Dec 1989 - The American Lhasa Apso Club
Dec 1989 - The American Lhasa Apso Club
MULTIPLE BEST IN SHOW CHAMPION SAN JO SHUTTERBUG The No. 1 Lhasa bitch in the U.S. is shown taking Group 1st under judge Dorothy Welsh at WIKC, 11-19-89, over an entry of 173 non-sporting dogs. Shutter was Best In Show the week of ALAC's National Specialty at Mattaponi's all-breed show under judge William R Geisenhafer entry 2144 dogs. Judge Keke Blumberg awarded Shutter "Select" at the ALAC National Specialty. San Jo is extremely proud of this outstanding bitch who exemplifies the essence of type in the Lhasa Apso. SAN JO LHASA APSOS Marianne L Nixon 206-885-3149 Leslie Ann Engen 206-788-5454 11507 243rd Ave. N.E. Redmond WA 98053 —;5*.e>:4004614amtegaa ALAC OFFICERS AND BOARD PRESIDENT Casscricka De La Rosa 1312 llthCt SW Otympla WA 98502 206-357-6743 VICE PRESIDENT Susan S Gies 2373 Wneallancl Dive Manakin-Sabot VA 23103 804-749-4912 SECRETARY Stephen Canpbell 37 Greenwood Cr Freenord NJ 07728 201-431-4135 TREASURER Ccrolyn Herbal Route 1 Box 50 Putmcri OK 73659 405-661-3299 BOARD MEMBERS Mare Allman r&rd Route 03 Freeport TX 77541 409-233-1853 Pichad Coto 1346W Parton St Ontario CA 91762 714-984-0812 Lynette Cooney 25 Rcricherte Estates <eller TX 76248 817-379-5408 Victor Cohen 2335 South Williamson WrAicrnson MI 48895 517-655-5347 Don Hanson 2214 Fir St SE Otymaga Wa 98501 206-943-6067 Jcyce.lcixreon 507 West Aclans St Mccomb IL 61455 309-837-1665 Becki Kraus 4215 Bishop St Detrat MI 48224 313-886-6292 Brenda Scrrnerzel 9 Gettysburg Rd BeiNeville IL 62223 618-277-6515 Mamn Whir tm ati 23 Great Ocks Cr Spring Valley NY 10977 914-425-0765 AKC DELEGATE E Ray Slectric 1704 S'iogbrark Cita° Reston VA 22000 , President's message DECEMBER, 1989 Dear Friends, The Officers and Board of The American Lhasa Apso Club Would like to wish all of you a Happy Holiday and a successful and prosperous New Year. It is our hope thatthose among us who have experienced tragedy or misfortune during 1989 will see a better 199C1,strengthened by what they have gone through, To those who have enjoyed good fortune - may it continue and muttiply. We have been honored serve you and the breed during the past year,and look forward to the one ahead. Sincerely. Cassandra de la Rosa President (CH UGHT UPS RED ALERT X CH MI-UNG GOLDEN BEAR) Touch moved to Vancouver Island and by 8 months of age got her Canadian Championship and picked up 4 US points by 9 months of age. People say when she moves she takes your breath away! Watch for her -- she loves to show! Thank you judges for appreciating this little girl from Texas. BREEDER Barbara & Frank Trujillo 1904 Beason Bryan TX 77801 409-775-8368 *Approval Pending OWNERS Arlene C Oley/Beverly Drake/Frank Trujillo 4249 Telegraph Rd Cobble Hal BC VOR 1L0 CANADA 604-743-5724 3 O OOOOOOOOOO •••• OOOOOO ••••••••••••• • • • • • • • DEADLINE/DEADLINE/DEADLINE/DEADLINE January 25 for the February BULLETIN O OOOOOOO •••••OOOOOOOO ••••••••••••• THE BULLETIN'S LOW COST ADVERTISING RATES 1990...JUDGE...Mr Joseph Gregory LOCATION. San Francisco CA $90.00 $60.00 $30.00 $ 5.00 $15.03 $10.00 $ 3.00 $15.00 $ 3.00 S18.03 FRONT PAGE (+ inside 1/2 page) BACK PAGE(+ inside 1/4 page) FULL PAGE AD WITH ONE PHOTO each additional photo on same page FULL PAGE AD(NO PHOTO) 1/2 PAGE AD(NO PHOTO) LITTER BASKET LISTING BREEDER'S DIRECTORY(6 issues) BUSINESS CARD BUSINESS CARD(6 issues) JUDGES FOR THE AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB NATIONAL SPECIALTIES SEND YOUR ADVERTISING TO: Susan S Giles 2373 Wheatland Drive Manakin-Sabot VA 23103 1991...JUDGE...Mrs Carolyn Herbel LOCAT1ON...Houston TX be announced LOCATION.. Detroit MI 1993...Region I (East) open for bids This is a piece that is going to be hard to believe. Get your ads in and be seen. The ALAC BULLETIN is the fastest and least expensive way to reach the Lhasa public. Any claims or statements of the writers or advertisers in this publication represent their own opinions and cre not necessarily those of the editor of the BULLETIN or of the officers and Board of the American Lhasa Apso Club Inc. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT PAID FOR THEIR NATIONAL SPECIALTY PICTURES. PLEASE CHECK YOUR RECORDS AND SEE IF YOU MADE AN OVERSIGHT. ABOUT 1/3 OF THE PEOPLE HAVE MADE THIS OVERSIGHT. SECRETARIAL REPORT LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE BULLETIN? We would love to have articles of most any length,type and subject from the membership. If you have something you have written or you have seen somewhere else that you would like to share with everyone else please send it to: Denise Olejniczak, 74565 Van Dyke Rd Romeo MI 48065, 313-752-5674 Please be sure to obtain permission to reprint from the author on any copywrited materials before sending them to the BULLETIN. Dear Alac Member: .An ALAC Board Meeting is scheduled for February 10, 1990, at 1:00 PM at the Holiday Inn North, Newark Airport. LITTER BASKET FORM: Kennel Name Name Address Phone Sire Dam Date Whelped •If you know of any member who did not receive the last BULLETIN, Specialty ballot or dues bill, please let me know. dogs bitches BREEDERS DIRECTORY FORM: Kennel Name Name Address City, State, Zip Phone ( )GROWN DOGS ( )PUPPIES Any person(s) who has a membership ' list and uses it for any type mailing, let me know immediately. 'Any person who has a name change, address change, or telephone number change please notify the ALAC Secretary Steve Campbell ALAC Secretary 37 Greenwood Drive Freehold NJ 07728 ( )STUD SERVICE OLD OOMN1ON OF NOlifsERN knficultA KERMAN, 1980 AMERICAN, PERUVIAN,SOUTH AMERICAN, WORLD '88, BI PERUVIAN, MEXICAN AND INTERNATIONAL BISS CH KINDERLAND TA SEN BIZZI BUZZI Owned by: BEST IN SPECIALTY NATIONAL CAPITAL LHASA APSO CLUB in conjunction with Old Dominion KC JUDGE: FRANK OBERSTAR KINDERLAND TA SEN JEVIEHAN LHASAS Jerry & Vivian Henderson 1506 West Lane Killen TX 76542 817-634-5749 Bred by: Presented by: Susan S Giles Susan S Giles & Ellen Lonigro 2373 Wheatland Drive Manakin-Sabot VA 23103 804-749-4912 5 Recently I asked Debby Rothman if she would consider interviewing Lhasa judges for the BULLETIN and,when possible,to focus on judges who were listed h the membership'stCp ten judge selectiors for our National Speciatties. Below is the first interview. I hope you enjoy the comprehensive stlye of Susan S Giles,editor intenAew that Debby conducts. For close to two years I conabted h-depth hteryiews with breeders and judges fa Hollis) Pubiisting Co.,publisher of approximately 30 breed magcs&ies. The style of thS type of interview gives you the reader insight into the individuals philosophy and perhaps a giimpse at their personality. it sin this spirit I present Debby Rothman. to you a conversation. A CONVERSATION WITH CHARLES MULOCK by Debby Ro-thman HOW DID YOU FIRST BECOME INVOLVED IN DOGS? bought a dog. My wife had a mixed breed,with a long coat and a cuty tall. It was a fawn or sable color and white. Men she had to put it to deep my wife wonted another JoJo.So looked at all kinds of dogs. ha kennel I saw a Keeshond. It was the same except for color. I took her over to show the dog to her,even though it wasn't available,just to identify the breed. Wesaw an ad in the paper and they had abpies for sde. I went out arid bought a puppy. The some paper was advertg a appy match at Arapahoe Carly Fairground& So we went tight from the people's house that we bought the puppy from to the aippy match.That got usstated. Someone there suggested obedience. At the tirne we knew nothrig. We didn't know anything about collars and leashes. I had a harness on the dog.We showed that puppy ha harness.Ofcause It didn't have any competition, it was Cute. That's what got us started. HOW LONG AGO WAS THAT? 1956. HAVE YOU HAD A KEESHOND EVER SINCE? Yes. We've had as many as tine dogs at one time. Mght now we're down to three. It was kind of funny with the first one - we bought the standard,looked at the standard,looked at the dog - Perfect! Perfect! By today'sstandard,that dog,asa judge. I would withhold the ribisch But he was an excellent obedience dog. I took him to obedience class and theirstructor would use him to demonstrate the next lesson. I seemed to only have to show It to him once,he seemed to understand. He was a very good dog for obedence purposes, blithe was not a show dog. At the Nile we didn't know,blithe wasn't. DID YOU EXHIBIT HIM IN OBEDIENCE? No. We gc through the ten week course and goclJated.then we lost him. There was a lot that we didn't know at that particular time about keeping him confined or on a leash. My wife lived over on 44th and Marshall. It was a Saturday and she had hirn out in the front yard. There was heavy traffic from a footbail gone and he took off all of a sudden and got hit. He was me months old and we last him. Of course, we got another one right away. DID YOU GET THE NEXT ONE WITH THE INTENTION OF SHOWING? Yes. Yes. While we were looking we'd seen advertisements in Dog World,so we were h contoct with some peopleimmediately phoned a lady in Cdifornio. She dicin't have any pies.but knew somebody that did. She arranged for a puppy to be shipped out to us. We were very,very fortunate. He turned out to be a Best In alow dog. He was°So the first obedience tilled Best h Show Keeshond in the country. He was a good dog. I don't remember exactly when he got his obedience tie. He was still very young. But, again,he learned very quickly. I was trainng very religiously. Ma matter of fact, he was a grandson of a Crufts Best In Show winner. It was unique - his sire was also a Best in Show dog. On one particular day. Rikki went Best In Show,his sire went Best In Show,and a litter sister won a Group - all in the same day. WHAT WAS HIS NAME? Ch. Rikki Van Armor. WHERE DID YOU GO FROM THERE? Because of the obedience activity. I got involved with Marrtcin States Dog Cud and became one ofthe obedience instructors. I then stated my awn obed:ence dosses. Eventually I applied and received approval to judge obedence. I got my °pc:royal and started judging in 1964. That some year I took a trp tack east and vested a number of kernels on the way,and atteraed the national speciarty. Of course,I met a hinder of people. I received an invitation to do the sweepstakes for the ncrtiond specicfty. I went back and did that and it waked out very well. if was suggested that toopry to opproval tojudge the breed. wnich I dd. I got my appxovd late in 1967. My fist breed assignment was the 1968 national specialty. I was very fortunate there - my Best of Breed dog went on to Best In Show in an entry of 33CX)dogs, which was the biggest snow ever neld in the country up until that 6 time. There's been larger ones since. That was Trenton in 1968. That got me enthused! It just went on from there. IT MUST HAVE BEEN VERY REWARDING, AS A JUDGE, TO PUT THAT DOG BEST OF BREED AND THEN TO SEE IT GO BEST IN SHOW. Yes. under three different Judges to have it go all the way.At the time I didn't recite it. but that was the third national specially that pertictlar dog had won. Nry Best of Oppcete Sex was a bitch out of Canada that I had put up from the classes. The following year she °So went BOS at the national. She was a good cne too. HOW SOON AFTER DID YOU APPLY FOR MORE BREEDS? YOU MUST HAVE ENJOYED JUDGING. I applied for additional breeds. The asegrrnents came along well. I completed approval an the Non-Sporting group in 1970. It wasjust two yeas offer my first breed assignment. It was a little easier in some respects in those days. You didn't have to go through all the questionnaires and the apprentice poogcrns and the hancts-on testing,althaigh we did apprentice under other judges in the iritial process. DO YOU LIKE THE PROCESS JUDGES GO THROUGH NOW? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS THAT YOU FEEL WOULD HELP? lam in favor of almost anything that S going to help educatejudges. To me, it's just another tool. Anything that S going to helpjudges become better qualified I would have to approve of. I've never done any ofthe hands on testing and I only had to take one test in the last breeds I received. I'm not so site I like the written test portico. I'd rather see it as an open book test. After all, on a judging assignment.if there Sony question,one can always go to the standards book and take a look, which I've done on a number of occasions over the years. I think Its more important that you know how to fnd something,where to find something,rather than have to feel through about fifty questions, the pass or fail type thing. The disqualifications in the written test so pass or fail test. If you miss one disqualification question, then you foil the test. So I'm not sure I ogee with the procedure on the written test,although what it has done is force people to read standards. I'm not certain how much standard rearing was being done by people qoplyng. At least now we know the standards are being read. DO YOU THINK PEOPLE HAVE "AN EYE FOR A DOG" OR THAT PEOPLE CAN ACQUIRE AN EYE FOR A DOG"? I think people do have an eye fa a dog. It's a gift. I don't think you can redly acquire one. You can develop tremendous amount of knowledge abouta deed,ctscut structure and never boa good judge. If you have an eye fa a dog you can pd< the good ones. Of cause you can mond on that knowledge. but I think it's something you're ban with. Like on appreciation for art. I don't think it can be acquired. You have the gift. I'VE ALWAYS FELT THAT WAY TOO, THERE ARE TIMES WHEN I'M OUTSIDE THE RING WATCHING JUDGING AND I WISHED I COULD ENTER THE MIND OF THE JUDGE AND SEE WHAT THAT JUDGE IS SEEING OR LOOKING FOR. There's a lot you can't tell from ringside, but if you have an eye for a dog,you know the dogs that are being considered. I know,in breeds that I don'tjudge. I can often times pick out the good ones. The ones that go up under knowledgeablejudges. They have that chars-na.that elegance. You know they're right just because you have an eye for a dog.So you can pick the good ones out even though you're not fomiicr with the detaled characteristics of the breed. DO YOU THINK PART OF THE CHARISMA HAS TO DO WITH STRUCTURE? Absolutely. If the dog is put together cared - the placement ofthe neck into the shoulders gives that lock of elegance - which to me is part of the chansma. Personality enters into it and showmanship. But if the dog has that aok of elegance,that's structure. You see it in many of the top winning dogs. Lc, usc1 cn paje 14 "MINT" was HOT at WESTCHESTER *CH TABU'S MINT CONDITION (CH TAI CHI VOUVRAY X CH TABU'S SOUTHERN DELIGHT) Shown here winning a 5 pt major at the Westchester Lhasa ApS0 Club Specialty held in conjunction with the Westchester KC _ AND HE DID NOT COOL OFF UNTIL HE HAD WON _ _ _ another 5 pt major the show under Judge Frank Wolaniuk following weekend at Lehigh Valley KC under Breeder-Judge Barbara Wood ___ AND ___ a 4 pt major at Catonsvile KC under Judge Henry Stoecker TO FINISH _ __ AND _ __moved up to specials the next day at Rock Creek KC he won BEST OF BREED under Judge Paula Bradley ___ AND __ _ GROUP IV under Judge Alexander Schwartz. 'Pending AKC Norman & Carolyn Herbel Rt 1 Box 50 Putnam OK 73659-9734 Nancy & Jim Plunkett 14290 Greenview Drive Greencastle PA 17225 7 CH TIARA'S BROADWAY JOE BEST OF WINNERS NITA NEE KENNEL CLUB FA 0}BBB HILIFE KAVALIER OF WIL-O-WIK X CH TABU'S MAGIC MAGIC OF TIARA BREEDER/OWNER Becky Johnson #1 Tiara Imperial MO 63052 314-464-DOGS Handler Nancy Plunkett BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX SALISBURY N.C. KENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER 1989 PHOTO BY BONNIE CH TABU'S FIRST IN LINE X CH TABUS MAGIC MAGIC OF TIARA BREEDER/OWNER Becky Johnson #1 Tiara Imperial MO 63052 314-464-DOGS Handler Sue Guilmino PUPPY PARADE CH LIKALAS TYG-GYR TU OF HYLAN CH TAI CHI VOUVRAY CHEN KRIS-SHANA NOR TABU'S CL FACE VALUE HI-LIFE KAVALIER OF WIL-O-WIK CH TABU'S A PARTIKIN TABU'S COFFEE WITH CREAM Match under Judge Debbie Burke. "Face is shown winning BEST IN MATCH at the Heart of America Lhasa Apso Club Norman & Carolyn Hertel Rt 1 Box 50 Putnam OK 73659-9734 405-661-3299 IC crci Nancy & Jim Plunkett Carmen & Max Spears Lori, Kent, Lacey & Kelli Herbel TIARA'S DREAM LOVER SIRE: CH TABU'S FIRST IN LINE DAM: CH TABU'S MAGIC MAGIC OF TIARA This elegant, elcellent moving, proper size young bitch is shown here winning BEST ADULT IN MATCH at the Heart ct America Lhasa Apso Club Match under Breeder-Judge,Debbie Burke. Owner Alice Finley Handled by. 400 E 5005 Max Spears Farmington UT Box758 Co-owner/Breeder Clinton OK 73601 Becky Johnson 405-661-2829 x0 LORNICH KENNELS OFFERS FOR SALE (AM CAN CH LORNICH'S TOCO OF RENNEGADE) CH SHYR-LYZ MIEH BAH BEEH TU AM CAN BER CH JA-MA'S RENNEGADE CH LIFELONG'S STOLEN HOURS AM CAN CH LORNICH'S TOCO OF RENNEGADE CH JA-MA'S RHE-BHEL-YEN OF JABU CH SYUNG'S ICNOLWOOD AHMERDEN JOY Syung's Rendition In Black Our lovely white boy produces as his mother did, black & tans, goldens, and whites. His first litter is just now 6 months and look great, small and typey like their dad who is 10 in., 14 lbs. Toco is at stud along with his brother Am Can Ber Ch Lornich's Rennegade Ralph until sold. Co-ownerships are available. Also for sale 7 month golden male in show coat out of Am Can Ch Hope-full's Helious of Knolwood, an OrlaneHamilton breeding. Lorri E Nichiow 313-979-2507 35445 Mound, Sterling Hts, MI 48310 12 417.0 4 LORNICH KENNELS WELCOMES TO OUR HOME Champion Producing CH LAMOCS HALLMARK O'FANCI "Doll" and her son Champion producing CH LAMOCS INDIANA JONES "Indiana" and his son CH LAMOCS PARNELL' JONES "Parnelli" Indiana and Parnelli are offered at stud along w'rth our other 7 champion males. Congratulations to Lornich's Uttimate "Josh" on finishing his AM Championship. Thank you Daryl Marlin, your the greatest. Watch for Josh,and our new Star "Lornich's My Prerogative" in Canada w'rth Richard & WerIcW Paquette. FOR SALE* AM/CAN CH LORNICH'S TOCO OF RENNEGADE, LORNICH'S MY PREROGATIVE(Helious kid) and show puppies in full coat. LORRI E NICHIOW 313-979-2507 35445 Mound,Sterling Hts, MI 48310 MULOCK continued They have that proud bearing cbout them.That has to be structre. Attitude can contibute to it, but if the dog is not made oute correct the dogs not goingto have that lock of elegance and the elegant dogs going to go Lp aver Itiat dog. DO YOU JUDGE WITH A GREAT EMPHASIS ON STRUCTURE? CertainY. Actually,there are thee categories to judge on - type, balance and soundness. Well.asfa as I'm concerned bolance and soundness are a pat of type. Types all encompassing. But,balance and soundness are influenced by structure. If all the bones are the it size, right shape,right dimensions,the angles are correct for that particular breed that'sstructure. That gives you balance. If they're made correctly they're gong to move correctly. DO YOU SEE DOGS THAT LOOK REAL GOOD STANDING AND THEN ARE SURPRISED WHEN THE DOG MOVES? CAN YOU, BY LOOKING WHEN A DOG IS STANDING STILL, TELL THAT IT'S STRUCTURE IS FAULTY? Sometimes you can see a dog standing and you know that he is not going to be a good moving dog. For example.if he's too steep in the shoulders or if his forelegs are too far forward or if he lacks angulcrtion or if he's hatve a pretty good idea that he S not gong to be a good moving dog. But,if you get a good profile where the structures there,there's no guarantee that he-S gong to move correctly. Sidegait - you may have a good idea of whatthe sidegart wil be.Coning and gang,I don't thnk you can determine that whle he's standing. You might he able ton some cases. If he's standing covnocked. you know he'll be moving cowhocked. If he's standing with his elbows out and bow legged you know that's gong to effect movement. But it he'sstanding correctly he can still have movement faits. perticularty caning and going. So.maybe you can teL maybe not. A CLASS COMES IN THE RING. EXPLAIN YOUR RING PROCEDURE. Fist of all I send the dogs around the ring, not trying to pick out anything,but just to see whether there's any lameness involved. At that particular time a dog might catch my eye.bit don't try to do too great ofan evaluation at that point because I don't wantto be influenced before dl the dogs have been examined and gaited.Sal send them cround the ring the first time checking for lameness. Then I do the hands on examination. I'll offer the back of my handfcr the very briefest moment and then I want contact. I put my hand on the head immeciatety. look at the face to know head shape.11 look at the bite. In the head, you're also looking at length of muzzle, whether or not it's balanced,what the underjaw looks We,what the ear sets,ear size, eye color,eye placement,eye shape and so on. My hand goes down the neck, so that I can check tosee if the dog hasthe curvature of neck,which most breeds requie to some degree. The left hand goes down and I check the chest,forechest, width of the chest under the forelegs I run my hard down, getting muscle tale at that point,coot texture. I check for the location ofthe withers and the elbow,see what the angulation is between the shakier bade and the upper arm. Back ciong the back. I check the stifle area,the thighs, check the males to see if they're &Jay equipped,the tad set.tad length and so on. Then back for another look at the head for copres§on. In the meantime I check how the positioning is- whether the toes are in or out,front and rear. In the process the legs are examined to see whatthe tone shape and siostance S. I wil move the dog.I move the dog down and back twice,to be sure I'm seeing the some thing twice. I send the dog around the ring in cider to getsdegat. I don't We the L-paffern or triangle pattern beccuse you have such short distances that maybe the dog doesn't get into it's stride like it /loud,tuning corners and so forth. Fifteen or twenty feet iS'i't enough for I'll get the complete circle with the dog. I w4 bock off and look at the entire Ineup and I select what I consider the better type specimen. That S,they have the bciance,they have the sze.they have the appearance. I wil place them - one,two,three,four and pencps five and six depending on the Sys of the claw. I will probably regoit them and I may or may not change my plocings depending on what I see. Fist of all they have to look We the breed - that's going to be my first place dog. The one that comesthe closest to what I consider the standard of the breed calls for. The moving mayor may not effect the placements. A dog can look very pretty stoncing but if he's not moving as well he's not going to place as high asthe one that may not oak quite as nice standing, but S a sounder moving dog. I will put a little more empriass on sound movement above anything eise. I think. But agan, it depends upon the degree of deviation. DO YOU HAVE A LOT OF EXHIBITORS OFFER TO SHOW THE BITE? IS IT STANDARD IN SOME BREEDS TO HAVE THE EXHIBITORS SHOW THE BITE TO THE JUDGE? 4 Many people will offer. I suppose it's a good idea in some resoects. I think they are doing it. possibly.for sanitary reasons. As a judge,I don't know manyjudges that wipe their Fords in between each examination. Yet the exhisita Snowing the bite to the judge has the opportunity to maybe hide something,so I would rather examine the bite by myself. It's more than just how the incisors or canines frt. I like to look and see what the molars are like, particularly in breeds where missing teeth are either a major fault or a disqualification.'s a chance to evaluate temperament. It's more than just training. Temperament so difficult thing to evaluate. Lack of a temperamental dspicy is what we evduate.Awed trained dog may accept bite examination with no problem, but stil have a temperament problem. But at least it's one way we can evalicrte temperament. ARE YOU MORE LENIENT WITH TEMPERAMENT WHEN JUDGING BREEDS THAT ARE "CHARY OF STRANGERS'? LHASAS, FOR INSTANCE. Not redly. I wont a dog that S going to accept the examination. One that isn't going to Snow you a temperamental dsplay. I'm not as critical of puppies and novice dogs as I crn of mature dogs. I don't expect the showmanship to be at a higher level in the novice dogs and puppies. It's usually a matter of socialization. The expresSon will give you an idea of whether it's lack of sodatation or whether it so temperament problem.There are ways and meats a doe has ofletting you know,how it fee& I don't object to a puppy acting e a puppy. He's gong tcbe a mature dog the rest of Ks life,so let hirn be a ptcpy whie he hasa chance. YOU SAID YOU LOOK AT EXPRESSION WHEN YOU COME BACK TO THE FRONT OF THE DOG, AFTER EXAMINING THE DOG. DO YOU LOOK AT EXPRESSION WHEN THE DOG COMES BACK INTO YOU FROM GAMNG? Generally,I've seen expresSon prior to moving. I will take a look at expression again when the exhibitor brings the dog and stops in front of me. WHAT GROUPS DO YOU DO? I do fox - sporting. working,non-sporting aid herding. I aid do obedience, but I just resigned my obedience this summer. FOR WHAT REASON? There's a lot ofleg work involved. I'm at an age where I don't have quite the mobility that I used to have. It was becoming more of a chore. Also,I've been at it a long time and I've lost a little of my enthusiasm for it. I don't think it's far to the exhbitor to have a judge in that ring evaluating their dog that isn't enthused about what he is doing. So,there canes a time when you've got to hcng Lp. DO YOU HOPE TO DO MORE GROUPS? No,I don't intend to apply for any more breeds. I wait to do a good job in the breeds that I do. I like to do a breed a half dozen times or so a year to keep my eye tuned to the breed. Additional breeds would just dilute the number or times Ida breeds now. I We to think that I can recogrte my limitations and stay within them. I have no quarrel with those whojudge more breeds than I do.The imitations will vary from one individual to another. I feel I have enough and it keeps me busy. WHAT HAVE BEEN SOME MEMORABLE JUDGING ASSIGNMENTS? I did a Golden anniversary speciatty in England about three years ago.That was an exciting one.Judging the Keeshond national specially on my first assignment was another. I'vejudged in South Africa which was very interesting. I'm looking forward to judging in Australia in a couple of years. Also, next year I have an assignment in Puerto Rico. Those are interesting cnd exciting. HOW ARE THE SHOWS RUN IN SOUTH AFRICA? It's a combination ofthe Engsh system and the American system. They give challenge certificates like they do in England. it takes three challenge certificates for a championship. The classes are much the same. England, or course, has many more classes. There may be as many as thirteen classes to be judged. In South Africa. there S crisp a champion class which S placed one,two,three,four. Your winners are looked at in cider to select Best of Winners and to select your Best or Breed. DO THE CHALLENGE CERTIFICATES GO TO WHAT WOULD BE THE SAME AS OUR WINNERS DOG AND WINNERS BITCH? You will have two challenge certificates per breed.One for each sex.So it's like our Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. I think mostoftheshowsin South Africa have challenge certificates available. That's not so in England where some breeds will have chcilenge certificates available that day and in other breeds not. The parent club S told they will have so many challengecertificates available in a year. The parent club selects the shows that inni be championshp shows where the challenge certificates are offered. ARE THE BREEDS IN SOUTH AFRICA QUITE DIFFERENT FROM OURS? The goup alignments are substantially different. A nLrnber of working breeds are shown in the utility group. which is eciLivalent to our non-sporting group. They have a few breeds,also,that we don't recognize here. There are fax different Best in Shows at oneshow - Best Puppy,Best Bred-By, Best South African bred. Best in Show, The winners may or may not be the same. WHAT KIND OF ENTRY DO THEIR SHOWS HAVE? The show I did was a two day affair. Some of the breed entries were fairly good size. For example,43 German Shepherds. Dobermans also had a good size entry. Ear cropping snot permitted,so the dogs have a lithe different oak than mast of ours. Quality - there wassome excellent quality, although in my first breed ofthe day I withheld the choilenge certificate because of lack of quality. I saw the best Bullmastiff I've ever seen in my life down there. A lot of the grocmhg 5 . different - not groomed to the some state that ou dogs ore. WERE THE DOGS OWNER-HANDLED? Oh yes. I don't recall whether there are any professional handlers or not. There may be. Another interesting aspect was the handling class. There were threejudges,each evalucrting each dog and the handers had to svAtch dogs. The handers each had three shots at it and from that the best handler was selected. England has very few professional handlers. They're just starting in with a little of that now. DO YOU THINK THERE HAS BEEN A DIFFERENCE IN THE DOG GAME SINCE HANDLERS ARE NO LONGER LICENSED? Yes. I think you have two classificatiors. The professional handler and the agent. Vvhile they're all considered handlers,to me there is a difference. With many ofthe agents.I'm not sure I understand why they are doing what they do. other than for fees. I suppose. I don't think many of them have the some of presentation. atthough certainly a lot of them do. I'm talking Cinnt.rt those I would put in the agent class rather than the professional handler class. The so called agents, I think, will show dogs that are not perhaps as competitive as the dogs the real professional shows. Red professionals go in the ring to win. I think many ofthe so-called agents go in to collect a fee. To me there's a difference. HAVING ONLY BEEN TO DOG SHOWS IN THIS COUNTRY And HAVING BEEN AROUND SHOWS WHEN HANDLERS WERE STILL LICENSED, IT IS HARD FOR ME TO IMAGINE A SHOW WHERE THE DOGS ARE ALL OWNER-HANDLED. DO YOU THINK THAT HAS ADVANTAGES TO THE WAY WE DO THINGS? DO YOU THINK PROFESSIONAL HANDLERS ADD TO OUR SPORT? I think the fact that we have so many professional handlers has taken a lot of the sportsmanship out of our shows. It now is a business. I think it is still more of a sport in many of the foreign counties. In England,for example.a great deal of emphasis is put on winring classes and winning Best of Breed. Over here,emphasis is put on the group level and the Best In Show level. That contributes a little more to the sport in the foreign countries. It's too much of a business here. it's more important that'my dog %Ann'. whether he's the best specimen of the breed or not. There,they're more concerned with the quality ofthe specimen that whs. DO YOU WISH PROFESSIONAL HANDLERS WERE STILL LICENSED? I don't know how to answer the question. I was never a professional handler. so I don't know much about what the requrements were. I don't redly fed qualified to answer that. IT APPEARS TO ME THAT AKC WANTS All BREED STANDARDS TO BE STANDARDIZED. DO YOU AGREE WITH THAT? Up to a point. Standarcived format woLid be fine. The genera description, head,back,coat,color and so forth al h the scrne sequence,I woUd be in favor of. There are some cases where they could do a little better job on terminology. But other than that, no. I think there's too great of a risk of changing the breed for the pupose of having a Lniform type ofstandard. I don't thhk that wald be =rect.People many years ago determined what the breed wassuppose to look like and the standard wassuppose to descnbe that. When you start messing around with the standard,then - well for example.the Lhasa. Chary of strangers. That meant something to the People who originated the standard. If you take that out of there and put in something else. you might have a cifferent mearing than what was intended. I think this is the kind of risk that would be taken if you change standards. Certoinly,everything can be put in a sequence without changng the standard. I would be in favor of getting the sequence uniform,but asfar as chongng the standard - no. Maybe getting rid ofsane of the terminology that doesn't mean anything or is misleading. I could see that permissible, but there's too much risk of losing sornething when you start changing standards. THE LHASA STANDARD IS NOT A VERY WORDY STANDARD. Its one of the briefest standards. DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION ABOUT THAT? Well. I think it's slightly misleading. The Lhasa standard puts quite a lot of emphasis on heads,but it is not clased as a head breed.The Lhasa standard says noting ciocut movement and yet to me it is one ofthe oriticci areas of any breed. Oia cause.I'm a movementjudge to start with. The oriy thing you get in the descriptor'of structue is length,and the fact that the front legs shoUch't be bowed.Other than that they don'tsay crythng cbout angUation,what it t)ould be. Other things you have to leave to comrsxr sensejudgement.So that's a place where I thin( the standard could use scene improvement. One thing that is sbject to interpretation is what is meant by low carriage ofstern. Does it have to do with topline or does it have to do with tail carriage? If the td is dropped,that could be a law stern carnage. But whether there was something else they had in mind when they wrote it, I'm not sue.So there's an area that coUd use some improvement. I think they could do a better job of height to length ratio. It criy scrys longer that tall. But how much longer? Under the present standard you coUct have a difference of vcriation ofthree inches and still be vithin the Standard. HAVE YOU SEEN ANY SiGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THE BREED OVER THE YEARS? Oh.yes. Bites are much better today than they were when I first started judging Lhcsas. I think there's a tendency for the breed to be getting a little big. I think they're losing something in See. Those are the two more signficant things that I see. Those who are more closely associated with the breed than I crn probatory see a lot of other things that have changed. But those are the two predominate ones as I see it. MUSCLE TONE. DO YOU SEE A DIFFERENCE IN MUSCLE TONE FROM BREED TO BREED? WHAT KIND OF MUSCLE TONE DO YOU FIND IN LHASAS? I don't know as though I can onswer that on a breed to breed bases. see c lot of variation inmuscle tone within a breed. Overall, most of the Lhasas I the* are reasonably good. A nunber of years ago,you'd have a teeing of frailness - like the dog was going to collapse under you. They're more said today than what they were. When Tibetan Terriers were first shown.there was nothing to trier bodies. Now you've gotsome dog under you hands. That particular breed has had a very drastic change for the better. I don't thick the Lhasas have changed to that extent. I kind some good boded Lhasas twenty years ago. I find good boded Lhasas today. Wthin the breed, you will find some good bodes,some good muscle tone,and you wil find some mushy ones at the same time. DO YOU JUDGE ON THE HEAD? Not a great deal. I try to follow the standard,but when you get out of you own breed,I thnk you lose something in evaluating heads. Probably because judges don't stud,/ as much as we realty should to know what head type is correct. When you have heads that ore hear*covered then how nipatant is head type anyway? I would be more concerned with S the head piecisng to my eye. They may have some minor deviations that many ofthe breeders wouldn't care for,that might not be quite as serious to me. I FEEL OUR STANDARD LEAVES HEAD TYPE SOMEWHAT OPEN ANYWAY. THERE ARE A LOT OF DIFFERENT HEAD TYPES THAT WOULD QUALIFY UNDER OUR STANDARD AS IT'S WRITTEN. MAYBE THAT IS WHAT WAS INTENDED WHEN THE STANDARD WAS WRITTEN. This is possible. This is possible. That's why I think there's great risk in revng the standard. You've got to be extremely careful in how its horded. I've seen this happen in otter breeds. I was on a standard review committee for awhile. The reccmmendatiors we received,often times,were wrx:rt peede had in their own kennel,rather than what the breed should be. It's a major problem - that you don't lose breed type while messing around with the standards. Dogs are not a precon animal. You have to leave something to judgement,to him:retortion oftype. Too much ofthe tme people wont to tighten the standard up. You can't do it. It is not a geametricd precision hstrument. It's a IMng thing. You have to leave it open to interpretation. DO YOU HAVE ANY PET PEEVES ABOUT PRESENTATION IN THE RING? Yes,and I don't do as much about it as I ought to. This is the aver bating. caltrued cn rxge BAYWIND FARM MorganHorses Lhasa Apsos Presents Its First Lhasa Champion CH Christopher Robin of Baywind (BIS,BISSCh Misti's Play It Again Sam X Wicket of Baywind) Chris is shown winning a 4 point major under judge Alvin Maurer at the Annapolis K C. Chris continued with 4 point majors under Mrs Clover Allen, Devon KC and Mrs Lehnig, Carroll County KC to complete his championship. Also Presents Baywind's She's Got The Look (Sorry no picture at time of press) (BIS,BISS Ch Misti's Play it Again Sam X Wicket of Baywind) Tiffany, as she is called, is on her way to being one of Sam's next champions. She was WB & BOS from the puppy class under Dr Harry Smith and reserve to a 4 point major from the puppy class the very next day under Judge Mr B Wilson. You'll recognize Tiffany when you see her because she's got the Look. Gina Pastrana 3957 Birdsville Road Davidsonville MD 21035 301-798-0638 NEW MEMBERS MATABA LHASA APSOS MIKE AND CAROLYN MILAN 11600 STALLION LN. HOLLY, MI 48442 (313) 634-1717 Holly Cole 3011 K Street NE Auburn WA 98CO2 206-833-1585 Barbara Corbett 11927 350th PL NE Carnation WA 98014 206-788-7985 Mr & Mrs Stanley Lumbra 89 Washington Street Rochester NH 03867 603-355-2231 Barbara L Kelm Shengli Lhasa Apsos 1637 Mallard Circle Eagan MN 55122 612-454-4772 Linda Jo Perry 701 E Pine #139 Lompoc CA 93436 805-736-2945 Etabeth Hutchins 110 Plain Street Rutland VT 05701 802-773-8093 . ., Ja-Ma Lhasas Janet and Mary Whitman 23Groat Oaks Or rye Spring Valley, NY 10977 Charlotte Rickell 3710 Courtleigh Dr Randallstown MD 21133 301-655-8168 Tonya & Ann Ray 2796 Lcrtulle Ave Huntington WV 25702 304-325-5593 1111111' c---1•111 change of address change tofamk membership: Sally Chenier 4031 Quiet Hill Ct. Norco CA 91760 714-279-9232 Wayne & Gaye Pierson PO Box 75 Beaman IA 50609 914 425-0765 new telephone Sondra & Niall Rogers 303-424-2158 Norman & Carolyn Herbed Jean Fergus PO Box 827 Cluver ON CA 90230 PLEASE make sure that all changes of address are sent to the secretary Route 1 Box 50 Putnam, Oklahoma 73659-9734 (405) 661-3299 I BOARD MEETING Tiler will be a meeting of the American Lhasa Apso Club Board of Directors. SATURDAY, FEB. 10, 1990 1/ 11 44) ,E4C. PAWMARKS 1:00 PM COLORED ELASTIC BANDS HOLIDAY INN NORTH, NEWARK AIRPORT iiIV 11;\ Ai11/ib ...., r• ''' GILLIAN MARKS (916) 666-5526 18 301 Greenwood Drive Woodland, CA 95695 If there is an item you would like the Board to address or ideas and suggestions please pass these on to any Board Member. Directions: from the JerseyTumpike - Exit 14, pay toll 2nd exit(short distance)Service Road to Holiday Inn North c ("SCHEEL'S" LHASA APSOS) DKCH SCHEEL'S COFFEE-N-CREAM 1989 was a good year for DKCH Scheel's Coffee-N-Cream and her 2 litter sisters: DKCH Scheel's Fame-N-Fortune is the No. 1 Lhasa Apso Bitch in Denmark 1989; Scheel's Pride-N12/ has 2 C.C.s towards the Danish Championship and CoffeeN-Cream herself finished in November. Sire: DK/NL/INTCH Saxonsprings Famous Flier Dam: Orlane's Peppermint Pattie Pepper's daughters 1989-wins (there is a fourth Pepperdaughter, Scheel's Simplicity, on the Top List) gave momPepper the title from the Danish Lhasa Club: Lhasa Apso Brood Bitch of the Year 1989. Thank you so much to Raul & Cassandra de la Rosa for letting us co-own AM BISS CH Suntory Superfudge and show him here in Denmark. C Bide & Kresten Scheel, Humleboekvej 27 DK-3480 Fredensborg, Denmark tlf.: +4542 28 42 98 DUES Editors Carrrent Deadline was Dec. 1st A special Thcnk You goes to Sondra Rogers for the typing that she has been doing for the BULLETIN. Sondra does a very professional job. If the items or articles have mistakes I probably typed it, if the piece is free of errors you can bet Sondra did it. Did you remember to renew your membership? In that vain I would Ike to give everyone the opportunity to make some sense out of the end of Keke's crticle and apologe to her for the mistake. Inadvertently 3 lines were left off the end of the pick up second page which turned the crticle to gibbe. We more make will it so lines missing the a few paragraphs before sense. Treasurer Carolyn Herbel Routel, Box 50 Putnam 0K73659 405-661-3299 continued from Keke's article from the Oct issue..... Fronts area big problem,tut fronts are the biggest problem in every breed. Shoulder layback,to be right, mi.& match rear angulation - no matter if it's good or bad - they must match for good movement. I feed the reason our Lhasas have front troubles goes back to the basics. We're an acrcndroplastic treed. We need large lung space for brecrtring thin air. Tibet is the northern-most region in the world. Ou legs must wrap around this chest - hence big problems,including the bad pasterns. I feel that our breeders have done a marveraisjob of conquering al these problems, I camot accept the inference of high kick-up. To move correctly going away,thejudge must see the dad< pods ofthe underfoot. Ifthe dog has a high kick-up,its the faun'of the front - too much - too little - it simply does not go together.and the dog overdrives his front. From time immemorial, we've asked for straight front legs. How many time do we see it? Almost never. I think Mrs. Sefton should refer to both Rachel Page's Dog Steps - on video and in hard back - and McDowell Lyors' The Dog in Action,an old, but excellent book on movement. These explain Peaty correct movement. Lastly I will cover coats. Lhasccs are double-coated,and some have correct textue,and some have soft kinky coats. These are wrong and impossible to mcintain. No one can keep thorn for very long. I always took as much undercoat out as possble to make my life easier! Cu breeders spend lots of time and energy keeping them. Grocrnhig products he - if the right ones are used. Dogs in other countries suffer because they have a difficUt time getting our mcrvelous gooming aids. I feel they area valuable too!, and we are talking about a Dog Show. Part ofjudging son showmanship and part is on condition and part son the standard for the breed - and all of it is just fa that one day. tt is not on the day before or after. Now on to the st)ow - I had a super entry and lots of good dogs. My Winners Dog was a lovely dog out of the fired By Exhibitor class. He finished hs Championlip that day and was truly magrificent overall. Correct see,a beautifii head and bite, and correct straight harsh coat texture were among his many attributes. My Open and Reserve dog was dose Celina and a good cne,too. In bitches, I had a lot of depth and chose an elegant bitch,very correct h Srze, coat textue,head one eye. She,too,beccrne a OX.31 T icion that day. And on to the glorious Specials le-up. I stood there and thought what tremendous strides our exhibitors have made through the years to be able to present their dogs so beautifully. Men I first got into Lhasas in rhe very earty 60's,they all looked like t_hmade beds! I carefully went through the class. And finally the 12 year old Veteran Dog - a Grand Old Mon showing like a very yang dog in superb coat and physicd condition - told me it was his show - and,indeed it was! My Best of Opposite bitch was very pretty and possesses a level iodine and lovely neck along with correct tad set and carnage. Thanks for the memories. KeKe Kahn 1989 20 Membership Application THE AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB NAME STTIET CITY,STATEZIP PHONE OCCUPATION PLEASE PRIM CLEARLY I hereby apply for membership and agree to abide by the AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB constitution and by-laws and the rules of the American Kennel Club if accepted for membership. I am eighteen years or older and in good standing with the American Kennel Club. Signed Recommended by the following two American Lhasa Apso Club members. 2 Yearly dues(liy I to Arle 30) 520 Sncle S25 Family Outside the US please ad S5 Make checks payable to The American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc. Mail checks and application to: JOYCE JOHANSON 507 West AdamsStreet Macomb IL 61455 309-837-1665 The Bear's Den Lhasas "CH LIGHT UP'S RED ALERT" CONGRATULATES His Son Ch Shilos Sir Goofus Bear (X Wyndwood's Crystal Pistol) crd His "two- Lovely Daughters Ch Hylan Horshira Sweet Charity Ch Horshira Hylan Hello Dolly (X BISS Ch Hylan Horshira Kiss Me Kate) on their New AKC Championships FLASH!!! "REDDY & MI-LING are very proud of baby daughter Touch O'Golden Bear who finished her Canadian Championship at8 1/2 months of age. "THANK YOU AND LHASA LOVE" To the Ownem and Co-owners Barbara & Frank Trujillo ALAC Obedience Album SOFT.SHEEN The ALAC Obedience Committee has a beautiful album for obedience Lhasas. This album is displayed at the ALAC National Specialties and other major shows. We are all very proud of our obedience Lhasas and are sure you are too. I hope you will decide to become part of this Lhasas in Obedience Album. The Coat Managemant Plan PREMIUM CONDITIONER WITH COLLAGEN SOFT•SHEEN Conditioner improves coat and skin condition, leaves hair fresh-scented, cuts grooming time and helps prevent static. PREMIUM HERBAL PRO SHAMPOO WITH VITAMIN E SOFT•SHEEN Shampoo moisturizes as it cleans, helps reduce matting and tangling, and helps prevent ANTI-STATIC COAT DRESSING SOFT•SHEEN DAY OF SHOW COAT DRESSING antistatic and anti-tangle qualities make grooming easier and more effective. SIZE PRICE SOFT•SHEEN CONDITIONER SOFT•SHEEN CONDITIONER SOFT•SHEEN CONDITIONER SOFT•SHEEN CONDITIONER 8 OZ 16 OZ 1 QT 1 GAL $ 6.95 S 8.95 $12.95 S28.95 SOFT•SHEEN SHAMPOO SOFT•SHEEN SHAMPOO SOFT•SHEEN SHAMPOO SOFT•SHEEN SHAMPOO 8 OZ 16 OZ 1 QT 1 GAL S 6.95 $ 8.95 $12.95 528.95 PRODUCT SOFT•SHEEN SOFT•SHEEN SOFT•SHEEN SOFT•SHEEN COAT SPRAY COAT SPRAY COAT SPRAY COAT SPRAY 4.95 8 OZ 16 OZ $ 6.95 1 QT $10.95 1 GAL $19.95 SHIPPING AND PACKING UP TO S25.00 $25.01 -$50.00 $50.01 - $75.00 $75.01 UP $2.50 $4.00 $6.50 $8.00 SUB-TOTAL SHIPPING TOTAL NAME ADDRESS (no Flo Boxes please) CITY STATE ZIP SEND ORDERS TO;: SOFT•SHEEN 2373 Wheatland Drive Manakin-Sabot VA 23103 QUANITY All you need to do is send a photo and a "write-up" about your obedience Lhasa. The album's pages are approximately 85(10'. You may have one or two pages per obedience Lhasa. For example, if the photo is large, your 'write-up' will be on the adjacent page. The actual photo you send will be used. Please type your "write-up" as it will be used "as is". The photo may be a show photo, a home photo, an action photo, or any other type. The "write-up" may be on your personal or kennel stationary. In your 'write-up' we definitely need: Full name of Lhasa Highest Obedience Title Date Degree Completed Owner and Address Other optional information you may wish to include: special awards, scores, shows and judges, breeder, sire and dam and the advantage of living with an obedience Lhasa. Please send your photo and "write-up" to: ALAC Obedience Committee Brenda Schmelzel 9 Gettysburg Road Belleville IL 62223 The following is a list as of November 1989 of the Lhasa Apsos featured in the ALAC Obedience Album. They are listed in order of their finishing date. The most recent degrees will be listed last. When your Lhasa finishes a higher degree than the one he is listed under, please send me a new 'write-up'so he will be moved to the higher section. - UD HIT Halcyon's Golden Kismet U.D. - Betty Wathne HIT Princess Suki-Too U.D. - Jean Foster Watcher Under FreeFlyt Objex U.D. - Janine Grinta NuSeng Tacin My-T-Luv Bear U.D. - Florence Kantor • CDX Habibi's Petite Beaute C.D.X. - Joan Clarke Copeland's Geraldine Jones C.D.X. - Yvonne Copeland Ch. Lamplite's Image in Charcoal C.D.X. - Jackie Love Briarwood's Bonnie Lass C.D.X. - Becki Jo Wolkenhem HIT Tiger Ming C.D.X. - Brenda Schmelzel Pooh's 'rigger C.D.X. - Myrna Winchester Ch. Lin Dalai's Jon-Boi of Joy C.D.X. - Deanna Maxwell 'CD' Anbara Bo Jangles C.D. - Barbara Wood Chu Chu Smokey Bear C.D. - Frank Trujillo Honey Ming C.D. - Brenda Schmelzel Annierosa Molly Ti C.D. - Pat Mickowski Tabu's Master Muppet C.D. - Nancy Plunkett Honey Bun's Abso Seng Kye C.D. - Florence Kantor Nik-Ki Singtuk C.D. - Florence Kantor Little Dream's TinkerBell C.D. - Jane Kirby Tawni Taps C.D. - Ramona Hadenfeldt Sir Prize Tu Suntory and Me-Tu C.D. - June O'Brien Sera Mar's Mi-Tu C.D. - Florence Kantor Kashi VII C.D. - Charlie Drastura Shangri-La's Bhen-Ji Khan C.D. - Linda Crabill Krisna Likala Tonka C.D. - Jo Ann Clulow Mariko Ajin San C.D. - Linda Hall Alexandria Dancer C.D.(C.D.X.) - Diana Serbo Tabus Gama Iron of Ozari C.D. - Gillian Marks Gaby Plauget C.D. - Karen Nichols Tau-Lin Grimm C.D. - Mel Grimm Ratsch's Little Rascal C.D. - Henry Ratsch MISTI ACRES Multi BIS Am,BIS Can, Multi BISS Am Can Ch Misti's Play It Again Sam HOLIDAY GREETINGS from Sam and everyone at Misti Acres MIST! ACRES I3everly Drake 1 1506 Harford Road Glen Arm MD 21057 301-592-6636 23 MULOCK continued... Mario Lhasa Apsos Immediately handlers stcrt feeding the dogs. I go to examine the,dog,to lod< at the bite and I find a mouthful of liver. it's repuSive. In some breeds, handlers are scattering liver all over the floor, which S a distraction to other dogs. That would be my major pet peeve. I have a few others. The subtle wayssome people use to try to gain an edge. I wcx.ld rather theysay absolutely nothing. DO PEOPLE SPEAK TO YOU IN THE RING VERY OFTEN? They're being friendly and courteousi suopose with*how are you this g' m orglgg ggQ tgOKIgg g lithe Dtt tggt way — - — — handlers try to identify their dog by tring the call name.There was a handler I respected. Every male he called son. Every female he called sis. Let's go son. This type of thing. He didn't try to give you the dog's name. Many ofthe dogs ore advertised using a call rune.You get the dog in the ring and the dog S doing absolutely nothing wrong,standing there like he should. The harder will use his name to steady him like the dog isl't behcrving.The handler wants me to judge the dog's record,estead ofjudging the dog based on the competition ofthe day. I discpcxove ofthat kind of activity. If they want myjudgement,let it be myjudgement and not let ft be influenced by anybody else. PO Box 5284 Beverly Hills, California 90210 Lynn Lowy 213/859-3930 • Becky Johnson #1 Tiara Imperial, MO 63052 314-464 DOGS DO YOU FIND THAT IN THE SPECIALS RING? Yes.There's nothing wrong with using the dog's name if there S a need to control the dog or to get his attention.(see nothing wrong with that particularly. But in the specials CICISS, when the handler gives you the identity, it's not for controlling the dog,it's for controlling the judge. A name doesn't have to be used anyway.The words that you use are gong to havejust as much intbence to the dog.The name S not that meaningki in the handling procedure. The tone of voice star more benefiCal. TIBETAN SPANIELS LHASA APSOS DO HANDLERS OFTEN TELL YOU "BEST OF WINNERS WILL FINISH THIS DOG" OR SOMETHING SIMILAR? I've had the handier say the major sin bitches today". Yes. It has happened, but not a great ded Mast are ethical. Once in awhile somebody will slip you a hint. Usually they'll tell you after you've made your awaras. That's not influencing the deccn. (407) 597-3833 LHASA•APSOS )/-LEE LHAS - s, ./ 4!.,•., p DO YOU MIND IF PEOPLE SEND YOU PHOTOGRAPHS? Not at dl. I never ask for them,but I do appreciate getting dctures of good dogs. .1 Joan & Dick Bouman 1701 S.W. Stuart West Blvd. Palm City, FL 34990 • HOW ABOUT RING STEWARDS? IS THERE A DIFFERENCE IN THE WAY YOUR DAY GOES? Well, I guess I've been fortInate that I've had some excellent stewards the last few yeas. There's been only once I asked for a steward to be replaced. That was a case where I think the steward was trrig to influence my deciecn by telIng me secreting about a particular dog.That I don't go for. Again,let it be my decision without any outside influences. It's my opinion that otititas paid their money for. I've been fortunate to have had excellent stewards. Puppies Show/Pet Stud Service Champion Stud Service Puppies SHURTI LINGICA LHASAS THE HOUSE THAT BLACK BUILT il 617-631-5196 Kenneth G. & Harriet A. Silverman 27 F3rook Road Marblehead, Mass. 01945 CHAMPIONS AT STUD PUPPIES —-e . ;::• Nor ii • PHYLLIS R. MARCY Tel. (802) 785-4558 il‘ t li ' ... . 0: -rine s, reg. Box 62, Academy Road Thetford Hill, VT. 05074 .3.1 HOW ABOUT MEASURING IN THE RING? THERE HAS BEEN DISCUSSION OF PUTTING A HEIGHT DISQUAUFICATION IN THE LHASA STANDARD. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THAT? I'm not sure I agree with disqualifications. It may be justified in some breeds based an thee function. but for height and weight asquaificcrtions.I'm not sue I ogee with if. I wokid rather denote according to how far they deviate from the deferred §ze. Over the years nutrition has changed,so I think there has been a natual tendency for some breeds to be bigger today because they're better fed,they're heather,they live longer lives. I think there has been a change of increased size because ofthat. It's happened in the tx.rnon race. Used to be a man was five foot tall, now he's a shnmp. The average man now S maybe five foot ten inches tell. The some thing has happened in dogs. Penalize according to the extent of the deviation. DO YOU THINK BREEDS NEED A DISQUALIFICATION? For the most part. no.As far as mcnorchids. I wouici agree with that. I don't know doout the gene pod in marry breeds. Eye color,for example. Mismcrtched some breeds are permisable. I don't know what happened in years past,when the breeds were new,so to sped< and breeders were trying to control it. I'm sure, by putting in disqualifications. Some things I don't think redly happen enough to warrant a cfseudificaficn. !n dalmatians,for example,there is a disqualification for a patch. There's judges that have been at the game for twenty-five and thirty years and have never seen a patch.So I don't know how important S to have that asa disci-iaificaticn in the breed any longer. ccrrilrued a,pce26 fleetfire lhasa alsos rom fleetfire is excited about "sty" achieving championship in 7 consecutive shows!! (am & can ch orlane's scirocco rom x ch sho tru kiss ma grfts rom) ch sho tru hylan rock'em 'n sock'em 7 shows 7 best of winners 4 best of breeds and a group II H! mary schroeder 5395 s miller st littleton co 80127 303-973-3600 debby rothman 8391 s london lane conifer co 80433 303-674-3297 _D HEART OF AMERICA LHASA APSO CLUB 1989 FALL FUN MATCH Judge: Debbie Burke BEST PUPPY IN MATCH: TABU'S FACE VALUE BEST ADULT IN MATCH: TABU'S DREAM WEAVER BEST IN MATCH: TABU'S FACE VALUE PUPPY DOGS 2-6 MONTHS 1 2 3 Tabu's Face Value - Norman & Carolyn Herbel Sharbil's Kman Checkmate - Ron & Stella Kman Talcashi's Prince of Crime - Ron Crowder PUPPY DOGS 6-9 MONTHS 1 PUPPY BITCHES 6-9 Talcashi's Lil Gramham Quackers - Ron Crowder & 1 Eddie Hutcheson 2 Tabu's Tulsa Born - Norman & Carolyn Herbel 3 Joymarc's Bunnie B - Winifred Graye PUPPY BITCHES 9-12 MONTHS 1 RAZ's My Bonnie - Rebecca A Ziegenhom Joymarc Arkay Baron O'Darno - Norma Mileham & Winifred Graye BEST PUPPY: TABU'S FACE VALUE PUPPY DOGS 9-12 MONTHS 1 2 15-18 MONTHS Bahnthai's Di Maak Pu-Shai - Jane Cooper RAZ's Macho - Rebecca A Ziegenhom PUPPY BITCHES 2-6 MONTHS 1 2 3 4 Tabu's Wine'N Roses - Becky Johnson Jacomo Laurie O'Darno - Norman C Mileham Takashi's White House Fantasy -Robyn White & Ron Crowder Talcashi's Royal Licky Stik - Elaine Combs & Ron Crowder 1 Kman's Dolsa Ink Spot - Ron & Stella Kman OPEN DOGS 1 Tabu's Dream Weaver - Nary E Leiweike OPEN BITCHES 1 Tiara's Dream Lover - Alice Finley & Becky Johnson BEST ADULT: TABU'S DREAM WEAVER MULOCK continued... 2IT MUST HAVE BEEN IMPORTANT AT SOME POINT. Atsome point, maybe there wastoo much of it and they were trying to control it. IS IT DIFFERENT JUDGING A GROUP AS COMPARED TO JUDGING WITHIN A BREED? Yes,because within the breed ring you're malidng apples to apples compaison.Wrttin the group ring,now you are moking apple to orange comparison. So you have to judge each,inthe group,against it's breed standard. In the treed ring,of course, you're still judgng against the breed standard but you do make NB canpaisors.To some degree you do in the group ring too, but the criteria so little different. Sometimes in the group ring you look for a reason not to place a dog. For example,if you've got six or seven real top quciity dogs - now you bok for a reason not to place one. A mistake in the presentcrtion maybe.In the goup ring showmanship is a little more important than it was n the breed ring. DO YOU THINK THE QUALITY OF DOGS, IN GENERAL HAS IMPROVED OVER THE YEARS? Oh, I think so. I think so. I've seen some breeds fluctuate. They were great twenty yeas ago,they went dowriil,and now they're coning boar.Some breeds I don't thirk are as good today as they were twenty yeas ago. Marry ofthe breeds are better. That is. you will probably find more good specimens. One reason caid be the quantity of dogs alone, I don't know.The entry at dog shows used to be 5C0 - 600 dogs,now there's 2000 - 2500 dogs at a lot of shows.So that may have it's influence, but overall, I think most breeds have improved. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE OFTEN HEARD EXHIBITORS STATEMENT "I DON'T THINK THAT JUDGE" WAS CONSISTENT"? I think it's important thatjudgng be consistent,if consistency S available. Many times it is not. I would respectjudgement that S consistent, even though I may disagee with what that particUar judge likes. certainty Dpect consistency in their selections. I UKE HOW YOU STATED THAT. SOMETIMES I'VE HEARD THAT STATEMENT MADE AND THE JUDGE MAY HAVE HAD ONLY FIVE OR SIX ANIMALS TO JUDGE. HOW CAN YOU TEU. WHAT THAT JUDGE LIKES? If you have a lot of variation within a breed,and in some breeds there is, you can't be consistent because you don't have two alke. I watched a lady within my own breed do a nationd speciatly a coyoka of yeas ago. Her choices were afferent than what rrine would have been and I caldn't dscover what she was looking for. It just didn't fit - until her winners class came in. They all looked aike and I then farid what was the common denominator.She old an excellentjob. Her choices were not my choices,butshe had done an excelentjcb of pickng out what her mind told her the breed shoUd be. DO YOU THINK THERE ARE ANY WAYS JUDGING COULD BE IMPROVED? That's a very,very difficult question to answer. I would say one of the biggest areas that needsimprovement Sthe education ofthe exhibitors. They want to educatejudgesto do a betterjob ofjudging,but they don't do nearly as much to educate exhibitors,as I see it. Exhibitors ought to want the best specimen ofthe treed to do the winring. That isn't the trend nowadays. Maybe it boils down to sportsmanship. I don't really know how to answer the question as to what wcxid make judging better. Education will akways make it better. I think we do have judges who are judging for the wrong reasons. There are some that are doing it for personal gratification. Tome,that's wrong.Judgng shoUd be for the benefit ofthe breed. I THINK IF EVERYBODY KEPT THAT IN PERSPECTIVE THE DOG GAME WOULD BE FURTHER AHEAD. I AGREE WITH YOU 100% ON THE EXHIBITORS NEEDING EDUCATION. I'VE BEEN GOING TO DOG SHOWS SINCE I WAS A CHILD. I DON'T KNOW IF IT'S MY PERCEPTION OF IF THINGS REALLY HAVE CHANGED, BUT IT SEEMS TO ME THAT THERE WAS MORE EDUCATING GOING ON AND ccrtrued co powe 28 CH JA-MA JOYSLYN BLAZE OF GLORY N. 1 n i n ;t rt S 213 We invite serious inquiries on this 4 year old pale champion producing male. Blazer has a beautiful head and scissors bite. He moves like the wind! He is still "in coat", and it's easy to care for. Lovely Temperament. Excellent stud dog. BIS AM CAN CH ARBORHILL'S RAPSO-DIEH AM CAN CH JA-MA'S BOHEMIAN RAPSO-DIEH CH LEFELONG'S STOLEN HOURS CH JA-MA'S A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC CH JAMPO'S I'M STEPPEN OUT OF SYUNG CH JA-MA'S SCARLET OF DOLSA SYUNG CH DOLSA CALIFORNIA GIRL CH JA-MA JOYSLYN BLAZE OF GLORY AM CAN BER CH SHEN PA NI KYIM AM CAN CH ICAI-LA-SHA-RAHU-LA 0'JA-MA CH KAI-LA-SHA DOLMA Ja-Ma Joyslyn Jive Talk CH KARMA KONA ICILI Ja-Ma Joyslyn's Kieh-Sha CH VEN-TES MAI-TAI JOYSLYN'S LHASA APSOS Lynn & Joyce Johanson Malcomb IL 61455 309-837-1665 507 West Adams St 27 MULCCK continued... PEOPLE WERE MORE EAGER TO LEARN. I DON'T THINK THE "WIN WIN WIN" FACTOR WAS THERE TO THE DEGREE SEE IT TODAY. MAYBE IT IS MY PERCEPTION. I think this is a phase that we need to turn around.The -win win win" factor. It's become a business and it's important to win rather than it being important for the best specimen ofthe breed to win. Let's face it. People want to breed to the Wimers because they want to get winners. I think people vitl go in and fod the judges and get wins that aren't redly deserved,then their own evduation of their dog will change.They think their dog is better than it actually S. They are not paying as much attention to the redly serious breeding as they shcx_lci be. Mother pet peeve that I have, I suppose,S that it takes three yeas to become an expert in a breed. In about five years the serious people start to learn somethingl I think we have too many three year experts.Their interest is not primarily in the breed itself. Their interest is in winning. It's a personai gatificcrtion. I TRY TO REMIND MYSELF AND OTHER PEOPLE, AT TIMES, THAT THE WAY DOG SHOWS FIRST ORIGINATED, TO MY UNDERSTANDING, WAS BEFORE WE HAD THE MASS MEANS OF COMMUNICATION, SO PEOPLE WOULD GATHER TO SEE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE WERE DOING IN THEIR BREEDING PROGRAMS - TO SEE IF THE OTHER KENNELS MIGHT HAVE AN ANIMAL TO INCORPORATE INTO YOUR BREEDING PROGRAM. We lost something when we lost the bench shows because people were learning from each other. They foLnd out they lked the other people. Now the exinibitors don't like each other. You lost something when you lost the one on one ccmmLrication.So many times now,people go to the dog show and as soon as they've shown their dog they leave. They're not sticking aroLnd to learn. The game snot as good as it used to be.Sportsrnanshp slacking to a big degree. I THINK, IN THIS EVOLUTION, THAT A LOT OF THE PEOPLE THAT DO HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE AND THE DEDICATION JUST GET FED UP. -irk Many have gotten discouraged beccuse of the so cdled patios. I dcr't ti there's anywhere as much politicking going on as people would like to think. A lot or them use it as an excuse for long. As far as the publications are concerned - I sLbscnbe to the Gcrzette. That's the only one,but!get a dilate of magaZnes.They're all donated to thejudges. It's amazing when gong through them. There is a lack of information in them. For example,so many ads don't even have an address or telephone number,so that if I was interested in getting a quality dog!wouldn't know how to get a hold of this person with this quality dog. They're not advertng anything other than the wins and hoping to influence judges. These are areas where the media has hut. IT AGGRAVATES ME TO GO THROUGH A PUBLICATION AND SEE A PARTICULAR ANIMAL I UKE AND THE PARENTS ARE NOT GIVEN, PARTICULARLY WITH THE TYPE OF ADS YOU'RE REFERRING TO, BUT EVEN ON THE SMALLER SCALE. Many ofthe dogs advertised in dl breed magctnes are never advertised in the breed publiccrtions. it's the breed magcdnes that will prd.ricie more information. You wit find some pedigree information in many of those ads. I don't think that type of advertng is done to influence judges. HAVE YOU SEEN A BIG CHANGE IN THE WAY ADVERTISING IS DONE? HAVE PUBUCATIONS ALWAYS BEEN SENT TO JUDGES? Some have. Of course,as I added breeds! wotid get more breed magazines. I don't get them on au breeds that Ida,but I get a lot of them.As to whether the format of advertng has changed - I see attend starting. This S more of a glamour type advertng.The picture is taken h front of a Rolls Royce or a Ferrari, not in a standard dog pose. I don't object to a dotting or laying down,but they try to get it in a glamour setting. There's attend storting. I SAW AN AD IN A MAGAZINE THAT HAS A LOT OF THAT PARTICULAR TYPE OF ADVERTISING. THE DOG WAS NOT THE FOCAL POINT OF THE PHOTOGRAPH. It's obvious why the ad is there. They are not advertsing their kennel or their booaline. They are only advertising thew winning record. Tome,a little of the purpose has been lost. Again, it's becoming more of a business than a sport. SOMETIMES I TRY TO FIGURE IT ALL OUT, I WONDER WHERE THE ENTIRE SPORT IS HEADING. It makes you wonder what it's going to be like 50 years from now. it would be rice to see the sport get back to basics. Maybe we have to expect it. The dogs were originated for a particUar purpose and that pupose doesn't exist caltrued cn Gage aJ 28 AKC GAZETTE Connie Tompkins 354 S Fourth St Fulton NY 13069-2533 315-593-2555 ALAC BULLETIN Susan S Giles 2373 Wheatland Drive Manakin-Sabot VA 23103 804-749-4912 BREED STANDARD COMMITTEE Norman Herbel, Chair Keke Kahn Stephen Campbel Lynette Clooney Bob Cooper Peggy Huffman Dorothy J Kendall Ellen Lonigro Lynn Lowy Marianne Nixon Ray Sledzik Janet Whitman Barbara Wood BYLAWS Don Evans 1202 Chesapeake Drive Churchton, MD 20733 301-261-5918 EDUCATION Lynette Clooney 25 Rancho Drive North Keller TX 76248 817-379-5408 FINANCE COMMITTEE Victor Cohen, Chair. Stephen Campbell Carolyn Herbal Marvin Whitman FUTURITY - SECRETARY Ann Lanterman 15702 188th Ave Ne Woodinville WA 98072 206-788-1066 FUTURITY HOST CLUB COORDINATOR Debbie Burke 317 Mill Road Oreland PA 19075 215-887-1770 FUTURITY PROMOTION Bobbie Richardson 1401 Lillian Way Reno NV 89509-3223 HANDBOOK Sondra Rogers 7240 Kipling St Arvada CO 8C005 303-425-7381 HEALTH Dr. S B Bigman 120 Central Ave Needham MA 02192 HISTORIAN Becky Johnson *1 Tiara Imperial MO 63052 314-464-3647 LOCAL CLUB LIAISON Don L Hanson 2214 Rr St SE Olympia WA 98501 206-943-6067 LOGO Marie Allman 111 Ivy St Pt 3 Freeport TX 77541 409-233-1853 MEMBERSHIP Joyce Johanson 507 West Adams St Macomb IL 61455 309-837-1665 N S COORDINATOR Jecrne Hope 9600 Accord Drive Potomac MD 20854 301-983-0990 N S CATALOG ADVERTISING Becki Kraus 4215 Bishop Road Detroit Mi 48224 313-886-6292 N S TROPHY FUND Bab= Wood,Chmn Don Hanson OBEDIENCE Brenda Schmelzel 9 Gettysburg Road Belleville IL 62223 618-277-6515 PROGRAM LISTING June O'Brien 11079 Loma Rice Road Marysville CA 95901 916-743-7266 YEARBOOK Amy LaForest Andrews 18105 IGrkshire Birmingham MI 48009 313-644-9194 YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION Evelyn f3igman 120 Central Ave Needham MA 02192 (CH INNSBROOK'S PATRICIAN 0SULAN X CH KNOLWOOD JEVIEHAN CI CI) JEVIEHAN'S XCEPCHANEL RICCI Faith City Kennel Club Sunday,October 29, 1989 Winners Bitch Best of Winners Judge: Mrs Edmund J (Sue) Kauffman Jr OWNERS/BREEDERS JEVIEHAN Jerry & Vivian Henderson Rt 1 Box 121 Onion Road Killeen TX 76542 4.. CO-OWNER/HANDLER LABRITT Doris & Richard Britt 2401 Plateau Plano TX 75075 litter basket litter basket Bahnthai Jane Cooper 1440 Lawrence Ave Lawrence KS 66044 913-749-7649 SIRE: BISS Ch Misti's Play It Again Sam DAM:Ch Bahnthai Prahrah Chihnee Whelped 9/30/89 2 dogs 4 bitches Yah-Poon Lhasas Hank and Patty Balconi 3035 W Camino Del Yucca Sahwarita AZ 85629 602-625-4171 SIRE: Ch Rufkin's Mighty Mike ofYah-Poon DAM:Ch Comalot's Pattlann of Yah-Poon Whelped: Nov 4, 1989 3 dogs I bitches litter basket Mi Joan M Buck 2002 Millville-Shandon Rd Hamiiton OH 45013 513-738-2545 SIRE: Ch Anbara-San Jo Fancy Dancin' DAM: Ch Mi Taglha Tambu Tessa Whelped 11-23-89 4dogs 3 bitches CONDITIONING TRAINING ALL BREEDS 4335 W 40 HIGHWAY BLUE SPRINGS MO 64015 816-228-2968 X ° Professional Handling by MAX AND CARMEN SPEARS P.0 BOx 758 CLINTON. OKLAHOMA 73801 14051681-2820 DEBBIE BURKE 215 887-1770 BARBARA WOOD 201/272-8995 bag KALEKO LHASA APSOS LHASA APSOS 102 Kenilworth Blvd., Cranford. N.J. 07016 317 MIII Rd. Oreiand, PA 19075 Joyslyn's Lhasa Apsos ',, : • .. Lynn and Joyce Johanson 295 First Street David City, Nebraska 68632 „. .., ... . , • 't , ! ; . -., • i- ._ 1117 Wiostern Meadows Rd. NW Albuquorque, NM 87114 (402) 367-4385 .. 30 LORI SHAN SOPHISTICATED LADY BEST OF WINNERS oppos1TE SEX KENNEL CLUB.,',. BERGhlki PHOP Shophie is shown going BOW & BOS under judge Emil R Klinkhardt. OWNER/MAIJO LHASAS Sally Chenier 4031 Quiet Hill Ct Norco CA 91760 714-279-9232 ••••• Handler Richard Camacho 714-984-0812 CO-OWNER/BREEDER Kitty Littlejohn 11062 Stonecress Fountain Valley CA 714-839-9578 HAPPY HOLIDAYS Father BEST OF WINNERS MATTAPONI KENNEL CLUB SHOW TALL OAKS JUS-FUR FUN "Jessy" added 2 more points to his championship and BOW under judge Dr Harry Smith, Thank you. Hamilton line bred Owner/Breeder A Kay and Paul E Shaner 1411 S Mountain Road Dillsburg PA 17019 32 FLASH! Jessy finishes at Philadelphia KC BOW 5pt major under Ken Stine BEST IN ALL BREED ,,.MATCH t. PUPPY AAL.1114086 AREA ASSOC. E OREEL1 RARKINS Ch Tai Chi's Vouvray Tall Oaks Jus-Fur Fun Ch Tall Oaks Sun-Horizon TALL OAKS SIMPLY CHOLE' Ch Shen Pa Ni-Khyia Ch Tall Oaks Somethin Special Ch Kyilee CunBa Kam ROM Owner/Breeder A Kay and Paul E Shaner 1411 S Mountain Road Dillsburg PA 17019 33 5osof,,t4) N,CP*CiPbbN..00%q° 'i)`('y •••13IcpcNc"\\ft.' ,(, kv3St5 ,c;/14e0 .% ek ,e'k , .so a CO* cf` Go< \osz 0`4,c %cs \63 c;<\ Ci‘ at.e -'s OC\ cc, oc) so -,‘ ,, i>‘d ,-\c, c cL• c rs'I\ ‘1,-, A -to \ ee"c5\P'• ice4\ .00 e 0.5 1)C 6kCi gc" `, k0 a;M C;CPCC\9\ ‘ c G\-\ G\N`- \ 0 sS e%e co co\>scP 0 P''(Ce*N' • C‘i-e rb0 cilqc\c,e \ \P 34 e9. • OC‘ . * sAiv,LiTEx„41 f.‘tkittlf‘FJOif NEW CHAMPION QUESTIONNAIRE: Judges Examining Dogs g over dogs." This focuses on the judges task of examination technique or "goin ways of being examined. Knowledgeable judges know that different breeds demand different way to approach the Manyjudges have taken the time to talk with breeders to find out the best to gather information which dog, examine under the coat and so on. This informal survey aims and judges. Help us tell can be the basis for more informed dialogue between the parent clubs judges what examining in your breed is all about. ate the questionnaire and DIRECTIONS: Please complete this form and return. Feel free to duplic gather information from your club members. what overall rating would you give 1. In your role as education coordinator (or exhibitor, breeder), judges in examining your breed? (circle one) poor fair very good excellent performing well? 2. What specific aspect(s) of examining the dogs are judges s and faults, rate the amount of physical 3. To perform a competent assessment of a dog's virtue contact (judge's hands) needed for your breed. (circle one) very little a great deal somewhat EXPLAIN: technique where judges need to 4. List the 3 most important aspects of your breed's exam improve. helpful suggestions for judges to improve skills aspects of exam techniaue 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 1 much attention (massaging, etc.)? 5. Are there aspects to which judges are paying too to all judges about going over your breed, 6. If there was only one piece of advice you could give what would you tell them? Other Comments: d Please return to: NORMAN a CAROLYN HERBEL ROUTE 1. BOX 60 PUTNAM, OKLAHOMA 73659-9734 (405) 681 3299 DEADLINE - JANUARY 20, 1990 BAY WATCH WYNDWOOD Present WYNDWOOD NEVER SAY NEVER (Gidget) (Ch San Jo's Wingtips X Ch Wyndwood's Poqutta Mas) Reserve Winners Bttch at the National Capttal Area Lhasa Apso Club Specialty the first fime out;then back-to-back WB/BOW/BOS for two majors and 7 points under judges Doug Wilson and John Lyons(pictured). What a start!! BAYWATCH Don & Margie Evans 1202 Chesaped<e Drive Churchton MD 20733 301-261-5918 WYNDWOOD Kay & Bobby Hales 600Carriage Hills Blvd Conroe TX 77384 409-273-2395 37 MARDEL LHASA APSOS R. 2 HIGHWAY 28 • SHEBOYGAN rAus, WI 53085 • 414-467-4971 TABLES (PLYWOOD) 16"Wx23"Lx14"H, RINGSIDE $35.00° Just right for set up at ringside, no more towels or dirty knees. The sturdy lightweight show accessory you can pack in a suitcase, as it folds to less than 3" thick. Can be used as a mini grooming table when setup on the luggage table in motels. Top provides ample room for most small breeds. 21"Wx30"1x34"H, LARGE MINI $75.00 This table is 3"wider than the standard mini table. TOES (PLYWOOD) 18"Wx24"L, Notched to fit Central Metal Crate $20.00° 18"WX30"L, Notched to fit Central Metal Crate $25.00° 18"WX36"L, Notched to fit C.M. Puppy Play Pen (Mini) $35.00' 24"Wx36"L, Notched to fit C.M. Puppy Play Pen (2'x3') $40.00° 16"Wx23% Vani Knl. 100 $20.00° 16"Wx23"L, Vani Knl. 200 $20.00° *$5.00 Shipping *$7.00 *". $10.00 Payment must accompany orders. All prices subject to change without notice. For more information call or write ! (AM ENG CH BRACKENBURY KANGRA X BODNATH BRACKEN) you, Dr Cook. Heather is shown winning her first points - a 4 point major! - under judge John H Cook. Thank girl! This is a great start for this soundly constructed young Breeder/Owner/Handler: Elaine King/BODNATH LHASA APSOS 2105 Linden Lane, Silver Spring MD 301-585-3327 Co-Breeder/Co-Owner: Echo Rummel/DRACKCHA LHASA APSOS 45 Big Creed Road, Dover PA 17315 717-266-7413 39 MULOCK continued... NATIONAL CAPITAL AREA LHASA APSO CLUB SPECIALTY much anymore. How many dogs are used for ht_nting? There's is not as much hunting available as there was 53 years ago. Working breeds don't carts cnyrnore,except for an occasional cisplay. Wwe haveto expect changes,including in the animais themserves. It depencts on how much you FRIDAY, APRIL 20,1990 want to preserve. IT GOES BACK TO NOT MESSING WITH THE STANDARDS. That's part of it. That's part of it. JUDGE - REGULAR CLASSES MRS DAVID DOANE THANK YOU FOR THIS INTERVIEW. except for an occasional display. We have to expect changes,including in the cnimals thernsetves. It depends on how much you want to preserve. JUDGE - SWEEPSTAKES KAY HALES During the Cherry Blossom Circuit 10 days of shows and a regional specialty for additional informationcontact: LOCAL CLUBS.... Please make sure that the BULLETIN receives information about the Regional club speciatties. Include club name,date of specialty,location.judge, sweepstakes judge,show secretary or contact person. Carolyn Sledzik 1704 Shagbark Circle Reston VA 22090-4437 703-471-7584 BREEDERS DIRECTORY PENN SYLVIN NA Key to Abbreviations: P. Puppies: D. Grown Dogs: S. Stud Service AIRIZONIA YAH-POON LHASAS Hank and Patty Baicori 3035W Camino Del Yucca Sahuarita AZ85629 602-625-4171 PDS CAUFORNIA CHEN LHASA APSOS ROM Pat & Tom Chenoweih 496 Bird Avenue Los GatosCA 95030 408-395-1932 P. S. MARLO LHASA APSOS ROM Lynn Lowy PO Box 5284 Beverly Hills CA 90210 213-859-3930 P. D. S. ME-TU LHASA APSOS June O'Brien Firewater Ranch 11079 Loma Rica Road Marysville CA 95901 916-743-7266 P. D. S. MARYLAND BAYWATCH Don & Marge Evans 1202 Chesapecike Drive Churchton MD 20733 301-261-5918 P. S. MATABA Mike & Carolyn Milan 11600 Stallion Ln Holly, MI 48442 313-634-1717 PDS KALEKO LHASA APSOS Debbie Buti<e 317 Mill Road Oreland PA 19075 215-887-1770 P.O. S. MISSOURI OHIO MASSACHUSETTS SHUKTILINGKA LHASAS Ken & Harriet Silverman 27 Brook Road Mcrblehead MA 01945 617-631-5196 P.0, S. TIARA Becky Johnson 1 Tiara Imperial MO 63052 314-464-3647 P. D. S. SHARB IL William and Sharon Russett 4530 WestSprague Rd Parma OH 44134 216-845-3661 P. D. S. NEW MEXICO BRYNWOOD LHASA APSOS Dennis 8c Anne Olejniczak 74565 Van Dyke Romeo MI 48065 303-752-5674 P. D. S. TEXAS SAN-DHI'S LHASA APSOS WYNDWOOD Saundra & Bill Devlin Kay and Bobby Hales NW Rd. Meadows Western 1117 600Carriage Hills Blvd Albuquerque NM 87114 Conroe TX 77384 505-898-0813 409-273-2395 P. S. P.O. S. NEW YORK VERMONT JA-MA LHASA APSOS NORBULINGKA Janet& Mary VVhrtmcn Phyllis R. Marcy 23 Great Oaks Drive Box 174 Academy Road Spring Valley NY 10977 Theltford Hill VT 05074 914-425-0765 802-785-4558 P. D. S. LORNICH KENNELS Lorrie Nichiow 35445 Mound Sterling Heights MI 48310 313-979-2507 P. D. S. TALIMER Terre Mohr MacLean Drive Rock Tavern NY 12575 914-496-9794/5938 PDS MICHIGAN ARKAY LHASA APSOS Bill & Becki Kraus 4215 Bishop Road Detroit MI48224 313-886-6292 P. D. S. CHAMPION SAN JO MOR-KNOLL FANCY MEI (Group Winning/BISS Ch San Jo's Rusty Nail ROM X Ch San Jo's Hussel Mei ROM) This lovely bitch completed her championship with four majors, and most of her points gained owner-handled. We thank Roberta Lombardi for helping. Fancy is shown with Roberta at Conejo KC where judge Richard Guevera awarded her WB/BOS for four points. She is the third in her litter to complete championship. A fourth needs only two points and a fifth is not far behind! Fancy will be bred this early spring and will be seen again in the obedience ring. OWNER: Shirley Benedict 11202 Promesa Drive San Diego CA 92124 619-278-2484 CO-OWNER: San Jo Leslie Ann Engen 41 nonvet 42 OaKwynd is proud of New Ch Orlane's Desert Moon (Orlane's Grenadier - Intrepid son X Orlane's Christine - Alamo Daughter) THANK YOU JUDGES: Vincent Grosso, Mrs Mildred Heald, Robert Moore, Mrs Marget Young, Mrs George Wanner, Tom Conway (Specialty major) and finishing her with a 4 point major - Harold Bishop, after having a litter by Ch Orlane's the Sheik. OaKwynd Michael J Reinke 414-733-0174 Breeder Orlane - Joan Kendall Linda K Smi% THE AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB CHAMPION - C.D. YEARBOOK 1976 CH-CD YEARBOOK (SOFTBOUND) $10 + $2 shipping 1977 CH-CD YEARBOOK (SOFTBOUND) $10 + $2 shipping 1978-81 CH-CD YEARBOOK (HARDBOUND) $30 + $4 shipping 1982-83 CH-CD YEARBOOK (LOOSELEAF) $20 + $4 shipping 1983 CH-CD YEARBOOK (LOOSELEAF) $10 + $2 shipping $50 + $6 shipping 1978-81, 1982-83 & 1984 SPECIAL PACKAGE OF THE 3 NAME ADDRESS (no p o box numbers please) STATE MAIL TO: ZIP MAKE CHECKS(OR MONEY ORDERS) PAYABLE TO MAC EVELYN BIGMAN 1600 CENTRAL AVENUE NEEDHAM MA 02192 GOLDEN TU LHASA APSOS presents... GOLDEN TU - NUMBER ONE SON (proven stud and major pointed) 4.0 merr GOLDEN TU - NUMBER ONE SON (BIS Ch Ruffway Patra Pololing X Ch Golden Tu SnowBall in Hell) Sonny is on the move with Daryl Martin and we've made the move to Wisconsin!! SEASON GREETINGS! GOLDEN TU LHASA JAN and DEAN GRAUNKE 4626 Calumet Ave Manitowoc \M 54220 414-683-2245 or THE WESTMOOR MOTEL 414-684-3374 ATTENTION .... Club Members and Specialty Clubs: FUTURITY UPDATE 1991 Futurity Judge Nominations Nominatiors are now being accepted for the 1991 Futurity Judges. Please fill in the followng form and rekrn to: Ann Lanterman, Futurity Secretary 1746 Bellevue Way N.E. Bellevue, Washington 98a)4 FUTURITY ELIGIBILITY - 1990 1. Puppies born between NOV 25, 1988& DEC 31, 1990 2. Puppies must be nominated within 90 days of birth The 1991 Region III Futurity will be held in conjunction with the National Specialty,hosted by the Greater Detroit Lhasa Apso Club. If the ALAC Officid Futurity Acknowledgement Form is notsent to the Futurity Secretary at the time of nomination along with a selfaddessed sicrnped envelope,no acknowledgement will be sent until the spring. FORM MUST BE RETURNED BY FEBRUARY 28th, 1990. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR FUTURITY SECRETARY. FUTURITY JUDGE NOMINATION FORMAT (To be mailed to Futurity Chairman when Naninatiors are solicited) (See Map of ALAC Regions in Handbook) FUTURITY CHAIRS Please remember that: 1Anyone whojudged a Fukrity or accepted on cmig-rnent to judge a Fut:0y in the past two years,or who will be judging in the arrent year, or anyone who is a licensed AKCjudge of any breed,is ineligible to judge the next Futurity. 2.Futurity judges are personally responsible for all expenses incurred in such an assignment. 3.Any person elected to JUdge a Fuluity wil be held accountable for subsequent failure to fulfill assignment by being listed as ineligible for Futurity judging for a period of tree years. It is time once again to send out a request for fuhrity sites. Region f\./ Futurity will be held h conjunction with the 1991 National Specialty but we need locators for Regions Ill. & Ill.(See map in Handbook for the division of regions). Please send your bds for the 1991 Futurity to: Debbie Burke ALAC Futurity Host Coordinator 317 Mill Road Oreland PA 19075 Names may be sianitted for any one ofthe foLr regions holding the Futunty. namely, 1, 2. 3.a 4. The futurity held in the Region of the National Speciatty will be held with the National Speciatty. Please use the form provided for site bids as rt includes very important information for the Board of ALAC to make selections! Same information is needed for AKC cr;Dgaici. Each nominee must scp the nominating bark below,indicating acceptance and trrlerstandng of the accompanying respasbitties. The nomination form must also bear the Sgnatues ofthe ALAC member nominating and two additional ALAC members. U.... II II ••••• • • • • I would like to nominate: • • Name: • • • • ••II •• MI II •IN • MEE • Address. Phone Number: TO JUDGE THE (designate futurity - see map of alac regions) 1 2 3 4 • (Siglakre of ALAC member Nominating) Cate • • Dote • (SiOnatire of ALAC member Nominating) • • • (Signcrkre of ALAC member Nominating) Dote • ▪ • • • • • • • • I ACCEPT THIS RESPONSIBILITY AND AM FULLY AWARE OF THE COMMITMENT AND RESPONSIBILITY TO ALAC AND THE LHASA FANCY SHOULD I BE ELECTED. I aver that I am aware that if elected, neither I nor any person residing in the same household with me,shall exhibit or act as agent or handler in the tegicr competition ofthe show and dogs owned wholly or n pat by myself or any member of my household thall be ineligible to be entered in the regUar competition at such show. (Signature of Nominee) • ▪ Date: Ann Lanterrncn - Futurity Secretary Debbie Burke - Host Coorcinator Bobbie Richardson - Promotion Futurities are to be held In July or August. • • • • • ruffuldl?'At'AC • (Information form for submitting approval to AKC and ALAC Board) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • Year ; • • •Region • • ;Host Club • •Host Club Futurity Coorinator • • :1\lane • 'Address • • • • • •Ttelephone: Home • • Work • • • •Date of Futurity • • I, .In Conjunction VVith: • •Date If Different: • • • * Location. • "Address • • • • • •hdoor Outdoor • • • *Superintendent/Show Secretary • • T Id • • • *Address City • : • • *State,Zp • :Telephone • • • • :Any other Shows or Activity of Interest • • • • • • • • • sitio•ss•Miiiii•sass•smseisosimmess 46 Hours Hours • • • • • • • • , • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • *For Official Use Only: • .FUTURITY NUMBER • • • • • • • • • • • REGION • • • • • • • • American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc. Futurity Official Entry Form Entry Fee: $10.00 to nominate a litter for the and ending , 19 year beginning ,19 . Make checks of money orders payable to the American I.hasa Apso Club. Mail Entries with FEES to: Ann Lanterman ALAC Futurity Chairman 1746 Bellevue Way N.E. Bellevue WA 98004 Telephone: (206)454-7081 Number of Males: Place of Huth City Number of Females: State: IMPORTANT:Read carefully instructions accompanying this form. Please TYPE or PRINT clearly. COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS WITHIN HEAVY BLACK LINES. Whelping Date: Breeder Sire: Phone Number: American Lhasa Apso Club Futurity • • • • • • • REGION-DATE NUMBER • • • • • • *For Official Use Only' • .FUTURITY Official Acknowledgement Form • OOOOOOO••••• TO RECEIVE ACKNOWLEGEMENT FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW AND INCLUDE SELF -ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE BOTH FORMS GO TO: Ann Lanterman ALAC Futurity Chairman 1746 Bellevue Way N.E. Bellevue WA 98004 COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS WITHIN HEAVY BLACK LINES. Number of Males: City Place ol Huth Number of Females: Phone Number. State: IMPORTANT:Read carefully instructions accompanying this form. Please TYPE or PRINT clearly. Whelping Date: Breeder: Sire: Dam: Name of Person Making Entry: Street Address: Dam: Name ot Person Making Entry: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Ms. Marie Allman, I 1 1 Ivy Street, Rt #3, Freeport TX 77541 Decision of the Appeals Board is final. In no instance will any litter that exceeds the 90 day nomination period, the 30 day processing period and/or the 14 day appeal period be considered for futurity nomination. A self-addressed, stamped envelope MUST be included with an appeal. - In the event that this form is not returned to you within 30 days of your date of application, you will have 14 days to file an appeal to have your litter nominated. Failure to file an appeal within the prescribed time will forfeit any further consideration for the litter in question. Appeals must include all information and dates pertaining to the nomination of the litter and MUST be sent by CERTIFIED MAIL,RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED to the ALAC Futurity Appeals Board: A self-addressed, stamped envelope must be included with this form. The envelope will be used to return the form above which will be proof that you futurity nomination has been recorded. This acknowledgement will be returned to you within 30 days of the postmark of your application. City: State: Zip Code: AGREEMENT I (we)acknowledge that the "Rules Applying to Registration and Dogs Shows" have been made available to me (us) and that I am (we are) familiar with their contents. I(we)agree that the Club holding this show has the right to refuse this entry for cause which the Club shall deem to be sufficient. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and of the holding of the show and of the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prize money,ribbons or trophies, I(we)agree to hold this Club, its members, directors, officers, harmless from any claim for loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or upon the show grounds, or near any entrance thereto, and I(we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim, and I(we)further agree to hold the aforementioned panics harmless from any claim for loss of this dog by disappearance, theft, death or otherwise, and from any claim for damage or injury to the dog, whether such loss, disappearance, theft, damage or injury be caused or alleged to be caused by the negligence of the Club or any of the parties aforementioned. I CERTIFY that I am the actual owner of this bitch or dog being qualified or that I am the only authorized agent of the actual owner whose name I have entered above. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I(we) agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club in effect at the time of this Futurity, and further agree to be bound by the "Agreement" accompanying this entry form. I (we) certify and represent the dog entered is not a hazard to persons or other dogs. This entry is submitted for acceptance on the foregoing representation and agreement. Single copies of the latest edition of the "Rules Applying to Registration and Dog Shows" may be obtained without charge from any Superintendent or from the American Kennel Club, 51 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10010. SIGNATURE of owner or his agent duly authorized to make this entry. American Lhasa Apso Club Futurity Rules The futurity is an annual event sponsored by the American Lhasa Apso Club to encourage the exhibition of recently whelped Lhasa Apsos. FUTURITY ELIGIBILITY: Nomination of the litter must be made within ninety days of birth. Nomination forms are available from the club secretary or the Futurity Chairman. By nomination of the litter, all dogs in that litter are eligible to enter the Futurity irrespective of subsequent ownership change. FUTURITY LOCATION AND DATES: Five futurities are authorized each year. One is held in each of the geographical regions designated below. Dogs from a nominated litter may be shown in any of the Regional Futurities, but, in no circumstances may any dog be shown in more than one Futurity. FUTURITY STAKES AND PRIZES: The American Lhasa Apso Club offers the Robert W. Grilling Memorial Plaque to the BREEDER of the Grand Futurity Winner in each Region. 5% of total regional pool to Grand Futurity Winner 5% of total regional pool to Best Adult in Futurity 5% of total regional pool to Best Puppy in Futurity 30% of regional class pool to First in Class 15% of regional class pool to Second in Class 10% of regional class pool to Third in Class 5% of regional class pool to Fourth in class All undistributed awards are the property of the American Lhasa Apso Club. FUTURITY SHOWS AND CLASSES: All Futurities will be divided by Sex and be judged in the following classes: 6 to 9 Months Puppy Dogs: 9 to 12 Months 6 to 9 Months Puppy Bitches: 9 to 12 Months Winning puppy in each class to compete for Best Puppy in Futurity. 12- 15 Months Adult Dogs: 15 Months and Older 12- 15 Months Adult Bitches: 15 Months and Older Winning adult in each class to compete for Best Adult in Futur.ty• Best Puppy in Futurity and Best Adult in Futurity to compete for Grand Futurity Winner. Should the Futurity be held in conjunction with an AKC point show, the following procedure will apply: All dogs entered in the Futurity MUST ENTER AND COMPETE in one or more of the regular classes of the show-giving club. The entry in the Regular Classes and the Futurity Class MUST be made on the entry blank of the show-giving club. The entry blank must be marked in the "ADDITIONAL CLASS"section with the word "Futurity" and the assigned futurity litter nomination number. The entry fee for the Additional Futurity Class must accompany each entry to the show-giving Superintendent and/or Show Secretary. OTHER:There are NO AKC Championship Points awarded in the Futurity. All dogs MUST be handled by the Breeder, Owner,a member of his household or an Amateur Substitute. NO REFUNDS will be made in the event of default by the person making the entries. Futurity Regions REGION I: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia. REGION II: Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington. REGION III: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Wyoming. REGION IV: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missis sippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee,Texas. HAWAIIAN: Hawaii. FUTURITY HOSTS AND JUDGES: Applications for Host Committees to act as a Show Committee for each of the Futurities will be solicited annually from the membership. The Board of Directors of the American Lhasa Apso Club by a majority vote, will select the Host Committees from the applications with primary consideration given to Specialty Clubs and Club Members. The Host Committee selects the site and the date of each Regional Futurity. The Futurity may be either a separate event or held in conjunction with an American Kennel Club approved point show at the election of the Host Committee. Judges will be nominated by the membership of the American Lhasa Apso Club and election of judges for each region will be by written ballot by the entire membership of the American Lhasa Apso Club. Those candidates who arc second in the balloting shall be designated Alternate Judges should the first be unable to judge. NOTE: The nomination of litters is open to anyone that breeds a litter of Lhasa Apsos. INTRODUCING TISHA'S IMA STORY TELLER 'N TISHA'S IMA S1NGIN'DA BLUES • uvcr,o,th,. (MATABA'S DUROK X CH TISHA'S SOLITAIRE) Livonia KC,September "Melissa", handled by Vic Cohen, and "Blue" are pictured winning WD,WB,& BOW at win and she now needs a 10, 1989 at 11 months of age under Mrs Rose Molder. This was Melissa's 2nd major single point to finish. Blue has accumulated 11 points including a major. TISHA LHASA APSOS Fred, Pat and Jeanette Dieball 2304 Koper Drive, Sterling Heights MI 48310 313-979-6749 49 HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE AND HOPE YOU ENJOY THE NEW YEAR. Around the rings at the Detroit Specialty FROM ALL OF US AT CLARET TO ALL OF YOU HAPPY HOLIDAYS.... AND AN APSOLUTELY WINNING NEW YEAR! From left to tight: CLARET'S ONE STEP BEYOND MALL 'YUPPIE' (Ch Anbara Jczz-Ma-Taa of Claret X Nat's Everything She Wants) K. C. CLARET'S KAUS'N A CO-MOTION (Ch Anbara Jazz-Ma-Ta22 of Claret X Claret's Tibet) CLARET'S MIDNIGHT MADNESS 'MIDNIGHT' (Ch San Jo Mor-knoll Wellington PHD X Mall's Everything She Wants) ZARRAH'S BELLA-DA-BALL O'CLARET 'BELLA' (straight Hamilton) aarrah Tena Sna:;, to it O'Anbara X Ch Zarrah Kra Mischief Maker) YUPPIE, K.C. & MIDNIGHT ARE: Loved,bred,owned cnd hcncled by Deborah Waisleben Claret Lhasa Apso's 7 CLARET ASH Littleton CO 80127 303-973-0885 Bella is: Bred & Co-owned cnd loved by: Bobbie Richcrcison Owned,loved cnd handed by Deborch Wabeben 51 Greater Detroit Lhasa Apso Club Specialty Judge: Mr. Carlos De Bongo Detroit, MI Sex Opposite of Best Best of Breed Best Foot Forward VVyndwood Mary Puppins Ch Anbara-Rimar Dog Winners Bitch Winners Best of Winners, VVynctwood Best Foot Forward Mataba's Music Box Dancer Winners Bitch Reserve Dog Reserve Winners A Tantras Holiday Amethyst Kinderland Ta Sen Ayers Rock Breeder: Chedynn Jozwick 8c Amy Andrews. By Ch Sharil's PUPPY DOGS,6 to 9 Months.(3) - Shall Dan-Ba Bu-Mo-Pa. Owner: Cherlynn Jozwick & Sebastian 1/24/89. NT520267. Klndedand Ta Sen Ayers Rock. 1 Amy Ancrews Breeders: S. S. Giles, E. Lonigro, E. DeFalcis. By Ch Orlane's PUPPY BITCHES, 9 to 12 Months. (6) Scirocco- Ch Knderland Ta Sen Candy Tuft. Owner:Susan S. Matabas Music Box Dancer. NT486338. 1 1/27/88. 1 Giles& Ellen Lonigro. Breeder: Owner and T. Richmond. By Ch Tra-Mar's A View To a Breeder: 2/1/89. NT529511. Man. Maiton's Mr. Vo 2 Kill - Ch Tra-Mar's Puttin On The Ritz. Owner: Mike and Carolyn Mcrityn Schcitz & Anthony Schultz. By Ch Northwind Nicomah Ch Mardel-Northwind Ll Miss. Owner: Marilyn Schultz & Anthony Milan. Mataba Singh In The Rain. NT506934. 11/27/88. 2 Schultz. Toni Richmond & C.&M. Milan. By Ch Tra-Mar's A View 2/13/89. Breeder: NM148441. Pleasure. Oriane's Foolish 3 To A Kill - Ch Tra-Mar's Puffin On The Ritz. Owner: Toni Breeder: Undo Kendall Smith. By Saxonsprings Earle - Ortane's Richmond,Janet Whitman & Terre Mohr. Cristo. Owner: Linda Kendall Smith. Joyslyn's Vicky's Heart of Gold. NT486528. 12/14/88. 3 PUPPY DOGS, 9 to 12 Months.(3) Breeder: Joyce K. Johanson. By Ch Joyslyns Rachmaninoff Mataba's Major Attraction. NT486337, 11/27/88. 1 Sunshine's Black Cherry. Owner: Charle Brimberry. Breeder: Owner and T. Richmond. By Ch Tra-Mar's A View To a Sharil Chi-Nees Kandu.NM273328. 12/23/88. Breeder: 4 Kill - Ch Tra-Mar's Puffin On The Ritz. Owner:Mike and Carolyn Jozwick. By Uenroc Oliver of Everglo - Sharil Cherlynn Milan. Hdlucination. Owner: D. J. Musselmcn & Cherlynn Jozwick. Anbara-San Jo The' Merry Jester. NM129085. 1/9/89. 2 BRED-BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES. (4) Breeder: Barbara Wood & Leslie Ann Engen. By Ch Anbcra I Sc.4.1 Jo's Femilarle. NT435892. 11/12/87. Breeder: 1 Mean Business - Ch San Jo-Anbara Fond Footwork. Owner: & Marianne Nixon. By San Jo's Wild Blue Yonder Engen A. Leslie Engen. Ann Barbara Wood & Leslie - Ch Anbara-Rimcr Cobby Cuddler. Owner: Leslie A. Engen & Ming's Rascafflon. NT505782. 11/24/88. Breeder: 3 Marianne Nixon. Owner,By Ming's Magic Maker - Ch Ming's Rhiamon. Owner: Ming's Rapunzel. NT323651. 5/29/87. Breeder:Owner. 2 Cheryl A.Znk. Moondcncer - Ch Ming's Rhiannon. Owner:Cheri Ming's Ch By (1) DOGS. BRED-BY EXHIBITOR A. Znk. Wyndwood Best Foot Forward. NT487645. 9/1/88. 1 Northwind-Panchan Hot Tamale. NT479349.4/30/99. •3 Breeder: Kay & Bobby Hales By Ch San Jo's Wingtips- Ch B. Walworth,C.Buster,M.A.Strysick. By Ch Northwind Breeder: Hales. Wyndwood's PoqLita Mas. Owner: Kay & Bobby - Ch Mcrdel-Northwind Hot Stuff. Owner: Barbara Nicomah (1) DOGS. AMERICAN-BRED Watworth & Cindy Butsic. Golden Tu Ma-Jik's Houdlni.Agent.Jan C.Graunke. 1 Mi Peach Fuzz. NT429961. 7/21/88, Breeder: Owner. By NT266877. 4/14/86, Breeder: Diane Selmer. By Ruffway Topkapi - 4 Courvoisier - Knolwood's Mi Georgia Peach. Owner: Coos Selmer. Ch D. & Graunke Ma-Jik's Genie. 0\ivner: Jan & Dean Buck. Joan (4) OPEN DOGS. OPEN BITCHES. (8) Tisha's (ma SIngin' Da Blues. NT479741. 9/16/88. 1 Suntory Barbo Penelope. NT415666. 3/7/88. Breeder: Breeder: Owner. By Mataba's Duroc - Ch Tisha's Solitaire. Owner: 1 & Cassandra DeLaRosa. By Ch Suntory DeLaRosa Raul Fred & Pat Dieball. - Ch Suntory Cherubim. Owner: Robert Ringer Action Affirmative Breeder: 9/19/88. NT427403. Sharbil One Man Show. 2 8c Cassandra DeLaRosa. Owners. By Ch Orlane's O.J. - Ch Sharbil Shades of Autumn. Tisha's(ma Story Teller. NT479742. 9/16/88. Breeder: 2 Owner: Sharon & William Russett. Mataba's Duroc - Ch Tisha's Solitaire. Owner: Fred & By Owner. Vamies Challenger. VA69535B Canada. 1/12/88. 3 Diebcil. Pat Baron Red Andor's Ch By Breeder: Charles & Louise Fahlgren. Tlblateres Silly Millie. NT253896. 3/13/87. Breeder: 3 Ch An Ideas Plan from Karalan. Owner: C & L Fahlgren. Martha Jane Brewer. By Ch Mardel's Wee VVillie Wonka - Ch 4CozmosConan.NT321784.9/27/87.Breeder:Owner.By Ch Solitude Mystique O'Tara Huff. Owner: Mcrtha Jane Brewer. Coos Courvoisier - Cozrnos Mi Chukcpoo. Owner: Marilyn Northwind Chances Are. NT491723.6/15/88. Breeder: 4 Lucas. Cindy Butsic. By Ch Mardel's Wee Willy Wonka - NorthwindPUPPY BITCHES, 6 to 9 Months. (4) Joslyn's Amethyst. Owner: Deirdre Drake & Cindy Butsic. San Jo Bugaioo. NM160610. 2/6/89. Breeder: Diana 1 VETERAN DOGS. (1) San Ch Away Salz& Leslie Ann Engen. By Ch San Jo's Blue Em Ch Mardel's Wee Willy Wonka. NS805275. 8/10/82. 1 Engen. Ann Leslie & Panes Jo's Luvbug. Owner: Franklin Mary Ann & Darrell Strysick. By Ch Kinderlands Ta Sen Breeder: By Owners. Breeder: NT517042. Colors. True Sharbil 2 By Choice - Ch Mardel's My Girl Lolli Rip. Owner: Marry Ann Ch Orlanes O.J. - Sharbil Autumn Serenade. Owner: William & Strysick & Cindy Butsic. Sharon Russett. VETERAN BITCHES. (1) Northwind-Malton Margarita. NT529512. 1/27/89. 3 Ch Anbara-Rlmar Mary Puppins. NS660445. 7/21/81/ 1 Breeder: Marilyn Schultz & Cindy Butsic. By Ch Ruffway Breeder: Barbara Wood & Stephen Canpbell. By Ch SJW Waffle Mailyn Trademark - Ch Mcrdel-Northwind Mcrquaisa. Owner: Ch Anbcra-Rimar's Footloose Fox. Owner: Barbara Stomper Schultz & Cindy Butsic. Wood 2/25/89. Back. NM146901. Look Don't Dan-Ba Shari! 4 PAT & TOM CHENOWETH 496 BIRD AVENUE LOS GATOS CA 95030 408-395-1932 OWNERS/BREEDERS PATRICIA CHENOWETH & ROBERT SHARP 16 tRASA 413505.mA* I A CHEN JAMI MEMORY OF A TITAN (CHEN JAMBU NOR X CHEN KRIS-JAMIRA LU) 8 MONTHS OLD BOS Del Valle,October 22, 1989 (over pointed competition) Judge: Rosemary Blood • BEST OF OPPOSITE DEL VM:.E. .:R. CLUB OF tv•ii.POr ocTotio4 aLti Pl•CTEI 113 ri ts 53 Greater Detroit Lhasa Apso Club Specialty Judge: Mr. Carlos De Bongo Detroit, MI Sex of Best Opposite Best of Breed Best Foot Forward Wynctwood Mary Puppins Ch Anbara-Rimar Dog Winners Bitch Winners Winners, Best of Wynciwood Best Foot Forward Mataba's Music Box Dancer Winners Bitch Reserve Dog Reserve Winners A Tantras Holiday Amethyst Kinderland Ta Sen Ayers Rock PUPPY DOGS,6 to 9 Months.(3) KInderiand Ta Sen Ayers Rock. NT520267. 1/24/89. 1 Breeders: S. S. Giles, E. Lonigro, E. DeFalcis. By Ch Orlane's Scirocco - Ch Knderland Ta Sen Canciy Tuff.Owner:Susan S. Giles& Ellen Lonigro. Malton's Mr.Vo Man. NT529511.2/1/89. Breeder: 2 Marilyn SchUtz & Anthony Schultz By Ch Northwind Nicomah Ch Ma del-Northwind U1' Miss. Owner: Marilyn Schultz & Anthony Schultz. Orlane's Foolish Pleasure. NM148441. 2/13/89. 3 Breeder: Linda Kendall Smith. By Saxonsprings Earle - Orlane's Crista. Owner: Linda Kendall Smith. PUPPY DOGS, 9 to 12 Months.(3) Mataba's Major Attraction. NT486337. 11/27/88. 1 Breeder: Owner and T. Richmond. By Ch Tra-Mar's A View To a Kill- Ch Tra-Mar's Puffin On The Ritz. Owner: Mike and Carolyn Milan. Anbara-San Jo The' Merry Jester. NM129085. 1/9/89. 2 Breeder: Barbara Wood & Leslie Ann Engen. By Ch Anbara I Mean Business - Ch San Jo-Anbara Fanci Footwork Owner: Barbara Wood & Leslie Ann Engen. Ming's Rascallion. NT505782. 11/24/88. Breeder: 3 Owner. By Ming's Magic Maker - Ch Ming's Rhiannon. Owner: Cheryl A.Znk. BRED-BY EXHIBITOR DOGS. (1) Wyndwood Best Foot Forward. NT487645. 9/1/88. 1 Breeder: Kay & Bobby Hales By Ch San Jo's Wingtips- Ch Wyndwood's Poquita Mas. Owner: Kay & Bobby Hales. AMERICAN -BRED DOGS. (1) Golden Tu Ma-Jik's Houdlni.Agent.Jan C.Graunke. 1 NT266877. 4/14/86. Breeder: Diane Selmer. By Ruffwcry Topkapi Ma-Jik's Genie. Owner: Jan & Dean Graunke & D. Selmer. OPEN DOGS.(4) Tisha's !ma Singh' Da Blues. NT479741. 9/16/88. 1 Breeder: Owner. By Mataba's Duroc - Ch Tisha's Solitaire. Owner: Fred & Pat Dieball. Sharbil One Man Show. NT427403.9/19/88. Breeder: 2 Owners. By Ch Orlane's O.J. - Ch Sharbil Shades of Autumn. Owner: Sharon & William Russett. Vamir's Challenger. VA69535B Canada. 1/12/88. 3 Breeder: Charles & Louise Fahlgren. By Ch Andor's Red Baron Ch An Nees Plan from Karalan. Owner: C & L Fahlgren. 4CozmosConan.NT321784.9/27/87. Breeder:Owner.By Ch Cornos Courvoer - Coos Mi Chukapoo, Owner: Marilyn Lucas. PUPPY BITCHES, 6 to 9 Months. (4) San Jo Bugaloo. NM160610. 2/6/89. Breeder: Diana 1 Satz & Leslie Ann Engen. By Ch San Jo's Blue'Em Away - Ch San Jo's Luvbug. Owner: Franklin Panes & Leslie Ann Engen. Sharbil True Colors. NT517042. Breeder: Owners. By 2 Ch Orianes O.J. - Sharbil Autumn Serenade. Owner: William & Sharon Russett. Northwind-Malton Margarita. NT529512. 1/27/89. 3 Breeder: Marilyn Schultz & Cindy Butsic. By Ch Ruffway Trademark - Ch Mcrdel-Northwind Marquaisa, Owner: Mcrityn Schultz & Cindy Butsic. Shari! Dan-Ba Don't Look Back. NM146901. 2/25/89. 4 Breeder: Cheriynn Jozwick & Amy Andrews. By Ch Shad's Sebastian - Shari! Dan-Ba Bu-Mo-Pa. Owner: Cherlynn Jozwick & Amy Andrews PUPPY BITCHES, 9 to 12 Months. (6) 1 Matabas Music Box Dancer. NT486338. 11/27/88. Breeder: Owner and T. Richmond. By Ch Tra-Mar's A View To a Kill-Oh Ira-Mar's Puffin On The Ritz. Owner:Mike and Carolyn Mataba Singh In The Rain. NT506934. 1 1/27/88. 2 Breeder: Toni Richmond & CAM. Milan. By Ch Ira-Mar's A View To A Kill - Ch Ira-Mar's Puffin On The Ritz. Owner: Toni Richmond,Janet Whitman & Terre Mohr. Joysiyn's Vicky's Heart of Gold. NT486528. 12/14/88. 3 Breeder: Joyce K. Johanson. By Ch Joyslyns Rachmaninoff Sunshine's Black Cherry. Owner: Charle Brimberry. Sharil Chi-Nees Kandu.NM273328. 12/23/88. Breeder: 4 Cherlynn Jozwick. By Llenroc Oliver of Everglo - Shard Hcilucincrtion. Owner: D. J. Musselman & Cherlynn Jozwick. BRED-BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES. (4) 1 Sco Jo's Femilarle. NT435892. 11/12/87. Breeder: Leslie A. Engen & Marianne Nixon. By San Jo's Wild Blue Yonder - Ch Anbara-Rimar Cobby Cuddler. Owner: Leslie A. Engen & Marianne Nixon. Ming's Rapunzel. NT323651.5/29/87. Breeder:Owner. 2 By Ch Ming's Moondancer - Ch Ming's Rhiannon. Owner: Cheryl A. Znk. Northwind-Panchan Hot Tamale. NT479349.4/30/99. 3 Breeder:B. Walworth,C.Buster,M.A.Strysick. By Ch Northwind Nicomch - Ch Mcrdel-Northwind Hot Stuff, Owner: Barbara Walworth & Cindy Butsic. MI Peach Fuzz. NT429961. 7/21/88. Breeder: Owner. By 4 Ch Cozmos Courvoisier - Kriolwood's Mi Georgia Peach. Owner: Joan Buck. OPEN BITCHES. (8) Suntory Barbo Penelope. NT415666. 3/7/88. Breeder: 1 Raul DeLaRosa & Cassandra DeLaRosa. By Ch Suntory Affirmattve Action - Ch Suntory Cherubim. Owner: Robert Ringer & Cassandra DeLaRosa. Tlsha's Ima Story Teller. NT479742. 9/16/88. Breeder: 2 Owner. By Mataba's Duroc - Ch Tisha's Solitaire, Owner: Fred & Pat Diebcil. Tiblaterr's Silly Millie. N1253896. 3/13/87. Breeder: 3 Martha Jane Brewer. By Ch Mardel's Wee Willie Wonka - Ch Solitude Mystique O'Tara Huff. Owner: Mcrtha Jane Brewer. Northwind Chances Are. NT491723.6/15/88. Breeder: 4 Cindy Butsic. By Ch Mardel's Wee Willy Wonka - NorthwindJoslyn's Amethyst. Owner: Deirdre Drake & Cindy Butsic. VETERAN DOGS. (1) Ch Mardel's Wee Willy Wonka. NS805275. 8/10/82. 1 Breeder: Mary Ann & Darrell Strysick. By Ch Kinderlands Ta Sen By Choice - Ch Mardel's My Girl Lolli Rap, Owner: Marry Ann Strysick & Cindy Butsic. VETERAN BITCHES. (1) Ch Anbara-Rimar Mary Puppins. NS660445. 7/21/81/ 1 Breeder: Barbara Wood & Stephen Campbell. By Ch S.JW Waffle Stomper - Ch Anbcra-Rimar's Footloose Fox. Owner: Barbara Wood. lig Cli-EN PAT & TOM CHENOWETH 496 BIRD AVENUE LOS GATOS CA 95030 408-395-1932 OWNERS/BREEDERS ilFEASA 703SOS.ItQA* PATRICIA CHENOWETH & ROBERT SHARP CHEN JAM( MEMORY OF A TITAN (CHEN JAMBU NOR X CHEN KRIS-JAMIRA LU) 8 MONTHS OLD BOS Del Valle,October 22, 1989 (over pointed competition) Judge: Rosemary Blood • ONII 46111 #"' BEST OF .OPPOSITE DEL VALLE. L;YERIWIE noc, auE. 11389 OCTO"V4 53 IT TAKES MORE THAN A 7.1 EARTHQUAKE TO KEEP A GOOD DOG (OR BITCH!) DOWN! CH POTPOURRI BIHAR CAROUSEL Just a few days after the "Big One and Kelly goes BOB at Del Valle KC - Thank you Mrs Rosemary Blood! Miss Kelly - gets a shakin' and keeps on takin'...wins, that is! Owner/Handler Linda Crabill SanJose,CA 408-265-6381 SHANGRI - specialtng in quakeproof temperments! Co-owners & Breeders Elsie Basler - POTOURRI Carol A Strong - BIHAR MORE RUFKINS KIDS "FLASHER" RUFKINS BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED RUFFWAY PRUDENCE ROM) (MULTI BIS. MULTI BISS AM & CAN CH RUFKINS CHIP OFF THE OF ROCK X CH TIJANS Just getting started in the ring. Breeder Owner Roberta Lombardi Rufkins Lhasas ROM eligible Handler Judy O'Dell Congratulations to 'Rockers' Ch Kicis & Cindy 56 SPIRIT 'All Rufkins Kids Condftioned wfth #1 All Systems' s CONEJO KENNEL CLUB RUFKINS KINDRED SPIRIT (MULTI GRP WNG AM & CAN CH °PLANE'S SCIROCCO ROM X CH RUFKINS SWEETEST TABOO) A 4 point major from the 9-12 puppy class at9 1/2 months old He is destined for Greatness! Ch Northwind Mardel California Girl Ch Northwind Made/ California Coder Can Ch Northwind Mardel California Drearnii (72 US points) Breeder/Owner/hancer Roberta Lombardi 57 JUDGE SABELLA COMMITS FELONY - (BIS CH SULAN'S MASTER BLEND X CH BARKER'S CRIME OF PASSION) to his first 2 points from the puppy class THANK YOU! The following day: Best In Sweepstakes, NCALAC Specially THANK YOU Mr Herb Rosen! Felony's next time in the ring: 4 point major,Specially supported entry - THANK YOU Mr Douglas Wilson; ALL THIS BEFORE HIS FIRST BIRTHDAY Felony is for sale to a loving show home. Bred by John Klarenbeck, Feloy is owned & handled by: i 1 1 (1%1 Nitra\r‘tv a g 4 1 9621 olpharacnied,Zd AriV317r G'eenmeadOW 804-965-0368 To: All Alac Members From: Jeanne Hope, National Specially Coordinator SUBJECT: Future National Specialties BISS KINDERLAND TA SEN BIZZI BUZZ! (BIS Ch Windsong's Gusto of lnnsbrook ROM x Kinderland's Ta Sen Isis ROM ) Shown selectively for the last 3 months Bizzi has colected: ITEM: We sometimes have a problem in generating interest in local or regional clubs hosting National Specialties. Region Four is scheduled to host the1992 National Specialty. If any club in said region does wish to host same,kindly forward to myself a resume of sorts of your club's available resources,facilities, etc. Please also recognize the great potential for reward in hosting such an event. Kindly contract mefor any additional information or suggestions. IT Suggestions for improving our Specialties: If any ALAC member has ideas or suggestions for improving our Specialties,this would be a perfect opportunity to voice such a thought! Your suggestions may even be anonymous if you so choose. Rather than complain later, please speak up now! We really want everyone to have a great time at these events with as few problems as possible. We can all learn from each other's mistakes or experiences. 1 Best in Specially 1 Group I 4 Group II 3 Group III 1 Group IV 18 BOB and had his 1st champion finish, Ch Jeviehan Men Cristmas Party Owned and Loved by: JEVIEHAN Jerry & Vivian Henderson 1506 West Lane Killen TX 76542 Bred by: KINDERLAND TA SEN Susan S Giles & Ellen Lonigro ITEM: I look forward to hearing from you,and on behalf of ALAC,we thank you as always. STAR PRODUCERS... Carolyn Herbel Respectively submitted by your ALAC Specialty Coordinator IT Thank you for your prompt return of all of the judges's ballots. It was perhaps the best response yet. Thejudge you selected for the 1991 Specially is Carolyn Herbel. The selected judge for 1992 will be announced in the February BULLETIN. The Star Producers System was developed through the research we did while writing our book, THE COMPLETE LHASA APSO,in order to rate the producing ability of sires and dams in our breed. It was first published in March, 1981 in the breed magazine LHASA TALES. The Star Producers System includes La producers with the qualifying number of champion offspring. It is not intended to compete with the ROM (Register of Merit)System ofthe American Lhasa Apso Club.Inc., butto make additional information known about those dogs and bitches who are not entitled to include ROM after their names. Some reasons for a Lhasa Apso not being entitled to have an ROM added to his name may be that the owner is not a member of ALAC,or is a member but has not applied for the title, or the owner of the qualified Lhasa was retired or deceased before the ROM system was established in 1973. STAR PRODUCER SYSTEM FOR SIRES:FOR DAMS: One Star Producer' 6-16 champion offspring Two Star Producer '• 17-27 champion offspring 28-38 champion offspring Three Star Producer" 39-49 champion offspring Four Star Producer Five Star Producer 50-60 champion offspring STAR PRODUCER SYSTEM FOR DAMS: 4-6 champion offspring One Star Producer • Two Star Producer •• 7-9 champion offspring Three Star Producer •• 10-12 champion offspring Four Star Producer •••• 13-15 champion offspring Five Star Producer 16-18 champion offspring ^1MR" BISS CH KINDERLAND TA SEN BIZZI BUZZI The Bulletin SUSAN S GILES 2373 WHEATLAND DRIVE MANAKIN-SABOT, VA 23103 804-749-4912 address correction requested FIRST CLASS Jeanne Sauve 1885 Dellwood Ave Roseville MN 55113-6103