Dispersal vacuum in the seedling recruitment of a primate
Dispersal vacuum in the seedling recruitment of a primate
Biological Conservation xxx (2013) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Biological Conservation journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/biocon Dispersal vacuum in the seedling recruitment of a primate-dispersed Amazonian tree Taal Levi a,b, Carlos A. Peres c,⇑ a Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY 12545, USA University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA c School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom b a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 1 October 2012 Received in revised form 27 January 2013 Accepted 8 March 2013 Available online xxxx Keywords: Atelinae Amazonia Brazil Endozoochory Frugivory Sapotaceae Seed cleaning Seedling recruitment Pathogens Janzen–Connell Seed fate Tropical forest a b s t r a c t Unregulated hunting of large-bodied frugivores is ubiquitous in tropical forests. Due to their low fecundity and complex social organization, large primates are often the first tropical forest vertebrates to be extirpated by hunting. Large primates are important seed dispersers and the only dispersal vectors of many large-seeded plants, leading to concerns that primate-dispersed trees will succumb to large-scale recruitment failure wherever they co-occur with overhunting. We used a field experiment in a remote, nonhunted region of the western Brazilian Amazon to test how the seedling recruitment success of a primate-dispersed Sapotaceae tree (Manilkara bidentata) is affected by distance from parent trees, protection from vertebrate seed predators, and gastro-intestinal seed cleaning associated with passage through frugivorous vertebrates. Only seed cleaning significantly increased the rate of seedling recruitment. Janzen–Connell effects have been widely purported as the central mechanism for recruitment failure, but our results suggest that for many tropical forest plant species Janzen–Connell effects are a second-order effect that acts once seeds have been successfully cleaned of fruit pulp by gut treatment. As an illustration of the relative importance of the sheer quantity of seeds ingested by woolly monkeys (Lagothrix cana), we further estimate the density and dispersal services provided by a complete primate assemblage to show that L. cana cleans and disperses nearly one million seeds per km2 per 24-day Manilkara fruiting season, amounting to over 71% of the seed dispersal services provided by the entire primate assemblage. The disperser vacuum in the absence of L. cana greatly reduces the quantity of cleaned seeds deposited on the forest floor. For similar fleshy-fruited species where gut passage greatly increases survival, a simple lack of redundancy in seed consumption may be the primary driver of recruitment failure resulting from large-primate extirpation due to overhunting, with Janzen–Connell effects secondarily influencing recruitment success as a function of either dispersal distance or seed density. Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Many harvest-sensitive large-bodied vertebrates are extensively overhunted in tropical forests, resulting in marked population declines if not local extinctions (Milner-Gulland et al., 2003). Although some harvest-tolerant game species can compensate for elevated mortality via reproduction and immigration, largebodied primates, such as spider monkeys (Ateles spp.) and woolly monkeys (Lagothrix spp.) in Amazonian forests, are easily overexploited due to very low fecundity and poor dispersal associated with complex social structures (Peres, 1990; Peres and Palacios, 2007). These species are typically the first to become locally extirpated near subsistence communities that depend heavily on wild meat. The local extinction radius away from a community depends ⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1603 592549. E-mail address: C.Peres@uea.ac.uk (C.A. Peres). on the hunting effort, weapon efficiency, and hunter selectivity (Jerozolimski and Peres, 2003; Levi et al., 2009, 2011), but can exceed 15 km, corresponding to a circular area >700 km2. When many communities are distributed over a large area, entire landscapes can become depleted of large-bodied primate populations (Levi et al., 2011; Sirén et al., 2004). The landscape-scale loss of large primates has led to concerns over widespread recruitment failure of the many primate-dispersed trees in tropical forests (Nuñez-Iturri and Howe, 2007; Terborgh et al., 2008). This argument has thus far rested primarily on the Janzen–Connell model (Connell, 1971; Janzen, 1970), which states that the per-capita recruitment success of a seed depends strongly on escape from pathogens and seed predators associated with conspecific neighborhoods. Without large primates many large-seeded plants are expected to go undispersed, or dispersed only a short distance by poor dispersers (Chapman, 1989), which is expected to lower per-capita seed and seedling survival. This 0006-3207/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2013.03.016 Please cite this article in press as: Levi, T., Peres, C.A. Dispersal vacuum in the seedling recruitment of a primate-dispersed Amazonian tree. Biol. Conserv. (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2013.03.016 2 T. Levi, C.A. Peres / Biological Conservation xxx (2013) xxx–xxx effect has been proposed to explain the widely observed paradox of dense aggregations of fruits and seeds underneath parent trees that fail to produce seedlings. Recent research supports the important role of Janzen–Connell effects in seedling recruitment (Swamy et al., 2011; Swamy and Terborgh, 2010), but a previous meta-analysis covering 40 studies failed to detect a general effect of distance on enhancing seed survival (Hyatt et al., 2003). Other research has found that the effect of seedling density is equally or more important than the effect of distance from a conspecific in driving seedling recruitment patterns (Clark and Clark, 1984), but recent work suggests that the seed-rain density of most tropical forest tree species is so low that density dependence is inconsequential to seedling recruitment dynamics except in the immediate vicinity of conspecific adults (Terborgh et al., 2011). However, many seeds may be deposited at high density under sleeping or congregating sites, which may lead to higher mortality if density dependent processes are important (Russo and Augspurger, 2004). Importantly, Terborgh et al. (2011) sampled the rain of propagules over 6 years at a southwestern Amazonian forest site, but classified propagules as intact seeds, damaged seeds, seeds with adhered pulp, ripe fruit, and immature or damaged fruit. They suggested that ‘net’ fecundity, which considers only intact dispersed seeds, was more biologically relevant to recruitment dynamics than gross fecundity, which considers all propagules, because virtually no saplings arise from undispersed seeds. Dispersed seeds were well mixed and randomly distributed at low density throughout the forest. Nearly 90% of seed traps failed to capture intact seeds each year, suggesting extreme seed limitation. This was further reinforced by a strong positive correlation across species between the spatial distribution of dispersed seeds and the spatial distribution of saplings. These results suggest that recruitment outside the immediate vicinity of a parent tree is most limited by the quantity of dispersed seeds, rather than post-dispersal forces acting on density or distance (Terborgh et al., 2011). Moreover, survival rates from the seed to seedling stage (i.e. seedling recruitment) is very low in tropical forests, representing a critical bottleneck in tree recruitment (Chambers and MacMahon, 1994). We thus hypothesized that the effect of distance from maternal trees on seedling recruitment would be swamped by the effect of seed treatment in the disperser’s digestive tract. This effect is plausible because mildly abrasive gut passage removes the perishable exocarp from intact seeds and cleans the seed testa of the tightly adhered edible fleshy fruit pulp that can attract agents of mortality, including both pathogens (e.g. fungi and bacteria) and seed predators (e.g. bruchid beetles and rodents). There is a rich literature in diverse systems suggesting that germination success is reduced or prevented if seeds remain associated with pulp (Barnea et al., 1991; Izhaki and Safriel, 1990; Rick and Bowman, 1961; Temple, 1977; Traveset et al., 2001), but this has received little attention in tropical ecosystems (Dinerstein and Wemmer, 1988; but see Fragoso et al., 2003) and to our knowledge no attention in the recruitment failure literature associated with defaunation. This hypothesis asserts that fruiting plants rely on the quantitative effect of removal and benign gut passage of many thousands of seeds on a daily basis by co-occurring populations of relatively abundant endozoochores. The implication is that intact seeds trapped inside uneaten fruits falling below fruiting crowns fail to germinate primarily because they have not been removed from other fruit parts and cleaned by adequate gut passage rather than reduced per-capita survival due to proximity to parent plants. For fruits that require seed cleaning by gut passage for germination, the conservation implication is that plant recruitment success will decline more than suggested by Janzen–Connell experiments if seeds remain unprocessed regardless of dispersal distance. To test whether large-primate extirpation could lead to seedling recruitment failure by creating a seed dispersal vacuum, we first estimated the seed dispersal services provided by a diverse primate guild in a remote and completely undisturbed terra firme forest of western Brazilian Amazonia, and the fraction of those seeds dispersed by a locally abundant large-primate, the gray woolly monkey (Lagothrix cana). In this low-productivity interfluvial forest region, black spider monkeys (Ateles chamek) are restricted to relatively productive seasonally-flooded riparian areas but are absent from the wider matrix of unflooded (terra firme) forest. We then used a large field experiment to test how seedling recruitment of Manilkara bidentata, a fleshy-fruited primate-dispersed canopy tree in the family Sapotaceae, is impacted by distance from the parent tree, seed cleaning associated with gut passage, and physical exclusion of vertebrate seed predators. Finally, we used the results of our experiment to project the seedling density in our study area with and without the seed dispersal services provided by L. cana, the dominant endozoochore in this system. 2. Methods 2.1. Study site The study was conducted in an entirely undisturbed terra firme forest landscape in the headwaters of the Tefé River (hereafter, Alto Tefé), State of Amazonas, Brazil (5°200 2800 S, 66°400 3400 W, Fig. 1). This remote site was isolated by a fluvial distance of 682 km from the nearest town (Tefé), and had long been depopulated of native Amazonians and subsequently rarely visited by post-Conquest hunters and Couma latex tappers since at least the 1850s. The study area was bounded by a 16-km2 trail grid containing five parallel 4-km transects spaced apart by 1 km. This grid consisted of mildly dissected terra firme forest (83–138 m asl) where soils are typically heavily leached and nutrient poor. The study area has a wet, tropical climate with a mean annual temperature of 27.1 °C and rainfall—based on daily records over three consecutive years (2008–2010) at the Bauana Ecological Station (65 km west of the trail grid)—averaging 3679 mm/yr, with only 4.1% of annual rainfall available in the three driest months (July–September). Due to low productivity in this interfluvial region, the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari), an important seed predator, was conspicuously absent from this site, but collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) were present. 2.2. Line transect census Forest vertebrate surveys of diurnal primates and other medium and large-bodied vertebrates were conducted over a 3-week period during the rainy season (January 2012) by a small team of six previously trained observers, followed by a second visit to the site during the subsequent dry season (July 2012). Following line-transect census guidelines of Peres and Cunha (2011), straight-line transects were cut along a compass bearing, measured with both a Hip-ChainÓ and a Garmin CSx60 GPS, and marked using brightly colored flagging at 50-m intervals to ensure adequate mapping resolution of all vertebrate sightings. Preparation of each transect was usually completed within 1 day, and surveys were not conducted within 2 weeks of line cutting. Each of the five 4-km transects was surveyed at least eight times, resulting in an aggregate census effort of 301.3 km walked. Analogous linetransect surveys in French Guiana showed that even 40–90 km of census walks can be sufficient to reliably assess the population abundance of a similar set of vertebrate species (Thoisy et al., 2008). Transects were walked in the morning (0630–1000 h) and in the afternoon (1330–1700 h), when animals are most active. Surveys were typically conducted by two observers who walked slowly (1250 m/h) along the transect line, pausing at regular Please cite this article in press as: Levi, T., Peres, C.A. Dispersal vacuum in the seedling recruitment of a primate-dispersed Amazonian tree. Biol. Conserv. (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2013.03.016 T. Levi, C.A. Peres / Biological Conservation xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 3 Fig. 1. (A) Location of the study area in the State of Amazonas, Brazil, showing (B) the position of the 16-km2 trail grid within an entirely undisturbed terra firme forest in the headwaters of the Tefé River (Alto Tefé; white square). Access to this remote field site was facilitated by helicopter flights. Red polygon in (A) indicates the phytogeographic boundaries of Amazonia; yellow circle in (B) indicates the market town of Tefé at a downriver fluvial distance of 682 km from the grid. (C) Detail of elevational gradient in the Alto Tefé region from lower terrain (blue) along igapó forests to higher terrain (red) dominated by moderately dissected terra firme terraces. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) intervals to scan the forest with minimum background noise. Upon detection of any target species, the location along the transect and perpendicular distance to the animal sighted were determined, spending no longer than 10 min per sighting. In case of social species, we also noted the number of animals that were visible near the transect line, and counted the group size and estimated perpendicular distances to the approximate geometric centers of both the visible party near the transect and, whenever possible, the entire group. Distances were estimated by highly trained observers who had worked with CAP for at least 3 years and were very familiar with the forest wildlife in this region. 2.3. Estimation of dispersal services As an illustration of relative seed dispersal capabilities of the primate community, we estimated the number of seeds potentially dispersed by L. cana and other sympatric primates for a primatedispersed canopy tree species, M. bidentata, that is widespread in central-western Brazilian Amazonia. Individual M. bidentata typically produces super-abundant fruit crops, each with a single seed (rarely two seeds), of several thousand fruits during the wet season every year; globose fruits and their seeds average 21.6 ± 4.3 mm and 15.5 ± 3.2 mm in length and 22.3 ± 4.1 mm and 10.2 ± 2.3 mm in width, respectively. At our study site, the population density of adult M. bidentata was estimated at 0.349 trees/ha on the basis of 62.9 ha of forest censused along transects, assuming a reliable effective detection strip-width of 15 m along which all adults >35 cm in DBH (which could be clearly distinguished on the basis of bark characters) were identified. The total stomach content mass of four adult and one subadult L. cana killed by hunters (mean weight = 8706 ± 1174 g, range = 7400–10,200 g) has been measured at 499 ± 128 g (range = 455– 620 g), and the mean volumetric content of intact seeds in their digesta represents 58 ± 17% of the total stomach content (Peres, 1994). This leads to an estimate of mean seed mass per digesta of 289.42 g, which is equivalent to 1158 Manilkara seeds (mean wet weight of 0.25 g per seed). Based on an intensive 11-month observational study of L. cana at an undisturbed terra firme forest site 170-km east of our study area (including L. cana–Manilkara interactions: Peres, 1996; C.A. Peres, unpubl. data), we assume that (1) on average three feeding bouts are allocated each day to Manilkara trees during their fruiting season by each L. cana group and (2) that on average only one third of the satiation-point stomach capacity of any given individual is allocated to Manilkara fruits during each feeding bout. We estimated the potential per-capita daily seed removal by L. cana and other primates based on estimates of population density and allometric body mass scaling (i.e. seed consumption by other primates relative to L. cana scales with body Please cite this article in press as: Levi, T., Peres, C.A. Dispersal vacuum in the seedling recruitment of a primate-dispersed Amazonian tree. Biol. Conserv. (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2013.03.016 4 T. Levi, C.A. Peres / Biological Conservation xxx (2013) xxx–xxx mass). In sum, the seed consumption estimate for each primate species is the ratio of body mass to that of L. cana multiplied by the number of feeding bouts per day, divided by the fraction of stomach capacity allocated to Manilkara, multiplied by the total number of Manilkara seeds that can fit into one L. cana digesta. Our estimates of seed dispersal by L. cana are conservative because we assume that (1) interspecific exploitative and interference competition for fruit resources within Manilkara crowns play a negligible role when in fact large-group living large-bodied primates typically dominate fruit patches; (2) on average individual Manilkara trees are equally available to all primate groups throughout the study area including A. chamek, when in fact this large-bodied species at this site was largely restricted to seasonally-flooded riparian (igapó) forest where Manilkara trees were absent; (3) all primate species consume Manilkara fruits when fruiting trees are available; and (4) all primate species ingest all Manilkara seeds from consumed fruits, and that seeds are passed intact through their digestive tracts. This assumption overestimates the rate of seed dispersal by some medium and all smallbodied species that are known to spit out (rather than ingest) a variable proportion of the seeds processed in their mouths (Peres and Roosmalen, 2002). For example, Ratiarison and Forget (2011) found that while large primates swallow nearly all Manilkara seeds in French Guiana, both small-bodied (Saguinus midas) and medium-bodied (Cebus spp.) primates spit out most seeds. To estimate dispersal services of other sympatric primate species, we additionally assume that their per-capita seed removal rate scales to that of L. cana based on allometric body mass ratios. 2.4. Seed dispersal experiment In January 2012, we collected 5280 whole M. bidentata fruits, each with a single seed, from our study area during the early to mid fruiting period of this Sapotaceae species. Fruits were collected before deployment of the experiment and randomized such that seeds and fruits were not preferentially planted near the parent tree. We hand-cleaned half of the seeds from those fruits by extracting all other fruit parts and rinsing the seeds to remove any residual fruit debris, whereas the other half of whole fruits were left intact. We planted both hand-cleaned seeds and whole fruits in a nested design at the neighborhoods of eleven M. bidentata trees that were widely distributed on three 4 km transects (i.e. proximity to conspecifics was rare and was not detected for our focal trees). Along each of the four cardinal directions we established four near sites (i.e. 5 m from the parent tree) and four far sites (i.e. 30 m from the parent tree). Semi-permeable exclosures of 30 cm in diameter and 50 cm in height were constructed with 20-gauge chicken wire (1-in. hex mesh) pegged to 70-cm poles with industrial staples, and subsequently firmly staked to the ground. These exclosures did not deter invertebrate seed predators but effectively excluded most small and all medium-sized and large vertebrate seed predators including spiny rats (Proechimys spp.), although small murid rodents may have been able to breach the exclosure. Within each site we placed four plots, each with 15 seeds, with the four possible combinations of vertebrate exclosure and seed cleaning treatments. Thus, within each tree neighborhood we had a manipulative factorial design consisting of 480 seeds arranged within the North, South, East, and West replicates, each of which with near/far, protected/unprotected, and hand-cleaned seed/whole fruit treatments (Fig. 2). We then returned to the site in July 2012 to monitor the seedling recruitment success of the experimental sites, and counted the number of seeds and early seedlings surviving after a period of 6 months from planting. We modeled the number of seedling recruits counted at each plot as both (1) independent replicates with a Poisson distributed generalized linear model using exclosure treatment, distance from maternal trees, and seed cleaning treatment as main predictors and (2) with a Poisson distributed mixed effects model (‘nlme’ package in R version 2.15.1) using the tree identity replicate as a random effect to account for the spatially nested design. We tested for an effect of exclosure, distance from tree, and seed cleaning treatment in both regression models. 3. Results 3.1. Disperser abundance A total of 11 diurnal primate species were observed in the 16km2 study plot during both field campaigns. Night monkeys (Aotus nigriceps) were also detected in the plot but nocturnal surveys were not systematically conducted. Woolly monkeys (L. cana) were the largest and most numerically abundant primate species occurring throughout the entire plot, with an estimated mean density of 35 individuals per km2. This species alone accounted for approximately 71% of total diurnal primate biomass density at this nonhunted forest site (Table 1). The moderately abundant and medium-bodied brown capuchin monkey (Cebus apella; recently renamed Sapajus apella (Alfaro et al., 2012)) had the next highest biomass density on the plot, followed by A. chamek, whose spatial distribution did not coincide with that of M. bidentata, and then Cebus albifrons. Together, these four taxa accounted for over 90% of the diurnal primate biomass, even though tamarins (Saguinus mystax and S. fuscicollis) were the second and fourth most abundant species. Night monkeys at a structurally comparable terra firme forest in the same interfluvial region had a population density of 9 ind./km2 (Urucu forest: Peres, 1999), and this species was unlikely to occur at much higher densities in the study plot. 3.2. Estimation of seed dispersal services Using the population density of L. cana at our study site, we estimated the number of seeds potentially dispersed by L. cana alone per km2 of forest per day to be approximately 40,662. This amounts to nearly 1 million Manilkara seeds scattered throughout the forest per km2 during the 24-day fruiting season of this Sapotaceae tree. L. cana is the second largest-bodied primate, after Ateles, at our study site. We estimated the potential per-capita daily seed removal of other primates based on allometric body mass scaling. Using the local densities of diurnal primates and their respective seed removal rates, we estimated that 71.3% of Manilkara seeds at our study site are removed by L. cana alone (Fig. 3A). This is a minimum estimate of the dispersal services provided by L. cana because it does not account for interference and/or exploitative competition excluding smaller-bodied primates, or for the fraction of partially clean seeds processed by smaller bodied species that would be spat out close to or underneath fruiting crowns (Peres and Roosmalen, 2002), or for the more varied diets of smaller-bodied species, which can consume substantial amounts of animal protein and can destroy seed embryos (Mittermeier and Roosmalen, 1981). While L. cana dominated the quantitative effect of seed dispersal at this site, in general large-bodied taxa consumed more seeds per km2 (based on their density and body mass) than did smaller-bodied species (p = 0.02 on log–log scale, Fig. 3B). 3.3. Seed dispersal experiment Over the entire experiment, emergent Manilkara seedlings were recorded in 21 (6%) of the 352 seedling plots. Some plots (each with 15 fruits or seeds planted) had more than 1 seedling, leading to a total of 25 seedlings from the 5280 seeds planted (0.47%). All Please cite this article in press as: Levi, T., Peres, C.A. Dispersal vacuum in the seedling recruitment of a primate-dispersed Amazonian tree. Biol. Conserv. (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2013.03.016 T. Levi, C.A. Peres / Biological Conservation xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 5 Fig. 2. Experimental design of our seed and fruit plots around 11 adult Manilkara trees. The factorial design includes both protected (within exclosures) and unprotected (exposed) treatments and cleaned seed and whole ripe fruit treatments placed at both near (5 m) and far sites (30 m) from the bole of each focal tree. A total of 15 seeds were placed at each plot, thereby amounting to 480 seeds per tree. other seeds that had failed to germinate within 6 months of planting had perished. Near and far plots averaged 0.073 and 0.068 seedling recruits per plot, respectively, which did not amount to a significant effect in either simple (p = 0.863) or multiple regression models (p = 0.842). Protected and unprotected plots had an average of 0.08 and 0.06 seedlings, respectively, which was also not a significant effect in simple (p = 0.599) or multiple regression models (p = 0.549). In contrast, cleaning of the seed coat significantly increased seedling recruitment in both simple (p = 0.006) and multiple regression models (p = 0.006), with cleaned seed treatment plots averaging 0.11 seedlings per plot and whole-fruit plots averaging only 0.03 seedlings per plot (Fig. 4A). There were no significant interaction terms, so we present the results of multiple regressions without interaction effects. Detailed physical examination of residual fruit parts consistently revealed rotten seeds, suggesting that fungal pathogens had destroyed the embryos, precluding germination of seeds that had not been removed from their fruits. A total of four of the 176 exclosure plots had been partially trampled, indicating that large mammals may have been responsible for some of the seed removal of missing fruits and seeds. Finally, these effects were consistent with the results from a mixed-effects model in which tree was treated as a random effect in the spatially hierarchical design of the dispersal experiment (Cleaning: p = 0.009; Distance: p = 0.861; Exclosure: p = 0.599 in a multiple regression). The standard deviation of the random intercept term for the ‘tree’ level was estimated to be 0.038. 4. Discussion We have proposed that the extirpation of large primates leaves a disperser vacuum that smaller-bodied species are unable to fill. In defaunated forests this may operate as the primary demographic filter prior to seedling recruitment for fleshy fruits that require gut passage to clean seeds and leave them unapparent on the forest floor prior to germination. Angiosperms produce seeds that are often encased inside a nutritional reward to incentivize endozoochorous seed dispersal. In a faunally intact forest where largebodied primates (e.g. Lagothrix and Ateles throughout most Amazonian forests) are able to function as primary seed dispersers, a large fraction of the overall fruit production is consumed and large numbers of seeds are cleaned and repeatedly deposited on the forest floor. These large-bodied prehensile-tailed primates are high-quality seed vectors for several reasons, as illustrated by an intensive study of a population of L. cana 170 km east of our study site (Peres, 1994, 1996). First, the year-round diet of this species includes mostly fleshy fruits from at least 193 tree and liana species, the mature seeds of which are rarely destroyed in their digestive tracts (Stevenson, 2011). Second, the germination success of Lagothrix-dispersed seeds range from 72% to 100% for 15 fleshy fruit species tested, including five Sapotaceae species. Third, a single moderate-sized group of 44–49 individuals can scatter 23.2 ± 6.8 kg of intact seeds per day across the forest floor. Fourth, highly elastic groups of up to 70 individuals can be very uncohesive, often dispersed over a mean group diameter of >900 m, increasing both the number of fruit patches visited and the overall spatial spread of defecation events. Finally, individual fecal deposits are highly diffuse, with a seed spatial scatter on the ground per defecation event of 292 ± 149 cm in diameter, usually resulting in deposition of isolated (rather than clumped) seeds which have an opportunity to survive at a much larger number of microsites (Bueno et al., 2013). Any parent tree overcomes dispersal limitation whenever one of these many viable seeds successfully survives the seedling and sapling stages and recruits as juveniles into the subcanopy, thereby Please cite this article in press as: Levi, T., Peres, C.A. Dispersal vacuum in the seedling recruitment of a primate-dispersed Amazonian tree. Biol. Conserv. (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2013.03.016 6 T. Levi, C.A. Peres / Biological Conservation xxx (2013) xxx–xxx Table 1 Population and biomass density of primate species at Alto Tefé, and estimates of the seed dispersal services provided by each species in the primate assemblage for a primatedispersed, fleshy-fruited canopy tree species, Manilkara bidentata. Primate species Body mass (kg) Lagothrix cana Cebus apella Ateles chamek Cebus albifrons Pithecia albicans Saguinus mystax Saimiri ustus Saguinus fuscicollis Callicebus torquatus Callicebus cupreus Alouatta seniculus 6.968 2.328 7.216 2.16 1.76 0.408 0.752 0.312 0.96 0.84 5.23 Total Biomass density (kg/km2) Per-capita seed removal (seeds/day) Seeds removed per km2 35.12 12.48 3.80 7.31 4.10 17.51 9.08 12.39 0.75 0.75 0.00 244.74 29.06 27.40 15.79 7.22 7.15 6.83 3.86 0.72 0.63 0.00 1157.68 386.78 1198.88 358.87 292.41 67.79 124.94 51.84 159.50 139.56 868.92 40662.40 4828.24 4552.72 2623.41 1199.17 1187.13 1134.65 642.01 119.32 104.56 0.00 975897.5 115877.9 109265.3 62961.8 28780.1 28491.1 27231.5 15408.3 2863.8 2509.4 0.0 71.27 8.46 7.98 4.60 2.10 2.08 1.99 1.13 0.21 0.18 0.00 103.29 343.40 4807.16 57053.61 1369286.6 100.00 Density (ind./km2) evading the heavy mortality filters typical of the early stages of a plant life cycle (Chambers and MacMahon, 1994). For an unknown number of taxa, successful gut passage is a first step to survivorship, followed by subsequent drivers of post-dispersal seed and seedling survival that differ among species (Terborgh et al., 1993). When large primates are driven to ecological extinction by overhunting, a disperser vacuum causes most seeds to not only fail to be dispersed, but to also fail to be adequately cleaned by gut passage, which for many tree species may be the primary mortality filter resulting in seedling recruitment failure in defaunated forests. This may occur whenever there is low redundancy in primate seed dispersal services (Peres and Roosmalen, 2002; Poulsen et al., 2002). At our study site, we estimated that L. cana alone consumed and passed intact nearly one million seeds of a single Sapotaceae tree species per km2 per 24-day fruiting season. This dominant endozoochore alone conservatively contributed some three-quarters of the overall seed dispersal services provided by any frugivorous vertebrate for this canopy tree species. Previous research has largely invoked Janzen–Connell effects as the main driver of recruitment failure in primate-dispersed trees in overexploited forests (Chapman and Russo, 2006; Swamy et al., 2011; Terborgh et al., 2008). However, our results suggest that Janzen–Connell effects are not necessary to derive widespread recruitment failure once abundant large primates are extirpated. The most important factor driving recruitment failure may simply be that (1) other smaller primate species are unable to fill the quantitative seed consumption vacuum left unattended when high-biomass consumers are extirpated and (2) the vast majority of seeds are doomed when trapped inside the uneaten parent fruit. However, the importance of seed cleaning by gut passage across taxa and fruit morphology is still poorly understood. Our estimates of Manilkara seed dispersal are illustrative of the seed consumption vacuum remaining when large primates such as L. cana are extirpated. These estimates relied on several assumptions. First, we assumed that seed consumption by species other than primates is minimal. This assumption is supported by recent research showing that primates accounted for all arboreal dispersal activity in two species of Manilkara, but trumpeters (Psophia crepitans) and coatis (Nasua narica) were also observed eating fallen fruit under trees (Ratiarison and Forget, 2011). Moreover, Amazonian Sapotaceae trees are known to be primarily or exclusively primate-dispersed (Juliot, 1996; Simmen and Sabatier, 1996; Spironello, 1999), and Manilkara spp. are no exception. Second, we conservatively assumed three feeding bouts per day and that one-third of seed mass in the digesta is allocated to Manilkara (Peres, 1996; C.A. Peres unpubl. data). Actual levels of seed consumption are variable, but this assumption was applied equally to all primates, which we argue underestimates the relative impor- Seeds removed per km2 per season Percent removed tance of L. cana seed consumption because smaller primates spit rather than defecate seeds and can be excluded from mast-fruiting Manilkara trees by larger primates. Additionally, in our experiment we cleaned seeds of fleshy fruit parts to simulate defecation, but this does not account for the possibility of any residual fecal material as a subsequent attractant of seed predators. However, fruits of Manilkara and several other Sapotaceae become available during the peak rainy season, so that dispersed seeds are rapidly washed of any fecal residues following deposition. Moreover, an intensive small-mammal trapping campaign at another 16-km2 forest grid within 80 km of our study site indicates that echimyid and murid rodent densities at these low-productivity terra firme forests are extremely low (M. Santos-Filho and C.A. Peres, unpubl. data), again suggesting that agents of seed mortality are overwhelmingly pathogens, rather than seed predators. Given these assumptions, these results should be seen as illustrative of the seed dispersal vacuum and the failure of seedling recruitment when fleshy fruit parts are not removed by gut passage. Manilkara is a relatively small-seeded genus within the family Sapotaceae that can also be dispersed by smaller species in the primate assemblages of Amazonia (Peres and Roosmalen, 2002) and Mesoamerica (Estrada and Coates-Estrada, 1985). Accordingly, fruits of this species have a relatively soft exocarp to allow smaller primates to access the fruit and relatively small seeds that can be ingested intact by smaller primates at our study site. However, tree taxa that specialize on large primates have large seeds and tough, indehiscent exocarps. In the absence of large primates, these seeds can only be released once the exocarp has deteriorated, at which point the seed may already be doomed to inoculation by microbial pathogens or predation by granivores. Irrespective of Janzen–Connell effects, plants that require large primate seed dispersal are likely to succumb to greater recruitment failure simply by the disperser vacuum if mature seeds are not cleaned of their fruit parts and deposited unapparent on the forest floor. Following this process, the secondary density or distance-dependent Janzen–Connell effects may further enhance average survival and recruitment rates of those seeds deposited in much rarified numbers and/or farther away from conspecifics. Small changes in seed demography may be very important to forest dynamics when operating on millions of viable seeds, but may nevertheless be difficult to detect in experimental manipulations operating on thousands of seeds. Most previous research on Janzen–Connell effects has been indirect and correlative, but recent experimental work using a different species of Manilkara in an African forest of the northern Republic of Congo found that successful seedling recruitment depended more on seed density than on distance from the parent tree (Poulsen et al., 2012). We did not manipulate seed density, but instead manipulated the cleaning Please cite this article in press as: Levi, T., Peres, C.A. Dispersal vacuum in the seedling recruitment of a primate-dispersed Amazonian tree. Biol. Conserv. (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2013.03.016 T. Levi, C.A. Peres / Biological Conservation xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 7 Fig. 3. Illustration of the relative dispersal services offered by the primate community. (A) Estimates of the percentage of total seeds removed by each primate disperser at Alto Tefé for the local Manilkara bidentata population showing the disproportionate importance of Lagothrix cana. (B) The relationship between primate body mass and relative amount of seed dispersal services as estimated by the density of each primate and allometric scaling of seed consumption based on body mass. Fig. 4. (A) Seedling recruitment rate per plot from hand-cleaned seeds and seeds left in whole fruits; from seeds near (5 m) and far (30 m) from the maternal tree; and from seeds in protected (within exclosures) and unprotected (exposed) plots. Dark gray bars indicate treatments expected to yield a higher recruitment rate. Only seed cleaning significantly increased seedling recruitment rates (p = 0.006). (B) Extrapolated number of seedling recruits associated with gastrointestinal seed cleaning across our 16-km2 study site including (dark gray) and excluding (light gray) fruit consumption services provided by each co-occurring primate species. Loss of fruit consumption and gut treatment by woolly monkeys (Lagothrix cana) alone is projected to produce nearly 90,000 fewer Manilkara bidentata seedlings per fruiting season over the entire study area. treatment of the seed testa to simulate gut passage. There is a large difference in the magnitude of the effect identified in our two studies. Poulsen et al. (2012) found that ‘‘good seed dispersal’’ increased seed survival by 26%, while in our experimental study four times as many cleaned seeds survived to the seedling stage than did seeds still embedded within the fruit (Fig. 4A; seedling recruitment rate of 0.76% for cleaned seeds and 0.19% for seeds within fruits). We estimate that this would amount to 7448 seedling recruits from the 975,897 seeds cleaned by gut passage and dispersed by L. cana alone per km2 per fruiting season. Without the service of gut passage offered by L. cana, this number falls to only 1862 seedling recruits. Over our 16 km2 study area this amounts to 89,378 fewer seedlings (or 55.9 fewer seedlings per ha) resulting from the loss of the gut treatment provided by a single species of large-bodied endozoochore (Fig. 4B). Plants produce nutritional rewards such as high sugar content to entice mutualists, but paradoxically those same rewards can also attract lethal natural enemies to the otherwise viable seed embryo. If mutualists fail to consume edible fruit parts, these same attractive fruit parts become a net cost to the seed because ripe fruit attracts natural enemies such as fungal pathogens, bruchid beetles, and vertebrate seed predators. The large expected decline in the seedling abundance of primate-dispersed plants in the absence of L. cana arises principally because a lack of adequate gut treatment fails to remove the fruit pulp from the seed testa, subsequently attracting agents of mortality regardless of where seeds Please cite this article in press as: Levi, T., Peres, C.A. Dispersal vacuum in the seedling recruitment of a primate-dispersed Amazonian tree. Biol. Conserv. (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2013.03.016 8 T. Levi, C.A. Peres / Biological Conservation xxx (2013) xxx–xxx are deposited. This simple mechanism clearly swamped the effect of semi-permeable exclosures and of distance from the parent tree and is considerably larger in magnitude than the seed density effect quantified in Poulsen et al.’s (2012) seed augmentation experiment. While more complex dynamics are important to understand the maintenance of tropical forest plant diversity and structure, the recruitment failure of primate-dispersed trees in defaunated areas may be primarily due to massive seed mortality associated with the absence of seed cleaning services induced by gut passage when keystone frugivores are extirpated. Acknowledgements Logistical and material support for the field work, including helicopter flights to the remote Alto Tefé forest site was provided by HRT Oil and Gas under a cooperative agreement with CAP. We wish to thank Ricardo Mello and Felipe Ramos for their competent assistance. 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