SUSANIN’S AUCTIONS Lot 6100 HARVEY KIDDER (AMERICAN, B.1918) COCA-COLA ON THE DECK. Sale 117 • January 12, 2013 • 10:00 AM Sale 117•January 12, 2013 Saturday•10:00 AM Please Note: The times which appear below the photos throughout the catalogue are only approximate selling times. We cannot be responsible for any errors caused by the use of estimated times. 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Smith Woodstock, IL Susan Stahl Lakeside, MI Denise Stefan Chicago, IL Rich and Ewa Szynal Chicago, IL Jerry Tillman Michigan City, IN Jonathan Trutter Lake Forest, IL Pamela Turbeville Scottsdale, AZ Janie Urbanic Chicago, IL Sally Van Cura New Lenox, IL Susan Wagner Chicago, IL HAWO3 CAWO* Madeleine Ward Chicago, IL Arianne Willard Chicago, IL Hank W. Wogoman Goshen, IN Carol Wootton Evanston, IL ARTIST/MAKER INDEX Abingdon, Mccoy, Hull, Weller Adams London 2044 2230 Gorham 4011 8038 Booth'S, Hermes, Baffoni Gubbio Borsato 2301 Gott, Hans 6108 Adrienne Landau 9003 Botti, Italo 6082 Gustave Becker 1156 Aizpiri, Paul 6036 Bravura, Dusciana 6056 Guy, Christopher 1042 Alechinsky, Pierre 6092 Bridgwood & Son, Lenox 2341 Handel 2248 Alexandre Steinlen, Theophile Allan Adler 6068 Burlini, Attributed To 6152 Haydon, Harold Emerson 6149 4017 Caithness 2220 Hazak, Elie 6168 Alvin 4021 Carter, William 6102 Hazak, Elie 6169 Appel, Karel 6157 Carvel Hall 4044 Heckman 1186 Ariouzi, Ali 6059 Castillo 4047 Henry Troemner 8024 Artist Unknown 6065 Chagall, Marc 6051 Herend 2097 Artist Unknown 6075 Chi, John 6046 Herend 2100 Artist Unknown 6072 Christofle 2124 Herend 2103 Artist Unknown 6017 Christofle 2130 Herend 2137 Artist Unknown 6027 Ciurlionis, Rimas 6061 Herend 2141 Artist Unknown 6087 Colin, George 6053 Herend 2167 Artist Unknown 6095 Copeland Spode 2128 Herend 2168 Artist Unknown 6145 Coppola, Antonio 6050 Herman Miller 1159 Artist Unknown 6158 Councill 1040 Hicks, Morley 6073 Artist Unknown 6159 Delacour, H. 6125 Hofferkamp, Theresa 6162 Artist Unknown 6160 Dolce Rebecca 9004 Hultberg, Charles 8012 Artist Unknown 6163 Dresden 2204 Hummel 2317 Artist Unknown 6166 Dresden, Schumann 2138 Hummel 2330 Artist Unknown 6171 Drexel 1117 Hummel 2342 Artist Unknown 6106 Drexel Heritage 1060 Hummel 2343 Atherley, Karen 6172 Dunbar 1146 Hummel 2346 Aynsley, Tuscan, Rosenthal, Shelley Baccarat 2169 Dunbar, Edward Wormley 1143 Hummel 2352 2025 Dunbar, Edward Wormley 1144 Hummel 2353 Baccarat 2104 Dyan Mai Peterson 2240 2323 Baccarat 2297 Dyrlund 1158 Hutschenreuther, Goebel, Pickard, Spode International Baccarat 2298 Edna Hibel 2333 International 4020 Baccarat 2299 Eickholt 2221 Ives Phoenix 2275 Baccarat, Belleek, Royal Doulton Baccarat, Lalique, Daum 2089 Eickholt 2227 J.L. Moller 1157 2307 Eickholt 2228 James B. Lansing 1138 Baccarat, Orrefors 2216 Enrique Garcel 1059 2184 Baccarat, Orrefors, Kosta Boda, Steven Maslach Baccarat, Val St. Lambert 2300 Eppelsheimer 8045 Japy Freres Theodore B. Starr Jayne Bellows 2102 Eppelsheimer 8048 Joe, A. 2013 Baker 1087 Eppelsheimer, Schwarzer 8057 John Bliss, T.W. Cherub 8026 Baker 1106 Erni, Hans 6066 John Widdicomb 1083 Baker 1003 Erte (Romain De Tirtoff) 6123 Johnson, Stanley Q. 6104 Baker 1086 Evans, Henry 6170 Jonathan Kline 2251 Baker, Molly 6054 Fillerup, Peter 6128 Jorgensen, Christian 6005 Bauhaus 1173 Fischer, Edmund C. 6112 Julien 2303 Bauhaus 1176 Fischer, Edmund C. 6175 K&G Clement 2134 Bejar, Feliciano 6020 Fischer, Edmund C. 6127 Kelvin Bottomley & Baird 8037 Bellows, Jayne 6070 Fischer, Edmund C. 6136 1161 Bellows, Jayne 6015 Fisher 4014 Kevi, Jorgen Rasmussen, Brdr. Furbo Kidder, Harvey Bellows, Jayne 6119 Floraline, Mccoy, Roseville 2045 Kittinger 1081 Bellows, Jayne 6126 Forms, Abstract 6064 Klunk, Robert 8002 Bennett, Tom 6131 Fothergill, W. 6091 Klunk, Robert 8004 Bentley, Claude 6147 Frederick Cooper 2014 Klunk, Robert 6010 Bifano 9001 Frooman, Richard 6151 Knoll, Eero Saarinen 1145 Bjulf, Soren Christian 6006 Garcia-Fons, Pierre 6012 Kosta Boda, Eickholt 2229 Black Knight 2264 Gerard, Allee W. 6137 Kwok Hoi Chan 1058 Blanchard, Antoine 6173 Gibbons, Richard 6109 Lalique 2099 Bobst, Tucker 6024 Glen Resch, A. 6029 Lalique 2345 Bobst, Tucker 6025 Goebel 2098 Lalique 2316 Boehm 2322 Gordon, Witold 6081 Lang Levin 2292 4013 6071 6100 ARTIST/MAKER INDEX Lanyon, Ellen 6153 Parks, Bob 6144 Swann, James 6032 Lassen, Christian R. 6133 Penck, A.R. 6156 Swid Powell, Richard Meier 4045 Laverne, Philip And Kelvin 1155 Pergola, Linnea 6165 T.L. Ainsley 8030 Lee Joffa 1022 Philip Moulthrop 6001 Talbot Adams, John 6003 Leeds & Northrup, Chicago Apparatus Company Lenox 8025 Piasecki, B. 6094 Tiffany & Company 2001 2306 Picasso, After Pablo 6110 Tiffany & Company 4033 Lenox, Johnson Brothers 2115 Pierre Cardin 9011 8020 Leoblein 1170 Pierson, Markus 6129 Liberts, Ludolfs 6009 Pierson, Markus 6130 Tiffany, Cross, Parker, Verson Tiffany, Val St. Lambert, Orrefors Towle Licio Zanetti 2208 Pradzynski, Thomas 6134 Towle 4032 Lladro 2022 R.S. Prussia 2008 Tudric Pewter Ware 2328 Lladro 2304 Ransbottom 2040 2296 Lladro, Lomonosov, Rosenthal Lladro, Wedgwood 2107 Rapacki, Jozef 6067 Val S.T Lambert, Correia, Orrefors, Serves Val St. Lambert 2039 Reed And Barton 4039 Vavruska, Frank 6048 Lloyd Strevens, John 6161 Reed And Barton 4040 2324 Longo Cerva, Royal Doulton 2326 Revillon 9009 Villeroy & Boch, Swid Powell Vizzini, Andrea Lotton, Studio Mark 2219 Ricci, Nina 9007 Voland & Sons 8028 Ludwigsburg 2207 2176 Walker & Hall 4027 Lunt, Gorham, Royal Doulton, Mack, BillHarrod'S 4023 Richard Ginori, Wedgwood, Mason'S, Copeland Spode Rick Mcintyre 6120 Waterford 2127 6121 Riedel 2310 Waterford 2215 Mackenzie-Childs 2313 Rosenthal 2002 Waterford 2309 Malvern, Corinne 6007 Rosenthal, Bjorn Wiinblad 2088 2038 Mann, Richard 6023 Rosenthal, Fieta 2136 Waterford, Orrefors, Mats Jonasson Wedgwood Mappin & Webb 4004 Roseville 2020 Wedgwood, Aynsley 2327 Marbro 2290 2082 Weller 2211 Martin, Phillip 6150 Royal Copenhagen, Goebel, Haviland Royal Crown Derby 2302 Westminister 2315 Mason'S Ironstone, Spode, Richard Mauthe, Ginori Wedgwood, 2325 2320 Wexler, Susan 6058 2046 Royal Crown Derby, Radford, Gerold Royal Doulton 2006 Whiting & Davis 4046 9006 Royal Doulton 2106 Widdicomb 1013 Mccoy 2043 2243 Wiinblad, Bjorn 2078 Mcguire 1050 2218 2287 4035 Williams, Circle Of Edward Charles Winfried, J. 6016 Mclean Royal Doulton, Hutschenreuther, Royal Doulton, Quimper, Coppercraft, Lomonosov Watcombe S. Kirk Meissen 2113 Saks Fifth Avenue 9010 Wolfard 2314 Meissen 2125 Sanborns 4006 Yelich, Georg 6052 Meissen 2126 Satava, Richard 2225 Meissen 2133 Satava, Richard 2226 Meissen 2214 School, American 6008 Meissen 2266 School, Continental 6107 Metropolitan Museum Reproduction Michel, Parvez 4037 School, English 6002 6060 School, English 6174 Minton, Theodore Haviland, Union Works Mintz, Porcelain Harry 2187 School, German 6004 6148 Sevres 2305 Miro, After Joan 6115 Shafer, Leonard E. 'Gus' 6164 Mk Craftsmanship 1162 Silva Santamaria, Gulliermo 6069 Mogford R.A., John 6096 Sitzendorf 2114 Morisot, Berthe 6154 Spampinato, Clemente 6103 Mottahedeh, Wedgwood 2012 Spampinato, Clemente 6124 Mutz 2201 Splendore, Vitorio 6035 Nachorny, John 6098 Spode 2321 New Haven 2024 Stanley, Waldorf, Hanley 2086 Ngarmlamiat, Yongyuth 6093 6062 Nierman, Leonardo 6086 Steinlen, After Theophile Alexandre Steinlen, Theophile Olle Alberius For Orrefors, Wedgwood, Hadeland, Orrefors Waterford, Spode, And Parks, BobFor Kosta Linstrand Parks, Bob 2295 Steuben 2170 2311 Steuben 2217 6111 Stiers, Richard 6132 6118 Street, Robert 6105 Parks, Bob 6135 Strobel, Thomas 6155 Parks, Bob 6140 Sturgis, Yvette 6014 Limoges Maximilian 6039 2077 4022 2265 6057 2090 6018 10:00 AM Central * SUWA3 10:01 AM Central * SUWA3 10:01 AM Central 1001 1002 1003 10:02 AM Central * J.DA5 1004 BALI CARVED WOOD BENCH. H: 38" x W: 44.5" x D: 20" $200/$300 PAIR OF MOUNT AIRY FOUR DRAWER CHESTS. H: 36" x W: 43.5" x D: 22" $200/$400 PAIR OF BAKER MAHOGANY CHESTS. H: 31" W: 38" D: 22.5" $300/$500 ITALIAN PAINTED TOLE TABLE BASE. 22" x 20" $100/$200 10:02 AM Central * SUWA3 10:03 AM Central * SUWA3 10:03 AM Central * SUWA3 10:04 AM Central * SUWA3 1005 1006 1007 1008 MAHOGANY BEDROOM SUITE. $300/$500 Comprised of two twin beds including two headboards (39' x 41.5"), two footboards (26" x 41"), and side rails, a tall five drawer chest (H:52.5"x W:34" x D:20"), a six drawer chest (H:35 x W:45 x D:21), and a needlepoint upholsterd side chair CONTEMPORARY PARCEL GILT COCKTAIL TABLE. H: 20" W: 46" D: 32" $50/$100 SET OF FOUR LATTICE BACK SIDE CHAIRS. Back Height 40" $100/$200 Together with a lattice front two door cabinet (H:24.5", W:36, D:20) CARVED PINE MIRROR. 55" x 35" $100/$150 10:04 AM Central * SUWA3 10:05 AM Central 10:05 AM Central 10:06 AM Central 1009 1010 1011 1012 PINE TWO DOOR CABINET. H: 35" W: 46" D: 19" $200/$400 HOLLYWOOD REGENCY STYLE GILT TABLE. H: 35" W: 61" D: 27.5" $300/$500 With a granite top VICTORIAN STYLE BAMBOO ETAGERE. H: 50" W: 26" D: 9" $75/$125 PAIR OF WALNUT MID CENTURY FLOOR LAMPS. Height: 60" $100/$150 10:06 AM Central 10:07 AM Central 10:07 AM Central 10:08 AM Central 1013 1014 1015 1016 PAIR OF WIDDICOMB THREE-DRAWER CHESTS. H: 33.5" W: 37" D: 19.5" $100/$200 MARBLE TOP IRON TABLE. Height 33" x Diameter 54" $200/$400 PAIR OF CONTEMPORARY ROUND PEDESTAL TABLES. 30" x 44" $200/$300 PAINTED IRON PUB TABLE BASE. Pub table: 28" x 33" $50/$100 Together with an iron table base 10:08 AM Central 10:09 AM Central 10:09 AM Central 1017 1018 1019 10:10 AM Central 1020 CONTEMPORARY PAINTED AND DECORATED TRAY TABLE. Tray table: 27" x 19" x 16" $100/$200 Bearing bee and laurel decoration. Together with a twodrawer table, and a Moroccan style side table GILT METAL ROPE TWIST BENCH. H: 22" W: 36" D: 13" $100/$150 Raised on four tassle form feet TWO CONTEMPORARY PEDESTALS. Taller pedestal: 43.5" Lamp: 50" $50/$100 Together with a contemporary floor lamp TWO METAL TABLE BASES. $50/$100 Together with a foot stool, and a parchment covered stool 10:10 AM Central 10:11 AM Central 10:11 AM Central 10:12 AM Central * SUWA3 1021 1022 1023 1024 CONTEMPORARY DEMILUNE CONSOLE TABLE. H: 28" W: 54" D: 27" $100/$200 Bearing a faux finish PAIR OF LEE JOFFA UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS. H: 37" W: 32" D: 41" $300/$500 Bearing nailhead trim PAIR OF OAK PEDESTALS. Height: 32" $100/$150 Together with a pedestal PAIR OF FRENCH PROVINCIAL STLYE OPEN ARMCHAIRS. H: 37.5" W: 26" D: 29" $200/$300 Upholstered in faux zebra 10:12 AM Central * SUWA3 10:13 AM Central * SUWA3 10:13 AM Central 10:14 AM Central * DIRE5 1025 1026 1027 1028 UPHOLSTERED HIGHBACK SLIPPER CHAIR. H: 39.5" W: 20" D: 20" $75/$125 Together with a contemporary round table TWO LIDDED BASKETS. H: 27" W: 20" D: 20" $50/$100 DOLLHOUSE STYLE PAINTED CABINET. H: 29" W: 14" D: 10" $100/$200 Signed "Eric Lansdown" PINE FIVE-DRAWER CHEST. H: 39" W: 41" D: 18" $150/$250 10:14 AM Central * DIRE5 10:15 AM Central * DIRE5 10:15 AM Central * DIRE5 10:16 AM Central * DIRE5 1029 1030 1031 1032 PAINTED PINE SIDEBOARD. H: 39.5" W: 61" D: 23" $200/$400 UPHOLSTERED CHAISE LONGUE. H: 30" W: 59" D: 30" $100/$200 PAIR OF MAHOGANY TWO-DRAWER NIGHT STANDS. H: 31" W: 17" D: 13" $100/$150 MAHOGANY DROP LEAF TABLE. H: 29" W: 38" D: 17" $100/$150 10:16 AM Central * DIRE5 10:17 AM Central * SUWA3 10:17 AM Central * SUWA3 1033 1034 1035 10:18 AM Central * SUWA3 1036 INLAID MAHOGANY KIDNEY FORM DESK. H: 30" W: 50" D: 24" $300/$500 Bearing a gilt leather inset writing surface PINE SINGLE DOOR CABINET. H: 69.5" W: 34" D: 17" $200/$300 LEATHER UPHOLSTERED SLIPPER CHAIR. Back height: 32" $200/$400 PAIR OF TWO-DRAWER SIDE TABLES. Side table: 23" x 26" x 19" Bench: 17" x 35" x 19" $100/$150 Together with a contemporary bench 10:18 AM Central * JOAB2 10:19 AM Central * JOAB2 10:19 AM Central * JOAB2 10:20 AM Central * JOAB2 1037 1038 1039 1040 PAIR OF LOUIS XV STYLE FRUITWOOD SEVEN DRAWER LINGERIE CHESTS. H: 39.5" W: 14" D: 12" $1,000/$1,500 LOUIS XV STYLE INLAID AND ORMOLU MOUNTED SIDE TABLE. H: 29" W: 17" D: 12" $100/$200 With a brass gallery top LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE TOP AND CARVED GILTWOOD END TABLE. H: 28" W: 26" D: 17.5" $200/$400 COUNCILL FOR WALTER E. SMITHE UPOLSTERED ARMCHAIR AND OTTOMAN. Armchair H: 33" x W: 36" x D: 37" Ottoman H: 19" x W: 33" x D: 33" $200/$400 10:20 AM Central * JOAB2 10:21 AM Central * JOAB2 10:21 AM Central * JOAB2 10:22 AM Central * JOAB2 1041 1042 1043 1044 GLASS TOP DINING TABLE. Height: 28.5" Diameter: 54" $200/$400 With a painted carved wood base CHRISTOPHER GUY X-FORM CHAIR. H: 34.5" W: 27" D: 22" $500/$700 SET OF FOUR WOOD OPEN ARMCHAIRS. H: 39" W: 21" D: 22" $400/$600 Together with four yards of matching drapery fabric FRENCH 19TH CENTURY LOUIS XV STLYE BRASS FIREPLACE FENDER. H: 12" W: 38.5" D: 3" $200/$300 10:22 AM Central * JOAB2 10:23 AM Central * JOAB2 10:23 AM Central * JOAB2 10:24 AM Central * JOAB2 1045 1046 1047 1048 PAIR OF PATINATED METAL NEWEL POSTS. Height 49" $200/$400 PAINTED WOOD CONSOLE TABLE. H: 32" W: 43.5" D: 14.5" $100/$200 19TH CENTURY REGENCY STYLE BLACK LAQUER PAPIER MACHE TRAY TABLE. H: 19.5" W: 31.5" D: 22.5" $300/$500 PAIR OF SOFAS. H: 27" W: 56" D: 34" $100/$200 10:24 AM Central * JOAB2 10:25 AM Central * MAGx2 10:25 AM Central * MAGx2 1049 1050 1051 10:26 AM Central * JOTR3 1052 CHINOISERIE LACQUERED TWO DOOR CABINET. H: 70" W: 39.5" D: 25.5" $300/$500 Raised on a giltwood base. Previously in the Presidential suite of the Fairmont Hotel, Chicago SET OF FOUR MCGUIRE CHAIRS. Table: 29" x 60" x 40" $200/$400 Together with an oval dining table BIRD'S EYE MAPLE AND METAL TWO-DRAWER CONSOLE TABLE. H: 30" W: 60" D: 21" $200/$400 WILLIAM & MARY STYLE CARVED OAK SIDEBOARD. H: 45" W: 60" D: 20" $200/$400 Raised on barley twist legs 10:26 AM Central * JOTR3 10:27 AM Central * JOTR3 10:27 AM Central * JOTR3 10:28 AM Central * JOTR3 1053 1054 1055 1056 CARVED TIGER OAK VITRINE. H: 76" W: 49" D: 16" $300/$500 BRASS BED. $100/$200 Comprised of a heaboard (48" x 54"), footboard (32" x 54"), and two side rails (length: 72") VERNIS MARTIN STYLE VITRINE. H: 75" W: 40" D: 19" $750/$1,000 VICTORIAN UPHOLSTERED SOFA AND ROCKING CHAIR. Sofa: 41" x 84" x 30" Rocking chair back height: 38" $300/$500 10:28 AM Central * JOTR3 10:29 AM Central * STLOW 10:29 AM Central * STLOW 10:30 AM Central * CABA1 1057 1058 1059 1060 TIGER OAK ROUND PEDESTAL TABLE. Table: 29" x 60" $300/$500 Bearing a clawfoot base. With five exension leaves (width: 12") PAIR OF KWOK HOI CHAN TUBULAR STEEL CHAIRS. H: 39" W: 23" D: 22" $200/$400 ENRIQUE GARCEL CLUB CHAIR. H: 38" W: 37" D: 41" $300/$500 DREXEL HERITAGE DINNING SUITE. $400/$600 Comprised of an oak dining table (H: 30" x w: 62" x D: 38"), two extension leaves (20"), a flip top server (H: 33.5" x W: 40" x D:19"), and six side chairs (with six slipcovers) 10:30 AM Central * CABA1 10:31 AM Central * CABA1 10:31 AM Central * CABA1 10:32 AM Central * CABA1 1061 1062 1063 1064 PAIR OF CARVED WALNUT OPEN ARMCHAIRS. 35" $150/$250 TILT TOP CARVED MAHOGANY TABLE. Table Top : 39.5 x 25" $100/$200 Together with a painted mahogany drop leaf single drawer table (H:28" x 27" x 22") PAIR OF VICTORIAN PARLOR CHAIRS. Back Height 36" $100/$200 Together with a parlor chair EASTLAKE STYLE CARVED WALNUT LIFT TOP SEWING TABLE. (H: 20" x W: 21" D:12"), $100/$200 Together withan Italian marble top side table(H: 17" x W: 14.5" x D:11.5"), and a needlepoint upholstered carved mahogany footstool (H: 10" x W: 14.5" x D: 12") 10:32 AM Central * CABA1 10:33 AM Central * CABA1 10:33 AM Central 1065 1066 1067 10:34 AM Central 1068 WINGBACK ARMCHAIR. H: 44" x W: 31" x D: 27" $150/$250 Together with a painted open armchair (H: 37.5" x W: 24" x D: 19") PATINATED METAL FOUR LIGHT HANGING FIXTURE. Height 40" $200/$300 LATE 19TH/ EARLY 20TH CENTURY GILTWOOD MIRROR. H: 79" W: 43" D: 3" $600/$1,000 CARVED MAHOGANY MIRROR. H: 87" W: 47" D: 2.5" $400/$600 10:34 AM Central 10:35 AM Central 10:35 AM Central 10:36 AM Central 1069 1070 1071 1072 PAIR OF CARVED MAHOGANY SERVERS. H: 71" W: 51" D: 20" $1,000/$2,000 FLAME MAHOGANY ADJUSTABLE TABLE. H: 31" W: 48" D: 48" $600/$800 Together with four side chairs (Back Height: 39.5") LOUIS XV STYLE UPHOLSTERED BERGERE. H: 40" W: 29" D: 31" $200/$400 PATINATED METAL PEDESTAL. Height: 42" Diameter: 13" $150/$250 Together with a wood pedestal (H: 35" x Diameter: 15") 10:36 AM Central 10:37 AM Central 10:37 AM Central 10:38 AM Central 1073 1074 1075 1076 BLACK FOREST STYLE HALL TREE. Height 84" $600/$800 HALL TREE. H: 76" W: 63" D: 23" $300/$500 With blanket rack CHINOISERIE PARCEL GILTWOOD MIRROR. H: 36" W: 31" D: 1" $100/$200 CARVED OAK BRACKET HAT RACK. H: 13" W: 47" D: 7.5" $100/$150 10:38 AM Central 10:39 AM Central * KEPC2 10:39 AM Central * LAHA5 10:40 AM Central * LAHA5 1077 1078 1079 1080 ROCOCO STYLE GESSO AND GITWOOD MIRRORED WALL BRACKETS. H: 31" W: 16" D: 5" $200/$400 VERNIS MARTIN STYLE VITRINE TABLE. H: 29" W: 26" D: 16" $200/$400 SET OF FOUR CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY CHAIRS. Back height: 40" $600/$1,000 19TH CENTURY ENGLISH MAHOGANY GUN BOX. Overall: 26.5" x 18" x 12" $200/$400 Circa 1820. Bearing brass banding, and raised on a custom stand 10:40 AM Central * GAAH1 10:41 AM Central * ADEST2 10:41 AM Central * ADEST2 1081 1082 1083 10:42 AM Central * ADEST2 1084 KITTINGER MAHOGANY PEDESTAL TABLE. Height: 29" Diameter: 48" $150/$250 EIGHT ADAM STYLE EBONIZED AND GILT WOOD DINING CHAIRS. H: 34.5" x W: 21.5" x D: 19" $600/$800 PAIR OF JOHN WIDDICOMB MAHOGANY TWO DRAWER NIGHTSTANDS. H: 28.5 x W: 20 x D: 16" $200/$300 WOOD INLAID SWIVEL TOP HANDKERCHIEF GAME TABLE. H: 29 x W: 25 x D: 25" $400/$600 With a felt surface, marquetry and parquetry inlay, and a single drawer. Raised on casters. Unfolded top 36" x 36" 10:42 AM Central * ADEST2 10:43 AM Central * ADEST2 10:43 AM Central * ADEST2 10:44 AM Central * ADEST2 1085 1086 1087 1088 FRENCH MARBLE TOP SERVER. H; 45.5" x W: 45" x 19" $300/$500 Comprised of a two door cabinet with two drawers above BAKER MAHOGANY COCKTAIL TABLE. H: 17" x W: 42" x D: 38" $150/$250 With brass banding around perimeter BAKER INLAID MAHOGANY TABLE. H: 29" x W: 72" x D: 46" $1,000/$1,500 With satin banding throughout the top. Together with three leaves (W: 16", 17", and 16") TUFTED UPHOLSTERED OTTOMAN. H: 17" x W: 23.5" x D: 40" $100/$200 10:44 AM Central * ADEST2 10:45 AM Central * ADEST2 10:45 AM Central * LUMI2 10:46 AM Central * LUMI2 1089 1090 1091 1092 CARVED AND GILTWOOD MIRROR. 56" x 30" $200/$300 PAIR OF CAST IRON ANDIRONS. H: 12" x W: 18" D: 10" $100/$200 SET OF EIGHT ENGLISH OAK LADDERBACK DINNING CHAIRS. Height 42" $500/$700 Comprised of six side chairs and two armchairs MAPLE WINDSOR CHAIR. H: 48" x W: 28" x D: 19" $150/$250 10:46 AM Central * LUMI2 10:47 AM Central * LUMI2 10:47 AM Central * LUMI2 10:48 AM Central * LUMI2 1093 1094 1095 1096 CONTEMPORARY THREE CUSHION SOFA. H: 29.5" x W: 84" x D: 35" $200/$400 CONTEMPORARY PINE DRAW LEAF TABLE. H: 30" x W: 35.5" x D: 35.5" $100/$200 Together with four woven back side chairs (Height 36"). Leaves 15" PAINTED WOOD THREE DRAWER VANITY. H: 40 x W: 34" x D: 17.5" $150/$250 CARVED WOOD STOOL. Height: 15" x Diameter: 17.5" $100/$200 Together with an oak bench (H: 18.5" x W: 72" x D: 13.5") 10:48 AM Central * LUMI2 10:49 AM Central * LUMI2 10:49 AM Central * LUMI2 1097 1098 1099 10:50 AM Central * LUMI2 1100 ALTAR TABLE. H: 33.5" x W: 76" x D: 17.5" $200/$400 With four drawers TURNED CHERRY FLIP TOP TABLE. H: 28" x W: 19" x D: 18" $200/$400 Together with a tiger oak two-tier plant stand (H: 31" x W: 13.5 x D: 13.5) 19TH CENTURY PAINTED PINE SERVER. H: 53" x W: 46" x D: 19" $300/$500 Comprised of two door cabinet with two drawers above PAIR OF BOBBIN TURNED MAHOGANY OPEN ARMCHAIRS. H: 45" x W: 29" x D: 33" $500/$700 10:50 AM Central * LUMI2 10:51 AM Central * LUMI2 10:51 AM Central * LUMI2 10:52 AM Central * LUMI2 1101 1102 1103 1104 CONTEMPORARY PAINTED MAPLE BED. $200/$400 Comprised of a headboard (58" x 83"), a footboard (36" x 83"), and side rails (lengths 81") PAIR OF MAPLE THREE DRAWER NIGHTSTANDS. H: 30" x W: 30" x D: 20" $150/$250 PINE TWO DOOR CABINET. H: 42.5" x W: 30" D: 12" $100/$200 PAINTED PINE FOUR DRAWER CHEST. H: 37" x W: 65" x D: 19.5" $200/$400 10:52 AM Central * LUMI2 10:53 AM Central * WIDA1 10:53 AM Central * WIDA1 10:54 AM Central * WIDA1 1105 1106 1107 1108 JONATHAN KLINE BLACK ASH BASKET. 70" x 18" $150/$250 Inscribed 'Kline' BAKER MAHOGANY TRIPLE PEDESTAL DINING TABLE. H: 28" x W: 102" x D: 48" $1,000/$1,500 Together with four extension leaves (14") MAHOGANY TWO PEDESTAL DINING TABLE. H: 30" x W: 64.5" x D: 45" $600/$1,000 Together with six mahogany pretzel back side chairs (Back Height 37") VICTORIAN BAMBOO FIRE SCREEN. H: 46" x W: 26" x D: 12" $100/$200 10:54 AM Central * WIDA1 10:55 AM Central * WIDA1 10:55 AM Central * WIDA1 10:56 AM Central * WIDA1 1109 1110 1111 1112 SPINET DESK. H: 29" x W: 37" x D: 19" $150/$250 Together with a needlepoint side chair (Back 33") ETHAN ALLEN CHEST. H: 58.5" x W: 42" x D: 20" $300/$500 Comprised of two drawers with a 2 door cabinet above. Together with an Ethan Allen six drawer chest with four hidden drawers (H: 33" x W: 72" x D: 21") and a two drawer chest with a cabinet and shelves above (H: 66" x W: 34" x D: 19") SINGLE PEDESTAL MAHOGANY TABLE. H: 29.5" x W: 46" x D: 41" $200/$400 MAHOGANY GRANDFATHER CLOCK. H: 92.5 x W: 17" x D: 10" $200/$400 With painted enamel clock face and painted embelishment 10:56 AM Central * WIDA1 10:57 AM Central * IMAWA1 10:57 AM Central * IMAWA1 1113 1114 1115 10:58 AM Central 1116 MONUMENTAL GESSO AND GILTWOOD MIRROR. H: 105" x W: 65" x D: 17" $600/$1,000 With arch top and brackets on either side MARBLE AND STEEL TABLE. H: 27" W: 96" D: 24" $500/$700 Attributed to Erwin and Estelle Laverne, unmarked MARBLE AND STEEL TABLE. H: 27" W: 48" D: 18" $300/$500 Attributed to Erwin and Estelle Laverne. Unmarked GILT PATINATED METAL FIREPLACE FENDER. H: 11" x W: 52" x D: 9" $200/$300 Together with gilt metal andirons 10:58 AM Central * MABUX 10:59 AM Central * MABUX 10:59 AM Central * MABUX 11:00 AM Central 1117 1118 1119 1120 DREXEL DINING TABLE. Table: 29" x 64" x 42" $200/$400 With two extension leaves (20") SET OF FOUR CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS. Back height: 37.5" $200/$400 GEORGIAN STYLE MAHOGANY OPEN ARMCHAIR. Open armchair: 40" x 29" x 29" $150/$250 Together with an upholstered chair (30" x 31" x 33") EBONIZED WOOD PEDESTAL. H: 51" W: 18" D: 18" $75/$125 With an inset marble top 11:00 AM Central * STLOW 11:01 AM Central * MILI1 11:01 AM Central * MILI1 11:02 AM Central * MILI1 1121 1122 1123 1124 PAIR OF TESSELLATED STONE VENEER TABLES. H: 22" W: 30" D: 24" $100/$150 Marquis Collection of Beverly Hills EASTLAKE CARVED WALNUT LIFT TOP DESK. H: 41" W: 26" D: 24" $200/$300 With an inset leather writing surface CHILD'S OAK ROLLTOP DESK. H: 34" W: 23" D: 12" $100/$150 CHINESE ROSEWOOD PEDESTAL. H: 44" W: 13" D: 13" $50/$100 11:02 AM Central * MILI1 11:03 AM Central * MILI1 11:03 AM Central * MILI1 11:04 AM Central * MILI1 1125 1126 1127 1128 EASTLAKE MARBLE TOP VANITY. $300/$500 With mirror CARVED EBONIZED WOOD WALL MOUNTED VITRINE. $100/$150 CONTINENTAL EBONIZED WOOD SIDEBOARD. H: 76" W: 54" D: 16.5" $300/$500 EBONIZED BARLEY TWIST MARBLE TOP CONSOLE TABLE. H: 32" W: 42" D: 15.5" $150/$250 11:04 AM Central * MILI1 11:05 AM Central * MILI1 11:05 AM Central * MILI1 1129 1130 1131 11:06 AM Central * MILI1 1132 MAHOGANY DRAW LEAF TABLE. Table: 29" x 35" x 35" $300/$500 Raised on ball in claw feet. Together with a set of Queen Anne style side chairs with faux leopard upholstery EBONIZED WOOD WINDOW BENCH. H: 30" W: 60" D: 24.5" $200/$300 With a toile upholstered cushion MAHOGANY AND WICKER CONSOLE TABLE. H: 30" W: 48" D: 20" $100/$200 SILVER PAINTED OWL MOTIF EASEL. Height: 60.5" $100/$150 11:06 AM Central * MILI1 11:07 AM Central * MILI1 11:07 AM Central * MILI1 11:08 AM Central * MILI1 1133 1134 1135 1136 IRON AND BRASS BED FRAME. $100/$200 Comprising a headboard (51" x 54"), footboard (39" x 54"), and two siderails (length: 74") CHINESE HARDWOOD OPIUM BED. H: 82" W: 84" D: 40" $600/$1,000 Bearing scholar's carvings throughout LATTICE WORK IRON WALL MOUNTED PLANTER. 72" x 38" $75/$125 RUSTIC CHAISE LONGUE. Back height: 37" $100/$150 11:08 AM Central * MILI1 11:09 AM Central * MILI1 11:09 AM Central * MILI1 11:10 AM Central * MILI1 1137 1138 1139 1140 FRENCH PROVINCIAL STYLE OAK ARMOIRE. H: 91" W: 48.5" D: 21.5" $300/$500 PAIR OF JAMES B. LANSING SPEAKER CABINETS. $100/$150 Speakers removed EBONIZED WOOD REVOLVING RACK. H: 62" W: 20" D: 13.5" $75/$125 PATINATED IRON OWL FORM COAT RACK. Height: 72" $100/$150 11:10 AM Central * MILI1 11:11 AM Central * MILI1 11:11 AM Central * WNMA3 11:12 AM Central * WNMA3 1141 1142 1143 1144 EARLY 20TH CENTURY METAL AND CANE DECK CHAIR. 43" x 28" x 24" $200/$400 EASTLAKE STYLE MAHOGANY CABINET. H: 37" W: 42" D: 22" $200/$400 Comprising two drawers above a two door cabinet EDWARD WORMLEY FOR DUNBAR, LONG JOHN BENCH. H: 12" W: 84" D: 19" $200/$400 EDWARD WORMLEY FOR DUNBAR, MAHOGANY AND MARBLE COCKTAIL TABLE. 14" x 48" $200/$400 11:12 AM Central * WNMA3 11:13 AM Central * WNMA3 11:13 AM Central * MILI1 1145 1146 1147 11:14 AM Central * MILI1 1148 EERO SAARINEN FOR KNOLL, WOMB CHAIR. H: 35" W: 40" D: 35" $150/$250 Lacking label DUNBAR FOUR DRAWER SIDE TABLE. H: 22" W: 30" D: 30" $200/$400 Raised on casters A PAIR OF CHILDREN'S WIRE BACK CHAIRS. Back height 23.5" $75/$125 Together with a children's tea table (Height: 18" Diameter: 18") CHILD'S PAINTED WICKER ROCKING CHAIR. Back Height 22.5" $75/$125 Together with a child's wood rocking chair (back height 25") and a pine and oak stool (H:10.5" x W: 15.5" x D: 9") 11:14 AM Central * MILI1 11:15 AM Central * SUST5 11:15 AM Central * JORI9 11:16 AM Central * JORI9 1149 1150 1151 1152 UPHOLSTERED PAINTED IRON BENCH. H: 17" W: 24" D: 12" $50/$100 BRASS TEN-LIGHT CHANDELIER. 52" x 38" $500/$750 FRENCH PROVINCIAL STYLE CARVED MAHOGANY OPEN ARMCHAIR. Back height: 39" $200/$300 Bearing needlepoint upholstery CARVED MAHOGANY SEWING STOOL. H: 19" W: 18" D: 10" $75/$125 With a lift top storage compartment 11:16 AM Central * JORI9 11:17 AM Central * DAEND 11:17 AM Central * LIGR7 11:18 AM Central * TEKI7 1153 1154 1155 1156 PINE TWO-DOOR CABINET. H: 29" W: 36" D: 17" $100/$200 With a marble top ENGLISH CARVED ROSEWOOD FIRESCREEN. H: 50" x W: 29" x D: 20" $300/$500 PHILIP AND KELVIN LAVERNE BRONZE COFFEE TABLE. Height 17" x Diameter 47" $2,000/$3,000 Signed on top, bearing a Laverne label underneath GERMAN OAK GRANDFATHER CLOCK. H: 85" W: 20.5" D: 11" $400/$600 Movement stamped "Gustave Becker, Freiburg, DRP 171659". Interior of clock bears iron plaque reading "Karfen Gong GB". Together with two weights, a pendulum, and key 11:18 AM Central * TEKI7 11:19 AM Central * TEKI7 11:19 AM Central * TEKI7 11:20 AM Central * TEKI7 1157 1158 1159 1160 PAIR OF J.L. MOLLER DANISH TEAK ARMCHAIRS. H: 31" W: 23" D: 17" $200/$400 DYRLUND DANISH TEAK DRAW LEAF TABLE. H: 29" W: 59" D: 39" $200/$400 SUITE OF HERMAN MILLER LEATHER CHAIRS. $200/$400 Comprising a pair of armchairs (32" x 25" x 25"), and a pair of side chairs (31" x 18" x 21") CHINESE ELMWOOD CHAIR. H: 45" W: 25" D: 21" $100/$200 11:20 AM Central * TEKI7 11:21 AM Central * TEKI7 11:21 AM Central * TEKI7 1161 1162 1163 11:22 AM Central * GAMIH 1164 JORGEN RASMUSSEN FOR KEVI DESK CHAIR. Chair back height: 31" $100/$200 Together with a Brdr. Furbo Danish folding table (24" x 24" x 20.5") MK CRAFTSMANSHIP DANISH TEAK TABLE. Table: 22" x 26" x 19" $100/$200 Together with a contemporary rocking chair SUITE OF SIX ITALIAN LACQUERED FOLDING CHAIRS. $100/$200 Two red, two green, and two white. All with cane seats CHINOISERIE STYLE COCKTAIL TABLE. H: 17" W: 40" D: 40" $50/$100 11:22 AM Central * GAMIH 11:23 AM Central * GAMIH 11:23 AM Central * GAMIH 11:24 AM Central * GAMIH 1165 1166 1167 1168 19TH CENTURY ENGLISH ARMOIRE. H: 80" W: 46" D: 20" $200/$300 AMERICAN OAK AND METAL ICE CREAM TABLE AND FOUR CHAIRS. Table: 30" x 26.5" x 27" $75/$125 OAK WASHSTAND. H: 35" W: 31" D: 17"1 $50/$100 MAHOGANY TWO DRAWER CONSOLE TABLE. H: 36" W: 43" D: 20" $150/$250 11:24 AM Central * GAMIH 11:25 AM Central * NICEC 11:25 AM Central 11:26 AM Central * BEAR2 1169 1170 1171 1172 OAK DRAW LEAF TABLE. H: 29" W: 36" D: 32" $50/$100 PAIR OF LEOBLEIN CAMEL BACK SOFAS. H: 35" W: 60" D: 30" $600/$800 GEORGIAN STYLE BANDED MAHOGANY FIVEPEDESTAL TABLE. $2,000/$4,000 Comprised of two oval ends and three extension pedestals between. Together with four extension leaves (W: 26") CARVED WALNUT SIDEBOARD. H: 107" W: 80" D: 26" $2,000/$4,000 Comprising a stepped base raised on bun feet, leading into three doors. with three drawers above that. Upper portion is comprised of a three door cabinet, leading into a dentalized frieze, and shield crest 11:26 AM Central * BEAR2 11:27 AM Central * BEAR2 11:27 AM Central * BEAR2 11:28 AM Central * BEAR2 1173 1174 1175 1176 BAUHAUS ULTRASUEDE UPHOLSTERED SECTIONAL SOFA. H: 38" W: 91" D: 91" $400/$600 VICTORIAN WALNUT MIRROR. H: 46.5" W: 60" D: 10" $300/$500 Comprising a domed crest, burled panels, and decorative urns with finials GOLDEN OAK RECTANGULAR OCCASIONAL TABLE. H: 30" W: 42" D: 24" $200/$400 Bearing a single drawer, turned legs, and raised on bulbous feet SUITE OF BAUHAUS ULTRASUEDE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE. Sofa: 29" x 85" x 36" $400/$600 Comprising a sofa and pair of chairs (29" x 35" x 31") 11:28 AM Central * BEAR2 11:29 AM Central * BEAR2 11:29 AM Central * BEAR2 1177 1178 1179 11:30 AM Central * BEAR2 1180 19TH CENTURY CARVED OAK MIRROR. H: 100" W: 46" D: 7" $800/$1,200 Bearing a dentilated frieze, Ionic columns, and Neoclassical decoration throughout CONTEMPORARY GOLD PAINTED MIRROR. 68" x 56" $200/$300 Bearing areas of floral decoration throughout CARVED OAK OCCASIONAL TABLE. H: 30" W: 26" D: 26" $150/$250 MAHOGANY CONSOLE TABLE. H: 38" W: 36" D: 10" $100/$200 Bearing four inset leather panels above four drawers and a single shelf 11:30 AM Central * BEAR2 11:31 AM Central * BEAR2 11:31 AM Central 11:32 AM Central 1181 1182 1183 1184 VICTORIAN STYLE WALNUT CABINET. H: 88" W: 71" D: 25" $3,000/$5,000 Upper portion comprised of a detilated frieze, stained and tinted windows, fluted Ionic columns, and egg and dart drawers. Lower portion comprised of a stepped base and four doors MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD. H: 44.5" W: 55" D: 21" $800/$1,200 PAIR OF BARCELONA STYLE CHAIRS. H: 28.5" W: 37" D: 36" $200/$400 ANGIOLO CASAROSA FOR MOBILIA, ITALIAN LEATHER SUITE. Sofa length: 80" Chair back height: 30.5" $1,000/$1,500 Comprised of a pair of armchairs ans a sofa 11:32 AM Central 11:33 AM Central * HHTB 11:33 AM Central 11:34 AM Central * SUWA3 1185 1186 1187 1188 EDWARDIAN STYLE MIXED INLAY DESK. H: 30" W: 49" D: 28" $300/$500 With a leather lift-top writing surface HECKMAN TWO DRAWER COMMODE. H: 29.5" x W: 35" x D: 18" $150/$250 Together with a caned back chair (back height 39") PAIR OF VICTORIAN CARVED WALNUT CHAIRS. Back height: 35.5"" $75/$125 OAK TOP STEEL PEDETAL. H: 49" x W: 14" x D: 14" $75/$125 11:34 AM Central * PATU333 11:35 AM Central * SUWA3 11:35 AM Central * SUWA3 11:36 AM Central * SUWA3 1189 1190 1191 1192 EMPIRE STYLE MAHOGANY FALL FRONT SECRETAIRE. H: 56" W: 35" D: 19" $500/$700 PAINTED WOOD CREDENZA. H: 33" x W: 61" D: 17.5" $200/$300 Comprised of three cabinet doors with three drawers above PAIR OF PINE BEDSIDE TABLES. H: 29.5" x W: 27.5" x D: 15" $100/$200 PAINTED GILT MIRROR. 28.5" x 50.5" $75/$125 11:36 AM Central * SUWA3 11:37 AM Central * SUWA3 11:37 AM Central * SUWA3 1193 1194 1195 11:38 AM Central * SUWA3 1196 SILVER PAINTED MIRROR. 21" x 39" $75/$125 CONTEMPORARY OAK CREDENZA. H: 31.5" x W: 78" x D: 19" $300/$500 Comprised of four doors with a drawer above CHINESE PINE TWO DOOR CABINET. H: 74" x D: 49" x W: 26.5" $200/$400 CONTEMPORARY OAK AND GLASS TOP DINNING. H: 29" x W: 66" x D: 66" $800/$1,200 Together with eight upholsterd side chairs (Back height 37.5") 11:38 AM Central * SHOR0 11:39 AM Central * SHOR0 11:39 AM Central * SMIT2 11:40 AM Central * SMIT2 1197 1198 1199 1200 LATE 18TH CENTURY DUTCH BOMBE COMMODE. H: 27.5" W: 44" D: 23" $500/$750 AMERICAN PIE CRUST MAHOGANY TILT TOP TEA TABLE. Height: 31.5" Diameter: 35" $200/$300 LATE 18TH CENTURY ENGLISH GEORGIAN MAHOGANY SLANT FRONT DESK. H: 42" W: 42.5" D: 22" $500/$700 Having cockbeaded drawers with bail pulls. Slant front opens to reveal a fitted interior. Raised on bracket feet UPHOLSTERED CAMELBACK SOFA. H: 35" W: 85" D: 31" $150/$250 11:40 AM Central * SMIT2 11:41 AM Central * KBREI 11:41 AM Central * CAGR3 11:42 AM Central * CAGR3 1201 1202 2001 2002 PAIR OF IRON BEDS. $200/$300 Comprised of two headboards (46" x 47"), two footboards (36" x 47"), and four siderails (76") GUSTAV STICKLEY OAK LIBRARY TABLE. H: 30" W: 43" D: 29" $500/$700 Bearing a single drawer. Table is lacking label TIFFANY & COMPANY BRASS TRAVEL CLOCK. Clock: 1.5" x 2.25" $75/$125 Quartz movement. With dustbag and box ROSENTHAL PORCELAIN VASE. Vase height: 6.5" $100/$150 Together with a silverplate wedding basket, a pair of cut glass bottles, and a pair of Japanese crystal candlesticks 11:42 AM Central * CAGR3 11:43 AM Central * CAGR3 11:43 AM Central * ALSH722 11:44 AM Central * ALSH722 2003 2004 2005 2006 TWO 19TH CENTURY GERMAN STONEWARE STEINS. Stoneware: 9" & 9.5" $100/$150 Together with three German steins INLAID MAHOGANY AND ROSEWOOD LAP DESK. H: 5" W: 13" D: 9" $75/$125 TWO OAK REGULATOR WALL CLOCKS. Larger: 25" x 17" $100/$150 One made for C.F. Adams ROYAL DOULTON WASH BASIN AND PITCHER. $100/$200 Hydrangea pattern 11:44 AM Central * ALSH722 11:45 AM Central * ALSH722 11:45 AM Central * ALSH722 2007 2008 2009 11:46 AM Central * ALSH722 2010 GESSO AND GILTWOOD MIRROR. 18" x 17" $75/$125 Depicting two eagles on either side of an oval mirror, all beneath a crown COLLECTION OF R.S. PRUSSIA PORCELAIN. Chocolate pot height: 10.5" $200/$300 Comprising a chocolate pot, covered biscuit barrel, cache pot, dresser box, relish dish, and two round serving dishes ENGLISH TRANSFER-PRINTED PORCELAIN CHAMBER POT. Height: 8" Diameter: 10" $100/$200 Together with eleven decorative plates and two porcelain bowls WATERFORD CAKE PLATE. Height: 5" Diameter: 10" $100/$200 Together with a collection of pressed and cut glass. including a basket, bowls, a cake plate, a pitcher, and other decorative items 11:46 AM Central * ALSH722 11:47 AM Central * ALSH722 11:47 AM Central * ALSH722 11:48 AM Central * ALSH722 2011 2012 2013 2014 TWO COBALT CUT-TO-CLEAR GLASS DECANTERS. Tallest height 12" $100/$200 Together with seven glass decanters MOTTAHEDEH PORCELAIN BASKET. Basket: H: 4.5" W: 12" D: 7" $75/$125 Together wiith two porcelain figures, a delft coverd jar, a Wedgwood dish, and a group of pressed and cut glass table articles A. JOE NAVAJO CERAMIC SCULPTURE. Height 12" $75/$125 FREDERICK COOPER TEA CANISTER LAMP. $100/$200 Together with two patinated metal lamps, and a crystal luster lamp 11:48 AM Central * ALSH722 11:49 AM Central * ALSH722 11:49 AM Central * ALSH722 11:50 AM Central * ALSH722 2015 2016 2017 2018 COLLECTION OF DECORATIVE ITEMS. bust height 13" $100/$200 Comprised of a carved wood bust, a copper pitcher, a globe, a pair of horn form candelsticks, a carved wood infant bust, and patinated metal canon DON JOHNS CERAMIC VASE. Height 9" $100/$200 Together with a carved onyx obelisk, a sterling silver box, a Beethoven bust, and various decorative items A COLLECTION OF DECORATIVE MASKS. Largest length15" $100/$200 Comprised of paper mache, wood, and ceramic masks. Together with a carved alabaster female bust, and a variety of decorative items CARVED GLASS AND LUSTER LAMP. Height 11.5" $50/$100 With a carved glass shade. Together with a pair of patinated metal and glass lamps, and pair of metal and ceramic candelsticks 11:50 AM Central * ALSH722 11:51 AM Central 11:51 AM Central * MACO9 11:52 AM Central 2019 2020 2021 2022 COLLECTION OF DECORATIVE ITEMS. Boat Height: 21" $100/$200 Comprised of a carved wood billy club, a model ship, a tooled leather Espana crest wall plaque, a plaster decorative wall plaque, and a clock ROSEVILLE POTTERY IN THE WATER LILLY PATTERN. Vase height: 10.5" $200/$300 Comprising a pair of two-handled vases, a console bowl, and a pair of candlesticks COLLECTION OF ITALIAN CERAMIC TABLE ARTICLES. $100/$200 Marked C.A.C.F. Faenza. Comprised of a vase, a pitcher, a cache pot, an open vegetable bowl, a souffle dish, and three covered dishes LLADRO PORCELAIN GIRL WITH CAT AND PUPPY, 5032. Lladro 5032: 7" x 4.5" x 4" $100/$200 Together with a Lladro porcelain figure of Clean Up Time 4838, and a Zaphir porcelain figure of a girl with a dog 11:52 AM Central * ALSH722 11:53 AM Central * ALSH722 11:53 AM Central * DIRE5 2023 2025 2026 11:54 AM Central * DIRE5 2027 TWO NORTHWEST COAST CARVED AND PAINTED WOOD ITEMS: PLAQUE AND MASK. $100/$200 Killer Whale: Signed and inscribed on the reverse 'Troy Baker Squamish Nation, B.C. Oct. 2004' (11.25" x 27.50"). Mask, unsigned (ht: 12"). Together with a small drum (dia: 16") COLLECTION OF DECORATIVE ITEMS. $100/$150 Comprising a Baccarat crystal paperweight, a blue and clear glass paperweight, framed plaster cameos, a tapestry panel depicting a lion, a terra cotta plaque, a framed mosaic, and small oval portrait of a boy EMPIRE STYLE GILTWOOD MIRROR. 47" x 29" $100/$200 PAIR OF GILTWOOD TWO-LIGHT SCONCES. Sconce height: 25" $100/$150 Together with a pair of mahogany brackets (height: 10" 11:54 AM Central * DIRE5 11:55 AM Central 11:55 AM Central 11:56 AM Central 2028 2029 2030 2031 PAINTED PINE WALL-MOUNTED ETAGERE. H: 29" W: 21" D: 7" $50/$100 CONTEMPORARY FIVE-LIGHT CHANDELIER. 20" x 20" $100/$200 GESSO AND GILTWOOD MIRROR. 46" x 31" $75/$125 PATINATED METAL FOUR-LIGHT HANGING FIXTURE. $100/$200 11:56 AM Central 11:57 AM Central 11:57 AM Central 11:58 AM Central 2032 2033 2034 2035 ART DECO STYLE MIRROR. Art Deco: 32" x 21" Mahogany: 32" x 42" $75/$125 Together with a mahogany framed mirror SUITE OF GILT METAL FIXTURES. Larger: 18" x 38" Smaller: 18" x 31" $200/$400 Comprised of one round hanging fixture with frosted glass globe shades, and a pair of smaller fixtures FIVE GILT METAL TABLE LAMPS. Tallest: 21" $100/$150 PAIR OF GILT METAL HANGING FIXTURES. Height: 16" $100/$200 With five frosted globe shades on each fixture 11:58 AM Central * DAHA13 11:59 AM Central * DAHA13 11:59 AM Central * DAHA13 12:00 PM Central * MALY6 2037 2038 2039 2040 GILT BRONZE BONSAI TREE. 5.5" x 6.5" $50/$100 Raised on an amethyst base WATERFORD CRYSTAL PAPERWEIGHT. Waterford: 2.5" x 3.5" $75/$125 Together with an Orrefors crystal bowl, a Swedish Mats Jonasson crystal paperweight of a duck, a colored glass paperweight, and a frosted glass egg GROUP OF WEDGWOOD PORCELAIN. $100/$150 Comprisef of a Queensware pitcher, a jasperware teacup and saucer, a Marshall Field's collector plate, and a clover form fish. Together with a Lladro porcelain plate RANSMOTTOM ROSEVILLE GLAZED POTTERY JARDINIERE. Ransbottom: 7.5" x 10" $75/$125 Together with a glazed pottery jardiniere, a matte glaze pottery jardiniere, and a French carrot form wall bracket 12:00 PM Central 12:01 PM Central 12:01 PM Central * MALY6 2041 2042 2043 12:02 PM Central * MALY6 2044 VICTORIAN STYLE GILT METAL FIVE-LIGHT CHANDELIER. 22" x 20" $200/$300 OPALINE GLASS AND PATINATED METAL SIX-LIGHT CHANDELIER. 17" x 20" $100/$200 GROUP OF MCCOY POTTERY. $100/$150 Comprised of two planters, a white shell form planter, a double planter with bird decoration, and a basket COLLECTION OF POTTERY. Yellow Weller Low Bowl: 2.5" x 11" $75/$125 Including Abingdon, McCoy Floraline, Hull, and Weller 12:02 PM Central * MALY6 12:03 PM Central * MALY6 12:03 PM Central * MALY6 12:04 PM Central 2045 2046 2047 2048 TWO MCCOY FLORALINE MATTE GLAZE VASES. Roseville height: 9.5" $100/$200 Together with w Roseville brown glazed pottery vase, a McCoy brown glazed planter, a mottled green and brown glazed pottery planter, and a high glaze brown pottery vase and low bowl COLLECTION OF DECORATIVE ITEMS. $100/$200 Comprised of a Mauthe desk clock, two German porcelain figures, a German porcelain bird grouping, a Wedgwood jasperware dish, a Minton square ashtray, a Limoges porcelain heart form box, a Shannon crystal monkey, a green glass heart form bottle, and a Limoges porcelain plate COLLECTION OF POTTERY. Platter diameter: 16.5" $50/$100 Comprised of an Italian platter, two glazed pottery vessels, two green glazed bowls, and one trivet DUTCH BAROQUE STYLE SIX-LIGHT CHANDELIER. 25" x 23" $150/$250 12:04 PM Central 12:05 PM Central 12:05 PM Central 12:06 PM Central 2049 2050 2051 2052 BRASS AND CRYSTAL FIVE-LIGHT HANGING FIXTURE. Brass: 28" x 28" $100/$200 Together with two glass hanging fixtures CONTEMPORARY GLASS FOUR-LIGHT CHANDELIER. 16" x 16" $200/$300 CONTEMPORARY MOLDED RESIN FOUR-LIGHT CHANDELIER. 30" x 32" $100/$200 PATINATED METAL AND CRYSTAL LUSTRE HANGING FIXTURE. 24" x 17" $100/$200 12:06 PM Central 12:07 PM Central 12:07 PM Central * NINA1 12:08 PM Central * NINA1 2053 2054 2055 2056 PAIR OF GILT METAL TWO-LIGHT SWAN FORM WALL SCONCES. Two-Light: 13" x 7" x 5" $100/$150 Together with a set of three single light gilt metal wall sconces PAIR OF TWO-LIGHT GILT METAL SCONCES. Pair: 14.5" x 13" $100/$150 Together with a two-light gilt metal sconce, and a single light gilt metal sconce CAPODIMONTE PORCELAIN FIGURAL LAMP. Figure height:: 22.5" Overall height: 36.50" $100/$200 Marked on the underside GROUP OF ASSORTED POTTERY. $100/$200 Various makers; 12 pieces 12:08 PM Central * NINA1 12:09 PM Central * NINA1 12:09 PM Central * NINA1 2057 2058 2059 12:10 PM Central * JOICZ 2060 GROUP OF ASSORTED PORCELAIN & POTTERY TABLE ITEMS. $100/$200 Various makers; 14 pieces GROUP OF ASSORTED PATINATED METAL TABLE ITEMS. $100/$200 Consisting of an inkwell, bookends, frame and candlesticks PAIR OF FEMALE BLACKAMOOR CHALKWARE VASES. $75/$125 Ht: 12.25" FRAMED IVORY FAN. 8" x 12.75" $100/$200 Frame: 14.50" x 19" 12:10 PM Central * JOICZ 12:11 PM Central 12:11 PM Central 12:12 PM Central * AROGR42 2061 2062 2063 2064 TIBETAN ORNAMENTAL DRAGON FORM TRUMPET. Length: 12.50" $100/$150 Frame: 10.75" x 16.75" PAIR OF CERAMIC TABLE LAMPS. Height 20.5" $50/$100 PAIR OF PATINATED METAL URNS FITTED AS TABLE LAMPS. Height 15" $50/$100 Together with a table lamp SIX LIGHT BRONZE, PATINATED METAL, AND ALIBASTER CHANDELIER. Height: 36" Diameter: 29" $300/$500 12:12 PM Central 12:13 PM Central * AROGR42 12:13 PM Central * AROGR42 12:14 PM Central 2065 2066 2067 2068 PORCELAIN JAR FITTED AS TABLE LAMP. Height 14" $75/$125 Together with a a patinated metal jar fitted as a table lamp, a porcelain table lamp, and a pair of Dierras table lamps TEN LIGHT PAINTED METAL AND TURNED WOOD CHANDELIER. Height: 34" Diameter: 70" $200/$400 GILT BRONZE TWELVE LIGHT CHANDELIER. Height: 30" Diameter: 33" $400/$600 COLLECTION OF FIVE TABLE LAMPS. Tallest Height 24" $75/$125 12:14 PM Central 12:15 PM Central 12:15 PM Central 12:16 PM Central 2069 2070 2071 2072 SETH THOMAS WESTMINSTER TABLE CLOCK. Height 8" $100/$200 Together with a Bulova table clock WALTHAM 31 DAY CHIME WALL CLOCK. H: 28.5" W: 13" D: 5.5" $100/$200 Together with a wall clock (height 13") COLLECTION OF RESIN SCONCES. Height 19.5" $100/$200 Together with a bust garden plaque, a planter, and a carved wood cross bar mirror LIMOGES PORECELAIN VASE. Height 18" $100/$200 Together with a collection of decorative table articles 12:16 PM Central * SUWA3 12:17 PM Central * BJAR 12:17 PM Central * BJAR 2073 2074 2075 12:18 PM Central * BJAR 2076 CERAMIC GLAZED CHARGER. Diameter 12" $50/$100 Together with a stand COLLECTION OF WATERFORD GLASS TABLE ARTICLES. biscuit jar height : 6" $200/$300 Comprised of a biscuit jar, a pair of toasting flutes, a vase, a bread bowl, and a rose bowl LALIQUE GLASS ASHTRAY IN THE TOKYO PATTERN. Height 2" x Diameter 5.5" $100/$200 Together with a frosted glass ashtray and a majolica platter and footed serving dish SET OF SIX LUNEVILLE PLATES. $100/$200 Together with a Staffordshire figure, a porceelain figure, an Ansley teacup and saucer, a Royal Crown Derby plate, porcelain King George and Queen Elizabeth coronation ashtray, plate, and mug, and a porecelain plate 12:18 PM Central * BJAR 12:19 PM Central * BJAR 12:19 PM Central * BJAR 12:20 PM Central * SUWA3 2077 2078 2079 2080 COLLECTION OF GLASS TABLE ARTICLES. Candlesticks height 9.5" $200/$300 Including a Tiffany vase, a set of four Val St. Lambert candlesticks, an Orrefors rose bowl and vase, a glass vase, a glass buddha, and a glass religious sculpture BJORN WIINBLAD PAINTED PORCELAIN PLATE. $100/$200 Signed and dated 1972. Together with various decorative items PAIR OF SILVERPLATE CANDLESTICKS. Height 12.5" $100/$200 Together with a collection of various silverplate table articles PAIR OF BRASS URNS. Height 8.5 $100/$200 Together with a Staffordshire porcelain figural group 12:20 PM Central * SUWA3 12:21 PM Central * WEPR0 12:21 PM Central * JOAB2 12:22 PM Central * JOAB2 2081 2082 2083 2084 FOREVER GREEN ART TOPIARY URN. Height 25" $50/$100 ROYAL COPENHAGEN PORCELAIN VASE. Vase height: 9" $100/$150 Together with eleven Jean-Jacques Polongeau for Haviland porcelain ornaments, and two Goebel ornaments BARBARA BARRY MURANO GLASS TABLE LAMP. Height: 25" $100/$150 Together with a Fredrick Cooper chinoiserie table lamp (height 16") CHINESE CERAMIC PLANTER ON A CARVED WOOD STAND. Height: 14" Diameter: 16" $100/$200 Height with stand 23". Together with a Majolica Urn (Height: 17" x Diameter: 15") 12:22 PM Central * JOAB2 12:23 PM Central * LAMA19 12:23 PM Central * LAMA19 12:24 PM Central * LAMA19 2085 2086 2087 2088 MAPLE INLAY STATIONARY BOX. $100/$200 SET OF FOUR ENGLISH STANLEY POTTERY CO. FLOW BLUE PLATES IN THE TOURAINE PATTER. $100/$200 Together with two Waldorf flow blue plates, three Dutch Maastricht flow blue plates, an one Upper Hanley plate TWO GERMAN CARVED IVORY FIGURES. Mary: 4.25" $100/$150 Together with a carved ivory figure of Mary THREE BJORN WIINBLAD FOR ROSENTHAL PORCELAIN PLATES. Diameter: 12.25" $100/$150 Depicting scenes from Strauss operas 12:24 PM Central * LAMA19 12:25 PM Central * LAMA19 12:25 PM Central 2089 2090 2092 12:26 PM Central * LAMA19 2093 COLLECTION OF DECORATIVE ITEMS. Staffordshire height: 9" $100/$200 Comprised of a Staffordshire figure of a woman by a well, a Baccarat crystal owl, a Royal Doulton character jug of the Bootmaker D6585, a Belleek porcelain ewer, a Murano glass bird, a glass bud vase, and a porcelain bird GROUP OF WEDGWOOD JASPERWARE. Tallest vase: 7" $150/$250 Comprising a cache pot with flower frog, a covered sugar bowl, two covered boxes, twobid vases, a miniature urn, two dishes, and a vase PATINATED BRONZE HORSE AND RIDER. Bronze height: 9.5" $100/$200 Based is signed C.M. Russell. Raised on a 1" marble base SET OF FOUR RUSSIAN PORCELAIN EGGS. $50/$100 Together with a cloisonne enamel egg, a faux cinnabar egg, and a papier mache egg 12:26 PM Central * ALSH722 12:27 PM Central * ALSH722 12:27 PM Central * J.DA5 12:28 PM Central * J.DA5 2094 2095 2096 2097 TWO MIRRORS. $100/$200 Comprised of a carved wood frame mirror (30" x 24"), and a hammered metal and tile frame mirror (26" x 22"). Together with a hammered metal wall plaque, and a pair of composite wall plaques ILLUMINATED MUSICAL MANUSCRIPT. 22.50" x 15.25" $100/$200 Frame: 26.75" x 18.75" FOUR FRENCH ENAMELED PORCELAIN PLAQUES. 3.5" x 2" $200/$300 The four seasons. Marked J.P. Loupe, edition 203/250, framed 8" x 7" SET OF SIX HEREND PLACECARD HOLDERS. Length 3" $100/$200 12:28 PM Central * J.DA5 12:29 PM Central * J.DA5 12:29 PM Central * J.DA5 12:30 PM Central * J.DA5 2098 2099 2100 2101 A COLLECTION OF TWELVE GOEBEL PORCELAIN CAT AND DOG FIGURES. Largest Height 4.5" $100/$200 TWO LALIQUE FROSTED GLASS NUDE FIGURES. $200/$300 THREE HEREND BOXES. Largest Height 2.5" $100/$200 THREE PRESSED GLASS GLOBES ON PATINATED METAL STANDS. largest diameter 4.5" $50/$100 Together with two marble globes and pair of patinated metal bookends 12:30 PM Central * J.DA5 12:31 PM Central * J.DA5 12:31 PM Central * J.DA5 12:32 PM Central * J.DA5 2102 2103 2104 2105 BACCARAT MOTHER AND CHILD FIGURAL GROUP. Height 9.5" $150/$250 Together with a Baccarat angel, and a Val St. Lambert mother and child figural group HEREND GILT AND PAINTED PORCELAIN FROG. Height 2" x Length 3.5" $150/$250 Together with a Herend boy mounted on a goose, and a Herend duck BACCARAT POPE JOHN XXII SULPHIDE PAPERWEIGHT. Height 3" $75/$125 Together with a Schmid Sister Berta Hummel paperweight and a Laurids Lonborg paperweight COLLECTION OF SIX LIMOGES BOXES. Tallest Height 3.5" $100/$200 Together with a snuff bottle 12:32 PM Central * J.DA5 12:33 PM Central * J.DA5 12:33 PM Central * J.DA5 2106 2107 2108 12:34 PM Central * J.DA5 2109 ROYAL DOULTON 'THANKSGIVING' PORCELAIN FIGURE. Height 8.5" $100/$200 Together with a collection of porcelain figures COLLECTION OF PORCELAIN ANIMAL FIGURES. Tallest Height 5" $100/$200 Comprised of Lomonosov, Rosenthal, B & G, and Lladro porcelain COLLECTION OF ANIMAL FIGURES. $50/$100 Comprised of carved stone, glass, and ceramic ELIZABETH TAYLOR PERFUME BOTTLE. Height 5" $50/$100 'Passion' Parfum. With original box 12:34 PM Central * J.DA5 12:35 PM Central * J.DA5 12:35 PM Central * J.DA5 12:36 PM Central * J.DA5 2110 2111 2112 2113 TWO BLACK WARE VESSELS. Height 5" $50/$100 One signed 'Marie Julian' COLLECTION OF CARVED STONE AND IVORY DECORATIVE ITEMS. Tallest height 4" $100/$200 Animals, stone fruit, and candle holders ROSEVILLE POTTERY WHITE ROSE VASE. Height 8.5" $75/$125 Together with a Sioux indian ceramic vase MEISSEN PORCELAIN GRAPE HARVESTER FIGURE. Height 4" $200/$300 12:36 PM Central * J.DA5 12:37 PM Central * JOBA588 12:37 PM Central * JOBA588 12:38 PM Central * J.DA5 2114 2115 2116 2117 PAIR OF SITZENDORF GERMAN PORCELAIN FIGURES. Height 9.5" $100/$200 SET OF EIGHT LENOX PORCELAIN SALAD PLATES. $100/$200 Autumn pattern. Together with a set of eight Johnson Brothers porcelain plates in the Pareek pattern SILVERPLATE BUN WARMER. $100/$200 Together with a cobalt cut-to-clear crystal bowl, a silverplate shell form footed dish, a silverplate jar with vegetable form finial, and a silver baby cup with goldwashed interior GERMAN CRINOLINE PORCELAIN FIGURAL GROUP. Height 3.5" $100/$200 Together with a German porcelain lady in court attire and German porcelain cherubs 12:38 PM Central * J.DA5 12:39 PM Central * J.DA5 12:39 PM Central * J.DA5 12:40 PM Central * J.DA5 2118 2119 2120 2121 COLLECTION OF VARIOUS CARVED STONE EGGS. $50/$100 Comprised of twenty four eggs COLLECTION OF PORCELAIN AND GLASS PLATES. $50/$100 Includes Wedgwood, Hoya, Lego, and Franklin Mint COLLECTION OF PEWTER CHISTMAS FIGURINES. Tallest height: 4" $75/$125 Includes santa, elves, and reindeer. Together with pewter figurines of children at play COLLECTION OF FOUR RUSSIAN LACQUER BOXES. Largest H: 1.5" W: 6.5" D: 4.5" $100/$200 12:40 PM Central * J.DA5 12:41 PM Central * J.DA5 12:41 PM Central * J.DA5 2122 2123 2124 12:42 PM Central 2125 TWO MALACHITE BOXES. Height: 1.5" Diameter: 4" $100/$200 Together with malachite cubes, an egg form and a dish TWO SETS OF PEWTER DECANTER LABELS. $100/$200 Each set comprised of six labels. Together with a pair of siverplate wine coasters and a patinated metal squirrel form nutcracker THREE CHRISTOFLE SILVERPLATE BIRDS. largest length 5.5" $100/$200 With onyx eyes. From the 'Silver Light' collection. Includes 'The Blackcap Warbler', 'The Reed Warbler', and 'The Nuthatch'. Together with a Christofle silverplate cat SET OF TWELVE MEISSEN PARCEL GILT PORCELAIN PLATES. Diameter: 8" $150/$250 12:42 PM Central 12:43 PM Central 12:43 PM Central 12:44 PM Central 2126 2127 2128 2129 MEISSEN PORCELAIN THREE-TIERED COMPOTE. 18.5" x 12" $200/$400 WATERFORD CRYSTAL SHIP'S DECANTER. $100/$200 Together with a set of five Waterford cordials in the Alana pattern COPELAND SPODE PORCELAIN TUREEN. $100/$150 Fitzhugh pattern. Together with a ladle and platter COBALT CUT-TO-CLEAR CRYSTAL DECANTER. $100/$150 Together with seven cut-to-clear crystal cordials 12:44 PM Central * J.DA5 12:45 PM Central * J.DA5 12:45 PM Central * J.DA5 12:46 PM Central 2130 2131 2132 2133 FOUR CHRISTOFLE SILVERPLATE BIRDS. Largest length 4" $100/$200 With onyx eyes. From the 'Silver Light' collection, Comprised of 'The Wren', 'The Male Sparrow', 'The Baby Sparrow', and 'The Female Sparrow' RUSSIAN PAINTED LACQUER BOX. H: 3.5" W: 4.5" D: 3.5" $100/$200 COLLECTION OF CARVED MALACHITE DECORATIVE ITEMS. Box: H: 1" W: 2.5" D: 1.5" $100/$200 Comprised of a frame, a box, an egg on a stand, and three birds MEISSEN PORCELAIN COMPOTE. 7" x 11" $100/$200 Bearing painted leaves and berry decoration 12:46 PM Central 12:47 PM Central 12:47 PM Central 12:48 PM Central 2134 2135 2136 2137 SET OF TWELVE K&G CLEMENT FRENCH MAJOLICA ASPARAGUS PLATES. Plate diameter: 9" $100/$200 Together with an asparagus server PAIR OF MEISSEN PORCELAIN DISHES IN THE ONION PATTERN. Tray: 11.5" x 5.75" $100/$200 Together with a Meissen porcelain dish in the blue onion pattern, and a Meissen gilt porcelain oblong tray SET OF SIX ROSENTHAL PORCELAIN TEACUPS AND SAUCERS. $75/$125 Together with a set of eight Rosenthal porcelain teacups, a Rosenthal porcelain two-section dish, a gravy boat, and three Fiesta candlesticks HEREND PORCELAIN FISH PLATTER. 24" x 9.5" $200/$400 With a removeable porcelain insert 12:48 PM Central 12:49 PM Central * J.DA5 12:49 PM Central * J.DA5 2138 2139 2140 DRESDEN RETICULATED PORCELAIN BREAD DISH. Bread dish: 2" x 12" x 7.5" $100/$200 Together with a Schumann Royal Bavarian reticulated porcelain square plate, a Capodimonte reticulated porcelain round dish, a Limoges painted porcelain plate depicting poppies, a painted porcelain foote teapot, and various porcelain decorative items COLLECTION OF CARVED MALACHITE ANIMALS. THREE RUSSIAN PAINTED LACQUER BOXES. Dolphin height: 5.5" Largest: H: 1.5" W: 7" D: 5" $100/$200 $100/$200 Includes a dolphin, a rhino, a bird, a lion, a deer, and an Together with a madonna and child icon in a silver oklad alligator (3.5" x 3") 12:50 PM Central 2141 GROUP OF HEREND PORCELAIN. $200/$400 Comprised of a chocolate pot, two cups and saucers, two trembleuse cup and saucers, and a creamer 12:50 PM Central * J.DA5 12:51 PM Central * J.DA5 12:51 PM Central * J.DA5 2146 2147 2148 12:52 PM Central * J.DA5 2149 COLLECTION OF FOUR CARVED MALACHITE ANIMALS. Largest H: 2.5" W: 4.5" D: 2" $100/$200 Includes a dog, a bear, a rabbit, and a large cat COLLECTION OF FIVE RUSSIAN PAINTED LACQUER BOXES. Largest H: 1" W: 2.5" D: 1.5" $75/$125 COLLECTION OF FIVE INDIAN BOXES. Largest H: 8" W: 12" D: 8" $75/$125 Comprised of carved and painted wood boxes. Together with a carved stone frame COLLECTION OF FIFTEEN RUSSIAN PAINTED LACQUER EGGS. Largest Height 3.5" $100/$200 Together with lacquer stands and a painted lacquer plaque 12:52 PM Central * LAMA19 12:53 PM Central * J.DA5 12:53 PM Central * J.DA5 12:54 PM Central * J.DA5 2150 2151 2155 2156 VICTORIAN CONVERTED GAS FIXTURE. 20" x 16" $100/$200 Bearing a mottled glass shade COLLECTION OF DECORATIVE TABLE ITEMS. $100/$200 Includes a pair of sterling silver salt and pepper shakers, a halcylon days enamel box, a staffordshire enamel box, and an assortement of other silverplate and decorative table items CAPODIMONTE PORCELAIN PEDESTAL. Height: 35" Diameter: 13" $100/$200 FOUR RUSSIAN PAINTED LACQUER BOXES. Height: 2" Diameter: 7" $100/$200 12:54 PM Central * J.DA5 12:55 PM Central * BERN3 12:55 PM Central * J.DA5 12:56 PM Central * J.DA5 2157 2158 2159 2160 SIX DECORATIVE BOXES. H: 3" W: 12" D: 8" $100/$200 Comprised of wood and shell inlaid, carved wood, carved stone, and patinated metal boxes L. KERSH HOROLOGICAL COLLAGE BIG BEN. $75/$125 Watch parts collage, signed and titled in black ink along the lower margin; Verso: Signed and dated 1972 paper label; Frame: 12.75" x 10.75". Together with woven wire relief of the Taj Mahal (11.50" x 14" frame) LIMOGES ENAMEL PORCELAIN PLAQUE. Diameter 10" $100/$200 'January'. Stamped J.P. Loup, edition 12/30. Framed diameter 17.5" LIMOGES ENAMEL PLAQUE. 14.5" x 7.5" $200/$300 'Winter Night'. Stamped J.P. Loup, edition 94/100. Framed 22" x 15.5" 12:56 PM Central * J.DA5 12:57 PM Central * NINA1 12:57 PM Central * NINA1 2161 2162 2163 12:58 PM Central 2164 LIMOGES ENAMEL PLAQUE. 10" x 12.5" $200/$300 'Feast in the Village'. Stamped J.P. Loup, edition 41/50. Framed 19.5" x 22" PAIR OF BRASS TABLE LAMPS. Height: 20" $75/$125 Each marked 'C-86' along the base edge GROUP OF FOUR ASSORTED COPPER & BRASS TABLE ARTICLES. $75/$125 FRENCH CARVED WOOD BAROMETER. $150/$250 12:58 PM Central 12:59 PM Central * CABA1 12:59 PM Central 1:00 PM Central 2165 2166 2167 2168 PATINATED METAL FIGURE OF A BICYCLIST. Bicyclist: 6.5" x 11" x 3.5" $100/$200 Together with a patinated metal figure of a dancer, raised on a 1" base GROUP OF LAMPS. Tallest height 21" $150/$250 Comprised of four patinated metal, a luster and porcelain, and a painted and gilt porcelain lamps HEREND PORCELAIN FOOTED TWO-HANDLED DISH. Larger: 4" x 12.5" x 8.5" $150/$250 Together with a Herend porcelain footed dish HEREND PORCELAIN POTS DE CREME. $75/$125 Together with a Herend porcelain scalloped edge dish, a herend porcelain waste bowl, and Rosenthal porcelain teacup 1:00 PM Central 1:01 PM Central 1:01 PM Central * CABA1 1:02 PM Central * CABA1 2169 2170 2171 2172 GROUP OF PORCELAIN TEACUPS AND SAUCERS. $75/$125 Aynsley, Tuscan, Rosenthal, Shelley, and others STEUBEN CRYSTAL VASE. $100/$200 Together with a silverplate wedding basket, two crystal champagne/sherbet goblets, a glass vase, and a three piece serving set IRON BUNNY FORM DOOR STOP. Height 9.5" $75/$125 Together with enamel box and three bowls, beaded flowers, a letter opener and a patinated metal book holder MEXICAN CARVED MARBLE CHESS SET. $50/$100 1:02 PM Central * CABA1 1:03 PM Central 1:03 PM Central * CABA1 1:04 PM Central 2173 2174 2175 2176 TWO ROYAL DOULTON PORCELAIN FIGURES. Tallest 7.5" $100/$200 Comprised of 'Janet' and 'Autumn Breeze', together with five Royal Goedewaagen ceramic houses, a glass coverd candy jar, a porcelain vase, a glass perfume bottle, a metal and painted porcelain box, a glass dish, and a Limoges vanity dish TWO ANTIQUE BRASS TRIVETS. Larger: 4" x 13" x 10" $100/$150 ROYAL DOULTON DINNER SERVICE. $100/$200 In the Malvern Pattern, D 6197. Comprised of four teacups, six teacup saucers, three bouillon bowls, eight bread plates, three salad plates, seven bouillon saucers, four luncheon plates, a covered sugarbowl, a creamer, two serving plates, and two serving bowls RICHARD GINORI PORCELAIN CHILD'S TEA SERVICE. $100/$200 Comprised of a teapot, covered sugar bowl, creamer, and tray. Together with a Ginori porcelain cake plate, a Wedgwood crescent salad plate, two Mason's Ironstone crescent salad plates, a Copeland Spode crescent salad plate, a Price Kensington Cottageware covered butter dish, a transfer decorated porcelain covered butter dish, and various porcelain 1:04 PM Central * KEPC2 1:05 PM Central * KEPC2 1:05 PM Central 2177 2178 2179 1:06 PM Central 2180 COLLECTION OF CHILDREN'S DECORATIVE ITEMS. Porcelain baby 6" long $100/$200 Six Limoges and German porcelain rabbits, Zampiva porcelain clown figural group, a porcelain doll in a wood cradle, a pewter miniature teaset, a wood doll stool, and a collection of pewter clown figures by George Good, Hudson Pewter, and Spoontiques COLLECTION OF FRENCH PORCELAIN DECORATIVE ITEMS. Plaques framed 5" x 6" $100/$200 Comprised of Henriot Quimper creamer and shoe, a bowl, a Frugier teapot, two Limoges enamel plaques, and a painted porcelain box. Together with a German porcelain filigree plate, and a Staffordshire box GROUP OF EIGHT CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN OYSTER PLATES. Largest diameter: 8.75" $100/$200 ST. CLEMENT FRENCH MAJOLICA OYSTER PLATTER. $100/$200 Together with a German porcelain lobster handled twosection serving dish, and four oyster plates 1:06 PM Central 1:07 PM Central 1:07 PM Central 1:08 PM Central * KEPC2 2181 2182 2184 2185 PAIR OF PATINATED GILT BRONZE THREE-LIGHT SCONCES. 16" x 12" $100/$200 Not wired for electricity PAIR OF FEDERAL STYLE GILT PLASTER WALL BRACKETS. H: 12" W: 14" D: 5" $100/$200 FRENCH GILT BRONZE AND ENAMEL MANTLE CLOCK. H: 17.25" W: 10" D: 5" $300/$500 With movement by Japy Freres. Retailed by Theorore B. Starr, New York FOUR RUSSIAN PAINTED LACQUER BOXES. Largest H: 1.5" W: 5" D: 3.5" $100/$200 1:08 PM Central * KEPC2 1:09 PM Central 1:09 PM Central * KEPC2 1:10 PM Central 2186 2187 2188 2189 SET OF THREE PORCELAIN TRANSFER DECORATED CANISTERS. Tallest Canister Height 8.5" $100/$200 Together with a porcelain transfer decorated wash basin and pitcher GROUP OF EIGHT PORCELAIN OYSTER PLATES. Largest diameter: 9.5" $100/$200 Minton, Theodore Haviland, Union Porcelain Works, and others ENGLISH LITHOGRAPH. Framed 10" x 18" $100/$200 artist unknown, signed LL and dated 1871. Together with patinated metal last supper scene mounted on a marble wall plaque and fifty Audubon 'Birds of America' reprodction prints GROUP OF EIGHT GERMAN AND FRENCH PORCELAIN OYSTER PLATES. Largest diameter: 9.25" $100/$200 1:10 PM Central 1:11 PM Central * KEPC2 1:11 PM Central 1:12 PM Central * KEPC2 2190 2191 2192 2193 GROUP OF EIGHT PORCELAIN OYSTER PLATES. Largest diameter: 9.5" $100/$200 PAINTED CAMEL BLADDER LAMP AND SHADE. Height 23" $50/$100 PERSIAN PAINTED HUNT SCENE MINIATURE. Panel: 3.10" x 5.25" Frame: 10.25" x 12.5" $100/$200 Gouache on celluloid, unsigned. Contained in a mixed inlay frame THREE PATINATED METAL PIGEONS. Tallest Height 6.5" $50/$100 Together with a patinated monkey, and a resin box 1:12 PM Central 1:13 PM Central * KEPC2 1:13 PM Central * KEPC2 2194 2195 2196 1:14 PM Central * CABA1 2197 PAINTED PLASTER NUDE FEMALE TORSO. Plaster height: 19" $100/$200 Raised on a 1.5" wood base, which is signed "Jazbinschek" PAINTED CERAMIC WALL MOUNTED SHELF. Height 15.5" $75/$125 Together with a ceramic box, an Italian ceramic lidded jar, and a carved wood wall mounted cylinder TWO PAINTED LEATHER AND BRASS TACK EMBELLISHED BOXES. H: 7.5" W: 16.5" D: 10" $100/$200 One box with painted leather and copper edging BRASS TWO-LIGHT GLOBE TABLE LAMP. Height 20.5" $50/$100 1:14 PM Central * MALE03 1:15 PM Central * MALE03 1:15 PM Central * MALE03 1:16 PM Central * KAPA4 2198 2199 2200 2201 ENGLISH BURL MAHOGANY VENEER TEA CADDY. Larger: H: 5" W: 8.25" D: 5" $200/$400 Interior and exterior both bear inlay and banding throughout. Foil lining inside both cavities, and an inlaid escutcheon. Lid bears inset ivory. Together with a mahogany tea caddy with an ivory escutcheon ENGLISH INLAID MIXED WOOD CRIBBAGE BOX. Cribbage box: 2" x 5.25" x 3.25" $100/$200 Together with a papier mache snuff box with a faux tortoiseshell decoration, an Italian leather stamp box, an oak sewing box, and an inlaid mahogany book form box BURL MAHOGANY AND ROSEWOOD LAP DESK. H: 4.5" W: 11.25" D: 7.50" $100/$200 Bearing mother-of-pearl and metal inlay throughout GERMAN MUTZ GLAZED CERAMIC VASE. Height: 10.5" $200/$300 Underside is impressed Mutz Keramik Liegnitz 1110 1:16 PM Central * PADA.33 1:17 PM Central * PADA.33 1:17 PM Central * PADA.33 1:18 PM Central * PADA.33 2202 2203 2204 2205 PAIR OF DRESDEN PARCEL GILT AND PAINTED PORCELAIN FIVE-LIGHT CANDELABRA. 19" x 13" $200/$300 SEVRES STYLE BRONZE MOUNTED GILT AND PAINTED PORCELAIN COVERED URN. Height: 19" $200/$300 DRESDEN PORCELAIN CENTER BOWL ON STAND. 8.5" x 12.5" $100/$200 Bowl bears painted and applied floral decoration throughout. Raised on a base with figural cherub supports, above a Greek key pattern along the perimeter PAIR OF CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN FIVE-LIGHT CANDELABRA. 18" x 10" $100/$200 Unmarked 1:18 PM Central * PADA.33 1:19 PM Central * RUNA3 1:19 PM Central * GAAH1 1:20 PM Central * GAAH1 2206 2207 2208 2209 SEVRES STYLE PAINTED PORCELAIN FIGURE. Height: 13" $100/$200 Depicting a maiden working in the field with two geese by her side GERMAN LUDWIGSBURG PAINTED AND GILT PORELAIN FIGURAL GROUP. Ludwigsburg: 9" x 9" x 4.75" $200/$300 Depicting a courting couple. Together with a German porcelain figure of a man next to a woman holding a fan LICIO ZANETTI MURANO GLASS DECANTER. Height: 28" $75/$125 Bottom bears etched signature LOETZ STYLE IRIDESCENT GREEN GLASS GOURD FORM BOWL. 6"x 10" $50/$100 Polished pontil, unsigned 1:20 PM Central * KAPA4 1:21 PM Central * IRHOS 1:21 PM Central * IRHOS 2210 2211 2212 1:22 PM Central * IRHOS 2213 COLLECTION OF WATERFORD CRYSTAL TABLE ARTICLES. Creamer height 4.5" $100/$200 Comprised of a creamer, a candy dish, and a sugar. Together with a pair of glass candlesticks, a pitcher, a glass candlestick, a glass candy bowl, a German percelain box, and a silverplate tray WELLER LOUWELSA VASE. Height: 12" $100/$200 TWO INUIT STONE CARVINGS. Larger: 5.5" x 9.5" x 3" $100/$200 Comprised of a bird, and a seal. Both carvings bear etched numbers, and are dated 1988 GROUP OF CORKSCREWS. $100/$200 Comprised of an antler handled corkscrew, a horn handled corkscrew, three wood hadled corkscrews, and one metal corkscrew. Together with three enamel deacnter tags 1:22 PM Central * IRHOS 1:23 PM Central * IRHOS 1:23 PM Central * IRHOS 1:24 PM Central * IRHOS 2214 2215 2216 2217 MEISSEN GILT PORCELAIN COMPOTE. Compote: 4.5" x 9.5" Bowl: 2" x 12" $100/$200 Together with a Meissen gilt porcelain bowl PAIR OF WATERFORD CRYSTAL BOOKENDS. Bowl: 4" x 6" $100/$200 Together with a Waterford crystal bowl, and a Waterford crystal "number one" paperweight BACCARAT CRYSTAL JAM POT AND SPOON. Jam pot height: 4.25" $100/$200 Together with a Baccarat crystal dish, an Orrefors crystal bowl, a crystal dolphin, and a crystal vase bearing etched decoration PAIR OF STEUBEN CRYSTAL ASHTRAYS. Diameter: 7" $75/$125 Both with Steuben dustbags 1:24 PM Central * IRHOS 1:25 PM Central * IRHOS 1:25 PM Central * IRHOS 1:26 PM Central * IRHOS 2218 2219 2220 2221 ROYAL DOULTON SLATER'S PATENT COVERED BUTTER DISH. Butter dish: 3" x 6.75" $100/$200 Together with a Royal Doulton glazed earthenware bowl with a ruffled neck, a Watcombe footed dish, an earthenwae bowl, a Quimper dish, and a Quimper candlestick TWO LOTTON STUDIOS GLASS PAPERWEIGHTS. $200/$300 Both signed and dated 1996. Together with two Studio Mark pink glass paperweights FOUR CAITHNESS PAPERWEIGHTS. $100/$200 Comprised of Maydance, Starwatch, Laticino, and Meteor. All four with original Caithness boxes FIVE EICKHOLT GLASS PAPERWEIGHTS. Jellyfish: 6.75" $100/$200 Including a jellyfish, two floral, and two iridescent 1:26 PM Central * IRHOS 1:27 PM Central * IRHOS 1:27 PM Central * IRHOS 1:28 PM Central * IRHOS 2222 2223 2224 2225 GROUP OF TWELVE VIENNA BRONZE DOGS. Largest height: 2" $200/$300 GROUP OF PAINTED BRONZE AND PATINATED METAL ANIMALS. $100/$200 Dogs, rabbits, birds, donkeys, and other THREE PAINTED BRONZE CATS. $100/$150 Together with metal and bronze animals RICHARD SATAVA ART GLASS CROCUS VASE. Height: 11" $300/$500 Underside is etched "R. Satava 31 42-92" 1:28 PM Central * IRHOS 1:29 PM Central * IRHOS 1:29 PM Central * IRHOS 2226 2227 2228 1:30 PM Central * IRHOS 2229 RICHARD SATAVA ART GLASS VASE. 6.5" x 7" $200/$400 Underside is etched "R. Satava 19 20-90" EICKHOLT PINK AND WHITE TWISTED GLASS SCULPTURE. Taller vase: 8.25" $100/$150 Together with two Eickholt glass vases TWO EICKHOLT ART GLASS VASES. Taller: 10.5" $75/$125 Both signed and dated 2002 underneath O. BROZCH FOR KOSTA BODA ART GLASS VASE. Kosta Boda: 7.5" $100/$150 Together with three Eickholt Studios glass vases 1:30 PM Central * IRHOS 1:31 PM Central * IRHOS 1:31 PM Central * IRHOS 1:32 PM Central * IRHOS 2230 2231 2232 2233 BOOTH'S PORCELAIN CHARGER IN THE JACOBEAN PATTERN. Booth's diameter: 14.25" $100/$200 Together with an Italian Baffoni Gubbio ceramic charger, and an Hermes porcelain plate depicting an Airedale JENNINGS BROTHERS PATINATED METAL DOG. Jennings Brothers: 10.25" x 14" $200/$300 Marked underneath "JB 2568". Together with two painted iron dog form doorstops, and a metal dog THREE PAIRS OF BRASS CANDLESTICKS. Tallest: 14" $100/$200 Together with a par of brass and patinated metal candlesticks PATINATED BRONZE SETTER, AFTER JULES MOIGNIEZ. Setter: 10" x 21" x 8" $300/$500 Bearing a signature on the bronze ground. Raised on a 1.5" marble base 1:32 PM Central * WIDA1 1:33 PM Central * WIDA1 1:33 PM Central * WIDA1 1:34 PM Central * WIDA1 2234 2235 2236 2237 TEN POINT BUCK ANTLER RACK. $100/$200 Unmounted EIGHT POINT ANTLER RACK. $100/$200 Unmounted FULL HEAD TWELVE POINT TAXIDERMY ELK. H: 61" x W: 48" x D: 37" $200/$400 FULL HEAD SIXTEEN POINT TAXIDERMY BUCK. H: 32" x W: 19" x D: 16" $100/$200 Mounted on a carved wood plaque 1:34 PM Central * WIDA1 1:35 PM Central * IRHOS 1:35 PM Central * ADEST2 1:36 PM Central * ADEST2 2238 2239 2240 2241 FULL HEAD TAXIDERMY MOOSE. H: 53" x W" 36" x D40" $300/$500 AFTER PIERRE JULES MENE, PATINATED BRONZE HORSE. Horse: 10.5" x 13.5" x 5.5" $200/$400 Base bears signature of "P.J. Mene". Raised on a 1.5" marble base DECORATED GOURD. Height 15" $50/$100 Bottom signed 'Dyan Mai Peterson, Asheville, NC, Taking my boxers for a walk' CERAMIC LAVABO. Height 21" $100/$200 Together with a gilt wood wall mounted curio cabinet (H: 22.5" x W: 21" x D: 6") and a chrome ice bucket 1:36 PM Central * IRHOS 1:37 PM Central * IRHOS 1:37 PM Central * IRHOS 2242 2243 2244 1:38 PM Central * IRHOS 2245 COLLECTION OF PORCELAIN DOGS. $100/$200 Including Royal Doulton, Hutschenreuther, Gotha Pfeffer, Lladro, Lomonosov, and others COLLECTION OF PORCELAIN DOGS. $100/$200 Including Royal Doulton, Hutschenreuther, Coppercraft, Lomonosov, and others. Together with a Lladro porcelain pig COLLECTION OF JUDAICA. Shofar length: 16" $150/$250 Comprising a horn shofar, two pairs of silverplate kiddush cups, two single silverplate kiddush cups, one brass goblet without liner, a sliverplate dish, one brass menorah, and one mezuzah TWO INLAID BRONZE BOXES. Larger: 3" x 6.25" x 3" $100/$200 Both with four interior compartments 1:38 PM Central * IRHOS 1:39 PM Central * IRHOS 1:39 PM Central * JUMC0 1:40 PM Central * LUMI2 2246 2247 2248 2249 PAIR OF STAFFORDSHIRE DOGS. Dog height: 8" $100/$200 Together with a Majolica heart form strawberry dish, and a Majolica leaf plate TWO STERLING SILVER LETTER SEALS. Tray: 9.5" x 16.5" $100/$150 Together with a Russian brass tray, a hammered copper pen tray, two brass letter seals, and a brass frame HANDEL TABLE LAMP. Height: 23" $400/$600 Reverse painted shade is stamped Handel at the top. Base is stamped Handel, and underside bears a Handel label HANDEL TREE FORM TABLE LAMP. Height 15.5" $200/$400 Together with a cut metal and slag glass shade with a beaded fringe 1:40 PM Central * LUMI2 1:41 PM Central * LUMI2 1:41 PM Central * LUMI2 1:42 PM Central * LUMI2 2250 2251 2252 2253 TWO FRENCH MAJOLICA CHARGERS. Height 6.5" x Diameter 7" $150/$250 Together with a Mocha ware covered serving bowl, a ceramic covered serving bowl, a McCoy matte jardiniere, a quimper ceramic basket, a Tiffany ceramic box, and a ceramic bowl JONATHAN KLINE TRAY BASKET. H: 3" x W: 25" x D: 16" $100/$200 Inscribed 'Kline' LATE 19TH CENTURY PAINTED WOOD DOLL STOOL. Height: 8", Diameter: 7.5" $100/$200 Together with a vanity mirror with a drawer, a hand form wall plaque, and a painted wood box (H: 9" x W: 10.5" x D: 10.5") FOUR AFRICAN BRONZE ALTAR BELLS. Tallest Height 7.5" $100/$200 From Benin 1:42 PM Central * LUMI2 1:43 PM Central * LUMI2 1:43 PM Central * LUMI2 1:44 PM Central * LUMI2 2254 2255 2256 2257 PAIR OF PUNCH AND JUDY PAINTED CAST IRON DOORSTOPS. Height 12" $100/$200 COLLECTION OF FIVE MINIATURE AFRICAN DOGON LADDERS. Tallest Height 18.5" $100/$200 COLLECTION OF SEVEN CARVED AND PAINTED WOOD ARTICULATED DOGS. Largest H: 11" x W: 15" $50/$100 COLLECTION OF SEVEN CARVED AND PAINTED WOOD ARTICULATED DOGS. H: 8" x W: 14" $50/$100 1:44 PM Central * LUMI2 1:45 PM Central * LUMI2 1:45 PM Central * LUMI2 2259 2260 2261 1:46 PM Central * LUMI2 2262 RED LACQUER BASKET. Height 8.5" x Diameter: 19" $100/$200 Together with a grass basket (H: 10" x W: 24") and a woven grass trivet PAINTED CERAMIC VESSEL. Height: 25" x Diameter 11" $100/$200 With a metal stand PAIR OF PAINTED AND CARVED WOOD CANDLESTICKS. Height 21" $100/$200 Together with a hook rug upholstered stool (Height: 4" x Diameter: 17"), and a pair of hammered metal lamps THREE PAINTED WOOD GAME BOARDS. Largest 25" x 19" $200/$400 Together with a painted wood star 1:46 PM Central 1:47 PM Central * BERO8 1:47 PM Central * BERO8 1:48 PM Central * BERO8 2263 2264 2265 2266 PAIR OF BRASS ANDIRONS. Height: 16.75" $150/$250 BLACK KNIGHT GILT AND TRANSFER DECORATED PARTIAL DINNER SERVICE. $100/$200 Comprised of twelve dinner plates, and twelve bread plates SET OF ELEVEN VAL ST. LAMBERT GILT CRYSTAL GOBLETS. Height: 6.5" $100/$200 Dans de Flore pattern. Unmarked MEISSEN PORCELAIN FIGURAL GROUP. H: 85" W: 5.5" D: 5" $800/$1,200 Depicting a man and woman on either side of a covered urn. Figures have birds at their feet, and are holding floral garlands. Reverse of figural group depicts a child with a flower basket, holding up a floral garland 1:48 PM Central 1:49 PM Central 1:49 PM Central 1:50 PM Central 2267 2268 2269 2270 COLLECTION OF FRAMED AND LOOSE GROUP PORTRAITS. Largest Framed 14" x 17" $100/$200 Includes military, family, and sports team photographs PRESSED GLASS DINNER SERVICE. $75/$125 Comprised of twenty-eight buillon bowls, seven dinner plates, four salad plates, two martini glasses, one pitcher, 12 water glasses, 2 bread plates, a sugar, a creamer, a gravy boat and dish, ten dessert plates, an olive dish, four serving bowls TWO PORCUPINE QUILL DECORATED BOXES. Largest H: 3.5" x W: 7.5" x D: 6.5" $50/$100 Together with a porcupine quill decorated pipe holder CARVED MARBLE AND ALABASTER FEMALE BUST. Height 10" $50/$100 1:50 PM Central 1:51 PM Central 1:51 PM Central * JOSM52 1:52 PM Central 2271 2272 2273 2274 FOUR POINT ANTLER RACK. Box H: 5.5 x W: 8" x D: 6" $100/$200 Mounted on a carved wood black forest style plaque. Together with a bone inlaid wood frame, a painted wood box, and a carved wood bear figure TWO HAMMERED METAL POINSETTIA DECORATED BOXES. largest H: 2.5" x W: 6" x D: 6" $75/$125 Together with a hammered metal poinsettia decorated mirror, four painted poinsettia decorated boxes, and a vase TWO COPPER WASH TUBS. $100/$200 One with lid COLLECTION NAPOLEON BONAPARTE THEMED DECORATIVE ITEMS. Bronze Height 7" $100/$200 Comprised a bronze bust, assorted busts, wall plaques, metal figures, and paintings 1:52 PM Central 1:53 PM Central 1:53 PM Central 2275 2276 2277 1:54 PM Central 2278 IVES PHOENIX CAST IRON LADDER WAGON. H: 6.5" x W: 27" x D: 3.5" $100/$200 THREE PORQUPINE QUILL DECORATED BOXES. Largest H: 3" x W: 8" x D: 6" $75/$125 TOLE PAINTED TRAY. 24.5" x 20" $100/$200 Together with a gilt leaf decorated bowl, a patinated metal latticed stick form fruit bowl, a six light copper canlestick holder, and two copper baking molds COLLECTION OF DESK ITEMS. Clock diameter 13.5" $100/$200 Includes a carved wood bust, a carved wood dish, a horn handle magnifying glass, a carved wood magnifying glass, a patinated metal sphynx form inkwell, a patinated metal capital building calendar, a patinated metal lobster form, a carved wood pencil holder, and a acurite wall clock 1:54 PM Central 1:55 PM Central 1:55 PM Central 1:56 PM Central 2279 2280 2281 2282 COLLECTION OF SIX POINSETTIA DECORATED BOXES. H: 3.5 x W: 10 x D: 6 $50/$100 Comprised of hammered metal and painted wood boxes. Together with a metal box, and painted wood candle holder PAIR OF PHOENIX GLASS VASES. Lovebirds: 10.5" x 10" $100/$150 Depicting lovebirds. Together with a black satin glass poppy vase attributed to Tiffin PAIR OF GILTWOOD WALL BRACKETS. Height 12" $100/$200 Together with a Syroco Wood giltwood sun medallion wall plaque (diameter: 23") COLLECTION OF ASSORTED DESK ITEMS. $100/$200 Comprised of a patinated metal book holder, an inkwell stand, a cowbell, two magnifying glasses, a patinated metal figure, two patinated metal urns mounted on marble, and a carved stone turtle 1:56 PM Central 1:57 PM Central * MABUX 1:57 PM Central * MABUX 1:58 PM Central 2284 2285 2286 2287 GROUP OF EIGHT UNSIGNED GLASS PAPERWEIGHTS. Largest diameter : 4.5" $50/$100 SIX-LIGHT CRYSTAL CHANDELIER. 23" x 16" $300/$500 GROUP OF COPPER MOLDS. $75/$125 Fish, fruits, a shell, flowers, and other MCLEAN WELDED BRONZE AND COPPER SCULPTURE. Shorter: 12" Taller: 14" $100/$200 Signed and dated 1990. Together with a McLean welded bronze and mixed media box, signed and dated 1991 1:58 PM Central * MABUX 1:59 PM Central 1:59 PM Central * GAAH1 2:00 PM Central * GAAH1 2288 2289 2290 2291 SET OF FOUR GLASS TWO-LIGHT SCONCES. Glass: 15" x 10" $200/$300 Together with a pair of brass single light sconces MAIN GLASS STUDIO, ART GLASS VASE. 14.5" x 5.25" $200/$300 Underside is etched "Steven Main 1995" MARBRO VENETIAN GLASS TABLE LAMP. Marbro height: 35" $150/$250 Together with an Italian floral spray table lamp (height: 25") MURANO GLASS VASE. 15.5" $100/$200 Unsigned 2:00 PM Central * STLOW 2:01 PM Central 2:01 PM Central 2292 2293 2294 2:02 PM Central * MILI1 2295 LANG LEVIN CERAMIC TABLE LAMP. Body of lamp: 20" $75/$125 Raised on a lucite base, and with a lucite finial CARVED WAX REGIMENTAL PORTRAIT BUST. Bust hieght 4" $100/$200 Mounted in a carved wood shadow box. Framed 6" x 4" COLLECTION OF TEN WATERFORD GLASSES. Height 3.5 $100/$200 COLLECTION OF THIRTEEN GLASS OWLS. Tallest 8.5" $100/$200 Makers include Olle Alberius for Orrefors, Wedgwood, Hadeland, Waterford, Spode, and Linstrand for Kosta. Together with an owl form bell 2:02 PM Central * MILI1 2:03 PM Central * MILI1 2:03 PM Central * MILI1 2:04 PM Central * MILI1 2296 2297 2298 2299 COLLECTION OF GLASS FROGS. Tallest 3" $75/$125 Including Seves, Val St. Lambert, Orrefors, and Correia. Together with a world globe paperweight BACCARAT CAVIAR BOWL. Diameter 8" $100/$200 Together with a Baccarat caviar spoon TWO BACCARAT DECANTERS. Taller Height 12" $100/$200 BACCARAT NELLY VASE. Height 8.25" $100/$200 2:04 PM Central * MILI1 2:05 PM Central * MILI1 2:05 PM Central * MILI1 2:06 PM Central * MILI1 2300 2301 2302 2303 BACCARAT CRYSTAL VASE. BaccaratHeight 9" $100/$200 Together with a Steven Maslach vase, an Orrefors crystal vase, and a Kosta Boda vase BORSATO PORCELAIN FIGURAL GROUP. Height: 7.5" $100/$150 The Sharpener's Audience, # 950 ROYAL CROWN DERBY PORCELAIN PARTIAL TABLE SERVICE. $300/$500 Asian Rose pattern, 8687. Comprised of 16 dinner plates, 17 teacups, 14 saucers, and one covered tureen with under plate FRENCH JULIEN OPALESCENT GLASS BOWL. Height: 3" Diameter: 12" $100/$200 2:06 PM Central * MILI1 2:07 PM Central * MILI1 2:07 PM Central * MILI1 2:08 PM Central * MILI1 2304 2305 2306 2307 LLADRO GRES PORCELAIN FIGURAL GROUP. Height: 22" x 13" x 8" $300/$500 The Coiffure, 12070. Together with a wood base SEVRES ASHTRAY. Height 2.75" x W : 5.25" x D: 5.25" $100/$200 Together with a creamer, a sugarbowl, a pair of candlesticks, and various items LENOX PORCELAIN DINNER SERVICE IN THE ARISTOCRAT PATTERN. $300/$500 Comprised of twelve dinner plates, twelve salad plates, twelve bread plates, twelve teacups with saucers, twelve bouillon cups with saucers, twelve bowls, two platters, one gravy boat, and three salt shakers BACCARAT JAM JAR. Height 4.75" $100/$200 With Baccarat spoon. Together with a Lalique vase and a Daum flower 2:08 PM Central * MILI1 2:09 PM Central * MILI1 2:09 PM Central * MILI1 2308 2309 2310 2311 COLLECTION OF RIEDEL STEMWARE. $100/$200 Comprised of ten red wine (aprox height 9"), four white wine (aprox Height 7"). , and four champagne flutes (aprox height 8.5"). Together with twelve multi-color wine glasses ORREFORS SERVING BOWL. Diameter 8" height 3.5" $100/$200 Together with four pressed glass serving bowls, a glass ashtray, a pedestal shrimp/punch bowl with a laddle, and three glass serving platters 2:12 PM Central * MILI1 COLLECTION OF BLACK AMETHYST GLASS. COLLECTION OF WATERFORD TABLE ARTICLES. $200/$400 white wine glass 4.75" Comprised of plates, vases, bowls, dishes, candlesticks, $100/$200 and various serving pieces Comprised of three Claret wine glasses and a white wine glass in the 'Maureen' pattern, a pair of salt, and pepper shakers and a jam jar 2:10 PM Central * MILI1 2:10 PM Central * MILI1 2:11 PM Central * MILI1 2:11 PM Central * MILI1 2312 2313 2314 2315 PAIR OF BRASS FIVE-LIGHT CANDELABRAS. Height 6.25" $100/$200 Mounted on a marble base TIFFIN STYLE BLACK AMETHYST GLASS VASE. Height 8.75" x diameter 8.5" $75/$125 Together with a Mackenzie-Childs ceramic dish and glass mug, a colbalt cut-to-clear decanter, and a pressed glass lidded jar COLLECTION OF SEVEN WOLFARD GLASS OIL LAMPS. Tallest Height 15" $100/$200 Together with a two glass oil lamps FRENCH VERITABLE WESTMINISTER WALL CLOCK. H: 22" x W: 20" x D: 7.5" $100/$200 2:12 PM Central * MILI1 2:13 PM Central * EARA* 2:13 PM Central * MILI1 2:14 PM Central * MILI1 2316 2317 2318 2319 PAIR OF LALIQUE 'CUBA' PATTERN ASHTRAYS. Diameter 6" $100/$200 Together with a lalique honfleur ashtray (diameter 6") PAIR OF HUMMEL BOY AND GIRL BOOKENDS. bank height: 5" $100/$150 Together with a Hummel bank and key PATINATED BRONZE BUST OF A BOY. Height 6.25" $100/$200 After C. Kauba, base plate reads 'Der Lachende'. Together with a patinated metal inkwell stand, ink blotter, and a painted bronze frog form candlestick MAJOLICA OWL FORM PITCHER. H: 8" W: 4" D: 7" $75/$125 2:14 PM Central * MILI1 2:15 PM Central * MILI1 2:15 PM Central * MILI1 2:16 PM Central * MILI1 2320 2321 2322 2323 ROYAL CROWN DERBY PORCELAIN OWL. $100/$150 Together with a German Gerold Porzellan owl dish, a Radford English frog dish, a Continental porcelain owl, and teh owl form porcelain napkin rings SET OF 17 SPODE PORCELAIN PLATES FROM THE GEORGIAN SERIES. $100/$200 Together with six Spode porcelain salad plates GROUP OF EIGHT BOEHM 'OWLS OF NORTH AMERICA' PLATES. Diameter: 10.75" $75/$125 COLLECTION OF OWL PORCELAIN PLATES. $100/$150 Including plates by Hutschenreuther, Goebel, Pickard, Spode, and others 2:16 PM Central * MILI1 2:17 PM Central * MILI1 2:17 PM Central * MILI1 2324 2325 2326 2327 VILLEROY & BOCH PORCELAIN PARTIAL TABLE SERVICE. $200/$300 Comprised of twelve soup bowls, a tureen, round platter, and an oblong platter. Together with a set of twelve Swid Powell porcelain service plates MASON'S IRONSTONE OAK SHAPE PATTERN PLATTER. $100/$150 Together with a Spode porcelain pitcher, a set of eight Richard Ginori demitasse cups with saucers, a silver overlay cobalt glass heart shaped box, a Japanese porcelain plate, and two reticulated porcelain plates LONGO CERVA CERAMIC FIGURE. Height 6.25" $100/$200 Depicting a garden scene, dated '76. Together with a Royal Doulton small character jug 'Merlin' D6539, an italian ceramic child and dog figural group, a ceramic Coronetti regimental figure, and ceramic regimental figure form decanter COLLECTION OF WEDGWOOD JASPERWARE. $100/$200 Comprised of a candlestick holder, a table lighter, an ashtray, and a vase. Together with thirteen Aynsley demitasse cups and twelve Aynsley saucers in the 'Belmont' pattern 2:18 PM Central * MILI1 2:19 PM Central * MILI1 2:19 PM Central * EARA* 2:20 PM Central * MILI1 2328 2329 2330 2331 COLLECTION OF NINE TUDRIC PEWTER WARE TANKARDS. Height 5.25" $100/$200 Comprised of four glass bottom and five solid bottom tankards COLLECTION OF OWL FORM DECORATIVE ITEMS. Tallest owl height 5.5" $100/$200 Comprised of a hoselton aluminum form, four patinated metal forms, a silverplate trivet, eight placecard holders, a candle extinguisher, and two patinated metal ashtrays. Together with a variety of decoritive items FOUR HUMMEL FIGURES. Tallest: 6" $100/$200 Comprised of Chimney Sweep, Boots, For Father, and the Waitor GLAZED CERAMIC HOT WATER URN. Urn Height: 30" $50/$100 Together two Greek reproduction ceramic pitchers 2:20 PM Central * MILI1 2:21 PM Central * MILI1 2:21 PM Central * DAEND 2:22 PM Central * FRBL2 2332 2333 2334 PAIR OF GLASS HURRICANES. Height 19.5" x diameter 9" $50/$100 'HIBEL LITHOGRAPHS' BOOK. 19TH CENTURY FRENCH GILT CRYSTAL AND BRONZE $100/$150 TANTALUS. Includes a Hibel lithograph, signed LR, edition 109/300. Stand: 15" x 12" x 12" Together with a "David, Bathsheba, and Solomon" plate, $1,500/$2,000 and "The wedding of David and Bathsheba" plate, both Unsigned, probably Baccarat. Comprised of a set of four from the 'David' series, both edition 261/5000 decanters, and sixteen cordials. All contained in a gilt bronze and mirrored stand 2:18 PM Central * MILI1 2335 PAIR OF GILT METAL AND LUSTER TWO-LIGHT CANDELABRA. Height 19" $200/$400 Raised on a marble and cobalt base 2:22 PM Central * DEMA2 2:23 PM Central * DEMA2 2:23 PM Central * DEMA2 2336 2337 2338 2:24 PM Central * MILI1 2339 PAINTED PATINATED BRONZE SCULPTURE OF TWO CHILDREN. Height 16" $200/$400 After Moreau. Raised on a 1.5" marble base COMPOSITE BALLERINA FIGURE. Height 17" $50/$100 Stamped 'Museum of Fine Art Boston' BRONZE TABLE LAMP. Height 21" $200/$400 Depicting male and female couple. L.A. Bencontre reproduction attributed to Augusto Moreau. With a Tiffany style slag glass shade (diameter 21") CAST OF FRIENDS AUTOGRAPHS. Framed 16" x 19" $75/$125 For Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research. Together with and autographed Lyric Opera of Chicago 35th anniversary poster (framed 36" x 27") 2:24 PM Central * MILI1 2:25 PM Central * MILI1 2:25 PM Central * EARA* 2340 2341 2342 2:26 PM Central * EARA* 2343 JUDAIC PYROGRAPH PANEL. Framed 56" x 17" $50/$100 BRIDGWOOD & SON ENGLISH PORCELAIN PITCHER. $100/$200 Together with a Nippon covered porcelain dish, a Lenox porcelain pepper mill and salt shaker, a Limoges owl motif procelain pitcher, a porcelain ginger jar, a 1974 Royal Copenhagen porcelain plate, and various porcelain decorative objects HUMMEL FIGURE OF THE POSTMAN. Postman: 4.5" $75/$125 Together with Hummel figures of 'To Market', and 'Merry Wanderer' HUMMEL FIGURE OF 'PLAYMATES'. Goose Girl: 5" $75/$125 Together with a Hummel heart form ashtray, and a Hummel figure of 'Goose Girl' 2:26 PM Central * LIGR7 2:27 PM Central * LIGR7 2:27 PM Central * EARA* 2:28 PM Central * LIGR7 2344 2345 2346 2347 SOUTH AFRICAN ASSEGAI STABBING SPEAR. Length 48" $75/$125 LALIQUE FROSTED GLASS CYRUS VASE. Height: 6" Diameter: 10" $500/$700 12290. Underside is signed "Lalique, France" THREE HUMMEL ANGELS. Largest: 4" $100/$150 Together with a Hummel angel ringing a church bell EMILA CASTILLO SILVER EMBELLISHED CERAMIC PLATE. 19.5" x 11" $50/$100 2:28 PM Central * TEKI7 2:29 PM Central * BEAR2 2:29 PM Central * BEAR2 2:30 PM Central * BEAR2 2348 2349 2350 2351 THREE CONTINENTAL RUBBINGS OF RELIGIOUS FIGURES. $100/$200 PATINATED BRONZE CRANES. Bronze: 29" $300/$500 Raised on a composite base, unsigned INLAID MAHOGANY AND MIXED WOOD CYLINDER MUSIC BOX. H: 11" W: 21.5" D: 12.5" $800/$1,200 With enameled butterfly hammers playing ten tunes with original playlist TWO CONTEMPORARY GLAZED POTTERY VESSELS. Taller vessel: 21" $100/$150 Together with a Bombay Company footed box, and an encased butterfly composition 2:30 PM Central * EARA* 2:31 PM Central * EARA* 2:31 PM Central * SUWA3 2:32 PM Central * JETI2 2352 2353 2354 2355 HUMMEL FIGURE OF 'LITTLE BOOKKEEPER'. Little Bookkeeper height: 4.5" $100/$200 Together with a Hummel figure of 'farm boy', and 'Latest News' HUMMEL ADVERTISING PLAQUE. $150/$250 Together with Hummel figures of 'Birthday Serenade', 'Band Leader', and 'Little Tooter' PAIR OF ZEBRA MOTIF TABLE LAMPS. Height 9" $50/$100 COLLECTION OF TRIBAL OBSIDIAN CARVINGS. Tallest figure: 8" $200/$300 Including figures and animals, and a mask signed on the reverse "Zorteka?". Mask: 7" x 6.5" 2:32 PM Central * PATU333 2:33 PM Central * ALSH722 2:33 PM Central * ALSH722 2356 3001 3002 2:34 PM Central 3003 ITALIAN GILT AND PAINTED MIRROR. 51" x 26" $200/$300 AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS FIGURE OF AN ELDER. Figure height: 31" Umbrella stand: 18" $75/$125 Together with a porcelain umbrella stand JAPANESE PORCELAIN BOWL. Height: 2.5" Diameter: 11" $100/$200 Bearing six character mark underneath PAIR OF PAINTED AND CARVED WOOD RICE GODDESS FIGURES. Height 50" $100/$200 2:34 PM Central 2:35 PM Central 2:35 PM Central * JORI9 2:36 PM Central * JOICZ 3004 3005 3006 3007 TWO WATERCOLORS. 14.5" x 10" $100/$200 Together with a porcelain figure and a gilt wall bracket BURMESE OFFERING BOWL. Height: 15" $75/$125 Breaks down in multiple pieces PAIR OF CLOISONNE COVERED URNS. Height 16" $300/$500 GROUP OF THREE FRAMED JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTS. $100/$200 Various artists, scenes and sizes 2:36 PM Central * JOICZ 2:37 PM Central * JOICZ 2:37 PM Central * JOICZ 2:38 PM Central * JOAB2 3008 3009 3010 3012 TWO CHINESE ANCESTRAL PORTRAITS. $100/$200 One framed (39.50" x 21.50"); the other matted and unframed (10.50" x 8.50") JAPANESE WOODBLOCK TRIPTYCH. $100/$200 Frame: 19" x 37" GROUP OF THREE FRAMED JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTS. $100/$200 Various artists, scenes and sizes WEDDING BASKET. H: 24" W: 16" D: 13" $100/$200 2:38 PM Central * LAMA19 2:39 PM Central 2:39 PM Central 2:40 PM Central 3013 3014 3015 3016 CHINESE BROWN GLAZED PORCELAIN DOUBLE GOURD VASE. Height: 12" $75/$125 CLOISONNE VASE. Height: 11.25" $100/$150 Black ground with floral decoration throughout CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN GARDEN SEAT. Garden seat height: 19" $100/$200 Together with a fish bowl, and four jardinieres COLLECTION OF CARVED WOOD STANDS. $100/$150 2:40 PM Central * BERN3 2:41 PM Central * BERN3 2:41 PM Central * BERN3 3017 3018 3019 2:42 PM Central * BERN3 3020 COLLECTION OF TWELVE ASSORTED SNUFF BOTTLES. $100/$200 COLLECTION OF TWELVE CHINESE PORCELAIN BIRD FEEDERS. $200/$300 Various sizes; Largest: 2.75" GROUP OF EIGHT ASSORTED CHINESE PORCELAIN FRUITS. $100/$200 Largest: 4" (length) GROUP OF FOUR CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN AND SILVERED METAL BOXES. $200/$400 Unmarked; Largest: 3" x 5" x 4.25" 2:42 PM Central * BERN3 2:43 PM Central * BERN3 2:43 PM Central * BERN3 2:44 PM Central * BERN3 3021 3022 3023 3024 GROUP OF THREE ASSORTED NECKLACES. $100/$200 CHINESE LACQUER JEWELRY BOX. H: 3.25" W: 12.75" D: 8.50" $100/$150 With applied carved soapstone depicting flowers and butterflies PAIR OF CHINESE GOLDEN CLOISONNE VASES. Height: 10" $150/$250 CHINESE PAINTED PORCELAIN VASE. Height: 16.25" $200/$400 Depicting beauty with playing children 2:44 PM Central * BERN3 2:45 PM Central * JELE3 2:45 PM Central * BERN3 2:46 PM Central * BERN3 3025 3026 3027 3028 GROUP OF TWELVE CHINESE GLAZED CERAMIC BOWLS. Height: 1.75" Diameter: 6.4" $100/$200 Consisting of a set in yellow and a set in green with leaf and flower motif CLOISONNE AND BRONZE MANTLE CLOCK. H: 11.75" W: 7" D: 5.5" $300/$500 Face of clock reads "V&J Magnin Guedin, 28 Union Square, New York". Movement and pendulum are both stamped with serial number "11668" TWO CHINESE CARVED AND PAINTED WOOD FIGURES. $150/$250 Ht: 15.75"; 18.50" PAIR OF CHINESE HANGING LANTERNS. Height: 15.50" $100/$150 Each of bamboo construction and electrified 2:46 PM Central * BERN3 2:47 PM Central * J.DA5 2:47 PM Central * J.DA5 2:48 PM Central * J.DA5 3029 3030 3032 3033 CHINESE PAINTED & CARVED WOOD BUCKET. Height: 18" $100/$200 With lockable handle/cover BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN COVERED JAR. Height 6.5" $100/$200 Together with a blue and white covered porcelain dish and two ceramic immortal figures SIX CHINESE CLOISONNE PENS. $100/$200 Together with ink stones, and a knife form letter opener COLLECTION OF CHINESE BOXES. H: 2.5" W: 6" D: 5" $75/$125 Comprised of blue and white porcelain with hammered metal, a covered cloisonne bowl, and a lacauer box. Together with two carved stone handle and metal embellished mirrors and a cloisonne brush 2:48 PM Central * J.DA5 2:49 PM Central * J.DA5 2:49 PM Central * J.DA5 3034 3035 3036 2:50 PM Central * CAGR3 3038 COLLECTION OF DECORATIVE ITEMS. Malachite figure height 3.5" $100/$200 Comprised of a cloisonne covered jar and dish, a spinach jade carved bowl, a carved malachite figure on a wood stand, three plique a jour dishes and a bowl, and two glass snuff bottles COLLECTION OF CLOISONNE DECORATIVE ITEMS. plate diameter 8" $75/$125 Includes five chinese astrology plates, covered jars, and other items COLLECTION OF FIVE CLOISONNE SALT DISHES. $50/$100 Together with a variety of ceramic chopstick stands, three plique a jour dishes and two birds, and a cloisonne dish COLLECTION OF CHINESE SILVER AND ENAMEL BEADS. largest bead diameter 0.5" $75/$125 Together with two strands of peking glass beads, a porcelain and silver box, and a porcelain and silver pendant 2:50 PM Central * JOICZ 2:51 PM Central 2:51 PM Central 2:52 PM Central * KEPC2 3039 3040 3041 3042 LARGE TIBETAN THANGKA. $100/$200 Together with a smaller Thangka; 53" x 40"; 27.25" x 16.25" CHINESE FAMILLE VERTE PORCELAIN VASE. Vase height: 12" $75/$125 Together with two Chinese porcelain cups, and a porcelain figural creamer CHINESE CARVED AND RETICULATED IVORY BRUSH POT. Brush pot: 4" x 2.5" $100/$200 Together with two mother-of-pearl salt and pepper shakers COLLECTION OF JAPANESE POCELAIN CABINET VASES. Tallest Height 3" $100/$200 Mounted in two wall shelves. Includes twelve franklin porcelain vessels 2:52 PM Central * KEPC2 2:53 PM Central * J.DA5 2:53 PM Central * ROCH3 2:54 PM Central * ROCH3 3043 3044 3045 3046 COLLECTION OF JAPANESE PORCELAIN. Urn Height 9" $100/$200 Includes a teapot, two creamers, a covered box, and a vase. Together with a ceramic teapot, a pair of carved stone cups, a cloisonne box, and a patinated metal funeral urn FIVE CARVED IVORY BEADS. 23mm $50/$100 Two horses, a bird, a ram, and a cat CHINESE CELADON BOWL. $100/$150 Ht: 2.50"; Dia: 6.9" CHINESE CRACKLE GLAZE VASE. Height: 13.1" $100/$150 2:54 PM Central * ROCH3 2:55 PM Central * ROCH3 2:55 PM Central * IRHOS 2:56 PM Central * ADEST2 3047 3048 3049 3050 CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN VASE. Height: 15.4" $150/$250 CHINESE PAINTED PORCELAIN VASE. Height: 17.1" $150/$250 THREE JAPANESE CARVED IVORY FIGURES. Tallest: 2.10" $50/$100 CHINESE EMBROIDERED SILK ROBE. $200/$400 Depicting dragons against a yellow backgoround 2:56 PM Central * ADEST2 2:57 PM Central * IRHOS 2:57 PM Central * JUMC0 3051 3052 3053 2:58 PM Central * JUMC0 3054 CHINESE CLOISONNE FISH BOWL. Bowl: 9.5" x 16" $100/$200 Raised on a 5.5" wood stand JAPANESE .950 SILVER LIGHTER. $75/$125 Together with a matchsafe, and a Continental brass lighter JAPANESE ARTICULATED LOBSTER. Lobster length: 8.5" $300/$500 Together with a Japanese articulated crab CHINESE CINNABAR BOX. H: 2.5" W: 7.25" D: 7.25" $200/$400 2:58 PM Central * JUMC0 2:59 PM Central * JOSM52 2:59 PM Central * JOSM52 3:00 PM Central * JOSM52 3055 3056 3057 3058 TWO CHINESE CARVED JADE BELT BUCKLES. Larger length: 5" $200/$400 CHINESE CARVED WOOD ALTAR TABLE. H: 38.5" x W: 12.5" x D: 80" $200/$400 with two drawers on the ends INDONESIAN CARVED WOOD WEDDING CHEST. H: 32.5 x W: 44" x D: 23" $300/$500 INDONESIAN IKAT TEXTILE. 71" x 47.5" $150/$250 Mounted and framed 3:00 PM Central * JOSM52 3:01 PM Central * JOSM52 3:01 PM Central * JOSM52 3:02 PM Central * JOSM52 3059 3060 3061 3062 KOREAN APOTHECARY CHEST. H: 33" x W: 38.5" x D: 16" $200/$300 With four drawers above CHINESE STORAGE CHAIR. H: 40" x W: 21" x D: 18.5" $150/$250 CHINESE TWO DOOR CHEST. H: 39" x W: 23.5"x D: 14" $200/$400 CHINESE TANG STYLE GLAZED POTTERY HORSE. Height: 18.5" $100/$200 3:02 PM Central * JOSM52 3:03 PM Central * JOSM52 3:03 PM Central * JOSM52 3:04 PM Central * JOSM52 3063 3064 3065 3066 PAIR OF CHINESE SANG DE BOEUF GLAZED PORCELAIN COVERED URNS. Vase: 13" $100/$200 Raised on a 1" wood base CHINESE PORCELAIN FISH BOWL. Bowl: 12" x 15" $100/$200 Raised on a wood stand JAPANESE SIX-PANEL TABLE SCREEN. Each panel: 29.5" x 13" $100/$200 Depicting birds atop a floral ground CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN BOWL. 7.25" x 20" $100/$200 3:04 PM Central * JOSM52 3:05 PM Central * JOSM52 3:05 PM Central * JOSM52 3067 3068 3069 3:06 PM Central * JOSM52 3070 JAPANESE PAINTED SIX-PANEL SCREEN. Each panel: 37.5" x 13.5" $100/$200 Depicting a flowering tree against a gold background SET OF TEN CLOISONNE NAPKIN RINGS. $100/$150 Together with a Chinese birdcage, a carved wood sceptor, and a porcelain and metal opium pipe PAIR OF CHINESE PORCELAIN COVERED JARS, FITTED AS TABLE LAMPS. Pair jar height: 10" $100/$200 Together with a Chinese blue and white porcelain covered jar, fitted as a table lamp CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN BOWL. Bowl: 7" x 8.5" Vase: 12" $100/$150 Together with a Chinese celadon porcelain vase, bearing a faux crackle glaze 3:06 PM Central * JOSM52 3:07 PM Central 3:07 PM Central * ADEST2 3:08 PM Central * ARWI1 3071 3072 3073 3074 THREE CHINESE CRICKET CASES. Largest: 5" $75/$125 One lacking top CARVED WOOD AND STONE JEWELRY BOX. H: 12.5" x W 8" x D: 6" $100/$200 Together with a Japanese pocelain vase, and patinated metal Chinese mirror TWO CHINESE EMBROIDERED SILK CHILD'S COLLARS. Frame: 16.75" x 18.25" $100/$200 One depicting a cat, while the other depicts various Chinese protective symbols: conch shell, fish, crane, frog, crab, and others. Both framed. Together with a framed pair of Chinese embroidered silk shoes (Frame: 18" x 13") JAPANESE CLOISONNE SWORD AND SCABBARD. Overall length: 31.5" $800/$1,200 3:08 PM Central * ROSH1 3:09 PM Central * ARWI1 3:09 PM Central * ARWI1 3:10 PM Central * ROCH3 3075 3076 3077 3078 TWO CHINESE REVERSE PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLES. $100/$200 Ht: 5 inches; Ht: 6 inches EIGHT CARVED IVORY IMMORTAL FIGURES. Average ivory height: 5" $600/$1,000 Each raised on a .8" wood base GROUP OF SCRIMSHAW. $75/$125 Comprising a decorated tooth, three decorated panels, and a belt buckle. Together with an ivory carving PAIR OF CHINESE PAINTED CALLIGRAPHY SCROLLS. 31" x 12.50" $75/$125 Ink on paper 3:10 PM Central * ROCH3 3:11 PM Central * ROCH3 3:11 PM Central * ROCH3 3:12 PM Central 3079 3080 3081 3082 LARGE CHINESE PAINTED PORCELAIN PLAQUE. 43.25" x 22.25" $800/$1,200 Depicting a plum tree with monkeys and deer in a mountain landscape, signed upper left, seal at lower right; Frame: 50" x 28.50" LEE CHANG-AN CHINESE PAINTED SCROLL LI QINGZHAO. $150/$250 Li Qingzhao (33.75" x 17.50") (27" x 17.25"). Together with two additional Chinese painted scrolls: Bamboo (29.50" x 15"); Fisherman in Landscape (27" x 17.25")) IN THE STYLE OF XU BEIHONG HORSE. 54" x 27.25" $400/$600 Ink on paper, scroll COLLECTION OF FIVE CARVED STONE DEMON MASKS. Largest 11" x 8" $100/$200 3:12 PM Central * MILI1 3:13 PM Central 3:13 PM Central * TEKI7 3083 3084 3085 3:14 PM Central * BEAR2 3086 JAPANESE EMBROIDERED SILK KIMONO. $100/$200 COLLECTION OF JAPANESE CERAMIC VESSELS. Tallest Height 7.5" $100/$200 Comprised of an imari bowl, vase, and two jars, and two satsuma vases JAPANESE CALLIGRAPHIC PRINT. Sight: 9.5" x 30" $75/$125 CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN COVERED JAR. Height: 8.5" $75/$125 3:14 PM Central 3:15 PM Central 3:15 PM Central * ANMAL 3:16 PM Central 3087 3088 3089 3090 TWO JAPANESE CARVED IVORY FIGURES. ivory height: 5.25" $400/$600 One depicting a fisherman, while the other a farmer. Both raised on 2" wood bases PAINTED JADE TABLE SCREEN. Overall: 8.75" x 4.5" x 3.25" $200/$400 CHINESE ROSEWOOD AND MARBLE FOOTED TRAY. Tray: 8" x 15.5" x 8" $75/$125 Together with a Chinese fish bowl base INLAID AND LACQUERED WOOD CHARGER. Diameter 21.5" $100/$150 With bone and mother of pearl inlay 3:16 PM Central * SUWA3 3:17 PM Central * LAMA19 3:17 PM Central * LAMA19 3:18 PM Central * LAMA19 4001 4002 4003 4004 PAIR OF WEIGHTED STERLING SILVER LOW CANDLESTICKS. Height 3.5" $100/$200 Together with two sterling silver brushes, a face brush, and a Gorham silverplate pitcher ART NOUVEAU STERLING SILVER BOWL. Height: 2.5" Diameter: 12" Wt: 16.75ozt $300/$500 Bearing a lilly motif border and central three letter monogram. Underside is dated 1903, and bears impressed mark of "The Nowlan Co." CONTINENTAL .900 SILVER FOOTED BOWL. H: 3.5" W: 9" D: 5" Wt: 16ozt $300/$500 Bearing a filigree border in a floral motif ENGLISH MAPPIN & WEBB FILIGREE STERLING SILVER BASKET. H: 4.5" W: 6.5" D: 3.5" Wt: 5.60ozt $100/$150 3:18 PM Central * LAMA19 3:19 PM Central * JOBA588 3:19 PM Central * JOBA588 3:20 PM Central * JOBA588 4005 4006 4007 4008 CUT GLASS AND SILVERPLATE CRUET SET. Pedestal dish: 7.5" x 14" x 9" $100/$150 Together with a sterling silver baby cup, a silverplate toast rack, and a silverplate pedestal dish SANBORNS MEXICAN STERLING SILVER DISH. Diameter: 6" Wt: 5.45ozt $100/$150 WALLACE STERLING SILVER ROUND DISH. Weight of both: 7.15 ozt $100/$200 Together with a filigree sterling silver covered pot with a glass liner SET OF FOUR COIN SILVER SPOONS. $100/$200 Together with two coin silver spoons 3:20 PM Central * JOBA588 3:21 PM Central * JOBA588 3:21 PM Central * CABA1 4009 4010 4011 3:22 PM Central * MALE03 4012 GROUP OF SIX COIN SILVER SPOONS. Longest: 6" $100/$200 GROUP OF COIN SILVER TABLESPOONS. Longest: 8" $150/$250 GORHAM STERLING SILVER FLATWARE SERVICE. Weighable pieces: 52.25 ozt $600/$1,000 Modern American pattern. Comprised of eight forks (7"), eight salad forks, thirteen teaspoons, eight tablespoons, seven butter spreaders, eight dinner knives, one ladle, one cold meat fork, and one serving spoon FRENCH PEWTER TEA CADDY. Tea caddy height: 7.5" $100/$200 Together with an English Gill baluster form cup, and a pewter bottle / thermos with screw top closure 3:22 PM Central * IRHOS 3:23 PM Central * IRHOS 3:23 PM Central * IRHOS 3:24 PM Central * IRHOS 4013 4014 4015 4016 INTERNATIONAL STERLING SILVER FLATWARE SERVICE IN THE SILVER RHYTHM PATTERN. Weighable pieces: 60.8 ozt $1,000/$1,500 Comprising nine dinner forks, eleven salad forks, fourteen teaspoons, eight tablespoons, seven butter spreaders, nine dinner knives, and one sugar shell PAIR OF FISHER WEIGHTED STERLING SILVER LOW CANDLESTICKS. Fisher height: 5.5" $100/$200 Together with a pair of weighted sterling silver candlesticks, and a single weighted sterling silver candlestick VICTORIAN SILVERPLATE EPERGNE. 16.75" x 16.5" $100/$200 AUSTRIAN .800 SILVER PARTIAL FLATWARE SERVICE. $100/$200 Comprised of three forks, three knives, and three tablespoons. Tablespoons are stamped "D. Friedmann" 3:24 PM Central * IRHOS 3:25 PM Central * IRHOS 3:25 PM Central * IRHOS 3:26 PM Central * JUMC0 4017 4018 4019 4020 ALLAN ADLER STERLING SILVER COVERED DISH. $100/$200 Together with a pair of Dutch sterling silver nutcrackers, four sterling silver spoons, a set of six English silverplate demitasse spoons, a set of eleven silverplate iced tea spoons, and various silverplate utensils GOLDWASH FLATWARE SERVICE. $50/$100 Comprised of eight dinner forks, eight salad forks, eight tablsepoons, sixteen teaspoons, eight dinner knives, and two serving spoons. Together with six goldwash demitasse spoons, and berry serving set, and a sugar shell STERLING SILVER MEGILLAH. Megillah height: 8" Weight of both: 8.10 ozt $150/$250 Together with a sterling silver kiddush cup INTERNATIONAL STERLING SILVER FLATWARE IN THE ROYAL DANISH PATTERN. Weighable pieces: 73.55 ozt $1,500/$2,000 Comprised of nine dinner forks, nine salad forks, eight seafood / oyster forks, fifteen teaspoons, four iced tea spoons, nine dinner knives, eight butter spreaders, one master butter knife, one sugar shell, one vegetable spoon, one ladle, and one cake server 3:26 PM Central * JUMC0 3:27 PM Central * JUMC0 3:27 PM Central * JUMC0 3:28 PM Central * LUMI2 4021 4022 4023 4024 SET OF SIX ALVIN STERLING SILVER COCKTAIL / OYSTER FORKS. Weighable pieces: 3.3 ozt $100/$200 Together with a filigree sterling silver bon bon scoop, a sterling silver cocktail fork, and a sterling silver cheese wedge TWO TOWLE STERLING SILVER SERVING FORKS. Longer length: 9" Weight of both: 4.75 ozt $100/$150 ENGLISH REPOUSSE STERLING SILVER WASTE POT. Weighable pieces: 10.60 ozt $200/$400 Interior of bowl is goldwashed. Together with a sterling silver sugar shovel, a pair of Gorham sterling silver salt and pepper shakers, a pair of Lunt sterling silver salt and pepper shakers, and a Harrod's silverplate biscuit rack with an inset Royal Doulton porcelain dish 18TH CENTURY PEWTER STEIN. Height 9.5" $100/$200 Bearing 'F.S.R.B. 1786' on the top of lid, Together with a pewter stein marked ,F.S.H. 1807' on top and 'A. F. Muhl 1846' on bottom. Both have three stamps under the lid 3:28 PM Central * LUMI2 3:29 PM Central * LUMI2 3:29 PM Central * BERO8 4025 4026 4027 3:30 PM Central * BERO8 4028 18TH CENTURY PEWTER CHARGER. Diameter 15" $100/$200 ROSWELL GLEASON PEWTER COFFEE POT. Height 11" $200/$400 ENGLISH SHEFFIELD SILVERPLATE TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE. $400/$600 Bearing hallmarks of Walker & Hall. Comprising a coffee pot, teapot, creamer, and open sugar bowl 19TH CENTURY VIENNESE SILVER TRAY. 15.5" x 25.5" $2,000/$3,000 Bearing floral motifs throughout, and a bust in each corner. Austrian silver marks are within the filigree border, and the cartouche. Tray bears a three letter monogram in the center 3:30 PM Central 3:31 PM Central 3:31 PM Central 3:32 PM Central * RAMC1 4029 4030 4031 4032 ENGLISH FAUX HORN FISH SERVING SET. $100/$200 Comprised of a pierced serving fork and knife, both with sterling silver collars. Together with a sterling silver serving spoon with goldwashed bowl, a repousse sterling silver bread knife and cake knife, and an English sterling silver teaspoon PAIR OF SILVERPLATE THREE-LIGHT CANDELABRA. Candelabra height 16" $100/$200 Together with a silverplate candelabra, a silverplate wine coaster, a silverplate covered serving dish, three silverplate plates, and a dish cross GROUP OF SILVERPLATE AND STAINLESS STEEL FLATWARE. $50/$100 Serving pieces and various utensils TOWLE STERLING SILVER FLATWARE SERVICE IN THE OLD COLONIAL PATTERN. Weighable pieces: 58.65 ozt $1,500/$2,000 Comprised of twelve dinner forks, twelve salad forks, twelve dinner knives, twelve butter spreaders, twelve teaspoons, and twelve round bowl soup spoons 3:32 PM Central 3:33 PM Central 3:33 PM Central 3:34 PM Central 4033 4034 4035 4036 SET OF TEN TIFFANY & COMPANY STERLING SILVER SHELL PLACECARD HOLDERS. 2.85 ozt $200/$300 Together with Tiffany placecards and menu cards FILIGREE SILVERPLATE FRUIT BASKET. Basket: 12" x 9.5" $75/$125 Together with a pair of grape shears S. KIRK & SON ROUND FOOTED STERLING SILVER BOWL. 12.65 ozt $200/$400 Together with a footed sterling silver triangular bowl, and a sterling silver lobed round bowl SHEFFIELD FILIGREE SILVERPLATE TRAY. $100/$200 Together with a silverplate gravyboat with attached underplate, a silverplate dish, a crystal knife rest, and a group of mother-of-pearl handled knives 3:34 PM Central 3:35 PM Central * LAMA19 3:35 PM Central * MILI1 3:36 PM Central * MILI1 4037 4038 4039 4040 PIERCED STERLING SILVER FISH SERVER. Length: 15" Wt: 8.75 ozt $150/$250 Gorham for The Metropolitan Museum of Art SILVERPLATE TROPHY CUP. 12" x 10" $75/$125 Engraved "Saranca Lake N.Y. / Big Buck Contest / 1924 / Weight 270 LBS / Won By / Dr. Harvey B. Power JOHN PRIPP FOR REED & BARTON, SILVERPLATE TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE. $100/$200 Comprised of a teapot, coffee pot, sugar bowl, and creamer REED AND BARTON VICTORIAN SILVERPLATE URN. Height: 16.5" $100/$150 Depicting Neoclassical figures in relief along the urn's top. Raised on bird form supports, and bearing floral motifs throughout 3:36 PM Central * MILI1 3:37 PM Central * MILI1 3:37 PM Central * MILI1 4041 4042 4043 3:38 PM Central * MILI1 4044 SILVERPLATE SHELL FORM MUSTARD POT AND SPOON. $100/$200 Together with a silverplate pedestal dish with glass bowl, a silverplate covered condiment dish with glass insert, a hammered silverplate flask with a collapsible shot glass screw top, a silverplate open salt cellar and pepper pot (both with cobalt glass liners), a wine coaster, a trivet, and brush and crumber GROUP OF SILVERPLATE SERVING PIECES. $100/$150 Comprised of trays, bowls, a fondue pot, bread plates, and various other pieces GROUP OF SILVERPLATE SERVING PIECES. $100/$150 Comprised of a water pitcher, trays, covered serving bowls, and various other pieces COLLECTION OF FOURTEEN CARVEL HALL STEAK KNIVES. $100/$200 Together with a collection of silverplate serving utensils, including salad tongs, gravy laddles, serving spoons, and other various utensils 3:38 PM Central * MILI1 3:39 PM Central * MILI1 3:39 PM Central * LIGR7 3:40 PM Central 4045 4046 4047 5001 TWO RICHARD MEIER FOR SWID POWELL, SILVERPLATE FRAMES. Larger: 12.5" x 11" x 2.5" $200/$400 Both lacking glass THREE DANISH SILVERPLATE HAND MIRRORS. $100/$200 Together with two combs, a nail buff, a Whiting & David mesh handbag, and another mesh handbag LOS CASTILLO TOUCAN SILVERPLATE AND TURQUOISE PICHTER. Height 12.5" $400/$600 LUR RUG. 6'5" x 4'9" $200/$400 3:40 PM Central 3:41 PM Central 3:41 PM Central 3:42 PM Central * WSAVA1 5002 5003 5004 5005 SHIRAZ RUG. 3'11" x 6'11" $200/$400 KURD RUG. 6'5" x 3'2" $200/$400 KASHKAEI RUG. 7'3" x 4'2" $300/$500 INDO KASMIR CARPET. 12'4" x 8'9" $800/$1,200 3:42 PM Central * WSAVA1 3:43 PM Central * ADEST2 3:43 PM Central * BJAR 3:44 PM Central 5006 5007 5008 5009 SILK KASHAN RUG. 8' x 5' $1,500/$2,000 CONTEMPORARY WOOL CARPET. 11'6" x 8' $300/$500 COLLLECTION OF TABLE LINENS. $50/$100 TABRIZ CARPET. 11'8" x 7'7" $600/$800 3:44 PM Central 3:45 PM Central 3:45 PM Central 5010 5011 5012 3:46 PM Central * SUWA3 5013 SHIRAZ CARPET. 8'2" x 5'6" $400/$600 HERIZ RUNNER. 2' x 8'5" $150/$250 KASHAN CARPET. 12'2" x 9'3" $800/$1,200 ISFAHAN CARPET. 9'4" x 12'10" $300/$500 3:46 PM Central * SUWA3 3:47 PM Central * MABUX 3:47 PM Central * KAPE30 3:48 PM Central * KAPE30 5014 5015 5016 5017 A COLLECTION OF PILLOWS. Largest pillow: 20" x 15" $50/$100 Comprised of seven pillows, including three needlepoint. Together with three quilts and various lace and embroidered linens COLLECTION OF TABLE LINENS. $75/$125 With napkins and placemats by Waterford and others SISAL RUG. 12' 8" x 7' 5" $200/$400 KESHAN CARPET. 12' 7" x 9' $600/$800 3:48 PM Central * KAPE30 3:49 PM Central 3:49 PM Central 3:50 PM Central 5018 5019 5020 5021 FLAT WEAVE RUG. 5' x 8' $100/$200 HERIZ RUNNER. 10' 4" x 2' 10" $200/$400 KASHAN CARPET. 10' 11" x 14' 5" $1,000/$1,500 LUR RUG. 5' 5" x 3' 10" $200/$400 Together with a Kurd rug (3' 6" x 2' 1") 3:50 PM Central 3:51 PM Central 3:51 PM Central 3:52 PM Central 5022 5023 5024 5025 KASHAN CARPET. 8' 2" x 13' 10" $800/$1,200 SAROUK CARPET. 11' x 8' 3" $600/$800 HERIZ RUNNER. 11' x 3' 10" $300/$500 TABRIZ CARPET. 8' 10" x 14' 9" $1,000/$1,500 3:52 PM Central * ALSH722 3:53 PM Central * ALSH722 3:53 PM Central 5026 5027 5028 3:54 PM Central 5029 IMPERIAL KERMAN RUG. 4' x 2' $50/$100 Together with a sarouk rug (3' 11" x 2' 1") BOKHARA RUG. 4' 1" x 6' 6" $100/$200 BAKHTIARI RUG. 5'4" x 8'5" $200/$300 HERIZ RUNNER. 9'6" x 2'4" $300/$500 3:54 PM Central 3:55 PM Central 3:55 PM Central * ALSH722 3:56 PM Central * CABA1 5030 5031 5032 5033 HAMEDAN RUG. 4'9" x 9'2" $150/$250 BAKHTIARI RUG. 5'5" x 8'3" $150/$250 GROUP OF THREE NATIVE AMERICAN RUGS. 1 '3" x 3' 5" 6' 11" x 4' 3" 1' 7" x 3' 5" $100/$200 CHINESE CARPET. 9'10" x 8' $300/$500 3:56 PM Central * CABA1 3:57 PM Central * CABA1 3:57 PM Central 3:58 PM Central 5034 5035 5036 5037 PERSIAN CARPET. 9' x 12' $300/$500 HAMADAN RUNNER. 6'7" x 2'8" $100/$200 Together with a Sarouk rug (4'10" x 2'5") COLLECTION OF LACE AND EMBROIDERED TABLE LINENS. $75/$125 Comprised of tablecloths and napkins TWO BROCADE AND SOUTACHE TRIMMED PANELS. Height: 70" $300/$500 Depicting Christian iconography 3:58 PM Central * PADA.33 3:59 PM Central * CAWO* 3:59 PM Central * CAWO* 4:00 PM Central * CAWO* 5038 5039 5041 5042 PERSIAN SILK RUG. 7'4" x 4'10" $500/$700 INDO KASHAN CARPET. 10'3" x 8'2" $500/$750 INDO TABRIZ CARPET. 10" x 8'1" $500/$750 INDO KASHAN RUG. 6' x 6' $200/$400 4:00 PM Central * LAHA5 4:01 PM Central * LUMI2 4:01 PM Central * LUMI2 5043 5044 5045 4:02 PM Central * LUMI2 5046 SAROUK CARPET. 13'10" x 10'5" $800/$1,200 WOOL CARPET. 8'10" x 11'10" $100/$200 OUSHAK CARPET. 9'1" x 12'3" $300/$500 FLAT WEAVE RUG. 5'6" x 3'6" $75/$125 4:02 PM Central * LUMI2 4:03 PM Central * JDONN 4:03 PM Central * MILI1 4:04 PM Central * MILI1 5047 5048 5049 5050 AFRICAN TEXTILE. 39" x 30" $100/$200 Comprised of weaving and quilting. Mounted on linen INDO-PERSIAN WOOL RUNNER. Indo-Persian: 12'2" x 3'2" $200/$400 Together with a sculpted Persian wool runner COLLECTION OF TABLE LINENS. $50/$100 Comprised of embroidered and lace napkins, table clothes, ad runners PICHWAI, INDIAN PAINTING. 94" x 70" $100/$200 Depicting Krishna with women 4:04 PM Central * TEKI7 4:05 PM Central * TEKI7 4:05 PM Central * TEKI7 4:06 PM Central * TEKI7 5051 5052 5053 5054 BOKHARA RUG. 5'7" x 4'3" $100/$200 PERSIAN RUNNER. 14'6" x 3' $200/$400 KAZAK RUG. 6'5" x 4'3" $100/$200 BALOUCH RUG. Balouch: 5'7" x 3'2" $200/$400 Together with a Persian rug (6'6" x 3'8") 4:06 PM Central * TEKI7 4:07 PM Central * TEKI7 4:07 PM Central * TEKI7 4:08 PM Central * TEKI7 5055 5056 5057 5058 PERSIAN RUNNER. 5' x 2' $75/$125 PERSIAN CARPET. 9'2" x 5' $200/$400 PERSIAN CARPET. 8'3" x 4'6" $100/$200 TWO PERSIAN RUGS. $100/$150 4:08 PM Central * LUMI2 4:09 PM Central * JOICZ 4:09 PM Central * JOICZ 6001 6002 6003 4:10 PM Central 6004 PHILIP MOULTHROP (AMERICAN, B. 1947) TURNED LEOPARD MAPLE VESSEL. Height 11" x diameter : 18" $500/$700 Signed Bottom : PCM/ Philip Moulthrop/ 'Leopard' Maple/ Acer rubrum/ 8801. Together with a cast iron stand ENGLISH SCHOOL (19TH/20TH CENTURY) MOUNTAIN VALLEY LANDSCAPE. 9.9" x 14" $300/$500 Oil on wood panel, signed lower left 'J. Kinnaird;' Frame: 15.05" x 19.25" JOHN TALBOT ADAMS (BRITISH, FL. 1861-1905) POLE PUSHING INTO THE RIVER. 9.50" x 17.25" $200/$400 Oil on board, signed lower left 'J.T. Adams;' Frame: 12.25" x 20" GERMAN SCHOOL (18TH CENTURY) SARA DEIN WEIB EINEN SOHNHOBEN. 22" x 18.75" $400/$600 Oil on wood panel, unsigned; Frame: 26" x 22.50" 4:10 PM Central * NAPE8 4:11 PM Central * JOICZ 4:11 PM Central * JOICZ 4:12 PM Central * JOICZ 6005 6006 6007 6008 CHRISTIAN JORGENSEN (AMERICAN, 1860-1933) PORTRAIT OF A LADY WITH A SHAWL. Board: 33" x 25" $400/$600 Oil on board, signed and dated '98(?) LR SOREN CHRISTIAN BJULF (DANISH 1890-1958) A FISHMONGER. $200/$400 Oil on canvas, signed upper right; Frame: 19.50" x 15.75" CORINNE MALVERN (AMERICAN 1906-1956) SEATED QUAKER. 17.50" x 13" (sight) $200/$400 Pastel, signed lower left 'Corinne Malvern;' Frame: 24.50" x 19.75" AMERICAN SCHOOL (19TH/20TH CENTURY) SHIPS IN THE MOONLIGHT. 12" x 18" $200/$400 Oil on canvas, signed lower left 'A. Mellrose;' Frame: 13.25" x 19.25" 4:12 PM Central * JOICZ 4:13 PM Central 4:13 PM Central 4:14 PM Central * LUMI2 6009 6010 6011 6012 LUDOLFS LIBERTS (AMERICAN/LATVIAN 1895-1959) STREET SCENE. 30" x 20.50" $1,000/$1,500 Oil on canvas, signed lower right 'L. Liberts;' Frame: 36" x 26.50" ROBERT KLUNK (20TH CENTURY) INTERIOR SCENE, 2002. 54" x 54" $300/$500 Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower left; Frame: 57.50" x 57.50" GROUP OF FIVE VANITY FAIR PRINTS. Largest frame: 22" x 16" $100/$200 PIERRE GARCIA-FONS (FRENCH, B. 1928) L'ARBRE DANS LE JARDIN. Canvas: 13" x 18" $300/$500 Oil on canvas. Signed "Garcia-Fons" UL 4:14 PM Central * RAOWS 4:15 PM Central * MABUX 4:15 PM Central * KAPE30 4:16 PM Central 6015 6016 6017 6018 JAYNE BELLOWS (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) HORSE GRAZING. Sight 8.5" x 11.5" $100/$200 Oil on Board, signed LR. Framed 18.5" x 15.5" CIRCLE OF EDWARD CHARLES WILLIAMS (BRITISH, 1807-1881) LLANTHONY ABBEY, MONMOUTHSHIRE, WALES. Canvas: 25.5" x 35" Frame: 33" x 42" $1,000/$1,500 Oil on canvas, unsigned ARTIST UNKNOWN (19TH CENTURY) TWO PORTRAITS. Canvas: 36" x 29" Frame: 45" x 37" $800/$1,200 Both an oil on canvas, and signed "Fortunato?" lower left and lower right J. WINFRIED (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) CLIPPER SHIP. Canvas: 24" x 36" $150/$250 Oil on canvas. Signed in LL corner 4:16 PM Central 4:17 PM Central 4:17 PM Central 6019 6020 6021 4:18 PM Central * ALSH722 6022 ARTIST UNKNOWN PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. Canvas: 27" x 23" $200/$400 Oil on canvas, unsigned FELICIANO BEJAR (MEXICAN/AMERICAN, 1920-2007) MAGISCOPE. 40" x 14.5" $200/$400 Welded steel and crystal sculpture. Signed and dated 1981 along the edge GROUP OF FOUR VANITY FAIR SPY PRINTS. Frame: 22" x 16" $100/$200 GROUP OF FOUR ASSORTED FRAMED PRINTS. $100/$200 Inuit Artist: Family Scene, stonecut, 1986, inscribed, numbered and dated in pencil in the lower margin, edition 4/50 (17" x 18.25" sheet). Fanny Fynebuik: Lake Louise, watercolor, signed lower left; Verso: Gallery label reading in part 'Canada House Gallery' (5" x 6"). Walt Yoder: Cliff Dwelling, mixed media, 2000, signed, dated and titled in pencil in the lower margin (5.75" x 5.75"). Paul Goble: Chasing Buffalo, offset lithograph, signed, titled and numbered in pencil in the lower margin, edition 92/300 (16.50' x 23" sight) 4:18 PM Central * ALSH722 4:19 PM Central * BENE0 4:19 PM Central * BENE0 4:20 PM Central * ALSH722 6023 6024 6025 6026 RICHARD MANN (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) RUST, GREEN, BLUE. 24" x 24" $200/$400 Acrylic on wood panel, signed lower middle 'R. Mann;' Veros: Gallery label reading in part 'Merrill Chase Gallery;' Frame: 25.25" x 25.25" TUCKER BOBST (AMERICAN, 1923-2008) BIRDS EYE RIBBON BOX CONSTRUCTION, 1984. 9" x 9" $100/$200 Mixed media, signed and dated TUCKER BOBST (AMERICAN, 1923-2008) I AM GAY, 2002. 5.5" x 14" $100/$200 Mixed media, signed and dated AFTER JOAN MIRO LA FEMME AU MIROIR. $100/$150 Lithograph in colors, from Derriere le Miroir. 10 Ans d'Edition, bearing signature in red pencil lower right; with vertical fold as published 4:20 PM Central * DAPI0 4:21 PM Central * JOAB2 4:21 PM Central * ALSH722 4:22 PM Central * ALSH722 6027 6028 6029 6030 ARTIST UNKNOWN (20TH CENTURY) JUNGLE GATHERING. Canvas: 19" x 23" $200/$300 Oil on canvas. Signed "Suratha, Bali, 1993" LL HAND COLORED ETCHING. Sight 22.5" x 13" $50/$100 'Spring'. Framed 27" x 17.5" A. GLEN RESCH (20TH CENTURY) ST. MARKS, VENICE, 1964. 13" x 17" (sight) $150/$250 Watercolor, signed and dated lower right; Frame: 23" x 27" GIOVANNI BATTISTA PIRANESI ROVINE DEL TEMPIO SUPPOSTO DI ERCOLE. 18" x 24.75" (sight) $200/$400 Etching with engraving, posthumous impression; Frame: 29.25" x 36.25" 4:22 PM Central * ALSH722 4:23 PM Central * ALSH722 4:23 PM Central * ALSH722 4:24 PM Central * ALSH722 6031 6032 6033 6034 AFTER W. & H. BARRAUD THE PYTCHLEY HUNT - THE CRICK MEET. 18.50" x 30" (sight) $150/$250 Hand colored aquatint, later impression; Frame: 28.75" x 39.50" JAMES SWANN (AMERICAN 1905-1985) CHICAGO LANDMARK. 4.1" x 2.9" $75/$125 Etching, signed and titled in pencil in the lower margin; Frame: 10.50" x 8.50" LA GIRALDA SIGLO XII SEVILLA. $100/$200 Etching on wove paper, signed illegibly in pencil lower right and titled lower left, edition 10/50 (140.6" x 7.50"). Together with three assorted framed 20th Century etchings depicting similar scenes MCKENNEY AND HALL KAI-POL-E-QUAH. 18" x 12.75" (sight) $100/$200 Hand colored lithographed portrait, extracted from the folio edition of History of the Indian Tribes, published by F.W. Greenough, Philadelphia; Frame: 25" x 20" 4:24 PM Central * JOAB2 4:25 PM Central * ALSH722 4:25 PM Central * ALSH722 6035 6036 6037 4:26 PM Central * ALSH722 6038 VITORIO SPLENDORE (ITALIAN, 20TH CENTURY). 60" x 36" $300/$500 Oil on canvas, unframed, signed LR PAUL AIZPIRI (FRENCH, B.1919) CANAL SCENE. $100/$200 Color lithograph, signed in pencil lower right and numbered lower left 13/20 (9.25" x 12" sight). Together with: Mary Gehr, Mykonos III, color etching, signed and titled in pencil, lower margin, edition Artist Final Proof III (14.50" x 19.6") AFTER JEAN DAULLE HYACINTHE RIGAUD. 19.50" x 14" (sight) $75/$125 Engraving on wove paper, published by Chalcographie du Louvre with their blindstamp lower middle; Frame: 32.25" x 23.50" GROUP OF FIVE ASSORTED FRAMED 20TH CENTURY PRINTS. $100/$200 Various sizes, scenes, mediums and artists; Largest frame: 15.50" x 44.75" 4:26 PM Central * JOICZ 4:27 PM Central * ALSH722 4:27 PM Central * ALSH722 4:28 PM Central * ALSH722 6039 6040 6041 6042 THEOPHILE STEINLEN (FRENCH/SWISS 1859-1923) SOLDIERS. 46.25" x 33.50" (sheet) $150/$250 Lithograph, signed lower right and numbered in pencil lower left 2/10; Shrink wrapped loose sheet GROUP OF FOUR FRAMED COLOR ETCHINGS. 11.4" x 20.50" (sight) $100/$200 Autre vue du Chateau de Belle-Vue, Prise, Vue du Chateau de Belle-Vue Prise du Cote de la Cour, Autre vue du Chateau de Belle-Vue & Vue du Chateau de Saint Ouen; Each a color etching after Rigaud; Frames: 14.50" x 23.50" GROUP OF FIVE ASSORTED FRAMED 20TH CENTURY PRINTS. $75/$125 Various sizes, scenes, mediums and artists; Largest frame: 23" x 18" GROUP OF FOUR ASSORTED FRAMED MAPS. $75/$125 Largest frame: 28.75" x 21.25" 4:28 PM Central * ALSH722 4:29 PM Central * ALSH722 4:29 PM Central * ALSH722 4:30 PM Central * ALSH722 6043 6044 6045 6046 GROUP OF FIVE ASSORTED FRAMED PAINTING & PRINTS. $100/$200 Butterfly: oil on board, unsigned (9" x 7"). Cassidy: Spoon River, lithograph (9" x 11" sight). Marvel Houge: Roseman Bridge, lithograph, signed and numbered in pencil lower right, edition 134/300 (7.25" x 9.50" sight). Ross: Backstage III, etching, signed and titled in pencil, lower margin (18" x 11.75"). The Canadian - The scenic dome route across Canada, Canadian Pacific offset lithograph after the original poster by Roger Couillard (24.75" x 19.75" frame) GROUP OF SIX ASSORTED FRAMED PRINTS. $100/$200 Various sizes, subjects, mediums and artists; Largest frame: 11.50" x 17.50" GROUP OF THREE ASSORTED FRAMED PRINTS. $100/$200 Path Along a River Bank: aquatint, unsigned (20.25" x 30.25" frame); House on a Lake: aquatint, unsigned (20" x 30" frame); Cattle Watering: lithograph, signed illegibly in plate, lower right (25.50" x 30.25" frame) JOHN CHI (20TH CENTURY) INSECT AT FLOWERING BRANCHES. $100/$200 Oil on canvas, signed lower left (36" x 24"). Together with: Dorothy Kwok, Flowers, ink on paper, signed and dedicated upper left (14.75" x 16.25"). Thai Temple Rubbing (18" x 18" sight) 4:30 PM Central * ALSH722 4:31 PM Central * ALSH722 4:31 PM Central * ALSH722 4:32 PM Central * JOICZ 6047 6048 6049 6050 GROUP OF SIX FRAMED JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTS. 13.25" x 26.25" (sight) $200/$400 Frames: 15.50" x 28.50" FRANK VAVRUSKA (AMERICAN 1917-1974) PERSEPOLIS. 23.25" x 15.50" $300/$500 Frottage on silk, signed lower right 'Vavruska;' Verso: Titled on paper label and numbered 'FV-37'; Frame: 32" x 24.25" PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR THREE WORKS. $300/$500 Sur la plage, a Berneval (5.4" x 3.75", Le Chapeau Epingle (4.75" x 3.25"), Berthe Morisot (4.50" x 3.50"): Each an etching, signed in plate; All posthumous impressions ANTONIO COPPOLA (ITALIAN, B. 1839) TENDING THE NETS - BAY OF NAPLES WITH VESUVIUS IN THE BACKGROUND. 4.50" x 11.1" (Sight) $200/$400 Gouache, signed lower left 'A. Coppola;' Frame: 12" x 18.50" 4:32 PM Central 4:33 PM Central * J.DA5 4:33 PM Central * CABA1 6051 6052 6053 4:34 PM Central * CABA1 6054 MARC CHAGALL (1887-1985) THE FOUR SEASONS. Height: 37" (sheet) $200/$400 Color lithograph poster, 1974, unsigned, edition of 5000. Printed by Mourlot, Paris. Published by The First National Bank of Chicago. Loose sheet [M. 727] GEORG YELICH (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) CHICAGO SKYLINE WITH HANCOCK BUILDING. Sight 19" x 29" $100/$200 Watercolor on paper, signed and dated LR. Framed 28" x 38" GEORGE COLIN (AMERICAN, B.1929) WINTER LANDSCAPE. 14.25" x 21.25" $200/$400 Pastel, signed lower right 'Colin;' Frame: 22" x 29" MOLLY BAKER (20TH CENTURY) STILL LIFE WITH FLOWERS. $100/$200 Watercolor, signed lower right (21.25" x 14.25" sight). Together with three assorted 20th century framed botanical/floral prints 4:34 PM Central * RUNA3 4:35 PM Central * JOPO05 4:35 PM Central * JOPO05 4:36 PM Central * JOPO05 6055 6056 6057 6058 GROUP OF SIX ASSORTED SMALL PAINTINGS & DRAWINGS. $200/$400 Figures Beneath a Tree: watercolor on paper laid on paperboard, inscibed and bearing signature on the reverse 'Henry Simpson' (15" x 7.6"). Jack Murray: Horse (recto), mixed media on paper, signed and dated lower right 'Jack Murray '48; Horse & Rider (verso), pencil on paper (8.75" x 6.75" sheet). Reclining Dog: oil on canvas, signed upper right 'Erni' (4.4" x 4.4"). Portrait of a Dog: pencil on paperboard, signed illegibly lower right (8.75" x 5.75" board). Portrait of a Gentleman: pencil on paper, laid on paperboard, signed and inscribed lower right 'Compliments of L.M. Small' (9.50" x 6.4" board). Sunset of Cape Elizabeth Maine, 1928, watercolor and pencil on paper, signed and dated lower left 'L. Chaney;' Inscribed on the reverse 'Sunset off Brundage(?) Point Cape Elizabeth Maine - 1928 Lester Chaney' (5.9" x 7.6" sheet) DUSCIANA BRAVURA (ITALIAN, B.1969) DADI ARTIST. H: 83" W: 16" D: 16" $800/$1,200 Venetian Glass & Steel sculpture ANDREA VIZZINI (ITALIAN, B.1949) L'ANGELLO NELLO, 1987. $800/$1,200 Acrylic on board, signed lower right; Verso: Gallery label reading in part 'Moderna Ravagnan, Venice, Italy;' Frame: 53.25" x 41.50" SUSAN WEXLER (20TH CENTURY) NANCAGO THE SEA TURTLE. 58" x 45" (sheet) $150/$250 Color serigraph, signed, numbered and titled lower right, edition 3/83; Provenance: Van Straaten Gallery, Chicago. Frame: 67" x 51.75" 4:36 PM Central * JOPO05 4:37 PM Central * WEPR0 4:37 PM Central * WEPR0 4:38 PM Central * PATU333 6059 6060 6061 6062 ALI ARIOUZI (20TH CENTURY) UNTITLED ABSTRACT, 1990. 50" x 40" $200/$400 Mixed media on paper, signed and dated 5/1/90 lower right;l Provenance: Victoria Gallery, Palm Springs, CA. Frame: 63.25" x 53.50" PARVEZ MICHEL (CANADIAN, 20TH CENTURY). 31.5" x 23.5" $100/$200 Inkjet print on aluminum. Together with an offset print, Jack Lund, mechanical reproduction, 'Spirit of the City' (Framed 24.5" x 30") RIMAS CIURLIONIS (LATVIAN, 20TH CENTURY) DOORS. 11.5" x 8.5" $50/$100 Oil and mixed media on board, signed en verso AFTER THEOPHILE ALEXANDRE STEINLEN (SWISS, 1859 - 1923) TOURNEE DU CHAT NOIR DE RODOLPHE SALIS, 1896. Sight: 36" x 25" $100/$150 Offset lithograph, unsigned 4:38 PM Central * PATU333 4:39 PM Central 4:39 PM Central 4:40 PM Central * JETI2 6063 6064 6065 6066 GUNNI (20TH CENTURY) SANDPIPER IN THE MIDST. Canvas: 36" x 36" $200/$300 Acrylic on canvas. Signed "Gunni" LR ABSTRACT FORMS (20TH CENTURY) COLOR LITHOGRAPH. 17.75" x 24" $100/$150 Titled, numbered 6/50 or 6150 and signed illegibly in pencil in the lower margin; Frame: 26.75" x 33" ARTIST UNKNOWN (20TH CENTURY) LANDSCAPE. 16" x 20" $150/$250 Oil on canvas, unsigned; Frame: 17.75" x 21.75" HANS ERNI (SWISS, B. 1909) PHARMACY PROGRESSES TOWARD THE 21ST CENTURY. Sight: 29.5" x 21.5" $100/$200 Lithograph. Pencil signed LR, and titled LL 4:40 PM Central * JOICZ 4:41 PM Central * JOICZ 4:41 PM Central 6067 6068 6069 4:42 PM Central * RAOWS 6070 JOZEF RAPACKI (POLISH 1871-1929) FOUR WORKS. 16" x 11" (sight) $200/$400 Four lithographs from Z dawnej i niedawnej Warszawy; Each signed in plate; Frames: 23" x 17.75" THEOPHILE ALEXANDRE STEINLEN (1859-1923) JOURNEE SERBE. 41.75" x 31" (sight) $75/$125 Lithographic poster; Frame: 44" x 33" GULLIERMO SILVA SANTAMARIA (1921-2007) PAZ RECIBE EL QUE DE PAZ, 1970. sight 14"x11" $100/$200 Color Etching. Pencil signed and dated LL. Framed 20" x 17.5" JAYNE BELLOWS (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) FOREST. Sight 11.5" x 9" $100/$200 Oil on Board, signed LL. Framed 19" x 16" 4:42 PM Central * RAOWS 4:43 PM Central * PATU333 4:43 PM Central * JOICZ 4:44 PM Central * JOICZ 6071 6072 6073 6074 JAYNE BELLOWS ( AMERICAN 20TH CENTURY) TELEPHONE POLE AMONG TREES. Sight 13.5" x 7" $100/$200 Oil on board. signed LL. Framed 19" x 12.5" ARTIST UNKNOWN (20TH CENTURY) LEOPARDS AT PLAY. Sight: 28" x 23" $100/$150 Offset lithograph, unsigned MORLEY HICKS (AMERICAN 1877-1959) STREET SCENE. 16" x 20" $200/$400 Oil on board, signed lower right 'Morley Hicks;' Frame: 18.75" x 22.75" GROUP OF TWO FRAMED PRINTS: LEGER & NIERMAN. $100/$200 After Fernand Leger: Les Deux Figures, color lithograph from Derrire le miroir, 1955, with accompanying text on the reverse (13.6" x 11" sheet). Leonardo Nierman: Poems of Fire II - Birth of Fire, color serigraph, 1979, signed and numbered in pencil in the lower margin, edition 69/300 (12" x 16") 4:44 PM Central 4:45 PM Central * DIBA1 4:45 PM Central * DIBA1 4:46 PM Central * DIBA1 6075 6076 6077 6078 ARTIST UNKNOWN (CONTEMPORARY) UNTITLED. Sight 55.5" x 29.5" $50/$100 Two mixed media paintings on bhoard. Signed en verso AFTER FREDERIC REMINGTON STAMPEDE. 13" x 27" $300/$500 Patinated bronze casting after a model by Frederic Remington; Raised on an oval marble base AFTER FREDERIC REMINGTON CHEYENNE. $200/$400 Patinated bronze casting after the original by Frederic Remington; Raised on an oval marble base AFTER JAMES EARLE FRASER END OF THE TRAIL. Height: 16.50" $200/$400 Patinated bronze casting after a model by James Fraser; Raised on an oval marble base 4:46 PM Central * NINA1 4:47 PM Central * NINA1 4:47 PM Central 4:48 PM Central 6079 6080 6081 6082 TWO 20TH CENTURY STILL LIFE PAINTINGS. $100/$200 Wine, Grapes, Apple & Orange: oil on canvas, signed 'C. Kyden' lower right (16" x 20"). Cheeries, Apples & Melon: oil on canvs, signed 'Homer' lower left (12" x 24") GROUP OF FOUR FRAMED 20TH CENTURY PAINTINGS. $200/$400 Man Smoking Pipe: oil on canvas, signed lower right 'Matter' (?) (24" x 20"). Woman with Balloon: Oil and collage on board, signed illegibly along the upper edge; Bearing pencil signature on the reverse 'Francois Paul' (20.9" x 15.25"). Landscape: mixed media on silk, signed in calligraphy lower right (13.50" x 16" sight). Goldfish: oil on canvas, signed in calligraphy lower left and signed lower right 'Akusay?' (24" x 36") WITOLD GORDON (AMERICAN 1898-1968) STORE FRONTS. 9.75" x 25" (sight) $300/$500 Gouache, signed lower right 'Witold Gordon;' Frame: 18" x 33" ITALO BOTTI (AMERICAN 1923-2003) HARBOR VIEW. 24" x 30" $400/$600 Oil on canvas, signed lower right 'Botti;' Frame: 30" x 36" 4:48 PM Central * IRHOS 4:49 PM Central * IRHOS 4:49 PM Central * IRHOS 6083 6084 6085 4:50 PM Central * IRHOS 6086 TWO FRAMED PRINTS AFTER SALVADOR DALI. $100/$200 Ascent to Venus: offset lithograph, signed in plate (9.50" x 7.4" sight). The Prophecy of Vanni Fucci: lithograph, signed in plate (10' x 7") TWO FRAMED LIONEL BARRYMORE ETCHINGS. $75/$125 Courtyard Venice (8.75" x 11.6") & Shoreside Farm (9" x 11.6"); Each signed in plate. Together with two assorted framed 20th century prints: Portrait of a Dog (19" x 15" frame) & Figures Fishing Along a River Landscape (21.50" x 33 frame) GROUP OF FOUR FRAMED ASSORTED PRINTS. $150/$250 Walter Zeising: Barges at their Moorings, etching, signed in pencil lower left (11.6" x 7.75"). Chauncey Ryder: Foothills, etching, signed in pencil lower right (9.9' x 11.9"). Herman Webster: Homestead in the Hills: etching, signed in pencil lower right (6" x 8.25"). Otto Fischer: Die Alte Stadt, lithograph, from Les Maitres de l'Affiche, plate 68 (11.4' x 15.6" sheet) LEONARDO NIERMAN (B.1932) UNTITLED. 17" x 23.1" $75/$125 Color lithograph, signed in pencil lower right; Frame: 30.75" x 36.25" 4:50 PM Central * IRHOS 4:51 PM Central * ADEST2 4:51 PM Central * ADEST2 4:52 PM Central * JOSM52 6087 6088 6089 6090 ARTIST UNKNOWN (20TH CENTURY) SEATED BOY. 39.50" x 29.50" $200/$400 Mixed media, signed illegibly lower left; Frame: 46.25' x 38.25" PAIR OF FRAMED BOTANICAL ETCHINGS. 10.5" x 8" $100/$200 Together with four botanical flower prints (sight 9" x 5.5") COLLECTION OF FOUR STEEPLE CHASE SCENE PRINTS. 14" x 23" $100/$200 GROUP OF TEN HAND COLORED ENGRAVINGS AFTER THOMAS ALLOM CHINA IN A SERIES OF VIEWS. Sight: 6.5" x 8" Frame: 15" x 16" $200/$400 Depicting view of Hong Kong and China. Nine of the same size, and one larger 4:52 PM Central 4:53 PM Central * DOKA8 4:53 PM Central * DAPI0 4:54 PM Central 6091 6092 6093 6094 W. FOTHERGILL (20TH CENTURY) TWO WORKS. 29" x 53" $300/$500 Each an oil on canvas, signed lower right; Stretched, but unframed PIERRE ALECHINSKY (BELGIAN, B. 1927). Sight 30.5" x 22.5" $200/$400 Color lithograph, edition 214/500. Pencil signed LR YONGYUTH NGARMLAMIAT (THAI, B. 1941) CANAL SCENE. Board: 20.5" x 30.5" $300/$500 Oil on board, signed LR B. PIASECKI (CONTEMPORARY) STILL LIFE WITH POPPIES. $300/$500 Oil on canvas, signed aslo signed and dated on verso 1999 4:54 PM Central 4:55 PM Central * JDONN 4:55 PM Central * ROSH1 4:56 PM Central * RUNA3 6095 6096 6097 6098 ARTIST UNKNOWN (CONTEMPORARY) ABSTRACT FIGURES. $300/$500 Oil on canvas, signed JOHN MOGFORD R.A. (BRITISH, 1821-1885) THE COUNTRYSIDE. Sight: 13" x 26" $150/$250 Watercolor on paper. Signed "John Mogford R.A." LL AFTER GIAMBOLOGNA FORTUNA. Height: 31" (total) $400/$600 Patinated bronze, raised on a cylindrcal bronze and marble base JOHN NACHORNY (AMERICAN 1908-1989) COURTYARD SCENE, 1969. 12" x 16" $300/$500 Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower middle 'John Nachorny '69;' Frame: 15.25" x 19.50" 4:56 PM Central * JDONN 4:57 PM Central * RUNA3 4:57 PM Central * RUNA3 6099 6100 6101 4:58 PM Central * STKR4 6102 FOUR ENGRAVINGS AFTER W.H. BARTLETT. Sight: 6.5" x 8.75" $100/$150 Castle Howard Vale of Avoca by S. Bradshaw, Ballyshannon by J.T. Willmore, Dunluce Casle by J. Cousen, and Delphi Lodge by J. Cousen HARVEY KIDDER (AMERICAN, B.1918) COCA-COLA ON THE DECK. 16.50" x 16.50" $200/$400 Mixed media on board, initialed 'HK' lower left; 'Inscribed on the reverse 'Harvey Kidder - Old Sleepy Hollow Rd - Pleasantville, NY - Rogers 9-6298.' Matted and unframed ATTRIBUTED TO ADAM STYKA FIGURE IN LANDSCAPE. Height: 6.25" $50/$100 Charcoal on paper, signed with monogram lower middle 'AS;' Inscribed on the reverse 'This drawing was by my husband Adam Styka, Mrs. Adam Styka;' Loose sheet WILLIAM CARTER (AMERICAN 1909-1996) SEATED NUDE. 5.75" x 4.50" $200/$400 Watercolor on paper, signed lower right 'Wm Carter;' Additionally inscribed on the reverse 'Harold Seasons Greetings - Wm Carter;' Frame: 12" x 10" 4:58 PM Central * LYDE7 4:59 PM Central * LYDE7 4:59 PM Central * MAGE5 5:00 PM Central * FRBL2 6103 6104 6105 6106 CLEMENTE SPAMPINATO (AMERICAN, 1912-1993) COWBOY EMBRACE. Bronze: 15" x 30" $800/$1,200 Bronze, signed along one side, and inscribed "New York, 1967". Raised on a 8.5" marble base STANLEY Q. JOHNSON (AMERICAN, B. 1939) GOING HOME. Bronze: 28" $1,000/$1,500 Bronze, signed, and numbered AP 3/50. Raised on a 1.5" marble base ROBERT STREET (AMERICAN, 1796-1865) TWO PORTRAITS. Both 30" x 25" $600/$1,000 Oil on canvas, signed LL. Framed 40" x 34" ARTIST UNKNOWN (CONTINENTAL, 19TH CENTURY) PORTRAIT OF A BISHOP. Canvas: 26" x 20" $300/$500 Oil on canvas, unsigned 5:00 PM Central * ADEST2 5:01 PM Central * ADEST2 5:01 PM Central * ADEST2 5:02 PM Central * JETI2 6107 6108 6109 6110 CONTINENTAL SCHOOL (19TH CENTURY) PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN. 30.1" x 25" $150/$250 Oil on canvas, unsigned; Frame: 37" x 32" HANS GOTT (GERMAN 1883-1973) PORTRAIT OF WOMAN. 27.4" x 19.4" $300/$500 Oil on board, signed upper left; Verso: German Exhibition label reading in part 'Grosse Kunstausstellung Munchen 1961 - Haus der Kunst 7, June - 1, Oktober - Katalog-Nummer: 104'; Frame: 29.25" x 21.25" RICHARD GIBBONS (AMERICAN, B.1950) PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN, 2002. 24" x 18" $50/$100 Oil on panel, signed and dated lower right 'R. Gibbons 2002;' Signed and dated on the reverse with a gallery label reading in part 'Roy Boyd Gallery, Chicago;' Frame: 30" x 24" AFTER PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973) POUR ROBIE. Sight: 10" x 7.5" $100/$200 Etching, signed in plate. Bearing a Collector's Guild label en verso 5:02 PM Central * LYDE7 5:03 PM Central * GRFI4 5:03 PM Central * LYDE7 5:04 PM Central * LYDE7 6111 6112 6113 6114 BOB PARKS (AMERICAN, B. 1948) COWBOY FRIENDS. Bronze: 15" $800/$1,200 Bronze. Signed, titled, and numbered 13/24. Raised on a 1.5" wood base EDMUND C. FISCHER (20TH CENTURY) FIELD AT DUSK. 18" x 20" $75/$125 Oil on canvas. Signed LR. Framed 24.5" x 26.5" LUIS (20TH CENTURY) THE PARTRIDGE. frame: 43" x 43" $200/$400 Embroidered textile, signed LM LUIS (20TH CENTURY) SUNBURST. Frame: 81" x 55.5" $200/$400 Embroiered textile, signed LR 5:04 PM Central * JETI2 5:05 PM Central * LYDE7 5:05 PM Central * LYDE7 6115 6116 6117 5:06 PM Central * LYDE7 6118 AFTER JOAN MIRO (1893-1983) STAR SCENE. Sight: 13" x 21" $50/$100 Lithograph, signed in plate. Bearing a Collector's Guild label en verso LUIS (20TH CENTURY) THE PEACOCK. Frame diameter: 47" $200/$400 Embroidered textile, signed LM LUIS (20TH CENTURY) TWO ABSTRACTIONS. Frame: 32" x 50" $300/$500 Both embroidered textiles, and signed LM BOB PARKS (AMERICAN, B. 1948) MOTHER'S PATIENCE. Bronze: 10.5" x 14" $500/$750 Bronze. Signed, titled, and numbered 18/20. Raised on a revolving oak base 5:06 PM Central * DAMA4 5:07 PM Central * LIGR7 5:07 PM Central * LIGR7 5:08 PM Central * LIGR7 6119 6120 6121 6123 JAYNE BELLOWS (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) SHIPYARD CREEK. 9.75" x 8" $100/$200 Oil canvas mounted on MDF board, signed LR. Framed 12.5" x 14.5" RICK MCINTYRE (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) TWISTING DOUBLE BASE. Height 71" $600/$1,000 Bottom signed and dated '94, edition 2/20 5:08 PM Central * LYDE7 5:09 PM Central * RISZ8 5:09 PM Central * DAMA4 6124 6125 6126 6127 CLEMENTE SPAMPINATO (AMERICAN, 1912-1993) BUCKED LOOSE. Bronze: 24.5" x 21.5" $800/$1,200 Bronze, signed, and inscribed "N.Y. 53". Raised on a 1.5" marble base H. DELACOUR (19TH CENTURY) WINTER STREET SCENE. 23.5" x 12.5" $600/$1,000 Oil on board. Signed and dated '93 LL. Framed 15" x 26" JAYNE BELLOWS (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) POND AT EASTERN NECK ISLAND. 10" x 12" $100/$200 Oil on canvas mounted on wood. Framed 15.25" x 17.5" EDMUND C. FISCHER (20TH CENTURY) TRAIL AT DUSK. 26" x 30" $75/$125 Oil on canvas, signed LR 5:10 PM Central * LYDE7 5:11 PM Central * LIGR7 5:11 PM Central * LIGR7 5:12 PM Central * LIGR7 6128 6129 6130 6131 PETER FILLERUP (AMERICAN, B. 1953) LOOKING FOR STRAYS. Bronze: 25" x 15" $2,000/$3,000 Bronze, signed, and numbered 15/51. Raised on a 1.75" wood base MARKUS PIERSON (AMERICAN, B.1961) COYOTE AND HIS MOTORCYCLE. Height 16" $500/$700 Cast resin, signed and dated 1993. Edition 123/300 MARKUS PIERSON (AMERICAN, B.1961) FRENCHIE DOES THE DESERT. 23" x 27.5" $500/$700 Cast resin, edition 115/350. Signed and dated 1991. Merrill Chase Gallery tag on verso TOM BENNETT (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) RECLINING NUDE. Height 6" x Length 23" $400/$600 Cast bronze, edition 22/150. signed and dated '89 BILL MACK (AMERICAN, B. 1949) ERTE (ROMAIN DE TIRTOFF), (RUSSIAN/FRENCH REFLECTION. 1892-1990) 38" x 49" APHRODITE. $600/$1,000 32.5" x 23" Bonded bronze. Signed LR, edition 60/95. Framed 46" x $1,000/$1,500 59.5" Serigraph, edition 10/300. Merril Chase Gallery label on verso. Framed 48.5" x 37" 5:10 PM Central * GRFI4 5:12 PM Central * LIGR7 5:13 PM Central * LIGR7 5:13 PM Central * LIGR7 6132 6133 6134 5:14 PM Central * LYDE7 6135 RICHARD STIERS (20TH CENTURY) WHALE FAMILY. height 19.5" $1,000/$1,500 Patinated bronze, edition 17/175. Signed CHRISTIAN R. LASSEN (AMERICAN 20TH CENTURY) GOLDEN MOMENT. 19" x 29" $200/$300 Mechanical reproduction print, edition 65/300. Signed twice LR. Framed 51" x 40.5" THOMAS PRADZYNSKI (POLISH, B.1951) LES MEMOIRES DES PARIS SUITE SERGE CAILLAUD. 18" x 24" $200/$400 Serigraph, edition 190/250. Pencil signed LR. Merrill Chase Gallery tag on verso. Framed 30" x 36" BOB PARKS (AMERICAN, B. 1948) BEDOUINS PRIDE. Bronze: 16" x 22" $800/$1,200 Bronze. Signed, titled, and numbered 15/18. Raised on a 2" revolving base 5:14 PM Central * GRFI4 5:15 PM Central * HAWO3 5:15 PM Central * LYDE7 5:16 PM Central * LYDE7 6136 6137 6140 6144 EDMUND C. FISCHER (20TH CENTURY) AUTUMN DUNES. 25" x 30" $75/$125 Oil on canvas. Signed LR ALLEE W. GERARD (1895-1993) SUMMER LANDSCAPE WITH STREAM. 32"x40" $100/$200 Oil on canvas, signed BOB PARKS (AMERICAN, B. 1948) THE SULTAN'S CHARGER. Bronze: 11" x 20" $500/$750 Bronze. Signed, titled, and numbered 10/20. Raised on a revolving base BOB PARKS (AMERICAN, B. 1948) COUNTRY DOCTOR EMERGENCY. Bronze: 12" x 22" $600/$1,000 Bronze. Signed, titled, dated '80, and numbered 7/24. Raised on a 2" base 5:16 PM Central * CHRA9 5:17 PM Central * CAGA6 5:17 PM Central * CAGA6 5:18 PM Central * CAGA6 6145 6146 6147 6148 ARTIST UNKNOWN (20TH CENTURY) SHIP AT SEA. 15" x 19" $200/$400 Oil on canvas, signed illegibly lower right; Frame: 16.50" x 20.50" ARTIST UNKNOWN. 29"x30" $200/$400 Oil on canvas, with label from Chicago Galleries Association, Frederic Tellander, Street in Rome CLAUDE BENTLEY (1915-1990) JUGGLER. 10"x14" $100/$200 Lithograph, signed and titled in pencil, edition 2/15 HARRY MINTZ (1907-2002) ITALIAN CITY SCAPE. 22"x26" $200/$400 Oil on board, signed 5:18 PM Central * CAGA6 5:19 PM Central * CAGA6 5:19 PM Central * CAGA6 5:20 PM Central * CAGA6 6149 6150 6151 6152 HAROLD EMERSON HAYDON (1909-1994) THE MODELS. 8"x16" $150/$250 Oil on canvas, 1950, signed PHILLIP MARTIN (1927) SECRET GROWTH. 9.5"x16.5" $150/$250 Oil on paper, laid to canvas, 1961, signed, Provenance: Ricahrd Feigen Gallery RICHARD FROOMAN (1930) TREES, SKIES, LATE SUMMER. 17"x20" $150/$250 Oil on canvas, signed BURLINI, ATTRIBUTED TO (20TH CENTURY) UNTITLED. 15.75" $100/$150 Welded steel 5:20 PM Central * CAGA6 5:21 PM Central * CAGA6 5:21 PM Central * CAGA6 6153 6154 6155 5:22 PM Central * DVSA1 6156 ELLEN LANYON (1926) DUET. 12.5"x15.5" $75/$125 Colored etching, 1948, edition 1/6, signed BERTHE MORISOT (1841-1895) TWO ETCHINGS. 6.25"x4.75" $100/$150 THOMAS STROBEL (1931-2001) VISUALITIE'S. 7.5"x7.5" $50/$100 1967, signed on verso A.R. PENCK (1939) ERFAHRUNGEN. 31.5"x23.5" $800/$1,200 Two woodcuts, 1981, edition of 50, pencil signed, Printed by LaFranca, Locarno, Switzerland, published by Peter Blum, NYC 5:22 PM Central * DVSA1 5:23 PM Central 5:23 PM Central * MILI1 5:24 PM Central * MILI1 6157 6158 6159 6160 KAREL APPEL (1921-2006) TWO COLOR LITHOGRAPHS. 30.5"x23.5" $600/$1,000 Important Person and Personage I, pencil signed, each edition of 100 ARTIST UNKNOWN (20TH CENTURY). Sight 23" x 29" $150/$250 Oil on canvas, signed 'Plasencki' LR. Framed 32.5" x 39" ARTIST UNKNOWN (20TH CENTURY) SISTERS AT THE SHORE. Canvas: 30" x 24" $100/$200 Oil on canvas. Signed "Gallant" LL ARTIST UNKNOWN (20TH CENTURY) HORSES IN STRIDE. Canvas: 36" x 36" $200/$400 Pastel on paper, laid to a canvas. Unsigned, framed under glass 5:24 PM Central * DEMA2 5:25 PM Central * DEMA2 5:25 PM Central * DEMA2 5:26 PM Central * LYDE7 6161 6162 6163 6164 JOHN LLOYD STREVENS (BRITISH, 1902-1990) MADAME X. 20" x 16" $400/$600 Oil on canvas, signed UR. Framed 25" x 21" THERESA HOFFERKAMP (20TH CENTURY) WINTER SKATING SCENE. Sight 13.5" x 19.5" $100/$200 Gouache on paper, signed LR. Framed 20" x 26". Together with Antonio Gusini, orange still life, oil on canvas (8" x 10") ARTIST UNKNOWN (ATTRIBUTED TO 19TH CENTURY DUTCH SCHOOL), THE JEWEL BOX. 13.75" x 10.75" $200/$400 Oil on wood panel. Framed 15.5" x 19" LEONARD E. 'GUS' SHAFER (AMERICAN, 1907-1985) WAGON MASTER. Bronze height: 33" $600/$1,000 Bronze, signed "Shafer" and dated 1972 along the back. Bearing a plaque reading "Fonderie fili da Prato". Raised on a 2.5" marble base 5:26 PM Central * PATU333 5:27 PM Central * MILI1 5:27 PM Central 5:28 PM Central * LIGR7 6165 6166 6167 6168 LINNEA PERGOLA (AMERICAN, B. 1953) ONE SUMMER NIGHT. Sight: 31" x 40" $300/$500 Color serigraph, edition XXI/CLXV. Pencil signed LR, and bearing Matin Lawrence blindstamp LL ARTIST UNKNOWN (20TH CENTURY) THE STREET VENDER. Street vender: 20" x 16" $75/$125 Oil on canvas, unsigned. Together with an illegibly signed watercolor street scene, and an artist unknown oil on canvas of a golf outing AFTER SALVADOR DALI. 23" x 31" $300/$500 Lithograph in colors on paper, pencil signed LR, edition 160/385. Unframed (sheet size 28.5" x 41") ELIE HAZAK (AMERICAN, B. 1945) SMOKING COWBOY. Height 27" $800/$1,200 Bronze, signed, editioned 16/56, and dated '67. Mounted on a 2" marble base 5:28 PM Central * LIGR7 5:29 PM Central * TEKI7 5:29 PM Central * TEKI7 6169 6170 6171 6172 ELIE HAZAK (AMERICAN, B. 1945) HORSEPLAY. Height 32" $800/$1,200 Bronze. Signed, editioned 9/30, and dated '81. Mounted on a 1.5 marble base HENRY EVANS (AMERICAN, 1918 - 1990). FOUR WORKS: 1967-1969. Largest sight: 18" x 12" $200/$400 Four linocuts comprised of: Columbine, Colarado State Flower, edition 52/97; Hibiscus, Hawaii State Flower, edition 68/95; Poppy edition 19/112; Mock Orange, Idaho State Flower, 89/95. All four works are signed, titled, numbered, and dated ARTIST UNKNOWN (20TH CENTURY) RUNNING BROOKS. Sight: 11.5" x 15" $100/$150 Pencil and crayon drawing. Signed illegibly and dated '75 LR KAREN ATHERLEY (ENGLISH, B. 1961) NUDES INSIDE AND OUT. 9.5" x 17.5" $100/$200 Ceramic bowl. Underside is signed and dated '96 5:30 PM Central * CLLPA 5:31 PM Central * SRMC4 5:31 PM Central * GRFI4 5:32 PM Central * ALSH722 6173 6174 6175 8001 ANTOINE BLANCHARD (1910-1988) PARIS STREET SCENE. 13.25"x18.25" $2,000/$4,000 Oil on canvas, signed ENGLISH SCHOOL (18TH CENTURY) BOY WITH DOGS. 25.5"x20" $1,000/$2,000 Oil on canvas EDMUND C. FISCHER (20TH CENTURY). THREE INDIANA DUNE LANSCAPES. Largest 15" x 12.5" $75/$125 Oil on canvas. two signed LL, one signed LR STEER HEAD SKULL. 20" x 17" $50/$100 5:32 PM Central 5:33 PM Central 5:33 PM Central 5:34 PM Central 8002 8003 8004 ROBERT KLUNK (20TH CENTURY) FIVE WORKS. $100/$200 The Collection, edition 8/60 (1.50" x 5.4"); Mom, edition A.P. XX/XX (11.75" x 9"); Peaceful Moment, edition A.P. (10.25" x 10.4"); Gem, edition 47/60 (12" x 1.50"); Joy, edition 11/60 (4" x 1.75"). Each a color etching, signed, titled and numbered in the lower margin; All framed GROUP OF FIVE FRAMED 20TH C. WATERCOLOR ROBERT KLUNK (20TH CENTURY) PAINTINGS. FIVE WORKS. $75/$125 $100/$200 Four Still Life works: Each a watercolor on paper, signed Joy, edition 10/60 (4" x 1.75"); The Collection, edition illegibly lower right (10.75" x 10.75" frame). Bear Family 7/60 (1.50" x 5.4"); Sanctuary, edition A.P. (5" x 5"); Picnic: watercolor, signed illegibly lower right (9" x 11") Journey End, edition A.P. (5" x 7"); Floating, edition A.P. (23.50" x 4"). Each a color etching signed, titled and numbered in the lower margin. All framed 5:30 PM Central 8005 GROUP OF TWO FRAMED PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTS. $100/$200 Unsigned. Frames: 15.50" x 16.25"; 27.75" x 32" 5:34 PM Central 5:35 PM Central 5:35 PM Central 8006 8007 8008 5:36 PM Central * JOICZ 8009 GROUP OF THREE FRAMED 20TH C. PAINTINGS. $200/$400 Portrait of a Young Man: Oil on canvas board, signed and dated lower right 'H. Machek '81' (10" x 8"). Still Life with Flowers: Oil on board, unsigned (11" x 8") Abstract (#20): Oil on canvas, signed illegibly lower left 'Klunte' (?) - inscribed on the stretcher 'JPR #20 Florida' (32.50" x 14") GROUP OF FOUR FRAMED 20TH CENTURY BOTANICAL PRINTS. $75/$125 Offset lithographs; Largest frame: 20" x 16") FRAMED CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERY. $100/$200 Verso: Label reading in part 'Chicago Fine Arts'; Frame: 19.50" x 27.50". Together with framed needlework panel depicting a floral bouquet; Frame: 22.25" x 18" GROUP OF FOUR FRAMED PRINTS. $100/$200 Francisco Petrarcha: engraving (5.50" x 4.4" sheet). Silhouette of a standing gentleman (10" x 6.75" sight). Osculatia Saphirina: lithograph from Iconographie des Pigeons (15.75" x 10.75" sight). Tho Shelton: color engraving, published by S.W. Fores, London (15.6" x 10.50" sight) 5:36 PM Central * JOICZ 5:37 PM Central * JOICZ 5:37 PM Central * JOICZ 8010 8011 8012 5:38 PM Central * PATU333 8013 GROUP OF THREE FRAMED PAINTINGS. $200/$400 Artist Unknown: Horses with Cart, watercolor on paper laid on board, signed illegibly lower right (8.25" x 12.50" sight). Portrait of a Dog: oil on board, unsiged (9.25" x 12.50"). Gwen Evans: Horses, watercolor, signed lower left (11.17.25" sight) GROUP OF TWO FRAMED MIDDLE EASTERN PAINTINGS. $100/$200 Royal Procession: mixed media (14" x 19.25"). Gilt Illumination. depicting a figure with lion and birds in landscape (21.25" x 14.50") CHARLES HULTBERG (1874-1948) TWO WORKS. $100/$150 Hunting Party: watercolor, signed lower right (8" x 6.4" sight). Riding to Town: watercolor, signed lower left (6.50" x 9.4" sight) COLLECTION OF JOHN L. STODDARD'S LECTURES, 1925. $100/$200 Comprised of fifteen volumes. Together with a collection of The American Peoples Encycloperdia great books, 1955. Includes twenty volumes 5:38 PM Central * JIGR3 5:39 PM Central * CAGR3 5:39 PM Central * CAGR3 5:40 PM Central * CAGR3 8014 8015 8016 8017 RUDYARD KIPLING SIGNED LETTER. Sheet size: 10.5" x 7.25" $200/$300 Typed letter is on Kipling's stationary, dated 19th. Dec. 1921., and marked as Private in the upper left corner. The letter is commenting on the relationship between France and England, and references Germany SIX STRANDS OF AFRICAN TRADE BEADS. $75/$125 Includes glass, amber, and coconut shell beads. Strand length range from 44" to 10" NINE STRANDS OF AFRICAN TRADE BEADS. $75/$125 Strand length from 10" to 39" COLLECTION OF VARIOUS POSTCARDS. $50/$100 5:40 PM Central * CAGR3 5:41 PM Central * CAGR3 5:41 PM Central * CAGR3 5:42 PM Central * CAGR3 8018 8019 8020 8021 EIGHT STRANDS OF AFRICAN TRADE BEADS. $75/$125 Strand length from 14" to 43" EIGHT STRANDS OF AFRICAN TRADE BEADS. $75/$125 Strand lengths 20" to 34". Together with a beaded leather bracelet COLLECTION OF PENS. $100/$200 Includes a Tiffany & Company sterling silver pen, Cross, Parker, and Verson pens. Together with a wrist watch, and three leather wallets COLLECTION OF AFRICAN TRADE BEADS. longest bead 2.5" $75/$125 All loose, includes chevron beads. Together with a painted wood box 5:42 PM Central 5:43 PM Central 5:43 PM Central * MALE03 5:44 PM Central * MALE03 8022 8023 8024 8025 GROUP OF MATCH STRIKERS. Owl match striker: 7.5" $100/$150 Comprised of three French stoneware strikers, a porcelain "Match Making" owl motif striker, a glass and metal striker, a dog's head striker, and a covered chair form ceramic striker GROUP OF MATCH STRIKERS. Tallest: 4" $100/$150 Comprised of a porcelain covered box form striker, a cobbler form porcelain striker, a porcelain lusterware striker, a Staffordshire porcelain striker depicting boots and a bucket, a blue and hite porcelain striker, and a bisque porcelain cherub form striker HENRY TROEMNER, PHILADELPHIA, BALANCE SCALE. 7.5" x 13.5" x 6.5" $75/$125 LEEDS & NORTHRUP, PHILADELPHIA, GALVANOMETER. $100/$200 Together with a single cell medical battery, and a Chicago Apparatus Company scientific instrument 5:44 PM Central * MALE03 5:45 PM Central * MALE03 5:45 PM Central * MALE03 8026 8027 8028 5:46 PM Central * MALE03 8029 JOHN BLISS & CO. BRASS TAFFRAIL LOG. $200/$300 Together with a John Bliss & Co. spinner, and a T.W. Cherub brass spinner with rope, and two rigging pulleys with rope ENGLISH LAND INDENTURE. Unframed: 13" x 17.5" $200/$300 Document is dated 1737, and refers to a transaction between Humphrey Cavell and Joseph Walford in the County of Suffolk VOLAND & SONS, NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK, SCIENTIFIC BALANCE SCALE. H: 17" W: 16.5" D: 9" $100/$200 Mahogany case. Together with a set of weights 19TH CENTURY ENGLISH BRASS AND MAHOGANY TELESCOPE. Length: 27" $100/$200 Eyepiece is engraved "West London" 5:46 PM Central * MALE03 5:47 PM Central * MALE03 5:47 PM Central * MALE03 5:48 PM Central * MALE03 8030 8031 8032 8033 WELSH BRASS SEXTANT. $200/$300 T.L. Ainsley. Cardiff, Barry, & Newport. Contained in a fitted wood case 19TH CENTURY ENGLISH TELESCOPE. Length: 25.5" $200/$400 One side of the eyepiece is engraved "George Hyla Holden / The Gift Of / Rear Admiral Mangin / 1842". The other side of the eyepiece is engraved "Watkins & Hill / Charing Cross / London". With original leather case FORGE CAST IRON SCALE. Iron scale: 6" x 11.25" x 3.75" $100/$200 Together with a Harrison scale, a boxed set of weights, a William C. Fanner scale, and a collapsible scale 19TH CENTURY ENGLISH BRASS TELESCOPE ON STAND. Height: 26" $200/$400 Stamped T.T. & H LTD for Taylor, Taylor, & Hobson 5:48 PM Central * MALE03 5:49 PM Central * MALE03 5:49 PM Central * MALE03 5:50 PM Central * MALE03 8034 8035 8036 8037 18TH CENTURY ENGLISH MARRIAGE INDENTURE. Sheet: 22.5" x 30" $200/$300 Dated August 2, 1704. Detailing a marriage under the rule of Queen Anne, and bearing numerous wax seals CAST IRON EMBOSSING PRESS. Lantern height: 12" $100/$200 Together with a metal embossing press, a pair of brass oil lamps, a lantern, and a copper telescope (lacking lenses) VIEWFINDER AND CARDS. $100/$150 Depicting locales throughout Italy and The Holy Land. Together with a Kodak box camera SCOTTISH KELVIN BOTTOMLEY & BAIRD, BRASS SHIP'S LEVEL. $200/$300 Together with a brass sundial compass, a Japanese wood compass with sundials on either side, a pocket compass contained in a mahogany box, and an English brass telescope 5:50 PM Central * MALE03 5:51 PM Central * MALE03 5:51 PM Central * MALE03 5:52 PM Central * MALE03 8038 8039 8040 8041 ENGLISH BRASS COMPASS. Diameter: 3.5" $100/$200 Adams London FRENCH CHASSEPOT BAYONET AND SCABBARD. Bayonet and scabbard: 28" $100/$150 Stamped "G 69827". Scabbard is stamped " L 12368". Together with an Indian carving set 19TH CENTURY ENGLISH ROYAL ENGINEERS OFFICER'S SWORD AND SCABBARD. Length: 39.5" $200/$300 Engraved "Presented to Lieutenant W. Reid By His Brother Officers On The Occasion Of His Receiving A Commission In The Royal Engineers" COLLECTION OF DRAFTING TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS. $75/$125 With pieces by Ateco, Vemco, Kern, Post, and others 5:52 PM Central * KEPC2 5:53 PM Central * KAPA4 5:53 PM Central * KAPA4 8042 8043 8044 5:54 PM Central * KAPA4 8045 COLLECTION OF POSTAGE STAMPS. $200/$400 The Official First Day Covers: The Flags of the Fifty States album, five albums of 1970's and 1980's stamps, and various loose stamps COLLECTION OF FIVE SANTA CLAUS CHOCOLATE MOLDS. Santa Height 7.5" $100/$200 Stamped 'made in the U.S.A.' AIRPLANE FORM CHOCOLATE MOLD. Airplane 7.5" x 8" $200/$300 Together with a train form and a race car form chocolate mold COLLECTION OF EPPELSHEIMER EASTER CHOCOLATE MOLDS. Tallest height 8.5" $150/$250 Comprised of model 225, 293, 9746, 4046 (two basket form, a rabbit form, and an egg form) Together with two rabbit forms, and three egg form chocolate molds 5:54 PM Central * KAPA4 5:55 PM Central * KAPA4 5:55 PM Central * KAPA4 5:56 PM Central * KAPA4 8046 8047 8048 8049 EPPELSHEIMER RABBIT FORM CHOCOLATE MOLD. H: 8" x W: 10" $100/$200 Marked 8218, Jan 1987. Together with a collection of Easter chocolate molds, includes three egg forms, two rabbit figural groups, and a rabbit form A COLLECTION OF CHILD FIGURE CHOCOLATE MOLDS. Tallest Height 6.5" $150/$250 Comprised of two Kewpie doll forms, a Schwazer 2612 Boy form, an Eppelsheimer 8153 and 8154 boy and girl form COLLECTION OF EASTER CHOCOLATE MOLDS. Tallest Height 12" $150/$250 Comprised of five rabbit forms, a basket, and an egg form. Includes molds from Eppelsheimer and co COLLECTION OF DOG AND CAT FORM MOLDS. Tallest Height 7" $150/$250 Comprised of two cats and two dogs. Includes Eppelsheimer molds. Togther with an Eppelsheimer 'mother' mold 5:56 PM Central * KAPA4 5:57 PM Central * KAPA4 5:57 PM Central * KAPA4 5:58 PM Central * KAPA4 8050 8051 8052 8053 GERMAN STATUE OF LIBERTY FORM CHOCOLATE MOLD. Height 7" $100/$200 Stamped T. C. Weygandt Company New York, made in Germany. Together with a half of an eagle mold COLLECTION OF VARIOUS CHOCOLATE MOLDS. Tallect Height: 9" $150/$250 Includes Eppelsheimer molds in the form of a chicken, two rabbits and a basket, a rabbit mold, a czech chicken mold, and a variety of half molds including a german turkey COLLECTION OF HOLIDAY CHOCOLATE MOLDS. Tallest Height 7.5" $200/$300 Includes four rabbit molds, two baskets, and a santa Claus mold. Includes molds by Eppelsheimer and company THREE RABBIT FORM CHOCOLATE MOLDS. Tallest height 12.5" $100/$200 Together with an egg mold, and basket form mold 5:58 PM Central * KAPA4 5:59 PM Central * KAPA4 5:59 PM Central * KAPA4 6:00 PM Central * KAPA4 8054 8055 8056 8057 COLLECTION OF SIX GERMAN EASTER RABBITS CHOCOLATE MOLDS. Tallest 9" $200/$300 Includes molds by Laurosch, H. Walter, and Hermann. Together with an egg form and a basket FOUR GERMAN EASTER RABBIT CHOCOLATE MOLDS. Tallest Height 12" $150/$250 Includes a Gesetzl rabbit figural group. Together with two basket forms and an egg form mold TWO BOTTLE FORM CHOCOLATE MOLDS. Tallest Height 11.5" $100/$200 Together with a multiple bottle mold COLLECTION OF ICE CREAM AND CHOCOLATE MOLDS. Poodle height 5.5" $100/$200 Comprised of three ice cream molds: a pewter Eppelsheimer rose and two boxes. Together with four chocolate molds: Schwarzer chocolate bar, a poodle, a rooster, and an Eppelsheimer 'mother' mold 6:00 PM Central * KAPA4 6:01 PM Central * KAPA4 6:01 PM Central * IRHOS 8058 8059 8060 6:02 PM Central * IRHOS 8061 TWO COPPER CANDY BOWLS WITH CAST IRON HANDLES. $200/$300 H: 12" x W: 23" H: 9.5 x W: 19.5" TWO COPPER COOKING POTS. $75/$125 Comprised of a Heinrichs two handle pot (DIameter 12") and a Bramhali one handle pot (Diameter 6.5"), together with a german copper mold and a german brass coffee grinder GROUP OF NINE AMBROTYPE AND DAGUERREOTYPE PHOTOGRAPHS. $150/$250 Families, children, single portraits, and two women knitting TWO ENGLISH TOOTH PASTE JARS. Larger: 1.75" x 3" $50/$100 Oriental toothpaste and S. Maw Son & Thompson 6:02 PM Central * IRHOS 6:03 PM Central * IRHOS 6:03 PM Central * IRHOS 6:04 PM Central * IRHOS 8062 8063 8064 8065 CARVED IVORY, STERLING SILVER, AND PINE WALKING STICK. $100/$150 Together with gnarled wood, and mahogany walking sticks TWO SILVER HANDLED WALKING STICKS. $100/$200 One bearing a belt form ring engraved "W. Triscott / Presented By / W.I. Triscott / Hong Kong" BRASS FOX HEAD WALKING STICK. $100/$150 Together with gnarled wood walking sticks, and other BRASS AND OAK POSTAGE SCALE. Scale: 3" x 8" x 4.5" $100/$150 Together with a set of metric weights, and an abacus 6:04 PM Central 6:05 PM Central 6:05 PM Central * RUNA3 6:06 PM Central * MILI1 8066 8067 8068 8069 COLLECTION OF THREE CERAMIC FACE FORM PIPES. $50/$100 Marked Goedewaagen Gouda, Holland. Together with a ceramic hunting scene form pipe and a wood and a wood bark tobacco jar SAINT NICHOLAS CHOCOLATE MOLD. Height 21.5" $100/$200 Copper duel-metal COLLECTION OF ASSORTED ART RELATED EPHEMERA. $200/$400 Includes correspondence from J.W. Young, Chicago American Art dealer in the 1st/2nd quarters of the 20th century to his clients pertaining to the sale of works by Remington, Russel, Hassam and others. Also included a typed manuscript for 'Under the Tent' - a one act play by Everett Shinn, stamped 'Property of Everett Shinn - 58 West 12th St. NY.' Together with a group of seven assorted books JUNGLE TARGIS OWL DOLL. Height 13.5" $50/$100 Togther with two Israeli Hameshakem dolls and a Steiff frog 6:06 PM Central * LIGR7 6:07 PM Central 6:07 PM Central 6:08 PM Central 8070 9001 9002 9003 STANDING BUTLER FIGURE. Height: 60" $100/$200 BIFANO'S FULL LENGTH MAHOGANY MINK COAT. Size 6 $300/$500 3/4 LENGTH FOX COAT. Approximately a size 4-6 $300/$500 ADRIENNE LANDAU RUST PYTHON AND MONGOLIAN LAMB CAPE. $500/$700 With matching hat 6:08 PM Central 6:09 PM Central * JAUR8 6:09 PM Central 9004 9005 9006 6:10 PM Central * LESC1 9007 DOLCE REBECCA ITALIAN SHEARLING JACKET. Size medium $400/$600 BLACK RANCH MINK FULL LENGTH COAT. Size 10-12 $800/$1,200 Bifano's Dallas MAXIMILIAN SPOTTED FUR STROLLER. Size medium $500/$700 With sheared mink trim NINA RICCI FULL LENGTH MINK COAT. Size 16-18 $600/$1,000 6:10 PM Central 6:11 PM Central 6:11 PM Central 6:12 PM Central 9008 9009 9010 9011 PASTEL MINK 7/8 LENGTH COAT. Size medium $300/$500 John Ross Originals Paris REVILLON BLACK FEMALE MINK COAT. Size medium $700/$900 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE CRYSTAL FOX JACKET. Size medium $400/$600 With spiral sleeves PIERRE CARDIN PEARL MINK JACKET. Size medium $500/$700 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How can I get information on SUSANIN’S upcoming auctions? Details about upcoming sales are also available on SUSANIN’S Worldwide Web site at www., or by phone at 312-832-9800 or 1-888-SUSANINS. Where can I get a catalogue, and when are they available? SUSANIN’S offers a fully-illustrated black & white catalogue for $5.00. This catalogue can be picked up at the front desk during exhibitions and auctions. If you are unable to attend the exhibition or auction, you may call to request that a black & white catalogue be mailed to you for $10.00 including shipping via U.S. Priority Mail. SUSANIN’S provides a fully-searchable catalogue online at Color images of every lot are viewable at the site. Can I see the items prior to the auction? Yes, and we recommend that you view them before buying. Auction preview begins the Monday before the auction. Open throughout the week from 10-5. Extended viewing the Thurs. before the auction from 10-7. Viewing is an opportunity to see the pieces first hand and evaluate their condition for yourself. 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