Assessing the national flood risk in the Netherlands
Assessing the national flood risk in the Netherlands
Assessing the national flood risk in the Netherlands Wouter ter Horst Dr. Jan Stijnen Outline • Introduction • Methodology • Capita selecta – Spatial correlation in failure probability calculations – Assessing consequences of a flooding: economic damage and fatalities – Combining failure probabilities and consequences using flood scenario’s • How results can be used • Questions / discussion Introduction A fully probabilistic risk analysis ... to quantify flood risks • Economic risk • Fatality risk ...for all major levee systems • 60% of Dutch territory • 3600km of levees Methodology: quantifying flood risks 1. Divide levee system (dike ring) into smaller sections 2. Quantify failure probability per section 3. Define flood scenarios and compute their probabilities 4. Estimate consequences per flood scenario 5. Combine scenario probabilities and consequences 1. Probabilities per dike section 3. Risk Economical Individual 2. Consequences per breach location Group Spatial correlation • First step: assess the failure probability Pf of a cross section with a FORM routine or other techniques (Monte Carlo – Numerical Integration) • Spatial correlation is taken into account: Pf cross section Pf dike section Pf dike ring • Spatial correlation is described by the following correlation function: k (x) c ,k x 2 (1 c ,k ) exp 2 dk where Δx is the distance between two cross-sections, ρc,k is the intrinsic correlation, and dk the correlation length. This function is given for every parameter. Combining probabilities of dike sections Failure of system, when weakest section fails (series system). Suppose N dike sections with strength characteristics (R) and load conditions (S) Coefficient of correlation between dike sections: Strength dominated failure mechanism (i.e. piping) : σR >> σS ρ ≈ 0 Load dominated failure mechanism (i.e. overflow) : σR << σS ρ ≈ 1 S2 2 S R2 N Pf Pi i 1 Pf max P1...PN Assessing consequences • Assessment of damage and fatalities for various breach locations • Taking into account evacuation effectiveness (see next slide) • Dose-response functions ‘translate’ inundation depth into relative consequences – % of total value lost by flood – % of exposed population killed (mortality function) – Mortality also depends on flow velocity and rise rate Flood simulation Evacuation analysis Value/Population at risk Evacuation effectiveness Exposed assets/population Water depths, flow velocities, rise rates Dose-response functions % Damage/ Mortality rates Damage/fatalities Assessing consequences Effectiveness of a evacuation mainly based on two elements: 1. Forecasting uncertainty 2. Preparedness / execution In the Netherlands the evacuation rate is estimated on 75% for riverine areas and 15% for coastal areas. Combining failure probabilities and consequences using flood scenario’s • Scenario based approach is used to address the flood risk: each scenario describes a situation where one or multiple dike breaches haven taken place • Each flood scenario has a certain probability of occurrence. The sum of all possible scenarios equals the total failure probability of the dike ring – Relief effects are taken into account – All flood scenarios can be considered as independent events • Each flood scenario has a certain amount of consequences in terms of fatalities and economic damage • For each flood scenario the flood risk can be obtained by multiplying the probability of occurrence and the amoint of consequences. • The total flood risk is the sum of the flood risk of all individual flood scenarios Piping / seepage Failure probability (per year) Erosion by waves Combining failure probabilities and consequences using flood scenario’s Dike breach at Vossendijk (highest failure probability) Damage: 0.8 – 1.4 bill. € Fatalities: 20 - 160 Dike breach at R’dam-Beverwaard (largest consequences) Damage: 6.0 – 7.0 bill. € Fatalities: 200 – 3.500 Combining failure probabilities and consequences using flood scenario’s • Taking into account most important scenario’s – – – – – – – – Dike Dike Dike Dike Dike Dike Dike … 1 2 3 … 1 & Dike 2 1 & Dike 3 1 & Dike 2 & Dike ... • Numerous possible scenario’s – Selection of most important scenario’s – Covering large part of the overall failure probability Combining failure probabilities and consequences using flood scenario’s Scenario Failure Probability Damage [mln euro] Fatalities Econ. Flood risk / scen [mln euro] Fatal. Risk / scenario 1 3.20E-04 1,280 800 4.10E-01 2.56E-01 2 5.80E-04 70 65 4.06E-02 3.77E-02 3 4.20E-05 4,010 900 1.68E-01 3.78E-02 … … … … … … Total 1.01E-03 1,000 237 1.0 0.24 Expected values per flood Total flood risk in economic damage & fatalities How can the results be used 1. Standard setting 2. Evaluating strategies How do the alternatives influence the level of risk? 3. Prioritizing interventions How to allocate limited resources? 4. (Re)direct research efforts Dominant uncertainties? Is it safe enough? Measures to reduce flood risk Further reading • Papers: – Quantifying Flood Risk in the Netherlands by Dr. R.B. Jongejan and B. Maaskant – The VNK2-Project: A fully probabilistic Risk Analysis for all major levee systems in the Netherlands by Dr. R.B. Jongejan et al – The importance of domino effects in flood risk assessments by W.L.A. ter Horst and R.B. Jongejan • VNK – Method in brief • VNK – Final report Contact information Wouter ter Horst E-mail: Mobile: +31 6 13 744 533 Jan Stijnen E-mail: Mobile: +31 6 10 380 992
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