Grants Recently Awarded For Much- Needed
Grants Recently Awarded For Much- Needed
Spring 2014 In this issue President’s Message........................ 2 From Our Board of Directors........ 2 Welcome Back Charlene................ 3 2013 Donor List...........................4-13 Around the Mount.........................14 Charitable Gift Annuities.............15 Wish List.............................................15 Virtual Tour.......................................15 Special Delivery...............................15 Coming Events................................16 Around the Mount, page 14 Budget For Replacing Refrigerators & Dishwashers Grants Recently Awarded For MuchNeeded Appliances If you’re familiar with Providence Mount St. Vincent, you know that we consider The Mount to be a loving home for our residents, and we try to make our community seem like home in every sense of the word. Our skilled nursing areas are called “neighborhoods,” and they include clusters of resident rooms that all have a common dining/kitchen/living area. Like all homes, there’s a constant need for upkeep and maintenance inside and out. Consider one of the skilled nursing neighborhoods. Resident meals are prepared in either the neighborhood kitchen or in The Mount’s main kitchen. Serving meals to 23 residents, three times a day every week totals 483 meals. As a result, each kitchen’s refrigerator and dishwasher are used heavily seven days a week, Chocolate or vanilla? Staff member 365 days a year. The dishwasher is used an Mary Doll (R) gets ready to serve average of seven times a day. This constant use ice cream to resident Ruth Pope. has resulted in the appliances breaking down There’s no risk of melting ice cream anymore now that the neighboror stopping altogether. Whenever this happens, the staff must scramble to hood has a new refrigerator/freezer. move food to another neighborhood or the main kitchen. Dirty dishes must be carted to another neighborhood or the main kitchen for washing. 5 Hoshizaki refrigerators & freezers: $26,085 5 Hobart dishwashers: $30,030 Total Needed Received To Date: Remaining Needed: $56,115 $7,773 $48,342 The Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation is seeking funds to replace all dishwashers and refrigerators on all five skilled nursing neighborhoods. The Fred H. and Mary S. Dore Charitable Foundation and the Puyallup Tribe of Indians have gotten the ball rolling by donating $7,773 toward the purchase of new appliances. “The Dore Family has a long history of supporting Providence Mount St. Vincent beginning with our mother, Mary,” said Jane Dore, president of the board of trustees of the Dore Charitable Foundation. “We realize that it continued on page 3 Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation The Foundation provides a connection with the community to make friends for The Mount and raise funds to support programs and care for residents. Members of its board of directors bring fresh insights, financial oversight and support to ensure The Mount’s continued success and visibility. Foundation Board Officers Josh Hedrick President Shannon Hull Vice President Sheila Schultz Vice President Pat Welch Treasurer Kate Shoemaker Secretary Board Members Charlene Boyd, Corporate Member Ralph Chiocco Jim Howard Renee Howard Lou Hull Ginny Kane Meg Lucia Abraham Otoupal Dr. John Romano Lee Schultz Mary Kay Sposari Phil Sternola Tammy Taylor-Raden Bill Thompson Julie Thopson Sr. Charlotte VanDyke, SP Bob Witter Emeritus Board James Hermsen Bruce Laing Maggie Lucas Gail Madrid Terri Rambosek Jim Romano Kenneth VanDerhoef Pat Welch Dr. Ralph K. Zech Foundation Staff Molly Swain Executive Director Susan Clark Annual Giving and Public Relations Manager Ann Martin Development Coordinator Storey Squires Volunteer Services Director Living is published twice a year by the Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation. 4831 35th Ave SW Seattle WA 98126-2709 206-938-6194 Design: Jenna Riggs Collaborative Printing: Print Management 2 Living President’s Message Dear Friends, Hard to believe it but Providence Mount St. Vincent will be celebrating its 90th anniversary this year— Josh Hedrick always in the same beautiful location in West Seattle high atop a hillside with spectacular views of the city. What a privilege it is to be associated with an organization that has such a long history in our community and has touched so many lives. It’s not unusual for me to meet people who have had several generations of family members as residents. This year will be one of the most challenging years for health care as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Simply put, the law affirms that all Americans deserve access to care, whether they can afford it or not. It’s a complicated, complex situation. As you might imagine, health care providers are going through dramatic changes. Providence Health & Services and Providence Mount St. Vincent are not immune. The Mount is expanding its Transitional Care Unit (TCU) as well as continuing to meet the changing population needs and the challenges of our residents and their families through the full continuum of care. Despite the changes and challenges facing us, the Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation will continue to raise funds to support our most vulnerable population—our residents who have outlived their life savings despite their careful financial planning and saving. In addition, the Foundation will seek funding for services and programs that enhance the quality of life for our residents as well as supporting funding needs that The Mount’s operating budget cannot support this year. And that’s where you come in. As we often say, “we can’t do it alone.” We need the financial support from our friends and donors in order to meet these goals, and we hope you will continue your gifts to The Mount. Please know we appreciate each and every donation, regardless of size. So Happy Birthday to Providence Mount St. Vincent! And here’s to another 90 years! Welcome back, Charlene! Charlene Boyd (R) shares a St. Patrick’s Day treat with resident Anna Kovavcich. Charlene returns as full-time Administrator of Providence Mount St. Vincent. She served as Administrator from 1996 to 2007, and has been with The Mount for more than 30 years. 2014 Black Tie Bingo New Date! New Location! Still the Same Fun Evening! Mark Your Calendars Now October 4, 2014 Grants Recently Awarded For Much-Needed Appliances, continued from page 1 takes a lot to keep The Mount running, and we realize budgets are focused on caregiving. Our Foundation is extremely pleased to help fund something that will contribute to the quality of life of residents.” The kitchen/dining/living area is the main hub of each neighborhood. As with most homes, everyone seems to congregate in the kitchen area when there’s a gathering—whether it be for a meal, entertainment, TV, or just visiting with others. Unfortunately the current appliances are extremely noisy which often makes it difficult for residents to hear. Total cost for replacing all refrigerators and dishwashers is approximately $56,115. If you would like to help fund a new dishwasher or refrigerator, you may use the attached gift envelope, call the Foundation’s office at 206/938-6194 or go online at Providence Mount St. Vincent is celebrating its 90th year, and we have a lot to celebrate. Black Tie Bingo will be our one and only major fund raising event of the year, so don’t be left out! See back page for more info. With gratitude, Josh Hedrick President, Board of Directors Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation From Our Board of Directors The Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation recently welcomed three new members to its Board of Directors. West Seattle resident Mary Kay Sposari has strong family ties to Providence Mount St. Vincent. Her dad was a resident for several years in both the assisted living apartments and the skilled nursing neighborhoods. Mary Kay said recently, “To say he was loved and cared for is an understatement! I look forward to giving back to a place that is deeply rooted in my heart.” Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation Anne Romano Sarewitz joins her brother, Dr. John Romano, to become the first brother and sister duo on the Board of Directors. The Romano family has a long legacy of service to The Mount and the Foundation. Anne has served on the Board before. She and her mother, Jean, served as co-chairs of the Foundation’s first capital campaign to renovate the assisted living apartments back in the early 1990s. Also keeping a family legacy going is new Board member Abraham Otoupal. His mother, Marilyn, was an employee of Providence Health & Services for many years. Abraham is a financial consultant with D.A. Davidson & Co. in Redmond. “The mission of the Foundation is very much in alignment with my own passion for service,” he says. “I find The Mount’s compassion and commitment to community most compelling, and I cannot find a more worthy cause in which to focus and apply my business acumen.” Silent Auction • Wine Grab • Dinner • Dessert Dash • And of course, Bingo with Fantastic Prizes! Living 3 Donor List Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation A Sincere Thank You To Our Donors During 2013! Gifts in memory or in honor of someone are listed with the donor’s name. The Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation makes every effort to provide an accurate and correct list. If you feel there has been an error, please contact the Foundation’s office at 206/938-6194. Thank you so very much for your support throughout 2013! Mr. & Mrs. James D. Abernethy Ms. Joanne H. Adkisson In Memory of Catherine E. Jeffery Mrs. Lorraine Agostino Ms. Jean Aguirre Ms. Elizabeth Aiello Ms. Irene Akada In Memory of Sae Akada Mrs. Jennifer Albright Mr. Sasha & Mrs. Heidi Alessi Ms. Ruby Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Alfers Ms. Cynthia R. Allen Alliance Berstein Ms. Joyce Alva Mrs. Gretchen Lake Anders In Memory of Doris Lake Ms. Carrol A. Andersen Mrs. Ana Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Anderson In Honor of Jack & Kris Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Anderson In Memory of Marilyn Appel G. M. Anderson Ms. Kathryn Anderson & Mr. Stanley Shepherd Mr. & Mrs. Jack Anderson In Honor of Barbara Jorgensen Mr. Richard Anderson In Memory of David Trueb Mr. Steve Anderson Ms. Jessica Andrade Mr. Thomas B. Anfang In Memory of Pauline & Chris Anfang Ms. Denise Angel In Memory of Brett Barnett Mr. Albert N. Angkico Ms. Patricia Anglin Mr. Robert Appel In Honor of Marilyn Appel Mrs. Anna Aquila In Memory of Gabriella Perfetti In Memory of Gina A. Aquila-Rosso Mr. & Mrs. Joe Arbamas Mrs. Donna Arbow In Memory of Noel Petitjean Ms. Maria Argao Ms. Kristine A. Arnold In Memory of Jim & Betty Kerr Mr. & Mrs. Ray Aspiri In Honor of Most Rev. Alex Brunett In Honor of Marie Aspiri In Honor of Edith Aspiri Mr. & Mrs. Jay Atkinson Atlas Supply Inc. Mr. Denney Austin In Honor of Charlene K. Boyd M. Baier In Memory of Mabel G. Baier Ms. Catherine Baker In Memory of Ella LaBranche Ms. Lois Ann Baker In Memory of Mary Hill In Memory of Ruthie Fay In Memory of Ellen Sykes In Memory of Bobbie Beadle Ms. Linda Balabuch In Memory of Rosemary Balabuch Ms. Marianne Balabuch In Memory of Rosemary Balabuch Ms. Jeanne M. Balog Mr. & Mrs. William Balyeat, Sr. In Memory of Marilyn Appel Ms. Nancy Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. George E. Banschbach Mrs. Helen Chris Barbas Heuer In Memory of Nick Lucas Ms. Linda Barbee In Memory of Mary Anna de Leuw Mr. Murl Barker In Memory of Willa Jackie Barker In Memory of Nellie Miller Ms. Kay Barksdale Ms. Leonie Barnes Mr.& Mrs. Tom Barth Ms. Mary Bartholet In Honor of Don Navoni In Honor of Mary Ann Reid Mr. Michael R. Bauer Mr. & Mrs. David Baumgart Mr. & Mrs. Dale Baumgartner Mrs. Ellen Bax In Memory of Robert Bax Mr. & Mrs. Justin Bayard Mr. Chris Beaudoin Ms. Kristy Beckham Ms. Margaret H Beedie Ms. Sylvia Beer In Memory of An Chom Sun Sr. Kaye Belcher, SP Ms. Maureen Belcher In Memory of George Flood Mr. & Mrs. Don Bellis Ms. Ann Marie Bender Mr. Larry Benitez In Memory of Dr. Franco B. Benitez Ms. Willia Bennett Ms. Diane Berge Ms. Lorraine Berge Mr. Daniel Berglund In Memory of Ross Berglund Ms. Marianne Bergstrom In Memory of David Trueb Ms. Cheryl Bermudez Mr. Donald J. Bernitt In Memory of Dorothy Bernitt Ms. Glenda Berry Ms. Jennifer Berry Ms. Jaime Beytebiere In Honor of Jim Nelson Ms. Barbara Bianchi In Memory of Betty Jung Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Bigbee-Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Bigelow Ms. Misti Birkmann Ms. Ashely Black Dr. & Mrs. Michael Blatner Ms. Berniece Bleha Ms. Lisa Blizzard Mr. John Blondin In Memory of Mildred Shaughnessy Ms. Grace Blum Mr. & Mrs. Ted Boado Mr. & Mrs. Ben Boatman Mr. Terry Boden In Memory of Adele Boden Mr.& Mrs. Eric Booth Mr. Gerald L. Bosi In Memory of Betty Bosi Mr. Wallace M. Bostick In Memory of Marilyn Appel Mrs. Kathy Bottorf Ms. Melissa Bovenkamp In Memory of Terry Neal Tunison Mrs. Shirley J. Bowe In Honor of Irene Gleason In Memory of Pat Vinson In Memory of Doris Feragen Ms. Marlyce Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bowling Ms. Charlene K. Boyd & Mr. Stephen A. Smith Ms. Sarah Boyd Ms. Susan Branstiter In Memory of Hugo Sjoblom Ms. Patricia Brasel Ms. Patricia Brda In Memory of Carl Banfi Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bredice Sr. Helen T. Brennan, SP In Memory of Chuck Hawley Mr. & Mrs. Herbert M. Bridge Ms. Evan Briggs In Memory of John Urrutia Ms. Patricia Briggs In Memory of Laura Briggs Mr. Joseph E. Bringman Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brown In Memory of Marilyn Appel Mrs. Kim Brown In Memory of Helen Kidd Ms. Conne McGlynn Bruce In Memory of Marilyn Eisiminger Ms. JoAnn Brush Mr. Kevin Bryant In Memory of Betty Bryant Ms. Ellen Irene Bryenton In Memory of Pete Colman Ms. Diane J. Buckley Ms. Diane M. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Gary Buckley In Memory of Russ Faudree In Memory of Terry Faudree Mrs. Harriet J. Budinich In Memory of Dominic J. Budnick Mr. Dominick Budnick Mrs. Jean Bullard Mr. John F. Burggraff & Mrs. Janet Quimby Mr. Larry Burgher Ms. Carol S. McCourt In Memory of Bob Traina Respect 4 Living Mr. & Mrs. Hudson S. Burke Jr. Mr. John C. Burke Ms. Alyson Burks Ms. Joyce Burlingame In Memory of David Trueb Mr. & Mrs. Jim Burns In Memory of Norma Russell Ms. Patricia Burnstin In Memory of Eileen McBride Evans Mrs. Susan Buske Ms. Laura Butcher Ms. Marite M. Butners Ms. Margaret A. Byrne Ms. Nancy Byrne In Memory of Dick Gorman Mr. Ralph Byron C & S Associates Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cable In Memory of Frances & Guy Cable Mr. Allan Caldwell In Memory of Jean Caldwell Ms. Joreen Califano In Memory of Joseph & Rose Califano Mr. & Mrs. Brian T. Callanan Ms. Daneen Calvin & Ms. Deanna Long Mr. & Mrs. Perry Camagong Mr. & Mrs. Don Camerini In Memory of David Trueb Ms. Sarah Cameron Mr. Fred P. Campagnaro In Memory of John Campagnaro In Memory of Maria Campagnaro In Memory of Dominic J. Budnick Mr. & Mrs. John P. Campagnaro In Honor of Fred Campagnaro Ms. Paula Campagnaro Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Campanile Ms. April Campbell & Mr. Tim Slinger Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Cappel In Memory of James Becker In Memory of Allan Cameron Beaton Mr. Michael A. Caringella In Memory of Sr. Rose Caringella, SP Mr. Marlo Carlson In Memory of Joyce Abel Mr. John Carson & Ms. Nancy Trenbeth In Honor of Charlene Boyd & Steve Smith Ms. Arlene Tamura Carter In Honor of Nick Schoen In Memory of Terry Faudree In Memory of Jack Ryan In Memory of Carl & Mary Ann Buck In Memory of Marilyn Appel In Memory of Noel Petitjean In Memory of Joyce Abel In Memory of Michael Lucey In Memory of Mary Szabo In Memory of Gene Nokes In Memory of Gwen Schwenzer In Memory of David Trueb In Memory of Opal Kleikamp In Memory of Doris Feragen Mr. Bruce Carter & Ms. Betty Sanders Ms. Laura J. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Clete Casper Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle Ms. Jennifer Caudebec In Memory of Alice Winters In Memory of Eva Fowler In Memory of Thelma Ms. Deborah Cautard Ms. Gisela Chang Sr. Lynn Chappell, SP Mr. James Joshua Charles In Memory of Chuck Hawley Mr. Wesley Charles In Memory of Lori Charles Mrs. Louise Y. Chase Ms. Mae M. Chin Mr. Paul Chiocco In Honor of Lou & Carol Chiocco Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Chiocco CHOICE Choice Linens Ms. Glenna K. Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Christensen Mr. Wayne Christianson In Memory of Norma Russell Mr. Howard Christophersen In Memory of David Trueb Mrs. Marika Cialdella Mr. Chris Cicierski & Mr. Kirk Knapp Ms. Amanda Clark Ms. C. Dolores Clark Mr & Mrs. Chris Clark In Honor of Gene & Virginia Kord In Memory of Alice Kord In Memory of Elsie C. Trautmann Mr. & Mrs. David A. Clark In Honor of Doris Feragen In Memory of Noel Petitjean In Memory of David Trueb In Memory of Doris Feragen Ms. Margaret Clarrissimeaux Ms. Colleen Cline In Memory of Catherine Meechan Clothier & Head Ms. Elizabeth Cookson In Memory of Dick Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Cooley In Honor of Sean Cooley Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cordell Mr. Michael Cornell In Memory of Dolores Sternola Ms. Laurie Corrington Mr. James L. Cortines & Ms. Eileen C. Niemi Ms. Linda M. Cochran In Memory of Catherine Arko Mr. & Mrs. Rich Cohan Ms. Karen Coleman Mrs. Sally Sue Coleman Ms. Shelley Coleman In Memory of Noel Petitjean Ms. Deborah Collins Ms. M. Anne Comer In Memory of Virginia Wood Conard Romano Architects Concern for Neighbors Food Bank Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Cook Costco Mr. & Mrs. John Costello Ms. Sally A. Cote Covenant Care Mr. Eric Cowperthwaite Mr. & Mrs. William L. Cox Ms. Phyllis Cravens Ms. Alexa Crawford Mr. Isiaah Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Martin Criminale Mr. & Mrs. J. Sten Crissey Ms. Linda M. Cochran Croatian Fraternal Union Ms. Anna Cronin Living 5 Donor List Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation Based on gifts received in 2013 Mr. Doug Crosby Mr. Kevin Cruff & Mrs. Terri Majka In Memory of Helen Cruff Mr. Gary Crum & Ms. Gloria Teves Ms. Vonda L. Cuchine Ms. Elizabeth Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. John Curran In Honor of Maureen Romano Mr. & Mrs. Waldon L. Current In Memory of Joyce Abel Mr. Paul Curry Ms. Mary Dahline In Memory of Antonio Pereira Ms. Bridget Daly & Mr. John LeFevre Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Danner In Memory of Irene Danner Mrs. Rita B. Daubenspeck Ms. Jeanne Davis Ms. Vicki Davis Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Mr. Mike Dawda In Memory of Kathryn “Kay” Christie Ms. Marjorie Dawson In Memory of Michael Lucey In Memory of Joseph Untereiner In Memory of Dottie Finken Ms. Janine de Saint Giles Ms. Rose DeGracia Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. DeLaat III Mr. & Mrs. Rick Delcoure Mr. & Mrs. William J. Dempsey Denali Advanced Integration Dr. & Mrs. Melvin B. Dennis, Jr. Ms. Rose Dennis In Memory of Dolores Sternola Mrs. Jean Derheim Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Desimone Mr. John M. Dick In Memory of Edmund P. Dick Mr. Robert Dick Mr. Jerrold Mark Dion Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Dion Ms. Mary L. Dion Scurlock In Memory of Mary Jean Romano Ms. Mary Agnes Dizon Delarosa Mrs. Jean Dodge In Memory of Muriel Papia Mr. Dan Donohoe Mr. Matt Donohoe Fred H. & Mary S. Dore Charitable Foundation Ms. Jane Dore 6 Living Mr. Pierre Dorratcague In Memory of Agnes LaValley Mr. Kenneth J. Dorsch Dorsey & Whitney LLP Mr. Scott Douglas Mrs. Irene Dufort In Memory of Neil Dufort In Memory of James Neal In Memory of Edward Marshall In Memory of Rev. Emery J. Blanchard Mr. James Dufour Mr. Robert Duisberg Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Dunn In Memory of Edward Bernard Dunn Patrick Dunn & Assoc., Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. James Dunnam In Honor of Maureen Romano In Memory of Mary Jean Romano Mr. & Mrs. James Eckstrom Ms. Mary Beth Edenholm Ms. Patricia M. Edman Ms. Carolyn Edmonds Ms. Gaile Edrozo Ms. Heidi Ehrenberg Mr. John Davis Mr.& Mrs. Keith H. Eilers Ms. Suzanna Eller Ms. Alice Elliott Mr. Hebert Ellison In Memory of Jack Ryan Emilie’s Treasures Thrift Shop Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound Mrs. Agnes Erickson In Honor of Bill Erickson Mr. Jim Erickson In Memory of Evelyn Erickson Ms. Michele Erickson Erlich Donnan Foundation Mrs. Christie Ernst Estate of Adora Fay Nelson Estate of Lyle R. Richardson Estate of Esther & Dick Gorman Mr. & Mrs. George Eustice Ms. Olivia Fannin Raese Mrs. Fay V. Farrar Mr. Randolph Farrar Mr. & Mrs. Mike Farrell In Memory of Gwen Schwenzer In Memory of Doris Feragen Mr.& Mrs. John Farrell Dr. Michael Faudree In Memory of Terry Faudree Mr. & Mrs. Randy R. Felt Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Felton In Memory of Nick Lucas Mrs. Doris Feragen Sr. Jacqueline Fernandes, SP The Richard M. & Maude M. Ferry Family Foundation The Fife Family Trust Mr. Donald A. Fife In Memory of David Trueb Dr. Walter Finnegan In Memory of Margaret Kelly Finnegan Ms. Angela Finney Mr. Richard Finnie In Memory of Elizabeth V. Finnie Mr. Robert R. Finzer In Memory of David Trueb Dr. Nancy Fisher Fr. Paul Fitterer Mr. Richard C. Fitterer In Memory of Dick Gorman Mrs. Pam M. Fitzgerald In Memory of Adele Boden Ms. Patricia Flaherty In Memory of Gwen Schwenzer Ms. Cynthia Flash In Memory of Mary Szabo Ms. Mary Fleck & Mr. James Brawley Ms. Jan Fleming In Memory of Teresa Fleming Ms. Jessica M. Fletcher In Honor of Jim Nelson In Memory of Doris Feragen Mr. & Mrs. John V. Fletcher In Honor of Greg Van Pelt In Memory of Mary Szabo In Memory of Jim & Jean Ryder Ms. Kathryn Flohr Mr. Brian Flood In Memory of George Flood Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Flood In Honor of Phyllis Flood In Memory of George Flood Mr. & Mrs. Mike Flood In Memory of George Flood Mrs. Phyllis Flood In Memory of George Flood Ms. Julie Fluke & Mr. Don Sandstede Mr. Andrew Fontana In Memory of John Duffy Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fontana In Honor of Tom Mitchell Mr. Steve Fontana & Ms. Britt Nelson In Memory of John Duffy Mitchell Ms. Rosemary Forte In Memory of Theresa Lane Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Foster Ms. Sheila Foster In Memory of David Trueb Ms. Renee M. Fowler In Memory of Margaret Nielsen Mr. Roger Fowler & Mr. Scott Waldon Mr. Mike Fox & Ms. Susan Simpson-Fox Fran’s Chocolates Ms. Patricia W. Frantz In Memory of Kathryn “Kay” Christie Ms. Ruth D. Franz In Memory of Hazel Meier Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Frayn, Jr. In Memory of Elma Carlsen Mr. Stanley Fremont Mr. & Mrs. Adam Frew Ms. Ann Friedrichsen Friends of The Mount In Memory of Dick Gorman In Memory of Esther Gorman Dr. Mark Fritz Mr. Robert D Fronk Mr. Larry Fugere In Memory of Raymond Lavery Mr. David Fuller In Memory of Elliott William Fuller Mr. Thomas R. Fuller In Memory of Doris Lake Mr. Kevin Funk Dr. Helen S. & Mr. Murray G. Gaevert In Memory of Margaret Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Gaffney, Jr. In Memory of Rita Gaffney Ms. Joeann Gallagher Ms. Kathleen Gallagher Ms. Mary Bea Gallagher Ms. Theresa Gallant Ms. Trudy Gamche In Memory of Rose Albright Ms. Galina Gandy Mr. Romeo Garcia Mr. Gene A. Garland In Memory of Diana D. Garland Ms. Margaret A. Garrett In Memory of John Seal Ms. Joyce Garrison In Memory of Margaret Kelly Finnegan Mr. Augusto B. Weng Gavino In Honor of Sr. Dolores Kirk Ms. Malinda Gehrke Ms. Maria Geokezas In Memory of Nick Lucas Ms. Katie Geraghty In Memory of Harriet Barret In Memory of Patrick A. Geraghty, Jr. Mrs. Patricia Geraghty In Memory of Patrick A. Geraghty, Jr. In Memory of Harriet Barrett Mr. Robert F. Geraghty In Memory of Patrick A. Geraghty, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Curt Gerken In Memory of Joyce Abel Mr. Samuel Ghezehei In Memory of Yohannes Ghezehei Mr. & Mrs. Scott T. Gibbs Ms. Nora Gibson Mr. Scott Gibson & Mr. Matthew Brooks Ms. Holly Gion Ms. Niki Tianello Gionta In Memory of Anna Maria Tianello Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gionta In Memory of Anna Maria Tianello Ms. Lorraine Giosh In Memory of Laura Briggs Ms. Sara Givens Ms. Irene Gleason In Memory of Sr. Louise Gleason, SP Ms. Charlotte Glen Ms. Melissa Golan Mrs. Angela I. Golden In Honor of Francie, Mary Rose & Peggy In Memory of William Royer In Memory of Llewellyn Krech In Memory of Sophie Boers In Memory of T. J. Sereno In Memory of Jeannette Lewis In Memory of Ralph Yuodelis In Memory of Martin Golden In Memory of Jack Peterson Mrs. Terri Goodwin Ms. Gail Goralski Gordon Tilden Thomas & Cordell LLP Ms. Patricia Gossler Ms. Agatha Goulet Graham Contracting Ltd Mrs. Marilyn B. Graham In Honor of Nick Schoen Ms. Beth Graham Inghram Mr. & Mrs. Howard Gray In Memory of Charles Canonica Ms. Marie Green In Memory of Rose Albright Mrs. Lorna R. Greer In Memory of Henry J. Rogers In Memory of Atwood W. Rogers Mr. Randall Greseth In Memory of Harvey J. Greseth Mr. & Mrs. Basil Grieco In Memory of Michael DeSantis Mr. Brian W. Grimm Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Grohman Mr. & Mrs. Tom Grohman Sr. Mary Grondin, SP Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Groves Ms. Charlene Guanlao Ms. Melissa Gudmestad Mr. & Mrs. Rex Guichard In Memory of David Trueb Ms. Sally Guinasso Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Gunderson In Memory of David Trueb Ms. Letty Gustav In Memory of Edward Gruble Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Gustav In Memory of Rosemary & Ralph Newman In Memory of Laureen Gruble In Memory of Edward Gruble In Memory of Robert Gustav Mr. William Gustaveson Ms. Janet Haberbush In Memory of Elizabeth McAdams Ms. Margaret Haberbush In Memory of Elizabeth McAdams Mr. Scott Hagan Dr. Peg Haggerty Ms. Adelene Hammelman In Honor of Sr. Maryann Bochsler, SP Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Hammerberg Mr. & Mrs. Doug Hammond Ms. Joan Hampton In Memory of Jack Torkko Mr. & Mrs. David Hancock In Honor of Robert & Doris Rogers Ms. Holly Hanken Mr. Matt Hanna Ms. Martha Hanscom Mr. Dwight Hansen In Honor of Rocky Rakovec Mrs. Elizabeth Hansen In Memory of Harold Hansen Ms. Katherine Hanson Ms. Marlis Hanson Mr. Charles Harbert Ms. Colleen Hardy Ms. Renee Harn Mr. & Mrs. James L. Harper Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harrington Ms. Vicki Harrington Ms. Sheila Harrison In Memory of Kathryn “Kay” Christie Ms. Amy Hart Ms. Susan Harvey Mr. John Hassell Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hayes In Memory of Dick Gorman Ms. Sandy Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hedrick In Honor of Josh Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. Josh Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Heidal Ms. Virginia Heikkenen Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Hellrigel In Honor of Dave & Sandy Sabey Mr. John Hemplemann Ms. Ellen Hendrick In Memory of Carol Ms. Linda Hendricks In Honor of Libby Cunningham Ms. Dorothy Hengtgen In Memory of Catherine Morrisey Mr. Charles W. Henke Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hermsen Ms. Charlet Herrick In Memory of Betty Bosi Mrs. Marian L. Herrity In Memory of Dolores Sternola Ms. Lynn Herrschaft Mrs. Rita Heye Ms. Kathryn Hill Mr. Leon D. Hill In Memory of Mary Hill Compassion Living 7 Donor List Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation Based on gifts received in 2013 Ms. Anne M. Hirsch In Memory of Jane Trueblood Ms. Suzanne Hittman Ms. Doris F. Hixon In Memory of Doris Feragen Mr. Ronald Hofer Hoffner, Fisher & Harvey Funeral Home Mr. Dale Forbus Hogle Ms. Timotha Hollomon Mr. Eric Holm Ms. Paula Holtzclaw Home Instead Senior Care Mr. & Mrs. James Horrigan Ms. Jennifer Houghton-McAuliffe Mr. Matthew Horvat In Memory of Marilyn Appel Dr. Gerald Hover Mr. & Mrs. Jim Howard Howden-Kennedy Funeral Home Sr. Charlene Hudon, SP Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hulak In Honor of Michael Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hull Dr. & Mrs. Troy Hull Mr. Robert J. Hurley In Memory of Mabel S. Blanck In Memory of Minnie S. Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Jack K. Hutson Ms. Elizabeth Hyland In Memory of Nando Louis Necci Mrs. Bertha Igielski Mr. Daniel J. Illich Ms. Janet Inberg Integra Imaging Ms. Lindsey Ismailova JP Morgan Chase Found Matching Gifts Ms. Charlese Jackson 8 Living Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Jackson Ms. Heidi James Mr. & Mrs. Justin Jarrett Mr. Walter R. Jelonek Ms. Karina Jennings Mrs. Pou Jennings Ms. Kristin Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Jesse Mr. Walter Jessup Ms. Lynette Jeung Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Jinneman In Memory of Jack Berry Mr. & Mrs. James Johnson Ms. Janice Johnson In Memory of Elizabeth McAdams Mr. & Mrs. Joel Johnson Ms. Mae J. Johnson In Memory of Hazel Meier Ms. Mary Johnson Ms. Kimberly B. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Judd In Honor of Brian Judd Juniper Foundation Ms. Stefanie Kaminski Mrs. Thomas Kane Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kane In Honor of Maureen Romano In Memory of Kathryn Clonts Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Kane In Honor of June Kane In Memory of Joseph S. Kane Mr. Edward Kaplanian Ms. Jane V. Katica Ms. Kathryn Kautzky In Memory of Joseph Andrew Bossi, Jr. Ms. Suzanne Dressler Kellar In Memory of Jane Page In Memory of Mary Ann Schmitt Ms. Jennifer Kelly In Honor of Kevin Kelly Mr. & Mrs. John C. Kelly In Honor of Sr. Marie Colarossi, SP Ms. Margaret E. Kelly In Memory of Gwen Schwenzer In Memory of Noel Petitjean Mr. Don Kenaga In Memory of David Trueb Ms. Jenny Kentta Mrs. Connie Kerkof In Honor of Ben & Kay Messina Mr. & Mrs. Michael Killeen In Memory of Jerry & Kay Goeden Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Kindell Mr. Roger Kindley Mr. John King In Memory of David Trueb Ms. Corinne M. Kirk In Memory of Neville Burke Ms. Nona J. Klander In Memory of Geraldine Stevenson Mr. James E. Klansnic Mr. Gerry Schmidt Ms. Caroline Knox Mr. & Mrs. Roy Koczarski In Memory of Maria Abramowicz Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Susan Koronits Ms. Jamie Kownas Ms. Lynne Krauter Ms. Ann R. Kreilkamp Mr. & Mrs. David Kremers In Memory of Adalyne Malkin Mrs. Corina Kroll Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kuhar Ms. Kristine Kumangai Dr. & Mrs. David LaFazia In Memory of Frank & Helen LaFazia In Memory of Grandma & Grandpa Mr. Christopher La Forge Mrs. Lorrie Labranche In Memory of Jeff & Ella LaBranche Mrs. Mary Ann LaFazia In Memory of Frank & Helen LaFazia Ms. Andrea LaFazia-Geraghty In Memory of Frank & Helen LaFazia Mrs. Margaret B. LaFranchi Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Laing In Memory of George Flood Lakeside Industries Mr. & Mrs. Greg Lambert Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lambo Mr. & Mrs. Louis Landino Mr. & Mrs. John H. Langen, Jr. Ms. Gail Lansing & Mr. Geoffrey L. Kelso In Memory of Beverly Lansing Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lantz Mr. Ware Lantz Ms. Michelle LaRocca Ms. Irene Larry Mrs. Barbara A. Larson In Memory of Noel Petitjean Ms. Jodie Lavallee In Honor of Robert “Bob” Tomkins Ms. Janet Lazaro Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lazzari In Honor of James Lazzari Ms. Marcie Lazzari Mr. Bob Le Roy Mr. Jeff Leach Mrs. Jeanne Marie Lee In Honor of Maureen Romano In Memory of Mary Jean Romano In Memory of Marilyn Appel Mr. & Mrs. Mike Lee Mr. James Legaz Mrs. Tecla Legge In Memory of Betty Jung Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lehmann In Memory of Harry Truman In Memory of Ed Wilson In Memory of Art & Katie Walker In Memory of Pete & Dorothy Wilson Ms. Marlene S. LeMire Mr. & Mrs. John H. Lenihan In Memory of Howard J. & Gladys V. Lenihan Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Lennon Mr. & Mrs. Duane Leonard Ms. Leonie Barnes In Memory of Marilyn Appel Ms. Alicia Lepke In Memory of Diane B. Dial Mr. Bob LeRoy Mr. John Leuck Mrs. Jamie Leviton Mrs. Mary LeVitre Ms. Jean Lewis In Memory of The Sisters of Providence In Memory of Tacoma Dominican Sisters In Memory of Angiuli Families Dr. Rayburn Lewis & Ms. Beth Upton Ms. Kristine Libby In Memory of Betty Jung Mr. & Mrs. Fred N. Liner In Memory of Raymond Lavery Ms. Hillary Lipe In Memory of Nick Lucas Ms. Faye Louie Mr. & Mrs. Gary F. Loverich Justice Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Low Mr. & Mrs. Roger Low Ms. Annie Lucas & Mr. Doug Grimes Ms. Greta Lucas In Memory of Nick Lucas Ms. Margaret J. Lucas & Mr. Michael Hooks Ms. Nota Lucas In Memory of Nick Lucas In Memory of Edward Gruble Dr. Sylvia Lucas Ms. Meg Lucia In Memory of Anne & Paul Rebhahn In Memory of Sr. Timothy Sullivan Mr. Garry M. Lund Mr. Greg E. Lyle-Newton In Honor James Newton Mr. Oliver Lyles Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lynch Mrs. Cecille Lynch Ms. August Lynn Ms. Virginia Lyons In Memory of Veronica Schork Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Madison Ms. Gail Madrid In Honor of Ben & Kay Mesinna Ms. Elizabeth Maggio In Memory of Anna Maria Tianello Ms. Joanne Maher Mr. Patrick Malley In Memory of Catherine Malley Mr. & Mrs. David Mara In Memory of Arthur Mara In Memory of Frances Mara In Memory of Val Phillips In Memory of Chester Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Bob Marconi In Memory of Helen Tuccillo Ms. Carol Marksbury Ms. Hilda Marquez In Memory of Kathryn “Kay” Christie Marsh, Inc. Ms. Kandy M. Marshall Ms. Ann M. Marten Ms. Ann M. Martin Mr. Chris O. Martin Ms. Elisa Martin Mr. Michael Martin Mrs. Donella Marty Mrs. Jane E. Mason Mr. Larry Mason Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Matej In Memory of Bev Willison Mr. & Mrs. Robert Matlock In Honor of Nora Bagnulo In Honor of Bob Matlock Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Matthews Mr. George W. Mauer Mrs. Deanna Maughan In Memory of Edwarad Gruble Mrs. Louise McAllister Mr. Thomas McBride In Memory of Mrs. Theo McBride Mr. & Mrs. Terry McCabe Ms. Marcella McCaffray Ms. Eileen McCann Mr. & Mrs. C. Scott McClellan Ms. Margaret McClintock In Memory of Sr. Agnes Spitznagel Ms. Eileen McComb Mr. & Mrs. Barry McConnell Ms. Nancy McCraney In Memory of Jane Carrier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McDonagh Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McDowell, Jr. Mrs. Donna Jean McGee Ms. Elisa McGee Dr. & Mrs. Dee McGongile Ms. Mary A. McGovern In Memory of Bernice D’Amico Ms. Maureen McGovern Ms. Margo McKee In Memory of Marilyn Appel Mr. & Mrs. James McKeirnan Ms. Kathleen M. McKenzie In Memory of Noel Petitjean Mr. David McLain In Memory of Vera McLain Mr. & Mrs. Michael McLaughlin In Memory of Vivian Good Mr. Chris McMahon & Ms. Karen Kalzer Mrs. Kelly McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. McMains Mr. & Mrs. Paul McMillen Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J. McNamee In Memory of Leo Bride In Memory of Dagmar Bride Ms. Katherine McPhail In Memory of Marilyn Appel Mr. Bob McQuigg Ms. Bonnie Mecum Ms. Maryann Meersman In Memory of Rose Meersman Mr. Terry Meersman & Ms. Carmen De La Hoz In Memory of Rose Meersman Ms. Harriet Meier Ms. Kathy Meier In Memory of Hazel Meier Ms. Charlotte H. Merritt In Memory of Marilyn Appel Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mesaros Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Messina Mr. James Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Bret & Alda Micha Ms. Elizabeth T. Mickel Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Mr. Frank Mielzek Mr. & Mrs. John Milketinas In Memory of Dolores Sternola Fr. Abraham Miller In Memory of Michael Lucey Mr. John Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mitchell Mrs. Pauline Mitchell In Memory of John Duffy Mitchell Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell & Mr. Jim Jorgenson In Memory of John Duffy Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Tim Mitchell In Memory of Blanche Mitchell In Memory of John Duffy Mitchell Ms. Diane Mitchell-Dean Dr. & Mrs. James I. Mock Mr. Darren Moeller Ms. Anne A. Moldrem In Memory of Marilyn Appel Ms. Corinne G. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. James W. Miller Ms. Jean Miller Ms. Laury Miller Mr. Ronald Miller Ms. Toni Marie Minuti Ms. Teresa Montoya In Honor of Elizabeth Rodriguez Mrs. June Moore Living 9 Donor List Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation Based on gifts received in 2013 Wynne Morrill In Memory of David Trueb Mrs. Patti Morris Ms. Gemalee Morrison In Honor of Sr. Shirley Smith, SP Mrs. Jo Anne Morrison In Memory of Hugh Wallace Ms. Anne E. Moschetto In Memory of The Moschetto Family Mount St. Vincent Sewing Group Ms. Dawn Mullarkey Mulvanny G2 Architecture Mrs. Magdalen Murphy In Memory of Terence Murphy Ms. Mary Cay Murphy Dr. & Mrs. William Murphy Mrs. Agnes Murray In Memory of Robert Murray Ms. Colleen Musgrave Ms. Cherie Myers Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Nasmith In Honor of Sr. Sue Von Bank, SSND National Assoc. of Letter Carriers Ms. Marilyn Navoni Mr. Ron Nebeker Mr. Gary Necci In Memory of Nando Louis Necci Mr. James Nelson Ms. Katharine Nelson In Memory of Dick Gorman Mr. Mike Nelson In Memory of David Trueb Mr. Rodney Nelson In Memory of Dominic J. Budnick Mr. Wesley Neumann Ms. Mardi Newman In Memory of Dolores Sternola Ms. Ann Nez In Honor of 4th Floor Nursing Staff In Memory of Mary Ann Reid Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nicol Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nielsen In Memory of Margaret Nielsen Ms. Nora Nielsen In Memory of Margaret Nielsen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Nielsen In Memory of Carlton & Ruth Kulle Ms. Maureen B. Niland Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ninburg Ms. J. Eileen Niven In Honor of Jane Mason 10 Living Mr. Arthur E. Nordhoff Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Nordhoff Mr. Charles North Mr. & Mrs. Armando L. Nucci Nucor Steel Mr. & Mrs. James Nuss Mr.& Mrs. Chris O’Claire Ms. Kelley O’Connor Office of the Archbishop of Seattle Ogden Murphy Wallace PLLC Ms. Toni D. Okada In Memory of Mary Hill Mr. & Mrs. Terry O’Keefe Ms. Patricia O’Leary Mr. William O’Leary Mr. & Mrs. Brent Olson Ms. Robin Olson In Memory of Gwen Schwenzer Ms. Lisa Olund & Mr. James Franz Mr. & Mrs. John O’Neill Ms. Julie Oresman Ms. Laura Osterbrock Mr. & Mrs. John Osterhaus Mr. & Mrs. Bob Ostrom Mr. Miles D. Otoupal In Memory of Marilyn Otoupal Overlake School Mr. Jason Owens Mrs. Besiledes Pajo Mr. Robby Parkhurst Ms. Vijya Patel & Mr. Scott Block Ms. Suzanne Patneaude Mr. & Mrs. Pat Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Patterson Ms. Cecilia Paul In Memory of Gertrude Paul Mr. Karl Pauly Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pearson In Memory of Jenny Filkowski Mr. & Mrs. Steve Peck In Memory of Jean Peck Ms. Amy Peil Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pelletier Ms. Rita M. Pelley In Memory of John Seal Mr. & Mrs. John Penny In Honor of Maureen Romano In Memory of Joan LeFor Mr. & Mrs. Angeles Perez Ms. Anne M. Perkins, RN Perkins Coie Perkins Coie Foundation Ms. Christy Perry In Honor of Jeanne Swimme In Memory of Wayne Swimme Mr. Steve Perry Mr. & Mrs. Roger Peters Mr. & Mrs. Jack Peterson In Memory of Marilyn Appel Ms. Janice Peterson In Memory of David Trueb Ms. Jeanne Peterson In Memory of Hazel Meier Mr. Jim Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Peterson In Memory of Dolores Sternola Mr. & Mrs. Brian Peterson In Memory of Betty Kirsch Mr. & Mrs. John Petit In Memory of Fannie Petit Mrs. Micheline Petite Mr. Lanny Petitjean In Memory of Noel Petitjean Ms. Tammy A. Petlow Ms. Virginia Petty In Memory of Elizabeth Ann Shanahan Ms. Dolores May Pierce In Memory of Robert Pierce Ms. Malene Pierce Ms. Judy Pigott Mr. Rodolfo Pio Mr. Craig Pitt & Ms. Sarah Stocks Ms. Cathy A. Plank Mr. & Mrs. Riley Pleas In Memory of Mary Jean Romano Ms. Theresia Podany Ms. Wanda Pommer Mr. Matthew Porosky Mr. Francis J. Powers, Jr. In Memory of The Powers Family Mr. Jack Preston In Honor of Kelly Cox In Honor of Annette Van Der Voort Ms. June Preston Mr. Craig A. Priano Mr. & Mrs. Tom Price Mr. David J. Privat Mr. & Mrs. Todd A Prodzinski In Memory of Mary Jean Romano Providence Federal Credit Union Providence Mount St. Vincent Auxiliary Mr. Robert Hellrigel Ms. Anne L. Purcell In Memory of Robert Purcell Ms. Margaret Purcell Ms. Alexandra Pye Len & Laurie Quadracci Family In Honor of Charlene K. Boyd In Honor of Gene & Virginia Kord In Honor of Bill & Elaine Edwards In Honor of Patricia Szabo In Honor of Arlene Carter In Honor of Molly Swain In Honor of Storey Squires In Memory of Pat Arbow Ms. Donna Quatsoe In Memory of Edna Davis Ms. Patricia Quirk RBC Wealth Management Ms. Liza Ragan In Honor of Dolores Sternola In Memory of Mary Murray Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Ragen Ms. Rachel Y. Ragland & Mr. Josh Bihary In honor of Ralph Ragland In honor of Ralph & Yvonne Ragland Mrs. Frances Raines In Memory of Arthur L. Raines, Sr. Mr. Trevor Rain-Water & Ms. Maria Ales Ms. Terri Rambosek & Mr. Jeff Donahue In Memory of Al & Dorothy Rambosek Egon Ramelli Ms. Lisa Ramsey Mr. & Mrs. John R. Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rasmussen Ms. Janice Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Willis Reasons In Memory of David Trueb Ms. Laurel A. Rech In Memory of Anna Rech Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reck Recycle America Ms. Anne Redman Ms. Robin Reed Ms. Nancy Reeder In Memory of Wally “Pop-O” Robinson Mr. & Mrs. John Rees In Memory of Angela U. Miller Mrs. Sally Reiquam Ms. Connie Renggli Mr. William Reno In Memory of Noel Petitjean Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Requa Mr. Joe Rettenmaier Mr. James E. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Paul Richards In Memory of Mary Jean Romano Ms. Linda M. Richter Richter & Co. Ms. Nancy Rickhoff In Memory of Mary Ann Reid Mrs. Lisa Riebe Jenna Riggs Collaborative Ms. Nancy J. Riordan In Honor of Sr. Rita Ferschweiler Mr. & Mrs. Bert Robins In Honor of Sr. Rose Lulay, SP In Memory of Sr. Rose Lulay, SP Ms. Charlene K. Robins Ms. Laurie Robinson In Memory of Dorothy Short In Memory of Gerald Ryan Mr. Lawrence W. Robinson Ms. Nancy Rogers Mr. & Mrs. David Rokosky Mr. & Mrs. James P. Romano In Honor of Maureen Romano In Memory of Mary Jean Romano Drs. John & Grace Romano Dr. Robert L. Romano In Honor of Maureen Romano Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Romano In Honor of Maureen Romano In Memory of Mary Jean Romano Mrs. Darlene Romero Mr. & Mrs. Mort Romstad In Memory of Marilyn Appel Mr. & Mrs. Jon Rorem Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Rosen Mr. & Mrs. James W. Roumonada In Memory of Paul A. Roumonada Ms. Elizabeth Roush Mr. Raymond F. Rowan Ms. Barbara Russell Ms. Fae Russell Dr. Mai Russell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Russell Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rutchik Sr. Judy A. Ryan Mr. Wolf Saar Ms. Anne Sakrison Mr. James Sams Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Sarewitz In Honor of Maureen Romano In Memory of Mary Jean Romano In Memory of Katie McKay Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Gloria Sauro Dr. & Mrs. Lester R. Sauvage, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Lester R. Sauvage, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Schaber Mr. Lyle Schaffe In Memory of David Trueb Mr. Leo Schilling In Honor of Chloe Warren Mr. Harry Schmitt Mr. J. Thomas Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Schneider In Memory of Ted Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Greg Schoen Mr. & Mrs. Nick Schoen Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Schorn Mr. Stuart Schrader Ms. Karen L. Schraga In Memory of Jim Tatum In Memory of Steve Plutt In Memory of Sue Crumb Ms. Marilyn Schrum In Memory of David Trueb Mr. & Mrs. Greg Schuler In Memory of Reidar “Ray” Jacobsen Mr. & Mrs. David & Annette Schultz In Memory of Hazel Meier Ms. Elizabeth L. Schultz In Memory of Noel Petitjean Mr. & Mrs. Jack Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Lee Schultz In Memory of Roger Gilles Ms. Sharon Schultz Mr. Arthur Schwartz In Honor of Sr. Sue VonBank, SSND In Honor of 2 North Sunnyside In Honor of Jennifer Paquette Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schwartz In Memory of Marilyn Appel Mr. & Mrs. Henry Schwartz In Memory of Kathleen Nickels Seattle Foundation Mr. Richard Seims Ms. Gladys Senger Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Senske Mr. & Mrs. Marc Servizi Ms. Deborah Seymour Ms. Lauren Shakalis In Memory of Dick Gorman Mr. Larry Shannon & Ms. Jan Simonds Mr. Lorcan Shannon Mr. & Mrs. Boyd E. Sharp, Jr. Ms. Patti Sheehan In Memory of Mercedes Carney Ms. Martha Shellenberger In Memory of Gene Nokes Mrs. Sheppard Mr. & Mrs. Dan Sherman Ms. Michele Sherrard Mrs. Marilyn Sherry Mrs. Margaret Shilley Ms. Darlene Shilling Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Shoemaker In Memory of Elizabeth McAdams Ms. Jean Shoemaker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shoemaker Ms. Cheryl Shope Mr. James Shorett Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Showalter Mr. William Sibbers Ms. Suzy M. Siburg Ms. Kathy Sifferman Ms. Joan Silling Ms. Mary Ann Simonetti Mr. & Mrs. Merlin C. Simpson In Memory of Elsie Simpson Ms. Susan Simpson-Fox & Mr. Mike Fox In Memory of Elsie Simpson Mr. Donald Sirkin Excellence Living 11 Donor List Based on gifts received in 2013 Sisters of Providence Mrs. Lois Skoor Mr. George R. Slater Ms. Carmel Slee Mr. & Mrs. Doug Smith Ms. Kiana Smith Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Smith In Memory of Carlton & Ruth Kulle Ms. Sharon Smith In Memory of Emelda Thompson Sr. Shirley M. Smith, SP Mr. Thomas A. Smith Mrs. Vicky Smith In Honor of Inez Burt Ms. Vivienne B. Snow In Memory of Dick Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Soden Ms. Mary Ann Solberg In Memory of Marilyn Appel Ms. Mary E. Sontgerath In Memory of Cathy Butler Mrs. Mary Sorenson In Memory of Marilyn Appel Mr. Phil Sorie In Memory of Patricia Roundtree Ms. Belinda Southworth Mr. Steve Southworth & Ms. Rebecca Wiess Mrs. Jessica Spacil In Memory of Terry Faudree In Memory of Gene Nokes In Memory of Catherine Morrisey In Memory of Pat Quirk In Memory of Joyce Abel In Memory of Gwen Schwenzer In Memory of Theresa Lane In Memory of Hazel Meier Mr. Gary Sparks In Memory of David Trueb Ms. Jennifer Spatz Mr. Raymond Spaulding Ms. Patricia T. Spence In Memory of John Spence Ms. Storey Squires In Honor of Jessica Spacil In Honor of JoAnne Morrison In Honor of Murl Barker In Honor of Sue Matlock In Honor of Pam Leach In Honor of All Mount Volunteers In Memory of Margaret Ochs In Memory of Harold Sharp In Memory of Opal Kleikamp In Memory of David Trueb In Memory of May Britt Mackanzie In Memory of Jim Gorman In Memory of Rose Virkelyst In Memory of Cathy Butler In Memory of Gwen Schwenzer In Memory of Chuck Hawley In Memory of Opal Kleikamp In Memory of Yvonne Crosby In Memory of Harry Waters In Memory of Doris Feragen In Memory of Noel Petitjean Ms. Gayle Sreibers In Memory of Vivian Good Mr. & Mrs. Richard St. Hilaire Ms. Penny Stalder In Memory of Milly Killingsworth In Memory of Helen Stalder Mr. William Staley Ms. Sharon Stankowski Starbucks Matching Gifts Program Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Steere In Memory of Ruth Steere Mr. Ernest Sterba Mr. Fenton Stewart Mrs. Lois Sticklin Mr. Paul Stone In Honor of Betty Kill Ms. Florence M. Studer In Honor of Storey Squires Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Suchoski Ms. Liz Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sullivan In Memory of Rose Albright Sheehan Sullivan Weiss Mr. & Mrs. George Sully In Honor of Josh & Alexis Hedrick Ms. Karen Summers Mr. Kenneth Sund Mr. & Mrs. Mark Suryan Ms. Joanna Swain In Memory of Jon Southworth Ms. Molly Swain In Honor of Maureen Romano In Memory of Gwen Schwenzer In Memory of Joyce Abel Ms. Kendra Swartz Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Swayne In Memory of Joyce Abel Mr. & Mrs. Allan R. Swegle Mr. John Sweeney In Memory of Gene Nokes Mr. & Mrs. Norm Swick Mrs. Jeanne Swimme Mr. David A Sylling Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Szabo In Memory of Mary Szabo Mr. & Mrs. Mark Raden Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Tazioli Team Photogenic Dr. Luth Tenorio Mr. Ty Terry In Honor of Mark Weise Ms. Valerie A. Thiel Mr. Thomas A Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Thompson In Memory of David Trueb Mr. & Mrs. Bill Thompson Ms. Laura Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Sean Thompson Mrs. Susannah Thompson Mrs. Ethel Thrasher In Memory of Dolores Sternola Thrivent Financial Mrs. Karol A. Tipton Mr. & Mrs. Eric Tirnauer Mr. Mark Toomey Friends at Tops WA No. 6 Mr. Paul J. Toupin In Memory of Patrick & Joanne Toupin Ms. Jessica Towbin Ms. Marie Townsend Mrs. Judy Trueb In Memory of David Trueb In Memory of Verna Jones Ms. Nancy Trueb In Memory of David Trueb Ms. Susan Tuller Mr. Patrick Neal Tunison In Memory of Terry “Neal” Tunison Mr. & Mrs. Dyke Turner Mr. Bob Tuschoff Ms. Krislene Tussey Count Kody Tuwaletstiwa Dr. Christine Tweedy D.D.S. Ms. Lynn Uhl In Memory of Dick Gorman Ms. Edel Underhill In Honor of Margaret Addison US Bank Kelly Ussery Stewardship 12 Living Mrs. Winnifred Van Dyk Ms. Jan Van Horn Ms. Catherine Van Stralen Mr. James Vandenberg Mr. Stephen VanDerhoef & Ms. Dianne Wright In Memory of M. Cecilia VanDerhoef Sr. Charlotte Van Dyke, SP In Honor of Edward A. Van Dyke Ms. Megan Vecchio Mr. Harry R. Venables, P.S. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vial In Honor of Maureen Romano In Memory of Katie McKay In Memory of Mary Jean Romano Ms. Cara Vibbert Ms. Patricia Verden Mr. Greg Vornbrock Miss Katherine M. Vornbrock Ms. Helen Vrabel Ms. Shirley Vradenburgh In Memory of Erma Vradenburgh Ms. Colleen Wadden Ms. Kelly Wadsworth Mr. Jonathon Wagher Ms. Christina Wagner In Memory of Grace Philanima In Memory of Anthony & Grace Wagner Ms. Debra J. Waldron Ms. Marilyn Walker Ms. Mary Beth Walker Ms. Heather Wallace Father Jack Walmesley Mr. & Mrs. Alex Walters Mrs. Adele C. Ward In Memory of Adele Boden In Memory of John Ward Mr. & Mrs. Bob Warner In Memory of Mary Ann Reid Ms. Gertrude Warr Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Waterman In Memory of Dolores Sternola Ms. Corrine Watson Dr. Jo Ellen Watson & Dr. Frank Spina In Memory of Della Watson Mr. & Mrs. James Watt In Honor of Nick Schoen In Memory of John Berry In Memory of Mary J. Berry In Memory of Doris Feragen Ms. Jeanette Watts Ms. Susan B. Webb Ms. Carla Weeaks In Honor of Charline Kamminga Weight Watchers Mr. Mark R. Weise & Mr. Ty Terry Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Welch Mr. & Mrs. W. Scott Wells In Honor of Sr. Sue VonBank, SSND In Honor of Betty Lindmark In Memory of Milly Killingworth Mrs. Theresa Werlech In Memory of Mary Jean Romano Ms. Marie Westermeier & Mr. John Welch Westside Children’s Dentistry Westside Italian Civic Club Mr. Michael Bailey Mr. Douglas Whaley Ms. Leslie Ann Wheatley Mr. Christopher White Ms. Mary A. Whitley Mr. & Mrs. Tim Whitters In Honor of Frances Yoshida Wiley Mr. Peter Widowitz Mr. & Mrs. David Wikstrom In Memory of David Trueb Ms. Mary Wilcox Mr. Jim Wilgus In Memory of James O. Wilgus Mrs. Michaele Wilken Mr. & Mrs. Jim Williams Mr. Toby Willis Ms. Deb Wilson Ms. Nicole Wilson Ms. Olga T. Wilson In Memory of Erlinda & Gregorio Tanio Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Wilson Ms. Kate Winborn Windermere West Seattle Mrs. Margaret Wineman In Memory of Alice Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Jon Winemiller Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Winge Ms. Betty Winter Mr. Jonathon Witham Mr. John R. Withers In Honor of Ruth Pope Mr.& Mrs. Robert Witter In Honor of Marite Butners Mrs. Fran Wlezien In Memory of Vicki Klesper Mr. John E Woods Jr. Mrs. Ann Wyckoff In Honor of Maureen Romano Mr. Henry I. Wyman In Honor of Sr. Sue VonBank, SSND In Memory of Ed & Ev Lynch In Memory of Doris May Wyman Ms. Lillian Yamamoto Ms. Kathryn Yerke Mr. Edward S Yockman Jr. Mr. Tim Young In Memory of Joanna Young In Memory of Don & Marie Dr. Jon P. Younger & Ms. Kim M. Spector Mr. Robert Yunker Mr. & Mrs. Walt Zabriskie Mr. Dan Zanchi Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zang In Memory of David Trueb Dr. & Mrs. Ralph K. Zech In Memory of Helen Rose Zech In Memory of Raymond Zech Ms. Cynthia Zemann Mr. Norm Zemke Mr. Charles Zweigart Mr. James Zwygart Support The Mount Securely and Easily 1. Facebook—Check out the Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation’s Facebook page and the “Donate Now” button under the cover photo linking to the Foundation’s secure payment page. And while you’re there, please “Like” us! 2. Online giving— . The “Donate Now” link on the left side of the page, beneath the large photo will link you to our online giving page. Simply click on the funding need you prefer and “Donate Now” to get to our safe and secure portal payment page. You may event make memorial gifts on this page. 3. Ongoing, monthly gifts—if you wish to make a monthly, recurring gift, click on the Foundation’s “Donate Now” button on either our website or Facebook. As you enter payment information, click “Yes” on “Contact me about monthly donations.” You will be contacted by Foundation staff member Ann Martin who will set up a recurring gift via credit card transaction. 4. Pledges—If you would like to establish an annual or multi-year pledge, please call Ann Martin at the Foundation office (206/938-6194) who will be happy to help you set this up. Living 13 Around The Mount Seahawks Fever Strikes The Mount Residents, employees, volunteers and even children from the child care center participated in Blue Friday. What is a Charitable Gift Annuity? A charitable gift annuity is a simple contract between you and the Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation. It is an excellent method of receiving lifetime payments while supporting the Foundation. In exchange for your gift of cash (irrevocable gift of cash, securities, or other assets), the Foundation agrees to pay one or two annuitants you name a fixed sum each year for life. A gift of appreciated property (such as stock or real estate) may provide you with capital gains tax benefits as well. In most cases, part of each payment is tax-free, increasing each payment’s after-tax value. To learn what your benefits from a gift annuity might be, feel free to contact Foundation Executive Director Molly Swain at 206/938-8994 or Take a Tour of The Mount Without Leaving Your Home Did you know you can go on a virtual tour of Providence Mount St. Vincent? Go to The Mount’s website ( ). Under the photo on the main page, click on “Take a Virtual Tour” and you will be able to visit over 20 areas that make up our community. If you know of someone who is considering a move to The Mount, this is an excellent tool. Thank you, Sally & Laurie! The Mount recently said “Aloha” to Sally Hilstad (left) and Laurie Kincaid, both long-time hair salon staff members. Sally retired after 16 years, and Laurie retired after 20 years. That’s a lot of perms! World Day of the Sick Once again The Mount was honored to welcome Archbishop J. Peter Sartain as he presided at the annual World Day of the Sick Mass. Photo on Page 1 is the Archbishop and Lute Schoen, son of Neighborhood Coordinator Nick Schoen. Wish List Here are a few items that are currently on Providence Mount St. Vincent’s “wish list.” If you would like to make a donation to the Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation in support of funding one of the projects below, feel free to make your gift via mail or online ( Or call us: 206/938-6194. •N ew refrigerators and dishwashers for the neighborhoods • Christmas decorations—mainly for outside Special Delivery for Residents West Seattle resident Tracy Peterson brightens the days of Mount residents by surprising them with beautiful bouquets of flowers that have been donated by local markets and florists such as PCC. Here she is with resident Natalie Dennis. • New sound system for the chapel • Televisions with headphones for residents • Refurbishing the 2nd floor apartment lounge • New carpeting in the cafeteria • Planters for the main entrance and south side patio Staff Celebrate Ethiopia • Projector for the café Many Mount employees are from Ethiopia. They recently sponsored an Ethiopian celebration for residents and staff by providing traditional food and wearing beautiful clothing from their home land. 14 Living Living 15 Coming Events Providence Marianwood Foundation Spring Celebration Luncheon May 15, 2014 Bellevue Hilton Hotel Time: 11:30 am to 1:15 pm Cost: $50 per person Guest speaker: Matt Harding, World Traveler and YouTube Sensation. Creator of global dancing phenomenon that has gone viral. For reservations: or call 425/391-2895 Summer Concerts at The Mount August 1, 8, 15, and 22 Bring your family and friends for a party on the patio—The Mount’s patio, that is. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs. Free popcorn and snow cones. Great food, beer and wine available for purchase. Special activities just for kids such as face painting. And wonderful music to get your weekend started on the right note! Be sure to wear your dancing shoes! Dinner: 5:30 to 7:00 pm Live music: 6:00 to 7:30 pm Alma y Azucar Danny Vernon August 1st—Danny Vernon, The Illusion of Elvis He’s back by popular demand! Internationally known for his tribute to the King. August 8th—Alma y Azucar Saucy music ensemble providing a wide range of exquisite and passionate selections of Latin styles and flavors. August 15th—The Spyrographs Playing the best of spy, pop, surf and Bossa Nova hits of the 1960s. The Spyrographs August 22nd—The 85th Street Big Band Lively 20-piece big band featuring swing favorites from the 1930s, 40s, and 50s including classic songs by Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman and Nat King Cole. Save the Date! 2014 Black Tie Bingo The 85th Street Big Band Saturday, October 4, 2014 New Date! New Location! Still the Same Fun Evening! Mark Your Calendars Now New Location Including Special Overnight Rate: Seattle Marriott Waterfront Hotel, 2100 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA 98121 Time: 5:00 pm–10:00 pm Dinner begins at 6:45 pm Cost: $150 per person Black tie welcome but not required. Includes delicious dinner with wine, bingo cards and a guaranteed night of fun including the popular Dessert Dash! It’s fun, festive and fabulous! Providence Mount St. Vincent is celebrating its 90th year, and we have a lot to celebrate. Black Tie Bingo will be our one and only major fund raising event of the year, so don’t be left out! For more information or to sign up as a Table Captain, please contact Anna Cronin at (206) 938-5790 or Ann Martin (206) 938-6194. Online reservations and payment: Go to “Upcoming Events” and click on “Black Tie Bingo”.