May, 2015 Newsletter - TRTA Local Unit Directory


May, 2015 Newsletter - TRTA Local Unit Directory
MAY 2015
Humble Area Retired Teachers Association
Local Organization of Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA)
Open to ALL Retired School
2014-2015 OFFICERS
President - Susan Burroughs
Membership VP - Kathy Joseph
Program VP - Carolyn Mashburn
Public Relations VP - Sandye Nelson
Secretary - Faith Hiller
Treasurer - John Widmier
Parliamentarian - Mary Widmier
Past President - Carolyn Monroe
9:30 a.m. social time refreshments
10:00 a.m. business meetings
.Location - HISD Instructional
Support Center, 4810 Magnolia
Cove, Kingwood
✦ August
18 -New Member Luncheon
✦ September 15 - Your Legacy: Key
Documents We All Need
✦ October
As we all look forward to summer vacation (even as
retirees!), it is time to reflect on the great year we have
had in HARTA. Our membership has grown, and the
meetings have been so well-attended that sometimes we
had to add chairs.
Our committees worked hard offering outstanding
programs and lots of fun outings and activities. We even
had a group cruise in January. The information received on health,
protection, benefits, and legislation has been invaluable.
HARTA members have been generous to our community.
We collected school supplies for needy students and books for young
children. The veterans’ hospital received candy, socks and toiletries;
and our scholarship fund grew with your donations. Special thanks
to Carolyn Monroe’s family for a generous bequest in her honor. We
can all be proud of the 58,000+ hours that our HARTA volunteers
gave in service to many groups in our area this past year.
Our collection at the May meeting will be for the Oaks of
Righteousness in Humble, a faith-based residential facility for
female ex-offenders who want to change their lives. They need
soap, body wash, detergent, paper products and cleaning
If you have a friend retiring this year, think about giving
them a HARTA membership, and be sure to invite them to the kickoff meeting on August 17, 2015. I look forward to celebrating
HARTA’S accomplishments this year with you at the luncheon on
May 18th.
20 - Just a Senior
✦ December
✦ February
8- Christmas Luncheon
16- Legislative Update
✦ April
20 - Water: Too Precious to
Use only Once
✦ May
18 - Luncheon & Officer
HARTA website:
Enjoy taking trips? See page 5 for details.
Bring a dish to share at the May 18th luncheon, and invite a
friend to join us.
Renew your membership in HARTA & TRTA before July 1st to enter
the drawing.
Bring soap, detergent, cleaning supplies, or paper products for Oaks
of Righteousness.
May 2015 issue
• What&happens&when&populaAon&exceeds&supply?&
• Do&you&know&the&term,&“from&toilet&to&tap”?&
• FiltraAon&technology&is&of&paramount&importance.&
Sandye Nelson was happy to present Humble ISD representative,
Jamie Brison, with a check for $200 to be used for a reading
program for pregnant teens and their babies..
Sandye also thanked Bev Silloway for assisting her in delivering
438 books to three schools.
Interested in helping
HARTA earn $$$ and
having fun doing it?
Carolyn Mashburn
informed us of an
opportunity to be at
an Astro game on
May 31 and give
away goodies as
people enter the
May 2015 issue
Carolyn Monroe
asked us to consider
volunteering to be in charge
of planing just ONE trip for
the upcoming HARTA year.
first time
at a
about the
The best part
for Marjo was
getting to
know the other
Guests are
Running for
position 7 in the
Humble ISD
school board
Robert Scarfo
and Nancy
page !2
★Treasurer,: John Widmier announced a balance of
$14,641.69 on April 20,
★Membership VP, Members are encouraged to pay dues
by April & May.
★Trips an Tours, Carolyn Mashburn listed the many
Precinct IV programs. Several leave from Kingwood
★Program VP, Trips and Tours Chair, Carolyn Monroe
announced the upcoming Brookwood/Church tour.
★Health Care Chair, Marian Mannix discussed health
benefits offered through Exercise and Silver and Fit. She
led everyone is some beneficial health exercises for
assisting with balance and strength.
★Scholarship Chair, Linda Avina announced 13
scholarship applications were received and will be
considered from all Humble ISD high schools. A
committee will determined the two winners.
★Volunteer Chair, Artie DeHart, reported the number of
hours for the year. 58,000 local hours were earned. While
this is a formidable number of hours, Artie explained that
many were not reporting their hours and requested that
we all work harder at reporting these hour earned.
★Legislation Chair, Carolyn Monroe reported that with
the help of retired teacher lobbying, a promise by the state
legislators for 770 million dollars to fund the shortfall.
★Newsletter Designer, Mary Lou Purello thanked
everyone for submitting articles and photos. Next
meeting is August 17. Please send your special news and activities.
Do send your great vacation pictures! Articles for the
August newsletter are due August 3.
Thank you for agreeing to bring DESSERT for the May meeting!
Anita Toffe
Connie Kindle
Carole Hood
Jose R. Montes
Gloria Vallejo
Marian Mannix Dena Downey Garrett
Pat Winkler
Artie DeHart
Juanita Jordan
The 2014-15 membership year
is now closed. HARTA ended
this year with 595 members
which is a growth of 34
members over the previous year.
Thank you to all members who
reminded friends to renew their membership
and recruited new members to join.
At the April HARTA meeting, we started
accepting membership forms for the
2015-16 membership year. HARTA dues
remain a true bargain at $5. The Humble
Area Retired Teachers Association, provides
you with great perks right where you live. In
HARTA, you are able to:
Meet 7 times a year for fellowship,
food, and fun.
Keep informed of issues affecting
our annuity and health insurance.
Have a group plan for dental and
Award scholarships to Humble ISD
graduates each year.
Receive a newsletter to keep you
Receive a membership directory
each year.
Participate in organized, fun, and
informative trips for members and
adult friends.
Participate in interest groups
Please consider renewing your membership
in HARTA and TRTA before July 1, 2015,
so we can spend less on mailing reminders
and forms and put your dues to other uses.
Renewing your TRTA and HARTA
membership before July 1st also enters your
name in to a drawing for a free membership
worth $40.
Thank you for agreeing to bring a Door Prize for the MAY meeting!
Mary Widmier Carolyn Clapp Angela Doepping Mary Lou Purello
May 2015 issue
Sunny Smith
Betty Wood
Patsy Daw
Sandye Nelson
Gayle Cunningham
Terry Payne
Linda Avina
Faith Hiller
page !3
Stay Well from Marian Mannix
We now have an all new Cancer, Heart Attack, and Stroke benefit endorsed by our Texas Retired
Teachers Association. This new program is through CIGNA and is administered exclusively by
Association Member Benefits Advisors (AMBA).
Three of the most important features of our new program are:
1. Cancer, Heart Attack, and Stroke coverage may now also be available to people who have previously
had Cancer, a Heart Attack, and or a Stroke. People that were previously ineligible for the benefit may
now also be eligible.
2. Your benefit amount available has been increased to $100,000.00. The old policy limit was capped at a
$50,000.00 lump sum benefit.
3. This lump sum benefit can pay TWICE. Old policies only paid once.
For information on your new Texas Retired Teachers Association endorsed Cancer, Heart Attack, and Stroke benefit
and a courtesy review of your existing benefits and policies, please contact:
Eric Hunt, District Manager – AMBA
(281) 636-9321 or email
Marian also shared important heath related issues at the April meeting. More information was requested by members. Thank you Marian.
FREE materials for retirees. Packet of exercise
Call 1-800-889-8595
Home Exercise Kits, Select 2:
Stress management, walking, strength, Pilates, Yoga,
Dance, Aquatics, TaiChi, Chair boxing.
CURVES, Humble, 7040C FM 1960 RD. E
LIFETIME FITNESS(QLS) 20515 W. Lake Houston
ANYTIME FITNESS 20121 W. Lake Houston Pkwy,
GOLD”S GYM 2213 Northpark Dr. Kingwood
YMCA 2420 W. Lake Houston Pkwy Kingwood
For AETNA Medicare Advantage Members:
Call 877-427-4788 newsletter, booklets, DVD
Answers from Lowell Dale, M.D. ,
Electronic cigarettes, often called e-cigarettes, are battery-operated devices designed to look like regular tobacco cigarettes.
Here's how e-cigarettes work: An atomizer heats a liquid containing nicotine, turning it into a vapor that can be inhaled and
creating a vapor cloud that resembles cigarette smoke.
Manufacturers claim that electronic cigarettes are a safe alternative to conventional cigarettes. However, the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has questioned the safety of these products.
When the FDA analyzed samples of two popular brands, it found variable amounts of nicotine and traces of toxic chemicals,
including known cancer-causing substances (carcinogens). This prompted the FDA to issue a warning about potential health risks
associated with electronic cigarettes. Until more is known about the potential risks, the safe play is to say no to electronic cigarettes.
Diane Lansden -Information/Protective Service Chair
"Virtual Kidnapping" -What is it?
The Houston Police Department, Kingwood
Division, has had several calls for service recently
regarding a frightening telephone scam commonly
referred to as a "virtual kidnapping”.
In this scheme, an individual will call claiming to have kidnapped
a family member. The caller will threaten physical violence. Still
other variations of this "kidnapping" scam involve car accidents,
drug debts, gang assaults, being detained in a foreign prison, or
persons being smuggled across the border. The caller will typically
provide the victim with specific instructions to insure the safe
return of the "kidnapped" individual. Instructions usually require
the ransom be paid immediately.
To avoid becoming a victim of this extortion scheme, look for the
following possible indicators:
• Incoming calls coming from an outside area code, sometimes
from Puerto Rico with area codes (787), (939), (856) and (551).
These are just some of the area codes used.
May 2015 issue
• Calls that do not come from the "kidnapped" victim's telephone.
• If you've answered the telephone, a caller that goes to great
lengths to keep you on the telephone.
• If you've answered the telephone, a caller that works to
keep you from calling or locating the
"kidnapped victim".
• If you've answered the telephone, the caller will only
accept ransom money that is accepted via wire
If you have answered a telephone call from someone
who demands payment of a ransom for a "kidnapped"
victim, Try to slow the situation down. Request to speak
to the victim directly. Ask, "How do I know my loved one
is okay?"
If you believe you are the victim of a REAL kidnapping,
call 911 immediately. For more information search for Kidnapping Telephone Scam.
page !4
Fun4Senior Precinct 4
the website -
or call 281-893-3726 for details.
Leaving from Kingwood Library
May 17, Oklahoma at Owen Theater, Conroe, 10:30-5:45, $17.00 and lunch on your own at Golden Corral.
✦Thursday, June 4 , from 10:15-4 p.m., Houston Museum of
Natural Science, $12.
✦Saturday, June 13, from 10:15-5:45 p.m.,Kolache-Klobase
Festival in East Bernard, $8.00.
Check the website -. or
call 281-893-3726 for details.
May Birthdays
2-Carole Hood, 9Victoria Eynon, 10Constance Brown, 12- Mimi Buchman, Darrell
Hancock, Jim Koester, Erhard Linnes, 13- Susan
Barrow, Glenda Carriere, 15- Sue Ling, 16- Fred Erdman,
Ruth Hutto, 17- Ann Hays, 20- Bill Burroughs, Thaya Elrod,
21- Jane Beno, Byron Calfee, John Miller, 22- Ruth Justice, 25Laura Hawley, 26- Marsha Miller, 28- Karen Boughton, 29Jack Fountain, 30- Mary Claire Herman, 31- Pete Hinojosa,
Elisabeth Jane Hough
Sunday, May 31– Volunteers for Houston Astros vs
White Sox. Bus leaves at 10:00 AM from the ISC Cost
$2:00 to cover driver’s expenses. Sponsor: Carolyn
Saturday, August 1- TBA
Friday, September 11 - Tour of Minute Maid Park
and Saint Arnold Brewery. Sponsor: Gayle Details to be announced
Sunday September 27 – Bernhardt Winery Bus
leaves ISC at 4:00 PM Cost is $15.00 includes
entrance fee only Sponsor: Carolyn Monroe
THDAY! June Birthdays
1-Lindy Hood, 3- Carla
Hopkins, 4- Angie Clark, Virginia Clark, 5Deanie Allen, Reta Cook, 6- Carol Covey, 8- Don
Fair, Denise Fuhrman, Carrie Keith, Carolyn Kuykendall, 10Robert Bussard, 11- Bonnie Dudley, Cindy Likos, 13- Gail
Clayden, 15-Bobbie Burns, Jose Montes, 16- Patsy Bondzio,
Eileen Debo, Mary Fitzgerald, 17- Rhonda Ellis, Bob Hale,
18- Janet Cousins, 20- Janet Kuhl, Debie Layne, 21- Meredith
Beasley, Dan Huberty, 22- Ann Gilliam, 24- Karen Collier, Jim
Meeker, Julia Nation, 27- Linda Moore, 29- LaVerne Franklin
In Our Prayers
Jane Turner, the founding president of HARTA, has lost her son-in-law, Mike Estrada. Mike suffered with ALS for the last
few years. His service was Monday, May 4, at the First Baptist Church of Magnolia. • Longtime Friend of Harta, Dorothy Stanzeski’s husband died April 16. Service was at the VA Cemetery on Apr.21. Memorials can be made to Harta Scholarship Fund if desired in Chester Stanzeski’s name. Dorothy’s address is 2307
Summer Spring, Spring TX 77373-6310. I am sure just sympathy cards would be appreciated. Those of us who have
been going on the Casino trips will remember Chester.
• Please pray for Carol Baggett and her family as they mourn the loss of her sister.
• Caryn and Fred Uttenweiler's daughter Kristen passed away on April 28 due to heart complications. Her
memorial service was on Saturday at 3:30 pm at Kingwood United Methodist Church. Please keep this
family in your prayers.
Check out our website at :
This is your location for all HARTA news, information and forms.
Send the link to friends who might join!
Bookmark it for easy access!
May 2015 issue
page !5
B I N G O! On April 22 HARTA friends had a great time playing BINGO at Kingwood Country Club. Any winners??
On April 29, HARTA lunched and viewed (and
bought) fantastic plants and gifts at the Brookwood
Community. They also visited the beautiful
historical, painted church established in 1913.
May 2015 issue
Guardian Angel Catholic
Church, Wallis, TX
page !6
Remember all the books you brought to the meetings as donations
to the schools? Sandye Nelson, with the help from Bev Silloway
delivered 463 books to three elementary schools. They visited
Lakeland Elementary, Northbelt Elementary and Humble
On March 31, our HARTA group enjoyed a progressive
lunch and a tour of East End.
May 2015 issue
Julia Nation recently attended her 50th College
reunion at University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, in
Belton, TX. Pictured with Julia is her sister, Eula
McKown and a friend Sue May.
Julia is involved in volunteering at Lone Star
College, Be sure to check page 9.
page !7
delegates represented us at the TRTA conference. They
attended informational sessions, visited with state
representatives and were among the “sea of red” at the
Legislative Session.
TRS-CARE Still needs our support.
The Texas Legislative Session ends in 38 days. The funding bill for the 84th Texas Legislature is in its
final phases, and it will include approximately $770 million toward TRS-Care, the health care
program more than 240,000 retired public school educators rely upon.
The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is asking you to call 1-888-674-3788 and thank your
legislator for supporting TRS-Care. The importance of staying in contact with legislators cannot be
understated, as they are the gateways through which bills are passed. The strength of TRTA lies in the
active participation of our dedicated members. Your contributions are the reason why we are able work with the legislature
and find the necessary funding for TRS-Care.
Additionally, now is a good time to contact your U.S. Congressman about HR 711. HR 711 is a bill to repeal the Windfall
Elimination Provision (WEP), which reduces the ability of public educators to receive Social Security. Congressman Kevin
Brady (R – Texas) has filed the bill, which provides a more fair formula for Social Security calculations. However, HR 711
requires the support of other congressional members to advance.
Please be sure to stay tuned into the Inside Line throughout the 84th
Legislative Session, as we will be bringing you all the latest updates on our
broad legislative agenda, including any bills concerning TRS-Care, the
continued funding of the TRS pension trust fund, pension increases for all
TRS retirees, and also congressional issues such as the WEP and GPO.
Thank you for your membership in the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA). If you are not a member of
TRTA and want more information about joining, please contact us at 1.800.880.1650. Follow us on Facebook! Visit
our YouTube channel for regular video updates. 2015 issue
page !8
I don’t know how
we got there so
quickly, but we are only a few
days away from high school
graduations! In a blink, we will
call it another school year and
we’ll be immersed in getting ready
for the 2015-16 school year!
The 84th State Legislative Session
will soon also draw to a close, and
I’m very happy to report that Sen.
Selger’s SB 149, and Rep.
Huberty’s endorsement of that
bill in the house is now on the
Governor’s desk for his signing it
into law! A number of our seniors
who successfully completed all of
their graduations requirements,
shy of passing State End-ofCourse exams, will be able to
have other strong indicators of
their achievements count in
allowing them to graduate! Great
news for them and another well
deserved and earned blow to our
state testing program!
There are many other good and
yes, not so good bills, including
the state budget, yet to be
resolved. We are still ever present
and active in Austin and Rep.
Huberty continues to be of
significant help in trying to keep
state decisions in the best interest
of children and us too! I’ll plan to
do a kind of summary of the
legislative session in my next
For now, THANK YOU for never
skipping a beat in being there for
our kids, schools and district!
From being guest teachers, to
volunteering on campuses, to
being actively involved in
legislative and district affairs, you
do make a very important
difference in helping to keep it all
always and only about our kids!
Please do have a very safe and fun
filled summer! You are a real
blessing to us all!
Dan Huberty- HB 4 Update
Earlier this month, the Texas House of Representatives had their first opportunity to vote on House Bill 4
(HB4), which intends to provide additional funding to school districts that opt to implement a high quality,
accountable prekindergarten (pre-K) program. With the support of Governor Abbott, Speaker Straus and the
rest of the House members, we were able to pass the bill with overwhelming support. The bill was just referred
to the Senate Committee on Education and Chairman Taylor has announced that the bill will be heard in a
committee hearing very soon. This bill is one of Governor Abbott's top educational priorities this session.
This bill would be a huge first step toward accountable, high standard pre-K in Texas. Currently, Texas funds half-day pre-K
for districts that have 25 or more eligible students. HB 4 will give districts the opportunity to opt-in to the high standard
program and receive additional funding on top of the current half-day funding they currently receive. In order to qualify for
the additional funding, districts must meet three main program requirements that will increase the quality and rigor of the
pre-K programs. Those requirements include, aligning the curriculum with the Texas Pre-K Guidelines, developing a family
engagement plan to establish high levels of family involvement in the student's learning and the district must ensure that all
pre-K teachers are appropriately certified to teach early childhood education with a bachelor's degree and a Child
Development Associate or an equivalent of certification.
This bill will not only increase the quality of programs already in existence, it creates the framework for a high quality pre-K
program across the state in years to come.
Academy of Lifelong Learning is seeking people to present classes for the fall and spring programs during the 2-15-2016
school year. Click onto the following link:, or call 281.312.1756. Julia Nation will
be presenting three classes during the fall semester. They are: “How to Make a T-Shirt Quilt,” “History of Humble, Texas,”
and “A Christmas Tea.”
Kingwood College ALL classes have two locations, EMCID building in New Caney and the Atascocita location on West Lake
May 2015 issue
page !9
We Want You! Remember to renew your membership and invite a new member!
“ I N M E M O R Y O R I N C E L E B R AT I O N ”
Credit the HARTA Scholarship Fund:
Check One:___In memory of
Amount $_________________Please send an acknowledgment letter:
______in celebration of
Name and address of person who should receive an acknowledgment letter:
Please make check payable to: HARTA, on memo portion of your check indicate: HARTA Scholarship.
Mail form and check to: HARTA , PO Box 342, Humble, TX 77347, Attn: Sunny Smith
HARTA is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt charity.
MEMBERSHIP FORM (Enrollment or Renewal)
AMOUNT PAID____________
FROM WHICH SCHOOL/DEPT. DID YOU RETIRE?_____________________________
Check the membership that applies to you:
BIRTHDAY: MO___________ DAY_____
ASSOCIATE MEMBER (Not a TRS annuitant but wants TRTA group benefits)____
LIFE MEMBER (Founding member of HARTA; TRTA dues have been paid for life)____
CONTINUING MONTHLY MEMBER (TRTA dues are deducted from TRS annuity, but not local dues)____
FRIEND OF HARTA (Spouse or friend who wishes to support HARTA)____
FRIEND’S NAME_______________________________________________
BIRTHDAY: MONTH_____________ DAY________
Annual Dues: New Members, Renewing Members and Associate Members: $40 ($5 – local; $35 – state)
Annual Dues: Life Members, Continuing Monthly Members, and Friend of HARTA: $5 (local only)
Please make checks payable to HARTA and mail to: HARTA, PO 5102, Kingwood, TX 77325 Attn: Membership
May 2015 issue
page !10