Shelby Junior High School - Macomb Intermediate School District


Shelby Junior High School - Macomb Intermediate School District
Shelby Junior High School
A Michigan Blue Ribbon Exemplary School
Patricia E. Gonser, Principal
Nancy Jayroe, Interim Assistant Principal
Robert L. Pacioni, Assistant Principal
February 2009
Derek Smith - Athletic Director
Volume 44, Issue 6
Shelby Junior High Vision – Building educational bridges to lifelong learning.
Dear Parents:
The scheduling process for the 2009-2010 school year has begun. Utica and Eisenhower High School counselors have visited and
presented scheduling information to our 9 Grade Students. Utica High School announced their Curriculum Night to our students as
February 3 and a notice was also sent home with our students. Eisenhower High School is holding a Curriculum Night on February 9,
2009. Schedules for both high schools will be collected on February 11, 2009.
The Shelby Counselors will begin speaking to classes the second week of February, both current 7 and 8 grade students, about their
opportunities in 8th and 9 grades. The Curriculum Night for parents of 7 and 8 graders is March 4, 6 – 6:45 pm for 8 grade parents
and 7 – 7:45 pm for 7 grade parents. No students please. The 8 grade students have also heard presentations from the specialized
programs, International Baccalaureate, CSI (Center for Science and Industry) and MST (Math, Science and Technology). The
applications for the CSI and IB programs can be found online at and There is a deadline
for applications so please apply soon.
Students interested in MST must have taken Algebra I this year in eighth grade and also take a scheduled test given by MST. This
information is in the packet all Algebra I students received from their Algebra I teachers.
Accelerated classes are available for Shelby students in all grades and in all core academic areas. We will be offering a new choice to
challenge our 9 grade students: AP World History. It will be taught by Mr. Brian Barbuto. If students successfully master this course
and take the AP test at the end and pass with a score of 3, 4 or 5, colleges will accept that as college credit. How exciting for our
students!! And, money savings for parents!!!
Shelby Counselors will then turn their attention to visitations at all our feeder elementary schools during the last week of February and
the first week of March. All parents of sixth grade students are invited to 7 grade Curriculum Night on March 10. From 6:30 – 7 pm you
may have a self guided tour of the building and some classrooms. The meeting will begin promptly at 7 pm.
Our space is very limited so we ask that ONLY adults attend…no students, please.
6 grade students will have the opportunity in May to visit Shelby and learn more about their new school. We will also provide an
Orientation for 6 grade students before school begins in September.
The EXPLORE test results have been returned to the school. This is a two part test that includes a career interest section and an
academic assessment and is taken by all 9 graders. Mrs. Klann will visit freshman classes to explain the results to the students. The
individual scores will then go home with your student. Please look for these between February 9 and February 13.
Shelby is anxiously awaiting the MEAP scores from the assessment given in October. When we receive these results we will be
sending them home with the children. We are confident that our students again performed well on this state test. Teachers will be using
this data to determine strategies to use so they can better prepare the children of today for college completion in the future.
Main Office 797-3700
51700 Van Dyke, Shelby Twp., MI. 48316
Counseling Office 797-3790
Attendance 797-3799
Fax 797-3701
Shelby’s Upcoming Events
*Feb 3
Book Fair begins
*Feb 5
Academic Blitz
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Macomb Center for the
Performing Arts
Patricia E. Gonser
Brenda Rogos
*Feb 6
Sounding Board bake sale
during lunches
*Feb. 11
Pre-festival band & strings
at Utica High School
High school counselors
will pick up schedule
selections for next year
*Feb. 16 – 20
Mid-Winter Break
No school
*Feb 25
Sounding Board meeting
9:30 am
Robert L. Pacioni
Nancy Jayroe
Bonnie Catalano
*Mar. 5
Spring conferences
*Mar. 6
Cookie dough fundraiser
Kim Susalla
Kathy Ladd
Kim Twarowski
Marlene Klann
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
*Mar. 20
Cookie dough fundraiser
Sharon LaCombe
Nondiscrimination in Education
In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title II of the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act and the Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act, it is
the policy of Utica Community Schools that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or
ancestry, sex, age, disability, height, weight, or marital status be excluded from participation in, be denied the
benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination during any instructional opportunities, programs, services, job
placement assistance, employment or in policies governing student conduct and attendance. Any person
suspecting a discriminatory practice should contact the Executive Director of Human Resources at Utica
Community Schools, 11303 Greendale, Sterling Heights, MI 48312 or call (586) 797-1000.
Gifted & Talented Program at Michigan State
Gifted & Talented Education is a division of the Honors
College at Michigan State University, dedicated to promoting
differentiated educational programs for students in grade
school, middle school and high school. This department
offers several summer programs for junior high and high
school students, including a CSI: Youth Forensic Science
Technician program for students in grades 7-12. Students in
9th grade are also eligible for a two-week Japanese high
school exchange program, as well as the opportunity to take
one of several Honors level classes at the campus. For more
information, check out the website at
Kim Twarowski
8th Grade Counselor
Attention 7th & 8th grade parents and
The students in 7 and 8 grade will also be working on
their schedules for next year soon. Counselors will
meet with students the week of February 23 during
their Social Studies classes.
Memorial for Mr. Noe update
With the proceeds from the talent show held on
Thursday, January 29, 2009, enough money has
been raised to complete the memorial project. The
work is scheduled to begin in the spring, when the
ground thaws. We will be asking for volunteers at
that time to help with the installation of the project.
Thank you to all that donated money or their time to
make this project a success.
Summer youth programs at Michigan Tech
Come to Upper Michigan this summer for a week of
learning and adventure for students in grades 6-11 on the
campus of Michigan Technological University. Programs
are available in a wide variety of areas including
engineering, science & technology, computers, outdoor &
environmental studies, business and arts & human
sciences. Scholarship programs are available in
Explorations in Engineering and Women in Engineering.
More information is available online at or by calling 1-888-773-2655
or emailing This is a great opportunity for
students to begin exploring careers in a college
~Kim Twarowski
8th Grade Counselor
Attention 9th grade parents
The students in 9 grade will be working on their schedules
for next year soon. Eisenhower and Utica high school will be
hosting curriculum information nights for these students and
their parents. Please plan on attending this important
meeting. There will be a lot of information shared this evening
and the counselors will be available for questions. The
curriculum night schedule is below for both high schools:
Utica High School
Eisenhower High School
Tuesday February 3, 2009
Monday February 9, 2009
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
In the auditorium
In the Commons (cafeteria)
Counselors from each school will return to Shelby Junior High
on February 11, 2009 to pick up the students schedule
selections for next year.
Graduation requirements
To meet minimum graduation requirements in the Utica
Community Schools, a total of 22 credits must be earned in
grades 9-12. One-half credit is granted for each semester
Specific subject requirements which must be successfully
completed are:
Four (4) years of English, grades 9-12 (one-half credit
earned each semester). One (I) credit of English may
be substituted by taking a related course with the
approval of the high school principal.
Three (3) credits of social studies, grades 9-12. Onehalf (1/2) credit of United States History (11th or 12th
grades, AP U.S. History or Contemporary U.S. History).
One-half (1/2) credit of American Government (12th
Three (4) credits of mathematics.
Three (3) credits of science.
One-half (1/2) credit of health.
Two (2) credits in foreign language or CTE (Career and
Technical Education) or Fine / Performing Arts OR any
combination there of.
Michigan Merit Exam. Students participate in this exam
during their junior year.
Each student in the Utica Community Schools is expected to
successfully achieve a full high school program each year.
It is the responsibility of students to meet with school staff to
insure course work meets the basic requirements of the college
and/or career of their choice.
Softball and baseball information
Entertainment Book information worth knowing
Don’t forget to use your Entertainment book to save money on
things you do every day! Plus, register your card in the front of
the book for additional savings and printable coupons!
Also, the following items in the 2009 Entertainment Book are
FREE with no other purchase required:
There will be a meeting for 9 grade boys
interested in trying out for baseball held on
February 23, 2009, after school in room 104.
Try-outs will start on March 9, 2009.
• Small Frosty at Wendys
• Small Coffee at Cinnabon
• Pretzel at Auntie Annies
• Small McCafe Coffee at McDonalds
• Cinnamon Bread at Hungry Howies
• $10 game play at Dave & Busters
• (2) coupons for Open Jump at Pump It Up
• Bottle of Iceland Pure Water at Walgreens
That’s worth MORE than the
$20.00 you pay for the book!
~Steve Spisak
~Derek Smith
(4) $5.00 off your $50.00 grocery order at Meijer!
$45 in Dicks Sporting Good Coupons!
AMC Theatre Discounts - Box Office Redemption!
Eisenhower Lacrosse
There will be a meeting for 9 grade girls
interested in trying out for softball held on
February 11, 2009, after school in room 136.
Try-outs will start on March 9, 2009, from 6:15
am – 7:45 am.
~Erin Chambers
~Shannon Hager
You must have a physical on file in the Main
Office before try-outs begin. If you are not
sure if your physical is on file, please stop
by the office and double check before tryouts begin.
The first day of Lacrosse practice is Monday, March 9, 2009,
4:00 pm at Eisenhower.
Full equipment is required, practice will be held rain or shine.
You will need to have a sports physical turned in prior to
If you have any questions, check out our website at
Our popular cookie dough fundraiser is back
Great News! Our Cookie dough sale is starting on Friday,
March 6th. Each student will bring home a cookie dough order
form for you to preview. You can help Shelby Jr. High earn
money for enrichment materials for the classrooms and
projectors while your family can enjoy delicious cookies. Order
forms and money are due by Friday, March 20th. Thank you
for your continuous support!
The 3rd Annual Spring Auction, sponsored by the
Eisenhower High School Athletic Booster Club will be
at the new Palazzo Grande Banquet Facility located on
Van Dyke and 25 Mile Road.
The evening will feature a beautiful filet and chicken sitdown dinner, live auction, silent auction, 50/50 raffle,
fish bowl raffle, and don’t forget to bring your dancing
shoes with entertainment by 9House. So come on out
for a great evening of fun with your IKE Family and
If you would like to volunteer to help with the fundraiser
in any capacity, or if you have an item you wish to
donate, please contact Chairpersons Doug and
Maureen Filzek at (586) 992-8715 or email at
Tickets are $75 per person, or a table can be
purchased at a discounted price of $700 for 10 people,
one check must be made out to Eisenhower Athletic
Booster Club in the full amount to receive the
discounted price.
Please contact Mike Swiatkowski at 248-866-0822 or with any ticket
Forms for donations and table reservations can be
found on the website at
As a reminder, the Booster Club meets the second
Monday of every month at 7:00 PM in the ECC Room.
Band spectacular
Shelby students had an opportunity to represent our band
program and encourage elementary students to enroll in
the Shelby Junior High band.
Jennifer Jurcak, Danielle Nevorski, Justin Macks, Evan
Ericson, and Vincent Kethman all worked very hard
preparing a song from High School Musical to perform at
the “Join the Jr. High Band” concert at Eisenhower H.S.
that was hosted by the elementary school band director
Mr. Baas. Thanks to each of these awesome band
students for their hard work and wonderful performance.
There were over three hundred 6 graders that
performed, and we hope that all of them will sign-up for
band at the Junior High when scheduling starts in
Art news
Shelby Junior High
Staff/Student Spotlight
January 2009
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The new semester started with art students hitting the
ground running at SJH. Foundations students are
beginning to work on their ceramic teapots. Seventh and
eighth grade art classes are finishing up their portfolio
designs. Sculpture students are being introduced to
formative sculpting techniques. Photo / film students are
learning the foundations of composition and photo
Special congratulations go out to National Scholastic Art
Award finalists Stephanie Austin and Jaime Kuligowski.
Congratulations! You make us all very proud to be
~Mrs. Sevek
~Mr. Brunson
Art print
Angela Goble
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Agrusa, Tiffany
Andreski, Kristine
Barretta, Sabrin a
Barth el, Joshua
Barto y, Alec
Beauregard, Sh elby
Beauregard, Taylor
Bely, Nicholas
Berg, Kri sten
Briggs, Emily
Brodowsky, Austin
Brotz, Katherine
Burko, Alyssa
Bush, Alexa
Cai, David
Caruana, Nicholas
Cassisi, Anthony
Chah al, Devpreet
Chap man, Stephanie
Chetosky, Brittany
Craze, Jacob
Dolsen, Alison
Drake, Stacey
Dries, Sheldon
Drwencke, Lauren
Dunn e, Mikayla
Faoro, Lea
Firestine, Shelby
Fisce lli, Monique
Fortuna, Aleksa
Fortuna, Hali
Gandhi, Rutvik
Gao, Connie
Geffert, Kayla
Gierc, Tyler
Goodman, Aubrie
Haist, Stephanie
Harr, Tatiana
Heid, K aty
Hering, Alaina
Herrman, Emma
Hill, Austin
Jimenez, Jesse
Ker obo, Omuwa
Kolp, Shelby
Kubert, Jordan
Kuczera, Matthew
Lap wor th, Kayla
Lewis, Alexa
Liburdi, Emma
Lusk, Kaitlyn
Macks, Justin
Maierle , Robert
Malone y, Mitchell
Martz, Andrew
McKay, Timothy
McKeogh, Shannon
Merkourios, Vasili
Messner, Alyssa
Metzenthin, Kristina
Michalski, Sebastian
Mlot, Joseph
Nevorski, Danielle
Olson, Kayla
Pascoe, Garrett
Pellill o, Angela
Pilcher, Michael
Pordon, Kelsey
Renke, Emily
Rizzi, Matthew
Saari, Rachel
Satapathy, Karishma
Schiner, Casey
Scott, Christopher
Scott, Glen
Sekula, Stephanie
Silvestri, Kaitlyn
Smellie, David
Sudyk, Christina
Suffredini, Madison
Susalla, Alex
Syms, Margaret
Tamer , Adam
Tanner, Daniel
Temelie, Andr eea
Tolomello, Barbara
Townsend, Jacqueline
VanCamp, Daniel
Venditti, Daniel
Vitale, Nicole
W eidman, Genevieve
W inter, Marissa
Taylor, Sarah
Young, Taylor
Zajac, Alex
Zimmer, Zachary
Zuehlke, Amber
Zullo, Candace
Aiello, Lindsay
Alikaj, Henrih
Apone, Allison
Assad, Dante
Aud, III, Kenneth
Ausilio, Michael
Austin, Benjamin
Bailey, Ryan
Barla, Juliana
Black, Michelle
Brinker, Sara
Brisendine, Brendan
Clark, Rachel
Curle, David
Czarnowczan, Jennifer
Davis, Justin
DeBellis, Stefano
Delise, Nina
Disanto, Kristina
Dunneback, Kyle
Elder, Jack
Ericson, Evan
Esquivel, Daniel
Esser, Jessica
Fabian, Leah
Failla, Olivia
Fasse, Vanessa
Ferguson, Kavan
Frick, Matthew
Gagnon, Paige
Galer, Deanna
Gjeleviq, Joseph
Gong, Curtis
Gong, Mitchell
Gonino, Michael
Gourlay, Austin
Guido, Tori
Haag, Lincoln
Haist, Jamie
Hattis, Kayla
Hess, Mackenzie
Hight, Samantha
Hock, Rachel
Hoy, Taylor
Huggins, Ryan
Juncaj, Nikoleta
Kane, Kayla
Kennelly, Meghan
Khoury, Tiffany
Koselansky, Kaitlin
Kramer, Katelyn
Krause, Ashley
Kreitzbender, Katelyn
Krueger, Haley
Kruk, Mary
Lewandowski, Natalie
Licavoli, Rosemarie
Livingston, Jacob
Lograsso, Giovanni
Macciomei, Megan
Manzo, Ryan
Marsack, Samantha
Mattia, Grant
McKenna, Kaylee
McMillan, Alexis
Meehan, Ashley
Meerhaeghe, Lucas
Meyers, Emily
Miller, Breanne
Misze, Steven
Montgomery, Julia
Mooney, Margaret
Moore, Melanie
Morey, Samantha
Murphy, Jack
Nguyen, Christine
Nikolli, Klejda
Parisi, Sabrina
Paton, Leighann
Payne, Emily
Perkins, Justin
Persichetti, Michael
Pezanowski, Evan
Phlypo, Colin
Quaderer, Theresa
Rastigue, Garrett
Reich, Grace
Rockcole, Drew
Rockcole, Julia
Rybicki, Lauren
Sarti, Marisa
Schemmel, Ryan
Scheuer, Alexis
Senkus, Katelyn
Shandor, Brittany
Sherry, Kolette
Suffredini, Dante
Tanner, Nicole
Terenzi, Paula
Thomas, Dennis
Van Drunen, Kurtis
VanBuhler, Jeffrey
VanHoet, Megan
Vasquez, Sonya
Veerappan, Mani
Viviano, Sarah
Vogt, Kaitlyn
Waterstradt, Kaitlin
Webster, Olivia
Weisner, Emily
Werner, Andrew
Willemsen, Erica
Yahr, Melanie
Young, Meghan
Zalewski, Preston
Zerafa, Joseph
Zotos, Eleni
Agattas, Evan
Agosta, Anna
Altman, Mitchell
Angeles, Victoria
Antonucci, Salvatore
Banks, Taylor
Bednarowski, Samantha
Beyer, Margaret
Brenz, Zachary
Breslow, Alec
Bruzdewicz, Jaclyn
Buhaj, Stephanie
Bruzynski, Allison
Campbell, Conner
Capizzi, Alexander
Check, Natalie
Christodolu, Nikolas
Coakley, Meghan
Craze, Madison
Cummings, Brandyn
Cusumano, Francesca
DeBellis, Miranda
Deluca, Savannah
Demartino, Brendan
Dialogo, Cherry Pie
Dillon, Andrew
Dries, Madison
Duda, Jessica
Duhr, Haley
Dushaj, Aleksandra
Esper, Eric
Fenn, Ashley
Fields, Kyle
Flater, Sydney
Forest, Erika
Fouch, Allison
Geromin, Julia
Gierc, Eric
Guilbault, Ashley
Halliwill, Brooke
Harhay, Courtney
Harper, Paul
Hasan, Feeha
Hawkins, Molly
Hayward, Jonathan
Henderson, Jaden
Hering, Jillian
Herrman, Vincent
Holloway, Justin
Hone, Gabrielle
Houle, Michael
Hoy, Alyssa
Italiano, Jessica
Italiano, John
Jendza, Alexis
Johnston, Brandon
Kamszek, Joshua
Kauffman, Kathleen
Kozikowski, Megan
Ladson, Brittnay
Langelier-Reeves, Alissa
Lavelle, Lauren
Leonard, Sierra
LePage, Benjamin
Lepora, Bennett
Lewalski, Tyler
Lotito, Jamie
Ma, Jessica
Major, Kayla
McCloskey, Stuart
Meyer, Amanda
Meyers, Jacob
Mielke, Brandon
Miller, Bradley
Mondine, Victor
Moore, Julie
Moore, Gabriel
Newton, Collin
Oprita, Sydney
Ortisi, Marissa
Patel, Jalpa
Patel, Calvin
Pellillo, Gina
Petish, Monica
Radziszewski, Jaclyn
Rizzi, Emily
Robertson, Emily
Santavicca, Lorenzo
Schade, Katelyn
Schroeder, Colin
Serafimovska, Dragana
Shaw, Emily
Shepler, Monica
Smiscik, Lillian
Southers, Kelsey
Sprock, Rachel
Stewart, Brooke
Suhy, Shane
Tedeschi, Nicole
Torongeau, Stephani
Torrente, Angela
Ujkashi, Amanda
Ursaki, Justin
VanSlembrouck, Eric
Vitale, Christopher
Vizzaccaro, Alexandrea
Vultaggio, Vincenzo
Walker, Kyle
Watson, Tyler
Watters, Kyle
Weyland, Kelsey
White, Justin
Wilt, Jennifer
Woelkers, Rachel
Wu, Bailey
Wyckoff, Dana
Yacoub, Hannah
Achs, Erica
Agosta, Betsy
Aiello, Cody
Anderson, John
Atallah, Adam
Atleski, Andrew
Austin, Stefanie
Backhus, Carly
Balko, Justin
Banks, Travis
Barg, Emily
Berlin, Matthew
Berta, Kathleen
Binkowski, Hunter
Budzol, Emily
Bugg, Jonathan
Burke, Alicia
Burko, Samantha
Byers, Chelsea
Chace, Stephanie
Cheng, Belinda
Clark, Zachary
Clisby, Olivia
Coleman, Nicole
Coluzzi, Michael
Crawford, Dalton
Cusumano, Roma
Deason, Rachel
Deluca, Christopher
Dembeck, Sarah
DeRaedt, Matthew
DeWitte, Jenna
DeWitte, Jissica
Dicarlo, Erica
Di Filippo, Victoria
DiPucchio, Nicholas
Dober, David
Doran, Jacob
Dudziak, Jeremy
Eby, Eric
Eisenbach, Alina
Elias, Destiny
Fabiilli, Marino
Finta, Jordyn
Gallerani, Jason
Geml, Kristin
George, Andrew
Giacona, Anthony
Glasgow, Jacob
Glidden, Adam
Goettsch, Margaret
Gojcaj, Daniel
Green, Daniel
Harms, Michelle
Hawkins, Brandon
Huber, Sean
Hupfel, Andrew
Iacobelli, Stefania
Jamieson, Mitchell
Jurcak, Jennifer
Kaganac, Nathan
Kardynal, Jessica
Klein, Kyle
Konikson, Shawn
Kosciolek, Bryan
Krause, Madison
Krist, Jennifer
Kuehnel, Avery
Lacy, Loren
LaForest, Justin
Langelier-Reeves, Nicholas
Laratta, Nicholas
Lepora, Hayden
Lientz, Mackenzie
Ludeman, Amanda
MacKay, Holly
Maday, Alexander
Marcinkowski, Cassidy
Markarian, Lucine
Marruffo, Anna
Mattia, Brittany
McCulloch, Aaron
McGee, Courtney
Meshinski, Michael
Meurer, Rachel
Mezser, Breanne
Monaco, Vincenza
Moons, Nicholas
Morford, Zachary
Moroso, Nicole
Nicol, Michelle
Oberts, Katelyn
Onaga, Andrew
Pacella, Anthony
Palazzolo, Alyssa
Palazzolo, Alessandra
Payton, Kelsie
Pellerito, Joseph
Piccariello, Heather
Pirrami, James
Polisena, Jessica
Purgar, Danielle
Rasmussen, Daniel
Rebbe, Christina
Rose, Adam
Scapini, Madeleine
Schmittler, Jesse
Schulte, Benjamin
Sellick, Brianna
Shepard, Brendon
Shepler, Raymond
Sherry, Brett
Sieracki, Alexandria
Smith, Alan
Soloman, Joseph
Solomon, Paul
Spagnuolo, Lindsay
Stack, Alexander
Stiner, Jonathan
Swalec, Shelby
Sweet, Michael
Taormina, Jonathan
Terraccino, Cory
Theisen, Lauren
Tomic, Marko
Trine, Christina
Tront, Nicole
Ulicny, Jacob
Vallie, Hannah
Vaughn, Kevin
Vogt, Haley
Walter, Shae
Whicker, Robert
Wilson, Ryan
Xiong, Johnny
Zarins, Samantha
Zettler, Alex
Zullo, Courtney
Acton, Mackenzie
Adkins, Zachary
Ahmad, Rehman
Aliotta, Jack
Allar, Katelyn
Ance, Nicklas
Archer, Nicholas
Bahry, Jacob
Baker, Caroline
Balsamo, Anthony
Banks, Courtney
Barlog, Bradley
Berta, Andrew
Bojovic, Laura
Bricolas, Nicholas
Brooks, Georgia
Brothers, Jesse
Buck, Anthony
Bush, Paige
Caruana, Timothy
Cavataio, Dominic
Ciaramella, Vincent
Ciennik, Natalia
Colavecchia, Samantha
Conrad, Hannah
Craik, Frances
Danno, Chanell
Davis, Nicholas
Dellach, Kyle
Demsich, Stephen
Dennis, Danielle
Djordjeski, Sean
Djordjeski, Julian
Drescher, Zachary
Dyer, Veronica
Eichhorn, Bradley
Elson, Rachel
Fantauzzo, Alyssa
Feldpausch, Victoria
Finos, Erin
Fleury, Matthew
Forton, Kyle
Fouch, Jacob
Gaddis, Melena
Gajewski, Danielle
Gietzen, Andrew
Graves, Alyse
Habbouche, Celine
Hansen, Christian
Hansen, Dane
Harris, Sara
Hauschild, Jennifer
Heid, Kyle
Hills, Jonathan
Hoffmann, Kathryn
Hurst, Jessica
Jobin, Jason
Jobin, Jesse
Johnson, Nathaniel
Kassley, Charles
Kaur, Jasleen
Kearney, Kellie
Kearney, Victoria
Keddie, Katherine
Kelly, Joseph
Kirkland, Jesse
Kobus, Korby
Krathwohl, Skyler
Kucharczyk, Allison
Kuligowski, Jaime
Lauer, Andrew
Lodge, Cienna
MacDonald, Danielle
Markey, Lucas
Martinez, Veronica
Maryanski, Alison
McLaughlin, Jacob
Miegoc, Piotr
Milicia, Brianna
Million, Amanda
Myers, Charles
Nekoogar, Melica
Nikolovski, Christian
O'Brien, Elizabeth
Palmieri, Erica
Passarell, Alexandra
Peters, Nicholas
Petty, David
Pingilley, Matthew
Pipitone, Diana
Pirie, Miranda
Podkul, Zachary
Pollack, John
Presti, Johnathan
Pugh, Alexandra
Puls, Morgan
Putrich, Austin
Randolph, Angela
Receniello, David
Ritchie, Brendan
Salter, Kevin
Saputo, Frank
Schleich, Paige
Sedlock, Alex
Selvaggio, Alessandria
Semaan, Paul
Simmers, Jacqueline
Simonds, Kelly
Sinshack, Patricia
Sinshack, Thomas
Smith, Carly
Stralko, Kenneth
Surdu, Melanie
Tilk, Tyler
Timpf, Julia
Trigger, James
VanHall, Kristen
VanHoet, Nicholas
Varicalli, Kayla
Vuksani, Silvestra
Waterstradt, Karlie
Weier, Mirranda
Williams, Alex
Wimmer, Stephen
Yakima, Nicole
Yasoni, Julie
Zaleski, Todd
Antonucci, Evan
Arabia, Alec
Arsenault, Katherine
Atleski, Kristina
Austin, Sabrina
Azar, Joseph
Babin, Chelslea
Barbara, Andrew
Barnes, Kelsey
Basel, Heather
Bibashani, Jessica
Bischoff, Owen
Blair, Timothy
Bousson, Ashley
Braun, Giovanni
Brenizer, Noah
Brown, August
Bruce, Kyle
Burnett, Samantha
Bush, Austin
Butera, Loredana
Butterworth, Ryan
Butzin, Troy
Carroll, Caitlin
Chang, Anthony-Tyler
Charbonneau, Cameron
Cohen, Jordan
Connelly, Kayla
Craik, John
D'Amico, Casey
Daniels, Emily
Davis, Alyssa
Davis, Brennan
Demo, Dayna
Deramo, Nino
DiBenedetto, Marco
DiPucchio, Hannah
Dunneback, Collin
Duong, Dan
Eelbode, Brandon
Esposito, Nina
Evennou, Erika
Ferrington, Olivia
Filimon, Andrei
Fisher, Austin
Flater, Jack
Fleming, Emily
Francis, Tyler
Franks, Alexander
Frontera, Matthew
Furchi, Mary
Geffert, Samantha
Giambanco, Rosaria
Glasgow, Rebecca
Goepper, Samuel
Gorski, Alyssa
Guido, Gabrielle
Hadley, Brianna
Hall, Bailee
Hang, Tiffany
Hansinger, Evan
Harms, Natalie
Harrison, Grant
Hartley, Douglass
Heid, Matthew
Himmel, Erika
Hogsten, Tyler
Huotari, Kara
Iaconis, Daniella
Jackson, Forrest
James, Tiffane
Jaradi, Malek
Jones, Connor
Juncaj, Wilson
Kachi, Rita
Kamyszek, Benjamin
Karana, Reham
Kastens, Taylor
Kaszewski, Stephanie
Klinker, Sarah
Kolinski, Hallie
Koscica, Philip
Kovacs, Allisha
Krapfl, Catherine
Laboda, Alex
Laine, Samantha
Lambrecht, Erynna
Lapworth, Kassidy
Larsen, Devon
Lee, Jacob
Leonard, Savanna
Lewis, Austin
Lowe, Steven
Mancini, Liam
Marceta, Ivana
Markovic, Elizabeth
Martinez, Ariana
Mason, Samuel
Mathew, Sherwin
Mauser, Sarah
McArdle, Austin
McDaniel, Taylor
Meckl, Zachary
Messina, Taylor
Miller, Emily
Miller, Matthew
Mladenovic, Vanesa
Moceri, Carisa
Mooty, Kyle
Morales, Alexandria
Murphy, Mary Margaret
Nagy, Kathryn
Newfer, Angeline
Nota, Savannah
Okray, Natalie
Olewski, Jared
Pachla, Kelsey
Paglia, Maddalena
Palazzolo, Gabriella
Palestis, Stephano
Pancotto, Daniel
Papas, Nicole
Parisi, Beja
Paton, Madison
Patrico, Seth
Pellerito, Kayleigh
Pfeiffer, Brett
Piper, Megan
Pipia, Rachel
Pirrami, Sarah
Plumhoff, Charles
Recchia, Anthony
Riddick, Myia
Roek, Brandon
Rosneck, Molly
Sarti, Stefanie
Savich, Ryan
Scalzo, Megan
Serra, Maria
Shalayko, Eric
Sherry, Lauren
Shkoukani, Jousef
Simmons, Thomas
Sorcarda, Daniel
Souresho, Sargon
Southart, Rayna
Souva, Jacob
Stack, Christopher
Stiff, Ryan
Stokes, Brandi
Suchoski, Casey
Syms, Joseph
Szpont, Brenden
Szymkowicz, Jamie
Tedesco, Fabio
Teller, Kyle
Terenzi, Marco
Thomas, Hannah
Thompson, Adam
Thousand, Brooke
Tokarczyk, Rachel
Toupin, Shelby
Trpcevski, Alexander
Ulicny, Jonathon
Ulinski, Amy
Varacalli, Isabella
Veit, Matthew
Vermandere, Kelly
Walper, Connor
Walsh, Kellie
Walter, Jacob
Watkins, Martin
Weidman, Derek
Wiegand, Ryan
Wiland, Dylan
Wiles, Samantha
Williams, Rachael
Wilson, Elizabeth
Winter, Christopher
Witherspoon, Ryan
Witt, Codie
Wojtylo, Frankie
Wolyniec, Nathaniel
Wood, Taylor
Wos, Alex
Wren, Michael
Xiong, Mitchell
Yoo, David
Zajac, Jonathon
Zajkowski, Ariana
Zalinski, Allison
Now’s your chance to explore additional
UCS programming for your students
As eighth graders and their parents begin to consider all
the challenging and exciting freshman choices available
in their home schools, we invite them to also explore
additional programs available in Utica Community
Schools. These three programs are the Utica Center for
Science and Industry, Utica Academy for International
Studies, and the Utica Center for Mathematics, Science
and Technology. The following presentations are open
to all interested parents:
February 10 7:00-8:00pm Utica Center for
Science and Industry
Instructional Resource Center
Canal Rd. Sterling Hgts., 48313)
UCS Special Services Department
Invites parents of students with a current IEP
to the 5th Annual Parent Information Night
Joan C. Sergent Instructional Resource Center
7 p.m. Thursday, February 26 in the Bell Room.
14201 Canal Road, Sterling Heights
Featuring a Panel of parents of Special Needs students,
sharing their experiences and knowledge
7 – 7:15 p.m. - Welcome
7:15 - 7:45 p.m. - Session 1
7:45 - 8:15 p.m. - Session 2
8:15 - 8:45 p.m. - Parent Panel
Session Topics
Scott Palmer, Program Coordinator for UCSI (9-12),
will describe the opportunities available in this half-day
program designed to prepare students for postgraduation opportunities in the cutting edge
technological fields of mechatronics, engineering or
multi-media production.
Brain Gym
Explore movements used in Educational Kinesiology
to enhance the experience of the whole brain, to
make learning easier.
February 11 7:00-8:00pm Utica Academy
for International Studies
Heritage Junior High
Dodge Park, Sterling Hgts., 48313)
Study Skills
Learn how to help your child develop and practice
effective study skills
Tom Lietz, the UAIS Program coordinator, will discuss
this full-day International Baccalaureate program
designed for students interested in the world’s diverse
cultures. This globally recognized program prepares
students to successfully earn an International
Baccalaureate Diploma in eleventh and twelfth grades.
February 12 7:00-8:00pm Utica Center for
Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Instructional Resource Center
Canal Rd. Sterling Hgts., 48313)
Counselor Janet Kent will provide information about this
specially designed half-day program for students
academically talented in math and science. This
program develops the skills necessary for the successful
completion of advanced courses that students need as a
prerequisite for admission to the nation’s highly
competitive colleges and universities.
If you need additional information, please feel free to
contact Margaret Jelsma (797.6895) or Bob McBroom
Parents can share their business expertise
with sixth graders at the 2009 Career Focus
Calling all parents! Are you interested in
spending a lunch hour with district sixth
graders to share your business expertise? Then
consider attending the annual Career Focus
Luncheon, set for Wednesday or Thursday,
May 6 and May 7 at Penna’s of Sterling
For more than 20 years, this increasingly “must
attend” event has impacted the lives of literally
thousands of young adults. As a participant,
you will share your professional expertise with
table of sixth graders from the Utica
Community Schools. In turn, these students,
on the brink of adulthood, will talk to their role
models for a day about their hopes and
In addition to a great meal and rewarding
conversation, a key aspect of the event is its
keynote speaker. Over the years, speakers
have included notables from the fields of
politics, sports, business and entertainment,
and the 2009 event will be no exception.
The event is co-sponsored by the UCS
Foundation for Educational Excellence, the
Advisor & Source Newspapers and the Sterling
Heights Area Chamber of Commerce, in
cooperation with the Utica Community
Schools. Proceeds from the event will benefit
the Foundation's work on behalf of students.
Since its establishment in 1986, the Foundation
has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for
students in the Utica Community Schools. Its
Instructional Grant program offers unique
educational experiences to support regular
classroom programming. Scholarships provide
students funds for college and technical school
training. Summer literacy programs for
elementary school students and after-school
academic support for secondary students help
them achieve.
For reservations or more information, call the
UCS Foundation for Educational Excellence at
CARE’s Parent Education Program announces
Winter 2009 Parenting Workshops
CARE, an agency that promotes the empowerment
of individuals and families through relationships with
schools, businesses and community-based
organizations, will kick-off of the Winter 2009 Series
of Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP)
skill-building courses for parents.
Group format workshops provide parents helpful
techniques to improve communication, encourage
cooperation and learn effective discipline strategies
that promote both self-esteem and mutual respect
within the family. Courses will be offered to parents
and caregivers of children in the following age groups:
Birth to Age 5
Parenting Young Children
Ages 6-12
Parenting School Aged Children
Ages 12-13
Parenting Teenagers
Specialty workshops will be offered
in the following areas:
Teaching and Leading Children
Skills for Managing Anger Series for
Adolescents 9-18 years of age
• Skills for Managing Anger Series for Adults
• Teen Intervene
Visit CARE online at or call
586.541.0033 to learn more.
You can continue to receive the Roar Of The Wildcats
newsletter by e-mail each month by sending an e-mail
request to the following address:
This will establish the e-mail connection so we can send future
editions of the newsletter to your preferred e-mail address. This
will need to be done each year in order to keep our information up
to date.
The Roar Of The Wildcats is also published on our website
which can be found at Under the Junior
High section you will find the Shelby link. The newsletter is
located under important links and will be posted at the
beginning of each month.
If you do not have internet access there are several extra
copies made available in the Main Office that can be picked
up by the student.
Utica Community Schools
Administrative Service Center
11303 Greendale
Sterling Heights, MI 48312
Roar of the Wildcats
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Sterling Hgts., Michigan
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