon one of the young monks began to complain to him that he was tormented by fleshly passions. St. Daniel ordered him to go and pray at the grave of the holy martyr Thomais. The monk did the bidding of the Elder. While he prayed at the grave, he fell into a light sleep. St. Thomais appeared to him and said, “Father, accept my blessing and go in peace.” When he awakened, the monk felt joy and peace in his soul. After this, he told St. Daniel that he was no longer bothered by the temptations of the flesh. Abba Daniel exclaimed, “Great is the boldness of those who have struggled for chastity.” Many found both spiritual joy and release from their passions at the grave of St. Thomais. Her holy relics were transferred to Constantinople to one of the women’s monasteries. The Russian pilgrim Archdeacon Zosimas venerated them in 1420. St. Thomais is invoked by those seeking deliverance from sexual impurity. 241 TODAY IS APRIL 14 Martyrs Saints Anthony, John, and Eustathius of Vilnius, Lithuania FEAST DAY The Holy Martyrs Anthony, John, and Eustathius were brothers who suffered for Christ under the Lithuanian Great Prince Olgerd (13451377). The prince was married to the Orthodox princess Maria Yaroslavna (+ 1346). He was baptized and during his wife’s lifetime he allowed the preaching of Christianity. Two brothers, Nezhilo and Kumets, received holy Baptism from the priest Nestor, and they received the names Anthony and John. And at the request of Maria Yaroslavna an Orthodox church was built at Vilnius (Vilna). After the death of his spouse, Prince Olgerd began to support the pagan priests of the fire-worshippers, who started a persecution against Christians. Sts John and Anthony endeavored not to flaunt their Christianity, but they did not observe pagan customs. They did not cut their hair as the pagans did, and on fast days they did not eat forbidden foods. The prince soon became suspicious of the brothers, so he interrogated them and they confessed themselves Christians. Then he demanded that they eat meat (it was a fast day). The holy brothers refused, and the prince locked them up in prison. The brothers spent an entire year behind bars. John took fright at the impending tortures and declared that he would obey all the demands of the Great Prince. The delighted Olgerd released the brothers and brought them to himself. But Anthony did not betray Christ. When he refused to eat meat on a fast 242 day, the prince again locked him up in prison and subjected him to brutal tortures. The other brother remained free, but both Christians and pagans regarded him as a traitor and would not associate with him. Repenting of his sin, John went to the priest Nestor and entreated him to ask his brother to forgive him. “When he openly confesses Christ, we will be reconciled,” Anthony replied. Once, while serving the prince at the bath, St. John spoke privately with him about his reconciliation with the Church. Olgerd did not display any anger and said that he could believe in Christ, but must conduct himself like all the pagans. Then St. John confessed himself a Christian in the presence of numerous courtiers. They beat him fiercely with rods and sent him to his brother in prison. The martyrs met with joy, and received the Holy Mysteries that same day. Many people went to the prison to see the new confessor. The brothers converted many to Christ by their preaching. The prison was transformed into a Christian school. The frightened pagan priests demanded the execution of the brothers, but they did not fear death. On the morning of April 14, 1347 the Martyr Anthony was hanged on a tree after receiving the Holy Mysteries. This oak, which the pagans considered sacred, became truly sacred for Orthodox Christians. The pagan priests, who hoped that Christian preaching would stop with the death of St. Anthony, were disappointed. A multitude of the people gathered before the walls of the prison where St. John was being held. On April 24, 1347 they strangled him and hanged his dead body upon the same oak. The venerable bodies of both martyrs were buried by Christians in the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. A third sufferer for Christ was their relative Kruglets. At Baptism the priest Nestor named him Eustathius. Kruglets stood out because of his comeliness, valor and bravery, but even more because of his mind and virtue of soul. A favorite of Olgerd, he could count on a very promising future. However, he also refused to eat meat at the festal 243 table. St. Eustathius openly declared that he was a Christian and would not eat meat because of the Nativity Fast. They began to beat him with iron rods, but the youth did not make a sound. The prince tried refining the torture. Olgerd gave orders to strip the martyr naked, take him out on the street and to pour icy water in his mouth. But this did not break his spirit. Then they broke his ankle bones, and ripped the hair and skin from his head, and cut off his ears and nose. St. Eustathius endured the torments with such gladness and courage, that the very torturers themselves were astounded by the divine power which strengthened him. The martyr Eustathius was sentenced to death and hanged on the same oak where Sts. John and Anthony received a martyr’s death (December 13, 1347). For three days no one was permitted to take down the body of the martyr, and a column of cloud protected it from birds and beasts of prey. A church was later built on the hill where the holy martyrs suffered. The trinity of venerable passion bearers glorified the true God worshipped in the Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. The church was dedicated to the Most Holy Trinity. The altar table was built on the stump of the sacred oak on which the martyrs died. Soon their relics were found to be incorrupt. In 1364 Patriarch Philotheus of Constantinople (1354-1355, 1364-1376) sent a cross with the relics of the holy martyrs to St. Sergius of Radonezh. The Church established the celebration of all three martyrs on April 14. The holy martyrs were of immense significance for the entire Western frontier. Vilnius’s monastery of the Holy Trinity, where the holy relics are kept, became a stronghold of Orthodoxy on this frontier. In 1915 during the invasion of the Germans, these relics were taken to Moscow. The relics of the holy passion-bearers were returned to the Vilnius Holy Spirit monastery in 1946. The commemoration of their return (July 13) is solemnly observed at the monastery each year. 244 TODAY IS APRIL 15 Saint Ephraim the Great of Atsquri FEAST DAY Saint Ephraim the Great of Atsquri—one of the most important figures in the Georgian Church of the 8th and 9th centuries—was a disciple and companion of St. Grigol of Khandzta. On his way from Klarjeti in southern Georgia to Abkhazeti in the northwest, St. Grigol met the young Ephraim and immediately perceived in him a like-minded companion and the future wonderworker and bishop of Atsquri. Grigol promised to take the young man as his disciple. On his way back to Klarjeti St. Grigol accompanied Ephraim and another youth, Arsenius, the future Catholicos of Georgia. He entrusted the upbringing of these two holy youths to his spiritual sons Christopher and Theodore. The brothers of Khandzta Monastery objected to the arrival of the youths, since the monastery rules prohibited young visitors. But St. Grigol told them that God had revealed this as His will and that, after being raised at the monastery, these young men would be like spiritual successors of St. Ephraim the Syrian and St. Arsenius the Great. St. Ephraim was later consecrated bishop of Atsquri and became a major figure in the Church of his time. He significantly contributed to the definitive strengthening of the autocephaly of the Georgian Church. As a result of his labors, the Georgian Church received a blessing from Antioch to prepare its own chrism in Mtskheta. St. Ephraim administered the diocese of Atsquri for forty years. God endowed him 245 with the gifts of prophecy, wonder-working, and healing. He lived to an advanced age and reposed peacefully. Even today, those who approach his holy relics are healed of their infirmities. St. Ephraim of Atsquri is also mentioned in the Life of St. Arsenius the Great. TODAY IS APRIL 16 Virgin Martyrs Agape, Irene, and Chionia in Illyria FEAST DAY Virgin Martyrs Saints Agape, Irene, and Chionia (Greek: Αγάπη, Χιονία και Ειρήνη meaning Love, Purity, and Peace), were born in Thessalonica and were three virgin sisters who were martyred for their faith in 304.These three sisters lived in Aquilea, Macedonia. When the Emperor Diocletian was visiting there, he learned that they were Christians and had them brought to him. When they would not deny Christ, they were cast into prison, than handed over to a general named Dulcitius for torture. Dulcitius conceived a passion for the sisters, and entered the prison planning to defile them; but when he tried to enter, he was deprived of his reason and fell upon the dirty pots at the entrance, embracing and kissing them until he was completely black with soot. Hearing of this, the Emperor appointed 246 another general to torment the sisters. After terrible tortures Agape and Chionia were burned, but the sadistic general, knowing her pledge of virginity to the Lord, ordered Irene to be put in a brothel. When Irene was being led to the brothel, an angel turned the soldiers back and led Irene to the top of a high hill. The next day the general came with his soldiers to capture her, but were unable to climb it. The general then ordered that Irene be shot with arrows. St. Anastasia, a prophetess in that town, gathered the bodies of all three sisters and gave them burial. TODAY IS APRIL 17 Venerable Saint Zosimas the Abbot of Solovki FEAST DAY Saint Zosimas, Igumen of Solovki a great luminary of the Russian North, was the founder of cenobitic monasticism on Solovki Island. He was born in Novgorod diocese, in the village of Tolvui near Lake Onega. From his early years he was raised in piety, and after the death of his parents Gabriel and Barbara, he gave away his possessions and received monastic tonsure. In search of a solitary place, he journeyed to the shores of the White Sea, and at the mouth of the Suma he met St. Herman, who told him of a desolate sea island, where he had spent six years with St. Sabbatius. Around the year 247 1436, the hermits crossed the sea and landed at the Solovki islands. There St. Zosimas had a vision of a beautiful church in the sky. With their own hands the monks built cells and an enclosure, and they began to cultivate and sow the land. Once, in late autumn, St Herman went to the mainland for provisions. Because of the autumn weather he was not able to return. St. Zosimas remained alone on the island all winter. He suffered many temptations in struggles with the demons. Death by starvation threatened him, but miraculously two strangers appeared and left him a supply of bread, flour and oil. In spring St. Herman returned to Solovki with the fisherman Mark, and he brought supplies of food and rigging for fishing nets. When several hermits had gathered on the island, St. Zosimas constructed a small wooden church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and a trapeza [In an Orthodox monastery, a trapeza (or refectory), is the dining hall where monks and pilgrims gather for food and conversation (although monks don't usually talk during meals)]. At the request of St. Zosimas, an igumen was sent from Novgorod to the newly~formed monastery with an antimension [The antimension, (from the Greek: "instead of the table"; in Slavonic: antimins), is among the most important furnishings of the altar in Orthodox Christian liturgical traditions. It is a rectangular piece of cloth, of either linen or silk, typically decorated with representations of the entombment of Christ, the four Evangelists, and scriptural passages related to the Eucharist. A small relic of a martyr is sewn into it] for the church. Thus the renowned Solovki monastery had its start. In the severe conditions of the remote island the monks knew how to economize. But the igumens sent from Novgorod to Solovki could not stand life in such harsh conditions, and so the brethren chose St. Zosimas as igumen. St. Zosimas occupied himself with building up the inner life of the monastery, and he introduced a strict cenobitic [Cenobitic (also spelled coenobitic) is the name associated with the 248 monastic tradition that emphases regulated community life, that is, in which the monks live together under a set of rules established by the ruling abbot. The opposite style of cenobitic in monasticism is called eremitic, in which monks live in isolation as hermits] life. In 1465 he transferred the relics of St. Sabbatius to Solovki from the River Vyg. The monastery suffered from the Novgorod nobles, who confiscated catches of fish from the monks. The saint was obliged to go to Novgorod and seek the protection of the archbishop. On the advice of the archbishop, he visited the homes of the nobles and asked them not to permit the ruin of the monastery. The influential and rich Martha Boretskaya impiously gave orders to throw St. Zosimas out, but then repented and invited him to a meal. At this meal he suddenly saw that six of the illustrious nobles sat without their heads. St. Zosimas told about this vision to his disciple Daniel and predicted an imminent death for the nobles. The prediction was fulfilled in the year 1478, when the boyars were executed, except for Martha Boretskaya, during the capture of Novgorod by Ivan III (1462-1505). Shortly before death, the saint prepared his own grave, in which he was buried beyond the altar of the Transfiguration church (April 17, 1478). Later on, a chapel was built over his relics. His relics and the relics of St. Sabbatius were transferred to the chapel dedicated to them at the Transfiguration cathedral on August 8, 1566. Many miracles took place when St. Zosimas appeared to fishermen who were in danger of perishing in the depths of the sea during storms. St. Zosimas is also a patron of bee-keeping and preserver of beehives, and he is even called “Bee-keeper.” Those who are sick hasten to St. Zosimas, asking to be healed. The many hospital churches dedicated to him attest to the curative nature of the saint. 249 TODAY IS APRIL 18 Saint Basil Ratishvili of Georgia FEAST DAY Saint Basil Ratishvili, one of the most prominent figures of the 13thcentury Church, was the uncle of Catholicos [Catholicos is a title used by the ruling bishops or primates of several churches in the Middle East, especially Georgia] Ekvtime III. He labored with the other Georgian fathers at the Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos. Endowed with the gift of prophecy, St. Basil beheld a vision in which the Most Holy Theotokos called upon him to censure King Demetre’s impious rule (This is actually St. Demetre the Devoted, who in his youth lived profligately but later laid down his life for his nation). Having arrived in Georgia and been brought before the king George IV Lasha, the God-fearing father denounced the sovereign’s uncrowned marriage [a conjugal union without the blessing of the Church]. He promised the king that if he abandoned his present way of life, he would find great happiness and success. St. Basil also condemned the ungodly ways of Georgia’s apostate feudal lords. But the king and his court disregarded the virtuous elder’s admonitions, and in response St. Basil prophesied: “A vicious enemy will kill you, and your kingdom will remain without refuge. Your children will be scattered, your kingdom conquered, and all your wealth seized. Know that, according to the will of the Most Holy Theotokos, everything I have told you will come to pass unless you repent and turn from this way of 250 life. Now I will depart from you in peace.” St. Basil returned to Mt. Athos and peacefully reposed at the Iveron Monastery. His vision was fulfilled. The first Mongol expedition defeated two Georgian armies in 1221–1222 and left through Inner Caucasus. Georgians suffered heavy losses in this war and the King himself was severely wounded. As a result, King George IV Lasha became an invalid and died prematurely at the age of 31. TODAY IS APRIL 19 Saint Matrona of Moscow FEAST DAY Matrona was born in 1881 into a poor family in the village of SebinoEpifaniskaya (now Kimovski) in the Tula region of Russia. Blind from birth, her eyes were without pupils, she bore her infirmity with humility and patience, and God made her a vessel of grace. At the moment of her baptism, the priest saw a cloud above the child, which shed forth a sweet fragrance as a sign of divine favor. From the age of six or seven, she exhibited an extraordinary gift of insight, discerning sicknesses of soul and body in the many people who visited her, revealing to them their secret sins and their problems, and healing them through prayer and wise counsel. Around the age of fourteen, she made a pilgrimage to the great holy places in Russia along with a devout benefactress. When they arrived at Kronstadt to receive the blessing of St. John, they became lost in the crowd. St. John suddenly 251 cried out, “Matrona, come here! She will be my heir, and will become the eighth pillar of Russia.” At that time, no one understood the meaning of this prophecy. When she turned seventeen, Matrona became paralyzed and was unable to walk from then on. Knowing that this was God’s will, she never complained but thanked the Lord. For the rest of her life – over fifty years – she lived in a room filled with icons, sitting cross legged on her bed. With a radiant face and a quiet voice, she received all who came to seek divine consolation through her presence. She foretold the great misfortunes that were to sweep down upon the country after the Bolshevik revolution, placing her gift of insight at the service of the people of God. One day when some visitors commiserated with her about her disablement, she replied: “A day came on which God opened my eyes, and I saw the light of the sun, the stars and all that exists in the world: the rivers, the forests, the sea and the whole of creation.” In 1925 she left her village to settle in Moscow and, after her mother’s death in 1945, she moved frequently, welcomed secretly into the houses of the faithful. This was because the Communists, fearing her influence among the people, wanted to arrest her. But, every time, she had advance knowledge, and when the police arrived they learned that she had moved an hour or two earlier. One day, when a policeman arrived to arrest her, she advised him to return home as quickly as possible, promising him that she would not escape. When the man arrived home, he discovered that his wife was on fire, and was just in time to take her to the hospital. The policeman and his wife became believers after this miracle. St. Matrona led an ascetic life on her bed of pain. She fasted constantly, slept little, her head resting on her chest, and her forehead was dented by the innumerable signs of the Cross that she made. Not only the Muscovites but also people from afar, of all ages and conditions, thronged around her to ask her advice and her prayers. In this way she truly became the support of afflicted 252 people, especially during World War II. To those who came to ask her for news of their relatives in battle, she reassured some and counseled others to hold memorial services. She spoke to some directly, and to others in parables, having in view their spiritual edification and recommending them to keep the Church’s laws, to marry in the Church and to regularly attend Confession and take Communion. When the sick and possessed were brought to her, she placed her hands on their heads, saying several prayers or driving the demons out with authority, always insisting that she was doing nothing of herself but that God was healing by her mediation. When asked why the Church was undergoing such great persecutions, she replied that it was because of the sins of the Christians and their lack of faith. “All the peoples who have turned away from God have disappeared from off the face of the earth,” she affirmed. “Difficult times are our lot, but we Christians must choose the Cross. Christ has placed us on His sleigh, and he will take us where He will.” Having foretold the day of her death, she gave instructions for her funeral. Before falling asleep in peace on April 19, 1952, she cried out, “Come close, all of you, and tell me of your troubles as though I were alive! I’ll see you, I’ll hear you, and I’ll come to your aid.” Miracles were multiplied at her tomb and, ever since her translation to the women’s monastery of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God (March 13, 1998), the faithful who, in their thousands, line up to venerate Moscow’s new protectress, turn to her icon and bring her their various problems as though St. Matrona were alive in front of them. 253 TODAY IS APRIL 20 Venerable Saint Anastasius, Abbot of Sinai FEAST DAY Saint Anastasius of Sinai lived in the seventh century, and was one of the great ascetics who flourished on Mt. Sinai. From his youth, he was raised in great piety and love for God. When he reached manhood, St. Anastasius left the world and entered a monastery to take upon himself the yoke of Christ (Mt.11:29). Wishing to perfect himself in virtue, he went to St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mt. Sinai, where St. John of the Ladder was abbot. There he profited from the example of many holy men who were proficient in monasticism. Because of his humility, St. Anastasius received wisdom and spiritual discernment from God. He wrote the Lives of several holy Fathers, as well as other spiritually instructive books. In time, he was found worthy of ordination to the holy priesthood. Following St. John and St. George of Sini, St. Anastasius became abbot of Sinai. He was most zealous in his opposition to heresy, exposing it, refuting it, and covering its adherents with shame. He even traveled to Syria, Egypt, and Arabia to uproot heresy and strengthen the Church of Christ. St. Anastasius taught that God gives each Christian an angel to care for him throughout his life. However, we can drive our Guardian Angel away by our sins, just as bees are driven away by smoke. While the demons work to deprive us of the heavenly Kingdom, the holy angels guide us to do good. Therefore, only the most foolish individuals would drive 254 away their Guardian Angel from themselves. After a long life of faithfully serving God, St. Anastasius fell asleep in the Lord in the year 685. After he was laid to his final resting place, monks of St. Catherine monastery notated that whenever they passed his burial site, a feeling of comfort and peace was instilled into their spirit. Monks started to pray at his site, and they found that their illness was healed along with the comfort and peace they received. This miracle is repeated to today. TODAY IS APRIL 21 Saint January FEAST DAY January was born in Benevento to a rich patrician family that traced its descent to the Caudini tribe of the Samnites. At a young age of 15, he became local priest of his parish in Benevento, which at the time was relatively pagan. When Januarius was 20, he became Bishop of Naples and befriended Juliana of Nicomedia and Saint Sossius whom he met during his priestly studies. During the 11⁄2 year-long persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian, he hid his fellow Christians and prevented them from being caught. St. January, together with a very good team of Christians, fought the Holy cause of virtue and brought in Christ many heathens. His deacons were Prokoylos, Swssos, Faustus, Disiderios, Akontios the reader and 255 Eftychios, When there was great persecution against the Christians, they were arrested and suffered terrible tortures. On the way to martyrdom, numerous Christians of Naples tried to get Saint January out of the hands of soldiers. He, however, refused and told them: "Leave, my children, to finish the good fight of martyrdom, and I promise that I will always be your city's protector." So was. St. January was thrown into a fire to burn, but with God's grace was left unscathed. Immediately, the Saint was led to another place, where they cut the nerves and thus he received the Crown of martyrdom. Naples proclaimed him Patron Saint. The name January is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "gateway". Saint January was martyred in the fourth century AD. Saint Januarius is famous for the miracle of the annual liquefaction of his blood, which, according to legend, was saved by a woman called Eusebia just after the saint's death. Thousands of people assemble to witness this event in Naples Cathedral on his feast day to commemorate his martyrdom. TODAY IS APRIL 22 Venerable Saint Vitalius of Gaza FEAST DAY Saint Vitalius, a monk of the monastery of St. Seridus, arrived in Alexandria when St. John the Merciful was Patriarch of Alexandria. 256 When he was sixty years old, undertook an extraordinary task: he wrote down from memory the names of all the prostitutes of Alexandria and he began to pray for them. He worked from morning to evening, earning twelve copper coins each day. In the evening the saint bought a single bean, which he ate after sunset. Then he would give the rest of the money to one of the harlots, whom he visited at night and said, “I beg you, take this money and do not sin with anyone tonight.” Then he stayed with the harlot in her room. While she slept, the Elder spent the whole night at prayer, reading the Psalms, and quietly left in the morning. He did this each day, visiting all the harlots in turn, and he made them promise to keep the purpose of his visit secret. The people of Alexandria, not knowing the truth, became indignant over the monk’s behavior, and they reviled him. However, he meekly endured their scorn, and he only asked that they not judge others. The holy prayers of St. Vitalius saved many fallen women. Some of them went to a monastery, others got married, and others found respectable work. But they were forbidden to tell anyone the reason why they had changed their life, and thereby stop the abuse heaped upon St. Vitalius. They were bound by an oath they had made to the saint. When of the woman began to break her oath and stood up to defend the saint, she fell into a demonic frenzy. After this, the people of Alexandria had no doubt concerning the sinfulness of the monk. Certain of the clergy, scandalized by the behavior of St. Vitalius, reported him to the holy Patriarch John the Merciful. But the Patriarch did not believe the informers and he said, “Cease to judge, especially monks. Don’t you know what happened at the First Council of Nicea? Some of the bishops and the clergy brought letters of denunciation against each other to the emperor St. Constantine the Great. He commanded that a burning candle be brought, and not even reading the letters, he burned them and said, “If I had seen with my own eyes a bishop sinning, or a priest, or a monk, then I would have 257 veiled such with his garb, so that no one might see his sin.” Thus the wise hierarch shamed the calumniators. St. Vitalius continued on with his difficult exploit: appearing himself before people under the guise of a sinner and a prodigal, he led the prodigal to repentance. One time, emerging from a house of ill repute, the monk encountered a young man going there -- a prodigal fellow, who with an insult struck him on the cheek and cried out that the monk was a disgrace to the Name of Christ. The monk answered him: “Believe me, that after me, humble man that I be, thou also shalt receive such a blow on the cheek, that will have all Alexandria thronging to thine cry.” A certain while afterwards St. Vitalius settled into a small cell and in it at night he died. At that very hour a terrifying demon appeared before the youth who had struck the saint, and the demon struck the youth on the cheek and cried out: “Here is a knock from St. Vitalius.” The youth went into a demonic madness. In a frenzy he thrashed about on the ground, tore the clothing from himself and howled so loudly, that a multitude of people gathered. When the youth finally came to his senses after several hours, he then rushed off to the cell of the monk, calling out: “Have mercy on me, O servant of God, for I have sinned against thee.” At the door of the cell he came fully to his senses and he told those gathered there about his former encounter with St. Vitalius. Then the youth knocked on the door of the cell, but he received no answer. When they broke in the door, they then saw, that the monk was dead, on his knees before an icon. In his hand was a scroll with the words: “Men of Alexandria, judge not beforehand, til cometh the Lord, the Righteous Judge.” At this moment there came up the demon-possessed woman, punished by the monk for wanting to violate the secret of his exploit. Having touched the body of the saint, she was healed and told the people about everything that had happened with her. When the women who had been saved by St. Vitalius learned about his death, they gathered together and told 258 everyone about the virtues and mercy of the saint. St. John the Merciful also rejoiced, in that he had not believed the calumniators, and that a righteous man had not been condemned. And then together with the throng of repentant women, converted by St. Vitalius, the holy Patriarch solemnly conveyed his remains throughout all the city and gave them reverent burial. And from that time many of the Alexandria people made themselves a promise to judge no one. TODAY IS APRIL 23 Saint George FEAST DAY Saint George (c. 275/281 – 23 April 303) was a Greek who became an officer in the Roman army. His father was the Greek Gerondios from Cappadocia Asia Minor and his mother was the Greek Polychronia from the city Lydda. Lydda was a Greek city in Palestine from the times of the conquest of Alexander the Great (333 BC), however it is now known as its Hebrew name Lod and is now a part of modern Israel. Saint George became an officer in the Roman army in the Guard of Diocletian. He is venerated as a Christian martyr. In hagiography, Saint George is one of the most venerated saints in the Western and Eastern Rites, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and the Oriental Orthodox churches. He is immortalized in the tale of Saint George and the Dragon and is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. His 259 memorial is celebrated on 23 April, and he is regarded as one of the most prominent military saints. Many Patronages of Saint George exist around the world, including: Georgia, England, Egypt, Bulgaria, Aragon, Catalonia, Romania, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Iraq, Lithuania, Palestine, Portugal, Serbia, Ukraine and Russia, as well as the cities of Genoa, Amersfoort, Beirut, Botoşani, Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Timişoara, Fakiha, Bteghrine, Cáceres, Ferrara, Freiburg, Kragujevac, Kumanovo, Ljubljana, Pérouges, Pomorie, Preston, Qormi, Rio de Janeiro, Lod, Lviv, Barcelona, Moscow and Victoria, as well as of the Scout Movement and a wide range of professions, organizations and disease sufferers. The traditional legends have offered a historicized narration of George's encounter with a dragon. Chief among the legendary sources about the saint is the Golden Legend, which remains the most familiar version in English owing to William Caxton's 15th-century translation. It is likely that Saint George was born to a Greek Christian noble family in Lydda [Lod], now in Israel, during the late third century between about 275 and 285, and he died in the Greek city Nicomedia, Asia Minor. His father, Gerontios, was a Greek, from Cappadocia, Asia Minor, officer in the Roman army and his mother, Polychronia, was a Greek from the city Lydda (Lod) PalestineIsrael. They were both Christians and from noble families of Anici, so the child was raised with Christian beliefs. They decided to call him Georgios(Greek), meaning "worker of the land". At the age of 14, George lost his father; a few years later, George's mother died. Orthodox accounts give the names of his parents as Anastasius and Theobaste. Saint George Killing the Dragon, 1434/35, by Martorell 260 Then George decided to go to Nicomedia, the imperial city of that time, and present himself to Emperor Diocletian to apply for a career as a soldier. Diocletian welcomed him with open arms, as he had known his father, Gerontius — one of his finest soldiers. By his late 20s, George was promoted to the rank of Tribunus and stationed as an imperial guard of the Emperor at Nicomedia. In the year 302, Diocletian issued an edict that every Christian soldier in the army should be arrested and every other soldier should offer a sacrifice to the Roman gods of the time. However George objected and with the courage of his faith approached the Emperor and ruler. Diocletian was upset, not wanting to lose his best tribune and the son of his best official, the late Gerontius. George loudly renounced the Emperor's edict, and in front of his fellow soldiers and Tribunes he claimed himself to be a Christian and declared his worship of Jesus Christ. Diocletian attempted to convert George, even offering gifts of land, money and slaves if he made a sacrifice to the Roman gods. The Emperor made many offers, but George never accepted. Recognizing the futility of his efforts, Diocletian was left with no choice but to have him executed for his refusal. Before the execution George gave his wealth to the poor and prepared himself. After various torture sessions, including laceration on a wheel of swords in which he was resuscitated three times, George was executed by decapitation before Nicomedia's city wall, on April 23, 303. A witness of his suffering convinced Empress Alexandra and Athanasius, a pagan priest, to become Christians as well, and so they joined George in martyrdom. His body was returned to Lydda in Palestine for burial, where Christians soon came to honor him as a martyr. Orthodox depictions of Saint George slaying a dragon often include the image of the young maiden who looks on from a distance. The standard iconographic interpretation of the image icon is that the dragon represents both Satan (Rev. 12:3) and the Roman Empire. The young 261 maiden is the wife of Diocletian, Alexandra. Thus, the image as interpreted through the language of Byzantine iconography, is an image of the martyrdom of the saint. The episode of St. George and the Dragon was a legend brought back with the Crusaders and retold with the courtly appurtenances belonging to the genre of Romance. The earliest known depiction of the legend is from early eleventhcentury Cappadocia. In the iconography of the Orthodox Church, George had been depicted as a soldier since at least the seventh century. The earliest known surviving narrative text is an eleventhcentury Georgian text. White George on the coat of arms of Georgia. In the fully developed version, which developed as part of the Golden Legend, a dragon or crocodile makes its nest at the spring that provides water for the city of "Silene" (perhaps modern Cyrene in Libya or the city of Lydda in the Holy Land, depending on the source). Consequently, the citizens have to dislodge the dragon from its nest for a time, to collect water. To do so, each day they offer the dragon at first a sheep, and if no sheep can be found, then a maiden must go instead of the sheep. The victim is chosen by drawing lots. One day, this happens to be the princess. The monarch begs for her life to be spared, but to no avail. She is offered to the dragon, but there appears Saint George on his travels. He faces the dragon, protects himself with the sign of the Cross, slays the dragon, and rescues the princess. The citizens abandon their ancestral paganism and convert to Christianity. In the medieval romances, the lance with which St. George slew the dragon was called Ascalon, named after the city of Ashkelon in the Levant. 262 The martyrdom of Saint George, by Paolo Veronese, 1564 A church built in Lydda during the reign of Constantine I (reigned 306– 37), was consecrated to "a man of the highest distinction", according to the church history of Eusebius of Caesarea; the name of the patron was not disclosed, but later he was asserted to have been George. During the fourth century the veneration of George spread from Palestine through Lebanon to the rest of the Eastern Roman Empire and Georgia. In Georgia the feast day on November 23 is credited to St. Nino of Cappadocia, who in Georgian hagiography is a relative of St. George, credited with bringing Christianity to the Georgians in the fourth century. By the fifth century, Saint George had reached the Western Roman Empire as well. In England the earliest dedication to George, who was mentioned among the martyrs by Bede, is a church at Fordington, Dorset, that is mentioned in the wars of Alfred the Great. "Saint George and his feast day began to gain more widespread fame among all Europeans, however, from the time of the Crusades." The St. George's flag, a red cross on a white field, was adopted by England and the City of London in 1190 for their ships entering the Mediterranean to benefit from the protection of the Genoese fleet during the Crusades, and the English Monarch paid an annual tribute to the Doge of Genoa for this privilege. An apparition of George heartened the Franks at the siege of Antioch, 1098, and made a similar appearance the following year at Jerusalem. Chivalric military Order of St. George were established in Aragon (1201), Genoa, Hungary, and by Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor, and in England 263 the Synod of Oxford, 1222 declared St. George's Day a feast day in the kingdom of England. Edward III put his Order of the Garter under the banner of St. George, probably in 1348. The chronicler Froissart observed the English invoking St. George as a battle cry on several occasions during the Hundred Years' War. In his rise as a national saint George was aided by the very fact that the saint had no legendary connection with England, and no specifically localized shrine. Saint George is somewhat of an exception among saints and legends, in that he is known and respected by Muslims, as well as venerated by Christians throughout the Middle East, from Egypt to Asia Minor. He is said to have killed a dragon near the sea in Beirut and at the beginning of the 20th century Muslim women used to visit his shrine in the area to pray to him. St. George is very much honored by the Eastern Orthodox Church, wherein he is referred to as a "Great Martyr", and in Oriental Orthodoxy overall. His major feast day is on April 23 (Julian Calendar April 23 currently corresponds to Gregorian Calendar May 6). If, however, the feast occurs before Easter, it is celebrated on Easter Monday instead. The Russian Orthodox Church also celebrates two additional feasts in honour of St. George: one on November 3 commemorating the consecration of a cathedral dedicated to him in Lydda during the reign Constantine the Great (305–37). When the church was consecrated, the relics of the St. George were transferred there. The other feast on November 26 for a church dedicated to him in Kiev, 1054. In Egypt the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria refers to St George as the "Prince of Martyrs." The Copts also celebrate the consecration of the first church dedicated to him on 7th of the month of Hatour of the Coptic Calender usually equivalent to 17 November. St. George is the patron saint of England. His cross forms the national flag of England, and features within the Union Flag of the United Kingdom, and other national flags containing the Union Flag, such as those of Australia and New 264 Zealand. Traces of the cult of Saint George in England pre-date the Norman Conquest in the eleventh century. By the fourteenth century the saint had been declared both the patron saint and the protector of the royal family. The country of Georgia, where devotions to the saint date back to the fourth century, is not technically named after the saint, but a large number of towns and cities around the Georgia are. There are exactly 365 Orthodox churches in Georgia named after Saint George according to the number of days in a year. According to legend, Saint George appeared in person during the Battle of Didgori to support the Georgian victory over the Seldjuk army and the Georgian uprising against Persian rule. Saint George is considered by many Georgians to have special meaning as a symbol of national liberation. Devotions to Saint George in Portugal date back to the twelfth century. The victory of the Portuguese in the battle of Aljubarrota in the fourteenth century is attributed to Saint George. During the reign of King John I (1357–1433) Saint George became the patron saint of Portugal and the King ordered that the saint's image on the horse be carried in the Corpus Christi procession. In fact, the Portuguese Army motto means Portugal and Saint George, in perils and in efforts of war. Saint George is also one of the patron saints of the Mediterranean islands of Malta and Gozo. In a battle between the Maltese and the Moors, Saint George was alleged to have been seen with Saint Paul and Saint Agata, protecting the Maltese. Besides being the patron of Victoria where St. George's Basilica, Malta is dedicated to him, St George is the protector of the island Gozo. St George's Cross 265 The "Colours of Saint George", or St. George's Cross are a white flag with a red cross, frequently borne by entities over which he is patron: the Republic of Genoa, Liguria, England, Georgia, Catalonia, and Aragon just to name the most known. The cross was originally the personal flag of another saint and key Christian figure, St. Ambrose. Adopted by the city of Milan (of which St. Ambrose was Archbishop) at least as early as the Ninth century, its use spread over Northern Italy including Genoa. Genoa's patron saint was St. George and through the flag's use by the vast Genoese trading fleet, the association was carried throughout Europe. The same color scheme was used by Viktor Vasnetsov for the façade of the Tretyakov Gallery, in which some of the most famous St. George icons are exhibited and which displays St. George as the coat of arms of Moscow over its entrance. In 1606, the flag of England (St. George's Cross), and the flag of Scotland (St. Andrew's Cross), were joined together to create the Union Flag. St. George is most commonly depicted in early icons, mosaics and frescos wearing armor contemporary with the depiction, executed in gilding and silver color, intended to identify him as a Roman soldier. After the Fall of Constantinople and the association of St George with the crusades, he is more often portrayed mounted upon a white horse. At the same time St. George began to be associated with St. Demetrius, another early soldier saint. When the two saints are portrayed together mounted upon horses, they may be likened to earthly manifestations of the archangels Michael and Gabriel. St. George is always depicted in Eastern traditions upon a white horse and St. Demetrius on a red horse. St. George can also be identified in the act of spearing a dragon, unlike St. Demetrius. In Russian Orthodox Christianity it is possible to find Icons of St. George riding on Black horse, as well, there are various examples in Russian Iconography, like the Icon in British Museum Collection. A 2003 266 Vatican stamp issued on the anniversary of the Saint's death depicts an armored Saint George atop a white horse, killing the dragon. TODAY IS APRIL 24 Saint Joseph the Confessor of Maramures FEAST DAY Saint Joseph was born in the seventeenth century, and was consecrated as a bishop in Moldavia (northern Romania in 1690 by Metropolitan Dositheus. This was a period of great trials and sufferings for the people of Maramures (in northern Romania) because the Roman Catholic authorities wanted to wipe out Orthodoxy in the region. St. Joseph was a zealous defender of the Orthodox Faith, and therefore he was jailed by the civil authorities. While in jail, his prayers healed a guard of epilepsy and another prisoner of open wounds that would not heal. His faith in Orthodoxy encouraged his flock for centuries after his repose. He died in 1711 after suffering for the truth and defending his flock. St. Joseph the Confessor was glorified by the Orthodox Church of Romania in 1992. 267 TODAY IS APRIL 25 Venerable Saint Sylvester the Abbot of Obnora FEAST DAY Saint Sylvester of Obnora was a disciple and novice under St. Sergius of Radonezh. After completing his obedience at the Trinity monastery, St. Sylvester received a blessing to live alone in the wilderness. In the deep forest at the River Obnora, flowing into the River Kostroma, he set up a cross at his chosen spot and began his ascetical labors. For a long time no one knew about the holy hermit. His cell was discovered by a peasant who had lost his way. He told the distraught hermit that people had seen bright rays, and a pillar of cloud above his habitation. The monk shed tears of sorrow, because the place of his solitude had been discovered. The pilgrim besought the saint to tell about himself. St. Sylvester said that he had been living there a long time, and that he ate tree bark and roots. At first he became weak without bread, and fell on the ground from his weakness. Then an angel appeared to him in the guise of a wondrous man and touched his hand. From that moment St. Sylvester did not experience any distress. Another time, the peasant came back to the saint and brought him bread and flour for reserve supply. This one meeting was sufficient for the exploits of the hermit to become known to many. Soon peasants began to come to him from the surrounding settlements. St. Sylvester allowed them to build cells near his. When the brethren had gathered, St. Sylvester went to Moscow and 268 petitioned St. Alexis to bless the construction of a temple in honor of the Resurrection of Christ. The hierarch gave him an antimension (a cloth containing relics of martyrs, necessary for celebrating the Divine Liturgy), and made him Igumen (Abbot) of the monastery. With the construction of the church the number of brethren quickly grew, and the saint frequently withdrew for solitary prayer in the dense forest. This spot received the name “Commanded Grove,” since St. Sylvester commanded that no trees should be cut there. In this grove he dug three wells, and a fourth on the side of a hill at the River Obnora. When the saint returned from his solitude, a number of people awaited him at the monastery, and each wanted to receive his blessing and hear his advice. The saint fell into a fatal illness, and the brethren, who were distressed whenever he went into seclusion, were even more distressed about his approaching death. “Do not grieve about this, my beloved brethren,” he said to console them, “for everything is according to the will of God. Keep the commandments of the Lord and don’t be afraid to suffer misfortune in this life, so you may receive a reward in Heaven. If I have found boldness before the Lord and my life is pleasing to Him, then this holy place will not diminish after my departure. Pray to the Lord God and His All-Pure Mother, that you may be delivered from temptation.” St. Sylvester died on April 25, 1479 and was buried on the right side of the wooden Resurrection church. A record of the saint’s miracles has been preserved from the year 1645, in which twenty-three miracles are described. The saint healed twelve people from demonic possession and delirium, and six others from eye afflictions. An edifying miracle occurred in 1645. The Hieromonk Job of the monastery ordered peasants to cut down the forbidden forest grove for firewood, and he was struck blind. After four weeks he acknowledged his sin, repented and vowed not to act on his own will, but to follow the advice of the brethren. The Hieromonk served a Molieben [A molében (Slavonic: 269 молебен), also called a molieben, service of intercession, or service of supplication, is a supplicatory prayer service used within the Orthodox Christian Church in honor of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, a Feast, or a particular saint or martyr] in church, after which he was brought to the reliquary of St. Sylvester, and there he regained his sight. TODAY IS APRIL 26 Saint Stephen the Bishop of Perm FEAST DAY Saint Stephen the Enlightener of Perm, and Apostle to the Zyrians, was born around the year 1340 into the family of Simeon, a cleric of the Ustiug cathedral. He was greatly influenced by his pious mother Maria. Endowed with great abilities, he already displayed an unusual zeal for the service of the Church: in a single year he learned to read the Holy Books and he assisted his father in church during services, fulfilling the duty of canonarch [A canonarch is a lead cantor or reader in Orthodox Christian churches of the Byzantine tradition. The office was used especially during the times when antiphonal singing was common. The canonarch ensures that readers chant from the correct texts and use the proper tones during church services. The canonarch preserves the canonical order in the liturgical services through proper use of the Typicon. The office has generally fallen out of use in the 270 modern age.], and also that of reader. The young saint received monastic tonsure at the Monastery of St. Gregory the Theologian at Rostov. The monastery was famed for its fine library. Since St. Stephen wanted to read the holy Fathers in their original language, he studied Greek. In his youth, when he had assisted his father in church, he frequently spoke with the Zyrian [The Zyrians are an ethnic group whose homeland is in the north-east of European Russia around the basins of the Vychegda, Pechora and Kama rivers] people. Now, having been immersed in the rich culture of the Church, St. Stephen burned with a desire to convert the Zyrians to Christ. To facilitate the enlightenment of the Zyrians, he compiled an alphabet of their language and translated some of the Church books. For this pious work Bishop Arsenius of Rostov ordained him to the rank of hierodeacon. Having prepared himself for missionary activity, St. Stephen journeyed to Moscow (1379) to see Bishop Gerasimus of Kolomna, who then oversaw the affairs of the metropolitanate. The saint implored him, “Bless me, Master, to go into a pagan land, Perm. I want to teach the holy Faith to the unbelieving people. I am resolved either to lead them to Christ, or to lay down my life for them and for Christ.” The bishop joyfully blessed him and ordained him as a hieromonk. He provided him with an antimension for the altar table, holy chrism and service books, and Great Prince Demetrius gave him a document of safe passage. From Ustiug St. Stephen made his way along the North Dvina River up to the confluence of the Vychegda into it, where settlements of the Zyrians began. The proponent of faith in Christ suffered many toils and struggles, deprivation and sorrow, living among the pagans who worshipped idols “with fire, water, trees, a stone and golden woman-figure, and shaman, and wizard, and wood.” Father Stephen was sad to see that the Zyrians continued to worship a “sacred birch tree.” Immense in its thickness and height, the birch tree grew on an elevated spot. The Zyrians gathered there 271 and brought wild animals there for sacrifice. St. Stephen’s cell was not far from the birch tree. He prayed and set fire to the tree in order to end the superstition. The Zyrians, seeing that the tree had been destroyed, meant to kill him. The saint said to them, “Judge for yourselves whether or not your gods have any power, since they are not able to defend themselves from the fire. Can they be gods, when they are so powerless? They have no mind, neither can they see or hear. Your idol could not defend itself against me, a weak man. Are all your other gods so powerless? The Christian God is not like this. He sees everything, knows everything and is Almighty, since He created the whole world and foresees everything. How good He is, particularly to those who know Him! I desire only what is good for you, to bring you to the true God. He will love you and bless you, when you sincerely begin to honor Him.” On the site of the “sacred birch tree,” St Stephen built a church in honor of the Archangel Michael, the vanquisher of the spirits of darkness. The newly-baptized Zyrians themselves began to remove that which they once worshiped. They cut down sacred trees, they destroyed idols, and they brought to St. Stephen the rich gifts set aside for the pagan sacrifices. He told his Zyrian helper Matthew to throw everything into the fire, except the linen cloth which was used for foot wrappings. But things came to a head among the Zyrians after St. Stephen got the better of their chief priest Pama, who rose up against the spread of Christianity. The pagan priest entered into a debate with St Stephen. “Christian, you have only one God,” said Pama, “but we have many helpers on the land, and in the water, granting us good hunting in the forests, and with its abundance providing food and pelts to Moscow, the Horde and faraway lands. Our gods reveal to us the magic mysteries, inaccessible to you.” St. Stephen answered that the true God is one; the Almighty is one, but experience has proven that the idols are powerless. After a lengthy dispute the pagan priest Pama challenged 272 St. Stephen to pass through fire and water in a test of faith. St. Stephen humbly replied, “Great is the Christian God. I accept your challenge.” Pama, however, lost his nerve and entreated the saint to save him from certain death. “You are witnesses,” said St. Stephen to the people “how he wished to resolve the dispute about faith by fire and water, but he does not wish to be baptized. Who has regard for Pama now? What is to be done with him?” “Let the deceiver be put to death,” the people said, “for if Pama is set free, he will make mischief for you.” “No,” the saint replied, “Christ has not sent me to hand anyone over to death, but to teach. Since Pama does not wish to accept the saving Faith, let his stubbornness punish him, but I will not.” Pama was banished. In thanksgiving for his victory over the chief pagans, St. Stephen built a church in honor of St. Nicholas at Vishero. After this, the saint’s preaching of Christ was more successful. In 1383, St. Stephen was consecrated Bishop of Malaya Perm [Lesser Perm]. Like a loving father he devoted himself to his flock. To encourage the newly-converted, St Stephen opened schools adjacent to the churches, where they studied the Holy Scriptures in the Permian language. The saint supervised the instructions, and taught them what they needed to know in order to become priests and deacons. St. Stephen taught several of his students how to write in the Permian language. The saint built churches, in which he placed Zyrian priests, and services were conducted in the Zyrian language. St. Stephen translated the HOROLOGION [Book of Hours], the PSALTER, and other liturgical books into the Zyrian language. During a crop failure the saint provided the Zyrians with bread. Many times he protected them from the trickery of corrupt officials, gave them alms, and defended them from the incursions of other tribes, interceding for them at Moscow. The fruit of his efforts and good deeds came in the conversion of all of Perm to Christianity. This great deed was accomplished by his strength of faith and Christian love. 273 The life of the saint was a victory of faith over unbelief, of love and meekness over malice and impiety. There was a touching “meeting in absence” of St. Stephen of Perm with St. Sergius of Radonezh, occurring in the year 1390 as St. Stephen journeyed to Moscow on church business. St. Stephen fervently loved the Radonezh ascetic and very much wanted to pay him a visit, but had no time to do so. Ten versts [a verst equals 3,500 feet] from the monastery of St. Sergius, St. Stephen turned in the direction of the monastery and with a bow he said, “Peace to you, my spiritual brother!” St. Sergius, who was eating a meal with the brethren, stood up, made a prayer and, bowing towards the direction where the saint rode, answered, “Hail also to you, pastor of the flock of Christ, may the peace of God be with you!” The deep spiritual connection of St. Stephen of Perm and St. Sergius of Radonezh is recalled even today in a certain prayer recited each day in the trapeza. Besides building churches, St. Stephen also founded several monasteries for the Zyrians: the Savior Ulianov wilderness monastery 165 versts from Ust-Sysolsk, the Stephanov 60 versts from Ust-Sysolsk, the Ust-Vym Archangel, and the Yareng Archangel. In the year 1395 St. Stephen again went to Moscow on affairs of his flock, and died there. His body was placed in the Church of the Transfiguration in the Moscow Kremlin. The Zyrians bitterly lamented the death of their archpastor. They earnestly entreated the Moscow prince and the Metropolitan to send the body of their patron back to Perm, but Moscow did not wish to part with the relics of the saint. The glorification of St. Stephen began already at the beginning of the fiftenth century. The life of the saint was written soon after his death. The hieromonk Pachomius the Serb composed the service to him, with the hieromonk Epiphanius the Wise, who was a disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh. He also knew St. Stephen and loved to converse with him. 274 TODAY IS APRIL 27 Saint Stephen, Bishop of Vladimir FEAST DAY St. Stephen, Igumen of the Caves, Bishop of Vladimir in Volhynia, pursued asceticism at the Kievan Caves monastery under the guidance of St. Theodosius. St. Theodosius sometimes entrusted him to exhort the brethren with edifying words. Before the death of St. Theodosius the monks asked him to appoint St. Stephen as Igumen, who was the domesticus (chief arranger for the choir). “He grew up under your instruction,” they said, “and he served you. Give him to us.” So St. Theodosius transferred the guidance of the monastery to St. Stephen. During his tenure as Superior, he laid the foundations of a spacious church in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, begun under St. Theodosius. The cells of the brethren were moved near the new church. At the front of the place there were several cells for monks who were entrusted with burying the dead. They served the Divine Liturgy each day, and also commemorated the dead. In 1078 St. Stephen was removed from office and driven from the monastery through the malice of an evil monk. He endured his meekly and without bitterness, and continued to pray for those who had turned against him. In God's time the holy monk was vindicated. St. Stephen learned that master builders had come from Greece with an icon of the Theotokos, and they told him of the appearance of the Heavenly Queen at Blachernae. Because of this, St. Stephen also built a church at Klovo in honor of the Theotokos in memory of the Placing 275 of Her Robe at Blachernae. The monastery was founded in thanksgiving for solicitude of the Most Holy Theotokos for the Caves monastery. In 1091 St. Stephen was made Bishop of Vladimir in Volhynia, and he participated in the transfer of the relics of St. Theodosius from the cave to the monastery. He also labored to convert the inhabitants of Volhynia to Christianity. His prayers to heal the sick were always answered, and it is recorded that he cast out demons from 9 infested men and 11 infested women. St. Stephen died on April 27, 1094 during the sixth hour of the night. He was interned next to the Cathedral of Saint Demetrius after its completion in 1191. TODAY IS APRIL 28 Saint Cyril the Bishop of Turov FEAST DAY Saint Cyril, Bishop of Turov, was born of rich parents in the thirties of the twelfth century in the city of Turov at the River Pripyat. From his early years St. Cyril eagerly read the sacred books and attained a profound understanding of them. He studied not only in Russian, but also in Greek. When he reached maturity St. Cyril refused his inheritance and was tonsured in Turov’s Sts. Boris and Gleb monastery. He struggled much in fasting and prayer and taught the monks to obey the igumen. A monk who is not obedient to the igumen does not fulfill his vow, and therefore is not able to be saved, he 276 wrote. Three writings of St. Cyril on monastic life have survived, one of which, “A Narrative on the Black Clergy from the Old Law and from the New,” may be ascribed to a period of his being in the monastery. After a certain while St. Cyril lived on a pillar, where he increased his asceticism, and meditated on the Holy Scripture. Many turned to him for counsel in the spiritual life. Some claimed he had the power to heal sickness. St. Cyril’s holiness of life and profound enlightenment became known to many, and so he was chosen as Bishop of Turov. In 1169 St. Cyril took part in a council censuring Bishop Theodore, who occupied the Vladimir-Suzdal cathedra and who sought to separate from the metropolitanate of Kiev. St. Cyril denounced the heresy of Theodore and wrote many letters to the holy prince Andrew Bogoliubsky, in which he provided him instruction and guidance in discovering the cause of church disorders in the Rostov region. Because of his love for solitude, St. Cyril left his See (by the year 1182, Bishop Laurence is mentioned as the Bishop of Turov) and he devoted himself fully to spiritual writing. He composed a discourse on the yearly cycle of the Lord’s Feasts, but not all of them have been preserved. The works of St. Cyril deserve a place beside the works of the holy Fathers in book collections. The most complete collection of works by St. Cyril of Turov, published by Bishop Eugenius of Turov in 1880, includes: Sermon on Palm Sunday, from Gospel accounts; Sermon on Holy Pascha on the Radiant Day of the Resurrection of Christ, from the prophetic accounts; Sermon on the Sunday after Pascha, on the Renewal of the Resurrection, on the Artos [loaf blessed on Pascha], and on “Thomas Touching the Side of the Lord” among 350 other preserved sermons. Later, the “Sermon on the Enlightenment of our Lord Jesus Christ” was discovered. The saint also composed a “Great Canon of Repentance to the Lord in Alphabetic Chapters.” As a theologian St. Cyril believed his task was to discern the true and hidden meaning of various texts of Holy 277 Scripture. St. Cyril died on April 28, 1183. His contemporaries regarded him as a Russian Chrysostom. The saint humbly wrote of himself: “I am not a harvester, but I gather sheaves of grain; I am not an artist in literary matters.” He was always conscious of the sublime hierarchical service to which the Lord had called him: “If I were to speak of my own opinions, you would do well not to come to church, but I proclaim to you the Word of God. I read to you the accounts of Christ. I present to you the words of God, finer than gold or other stones, sweeter than mead or honeycomb, and you would be deprived of them by not coming to church, but I praise and bless those of you who do come.” TODAY IS APRIL 29 Saint Basil the Bishop of Ostrog In Montenegro, Serbia FEAST DAY Saint Basil, Bishop of Zakholmsk, was born of pious parents in the sixteenth century in the Popov district of Herzegovina. At the age of maturity he left his parental home and settled in the Trebinsk monastery in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, and became a monk. As a monk, he was known for his very severe asceticism. For his virtuous life and against his will the saint was elevated to be Bishop of Zakholm and Skenderia where he served his flock faithfully for many years, "keeping it from the cruelty of the 278 Turks and the guile of the Latins.” When his monastery was destroyed by the Turks he moved to Ostrog. He occupied the bishop’s cathedra in the second half of the sixteenth century, a successor to Bishop Paul and predecessor of Bishop Nicodemus. St. Basil was a good pastor of the flock of Christ, and the Lord strengthened his discourse with various miracles. For the sanctifying of soul with the wisdom of holy ascetic fathers, the saint journeyed to Athos. St. Basil died peacefully and was buried in the city of Ostrog in Chernogoria on the border with Herzegovina. His body has remained whole, incorrupt, healing and wonderworking to this day. Innumerable miracles have been worked at his grave, and both Christians and Muslims seek out his relics for healing from sicknesses and sufferings. (A story heard from a parishioner at St. Basil of Ostrog Church in Illinois: while the Saint's relics remain intact, reputedly his shoes wear out from time to time and need to be replaced.) TODAY IS APRIL 30 Saint Ignatius, Bishop of Stavropol FEAST DAY St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), Bishop of Stavropol and Kavkaz (1867) was born in 1807 into Russian aristocracy. His father was a wealthy provincial Count. From a very early age he felt strongly called to monastic life, but at that time it was almost unheard of for a 279 nobleman to take such a path, and Dimitri (as he was called in baptism) entered the Pioneer Military School in St. Petersburg. There he distinguished himself, and even attracted the attention of Grand Duke Nicholas Pavlovich, an event which would profoundly affect his later life. Despite his excellent record at the academy, young Dimitri still longed only for the things of God. In 1827 he graduated from the school and was commissioned as an officer in the army, but soon fell critically ill, and was granted a discharge. This proved to be providential: when he recovered his health, he immediately became a novice, living at several different monasteries and coming under the spiritual care of Starets Leonid, one of the celebrated fathers of the Optina monastery. In 1821 he took his monastic vows and received the name Ignatius. Soon afterwards he was ordained to the priesthood. Soon after the newly-professed Fr. Ignatius had entered the seclusion that he sought, Tsar Nicholas I, the former Grand Duke Nicholas, visited the Pioneer Military School and asked what had become of the promising cadet he had met a few years before. When the Tsar learned that the former Dimitri was now a monk, he sought him out, had him elevated to the rank of Archimandrite at age 26 [The title Archimandrite (Greek: ἀρχιμανδρίτης), primarily used in the Eastern Orthodox churches, originally referred to an abbot of some especially great and important monastery. This particular sign of respect is only given to those priests who have taken vows of celibacy as monks] and made him Superior of the St. Sergius Monastery in St. Petersburg. Tsar Nicholas instructed him to make the monastery a model for all Russian religious communities. Though he had desired only a life of solitude and prayer, the new Archimandrite devoted himself conscientiously to fulfilling the Tsar's charge. The monastery did in fact become a kind of standard for Russian monasticism, and its abbot acquired many spiritual children, not only among his monks but among the laity in the capital. After 280 twenty-four years as superior of the monastery, St. Iganatius was elevated to the episcopate in 1857, first as Bishop of Stavropol, then as Bishop of Kavkaz. Only four years later (aged 54) he resigned and spent the rest of his life in reclusion at the Nicolo-Babaevsky Monastery in the diocese of Kostromo. There he continued the large body of spiritual writings for which he is well known. His printed Works fills five volumes; of these, at least two major works have been translated into English: On the Prayer of Jesus and The Arena: an offering to contemporary monasticism. Both are gems of spiritual writing, profitable to every serious Orthodox Christian. St. Ignatius reposed in peace in 1867. He was glorified in 1988 by the Moscow Patriarchate, during the millennial celebrations in that year. 281 282 TODAY IS MAY 1 Saint Tamara, Queen of Georgia FEAST DAY In 1166 a daughter, Tamara, was born to King George III and Queen Burdukhan of Georgia. The king proclaimed that he would share the throne with his daughter from the day she turned twelve. The royal court unanimously vowed its allegiance and service to Tamar, and father and daughter ruled the country together for five years. After King George’s death in 1184, the nobility recognized the young Tamara as the sole ruler of all Georgia. Queen Tamara was enthroned as ruler of all Georgia at the age of eighteen. She is called “King” in the Georgian language because her father had no male heir and so she ruled as a monarch and not as a consort. At the beginning of her reign, Tamara convened a Church council and addressed the clergy with wisdom and humility: “Judge according to righteousness, affirming good and condemning evil,” she advised. “Begin with me – if I sin I should be censured, for the royal crown is sent down from above as a sign of divine service. Allow neither the wealth of the nobles nor the poverty of the masses to hinder your work. You by word and I by deed, you by preaching and I by the law, you by upbringing and I by education will care for those souls whom God has entrusted to us, and together we will abide by the law of God, in order to escape eternal condemnation.… You as priests and I as ruler, you 283 as stewards of good and I as the watchman of that good.” She is known in Georgia as the Holy Righteous Queen Tamar (წმიდა კეთილმსახური მეფე თამარი). The Church and the royal court chose a suitor for Tamara: Yuri, the son of Prince Andrei Bogoliubsky of Vladimir-Suzdal (in Georgia Yuri was known as “George the Russian”). The handsome George Rusi was a valiant soldier, and under his command the Georgians were victorious in many of their battles. His marriage to Tamara, however, exposed many of the coarser sides of his character. He was often drunk and inclined toward immoral deeds. In the end, Tamar’s court banished him to Constantinople, along with a generous allowance. Many Middle Eastern rulers were drawn to Queen Tamara’s beauty and desired to marry her, but she rejected them all. Finally at the insistence of her court, she agreed to wed a second time to ensure the preservation of the dynasty. This time, however, she asked her aunt and nurse Rusudan to find her a suitor. The man she chose, Davit-Soslan Bagrationi, was a descendant of King George I, by whom she had two children, George and Rusudan, the two successive monarchs on the throne of Georgia. In 1195 a joint Muslim military campaign against Georgia was planned under the leadership of the military commander, Abu Bakr of Persian Azerbaijan. At Queen Tamara’s command, a call to arms was issued. The faithful were instructed by Metropolitan Anton of Chqondidi to celebrate Allnight Vigils and Liturgies and to generously distribute alms so that the poor could rest from their labors in order to pray. In ten days the army was prepared, and Queen Tamara addressed the Georgian soldiers for the last time before the battle began. “My brothers! Do not allow your hearts to tremble before the multitude of enemies, for God is with us .… Trust God alone, turn your hearts to Him in righteousness, and place your every hope in the Cross of Christ and in the Most Holy Theotokos!” 284 Tamar as depicted on a 13th-century mural from the Kintsvisi monastery Having taken off her shoes, Queen Tamara climbed the hill to the Metekhi Church of the Theotokos and knelt before the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. She prayed without ceasing until the good news arrived that the battle had ended in the unquestionable victory of the Orthodox Georgian army. After this initial victory the Georgian army launched into a series of triumphs over the Turks, and neighboring countries began to regard Georgia as the protector of the entire Transcaucasus. By the beginning of the 13th century, Georgia commanded a political authority that was recognized by both the Christian West and the Muslim East. Georgia’s military successes alarmed the Islamic world. Sultan Rukn al-Din was certain that a united Muslim force could definitively decide the issue of power in the region, and his enormous armies marched on Georgia in 1203. Having encamped near Basiani, Rukn al-Din sent a messenger to Queen Tamara with an audacious demand: to surrender without a fight. In reward for her obedience, the sultan promised to marry her on the condition that she embrace Islam. However, he stated that if Tamara were to cleave to Christianity, he would number her among the other unfortunate concubines in his harem. When the messenger relayed the sultan’s demand, a nobleman was so outraged that he slapped him on the face, knocking him unconscious. At Queen Tamara’s command, the court generously bestowed gifts upon the ambassador and sent him away with a Georgian envoy and a letter of reply. “Your proposal takes into consideration your wealth and the vastness of 285 your armies, but fails to account for divine judgment,” Tamara wrote, “while I place my trust not in any army or worldly thing but in the right hand of the Almighty God and the infinite aid of the Cross, which you curse. The will of God – and not your own – shall be fulfilled, and the judgment of God – and not your judgment – shall reign!” The Georgian soldiers were summoned without delay. Queen Tamara prayed for victory before the Vardzia Icon of the Theotokos, then, barefoot, led her army to the gates of the city. Hoping in the Lord and the fervent prayers of Queen Tamara, the Georgian army marched toward Basiani. The enemy was defeated. The victory at Basiani was an enormous event not only for Georgia, but for the entire Christian world. The military victories increased Queen Tamara’s faith. During the day, she shone in all her royal finery and wisely administered the affairs of the government. At night, on bended knees, she beseeched the Lord tearfully to strengthen the Georgian Church. She busied herself with needlework and distributed her embroidery to the poor. Once, exhausted from her prayers and needlework, Tamara dozed off and saw a vision. Entering a luxuriously furnished home, she saw a gold throne studded with jewels, and she turned to approach it, but was suddenly stopped by an old man crowned with a halo. “Who is more worthy than I to receive such a glorious throne?” Queen Tamara asked him. He answered her, saying, “This throne is intended for your maidservant, who sewed vestments for twelve priests with her own hands. You are already the possessor of great treasure in this world.” And he pointed her in a different direction. Having awakened, Queen Tamara immediately took to her work and with her own hands sewed vestments for twelve priests. History has preserved another poignant episode from Queen Tamara’s life: Once she was preparing to attend a festal Liturgy in Gelati, and she fastened precious rubies to the belt around her waist. Soon after she was told that a beggar outside the monastery tower was asking for alms, and she ordered her entourage 286 to wait. Having finished dressing, she went out to the tower but found no one there. Terribly distressed, she reproached herself for having denied the poor and thus denying Christ Himself. Immediately she removed her belt, the cause of her temptation, and presented it as an offering to the Gelati Icon of the Theotokos. During Queen Tamara’s reign a veritable monastic city was carved in the rocks of Vardzia, and the God-fearing Georgian ruler would labor there during the Great Fast. The churches of Pitareti, Kvabtakhevi, Betania, and many others were also built at that time. Queen Tamara generously endowed the churches and monasteries not only on Georgian territory but also outside her borders: in Palestine, Cyprus, Mt. Sinai, the Black Mountains, Greece, Mt. Athos, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thrace, Romania, Isauria and Constantinople. Queen Tamara abolished the death penalty and all forms of bodily torture. A regular, secret observance of a strict ascetic regime – fasting, a stone bed, and litanies chanted in bare feet – finally took its toll on Queen Tamara’s health. For a long time she had refrained from speaking to anyone about her condition, but when the pain became unbearable she finally sought help. The best physicians of the time were unable to diagnose her illness, and all of Georgia was seized with fear. Everyone from the small to the great prayed fervently for Georgia’s ruler and defender. The people were prepared to offer not only their own lives, but even the lives of their children, for the sake of their beloved ruler. God sent Tamara a sign when He was ready to receive her into His Kingdom. She bade farewell to her court and turned in prayer to an icon of Christ and the Life-giving Cross: “Lord Jesus Christ! Omnipotent Master of heaven and earth! To Thee I deliver the nation and people that were entrusted to my care and purchased by Thy Precious Blood, the children whom Thou didst bestow upon me, and to Thee I surrender my soul, O Lord!” The burial place of Queen Tamara has remained a mystery to this day. Some sources claim that her tomb is in Gelati, in 287 a branch of burial vaults belonging to the Bagrationi dynasty, while others argue that her holy relics are preserved in a vault at the Holy Cross Monastery in Jerusalem. Tamar outlived her consort, David Soslan, and died of a "devastating disease" not far from her capital Tbilisi, having previously crowned her son, George-Lasha, coregent. Tamar's historian relates that the queen suddenly fell ill when discussing the state affairs with her ministers at the Nacharmagevi castle near the town of Gori. She was transported to Tbilisi and then to the nearby castle of Agarani where Tamar died and was mourned by her subjects. Her remains were transferred to the cathedral of Mtskheta and then to the Gelati monastery, a family burial ground of the Georgian royal dynasty. The prevalent scholarly opinion is that Tamar died in 1213. In later times, a number of legends emerged about Tamar's place of burial. One of them has it that Tamar was buried in a secret niche at the Gelati monastery so as to prevent the grave from being profaned by her enemies. Another version suggests that Tamar's remains were reburied in a remote location, possibly in the Holy Land. The French knight Guillaume de Bois in his letter, dating from the early 13th century, written in Palestine and addressed to the Bishop of Besançon, claimed that he had heard that the king of the Georgians was heading towards Jerusalem with a huge army and had already conquered many cities of the Saracens. He was carrying, the report said, the remains of his mother, the "powerful queen Tamar" who had been unable to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in her lifetime and had bequeathed her body to be buried near the Holy Sepulchre. In the 20th century, the quest for Tamar's grave became a subject of scholarly research as well as a focus of a broader public interest. The Georgian writer Grigol Robakidze wrote in his 1918 essay on Tamar: "Thus far, nobody knows where Tamar's grave is. She belongs to everyone and to no one: her grave is in the heart of the Georgian. And in the Georgians' perception, this is not a grave, but a 288 beautiful vase in which an unfading flower, the great Tamar, flourishes." An orthodox academic view still places Tamar's grave at Gelati, but a series of archaeological studies, beginning with Taqaishvili in 1920, has failed to locate it at the monastery. The Gelati monastery a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a presumptive burial place of Queen Tamar TODAY IS MAY 2 Saint Boris, Prince and Baptizer of Bulgaria FEAST DAY The Holy Equal of the Apostles Tsar Boris (Борис Първи), in Holy Baptism Michael: His apostolic deeds were foretold by an uncle, St Boyan. The first years of the reign of Tsar Boris were marked by misfortune. The Bulgarians were frequently at war with surrounding nations, famine and plague beset the land, and in the year 860 Bulgaria found itself in dire straits. Tsar Boris saw the salvation of his land, which was darkened by paganism, in its enlightenment by the faith in Christ. During one of the battles of the Bulgarians with the Greeks he captured the illustrious courtier Theodore Kuphares, who had become a monk. He was the first man to plant the seed of the 289 Gospel in the soul of the Bulgarian tsar. In one of the campaigns with the Greeks the young sister of Tsar Boris was taken captive, and was raised in the Orthodox Faith at the court of the Byzantine Emperor. When the emperor Theophilus died, Tsar Boris decided to take advantage of this circumstance to take revenge upon the Greeks for his former defeats. But the widow of the emperor, Theodora, showed courage and sent a messenger to the Bulgarian tsar saying that she was prepared to defend the Empire and humiliate its opponents. Tsar Boris agreed to a peace alliance, and Theodore Kuphares was exchanged for the Bulgarian princess, who influenced her brother toward Christianity. A while later St Methodius was sent into Bulgaria. He and his brother St. Cyril were enlightening the Slavic peoples with the light of Christ. St. Methodius baptized Tsar Boris, his family and many of the nobles. When the pagan Bulgarians learned of this, they wanted to kill Tsar Boris, but their plot was frustrated by the tsar. Deprived of their rebellious leaders, the Bulgarian people voluntarily accepted Baptism. A peace was concluded between Byzantium and Bulgaria, based on their unity in faith, which was not broken until the end of the reign of the noble tsar. The Patriarch Photius took great interest in the spiritual growth of the Bulgarian nation. In 867, preachers from Rome were sent into Bulgaria. This led to three years of discord between the Greek and Roman Churches in Bulgaria. A Council at Constantinople in 869 put an end to the quarrel, and on March 3, 870 Bulgaria was joined to the Eastern Church, and Orthodoxy was firmly established there. Bulgaria’s holy ascetics: Sts. Gorazd and Clement of Ochrid were glorified as saints. Tsar Boris adorned the land with churches and furthered the spread of piety. Later, a Patriarchal See was established in Bulgaria. In his declining years, Tsar Boris entered a monastery, leaving the throne to his sons Vladimir and Simeon. While in the monastery the saint learned that Vladimir, who succeeded him, had renounced Christianity. Distressed 290 by this, St. Boris again donned his military garb, punished his disobedient son and threw him in prison. After giving the throne to his younger son Simeon, St. Boris returned to the monastery. He left it once more to repel a Hungarian invasion. St. Boris, who was named Michael in holy Baptism, reposed on May 2, 907. TODAY IS MAY 3 Venerable Saint Theodosius FEAST DAY Saint Theodosius of the Caves the Abbot of the Kiev Far Caves Monastery, and Founder of Coenobitic Monasticism in Russia. He was born at Vasilevo, not far from Kiev. From his youth he felt an irresistible attraction for the ascetic life, and led an ascetic lifestyle while still in his parental home. He disdained childish games and attractions, and constantly went to church. He asked his parents to let him study the holy books, and through his ability and rare zeal, he quickly learned to read the books, so that everyone was amazed at his intellect. When he was fourteen, he lost his father and remained under the supervision of his mother, a strict and domineering woman who loved her son very much. Many times she chastised her son for his yearning for asceticism, but he remained firmly committed to his path. At the age of twenty-four, he secretly left his parents’ home and St. Anthony at the Kievan Caves monastery blessed him to receive monastic tonsure with the name Theodosius. After four years his 291 mother found him and with tearfully begged him to return home, but the saint persuaded her to remain in Kiev and to become a nun in the monastery of St. Nicholas at the Askold cemetery. St. Theodosius toiled at the monastery more than others, and he often took upon himself some of the work of the other brethren. He carried water, chopped wood, ground up the grain, and carried the flour to each monk. On cold nights he uncovered his body and let it serve as food for gnats and mosquitoes. His blood flowed, but the saint occupied himself with handicrafts, and sang Psalms. He came to church before anyone else and, standing in one place, he did not leave it until the end of services. He also listened to the readings with particular attention. In 1054 St. Theodosius was ordained a hieromonk, and in 1057 he was chosen igumen. The fame of his deeds attracted a number of monks to the monastery, at which he built a new church and cells, and he introduced cenobitic rule of the Studion monastery, a copy of which he commissioned at Constantinople. As igumen, St. Theodosius continued his arduous duties at the monastery. He usually ate only dry bread and cooked greens without oil, and spent his nights in prayer without sleep. The brethren often noticed this, although the saint tried to conceal his efforts from others. No one saw when St. Theodosius dozed lightly, and usually he rested while sitting. During Great Lent the saint withdrew into a cave near the monastery, where he struggled unseen by anyone. His attire was a coarse hairshirt worn next to his body. He looked so much like a beggar that it was impossible to recognize in this old man the renowned igumen, deeply respected by all who knew him. Once, St. Theodosius was returning from visiting the Great Prince Izyaslav. The coachman, not recognizing him, said gruffly, “You, monk, are always on holiday, but I am constantly at work. Take my place, and let me ride in the carriage.” The holy Elder meekly complied and drove the servant. Seeing how nobles along the way bowed to the monk driving the 292 horses, the servant took fright, but the holy ascetic calmed him, and gave him a meal at the monastery. Trusting in God’s help, the saint did not keep a large supply of food at the monastery, and therefore the brethren were in want of their daily bread. Through his prayers, however, unknown benefactors appeared at the monastery and furnished the necessities for the brethren. The Great Princes, especially Izyaslav, loved to listen to the spiritual discourses of St. Theodosius. The saint was not afraid to denounce the mighty of this world. Those unjustly condemned always found a defender in him, and judges would review matters at the request of the igumen. When Prince Svyatoslav drove out his elder brother the pious Prince Isyaslav, and ascended to the throne of Chernigov in his place, Saint Theodosius courageously rebuked him, and continued reproving him even when threatened with exile. At the request of Prince Shimon, the son of a Varangian (Viking) prince, the Saint wrote a prayer for the nobleman's forgiveness of sins, and, at his behest, had it placed in in his coffin. He was particularly concerned for the destitute. He built a special courtyard for them at the monastery where anyone in need could receive food and drink. Sensing the approach of death, St. Theodosius peacefully fell asleep in the Lord in the year 1074. He was buried in a cave which he dug, where he secluded himself during fasting periods. The relics of the ascetic were found incorrupt in the year 1099, and he was glorified as a saint in 1108. Of the written works of St. Theodosius six discourses, two letters to Great Prince Izyaslav, and a prayer for all Christians have survived to our time. The Life of St. Theodosius was written by St. Nestor the Chronicler, a disciple of the great Abba, only thirty years after his repose, and it was always one of the favorite readings of the Russian nation. 293 TODAY IS MAY 4 Venerable Saint Nicephorus of Mt. Athos FEAST DAY Saint Nicephorus was the teacher of St. Gregory Palamas. He grew up as a Roman Catholic, but he journeyed to the Byzantine Empire and became Orthodox. St. Nicephorus lived as an ascetic on Mount Athos, and is well-known for his insight in his many writings. He left this very concise description of the hesychast's path: "Gather you mind and compel it to enter into your heart and remain there. When your mind is firmly in your heart, it must not remain empty, but must incessantly make the prayer: 'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me!' And it must never fall silent. Through this the whole string of the virtues: love, joy, peace and the others, will make their abode in you, by which, then, every request of yours to God will be fulfilled." His treatise “On Watchfulness and the Guarding of the Heart” is found in the fourth volume. He died in the year 1299. His remains were found incorruptible in 1356. Athos found healing at his burial site. 294 Many monks on Mount TODAY IS MAY 5 Martyr Saint Ephraim FEAST DAY The holy New Martyr and wonderworker Saint Ephraim was born in Greece on September 14, 1384. His father died when the saint was young, and his pious mother was left to care for seven children by herself. When Ephraim reached the age of fourteen, the all-good God directed his steps to a monastery on the mountain of Amoman near Nea Makri in Attica. The monastery was dedicated to the Annunciation and also to St. Paraskeva. Here he took on his shoulders the Cross of Christ, which all His followers must bear (Matt. 16:24). Being enflamed with love for God, St. Ephraim eagerly placed himself under the monastic discipline. For nearly twenty-seven years he imitated the life of the great Fathers and ascetics of the desert. With divine zeal, he followed Christ and turned away from the attractions of this world. By the grace of God, he purified himself from souldestroying passions and became an abode of the All-Holy Spirit. He was also found worthy to receive the grace of the priesthood, and served at the altar with great reverence and compunction. On September 14, 1425, the barbarous Turks launched an invasion by sea, destroying the monastery and and looting the surrounding area. St. Ephraim was one of the victims of their frenzied hatred. Many of the monks had been tortured and beheaded, but St. Ephraim remained calm. This infuriated the Turks, so they imprisoned him in order to 295 torture him and force him to deny Christ. They locked him in a small cell without food or water, and they beat him every day, hoping to convince him to become a Moslem. For several months, he endured horrible torments. When the Turks realized that the saint remained faithful to Christ, they decided to put him to death. On Tuesday May 5, 1426, they led him from his cell. They turned him upside down and tied him to a mulberry tree, then they beat him and mocked him. “Where is your God,” they asked, “and why doesn’t he help you?” The saint did not lose courage, but prayed, “O God, do not listen to the words of these men, but may Thy will be done as Thou hast ordained.” The barbarians pulled the saint’s beard and tortured him until his strength ebbed. His blood flowed, and his clothes were in tatters. His body was almost naked and covered with many wounds. Still the Hagarenes were not satisfied, but wished to torture him even more. One of them took a flaming stick and plunged it violently into the saint’s navel. His screams were heart-rending, so great was his pain. The blood flowed from his stomach, but the Turks did not stop. They repeated the same painful torments many times. His body writhed, and all his limbs were convulsed. Soon, the saint grew too weak to speak, so he prayed silently asking God to forgive his sins. Blood and saliva ran from his mouth, and the ground was soaked with his blood. Then he lapsed into unconsciousness. Thinking that he had died, the Turks cut the ropes which bound him to the tree, and the saint’s body fell to the ground. Their rage was still not diminished, so they continued to kick and beat him. After a while, the saint opened his eyes and prayed, “Lord, I give up my spirit to Thee.” About nine o’clock in the morning, the martyr’s soul was separated from his body. These things remained forgotten for nearly 500 years, hidden in the depths of silence and oblivion until January 3, 1950. By then a women’s monastery had sprung up on the site of the old monastery. Abbess Makaria (+ April 23, 1999) was wandering through the ruins of 296 the monastery, thinking of the martyrs whose bones had been scattered over that ground, and whose blood had watered the tree of Orthodoxy. She realized that this was a holy place, and she prayed that God would permit her to behold one of the Fathers who had lived there. After some time, she seemed to sense an inner voice telling her to dig in a certain spot. She indicated the place to a workman whom she had hired to make repairs at the old monastery. The man was unwilling to dig there, for he wanted to dig somewhere else. Because the man was so insistent, Mother Makaria let him go where he wished. She prayed that the man would not be able to dig there, and so he struck rock. Although he tried to dig in three or four places, he met with the same results. Finally, he agreed to dig where the abbess had first indicated. In the ruins of an old cell, he cleared away the rubble and began to dig in an angry manner. The abbess told him to slow down, for she did not want him to damage the body that she expected to find there. He mocked her because she expected to find the relics of a saint. When he reached the depth of four feet, however, he unearthed the head of the man of God. At that moment an ineffable fragrance filled the air. The workman turned pale and was unable to speak. Mother Makaria told him to go and leave her there by herself. She knelt and reverently kissed the body. As she cleared away more earth, she saw the sleeves of the saint’s rasson. The cloth was thick and appeared to have been woven on the loom of an earlier time. She uncovered the rest of the body and began to remove the bones, which appeared to be those of a martyr. Mother Makaria was still in that holy place when evening fell, so she read the service of Vespers. Suddenly she heard footsteps coming from the grave, moving across the courtyard toward the door of the church. The footsteps were strong and steady, like those of a man of strong character. The nun was afraid to turn around and look, but then she heard a voice say, “How long are you going to leave me here?” She saw a tall monk with 297 small, round eyes, whose beard reached his chest. In his left hand was a bright light, and he gave a blessing with his right hand. Mother Makaria was filled with joy and her fear disappeared. “Forgive me,” she said, “I will take care of you tomorrow as soon as God makes the day dawn.” The saint disappeared, and the abbess continued to read Vespers. In the morning after Matins, Mother Makaria cleaned the bones and placed them in a niche in the altar area of the church, lighting a candle before them. That night St. Ephraim appeared to her in a dream. He thanked her for caring for his relics, then he said, “My name is Ephraim.” From his own lips, she heard the story of his life and martyrdom. Since St. Ephraim glorified God in his life and by his death, the Lord granted him the grace of working miracles. Those who venerate his holy relics with faith and love have been healed of all kinds of illnesses and infirmities, and he is quick to answer the prayers of those who call upon him. TODAY IS MAY 6 Saint Sophia the Righteous FEAST DAY This holy ascetic, newly glorified in 2011, was born as Sophia Saoulidi in 1883 in Trebizond, Turkey. In 1907 she married, but her husband disappeared seven years later, leaving her with a newborn son. Not long afterward her beloved only son also died. Turning from the world, 298 she placed all her trust in God, spending her time in solitary prayer on a mountain near her town. In 1919 she arrived in Greece as part of the “exchange of populations” between Turkey and Greece. Not long after her arrival the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to her in a vision and said “Come to my house.” When Sophia asked her where to find her house, the Virgin replied “I am in Kleisoura.” Heeding these holy instructions, Sophia moved to the Monastery of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Kleisoura in northern Greece, where she remained for the rest of her life. She never took monastic tonsure, but lived in the monastery kitchen. She slept only two hours a night, giving over the rest of the night to prayer. She dressed in old, tattered clothes, but if anyone tried to give her better clothing she would give it away to the poor. Similarly, if anyone gave her money, she would hide it until she could give it to someone in need. She ate very little and showed no interest in food. Worldly people called her “Crazy Sophia,” but those with discernment saw her as a living saint. She was endowed with gifts of healing and prophecy: when visitors would come to her she would greet them by name even if she had never met them before, and would describe their family problems, offering counsel. Through her prays thousands of people were healed after their visit with the Saint. In 1967 she was healed of a painful, life-threatening illness through a vision of the Holy Theotokos, the Archangel Gabriel and St. George. She fell asleep in the Lord on May 6 (New Calendar) 1974, after a long life given over to prayer, asceticism and utter poverty. Her relics are enshrined in the monastery where she spent most of her life. When a member of the community of the Monastery of the Nativity of the Theotokos is ill, they pray at her site where they are healed. 299 TODAY IS MAY 7 Saint Alexis Toth of Wilkes-Barre FEAST DAY This light of Orthodoxy in North America was born in Austro-Hungary in 1854, to poor Carpatho-Russian parents. His father was a priest in the Eastern-rite Roman Catholic church and, following in his father's footsteps, he was ordained in 1878. In 1889 he was appointed to serve as pastor to a Uniate parish in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Prompted partly by the strong hostility of the American Roman Catholic hierarchy at that time to Eastern-rite practices, he convened a meeting of about ten Eastern-rite priests in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania, where the divinely-led decision was made to seek to return to the Orthodox faith. Fr. Alexis contacted Bishop Vladimir of the Russian church in San Francisco, who, in 1891, received Fr. Alexis and 361 of his parishioners back into the faith of their ancestors. From that time forward, Fr. Alexis worked tirelessly, at great personal sacrifice, to proclaim the truths of the Orthodox faith, especially to those still attached to its mimic, Byzantine Catholicism. For long periods of time he received little or no salary and (despite claims that he had embraced Orthodoxy to enrich himself) worked in a bakery to support himself. He became responsible for the conversions of approximately 20,000 Eastern Rite Catholics to the Russian Orthodox Church, which contributed to the growth of Eastern Orthodoxy in the United States and the eventual establishment of the Orthodox Church 300 in America. St. Alexis reposed in 1909; He was officially glorified in 1994. His holy relics can be venerated at St. Tikhon's Monastery in South Canaan, Pennsylvania. TODAY IS MAY 8 Saint Arsenios the Great FEAST DAY Fresco at Mount Athos, 14th century Father Arsenios the Great was born in 350 AD, in Rome to a Christian, Roman senatorial family. After his parents died, his sister Afrositty was admitted to a community of virgins, and he gave all their riches to the poor, and lived an ascetic life. Arsenius became famous for his righteousness and wisdom. Arsenius is said to have been made a deacon by Pope Damasus I who recommended him to Byzantine Emperor Theodosius I the Great, who had requested the Emperor Gratian and Pope Damasus around 383 to find him in the West a tutor for his sons (future emperors Arcadius and Honorius). Arsenius was chosen on the basis of being a man well read in Greek literature. He reached Constantinople in 383, and continued as tutor in the imperial family for eleven years, during the last three of which he also had charge of his original pupil Arcadius's brother, Honorius. Coming one day to see his sons at their studies, Theodosius found them sitting 301 while Arsenius talked to them standing. This he would not tolerate, and caused the teacher to sit and the pupils to stand. On his arrival at court Arsenius had been given a splendid establishment, and probably because the Emperor so desired, he lived in great pomp, but all the time felt a growing inclination to renounce the world. While living in the Emperor's palace, God gave him grace in the sight of everyone, and they all loved him. He lived a lavish life in the palace, but all the time felt a growing inclination to renounce the world. One day he was praying, and said, “O God teach me how to be saved.” And God’s voice came to him through the Gospel, "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Matthew 16:26). He left Constantinople and came by sea to Alexandria and fled into the wilderness. When he first presented himself to Saint Macarius the Great, the father of the monks of Scetis, he recommended him to the care of Saint John the Dwarf to try him. Sometime around the year 400 he joined the desert monks at Scetes, Egypt, and asked to be admitted among the solitaries who dwelt there. Saint John the Dwarf, to whose cell he was conducted, though previously warned of the quality of his visitor, took no notice of him and left him standing by himself while he invited the rest to sit down at table. When the repast was half finished he threw down some bread before him, bidding him with an air of indifference eat if he would. Arsenius meekly picked up the bread and ate, sitting on the ground. Satisfied with this proof of humility, St. John kept him under his direction. The new solitary was from the first most exemplary yet unwittingly retained certain of his old habits, such as sitting cross-legged or laying one foot over the other. Noticing this, the abbot requested some one to imitate Arsenius's posture at the next gathering of the brethren, and upon his doing so, forthwith rebuked him publicly. Arsenius took the hint and corrected himself. In 434 he was forced to leave due to raids on the monasteries and hermitages there by the Mazici (tribesmen from 302 Libya). He relocated to Troe (near Memphis), and also spent some time on the island of Canopus (off Alexandria). He spent the next fifteen years wandering the desert wilderness before returning to Troe to die c. 445 at the age of around 100. During the fifty-five years of his solitary life he was always the most meanly clad of all, thus punishing himself for his former seeming vanity in the world. In like manner, to atone for having used perfumes at court, he never changed the water in which he moistened the palm leaves of which he made mats, but only poured in fresh water upon it as it wasted, thus letting it become stenchy in the extreme. Even while engaged in manual labour he never relaxed in his application to prayer. At all times copious tears of devotion fell from his eyes. But what distinguished him most was his disinclination to all that might interrupt his union with God. When, after long search, his place of retreat was discovered, he not only refused to return to court and act as adviser to his former pupil, now Roman Emperor, Arcadius, but he would not even be his almoner to the poor and the monasteries of the neighborhood. He invariably denied himself to visitors, no matter what their rank and condition and left to his disciples the care of entertaining them. A biography of Arsenius was written by Theodore the Studite. Saint Arsenius was a man who was very quiet and often silent. He is most famous for always saying, “Many times I spoke, and as a result felt sorry, but I never regretted my silence.” It was told of him that, on Saturday evenings, he would stand, turn his back to the setting sun, raise his hands in prayer, and pray without sitting down until the sun shone on his face the following morning. A monk who came to visit him looked into his cell and saw Arsenios at prayer, his entire body glowing like a flame. His contemporaries so admired him as to surname him "the Great". His feast day is celebrated on May 8 in the Eastern Orthodox Church on 13 Pashons in the Coptic Orthodox Church. 303 TODAY IS MAY 9 Saint Joseph of Optina FEAST DAY Saint Joseph of Optina was born on November 2, 1837 in the village of Gorodishcha in the province of Kharkov. His name in the world was John Litovkin, and his parents Euthymius and Maria were simple but pious people. They were generous to the poor, and often lent money to those in need even when there seemed little chance that it would be repaid. Euthymius also loved to receive monks who came to his door collecting alms for their monasteries. Invariably, he would give each one five rubles for the needs of the monastery. The Litovkins had six children, and they often read to them from spiritual books, especially from the Lives of the Saints. The second of their three sons (the future St. Joseph) was baptized with the name John in honor of St John the Merciful. Instead of providing them with earthly wealth, the couple endowed their children with heavenly treasures, raising them in piety, obedience, and in the fear of God. John learned to read even before he started school, taught by his older sister Alexandra at home. He was a sickly child, nearsighted and hard of hearing in one ear. He also met with various accidents. Once he was knocked down by another child and bit off the tip of his own tongue. Another time he was scalded with boiling water. In spite of all this, he was a happy and affectionate child. His father knew there was something special 304 about John, and others also believed that God’s special favor was upon the boy. When he was only four, John’s beloved father died, and his mother had to raise the children herself. When he was eight, John was playing with some friends, and suddenly froze on the spot. He raised his arms and his head toward the sky, then fell down unconscious. They carried him home and put him to bed. When he awoke, they asked him what had happened. He told them that he had seen the Queen of Heaven in the air. “What makes you think you saw the Queen?” they asked. “Because she had a crown with a cross,” he replied. From that time on, the boy became more quiet and thoughtful, and started to avoid children’s games. Soon after this, the family moved into a new home. There was a great fire in the village, and John prayed that the Mother of God would protect their house from the flames. The Livotkin home was spared, even though everything around it was burned. In 1848, their mother died during an outbreak of cholera. John was only eleven at the time. His older brother Simeon and his sister Anna were both married before their mother passed away, and his sister Alexandra had gone to the Borisovsk monastery in Kursk Province to become a nun. Simeon became the head of the family, although his drinking problem made him rather unreliable. Simeon took care of John for a while, and their younger brother Peter went to live with Anna. Simeon decided to leave home, and so John was placed in the care of various people, including a tavern keeper and a grocer. Unable to endure conditions in the homes of such people, John went to live with a cousin who was a deacon in Novocherkassk. He ate nothing on his journey, for he was ashamed to beg, and people did not offer him any food on their own. When he arrived at the church where his cousin served, John sat down outside and waited for the Liturgy to end. Two women with rolls passed by and took pity upon him. One of them gave him a warm roll, which the boy regarded as manna from heaven. John stayed with his cousin for 305 a brief time, then moved on to other places, taking various jobs to support himself. Later in life he was asked whether he had ever had a girlfriend when he was living in the world. He shook his head and said, “Since I was nearsighted, I couldn’t really see anyone at a distance, and I was too shy to approach anyone up close.” While living in the world John was often unhappy, and he found consolation in prayer and in church services. One day he received a letter from his sister, Mother Leonida, suggesting that he enter the skete at Optina, which was blessed with experienced Elders. Then the desire to leave the world and embrace the monastic life began to grow within him. Learning that John was planning to make a pilgrimage to the Kiev Caves, the man for whom he was working offered him his daughter in marriage. Years later Fr. Joseph would say, “It’s always that way. As soon as one begins to think of following the path to salvation, obstacles and tempataions begin to appear.” With his employer’s permission, John started out for Kiev. On the way, he stopped to visit his parents’ graves and the place where he had spent a happy childhood. He stayed briefly at the Dormition Monastery in Kharkov’s Holy Mountains, but he did not wish to remain there. Finally he went to the Borisovsk Women’s Hermitage to visit his sister, Mother Leonida. She had spoken to St. Macarius of Optina of her concern for John. He told her not to worry, because John would become a monk. Mother Leonida’s Eldress, Schemanun Alypia, overheard some of their conversation and said to John, “Forget about Kiev. Go to the Elders at Optina.” Mother Leonida gave him a look indicating that John should obey. He traveled to Optina with some nuns of the women’s monastery at Belev, driving the cart for them. St Macarius had already departed to the Lord in 1860, and was succeeded as Elder by his disciple, St. Ambrose. Knowing of John’s monastic inclinations, the nuns jokingly introduced him as “Brother John.” St. Ambrose replied solemnly, “This Brother John will prove useful to us, and to you.” On 306 March 1, 1861 John found himself standing before the Elder Ambrose, telling him of his life, and asking for a blessing to go to Kiev. Fr. Ambrose told him to remain at Optina, forseeing the blessings he would bring to Optina, and to the women’s monasteries which were under the guidance of the Optina Elders. Taking St. Ambrose’s words as an indication of God’s will, John murmured, “May it be blessed.” John, like all new novices, was given an obedience in the kitchen. He was assigned to help the cook in the skete. From the very start, John demonstrated perfect obedience and humility. Life in the monastery was everything he had hoped it would be, and he was glad to leave the tumult of the world behind. In June the Superior of the Skete, Fr. Paphnutius, asked John if he would like to move in with the Elder Ambrose as his cell-attendant. The next day he moved to the Elder’s quarters, where he remained for the next fifty years. As happy as he was to be near the Elder, he was disturbed by the constant flow of visitors. He felt that there was no time to pray or go to church, and began to have misgivings. He was tempted by the thought that perhaps he would be better off in Kiev or on Mount Athos, and did not notice that Fr. Ambrose had entered the cell. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and heard the Elder say, “Brother John, it’s better here than it is on Athos. Stay with us.” John realized that his thoughts had been sent by the Enemy of our salvation, and he fell down at Fr. Ambrose’s feet in repentance. On April 15, 1872 he was tonsured as a rassophore (wearer of the rassa), then on June 16, 1872 he was tonsured as a monk, receiving the name Joseph in honor of St. Joseph the Hymnographer. He was unexpectedly ordained as a deacon in 1877 in a way which demonstrated that God was directing the course of his life. On December 7 (Fr. Ambrose’s nameday), Igumen Isaac served Liturgy in the skete church. Later, he visited Fr. Ambrose to offer his congratulations, and the cell-attendants Fr. Joseph and Fr. Michael served them tea. The Superior asked Fr. Ambrose about a 307 monk whom he proposed to recommend for ordination to the diaconate. The Elder said that the time was not right for that particular monk, recommending someone else instead. Noticing Fr. Joseph standing nearby with a tray, Fr. Isaac smiled and said, “Well Father, you don’t want my candidate, and I don’t want yours. Let’s ordain Fr. Joseph.” So it was that Fr. Joseph was sent to Kaluga, where he was ordained by Bishop Gregory on December 9. It was customary at Optina that a newly-ordained deacon or priest would serve every day for forty days. Fr. Joseph’s health did not permit him to fulfill the forty days, however. He developed an inflammation on his right side, and he nearly died. Fr. Joseph’s life continued as it had before, but with more responsibilities. He had no cell of his own, but continued to sleep in the reception room, which the Elder used each day until almost 11 P.M. Fr. Ambrose frequently tested his cellattendant in order to give him the opportunity to acquire patience and humility, following the instructions of St. John of the Ladder. Fr. Ambrose built the Shamordino Convent about eight miles from Optina, and on October 1, 1884 Bishop Vladimir of Kaluga came for its opening. At the Liturgy that day, Fr. Joseph was ordained as a priest. From that day forward the nuns regarded him as their priest, and he became the spiritual director of the convent after the repose of Fr. Ambrose. Fr. Joseph now became the Elder’s senior cell-attendant, and tried to protect him and also to placate the visitors who grumbled about having to wait for so long to see Fr. Ambrose. In spite of his duties, Fr. Joseph found time to read spiritual books. He particularly loved the PHILOKALIA and the writings of the Fathers. In these books he found spiritual wisdom, which he shared with those who came to him for advice. St Joseph’s inner life was known only to God, but his advice to others indicates that he practiced unceasing prayer of the heart. Forseeing that Fr Joseph would serve as Elder after him, Fr. Ambrose blessed some people to start going to Fr. Joseph for their 308 spiritual needs. Fr. Joseph attended St. Ambrose for thirty years, until the Elder’s death on October 10, 1891. Fr. Ambrose prepared Fr. Joseph for eldership, teaching him by word and by example. He would also refer some visitors to Fr. Joseph for advice. There was such oneness of mind between them that when people would ask Fr. Joseph about something and then ask Fr. Ambrose about the same thing, they would receive the very same answer. Fr. Joseph’s health was not good, and he was susceptible to colds in winter. In February 1888 he became very ill and took to his bed, and he received the Mystey of Holy Unction. The doctor recommended that he be moved to the infirmary for treatment, but Fr. Joseph did not wish to leave Fr. Ambrose. The Superior of the skete insisted on the transfer, however. The ride to the monastery in a sleigh during cold weather only made his illness worse. Fr. Joseph was tonsured into the schema (the highest level of monasticism) during the Liturgy on February 14. The next day, prayers for the Departure of the Soul were read for him, and people came to bid him farewell. A novice, sitting behind a screen, heard Fr. Joseph praying aloud. Peering through a slit in the screen, he saw Fr. Joseph gazing at an icon of Christ and lifting up his hands. This novice went to the infirmary later and heard someone behind the screen say, “Be patient, my dear one, only a little remains.” He looked behind the screen, but saw no one there except Fr. Joseph. Later, Fr. Ambrose told people that Fr. Joseph had seen the Mother of God during his illness. Though he had been quite near death, he got well. After his recovery, Fr. Joseph began to hear confessions on a regular basis, since this was becoming too difficult for Fr. Ambrose. He blessed people to go to Fr. Joseph “not just once, but always.” In the summer of 1888, Fr. Ambrose blessed Fr. Joseph to go on a pilgrimage to Kiev. After nearly thirty years, he was able to fulfill his desire to visit the holy places of Kiev. On his way back to Optina, he stopped to visit his sister Mother Leonida at Borisovsk. Fr. Ambrose usually 309 spent three weeks during the summer at the Shamordino Convent, accompanied by Fr. Joseph. In June of 1890 Fr. Joseph began to prepare for the journey, but Fr. Ambrose said, “I’m not taking you this time, you’re needed here.” He ordered Fr. Joseph to move into his cell and to transfer a large “Surety of Sinners” Icon into the reception room. Fr. Joseph had a premonition that Fr. Ambrose would never return. Although he missed the Elder, Fr. Joseph resigned himself to the situation. He did go to Shamordino once a month to visit Fr. Ambrose, however. In the absence of Fr. Ambrose, many monks who confessed to him began to go to Fr. Joseph. During the Nativity Fast Fr. Ambrose started sending his spiritual children at Shamordino to confess to Fr. Joseph as well. This was difficult for the nuns, who were used to Fr. Ambrose. Even when he heard a nun’s confession himself, Fr. Ambrose would send her to Fr. Joseph for the prayers of absolution. In this manner, he indicated that he was entrusting his spiritual children to no one but Fr. Joseph. In September 1891 Fr. Ambrose became ill, but no one thought it was serious. On October 8, he was so critical that they sent for Fr. Joseph. That evening the service of Holy Unction was performed, and the next morning Fr. Joseph gave Fr. Ambrose Communion for the last time. St. Ambrose reposed on the morning of October 10, and no one grieved more than Fr. Joseph. Even in his sorrow, however, he comforted and consoled others. Without any outside influence or pressure, the monks of Optina began coming to Fr. Joseph just as they had come to Fr. Ambrose. When the nuns of Shamordino asked to whom they should go for spiritual direction, Fr. Isaac told them, “At Optina all we have Fr. Joseph as our common Elder, and he must be yours as well.” For the next twenty years, St. Joseph received visitors, gave spiritual counsel to those who asked for his advice, and even performed miracles of healing for the afflicted. Out of humility, Fr. Joseph never said anything on his own authority, but quoted the words of Fr. 310 Ambrose, or gave examples from his life. He spoke very little, and then only to answer a question which had been put to him. Some laymen, and even some of the monks, were annoyed with him because he did not say more. One monk had the thought that since Fr. Joseph was filled with spiritual wisdom and was so familiar with the writings of the Fathers, he could have said many beneficial things to people. The Elder explained this to him, quoting St. Peter of Damascus, who said that one should not say anything helpful unless asked by the brethren, because then the resulting benefit would come from their free choice. Even concerning something which might be useful for salvation, the ancient Fathers would not speak without being asked, considering unsolicited advice as idle talk. His greatest care was for the Shamordino Convent, which remained unfinished, and for the spiritual welfare of its nuns. The Superior of the convent now turned to Fr. Joseph to consult him about everything related to the life of the convent, and would do nothing without his blessing. He went there twice a year, during the Apostles’ Fast, and during the Dormition Fast, to hear the confessions of the sisters. In the winter, they would visit him at Optina for Confession. Soon he was obliged to give up traveling to Shamordino because of his health. Fr. Joseph was officially appointed as confessor for the Optina brotherhood near the end of 1893 when Fr. Anatole became ill and could not fulfill this duty. Many of the monks had already been confessing to Fr. Joseph, but now they all came to him. On January 25, 1894 St. Anatole, the head of the skete, fell asleep in the Lord. Archimandrite Isaac and the bretheren unanimously chose Fr. Joseph to succeed Fr. Anatole as Superior of the skete. Although he never sought this honor, Fr. Joseph accepted his election with all humility. He discharged his duties, not by issuing orders, but with paternal love and humility. As Superior, he could have chosen to serve only on major Feast Days when the priests concelebrated, and designated one of the priests of the skete 311 to serve on other days. He often served as a simple monk, however, with only one deacon to assist him. During the last years of his life, Fr. Joseph grew weaker and was often ill. In May of 1905 he felt that he lacked the strength to carry out his duties, and he asked to retire as Superior of the skete. He also had to give up hearing the confessions of visitors, since this exhausted him. His spiritual children were saddened by his decision, but the monks and nuns continued to come to him with their spiritual wounds and afflictions. In 1911 Fr. Joseph was weak and ill, but began to feel somewhat better during Great Lent. He was unusually joyful during Holy Week, which led some to believe that he had had some sort of vision. On April 11, the third day of Pascha, Fr. Joseph developed a fever and stopped seeing visitors. The following week, a doctor diagnosed him with maleria, declaring that there was no hope for recovery. On April 20 the wonderworking Icon “of the Sign” was brought to his cell and a molieben was served. In the afternoon, the Kazan Icon and the rassa of St. Seraphim were brought to him. Two days later, he requested that the skete brotherhood be permitted to come to him so that he could bid them farewell and ask their forgiveness. Then he asked that the Shamordino nuns also be allowed to come. Fr. Joseph stopped taking food from April 28 on, nourishing himself only with the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Up until the time of his death, he was conscious and lucid, answering questions and dictating replies to letters. On May 8 he felt a little better, then became weak again. On the morning of May 9 he received Holy Communion, then at four in the afternoon he received some people for a final blessing. That evening the Elder lay resting on his bed with his eyes closed, and his face shone with an unearthly radiance. At 10:45 he drew his last breath and departed to the Lord with a smile on his face. After the body was prepared for burial, panikhidas were served one after another for the departed Elder. The saint appeared to some of the brethren in dreams both that 312 night and on subsequent days. Several miracles took place on the day St. Joseph was laid to rest at the feet of Fr. Ambrose. Even today, he continues to intercede with God and to work miracles for those who entreat him with faith. St. Joseph became a great Elder because first he had been a great disciple. He was obedient to his Elder Fr. Ambrose in all things, and never contradicted him. Because he renounced his own will, refrained from judging others, and reproached himself for his own sins, Fr. Joseph acquired humility and the grace of God. He also obtained from the Lord the discernment to recognize every sort of spiritual illness, and how to treat it. TODAY IS MAY 10 Blessed Saint Thais of Egypt FEAST DAY Saint Thais lived in Egypt in the fifth century. Left an orphan after the death of her wealthy parents, she led a pious life, distributing her wealth to the poor, and she gave shelter to pilgrims on her estate. She decided that she would never marry, but would devote her life to serving Christ. After spending all her inheritance, Thais was tempted to acquire more money by any means, and began to lead a sinful life. The Elders of Sketis near Alexandria heard of her fall, and asked St. John the Dwarf (November 9) to go to Thais and persuade her to repent. “She was kind to us,” they said, “now perhaps we can help 313 her. You, Father, are wise. Go and try to save her soul, and we will pray that the Lord will help you.” The Elder went to her home, but Thais’s servant did not want to allow him into the house. St. John said, “Tell your mistress that I have brought her something very precious.” Thais, knowing that the monks sometimes found pearls at the shore, told her servant to admit the visitor. St. John sat down and looked her in the face, and then began to weep. Thais asked him why he was crying. “How can I not weep,” he asked, “when you have forsaken your Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ, and are pleasing Satan by your deeds?” The Elder’s words pierced the soul of Thais like a fiery arrow, and at once she realized how sinful her present life had become. In fear, she asked him if God would accept the repentance of a sinner like her. St. John replied that the Savior awaited her repentance. That is why He came, to seek and to save the perishing. “He will welcome you with love,” he said, “and the angels will rejoice over you. As the Savior said Himself, one repentant sinner causes the powers of Heaven to rejoice (Luke 15:7). A feeling of repentance enveloped her, and regarding the Elder’s words as a call from the Lord Himself to return to Him, Thais trembled and thought only of finding the path of salvation. She stood up and left her house without speaking to her servants, and without making any sort of disposition of her property, so that even St. John was amazed. Following St. John into the wilderness, she hastened to return to God through penitence and prayer. Night fell, and the Elder prepared a place for Thais to lay down and sleep. He made a pillow for her from the sand, and he went off somewhat farther, and went to sleep after his evening prayers. In the middle of the night, he was wakened by a light coming down from the heavens to the place where Thais was at rest. In the radiant light he saw holy angels bearing her soul to Paradise. When he went over to Thais, he found her dead. St. John prayed and asked God to reveal to him whether Thais had been saved. 314 An angel of God appeared and told him, “Abba John, her one hour of repentance was equal to many years, because she repented with all her soul, and a companionate heart.” After burying the body of the saint, St. John returned to Sketis and told the monks what had happened. All offered thanks to God for His mercy toward Thais who, like the wise thief, repented in a single moment. TODAY IS MAY 11 Saint Christopher, called Christesia FEAST DAY Blessed St. Christesia’s family was from Egrisi in western Georgia. From his youth Christesia longed for the divine services and the solitary life, but he was forced by his master to marry, and by this marriage he begot a son. Later, when both his wife and son had died, his master insisted that hemarry again, but the pious Christesia would not heed his master’s order. Instead he related the order to his spiritual father, who advised him to depart from the world and journey to the Davit-Gareji Wilderness. Deeply inspired by his spiritual father’s counsel, Christesia abandoned his possessions and his life in the world and withdrew to the Monastery of St. John the Baptist in the Davit-Gareji Wilderness. The holy father spent many years in humble service to the Lord. He was assigned to gather firewood and bring water for the monastery, and he performed these tasks obediently 315 and in perfect meekness. Every day he walked over four miles to fill a pitcher with water and then carried it to a small hut nearby. He hung the pitcher at the entrance to make it visible from a distance, and travelers who passed by would come to quench their thirst. He also kept a small vegetable garden to feed the passers-by. Every Saturday he prepared kolio (a dish of wheat and honey traditionally offered to commemorate the departed) and divided it in three parts: one part commemorated the family and loved ones of those who had donated the wheat and honey; the second, the deceased fathers of the monastery; and the last, all departed Orthodox Christians. It always disturbed St. Christesia to see his brothers and sisters at odds with one another, so when he heard that two people were quarreling, he would go and reconcile them. “My children!” he would say, “If you do not heed my words, I will leave in sorrow, and the devil, who is always resistant to peace, will rejoice and send more tribulations upon you. I came to you hungry, and I will depart hungry!” His words warmed the hearts of those whom he counseled and helped them to be reconciled with one another. One hot evening after Vespers, St. Christesia set off on foot for a certain village. He left during twilight, and when night fell the sky was without a moon and extraordinarily dark. Before long it became difficult to walk any farther, so St. Christesia stopped to pray, and a bright light appeared before him to light the way. The divine light guided him all through the night, until he reached the village of Sartichala. St. Christesia’s cell was poor and cramped. He slept on a bed of wooden planks that he covered in sheepskin, and instead of a pillow he rested his head on a stone. The pious ascetic wore a sheepskin coat and sandals made of bark. Whatever he received he gave to the poor. Having placed complete trust in God, he would not permit himself to worry about the morrow, nor did he bother to store up food or supplies for the harsh winter months. Father Christesia was already advanced in age when he was tonsured a monk and given 316 the new name Christopher. He reposed peacefully in 1771, at the age of eighty. TODAY IS MAY 12 Saint Dionysius the Archimandrite of Saint Sergius’ Monastery TODAY IS MAY St. Dionysius of Radonezh, born in the world David Zobninovsky, was born about 1570 in the city of Rzhev. A novice, and then head of the Staritsky Dormition monastery, during the Time of Troubles he was the foremost helper of St. Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow. From 1611, St. Dionysius was archimandrite of the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. Under his administration, a house and hospice for the injured and those left homeless during the Polish-Lithuanian incursion was opened near the monastery. During a famine, he told the brethren of the Lavra to eat oat bread and water, leaving the wheat and the rye bread for the sick. In 1611-1612, he and the steward of the TrinitySergiev monastery, the monk Abraham Palitsyn, wrote letters asking the people of Nizhni-Novgorod and other cities to send fighting men and money to liberate Moscow from the Poles. He also wrote to Prince Demetrius Pozharsky and to all the military people, urging them to hasten the campaign for Moscow. His monastic training helped St Dionysius to maintain his own inner light undiminished during the terrible years of this evil time. The saint achieved a high 317 degree of spiritual perfection through unceasing prayer, which gave him the gift of working miracles. He carefully concealed his spiritual life from other people, who might suffer harm from a superficial knowledge of it. “Do not ask a monk about things concerning his monastic life,” said St. Dionysius, “since for us monks, it is a great misfortune to reveal such secrets to laymen. It is written that what is done in secret should not be known, even by your own left hand. We must hide ourselves, so that what we do remains unknown, lest the devil lead us into all manner of negligence and indolence.” We can only measure his spiritual development, and the knowledge of God which he attained, by those things which became apparent when circumstances compelled St. Dionysius to take an active part in the life of the world around him. One such circumstance was his involvement in the revision of the service books. In 1616 St Dionysius spoke of work on correction of the Book of Needs by comparing it with the ancient Slavonic manuscripts and various Greek editions. During their work, investigators discovered discrepancies in other books edited in the period between patriarchs (1612-1619). People did not understand what the editors were doing, so they accused St Dionysius and the others of heresy at a Council of 1618. Deposed from his priestly rank and excommunicated from the Church, he was imprisoned in the Novospassky (New Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Savior) monastery, where they wanted to kill him by starvation. The intervention of Patriarch Philaretos of Moscow and Patriarch Theophanes of Jerusalem (1619-1633) won his release in 1619, and he was cleared of the charges against him and was restored to his position as archimandrite of the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. St. Dionysius was known for his strict observance of the monastery Rule, for sharing in monastery tasks and in the rebuilding of the monastery after the siege of the Lavra. He was also known for his quiet miracle works, healing people and swearing them to secrecy. The Life and 318 Canon to the saint was composed by the Trinity-Sergiev monastery steward Simon Azaryn and augmented by the priest John Nasedka, a coworker of St Dionysius when he was correcting the service books. St. Dionysius reposed on May 12, 1633 and was buried in the TrinitySergiev Lavra. At his service, hundreds of people testified on how St Dionysius had healed them of illness. TODAY IS MAY 13 Saint Euthymius of Athos the Translator FEAST DAY The venerable Euthymius of Mt. Athos was the son of St. John of Mt. Athos, a military commander during the reign of King Davit Kuropalates, who abandoned the world to enter the monastic life. While St. John was laboring on Mt. Olympus, the Byzantine emperor returned a large portion of the conquered Georgian lands, but in exchange for this benefaction he ordered that the children of certain eminent aristocrats be taken to Constantinople as surety. Among his hostages was St. John’s young son, Euthymius. When John discovered that his son was being held captive in Constantinople, he departed immediately to appeal to the emperor for his release. Eventually John’s request was granted, and he took Euthymius back with him to the monastery. However, by this time the young Euthymius had 319 already forgotten his native language. Soon St. John’s name was known in every monastery on Mt. Olympus, so the holy father withdrew with his son and several disciples to Mt. Athos, to the Lavra of St. Athanasius the Great, to escape the homage and praise. From his youth Euthymius received great grace from the Holy Spirit. While still a child he fell deeply ill, and his father, losing hope in his recovery, sent for a priest to bring him Holy Communion. Then he went into a church, knelt before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, and began to pray for his son. When he returned to his cell he was greeted by the pleasant scent of myrrh and the sight of his son, standing in perfect health. Euthymius told his father that a magnificent Queen had appeared to him and asked him in Georgian, “What has happened to you? What has disturbed you so, Euthymius?” “I am dying, my Queen,” he had said. Then the Queen embraced him, saying, “Arise, do not be afraid, but speak freely in your native Georgian tongue!” After this miraculous healing the Georgian language flowed from Euthymius’s mouth like water pouring forth from a clear spring, and the young man surpassed all others in eloquence. Venerable John gave great thanks to God and explained to his son the meaning of the vision: “My son! Our country is suffering from a terrible shortage of books. But the Lord has bestowed upon you a gift, and now you must labor diligently in order to more abundantly recompence the Lord.” St. Euthymius began his new task with great joy, and many people marveled at his success. St. Giorgi of Mt. Athos recorded the life of St. Euthymius, and his account mentions more than fifty works that he translated from the original Greek into Georgian. After St. John’s death, Euthymius succeeded him as abbot of the Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos. (St. John had founded the Iveron Monastery with St. John-Tornike.) His leadership of the monastery brought with it many responsibilities, and Euthymius was obliged to continue his translations at night. St. Euthymius performed 320 many miracles. Once, while his father was still living, Byzantium was struck by a terrible drought. The earth became cracked, trees and vineyards withered, and all the vegetation dried up after four months without rain. St. John sent Euthymius and his brothers to the Church of the Prophet Elijah to celebrate an All-Night vigil. (During periods of drought Orthodox Christians have traditionally turned to the Prophet Elijah to bring rain as he did in the Old Testament.) During the Gospel reading a dark cloud formed in the sky, and at the moment Euthymius received Holy Communion it began to rain. Once, during the Feast of the Transfiguration, the faithful of Mt. Athos saw Fr. Euthymius embraced by divine fire. The crowd of witnesses fell on their knees before him, but the saint calmed them, saying, “Do not be afraid, my brothers; God has looked down on us, and Christ has glorified His feast!” But the devil could not tolerate the godly labors of the venerable Euthymius and his brothers at the monastery, so he persuaded a certain beggar, who resembled a monk, to kill the holy father. When the killer approached Fr. Euthymius’s cell, two monks blocked his way. So the assassin slashed them with his sword. Upon hearing the noise, Father Euthymius came outside and served Holy Communion to his fallen brothers. The two monks were fatally wounded and crowned as martyrs of the Church, while the killer confessed his sin and died, greatly afflicted in spirit. Later a monastery gardener attempted to murder St. Euthymius, but when he lifted his hand to strike the saint, it withered suddenly, and only the prayers of Fr. Euthymius could heal it. St. Euthymius labored as abbot of the Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos for fourteen years. His literary endeavors demanded much time and great effort, so, according to his father’s will, he appointed a certain George (later St. George of Mt. Athos, the Builder) his successor. Then he locked himself in his cell and dedicated himself exclusively to his translations. Once the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VIII 321 (1027-1039) summoned Fr. Euthymius to his court. Before departing for Constantinople, the venerable father gathered his brothers, prepared for them a meal, and asked them for their prayers. Then, just before he left on his journey, he visited his childhood friend, the elder Theophan. When they were bidding each other farewell, Theophan embraced him tearfully, crying out, “What grief I am suffering, O holy Father, for I will not see you again in the flesh!” The elder’s prophecy was soon fulfilled. The emperor received St. Euthymius with great honor. On May 8th, following the Liturgy for the feast of St. John the Theologian, St. Euthymius set off to visit a certain iconographer from whom he had earlier commissioned an icon. He was seated on a young mule and sent on his way. But along the road he was approached by a beggar, clad all in black, who asked alms of him. The venerable father reached into his pocket, but when the mule suddenly noticed the strange man by the roadside, he was frightened, lurched violently, and cast the holy father to the ground, killing him. All of Byzantium mourned the death of St. Euthymius. His holy relics are buried in the Church of St. John the Baptist at the Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos. TODAY IS MAY 14 Saint Isidore Wonderworker of Rostov FEAST DAY Saint Isidore Tverdislov is the Wonderworker of Rostov. St Isidore is termed “Tverdislov” [“Constant of Word”] since that he spoke 322 constantly. The title “Tverdislov” seems unique to St Isidore. He was born in Germany of rich parents. From his youth, he led “an unsullied life and had a compassionate understanding.” Leaving his parental home and “desiring the Kingdom of God,” St. Isidore distributed his wealth to the poor. Taking up the staff of a wanderer, he visited many lands and cities. It is not known where he accepted the holy Orthodox Faith, but he was raised in Catholicism. Finally, he arrived in Russia and decided to live in Rostov. Here St. Isidore, “in filth and snow and rain and cold” and “enduring every outrage,” settled in a rickety wooden hut that he himself had made. St. Isidore spent all his time at unceasing prayer, not allowing himself much sleep or rest. “He stood at all night vigil and praise” to dedicate his body “everlastingly to God.” By day the blessed one made the rounds of the city. “Like Job of old in his patience,” Blessed Isidore, while still alive, was “an earthly angel and a heavenly man,” “a compassionate soul, and pure of thought, and vigilant heart and faith unassailed, and true love without pretense.” During his life he received the grace to work miracles. St Isidore reposed in the year 1474. They learned of his death only when passing by his hut they noticed a special fragrance. At the place of his burial in the city of Rostov the church of the Ascension of the Lord was built, in which his relics rest in a crypt as a source of miracles to the present day. 323 TODAY IS MAY 15 Saint Achilles the Bishop of Larissa FEAST DAY Saint Achilles, Bishop of Larissa, lived during the fourth century, during the reign of St. Constantine the Great. Glorified for his holiness of life and erudition, he was made Bishop of Larissa in Thessaly. St. Achilles participated in the First Ecumenical Council, convened by St. Constantine, where he boldly denounced the heretic Arius [Arius was a fourth-century Alexandrian presbyter who was formally condemned as a heretic by the Orthodox Church. His heresy, referred to as Arianism, consisted of his teaching that the Son of God was not coeternal and consubstantial with His Father, but was rather a created being, subordinate to the Father]. In his city he strove to promote Christianity, destroyed idolatrous pagan temples, and he built and adorned churches. St. Achilles had the gift of healing sickness, especially demonic possession, and he worked many miracles. The saint died peacefully in about the year 330. His relics have been in Prespa, Bulgaria (now the village of Akhila, renamed in honor of the saint) since 978. 324 TODAY IS MAY 16 Saint Nicholas Mystikos, Patriarch of Constantinople (930) FEAST DAY St. Nicholas Mystikos was known for the purity and austerity of his life. When the Emperor Leo VI married a fourth time (his three previous wives having died), the Patriarch barred him from the church. The Emperor sent the Patriarch into exile and had his marriage approved by delegates of the Roman Pope. When the Emperor died, Nicholas was restored to the Patriarchal throne, and called a Council in 925, at which fourth marriages were forbidded in the Church under any circumstance. He died peacefully. The title Mystikos was given to some high-ranking members of the Imperial council (perhaps because they met in secret). The Patriarch was a courtier with this title before he forsook the world and was tonsured a monk. {Note: From early times, the Eastern and Latin churches have differed in their views on marriage. The Latin church held, and still holds, that marriage is dissolved by death, so in theory any number of re-marriages is permissible (a view that the Emperor Leo sought to exploit). The Eastern Church has traditionally been uncomfortable with any second marriage — some of the Fathers even call the remarriage of widows or widowers "bigamy". Still the Eastern Church tolerates re-marriage (even after divorce) as a concession for the salvation of those who cannot sustain the single state. } 325 TODAY IS MAY 17 Saint Dodo of the Gareji Monastery, Georgia FEAST DAY A companion of St. Davit of Gareji, St. Dodo belonged to the royal family Andronikashvili. He was tonsured a monk while still an youth, and was endowed with every virtue. An admirer of poverty and solitude, he labored as a hermit at Ninotsminda in Kakheti. Having heard about the miracles of Davit of Gareji, St. Dodo set off for the Gareji Wilderness to witness them himself. The venerable fathers greeted one another warmly and began laboring there together. After some time, St. Davit became deeply impressed with Dodo’s devotion to the Faith, and he proposed that he take with him some of the other monks and begin to construct cells on the opposite mountain. The brothers built cells and began to labor there with great ardor. Before long the number of cells had reached two hundred. St. Dodo isolated himself in a narrow crevice, where there was barely room for one man. Day and night, winter and summer, in the heat and the cold, he prayed with penitent tears for the forgiveness of his sins, the strengthening of the souls of his brothers, and the bolstering of the true Faith throughout the country. Once St. Dodo miraculously healed the son of Prince Bubakar of Rustavi. In return, the grateful prince donated food and other necessities to the monks of Gareji Monastery. St. Davit took part of his contributions and sent what remained to St. Dodo. He advised Bubakar to have St. Dodo baptize him, and St. Dodo joyously baptized Bubakar, his sons, and all his suite. St. Dodo 326 labored to an advanced age in the monastery he had founded and reposed peacefully. His spiritual sons and companions buried him in the cave where he had labored, and a church was later built over his grave. TODAY IS MAY 18 Saint Innocent of Alaska FEAST DAY Our father among the Saints Innocent of Alaska, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Enlighten of North America (1797-1879), was a Russian Orthodox Priests, Bishop, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia. He is known for his missionary work, scholarship, and leadership in Alaska and the Russian Far East during the 1800s. He is known for his great zeal for his work as well as his great abilities as a scholar, linguist, and administrator. He was a missionary, later a bishop and archbishop in Alaska and the Russian Far East. While visiting native villages, he would heal many of the people who were sick. He was known for his simple lifestyle that endured him to the native peoples. He learned several native languages and was the author of many of the earliest scholarly works about the natives and their languages, as well as dictionaries and religious works in these languages. He also translated the Bible into several native languages. 327 TODAY IS MAY 19 New Hieromartyr Saint John Karastamatis of Santa Cruz California FEAST DAY Fr. John Karastamatis was born in 1937 in the Greek village of Apoika, on the island of Andros. As a boy on the island of Andros, John witnessed many miracles with which God blessed the pious villagers, and thus he was made aware of the closeness of God to the lives of those who seek Him. The heavenly saints, especially the local ones, also manifested their closeness and the power of their intercessory prayer by appearing to and helping the people. John nourished his young soul by learning of the lives of these saints and martyrs, whose unquenchable desire to be faithful to Christ in the face of deprivation, torment and physical death inspired him to also be a servant of God. Although he did not attend any theological school, he wanted to put his faith into practice by someday becoming a priest. In 1957, at the age of twenty, John came to the United States. Five years later he married a young Greek woman, Athanasia Matsellis, and soon became the father of two children, Maria and Photios. The cities of the United States were in sharp contrast to the village of his birth, but his acute awareness of the nearness of God and the other world, given him in childhood, never left him. He now found himself in the midst of those who not only did not want to be 328 close to God, but who actively fled from Him. Still he hoped in God, knowing that the freedom of Christ can be found even in the most stifling and evil surroundings. With the support and encouragement of Fr. George Bogdanos, a Greek priest who recognized in him the integrity and zeal of a true pastor, Fr. John was ordained to the deaconate in 1971 with the blessing of Archbishop lakovos, who supported him in this. Since both his love for the Church and the love of the churchgoers for him was so apparent, he was made a priest only a few weeks later by Bishop Meletios Christianopolis of San Francisco. He first served the Greek Orthodox community in Anchorage, Alaska, the land of newly-canonized St. Herman, who became thus his guardian angel for the rest of his life. He was later assigned to the St. George parish in Vancouver, Canada, and then to All Saints parish in Anaheim, Pennsylvania. He then moved to Santa Cruz, California, which had been named by the Spanish missionaries after the Holy Cross of the Lord. There he labored with enthusiasm to provide a haven of Orthodox Christianity for the faithful in the area, who had long been without a nearby church. Because the community in Santa Cruz was too small to immediately acquire its own Orthodox church, Fr. John began to serve the Divine Liturgy in the nearby town of Aptos, in the chapel of a Poor Clare convent. The nuns would have their services very early on Sunday morning, leaving the church free for Fr. John and his parishioners to use afterwards. The parishioners were at first hesitant: they would come to Liturgy late, and would all sit at the very back of the chapel, as if they were spectators and not participants. Fr. John knew that he had much work to do. He was sometimes disappointed at the lack of active interest among his flock. His was a burning faith, and lukewarmness had always been foreign to his soul. His task, he knew, was to ignite this fire within each of his parishioners, so that they themselves would struggle for the kingdom of heaven, the one thing needful, and not sit in the 329 background and expect their priest to do their work for them. He could not demand too much at once, but had to be a gentle and loving pastor, condescending to the weaknesses of his flock so as not to overwhelm them and cause them to abandon the Orthodox faith altogether. The gap between shepherd and sheep had to be bridged gradually and carefully, and Fr. John had to spark the kinder in the hearts of his flock without scorching them with the consuming fire within him. Sometimes Fr. John would speak forceful words of rebuke to awaken his people from their spiritual sleep, but mostly he would inspire them by his quiet and unobtrusive example. They began to see how hard he struggled and were moved to help him fulfill his godly dreams. His fervency and zeal, his unequivocal belief in the other world, was something that they did not fully understand, and yet that they inwardly -- and in some cases unconsciously -- longed for. Having come to love him deeply, they were grateful that God had sent a harvester to their field. By giving his parishioners new aspirations, Fr. John instilled in them the desire to start their own church. They collected and saved money and eventually found the perfect building for their church: a former funeral home in Santa Cruz, across from the public library and in the best park of town for missionary activity. Fr. John did much of the interior work himself, fashioning a beautiful white iconostasis and a large domed apse behind and above the altar. When completed, the newly-consecrated church became a refuge from the noisy bustle of the world, an island of holiness in the middle of downtown Santa Cruz. The church was dedicated to the Prophet Elias. With their new and beautiful church, the parishioners, comprised of over 75 families, now had a sense of accomplishment. 330 They felt that they had come a long way from the days when they had little choice but to use a chapel which was outside of town. Now they could branch out into other activities. Fr. John by no means wanted his Orthodox community to be a closed one, and he rejoiced to discover any fervent young souls which came to him in search of the fullness of Christianity. Santa Cruz has been a gathering place not only of the darker and meaner elements of society, but also of idealistic young people who have desired something more meaningful than the American values of materialism and competition. By the time Fr. John started his church in Santa Cruz, a small but significant "Orthodox Christian movement" had already begun at the university there. This was primarily the result of the missionary work of Hieromonk Anastassy. Through him, many Santa Cruz university students embraced the Orthodox faith and dedicated their lives to serving Christ. In 1981, Fr. Seraphim Rose, at the request of the Orthodox students there, gave two lectures at the university and further inspired young souls to enter what he called "the saving enclosure of the Church." The fellowship of Orthodox students turned also to Fr. John and his church in order to receive spiritual nourishment and to participate in the divine services, which lifted them above the worldliness of university life. Fr. John always greeted them with a radiant smile and warm love, seeing in their young faces the freshness and enthusiasm that would keep Orthodoxy alive for future generations. After these students graduated, Fr. John brought other young people to the Orthodox faith, giving them all that they needed for their growth in the faith and being to them a loving father who was concerned for their spiritual welfare. Since the Prophet Elias Church was in the middle of town, people would often come from off the streets to ask questions and attend the services. Fr. John kept an "open-door policy," making himself and his church available to anyone with a pastoral need. The people of Santa Cruz came to know him as 331 being kind, trusting, full of love and open. He had great compassion for the poor, and was helpful to all who came to him, disregarding their religion or whether or not they were taking advantage of him. It was not uncommon for him to be awakened at odd hours of the night by needy people knocking at his back door. No one would be refused, but would always be given alms for a meal. In the most outcast and downtrodden of individuals, and perhaps especially in them, Fr. John saw the image of Christ. With deep-felt Christian love, he once wrote these words about the simple people who, although rejected by the world, are faithful to Christ and follow the voice of their hearts: "We see them lonely within the crowd, or following the life of a hermit as they become symbols of truth and beacon lights of Christianity, praying for peace and brotherly love on earth." Orthodox Christianity was not just something "for Greeks," but rather was universal. His love for God induced him to earnestly desire to bring forth fruits for Him, as a son strives to please his father, and this made him a zealous missionary to all peoples. He had services in public parks, where the townspeople would stop to attend something, which, although foreign to them, they found to be divinely beautiful. Hearing Fr. John, with his full and resonant voice, chanting the ancient Byzantine melodies along with his cantor, would unexpectedly catch a vague and half-remembered glimpse of that sacred realm which their souls knew but their minds had never been exposed to. In such a way was Fr. John able to introduce the riches of Orthodoxy to the spiritually impoverished American people. While Fr. John's fervent pastoral work served to convert many non-Greek people, his first job was, of course, to "convert" many of his own people -¬those who were baptized Orthodox but whose commitment to Christ meant, at most, only an external commitment to church attendance and activities. By his own faith he demonstrated to them that Orthodoxy is not merely a ritual, a system of dogmas or a behavior pattern, but is 332 instead a transforming power, which is tapped by conscious spiritual struggle. The good works of Fr. John were too numerous and his outreach too extensive not to evoke malicious actions from the haters of God. The visibility of Fr. John and his church in the middle of Santa Cruz made them more accessible not only to those in need of help, but also to those who wished to destroy all that is holy. A few months before Fr. John's death, the church was desecrated by unknown occultists, who painted "666" and the five-pointed satanic star on the front entrance. When the desecration was discovered, Fr. John reconsecrated the church. Later he received anonymous threats, but was undaunted by them. It was through Fr. John that the Most Holy Mother of God bestowed a miraculous blessing on the Prophet Elias Church. This occurred after Fr. John brought some bulbs of the "lily of the Panagia" back from his native island of Andros, where he visited with his family. The lily of the "Panagia" (or the "Most Holy") is so named because of the tradition, often depicted in icons, concerning the Archangel Gabriel presenting the Mother of God with this species of lily at the time of the Annunciation. In the monastery on Andros which Fr. John visited, stems from these lilies, being many years old, sometimes bud miraculously at the time of the Feast of the Dormition. Fr. John instructed his son Photios to plant the lily bulbs in pots and to water them only with holy water, which Photios did. After the lilies had grown from the bulbs in May of 1983, Fr. John cut one of the flowers and placed it by the icon of the Mother of God, which leaned against the iconostasis of his church. The flower did not wilt for four weeks, although it had been cut and removed from both water and earth. When it finally dropped its petals (the first one having fallen on a radiant day when one of Fr. John's converts from the university was baptized), Fr. John told his wife not to vacuum up any of them, but to save them and place them by the icon where the flower stem was still leaning. Aпd then, within three 333 weeks, some fresh sprouts appeared on the stem! The stem continued to produce new stems for many months, until the winter of 1983-4. Fr. John interpreted the miracle as an image of life coming out of death through the Resurrection. On the night of Saturday, May 18, 1985, the eve of Righteous Job the Much-suffering, Fr. John was in the church building preparing a sermon for the following morning. His wife was at that time in Los Angeles visiting her daughter, who had just given birth to her first child. Shortly before midnight, one or more assailants entered the church. Evidently they had been watching Fr. John, for they came at a time when he was alone, when both his wife and 17 year-old son were gone. They attacked Fr. John in his church office, stabbing him with a knife. During the struggle Fr. John was severely beaten, and then was finally killed by a heavy blow on his head. His son, who had dined with him earlier that evening, arrived at 1:30 a.m. at the church where the family lived. Outside the office he discovered the body of his murdered father, and on the walls -- the blood of a martyr. This time the church was not desecrated. In their investigation, the police reported no signs of vandalism or theft, nor were they able to locate any possible suspects. In the absence of a more plausible reason for the crime, it is most likely that the killing, like the church desecration a few months prior to it, was done at the hands of those who hated Fr. John for his holy work, of those who are the enemies of God and rebel against Him because they serve the first rebel, Satan. But whether Fr. John was killed for overtly satanic purposes or for other, irrational reasons, he had without doubt a martyric death, giving his life for Christ and dying in the very church in which he had diligently served Him. His face and fingers were so mutilated that the coffin had to be closed during the funeral services. "His life inspired and enlightened and cheered us!" wrote one of his spiritual children. "His death has served to confirm in a most direct 334 way the realities of not only our Orthodox faith, but of the bizarre and truly anti-Christian ways of our times." TODAY IS MAY 20 Blessed Saint Dovmont the Prince of Pskov FEAST DAY The Holy Prince Dovmont (Domant) of Pskov, prince of Nalshinaisk (Nalshensk), was a native of Lithuania, and at first he was a pagan. In 1265, escaping from internecine strife among the Lithuanian princes, he was forced to flee Lithuania and he arrived in Pskov with 300 families. The land of Pskov became his second country. Here, in the expression of the Chronicler, “the grace of God was breathed upon him,” when he accepted Holy Baptism with the name Timothy and received the great gifts of the Lord. Within a year’s time, the people of Pskov chose him as their prince for his bravery and his true Christian virtues. For thirty-three years he ruled the city and was the only prince in the history of Pskov who died after living for so long in peace and in harmony with the Pskov veche (city-council). He was just and strict in pursuing justice for others, he gave alms generously, took in the poor and strangers, he observed the church feasts, he was a patron of the churches and monasteries and he founded a monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. After 335 his marriage to the daughter of Great Prince Demetrius, the grandson of St. Alexander Nevsky, he became related to the Russian princely line. Prince Dovmont, like St. Alexander Nevsky, was a glorious defender of the Russian Land. The prime importance of Prince Dovmont as a military leader and activist for the realm is that for many years he defended the northwest boundaries of the Russian realm from hostile incursions. In 1268, Prince Dovmont was one of the heroes of the historic battle before Rakovor, where Russian forces won the victory over the Danish and German armies. Before each battle, St. Dovmont went into church, set down his sword at the steps of the holy altar and received a blessing from the priest, who girded on his sword for him. St. Dovmont made the Pskov fortress impregnable. In memory of the glorious defender of the city, a stone wall, built by the holy prince beside the Krom at the end of the thirteenth century, was named the Dovmontov, and the territory enclosed by the wall, to the present day is called Dovmontov town. The saintly defender’s “House of the Holy Trinity” was another pious matter. In gratitude to the Lord in Whose Name he had gained victory unharmed, holy Prince Dovmont built a church beside the Pskov Kremlin in honor of the feastday on which he won the victory. Other inhabitants of Pskov also built churches there in fulfillment of vows. The territory of present day Dovmontov town was completely covered with churches (the first temple in honor of St Dovmont-Timothy was built in Dovmontov town in 1574). The brave warrior-prince won his final victory on March 5, 1299 on the banks of the River Velika, where he defeated a large German army with a small company. Meanwhile, the Livonian Knights unexpectedly invaded the suburbs of Pskov, they seized the Snetnogor and Mirozh monasteries and burned them, cruelly murdering the inhabitants. They killed the founder of the Snetnogor monastery, St. Joasaph, and seventeen monks, and also St. Basil, igumen of Murozh. Holy Prince Dovmont, not waiting to raise a 336 large army, went to engage the enemy with his retainers and he expelled the sacrilegious defilers from the boundaries of the Russian Land. Several months later, holy Prince Dovmont-Timothy died and was buried in the Trinity cathedral of Pskov. The Chronicler relates that “there was then great sadness in Pleskov for the men and woman and small children on account of their good lord, the noble Prince Timothy.” The people of Pskov remembered how the holy prince had cared for them during peaceful times, and when the city was threatened by danger, how he led them into battle saying, “Good men of Pskov! Whoever is old among you is my father; whoever is young is my brother. Stand fast for the Holy Trinity! Soon after the Prince’s death he began to be venerated as a holy intercessor before God, guarding the land from enemies and misfortune. The holy Saint defended Pskov more than once after his death. In the year 1480, when more than a hundred thousand Germans besieged the city, he appeared in a dream to a certain citizen and said, “Take my grave cover, carry it three times around the city with a cross, and do not be afraid.” The people of Pskov fulfilled his instructions and the Germans departed from the city. A service to the holy prince was composed after this miraculous deliverance from enemies. Along with the relics of the saint, his battle sword was preserved (now the sword is in a Pskov museum). Thereafter, the sword was handed to the Pskov princes upon their elevation to the princely throne. Holy Prince Dovmont-Timothy and his wife, the future Schemanun Martha, were depicted upon the wonderworking Murozh Icon of the Mother of God: “You have bestown a blessing on the all-pure image of Your icon, O Mother of God, by portraying the likeness of our steadfast intercessor Prince Dovmont and his pious spouse” (Service to the holy Prince Dovmont-Timothy). When the Mother of God appeared to the Elder Dorotheus during a siege of Pskov by the Poles on August 27, 1581, holy Saint Dovmont-Timothy was among the saints accompanying the 337 heavenly Protectress of Pskov. The relics of holy Prince DovmontTimothy rest in the Pskov cathedral of the Life-Creating Trinity. The holy Prince Saint Dovmont aided Russian armies more than once in defense of the country’s western borders. Then came the hour when they were sent by the Leader of the Heavenly Hosts to rise up in defense of the eastern frontiers. In the year 1640, the great national movement to the east, “the meeting of the sun,” resulted in the Russian explorers arriving at the mouth of the Amur River and the Pacific Ocean. Rus bordered pagan China on these frontiers. The bulwark of Orthodoxy became the Russian fortress of Albazin, famous for the wonderworking Albazin Icon of the Mother of God and the heroic “defense of Albazin” (1685-1686). In the summer of 1679, during the Apostles’ Fast, Gabriel Florov and a company of cossacks set out from Albazin to explore the Zea River valley. For three years the cossacks did patrol duty on the Zea, making the rounds of the surrounding settlements. They brought the Tungus settlers under Russian rule, and they established winter quarters and a stockade. Once, cossack riders encountered a man on a white horse, clad in armor and armed with bows and swords. This was Saint Dovmont. Speaking with the cossacks and learning that they were from Albazin, the holy warrior-princes predicted the approach of Chinese armies upon the Amur soon afterwards. He said the battle would be difficult, but predicted the ultimate triumph of Russian arms. “The Chinese will come again, and enter into a great battle, and we shall aid the Russian people in these struggles. The Chinese will not trouble the city. Several times during 1684-1686 the Chinese horde advanced towards Albazin, but did not take the city. By the miraculous help of the Albazin Icon of the Mother of God and the holy Prince Saint Dovmont of Pskov, the enemy was rendered powerless against the Orthodox fortress. “The Account of the Miracles of Holy Prince Saint Dovmont” was written by Gabriel Florov at Yakutsk on October 23, 338 1689. The fealty of these saints has not ceased. New generations arise to change the face of the earth, but the Russian warrior Saint Dovmont stand steadfast in sacred patrol of his country. TODAY IS MAY 21 Saint Helen, Mother of the Emperor Constantine FEAST DAY Saint Helen was the mother of St Contantine the Great, and was probably born at Drepanum (Helenopolis) in Asia Minor to parents of humble means. She married Constantius Chlorus, and their son Constantine was born in 274. Constantius divorced her in 294 in order to further his political ambition by marrying a woman of noble rank. After he became emperor, Constantine showed his mother great honor and respect, granting her the imperial title “Augusta.” After Constantine became the sole ruler of the Western Roman Empire, he issued the Edict of Milan in 313 which guaranteed religious tolerance for Christians. St. Helen, who was a Christian, may have influenced him in this decision. In 323, when he became the sole ruler of the entire Roman Empire, he extended the provisions of the Edict of Milan to the Eastern half of the Empire. After three hundred years of persecution, Christians could finally practice their faith without fear. The emperor deeply revered the victory-bearing Sign of the Cross of the Lord, and also wanted to find the actual Cross upon which our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. For this purpose he sent his own 339 mother, the holy Empress Helen, to Jerusalem, granting her both power and money. Patriarch Macarius of Jerusalem and St. Helen began the search, and through the will of God, the Life-Creating Cross was miraculously discovered in 326. While in Palestine, the holy empress did much of benefit for the Church. She ordered that all places connected with the earthly life of the Lord and His All-Pure Mother, should be freed of all traces of paganism, and she commanded that churches should be built at these places. The emperor Constantine ordered a magnificent church in honor of Christ’s Resurrection to be built over His tomb. S.t Helen gave the Life-Creating Cross to the Patriarch for safe-keeping, and took part of the Cross with her for the emperor. After distributing generous alms at Jerusalem and feeding the needy (at times she even served them herself), the holy Empress Helen returned to Constantinople, where she died in the year 327. Because of her great services to the Church and her efforts in finding the Life-Creating Cross, the empress Saint Helen is called “the Equal of the Apostles.” TODAY IS MAY 22 Saint Jovan Vladimir FEAST DAY Saint Jovan Vladimir (Serbian Cyrillic: Јован Владимир) was the ruler of Duklja, the most powerful Serbian principality of the time, from around 1000 to 1016. He ruled during the protracted war between the 340 Byzantine Empire and the First Bulgarian Empire. Vladimir was acknowledged as a pious, just, and peaceful ruler. He is recognized as a martyr and saint, with his feast day being celebrated on 22 May. Jovan Vladimir had a close relationship with Byzantium but this did not save Duklja from the expansionist Tsar Samuel of Bulgaria, who conquered the principality in around 1010 and took Vladimir prisoner. A medieval chronicle asserts that Samuel's daughter, Theodora Kosara, fell in love with Vladimir and begged her father for his hand. The tsar allowed the marriage and returned Duklja to Vladimir, who ruled as his vassal. Vladimir took no part in his father-in-law's war efforts. The warfare culminated with Tsar Samuel's defeat by the Byzantines in 1014 and death soon after. In 1016, Vladimir fell victim to a plot by Ivan Vladislav, the last ruler of the First Bulgarian Empire. He was beheaded in front of a church in Prespa, the empire's capital, and was buried there. He was soon recognized as a martyr and saint. His widow, Kosara, reburied him in the Prečista Krajinska Church, near his court in southeastern Duklja. In 1381, his remains were preserved in the Church of St. Jovan Vladimir near Elbasan, and since 1995 they have been kept in the Orthodox cathedral of Tirana, Albania. The saint's remains are considered Christian relics, and attract many believers, especially on his feast day, when the relics are taken to the church near Elbasan for a celebration. The cross Vladimir held when he was beheaded is also regarded as a relic. Traditionally under the care of the Andrović family from the village of Velji Mikulići in southeastern Montenegro, the cross is only shown to believers on the Feast of Pentecost, when it is carried in a procession to the summit of Mount Rumija. Jovan Vladimir is regarded as the first Serbian saint and the patron saint of the town of Bar in Montenegro. His earliest, lost hagiography was probably written sometime between 1075 and 1089; a shortened version, written in Latin, is preserved in the Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja. His hagiographies in 341 Greek and Church Slavonic were first published, respectively, in 1690 and 1802. The saint is classically depicted in icons as a monarch wearing a crown and regal clothes, with a cross in his right hand and his own head in his left hand. He is fabled to have carried his severed head to his place of burial. The Cross of Vladimir, held by Milan Andrović during the Pentecost liturgy at the summit of Mount Rumija (2009) TODAY IS MAY 23 Saint Damiane the King and Hymnographer FEAST DAY Saint Damiane (in the world King Demetre I) was the son of Holy King Davit I the Restorer. King Davit I proclaimed his son Saint Damiane co-ruler of Georgia and crowned him with his own hands. He declared that his son Demetre, through his wisdom, chastity, bravery, and handsome appearance, would rule Georgia better than he himself had. Demetre acquired great glory while his father was still alive. In 1117 Davit I sent him to Shirvan to fight, and the young commander astonished the people with his deftness in battle. St. Demetre seized 342 Kaladzori Castle and returned home with many captives and much wealth. King Demetre struggled tirelessly to protect the inheritance he had received from his father: he guarded Georgia’s borders and fought to enlarge its frontiers. Many regions, including Hereti, Somkhiti, Tashiri, Javakheti, Artaani and the Tao border, were repopulated during King Demetre’s rule. These regions had been largely deserted after King Davit I joined Tbilisi to the region of HeretKakheti. King Demetre was never shaken by the evil intrigues plotted against him. First his noblemen revolted, demanding that his stepbrother, Vakhtang (Tsuata), replace him as king. (Ioane of Abuleti was the leader of this conspiracy.) Then Saint Demetre’s own son Davit II rebelled against him. Deeply disturbed by the behavior of his first-born son, the pious king could no longer bear the vanity of the world—he was tonsured a monk in the Davit-Gareji Wilderness and given the new name Damiane. He abdicated to his son, but Davit II ruled just six months before he reposed. While laboring at Davit-Gareji Monastery, Damiane composed many great hymns for the Church. His hymn to the Theotokos, “Thou Art the Vineyard,” is outstanding among these works. In order to protect the interests of the Georgian kingdom after his son’s death, Damiane was obliged to leave the monastery. He returned to the throne and intervened in the affairs of the government. At the same time he named another of his sons, George, co-ruler. King Damiane-Demetre completed construction of Gelati Monastery, which had been started by his father, Holy King Davit I the Restorer. St. Damiane reposed in 1157; he was buried at Gelati Monastery. A 12th-century image of St. Damiane-Demetre was among the frescoes at the Davit-Gareji Monastery. In the 19th century the Russian traveler Andrew Muraviev reported seeing the fresco intact, but today only a narrow upper band of the image remains. A fresco of the pious king and monk St. Demetre has been preserved in the church at Matskhvarishi (now Latali) in the Svaneti region. 343 TODAY IS MAY 24 Venerable Saint Nikita the Stylite Wonderworker of Pereyaslavl, Zalesski FEAST DAY Our Holy Father St. Nikita Stylites was born in 1186. As a youth, he was heedless and corrupt; but one day he entered a church and heard the words of Isaiah, 'Wash you, make you clean' (Is. 1:16). His life changed completely: he left his family and property to enter a monastery near Pereyaslavl, where he took on a life of severe asceticism. He wore chains and in the words of the Prologue, 'shut himself up in a pillar,' for which he was called the Stylite. He was granted the gift of healing and by his prayers restored many who came to him, including Michael, Prince of Chernigov, whom he healed of palsy. Some thieves, seeing his chains and thinking that they were made of silver, killed him one night and made off with the chains. Soon afterward, Saint Nikita appeared to an elder named Simeon and told him to put the chains with him in his grave when they were found. TODAY IS MAY 25 Saint Therapon the Bishop of Cyprus FEAST DAY 344 The Hieromartyr Therapon, Bishop of Cyprus, lived a life of asceticism in a monastery, and afterwards he served as a bishop on the island of Cyprus. At the time of the persecution under Diocletian (284-305), St Therapon bravely confessed the name of Christ and died a martyric death. The relics of the hieromartyr were at first located on Cyprus and were glorified by numerous miracles. Later, in the year 806, they were transferred to Constantinople. The relics were moved because of a danger of invasion by the Saracens. As the ship sailed to Constantinople, myrrh began to flow from the relics, and travellers on the ship were miraculously saved during a storm by their prayers to St Therapon. Upon arrival at Constantinople, the relics of the hieromartyr were placed in a temple built in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God of Eleousa or “the Merciful.” In the year 806 the relics were again transferred into a temple built in honor of the Hieromartyr Therapon. As they were moved, myrrh flowed from them, and miracles took place. Through the prayers of St. Therapon, those who are seriously ill are healed, and the dying restored to life. TODAY IS MAY 26 Greatmartyr Saint George the New at Sofia, Bulgaria FEAST DAY 345 The Holy Martyr Saint George the New was born into an illustrious Bulgarian family, living in the capital city of Bulgaria, Sredets (now the city of Sofia). St. George’s childless parents, John and Mary, in their declining years entreated the Lord to send them a child. Their prayer was answered, and they baptized the infant with the name of the holy Great Martyr George. Young George received a fine upbringing, he attentively studied the Holy Scriptures, and he was pious and chaste. His parents died when George was twenty-five. At that time Bulgaria found itself under the rule of the Turks, who forcibly converted Christians to Islam. Once, several Moslems tried to convert George. They put a fez on the saint’s head. This is a red circular hat which Moslems wear to enter their house of prayer. But George threw the fez on the ground. The Turks brought the martyr to their governor with beatings and abuse. The governor was impressed with St George’s appearance and bearing, and he urged him to accept Islam, promising honors and wealth from Sultan Selim (1512-1520). The saint boldly and steadfastly confessed his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and reproached the errors of Islam. The governor in a rage gave orders to beat St George with rods, but the saint persevered in his confession of faith in Christ. The governor ordered the tortures to be increased. The passion-bearer bore all his sufferings, calling on the Lord Jesus Christ for help. Then they led the martyr through the city to the beat of a drum and shouts: “Do not insult Mohammed nor abase the Moslem faith.” Finally, a large fire was lit in the city, to burn St. George. Weakened by his wounds, the saint fell to the ground. They threw him into the fire still alive, and they threw corpses of dogs on 346 top of him so that Christians would not be able to find the relics of the martyr. Suddenly, a heavy rain fell and extinguished the fire. With the onset of darkness, the place where the body of the martyr was thrown was illumined with a bright light. They gave permission to a certain Christian priest to take the venerable relics of the martyr for burial. Informed about the occurrence, Metropolitan Jeremiah and his clergy went to the place of execution. In the ashes of the fire they located the body of the holy Martyr George and carried it to the church of St George the Great Martyr in the city of Sredets. TODAY IS MAY 27 Venerable Saint Michael of Parekhi FEAST DAY Saint Michael of Parekhi was a native of the village of Norgiali in the Shavsheti region of southern Georgia. He was tonsured a monk in the Midznadzori Wilderness. Fr. Michael journeyed to Khandzta Monastery, and with the blessing of the brotherhood, he built a small chapel and dwelling for the monks nearby. Built in a cave on the side of a cliff, St. Michael’s establishment was difficult to reach (the new monastery was called “Parekhi,” or “Cave”). God was pleased with his good works, and He granted St. Michael the gift of working wonders and miricles. In a divine revelation, St. Michael was instructed to send his disciples Serapion and John to the region of Samtskhe. 347 There they established a beautiful monastery in the village of Zarzma. After some time Father Michael abandoned his cell and settled at the top of a large boulder. After 2 days, the devil caused him to stumble off the rock, but the Lord protected him and he remained unharmed. Frightened by the incident, Michael sent his disciples to bring St. Gregory of Khandzta, and he related to him all that had happened. The blessed Gregory assuaged his brother’s fears, erected a cross on either side of Michael’s cell, and told him, “These two crosses of Christ will protect you, and the mercy of the Most Holy Trinity and the Precious Cross will be upon you.” St. Michael lived to an old age, and he was buried at Parekhi Monastery. Many faithful pilgrims who have visited his grave have been healed of their infirmities. According to Basil of Zarzma, St. Michael’s disciples wrote accounts of his labors, wisdom, and miracles after his repose, but these works have unfortunately not been preserved. What we know about the life of St. Michael of Parekhi was preserved in the hagiographical writings of the 10th and 11th centuries. TODAY IS MAY 28 Saint Demetrios of Tripoli FEAST DAY Descended from the Peloponnese and was raised by devout parents. Forcibly converted by the Turks, together with other young people, probably after the Suppression of the revolt in the Peloponnese in 348 1769. This child was named Demetrios and when forcibly converted was re-named Moystafas. By the nature of the intelligent and active, Mustapha became prominent among Turks of Peloponnese and got the rank of Prefect (improchwraga), and acquired much wealth and slaves. But from the beginning wanted to return to the faith of his fathers, so dazzled by the wealth of the Scriptures and values. So the decision to go back to Christianity was made and he went to a spiritual leader in Tripoli, where he confessed. He took his advice and lived secretly as a Christian. But his life of a Christian scandalized Muslims and they denounce him to the Pasha of Tripoli. When he arrested in Mystras, he led to the Pasha of Tripoli and confessed that he is ready to pour his blood for the love of Jesus Christ. Despite the advice and promises of Pasha, the witness remained true to his faith. After a certain period of time in prison, he was eventually decapitated on 28 May 1794, Whit Sunday, in Tripoli. The relic of the Saint received the Christians and buried in the Temple of the Holy great martyr Demetrios in Tripoli. Saint Makarios of Corinth wrote the history of Martyrdom of Demetrios. 349 TODAY IS MAY 29 Saint Theodosia Virginmartyr of Constantinople FEAST DAY St. Theodosia of Constantinople lived during the eighth century and was born in answer to the fervent prayers of her parents. After their deaths, she was raised at the women’s monastery of the Holy Martyr Anastasia in Constantinople. After distributing what remained of her parental inheritance to the poor, she became a nun. She also used part of the money to commission gold and silver icons of the Savior, the Theotokos, and St. Anastasia. When Leo the Isaurian ascended the throne, he issued an edict that holy icons be destroyed everywhere. Above the Bronze Gates at Constantinople was a bronze icon of the Savior, which had been there for more than 400 years. In 730, the iconoclast Patriarch Anastasius ordered that the icon be destroyed. The Virgin Martyr Theodosia and other women rushed to protect the icon. While an officer was executing the order, Theodosia, shook the ladder strongly until the officer fell from it. The man died from his injuries, and Theodosia was arrested. The women then stoned Patriarch Anastasius. Emperor Leo ordered the women to be beheaded. St. Theodosia, an ardent defender of icons, was thrown in prison. She was given one hundred lashes a day for over one week. On the eighth day, she was led naked through the city, being beaten 350 along the way. Ultimately, one of the soldiers stabbed her in the throat with a ram’s horn, and she received the crown of martyrdom. The body of the holy virgin martyr was reverently buried by Christians in the St. Euphemia Monastery in Constantinople, near a place called Dexiokratis. The tomb of St. Theodosia was glorified by numerous healings of the sick. Theodosia became one among the most venerated saints in Constantinople, being invoked particularly by the infirm. The fame of the saint was increased by the recovery of a deafmute in 1306. TODAY IS MAY 30 Saint Emilia “the Mother of Saints.” FEAST DAY The holy and righteous Emilia (also Emily or Emmelia), is the mother of St. Basil the Great and several other children who are saints of the Church. Churches of the Russian tradition keep her feast on January 3, along with her son Basil. Greek churches keep her feast on May 30, along with her husband, St. Basil the Elder, and her mother-in-law, St. Macrina the Elder. There are very few descriptions of St. Emilia’s life. She was the daughter of a martyr and the daughter-in-law of Macrina the Elder. Along with her husband, Basil the Elder, she gave birth to ten children. She instilled the Orthodox faith in her children, teaching them to pray and devote their lives to the service of the Church. As a 351 result of her zealous yet maternal instruction of her children, five of them are commemorated as saints on the Church calendar: Sts. Macrina, Basil, Peter of Sebaste, Gregory of Nyssa, and Theosebia, a deaconess. Therefore, St. Emilia is often called “the mother of saints.” When her son, Naucratius, suddenly died at the age of twentyseven, she was consoled by her eldest daughter, Macrina. Macrina reminded her that it was not befitting a Christian to “mourn as those who have no hope” and inspired her to hope courageously in the resurrection promised to us by the Pascha of the Lord. After her children left home, St. Emilia was persuaded by Macrina to forsake the world. Together they founded a monastery for women. Emilia divided the family property among her children. Retaining only some meager possessions, she and Macrina withdrew to a secluded family property in Pontus, picturesquely located on the banks of the Iris River and not far from St. Basil’s wilderness home. A number of liberated female slaves wished to join the pair, and a convent was formed. They lived under one roof and held everything in common: They ate, worked, and prayed together. They were so eager to advance in virtue that they regarded fasting as food and poverty as riches. The harmony of this model community of women was unspoiled by anger, jealousy, hatred, or pride. Indeed, as the Church sings of monastics, they lived like angels in the flesh. Living in this manner for many years, Emilia reached old age. When an illness signaled her departure from this world, her son St. Peter came to her side. Together with Macrina, he tended to his mother in her last days. As the oldest and the youngest, Macrina and Peter held a special place in Emilia’s heart. Before committing her soul to the Lord, she raised her voice to Heaven, saying, “To you, O Lord, I give the first fruits and the tithe of the fruit of my womb. The first fruit is my firstborn daughter, and the tithe is this, my youngest son. Let these be for you a rightly acceptable sacrifice, and let your holiness descend upon 352 them!” St. Emilia was buried as she had requested, beside her husband in the chapel at their estate in Annesi, where Naucratius had also been laid. TODAY IS MAY 31 Hieromartyr Saint Nikolaevich Ornatskij FEAST DAY Hieromartyr Saint Nikolaevich Ornatskij was born on June 2 1860 and was martyred on October 30 1918 at 58 years old. He was Glorified in August, 2000. His Father, Nikolai P. Ornatskij, was a priest at the Church of the Epiphany in Novoërgovskoj 1, St. Petrinëvskoj parish of the County of Cherepovets. His wife Helen, née Zaozerska, was the daughter of the former sub-deacon of Metropolitan Isidore. Saint Nikolaevich graduated from the Kirillovskoy spiritual school, the St. Petersburg Theological Seminary (1881), the St. Petersburg spiritual Academy with a degree in theology (1885). From 28 July 1885, he was the priest of the church of the Prince Oldenburg orphanage in St. Petersburg. In 1892, he became the rector of the Church of St. Andrew of Crete in St. Petersburg. From 1895 onwards he held weekly talks at the belil′noj factory for workers. He also organized the Christian Commonwealth School Youth Association. He was the editor of the Petersburg’s spiritual magazines such as "St. Petersburg Spiritual journal", "Leisure" and "Christian Orthodox-Russian Word." He wrote a book titled "my life in Christ” in 1905. From 1913 onwards, 353 he was the Rector of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. During the First World War gave his apartment to be used as an infirmary for wounded warriors, and he and his family moved to a small room kazënnoe. During the fighting, he repeatedly traveled, accompanying transporting soldiers with necessary food and products. In 1917, led by Bishop Veniamin, Saint Nikolaevich was one of the founders of the Union of ecclesiastical Unity. He opposed the abolition of the teaching of the law of God in schools. In January 1918 he participated in the funeral service for Archpriest Petr Skipetrova who died at the hands of the Bolsheviks. Metropolitan Veniamin forbade him to talk over the coffin or give a speech, calling for "crying and praying" only in an effort to gain favor with the Bolsheviks. Saint Nikolaevich organized the protection of the relics of Alexander Nevsky Lavra, which the Bolsheviks had intended to "requisition" in an effort to take all the Church’s processions in the capital. Hieromartyr Saint Nikolaevich was an outspoken opponent of the Bolsheviks. Saint Nikolaevich was arrested in August 1918. Along with him were arrested sons Nicholas (1886– 1918, a doctor) and Boris (1887– 1918, a Captain of artillery). Parishioners demanded the release of their priest, but to no avail. The authorities transferred him from Petrograd to Kronstadt. Archpriest Saint Nikolaevich Ornatskij was shot during the red terror on 30 October 1918. The shooting occurred in Kronstadt, near the Gulf of Finland between Ligovo and Oranienbaumom. His body, shot full of holes. was dumped in the Bay. In August 2000 the Archpriest Saint Nikolaevich Ornatskij was listed as a universal Jubilee Saint Used by the Cathedral of Russian Orthodox Church’s. 354 355 TODAY IS JUNE 1 Saint Agapitus of the Kievan Caves DAY OF CELEBRATION A natural doctor, he was a disciple of St. Antony of Kiev. He healed people by prayer and the prescribing of cabbage, which they made into a sort of bread. Prince Vladimir Monomachus was healed in this way, and this made Agapitus famed on all sides. The Prince's doctor, an Armenian, hearing of this, began to spread slander about him. When Agapitus became ill, the Armenian came and, looking at him, said that he would die in three days and that, if he did not do so, then he, the Armenian, would become a monk. Agapitus told him that it had been revealed to him by God that he would die, not in three days but in three months. And so it came to pass. After Agapitus's death, the Armenian went to the abbot of the Monastery of the Caves and asked him to make him a monk. He explained that Agapitus had appeared to him from the other world and reminded him of his promise. And so the one-time envier became a humble monk, by the providence of God whose care it is that all men be saved. St. Agapitus entered into rest in 1095." 356 TODAY IS JUNE 2 Saint Sophia the Mother of Orphans DAY OF CELEBRATION Every mother wins the “Mother of the Year” award in her own family, but if a vote were taken for the “Mother of the Thousand Years of the Byzantine Empire,” the unanimous choice would be a valiant woman named Sophia who turned a personal tragedy into a triumph of the spirit in the name of the Lord and so glorified His name in her every thought and deed that she was sainted by popular acclaim. She symbolizes motherhood in the purest sense, sanctifying the role all mothers play in the daily grind of raising a family, elevating the mothers of the world to a sacred level in the eyes of God and giving them their due recognition in the divine plan of the universe. A woman acquires a spark of divine grace in bearing a child, and thereafter in caring for it she labors not only for herself but for the property of the Almighty as well, for we are the children of God. The Noble Sophia came into the world with every advantage, including wealth of beauty and intelligence, as well as an abiding faith in Jesus Christ, and at maturity she left nothing to be desired as a model wife. When she married, she took leave of her parents to make a home of her own with the prayer that she would be blessed with children, a prayer which was answered. She became the mother of six children, all of whom she loved deeply and none of whom lacked the religious fervor of their mother. It was in her thirty-fourth year, when her happiness 357 knew no bounds that her greatest joy turned to stark tragedy. A plague swept over the land and she watched helplessly as one by one her children died; and when the pestilence had spent itself she had lost all of her loved ones, including her husband. In numbing grief she yearned to be stricken and join her family in death, but then her Christian faith asserted itself, reminding her that there was much she could do, not only for the Lord but in memory of her family. She returned to her empty house intent upon putting it to good use, and her life thereafter came to be a total commitment to the glory of the Savior. She lost no time in seeking out the clergy of the community and announcing plans to dispense her wealth among the poor, keeping enough to maintain her house, which she hoped would shelter underprivileged or orphaned children. In a span of twenty years, Sophia’s house became a haven not only for little wanderers but for the dispossessed on any age as well. She actually adopted over one hundred children in this period, raising each of them as though it were her own child and sending them out into the world full of the love of Jesus Christ and quite prepared to make a useful place in society. She came to be known as the “Mother of Orphans,” marveled at by other mothers of the empire whose burdens were made lighter when they compared their cares and worries to those of the woman who had the strength and grace to make her life worthwhile after suffering a loss that would have overwhelmed the average mother. Many stories of tenderness and sacrifice are attached to Sophia but the one that stands out as an example of her proximity to God is the one concerning the bottomless wine pitcher, if it can be called that. Her hospitality extended to all comers, and when adults sought refuge in her house she customarily poured them a glass of rare vintage from a Grecian urn. After she had first filled the urn, she noticed that no matter how much she dispensed for her guests, the wine was always at the same level when she went to use 358 it again. At first she presumed that someone had surreptitiously refilled the urn when she was otherwise engaged, but she soon realized that it was a phenomenon that could not be explained. She mentioned it, however, to no one. Upon her death, great sadness descended over the city. The children she had raised, the adults that she had helped, clambered to the Patriarch of Constantinople for Sophia to be made a Saint. So many people demanded this for over a year that the Patriarch made his announcement with June 2 being her celebration day. TODAY IS JUNE 3 Holy Martyr Saint Dimitri, Tsarevich of Russia DAY OF CELEBRATION Holy Martyr Saint Dimitri, Tsarevich of Russia (Дмитрий Иванович, Дмитрий Угличский, Дмитрий Московский; 19 October 1582 — 15 May 1591) was a Russian Tsarevich [Tsarevich is a Slavic title given to tsars' sons], youngest son of Ivan the Terrible and the only child born to Ivan the Terrible and Maria Nagaya. He was murdered at the age of eight by the evil designs of Boris Godunov, in the town of Uglich. After his death he appeared to a monk and accurately foretold Boris Godunov's death. Countless miracles were worked at the grave of the Tsarevich. When his tomb was opened fifteen years after his death, his relics were found whole and incorrupt, and were solemnly buried in the Church of the Archangel Michael in Moscow. The circumstances of Boris Godunov's death are worth telling. Godunov's 359 first tried to kill the Tsarevich using the strongest poison, but it had no effect, as God protected him. Godunov's then had the child publicly beheaded. Not long afterwards a 'false Dimitri' arose, claiming to be the Tsarevich, and rallied a great army against Godunov. Godunov was driven to such a desperate position that he took his own life by poison, the 'remedy' he had intended for the true Dimitri. The Coat of Arms of the city of Uglich, featuring Tsarevich Dmitri TODAY IS JUNE 4 Saint Metrophanes the first Patriarch of Constantinople DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Metrophanes, Patriarch of Constantinople, was a contemporary of St. Constantine the Great (306-337). His father, Dometius, was a brother of the Roman emperor Probus (276-282). Seeing the falseness of the pagan religion, Dometius came to believe in Christ. During a 360 time of terrible persecution of Christians at Rome, St. Dometius set off to Byzantium with two of his sons, Probus and Metrophanes. They were instructed in the law of the Lord by Bishop Titus, a man of holy life. Seeing the ardent desire of Dometius to labor for the Lord, St. Titus ordained him presbyter. After the death of Titus first Dometius (272) was elevated to the bishop’s throne, and thereafter his sons, Probus (315) and in 316 St. Metrophanes. The emperor Constantine came to Byzantium, and was delighted by the beauty and comfortable setting of the city. And having seen the holiness of life and sagacity of St. Metrophanes, the emperor took him back to Rome. Soon Constantine the Great transferred the capital from Rome to Byzantium and he brought St. Metrophanes home. The First Ecumenical Council was convened in 325 to resolve the Arian heresy. Constantine the Great had the holy Fathers of the Council bestow upon St. Metrophanes the title of Patriarch. Thus, the saint became the first Patriarch of Constantinople. St. Metrophanes was very old, and was not able to be present at the Council, and he sent in his place the chorepiscopos (vicar bishop) Alexander. At the close of the Council the emperor and the holy Fathers visited with the ailing Patriarch. At the request of the emperor, the saint named a worthy successor to himself, Bishop Alexander. He foretold that Paul (at that time a Reader) would succeed to the patriarchal throne after Alexander. He also revealed to Patriarch Alexander of Alexandria that his successor would be the archdeacon St. Athanasius. All of his prophesy were fulfilled. St Metrophanes reposed in the year 326, at age 117. His relics rest at Constantinople in a church dedicated to him. TODAY IS JUNE 5 Saint Peter of Korisha DAY OF CELEBRATION 361 Saint Peter was born in 1211 in the village of Unjimir between the city of Pech and the Field of Kosovo. As a child, he was meek and humble, and seldom participated in children’s games. At an early age, he and his younger sister Helena devoted themselves to prayer and fasting. When he was ten years old, the future saint told his parents that he wished to serve God by becoming a monk. St. Peter’s father died when the boy was fourteen, so he put off his plans to enter the monastery in order to care for his mother and sister. At the same time, he increased his ascetical efforts. When St. Peter was sixteen, his beloved mother reposed. Determined to enter a monastery, he asked his sister whether she intended to be married, for his conscience would not allow him to abandon her unless he had provided for her. Helena said that it was her wish to preserve her virginity and become a nun. She said she would share his life of prayer and asceticism if only he would take her with him. Peter rejoiced and replied, “May the Lord’s will be done.” They sold their family possessions and distributed the money to the poor. Traveling to Pec, they reached the Monastery of Sts. Peter and Paul. Peter remained here, while Helena entered a nearby women’s monastery. After several years, both were granted permission to live in solitude. Peter built two cells, one for himself and one for his sister, near the monastery. They spent their time in continual prayer and fasting, freeing themselves from worldly attachments, subduing the flesh, and struggled on the path of salvation. These two spiritual lamps could not remain hidden for very long. People started coming to them for 362 spiritual counsel and healing. St. Peter and his sister agreed to avoid the snare of vainglory by moving to a more remote area. They went to Crna Reka (the town of Black River) on the Ibar River. St Peter wished to move even farther into the woods for a life of even greater asceticism, but was reluctant to leave his sister. On the other hand, he was concerned that she might risk her physical and spiritual health if she were to come with him, so he decided to slip away and leave her in order to live alone on a mountain. He did not get very far before she noticed he was gone. She caught up to him and they traveled together to a mountain near the town of Prizren. On top of the mountain was a town called Korisha (modern Kabash), where they stopped to rest. Helena went to sleep there in the grass. St. Peter wept and made the Sign of the Cross over her, then went off into the forest. When she awoke and found him gone, she wept and called his name. Finally, she went down from the mountain and lived in Prizren for the rest of her life. The holy ascetic lived in a cave near Korisha, where he continued his spiritual struggles in the heat of summer and in the cold of winter. He withstood the temptations and attacks of the demons which assailed him. When this happened, he sang Psalms and hymns all night until the sun came up in the morning. He fervently prayed for God to help and comfort him in his struggles. The Archangel Michael appeared to him and drove away the demons, promising St. Peter that they would never enter his cell again. The Archangel warned him to be vigilant and to persevere, for the Devil wished to destroy him. After advising the saint to call upon the name of the Lord whenever he was attacked by the forces of evil, the holy Archangel vanished. St. Peter still endured temptations, but was victorious against all of them. Realizing his own weakness, he turned to Christ, Who strengthened him and sustained him. After these victories, the Lord consoled him with a vision of the Uncreated Light which lasted several days. From that time forward, St. Peter was 363 illumined by the grace of God, so no demon ever dared to approach him again. Before St. Peter’s death, many monks were sent to him by God, and he guided all of them. He blessed them and tonsured them, and permitted them to live in the caves below his cave. Foreseeing the approach of death, he dug out a tomb for himself in the wall of his cell. Acceding to the wish of his disciples, he told them the story of his life. Then he and his disciples received the Life-Giving Mysteries of Christ. After bidding each brother farewell, he surrendered his soul to God on June 5, 1275. On the night of his blessed repose, a heavenly light was seen in his cave, and the singing of angels was heard by the other monks. In the morning, St. Peter’s face shone with radiance, and a sweet fragrance came from his body. After the saint’s burial, many of those who came to his tomb were healed of their physical and spiritual infirmities. Seventy years later, King Dushan built a church at Korisha over St. Peter’s relics, and dedicated it to the Godbearing ascetic. The holy relics of St. Peter were later transferred to the Black River monastery, then to the church of the Archangel Michael in the city of Kalashin. Many of the icons of St. Peter proved to be miracle working. The inscription reads: “St Peter of Korisha, desert-dweller and wonder-worker.” 364 TODAY IS JUNE 6 Saint Bessarion the Great, wonder-worker of Egypt DAY OF CELEBRATION An Egyptian by birth, He was baptized while still in his youth, and he led a strict life, striving to preserve the grace given him during Baptism. Seeking to become more closely acquainted with the monastic life, he journeyed to the holy places. He was in Jerusalem, he visited St. Gerasimus in the Jordanian wilderness, he viewed other desert monasteries, and assimilated all the rules of monastic life. Abba Bessarion was initiated into the angelic life by Saint Anthony the Great. He later became a disciple of Saint Macarius, the founder of Scetis, and then set out to lead the life of a wanderer, borne hither and thither by Providence like a bird by the wind. All his wealth lay in the Gospel, which he always had in his hand. Living in the open air, he patiently endured all weathers, untroubled by care for a dwelling or for clothing. Fortified by the strength of the faith, he thus remained untouched by all the passions of the flesh. On coming to a monastery where the brethren led the common life, he would sit weeping at the gate. A brother once offered him hospitality and asked why he was distressed. 'I cannot live under a roof, until I have regained the wealth of my house,' he replied, meaning the heavenly inheritance lost since Adam. 'I am afflicted, in danger of death every day, and without rest because of my huge misfortunes, which oblige me ever to travel on in 365 order to finish my course.' He wandered for forty years without ever lying down to sleep, and he spent all of forty days and forty nights standing wide awake in a thorn bush. One winter's day, he was walking through a village when he came upon a dead man. Without hesitation, he took off his own coat and covered the body. A little further on, he gave his tunic to a poor man who was shivering in the cold. An army officer, who happened to be passing, saw the naked ascetic and wanted to know who had stripped him of his clothing. 'He did!' replied Bessarion, holding up the Gospel Book. On another occasion, he met with a poor man and, having nothing to give him in alms, he hurried to the market in order to sell his Gospel Book. On his disciple's asking him where the Book was, he replied cheerfully, 'I have sold it in obedience to the words which I never cease to hear: God, sell what you possess and give to the poor (Matt. 19:21). Through this evangelic way of life he became a chosen vessel of Grace, and God wrought many miracles through him. One day, for example, he made sea water sweet through the sign of the Cross, to quench his disciple's thirst. When the latter wanted to keep some for the remainder of the journey, he prevented him, saying, 'God is here, God is everywhere!' At another time, having stood for two weeks in prayer with hands raised to heaven, he brought about rain enough to fill a thirsty brother's coat. Then there was the time when he stopped the sun from setting until he reached the cell of an elder whom he wished to meet; and the time when he walked across the waters of a river. Through these and many other wonders wrought by the Saint, God showed, as He did with Moses, Joshua and Elias, that He grants His servants mastery even over natural phenomena. Through the power of Christ, he raised a paralytic, drove out demons and showed himself truly to be a 'gods man' upon the earth. His humility was so great that once, when a priest ordered someone from the skete to leave church for having fallen into sin, Bessarion also went with him 366 saying, “I am a sinner, too.” St. Bessarion slept only while standing or sitting. A large portion of his life was spent under the open sky in prayerful solitude. He peacefully departed to the Lord in his old age around 470. TODAY IS JUNE 7 Saint Daniel of Skete in Egypt DAY OF CELEBRATION He was a disciple of St. Arsenios the great and abbot of the Scetis in Egypt (the monastic system known as the "Skete" takes its name from Scetis). He lived the communal monastic life for forty years, then in 420 retired to the desert, where he remained until his repose. From the Prologue: "A saint has a very sensitive conscience. What ordinary people may consider a small sin, a saint sees as a great crime. It is said of Abba Daniel that highwaymen attacked him on three occasions and took him off to the mountains. Twice he was rescued, but the third time, in attempting to escape, he struck one of them with a stone and killed him, and then made his escape. That murder lay on his conscience like a lead weight. In perplexity as to what he should do, he went to Timothy, the Patriarch of Alexandria, and asked his advice. The Patriarch soothed him, and released him from all penance. But his conscience continued to gnaw at him, so Daniel visited the remaining patriarchs in turn; going to Constantinople, 367 Antioch and Jerusalem, confessing to each of them and asking for advice. But he could find no peace. So he returned home to Alexandria and declared himself to the authorities as a murderer, and was flung into prison. At his trial before the governor, Daniel told how everything had come about, and pleaded that he might be killed too, that his soul might be saved from eternal fire. The governor was amazed at the whole thing, and said to him: 'Go your way, Father, and pray to God for me, even if you kill seven more!' Still dissatisfied with this, Daniel resolved to take a leper into his cell and care for him until he died, and then find another. He did as he had resolved, and in this way brought peace to his conscience. TODAY IS JUNE 8 Saint Ephraim, Patriarch of Antioch DAY OF CELEBRATION During the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius, Ephraim was governor of the eastern regions. He was famed for his great piety and compassion, and was much esteemed for these virtues. When the rebuilding of Antioch, which had been destroyed by earthquake and fire, was put in hand, the Emperor ordered Ephraim to oversee the work. Ephraim performed this work with diligence and love. There was among the ordinary workers a certain bishop who had left his see for unknown reasons and was working as a laborer. Not a soul knew 368 that the man was a bishop. One day he lay down to take a rest from the exhausting work with the other laborers, and fell asleep. Ephraim glanced at him, and saw a flaming pillar rising above the man and reaching up to heaven. Amazed and frightened, Ephraim summoned him and bound him under oath to reveal who he was. The man hesitated a long time, but finally admitted that he was a bishop and foretold that Ephraim would shortly be consecrated Patriarch of Antioch (the patriarchal throne having been empty since the old Patriarch, Euphrasius, perished in the earthquake). Ephraim was indeed elected and consecrated as Patriarch. For his goodness, purity and zeal for Orthodoxy, a great gift of wonderworking was given him by God. Once, in order to convince some heretic that Orthodoxy is the true Faith, he placed his Omophor [In the Eastern Orthodox liturgical tradition, the omophor (ὠμοφόριον) is the distinguishing vestment of a bishop and the symbol of his spiritual and ecclesiastical authority. Originally of wool, it is a band of brocade decorated with four crosses and an eight-pointed star and is worn about the neck and shoulders] in the flames and prayed to God. The Omophor remained unharmed in the fire for three hours. When the heretic saw this, he was afraid and cast his heresy aside. Ephraim entered peacefully into rest in 546. 369 TODAY IS JUNE 9 Saint David Gareji DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint David of Gareji was Syrian by birth. The future ascetic became a disciple of St. John of Zedazeni and journeyed with him to Georgia. St. David and his spiritual son Lucian settled on a mountain above Tbilisi, the capital of Kartli. At that time Kartli was constantly under threat of the Persian fire-worshippers. St. David would spend entire days in prayer, beseeching the Lord for forgiveness of the sins of those who dwelt in the city. When he was finished praying for the day, he would stand on the mountain and bless the whole city. Once a week Sts. David and Lucian would go down into the city to preach. A church dedicated to St. David was later built on the mountain where he labored. St. David’s authority and popularity alarmed the fireworshippers, and they accused him of adultery, in an attempt to discredit him in the eyes of the people. As a “witness” they summoned a certain expectant prostitute, who accused him of being the child’s father. Hoping in God, the Holy Father touched his staff to the prostitute’s womb and ordered the unborn child to declare the truth. From out of the womb the infant uttered the name of his true father. Outraged at this slander, the bystanders savagely stoned the woman to death. St. David pleaded with them to stop, but he was unable to placate the furious crowd. Deeply disturbed by these events, St. David departed the region with his disciple Lucian. The 370 holy fathers settled in a small cave in the wilderness and began to spend all their time in prayer. They ate nothing but herbs and the bark of trees. When the herbs withered from the summer heat, the Lord sent them deer. Lucian milked them and brought the milk to St. David, and when the elder made the sign of the Cross over the milk it was miraculously transformed into cheese. Shaken by the Holy Father’s miracle, Lucian told him, “Even if my body rots and wastes away from hunger and thirst, I will not permit myself to fret over the things of this temporal life.” The fathers kept a strict fast on Wednesdays and Fridays—they ate nothing, and even the deer did not come to them on those days. A frightful serpent inhabited a cave not far from where they lived and attacked all the animals around it. But at St. David’s command the serpent deserted that place. Once local hunters were tracking the fathers’ deer, and they caught sight of Lucian milking them as they stood there quietly, as though they were sheep. The hunters paid great respect to St. David and, having returned to their homes, reported what they had seen. Soon the Gareji wilderness filled with people who longed to draw nearer to Christ. A monastery was founded there, and for centuries it stood fast as a center and cornerstone of faith and learning in Georgia. After some time St. David set off on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. He entrusted Lucian to fulfill his responsibilities at the monastery and took some of the other brothers with him. When the pilgrims were approaching the place called the “Ridge of Grace,” from which the holy city of Jerusalem becomes visible, St. David fell to his knees and glorified God with tears. Judging himself unworthy to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, he was satisfied to gaze upon the city from afar. Then he stood at the city gates and prayed fervently while his companions entered the Holy City and venerated the holy places. Returning, St. David took with him three stones from the “Ridge of Grace.” That night an angel appeared to the patriarch of Jerusalem and informed him that a 371 certain pious man named David, who was visiting from afar, had taken with him all the holiness of Jerusalem. The angel proceeded to tell him that the venerable one had marched through the city of Nablus, clothed in tatters and bearing on his shoulders an old sack in which he carried the three holy stones. The patriarch sent messengers after the stranger with a request that he return two of the stones and take only one for himself. St. David returned the two stones, but he declined the patriarch’s invitation to visit him. He took the third stone back with him to the monastery, and to this day it has been full of the grace of miraculous healing. After St. David brought the miraculous stone from Jerusalem, the number of brothers at the monastery doubled. The venerable father ministered to all of them and encouraged them. He also visited the cells of the elder hermits to offer his solace. In accordance with his will, a monastery in the name of St. John the Baptist was founded in the place called “Mravalmta” (the Rolling Mountains). The Lord God informed St. David of his imminent departure to the Kingdom of Heaven. Then he gathered the fathers of the wilderness and instructed them for the last time not to fall into confusion, but to be firm and ceaselessly entreat the Lord for the salvation of their souls. He received Holy Communion, lifted up his hands to the Lord, and gave up his spirit. St. David’s holy relics have worked many miracles: approaching them, those blind from birth have received their sight. To this day, believers have been healed of every spiritual and bodily affliction at his grave. TODAY IS JUNE 10 Hieromartyr Saint Metrophanes Tsi-Chung of Peking DAY OF CELEBRATION 372 Hieromartyr Metrophanes, first Chinese priest, and the Chinese Martyrs of the Boxer Uprising (1900). The Holy Martyrs of China were native Chinese Orthodox Christians brought up in piety at the Russian Orthodox Mission in Peking, which had been founded in 1685. During the Boxer Rebellion of 1900 against the foreign powers occupying China, native Chinese Christians were commanded by the Boxers to renounce Christianity or be tortured to death. Two hundred and twenty-two members of the Peking Mission, led by their priest Metrophanes Tsi-Chung and his family, refused to deny Christ, and were deemed worthy of a martyric death (Great Horologion). TODAY IS JUNE 11 Saint Anna of Kashin DAY OF CELEBRATION The Holy Right-Believing Princess Anna of Kashin died on October 2, 1338. A Church council decided to glorify the holy Princess Anna as a saint, and her holy relics were uncovered on July 21, 1649. In 1677, Patriarch Joachim proposed to the Moscow Council that the veneration of St. Anna of Kashin throughout Russia should be 373 discontinued because of the Old Believers Schism, which made use of the name of St. Anna of Kashin for its own purposes. When she was buried, her hand had been positioned to make the Sign of the Cross with two fingers, rather than three. Therefore, only local veneration of St. Anna was permitted. However, the memory of St. Anna, who had received a crown of glory from Christ, could not be erased by decree. People continued to love and venerate her, and many miracles took place at her tomb. On June 12, 1909, her second glorification took place, and her universally observed Feast day was established. Her life describes her as a model of spiritual beauty and chastity, and an example to future generations. TODAY IS JUNE 12 Saint Peter the Athonite and the Demons DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Peter of Athos, a Greek by birth, served as a soldier in the imperial armies and he lived at Constantinople. In the year 667, during a war with the Syrians, St. Peter was taken captive and locked up in a fortress in the city of Samara on the Euphrates River. For a long time he languished in prison and he pondered over which of his sins had brought God’s chastisement upon him. St. Peter remembered that once he had intended to leave the world and go to a monastery, but he had not done so. He began to observe a strict fast in the prison and to pray fervently, and he besought St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to intercede before God for him. St. Nicholas appeared in a dream to 374 Peter and advised him to call upon St. Simeon the God-Receiver for help. St. Nicholas appeared to him once more in a dream, encouraging the prisoner in patience and hope. The third time that he appeared it was not in a dream, but with St. Simeon the God-Receiver. St. Simeon touched his staff to the chains binding St. Peter, and the chains melted away like wax. The doors of the prison opened, and St. Peter was free. St. Simeon the God-Receiver became invisible, but St. Nicholas conveyed St. Peter to the borders of the Greek territory. Reminding him of his vow, St. Nicholas became invisible. St. Peter then journeyed to Rome to receive monastic tonsure at the tomb of the Apostle Peter. Even here St. Nicholas did not leave him without his help. He appeared in a dream to the Pope of Rome and informed him of the circumstances of St. Peter’s liberation from captivity, and he commanded the Pope to tonsure the former prisoner into monasticism. On the following day, in the midst of a throng of the people who had gathered for divine services, the Pope loudly exclaimed, “Peter, you who are from the Greek lands, and whom St. Nicholas has freed from prison in Samara, come here to me.” St. Peter stood in front of the Pope, who tonsured him into monasticism at the tomb of the Apostle Peter. The Pope taught St. Peter the rules of monastic life and kept the monk by him. Then with a blessing, he sent St. Peter to where God had appointed him to journey. St. Peter boarded a ship sailing to the East. The ship owners, after going ashore, besought St. Peter to come and pray at a certain house, where the owner and all the household lay sick. St. Peter healed them through his prayer. The Most Holy Mother of God appeared in a dream to Saint Peter and indicated the place where he should live till the very end of his days – Holy Mount Athos. When the ship sailed alongside Athos, it then halted of its own accord. Saint Peter realized that this was the place he had to go, and so he went ashore. This was in the year 681. The Monk Peter then dwelt in the desolate places of 375 the Holy Mountain, not seeing another person for 53 years. His clothing had tattered, but his hair and beard had grown out and covered his body in place of clothes. The icon above depicts an episode from the life of St. Peter the Athonite, the first ascetic of Mount Athos. It shows the devil as an angel of light appearing to St. Peter in order to persuade him away from the monastic path he endured bravely. The first biography of St. Peter was written by St. Gregory Palamas, who relates the story behind this icon. This is a lesson which teaches us the great virtue of humility and obedience in withstanding demonic attacks and deception. At first the Monk Peter was repeatedly subjected to demonic assaults. Trying to force the saint to abandon his cave, the devils took on the form at times of armed soldiers, and at other times of fierce beasts and vipers that seemed ready to tear apart the hermit. But through fervent prayer to God and the Mother of God, the Monk Peter conquered the demonic assaults. Then the enemy began to resort to trickery. Appearing under the guise of a lad, sent to him from his native home, he with tears besought the monk to leave the wilderness and return to his own home. The monk was in tears, but without hesitation answered: "Here has the Lord and the Most Holy Mother of God led me, and without Her leave I will not leave from here." Hearing the Name of the Mother of God, the demon vanished. After seven years the devil came before the monk in the guise of a luminous angel and said that God was commanding him to go into the world for the enlightening and salvation of people needful of his guidance. The experienced ascetic again replied, that without the permission of the Mother of God he would not forsake the wilderness. The devil disappeared and did not bother more to approach the saint. The Mother of God appeared to the Monk Peter in a dream together with Saint Nicholas and said to the brave hermit, that each 40 days an Angel would bring him Heavenly manna. From that time the Monk Peter fasted for 40 days, and on the 376 fortieth day he fortified himself with the Heavenly manna, receiving the strength for a further forty-day abstinence. Once, a hunter chasing after a stag saw the naked man, covered with hair and girded about the loins with leaves. He was afraid and was about to flee, but St. Peter stopped him and told him of his life. The hunter asked to remain with him, but the saint sent him home. St. Peter gave the hunter a year for self-examination and forbade him to tell anyone about meeting him. A year later the hunter returned with his brother, who was afflicted with a demon, and several other companions. When they entered the St. Peter’s cave, they saw that he had already reposed. The hunter, with bitter tears, told his companions of the life of St. Peter. His brother, after merely touching the saint’s body, received healing. St. Peter died in the year 734. His holy relics were on Athos at the monastery of St. Clement. During the Iconoclast period the relics were hidden away, and in the year 969 they were transferred to the Thracian village of Photokami. St. Peter once saw the Mother of God in a vision, and she spoke of Her earthly domain, Mount Athos: “I have chosen this mountain and have received it from My Son and God as an inheritance, for those who wish to forsake worldly cares and strife.... Exceedingly do I love this place. I will aid those who come to dwell here and who labor for God... and keep His commandments.... I will lighten their afflictions and labors, and shall be an invincible ally for the monks, invisibly guiding and guarding them.” Generations of Orthodox monks can attest to the truth of these words. The Mother of God is regarded as the Abbess of the Holy Mountain, not just in name, but in actual fact. For this reason, Mt. Athos is known as the “Garden of the Theotokos.” 377 TODAY IS JUNE 13 Saint Anthimus, Bishop of Rimnicu Vilcea DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Anthimus of Iberia was one of the most highly educated people of his time. He was fluent in many languages, including Greek, Romanian, Old Slavonic, Arabic, and Turkish and well-versed in theology, literature, and the natural sciences. He was unusually gifted in the fine arts—in painting, engraving, and sculpture in particular. He was famed for his beautiful calligraphy. Finally, St. Anthimus was a great writer, a renowned orator, and a reformer of the written Romanian language. Little is known about the youth of St. Anthimus. He was a native of the Samtskhe region in southern Georgia. His parents, John and Mariam, gave him the name Andria at Baptism. He accompanied King Archil to Russia and helped him to found a Georgian print shop there, but after he returned he was captured by Dagestani robbers and sold into slavery. Through the efforts of Patriarch Dositheus of Jerusalem, Anthimus was finally set free, but he remained in the patriarch’s service in order to further his spiritual education. Already famed for his paintings, engravings, and calligraphy, Anthimus was asked by Prince Constantine Brincoveanu (1688-1714) of Wallachia (present-day Romania) to travel to his kingdom around the year 1691. After he had arrived in Wallachia, he began to manage a local print shop. The printing industry in that country advanced tremendously at that time, and the chief inspiration 378 and driving force behind the great advances was the Georgian master Anthimus. He succeeded in making Wallachia a center of Christianity and a major publisher of books for all the East. In 1694 Anthimus was enthroned as abbot of Snagov Monastery (in present-day Romania), where he soon founded a print shop. In the same year his new print shop published Guidelines for the Divine Services on May 21, All Saints’ Day. The book was signed by Subdeacon Michael Ishtvanovich, future founder of the first Georgian print shop. In 1705 Anthimus, “the chosen among chosen abbots of Wallachia,” was consecrated bishop of Rimnicu Vilcea, and in 1708 he was appointed metropolitan of Hungro-Wallachia. The whole country celebrated his elevation. As one abbot proclaimed: “The divine Anthimus, a great man and son of the wise Iberian nation, has come to Wallachia and enlightened our land. God has granted him an inexhaustible source of wisdom, entrusted him to accomplish great endeavors, and helped to advance our nation by establishing for us a great printing industry.” Under the direct leadership of St. Anthimus, more than twenty churches and monasteries were erected in Wallachia. Of particular significance is All Saints’ Monastery, located in the center of Bucharest. The main gates of this monastery were made of oak and carved with traditional Georgian motifs by St. Anthimus himself. The metropolitan also established rules for the monastery and declared its independence from the Church of Constantinople. From the day of his consecration, Metropolitan Anthimus fought tirelessly for the liberation of Wallachia from foreign oppressors. On the day he was ordained he addressed his flock: “You have defended the Christian Faith in purity and without fault. Nevertheless, you are surrounded and tightly bound by the violence of other nations. You endure countless deprivations and tribulations from those who dominate this world.... Though I am unworthy and am indeed younger than many of you—like David, I am the youngest among my brothers— the Lord God 379 has anointed me to be your shepherd. Thus I will share in your future trials and grief’s and partake in the lot that God has appointed for you.” His words were prophetic: In 1714 the Turks executed the Wallachian prince Constantine Brincoveanu, and in 1716 they executed Stefan Cantacuzino, the last prince of Wallachia. In his place they appointed the Phanariote (a member of one of the principal Greek families of the Phanar, the Greek quarter of Constantinople, who, as administrators in the civil bureaucracy, exercised great influence in the Ottoman Empire after the Turkish conquest.) Nicholas Mavrokordatos, who concerned himself only with the interests of the Ottoman Empire. During this difficult time, Anthimus of Iberia gathered around him a group of loyal boyar patriots determined to liberate their country from Turkish and Phanariote domination. But Nicholas Mavrokordatos became suspicious, and he ordered Anthimus to resign as metropolitan. When Anthimus failed to do so, he filed a complaint with Patriarch Jeremiah of Constantinople. Then a council of bishops, which did not include a single Romanian clergyman, condemned the “conspirator and instigator of revolutionary activity” to anathema and excommunication and declared him unworthy to be called a monk. But Nicholas Mavrokordatos was still unsatisfied and claimed that to deny Anthimus the title of Metropolitan of HungroWallachia was insufficient punishment. He ordered Anthimus to be exiled far from Wallachia, to St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mt. Sinai. Metropolitan Anthimus, beloved of the Romanian people, was escorted out of the city at night since the conspirators feared the reaction of the people. But Metropolitan Anthimus never reached Mt. Sinai. On September 14, 1716, a band of Turkish soldiers stabbed St. Anthimus to death on the bank of the Tundzha (Tunca) River where it flows through Adrianople, not far from Gallipoli, and cast his butchered remains into the river. Thus ended the earthly life of one more Georgian saint—a man who had dedicated all of his strength, 380 talent, and knowledge to the revival of Christian culture and the strengthening of the Wallachian people in the Orthodox Faith. In 1992 the Romanian Church canonized Anthimus of Iberia. The Orthodox Church commemorates him on June 13. TODAY IS JUNE 14 Saint Methodius Patriarch of Constantinople DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Methodius, Patriarch of Constantinople, was born in Sicily into a rich family. Having a vocation to serve God, he went while still in his youth off to a monastery on the island of Chios and renovated it with his means. During the reign of the iconoclast Leo the Armenian (813820), Methodius held the high position of “apokrisiaros” (“advocate for Church matters”) under the holy Patriarch Nicephoros. He was dispatched by the patriarch to Rome on a mission to the papacy and he remained there. During this period Leo the Armenian removed Nicephoros from the patriarchal throne and put on it the iconoclast Theodotus of Melissinea, given the nickname “Kassiter” (“Tinman”). After the death of Leo the Armenian, Saint Methodius returned, and in the dignity of presbyter he struggled incessantly against the Iconoclast heresy. The emperor Michael the Stammerer (820-829) at first was noted for his benevolence and he set free many imprisoned 381 by his predecessor for their veneration of icons, but after a while he renewed the persecution against Orthodoxy. Saint Methodius was locked up in prison in Akrita. After the death of Michael the Stammerer, the ruler was Theophilus, who also was an iconocls. More refined a man than his father, he set free Saint Methodius, who likewise was a man of learning, superbly skilled in matters not only ecclesial, but also civil. Having received his freedom, Saint Methodius renewed the struggle with the heretics, and for a while the emperor tolerated this. But after defeat in a war with the Arabs, Theophilus vented his anger against Methodius, saying, that God had punished him because he had let an “icon-worshipper” come close to him. Methodius objected, saying that the Lord was angry with him for the insults upon His holy icons. They gave the saint over to tortures, and struck him much about the face, from which his jaw was broken. Ugly scars remained on his face. Methodius was sent off to the island of Antigonos and he was locked up there with two robbers in a deep cave. In this dark prison where the light of day did not penetrate, Methodius languished for 7 years until the death of the emperor Theophilus. During this time, the holy Confessors Theodore and Theophanes the Branded, who had also been sent to prison, sent Methodius greetings in verse, and the prisoner replied with greetings in verse, as well. After the death of Theophilus, his son Michael III (842-867) began to rule, but not being of mature age, the Byzantine Empire was actually ruled by his mother, the empress Theodora, a venerater of icons. 382 The empress tried to extirpate the Iconoclast heresy, and gave orders to free the confessors imprisoned for icon veneration. The heretic Annios occupying the patriarchal throne was banished, and Saint Methodius chosen in his place. At Constantinople was convened a local Council with Saint Methodius presiding (842). The Council restored icon veneration and established an annual celebration of the triumph of Orthodoxy. The “Synodikon of Orthodoxy” compiled by Saint Methodius is read on the First Sunday of Great Lent. Attempting to undermine the authority of Saint Methodius, and also the love and esteem of his flock for him, the heretics slandered him as having transgressed chastity. The slander was exposed as such, and the enemies of the saint put to shame. The final years of the saint passed peacefully, he toiled much, wisely guided the Church and his flock, renovated temples ruined by the heretics, gathered up the relics of saints scattered about by the heretics, and transferred the relics of Patriarch Nicephorus from the place of his imprisonment back to Constantinople. Saint Methodius died in the year 846. He was spiritually close to Ioannikos, who had foretold that he would become patriarch and also the time of his death. Besides the “Synodikon of Orthodoxy,” the holy hierarch also compiled a rule for those converted to the Faith, three rites of marriage and several pastoral sermons and church hymns. 383 TODAY IS JUNE 15 Saint Augustine Blessed DAY OF CELEBRATION Blessed Augustine was born in Africa, in the city of Tagaste (Thagaste). He was raised by his mother, the pious Christian Monica, and he received his education at Carthage. In the capacity of professor of rhetoric, Augustine arrived at Mediolanum (Milan in Italy) during the period of episcopacy of Sainted Ambrose. Under the guidance of Saint Ambrose, Augustine studied the Holy Scriptures. The Word of God produced in his soul a radical crisis – he accepted holy Baptism, gave all his wealth to the poor and was vowed into the monastic form. In the year 391 Valerian, bishop of Ipponesia (Hippo), ordained Saint Augustine to the dignity of presbyter; and in 395, – to the dignity of bishop, appointing him vicar-bishop to the Ipponesia cathedral. After the death of Bishop Valerian, Sainted Augustine took his place. During his 35 years as bishop, many of the works of Blessed Augustine were devoted to combating the Donatist, Manichaean and Pelagian heresies. Blessed Augustine wrote many works (in the testimony of his student and biographer Possidias, the number approached 1030). Of his works the best known are: "The City of God" ("De civitate Dei"), "The Confessions", 17 Books against the Pelagians and "Handbook of Christian Knowledge" ("the Enchiridion"). Blessed Augustine was concerned above all else that his compositions be intelligent and edifying. "It is better, – he said, – for them to condemn 384 our grammar, than that people do not understand". Blessed Augustine died on 28 August 430. TODAY IS JUNE 16 Saint Tikhon, the Bishop of Amathus in Cyprus DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Amathus, was born in the city Amathus on the island of Cyprus. His parents raised their son in Christian piety, and taught him the reading of sacred books. It is said that the gift of wonderworking appeared in St. Tikhon at quite a young age. His father was the owner of a bakery, and whenever he left his son alone in the shop, the holy youth would give free bread to those in need. Learning of this, his father became angry, but the son said that he had read in the Scriptures, that in giving to God one receives back a hundredfold. “I,” said the youth, “gave to God the bread which was taken,” and he persuaded his father to go to the place where the grain was stored. With astonishment the father saw that the granary, which formerly was empty, was now filled to overflowing with wheat. From that time the father did not hinder his son from distributing bread to the poor. A certain gardener brought the dried pruning’s of vines from the vineyard. St. Tikhon gathered them, planted them in his garden and besought the Lord that these branches might take root and yield fruit for the health of people. The Lord did so through the faith of the 385 holy youth. The branches took root, and their fruit had a particular and very pleasant taste. It was used during the lifetime of the saint and after his death for making wine for the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist. They accepted the pious youth into the church clergy, made him a reader. Later, Mnemonios, the Bishop of Amathus ordained him a deacon. After the death of Bishop Mnemonios, St. Tikhon by universal agreement was chosen as Bishop of Amathus. St. Epiphanius, Bishop of Cyprus, presided at the service. St. Tikhon labored zealously to eradicate the remnants of paganism on Cyprus; he destroyed a pagan temple and spread the Christian Faith. The holy bishop was generous, his doors were open to all, and he listened to and lovingly fulfilled the request of each person who came to him. Many people were healed when he prayed for them. Fearing neither threats nor tortures, he firmly and fearlessly confessed his faith before pagans. In the service to St. Tikhon it is stated that he foresaw the time of his death, which occurred in the year 425. TODAY IS JUNE 17 Saint Shalva of Akhaltsikhe DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Shalva of Akhaltsikhe was a brilliant military commander in the army of Queen Tamar and the prince of Akhaltsikhe. After his victory at Shamkori in the Ganja region, Shalva carried with him the flag of 386 the caliph, as a sign of the invincibility of the Christian Faith, and conferred it, along with the wealth he had won, as an offering to the Khakhuli Icon of the Theotokos. For his selfless service, Queen Tamar honored him with the rank of commander-in-chief of the Georgian army. During the reign of Queen Tamar’s daughter Rusudan (12221245), the armies of Sultan Jalal al-Din stormed into Georgia. Rusudan rallied the Georgian forces and appointed a new commander-in-chief by the name of John Atabeg. Six thousand Georgians confronted a Muslim army of two hundred thousand near the village of Garnisi. Command of the advance guard was entrusted to the brave and valorous brothers Shalva and John of Akhaltsikhe, while John Atabeg remained with the main body of the army for the decisive battle. The advance guard fought fearlessly, though the enemy’s army greatly surpassed it in number. The brothers fought with great devotion, hoping for support from the commander-in-chief, but John Atabeg was seized with envy—rather than fear—and never offered them his help. “O envy, source of every evil!” wrote one chronicler of the incident. The enemy devastated the Georgian army, killing four thousand of its most valiant soldiers. Among them was John of Akhaltsikhe, whose brother Shalva was captured and delivered as a slave to Jalal al-Din. Jalal al-Din was overjoyed to have the famed soldier and military leader brought before him. He received him with proper honor, offered him cities of great wealth, and promised him more if he agreed to convert to Islam. Jalal al-Din sought with great persistence to convert Shalva to Islam, but his efforts were in vain—Shalva would not be converted, and nothing in the world would change his mind. So the sultan ordered that he be tortured to death. After hours of torment failed to kill him, Jalal al-Din’s servants cast the half-dead martyr in prison, where he later reposed. 387 TODAY IS JUNE 18 Saints Mark and Marcellian DAY OF CELEBRATION According to tradition, Mark and Marcellian were twin brothers from a distinguished family. They became deacons in the early Church. When they refused to sacrifice to the Roman gods, they were arrested. Their parents, Tranquillinus and Martia, visited them in prison, urging them to renounce their being Christians. However, Saint Sebastian convinced them not to abandon their faith. Sebastian converted Tranquillinus and Martia, as well as Tiburtius, the son of Chromatius, the local prefect. Nicostratus, another official, and his wife Zoe, were also converted. According to the legend, Zoe had been a mute for six years. However, she made known to Sebastian her desire to convert to the Church. As soon as she had, her speech returned to her. Nicostratus then brought the rest of the prisoners; these were sixteen people who were also converted by Sebastian. Chromatius and Tiburtius became converts, and Chromatius set free all his prisoners, resigned his position, and retired to Campania. Mark and Marcellian were concealed by Castulus, a Christian officer, but they were betrayed by an apostate, Torquatus. The twins were again taken into custody. Chromatius's successor, Fabian, condemned them to be bound head downwards to two pillars with their feet nailed to them. Mark and Marcellian hung there for a full day until they were pierced with lances. The twins were buried in the Via Ardeatina, near the cemetery of Domitilla. The bodies of Marcus and Marcellianus were moved, probably during the ninth century, to the Church of Santi 388 Cosma e Damiano. They were discovered there in 1583. The bodies remain there in a tomb, near an ancient painting of the two martyrs with a third person, who appears to be the Virgin Mary. In 1902, their basilica in the catacombs of Saint Balbina was rediscovered. TODAY IS JUNE 19 Venerable Saint Paisius the Great DAY OF CELEBRATION St. Paisius the Great lived in Egypt. After the death of her husband his mother, on the suggestion of an angel, gave her young son Paisius to the clergy of the church. The youth Paisius loved monastic life and spent his time in one of the Egyptian sketes. Renouncing his own will, he lived under the spiritual guidance of St. Pambo, finishing all the tasks assigned him. The Elder said that a new monk in particular needs to preserve his sight, in order to guard his senses from temptation. Paisius, heeding the instruction, went for three years with his eyes cast downwards. The saintly ascetic read spiritual books, and he was known for his ascetic fasting and prayer. At first he did not eat any food for a week, then two weeks. Sometimes, after partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, he survived without food for seventy days. St. Paisius distinguished himself by his great humility, and performed ascetic deeds of fasting and prayer, but he concealed them from others as far as possible. When the monks asked which virtue is the highest of all, the saint replied, “Those which are done in 389 secret, and about which no one knows.” St. Paisius died in the fifth century at a great old age, and he was buried by the monks. TODAY IS JUNE 20 Saint Nahum of Ochrid DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Naum of Ochrid, a Bulgarian by descent, was one of the disciples of the holy Equals of the Apostles Cyril and Methodius and he accompanied St. Clement of Okhrid when he preached the Gospel in Bulgaria. When St. Clement set off to the southwestern regions, St. Naum remained in the then capital city of Plisk. Afterwards St Naum succeeded St. Clement in a monastery on the shores of Lake Okhrida, where he labored for ten years. St. Naum reposed on December 23, 910, and his relics were glorified by numerous miracles, especially healings of spiritual infirmities. The memory of the saint is also celebrated on December 23. 390 TODAY IS JUNE 21 Venerable Saint Anastasia of Serbia DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Anastasia was the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Romanus, and received the name Anna when she was baptized. She was the mother of St Sava of Serbia. She married the Serbian king Stephen Nemanya. On March 25, 1196, King Stefan, at age 84, summoned a Council of nobles in Ras, where he officially abdicated in favour of his second son, Stefan, to whom he bequeathed all his earthly possessions. Although Vukan was King Stefan eldest son, King Stefan preferred to see Stefan II on the Serbian throne mostly because Stefan was married to Byzantine princess Eudokia. This decision was not in accordance with the traditional right of primogeniture, according to which Vukan, his first son, should inherited the throne. This was not accepted lightly by Vukan as he reacted on this change in succession by declaring himself King of Duklja. King Stefan took monastic vows with his wife Ana in the Church of Saint Peter and Paul in Ras and adopted the monastic name of Simeon. St. Anna took the name Anastasia. Simeon subsequently retired to his Studenica monastery and St. Anastasia retired to the Monastery of the Mother of Christ in Kuršumlija. St. Anastasia finished her life as a nun, where prayer request from her former subjects kept her in constant prayer. It is recorded that most of the request St. Anastasia prayed for were answered, and was canonized supplications. 391 because of her miraculous TODAY IS JUNE 22 Venerable Macarius of Zhabyn DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Macarius of Zhabyn, Wonderworker of Belev, was born in the year 1539. In his early years he was tonsured with the name Onuphrius, and in the year 1585 he founded Zhabyn’s Monastery of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple near the River Oka, not far from the city of Belev. In 1615 the monastery was completely destroyed by Polish soldiers under the command of Lisovski. Returning to the charred remains, the monk began to restore the monastery. He again gathered the brethren, and in place of the wooden church a stone church was built in honor of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple with a bell-tower at the gates. The saint spent his life in austere monastic struggles, suffering cold, heat, hunger and thirst, as the monastery accounts relate. He often went deep into the forest, where he prayed to God in solitude. Once, when he was following a path in the forest, he heard a faint moaning. He looked around and saw a weary Polish man reclining against a tree trunk, with his sabre beside him. He had strayed from his regiment and had become lost in the forest. In a barely audible voice this enemy, who might have been one of the destroyers of the monastery, asked for a drink of water. Love and sympathy surged up within the monk. With a prayer to the Lord, he plunged his staff into the ground. At once, a fresh spring of water gushed forth, and he gave the dying man a drink. When both the external and internal life of the monastery 392 had been restored, St. Onuphrius withdrew from the general monastic life, and having entrusted the guidance of the brethren to one of his disciples, he took the schema with the name Macarius. For the place of his solitude, he chose a spot along the upper tributary of the River Zhabynka. About one verst separated the mouth of the tributary and the banks of the River Oka. The ascetical struggles of St. Macarius were concealed not only from the world, but also from his beloved brethren. He died in 1623 at the age of eighty-four, at the hour when the roosters start to crow. He was buried opposite the gates of the monastery on January 22, the commemoration of St. Timothy, where a church was later built and named for him. The Iconographic Originals has preserved a description of St. Macarius in his last years: he had gray hair with a small beard, and over his monastic riassa he wore the schema. Veneration of St. Macarius was established at the end of the seventeenth century, or the beginning of the eighteenth. According to Tradition, his relics remained uncovered, but by 1721 they were interred in a crypt. In the eighteenth century the monastery became deserted. The memory of his deeds and miracles was so completely forgotten, that when the incorrupt relics of the monastery’s founder were uncovered during the construction of the church of St Nicholas in 1816, a general panikhida was served over them. The restoration of the liturgical commemoration of St. Macarius of Belev is credited to Igumen Jonah, who was born on January 22 (the Feast of St Macarius), and who began his own monastic journey at the Optina monastery not far from the Zhabyn monastery. In 1875 Igumen Jonah became head of the Zhabyn monastery. His request to re-establish the Feast of St. Macarius was strengthened by the petition of the people of Belev, who through the centuries had preserved their faith in the saint. On January 22, 1888, the annual commemoration of St. Macarius of Zhabyn was resumed. In 1889, a church dedicated to St. Macarius was built at his tomb. Igumen Jonah, who lived at the 393 monastery and actually participated in the construction, decided that in addition to the building project, the holy relics of St. Macarius would also be uncovered. When everything was on the point of readiness, St. Macarius appeared to the participants and sternly warned them that they should not proceed with their intention, or they would be punished. The memory of this appearance was reverently preserved among the monks of the monastery. St. Macarius of Zhabynsk is also commemorated on September 22. TODAY IS JUNE 23 Righteous Saint Artemius of Verkola DAY OF CELEBRATION Holy Righteous St. Artemius of Verkola was born in the village of Dvina Verkola around the year 1532. The son of pious parents, Artemius was a child who was courageous, meek and diligent for every good deed. On June 23, 1545 the twelve-year-old Artemius and his father were taken by surprise in a field by a thunderstorm. A clap of thunder broke right over their heads, and the child Artemius fell dead from a lighting strike. People thought that this was a sign of God’s judgment, therefore they left the body in a pine forest without a funeral, and without burial. Some years later in 1577, the village reader beheld a light over the place where the body Artemius lay. His remains were found incorrupt and was taken to the church of St. Nicholas, where the holy relics were shown to be a source of numerous healings. In this village a monastery was later built, called 394 the Verkola. In 1918, the impious Soviets chopped the holy relics into pieces and threw them into a well. TODAY IS JUNE 24 Saint John of Jerusaem DAY OF CELEBRATION John the Baptist is one of the most distinctive characters in the New Testament. He had an unusual flair for fashion, wearing wild-looking clothing made of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist. He lived in the desert wilderness, ate locust and wild honey and preached a strange message. Unlike so many people, John the Baptist knew his mission in life. He clearly understood that he had been set apart by God for a purpose. Through God's direction, John the Baptist challenged the people to prepare for the coming of the Messiah by turning away from sin and being baptized as a symbol of repentance. Although he held no power or influence in the Jewish political system, he delivered his message with the force of authority. People could not resist the overpowering truth of his words, as they flocked by the hundreds to hear him and be baptized. And even as he attracted the attention of the crowds, he never lost sight of his mission—to point people to Christ. John's mother, Elizabeth, was a 395 relative of Mary, the mother of Jesus. The two women were pregnant at the same time. The Bible says in Luke 1:41, when the two expectant mothers met, the baby leaped within Elizabeth's womb as she was filled with the Holy Spirit. The angel Gabriel had already foretold the miraculous birth and prophetic ministry of John the Baptist to his father Zechariah. The news was a joyous answer to prayer for the previously barren Elizabeth. John was to become the God-ordained messenger proclaiming the arrival of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The remarkable ministry of John the Baptist included the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. John did not lack boldness as he challenged even Herod to repent of his sins. In approximately 29 AD, Herod Antipas had John the Baptist arrested and put in prison. Later John was beheaded through a plot devised by Herodias, the illegal wife of Herod and ex-wife of his brother, Philip. In Luke 7:28, Jesus declared John the Baptist to be the greatest man to have ever lived: "I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John ..." John's greatest strength was his focused and faithful commitment to the call of God on his life. Taking the Nazirite vow for life, he personified the term "set apart for God." John knew he had been given a specific job to do and he set out with singular obedience to fulfill that mission. He didn't just talk about repentance from sin. He lived with boldness of purpose throughout his uncompromising mission, willing to die a martyr for his stand against sin. Undoubtedly, moments after his beheading John the Baptist must have heard his master say, "Well done!" TODAY IS JUNE 25 Saint Febronia, the Wonderworker of Murom DAY OF CELEBRATION 396 Holy Prince Peter and Holy Princess Febronia, Wonderworkers of Murom. Prince Peter was the second son of the Murom prince Yuri Vladimirovich. He entered upon the throne of Murom in the year 1203. Several years before this St. Peter had fallen ill with leprosy, from which no one was able to heal him. In a vision it was revealed to the prince that the daughter of a bee-keeper would be able to heal him: the pious maiden Febronia, a peasant of Laskova village in Ryazan gubernia. St. Peter sent his emissaries to this village. When the prince saw St. Febronia, he fell in love with her because of her piety, wisdom and virtue, and vowed to marry her after being healed. St. Febronia healed the prince and became his wife. The holy couple loved each other through all their ordeals. The haughty boyars of Murom did not wish to have a princess of common origin, and they urged that the prince leave her. St. Peter refused, and so they banished the couple. They sailed off on a boat from their native city along the River Oka, and St. Febronia continued to console St. Peter. Soon the wrath of God fell upon the city of Murom, and the people begged the prince return together with St. Febronia. For the remainder of her life, St. Febronia healed people by placing her hands on their head and praying for the illness to leave the person. Everyone who St. Febronia prayed for was always healed, and she always gave the credit for the healing to the Glory of God. The holy couple was famous for their piety and charity. They died on the same day and hour, June 25, 1228, having received the monastic tonsure with the names David and Evphrosyne. The bodies of the saints were put in the same grave. Sts. 397 Peter and Febronia showed themselves exemplary models of Christian marriage, and are considered the patron saints of newly-weds. TODAY IS JUNE 26 Saint Dionysius the Archbishop of Suzdal DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Dionysius, Archbishop of Suzdal, in the world David, was tonsured at the Kievan Caves monastery. He arrived at the Volga with an icon of the Mother of God that he had received as a blessing from Sts. Anthony and Theodosius. St. Dionysius dug out a cave not far from Nizhni-Novgorod and struggled in total solitude. Brethren constantly thronged to the holy ascetic and in the year 1335 he founded a monastery in honor of the Ascension of the Lord. Among his students of St. Dionysius were Sts. Euthymius of Suzdal (April 1) and Macarius of Zheltovod and Unzha (July 25). In the year 1352 the holy Elder sent twelve of his brethren to “the upper cities and countryside, whom God would bless” for the spiritual enlightenment of the people and the organizing of new monasteries. The monastery of St. Dionysius exerted a deep charitable influence on the inhabitants of Nizhni-Novgorod. monasticism the In the year 1371 forty-year-old the widow saint of tonsured Prince into Andrew Constantinovich, an example of how he accepted into monasticism “various dignitaries: women, widowers, and virgins.” In the year 1374 St. Dionysius was deemed worthy of the office of bishop. His years of 398 service as bishop occurred during a remarkable period, for Russia was rising to cast off the Mongol-Tatar Yoke. On March 31, 1375 the Tatar military-chief, having been shown to the bishop’s court by the enslaved inhabitants of Nizhni-Novgorod, shot an arrow at St. Dionysius, but the Lord preserved his chosen one, and the arrow struck only the bishop’s mantle. In 1377, through the blessing of St. Dionysius (who may have edited the document), the Lavrentian Chronicle was compiled by St. Laurence, inspiring Russia in its struggle for freedom. In 1379, preserving the integrity of the first hierarch’s cathedra, St. Dionysius was one of the bishops gathered in Moscow by order of the prince, and he came out against the election of the prince’s protégée, the ill-reputed archimandrite Mityaya as Metropolitan. In the same year of 1379 St. Dionysius journeyed to Constantinople with a protest against the choice of Mityaya on grounds of his complicity with the heretical Strigolniki. The saint made a strong impression upon the Greeks by his sublime spiritual frame of mind and his profound knowledge of Holy Scripture. Patriarch Nilus, having termed the saint “a warrior of God and a spiritual man,” wrote that he himself saw him “at fasting and charity, and vigil, and prayers, and tears, and every other virtue.” From Constantinople St. Dionysius sent two copies of the Hodigitria Icon of the Mother of God to a Council at Suzdal. In 1382 the bishop received the title of archbishop from the patriarch. Returning to Russia, the saint travelled to Pskov and Novgorod to struggle against the heresy of the Strigolniki. He visited Constantinople a second time in 1383 for discussion with the patriarch on questions about the governance of the Russian metropolitanate. In the year 1384 St. Dionysius was made “metropolitan for Russia” by Patriarch Nilus. But upon his return to Kiev the saint was arrested on orders of the Kiev prince Vladimir Olgerdovich and subjected to imprisonment, where he died on October 15, 1385. The burial of the saint was in “the Kiev Cave of the 399 Great Anthony.” St. Dionysius is commemorated on June 26 because it is the Feast of his patron saint, St. David of Thessalonica, whose name he was given in Baptism. In the Synodikon of the 1552 NizhniNovgorod Caves monastery, St. Dionysius is called a “wonderworking monk”. TODAY IS JUNE 27 Saint Sampson the Hospitable of Constantinople DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Sampson the Hospitable was the son of rich and illustrious Roman parents. In his youth he received an excellent education, he studied the medical arts, and doctored the sick without charge. After the death of his parents St. Sampson generously distributed alms and set his slaves free, preparing himself to go into the wilderness. With this intent in mind he soon journeyed from Rome to the East. But the Lord directed him onto a different path, that of service to neighbor, and so St. Sampson came to Constantinople. Settling into a small house, the saint began to take in homeless wanderers, the poor and the sick, and he attended to them. The Lord blessed the efforts of St. Sampson and endowed him with the power of wonderworking. He healed the sick not only through being a skilled physician, but also as a bearer of the grace of God. News of St. Sampson spread abroad. The 400 patriarch heard of his great virtue and ordained him to the holy priesthood. It was revealed to the grievously ill Emperor Justinian (527-565), that he could receive healing only through St. Sampson. In praying, the saint put his hand on the afflicted area, and Justinian was healed. In gratitude the emperor wanted to reward his healer with silver and gold, but the saint refused and instead asked Justinian to build a home for the poor and the sick. The emperor readily fulfilled his request. St. Sampson devoted the rest of his life to serving his neighbor. He survived into old age and after a short illness he departed peacefully to the Lord. The saint was buried at the church of the holy Martyr Mocius, and many healings were affected at his grave. His hospice remained open, and the saint did not cease to care for the suffering. He appeared twice to a negligent worker of the hospice and upbraided him for his laziness. At the request of an admirer of St. Sampson the hospice was transformed into a church, and beside it a new edifice was built for the homeless. During the time of a powerful fire at Constantinople the flames did not touch the hospice of St. Sampson. Through his intercession a heavy rain quenched the fire. 401 TODAY IS JUNE 28 Saint Sergius The Wonderworker Of Valaam DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Sergius settled on the island of Valaam in 1329. The brethren gathered by him spread the light of Orthodoxy in this frontier land. The Karelian people began to regard Christianity with renewed suspicion, with its authority in the fourteenth century being undermined by the Swedes, who sought to spread Catholicism by means of the sword. Saint Sergius struggled to maintain orthodoxy to the Karelian people during this turbulent and dangers time. God granted Saint Sergius the gift of healing which kept the Karelian people in the fold of orthodoxy. St. Sergius died about the year 1353. TODAY IS JUNE 29 Saint Cassius of Narni DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Cassius is venerated as a saint. He was a bishop of Narni in Umbria from 537 to 558, the date of his death. As Bishop, he made a 402 blind woman see, a lame man walk and drove out demons from possessed people. He was praised by St. Gregory the Great, and was noted for his charity. Cassius died at Rome after going on pilgrimage there. Cassius was married; his wife's name was Fausta. In the year 878, Cassius’ relics were taken to Basilica di San Frediano in Lucca with those of Saints Juvenal of Narni and Cassius' wife Fausta. They were taken by Adalbert, Margrave of Tuscany, but all of the relics were returned to Narni two years later. The relics of Saint Cassius were built in a restored shrine later known as the Sacello di San Cassio. Juvenal’s relics are said to have been hidden. TODAY IS JUNE 30 Holy Queen Saint Dinar DAY OF CELEBRATION The Church has preserved chronicles of the life of Queen Dinar, a woman who achieved much on behalf of the Christian Faith. For years scholars have disputed about the historical figure discussed in great depth in the Church. Many believed that the sources described Holy Queen Tamar, but the period of Tamar’s rule does not match that of the figure described in the chronicles. The Georgian chronicle Kartli, however, has preserved information about a certain Dinar, Queen of Hereti (southeastern Georgia), who, along with her son Ishkhanik, converted Hereti to the Orthodox Faith and delivered its people from the Monophysite heresy in the 10th century. Queen Dinar’s story 403 resembles that recounted in the Chronicles more closely than any other. According to the Armenian historian Moses of Kalankaytuk, Slavic tribes that carried out incursions in the southernmost Caucasus often journeyed through the Transcaucasus, and it was with these tribes that the story of Queen Dinar made its way to Russia. The Georgian Church renders great honor to Holy Queen Dinar. As a result of her zealous labors and achievements, a large part of the eastern Transcaucasus was saved from the Monophysite heresy that dominated the region. Today, on the north wall of the Throne Hall in the Moscow Kremlin, there hangs an image of Holy Queen Saint Dinar mounted on a white horse, victorious over the enemy. 404 405 TODAY IS JULY 1 Saint Leontius of Radauti DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Leontius was born in Radauti, Moldavia in the fourteenth century. He was named Laurence when he received the monastic tonsure. In time he was found worthy of ordination to the holy priesthood, and founded a monastery near Radauti, which later became known as St. Laurence’s Monastery. Among his many disciples was St. Daniel the Hesychast. Because of his holy life, he received from God the grace of working miracles. Many sick people were healed by his prayers, and he became a father, teacher, and protector to all. Prince Alexander the Good recommended that he be made Bishop of Radauti. St. Leontius led his flock with wisdom for many years, then retired to live alone in the wilderness. He received the Great Schema with the name of Leontius, and departed to the Lord soon afterward. His holy relics were found incorrupt, and many people received healing at his tomb. St. Leontius was glorified by the Orthodox Church of Romania in 1992. TODAY IS JULY 2 Saint Juvenaly of Alaska DAY OF CELEBRATION 406 The holy, glorious, right-victorious hieromarty Juvenaly of Alaska, or Juvenal, Protomartyr of America, was a member of the first group of Orthodox missionaries who came from the monastery of Valaam to preach the Word of God to the native inhabitants of Alaska. He was martyred while evangelizing among the Eskimos on the mainland of Alaska in 1796. He was born in 1761 in Ekaterinburg, Russia, and was named Jacob Govouchkin. In his monastic life he was tonsured and given the name Juvenaly in memory of St. Juvenal, fifth century Patriarch of Jerusalem. After becoming a monk he was successively ordained deacon and then priest, becoming a hieromonk. He lived much of his early monastic life in the area around Lake Ladoga in northern Russia near Finland at the Konyavesky and Valaam Monasteries. In 1793, a missionary group of eight monastics was organized at the Monastery of Valaam, near Lake Ladoga, to preach the Word of God to the natives of Alaska. This group of missionaries was led by Archimandrite Joseph (Bolotov), and included four hieromonks including Juvenaly and Makary, one hierodeacon, Steven, and two lay monks including Herman. Their destination was the Russian settlement on Kodiak Island in the Gulf of Alaska, some 8,000 miles away across the length of Asia through Siberia and then the cold Bering Sea of the northern Pacific Ocean. The group arrived on Kodiak Island on September 24, 1794, to an unexpected scene. The settlement was primitive beyond what they were told, and violence 407 was commonplace. The promised church was not there, and the promised supplies for three years were absent. While Archimandrite Joseph dealt with the leadership issues with Baranov, the leader of the settlement, Hieromonk Juvenaly and the others in their party began their missionary work. Within two years their zeal had brought more than 12,000 Alaskans to the Orthodox Christian faith. They did this not by degrading their former shaman based faith but by showing them that Christianity was the fulfillment of that faith. As the group continued preaching further away from the settlement on Kodiak, Hieromonk Juvenaly began missionary work on the mainland of Alaska 1796. Here he continued the success of the past two years as he baptized hundreds of Chugach Sugpiag and Athabaskan Indians. But as his mission continued along northwest toward the Bering Sea, he disappeared. No material evidence of his disappearance has been found, but among the Alaskan people oral tradition relates of his martyrdom. The tradition is that as he moved into territory inhabited by Eskimos, some Eskimos did not understand some of his gesturing while making the sign of the cross. Disturbed, a Yupiat shaman ordered an attack upon the hieromonk, and he was killed by spears and arrows. Thus, Juvenaly became the first Orthodox martyr in the Americas. 408 TODAY IS JULY 3 Saint George the God-Bearer DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint George the God-bearer and Recluse labored in the Black Mountains near Antioch during a time when the churches and monasteries there flourished. Orthodox Christians from many parts of the world came to settle there, and as a result, tensions often arose between monks of different nationalities. In order to remain detached from the conflicts, St. George found refuge in an impregnable cleft of a very high mountain. For this reason he is also called St. George the Recluse. Nevertheless, the monks of the Black Mountains were well aware of the pious life led by George the Recluse. Venerable George of the Holy Mountain journeyed to the Black Mountains in search of a spiritual guide and, after praying in each and every monastery, finally asked St. George the Recluse, “a man innocent as a dove,” to fill this role. George the Recluse received the young ascetic and found a home for him in the monastery. His disciple remained with him for three years, leading the strictest ascetic life, until finally George the Recluse clothed him with the schema and “perfected him in the monastic life.” Then, after sending him on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, he blessed George of the Holy Mountain to resettle at the Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos and to continue the holy work of St. Ekvtime of Mt. Athos in translating holy books. George of the Holy Mountain returned to the Holy Mountain but, instead of translating books as his spiritual father had advised him, he performed other obedience’s for 409 seven years. When St. George the Recluse heard this, he sent his disciple Theodore to Mt. Athos to rebuke him and remind him that he was sent there to translate theological texts from the Greek to the Georgian language. This time George of the Holy Mountain humbly obeyed the will of his teacher. When he was not with George of the Holy Mountain, St. George the Recluse confined himself to strict solitude and, like his spiritual son, dedicated much of his time to literary pursuits. He was closely acquainted with the writers of Iveron and other Georgian monasteries, and he encouraged his spiritual son to continue his labor of translating Orthodox theological literature. St. George the Recluse copied Davit Mtbevari’s translations of the Life of Martha (the mother of Simeon of the Wonderful Mountain) and the Life of St. Barlaam of the Syro-Caucasus. When George the Recluse heard that no copies of these Lives existed on Mt. Athos, he transcribed the texts and sent them to the Athonites. St. George the God-bearer and reposed in 1068, after the death of his venerable disciple St. George of the Holy Mountain. TODAY IS JULY 4 Saint Andrew the Archbishop of Crete DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Andrew, Archbishop of Crete, was born in the city of Damascus into a pious Christian family. Up until seven years of age the boy was mute and did not talk. However, after communing the Holy Mysteries 410 of Christ he found the gift of speech and began to speak. From that time the lad began earnestly to study Holy Scripture and the iscipline of theology. At fourteen years of age he went off to Jerusalem and there he accepted monastic tonsure at the monastery of St. Sava the Sanctified. St. Andrew led a strict and chaste life, he was meek and abstinent, such that all were amazed at his virtue and reasoning of mind. As a man of talent and known for his virtuous life, over the passage of time he came to be numbered among the Jerusalem clergy and was appointed a secretary for the Patriarchate -- a writing clerk. In the year 680 the locum tenens of the Jerusalem Patriarchate, Theodore, included archdeacon Andrew among the representatives of the Holy City sent to the Sixth Ecumenical Council, and here the saint contended against heretical teachings, relying upon his profound knowledge of Orthodox doctrine. Shortly after the Council he was summoned back to Constantinople from Jerusalem and he was appointed archdeacon at the church of Hagia Sophia, the Wisdom of God. During the reign of the emperor Justinian II (685-695) St. Andrew was ordained bishop of the city of Gortineia on the island of Crete. In his new position he shone forth as a true luminary of the Church, a great hierarch -- a theologian, teacher and hymnographer. St. Andrew wrote many liturgical hymns. He was the originator of a new liturgical form -- the canon. Of the canons composed by him the best known is the Great Penitential Canon, including within its 9 odes the 250 troparia recited during the Great Lent. There have also been preserved edifying Sermons of St. Andrew for certain of the Church feasts. While Bishop, he was one of the people. His healing prayers were offered to any person who asked, usually resulting in miraculous healing. Church historians are not of the same opinion as to the date of death of the saint. One suggests the year 712, while others the year 726. He died on the island of Mytilene, while returning to Crete from Constantinople, where he had been on churchly business. His 411 relics were transferred to Constantinople. In the year 1350 the pious Russian pilgrim Stephen Novgorodets saw the relics at the Constantinople monastery named for St. Andrew of Crete. TODAY IS JULY 5 Saint Elizabeth the New Martyr of Russia DAY OF CELEBRATION St. Elizabeth was an older sister of the Empress Alexandra of Russia, and was married to the Grand Duke Serge, a younger son of Tsar Alexander III and the Governor of Moscow. She converted from the Protestant faith to Orthodoxy several years after her marriage of her own free will, and organized women from all levels of society to help the sick and needy. Grand Duke Serge was killed by an assassin’s bomb on February 4, 1905, just as St. Elizabeth was leaving for her workshops. She visited her husband’s killer in prison and urged him to repent, giving him an icon. She eventually built a shrine over the site of her husband’s martyrdom (which was said to have been destroyed by Vladimir Lenin himself in 1917). After her husband’s murder, she began to withdraw from her former social life. She founded the Convent of Sts. Martha and Mary in Moscow, a community of nuns which focused on worshiping God and helping the poor. She sold all her fine clothes and jewels, and moved out of her palace into the buildings that she had purchased on behalf of the convent. St. 412 Elizabeth and her sisters continued to visit the poor and hungry in Moscow. During the First World War, she nursed sick and wounded soldiers in the hospitals and on the battle front. She was respected and admired throughout Russia and people came to her for spiritual direction. After her brother-in-law, Tsar Nicholas II, abdicated the throne and he and his family were placed under house arrest, St. Elizabeth was urged to abandon her convent and seek shelter with her remaining family in Western Europe. She refused all offers of help, saying she would not leave the other sisters and would die in Russia if that was His Will. On Pascha 1918, Soviet soldiers came to the convent and ordered her to leave Moscow to join the royal family near Ekaterinburg. She was allowed to leave with a novice, Sister Barbara, but was not permitted to say goodbye to the other sisters. After arriving in Ekaterinburg, St. Elizabeth was denied access to the Tsar’s family. She and Sister Barbara were placed in a convent, where she was warmly received by the sisters. At the end of May St. Elizabeth and St. Barbara were moved to the nearby village of Alopaevsk with the Grand Dukes Sergius, John, and Constantine, and the young Count Vladimir Paley. They were all housed in a schoolhouse on the edge of town. St. Elizabeth was placed under guard, but was permitted to go to church and work in the garden. On the night of July 5, they were all taken to a place in the woods, twelve miles from Alopaevsk, and executed. Grand Duke Sergius was shot, but the others were thrown down a mineshaft, with grenades being tossed in after them. St. Elizabeth lived for several hours, and could be heard singing hymns by local villagers who came up to the mineshaft after the murderers had left. A few days later, the bodies of St. Elizabeth and St. Barbara were recovered from the mineshaft after the pro-Tsarist armies took Alopaevsk. They were ultimately taken to Jerusalem in 1920, and buried in the church of St. Mary Magdalene on the Mount of Olives. 413 TODAY IS JULY 6 Saint Sisoes the Great DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Sisoës the Great before the tomb of Alexander the Great (16th c., Meteora Monastery), signifying the remembrance of death Saint Sisoës the Great, also Sisoi the Great, Sisoy the Great, Sisoes of Sceté or Shishoy (†429) was a solitary monk, pursuing asceticism in the Egyptian desert in a cave sanctified by the prayerful labors of his predecessor, St. Anthony the Great. For his sixty years of labor in the desert, St. Sisoës attained to sublime spiritual purity and he was granted the gift of wonderworking, so that by his prayers he once restored a dead child back to life. His feast day is observed on July 6. Saint Sisoës was an Egyptian by birth. Having withdrawn the world from his youth, he retired to the desert of Sceté, and lived some time under the direction of abbot Hor. The desire of finding a retreat yet more unfrequented induced him to cross the Nile and hide himself in the mountain where St. Antony died some time before. Extremely strict with himself, Abba Sisoës was very merciful and compassionate to others, and he received everyone with love. The reputation of his sanctity became so illustrious as to merit the full confidence of all the neighboring solitaries. Some even came a great distance to be guided in the interior ways of perfection; and, in spite of the pains he took he was forced to submit his love of silence and retreat, to the greater duty of charity. To those who visited him, the saint first of all always taught humility, as the most necessary virtue. When one of the monks asked how he might attain to a constant remembrance of God, St. Sisoës remarked, "That is no great thing, my son, but it is a great 414 thing to regard yourself as inferior to everyone else. This leads to the acquisition of humility." Thus, while he never lost sight of the divine presence, it was ever accompanied with the consciousness of his own nothingness and misery. Asked by the monks whether one year is sufficient for repentance if a brother sins, Abba Sisoës said, "I trust in the mercy of God that if such a man repents with all his heart, then God will accept his repentance in three days." He often passed two days without eating, and was so rapt in God that he forgot his food, so that it was necessary for his disciple Abraham to remind him that it was time to break his fast. His prayer was so fervent that it often passed into ecstasy, his heart becoming inflamed with divine love. It was a maxim with him that a solitary ought not to choose the manual labor which is most pleasing to him. His ordinary work was making baskets. He was tempted one day as he was selling them, to anger; instantly he threw the baskets away and ran off. By efforts like these to command his temper he acquired a meekness which nothing could disturb. His zeal against vice was without bitterness; and when his monks fell into faults, far from affecting astonishment or the language of reproach, he helped them to rise again with a tenderness truly paternal. Some Arians had the impudence to come to his mount, and utter their heresy before his disciples. The saint, instead of an answer, desired one of the monks to read St. Athanasius’s treatise against Arianism, which at once stopped their mouths and confounded them. He then dismissed them with his usual good temper. The saint said one time, “I am now thirty years praying daily that my Lord Jesus may preserve me from saying an idle word, and yet I am always relapsing.” Thus he was singularly observant of the times of retirement and silence, and kept his cell constantly locked to avoid interruption, and always gave his answers to those who asked his advice in the fewest words. When St. Sisoës lay upon his deathbed, the disciples surrounding the Elder saw that his face shone 415 like the sun. They asked the dying man what he saw. Abba Sisoës replied that he saw St. Anthony, the Prophets, and the Apostles. His face increased in brightness, and he spoke with someone. The monks asked, "With whom are you speaking, Father?" He said that angels had come for his soul, and he was entreating them to give him a little more time for repentance. The monks said, "You have no need for repentance, Father" St. Sisoës said with great humility, "I do not think that I have even begun to repent." After these words the face of the holy abba shone so brightly that the brethren were not able to look upon him. St. Sisoës told them that he saw the Lord Himself. Then there was a flash like lightning, and a fragrant odor, and Abba Sisoës departed to the Heavenly Kingdom. TODAY IS JULY 7 Martyr Saint Kyriake of Nicomedia DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Kyriake was the only child of Dorotheus and Eusebia. Since she was born on a Sunday (Kyriake, in Greek), she was named Kyriake. One day a wealthy magistrate wished to betroth Kyriake to his son. Not only was she young and beautiful, but her parents were wealthy, and the magistrate wished to control that wealth. The magistrate went to her parents to request her hand, but St. Kyriake told him that she wished to remain a virgin, for she had dedicated herself to Christ. 416 The magistrate was angered by her words, so he went to the emperor Diocletian to denounce the saint and her parents as Christians who mocked the idols, and refused to offer sacrifice to them. Diocletian sent soldiers to arrest the family and have them brought before him. He asked them why they would not honor the gods which he himself honored. They told him that these were false gods, and that Christ was the one true God. Dorotheus was beaten until the soldiers grew tired and were unable to continue. Since neither flattery nor torment had any effect, Diocletian sent Dorotheus and Eusebia to Melitene on the eastern border between Cappadocia and Armenia. Then he sent St. Kyriake to be interrogated by his son-in-law and co-ruler Maximian at Nicomedia. Maximian urged her not to throw her life away, promising her wealth and marriage to one of Diocletian’s relatives if she would worship the pagan gods. St. Kyriake replied that she would never renounce Christ, nor did she desire worldly riches. Enraged by her bold answer, Maximian had her flogged. The soldiers who administered this punishment became tired, and had to be replaced three times. Shamed by his failure to overcome a young woman, Maximian sent St. Kyriake to Hilarion, the eparch of Bithynia, at Chalcedon. He told Hilarion to either convert Kyriake to paganism, or send her back to him. Making the same promises and threats that Diocletian and Maximian had made before, Hilarion was no more successful than they were. St. Kyriake challenged him to do his worst, because Christ would help her to triumph. The saint was suspended by her hair for several hours, while soldiers burned her body with torches. Not only did she endure all this, she also seemed to become more courageous under torture. Finally, she was taken down and put into a prison cell. That night Christ appeared to her and healed her wounds. When Hilarion saw her the next day, he declared that she had been healed by the gods because they pitied her. Then Hilarion urged her to go to the temple to give thanks to the gods. She 417 told him that she had been healed by Christ, but agreed to go to the temple. The eparch rejoiced, thinking that he had defeated her. In the temple, St. Kyriake prayed that God would destroy the soulless idols. Suddenly, there was a great earthquake which toppled the idols, shattering them to pieces. Everyone fled the temple in fear, leaving Hilarion behind. Instead of recognizing the power of Christ, the eparch blasphemed the true God as the destroyer of his pagan gods. He was struck by a bolt of lightning and died on the spot. St. Kyriake was tortured again by Apollonius, who succeeded Hilarion as eparch. When she was cast into a fire, the flames were extinguished. When she was thrown to wild beasts, they became tame and gentle. Therefore, Apollonius sentenced her to death by the sword. She was permitted time to pray, so she asked God to receive her soul, and to remember those who honored her martyrdom. Just as St. Kyriake ended her prayer, angels took her soul before the soldiers could strike off her head. Pious Christians took her relics and buried them in a place of honor. 418 TODAY IS JULY 8 Saint Sunniva of Norway DAY OF CELEBRATION St. Sunniva was born in the tenth century and is the patron saint of the Norwegian Orthodox Diocese of Bjørgvin, as well as all of Western Norway. She was the heir of an Irish kingdom, but had to escape with her brother and others when a pagan king, who wanted to marry her, invaded. She and her companions became shipwrecked off the coast of Norway, but eventually landed on Silje Island where they took refuge in a cave. The local people suspected them of stealing their sheep and demanded that they be arrested. Sunniva prayed to God that they should not fall into the hands of the heathens, upon which rocks fell down blocking the entrance to the cave. Sunniva and her companions died in the cave, but in the years to come miracles were reported on the island. When King Olaf Tryggvason excavated the cave in 996, the body of Sunniva was found intact. Later, a monastery, Selje Abbey, was built on the site, the ruins of which can still be seen. During the fires in Bergen in 1170-71 and in 1198. Sunniva’s remains were taken from the monastery and placed near the flames. This action halted the advance of the fire and was hailed as a miracle. 419 TODAY IS JULY 9 Saint Theodoros the Great Ascetic DAY OF CELEBRATION Our father Saint Theodoros the Great Ascetic (also known as St. Theodore of Edessa and St. Theodore the Syrian) was a monk of the monastery of St. Savas near Jerusalem. In 835, he was asked by the Bishop of Jerusalem to take the Gospel of Christ to the Islamic area of Edessa. The missionary work was difficult, but by 846 there was a thriving community of Orthodox believers. In 849, the Jerusalem Patriarch made Theodoros bishop of Edessa in Syria. In the middle of the 9th century, St. Theodoros of Edessa converted the "Saracen king," Muawid, one of the three sons of the Umayyad caliph Mutawakkil (847-861 A.D.), to Orthodoxy, baptizing him with the name John together with his three confidants. His “Life” was written by Basil of Emesa. The work “A Century of Spiritual Texts” is included in the “Philokalia” and is believed to have been written by St. Theodoros. TODAY IS JULY 10 Saint Amalberga of Maubeuge DAY OF CELEBRATION 420 Saint Amalberga of Maubeuge was a Lotharingian saint who lived in the 7th century. She was the sister or niece of Pippin of Landen. She married Prince Witger, Duke of Lotharingia and Count of Brabant. She was the mother of early Orthodox Church leaders Emebert, Reineldis, Pharaildis and Gudula. In 724, Prince Witger became very ill. doctors were unable to help the Prince. The After weeks of torturous pain, Amalberga had the Prince moved to and placed on the altar of the family’s chapel. Amalberga placed her hands on his head and prayed to the Holy Mother to heal him. Amalberga prayed for the Prince, without moving for three days. At the end of the third day, the Prince opened his eyes, sat up and was healed. This was witnessed by 72 people who had crowded into the chapel to watch the strange prayers of Amalberga. When forty two years later, weeks before his death, Witger became a monk at Lobbes, St. Amalberga joined the monastic community at Maubeuge Abbey. Her feast is celebrated on July 10. (Amalberga of Maubeuge is not to be confused with the virgin Amalberga of Temse who died in 722, and whose feast day is also on July 10.) 421 TODAY IS JULY 11 Saint Olga in Baptism Called Helen DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Olga, was the wife of the Kievan Great Prince Igor. The struggle of Christianity with paganism under Igor and Olga, who reigned after Oleg (+ 912), entered into a new phase. The Church of Christ in the years following the reign of Igor (+ 945) became a remarkable spiritual and political force in the realm. The preserved text of a treaty of Igor with the Greeks in the year 944 gives indication of this: it was included by the chronicler in the “Tale of Bygone Years,” under the entry recording the events of the year 6453 (945). The peace treaty had to be sworn to by both the religious communities: “Baptized”, i.e. the Christian, took place in the cathedral church of the holy Prophet of God Elias; “Unbaptized”, i.e. the pagans, in turn swore their oath on their weapons in the sanctuary of Perun the Thunderer. The fact, that Christians are included in the document in the first place, indicates their significant spiritual influence in the life of Kievan. When the Byzantine emissaries arrived, conditions along the River Dneipr had essentially changed. A pagan opposition had clearly emerged, at the head of which stood the Varangian voevoda (militaryleader) Svenel’d (or Sveinald) and his son Mstislav (Mtsisha) to whom Igor had given holdings in the Drevlyani lands. Strong also was the influence of the Khazar Jews, who could not but be displeased with the thought of the triumph of Orthodoxy. Unable to overcome the customary inertia, Igor remained a pagan and he concluded the treaty 422 in the pagan manner, swearing an oath on his sword. He refused the grace of Baptism and was punished for his unbelief. A year later, in 945, rebellious pagans murdered him in the Drevlyanian land, cut down betwixt two trees. But the days of paganism and the lifestyle of the Slavic tribes basic to it were already numbered. The burden of government fell upon the widow of Igor -- the Great-princess Olga, and her three-year-old son Svyatoslav. Igor’s wife also had the Varangian name “Helga,” which is pronounced Olga. The feminine name Olga corresponds to the masculine name “Oleg” (Helgi), which means “holy” [from Germanic “heilig” for “holy”]. Although the pagan understanding of holiness was quite different from the Christian, it also presupposed within a man a particular frame of reference, of chastity and sobriety of mind, and of insight. The fact that people called Oleg the Wise-Seer (“Veschi”) and Olga the Wise (“Mudra”) shows the spiritual significance of names. Rather later traditions regard her a native of a village named Vybuta, several kilometers from Pskov up along the River Velika. The beginning of the independent rule of Princess Olga is connected in the chronicles with the narrative about her terrible revenge on the Drevlyani, who murdered Igor. Having sworn their oaths on their swords and believing “only in their swords”, the pagans were doomed by the judgment of God to also perish by the sword (Mt. 26: 52). Worshipping fire among the other primal elements, they found their own doom in the fire. And the Lord chose Olga to fulfill the fiery chastisement. The struggle for the subordination to the Kievan center of mutually divisive and hostile tribes and principalities paved the way towards the ultimate victory of Christianity in the Land. For Olga, though still a pagan, the Christian Church and its Heavenly patron saint the holy Prophet of God Elias [in icons depicted upon a fiery chariot] stood as a flaming faith and prayer of a fire come down from the heavens, and her victory over the Drevlyani—despite the severe harshness of her victory, was a victory 423 of Christian constructive powers in the realm over the powers of a paganism, dark and destructive. The God-wise Olga entered into history as a great builder of the civil life and culture of Kievan. The chronicles are filled with accounts of her incessant “goings” throughout the land with the aim of the well-being and improvement of the civil and domestic manner of life of her subjects. Having consolidated the inner strengthening of the might of the greatprincely throne, thereby weakening the influence of the hodge-podge of petty local princes, Olga centralized the whole of state rule with the help of the system of “pogosti” (administrative trade centers). In the year 946 she went with her son and retinue through the Drevlyani land, “imposing tribute and taxes”, noting the villages, inns and hunting places, liable for inclusion in the great-princely holdings. The next year she went to Novgorod, establishing administrative centers along the Rivers Msta and Luga, everywhere leaving visible traces of her activity. The “pogosti” established by Olga, as financial- administrative and law-court centers, represented sturdy props of great-princely power in these places. Being first of all, and in the actual sense of the word, centers of trade and exchange (the merchant as “guest”) gathered together and became organized around the settlements (and in place of the “humanly arbitrary” gathering of tribute and taxes, there now existed uniformity and order with the “pogosti” system). Olga’s “pogosti” became an important network of the ethnic and cultural unification of the nation. Later on, when Olga had become a Christian, they began to erect the first churches at the “pogosti”; and church (parish) became inseparably associated. (It was only afterwards with the existence of cemeteries alongside churches that there developed the current meaning of the word “pogost” to nowadays signify “parish graveyard”). Princess Olga exerted much effort to fortify the defensive might of the land. The cities were built up and strengthened, they were enclosed with stone 424 and oak walls (battlements), and they bristled them with ramparts and palisades. Knowing how hostile many were to the idea of strengthening the princely power and the unification, the princess herself lived constantly “on the hill” over the Dneipr, behind the trusty battlements of Kievan Vyshgorod (“Verkhna-gorod” or “Upper-city”), surrounded by her faithful retainers. Two thirds of the gathered tribute, as the chroniclers testify, she gave over for the use of the Kiev “veche” (city-council), and the remaining one third went “to Olga, for Vyshgorod” -- for the needs of building fortifications. Foreigners hastened to Gardarika (“the land of cities”), with merchandise and craftwares. Swedes, Danes, Germans all eagerly entered as mercenaries into the army. In her heart the wise Olga found the desire for holy Orthodoxy, and she made the decision to become a Christian. The sacrament of Baptism was made over her by the Constantinople Patriarch Theophylactus (933-956), and her godfather was the emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitos (912-959). At Baptism she was given the name Helen in honor of Helen, the mother of St. Constantine. At the conclusion of the rite, the Patriarch said: “Blessed are you among women, for you have forsaken the darkness and have loved the Light. The people shall bless you in all the future generations, from your grandson and great-grandson to your furthermost descendants.” He instructed her in the truths of the Faith, the churchly rules and the rule of prayer, he explained the commands about fasting, chastity and charity. “She, however,” says the Monk Nestor, “bowed her head and stood, literally like a sponge absorbing water, listening to the teaching, and bowing down to the Patriarch, she said, “By your prayers, O Master, let me be preserved from the wiles of enemies”. During the time of the reception, as Constantine Porphyrogenitos relates, the Russian princess was presented a golden plate inset with jewels. St. Olga offered it to the vestry of the Sophia cathedral, where at the beginning of the thirteenth century it 425 was seen Yadeikovich and described (who by the afterwards was Russian to diplomat become the Dobrynya Novgorod archbishop Anthony): “The large golden official plate of Olga, when she took it as tribute, having come to Constantinople; upon the plate be precious stones, and upon it is written in these stones the name Christ”. St. Olga, after becoming a Christian, zealously devoted herself to efforts of Christian evangelization among the pagans, and also church construction: “demanding the distressing of demons and the beginning of life for Christ Jesus.” Her days were numbered, and her burdens and sorrows sapped her strength. On July 11, 969 St. Olga died: “and with great lament they mourned her, her son and grandsons and all the people.” In her final years, amidst the triumph of paganism, she had to have a priest by her secretly, so she would not evoke new outbursts of pagan fanaticism. But before death, having found anew her former firmness and resolve, she forbade them to make over her the pagan celebration of the dead, and she gave final instructions to bury her openly in accord with Orthodox ritual. Presbyter Gregory, who was with her at Constantinople in 957, fulfilled her request. St. Olga lived, died, and was buried as a Christian. “And thus having lived and well having glorified God in Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, having worshipped in the blessed faith, she ended her life in the peace of Christ Jesus, our Lord.” As her prophetic testament to succeeding generations, with deep Christian humility she confessed her faith concerning her nation: “God’s will be done! If it pleases God to have mercy upon my native land, then they shall turn their hearts to God, just as I have received this gift.” Thus even after death St. Olga espoused life eternal and resurrection, filling believers with joy and confounding non-believers. She was, in the words of St. Nestor the Chronicler, “a precursor in the Christian land, like the dawn before sunrise or the twilight before the light.” 426 TODAY IS JULY 12 Saint John the Georgian of Mount Athos DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint John was born the son of a nobleman during the reign of King Davit Kuropalates. For his love of Christ he left his family and the world to be tonsured a monk. After informing the royal court of his decision, St. John received a blessing from his spiritual father to travel to Greece, where he settled at a monastery on Mt. Olympus. At that time, as a “sign of friendship,” the Byzantine emperor returned the Georgian lands he had conquered to King Davit Kuropalates, but as a “sign of dedication,” he demanded that children of the nobility be sent as surety. Among those sent to Byzantium was St. John’s son, Ekvtime. St. John begged the Byzantine emperor to release his son, and when Ekvtime was finally freed, John took him back with him to the Monastery of St. Athanasius the Athonite. At that time the famed Georgian military commander Tornike Eristavi came to visit St. John. Tornike was soon tonsured a monk and given the new name JohnTornike, and he settled at the Monastery of St. Athanasius the Athonite as well. Soon the Georgian faithful began to flock to the Monastery of St. Athanasius, and St. John withdrew from the monastery to a more secluded place, where he constructed a cell and a church in honor of St. John the Theologian. Two more churches were later built in that same area in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos 427 and St. John the Baptist. In such a way the celebrated Iveron Monastery of Mt. Athos was established, with St. John as its first abbot. After the repose of his faithful friend and assistant JohnTornike, it became difficult for St. John to continue to labor on the Holy Mountain. He and several of his disciples planned to leave Athos, but in the end they remained at the insistence of the Byzantine emperor. St. John soon fell ill with gout and was bedridden for several years. Prior to his death he summoned his son, Ekvtime, confessed to him his sins, and designated him abbot of the Iveron Monastery, then blessed all the brothers and “fell asleep among the ranks of the righteous in the arms of his son.” Ekvtime robed the holy relics of his fleshly and spiritual father in costly linens and later erected a church in honor of the Archangels over his grave. TODAY IS JULY 13 Saint Stephen of Saint Sava Monastery DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Stephen of St. Sava’s Monastery, the nephew of St. John of Damascus, was born in the year 725. When he was ten years old he entered the Lavra of St. Sava the Sanctified and was tonsured as a monk. He spent his whole life at this monastery, sometimes going out into the desert to live in solitude and devote himself to spiritual struggles. St. Stephen’s holy life was so pleasing to God that he was given the gifts of wonderworking and clairvoyance. He healed the 428 sick, cast out devils, and was able to discern the thoughts of those who came to him for counsel. He fell asleep in the Lord in the year 794, foretelling in advance the day of his death. The Life of St. Stephen was compiled by his disciple Leontius. (Today’s saint should not be confused with the other St. Stephen of St. Sava’s Monastery who is commemorated on October 28.) TODAY IS JULY 14 Venerable Saint Hellius of Egypt DAY OF CELEBRATION St. Hellius lived and died in the fourth century. He was sent to a monastery when he was still a child. There he was raised in piety, temperance and chastity. When he grew up, he went into the Egyptian desert, where through his ascetical struggles he attained great proficiency in the spiritual life. He was endowed with the gift of clairvoyance, and he knew all the thoughts and disposition of the monks conversing with him. Great faith, simplicity of soul and deep humility allowed St. Hellius to command wild animals. Once, the saint became tired while carrying a heavy load to the monastery. He prayed and called a wild donkey to carry his burden. The donkey meekly carried the load to the place and was set free to return to the wilderness. Another time, when St. Hellius needed to cross a river and there was no boat, he summoned a crocodile from the water and crossed to the opposite shore while standing on its back. One of the 429 young novices of the monastery, whom St. Hellius visited, asked him to take him along into the far desert. St. Hellius warned him about the great work, exploits and temptations which inevitably beset all the hermits, but since the novice continued fervently to ask, he took him along. On the first night the novice, frightened by terrible visions, ran to St. Hellius. The monk comforted and calmed him down and ordered him to return. Tracing the Sign of the Cross over the cave, the monk told the young hermit not to fear, because he would not be disturbed by these apparitions any more. Trusting the word of the saint, the novice decided to remain in solitude and afterwards attained such perfection that he, like his teacher Hellius, received food from an angel. St. Hellius peacefully entered the heavenly mansions after reaching an advanced age. TODAY IS JULY 15 Saint Vladimir the Enlightener DAY OF CELEBRATION The Holy Great Prince Vladimir, Equal of the Apostles. Few names in the annals of history can compare in significance with the name of St. Vladimir, the Baptizer of Rus, who stands at the beginning of the spiritual destiny of the Russian Church and the Russian Orthodox people. Vladimir was the grandson of St. Olga, and he was the son of Svyatoslav (+ 972). His mother, Malusha (+ 1001) was the daughter of Malk Liubechanin, whom historians identify with Mal, prince of the 430 Drevlyani. Having subdued an uprising of the Drevlyani and conquered their cities, Princess Olga gave orders to execute Prince Mal for his attempt to marry her after he murdered her husband Igor, and she took to herself Mal’s children, Dobrynya and Malusha. Dobrynya grew up to be a valiant brave warrior, endowed with a mind for state affairs, and he was later on an excellent help to his nephew Vladimir in matters of military and state administration. The “capable girl” Malusha became a Christian (together with Great Princess Olga at Constantinople), but she preserved in herself a bit of the mysterious darkness of the pagan Drevlyani forests. Thus she fell in love with the austere warrior Svyatoslav, who against the will of his mother Olga made her his wife. The enraged Olga, regarding as unseemly the marriage of her “housekeeper” and captive servant to her son Svyatoslav, heir to the Great Kiev principality, sent Malusha away to her own native region not far from Vybut. And there in about the year 960 was born the boy with the Russian pagan name Volodimir, meaning peaceful ruler, ruling with a special talent for peace. In the year 970 Svyatoslav set out on a campaign from which he was fated not to return. He had divided the Russian Land among his three sons. At Kiev Yaropolk was Prince; at Ovrucha, the center of the Drevlyani lands, was Oleg; at Novgorod was Vladimir. In his first years as prince, we see Vladimir as a fierce pagan. He headed a campaign, in which the whole of pagan Rus is sympathetic to him, against Yaropolk the Christian, or in any case, according to the chronicles, “having given great freedom to the Christians”, on July 11, 978 he entered into Kiev, having become the “sole ruler” of the Kiev realm, “having subdued the surrounding lands, some by peaceful means, and the unsubmissive ones by the sword.” Though Vladimir indulged himself in a wild, sensuous life, he was far from the libertine that they sometimes portray him as being. He “shepherded his land with truth, valor and reason”, as a good and diligent master, of necessity he 431 extended and defended its boundaries by force of arms, and in returning from military campaigns, he made for his companions and for all Kiev liberal and merry feasts. But the Lord prepared him for another task. Where sin increases, there, in the words of the Apostle, grace abounds (Rom. 5: 20). “And upon him came visitation of the Most High, and the All-Merciful eye of the Good God gazed upon him, and shone forth the thought in his heart, of understanding the vanity of idolous delusion, and of appealing to the One God, Creator of all things both visible and invisible.” The matter of accepting Baptism was facilitated through external circumstances. The Byzantine Empire was in upheaval under the blows of the mutinous regiments of Bardas Skliros and Bardas Phocas, each of whom sought to gain the imperial throne. In these difficult circumstances the emperors, the coregent brothers Basil the Bulgar-Slayer and Constantine, turned for help to Vladimir. Events unfolded quickly. In August 987 Bardas Phocas proclaimed himself Emperor and moved against Constantinople, and in autumn of that same year the emissaries of Emperor Basil were at Kiev. “And having exhausted his (Basil’s) wealth, it compelled him to enter into an alliance with the Emperor of the Russians. They were his enemies, but he besought their help,” writes one of the Arab chronicles of events in the 980s. “And the Emperor of the Russians consented to this, and made common cause with him.” As a reward for his military help, Vladimir asked for the hand of the emperor’s sister Anna, which for the Byzantines was an unheard of audacity. Princesses of the imperial lineage did not marry “barbarian” rulers, even if they were Christians. At the same time the Emperor Otto the Great was seeking the hand of Anna for his son, and he was refused. However, in Vladimir’s case Constantinople was obliged to consent. An agreement was concluded, according to which Vladimir had to send the emperors six thousand Varangians, and to accept holy Baptism. Under these conditions he would receive the 432 hand of the imperial daughter Anna. Thus in the strife of human events the will of God directed the entering of Rus into the gracefilled bosom of the Ecumenical Church. Great Prince Vladimir accepted Baptism and sent the military assistance to Byzantium. With the aid of the Russians, the mutineers were destroyed and Bardas Phocas killed. But the Greeks, gladdened by their unexpected deliverance, were in no hurry to fulfill their part of the bargain. Vexed at the Greek duplicity, Prince Vladimir “hastened to collect his forces” and he moved “against Korsun, the Greek city,” the ancient Chersonessos. The “impenetrable” rampart of the Byzantine realm on the Black Sea fell. It was one of the vitally important hubs of the economic and mercantile links of the empire. This blow was so much felt, that its echo resounded throughout all the regions of Byzantium. Vladimir again had the upper hand. His emissaries, the commanders Oleg and Sjbern soon arrived in Constantinople for the imperial daughter. Eight days passed in Anna’s preparation, during which time her brothers consoled her, stressing the significance of the opportunity before her: to enable the enlightening of the Russian realm and its lands, and to make them forever friends of the Byzantine realm. At Taurida St. Vladimir awaited her, and to his titles there was added a new one: Caesar (Tsar). The haughty rulers of Constantinople had to accede also in this, to bestow upon their new brother-in-law the imperial insignia. In certain of the Greek historians, St. Vladimir is termed from these times as a “mighty basileios-king”, he coins money in the Byzantine style and is depicted on it with the symbols of imperial might: in imperial attire, and on his head the imperial crown, and in his right hand the scepter with cross. Together with the empress Anna, there arrived for the Russian See Metropolitan Michael ordained by holy Patriarch Nicholas II Chrysoberges. He came with his retinue and clergy, and many holy relics and other holy things. In ancient Chersonessos, where each stone brings to mind St. Andrew 433 the First-Called, there took place the marriage-crowning of St. Vladimir and Blessed Anna, both reminiscent and likewise affirming the oneness of the Gospel of Christ in Rus and in Byzantium. Korsun, the “empress’s dowry”, was returned to Byzantium. In the spring of 988 the Great Prince and his wife set out through the Crimea, Taman and the Azov lands, which had come into the complexion of his vast realm on the return trip to Kiev. Leading the princely cortege with frequent Services of Thanksgiving and incessant priestly singing they carried crosses, icons and holy relics. It seemed that the Ecumenical Holy Church was moving into the spacious Russian land, and renewed in the font of Baptism, Holy Rus came forth to meet Christ and His Church. Then followed an unforgettable and quite singular event in Russian history: the morning of the Baptism of the Kievans in the waters of the River Dneipr. On the evening before, St. Vladimir declared throughout the city: “If anyone does not go into the river tomorrow, be they rich or poor, beggar or slave, that one shall be my enemy.” The sacred wish of the holy Prince was fulfilled without a murmur: “all our land glorified Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit at the same time.” It is difficult to overestimate the deep spiritual transformation of the Russian people affected by the prayers of St. Vladimir, in every aspect of its life and world-view. In the pure Kievan waters, as in a “bath of regeneration”, there was realized a sacramental transfiguration of the Russian spiritual element, the spiritual birth of the nation, called by God to unforeseen deeds of Christian service to mankind. “Then did the darkness of the idols begin to lift from us, and the dawn of Orthodoxy appears, and the Sun of the Gospel illumined our land.” In memory of this sacred event, the regeneration of Rus by water and the Spirit, the Russian Church established the custom of an annual church procession “to the water” on August 1. Later, the Feast of the Procession of the Honorable Wood of the Life-Creating Cross of the Lord, which Russia celebrated with 434 the Greek Church, was combined with the Feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos (established by St. Andrew Bogoliubsky in the year 1164). In this combination of feasts there is found a precise expression of the Russian theological consciousness, for which both Baptism and the Cross are inseparable. Everywhere throughout Holy Rus, from the ancient cities to the far outposts, St. Vladimir gave orders to destroy the pagan sanctuaries, to flog the idols, and in their place to clear land in the hilly woods for churches, in which altars would be consecrated for the Bloodless Sacrifice. Churches of God grew up along the face of the earth, at high elevated places, and at the bends of the rivers, along the ancient trail “from the Variangians to the Greeks” figuratively as road signs and lamps of national holiness. Concerning the famed church-building activity of St. Vladimir, the Metropolitan of Kiev St. Hilarion (author of the “Word on Law and Grace”) exclaimed: “They demolished the pagan temples, and built up churches, they destroyed the idols and produced holy icons, the demons have fled, and the Cross has sanctified the cities.” From the early centuries of Christianity it was the custom to raise up churches upon the ruins of pagan sanctuaries or upon the blood of the holy martyrs. Following this practice, St. Vladimir built the church of St. Basil the Great upon a hill, where a sanctuary of Perun had been located, and he built the stone church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos (Desyatinnaya) on the place of the martyrdom of the holy Varangian Martyrs (July 12). The magnificent temple was intended to become the cathedral for the Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus, and thus the primal altar of the Russian Church. It was built in five years, and was richly adorned with frescoes, crosses, icons and sacred vessels, brought from Korsun. The day of the consecration of the church of the Most Holy Theotokos, May 12 (in some manuscripts May 11), was ordered by St. Vladimir to be inserted into the Church calendar as an annual celebration. This event was linked with other 435 events celebrated on May 11, and it provided the new Church a twofold sense of continuity. Under this day in the calendar is noted the churchly Founding of Constantinople “dedicated by the holy emperor St. Constantine as the new capital of the Roman Empire, the city of Constantine is dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos (330). On this same day of May 11, the church of Sophia, the Wisdom of God was consecrated at Kiev (in the year 960 under St. Olga). St. Vladimir, having had the cathedral church consecrated to the Most Holy Theotokos, followed the example of St. Constantine in dedicating the capital city of the Russian Land (Kiev) to the Queen of Heaven. Then a tithe or tenth was bestowed on the Church; and since this church had become the center of the All-Russian collection of churchly tithes, they called it the Tithe Church. The most ancient text of the grant, or church rule by holy Prince Vladimir spoke thus: “For I do bestow on this church of the Holy Mother of God a tenth of all my principality, and also throughout all the Russian Land from all the princely jurisdiction a tithe of squirrel-pelts, and from the merchant, a tithe of the week, and from households each year, a tenth of every herd and every livelihood, to the wondrous Mother of God and the wondrous Savior.” The grant also specified “church people” as being free from the jurisdictional power of the prince and his “tiuni” (officials) and placed them under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan. The chronicle has preserved a prayer of St. Vladimir, with which he turned to the Almighty at the consecration of the Dormition Tithe Church: “O Lord God, look down from Heaven and behold, and visit Your vineyard, which Your right hand has planted. And make this new people, whom You have converted in heart and mind to know You, the True God. And look down upon this Your church, which Your unworthy servant has built in the name of the Mother Who gave birth to Thee, the EverVirgin Theotokos. And whoever prays in this church, let his prayer be heard, through the prayers of the All-Pure Mother of God. With the 436 Tithe Church and Bishop Anastasius, certain historians have made a connection with the beginnings of Russian chronicle writing. At it were compiled the Life of St. Olga and the account of the Varangian Martyrs in their original form, and likewise the “Account, How in the Taking of Korsun, Vladimir came to be Baptized.” Here also originated the early Greek redaction of the Lives of the Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb. During the time of St. Vladimir, the Kiev Metropolitan See was occupied successively by the Metropolitan St. Michael (September 30), Metropolitan Theophylactus, who transferred to Kiev from the See of Armenian Sebaste (991-997), Metropolitan Leontius (997-1008), and Metropolitan John I (1008-1037). Through their efforts the first dioceses of the Russian Church were opened: at Novgorod (its first representative was St. Joachim of Korsun (+ 1030), compiler of the Joachimov Chronicle), Vladimir-Volyn (opened May 11, 992), Chernigov, Pereslavl, Belgorod, and Rostov. “And thus throughout all the cities and villages there were set up churches and monasteries, and the clergy increased, and the Orthodox Faith blossomed forth and shone like the sun.” To advance the Faith among the newly enlightened people, learned people and schools were needed to help prepare them. Therefore, St. Vladimir and the holy Metropolitan Michael “commanded fathers and mothers to take their young children and send them to schools to learn reading and writing.” St. Joachim of Korsun set up such a school at Novgorod, and they did the same in other cities. “And there were a multitude of schools of scholars, and of these were there a multitude of philosophers.” With a firm hand St. Vladimir held in check enemies at the frontiers, and he built fortified cities. He was the first in Russian history to set up a “notched boundary,” a line of defensive points against nomadic peoples. “Volodimir began to set up cities along the Desna, along the Vystra, along the Trubezha, along the Sula and along the Stugna. And he settled them with the Novgorodians, the Smolyani, the Chuds and 437 the Vyatichi. He made war against the Pechenegs and defeated them.” But the real reason for his success was the peaceful Christian preaching among the pagans of the steppes. In the Nikol’sk Chronicles under the year 990 was written: “And in that same year there came to Volodimir at Kiev four princes from the Bulgars and they were illumined with Divine Baptism.” In the following year “the Pecheneg prince Kuchug came and accepted the Greek faith, and he was baptized in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and served Vladimir with a pure heart.” Under the influence of the holy prince several apparent foreigners were also baptized. For example, the Norwegian “koenig” (king) Olaf Trueggvason (+ 1000) who lived several years at Kiev, and also the renowned Torvald the Wanderer, founder of a monastery of St. John the Forerunner along the Dneipr near Polotsk, among others. In faraway Iceland the poetskalds called God the “Protector of the Greeks and Russians.” In addition to the Christian preaching, there were the renowned feasts of St. Vladimir. After Liturgy on Sundays and Church Feasts there were put out abundant feasting tables for the Kievans, they rang the bells, choirs sang praise, the “transported infirm” sang bylini-ballads and spiritual verses. On May 12, 996, for example, on the occasion of the consecration of the Tithe Church, the prince “made a bright feast.” He distributed goods “to many of the poor, and destitute and wanderers, and through the churches and the monasteries. To the sick and the needy he delivered through the streets casks and barrels of mead, and bread, and meat, and fish, and cheese, desiring that all might come and eat, glorifying God”. Feasts were likewise celebrated in honor of the victories of Kievan warriors, and the regiments of Vladimir’s retinue: of Dobrynya, Alexander Popovich, Rogda the Bold. In the year 1007 St. Vladimir transferred the relics of St. Olga to the Tithe Church. Four years later, in 1011, his spouse and companion in many of his undertakings, the Blessed Empress Anna, was also buried 438 there. After her death the prince entered into a new marriage with the young daughter of the German Graf Kuno von Enningen, granddaughter of the emperor Otto the Great. The era of St. Vladimir was a crucial period for the formation of Orthodox Rus. The unification of the Slavic lands and the formation of state boundaries under the domain of the Rurikovichi resulted from a strenuous spiritual and political struggle with neighboring tribes and states. The Baptism of Rus by Orthodox Byzantium was a most important step in its self-definition as a state. The chief enemy of Vladimir became Boleslav the Brave, whose plans included the extensive unification of the West Slavic and East Slavic tribes under the aegis of Catholic Poland. This rivalry arose back when Vladimir was still a pagan: “In the year 6489 (981). Volodimir went against the Lakhs and took their cities, Peremyshl, Cherven, and other cities, which be under Rus.” The final years of the tenth century are likewise filled with the wars of Vladimir and Boleslav. After a brief lull (the first decade of the eleventh century), the “great stand-off” entered into a new phase: in the year 1013 a conspiracy against St. Vladimir was discovered at Kiev. Svyatopolk the Accursed, who was married to a daughter of Boleslav, yearned for power. The instigator of the conspiracy was Boleslav’s cleric, the Kolobzheg Catholic bishop Reibern. The conspiracy of Svyatopolk and Reibern was an all-out threat to the historical existence of the Russian state and the Russian Church. St. Vladimir took decisive measures. All the three involved were arrested, and Reibern soon died in prison. St. Vladimir did not take revenge on those that “opposed and hated” him. Under the pretense of feigned repentance, Svyatopolk was set free. A new misfortune erupted in the North, at Novgorod. Yaroslav, not yet “the Wise,” as he was later to be known, in the year 1010 having become ruler of Novgorod, decided to defect from his father the Great Prince of Kiev. He formed his own separate army, moving on Kiev to demand the customary tribute and 439 tithe. The unity of the Russian land, for which St. Vladimir had struggled all his life, was threatened with ruin. In both anger and in sorrow St. Vladimir gave orders to “secure the dams and set the bridges,” and to prepare for a campaign against Novgorod. His powers were on the decline. In the preparations for his final campaign, happily not undertaken, the Baptizer of Rus fell grievously ill and surrendered his soul to the Lord in the village of Spas-Berestov on July 15, 1015. He had ruled the Russian realm for thirty-seven years (978-1015), twenty-eight of these years after his Baptism. Preparing for a new struggle for power and hoping for Polish assistance, and to play for time, Svyatopolk attempted to conceal the death of his father. But patriotically inclined Kievan nobles, by night, secretly removed the body of the deceased sovereign from the Berestov court, where Svyatopolk’s people were guarding it, and they conveyed the body to Kiev. At the Tithe Church the coffin with the relics of St. Vladimir was met by Kievan clergy with Metropolitan John at the head of the procession. The holy relics were placed in a marble crypt, set within the St. Clement chapel of the Dormition church beside the marble crypt of Empress Anna. The name and deeds of the holy Equal of the Apostles St. Vladimir, whom the people called the Splendid Sun, is interwoven with all the successive history of the Russian Church. “Through him we too have come to worship and to know Christ, the True Life,” testified St. Hilarion. His deeds were continued by his sons, and grandsons and descendants, rulers of the Russian land for almost six centuries, from Yaroslav the Wise, who took the first steps towards the independent existence of the Russian Church, down to the last of the Rurikovichi, Tsar Theodore Ioannovich, under whom (in 1589) the Russian Orthodox Church became the fifth independent Patriarchate in the dyptichs of Orthodox Autocephalous Churches. The festal celebration of the holy Equal of the Apostles Vladimir was established under St. Alexander 440 Nevsky, in memory of the intercession of St. Vladimir on May 15, 1240, for his help in gaining the renowned victory by Nevsky over Swedish crusaders. But the first veneration of the holy prince began in Rus rather earlier. The Metropolitan of Kiev St. Hilarion (+ 1053), in his “Word on Law and Grace,” spoken on the day of memory of St. Vladimir at the saint’s crypt in the Tithe church, calls him “an apostolic sovereign”, like St. Constantine, and he compares his apostolic evangelization of the Russian Land to the evangelizations by the holy Apostles. TODAY IS JULY 16 Virginmartyr Saint Julia of Carthage DAY OF CELEBRATION The Virgin Martyr Julia was born in Carthage into a Christian family. While still a girl she was captured by the Persians. They carried her off to Syria and sold her into slavery. Fulfilling the Christian commandments, St. Julia faithfully served her master. She preserved herself in purity, kept the fasts and prayed much to God. No amount of urging by her pagan master could turn her to idolatry. Once the master set off with merchandise for Gaul and took St. Julia with him. Along the way the ship stopped over at the island of Corsica, and the master decided to take part in a pagan festival, but Julia remained on the ship. The Corsicans plied the merchant and his companions with wine, and when they had fallen into a drunken sleep, they took Julia from the ship. St. Julia was not afraid to acknowledge that she was a 441 Christian, and the savage pagans crucified her. An angel of the Lord reported the death of the holy martyr to the monks of a monastery, located on a nearby island. The monks took the body of the saint and buried it in a church in their monastery. In about the year 763 the relics of the holy Martyr Julia were transferred to a women’s monastery in the city of Breschia. TODAY IS JULY 17 Greatmartyr Saint Marina of Antioch in Pisidia DAY OF CELEBRATION The Holy Great Martyr St. Marina was born in Asia Minor, in the city of Antioch of Pisidia (southern Asia Minor), into the family of a pagan priest. In infancy she lost her mother, and her father gave her into the care of a nursemaid, who raised Marina in the Orthodox Faith. Upon learning that his daughter had become a Christian, the father angrily disowned her. During the time of the persecution against Christians under the emperor Diocletian, when she was fifteen years old, St. Marina was arrested and locked up in prison. With firm trust in the will of God and His help, the young prisoner prepared for her impending fate. The governor Olymbrios, charmed with the beautiful girl, tried to persuade her to renounce the Christian Faith and become his wife. But the saint, unswayed, refused his offers. The vexed governor gave the holy martyr over to torture. Having beaten her fiercely, they fastened the saint with nails to a board and tore at her body with 442 tridents. The governor himself, unable to bear the horror of these tortures, hid his face in his hands. But the holy martyr remained unyielding. Thrown for the night into prison, she was granted heavenly aid and healed of her wounds. They stripped her and tied her to a tree, then burned the martyr with fire. Barely alive, the martyr prayed: “Lord, You have granted me to go through fire for Your Name, grant me also to go through the water of holy Baptism.” Hearing the word “water”, the governor gave orders to drown the saint in a large cauldron. The martyr besought the Lord that this manner of execution should become for her holy Baptism. When they plunged her into the water, there suddenly shone a light, and a snow-white dove came down from Heaven, bearing in its beak a golden crown. The fetters put upon St. Marina came apart by themselves. The martyr stood up in the fount of Baptism glorifying the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. St. Marina emerged from the fount completely healed, without any trace of burns. Amazed at this miracle, the people glorified the True God, and many came to believe. This brought the governor into a rage, and he gave orders to kill anyone who might confess the Name of Christ. 15,000 Christians perished there, and the holy Martyr Marina was beheaded. The sufferings of the Great Martyr Marina were described by an eyewitness of the event, named Theotimos. Up until the taking of Constantinople by Western crusaders in the year 1204, the relics of the Great Martyr Marina were in the Panteponteia monastery. According to other sources, they were located in Antioch until the year 908 and from there transferred to Italy. Now they are in Athens, in a church dedicated to the holy Virgin Martyr. Her venerable hand was transferred to Mount Athos, to the Batopedi monastery. 443 TODAY IS JULY 18 Hieromartyr Saint Kozman DAY OF CELEBRATION Over the centuries the monastic complex founded by St. David of Gareji became a spiritual and cultural center for all of Georgia. Many of the faithful flocked there with a desire to serve Christ. Among them was the hieromonk Kozman, who would end his earthly life as a martyr. Few details of the life of Holy Martyr Kozman have been preserved. According to the Georgian catholicos Anton, St. Kozman was a learned and righteous ascetic, well-versed in the canons of the Orthodox Church. St. Kozman composed a set of “Hymns to the GreatMartyr Queen Ketevan” but his work has not been preserved. According to the 19th-century historian Platon Ioseliani, Hieromonk Kozman was taken captive and tortured to death in the year 1630, when the Dagestanis were carrying out a raid on the Davit-Gareji Wilderness. TODAY IS JULY 19 Right-believing Prince Saint Roman of Ryazan DAY OF CELEBRATION 444 The Holy Prince Roman Olegovich of Ryazan was from a line of princes, who during the time of the Tatar (Mongol) Yoke won glory as defenders of the Christian Faith and of their Fatherland. Both his grandfathers perished for the Fatherland in the struggle with Batu. Raised to love the holy faith (the prince lived in tears and prayers) and his homeland, the prince with all his strength concerned himself about his devastated and oppressed subjects. He defended them from the coercion and plundering of the Khan’s “baskaki” (“tax-collectors”). The “baskaki” hated the saint and they slandered him before the Tatar Khan Mengu-Timur. Roman Olegovich was summoned to the Horde, where Khan Mengu-Timur declared that he had to choose one of two things: either a martyr’s death or the Tatar faith. The noble prince said that a Christian cannot change from the true Faith to a false one. For his firmness in the confession of faith he was subjected to cruel torments: they cut out his tongue, gouged out his eyes, cut off his ears and lips, chopped off his hands and feet, tore off the skin from his head and, after beheading him, they impaled him upon a spear. This occurred in the year 1270. The veneration of the royal martyr began immediately with his death. The chronicle says about the saint: “By your suffering, you have gained the Kingdom of Heaven, and a crown from the hand of the Lord, together with your kinsman Michael Vsevolodovich, co-sufferers with Christ for the Orthodox Christian Faith.” Since 1854, there have been church processions and Moliebens at Ryazan on the Feast day of St. Roman. A church was consecrated in honor of the holy Prince Roman at Ryazan in 1861. 445 TODAY IS JULY 20 Righteous Martyr Saint Maria (Skobtsova) DAY OF CELEBRATION Elizaveta Pilenko, the future Mother Maria, was born in 1891 in Riga, Latvia, then part of the Russian Empire, and grew up in the south of Russia on the shore of the Black Sea. Her father was mayor of the town of Anapa, while on her mother's side, she was descended from the last governor of the Bastille, the Parisian prison destroyed during the French Revolution. Her parents were devout Orthodox Christians whose faith helped shape their daughter's values, sensitivities and goals. As a child she once emptied her piggy bank in order to contribute to the painting of an icon that would be part of a new church in Anapa. At seven she asked her mother if she was old enough to become a nun, while a year later she sought permission to become a pilgrim who spends her life walking from shrine to shrine. At the age of 14, her father died, an event that seemed to her meaningless and unjust and led her to embrace atheism. "If there is no justice," she said, "there is no God." She decided God's nonexistence was well known to adults but kept secret from children. For her, childhood was over. When her widowed mother moved the family to St. Petersburg in 1906, she found herself in the country's political and cultural center — also a hotbed of radical ideas and 446 groups — and became part of radical literary circles that gathered around such symbolist poets as Alexander Blok, whom she first met at age 15. Like many of her contemporaries, she was drawn to the left, but was often disappointed at the radicals she encountered. Though regarding themselves as revolutionaries, they seemed to do nothing but talk. "My spirit longed to engage in heroic feats, even to perish, to combat the injustice of the world," she recalled. Yet no one she knew was actually laying down his or her life for others. Should her friends hear of someone dying for the Revolution, she noted, "they will value it, approve or not approve, show understanding on a very high level, and discuss the night away till the sun rises and it's time for fried eggs. But they will not understand at all that to die for the Revolution means to feel a rope around one's neck." In 1910, she married Dimitri Kuzmin-Karaviev, a Bolshevik and part of a community of poets, artists and writers, but she later commented that it was a marriage born "more of pity than of love." In addition to politics and poetry, she and her friends also talked theology, but just as their political ideas had no connection at all to the lives of ordinary people, their theology floated far above the actual Church. There was much they might have learned, she reflected later in life, from "any old beggar woman hard at her Sunday prostrations in church." For many intellectuals, the Church was an idea or a set of abstract values, not a community in which one actually lives. Though still regarding herself an atheist, gradually her earlier attraction to Christ revived and deepened, not yet Christ as God incarnate but Christ as heroic man. In time, she found herself drawn toward the religious faith she had abandoned after her father's death. She prayed and read the Gospel and the lives of saints and concluded that the real need of the people was not for revolutionary theories but for Christ. She wanted "to proclaim the simple word of God," she told Blok in a letter written in 1916. Desiring to study theology, she applied for admission to St. 447 Petersburg's Theological Academy of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery, in those days an entirely male school whose students were preparing for ordination. As surprising as her wanting to study there was the rector's decision that she could be admitted. By 1913, her marriage collapsed. Later that year, her first child, Gaiana, was born. Just as World War I was beginning, she returned with her daughter to southern Russia, where her religious life grew more intense. For a time she secretly wore lead weights sewn into a hidden belt as a way of reminding herself both "that Christ exists" and also to be more aware that minute-by-minute many people were suffering and dying in the war. She realized, however, that the primary Christian asceticism was not self-mortification, but caring response to the needs of other people. In October 1917, she was present in St. Petersburg when Russia's Provisional Government was overthrown by the Bolsheviks. Taking part in the All-Russian Soviet Congress, she heard Lenin's lieutenant, Leon Trotsky, dismiss people from her party with the words, "Your role is played out. Go where you belong, into history's garbage can!" She grew to see how hideously different actual revolution was from the dreams of revolution that had once filled the imagination of so many Russians! In February 1918, she was elected deputy mayor of Anapa. Eventually, she was arrested, jailed, and put on trial for collaboration with the enemy. In court, she rose and spoke in her own defense: "My loyalty was not to any imagined government as such, but to those whose need of justice was greatest, the people. Red or White, my position is the same — I will act for justice and for the relief of suffering. I will try to love my neighbor." It was thanks to Daniel Skobtsov, a former schoolmaster who was now her judge, that she avoided execution. After the trial, she sought him out to thank him. Eventually they married. As the course of the civil war was turning in favor of the Bolsheviks, the Skobtsovs fled to Georgia, where she gave birth to a son, Yura, in 1920. A year later, 448 having relocated to Yugoslavia, she gave birth to Anastasia, Their long journey ended with their arrival in Paris in 1923, where to supplement their income she made dolls and painted silk scarves, often working ten or twelve hours a day. A friend introduced her to the Russian Student Christian Movement, an Orthodox association founded in 1923. She began attending lectures and other activities and felt herself coming back to life spiritually and intellectually. In 1926, she grieved the death of her daughter Anastasia. She emerged from her mourning determined to seek a "new road before me and a new meaning in life, to be a mother for all, for all who need maternal care, assistance, or protection." She devoted herself to social work and theological writing. In 1927 two volumes, “Harvest of the Spirit,” were published, in which she retold the lives of many saints. In 1930, she was appointed traveling secretary of the Russian Student Christian Movement, work which put her into daily contact with impoverished Russian refugees throughout France and neighboring countries. She often lectured, but she was quick to listen to others as they related some terrible grief that had burdened them for years. She took literally Christ's words, that He was always present in the least person. "Man ought to treat the body of his fellow human being with more care than he treats his own," she wrote. "Christian love teaches us to give our fellows material as well as spiritual gifts. We should give them our last shirt and our last piece of bread. Personal almsgiving and the most wide-ranging social work are both equally justified and needed." In time, she began to envision a new type on community, "half monastic and half fraternal," that would connect spiritual life with service to those in need, in the process showing "that a free Church can perform miracles." Father Sergei Bulgakov, her confessor, was a source of support and encouragement, as was her bishop, Metropolitan Evlogy [Georgievsky], who was responsible from 1921 to 1946 for the many thousands of Russian expatriates 449 scattered across Europe. Recognizing her devotion to social work, and knowing of her waning marriage, he suggested to her the possibility of becoming a nun. In time, Daniel came to accept the idea after meeting with Metropolitan Evlogy. In the spring of 1932, in the chapel at Paris' St. Sergius Theological Institute, she was professed as a nun with the name Maria. She made her monastic profession, Metropolitan Evlogy recognized, "in order to give herself unreservedly to social service." Mother Maria called it simply "monasticism in the world." Intent "to share the life of paupers and tramps," she began to look for a house of hospitality and found it at 9 villa de Saxe in Paris, which she leased with financial assistance from Metropolitan Evlogy. She began receiving guests, mainly young Russian women without jobs, giving up her own room to house them while herself sleeping on a narrow iron bedstead in the basement. A room upstairs became a chapel — she painted the iconostasis icons — while the dining room doubled as a hall for lectures and dialogues. In need of larger facilities, a new location was found two years later in an area of Paris where many impoverished Russian refugees had settled. While at the former address she could feed only 25, here she could feed a hundred. Here her guests could regain their breath "until the time comes to stand on their two feet again." Her credo was: "Each person is the very icon of God incarnate in the world." With this recognition came the need "to accept this awesome revelation of God unconditionally, to venerate the image of God" in her brothers and sisters. As her ministry evolved, she rented other buildings, one for families in need, and another for single men. A rural property became a sanatorium. By 1937, she housed several dozen women, serving up to 120 dinners every day. Every morning, she would beg for food or buy cheaply whatever was not donated. Despite a seemingly endless array of challenges, Mother Maria was sustained chiefly by those she served — themselves beaten down, people in despair, cripples, alcoholics, 450 the sick, survivors of many tragedies. But not all responded to trust with trust. Theft was not uncommon. On one occasion a guest stole 25 francs. Everyone guessed who the culprit was, a drug addict, but Mother Maria refused to accuse her. Instead she announced at the dinner table that the money had not been stolen, only misplaced, and she had found it. "You see how dangerous it is to make accusations," she commented. At once the girl who stole the money burst into tears. Mother Maria and her collaborators would not simply open the door when those in need knocked, but would actively seek out the homeless. One place to find them was an all-night café at Les Halles where those with nowhere else to go could sit for the price of a glass of wine. Children also were cared for, and a part-time school was opened at several locations. Turning her attention toward Russian refugees who had been classified insane, Mother Maria began a series of visits to mental hospitals. In each hospital five to ten percent of the Russian patients turned out to be sane and, thanks to her intervention, were released. Language barriers and cultural misunderstandings had kept them in the asylum. In time, she and her associates helped establish clinics for TB sufferers and a variety of other ministries. Another landmark was the foundation in September 1935 of a group named "Orthodox Action" — a name proposed by her friend, philosopher Nicholas Berdyaev. Co-founders included Father Sergei Bulgakov, historian George Fedotov, the scholar Constantine Mochulsky, the publisher Ilya Fondaminsky, and her long-time coworker Fedor Pianov, with Metropolitan Evgoly serving as honorary president. With financial support from supporters across Europe and the United States, a wider range of projects and centers were made possible: hostels, rest homes, schools, camps, hospital work, help to the unemployed, assistance to the elderly, publication of books and pamphlets, etc. In all of these growing ministries, Mother Maria's driving concern was that it should never lose its personal or 451 communal character. In October 1939, Father Dimitri Klepinin, then 35 years old, began to assist Mother Maria as she began the last phase of her life — a series of responses to World War II and Germany's occupation of France. While Mother Maria could have fled Paris when the Germans were advancing, or even sought refuge in America, she would not budge. "If the Germans take Paris, I shall stay here with my old women. Where else could I send them?" She had no illusions about the Nazi threat, which to her represented a "new paganism" bringing in its wake disasters, upheavals, persecutions and wars. With defeat came greater poverty and hunger, and the local authorities in Paris declared her house an official food distribution point, where volunteers sold at cost price whatever food Mother Maria had brought in that morning. Russian refugees were among the particular targets of the occupiers. In June 1941, a thousand were arrested, including several close friends and collaborators of Mother Maria and Father Dimitri, who launched an aid project for prisoners and their dependents. Early in 1942, their registration now underway, Jews began to knock at Mother Maria's door, asking Father Dimitri if he would issue baptismal certificates to them. The answer was always yes. The names of those "baptized" were also duly recorded in his parish register in case there was any cross-checking by the police or Gestapo, as indeed did happen. Father Dimitri was convinced that in such a situation Christ would do the same. When the Nazis issued special identity cards for those of Russian origin living in France, with Jews being specially identified, Mother Maria and Father Dimitri refused to comply, though they were warned that those who failed to register would be regarded as citizens of the USSR — enemy aliens — and be punished accordingly. With the subsequent mass arrest of Jews — 12,884, of whom 6,900 (two-thirds of them children) were brought to the Velodrome d'Hiver sports stadium and held for five days before being sent to Auschwitz — Mother Maria entered the 452 stadium and for three days offered comfort to the children and their parents, distributing what food she could bring in. She even managed to rescue a number of children by enlisting the aid of garbage collectors and smuggling them out in trash bins. Meanwhile, her house was bursting with people, many of them Jews. "It is amazing," Mother Maria remarked, "that the Germans haven't pounced on us yet." Father Dimitri, Mother Maria and their coworkers set up routes of escape to the unoccupied south. It was complex and dangerous work. Forged documents had to be obtained. A local resistance group helped secure provisions for those Mother Maria's community was struggling to feed. On February 8, 1943, while Mother Maria was traveling, Nazi security police entered the house and found a letter in her son Yura's pocket in which Father Dimitri was asked to provide a Jew with a false baptismal document. Yura, now actively a part of his mother's work, was taken to the office of Orthodox Action, soon after followed by his distraught grandmother, Sophia Pilenko. The interrogator ordered her to bring Father Dimitri. Once the priest was there, said the interrogator, they would let Yura go. His grandmother Sophia was allowed to embrace Yura and give him a blessing. It was last time she saw him in this world. The following morning, after celebrating the Divine Liturgy, Father Dimitri set off for the Gestapo office, where he was interrogated for four hours, making no attempt to hide his beliefs. The next day, February 10, Mother Maria was arrested and her quarters were searched. Several others were called for questioning and then held by the Gestapo. She was confined with 34 other woman at the Gestapo headquarters in Paris. Her son Yura, Father Dimitri and their coworker of many years, Feodor Pianov, were held in the same building. Pianov later recalled witnessing Father Dimitri being prod and beaten by an SS officer while Yura stood by, weeping. Father Dimitri "began to console him, saying the Christ withstood greater mockery than this." In April, the prisoners were 453 transferred to Compiegne, where Mother Maria was blessed with a final meeting with Yura, who said his mother "was in a remarkable state of mind and told me ... that I must trust in her ability to bear things and in general not to worry about her. Every day Father Dimitri and I remember her at the proskomidia ... We celebrate the Eucharist and receive Communion each day." Hours after their meeting, Mother Maria was transported to Germany. On December 16, Yura and Father Dimitri were deported to Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany, followed several weeks later by Pianov. In January 1944, Father Dimitri and Yura were sent to another camp, Dora. Within ten days of arrival, Yura contracted furunculosis. On February 6, "dispatched for treatment" — a euphemism for "sentenced to death." Four days later Father Dimitri, lying on a dirt floor, died of pneumonia. His body was disposed of in the Buchenwald crematorium. Meanwhile, Mother Maria — now "Prisoner 19,263" — was sent in a sealed cattle truck to the Ravensbruck camp in Germany, where she endured for two years, an achievement in part explained by her long experience of ascetic life. She was assigned to Block 27 and befriended the many Russian prisoners who were with her. Unable to correspond with friends, little testimony in her own words has come down to us, but prisoners who survived the war remembered her. One of them, Solange Perichon, recalls: "She was never downcast, never. She never complained.... She was full of good cheer, really good cheer. We had roll calls which lasted a great deal of time. We were woken at three in the morning and we had to stand out in the open in the middle of winter until the barracks [population] was counted. She took all this calmly and she would say, 'Well that's that. Yet another day completed. And tomorrow it will be the same all over again.' ... She allowed nothing of secondary importance to impede her contact with people." Anticipating that her own exit point from the camp might be via the crematoria, Mother Maria asked a fellow prisoner 454 whom she hoped would survive to memorize a message to be given at last to Father Sergei Bulgakov, Metropolitan Evlogy and her mother: "My state at present is such that I completely accept suffering in the knowledge that this is how things ought to be for me, and if I am to die, I see this as a blessing from on high." Her work in the camp varied. There was a period when she was part of a team of women dragging a heavy iron roller about the camp's pathways for 12 hours a day. In another period she worked in a knitwear workshop. Her legs began to give way. As her health declined, friends no longer allowed her to give away portions of her own food, as she had done in the past to help keep others alive. With the Red Army approaching from the East, the concentration camp administrators further reduced food rations while greatly increasing the population of each block from 800 to 2,500. In serious decline, Mother Maria accepted a pink card freely issued to any prisoner who wished to be excused from labor because of age or ill health. In January 1945, those who had received such cards were transferred to what was called the Jugendlager — the "youth camp" — where the authorities said each person would have her own bed and abundant food. Mother Maria's transfer was on January 31. Here the food ration was further reduced and the hours spent standing for roll calls increased. Though it was mid-winter, blankets, coats and jackets were confiscated, and then even shoes and stockings. The death rate was at least fifty per day. Next all medical supplies were withdrawn. Those who still persisted in surviving now faced death by shootings and gas, the latter made possible by the construction of a gas chamber in March 1945, in which 150 were executed every day. Amazingly, Mother Maria survived five weeks in the "youth camp" before she was returned to the main camp on March 3. Though emaciated and infested with lice, with her eyes festering, she began to think she might actually live to return to Paris, or even go back to Russia. Such was not to be the 455 case. On March 30, 1945 — Great, Holy and Good Friday that year — Mother Maria was selected for the gas chambers, in which she perished the following day, on Great and Holy Saturday. Accounts are at odds about what happened. According to one, she was one of the many selected for death that day. According to another, she took the place of another prisoner, a Jew, who had been chosen. Although perishing in the gas chamber, she did not perish in the Church's memory. Survivors of the war who had known her would again and again draw attention to the ideas, insights and activities of the unusual nun who had spent so many years coming to the aid of people in desperate straits. Soon after the end of World War II, essays and books about her began to appear in France and Russia. A Russian film, "Mother Maria," was made in 1982. There have been two biographies in English and, little by little, the translation and publication in English of her most notable essays. On January 18, 2004, the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople recognized Mother Maria Skobtsova as a saint, along with her son Yuri; the priest who worked closely with her, Fr. Dimitri Klépinin; and her close friend and collaborator Ilya Fondaminsky. Their glorification took place in Paris' Cathedral of Saint Alexander Nevsky. TODAY IS JULY 21 Saint Salome the Georgian DAY OF CELEBRATION 456 The details of the life of St. Salome the Georgian are preserved in the Synaxarion of Jerusalem’s Holy Cross Monastery it is written: “On this day we commemorate the martyrdom of Salome the Georgian, who at first yielded to the Persian threats and renounced Christ, but later confessed the true Faith. For this she was beheaded and cast into the flames.” In his famous work Pilgrimage, the 18th-century historian and archbishop Timote (Gabashvili) writes that the godless Persians captured the holy martyr Salome and tortured her at Jerusalem’s Holy Cross Monastery for defending the name of Christ. It appears that Salome labored at one of the convents in Jerusalem. It is believed that she was tortured to death after the martyrdom of Luka of Jerusalem, around 1227–1228. TODAY IS JULY 22 Martyr Saint Marcella of Chios DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Markella lived in the village of Volissos, Chios sometime after the middle of the fourteenth century. Her parents were Christians, and among the wealthiest citizens of Volissos. The saint’s mother died when she was young, and so her father, the mayor of the village, saw to her education. She had been trained by her mother to be respectful and devout, and to guard her purity. She avoided associations with other girls who were more outgoing than she was so that she would not come to spiritual harm through such company. Her goal was to 457 attain the Kingdom of Heaven, and to become a bride of Christ. St Markella increased in virtue as she grew older, fasting, praying, and attending church services. She tried to keep the commandments and to lead others to God. She loved and respected her father, and comforted him in his sorrow. She told him she would take care of him in his old age, and would not abandon him. As an adult, St. Markella was loved by everyone for her beauty and for her spiritual gifts. The Enemy of our salvation tried to lure her into sin by placing evil thoughts in her mind. She resisted these temptations, and so the devil turned away from a direct confrontation with the young woman. Instead, he incited her father with an unnatural desire for his daughter. Markella’s father changed in his behavior toward her. He became moody and depressed, forbidding her to go into the garden or to speak with the neighbors. Unable to understand the reason for this change, the saint went to her room and wept. She prayed before an icon of the Mother of God, asking Her to help her father. Soon she fell asleep, only to be awakened by her father’s shouting. The unfortunate man had spent a long time struggling against his lust, but finally he gave in to it. At times he would speak to his daughter roughly, then later he would appear to be gentle. He wanted to be near her, and to stroke her hair. Unaware of her father’s intentions, St. Markella was happy to see him emerge from his melancholy state, thinking that her prayer had been answered. One day, her father openly declared the nature of his feelings for her. Horrified, the saint tried to avoid him as much as she could. Even the neighbors realized that there was something wrong with the man, so they stopped speaking to him. A shepherd was tending his sheep near the beach one morning, and was leading them into the shade of a plane tree to avoid the hot July sun. Just as he was about to lie down, he heard a noise and looked up. He saw a young woman with a torn dress running down the hill. She hid in a nearby bush, ignoring its thorns. The shepherd wondered who 458 was chasing her, and how she had come to this spot. Then he heard the sound of a horse approaching, and recognized the mayor of the village. He asked the shepherd if he had seen his daughter. He said that he had not seen her, but pointed to her hiding place with his finger. The mayor ordered Markella to come out of the bush, but she refused. Therefore, he set fire to the bush in order to force her out. She emerged on the side opposite her father, and ran toward the rocky shore, calling out to the Mother of God for help. Markella continued to run, even though blood was flowing from her face and hands. Feeling a sharp pain in her leg, she saw that she had been shot with an arrow. She paused to pull it out, then took to flight once more. She scrambled over the rocks, staining them with her blood. Hearing her father getting closer, she prayed that the earth would open up and swallow her. The saint sank to her knees, her strength all gone, and then a miracle took place. The rock split open and received her body up to the waist. Her father drew near with wild-eyed joy shouting, “I have caught you. Now where will you go?” Drawing his sword, he began to butcher his helpless daughter, cutting off pieces of her body. Finally, he seized her by the hair and cut off her head, throwing it into the sea. At once the calm sea became stormy, and large waves crashed to the shore near the murderer’s feet. Thinking that the sea was going to drown him because of his crime, he turned and fled. His ultimate fate has not been recorded. In later years, pious Christians built a church on the spot where St. Markella hid in the bush. The spot where she was killed became known as “The Martyrdom of St. Markella,” and the rock that opened to receive her is still there. The rock appears to be a large stone that broke off from a mountain and rolled into the sea. Soil from the mountain covers the spot on the side facing the land. On the side facing the ocean is a small hole, about the size of a finger. A healing water flows from the opening, which cures every illness. The flow of water is not due to the movements of 459 the tide, because when the tide is out, there would be no water. This, however, is not the case. The water is clear, but some of the nearby rocks have been stained with a reddish-yellow color. According to tradition, the lower extremities of St. Markella’s body are concealed in the rock. The most astonishing thing about the rock is not the warmth of the water, nor the discoloration of the other rocks, but what happens when a priest performs the Blessing of Water. A sort of steam rises up from the water near the rock, and the entire area is covered with a mist. The sea returns to normal as soon as the service is over. Many miracles have occurred at the spot, and pilgrims flock there from all over the world. TODAY IS JULY 23 Icon of the Mother of God of Pochaev DAY OF CELEBRATION The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is among the most venerable sacred items of the Orthodox Church. Located at the Dormition Cathedral, Pochaev, Ukraine, the icon is renowned throughout the Slavic world and is venerated by Orthodox Christians throughout the world. Christians of other confessions also come to venerate the wonderworking image of the Most Holy Theotokos, together with the Orthodox. The wonderworking icon has been kept at the Pochaev Lavra, an ancient bastion of Orthodoxy, for about 400 years. The miracles which issued forth from the holy icon are numerous and are 460 testified to in the monastery books with the signatures of the faithful who have been delivered from unclean spirits, liberated from captivity, and sinners brought to their senses. In the year 1721, Pochaev was occupied by Uniates. Even in this difficult time for the Lavra, the monastery chronicle notes 539 miracles from the glorified Orthodox icon. During the time of the Uniate rule in the second half of the eighteenth century, for example, the Uniate nobleman Count Nicholas Pototski became a benefactor of the Pochaev Lavra through the following miraculous circumstance. Having accused his coachman of overturning the carriage with frenzied horses, the count took out a pistol to shoot him. The coachman, turning towards Pochaev Hill, reached his hands upwards and cried out: “Mother of God, manifest in the Pochaev Icon, save me!” Pototski several times tried to shoot the pistol, which had never let him down, but the weapon misfired. The coachman remained alive. Pototski then immediately went to the wonderworking icon and decided to devote himself and all his property to the building-up of the monastery. From his wealth the Dormition cathedral was built, as well as buildings for the brethren. The return of Pochaev into the bosom of Orthodoxy in 1832 was marked by the miraculous healing of the blind maiden Anna Akimchukova, who had come on pilgrimage to the holy things together with her seventy-year-old grandmother from KremenetsPodolsk, 200 versts away. In memory of this event, the Volhynia archbishop and Lavra archimandrite Innocent (1832-1840) established the reading of the Akathist on Saturdays before the wonderworking icon. During the time of Archimandrite Agathangelus, Archbishop of Volhynia (1866-1876), a separate chapel was constructed in the galleries of the Holy Trinity church in memory of the victory over the Tatars, which was dedicated on July 23, 1875. 461 TODAY IS JULY 24 Saint Hilarion of Tvali DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Hilarion of Tvali (Tulashvili) served as abbot of Khakhuli Monastery in southwestern Georgia at the beginning of the 11th century. He was a teacher, and young men would flock to him so they could learn spiritual attributes of living. Saint Hilarion was also reverenced for the prayers of healing God performed through him. Saint Hilarion would place his hands in the head of the ill and call upon God for healing. His prayers were always answered. In his work “The Life of George of the Holy Mountain,” George the Lesser writes that Venerable Hilarion was outstanding in virtue and celebrated for his sermons and ascetic labors. St. Hilarion raised the young George of the Holy Mountain to be a brilliant writer, translator, theologian and patriot. From him George also received a blessing to enter the monastic life. According to the chronicle “Life of Kartli,” St. Hilarion was a famous translator and writer and an eminent theologian. Eventually St. Hilarion moved from Khakhuli to Tvali Monastery, not far from Antioch, where he remained for the rest of his life. According to the 19th-century historian-iconographer Hilarion reposed in the year 1041. 462 Michael Sabinin, St. TODAY IS JULY 25 Saint Olympias (Olympiada) the Deaconess of Constantinople DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Olympias the Deaconess was the daughter of the senator Anicius Secundus, and by her mother she was the granddaughter of the noted eparch Eulalios (he is mentioned in the life of St. Nicholas). Before her marriage to Anicius Secundus, Olympias’s mother had been married to the Armenian emperor Arsak and became widowed. When St. Olympias was still very young, her parents betrothed her to a nobleman. The marriage was supposed to take place when St. Olympias reached the age of maturity. The bridegroom soon died, however, and St. Olympias did not wish to enter into another marriage, preferring a life of virginity. After the death of her parents she became the heir to great wealth, which she began to distribute to all the needy: the poor, the orphaned and the widowed. She also gave generously to the churches, monasteries, hospices and shelters for the downtrodden and the homeless. Holy Patriarch Nectarius (381397) appointed St. Olympias as a deaconess. The saint fulfilled her service honorably and without reproach. St. Olympias provided great assistance to hierarchs coming to Constantinople: Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, Onesimus of Pontum, Gregory the Theologian, St. Basil the Great’s brother Peter of Sebaste, Epiphanius of Cyprus, and she attended to them all with great love. She did not regard her 463 wealth as her own but rather God’s, and she distributed not only to good people, but also to their enemies. St. John Chrysostom (November 13) had high regard for St. Olympias, and he showed her good will and spiritual love. When this holy hierarch was unjustly banished, St. Olympias and the other deaconesses were deeply upset. Leaving the church for the last time, St. John Chrysostom called out to St. Olympias and the other deaconesses Pentadia, Proklia and Salbina. He said that the matters incited against him would come to an end, but scarcely more would they see him. He asked them not to abandon the Church, but to continue serving it under his successor. The holy women, shedding tears, fell down before the saint. Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria (385-412), had repeatedly benefited from the generosity of St. Olympias, but turned against her for her devotion to St John Chrysostom. She had also taken in and fed monks, arriving in Constantinople, whom Patriarch Theophilus had banished from the Egyptian desert. He leveled unrighteous accusations against her and attempted to cast doubt on her holy life. After the banishment of St. John Chrysostom, someone set fire to a large church, and after this a large part of the city burned down. All the supporters of St. John Chrysostom came under suspicion of arson, and they were summoned for interrogation. They summoned St. Olympias to trial, rigorously interrogating her. They fined her a large sum of money for the crime of arson, despite her innocence and a lack of evidence against her. After this the saint left Constantinople and set out to Kyzikos (on the Sea of Marmara). But her enemies did not cease their persecution. In the year 405 they sentenced her to prison at Nicomedia, where the saint underwent much grief and deprivation. St. John Chrysostom wrote to her from his exile, consoling her in her sorrow. In the year 409 St. Olympias entered into eternal rest. St. Olympias appeared in a dream to the Bishop of Nicomedia and commanded that her body be placed in a wooden coffin and cast into the sea. “Wherever the waves carry 464 the coffin, there let my body be buried,” said the saint. The coffin was brought by the waves to a place named Brokthoi near Constantinople. The inhabitants, informed of this by God, took the holy relics of St. Olympias and placed them in the church of the holy Apostle Thomas. Afterwards, during an invasion of enemies, the church was burned, but the relics were preserved. Under the Patriarch Sergius (610-638), they were transferred to Constantinople and put in the women’s monastery founded by St. Olympias. Miracles and healings occurred from her relics. TODAY IS JULY 26 Saint Jacob Netsvetov the Enlightener of the Peoples of Alaska DAY OF CELEBRATION Father Jacob (Netsvetov) of Alaska was born of pious parents in 1802 on Atka Island, Alaska. His father, Yegor Vasil’evich Netsvetov was a Russian from Tobolsk. His mother, Maria Alekseevna, was an Aleut from Atka island. Yegor and Maria had four children who survived infancy; Jacob was the first born, followed by Osip (Joseph), Elena, and Antony. Yegor and Maria were devoted to their children and, though of meager means, did all they could to provide them with the education which would help them in this life as well as in the life to come. Osip and Antony were eventually able to study at the St. Petersburg Naval Academy in Russia, becoming a naval officer and a 465 shipbuilder, respectively. Their sister, Elena, married a successful and respected clerk for the Russian-American Company. But Jacob yearned for a different kind of success, a success that the world might consider failure for “the righteous live forever, their reward is with the Lord” (Wis. Sol. 5:15). And so, when the family moved to Irkutsk in 1823, Jacob enrolled in the Irkutsk Theological Seminary and placed all his hope in Christ by seeking first the Kingdom of God (Mt. 6:33). Jacob was tonsured as a Subdeacon on October 1, 1825. He married a Russian woman (perhaps also a Creole) named Anna Simeonovna, and in 1826 graduated from the Seminary with certificates in history and theology. On October 31, 1826, he was ordained to the Holy Diaconate and assigned to serve the altar of the Holy Trinity-St. Peter Church in Irkutsk. Two years later, on March 4, 1828, Archbishop Michael, who had earlier ordained Father John Veniaminov (St. Innocent), elevated the godly deacon Jacob to the Holy Priesthood. This, however, was no ordinary ordination. As if he were a new Patrick, hearing the mystical call of his distant flock, Father Jacob yearned to return to his native Alaska. And the all-good God, who “satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness” (Ps.107:9) heard the prayer of his servant. Archbishop Michael provided Father Jacob with two antimensia: one for the new church which would be dedicated to the glory of God in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Atka, and one to be used for missionary activity. On May 1, 1828 a molieben for travelers was served, and Father Jacob, his father, Yegor, (now tonsured as reader for the Atka Church), and his matushka, Anna, set out for Alaska. Who can tell of the perils and trials associated with such a journey? Travel in those days was never easy, either overland or over the waves of the sea. Nevertheless, aided by prayer and confidence in God’s providence, the Netsvetov family arrived safely in Atka over a year later, on June 15, 1829. The new assignment for the newly-ordained Father Jacob 466 would also prove to be quite a challenge. The Atka “parish” comprised a territory stretching for nearly 2,000 miles and included Amchitka, Attu, Copper, Bering and Kurile Islands. But this did not deter the godly young priest, for when he was clothed in the garments of the Priesthood, he was found to be “clad with zeal as a cloak’ (Is. 59:17), and so he threw himself wholly into his sacred ministry. His deep love for God and for his flock was evident in everything that he did. Both in Atka and in the distant villages and settlements which he visited, Father Jacob offered himself as a “living sacrifice” (Rom 12:1). Having “no worry about his life” (Mt. 6:25), the holy one endured manifold tortures of cold, wet, wind, illness, hunger and exhaustion, for to him life was Christ (Phil 1:21). Showing himself as a “rule of faith,” his example brought his people to a deep commitment to their own salvation. Being fully bilingual and bicultural, Father Jacob was uniquely blessed by God to care for the souls of his fellow Alaskans. When he arrived in Atka, the Church of St. Nicholas had not yet been built. So, with his own hands Father Jacob constructed a large tent (Acts 18:3) in which he conducted the services. For Father Jacob the services of the Church were life: life for his people and life for himself. It was in the worship of God that he found both strength and joy. Later he would transport this tent with him on his missionary journeys, and like Moses in the wilderness, the grace of God was found wherever this tent was taken (Num 4:1; 10:17). When his first six months had ended (end of 1829), Father Jacob recorded that he had baptized 16, chrismated 442, married 53 couples, and buried 8. Once the church was constructed, Father Jacob turned his attention to the building of a school in which the children would learn to read and write both Russian and Unangan Aleut. The Russian American Company provided some of the support initially, with the students providing the remainder. This continued until 1841, when it was reorganized as a parish school and ties with the company ceased. Father Jacob proved 467 to be a talented educator and translator whose students became distinguished Aleut leaders in the next generation. Father Netsvetov led an active physical and intellectual life, hunting and gathering for his own subsistence needs, preparing specimens of fish and marine animals for the natural history museums of Moscow and St. Petersburg, corresponding with St. Innocent (Veniaminov) on matters of linguistics and translations. He labored over the creation of an adequate alphabet for the Unangan-Aleut language, and the translation of the Holy Scriptures and other appropriate literature into that language. St. Innocent praised the young pastor for his holiness of life, his teaching, and for continuing this work of translating which he, himself, had begun earlier among the native peoples. After fifteen years of service, Father Jacob was awarded the Nabedrennik, Kamilavka, and Gold Cross. Later, he would be made Archpriest and receive the Order of St. Anna. These ecclesiastical awards do not tell of the personal sufferings of this warrior for Christ. In March of 1836, his precious wife, Anna, died of cancer; his home burned to the ground in July of 1836; and his dear father, Yegor, died of an undetermined illness in 1837. Who can utter the depth of sorrow felt by this God-pleaser? Yet he lifted up his voice with that ancient sufferer and cried, “shall we indeed accept good from God and shall we not accept adversity? In all this he did not sin with his lips” (Job 2:10). In his journal Father Jacob attributed all to “the Will of Him whose Providence and Will are inscrutable and whose actions toward men are incomprehensible.” He patiently endured hardships and sufferings like the Holy Apostle Paul. He saw in these misfortunes not a Victory by the hater of men’s souls (i.e. the devil) but a call from God to even greater spiritual struggles. With this in mind, Father Jacob petitioned his ruling bishop to return to Irkutsk in order to enter the monastic life. A year later, word reached him that permission was granted contingent upon the arrival of a replacement. None ever 468 came. Instead, Bishop Innocent soon came to Atka and asked Father Jacob to accompany him on a voyage by ship to Kamchatka. Who can know the heavenly discourse enjoyed by these two lovers of Christ as they traveled over the waves? This, however, is clear, the holy archpastor was able to accomplish three things in Father Netsvetov. Firstly, he applied the healing salve of the Spirit with words of comfort; secondly, he dissuaded Father Jacob from entering the monastery; and thirdly, he revealed to the godly priest the true plan of the Savior for his life, that he ‘might preach (Christ) among the Gentiles” (Gal. 1:16) deep in the Alaskan interior. Father Jacob continued to serve his far-flung flock of the Atka parish until December 30, 1844. A new zeal had taken hold of him, and it was then that St. Innocent appointed him to head the new Kvikhpak Mission in order to bring the light of Christ to the people of the Yukon. Here, aided by two young Creole assistants, Innokentii Shayashnikov and Konstantin Lukin, together with his young nephew, Vasilii Netsvetov, Father Jacob “settled’ in the wilderness of Alaska. He learned new languages, embraced new peoples and cultures, devised another alphabet, built another church and Orthodox community, and for the next twenty years, until his health and eyesight failed, continued to be an evangelical beacon of the grace of God in southwestern Alaska. Establishing Ikogmiute his headquarters (today’s ‘Russian in the Mission’) Yup’ik he Eskimo traveled village to of native settlements hundreds of miles up and down Alaska’s longest river (the Yukon) as well as the Kuskokwim River region. At the insistence of Indian leaders, he traveled as far as the middle of the Innoko River baptizing hundreds of Indians from various, and often formerly hostile, tribes. “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Ps 133:1). He built the first Christian temple in this region, and dedicated it to the feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross. Here Father Jacob, in spite of failing health, joyfully celebrated 469 the Church’s cycle of services, including all of the services prescribed for Holy Week and Pascha. Finally, in 1863, the evil One, who “walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (I Pet 5:8), sought one last time to get the better of the righteous one. So the devil, the father of lies, (John 8:44), inspired an assistant of Father Jacob to level spurious and slanderous charges against his master. This resulted in a summons to Sitka, issued by Bishop Peter. The godly pastor was quickly cleared of all charges, but due to his everworsening health, he remained in Sitka for his final year serving a Tlingit chapel. He died on July 26, 1864 at the age of 60 and was buried on the third day at the entry of the chapel. During his final missionary travels in the Kuskokwim/Yukon delta region, he had baptized 1,320 people—distinguishing himself as the evangelizer of the Yup’ik Eskimo and Athabascan Indian peoples. This brief history has recounted the basic chronology of the saint’s life and labors, but we must not neglect to relate his other deeds, that the light be not “hidden under a bushel” (Mt.5:15). In 1841, Father Jacob encountered a group of women from his flock in Amlia who had fallen victim to certain demonic influences and teachings. Blaming himself for the seduction and fall of his spiritual children by the evil one, he informed the leader among them that he was going to pay them a visit. Upon arriving, he found one of the women paralyzed, semi-conscious and unable to speak. He ordered that she be removed to another house apart, and on the next day when this was accomplished, he lit the lampada before the icons of the beautiful corner, vested himself in his priestly epitrachilion (stole), sprinkled holy water throughout the room, and began the first prayers of exorcism. He then left. During the night he was notified that the woman had begun to speak but incoherently. He came immediately to her and performed a second exorcism. This time, she sprang out of her bed and stood next to the saint, joined her prayer to his, 470 and accompanied them with prostrations. When the prayers were finished, Father Jacob again sprinkled her with holy water and gave her the precious cross to kiss. She regained full consciousness, a state of health and true reason— that is, even the false teachings of the evil spirits had no more part in her. Once in November of 1845, Father Jacob was preaching in the village of Kalskag, where the local chief was also the head shaman. He spoke for all of the villagers and resisted the Word of God forcefully. But the saint, calm and full of the Holy Spirit, continued to sow the seeds of right belief and piety. After many hours, the chief fell silent and finally came to believe. The villagers, in solidarity with their leader, also joyously expressed their belief in the Triune God and sought Holy Baptism. Father Jacob was a physician of bodies as well as souls. He often cared for the sick among his flock even to his own detriment. During the winter of 1850-1851 the saint was himself ravaged with illness. Yet he cared for the sick and dispensed medicine to them every day. Father Jacob’s preaching often brought together in the Holy Faith tribes who were traditional enemies. One example from his journal reads: “Beginning in the morning, upon my invitation, all the Kol’chane and Ingalit from the Yukon and the local ones gathered at my place and I preached the word of God, concluding at noon. Everyone listened to the preaching with attention and without discussion or dissent, and in the end they all expressed faith and their wish to accept Holy Baptism, both the Kol’chane and the Ingatit (formerly traditional enemies). “I made a count by families and in groups, and then in the afternoon began the baptismal service. First I baptized 50 Kol’chane and Ingalit men, the latter from the Yukon and Innoko. It was already evening when I completed the service. March 21, 1853.” So it was that this apostolic man, this new Job, conducted himself during his earthly course. There are many other deeds and wonders which he performed, many known and many more known only to God. Few missionaries in history have had to 471 endure the hardships which Father Jacob faced, yet he did so with patience and humility. His life of faith and piety are the legacy which he leaves to us, his spiritual children in America, and indeed to all Christians throughout the world. TODAY IS JULY 27 Greatmartyr and Healer Saint Panteleimon DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Clement, Bishop of Ochrid, Equal of the Apostles, Naum, Sava, The Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon was born in the city of Nicomedia into the family of the illustrious pagan Eustorgius, and he was named Pantoleon. His mother St. Euboula was a Christian. She wanted to raise her son in the Christian Faith, but she died when the future martyr was just a young child. His father sent Pantoleon to a pagan school, after which the young man studied medicine at Nicomedia under the renowned physician Euphrosynus. One day the saint found a dead child on the street. He had been bitten by a great snake, which was still beside the child’s body. Pantoleon began to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ to revive the dead child and to destroy the venomous reptile. He firmly resolved that if his prayer were fulfilled, he would become a follower of Christ and receive Baptism. The child rose up alive, and the snake died before Pantoleon’s eyes. After this miracle, Pantoleon was baptized by St. Hermolaus with the name Panteleimon (meaning “all-merciful”). Speaking with Eustorgius, 472 St. Panteleimon prepared him to accept Christianity. When Pantoleon’s father saw how his son healed a blind man by invoking Jesus Christ, he then believed in Christ and was baptized by St. Hermolaus together with the man whose sight was restored. After the death of his father, St. Panteleimon dedicated his life to the suffering, the sick, the unfortunate and the needy. He treated all those who turned to him without charge, healing them in the name of Jesus Christ. He visited those held captive in prison. These were usually Christians, and he healed them of their wounds. In a short time, reports of the charitable physician spread throughout the city. Forsaking the other doctors, the inhabitants began to turn only to St. Panteleimon. The envious doctors told the emperor that St. Panteleimon was healing Christian prisoners. Maximian urged the saint to refute the charge by offering sacrifice to idols. St. Panteleimon confessed himself a Christian, and suggested that a sick person, for whom the doctors held out no hope, should be brought before the emperor. Then the doctors could invoke their gods, and Panteleimon would pray to his God to heal the man. A man paralyzed for many years was brought in, and pagan priests who knew the art of medicine invoked their gods without success. Then, before the very eyes of the emperor, the saint healed the paralytic by calling on the name of Jesus Christ. The ferocious Maximian executed the healed man, and gave St. Panteleimon over to fierce torture. The Lord appeared to the saint and strengthened him before his sufferings. They suspended the Great Martyr Panteleimon from a tree and scraped him with iron hooks, burned him with fire and then stretched him on the rack, threw him into a cauldron of boiling tar, and cast him into the sea with a stone around his neck. Throughout these tortures the martyr remained unhurt, and denounced the emperor. By order of the emperor they brought the Great Martyr Panteleimon to the circus to be devoured by wild beasts. The animals, however, came up to him 473 and licked his feet. The spectators began to shout, “Great is the God of the Christians!” The enraged Maximian ordered the soldiers to stab with the sword anyone who glorified Christ, and to cut off the head of the Great Martyr Panteleimon. Portions of the holy relics of the Great Martyr Panteleimon were distributed throughout the entire Christian world. His venerable head is now located at the Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon on Mt. Athos. St. Panteleimon is venerated in the Orthodox Church as a mighty saint, and the protector of soldiers. This aspect of his veneration is derived from his first name Pantoleon, which means “a lion in everything”. His second name, Panteleimon, given him at Baptism, which means “all-merciful”, is manifest in the veneration of the martyr as a healer. The connection between these two aspects of the saint is readily apparent in that soldiers, receiving wounds more frequently than others, are more in need of a physicianhealer. Christians waging spiritual warfare also have recourse to this saint, asking him to heal their spiritual wounds. TODAY IS JULY 28 Saint Irene the Righteous of Chrysovalantou DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Irene, who was from Cappadocia, flourished in the ninth century. Because of her great beauty and virtue, she was brought to Constantinople as a prospective bride for the young Emperor Michael (842-867); however, as Saint Joannicius the Great foretold, 474 it was God's will that she assume the monastic habit instead. She shone forth in great ascetical labours, and suffered many attacks from the demons; while yet a novice, she attained to the practice of Saint Arsenius the Great, of praying the whole night long with arms stretched out towards Heaven. God showed forth great signs and wonders in her, and she became the Abbess of the Convent of Chrysovalantou. She was granted the gift of clairvoyance and knew the thoughts of all that came to her. She appeared in a vision to the king and rebuked him for unjustly imprisoning a nobleman who had been falsely accused. Through a sailor from Patmos to whom he had appeared, Saint John the Evangelist sent her fragrant and wondrous apples from Paradise. She reposed at the age of 103, still retaining the youthful beauty of her countenance. After her repose, marvelous healings beyond numbers have been wrought by her to the present day. TODAY IS JULY 29 Saint Eustathius of Mtskheta in Georgia DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Eustathius, a Persian by descent, was a fire-worshipper named Gvirobandak prior to his baptism into the Christian Faith. When he arrived in Georgia and settled in Mtskheta, he was deeply drawn to 475 the morals and traditions of the Georgian people, and he resolved to convert to Christianity. His decision entailed a great risk, as the Persians dominated eastern Georgia, persecuting Christians and forcing all to worship fire, as they did. Catholicos Samoel himself baptized Gvirobandak and called him Eustathius. The new convert soon married a Georgian woman and was fully assimilated into Georgian society and the life of the Church. Once the Persians who were occupying Mtskheta invited Eustathius to a celebration, but he declined, saying, “I am stamped with the seal of Christ and far removed from every darkness!” After the celebration the fireworshippers reported Eustathius to Ustam, the chief of the Mtskheta Fortress. The chief summoned Eustathius and threatened him, saying, “You will not remain a Christian without punishment. If you do not voluntarily turn back from this way of misfortune, severe tortures will await you!” St. Eustathius calmly answered him, saying, “For the sake of Christ I am prepared to endure not only torture but even death itself with rejoicing!” Since he himself did not have the authority to punish Eustathius, Ustam sent the accused to the marzban Arvand Gushnasp. Then the informers appeared again before Ustam and reported that seven more fire-worshippers had converted to Christianity. All eight of them were bound in chains and escorted to Tbilisi. The furious marzban ordered his servants to shave the captives’ heads and beards, bore holes in their noses, hang weights round their necks, fetter their bodies in chains and cast them into prison. Anyone who denied Christ was to be pardoned. Two of the victims, Bakhdiad and Panagushnasp, could not bear the suffering and denied Christ. The marzban freed them, while the six holy men— Gushnaki, Eustathius, Borzo, Perozak, Zarmil and Steven—remained in confinement. Six months later Arvand Gushnasp was summoned to Persia, so Catholicos Samoel, the chieftain Grigol of Mtskheta and the nobleman Arshusha took advantage of the opportunity and requested 476 that he release the imprisoned Persian Christians. Arvand Gushnasp yielded to the request of the Georgian dignitaries, but warned that the Christian converts would soon meet their deaths. Meanwhile, the betrayer Bakhdiad fell ill with epilepsy and died, while Panagushnasp lived on in terrible poverty. Three years later Vezhan Buzmir was appointed the new marzban of Kartli, and the pagan priests again reported on Sts. Eustathius’s and Steven’s conversion. St. Eustathius asked to see his family and said to them: “Farewell, for I am not destined to return home again. I will not betray Christ, and for this they will not forgive me. Imprisonment and beheading await me in Tbilisi. My remains will be brought here according to God’s will.” Eustathius and Steven were escorted to the new marzban, and Eustathius declared before him that he would not deny Christ. The enraged marzban ordered that he be cast into prison and that his head be chopped off that night and his body thrown behind the fortress wall, to be torn to pieces by the birds. As directed, the marzban’s servants beheaded the saint and cast his body into the abyss behind the fortress wall. But a group of faithful Christians located St. Eustathius’s body and carried it in secret to Mtskheta. Catholicos Samoel met the holy relics when they arrived, and with great honor they were buried in Svetitskhoveli Cathedral under the altar table. INSIDE AN ORTHORDOX CHURCH 477 TODAY IS JULY 30 Blessed Saint Angelina Brancovich the Princess of Serbia DAY OF CELEBRATION Saints Angelina and Stephen were the parents of St. John of Serbia. The life of the Serbian ruler Stephen Brankovich and his family was filled with instability and misfortune. After Serbia was seized in 1457 by the Turks, the then Serbian ruler’s middle son, Stephen, distinguished by a meek disposition and fine knowledge of Holy Scripture, went to the capital of Turkey after his sister had been given to Sultan Murat in marriage. Learning that the Turks had burned the Mileshevsk monastery with fanatic cruelty, St. Stephen rose up to defend Serbia from oppression. When he married Angelina, the daughter of the Prince of Albania, the Turks threatened St. Stephen and his family with punishment. With his wife and three children he was forced to hide first in Albania, and then in Italy, where he died. St. Angelina transferred the incorrupt relics of her spouse to Kupinovo. At the end of the fifteenth century, their son St. John, became ruler of Serbia. The incorrupt relics of St. John and his parents were afterwards glorified by many miracles. 478 TODAY IS JULY 31 Saint Arsenius, Bishop of Ninotsminda DAY OF CELEBRATION Arsenius of Ninotsminda was an ascetic who labored in the 11th century. History tells us that he was a brilliant translator, writer, calligrapher, and theologian, and indeed one of the greatest Church figures of his time. St. Arsenius was tonsured a monk in Jerusalem, and after some time he returned to Georgia, where he was consecrated bishop of Ninotsminda. But the venerable Arsenius longed to lead a life of solitude, so he approached King Davit Kuropalates for permission to resign from the bishopric and settle at a monastery. The king honored Arsenius’s request, and the pious man set off for the monastery with John Grdzeslidze, a man of letters and another great figure in the Church. When the news of his decision reached the Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos, Sts. John and Ekvtime invited the fathers to Mt. Athos, and the next year Arsenius and John arrived at the Holy Mountain. There they assisted St. Ekvtime in his translations of the Holy Scriptures and many theological books. St. Arsenius labored fruitfully at the Iveron Monastery for many years and reposed peacefully at an advanced age. He was buried on Mt. Athos at the monastery’s church of St. Simeon the Stylite. St. George of the Holy Mountain later translated his relics to the ossuary of the monastery’s catholicon. 479 480 TODAY IS AUGUST 1 Martyr Saint Solomonia, Mother of Seven Holy Martyrs DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Solomonia was the mother of the seven Maccabee brothers. She encouraged her sons to remain faithful to the Law of God even when threatened with death. This admirable mother is honored and remembered for her great courage, for she watched all seven of her sons die in a single day. May we also be faithful to God’s commandments and the traditions of the Church. TODAY IS AUGUST 2 Saint Nicodemus the Righteous DAY OF CELEBRATION The holy and righteous Nicodemus was a Pharisee who came to hear the Lord by night. After the Crucifixion, he acted as one of the Holy 481 Myrrhbearers. Because of this, he is commemorated on the Sunday of Myrrh-bearing Women, two weeks after Pascha. In the Gospel of John, he appears three times. The first is the aforementioned encounter, where he visits Jesus in the dead of the night (in order to avoid persecution by the Sanhedrin, the Jewish temple leaders, of which he was a member) to listen to his teachings (John 3:1-21). This meeting, a poignant scene in the Gospel, is where Jesus tells Nicodemus that one must be "born again" in order to enter into the Kingdom of God. The second appearance is in John 7:45-51, where he states the law concerning the arrest of Jesus at the Feast of Booths. Finally, his last appearance is after the Crucifixion where he assists the Noble Joseph in recovering Jesus' body and preparing it for burial (John 19:39-42). Not much is known outside of John's Gospel regarding the life of St. Nicodemus after the Resurrection. Church tradition states that he was possibly martyred sometime during the 1st Century. TODAY IS AUGUST 3 Martyr Saint Razhden of Persia the Georgian DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Razhden the Protomartyr was descended from a noble Persian family. When Holy King Vakhtang Gorgasali married the daughter of the Persian king Hormuzd III Balunducht, the queen took Razhden 482 with her to Georgia. In Kartli Razhden converted to the Christian Faith, and King Vakhtang presented him with an estate and appointed him as a military adviser and commander. At that time Georgia was under heavy political pressure from Persia. Enraged at King Vakhtang’s clearly Christian convictions, the Persian king Peroz (Son of Yazgard III, 457-484) attacked Georgia with an enormous army. His accomplishments in this battle earned Razhden his distinction as a brave and virtuous warrior. Before long the furious King Peroz ordered that “a certain Persian aristocrat who had converted to Christianity and survived the battle” be taken captive. The Persians surrounded Razhden, bound his hands and feet, and delivered him to their king. Peroz received him with feigned tenderness, saying, “Greetings, my virtuous Razhden! Peace be to you! Where have you been all this time, and for what reason have you turned from the faith of your father’s to confess a creed in which your father’s did not instruct you?” Razhden fearlessly asserted that Christianity is the only true faith and that Christ is the only true Savior of mankind. King Peroz tried to conceal his anger and cunningly lure Razhden to his side, but his attempt was in vain. Convinced that his efforts were futile, Peroz finally ordered that the saint be beaten without mercy. The expert executioners trampled St. Razhden, battered him, knocked out his teeth, dragged him across jagged cliffs, then chained him in heavy irons and cast him into prison. When the news of Razhden’s suffering and captivity spread to Mtskheta, the Georgian nobility came to Peroz and requested that he free the holy man. Peroz consented to their request, but made Razhden vow to return. Razhden arrived in Mtskheta, bid farewell to his family and the beloved king Vakhtang Gorgasali and, despite his loved ones’ admonitions to the contrary, returned to Peroz. The Persian king tried again to return Razhden to the religion of the fire-worshippers. But seeing that he would not be broken, Peroz instead ordered his exile to a military camp at Tsromi in central 483 Georgia. Then he secretly ordered the chief of the Persian camp to turn him away from Christianity and to execute him if he refused. “Your flattery and bribes are insulting to me. With joy I am prepared to endure every suffering for the sake of Christ!” Razhden replied to his appeals. “If he hopes in the Crucified One, then he also is fit to suffer crucifixion!” Such was the Persians’ verdict. They erected a cross, crucified Christ’s humble servant, and prepared to shoot at the pious man with bow and arrow. “Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commit my spirit!” were the last words of St. Razhden. That night a group of Christians stole the Persians’ cross, took the holy martyrs body down from it, and buried his holy relics in secret. A few years later Vakhtang Gorgasali translated St. Razhden’s relics from Tsromi to Nikozi (in central Georgia) and interred them in a cathedral that he had built there not long before. Holy King Vakhtang later erected churches in honor of Georgia’s first martyr in Ujarma and Samgori in eastern Georgia. TODAY IS AUGUST 4 Martyr Saint Eudokia of Persia DAY OF CELEBRATION The Holy Martyr Eudokia was a native of Anatolia, living in the fourth century. The army of the Persian emperor Sapor took her into captivity with 9,000 Christians. Since she knew the Holy Scriptures 484 well, she instructed the prisoners. The saint also preached to the Persian women and converted many of them to Christianity. For this she was subjected to lengthy and fierce tortures and then beheaded. TODAY IS AUGUST 5 Saint John Jacob the Chozebite DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint John the Chozebite, the son of Maxim and Catherine Jacob, was born July 23, 1913 in the Horodistea district of Moldavia. He was named for the holy prophet Elias. In 1914, his father died in the war, and his mother succumbed to a disease, leaving Elias as an orphan. His grandmother Maria raised him until he was eleven. She was a nun, so she was able to educate him in spiritual matters. She died in 1924, so young Elias went to live with other relatives. He had a great love for Christ and His Church, and longed for the monastic life. He entered Neamts Monastery on August 15, 1933 when he was twenty years old. Here his soul was nourished by the beauty of the services, the experienced spiritual instructors, and the silence of the mountains. The young monk loved prayer, vigils, spiritual reading, and solitude, and soon he surpassed many experienced monks in obedience, humility, and patience. Seeing his great love for spiritual books, the igumen made him the monastery’s librarian. Elias gave comfort to 485 many of the brethren by recommending specific books for each one to read. Then he would advise them to read the book carefully, make their confession, and not miss the services if they wanted to find peace. His spiritual efforts attracted the notice of Archimandrite Valerie Moglan, who recommended that Elias be permitted to receive monastic tonsure. He was tonsured on April 8, 1936 and received the name John. From that time, the young monk intensified his spiritual efforts, conquering the temptations of the demons, and progressing on the path of salvation. St. John made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with two other monks in 1936, and they decided to remain there. The monk Damascene fell ill, however, and had to be taken back to Romania by the monk Claudius after eight months. At first, St. John lived in Bethlehem near St. Sava’s Monastery. Romanian monks had lived at St. Sava’s since the sixteenth century, and John struggled there for almost ten years. He was made librarian of the monastery, and he fulfilled this obedience for about seven years. In 1945 St. John longed for the peace and solitude of the desert, and so he went to live as a hermit. He was ordained as a priest in 1947, and became igumen of the Romanian Skete of St. John the Baptist by the Jordan. Pilgrims often came to him for Confession, Communion, and consolation. In his free time he composed religious poems and hymns. After five years, he and his disciple went into the desert of Chozeba near Jericho. Here they lived in asceticism for eight years in the cave where, according to tradition, St. Anna had prayed. St. John Jacob died on August 5, 1960 at the age of forty-seven and was buried in his cave. On August 8, 1980 his relics were found incorrupt and fragrant. They now rest in the St. George the Chozebite Monastery. In 1968 and 1970, St. John’s book “SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT” was published in two volumes, with the blessing of Patriarch Benedict of Jerusalem. St. John Jacob was glorified by the Romanian Orthodox Church in 1992. 486 TODAY IS AUGUST 6 Saint Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney DAY OF CELEBRATION Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney (8 May 1786 – August 1859), commonly known in English as St. John Vianney, was a parish priest who is venerated as a saint and as the patron saint of all priests. He is often referred to as the "Curé d'Ars". He became internationally notable for his priestly and pastoral work in his parish because of the radical spiritual transformation of the community and its surroundings. Vianney came to be known internationally, and people from distant places began traveling to consult him as early as 1827. "By 1855, the number of pilgrims had reached 20,000 a year. During the last ten years of his life, he spent 16 to 18 hours a day in the confessional. Even the bishop forbade him to attend the annual retreats of the diocesan clergy because of the souls awaiting him yonder". He spent at least 11 or 12 hours a day in the confessional during winter, and up to 16 in the summer. Vianney had a great devotion to St. Philomena. Vianney regarded her as his guardian and erected a chapel and shrine in honor of the saint. During May 1843, Vianney fell so ill he thought that his life was coming to its end. He asked St. Philomena to cure him and promised to say 100 Masses at her shrine. Twelve days later, Vianney was cured and he attributed his cure to St. Philomena. Vianney yearned for the contemplative life of a monk, and four times ran away from Ars, the last time in 1853. He was a champion of the poor and a recipient of the coveted French Legion of Honor. Other priest attribute this to his saintly life, mortification, his persevering ministry in the sacrament of confession, and his ardent devotion to 487 the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Philomena. On 4 August 1859, Vianney died at age of 73. The bishop presided over his funeral with 300 priests and more than 6,000 people in attendance. Before he was buried Vianney was fitted with a wax mask. Biographers recorded miracles performed throughout his life, obtaining money for his charities and food for his orphans; he had supernatural knowledge of the past and future, and could heal the sick, especially children. TODAY IS AUGUST 7 Saint Theodora of Sihla DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Theodora, the greatest of Romania’s holy ascetics, was born in the village of Vanatori, Neamts in the first half of the seventeenth century, and was the daughter of Stephen Joldea and his wife. She was married to a man, Ismail, but had no children. Therefore, she and her husband decided to enter the monastic life. Her husband went to the Skete of Poiana Marului, where he was tonsured with the name Eleutherius. He was also ordained to the holy priesthood. Theodora also received the monastic tonsure in the Skete of Poiana Marului. In just a few years, she advanced in obedience, prayer, and asceticism, acquiring the grace of unceasing prayer of the heart. When her skete was destroyed by the Turks, she fled to the Buzau Mountains with her spiritual mother, Schemanun Paisia. They lived for several years in 488 fasting, vigil and prayer, enduring cold, hunger, and demonic temptations. When her spiritual mother fell asleep in the Lord, St. Theodora was led by God to the mountains of Neamts. After venerating the wonderworking Neamts Icon of the Mother of God in the monastery, she was told to seek the advice of Hieromonk Barsanuphius of Sihastria Skete. Seeing her desire for the eremetical life, and recognizing her great virtues, he gave her Holy Communion and assigned Hieromonk Paul as her Father Confessor and spiritual guide. Fr. Barsanuphius advised Theodora to go and live alone in the wilderness for a year. “If, by the grace of Christ, you are able to endure the difficulties and trials of the wilderness, then remain there until you die. If you cannot endure, however, then go to a women’s monastery, and struggle there in humility for the salvation of your soul.” Fr. Paul searched in vain for an abandoned hermitage where St. Theodora might live. Then they met an old hermit living beneath the cliffs of Sihla. This clairvoyant Elder greeted them and said, “Mother Theodora, remain in my cell, for I am moving to another place.” Fr. Paul left Theodora on Mount Sihla, blessing her before he returned to the skete. St. Theodora lived in that cell for thirty years. Strengthened with power from on high, she vanquished all the attacks of the Enemy through patience and humility. She never left the mountain, and never saw another person except for Fr. Paul, who visited her from time to time to bring her the Spotless Mysteries of Christ and the supplies she needed to survive. St. Theodora made such progress in asceticism that she was able to keep vigil all night long with her arms lifted up toward heaven. When the morning sun touched her face, she would eat some herbs and other vegetation to break her fast. She drank rainwater which she collected from a channel cut into the cliff, which is still known as St. Theodora’s Spring. When Turks attacked the villages and monasteries around Neamts, the woods became filled with villagers and monastics. Some nuns found St. Theodora’s cell, 489 and she called out to them, “Remain here in my cell, for I have another place of refuge.” Then she moved into a nearby cave, living there completely alone. An army of Turks discovered the cave, and were about to kill the saint. Lifting up her hands, she cried out, “O Lord, deliver me from the hands of these murderers.” The wall of the cave opened, and she was able to escape into the woods. As St. Theodora grew old, she was forgotten and there was no one to care for her. Placing all her hope in God, she continued her spiritual struggles, and reached great heights of perfection. When she prayed her mind was raised up to heaven, and her body was lifted up off the ground. Like the great saints of earlier times, her face shone with a radiant light, and a flame came forth from her mouth when she prayed. In time her clothes became mere rags, and when her food ran out, she was fed by birds like the Prophet Elias. They brought her crusts of bread from the Sihastria Skete. Seeing the birds come to the skete and then fly away with pieces of bread in their beaks, the igumen sent two monks to follow them. Night fell as they walked toward Sihla, and they lost their way in the woods. They decided to wait for daylight, and began to pray. Suddenly, they saw a bright light stretching up into the sky, and went to investigate. As they approached, they saw a woman shining with light and levitating above the ground as she prayed. St. Theodora said, “Brethren, do not be afraid, for I am a humble handmaiden of Christ. Throw me something to wear, for I am naked.” Then she told them of her life and approaching death. She asked them to go to the skete and ask for Fr. Anthony and the hierodeacon Laurence to come and bring her Communion. They asked her how they could find their way to the skete at night, for they did not know the way. She said that they would be guided to the skete by a light which would go before them. The next day at dawn, Fr. Anthony went to Sihla with the deacon and two other monks. When they found St. Theodora, she was praying by a 490 fir tree in front of her cave. She confessed to the priest, then received the Holy Mysteries of Christ and gave her soul to God. The monks buried her in her cave with great reverence sometime during the first decade of the eighteenth century. News of her death spread quickly, and people came from all over to venerate her tomb. Her holy relics remained incorrupt, and many miracles took place before them. Some kissed the relics, others touched the reliquary, while others washed in her spring. All who entreated St. Theodora’s intercession received healing and consolation. St. Theodora’s former husband, Hieromonk Eleutherius, heard that she had been living at Sihla, and decided to go there. He found her cave shortly after her death and burial. Grieving for his beloved wife, Eleutherius did not return to his monastery, but made a small cell for himself below the cliffs of Sihla. He remained close to her cave, fasting, praying, and serving the Divine Liturgy. He lived there for about ten years before his blessed repose. He was buried in the hermits’ cemetery, and the Skete of St. John the Baptist was built over his grave. St Theodora’s relics were taken to the Kiev Caves Monastery between 1828 and 1834. There she is known as St. Theodora of the Carpathians. 491 TODAY IS AUGUST 8 Saint Euthymius the Elder DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Euthymius was abbot of the Monastery of St. John the Baptist in the Davit-Gareji Wilderness. In the chronicles of the monastery he is commemorated as a “man of many labors.” According to the 19thcentury historian philosopher and Prince John theologian and Bagrationi, an Euthymius outstanding was preacher. a He dedicated his life to improving the monastery and rebuilt the nearby village of Khashmi, which had been utterly razed by Dagestani thieves. In Khashmi he constructed a mill and planted a vineyard with a rare variety of grapes. He adorned the monastery and expanded the estate surrounding the complex. At his instruction, a great number of theological works were translated, and many rare books were recopied. St. Euthymius instructed several of his pupils in philosophy and theology as well. In 1797 the black plague broke out in Tbilisi and residents fled from the city. Like true guardian angels, monastics and hermits abandoned their isolated cells and arrived to minister to the sick and the suffering. As he had in so many other worthy endeavors, St. Euthymius served as the leader and inspiration behind these works of mercy. The pious Euthymius reposed peacefully in the year 1804. 492 TODAY IS AUGUST 9 Holy Martyr Saint Anthony DAY OF CELEBRATION A native of Alexandria, he was brought before the pagan governor and tortured for his faith, but would not renounce Christ. Finally he was burned alive, but from the flames he called out: 'My beloved brethren, do not be enslaved by your bodies, but give thought to your souls, given to you by God and kin to God and to the heavenly powers.' TODAY IS AUGUST 10 Saint Lawrence DAY OF CELEBRATION The holy, glorious and right-victorious Archdeacon and Martyr Saint Lawrence was one of the seven deacons of the Church of Rome. Emperor Valerian issued an edict commanding that all bishops, priests, and deacons should be put to death immediately without trial. This command was immediately carried out. The imperial authorities soon came to St. Lawrence to demand access to the church treasury. In the course of three days after the death of the bishop and his 493 fellow archdeacons, St. Lawrence worked quickly to distribute as much of the ecclesiastical monies to the poor as possible. On the third day, at the head of a small tribunal, he presented himself to the prefect, and when ordered to give up the treasures of the Church, he led them to a room. There he presented the poor, crippled, and maimed, proclaiming, "Behold the jewels of the Church! The Church is truly rich, far richer, than your emperor." On August 10, St. Lawrence was perfected in holy martyrdom, grilled on a gridiron for his faith. Legend says that he was so strong-willed that, instead of giving in and releasing information to the Romans at the point of death, he cried, "I’m done on this side! Turn me over and eat!" TODAY IS AUGUST 11 Saint Niphon the Patriarch of Constantinople of Mount Athos DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Niphon, Patriarch of Constantinople, was a native of Greece, and accepted monasticism at Epidauros. After the death of Elder Anthony, he went to Athos, where he occupied himself by the copying of books. The saint was later chosen Metropolitan of Thessalonica, and still later occupied the Patriarchal throne in Constantinople and was primate of Valachia. Banished under accusation, the saint went to Athos, at first to the Vaptopedi monastery, and then to the 494 monastery of St. John the Forerunner (Dionysiou). He concealed his rank and held the lowest position. By God’s providence, his rank was revealed to the brethren of the monastery. Once, when the saint was returning from the forest where he had gone for firewood, all the brethren went out towards him on the way and solemnly greeted him as Patriarch. But even after this, the saint shared various tasks with the brethren. He died on August 11, 1460 at 90 years of age. TODAY IS AUGUST 12 Martyr Saint Serapion of the St David Gareji Monastery DAY OF CELEBRATION Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries the Dagestanis were continually raiding and pillaging the Davit-Gareji Wilderness. They destroyed churches and monasteries, stole sacred objects, and tortured and killed many of the monks who labored there. A Dagestani army invaded the Davit-Gareji Wilderness in the summer of 1851. They looted the Davit-Gareji Lavra and carried off many of the monastery’s sacred treasures and books. Then they took many of the monks captive and tortured a few of the most pious. First they stabbed Hierodeacon Otar to death, then they beheaded Hieromonk Gerontius. The unbelievers battered Hieromonk Serapion to death with their 495 swords. Monk Herman was stabbed in the stomach, then beheaded Monk Besarion was also beheaded. The eighteen-year-old Simeon tried to flee on foot but was shot at with bows and arrows, then caught and beheaded. Monk Michael, the most outstanding among the brothers in humility and silence, was subjected to the harshest tortures. After their martyrdom the bodies of these holy men were illumined with a divine light. The martyrdom of the holy fathers of the Davit-Gareji Monastery was described in 1853 by Hieromonk Isaac of Gaenati, who witnessed the tragedy. Hieromonk Isaac himself was captured and led away to Dagestan by the merciless bandits. He was later freed through the mediation of Tsar Nicholas I (1825-1855). TODAY IS AUGUST 13 Saint Maximos the Confessor (662) DAY OF CELEBRATION He was from a noble family in Constantinople, and became the private secretary of the Emperor Heraclius and his grandson Constans. But when the Monothelite heresy (that Christ possesses one divine will, rather than a divine and a human will) took hold in the Imperial court, the Saint could not bear to be surrounded by this error and left the court for the Monastery at Chrysopolis, where in time he became the abbot. After moving, Maximus studied several Neo-Platonist writers and became a prominent author. From the monastery he continued to 496 speak and write in defense of Orthodox belief. The Emperor Constans ordered him either to accept Monothelite belief or to cease speaking against it, but St. Maximos would do neither. For this, his tongue was torn out, his right hand was cut off, and he was sent into exile, where he reposed in 662. However, his theology was upheld by the Third Council of Constantinople and he was venerated as a saint soon after his death. His title of Confessor means that he suffered for the Christian faith, but was not directly martyred. His “Life of the Virgin” is thought to be the earliest complete biography of Mary, the mother of Jesus. TODAY IS AUGUST 14 Saint Marcellus the Bishop of Apamea DAY OF CELEBRATION The Hieromartyr Marcellus, Bishop of Apamea, was born of illustrious parents on the island of Cyprus. Having received a fine education, he occupied a high civil office. Everyone marveled at his purity of life, mildness, kindness and eloquence. In the year 375, after his wife had died, he and his sons moved to Syria where he devoted himself to a monastic life. The people of Apamea, having him come to the city on some practical matter, elected him as bishop. From the account of Theodoret of Cyrrhus we learn that St. Marcellus received permission from the emperor St. Theodosius the Great (379-395) to destroy a 497 strongly built temple of Jupiter at Apamea, but the saint didn’t know how to accomplish this. A certain worker promised to help him. He undermined three of the huge columns, propping them up temporarily with olive wood. Then he tried to set them afire, but the wood would not burn. When St. Marcellus learned of this, he performed the Lesser Blessing of Water, and he commanded that this water be faithfully sprinkled around the wood. After this, the wood burned quickly, the columns fell down and the whole pagan temple collapsed in upon itself. When soldiers near Aulona in the Apamea district demolished another pagan temple, the saint, watching from a distance, was seized by pagans and thrown into a fire. The killers were found, and the saint’s sons wanted to take revenge. A local Council forbade them to do this, decreeing that it would be wrong to avenge such a death as the saint had received. Instead, they ought to give thanks to God. TODAY IS AUGUST 15 Saint Macarius the Roman, Abbot DAY OF CELEBRATION St. Macarius was born in Rome, into a wealthy and renowned Italian family. He received a superior education and a brilliant future lay before him. But this is not what concerned him. This was the time of the Reformation, a schism which shook Western Christendom; meanwhile, Rome was drowning in luxury and licentiousness. This situation grieved the youth who could think of nothing but how to 498 save his soul. He sought answers to his tormenting perplexities in the Holy Scriptures and patristic writings. And the Lord indicated to him the way of salvation--through the Eastern Orthodox Church. So, secretly, one night, dressed as a pilgrim, a staff in his hand, the youth left his native land. He gave away his money to the poor and became himself a poor man, leaving behind his family and close ones. His journey to northern Russia, a land altogether foreign to him, was difficult, but at last he reached Novgorod. The newcomer found the city very much to his liking, with its numerous churches and monasteries, the strict life of the monks and the patriarchal way of life. He visited all its holy shrines and eventually came to the shores of the river Svir, where St. Alexander had founded the Holy Trinity Monastery. There he was warmly received. St. Alexander united the newcomer to the Orthodox Church, accepted him into the brotherhood and, finally, tonsured him, giving him the name Macarius. The new monk, however, longed for the eremitic life. He again made a pilgrimage to Novgorod and then secluded himself on a small island on the marshy banks of the river Lezna, an area surrounded by dense forest, located some 45 miles from Novgorod and 53 miles from Petersburg. There he gave himself to ceaseless prayer and monastic labors. Such a life could not have been easy for the native of sunny Italy: the winters there were severe, the summers hot and humid, with clouds of mosquitoes. The hermit nourished himself with forest berries, grasses and roots. Bears came, and he would feed and pet them. Once there was a knock on the door of his cell: some exhausted travelers had lost their way. "If it weren't for your prayers, O man of God, we would never have found your cell and would have perished in the marshes where we were hunting!" "It was not my sinful prayers," replied the saint, "but God's grace that led you here." He gave them to eat of his humble fare and, after a brief Conversation, prayed with them and showed them a safe route out of 499 the marsh. The hunters looked upon the holy hermit as an angel. They were struck by his humility and especially by his patient endurance of the ascetic life. In this way St. Macarius became known. People began coming to him for counsel, for blessing and prayer. He never denied anyone spiritual aid, but his solitude was disturbed, and the glory was burdensome. He went deeper into the forest and, on the banks of the same river, built himself another cell. Here, however, God's will manifest itself clearly. Above his new cell appeared sometimes a fiery pillar, sometimes a fragrant cloud, rising toward heaven. And people again discovered his whereabouts. Many began asking his blessing to settle there with him. "May God's will be done," said the saint. A church was built, dedicated to the Dormition of the Mother of God, and cells for the brethren. Archbishop Macarius of Novgorod ordained the Saint and, about the year 1540, appointed him abbot of the new monastery. St. Macarius was granted the blessed gifts of clairvoyance and wonderworking. After his repose he frequently appeared in visions to sick people, blessed them to drink water from the spring he had dug, and they were healed. Before he died, St. Macarius returned to his first skete and there, on the feast of Dormition, August 15, 1550, he gave his soul to the Lord. The brethren buried him near the Dormition church and built another, dedicated to St. Sabbatius of Solovki. In his testament, St. Macarius enjoined the monks to adhere strictly to the monastic rule, to spread the Gospel and take care for the spiritual enlightenment and the needs of the local people. His testament was fulfilled. St. Macarius' Hermitage was always poor and small in number. Over the years it suffered many misfortunes and by the mid-19th century there remained little but ruins. Local inhabitants, however, piously recalled its holy founder. They continued to take holy water from the spring and, on the days of his commemoration, gathered by the thousand. Finally, in 1894, the hermitage was restored by a missionary abbot, Arsenius, and became 500 a missionary monastery with a strict Athonite typicon. It belonged to those numerous but little-known, small monasteries which had such a great influence on their surrounding populations. TODAY IS AUGUST 16 Saint Joachim of Osogov DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Joachim of Osogov was one of four great hermits of Bulgaria. He inspired hundreds and thousands of people to Christian asceticism by his ascetic efforts. He lived in the eleventh century, known only by a few, in a cave on a mountain of Osogov where a monastery now stands. TODAY IS AUGUST 17 Saint Tbeli Abuseridze DAY OF CELEBRATION 501 The holy Father Saint Tbeli Abuseridze lived and labored in the 13th century. His father John, the archduke of Upper Atchara, perished in a battle with the Turks. After Tbeli’s mother was widowed, she was tonsured a nun and given the name Katherine. Tbeli’s brothers, Abuseri and Bardan, were also well-known figures in their time. St. Tbeli received an education befitting his noble rank and succeeded in fully developing his natural abilities. St. Tbeli left an indelible mark on the history of Georgian culture as a hymnographer, an astronomer, an expert in sacred music, and a scholar of diverse interests. We know from his works that he built a church in honor of St. George in the village of Khikhani (in upper Atchara), and it has been suggested that he composed most of his works, including a chronicle of his own ancestry, in that village. He had seven children whom he brought there, and at the end of his chronicle he left a second testament, commanding that his family’s future generations be brought there as well. St. Tbeli contributed immensely to the life of Gelati Academy. Historians believe it was there that he received the broad education that allowed him to express himself in so many different fields. St. Tbeli’s collection of hymns to St. John the Baptist, St. John the Theologian, and St. John Chrysostom reveals his true piety and talent as a writer of the Church. The profound theological ideas, the symbolic and mystical comprehension of phenomena, the “knowledge of the visible” and “comprehension of the invisible” evident in this work paint St. Tbeli as one equally endowed as both a scholar and a theologian. St. Tbeli was fascinated by the science of chronology, and 502 he compiled a work called “Chronicles: Complete Commentaries and Rules” to address some of the problems related to chronology. Combining a solid understanding of astronomy and history, this work conveys the cosmic meaning of the Julian calendar and Christian eschatology. St. Tbeli’s famous hagiographical work “The New Miracle of Great-martyr George” contains valuable historical information about the Abuseridze family’s efforts to revive Georgian culture during the ancient feudal epoch. While pursuing his literary and scholarly interests, St. Tbeli also labored as a holy and Godfearing pastor (Scholars believe that the saint was a bishop of Tbeti, from which he received his appellation Tbeli). The Georgian Apostolic Church has numbered our Holy Father Tbeli Abuseridze among the saints in recognition of the countless good deeds he performed on behalf of the Church and its people. TODAY IS AUGUST 18 Venerable Saint Christodoulos the Philosopher DAY OF CELEBRATION The great Church figure and philosopher St. Christodoulos was from the village of Sakara in the Imereti region. He possessed an exceptional knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and spoke several languages fluently. To support his prodigious understanding of the Christian Faith, Christodoulos became thoroughly acquainted with 503 other creeds as well. To this purpose, he even memorized the Koran. Once the Persian king Iamame arranged a debate on theological issues between the Muslims and the Christians, and he invited the elder Christodoulos to take part in this event. At first the king himself debated with the elder and suffered an upset. Then a certain pagan astrologer was brought to replace him, and when it became clear that he too was no match for the elder-philosopher, he summoned a renowned scholar to outwit him. In the debates with this scholar, Christodoulos freely cited both the Holy Scriptures and the Koran, and with his brilliant logic and rhetoric he triumphed over his rival. His challengers were disgraced. In his work “Pilgrimage,” the famous 19th-century historian Archbishop Timote (Gabashvili) describes his journey to Mt. Athos and notes that St. Christodoulos had labored with the monks of the Iveron Monastery. Church historians believe that St. Christodoulos labored first in Georgia, then moved to Mt. Athos, and finally to the island of Patmos. TODAY IS AUGUST 19 Saint Theophanes of Dochiariou of Mt. Athos DAY OF CELEBRATION St. Theophanes the New, a native of the city of Ioannina, lived during the sixteenth century. As a young man, he received monastic tonsure on Mount Athos at the Docheiariou monastery. He was later chosen igumen of this monastery because of his lofty virtue. In giving refuge 504 to his own nephew (who had been forcibly converted to Islam) from the Turks who had captured Constantinople, St. Theophanes, with the help of God, freed the youth, hid him in his own monastery and blessed him to enter the monastic life. The brethren, fearing revenge on the part of the Turks, began to grumble against the saint. He, not wanting to be the cause of discord and dissension, humbly withdrew with his nephew from the Docheiariou monastery, quit the Holy Mountain and went to Beroea. There, in the skete monastery of St. John the Forerunner, St. Theophanes built a church in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos. And as monks began to gather, he gave them a cenobitic monastic rule. When the monastery flourished, the saint withdrew to a new place at Naousa, where he made a church in honor of the holy Archangels and founded there also a monastery. To the very end of his days St. Theophanes did not forsake guiding the monks of both monasteries, both regarding him as their common father. In a revelation foreseeing his own end and giving his flock a final farewell, the saint died in extreme old age at the Beroeia monastery. Even during life the Lord had glorified his humble saint: saving people from destruction, he calmed a storm by his prayer, and converted sea water into drinking water. Even after death, the saint has never forsaken people with his grace-filled help. 505 TODAY IS AUGUST 20 Holy Father Saint Horus DAY OF CELEBRATION St. Horus in his youth withdrew into the Thebaid desert [is the region of ancient Egypt containing the thirteen southernmost nomes of Upper Egypt, from Abydos to Aswan. It acquired its name from its proximity to the ancient Egyptian capital of Thebes] and struggled in complete solitude for many years, leading the life of a strict hermit. Having advanced in years, St. Horus was granted to see an angel, who announced that the Lord had destined him for the salvation of the many people who would seek his guidance. After this, the monk began to accept everyone who came to him for advice and help. The Lord granted him a gift of reading the Holy Scriptures, despite the fact that the saint since childhood had not been taught reading and writing. Gradually, a large monastery formed around StHorus, in which the holy Elder was the spiritual guide. The monk never entered the trapeza for food, nor did he eat on the day of partaking of the Holy Mysteries. He often taught the brethren by means of stories about the temptations which might beset a monk living in solitude. But he always told them in such a way that everyone would know that he was speaking of desert-dwellers personally known to him. The saint concealed his own ascetic exploits. Once, when the saint still lived with only one disciple, he brought to the Elder's attention the approach of Holy Pascha. St. Horus immediately stood up at prayer, 506 and raising his hands, he stood thus for three days under the open sky, in unceasing prayer. He then explained to his disciple that for a monk every feast day, and especially Pascha, is celebrated by removing oneself from everything mundane and lifting up one's mind to unity with God. All the thoughts and deeds of his disciples were revealed to St. Horus, and no one dared to lie to him. Having survived well into old age, St. Horus founded several monasteries, comprising altogether as many as 1,000 monastics. He died at age 90 in about the year 390. TODAY IS AUGUST 21 Saint Sarmean, the Catholicos of Kartli, Georgia DAY OF CELEBRATION The chronicles listing the generations of chief shepherds of Georgia reveal that St. Sarmean was leader of the Georgian Apostolic Church from the year 767 (or 760, according to some sources) until the year 774. These were years of Arab-Muslim rule in Georgia. The Arabs persecuted the Christians, oppressed those who served in the Church, and tried in every way to convert the country to Islam. Despite the frightful abuses that the faithful endured and the transformation of the city into a residence for the emir, many Tbilisi churches continued to function. Sarmean was a firm defender of Orthodoxy. Once, however, on Cheese-fare Thursday at Shio-Mgvime Monastery, a group 507 of strangers bearing gifts arrived at the monastery. He served Holy Communion to them without ever inquiring into their faith. Later he learned that they were Jacobites (members of one of the Monophysite churches). His carelessness was revealed to him in a dream that same night. When he awoke the next morning, Catholicos Sarmean summoned the bishops, confessed his mistake, burned the gifts that the Jacobites had given him before their eyes, and departed for an isolated cave, where he wept over his sin with bitter tears. But the All-merciful Lord sent a sign to St. Sarmean to inform him that his transgression had been forgiven. The bishops sent him a message from Mtskheta: “O Great Sovereign Patriarch Sarmean! Rejoice! We, your spiritual children, believers in your holiness, the entire council of bishops, wish to inform you that St. Shio has appeared and told each of the five of us that the Lord has remitted your sin. Make haste and summon us to the monastery, that we may give thanks together to our Holy Father Shio!” Holy Catholicos Sarmean, divinely endowed with humility, faith, love, and the fear of God, led his flock wisely to the end of his days and reposed peacefully in the year 774. TODAY IS AUGUST 22 Martyr Saint Agathonicus of Nicomedia DAY OF CELEBRATION He lived in Nicomedia, where he turned many pagans from their idolatry to faith in Christ. For this he and several companions were seized, beaten, bound by the Turks and taken to Byzantium. On the 508 way, several of Agathonicus' companions died from their harsh treatment. The survivors, including Agathonicus himself, were taken to Selyvria in Thrace, where they were tortured before the Emperor himself, then beheaded. TODAY IS AUGUST 23 Hieromartyr Saiunt Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons DAY OF CELEBRATION He was born in Asia Minor around the year 120, and was a disciple of Saint Polycarp, who was in turn a disciple of St. John the Evangelist. He succeeded the martyred St. Pothinus as Bishop of Lyons in Gaul. He produced many writings contesting not only against paganism but against Gnostic heresies that were then troubling the Church. When Victor, Bishop of Rome, planned to excommunicate the Christians of Asia Minor for celebrating Easter on a different date than the Church of Rome, Irenaeus persuaded him to stay his hand and maintain unity and peace in the Church. (This was before the date of Easter had been set by the Ecumenical Councils). By his efforts Lyons became for centuries a center and bastion of Orthodoxy in the West. 509 TODAY IS AUGUST 24 Saint Serapion, Abbot of the St. John the Baptist Monastery DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Serapion was abbot of the Monastery of St. John the Baptist in the Davit-Gareji Wilderness. He was endowed by God with the ability to work miracles. Once St. Serapion set off for the city, following at a short distance behind several of the monastery’s brothers. While they were traveling, a group of bandits attacked the monks who were walking in front of their abbot and made off with many of the church vessels they were carrying. Terrified, the monks ran back to Serapion and told him what had happened “Great is God!” said Serapion. “I will not permit the unbelievers to steal His sacred things!” With staff in hand, the elder raced ahead alone in pursuit of the robbers. When the robbers turned back they saw a terrible flame issuing forth from the elder’s staff and became greatly afraid. They abandoned the donkey that had been carrying their spoils and took to their heels. Another time Serapion suddenly burst out of his cell and cried to the brothers, “Woe is me! Woe is me! Robbers have attacked the servants on their way to the monastery!” Having made this frightening announcement, he returned to his cell and began to pray. After a few hours the distraught servants arrived at the monastery and reported that bandits had attacked them along the way. The servants said that, 510 when fleeing their attackers, they had abandoned the mules that were hauling the monastery’s property. A short time later the mules arrived at the monastery unaccompanied, bearing their load as before. St. Serapion eventually abandoned his leadership of the monastery. He was tonsured into the great schema and withdrew into seclusion. Soon after, God revealed to him that his death was near, and he asked the brothers to bury him under the church gates, in a grave that he had prepared for himself. He intended for all who entered there to walk over his grave. St. Serapion reposed in the year 1774. TODAY IS AUGUST 25 Saint Barses the Confessor DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Barses and Eulogius, Bishops of Edessa, and Protogenes the Confessor, Bishop of Carrhae, suffered from the Arians in the second half of the fourth century. The emperor Valentius, wishing to propagate the Arian heresy, fiercely persecuted the Orthodox. In the city of Edessa he removed St. Barses, a champion for Orthodoxy, from the bishop’s throne. He sent him for confinement on the island of Arad. The Orthodox population there received the exiled saint with great honor. They banished him farther, to the Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchos, but there also the warm welcome was repeated. Then St. Barses was banished to the very frontier of the imperial realm, to the faraway city of Thenon where, exhausted by his exiles, he died. 511 TODAY IS AUGUST 26 Empress Irene, in monasticism, Saint Xenia DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Irene was the wife of the Byzantine emperor John II Comnenos (1118-1143). She was very pious, and unequaled in her philanthropic works. Instead of spending her money on jewelry, cosmetics, or other worldly vanities, St. Irene used her wealth to care for the poor and the sick. One of her greatest projects was the building of the royal monastery of the Pantocrator in Constantinople, the largest, most beautiful of all the City's monasteries. The Church of Christ has numbered her among the saints because of her piety, philanthropy, as well as for her determination to live her life according to the Gospel, and her patronage of this monastery. Toward the end of her life, St. Irene was tonsured as a nun with the name Xenia. She died in Bithynia in 1124, but she and her husband were buried in the monastery she had founded. TODAY IS AUGUST 27 Saint Phanourius DAY OF CELEBRATION 512 When the island of Rhodes had been conquered by Moslems, the new ruler of the island wished to rebuild the walls of the city, which had been damaged in previous wars. Several ruined buildings were near the fortress, and stone from these buildings was used to repair the walls at the end of the fifteenth century, or the beginning of the sixteenth. While working on the fortress, the Moslems uncovered the ruins of a beautiful church. Several icons, most of them badly damaged, were found on the floor. One icon, of St. Phanourius, looked as if it had been painted that very day. The local bishop, whose name was Nilus, was called to see the icon. It said, “Saint Phanourius.” The saint is depicted as a young soldier holding a cross in his right hand. On the upper part of the cross is a lighted taper. Twelve scenes from his life are shown around the border of the icon. These scenes show him being questioned by an official, being beaten with stones by soldiers, stretched out on the ground while soldiers whip him, then having his sides raked with iron hooks. He is also shown locked up in prison, standing before the official again, being burned with candles, tied to a rack, thrown to the wild animals, and being crushed by a large rock. The remaining scenes depict him standing before idols holding burning coals in his hands, while a demon stands by lamenting his defeat by the saint, and finally, the saint stands in the midst of a fire with his arms raised in prayer. These scenes clearly revealed that the saint was a martyr. Bishop Nilus sent representatives to the Moslem ruler, asking that he be permitted to restore the church. Permission was denied, so the bishop went to Constantinople and there he obtained a decree allowing him to rebuild 513 the church. At that time, there was no Orthodox bishop on the island of Crete. Since Crete was under the control of Venice, there was a Latin bishop. The Venetians refused to allow a successor to be consecrated when an Orthodox bishop died, or for new priests to be ordained, hoping that in time they would be able to convert the Orthodox population to Catholicism. Those seeking ordination were obliged to go to the island of Kythera. It so happened that three young deacons had traveled from Crete to Kythera to be ordained to the holy priesthood. On their way back, they were captured at sea by Moslems who brought them to Rhodes to be sold as slaves. Lamenting their fate, the three new priests wept day and night. While in Rhodes the priests heard of the miracles performed by the holy Great Martyr Phanourius. They began to pray to him with tears, asking to be freed from their captivity. Each of the three had been sold to a different master, and so remained unaware of what the others were doing. By the mercy of God, each of the priests was allowed by his master to pray at the restored church of St. Phanourius. All three arrived at the same time and prostrated themselves before the icon of the saint, asking to be delivered from the hands of the Hagarenes (Moslems, descendents of Hagar). Somewhat consoled, the priests left the church and returned to their masters. That night St. Phanourius appeared to the three masters and ordered them to set the priests free so that they could serve the Church, or he would punish them. The Moslems ignored the saint’s warning, believing the vision to be the result of sorcery. The cruel masters bound the priests with chains and treated them even worse than before. Then St. Phanourius went to the priests and freed them from their shackles, promising that they would be freed the next day. Appearing once more to the Moslems, the holy martyr told them severely, “If you do not release your slaves by tomorrow, you shall witness the power of God!” The next morning, all the inhabitants of the homes where the priests were held awoke to 514 find themselves blind, paralyzed, and in great pain. They considered what they were to do, and so decided to send for the priests. When the three priests arrived, they asked them whether they could heal them. The priests replied, “We will pray to God. May His will be done!” Once more St. Phanourius appeared to the Hagarenes, ordering them to send to the church a document granting the priests their freedom. He told them that if they refused to do this, they would never recover their sight or health. All three masters wrote letters releasing the priests, and sent the documents to the church, where they were placed before the icon of St. Phanourius. Before the messengers returned from the church, all those who had been blind and paralyzed were healed. The priests joyfully returned to Crete, carrying with them a copy of the icon of St. Phanourius. Every year they celebrated the Feast of St. Phanourius with deep gratitude for their miraculous deliverance. The saint’s name sounds similar to the Greek verb “phanerono,” which means “to reveal” or “to disclose.” For this reason, people pray to St. Phanourius to help them find lost objects. When the object is recovered, they bake a sweet bread and share it with the poor, offering prayers for the salvation of saint’s mother. Her name is not known, but according to tradition, she was a sinful woman during her life. St. Phanourius has promised to help those who pray for his mother in this way. 515 TODAY IS AUGUST 28 Venerable Saint Moses the Black of Scete DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Moses Murin the Black lived during the fourth century in Egypt. He was an Ethiopian, and he was black of skin and therefore called “Murin” (meaning “like an Ethiopian”). In his youth he was the slave of an important man, but after he committed a murder, his master banished him, and he joined a band of robbers. Because of his bad character and great physical strength they chose him as their leader. Moses and his band of brigands did many evil deeds, both murders and robberies. People were afraid at the mere mention of his name. Moses the brigand spent several years leading a sinful life, but through the great mercy of God he repented, left his band of robbers and went to one of the desert monasteries. Here he wept for a long time, begging to be admitted as one of the brethren. The monks were not convinced of the sincerity of his repentance, but the former robber would not be driven away nor silenced. He continued to ask that they accept him. St. Moses was completely obedient to the igumen and the brethren, and he poured forth many tears of sorrow for his sinful life. After a certain while St. Moses withdrew to a solitary cell, where he spent the time in prayer and the strictest fasting in a very austere lifestyle. Once, four of the robbers of his former band descended upon the cell of St Moses. He had lost none of his great physical strength, so he tied them all up. Throwing them over his shoulder, he brought them to the monastery, where he asked the Elders what to do with them. The Elders ordered that they be set 516 free. The robbers, learning that they had chanced upon their former ringleader, and that he had dealt kindly with them, followed his example: they repented and became monks. Later, when the rest of the band of robbers heard about the repentance of St. Moses, then they also gave up their thievery and became fervent monks. St. Moses was not quickly freed from the passions. He went often to the igumen, Abba Isidore, seeking advice on how to be delivered from the passions of profligacy. Being experienced in the spiritual struggle, the Elder taught him never to eat too much food, to remain partly hungry while observing the strictest moderation. But the passions did not cease to trouble St. Moses in his dreams. Then Abba Isidore taught him the all-night vigil. The monk stood the whole night at prayer, so he would not fall asleep. From his prolonged struggles St. Moses fell into despondency, and when there arose thoughts about leaving his solitary cell, Abba Isidore instead strengthened the resolve of his disciple. In a vision he showed him many demons in the west, prepared for battle, and in the east a still greater quantity of holy angels, also ready for fighting. Abba Isidore explained to St. Moses that the power of the angels would prevail over the power of the demons, and in the long struggle with the passions it was necessary for him to become completely cleansed of his former sins. St. Moses undertook a new effort. Making the rounds by night of the wilderness cells, he carried water from the well to each brother. He did this especially for the Elders, who lived far from the well and who were not easily able to carry their own water. Once, kneeling over the well, St. Moses felt a powerful blow upon his back and he fell down at the well like one dead, laying there in that position until dawn. Thus did the devils take revenge upon the monk for his victory over them. In the morning the brethren carried him to his cell, and he lay there a whole year crippled. Having recovered, the monk with firm resolve confessed to the igumen, that he would continue to live in asceticism. 517 But the Lord Himself put limits to this struggle of many years: Abba Isidore blessed his disciple and said to him that the passions had already gone from him. The Elder commanded him to receive the Holy Mysteries, and to go to his own cell in peace. From that time, St. Moses received from the Lord power over demons. Accounts about his exploits spread among the monks and even beyond the bounds of the wilderness. The governor of the land wanted to see the saint. When he heard of this, St. Moses decided to hide from any visitors, and he departed his own cell. Along the way he met servants of the governor, who asked him how to get to the cell of the desert-dweller Moses. The monk answered them: “Go no farther to see this false and unworthy monk.” The servants returned to the monastery where the governor was waiting, and they told him the words of the Elder they had chanced to meet. The brethren, hearing a description of the Elder’s appearance, told them that they had encountered St. Moses himself. After many years of monastic exploits, St. Moses was ordained a deacon. The bishop clothed him in white vestments and said, “Now Abba Moses is entirely white!” The saint replied, “Only outwardly, for God knows that I am still dark within.” Through humility, the saint believed himself unworthy of the office of deacon. Once, the bishop decided to test him and he bade the clergy to drive him out of the altar, reviling him as an unworthy Ethiopian. In all humility, the monk accepted the abuse. Having put him to the test, the bishop then ordained St. Moses to be presbyter. St. Moses labored for fifteen years in this rank, and gathered around himself 75 disciples. When the saint reached age 75, he warned his monks that soon brigands would descend upon the skete and murder all that were there. The saint blessed his monks to leave, in order to avoid violent death. His disciples began to beseech the monk to leave with them, but he replied: “For many years already I have awaited the time when there the words which my Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, should be fulfilled: 518 “All who take up the sword, shall perish by the sword” (Mt. 26: 52). After this, seven of the brethren remained with the monk, and one of them hid nearby during the attack of the robbers. The robbers killed St. Moses and the six monks who remained with him. Their death occurred in about the year 400. TODAY IS AUGUST 29 Our Holy Mother Saint Theodora of Salonica DAY OF CELEBRATION A wealthy and devout woman, she lived on the island of Aegina, but, when the Arabs over-ran the island, she moved to Salonica. There, she gave her only daughter to a monastery, where she received the monastic name Theopista. Her husband Theodorinus died very soon thereafter, and then Theodora became a nun. She was a great ascetic. She often heard angelic singing, and would say to her sisters: 'Don't you hear how wonderfully the angels are singing in heavenly light?' She entered into rest in 879, and a healing myrrh flowed from her body, which gave healing to many. 519 TODAY IS AUGUST 30 Saint Alexander DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Alexander was sent to the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea as the delegate of Saint Metrophanes, Bishop of Constantinople, to whose throne he succeeded in the year 325. When Arius had deceitfully professed allegiance to the Council of Nicaea, Saint Alexander, knowing his guile, refused to receive him into communion; Arius' powerful partisans threatened that they would use force to bring Arius into the communion of the Church the following day. Saint Alexander prayed fervently all night that God might spare the Church and as Arius was in a privy place relieving nature, his bowels gushed forth with an effusion of blood, and the arch-heresiarch died the death of Judas. Saint Alexander was Bishop from 325 until 337, when he was succeeded by Saint Paul the Confessor, who died a martyr's death at the hands of the Arians. 520 TODAY IS AUGUST 31 Saint Gennadius, Patriarch of Constantinople DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Gennadius, (in Greek Άγιος Γεννάδιος), was the twenty-first Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. Gennadius is seen to have been a learnt writer and followed the Antiochene school of literal exegesis although little writings has been left about him. He was known for his gentleness and his ascetical way of life. He would not ordain any man who did not know the Psalter by heart. He presided at a local council in which simony in the Church was anathematized. In his own lifetime he worked miracles, and he was told the time of his death in a vision. The famous monastery of Studion was built in his time, with his blessing. Two Egyptian solitaries told John Moschus a story which is also recorded by Theodorus Lector. The church of Saint Eleutherius at Constantinople was served by a reader named Carisius, who led a disorderly life. Gennadius severely reprimanded him in vain. According to the rules of the church, the patriarch had him flogged, which was also ineffectual. The patriarch sent one of his officers to the church of Saint Eleutherus to beg that either the church correct the unworthy reader or he would be taken from the world. Next day Carisius was found dead, to the terror of the whole town. Theodorus also relates how a painter, presuming to depict the Saviour under the form of Jupiter, had his hand withered, but was healed by the prayers of Gennadius. The buying and selling of holy orders was a crying scandal of the age. Measures had been taken against simony by the 521 Council of Chalcedon. It seems not later than 459, Gennadius celebrated a great council of eighty-one bishops, many of whom were from the East and even from Egypt, including those who had been dispossessed of their sees by Timothy Aelurus. The letter of this council against simony is still preserved (J. D. Mansi, VII, 912). An encyclical was issued, adding anathema to the former sentence. He reposed in peace in 471. INSIDE AN ORTHORDOX CHURCH 522 523 TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 1 Saint Meletius the New DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Meletius the New was born in Cappadocia in 1035. Many people regarded him as an imbecile, but God “hath made foolish the wisdom of this world” (I Cor. 1:20), and it has also pleased Him “by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe” (I Cor. 1:21). So the Lord used the saint to draw many souls to Himself. St. Meletius was given the gift of prophecy, and performed many miracles. Motherless women would seek his healing, and his prophecy concerning the child was always true. He built a monastery on Mt. Cytheron in Boeotia in central Greece, which was named for him. After living as a hermit for many years, St. Meletius fell asleep in the Lord on Mt. Cytheron in 1105. At his burial site, many healing of the sick were given to those who petitioned the Saint until his grave markings were destroyed by the godless Nazis. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 2 Saint John the Faster the Patriarch of Constantinople DAY OF CELEBRATION 524 Joannes (surnamed The Faster, Jejunator, sometimes also Cappadox) was born at Constantinople of artisan parents, and worked as a sculptor. In 587 or 588, he summoned the bishops of the East in the name of "the Ecumenical Patriarch" to decide the cause of Gregory, Patriarch of Antioch, who was acquitted and returned to his episcopal see. Pope Pelagius II solemnly annulled the acts of this council. In 593, John was severely blamed by Pope Gregory I for having allowed an Isaurian presbyter named Anastasius, who had been accused of heresy, to be beaten with ropes in the church of Constantinople. Saint John IV the Faster, Patriarch of Constantinople (582-595), is famed in the Orthodox Church as the compiler of a penitential nomokanon (i.e. rule for penances), which has come down to us in several distinct versions, but their foundation is one and the same. These are instructions for priests on how to hear the confession of secret sins, whether sins already committed, or merely sins of intent. Ancient church rules address the manner and duration of public penances, established for obvious and evident sinners. But it was necessary to adapt these rules for the secret confession of undetected things. St. John the Faster issued his penitential nomokanon (or “Canonaria”), so that the confession of secret sins, unknown to the world, already testifies to the good disposition of the sinner and his conscience in being reconciled to God, and so the saint reduced the penances of the ancient Fathers by half or more. On the other hand, he set more exactly the character of the penances: severe fasting, daily performance of a set number of prostrations to the ground, the 525 distribution of alms, etc. The length of penance is determined by the priest. The main purpose of the nomocanon compiled by the holy Patriarch consists in assigning penances, not simply according to the seriousness of the sins, but according to the degree of repentance and the spiritual state of the person who confesses. From the sixteenth century in the Russian Church the nomocanon of St. John the Faster was circulated in another redaction, compiled by the monks and clergy of Mount Athos. In this form it was repeatedly published at the Kievan Caves Lavra (in 1620, 1624, 1629). Saint John IV died on September 2, 595 Constantinople and was entombed in the Church of St. Polyeuctus. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 3 Martyr Saint Aristion the Bishop of Alexandria DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Aristion was the bishop of lesser Alexandria in Cilicia (Asia Minor). He was born in the small town of Aribazo in the eparchy of Apamea, Syria at the beginning of the second century. His parents were pagans, and he spent his early years in an atmosphere of idolatry. We do not know what sort of early education St. Aristion received, nor where he studied, but it did not satisfy his search for the truth. A ten-year-old boy who lived in the same town, the future martyr Anthony, showed him the path which led to the truth. Anthony 526 instructed him in the true Faith, and Aristion increased in piety and zeal for God. It is significant that Anthony, despite the constant fear of persecution, exile and even danger to his own life, was not just a member of the local church, but also preached the Faith to others. It is certain that Aristion prayed for his young friend and remembered his courage and strength, for Anthony’s efforts to bring Aristion to the saving Faith had born fruit and were not in vain. Not only did Anthony give himself to the Church through his martyrdom at the age of twenty, he also gave it another saint and martyr: St. Aristion. Years later, St. Aristion was consecrated bishop for Isso in Cilicia, which is found in lesser Alexandria. He was a good shepherd to his flock, and cared diligently for their souls. One day the ruler of Alexandria had St. Aristion arrested because he was a Christian. Although he was placed on public trial, the holy bishop was calm and showed no fear. His whole demeanor made the Roman eparch realize that it would not easy to deal with this man who stood before him. He tried to turn Aristion from Christ through flattery and promises of reward, but the saint stood firm. Seeing that his words had no effect on the bishop, he threatened him with fierce tortures. He was not influenced by these threats, however. St. Aristion stood before the eparch and his counselors, gazing at them with love and concern for their salvation. Even in his weakness, this captive was stronger than his captors, and he refused to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods. Before a multitude of idolaters, St. Aristion spoke of the Triune God, by Whom all things were created. He also told them about the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, which was accomplished through God’s saving dispensation. He explained that Christ brings salvation to fallen man, thereby giving him another chance to attain the true purpose of his life—theosis. “How poor these soulless statues of the gods are,” the bishop said, “and how helpless the eparch looks in his radiant apparel.” All who heard the saint speak were amazed and asked one 527 another where he got such courage. Aristion invited them to believe in the truth which he was revealing to them. Those who watched understood that this holy man was someone special, and they wanted to hear more about his beliefs. The Roman eparch could not find any way to resist Aristion except through violence, so he sentenced him to death. He commanded his soldiers to prepare a large furnace and then throw him into the flames. The saint went to his martyrdom without resistance, remaining brave and strong until the end. The few Christians who were present tried not to weep. They whispered prayers for him, and were saddened because their father was leaving them. They knew, however, that their archpastor would not cease praying for them, especially now that he was going to Christ. They could hear St. Aristion singing hymns in the fire until his last breath. The eparch did not know what a terrible mistake he had made. He did not realize that death is not the end for men, nor for the truth. Nothing could separate St. Aristion from the Fountain of Life, and so the Lord bestowed upon him an imperishable crown of glory. After the flames died down, his spiritual children approached the furnace and collected as many of his bones as they could. With great reverence they put the holy relics in a secret place, which remains unknown to the present day. A more detailed biography of the saint has been published (in Greek): “THE HOLY HIEROMARTYR ARISTION” by John G. Thalassinos (Athens, 2003). This volume also contains the Service to the saint, which was composed by Hieromonk Athanasius of Simonopetra Monastery on Mt. Athos. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 4 Venerable Saint Simeon the Wonderworker DAY OF CELEBRATION 528 Saint Simeon was raised at Davit-Gareji Monastery. He labored as a simple monk until he reached an advanced age, and was chosen to be abbot. Outstanding in virtue and humility, St. Simeon was endowed by the Lord with the ability to work miracles. During his lifetime, any monk that was sick Saint Simeon would heal except those who were “sick unto death.” He also healed the sick people who lived around the Davit-Gareji Monastery. His fame as a healer grew so great that there were days where he healed the sick lined up in front of the Monastery from sun-up to sun-down. St. Simeon became deathly ill and lay lifeless for more than an hour. Then, by Divine Providence, he arose and distributed all of his possessions to the fathers of the monastery to keep him in remembrance. When St. Serapion heard about this miracle, he hastened to Abbot Simeon, his spiritual father, and, enlightened with prophetic grace, comforted him: “O honorable Father, give me your holy hands that I may kiss them. How I desire for these hands to bury the dust of my worthless body—but now you are departing this world ahead of me. You will go, Father, but without you I will not remain long on this earth; soon I will follow after you!” So the fathers bade him farewell for the last time. St. Simeon settled his affairs at the monastery, and in 1773 he reposed in peace, exactly one week after he had recovered from his deathly illness. 529 TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 5 Martyr Saint Athanasius the Abbot of Brest DAY OF CELEBRATION The Hieromartyr Athansius of Bretsk was Belorussian and was born in about the year 1597 into a pious Christian family named Philippovich. He received a serious upbringing, and he knew the theological and historical literature, as is evidenced in the diary of the saint, which has been preserved. In his youth, St. Athanasius for a while was a teacher in the houses of Polish merchants. In the year 1627, he accepted tonsure under Igumen Joseph at the Vilensk monastery of the Holy Spirit. St. Athanasius was ordained hieromonk in the year 1632, and made head of the Duboisk [Dubovsk] monastery near Pinsk. St. Athanasius, with a special blessing of the Theotokos, reestablished Orthodoxy within the boundaries of the ancient Russian territories that had been seized by the Polish Reche. Between the years 1638-1648 St. Athanasius fulfilled his obedience as igumen of the Bretsk-Simeonov monastery. The monk endured much abuse from the Uniates and illegal persecution from the civil authorities. Three times he endured being locked up in prison. The saint was sent to the authorities at Kiev to appear before a religious tribunal, but he was acquitted, and returned to his own monastery. For ten years St. Athanasius, finding himself among persons maliciously disposed towards him, led a constant struggle for Holy Orthodoxy, his faithfulness to which is evidenced by his sufferings. Attempts to wear 530 down the spiritual endurance of the saint were to no avail. He again went to trial, after which the monk was sentenced to death by execution, for his cursing of the Unia, a local political affiliation. St. Athanasius died as a martyr on the night of September 4-5, 1648. He was buried at the Bretsk-Simeonov monastery. On November 8, 1815, St. Simeon Church at the Bretsk Simeonov monastery burned down together with the relics of St. Athanasius. The remains of the relics were found in the ashes and placed under the altar in the monastery trapeza church. In 1823, they were put in the sarcophagus so that people could prey to St. Athanasius. On September 20, 1893, the relics were taken to the newly built St. Athanasius of Brest Church in Grodno. The next year part of the relics was given to the convent in Leśna Podlaska. When nuns were evacuated to Russia as World War I began, the relics were taken to Siberia and then later to Provemont in France. In the late 1990s, with the blessing of the then Primate of ROCOR, Metr. Vitaly, the relics were brought by Abp. Seraphim (Dulgov) of Brussels and Western Europe (ROCOR) to the Orthodox Diocese of Lublin-Chełm in Poland at the request of Abp. Abel (Poplavsky) of Lublin-Chełm. St. Athanasius is the patron-Saint of Diocese of Lublin-Chełm. On October 27, 1996, an icon of St. Athanasius, with part of his relics, consecrated at the Monastery of the Theotokos in Leśna, was brought to Biała Podlaska and placed in St. Athanasius Orthodox Church. 531 TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 6 Saint Maxim Sandovich DAY OF CELEBRATION Our righteous father Maxim Sandovich (also Maximus) of Gorlice, Protomartyr of the Lemko people, was a Carpatho-Russian hieromartyr who, in practicing his Orthodox faith as priest under the rule of the Unia, as enforced by the Roman Catholic Austrian imperial government, was arrested and then executed for his faith in August 1914. His feast days are celebrated on August 6 (repose) and September 6 (glorification). Maxim Sandovich was born into the family of a prosperous farmer, Timothy Sandovich, and his wife, Christina, in the village of Zdyna, Galicia. His father served as the choir director in the local parish. After finishing four years of study at the local high school in Novy Sanch, Maxim crossed the border into Russia to become a novice at the Pochaev Lavra in Volynia. Subsequently, he attended the Orthodox seminary in Zhitomir. Completing his studies he married a young Orthodox woman, Pelagia, and was ordained as a deacon and then to the priesthood before returning to his home. It was not very long before the Austrian militia discovered his Orthodox pastoral and missionary service as he was denounced by a Ukrainian teacher by the name of Leos, in 1912. Immediately the Austrian gendarmes put Fr. Maxim in chains and sent him to prison in Lvov. There he was held for two years without a trial or inquest while being abused horribly and living in equally bad conditions. Then as World War I was to begin he was released for lack of evidence. Fr. Maxim's 532 stay at his home in the village Hrab was to prove to be short as the first shots of the war heralded a wave of new repressions of the Orthodox Carpatho-Russians. The militia, on August 4, 1914, arrested the whole family of the young priest and dragged them off in shackles to the prison in Gorlice. Fr. Maxim, his father, mother, brother, and wife were forced to travel on foot to the prison while being prodded by the bayonets of the gendarmes. In prison they were placed in separate cells and denied the opportunity to see each other. Then, on Sunday, August 6, while at prayer at the dawn of the new day, Fr. Maxim could hear the noise of a crowd beyond the walls of their prison. The noise was accompanied finally by a loud thud as a mustachioed German captain, named Dietrich, from Linz entered the prison grounds, accompanied by two soldiers and four gendarmes. The captain was known to be a cruel and sadistic person. This group was followed by the prison wardens, some civil servants, officers, and a group of curious women led by Pan Mitshka, the leader of the Gorlice District. As silence fell, the order was given to the warden to bring Fr. Maxim from his cell. With that order two soldiers led the twenty-eight-year-old Orthodox priest from the prison. Fr. Maxim suddenly realized where they were taking him and humbly and with dignity asked, "Be so good as not to hold me. I will go peacefully wherever you wish." Even the taunting of the crowd did not affect his courageous bearing as he walked calmly and with a measured gait to the fateful wall, as befitting a follower of Christ. Captain Dietrich ripped Fr. Maxim's cross from his chest, tossing it on the ground where he trampled it with his feet. As the captain bound Fr. Maxim's hands behind his back and blind folded him, Fr. Maxim exclaimed that it was not necessary as he had no intention of running away. But, the "brave" captain laughed and then marked with white chalk a line on Fr. Maxim's black cassock as a target for the riflemen. In the silence of the moment as the executioners were arranged, Pan Mitshka read 533 the death sentence. With a short command from the captain, the saber was raised and lowered. With that action, shots echoed through the prison. Fr. Maxim's voice could then be heard, first strongly but diminishing as he spoke, "Long live the Russian people." Then, leaning against the wall, "Long live the Holy Orthodox Faith." And, finally and barely audible, "Long live Slavdom." As his powerful frame slid down the wall, a gendarme ended Fr. Maxim's suffering by firing three shots from his pistol into Fr. Maxim's head. Through all this Fr. Maxim's father and mother watched his heroic death in silence and as the final shots echoed through the prison his wife fell senselessly to the ground. Thus died Fr. Maxim Sandovich, a martyr for Orthodox Christianity. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 7 Saint Kassiane DAY OF CELEBRATION Musical composition in all forms – classical, religious, or otherwise – has been a creative expression that seems to have been restricted to men, not because women lack the gift so much as they seem to have avoided this art from. From Mozart to the present day, it is difficult to recall a single classical composer on the distaff side but hidden among the great hymnographers, of all time is the exceptional female creator of church music whose creations have been heard for 534 centuries in Orthodox churches where the members are unaware that a woman wrote the inspirational melody. The exceptional female composer of hymns of the Orthodox Church was a woman named Kassiane. She lived in Constantinople and was a regular attendant at the Royal Court of Emperor Theophilos whose mother, Euphrosene, saw in the brilliant and beautiful Kassiane a likely candidate to become her son’s bride. The field of eligible young women was narrowed down to Kassiane and another lovely girl named Theodora who hailed from Paphlogenia, apparently from a ranking family of the Empire. The final choice was to be made by the young Emperor who elected to have both the girls brought before him so that a final comparison and decision could be made. Since both were extremely attractive, the choice was not an easy one; but the one thing that Theophilos wanted to make certain of was that his bride not exceed him intellect. In a custom that dated back to the Persians, years before the formation of the Byzantine Empire, a golden apple was to be given to the one who was to be made Empress. Looking at Kassiane, the Emperor stated, “From woman came the worst in the world” (meaning Eve and her original sin). Kassiane calmly replied, “From woman also came the best” (referring to the Virgin Mary who bore the Son of God). The issue was settled then and there, and Theodora got the golden apple. The last thing that Kassiane wanted was to be Empress. She did not consider it a rejection, but rather that she had been freed to pursue a higher calling as a bride of the King of Kings in a nunnery. For years she had felt the call to devote herself to the Savior, and she left the palace in a happier state than she would have if the Emperor had handed her the apple. After completing her training Kassiane was given leave to devote whatever time she needed to compose an outpouring of music and lyrics born of deep religious conviction and an abiding love for Jesus Christ. Taken not too seriously at first because of male domination in this field, 535 Kassiane established herself as a hymnographer of the highest caliber. Her hymns were so beautiful that they were brought to the attention of the Church Fathers of the day, all of whom acknowledged her gift and encouraged her to compose hymns lofty enough to suit the occasion, the most famous of which is her familiar hymn sung during Holy Week and which bears her name as the “Hymn of Kassiane.” St. Kassiane’s hymn reads, in part as follows: “the woman who had fallen into many sins recognizes Thy Godhead, O Lord. She takes upon herself the duty of myrrh-bearer and makes ready the myrrh of mourning, against Thy entombment. Woe to me, saith she, for my night is an ecstasy of excess, gloomy and moonless, and full of sinful desire. Receive the sources of my tears, O Thou who dost gather into clouds the waters of the seas…” There follow several stanzas in praise of the Lord whose “mercy is unbounded.” This hymn alone assures her place in the Church. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 8 Saint Athanasius of Thessalonika DAY OF CELEBRATION New Martyr Athanasius of Thessalonika was born to a distinguished and pious Christian family in Thessalonika. After acquiring an unusually good education he spent a few years in Constantinople, then returned to his native city. He spoke both Turkish and Arabic well, and often conversed with Muslims. In 1774, while speaking with an emir, Athanasius pronounced the Muslim confession of faith to 536 illustrate a point. The emir, seeing an opportunity, immediately reported Athanasius to the Islamic judge, claiming that he had converted to Islam. The judge found no merit in the case and would have dismissed Athanasius; but the emir and other officials were insistent, and the judge pressured Athanasius to convert. When Athanasius answered that he knew no truth but that of Christ, he was thrown in prison. When he appeared before the judge several days later, he was still firm in his confession, and was sentenced to death. He was hanged outside the city in 1774, at the age of twenty-five. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 9 Our Holy Father Saint Pimen the Great DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Pimen the Great was born about the year 340 in Egypt. He went to one of the Egyptian monasteries with his two brothers, Anoub and Paisius, and all three received monastic tonsure. The brothers were such strict ascetics that when their mother came to the monastery to see her children, they did not come out to her from their cells. The mother stood there for a long time and wept. Then St. Pimen said to her through the closed door of the cell, "Do you wish to see us now, or in the future life?" St. Pimen promised that if she would endure the sorrow of not seeing her children in this life, then surely she would see them in the next. The mother was humbled and returned home. Fame of St. Pimen's deeds and virtues spread throughout the land. 537 Once, the governor of the district wanted to see him. St. Pimen, shunning fame, thought to himself, "If dignitaries start coming to me and show me respect, then many other people will also start coming to me and disturb my quiet, and I shall be deprived of the grace of humility, which I have acquired only with the help of God." So he refused to see the governor, asking him not to come. For many of the monks, St. Pimen was a spiritual guide and instructor. They wrote down his answers to serve for the edification of others besides themselves. A certain monk asked, "If I see my brother sinning, should I conceal his fault?" The Elder answered, "If we reproach the sins of brothers, then God will reproach our sins. If you see a brother sinning, do not believe your eyes. Know that your own sin is like a beam of wood, but the sin of your brother is like a splinter (Mt. 7:3-5), and then you will not enter into distress or temptation." Another monk said to the saint, "I have sinned grievously and I want to spend three years at repentance. Is that enough time?" The Elder replied, "That is a long time." The monk continued to ask how long the saint wished him to repent. Perhaps only a year? St. Pimen said, "That is a long time." The other brethren asked, "Should he repent for forty days?" The Elder answered, "I think that if a man repents from the depths of his heart and has a firm intention not to return to the sin, then God will accept three days of repentance." When asked how to get rid of persistent evil thoughts, the saint replied, "This is like a man who has fire on his left side, and a vessel full of water on his right side. If he starts burning from the fire, he takes water from the vessel and extinguishes the fire. The fire represents the evil thoughts placed in the heart of man by the Enemy of our salvation, which can enkindle sinful desires within man like a spark in a hut. The water is the force of prayer which impels a man toward God." St. Pimen was strict in his fasting and sometimes would not partake of food for a week or more. He advised others to eat every day, but without eating their fill. Abba 538 Pimen heard of a certain monk who went for a week without eating, but had lost his temper. The saint lamented that the monk was able to fast for an entire week, but was unable to abstain from anger for even a single day. To the question of whether it is better to speak or be silent, the Elder said, "Whoever speaks on account of God, does well, and whoever is silent on account of God, that one also does well." He also said, "If man seems to be silent, but his heart condemns others, then he is always speaking. There may be a man who talks all day long, but he is actually silent, because he says nothing unprofitable." The saint said, "It is useful to observe three things: to fear God, to pray often, and to do good for one's neighbor." "Wickedness never eradicates wickedness. If someone does evil to you, do good to them, and your goodness will conquer their wickedness." Once, after St. Pimen and his disciples arrived at the monastery of Scetis, he learned that the Elder living there was annoyed at his arrival and was also jealous of him, because monks were leaving the Elder to see Abba Pimen. In order to console the hermit, the saint went to him with his brethren, taking food with them as a present. The Elder refused to receive them, however. Then St. Pimen said, "We shall not depart from here until we are permitted to see the holy Elder." He remained standing at the door of the cell in the heat. Seeing St. Pimen's humility and patience, the Elder received him graciously and said, "Not only is what I have heard about you true, but I see that your works are a hundred times greater." He possessed such great humility that he often sighed and said, "I shall be cast down to that place where Satan was cast down!" Once, a monk from another country came to the saint to receive his guidance. He began to speak about sublime matters difficult to grasp. The saint turned away from him and was silent. They explained to the bewildered monk that the saint did not like to speak of lofty matters. Then the monk began to ask him about the struggle with passions of soul. The saint turned to 539 him with a joyful face, "Now you have spoken well, and I will answer." For a long while he provided instruction on how one ought to struggle with the passions and conquer them. St. Pimen died at age 110, about the year 450. Soon after his death, he was acknowledged as a saint pleasing to God. He was called "the Great" as a sign of his great humility, uprightness, ascetic struggles, and self-denying service to God. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 10 Sisters Saint Menodora, Saint Nymphodora, and Saint Metrodora DAY OF CELEBRATION The Holy Virgins Menodora, Nymphodora, and Metrodora (305-311) were sisters from Bithynia (Asia Minor). Distinguished for their piety, they wished to preserve their virginity and avoid worldly associations. They chose a solitary place for themselves in the wilderness and spent their lives in fasting and prayer. Reports of the holy life of the virgins soon spread, since healings of the sick began to occur through their prayers. The Bithynia region was governed at that time by a man named Frontonus, who ordered that the sisters be arrested and brought before him. At first Frontonus tried to persuade them to renounce Christ, promising great honors and rewards. The holy sisters steadfastly confessed their faith before him, rejecting all his suggestions. They told him that they did not value the temporal things 540 of this world, and that they were prepared to die for their Heavenly Bridegroom, for death would be their gateway to eternal life. Flying into a rage, Frontonus took out his wrath on Menodora, the eldest sister. She was stripped of her clothes and beaten by four men, while a guard urged her to offer sacrifice to the gods. She bravely endured the torments and cried out, “Sacrifice? Can't you see that I am offering myself as a sacrifice to my God?” They renewed their torments with even greater severity, with the martyr crying out, “ Lord Jesus Christ, joy of my heart, my hope, receive my soul in peace.” With these words she gave up her soul to God, and went to her Heavenly Bridegroom. Four days later, the two younger sisters, Metrodora and Nymphodora, were brought to the court, and were shown the battered body of Menodora in order to frighten them. The virgins wept over her, but remained steadfast. Thereafter, St. Metrodora was tortured. She died, crying out to her beloved Lord Jesus Christ with her last breath. They then turned to the third sister, Nymphodora with the bodies of her sisters before her. Frontonus hoped that this sight would intimidate the young virgin. Pretending that he was charmed by her youth and beauty, he urged her to worship the pagan gods, promising great rewards and honors. Nymphodora scoffed at his words, and shared the fate of her sisters. She was tortured and beaten to death with iron rods. The bodies of the holy martyrs were to be burnt, but a heavy rain extinguished the blazing fire, and lightning struck down Frontonus and his servants. Christians took the bodies of the holy sisters and reverently buried them at the Warm Springs at Pythias (Bithynia). Part of the relics of the holy martyrs are preserved on Mt. Athos in the Protection Cathedral of the St. Panteleimon Monastery, while the hand of St. Metrodora is on the Holy Mountain in the Pantocrator. 541 Monastery of the TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 11 Saint Euphrosynus the Cook of Alexandria DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Euphrosynus the Cook was from one of the Palestinian monasteries, and his obedience was to work in the kitchen as a cook. Toiling away for the brethren, St. Euphrosynus did not absent himself from thought about God, but rather dwelt in prayer and fasting. He remembered always that obedience is the first duty of a monk, and therefore he was obedient to the elder brethren. The patience of the saint was amazing: they often reproached him, but he made no complaint and endured every unpleasantness. St. Euphrosynus pleased the Lord by his inner virtue which he concealed from people, and the Lord Himself revealed to the monastic brethren the spiritual heights of their unassuming fellow-monk. The Abbot of the monastery prayed and asked the Lord to show him the blessings prepared for the righteous in the age to come. The Abbot saw in a dream what Paradise is like, and he contemplated its inexplicable beauty with fear and with joy. He also saw there a monk of his monastery, the cook Euphrosynus. Amazed at this encounter, the presbyter asked Euphrosynus, how he came to be there. The saint answered that he was in Paradise through the great mercy of God. The Abbot again asked whether Euphrosynus would be able to give him something from the surrounding beauty. St. Euphrosynus suggested to the Abbot to take whatever he wished, and so the Abbot pointed to three luscious apples growing in the garden of Paradise. The monk picked 542 the three apples, wrapped them in a cloth, and gave them to his companion. When he awoke in the early morning, the Abbot thought the vision a dream, but suddenly he noticed next to him the cloth with the fruit of Paradise wrapped in it, and emitting a wondrous fragrance. The Abbot found St. Euphrosynus in church and asked him under oath where he was the night before. The saint answered that he was where the Abbot also was. Then the monk said that the Lord, in fulfilling the prayer of the priest, had shown him Paradise and had bestown the fruit of Paradise through him, “the lowly and unworthy servant of God, Euphrosynus.” The Abbot related everything to the monastery brethren, pointing out the spiritual loftiness of Euphrosynus in pleasing God, and he pointed to the fragrant paradaisical fruit. Deeply affected by what they heard, the monks went to the kitchen, in order to pay respect to St. Euphrosynus, but they did not find him there. Fleeing human glory, the monk had left the monastery. The place where he concealed himself remained unknown, but the monks always remembered that their monastic brother St. Euphrosynus had come upon Paradise, and that they in being saved, through the mercy of God would meet him there. They reverently kept and distributed pieces of the apples from Paradise for blessing and for healing. 543 TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 12 Hieromartyr Saint Dositheus of Tbilisi DAY OF CELEBRATION Thirty-five thousand Persian soldiers marched toward Georgia in the year 1795. The Georgian King Erekle II (1762-1798) and his two thousand soldiers declared war on the invaders as they were approaching Tbilisi. The Georgians won the first skirmish, but many perished in the fighting. The enemy was shaken and was preparing to flee the battleground, when several traitors reported to Aqa Muhammed Khan that King Erekle had lost nearly his entire army. This betrayal decided the fate of the battle: the one hundred fifty soldiers who remained in the Georgian army barely succeeded in saving the life of King Erekle, who had willed to perish on the battlefield with his soldiers. All of Tbilisi was engulfed in flames. The plunderers murdered the people, set fire to the libraries, destroyed the print shop, and vandalized the churches and the king’s palace. They slaughtered the clergy in an especially cruel manner. Unfortunately, history has not preserved the names of all those martyrs who perished in this tragedy, but it is recorded that Metropolitan Dositheus of Tbilisi was killed because he would not abandon his flock. While the invaders simply killed most of the clergymen, from St. Dositheus they demanded a renunciation of the Christian Faith. They commanded him to defile the True and Lifegiving Cross of our Lord. But St. Dositheus endured the greatest 544 torments without yielding to the enemy, and he joyfully accepted death for Christ’s sake. The invaders slaughtered Christ’s devoted servant with their swords. St. Dositheus was martyred on September 12 in the year 1795. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 13 Saint John of Prislop DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint John was a monk of the Prislop Monastery in southwestern Romania at the turn of the sixteenth century. After several years in that place, he went into the mountains to lead a solitary ascetical life, struggling against the assaults of the demons. One day, while St John was making a window in his cell, he was shot and killed by a hunter on the other side of the creek, who mistook him for a wild animal. St. John’s holy relics were later brought to Wallachia (southern Romania). He was glorified by the Orthodox Church of Romania in 1992. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 14 Martyr Saint Macarius of Thessalonica DAY OF CELEBRATION 545 Martyr St. Macarius of Thessalonica (1527) a disciple of Patriarch Niphon at the time that the latter was laboring in the asceticism of silence at Vatopedi, Macarius longed to take the Message of Christ to the Turks. He went and begged St. Niphon's blessing to seek it. The discerning Patriarch, perceiving that this was God's will, blessed him for the mission. Macarius went to Salonica and, in the midst of a crowd of Turks, began to speak of Christ as the one, true God. The Turks seized him and threw him into prison. When he was brought to trial, Macarius cried out to the Turks: 'Oh, that you would come to know the truth and be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!' The Turks beheaded him in 1527. At that moment, Niphon saw this in his spirit at Vatopedi, and told a monk of Macarius's death by martyrdom, saying: 'Know, my child, that your brother Macarius has today died a martyr, and is borne to heaven, triumphing and rejoicing in the Lord. May we be worthy of blessing by his prayers!' TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 15 Saint Philotheus the Presbyter in Asia Minor DAY OF CELEBRATION 546 The Holy Presbyter and Wonderworker Philotheus lived in the tenth century in the village of Mravin (or Myrmix) located in Bythnia in Asia Minor. He was a married priest, and had children. He devoted himself to deeds of prayer and fasting, and works of charity. Because of his holy life, St. Philotheus received from God the gift of working miracles. During his later years, it is recorded that he healed many thousands of people from their sickness including one of his sons. The ascetic continually fed the hungry and helped the needy. St. Philotheus died in peace. Myrrh flowed from his relics after his death. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 16 Saint Ludmilla, the Grandmother of Saint Wenceslaus DAY OF CELEBRATION 547 The Holy Martyr Ludmilla was married to Czech Prince Borivoy, and both were baptized by St. Methodius, Archbishop of Moravia and Enlightener of the Slavs. As Christians, they showed concern for the enlightening of their subjects. With the light of the true Faith, they built churches and invited priests to celebrate the divine services. Prince Borivoy died at the age of 36. As a widow, St. Ludmilla led an austere, pious life and continued to work for the Church during the reign of her son, Bratislav. Prince Bratislav married the Princess Dragomira with whom he had a son, Vyacheslav. After the death of Prince Bratislav, eighteen-year-old Vyacheslav came to the throne. Taking advantage of the inexperience and youth of her son, Dragomira began to introduce pagan manners and customs in the country. St. Ludmilla opposed this, and Dragomira came to hate her mother-in-law. When St. Ludmilla moved to the city of Techin, Dragomira secretly sent two boyars to murder her. While St. Ludmilla was praying, the two assassins entered the house and carried out Dragomira’s orders. The relics of the holy Martyr Ludmilla were buried in Techin in the city wall. Numerous healings occurred at her grave. Later, Prince Vyacheslav transferred the body of St. Ludmilla to the city of Prague and placed it in the church of St. George. INSIDE AN ORTHORDOX CHURCH 548 TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 17 Saint Babylas DAY OF CELEBRATION This `great and wonderful man," as St. John Chrysostom expresses it, was archbishop in Antioch in the time of the wicked Emperor Numerian. This Numerian made a peace treaty with a barbarian king, who was of better character and a greater lover of peace than himself. As a sign of his sincere desire for a lasting peace, the king gave his little son to be brought up at Numerian"s court. One day, Numerian butchered the boy and offered him as a sacrifice to the idols. Still hot from his wicked shedding of innocent blood, this evildoer went to a Christian church to see what was happening there. Holy Babylas was at prayer with the people. He heard that the Emperor was coming with his retinue and intended to enter the church. Babylas stopped the service, went out in front of the church and told the Emperor that, as an idolater, he was not permitted entry to the holy church where the one, true God was worshipped. Speaking of Babylas, Chrysostom says: "Who else in the world would he fear, having with such authority withstood the Emperor? By this he taught kings not to spread their power further than the measure given them by God, and also showed the clergy how to use their authority." The shamed Emperor turned back, but planned revenge. The following day, the Emperor summoned Babylas, and began to berate him and bid him offer sacrifice to idols, which the saint, naturally, steadfastly 549 refused to do. The Emperor then bound him with chains and threw him into prison. He also tortured three children: Urban, aged twelve, Prilidian, aged nine and Hippolinus, aged seven. Babylas was their spiritual father and teacher, and they had stayed near him out of love for him. They were the sons of a Christian woman, Christodoula, who herself suffered for Christ. The Emperor first ordered that each child be beaten with the number of blows that totaled his age, and then had them thrown into prison. Babylas, in bonds, was present at the beheading of the children, giving them courage, and then laid his honored head under the sword. He was buried by Christians, in the chains in which he was bound at his death, in one grave with the three children. Their holy souls flew off to the company of heaven, and their wonderworking relics remained to be of support to the faithful, along with the enduring witness of their heroism in the Faith. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 18 Venerable Saint Euphrosyne of Suzdal DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Euphrosyne of Suzdal was born in 1212. Although she was a princess, she entered a women’s monastery in Suzdal, where she was tonsured with the name Euphrosyne, in honor of St. Euphrosyne of Alexandria. After her death on September 25, 1250, thousands miracles took place at her grave. Believers were healed of various infirmities, and their prayers were answered. On September 18, 1698, 550 with the blessing of Patriarch Adrian, Metropolitan Hilarion of Suzdal glorified the nun Euphrosyne as a saint. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 19 Saint David of Egypt DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint David of Egypt was the leader of a band of bandits in Egypt, in the desert of Hermopolis. He had committed many murders and other wicked deeds. As he grew older, he contemplated his life and was filled with fear because of his past crimes. Leaving his gang of bandits, he went to the monastery intending to repent of his wickedness. He begged the igumen to accept him as one of the brethren, but the igumen refused. He explained to David that their monastic life was very severe and would be beyond his strength. David persisted and finally, he revealed to the igumen, that he was the notorious robber David. He said that if they did not accept him, he would return to his former life, then come back and plunder the monastery and kill the monks. Then the igumen allowed him into the monastery, and to the surprise of all, David became an excellent monk. By his severe efforts David surpassed all the monks. After a certain time the Lord sent the Archangel Gabriel to David to say that the Lord had forgiven him. St. David, in his great humility, could not believe that the Lord would forgive such a great sinner as he was, in such a short time. The Archangel then said to him that because of his 551 doubt David would become speechless. David asked that he should be permitted to say his prayers, monastic rule and share in the church services. This was granted him, but the rest of the time he remained speechless. Towards the end of his life, St. David received from God the power to perform miracles. He healed many of the sick and cast out hundreds of evil spirits. Having lived in such manner for many years, he fell asleep in the Lord. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 20 Saint John Archbishop of Novgorod DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint John, Archbishop of Novgorod, was born at Novgorod of the pious parents Nicholas and Christina. He passed his childhood in quiet and peaceful surroundings. After the death of their parents, John and his brother Gabriel decided to establish a small monastery in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos with their inheritance. At first they built a wooden church, but a short time later they also built a stone church. Their good intentions were not without difficulties. Before they finished construction on the stone temple, the brothers totally exhausted their means. Only their steadfast and living faith inspired them to continue what they had started. They turned for help with it to the Queen of Heaven, on Whose account this Godpleasing matter was begun. Because of their unflagging faith and zeal, She manifested Her mercy to them. She told them in a dream 552 that everything necessary for the completion of the temple would be provided. On the following morning, the brothers saw a splendid horse loaded with two sacks of gold. No one came for it, and when the brothers removed the sacks, the horse vanished. Thus did the Mother of God provide for the monastery. Upon completion of the monastery construction, under the protection of the Mother of God, the brothers were clothed in the monastic schema. St. John took the name of Elias, and St. Gabriel took the name Gregory. The chronicles speak of St. John being made bishop under the entries for the year 1162. His first archpastoral letter was addressed to the clergy of his diocese. It was filled with an endearing concern about his flock, written in a spirit of fatherly guidance: "It has pleased God and the Most Holy Theotokos, through your prayers, that I, a mere man, should not refuse this high office, of which I am unworthy. Since you yourselves have encouraged me to this service, now listen to me ..." The saint spoke about the vocation of the pastor. He is concerned about his sheep, he not only chastises, but also heals those who lead a sinful life. "At the beginning of my discourse I ask you not to be too much attached to this world, but rather be instructive to people. Look first of all, that they not give themselves over to drunkenness. You yourselves know, that through this vice most of all, not only do the simple people perish, but we also. When your spiritual children come to you in repentance and then question them with mildness. It is not seemly to impose harsh penances Do not scorn the reading of books, since if we do not start doing this, then what will distinguish us from the simple unschooled people? ... Do not impose penances upon orphans.... Let everything be seemly, for the yoke of Christ ought to be light." In the year 1165 St. John was elevated to archbishop (from that time the Novgorod cathedra became an archbishopric). The winter of 1170 was a very difficult time for Novgorod. Suzdal forces with their allies laid siege to the city for two days, since the Novgorod 553 people would not accept Prince Svyatoslav. They also took the tribute-tax of the Dvina district which was not subject to them. In grief the people of Novgorod prayed to God and the Most Holy Theotokos for the salvation of the city. On the third night, while he was praying before an icon of the Savior, St. John heard a voice ordering him to go to the church of the Savior on Il'ina Street, to take the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and carry it out to the walls of the city. In the morning the saint told the people about the command and sent his deacon with clergy to the church of the Savior for the icon. Going into the church, the archdeacon bowed down before the icon and wanted to take it, but the icon would not budge. The archdeacon returned to the archbishop and told him what had happened. Then the saint with all the assembly went to the Il'ina church and on their knees began to pray before the icon. They began to sing a Molieben, and after the Sixth Ode at the kontakion "Protectress of Christians," the icon itself moved from the place. The people with tears cried out: "Lord, have mercy!" Then St. John took the icon and together with two deacons carried it to the city walls. The Novgorodian people saw their doom, for the Suzdal forces and their allies were ready for pillage. In the sixth hour the assault began, and the arrows fell like rain. Then the icon turned its visage towards the city, and tears trickled down from the eyes of the Most Holy Theotokos, which the saint gathered on his phelonion. A darkness covered the Suzdal forces, they became unable to see and they fell back in terror. This occurred on February 25, 1170. St. John established a solemn feastday for Novgorod, the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Suzdal army inflicted great harm on the Novgorod region. Here also the archpastor did not remain on the sidelines. He showed fatherly concern for devastated households suffering hunger, and he distributed aid to orphans. In 1172, the archpastor journeyed to Vladimir to reconcile Prince 554 Andrew Bogoliubsky with the Novgorod people. The saint not only shared in the adversity of his people, but most of all he concerned himself with their spiritual enlightenment. St. John devoted much attention to spiritual conversations, which often occurred in the circle of the clergy and the laypeople. There are preserved about 30 of his instructions concerning Baptism, Confession and the Holy Eucharist. His Guidance for Monks is filled with spiritual grandeur: "Once having followed after Christ, monks as actualizers of spiritual life by the Cross ought to live in solitary places, separate from worldly folk. Let them steal nothing for themselves, and let them be wholly dedicated to God. A monk ought always to be a monk, at every time and at every place, both in asleep and awake he should preserve the memory of death, and be fleshless in the flesh. Not for everyone does the monastery serve as a therapy for sensual love, just as silence is for anger, and nonacquisitiveness is for money, and the tomb is for avarice. Monastic life and worldly life are incompatible, just as one would not harness a camel and horse together. The monk bends his neck beneath the yoke of the Creator and ought to pull the plow in the valley of humility, in order to multiply the fine wheat by the warmth of the Life-giving Spirit and to sow the seeds of the reason of God. The black-robed is not his own master; being like gods, take care not to rot in likeness to people, nor fall from the heights like Lucifer... for haughty pride comes from human glory." The saint's spiritual powers of grace were unusual. For his simplicity of soul and purity of heart God gave him power against demons. Once, when the saint prayed by night, as was his custom, he heard something splashing the water in the washbasin. Seeing that there was no one beside him, the saint realized that this was a demon trying to scare him. The saint made the Sign of the Cross over the washbasin and restrained the devil. Soon the evil spirit could no longer bear the prayer of the saint, which scorched it like fire, and it began to beg to be released from the 555 washbasin. The saint was agreeable, but ordered the demon to carry him from Novgorod to Jerusalem to the Sepulchre of the Lord and back, all in one night. The demon fulfilled the saint's command, but asked him to tell no one about his shame. In one of his conversations, the saint told his flock that he knew a man who visited the Holy Land in one night. The revenge of the evil spirit was not slow in coming. It began to scatter women's things in his cell. Once, when people had gathered in St. John's cell, the devil transformed himself into a woman who ran in front of them as if fleeing from the cell. The saint heard the racket and gently asked, "What has happened, my children, what is the noise all about?" The unruly crowd, shouting various charges of perverse life against the saint, dragged him to the River Volkhov. They put the saint on a raft and released it down along the current of the river. But the raft, contrary to expectation, sailed against the current straight to the St. George men's monastery, three versts from Novgorod. Seeing this, people were ashamed and with weeping and shouts they went along the riverbank after the raft, beseeching the saint to forgive them and to return to the city. The heart of the simple archpastor was filled with joy, not only for himself, but for his flock: "Lord, do not hold this sin against them!" he prayed, and granted pardon to all. This happened not long before the death of the saint. Sensing its approach, he put off the hierarch's omophor and took the schema with the name John, the same name he had in his youth. He appointed his brother, St. Gregory as his successor. The saint died on September 7, 1186 and was buried in the church of Holy Wisdom. In 1439, repairs were being made at the cathedral of Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia) through the zeal of St. Euthymius; in the portico chapel of St. John the Forerunner, a stone suddenly came loose and cracked the lid of the tomb standing there. St Euthymius gave orders to lift off the boards broken by the stone, and the temple was filled with fragrance. In the tomb they beheld the incorrupt relics 556 of the saint, but no one was able to identify who this archpastor was. In his cell, St. Euthymius fervently began to pray for God to reveal to him the name of this saint. That night a man appeared before him, clothed in the vestments of a hierarch, and said that he was Archbishop John, who was found worthy to serve the miracle of the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her Sign. "I proclaim to you the will of God," continued the saint, "to celebrate the memory of the archbishops and princes lying here, and I shall pray Christ for all Christians." TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 21 Saint John of Betania Monastery DAY OF CELEBRATION Archimandrite John (Basil Maisuradze in the world) was born in the town of Tskhinvali in Samachablo around 1882. He was raised in a peasant family and taught to perform all kinds of handiwork. Basil was barely in his teens when he helped Fr. Spiridon (Ketiladze), the main priest at Betania Monastery, to restore the monastery between 1894 and 1896. From his youth Basil was eager to enter the monastic life, and in 1903, according to God’s will, he moved to the Skete of St. John the Theologian at Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos. Among the brothers he was distinguished for his simplicity and obedience. He was tonsured a monk and named John in honor of St. John the 557 Theologian, whom he revered deeply and sought to emulate. The monk John was soon ordained to the priesthood. Throughout his life the holy father dedicated himself to serving God and his brothers in Christ in hopes that his own life might be fruitful for them. Fr. John remained on Mt. Athos for seventeen years. Then, due to the increasingly troubling circumstances there, he left the Holy Mountain with the other Georgian monks sometime between 1920 and 1921. He settled at Armazi Monastery outside of Mtskheta, where the Bolsheviks had left just one monk to labor in solitude. Once a band of armed Chekists broke into the monastery, led both Fr. John and the other monk away, and shot them in the back. Believing them to be dead, they tossed them in a nearby gorge. A group of people later discovered Fr. John’s nearly lifeless body and brought it to Samtavro Monastery in Mtskheta. The other monk suffered only minor injuries and returned to the monastery on his own. When his health had been restored, Fr. John went to Betania Monastery, where his first spiritual father was still laboring. He was appointed abbot shortly thereafter. Accustomed to hard work from his childhood, he skillfully administered the agricultural labors of the monastery. When visitors came to the monastery seeking advice or solace, Fr. John welcomed them warmly, spreading a festal meal before them. He enjoyed spending time with his guests, especially with children. It is said that he always had candy or a special treat to give to the little ones. The children loved him so much that on the feast of St. John the Theologian, while he was sprinkling the church with holy water, they skipped around him and tried to tousle his hair. The children’s parents were ashamed, but Fr. John cheerfully assured them that it was fitting to be so joyous on a feast day. Truly Fr. John was endowed with a deep love for young people, and he was also blessed with the divine gifts of prophecy and wonder-working. Once a certain Irakli Ghudushauri, a student at Moscow Theological Seminary, visited him 558 at the monastery. Fr. John received him with exceptional warmth, blessing him with tears of rejoicing. This student would later become Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II, the beloved shepherd who continues to lead the flock of the Georgian faithful to this very day. Fr. John disciplined himself severely. He worked hard all day and slept on a single piece of wood. He would spend entire nights praying. Many wondered when he rested and where he had acquired such a seemingly infinite supply of energy. Occasionally thieves would steal food or domestic animals from the monastery. But the monastery also had many protectors, even within the Soviet government. A group of Christians who worked for the government while secretly practicing their faith supported Fr. John, explaining and justifying them to the government as “guardians of a national cultural monument.” Many of the miracles performed by Fr. John are known to us today, though he was wary of receiving honor for his deeds. Fr. John healed the deaf, and many of the terminally ill were brought to them for healing. After spending several days in the monastery, the infirm would miraculously be cleansed of their diseases. The prayers of Fr. John healed his nephew, who was afflicted by a deadly strain of meningitis. They restored hearing to a deaf child and healed many others of their bodily infirmities. Once a twenty-year-old girl arrived at the monastery, complaining of incessant headaches. She had been told that the water from Betania Monastery would heal her. She remained there for one week and was miraculously healed. When she left to return home, St. John walked five miles to see her off, in spite of his physical frailty. Fr. John bore the heaviest workload in the monastery. Fr. John became ill and reposed in 1957, at the age of seventy-five. He was buried at Betania Monastery. He was canonized on September 18, 2003, at a council of the Holy Synod under the spiritual leadership of His Holiness Ilia II, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia. 559 TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 22 Saint Nicetas the Hidden and Man of God DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Nicetas the Hidden lived at Constantinople and occupied the position of "chartolarium" ("letter-writer"). They call him "the Hidden," because living in the world amid the bustle of the city, with secret exploits of faith, he attained spiritual perfection and was a great saint of God. His saintly life was revealed through unusual circumstances. Two friends, a priest and the deacon Sozon, had quarreled. The priest died, and the deacon grieved that they had not been able to be reconciled. He told an experienced elder of the sin that tormented his conscience. He gave Sozon a letter and ordered him to give it to the first person whom he would meet at midnight at the temple of Hagia Sophia, the Wisdom of God. St. Nicetas the Chartolarian was the first person he met. Having read the letter, the Saint began weeping and said that it was beyond his strength, but with the prayers of the elder who had sent Sozon, he would strive to accomplish this. Making a prostration before the church doors, St. Nicetas said: "Lord, open to us the doors of Thy mercy," and the doors of the temple flew open by themselves. Leaving the deacon at the threshold, St. Nicetas began to pray, and Sozon saw that he shone with a strange light. Afterwards they went from the church, and the doors again closed. Approaching the church of the Blachernae Mother of God, St. Nicetas again began praying and again the doors opened in front of them. In the church there shone a light, and from the altar came two rows of priests, 560 among whom Deacon Sozon recognized his dead friend. St. Nicetas quietly said: "Father, speak to your brother, and cease the enmity between you." Immediately the priest and Deacon Sozon greeted each other. They embraced one another with love and were reconciled. The priest went back, and the doors closed by themselves. St. Nicetas said to the deacon: "Brother Sozon, save your soul both for your sake, and for my benefit. To the Father who sent you, say that the purity of his holy prayers and his trust in God made possible the return of the dead." After these words St. Nicetas became invisible to Sozon. Having returned to his Elder, the deacon thanked him with tears, that through his prayers, the great hidden saint of God Nicetas the Chartolarian had removed the sin from both the living and the dead. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 23 Saint Pulcheria the Empress DAY OF CELEBRATION The Holy Right-Believing Empress Pulcheria, daughter of the Byzantine emperor Arcadius (395-408), was coregent and adviser of her brother Theodosius the Younger (408-450). She received a broad and well-rounded education, and distinguished herself by her wisdom 561 and piety, firmly adhering to Orthodox teaching. Through her efforts the church of the Most Holy Theotokos was built at Blachernae, and also other churches and monasteries. Through the intrigues of enemies and of Eudokia, the wife of the emperor Theodosius the Younger, St. Pulcheria was removed from power. She withdrew into seclusion, and lived a pious life. Without her beneficent influence, conditions in the capital deteriorated. She returned after a while, following the urgent request of her brother. Then the unrest provoked by emerging heresies was quelled. After the death of Theodosius the Younger, Marcian (450-457) was chosen emperor. St. Pulcheria again wanted to withdraw into her seclusion, but both the emperor and officials entreated her not to refuse the throne, but to marry the emperor Marcian. For the common good she consented to become Marcian's wife if she were allowed to preserve her virginity within the marriage. They were married, but lived in purity as brother and sister. Through the efforts of St. Pulcheria, the Third Ecumenical Council was held at Ephesus in 431 to address the heresy of Nestorius; and also the Fourth Ecumenical Council which was convened at Chalcedon in the year 451, to deal with the heresies of Dioscorus and Eutychius. St. Pulcheria built the church of the Mother of God at Blachernae at Constantinople, and also found the relics of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. Throughout her life St. Pulcheria defended the Orthodox Faith against various heresies. After giving away her wealth to the poor and to the Church, she died peacefully at the age of fiftyfour in the year 453. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 24 Martyr Saint Peter the Aleut DAY OF CELEBRATION 562 Saint Peter the Aleut is mentioned in the Life of St. Herman of Alaska. Simeon Yanovsky (who ended his life as the schemamonk Sergius in the St. Tikhon of Kaluga Monastery), has left the following account: “On another occasion I was relating to him how the Spanish in California had imprisoned fourteen Aleuts, and how the Jesuits (actually Franciscans) were forcing all of them to accept the Catholic Faith. But the Aleuts would not agree under any circumstances, saying, ‘We are Christians.’ The Jesuits argued, ‘That’s not true, you are heretics and schematics. If you do not agree to accept our faith then we will torture all of you to death.’ Then the Aleuts were placed in prisons two to a cell. That evening, the Jesuits came to the prison with lanterns and lighted candles. Again they tried to persuade two Aleuts in the cell to accept the Catholic Faith. ‘We are Christians,’ the Aleuts replied, ‘and we will not change our Faith.’ Then the Jesuits began to torture them, at first the one while his companion was a witness. They cut off one of the joints of his feet, and then the other joint. Then they cut the first joint on the fingers of his hands, and then the other joint. Then they cut off his feet, and his hands. The blood flowed, but the martyr endured all and firmly repeated one thing: “I am a Christian.’ He died in such suffering, due to a loss of blood. The Jesuit also promised to torture his comrade to death the next day. But that night an order was received from Monterey stating that the imprisoned Aleuts were to be released immediately, and sent there under escort. Therefore, in the morning all were sent to Monterey with the exception of the dead Aleut. This was related to me by a witness, the same Aleut who had escaped torture, and who was the friend of 563 the martyred Aleut. I reported this incident to the authorities in St. Petersburg. When I finished my story, Father Herman asked, ‘What was the name of the martyred Aleut?’ I answered, ‘Peter. I do not remember his family name.’ The Elder stood reverently before an icon, made the Sign of the Cross and said, “Holy New Martyr Peter, pray to God for us!” We know very little about St. Peter, except that he was from Kodiak, and was arrested and put to death by the Spaniards in California because he refused to convert to Catholicism. Both in his sufferings and in his steadfast confession of the Faith, St. Peter is the equal of the martyrs of old, and also of the New Martyrs who have shone forth in more recent times. Now he rejoices with them in the heavenly Kingdom, glorifying God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 25 Saint Euphrosyne of Alexandria DAY OF CELEBRATION St. Euphrosyne of Alexandria was born at the beginning of the fifth century in the city of Alexandria. She was the only child in her family of illustrious and rich parents. Since her mother died early, she was raised by her father, Paphnutius, a deeply believing and pious Christian. He frequented a monastery, the leader of which was his spiritual guide. When Euphrosyne turned eighteen, her father wanted her to marry. He went to the monastery to his spiritual guide to 564 receive his blessing for the planned wedding of his daughter. The monk spoke with Euphrosyne and gave her his blessing, but she yearned for the monastic life. She secretly accepted tonsure from a wandering monk, left her father’s house and decided to enter a monastery in order to lead her life in solitude and prayer. However, she feared that her father would find her in a women’s monastery. Calling herself Smaragdos, she went to the very same men’s monastery which she had visited with her father since childhood. The monks did not recognize Euphrosyne dressed in men’s garb, and so they accepted her into the monastery. In a solitary cell, St. Euphrosyne spent 38 years in works, fasting and prayer, and attained a high level of spiritual accomplishment. Her father grieved over the loss of his beloved daughter and more than once, on the advice of his spiritual guide, conversed with the monk Smaragdos, revealing his grief and receiving spiritual comfort. Before her death, Euphrosyne revealed her secret to her grieving father and asked that no one but he should prepare her body for burial. Having buried his daughter, Paphnutius distributed all his wealth to the poor and to the monastery, and then accepted monasticism. For ten years up to his own death, he labored in the cell of his daughter. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 26 Saint Ketevana, Queen of Georgia DAY OF CELEBRATION 565 Ketevan was born to Prince Ashotan of Mukhrani (Bagrationi) and married Prince David of Kakheti, the future David I, king of Kakheti from 1601 to 1602. After David’s death, Ketevan engaged in religious building and charity. However, when David’s brother Constantine I killed his reigning father, Alexander II, and usurped the crown with the Safavid Iranian support in 1605, Ketevan rallied the Kakhetian nobles against the patricide and routed Constantine’s loyal force. After the uprising, she negotiated with Shah Abbas I of Iran to confirm her underage son, Teimuraz I, as king of Kakheti, while she assumed the function of a regent. In 1614, sent by Teimuraz as a negotiator to Abbas I, Ketevan effectively surrendered herself as an honorary hostage in a failed attempt to prevent Kakheti from being attacked by the Iranian armies. She was held in Shiraz for several years until Abbas I, in an act of revenge for the recalcitrance of Teimuraz, ordered the queen to renounce Christianity, and upon her refusal, had her tortured to death with red-hot pincers in 1624. Portions of her relics were clandestinely taken by the St. Augustine Portuguese Catholic missioners, eyewitnesses of her martyrdom, to Georgia where they were interred at the Alaverdi Monastery. The rest of her remains are reported to have been buried at the St. Augustine Church in Goa, India. Several expeditions from Georgia have arrived in Goa, and searched in vain for the exact location of her grave. Queen Ketevan was canonized by Zachary, Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia (1613–1630), and September 26 was instituted by the Georgian Orthodox Church as the day of her commemoration. The account of Ketevan's martyrdom related by the Augustinians missioners were exploited by her son, Teimuraz, in his poem “The Book and Passion of Queen Ketevan” (წიგნი და წამება ქეთევან დედოფლისა, ts'igni da ts'ameba ketevan dedoplisa; 1625) as well as by the German author Andreas Gryphius in his classical tragedy “Katharine von Georgien” (1657). The Georgian monk Grigol Dodorkeli-Vakhvakhishvili of the David 566 Gareja Monastery was another near-contemporaneous author whose writings, a hagiographic work as well as several hymns, focus on Ketevan's life and martyrdom. The Scottish poet William Forsyth compose the poem “The Martyrdom of Kelavane” (1861), based on Jean Chardin's account of Ketevan's death. The importance of Queen Ketevan for the Georgian people has led to a relic "hunt" during the last decades. Notably in Goa, and since 1989, various delegations coming from Georgia have worked together with the Archaeological Survey of India to try to locate Ketevan's grave within the ruins of the Augustinian convent of Our Lady of Grace, at Old Goa, Goa. All these efforts were thwarted, because the teams were unable to interpret correctly the Portuguese documents that provided for clues as to Ketevan's burial place. These historical sources stated that Ketevan's palm and arm bone fragments were kept inside a stone urn beneath a specific window within the Chapter Chapel of the Augustinian convent. In May 2004, the Chapter Chapel and window mentioned in the sources were found during a collaboration work between Portuguese and Overseas Citizen of India architect Sidh Losa Mendiratta and the Archaeological Survey of India, Goa-circle (at the time when Nizammudin Taher was superintendent archaeologist). Although the stone urn itself was missing, it’s coping stone and a number of bone fragments were found close to the window mentioned in the Portuguese sources. Indian scientists have conducted a DNA analysis on the bone fragments found during this excavation, but the mystery of Ketevan's relics continues, since a matching analysis would be necessary from relics existing in Georgia that are now being supplied. 567 TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 27 Martyr Saint Aquilina (1764) DAY OF CELEBRATION She lived in the village of Zangliverion near Thessalonika. When she was still an infant, her father killed a Turkish neighbor in an argument and, to save his life, denied his Christian faith. To compound his apostasy he promised that when his daughter came of age she too would convert. Aquilina's mother, however, held fast to her faith in Christ, and brought up her daughter to love her Savior fervently. When Aquilina reached the age of eighteen, her father told her that the time had come to formally embrace Islam; he was dismayed when she replied that she would rather suffer any torment than deny Christ. Fearing for his own life, her father handed her over to the Turkish authorities. When the usual threats and promises had no effect, she was viciously beaten three times. Some pious Christians returned her, dying, to her mother, to whom she said 'I have done as you told me, and kept the confession of our faith. Surely you didn't think I would do anything else?' With this, the holy Martyr died. The Synaxarion relates, 'As her body was taken to be buried, every place that it passed was filled with a delightful scent, and a brilliant light came forth from her grave during the night.' 568 TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 28 Martyr Saint Wenceslaus Prince of the Czechs DAY OF CELEBRATION The Holy Prince Wenceslaus (Vyacheslav) of the Czechs was a grandson of the holy Martyr and Princess Ludmilla, and he was raised by her in deep piety. He began to rule at age eighteen after the death of his father Prince Bratislav (+ 920). In spite of his youthful age, he ruled wisely and justly and concerned himself much about the Christian enlightenment of the people. The holy prince was a widely educated man, and he studied in the Latin and Greek languages. St. Wenceslaus was peace-loving. He built and embellished churches, and in Prague, the Czech capital, he raised up a magnificent church in the name of St. Vitus, and he had respect for the clergy. Envious nobles decided to murder the saint and, at first, to incite his mother against him, and later to urge his younger brother, Boleslav, to occupy the princely throne. Boleslav invited his brother to the dedication of a church, and then asked him to stay another day. In spite of the warnings of his servants, the holy prince refused to believe in a conspiracy and exposed his life to the will of God. On the following day, September 28, 935, when Wenceslaus went to Matins, he was wickedly murdered at the doors of the church by his own brother and his brother’s servants. His body was stabbed and discarded without burial. The mother, hearing of the murder of her son, found and placed 569 his body in a recently consecrated church at the princely court. They were not able to wash off the blood splashed on the church doors, but after three days it disappeared by itself. After repenting of his sin, the murderer transferred the relics of St. Wenceslaus to Prague, where they were placed in the church of St. Vitus, which the martyr himself had constructed. TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 29 Saint Onuphrius of the Saint David Gareji Monastery DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Onuphrius of Gareji (Otar Machutadze in the world) lived and labored in the 18th century. He was a Kartlian aristocrat famed for his wealth, hospitality, and charity. Longing for the ascetic life, Otar wore a hair shirt under his distinguished raiment and unceasingly prayed to God for the strength to lead the monastic life. He revealed his will to his wife: “I thirst to turn from this world and draw nearer to Christ,” he said. “Therefore, I beg your forgiveness for all my transgressions, both voluntary and involuntary.” His faithful wife consented and permitted him to go in peace. Otar traveled with his two eldest sons to Tbilisi, blessed them, and bade them farewell for the last time. Then he set off for the David-Gareji Monastery, which at that time was led by the kindhearted superior Archimandrite Herman. Archimandrite Herman received Otar with great joy, and after a short time he 570 tonsured him a monk with the name Onuphrius. Blessed Onuphrius was a peaceful, humble and obedient man and a tireless ascetic. He would keep vigil through the night, and after the morning prayers he would go down to the ravine and continue to chant psalms, shedding tears over his past transgressions. He ate just one meal a day of bread and water, after the hour of Vespers. Once the Dagestanis attacked the David-Gareji Monastery, plundered the church, and took captive several monks including Onuphrius, the priests Maxime and Ioakime, and four deacons. Onuphrius was the oldest among them. The unbelievers planned to stab him to death, but the Lord protected him from their evil scheme. According to the will of the All-Merciful God, Onuphrius was freed and returned to the monastery. The brotherhood was impoverished after the invasion, so Archimandrite Herman sent St. Onuphrius on a mission to solicit alms. It was difficult for St. Onuphrius to depart from the monastery, but he unquestioningly obeyed the will of his superior: the former aristocrat began to walk from door to door, begging for charity. At Tskhinvali in Samachablo St. Onuphrius attracted the attention of a crowd of people leading a young, demon-possessed man. The saint approached them and discovered that they were bringing the young man to a fortuneteller for help. With love and great boldness St. Onuphrius addressed the crowd, saying, “My children, such behavior is not fitting for Christian believers. Bring the young man to me!” The young man’s mother fell on her knees before him, begging for help, but St. Onuphrius raised her up and proclaimed: “I have come bearing earth from the grave of St. David of Gareji. This will help your son!” He dissolved a pinch of the earth in water and gave it to the young man to drink, and he was immediately healed. St. Onuphrius took with him his youngest son, John, and returned to the monastery with a great quantity of provisions. Once a certain Arab with a wounded eye came to the monastery seeking help. St. Onuphrius washed his eye in water 571 from the holy spring of David-Gareji, and he was immediately healed. Later St. Onuphrius desired to be tonsured into the great schema. The superior was hesitant, and told Onuphrius to remain for twenty or thirty days at the grave of St. David praying and supplicating God to reveal His will. The saint remained there in prayer, and after thirty days God revealed to the abbot that Fr. Onuphrius was truly worthy of this honor. Then Schemamonk Onuphrius gave a vow of silence and began to sleep on a tattered mat. Under his clothing he wore a heavy chain, and he left his cell only to attend the divine services. Soon Blessed Onuphrius became so exhausted that he was no longer able to stand. The brothers begged him to lie on a bed and rest his head on a pillow, but the blessed Onuphrius opened his mouth for the first time since taking the vow of silence and said, “I vow to end my days on this mat.” St. Onuphrius endured his infirmities with thanksgiving and repeated the Jesus Prayer incessantly. When people came to receive his blessing, he would welcome them, saying, “Let me kiss the edge of your garments and wash your feet with my tears!” Sensing that the end of his days was approaching, St. Onuphrius partook of the Holy Gifts and, eighteen days later, on the Feast of Theophany, fell asleep in the Lord. St. Onuphrius was buried on the south side of the grave of St. David of Gareji, near the altar window. 572 TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 30 Venerable Saint Gregory of Pelshma DAY OF CELEBRATION He was born into a powerful boyar family in the city of Galich. Early in life he was drawn to the ascetical life, and was distressed when his parents arranged for him to be married at the age of only fifteen. By a mysterious providence, both his parents died before the wedding could be held, and St. Gregory very soon distributed his considerable wealth to the poor, freed all his serfs, and went to the nearest monastery. Such was his holiness of life that he rose to be abbot of the monastery, but as in his youth he felt burdened by the admiration and attention of men, so he left for the monastery of St. Dionysius of Glushitsa, where he strove to live a hidden life. His Starets, St. Dionysius, discerned Gregory's spiritual gifts and wanted him to found his own monastery, but the saint resisted, desiring only to live in humility and obedience, unknown to the world. At the age of 104 Gregory, with his elder's blessing, went to live as a hermit in a small cell on the banks of the River Pelshma. After a few years other monks came to live the hesychastic life with him and, as his elder had desired, Gregory against his will became the abbot of a new 573 monastery. Abbot Gregory excelled not only in prayer but in his works of love for the poor, many of whom came to him in times of famine, when he would give them the small reserves of the monastery. More than once he traveled to Moscow to rebuke the Princes for their evil deeds. One of these, Prince Basil II, was so angered by the 'presumption' of the Saint that he had him thrown from a bridge into a deep gorge, but he emerged miraculously unharmed. At the age of 127, St. Gregory felt his end approaching and prepared himself. He told his disciples to throw his body into a swamp when he died, but after his repose they disobeyed and gave him honorable burial. A beautiful fragrance filled the church and, for the first time, a miracle of healing was performed through the Saint's relics, which from that time forward were the source of countless wonders. INSIDE AN ORTHORDOX CHURCH 574 575 TODAY IS OCTOBER 1 Saint Romanus the Melodist, “Sweet-Singer” DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Romanus the Melodist was born in the fifth century in the Syrian city of Emesa of Jewish parents. After moving to Constantinople, he became a church sacristan in the temple of Hagia Sophia. The monk spent his nights alone at prayer in a field or in the Blachernae church beyond the city. St. Romanus was not a talented reader or singer. Once, on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, he read the kathisma verses. He read so poorly that another reader had to take his place. The clergy ridiculed Romanus, which devastated him. On the day of the Nativity, the Mother of God appeared to the grief-stricken youth in a vision while he was praying before her Kyriotissa icon. She gave him a scroll and commanded him to eat it. Thus was he given the gift of understanding, composition, and hymnography. That evening at the all-night Vigil St. Romanus sang, in a wondrous voice, his first Kontakion: “Today the Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One...” All the hymns of St. Romanus became known as kontakia, in reference to the Virgin’s scroll. St. Romanus was also the first to write in the form of the Oikos, which he incorporated into the all-night Vigil at his places of residence (In Greek, “oikos”). For his zealous service St. Romanus was ordained as a deacon and became a teacher of song. Until his death, which occurred about the year 556, the hierodeacon Romanus the Melodist composed nearly a thousand hymns, many of which are still used by Christians to glorify the Lord. About eight hundred still survive. 576 TODAY IS OCTOBER 2 Saint Constantine the Prince of Georgia DAY OF CELEBRATION The 8th century was extremely difficult for the Georgian people. Marwan bin Muhammad (called “the Deaf” by the Georgians and “the Blind” by the Armenians), the Persian ruler and military leader for the Arab caliph, invaded eastern parts of the Byzantine Empire, then Armenia and Georgia. With fire and the sword he fought his way across Georgia from the east to the city of Tskhumi (now Sokhumi) in the region of Abkhazeti. The Prince David Mkheidze of Argveti was a faithful Christian and skilled military leader. When he heard about the enemy’s invasion, he prayed to God for protection, assembled armies, and urged his people to pray fervently for God’s help. The Persian warriors approached Argveti from Samtskhe and attacked the Georgians on Persati Mountain. The Georgian army won the battle, with David leading the resistance against the fearsome conquerors. But before long the enraged Marwan the Deaf gathered an enormous army and marched toward Argveti to take revenge. This time the enemy routed the Georgian army. Many were killed and those who survived were forced to flee to the forests. The commander David was taken captive. The Persian soldiers bound David and brought him before Marwan the Deaf, who began to mock him. But he reacted with complete composure, saying, “Your laughter and boasting are in vain, since earthly glory is fleeting and soon fades away. It is not your valor that has captured us, but our own sins. For the atonement of these 577 sins have we fallen into the hands of the godless enemy!” The furious Marwan ordered that he be beaten without mercy, but he steadfastly endured the suffering. Stunned by his resolve, Marwan decided to win him over with flattery instead. Promising him great honors and command of the armies, he turned to David, saying, “I have heard of your valor, and I advise you to abandon your erroneous faith and submit yourself to the faith of Muhammad!” St. David crossed himself and answered, “Let not this disgrace come upon us, that we would depart from the light and draw nearer to the darkness!” Then he condemned the error of the Islamic faith: “Muhammad converted you from the worship of fire, but he could not instill in you the knowledge of the True God. Therefore it appears as though you suffered a shipwreck and saved yourselves from the depths of the sea, but drowned in the shallow waters of the coast. I believe and follow the one Faith and one doctrine in which we have been instructed. Our faith is in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and I will die for the sake of the One True God!” Marwan ordered him to be starved to death. After he had suffered for ten days, Marwan sent sorcerers and charmers to arouse in him a desire to convert to Islam, but their efforts were in vain. Finally the holy David was led to the riverbank near the Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian. There he was brutally beaten and bound. Heavy rocks were hung from his neck, and drowned in the river. That night three beams of light descended from the heavens and lit up the place where he had been drowned. According to God’s holy will, the ropes binding the holy martyr were loosed, and his body floated to the surface. A group of faithful Christians carried him out of the river and buried him on the bank of the Tsqaltsitela River, in a church that Marwan the Deaf had devastated. The place of their burial remained concealed until the beginning of the 12th century, during the reign of King Bagrat the Great (1072-1117). Then, in fulfillment of King Bagrat’s decree, the 578 Monastery of the Martyrs (Motsameta) was built over that place, and the incorrupt relic of the Great Martyr are still preserved there. TODAY IS OCTOBER 3 Saint John the Chozebite, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine DAY OF CELEBRATION He came from a prominent family in Egypt, and was brought up among the Monophysites. He became a monk in his youth, and went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. When he attempted to enter the Church of the Resurrection to venerate the Precious Cross, an unseen power prevented him from entering. The next night he heard a voice telling him in his sleep that those who do not embrace the Orthodox faith are unworthy to worship the holy Cross of the Savior. John awoke and hurried to the church where, in tears, he accepted and confessed the entire Orthodox Faith. Not returning to Egypt, he settled in Palestine, living alone in a cave in the isolated region called Chozeba. There he lived in solitude until one day a couple brought their son, possessed by an evil spirit. They had been sent to John by Ananias, a well-known ascetic of Palestine. John considered himself unworthy to pray for the casting out of demons, so he prayed in the name of Ananias, and the boy was healed. Thenceforth, John's wonderworking powers became known, and many made the difficult journey to his cave for the healing of spiritual and bodily ailments. Later John, much against his 579 will, was consecrated Bishop of Caesarea; but he was unable to tolerate the cares of episcopal life and fled again to the desert, where he spent the rest of his life. The faithful continued to visit him in great numbers, and many signs and wonders were worked through his prayers. He reposed in peace at a great age in 532. TODAY IS OCTOBER 4 Saint Vladimir Yaroslavich Prince of Novgorod DAY OF CELEBRATION The holy right-believing Prince Vladimir Yaroslavich of Novgorod, the Wonderworker, was the eldest son of Great Prince Yaroslav the Wise, and was born in the year 1020. At age fourteen, his father made him administrator of Novgorod. The military commander Vyshata and the holy Bishop Menignus Zhidyata assisted in guiding the prince. When he matured, the prince became a brave defender of the land and a pious Christian. St. Vladimir built the Sophia cathedral at Novgorod, which was begun in the year 1045 and consecrated on September 14, 1052 by Bishop Luke. The holy prince was not only concerned about the strengthening of the princedom (by his decree a stone fortress 580 was built at Novgorod) but he also zealously instructed himself in the law of the Lord. In 1047 the prophetic books with commentaries were copied out for him. The holy prince died at age thirty-two on October 4, 1052, twenty days after the consecration of the Sophia cathedral, and his relics were placed in the church he built. His wife, Princess Alexandra, is mentioned in the Novgorod Synodikon. Commemoration of the holy prince Vladimir was established in the year 1439 by St Euthymius, Archbishop of Novgorod. TODAY IS OCTOBER 5 Hieromartyr Saint Dionysius Bishop of Alexandria DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria, was the son of wealthy pagan parents. He converted to Christianity at a mature age, and became a pupil of Origen. Later, he was appointed as the head of Alexandria’s Catechetical School, and then became Bishop of Alexandria. St. Dionysius devoted much effort to defend the Church from heresy, and he encouraged his flock in the firm confession of Orthodoxy. The holy bishop endured much suffering in his lifetime. When persecution broke out, St. Dionysius was forced to flee Alexandria, but returned when the Emperor died. He was later exiled to Libya. When he was able to resume his duties in Alexandria, St. Dionysius had to contend with civil war, famine, plague, and other difficulties. The saint called 581 upon his flock to tend sick Christians and pagans alike, and to bury the dead. Concerning the death of his spiritual children he wrote, “In such a manner the best of our brethren have departed this life. This generation of the dead, a deed of great piety and firm faith, is no less of a martyrdom.” St. Dionysius illumined his flock through his preaching, and with deeds of love and charity. An illness prevented him from attending the Council of Antioch, and he fell asleep in the Lord while it was in session. The influence of St. Dionysius extended beyond the limits of his diocese, and his writings dealt with practical as well as theological subjects (“On Nature,” “On Temptations,” “On the Promises,” etc.). He was also familiar with Greek philosophy. Many of his writings survive today, most of them preserved in Eusebius, who mentions him in his “CHURCH HISTORY” ( Book 7) and calls him “Dionysius the Great.” TODAY IS OCTOBER 6 Martyr Saint Nicolas Pantopoles (The Grocer) DAY OF CELEBRATION He suffered for the Christian faith as a young man at the hands of the Turks in Constantinople in 1672; his father, a grocer, having moved there from Thessaly. He took the name of his father"s trade (μπακάλη pantopoles in Greek). After great pressure to become a Turk, and torture because he refused, he was beheaded and entered into the Kingdom of God. His relics are preserved in the monastery of 582 Xeropotamou on the Holy Mountain (Athos) having been taken their by the Monk Thebius. TODAY IS OCTOBER 7 Martyr Saint Pelagia of Tarsus DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Pelagia of Tarsus in Cilicia (southeastern Asia Minor) lived in the third century, during the reign of Diocletian, and was the daughter of illustrious pagans. When she heard about Jesus Christ from her Christian friends, she believed in Him and desired to preserve her virginity, dedicating her whole life to the Lord. Emperor Diocletian’s heir (a boy he adopted), saw the maiden Pelagia, was captivated by her beauty and wanted her to be his wife. The holy virgin told the youth that she was betrothed to Christ the Immortal Bridegroom, and had renounced earthly marriage. Pelagia’s reply greatly angered the young man, but he decided to leave her in peace for a while, hoping that she would change her mind. At the same time, Pelagia convinced her mother to let her visit the nurse who had raised her in childhood. She secretly hoped to find Bishop Linus of Tarsus, who had fled to a mountain during a persecution against Christians, and to be baptized by him. She had seen the face of Bishop Linus in a dream, which made a profound impression upon her. The holy bishop told her to be baptized. St. Pelagia traveled in a chariot to visit her nurse, dressed in rich clothes and accompanied by a whole retinue of servants, as 583 her mother wished. Along the way St. Pelagia, by the grace of God, met Bishop Linus. Pelagia immediately recognized the bishop who had appeared to her in the dream. She fell at his feet, requesting Baptism. At the bishop’s prayer a spring of water flowed from the ground. Bishop Linus made the Sign of the Cross over St. Pelagia, and during the Mystery of Baptism, angels appeared and covered the chosen one of God with a bright mantle. After giving the pious virgin Holy Communion, Bishop Linus offered a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord with her, and then sent her to continue her journey. She then exchanged her expensive clothing for a simple white garment, and distributed her possessions to the poor. Returning to her servants, St. Pelagia told them about Christ, and many of them were converted and believed. She tried to convert her own mother to Christ, but the obdurate woman sent a message to Diocletian’s son that Pelagia was a Christian and did not wish to be his wife. The youth realized that Pelagia was lost to him, and he fell upon his sword in his despair. Pelagia’s mother feared the emperor’s wrath, so she tied her daughter up and led her to Diocletian’s court as a Christian who was also responsible for the death of the heir to the throne. The emperor was captivated by the unusual beauty of the virgin and tried to turn her from her faith in Christ, promising her every earthly blessing if she would become his wife. The holy virgin refused the emperor’s offer with contempt and said, “You are insane, Emperor, saying such things to me. I will not do your bidding, and I loathe your vile marriage, since I have Christ, the King of Heaven, as my Bridegroom. I do not desire your worldly crowns which last only a short while. The Lord in His heavenly Kingdom has prepared three imperishable crowns for me. The first is for faith, since I have believed in the true God with all my heart; the second is for purity, because I have dedicated my virginity to Him; the third is for martyrdom, since I want to accept every suffering for Him and offer up my soul because of my love for Him.” 584 Diocletian sentenced Pelagia to be burned in a red-hot bronze bull. Not permitting the executioners to touch her body, the holy martyr signed herself with the Sign of the Cross, and went into the brazen bull and her flesh melted like myrrh, filling the whole city with fragrance. St. Pelagia’s bones remained unharmed and were removed by the pagans to a place outside the city. Four lions then came out of the wilderness and sat around the bones letting neither bird nor wild beast get at them. The lions protected the relics of the saint until Bishop Linus came to that place. He gathered them up and buried them with honor. Later, a church was built over her holy relics. The Service to the holy Virgin Martyr Pelagia of Tarsus says that she was “deemed worthy of most strange and divine visions.” TODAY IS OCTOBER 8 Saint Thaïs the Repentant Harlot DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Thaïs the Repentant Harlot lived in Alexandria, where, when she was seventeen, her own mother placed her in a brothel, where due to her great beauty she was able to amass some wealth. Saint Serapion, hearing about Thaïs and her way of life, was moved by God to try to convert her. He dressed himself as a soldier, found her, gave her a gold piece, and went with her to her room. When the door was shut, he put aside his tunic, revealing his monastic robe, and asked if he might speak with her. With tears he told her of the doom that awaits 585 sinners, and of the infinite mercy of God, who desires that all should be saved and welcomes every repentant sinner. Thaïs, her heart melted by his words, ran to the public square, burned all the fine clothes and possessions that she had acquired through her trade, and went with Serapion to a women's monastery. There he instructed her to stay secluded in her cell, beseeching God's mercy constantly and only eating every other day; she was to do this until she was instructed otherwise. Thaïs lived in this way for three years, with such zeal that she amazed all her monastic sisters. Petitions for prayers were given to her and her prayers were always answered, making her a miracle worker in god’s spirit. Meanwhile St. Serapion went to St. Anthony the Great to ask him if God had accepted Thaïs' repentance. Saint Anthony and his brethren spent a night in prayer and received a vision in which they were assured that Thaïs had been found worthy of God's mercy. Returning to the monastery, Serapion made the repentant Saint leave her cell, though by now she only wished to spend her life in repentant prayer. After spending only fifteen days in the common life of the monastery, the holy Thaïs reposed in peace. 586 TODAY IS OCTOBER 9 Saint Stephen the Blind, Prince of Serbia DAY OF CELEBRATION St. Stephen the Blind, Prince of Serbia was born in 1417. Stephen and his younger brother Gregory were taken captive by the Turks and blinded on the day of Pascha 1441; several years later they were ransomed back to their father. After his father's death, Stephen, though blind, ruled Serbia for a short time, but was deposed in a coup and exiled to Albania. There he met St. Angelina, whom he married in 1461. Their marriage was blessed with three children. Once again Stephen was threatened by the Turks and fled with his family to Trieste in Italy. There he held firmly to the Orthodox faith despite strong pressures to convert to Roman Catholicism. The holy prince, having patiently endured the many hardships of his life, reposed in peace in 1476. Years after his death, a heavenly light miraculously appeared over his tomb. When the tomb was opened, his relics were found to be incorrupt; the sick were healed by touching them, and the blind received their sight. The relics were placed in the Monastery of Krushedol, founded by his widow St. Angelina. The Monastery was sacked in 1716 by the Turks, who burned the church and cut the holy relics to pieces. Some fragments still remain at the reconstructed monastery. 587 TODAY IS OCTOBER 10 Saint Andrew of Totma DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Andrew came of a family of devout, unlettered peasants. He obtained an education by going to church and, on the death of his parents, became a novice at the Monastery of Galich, in the diocese of Kostroma. The Abbot, who was remarkable for his wisdom, discerned Andrew's spiritual gifts and encouraged him to undertake the unusual and difficult ascesis of becoming a Wanderer for Christ, begging alms and giving them to the poor. Andrew left the monastery to lead a wayfaring life, but often returned to reveal his thoughts and deeds to his starets. On his Elder's death, he settled near the Church of the Resurrection in the town of Totma, where he was completely unknown. He spent the whole night in prayer and during the day begged alms that he forthwith gave to the poor. He went barefoot summer and winter and lived on nothing but bread and water. Every year he made a pilgrimage to the holy places of the region. One day he was accosted by the chief of an outlandish tribe. The man was suffering from an eye complaint and asked Andrew, who was already looked upon as a wonderworker, to cure him. Andrew fled, but the wild man washed his eyes in the snow trodden by the Saint and was healed. "Worn out by ascesis and privation, Saint Andrew foreknew the day of his decease. He called 588 a priest, confessed and communicated in the holy Mysteries, and not long after he fell asleep in the Lord, a heavenly scent pervading the room where his body lay. Sometime later, the Saint appeared to a sick woman as she slept, holding the Gospel for her to venerate and telling her to pray at his tomb. When she awoke, the woman was healed (Synaxarion). TODAY IS OCTOBER 11 Saint Theophanes the Confessor Bishop of Nicea DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Theophanes, Confessor and Hymnographer, Bishop of Nicea was the younger brother of the St. Theodore the Branded. The brothers received an excellent education and were particularly involved in philosophy. Striving towards the knowledge of God, they settled in the Lavra of St. Sava. Here St. Theophanes was tonsured, and later became a hieromonk. The holy brothers were famed as advocates of icon veneration. They boldly fulfilled the mission entrusted them by the Patriarch of Jerusalem and went to Constantinople to denounce the iconoclast emperor Leo the Armenian (813-820). Afterwards, they also denounced the iconoclast emperors Michael Balbos (820-829) and Theophilus (829-842). The saints had to endure imprisonment, hunger, even torture. The emperor Theophilus gave orders to inscribe a phrase insulting to the glorious confessors upon their faces with red-hot needles. Therefore, they 589 are called “Branded”. “Write whatever you wish, but at the Last Judgment you shall read your own writing,” said the agonized brothers to the emperor. They sent Theodore to prison, where also he died. Theophanes was sent into exile. With the restoration of Icon veneration St. Theophanes was returned from exile and consecrated Bishop of Nicea. The saint wrote about 150 canons, among which is a beautiful canon in defense of holy icons. He died peacefully around the year 850. TODAY IS OCTOBER 12 Saint Symeon the New Theologian DAY OF CELEBRATION St. Symeon the New Theologian (1022) as a young man he became a monk in the Studite Monastery in Constantinople; later he became abbot of the Monastery of St. Mamas, also in Constantinople. After a life of great asceticism, including many trials, criticisms and afflictions, he reposed in peace. (He reposed on March 12, but since this day always falls during the Great Fast, his feast is kept today.) His teaching on the soul's ability to enter directly into communion with God in this life aroused some opposition in his own time, and the title 'New Theologian' was not always applied in a positive sense. His experiential, mystical teachings are firmly rooted in his doctrine of the Church: his writings contain many powerful affirmations of the centrality of participation in the Mysteries in our struggle for salvation. He is the author of many sublimely beautiful sermons, 590 writings and hymns, a number of them in metered verse. With St. John the Evangelist and St. Gregory, Patriarch of Constantinople, he is one of only three whom the Church has officially called "Theologian." TODAY IS OCTOBER 13 Martyr Saint Zlata of Meglena, Bulgaria DAY OF CELEBRATION Martyr Zlata (Chryse), this “golden vessel of virginity and undefiled bride of Christ,” was born in the village of Slatena, Meglena diocese, on the border of Bulgaria and Serbia, while Bulgaria was under the Turkish Yoke. From her youth Zlata displayed an unusually strong character, a firm faith in Christ, and was both chaste and beautiful. A certain Turk was obsessed with her, and seized her one day as she was gathering wood. He carried her off to his house, and repeatedly tried to seduce the maiden and force her to accept Islam. Since persuasion did not work, he began to threaten her with grievous tortures. The glorious martyr was not frightened by these threats, but said she would never deny Christ no matter what they did to her. For six months the impious Hagarenes tried to make Zlata accept their religion, but she remained steadfast. Then they ordered the saint’s parents and sisters to convince her to become a Moslem. Otherwise, they said, they would kill Zlata and torture them. The parents and sisters of the saint wept and urged her to deny Christ “just for the sake of appearances,” so that they all might be spared torments and 591 death. St. Zlata was unmoved by their pleas, and replied, “You who incite me to deny Christ are no longer my parents and sisters. Instead, I have the Lord Jesus Christ as my father, the Theotokos as my mother, and the saints as my brothers and sisters!” When the Moslems saw that they could not weaken the resolve of the saint, they tormented her for three months, beating her with clubs. Later, they peeled strips of skin from her body so that the earth was reddened by her blood. Then they heated a skewer and passed it through her ears. Nearby was her spiritual Father, the hieromonk Timothy of Stavronikita Monastery on Mt. Athos. She sent word to him to pray that she would successfully complete the course of martyrdom. It was he who recorded her martyrdom. Finally, the Moslems fell into a fury at having been conquered by a woman, so they tied her to a tree and cut her to pieces with their knives. Her pure soul was received by Christ, Who bestowed on her the double crowns of virginity and martyrdom. Certain Christians gathered her relics secretly and buried them with reverence. St. Zlata suffered for Christ in the year 1795. TODAY IS OCTOBER 14 Venerable Saint Parasceva (Petka) of Serbia DAY OF CELEBRATION 592 Saint Paraskeva the New was born into a pious family, living during the eleventh century in the village of Epivato, between Silistra and Constantinople. Her older brother Euthymius became a monk, and later he was consecrated as Bishop of Matidia. One day, while attending the divine services, the words of the Lord pierced her heart like an arrow, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself” (Mt. 16:24). From that time she began to distribute her clothing to the needy, for which reason she endured much grief from her family. Upon the death of her parents, the saint was tonsured into monasticism at the age of fifteen. She withdrew to the Jordanian desert where she lived the ascetic life until she reached the age of twenty-five. An angel of the Lord ordered her to return to her homeland, so she stayed at Epivato for two years. St. Paraskeva departed to the Lord at the age of twenty-seven, and was buried near the sea. Because of the many miracles which took place at her grave, her relics were uncovered and found to be incorrupt. They were placed in the church of the Holy Apostles at Epivato, where they remained for about 175 years. The faithful prayed and were healed at her internment placement. St. Paraskeva’s relics were moved to Trnovo, Bulgaria in 1223 and placed in the cathedral. Patriarch Euthymius wrote her Life and established the day of her commemoration as October 14. The Turks occupied Bulgaria in 1391, and her relics were given to Mircea the Elder, Prince of the Romanian Land (one of the districts of Romania). In 1394 the relics were given to Princess Saint Angelina of Serbia, who brought them to Belgrade. For 120 years St. Paraskeva’s relics rested in Constantinople in the patriarchal cathedral. The faithful continued to be healed at her esophagus. On June 13, 1641, her incorrupt relics were transferred to the monastery of the Three Hierarchs at Jassy in Rumania, where many healings took place. On December 26, 1888, after being rescued from a fire, St. Parasceva’s 593 relics were moved again. This time they were placed in the new cathedral at Jassy, where they remain until the present day. TODAY IS OCTOBER 15 Martyr Saint Lucian the Presbyter of Antioch DAY OF CELEBRATION The Hieromartyr Lucian, Presbyter of Antioch, was born in the Syrian city of Samosata. At twelve years of age he was left orphaned. Lucian distributed his possessions to the poor, and went to the city of Edessa to the confessor Macarius, under the guidance of whom he diligently read Holy Scripture and learned the ascetic life. For his pious and zealous spreading of Christianity among the Jews and pagans, Lucian was made a presbyter. In Antioch St. Lucian opened a school where many students gathered. He taught them how to understand the Holy Scriptures, and how to live a virtuous life. St. Lucian occupied himself with teaching, and he corrected the Greek text of the Septuagint, which had been corrupted in many places by copyists and by heretics who deliberately distorted it in order to support their false teachings. The entire Greek text of the Bible which he corrected was hidden in a wall at the time of his confession of Christ, and it was found during the lifetime of St. Constantine the Great. During the persecution of Diocletian, St. Lucian was arrested and was sent to prison in Nicomedia, where for nine years he encouraged other Christians with him to remain steadfast in their confession of Christ, urging them not to fear tortures or death. St 594 Lucian died in prison from many terrible tortures and from hunger. Before his death, he wished to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ on the Feast of Theophany. Certain Christians who visited him brought bread and wine for the Eucharist. The hieromartyr, bound by chains and lying on a bed of sharp potsherds, was compelled to offer the Bloodless Sacrifice upon his chest, and all the Christians there in prison received Communion. The next day the emperor sent people to see if the saint was still alive. St. Lucian said three times, “I am a Christian,” then surrendered his soul to God. The body of the holy martyr was thrown into the sea, but after thirty days dolphins brought it to shore. Believers reverently buried the body of the much-suffering St. Lucian. St. Lucian was originally commemorated on January 7, the day of his death. Later, when the celebration of the Synaxis of St. John the Baptist was appointed for this day, the feast of St. Lucian was transferred to October 15. The October date may be associated with the dedication of a church which was built in Antioch by St. Helen over St. Lucian’s holy relics. Although he was only a priest, sometimes St. Lucian is depicted in the vestments of a bishop. The Stroganov Guide for Iconographers was published in Russia in 1869, based on a 1606 manuscript. There St. Lucian is depicted wearing a phelonion and holding a Gospel. He does not wear the omophorion of a bishop, however. Another handbook, the Litsevoy Podlinnik, states that St. Lucian is to be depicted with the omophorion. It may be that the Russians thought of St. Lucian as a bishop because of his importance to the Church, and so that is how they depicted him. Similarly, St. Charalampus is depicted as a priest in Greek icons, and as a bishop in Russian icons. 595 TODAY IS OCTOBER 16 Saint Gall, Enlightener of Switzerland DAY OF CELEBRATION Our Venerable Father Gall, Enlightener of Switzerland (640) was born in Ireland to wealthy parents, who sent him to be educated at the Monastery of Bangor. There he embraced the ascetical life and became a monk. He was one of the twelve monks who traveled with his spiritual father St. Columbanus as missionaries to Gaul. In time some of the group traveled into pagan lands, up the Rhine river to Lake Zurich. The monks settled on Lake Constance around a chapel dedicated to St. Aurelia, which had been taken by the pagans as a shrine; they cleansed and deconsecrated the chapel, which became the center of their new monastery. Saint Gall lived as a hermit, serving the brethren by making nets and catching fish. In 612 St. Columbanus went on to Italy with most of his disciples, leaving St. Gall and a few others to continue their life. When St. Gall delivered Frideburga, the daughter of a local duke, from a demon, he offered the saint a tract of land on the shores of Lake Constance; here was founded the monastery that in later times bore St. Gall's name. The Saint continued to heal the sick and comforted the weary. At various times, the holy Gall refused calls to become a bishop, or to take over the abbacy of the great monastery at Luxeuil. To all such requests he answered that he would rather serve than command. He continued living in his isolated monastic community until he reposed in peace in 596 640, at the age of ninety-nine. In later years, and continuing well into the middle ages, the Monastery of St. Gall became famed for the holiness of its monks and for its library. TODAY IS OCTOBER 17 Saint Joseph the Catholicos of Georgia DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Joseph (Jandierishvili) received his spiritual education at DavidGareji Monastery. He was endowed by the Lord with the gift of wonder-working. His prayers healed the terminally ill and demonpossessed. For his wisdom and virtue, he was consecrated bishop of Rustavi, and in 1755 enthroned as Catholicos-Patriarch. St. Joseph remained a monk-ascetic in spite of his hierarchical rank. In 1764 Holy Catholicos Joseph, like St. Gregory the Theologian, humbly stepped down from the archpastor’s throne and withdrew to Akhmeta in northeastern Georgia. With his own hands he cultivated a vineyard and distributed his harvest to the poor. The climate in that region was capricious—droughts were frequent, and hail would devastate the fragile crops, laying waste to the farmers’ labors. But while St. Joseph was laboring there, the region suffered neither drought nor hail. Through St. Joseph’s prayers, the sick were healed and the blind received sight. Those who dwelt near him loved him deeply and put their hope in him. St. Gabriel the Lesser remarked joyfully in one of 597 his writings: “Once I saw and two times I kissed the hand of this holy man.” Having lived in godliness to a ripe old age, Catholicos Joseph reposed peacefully in the year 1770. TODAY IS OCTOBER 18 Saint Peter of Cetinje DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Peter was born in Njegushi, Montenegro on April 1, 1797. He was tonsured a monk and ordained to the diaconate when he was only seventeen. He accompanied his uncle Bishop Basil to Russia the following year in order to study there. His uncle died within a year after arriving in Russia, and so Peter was obliged to return to Montenegro. The young deacon was ordained to the holy priesthood, and was later elevated to the rank of archimandrite. St. Peter assisted Metropolitan Sava in the administration of the diocese until that hierarch died in 1781. St. Peter seemed the logical choice to succeed him. As Metropolitan of Montenegro, St. Peter also became the secular leader (governor) of the Montenegran Serbs. For the rest of his life he devoted himself to promoting peace and unity among warring tribes and clans, and to helping his flock rise above petty quarrels and animosity at a difficult time in their history. St. Peter also defended his nation against the onslaught of enemies. He successfully opposed Napoleon’s army at Dalmatia, and took part in the first Serbian uprising against the Turks. Although he enjoyed a 598 certain prominence as the archpastor and governor of the Serbs, St. Peter continued to live as a simple monk in a small cell where he lived in asceticism. He fasted, prayed, and read books in French, Italian and Russian in order to increase his knowledge of Orthodox doctrine and secular culture. While he was strict with himself, the holy bishop was merciful toward others. St. Peter contributed to the welfare of his country through his good works. As a bishop he promoted love and peace. As governor he never sentenced a criminal to death. St. Peter, the Metropolitan and governor of Cetinje and all Montenegro, fell asleep in the Lord on October 18, 1830. He was succeeded by his nephew Bishop Peter II (Njegos). St. Peter’s holy and grace-filled relics were uncovered in 1834. They were found incorrupt and streaming with myrrh, and still rest in the monastery at Cetinje. He is honored as a powerful intercessor for his people, and for the whole Church. TODAY IS OCTOBER 19 Saint John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint John of Kronstadt was a married priest. Through his untiring labours in his priestly duties and love for the poor and sinners, he was granted by our Lord great gifts of clairvoyance and miracle-working, to such a degree that in the last years of his life miracles of healings — both of body and of soul — were performed countless times each 599 day through his prayers, often for people who had only written to him asking his help. During his lifetime he was known throughout Russia, as well as in the Western world. He has left us his diary “My Life in Christ” as a spiritual treasure for Christians of every age; simple in language, it expounds the deepest mysteries of our Faith with that wisdom which is given only to a heart purified by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Foreseeing as a true prophet the Revolution of 1917, he unsparingly rebuked the growing apostasy among the people. He foretold that the very name of Russia would be changed. As the darkness of unbelief grew thicker, he shone forth as a beacon of unquenchable piety, comforting the faithful through the many miracles that he worked and the fatherly love and simplicity with which he received all. Saint John reposed in peace in 1908" (Great Horologion). TODAY IS OCTOBER 20 Saint Jonah, Bishop of Manchuria (1925) DAY OF CELEBRATION He was orphaned in Russia at a young age, and, after attending the seminary in his home town of Kaluga, was tonsured as a monk at Optina Monastery. He was later ordained a priest, and taught in Kazan. In his thirtieth year (1918) the Bolsheviks seized power and he was forced to flee. After many persecutions and sufferings, he joined a large party of Russians who fled across Turkestan and the Gobi 600 Desert into China. There he was made Bishop, and immediately began working tirelessly to encourage his flock and to provide for their material needs (most had arrived in China with only the clothes on their backs). He established churches, opened soup kitchens and an orphanage, cared personally for the sick, and in every way personified a true Minister of Christ. When his death approached (from an infection acquired while caring for the sick) he donned his epitrachelion, read the Canon for the Departure of the Soul, lay down on his bed and said ‘God's will be done. Now I shall die.' Within minutes he was dead. On the night of his funeral the Bishop appeared to a paralyzed ten-year-old boy, who was miraculously healed. St. Jonah's commemoration is October 7 on the Old Calendar, which falls on this day (20) of the New Calendar. TODAY IS OCTOBER 21 Saint Hilarion the Great DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Hilarion the Great was born in the year 291 in the Palestinian village of Tabatha. He was sent to Alexandria to study. There he became acquainted with Christianity and was baptized. After hearing an account of the angelic life of St. Anthony the Great, Hilarion went to meet him, desiring to study with him and learn what is pleasing to God. Hilarion soon returned to his native land to find that his parents 601 had died. After distributing his family’s inheritance to the poor, Hilarion set out into the desert surrounding the city of Maium. In the desert the monk struggled intensely with impure thoughts, vexations of the mind and the burning passions of the flesh, but he defeated them with heavy labor, fasting and fervent prayer. The devil sought to frighten the saint with phantoms and apparitions. During prayer St. Hilarion heard children crying, women wailing, the roaring of lions and other wild beasts. The monk perceived that it was the demons causing these terrors in order to drive him away from the wilderness. He overcame his fear with the help of fervent prayer. Once, robbers fell upon St. Hilarion, and he persuaded them to forsake their life of crime through the power of his words. Soon all of Palestine learned about the holy ascetic. The Lord granted to St. Hilarion the power to cast out unclean spirits. With this gift of grace he loosed the bonds of many of the afflicted. The sick came for healing, and the monk cured them free of charge, saying that the grace of God is not for sale (Mt. 10:8). Such was the grace that he received from God that he could tell by the smell of someone’s body or clothing which passion afflicted his soul. They came to St. Hilarion wanting to save their soul under his guidance. With the blessing of St. Hilarion, monasteries began to spring up throughout Palestine. Going from one monastery to another, he instituted a strict ascetic manner of life. About seven years before his death (+ 371-372) St. Hilarion moved to Cyprus, where the ascetic lived in a solitary place until the Lord summoned him to Himself. 602 TODAY IS OCTOBER 22 Holy New Martyr Saint John of Monembasia DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint John was from Monembasia in the Peloponnese. At that time the region was under the Turkish yoke and subject to frequent raids from Albanians who captured Christians to sell them as slaves. In the course of one such attack, John's father was killed and the young boy and his mother were taken as captives to Larissa, where they were sold to a Turk from Thessalonica. This man, who had no son, wanted to adopt John and make him a Muslim. But nothing was able to persuade the fifteen-year-old youth: attractive promises, threatened beatings, the magic arts the Turk's wife used to make him lose his chastity, all were in vain. John remained as immovable as a rock and preferred to starve for days on end than break the fasts of the Church. The Turk became enraged at his failure to prevail over his young slave, and ran a sword into his stomach. For two days John suffered in agony before he departed to the abode of the blessed in 1773. TODAY IS OCTOBER 23 Patriarch Saint Ignatius of Constantinople DAY OF CELEBRATION 603 St. Ignatius or Ignatios (Greek: Ιγνάτιος), (c. 798–877) was a Patriarch of Constantinople from July 4, 847, to October 23, 858, and from November 23, 867, to his death on October 23, 877. In the Orthodox Martyrology, he is regarded as a saint, with a feast day of October 23. Ignatios, originally named Niketas, was a son of the Emperor Michael I Rangabe and Prokopia. His maternal grandfather was Nikephoros I. Although he was still a child, Niketas had been appointed nominal commander of the new corps of imperial guards, the Hikanatoi. He was forcibly castrated (and thus made ineligible for becoming emperor, since the emperor could not be a eunuch) and tonsured after his father's deposition in 813. He founded three monasteries on the Princes' Islands, a favourite place for exiling tonsured members of the imperial house. The Empress Mother Theodora appointed Ignatios, a staunch opponent of Iconoclasm, to succeed Methodios I as patriarch of Constantinople in 847. Ignatios soon became embroiled in the conflict between the Stoudites and the moderates in the Church, the issue being whether or not to depose clergymen who had cooperated with iconoclast policies in the past. Ignatios took the side of the conservative Stoudites and deposed the archbishop of Syracuse, Gregory Asbestas, the leader of the moderate party. Asbestas appealed for redress to Pope Leo IV and thus inaugurated a period of friction in relations between the Roman and Constantinopolitan churches. A fervent critic of the Caesar Bardas, Ignatios lost support after Emperor Michael III and Bardas removed Theodora from influence in 857. Ignatios was forced to resign and was replaced by 604 the layman Photios. When Photios reversed some of his predecessor's policies, Ignatios's supporters appealed to Pope Nicholas I, who at first tried to stay out of the controversy, but then condemned Photios. The immediate issues in the conflict were the question of papal precedence over the patriarch, and jurisdiction over newly-converted Bulgaria. In 867 Basil I the Macedonian usurped the throne and, seeking an alliance with Nicholas I and Louis II, Holy Roman Emperor, banished Photios and restored Ignatios on the patriarchal throne. Reinstated, Ignatios refused to yield to the papacy and drew Bulgaria back into the orbit of the Byzantine Church in 870. Since Ignatios and Photios pursued the same policy, the latter was recalled and reinstated as tutor to the emperor's children. When Ignatios died in October 877, Photios was reinstated as patriarch and contributed to Ignatios' sanctification. TODAY IS OCTOBER 24 Holy Martyr Saint Arethas DAY OF CELEBRATION These Martyrs contested for piety's sake in the year 524 in Najran, a city of Arabia Felix (present-day Yemen). When Dhu Nuwas, ruler of the Himyarite tribe in south Arabia, and a Judaizer, took power, he sought to blot out Christianity, especially at Najran, a Christian city. Against the counsels of Arethas, chief man of Najran, the city surrendered to Dhu Nuwas, who immediately broke the word he had given and sought to compel the city to renounce Christ. Led by Saint Arethas, hundreds of martyrs, including women, children, and babes, 605 valiantly withstood his threats, and were beheaded and burned. After the men had been slain, all the free-born Christian women of Najran were brought before the tyrant and commanded to abjure Christ or die; yet they rebuked the persecutor with such boldness that he said even the men had not insulted him so contemptuously. So great was their faith that not one woman was found to deny Christ in all Najran, although some of them suffered torments more bitter than most of the men. In alliance with Byzantium, the Ethiopian King Elesbaan liberated Najran from Dhu Nuwas soon after and raised up churches in honour of the Martyrs. Najran became a place of pilgrimage until the rise of Islam a century later. At the end of his life King Elesbaan, who was also called Caleb, retired into solitude as a hermit; he sent his crown to Jerusalem as an offering to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. He also is commemorated on this day as a saint. Saint Arethas' name in Arabic, Harith, means "plowman, tiller," much the same as "George" in Greek. TODAY IS OCTOBER 25 Martyr Marcian the Notary of Constantinople DAY OF CELEBRATION The Martyrs Marcian and Martyrius, Notaries of Constantinople served in a Constantinople cathedral. Marcian was a reader and Martyrius a subdeacon. They both performed in the capacity of notaries, i.e. secretaries, for Patriarch Paul the Confessor. Arian heretics expelled 606 and secretly executed the righteous Patriarch Paul. His throne was given to the heretic Macedonius. The heretics attempted to entice Sts Marcian and Martyrius over to their side by flattery. They offered them gold and promised to consecrate them as archbishop, but all the efforts of the Arians were in vain. Then the impious threatened to slander them before the emperor, and sought to intimidate them with torture and death. But the saints steadfastly confessed Orthodoxy, as handed down by the Fathers of the Church. Marcian and Martyrius were sentenced to death. Before death, the martyrs prayed, “Lord God, Who have invisibly created our hearts, and directed all our deeds, accept with peace the souls of Your servants, since we perish for You and are considered as sheep for the slaughter (Ps 32/33:15; 43/44:22). We rejoice that by such a death we shall depart this life for Your Name. Grant us to be partakers of life eternal with You, the Source of life.” After their prayer the martyrs, with quiet rejoicing, bent their necks beneath the sword of the impious. Their holy bodies were reverently buried by Orthodox Christians. Later, by decree of St. John Chrysostom, the relics of the holy martyrs were transferred to a church built in their honor. Believers here were healed of many infirmities through the prayers of the saints, to the glory of the One Life-Creating Trinity. 607 TODAY IS OCTOBER 26 Martyr Saint Lupus DAY OF CELEBRATION The Martyr Lupus lived at the end of the third century and beginning of the fourth century, and was a faithful servant of the holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. Being present at the death of his master, he soaked his own clothing with his blood and took a ring from his hand. With this clothing, and with the ring and the name of the Great Martyr Demetrius, St. Lupus worked many miracles at Thessalonica. He destroyed pagan idols, for which he was subjected to persecution by the pagans, but he was preserved unharmed by the power of God. St. Lupus voluntarily delivered himself into the hands of the torturers, and by order of the emperor Maximian Galerius, he was beheaded by the sword. TODAY IS OCTOBER 27 Venerable Father Saint Demetrius of Basarabov DAY OF CELEBRATION 608 He was born early in the thirteenth century to a peasant family in the village of Basarov, then part of Bulgaria. Even in childhood, he gave himself to fasting and prayer. Once, walking across a field, he accidentally stepped on a bird's nest in the grass, killing the young birds. He was so filled with remorse that he went barefoot for three years, winter and summer, in penance. When he was grown he joined a monastery and, after a few years of community life, received a blessing to dwell in a cave near the River Lom. After many years of solitary struggle, he reposed in his cave. Three hundred years passed, during which all memory of the simple ascetic was lost. Then, one spring the river flooded the cave and carried off Demetrius' body, which had lain incorrupt in the cave for centuries. The body was carried downstream and buried in gravel. Another hundred years went by, and the Saint appeared in a dream to a paralyzed girl, telling her to ask her parents to take her to the river bank, where she would be healed. The family, along with many clergy and villagers, went to a spot where some local people had earlier seen an unexplained light. They dug and soon unearthed the still-incorrupt and radiant body of St. Demetrius, by which the girl was instantly healed. A church was built in the village of Basarabov to honor the precious relics, and through the years the Saint worked many miracles there. In 1774, during the Russian-Turkish war, General Peter Saltikov ordered the holy relics taken to Russia so that they would not be desecrated by the Turks. When the relics came to Bucharest, a pious Christian friend of the General begged him not to deprive the country of one of its most precious saints; so the General took only one of the Saint's hands, sending it to the Kiev Caves Lavra. Saint Demetrius' body was placed in the cathedral of Bucharest, where it has been venerated ever since. Every year on October 27, a three-day festival is held in the saint's honor, attended by crowds of the faithful. 609 TODAY IS OCTOBER 28 Martyr Saint Neophytus of Urbin, Georgia DAY OF CELEBRATION The holy hieromartyr Neophytus of Urbnisi descended from a line of Persian fire-worshippers. In the 7th century, by order of the Saracen emir Mumni (Mu’min), the military leader Ahmad attacked Georgia with an enormous army. After overrunning the central part of Shida (Inner) Kartli, Ahmad dispatched two of his commanders, Omar and Burul, to the capital city of Mtskheta. At the confluence of the Mtkvari and Aragvi rivers, across from the village of Tsikhedidi in the rocky Sarkineti region, the invaders discovered a group of caves and plotted to occupy them. They tried to cross the Mtkvari but were unable. Having suffered a setback, the enemies asked their captives what was located in those caves. They were told that this was the ShioMgvime Monastery, where dwelt God’s chosen, who had deprived themselves of every earthly blessing. Surprised at this reply, the commanders decided to pass this information on to Ahmad. Then, as though it were commonplace, Ahmad sent Omar to the monastery to ask the monks to pray for him and remember him at the grave of their abbot, St. Shio. “Pray for me, O slaves of God, and accept these gifts of aloe and incense. Offer these as a sacrifice to your abbot,” he told them. Approaching the monastery caves, Omar sent a messenger to inform the monks that he was coming to them in peace and bearing gifts. Drawing near to the monastery gates, the commander saw an 610 army of incorporeal hosts descending from the heavens and among them an elder, radiant with a great light. The meek and modest behavior of the monks left a great impression on Omar. He soon understood that the strange armies he had seen on the steps of the monastery were angels of God and that the elder was St. Shio of Mgvime, abbot of the monastery. He related his vision to the monks and vowed to return to them, receive the sacrament of Holy Baptism, be tonsured a monk, and remain there to join in their holy labors. Soon Omar abandoned all his possessions, his military rank, and his wealth and was baptized in the Christian Faith at the Shio-Mgvime Monastery as he had promised. Two of his slaves were baptized with him as well. Omar received the new name Neophytus (Newly Planted / From the Greek word neophytos, which in I Tim. 3:6 refers to a new convert.), and his slaves became Christodoulus (Christ’s Slave) and Christopher (Christ-bearer). According to God’s will, St. Neophytus was consecrated bishop of Urbnisi, and all were amazed at his wisdom and steadfastness. He was a true father to his flock: “He strengthened the weak, healed the sick, raised the fallen, cleansed the possessed, directed the lost and sought out those who were perishing, protecting them, and forbidding them to wander off again.” But the enemy could not tolerate the native Persian’s apostolic activity, and he convinced the fire-worshippers to kill the Christian shepherd. So the unbelievers devised an ambush and attacked Neophytus’ isolated cell, then tied him up and began to mock, curse, and revile him. They knew that St. Neophytus longed to become like the holy protomartyr Stephen, and they plotted to stone him to death. When his time to depart this world had arrived, St. Neophytus turned to his persecutors with a tender voice, saying, “Sweet is death to me, O unbelievers! Sweet it is to me. I desire to sunder the link between my mortal and immortal nature.... With my own blood I will confirm the Holy Church, which is founded upon the Precious Blood of the Son 611 and Word of God, Whom I preach. May that which was foreordained for me by the Providence of God be fulfilled, for He has called me to His light from the depths of ungodliness!” The furious pagans stoned the saint to death. With his last breath Holy Hieromartyr Neophytus cried out, “Lord Jesus Christ receive my soul!” TODAY IS OCTOBER 29 Saint Serapion of Zarzma DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Serapion of Zarzma was the son of a Klarjeti aristocrat famed for his wealth and good deeds. Serapion had two brothers, who were still young when their mother died. Their father also reposed soon after. From childhood St. Serapion longed to lead the life of a hermit. With his younger brother, John, he set off for Parekhi Monastery, where he requested the spiritual guidance of “the spiritual father and teacher of orphans,” the great wonderworker St. Michael of Parekhi. The older brother remained at home to continue the family tradition of caring for wanderers and the poor. St. Michael perceived in the young Serapion true zeal for a divine ministry and blessed him to enter the priesthood. Once, while he was praying, St. Michael was instructed in a vision to send his disciples Serapion and John to Samtskhe to found a monastery. Serapion was alarmed at the thought of such a great responsibility, but he submitted to his spiritual father’s will and set off 612 for Samtskhe with several companions. He took with him a wonderworking icon of our Lord’s Transfiguration. The monks climbed to the peak of a very high mountain and, having looked around at their environs, decided to settle there and begin construction of the monastery. But soon the villagers chased the monks away, and the holy fathers located the exact place that their shepherd, St. Michael, had seen in the vision. At that time a faithful nobleman named Prince George Chorchaneli ruled in this mountainous region. Once, while he was out hunting, George saw smoke over the dense forest and sent a servant to discover the cause. He was soon informed that two remarkable monks had settled in that place. Immediately he set off for the spot, humbly greeted the monks, venerated the wonderworking icon, and asked for the fathers’ blessings. Overjoyed and inspired by St. Serapion’s preaching, the prince fell on his knees before him and promised to help him in every way to establish the new monastery. Having donated this land and the surrounding area to the monastery, he presented the monks with a deed assigning ownership of all the territory the monks could cover on foot in one day to the future monastery. The prince sent his servant to accompany them. The brothers walked over unexplored territory, through dense forests, and over rocky paths. Two local residents, the God-fearing Ia and Garbaneli, accompanied them. But not all the local people received the monks so warmly: the residents of Tsiskvili met them with hostility and tried to block their path. That very same night a miracle occurred: an earthquake split the rocks that were holding back Lake Satakhve and washed away the entire village of Tsiskvili. Only two brothers survived. To this day this place has been called “Zarzma” [the word “zari” is often used to denote a tragic occurrence]. The brethren began to search for a suitable place to build their church. St. Serapion wanted to construct the church on a high hill, but John and the other brothers objected. “It is not 613 necessary, Holy Father, to build in this place,” they said. “It is high and cold here, and the brothers are dressed only in rags.” To resolve this question, the holy fathers filled two small icon lamps with equal amounts of oil. Serapion placed one of them at the top of the hill, John placed the other near a stream on the southern side of the hill, and they began to pray. At daybreak Serapion’s lamp had already gone out, but John’s lamp continued to burn until midday. Thus they began to build the church in the place that John had chosen. The monks faced many obstacles in the construction of their church. The area was covered with dense forest, and the stones necessary for building could be found only in the river. At George Chorchaneli’s suggestion, they salvaged the stone from a church that had been destroyed by the earthquake. After three years of construction, the monastery was completed, and the wonder-working icon of the Transfiguration was placed in the altar of the church. The monks fashioned cells, and St. Serapion established the rules of the monastery. When he was approaching death, St. Michael of Parekhi sent two of his disciples to St. Serapion and John. When he learned that the construction of the monastery was completed, he rejoiced exceedingly and blessed its benefactor, George Chorchaneli. Then he took the withered branch of a box tree and presented it to him, saying, “My son, plant this tree near the church and, if it blossoms again, know that it is God’s will that you zealously continue the work you have begun in His name.” After some time the branch blossomed, and this miracle became known to many. When the blessed St. Serapion sensed the approach of death, he summoned the brothers, bade them farewell, and appointed Hieromonk George his successor as abbot. He was buried with great honor on the eastern side of the altar at the monastery church. 614 TODAY IS OCTOBER 30 Saint Stephen Miliutin of Serbia DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Stephen was the younger son of King Stephen Urosh I, and grandson of First-Crowned King St. Stephen. He ruled Serbia from 1275 to 1320. Stephen Milutin received the throne from his elder brother Dragutin, a true Christian, who after a short reign transferred power over to his brother, and he himself in loving solitude withdrew to Srem, where he secretly lived as an ascetic in a grave, which he dug with his own hands. During his righteous life, St. Dragutin toiled much over converting the Bogomil heretics to the true Faith. His death occurred on March 2, 1316. St. Stephen Milutin, after he became king, bravely defended, by both word and by deed, the Orthodox Serbs and other Orthodox peoples from their enemies. St. Stephen did not forget to thank the Lord for His beneficence. He built more than forty churches, and also many monasteries and hostels for travelers. The saint particularly concerned himself with the Athonite monasteries. When the Serbian kingdom fell, the monasteries remained centers of national culture and Orthodoxy for the Serbian nation. St. Stephen died on October 29, 1320 and was buried at the Bansk monastery. After two years his incorrupt relics uncovered, and many healings were recorded at his gravesite. 615 were TODAY IS OCTOBER 31 New Martyr Saint Nicholas of Chios (1754) DAY OF CELEBRATION Raised in piety, he worked as a stone-mason until an accident deprived him of his reason and of the power of speech. The local Turkish rulers took advantage of his condition to declare him a Muslim. For years thereafter he was employed as a shepherd until he met a monk named Cyril, who prayed fervently that he be restored to his senses. He was miraculously restored, and almost immediately was filled with the desire to repent and to live only for Christ, devoting himself to prayer, fasting and vigil. Sometime later he was falsely suspected of a crime by one of the people of his village, and brought before the Turkish authorities. When he was questioned, he declared ‘I was born a Christian, I was brought up as a Christian, I have never denied Christ for Islam, and I never will deny Him, but will die a Christian.' For this he was brutally tortured. Many local Christians, including the village priest, feared for their own safety and urged him to deny Christ, but Nicholas only rebuked them and stood firm. After many days of torture he was finally slain by the sword. The Synaxarion tells how a thick darkness fell on the whole island of Chios. When the dismayed Turks burned the Martyr's body to be rid of this miracle, they were further dismayed when a heavenly scent rose from the flames, revealing the Saint's entry into eternal glory. His ashes were collected by the local Christians and buried under the altar of the local church, where it is said many healing miracles took place. 616 617 TODAY IS NOVEMBER 1 Saint David Komnenos Last Emperor of Trebizond DAY OF CELEBRATION David Megas Komnenos (Greek: Δαβίδ Μέγας Κομνηνός, Dabid Megas Komnēnos) (c. 1408 – November 1, 1463) was the last Emperor of Trebizond from 1459 to 1461. He was the third son of Emperor Alexios IV of Trebizond and Theodora Kantakouzene. David had played an important role throughout the reign of his older brother and predecessor John IV. He had been given the courtly title of despotes, which in Trebizond designated the heir to the throne. David had participated in his brother's depredations against the Genoese, and also fulfilled various diplomatic tasks. In 1458 he ratified his brother's treaty with the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II in Adrianople, and later the same year he conveyed his niece Theodora to her husband, Uzun Hassan of the Ak Koyunlu. David ascended the throne on his brother's death, sometime before April 22, 1459. Although John IV had a son named Alexios, he was a boy four years old and the precarious position of the Empire of Trebizond dictated that the crown should pass to a man of experience. David's accession proceeded without recorded opposition. David had married Maria of Gothia, the daughter of the semi-independent ruler of Theodoro (Mangup) in the Crimea, an area that had been under the control of Trebizond. After Maria's death (sometime before 1447), he married Helena Kantakouzene, a great618 granddaughter of Emperor John VI Kantakouzenos. With the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks in 1453 and the weakness of Crimean Gothia (overshadowed by the Genoese colonies and the remnants of the Golden Horde), these marital alliances provided little support for Trebizond after David's accession in 1459. The connections established with the Georgian princes and Uzun Hassan of the Ak Koyunlu were slightly more viable, and David seems to have counted on their support. With this in mind, he tried to attract the attention of the Valois duke of Burgundy, Philip the Good in the hope of fostering an anti-Ottoman crusade. David's effort was supported by an appeal by Pope Pius II, who also sent envoys to the Burgundians as well as to the Christian princes in the East in an attempt to create a Christian league. The Muslim rulers of Sinope and Karaman appear to have been enlisted as allies by David or Uzun Hassan. With Western support against the Ottomans still very far off, David prematurely asked the Sultan for a remission of the tribute paid by his predecessor. Even worse, made these demands through the envoys of Uzun Hassan, who made even more arrogant demands on behalf of their master. Sultan Mehmed responded in the summer of 1461: a fleet under his admiral Kassim Pasha sailed along the Black Sea coast of Anatolia towards Trebizond while he led an army from Bursa eastward . After pretending to be ready to negotiate with some of his neighbors, Mehmed II besieged Sinope and obtained its surrender. The Sultan sent his fleet on to Trebizond, while he led the land army against Uzun Hassan. After Mehmed took the frontier fortress of Koylu Hisar by storm, and Uzun Hassan's allies the Karamanians failed to come to his aid, Uzun Hassan sent his mother, Sara Khatun, with expensive gifts to the Sultan's camp to sue for peace. While she managed to save the Aq Qoyunlu, she could do nothing for her daughter-in-law's homeland, Trebizond. Runciman records the exchange. "Why tire yourself, my son, for nothing better 619 than Trebizond?" she asked him. He replied that the Sword of Islam was in his hand, and he would be ashamed not to tire himself for his faith. With David's most effective ally neutralized, Mehmed II marched to Trebizond. His fleet had landed there in early July, defeated David's army, and plundered the suburbs, besieging the city for more than a month. The Ottoman commander Mahmud Pasha had opened negotiations with David even before his master's arrival, and David's Treasurer, George Amiroutzes, advised the emperor to surrender on terms. When Mehmed II arrived in August, he was displeased with the negotiations, but allowed them to proceed. David was now persuaded to surrender, keeping his family, household, and wealth, and was promised a profitable retirement in Thrace. David's surrender about 15 August 1461 marks the end of the Empire of Trebizond and of the Byzantine imperial tradition. The deposed emperor, his family, and courtiers were shipped off to Constantinople. The population was divided into groups, some being allocated to the service of the Sultan and his officers, others added to the population of Constantinople, and the remainder were allowed to inhabit the outskirts of Trebizond itself. Some local youths were duly conscripted into the Janissaries, while the Ottoman admiral was left to garrison the city. David was settled in Adrianople together with his family, and received the profits of estates in the Struma River valley, comprising an annual income of some 300,000 pieces of silver. The close family relations and continued exchange between David and Uzun Hassan were betrayed to the Sultan by George Amiroutzes (which involved an ambitious plan to send one of David's sons or Alexios to grow up at the court of Uzun Hassan in seeming opposition to Mehmed), furnished an excuse to imprison David and his sons in March 1463. On November 11, 1463 he was executed in Adrianople together with his nephew (the son of John IV) and three of his sons. Only one son, George, was spared due to his young age, and became a Muslim, before escaping to Georgia. 620 Other members of the family fared better. Maria Gattilusio, the widow of David's older brother Alexander, joined the Sultan's harem, as did David's daughter Anna (although she was later passed on to the general Zagan Pasha). Maria's son Alexios was also spared, becoming one of the Sultan's pages and earning his favor; according to tradition he was given lands just outside the city walls of Pera, where he was known locally as "the Son of the Bey" and after whom the district of Beyoğlu was named. However, the widowed Empress Helena Kantakouzene was heavily fined by the Sultan for burying her husband and her sons and spent the rest of her life in poverty. Her youngest son, George, was raised as a Moslem, but when he was later allowed to visit Uzun Hassan George fled his court to his sister in Georgia where he reverted to Christianity and married a Georgian princess. In a manuscript, now treasured at the Ecumenical Patriarchate, we read “When David appeared to Sultan Mehmed II, Sultan gave him two choices: or to renounce his faith and to spare his life or to kill him and his whole family. From this terrible proposal David chose the second option saying boldly to Sultan that: “No torture is going to make me to renounce the faith of my fathers.” So David entered into eternity exchanging his royal crown with the wreath of martyrdom. In July 2013, after a proposal made by His Eminence Metropolitan Paul of Drama, David Komnenos, last Emperor of Trebizond, Basil, George, Manouel (his sons) and Alexios (his nephew), were declared Saints, through an official Act of Canonization by the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Their memory will be celebrated on November 1, which is the date of their martyrdom. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 2 Our Holy Father Saint Gerasim the New DAY OF CELEBRATION 621 Saint Gerasimus the New Ascetic of Cephalonia was born in the village of Trikkala in the Peloponessos. As a young adult, he became a monk on the island of Zakynthos. On the Holy Mountain he became a schemamonk [Monks whose abbots feel they have reached a high level of spiritual excellence reach the final stage, called the Great Schema] and studied with the ascetics of Mt. Athos. Receiving a blessing from the Elders, the monk went to Jerusalem to worship at the Life-bearing Tomb of the Savior. After visiting many holy places in Jerusalem, Mount Sinai, Antioch, Damascus, Alexandria and Egypt, he returned to Jerusalem where he became a lamp-lighter at the Sepulcher of the Lord. The monk was ordained a deacon and then a priest by the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Germanus (1534-1579). St. Gerasimus maintained the discipline of an ascetic. For solitude he withdrew to the Jordan, where he spent forty days without respite. Having received the Patriarch's blessing for a life of silence, St. Gerasimus withdrew to Zakynthos in solitude, eating only vegetation. After five years he was inspired to go the island of Cephalonia, where he lived in a cave. He restored a church at Omala, and he founded a women's monastery where he lived in constant toil and vigil for thirty years. He prayed on bent knees stretched out on the ground. For his exalted life he was granted a miraculous gift: the ability to heal the sick and cast out unclean spirits. At 71 years of age, the venerable Gerasimus knew that he would soon die. He gave his blessing to the nuns and peacefully fell asleep in the Lord on August 15, 1579. Two 622 years later, his grave was opened and his holy relics were found fragrant and incorrupt with a healing power. Since the Feast of the Dormition falls on August 15, St. Gerasimus is commemorated today. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 3 Venerable Saint Nicholas Radiant Star of the Georgians DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Nicholas was the author of many church services. He lived in the second half of the 13th century, and the last years of his life coincided with the reign of King Vakhtang III (1302-1308), the son of the holy king Demetre the Devoted. St. Nicholas was one of the greatest hymnographers and spiritual figures of his time, and many of his works have been preserved. Catholicos Anton I writes that Nicholas composed numerous canons and services, including a “Canon of Supplication for Rain.” St. Nicholas enriched the spiritual literature of Georgia with his translations as well. Scholars and historians believe that, as the greatest liturgist of his time, he was probably asked to translate many prayers and services from Greek to Georgian. Among them was the “Canon for the Blessing of Holy Water.” The famous 19th-century historian Platon Ioseliani writes that 623 other church services belonging to the pen of St. Nicholas are included among the manuscripts of the Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos. St. Nicholas reposed peacefully in the year 1308. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 4 Hieromartyr Saint Nicander the Bishop of Myra DAY OF CELEBRATION The Hieromartyrs Nicander, Bishop of Myra, was a follower of fellow ascetic, the holy Apostle Titus of the Seventy, and they were ordained by him to the priesthood. Living the ascetic life amid incessant pastoral works, the saints converted many pagans to Christ. For this they were arrested and brought before the city prefect, Libanius. Neither flattery nor threats swayed the holy martyrs to renounce Christ. Then Libanius gave orders that they be tortured. The saints endured fierce and inhuman torments: they were tied to horses and dragged over stones, their bodies were raked with iron hooks, and they were cast into a hot oven. The Lord helped them endure things that a mere man by his own strength could not endure. Towards the end, iron nails were hammered into their heads and hearts. They were thrown into a pit, then covered over with earth. After enduring such a cruel death, now they live forever in the joy of the Lord (Mt. 25:21). 624 TODAY IS NOVEMBER 5 Saint Jonah the Archbishop of Novgorod DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Jonah, Archbishop of Novgorod, in the world named John, was left orphaned early in life and was adopted by a certain pious widow living in Novgorod. She raised the child and sent him to school, where he was an outstanding student. Blessed Michael of Klops Monastery (January 11), who chanced to meet John on the street while he was still a student, foretold that he would become Archbishop of Novgorod. John received tonsure at the Otnya wilderness-monastery, 50 versts from the city, and he became igumen of this monastery. It was from here that the people of Novgorod chose him as their archbishop in 1458, after the death of St. Euthymius. St. Jonah enjoyed great influence at Moscow, and during his time as hierarch, the Moscow princes did not infringe upon the independence of Novgorod. St. John, Metropolitan of Moscow (1449-1461), was a friend of the Novgorod Archbishop St. Jonah, and wanted him to become his successor. In 1463, Archbishop Jonah built the first church dedicated to St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Novgorod region. Concerning himself over reviving traditions of the old days in the Novgorod Church, he summoned to Novgorod the renowned compiler of saints’ lives, Pachomius the Logothete, who wrote both the services and history of the best known Novgorod Saints, based on local sources. And to this time period belongs also the founding of the Solovki monastery. St. Jonah rendered much help and assistance in the organizing of the 625 monastery. To St. Zosimas he gave a special land-grant (in conjunction with the secular authorities of Novgorod), by which the whole of Solovki Island was granted to the new monastery. The saint, after his many toils, and sensing the approach of his end, wrote a spiritual testament to bury his body at the Otnya monastery. On November 5, 1470, after he received the Holy Mysteries, the saint fell asleep in the Lord. There has survived to the present day a Letter of St. Jonah to Metropolitan Theodosius, written in 1464. The Life of Saint Jonah was written in the form of a short account in the year 1472 (included in the work, “Memorials of Old Russian Literature”, and also in the Great Reading Menaion of Metropolitan Macarius, under November 5). In 1553, after the uncovering of the relics of Archbishop Jonah, an account of this event was written by St. Zenobius of Otnya. A special work relating the miracles of the saint is found in manuscripts of the seventeenth century. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 6 Saint Herman the Archbishop of Kazan DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Herman, Archbishop of Kazan, lived during the sixteenth century. He was born in the city of Staritsa, and was descended from the old boyar nobility of the Polevi. In his youth Gregory (his baptismal name) was tonsured at the Joseph-Volokolamsk monastery under 626 Igumen Gurias, who later became Archbishop of Kazan. At the monastery St. Herman occupied himself with copying books, and he was a close friend of St. Maximus the Greek, who was living there in confinement. In 1551 the brethren of the Staritsa Dormition monastery, seeing his piety, chose him as their archimandrite. Taking up the governance of this monastery with a pastoral zeal, St. Herman concerned himself with its internal and external order, for he himself was a model of humility and meekness. He exhorted all to observe their monastic commitment strictly, and he introduced into his monastery the Rule of St. Joseph of Volokolamsk. But after two and a half years Archimandrite Herman left the Staritsa monastery, leaving its direction to the hieromonk Job, who afterwards was to become the first Patriarch of Moscow, and was an ascetic and sufferer for the Russian Land. St. Herman’s love for solitary struggles brought him to return to his original Volokolamsk monastery, where he strove toward salvation as a simple monk. However, when the new heretic Matthew Bashkin (who refused to acknowledge the Holy Mysteries and denied faith in the Holy Trinity) appeared at Moscow, St. Herman was summoned to the Moscow Council of 1553. The Council censured the heretic Bashkin and resolved to send him for correction to St. Herman at the Volokolamsk monastery, since St. Herman was known for his holy life and zeal for the faith in Christ. In 1555, after the taking of Kazan, an archepiscopal See was established there. St. Gurias, the former igumen of Volokolamsk monastery, was chosen as archbishop. He was entrusted with building the Dormition monastery in the city of Sviyazhsk for missionary purposes. By decree of St. Gurias, St. Herman was appointed as head of this new monastery in Sviyazhsk. A stone cathedral was built with a bell tower and monastic cells. The igumen of monastery he lived very frugally in a cramped cell beneath the cathedral bell tower. St. Herman particularly concerned himself with acquiring a library for the monastery. Soon his monastery 627 became famous for its good works, and it became a center of enlightenment for the Kazan region. On March 12, 1564, after the repose of St. Gurias, St. Herman was consecrated Bishop of Kazan. The short duration of his tenure there was marked nonetheless by his efforts to build churches and to enlighten the people of the region with the light of Christ. In 1566, Ivan the Terrible summoned St. Herman to Moscow and ordered that he be elected the Metropolitan. At first, St. Herman refused to have this burden imposed upon him. The Tsar would not tolerate any objection, however, and the saint was obliged to settle into the Metropolitan’s quarters until his elevation to the position of Metropolitan. Seeing injustice among those of the Tsar’s inner circle, St. Herman, true to his pastoral duty, attempted to admonish the Tsar. “You are not yet elevated to Metropolitan, and already you place constraints upon my freedom,” the Tsar told him through his aides. He ordered St. Herman expelled from the Metropolitan’s quarters and that he be kept under surveillance. The saint lived in governmental disgrace but an ecclesiastical champion for about two years, and died on November 6, 1567. They buried him in the church of St. Nicholas the Hospitable. In 1595, at the request of the inhabitants of Sviyazhsk, the relics of the saint were transferred from Moscow to the Sviyazhsk Dormition monastery. INSIDE AN ORTHORDOX CHURCH 628 TODAY IS NOVEMBER 7 Martyr Saint Eugene of Melitene DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Eugene was one of the thirty-two soldiers beheaded with St. Hieron of Melitene. The co-ruling emperors Diocletian and Maximian sent a large military detachment headed by Lysias to Cappadocia to eradicate Christianity there, and also to conscript healthy and strong men into the imperial army. Lysias told the soldiers gathered at Melitene to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods. Eugene and another thirty-two soldiers refused to do this, and openly confessed their faith in Christ. Then the persecutor gave orders to beat the martyrs. After cruel tortures they threw the martyrs into prison barely alive, and they beheaded them four days later. 629 TODAY IS NOVEMBER 8 Saint Alexander of Guria DAY OF CELEBRATION In 1824 the future Saint Alexander was born into a priestly family as Alexei Okropiridze. The family lived in the village of Disevi in the Gori district of Georgia. The future hierarch and saint received his primary education in the Gori Theological School. He continued his education at the Tbilisi Seminary, completing his course of study in 1845. He, then, was tonsured a monk and was given the name Alexander. To continue his education, the monk Alexander traveled to Kazan, Russia, where he attended the Kazan Academy. Upon graduation with honors, he returned to Georgia where he was ordained to the diaconate and then to the priesthood. After returning to Georgia, Fr. Alexander began teaching at the Tbilisi Seminary, encompassing courses in Holy Scriptures, Latin, moral theology, and archaeology. On July 21, 1851 he departed Tbilisi and, at the direction of the Holy Synod, began to serve a term as dean at the Abkhazeti Theological School. He arrived at the Abkhazeti school on September 21, 1851. In addition to his work at Abkhazeti, he actively pursued improvement of the Ilori Theological School at Ochamchire. Beginning his efforts as a teacher, Fr. Alexander was soon raised to the dignity of archimandrite on February 29, 1856 and to bishop on March 4, 1862. His reputation grew throughout Georgia, and he came to be called by many the “Second Apostle to Abkhazeti.” He was given the power by God for 630 Divine healing of the very ill. This gift was used. The period of Bp. Alexander’s pastoral activities was a difficult time in Georgian Christian history. The use of the Georgian language in the divine services had declined greatly, such that it was not used in the services. This situation resulted in many of the faithful drifting away from the Church. Many churches and monasteries were deserted, including many that were considered cultural and academic centers from ancient times. Further, the Georgian language was not being taught in the schools. Also, education was not available to the poorer families as they were not able to afford education for their children. In this environment Bp. Alexander led a revival of spiritual life and learning that was rooted in the national consciousness. Bp. Alexander’s efforts were mirrored in the number of churches and monasteries that he helped restore. Two churches in Sokhumi were restored through his singular efforts. He was instrumental in the restoration of the monasteries of Shio-Mgvine, Zedazeni, Davit-Gareji, and Shemokmedi outside of Abkhazeti. Among the churches for which he led restoration were the Jvari Church, Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, and Disevi Church in Guria-Samegrelo, Atchara, and Imereti. In 1878, Bp. Alexander also sponsored the founding of a diocesan school for women in Tbilisi. He was the driving force behind the publication of a great number of spiritual and historical books, text books, and collections of hymns. Bp. Alexander was named Bishop of Guria and Samegrelo in 1898 and served until 1903. A project of particular interest to Bp. Alexander was the restoration of the Shio-Mgvime Monastery and the surrounding area that had been devastated at that time. The monastery was the place to which he retired during the last years of his life and from which he journeyed beyond the monastery walls only one time before his repose. That was on September 9, 1907 when he attended the burial of his spiritual son, St. Ilia the Righteous, whom he outlived less than two months. Bp. Alexander fell asleep in 631 the Lord on October 27, 1907 and was buried on the grounds of the Shio-Mgvime Monastery. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 9 Saint Nectarius Metropolitan of Pentapolis DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Nectarius, the great wonderworker of modern times, was born Anastasius Kephalas in Selebria, Thrace on October 1, 1846. Since his family was poor, Anastasius went to Constantinople when he was fourteen in order to find work. Although he had no money, he asked the captain of a boat to take him. The captain told him to take a walk. Anastasius understood, and sadly walked away. The captain gave the order to start the engines, but nothing happened. After several unsuccessful attempts, he looked up into the eyes of Anastasius who stood on the dock. Taking pity on the boy, the captain told him to come aboard. Immediately, the engines started and the boat began to move. Anastasius found a job with a tobacco merchant in Constantinople, who did not pay him very much. In his desire to share useful information with others, Anastasius wrote down short maxims from spiritual books on the paper bags and packages of the tobacco shop. The customers would read them out of curiosity, and might perhaps derive some benefit from them. The boy went about barefoot and in ragged clothing, but he trusted in God. Seeing that the 632 merchant received many letters, Anastasius also wanted to write a letter. To whom could he write? Not to his parents, because there were no mail deliveries to his village. Not to his friends, because he had none. Therefore, he decided to write to Christ to tell Him of his needs. “My little Christ,” he wrote. “I do not have an apron or shoes. You send them to me. You know how much I love you.” Anastasius sealed the letter and wrote on the outside: “To the Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven.” On his way to mail the letter, he ran into the man who owned a shop opposite the one in which he worked. The man asked him where he was going, and Anastasius whispered something in reply. Seeing the letter in his hands, the man offered to mail it for him, since he was on his way to the post office. The merchant put the letter in his pocket and assured Anastasius that he would mail it with his own letters. The boy returned to the tobacco shop, filled with happiness. When he took the letter from his pocket to mail it, the merchant happened to notice the address. Astonished and curious, the man could not resist opening the letter to read it. Touched by the boy’s simple faith, the merchant placed some money in an envelope and sent it to him anonymously. Anastasius was filled with joy, and he gave thanks to God. A few days later, seeing Anastasius dressed somewhat better than usual, his employer thought he had stolen money from him and began to beat him. Anastasius cried out, “I have never stolen anything. My little Christ sent me the money.” Hearing the commotion, the other merchant came and took the tobacco seller aside and explained the situation to him. When he was still a young man, Anastasius made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. During the voyage, the ship was in danger of sinking in a storm. Anastasius looked at the raging sea, and then at the captain. He went and stood beside the captain and took the helm, praying for God to save them. Then he took off the cross his grandmother had given him and tied it to his belt. Leaning over the side, he dipped the cross into the water 633 three times and commanded the sea, “Silence! Be still.” At once, the wind died down and the sea became calm. Anastasius was saddened, however, because his cross had fallen into the sea and was lost. As the boat sailed on, sounds of knocking seemed to come from the hull below the water line. When the ship docked, the young man got off and started to walk away. Suddenly, the captain began shouting, “Kephalas, Kephalas, come back here.” The captain had ordered some men into a small boat to examine the hull in order to discover the source of the knocking, and they discovered the cross stuck to the hull. Anastasius was elated to receive his “Treasure,” and always wore it from that time forward. There is a photograph taken many years later, showing the saint in his monastic skufia. The cross is clearly visible in the photo. On November 7, 1875, Anastasius received monastic tonsure at the Nea Moni Monastery on Chios, and the new name Lazarus. Two years later, he was ordained a deacon. On that occasion, his name was changed to Nectarius. Later, when he was a priest, Fr. Nectarius left Chios and went to Egypt. There he was elected Metropolitan of Pentapolis. Some of his colleagues became jealous of him because of his great virtues, because of his inspiring sermons, and because of everything else which distinguished St. Nectarius from them. Other Metropolitans and bishops of the Patriarchate of Alexandria became filled with malice toward the saint, so they told Patriarch Sophronius that Nectarius was plotting to become patriarch himself. They told 634 the patriarch that the Metropolitan of Pentapolis merely made an outward show of piety in order to win favor with the people. So the patriarch and his synod removed St. Nectarius from his See. Patriarch Sophronius wrote an ambiguous letter of suspension which provoked scandal and speculation about the true reasons for the saint’s removal from his position. St. Nectarius was not deposed from his rank, however. He was still allowed to function as a bishop. If anyone invited him to perform a wedding or a baptism he could do so, as long as he obtained permission from the local bishop. St. Nectarius bore his trials with great patience, but those who loved him began to demand to know why he had been removed. Seeing that this was causing a disturbance in the Church of Alexandria, he decided to go to Greece. He arrived in Athens to find that false rumors about him had already reached that city. His letter of suspension said only that he had been removed “for reasons known to the Patriarchate,” and so all the slanders about him were believed. Since the state and ecclesiastical authorities would not give him a position, the former Metropolitan was left with no means of support, and no place to live. Every day he went to the Minister of Religion asking for assistance. They soon tired of him and began to mistreat him. One day, as he was leaving the Minister’s office, St. Nectarius met a friend whom he had known in Egypt. Surprised to find the beloved bishop in such a condition, the man spoke to the Minister of Religion and Education and asked that something be found for him. So, St. Nectarius was appointed to be a humble preacher in the diocese of Vitineia and Euboea. The saint did not regard this as humiliating for him, even though a simple monk could have filled that position. He went to Euboea to preach in the churches, eagerly embracing his duties. Yet even here, the rumors of scandal followed him. Sometimes, while he was preaching, people began to laugh and whisper. Therefore, the blameless one resigned his position and returned to Athens. By then 635 some people had begun to realize that the rumors were untrue, because they saw nothing in his life or conversation to suggest that he was guilty of anything. With their help and influence, St. Nectarius was appointed Director of the Rizarios Seminary in Athens on March 8, 1894. He was to remain in that position until December of 1908. The saint celebrated the services in the seminary church, taught the students, and wrote several edifying and useful books. Since he was a quiet man, St. Nectarius did not care for the noise and bustle of Athens. He wanted to retire somewhere where he could pray. On the island of Aegina he found an abandoned monastery dedicated to the Holy Trinity, which he began to repair with his own hands. He gathered a community of nuns, appointing the blind nun Xenia as abbess, while he himself served as Father Confessor. Since he had a gift for spiritual direction, many people came to Aegina to confess to him. Eventually, the community grew to thirty nuns. He used to tell them, “I am building a lighthouse for you, and God shall put a light in it that will shine forth to the world. Many will see this light and come to Aegina.” They did not understand what he was telling them, that he himself would be that beacon, and that people would come there to venerate his holy relics. On September 20, 1920 the nun Euphemia brought an old man in black robes, who was obviously in pain, to the Aretaieion Hospital in Athens. This was a state hospital for the poor. The intern asked the nun for information about the patient. “Is he a monk?” he asked. “No, he is a bishop.” The intern laughed and said, “Stop joking and tell me his name, Mother, so that I can enter it in the register.” “He is indeed a bishop, my child. He is the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Pentapolis.” Then the nun showed the saint’s credentials to the astonished intern who then admitted him. The intern muttered, “For the first time in my life I see a bishop without a panagia or cross, and more significantly, without money.” For two months St. Nectarius suffered from a disease of the bladder. At ten 636 thirty on the evening of November 8, 1920, he surrendered his holy soul to God. He died in peace at the age of seventy-four. In the bed next to St. Nectarius was a man who was paralyzed. As soon as the saint had breathed his last, the nurse and the nun who sat with him began to dress him in clean clothing to prepare him for burial at Aegina. They removed his sweater and placed it on the paralyzed man’s bed. Immediately, the paralytic got up from his bed, glorifying God. St. Nectarius was buried at the Holy Trinity Monastery on Aegina. Several years later, his grave was opened to remove his bones (as is the custom in Greece). His body was found whole and incorrupt, as if he had been buried that very day. Word was sent to the Archbishop of Athens, who came to see the relics for himself. Archbishop Chrysostomos told the nuns to leave them out in the sun for a few days, then to rebury them so that they would decay. A month or two after this, they opened the grave again and found the saint incorrupt. Then the relics were placed in a marble sarcophagus. Several years later, the holy relics dissolved, leaving only the bones. The saint’s head was placed in a bishop’s mitre, and the top was opened to allow people to kiss his head. St. Nectarius was glorified by God, since his whole life was a continuous doxology to the Lord. Both during his life and after his death, St. Nectarius has performed thousands of miracles, especially for those suffering from cancer. There are more churches dedicated to St. Nectarius than to any other modern Orthodox saint. 637 TODAY IS NOVEMBER 10 Martyr Saint Constantine the King of Georgia DAY OF CELEBRATION The 9th century was one of the most difficult periods in Georgian history. The Arab Muslims wreaked havoc throughout the region of Kartli, forcibly converting many to Islam with fire and the sword. Many of the destitute and frightened were tempted to betray the Faith of their fathers. At that time the valorous aristocrat and faithful Christian, Prince Constantine, was living in Kartli. He was the descendant of Kakhetian princes, hence his title “Kakhi.” As is meet for a Christian believer, St. Constantine considered himself the greatest of sinners and often said, “There can be no forgiveness of my sins, except through the spilling of my blood for the sake of Him Who shed His innocent blood for us!” While on a pilgrimage to the holy places of Jerusalem, Constantine distributed generous gifts to the churches, visited the wilderness of the Jordan, received blessings from the holy fathers, and returned to his motherland filled with inner joy. After that time Constantine would send thirty thousand pieces of silver to Jerusalem each year. In the years 853 to 854, when the Arab Muslims invaded Georgia under the command of Buga-Turk, the eighty-five-year-old Prince Constantine commanded the army of Kartli with his son Tarkhuj. Outside the city of Gori an uneven battle took place between the Arabs and the Georgians. Despite their fierce resistance, the Georgians suffered defeat, and Constantine and 638 Tarkhuj were taken captive. The captive Constantine was sent to Samarra (a city in central Iraq) to the caliph Ja’far al Mutawakkil (847-861). Ja’far was well aware of the enormous respect Constantine received from the Georgians and all the Christian people who knew him. Having received him with honor, he proposed that Constantine renounce the Christian Faith and threatened him with death in the case of his refusal. Strengthened by divine grace, the courageous prince fearlessly answered, “Your sword does not frighten me. I am afraid of Him Who can destroy my soul and body and Who has the power to resurrect and to kill, for He is the true God, the almighty Sovereign, Ruler of the world, and Father unto all ages!” The enraged caliph ordered the beheading of St. Constantine. Bowing on his knees, the holy martyr lifted up a final prayer to the Lord. St. Constantine was martyred on November 10, 852. The holy martyr’s body was hung from a high pillar to intimidate the Christian believers, but after some time it was buried. A few years later a group of faithful Georgians translated St. Constantine’s holy relics to his motherland and reburied them there with great honor. In that same century the Georgian Orthodox Church numbered Prince Constantine-Kakhi of Kartli among the saints. INSIDE AN ORTHORDOX CHURCH 639 TODAY IS NOVEMBER 11 Saint Theodore the Confessor Abbot of the Studion DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Theodore the Confessor, Abbot of the Studion was born in the year 758 at Constantinople into a family of the imperial tax-collector Photinus and his spouse Theoctiste, both pious Christians. St. Theodore received a good education from the best rhetoricians, philosophers and theologians in the capital city. During this time the iconoclast heresy had become widespread in the Byzantine Empire, and it was supported also by the impious emperor Constantine Kopronymos (741-775). The views of the emperor and his court conflicted with the religious beliefs of Photinus, who was a fervent adherent of Orthodoxy, and so he left government service. Later, St. Theodore’s parents, by mutual consent, gave away their substance to the poor, took their leave of each other and accepted monastic tonsure. Their son Theodore soon became widely known in the capital for his participation of the numerous disputes concerning iconveneration. St. Theodore was accomplished in oratory, and had a command of the terminology and logic of the philosophers, so he frequently debated with the heretics. His knowledge of Holy Scripture and Christian dogma was so profound that no one could get the better of him. The Seventh Ecumenical Council put an end to dissension and brought peace to the Church under the empress Irene. The Ecumenical Council, as the highest authority in the life of the Church, 640 forever condemned and rejected Iconoclasm. Among the Fathers of the Council was St. Platon, an uncle of St. Theodore, and who for a long time had lived the ascetic life on Mount Olympos. An elder filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, St. Platon, at the conclusion of the Council, summoned his nephew Theodore and his brothers Joseph and Euthymius to the monastic life in the wilderness. After leaving Constantinople, they went to Sakkoudion, not far from Olympos. The solitude and the beauty of the place, and its difficulty of access, met with the approval of the elder and his nephews, and they decided to remain here. The brothers built a church dedicated to St. John the Theologian, and gradually the number of monks began to increase. A monastery was formed, and St. Platon was the igumen. St. Theodore’s life was truly ascetic. He toiled at heavy and dirty work. He strictly kept the fasts, and each day he confessed to his spiritual Father, the Elder Platon, revealing to him all his deeds and thoughts, carefully fulfilling all his counsels and instructions. Theodore made time for daily spiritual reflection, baring his soul to God. Untroubled by any earthly concern, he offered Him mystic worship. St. Theodore unfailingly read the Holy Scripture and works of the holy Fathers, especially the works of St. Basil the Great, which were like food for his soul. After several years of monastic life, St. Theodore was ordained a priest according to the will of his spiritual Father. When St. Platon went to his rest, the brethren unanimously chose St. Theodore as Igumen of the monastery. Unable to oppose the wish of his confessor, St. Theodore accepted the choice of the brethren, but imposed upon himself still greater deeds of asceticism. He taught the others by the example of his own virtuous life and also by fervent fatherly instruction. When the emperor transgressed against the Church’s canons, the events of outside life disturbed the tranquility in the monastic cells. St. Theodore bravely distributed a letter to the other monasteries, in which he declared the emperor Constantine VI 641 (780-797) excommunicated from the Church by his own actions for abusing the divine regulations concerning Christian marriage. St. Theodore and ten of his co-ascetics were sent into exile to the city of Thessalonica. But there also the accusing voice of the monk continued to speak out. Upon her return to the throne in 796, St. Irene freed St. Theodore and made him igumen of the Studion monastery (dedicated to St. John the Baptist) in Constantinople, in which there were only twelve monks. The saint soon restored and enlarged the monastery, attracting about 1,000 monks who wished to have him as their spiritual guide. St. Theodore composed a Rule of monastic life, called the “Studite Rule” to govern the monastery. St. Theodore also wrote many letters against the Iconoclasts. For his dogmatic works, and also for his Canons and Three-Ode Canons, St. Theoctistus called St. Theodore “a fiery teacher of the Church.” When Nicephorus seized the imperial throne, deposing the pious Empress Irene, he also violated Church regulations by restoring to the Church a previously excommunicated priest on his own authority. St. Theodore again denounced the emperor. After torture, the monk was sent into exile once again, where he spent more than two years. St. Theodore was freed by the gentle and pious Emperor Michael, who succeeded to the throne upon the death of Nicephoros and his son Staurikios in a war against barbarians. Their death had been predicted by St. Theodore for a long while. In order to avert civil war, the emperor Michael abdicated the throne in favor of his military commander Leo the Armenian. The new emperor proved to be an iconoclast. The hierarchs and teachers of the Church attempted to reason with the impious emperor, but in vain. Leo prohibited the veneration of holy icons and desecrated them. Grieved by such iniquity, St. Theodore and the brethren made a religious procession around the monastery with icons raised high, singing of the troparion to the icon of the Savior Not-Made-by-Hands. The emperor angrily threatened the saint with 642 death, but he continued to encourage believers in Orthodoxy. Then the emperor sentenced St. Theodore and his disciple Nicholas to exile, at first in Illyria at the fortress of Metopa, and later in Anatolia at Bonias. But even from prison the confessor continued his struggle against heresy. Tormented by the executioners which the emperor sent to Bonias, deprived almost of food and drink, covered over with sores and barely alive, Theodore and Nicholas endured everything with prayer and thanksgiving to God. At Smyrna, where they sent the martyrs from Bonias, St. Theodore healed a military commander from a terrible illness. The man was a nephew of the emperor and of one mind with him. St. Theodore told him to repent of his wicked deeds of Iconoclasm, and to embrace Orthodoxy. But the fellow later relapsed into heresy, and then died a horrible death. Leo the Armenian was murdered by his own soldiers, and was replaced by the equally impious though tolerant emperor Michael II Traulos (the Stammerer). The new emperor freed all the Orthodox Fathers and confessors from prison, but he prohibited icon-veneration in the capital. St. Theodore did not want to return to Constantinople and so decided to settle in Bithynia on the promontory of Akrita, near the church of the holy Martyr Tryphon. In spite of serious illness, St. Theodore celebrated Divine Liturgy daily and instructed the brethren. Foreseeing his end, the saint summoned the brethren and bade them to preserve Orthodoxy, to venerate the holy icons and observe the monastic rule. Then he ordered the brethren to take candles and sing the Canon for the Departure of the Soul From the Body. Just before singing the words “I will never forget Thy statutes, for by them have I lived,” St. Theodore fell asleep in the Lord, in the year 826. At the same hour St. Hilarion of Dalmatia saw a vision of a heavenly light during the singing and the voice was heard, “This is the soul of St. Theodore, who suffered even unto blood for the holy icons, which now departs unto the Lord.” St. Theodore worked many miracles during his life and after 643 his death. Those invoking his name have been delivered from fires, and from the attacks of wild beasts, they have received healing, thanks to God and to St. Theodore the Studite. Those with stomach ailments entreat the help of St. Theodore. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 12 Saint John the Merciful Patriarch of Alexandria DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria, was born on Cyprus in the seventh century into the family of the illustrious dignitary Epiphanius. At the wish of his parents he entered into marriage and had children. When the wife and the children of the saint died, he became a monk. He was zealous in fasting and prayer, and had great love for those around him. His spiritual exploits won him honor among men, and even the emperor revered him. When the Patriarchal throne of Alexandria fell vacant, the emperor Heraclius and all the clergy begged St. John to occupy the Patriarchal throne. The saint worthily assumed his archpastoral service, concerning himself with the moral and dogmatic welfare of his flock. As patriarch he denounced every soul-destroying heresy, and drove out from Alexandria the Monophysite Phyllonos of Antioch. He considered his chief task to be charitable and to give help all those in need. At the beginning of his 644 patriarchal service he ordered his stewards to compile a list of all the poor and downtrodden in Alexandria, which turned out to be over seven thousand men. The saint ordered that all of these unfortunates be provided for each day out of the church’s treasury. Twice during the week, on Wednesdays and Fridays, he emerged from the doors of the patriarchal cathedral, and sitting on the church portico, he received everyone in need. He settled quarrels, helped the wronged, and distributed alms. Three times a week he visited the sick-houses, and rendered assistance to the suffering. It was during this period that the emperor Heraclius led a tremendous army against the Persian emperor Chosroes II. The Persians ravaged and burned Jerusalem, taking a multitude of captives. The holy Patriarch John gave a large portion of the church treasury for their ransom. The saint never refused suppliants. One day, when the saint was visiting the sick, he met a beggar and commanded that he be given six silver coins. The beggar changed his clothes, ran on ahead of the Patriarch, and again asked for alms. St. John gave him six more silver coins. When, however, the beggar sought charity a third time, and the servants began to chase the fellow away, the Patriarch ordered that he be given twelve pieces of silver, saying, “Perhaps he is Christ putting me to the test.” Twice the saint gave money to a merchant that had suffered shipwreck, and a third time gave him a ship belonging to the Patriarchate and filled with grain, with which the merchant had a successful journey and repaid his obligations. St. John the Merciful was known for his gentle attitude towards people. Once, the saint was compelled to excommunicate two clergymen for a certain time because of some offense. One of them repented, but the other fellow became angry with the Patriarch and fell into greater sins. The saint wanted to summon him and calm him with kind words, but it slipped his mind. When he was celebrating the Divine Liturgy, the saint was suddenly reminded by the words of the Gospel: “if you 645 bring your gift to the altar and remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift before the altar ... first, be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift (Mt. 5:23-24).” The saint came out of the altar, called the offending clergyman to him, and falling down on his knees before him in front of all the people he asked forgiveness. The cleric, filled with remorse, repented of his sin, corrected himself, and afterwards was found worthy to be ordained to the priesthood. There was a time when a certain citizen insulted George, the Patriarch’s nephew. George asked the saint to avenge the wrong. The saint promised to deal with the offender so that all of Alexandria would marvel at what he had done. This calmed George, and St. John began to instruct him, speaking of the necessity for meekness and humility. Then he summoned the man who insulted George. When St. John learned that the man lived in a house owned by the church, he declared that he would excuse him from paying rent for an entire year. Alexandria indeed was amazed by such a “revenge,” and George learned from his uncle how to forgive offenses and to bear insults for God’s sake. St. John, a strict ascetic and man of prayer, was always mindful of his soul, and of death. He ordered a coffin for himself, but told the craftsmen not to finish it. Instead, he would have them come each feast day and ask if it was time to finish the work. St. John was persuaded to accompany the governor Nicetas on a visit to the emperor in Constantinople. While on his way to visit the earthly king, he dreamed of a resplendent man who said to him, “The King of Kings summons you.” He sailed to his native island of Cyprus, and died at Amanthos, the saint peacefully fell asleep in the Lord (620). 646 TODAY IS NOVEMBER 13 Saint John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, one of the Three Hierarchs in Orthodoxy, was born at Antioch in about the year 347 into the family of a military commander. His father, Secundus, died soon after the birth of his son. His mother, Anthusa, widowed at twenty years of age, did not seek to remarry but rather devoted all her efforts to the raising of her son in Christian piety. The youth studied under the finest philosophers and rhetoricians. But, scorning the vain disciplines of pagan knowledge, the future hierarch turned himself to the profound study of Holy Scripture and prayerful contemplation. St. Meletius, Bishop of Antioch, loved John like a son, guided him in the Faith, and in the year 367 baptized him. After three years John was tonsured as a Reader. When St. Meletius had been sent into exile by the emperor Valens in the year 372, John and Theodore (afterwards Bishop of Mopsuestia) studied under the experienced instructors of ascetic life, the presbyters Flavian and Diodorus of Tarsus. The highly refined Diodorus had particular influence upon the youth. When John’s mother died, he embraced monasticism, which he called the “true philosophy.” Soon John and his friend Basil were being considered as candidates for the episcopal office, and they decided to withdraw into the wilderness to avoid this. While St. John avoided the episcopal 647 rank out of humility, he secretly assisted in Basil’s consecration. During this period St. John wrote his “Six Discourses on the Priesthood,” a great work of Orthodox pastoral theology. The saint spent four years struggling in the wilderness, living the ascetic life under the guidance of an experienced spiritual guide. And here he wrote three books entitled, “Against the Opponents of Those Attracted to the Monastic Life,” and a collection entitled, “A Comparison of the Monk with the Emperor” (also known as “Comparison of Imperial Power, Wealth and Eminence, with the True and Christian Wisdom-Loving Monastic Life”), both works which are marked by a profound reflection of the worthiness of the monastic vocation. For two years, the saint lived in a cave in complete silence, but was obliged to return to Antioch to recover his health. St. Meletius, the Bishop of Antioch, ordained him deacon in the year 381. The following years were devoted to work on new theological writings: “Concerning Providence” (“To the Ascetic Stagirios”), “Book Concerning Virginity,” “To a Young Widow” (2 discourses), and the “Book of St Babylos, and Against Julian and the Pagans.” In the year 386 St John was ordained presbyter by Bishop Flavian of Antioch. St. John was a splendid preacher, and his inspired words earned him the name “Golden-Mouthed” (“Chrysostom”). For twelve years the saint preached in church, usually twice a week, but sometimes daily, deeply stirring the hearts of his listeners. In his pastoral zeal to provide Christians with a better understanding of Holy Scripture, St. John employed hermeneutics, an interpretation and analysis of the Word of God (i.e. exegesis”). Among his exegetical works are commentaries on entire books of the Holy Scripture (Genesis, the Psalter, the Gospels of Matthew and John, the Epistles of the Apostle Paul), and also many homilies on individual texts of the Holy Bible, but also instructions on the Feastdays, laudations on the Saints, and also apologetic (i.e. defensive) homilies (against Anomoeans, Judaizers 648 and pagans). As a priest, St. John zealously fulfilled the Lord’s command to care for the needy. Under St. John, the Antiochian Church provided sustenance each day to as many as 3,000 virgins and widows, not including in this number the shut-in’s, wanderers and the sick. St. John began his commentary on Genesis at the beginning of Great Lent in 388, preaching thirty-two homilies during the forty day period. During Holy Week he spoke of how Christ was betrayed, and about the Cross. During Bright Week, his pastoral discourse was devoted to the Resurrection. His exegesis of the Book of Genesis was concluded only at the end of October (388). At Pascha in the following year the saint began his homilies on the Gospel of John, and toward the end of the year 389 he took up the Gospel of Matthew. In the year 391 the Antioch Christians listened to his commentary on the Epistles of the holy Apostle Paul to the Romans and to the Corinthians. In 393 he explained the Epistles to the Galatians, the Ephesians, Timothy, Titus, and the Psalms. In his homily on the Epistle to the Ephesians, St. John denounced a schism in Antioch, “I tell you and I witness before you, that to tear asunder the Church means nothing less than to fall into heresy. The Church is the house of the heavenly Father, one Body and one Spirit.” The fame of the holy preacher grew, and in the year 397 with the death of Archbishop Nectarius of Constantinople, successor to St. Gregory the Theologian, St. John Chrysostom was summoned from Antioch, and elected to the See of Constantinople. At the capital, the holy archpastor was not able to preach as often as he had at Antioch. Many matters awaited the saint’s attention, and he began with the most important -- the spiritual perfection of the priesthood. He himself was the best example of this. The financial means apportioned for the archbishop were channeled by the saint into the upkeep of several hospices for the sick and two hostels for pilgrims. He fasted strictly and ate very little food, and usually refused invitations to dine because of his delicate stomach. 649 The saint’s zeal in spreading the Christian Faith extended not only to the inhabitants of Constantinople, but also to Thrace to include Slavs and Goths, and to Asia Minor and the Pontine region. He established a bishop for the Bosphorus Church in the Crimea. St. John sent off zealous missionaries to Phoenicia, to Persia, and to the Scythians, to convert pagans to Christ. He also wrote letters to Syria to bring back the Marcionites into the Church, and he accomplished this. Preserving the unity of the Church, the saint would not permit a powerful Gothic military commander, who wanted the emperor to reward his bravery in battle, to open an Arian church at Constantinople. The saint exerted much effort in enhancing the splendor of the church services: he compiled a Liturgy, he introduced antiphonal singing for the allnight Vigil, and he wrote several prayers for the rite of anointing the sick with oil. The saintly hierarch denounced the dissolute morals of people in the capital, especially at the imperial court, irrespective of person. When the empress Eudoxia connived to confiscate the last properties of the widow and children of a disgraced dignitary, the saint rose to their defense. The arrogant empress would not relent, and nursed a grudge against the archpastor. Eudoxia’s hatred of the saint blazed forth anew when malefactors told her that the saint apparently had her in mind during his sermon on vain women. A court was convened composed of hierarchs who had been justly condemned by Chrysostom: Theophilus of Alexandria, Bishop Severian of Gabala, who had been banished from the capital because of improprieties, and others. This court of judgment declared St. John deposed, and that he be executed for his insult to the empress. The emperor decided on exile instead of execution. An angry crowd gathered at the church, resolved to defend their pastor. In order to avoid a riot, St. John submitted to the authorities. That very night there was an earthquake at Constantinople. The terrified Eudoxia urgently requested the emperor to bring the saint back, and promptly 650 sent a letter to the banished pastor, beseeching him to return. Once more, in the capital church, the saint praised the Lord in a short talk, “For All His Ways.” The slanderers fled to Alexandria. But after only two months a new denunciation provoked the wrath of Eudoxia. In March 404, an unjust council was convened, decreeing the exile of St. John. Upon his removal from the capital, a fire reduced the church of Hagia Sophia and also the Senate building to ashes. Devastating barbarian incursions soon followed, and Eudoxia died in October 404. Even pagans regarded these events as God’s punishment for the unjust judgment against the saint. In Armenia, the saint strove all the more to encourage his spiritual children. In numerous letters (245 are preserved) to bishops in Asia, Africa, Europe and particularly to his friends in Constantinople, St. John consoled the suffering, guiding and giving support to his followers. In the winter of 406 St. John was confined to his bed with sickness, but his enemies were not to be appeased. From the capital came orders to transfer St. John to desolate Pityus in Abkhazia on the Black Sea. Worn out by sickness, the saint began his final journey under military escort, traveling for three months in the rain and frost. He never arrived at his place of exile, for his strength failed him at Comana. At the crypt of St. Basiliscus, St. John was comforted by a vision of the martyr, who said, “Despair not, brother John! Tomorrow we shall be together.” After receiving the Holy Mysteries, the hierarch fell asleep in the Lord on September 14, 407. His last words were, “Glory to God for all things!” The holy relics of St. John Chrysostom were solemnly transferred to Constantinople in the year 438. The disciple of St. John, the venerable Isidore of Pelusium, wrote: “The house of David is grown strong, and the house of Saul enfeebled. He is victor over the storms of life, and has entered into heavenly repose.” Although he died on September 14, St. John’s celebration was transferred to this 651 the 13 day of November because of the Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross on September 14. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 14 Saint Justinian the Emperor DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Justinian, a major figure in the history of the Byzantine state, was also a great champion of Orthodoxy, a builder of churches and a Church writer. He is said to be of Slavic descent, perhaps born in Bulgaria. During his reign (527-565) Byzantium won glory with military victories in Persia, Africa, Italy, as a result of which paganism was decisively routed among the Germanic Vandals and Visigoth tribes. By command of the emperor Justinian the pagan schools in Athens were closed. Justinian sent John, the Bishop of Ephesus, throughout the regions of Asia Minor with the aim of spreading Christianity. John baptized more than 70 thousand pagans. The emperor gave orders to build ninety churches for the newly-converted, and he generously supported church construction within the Empire. His finest structures of the time are considered to be the monastery at Sinai, and the church of Hagia Sophia at Constantinople. Under St Justinian many churches were built dedicated to our Most Holy Lady Theotokos. Since he had received a broad education, St Justinian assiduously concerned himself with the education of clergy and 652 monks, ordering them to be instructed in rhetoric, philosophy and theology. The right-believing sovereign devoted much attention and effort to the struggle with the Origenists of his time, who then were reviving the Nestorian heresy. To counter their heretical speculations, the Church hymn “Only-Begotten Son and Immortal Word of God, Who for our salvation...” was composed, and Justinian commanded that it be sung in the churches. From that time to the present day, this hymn is sung at the Divine Liturgy before the Small Entrance after the second Antiphon. At the command of the sovereign, the Fifth Ecumenical Council was convened in the year 553, censuring the teachings of Origen and affirming the definitions of the Fourth Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon. He also attempted to secure religious unity within the Empire through his (unsuccessful) dialogues with the non-Chalcedonians. The holy Emperor Justinian wished to have orderly rule and law within the realm. Under his guidance and supervision a complete compendium of Roman law was compiled. It has come down to us as a law codex known as “the Justinian Codex.” The “Church laws” of Justinian are included in all the variants of the Russian collections of Canon Law. In his personal life, St Justinian was strictly pious, and he fasted often. During Great Lent he would not eat bread nor drink wine. He is also remembered for promoting the idea of “symphony” between church and state. The holy Emperor Justinian died in the year 565. The Empress Theodora, who died in the year 548, was also numbered among the saints with her husband. She was at first a notorious harlot and actress, and an adherent of the Monophysite heresy, but then she repented. After becoming empress, she led a virtuous life, maintaining purity of both soul and body. She provided wise counsel for her husband during his reign, and she also saved his throne during the Nika riots of 532 by her political intelligence and expertise. 653 TODAY IS NOVEMBER 15 Venerable Saint Paisius Velichkovsky DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Paisius Velichkovsky was born in Poltava on December 21, 1722, and was the eleventh of twelve children. His father John was a priest, who named him Peter at his Baptism, in honor of St. Peter the Metropolitan of Moscow, on whose Feast he was born. After the children’s father died, their mother Irene raised them in piety. Peter was sent to study at the Moghila Academy in Kiev in 1735. After four years, Peter decided to leave the world and become a monk. At the age of seventeen, he went in search of a monastery and a good spiritual Father. For seven years Peter visited various monasteries, including the Kievan Caves Lavra, but he did not feel drawn to any of the monasteries of Ukraine. After being made a rassophore monk (one blessed to wear the rasson, but not yet tonsured “into the mantle”) at the St Nicholas Medvedevsky Monastery with the name Platon, he found that there was no experienced Elder there who could teach him obedience or give him spiritual direction. Not wishing to begin his monastic life without such guidance, he left the monastery a week after his tonsure with the blessing of his Elder. At first, he went to Kiev, where he happened to meet his sister-in-law, the widow of his older brother Archpriest John. She informed him of his mother’s sorrow when he left Kiev, and her mind seemed to be affected by her grief. Then one day an angel appeared to her and told her that instead 654 of loving the Creator with her whole heart and soul, she loved His creation (her son) more. Because of this excessive love, the angel went on, she was thinking of starving herself to death, which would result in her eternal condemnation. The angel said that by God’s grace, her son would become a monk, and that she should also renounce the world and become a nun. After this, she became calm and accepted God’s will. She entered a convent and was tonsured with the name Juliana. After about ten years, she departed to the Lord. While at Kiev, Platon met two monks from Romania who were about to return to their country. After crossing the border into Moldavia, they came to Vlachia and the Skete of St. Nicholas, which is called Treisteny, around 1745. The Elder of the Skete, Hieroschemamonk Michael, was away on business in Ukraine, so Platon and his companions were welcomed by the Superior, Fr. Demetrius. Platon was placed under a general obedience and given a cell near the skete, from which the church was visible. As he was sleeping one night, the semantron was sounded calling the monks to Sunday Matins, but Platon did not hear it. He woke up and ran to the church, only to find that the Gospel had already been read, and the Canon was being sung. In his grief and shame, he did not enter the church, but returned to his cell and wept bitter tears. After the Liturgy, when it was time for the meal, the Superior and the Elder were surprised that Platon had not been seen at the services. The Elder ordered that the meal be delayed while he sent Fr. Athanasius to find out what had happened to Platon. Fr. Athanasius found him and asked why he was weeping. With difficulty, Platon was able to tell him the cause of his sorrow. Fr. Athanasius tried to console him and urged him to come to the Skete, where the others were waiting for him. Finally, he was persuaded to go. Seeing the brethren at table but not eating, Platon fell down before them weeping and asking forgiveness. The Elder and the Superior lifted him up and heard from Fr. 655 Athanasius the reason for his sorrow. The Elder told Platon not to grieve so over something that had happened involuntarily, and did his best to console him. From that time, however, the saint would not sleep lying down in bed, but sitting up on a bench. One day the Elder Onuphrius of Kyrkoul visited the skete and spoke about his skete at Kyrkoul. Platon long to see Kyrkoul, and so he returned there with Fr. Onuphrius. He remained there for a time, conversing with Fr. Onuphrius about overcoming the passions, the struggle with demons, unceasing prayer, and other soul-profiting topics. This seed fell on good ground, later bearing spiritual fruit a hundredfold. The time came when Platon was filled with a longing to visit Mount Athos. He asked the brethren of the skete, and those of other sketes, for their forgiveness and blessing for the journey. He also thanked them for their kindness and their paternal instruction. They blessed him and let him go in peace. At that time he was just twenty-four years old. Platon went to Mount Athos in 1746, arriving at the Great Lavra on July 4, the eve of the Feast of St. Athanasius of Athos. His traveling companion, Hieromonk Tryphon fell ill and died after four days. Platon would have died from the same illness, if not for the care of the Russian monks. He recovered and lived in solitude in a cell called Kaparis near the Pantokrator Monastery. He went around visiting the ascetics and solitaries, looking for a spiritual Father, but was unable to find anyone suitable. In 1750 St. Basil of Poiana Marului visited the Holy Mountain and spent some time with Platon, who asked him for monastic tonsure. Elder Basil granted his request, giving him the name Paisius. Then Fr. Basil returned to his skete at Vlachia. About three months later, a young monk named Bessarion came to the Holy Mountain from Vlachia. He went around to the monasteries searching for an instructor, but did not find one. He also came to Fr. Paisius and asked him to tell him something about saving his soul. Fr. Paisius sighed and told him that he himself had been looking for an instructor 656 without success. Yet, feeling compassion for Fr. Bessarion, he talked to him a little about the qualifications necessary for a true instructor, and about the Jesus Prayer. After hearing him, Fr. Bessarion said, “What more do I seek?” He fell down at the feet of Fr. Paisius, entreating him to be his Elder. Fr. Paisius did not want to be anyone’s Elder, wishing instead to be under authority himself. Fr. Bessarion remained for three days weeping until Fr. Paisius agreed to accept him as a friend, and not as a disciple. For about four years they lived together fulfilling God’s commandments, cutting off their own will and obeying one another as equals. Other disciples began to join them, and their number continued to increase. Since they needed a priest and a confessor, they begged Fr. Paisius to accept ordination. He did not want to hear of this, and repeatedly refused to consent. They did not give up, however. They asked him how he could expect to teach the brethren obedience and cutting off their own will, when he disobeyed the tearful entreaties of those who wanted him to accept. Finally, he said, “May the will of God be done.” In 1754 Fr. Paisius was ordained to the holy priesthood and was given the Skete of the Prophet Elias, where he began to accept even more disciples. St. Paisius remained on Mt. Athos for a total of seventeen years, copying Greek patristic books and translating them into Slavonic. In 1763 Fr. Paisius went to Moldavia with sixty-four disciples, and was given the Dragomirna Monastery near the city of Sochava and on the border between Bukovina and Moldavia. Here he remained for twelve years, and the number of monks increased to three hundred and fifty. His friend Hieromonk Alexius came to visit him from Vlachia, and Fr. Paisius asked him to tonsure him into the Schema. Fr. Alexius did so, but without changing his name. While at Dragomirna, Fr. Paisius corrected the Slavonic translations of patristic books by comparing them to the Greek manuscripts he had copied on Mt. Athos. The Russo-Turkish war broke out in 1768, and Moldavia and Vlachia saw 657 many battles. Dragomirna and the forests around it became filled with refugees from the villages near the battlegrounds. Another catastrophe appeared in 1771 with the outbreak of plague. When Dragomirna and Bukovina came under the control of Austrian Catholics, St. Paisius and his flock fled to Moldavia. In October of 1775, he went to Secu (“Beheading”) Monastery, which was dedicated to St. John the Baptist, with many of his monks. Secul was too small for the number of brethren, who were crowded with three to five monks in a cell. In the spring, more brethren were due to arrive from Dragomirna, so new cells had to be built. After three years of labor one hundred cells were completed, and everyone had a place. Still, the numbers increased and they had to look for a larger monastery. Prince Constantine Muruz wrote to the Elder saying that there was no larger monastery than Neamts, about two hours from Secul. On August 14, 1779, St. Paisius moved to Neamts Monastery where he spent the last fifteen years of his life translating the writings of the Holy Fathers. He organized the community according to the Typikon (Rule) of Mt. Athos. He gathered about a thousand monks in the monastery, instructing them in the unceasing prayer of the heart. Archbishop Ambrose visited St. Paisius at Neamts in 1790, staying for two days to converse with the Elder. During the Sunday Liturgy, he raised St. Paisius to the rank of Archimandrite. He remained two more days, then departed after blessing everyone. St. Paisius fell asleep in the Lord on November 15, 1794 at the age of seventy-two. It is possible that God revealed the date of his death to him beforehand, for he stopped translating books. He only reviewed and corrected what had already been translated. He was ill for four days, but felt well enough to attend the Liturgy on Sunday. After the service, he asked everyone to come and receive his blessing. He said farewell to them all, then returned to his cell and would not receive anyone. A few days later, on November 15, he received the Holy Mysteries again 658 and surrendered his soul to God. His funeral was conducted by Bishop Benjamin of Tuma, and was attended by multitudes of priests, monks, laymen, nobles and ordinary people. The holy relics of St. Paisius were uncovered in 1846, 1853, 1861 and 1872, and were found to be incorrupt. St. Paisius has had an enormous influence, not only in Romania, but throughout the Orthodox world. His disciples traveled to Russia, sparking the spiritual revival of the nineteenth century with Slavonic translations of the PHILOKALIA and the tradition of eldership which they had learned from St. Paisius. This influence has been felt even in America through St. Herman of Alaska. One of the books that St. Herman brought with him to America was the Slavonic PHILOKALIA, printed in 1794. He absorbed the spiritual wisdom that it contained, and imparted it to others. 659 TODAY IS NOVEMBER 16 Saint Hypatius of Gangra DAY OF CELEBRATION Hieromartyr Hypatius, Bishop of Gangra, was bishop of the city of Gangra in Paphlagonia (Asia Minor). In the year 325 he participated in the First Ecumenical Council at Nicea, at which the heresy of Arius was anathematized. When St. Hypatius was returning in 326 from Constantinople to Gangra, followers of the schismatics Novatus and Felicissimus fell upon him in a desolate place. The heretics ran him through with swords and spears, and threw him into a swamp. Like the Protomartyr Stephen, St. Hypatius prayed for his murderers. An Arian woman struck the saint on the head with a stone, killing him. The murderers hid his body in a cave, where a Christian who kept straw there found his body. Recognizing the bishop’s body, he hastened to the city to report this, and the inhabitants of Gangra piously buried their beloved archpastor. After his death, the relics of St. Hypatius were famous for numerous miracles, particularly for casting out demons and for healing the sick. From of old the hieromartyr Hypatius was particularly venerated in the land. Thus in the year 1330 the Ipatiev monastery was built at Kostroma, on the place where the Mother of God appeared with the Pre-eternal Christ Child, the Apostle Philip, and the hieromartyr Hypatius, Bishop of Gangra. This monastery later occupied a significant place in the spiritual and social life of the nation, particularly during the Time of Troubles. The ancient copies of the Life of the hieromartyr Hypatius 660 were widely distributed in literature, and one of these was incorporated into THE READING MENAION of Metropolitan Macarius. In this Life there is an account of the appearance of the Savior to St. Hypatius on the eve of the martyr’s death. The entry for the saint’s Feast consists of his Life, some prayers, and words of praise and instruction. The pious veneration of St. Hypatius was also expressed in liturgical compositions. During the nineteenth century a new service was written for the hieromartyr Hypatius, distinct from the services written by St. Joseph the Studite, contained in the March MENAION. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 17 Martyr Saint Michael (Gobron) of Georgia DAY OF CELEBRATION In the year 914 a certain prince by the name of Michael-Gobron distinguished himself in a battle against the Arab Muslim invaders. After they had captured the fortress of Kvelistsikhe in southern Georgia, the Muslims took captive those who remained alive, and Prince Gobron was among them. Deeply impressed by the Georgian soldier’s valor, the emir Abu al-Qasim ordered his army to treat him with respect. King Adarnerse sent Abu al-Qasim a large sum of money as a ransom for his people, and some were released. Gobron, however, was not among them. The Georgian prince recognized clearly what the future would bring, and he prepared to be martyred 661 for Christ’s sake. The Saracens escorted Gobron and 133 Georgian soldiers to their execution. Abu al-Qasim tempted the faithful prince by offering him earthly glory and honor in exchange for his renunciation of the Christian Faith. But St. Gobron firmly declined all of his offers. Then the furious Abu al-Qasim ordered that he be taken into the yard and shown his fallen countrymen on one side and the promised wealth on the other. When the emir cunningly asked which one he would choose, Gobron answered, “I told you from the very start that I will not retreat from Christ my Lord!” Then the emir devised a new, more cruel trial: “He knows not the grief of death. Lead him outside and execute every living Christian before his eyes!” he commanded. They led the saint out in the midst of his brothers and proceeded to slaughter every one of them. The blood of the dead flew around Gobron in every direction, and the martyrs’ limp bodies collapsed at his feet, but none of these horrors could break his will. Then they compelled him to bow his head and brandished their swords above him two times. Prince Gobron traced a cross on his brow with blood and said, “I thank Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, that Thou hast accounted me, the most contemptible and chief among sinners, worthy to lay down my life for Thy sake!” Again they brought St. Gobron before the emir. For the last time Abu al-Qasim tried to entice him to apostatize, but the saint, dripping with blood, declared, “Do as you wish. I am a Christian and will never retreat from the name of my Christ!” Having lost all patience, Abu al-Qasim ordered that St. Gobron’s head be chopped off and thrown in with the other mutilated bodies. Then they dug three large holes, tossed in the relics of the martyrs, refilled the holes with earth, and forbade all Christians to approach that place. At night the graves shone with a divine light visible to believers and unbelievers alike. For laying down their lives for Christ, the valorous prince Michael-Gobron and the 133 martyrs were numbered among the saints by the Georgian Apostolic Church. 662 The day of their commemoration was designated as November 17, the day of their martyrdom. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 18 Holy Martyr Saint Anastasius of Epirus DAY OF CELEBRATION St. Anastasius and his sister were Greek peasants living in Epirus under Ottoman rule. One day a band of Turks came through their village, led by Musa, the son of the local Pasha (Governor). Musa was struck by the beauty of Anastasius' sister and tried to seize her, but Anastasius threw himself at the Turks and fought them off long enough for his sister to escape. Musa's father had Anastasius arrested and brought before him and, impressed by his courage, attempted to convert him to Islam by many means: threats, beatings, and offers of worldly honor but Anastasius held firm and was cast into prison. Musa was moved by the way that Anastasius bore all these trials and temptations, and wanted to know more about the Faith that sustained him. Going secretly to Anastasius' prison cell, he peered in and saw two young men of shining appearance with the prisoner. They vanished as soon as Musa entered. Anastasius told Musa that these were angels who guard and aid every Christian, especially when they suffer for Christ. He also explained in a simple way the Gospel of 663 Jesus Christ, which enables His followers to set little value upon worldly things. Musa, deeply moved, threw himself at Anastasius' feet and asked to become a Christian. Anastasius told him to wait until the proper time, because his conversion would cause his father to persecute all the Christians under his power. A few days later, in 1750, Anastasius was beheaded by order of the Pasha. Soon after this, Musa visited the tomb of a holy Martyr and was granted a vision of Anastasius, who appeared to him encircled in light and urged him to continue on the road to Christ. Musa fled his father's domain to the Peleponnese where he received direction in the Faith from an aged ascetic. He then traveled to Venice to be baptized without fear of reprisal by the Turks. In time he became a monk on Corfu, receiving the monastic name of Daniel. He lived there in asceticism, but the desire grew in him to taste martyrdom for Christ, so he traveled to Constantinople to declare his conversion to the Muslims. But the Christians there dissuaded him, knowing that the conversion of such a prominent Turk would, if it were known, lead to retaliation against Christians. Saint Daniel returned to Corfu, where he founded a church in honor of St. Anastasius and reposed in peace. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 19 Saint Hilarion of Thessalonica and Georgia DAY OF CELEBRATION 664 Saint Hilarion the Georgian was the son of a Kakheti aristocrat. There were other children in the family, but only Hilarion was dedicated to God from his very birth. Hilarion’s father built a monastery on his own land, and there the boy was raised. At the age of fourteen Hilarion left the monastery and his father’s guardianship and settled in a small cave in the Davit-Gareji Wilderness. There he remained for ten years. Soon reports spread through all of eastern Georgia of the angelic faster and tireless intercessor in prayer. Crowds flocked to his cave to receive instruction, blessings, and counsel. When the bishop of Rustavi came to visit Hilarion, he ordained him a priest. Soon he was made abbot of St. Davit of Gareji Lavra. After his ordination, the holy father was praised even more among his people, and he decided to leave his motherland. Hilarion chose one of the brothers to replace him as abbot of the monastery and set off on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. On the way Venerable Hilarion was attacked by a band of vicious thieves. They sought to kill the holy father, but their hands suddenly withered. When the terrified thieves realized that God had punished them for raising their hands to kill the saint, they fell to their knees before St. Hilarion and begged his forgiveness. The venerable father blessed them with the sign of the Cross, healed them and let them depart in peace. St. Hilarion venerated the holy places in Jerusalem, then settled in a cave in the Jordan wilderness (according to tradition, the holy prophet Elijah had dwelt in that same cave). One night St. Hilarion saw a vision: He was standing before the Most Holy Theotokos, in the midst of twelve men, on the Mount of Olives, the place of our Lord’s Ascension. The Holy Virgin said to him, “Hilarion! Return to your home and prepare a meal for the Lord, my Son!” Upon waking, Hilarion understood this vision with both his heart and mind and immediately set off for his motherland. When he returned to Georgia, St. Hilarion learned of the repose of his father and brothers. His mother gave her only living son the family inheritance. Blessed 665 Hilarion founded a convent with the resources he had inherited, donated lands to the monastic community, and established its rules. Then he gathered seventy-six worthy monk-ascetics and founded a monastery for men. He distributed his remaining property to the poor and disabled. As before, the news of St. Hilarion’s virtuous deeds spread quickly through all of Georgia. Again many desired to receive his blessing and counsel, but when the clergy announced their intention to consecrate him a bishop, he abandoned Georgia for the second time. He took two companions and journeyed to Constantinople. After the long journey, Hilarion and his companions finally reached Mt. Olympus in Asia Minor and settled in a small, forsaken church. During the evening services on Cheese-fare Saturday, the lamplighter from the Monastery of St. Ioannicius the Great came to the church to light an icon lamp, and seeing that several people had settled there, he brought them some food. The next Saturday, the feast of St. Theodore the Tyro, the same monk returned to the church and saw that the brothers had gone the whole week eating nothing but a few lentils. They had not touched the food he had brought them. So the monk asked St. Hilarion what they needed, and Hilarion requested prosphora and wine for the Bloodless Sacrifice. Then St. Hilarion celebrated the Liturgy at the appropriate time, received Holy Communion, and served the Holy Gifts to the brothers. When the abbot of the Great Lavra heard that a service had been celebrated by an unknown priest in a language other than Greek, he was infuriated and ordered his steward and several of the monks to chase the strangers off the monastery property. But St. Hilarion responded to the steward in Greek and asked for permission to spend the night in the church, promising to depart in the morning. That night the Theotokos appeared to the abbot of the lavra in a vision. She stood at the foot of his bed and rebuked him, saying, “Foolish one! What has moved you to cast out these strangers, who left their own 666 country for the love of my Son and God? Why have you broken the commandment to receive and show mercy to strangers and the poor? Do you not know that there are many living on this mountain that speak the same language as they? They are also praising God here. He who fails to receive them is my enemy, for my Son entrusted me to protect them and to ensure that their Orthodox Faith is not shaken. They believe in my Son and have been baptized in His name!” The next day the elder fell to his knees before St. Hilarion, begged forgiveness for his impertinence, and requested that he remain at the monastery. St. Hilarion consoled the elder and agreed to stay. St. Hilarion spent five years on Mt. Olympus, than journeyed again to Constantinople, to venerate the Life-giving Cross of our Lord. From there he traveled to Rome to venerate the graves of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul. On the way to Rome his prayers healed a paralyzed man. After spending two years in Rome, St. Hilarion set off again for Constantinople. On the way, in the city of Thessalonica, the blessed Hilarion stopped for a rest at the home of the prefect. When he arrived, a servant woman was carrying a paralyzed fourteen-year-old boy out of the house, and she laid him in the sun. The saint asked the woman for water, and when she had gone to bring it, he blessed the child with the sign of the Cross and healed him. Immediately the boy ran to his mother, and St. Hilarion quickly departed from that place. But the prefect, the boy’s father, had witnessed the miracle, and he ordered that the wonderworker be found. When he had been brought before him, the prefect begged St. Hilarion to remain in Thessalonica and choose for himself a place to continue his miraculous works. Recognizing the prefect to be a true lover of God, the saint heeded his entreaty and agreed to remain. The prefect built a church in the place that Hilarion had chosen, and before long the entire city had heard about St. Hilarion and his miracles. St. Hilarion spent the remainder of his days in Thessalonica. When the Lord made known to him the day 667 of his repose, he called for the prefect, thanked him, and instructed him to love the monks and all the suffering and to be just and merciful. The saint reposed on November 19, 875, and the sorrowful prefect prepared a marble shrine for him. Those who were sick and who approached St. Hilarion’s grave with faith were healed of their infirmities. The prefect and the archbishop of Thessalonica informed the Byzantine emperor Basil the Macedonian (867-886) about the miracles that had occurred at the holy father’s grave. The emperor in turn informed the monks who came to him from Mt. Olympus, among whom was the elder who once had tried to chase St. Hilarion out of the church. Emperor Basil became intrigued with St. Hilarion’s disciples and fellow countrymen through the stories of Hilarion’s miracles. St. Hilarion’s three disciples were presented to him, and the emperor was so struck by their holiness that he sent them to the patriarch of Constantinople to receive his blessing. Recognizing immediately that the three elders were filled with divine favor, the patriarch advised the emperor to confer great honors upon them. In response, Emperor Basil invited the elders to choose for themselves and their countrymen one of the monasteries in Constantinople and make it their own. The fathers graciously declined since they did not wish to live in the populous city. Instead the monks asked the emperor to build cells for them outside the capital. So Emperor Basil built a large church dedicated to the Holy Apostles in a place that the Georgian fathers had chosen in a certain ravine, where a spring of cold water flowed from beneath a little hill, and he carved a cell for himself as well. The monastery was called “Romana,” after the nearby brook. Later the emperor sent his own two sons, Leo 1 and Alexander, to be raised by the holy fathers. Emperor Basil sought to bury St. Hilarion’s holy relics in the capital, but the people of Thessalonica would not allow the relics to be taken away. In the end, it was necessary for the emperor’s envoys to conceal the sacred shrine and 668 carry it back to Constantinople in secret. The emperor, the patriarch, and all the people met the arrival of St. Hilarion’s relics with glorious hymns and prayers. Before the special burial vault had been built, the emperor kept St. Hilarion’s holy relics in his own chamber. Three nights after the relics had arrived, Basil awoke to an unusual fragrance. No one in the court could discover its source. When the emperor dozed off again, St. Hilarion appeared to him in his vestments and said, “You have done a good deed by preparing a shelter for my remains. But the sweet fragrance you smell was acquired in the wilderness, not in the city. Therefore, if you desire to receive the divine blessings in full, take me away to the wilderness!” The emperor reported this wondrous turn of events to the patriarch and the prefect, and with their consent he brought the holy relics of St. Hilarion to the Monastery of Romana where they still reside. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 20 Saint Gregory Decapolite DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Gregory the Decapolite was born in the Isaurian city of Decapolis (ten cities) in the eighth century. From his childhood he loved the temple of God and church services. He read the Holy Scripture constantly and with reverence. In order to avoid the marriage which his parents had intended for him, he secretly left home. He spent all his life wandering: he was in Constantinople, Rome, Corinth, and he lived as an ascetic on Olympus for a while. St 669 Gregory preached the Word of God everywhere, denouncing the Iconoclast heresy, strengthening the faith and fortitude of the Orthodox, whom the heretics in those times oppressed, tortured and imprisoned. Through his ascetic effort and prayer, St. Gregory attained the gifts of prophecy and wonderworking. After overcoming the passions and reaching the height of virtue, he was permitted to hear angelic singing in praise of the Holy Trinity. St. Gregory left the monastery of St. Menas near Thessalonica, where he had labored for a long time, and he went again to Constantinople in order to combat the Iconoclast heresy. At the capital, a grievous illness undermined his strength, and he departed to the Lord in the year 816. St. Gregory was buried at a monastery in Constantinople, and many miracles took place at his tomb. As a result, the monks removed the holy relics of St. Gregory and enshrined them in the church where people could venerate them. When Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453, the relics of St. Gregory were carried to the region of the Danube by a Turkish official. In 1498 Barbu Craiovescu, the Ban of the Romanian Land (Wallachia) heard of the miracles performed by the holy relics and bought them for a considerable sum of money. Barbu Craiovescu placed the relics in the main church of Bistritsa Monastery which he founded in Rimnicu Vilcea, where they remain to the present day. A small book describing the miracles and healings performed by St. Gregory the Decapolite in Romania has been written by Abbess Olga Gologan, who reposed in 1972. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 21 Priest Saint Basil Gorbachev DAY OF CELEBRATION 670 Priest Basil Gorbachev was was the parish priest to the church of Bolshiye Vyazemy Village, Zvenigorod District. There, on 15 February 1937, he was arrested on charges of anti-Soviet propaganda conducted at his current and former place of service. On 26 February 1938 he was executed by shooting at the Butovo firing range. On 17 July 2001, by a decision of the Holy Synod, Saint Vasily (Basil Gorbachev) was Canonized as a 20th-century Russian neo-martyr and confessor with his feast day on November 21, his day of birth. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 22 Martyr Saint Michael the Prince of Tver DAY OF CELEBRATION The Holy Right-Believing Prince Michael of Tver was born in the year 1272, already after the death of his father Great Prince Yaroslav Yaroslavich, a brother of holy Prince Alexander Nevsky. On the journey to the Horde [Constrainable], Prince Yaroslav fell ill, and was tonsured a monk with the name Athanasius, then died. Michael’s mother, Xenia, raised her son in fervent love for God. Michael was educated and studied under the guidance of the Archbishop (probably 671 Clement) of Novgorod. He took the place of his older brother Svyatoslav in the principality of Tver. In 1285 he built a stone church in honor of the Savior’s Transfiguration in place of the wooden church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian. Upon the death of Great Prince Andrew Alexandrovich, Michael went to the Horde and received the grant to the great princely throne by right of seniority. But Prince Yurii Danilovich of Moscow would not submit to this, because he sought the princely rule for himself. He was often at the Golden Horde of the new Khan Uzbek, who had accepted Mohammedanism and was distinguished by his cruelty and fanaticism. Prince Yurii knew how to please the Khan, and he married his sister Konchaka and became Great Prince. Even then he did not calm down, but instead began an internecine war with Tver. In Yurii’s army was a detachment of Tatars sent by Uzbek, with Kavgadi at the head. But the men of Tver, with holy Prince Michael at the head, on December 22, 1317 defeated Yurii. Many captives were taken, including Kavgadi, whom St. Michael released, and the Moscow prince’s wife Konchaka, who unexpectedly died at Tver. Prince Yurii slandered St. Michael before the Khan, accusing him of poisoning Konchaka. The Khan became enraged, threatening to destroy St. Michael’s princely holding, and demanded that he appear to give an account. Not wishing to spill Russian blood in an unequal struggle with the Khan, St. Michael humbly went to the Horde, knowing that this meant death for him. He bid his family and the Tver people farewell, and received a blessing for his exploit of martyrdom from his spiritual Father Igumen John. “Father,” said the saint, “I was much concerned for the peace of Christians, but through my sins, I was not able to stop internecine war. Now give me your blessing, so that if my blood is spilled for them, they might have some respite, and that the Lord will forgive my sins.” At the Horde an unjust trial was held, which found the saint guilty of disobedience to the Khan, and sentenced him to death. They removed him under guard 672 and put him in a heavy wooden stock. As was his habit, St. Michael constantly read the Psalter in prison and blessed the Lord for granting him to suffer for Him. He asked not to be abandoned in his present torments. Since the hands of the holy sufferer were secured in the stock, a boy sat before him and turned the pages of the Psalter. The holy captive languished at the Horde for a long time, enduring beatings and ridicule. Others suggested that he flee, but the saint bravely answered, “In all my life I never fled from an enemy. If I save myself and my people remain in peril, what glory is that to me? No, let it be as the Lord wills.” Through the mercy of God, he was not deprived of Christian solace: Orthodox priests attended to him, the igumens Alexander and Mark. Each week he made his Confession and received the Holy Mysteries of Christ, thus receiving a Christian preparation for his death. At the instigation of Prince Yurii and Kavgadi, who took revenge on the holy prince for their defeat, November 22, assassins rushed into the encampment where the captive was held. They fiercely beat the martyr and kicked him with their feet, than one of them stabbed St. Michael with a knife. The holy martyr’s naked body was exposed for abuse, and later they covered him with a cloth and placed him on a large board attached to a cart. By night two guards were set to watch the body, but fear seized them and they fled. In the morning, his body was not on the board. On the previous night many, not only Orthodox but also Tatars, had seen two radiant clouds shining over the place where the body of the martyr lay. Although many wild animals roamed the steppes, not one of them had touched him. In the morning everyone said, “Prince Michael is a saint, and was innocently murdered.” From the Horde the body of the prince was transferred to Moscow, where they buried him in the church of the Savior-Wood in the Kremlin. Just a year later, in 1319, the people of Tver learned the fate of their prince. At the wish of his wife, the right-believing Princess Anna of Kashin, and at the request 673 of the people of Tver, the relics of St. Michael were transferred to his native city, and on September 6, 1320 were placed in the church he built in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Local veneration of the holy Prince began soon after the transfer of his relics to Tver, and the general Church glorification of the saint took place at a 1549 Council. On November 24, 1632 the incorrupt relics of St. Michael were uncovered. The holy Prince has often helped the Russian land. In 1606 the Polish and Lithuanians besieging Tver repeatedly saw a wondrous horseman ride out from the city upon a white horse with sword in hand , turning them to flight. Later, when they saw an icon of holy Prince Michael, they affirmed with an oath to Archbishop Theoctistus of Tver that the horseman was indeed St. Michael himself. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 23 Saint Amphilochius the Bishop of Iconium DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, was born in Caesarea in Cappadocia, a city which has given the world some of the greatest Fathers and teachers of the Orthodox Church. He was a first cousin to St. Gregory the Theologian, and a close friend of St. Basil the Great. He was their disciple, follower and of like mind with them. St. Amphilochius toiled hard in the field of Christ. He lived in the wilderness as a strict ascetic for about forty years, until the time 674 when the Lord summoned him for hierarchic service. In the year 372 the Bishop of Iconium died. Angels of the Lord thrice appeared in visions to St. Amphilochius, summoning him to go to Iconium to be the bishop. The truthfulness of these visions was proven when the angel, appearing to him the third time, sang together with the saint the angelic song: “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Sabbath.” The heavenly messenger led the saint to the nearest church, where an assembly of angels consecrated Amphilochius bishop. The saint, on the way back to his cell, encountered seven bishops who were seeking him at the command of God, in order to establish him as archpastor of Iconium. St. Amphilochius told them that he was already consecrated by the angels. For many years St. Amphilochius tended the flock of Iconium entrusted to him by the Lord. The prayer of the righteous one was so intense that he was able to ask the Lord to heal the spiritual and bodily infirmities of his flock. The wise archpastor, gifted as writer and preacher, unceasingly taught piety to his flock. A strict Orthodox theologian, the saint relentlessly confronted the Arian and Eunomian heresies. He participated in the Second Ecumenical Council (381), and he headed the struggle against the heresy of Macedonius. Letters and treatises of St. Amphilochius are preserved, which are profoundly dogmatic and apologetic in content. The holy Bishop Amphilochius of Iconium departed peacefully to the Lord in the year 394. 675 TODAY IS NOVEMBER 24 Saint Mercurius of Smolensk DAY OF CELEBRATION The Holy Martyr Mercurius of Smolensk was a was a soldier from Byzantium, the descendant of a princely line. Brought up in Orthodoxy, St. Mercurius in zeal for the true Faith left his own native land for Russia, where he served in the army of the Prince of Smolensk. The saintly soldier secretly led an ascetic life. He was strict in fasting, he was chaste, spending his nights at prayer, and spiritually preparing himself to suffer for Christ. In the year 1239 a horde of Tatars [Mongols], already having laid waste to many Russian cities, appeared in the vicinity of Smolensk and set up camp 25 versts [around 14 miles] away at Dolgomost, threatening to destroy the city and its holy places. A church warden, praying by night in the Smolensk cathedral before a wonderworking icon of the Theotokos, heard the voice of the Queen of Heaven commanding him to find the holy warrior and say to him: “Mercurius, go forth into battle, for the Sovereign Lady summons you.” The soldier went himself to the cathedral and heard the voice of the All-Pure Virgin, sending him to fight the enemy and promising him heavenly assistance. The warrior of Christ set off that very night to the Tatar camp at Dolgomost. Mercurius fought there with the leader of the Tatar army, a giant possessed of immense strength. He killed him and entered into singlecombat with the enemy host. Invoking the name of the Lord and of the All-Pure Theotokos, the holy warrior destroyed many of the enemy. 676 The Tatar warriors watched with terror as lightning-bearing men and a radiant Woman aided St. Mercurius in the fight. Unable to stand against the warrior of Christ, they retreated in flight. St. Mercurius was himself killed in the battle by the son of the Tatar giant he had killed. The inhabitants of Smolensk, saved through the miraculous intervention of the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos, reverently buried the body of the soldier-martyr in the cathedral of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Soon after his death, St. Mercurius appeared in a vision to the church warden and ordered that his armor be hung over his grave, promising the Smolensk people constant help and intervention in every sorrow and struggle. Even today the sandals of the holy Martyr Mercurius are still preserved in the Smolensk cathedral church. His Feast was established at the end of the sixteenth century, and in 1509 the inhabitants of Smolensk were already calling him their Saintly patron. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 25 Hieromartyr Saint Peter Archbishop of Alexandria DAY OF CELEBRATION The Holy Hieromartyr Saint Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria, was born and raised at Alexandria. He was a highly educated man, and was head of the school of Alexandria. In the year 300 he became the archpastor of the Alexandrian Church, succeeding his teacher and 677 spiritual guide, the holy Bishop Theonas. Forced into exile from the city during the anti-Christian persecutions under the emperors Diocletian and Maximian, St. Peter traveled through many lands, encouraging his flock by letter. He returned to his city, in order to guide the Alexandrian Church personally during this dangerous period. The saint secretly visited Christians locked up in prison, encouraging them to be steadfast in faith, assisting the widows and orphans, preaching the Word of God, constantly praying and officiating at the divine services. And the Lord kept him safe from the hands of the persecutors. During this time of unrest the iniquitous heretic Arius, who denied the divinity of Jesus Christ, sowed the tares of his impious teaching. When Arius refused to be corrected and submit to the truth, St. Peter anathematized the heretic and excommunicated him from the Church. Arius then sent two of St. Peter’s priests to beg the saint to lift the excommunication from him, pretending that he had repented and given up his false teachings. This was not true, for Arius hoped to succeed St. Peter as Archbishop of Alexandria. The Lord Jesus Christ appeared to St. Peter as a twelve-year-old child wearing a robe that was torn from top to bottom. St. Peter asked the Savior who had torn his garment, and He replied, “That madman Arius has torn it by dividing the people whom I have redeemed by My blood. Do not receive him into Communion with the Church, for he has worked evil against Me and My flock.” St. Peter, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, saw through the wickedness and deceit of Arius, and so he instructed his flock not to believe Arius nor to accept him into communion. Under the wise nurturing of St. Peter the Church of Alexandria strengthened and grew in spite of the persecutions. But finally, on orders from the emperor Maximian (305311), the saint was arrested and sentenced to death. A multitude of people gathered at the entrance of the prison, expressing their outrage. Wanting to avoid bloodshed and a riot by the people, the 678 saint sent a message to the authorities, in which he suggested that they make an opening in the back wall of the prison, so that he might be taken away secretly to execution. In the dark of the night St. Peter went with the executioners, who took him beyond the city walls and beheaded him at the same spot where formerly St. Mark had been executed. That night a certain pious virgin heard a Voice from heaven saying, “Peter was first among the Apostles; Peter is the last of the Alexandrian Martyrs.” This took place in the year 311. In the morning, when people learned of the death of their bishop, a crowd gathered at the place of execution. They took up the body and head of the martyr and went to the church, dressing him in his bishop’s vestments, they sat him in his throne at the high place in the altar. During his life St. Peter never sat on it, but sat on a footstool instead. The saint once explained that whenever he approached his throne he beheld a heavenly light shining on it, and he sensed the presence of a divine power. Therefore, he didn’t dare to sit there. St. Peter, a great champion of Orthodoxy, is known also as a profound theologian. Passages from his book, “On the Divinity (of Jesus Christ)”, were consulted at the Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon. Of all his works, the most widely known and highly esteemed by the Church are his “Penitential Canons”. 679 TODAY IS NOVEMBER 26 Venerable Saint Stylianus of Paphlagonia DAY OF CELEBRATION Saint Stylianus was born in Paphlagonia of Asia Minor sometime in the sixth century. He inherited a great fortune from his parents when they died, but he did not keep it. He gave it away to the poor according to their need, desiring to help those who were less fortunate. Stylianus left the city and went to a monastery, where he devoted his life to God. Since he was more zealous and devout than the other monks, he provoked their jealousy and had to leave. He left the monastery to live alone in a cave in the wilderness, where he spent his time in prayer and fasting. The goodness and piety of the saint soon became evident to the inhabitants of Paphlagonia, and they sought him out to hear his teaching, or to be cured by him. Many were healed of physical and mental illnesses by his prayers. St. Stylianus was known for his love of children, and he would heal them of their infirmities. Even after his death, the citizens of Paphlagonia believed that he could cure their children. Whenever a child became sick, an icon of St. Stylianus was painted and was hung over the child’s bed. At the hour of his death, the face of St. Stylianus suddenly became radiant, and an angel appeared to receive his soul. Known as a protector of children, St. Stylianus is depicted in iconography holding an infant in his arms. Pious Christians ask him to help and 680 protect their children, and childless women entreat his intercession so that they might have children. TODAY IS NOVEMBER 27 Saint James the Persian DAY OF CELEBRATION The Holy Great Martyr James the Persian (the Sawn-Asunder) was born in the fourth century into a pious Christian family, both wealthy and illustrious. His wife was also a Christian, and the couple raised their children in piety, inspiring in them a love for prayer and the Holy Scriptures. James occupied a high position at the court of the Persian emperor Izdegerd (399-420) and his successor Barakhranes (420-438). But on one of the military campaigns James, seduced by the emperor’s beneficence, was afraid to acknowledge himself a Christian,