The Wisconsin Corvette Club, Inc.
The Wisconsin Corvette Club, Inc.
Checkpoint Founded in 1959 February, 2015 The Wisconsin Corvette Club, Inc. A Member of the National Council of Corvette Clubs WCC - Checkpoint February, 2015 Wisconsin Corvette Club Founded in 1959 Midwest Regional Champions 1979, 1980, 1981 Board of Directors: President: Vice-President: Secretary: Treasurer: Board Member: Board Member: Board Member: Board Member Board Member: Doug Grelk Ed Cassel Chris Milewski Kurt Luedke John Bailey Terry Heidmann Christine Thate Jim Sanborn Kate Sanborn 262-821-5156 414-421-6493 262-372-4964 414-529-9556 414-545-1466 262-789-1373 414-762-2287 262-965-5255 262-965-5255 2015-1 2017-1 2017-1 2017-1 2016-1 2015-1 2016-2 2015-2 2016-2 Committee Chairpersons: Advertising: Awards: Checkpoint Editor: Competition: Event Registration: Financial: Membership: Merchandise: NCCC Governor Parades: Promotions: Quartermaster: Sergeant-at-Arms; Social: Sunshine Web Site: Welcoming: Konrad Schuettpelz Randy & Donna Hoffman Mike Thate/Jane Lawler Ed Cassel Rose Schmitt Inge Heidmann Mike Thate Inge & Terry Heidmann Dave Murphy Tom &Chris Lemanczyk 262-781-2554 262-593-2662 414-762-2287 414-507-6923 414-321-1461 262-789-1373 414-762-2287 262-789-1373 414-899-1096 262-965-3407 Mike Hudy 262-965-4415 Konrad Schuettpelz 262-781-2554 Kate Sanborn 262-965-5255 Leslie Brown 262-521-2598 Skip Kerwin 414-940-7344 Kathy Heine 262-542-4336 2 WCC - Checkpoint February, 2015 Membership meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at: Weissgerber’s Gasthaus 2720 N. Grandview Blvd. Waukesha, WI 53188 Phone:262-544-4460 8:00 PM Please plan on joining us. Board meetings are held prior to the Membership Meeting at 7:00 PM. For further information regarding the Wisconsin Corvette Club, or it’s event, please contact any of the Board of Directors. Membership Fees: New primary (WCC & NCCC): $50.00 Spouse (WCC & NCCC): $18.00 Primary WCC & NCCCC renewal: $40.00 Founded in 1959, we are one of the oldest Corvette clubs in the nation. Our club has brought enthusiasts together for 50 years. Over the years, members have enjoyed a nice balance between competitive and social events. Members can choose to participate in competitive events such as rallies, autocross, and car shows. Wisconsin Corvette Club is a sanctioned member of Midwest Region of the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC). In 1981 WCC hosted the NCCC Convention. This was the first national convention to have all major NCCC competition categories: high speed, low speed, rally, concourse, drags, and funkhana. WCC more recently hosted the Midwest Regional Championships in 1998 and 1999. If social is more your thing, we're always up for that! Members participate in a number of social events such as: weekend trips, picnics, dining out, movies, dances and any other reason for a get- together. Wisconsin Corvette Club is a not for profit, incorporated club which takes pride in donating to various national and local charities with proceeds from our annual Corvettes For Charity Car Show, Silent Auction and Hare N Hounds Rally. Checkpoint is a monthly Publication of the Wisconsin Corvette Club. Contents of Checkpoint is based on source material believed to be accurate. No legal responsibility for completeness is assumed, however. All articles, letters, or material must be submitted for publication by the date printed in the calendar. Material submitted after this date will be printed on a space available basis as time permits. Please send all correspondence to: CHECKPOINT EDITOR: or P.O. Box 1115 Milwaukee, WI 53201 3 WCC - Checkpoint February, 2015 Presidents Comments February 2015 February is one of our slowest months related to club activities. However, February is also a month to plan/prepare for future events. First of all I would like to thank Brian Hall for all he did to plan and execute a great Afterbash event. It was a great time to eat and socialize. I would also like to thank Randy and Donna Hoffman for the wonderful awards that were created and passed out during the awards ceremony. In case you were not there, Karen and J.R. Hottenrott received the Cliff Heuser Memorial Service Award for their outstand support of our club competition events and the chili cook off. We had 52 members attend the January monthly meeting. At the Board meeting the following action took place: 1.) Inge Heidmann reported that the financial audit was complete and all things were in order, and 2.) The Board recognized that we should have someone replace Fred Severt as our NCM Ambassador. We asked Jack Abuya if he would take over the position and he agreed. Thanks Jack. During the general meeting Brian Hall gave an update on the Afterbash dinner banquet plans. I also asked for a volunteer to fill the Promotions Chairperson position vacated by Fred Severt. As a calendar reminder please take note of the following important dates that are planned between now and the end of August; February 1st – NCCC convention registration opens February 15th – Chili Cookoff January 15th through February 15th – Assigned regional speed event number applications are due. March 22nd – Annual Midwest Region Banquet May 20th – WCC election of Board members at our monthly meeting June 13th and 14th – WCC speed event June 17th – WCC election of officers at our monthly meeting June 20th – WCC rally event August 22nd – August 27th – NCCC convention Other activities will be noted in the Checkpoint as they are defined and planned. Please take time to read the Checkpoint for details. That’s all for now and thanks’ again for your support. Douglas Grelk – President. 4 WCC - Checkpoint 5 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint Membership Meeting Minutes for January 21, 2015 6 February, 2015 Page 2 WCC - Checkpoint February, 2015 Wisconsin Corvette Club Calendar of Events Jan, Feb, Mar, 2015 Feb, 2015 15 Sun Chili Cook Off---Badger State Vettes—See Reminder—Formal Flyer to follow 18 Wed WCC Board Meeting— Weissgerber’s Gasthaus—2720 N Grandview Blvd. Waukesha -7.00 PM Mar, 2015 18 Wed WCC Membership Meeting- Weissgerber’s Gasthaus—2720 N Grandview Blvd. Waukesha - 8:00 PM 28 Sat Checkpoint articles due to Editor: 7 Sat Checkpoint Assembly—Electronic at present 18 Wed WCC Board Meeting— Weissgerber’s Gasthaus—2720 N Grandview Blvd. Waukesha -7.00 PM Apr, 2015 18 Wed WCC Membership Meeting- Weissgerber’s Gasthaus—2720 N Grandview Blvd. Waukesha - 8:00 PM 28 Sat Checkpoint articles due to Editor: 4 Sat Checkpoint Assembly—The Thate’s---9620 S Veronica Dr.—Oak Creek 414-762-2287—7.00 PM 15 Wed WCC Board Meeting— Weissgerber’s Gasthaus—2720 N Grandview Blvd. Waukesha -7.00 PM 15 Wed WCC Membership Meeting- Weissgerber’s Gasthaus—2720 N Grandview Blvd. Waukesha - 8:00 P 25 Sat Checkpoint articles due to Editor: Design a cover for Checkpoint and receive a free WCC event Wisconsin Corvette Club Website— 7 WCC - Checkpoint February, 2015 WCC SOCIAL WCC 2015 CLUB SOCIALS FebruaryMarchAprilMay- Lemanczyk’s June- Dentice’s July— AugustSeptemberOctober- Heidmann’s NovemberDecember- WCC 2015 LADIES NIGHT OUT FebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuly— AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember- OH MY!!!!! What is happening to our Social Get Togethers??? We need members to step up and plan an event, be it ever so small. Anything would be greatly appreciated. So please contact me with your thoughts and let’s get some dates on this 2015 Social Calendar! 8 WCC - Checkpoint 9 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint 10 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint 11 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint 12 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint 13 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint 14 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint 15 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint 16 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint 17 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint 18 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint February, 2015 JOHN CHRISTENSEN 02/21 STEVE KUHN 02/28 SUSAN TOMASZEWSKI 02/28 FRED LAWLER 03/05 DON SCHMITT 03/07 GAIL ALBERS 03/13 KATHY MCDONALD 03/14 FRANK DENTICE 03/14 THE CLIFF HEUSER MEMORIAL SERVICE AWARD This service award is given to the person or persons that the Club President feels have given of them self or themselves for the good of the club in an outstanding way. This service award was renamed in 1999 to honor the work and memory of Cliff Heuser, past president and originator of the service award. YEAR PRESIDENT RECIPIENT 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 DOUG GRELK DOUG GRELK JIM SANBORN JIM SANBORN MIKE HUDY MIKE HUDY SKIP KERWIN SKIP KERWIN SUE PUKSICH SUE PUKSICH JIM SANBORN JIM SANBORN MIKE THATE 2002 2001 KATE SANBORN KATE SANBORN 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 JIM SANBORN JIM SANBORN MIKE THATE MIKE THATE CLIFF HEUSER CLIFF HEUSER KAREN & J.R. HOTTENROTT KATE SANBORN TERRY & INGE HEIDMANN ED CASSEL FRED & JANE LAWLER CINDY GRUENBERG FRED LAWLER MIKE THATE DONNA SCHILL ALL WCC MEMBERS TERRY STOCKER & MIKE HUDY DENNY & SHERRI MAHRT KAREN & MIKE HUDY & SANDY & DON MILER JIM HART & JIM SANBORN PAM WYATT & RANDY & DONNA HOFFMAN ROSE & DON SCHMITT CLIFF (Posthumously) & JANE HEUSER No Recipient JAND HEUSER & KATE SANBORN TOM ELSINGER MIKE & CHRIS THATE 19 WCC - Checkpoint 20 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint 21 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint 22 February, 2015 WCC - Checkpoint 23 February, 2015