and.... “constitute the perfect crime to kill reality”
and.... “constitute the perfect crime to kill reality”
“This time results of an unlimited license granted to technology” and.... “constitute the perfect crime to kill reality” Jean Baudrillard Andres E. Carrasco Laboratorio Embriologia Molecular Facultad de Medicina UBA-CONICET Argentina and agrotoxics and Territorial conflicts El futuro: P.A.N Soy in Argentina Extension: 20.000.000 Ha. GBH: 200.000.000 liters year , (Paraguay GBH 8 liters year) Population living in the territory 10.000.000 people. 70 % of the effects are by inhalation. Increasing of use of plaguicides 1999-2009 Preliminary epidemiological humans studies in Argentina Birth prevalence of 27 selected congenital anomalies in 7 geographic regions of Argentina , Campaña et al (ECLAMC group). Arch Argent. Pediatr. 108 (5) 409-417, 2010 Out of the 27 congenital anomalies analyzed, 14 showed a frequency significatively higher in one or more regions Centro spina bifida, microtia, cleft lip with cleft palate, polycystic kidney, postaxial polydactyly and Down Syndrome, Northest omphalocele, gastroschisis, cleft lip with and without cleft palate, anorectal atresia/stenosis, indeterminate sex, preaxial polydatily and pectoral agenesis, Patagonia cleft lip with cleft palate. Cuyo postaxial polydactyly, Pampa, severe hypospadias CORDOBA Obstetric and Neonatology Hospital, Cordoba Univ, (Dra. Trombotto) On 111.000 newborns, CRANEOFACIAL , GASTROSCHISIS, LIMB DEFORMITIES Incidence of MCM (not due to genetics or familiar bias) 1991: 16.2 %o newborns. 2003 : 37.1 %o newborns. Ituzango, Cordoba. RED DOTS: CANCER CASES Chaco, Argentina Departamento Bermejo Puerto Eva Perón General Vedia Puerto Bermejo LA LEONESA Las Palmas Isla del Cerrito La Leonesa, Dept. Rio Bermejo, Chaco Población Menores Casos Esperados Total de 15 años Municipio Ca Infantil - por año 2001 - 2001 La Leonesa Las Palmas Puerto Bermejo 10.067 6593 1832 Casos Registrados 2960 1995: 1997: 0,41 casos por año 2000: ( 1 caso c/ 24- 36 2003: meses) 2004: 2008: 2009: 1 caso 1 “ 1 ” 2 “ 1 “ 1 “ 1 “ 2146 0,3 casos por año 1993: 1 “ ( 1 caso c/ 36-42 1995: 1 “ meses) 2006: 1 “ 652 0,09 casos x año ( 1 caso c/ 96 años) Incidencia años 1990-1999 0,2 casos/año – 1 caso/60meses 2000-2009 0,6 casos/año – 1 caso/20 meses 1990-1999 0,2 casos/año 1 caso/60 meses 2000-2009 0,1 caso/año 1 caso/ 120 meses 1990-1999 0,1 caso/año 1995: 1 caso 1 caso/20 meses 2008: 1 “ 2000-2009 0,1 caso/año 1 caso/120 meses Malformations % in total live newborns Año N /year Live born 1997 46 malformacions 24030 (live born 1997) Incidency (malformations *10000/ live born ) 19,1 /10.000 2001 60 malformacions 21339 (live born 2001) 28,1 /10.000 2008 186 malformacions 21.808 (live born 2008) 85,3 /10.000 400% en los ul,mos 10 años Benitez Leite et al, Rev Ped. Paraguay (2009) 139 newborns were analyzed. Where founded 52 malformations associated to exposure to agrotoxics (plus 34 death fetus). In Roque Saenz Peña, Chaco, Argentine. In 4 years, over 4255 of newborns, 157 malformations were detected (average 3.6%) Documents: CONICET (2009) UNIV. DEL LITORAL (2010) GM SOY: SUSTAINABLE? RESPONSIBLE? (2010) ROUNDUP and BIRTH DEFECTS (2011) PESTICIDES USED IN SOUTH AMERICAN GMO-BASED AGRICULTURE: A REVIEW OF THEIR EFFECTS ON HUMANS AND ANIMAL MODELS Silvia L. López; Delia Aiassa; Stella Benítez-Leite; Rafael Lajmanovich; Fernando Mañas; Gisela Poletta; Norma Sánchez; María Fernanda Simoniello; and Andrés E. Carrasco. Advances in Molecular Toxicology Vol 6, 2012, (in press) Legal actions to block effects of agrochemicals San Jorge, Santa Fe. Sentence: 800 m. for ground machine and 1500 m. aerial aspersion. Legal action. Santa Fe´s Court of Apppels. La Leonesa, Chaco. Sentence: 1000 m. for ground machine and 2000 m. aerial aspersion. Legal action. Chaco’s Superior Court . National Ombusman. Resolution recommending to the Minister of Agriculture to review classification of all agrochemicals used in Argentina. Glyphosate and teratogenesis Experimental evidences of TOXICITY of AGROCHEMICAL GLYPHOSATE BLOCK THE DNA REPAIR MACHINERY. (checkpoint enzymes) BLOCK CELL CYCLE DURING DEVELOMENT. ACTIVATE APOPTOSIS IN CELL CULTURE. PRODUCE TERATOGENESIS DURING VERTEBRATE DEVELOMENT (AVIAN, ANPHIBIAN, MAMMALIANS) Laboratorio de Embriología Molecular Facultad de Medicina Universidad de Buenos Aires – CONICET 6th European Conference of GMO-‐Free Regions Brussels and Ghent 16-‐17 September, 2010 ARGE Gentechnik-‐frei, Soy? –GMO-‐free & Sustainable Vienna, April 28 2011 Two types of experiments were designed : 1. Embryos were cultured saline solution (BM) with 1/5000 dilution of GBH (430 uM) 2. 200 to 300 pg of glyphosate (in 4.6nl) was injected in one blastomere of the two cell embryo (final concentration in the injected cell was 10 uM) 4.6nl Injection volume represent 1/220 fold the volume of the injected egg (1ul) Izq Der Both GBM and glyphosate injection alter midline formation by down regulation of Shh and Pax6 In tadpoles down regulation of Otx2 and Sox9 produces: 1. Microcephaly 2. Microphthalmia 3. Craniofacial disruption (branchial arches) . 5. Shortening of anterior posterior (AP) axis. Paganelli, et al 2010 In larvae stage both GBH and glyphosate produce disruption of development craniofacial due to inhibition of regulation of genes expressed in the embryonic midline (Shh, Otx2) 1. 2. 3. 4. Microcephaly Microftalmia Craniofacial cartilages Shortening of Anterior posterior axis. 5. Ciclopia and Holoprosencephaly Paganelli, et al 2010 Retinoic acid (a derivate of vitamin A) plays an important role in the regulation of expression of genes controlling early embryogenesis in vertebrates. Retinoic acid is an important morphogen for the pattern formation of three embryonic axis • GBH increase retinoic acid activity. • RA antagonist (Ro) rescue the GBH induced phenotype. Paganelli, et al, 2010 In conclusion Synthesis or degradaNon (RALDH or cytochrome P450 CYP 26 A, B y C) Glyphosate FGF 8 Retinoic acid Anencephaly HOX anterior-‐posterior axis Otx2 Otocephaly (HNF3B) Shh HPE and cyclopia Cranial neural crest Retinoic acid Retinoic Acid RA is a diffusible morphogen present in vertebrates that biding a family of nuclear receptors (RAR), regulating early genes during gastrulation (3 week of pregnancy) and late morphogenesis. RA regulates formation of AP embryonic axis In adults play role in fertility, vision, prevents neoplastic growth, and neurodegenerative disease. RA excess cause 20 % of the abortions and 35 % of the malformations during embryonic pattern formation RA is ligand for a nuclear receptor and gene regulator Retinoic Acid gradients in the embryonic A/P axis Pera et al 2009 Human syndromes caused by excess of RA (excess of vitamin A) CRS: Caudal Regression Syndrome in mice. (excess of RA) (Padmanabhan R., Retinoic Acid-induced caudal regression syndrome in the mouse fetus, Reproductive Toxicology, 1998) Exencephaly. Microcephaly, Microphthalmia. Exophthalmia. Holoprosencephaly,(HPE) Spina bífida y mielomenigocele Agnatia or micrognatia, aglosia, palate agenesis, cleft palate craniofacial abnormalities. Astomia (mouth agenesis) and Anotia (auricular agenesis), Imperforate anus, Rectouretral fistula , Kidney malformations or kidney agenesis, Criptoquidia. Gastroschisis, Reduction ribs number No tail and caudal vertebral defects, Limb malformations (meromelia, sirenomelia* (see picture) and syndactily) Pathological morphogenesis of heart, lung, kidney, pancreas) Caudal Regression Syndrome could be explained as: A disorder of embryonic midline formation results in the inhibition of several regulatory pathways (Hox complex, A/P axis, Otx2, Shh, FGF8, etc.). Functional disruption of developmental mechanisms: proliferation, apoptosis and cell migration during early vertebrate morphogenesis. Retinoic acid syndrome Inhibition of Otx2 (forebrain and midbrain) HPE (ciclopia and prosbosis) + agnatia and sinotia NEURAL CREST NEURAL CREST Inhibition of Shh (embryonic midline) HPE, situs inversus, limbs (amelia, sirenomelia, sindactily, etc.) Missregulation of Hox genes (affects A/P axis, vertebral identity and hindbrain) Malformations: lung, diafragm, eyes , hearth, digestive tract, kidney, gonades, etc. Scientific reports associate chemicals and abnormal morphogenesis for retinoic acid pathway disruption. Atrazine Lenkowski J, et al. Env Health Persp (2008, 2010) Tridimefon, Papis E, et al. Gene expression patterns (2007) Arsenic, Davey C, et al. Env Health Persp (2008) Alcohol, Kot-Leibovich H, et al. Dis Model Mech (2009) Azoles, Giavini E. and Menegola E., Tox. Letters (2010) Glyphosate in mammalian embryos Toxicokinetics of glyphosate Doses: IV 100 mg/Kg Oral 400 mg/kg Slowly disappearance from blood Intravenous half life: 10 hr. Oral half life: 14 hr (degradation to AMPA 6%) Distribution (two compartment model) both administrations indicates that glyphosate penetrate easily all tissues (according with Brewster et al 1991) Anadon, et al, Toxicology letter (2009) Implantation in humans 7 days 10 days Human Embryo 14 days 14 days “These experimental conditions do not reflect human exposure, kinetics (absorption, distribution, excretion and their time course) in the mammalian organism or factors such as the placenta barrier in the pregnant female. In no case, exposure of the developing human fetus in utero would be similar to that one of the frog or chicken embryos in the study by Paganelli et al.” (page 3-4) Bundesant fur Verbraucherschutz und Lebenmittelsicherheit 19 October 2010 Wrong!!!!!! Placenta is permeable to glyphosate. 15 a 20 % of glyphosate in blood, cross the placenta barrier. In rats: In mammalians (rats). Teratogenesis at 3.5 g/kg (acute oral LD50: 5.6 g/kg) They used: 1 g/kg 075 g/kg 0.5 g/kg Administration 9 days/pc Gastrulation 7 days/pc LD50 5.6 g/kg glyphosate LD50 1g/kg POEA Roundup (Brasil) 38% glyphosate 18% POEA Dallegrave et al, 2003 More information see: “Reply to the letter to the Editor Regarding our article” Chem. Res. in Toxicology, 24, 2011, 610-615 Comments treatment was done after late gastrulation when the primitive streak and the axis are already setup. craniofacial malformations malformation in the skeleton (vertebrae, ribs, limbs, femur, etc) All of these malformations are consistent with the increase of RA during development. (see also “Reply to the letter to the Editor Regarding our article” Chem. Res. in Toxicology, 24, 2011, 610-615) Persistency of glyphosate in the soil New evidences of Roundup (glyphosate formulation) impact on the periphyton community and the water quality of freshwater ecosystems. Marıa S. Vera, Leonardo Lagomarsino, Matıas Sylvester, Gonzalo L. Perez. Patricia Rodrıguez, Herna´n Mugni, Rodrigo Sinistro, Marcela Ferraro, Carlos Bonetto, Horacio Zagarese, Haydee Pizarro Ecotoxicology (2010) 19:710–721 “Unexpectedly, we detected that a single application of glyphosate in 2005 shifted the mesocosms from a ‘‘clear’’ to a ‘‘turbid’’ state which remained until the next year. As was discussed above, the glyphosate may be adsorbed to sediments and a slow later desorption might produce a long turn effect suppressing growth of the most sensitive groups and favoring the abilities to compete of the more resistant algae. This trend in long term effect was suggested by Holtby and Baillie (1989) who reported an enhancement of periphytic production as a response to increased levels of phosphorus produced by a unique application of Roundup done 1 year before their experiment, carried out in natural streams” GENOTOXICITY GENOTOXICITY Type A (normal) (Comet assay ) Type C Type E DNA Fragmentation Type B Type D Type F Genotoxicity (comet assay) (Rio Cuarto, CORDOBA) Mañas y Aiassa 2010 PARAGUAY PARAGUAY Benitez Leite 2010