Yg SOC SO MD D M PIP Pa Kmb Tps Ti Tual Tla Tlrp Turf QTg QTp
Yg SOC SO MD D M PIP Pa Kmb Tps Ti Tual Tla Tlrp Turf QTg QTp
Qa Alluvium Qp Piedmont alluvium QTp Older piedmont alluvium QTg Gila Group Turf Rhyolite lavas Tlrp Sugarlump Tuff Tla Rubio Peak Fm. Tual MD Mississippian to Devonian sedimentary rocks SO 6 miles Ordovician to Silurian sedimentary rocks Pz-undivided Paleozoic sedimentary rocks Fault, solid where certain; dotted where buried Ti basal Rubio Peak Fm. andesite Granodiorite Tps Lobo Formation Kmb Sarten Fm. and Mancos Shale Pa Abo Formation PIP Pennsylvanian to Permian sedimentary rocks M Lake Valley Limestone D Percha Shale SOC Yg Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian sedimentary rocks Proterozoic granite